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A09443 A godly and learned exposition or commentarie vpon the three first chapters of the Reuelation. Preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and judicious diuine, maister William Perkins, Ann. Dom. 1595. First published for the benefit of Gods Church, by Robert Hill, Bachelor of Diuinitie; Lectures upon the three first chapters of the Revelation Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1606 (1606) STC 19732; ESTC S114701 362,972 238

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bee an inducement vnto all those that are indued with gifts fit for this calling to affect the same Lastly euery minister of the gospell must hereby learne to bee faithfull in his calling and holy in his conversation for by vertue of his calling hee is placed in Christs right hand Now shall we thinke that Christ wil long bear in his right hād any that are vnfaithfull or prophane Nay he will take them out of his right hand and put them vnder his feete of brasse and there grind them to powder For as they are honoured aboue others by their place so shall their confusion be the greater vnlesse they be faithfull This wee may see in Nadab and Abihu Leuit. 10.1 and Hoph●●● and Phineas 1. Sam. 3.13 And in the same respect ought all the people of God to be carefull to their wayes for by their calling of christianitie they be members of Christ. Now if they be not faithfull and answerable to their profession hee will surely deale with them as with vnfaithfull ministers put them vnder his feet of brasse confound them for euer They must therefore make conscience of all sin and become not hearers onely but doers of his will so shall Christ protect them in this life and saue them eternally And out of his mouth went a sharpe two edged sword This sword that came out of his mouth is nothing else but the doctrine of the Law and the Gospell vttered and propounded in the writings and ministerie of the Prophets and Apostles Heb. 4.12 The word of God is liuely mightie in operation and sharper than any two edged sword And it is thereto compared because as a sword with a double edge entreth sharply into the flesh and pierceth deeply into the bones euen to the very marrow So the doctrine of the Law and the Gospell entreth sharply and pierceth deepely into the very marrow of the heart of euery man to the diuiding of the thought and the spirit This two edged sword the word of God hath a twofold operation One vpon the wicked Another in the elect It woundeth the wicked at the very heart with a deadly wound and thereby brings them to eternall death Isay. 11.4 Christ shall slay the wicked with the breath of his lippes that is with his word which is this two edged sword Herewith shall he consume Antichrist 2. Thes. 2.8 visit Leuiathan and slay the dragon that is the greatest enemies of his church Isay. 27. vers 1. Here consider how the word of God should kill an impenitent sinner There be three degrees of spirituall death First in this life where an impenitent sinner receiueth his deadly wound The second at the end of this life when the bodie is laid in the graue but the soule goeth to the torments of the damned The third at the end of the world when bodie and soule together go to hell eternally Now a sinner receiueth in this life his deadly wound after this manner Christ in the giuing thereof hath a threefold worke in his heart by the ministerie of his word which is this two edged sword First hereby he reuealeth vnto him his sinnes as hypocrisie pride and rebellion of heart with all other his horrible and damnable transgressions against the first and second table 1. Cor. 14.24.25 When all Prophesie and there commeth in one vnlearned he is reproued of all the Prophets by the word iudge him and thereby lay open vnto him the secret sinnes of his heart with the sinnes of his life Secondly Christ hereby reue●leth vnto him his indignation and wrath which is the curse of the law due vnto him In which regard the law is called a killing letter shewing no mercy but onely thundreth out the fierce wrath of God vpon transgressors Thirdly hereby Christ awaketh his guiltie conscience sharpneth the sting thereof and terrifieth him at the hearing of his word Thus wicked Felix trembled when hee heard Paul preach of temperance righteousnesse and the ●udgement to come So when king Belshazzer saw the palme of the hand writing things against him vpon the ●all his countenance was changed his thoughts troubled him his ioynts were loosed and his knees stood one against another And al these are wrought in the wicked without apprehension of mercy or reformation of life It may please God to recouer one that ●s 〈◊〉 wounded but while he is 〈◊〉 this estate hee hath receiued a deadly wound and without vnfamed repentance is alreadie in th● first step toward● eternal death for these horror● o● conscience seuered from the apprehension of Gods mercie in Christ are no grace but the flashes of hell fire and the beginning of eternall woe And thus we see how Christ by this sword woundeth his enemies Hence we are to learne sundry duties First how to earne our selues towards them that after they haue heard the word preached vnto them will rage and storme against it and the preachers therof because it touched them We must not despise or maligne them but rather be mooued with compassion towards them For this their behauiour is a token they are wounded with the sword of Christ at the verie heart and these their ragings are nothing but struglings before death eternall vnlesse the Lord in mercy recouer them of this deadly wound II. Hereby wee are let to see and know the lamentable state of the greatest number in those congregations where the word hath long bene preached for we shall find by lamentable experience that in those place● few come to true knowledge repentance and obedience but most remaine ignorant and impenitent now this their condition is most fearefull A terrible iudgement of God is vpon them for when men haue long heard Gods word and are not thereby bettered for knowledge in mind and obedience of life they are thereby wounded vnto death This two edged sword hath alwayes his worke it either cureth vnto life by working repentance and other graces of saluation or woundeth vnto death them that receiue it not We must therefore lament the case of such persons as remain● ignorant and impenitent vnder the ministerie of the word for they are as yet dead men for ought wee know how soeuer they may make a faire shew by their ●●ill honestie If any man should come into a field and there behold many thousands slaughtered and 〈◊〉 ou● blo●d some in the ●ead some in the side c. this sight would make his heart to bleed Wel this 〈…〉 God 's church though it be not seene with bodily eyes the most men are wounded with this sword of Gods word and lye 〈◊〉 wallowing in the blo●d of their soules 〈◊〉 they continue in ignorance in se●uritie and want of repenta●ce III. This m●st admonish vs all to labour earnestly to haue further things wrought in vs than a knowledge of our sinnes an apprehension of wrath o● horrour of conscience namely 〈◊〉 faith and repentance and sound reformation of life for without this wee haue nothing in vs
And so accordingly is misery to be considered Now of the punishments in this life some concerne the whole man some the parts of man some his estate Punishmēts concerning the whole man bee of two sorts The first is subiection to the wrath of GOD whereby a man since Adams fall is made the child of wrath a misery of all miseries yet the more greeuous because without some grace a man cannot discern see the same The second is a Bondage vnder the Diuell wherby a man in his mind will affections is subiect euery way to the will of the Diuell which though we cannot describe yet wee may thus conceiue of it The regenerate man saith I sin but I would not sin The naturall man saith I sin and I will sin It is my nature to sin and my delight and this was the state of this Church Punishments concerning the parts of man bee either miseries of his soule or of his body the miseries of his soule be these First in the vnderstanding Ignorance of Gods will And in sundry madnesse and foolishnesse and in all men pain and difficulty both to learn remember whatsoeuer is good which was not in man by creation In the conscience also be accusations secret feares and terrours In the will is rebellion to Gods will In all affections peruersnesse All which are miseries of the soule The body also hath these miseries First it is subiect to all infirmities sicknesses diseases and aches which are so many as all the bookes of Phisitians neither doe nor can record the same Secondly mans body is mortal subiect to tēporal deth which no man can possibly auoid or preuent by all the art and skill in the world Punishments of mans estate concerne either his goods or calling In goods there bee these miseries want of things necessary for by reason of sin it is a punishment in it owne nature a curse and all the hurts that come by the creatures for their enmity towards man towards one another as also their subiection to vanitie all these be miseries and the punishments of mans sinne In mans calling there is miserie for therein man is subiect to trouble to losses and sorow which come as a punishment of mans first sinne And all these be the miseries of man in this life At the end of this life comes bodily death the separation of soule and bodie asunder which in it selfe is a most fearfull curse for so it is the verie gate of Hell But after this life is the accomplishmēt of all miseries that is eternal destruction and condemnation in hell fire which to be the end of all misery appeares by this because it is a separation of mans person from the societie presence of God and an enduring of Gods wrath in the whole person euen in the place of the Diuell and damned soules that not for a time but for euer and euer eternally And thus we see what punishment is and answerably what misery is wherby we may see what it is to be wretched namely in a word to be subiect to al miseries whether we consider thē in the r●ot thereof originall sin or vnder the forme of punishment in this life in the whole person and in soule body seuerally in goods and calling at the end of this life and in the world to come The proper end that moues Christ to say to this Church She knew not that shee was wretched is this to teach this Church and in them vs and all Churches to learne to knowe their owne miseries to feele the same and to be touched in conscience for them We therfore must learne not to ●●atter our selus with hope of our good state but labor to see our miserie both in sin the punishment thereof And seeing it striue to be touched with it that we may crie with the Iewes What shal we do to be saued for till such time as this in some measure be wrought in vs we shal be but luke-warme professors hauing a shew of godlines but wanting the power thereof The true sight of our miserie is the gift and grace of God but yet we must vse all good means that we may come to see the same to be touched with it that so we may haue hearts hereby fit to receiue the Gospell which containes the remedie of this our miserie And miserable that is worthy to be pitied this is added not to set downe another thing but to expres the greatnes of their misery as if he should say Thy misery is not small but so great and so greeuous as indeed thou art in that regard to be pitied of all men Hence we learne that we must not despise parties miserable by reason of their sins or scorne and contemne them But contrariwise lament pity them When Dauid saw men sin and so pull heapes of miseries vpon them he shed riuers of tears The Lord makes it a good mans property to mourne for the abhominations of the people Ieremie for the sins of the people wished his head were full of water And iust Lot greeued his righteous hart for the abhominations of Sodome It was the fault of the Corinthians which Paul reprooueth that when the incestuous man had sinned that greeuous sinne They were not humbled but puffed with contempt against the partie And it is a fault in sundry men at this daye that they are not humbled in themselues when they see other men sin We must not do so but shew the grace we haue aboue others in being greeued for the miseries which men without grace by their sins pull dayly vpon them Thus much of their miserie in generall The partes of their miserie are three which Christ noteth particularly that if it were possible he might cause this church to lay aside this damnable pride for these in all men are maine miseries The First is pouertie And poore that is properly one that hath not a rag to his back nor bread to his mouth vnlesse hee begge the same of others But here it is taken for one that is spiritually poore which pouerty wee shall better conceiue if we do vnderstand what be true spirituall riches True riches be Gods grace and sauor in Christ as the pardon of sinne and life euerlasting The poore man therefore is hee that wanteth Gods fauour for the remission of his sins and the gift of eternall life hath in him no good thing that is acceptable to God but in regard of his soule is as silly and poore as any beggar in regard of his bodie The end why Christ calleth this church poore is to beat downe the proud conceit of her owne good estate and to cause her to feele her spirituall pouertie and so become poore in spirit And we in them are likewise taught to labour to feele our owne pouertie how by nature there is no goodnesse in vs but wee are vtterly destitute of the grace and
Now that wee may so carry our selues as enemies wee must do these three things First haue care to keepe guard and defend our selues as kings against all our enemies sin Sathan our own flesh and the enticements of the world As king● protect their kingdoms so must we labour to keepe our souls and bodies and euery facultie and part of them our wils affections thoughts and inclinations from the power of sinne Hee which is borne of God keepeth himselfe as with watch and ward that the euill one that i● Sathan touch him not by the assaults of sinne 1. Iohn 5.18 Secondly wee must make warre continually against Sathan sinne our owne flesh against all our spirituall enemies and all the enticements of the world we must make no truce with thē because they will neuer be reconciled to vs so long as wee haue interest vnto the kingdome of heauen and if we yeeld to them wee loose our kingly dignitie and become their vassales and bondslaues Thirdly wee must labour to kill and destroy these our enemies as much as possibly we can by that power we haue from Christ our head and like valiant kings seek to haue the bloud of these enemies and from day to day striue to vanquish Sathan his power might to ouercome the world and to weaken our owne corruption Instruct. II. If in this life we be kings then must wee become lords ouer our selues and keepe in subiection vnto God our wils and affections and the secret thoughts and inclinations of our soules We must not looke for rule ouer earthly kingdomes but herein stands our kingdom in this world That wee can subdue our corrupt affections and keep our bodies and soules in obedience vnto God If a man were prince ouer the whole earth and yet could not rule himselfe he were but a poore prince nay he were no prince indeed But though a man haue not so much as a foot of ground in this world and yet can rule and master himselfe his thoughts and affections this man is a valiant prince and one whom Christ hath consecrate to be king in heauen Instruct. III. Seeing we be kings wee must doe the duty of Iudges for to him that is a king belongeth soueraine iudgment In the day of iudgement the saints shall iudge the world and Angels also but wee must bee Iudges in this world And yet here we can neither iudge men nor Angels but wee must bee our owne Iudges Wherefore as Iudges summon arr●igne condemne c. so must wee examine our selues call our selues to account and as guiltie persons accuse and condemne our selues for our sinnes acknowledging we be worthy to be cast into eternall damnation with the diuel and his angels And withall plead for pardon and approch to the throne of grace forgiuenesse in Christ and in this wee shew our selues vpright spirituall iudges and by this meanes wee shall bee fr●e from the iudgement to come Instruct. IIII. If wee bee kings by Christ we must carry our selues as kings couragiously and constantly in the afflictions and miseries which we shall suffer for Christs sake For herein among the rest stands the royaltie of a king that he beares with valour and courage all the troubles which befall him Hence it is that Saint Paule exhorts vs to reioyce in afflictions because wee are partakers of Christs sufferings 1. Pet. 4.13 and so are made conformable vnto him that was consecrate the prince of our saluation through afflictions Heb. 2.10 Instruct. V. Seeing wee bee spirituall kings wee must aboue all things labour and seeke to haue our part in the kingdome of Christ and in his righteousnes A Christian must not haue his heart glued and fast tied vnto the things of this world it is against his calling but hee must so vse this world as though he vsed it not If a king should lay downe his crowne and go and become a shepheard or of some manuall trade all men would maruell at it So it fareth with them that professe themselues to be Christians and yet bend their wits and endeuors wholly for these worldly things they doe as it were cast aside their kingly crowne and abase themselues to slauish bondage But we must euer after haue our hearts fixed in heauen striuing to come to our inheritance there Instruct. VI. Seeing all the true members of Christ be kings and princes this should be an inducement to al backward persons to loue and embrace true religion In these carelesse dayes Religion is counted precisenesse and the profession thereof made a matter of reproch But this ought not to bee so seeing that by it wee come to haue right and interest vnto the kingdome of heauen and to bee lords of all creatures And why should we not esteeme the gospell preached as a most precious iewell seeing that wee which are vassales of Sathan and firebrands of hell as all men are by nature become thereby the members of Christ yea kings and princes to God Yea verely the consideration of this should make the ministers of the Gospell to ioy in their callings and to take all paines to preach the word ● seeing by it men become of vassals of Sathan the true members of Christ and heires of the kingdome of heauen In this world it is counted great honour to consecrate and establish one in an earthly kingdome What a blessed and honourable thing then is this to consecrate spirituall kings for the kingdome of heauen And this is done when by the word preached men are conuerted and brought to vnfained repentance for their sinnes to true faith in Christ Iesus Thus much for the duties Now follow the consolations to euery true beleeuer onely It is an heauie crosse which breeds much anguish to the soule to bee in pouertie and contempt among men yet herein may the child of God stay his heart and lessen his griefe by considering that euen in this state of miserie he is a king vnto God though hee seeme base to the world yet it appeareth not what he shall bee for hee is heire to the kingdome of heauen If a man bee in sicknesse he must consider it is but Gods messenger to call him out of this world to the full possession of the ioyes of his kingdome If he be in trouble of mind hauing his owne conscience tormented fearefully by Sathan with his sinnes yet he must not despaire the Lord will giue him an happie issue he must remember he is a king and therefore shall one day haue full conquest ouer sinne Sathan and his own corruption yea ouer all his enemies whatsoeuer If he be in the heat of persecution turmoiled and tossed from post to pillar which flesh and bloud cannot brooke yet then hee must consider his holy calling to bee a spirituall king whose propertie it is in the most violent afflictions euen vnto death it selfe as Paule sayth to be more than conquerour Roman 8.37 Lastly in the very pang of death when nature must needs
then surely he will either cast them out of the Temple or else tread them vnder his feete Wee graunt this libertie to euery gouernour when hee hath light vp candles for his familie if any of them will not burne clearely he may snuffe it if that will not serue hee may cast it into the fire and set another in it place And shall wee denie to Christ Iesus the like authoritie in his Church which is his house ouer men and women who ought to shine as lights God forbid The Minister therefore in his place and euery other Christian in the compasse of his calling must labour to bee a shining candle both for knowledge and godly life before all the world that so hee may escape Gods fearfull iudgements In common reason we ought to carry our selues as shining lights before othe●s It is an vsuall thing in the Winter time to hang forth lights for the guiding of mens bodies safe from place to place Now if we haue such care ouer their bodies wee ought to haue much more ouer body and soule both that by the light of grace in vs sinners and wicked men may bee guided in the darke and dangerous way of this world to the kingdome of heauen Here then all ignoran● persons and loose lu●ers who abound in euery place must be admonished to reforme themselues and labou● to become lights in Gods church They stand as candles but they are extinct ●nd giue no light to others Ignorant persons therefore must cast off their ignorance and labour for knowledge and wicked liuers must reforme their loosenesse of life and become obedient to the word● truth that so they may shine vnto others If a man haue a candle set vp in his familie and shall assay to light it and snuffe it once or twice and cannot get it burne then in displeasure he will trample it vnder his feete or cast it into the fire Euen so Christ Iesus seeking to enlighten the minds of these ignorant persons and to reforme the liues of these loose liuers by the ministery of the word when he shall perceiue that they refuse the light and will not bee reformed vndoubtedly in furie of his wrath hee will at length plucke them from their places and stampe them to powder and cast them to hell Many be ignorant in euery place and moe be prophane and small is the number of good shining lights but wee must remember our duty and walke worthie our calling If we hold foorth the light of knowledge and obedience we shall shine as the firmament in the world to come Dan. 12.3 Golden candlestickes The churches of God are not base candlestickes but candlestickes made of gold There bee two causes of this resemblance First because gold is the most excellent of all mettals so Gods churches here on earth are the most excellent of all societies The companies and societies of men in families townes and kingdomes and in other common affaires of this life be the ordinance of God and good in their kind but yet the societie of saints in the church of God doth farre surmount them all and that in these respects First because in Gods church saluation may be obtained but in other societies as they are societies though sundry benefits arise from them yet saluation is not to bee had in them vnlesse they bee either particular churches as members thereof Secondly the church of God is the end of all other societies and they are all ordained to preserue and cherish the church which is the societie of the saints Thirdly the church beautifieth all other societies the principall praise and dignitie of any towne houshold or kingdome is this that they are either churches of God or true members thereof From this preheminence of the church we are taught aboue al things to labor to become true mēbers of this society Men haue great care to become mēbers of incorporations towns of greatest priuiledges but few there be that seek for the priuiledges of Gods church And commonly those that seeke most for priuiledges in chiefe townes haue the least care to become the true members of Gods church which is a wretched practise and ought not to be among vs seeing the church hath priuiledges farre aboue all other societies Secondly hence we are taught aboue all things to haue care to preserue the societie of the church of God True it is the minister and magistrat must haue cheefe care thereof and yet euery man in his place must doe his best indeuour hereunto because it is the most principall societie Thirdly in that Gods church is the most excellent societie giuing honor to all others we are taught within the compasse of our callings as much as we can to bring all other societies vnto this Those that are members of a familie must labour to bring euerie one in their familie to bee good members of the church And so in ciuill societies men of gouernement must labour that the members of the ciuill body become also members of Christs bodie Thus gouernors of kingdomes should labour that the parts of their dominions may be particular churches of God And there is good reason of this dutie because all other societies without this are companions of men in the darke sitting in the shadow of death being spiritually blind and without all sound comfort in their soules Secondly the church is compared to a candlesticke of gold because of all societies among men it is most precious deere vnto God and therfore it is resembled to a seale on Christs heart and a signit on his arme yea it is a deare vnto him as the apple of his eye Zachar. 2.8 The Church is the Queene that stands on Christs right hand in a vesture of gold Psa. 4.5.9 Yea that which surpasseth all Christ redeemed the Church vnto himself● by his owne bloud Oh then how deere and pretious is she in his sight And hereby also wee are taught the same instructions that did arise from the former preheminence namely to haue special care of Gods church to preserue the same and to labour to become our selues and to bring others to be members thereof And thus much of the title of the church Now it is added that Christ the Messias is in the middest of the seuen golden candlestickes whereby is signified First that Christ is present with his church at all times And secondly that being present he hath care to gather his church and being gathered to preserue the same against the gates of hell and all other enemies From hence we learne sundry things First that the supremacie of the church of Rome wherein one is made head of all the militant church is needlesse For Christ is present alwaies with his church hauing speciall care to gather guide and preserue the same and hee needeth no vickar generall to supplie his roome for in the presence of the prince all commissions of vicegerencie doe cease though Christ had granted this supremacie to any
life by Christ which is eternall This will comfort vs in all distresse and take from vs the feare of death of hell and all danger The second part of the distinction Though I was dead yet behold I liue for euermore Amen This part is vttered and propounded by two notes to bee obserued First by a note of certaintie Amen Secondly by a note of attention Behold The note of certaintie Amen serueth to assure vs that this is an infallible truth which Christ affirmeth of himselfe saying I liue for euermore The note of attention which is prefixed Behold serueth to stirre vp Iohns mind and the mind of euery one of vs to a serious consideration of this which Christ saith I liue for euermore And because it pleaseth Christ to propound this point in this manner let vs a little stand thereon and herein consider two points First in respect of what nature Christ is sayd to liue for euer Secondly for what end he liueth for euer For the first No doubt as Christ as the mediator of the church He liueth for euer and therefore this must bee vnderstood of Christ in regard of both his natures godhead and manhood In respect of his godhead he is coeternall with the father and with the holy Ghost liuing of himselfe that vncreated and essentiall life which is all one with the godhead being eternall without beginning or ending Secondly hee liueth for euer as hee is man for after his death hee ascended vp to heauen where in full glorie he inioyeth immediat fellowshippe with the godhead for in him dwelleth the fulnes of the godhead bodily his manhood being wholly and immediatly susteined by his godhead II. Point The end for which Christ liueth for euer is to giue eternall life to his church and to euerie true member thereof So Saint Iohn saith This is the testimonie of God euen the father that hee hath giuen vs life euerlasting and this life is in that his sonne And here Christ must bee considered of vs as the head of his church as the roote and ground of our saluation and the fountaine of all our happinesse For as the roote of a tree liueth not for it selfe but for the body and for all the branches euen so Christ Iesus he hath eternal life in him not for himselfe alone but that he may conuey the same to al his members Yea wee must consider Christ as the common treasurie storehouse of all true felicitie wherein life eternall is laid vp for al the members of his church For which cause hee saith His flesh is meate indeed and whosoeuer eateth his flesh and drinketh his bloud shall liue for euer To giue vs to vnderstand that his manhood hath quickning vertue in it Yet not of it selfe or by it self but as it is the māhood of the sonne of God For from the godhead it receiueth this quickning power to giue eternall life vnto the church And here the meanes must be considered by which Christ giueth life vnto his church namely by vertue of that misticall vnion which is betweene him and euery member of his church Which vnion is thus caused God the father giueth Christ vnto his church and to euery one that is to be saued by Christ and that really and truly according to the terror of the couenant in which he hath promised to giue Christ with all his benefits to euery one that beleeueth The manner and order of this gift is this Whole Christ God man is giuen to euery beleeuer euen as he is mediator And yet the godhead of Christ is not giuen with the manhood but only the vertue operation of the godhead in the manhood by which the manhod is made able to merit for the beleeuer But the manhood of Christ is giuen both for substance and in regard of all benefits that are conueyed to man by it as iustification and redemption as truly as lands and goods are giuen of man to man And when God giueth Christ to any he doth withall giue vnto the same partie the spirit of Christ for hee that hath part in Christ hath part in his spirit and this spirit createth in his heart the instrument of faith by which Christ giuen of the father is receiued and apprehended both his body and bloud and the efficacie and the benefites thereof Christ is not receiued in imagination as men receiue things by conceit in the braine but as hee is giuen of the father namely in the word and sacraments really and truly though spiritually And the same spirit that worketh this faith doth knit the beleeuer vnto Christ really though mystically making him one with Christ so as Christ is the head and the beleeuer a member And thus is this mysticall coniunction wrought from whence proceedeth this eternall life The benefites that come from this mysticall coniunction are these I. Hereby a beleeuer begins in this world to liue eternall life for by the worke of his spirit Christ maketh that man that is thus vnited vnto him to begin to die vnto all sinne and to liue vnto him spiritually as himselfe liueth II. Hence commeth the resurrection of the body for this coniunction being once begun remaineth eternall and is neuer wholly broken off no not from the body while it is consumed to dust and ashes Looke as in the Winter season the sap returneth to the root of the tree and then all the branches seeme as they were dead but when Spring time commeth by vertue of the sunne the sap ascendeth and maketh them fresh and greene againe euen so the bodies of Gods children haue their Winter season while they lie dead and rotten but yet by vertue of their vnion and coniunction with Christ at the last day shall life bee conveyed from Christ Iesus vnto them whereby they shall be raised to life III. Hence commeth eternall life to euery beleeuer that is glory and blisse in body and soule in heauen for euer and euer for being once begun as it is in this world it is neuer dissolued And thus we see how Christ conueyeth eternall life vnto his members The words bearing this sence do containe in them the foundation of two maine articles of our beleefe namely the resurrection of the body and life euerlasting for both these are effected to vs by vertue of our vnion with Christ for he liueth for euer to giue life to vs. And this is the ground of all true ioy as wee may see in Iob who in the middest of his miserie stayed himselfe on this That hee knew his Redeemer liued and that hee should rise againe and behold him with those same eyes wherewith he saw other creatures Iob. 19.25 26. 2. Againe if Christ liue in heauen to giue vnto vs eternall life then must wee learne to haue our conuersation in heauen with Christ for where our life is there should our conuersation bee Now that our conuersation may be with him wee must often seriously consider with our selues of this
III. Those that for a time shew forth many good things as care to get knowledge and to keepe faith and a good conscience but after suffer themselues to be intangled and drawne away with the profites and pleasures of the world or els to bee driuen backe by trials and persecutions And of these three sorts be most men generally whose case is fearefull and dangerous for they shall neuer haue the crowne of life if they continue thus vnfaithfull To induce men to fidelitie Christ addeth a most forcible reason promising thereunto The crowne of eternall life Hence the Papists conclude that Martyrs by suffering martyrdome doe merite the kingdome of heauen because it is called a crowne therefore say they it is a reward Whereto I answere two wayes I. The kingdome of heauen is called a crowne onely in resemblance because as with men after the race is run they receiue the garland euen so after men haue fought the good fight of faith and kept good conscience in this life then in the life to come they receiue the crowne of glorie For the keeping of faith good conscience is not the cause but the antecedent of eternall life Secondly the reward is promised not to the martyrdome but to the martyr and yet not for his sufferings but because hee is a member of Christ and by suffring death hath shewed his faith in Christ for whose merit alone hee is so rewarded And so must this and all other promises of like sort be vnderstood for the Papists do foulely erre when they apply the promises vnto the workes which are made vnto the workers By this promise wee all that haue made our vow to God in baptisme must learne to become faithfull in keeping the same vnto the end It is a shame for a man to be vnfaithfull vnto men much more with God And the more fearefull is this sinne because onely the faithfull shall inherite eternall life Secondly all such as haue made a shew of good things heretofore and now doe suffer the same to decay must call to mind from whence they are fallen and become faithfull keepers of the graces of God holding fast true religion and good conscience and walke constantly in obedience and then shall they haue the crowne of life though not for their deserts but only for the merits of Christ. Verse 11. Let him that hath an eare heare what the Spirit sayth vnto the Churches he that ouercommeth shall not bee hurt of the second death These words containe the last part of this Epistle namely the Conclusion Wherein obserue generally as also in the two next verses that Christ repeateth the same things which he spake before in this and the former chapters yea in the very same words This must bee considered because it is done by Christ who is the doctor of his church whose example both for matter and manner of teaching must bee our rule and precept The like did the Apostles It grieued not Paule to write the same things Phil. 3.1 And Peter sayth vnto the dispersed Church That he will often put them in mind of the same things before his departing wherein they had knowledge and were established Hereby all the Ministers of the gospell in their Ministerie haue warrant often to teach and repeat the same points of doctrine euen in the same words Yea Gods faithfull Minister may preach the same Sermon oftentimes if hee doe it not for ease to himselfe but for the benefit of the people And therefore if any hearer of Gods word shall at any time marke the Minister to deliuer the same things often he is not curiously to find fault with his Ministerie for by that reason they may find fault with Christ who seuen times repeateth the same things vnto these churches This Conclusion hath two parts a Commaundement and a Promise The words of this commaundement haue beene expounded in the seuenth verse with the doctrines and vses thereof yet here is to bee obserued what the spirit commendeth thus seriously to our hearing The things are three which were handled in the former verses First touching Gods prouidence that hee seeth and regardeth the tribulations of his church The second touching triall that Gods church and people ought before-hand to consider of the day of visitation and thereby arme themselues with courage against all afflictions that they suffer not themselues to bee ouermuch daunted with any feare The third touching faithfulnesse Gods people must consider what promises they haue made to God in baptisme namely to keepe faith true religion and good conscience vnto the end and these they must performe vnto death These things being so carefully commended vnto vs by Christ wee must labour to haue them engrauen in our hearts that we may practise them in our liues And to incite vs hereunto wee must marke the two reasons contained in the words First because the Spirit of Christ speaketh to vs. Secondly because they concerne all Churches though principally they were spoken to the church of Smyrna and therefore none may seeke excuse to exempt himselfe from learning and obeying these things The Promise Hee that ouercommeth shall not be hurt of the second death Of the meanes of ouercomming we haue spoken in the seuenth verse By second death is meant the condemnation of the soule and bodie for euer and euer For there be two kinds of death mentioned in Scripture The first is the separation of bodie and soule asunder at the end of this life The second is when soule and bodie both are s●●ered for euer from Gods comfortable presence Reu. 21.8 This second death is expounded to bee an abode in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone The meaning therefore of the promise is this that they which ouercome thogh they may suffer the first death yet they shall neuer suffer damnation their soule and bodie may be seuered one from the other for a time but neither soule nor bodie shall euer be seuered from God to goe into that lake that burneth with fire and brimstone Which is a most gracious and happy promise Here first marke to whome this promise is made namely To them that ouercome Where learne that it is not sufficient for a man to professe and approoue or to teach the doctrine of the gospell but withall he must ioyne a fight against himselfe against sinne the world the deuill and against all the enemies of his saluation and not suffer them to raigne ouer him but so fight as by Gods grace hee may ouercome and then shall the second death neuer hurt him It is nothing to professe if we still liue in sinne and therefore wee must not content our selues with knowledge but labour to feele in our hearts such power of grace as will make vs truly to say we are conquerours ouer our spirituall enemies This is that blessed state of all those vnto whom life euerlasting belongeth who shall neuer taste of the second death Secondly here is answered a great question which
euerie word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God This is thought to bee the same white Manna which is vsed in shops at this day but I will not dispute thereof seeing it is doubtfull That Manna did represent a more excellent food and therefore Paul calleth it A spirituall meat because it represented vnto them the spirituall food of the soule Christ Iesus the true Manna The liuing bread that came downe from heauen as wee may see at large Iohn 6. And so in this place by Manna wee must not vnderstand the Manna of the people of Israel But Christ himselfe the true food of life eternall How Christ doth become vnto vs our spirituall Manna and the true food of life I will shew by these conclusions I. He is this food not in regard of his doctrine or of his miracles nor yet onely in regard of the blessings of his death and passion But Christ himselfe God and man is true food of life as is shewed at large Iohn 6. And in Christ himselfe are his death and passion the benefits thereof food vnto the soule II. Conclus Christ is this food not as he lay in the manger or as he now sitteth in heauen at the right hand of his father but as he suffered the wrath of God and pangs of hell vpon the crosse and as he died was buried for our life commeth out of Christs death III. Concl. He is this food not in regard of his godhead for that no creature can receiue or apply to his iustificatiō or sanctification but in regard of his manhood subsisting in the person of the sonne of God Christs flesh profiteth nothing seuered from the godhead but yet his body and bloud haue this vertue to be true spirituall food because they are the flesh and bloud of that person which is God IV. Concl. Christ is not a bodily food to be receiued with the hād eaten with the mouth digested in the stomacke but he is a spirituall food to be receiued applied digested by faith● And being so receiued he doth preserue the soule vnto eternall life This faith is that wherby a man is enabled to beleeue that Christ crucified is his Christ. And thus doth he become our spirituall Mannah when by true faith wee assure our selues that he suffered for our sinnes and rose againe for our righteousnesse Is Christ crucified the true bread of life and our spirituall Manna then should we long after him with a true spirituall hunger in our very hearts as truly as any man longeth after meat drinke When a man is famished for the staying of his hunger he will pull his owne flesh from his bones and eat it Euen so for the satisfying of our hungrie soules with Christ Iesus this food of life we must forsake the deerest thing in all the world though it bee our owne flesh For that which we will do for our bodies we must do much more for our soules Que. How shall we attaine to this true spirituall hunger Answer It is with the hunger of the soule as it is with the hunger of the body In bodily hunger bee two things A great paine in the stomacke for want of nourishment And a strong and earnest appetite which continueth till the stomacke be filled Euen so we should feele a paine in our hearts rising from a sense of the wrath of God for our sinnes And then wee must labour to haue a greedie appetite and earnest desire to bee filled with Christ crucified neuer be at rest til we be satiat with the merit of his passion which only can free vs from Gods wrath and fill vs with true ioy But wofull bee these times for there is in most mens hearts a deadnesse of spirit whereby they are made insensible of inward wants and miseries They are like vnto full men that feele no paine for want of food There is indeed an hunger nay a greedie worme in many after the profits pleasures and honors of this world but few or none do hunger after Christ. But if wee would haue part in the feast of the Lambe we must labour to haue this longing appetite after Christ If we be full stomacked wee shall haue no refreshing from his merits Mary saith truly in her song God filleth the hungrie with good things but the rich and full goe away emptie Which is a most fearfull curse when the soule is debarred from this food of life But blessed are we if we hunger after Christ and his righteousnesse for then we shall bee satisfied Christ will giue vnto vs our fill of the water of life freely Reuel 21.6 Secondly here we may take a view of the profane madnesse of the world For though this bread of life Christ Iesus be the most excellent food of all farre surpassing the Israelits Manna the food of Angels yet it is nothing or little desired Men are like to the foolish Israelits that had more regard to leekes and onions and to the flesh pots of Egypt than to Angels food which God gaue them frō heauen They spend their wits and their strength by day and by night that they may satiate themselues with the fraile riches and vaine pleasures of the world And yet these men haue the name to be the onely men whereas indeed they are profane Esau● wicked Israelits As therefore this practise is damnable so must we learne to detest it And on the contrarie seeing Christ Iesus is the true Manna our principall care and desire must bee to bee fed therewith Wee must thinke it is a great disgrace to Christ Iesus which hee cannot endure without reuenge that wee should haue lesse regard to him the true bread of life than to earthly foode which perisheth Thirdly here wee may see that which is vsuall in the Scripture intreating of the Sacraments to wit the name of the signe giuen to the thing signified for Christ here promiseth them Manna meaning thereby not the Israelits food but himselfe whereof their Manna was a signe a seale a pledge as appeareth plaine because Paul calleth it spiritual meat 1. Cor. 10·2 Further Christ is not only called Manna but hidden Manna to put a difference betweene himselfe and the Manna of the Israelits which was visible that euery man might see And Christ is called hidden Manna for two causes first because no man by nature knoweth this food or desireth it secondly because God doth not reueale this food to al men effectually as may appeare Mat. 11.25 I giue thee thankes oh father that thou hast hidden these things that is the doctrine of the gospell and the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen from the great and wise men of the world and hast opened them vnto babes Is Christ hidden Mannah then first here learne to take knowledge of the state of men in the world They know not Christ neither do they feele in themselues any want of this food and therefore they know not what
counsell vnto his Church The principale counseller is Christ so he saith in the person of Wisedom Pro. 8.14 Counsell is mine And Isay saith To vs a Childe is borne and he shall call his name wonderfull COVNSELLER the mightie God the euerlasting Father the Prince of peace yea he is both King Counseller to his Church This office Christ challengeth to himselfe for these causes first because he aduiseth his Church touching the way whereby they must escape euerlasting death and come to eternall life Secondly because he teacheth them how they may practise euery busines so as it may please God Thirdly because hee teacheth them how they may in grieuous dangers and distresses find a good issue or else bee able with patience to beare them These things he worketh dayly in his Church not by extraordinary means but ordinarily by his word and spirit and therefore may iustly challenge this honour to bee called the Counseller of his Church From this office of Christ wee learne two things First to doe all the honour and reuerence we can vnto his Maiestie for he is our professed Counseller who imployes himselfe for the good of his Church Counsellers of the State and of the Law are highly honoured and respected of all sorts euen for their counsell in worldly matters though often it fayle how much more ought wee to honour Christ our heauenly Counseller whose counsell leadeth vnto glorie and is stable and sure for euer Looke how much his counsell excelleth theirs so much ought he to be honoured aboue them all Secondly in all distresses and grieuous temptations and dangers either of soule or body wee must take counsell and aduise from Christ Iesus for to this end doth hee reueale himselfe to bee a counseller that men in distresse comming to him by his aduise might bee comforted and eased When Moab Ammon and Mount Seir banded themselues against Iuda the people were in great distresse and danger but marke what good king Iehosophat did he betooke himselfe to the Lord his counseller saying Lord we know not what to doe but our eyes are towards thee 2. Chron. 20.12 that is direct thou vs in this danger for of our selues we know not how to escape This pratise ought to bee followed of all men especially in time of any danger such as these dayes are by reason of sinne The counsell of Wizards Sorcerers and Astrologians ought not to bee sought after but by prayer wee ought to humble our selues and call only and continually on this our onely true counseller II. Point The remedie it selfe which hath relation to the former Verse for there hee set downe the Miserie of this Church in three parts which were all great Miseries And heere hee so propoundeth his remedie that it is answerable to their Miserie in the seuerall parts thereof For first heere is gold to make them rich answerable to their pouertie Secondly raiment to hide their nakednesse Thirdly oyntment to take away their blindnesse For the first by gold according to the Analogie of the Scripture we are to vnderstand the graces of Gods spirit as true faith repentance the feare of God loue of God and the true loue of man 1. Pet. 1.7 Faith is compared to gold in the tryall thereof and so may all other gifts of the spirit be hereby vnderstood Secondly by gold wee are to vnderstand Christs merits yea Christ himselfe as the fountaine of all grace This gold is further said to be tryed by the fire that is most pure and precious gold purged from all drosse as fine as can be made by the art of man This is added to expresse the propertie of Gods graces and gifts namely that they are more precious vnto God then gold Yea than gold tryed by the fire as Peter saith By this euery person is taught how to beautifie themselues both in soule body It is the common blind opinion of the world that forraigne attyre and rich Iewels do adorne the body and indeede in some cases the body may bee adorned with pearles and Iewels but the right way to adorne any person indeed is to furnish the soule with these graces of the spirit which vnto God be more precious than fine gold Our bodyes and soules ought to be the dwelling places of the Holy Ghost therefore we must adorne them and make them fit for so worthy a Guest which must be done by the good graces of the spirit and not by strange and forraigne attyre which no good man could euer abide Secondly these graces haue a further effect than to beautifie and that is to make rich Heere then see the common folly yea the spirituall madnesse of men in the world who spend all their time wit and strength to furnish their houses with treasure to enrich their bodies and in the meane time leaue their soules vngarnished What a madnesse is this that men should neglect the true riches and follow after that which is nothing els but counterfeit copper Seeing therefore Gods graces bee the true treasure which fadeth not let vs seeke after them as Wisedome counselleth Pro. 8.10 11 receiue mine instruction and not siluer and knowledge rather than fine gold For wisedome is better then precious stones The second part of this remedie is a white garment that is Christ himselfe and his righteousnesse imputed So Paul saith All that are baptized into Christ haue put on Christ There Christ is made a garment whom euery one that beleeueth in him doth put on Againe the fruites of the spirit are a garment therefore we are commanded to put on tender mercie kindnesse humblenesse of minde meekenesse and long suffering Further Christ sheweth the end of this garment namely to couer the nakednesse of our soules lest the filthynesse thereof which we by our sins haue brought vpon vs doe appeare The third part of this remedie is anoynting with eye-salue where by eye-salue wee must vnderstand the spirit of Illumination and knowledge wrought in the mind by the Holy Ghost whereby men know themselues and their estate for as eye-salue sharpens the eyes and cleeres the sight where it was by some occasion dimned so doth Christ by the illumination of the spirit make a man know God in Christ and to discerne betweene good and euill and betweene things temporall and blessings eternall Thus wee haue the meaning of the words whereby wee may see that by all these three wee can vnderstand nothing else but Christ himselfe and his merits Now one and the same thing in Christ is signified by diuers tearmes to shew that there is in Christ the fulnesse of all grace and plentifull redemption yea store of supplyes for all our wants The Laodiceans were poore but Christ was their riches they were naked Christ was their garment and lastly they were blinde but Christ was their eye-salue So that what wants soeuer be in vs there is store of supply thereof in Christ. This must the more diligently be marked
of God So Christ bids vs first to seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse for when we are in Gods kingdome of grace reconciled to him in Christ then all things needfull shall bee ministred to vs Matth. 6.33 This discouers the bad practise of most men euery where who in seeking the blessings of God begin at the wrong end They will toyle themselues in their callings to get wealth honour pleasures and preferments but the fauour of God in Christ is not regarded which notwithstanding is the true and right foundation of all outward welfare Here some will say if God giue mee wealth honour and reputation then hee loues me for these be signes thereof I answere These be no sure tokens of his fauour in Christ for those that bee his enemies may enioy them all as Iob. 21.7 to the 14. This Dauid perceiued how the wicked might flourish in their outward prosperitie hauing more than heart could wish Psalm 73.3.7 And yet they stood but in slipperie places And therefore let no man herewith deceiue himselfe hee that wanteth Gods fauour in Christ is but a cursed wretch and a firebrand of hell though he had all the world for outward things at his commaund For all earthly things seuered from Gods speciall grace are but an heape of miseries The wicked mans peace is no peace sayth the Lord Isay 48.22 And the man that hath Gods grace in Christ though hee want all wordly benefits yet hee hath more than all the world without it for hereby alone hee is truly blessed and happie From him which is and which was and which is to come and from the seuen spirits which are before his throne Here is set down the first cause and author of these two Grace and Peace to wit God himselfe distinguished into three persons the father son and holy ghost The Father is noted in these words Which is and which was and which is to come The holy ghost in these And from the seuen spirits which are before his throne The Sonne in the fift verse And from Iesus Christ which is a faithfull witnesse and first begotten of the dead and Lord ouer the kings of the earth vnto him that loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his owne bloud c. S. Iohn in the first place describes the father by a distribution which expresseth the true nature of God in these words Which is was and is to come In which he alludes to that Exod. 3.14 15. where Moyses demaunds of God If the people should aske who sent him what he should answere The Lord bids him say Ehich Iehouah hath sent me which two names serue to one end namely to expresse the nature of God They are translated I am and the Lord but these English words doe not fully expresse their signification Yet S. Iohn expounds thē here making Ehich to signifie him which is which was and is to come Which words of Iohn also in the originall be more full in sence than our English tongue can well expresse And yet they may be thus explaned Grace and Peace be from him which is in himselfe and of himselfe a most perfect and absolute substance which was a most perfect substance and which is to come a most absolute perfect simple substance and essence In these words are touched sundry weightie points First touching the nature of God namely That God is a most absolute perfect substance and essence which hath his being in himselfe of himselfe and from none other Paule sayth An idoll is nothing 1. Cor. 8.4 that is nothing subsisting in nature but a meere fond deuice of mans braine But the true God is an essence subsisting and that of himselfe alone perfectly and herein differeth from all Idols and false Gods Secondly hereby we see a difference betweene God and all his creatures Euery creature is a substance as Angels and Men likewise mans bodie and soule are substances yet none of these haue being of themselues but from God and of God And yet wee must not conceiue that the creatures are parts of God though they haue their substances and being of him for then each creature should be God for the communication of the diuine substance cannot be without the diuine nature But Gods substance is indiuisible and incommunicable to the creature My meaning then is that God made the creatures out of himselfe of that matter which he created by his word and preserueth them beeing made Which by the way should teach vs to returne our bodies and soules by obedience vnto God in lieu of thankfulnesse endeuouring his glory all the daies of our life Thirdly hence wee learne that the Lord is Eternall euery way without beginning or ending for it is hee which is which was and which is to come Angels and the soules of men they bee eternall but not euery way though they be eternall in that they shall neuer die yet had they a beginning Secondly they are eternall not absolutely but by participation for God made them eternall but the Lord is most absolutely of himselfe eternall Fourthly note he sayth not from him which shall bee but from him which is to come that is to iudgement to giue vs to vnderstand That this eternall God is also a iudge of all his creatures especially men and Angels A point of speciall vse to moue vs to well before God with all good conscience If any shall flatter himselfe thinking hee shall bee dead before that day come I answere i● may be so What then thinkest th●u thereby to escape his iudgement No verily for this God commeth to iudge thee particularly by death and thereby to reserue thee to the iudgement of the great day O● that wee could seriously thinke on this it would be a meanes to mooue vs to repentance by breaking of the course of sinne and endeuouring ●o keepe a good conscience in all things Acts 24.16 And so shall we be readie to meete him at his comming whether by death or iudgement And from the seuen spirits which 〈◊〉 before his throne These words commonly are expounded of seuen Angels of God which stand before the thron● and minister vnto him But it cannot be meant of them for two cause a first because 〈◊〉 and Peace is here said to proceed from these seuen spirits but it cannot come from the holy Angels which attend to minister before the Lord. Secondly in this verse which is a benediction or a salutation of 〈◊〉 to the Church the seuen spirits are set before Iesus Christ the second person of the Trinitie but there is no reason nor respect for which the Angels should bee placed before Christ. The words are rather thus to be expoūded And from the seuen spirits c. that is from the holy ghost This exposition is most agreeable to all the circumstances of the text and the holy ghost may be called by the name of the seuen spirits for two causes First because though he be onely one in substance
polluted with sinne that once washing was not ynough but sayth hee Wash mee againe and againe rince bathe and swill me in the bloud of Christ till I be purged and cleansed from all my sinnes And this same affection should be in euery one of vs wee should labour that our hearts may bee touched with a liuely sence of our vile estate by reason of our sinnes which make both bodie and soule most vgly and filthie in Gods sight and that the staine hereof is so deepely set in our soules that we can neuer be cleansed but by the washing of Christ his own hand and that in his owne hearts bloud yea that one washing will not serue but wee must be rinced and bathed therein For till such time as this consideration doe in some measure take place in our hearts it is not possible that we should loath sinne as we ought or come to this comfortable assurance of Gods loue that he hath washed away our sinnes in his bloud for this humilitie in our soules by reason of our sins is the beginning of all true grace and comfort Now this worke of Christ in washing vs from our sinnes doth comprehend a double benefit First the remission of our sinnes whereby the guilt and punishment due to them is taken away Secondly the mortification of sinne whereby the corruption of sinne is remooued and abolished And we must obserue that S. Iohn propounds this benefit generally without limitation saying Which washed vs from our sinnes That is from all our sinnes to giue vs to vnderstand that if any beleeue truly in Christ hee hath pardon of all his sinnes without any restraint or limitation either of number or qualitie bee they neuer so many or neuer so great By his bloud How can bloud wash away filthinesse nay it rather defiles a man Answ. This washing stands not in the substance of Christs bloud but in the merit thereof for that substance of bloud which was shed is lost and wee know not what is become of it whatsoeuer the Papists say but the merit therof remaineth still And Christs bloud deserues to purge away sinne rather than any other mans bloud as of Peter Iohn c. because his bloud was the bloud of God not of the godhead but of him who was both God and man For the manhood of Christ was receiued into the vnion of the second person And so it may be called the bloud of God as Paule sayth God redeemed his Church by his bloud that is Christ God incarnate And so it being the bloud of him that is God is more meritorious than the bloud of any creature whatsoeuer Besides Christ was appointed by God to be a publicke person in the worke of redemption and in his death and passion he stood in the roome and stead of all his elect so as when his bloud was shed their bloud was sh●● because it was shed for them But the bloud of other priuate men cannot answer for any besides themselues because it is shed onely for themselues Then dam●●ble is the doctrine of the Papists who hold the bloud of Martyrs can merit for others being applied vnto them for seeing they be but priuate men and suffered in their owne persons onely they cannot profit any other thereby By bloud we must vnderstand the passion of Christ a part for the whole and with all his fulfilling of the law vpon the crosse for in his suffering hee fulfilled the law and in fulfilling the law he suffered These two cannot be seuered saue onely in thought And so this word containes the whole obedience of Christ whereby he procured the remission and mortification of our sinnes Here then wee see two notable benefites of Christ vnto his church his loue the washing away of sinnes which S. Iohn sets downe to moue the churches with reuerence diligence to reade and delight in this booke All of vs will say wee are sure God loues vs and hath pardoned our sinnes in Christ why then doe wee not shew our loue againe to him by hearing and reading his word set downe in this or any other booke of Scripture and by yeelding answerable obedience thereto Why then do we not offer vp ourselues soules and bodies to serue him as the Apostle requires Rom. 1● 1 by way of recompence for his mercies and loue shed out vnto vs But alas that is more common which is most shamefull to turne Gods grace into wantonnesse for when men say God loues them and hath washed away their sinnes yet they rebell against him when as these two benefites are here recorded to bee in●ucements of continuall loue and obedience to his holy word Verse 6. And made vs kings and 〈◊〉 to God euen his father to him be glory and dominion for 〈◊〉 Amen In these words is set downe the third worke and benefit of Christ bestowed on his church and on euery true member thereof For the better vnderstanding whereof we must consider in them foure points First the dignitie and excellencie of all true beleeuers and member● of Christ They are kings and priests Secondly when they be made kings and priests in this life noted by the phrase of speech hath ma●● Wherein 〈◊〉 speaketh of the church on earth and vseth a word that signifieth the time past Thirdly the maner how they become kings and priests they are not so borne but Christ hath made them such Fourthly to whom they be made such to God euen the father For the first The dignitie of all true beleeuers hath two heads first They bee kings secondly Priests They are called kings not in regard of an earthly kingdome for vsually the condition of most beleeuers on earth is base and contemptible but in regard of a spirituall kingdome the kingdome of heauen whereto the Lord giues them right title and interest in and by Iesus Christ. So our Sauiour Christ speaketh to his disciples Feare not little flocke it is your fathers will to giue you the kingdome And againe Behold I giue vnto you a kingdome Now the faithfull are kings in these respects first because by Christ they bee lords and conquerours of all these enemies sinne Sathan the world death hell and their owne flesh Secondly because in and by Christ they are partakers of the glorie of Christs kingdome and saluation for they receiue of Christ grace for grace and so answereably glory for glory and felicitie for felicitie Thirdly because they be made lords of all things in heauen and earth except good Angels and the church All things are yours whether it be Paule or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death whether things present or to come euen all are yours and yee Christs Quest. But if Christ bee king and all his members kings how do they differ Answ. In two points First Christ is the sonne of God by nature and so a king by nature hauing the right of the kingdome of heauen by inheritance but the members of Christ
alone on the house toppe Act. 10.11 And so doubtlesse finding Iohn thus imployed this Lords day he reuealed his will vnto him touching the state of the church to the end of the world Hence we learne sundry instructions First whereas Iohn being in a sollitarie Island kept the Saboath wee may obserue that all persons who are seuered from the assemblies of the church as the prisoners and those which are sicke of a dead paluesie or other great diseases As mariners though they bee in the middest of the sea should keepe holie the Lords Saboath by performing such duties as God requireth as prayer confession of sins and thanksgiuing whereby God may be glorified though they cannot come to the publicke ministerie of the word Secondly in that Iohn receiued his vision on the Lords day when hee gaue himselfe to prayer and holie duties Hence ariseth a consolation to Gods church that God draweth neere vnto them that draw neere to him as Iames 4.8 And so let vs humble our selues and draw neere to the Lord by prayer and thanksgiuing and the Lord in mercie will shew himselfe sundry wayes and draw neere vnto vs. The cause why men haue so little tast of Gods mercie and loue towards them is because they do not draw neere vnto him by doing those duties which he requireth at their hands For when men draw backe from God is it not good reason hee should draw backe from them This therfore must stirre vp our harts and moue vs to come often to God by prayer and thanksgiuing for by vse in these duties shall wee get acquaintance with the Lord. Thus much of the circumstances of this vision And I heard behind me a great voyce as it had bene a trumpet First here followeth the parts of this vision which are two The beginning or entrance into it in this verse and part of the twelft Secondly the matter and substance thereof from the twelft verse to the end of the third chapter The entrance into the vision is a preparation whereby the Lord maketh Iohn more fit to apprehend and receiue the things reuealed In which preparation we must obserue first the meanes secondly the parts thereof The meanes whereby God prepareth him is a voyce And I heard a voyce The like manner of preparation hath God vsed in former times when hee intended to make with Adam the couenant of reconciliation in the seed of the woman First he prepared him by a voyce speaking vnto him before he appeared and by this voyce caused him to slie for feare Then hauing rebuked him for his sinnes he made with him this couenant of grace Genes 3. And in mount Synai before the Lord gaue the law hee first came downe in thundering and lightning and with the sound of a trumpet to terrifie the people and then hee vttered his law to Moyses and to his people So when the Lord would instruct Samuel touching the house of Elie he awoke him by a voyce again and againe and then spake plainely vnto him And in all visions vsually and generally the Lord vseth to prepare his seruants by voyces by signes and words that they might bee more fit to receiue such things as hee reuealed This dealing of God with Iohn in preparing him to the worthy receiuing of this vision teacheth vs that wee much more should bee prepared to heare and receiue the will of God for wee come farre short of those excellent gifts of God which were in Iohn who yet must be prepared Our comming to heare Gods word is to learne the same for the increase of knowledge faith and obedience Now the word of God is hard and we dull to learne wee must therefore by all good meanes prepare our selues that our minds and harts may be fit to receiue the same with profit The cause of so little profit after long hearing is want of preparation but hereof we haue entreated alreadie vpon the third verse This voyce is here set out vnto vs three wayes First by the place whence it came Secondly by the qualitie of it Thirdly by the matter and substance which it contained For the place it was vttered from behind him which the Lord obserued to stirre vp ●●re attention in Iohn for vsually men doe more carefully marke those things which come on a sudden behind them than those which are spoken or done directly before their face Secondly for the qualitie of it this voyce was great as is expressed further by a similitude Like the sound of a trumpet that is full of power and maiestie Which also God added vnto it to further attention in Iohn For if it had beene an ordinarie voyce or small hee would not so much haue regarded it but being so sudden so great and full of maiestie it could not but make him verie attentiue Now seeing Christ is so carefull to prepare Iohns mind with attention and diligence to receiue the things which should bee told him This teacheth vs that when we come to heare Gods word we must vse all meanes of attention for if it were needfull to Iohn then is it farre more necessarie for vs who are farre inferiour to him in all gifts of vnderstanding and memorie And here also is another cause of small profit and little liking of Gods word namely want of attention in the heart Wee must therefore like godly Lydia Act. 16. stirre vp our dull and heauie spirits and with all diligence marke the things wee heare And here we must take heed of two enemies to attention the first are by-thoughts as when the body indeed is present but the mind wandereth from the word and is wholly possessed with thoughts of pleasure or other worldly affaires For these bee thornes in the ground of our hearts which choke the good seede of the word Many will complaine they cannot marke and remember that which is taught now the cause is in themselues their wandering thoughts which hinder both vnderstanding and memorie for the mind conceiuing other matters cannot obserue how one point dependeth on another much lesse remember them afterward The second enemie to attention is dulnesse and heauinesse in body soule a common fault in many hearers which sheweth it selfe by drowsinesse and sleepinesse in the time of preaching when they ought to stirre vp their bodies and hearts to all attention If a man should bee dull and heauie when his prince is speaking vnto him of some weightie matter that is for his good it would bee taken for a part of contempt and disloyaltie towards his maiestie What disloyaltie then is this vnto the king of kings that we should bee dull and heauy when himselfe vouchsafeth to speake vnto vs out of his word the mysteries of our saluation And surely among other things this drowsinesse is one cause of small profit by the ministerie of the word And therefore if wee would encrease in knowledge and in the gifts of grace vnto saluation we must prepare our selues before we come and in hearing
golden candlestickes That is so soone as I heard this sudden and mightie voice I turned my selfe to see who it was that vttered the same In this behauiour of Iohn we are to learne our dutie so to dispose our hearts towards God in the receiuing of his word as Iohn disposeth himselfe towards Christ in the receiuing of this vision So soone as the voice spake Iohn hearkened and because the sound thereof came behind him he turned himselfe to looke on him that vttered it Euen so must we doe we are by nature strangers with God slow to heare when hee speaketh and readie to turne our hearts from God when we heare Therefore when God speaketh vnto vs in the ministerie of his word we must hearken And though we bee going another way yet wee must turne our selues from our euill wayes and encline our hearts to his voice that we may haue fellowship with him Saint Iohn had not seene this maruellous vision vnlesse hee had turned himselfe to behold him that spoke No more shall wee at any time feele true fellowship with the Lord vnlesse we turne our hearts vnto his word and that betimes while he speaketh vnto vs in the ministerie thereof Thus much for the first part of the vision viz. the entrance thereunto The second part it the matter and substance of the vision containing a most worthie representation of Christ in his maiestie as he is the Prophet King and Priest of his church set downe at large by a description of Christ continuing from this twelfth verse vnto the end of the third chapter wherein Iohn sheweth what hee receiued of Christ partly by hearing and partly by seeing And first he beginneth his description of Christ as hee saw him represented in vision and so describeth him by two arguments First by the place where he saw him Secondly by his forme and figure wherein he appeared I. For the place Iohn saw him in the middest of the seuen golden candlesticks These seuen candlestickes here seene are the seuen Churches of Asia the particular churches of God being compared to candlesticks as Christ expoundeth himselfe vers 20. Now the particular congregations of Gods church bee called candlestickes for that resemblance which is between them For as the candlesticks serue to bear vp and hold forth the light that is set therein so the particular churches of God on earth they beare vp and shew forth the light of the gospell vnto the whole world partly in the ministerie of the world and partly in the profession of the faith of Christ. From hence sundry things are to bee learned first obserue that the churches are rather called candlestickes than candles To giue vs to vnderstand that they haue no light of themselues or from themselues but onely are Gods instruments to beare vp and hold forth the light in the ministerie of the word and profession of the faith for Christ Iesus is the onely true lampe and candle that giueth light to the heart and conscience by his holy spirit in the word Secondly hence euery one that professeth himselfe to be a true member of Gods church must learne his duty which is earnestly to labour to become a shining and burning candle Indeed this principally concernes the ministers of the church and therefore Iohn Baptist is called a burning and shining light Iohn 5. vers 35. but yet it must also bee verefied of euery member thereof as Saint Paule commaundeth Shine sayth hee as lights in the world in the middest of a naughtie and c●●oked nation holding forth the doctrine of life that is the gospell Quest. How shall euery member of the church become a burning light Answ. First hee must haue his mind enlightened in the knowledge of Gods will and word and then as a candlesticke hold out and send forth the bea●es thereof to others partly by teaching within the compasse of his calling and partly by example of an honest and blamelesse life and conuersation Thus we should doe if wee would be answerable to our profession And to induce vs hereunto let vs obserue the reasons following First it is Gods commandement Shine as lights sayth S. Paule in the world Philip 2.15 And walke as children of the light Ephes. 5.8 Secondly consider the fruit hereof which is wonderfull great For by godly instruction in our places and by answerable obedience in our liues we win many to the Lord shewing forth such lights whereby others may walke in this darke world to the kingdome of heauen which is a most blessed light In the Winter season men thinke they doe others great pleasure if in the night they hang forth a light to guide passengers a little way in an earthly walke What a blessed thing then is this that a man should alwayes hold forth that light which shall guide a sinfull wicked wretch to leaue the wayes of death and to walke in the pathes of righteousnesse to eternall life But on the contrarie when men liue in Gods church like candles put out by reason of the blindnesse of their minds and the badnesse of their liues hence commeth great hurt and danger to others with whom they liue for they lead others that depend vpon them to the pit of destruction especially they who know the will of God and yet make not conscience to shew forth the same by good example of a godly life For as in an hauen towne if any man in the night time doe remooue the sea-marke which guideth the ships in the right channell he doth as much as in him lieth cast away all the ships that are comming neere the shore by causing them to run on rockes and sands euen so they that should giue light in the church if they giue either no light or false light to such as depend vpon them who are sayling in the sea of this sinfull world hereby they lead and direct them to a wrong hauen and instead of heauen bring their soules to eternall perdition which must terrifie vs from ignorance and euill workes and make vs labour to shine as lights in this world by good instruction and godly conuersation Third reason Consider the fearefull iudgments of God against such as liue in his church as members thereof and yet giue no light they doe incurre the fearefull wrath of Christ. In the Temple the keeping of the lampes and lights belonged to the priest and therefore he had his snuffers and other instruments to trim the same which notably figured the dutie of Christ in the Church of the new Testament for hee is our high priest who looketh to euery light in the Sanctuarie that is to euery member of his church who ought to shine as a lampe and when they burne but dimly and darke he hath his snuffers to trim them and make them giue a better light both by godly life and good instruction But when hee hath snuffed them againe and againe if still they burne darke and dim and giue either no light or else a false light
God wee must acknowledge them pure and iust In sundry points of religion there is a learned ignorance whereof this is not the least to hold our selues content and to reuerence the workes of Christ though wee see no reason thereof nay though to vs they seeme against all reason for all the wayes of God are vncorrupt Though the blind eye of men cannot discerne the light of the Sunne yet the Sunne is full of light so though our blind eyes cannot ●e ●old the puritie of Gods workes yet they are all done in iustice and equitie yea they are iustice it selfe for his will is the rule of iustice And we must not thinke that God doth a thing because it is good and right but therefore is the thing good and right because God willeth and worketh it Examples hereof wee haue in Gods word God commaunded Abimele● to deliuer Sarah to Abraham or els hee will destroy him and all his houshold In mans reason this might seeme vniust for why should Abimelechs seruants be punished for their maisters fault So Achan sinneth and all the hoast of Israell is punished Dauid committed adulterie and the child which he begat ●●eth Dauid numbreth the people but the people are smitten with the plague 2. Sa. 24. All this to mans reason may seeme vnequall yet being the workes of God we are withal reuerence to iudge them most iust and holy Againe the Scripture sheweth plainely that God in his eternall counsell hath decreed to saue some and to reiect others and his reason mouing him thereto is not any thing foreseene in them but his will and pleasure alone This in mans reason seemeth to be crueltie towards some and therefore sundry men disclaime this doctrine as charging God with iniustice and tyrannie But herein they greatly offend for it is the manifest truth of God in his word therfore ought with reuerence to be acknowledged though we can see no reason thereof For who art thou oh man that pleadest against God Rom. 9.20 And his voyce as the sound of many waters The voyce of Christ is resembled to the sound of many waters for two causes First to signifie the loudnesse and greatnesse of it the sound whereof hath bene heard through all the world in the ministerie of the Gospell Secondly to shew the power and efficacie thereof in the eares of his creatures for such power it is of that when the creatures were not He but spake the word they were made He. 11.3 This powerfull voice of Christ brought Lazarus out of the graue after he had bene dead foure dayes bound hand and fo●●e And by this voyce of Christ shall they that haue bene dead six thousand yeares before be raised vp to life The houre shall come in the which all that are in the graues shall heare his voyce and shall come forth to iudgement Iohn 5.28 29. Hereby then we may see the great securitie and the deadnesse of mens hearts in this age For though the powerfull word of Christ be daily sounded into the eares of many yet it entereth not into their hearts They liue securely in their sinnes though they be daily exhorted to repentance But shall dead Lazarus start out of his graue when Christ saith Lazarus come forth Nay shall they that were consumed to dust many thousand yeares before at the hearing of Christs voyce rise out of their graues And shall we which liue in body bee no whit affected with it in our soules Oh fearefull death in sinne And yet this is the state of all those that will not bee mooued to leaue their sinnes by the ministery of the word It may bee the outward eare receiueth the sound but the dead heart receiueth no instruction We must therefore apply our hearts to this powerfull voyce of Christ and leaue the sinnes wherein we haue lien dead that so the quickning power hereof vnto saluation may appeare in vs. Verse 16. And he had in his right hand seuen starres and out of his mouth went a sharpe two edged sword And his face shone as the sunne shineth in his strength Here Iohn proceedeth further to set out the parts of Christs body and the properties thereof By seuen starres wee are to vnderstand seuen Angels that is as Christ expoundeth them verse 20. the seuen ministers of the seuen churches of Asia And they are called starres for these causes First starres giue light to men on earth And so the ministers ought to giue spirituall light to them that liue in the church both by doctrine and by an vnblameable conuersation Secondly starres haue their continuall abode in heauen and descend not vnto the earth So ministers aboue all others ought to haue their conuersation in heauen This indeed is the duty of euery christian but especially of the minister in regard of his calling And this heauenly conuersation he must expresse first by seeking the conuersion of his owne soule and then the conuersion of others that they may haue an eternall mansion in heauen Thirdly they are called stars because if they be faithfull they shal be honored of God and made to shine a● the starres for euer and euer Dan. 12.3 It is added that they are in Christs right hand Whereby is signified that to him belongeth the regiment and gouernement and the whole disposition of the ministerie for matters that concerne the church From whence arise sundry instructions I. That it is Christ who giueth to his church ministers which preach the Gosspell For he ascendeth vp on high and gaue gifts vnto men some to be Apostles some Prophets and Evangelists some Pastors and teachers for the gathering together of the saints and for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the body of Christ. And for this cause we ought to pray daily vnto Christ that he would thrust forth laborers into his haruest that the remnant of Gods elect may bee gathered and so we see an end of these miserable dayes wherein we liue Secondly in that Christ holdeth them in his right hand wee may gather that Christ giueth protection and defence vnto his ministers when they are faithful and walke in their calling according to his will which is a matter to bee considered of al that are called into this office For they haue sundrie occasions of discouragement as the negligence and backwardnesse of their people the slanders and mockings of the enemies But this protection of Christ must comfort them against them all seeing they are in Christs right hand they must go on with all godly boldnesse Thirdly this sheweth the dignitie of this calling Indeed it is despised and reputed base in the world and hereby many are driuen from it But let the wicked iudge what they will Behold Christ honoureth it for his faithfull ministers are not onely present before him which were no small thing but hee holdeth them in his right hand then which what greater glorie can be done vnto them This must
but the deadly wounds of Christs enemies And 〈◊〉 much for the worke of the Word vpon the wicked The second worke of this two edged sword is in Gods elect in them it hath sundry workes all which ●end to their subiection First it woundeth to the quicke the corruption of their nature This is one speciall cause why it is called a two edged sword because it entereth deeply into the heart of Gods children and giueth their corruption such a deadly blow as it shall neuer recouer againe It killeth not the person as it doth in the wicked but quic●ening the soule it woundeth his corruption Paule ministred the Gospell that the offering vp of the Gentiles might be acceptable Where resēbling Gods church to a sacrifice hee giueth vs to vnderstand that euery true Christian must be slaine though not in body and soule yet in regard of sinfull motions corrupt affections and rebellious actions by this two edged sword of the spirit And this is his conuersion whereby the roote of corruption is stocked vp Secondly after conuersion this two edged sword serueth to cut off and pare away the remnants of vnbeleefe doubting impietie anger and other sins that be in the elect Euery branch saith Christ that bringeth forth fruit in mee my father the husbandman gruneth to make it bring fo●rth more fruit Thirdly it serueth to keepe Gods children in awe and subiection vnto him In this vision Christ standeth in his church holding vp the scepter of his kingdome which hee beareth in his mouth for this end that though his enemies will not bee brought in subiection vnto him yet his owne children might hereby be kept in awe of him He therefore that will not at the lifting vp of this two edged sword tremble and feare before Christ is but a rebellious subiect If there bee brawling in humane societies let the magistrate but shew himselfe with the sword of iustice and straightway euery one is quiet if any resist he is taken for a rebell Now shall this be effected in ciuile policie and not bee true in Christs spirituall gouernment vnlesse therefore wee will shew our selues rebels against Christ let vs cease from sinne and tremble before him seeing hee holdeth out vnto vs the scepter of his word Fourthly this sword serueth notably for our defence and victory in all temptations Ephes 6. ●● This sword of the ●pirit the word of God is one piece of the complete armour of a Christian. Herewith did Christ vanquish Sathan Matth. 4 And thus wee see how the word of God is a two edged sword in regard of the elect Hence we are taught that when wee haue the doctrine of the Law and of the Gospell preached vnto vs we must with all reuerence heare and receiue the same Men will heare it while it is taught generally but if it once touch their particular faults then they cannot brooke it But wee must suffer it to ransacke our hearts and be glad thereof for by this meanes our corruption is wounded and sinne slaine in vs our soules are conuerted vnto God and shall bee saued If any man were diseased with a fistula or any other dangerous sore he would willingly suffer the surgeon to search and pierce into the fame Shall wee doe this for our bodily health and shall wee not suffer the word of God to enter into our hearts to rip vp our sinnes that they being wounded and subdued wee may bee healed and so our soules liue for euer wee cannot liue vnto God till wee die vnto sinne and wee can neuer die vnto sinne till the same bee wounded in vs by this two edged sword Away therefore with all nicenesse in disliking the word when it crosseth our humour and if wee loue eternall life Let vs then embrace it most willingly Saint Iohn sayth f●●ther of this two edged sword that it came out of Christs mouth Other kings carry their swords and scepters in their hands but Christ beareth his in his mouth to teach vs this speciall point That wee must receiue no doctrine from any man which hee hath not receiued from th● mouth of Christ. For first God reuealeth his will vnto his son Christ deliuereth it vnto his Prophet● and Apostles by the spirit and to his ministers in their writings They therefore must deliuer nothing vnto Gods people but that which they haue from Christ if they deliuer ought els they hold no● forth Christs sword neither can it haue that powerfull effect either in the godly or in the wicked And his face 〈…〉 the Sunne shineth i● his brightnesse Here is the last braunch of this description of Christ his face is compared to the shining of the Sunne and that in his strength because Christ is vnto his church● as the Sunne is to the world And looke what duties the Sunne performeth vnto the world the same duties Christ performes vnto his church in a more excellent manner as their resemblance will euidently declare First the Sunne in the world dispelleth night and darkenesse and maketh the day by bringing light so Christ the sonne of righteousnesse Malach. 4.2 sendeth downe the bright beames of knowledge and grace into his church wherby blindnesse and ignorance is taken away 2. Corinth 4.6 And hereby euery one of what sort or place soeuer is taught first to labour for knowledge of the will of God A great shame it is for any to bee ignorant her●in when the day commeth we set open our windowes to let in the light of the Sunne for our comfort behold Christ Iesus is euer a shining light in his church Why then should wee not open our hearts that the beames of light and knowledge which descend from him may enter into vs and giue vs light Secondly wee must hereby learne in our whole conuersation among men to walke by this light We are here but pilgrims trauelling towards heauen and the way of this miserable word is full of darkenesse yet Christ Iesus is in the middest of his church shining as the Sunne in his strength to giue the light of knowledge whereby wee may see the right way thither Without him there is nothing but darkenesse and wandering his word is the light and himselfe the day starre We therefore must attend vnto him in all our affaires of this life and in the particular duties of our lawfull callings take direction from the light which shineth from his face Secondly the Sunne serueth most excellently to comfort and reuiue cold and dead starued bodies as experience in the spring time teacheth So Christ Iesus by the worke of his spirit conueyeth spirituall life and heat ●nto the dead and frozen heart of man he is of power to comfort them that mourne to giue life to the broken hearted and to reuiue the spirit of the humble Isay. 57.15 and for this most excellent worke may well bee called the Sunne of Righteousness● In regard wherof wee must labour aboue all things to bee partakers of this life and ioy which commeth
from Christ. In Winter time men vse to stand in the sunne to comfort and warme themselues with the heat thereof Behold Christ Iesus is the sunne of righteousnesse to his church which giueth heat and life to all the true members thereof Wee therefore must seeke aboue all things to haue his blessed beames of grace to shine vpon our cold and frozen hearts that by his spirituall heat we may be reuiued vnto euerlasting life In this world nothing is so much regarded as riches honours and pleasures Who will shew vs any good is the worldlings song But with godly Dauid wee must say Psal. 4.4 Lord lift thou vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs quicken thou vs with thy spirituall life and comfort vs with the beames of mercy Quest. How may I get the gracious beames of grace and life to come from this Sunne of righteousnesse into my heart Answ. Before a man can liue by Christ hee must bee killed in himselfe Men doe not kill those whom they would restore to temporall life but the Lord taketh that course Thou therefore must suffer his two edged sword to enter into thee yea to bee thrust vp to the hilts into thy heart that so thy vile sinnes and corruptions may be ripped vp and the wrath of God deserued thereby made knowne vnto thee that in thy selfe thou mayest bee out of hope and then and not before art thou fit to receiue comfort and life by Christ as a man that is cold in bodie is most fit to receiue heat by cloathes and other meanes of warmenesse Now being thus humbled in thy selfe thou must vse the meanes which God hath ordained to wit the hearing reading and meditating in his word with earnest prayer for grace and mercie and th●● shalt thou perceiue the ioyfull beames of life shining into thy soule If a man had all the world and wanted this grace of life and comfort by Christ it were but a curse vnto him but though a man want all things els yet by this life of grace in Christ he is blessed for euer and therefore aboue all other things men should labour for it Thirdly the sunne serueth to discouer all things In the night nothing is discerned but al things appear in one form but when the same commeth forth all things are made manifest euen the ●●all motes in the aire Euen so Christ Iesus the sonne of righteousnesse he seeth all things and can discouer the most hidden secrets of men nothing is hid from the light of his countenance so infinit is his diuine wisdome and knowledge In regard whereof we must bee moued to looke vnto all our wayes both thoughts words and actions that they bee such as Christ approueth for though we may deceiue the world by a false glosse yet all that wee do speake or thinke is naked and bare before him he knoweth the same can and will reueale it If this were beleeued and remembred it would be a meanes to suppresse much fraud and iniustice and many grieuous sinnes which is rise in the world Men thinke if they can bleare the eyes of the world all is well they may do what they will but we must thinke vpon the shining face of Christ which discerneth and discouereth all secrets and labour thereupon to make conscience of all our wayes yea of our secret thoughts that God may approoue the same Vers. 17. And when I saw him I fell at his feete as dead then hee laid his right hand on me saying Feare not I am the first and the last Verse 18. And I am aliue but I was dead And behold I am alive for euermore Amen And I haue the keyes of hell and of the earth Here Saint Iohn describeth Christ further by other Arguments namely by sundry actions of his The first whereof is a confirmation of Iohn being sore afraid set downe in this the next verse In which action note two things First the occasion therof Secondly the mean● of his confirmation The occasion was Iohns exceeding feare set downe in these words And when I saw him I fell at his feete as dead The meanes of confirmation as in the words following Then hee layed his hand● vpon me c. For the occasion Iohns feare was exceeding great and that of death as appeareth by Christ his confirmation wherein he telleth Iohn That be liueth and hath power ouer death In this his feare note sundry points The cause the effect and the kind of this feare For the first The cause was Christ his appearancen glo●ry and maiestie vnto Iohn set downe in these words When I saw him Where we learne that sinfull men since Adams fall cannot abide the presence of God Adam before his fall talked face to face with God without feare but so soone as he had sinned bee fled away at the hearing of his voyce and hid himselfe among the trees of the garden This feare commeth by reason of mans guiltinesse before God Hence Manoah sayd vnto his wife Wee shall surely die because wee haue 〈◊〉 seene God First by this That no sinfull man can abide the presence of God we are taught to labour to become new creatures to haue the image of sinne defaced in vs and the image of God restored in righteousnesse and true holinesse True happinesse consisteth in fellowship with God but wee can neuer haue true fellowship with him while wee liue in our sinnes 1. Iohn 1.6 If wee say we haue fellowship with him and walke in darkenesse we lie We therefore must labour to bee purged from our sinnes and so his presence shall bee our ioy Secondly this feare of Iohn at Christs presence in glory teacheth vs. That the sight and presence of Gods maiestie is a most excellent meanes to humble a man and to make him know himselfe to bee nothing in himselfe When Abraham talked with God the more hee beheld the maiestie of God the more hee humbled himselfe confessing at last that he was but dust and ashes Gen. 18.27 And Peter by a great draught of fishes seeing but a glimmering of diuine maiesty in Christ could not abide it but cried out Depart from me for I am a sinfull man Luk. 5.8 And so the holy Angels when they stand before the maiestie of God are sayd to couer their faces and their f●ete with the●● wings to signifie that they are nothing in regard of the exceeding Maiestie of God and in themselues vnable to behould his glorie Thirdly hereby wee are taught to acknowledge Gods great goodnesse towards vs in the ministerie of the word wherein hee vouchsafeth to speake vnto vs not in his owne person as hee did in mount S●rra which would bee so terrible 〈◊〉 none could abide it but fauorably familiarly by the ministerie of men that are like vnto our selues Many abuse this mercy of God and despise the word because of the messenger but wee must learne by this bountie of God to receiue the word with all
reuerence as from the Lord. Lastly in this exceeding feare of Iohn who was an Apostle and a very godly and righteous man wee learne that the most holy man that is will be astonied euen to death with the presence of Gods glorious maiestie And if no man be he neuer so holy can stand before Gods presence much lesse can the most righteous workes of any man endure the triall of his iudgement if his person cannot abide his presence his workes will neuer beare his iudgement For the person must first bee approoued before the workes be accepted Therefore damnable is the doctrine of the church of Rome which teach that such as in themselues are sinfull men must stand before Gods iudgement seate bringing with them works of grace as meanes of their iustification and part of satisfaction to Gods iustice It is a doctrine of desperation for how can our works be perfectly holie seeing our persons are but sanctified here in part And who can thinke that the infinit iustice of God can bee satisfied by the imperfect righteousnesse of man II. point The effect of this feare in his body He fell downe as dead at his feete This was no small feare but exceding great astonishing his senses and laying him downe as dead Physitions say and that truly the mind followeth the temperature of the body But hence we may as truly say That the body followeth the disposition of the mind for the affections of the soule wil worke vpon the body like vnto strong diseases Iohns feare casteth his body into a sound And so horrour of conscience when the heart is cold will make the body hot and the intrals to roule in the body The same may be sayd of anger 1. Reg. 21.4 When Ahab could not obtaine Nabals vineyard he layd him downe on his bed in displeasure and was almost dead Euen so will other affections worke vpon the body Hence wee learne that the bodies of men being diseased must not alwayes be cured by bare physike but somtimes by curing of the mind and ordering of the affections for when the distemper of the body ariseth from the disorder of the mind then till the mind be well composed and setled physicke will little auaile III. point The kind of this feare is insinuated in these words he fell at his feet Wherby the holy Ghost giueth vs to vnderstand that this was a religious reuerent feare which hee bare to Christ For this kind of prostrating the body betokeneth humilitie and argueth a reuerent estimation of the thing feared Hence we are taught when we come into the presence of Christ we must prostrat our selues as Iohn did and looke that we be striken with a religious feare of his maiestie If any shall thinke that Christ is now ascended into heauen and therefore we cannot now fall down at his feet as Iohn did I answer though Christ be now in heauen yet hath he his feet vpon earth at which we must fall downe In the old testament the mercy-seat was the pledge of Gods presence and therefore it is called Gods footestoole Psal. 99.5 before which the Iewes were to fall downe Well though the mercy-seat be now taken away yet some thing is instead thereof For wheresoeuer Gods people assemble themselues in the name of God there is his footstoole and therfore in the assemblies of Gods saints we must cast downe our selues before Christ Iesus and do all duties vnto him with all feare awe and reuerence of his maiestie This feare of Iohn though it was holy yet is it tainted with some sinne and corruption for it was an immoderat feare of death which made him thus astonished and affright Whence wee learne that the most holy affections of righteous men are not per●ectly holy but mixed with imperfection according to the measure of their sanctification which is alwayes in part in this life Whereby it appeares that no man hath in him a filiall feare of God alone but some seruile feare whereby wee feare God for his iudgements is mixed therewith And thus much for Iohns feare which is the occasion of his confirmation Now followeth the meanes of his confirmation in these words Then he layd his right hand vpon me saying feare not I am the first and the last and I am aliue but I was dead and behold I am aliue for euermore Amen and I haue the keyes of hell and death Here note two things first the time when Christ vsed these meanes for Iohns confirmation secondly the means themselues The time is noted in this word then that is after his presence had stroken a feare in my heart which made me as dead then the Lord vsed meanes to comfort me The meanes of comfort and confirmation are then vsed when the party is humbled And thus the Lord dealeth with all his seruants in the matter of their saluation First he bruiseth their stonie hearts and woundeth their sinfull soules before hee powreth in the oyle of grace First a man must bee a lost sheepe and then Christ findeth him and layeth him on his shoulders and bringeth him home And indeed they that would feele sound comfort by Christ must first be humbled in themselues And the reason why men reape so little comfort either by the word or sacraments is the want of true humiliation before they come whereby the soule is fitted for grace and consolation II. point The meanes vsed by Christ to confirme Iohn and they are two First a sensible signe He layd his right hand vpon me Secondly comfortable words Feare not Here first obserue in generall Christs gratious dealing with Iohn he vseth not one meanes apart but in great mercie that he may throughly confirme Iohn he giueth him both a signe and words And so hee hath alwayes dealt with his seruants When he called Moses to bee a deliuerer of his people First hee gaue him his word saying I will be with thee and then a signe saying Vpon this mountaine shal ye serue God Ex●d 3.12 So when he would confirme the heart of Ahaz against his enemies he first giues him a promise of deliuerance verse 7. then biddeth him aske a signe vers 11. And for this cause Christ in the publishing of his Gospell added signes and miracles vnto his word that the truth thereof might be fully confirmed And so in the worke of our saluation besides his mercifull promises which were sufficient in respect of his fidelitie he giueth vs further signes and seales to support our weaknesse and to confirme our faith in the assurance thereof euen the vse of the holy Sacraments This teacheth vs that Christ hath a speciall care ouer his church and people in that he doth so condescend and abase himselfe vnto their weaknesse adding vnto his word which of it selfe were sufficient signes and tokens that by both he might more euidently giue that assurance which by one alone our weaknes would not so well conceiue Againe in this meanes of confirmation note the order which Christ vseth
First he giueth him the signe of his presence Laying his hand vpon him to assure him of protection frō al danger of death Thē he giueth him his wrod bidding him not to feare Hence we may learne that the assurance of Gods presence and protection is a souerigne remedie against all feare when Moses feared the great calling he was sent about to take away that feare the Lord saith I will be with thee Hence Dauid saith He will not feare though he walke through the valley of the shadow of death because God is his stay and comfort Wherefore it concerneth vs to labour to be assured not onely of Gods presence but of his prouidence and speciall protection And so in all dangers both of life and death wee shall haue stay and comfort for our soules The Lord hauing vsed these two meanes to confirme Iohn both a signe his word doth yet further condescend vnto Iohns weaknesse and establisheth his owne word by two reasons The first in these words I am the first and the last Christ is the first Because nothing was or could bee before him The last because nothing is or can bee after him These two titles are giuen vnto Christ to expresse his Godhead and eternitie as before wee haue heard verse 8. Now here they are againe set downe to giue vs to vnderstand that hee hath in his owne power the beginning and end of all things and therefore is able to protect his seruants from all dangers and from death and will make good vnto them all his promises vnto eternall life Verse 18. And Am he that liueth but I was dead and behold I am aliue for euermore Amen And I haue the keyes of hell and of death These words conteine the second reason to confirme Iohn And it may thus be framed by way of a distinction Although I was dead yet I am he that liueth for so the words are and behold I am aliue for euermore Amen Yea I haue power ouer death and hell This distinction containeth three parts First Though I was once dead yet I am he that liueth Secondly Though I was once dead yet I liue for euermore Thirdly Though I was once dead yet I haue the keyes of death and of hell Of these in order I. part And Am he that liueth though I was dead Here life is ascribed to Christ in a speciall manner For Christ liueth in a peculiar sort differēt frō the life of other creatures For first hee hath sufficient life in himselfe and from himselfe Secondly he giueth life to others For the first that wee may better conceiue it wee must know that life is twofold vncreated and created Vncreated life is the life of God whereby God liueth This life is eternall and infinit in it selfe from it selfe Now as Christ is God he liueth this vncreated life which is all one with the godhead Againe created is twofold The first is naturall preserued by means of meat and drinke The second is spirituall both begunne and continued by meanes of the immediat operation of Gods spirit whereby wee haue fellowship with God And this spirituall life is more perfect than the naturall Now Christ liueth not the naturall life but as he is God liueth the vncreated life as he is man he liueth the spirituall life his body and soule hauing al their subsisting and sustentation in the second person in Trinitie and therefore he hath in himselfe most absolut and perfect life and so liueth of himselfe Secondly Christ is here said to liue because he giueth life vnto men that two wayes First as he is God and so he giueth life to all good and bad For in him euery thing liueth moueth and hath his beeing Act. 17.28 Secondly as he is mediator God and man and so he giueth spiritual life vnto his church and people Hence he saith to his Disciples Because I liue yee shall liue also Iohn 14.19 For looke as Christ died not for himselfe but for vs that we might not die eternally So hee liueth now in heauen the spirituall life not for himselfe alone but for vs that we might liue that spirituall life in and by him eternally And therefore our life is sayd To be hid with God in Christ. And for this cause in the Sacrament we doe eate the body and drinke the bloud of Christ really by the mouth of faith that wee might know that our life is to be fetched from him For as we receiue grace from his grace so wee receiue life from his life Hereby wee are taught to seeke for this spirituall life at Christ hands that we may say with Paul I liue not now but Christ li●eth in me Gal. ● 21 and that Our life 〈◊〉 ●id in Christ as in a head and roote For he liueth in heauen that wee might liue by him our care must not be so much for our temporall life which is but a vapour and like a fleeting shadow as for this spirituall life which is eternall But the practise of this duty is rare to bee found though the omission of it bee a grieuous sinne Mens whole care is for temporall life few thinke on this how to procure to themselues this spirituall life by Christ though he haue said I liue that you may liue in me This appeareth by their common practise They will goe ten twenty yea an hundred miles to prouide means for their bodily preseruation and yet will scarce go one or two miles for the meanes of their saluation for euer The cause thereof is the hardnesse of mens hearts which are not touched for their sinnes nor feele the smart weight thereof This we may see plainly in the woman of Samariah For when Christ sate at the well of Iacob talking with her and telling her that he was the well of life of whose water whosoeuer dranke should neuer thirst She did nothing but cauill with him But when he layd to her heart her principall sinnes then she left off cauelling and in reuerence and some beginning of faith Acknowledged him to be the Messias Euen so let the minister say vnto his people hee can bring them to the water of life they will nothing regard but cauill at the doctrine of the Gospell till their sinnes bee touched and their soules humbled by the sight thereof Wherefore if wee would haue our hearts fit to receiue spirituall life by Christ we must first labor to haue a sense of our sinnes and to feare Gods wrath due vnto vs for the same Hereby we shal be weined from the dangerous loue of earthly things and our soules shall bee rauished with desire of Christ Iesus He is the well of life and if once we could feele a parching heat in our soules by reason of our sinnes then would we thirst neuer be at rest till we had drunke our fill and dined our selues in his sauing merits This naturall life is but vanishing and therefore we must labour for this spirituall
the doctrine of vniuersall grace affirming that the promises of the gospell for life and saluation belong to all and euerie man whatsoeuer vnlesse hee will reiect them is a deuice of mans braine For life eternall is not promised to euerie man as he is a man comming of Adam but to a man as hee is in Christ by faith and a new creature The promises of the gospell bee vniuersall indeed to all that ouercome but that is a propertie which restraines them wholly to true beleeuers Secondly hereby we are taught so to liue that we may say truly in the testimonie of a good conscience we haue ouercome all our spirituall enemies and do continually stand conquerours ouer them This is a matter of endlesse ioy comfort which will cheere the soule in greatest distresse But to liue and lie in sinne is or will bee a hell to the conscience What auaile the treasures honors of this world to any man while his conscience shall tell him he is a vassall to sinne and sathan for while he continueth in that estate he is out of the fauour of God and hath no part nor portion in the kingdome of heauen Therefore it standeth vs vpon to labour to feele in our harts the certaine euidence of this victorie ouer our spirituall enemies by the sure testimonie of the spirit of grace The second point is the thing promised to wit life euerlasting noted by this gift To eate of the tree of life And it is set out vnto vs by two circumstances First by the cause of it Secondly by the place where it is to bee found The cause is Christ Iesus I will giue to him to eat of the tree of life Where he maketh an opposition betweene himselfe and the first Adam The first Adam sinned and thereby cast himselfe with all his posterity out of the earthly paradise and lost the benefit of the tree of life But Christ the second Adam commeth and suffereth for sinne and thereby openeth the way to a better paradise than the first Adam lost and to all that ouercome he giueth libertie to enter in and to eate of the tree of life The tree of life properly was a tree placed in the middest of the earthy paradise and it was so called first because it was a pledge and sacrament vnto Adam that he should liue for euer if hee continued in obedience to God secondly because it had in it as may be proued vertue and power whereby it would haue preserued him from death and old age for euer if hee had stood in his innocencie This earthly tree of life was a figure and signe of Christ our Sauiour and mediator who liueth an eternall spirituall life not onely as hee is God but as hee is mediator and that not for himself alone but for this end that h●e may conuey quickning spirituall life to all that beleeue in him and for this cause hee tearmeth himselfe the tree of life Further he saith He will giue hereof to eate To eate sometime signifieth to beleeue Iohn 6.50 but it cannot heare be so taken For faith endeth with this life and hath no vse afterward Therefore to eate in this place signifieth to haue immediat fellowship with Christ in heauen where Christ shall bee vnto him a tree of life to make him liue for euer In this promise note two points I. In what things eternal life consisteth namely in immediat fellowship and communion with Christ in heauen Secondly that life eternall standeth not in outward meanes as meat drinke clothing physicke recreation sleepe and such like but in an immediat partaking with Christ in all his blessings So that when Christ is all in all vnto vs immediatly then do we eat of the tree of life and therby shall liue eternally II. Circumst The place where eternall life is to be had is in the paradise of God This paradise of God is the third heauen a place wherein the Lord doth manifest himself in his glorious maiesty and which he hath prepared for the glory of all his elect Hereof Christ spake to the the●fe on the crosse saying This day thou shalt be with me in paradise Luk. 23.43 and hither was Paule wrapped in vision and saw and heard things that cannot bee vttered and he calleth it the third heauen in respect of the heauens vnder it for the place wherein we breath is the first heauen the starrie firmament is the second heauen and this paradise of God is the third which is therefore called paradise because it is a place of endlesse ioy and pleasure And the adding of the name of God doth not onely put a difference betweene it and Adams earthly paradise but also sheweth it to be a great and most excellent place So Rabel saith I haue wrestled with my sister the wrestlings of God that is strong wrestlings And in the Psalmes the mountaines of God do signifie high and mightie mountaines And that this paradise is such an excellent place appeareth at large Reuel 22. For therein must come none vncleane thing but the Saints and Angels do there enioy the presence of God and behold his glorie so much as the creature is able to comprehend There God communicateth himselfe to all the elect and becommeth all things vnto the● immediatly so that this must needs be●● place of all ioy and comfort The consideration whereof must admonish vs to seeke the thing● that bee aboue that wee may haue a place in this heauenly paradise For why should we set our heart● vpon the vaine glorie of this world which passeth away as a shadow and commeth to nothing and in the end is but labour and sorrow when wee haue all that the world can affoord But the ioyes and glorie of this paradise of God bee endlesse and vnspeakeable Let vs therefore denie our selues depend vpon Christ and in all things keepe faith and a good conscience vnto the end And thus much for the first Epistle Verse 8. And vnto the Angell of the Church of the Smirnians write these things sayth he that is the first and the last which was dead and is aliue In this verse and the rest that follow to the twelfth i● layd downe the second letter or Epistle of Christ to another church of Asia called Smyrna Before the Epistle Christ giues a second particular commaundement vnto Iohn touching the writing hereof vnto this church in these words And vnto the Angell of the Church of the Smirnians write Which is prefixed to this Epistle that this church and all other churches of God might bee assured that 〈◊〉 had sufficient warrant and calling for the writing hereof Which thing is necessarie to euerie pen-man of the holie Ghost that the church need not to doubt of the authoritie of Scripture but receiue the same as the pure word of God Hence we may gather that all ordinarie Ministers of the gospell must haue warrant and calling for euery doctrine which they teach in Gods church for the
Apostles that were extraordinarie men of mo●e ●xcellent gifts might doe nothing without warrant Of the parts of this commaundement we spake in the first verse of this chapter The Epistle it selfe followeth containing thr●e parts a Preface a Proposition and a Conclusion The Preface containeth a preparation to the matter of the Epistle in these words These things sayth ●e that is the first to 〈◊〉 last which was dead and is aliue In this Preface he sheweth in whose name this Epistle was written vnto this Church namely in Christs name which he setteth downe for two causes First to stir vp the people in this church to a religious attention and a reuerent care of receiuing the things therin written as the pure words of Christ Iesus Secondly because no commaundement in the matter of Gods worship and religion is to be receiued from any creature but from Christ alone And therefore this Epistle concerning the true worship and religion of God is propounded in his name alone In this Preface Christ is described by two notable Arguments First To be the first and the last second that he was dead but is aliue The meaning of them both was shewed in the 17 and 18 verses of the former chapter whence they are borrowed By the first Christ would signifie that he is euerliuing God without beginning or ending before all creatures and after them By the second that hee is true man and assumed mans nature to suffer death for our sinnes and rose againe to liue for euer and to giue to man eternall life In this description two points of doctrine are expressed I. That Christ is a person consisting of two natures Godhead and Manhood He is the first and the last and therefore God He was dead and is aliue and therefore is true man If any aske how one person can consist of two natures Answ. As bodie and soule concurre to make one man so the Godhead and Manhood of Christ concurre to make one Christ and therefore are vnited II. Doctr. Here is the foundation of all true comfort vnto Gods Church and people in any miserie or afflictiō Which standeth in two points first that Christ is able to helpe them in any miserie either by freeing them quite from it or easing them in it seeing hee is God the first and last Secondly that as he is able so he is willing and readie to helpe them for he is man who tooke on him our nature died for vs and rose againe vnto life to giue to vs eternall life This is the very scope and end for which Christ thus describeth himselfe to this church that was in affliction Here then wee haue direction where and whence to seeke for true comfort 〈…〉 tribulation of this life namely wee must haue recourse to Christ and in him ●onsider both his abilitie and his willingnesse to ●ase all 〈◊〉 children in affliction And by these wee must arme our selues against d●spair● and against immoderate grief● and sorrow vnder the crosse Verse 9. I kn●● thy workes and ●●ibulation and 〈◊〉 but th●● ar● 〈◊〉 and I know the blasphemie of them which say they are Iewes 〈…〉 but are the Synagogue of Satan Here beginneth the Proposition of this Epistle containing the matter and substance of the whole Epistl● This Proposition hath two parts a commendation of this Church and counsell how to behaue 〈◊〉 selfe in the time to come The commendation is in this ninth verse wherewithall are mingled some comfort● vnto this Church being in affliction I kn●w thy work●● These word● were handled in the former Epistle The meaning breefely is this I know all thy dealings thy waies I know the whole tenor of thy life and I doe withall well like and approoue of them Here Christ setteth downe an excellent propertie touching himselfe namely that he seeth and knoweth all things whatsoeuer nothing is hid from him and that this Church might bee resolued hereof hee repeateth this vnto them I know thy workes Neither is it any vaine repetition being indeed the ground of all true pietie and syncere obedience Wee therefore in a our affaires are here taught to labour to bee fully resolued in our consciences that Christ is with vs and seeth vs and knoweth the whole tenour of our wayes in thoughts words and ●●eds Dauid had learned this when as he sayd Thou knowest my sitting and my rising thou vnderstandest my thoughts a farre off Thou compassest my paths and my lying downe and art accustomed vnto all my wayes there is not a word in my toung but thou knowest it wholly This persuasion is very necessarie for it will moue a man to make conscience of euery thought word and action and of his whole behauiour but where this persuasion is wanting there is no religion in the heart nor good behauior in the life When this takes place Religion beginneth and encreaseth with it so doth good conscience and true obedience for hee that hath the Lord alwayes before him will not greatly fall Psal. 16.8 And tribulation Marke here how workes that is a godly conuersation and tribulation goe together Hence we learne that God will haue tribulations ioyned with his grace where hee bestowes his graces there also hee layeth tribulation and that for weightie causes as to humble them for their sinnes past to make triall of their faith and other graces and to preuent in them sinnes to come The consideration wherof must mooue all Gods children in this our Church to looke for some tribulation for God hath bestowed among vs plentie of his graces with long peace and many outward blessings and his will is that trouble and affliction should accompanie the same Further Christ saying I know thy tribulations would hereby comfort this Church as if hee should say True it is thou art in great trouble but it commeth not by chaunce but by the speciall prouidence of my father and I do know and regard the same Psal. 113.6 7 The raising vp of the poore and needie is made a fruit of Gods beholding the things that are done vpon the earth This is an excellent comfort for any church or people that be in affliction for when they shall know that beside the hand of God therein Christ Iesus regardeth their sorrowes this must needes arme them with long suffering and ioyfulnesse We in this Church as hath beene shewed may persuade our selues that God will send tribulations among vs now when they come what shall we doe Shall wee sinke vnder them No but wee must now forecast to vse the meanes whereby we may stay our hearts vnder the smart and burden of them that is by setling our hearts in this persuasion that Christ seeth our affliction and withall hath speciall care to comfort or deliuer vs as hee seeth most for his glory and the good of our soule● In the next words Christ setteth downe two kinds of tribulations in this church Pouertie and Repro●h By Pouertie he meaneth want of temporall things to maintaine this
it meaneth for meat and drinke is neuer knowne till a man be hungrie Yea to many that liue in the church this Manna is hidden for though men heare the doctrine of Christ yet not one of an hundred feele in themselues any want of Christ let the conscience speake and this will prooue true Ignorant people blesse themselues and say all is well Christ is a sauiour when as indeed to them Christ is hidden Nay which is yet more lamentable to many which teach and preach Christ Christ is hidden Manna for many of them neuer felt in their hearts and conscience that they had need of Christ for the pardon of their sinnes and the saluation of their soules It is not the knowledge in the brain that maketh Christ known to man but knowledge in the cōscience when a man feeles in his heart and soule that hee stands in need of the bloud of Christ and all the benefits of his passion for his redemption saluation And seeing this is the condition of the world wee on the contrarie must labor to feele in our selues our owne pouertie to see in our selues that we stand in need of Christ and of all the benefits of his passiō to free our souls from the gulfe of hell and the wrath of God Away with bare mentall knowledge for till we haue this true sense of our owne wants wee can neuer get into our hearts any sound grace Secondly is Christs hidden bread not reuealed to all Then calling effectuall to saluation so as if hee will euery man may be saued is not vniuersall for then should Christ not be hidden but reuealed to all which is not so Election therefore and effectuall vocation is definite particular And thus much of the first branch of this gift The second gift is a white stone Here Christ borroweth a comparison from the custome and manner of the gentiles to whom these Epistles are directed A white stone was of great vse among thē For first the iudge in giuing sentence vsed white stones and blacke stones the giuing of a white stone was a token of absolution the giuing of a blacke stone a signe of condemnation Here then the giuing of a white stone may signifie Absolution from Christ of all a mans sins and trespasses Againe when the gentiles would know which were luckie dayes as they spake and which were vnluckie they vsed to cast lots with white and blacke stones and that day which light on a white stone was iudged to be a lucky day that which light on a blacke stone was iudged to be vnlucky This practise they vsed as might be shewed by sufficient records And though this practise haue no warrant yet may Christ allude vnto it to signifie vnto them that hee will giue them good successe in all their actions yea happie dayes and a blessed life full of all ioyes and pleasures Others doe expound it of giuing victorie whereof the giuing of a white stone was a signe but this is not so fit neither can it bee shewed by true record that they had such a practise I rather take it Christ alludeth to the first and here promiseth to him that ouercommeth the true remission of all his sinnes and full absolution not in regard of ciuill punishment but in respect of guilt and punishment before God which is eternall damnation Here note one infallible token of the pardon of sinne namely to ouercome that is to renounce our selues and by faith relie wholly on Christ testifying this faith by maintaining good conscience and true religion vnto the end And therefore if anie desire to know whether God haue absolued him of his sinnes let him labour thus to ouercome and then shall this assurance be sealed vp vnto him The third gift is a new name written in the stone What this new name should be S. Iohn expresseth in his first Epistle chapter 3. vers 1. saying Behold what loue the father hath shewed to vs that we should be called the sonnes of God This new name therefore is to bee the sonne and heire of God in Christ. And because it is giuen of God himselfe therefore wee must not thinke it is an idle name or a bare title onely but withall God giueth him a new condition whereof this name is a token and title God changed Abrams name called him Abraham but it was when he had changed his estate and made him the father of the faithfull And there was a change in Iacob when God called him Israell This new name then signifieth the giuing of a new estate to a man or womā which they had not before namely their regeneration whereby they are made to die vnto sinne and to liue vnto God for therewith goeth the blessing of adoption whereby they become the sonnes of God and heires with Christ and so haue heauen and earth for their possession and all miseries and crosses yea sinne it selfe turning to their good they haue also the protection of Gods holy Angels in this life and at the last gaspe death to bee no death but a strait passage to eternall life Further this new name is sayd to bee written in the white stone that is in the pledge of absolution which sheweth the vnion of these two Absolution and Regeneration So that whom the Lord of his mercie absolues from their sinnes them in his bountie hee brings to a new estate and condition He that is in Christ is a new creature 2. Cor. 5.17 A point to be obserued as yeelding speciall aduice to reforme the grosse and common abuse of Christ. Men persuade themselues that Christ is their Sauiour and will pardon their sinnes for he is mercifull and thereupon they take occasion to liue as they list But let no man herewith deceiue himselfe for they that haue absolution haue regeneration also a new condition of life goes with the fruition of Gods mercie in Christ they that go on in sinne haue not the pardon of sinne the corruption of sinne must bee abolished where the guilt of sinne is absolued and their liues are reformed that haue their sinnes remitted Here some man may say Why are not those called by this new name to whom Christ giues it for vsually men are called after their names The answere is made in the end of the verse Because no man knoweth that name saue he that receiueth it that is in that manner and certainetie as hee that receiueth it And therefore the children of God must not be much offended when they are reuiled for their profession because the world knowes not their estate Here we may obserue diuerse points First that hee which is the child of God and hath this new name giuē him knows that hee is Gods child iustified and sanctified Neither is this knowledge by probable coniecture onely and good hope as the Papists would haue it but certaine and infallible for else others should know it as well as hee that receiueth it which is here denied Each one is bound in
are vnfaithfull vnto God in regard of their vow in baptisme For as they account gaine godlinesse so gold is their god and they say to the wedge of gold Thou art my confidence Seeing then all these be vnfaithfull vnto God we must hereby be admonished to remember what wee haue promised in our baptisme And withall haue care to performe the same as wee tender the saluation of our soules For if we be vnfaithfull as Paule said of the yonger widdows damnation belongs vnto vs. The fourth vertue for which this church is commended is patience Of this I haue spoken before verse 2. Here onely note that it is ioyned with loue to men with fidelitie to God and with seruice both to God and men in the duties of loue Whereby Christ would signifie that no good thing can be done by any man without patience Loue is no loue without patience neither is faith any faith without patiēce for when a man loueth another for his loue hee shall sometime receiue hatred Now vnlesse hee haue patience to beare that hatred his loue will surcease And so if a man haue care to bee faithfull vnto God in the world he shall be sure to haue much contempt so that vnlesse he haue patience to beare the same his faithfulnesse will faile Patience bringeth forth experience and experience hope Rom. 5.4 Rom. 15.4 No comfort of the Scriptures nor hope without patience And therefore in the parable of the sower The good ground bringeth forth fruit with patience though a man haue neuer so good gifts yet without patience he cannot put them in practise This therefore we must ioyne with all the good graces wee haue as Peter counselleth vs 2. Peter 1.6 When a man is in temptation and apprehendeth the wrath of God which is the sorest thing that can be without patience he will dispaire Without patience a man will bee wearie of well-doing both in duties to God and man and to his owne soule Hence the Apostle saith yee haue need of patience Heb. 10.36 And thy workes Here Christ repeateth his generall cōmendation of this church which we must not thinke to be done in vaine but herby he would let vs see how exceeding well hee did approue of their workes The cause why he liked them so well was their increase in well-doing whereof we shall intreat afterward Christ repeateth his approbation of their workes after foure worthy vertues to shew vnto vs what things are required in the doing of any worke that shall bee acceptable to God Namely these foure things faith loue seruice and patience Faith is necessarie because in well doing a man must testifie his fidelity to God which hee shall best doe if first hee learne out of the word whether God haue commanded that worke to be done or not that so hee may bee sure to do or not do that which God will haue him for it is not sufficient to haue a good intent in the doing of our workes as is cōmonly thought though falsly but our workes must be done in faith that is in a sure persuasiō out of Gods word that the things we do are approued of God for whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Secondly loue is necessarie in euery good worke we go about For faith worketh by loue Gal. 5.6 Hence the Apostle saith 1. Cor. 13.3 If a man should giue his body to bee burned and bestow all his goods in almes vpon the poore yet if he did not these in loue it would not please God Thirdly seruice to man is required in our good workes This must be carefully marked for the end of mans life is in his calling to serue man and by that to serue God Col. 3.24 Seruants must obey their maisters and in their persons doe seruice vnto Christ. And that which is there spoken of seruants must bee referred to the works of euery man in his calling they must be done for the good of men so as God may bee serued in them This ouerthrowes the foolish conceit of the Papistes which thinke that the most excellent workes of all are fasting pilgramage wearing of rough attire and whipping of their bodies For good workes must bee done in faith and loue to benefit men either in soule or bodie but these works of theirs are not done in faith neither do they profit the doers nor any others Fasting hath it place yet it is no good worke but a thing indifferent in it selfe Lastly patience is necessarie in euery good worke that men faint not in doing that which is good for they that do any good thing shall be sure of many crosses partly from men and partly from Sathan as also by Gods prouidēce Now when these befal a man in well doing without patiēce they wil stay his proceeding And therfore it is truly said That be good ground bringeth forth fruit with patiēce These being the vertues that make a worke acceptable to God we must labour in euery action of our lawfull calling whatsoeuer it bee to practise the same in faith loue seruice and patience We must not tie good workes to church matters onely as hearing the word and giuing almes but the practise of any worke of a mans lawfull calling be it neuer so base with these vertues is a good worke and approued of God in it kind as well as the best worke that is not for the worke it selfe but because therein doth appeare faith loue seruice and patience and because this church so performed their workes therefore doth God double his approbation The last vertue for which this church is commended is increase in godlinesse in these words And that they are moe at the last than at the first The church of Ephesus was before reprooued for decay and losse of the graces of God but this church did grow and increase in graces and therfore are her works more approued than the works of any other church It were to be wished that our congregations might bee commended for their increase in godlinesse in faith obedience and other good workes but that cannot iustly bee done for the number of our people is increased but their growth in grace doth not appeare Many liue in ignorance and though they heare much yet they profit little so as it may be sayd of them as the Author to the Hebrews saith Whereas concerning the time ye ought to be teachers you haue need againe that we teach you the first principles of the word of God And as Paul saith of certaine women They are alwayes learning and neuer come to the knowledge of the truth Others also though they know something yet they practise lesse than they which know nothing And which is worst of all many that heretofore haue ●ad good beginning in them by their bad conuersation and the greedie cares of this world haue lost the same againe and go backward in knowledge in obedience in faith and loue Rare it is to find those that are like to
hearts As if he should say to Iesabell and her companie you may persuade your selues that because your sinnes are secret therefore my iudgements shall not befall you But know that I will discouer your secret sinnes and practises in such sort as all Churches shall know by experience in your persons that I do see and discerne the most hidden thoughts of mans heart First here obserue to whome Christ will discouer their sinnes not to all the world but to the Church of God All Churches shall know This Christ doth to terrifie Iesabell her companie For as it is an excellent honour to bee well esteemed of with the Churches of God so it is a most shamefull dishonour to bee in disgrace with the Churches of God For whatsoeuer is bound or loosed by the Churches on earth the same is bound or loosed in heauen And therefore by due proportion it followeth that they which are in disgrace with God● Churches on earth are also in disgrace with God himselfe in heauen Hence wee are taught that howsoeuer we must so much as in vs lieth endeuour to approoue our selues to the whole world yet especially wee must labour to bee in good account with the Churches of God and the members thereof And on the contrarie we must continually auoide the doing of all such things as may iustly bring vs into disgrace with the Church of God Rom. 16.16 The Churches of Christ salute you And 1. Cor. 16.19 All the Churches of Asia salute you Where the Apostle meaneth not that they did by word of mouth send greetings vnto them But hereby hee would signifie that all Churches did approue of them which hee saith for their great comfort Paule receiued Timothie into the companie because the Churches gaue him a good report Act. 16.2.3 But what is the thing that all churches should know by experience in the persons of Iezabell and her company namely that Christ is he which doth indeed search the reynes and the hearts where by Reynes and hearts wee must vnderstand the same things namely the thoughts and affections of men for in that sence those words are often vsed in the old Testament Quest. How can reynes signifie the thoughts and affections seeing the thoughts are seated in the braine and the affections in the heart Answ. The reynes are put for the thoughts and affections not because they are seated therein but for that resemblance and analogie that is betweene them for as the reynes are seated in the most secret part of the bodie so the thoughts and affections are seated in the most secret place of the soule and the heart is p●rt for the thoughts and affections first because the affections are there seated secondly because the thoughts though they bee seated in the braine yet they haue their operation in the heart for ioyfull thoughts make a merry heart and fearefull thoughts an heauie heart Againe the word Search signifieth a most narrow search and such a one as goeth with finding thereby shewing that nothing is so secret in man but the Lord both can and doth see and discerne the same Hence wee learne first that Christ our Sauiour is not onely man but very God one person standing of two natures That Christ is man heretickes denie not but whether he be God or not there is the question Which yet is here euidently prooued for hee that hath in him the peculiar properties of God must needs be God But Christ hath in him the true properties of God he can search and discerne all the thoughts and all the affections of the hearts of all men which none can doe but God onely Ierem 17.9 10 The heart is deceitfull and wicked aboue all things who can know it I the Lord search the he●●t and trie the reynes And therefore Christ is the true and very God Secondly hereby wee are taught to beware and take heed of hypocrisie in all things but especially in the matters of religion Hypocrisie is when a man seemes outwardly to be that which hee is not inwardly But wee must haue care to bee truly in heart that which we appeare to bee in life and profession wee must come as neere Christ in thought and affection as in our outward action for Christ knowes as well the whole estate of euerie mans reynes and heart as he doth their speeches and their deeds Thirdly hereby wee must learne to suspect our selues of our vnknowne sinnes as of our vnbeleefe and presumption not contenting our selues with an acknowledgement of our known sinnes for wee can neuer discerne the depth of our corrupt heart and yet God knoweth them This was Dauids practise after due examination of himselfe hee yet crieth Lord cleanse mee from my secret sinnes As if he should say I haue O Lord searched my heart but I cannot sufficiently know mine owne corruptions therefore doe thou O Lord helpe to cleanse mee from them If this were practised true religion would flourish for many iustifie themselues when as they know not what is in their hearts little considering what Christ sayth vnto the Pharisees You are they which iustifie your selues before men but Christ knoweth your hearts And I will giue to euery one of you according to your workes Here Christ proceedeth to remooue a second wicked conceit whereby they might seeme to illude Gods iudgements threatened For they might say Let the Lord send iudgments and plagues vpon vs yet wee shall escape them as Isay sayd of the wicked in his time That they made a league with death and hell and sayd the iudgements of God shall passe ouer them Isay. 28. verse 15. But to cut off this vaine conceit Christ threateneth a iust reward to euery one according to his workes As if hee should say You may sooth vp your selues and falsely thinke that you shall escape my iudgements but know it that I will reward euery one of you partly in this life and principally at the day of iudgement according to your workes bee they good or bad For these words must especially ●ee vnderstood of the day of iudgement as they are vsed 〈◊〉 2. ● and Reuel 2● 12 Hence the Papists gather that men are saued not onely by faith in Christ but also by workes for thus they reason ●y that whereby wee must bee iudged must wee bee iustified and ●a●ed but by workes wee must bee iudged and therefore saued Answ The Proposition is false There is great difference betweene iustifying and iudging for iudging is onely the declaration of a man to bee iust but iustification is the making of a man iust And because the declaration of a man to bee iust is by workes therefore is iudgement by workes Againe it is not sayd I will giue to you for your works but according to your workes If he had sayd I will giue to euery one of you for your workes then it might haue seemed they had bin iustified by them But here Christ doth only make works an outward
first a man must euery day bethinke him selfe of his ende and of the comming of Christ either in generall to all the world or particularly vnto him by death and in this consideration he must esteem and iudge of euery day as of the day of his death or the day of iudgement Secondly he must prepare himselfe against death against the day of iudgement euery day euē this present day as though hee should now die or meete Christ in iudgement and the next day do the like and so goe on continually to the day of his death And for our furtherance in this Christian watch we must be mindefull of temperance and sobrietie that we keepe mediocritie in the vse of the creatures of God and of the things of this life For when men plunge themselus either in the cares of this world or in earthly delights they quite forget both sinne and death and the day of Iudgement and thus wee see what Christ meaneth by watchfulnesse As Christ prescribeth this dutie vnto this Church so are we in the name of Christ to bee enioyned the same Christian watchfulnesse both against sinne and death and the day of Iudgement And to mooue vs hereto consider these reasons First wee are watchfull for the preseruation of the things of this life as if a towne be in danger of sacking or burning there is watch and ward kept continually and if a mans house bee in danger of robbing hee will sit vp night and day to saue his goods yea euery man is verie painfull and watchfull to heape vp to himselfe the things of this world Now what a shame is it that men should bee watchfull for temporall things and yet haue no care of their soule that must liue for euer Againe want of watchfulnesse is the forerunner of death and eternall destruction I. Thess. 5. vers 3. When men say peace and safetie then shall come vpon them sudden destruction When the rich man had enlarged his barnes vpon the encrease of his substance he promised to himselfe case and securitie saying Soule soule take thy rest c. but it was sayd vnto him Oh foole this night shal thy soule be taken from thee And the old world knew nothing till the flood came and destroyed them all Now if the want of watchfulnesse bee the forerunner of destruction how great a cause haue wee to watch The second dutie inioyned is to confirme the graces of God decaied in them Strengthen the thinges which remaine that are readie to die as if hee should say sundry be the graces which I haue bestowed on you but many are lost and gone and those which remain are about to perish vnlesse you confirme them therefore see nowe that you strengthen and repaire the same In this dutie Christ teacheth this church and vs an excellent lesson that whosoeuer hath receiued any gift of God must haue care to preserue it and to make the same gift strong in him by continuall increase If a man haue receiued knowledge faith and repentance or any other gift of grace he must not suffer the same to lye dead in him but stirre vp increase and confirme it dayly that hee may bee a perfect man in Christ. For the gifts which men haue are not their owne but Gods also who looketh to receiue his owne with aduantage And therefore men like good Stewards must so vse the gifts receiued that they may returne them to God with increase Thus Paul perswadeth Timothy stirre vp the gift of God that is in thee for else the receiuer is an vnfaithfull seruant and so shall be rewarded And for the better perfourmance of this dutie we must often read the word of God and meditate therein we must heare it often preached and with due reuerence and preparation receiue the sacrament And pray continually striuing earnestly against the corruptions that bee in vs and dayly stirring vp our heart to all good duties Thus did Dauid checke the corruption and deadnesse of his heart Why art thou so cast downe oh my soule and also stirre vp the same vnto all good duties saying I haue applyed my heart to fulfill thy statutes alway euen to the end Ps. 119.112 Hereby are reprooued the common sort of professors hearers of the word who stand at a stay and goe not forward in grace This is a great fault for as we haue receiued grace so we ought to stirre vp the same that we may confirme and increase it dayly Further Christ addeth Which are about to die where he answereth to a question that is mooued by sundry at this day namely whether graces that concerne saluation may be vtterly lost or not Christ answeareth by a distinction that some graces that pertaine to saluation may be lost quite and others may be decayed so as they are about to die For the graces of God that pertaine to saluation be of two sorts some be absolutely necessarie so as without them a man of yeares cannot be saued and such are faith and regeneration Others bee lesse necessary which sometime goe with faith but not alwaies such are A plentifull feeling of the fauour of God ioy in the holy Ghost and boldnesse in prayer these may be lost wholy for a time in the seruants of God Yea faith and regeneration themselues may decay greeuously and be readie to di● as this text saith Secondly consider fayth and regeneration in themselus and they may be wholly lost for nothing in it selfe is vnchangeable but God The state of the elect Angels by nature is changeable for they stand by the power of God Thirdly these graces may perish and decay finally vnlesse thy bee confirmed Question Why then doe not the elect finally fall away after their calling Ans. Their standing cometh not from the constancie of grace or faith but from the promise of God made vnto them to their faith so Christ saith to Peter Thou art Peter and vpon this rocke that is vpon thy faith which thou hast professed will I build my temple and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it that is though they may assault it and greeuously weaken it yet they shall neuer bee able finally to ouercome it Seing sundry graces of God may be lost and the most necessary graces greatly decay yea of themselues quite die wee that haue receiued from God any grace either of faith or repentance are hereby taught not to bee presumptuous or ouer confident in our selus but with feare and trembling worke out our saluation Phillip 2.13 The reason to enforce the former remedie is this For I haue not found thy workes perfect before God and therefore watch and confirme the decayed graces of God that be in thee In this reason Christ giueth thē vs to vnderstand that he maketh a search in his church of al the works that men doe in the same that he may accordingly reward them for not finding doth presuppose a search And so the
them signifying that this Church had speciall care of keeping Gods word in euerie Commaundement both legall and euangelicall Happie were our Church if the same might truely be said of vs that we had care of obedience vnto God and of the true profession of his name But generally we faile in practise though in outward profession we make some shew thereof Thus much of the praise of this Church Vers. 9. Behold I will make them of the Synagog of Satan which call themselues Iewes and are not but doe lye behold I will make them that they shall come and worship before thy feete and shall know that I haue loued thee Heere followes the second part of this Epistle namely the Promises of Christ which are two First concerning the conuersion of certaine Iewes vers 9. Secondly concerning the deliuerance of these Philadelphians in the time of temptation vers 10. For the first of these promises In all likelyhood there was in this Citie of Philadelphia a Synagog of the Iewes which bare an outward shewe that they were the true worshippers of God albeit they denyed the name of Christ and persecuted his Church Yet Christ here promiseth that he will conuert them and make them members of his Church and cause them to worship him in the congregation before this Church of Philadelphia In this promise note three points touching the conuersion of these Iewes The Author thereof The parties conuerted and the fruit of their conuersion For the first I saith Christ behold I will make them The wordes are verie significant being doubled and they make Christ the whole and sole author of their conuersion Hence we learne that in the conuersision of a sinner God hath the whole and sole worke true it is that a man willeth his conuersion in the act thereof but yet it is God that worketh that will in him it is not of himselfe This confuteth the erronious Doctrine of free-will in the Church of Rome whereby they teach that a man can dispose himselfe to worke out his saluation being onely helped by Gods grace Like vnto a sicke man who though he bee weake yet being holden vp by another can goe of himselfe Ans. But Saint Paul teacheth vs That a man by nature is not sick or weak with sinne but starke dead in sinne and can no more mooue himselfe in the worke of his conuersion thā a dead man in the graue in the worke of his resurrection But they say by this wee make a man like vnto a blocke Answ. Not so for though hee cannot turne himselfe vnto God yet hee hath his will and vnderstanding free to vse in ciuile and outward actions and besides the●e is a possibilitie in his nature to bee conuerted by grace which is not in a blocke Again wheras Christ sayth I will make them come and they shall come Heere is plainly confuted the Doctrine and opinion of some which hold That a man being effectually called may come vnto Christ or not come at his pleasure when God hath giuen grace man may receiue it or refuse it if hee will This is flat against this text for God will make them come and mans will must bee plyable to Gods will in this matter But they alleage Mat. 23.37 Oh Ierusalem Ierusalem how oft would I haue gathered thee as a hen c. but thou woldest not Answ. Christ there speaketh not of the wil of his good pleasure for that cannot be resisted But of his signified will in the ministerie of his Prophets and by himselfe as hee was a Prophet and the Minister of circumcision vnto the Iewes for so he might will their conuersion and yet they will it not Obiect 2. Act. 7.51 Ye stiffe-necked Iewes ye haue alwayes resisted the holy Ghost Answ. That must be vnderstood of the ministerie of the Prophets and Apostles who spake by the spirit of God and not of the spirit himselfe II. point The parties conuerted namely Them of the Synagog of Satan Such as called themselues the onely true worshippers of God and yet indeed and in truth were no better than the slaues of Satan This is to be obserued for hereby we may see that not onely sinners which commit small sinnes are conuerted vnto God but euen grieuous and ancient sinners such as haue long conc●●ued the slaues of Satan Christ died not for painted sinners but for grieuous sinners and therefore Paul chargeth Timothy and the Ministers with him To waite for the conuersion and repentance of them that were taken in the snare of the Diuell and that according to the Diuels owne will Rom. 1.28 Paul speaketh of some Gentils that were giuen vp to a reprobate sence which was a fearefull case and yet no doubt many of them were after turned to beleeue the Gospell for such are they that are taken in the snare of the Diuell and yet there is repentance to be wayted for of them This Doctrine must not bee abused to libertie in sinning for that is the right way to cast our soules into the pit of destruction But yet seeing Christ will bring home into his kingdome most greeuous sinners we must hereby take occasion not to be discouraged either by the greatnesse or multitude of our sins from comming vnto Christ. For marke Christ only raysed three that were dead to life Iayrus daughter that was newe dead the widowes Sonne that lay on the herste and Lazarus that lay stinking in the graue This is a notable figure of the conuersion of sinners hee will not onely call to repentance small and young sinners but euen great and old sinners that lye rotting and stinking in the graue of sinne as Lazarus did in the graue of death Hee came to call sinners to repentance and to saue the lost sheepe which are readie to bee deuoured by Woolues and wilde beasts Wee must all blesse the name of Christ for this his large mercie and in time lay hold vpon it and repent III. point The fruite of their conuersion in these wordes They shall come and worshippe before thy foote and shall knowe that I haue loued thee These wordes may bee fitly expounded by another place of scripture 1. Corinth 14.24.25 If all prophesie and there come in one that beleeueth not or one vnlearned he is rebuked of all men and iudged of all so as the secrets of his heart are disclosed and he will fall downe on his face and worship God and say plainly God is in you indeed so that the meaning of these words is this I will cause thē to come to the cōgregation of Gods people at their feet to fall downe and worship the true God Heere are set downe twoo notable fruits of the conuersion of a sinner First concerning God The second concerning the Church The fruit of conuersion that respecteth God is The true worship of God noted in these words I will make them come and worship that is In spirite and truth with bodie and soule to adore the true
God This fruite no man can bring forth till hee bee conuerted For the wicked and naturall man cals not vpon God True it is they will acknowledge there is a God and that the same God is to bee worshipped and therefore they will come outwardly and heare the word and receiue the elements of the sacraments but the true worship of God is in spirite and truth from the heart which a naturall man cannot perfourme vnto God This is the fruit of true cōuersion which when a man receiueth hee doth heare the word of God with reuerence tremble at Gods iudgements and mingle the Doctrine of the Gospell with faith in his heart and in calling vpon God hee feeles his sinnes and therefore by prayer doth earnestly desire the supply of grace and the remission of his sins hauing his hart also beleeuing that he shall receiue mercie And in thankesgiuing his heart is filled with ioy and the grace of thankefulnesse so as being conuerted all his worship vnto God is in spirit and truth In the worship of these Iewes are noted three properties required in God● seruice First it must bee willing and cherefull so did these Iewes worshippe GOD For they are sayd not onely to worship GOD but to come and worship GOD and thus doe all Gods children worship him Isay. 56.7 Those whom God bringeth to his mountaine hee maketh ioyfull in his house of prayer Psal. 110.3 They shal come willingly in the day of assemblies By this propertie wee may see a great number at this daye euerie where come farre short in the true worship of GOD for most men neuer regard the preaching of the word but content themselues with morning and euening prayer which they frequent to auoide the penaltie of the lawes of the Magistrate and the shame of the world But these are miserable worshippers of God his worship ought to bee free and willing The second propertie The worship of God must bee expressed with seemely meet and conuenient gesture The word translated Worship signifieth doing of reuerence with bowing of the body and knee and therfore it is not an indifferent thing but necessarie to vse conuenient gesture in Gods worship that thereby the grace and humilitie of the heart may bee expressed The Angels that stand before the throne of God haue two winges to couer their feete and two to couer their faces therby testifying their reuerence to Gods Maiestie In this point also many come short for as the common complaint is the maner of many is to lie snorting and sleeping vnder mens elbows at sermons and in the time of prayer to sit vnreuerently with their heads couered These things ought not to be for God is Lord of body and soule and ought to be worshipped with both The third propertie All that will truly worship GOD must first bee humbled for their sinnes and haue the pride of their hearts brought downe and bee stroken with a feare of GODS glorious Maiestie So these Iewes did prostrate their bodies at the feete of the congregation when they came to worship GOD. The Iaylor that imprisoned Paul and Silas ouer-night and put their feete in the stockes would then haue verie little regarded Paules Doctrine beeing so cruell and rigorous to their persons Yet when he was about to haue killed himselfe with his sword supposing the prisoners had beene gone because hee sawe the dores open hee was glad and ioyfull to heare the voice of Paul who called vnto him that hee should doe himselfe no harme for they were all there then being humbled by that strange and woonderfull worke of GOD he comes in vnto them humbles himselfe and fals downe before them crauing them to tell him what hee must doe to bee saued In like manner so long as men haue not their proud hearts beaten downe they will neuer worship God in spirit and truth Would wee therefore know why the most part worshippe God formally Surely it is because they haue not beene humbled with a feare of Gods maiestie and a terrour of hell Neither can it bee hoped that we shall euer worship God sincerely till our hearts bee thus broken within vs and we touched with the feare of Gods iudgements The want hereof is the cause why men and women content themselues with a bare mumbling ouer of the words of the Lords prayer the Creede and ten Commaundements neuer seeking in the sinceritie of their heart cheerefully and willingly both with soule and bodie to doe worship vnto God The second fruite of true conuersion concerneth man and that is A reuerence of the true worshippers of God noted in these words Before thy feete These Iewes when they were conuerted did not think themselues worthy to bee members of this congregation but submitted themselues to be foot-stooles vnto them This reuerence shewes it selfe in this one thing which is the ground thereof namely a base opinion which euery true conuerted person hath of himselfe by reason of his owne vnworthinesse This was in Paul causing him to call himselfe the cheefe of all sinners And the same ought to be in euerie one of vs for this is true grace and a note of true repentance when a man or woman can truely abase themselues beneath all Gods people so as if the question were who is the vilest person in the Church the conscience of euerie man should answere I my selfe The proude and pharesaicall heart is farre from true conuersion but the humble hart is pleasing to God And shall know that I haue loued thee These words contain a reason of the former submisse behauiour of these Iewes for it might bee asked why shall these Iewes come to ioyne themselues with Gods people and bee content to make themselues foote-stooles vnto them The answere is because Christ will make them know that hee hath loued his Church Here marke and see the ground of all true reuerence Gods loue and fauour Sundrie pe●sons both in Church and Common wealth haue reuerence due vnto them as Maisters from their seruants parents from their Children and all superiours from their inferiours Now if these men would attaine to true reuerence indeede first they must seeke to be in the loue and fauour of God and of his children and so shall they procure vnto themselues true reuerence for when men set their hearts to feare God then will God turne the harts of men to reuerence them This ought to be thought vpon of those that be great in birth and wealth They must not stand on these things but look to the foundation of true reuerence namely the fauour of God which they must seek for and getting that God will get them reuerence euen of wicked men The cause why many in high place as Magistrate Maisters c. want due reuerence is for that they care not for the fauour of God the ground thereof Vers. 10. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience therefore will I deliuer thee from the houre of temptation which will
nor hot I would thou werest cold or hot Vers. 16. Therefore because thou art luke-warme and neither cold nor hot it will come to passe that I shall spew thee out of my mouth In these words and so forward to the 21. vers is contayned the substance or matter of this Epistle and it hath two parts A dispraise vers 15.16 17. And Counsell vers 18.19.20 They are dispraised for two vices first luke-warmenesse vers 15.16 Secondly for their pride vers 17. I know thy workes This is a generall reproofe signifying thus much All thy workes are knowne vnto mee and I vtterly dislike them Then followeth the reason of this dislike Thou art neither cold nor hot which is a comparison borrowed from waters wherof there be three sorts hot cold and luke-warme Now hot and cold waters doe not so much annoy the stomacke as luke-warme water doth they are sometimes comfortable to the stomacke but luke-warme water doth disquiet it till it bee cast vp and to these three kindes of waters hee compareth three sorts of men By cold water he vnderstanding such as are enemies to Reliligion as at this day are the Iewes and Turkes and other barbarous people By hot water he vnderstandeth men that are earnest and zealous of the truth So that when hee sayth of this Church Thou art neitheir cold nor hot his meaning is thou art neither an open enemie nor truely zealous of my Gospell I would thou werest cold or hot Christ wisheth not simply that they were enemies vnto him but onely in respect of that estate of luke-warmnes in which they were as if hee should say I had le●er thou werest either cold or hot than thus luke-warme as thou art For if we should vnderstand it simply wee should make Christ to desire that men should bee his enemies By luke-warme men he vnderstandeth a people who are in shew Gods Church but in truth wante the power of godlynesse and the zeale of the spirit Because thou art such saith Christ to this Church therefore I will spew thee out of my mouth that is looke as hee that hath drunke luke-warme water cannot abide it on his stomacke but must needs spew it vp againe so am I wearie of this thy securite I cannot abide it and therefore will I cast thee off from all fellowship with mee and make of thee which art a Church in shew to be no Church Thus we see their fault namely luke-warmenesse the greatnesse whereof hee aggrauates first by comparing it with the extreames cold and hot both which he preferreth before it as may appeare by his wish and desire And secondly by the punishment thereof namely vtter reiection Hereby wee must examine our selues whither this fault may not iustly be charged vpon vs after due triall it will appeare that wee are guiltie of this sinne The which that it may the better appear I will note the seuerall kindes of luke-warme Christians The first luke-warme Professor is the Papist as the tenour of his Religion and the manner of his worship of God doth plainely shewe for hee doth part stakes with Christ in the matter of saluation affirming that he receiueth frō Christ to work out his owne saluation and so assumeth part of Christs glorie to himselfe Secondly all time-seruers are luke-warme Gospellers that is all such as alter their Religion with time and state and of this sort are the bodie of our people who professe themselues to be of the same Religion the Prince is of which sheweth euidently what they will doe in time to come namely turne with the time as their Forefathers haue done The Third sort are the followers of Nicodemus who came to Christ by night onely that is such as say and thinke that they may goe to masse with their bodies if they keep their hearts vnto God these halt betweene two opinions and neither serue God nor Ba●ll Fourthly all Mediators such as will make pacification between the Religion of the Protestant and the Papists so holding our Religion as not caring ●o embrace theirs also because they think they differ not in substance but in circumstances onely Let these pretend what they will they are in heart Laoditians Fiftly all Worldlings which as Christ sayth Luk. 16.13 Serue God and Mammon God and the world by setting their heart vpon riches These men abound euerie where for though they heare God in the ministrie of his word and as it were touch him in the Sacrament yet their hearts are farre from him running after their couetousnesse Ezech. 33.31 and who are such their consciences will witnesse yea their behauiour proclaimes it to the world for though they wil heare the word yet their wit and strength is spent vpon the world and the thinges thereof Sixtly those that professe Christs Reliligion in outward actions of his worship but yet in their liues giue themselues to the common sinnes of the time some to drunkennesse to fornication to couetousnesse or crueltie some to this sinne and some to that To this sort we must referre those that in word approoue Religion and yet their hearts delight is in garnishing themselues with the monstrous brutish and irreligious formes of strange and forraine attire These spend their time and wit in the decking of their bodies and so suffer their soules to goe to wracke when as apparell should bee an occasion to put vs in minde of a shame through sinne and by modest attire we should expresse the vertues of the heart but these hereby professe the vanitie of their minde Now though we be not intangled with these grosse sinnes yet we cannot excuse our selues from this sinne of luke-warmenesse For the want of zeale of Gods glorie of loue to his truth of care to obey his commaundements and to keepe good conscience the want of hatred of sinne what argue all these but luke-warmenes Herein wee must lay our hand vpon our mouth with Iob for wee cannot plead with God no not for this common sinne But that we may be out of all doubt that this sinne of luke-warmenesse hath infected our congregations as it did this Church of Laodicea I will make it plaine by the signes thereof which are common amonge vs that so wee may the better know our fearefull estate The first signe is Negligence in the duties of that true Religion which we professe this appeareth sundrie waies for first howsoeuer wee come to the assemblies where the word is preached yet fewe doe profite there by increase in the knowledge of that Religion which is taught and in the amendment of life This may any man see to be true that hath halfe an eye to looke into the state of our assemblies and mens owne consciences will heerein witnesse against them Againe where Gods word is ordinarily heard there are verie fewe that spend any time in searching out and trying whether the thinges bee so or not which are taught them Nay men wil not be at cost to buy a Bible and if they haue one
Thirdly men will professe that they are rich in loue both towards God and their neighbours when as they loue the world and the pleasures thereof more than Christ and so haue no true loue of God in their harts Fourthly to make more plain that this spirituall pride raignes in mens harts mark this let any bodily calamity be made knowne to a man that is newly befallen him oh how is hee presently perplexed but let Gods Minister out of his word make knowne vnto him his inward fearfull estate that by reason of sinne hee is in danger of Gods iudgements and a firebrand of Hell hee is not affraide Worldly newes doth affright men much when as the threatnings of the word mooue them nothing What argueth this but that their hearts are fore-stalled with this false conceit I am rich The drunkard in his drunkennesse the filthie person in his vncleannesse and euerie man in his sinne sootheth himselfe with this God is mercifull I am rich and in his fauour hee will not condemne me Well it being thus manifest that spirituall pride is our common sin We must labour to see it in our selues and vse all good meanes that it may be remooued The means follow afterwards And increased with goods or am made rich so the words are these words are added onely for amplification to shew that this church had not any smal portion but an exceeding measure of spirituall pride The doubling of the words sheweth the strength of this conceit What 's the cause that this Church was growne to such an height of pride Answ. It may be it was knowledge wherewith no doubt the Angell of this Church and many therin did abound now the holy Ghost saith That knowledge pusseth vp This is true in all places great knowledg without speciall grace great pride This is the sinne of the Schooles of learning Where knowledge abounds there pride of heart abounds and men are puffed vp according to the measure of their gifts vnlesse by his grace and the sight of their sins God doe humble them And haue need of nothing This is a further signe of their great pride that they thought they needed not the helpe of any thinge or any person beside themselues And all such as thinke they haue no need of the blood of Christ for the washing away of their sinnes doe surfet and abound with this spirituall pride of heart This serues further to conuince our congregations of this damnable spirituall pride If any one be sicke in bodie hee streight sendeth to the Phisitian but not one of a thousand seeketh to the Minister till the pange of death draw neere The soules disease by sin is not felt there is no complaint for want of the blood of Christ. But if wee would be emptied of this pride wee must labour to see that wee stand in neede of Christ and euerie droppe of his blood till such time as wee feele that in vs there is no goodnesse in our hearts VVee are but the proude Laodiceans and our case is wretched and damnable And knowest not how thou art wretched and miserable and poore and blinde and naked Christ intending to strike this sin of pride to the verie heart doth here set downe the true cause thereof to wit Ignorance as if hee should say Thou knowest not thine owne naturall estate as thou art borne of Adam out of Christ and therefore thou art proude and thy pride maketh thee luke-warme Then he sheweth whereof they were ignorant namely of their naturall estate For the first Christ making Ignorance the cause of their Pride teacheth vs that Pride is not the first sin that euer was in the world as many both Papists and others haue thought True it is Pride is a great and mother sinne and the cause of many fowle iniquities but yet Ignorance is a mother sin wherof Pride springeth The cause why any person swelles with pride in himselfe is Ignorance of his owne naturall estate By this then wee are taught to learne to knowe our owne estate what wee are by nature in our selues without Christ for that is the way to pull downe our hearts For this cause the Prophets of God vsed to call men To a searching of themselues Zeph. 2.1 when they would bring the people to humilitie and grace that men seeing their estate by reason of their sinnes to bee damnable might bee humbled and caused to forsake themselues and come vnto Christ. And surely till such time as men bee humbled for their sinnes they will neuer get sound grace but be as the proud Pharisie hypocrits and dissemblers though they haue much knowledg But when a man hath searched his naturall estate then besides knowledg of himselfe come other most excellent graces as humilitie the feare of God and true obedience with good conscience And therefore first of all let vs labour to be acquainted with our own estate in our selues with our personall sins with Gods iudgmēts due vnto vs for them For this is the ground of true grace The spots and blemishes of our bodies we can soone espy and wipe away and why should wee bee lesse carefull of our soules which be farre better That Christ might fully make knowne vnto them their ignorance of thēselues it pleaseth him to desrcibe to thē their naturall estate so proportionally the naturall condition of all Churches of all people which is the state of mans miserie This he propoundeth two waies first generally in these wordes and knowest not how thou art wretched and miserable then by the parts thereof which be three Pouertie Blindnesse and Nakednesse For the first The word translated Wretched signifieth one subiect to calamities griefes and in a word to all miseries And that we may know who is thus wretched I will enter into a description of mans miserie whereof that we may conceiue aright two things are to bee considered First the roote and fountaine thereof for therein wee shall best see what miserie meaneth This root is originall sinne and it hath two braunches First that particular transgression whereby Adam sinned which was not only the sinne of his person but also of the whole nature of man spreading it self to all his posterity Christ excepted Secondly the defacing of Gods Image and the corrupting of mans heart which by reason of the fall of our first parents hath in it a pronesse vnto all sin both in will affection and in all the faculties of the soule In these two stands originall sin and in them and with them must wee conceiue of mans misery as in the root thereof Secondly we must conceiue of mans misery vnder the forme of punishmēt hauing relation to the first sin of Adam to the corruption of ech mans nature therby receiued The punishent of sin must be considered sundry waies according to the diuers kind of mans being either in this world or after For it is either in this life or at the end of this life or after this life
is the cheapest and the chiefest marchandize that euer was sett to sale which we may buy without monie and yet it will make vs rich for euer Many labour in tafficke and take great paines and yet often loose thereby but make this bargaine once and then thou shalt neuer loose it nor any thing thereby but continue for euer rich in God Verse 19. As many as I loue I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and amend Because our Sauiour Christ had so sharply rebuked this Church they might thereby take occasion to distrust and despaire of his fauour and mercie heere therefore it pleaseth him to take away all occasion of doubting after this sort If I vse to rebuke chasten all those whom I loue then you are not to despaire of my mercie by reason of my sharpe reproofe whereby I haue threatned to spew you out of my mouth for your sinne of luke-warmnesse But thus I vse to deale with all those whom I loue and therefore in this regard you need not to doubt of my loue and fauour The meaning As many as I loue Christ loues the creatures two wayes as hee is Creator and as he is Redeemer As he is the Creator hee loueth all his creatures with a common generall loue whether they be liuing or dead reasonable or vnreasonable As he is Redeemer he loues his creatures with a speciall and a peculiar loue which is not common to all but proper to that part of man-kinde which is chosen to saluation before the world was And of this peculiar loue hee speaketh here I rebuke The word in the originall which is translated Rebuke is more significant than can fitly bee expressed in any one English worde thus much is meant thereby as if Christ had said First I will conuince them of their sins and after reprooue admonish and check them for the same And chasten This must bee vnderstood of a kinde of correction which a father vseth on his child called nurturing which is correction to breake the childe of his fault and bad manners and to teach him his dutie This then is the meaning All those whom I beare speciall fauour vnto doe I conuince of their particular faults and then checke and reprooue them and nurture them as a father doth his Child to make them leaue their particular vices and to walke in obediēce And to assure vs that this is the true meaning read Pro. 3.12 whence the words are taken Heb. 12.5 where they are more fully explained Heere then Christ sets downe his ordinary dealing with them whom he taketh and chooseth to bee his disciples and members namely hee conuinceth them of their faults he reproueth and chasteneth them for this very end to breake them of their sins and to bring them to reformation And this dealing of Christ belongeth to euery seruant and member of Christ without exception yea Christ layeth rebukes and chastisments on all his children that in diuers measure according to the nature of their sinnes and the disposition of the parties Such as are hardly broken of their sins hee layeth on them more heauie iudgementes and chastisments that they may bee brought 〈…〉 humiliation and so 〈◊〉 true 〈◊〉 And therefore euery one that would bee a Discipl● and member of Christ must looke to goe vnder his correction and his sharpe and seuere rebuke according as they are in heart disposed vnto sinnes either more or lesse Hee must passe vnder the rodde that would come into the bond of the Couenant Ezech. 20.37 The vse of this doctrine is two-fold set downe Prov. 3.12 The first thus My 〈◊〉 despise no● the correction of the Lord for the Lord correcteth whom hee loueth his chastycements are tokens of his loue That is whensoeuer the Lord either in the ministerie of his word reproueth thy sins or by any affliction chasteneth thee despise it not neither set light by it but make good vse thereof vnto thine owne soule The second vse is Faint not when thou art corrected that is let not the greatnesse of it daunt thee but arme thy selfe with patience because he vseth to correct all those whom hee loueth making his chastisments tokens of his loue Secondly Christ heere setteth before all gouernours an example to followe especially to fathers and masters his example is this On euery child that hee loueth hee layeth corrections for this ●nd to breake them of their sinnes 〈◊〉 answerably Gouernours must shew tokens of loue towards those that are vnder them by due reproofe and correction that ●o they may be broken of their misdemeanor and brought vnto obedience to God It were to bee wished that both Parents and Masters would followe Christ in this example and so seeke the reformation of those that are vnder them but more lamentable is the 〈◊〉 Parents and Masters doe thinke it sufficient for them if they prouide for their children and seruante● food and rayment and necessaries for the bodie and so altogether neglect the good of their soules which is the cause of many sinnes and so of many iudgements both which ought to mooue them to put in practise this dutie Thirdly the very order of Christs worde doth minister vnto vs a necessary instruction ●●●ching his manner of correcting his seruants For first hee propounds a direct end of all his corrections vpon them to wit their nurturing and reformation then that hee may attaine thereto hee proceedeth thus First hee doth conuince their conscience of their sinnes then by reproofes he rebukes and checks them and lastly correcteth them by laying chastisments on them A most excellent and blessed order in vsing correction for the good of the partie chastised which ought to bee followed of all Gouernours parents and masters especially First they must propound a good end of their correction euen the amendement and saluation of the partie and that they may then proceed 〈◊〉 they must first conuince their conscience of the 〈◊〉 then reprooue checke and admonish them and if that take not place they must proceed vnto meete and conuenient bodily correction all which must bee done not for reuenge but to bring thē to amendement and to make them obedient to the will of God Whereby wee see how farre many Parents and Gouernours ouer shoote themselues when as they make their corrections matters of reuenge and choller wherein they s●eldome intend the reformation of the offender which is a fault flat against the word of God and therefore to be considered of euery good christian Be zealous therefore and repent In the former Verse hee propounded a remedie against their Spirituall pride In 〈◊〉 wordes hee doth directly propound a remedie against their Luke-warmnesse But first obserue the coherence of these words with the former Christ hath said Whom I loue I rebuke and correct according as their fault is therefore sayth hee to this Church because I haue rebuked and corrected thee by seuere threatnings for thy Luke-warmnesse therefore now become zealous and amend