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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A77888 A treatise of divine meditation, by that faithful servant of Jesus Christ Mr. John Ball, late minister of the Gospel at Whitmore in Staffordshire. Published by Simeon Ashe, preacher of the Gospel at Austins, London. Ball, John, 1585-1640. 1660 (1660) Wing B575; Thomason E1875_1; ESTC R209786 79,889 304

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his grace and goodness abode still in the estate of innocency and blessedness they are created spirits limited in essence compounded of subject and accident act and possibility immortal by participation mutable by creation but established by grace in their first state As spirits they are invisible immaterial incorruptible intelligent as chief instruments of Gods providence they are furnished with great power incredible swiftness singular wisdome burning zeal and undoubted faithfulness as blessed Ministers that ever attend his Throne they are indued with clear knowledge of God inestimable love exceeding joy and admirable glory Their life is spiritual their state blessed and permanent for they stand ever in the presence of God behold his glory and rest in him with full delight Their End and office in respect of God is to praise his Name and execute his Commandement in respect of Christ to minister and attend upon him in regard of men to rejoyce at the conversion of a sinner to guard and protect the faithful against the dangers of this life and the assaults of Satan to curb bridle and destroy their enemies and to gather the elect together at the day of judgement Quest How are these things to bee pressed and urged and applied unto the heart Answ 1 Wee must stir up our selves to admire the power goodness and glory of God in himself his tender care over us rouze up our souls to the obedience of Gods will and respect of his children and take courage to rely upon God in the midst of dangers that compass us about who would not fear thee O Lord our God glorious in Majesty dreadful in Holiness wonderful in Power Thine holy Angels excel in strength are cloathed with glory that man cannot behold but all their might and goodness is derived from thee a drop of thy Ocean a beam of thy Sun if the glory of the creature bee so great the glory of the Creator must infinitely surpass all comprehension Oh how blockish am I that in the view and contemplation of the work have not enlarged my heart to laud and magnifie the work-man Arise my soul and gird thy self to the chearful sincere faithful obedience to Gods Commandement To do the will of God is Angelical preferment a divine and heavenly exercise the greatest freedome and perfection Make haste delay not to exercise his good pleasure Loe the Angels in Heaven are thy samplers whom thou oughtest to follow Let not that seem irksome to thee that is delightsome to them esteem it not a burden which is to them an heavenly solace and refreshing Ah wretched man why should I grudge to yield obedience to my heavenly Father or do his will negligently by the halves when those Noble spirits and heavenly souldiers do alwaies stand in readiness to receive his commands and execute their commission Doth the world despise the poor Saints of God for their outward baseness yet I will honour them as the onely excellent for God is their Father the Angels their Attendants Wee cap and bow to them that are nobly attended gorgeously arrayed honourably served but herein the Saints excel if the thing bee well considered They are esteemed the scum of the world but respected of God in such manner that hee hath given his Angels charge over them the guard that attends upon his Throne is assigned to watch over them Walk on couragiously O my soul walk on couragiously in the waies of piety Fear not the assaults of Satan the fury of any adverse power that shall oppose it self for more are with thee than can be against thee If Satan with his bands endeavour thy destruction The troops of heavenly Angels do watch for thy defence yea the Lord himself is thy keeper and stands at thy right hand to save thee from all them that rise up against thee How great is the clemency and tender care of the Lord over his poor people what tongue can express what heart comprehend his infinite goodness hee sends from on high his mighty souldiers to encamp about us watch over us preserve and save us from them that lye in wait to vex and annoy Oh my Father what can I render unto thee for this thy great kindness and unspeakable mercy I have nothing to give but my heart which here I offer unto thee and because I am weak exposed to the temptations of Satan and allurements of this wicked world I pray thee give mee thy grace confirm and strengthen mee that I may imitate those pure spirits every day more and more that I may praise thy Name execute thy Commandements love thy Children rejoyce in the conversion of them that go astray and fight thy battels against sin and Satan Quest Let man bee the third example how must wee proceed to meditate on that Subject Answ For the better information of our judgement wee must consider these particulars the Author the Matter Form End Properties and Effects what are like and what opposite Man is inferiour to the Angels but of earthly creatures most excellent The Author of this principal work is God himself Father Son and Holy Ghost and that in special manner for other creatures were made by a simple command man not without a divine consultation Gen. 1.26 others at once man hee did first form then inspire others in several shapes like to none other but themselves man after his own Image others with qualities fit for service man for Dominion Hee was made the last of the creatures and brought as the Lords Vicegerent into this world as into a parlour ready trimmed and prepared for so worthy a guest Man consisteth of two parts Matter and Form Heaven and Earth a humane body and divine soul and well may be called a little abridgement map or table of the whole world In his soul is the nature of Angels though not so active and extensive In his body are the Elements Meteors Minerals as may appear both by vapours fumes and spirits Hee lives the life of plants hee hath the senses of beasts and above all the addition of reason His body was framed of the dust of the ground in more exquisite manner than any other furnished with most excellent instruments absolutely composed both for beauty and duty in all the works of holiness and righteousness For variety of parts sweetly knit together and orderly disposed it was wonderful for temperature exact for form erect and streight In the whole beautiful glorious strong subject to no annoyance most artificially fashioned that it might bee the neat stately Palace of a Divine Noble reasonable soul In every part beauty strength convenience meet together The distinct consideration of every member with its temper proportion placing figure and use might well astonish The soul of man was immediately created of nothing and being indued with most excellent faculties and gifts natural and supernatural was infused into the body and inseparably knit had not sin made an unnatural divorce to give life motion and sense unto it
Thus man was made the wonder of the world the principallest of living creatures indued with a reasonable soul most divinely qualified and strictly united to that earthly mass to quicken and inliven it The end why man was made in respect of God was the glory of his power goodness and wisdome appearing in the work it self of his justice in rewarding man if obedient and in punishing man if disobedient of his grace and mercy redeeming him fallen into the gulf of misery and that man should praise and magnifie his glorious name In respect of man that hee should live blessedly for ever if hee did obey man by creation was immortal for death is an enemy no consequent of nature but a companion of sin man dieth not because his body was framed of the dust 1 Cor. 15.26 but because hee is infected with sin Subjection to mortality and all miseries accompanying it is a fruit of disobedience Hee is reasonable and intelligent able to think invent judge devise compose discourse remember chuse refuse suspend and affect These powers being essential to mans nature do still remain but very weak and corrupt since the fall Also to man is given power to eat drink sleep weep laugh and speak whereby hee may communicate to others whatsoever hee conceiveth hee was perfectly conformable to the will of God made after the Image of God in knowledge righteousness and true holiness But the Image of God is defaced with sin there remaining onely some reliques in us as the ruines of a magnificent and stately palace that served to shew what once wee had Moreover in the state of innocency man was honoured with great Royalties and Prerogatives for hee had liberty to eat of every tree in the Garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil and was made ruler over all earthly creatures that hee might freely use them to the glory of God his own necessity and lawful pleasure But these priviledges hee hath forfeited by rebellion against his Creator The effects of man are suitable to the faculties and gifts hee hath received as to know God call upon his name worship him sincerely preach the Word administer the Sacraments govern give counsel contemplate the works of God read write confer and dispute exercise the works of virtue and honesty govern the affections reverence superiors live peaceably and such like But in all these things wee have much dis-inabled our selves by wilful disobedience Would you see the prime dignity of man by comparison In soul hee is like the Angels invisible immaterial immortal beautified with understanding will and power inriched with admirable divine gifts whereby hee resembleth God or carrieth his Image In body hee is the perfection of all earthly things whom they are to serve In both hee is the Epitome of all created excellency in Heaven and Earth Quest How must these things bee applied unto the heart for the quickening of affection Answ Wee must stir up our selves to magnifie the goodness of the Lord towards man-kind to shame our selves in conscience of our sins and misery raise up the heart to the contempt of earthly things and love of obedience and seek unto God to have his Image repaired in us again through Jesus Christ Lord Psal 8.4 5 6 c. what is man that thou visitest him the son of man that thou so regardest him Thou hast made him little inferiour to the Angels adorned him with grace stamped upon him thy Image invested him with dignity and crowned him with glory and honour Thou hast given him Dominion over the work of thy hands and put all things in subjection under his feet Thou hast made him for thy service his soul to bee thy habitation his body to bee the Temple of thy spirit and all other things to bee serviceable unto him the world and all that is therein for his use All things are prepared for him all things are subject to him hee ruleth over all living creatures they labour for him obey his command Lord thou art the glory of man man the receptacle of thy works thy wisdome and power But as mine excellency by creation exceeds so doth my shame and misery by sin and disobedience The higher mine advancement the lower my fall This was my chief honour and title that I was the Image of God This is my disgrace and ignominy that I bear the Image of the Devil This is my comfort that God did love delight and desire to dwell in mee it is my misery that I am cast out of thy favour and lye under wrath Ah what grief is this to think how my condition is altered through my foolishness once immortal now mortal once pure now impure and polluted once rich in wisdome and grace now blinde and naked once the Image and free servant of God now the vassal of Satan once at peace with God my conscience all creatures now at war with his Majesty my self all the world Once a free man to walk at liberty now a bondslave that can doe nothing but sin once the Ruler of all creatures now of all creatures the basest Satan excepted once subject to no annoyance now secure from nothing that might offend If a Noble man fall from height of honour to great contempt and bitter extremities hee is much afflicted much greater cause have I to bemoan my folly who have cast my self headlong from Heaven unto Earth even to the gulf of misery and confusion Oh my soul why dost thou forget thy self so much as to affect the base things of this life It is a shame for him that was to subdue all things to suffer himself to bee subdued by men and to become a Lacquey to his vile affections doing honour to the three great Idols of the world profit pleasure and preferment The world is too vile for thy delight thou art created for more divine service the Lord himself covets thy love The glory of the world is put under thy feet as things to bee trodden upon that which thou shouldest affect is far above heavenly and glorious If the fashion of the body should bee so changed that the face and eyes bowed to the earth continually should never bee able to look up it would bee grievous But if the soul which should bee lifted up to God do creep upon earth bee glued to worldly vain delights the alteration is more uncomfortable and monstrous Hee that subdueth the world doth yeeld himself to the service of God which is perfect liberty But when wee become slaves to the world wee labour to make God servant to our lusts which is most abominable and accursed The glutton makes God his caterer his belly his God and himself the guest The covetous worldling would have God his Broker and himself the Usurer The angry sinner would have God his executioner and himself the Judge The ambitious inquisitor can sometimes make God and Religion his stile but honour shall bee his God and lust reign The Lord himself
perfect gift but sin was not created by him can receive no approbation from him God cannot possibly sin for hee may work besides his rule who may sin But Gods Rule is his most just and wise will which hee cannot but work after no more than hee can deny his own nature God cannot bee the author of sin in and with his creature as hee is of every good word and work for that which the creature doth God being the author and principal worker of it hee must inform the manner of it by his Commandement and work it in him by his Spirit But it is impossible for the creature to sin in working after that which is commanded him of God God cannot so far will sin as to approve it for good in it self it hath no proportion to his nature It is such a thing as hee cannot bee author of in the creature nor yet the creature work while it keepeth communion with him wherefore God cannot allow it as good in it self The Lord perswadeth to obedience threatneth the sinner commandeth the practice of holiness punisheth the disobedient Hee is just and holy in himself in all his waies and cannot bee tainted with the least spot or blemish Jam. 1.13 Thou oh God temptest no man as thou canst not bee tempted of evil and if it bee not of God it cannot bee good for hee is the absolute original goodness from whom cometh every good by participation The cause of sin is some voluntary agent that worketh besides Rule and comes short in goodness required Sin it self is an aberration the subordinate and deficient cause of sin is Satan or man himself revolted from God Satan soliciteth the flesh inticeth the will consenteth and so sin is finished The Devil was made an Angel of light but hee abode not in the truth and being fallen from Heaven ceaseth not to draw others into the same perdition God made man righteous but hee found out many inventions this is the cause but what is the end of sin Of evil there is no end for that is never good No gain to bee gotten by that which is naught and vile the poisoned stalk can bear no wholesome fruit Satan in tempting aimeth at mans perdition Man in sinning intendeth the satisfaction of his lusts The Lord doth by his providence order it to the glory of his name but of sin properly there is no end to the sinner God takes occasion by sin to give the promise of the Mediatour Hee can use sin for a punishment Rom. 1.24 for the exercising of his children No speech from Shimei but sinful reviling speech was Davids exercise but yet the goodness that cometh by sin is not of nor through it by nature but from the infinite wisdome of God who knoweth how to work good out of evil Let us somewhat inquire into the properties of this poison every sin is mortal in its own nature it deserveth and bringeth death endless and easeless of soul and body for it is a turning aside from God who is the life of the soul it is a breach of his Law an offence against his infinite Majesty If a man sin against the Majesty of an earthly Prince hee is punished with temporary death or perpetual imprisonment if hee could bee supposed to live alwaies hee should lye in for ever How much more deservedly am I subject to eternal death who have sinned against an eternal God Every sin in its own nature is accompanied with final impenitency Hee that sinneth once can never cease to sin by any natural power sin is a running leprosie that cannot bee stayed the soul that is once distempered must go amiss for ever if it bee not rectified by supernatural power It is of grace that sin is pardoned it is of supernatural power that any soul is set free from the power and tyranny of it For being once enthralled by voluntary submission wee cannot after draw back and work deliverance Sin is of a soiling nature and defileth all it toucheth Every good work and holy ordinance To the unclean all things are unclean The Word Prayer Sacraments Alms every thing is polluted by that touch Corrupt qualities are more apt to hurt than sound to heal one rotten sheep may infect the whole flock but cannot bee cured by them One filthy ragg stained with the plague may infect a whole pack but the clean garment cannot purifie it If a common garment touch holy flesh the garment is not sanctified but the flesh polluted The prayer of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord. Sin mixed with Gods ordinances is like poison mingled with wholesome meat that corrupteth it for our use and nourishment Mark and consider well the effects of sin O my soul the waters of this fountain are bitter the fruits of this tree unsavoury They that sow iniquity shall reap vanity and they that follow vanity forsake mercy Affliction pursueth sinners and shall overtake them to their cost without question the wages of sin is death Look as it is with men if they turn themselves from this aspectable light they are forthwith environed with darkness So man turning away by his sin from God the Father of lights from whence every good gift cometh hee cannot but bee forthwith in outward and inward darkness By reason of sin the soul is dead in ignorance and lust So that they have in them a seed apt to bring forth every sin Our bodies have mortality as a worm corrupting them our conditions are exposed to a thousand vanities and wearisome courses and these are the beginnings of evil Despair darkness fear horrour and shame are the companions of sin disgrace sickness poverty loss of goods the best fruit it beareth Hast thou lost any blessing sin hath robbed thee of it dost thou want any good thing sin keepeth thee from it art thou annoyed with evil thy perdition is of thy self sin sets man at odds with God the Law his own conscience all creatures and with himself Oh what a drudge is man made to his lusts by sin what confusion vexation bitterness doth lodge in the heart continually Look into the world and see what desolations it hath made How are the mighty slain and glorious Kingdomes laid on heaps Is not sin the cause of all disorders wars confusions bloodsheds famines and pestilences that ever were in the world The sorrows of this life are many and grievous but nothing comparable to spiritual and eternal miseries that sin bringeth with it Oh that thou didst behold how miserably the soul is mangled defaced wounded imprisoned by it the light of nature terrour of conscience power of grace is not able to set forth or comprehend the desert and fruit of sin for the full wrath of God which shall bee executed upon the ungodly exceedeth all that can bee imagined If the wicked prosper for a time sin turneth their blessings into curses The Table and by proportion the wealth strength and honour of the wicked are dangerous
or falling-sickness from my Parents I should bewail mine unhappy nativity But my condition is much more wretched for descending from the loins of Adam by natural propagation with my nature I received the poison of sin which hath corrupted every power of soul and like a running leprosie staineth all it toucheth I am unclean by birth and whatsoever I touch it is unclean Were I with Job from top to toe covered with biles it would grieve mee but my whole spirit is fraught with corruption more filthy than that which breaketh forth at the eye car c. I am ashamed of corporal nakedness deeply affected with lameness or deformity if overtaken with any loathsome disease I grow weary of the world and wish to bee separated from the society of men But the nakedness deformity corruption of soul and life is more shameful and loathsome filthy and abominable Deep is the stain that sin hath made and great is the danger that I am in by reason of my transgressions If I had offended the Law and stood as guilty to bee censured before the Tribunal of an earthly Judge with loss of liberty limbs or life I should bewail my estate and condemn my folly but I have broken the Law of God and stand guilty before him not of temporal but eternal death which the Law hath pronounced and I may expect every moment to bee executed upon mee Wherefore I abhor my self and repent in dust and ashes Oh that mine eyes were a river of tears and mine head a fountain of water that day and night I could bewail the misery into which I am plunged by reason of my sin But woe is mee what shall I do whither shall I fly for succour I am bound with the cords of sin who shall unloose them I am guilty before the Throne of Justice who shall acquit mee I am defiled who shall make mee clean Humble thy self oh my soul and fly unto the Throne of grace for with God there is mercy and with him there is plentious redemption against him thou hast sinned and with him there is forgiveness acknowledge thine iniquity that thou mayest bee received unto mercy judge thy self that thou mayest not bee judged How well is hee that sleepeth with his quietus est in his bosome In this regard Gods children have followed God more for this than for deliverance from evils that have been upon them Blessed is the man whose iniquity is forgiven and whose sin is covered Oh happy man who is stirred up to fly the wrath to come Thou art in danger to bee cast into the prison of Hell for thy debts thy sins which make thee debter of punishment to Gods justice Humble thy self compound with thy creditor before his heavy arrest bee served upon thee Shouldest thou have to deal with many men thou mightest have a cold sute but seek mercy of God none that cometh to him doth hee cast forth And now my soul bee warned for the time to come to take heed of sin turn from it with hatred and detestation bee purged from it as a thing filthy and abominable It is the most deadly poison a fretting leprosie a corruption in comparison of all others most detestable Wee would not suffer spots on our face nor lint or other soil upon our cloaths surely wee cannot make clean any thing but thou mayest thence take the rise of this thought how careful should I bee to cleanse my heart wee would not have any natural infirmities which are unseemly or filthy as wry mouths foul breeches lameness or halting in our gate c. But a tongue speaking perverse things rotten speeches crooked walking from Gods Law and the direction thereof are far more uncomely than the other If wee go by a foul stinking place wee stop our noses and haste away if an ugly shape present it self wee shut our eyes and indure not the view of it Thus shouldest thou Oh my soul with indignation turn from all filthy and abominable vices It is enough and too much that thou hast dishonoured God in time past and gone a whoring after strange lovers return now unto the Lord and keep thy self chaste unto him for ever To see a childe war with his loving Parents or a wife contend with her kinde husband is a detestable sight for any subject to rebel against his Prince is wretched lewdness but for one to rebel against such a Prince which out of his bounty hath most highly advanced him and done him favours from day to day this is most loathsome disloyalty Thus it is with sin which offendeth a most kinde and merciful Father who hath redeemed us from death and daily ladeth us with his blessings Oh that I could once finde out power and ability to weed out corruption and to pluck it up even by the root Oh that I were able to destroy the root and bud and branch of this cursed tree that it might never spring or bear fruit any more But alas I sensibly perceive that there is in mee no strength no more than there is in a sick man to recover himself or rather in a man stark dead to restore himself to life If I purpose to amend this or that which I finde to bee amiss I fail presently and come short of the accomplishment of my desire Oh who is it then that is able to deliver mee from the body of this death surely none but the Lord who hath made and fashioned mee to whom it belongs to kill and quicken heal and wound to thee therefore oh Lord do I make my moan to thee I render my humble petition and pour out my soul which hath sinned against thee Oh Lord I beseech thee for thy infinite mercy in Jesus Christ to take pity upon mee and to heal my soul which hath sinned against thee Wash mee thorowly from mine iniquity and cleanse mee from my sin Convert mee oh Lord and I shall be converted set mee at liberty and I shall run the race of thy Commandements Open unto mee the fountain of grace for the washing away of my sin and uncleanness It is thy property to have mercy it is thy free covenant to write thy Law upon my heart Thou hast promised to pour rivers of waters upon the dry and thirsty ground Thou invitest the barren soul to come unto thee for ease and rest O Lord have mercy upon mee for in thee do I trust thou art the well-spring of grace and mercy the fountain of life the author and preserver of grace unto thee do I commend my soul and upon thy merciful promise I will wait as long as I live Quest Let the work of Redemption bee the eighth Instance how are wee to proceed in Meditation on that work Answ In this work wee must consider the Author Subject Object Causes Ends Parts and Properties what is like and what unlike To redeem is to deliver from bondage and misery freely or upon exchange and to free from captivity by strong hand or
ransome which two latter have place in the Redemption of man in divers respects The Author of this great admirable and extraordinary work of Grace is Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God who in time became man and was made under the Law that hee might redeem us that were under the Law For this hee is called our Saviour and Redeemer or Redemption of his people who doth deliver them from the hand of all their enemies that they might serve the Lord without fear Those that God did raise up to redeem his people as Moses the Judges yea those that redeemed as kinsmen this or that were shadows of this our great Redeemer who was in time to bee revealed Christ hath satisfied revenging-justice overcome Satan killed sin and purchased deliverance for his people that are given unto him of his Father and such as beleeve in him are partakers of this Redemption in truth in this life perfectly in the life to come For from what time wee are ingrafted into Jesus Christ by a soveraign well-rooted and all-seasoning Faith wee are freed from being under the Law and revenging-justice of God The strong man is cast forth from what time Christ the stronger is entred The conscience is made a sweet companion and comforter rather than a rigorous keeper Where the King hath released a Prisoner the Jaylor can have no further power over him for hee is but to keep him during the Kings pleasure Again By grace God doth set our wills at liberty so that sin cannot reign in us as heretofore yea the world is crucified to us and wee unto the world For as when health cometh a man beginneth to walk abroad and do such things as hee could not stir to do while his sickness did keep him under so it is here Finally wee are so freed that we can suffer nothing which our wills have cause to be unwilling with all things being such as shal work together for our good Behold the rich grace admirable love and tender mercy of the Lord towards man in himself most miserable rebellious and worthy to bee cast off for ever God so loved the world that hee gave his only begotten Son that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Oh Lord as our sin and misery abounded thy mercy hath superabounded In mercy thou didst provide a means for mans deliverance that justice being satisfied grace might bee glorious in his salvation Oh God when thou hadst determined that justice should take her revenge if by breach of covenant shee bee wronged thine infinite wisdome found out a way to satisfie wronged justice when all mankinde lay under the sentence of condemnation altogether unable to help themselves thine unspeakable mercy did shew her self for our deliverance when man had nothing to pay for his Ransome nor any strength to rescue himself from the hands of justice or the curse of the Law of thine endless love thou didst give Christ to bee our Saviour and by way of ransome to redeem us Oh my soul thou art redeemed not with silver or gold but with the blood of Christ a lamb undefiled This was it which in the blood of all the sacrifices was prefigured The death of Christ is it by means whereof Gods Grace doth set thee free and that in most just manner It doth pacifie justice her displeasure against sin For God that is God as his Revenging Justice is gone forth is said to smell a savour of rest in the death of Christ and by Christs being put under the Law or curse of Gods revenging made manifest in the Law wee are said to bee redeemed from the Law or curse as by an all-sufficient Ransome accepted of Justice This death doth feee us from the Devil for Satans power over us was by reason of sin and the punishment due to it from the Justice of God By death hee destroyed him that had the power of executing death The price of our Ransome was paid to divine Justice and it being paid and accepted Satan was cast down by strong hand This death hath obtained the Spirit to bee given thee which doth free thee from the captivity of lusts Gal. 4.4 5 and enable thee to finde liberty in actions of godliness Through this death thou hast deliverance from all evils So that all tears in Gods Time shall bee wiped from thine eyes and in the mean while all thy sufferings are so changed that they are not effects of Gods Revenging Justice to destroy but such things in which God doth offer himself as a Father intending to make thee partake further by means of them in the quiet fruit of Righteousness And now my soul why hath the Lord done this for thee that the Glory of his Grace might bee magnified in thy salvation and thou mightest serve him all the daies of thy life As for the parts of Redemption it is purchased or possessed and this begun or consummated in respect of guilt and punishment or power and tyranny of sin Rome was not built in a day Great things are not begun and finished all at once Redemption takes not its full effect in this life but it is so begun that it shall certainly bee accomplished in due time The Properties of this deliverance will set forth the excellencies of it in some sort It is true and real as far excelling that Redemption of Israel out of the Land of Egypt as the substance doth the shadow the soul doth the body and Christ did Moses It is spiritual from Sin Satan and the curse of the Law The bondage of soul to the wrath of God tyranny of Satan and slavery of sin is most lamentable and grievous and the more fearful the captivity the more comfortable the deliverance Nor is this mercy vouchsafed to a few that live in some corner of the world in some special age or time which much lessen the value of it but it is universal extended to all ages to all sorts of men high and low rich and poor a Apoc. 5.9 Thou hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and which is the upshot of all this Redemption is eternal Heb. 9.12 Hee that is ransomed out of the power of a bodily enemy may bee taken captive the second time but hee that is set free by Jesus Christ cannot bee captivated by Satan It was a singular favour that God raised up Saviours to deliver them out of the hands of their oppressors It is a much greater mercy that God hath given us Christ to set us free from spiritual thraldome for that Redemption was typical this real that temporal of the body this spiritual of the soul and conscience That from the cruelty of man this from the tyranny of Satan that thraldome would have ended with life this bondage would ever have increased daily After that deliverance they might and did return to bondage But in this Redemption hee that is once freed abideth a
Scripture this work is ascribed to the Father * Act. 2.24 who is said to raise his Son and to the Son a Rom. 1.4 Joh. 10.18 who by his Divine power or as the Apostle speaketh by the eternal Spirit raised up himself I have power to lay down my life and I have power to take it Of his infinite love towards his Elect hee laid down his life and of the same love and affection toward them hee rose again which is more evidently seen in this that hee did vouchsafe to call them brethren with which sweet name full of love hee had not before saluted any man As hee suffered the most grievous torment for the salvation of the Elect his chosen people so for the glorification of his Spouse that is the Church hee rose again that hee might inrich and beautifie her with spoils taken from the enemy The Causes lead us to consider of the End why Christ rose again for every proper efficient intendeth an end which is ever good and that most excellent as the worker is of greatest wisdome and excellency Now therefore since Christ rose in special love to his peculiar people it must needs tend to their special exceeding great good By his Resurrection the glory of Christ which hee had with the Father before the foundation of the world was manifested which the world would not acknowledge by his Sermons nor by miracles confirming his Doctrine By his Resurrection he obtained those glorious Titles with which the Prophets foretold that the Messias should bee adorned such as bee Act. 3.15 1 Cor. 15.20 Col. 1.15 18. Apoc. 1.5 Rom. 14.9 The Prince of life the first-fruits of them that sleep the first-born of every creature the first-born from the dead and the first-begotten of the dead and the Lord of Dead and Living By his Resurrection hee shewed himself to bee the Conquerour of Death Sin and Satan meritoriously hee triumphed over our enemies upon the Cross actually hee began his triumph at the Resurrection Col. 2.23 24. Now when the powers of Hell could no longer hold him under it is manifest that they are subdued and conquered By his Resurrection hee declareth that his satisfaction is fully absolute Had the least penny of our debt remained upon the score not discharged hee could not have loosed the sorrows of Death Christ died for our sins and rose again for our justification By the Resurrection hee prepared himself to the glorious function of a Mediatour As hee suffered without the gate to pay the price of our Redemption So did hee enter into Heaven to appear before the Father for us Hee died once for our sins and now liveth for ever to make intercession for us By his death hee purchased life and salvation for his people and now sitting in glory at the right hand of the Father hee doth communicate the blessing that hee hath procured for them Christ rose that wee might rise For hee that raised up the Lord Jesus 2 Cor. 4.14 shall raised up us with Jesus and set us together with him Early in the morning upon the third day after hee was buried our Saviour rose out of the Sepulchre in which hee was laid at which time there was a mighty Earthquake and an Angel descended from Heaven to rowl away the stone at which glorious apparition the souldiers that kept the Tomb were sore affraid and became as dead men The death of Christ wanted not signs of Majesty nor his Resurrection tokens of exceeding glory when the Earth was moved at his presence and the Angels descended from Heaven to do him service The effects of this Resurrection are far more glorious than the signs that did accompany it for unless his Resurrection had followed his cruel death all his benefits appropriated to us had layen buried together with him 1 Cor. 15.17 Rom. 6.8 9 1 Cor. 15.55 1 Pet. 1.3 1 Cor. 15.21 22. The Resurrection of Christ is a notable confirmation of his Doctrine the abolition of sin and death regeneration unto life eternal and vivification of our bodies are the fruits of it It was necessary that Christ should rise in regard of the excellency of his person for being the proper Son of God it was impossible hee should bee held of the sorrows of death being just and innocent as man it could not bee that hee should lye under the power of the grave and dying to overcome hee could not bee vanquished of the enemies It was also necessary in respect of the Covenant hee had made with the Father the dignity of his high office of eternal Mediation and that the truth of those things which were foretold concerning the glory of the Messias might bee fulfilled Many admirable things are spoken touching the Messias and the glory of his Kingdome who was first to lay down his life and then to take possession of his Kingdome in glory where hee shall live for ever to make intercession for his people which hee could not have done if hee had not risen It cannot bee that the Word of God should take none effect but it was foretold that the Messias should rise again in which respect his Resurrection was necessary Christ not as a private person but as a publick person Hee died for his Elect and virtually they rose in him when hee rose from the dead of whose Resurrection they partake actually when by lively Faith they are made one with him This Resurrection was exceeding glorious in respect of the power by which it was effected the life into which hee rose and the things that accompanied or followed after the Resurrection For the graves did open and many bodies of them that slept in the earth arose Whereby the grave did witnesse that its power was taken away and clean vanquished Jonah's deliverance out of the Whales belly was wonderful and miraculous the Lord was gracious in sparing Isaac and raising him as it were from death who was a slain Sacrifice in his Fathers account But these were only types and shadows of Christ his Resurrection the life and glory of the other The elect and faithful shall rise to glory at the day of judgement but they shall rise by the power of Christ Christ arose by his own power they shall rise as the Members of Christ but Christ rose as the first-fruits of them that sleep they shall rise as private persons but Christ arose as a publick They shall arise from corruption but Christ his body did not see corruption They shall rise to immortality and glory for themselves but Christ rose to glory that hee might govern his Church in glory and bring his Elect unto himself that where hee is there they might bee for ever Quest How are these things to bee pressed upon the heart Answ Wee must stir up our selves to behold and rejoyce in the Lords love towards us and fly unto Christ by Faith that wee might feel the power of his Resurrection quickening us to newness of life and comfort our selves against the fear of death and rotting in the grave with an assured hope of Resurrection to immortality and eternal glory FINIS Courteous Reader These Books are printed for and sold by Henry Mortlock at the sign of the Phoenix in Pauls Church-yard near the Little North-door Folios A Commentary upon the whole Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians wherein the Text is learnedly and fruitfully opened with a Logical Analysis spiritual and holy Observation Confutation of Arminianism and Popery By Mr. Paul Bain A Commentary on the Proverbs Ecclesiastes Canticles and the Major Prophets By John Trap M. A. Quartos An Exposition of the Prophecy of Ezekiel By William Green-hill The dividing of the Hoof or seeming Contraditions throughout sacred Scriptures distinguished resolved and applied By William Streat M. A. Some Sermons preached upon several occasions By Peter Sterry Large Octavos A Treatise of the Divine Promises in five Books In the first A general Description of their Nature Kinds Excellency Right Use Properties and the Persons to whom they belong In the four last A Declaration of the Covenant it self the bundle and body of all the Promises and the special Promises likewise which concern a mans self or others both temporal spiritual and eternal By Edw. Leigh M. A. of Magdalen-Hall in Oxford The Hypocrites Ladder or Looking-glass or a Discourse of the dangerous and destructive nature of Hypocrisie the reigning and provoking sin of this age wherein is shewed how far the Hypocrite or formal Professor may go towards Heaven yet utterly perish by three Ladders of sixty steps of his Ascending By John Sheffield Minister of the Word at Swithins London An Improvement of the Sea upon the nine Nautical Verses in the 107 Psalm wherein among other things you have a very full and delightful Description of all those many various and multitudinous Objects which they behold in their Travels through the Lords Creation both on Sea in Sea and on Land viz. All sorts and kinds of Fish Fowl and Beasts whether wilde or tame All sorts of Trees and Fruit All sorts of People Cities Towns and Countries By Daniel Pell Preacher of the Word Small Octavos Several Treatises useful for Christian Practice viz. Warning to Backsliders The way to true Happiness Mercies Memorials A Sermon preached on the fifth of Novemb. Milk and Hony first and second Part Orthodox Paradoxes The New Commandement Divine Similitudes or Mysteries and Revelations By Ralph Venning The Exceeding Riches of Grace advanced by the Spirit of Grace in an Empty Nothing-Creature viz. Mris. Sarah Wight Published by H. Jessey A Servant of Jesus Christ A Latin and English Grammar By Charls Hool M. A. Physical Rarities containing the most choice Receits of Physick and Chirurgery for the Cure of all Diseases incident to mans body Hereunto is annexed the Physical Mathematicks of Hermes Trismegistus Published by Ralph Williams Practitioner in Physick and Chirurgery Twelves The Saints Desire or Divine Consolations being a Cordial for a Fainting Soul containing Observations Experiences and Counsels The Saints daily Duty the Life of Faith and how a Soul may live in the sweet enjoyment of the Love of God c. By Samuel Richardson A Receipt for the State-Palsie or a Direction for setling the Government of the Nation delivered in a Sermon upon Proverbs 25. v. 5. FINIS
are these things to bee laid to heart and pressed upon the soul Answ Wee must stir up our selves to desire full knowledge of God and free communion with him to trust love reverence glory in his name and to walk before him in all humility of mind Blessed is the man that knoweth the Lord and cleaveth unto him in love fear and affiance yea happy is the man whose God is the Lord. Look unto God Oh my soul observe his waies seek his face and labour after more intire fellowship and familiarity with him The knowledge of God is excellent easie comfortable it perfecteth the understanding seasoneth the will changeth the affections rejoyceth the heart The worth and excellency the profit and delight that knowledge bringeth is answerable to the object which is apprehended in which the knowledge of God hath infinitely the preheminence Nothing can rejoyce the heart in which the goodness of God is not felt nor his power wisdome and mercy seen Oh how sweet and delightsome is it to behold the face of God as it shineth in Jesus Christ to contemplate the happy Reconciliation of justice and mercy by his unsearchable wisdome to think upon his long-suffering tender love and never-fading compassion Love the Lord Oh my soul and trust in his mercie serve him with fear and rejoyce in his holy name for hee is thy strength thy rock thy portion thy salvation His favour is better than life in his presence is fulness of joy hee is goodness it self the highness of all good things that can bee desired The pleasures of the world are vain earthly gain breeds great vexations Trial. worldly honours vanish and come to nothing but God is our pleasure glory gain everlasting immeasurable But woe is mee my sight is dimm my judgement vain my heart carnal my affections disordered my thoughts loose I know little of God I have been very negligent to seek acquaintance with him These vain things below the gifts of Gods bounty have stollen away my heart from the giver of every good and perfect gift If men speak I tremble if they smile I rejoyce in their presence I am reverent if superiours chearful if friends if absent I long for their company if present I desire to give them content if in distress I mourn if in prosperity I rejoyce when separated from them in body I am with them in spirit If I bee ignorant of the things of this life I inquire after them if I have sustained loss I fall out with my self for it am pinched at the heart learn wisdome against another time and labour by double diligence to redeem it again But I have greatly neglected the knowledge of God when hee threatneth I am senseless in his presence I am irreverent dead-hearted when I appear before him lumpish in Prayer loose in Meditation scarce lifting up a thought to Heaven soon tired in the Meditation of heavenly things never well till my thoughts bee set at liberty to range up and down not moved to hear thy name dishonoured little affected with grief when I have offended Taking shame I am ashamed and confounded in my self to hear and see the wisdome of worldly men in the affairs of this life when I am so rude and ignorant in the things that concern my eternal happiness The Oxe knoweth his owner and the Asse his Masters crib but I am not acquainted with the Lord my life my light my portion from whom I have received what I am in whom I look to bee eternally blessed Ah wretched man that I am I look for reverence from mine inferiours for love from them of whom I have deserved little to whom I can shew small kindness If men give not credit to my Word I take it grievously but in these things I have offered wrong to the Lord of life who is glorious in Majesty dreadful in power plentious in goodness Hearty wishing most constant in his promises Oh that mine eyes were open to behold the glory of God and my heart inclined to love him unfeignedly intirely above all things Oh that my soul were close united to his fear that I could solace my self in his favour and stand in awe of his displeasure that I might not sin against him Awake Stirring up our selves Oh my soul rouze up thy self to seek the knowledge of God in Christ whom to see is eternal happiness What contentment canst thou take in any thing if God bee not seen in it If the eye of the body wherewith wee behold this light bee annoyed or dimmed wee will seek far and wide for help and shall wee not labour to have the eye of our spirits cleared wherewith we see the Lord the Son of Righteousness the light and joy of every Christian Raise up thy self to love reverence and trust in the Lord Thou canst not comprehend his goodness which is immeasurable his power which is unsearchable his truth which is firm and immoveable as his infiniteness passeth thy conceit covet the more inseparably to cleave unto him Couldest thou comprehend his nature hee should not bee all-sufficient in himself nor able to satisfie thy desire But as God is infinite and never to bee comprehended essentially so is our joy in him bottomless our help from him most certain and our love to him should bee above measure our confidence in him without wavering Humble acknowledgment Oh my God I do confess before thee that I am miserably stained with ignorance unbeleef irreverence I am full of carnal wisdome harlotry love vain fear fleshly confidence corrupt joy But grievously wanting in true knowledge sound faith sincere love and holy reverence of thy holy Majesty Nor is my want greater than my inability to help my self the dead cannot restore himself to life nor the blinde to sight supernatural graces must come from above Petition Therefore unto thee O Lord do I direct my supplication give mee grace to know thee as my chief happiness to love thee as the perfect good unite my heart unto thee in Faith and Reverence that nothing may draw mee aside from thy testimonies Confidence It is thy promise to write thy Law in my heart and to put thy fear in the inner man Oh Lord thou art able to do what thou wilt and thou wilt accomplish what thou hast spoken unto thee I commend my soul and upon thee I will relye as long as I live Quest Let the holy Angels be a second instance how are wee to proceed in the Meditation of that subject Answ Wee must consider their author nature properties estate end and offices The Angels are more excellent than man but inferiour to the Almighty from whom they received their being in time according to his good pleasure and by whose goodness such as abode in the truth were still preserved in their being and blessed condition The truth hath taught us to define them to bee spirits finite compleat immortal made after the Image of God who through
freeman for evermore Those Saviours were meer men but Christ our Redeemer is God and Man They delivered their people by force of arms but Christ by his death first payed the price of our Redemption and then God by his great power rescued us from the hands of the Devil They brought their Redeemed into an earthly Canaan but Christ our Redeemer hath prepared for us an heavenly Inheritance They saved them that were oppressed and evil-intreated against their wills but Christ set us free who had voluntarily sold our selves into the state of slavery Quest How are these things to bee applied unto the heart Answ Upon consideration of these things wee must stir up our selves to seek the knowledge of Christ Jesus fly unto him with sound affiance rejoyce in God and sing praises to his name Oh my soul is deliverance from spiritual thraldome to bee found in Jesus Christ then enquire after him and seek to know him with gladness The Name Jesus is sweet honey in the mouth melody in the ear a Jubile in the heart What a servant were hee that knew not his Masters Name is not hee unworthy the benefit of Redemption that will not vouchsafe to enquire who hath paid his Ransome Oh my soul fly unto Christ in whom thou shalt finde deliverance from all spiritual thraldome God hath made Christ an Adam Head Root Store-house in whom are treasured all those good things which from him are communicated unto us Wee love to thrust amongst them with whom wee may finde benefit and profit Seek this above all that thou mayest bee by Faith in Christ Should Bankrupts hear of any that should answer their creditors for them they would quickly resort to him how much more shouldest thou resort to this Mediatour and Surety who will answer the debt of those that come unto him by Faith seek to bee ingrafted into him strive by Faith to grow up in him for the more nearly wee are united with any thing the more wee partake of the virtue and operation of it Those that are nearest the fire partake in the heat of it more than those that are further removed Thou seest men seek to bee made one person in law to bee most nearly joyned to such as may bring them in wealth Oh my soul why dost thou not seek more earnestly by a spiritual marriage to become one with him in whom is every good blessing Behold hee sueth unto thee not that hee might bee enriched by thee for thou hast nothing to give hee stands in need of nothing but that hee might answer thy debt set thee at liberty adorn thee with grace and endow thee with eternal life O my soul what great cause hast thou to love the Lord and rejoyce in his mercy God hath given his Son to dye for us before we asked it Christ hath when wee could not through our gracelesness once ask him fulfilled all Righteousness and discharged us from the danger of sin Wee take it as love in men if spoken to they will do small matters for us Hee that will bear a blow for us in our behalf bee bound for us in great summs of mony specially hee that will lye by it for our good But how much more art thou to acknowledge this grace of Christ who hath been thy Surety paid for thy deliverance not silver or gold but his precious blood The insensible creatures are called upon to rejoyce for the Redemption of Gods people when they were redeemed from Babel the joy did put them into an extrasie they knew not whether they were asleep or awake But this spiritual Redemption doth as far out-strip that temporal freedome as Heaven is above the Earth or hell worse than the house of bondage Sing unto the Lord oh my soul make a joyful noise unto the God of thy salvation What cause hast thou to praise him who hath visited and redeemed thee with such a Redemption Thou mayest remember the day when thou wast in thraldome to the burning wrath of God and stoodest under the condemnation of the Law when it was death to bee held to the duties of godliness in which is the exercise of true freedome and sin did hold thee so fast that though thou sawest the mischief of it and proposedst sometimes a new course yet thou couldest not return to it as before when this lust and that passion did tyrannize over thee and fears of conscience and death did hold thee in thraldome But now the Lord hath looked upon thee in mercy his wrath is appeased the Law is answered Satan is cast down and thou art received into special favour to walk with him Oh Lord I am ashamed that I should bee so senseless at the remembrance of this unspeakable love so forgetful of this undeserved kindness move the scales from mine eyes I pray thee and take the veil from my heart which will not let mee rejoyce in so excellent mercy Quest Shew how wee must proceed in Meditation on the Resurrection of Christ Ans Wee must consider the Subject Antecedents Causes End Time Place and things that happened with it the effects properties and consequents what is like and what unlike My soul desires to think upon the Resurrection of Christ in which I may behold the reconciled face of God Dear Father direct my mind rightly to conceive of this high mystery to the glory of thy Name and the comfort of my soul To rise from the sleep of sin is to leave or desist from evil Hee that is fallen prostrate ariseth when he gathers up himself Hee that layeth himself down to rest ariseth when hee is raised from sleep Hee that is dead ariseth when the soul is knit to the body The Resurrection of Christ is the first degree of his exaltation wherein the soul being united again to his body hee was raised up to spiritual and immortal life It is a motion partly natural partly supernatural Natural in respect of the subject bound and means For Christ rose so out of the grave that hee is said to bee there no more and he rose by means proper to a natural body that being removed which might seem to hinder Nor was this Resurrection in a moment but in certain succession of time which is required to every natural motion Nevertheless this motion is supernatural in respect of the cause efficient and the end The Divine Nature of Christ could not suffer nor dye nor rise again but hee was raised to life in respect of that nature that died for our sins or in respect of the body which for a time was separated from the soul and laid in the grave This was prefigured by types foretold by the Prophets of the Old Testament and most clearly spoken to his Disciples by our Saviour himself signifying unto them that the Son of Man must suffer at Jerusalem and bee buried and the third day rise again The principal cause of the Resurrection was the Divine Nature most strictly united with the Humanity In