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A07004 Tamburlaine the Great Who, from a Scythian shephearde, by his rare and woonderfull conquests, became a most puissant and mightye monarque. And (for his tyranny, and terrour in warre) was tearmed, the scourge of God. Deuided into two tragicall discourses, as they were sundrie times shewed vpon stages in the citie of London. By the right honorable the Lord Admyrall, his seruauntes. Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593. 1590 (1590) STC 17425; ESTC S122101 73,426 165

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from the mouth of mighty Baiazeth Bai. Hie thee my Bassoe fast to Persea Tell him thy Lord the Turkish Emperour Dread Lord of Affrike Europe and Asia Great King and conquerour of Grecia The Ocean Terrene and the cole-blacke sea The high and highest Monarke of the world Wils and Commands for say not I intreat Not once to set his foot in Affrica Or spread his collours in Grecia Least he incurre the furie of my wrath Tell him I am content to take a truce Because I heare he beares a valiant mind But if presuming on his silly power He be so mad to manage Armes with me Then stay thou with him say I bid thee so And if before the Sun haue measured heauen With triple circuit thou regreet vs not We meane to take his mornings next arise For messenger he will not be reclaim'd And meane to fetch thee in despight of him Bass. Most great and puisant Monarke of the earth Your Bassoe will accomplish your behest And show your pleasure to the Persean As fits the Legate of the stately Turk Exit Bass. Arg. They say he is the King of Persea But if he dare attempt to stir your siege T were requisite he should be ten times more For all flesh quakes at your magnificence Bai. True Argier and tremble at my lookes Moro. The spring is hindred by your smoothering host For neither rain can fall vpon the earth Nor Sun reflexe his vertuous beames thereon The ground is mantled with such multitudes Bai. All this is true as holy Mahomet And all the trees are blasted with our breathes Fess. What thinks your greatnes best to be atchieu'd In pursuit of the Cities ouerthrow Bai. I wil the captiue Pioners of Argier Cut of the water that by leaden pipes Runs to the citie from the mountain Carnon Two thousand horse shall forrage vp and downe That no reliefe or succour come by Land And all the sea my Gallies countermaund Then shall our footmen lie within the trench And with their Cannons mouth'd like Orcus gulfe Batter the walles and we will enter in And thus the Grecians shall be conquered Exeunt Actus 3. Scaena 2. Agidas Zenocrate Anippe with others MAdam Zenocrate may I presume To know the cause of these vnquiet fits That worke such trouble to your woonted rest T is more then pitty such a heauenly face Should by hearts sorrow wax so wan and pale When your offensiue rape by tamburlaine Which of your whole displeasures should be most Hath seem'd to be digested long agoe Zen. Although it be digested long agoe As his exceding fauours haue deseru'd And might content the Queene of heauen as well As it hath chang'd my first conceiu'd disdaine Yet since a farther passion feeds my thoughts With ceaselesse and disconsolate conceits Which dies my lookes so liuelesse as they are And might if my extreams had full euents Make me the gastly counterfeit of death Agid. Eternall heauen sooner be dissolu'd And all that pierceth Phoebes siluer eie Before such hap fall to zenocrate zen. Ah life and soule still houer in his Breast And leaue my body sencelesse as the earth Or els vnite you to his life and soule That I may liue and die with tamburlain Enter Tamburlaine with Techelles and others Agid. With tamburlaine Ah faire zenocrate Let not a man so vile and barbarous That holds you from your father in despight And keeps you from the honors of a Queene Being supposde his worthlesse Concubine Be honored with your loue but for necessity So now the mighty Souldan heares of you Your Highnesse needs not doubt but in short time He will with Tamburlaines destruction Redeeme you from this deadly seruitude Zen. leaue to wound me with these words And speake of tamburlaine as he deserues The entertainment we haue had of him Is far from villanie or seruitude And might in noble minds be counted princely Agid. How can you fancie one that lookes so fierce Onelie disposed to martiall Stratagems Who when he shall embrace you in his armes Will tell how many thousand men he slew And when you looke for amorous discourse Will rattle foorth his facts of war and blood Too harsh a subiect for your dainty eares Zen. As looks the sun through Nilus flowing stream Or when the morning holds him in her armes So lookes my Lordly loue faire tamburlaine His talke much sweeter than the Muses song They sung for honor gainst Pierides Or when Minerua did with Neptune striue And higher would I reare my estimate Than Iuno sister to the highest God If I were matcht with mightie tamburlaine Agid. Yet be not so inconstant in your loue But let the yong Arabian liue in hope After your rescue to eioy his choise You see though first the King of Persea Being a Shepheard seem'd to loue you much Now in his maiesty he leaues those lookes Those words of fauour and those comfortings And giues no more than common courtesies Zen. Thence rise the tears that so distain my checks Fearing his loue through my vnworthynesse Tamburlaine goes to her takes her away louingly by the hand looking wrathfully on Agidas and sayes nothing Agid. Betraide by fortune and suspitious loue Threatned with frowning wrath and iealousie Surprizd with feare of hideous reuenge I stand agast but most astonied To see his choller shut in secrete thoughtes And wrapt in silence of his angry soule Vpon his browes was pourtraid vgly death And in his eies the furie of his hart That shine as Comets menacing reuenge And casts a pale complexion on his cheeks As when the Sea-man sees the Hyades Gather an armye of Cemerian clouds Auster and Aquilon with winged Steads All sweating tilt about the watery heauens With shiuering speares enforcing thunderclaps And from their shieldes strike flames of lightening All fearefull foldes his sailes and sounds the maine Lifting his prayers to the heauens for aid Against the terrour of the winds and waues So fares Agydas for the late felt frownes That sent a tempest to my daunted thoughtes And makes my soule deuine her ouerthrow Enter Techelles with a naked dagger tech. See you Agidas how the King salutes you He bids you prophesie what it imports Exit Agid. I prophecied before and now I prooue The killing frownes of iealousie and loue He needed not with words confirme my feare For words are vaine where working tooles present The naked action of my threatned end It saies Agydas thou shalt surely die And of extremities elect the least More honor and lesse paine it may procure To dy by this resolued hand of thine Than stay the torments he and heauen haue sworne Then haste Agydas and preuent the plagues Which thy prolonged Fates may draw on thee Go wander free from feare of Tyrants rage Remooued from the Torments and the hell Wherewith he may excruciate thy soule And let Agidas by Agidas die And with this stab slumber eternally tech. Vsumeasane see how right the man Hath hit the meaning of my Lord the
is often proou'd a myracle Orc. Yet in my thoughts shall Christ be honoured Not dooing Mahomet an iniurie Whose power had share in this our victory And since this miscreant hath disgrac'd his faith And died a traitor both to heauen and earth We wil both watch and ward shall keepe his trunke Amidst these plaines for Foules to pray vpon Go Vribassa giue it straight in charge Vri. I will my Lord Exit Vrib. Orc. And now Gazellus let vs haste and meete Our Army and our brother of Ierusalem Of Soria Trebizon and Amasia And happily with full Natolian bowles Of Greekish wine now let vs celebrate Our happy conquest and his angry fate Exeunt Actus 2. Scaena vltima The Arras is drawen and Zenocrate lies in her bed of state Tamburlaine sitting by her three Phisitians about her bed tempering potions Theridamas Techelles Vsumeasane and the three sonnes Tamburlaine BLacke is the beauty of the brightest day The golden balle of heauens eternal fire That danc'd with glorie on the siluer waues Now wants the fewell that enflamde his beames And all with faintnesse and for foule disgrace He bindes his temples with a frowning cloude Ready to darken earth with endlesse night Zenocrate that gaue him light and life Whose eies shot fire from their Iuory bowers And tempered euery soule with liuely heat Now by the malice of the angry Skies Whose iealousie admits no second Mate Drawes in the comfort of her latest breath All dasled with the hellish mists of death Now walk the angels on the walles of heauen As Centinels to warne th' immortall soules To entertaine deuine Zenocrate Apollo Cynthia and the ceaslesse lamps That gently look'd vpon this loathsome earth Shine downwards now no more but deck the heauens To entertaine diuine Zenocrate The christall springs whose taste illuminates Refined eies with an eternall sight Like tried siluer runs through Paradice To entertaine diuine zenocrate The Cherubins and holy Seraphins That sing and play before the king of kings We all their voices and their instruments To entertaine diuine Zenocrate And in this sweet and currious harmony The God that tunes this musicke to our soules Holds out his hand in highest maiesty To entertaine diuine Zenocrate Then let some holy trance conuay my thoughts Vp to the pallace of th' imperiall heauen That this my life may be as short to me As are the daies of sweet Zenocrate Phisitions wil no phisicke do her good Phis. My Lord your Maiesty shall soone perceiue And if she passe this fit the worst is past tam. Tell me how fares my faire Zenocrate zen. I fare my Lord as other Emperesses That when this fraile and transitory flesh Hath suckt the measure of that vitall aire That feeds the body with his dated health Wanes with enforst and necessary change tam. May neuer such a change transfourme my loue In whose sweet being I repose my life Whose heauenly presence beautified with health Giues light to Phoebus and the fixed stars Whose absence make the sun and Moone as darke As when opposde in one Diamiter Their Spheares are mounted on the serpents head Or els discended to his winding traine Liue still my Loue and so conserue my life Or dieng be the anchor of my death zen. Liue still my Lord O let my soueraigne liue And sooner let the fiery Element Dissolue and make your kingdome in the Sky Than this base earth should shroud your maiesty For should I but suspect your death by mine The comfort of my future happinesse And hope to meet your highnesse in the heauens Turn'd to dispaire would break my wretched breast And furie would confound my present rest But let me die my Loue yet let me die With loue and patience let your true loue die Your griefe and furie hurtes my second life Yet let me kisse my Lord before I die And let me die with kissing of my Lord But since my life is lengthened yet a while Let me take leaue of these my louing sonnes And of my Lords whose true nobilitie Haue merited my latest memorie Sweet sons farewell in death resemble me And in your liues your fathers excellency Some musicke and my fit wil cease my Lord They call musicke tam. Proud furie and intollorable fit That dares torment the body of my Loue And scourge the Scourge of the immortall God Now are those Spheares where Cupid vsde to sit Wounding the world with woonder and with loue Sadly supplied with pale and ghastly death Whose darts do pierce the Center of my soule Her sacred beauty hath enchaunted heauen And had she liu'd before the siege of Troy Hellen whose beauty sommond Greece to armes And drew a thousand ships to Tenedos Had not bene nam'd in Homers Iliads Her name had bene in euery line he wrote Or had those wanton Poets for whose byrth Olde Rome was proud but gasde a while on her Nor Lesbia nor Corrinna had bene nam'd zenocrate had bene the argument Of euery Epigram or Eligie The musicke sounds and she dies tam. What is she dead Techelles draw thy sword And wound the earth that it may cleaue in twaine And we discend into th' infernall vaults To haile the fatall Sisters by the haire And throw them in the triple more of Hell For taking hence my faire zenocrate Casane and theridamas to armes Raise Caualieros higher than the cloudes And with the cannon breake the frame of heauen Batter the shining pallace of the Sun And shiuer all the starry firmament For amorous Ioue hath snatcht my loue from hence Meaning to make her stately Queene of heauen What God so euer holds thee in his armes Giuing thee Nectar and Ambrosia Behold me here diuine zenocrate Rauing impatient desperate and mad Breaking my steeled lance with which I burst The rusty beames of Ianus Temple doores Letting out death and tyrannising war To martch with me vnder this bloody flag And if thou pitiest Tamburlain the great Come downe from heauen and liue with me againe ther. Ah good my Lord be patient she is dead And all this raging cannot make her liue If woords might serue our voice hath rent the aire If teares our eies haue watered all the earth If griefe our murthered harts haue straind forth blood Nothing preuailes for she is dead my Lord tam. For she is dead thy words doo pierce my soule Ah sweet theridamas say so no more Though she be dead yet let me think she liues And feed my mind that dies for want of her Where ere her soule be thou shalt stay with me Embalm'd with Cassia Amber Greece and Myrre Not lapt in lead but in a sheet of gold And till I die thou shalt not be interrd Then in as rich a tombe as Mausolus We both will rest and haue one Epitaph Writ in as many seuerall languages As I haue conquered kingdomes with my sword This cursed towne will I consume with fire Because this place bereft me of my Loue The houses burnt wil looke as if they mourn'd And here will I
those whose Chrisis is as yours Your Artiers which alongst the vaines conuey The liuely spirits which the heart ingenders Are partcht and void of spirit that the soule Wanting those Organnons by which it mooues Can not indure by argument of art Yet if your maiesty may escape this day No doubt but you shal soone recouer all tam. Then will I comfort all my vital parts And liue in spight of death aboue a day Alarme within Mess. My Lord yong Callapine that lately fled from your maiesty hath nowe gathered a fresh Armie and hearing your absence in the field offers to set vpon vs presently Tam. See my Phisitions now how Ioue hath sent A present medicince to recure my paine My looks shall make them flie and might I follow There should not one of all the villaines power Liue to giue offer of another fight Vsum. I ioy my Lord your highnesse is so strong That can endure so well your royall presence Which onely will dismay the enemy Tam. I know it wil Casane draw you slaues In spight of death I will goe show my face Alarme Tam. goes in and comes out againe with al the rest Thus are the villaines cowards fled for feare Like Summers vapours vanisht by the Sun And could I but a while pursue the field That Callapine should be my slaue againe But I perceiue my martial strength is spent In vaine I striue and raile against those powers That meane t' inuest me in a higher throne As much too high for this disdainfull earth Giue me a Map then let me see how much Is left for me to conquer all the world That these my boies may finish all my wantes One brings a Map Here I began to martch towards Persea Along Armenia and the Caspian sea And thence vnto Bythinia where I tooke The Turke and his great Empresse priseners Then martcht I into Egypt and Arabia And here not far from Alexandria Whereas the Terren and the red sea meet Being distant lesse than stil a hundred leagues I meant to cut a channell to them both That men might quickly saile to India From thence to Nubia neere Borno Lake And so along the Ethiopian sea Cutting the Tropicke line of Capricorne I conquered all as far as Zansibar Then by the Northerne part of Affrica I came at last to Graecia and from thence To Asia where I stay against my will Which is from Scythia where I first began Backeward and forwards nere fiue thousand leagues Looke here my boies see what a world of ground Lies westward from the midst of Cancers line Vnto the rising of this earthly globe Whereas the Sun declining from our sight Begins the day with our Antypodes And shall I die and this vnconquered Loe here my sonnes are all the golden Mines Inestimable drugs and precious stones More worth than Asia and the world beside And from th' Antartique Pole Eastward behold As much more land which neuer was descried Wherein are rockes of Pearle that shine as bright As all the Lamps that beautifie the Sky And shal I die and this vnconquered Here louely boies what death forbids my life That let your liues commaund in spight of death Amy. Alas my Lord how should our bleeding harts Wounded and broken with your Highnesse griefe Retaine a thought of ioy or sparke of life Your soul giues essence to our wretched subiects Whose matter is incorporoat in your flesh Cel. Your paines do pierce our soules no hope suruiues For by your life we entertaine our liues tam. But sons this subiect not of force enough To hold the fiery spirit it containes must part imparting his impressions By equall portions into both your breasts My flesh deuided in your precious shapes Shal still retaine my spirit though I die And liue in all your seedes immortally Then now remooue me that I may resigne My place and proper tytle to my sonne First take my Scourge and my imperiall Crowne And mount my royall chariot of estate That I may see thee crown'd before I die Help me my Lords to make my last remooue ther. A woful change my Lord that daunts our thoughts More than the ruine of our proper soules tam. Sit vp my sonne let me see how well Thou wilt become thy fathers maiestie They crowne him Ami With what a flinty bosome should I ioy The breath of life and burthen of my soule If not resolu'd into resolued paines My bodies mortified lineaments should exercise the motions of my heart Pierc'd with the ioy of any dignity O father if the vnrelenting eares Of death and hell be shut against my praiers And that the spightfull influence of heauen Denie my soule fruition of her ioy How should I step or stir my hatefull feete Against the inward powers of my heart Leading a life that onely striues to die And plead in vaine vnpleasing soueranity tam. Let not thy loue exceed thyne honor sonne Nor bar thy mind that magnanimitie That nobly must admit necessity Sit vp my boy and with those silken raines Bridle the steeled stomackes of those Iades ther. My Lord you must obey his maiesty Since Fate commands and proud necessity Amy. Heauens witnes me with what a broken hart And damned spirit I ascend this seat And send my soule before my father die His anguish and his burning agony tam. Now fetch the hearse of faire Zenocrate Let it be plac'd by this my fatall chaire And serue as parcell of my funerall Cas. Then feeles your maiesty no soueraigne ease Nor may our hearts all drown'd in teares of blood Ioy any hope of your recouery tamb. Casane no the Monarke of the earth And eielesse Monster that torments my soule Cannot behold the teares ye shed for me And therefore stil augments his cruelty tech. Then let some God oppose his holy power Against the wrath and tyranny of death That his teare-thyrsty and vnquenched hate May be vpon himselfe reuerberate They bring in the hearse tam Now eies inioy your latest benefite And when my soule hath vertue of your sight Pierce through the coffin and the sheet of gold And glut your longings with a heauen of ioy So raigne my sonne scourge and controlle those slaues Guiding thy chariot with thy Fathers hand As precious is the charge thou vndertak'st As that which Clymens brainsicke sonne did guide When wandring Phoebes Iuory cheeks were scortcht And all the earth like AEtna breathing fire Be warn'd by him then learne with awfull eie To sway a throane as dangerous as his For if thy body thriue not full of thoughtes As pure and fiery as Phyteus beames The nature of these proud rebelling Iades Wil take occasion by the slenderest haire And draw thee peecemeale like Hyppolitus Through rocks more steepe and sharp than Caspian cliftes The nature of thy chariot wil not beare A guide of baser temper than my selfe More then heauens coach the pride of Phaeton Farewell my boies my dearest friends farewel My body feeles my soule dooth weepe to see Your sweet desires depriu'd my company For Tamburlaine the Scourge of God must die Amy. Meet heauen earth here let al things end For earth hath spent the pride of all her fruit And heauen consum'd his choisest liuing fire Let earth and heauen his timelesse death deplore For both their woorths wil equall him no more FINIS
are wrought with beaten golde Their swords enameld and about their neckes Hangs massie chaines of golde downe to the waste In euery part exceeding braue and rich Tam. Then shall we fight couragiously with them Or looke you I should play the Orator Tech. No cowards and fainthearted runawaies Looke for orations when the foe is neere Our swordes shall play the Orators for vs Vsum. Come let vs meet them at the mountain foot And with a sodaine and an hot alarme Driue all their horses headlong down the hill Tech. Come let vs martch Tam. Stay Techelles aske a parlee first The Souldiers enter Open the Males yet guard the treasure sure Lay out our golden wedges to the view That their reflexions may amaze the Perseans And looke we friendly on them when they come But if they offer word or violence Wee le fight fiue hundred men at armes to one Before we part with our possession And gainst the Generall we will lift our swords And either lanch his greedy thirsting throat Or take him prisoner and his chaine shall serue For Manackles till he be ransom'd home Tech, I heare them come shal we encounter them Tam. Keep all your standings and not stir a foote My selfe will bide the danger of the brunt Enter Theridamas with others Ther. Where is this Scythian Tamberlaine Tam. Whō seekst thou Persean I am Taburlain Ther. Tamburlaine A Scythian Shepheard so imbellished With Natures pride and richest furniture His looks do menace heauen and dare the Gods His fierie eies are fixt vpon the earth As if he now deuis'd some Stratageme Or meant to pierce Auernas darksome vaults To pull the triple headed dog from hell tamb. Noble and milde this Persean seemes to be If outward habit iudge the inward man tech. His deep affections make him passionate tamb. With what a maiesty he rears his looks In thee thou valiant man of Persea I see the folly of thy Emperour Art thou but Captaine of a thousand horse That vy Characters grauen in thy browes And by thy martiall face and stout aspect Deseru'st to haue the leading of an hoste Forsake thy king and do but ioine with me And we will triumph ouer all the world I hold the Fates bound fast in yron chaines And with my hand turne Fortunes wheel about And sooner shall the Sun fall from his Spheare Than Tamburlaine be slaine or ouercome Draw foorth thy sword thou mighty man at Armes Intending but to rase my charmed skin And Ioue himselfe will stretch his hand from heauen To ward the blow and shield me safe from harme See how he raines down heaps of gold in showers As if he meant to giue my Souldiers pay And as a sure and grounded argument That I shall be the Monark of the East He sends this Sculdans daughter rich and braue To be my Queen and portly Emperesse If thou wilt stay with me renowmed man And lead thy thousand horse with my conduct Besides thy share of this Egyptian prise Those thousand horse shall sweat with martiall spoile Of conquered kingdomes and of Cities sackt Both we wil walke vpon the lofty clifts And Christian Merchants that with Russian stems Plow vp huge furrowes in the Caspian sea Shall vaile to vs as Lords of all the Lake Both we will raigne as Consuls of the earth And mightie kings shall be our Senators Ioue sometime masked in a Shepheards weed And by those steps that he hath scal'd the heauens May we become immortall like the Gods Ioine with me now in this my meane estate I cal it meane because being yet obscure The Nations far remoou'd admyre me not And when my name and honor shall be spread As far as Boreas claps his brazen wings Or faire Botëes sends his cheerefull light Then shalt thou be Competitor with me And sit with Tambulaine in all his maiestie Ther. Not Hermes Prolocutor to the Gods Could vse perswasions more patheticall Tam. Nor are Apollos Oracles more true Then thou shalt find my vaunts substantiall Tec. We are his friends and if the Persean king Should offer present Duke domes to our state We thinke it losse to make exchange for that We are assured of by our friends successe Vsum. And kingdomes at the least we all expect Befides the honor in assured conquestes Where kings shall crouch vnto our conquering swords And hostes of souldiers stand amaz'd at vs When with their fearfull tongues they shall cenfesse Theise are the men that all the world admires Ther. What stronge enchantments tice my yeelding soule Are these resolued noble Scythians But shall I prooue a Traitor to my King Tam. No but the trustie friend of Tamburlaine Ther. Won with thy words conquered with thy looks I yeeld my selfe my men horse to thee To be partaker of thy good or ill As long as life maintaines Theridamas Tam. Theridamas my friend take here my hand Which is as much as if I swore by heauen And calld' the Gods to witnesse of my vow Thus shall my heart be still combinde with thine Vntill our bodies turne to Elements And both our soules aspire celestiall thrones Techelles and Casane welcome him Tech. Welcome renowmed Persean to vs all Cas. Long may theridamas remaine with vs Tam. These are my friends in whō I more reioice Than dooth the King of Persea in his Crowne And by the loue of Pyllades and Orestes Whose statutes we adore in Scythia Thy selfe and them shall neuer part from me Before I crowne you kings in Asia Make much of them gentle Theridamas And they will neuer leaue thee till the death ther. Nor thee nor them thrice noble Tamburlain Shal want my heart to be with gladnes pierc'd To do you honor and securitie Tam. A thousand thankes worthy theridamas And now faire Madam and my noble Lords If you will willingly remaine with me You shall haue herors as your merits be Or els you shall be forc'd with slauerie Agid. We yeeld vnto thee happie Tamburlaine tamb. For you then Maddam I am out of doubt Zeno. I must be pleasde perforce wretched Zenocrate Exeunt Actus 2. Scaena 1. Cosroe Menaphon Ortygius Ceneus with other Souldiers Cosroe THus farre are we towards Theridamas And valiant Tamburlaine the man of fame The man that in the forhead of his fortune Beares figures of renowne and myracle But tell me that hast seene him Menaphon What stature wields he and what personage Mena. Of stature tall and straightly fashioned Like his desire lift vpwards and diuine Sa large of lims his ioints so strongly knit Such breadth of shoulders as might mainely beare Olde Atlas burthen twixt his manly pitch A pearle more worth then all the world is plaste Wherein by curious soueraintie of Art Are fixt his piercing instruments of sight Whose fiery cyrcles beare encompassed A heauen of heauenly bodies in their Spheares That guides his steps and actions to the throne Where honor sits inuested royally Pale of complexion wrought in him with passion Thirsting with souerainty with loue
we should aime at such a dignitie ther. I know they would with our perswasions tam. Why then theridamas I le first assay To get the Persean Kingdome to my selfe Then thou for Parthia they for Scythia and Medea And if I prosper all shall be as sure As if the Turke the Pope Affrike and Greece Came creeping to vs with their crownes apace tech. Then shall we send to this triumphing King And bid him battell for his nouell Crowne Vsum. Nay quickly then before his roome be hot tam. T wil prooue a pretie iest in faith my friends the. A iest to chardge on twenty thousand men I iudge the purchase more important far tam. Iudge by thy selfe theridamas not me For presently techelles here shal haste To bid him battaile ere he passe too farre And lose more labor than the gaine will quight Then shalt thou see the Scythian tamburlaine Make but a iest to win the Persean crowne techelles take a thousand horse with thee And bid him turne his back to war with vs That onely made him King to make vs sport We will not steale vpon him cowardly But giue him warning and more warriours Haste the techelles we will follow thee What saith theridamas ther. Goe on for me Exeunt Actus 2. Scaena 6. Cosroe Meander Ortygius Menaphon with other Souldiers Cos. VVhat means this diuelish shepheard to aspire With such a Giantly presumption To cast vp hils against the face of heauen And dare the force of angrie Iupiter But as he thrust them vnderneath the hils And prest out fire from their burning iawes So will I send this monstrous slaue to hell Where flames shall euer feed vpon his soule mean Some powers diuine or els infernall mixt Their angry seeds at his conception For he was neuer sprong of humaine race Since with the spirit of his fearefull pride He dares so doubtlesly resolue of rule And by profession be ambitous Ort. What God or Feend or spirit of the earth Or Monster turned to a manly shape Or of what mould or mettel he be made What star or state soeuer gouerne him Let vs put on our meet incountring mindes And in detesting such a diuelish Thiefe In loue of honor defence of right Be arm'd against the hate of such a foe Whether from earth or hell or heauen he grow Cos. Nobly resolu'd my good Ortygius And since we all haue suckt one wholsome aire And with the same proportion of Elements Resolue I hope we are resembled Vowing our loues to equall death and life Let 's cheere our souldiers to incounter him That grieuous image of ingratitude That fiery thirster after Soueraingtie And burne him in the fury of that flame That none can quench but blood and Emperie Resolue my Lords and louing souldiers now To saue your King and country from decay Then strike vp Drum and all the Starres that make The loathsome Circle of my dated life Direct my weapon to his barbarous heart That thus opposeth him against the Gods And scornes the Powers that gouerne Persea Enter to the Battell after the battell enter Cosroe wounded Theridamas tamburlaine Techelles Vsumeasane with others Cos. Barbarous and bloody Tamburlaine Thus to depriue me of my crowne and life Treacherous and false theridamas Euen at the morning of my happy state Scarce being seated in my royall throne To worke my downfall and vntimely end An vncouth paine torments my grieued soule And death arrests the organe of my voice Who entring at the breach thy sword hath made Sacks euery vaine and artier of my heart Bloody and insatiate Tamburlain tam. The thirst of raigne and sweetnes of a crown That causde the eldest sonne of heauenly Ops To thrust his doting father from his chaire And place himselfe in the Emperiall heauen Moou'd me to manage armes against they state What better president than mightie Ioue Nature that fram'd vs of foure Elements Warring within our breasts for regiment Doth teach vs all to haue aspyring minds Our soules whose faculties can comprehend The wondrous Architecture of the world And measure euery wandring plannets course Still climing after knowledge infinite And alwaies moouing as the restles Spheares Wils vs to weare our selues and neuer rest Vntil we reach the ripest fruit of all That perfect blisse and sole felicitie The sweet fruition of an earthly crowne Ther. And that made me to ioine with tamburlain For he is grosse and like the massie earth That mooues not vpwards nor by princely deeds Doth meane to soare aboue the highest sort Tec. And that made vs the friends of Tamburlaine To lift our swords against the Persean King Vsum. For as when Ioue did thrust old Saturn down Neptune and Dis gain'd each of them a Crowne So do we hope to raign in Asia If tamburlain be plac'd in Persea Cos. The strangest men that euer nature made I know not how to take their tyrannies My bloodlesse body waxeth chill and colde And with my blood my life slides through my wound My soule begins to take her flight to hell And sommons all my sences to depart The heat and moisture which did feed each other For want of nourishment to feed them both Is drie and cold and now dooth gastly death With greedy tallents gripe my bleeding hart And like a Harpyr tires on my life Theridamas and Tamburlaine I die And fearefull vengeance light vpon you both He takes the Crowne and puts it on tam. Not all the curses which the furies breathe Shall make me leaue so rich a prize as this Teridamas techelles and the rest Who thinke you now is king of Persea All Tamburlaine tamburlaine Tamb. Though Mars himselfe the angrie God of armes And all the earthly Potentates conspire To dispossesse me of this Diadem Yet will I weare it in despight of them As great commander of the Easterne world If you but say that tamburlaine shall raigne Al. Long liue tamburlaine and raigne in Asia tamb. So now it is more surer on my head Than if the Gods had held a Parliament And all pronounst me king of Persea Finis Actus 2. Actus 3. Scaena 1. Baiazeth the kings of Fess. Moroco and Argier with others in great pompe Baiazeth GReat Kings of Barbary and my portly Bassoes We heare the Tartars the Easterne theeues Vnder the conduct of one Tamburlaine Presume a bickering with your Emperour And thinks to rouse vs from our dreadful siege Of the famous Grecian Constantinople You know our Armie is inuincible As many circumcised Turkes we haue And warlike bands of Christians renied As hath the Ocean or the Terrene sea Small drops of water when the Moon begins To ioine in one her semi-circled hornes Yet would we not be brau'd with forrain power Nor raise our siege before the Gretians yeeld Or breathles lie before the citie walles Fess. Renowmed Emperour and mighty Generall What if you sent the Bassoes of your guard To charge him to remaine in Asia Or els to threaten death and deadly armes As
and reuerence euermore haue raign'd Pitie the mariage bed where many a Lord In prime and glorie of his louing ioy Embraceth now with teares of ruth and blood The iealous bodie of his fearfull wife Whose cheekes and hearts so punisht with conceit To thinke thy puisant neuer staied arme Will part their bodies and preuent their soules From heauens of comfort yet their age might beare Now waxe all pale and withered to the death As well for griefe our ruthlesse Gouernour Haue thus refusde the mercie of thy hand Whose scepter Angels kisse and Furies dread As for their liberties their loues or liues O then for these and such as we our selues For vs for infants and for all our bloods That neuer nourisht thought against thy rule Pitie O pitie sacred Emperour The prostrate seruice of this wretched towne And take in signe thereof this gilded wreath Whereto ech man of rule hath giuen his hand And wisht as worthy subiects happy meanes To be inuesters of thy royall browes Euen with the true Egyptian Diadem tam. Virgins in vaine ye labore to preuent That which mine honor sweares shal be perform'd Behold my sword what see you at the point Virg. Nothing but feare and fatall steele my Lord tam. Your fearfull minds are thicke and mistie then For there sits Death there sits imperious Death Keeping his circuit by the slicing edge But I 'am pleasde you shall not see him there He now is seated on my horsmens speares And on their points his fleshlesse bodie feches Techelles straight goe charge a few of them To chardge these Dames and shew my seruant death Sitting in scarlet on their armed speares Omnes O pitie vs tam. Away with them I say and shew them death They take them away I will not spare these proud Egyptians Nor change my Martiall obseruations For all the wealth of Gehons golden waues Or for the loue of Venus would she leaue The angrie God of Armes and lie with me They haue refusde the offer of their liues And know my customes are as peremptory As wrathfull Planets death or destinie Enter Techelles What haue your horsmen shewen the virgins Death tech. They haue my Lord and on Damascus wals Haue hoisted vp their slaughtered carcases tam. A sight as banefull to their soules I think As are Thessalian drugs or Mithradate But goe my Lords put the rest to the sword Exeunt Ah faire Zenocrate diuine Zenocrate Faire is too foule an Epithite for thee That in thy passion for thy countries loue And feare to see thy kingly Fathers harme With haire discheweld wip'st thy watery cheeks And like to Flora in her mornings pride Shaking her siluer treshes in the aire Rain'st on the earth resolued pearle in showers And sprinklest Saphyrs on thy shining face Wher Beauty mother to the Muses sits And comments vollumes with her Yuory pen Taking instructions from thy flowing eies Eies when that Ebena steps to heauen In silence of thy solemn Euenings walk Making the mantle of the richest night The Moone the Planets and the Meteors light There Angels in their christal armours fight A doubtfull battell with my tempted thoughtes For Egypts freedom and the Souldans life His life that so consumes Zenocrate Whose sorrowes lay more siege vnto my saule Than all my Army to Damascus walles And neither Perseans Soueraign nor the Turk Troubled my sences with conceit of foile So much by much as dooth zenocrate What is beauty saith my sufferings then If all the pens that euer poets held Had fed the feeling of their maisters thoughts And euery sweetnes that inspir'd their harts Their minds and muses on admyred theames If all the heauenly Quintessence they still From their immortall flowers of Poesy Wherein as in a myrrour we perceiue The highest reaches of a humaine wit If these had made one Poems period And all combin'd in Beauties worthinesse Yet should ther houer in their restlesse heads One thought one grace one woonder at the least Which into words no vertue can digest But how vnseemly is it for my Sex My discipline of armes and Chiualrie My nature and the terrour of my name To harbour thoughts effeminate and faint Saue onely that in Beauties iust applause With whose instinct the soule of man is toucht And euery warriour that is rapt with loue Of fame of valour and of victory Must needs haue beauty beat on his conceites I thus conceiuing and subduing both That which hath stopt the tempest of the Gods Euen from the fiery spangled vaile of heauen To feele the louely warmth of shepheards flames And martch in cottages of strowed weeds Shal giue the world to note for all my byrth That Vertue solely is the sum of glorie And fashions men with true nobility Who 's within there Enter two or three Hath Baiazeth bene fed to day An. I my Lord tamb. Bring him forth let vs know if the towne be ransackt Enter Techelles Theridamas Vsumeasan others tech The town is ours my Lord and fresh supply Of conquest and of spoile is offered vs tam. That 's wel techelles what 's the newes tech. The Souldan and the Arabian king together Martch on vs with such eager violence As if there were no way but one with vs tam. No more there is not I warrant thee techelles They bring in the Turke ther. We know the victorie is ours my Lord But let vs saue the reuerend Souldans life For faire Zenocrate that so laments his state tamb. That will we chiefly see vnto theridamas For sweet zenocrate whose worthinesse Deserues a conquest ouer euery hart And now my footstoole if I loose the field You hope of libertie and restitution Here let him stay my maysters from the tents Till we haue made vs ready for the field Pray for vs Baiazeth we are going Exeunt Bai. Go neuer to returne with victorie Millions of men encompasse thee about And gore thy body with as many wounds Sharpe forked arrowes light vpon thy horse Furies from the blacke Cocitus lake Breake vp the earth and with their firebrands Enforce thee run vpon the banefull pikes Volleyes of shot pierce through thy charmed Skin And euery bullet dipt in poisoned drugs Or roaring Cannons seuer all thy ioints Making thee mount as high as Eagles soare zab. Let all the swords and Lances in the field Stick in his breast as in their proper roomes At euery pore let blood comme dropping foorth That lingring paines may massacre his heart And madnesse send his damned soule to hell Bai. Ah faire zabina we may curse his power The heauens may frowne the earth for anger quake But such a Star hath influence in his sword As rules the Skies and countermands the Gods More than Cymerian Stix or Distinie And then shall we in this detested guyse With shame with hungar and with horror aie Griping our bowels with retorqued thoughtes And haue no hope to end our extasies zab. Then is there left no Mahomet no God No Feend no Fortune nor no hope of end
Scaena 1. Sigismond Fredericke Baldwine with their traine Sigis. NOw say my Lords of Buda and Bohemia What motiō is it that inflames your thoughts And stirs your valures to such soddaine armes Fred. Your Maiesty remembers I am sure What cruell slaughter of our Christian bloods These heathnish Turks and Pagans lately made Betwixt the citie Zula and Danubius How through the midst of Verna and Bulgaria And almost to the very walles of Rome They haue not long since massacred our Camp It resteth now then that your Maiesly Take all aduantages of time and power And worke reuenge vpon these Infidels Your Highnesse knowes for Tamburlaines repaire That strikes a terrour to all Turkish hearts Natolia hath dismist the greatest part Of all his armie pitcht against our power Betwixt Cutheia and Orminius mount And sent them marching vp to Belgasar Acantha Antioch and Caesaria To aid the kings of Soria and Ierusalem Now thou my Lord aduantage take hereof And issue sodainly vpon the rest That in the fortune of their ouerthrow We may discourage all the pagan troope That dare attempt to war with Christians Sig. But cals not then your Grace to memorie The league we lately made with king Orcanes Confirm'd by oth and Articles of peace And calling Christ for record of our trueths This should be treacherie and violence Against the grace of our profession Bald. No whit my Lord for with such Infidels In whom no faith nor true religion rests We are not bound to those accomplishments The holy lawés of Christendome inioine But as the faith which they prophanely plight Is not by necessary pollycy To be esteem'd assurance for our selues So what we vow to them shauld not infringe Our liberty of armes and victory Sig. Though I confesse the othes they vndertake Breed litle strength to our securitie Yet those infirmities that thus defame Their faiths their honors and their religion Should not giue vs presumption to the like Our faiths are sound and must be consumate Religious righteous and inuiolate Fred. Assure your Grace t is superstition To stand so strictly on dispensiue faith And should we lose the opportunity That God hath giuen to venge our Christians death And scourge their foule blasphemous Paganisme As fell to Saule to Balaam and the rest That would not kill and curse at Gods command So surely will the vengeance of the highest And iealous anger of his fearefull arme Be pour'd with rigour on our sinfull heads If we neglect this offered victory Sig. Then arme my Lords and issue sodainly Giuing commandement to our generall hoste With expedition to assaile the Pagan And take the victorie our God hath giuen Exeunt Actus 2. Scaena 2. Orcanes Gazellus Vribassa with their traine Orcanes. GAzellus Vribassa and the rest Now will we march from proud Orminus mount To faire Natolia where our neighbour kings Expect our power and our royall presence T' incounter with the cruell tamburlain That nigh Larissa swaies a mighty hoste And with the thunder of his martial tooles Makes Earthquakes in the hearts of men and heauen Gaz. And now come we to make his sinowes shake With greater power than erst his pride hath felt An hundred kings by scores wil bid him armes And hundred thousands subiects to each score Which if a shower of wounding thunderbolts Should breake out off the bowels of the clowdes And fall as thick as haile vpon our heads In partiall aid of that proud Scythian Yet should our courages and steeled crestes And numbers more than infinit of men Be able to withstand and conquer him Vrib. Me thinks I see how glad the christian King Is made for ioy of your admitted truce That could not but before be terrified With vnacquainted power of our hoste Enter a messenger Mess Arme dread Soueraign and my noble Lords The treacherous army of the Christians Taking aduantage of your slender power Comes marching on vs and determines straight To bid vs battaile for our dearest liues Orc. Traitors villaines damned Christians Haue I not here the articles of peace And solemne couenants we haue both confirm'd He by his Christ and I by Mahomet Gaz. Hel and confusion light vpon their heads That with such treason seek our ouerthrow And cares so litle for their prophet Christ Orc. Can there be such deceit in Christians Or treason in the fleshly heart of man Whose shape is figure of the highest God Then if there be a Christ as Christians say But in their deeds deny him for their Christ If he be son to euerliuing Ioue And hath the power of his outstretched arme If he be iealous of his name and honor As is our holy prophet Mahomet Take here these papers as our sacrifice And witnesse of thy seruants periury Open thou shining vaile of Cynthia And make a passage from the imperiall heauen That he that sits on high and neuer sleeps Nor in one place is circumscriptible But euery where fils euery Continent With strange infusion of his sacred vigor May in his endlesse power and puritie Behold and venge this Traitors periury Thou Christ that art esteem'd omnipotent If thou wilt prooue thy selfe a perfect God Worthy the worship of all faithfull hearts Be now reueng'd vpon this Traitors soule And make the power I haue left behind Too litle to defend our guiltlesse liues Sufficient to discomfort and confound The trustlesse force of those false Christians To armes my Lords on Christ still let vs crie If there be Christ we shall haue victorie Sound to the battell and Sigismond comes out wounded Sig. Discomfited is all the Christian hoste And God hath thundered vengeance from on high For my accurst and hatefull periurie O iust and dreadfull punisher of sinne Let the dishonor of the paines I feele In this my mortall well deserued wound End all my penance in my sodaine death And let this death wherein to sinne I die Conceiue a second life in endlesse mercie Enter Orcanes Gazellus Vribassa with others Or. Now lie the Christians bathing in their bloods And Christ or Mahomet hath bene my friend Gaz. See here the periur'd traitor Hungary Bloody and breathlesse for his villany Orc. Now shall his barbarous body be a pray To beasts and foules and al the winds shall breath Through shady leaues of euery sencelesse tree Murmures and hisses for his hainous sin Now scaldes his soule in the Tartarian streames And feeds vpon the banefull tree of hell That zoacum that fruit of bytternesse That in the midst of fire is ingraft Yet flourisheth as Flora in her pride With apples like the heads of damned Feends The Dyuil 's there in chaines of quenchless flame Shall lead his soule through Orcus burning gulfes From paine to paine whose change shal neuer end What saiest thou yet Gazellus to his foile Which we referd to iustice of his Christ And to his power which here appeares as full As raies of Cynthia to the clearest sight Gaz. T is but the fortune of the wars my Lord Whose power
let vs haste frō hence Along the caue that leads beyond the foe No hope is left to saue this conquered hold Cap. A deadly bullet gliding through my side Lies heauy on my heart I cannot liue I feele my liuer pierc'd and all my vaines That there begin and nourish euery part Mangled and torne and all my entrals bath'd In blood that straineth from their orifex Farewell sweet wife sweet son farewell I die Olym. Death whether art thou gone that both we liue Come back again sweet death strike vs both One minute end our daies and one sepulcher Containe our bodies death why comm'st thou not Wel this must be the messenger for thee Now vgly death stretch out thy Sable wings And carie both our soules where his remaines Tell me sweet boie art thou content to die These barbarous Scythians full of cruelty And Moores in whom was neuer pitie found Will hew vs peecemeale put vs to the wheele Or els inuent some torture worse than that Therefore die by thy louing mothers hand Who gently now wil lance thy Iuory throat And quickly rid thee both of paine and life Son Mother dispatch me or I le kil my selfe For think ye I can liue and see him dead Giue me your knife good mother or strike home The Scythiens shall not tyrannise on me Sweet mother strike that I may meet my father She stabs him Olym. Ah sacred Mahomet if this be sin Intreat a pardon of the God of heauen And purge my soule before it come to thee Entert Theridamas Techelles and all their traine ther. How now Madam what are you doing Olim. Killing my selfe as I haue done my sonne Whose body with his fathers I haue burnt Least cruell Scythians should dismember him tech. T was brauely done and like a souldiers wife Thou shalt with vs to Tamburlaine the great Who when he heares how resolute thou wert Wil match thee with a viceroy or a king Olym. My Lord deceast was dearer vnto me Than any Viceroy King or Emperour And for his sake here will I end my daies ther. But Lady goe with vs to Tamburlaine And thou shalt see a man greater than Mahomet In whose high lookes is much more maiesty Than from the Concaue superficies Of Ioues vast pallace the imperiall Orbe Vnto the shining bower where Cynthia sits Like louely thetis in a Christall robe That treadeth Fortune vnderneath his feete And makes the mighty God of armes his slaue On whom death and the fatall sisters waite With naked swords and scarlet liueries Before whom mounted on a Lions backe Rhammusia beares a helmet ful of blood And strowes the way with braines of slaughtered men By whose proud side the vgly furies run Harkening when he shall bid them plague the world Ouer whose zenith cloth'd in windy aire And Eagles wings ioin'd to her feathered breast Fame houereth sounding of her golden Trumpe That to the aduerse poles of that straight line Which measureth the glorious frame of heauen The name of mightie Tamburlain is spread And him faire Lady shall thy eies behold Come Olim Take pitie of a Ladies ruthfull teares That humbly craues vpon her knees to stay And cast her bodie in the burning flame That feeds vpon her sonnes and husbands flesh tech. Madam sooner shall fire consume vs both Then scortch a face so beautiful as this In frame of which Nature hath shewed more skill Than when she gaue eternall Chaos forme Drawing from it the shining Lamps of heauen ther. Madam I am so far in loue with you That you must goe with vs no remedy Olim. Then carie me I care not where you will And let the end of this my fatall iourney Be likewise end to my accursed life tech. No Madam but the beginning of your ioy Come willinglie therfore ther. Souldiers now let vs meet the Generall Who by this time is at Natolia Ready to charge the army of the Turke The gold the siluer and the pearle ye got Rifling this Fort deuide in equall shares This Lady shall haue twice so much againe Out of the coffers of our treasurie Exeunt Actus 3. Scaena 5. Callepine Orcanes Ierusalem Trebizon Soria Almeda with their traine Messenger REnowmed Emperour mighty Callepine Gods great lieftenant ouer all the world Here at Alepo with an hoste of men Lies Tamburlaine this king of Persea In number more than are the quyuering leaues Of Idas forrest where your highnesse hounds With open crie pursues the wounded Stag Who meanes to gyrt Natolias walles with siege Fire the towne and ouerrun the land Cal. My royal army is as great as his That from the bounds of Phrigia to the sea Which washeth Cyprus with his brinish waues Couers the hils the valleies and the plaines Viceroies and Peeres of Turky play the men Whet all your swords to mangle Tamburlain His sonnes his Captaines and his followers By Mahomet not one of them shal liue The field wherin this battaile shall be fought For euer terme the Perseans sepulchre In memorie of this our victory Orc. Now he that cals himself the scourge of Ioue The Emperour of the world and earthly God Shal end the warlike progresse he intends And traueile hedlong to the lake of hell Where legions of deuils knowing he must die Here in Natolia by your highnesse hands All brandishing their brands of quenchlesse fire Streching their monstrous pawes grin with their teeth And guard the gates to entertaine his soule Cal. Tel me Viceroies the number of your men And what our Army royall is esteem'd Ier. From Palestina and Ierusalem Of Hebrewes three score thousand fighting men Are come since last we shewed your maiesty Orc. So from Arabia desart and the bounds Of that sweet land whose braue Metropolis Reedified the faire Semyramis Came forty thousand warlike foot and horse Since last we numbred to your Maiesty treb. From trebizon in Asia the lesse Naturalized Turks and stout Bythinians Came to my bands full fifty thousand more That fighting knowes not what retreat doth meane Nor ere returne but with the victory Since last we numbred to your maiesty Sor. Of Sorians from Halla is repair'd And neighbor cities of your highnesse land Ten thousand horse and thirty thousand foot Since last we numbred to your maiestie So that the Army royall is esteem'd Six hundred thousand valiant fighting men Callep. Then welcome Tamburlaine vnto thy death Come puissant Viceroies let vs to the field The Perseans Sepulchre and sacrifice Mountaines of breathlesse men to Mahomet Who now with Ioue opens the firmament To see the slaughter of our enemies Actus 2. Scaena 1. Tamburlaine with his three sonnes Vsumeasane with other Tam. HOw now Casane See a knot of kings Sitting as if they were a telling tidles Vsu. My Lord your presence makes them pale and wan Poore soules they looke as if their deaths were neere tamb. Why so he is Casane I am here But yet I le sane their liues and make them slaues Ye petty kings of Turkye I am come
As Hector did into the Grecian campe To ouerdare the pride of Groecia And set his warlike person to the view Of fierce Achilles riuall of his fame I doe you honor in the simile For if I should as Hector did Achilles The worthiest knight that euer brandishe sword Challenge in combat any of you all I see how fearfully ye would refuse And fly my gloue as from a Scorpion Orc. Now thou art fearfull of thy armies strength Thou wouldst with ouer match of person fight But Shepheards issue base borne tamburlaine Thinke of thy end this sword shall lance thy throat Tamb. Villain the shepheards issue at whose byrth Heauen did affoord a gratious aspect And ioin'd those stars that shall be opposite Euen till the dissolution of the world And neuer meant to make a Conquerour So famous as is mighty Tamburlain Shall so torment thee and that Callapine That like a roguish runnaway suborn'd That villaine there that slaue that Turkish dog To false his seruice to his Soueraigne As ye shal curse the byrth of Tamburlaine Cal. Raile not proud Scythian I shall now reuenge My fathers vile abuses and mine owne Ier. By Mahomet he shal be tied in chaines Rowing with Christians in a Brigandine About the Grecian Isles to rob and spoile And turne him to his ancient trade againe Me thinks the slaue should make a lusty theefe Cal. Nay when the battaile ends al we wil meet And sit in councell to inuent some paine That most may vex his body and his soule Tam. Sirha Callapine I le hang a clogge about your necke for running away againe you shall not trouble me thus to come and fetch you But as for you Viceroy you shal haue bits And harnest like my horses draw my coch And when ye stay be lasht with whips of wier I le haue you learne to feed on prouander And in a stable lie vpon the planks Orc. But Tamburlaine first thou shalt kneele to vs And humbly craue a pardon for thy life treb. The common souldiers of our mighty hoste Shal bring thee bound vnto the Generals tent Sor. And all haue iointly sworne thy cruell death Or bind thee in eternall torments wrath tam. Wel sirs diet your selues you knowe I shall haue occasion shortly to iourney you Cel. See father how Almeda the Iaylor lookes vpon vs tam. Villaine traitor damned fugitiue I le make thee wish the earth had swallowed thee Seest thou not death within my wrathfull looks Goe villaine cast thee headlong from a rock Or rip thy bowels and rend out thy heart T' appease my wrath or els I le torture thee Searing thy hatefull flesh with burning yrons And drops of scalding lead while all thy ioints Be rackt and beat asunder with the wheele For if thou liuest not any Element Shal shrowde thee from the wrath of tamburlaine Cal. Wel in despight of thee he shall be king Come Almeda receiue this crowne of me I here inuest thee king of Ariadan Bordering on Mare Roso neere to Meca Or. What take it man Al. Good my Lord let me take it Cal. Doost thou aske him leaue Hēre take it tam. Go too sirha take your crown and make vp the halfe dozen So sirha now you are a king you must giue armes Or. So he shal and we are thy head in his Scutchion tamb. No let him hang a bunch of keies on his standerd to put him in remembrance he was a Iailor that when I take him I may knocke out his braines with them and lock you in the stable when you shall come sweating from my chariot treb. Away let vs to the field that the villaine may be slaine tamb. Sirha prepare whips and bring my chariot to my Tent For as soone as the battaile is done I le ride in triumph through the Camp Enter Theridamas Techelles and their traine How now ye pety kings loe here are Bugges Wil make the haire stand vpright on your heads And cast your crownes in slauery at their feet Welcome theridamas and techelles both See ye this rout and know ye this same king ther. I my Lord he was Calapines keeper tam. Wel now you see hee is a king looke to him theridamas when we are fighting least hee hide his crowne as the foolish king of Persea did Sor. No Tamburlaine hee shall not be put to that Exigent I warrant thee tam. You knowe not sir But now my followers and my louing friends Fight as you euer did like Conquerours The glorie of this happy day is yours My sterne aspect shall make faire Victory Houering betwixt our armies light on me Loden with Lawrell wreathes to crowne vs all tech. I smile to think how when this field is fought And rich Natolia ours our men shall sweat With carrieng pearle and treasure on their backes tamb. You shall be princes all immediatly Come fight ye Turks or yeeld vs victory Or. No we wil meet thee slauish tāburlain Exeunt Actus 4. Scaena 1. Alarme Amyras and Celebinus issues from the tent where Caliphas sits a sleepe NOw in their glories shine the golden crownes Of these proud Turks much like so many suns That halfe dismay the maiesty of heauen Now brother follow we our fathers sword That flies with fury swifter than our thoughts And cuts down armies with his conquering wings Cel. Call foorth our laisie brother from the tent For if my father misse him in the field Wrath kindled in the furnace of his breast Wil send a deadly lightening to his heart Amy. Brother ho what giuen so much to sleep You cannot leaue it when our enemies drums And ratling cannons thunder in our eares Our proper ruine and our fathers foile Cal. Away ye fools my father needs not me Nor you in faith but that you wil be thought More childish valourous than manly wise If halfe our campe should sit and sleepe with me My father ware enough to scar the foe You doo dishonor to his maiesty To think our helps will doe him any good Amy. What dar'st thou then be absent frō the fight Knowing my father hates thy cowardise And oft hath warn'd thee to be stil in field When he himselfe amidst the thickest troopes Beats downe our foes to flesh our taintlesse swords Cal. I know sir what it is to kil a man It works remorse of conscience in me I take no pleasure to be murtherous Nor care for blood when wine wil quench my thirst Cel. O cowardly boy fie for shame come foorth Thou doost dishonor manhood and thy house Cal. Goe goe tall stripling fight you for vs both And take my other toward brother here For person like to prooue a second Mars T will please my mind as wel to heare both you Haue won a heape of honor in the field And left your slender carkasses behind As if I lay with you for company Amy. You wil not goe then Cal You say true Amy. Were all the lofty mounts of Zona mundi That fill the midst of farthest Tartary Turn'd into pearle
suruay his pride Haling him headlong to the lowest hell ther. Your Maiesty must get some byts for these To bridle their contemptuous cursing tongues That like vnruly neuer broken Iades Breake through the hedges of their hateful mouthes And passe their fixed boundes exceedingly Tech. Nay we wil break the hedges of their mouths And pul their kicking colts out of their pastures Vsu Your Maiesty already hath deuisde A meane as fit as may be to restraine These coltish coach-horse tongues from blasphemy Cel. How like you that sir king why speak you not Ier. Ah cruel Brat sprung from a tyrants loines How like his cursed father he begins To practize tauntes and bitter tyrannies Tam. I Turke I tel thee this same Boy is he That must aduaunst in higher pompe than this Rifle the kingdomes I shall leaue vnsackt If Ioue esteeming me too good for earth Raise me to match the faire Aldeboran Aboue the threefold Astracisme of heauen Before I conquere all the triple world New fetch me out the Turkish Concubines I will prefer them for the funerall They haue bestowed on my abortiue sonne The Cōncubines are brought in Where are my common souldiers now that fought So Lion-like vpon Asphaltis plaines Soul Here my Lord Tam. Hold ye tal souldiers take ye Queens apeece I meane such Queens as were kings Concubines Take them deuide them and their iewels too And let them equally serue all your turnes Soul We thank your maiesty tam. Brawle not I warne yon for your lechery For euery man that so offends shall die Ore Iniurious tyrant wilt thou so defame The hatefull fortunes of thy victory To exercise vpon such guiltlesse Dames The violence of thy common Souldiours lust Tam. Liue content then ye slaues and meet not me With troopes of harlots at your sloothful heeles Lad. O pity vs my Lord and saue our honours tam. Are ye not gone ye villaines with your spoiles They run away with the Ladies Ier. O mercilesse infernall cruelty Tam. Saue your honours t were but time indeed Lost long before you knew what honour meant ther. It seemes they meant to conquer vs my Lord And make vs ieasting Pageants for their Trulles tam. And now themselues shal make our Pageant And common souldiers iest with all their Truls Let them take pleasure soundly in their spoiles Till we prepare our martch to Babylon Whether we next make expedition tech. Let vs not be idle then my Lord But presently be prest to conquer it tam. We wil techelles forward then ye Iades Now crowch ye kings of greatest Asia And tremble when ye heare this Scourge wil come That whips downe cities and controwleth crownes Adding their wealth and treasure to my store The Euxine sea North to Natolia The Terrene west the Caspian north north-east And on the south Senus Arabicus Shal al be loden with the martiall spoiles We will conuay with vs to Persea Then shal my natiue city Samarcanda And christall waues of fresh Iaertis streame The pride and beautie of her princely seat Be famous through the furthest continents For there my Pallace royal shal be plac'd Whose shyning Turrets shal dismay the heauens And cast the fame of Ilions Tower to hell Thorow the streets with troops of conquered kings I le ride in golden armour like the Sun And in my helme a triple plume shal spring Spangled with Diamonds dancing in the aire To note me Emperour of the threefold world Like to an almond tree ymounted high Vpon the lofty and celestiall mount Of euery greene Selinus queintly dect With bloomes more white than Hericinas browes Whose tender blossoms tremble euery one At euery litle breath that thorow heauen is blowen Then in my coach like Saturnes royal son Mounted his shining chariots gilt with fire And drawen with princely Eagles through the path Pau'd with bright Christall and enchac'd with starres When all the Gods stand and gazing at his pomp So will I ride through Samarcanda streets Vntil my soule disseuered from this flesh Shall mount the milk-white way and meet him there To Babylon my Lords to Babylon Exeunt Finis Actus quarti Actus 5. Scaena 1. Enter the Gouernour of Babylon vpon the walles with others Gouer. WHat saith Maximus Max. My Lord the breach the enimie hath made Giues such assurance of our ouerthrow That litle hope is left to saue our liues Or hold out citie from the Conquerours hands Then hang out flagges my Lord of humble truce And satisfie the peoples generall praiers That Tamburlains intollorable wrath May be supprest by our submission Gou. Villaine respects thou more thy slauish life Than honor of thy countrie or thy name Is not my life and state as deere to me The citic and my natiue countries weale As any thing of price with thy conceit Haue we not hope for all our battered walles To liue secure and keep his forces out When this our famous lake of Limnasphaltis Makes walles a fresh with euery thing that falles Into the liquid substance of his streame More strong than are the gates of death or hel What faintnesse should dismay our courages When we are thus defenc'd against our Foe And haue no terrour but his threatning lookes Enter another kneeling to the Gouernour My Lord if euer you did deed of tuth And now will work a refuge to our liues Offer submission hang vp flags of truce That Tamburlaine may pitie our distresse And vse vs like a louing Conquerour Though this be held his last daies dreadfull siege Wherein he spareth neither man nor child Yet are there Christians of Georgia here Whose state he euer pitied and relieu'd Wil get his pardon if your grace would send Gouer. How is my soule enuironed And this eternisde citie Babylon Fill'd with a packe of faintheart Fugitiues That thus intreat their shame and seruitude Another My Lord if euer you wil win our hearts Yeeld vp the towne saue our wiues and children For I wil cast my selfe from off these walles Or die some death of quickest violence Before I bide the wrath of Tamburlaine Gouer. Villaines cowards Traitors to our state Fall to the earth and pierce the pit of Hel That legions of tormenting spirits may ver Your slauish bosomes with continuall paines I care not nor the towne will neuer yeeld As long as any life is in my breast Enter Theridamas and Techelles with other souldiers Thou desperate Gouernour of Babylon To saue thy life and vs a litle labour Yeeld speedily the citie to our hands Or els be sure thou shalt be forc'd with paines More exquisite than euer Traitor felt Gou. Tyrant I turne the traitor in thy throat And wil defend it in despight of thee Call vp the souldiers to defend these wals tech. Yeeld foolish Gouernour we offer more Than euer yet we did to such proud slaues As durst resist vs till our third daies siege Thou seest vs prest to giue the last assault And that shal bide no more regard of parlie Gou. Assault and spare not we
high hill about the citie here tam. Let it be so about it souldiers But stay I feele my selfe distempered sudainly tech. What is it dares distemper Tamburlain tam. Something techelles but I know not what But foorth ye vassals what so ere it be Sicknes or death can neuer conquer me Exeunt Actus 5. Scaena 4. Enter Callapine Amasia with drums and trumpets Callap. KIng of Amasia now our mighty hoste Marcheth in Asia maior where the streames Of Euphrates and Tigris swiftly runs And here may we behald great Babylon Circled about with Limnasphaltis Lake Where tamburlaine with all his armie lies Which being faint and weary with the siege Wee may lie ready to encounter him Before his hoste be full from Babylon And so reuenge our latest grieuous losse If God or Mahomet send any aide Ama. Doubt not my lord but we shal conquer him The Monster that hath drinke a sea of blood And yet gapes stil for more to quench his thirst Our Turkish swords shal headlong send to hell And that vile Carkasse drawne by warlike kings The Foules shall eate for neuer sepulchre Shall grace that base-borne Tyrant tamburlaine Cal. When I record my Parents slauish life Their cruel death mine owne captiuity My Viceroies bondage vnder tamburlaine Me thinks I could sustaine a thousand deaths To be reueng'd of all his Villanie Ah sacred Mahomet thou that hast seene Millions of Turkes perish by Tamburlaine Kingdomes made waste braue cities sackt burnt And but one hoste is left to honor thee And thy obedient seruant Callapine And make him after all these ouerthrowes To triumph ouer cursed Tamburlaine Ama Feare not my Lord I see great Mahomet Clothed in purple clowdes and on his head A Chaplet brighter than Apollos crowne Marching about the ayer with armed men To ioine with you against this Tamburlaine Renowmed Generall mighty Callapine Though God himselfe and holy Mahomet Should come in person to resist your power Yet might your mighty hoste incounter all And pull proud Tamburlaine vpon his knees To sue for mercie at your highnesse feete Cal. Captaine the force of Tamburlaine is great His fortune greater and the victories Wherewith he hath so sore dismaide the world Are greatest to discourage all our drifts Yet when the pride of Cynthia is at full She waines againe and so shall his I hope For we haue here the chiefe selected men Of twenty seuerall kingdomes at the least Nor plowman Priest nor Merchant staies at home All Turkie is in armes with Callapine And neuer wil we sunder camps and armes Before himselfe or his be conquered This is the time that must eternize me For conquering the Tyrant of the world Come Souldiers let vs lie in wait for him And if we find him absent from his campe Or that it be reioin'd again at full Assaile it and be sure of victorie Exeunt Actus 5. Scaena 6. Theridamas Techelles Vsumeasane WEepe heauens and vanish into liquid teares Fal starres that gouerne his natiuity And sommon al the shining lamps of heauen To cast their bootlesse fires to the earth And shed their feble influence in the aire Muffle your beauties with eternall clowdes For hell and darknesse pitch their pitchy tentes And Death with armies of Cymerian spirits Giues battile gainst the heart of Tamburlaine Now in defiance of that woonted loue Your sacred vertues pour'd vpon his throne And made his state an honor to the heauens These cowards inuisiblie assaile hys soule And threaten conquest on our Soueraigne But if he die your glories are disgrac'd Earth droopes and saies that hell in heauen is plac'd tech. O then ye Powers that sway eternal seates And guide this massy substance of the earthe If you retaine desert of holinesse As your supreame estates instruct our thoughtes Be not inconstant carelesse of your fame Beare not the burthen of your enemies ioyes Triumphing in his fall whom you aduanst But as his birth life health and maiesty Were strangely blest and gouerned by heauen So honour heauen til heauen dissolued be His byrth his life his health and maiesty Cas Blush heauen to loose the honor of thy name To see thy foot-stoole set vpon thy head And let no basenesse in thy haughty breast Sustaine a shame of such inexcellence To see the deuils mount in Angels throanes And Angels diue into the pooles of hell And though they think their painfull date is out And that their power is puissant as Ioues Which makes them manage armes against thy state Yet make them feele the strength of Tamburlain Thy instrument and note of Maisty Is greater far than they can thus subdue For if he die thy glorie is disgrac'd Earth droopes and saies that hel in heauen is plac'd tam. What daring God torments my body thus And seeks to conquet mighty Tamburlaine Shall sicknesse prooue me now to be a man That haue bene tearm'd the terrour of the world Techelles and the rest come take your swords And threaten him whose hand afflicts my soul Come let vs march against the powers of heauen And set blacke streamers in the firmament To signifie the slaughter of the Gods Ah friends what shal I doe I cannot stand Come carie me to war against the Gods That thus inuie the health of Tamburlaine ther. Ah good my Lord leaue these impatient words Which ad much danger to your malladie tam. Why shal I sit and languish in this paine No strike the drums and in reuenge of this Come let vs chardge our speares and pierce his breast Whose shoulders beare the Axis of the world That if I perish heauen and earth may fade theridamas haste to the court of Ioue Will him to send Apollo hether straight To cure me or I le fetch him downe my selfe tech. Sit stil my gratious Lord this griefe wil cease And cannot last it is so violent tam. Not last techelles no for I shall die See where my slaue the vglie monster death Shaking and quiuering pale and wan for feare Stands aiming at me with his murthering dart Who flies away at euery glance I giue And when I look away comes stealing on Villaine away and hie thee to the field I and myne armie come to lode thy barke With soules of thousand mangled carkasses Looke where he goes but see he comes againe Because I stay techelles let vs march And weary Death with bearing soules to hell Phi. Pleaseth your Maiesty to drink this potion Which wil abate the furie of your fit And cause some milder spirits gouerne you tam. Tel me what think you of my sicknes now Phi. I view'd your vrine and the Hipostates Thick and obscure doth make your danger great Your vaines are full of accidentall heat Whereby the moisture of your blood is dried The Humidum and Calor which some holde Is not a parcell of the Elements But of a substance more diuine and pure Is almost cleane extinguished and spent Which being the cause of life imports your death Besides my Lord this day is Criticall Dangerous to
Caesars hoste That neuer fought but had the victorie Nor in Pharsalia was there such hot war As these my followers willingly would haue Legions of Spirits fleeting in the aire Direct our Bullets and our weapons pointes And make our strokes to wound the sencelesse lure And when she sees our bloody Collours spread Then Victorie begins to take her flight Resting her selfe vpon my milk-white Tent But come my Lords to weapons let vs fall The field is ours the Turk his wife and all Exit with his followers Bai. Come Kings and Bassoes let vs glut our swords That thirst to drinke the feble Perseans blood Exit with his followers zab. Base Concubine must thou be plac'd by me That am the Empresse of the mighty Turke zen. Disdainful Turkesse and vnreuerend Bosse Call'st thou me Concubine that am betroath'd Vnto the great and mighty tamburlaine Zab. To tamburlaine the great Tartarian thiefe Zen. Thou wilt repent these lauish words of thine When thy great Bassoe maister and thy selfe Must plead for mercie at his kingly feet And sue to me to be your Aduocates Zab. And sue to thee I tell thee shamelesse girle Thou shalt be Landresse to my waiting maid How lik'st thou her Ebea will she serue Ebea. Madame she thinks perhaps she is too fine But I shall turne her into other weedes And make her daintie fingers fall to woorke Zen. hearst thou Anippe how thy drudge doth talk And how my slaue her mistresse menaceth Both for their sausinesse shall be employed To dresse the common souldiers meat and drink For we will scorne they should come nere our selues Anip. Yet somtimes let your highnesse send for thē To do the work my chamber maid disdaines They sound the battell within and stay Zen. Ye Gods and powers that gouerne Persea And made my lordly Loue her worthy King Now strengthen him against the Turkish Baiazeth And let his foes like flockes of fearfull Roes Pursude by hunters flie his angrie lookes That I may see him issue Conquerour Zab. Now Mahomet solicit God himselfe And make him raine down murthering shot frō heauen To dash the Scythians braines and strike them dead That dare to manage armes with him That offered iewels to thy sacred shrine When first he war'd against the Christians To the battell againe Zen. By this the Turks lie weltring in their blood sound And tamburlaine is Lord of Affrica Zab. Thou art deceiu'd I heard the Trumpets As when my Emperour ouerthrew the Greeks And led them Captiue into Affrica Straight will I vse thee as thy pride deserues Prepare thy selfe to liue and die my slaue Zen. If Mahomet should come from heauen and sweare My royall Lord is slaine or conquered Yet should he not perswade me otherwise But that he liues and will be Conquerour Baiazeth flies and he pursues him The battell short and they enter Baiazeth is ouercome Tam. Now king of Bassoes who is Conqueror Bai. Thou by the fortune of this damned foile Tam. Where are your stout contributorie kings Enter Techelles Theridamas Vsumeasane Tech. We haue their crownes their bodies strowe the fielde Tam. Each man a crown why kingly fought ifaith Deliuer them into my treasurie Zen. Now let me offer to my gracious Lord His royall Crowne againe so highly won tam. Nay take the Turkish Crown from her zen. And crowne me Emperour of Affrica Zab. No tamburlain though now thou gat the best Thou shalt not yet be Lord of Affrica ther. Giue her the Crowne Turkesse you wer best He takes it from her and giues it Zenocrate zab. Iniurious villaines thieues runnagates How dare you thus abuse my Maiesty ther. Here Madam you are Empresse she is none tam. Not now theridamas her time is past The pillers that haue bolstered vp those tearmes Are falne in clusters at my conquering feet zab. Though he be prisoner he may be ransomed tamb. Not all the world shall ransom Baiazeth Bai. Ah faire zabina we haue lost the field And neuer had the Turkish Emperour So great a foile by any forraine foe Now will the Christian miscreants be glad Ringing with ioy their superstitious belles And making bonfires for my ouerthrow But ere I die those foule Idolaters Shall make me bonfires with their filthy bones For though the glorie of this day be lost Affrik and Greece haue garrisons enough To make me Soueraigne of the earth againe Tam. Those walled garrisons wil I subdue And write my selfe great Lord of Affrica So from the East vnto the furthest West Shall tamburlain extend his puisant arme The Galles and those pilling Briggandines That yeerely saile to the Venetian gulfe And houer in the straightes for Christians wracke Shall lie at anchor in the Isle Asant Vntill the Persean Fleete and men of war Sailing along the Orientall sea Haue fetcht about the Indian continent Euen from Persepolis to Mexico And thence vnto the straightes of Iubalter Where they shall meete and ioine their force in one Keeping in aw the Bay of Portingale And all the Ocean by the British shore And by this meanes I le win the world at last Bai. Yet set a ransome on me tamburlaine Tam. What thinkst thou tamburlain esteems thy gold I le make the kings of India ere I die Offer their mines to sew for peace to me And dig for treasure to appease my wrath Come bind them both and one lead in the Turke The Turkesse let my Loues maid lead away They bind them Bai. Ah villaines dare ye touch my sacred armes O Mahomet Oh sleepie Mahomet zab. O cursed Mahomet that makest vs thus The slaues to Scythians rude and barbarous Tam. Come bring them in for this happy cōquest Triumph and solemnize a martiall feast Exeunt Finis Actus tertii Actus 4. Scaena 1. Souldan of Egipt with three or four Lords Capolin Souldan AWake ye men of Memphis heare the clange Of Scythian trumpets heare the Basiliskes That roaring shake Damascus turrets downe The rogue of Volga holds zenocrate The Souldans daughter for his Concubine And with a troope of theeues and vagabondes Hath spread his collours to our high disgrace While you faint-hearted base Egyptians Lie slumbering on the flowrie bankes of Nile As Crocodiles that vnaffrighted rest While thundring Cannons rattle on their Skins Mess. Nay mightie Souldan did your greatnes see The frowning lookes of fiery Tamburlaine That with his terrour and imperious eies Commandes the hearts of his associates It might amaze your royall maiesty Soul Villain I tell thee were that tamburlaine As monstrous as Gorgon prince of Hell The Souldane would not start a foot from him But speake what power hath he Mess. Mightie Lord Three hundred thousand men in armour clad Vpon their pransing Steeds disdainfully With wanton paces trampling on the ground Fiue hundred thousand footmen threatning shot Shaking their swords their speares and yron bils Enuironing their Standard round that stood As bristle-pointed as a thorny wood Their warlike Engins and munition Exceed the forces of their martial men Soul Nay
could their nūbers counteruail the stars Or euer drisling drops of Aprill showers Or withered leaues that Autume shaketh downe Yet would the Souldane by his conquering power So scatter and consume them in his rage That not a man should liue to rue their fall Cap. So might your highnesse had you time to sort Your fighting men and raise your royall hoste But tamburlaine by expedition Aduantage takes of your vnreadinesse Soul Let him take all th' aduantages he can Were all the world conspird to fight for him Nay were he Deuill as he is no man Yet in reuenge of faire Zenocrate Whom he detaineth in despight of vs This arme should send him downe to Erebus To shroud his shame in darknes of the night Mess. Pleaseth your mightinesse to vnderstand His resolution far exceedeth all The first day when he pitcheth downe his tentes White is their hew and on his siluer crest A snowy Feather spangled white he beares To signify the mildnesse of his minde That satiate with spoile refuseth blood But when Aurora mounts the second time As red as scarlet is his furniture Then must his kindled wrath bee quencht with blood Not sparing any that can manage armes But if these threats mooue not submission Black are his collours blacke Pauilion His speare his shield his horse his armour plumes And Ietty Feathers menace death and hell Without respect of Sex degree or age He raceth all his foes with fire and sword Soul Mercilesse villaine Pesant ignorant Of lawfull armes or martiall discipline Pillage and murder are his vsuall trades The slaue vsurps the glorious name of war See Capolin the faire Arabian king That hath bene disapointed by this slaue Of my faire daughter and his princely Loue May haue fresh warning to go war with vs And be reueng'd for her dispardgement Actus 4. Scaena 2. Tamburlain Techelles Theridamas Vsumeasane Zenocrate Anippe two Moores drawing Baiazeth in his cage and his wife following him Tamb. BRing out my foot-stoole They take him out of the cage Bai Ye holy Priests of heauenly Mahomet That sacrificing slice and cut your flesh Staining his Altars with your purple blood Make heauen to frowne and euery fired starre To sucke vp poison from the moorish Fens And poure it in this glorious Tyrants throat tam. The chiefest God first moouer of that Spheare Enchac'd with thousands euer shining lamps Will sooner burne the glorious frame of Heauen Then it should so conspire my ouerthrow But Villaine thou that wishest this to me Fall prostrate on the lowe disdainefull earth And be the foot-stoole of great Tamburlain That I may rise into my royall throne Bai. First shalt thou rip my bowels with thy sword And sacrifice my heart to death and hell Before I yeeld to such a slauery tamb. Base villain vassall slaue to Tamburlaine Vnworthy to imbrace or touch the ground That beares the honor of my royall waight Stoop villaine stoope stoope for so he bids That may command thee peecemeale to be torne Or scattered like the lofty Cedar trees Strocke with the voice of thundring Iupiter Bai. Then as I look downe to the damned Feends Feends looke on me and thou dread God of hell With Evan Scepter strike this hatefull earth And make it swallow both of vs at once He gets vp vpon him to his chaire Tamb. Now cleare the triple region of the aire And let the maiestie of heauen beholde Their Scourge and Terrour treade on Emperours Smile Stars that raign'd at my natiuity And dim the brightnesse of their neighbor Lamps Disdaine to borrow light of Cynthia For I the chiefest Lamp of all the earth First rising in the East with milde aspect But fired now in the Meridian line Will send vp fire to your turning Spheares And cause the Sun to borrowe light of you My sword stroke fire from his coat of steele Euen in Bythinia when I took this Turke As when a fiery exhalation Wrapt in the bowels of a freezing cloude Fighting for passage make the Welkin cracke And casts a flash of lightning to the earth But ere I martch to wealthy Persea Or leaue Damascus and th' Egyptian fields As was the fame of Clymeus brain-sicke sonne That almost brent the Axeltree of heauen So shall our swords our lances and our shot Fill all the aire with fiery meteors Then when the Sky shal waxe as red as blood It shall be said I made it red my selfe To make me think of nought but blood and war Zab. Vnworthy king that by thy crueltie Vnlawfully vsurpest the Persean seat Dar'st thou that neuer saw an Emperour Before thou met my husband in the field Being thy Captiue thus abuse his state Keeping his kingly body in a Cage That rooffes of golde and sun-bright Pallaces Should haue prepar'd to entertaine his Grace And treading him beneath thy loathsome feet Whose feet the kings of Affrica haue kist tech. You must deuise some tormēt worsse my Lord To make these captiues reine their lauish tongues tam. zenocrate looke better to your slaue zen. She is my Handmaids slaue and she shal looke That these abuses flow not from her tongue Chide her Anippe Anip. Let these be warnings for you then my slaue How you abuse the person of the king Or els I sweare to haue you whipt stark nak'd Bai. Great tamburlaine great in my ouerthrow Ambitious pride shall make thee fall as low For treading on the back of Baiazeth That should be horsed on fower mightie kings tam. Thy names and tytles and thy dignities Are fled from Baiazeth and remaine with me That will maintaine it against a world of Kings Put him in againe Bai. Is this a place for mighty Baiazeth Confusion light on him that helps thee thus tam. There whiles he liues shal Baiezeth be kept And where I goe be thus in triumph drawne And thou his wife shalt feed him with the scraps My seruitures shall bring the from my boord For he that giues him other food than this Shall sit by him and starue to death himselfe This is my minde and I will haue it so Not all the Kings and Emperours of the Earth If they would lay their crownes before my feet Shall ransome him or take him from his cage The ages that shall talk of Tamburlain Euen from this day to Platoes wondrous yeare Shall talke how I haue handled Baiazeth These Mores that drew him from Bythinia To faire Damascus where we now remaine Shall lead him with vs wheresoere we goe Techelles and my louing followers Now may we see Damascus lofty towers Like to the shadowes of Pyramides That with their beauties grac'd the Memphion fields The golden stature of their feathered bird That spreads her wings vpon the citie wals Shall not defend it from our battering shot The townes-men maske in silke and cloath of gold And euery house is as a treasurie The men the treasure and the towne is ours Ther. Your tentes of white now pitch'd before the gates And gentle flags of amitie displaid I