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B00290 The booke of common prayer, and adminystracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande.; Book of common prayer Church of England. 1553 (1553) STC 16288A; ESTC S123394 285,183 443

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soule of our dere brother here departed we therefore commit hys body to the ground earth to earth asshes to asshes dust to dust in sure certaine hope of resurreccion to eternal lyfe through our Lord Iesus Christ who shal chaunge our vile bodi that it may be like to his glorious body according to the mightie working wherby he is hable to subdue all thynges to hymselfe Then shal be sayde or song I Heard a voyce from heauen saying vnto me write from hence for the blessed are the dead whiche dye in the Lorde Euen so sayeth the spiryte that they rest from theyr laboures Then shall folow this lesson taken out the .xv. Chapter to the Corinthians the firste Epistle CHrist is rysen from the dead and become the fyrste fruites of thē that slepe For by a man came death and by a man came the resurrecciō of the dead For as by Adam all dye euen so by Christe shal all bee made alyue but euery man in his owne ordre The firste is Christe then they that are Christes at hys comyng Then cometh the end when he hath deliuered vp the kyngdom to god the father when he hath put down al rule and al auctoritie and power For he muste reigne tyll he hath put all hys enemies vnder his fete The last enemie that shal be destroied is death For he hath put al thinges vnder his fete But whē he sayeth all thynges are put vnder hym it is manifest that he is excepted whyche did putte all thynges vnder hym When all thynges are subdued vnto him then shal the sonne also himselfe bee subiecte vnto hym that putte all thynges vnder him that god may be al in al els what doe thei which are Baptised ouer the dead yf the dead ryse not at al Why are they then Baptised ouer them yea and why stande we alwaye then in ieopardye by oure reioysyng whiche I haue in Christ Iesu our Lord I die dayly That I haue foughte with beastes at Ephesus after the maner of mē what auantageth it me if the dead rise not again Let vs eate drinke for to morowe we shal dye Be not ye deceyued euil wordes corrupt good maners Awake truely out of slepe sinne not For some haue not the knowledge of god I speake this to your shame But some man wyl saye how arise the dead With what bodi shal they come thou foole that which thou sowest is not quickened except it die And what sowest thou thou sowest not the body the shal be but bare corne as of wheate or some other but god geueth it a body at his pleasure to euery sede his own body Al fleshe is not one maner of fleshe but there is one maner of flesh of mē other maner of flesh of beastes other of fishes another of birdes There are also celestial bodyes there are bodyes terrestrial But the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another There is one maner glory of the sunne and another glory of the moone another glory of the starres For one starre differeth from another in glory so is the resurreccion of the dead It is sowen in corrupcion it riseth again in incorrupcion It is sowen in dishonoure it riseth agayn in honour It is sowen in weakenes it riseth again in power It is sowen a naturall body it riseth agayne a spirituall body There is a natural body there is a spiritual body as it is also written the first man Adam was made a liuing soule and the last Adam was made a quickening spirte How beit that is not first which is spiritual but the which is natural then that which is spiritual The firste man is of the earth earthy The second mā is the lord from heauen heauely As is the earthy such are they that be earthy And as is the heauenly such are they the are heauenly And as we haue borne the image of the earthy so shall we beare the Image of the heauenly Thys say I brethren that fleshe and bloud cannot inherite the kingdome of god neyther doeth corrupcion inherite vncorrupcion Behold I shewe you a mistery We shall not all slepe but we shall al be chaunged and that in a momente in the twinkeling of an eie by the last trumpe For the trumpe shal blow the dead shal rise incorruptible and we shal be chaunged For this corruptible must put on incorrupcion this mortal must put on immortalitie When this corruptible hath put on incorrupciō this mortal hath put on immortalitie thē shal be brought to passe the saying that is written Death is swalowed vp in victorie Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victorye The sting of Death is synne and the strength of synne is the lawe But thankes be vnto god which hath geuen vs victory through our Lorde Iesus Christ Therfore my deare brethren be ye stedfast and vnmoueable alwayes riche in the worke of the Lord forasmuch as ye know now that your labour is not in vayne in the Lorde The Lesson ended the Priest shall saye Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Our father which art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptacion Aunswere But delyuer vs from euill Amen The Priest ALmightie god with whom doe liue the spirites of them that depart hence in the Lord and in whom the soules of them that be elected after they be deliuered from the burthen of the fleshe be in ioye felicitie We geue thee harty thākes for that it hath pleased thee to deliuer this N. our brother out of the miseries of thys synneful world beseching thee that it may please thee of thy gracious goodnes shortely to accōplishe the numbre of thine elect and to hast thy kyngdome that we with thys our brother al other departed in the true faith of thy holy name may haue our perfect consummacion blisse both in body soule in thy eternall and euerlastyng glory Amen ¶ The Collecte O Merciful god the father of our lord Iesus Christ who is the resurreccion and the lyfe in whom whosoeuer beleueth shal liue though he die And whosoeuer lyueth and beleueth in him shal not die eternally who also taught vs by his holy Apostle Paul not to be sorye as men without hope for them that slepe in him We mekely beseche thee O father to rayse vs from the death of synne vnto the lyfe of righteousnes that when we shall depart this lyfe we may rest in him as our hope is this our brother doeth and that at the general resurreccion in the last day we may be foūd acceptable in thy sight and receiue that blessing which thy welbeloued sonne shall then pronounce to all that loue and feare thee saying Come ye blessed chyldren of my father receiue the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world Graunte this we beseche thee O merciful father through Iesus Christe our
mā is preached vnto you forgeuenes of sinnes and that by hym al that beleue are iustifyed from al thinges from whiche ye coulde not be iustifyed by the law Moses Beware therfore lest that fall on you whiche is spoken of in the prophetes beholde ye despisers and wonder and perishe ye for I doe a worke in youre dayes whiche ye shall not beleue though a man declare it vnto you ¶ The Gospell Lu. xxiiii IEsus stode in the middes of his disciples and sayde vnto them peace bee vnto you It is I feare not But they were abashed and afraide and supposed that they had seene a spirite And he sayd vnto them why are ye troubled why doe thoughtes arise in youre heartes Beholde my handes and my feete that it is euen I my selfe Handle me and see for a spirite hath no fleshe and bones as ye see me haue And when he had thus spoken he shewed them hys handes and hys feete And while they yet beleued not for ioye and wondred he sayde vnto them Haue ye here any meate And they offered him a piece of a broiled fishe and of an Honey combe And he tooke it and did eate before them And he sayd vnto them these are the wordes which I spake vnto you while I was yet with you That all muste nedes be fulfilled whiche were written of me in the law of Moses in the prophetes and in the Psalmes Then opened he their wittes that they myght vnderstande the Scriptures and sayde vnto them Thus it is written and thus it behoued Christ to suffre and to ryse again from death the third day and that repentaunce and remission of sinnes shoulde bee preached in hys name among al nacions and must begin at Ierusalem And ye are wytnesses of these thynges ¶ The first Sundaye after Easter ¶ The Collecte Almightie God c. As at the Communion on Easter daye ¶ The Epistle i. Iohn v. AL that is borne of god ouercometh the world And thys is the victorye that ouercometh the world euē our faith Who is he that ouercometh the world but he that beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God This Iesus Christ is he that came by water and bloude not by water onely but by water and bloud And it is the spirite that beareth witnes because the spirite is trueth For there are three which beare recorde in heauen the father the word and the holy gost and these three are one And there are three which beare recorde in earth the spirite and water and bloud and these three are one If we receyue the witnesse of menne the witnesse of God is greater For this is the witnes of god that is greater which he testified of hys sonne He that beleueth on the sonne of god hath the witnesse in hymselfe He that beleueth not god hath made hym a lyer because he beleueth not the recorde that God gaue of his sonne And this is the record how that God hath geuen vnto vs eternall lyfe and thys lyfe is in hys sonne He that hathe the sonne hathe lyfe and he that hath not the sonne of God hath not lyfe ¶ The Gospell Ion. xx THesame daye at nyght whiche was the fyrst daye of the Sabbothes when the dores were shut where the disciples were assembled together for feare of the Iewes came Iesus stode in the middes and sayde vnto them Peace bee vnto you And when he had so sayd he shewed vnto thē hys handes and hys syde Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord. Then sayd Iesus to them agayne Peace be vnto you As my father sent me euen so sende I you also And when he had sayde these wordes he breathed on them and sayde vnto them receyue ye the holy goste Whosoeuers sinnes ye remitte they are remitted vnto them And whosoeuers synnes ye retayne they are retayned ¶ The second Sunday after Easter ¶ The Collecte ALmightie God which hast geuen thy holy sonne to be vnto vs both a sacrifice for synne and also an example of godly life Geue vs the grace that we maye alwayes most thankfully receyue that hys inestimable benefyte and also dayly indeuoure oure selues to folowe the blessed steppes of hys most holy lyfe ¶ The Epistle i. Pete ii THis is thanke worthy yf a man for conscience toward God endure griefe and suffre wrong vndeserued For what praise is it if when ye be buffeted for youre faultes ye take it paciently But and if when ye doe well ye suffre wrong take it paciently thē is there thanke with God For hereunto verely were ye called For Christ also suffered for vs leauing vs an ensaūple that ye should folow his steppes which did no sinne neither was there guyle founde in his mouthe which when he was reuiled reuiled not agayne whē he suffered he threatned not but committed the vengeaunce to him that iudgeth rightously which his owne self bare our sinnes in hys body on the tree that we beyng deliuered from synne shoulde lyue vnto ryghteousnesse By whose stripes ye were healed For ye were as shepe going astray but are now turned vnto the shepeheard and bysshop of youre soules ¶ The Gospell Iohn x. CHrist said vnto his disciples I am the good shepeheard a good shepeheard geueth hys life for the shepe An hyred seruaunt and he which is not the shepeheard nether the shepe are his own seeth the wolfe coming and leaueth the shepe and fleeth and the wolfe catcheth and skattereth the shepe The hired seruaunt fleeth because he is an hired seruaunt and careth not for the shepe I am the good shepeheard know my shepe am knowen of mine As my father knoweth me euē so know I also my father And I geue my lyfe for the shepe and other shepe I haue which are not of this folde Them also must I bryng and they shal heare my voice and there shal be ohe folde and one shepeheard The third Sunday after Easter ¶ The Collect. ALmightie god which shewest to al men that be in errour the lyght of thy trueth to the entent that they may returne into the way of righteousnesse Graunt vnto all thē that be admitted into the felowship of Christes religiō that they may exchew those thinges the be contrary to their profession and folowe all suche thynges as be agreable to the same through our Lorde Iesus Christ ¶ The Epistle i. Pete ii DErely beloued I beseche you as straungers and pilgremes abstain frō fleshly lustes which fighte against the soule and see that ye haue honest conuersacion among the gentiles that wheras they backbite you as euil doers thei may see your good workes and prayse god in the daye of visitacion Submytte youre selues therfore to euery man for the lordes sake whether it be vnto the kyng as vnto the chief head eyther vnto rulers as vnto them the are sent of hym for the punishment of euyll doers but for the laude of thē that doe wel For so is the
depe of the earth agayne Thou haste broughte me to great honoure and comforted me on euery syed Therefore wyll I prayse thee and thy faythfulnesse O God playing vpon an instrument of musike vnto thee wyll I syng vpon the harpe O thou holy one of Israel My lippes will bee fayne when I sing vnto thee and so wyll my soule whom thou hast delyuered My tong also shall talke of thy righteousnes all the daye longe for they are confounded and broughte vnto shame that seke to doe me euyll Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the. c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shall bee world without ende Amen ¶ Adding this O Sauiour of the world saue vs which by thy crosse and precyous bloud hast redemed vs helpe vs we beseche thee O God Then shall the Minister saye THe almightie Lord which is a most strong tower to all them that put theyr truste in hym to whom all thynges in heauen in earth and vnder earthe doe bowe and obeye be now and euermore thy defence and make thee know and fele that there is no other name vnder heauen geuen to man in whom and throughe whom thou mayst receyue health and saluacyon but onely the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe Amen ¶ The Communion of the Sicke FOrasmuche as all mortall men be subiect to many sodayne perilles diseases and sickenesses euer vncertayne what time they shall depart out of this lyfe Therfore to thintent they may bee alwayes in a redinesse to dye whēsoeuer it shal please almightye God to call them the Curates shall diligenly from time to time but specially in the plague time exhorte their parishioners to the ofte receyuyng in the Church of the holy Cōmunion of the body and bloud of our sauioure Christ Whiche yf they doe they shall haue no cause in theyr sodayne visitaciō to be vnquieted for lacke of thesame but yf the sicke person bee not hable to come to the Church and yet is desirous to receiue the Communion in his house then he muste geue knowlegde ouernight or els early in the mornyng to the Curate signifying also how many be appoynted to Communicate with him And hauing a conuenient place in the sicke mans house where the Curate maye reuerently minister a good numbre to receyue the Communion with the sicke person with all thynges necessary for the same he shal there minister the holy Cōmuniō The Collect. ALmightie euerliuing God maker of mankynde which doest correct those whom thou doest loue and chastisest euery one whom thou doest rcceyue we beseche to haue mercy vpon thys thy seruaunt visited with thy hand and to graunt that he may take his sickenes paciently and recouer his bodely health yf it be thy gracious wil and whensoeuer his soule shall departe from the bodye it maye bee withoute spot presēted vnto thee through Iesus Christ our lord Amē The Epistle Hebr. xii MI sonne despise not the correccion of the Lord neither faint whē thou art rebuked of him For whō the Lord loueth hym he correcteth yea he scourgeth euery sonne whom be receyueth The Gospell Iohn v. VErely verely I saie vnto you he that heareth my worde and beleueth on hym that sent me hath euerlastyng life and shal not come vnto damnacion but he passeth from death vnto lyfe At the tyme of the distribucion of the holy Sacramente the Priest shall first receyue the Communion hymselfe and after minister vnto them that be appoynted to Communicate with the sicke But yf any man ether by reason of extremitie of syckenes or for lacke of warnyng in due tyme to the Curate or for lacke of companye to receyue with hym or by any other iuste impedimente doe not receyue the Sacramente of Christes body and bloud then the Curate shall instructe him that yf he doe truly repente hym of hys synnes and stedfastlye beeleue that Iesus Christ hath suffered death vpon the crosse for him and shed his bloud for hys redempcion earnestlye remembryng the benefytes he hath therby and geuyng hym harty thankes therfore he doth eate and drynke the bodye and bloud of oure Sauioure Christe profitablye to hys soules health although he doe not receyue the Sacramente with his mouth When the sicke person is visited and receyueth the holye Communion all at one tyme then the Priest for more expedycion shall cut of the fourme of the visitacion at the Psalme In thee O Lorde haue I put my truste and goe streyghte to the Communion In the tyme of plague Swette or such other lyke contagyous tymes of sickenesses or diseases when none of the paryshe or neyghbours can be gotten to Communnicate with the sycke in theyr houses for feare of the infeccion vpon specyall request of the diseased the minister may alonly Communicate with him ¶ The order for the Buriall of the dead The Priest metyng the corps at the Churche stile shall saye Or els the Priestes and clerkes shall syng and so go eyther vnto the Churche or towardes the graue Iohn xi I Am the resurreccyon and the life sayth the Lord he the beleueth in me yea though he were dead yet shall lyue And whosoeuer lyueth and beleueth in me shall not dye for euer Iob. xix I Knowe that my redemer lyueth and that I shall rise oute of the earth in the last daie and shal be couered agayne with my skinne and shall see god in my flesh yea and I my selfe shall beholde him not with other but with the same eyes i. Tim. vi WE brought nothing into this worlde neither maye we cary any thyng out of thys world The Lorde geueth and the lord taketh away Iob. i. Euen as it hath pleased the lord so commeth thinges to passe blessed be the name of the Lorde When they come at the graue whiles the corps is made ready to be laid into the earth the Priest shal say or the Priest and clerkes shall syng Iob. ix MAn that is borne of a woman hathe but a shorte time to liue and is ful of misery he cometh vp and is cutte downe lyke a floure he flieth as it were a shadow and neuer continueth in one staye In the middes of lyfe we be in death of whom may we seke for succour but of thee O Lorde which for our synnes iustly arte displeased yet O lord god moste holy O lord most mightye O holy and most mercyfull sauiour delyuer vs not into the bytter paynes of eternall death Thou knowest Lord the secretes of our heartes shutte not vp thy mercifull eyes to our prayers But spare vs lorde most holy O god most mightie O holy and mercifull sauiour thou most worthy iudge eternall suffre vs not at our laste houre for any paines of death to fall from thee Then while the earth shal be cast vpon the body by some standing by the Priest shall saye FOrasmuch as it hath pleased almighty god of his great mercy to take vnto himselfe the
deuoure my soule lyke a Lion and teare it in pieces whyle there is none to helpe Oh Lorde my God yf I haue done any suche thyng or yf there be any wickednes in my handes Yf I haue rewarded euyll vnto hym that dealte frendlye with me yea I haue delyuered hym that withoute anye cause is myne enemye Then let myne enemie persecute my soule and take me yea let hym treade my lyfe downe vpon the earthe and laye myne honour in the duste Stande vp O Lorde in thy wrath and lyfte vp thy selfe because of the indignacions of myne enemies aryse vp for me in the iudgement that thou hast commaunded And so shall the congregacion of the people come aboute thee for theyr sakes therefore lyft vp thy selfe agayne The Lord shall iudge the people geue sentence with me O Lord accordyng to my righteousnesse and accordyng to the innocencie that is in me Oh let the wickednesse of the vngodly come to an ende but guyde thou the iuste For the righteous god trieth the very heartes and reines My helpe cometh of God which preserueth them that are true of heart God is a righteous iudge strong and paciente and God is prouoked euery daye Yf a man will not turne he will wheat his sweorde he hath bent hys bowe and made it ready He hath prepared for him the instrumentes of deathe he ordeyneth his arrowes agaynst the persecutours Beholde he trauayleth with mischiefe he hathe conceyued sorow and brought foorth vngodlynes He hath grauen and digged vp a pytte and is fallen hym selfe into the destruccion that he made for other For hys trauayle shall come vpon hys owne head and hys wickednesse shall fall vpon his owne pate I wyll geue thankes vnto the Lorde accordyng to hys ryghteousnesse and wyll prayse the name of the Lorde the moste hyghest Domine dominus noster Psalm viii O Lorde oure gouernour how excellent is thy name in all the worlde thou that haste sette thy glorye aboue the heauens Oute of the mouth of very babes and suckelynges haste thou ordeyned strength because of thyne enemyes that thou mightest styll the enemie and the auenger For I wyll consydre thy heauens euen the worke of thy fyngers the Moone and the sterres whyche thou hast ordeyned What is man that thou arte mindefull of hym and the sonne of man that thou vysitest hym Thou madest hym lower then the Aungels to crowne hym with glory and worship Thou makest hym to haue dominion of the woorkes of thy handes and thou hast put all thinges in subieccyon vnder hys feete All shepe and oxen yea and the beastes of the fielde The foules of the ayre and the fishe of the sea and whatsoeuer walketh thorow the pathes of the seas O Lorde oure gouernour howe excellent is thy name in all the worlde Confitebor tibi Psalm ix Morning prayer I Wyll geue thankes vnto thee O LORD with my whole hearte I wyll speake of all thy marueylous woorkes I wyll be gladde and reioyce in thee yea my songes wil I make of thy name O thou most hyest Whyle myne enemies are drieuen backe they shall fall and peryshe at thy presence For thou haste mainteyned my right and my cause thou arte sette in the throne that iudgest ryghte Thou haste rebuked the Heathen and destroyed the vngodly thou haste put out theyr name for euer and euer O thou enemye destruccions are come to a perpetuall ende euen as the cyties whiche thou haste destroyed theyr memoriall is perished with them But the Lorde shall endure for euer he hathe also prepared hys seate for iudgement For he shall iudge the worlde in righteousnesse and minister true iudgement vnto the people The Lorde also wyll bee a defence for the oppressed euen a refuge in due tyme of trouble And they that knowe thy name wyll putte theyr truste in thee for thou Lorde haste neuer fayled them that seeke thee O prayse the Lorde whyche dwelleth in Sion shewe the people of his doynges For when he maketh inquisicion for bloud he remembreth them and forgeatteth not the complaynt of the poore Haue mercye vpon me O Lorde consydre the trouble whiche I suffre of them that hate me thou that lyftest me vp from the gates of death That I maye shewe all thy prayses within the portes of the daughter of Syon I wyll reioyce in thy saluacyon The Heathen are sunken downe in the pytte that they made in the same nette whiche they hydde priuely is theyr owne foote taken The Lorde is knowen to execute iudgement the vngodly is trapped in the woorke of hys owne handes The wicked shal be turned vnto hell and all the people that forgeat God For the poore shall not bee alwaye forgotten the pacyent abiding of the meke shall not perishe for euer Vp Lorde and let not man haue the vpper hand let the Heathen be iudged in thy syghte Putte them in feare O Lorde that the Heathen maye knowe them selues to bee but men Vt quid domine psalm x. WHy standest thou so farre of O Lorde and hydest thy face in the nedefull tyme of trouble The vngodly for his owne luste doeth persecute the poore let them be taken in the craftye wilines that they haue ymagined For the vngodly hathe made boaste of his owne heartes desyre and speaketh good of the couetouse whom God abhorreth The vngodlye is so proude that he careth not for God neyther is God in all hys thoughtes Hys wayes are alwaye greuouse thy iudgementes are farre aboue oute of hys syghte and therefore defyeth he all hys enemyes For he hath sayd in his heart tushe I shall neuer be cast downe there shall no harme happen vnto me His mouthe is full of cursyng and disceyte and fraude vnder his tongue is vngodlines and vanitie He sitteth lurkyng in the theuishe corners of the stretes and priuely in his lurkyng dennes dothe he murther the innocent hys eyes are sette agaynst the poore For he lyeth wayting secretelye euen as a Lion lurketh he in hys denne that he maye rauishe the poore He doeth rauishe the poore when he geatteth him into his nette He falleth downe and humbleth hym selfe that the congregcyon of the poore maye fall into the hande of hys captaynes He hathe sayde in his hearte tushe God hathe forgotten he hydeth awaye his face and he wyll neuer see it Aryse O Lord God and lyft vp thyne hand forgeat not the poore Wherefore shoulde the wicked blaspheme God whyle he doeth say in hys hearte tushe thou God carest not for it Surely thou haste seen it for thou beholdeste vngodlynesse and wrong That thou mayest take the matter into thy hande the poore committeth himselfe vnto thee for thou arte the helper of the frendlesse Breake thou the power of the vngodlye and malicyous take awaye his vngodlynes and thou shalt fynde none The Lorde is kyng for euer and euer and the Heathen are perished out of the lande Lord thou haste hearde the desyre of the poore thou preparest theyr heart and thyne eare harkened
heauenly father to comfort my self in affliccion and temptacyon with these articles of the christen faith it is not in my power For fayth is thy gyft and forasmuche as thou wylte bee prayed vnto and called vpon for it I come vnto thee to praye and beseche thee bothe for that and for all my other necessities euen as thy deare beloued sonne oure Sauiour Chryst Iesus hathe hym selfe taught vs. And from the very botome of my hearte I crye and saye O oure father whyche arte in heauen c. ¶ Prayers to be sayde in the mornyng O Mercyfull Lord God heauenly father I rendre most hygh laudes prayse and thankes vnto thee that thou hast preserued me bothe thys nyghte and all the tyme and dayes of my lyfe hytherto vnder thy proteccion and hast suffred me to lyue vntill thys presente houre And I beseche thee hartely thou wylte vouchesafe to receyue me thys day and the residue of my whole lyfe from hencefoorthe into thy tuicion rulyng and gouernyng me with thy holye spiryte that all maner of darkenes of misbeliefe infidelitie and of carnall lustes and affeccions may be vtterly chased and driuen out of my heart and that I may bee iustified and saued both body and soule thorow a right and a perfect fayth and so walke in the lyght of thy most godly trueth to thy glorye and prayse and to the profite and furtheraunce of my neighbour thorow Iesus Christ our Lorde and sauiour Amen ALl possible thankes that we are hable we rendre vnto thee O Lorde Iesus Christe for that thou hast willed thys nyght past to bee prosperous vnto vs and we beseche thee lykewyse to prosper all thys same daye vnto vs for thy glory and for the health of oure soule and that thou which art the true light not knowing ani going down and which art the sunne eternal geuing life foode and gladnes vnto all thynges vouchsafe to shyne into oure myndes that we maye not any where stumble to fall into any synne but may through thy good guiding and conductyng come to the lyfe euerlastyng Amen O Lorde Iesus Christe which art the true sunne of the world euermore arysyng neuer going down which by thy moste holesome appearing fight doest bring furth preserue nourish and refreshe all thinges aswel that are in heauē as also that are on earth we beseche thee mercifully and fauourably to shine into oure heartes that the nyghte and darkenes of sinnes and the mistes of errours on euery side drieuē away thou brightly shining within our hertes we may al our lyfe space goe without any stumbling or offence may decently and semely walke as in the day time being pure and cleane from the woorkes of darkenesse and abounding in al good workes which god bath prepared for vs to walke in whyche wyth father and wyth the holy gost lyuest and reygnest for euer and euer Amen O God and lord Iesus Christ thou knowest yea hast also taught vs how great the infirmitie weakenesse of man is and how certain a thyng it is that it can nothing doe without thy godly helpe If man trust to himself it cannot be auoyded but that he muste headlong runne and fall into a thousande vndoynges and mischiefes O oure father haue thou pietie compassion vpon the weakenes of vs thy children bee thou prest ready to helpe vs alwayes shewing thy mercy vpon vs prospering whatsoeuer we godlye goe aboute so that thou geuing vs light we may see what thynges are truely good in dede thou encouragyng vs we may haue an earnest desire to thesame and thou being oure gyde we maye come where to obtayne them for we hauing nothyng but mistrust in our selues doe yelde and commytte oure selues full and whole vnto the alone whiche workest all thynges in al creatures to thy honour glory So be it ¶ A prayer agaynst temptacion O Lorde Iesus Christe the onely staye and fence of oure mortal state our onely hope our onely saluacyon oure glory our triumphe who in the fleshe which thou haddest for oure onely cause taken vpon thee didst suffre thy selfe to be tempted of Sathan and who onely and alone of all men didst vtterly ouercome vanquishe sinne death the worlde the deuil and al the kingdome of hell and whatsoeuer thou hast to ouercomed for our behofe it is that thou hast ouercomed it neyther hath it been thy wyll to haue any of thy seruauntes kepe battail or fight with any of the foresaid euis but of purpose to rewarde vs with a crown of the more glory for it and to thintente that thou myghtest lykewyse ouerthrow Sathan in thy members as thou hadst afore done in thyne owne person geue thou we beseche thee vnto vs thy souldyers O Lion moste victorious of the trybe of Iuda strength against the roaring Lion which continually wandreth to and fro sekyng whom he may deuour Thou being that same serpent the true geuer of health and life that wer nayled on high vpon a tree geue vnto vs thy litle sely ones wilines agaynst the deceitfull a wayting of the most subtyle serpente Thou beyng a lambe as white as snowe the vanquisher of Satans tyranny geue vnto vs thy litle shepe the strength and vertue of thy spirite that beeyng in oure owne selues weake and feble and in thee strong valeant we may withstande and ouercome all assaultes of the deuyll so that our gostly enemy may not glory on vs but beeing conquerers through thee we may geue thankes to thy mercye which neuer leaueth them destitute that put their truste in thee who lyuest and reygnest God for euer wythoute ende Amen ¶ A prayer for obteyning of wysedome Sapien. ix O God of our fathers and Lord of mercy thou that hast made all thynges with thy worde and ordeyned man through thy wisedom that he should haue dominacion ouer the creature whiche thou haste made that he shoulde order the worlde accordyng to equitie righteousnes execute iudgement with a true heart geue me wisdō which is euer about thy seat put me not out frō among thy children for I thy seruaūt sonne of thy handmayde am a feble person of a shorte tyme and to yonge to the vnderstandyng of thy iudgement lawes yea though a man be neuer to perfecte among the children of men yet if thy wisedome be not with him he shal be nothing worthe Oh sende thy wisedome out of thy holye heauens and from the throne of thy maiestie that she maie be with me and labour with me that I maie know what is acceptable in thy sight for she knoweth and vnderstandeth all thinges and she shall conducte me right soberlye in my woorkes and preserue me in her power So shall my workes be acceptable Amen A Prayer against worldly carefulnes O Most deare tender father our defender nourisher endue vs with thy grace that we may cast of the great blindnes of our mindes carefulnes of worldly thinges may put our
or hys deputie shall appoynt the place the chauncels shall remayne as they haue done in tymes past And here is to be noted that the Minister at the tyme of the communion and at all other tymes in hys ministracion shall vse neyther Albe Vestment nor Cope but beeyng Archebisshop or Bisshop he shall haue and weare a rochet and being a Priest or Deacon he shal haue and weare a surples onelye ¶ An ordre for Morning prayer daylye throughoute the yeare At the beginning both of Morning praier lykewise of Euening prayer the Minister shal reade with a loude voyce some one of these sentences of the scriptures that folowe And then he shall saye that whiche is wrytten after the sayde sentences Ezechiel xviii AT what tyme soeuer a sinner dooeth repente hym of his synne frō the bottome of his heart I wyll putte all hys wickednes out of my remembraunce sayeth the Lorde Psal li. I doe knowe myne owne wickednes and my synne is alwaye agaynst me Psal li. Turne thy face awaye from oure synnes O Lorde and blot out all oure offences Psalm li A sorowfull spirite is a sacrifice to God despyse not O Lorde humble and contryte heartes Ioel. ii Rente youre heartes and not your garmentes and turne to the Lord youre God because he is gentle and merciful he is paciente and of muche mercy and suche a one that is sory for youre affliccyons Dani. ix To thee O Lorde God belongeth mercy and forgeuenes for we haue gone awaye from thee and haue not harkened to thy voyce wherby we might walke in thy lawes whyche thou hast appoynted for vs. Ierem. ii Correct vs O Lord and yet in thy iudgement not in thy furye leste we shoulde be consumed and brought to nothing Math. iii Amend your lyues for the kyngdome of God is at hand Luke xv I wyll goe to my father and saye to him father I haue synned agaynste heauen and agaynste thee I am no more worthy to bee called thy sonne Psa cxlii Entre not into iudgement with thy seruauntes O lorde for no fleshe is righteous in thy sighte i. Iohn i. Yf we saye that we haue no synne we deceyue our selues and there is no trueth in vs. DEarely beloued brethren the scripture moueth vs in sondrye places to acknowledge and confesse our manifold sinnes and wickednes that we should not dissemble nor cloke them before the face of almyghtie God oure heauenly father but confesse them with an humble lowely penitent and obedient heart to th ende that we may obtayne forgeuenes of the same by his infinite goodnes and mercy And although we oughte at all times humbly to knowledge our sinnes before God yet ought we most chiefly so to do whē we assemble and mete together to rendre thankes for the greate benefites that we baue receyued at his handes to set foorth his moste worthy prayse to heare his most holy worde and to aske those thinges whych be requisite and necessarie aswell for the body as the soule Wherfore I praye and beseche you as many as be here present to accompanie me with a pure heart and humble voyce vnto the throne of the heauenly grace saying after me ¶ A generall confession to bee sayde of the whole congregacion after the Minister kneelyng ALmighty and most merciful father we haue erred straied from thy waies lyke lost shepe We haue folowed to much the deuises desires of our own heartes We haue offended against thy holy lawes We haue lefte vndone those thynges whiche we oughte to haue done and we haue done those thynges whyche we oughte not to haue done and there is no healthe in vs but thou O Lorde haue mercy vpon vs myserable offendours Spare thou them O God which confesse theyr faultes Restore thou them that be penitent accordyng to thy promyses declared vnto mankynde in Christe Iesu oure Lorde And graunt O most mercyfull father for hys sake that we may hereafter lyue a godly ryghteous and sobre lyfe to the glory of thy holy name Amen ¶ The absolucion to be pronounced by the Minister alone ALmightye God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ whiche desireth not the death of a sinner but rather that he may turne from hys wyckednes liue and hath geuen power and commaundement to hys ministers to declare pronounce to hys people being penitent the absolucion and remission of theyr synnes he pardoneth and absolueth all them whyche truely repent vnfaynedly beleue hys holy ghospell Wherfore we beseche him to graunte vs true repentaunce and hys holy spirite that those thynges maye please hym whiche we doe at thys presente and that the rest of our lyfe hereafter may bee pure and holy so that at the last we may come to his eternall ioye through Iesus Christe oure Lorde ¶ The people shall aunswere Amen Then shall the Minister begyn the Lordes prayer with a loude voyce OVre father which arte in heauen halowed bee thy name Thy kingdome come Thy wyll bee done in earth as it is in heauen Geue vs thys day our dayly bread And forgeue vs oure trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse agaynste vs. And leade vs not into temptacion But delyuer vs from euell Amen ¶ Then lykewyse he shall saye O Lorde open thou oure lippes Aunswer And our mouth shall shewe foorth thy prayse ¶ Priest O God make spede to saue vs. ¶ Aunswer O Lorde make hast to helpe vs. ¶ Priest Glory be to the father and to the sonne to the holy ghoste As it was in the beginnyng is nowe and euer shall bee worlde without ende Amen Prayse ye the Lorde ¶ Then shal be sayd or song this Psalme folowyng O Come let vs syng vnto the Lord let vs hartely reioyce in the strength of oure saluacyon Let vs come before hys presence with thankesgeuyng and shewe oure selfe glad in hym with Psalmes For the Lorde is a great God and a great kyng aboue al Goddes In hys hand are all the corners of the earthe and the strength of the hylles is hys also The sea is hys and he made it and his handes prepared the drye lande O come let vs worship and fall downe and knele before the Lorde oure maker For he is the Lorde oure God and wee are the people of his pasture and the shepe of hys handes To daye yf ye wyll heare hys voyce harden not youre heartes as in the prouocacion and as in the day of temptacyon in the wyldernes When your fathers tempted me proued me and sawe my workes Fortie yeares long was I grieued with this generacion and sayde it is a people that doe erre in theyr heartes for they haue not knowen my wayes Vnto whom I sware in my wrathe that they shoulde not entre into my reste Glory be to the father and to the sōne to the holy ghost As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shall be worlde wythout ende Amen Then
it Whē Iesus hearde these woordes he merueiled sayde to them that folowed him verely I say vnto you I haue not foūd so great fayth in Israel I say vnto you that many shal come frō the East Weste and shall reste with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kyngdome of heauen but the children of the Kingdome shabe caste oute into vtter darkenes there shall bee wepyng and gnashyng of teeth And Iesus said vnto the Centurion Goe thy waye and as thou beleuest so bee it vnto thee and hys seruaunte was healed in the selfe same houre The fourth Sunday after Christmas ¶ The Collecte GOd whiche knowest vs to bee sette in the middest of so many and great daungers that for mans fraylnesse we cannot always stande vprightly Graunte to vs the health of body and soule that all those thinges whiche we suffre for sinne by thy helpe we may wel passe and ouercome through Christe oure Lorde ¶ The Epistle Ro. xiii LEt euery soule submitte hymselfe vnto the auctoritie of the higher powers for there is no power but of God The powers that be are ordained of God whosoeuer therefore resisteth power resisteth the ordinaunce of god But they that resiste shal receiue to themselues damnacyon For rulers are not fearefull to them that doe good but to them that doe euill Wilt thou be withoute feare of the power doe well then and so shalte thou bee praysed of the same for he is the minister of God for thy wealth But and if thou doe that whiche is euil then feare for he beareth not the sweorde for nought for he is the minister of God to take vengeaunce on them that do euyll Wherefore ye muste nedes obey not onely for feare of vengeaunce but also because of conscyence and euen for this cause pay ye tribute For they are Goddes ministers seruing for that purpose Geue to euery man therefore hys duetye tribute to whom tribute belongeth custome to whom custome is due feare to whom feare belongeth honour to whō honour pertayneth ¶ The Gospell Mat. viii ANd when he entered into a shippe his disciples folowed hym And behold there arose a great tempeste in the sea insomuche as the shyppe was couered with waues but he was aslepe And hys disciples came to hym and awoke hym saying Master saue vs we peryshe And he sayde vnto them why are ye fearefull O ye of lytle faythe Then he arose and rebuked the wyndes and the sea and there folowed a greate calme But the men meruayled saying what maner of man is thys that bothe wyndes and sea obeye hym And when he was come to the other syde into the countrey of the Gergesites there met with hym two possessed of deuils which came oute of the graues and were oute of measure fierce so that no manne myghte goe by that waye And behold they cried out saying O Iesu thou sonne of God what haue we to doe with thee Arte thou come hither to tormente vs beefore the tyme And there was a good waye of from them a heerde of Swyne fedyng So the deuils besought him saying If thou cast vs oute suffre vs to goe into the heerd of Swyne And he sayde vnto them goe youre wayes Then wente they oute and departed into the heerd of Swyne And beholde the whole heerd of Swyne was caryed headlong into the sea and peryshed in the waters Then they that kepte them fled and went theyr wayes into the cytie and tolde euery thyng and what had happened vnto the possessed of the deuils And beholde the whole citye came oute to mete Iesus and when they sawe hym they besought hym that he woulde departe out of theyr coastes ¶ The fifth Sundaye after the Epiphanie ¶ The Collecte LOrde we beseche thee to kepe thy Churche and householde continually in thy true relygion that they whyche doe leane onely vpon hope of thy heauenly grace maye euermore bee defended by thy myghtye power Through Christe oure Lorde ¶ The Epistle Collo iii. PVt vpon you as the electe of God tendre mercy kindnes humblenes of mynde mekenesse long suffryng forbearyng one another and forgeuing one another yf any man haue a quarell agaynste another as Christe forgaue you euen so doe ye Aboue all these thinges put on loue which is the bonde of perfectnes And the peace of God rule your heartes to the which peace yeare called in one bodye And see that ye be thankefull Let the word of Christe dwell in you plenteously with all wisedome Teache and exhort your owne selues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall songes singing with grace in youre heartes to the Lorde And whatsoeuer ye doe in woorde or dede doe all in the name of the Lord Iesu geuyng thankes to God the father by hym ¶ The Gospell Mat. xiii THe kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a manne whiche sowed good seede in his fielde but while men slepte his enemie came and sowed tares among the wheate and wente his waye But when the blade was sprong vp had brought furth fruite then appeared the tares also So the seruaūtes of the housholder came and sayde vnto hym Sir didst not thou sowe good seede in thy fielde from whence then hathe it tares He sayde vnto them the enuyous man hathe doone this The seruauntes sayde vnto him wilte thou then that we goe and wede them vp But he sayd naye leaste while ye gather vp the tares ye plucke vp also the wheate with them let bothe growe together vntill the haruest and in the tyme of haruest I wyll saye to the reapers gather ye fyrste the tares and bynde them together in sheaues to bee brente but gather the wheate into my barne The sixth Sunday if there be so many shal haue thesame Collect Episstle and Gospell that was vpon the fifth Sundaye ¶ The Sunday called Septuagesima ¶ The Collecte O Lord we beseche thee fauourably to heare the praiers of thy people that we which are iustli punished for our offences maie be mercifullye delyuered by thy goodnesse for the glori of thy name through Iesu Christ our sauiour who liueth and reygneth worlde withoute ende ¶ The Epistle i. Cor. ix PErceiue ye not howe that they whiche runne in a course runne all but one receiueth the rewarde So runne that ye maye obtayne Euery man that proueth masteries abstaineth from all thynges And they doe it to obtayne a crowne that shall peryshe but we to obteine an euerlastyng crowne I therfore so runne not as at an vncertayne thyng So fight I not as one that beateth the ayre but I tame my bodye and bryng it into subieccion lest by any meanes it come to passe that when I haue preached to other I my selfe shoulde be a castawaye ¶ The Gospell Mat. xx THe kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a manne that is an housholder whiche wente oute early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyarde And when the agremente was made with the labourers for a peny a daye he
vnperfectly but then shall I know euen as I am knowen Now abideth faith hope and loue euen these three but the chiefe of these is loue ¶ The Gospell Luk. xviii IEsus toke vnto hym the .xii. and sayde vnto them beholde we goe vp to Ierusalem and all shall bee fulfylled that are wrytten by the Prophetes of the sonne of manne For he shall bee delyuered vnto the Gentiles and shal bee mocked and despitefully intreated and spitted on And whē they haue scourged hym they wyll putte hym to deathe and the third day he shal ryse agayne And they vnderstode none of these thynges And thys saying was hyd from them so that they perceyued not the thynges whiche were spoken And it came to passe that as he was come nyghe to Hieritho a certayne blynd manne satte by the hye waye syde beggyng And when he heard the people passe by he asked what it mente And they sayde vnto hym that Iesus of Nazareth passed by And be cryed saying Iesu thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy on me And they whyche wente before rebuked hym that he shoulde bolde hys peace But he cryed so muche the more thou sonne of Dauid haue mercye on me And Iesus stode styll and commaunded hym to bee broughte vnto hym And when he was come nere he asked hym saying what wylte thou that I doe vnto thee and he sayde Lorde that I myghte receyue my syghte And Iesus sayde vnto hym receyue thy syghte thy faythe hathe saued thee And immediately he receyued hys syght and folowed hym praysyng God And all the people when then saw it gaue prayse vnto God ¶ The firste daye of Lent ¶ The Collecte ALmighty and euerlastyng God whiche hatest nothing that thou hast made and doest forgeue the synnes of al them that bee penitente Create and make in vs newe and contrite heartes that we worthelye lamentyng oure sinnes and knowledging oure wretchednes may obtayne of thee the God of all mercye perfecte remission and forgeuenesse throughe Iesus Christe ¶ The Epistle Ioel. ii TVrne you vnto me with al your heartes with fastyng weping and mourning rente your heartes and not your clothes Turne you vnto the Lorde youre God for he is gracious and merciful long suffering and of great compasson and ready to pardō wickednes Then no doubt he also shal turne and forgeue and after his chastening he shall let youre encrease remayne for meate and drinke offeringes vnto the lord your god Blow out with the trompet in Sion proclaime a fastyng call the congregacion and gather the people together warne the congregacyon gather the elders bryng the chyldren and suckelynges together Let the bridegrome goe forth of hys chambre and the bride oute of her closet Let Priestes serue the Lorde betwene the Porche and the alter weping and saying bee fauourable O Lorde bee fauourable vnto thy people let not thyne heritage be brought to such confusion lest the Heathen be Lordes thereof Wherefore shoulde they say among the Heathen where is nowe theyr God ¶ The Gospell Math. vi WHen ye faste bee not sad as the Hipocrites are for they diffigure their faces that it maye appeare vnto men how that they fast Verely I saye vnto you they haue their rewarde But thou when thou fastest annoynt thyne head washe thy face that it appeare not vnto men howe thou fastest but vnto thy father which is in secret thy father which seeth in secret shal reward thee openly Lay not vp for your selues treasure vpon earth where the rust and moth both corrutp and where theues breake through and steale But lay vp for you treasures in heauen where neither ruste nor moth doeth corrupt and where theues doe not breake throughe nor steale For where youre treasure is there wyll your heartes be also ¶ The first Sunday in Lent ¶ The Collect. O Lord which for our sake didst fast fortye dayes and fortie nightes Geue vs grace to vse such abstinence that our fleshe being subdued to the spirite we maye euer obey thy Godly mocions in righteousnes and true holines to thy honour and glory which liuest and reygnest c. ¶ The Epistle ii Cor. vi WE as helpers exhorte you that ye receyue not the grace of God in vayne For he saith I haue heard thee in a time accepted and in the dai of saluacion haue I succoured thee Beholde nowe is that accepted tyme beholde now is that day of saluacion Let vs geue none occasion of euill that in our office be founde no faulte but in all thynges let vs behaue our selues as the ministers of God In muche pacience in affliccions in necessities in anguishes in stripes in prisonmentes in stryfes in labours in watchinges in fastinges in purenes in knowledge in long sufferyng in kyndnes in the holy gost in loue vnfayned in the worde of trueth in the power of God by the armoure of ryghteousnes of the righte hande and of the left by honour and dishonour by euill report and good reporte as deceyuers and yet true as vnknowen and yet knowen as dying and beholde we lyue as chastened and not kylled as sorowing and yet alway mery as poore and yet make mani riche as hauing nothing and yet possessing all thynges ¶ The Gospell Mat. iiii THen was Iesus led away of the spirite vnto wildernesse to be tempted of the deuill And when he had fasted fortie dayes and forty nightes he was at the last an hungred And when the tempter came to hym he sayed yf thou bee the sonne of God commaunde that these stones bee made bread But he aunswered sayed it is written man shall not liue by bread onely but by euery woorde that procedeth oute of the mouth of god Then the deuil taketh hym vp into the holy citie and setteth hym on a pinacle of the temple and saith vnto hym yf thou be the sonne of God cast thy selfe down headlong For it is written he shall geue hys Aungelles charge ouer thee and with their handes they shal holde thee by leste at any tyme thou dashe thy foote against a stone And Iesus sayd vnto hym it is written agayne Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Agayne the deuil taketh him vp into an exceading highe mountayne and shewed hym all the kingdomes of the world and the glory of them and sayeth vnto him all these will I geue thee yf thou wilt fal downe and worship me Then sayeth Iesus vnto him Auoyde Sathā for it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy god and him only shalt thou serue Then the deuil leaueth hym and beholde the Angels came and ministred vnto hym The second Sunday in Lent ¶ The Collecte ALmightie god which doest see that we haue no power of oure selues to helpe oure selues kepe thou vs both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our soules that we maye be defended from al aduersities which may happen to the body and from al euil thoughtes whiche maye assaulte and hurte the soule hrough Iesus Chryste
speake euery man truth vnto hys neighbour forasmuche as we are membres one of another Be angry sinne not Let not the sunne go downe vpon youre wrathe neither geue place to the backbyter Let hym that stole steale nomore but let hym rather laboure with his handes the thing which is good that he may geue vnto him that nedeth Let no filthy communicacion procede out of your mouth but that which is good to edifye withal as ofte as nede is that it may minster grace vnto the heaters And grieue not the holye spirite of God by whom ye are sealed vnto the day of redempcion Let all bitternes and fiercenes and wrath and roaryng and cursed speakyng be put awaye from you with al maliciousnes Be ye curteous one to another mercyfull forgeuyng one another euen as God for Christes sake hath forgeuen you ¶ The Gospell Math. ix IEsus entred into a shyp passed ouer and came into hys owne citie And beholde they brought to hym a man sicke of the paulsey lying in a bedde And when Iesus sawe the fayth of them he sayde to the sycke of the Paulsey Sonne bee of good there thy sinnes bee forgeuen thee And behold certayn of the Scribes sayde within themselues this man blasphmeth And when Iesus sawe theyr thoughtes he sayd wherefore thinke ye euill in youre heartes Whether is it easier to say thy sinnes bee forgeuen thee or to saye aryse and walke But that ye maye knowe that the sonne of man hathe power to forgeue sinnes in earth Then sayeth he to the sicke of the Paulsey Aryse take vp thy bed and goe vnto thyne house And he arose and departed to his house But the people that saw it meruayled and glorified God which hath geuen such power vnto menne ¶ The .xx. Sundaye after Trinitie ¶ The Collecte ALmighty and merciful God of thy bountifull goodnes Kepe vs from all thinges that may hurt vs that we being ready both in body and soule maye with fre heartes accomplishe those thinges that thou wouldest haue done thorow Iesus Christe oure Lorde ¶ The Epistle Ephe. v TAke hede therfore howe ye walke circumspectly not as vnwyse but as wise menne redemyng the time because the dayes are euill Wherefore bee ye not vnwise but vnderstande what the will of the Lorde is and bee not dronken with wine wherin is excesse But be fylled with the spirite speakyng vnto your selues in Psalmes and Nimnes and spirituall songes syngyng and makyng melody to the lord in your heartes geuing thankes alwayes for all thynges vnto God the father in the name of our Lorde Iesus Chryste submitting your selues one to another in the feare of God ¶ The Gospell Mat. xxii IEsus saide to hys disciples The kingdome of heauen is like vnto a man that was a Kyng whyche made a mariage for his sonne and sent furthe hys seruauntes to call them that were bydden to the wedding and they would not come Agayne he sent furth other seruauntes saying Tell them whiche are bidden beeholde I haue prepared my diner myne Oxen and my fatlynges are kylled and all thynges are ready come vnto the manage But they made lyght of it and went theyr wayes One to hys farme place another to his marchaundise and the remnaunt toke his seruauntes intreated them shamefully and flewe them But when the kyng heard thereof he was wroth and sente furth his men of warre and destroied those murtherers and brēt vp theyr city Then said he to his seruauntes the mariage in dede is prepared but they whiche were bidden were not worthy Goe ye therfore oute into the hye wayes and as many as ye fynd byd them to the mariage And the seruauntes went furth into the hye wayes and gathered together all as many as they coulde fynde bothe good and bad and the wedding was furnished with geastes Then the kyng came in to see the geastes and when he spyed there a man whiche had not on a wedding garmente he said vnto hym frend how camest thou in hither not hauing a wedding garment And he was euen specheles Then said the king to the ministers take and bind him hand and foote and cast hym into vtter darkenes there shal be wepyng and gnashyng of teeth For many bee called but few are chosen The .xxi. Sundaye aftter Trinitie ¶ The Collecte GRaunte we beseche thee mercifull Lorde to thy faythfull people pardon and peace that they maye be clensed from all theyr sinnes and serue thee with a quiet mynde through Iesus Christe oure Lorde ¶ The Epistle Ephe. vi MY brethren bee strong throughe the Lorde and through the power of hys myghte Put on all the armour of God that ye may stand against all the assaultes of the deuill for we wrestle not agaynste bloud and fleshe but against rule againste power agaynste worldlye rulers euen gouernours of the darkenes of thys worlde againste spirituall craftines in heauenlye thynges Therefore take vnto you the whole armour of God that ye may be hable to resiste in the euyll day and stande perfect in all thynges Stande therfore and your loynes gyrd with the trueth hauyng on the brestplate of ryghteousnesse and hauyng shooes on youre feete that ye maye bee prepared for the gospell of peace Aboue all take to you the shyelde of faythe wherewith ye maye quenche all the fyery dartes of the wicked And take the helmet of saluacyon and the sweord of the spirite which is the worde of God And pray alwaies with all maner of prayer and supplycacion in the spirite and watche therunto with all instaunce and supplicacion for all sainctes and for me that vtteraunce may be geuen vnto me that I may open my mouthe freely to vtter the secretes of my gospell wherof I am a messenger in bondes that therein I may speake freely as I ought to speake ¶ The Gospell Iohn iiii THere was a certayn ruler whose sōne was sycke at Capernaū A ssone as thesame hearde that Iesus was come out of Iewry into Galile he went vnto him and besought him that he woulde come downe and heale his sonne For he was euen at the poynte of death Then said Iesus vnto him except ye see signes and wonders ye will not beleue The ruler sayd vnto hym Sir come downe or euer that my sonne dye Iesus sayeth vnto him Goe thy waye thy sonne liueth The man beeleued the word that Iesus had spoken vnto him he went his way And as he was going downe the seruauntes met hym and tolde hym saying thy sonne liueth Then enquired be of thē the houre when he began to amende And they sayde vnto him yesterday at the seuenth houre the feuer lefte him So the father knewe that it was the same houre in the whych Iesus sayde vnto him thy sonne liueth and he beleued and all his housholde This is agayn the second miracle that Iesus did when he was come out of Iewry into Galile ¶ The .xxii. Sundaye after Trinitie ¶ The Collecte LOrde we beseche
bee called but the faulte is muche greater when menne stande by and yet wyll neyther eate nor drynke thys holye Communyon with other I praye you what can thys bee elles but euen to haue the misteryes of Chryste in derysyon It is sayde vnto all Take ye and eate Take and drinke ye all of this do this in remembraunce of me With what face then or with what countenaunce shall ye heare thes e woordes What wyll thys bee elles but a neglecting a des pys ing and mockyng of the Tes tament of Chris te Wherfore rather then you should s o doe departe you hence and geue place to them that bee Godlye dys pos ed. But when you departe I bees eche you pondre with youre selues from whom you departe ye departe from the Lordes table ye departe from youre brethren and from the banquete of most heauenlye foode These thynges yf ye earnestlye considre ye shall by Gods grace returne a better mind for the obteining wherof we shall make our humble peticions whyle me shall receyue the holy communion ¶ And some tyme shal be sayd thys also at the discrecyon of the Curate DEarely beloued forasmuche as our duetie is to render to almyghtye God oure heauenlye father moste hearty thankes for that he hath geuen hys sonne our sauiour Iesus Christe not onelye to dye for vs but also to bee oure spirituall foode and sustenaunce as it is declared vnto vs aswell by Gods woorde as by the holy sacramentes of his blessed body and bloud the whyche beyng so coumfortable a thyng to them whiche receue it worthelye and so daungerous to them that wyll presume to receyue it vnwoorthelye My duetye is to exhort you to consydre the bignitie of the holye misterye and the greate peryll of the vnmorthye receiuyng therof and so to searche and examyne youre owne consciences as you should come holy and cleane to a moste godly and heauenlye feaste so that in no wyse you come but in the maryage garmente required of God in holy scripture and so come and bee receiued as woorthye partakers of suche a heauenly table The way and meanes therto is Fyrste to examine your lyues and conuersacion by the rule of Goddes commaundementes and wherin soeuer ye shall perceyue youre selues to haue offended eyther by wyll woorde or dede there bewayle your owne sinfullines confesse your selues to almightie god with ful purpose of amendement of lyfe And if ye shall perceiue youre offences to be such as be not onely againste God but also agaynste youre neighbours then ye shall reconcile your selues vnto them ready to make restitucion and satisfaccion according to the vttermost of your powers for al iniuries wronges done by you to any other and like wise being ready to forgeue other that haue offended you as you would haue forgeuenes of your offences at gods hande for otherwyse the receiuing of the holy Cōmunion doeth noting els but encrease your damnacion And because it is requisite that no man should come to the holy Communion but with a full trust in Gods mercy with a quiet conscience therefore yf there be any of you whiche by the meanes aforesaid cannot quiet his own conscyence but requireth further comfort or counsel then let him come to me or some other discrete and learned minister of gods word and open his griefe that he maye receiue suche gostly counsayl aduise and comfort as his conscience may be relieued and that by the ministery of Gods word he may receiue comfort and the benefite of absolucion to the quieting of his conscience and auoiding of al Scruple and doubtfulnes Then shal the priest say thys exhortacion DErely beloued in the Lorde ye that minde to come to the holy Communiō of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christe must consyder what S. Paul wryteth to the Corinthians how he exhorteth al persons diligently to try and examyne thēselues before they presume to eate of that bread and drynke of that cuppe for as the benefite is great if with a truly penitente hearte and lyuely fayth we receiue that holy Sacramente for then we spirituallye eate the fleshe of Chryste and drynke hys bloude then we dwell in Chryste and Chryste in vs ●…e bee one with Chryste and Chryste wyth vs so is the daunger greate if we receyue the same vnworthely For then we be giltie of the bodye and bloud of Christ our Sauiour We eate and drynke our own damnacion not considering the lordes body We kyndle Gods wrath agaynst vs we prouoke hym to plage vs with diuerse diseases and sondrye kindes of death Therefore if anye of you be a blasphemer of God an hinderer or slaunderer of his to word an adulterer or be in malice or enuie or in any other grieuous cryme bewayle your sinnes and come not to this holye Table lest after the takyng of that holy Sacrament the Deuill entre into you as he entred into Iudas and fill you ful of al iniquities and bring you to destruccion both of body and soule Iudge therefore your selues brethren that ye bee not iudged of the Lorde Repent you truely for your sinnes past haue a liuelye and stedfast fayth in Christ our Sauiour Amende your lyues and be in perfect charitie with all men so shall ye bee mete partakers of those holy misteries And aboue all thinges ye must geue most humble and heartie thankes to God the father the sonne and the holy ghost for the redempcion of the world by the death and passion of our Sauiour Christ bothe God and man who did humble himselfe euen to the death vpon the Crosse for vs miserable sinners which lay in darkenes and shadowe of death that he myght make vs the children of God and exalte vs to euerlastyng lyfe And to th ende that we shoulde alwaye remembre the exceding great loue of our Master and onely Sauiour Iesu Christ thus dying for vs and the innumerable benefites whiche by his precious bloudshedding he hath obtayned to vs he hath instituted and ordeyned holy misteries as pledges of his loue and continual remembraunce of his death so our great and endlesse comfort To hym therefore with the father and the holy ghost let vs geue as we are most bounden continuall thankes submittyng our slues wholye to his holye will and pleasure and studying to setue hym in true holinesse and ryghteousnes all the dayes of our lyfe Amen ¶ Then shall the priest saye to them that come to receiue the holy Communion YOu that doe truely earnestly repente you of your sinnes be in loue charitie with your neighbours entend to leade a newe lyfe folowyng the commaundementes of God and walking from hencefurh in hys holy mayes Draw nere take this holy Sacramente to your comfort make your hūble coufession to almighty God beefore thys congregacion here gathered together in hys holy name mekely kneling vpon your knees Then shall this generall confession be made in the name of all those that are minded to receiue the holye
Communion eyther by one of them or els by one of the Minissters or by the Prieste hym selfe all kneling humbly vpon their knees ALmightie god father of our lord Iesus Christ maker of al thinges iudge of al men we knowledge bewayle our manifold sinnes and wickednesse whiche we from tyme to tyme moste greuously haue committed by thought worde and dede agaynste thy deuyne Maiestie prouokyng moste iustly thy wrath and indignacion agaynst vs we doe earnestly repent be heartelry sory for these our misdoynges the remembraunce of them is grieuous vnto vs the burthe of them is intollerable haue mercye vpon vs haue mercye vpon vs moste mercifull father for thy sonne oure Lorde Iesus Chriestes sake forgeue vs all that is past graunt that we may euer hereafter serue and please thee in newnesse of lyfe to the honor and glorye of thy name Through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ Then shal the Priest or the Bishop being present stand vp and turning himselfe to the people says thus ALmightie God our heauenly father who of hys great mercy hath promised forgeuenes of sinnes to al them whiche with hartie repentaunce and true fayth turne vnto him haue mercye vpon you pardon deliuer you frō all your sinnnes confirme and strength you in all goodnes and bryng you to euerlastyng lyfe through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen ¶ Then shall the priest also saye Heare what comfortable wordes our sauiour Christ saith to all that truely turne to hym Come vnto me all that trauayle and be heauy laden and I shal refreshe you So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne to th end that al that beleue in him should not peryshe but haue lyfe euerlastyng ¶ Heare also what Sainct Paul sayeth This is a true saying a worthy of al men to be receyued that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue synners ¶ Heare also what Sainct Iohn sayeth Yf anye man synne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ righteous and he the propiciacyon for our synnes After the which the priest shall procede saying Lyft vp your heartes Aunswere We lyfte them vp vnto the Lorde Prieste Let vs geue thankes vnto our Lorde God Aunswere It is mete and right so to doe Prieste It is very mete righte and oure bounden duetie that we should at al times and in al places geue thankes vnto thee O Lorde holy father almightie euerlasting god ¶ Here shall folowe the proper Preface accordyng to the tyme if there be any specially appointed or els immediatly shall folowe Therefore with Aungels c. ¶ Propre Prefaces Vpon Christmas daye and seuen dayes after BEcause thou diddest geue Iesus Christe thine onely sonne to bee borne as thys daye for vs who by the operacion of the holy ghoste was made very man of the substaunce of the Vyrgyn Marye his mother and that without spot of sinne to make vs cleane from all sinne Therfore c. ¶ Vpon Easter day and seuen dayes after BVt chieflye are we bounde to prayse thee for the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lord for he is the very Paschal lābe which was offered for vs hath taken awaye the sinne of the worlde who by hys death hath destroyed death and by hys risyng to lyfe agayne hathe restored to vs euerlastyng lyfe Therfore c. ¶ Vpon the Ascencion daye and seuen dayes after THroughe thy moste deare beloued sonne Iesus Christ our Lord who after his most glorious resurrecciō manifestly appeared to al his apostles and in their sight ascended vp into heauen to prepare a place for vs that where he is thether might we also ascend and reigne with him in glory Therfore with c. ¶ Vpon whitsonday and sixe dayes after THrough Iesus Christe our Lorde accordyng to whose most true promise the holye ghoste came downe this daye frō heauen with a sodain great sound as it had been a mightie wind in the likenes of fiery tonges lightyng vpon the Apostles to teache them and to leade them to all trueth geuyng them bothe the gyft of diuerse languages and also boldenes with feruent zeale constantly to preache the Gospell vnto all nacions whereby we are brought out of darkenes and errour into the cleare light and true knowledge of thee and of thy sonne Iesus Christ Therfore with c. ¶ Vpon the feast of Trinitie onely IT is verye mete righte and our bounden duetie that me should at all tunes and in all places geue thankes to thee O Lorde almightie and euerlasting God which art one God one lord not one onely person but three persones in one substaunce for that which we beleue of the glory of the father the same we beleue of the sonne and of the holy ghost without anye difference or inequalitie Therfore with c. ¶ After which Preface shall folowe immediately ¶ Therfore with Angelles and Archangelles and with all the company of heauen we laude and magnifie thy glorious name euermore praysing thee and saying Holy holy holy Lorde God of hostes heauen and earth are full of thy glory glory be to thee O Lord most high Then shall the Priest kneeling downe at Gods borde saye in the name of all them that shall receiue the Communion thys prayer folowing WE doe not presume to come to this thy Table O mercifull Lord trusting in our owne righteousnes but in thy manifolde great mercies we be not worthy so much as to gather vp the crūmes vnder thy table but thou arte the same Lorde whose propertie is alwayes to haue mercy graunt vs therfore gracious Lorde so to eate the fleshe of thy dere sonne Iesus Christ and to drinke his bloud that our sinfull bodies may be made cleane by his body our soules wasshed through his most precious bloud and that we may euermore dwel in him and he in vs. Amen ¶ Then the Priest standing vp shal say as foloweth ALmightie God our heauenly father which of thy tender mercy diddest geue thyne onely sonne Iesus Christ to suffre death vpon the crosse for our redempcion who made there by his one oblacion of himselfe once offered a full perfecte and sufficient sacrifice oblacion and satisfaccyon for the synnes of the whole world and did institute and in his holy Gospel commaund vs to continue a perpetuall memorye of that hys precious death vntyll hys comyng agayne Heare vs O mercifull father we beseche thee graunte that we receiuing these thy creatures of bread wine according to thy sonne our Sauiour Iesu Christes holy institucion in remembraūce of his death and passion may be partakers of his most blessed body and bloud who in the same nyght that he was betrayed tooke bread and when he hadde geuen thankes he brake it and gaue it to hys Disciples saying Take eate this is my body which is geuen for you Doe this in remēbraunce of me Lykewyse after supper he tooke the cup and when he had geuen thankes he gaue it to thē saying
Drink ye all of thys for this is my bloud of the newe Testamente which is shed for you and for many for remissyon of sinnes doe thys as oft as ye shall drinke it in remembraunce of me Then shall the Minister first receyue the Communion in bothe kyndes himselfe and nexte delyuer it to other Ministers yf anye be there presēt that they may helpe the chiefe Minister and after to the people in theyr handes kneelyng And when he delyuereth the bread he shall saye Take and eate thys in remembraunce that Christe dyed for thee and fede on him in thy heart by fayth with thankes geuyng And the minister that deliuereth the cup shall saye Drinke this in remembraunce that Christes bloud was shed for thee and be thankefull Then shal the Priest saye the Lordes prayer the people repeating after hym euery peticyon After shal be sayde as foloweth O Lorde and heauenlye father we thy humble seruauntes entierly desyre thy fatherly goodnesse mercyfullye to accepte thys oure Sacrifyce of prayse and thankes geuyng moste besechyng thee to graunte that by the merites and death of thy sonne Iesus Christe and throughe faith in hys bloud we and all thy whole churche may obtayne remissiō of our sinnes and al other benefites of his Passiō And here we offer and prsēt vnto thee O lord our selues our soules and bodies to bee a reasonable holye and lyuely Sacrifice vnto thee humblye besechyng thee that all we whyche bee partakers of thys holye Communion maye bee fulfylled with thy grace and heauenlye benediccion And althoughe we bee vnworthy throughe oure manyfolde synnes to offre vnto thee any sacrifyce yet we beseche thee to accepte thys our bounden duetie and seruice not weyghing our merites but pardonyng oure offences throughe Iesus Christe oure Lord by whom and with whom in the vnitie of the holye ghost all honour and glory bee vnto thee O father almyghtie worlde without ende Amen Or this ALmightie and euerliuing god we most hartely thanke thee for that thou doest vouchesafe to fede vs whyche haue duely receyued these holy misteries with the spirituall foode of the moste precyous body and bloud of thy sonne our Sauyour Iesus Christe and doest assure vs thereby of thy fauoure and goodnesse towarde vs and that we bee verye membres incorporate in thy mistycall bodye whyche is the blessed companye of all faythfull people and bee also heyres through hope of thy euerlastyng kyngdome by the merites of the most precyous deathe and Passyon of thy deare sonne we nowe moste humblye beseche thee heauenlye father so to assiste vs with thy grace that we may continue in that holy felowship and doe all suche good workes as thou hast prepared for vs to walke in throughe Iesus Christe oure Lorde to whom with thee and the holy ghost be all honour and glory worlde without ende Amen Then shal be sayd or song GLorye bee to GOD on hyghe And in earthe peace good wyll towardes menne We prayse thee we blesse thee we woorshyp thee we gloryfy thee we geue thankes to thee for thy great glorye O Lorde GOD heauenly kyng God the father almyghtye O Lorde the only begotten sonne Iusu Chrysse O Lorde God Lame of God sonne of the father that takeste awaye the synnes of the worlde haue mercye vpon vs Thou that takest awaye the synnes of the worlde haue mercye vpon vs. Thou that takeste awaye the sinnes of the worlde receyue our prayer Thou that fittest at the righte hand of God the father haue mercye vpon vs For thou onely arte holy Thou onely are the Lorde Thou onely O Christe with the holy ghost art most highe in the glory of God the father Amen Then the Priest or the Bishop yf he be present shal let them departe with this blessing THe peace of God whiche passeth all vnderstānding kepe your heartes and myndes in the knowledge and loue of God and of his sonne Iesu Christ our Lorde and the blessing of God almightie the father the sonne and the holy ghost bee amongest you and remayne with you alwayes Amen Collectes to be sayd after the Offertorie when there is no Cōmunion euery such daye one And the same maye be sayde also as often as occasion shall serue after the Collectes eyther of Morning and Euening prayer Communion or Letany by the discrecion of the Minister ASsist vs mercifully O Lorde in these our supplicacions and prayers and dispose the waye of thy seruauntes towarde the attaynemente of euerlastyng saluacyon that among all the chaunges and chaunces of this mortall lyfe they maye euer be defended by thy moste gracyous and ready helpe throughe Christe oure Lorde Amen O Almightie Lorde and euerliuyng God vouchsafe we beeseche thee to directe sanctifye and gouerne bothe oure heartes and bodies in the wayes of thy lawes and in the workes of thy commaundemētes that through thy most mightie proteccyon both here and euer we maye be preserued in body and soule through our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe Amen GRaunt we beseche thee almightie god that the wordes whiche we haue hearde this daye with oure outwarde eares may throughe thy grace bee so grafted inwardlye in oure heartes that they may bryng for the in vs the fruite of good lyuing to the honour and prayse of thy name throughe Iesus Christe oure Lorde Amen PReuent vs O Lorde in all our doinges with thy moste gracyous fauoure and further vs with thy contynuall helpe that in all oure workes begon continued and ended in thee we maye glorifye thy holy name and fynally by thy mercye obtayne euerlastyng lyfe throughe Iesus Chryste oure Lorde Amen ALmightye God the fountayne of all wysdome whyche knowest our necessities before we aske and oure ignoraunce in asking we beseche thee to haue compassyon vpon our infirmities and those thinges whiche for our vnworthinesse we dare not and for oure blindnes we cannot aske vouchesafe to geue vs for the worthynesse of thy sonne Iesus Christe oure Lourde Amen ALmightie God whiche haste promised to heare the peticyons of them that aske in thy sonnes name we beeseche thee mercifully to enclyne thyne eares to vs that haue made nowe oure prayers and supplycacyons vnto thee and graunte that those thynges whiche we faithfully asked accordyng to the wyll may effectually bee obteyned to the reliefe of oure necessitie and to the settyng foorth of thy glorye through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen Vpon the holy dayes yf there be no Communion shal be sayde al that is appoynted at the Communiō vntill the ende of the Homelye concludyng with the generall prayer for the whole state of Christes church militant here in earth one or moe of these Collectes beefore rehearsed as occasion shall serue And there shal be no celebracion of the Lordes supper except there bee a good noumbre to commnunicate with the priest according to his discrecyon And yf there bee not aboue twentye persons in the Parishe of discrecion to receiue Communion yet there shal be no Communiō except foure or three at the
sinne and liuing vnto rightousnes and beyng buried with Christ in hys death may crucifie the olde man and vtterly abolishe the whole body of synne that as he is made partaker of the death of thy sonne so he maie be partaker of his resurreccion So that finally with the residue of thy holy congregacion he may be inheritour of thine euerlastyng kyngdome throughe Christe our Lord. Amen At the laste ende the Priest callyng the Godfathers and Godmothers together shall saye thys shorte exhortacyon folowyng FOrasmuche as these chyldren haue promysed by you to forsake the Deuil and all his workes to beleue in God and to serue him you must remembre that it is youre partes and duetyes to see that these infantes bee taughte so soone as they shal be hable to learne what a solemne vow promise and profession they haue made by you And that they maye knowe these thynges the better ye shall call vpon them to heare sermons And chyeftye ye shall prouyde that they may learne the Crede the Lordes prayer and the ten Commaundementes in the English tongue and al other thinges whiche a Christian man oughte to knowe and beleue to his soules health and that these children may bee vertuoustlye brought vp to leade a godly and Christen lyfe remembring alwaie that Baptisme doeth represente vnto vs oure professyon whiche is to folow the example of our sauiour Christ and to bee made lyke vnto hym that as he dyed and rose agayne for vs so shoulde we whyche are Baptised dye from synne and ryse agayne vnto ryghteousnesse contynuallye mortifying all oure euyll and corrupte affeccions and daily procedyng in all vertue and godlynes of lyuyng The Minister shall commaunde that the children be broughte to the Bishop to be confirmed of hym so sone as they can saye in their vulgare tong the articles of the faith the lordes prayer and the .x. commaundementes and be further instructed in the Cathechisme sette forthe for that purpose accordingly as it is there expressed ¶ Of them that be Baptised in priuate houses in tyme of necessitie The Pastours and Curates shall ofte admonyshe the people that they deferre not the Baptisme of infantes any longer thē the Sundaye or other holy daye nexte after the child be borne vnlesse vpon a great and reasonable cause declared to the Curate and by hym approued And also they shal warne them that without great cause and necessitie they Baptise not children at home in theyr houses And when greate nede shall compell them so to doe that then they minister it on this fashyon Firste let them that be present call vpon God for hys grace and say the Lordes prayer if the tyme will suffre And then one of them shall name the childe and dippe hym in the water or powre water vpon hym saying these wordes N I Baptise thee in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy gost Amen And lette them not doubt but that the childe so Baptised is lawfully and sufficiently Baptised ought not to be Baptised agayne in the Churche But yet neuerthelesse yf the chylde whyche is after thys sorte Baptised doe afterwarde lyue it is expedyente that he bee broughte into the Churche to the entente the Priest may examine and trie whether the child be lawfully baptised or no. And yf those that bryng any chylde to the churche doe aunswere that he is already Baptised then shall the Priest examine them further By whom the childe was Baptysed Who was present when the childe was Baptysed Whether they called vpon God for grace and succoure in that necessitie With what thyng or what matter they did Baptyse the chylde With what wordes the childe was Baptised Whether they thinke the child to be lawefully and perfectly Baptysed And if the minister shall proue by the aunsweres of suche as brought the childe that all thynges were done as they oughte to bee Then shall not be Christen the childe agayne but shall receyue hym as one of the flocke of the true Christian people saying thus I Certifye you that in thys case ye haue done wel according vnto due order concerning the baptising of this childe which being borne in original sinne and in the wrath of god is now by the lauer of regeneracion in Baptisme receyued into the noumber of the children of God and heyres of euerlastyng life for our Lord Iesus Christ doeth not deny hys grace and mercy vnto such infantes but most louingly doeth call them vnto him as the holy Gospel doeth witnesse to our comfort on thys wyse Mark x. AT a certayne tyme they broughte children vnto Christ that he shoulde touche them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them But whē Iesus sawe it he was displeased and sayde vnto them suffre litle children to come vnto me and forbid them not for to suche belongeth the kingdome of god Verelye I saye vnto you whosoeuer doeth not receyue the kingdome of God as a litle childe he shall not entre therein And when he had taken them vp in his armes he putte hys handes vpon them and blessed them After the Gospell is readde the Minister shall make thys exhortacion vpon the wordes of the Gospell FRendes you heare in this Gospel the wordes of oure Sauioure Christe that he commaunded the children to bee brought vnto him Now he blamed those that woulde haue kepte them from hym Nowe he exhorted all men to folowe theyr innocencye Ye perceiue howe by hys outwarde gesture and dede he declared hys good wyll toward them For he embraced thē in his armes he layd his handes vpon them and blessed them doubt ye not therfore but earnestlye belieue that he hath likewyse fauourablye receyued thys presente infante that he hathe embraced him with the armes of hys mercye that he hath geuen vnto hym the blessyng of eternall lyfe and made hym partaker of his euerlastyng kyngdome Wherefore we being thus perswaded of the good will of our heauenlye father declared by his sonne Iesus Chryste towardes this infant Let vs faithfully and deuoutly geue thankes vnto him and say the prayer whyche the Lord himselfe taughte and in declaracion of our faith lette vs recyte the articles contayned in our Crede Here the Minister with the Godfathers and Godmothers shall saye Our father whiche arte in heauen c. Then shall the priest demaunde the name of the chyld whiche beeyng by the Godfathers and Godmothers pronounced the Minister shall saye Dooest thou in the name of thys chylde forsake the Deuill and all hys woorkes the vayne pompe and glory of the worlde with all the couetous desires of the same the carnall desyres of the fleshe and not to folow and be lead by them ¶ Aunswere I forsake them all ¶ Minister Doest thou in the name of thys childe professe thys fayth to beleue in God the father almightye maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Chryste hys onelye beegotten sonne our Lorde and that he was conceyued by the holye ghoste borne of
the vyrgyn Marye that he suffered vnder Poncyus Pylate was crucifyed dead and buryed that he wente downe into hell and also did ryse agayn the thyrd daye that he ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of god the father almightie and from thence he shall come agayne at the ende of the worlde to iudge the quicke and the dead And doe you in hys name belieue in the holy ghost The holy Catholyque Church The Communion of Sainctes The remyssyon of synnes Resurreccyon and euerlastyng lyfe after deathe ¶ Aunswere All thys I stedfastly belieue ¶ Let vs praye ALmightie and euerlastyng God heauenly father we geue thee humble thankes for that thou haste vouchsaued to cal vs to the knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee encrease this knowledge and cōfyrme thys faythe in vs euermore Geue thy holye spyrite to thys infante that he beyng borne agayne and beeyng made heyre of euerlastyng saluacyon throughe oure Lorde Iesus Christ may continue thy seruaunt and attaine thy promise throughe thesame oure Lorde Iesus Christ thy sonne who liueth and reigneth with thee in the vnytie of the same holye spirite euerlastyngly Amen Then shall the Minister make this exhortacion to the Godfathers and Godmothers FOrasmuche as thys chylde hathe promised by you to forsake the deuyll and all hys workes to belieue in God and to serue hym you muste remembre that it is youre parte and duetye to see that thys infant bee taughte so soone as he shal be hable to learne what a solemne vowe promyse and profession he hathe made by you and that he maye knowe these thinges the better ye shall call vpon him to heare sermons And chiefly ye shall prouide that he maye learne the Crede the Lordes prayer and the ten Commaundementes in the englyshe tong and all other thynges whiche a christian man ought to knowe and belieue to his soules health and that this child may be vertuously brought vp to leade a godly and a christen lyfe Remembring alwaye that Baptisme doth represent vnto vs our profession whiche is to folowe the exaumple of oure sauioure Christe and bee made lyke vnto hym that as he died and rose agayn for vs so should we whyche are baptised dye from synne and rise agayne vnto righteousnes continually mortifying all oure euill and corrupte affeccyons and daylye procedyng in all vertue and Godlynes of liuyng And so furth as in Publyque Baptisme But yf they which bryng the infantes to the Church doe make an vncertayn aunswere to the priestes questions and saye that they cānot tell what they thought did or sayd in that great feare and trouble of mynde as oftentimes it chaunceth then let the priest baptise hym in fourme aboue written concernyng Publique baptisme sauyng that at the dyppyng of the childe in the Fonte he shall vse thys fourme of woordes If thou be not Baptised already N. I Baptise thee in the name of the father and of the Sonne and of the holy Goste Amen ¶ Confirmacion wherin is conteyned a Cathechisme for children TO the end that Confirmacion may be ministred to the more edifying of such as shall receiue it accordyng vnto S. Paules doctrine who teacheth that all thynges shoulde bee done in the Churche to the edificacyon of the same it is thought good that none herafter shal be confirmed but suche as can saye in theyr mother tong the Articles of the faythe the Lordes prayer and the .x. Commaundementes And can also aunswere to such questyons of thys shorte Cathechisme as the Bisshoppe or such as he shall appoynt shall by hys discretion appose them in And thys ordre is most conuenient to bee obserued for diuerse consideracions Fyrst because that when children come to the yeres of discretion and haue learned what theyr Godfathers and Godmothers promised for thē in Baptysme they may then themselues with theyr owne mouth with theyr owne consent openly before the Churche ratifye and confirme thesame and also promise that by the grace of God they wyll euermore endeuoure themselues faythfully to obserue and kepe such thynges as they by theyr owne mouthe and confession haue assented vnto Secondly forasmuch as Confirmacion is ministred to them that bee Baptised that by imposicion of handes and prayer they maye receyue strength and defence against all temptacyons to sinne and the assaultes of the world and the Deuil it is most mete to be minystred when childrē come to that age that partly by the fraylty of theyr owne fleshe partly by the assaultes of the world and the Deuill they begyn to be in daunger to fall into sondrye kyndes of synne Thirdly for that it is agreable with the vsage of the Church in times past wherby it was ordeyned that Confirmacion shoulde be ministred to them that were of perfect age that they being instructed in Chrystes religion shoulde openlye professe theyr owne fayth and promise to be obedient vnto the will of God And that no man shall thynke that anye detriment shall come to chyldren by deferryng of theyr Confyrmacion he shal knowe for trueth that it is certayne by Goddes woorde that chyldren beeyng baptised haue all thynges necessarie for theyr saluacyon and be vndoubtedly saued A Cathechisme that is to say an instruccion to be learned of euery childe before he be brought to be Confirmed of the Bysshop Question What is your name Aunswere N. or M. Question Who gaue you thys name Aunswere My godfathers and godmothers in my Baptisme wherin I was made a member of Chryst the childe of God and an inheritour of the kingdome of heauen Question What did your godfathers and godmothers then for you Aunswere They dyd promyse and vowe three thynges in my name First that I shoulde forsake the deuill and all hys workes and pompes the vanities of the wicked worlde and all the synful lustes of the flesshe Secondly that I shoulde beleue al the articles of the christen faith And thirdly that I should kepe Goddes holy wil and commaundementes and walke in thesame all the dayes of my lyfe Question Doest thou not thinke that thou art bounde to beleue and to doe as they haue promised for thee Aunswere Yes verely And by Gods helpe so I wil. And I hertelye thanke oure heauenly father that he hath called me to thys state of saluaciō through Iesus Christ our sauiour And I pray god to geue me his grace that I maye continue in the same vnto my lyues ende Question Rehearse the articles of thy beliefe Aunswere I Beleue in god the father almightie maker of heauen of earth And in Iesus Christ his only sonne our lorde Whiche was conceyued of the holye ghoste borne of the of virgin Mary Suffred vnder Pōce Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell The thyrde daye he rose agayne from the dead He ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hande of god the father almightie From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleue in the holy gost The holy Catholyke Churche
The cōmunion of Sainctes The forgeuenes of sinnes The resurreccion of the body And the lyfe euerlastyng Amen Question What doest thou chiefllye learne in these articles of thy beliefe Aunswere Fyrst I learne to beleue in god the father who hath made me and al the worlde Secondly in God the sonne who hath redemed me and al mankynde Thirdly in god the holy gost who sanctifieth me and al the elect people of god Question You sayd that your godfathers and godmothers dyd promise for you that you should kepe gods commaundementes Tell me howe many there be Aunswere Tenne Question Which be they Aunswere THesame which God spake in the .xx. Chapiter of Exodus saying I am the Lorde thy god whyche haue broughte thee out of the lande of Egipte out of the house of bondage i. Thou shalt haue none other Goddes but me ii Thou shalte not make to thy selfe any grauen ymage nor the likenes of any thyng that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath nor in the water vnder the earth Thou shalte not bowe downe to them nor worshippe them for I the Lord thy god am a gelous god and visite the synnes of the fathers vpon the childrē vnto the thyrd and fourth generacion of them that hate me and shew mercy vnto thousandes in thē that loue me kepe my commaundementes iii. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy god in vayne for the lord wil not hold him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne iiii Remember thou kepe holy the Sabboth day Sixe dayes shalt thou laboure doe al that thou hast to doe but the seuenth daye is the Sabboth of the Lorde thy God In it thou shalte doe no maner of woorke thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy man seruaunte and thy mayde seruaunte thy Cattell and the straunger that is wythin thy gates for in sixe dayes the Lorde made heauen and earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth day Wherefore the Lorde blessed the seuenth daye and hallowed it v. Honour thy father and thy mother that thy daies may be long in the lande whiche the Lorde thy god geueth thee vi Thou shalt doe no murther vii Thou shalt not commit adultery viii Thou shalt not steale ix Thou shalt not beare false witnes agaist thi neighbour x. Thou shalte not coueite thy neyghbours house thou shalte not coueite thy neighbours wyfe nor hys seruaunte nor his maid nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is his Question What dooeste thou chieflye learne by these commaundementes Aunswere I learne two thinges My duetie towardes god and my duetye towardes my neighboure Question What is thy duetie towardes God Aunswere My duetie towardes God is to beleue in hym to feare hym and to loue hym with all my hearte wyth all my mynde with all my soule and with all my strength To worshyppe hym To geue him thankes To put my whole trust in hym To call vpon hym To honoure his holy name and his word and to serue hym truly al the dayes of my life Question What is thy duetie towardes thy neighbour Aunswere My duetie towardes my neighbour is to loue him as my selfe And to doe to al men as I would they should doe vnto me To loue honoure and succoure my father and mother To honoure and obey the kyng and hys ministers To submitte my selfe to al my gouernours teachers spiritual Pastours and Maisters To ordre my self lowly and reuerētly to all my betters To hurte no body by worde nor dede To be true and iust in al my dealyng To beare no malyce nor hatred in my heart To kepe my handes from picking and stealing and my tongue from euill speaking lying and slaundering To kepe my body in temperaunce sobernesse and chastitie Not to couet nor desyre other mennes goodes But learne and labour truly to geat mine own liuing and to do my duetie in that state of life vnto which it shal please God to call me Question My good childe knowe thys that thou art not hable to doe these thynges of thy self nor to walke in the cōmaundemētes of God and to serue him without hys special grace whiche thou muste learne at al tymes to call for by diligent prayer Let me heare therfore if thou canst sate the Lordes prayer Aunswere OVr father whiche art in heauen hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy wyll be done wyll be done in earth as it is in heauē Geue vs this day our dayly bread And forgeue vs oure trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse against vs. And leade vs not in to temptacion But deliuer vs from euil Amen Question What desirest thou of God in thys prayer Aunswere I desyre my Lorde God our heauenly father who is the geuer of all goodnes to sende his grace vnto me and to all people that we maye worship him serue hym and obey him as we oughte to doe And I pray vnto God that he wyll sende vs all thynges that be nedeful both for our soules and bodyes And that he will be mercifull vnto vs and forgeue vs oure synnes and that it will please hym to saue and defende vs in al daungers gostly and bodely And that he wil kepe vs from all synne and wickednes and from our gostly enemy and from euerlastyng death And this I trust he wil doe of his mercye and goodnesse throughe our Lorde Iesu Christ And therfore I saye Amen So be it So sone as the children can saye in their mother tong the Articles of the faith the Lordes praier the .x. commaundementes and also can aunswere to suche questions of this shorte Cathechisme as the Bishop or suche as he shall appoynte shal by his discrecion appose them in then shal they be brought to the Bisshoppe by one that shal be his Godfather or Godmother that euery chylde maye haue a witnesse of his confirmacion And the Bisshoppe shall confyrme them on thys wyse ¶ Confirmacion Our helpe is in the name of the Lorde Aunswere Which hath made both heauen and earth Minister Blessed is the name of the Lorde Aunswere Hencefurth world without ende Minister Lorde heare our prayer Aunswere And let our crye come to thee ¶ Let vs praye ALmightie euerliuyng God who hast vouchsafed to regenerate these thy seruaūtes by water and the holy gost and hast geuen vnto them forgeuenes of al their synnes strengthen them we beseche thee O lord with the holy gost the comforter and dayly encrease in them thy manifolde giftes of grace the spirite of wysedome and vnderstanding the spirite of counsel and gostely strength the spirite of knowledge and true godlynesse and fulfyll them O Lorde with the spirite of thy holy feare Amen Then the Bisshop shal lay hys hande vpon euery child seuerally saying Defende O Lorde this childe with thy heauenlye grace that he may continue thyne for euer and dayly encrease in thy holy spirite more and more vntil he come vnto thy euerlastyng kyngdome Amen Then shall
ordinaunce And thereto I geue thee my trouth Then shal they agayne loose their handes and the man shal geue vnto the woman a ring laying thesame vpon the boke with the accustomed duety to the Priest Clerke And the Priest taking the ring shal delyuer it vnto the man to putte it vpon the fourth fynger of the womans left hand And the man taught by the Priest shall saye With this ring I thee wed wyth my body I thee worshyp with al my worldly goodes I thee endow In the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy gost Amen Then the man leauing the ryng vpon the fourth fynger of the womans left hande the Minister shall saye ¶ Let vs praye O Eternall god creatour and preseruer of al mankynde geuer of all spirituall grace the auctour of euerlasting lyfe Sende thy blessing vpon these thy seruauntes this mā and this woman whō we blesse in thy name that as Isaac and Rebecca liued faithfully together so these persons may surely perfourme and kepe the vow and couenaunt betwixt them made whereof this ring geuen and receiued is a tokē and pledge and may euer remaine in perfect loue and peace together and lyue accordyng vnto thy lawes through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen Then shall the Priest ioyne their right handes together and say Those whom God hath ioined together lette no man put asunder Then shall the Minister speake vnto the people FOrasmuche as N. and N. haue consented together in holy wedlocke and haue witnessed thesame before god and this company and therto haue geuen and pledged their trouth eyther to other and haue declared thesame by geuing and receiuing of a ring and by ioyning of handes I pronounce that they be man and wife together In the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy gost Amen And the Minister shal adde thys blessing God the father god the sonne god the holy gost blesse preserue and kepe you the Lord mercifully with his fauoure loke vpon you and so fil you with al spiritual benediccyon and grace that you maye so liue together in thys life that in the world to come you may haue life euerlasting Amen Then the Minister or Clerkes going to the Lordes table shall saye or syng thys psalme folowyng Beati omnes ps cxxviii BLessed are al they that feare the lorde and walke in thys wayes For thou shalt eate the labour of thy handes O well is thee and happy shalt thou be Thy wife shal be as the fruitefull vine vpon the walles of thy house Thy children like the Oliue braunches rounde aboute thy table Loe thus shal the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. The Lorde from oute of Sion shall blesse thee that thou shalt see Hierusalem in prosperitie all thy lyfe long Yea that thou shalt see thy childrens children and peace vpon Israel Glory be to the father c. As it was in the. c. Or els thys psalme folowyng Deus misereatur psal lxvii GOd be merciful vnto vs and blesse vs and shewe vs the light of his countenaunce and be merciful vnto vs. That thy way may be knowen vpon the earth thy sauyng health among all nacions Let the people prayse thee O God yea let all the people prayse thee O let the nacions reioyce and be glad for thou shalt iudge the stocke righteouslye and gouerne the nacions vpon the earth Let the people praise thee O god let all the people prayse thee Then shal the earth bryng forth her encrease and god euēour God shall geue vs hys blessyng God shall blesse vs and all the endes of the worlde shall feare hym Glory be to the father c. As it was in the. c. The Psalme ended and the man and the woman knelyng afore the Lordes table the Priest standing at the table and turning his face towarde them shall saye Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Aunswere Christe haue merry vpon vs. Minister Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Our father which art in heauen c And leade vs not into temptacion Aunswere But deliuer vs from euill Amen Minister O Lorde saue thy seruaunt and thy handmayde Aunswere Which put their trust in thee Minister O Lorde sende them helpe from thy holy place Aunswere And euermore defende them Minister Be vnto them a towre of strength Aunswere From the face of theyr enemye Minister O Lorde heare our prayer Aunswere And let our crye come vnto thee The Minister O God of Abraham God of Isaac God of Iacob blesse these thy seruauntes and so we the sede of eternall lyfe in their mindes that whatsoeuer in thy holy worde they shall profitably learne they maye in dede fulfil thesame Loke O Lord mercifully vpon thē from heauen and blesse them And as thou diddest sende thy blessing vpon Abraham and Sara to their great comfort so vouchsafe to sende thy blessing vpō these thy seruauntes that they obeying thy wil and alway beeing in safetie vnder thy proteccion may abide thy loue vnto their liues ende through Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen Thys prayer next folowyng shal be omitted where the women is paste chylde byrth O Merciful lord heauenly father by whose gracious gift mankind is encreased we beseche thee assyste with thy blessyng these two persons that they may both be fruiteful in procreacion of childrē and also liue together so long in godly loue and honestie that they may see their childrens children vnto the thyrde fourth generacyon vnto thy prayse and honoure throughe Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O God whiche by thy mightie power hast made all thinges of naughte which also after other thinges set in ordre didst appointe that out of mā created after thyne owne ymage and similitude woman should take her beginning and knitting thē together dydst teache that it should neuer be lawful to put a sunder those whom thou by matrimonie hadst made one O God whych hast consecrated the state of matrimonie to such an excellent misterie that in it is signified and represented the spiritual mariage vnitie betwixt Christ his church Loke mercyfully vpon these thy seruauntes that both this mā may loue his wyfe accordyng to thy worde as Chryste did loue hys spouse the church who gaue him selfe for it louing cherysshyng it euen as his own flesh And also the this womā may be louing amiable to her husband as Rachel wife as Rebecca faithfull obedient as Sara and in all quietnes sobrietie peace be a folower of holy and godly matrones O Lord blesse them both graunt them to inherite thy euerlasting kingdom through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then shall the Priest saye ALmightie God which at the beginning did create our first parentes Adam and Eue and did sanctifie ioine them together in mariage powre vpō you the riches of hys grace sanctifie and blesse you that ye may please hym both in body and soule and lyue together in holy loue vnto your lyues ende Amen Then
thereto To helpe the fatherlesse and poore vnto theyr ryghte that the manne of the earthe bee no more exalted agaynste them In domino confido psalm xi IN the Lorde putte I my truste howe saye ye then to my soule that she shoulde flye as byrde vnto the hyll For loe the vngodly bende theyr bowe and make readye theyr arrowes within the quyuer that they maye prieuelye shoote at them whiche are true of heart For the foundacions wyll be caste downe and what hath the righteous done The Lorde is in hys holy Temple the Lordes seate is in heauen His eyes consydre the poore and his eye liddes tryeth the children of men The LORDE aloweth the ryghteous but the vngodly and hym that delighteth in wickednesse dooeth hys soule abhorre Vpon the vngodlye he shall rayne snares fyre and brimstone storme and tempeste thys shal bee theyr porcyon to drynke For the righteous Lorde loueth righteousnes hys countenaunce wyll beholde the thyng that is iuste Saluum me fac domine Psalm xii Euening prayer HElpe me Lorde for there is not on godly manne lefte for the faythfull are minished from among the chyldren of men They talke of vanitie euerye one with hys neyghboure they doe but flatter with theyr lippes and dissemble in theyr double hearte The Lorde shall roote out all disceytfull lippes and the tongue that speaketh proude thynges Whyche haue sayde with oure tongue wyll we preuayle we are they that ought to speake who is Lord ouer vs Nowe for the coumforteles troubles sake of the nedye because of the depe sighing of the poore I wyll vp sayeth the Lorde and will helpe euerye one from hym that swelleth agaynste hym and wyll sette them at reste The wordes of the Lorde are pure woordes euen as the siluer whych from earth is tryed and purifyed seuen times in the fyre Thou shalte kepe them O Lorde thou shalte preserue hym from thys generacyon for euer The vngodlye walke on euery syde when they are exalted the chyldren of men are put to rebuke Vsquequo domine Psalm xiii Howe long wylt thou forgeat me O Lorde for euer how long wilt thou hyde thy face from me Howe long shall I seeke counsayle in my soule and bee so vexed in my hearte howe long shall myne enemyes triumphe ouer me Consydre and heare me Lorde my God lighten myne eyes that I slepe not in death Leste myne enemie saye I haue preuayled agaynste him for yf I bee caste downe they that trouble me wyll reioyce at it But my truste is in thy mercye and my hearte is ioyeful in thy saluacion I wyll syng of the Lord because he hath delte so louingly with me yea I wyll prayse the name of the Lorde the moste hygheste Dixit incipiens psal xiiii THe foole hath sayd in hys heart there is no God They are corrupte and become abhominable in their doinges there is not one that doeth good no not one The Lord loked down from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that woulde vnderstande and seke after God But they are al gone out of the way they are altogether become abhominable there is none that doeth good no not one Theyr throte is an open sepulchre with their tongues they haue deceiued the person of aspes is vnder their lippes Their mouth is ful of cursyng and bitternesse their feete are swyfte to shedde bloude Destruccion and vnhappinesse is in their wayes and the way of peace haue they not knowen there is no feare of god before theyr eyes Haue they no knowledge that they are all such workers of mischiefe eating vp my people as it were bread And call not vpon the Lorde there were they brought in great fear euen where no feare was for God is in the generacion of the righteous As for you ye haue made a mocke at the counsayle of the poore because he putteth hys trust in the Lorde Who shall geue saluacion vnto Israel out of Sion whē the Lord turneth the captiuitie of his people then shal Iacob reioyce and Israel shal be glad Domine quis habitabit psal xv Morning prayer Lorde who shall dwel in thy tabernacle who shal rest vpon thy holy hyll Euen he that leadeth an vncorrupte life and doeth the thing which is ryght and speaketh the trueth from hys hearte He that hath vsed no deceste in hys tongue nor done euill to hys neyghbours and hath not slaundered hys neyghbours He that setteth not by hymselfe but is lowlye in hys own eyes and maketh much of them that feare the Lorde He that sweareth vnto his neigbboure and dysapoynteth hym not though it were to his own hinderaunce He that hath not geuen his money vpon vsury nor takē rewarde against the innocent Whoso doth these thynges shall neuer fall Conserua me domine psal xvi PReserue me O god for in thee haue I put my trust O my soule thou hast said vnto the Lord thou art my god my goodes are nothing vnto thee At my delight are vpon the Saintes that are in the earth and vpon suche as excell in vertue But they that runne after another God shal haue great trouble Their drinke offeringes of bloud will not I offer neyther make mencion of their names within my lyppes The lord himselfe is the porcion of mine enheritaunce and of my cup thou shalt mayntayne my lot The lot is fallen vnto me in a fayre grounde yea I haue a goodly heritage I wil thanke the Lord for geuing me warning my reines also chasten me in the night season I haue set god alwayes before me for he is on my right hand therfore I shall not fall Wherefore my heart was glad and my glory reioysed my fleshe also shall rest in hope For why thou shalte not leaue my soule in hell neyther shalt thou suffre thy holy one to see corrupcion Thou shalt shewe me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnes of ioye and at thy right hande there is pleasure for euermore Exaudi domine iusticiam psal xvii HEeare the right O lord consider my complaint and hearken vnto my prayer that goeth not out of fained lyppes Let my sentence come forth from thy presence and let thyne eyes loke vpon the thyng that is equall Thou hast proued and visited myne hearte in the nyghte season thou hast tried me and shal finde no wickednes in me for I am vtterlye purposed that my mouth shall not offende Because of mennes workes that are done agaynste the wordes of thy lyppes I haue kepte me from the wayes of the destroyer O hold thou vp my goynges in thy pathes that my fotesteppes slyp not I haue called vpon thee O god for thou shalte heare me incline thine eare to me and hearken vnto my wordes Shewe thy marueilous louing kindnes thou that art the sauioure of them that trust in thee from suche as resiste thy ryght hande kepe me as the apple of an eye hide me vnder the shadow of thy wynges From the vngodly that
trouble me myne enemies compasse me rounde aboute to take awaye my soule They are inclosed in their owne fatte and theyr mouth speaketh proude thynges They lye waiting in out may on euery side turning their eyes down to the grounde Like as a lion that is gredy of his pray and as it were a Lions whelpe lurkyng in secrete places Vp Lord disapoint him and cast hym down delyuer my soule from the vngodly which is a sweorde of thyne From the men of thy hand O Lord from the men I saye and from the euill worlde whiche haue their porcion in this lyfe whose bellyes thou fyllest with thy hydde treasure They haue children at their desyre and leaue the reste of their substaunce for their babes But as for me I wyll beholde thy presence in righteousnes and when I awake vp after thy lykenes I shal be satisfied with it Diligain te domine psal xviii Euening prayer I Wil loue thee O Lord my strength the Lord is my stony rocke and my defence my sauioure my God and my might in whom I wil trust my buckeler the horne also of my saluacion and my refuge I wil call vpon the Lord which is worthy to be praysed so shall I be safe fro myne enemyes The sorowes of death compassed me and the ouerflowinges of vngodlynes made me afrayde The paines of hell came about me the snares of death ouertoke me In my trouble wil I cal vpon the Lord and complayne vnto my God So shall he heare my voyce out of hys holy temple and my complaint shall come before hym it shall entre euen into hys eares The earth trembled and quaked the very foundacyons also of the hilles shoke and were remoued because he was wroth There went a smoke oute of his presence a consuming fyre out of hys mouth so that coles were kindled at it He bowed the heauens also and came downe and it was darke vnder hys feete He roade vpon the Cherubins and dyd flye he came flying vpon the winges of the wynde He made darkenes his secrete place his pauilion rounde aboute hym with darke water and thicke cloudes to couer hym At the brightnesse of hys presence hys cloudes remoued hayle stones and coles of fyre The Lorde also thundred oute of heauen and the highest gaue hys thunder hayle stones and coles of fyre He sent out hys arowes and scattred them he cast forth lygh enynges and destroyed them The springes of waters were seen and the foundacyons of the rounde worlde were dyscouered at thy chydyng O Lorde at the blastyng of the breath of thy displeasure He shall sende down from the high to fetche me and shall take me out of many waters He shall deliuer me from my strongest enemye and from them which hate me for they are to mightie for me They preuented me in the daye of my trouble but the lord was my vpholder He broughte me foorth also into a place of libertye he brought me forth euen because he had a fauoure vnto me The Lord shal rewarde me after my righteous dealyng according to the clennes of my hādes shal he recompence me Because I haue kepte the wayes of the Lorde and haue not forsaken my god as the wycked doeth For I haue an eye vnto all hys lawes and wil not caste out hys commaundementes from me I was also vncorrupte beefore hym and eschewed myne owne wyckednesse Therfore shall the Lord rewarde me after my righteous dealyng and according vnto the clennesse of my handes in hys eye syghte With the holy thou shalt be holy and with a perfect man thou shalt be perfect With the cleane thou shalt be cleane and with the froward thou shalt learne frowardnes For thou shalte saue the people that are in aduersitie and shalt bryng down the high lokes of the proude Thou also shalt lyght my Candle the lorde my god shall make my darkenes to be lyght For in thee I shall discomforte an hoste of men and wyth the helpe of my god I shall leape ouer the wall The way of god is an vnderfiled way the word of the lord also is tried in the fier he is the defender of al them that put their trust in hym For who is god but the Lord or who hath any strength except our God It is God that gyrdeth me wyth strength of warre and maketh my waye perfect He maketh my fete like hartes fete setteth me vp on high He teacheth my handes to fighte and mine armes shall breake euen a bowe of stele Thou hast geuen me the defence of thy saluacion thy right hande also shall holde me vp thy louing correccion shal make me great Thou shalt make roume inough vnder me for to goe that my fote steppes shall not slyde I will folowe vpon myne enemyes and ouertake them neyther wyl I turne agayne tyl I haue destroyed them I will smite them that they shall not be hable to stande but fall vnder my feete Thou hast girded me with strength vnto the battail thou shalt throwe downe myne enemyes vnder me Thou hast made mine enemies also to turne their backes vpon me and I shal destroye them that hate me They shall crye but there shall be none to helpe them yea euen vnto the Lord shal they crye but he shal not heare thē I will beate them as small as the dust before the wynde I wyll cast them out as the claye in the stretes Thou shalt deliuer me from the striuinges of the people and thou shalt make me the head of the heathen A people whom I haue not knowen shall serue me Assone as they heare of me they shall obeye me but the straunge children shall dissemble with me The straunge children shal faile and be afraid out of their prisons The Lorde lyueth and blessed bee my strong helper and praysed be the God of my saluacion Euen the god which seeth that I be auenged subdueth the people vnto me It is he that deliuereth me from my cruell enemyes and setteth me vp aboue mine aduersaryes thou shalt rydde me from the wycked man For this cause I wil geue thankes vnto thee O lorde emong the Gentiles and syng prayses vnto thy name Great prosperitie geueth he vnto his king and sheweth louing kindnes vnto Dauid his annointed and vnto his sede for euermore Celi enarrant gloriam dei psal xix Mornīg prayer THe heauens declare the glorye of God and the fyrmament sheweth his handy woorke One day telleth another and one night certifyeth another There is neither speche nor language but theyr voyces are heard among them Theyr sounde is gone oute into all landes and theyr woordes into the endes of the worlde In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sunne which cometh furth as a brydegrome out of hys chaumbre and reioyseth as a Gyant to runne hys course It goeth furth from the vttermost part of the heauen runneth about vnto the ende of it agayne and there is nothing hid from the heate therof The lawe of
shadow of death I wil feare no euil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staffe comfort me Thou shalt prepare a table before me against them that trouble me thou hast annointed my head with Oile and my cup shal be full But thy louing kindnes and mercy shal folow me al the daies of my life I wil dwel in the house of the lord for euer Domini est terra psal xxiiii Mornīg prayer THe earth is the lordes and al that therein is the compasse of the world and they that dwel therein For he hath founded it vpon the Seas and prepared it vpon the sloudes Who shall ascende into the hil of the lord or who shall ryse vp in hys holy place Euen he that hath cleane handes and a pure hearte and that hath not lift vp his minde vnto vanitie nor sworne to deceiue his neighboure He shal receiue the blessyng from the lord and ryghteousnes from the God of hys saluacion This is the generacion of thē that seke him euen of them that seke thy face O Iacob Lift vp your heades O ye gates and be ye lift vp ye euerlastyng doores and the king of glory shall come in Who is the king of glory it is the lord strong and mightie euen the Lorde mightie in battayl Lifte vp your heades O ye gates and be ye lyfte vp ye euerlastyng dores and the kyng of glory shall come in Who is the kyng of glory euen the Lorde of hostes he is the kyng of glory Ad te domine psal xxv INto thee O Lord wil I lift vp my soule my God I haue put my trust in thee O let me not be cōfounded neyther let myne enemyes triumphe ouer me For al they that hope in thee shal not be ashamed but such as transgresse without a cause shal be put to confusyon Shewe me thy waies O lord and teache me thy pathes Leade me furth in thy trueth and learne me for thou art the god of my saluacion in thee hath been my hope al the day long Cal to remembraunce O Lord thy tender mercyes and thy louing kindnes which hath been euer of olde Oh remember not the synnes and offences of my youth but accordyng to thy mercy thinke thou vpon me O Lorde for thy goodnesse Gracious and righteous is the lord therfore wil he teache synners in the waye Them that be meke shal he guide in iudgement and such as be gentle them shall he learne hys waye Al the pathes of the Lord are mercy and trueth vnto such as kepe hys couenaunt and his testimonies For thy names sake O Lord be merciful vnto my sinne for it is great What man is he that feareth the lord him shal he teache in the way that he shall chose Hys soule shal dwel at ease and hys seede shall enherite the lande The secretes of the Lord are among them that feare him and he wyll shewe them hys couenaunt Mine iyes are euer lokyng vnto the lord for he shal plucke my fete out of the nette Turne thee vnto me and haue mercy vpon me for I am desolate and in misery The sorowes of my hearte are enlarged O bring thou me out of my troubles Loke vpon mine aduersitie and misery and forgeue me all my synne Considre mine enemies how many they are they beare a tyrannous hate agaynst me O kepe my soule and delyuer me let me not be confounded for I haue put my trust in thee Let perfectnes and righteous dealing waite vpon me for my hope hath been in thee Deliuer Israel O God out of al hys troubles Iudica me domine Psal xxvi BE thou my iudge O lord for I haue walked innocētly my trust hath been also in the lord therfore shall I not fall Examine me O Lord and proue me trye out my reynes and my heart For thy louing kindnes is euer before mine eyes and I wyll walke in thy trueth I haue not dwelt with vayne persones neither wyll I haue felowship with the deceitfull I haue hated the congregacion of the wicked and wyll not sit emong the vngodly I wil washe my handes in innocencie O Lord and so wil I goe to thyne altare That I may shewe the voyce of thankesgeuing and tell of al thy wonderous workes Lorde I haue loued the habitacion of thy house and the place where thine honor dwelleth O shut not vp my soule with the sinners nor my life with the bloud thyrstie In whose handes is wickednes and their righte handes are full of giftes But as for me I will walke innocentlye O deliuer me and be mercifull vnto me My foote standeth right I wyll prayse the Lorde in the congregacions Dominus illuminacio psal xxvii Euening prayer THe lord is my light and my saluaciō whom then shal I feare the lorde is the strength of my lyfe of whom then shal I be afrayde When the wicked euen mine enemies and my foes came vpon me to eate vp my fleshe they stombled and fell Thoughe an host of men were layed against me yet shall not my heart be afrayd and though there rose vp warre agaynst me yet wil I put my trust in hym One thing haue I desyred of the Lord whiche I wyll require euen that I may dwel in the house of the Lord al the dayes of my lyfe to beholde the fayre bewty of the lord and to visite his temple For in the tyme of trouble he shall hyde me in his Tabernacle yea in the secret place of his dwelling shal he hide me and set me vp vpon a rocke of stone And nowe shall he lyft vp my head aboue myne enemyes rounde about me Therfore will I offre in his dwelling an oblacyon with great gladnes I wil sing and speake praises vnto the lord Hearken vnto my voyce O lorde when I crye vnto thee haue mercy vpon me and heare me My hearte hath talked of thee seke ye my face thy face lorde wyll I seke O hyde not thou thy face fro me nor cast thy seruaunte away in dyspleasure Thou hast been my succour leaue me not neither forsake me O God of my saluacion When my father and my mother forsake me the lord taketh me vp Teache me thy way O lord and leade me the ryght way because of mine enemyes Deliuer me not ouer into the wil of mine aduersaryes for there are false witnesses risen vp againste me and suche as speake wrong I should vtterly haue faynted but that I beeleue verely to see the goodnes of the lord in the lande of the liuing O tary thou the lordes laisure be strong and he shal comfort thine heart and put thou thy trust in the Lorde Ad te domine clamabo psal xxviii VNto thee will I crye O lord my strength thinke no scorne of me lest if thou make thee as thoughe thou hearest not I become like them that goe downe into the pytte Heare the voyce of my humble peticions when I cyre vnto thee when I hold vp my handes towarde the mercye
seate of thy holy Temple O plucke me not awaye neyther destroy me with the vngodly and wycked doers whyche speake frendlye to theyr neighbours but imagine mischiefe in their heartes Reward them accordyng to their dedes and accordyng to the wickednes of their owne inuencions Recompence them after the worke of their handes paye them that they haue deserued For they regarde not in their mind the workes of the lord nor the operaciō of his handes therfore shal he breake them downe and not build them vp Praised be the lord for he hath heard the voice of my humble peticions The Lorde is my strength and my shield my hearte hath trusted in hym and I am holpē therefore my heart daunceth for ioye and in my song will I prayse hym The lord is their strength and he is the wholesome defence of hys annoynted O saue thy people and geue thy blessyng vnto thine enheritaunce fede them and set them vp for euer Afferte domino psal xxix BRing vnto the Lorde O ye mightye bring young Rammes vnto the Lorde ascribe vnto the Lorde worship and strength Geue the lord the honour due vnto hys name worshyp the lord with holy worship It is the Lorde that commaundeth the waters it is the glorious God that maketh the thunder It is the Lorde that ruleth the sea the voyce of the lorde is mightye in operacion the voyce of the Lorde is a gloryous voyce The voice of the Lorde breaketh the Cedre trees yea the lord breaketh the Cedres of Libanus He made them also to skip lyke a calfe Libanus also and Syrion like a young vnicorne The voyce of the Lorde deuydeth the flames of fyre the voice of the lorde shaketh the wyldernesse yea the lorde shaketh the wyldernes of Cades The voice of the lord maketh the Hindes to bryng furth young and discouereth the thicke busshes in hys Temple doeth euery man speake of his honour The lord sitteth aboue the water floud and the lorde remayneth a kyng foreuer The lord shal geue strength vnto hys people the lord shal geue his people the blessyng of peace Exaltabo te domine psal xxx Mornīg prayer I Wil magnifie thee O Lord for thou hast set me vp and not made my foes to triumphe ouer me O lord my god I cryed vnto thee and thou haste healed me Thou Lord hast brought my soule out of hell thou hast kept my lyfe from them that goe down to the pyt Sing prayses vnto the lord O ye Sainctes of hys and geue thankes vnto him for a remēbraunce of his holynesse For his wrath endureth but the twinkling of an eye and in hys pleasure is lyfe heauines may endure for a nighte but ioy cometh in the morning And in my prosperitie I sayd I shal neuer be remoued thou lorde of thy goodnes hadst made my hyll so strong Thou didst turne thy face fro me and I was troubled Then cryed I vnto thee O lorde and gat me vnto my lorde ryght humbly What profite is there in my bloud when I goe down to to the pyt Shall the dust geue thankes vnto thee or shal it declare thy trueth Heare O Lord and haue mercy vpon me Lorde be thou my helper Thou hast turned my heauines to ioye thou hast putte of my sackecloth and gyrded me with gladnes Therfore shal euery good man sing of thy praise without ceasing O my God I wil geue thankes vnto the for euer In te domine speraui psal xxxi IN thee O lord haue I put my trust let me neuer be put to confusion deliuer me in thy righteousnes Bowe down thine eare to me make hast to deliuer me And be thou my strong rocke and house of defence that thou mayest saue me For thou art my strong rocke and my castel be thou also my gyde and leade me for thy names sake Drawe me out of the nette that they haue layd prieuely for me for thou art my strength Into thy handes I commende my spirite for thou hast redemed me O Lord thou God of trueth I haue hated them that holde of supersticious vanities and my trust hath been in the Lorde I wil be glad and reioice in thy mercy for thou hast considered my trouble and hast knowē my soule in aduersitie Thou hast not shutte me vp into the hand of the enemy but hast set my fete in a large rowme Haue mercy vpon me O lord for I am in trouble mine iye is consumed for veri heauines euē my soule my body For my life is waxen olde with heauines and my yeres with mourning My strength faileth me because of mine iniquitie and my bones are corrupt I became a reprofe among al mine enemies but specially emong my neighbours and they of mine acquaintaunce were afrayde of me and they that did see me without conueyed themselues from me I am cleane forgotten as a dead man out of mind I am become like a broken vessell For I haue hearde the blasphemy of the multitude and feare is on euery side while they conspire together against me and take theyr counsell to take away my life But my hope hath been in thee O Lorde I haue sayde thou art my God My tyme is in thy hande deliuer me from the hande of myne enemies and from them that persecute me Shew thy seruaunt the light of thy countenaunce and saue me for thy mercies sake Let me not be confounded O lorde for I haue called vpon thee let the vngodly be put to confusion and be put to sylence in the graue Let the lying lippes be putte to silence whiche cruellye disdaynfully dispitefully speake agaynst the ryghteous O how plentifull is thy goodnes which thou hast layde vp for them that feare thee and that thou hast prepared for thē that put their trust in thee euen before the sonnes of mē Thou shalt hide them prieuely by thyne owne presence from the prouoking of al men thou shalt kepe them secretly in thy tabernacle from the stryfe of tongues Thankes be to the lord for he hath shewed me marueilous great kindnes in a strong citie And when I made hast I said I am cast out of the sight of thine iyes Neuerthelesse thou hardest the voice of my prayer when I cryed vnto thee O loue the lord al ye his Sainctes for the lorde preserueth them that are faithful and plenteously rewardeth the proude doer Be strong and he shall stablishe your heart all ye that put your trust in the Lord. Beati quorum Psalm xxxii Euenīg prayer Blessed is he whose vnrighteousnes is forgeuen and whose sinne is couered Blessed is the man vnto whom the lorde imputeth no synne and in whose spirite there is no gyle For whyle I helde my tong my bones consumed awaie through my dayly complayning For thy hand is heauy vpon me day and nighte and my moisture is lyke the drouth in the Sommer I wil knowledge my sinne vnto thee and myne vnryghteousnesse haue I not hyd I sayd I wyll confesse my sinnes vnto
all Heathen to skorne My strength wil I ascribe vnto thee for thou art the god of my refuge God sheweth me his goodnes plenteously and God shall let me see my desyre vpon mine enemies Slay them not lest my people forgeat it but scatter them abroade among thy people and put them downe O Lorde our defence For the sinne of theyr mouth and for the wordes of theyr lippes they shal be taken in their pride and why theyr preachyng is of cursyng and lyes Consume them in thy wrathe consume them that they may perishe and knowe that it is God which ruleth in Iacob and vnto the endes of the worlde And in the euening they wil returne grenne like a dogge and will goe about the citie They wyll runne here and there for meate and grudge if they be not satisfyed As for me I will syng of thy power and will prayse thy mercy betimes in the morning for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble Vnto thee O my strength will I syng for thou O God art my refuge and my mercifull God Deus repulistinos psalm lx O God thou that haste cast vs out and scattered vs abroade thou haste also been displeased O turne thee vnto vs agayne Thou hast moued the land and deuided it heale the sores therof for it shaketh Thou hast shewed thy people heauye thynges thou haste geuen vs a drinke of deadly wyne Thou hast geuen a token for such as feare thee that they may tryumphe because of the trueth Therfore were thy beloued deliuered helpe me with thy right hand and heare me God hathe spoken in hys holinesse I will reioyce and deuyde Sichem and mete out the valley of Sucoth Gilead is mine and Manasses is myne Ephraim also is the strength of my head Iuda is my law geuer Moab is my washe pot ouer Edom will I cast oute my shooe Philistia be thou glad of me Who will leade me into the strong citie who wyll bryng me into Edom Hast thou not cast vs out O god wilt not thou O god goe oure with our hostes O bee thou oure helpe in trouble for vayne is the helpe of man Thorowe God me shall doe greate actes for it is he that shall treade downe our enemies Exaudi deus depreca psal lxi HEare my crying O god geue eare vnto my prayer From the endes of the earth will I call vnto thee when my hearte is in heauines Oh set me vp vpon the rocke that is hyer then I for thou haste been my hope and a strong tower for me agaynste the enemye I will dwel in thy tabernacle for euer and my trust shal be vnder the coueryng of thy winges For thou O Lorde haste heard my desires and hast geuen an heritage vnto those that feare thy name Thou shalte graunt the kyng a long lyfe that his yeares may endure thorow out all generacions He shall dwell before God for euer O prepare thy louing mercye and feythfulnes that they may preserue hym So will I alwaye syng prayse vnto thy name that I may dayly perfourme my vowes Nonne deo subiecta psalm lxii Mornīg prayer MY soule truelye wayteth styll vpon God for of hym cometh my saluacion He verely is my strength and my saluacyon he is my defence so that I shall not greatly fall Howe long wyll ye ymagyne myschyefe agaynste euerye manne ye shall bee slayne all the sorte of you yea as a tottering wal shal ye be and lyke a broken hedge Their deuise is onely how to put hym out whom god wyll exalte their delight is in lyes they geue good wordes wyth their mouth but curse with their heart Neuertheles my soule waite thou stil vpon God for my hope is in hym He truely is my strength and my saluacion he is my defence so that I shal not fall In god is my health and my glory the rocke of my might and in god is my trust O put your trust in him alway ye people powre out your heartes before hym for god is our hope As for the children of men they are but vaine the children of men are disceitful vpon the waightes thei are altogether lighter then vanitie it selfe O trust not in wrong and robery geue not your selues vnto vanitie if riches encrease set not your hearte vpon them God spake once and twise I haue also heard the same that power belongeth vnto god And that thou lord art merciful for thou rewardest euery man accordyng to hys worke Deus deus meus psal lxiii O God thou art my god early will I seke thee My soule thyrsteth for thee my flashe also longeth after thee in a barren drye land where no water is Thus haue I loked for thee in holynes that I might beholde thy power and glory For thy louing kindnes is better then the lyfe it selfe my lyppes shall prayse thee As long as I lyue will I magnifie thee on thys maner and lifte vp my handes in thy name My soule shal be satisfied euen as it were with mary and fatnesse wen my mouth prayseth thee with ioyfull lyppes Haue I not remembred thee in my bed and thought vpon thee when I was wakyng Because thou hast been my helper therfore vnder the shadowe of thy wynges wyll I reioyce My soule hangeth vpon thee thy right hande hath vpholden me These also that seke the hurte of my soule they shall goe vnder the earth Let them fall vpon the edge of the sweord that they maye be a porcion for foxes But the kyng shall reioyce in god al they also that sweare by him shall be cōmended for the mouth of them that speake lyes shal be stopped Eaudi deus orationem meam psal lxiiii HEare my voyce O God in my praier preserue my life from feare of the enemy Hide me from the gathering together of the froward and from the insurreccion of wycked doers Which haue whet their tongue like a sweord shote oute their arowes euen bitter wordes That they may priuely shote at him which is perfecte sodeinly doe they hym and feare not They courage themselues in mischiefe and common among themselues how they may lay snares and say that no man shall see them They imagine wickednes and practise it that they keepe secret among themselues euery mā in the depe of his heart But god shal sodeinly shote at them with swift arrow that they shal be wounded Yea their own tonges shal make them fal insomuche that whoso seeth them shall laugh them to scorne And all men that see it shall saye this hath God done for they shall perceaue that it is hys worke The righteous shall reioyce in the lord and put hys trust in hym and all they that are true of heart shal be glad Tedecet himnus psal lxv Evening prayer THou O god art praysed in Sion and vnto thee shal the vowe be perfourmed in Ierusalem Thou that hearest the praier vnto thee shal al fleshe come My misdedes preuaile against me Oh
he thou mercyfull vnto our synnes Blessed is the man whom thou chosest and receauest vnto thee he shall dwell in thy court and shal be satisfyed with the pleasures of thy house euen of thy holy temple Thou shalt shew vs wonderful thinges in thy righteousnes O god of our saluacion thou that art the hope of al the endes of the earth and of them that remayne in the broade sea Which in his stength setteth fast the mountaynes and is gyrded about with power Whiche stilleth the ragyng of the sea and the noyse of hys waues and the madnes of his people They also that dwel in the vttermost partes of the earth shal be afraid at thy tokens thou that makest the outgoinges of the morning and euening to prayse thee Thou visitest the earth and blessest it thou makest it very plenteous The ryuer of God is full of water thou preparest theyr corne for so thou prouidest for the earth Thou watrest her forowes thou sendest raine into the litle valleys therof thou makest it softe with the droppes of rayne and blessest the increase of it Thou crownest the yeare with thy goodnesse and thy cloudes droppe fatnes They shal drop vpon the dwellinges of the wildernes and the litle hylles shall reioyce on euery syde The foldes shal be ful of shepe the valleys also shall stand so thicke with corne that they shall laugh and syng Iubilate deo psal lxvi O Be ioyefull in god all ye landes syng prayses vnto the honer of his name make his praise to be glorious Say vnto god O howe wonderfull art thou in thy workes thorowe the greatnes of thy power shal thine enemyes be founde lyers vnto thee For al the world shal Worship thee syng of thee and praise thy name O come hither and beholde the woorkes of God howe wonderfull he is in his doing towarde the children of men He turned the sea into drye lande so that they went thorowe the water on foote there did we reioyce therof He ruleth with his power for euer hys eyes beholde the people and such as wil not beleue shal not be able to exalte themselues O prayse oure God ye people and make the voice of hys prayse to be heard Which holdeth our soule in lyfe and suffereth not our fete to slyp For thou O god hast proued vs thou also hast tryed vs lyke as siluer is tryed Thou broughtest vs into the snare and layd trouble vpon our loynes Thou sufferedst men to ryde ouer our heades we wente thorow fyre and water and thou broughtest vs oute into a welthy place I will goe into thy house with burnt offerynges and wil pay thee my vowes which I promysed with my lippes and spake with my mouth when I was in trouble I will offre vnto thee fat burnte sacrifices with the insence of rammes I wil offre bullockes and goates O come hither and harken al ye that feare god and I wil tell you what he hath done for my soule I called vnto him with my mouth and gaue him praises with my tongue If I encline vnto wickednes with my heart the lord will not heare me But god hath heard me and consydered the voyce of my prayer Praised be god which hath not cast out my praier nor turned hys mercy fro me Deus miscreatur nostri Psal lxvii GOd be mercifull vnto vs and blesse vs and shewe vs the lyghte of hys countenaunce and be mercifull vnto vs. That thy waye maye be knowen vpon earth thy sauyng health among al nacions Let the people prayse thee O God yea let all the people prayse thee O let the nacions reioice and be glad for thou shalt iudge the folke righteously and gouerne the nacions vpon earth Let the people prayse thee O god let al the people prayse thee Then shal the earth bryng furthher increase and God euen our own god shall geue vs hys blessing God shal blesse vs and al the endes of the world shal feare hym Exurgat deus Psalm lxviii Mornīg prayer LEt God aryse and let hys enemyes be scatered lette them also that hate hym flye before hym Lyke as the smoke vanisheth so shalt thou dryue them awaye and lyke as waxe melteth at the fier so let the vngodly peryshe at the presence of god But let the righteous be glad and reioice before God let them also be mery and ioyfull O sing vnto god and syng prayses vnto hys name magnifie him that rideth vpon the heauens as it were vpon an horse prayse him in his name yea and reioice before hym He is a father of the fatherles and defendeth the cause of widowes euen god in his holy habitacion He is the god that maketh men to be of one mynde in an house bringeth the priesoners out of captiuitie but letteth the runneagates continue in scarcenes O god when thou wentest furth before the people when thou wentest through the wildernes The earth shoke and the heauens dropped at the presence of Ood euen as Sinay also was moued at the presence of god which is the god of Israel Thou O god sendest a gracious rayne vpon thine enheritaunce and refreshedst it when it was wery Thy congregacions shall dwell therein for thou O God hast of thy goodnes prepared for the poore The Lord gaue the worde greate was the companye of the preachers Kinges with their armies did flie and were discomfited and they of the housholde deuyded the spoile Though ye haue lyen among the pottes yet shall ye be as the winges of a doue that is couered wyth syluer wynges and her fethers lyke golde When the almightie scattered kynges for theyr sake then were they as white as snowe in Salmon As the hill of Basan so is gods hill euen an highe hill as the hyll of Basan Why hop ye so ye high hilles this is gods hil in the which it pleaseth hym to dwell yea the Lorde wyll abide in it for euer The charettes of god are .xx. M. euen thousandes of Angels and the Lorde is emong them as in the holy place of Sinay Thou art gone vp on high thou hast led captiuitie captiue and receiued giftes for men yea euē for thine enemies that the Lorde God might dwell among them Praised be the lord daily euen the god which helpeth vs and powred his benefites vpon vs. He is our god euen the god of whom commeth saluaciō god is the lord by whom we escape death God shal wounde the head of hys enemyes and the heary scalpe of such a one as goeth on styll in his wyckednes The Lord hath sayd I wil bring my people again as I did from Basan myne own wyll I bryng agayne as I did some tyme from the depe of the sea That thy fote may be dipped in the bloud of thine enemiesand that the tongue of thy dogges maye be redde throughe thesame It is wel seen O god how thou goest how thou my god and kyng goest in the sanctuary The fingers goe before the minstrels folowe after in the
God and woulde not walke in his lawe But forgat what he had done and the wonderful workes that he had shewed for them Marueilous thinges did he in the sight of our fathers in the lande of Egipt euen in the fielde of zoan He deuided the sea and let them goe through he made the waters to stande on a heape In the daye tyme also he led them with a cloude and all the nyght through with a light of fier He claue the hard rockes in the wildernes and gaue them drynke therof as it had been out of the great depth He brought waters out of the stony rocke so that it gushed out lyke the ryuers Yet for all thys they sinned more against him and prouoked the most highest in the wildernes They tempted God in theyr heartes and required meate for theyr lust They spake agaynst God also saying shall god prepare a table in the wildernes He smote the stony rocke in dede that the water gushed out and the streames flowed withall but can he geue bread also or prouide fleshe for hys people When the Lord hearde this he was wroth so the fier was kindled in Iacob there came vp heauy displeasure against Israel Because they beleued not in God and put not theyr truste in hys helpe So he commaunded the cloudes aboue and opened the dores of heauen He rayned down Manna also vpon them for to eate and gaue them fode from heauen So man did eate Angels fode for he sente them meate enoughe He caused the East wind to blowe vnder the heauen and through hys power he brought in the Southweste wynde He rayned flesh vpon them as thicke as dust and fethered foules lyke as the sande of the sea He let it fall emong their tentes euen rounde about their habitacion So they did eate and were well filled for he gaue them theyr owne desire they were not disappoynted of theyr lust But while the meate was yet in their mouthes the heauie wrath of god came vpon them and slew the welthiest of thē yea and smote downe the chosen men that were in Israel But for al thys they sinned yet more and beleued not his wonderous workes Therfore their daies did he consume in vanitie and their yeares in trouble When he slewe them they sought hym and turned them earely and enquired after God And they remembred that God was theyr strength and that the high god was theyr redemer Neuertheles they did but flatter him with theyr mouthes and dissembled with hym in theyr tongues For theyr heart was not whole with hym neyther contynued they stedfast in his couenaunt But he was so mercifull that he forgaue theyr misdedes and destroyed them not Yea many a tyme turned he his wrath away and would not suffer his whole displeasure to aryse For he considered that they were but fleshe and that they were euen a wynde that passeth awaye and cometh not agayne Many a time did they prouoke hym in the wildernes and greued hym in the desert They turned backe and tempted god and moued the holy one in Israel They thought not of hys hande and of the daye when he delyuered them from the hand of the enemie Howe he had wrought his miracles in Egipte and hys wonders in the field of Zoan He turned theyr waters into bloud so that they mighte not drynke of the ryuers He sent lice emong them and deuoured them vp frogges to destroye them He gaue theyr fruites vnto the caterpiller and their labor vnto the grashopper He destroied theyr vines with haile stones and their mulbery trees with the frost He smote theyr cattel also with haile stones their flockes with hote thunderboltes He cast vpon them the furiousnes of hys wrath angre displeasure and trouble and sent euil Aungels among them He made a waye to his indignacion and spared not theyr soule from death but gaue theyr lyfe ouer to the Pestilence And smote all the first borne in Egipt the most principal and mightiest in the dwellynges of Ham. But as for his owne people he led thē furth lyke shepe caryed them in the wildernes lyke a flocke He brought them out safely that they should not feare ouerwhelmed theyr enemies with the sea And brought them in the borders of hys sanctuarye euen in his mountayne which he purchased with his right hand He cast out the heathen also before them caused their land to bee deuided emong them for an heritage and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in theyr tentes So they tempted and displeased the most high god kept not his testimonies But turned theyr backes and fel awaye like their forefathers startyng asyde like a broken bowe For they greued him with theyr hill altars and prouoked hym to displeasure with theyr ymages When God heard this he was wroth and toke sore dyspleasure at Israel So that he forsoke the tabernacle in Silo euen the tente that he had pitched emong them He deliuered theyr power into captiuitie and their beautie into the enemies hand He gaue his people ouer also into the sweord and was wroth with his inheritaunce The fier confumed the yong men and theyr maidens wer geuen to mariage Theyr Priestes were slayne with the sweord and there were no widdowes to make lamentacion So the Lord awaked as one out of stepe like a Giaunt refreshed with wyne He smote his enemyes in the hindre partes and put them to a perpetuall shame He refused the tabernacle of Ioseph and chose not the tribe of Ephraim But chose the tribe of Iuda euen the hyll of Sion which he loued And there he builded his temple on hie and laid the foundacion of it like the ground which he hath made continually He chose Dauid also his seruaunte and toke hym awaye from the shepe foldes As he was folowing the ewes greate with yong ones he toke him that he might fede Iacob his people Israel hys enheritaunce So he fed them with a faithfull and true heart and ruled them prudently with all hys power Deus venerunt psalm lxxix Mornīg prayer O God the Heathē are come into thy enheritaunce thy holy temple haue they defyled and made Ierusalem an heape of stones The dead bodies of thy seruauntes haue they geuen to be meate vnto foules of the ayre and the fleshe of thy sainctes vnto the beastes of the lande Theyr bloud haue they shed like water on euery side of Ierusalem and there was no man to bury them We are become an open shame to oure enemyes a verye scorne and derision vnto them that are rounde about vs. Lord how long wilt thou be angrie shal thy gelousy burne like fier for euer Power out thyne indignacion vpon the Heathē that haue not knowen thee and vpon the kyngdomes that haue not called vpon thy name For they haue deuoured Iacob laid wast his dwelling place O remember not oure olde synnes but haue mercie vpon vs and that soone for we are come to great misery Helpe vs
sparowe hath found her an house and the swallowe a nest where she may lay her yong euen thy aulters O Lord of hostes my king and my God Blessed are they that dwell in thy house they will be alway praysing thee Blessed is that man whose strength is in thee in whose heart are thy wayes Whiche goyng through the vayle of miserye vse it for a well and the pooles are filled with water They will goe from strength to strength and vnto the God of Gods appeareth euery one of them in Syon O Lord God of hostes heare my prayer hearken O God of Iacob Behold O God our defender and loke vpon the face of thine annoynted For one daye in thy courtes is better then a thousande I had rather be a dore keper in the house of my god then to dwel in the tentes of vngodlines For the lorde god is a light and defence the Lorde will geue grace and worship and no good thyng shall he withhold from them that liue a godly life O Lorde God of hostes blessed is the man that putteth his trust in thee Benedixisti domine psal lxxxv LOrd thou art become gracious vnto thy land thou hast turned a way the captiuitie of Iacob Thou hast forgeuen the offence of thy people and couered all theyr sinnes Thou hast taken a way all thy displeasure and turned thy selfe from thy wrathful indignacion Turne vs then O God our sauiour and let thine angre ceasse from vs. Wilt thou be displeased at vs for euer wilt thou stretch out thy wrath from one generacion to an other Wilt thou not turne again and quicken vs that thy people may reioyce in thee Shewe vs thy mercy O Lorde and graunt vs thy saluacion I wil hearken what the lord god wil say concerning me for he shal speake peace vnto his people and to his sainctes that they turne not agayne For his saluacion is nye them that feare him that glory may dwel in our lande Mercye and trueth are met together righteousnes and peace haue kissed eche other Truth shal florish out of the earth and righteousnes hath loked down from heauen Yea the lord shal shew louing kindnes and our land shal geue her encrease Righteousnes shal goe before him and he shal direct his going in the waye Inclina domine aurem psal lxxxvi Mornīg prayer BOw downe thine eare O Lorde and heare me for I am poore and in misery Preserue thou my soule for I am holy my god saue thy seruaunt that putteth his trust in thee Be mercifull vnto me O lord for I will call dayly vpon thee Comfort the soule of thy seruaunt for vnto thee O lord doe I lift vp my soule For thou lord art good and gracious and of great mercy vnto al them that call vpon thee Geue eare Lord vnto my prayer and ponder the voyce of myne humble desyres In the time of my trouble I will call vpon thee for thou hearest me Among the gods there is none like vnto thee O Lord there is not one that can doe as thou doest All nacions whom thou hast made shal come and worship thee O Lord and shall glorifye thy name For thou art great and doest wonderous thinges thou art God alone Teache me thy waye O Lorde and I will walke in thy truth O knit my heart vnto thee that it may feare thy name I wil thanke thee O lorde my God with all my heart and will prayse thy name for euermore For great is thy mercy towarde me and thou hast deliuered my soule from the nethermost hell O God the proud are riesen against me and the congregacion of naughty menne haue sought after my soule and haue not set thee before theyr eyes But thou O Lord God artful of compassion and mercy long suffering plenteous in goodnes and trueth O turne thee then vnto me and haue mercy vpon me geue thy strength vnto thy seruaunte and helpe the sonne of thyne handmayd Shewe some good token vpon me for good that they whiche hate me maye see it and be ashamed because thou Lord hast holpen me and comforted me Fundamenta eius Psal lxxxvii HEr foundacions are vpon the holy hilles the Lorde loued the gates of Syon more then all the dwellinges of Iacob Very excellent thinges are spoken of thee thou citie of God I wil thinke vpon Rahab and Babilon with them that knowe me Beholde ye the Philistines also and they of Tyre with the Morians loe there was he borne And of Syon it shal be reported that he was borne in her and the most high shall stablishe her The Lord shal rehearse it when he wryteth vp the people that he was borne there The syngers also and Trumpetters shal he rehearse all my freshe springes shal be in thee Domine deus salutis psal lxxxviii O Lorde God of my saluacion I haue cryed day and night before thee O lette my prayer enter into thy presence encline thine eare vnto my calling For my soule is ful of trouble and my life draweth nigh vnto hell I am counted as one of them that goe downe vnto the pyt and I haue been euen as a man that hath no strength Free among the dead like vnto them that be wounded and lye in the graue whiche be out of remembraunce and are cut away from thy hand Thou hast layd me in the lowest pit in a place of darkenes and in the diepe Thine indignacion lyeth harde vpon me and thou hast vexed me with all thy stormes Thou hast put a way myne acquayntaunce farre fro me and made me to be abhorred of them I am so fast in prieson that I can not geat furth My sight fayleth for very trouble Lord I haue called daily vpon thee I haue stretched out my handes vnto the. Doest thou shewe wonders among the dead or shall the dead rise vp agayn and prayse thee Shal thy louing kindnes be shewed in the graue or thy faythfulnes in destruccion Shal thy wonderous workes be knowen in the darke thy rightousnes in the land where al thinges are forgottē Vnto thee haue I cryed O Lorde and earely shall my prayer come before thee Lorde why abhorrest thou my soule and hydest thy face fro me I am in misery and like vnto him that is at the poynt to dye euen from my youth vp thy terrours haue I suffred with a troubled mind Thy wrathful displeasure goeth ouer me and the feare of thee hath vndone me They came round about me dayly lyke water and compassed me together on euery syde My louers and frendes hast thou put a way fro me and hid myne acquaintaunce out of my sight Misericordias domini psal lxxxix Euening prayer MY s ong shal be alwaye of the louyng kindnes of the Lorde with my mouth will I euer be shewing thy trueth from one generacion to another For I haue sayde mercy shal be set vp for euer thy truth shalt thou stablishe in the heauens I haue made a couenant with my chosen I haue
Syon for it is tyme that thou haue mercy vpon her yea the time is come And why thy seruauntes thynke vpon her siones and it pietieth them to see her in the dust The Heathen shall feare thy name O Lorde and all the Kynges of the earth thy Maiestie When the Lorde shall build vp Syon and when his glory shall appeare When he turneth hym vnto the prayer of the poore destytute and despyseth not theyr desyre This shal be written for those that come after and the people whiche shal be borne shall prayse the Lorde For he hathe loked downe from his sanctuary out of the heauen did the lord bebold the earth That he mighte heare the mourninges of suche as bee in captiuitie and delyuer the children appoynted vnto deathe That they maye declare the name of the Lorde in Syon and hys woorship at Ierusalem When the people are gathered together and the kyngedomes also to serue the Lorde He brought downe my strength in my iourney and shortned my dayes But I sayd O my God take me not awaye in the middest of mine age as for thy yeares they endure througeout all generacions Thou Lorde in the beginning hast layd the foundacions of the earth and the heauens are the worke of thy handes They shall perishe but thou shalte endure they all shall waxe olde as doeth a garment And as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them and they shal bee chaunged but thou art thesame and thy yeres shall not fayle The children of the seruauntes shall continue and theyr seede shall stand fast in thy sight Benedic anima mea psalm ciii PRayse the Lord O my soule and all that is within me prayse his holy name Prayse the Lorde O my soule and forgeat not al his benefites Whiche forgeueth all thy synne and healeth all thyne infirmities Whyche saueth thy lyfe from destruccyon and crouneth thee with mercy and louing kindnes Whiche satisfyed thy mouth with good thyges makyng thee young and lusty as an Eagle The Lorde executeth rygteousnes and iudgemente for all them that are oppressed with wrong He shewed his wayes vnto Moyses his woorkes vnto the children of Israel The lorde is full of compassion and mercy long suffryng and of great goodnes He will not alway bee chyding neither kepet he his angre for euer He hathe not dealt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs according to our wickednesses For loke how hie the heauen is in comparisō of the earth so great is hys mercy also toward them that feare hym Loke howe wyde also the East is from the West so farre hath he set our snnes from vs. Yea lyke as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the Lord mercyfull vnto them that feare hym For he knoweth wherof we be made he remembreth that we are but duste The dayes of man are but as grasse for he florisheth as a floure of the fielde For as soone as the wynde goeth ouer it it is gone and the place therof shall know it nomore But the mercyfull goodnes of the Lorde endureth for euer and euer vpon them that feare him and his righteousnesse vpon chylders children Euen vpon suche as kepe his couenaunt and thinke vpon his commaundementes to doe them The Lorde hathe prepared his seate in heauen and hys kyngdom ruleth ouer all O prayse the Lorde ye Aungels of hys ye that excell in strength ye that fulfyll his commaundement and hearken vnto the voyce of hys wordes O prayse the Lord all ye his hostes ye seruauntes of his that doe his pleasure O speake good of the Lord all ye workes of his in al places of his dominion prayse thou the Lord O my soule Benedic anima mea psalm ciiii Euening prayer PRaise the Lord O my soule O Lord my God thou art become exceding glorious thou art clothed with maiestie and honour Thou deckest thy selfe with lighte as it were with a garment and spredest out the heauens lyke a curtaine Whych layeth the beames of his chambers in the waters and maketh the cloudes his charet and walketh vpon the wynges of the wynde He maketh hys Aungelles spirites and his ministers a flamyng fyre He laied the foundacions of the earth that it neuer should moue at any tyme. Thou coueredst it with the depe lyke as with a garment the waters stande in the hilles At thy rebuke they stye at the voyce of thy thunder they are afrayde They goe vp as hye as the hylles and downe in the valleyes benethe euen vnto the place whiche thou hast appointed for them Thou hast sette them theyr bondes whiche they shall not passe neyther turne agayne to couer the earth He sendeth the sprynges into the ryuers whiche runne among the hylles Al beastes of the fielde drinke thereof and the wild Asses quenche theyr thirst Beside them shall the foules of the ayre haue theyr habitacyon and syng among the braunches He watereth the hylles from aboue the earthe is fylled with the fruite of thy workes He bringeth foorth grasse for the cattell and greene herbe for the seruice of menne That he maye bring fode out of the earth and wyne that maketh glad the hearte of man oyle to make him a cherefull countenaunce and bread to strength mans hearte The trees of the Lord also are full of sappe euen the Ceders of Libanus whiche he hath planted Wherin the birdes make theyr nestes and the firre trees are a dwellyng for the Storke The hye hylles are a refuge for the wylde goates and so are the stony rockes for the Conies He appoynted the Moone for certayne seasons and the Sunne knoweth his goyng downe Thou makest darkenes that it may bee night wherin all the beastes of the forest doe moue The Lyons roaryng after theyr praye dooe seeke theyr meate at God The Sunne ariseth and they geat them away together and laye them downe in theyr dennes Man goeth forthe to his worke and to his labour vntyll the euenyng O Lorde how manifold are thy workes in wysdom hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy ryches So is the great and wide sea also wherein are thynges crepyng innumerable both small and great beastes There goe the shippes and there is that Leuiathan whō thou hast made to take his pastyme therein These wayte all vpon thee that thou mayste geue them meate in due season When thou geuest it them they gather it and when thou openest thy hand they are fylled with good When thou hidest thy face they are troubled when thou takest awaye theyr breath they dye and are turned agayne to theyr duste When thou lettest thy breath goe forth they shal be made and thou shalt renew the face of the earth The glorious maiestie of the Lorde shall endure for euer the Lord shall reioyce in his workes The earthe shall tremble at the loke of him yf he doe but touche the hilles they shall smoke I wyll syng vnto the Lorde as long as I lyue I wyll prayse my God whyle I haue my beyng And
frēdly and reproue me But let not their precious balmes breake mine head yea I wyl pray yet agaynst their wickednes Let their iudges be ouerthrowen in stony places that they may heare my wordes for they are swete Oure bones lye scatered beefore the pit like as when one breaketh and heweth wood vpon the earth But mine eies loke vnto thee O Lorde God in thee is my trust O cast not out my soule Kepe me from the snare which they haue layd for me and from the trappes of the wycked doers Let the vngodly fal into their own nettes together and let me euer escape them Voce mea ad dominum psal cxlii Euenīg prayer I Cried vnto the lord with my voice yea euen vnto the Lord did I make my supplycacion I powred out my complayntes before him and shewed hym of my trouble When my spirite was in heauines thou knewest my path in the way wherein I walke haue they priuely laid a snare for me I loked also vpon my right hand and see there is no man that would know me I had no place to flie vnto and no man cared for my soule I cried vnto thee O lord and saied thou art my hope and my porcyon in the lande of the liuing Consider my comylaynt for I am brought very lowe O deliuer me from my persecutours for they are to strong for me Bring my soule out of prison that I maye geue thankes vnto thy name which thing if thou wilt graunt me thē shal the ryghteous resort vnto my company Domine exaudi psal cxliii HEare my prayer O Lord and considre my desire herken vnto me for thy trueth and righteousnes sake And enter not into iudgemente with thy seruaunt for in thy syght shall no man liuing be iustified For the enemy hath persecuted my soule he hath smytten my lyfe down to the grounde he hath layed me in the darkenes as the men that haue been long dead Therefore is my spirite vexed within me and my hart within me is desolate Yet I doe remembre the tyme paste I muse vpon all thy workes yea I exercise my self in the workes of thy hādes I stretch forth my handes vnto thee my soule gaspeth vnto thee as a thyrsty lande Heare me O lorde and that soone for my spirite waxeth faynte hyde not thy face from me leste I be lyke vnto them that goe down to the pit O let me heare thy louyng kyndnes betymes in the morning for in thee is my truste shewe thou me the waye that I should walke in for I lift vp my soule vnto thee Deliuer me O lorde from mine enemyes for I flie vnto thee to hyde me Teache me to doe the thyng that pleaseth thee for thou art my god let thy louing spirite leade me forth vnto the land of ryghteousnes Quickē me O lord for thy names sake and for thy righteousnes sake bryng my soule out of trouble And of thy goodnes slea mine enemies and destroy all thē that vexe my soule for I am thy seruaunt Benedictus dominus psal cxliiii Mornīg prayer BLessed bee the Lorde my strength whiche teacheth my handes to warre and my fingers to fight My hope and my fortres my castell and delyuerer my defender in whom I truste whiche subdueth my people that is vnder me Lord what is man that thou hast such respect vnto hym or the sonne of man that thou so regardest hym Man is like a thing of nought his time passeth away lyke a shadowe Bowe thy heauens O lorde and come down touche the mountaynes and they shall smoke Cast forth the lightning and teare them shote out thine arrowes and consume them Send down thyne hand from aboue deliuer me and take me out of the great waters from the hand of straunge children Whose mouth talketh of vanitie and their right hand is a ryght hand of wyckednes I will sing a new song vnto thee O god and syng praises vnto thee vpon a ten stringed lute Thou that geuest victory vnto kinges and hast deliuered Dauid thy seruaunt from the perill of the sweord Saue me and deliuer me from the hand of struange children whose mouth talketh of vanitie and their right hande is a ryght hande of iniquitie That oure sonnes maye growe vp as the yong plantes and that our daughters may be as the pullished corners of the temple That our garners may be ful and plenteous with al maner of store that our shepe may bryng forth thousandes and ten thousandes in our stretes That our oxen may be strong to laboure that there be no decay no leading into captiuitie and no complaining in our stretes Happy are the people that be in such a case yea blessed are the people which haue the lord for theyr God Exaltabo te deus psal cxlv I Wil magnifie thee O god my king and I wil prayse thy name for euer and euer Euery day wil I geue thankes vnto the and praise thy name for euer and euer Great is the lord and marueilous worthy to bee praysed there is no ende of hys greatnes One generacyon shal praise thy worke vnto another and declare thy power As for me I will be talking of thy worship thy glory thy prayse and wonderous workes So that men shal speake of the mighte of thy marueilous actes and I wyll also tell of thy greatnes The memoriall of thyne aboundaunt kindnes shal be shewed and men shal syng of thy ryghteousnes The lord is gracious and mercifull long suffering and of great goodnes The lord is louing vnto euery man and his mercy is ouer all hys workes All thy workes prayse thee O lord and thy sainctes geue thankes vnto thee They shew the glory of thy kingdom talke of thy power That thy power thy glory and mightines of thy kingdom might be knowen vnto men Thy kingdom is an euerlasting kingdome and thy dominion endureth thorowout all ages The Lorde vpholdeth all suche as fall and lyfteth vp all those that be down The eies of al waite vpon thee O Lorde and thou geuest them theyr meate in due season Thou openest thyne hande and fillest all thinges liuing with plenteousnes The lord is righteous in al his wayes and holy in all hys workes The lord is nie vnto al them that cal vpon him yea al such as call vpon hym faythtfully He wil fulfyl the desyre of them that feare him he also will heare theyr crye and wyll helpe them The lord preserueth al them that loue him but scatereth abrode all the vngodly My mouth shall speake the prayse of the Lorde and let all fleshe geue thankes vnto hys holy name for euer and euer Lauda anima mea psal cxlvi PRaise the lord O my soule while I liue wil I prayse the lord yea as long as I haue any being I wil sing prayses vnto my god O put not your trust in Princes nor in any childe of man for there is no helpe in them For when the breath of mā goeth furth he shal turne again to hys
whole study care in keping of thy holy lawe And that we may laboure and trauaile for oure necessities in this lyfe like the birdes of the ayre and the lilies of the fielde without care For thou hast promised to bee carefull for vs and hast commaunded that vpō thee we should cast all our care which liuest and reignest world without end Amen A prayer necessarye for all persones O Mercifull God I a wretched bed sinner reknowledge my selfe bounde to kepe thy holy commaundementes but yet vnable to perfourme them and to bee accepted for iuste without the righteousnes of Iesu Christe thy onely sonne who hath perfectly fulfilled thy lawe to iustify al men that beleue and trust in him Therefore graunt me grace I beseche thee to bee occupyed in dooynge of good woorkes whyche thou commaundeste in holye Scrypture all the dayes of my lyfe to thy glorye and yet to truste onelye in thy mercy in Christes merites to be pourged from my sinnes and not in my good workes be they neuer so many Geue grace to loue thy holy word feruently to searche the Scritptures diligentlye to reade them humblye to vnderstand them truely to liue after them effectually Order my life to O Lorde that it be alway acceptable vnto thee Geue me grace not to reioyce in any thing that displeaseth thee but euermore to delyte in those thynges that please thee be they neuer so contrarye to my desyres Teache me so to praye that my peticions may be graciously hearde of thee Kepe me vpryghte among diuersitie of opinions and iudgementes in the worlde that I neuer swarue from thy trueth taught in holye scripture In prosperitie O Lorde saue me that I waxe not proude In aduersitie helpe me that I neither dispayre nor blaspheme thy holye name but taking it pacientlye to geue thee thankes and trust to be deliuered after thy pleasure When I happen to fall into synne thorowe frayltie I beseche thee to woorke true repentaunce in my hearte that I may be sorye withoute desperacion trust in thy mercye without pres umpcion that I maye amende my lyfe and become truely religious without hipocrisie lowlye in hearte without faynyng faythfull and trustie withoute deceitpte merye withoute lightnesse sad without mistrust sober without slouthfulnes content with mine owne without couetousnes To tell my neighbour his faultes charitably without dissimulacion To instructe my housholde in thy lawes truelye To obeye oure Kyng and all gouernours vnder him vnfaynedlye To receiue all lawes and cōmon ordinaunces which disagreeth not from thy holy woord obediently To paye euerye man that which I owe vnto him truely To backebyte no man nor slaunder my neyghboure secretlye and to abhorre all vyce louing all goodnes earnestlye O Lorde graunte me thus to doe for the glory of thy holy name Amen ¶ A prayer necessary to be sayd at all tymes O Bountiful Iesu O swete sauiour O Christ the sonne of God haue pietie vpon me mercifully heare me and despyse not my prayers Thou hast created me of nothing thou hast redemed me frō the bondage of synne death and hell neither with golde nor siluer but with thy most precious body once offered vpō the crosse thine own blud shed once for al for my raūsome therfore cast me not away whō thou by thy great wisdom hast made despise me not whom thou hast redemed with such a precious treasure Nor let my wickednes destroy that which thy goodnes hath builded Now whiles I liue O Iesu haue mercye on me for if I dye out of thy fauour it wil be to late afterwarde to call for thy mercy whiles I haue time to repent loke vpon me with thy merciful eyes as thou didst vouchsafe to loke vpon Peter thyne Apostle that I maye bewayle my sinfull life and obtein thy fauour and dye therin I reknowoledge that if thou shouldest deale with me according to verye iustice I haue deserued euerlasting deathe Therefore I appeale to thy high throne of mercy trusting to obteyn Gods fauoure not for my merites but for thy merites O Iesu who hast geuen thy selfe an acceptable sacrifice to thy father to appease his wrath and to bring all sinners truely repenting and amending theyr euil life into hys fauour agayn Accept me O lorde among the number of them that shal be saued forgeue me my sinnes geue me grace to leade a godly innocēt life graūt me thy heauēly wisdō inspire my heart with fayth hope charitie geue me grace to bee hūble in prosperitie paciēt in aduersitie obedient to my rulers faithful vnto thē that trust me dealing truely with al men to liue chastly in wedlocke abhorre adulterye fornicacion al vnclēnes to do good after my power vnto al mē to hurt no man the thy name may be glorified in me during this presēt life that I afterward may obtein euerlasting life thorow thi merci the merites of thi passiō amē ¶ Certayne prayers taken oute of the seruice dayly vsed in the Quenes house Mondai ALmighty god the father of mercy god of al comfort the which onely forgeuest sinne forgeue vnto vs our synnes good Lorde forgeue vnto vs our sinnes that by the multitude of thy mercies they maye be couered not imputed vnto vs by the operacion of the holy ghoste we maye haue power and strength herafter to resist synne by our sauiour and Lord Iesu Christ Amen Tuesday O Lord God which despysest not a contrite heart forgeattest the sinnes and wickednes of a sinner in what houre soeuer he doth mourne lament his olde maner of liuing Graunt vnto vs O lord true contricion of heart that we may vehemently despyse our synneful life past and wholely be conuerted vnto thee by our Sauiour and Lord Iesus Christ Amen Wednesdaye O Mercifull father by whole power strength we may ouercome our enemies both bodely gostly graunte vnto vs O Lorde that accordyng to oure promyse made in baptisme we may ouercome the chief enemies of our soule that is the desires of the world the pleasures of the flesh the suggestions of the wicked spirit so after leade our liues in holines righteousnes the we may serue thee in spirit in trueth that by our sauiour lord Iesus Christ Amen Thursdaye O Almightie euerlasting god which not onelye geuest euerye good and perfite gifte but also encreasest those giftes the thou hast geuē we most humbly beseche thee mercifull God to encreafse in vs the gifte of faith that we maye truly beleue in thee in thy promises made vnto vs that neither by our negligence nor infirmitie of the fleshe nor by greuousnes of temptacion nether by the subtil craftes assaultes of the deuil we be drieuen from fayth in the bloud of our sauiour and Lord Iesu Christ Amen Fryday GRaunt vnto vs O mercifull God we most hartely beseche thee knowledge and true vnderstandyng of thy word that all ignoraūce expelled we may knowe what thy wil pleasure is
in al thinges how to doe our dueties truely to walke in our vocacion and that also we maye expresse in our liuing those thinges that we do know that we be not only knowers of thy worde good Lorde but also bee workers of the same by our sauiour and Lord Iesu Christ Amen Saterdaye O Alimightie god which hast prepared euerlasting life to all those that be thy faythfull seruauntes graunt vnto vs lord sure hope of the life euerlasting that we beeyng in thys miserable worlde may haue some tast and felyng of it in our heartes and that not by our deseruing but by the merites deseruing of our sauiour and lord Iesu Christ Amē O Mercifull god our only aide succour strength at al tymes graunt vnto vs O lord the in the tyme of prosperitie we be not proude and so forgeat thee but that with our whole power and strength we waye cleane vnto thee and in the time of aduersitie that we fal not to infidelitie and desperacion but that alwaies with a constant faith we may cal for helpe vnto the graunt this O lord for our aduocate sake and sauioure Iesu Christ Amen Sunday O Almightie and mercyful lorde which geuest vnto thy elect people the holy gost as a sure pledge of thy heauenly kingdom Graunt vnto vs O Lord this holy spirite that he may beare witnes with our spirite that we bee thy children and heyres of thy kyngdom and that by the operacion of thys spirite we way kyl all carnall lustes vnlawfull pleasures concupiscence euill affeccions contrary vnto thy wil by our Sauiour and Lord Iesu Christ Amen ¶ A prayer for trust in God THe beginning of the fal of man was trust in himselfe The beginning of the restoring of mā was distruste in him selfe trust in god O most gracious most wise guide our sauiour Christ which doest leade them the right way to immortal blessednes which truely and vnfainedly trusting in thee committe them selfe to thee Graunt vs that like as we bee blynde and feeble in deede so we maye take and repute oure selues that wee presume not of oure selues to see to oure selues but so farre to see that alwaye we maye haue thee before our eyes to folowe thee beeyng our guide to be ready at thy call most obediently and to commit our selues wholy vnto thee that thou which onely knowest the way mayest leade vs thesame waye vnto our heauenly desyres To thee with the father and the holy goste be glory for euer Amen ¶ A prayer for the concorde of Christes Churche ARise lorde let thyne enemyes be scattered thy haters put to flight the righteous and Christes disciples make pleasaunt and mery let thē sing prayses pleasaunte songes vnto thee let them blowe abrode thy magnificence let them most highly auaunce thy maiestie let thi glory grow let the kingdom of Christ from heauen among the chosen be enlarged be thou the father of the fatherles the iudge of the widdowes and the protectour of thē namely whom the world forsaketh whose conscyences be troubled whom the worlde pursueth for Christes sake which be nedy and wrapped ful of mysery In thy house O Lorde let vs dwell in peace and concord geue vs all one heart one mynd one true interpretacion vpō thy word Plucke of the bandes aswel from the consciences as from the bodyes of the miserable captiues of thē also which as yet be hedged in within the listes of death and vnaduisedly striue agaynst grace How drye Lorde is the flocke of thine heritage I pray thee powre down largely the showres of thi graces let a more plenteous fruitefulnes chaunce let thy people be strengthened with thy spirite Graunt vs lord thy worde aboundauntly so that there may be many preachers of thy Gospell which may within them selues holily conspire and agree Let the Churche the spouse of Chryste deale large spoyles of the conquered Sathan All that beeleue in thee by Chryste O Lorde GOD of health moughte lifte thee vp with prayses myghte renoume thee and extoll thee We be entered into the voyage of saluacyon Conducte vs luckelye vnto the porte that beyng deliuered by thee from the very death we may escape and come to the very lyfe Fynyshe the thyng that thou hast begonne in vs make vs to increase from fayth to fayth leaue vs not to oure owne will and choise for it is slippery redy to fall To the thunderboltes of thy word put violence that we may geue the glory to thee alonely Geue to thy people courage and power to withstand sinne and to obey thy woorde in all thinges O Lorde God most glorious and excellent ouer all ¶ A Prayer against the enemies of Christes trueth DElyuer me O lorde from the vngodly and stiffe necked persons for thou seest how in theyr heartes they ymagine mischiefe and haue great pleasure to picke quarelles theyr tongues bee more sharpe than any adders sting and vnder theyr lyppes lurketh poison of adders But O merciful Lord let me not fal into theyr handes that they handle not me after theyr owne lustes Thou onely arte my God thou muste heare my pieteous plaint Lord that rulest all together that art the strength and power of my defence bee thou as a sallet on my head whensoeuer the vngodlye shall assault me neyter suffer thou not the wicked thus to prosper in their matters Suffer not their croked and malicious stomackes to encrease and spitefullye reuyle thee Looke vpon thy poore wretches cause and ridde me oute of these dayly greuaunces then shall I with a ryght vp hearte and pleasaunt countenaunce extoll and magnifie thy holye name Amen ¶ A Prayer for pacience in trouble NOwe haste thou O Lorde humbled and plucked me downe I dare now vnnethes make my prayers vnto thee for thou art angry with me but not without my deseruing Certaynly I haue sinned Lord I confesse it I will not denye it But Oh my god pardon my trespasses release my dettes render nowe thy grace agayne vnto me stop my woundes for I am al to plaged and beatē yet lord this notwithstanding I abide paciently and geue mine attēdaunce on thee cōtinually wayting for reliefe at thy hand and that not withoute skyll for I haue receyued a token of thy fauoure and grace towardes me I meane thy worde of promyse concernyng Christ who for me was offered on the crosse for a raunsome a sacrifice and pryce for my synnes wherfore accordyng to that thy promyse defende me Lorde by thy right hād and geue a gracious eare to my requestes for all mans stayes are but vayne Beate downe therefore myne enemyes thyne owne selfe with thy power whyche arte myne onely ayder and protectour O Lord god almightye Amen ¶ A Prayer to be sayde at nyghte goyng to bed O Mercifull Lorde God heauenly father whether we slepe or wake liue or die we are alwaies thine Wherfore I beseche thee heartely that thou wilt vouchsafe to take care and charge of me and not to suffre me to perishe in the woorkes of darkenesse but to kindle the lyghte of thy countenaunce in my hearte that thy godly knowledge may dayly increase in me thorow a ryght and pure faithe that I may alwayes be founde to walke and lyue after thy will and pleasure thorowe Iesus Christ oure Lorde and Sauioure Amen ¶ A Prayer to be sayde at the houre of death O Lorde Iesu whiche arte the only health of all men liuyng and the euerlastyng lyfe of them whiche dye in faith I wretched sinner geue submitte my self wholy vnto thy most blessed wil. And I being sure that the thing cannot perish which is committed vnto thy mercy willingly now I leaue this frayle and wicked fleshe in hope of the resurrection whyche in better wise shall restore it to me agayne I beseche thee most merciful lord Iesus Christ that thou wilt by thy grace make strong my soule against al tēptacions and that thou wilt couer defēd me with the buckler of thy mercye against all the assaultes of the deuil I see and knowledge that there is in my selfe no helpe of saluacyon but all my confidence hope trust is in thy most mercyfull goodnes I haue no merites nor good workes which I may allege before thee Of sinnes and euil workes alas I see a great heape but through thy mercy I trust to be in the numbre of thē to whom thou wilt not impute theyr synnes but take and accept me for righteous and iust to be the inheritour of euerlastyng lyfe Thou mercifull Lorde werte borne for my sake thou didst suffre both hunger thirste for my sake thou didst preache teache thou didst pray and fast for my sake thou didst all good workes dedes for my sake thou sufferedst moste greuous paines and tormentes for my sake And finally thou gauest thy most precious body to die and thy bloud to be shed on the crosse for my sake Now most mercifull sauiour lette all these thinges profite me whyche thou freely haste geuen me that hast geuen thy selfe for me Let thy bloud clēse and wash away the spottes foulenesse of my sinnes Let thy righteousnes hyde and couer my vnrighteousnes Let the merites of thy passion bloud be the satisfaccion for my sinnes Geue me lorde thy grace that my fayth saluacion in thy bloud wauer not in me but euer bee firme and constant that the hope of thy mercy life euerlasting neuer decaie in me that charitie waxe not colde in me finallye that the weakenesse of my fleshe bee not ouercome with the feare of death Graunt me mercyfull sauiour that when death hathe shut vp the eyes of my bodye yet that the eyes of my soule may still behold loke vpon thee that whē deathe hath taken away the vse of my tongue speache yet that my heart may cry and say vnto thee In manus tuas domine commendo spiritum meum that is to saie O lorde into thy handes I geue and committte my soule Dommine Iesu accipe spiritum meum Lorde Iesu receyue my soule vnto thee Amen ¶ Imprinted at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the Sunne ouer agaynste the Conduyte by Edward Whytchurche