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A38026 Polpoikilos sophia, a compleat history or survey of all the dispensations and methods of religion, from the beginning of the world to the consummation of all things, as represented in the Old and New Testament shewing the several reasons and designs of those different administrations, and the wisdom and goodness of God in the government of His church, through all the ages of it : in which also, the opinion of Dr. Spencer concerning the Jewish rites and sacrifices is examin'd, and the certainty of the Christian religion demonstrated against the cavils of the Deists, &c. / by John Edwards ... Edwards, John, 1637-1716. 1699 (1699) Wing E210; ESTC R17845 511,766 792

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of Earth but this Earth was marvelously refined and purified And this is implied if not express'd in Adam's Name and in the word which is used in the Original for the EARTH out of which he was taken For the import of the Hebrew Verb Adam whence is the Noun Adamah is not only rubuit he was red or ruddy and so Adam is as much as Edom rufus which was Esau's Name because he was ruddy when he was born Gen. 25. 25. but it is of a larger signification and is as much as splenduit That it bears this sense may be gathered from the word Adamdameth Levit. 13. 19. where it must be rendred shining or glistering or else the same thing there spoken of must be very white and very red as Bochart hath noted Hieroz P. 2. l. 5. c. 6. Sometimes Adam is as much as formosus fuit Thus of the temperate and healthful Nazarites it is said Lam. 4. 7. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they were ruddy i. e. they were fair whence Arias Montanus renders it nitidi fuere And so the word Admoni which comes from the Verb Adam is taken in this sense as in 1 Sam. 16. 12. where 't is said of David that he was ruddy i. e. beautiful as is explain'd in the following words Thus Edom of the very same extraction is understood in Cant. 5. 10. where the Spouse saith of her Beloved that he is ruddy i. e. he is comely he is one of a beautiful Aspect And I could here add that the Verb Adam in other Languages bears this meaning thus Bochart acquaints us that in Arabick it is as much as splendere And by Ludolphus we are ascertain'd that in Ethiopick it signifies formosum pulchrum esse In the Latin I could observe something like this for rutilare in its more general signification is splendidum esse So purpureus is the same with splendidus pulcher whence purpureus capillus and purpurei olores I know no Oriental word that comes so near to this as Chur which is both albus fuit and erubuit And the reason I conceive is this both these colours white and red have a great deal of light mixed with them therefore the signification of them is alike and they both of them denote that which is fair and bright And as it is thus with the Hebrew Verb Adam so proportionably the Substantive Adamah doth not only signify red Earth as if it were so called from its red Colour because it is said that that was the native hew of the Earth in the East Country And Iosephus the learned Iew speaking of Adam's Make relates that the natural Mould call'd Virgin-Earth is of a red or yellow Complexion So we have a small County in England that carries Red Earth in its Name because the Soil is generally reddish but the word is of a larger extent and signifies that Earth which is bright and shining and is of the best and purest sort So that when it is said that Adam was form'd out of Adamah there is meant by this word that Earth which was of the purest and finest Composition And to this purpose it may be further observ'd that whereas other Animals are said to be made out of aretz common Earth Gen. 1. 24 25. it is particularly recorded that the first Man was made out of Adamah a peculiar and choice sort of Ground ex meli●re luto as the Poet speaking of this very thing fitly expresses it yea out of the dust of this ground Gen. 2. 7. i. e. the finest and most agile part of it All which is an eviction of what I at first asserted concerning the Materials of Adam's Body This was the true Terra Sigillata this was the Earth which God set his Mark and Image on that it might be known whose it was Adam in his Body as well as in his Soul outvied all his Race I attend not to the prodigious Stories which some fanciful Rabbies and Talmudick Doctors tell us of the strange Beauty and Elegancy and of the vast Proportions of Adam's Body Rabbi Solomon Iarchi avers that Adam was so tall that standing on the Earth he could touch the Heavens with his hand And several other such romantick Passages in the Writings of these fond Men I disregard nay those that are sober among themselves give no credit to it but understand it in a mystical manner for some of them tell us that when it is said Adam's Stature reached from one end of the Earth to the other it is to be understood of the Perfection of his Mind that he knew and comprehended the Nature of all things contained in the World but it is certain that as Adam's Soul was made a Transcript of God himself so his Body was framed in a most exquisite manner and the Divine Art and Skill were wonderfully discovered in the shaping of it For as Philo saith We are begot of Men but God himself made Adam The Author being better the Work must be more excellent Yea this must be said that all of us having been in Adam's Loins are part of that excellent Workmanship and have the same Image stamped upon us that Adam had We are all marked and sealed by the Divine Hand his own Impression and Signature are upon us even upon our corporeal part tho 't is true it was much defac'd by the Primitive Aopstacy Secondly The Body of Adam was God's Image as it was made Immortal He was created in full Strength and as a Person of a just Age healthful sound and flourishing For his Body was not like those of Beasts weak and corruptible but was made to be of perpetual Duration obnoxious to no Decays Diseases or Changes If Man had stood entire and kept his Innocence this had been his condition But this Image was restored to him and us who are his Posterity and not only our Souls but Bodies shall everlastingly subsist Thus by their Immortality and eternal Continuance they partake in some measure of the Divine Nature and Likeness Thirdly In the Body of Man as well as in his Soul the Image of God consisteth because the Soul worketh on the Body and by it Hence the Members of the Body are said to be Instruments of Righteousness Rom. 6. 13. As they are instrumental to so excellent a purpose as they are subservient to Grace and Holiness and as the Virtues of the Holy Spirit are exerted by them they are part of the Image of God For it is not to be questioned that the whole Man is God's Image Therefore tho the Divine Likeness doth not equally shine in all Parts yet this corporeal Part of Man in some degree shareth in that Image For which reason the Bodies of good Men are stiled the Temples of the Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 6. 19. Fourthly God's Image is on the Body of Man as it is of that particular erect Figure which no living Creature else partaketh of Aristotle was so much
were the first Fathers that writ against this Millennary Reign and soon after this it was generally Condemn'd by the Fathers of the Roman and Greek Church and hath ever since been look'd upon as an Heterodox Opinion excepting that some Anabaptists have made bold to revive it If we consider things aright we shall see sufficient reason to condemn and explode this Doctrine for there are these two gross Errors in it 1. That Christ shall Personally Reign upon Earth 2. That the Saints shall come from Heaven and Reign with him First The Chiliasts are palpably mistaken in this that Christ shall come from Heaven and Personally Reign here and that before the General Resurrection and Day of Judgment as they also hold This is contrary to express Words of Scripture which saith concerning our Saviour That the Heaven must receive him until the times of the restitution of all things i. e. as I conceive till the finishing of those times of the restitution of all things which will be a little before the Day of Judgment We are assured that Christ from his Ascension to that time remains in Heaven From thence he shall come to Iudge the Quick and the Dead therefore he shall not come down on Earth before that time and consequently he will not Reign here in Person as those Mille●naries imagine It is incongruous and against reason that he should be said to come to Iudge the Men upon Earth and yet at the same time be on the Earth Nor is there any thing in this 20th Chapter of the Revelation which favours this Fancy of theirs Had a Personal Reign been intended here it would have been said that Christ shall Reign with the Saints a Thousand Years which Words might fairly intimate that Christ would descend from Heaven and come among them and Reign in the midst of them so long a time but instead of this it is only said that they shall Reign with him a Thousand Years Or suppose it were expresly said Christ shall Reign yet this doth not prove that he shall Reign in Person How often doth the coming of the Lord in Luke 12. and in other Places signifie Christ's Coming in way of Judgment and Vengeance not his Personal Coming Why then may not Christs Reigning be meant not of a Personal Reigning but of his Reigning in the Hearts and Lives of the Faithful He is with them Spiritually and they Reign with him after the same manner and no other Therefore the Inquisitive Mr. Mede who founds the Future Reign of Christ upon Earth on his Chapter in the Revelations saw no Ground here for his Visible and Corporal Reigning Whence he hath left us these Words The presence of Christ in his Kingdom shall no doubt be Glorious and Evident yet I dare not so much as imagine that it shall be a Visible Converse on Earth for the Kingdom of Christ ever hath been and shall be a Kingdom whose Throne and Kingly Residence is in Heaven I quote this Passage the rather because some have entertain'd another Opinion of this Learned Author Besides in this Chapter v. 8 12. we read that Gog and Magog intervene between the Thousand Years and the Day of Judgment Therefore the Personal Reign of Christ is not before that Day for the Heavens retain him till then Nor is it after that Day for Gog and Magog who come after the Millennium go before the Day of Judgment I conceive this is an Unanswerable Proof And as for the several Quotations of Scripture which they bring to assert the Personal Reign the Answer in brief is this that theywrest those Places which speak of Christ's First Coming and others which speak of his Last Coming to Iudgment and apply them to a Second Personal Coming of Christ before the General Resurrection and Day of Judgment From this perverting of those Texts they set up the Corporal Reign of our Saviour which they so much talk of Secondly That is another unpardonable Error that the Bodies of the deceased Saints shall be raised from below and their Souls be dismissed from above and that both shall be united here that they may Reign with Christ on Earth First this is against the constant Discovery which is made to us in Scripture that Heaven and signally the Highest Heavens are the Place of Glory and the Seat of Blessedness prepared for the departed Souls of the Faithful Those Regions above not this Earth below are the Receptacle of Glorified Spirits Yet these Men are pleased to alter the Constitution and Appointment of the All-wise God and to make the Earth the Habitation of Blessed Spirits and the Seat of Happiness This is to abrogate the Laws of God's Kingdom this is to anticipate the State of Glory this is to confound Heaven and Earth Again How absurd and ridiculous is it to assert that the departed Saints shall come to be subject after all the Joys and Ravishments of another World to Calamities and bodily Evils For Gog and Magog shall besiege them as they must needs grant from v. 9. of this Chapter Shall the Saints not only quit their heavenly Mansions and come down here on Earth but also turn Soldiers and put themselves into a Military Posture For you read there of the Camp of the Saints Shall immortal Saints fight after they have been in Heaven Yet the Chiliasts must hold this because they assert that the Reigning of the Saints a Thousand Years is meant here of their leaving of Heaven and coming down to Reign on Earth They pretend to prove this from several Passages in this Chapter as where it speaks of the Souls of them that were Beheaded and of their Living and Reigning and of the first and second Resurrection which argues say they that this Reigning is to be understood of the Saints that were before in Heaven and that there is one Resurrection a Thousand Years before the Last Judgment and another when that comes In the former the Saints rise to Reign and in the latter all other Men shall be raised But St. Iohn's Words in this Chapter signify nothing of this Nature as will appear from setting before the Reader the entire Text with a brief Comment upon it I saw the Souls of them that were Beheaded for the Witness of Iesus and for the Word of God and which had not worshipped the Beast nor his Image nor had received his Mark upon their Foreheads or in their Hands and they lived and Reigned with Christ a Thousand Years But the rest of the Dead lived not again until the Thousand Years were finished This is the first Resurrection Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first Resurrection on such the second Death hath no Power ver 4 5 6. It is generally agree'd that by the Souls of them that were Beheaded are meant the Persons that were Beheaded for that is the known way of speaking among the Hebrews whom St. Iohn who was one himself here imitates And by them
more an Infant of days ●or an old Man that hath not fill'd his days For though this Dispensation be no exemption from Mortality though Christ's Reign doth not unthrone and depose the King of Terrors yet it wards off his fatal Blows for a long Season And perhaps some may reach the long Ages of those that lived before the Flood And this shall happen not only from the Nature of the thing it self but by the singular Favour of God For as before in a judicial way he sometimes short'ned Men's Lives so now in the way of a Blessing he is pleased to extend them to a great length Which perhaps is the meaning of what follows in the foresaid Chapter v. 22. As the days of a Tree a long-liv'd Tree are the days of my People But supposing that this is not the strict import of the Text which I submit to the Thoughts of the Judicious yet it is certain from the reason of the thing it self that those Happy Ages shall abound with all things that conduce to the Welfare and Happiness of the Body as well as of the Soul and consequently Longaevity shall be one of the Felicities of those times And I doubt not but it will be procured by a perfect Knowledge of the true Causes and Springs of Long Life and of the more immediate Sourses of Diseases For Natural Philosophy as well as all other Parts of True Philiosophy shall be then improved to the utmost and a Vertuoso shall be no Rarity Especially the Nature of all Vegetables and Minerals wherein are laid up the great Restoratives of Life shall by exquisite Experiments be laid open to the World And the use of all the Vessels in the body which now we have but an imperfect insight into and some of which we know nothing of shall be exactly discovered And whatever else relating either to Nature or Art or Morality shall be conducible to this great End before-mentioned shall not be wanting no not that which is the choicest and most sovereign Conserver of Life viz. a well-temper'd Joy and Chearfulness a ferene and placid Spirit than which nothing can be more serviceable to uphold and maintain the vital Congruity to nourish the Lamp of Life and to give a lasting Vivacity to Nature And from the several Particulars we may gather this also that there will be a greater Number of Persons upon the Earth in that Sabbatick Reign than there is now This follows from what hath been said concerning that Universal Peace that Extraordinary Measure of Bodily Health and Strength that Duration of Men's Lives which shall be the Blessing of those Days Upon the more Cessation of Wars and Slaughters of Pestilence and Famine c. which are wont so visibly to diminish the number of Mankind there must needs be a great length'ning out of Men's Lives there must be a vast Increase of the People of the World The whole Earth will be replenish'd and even crowded with Inhabitants This will make amends as I suggested before for the great multitudes of Men that have in several Ages perished and gone to the Infernal Regions For within the compass of this Happy Time wherein we suppose Mankind to be thus extremely multiplied and all of them excepting some very few to be holy and Religious Persons there will be a larger Stock of Inhabitants for Heaven than there was of those who in all the preceding Times of the World were thrust down to the contrary Place And thus which way soever we look this Blessed Dispensation shall be eminent for the Natural as well as the Moral and Religious Emendation of all Things for Temporal and Earthly Blessings as well as those that are Spiritual and Heavenly for the present bettering of the World and for the Provision it makes for the future Mankind being free'd from all Dangers Mischiefs and Troubles shall enjoy an undisturbed Peace Quiet and Repose with a Freedom from all Pain and Sickness And their Bodies shall be more vigorous and their Beauty more lasting than ever before Which shall be attended with all outward Conveniencies Comforts and Refreshments of what nature soever together with inward Peace Pleasure and Satisfaction There is one thing more I will venture to add as belonging I verily believe to this Happy State I have been describing There shall be a Peace not only between Rational Creatures and their Brethren but between these and the most Salvage Brutes i. e. those Brutes which heretofore were so For now the hurtful Disposition and cruel Nature of all such Animals shall be taken from them and they shall become mild and gentle tame and tractable This I take to be the meaning of that Prophecy Isai. 11. 6 7. The Wolf shall dwell with the Lamb and the Leopard shall lie down with the Kid and the Calf and the young Lion and the Fatling together and a little Child shall lead them And the Cow and the Bear shall feed their young ones shall lie down together And the Lion shall eat Straw like the Ox and the sucking Child shall play on the hole of the Asp and the weaned Child shall put his hand on the Cockatrice-den They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my Holy Mountain Which Words seem to me to be a clear Prediction concerning the peaceable Temper which even the fiercest of the Irrational Herd shall be endued with in the last Times of the World Their former Antipathies their pristine Enmities shall cease and they shall be restored to that harmlessness and Innocence which were at the first Creation I know these Words are generally by Commentators understood of that Inward Change which shall be made in Mens minds and hearts by the powerful Influence of the Gospel But I see little or no Foundation for this Interpretation for I go upon this ground which all sober Interpreters of Scripture acknowledge and own that there is no reason to fly to a Metaphorical and Mystical Sense of a Text when it appears that there is a Literal one So it is here there is no need of supposing any such thing as Metaphors and Allegories for the Words in themselves as interpreted according to the Letter are very plain and intelligible The Prophet here gives an Account of the Peaceable Kingdom of Christ and tells us that this among other things appertaining to it is part of it that there shall be a change in the Nature and Qualities of Brute Animals the Wolf Leopard Lion Bear ●erpent Adder shall be as t●me as Lambs Kids Calves they shall lie down and dwell and feed together they shall neither prey upon one another nor shall they be hurtful to Men. Nothing could be more plainly said to express the great Blessing and Privilege of those last Days when the Earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the Lord as the Waters cover the Sea which are the very next Words to those which I have set down and shew to what Period of Time they relate And that we
our extraction from him and consequently are descended from the Earth And here before we go any further we may observe that the ●olly of the Praeadamitick Opinion is detected The Sacred History of Moses assures us that Adam and Eve were the ●irst Persons that were created on the Earth and lest any should question it our Saviour hath confirmed it From the beginning of the Creation God made them Male and Female Mark 10. 6. For it is undeniable that he speaks this of Adam and Eve because in the next Verse he alledgeth what was said by God presently after the production of this latter Therefore shall a Man leave his Father and his Mother and cleave unto his Wife Gen. 2. 24. Whence it evidently appears that the Male and Female here spoken of are Adam and Eve and that these were made from the beginning of the Creation therefore there were no Men and Women before them This is clear from Gen. 3. 20. Adam called his Wife's name Eve because she was the Mother of all living This reason of her Name is assigned by Moses for when Adam gave her this Name she was not a Mother she was so call'd ●aith he because she was the Mother of all living she was the Person that was the Root and Source of all Men and Women that ever are in the World which plainly intimates that there was no other Woman that was such ● Mother She was constituted by God's appointment the only Mother of the living yea of all living of human kind that have been or shall be upon Earth And consequently there was no Race of Men or Women before her If there were no other Text to be alledged but this one it were sufficient to consute the vain Opinion of the Author of the Praeadamites who with a great deal of straining and forcing of Texts endeavours to prove that there was another Generation besides that of Adam and Eve He tells us there is a Creation of Man and Woman spoken of in the latter end of the first Chapter of Genesis and another Creation of the Holy Race of Mankind of which the first Man and Woman were Adam and Eve spoken of Chap. 2. v. 2 22. Whereas the plain obvious and true Account is that the first Narrative is general but the second is particular that is it gives a distinct and particular account of the formation of Man and Woman Notwithstanding this a late Writer hath revived the Notion of a double Creation and attempts to prove it as Dyrerius doth The most considerable Objection that this latter make● is founded on those Passages which imply a great number of People in the World at that time whereas we read saith he of none descended from Adam and Eve but Cain and Abel and Seth about that time But who knows not that the Mosaick History is silent as to several things of the like nature yea of an higher i●portance It is not to be doubted that Adam and Eve had more Children than are expresly mention'd by Moses yea that they had a great many Children and Grand children If we consider this we shall discover the vanity of the Praeadamitical Conceit and answer the Cavils that are rais'd about it by the first Author of it Dyrerius who indeed at last was sensible of the folly of his Opinion and as we are told recanted it Besides to think there was any Man before Adam is groundless because he is expresly call'd twice by the Apostle the first Man 1 Cor. 15. 45 47. It is ridiculous then to imagine that he was not the first of his kind but that there were Men in the World long before him even some thousands of years before him This Text and the others before-mention'd must be removed out of the Bible before we can believe such a thing or that there are others of human Race besides those that descend from Adam as some Inhabitants in the Moon or other Orbs of Heaven as a late Writer and some others fancy The fond Conceit of the Praeadamites being justly rejected let us proceed As the forming of this most excellent Creature Man was the close of the Creation so it may be observed that this was peculiar to him to have a solemn Consultation and Decree about his making which was not about any other Creature God said Let us make Man Gen. 1. 26. Philo the Jew is of the opinion that Angels were Cooperators in framing Adam's Body and to them God spake when he said Let us make Man This Platonist derived this Notion from his Master who held that lesser and created Gods made Men and all other Animals by the command of the greatest and supreme Deity But others deservedly explode this Opinion and think that these words denote God the Father's con●erring with the two other Persons of the Sacred Trinity concerning the making of Man This is the general Sentiment of the antient Writers of the Church who usually alledg this place to prove the Doctrin of the Trinity And certainly it is a considerable place for that purpose But however abstracting from this this way of speaking may signify to us that the making of Man was an ex●ellent and noble Work if it were said only after the manner of Men who hold a Conference and seriously consult and call in Assistance about a Matter which is of great moment and worth Thus God is represented speaking after the same gui●e to acquaint us what a worthy excellent and transcendent Work this was I take Seneca's words to be a good Comment on that place Be it known to you sai●h he that Man is not a Work huddled over in haste and done without forethinking and great consideration for Man is the greatest and most stupendous Work of God Man hath not only a Body in common with all inferior Animals but into his Body was in●used a Soul of a far more noble Nature and Make a rational Principle worthy of the name of a Soul Hereby he is enabled to act according to the designs of his Creation that is to contemplate the Works of God to admire his Perfections and to worship him to live as becomes one who received his excellent Being from him to converse with his fellow Creatures that are of his own Order to maintain mutual Love and Society and to serve God in Consort Man is a wonderful Creature and not undeservedly said to be a little World a World within himself and containing whatever is found in the greater In him is the spiritual and immaterial Nature of God the Reasonableness of Angels the sensitive Power of Brutes the vegetative Life of Plants and the Virtues of all the Elements In brief he is a compound of all And hence it is that the Life of Man is difficulter than that of others for other Creatures are ruled by one single Nature but Man is made up of divers Qualities But as it is more difficult so it is more excellent to be a
a Divine as to apprehend and acknowledg this Man only saith he of all the Animals was made upright because his Nature and Substance are Divine For this particular Figure represented the inward Uprightness and Rectitude which he was created in The Frame of the Body was to signify the Quality of the Soul The outward Man was made an Hieroglyphick of the inward Temper and Disposition of the Mind Again this erect Shape represented the Sovere●gnty and Power of Man over all other Animals For being not made in that low and groveling posture which these are in it is a sign he was to be distinguish'd from them and to be made a Ruler over them Which brings me to the next thing I propounded 3. God's Image in Man consisteth in his Dominion over the Creatures Observe therefore that when God had said Let us make Man in our Image after our Likeness it immediately follows Let him have dominion over the Fish of the Sea and over the Fowl of the Air c. So God created Man in his own Image Gen. 1. 26 27. Which intimates to us as St. Basil St. Chrysostom and other Fathers agree on that place that Man's Dominion over the Creatures was the Image and Representation of God's Principality and Soveraignty God constituted him Lord of the Earth and Governour over all things in it he made him Prince of the whole Creation Universal Lord and Emperor and there is nothing but is made subject to him Which David sets forth thus in Psal. 8. 6 7 8. Thou madest him to have Dominion over the Works of thy Hands thou hast put all things under his feet All Sheep and Oxen yea and the Beasts of the Field i. e. Beasts which are untamed and wild the Fowl of the Air and the Fish of the Sea and whatsoever passeth through the Paths of the Sea Here is part of God's Image and Likeness And this Power which Adam had over all Animals was exerted and manifested afterwards in a very visible and notable Instance viz. when he call●d them all together and gave Names to them The Lord God brought them to him by giving him this Power to summon them and to cause them to appear before him at his pleasure And when they were come Adam strook a terror into the fiercest of them At the sight of him they stood astonished the wildest of them for some may be said in comparison of others to be wild grew tame and gentle and adored him as their Lord and Ruler There is seated in the Nature of Man faith Cornelius Agrippa a certain Power of Dominion from that dread which he is able to strike into other Creatures This remains in Man at this day and he might exert it if he knew how to make use of it There is a certain Terrifick Character impress'd on Man by the Creator by which all Creatures stand in aw of him as the Image of his Creator If a Man could exercise this Power aright he might work Wonders in the World So he But the Power which Adam had over the Creatures was discover'd not only in making them appear and stand submissive before him but also in his giving of Names to them The Imposition of Names saith a learned Father was a Token of his Authority and Dominion over the Creatures as when Men buy Servants they change their Names and give them new ones this shews that they are Lords over them And there is something of this perhaps in Adam's giving the Woman her Name She shall be called Woman saith he which may imply his Primitive Power and Authority over her But tho I propound this only as probable yet the other is past all doubt viz. that Man had and hath an Empire over the in●erior Creatures and herein the Image of God partly consisteth Chrysost●m as I have said imbraceth this Opinion but therein is mistaken that the Image of God in Man is nothing else but this Dominion And he would prove it from 1 Cor. 11. 7. where the Apostle speaking of the behaviour of Christians in the Assemblies saith The Man must be uncovered on his head because he is the Image and Glory of God Uncovering was a sign of Liberty and Dominion so that the Image of God in Man is that Dominion and Superiority which God hath given him over the Woman and all things else This is but poor proof and not worth the refuting Besides that according to this Father the Image of God is peculiar to Man and the other Six is wholly excluded Which sheweth this to be a fanciful and groundless Opinion for Man and Woman are both of the same Nature in the considerations of Religion and with respect to so great and important a thing as the Divine Image is This Opinion that God's Image consists wholly or chiefly in Man's Soveraignty over the Creatures is espoused by the Socinians and strongly maintain'd by them You will find Socinus himself and Volkelius and others asserting in express terms that the Image of God is placed solely or principally in Dominion But tho this be apparently false and asserted by those Men only to uphold a belov'd Doctrin of theirs yet there is reason to believe that that Power over the rest of the Creatures which God invested Man with is part of the Divine Image Man doth eminently resemble God in this Prerogative In his presiding and ruling over them he is a lively representation of him who is the King and Ruler of all Thus you see this Image of God in Man is a complex thing It is not only in the Soul or in the Body or in Power and Dominion but it is in all of them together in opposition to those different Parties who place it in one of them singly as Origen and The●doret in perfect Knowledg and Wisdom Clement of Alexandria in perfect Holines Chrysostom as you have heard and Cyril of Alexandria in Dominion over the Creatures and maugre the wild Opinion of another antient Writer who holds this Image of God is neither in Man's Body nor Soul nor in any thing else that is known to us it is not it cannot be determin'd in what it consisteth Soon after Adam and Eve were made by God and thus adorned with his Image they were placed in the Garden of Eden Gen. 2. 8. i. e. a Garden of Delight or Pleasure for so much the Hebr●w word denoteth Paradise is the word used by the Septuagint and is of Hebrew some say of Persian original and signifieth a place inclosed for Pleasure and Delight whether it be a Park where Beasts do range or a spot of Ground stock'd with choice Plants which is properly a Garden or curiously set with Trees yielding all manner of Fruits which is an Orchard And the word is here fitly applied to the pleasant Plantation wherein our first Parents were placed by God This was not only a delightful
which the Apostles were falsly accused for viz. that they turned the World upside down may truly be attributed to our first Parents they have by their wil●ul disobedience perverted the Order of Nature and disturbed the Course of the World It is by their means become a Place of Disorder and Confusion a Stage of Affliction and Misery a Scene of Sorrows Losses Disappointments Poverty Reproach Diseases Pains Tortures and Plagues of all sorts This is Man's portion till he returns unto the Ground for out of it was he taken and unto it he shall return ver 19. Death is the last of all outward and bodily Evils this was threatned in Gen. 2. 17. In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die Which place alone is sufficient to refute the Socinian Conceit that Man was mortal in his first state of Innocence and that th● he had not fallen yet he should have died We find here Mortality pronounc'd the Effect of Adam's Transgression In the day that thou eatest of the fo●bidden Fruit and thereby ●innest against thy Maker thou shalt surely die i. e. thou shalt immediately become subject to Death and afterwards it shall actually be inflicted on thee So we are to understand these words according to that of Theodoret God here call●th the Sentence of Mortality Death And so Chrysost●m on the place Man is said saith he to die in that the Sentence of Death is pronounc'd against him It was God's Mercy to reprieve him that he might have time to repent But he was a dead Man at first as a condemned Malefactor is reckon'd a dead Man tho his Execution be respi●ed for a time So is it with the whole Race of Adam they are obnoxious to Death they have the Sentence of it upon them and they daily incur that Penalty by their Sins The Great Judg is pleas'd to spare them for a time but at last the Sentence is executed on them Their Nature being corrupted and poison'd by the Fall at length the Venom and Virulency of it break forth the contrary Qualities which have been long fighting within them destroy them in the close or in some other manner their Bodies sink into the Grave and stench and rottenness are their Portion The Inward and Spiritual Evils which are the Consequences of the Fall are yet more grievous and direful Not only the Bodies but the Souls of all Adam's Race feel the cursed Effects of his Apostacy from God Hereby the Rational and Divine Moiety of Man which was the chief and noblest part of his Constitution was corrupted its original Rectitude and primitive Righteousness were defaced and all the Powers and Faculties of his Mind miserably depraved First His intellectual Powers are impaired by Ignorance and Error the Notions of Good and Evil are much obliterated Reason is weakned and can hardly do its office Man understanding not must needs be like the Beasts for it is this Faculty which differenceth him from that rank of Beings It was said of old that Man is a wise Creature And he was so questionless in the state of his first Creation and Primitive Innocency but since his vile Defection he is sunk into folly and sottishness He confutes all his Pretences and baffles all his Boastings of Knowledg and Wisdom for when he should give experiment of them he discovers plainly that he is possessor of no such thing but that his rational part is much enfeebled and that he hath very ●alse and erroneous conceptions of things especially of those which relate to the Kingdom of God Thus Man's Head is hurt by the Fall His Heart likewise his Will and Affections are exceedingly endamag'd by it There is a strange Impotency in our elective Faculty we are not only disabled in a great measure from chusing Good but we have an aversion in us to God and Goodness and an inclination on the contrary to comply with Satan and to do whatever is displeasing to our Marker We are taken captive by Satan at his will for we have lost our Liberty and we have not so much sense as to bemoan our loss This is our condition by Nature abstracted from the blessed Remedy which we have by Christ Iesus and the powerful Influences of the Holy Spirit As for our Affections and Passions they are miserably dis●orted and dislocated they continually sally forth to undue Objects they are unruly and extravagant and put us into great disorder and dis●raction And indeed we cannot wonder that they are very refractory and headstrong when they have slipt off that Bridle which right Reason had put upon them Our Love and Hatred our Desires our Fears our Hopes our Joys our Anger our Sorrows are all unbridled and ungovern'd they hurry us into mischief they fill us with perturbation they make us uneasy restless and unquiet and they end in vanity and vexation of Spirit These disorders in the Understanding Will and Affections make way for more visible ones in the actions of mens Lives Hence proceed Idolatry Prophaneness Blasphemy Perjury Injustice Theft Rapine Violence Slaughter Murder Drunkenness Luxury Whoredom and all kind of Lasciviousness in short Sins of all degrees Vices of all dimensions Thus it was rightly said by the Royal Prophet that Man in his lapsed condition is become like the Beasts he is sunk below his own Species He that listned to a Brute the Serpent is become like one Man the Flower and Glory of the Creation resembleth the Beasts He is as sly and crafty as a Fox as lustful and salacious as a Goat as fierce as a Lion as savage as a Bear as ravenous as a Wolf as gluttonous as a Swine as angry and barking as a Dog and sometimes as stupid and dull as an Ass. Thus Man is become like the Beasts which this Psalmist takes notice of in other places likewise where you find him representing wicked Men as fat Bulls devouring Dragons roaring Lions ravenous Dogs And this good King acknowledgeth even concerning himself that so far as he had acted sinfully against God he was not only foolish and ignorant but even as a Beast before him So Agur i. e. as some think Solomon who had been a notorious Offender confesseth that he was more brutish than any one Prov. 30. 2. The New Testament also speaks after this manner Christ calls false Prophets ravenous Wolves and Herod a Fox And Iohn Baptist stiles the wicked Jews Vipers St. Paul calls his Adversaries whom he grappled with at Ephesus Beasts he stiles false Teachers grievous Wolves and Dogs and he thanks God that he was delivered out of the Mouth of the Lion meaning Nero. And the Apocalyptick Beast is to be understood of the vilest and wickedest Body of Men under Heaven This too was the Notion and Phrase of the best Moralist among the Platonists and Stoicks They held that wicked men are a kind of Brutes that Vice transforms them into mere sensitive Animals
The rectified Mind said they is the Man but the sensitive Appetite is the Beast This latter they declared to be the Principle which predominateth in all vicious Men and because they wholly ●ollow their Sense and are led merely by a corporeal Appetite they resemble Brutes Accordingly Epimenides calls the Cr●tians evil Beasts as the Apostle takes notice and for the same reason all Persons that are given to Vice deserve that Denomination For their Portion like Nebuchadnezzar's is with the Beasts You cannot reckon them in the number of Men for tho they retain the human Shape yet they are really degenerated into the nature of Brutes Nay Man is become more irrational by far than the whole Herd of Brutes who by a natural Instinct or by some certain Laws of Motion following the Apprehensions of their Senses discern what is good or hurtful to them and not only so but imbrace the one and avoid the other Man alone once the excellentest Creature in the World but now depraved knows not his Happiness or despises it which in the sacred Stile is expressed after this manner The Ox knows his Owner and the As● his Master's Crib but Israel doth not know my people do not consider Isa. 1. 3. These are the inword and spiritual Evils which are the effects of Adam's Degeneracy and they are usually called by Divines by the name of Spiritual Death for these also were part of that dreadful Threatning In the day thou ●atest thereof thou shalt surely die But there are not only temporal but eternal Evils which are the fruit of Man's Apostatizing Man by his Guilt and Pollution contracted by the Fall and since delighted in is liable to be excluded from Happiness in another Life and is obnoxious to eternal Punishment and Misery in the World to come for Sin of it self can never be expiated and therefore the Guilt of it must necessarily continue without any Period Accordingly we read that the Wages of Sin is Death Rom. 6. 23. i. e. eternal Death for it being oppos'd in that place to eternal Life it cannot signify less It appears then that the Sinner deserves to be ●ormented both in Body and Soul with endless and eternal pains which makes his Condition far worse than that of the Beasts who Perish and so are made uncapable of all future Sufferings This is that worst of Deaths which is another part of that dire●ul Threatning denounced against Adam and which is the most grievous and terrible effect of his Disobedience and falling from God and from this as from the other Evils procured by Man's Apostacy there is no redemption on 〈◊〉 the merciful and meritorious Undertakings of the blessed Messias who was afterwards promised After all it might be observ'd that not only Adam and Eve were threatned to be punish'd for this Transgression but even the Serpent which the Devil made use of in order to it he was rendred the most cursed of all Creatures and condemn'd to grovel on his Belly and to feed on the Dust of the Earth Gen. 3. 14. Which was design'd to be a lasting as well as a visible Memorial of God's Displeasure against the first Sin in the World So we read afterwards that God spared not the brut● Beasts whom the Sinners of the old world had abused but destin'd them no less than the Offenders themselves to Destruction Gen. 6. 7. which gives us some account of the implacable Opposition of the Divine Nature to all Sin and even to all that are but instrumental and serviceable to it He that is of purer eyes than to behold Iniquity will not suffer it to go unpunish'd wherever he observes it And this might be added here that the foresaid Curs● on the Serpent hath reference also to the malicious D●mon who actuated that Animal The doom of this impure Spirit is here included his being not able to raise up himself against the Servants of the most High so as to hurt them and his being 〈◊〉 to Hell and his being made for ever a curs●d Creature l●ath'd and abhor'd of God and Man are comprehended in this Execration Thus I have finish'd the second State of Man This I call a State as it respects Us but I call it a Dispensation as it hath respect unto God because it was his Will and Pleasure to suffer this to be Out of infinite Wisdom he permitted Man's Fall designing to make it subservient at last to the Good of Mankind and to his own Glory by inhansing his Mercy and Goodness in the 〈◊〉 and unexpected rescuing of Mankind from the Miseries which they had incur'd by this general Lapse I say general for as I asserted before concerning the first State that of Innoc●ncy that it included all Men in it as well as our first Progenitors so I must declare the same concerning this second State and Dispensation It takes in not only Adam and Ev● who indeed were the most consp●cuous Persons but all the succeeding Generations of Men and Women For by reason of our first Parents wilful sinning and transgressing the Divine Law all Persons are under the Displeasure of God the Penalty of his Law and the Power of Satan for they are all conceived in Sin and brought forth in Iniquity they are naturally averse to all Good and prone to all Evil and therefore a Condemnation is justly pass'd on them all Here I might cop●ously treat of Original Sin and the fatal Influence of it but I intend not at present to enlarge on any main Article or Point of Divinity this Treatise being design'd only as an 〈◊〉 to so great a Performance This only in brief is to be remembred that Adam as a common Person sinn'd for himself and his whole Posterity In him all Mankind were created and in him they all ●ell and were corrupted Adam being the Father and Root of all Successions by his sinning involv'd himself and his Prog●ny into a State of Guilt and Enmity against God This great Banker broke and with him all his Race were beggar'd and ruin'd His particular Fault became the Catholick Crime of all Persons descended from him even before they knew what was Good and Evil i. e. before they were born They were all accurs'd in him and rendred obnoxious to the Divine Wrath and no Creature was able to deliver them from it But God the merciful Creator and indulgent Father of Mankind was pleased to contrive their Deliverance Accordingly he made an early Discovery of his Grace and Love to our first Parents and to their Posterity which leads me to the next Dispensation CHAP. III. The Nature of the Third General Dispensation The first part of which is the Adamick State The early Promise concerning the Messias Gen. 3. 15. explain'd He was expected betimes The New Testament witnesses that he was to bruise the Serpent's Head Several positive Laws were under this Oeconomy That of Oblations and Sacrifices is especially consider'd Eucharistical Sacrifices were part of the Law of Nature Expiatory
of Thankfulness which is a Law of Nature taught the Antient Patriarchs to offer these Gifts as Tokens and Testimonies of their Gratitude By these they openly proclaim'd that God was the supreme Giver of all things Natural Light inform'd them that it was fitting to make some Returns to God to give something to him from whom they receiv'd all They needed not a particular Command from God for this These were spontaneous free and uncommanded Offerings these were dictated by Reason and the voluntary Motions of their Hearts which told them that they ought to acknowledg God's Goodness to them by such gratulatory Sacrifices These were but so many Acts of Thanksgiving to God for Benefits and Favours receiv'd of him and were but natural Signs of Worship due to him But Secondly Besides the Eucharistical Sacrifices there were Expiatory ones But these were not the Dictates of Natural Reason for tho the Patriarchs might perswade themselves that those Sacrifices being thankful Acknowledgments and Gifts would be acceptable to God that he would receive them kindly and be pleas'd not to shew himself angry and offended for their former Miscarriages yet this they might as well have thought to have been done by the unbloody Sacrifices the offering of the Fruits of the Earth for they being Gifts as well as these those that offer'd them might expect that God would be pleas'd with them and that thereby they should conciliate the Divine Favor and Acceptance and so that there should be an Expiation made for their Sine Thus the unbloody sort of Sacrifices would have been sufficient and there is no reason why the bloody ones should be added No truly Nature could afford them no substantial Reason why the Blood of Beasts should be shed Reason doth not tell us that God is delighted in the Blood and Pain of the innocent Brutes Reason doth not acquaint us that the offering of these is a satisfaction to his Justice and a means to avert the Judgments of God there is no Law of Nature that dictates any such thing Hence the sacrificing of the Beasts was condemned by the wisest Men among the Heathens What saith Porphyrius and by him you may know what the Pythagoreans thought and held for he was a principal Man of that Sect As for sacrificing of Beasts and Blood saith he that was not from the beginning but introduced lately by superstitious and wicked Persons Bloody Sacrifices commenced from Famine and War when People were forced to tast Blood When they had tasted of the Blood of Animals they sacrificed them to the Gods Again saith he in the same place As they sacrificed so they eat Flesh was at first not eaten afterwards that being sacrificed they eat it for they reckon'd what was good for their Gods was good for themselves so from ●●ating they proceeded to offer Thus this Philosopher was mistaken about the first Original of bloody Sacrifices and it could not be expected that he should attain to the true Reason of it which as I shall shew you is the grand bottom of revealed Religion But this Testimony of Porphyrius confirmeth what I am asserting viz. that bloody Sacrificing was not the Dictate or Precept of Nature Had it been so this Person who was so well versed in the Law of Nature and Reason would not have inveighed against this kind of Sacrificing as not becoming God nor Men as having no Reason nor Religion to justify it He would not have told us in plain terms that God is by no means delighted in the Blood of Beasts and that this manner of Sacrificing was discountenanced and disapproved by the Oracles as he relateth Let us hear what other Heathens thought of the bloody Sacrifices It is impious to pollute Altars with Blood saith Plato Who concurreth with Pythagor●s in this as well as in many other things Varro quoted by Arnobius declareth That the true Gods neither desire nor expect these Sacrifices and the false Gods made of Brass and Wood do less care for them From Tertullian we learn that the Philosophers had no good opinion of Sacrifices and never were urgent with the People to offer them The best Heathen Moralists profess'd that the only acceptable Offerings were a pious Heart and an upright Will Some of the Poets have slighted and disparaged the offering of slain Beasts in Sacrifice Ovid is of this number and moreover tells us that bloody Sacrifices were not in the more Innocent and Primitive Ages of the World Which tho it be false yet it shews the Sentiment of this and other wise Men who had no good opinion of this kind of Sacrifices Among the Egyptians who were the wisest of the Antient Nations no Animals were kill'd for Sacrifice to the Gods saith Macrobius Do you think now that the gravest and wisest Heathens would have disapproved of and condemned Sacrifices if they had been a Dictate of Nature and Morality if they had been the Natural Worship of God Would they not rather have defended and maintain'd them for natural Religion and the main Offices of it are extoll'd by none more than them But as they were bloody Sacrifices there was no Principle in Nature and Reason to commend them and thence it is that the wisest Pagans never spoke seriously for them but generally against them and they were of the opinion that God was not honour'd by the Blood of Brutes and the killing of harmless Beasts and that he took no pleasure in the Smoke that ascended from their slain Bodies It is evident then that bloody Sacrificing as it denoteth Atonement and Propitiating was not the result of Natural Light but was by positive and Divine Institution And from what was known hence there came to be even among the Pagans a Notion of Expiation by sacrificing which we find in several of their Writings but they had not of themselves any such apprehension This I prove from the Reason which Moses or rather the Lord by Moses giveth of bloody Sacrifices Levit 17. 11. The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood and I have given it to you on the Altar to make an Atonement for your Souls for it is the Blood that makes Atonement for the Soul Tho this Reason of offering the Blood of slain Beasts was divulged to the Israelites at this particular time yet this reason was good at first and was the true account of the Service of Bloody Sacrifices among the Patriarchs Now the Reason here given why these Sacrifices are to be used is because it is the Blood that makes Atonement for the Soul And if you ask the Reason of this it is implied in the beginning of the Verse before recited the Life of the Flesh is in the Blood So then when the Blood of the Beast is offer'd in Sacrifice the Life of it is offer'd and the Life of the Beast is supposed to be given instead of the Life of the Offender for whom the Sacrifice is offered and so the Beast
permitted to eat the Flesh before it was quite dead or they were not to eat any Limb or Member torn off from an Animal alive The Reason given in another place why they must not ●at Blood is because it is the Soul or Life of all Flesh that is it is the chief Instrument of Life and therefore is properly and significantly used in making Atonement for Souls Therefore it was designed wholly for Expiation it was appointed and appropriated to that sacred Use on the Altar And for this reason it ought not to be used in a common way Again God forbad eating of Blood and that even before the Law to teach abstaining from Man's Blood They must eat no Beast's Blood that they might not thereby learn to delight in Human Blood as we see saith an Expositor upon the place Butchers who kill Beasts are generally cruel and bloody to Men and for that reason the Law suffers them not to be on the Jury of Life and Death The Ath●nians order'd one to be flead alive because he had serv'd a Ram so The Areopagite Judges condemn'd a Boy to death because he put out the eyes of Quails and this is given as the reason because it shew'd that the Boy was of a cruel disposition and would prove very hurtful if he lived So here it was thought that Blood-eating was a sign of and preparative to inhuman Actions and accordingly was not allow'd of Therefore this Precept of not eating the Flesh of Beasts with the Blood running about it was to restrain this Cruelty The old Giants of the World before the Flood generally liv'd on the Blood of Beasts and so learn'd to be cruel and savage to Men and thence as Maimonides and Mr. Selden from him conjecture this Law had its rise God therefore commanded those of Noah's Posterity to re●rain wholly from Blood that they might not proceed from cruelty to Beasts to killing of Men. Besides this may seem partly to be a natural Law Blood being a gross Meat and not fit for nourishment A Third Law given to Noah was that in Gen. 9. 5 6. Surely the blood of your lives will I require at the hand of every beast will I require it and at the hand of man at the hand of every mans brother will I require th● lif● of man Whoso ●●eddeth mans blood by man shall his blood be shed for in the Image of God made 〈◊〉 ma● There is indeed a Treble Law comprised in these words 1. They are forbid to shed mans blood Noa● and his sons are commanded not to be guilty of Homicid● Taking away a mans life was unlawful before as in C ain but here it is solemnly denounced to be such and moreover the Punishment of it is set down If shedding of mans blood were not here forbidden as unlawful it would not be followed with a P●nalty as you see it is Which is the second Sanction here the blood of your lives I will require at the hand of every beast and at the hand of every man Whether man or beast procure the death of a man their blood shall be required for it Death is here made the Penalty of Murder Yea the very Beasts that kill'd a man should themselves be kill'd There was no Law before this for the punishing of Bloodshed And thirdly here is also signified the Aut●ority of th● Magistrate whose particular and peculiar work it is to require the life of man at the hand of every mans br●th●r Whoso sheddeth mans blood by man shall his blood be shed Here the manner of punishing bloodshed is set down and appointed it must be done by the Magistrate A publick Minister of Justice is here ordered and appointed to punish the guilty Here is the first Institution of that Political Order Here is the first injunction for erecting Courts of Judicature Some of the Socinian party will allow this to be a Commination but not a Precept given to Magistrates But herein they separate what they ought to have united for these words are both a threatning of Punishment and also an Order or Warrant given to the Magistrate to execute that Punishment It is to be done by Man Adam which word sometimes is appropriated to one of Eminency and Power and therefore here not unfitly denotes the Magistrate the Ruler him that hath Authority and Power above others This is the person that is commission'd here not to suffer Bloodshed to go unpunish'd but to return blood for blood which is a practice grounded on the Law of Reason and Equity which in such a case as this requires a just and equal Retribution But this and other places those of the Rac●vian way distort to serve their own end viz. to patronize their opinions concerning Magistrates who according to them are not to use any Capital Punishment not to 〈◊〉 War c. But any unprejudic'd and considerate person cannot but see that the power of the Sword is here given to the Civil Magistrate Upon this one Charter depends the Execution of Justice against all Crimes upon this is founded the power of executing judgment upon Offenders and of cutting off of Malefactors So that you see in this forecited place are contain'd two of those Precepts which were said to be given to Adam the Titles whereof were of Iudgments and of not Shedding of Blood which both were Laws of Nature imprinted in mens breasts but when after the flood the World began anew God thought fit to revive the remembrance of these Laws and made them Positiv● and not before that we know of Some think that under this Dispensation was introduced Slavery that men were all free before the Flood and that not long after Servitud● began viz. in Canaan the Son of Cham for which they alledg that Text Gen. 9. 25. A servant of servant● shall he b● Here is the first servant mention'd and because we read of none before they conclude that Bondage which is a great Curse began in this Cursed Person the Offspring of cursed C●am But I cannot so easily assert that Servitud● had its first rise here for though Canaan be the first servant mention'd yet it doth not follow thence that Thraldom had its beginning in him for silence is no Argument that there was none before But the main thing which I have to say is this that if Bondage commenc'd in Canaan it is to be understood not of himself but of his posterity So that we may truly say it did not begin in this Disp●nsati●n but afterwards And this is plain from the place it self and the following verses where 't is said Canaan shall be the servant of Sh●m and he was so when his posterity the Canaanit●s were overcome and subdued by those of the race of Sh●m viz. the Isra●lites Then it was that this Curse on Canaan was fulfill'd and not before But as to common Servitude we read of it long before that time A●ra●am had m●n-servants and maid-s●rvants who 〈◊〉 bo●ght with
Beasts that have a sensitive Life and at last he came to what was perfectest Man who hath a reasonable Soul and is the most excellent of all God's Works in this lower World Man the worthiest Piece of the Creation was made last of all So there was the like Order and Method observed by God in framing and fashioning his Church it was set up first with weak and imperfect things The Laws and Constitutions given to the Sons of Men were mean and low and went no further than Natural Religion it was like their feeding upon Herbs and Plants only But afterwards Religion was inhanced by extraordinary Revelations and Discoveries by positive Laws and Precepts and by the Offering of Beasts and other such Legal Observances the Sensitive and Animal Life as I may so say the External and Bodily part of Religion was chiefly maintain'd But at length Religion was inspired as it were with a Rational Soul it became Manly Spiritual and Refined by the Gospel it came to be a Reasonable Service indeed an inward Principle a Law of Liberty and Love Christianity is the last but is the perfectest Dispensation in this Life What the Platonists hold concerning the several Powers and Faculties of Mens Souls that in due time and place they orderly awaken into act and when a lower Power is extinguish'd a more extended and enlarg'd Capacity succeeds it a more divine Faculty and Life spring up and are envigorated what these Philosophers I say hold concerning human Souls is true of Religion and its several Dispensations There is a gradual Subordination of these ●everal Oeconomies and upon the Cessation and Extinction of one that is inferiour a more Sublime and Perfect one arises in its Room and it is God's Will and Pleasure that these divers Administrations shall take place in their Order and that one shall not anticipate the other It seems good to the All-wise Creator to reveal the knowledg of himself by degrees to discover his Will as it were by parcels God dispenseth not all his Favours together not all at once but the mani●estations of his Will grow greater and greater successively He gradually instill'd into the World the Notion of a Messias the Prophetical Promises concerning him were higher and higher by little and little the Sun of Righteousness arose and shined more and more unto a perfect Day This is the Divine Method he proceeds from imperfect to perfect things from the Shadow to the Substance from Types to Realities from lesser to greater Discoveries He thought good to train up his Church in this manner and by meaner Communications to make way for the most compleat delivering of his Will Still all along one Administration exceeded another till at last Christianity arrived which was Highest of all Those words of the Apostle to the Hebrews are very remarkable to this purpose those under the Law saith he received not the Promise i. e. the full extent of it in the Coming of Christ God having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect Heb. 11. 39 40. He gives here the Reason why the Iews under the Legal Oeconomy had not the Promise compleated why Christ came not in those days viz. because the Church was to be perfected by Degrees The condition of the Church before Christ was not to be compleat They had their good things but we were to have some better thing that it might be seen that God proceeds in a gradual and successive Way and that he will have things done in their due Season and Course that we may take notice of this that the Frame and Fabrick of Religion shall be reared by little and little to its Perfection that God intends to reserve the best things till last in short that after Christ's Coming Religion was to be at its full Age and that this Glorious Dispensation should crown all Thus by the different Stages and Progressions the divers Courses and Periods of the Church in successive Ages God hath thought fit to shew himself a God of Order and not of Confusion And so I have finish'd the Reasons why the Christian Disp●nsation was deferred so long and why the Blessed Author and Founder of it came no sooner The End of the First Volume ΠΟΛΥΠΟΙΚΙΛΟΣ ΣΟΦΙΑ A Compleat HISTORY Or SURVEY Of all the Dispensations and Methods OF RELIGION From the beginning of the World to the Consummation of all things As represented in the OLD and NEW Testament SHEWING The several Reasons and Designs of those different Administrations and the Wisdom and Goodness of God in the Government of his Church through all the Ages of it The Second Volume In which The Certainty of the Christian Religion is demonstrated against the Cavils of the Iews Deists c. By IOHN EDWARDS B. D. LONDON Printed for Daniel Brown Ionath Robinson Andrew Bell Iohn Wyat and E. Harris M. DC.XC.IX THE CONTENTS OF THE Second Volume CHAP. XIV THE Truth and Certainty of the Christian Oeconomy and consequently of Christianity it self evinced That the Mosaick Dispensation was not design'd to be perpetual is proved from 1. The Prophesies concerning the enlarging of the Church together with the nature of the Jewish Observances 2. God's dispensing with the Mosaick Rites and Laws 3. Their being neglected sometimes by the Holiest Men. 4. God's disregarding them 5. The Confession of the Jewish Rabbies An Objection viz. that it is said the Mosaick Law shall be for ever dis●inctly answer'd Prophesies which seem to relate to the Jewish Church are to be interpreted concerning the Christian one It is not necessary that there should ●e a Formal Abrogation of the Ceremonial Law because when the Reason of a Law ceases the Law it self ceaseth But yet it is shew'd from sundry places in the New Testament that the Ceremonial Law is formally and expresly abrogated We are assured of the Truth of the Christian Religion from Humane Testimony The Testimony of the Outward and Bodily Senses is made use of and appealed to in the New Testament as an Argument of the truth of Christianity St. John's Words 1 Ep. 1 Chap. 1 2 3. ver commented upon There is no certainty in Religion especially in the Christian if the Testimony of Sense be not allow'd of The Apostles and those who heard and saw the things done by our Saviour were Credible Persons The four Evangelists and other Writers of the New Testament were competent Witnesses of what they relate Their Personal Qualities which are particularly reckno'd up render their Testimony worthy of all acceptation The Christians that succeeded them faithfully deliver'd things to us Their Lives are a proof of their Integrity Their Sufferings and Death are an undeniable Argument of their testifying the Truth to us An Heap of Evidences that we are not imposed upon by them The very Jews bear witness to the Truth of Christianity The manner of their congratulating our Saviour at his riding into Jerusalem particularly consider'd Heathens attest the Truth of the
they the Negative Paracelsus philosophically attributes this Resuscitation to the mixture of a certain heat in the corrupted dead Matter as Frogs saith he are generated of Slime by the heat of the Sun This is his Blasphemous Nonsense which all Men of sober Reason deride and unanimously acknowledg that the restoring of the dead to Life is an Act of Supernatural and Divine Power and that the Key of the Grave as the Jews say belongs to God only And now to approach towards our Saviours Death a little before which he repeated that Act which he had once before done i. ● the driving the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple which may be justly reckoned amongst his Miracles for he could not have expell'd so many Men out of that place which they had made the place of their Merchandize and Gain without an extraordinary and omnipotent Arm. And by the same Almighty Power he struck to the Ground those that came to apprehend him Afterwards when he was on the Cross he converted one of the Thieves even just before his leaving the World which was a Miracle and a great one At the same time he caused a miraculous Eclips● for it must be reckon'd as such because it happen'd not after the natural and usual way which is by the Moons interposing between the Sun and the Earth which falls out only in the New M●on whereas when Christ suffered it was F●ll Moon viz. the 15 th Day of the Month Nisan the Passover-day And at his Death the Earth quaked the Veil of the Temple was rent asunder the Graves ●ere open'd and the dead arose which was the forerunner of our Saviour's Resurrection which followed soon after He that raised others raised himself from the dead the third Day which was a Confirmation of all his former Miracles And after he had visibly convers'd with his Disciples for a time he ascended up to Heaven and convey'd himself through all the Regions of the upper World even to the Mansions of Glory These were some of the Miracles of our Saviour But there were innumerable more which are not recorded which occasioned that great Hyperbole used in Iohn 21. ult Indeed Christ did so many and so great Miracles that the Unbelief and Obstinacy of the Iews notwithstanding all of them may seem to be as great a Wonder and Prodigy as any thing that happen'd Secondly the Apostles as well as our Saviour himself exerted many Miracles the holy Spirit being sent to them according to Christ's Promise to inable them to do them ●hey cured all manner of diseased Persons that were brought before them yea they could cure at a distance and by proxy By St. Peter's Shadow and St. Paul's Handkerchief a sanative Virtue was conveyed to the Sick and their Diseases departed from them Acts 15. 15. Acts 19. 12. This was a Gift which was equally wonderful and useful by virtue whereof Maladies were cured without any cost and the poor Patient needed not to fear a Relapse soon after from the sight of an Apothecary's Bill If it be objected that St. Paul left Trophimus at Miletum sick 2 Tim. 4. 20. and he cured not Timothy of his weak Stomach without drinking Wine 1 Tim. 5. 23. Therefore the Apostles had no absolute Gift of healing I answer 1. The Gift of healing was for the Confirmation of the Truth and for the Conversion of Heathens rather than for the recovering of Christians and therefore it is no wonder that they could not work this Miracle always and that some were heal'd not all 2. Miracles were not designed to make Men immortal on Earth Sicknesses and Diseases were not always to be cured for then none should die But it was sufficient that sometimes the Power of Healing was exerted that thereby it might be seen that the Apostles were inabled from Heaven and that a divine Power went along with them But it pleased God that at ordinary times Diseases should be cured by the use of Means and that an extraordinary Power should not be made use of 3. Those very Instances or any the like are a great Proof that God bore witness to the Apostles for hence it appeared that this Power was at Gods pleasure and disposal and not at their own they could not do what they pleased there was a certain Limitation which shews it was absolutely a divine and supernatural Power by which they healed Diseases Again another miracul●u● and extraordinary Gift confer'd on the Primitive Church to corroborate the Truth of Christianity and to convince the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles was speaking with diverse Tongues which was more especially serviceable to this end because hereby they could be understood by Persons of diverse Countries and Languages and so by this Means the Propagation of the Gospel was further'd Thus by the same way by which the building of the Tower of B●b●l was hindred did the Apostles afterwards pull down the strong Holds of Satan and build up the Christian Church Of this extraordinary Gratuity the Apostle speaks 1 Cor. 12. 10. To another saith he 〈◊〉 given diverse kinds of Tongues to another the interpretation of Tongues i. e. one had the Ability to speak strange Languages and another was enabled to interpret them and make them intelligible So that it seems these two Gifts did not always concur in the same Person at least at this time in the C●rint●ian Church But however they were both of them the effects of a supernatural Power And by this Miraculous way the Apostles frequently dispossessed Devils who in those days tormented the Bodies as well as Souls of Men. They had power also to raise the dead which was seen in St. Peter's raising of Dorcas Nay the Miracles which the Apostles did were greater than Christ's and so he himself had promised Iohn 14. 12. He that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater Works then these shall he do The Apostles were able to speak strange Languages which they never learn'd a Miracu●ous Gift which our Saviour never exerted th● he could But this is the main Reason why the Wonders which the Apostles wrought are said to be greater than those of our Saviour because they were more large and extensive they were done in all parts of the World where the Apostles preach'd Besides the Fruit and E●●ect of them were greater their Converts were more numerous they won by them far greater Multitudes of Souls to the Christian Faith Thus you have a sho●t account of the various Miracles both of Christ and his Apostles 2. ● am to shew that these Miracles of our Saviour and his Apostles were really true and not counterfeit Miracles Here I have two things to do 1. To shew you what are true Miracles and how they differ from ralse ones 2. To prove that the Miracles of our Saviour and his Followers were such First Let us enquire into the true Nature of a Miracle These are the five grand Properties of it 1. It is
come the Kingdom of our God which is explained by the next Words The Power of his Christ his effectual Reigning whereby he shews his Power in the Church more than ever We have not yet seen the Consequences of the Seventh Angel's Sounding when it was proclaim'd with a loud Voice from Heaven The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall Reign for ever and ever Rev. 11. 15. which in v. 17. is call'd his taking to him his great Power and his Reigning Which gives us to understand that he doth not at first exert his great Power in the Evangelical Dispensation he doth not fully Reign but that he will afterwards and upon Earth This is taking to him his c. There is one Text more which I will add and I request the Reader to consider of it He i. e. Christ must Reign till he hath put all Enemies under his Feet 1 Cor. 15. 25. The Apostle had mention'd the Resurrection of the Saints at Christ's last coming v. 23. and thereupon adds in the next Verse then cometh or then is the end viz. of this World and Present State of things when he that is Christ shall have deliver'd up the Kingdom the Saints who are the chiefest part of his Kingdom to God even the Father when i. e. after he shall have put down all Rule and all Authority and Power which oppose him and his Kingdom For he must Reign i. e. in his Church till he hath put all Enemies under his Feet Now it is plain and undeniable that this time is not yet come therefore it shall be hereafter There must be a time here on Earth when Christ shall have put all his Enemies under his Feet when he shall Reign without opposition And this is the time I am speaking of viz. the Third Exertment of the Evangelical Dispensation But the most Signal Eminent and Renowned Place on which may be Founded and Built the Future Glorious State of the Christian Church on Earth is the 20th Chapter of the Revelation where is expresly foretold the Binding of Satan a Thousand Years and the Saints Living and Reigning with Christ a Thousand Years I know full well this Chapter hath been miserably perverted not only of late but at the first setting out of Christianity Some from this place asserted a Terrene Millennary Kingdom of Christ consisting chiefly in Corporal Pleasures and Carnal Delights as if they design'd to revive the Epicurean Happiness or to antedate the Mahometan Heaven Cerinthus is said to be the Author of this Opinion for being a Man addicted to Sensuality and Pleasure he founded an Happiness here on Earth of such a Nature viz. abounding with all Delights relating to Meats and Drinks Concupiscence and Effeminacy So saith an Antient Ecclesiastical Writer Dionysius of Alexandria 1. 2. de Promis And Eusebius saith the same Eccl. Hist. 1. 7. c. 19. But this savours too much of the Flesh besides that it contradicts our Saviour who said His Kingdom was not of this World John 18. 36. and consequently the Reigning of the Saints is not Worldly and Sensual but Spiritual and Heavenly And besides these Men held that this Reign of Christ here on Earth was to be after the Resurrection yea and after the last Iudgment which renders this Opinion yet more Improbable if not Absurd as if the Saints who had enjoy'd the Pleasures of Heaven would count it a Happiness to be entertain'd with those that are Sensual and Carnal There were Others of Old who had a more Tolerable Notion of the Millennary Reign for they placed it not in Sensual and Earthly Pleasures and mere outward Peace and Prosperity though they held it was not without these There Opinion in short was this that after Six Thousand Years in this World were compleated the Saints should all rise their Bodies should ascend out of their Graves or where ever else they were and their Souls should come down from Heaven and Christ also should descend from thence and keep a Jubile with them and Reign with great joy a Thousand Years here upon Earth and that all Kingdoms should be made subject to him and that the Righteous should be Bless'd with an abundance of the Good Things of this World but without any Intemperance Excess or Immoderation whatsoever This they call'd the First Resurrection from which all the Ungodly are excluded After this Seventh Millennary of Years is compleated all Men shall rise from the Dead which is the Second Resurrection This was the Sentiment of most of the Ancient Fathers yea of all Christians who were accounted Orthodox as Iustin Martyr acquaints us He and Irenaeus and Ierom and others tell us that this Doctrine came first from Papias Bishop of Hierapolis who pretended he had it from St. Iohn whose Scholar he was and from the Disciples of the Apostles with whom he was acquainted So that the Pedegree of the Millennary Opinion is this It was first broach'd by Cerinthus then re●ined by Papias and others and afterwards transmitted to the Latin and Greek Fathers Or if we will be more exact in the Lineage and Descent of it we must begin it higher and say that the Apostles set it on foot first for they dreamt of an Earthly Kingdom of Christ in this World as I have shewed before Or rather we may trace it up to the Iews before Christ the Millennium was borrowed from an Antient Tradition and Perswasion among that People that the Messias should Reign a Thousand Years on Earth in all Pomp and Grandure The Babylon Talmud in Sanhedrim in the Chapter Helek doth shew this to be the Opinion of the Hebrew Doctors about the Days of the Messias And Aruch mentions it as a thing of undeniable certainty and so speaks R. Eli●zer in Midrash Tillim The Days of the Messias are a Thousand Years So our Learned Lightfoot The Opinion of his Personal Reign in the affluence of all Sensual and Worldly Delights was an old Iewish Error saith St. Ierom once and again And several other Writers testifie that it was a received Notion among them That the Messias after Six Thousand Years of the World were expired should Reign in Person all the time of the next Millennary with his Elect on Earth in perfect Peace and Prosperity and hence the Christians converted from Iudaism borrow'd and retain'd this Notion And truly it was kept up a long time in the Church it was almost universally believ'd no less than the first Three Hundred Years after the Apostles At last the credit of Papias who was thought to be the first Broacher of this Doctrine was call'd in question Though he was a Man o● great Simplicity Honesty and Integrity yet he was one of small Judgment and mean Learning saith Eusebius And he adds in another place that this Papias spoke Strange and Fabulous things and did not understand the Apostles Arguings St. Ierom and St. Augustin
by what proper Methods and Arts we can Let us lay the Axe to that Root of Bitterness which hath spread it self among us and taken such hold of some Men's Earthly Natures Let us compose our selves into a quiet posture and effectually promote Peace and Good Will in the World Let us bring out and make use of our Juleps to check that fierce that Feverish Distemper which reigns among too many Let us endeavour by mild and cooling Applications to accommodate Differences to reconcile disagreeing Parties especially in Matters referring to Religion but so as not to betrary the Truth to allay all passionate Heats and to discountenance all wilful Authors of Division And as the Word Peace in Scripture signifies according to the Usage of the Hebrews all manner of Outward Blessings so here in the present Case it is to be taken in that comprehensive way In that Kingdom of Christ on Earth there shall no kind of Earthly Conveniences and Advantages be wanting which shall be useful to the great Ends and Purposes of that Blessed State But as for any other viz. such as are serviceable to Undue Pleasures to Lust and Wantonness to Vanity and Pride to Effeminacy and Luxury no Man of sober Thoughts can reckon them in the number of those Worldly good Things which the Pious shall hereafter enjoy And therefore we must condemn that Narrative which some have given of the Millennium as too sensual and fulsome But we may with Truth and Soberness assert this That there shall be a concurrence of all those things which render Men's Lives truly pleasant comfortable and joyful It is part of the Description of that Millennary Jubilee that they shall come to Sion with Songs and everlasting joy upon their heads They shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away Isai. 35. 10. And again Ch. 65. v. 17. Behold I create new Heavens and a new Earth which questionless is meant of this Glorious Renovation and might have been alledged among the other Texts as a Proof of it and then it follows I create Ierusalem a rejoicing and her People a ioy The voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her nor the voice of crying v. 18 19. And if we go back to Ch. 9. v. 3. we shall find that this rejoicing and this joy shall be entire Thou hast multiplied the Nation and not increased the ioy i. e. heretofore Joy and Sorrow were mingled sometimes that Nation of the Jews was visited in Mercy at other times it tasted of God's Judgments They ioy before thee according to the ioy in Harvest and as Men rejoice when they divide the Spoil i. e. there was in the times past a Medley of Joy and Trouble of Gladness and Fear as in the Services of War and Harvest but when a Child shall be born to us when a Son shall be given and the Government shall be upon his Shoulders v. 6. then there shall be Joy without any allay then there shall be such a perfect State that nothing shall be able to impair it I know most Interpreters expound the Place otherwise and make the Ioy in Harvest to be exceeding Great Joy surpassing all other But I crave leave to dissent from the common Exposition and to understand this Passage after the manner before-mentioned viz. that whereas heretofore they joy'd according to the Ioy of Harvest i. e. their Joys were mix'd with Hardships they were accompanied with Sweat and Toil And besides the Joy of Harvest doth not last long for the Husbandman as blith and cheary as he is● must soon return to his wonted Circle of Pains and Labour Whereas under the preceding Dispensations there was no Entire and Undisturbed Joy now it shall be otherwise there shall be a Continued and Uninterrupted Serenity without any dashes of a contrary Nature for as Christ's Government increases v. 7. so as it follows there the Peace i. e. the Success and Prosperity of it shall increase and have no end This is the Happiness of the Subjects of that Blessed Kingdom who are under the Sceptre of the Prince of Peace as he is stiled v. 6. This in general but more particularly the Safety and Security of their Habitations their Success in all their Labours and their lasting Fruition of them are mentioned as the Attendants of this Happy Time v. 21 22 23. They shall build Houses and inhabit them And they shall plant Vineyards and eat the Fruit of them Mine Elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands They shall not labour in vain c. These are the Blessings of that Adult State of the Church Farther there will be greater Strength and Soundness of Body than ordinarily I will not be positive that as in the first Ages of the World so now there will be some of a Gigantick Stature but this is not to be doubted of that there shall be bodily Strength and Vigour in an unusual degree It is one of the Privileges of the New Ierusalem for in the large and extensive sense it is spoken of that Place and State that the Inhabitants shall not say I am sick Isai. 33. 24. Many Exorbitancies before were frequently the Cause of Corporal Weakness and divers sorts of Maladies and Diseases But now those shall generally be removed and a sound and hale Temper shall be given them for their Bodies shall answer to their Souls The whole Tour of the Blood shall be laudably performed There shall be a due and regular Exercise of the natural vital and animal Functions And all Persons shall be healthful and vivacious brisk and sprightly This will be the more credible if we consider that the Curse brought upon the Earth by Adam's Fall and afterwards continued shall be revers'd The Soil every where shall become fertile and give its increase freely and plentifully and all the Fruits and Products of the Earth shall be not only numerous but wholesome God made all the Creatures Good at first as we expresly find in the repeated Approbation of this their Goodness Gen. 1. And they shall be Good at last for the World shall be restored to its Premitive State and the Earth it self shall be renewed And as for those Living Creatures which are Food for Mankind they shall arrive to greater degrees of Perfection than formerly and consequently shall yield more laudable and generous Nourishment than heretofore Besides that the continued Health of those Times will depend much upon the excellent Temper of the Air which shall then be agreeable to humane Bodies and have no ill Ferments from the continual Vicissitudes and Successions of too much Heat or too much Cold. To which may be added that the Heavenly influences as well as the Temper of the Earth shall be meliorated And so even in a literal sence there shall be New Heavens and a New Earth As the consequence of all this the People of those days shall be long-liv'd Which I gather from Isai. 65. 20. There shall be no