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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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him alone shalt thou worship or him onelie shalt thou serue Surelie all the Prophets inueighed earnestlie against the people of Israell whensoeuer they did adore and worship straunge Gods and not the one onelie true God But we teach that God is to be adored and worshipped as himselfe hath taught vs to worship him to weere in spirite and true●h not with any superstition but with sinceritie according to his worde lest at any time he also saie vnto vs who hath required these thinges at your handes For Paull also saith God is not worshipped with mans hands as though he needed any thing c. We in all daungers and casualties of our life call on him alone and that by the mediation of the onelie Mediatour and our intercessour Iesus Christ For it is expressely commaunded vs Call vpon me in the daie of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me Moreouer the Lord hath made a moste large promise saying whatsoeuer ye shal aske of my father he shall giue it you And againe Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauie loaden and I will refresh you And seeing it is written How shall they call vpon him in whome they haue not beleeued and we doe beleeue in God alone therefore we call vpon him onelie and that thorough Christ For there is one God saith the Apostle and one Mediatour betweene God and men Christ Iesus Againe If anie man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous c. Therefore we doe neither adore worshippe nor praie vnto the Saints in heauen or to other Gods neither do we acknowledge them for our intercessours or Mediatours before the father in heauen For God and the Mediatour Christ do suffice vs neither do we imparte vnto others the honour due to God alone and to his sonne because he hath plainlie said I wil not giue my glorie to another and because Peter hath said There is no other name giuen vnto men whereby they muste be saued but the name of Christ In which doubtles they that rest by faith doe nor seeke aniething without Christ Yet 〈◊〉 all that we doe neither despise the Saints nor th●nke bas●lie of them For we acknowledge them to be the 〈◊〉 members of Christ the friends of god who haue glor●ouslie ouercome the flesh and the world We therfore loue them as ●●●th●en and honour them also yet not with any wo●sh● 〈…〉 an honourable opinion of them and to conclude 〈◊〉 their iust praises We also doe imitate them For we desire w●●h most ea●nest affections and praiers to be followers of their faith vertues to be partakers also with them of euerlasting siluation to dwell together with them euerlastinglie with God to reioyse with them in Christ And in this point we approoue that saying of Saint Augustine in his booke De vera relig Let not the worship of men departed be any religion vnto vs. For if they haue liued holily they are not so to be esteemed as that they seek such honours but they wil haue vs to worship him by whose ill●minatiō they reioice that we are fellow seruant● ●s touching the reward They are therefore to be honoured for imitation not to be worshipped for religions sake c. And we muchlesse beleeue that the reliques of Saints are to be adored or worshiped Those auncient holie men seemed sufficientlie to haue honoured their deade if they had honestlie committed their bodies to the earth after that the soule was gone vp into heauen and they thought that the moste noble reliques of their ancetours were their vertues doctrine faith which as they commended with the praise of the dead so they did endeuour to expresse the same so long as they liued vpon earth Those auncient men did not swear b●t by the name of the only Iehoua as is it commaunded in the lawe of God Therefore as we are forbidden To sweare by the names of strange Gods so we do not sweare by Saints although we be requested thereunto We therefore in all these things doe reiect that doctrine which giueth too much vnto the Saintes in heauen OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA WE thus thinke of God that he is one in substance three in persons and almightie Who as he hath by the worde that is his sonne made all thinges of nothing so by his spirite and prouidence he doth iustl●● truely and mos●e wiselie gouerne preserue and cherish all things Who as he is the onelie Mediatour intercessour and sacrifice also our high priest Lord and King so we acknowledge and with the wholl heart beleeue that he alone is our attonement redemption satisfaction expiation wisedome protection and deliuerance simplie reiecting herein all meanes of life and saluation besides this Christ alone OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASILL WE beleeue in God the father in God the sonne in God the holie Ghost the holie diuine Trinitie three persons and one eternall almighte God in essence and substance and not three Gods And in the marginall note is added This is prooued by manie places of the wholl scripture of the olde and new testament Therefore we mislike the worship and inuocation of dead men the worshipping of Saintes and setting vp of Images with such like thinges And in the same place in the marginall note vpon the worde Saints Neuerthelesse we confesse that they serue in Gods presence and that they reigne with Christ euerlastinglie because they acknowledged Christ and both in deede word confessed him to be their sauiour redemption and righteousnes without any addition of mans merit For this cause doe we praise and commend them as those who haue obteined grace at Gods hand and are now made heites of the euerlasting kingdome Yet doe we ascribe all this to the glorie of God and of Christ We plainlie protest that we condemne and renounce al straunge and erronious doctrines which the spirits of errours bring forth c. And ss 2. of the selfe same article We condemne that doctrine which saith that we may in no case sweare although Gods glorie and the loue of our neighbour require it And in the marginall note vpon the worde sweare It is lawfull to vse an oath in due time For God hath commaunded this in the olde testament and Christ hath not forbidden it in the new yea Christ and the Apostles did sweare OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA O● THE WALDENSES Of the vnitie of the diuine essence and of the three persons CHAP. 3. OVt of this fountaine of holie scripture and Christian instruction according to the true and sound vnderstanding and meaning of the holie ghost our men teach by faith to acknowledge with the mouth to confesse that the holie Trinitie to wit god the father the sonne and the holie ghost are three distinct persons but in essence one onelie true alone eternall almightie and incomprehensible God of one equall
doe proceed from one beginning and therefore we detest the Manichees Ma●cionites who did wickedly imagine two substances and natures the one of good the other of euill and also two beginnings and two gods one contrarie to the other a good and an euill Amongest al the creatures the Angels and men are most excellent Touching Angells the holie scripture saith Who maketh his Angells spirites and his ministers a flame of fire Also Are they not ministering spirites sent forth to minister for their sakes which shal be the heires of saluation And the Lord Iesus him selfe testifieth of the Deuill saying He hath bene a murtherer from the beginning and abode not in the trueth because the●e is no trueth in him When he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his owne● for he is a lier and the Father thereof We teach therefore that some Angels persisted in obedience were appo●nted vnto the faithfull seruice of god men and that other some fell of their owne accord and ranne headlong into destruction so became enimies to all good to all the faithfull c. Now touching man the spirit saieth that in th● beginning he was created good according to the image and likenes of God that god placed him in paradise and made all thinges subiect vnto him which Dauid doth most noblie set forth in the 8 Psal Moreouer God gaue vnto him a wife and blessed them VVee sai● also that man doth consist of two and those diuers substances in one person of a soule immortall as that which being separated from the bodie doth neither sleepe nor die and a bodie mortal which notwithstanding at the last iudgement shall be raised againe from the dead that from thenceforth the wholl man maie continue for euer in life or in death VVe condemne all those which mocke at or by subtill disputations call into doubt the immortality of the soules or say that the soule sleepeth or that it is a part of God To be short we condemne all opinions of al men whatsoeuer which thinke otherwise of the creation of Angels deuils and men then is deliuered vnto vs by the scriptures in the Apostolike Church of Christ OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASILL WE also beleeue that God made all thinges by hi● euerlasting word that is by his onelie begotten sonne● and that he vpholdeth and worketh all thinges by his spirit that is by his owne power And therefore that God as he hath created so he foreseeth and gouerneth all thinges And albeit man by the same fall became subiect to damnation so was made an enimie to god yet that God neuer laid aside the care of mankinde The Patriarks the promises before and after the flood likewise the law of God giuen by Moses the holie Prophets do witnes this thing OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION THis one onelie God hath reuealed himselfe vnto men first both in the creation and also in the preseruation and gouernement of his workes c. Looke the rest in the first Section of the scripture and the second Section of God WE beleeue that God the three persons working together by his vertue wisdome and incomprehensible goodnes hath made all thinges that is not onelie heauen and earth and all thinges therein contained but also the inuisible spirits of which some fell head long into destruction and some continued in obedience Therefore we saie that they as they are through their owne malice corrupted are perpetuall enimies to all good and therfore to the whol Church but that these preserued by the meere grace of God are ministers for his glorie and for the saluation of the Elect. We beleeue that God hath not onlie made al things but also ruleth and gouerneth them as he who according to hi● will disposeth and ordereth whatsoeuer happeneth in the world Yet we denie that he is the author of euill or that anie blame of thinges done amisse can be laid vpon him seing his will is the soueraigne and moste certaine rule of all righteousnes but he hath wonderfull rather then explicable meanes by which he so vseth al the deuiles and sinnefull men as instruments that whatsoeuer they doe euillie that he as he hath iustlie ordeined so he also turneth it to good Therfore while we confes that nothing at all is ●o be done but by the meanes of his prouidence and appointment we doe in al humility adore his secrets that are hid fr●● vs neither doe we search into those thinges which be without the reach of our capacitie Nay rather we applie to our owne vse that which the scripture teacheth for our qui●●nes ●nd ●ontentation sake to wit that God to whome all thing● are subiect with a Fatherlie care watcheth for vs so that 〈◊〉 ●o much as a haire of our head f●lleth to the ground 〈◊〉 out his will and that he hath Satan and all ou● aduersarie so fast bound that vnles leaue be giuen them they cannot do vs anie litle harme OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE know God by two manner of wa●●● 〈◊〉 by the making preseruing and gouerning 〈…〉 worlde For that to our eies is as a moste excellent b●oke in which al creatures from the least to the greatest 〈◊〉 grauen as it were characters and certaine l●●ters by which the inuisible things of God may be seene and k●●w●e of v● namelie his euerlasting power and godheade as Paull ●he Apostle speaketh Rom. 1. Chap. 10. 〈…〉 sufficeth to conuince and make all men without 〈…〉 c. Looke for the rest in the first Section of the scripture 〈◊〉 in the second Section of God Artic. 12. WE beleeue that the father by his worde that is by the sonne made heauen 〈◊〉 and al other creatures of nothing when he saw it 〈◊〉 and conuenient and gaue to euerie one his beeing for●● and diuers offices that they might serue their creator that he doth now cherish vpholde and gouerne them al according to his euerlasting prouidence and infinite power and that to this ende that they might serue man and man might serue his God He also made the Angels all good by nature that they might be his ministers and might also attend vpon the elect of which notwithstanding some fel from that excellent nature in which God had created them into euerlasting destruction but some by the singular grace of God abode in the first state of theirs but the Deuills and those wicked spirits are so corrupted and defiled that they be sworne enemies to good all goodnes which as theeues out of a watch towe lie in waite for the Church and al the members thereof that by their iuglings and deceits they may destroie and la●e waste all things Therefore beeing through their owne malice addicted to euerlasting condemnation they looke euerie daie for the dreadful punishments of their mischeifes We therefore in this place reiect the errour of the Saduce● who denied that there were any spirits or Angels as also the
Discipline neither they which haue behaued themselues more stubbornelie haue bin excommunicated those Sacraments which they doe administer maie be receiued of them if so be that they do administer them according to the will minde and institution of Christ the which thing also the constitutions of the auncient Church doe confirme For the vertue and efficacie of the Sacraments doth neither consist in him nor depend on him who doth either administer them whosoeuer he be or doth receiue them but it consisteth in the institution and in the commaundement that was moste absolute and mightie in authoritie and in the worde of the author of the Sacraments to wit of our Lorde Iesus Christ on which one thing they doe relie and haue from thence whatsoeuer they are able to doe Neuertheles the ministers must throughlie looke to it and take good heede lest whilest by their labour they be seruiceable to others They themselues become reprobates or worthie to be reiected and also lest they giue holie thinges to dogges or cast pearles before swine Also the people must endeuour by all meanes to take heede that they doe not in anie case receiue the Sacraments with the offence of the Church and the proper daunger of the saluation of their soules that is to there own fault and iudgement wherof we made mention before OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION WE beleeue that there be Sacraments adioyned to the word for the more ample confirmation therof to wit that they may be pledges tokēs of the grace of god wherby our weake rude faith may be helped For we confesth at these outwarde signes be such that God by the power of his holie Spirit doth work by them that nothing may there be represented to vs in vaine yet we thinke that the wholl substance and truth of them is in Christ Iesus from whome if they be separated they be nothing else but vaine shadowes and smokes Also Artic. 35. We acknowledge that there be onelie two Sacramentes common to the wholl Church c. That which followeth pertaineth to the 13. Sect OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION MOreouer we allow the Sacramentes of the Church that is to saie certaine holie signes and Ceremonies which Christ would we should vse that by them he might set before our eies the Mysteries of our Saluation and might more strongly confirme the Faith which we haue in his bloode and might seale his grace in our hartes And these Sacramentes together with Tertullian Origen Ambrose Augustine Hierome Chrysostome Basill Dionysius and other Catholike Fathers we do call Figures Signes Markes Badges Prin●s Copies Fourmes Seales Signettes Similiu●des paternes Representations Remembrances and Memories and we make no doubt together with the same Doctoures to saie that these be certaine visible words Seales of Righteousnes and Tokens of Grace And we doe expresselie pronounce that in the Lordes Supper there is truely giuen vnto the Beleeuing the bodie and blood of our Lord the Flesh of the Sonne of God which quickeneth our Soules the meate that commeth from aboue the Food of Immortalitie of Grace Trueth and Life and that the same Supper is the communion of the Body and Bloode of Christ by the partaking whereof we be reuiued strengthned and fed vnto Immortalitie and whereby we are ioyned vnited and incorporated vnto Christ that we maie abide in him and he in vs. Besides this we acknowledge that there be two sacraments which we iudge properlie ought to be called by this name that is to saie Baptisme and the Sacrament of thankesgiuing For thus manie we see were deliuered and sanctified by Christ and well allowed of the olde Fathers Ambrose and Augustine and such others OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue that God hauing regard to our dulnes and infirmitie did institute Sacramentes for vs that by them his promises might be sealed to vs and that they might be moste certaine pledges of his heauenlie loue towards vs and of his giftes bestowed vpon vs for the cherishing and sustaining of our faith These Sacraments he added to the worde of the Gospel that he might more liuelie set before our externall senses both those thinges which he declareth vnto vs in his worde and those also which he worketh inwardlie in our hartes and to confirme more and more in vs that saluation which he vouchsafeth to communicate vnto vs. For the Sacraments are signes and visible tokens of internall and visible thinges by the which as by certaine meanes God himselfe worketh within vs by the power of the holie Ghost Therefore they be not vaine or idle signes neither yet ordeined of God to deceiue or frustrate vs of our hope For the trueth of our Sacraments is Iesus Christ without whome they are of no value Moreouer that number of Sacraments sufficeth vs which Christ himselfe our true and onelie Doctor hath instituted and those are onelie two to wit the Sacrament of baptisme and the Sacrament of the holie supper of our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE SEeing that in this life manie euill ones and hypocrites are mingled with the Church and haue fellowshippe with it in the outward signes and pleadges the Sacraments administred by such as are euill maie lawfullie be vsed according to the saying of Christ The Scribes and Pharisies sit 〈◊〉 Moses chaire c. For the sacramentes and the word of God are effectual by reason of the institution and commaundement of Christ though they be deliuered by wicked and euil men They condemne the Donatists and such like whoe saide it was not lawfull for the people to vse the minister of euill men in the Church and helde opinion that the ministerie of euill men was quite without fruit and effect The beginnining of this 8. Article is else where thus set downe THough the Church to speake properlie be a congregation of Saintes and true beleeuers yet seeing that in this life manie hypocrites and euill men be mingled with it it is a lawfull thing to vse the sacramentes ministered by the hands of euill men c. Touching the vse of the sacraments they teach that they were instituted not so much to be notes of profession amongst men as to be signes and pleadges of Gods good 〈◊〉 towardes vs set before the eies to sturre vp and confirme faith in them which vse them Therefore we must vse sacramentes so as we must ioyne faith with them which maie beleeue the promises that are offered and declared vnto 〈◊〉 by the Sacramentes By this faith we receiue both the grace promised which is represented by the sacraments and also the holie Ghost Therefore they condemne that Pharisaicall opinion of the Papistes which suppresseth the doctrine of faith and doth not teach that faith which beleeueth that grace is freelie giuen vs for Christes sake is necessarie in the vse of the sacraments but imagineth that men are iust for the verie vse of the sacraments euen by the worke done and
to saie our life For euen as corporal meat and drinke do not onelie refresh and strengthen our bodies but also do keepe them in life euen so the flesh of Christ deliuered his blood shed for vs do not only refresh strengthen our soules but also do preserue them aliue not because they be corporallie eaten dronken but for that they are communicated vnto vs spirituallie by the spirit of God the Lord saying The bread which I wil giue is my flesh which I wil giue for the life of this world also my flesh to wit corporally eaten profiteth nothing it is the spirit which giueth life And the words which I speake to you are spirit and life And as we must by eating receiue the meat into our bodies to the end that it maie work in vs and shew his force in our bodies because while it is without vs it profiteth vs not at all euen so it is necessarie that we receiue Christ by faith that he maie be made ours and that he maie liue in vs and we in him For he saith I am the bread of life he that commeth to me shall not hunger and he that beleeueth in me shall not thirst anie more And also He that eateth me shall liue through me and he abideth in me and I in him By all which it appeareth manifestlie that by spirituall meat we meane not an Imaginarie but the verie bodie of the Lord Iesus giuen to vs which yet is receiued of the faithfull not corporallie but spiritually by faith in which point we do wholie follow the doctrine of our Lord and sauiour Christ In the 6. of Iohn And this eating of the flesh drinking of the blood of the Lord is so necessary to saluation that without it no man can be saued This spiritual eating drinking is also without the supper of the Lord euen so often as whersoeuer a man doth beleeue in Christ To which purpose that sentence of S. Austin doth happilie belong why dost thou prepare thy teeth belly Beleeue thou hast eaten Besides that former spirituall eating there is a sacramentall eating of the bodie of the Lord whereby the faithfull man is partaker not onelie spirituallie and internallie of the true bodie and blood of the Lord but also outwardlie by comming to the table of the Lorde doeth receiue the visible sacrament of the bodie and blood of the Lord True it is that a faithfull man by beleeuing did before receiue the food that giueth life and stil receiueth the same but yet when he receiueth the sacrament he receiueth something more For he goeth on in continuall communication of the bodie and blood of the Lord and his faith is dailie more and more kindled more strengthened and refreshed by the spirituall nourishment For while we liue faith hath continuall encreasings and he that outwardlie doth receiue the sacraments with a true faith the same doth receiue not the signe onely but also doth enioy as we haue said the thing it selfe Moreouer the same man doeth obey the Lordes institution and commaundement and with a ioyfull minde giueth thankes for his and the redemption of all mankinde and maketh a faithfull remembrance of the Lordes death and doth witnes the same before the Church of which bodie he is a member This also is sealed vp to those which receiue the sacraments that the body of the Lord was giuen his blood shed not onelie for men in generall but particularlie for euerie faithfull communicant whose meat and drink he is to life euerlasting But as for him that without faith commeth to this holy table of the Lord he is made partaker of the sacrament only but the matter of the sacrament from whence commeth life saluation he receiueth not at all And such men doe vnworthilie eat of the Lords table Now they which do vnworthelie eat of the Lords bread and drink of the Lordes cuppe they are giltie of the bodie and blood of the Lord and they eat and drink it to their Iudgement For when as they do not approch with true faith they reproach despite the death of Christ and therefore eat and drink condemnation to themselues We doe not then so ioyne the bodie of the Lorde and his bloode with the bread and wine as though we thought that the bread is the body of Christ more then after a sacramentall manner or that the bodie of Christ doth lie hid corporallie vnder the bread so as it ought to be worshipped vnder the formes of bread or yet that he which receiueth the signe receiueth the thing it selfe The bodie of Christ is in the heauens at the right hande of his Father And therefore our hearts are to be lifted vp on high not to be fixed on the bread neither is the Lorde to be worshipped in the bread though notwithstanding the Lord is not absent from his Church when as they celebrate the Supper The Sonne being absent from vs in the heauens is yet not withstanding present amongst vs effectuallie How much more Christ the sonne of righteousnes though in bodie he be absent from vs in the heauens yet is present amongst vs not corporallie but spirituallie by his liuelie operation and so he himselfe hath promised in his last supper to be present amongst vs. Iohn 14. 15. 16. Wherupon it followeth that we haue not the Supper without Christ and yet haue an vnbloodie and mysticall Supper euen as all antiquitie called it Moreouer we are admonished in the celebration of the supper of the Lord to be mindeful of the body wherof we are made members and that therfore we be at concord with all ourbrethren that we may liue holily not pollute our selues with wickednes and straunge religions but perseuering in the true faith to the ende of our life giue diligence to excell in holines of life It is therefore verie requisite that purposing to come to the supper of the Lord we do trie our selues according to the commaundement of the Apostle first with what faith we are indued whether we beleeue that Christ is come to saue sinners and to call them to repentance and whether each man beleeue that he is in the number of them that being deliuered by Christ are saued and whether he haue purposed to chaunge his wicked life to liue holilie and perseuére through Gods assistance in true religion and in concord with his brethren and to giue worthie thankes to God for his deliuerie c. We think that rite manner or forme of the Supper to be the moste simple and excellent which commeth nearest to the first institution of the Lorde and to the Apostles doctrine VVhich doth consist in declaring the worde of God in godlie prayers the action it selfe that the Lorde vsed and the repeating of it the eating of the Lordes body and drinking of his blood the wholsome remembrance of the Lords death and faithfull giuing of thanks and in an holie fellowship in the vnion of the bodie
as yet fresh and present For the remembrance of the death of Christ which we make in the Supper is farre more noble and holie then theirs whoe in some prophane banquet are mindfull of their companion when they drinke the wine that he gaue them For among these he that is absent worketh nothing but in this holie supper of the faithfull the Lorde is present and doth worke effectuallie by the spirit in the heartes of them as he whoe according to his promises is in the middest of them By these things it is most euident that in the holie supper we doe not take awaie our Lorde Christ from his Church nor denie that his bodie and bloode is there receiued to be our nourishment vnto life eternal but we together with our predecessours and the chiefe Prelates of our Religion did and as yet to this daie doe denie that the verie bodie of Christ is eaten carnallie or that it is present euerie where corporallie and after a naturall manner For we doe openlie confes according to the Scriptures and with al the holy Fathers that Iesus Christ our Lord left this world went to his Father and that he now sitteth at the right hande of his Father in heauenlie glorie from whence he shall neuer descend or be drawne downe into this earthlie and transitorie world For the true presence of Christ in the supper is heauenlie not earthlie or carnall Also we denie that the bread is turned into the bodie of Christ miraculously so that the bread should become the verybody of Christ naturallie and substantially yet after a spiritual manner To conclude we denie that the bodie of Christ is vnited with the signes by anie other then a mysticall meane whereof we haue spoken sufficientlie in the generall consideration of a sacrament Seeing therefore we haue expresselie saide and written with the holie Fathers Tertullian Hierome Ambrose and Augustine that the bread is a figure token and signe of the bodie of Christ and also that by bread and wine the bodie and blood of the Lord are signified This is it which we would make manifest to wit that the bread is not the verie bodie of the Lord but a token or a sacrament of his bodie And yet we doe not therefore speake these thinges as though we did simplie denie all kinde of the presence of Christ in the supper for that kinde of presence which now we haue confessed doth remaine true without anie preiudice to these kinde of speaches Morouer the word This in this sentence This is my bodie doth not onelie shew bread vnto our corp●rall eies but therewith also it sheweth the verie bodie 〈◊〉 Christ vnto the eies of our minde Also we confesse that this vse of the supper is so holy a●● profitable that whosoeuer shall worthelie that is with ● true faith eate of this bread and drinke of this cuppe of th● Lorde he doth receiue heauenlie giftes from the Lord 〈◊〉 Whosoeuer shall eate of this breade and drinke of this cuppe ●●worthelie that is without faith by which alone we are made partakers of the Lord and of saluation He doth 〈◊〉 and drinke iudgement vnto himselfe as Paull wrote to the Corinthians Wherefore we doe often put this diligentlie i●to the heades of our people that they take heede that none of them abuse the Lordes table but that euerie one examine himselfe and then eate of that breade and drinke of th●● cuppe Also the Lords Supper is a badge vnto vs for as one lofe and one wine are made of manie graines and grapes so we being the wholl multitude of the faithfull are gathered together to be one bread and one bodie By this we testifie in an outward profession that we are redeemed by the bloode of Christ and made the members of Christ to whome we giue thankes in whome we are confederates and doe promise to performe mutuall dueties one toward another OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASILL Of the Supper of the Lorde WE confesse that the Lord Iesus did institute his holie Supper that his holie passion might be remembred with thankesgiuing his death declared and Christian charitie and vnitie with true faith testified And as i● Baptisme wherin the washing away of our sins is offered by the Minister of the Church and yet is wrought onelie by the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost true water remaineth so also in the Supper of the Lord wherein together with the breade and wine of the Lord the true bodie and the true blood of Christ is offered by the Minister of the Church breade and wine remaineth Moreouer we doe firmelie beleeue that Christ himselfe is the meate of faithfull soules vnto life eternall and that our soules by faith in Christ crucified are fedde and moistned with the flesh and bloode of Christ so that we being members of his bodie as of our onelie head doe liue in him and he in vs wherein at the last daie through him and in him we shall rise againe to eternall ioye and blessednes And in the marginall note vpon these wordes Our soules For it is a spirituall meate and therefore it is receiued of a faithfull soule that is the soules are made full strong mightie peaceable quiet merie and liuelie to all thinges as the bodie is by the corporall meate Also vpon those wordes The members of the heade And so man is made a spirituall member of the bodie of Christ And in the margent vpon these wordes To be present to wit Sacramentallie and by a rememberance of faith which lifteth vp a mans minde to heauen and doth not pull downe Christ according to his humanitie from the right hande of God Now we doe not include into the bread and drinke of the Lord the natural true and substantial body of Christ which was borne of the pure Virgine Mary suffered for vs ascended into heauen Therefore we doe neither worship Christ in the signes of bread and wine which we doe commonlie call the Sacraments of the bodie and bloode of Christ but in heauen at the right hand of god the Father from whence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade OVT OF THE CONFSSION OF BOHEMIA Of the holie Supper of the Lord. CHAP. 13. IN the thirteenth place we teach touching the Supper of the Lord instituted in the new Testament that we must beleeue with the heart and professe with the mouth that it is a Sacrament instituted of Christ our Lord in his last Supper and that in expresse forme of wordes that is that concerning breade and wine he hath pronounced tha● they be his bodie and his bloode and that they were deliuered to his Apostles and so in like sort to the whol vniuersall Church for a monument of his death and that all men should lawfullie vse the participation thereof euen to the ende of the worlde Of this Sacrament the Euangelists doe write and especiallie Saint Paull whose wordes euen t● this daie are thus read in the
came downe from heauen euen Iesus Christ who nourisheth and sustaineth the spirituall life of the faithfull if he be eaten that is applied and receiued by faith through the Spirit But to the intent that Christ might figurate represent vnto vs this spirituall and heauenlie bread he hath ordeined visible and earthlie bread and wine for the Sacrament of his bodie and ●●ode whereby he testifieth that as truelie as we doe receiue and holde in our handes this signe eating the same with our mouthes whereby afterwardes this our life is sustained so truelie we doe by faith which is in ●●e●de of our soule hand and mouth receiue the verie bodie and true blood of Christ our onelie Sauiour in our selues vnto the conseruation and cherishing of a spirituall life within vs. And it is moste certaine that Christ not without good cause doth so carefullie commend vnto vs this his Sacrament as one that doth indeede worke that within vs whatsoeuer he representeth vnto vs by these his holie signes although the manner it selfe beeing farre aboue the teach of our capacitie can not be comprehended of any because that all the operations of the holie Ghost are hidden and incomprehensible Neither shall we erre in saying that that which is eaten is the verie natural body of Christ and that which is drunk● is the verie bloode of Christ yet the instrument or meanes whereby we doe eate and drinke them is not a corporall mouth but euen our soule and spirit that by faith Christ therefore sitteth alwaies at the right hand of his Father in heauen and yet for al that doth not any thing the lesse communicate himselfe vnto vs by faith Furthermore this Supper is the spiritual table wherein Christ doth offer himselfe to vs with all his benefites to be participated of vs and bringeth to passe that in it we are partakers as well of himselfe as of the merit of his death and passion For he himselfe by the eating of his flesh doth nourish strengthen comfort our miserable afflicted and comfortles soule and in like manner by the drinking of his bloode doth refresh and sustaine the same Moreouer although the signes be coupled with the things signified yet both of them are not receiued of all For an euill man verely receiueth the Sacrament vnto his owne condemnation but the thing or truth of the Sacrament he receiueth not As for example Iudas and Simon Magus both of them did receiue the Sacramentall signe but as for Christ himselfe signified thereby they receiued him not For Christ is communicated to the faithfull onelie Last of al we with great humilitie and reuerence doe communicate the holie Sacrament in that assemblie of Gods people celebrating the memoriall of our Sauiour Christs death with thankesgiuing and making there a publique confession of Christian faith and religion No man therefore ought to present himselfe at this holie Supper which hath not first examined himselfe lest that eating this bread and drinking of this cuppe he doe eat and drinke his owne damnation Moreouer by the vse of this Sacrament a most ardent loue is kindled within vs both towardes God himselfe and also towardes our neighbour Therefore we doe here worthelie reiect as a meere prophanation all the toies and damnable deuises of men which they haue pres●med to adde and mingle with the Sacramentes affirming that all the godlie are content with that onelie order and rite which Christ and his Apostles haue deliuered vnto vs and that they ought to speake of these mysteries after the same manner as the Apostles haue spoken before OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE The 2 Article out of the edition of Wirtemberge Anno. 1531. TOuching the Supper of the Lord they teach that the bodie and bloode of Christ are there present in deede and are distributed to those that eate of the Lord 〈◊〉 Supper and they condemne those that teach otherwise The same 10. article in the edition newlie corrected anno 1540. is thus set downe TOuching the Supper of the Lorde they teach that together with the bread and the wine the bodie and blood of Christ are trulie exhibited to them that eate of the Lords Supper Hitherto also pertaineth the first article of the abuses which are chaunged in the outward rites and ceremonies This article is of the Masse OVr Churches are wrongfullie accused to haue abolished the Masse For the Masse is retained still among vs celebrated with great reuerence Yea almost all the ceremonies that are in vse sauing that with the songes in Latine we mingle certein Psalmes in Dutch here and there which be added for the peoples instruction For therfore we haue need of ceremonies that the may teach the vnlearned that the Preaching of Gods word maie stirre vp some vnto the true feare trust and inuocation of God This is not onlie commaunded by S. Paul to vse a tongue that the people vnderstand but mans law hath also appointed it We vse the people to receiue the sacrament together if so be anie be found fit thereunto And that is a thing that doth increase the reuerence and due estimation of the publike ceremonies For none are admitted except they be first prooued and tried Besides we vse to put men in minde of the worthines and vse of a sacrament what great comforte it offereth vnto them which repent to the ende that men maie learne to feare God and beleeue in him and to vse praier supplication vnto him looking for all good thinges at his hands This is the true worshippe of Christians These seruices of feare faith praier hope c. God doth like of When therfore these seruices are performed and exercised in the vse of ceremonies then doth the vsing of the sacramentes please God So that when as the people is vsed to the ceremonie and aduertised of the true vse thereof the Masses are saide with vs after meet and godlie manner And thus all things are ordered in the Church with greater grauitie and reuerence then in times past It is not vnknowen that these manie ages past there hath beene common and open complaint made by good men of the abuse and prophaning of Masses For it is easie to be seene how farre this abuse hath spread it selfe in all temples and Churches what kinde of men they are that saie the Masses flat contrarie to the prescript of the Canons Also how shamefullie they are turned 〈◊〉 a matter of cursed lucre For manie there be that say Masses without repentance onelie for the bellies sake The● thinges are too open and manifest to be kept anie longer ● hugger mugger Surelie it semeth that neuer anie religion thing since the world began was so commonlie turned 〈◊〉 gaine as the Masse But Saint Paull doth fearefullie threaten them which deale otherwise with the sacraments thee is beseeming the dignitie of them where he saith He that ●●●th this bread and drinketh this cup vnworthely is guiltie of the b●●
not an oblation but is so called because it is a remembrance of the oblation which was once made on the crosse Moreouer the application of the merit of Christ is not made by anie other outward instrument then by the preaching of the gospell of Christ and by dispensing those sacraments which Christ hath instituted for this vse the merit of Christ being offered applied is not receiued but by faith Marc. 16. Preach the Gospel to euery creature For by the ministerie of the Gospell the benefits of Christ be offered applied to creatures that is either to the Iewes or to the Gentiles And it followeth He that shall beleeue and be baptized he shall be saued because that by the receiuing of the sacraments and by faith the benefits offered and applied be receiued Rom. 1. The gospell is the power of God to saluation to euerie 〈◊〉 that beleeueth that is the ministerie of the gospell is the instrument ordeined of God whereby God is able and effectuall to saue all those which beleeue the gospell Therefore the Preaching of the gospell doth offer or if it liketh anie man so to speake doth applie saluation to all men but faith doth receiue saluation offered and applied Now in the priuate Masse bread and wine are so handled that the Priest doth neither publiquely declare the Gospel of Christ but doth softlie mumble vp to him selfe certaine words and especialie the wordes of the Supper or of consecration● neither doth he distribute bread and wine to others but he alone taketh them therefore there can be no applying 〈◊〉 the merit of Christ in the priuate Masse This did our true Catholique Elders well perceiue who as we haue declared before did so seuerelie require that they which wer● present at the Masse and did not communicate should b● excommunicated The fourth error is this which we haue already touched in that they do require that the wordes of the Supper or o● consecration maie be rehearsed softlie in the Eucharist seing that these words are a part of that gospell which according to the commaundement of Christ is to be preached to all creatures For although our ancetors did sometimes cal● the Eucharist a mysterie yet they did not so call it with thi● purpose that they would not haue the wordes of the Suppe● to be rehearsed before the Church in the Eucharist publike lie and in a tongue commonlie knowne but because th●● in the Eucharist one thing is seene and another thing vnderstood For Christ him-selfe also is called a mysterie who neuertheles is not to be hidde but to be preached to al● creatures And because that in the receiuing of the Sacrament it is necessarilie required that we should haue faith and faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God it is most necessarie that in the Eucharist the word of the supper that is the word of the Sonne of God should be publiquely rehearsed for this word is the preaching of the Gospell and the shewing forth of the death of Christ Therefore that the Church maie vnderstand what is done in the Eucharist and what is offered vnto her to be receiued and that she ma●e confirme hir faith it is necessarie that in the Eucharist ●he wordes of the Lordes Supper should be rehearsed publiquelie The 〈◊〉 ●rror is this that one part of the Eucharist is vsed in 〈…〉 a singular worship of God to be caried about and to 〈…〉 vp But the holie Ghost doth forbid that anie worship of God should be appointed without the expresse commaundement of god Deut. 12. You shal not do euery one of you that which semeth good in his owne eies And again That which I commaund thee that onelie shalt thou do to the Lord see that thou adde nothing thereunto nor detract anie thing from it And Math 1● In vaine doe they worship me teaching for doctrines the preceptes of men Clemens in his second Epi●●le to Iames and in three Chapters De Consecr Dist 2. saith Certeinlie so great bu●nt offerings are offered on the altar as may be sufficient for the people if so be that any thing remaine till the next ●aie let them not be kept but with feare and trembling by the diligence of the Clearkes let them be consumed We are not ignorant how they vse to delude these wordes of Clemens by feigning a difference betwixt the worke of those that are readie to die and those that be readie to consecrate But it is euident that the bread which vseth to be caried about and to be laide vp to be adored is not reserued for those that be weake but in the ende is receiued of them that doe consecrat Cyrill or ● others thinke Origen vpon the 7. Chap. of Leuit. saith For the Lord concerning that breade which he gaue to his Disciples saide vnto them Take it and eat it c. He did not differ it neither did he commaund it to be reserued till the next daie Peraduenture there is this M●steri● also conteined therein that he doth not commaund the bread to be caried in the high waie that thou maist alwaies bring forth the fresh loaues of the worde of God which thou cariest within thee c. OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of the Eucharist CHAP. 18. AS touching this reuerent Sacrament of the bodie bloode of Christ all those things which the Euangelists Paul and the holie Fathers haue left in writing therof our men doe sincerelie teach commend and inculcate and thence they doe with a singular indeauour alwaies publish this goodnes of Christ towardes his whereby he doth no lesse at this day then he did in that his last supper vouchsafe to giue by the Sacraments his true bodie and his true bloode to be eaten and to be drunke in deede as the meate and drinke of their soules whereby they may be nourished vnto life eternall he giueth it I saie to all those who from their heartes haue giuen their names to be reckoned among his disciples when as they doe receiue this Supper according to his institution so that now he may liue and abide in them and they in him and be raised vp by him in the last day to a new and immortall life according to those wordes of eternall trueth Take and eate This is my bodie c. Drinke ye all of this This ●uppe is my bloode c. Now our preachers doe most diligentlie withdraw the mindes of the people both from all contention and also from all superfluous and curious inquirie vnto that which onelie is profitable whereunto onely Christ our Sauiour had respect to wit that beeing fed with him we may liue in him and through him and leade such a life as is acceptable to God holie and therefore euerlasting blessed and with all that we among our selues may be one bread and one bodie which are partakers of one bread in that holie Supper Whereby it commeth to passe that we doe verie religiouslie and with a singular reuerence
of the lawe the office of Christ and his blessed Euangell his corrupted doctrine concerning original sinne our naturall inab●l●ti● and rebellion to Gods law our instification by faith onelie our imperfect sanctification and obedience to the lawe the nature number and vse of the holie Sacraments his fine bastard sacraments with all his rites ceremonies and false doctrine added to the administration of the true Sacraments without the word of God his cruell iudgement against Infants departing without the Sacrament his absolute necessitie● Baptisme his blasphemous opinion of transsubst antiatio● or reall presence of Christes bodie in the elements and receiuing of the same by the wicked or bodies of men his dispensations with solemne othes periuries and degrees of mariage forbidden in the word his crueltie against the Innocent diuorced his deuilish Masse his blasphemous Priesthood his prophane sacrifice for the sinnes of the dead and the quick his Canonization of men calling vpon Angells or Saintes departed worshipping of Images reliques and crosses dedicating of Churches Altars Daies Vowes to creatures his Purgatorie praiers for the dead praying or speaking in a strange language with his processions and blasphemous Letany and multitude of Aduocates or Mediatours his manifolde orders Auricular confession his dispersed vncertaine repentance his generall and doubt some faith his satisfactions of men for their sinnnes his iustification by workes Opus Operatum woorkes of supererogation merites pardons peregrinations and stations his holie water Bapti●●ng of Belles Coniuring of spirites Crossing Sa●ing Annointing coniuring Hallowing of Gods good Creatures with the superstitious opinion ioyned therewith his worldlie Monarchie and wicked hierarch●e his three solemned vowes with all his sha●eli●gs of sundrie sortes his erronious bloodie decrees made at Trent with all the subscribers and approouers of that cruell and bloody band coniured against the Church of God And finallie ●e detest all his vaine allegories rites signes and traditions brought in the Church without or against the worde of God and doctrine of this true reformed Church to the which we toyne our selues willinglie in doctrine faith religion discipline and vse of the holie Sacraments as liuelie members of the same in Christ our head promising and swearing by the great name of the Lord our God that we shall continue in the obedience of the doctrine and discipline of this Church and shall defend the same according to our vocation and power all the daies of our liues vnder the paines contained in the law and danger both of bodie and soule in the date of Gods fearefull iudgement And seeing that manie are stirred vp by Satan and that Romane Antichrist to promise s●●are subs●r●●● and for a time vse the holy Sacraments in the Church deceitfully against their owne conscience minding hereby first vnder the externall cloake of Religion to corrupt and subuert secretlie Gods true Religion within the Church and afterward when time maie serue to become open enemies and persequuters of the same vnder vaine hope of the Popes dispensation deuised against the word of God to his greater confusion and their double condemnation in the daie of the Lord Iesus We therefore willing to take away all suspition of hypocrisie and of such double dealing with God and his Church protest and call the s●archer of all heartes for witnes that our mindes and heartes do fully agree with this our confession promise oth and subscription So that we are not moo●ed for anie worldlie respect but are persuaded onelie in our conscience through the knowledge and loue of Gods true religion printed in our heartes by the holie spirit as we shall answer to him in the daie when the secrets of all heartes shall be disclosed And because we perceiue that the quietnes and stabilitie of our religion and Church doth depend vpon the safetie and good behauio●r of the Kings maiestie as vpon a comfortable Instrumen● of Gods mercie graunted to this countrie for the manteining of his Church and ministration of Iustice amongst vs we protest and promise with our heartes vnder the same oth hand writ and paines that we shall defend his person and authoritie with our goods bodies and liues i● the defence of Christes Euangell Libertie of our countrie ministration of iustice and punishment of iniquity against all enemies within this realme or without as we desire our God to be a strong and mercifull defender to vs in the daie of our death and comming of our Lord Iesus Christ To whome with the father and the holy spirit b● all honour and glory eternallie Amen THE ESTATES OF SCOTLAND VVITH THE INHABITANTS OF THE SAME PROfessing Christ Iesus and his ho lie gospell To their naturall countrie men and to all other Realmes and nations professing the same Christ Iesus with them wish grace mercie and peace from God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ with the spirit of righteous iudgement of saluation LOng haue wee thirsted deare brethren to haue notified vnto the worlde the summe of that doctrine which wee professe and for the which we haue sustained infamie and daunger But such hath beene the rage of Sathan agaist vs and against Christ Iesus his eternall veritie latelie borne amongest vs that to this daie no time hath beene graunted vnto vs to cleare our consciences as moste gladlie we would haue done For how we haue beene tossed at times heretofore the moste parte of Europe as we suppose doth vnderstand But seing that of the infinite goodnes of our God who neuer suffereth his afflicted vtterlie to be confounded aboue expectation we haue obtained some rest and libertie we would not but set forth this briefe and plaine confession of such doctrine as is proponed vnto vs and as we beleeue and professe partlie for satisfaction of our brethren whose hearts we doubt not haue beene and yet are wounded by the despitefull railing of such as yet haue not learned to speake well and partlie for stopping of the mouthes of the impudent blasphemers who boldelie damne that which they haue neither heard nor yet vnderstoode Not that we iudge that the cankred malice of such is able to be cured by this our simple confession No we knowe the sweete sauour of the Gospell is and shall be death to the sonnes of perdition but we haue chiefe respect to our weake and infirme brethren to whome we woulde communicate the bottome of our hearts lest that they be troubled or carried awaie by diuersitie of rumours which Satan spreads abroad against vs to the defacing of this our moste godlie enterprise protesting that if anie man shall note in this our confession anie article or sentence repugning to Gods holie worde and doe admonish vs of the same in writing we by Gods grace doe promise vnto him satisfaction from the mouth of God that is from his holie Scriptures or else reformation of that which he shall prooue to be amisse For God we take to record in our consciences that from our hearts we abhorre all sectes of heresie and all teachers of
onlie sonne to be our brother and giuen vnto vs grace to acknowledge and embrace him for our Mediatour as before is said It behooued farther the Messias and Redeemer to be verie God and verie man because he was to beare the punishment due for our transgressions and to present him selfe in the presence of his Fathers iudgement as in our person to suffer for our transgression and inobedience by death to ouercome him that was author of death But because the onlie godhead could not suffer death neither yet could the onlie manhood ouercome the same he ioyned both together in one person that the imbecillitie of the one should suffer and be subiect to death which we had deserued and the infinite and inuincible power of the other to wit of the godhead should triumph and purchase to vs life libertie and perpetuall victorie and so we confesi● and moste vndoubtedlie beleeue Christes death Passion and B●ri●ll THat our Lord Iesus offered himselfe a voluntarie sacrifice vnto his Father for vs that he suffered contradiction of sinners that he was wounded and plagued for our transgressions that he being the cleane innocent lambe of God was damned in the presence of an earthlie iudge that we should be absolued before the tribunall seate of our God that he suffered not onelie the cruell death of the Crosse which was accursed by the sentence of God but also that he suffered for a season the wrath of his Father which sinners had deserued But yet we auow that he remained the onelie welbeloued and blessed sonne of the Father euen in the midst of his anguish and torment which he suffered in bodie and soule to make the full satisfaction for the sins of the people After the which we confesse and auow that there remaineth no other sacrifice for sinne which if anie affirme we nothing doubt to auow that they are blasphemous against Christes death and the euerlasting purgation and satisfaction purchased to vs by the same Resurrection WE vndoubtedlie beleeue that insomuch as it was impossible that the dolours of death should retaine in bondage the author of life that our Lord Iesus crucified dead and buried who descended into hell did rise againe for our iustification and destroying of him whoe was the author of death brought life againe to vs that were subiect to death and to the bondage of the same we knowe that his resurrection was confirmed by the testimonie of his ver●e enimies by the resurrection of the dead whose sepulchers did open and they did arise and appeered to manie within the City of Ierusalem It was also confirmed by the testimonie of his Angells and by the senses and iudgements of his ●postles and others who had conuersation and did eate and drinke with him after his resurrection Ascension VVE nothing doubt but the selfe same bodie which was borne of the virgin was crucified dead buried that it did rise againe and as●end into the heauens for the accomplishment of al things where in our names for our comforte he hath receiued all power in heauen and earth where he sitteth at the right hand of the Father crowned in his kingdome aduocate and onelie Mediatour for vs. Which glorie honour and prerogatiue he alone amongst the brethren shal possesse till that all his enimies be made his footestole As that we vndoubtedlie beleeue there shal be a finall iudgement to the execution wherof we certainelie beleeue that the same our Lord Iesus shall visibly returne euen as he was seene to ascend And then we firmelie beleue that the time of refreshing and restitution of all thinges shall come in somuch that those that from the beginning haue suffered violence iniurie and wrong for righteousnes sake shall inherite that blessed immortalitie promised from the beginning but contrariwise the stubborne inobedient cruell oppressors filthie persons Idolaters and all sortes of vnfaithfull shal be cast into the dungeon of vtter darkenes where their worme shall not die neithet yet the fire shal be extinguished The remembrance of which daie and of the iudgement to be executed in the same is not onelie to vs a bridle wherby our carnall lustes are refrained but also such inestimable comforte that neither maie the threating of worldlie princes neither yet the feare of temporall death and present daunger mooue vs to renounce and forsake the blessed societie which we the members haue with our head onelie mediatour Christ Iesus Whom we confesse and auow to be the Messias promised the onelie head of his Church our iust lawe giuer our onelie high Priest aduocate and Mediatour In which honours and office if man or Angell presume to intrude themselues we vtterly detest and abhor them as blasphemous to our soueraigne and supreame gouernuor Christ Iesus Faith in the holie Ghost THis faith and the assurance of the same proceedeth not from flesh and bloode that is to saie from no naturall powers within vs but is the inspiration of the holie Ghost whome we confesse God equall with the Father with the sonne whoe sanctifieth vs and bringeth vs into all veritie by his owne operation without whome we should remaine for euer enimies to God and ignorant of his sonne Christ Iesus For of nature we are so dead so blinde so peruerse that neither can we feele when we are pricked see the light when it shineth nor assent to the will of God when it is reuealed vnlesse the spirit of the Lord quicken that which is dead remooue the darkenes from our mindes and bowe our stubborne heartes to the obedience of his blessed will And so as we confesse that God the Father created vs when we were not as his sonne our Lord Iesus redeemed vs when we were enimies to him so also doe we confesse that the holie Ghost doth sanctifie and regenerate vs without all respect of anie merit proceeding from vs be it before or be it after our regeneration To speake this one thinge yet in more plaine wordes as we willinglie spoile our selues of al● honour and glorie of our owne creation and redemption so doe we also of our regeneration and sanctification for of our selues we are not sufficient to thinke one good thought but he who hath begone the worke in vs is onelie he that continueth in vs the same to the praise and glorie of his vndeserued grace The cause of good workes SO that the cause of good workes we confesse to be not our free will but the spirit of the Lord Iesus whoe dwelling in our harts by true faith bringeth forth such good workes as God hath prepared for vs to walke in For this we most boldlie affirme that it is blasphemie to saie that Christ abideth in the heartes of such as in whom there is no spirit of sanctification And therefore we feare no● to affirme that murtherers oppressers cruell persecuters adulterers whormongers filthy persons Idolaters dronkerds the eues and all workers of iniquitie haue
beginning of euill vnto man beeing good came from his free will We condemne also the Pelagians who affirme that an euill man hath free will sufficientlie to performe a good pre●ept Both these are confuted by the scripture which sa●●●h to the former God made man v●right and to the latter If the sonne make you free then are y●● free indeede OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA MA● being the moste perfect Image of God in earth and hauing the chiefdome of all visible creatures consisting of soule and bodie whereof this is mortall that immortall after he was made holie of the Lorde he by his owne fault falling into sinne drue wholl mankinde with him into the same fall and made him subiect to the same calamitie And this infection which men tearme Originall hath so inuaded the wholl stocke that the childe of wrath and the enemie of God can by none other then by the diuine help of Christ be cured For if there be anie sparke of good fruit remaining here it being weakned dailie by our sinnes declineth tothe worsse For the force of euil doth get the vpper hand neither doth it suffer reason to beare the sway nor the most deuine faculty of the minde to haue the prehemin●ce Whereupon we doe so at●ribute free will to man as that knowing and hauing a will to doe good and euill we finde notwithstanding by experience that of our owne accord we maie doe euill but we can neither imbrace nor follow anie good thing except being illuminated by the grace of Christ we be stirred vp and effectually mooued thereunto For God is he which worketh in vs both to will and to bring to passe according to his good will And Saluation is of the Lord destruction of our selues OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASIL Art 2. Of man WE confesse that in the beginning man was made of god in righteousnes and true holines after the true Image of God but he fel into sinne of his owne accord by the which fall wholl mankinde is made corrupt and subiect vnto damnation Hence is it that our nature is defiled and become so prone vnto sinne that except it be renued by the holie Ghost man of himselfe can neither doe nor will anie good OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA OR THE WALDENSES Of the knowledge of a mans selfe Also of sinne the causes and fruites thereof and of the promise of God CHAP. 4. FOurthlie touching the knowledge of himselfe man is taught and that after two sortes First the knowledge of his estate yet being in his innocencie or voide of all fault that is of his nature being perfect from whence he fell Secondlie the knowledge of his sinne and mortalitie into which he fell The estate and condition of his innocencie and righteousnes consisteth in these points that the Lorde in the beginning made man after his ow●● Image and likenes and adorned him with the giftes of his grace or bountie that he engraffed in him righteousnes and his spirit a soule and a bodie togither with all the faculties and powers thereof and so made him holie iust wise immortall and a moste pleasant temple for his heauenlie spirit in the minde will memorie and iudgement and bestowed vpon him cleare light of vnderstanding integritie and a verie ordinate or lawfull loue towardes God and all his creatures also a full and absolute obedience or habilitie to obey God the true feare of God and a sincere heart and nature that man might be his owne possession and his proper and peculiar workemanship created vnto the praise of his glorious grace Man being placed in this estate had left vnto him free will so that if he would he was able to fulfill that commandement which god gaue him and thereby to retaine righteousnes both for himselfe and for all his posteritie after hi● and euerie waie to enioy a spirit soule bodie and an estat● moste blessed and further also to make a waie vnto a fa●re more excellent glorie by considering that fire and water life and death were set before him which if he would not consider nor doe his endeuour therein by choosing of euill he might loose all those good giftes The second part of the knowledge of a mans selfs namelie before iustification standeth in this that a man acknowledge aright the state of his fal sinne and mor●a●● For that free liberty of choice which God permitted to the wil of man he abused and kept not the lawe of his iustice but swarued therefrom and therein transgressed the commaundement of God insomuch as he obeyed the deuill● those lying speaches of his and gaue credit vnto them and performed to the deuill such faith and obedience as was d●● to God alone whereby he stripped and bereaued himselfe and his posteritie of the state of perfection and goodnes of nature and the grace of God and those good giftes of iustice and the Image of God which in his creation were engreffed in him he partlie lost them and partlie corrupted defiled them as if with horrible poyson one should corrupt pure wine and by this meanes he cast headlong both himselfe and all his ofspring into sinne death and all kinde of miseries in this life and into punishments eternall after this life Wherefore the spring and principall author of all euill is that cruell and detestable deuill the tempter lyer and manslayer and next the free will of man which notwithstanding being conuerted to euil through luste and naughtie desires and by peruerse concupiscense chooseth that which is euill Hereby sinnes according to these degrees and after this order maie be considered iudged of The first and weightiest or moste greiuous sinne of all was without doubt that sinne of Adam which the Apostle calleth Disobedience for the which death reigneth ouer al euen ouer those also which haue not sinned with like trangression as did Adam A second kinde is originall sinne naturallie ingendered in vs and hereditarie wherein we are all conceiued and borne into this world Behold saith Dauid I was borne in iniquitie and in sinne hath my mother conceiued me And Paull We are by nature the children of wrath Let the force of this hereditarie destruction be acknowledged and iudged of by the guilt and fault by our prones and declination by our euill nature and by the punishment which is laide vpon it The third kinde of sinnes are those which are called Actuall which are the fruites of originall sinne and doe burste out within without priuilie and openlie by the powers of man that is by all that euer man is able to doe and by his members trangressing all those thinges which God commaundeth and forbiddeth and also running into blindnes and errors worthie to be punished with all kinde of damnation This doctrine of the true knowlede of sinne is of our men diligentlie handled and vrged and to this end were the first and second tables of the law deliuered to Moses of
Like vnto 〈◊〉 all things sinne onelie excepted As therfore we detest the here●● of Nestorius which maketh two Christes of one and dissolueth the vnion of the Person so doe we cursse the madnes 〈◊〉 Eutiches and of the Monophelites or Monophysickes who ouerthrow the proprietie of the humane nature Therefore we doe not teach that the diuine nature in Christ did suffer or that Christ according to his humane nature is yet in t●● worlde and euen in euerie place For we doe neither thinke nor teach that the bodie of Christ ceased to be a true bodie after his glorifying or that it was deified and so deified that it put of it properties as touching bodie and soule and became altogether a diuine nature and began to be one substance alone And therefore we doe not allow or receiue the vnwittie subtilties and the intricate obscure and in constant disputations of Schuenkfeildius and such other vaine ianglers about this matter Neither are we Schuenkfeildians Moreouer we beleeue that our Lord Iesus Christ did truel● suffer and die for vs in the flesh as Peter saith We abhor the moste horrible madnes of the Iacobites and the Turkes which abandone the passion of our Lord. Yet we denie not but that the Lorde of glorie according to the saying of Paul was crucified for vs. For we doe reuerentlie and religiouslie receiue and vse the communication of proprieties drawen from the scriptures vsed of all antiquitie in expounding and reconciling places of scripture which at the first sight seeme to disagree one from another We beleeue and teach that the same Lorde Iesus Christ in that true flesh in which he was crucified and died rose againe from the dead and that he did not raise vp another flesh in steede of that which was buried nor tooke a spirit in steede of flesh but retained a true bodie Therefore whilest that his disciples thought that they did see the spirit of their Lord Christ he shewed them his handes and feete which were marked with the prints of the nailes wounds saying Behold my handes and my feete for I am he indeed Handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as yee see me haue We beleeue that our Lorde Iesus Christ in the same his flesh did ascend aboue all the visible heauens into the verie highest heauen that is to saie the seate of God and of the blessed spirits vnto the right hand of God the father which although it doe signifie an equall participation of glorie and maiestie yet it is also taken for a certaine place of which the Lorde speaking in the gospell saith That he will go and prepare a place for his Also the Apos●le Peter saith The heauens must containe Christ vntill the time of restoring of all thinges And out of heauen the same Christ will returne vnto iudgement euen then when wickednes shall chieflie reigne in the world and when Antichrist hauing corrupted true religion shall fil all things with superstition and impietie and shall moste cruellie destroie the Church with fire and bloodshed Now Christ shall returne to redeeme his and to abolish Antichrist by his comming and to iudge the quick and the dead For the dead shall arise and those which shall be found aliue in that daie which is vnknowne vnto all creatures shal be changed in the twinckling of an eye and all the faithfull shall be taken vp to meete Christ in the ayre that thenceforth they maie enter with him into heauen there to liue for euer But the vnbeleeuers or vngodlie shall descend with the deuils into hell there to burne for euer and neuer to be deliuered out of torments We therefore condemne all those which denie the true resurrection of the flesh and those which thinke amisse of the glorified bodies as did Ioannes Hierosolymitanus against whome Ierome wrote We also condemne those which thought both the deuils and al the wicked shall at the length be saued and haue an end of their torments For the Lorde himselfe hath absolutelie set it downe that Their fire is neuer quenched and their worme neuer dieth Moreouer we condemne the Iewish dreames that before the daie of iudgement there shall be a golden world in the earth and that the godly shal possesse the kingdomes of the world their wicked enemies being troade vnder foote For the Euangelicall truth Mat. 24. and 25. and Luke 18. the Apostolike doctrine in the 2. to the Thessalonians 2. in the 2. to Tim. 3. 4. ar found to teach farre otherwise Furthermore by his passion or death by al those things which he did and suffered for our sakes from the time of his comming in the flesh our Lord reconciled his heavenl● father vnto al the faithful purged their sinne spoiled death broke in sunder condemnation and hell and by his resuection from the dead he brought againe restored life ar● immortalitie For he is our righteousnes life and resuection and to be short he is the fullnes and perfection the saluation and moste aboundant sufficiencie of al the faithfull For the Apostle saith So it pleaseth the Father that all f●●nes should dwell in him And In him ye are complet Collos 1. and 2. For we teach and beleeue that this Iesus Christ our Lord is the onelie and eternall sauiour of mankinde yea and of the whole worlde in whome are saued by faith all that euer were saued before the lawe vnder the lawe and i● the time of the gospell and so manie as shall yet be saued to the end of the world For the Lord himselfe in the Gospell faith He that entereth not in by the dore vnto the shepf●lde but climeth vp an other waie he is a theefe and a robber I am the dore of the sheepe And also in another place of the same gospell he saith Abraham sawe my daies and reioyced And the Apostle Peter saith Neithere is there saluation in anie other but i● Christ for among men there is giuen no other name vnder hea●● wherby they might be sa●ed We beleue therfore that thorough the grace of our Lord Christ we shal be saucd euen as our fathers were For Paull faith That all our fathers did eate the same spiritual meate and dranke the same spiritual drinke for they dranke of the spiritual rocke that followed them and that rocke 〈◊〉 Christ And therefore we reade that Iohn said That Christ 〈◊〉 that lambe which was slaine from the beginning of the world And that Iohn Baptist witnesseth That Christ is that lambe of God that taketh awaie the sinnes of the world Wherfore we do plainly and openly professe preach that Iesus Christ is the onlie redeemer sauiour of the world the king and high priest the true and looked for Messias that holie and blessed one I saie whom all the shadowes of the law and the Prophesies of the Prophetes did prefigure and promise and that God did performe and
send him vnto vs so that now we are not to looke for any other And now there remaineth nothing but that we all should giue all glorie to him beleeue in him and rest in him onelie contemning and reiecting al other aides of our life For they are fallen from the grace of God and make Christ of no value vnto themselues whosoeuer they be that seeke saluation in anie other things besides Christ alone And to speake manie thinges in few wordes with a sinceare heart we beleeue and with libertie of speach we freelie professe whatsoeuer thinges are defined out of the holy scriptures and comprehended in the Creedes and in the decrees of those foure first and moste excellent councells holden at Nice Constantinople Ephesus and Chalcedon together with blessed Athanasius his Creede and all other Creedes like to these touching the mysterie of the incarnation of our Lord Iesus Christ and we condemne al things contrarie to the same And thus doe we retaine the Christian sounde Catholike faith wholie and inuiolable knowing that nothing is contained in the foresaid Creedes which is not agreeable to the worde of God and maketh wholie for the sincere declaration of faith OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA The eternal Counsel of the restoring of man ANd though man by this fault was deputed to damnation and had incurred moste iuste wrath yet God the father neuer ceased to haue a care ouer him the which is manifest by the first promises by the wholl law which as it is holie and good teaching vs the will of God righteousnes and trueth so doth it worke anger and stirre vp not extinguish sinnes in vs not through it owne fault but by ours and by Christ ordeined and exhibited for this purpose Iesus Christ and those benefittes which we reap by him THis Christ the true sonne of God beeing true God and true man was made our brother when according to the time appointed he had taken vpon him wholl man that is consisting of soule bodie and in one indiuisible person vnited two natures yet were not these natures confounded that he might restore vs beeing dead to life and make vs fellow heires with him-selfe He taking flesh of the moste pure virgine Marie the holie Ghost working together flesh I saie beeing sacred by the vnion of the Godhead and like vnto ours in all thinges sinne onelie accepted because it behooued our sacrifice to be vnspotted gaue the same flesh to death for the purgation of all since The same Christ as he is to vs a full and perfect hope a●● trust of our immortalitie so he placed his flesh being raised vp from death into heauen at the right hand of his almightie father This conquerour hauing triumphed ouer death sinne and all the infernall deuills sitting as our captaine head and chiefe high Priest doth defend and plead our cause continuallie til he do reforme vs to that Image after which we were created and bring vs to the fruition of life euerlasting we looke for him to come in the end of the world a true and vpright iudge and to giue sentence vpon all flesh beeing first raised vp to that iudgement and to aduaunce the godlie aboue the skie and to condemne the wicked both in soul and bodie to eternall destruction Who as he is the onelie Mediatour intercessor sacrifice and also our high Priest Lord and King so we doe acknowledge and with the wholl heart beleeue that he alone i● our attonement redemption sanctification expiation wisdome protection and deliuerance simplie herein reiecting all mean of our life and saluation beside this Christ alone The latter parte of this article we placed also in the second section which entreateth of the onelie mediator OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASILL Of Christ being true God and true man WE beleeue and confesse constantlie that Christ in the time hereunto appointed according to the promise of God was giuen to vs of the father and that so the eternall word of God was made flesh that is that this sonne of God being vnited to our nature in one person was made our brother that we through him might be made partakers of the inheritance of God We beleeue that this Iesus Christ was conceiued of the holie Ghost borne of the pure and vndefiled Virgine Marie suffered vnder Pontius Pilate crucified and dead for our sinnes and so by the one oblation of him selfe he did satisfie God our heauenlie father for vs and reconcile vs to him and so by his death he did triumph and ouercame the world death and hell Moreouer according to the flesh he was buried descended into hell and the third daie he rose againe from the dead These thinges being sufficientlie approoued he in soul and bodie ascended into heauen and sitteth there at the right hand that is in the glorie of God the father almightie from thence he shall come to iudge the quick and the dead Moreouer he sent to his disciples according to his promise the holie Ghost in whome we beleeue euen as we do beleeue in the father and in the sonne We beleeue that the last iudgement shall be wherein our flesh shall life againe and euerie man according as he hath done in this life shall receiue of Christ the Iudge to weete eternall life if he hath shewed forth the fruites of faith which are the workes of righteousnes by a true faith and vnfeigned loue and eternall fire if he hath committed good or euill without faith or loue OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA CHAP. 4. Towardes the middle NEither hath anie man of all thinges whatsoeuer anie thing at all whereby he maie deliuer set free or redeeme himselfe from his sinnes and condemnation without Christ by whome alone they which trulie beleeue are freed from sinne from the tyrannie and prison of the deuill from the wrath of God and from death and euerlasting torments And a litle after towardes the end of the said fourth Chap. Together with this point and after it considering that both the matter it selfe and order of teaching so requireth the ministers of the Church teach vs after our fall to acknowledge the promise of God the true word of grace and the holie gospell brought to vs from the priuy counsell of the holie Tri●i●ie concerning our Lord Christ and our wholl saluation purchased by him Of these promise there be three principall wherein all the rest are contained The first was made in Paradise in these wordes I will out enmitie betweene thee and the woman and betweene thy seed and her seede He shal breake thine head and thou shalt bruyse his heele The second was made to Abraham which afterwardes Iacob also and Moses did reneu● The third to Dauid which the Prophets recited expounded In these promises are described and painted forth those moste excellent and principall workes of Christ our Lorde which are the verse ground worke whereon our saluation standeth by which he is our Mediator
effect and fulfilled al things and that for that cause he said when he gaue vp the Ghost It is finished as though he would signifie that the price and r●nsome was now fully paide for the sinne of mankinde If there be any that thinke this sacrifice not sufficient let them goe in Gods name and seeke a better We verelie because we know this to be the Onely sacrifice are well content with it alone and looke for none other and forasmuch as it was to be offered but once we commaunde it not to be renewed againe and because it was full and perfit in all points and partes we doe not ordeine in place thereof any continuall succession of offerings To conclude we beleeue that this our selfesame flesh wherein we line although it die and come to dust yet at the last shall returne againe vnto life by the meanes of Christes spirit which dwelleth in vs and that then verilie whatsoeuer we suffer here in the meane while for his sake Christ will wipe awaie all teares and heauines from our eyes and that we through him shall enioie euerlasting life and shall for euer be with him in glorie So beit OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue that out moste mightie and gracious God when he saw that man had thus throwen himselfe into the damnation both of spirituall and corporal death and was made altogether miserable and accursed by his wounderfull wisdome and goodnes was induced both to seek him when through feare he had fled from his presence and also most louingly to comfort him giuing vnto him the promise of his owne sonne to be borne of a woman which should breake the head of the serpent and restore him to selicitie and happines Moreouer we confesse that God did then at the length fullfill his promise made vnto the Fathers by the mouth of his holie Prophetes when in his appointed time he sent his onelie and eternall sonne into the world who toke vpon him the forme of a seruant beeing made like vnto men and did truelie take vnto him the nature of man with all infirmities belonging thereunto sinne onelie excepted when he was conceiued in the wombe of the blessed Virgine Mary by the power of the holie ghost without anie meanes of man The which nature of man he put vpon him not onely in respect of the bodie but also in respect of the soule for he had also a true soule to the intent he might be true and perfect man For seeing that as well the soule as the bodie of man was subiect to condemnation it was necessarie that Christ should take vpon him aswell the soule as the bodie that he might saue them both together Therefore contrarie to the heresy of the Anabaptists which denie that Christ did take vpon him the flesh of man we confes that Christ was partaker of flesh blood as the rest of his bretheren were that he came from the loines of Dauid according to the flesh I saie that he was made of the seede of Dauid according to the same flesh that he is a fruit of the Virgins wombe borne of a woman the branch of Dauid a flower of the roote of lesse comming of the Tribe of Iuda of the Iewes themselues according to the flesh to conclude the true seed of Abraham Dauid the which seede of Abrahame he tooke vpon him being made in all thinges like vnto his brethren sinne onelie excepted as hath beene saide before so that he is indeede our true Emmanuell that is God with is We beleeue also that the person of the sonne was by this conception inseperablie vnited and coupled with the humane nature yet so that there be not two Sonnes of God nor two persons but two natures ioyned together in one person both which natures doe still retaine their owne proprieties So that as the diuine nature hath remained alwaies vncreated without beginning of daies and terme of life filling both heauen and earth so the humane nature hath not lost his proprieties but hath remained still a creature hauing both beginning of daies a finite nature For whatsoeuer doth agree vnto a true bodie that it still retaineth and although Christ by his resurrection hath bestowed immortalitie vpon it yet notwithstanding he hath neither taken awaie the trueth of the humane nature nor altered it For both our saluation and also our resurrection dependeth vpon the trueth of Christes bodie Yet these two natures are so vnited and coupled in one person that they could not no not in his death be seperated the one from the other Wherefore that which in his death he commended vnto his father was in deed a humane spirit departing out of his bodie but in the meane season the diuine nature did alwaies remaine ioyned to the humane euen then when he la●e in the graue so that his deitie was no les●e in him at that time then when as yet he was an infant although for a small season it did not shew forth itselfe Wherefore we confesse that he is true God and true man true god that by his power he might ouercome death ●ane true man that in the infirmitie of his flesh he might d● for vs. We beleeue that God which is both perfectlie mercifull and perfectlie iust did send his sonne to take vpon him that nature which through disobedience had offended that in the selfe same nature he might satisfie for sinne and by his bitter death and passion pare the punishment that was due vnto sinne God therefore hath declared and manifested his iustice in his own sonne being loaden with our iniquities but hath most mercifullie powred forth and declared his gracious goodnes vnto vs guilty wretches and worchie of condemnation whilest that in his incomprehensible loue towards vs he deliuered vp his sonne vnto death for our sinnes and raised him vp againe from death for our iustification that by him we might obtaine immortalitie and life euerlasting We beleeue that Iesus Christ is that high priest appo●●ed to that office eternallie by the oath of his Father according to the order of Melchisede●h which offered himselfe in our name before his Father with a ful satisfaction for the pa●ifying of his wrath laying himselfe vpon the al●ar of the crosse and hath shed his blood for the clensing of our sinnes as the Prophets had fore●olde For it is written that the chastisment of our peace was laide vpon the sonne of God and by his woundes we are healed Also that he was carried as a sheepe vnto the slaughter reputed amongst sinners and vniust and condemned of Pontius Pila●e as a male factour though before he had pronounced him guiltles Therefore he payed that which he had not taken and being iust suffred in soule and bodie for the vniust in such sorte that feeling the horror of those punishments that were due vnto our sinnes be did sweate water and blood and at length cried out My God ●y God why hast
terrified by this voice that reprooueth sinnes then let it heare th● peculiar promise of the gospel touching the Sonne of God and let him be assured that his sinnes are freelie remitted f●● the Sonne of God hissake our Lord Iesus Christ who is our attonement and that of mercie not for any 〈◊〉 or loue of ours OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of the lawe CHAP. 6. WE acknowledge that the l●w of God whereof the 10. commaundementes are an abrigedment doth commaund the best the most iust and moste perfect workes and that man is not onelie bounde to obeie the morall precepts of the lawe but also if he should doe the workes of the 10. commaundements in such perfection and integritie as the lawe requireth that he should indeed be counted iust before God for his workes and should obtaine eternall saluation by his merites But whereas some men doe thinke that man can come to that state in this life as to be able by his works not onelie to fullfil the 10. commaundements but also to doe more and greater workes then are commaunded in the lawe which they call works of supererogation it is contrarie to the doctrine of the Prophetes and Apostles and it is repugnant to the iudgement of the true Catholike Church For the lawe was not giuen to this end to signifie that man might perfectlie fullfill the commaundements thereof in this life but to shew to man his imperfection to testifie of the vnrighteousnes of man and of the wrath of God against all men to stirre them vp to seke remission of their sinnes righteousnes and saluation by faith in the only Sonne of God our Lorde Iesus Christ Rom. 3. By the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne And Rom. 7. The law is spirituall but I am carnall solde vnder sinne And Rom. 8. The wisedome of the flesh is enmitie against God For it is not subiect to the lawe of God neither indeede can be And Galat. 3. Curssed is euerie man that continueth not in all thinges which are written in the booke of the lawe to doe them Augustine saith This first commaundement of iustice wherein we are commaunded to loue the Lorde with all our heart with all our soule and with all our minde whereupon followeth that other commaundement of louing our neighboure we shall fullfill in that life where we shall see him face to face But therfore it is euen now also commaunded vnto vs that we might be admonished what it behoueth vs to require by faith whether to send our hope before hand and by forgetting those thinges which are behinde what fore thinges we should stretch our selues vnto And hereby so far as I can iudge he hath profited much in this life in that righteousnes which is to be perfited who by profiting doth knowe how far he is from the perfection sf righteousnes And againe Charitie is a vertue whereby that is loued which is to be beloued This is in some greater in others lesser and in some none at all But the moste absolute loue which now cannot be increased so long as a man liueth here is not to be founde in anie man For so long as it may be increased that which is lesse then it ought to be commeth of our corruption by reason of which corruption there is not a iust man in the earth that doth good and sinneth not by reason of which corruption no flesh liuing shall be iustified in the sight of God for which corruptions sake If we saie that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the trueth is not in vs for the which also though we profit neuer so much yet it is necessary for vs to saie Forgiue vs our debtes although all our wordes deedes and thoughtes are alreadie forgiuen vs in baptisme And againe All the commaundements of God are counted as done when as whatsoeuer is not done is notwithstanding pardoned And Ierome saith This is onelie perfection vnto men if they know that they are vnperfect This is the true wisedome of man to know that he is imperfect and that I maie so speake the perfection of all iust men in the flesh is imperfect Of the Gospell of Christ CHAP. 8. ALthough manie preceptes of the law of God be conteined in the writings of the Euangelistes and Apostles and Christ himselfe doth teach that we must not rend●● euill for euill nor looke vpon a woman wantonlie and such like yet we must not think that the Gospel of Christ is a new law whereby as the fathers in times past were saued vnder the olde testament by the olde law so now men vnder the new testament should be saued by a new law For except a man take the name of the law generallie for doctrine as the Prophets now and then do vse the name of the law certainlie the Gospell of Christ is not properlie a law as Paull doth commonlie vse the name of the law but it is a good and ioyfull message touching the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ that he onelie is the purger of our sinnes the appeaser of the wrath of God and our redeemer and sauiour Neither are the commaundements of the law which are conteined in the Apostles writings any new law but they are an interpretation of the olde law according to the iudgement of the holie Ghost which also were to be seene before and that not obscurelie in the writinges of the Prophets But they are repeated in the preaching of the gospell of Christ that the seueritie of the law of God and the corruption of our nature beeing declared we might be stirred vp to seeke and embrace Christ reuealed in his Gospell and that we maie know after what rule we are to frame our life through faith in Christ Wherefore if we will speake properlie of the law of God and Gospell of Christ as of Christ we are not to make a new lawgiuer seeing that he neither hath made a new law nor instituted a new politi●e kingdome in this earth so must we not make a new law of the Gospell which by more harde and seuere commaundements doth bring eternall saluation to the doers thereof But we thinke it to be most certaine that the naturall or morall law of the olde and new Testament is one and the same and that neither the men which liued vnder the olde Testament nor those which liue vnder the new Testament doe obteine eternal saluation for the merit of the workes of the law but onelie for the merit of our Lord Iesus Christ through faith Christ out of Isaiah doth recite his office for the which he was sent into the earth The spirit of the Lorde saith he is vpon me because he hath annointed me he hath sent me to preach the Gospell to the poore c. Here Christ teacheth that his proper office is not to make a new lawe which should terrifie and kill miserable sinners but to preach the Gospell which might comfort and quicken sinners Gal. 4. When the
Christ is and that afterward in the daie of resurrection this soule shall be ioyned againe with the bodie to take full possession of that ioy and eternall glorie which can not be expressed in words For they shall not c●●e into condemnation but by making a waie through it they shall passe from death into life The epistle to the Hebrewes to stirre vs vp to vse such exhortations saieth Exhort your selues among your selues exhort ye one another dailie so long as it is said to daie Let no man among you be hardned by the deceit of sinne For we enter into the rest which haue beleeued that is which haue obeied the voice of God while wee had time giuen vs. On the other side we must also holde this moste assuredlie that if anie man beeing polluted with sinnes and filthie deedes manifestlie contrarie to vertue do in dying departe out of this worlde without true repentance and faith that his soule shall certainlie goe into hell as did the soule of that rich man who wanted faith in the bottomeles pit whereof there is no droppe of grace and that in the daie of iudgement that moste terrible voice of the Sonne of God sounding in his eares shall be heard wherein he shall saie Departe from me ye curssed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the Deuill and his Angells for they which haue done euill shall come forth to the resurrection of iudgement Therefore in teaching they doe continuallie vrge this that no man differ repentance and turning vnto God till he come to be olde or till he lieth sicke in his bed and in the meane time doe boldelie practise his wantonnes in sins and in the desires of the flesh and the world because it is written Doe not saie The aboundant mercie of the Lord will purge my sinnes for mercie and wrath doe hasten with him and his indignation shall lie vpon the sinners Make no tarying to turne vnto the Lord and put not of from daie to daie For suddenlie shall the wrath of the Lorde breake forth and in thy securitie thou shalt be destroyed and thou shalt perish in time of vengeance But that especiallie is a moste daungerous thing if anie man after he hath receiued the gift of the grace of God and that in the testimonie of a good conscience doth of set purpose and wantonlie sinne and contemne and make no account of all those exhortations and allurements proceeding ou● of a louing heart and that to this ende that he maie in time thinke on that which is for his health and repent and moreouer doth persist in a bold and blind perswasion of the mercie of God and trusting thereto doth sinne and doth confidentlie abuse it and goeth forward in that sort withou● repentance euen vnto the last pinch and then beginne●h being forced thereunto by the terrours of death and the feare of infernall punishments so late to conuert himselfe and to call for the mercie of the Lorde as when the seuere and intollerable anger of the Lord wa●eth hot●● and punishments rush and breake foorth as doth the great violence of floodes which can not be resisted Therefore of such a man which thing we speake with sorowe it is hard to beleeue that he can trulie repent and therefore it is to be doubted lest that be fulfilled in him which the Lord doth threaten by the Prophet Micheas That insteed of grace he shall feele the wrath of God and that it will come to passe that the wrath of God shall sley him For in a fearefull speach doth he saie thus Then shall they crie to the Lord but he will not heare them but he will hide his face fo● them at that time because they haue continuallie liued wickedlie Yea the Lord himselfe saith Although they crie in mine 〈◊〉 with a loude voice yet will I not heare them seeing they would no● heare my voice when as all the daie long I spread out my hands to them and gaue them large time and space for grace For the which cause the holie Ghost crieth out and saith Todaie if ye will heare his voice harden not your hartes as in the gi●uing in the daie of that tentation in the wildernes Therefore according to all these thinges our men doe diligentlie and out of the groundes of the Scripture exhort that euerie man do in time vse and follow this faithful counsell and necessarie doctrine that so he maie turne awaie the feare of this moste heauie daunger yea that he doe not betraie the health of his owne soule For vndoubtedly this horrible daunger is greatlie to be feared lest whatsoeuer here that doth rashlie or stubbornelie condemne or neglect this time of grace so louinglie graunted of the Lord he doe receiue and that worthelie that rewarde of eternall punishment which is due thereunto euen as saint Ambrose also amongst manie other thinges which he handleth diuerslie to this purpose doth thus write and in these wordes If any man at the verie point of death shall repent and be absolued for this could not be denied vnto him so departing out of this life dieth I dare not saie that he departeth hence in good case I do not affirme it neither dare I affirme or promise it to anie man because I would deceiue no man seeing I haue no certeintie of him Doe I therefore saie that be shall be damned neither doe I saie that he shall be deliuered For what other thing I should say I know not Let him be commended to God Wilt thou then O brother be freed from doubting repent whiles thou art in health If thou will repent when thou canst not sin thy sinnes haue left thee and not thou thy sinnes Yet that no man maie dispaire they teach this also that if anie man in the last hower of his life shew out signes of true repentance which thing doth fall out verie seldome for that is certainlie true which is written in the epistle to the Hebrues And this will we also doe so that God giue vs leaue to doe it that such a one is not to be depriued of instruction comforte absolution or remission of sinnes For the time of grace doth last so long as this lise doth last wherfore so long as we liue here it is meete that we should thinke of that Propheticall and Apostolicall sentence To daie seeing yee haue heard his voice harden not your heartes Now herein doe our men labour and endeuour them selues moste earnestlie that all men maie obeie this louing commaundement and counsell and that they speedelie repent before the sunne be darkened after a strange manner and the hilles be ouerwhelmed with darknes that laying sinne aside they would turne them selues to god by flying vnto him in true confidence and with a constant inuocation from the bottome of the heart and that they do their faithful indeuour that they be not repelled from the glorie of eternall life but that they maie liue with Christ
in this rehearsall he maketh no mention at all of priuat Priestes of which sorte the world is now full neither is it like that he world haue omitted this kinde of Priestes if either Christ had appointed it or if it had beene profitable and necessarie for the Church And Paull writeth that a Bishope ought to be ap●e to teach And Ierome teacheth that A Priest and a Bishoppe are all one Therefore it is euident that excepta Priest be ordeined in the Church to the ministerie of teaching he can not rightly take vnto him neither the name or a Prieste nor the name of a Bishoppe OVT OF THE CONFSSION OF SVEVRLAND Of the Office dignitie and power of Ecclesiasticall Persons TOuching the ministery and dignitie of the Ecclesiasticalorder we do thus 〈…〉 that there is no power in the Church but that which tendeth to edifying ● Cor. 10. Secondlie that we must nor thinke otherwise or any man in this state then Paull would haue men to esteeme either of him selfe or of Peter and Apollo and others As of the seruantes of Christ and the dispensers of the mysteries of God in ●●ome this is chiefelie required that they be faithfull For these be they which haue the keies of the kingdome of God and the power to binde and loose 〈◊〉 ●o remit or retaine sinnes yet that power is so limited that they be neuerthelesse the ministers of Christ to whome alone the right and authoritie to open heauen and forgiue sinnes doth properlie pertaine For neither he which planteth nor he that watereth is anie thing but God that giueth the increase 1. Cor 3. Neither is anie man of himselfe fitte to thinke anie of those thinges as of himselfe but if anie man be found fitte thereunto he hath it all of God VVho giueth to whome it pleaseth him to be the ministers and preachers of the new Testament to wit so farre forth as he giueth them a minde faithfullie to preach the meaning and vnderstanding of the Gospell vseth them hereunto that men maie be brought by a true faith to his new couenant of grace Furthermore these be they which doe minister vnto vs the dead letter that is such a doctrine of trueth as pearceth no farther then to humane reason but the spirit which quickneth and doth so pearee into our spirit and soule that it doth throughlie perswade our heart of the trueth These are the true fellow labourers of the Lord 1. Cor. 3. opening in deed heauen and forgiuing sinnes 〈◊〉 those to whome they declare the doctrine of faith 〈◊〉 meanes of the grace and spirit of God Whereupon Christ sending out his Apostles to exercise this duetie he breathed vpon them saying Take yee the holie Ghost And further more he addeth whose sinnes ye remit c. Hereof it is manifest that the true and fit ministers of the Church such as be bishops Seniors annointed and consecrated can doe nothing but in respect of this that they be sent of God For how shall they preach saith Paull except they be sent That is except they receiue of God both a minde and power to preach the holie Gospell aright and with fruit and to feede the flocke of Christ And also except they receiue the holie Ghost whoe maie worke together with them and perswade mens hearts Other vertues wherwith these men must be endued are rehearsed 1. Tim. 3. Tit. 1. Therfore they which are in this sort sent anointed consecrated and qualified they haue an earnest care for the flocke of Christ and doe labour faithfullie in the worde and doctrine that they maie feed the people more fruitfullie and these are acknowledged and accounted of our preachers for such Bishops as the Scripture euerie where speaketh of and euery Christian ought to obey their commaundements But they which giue them selfes to other things they place them selfes in other mens seats and do worthelie take vnto them selues other names Yet notwithstanding the life of any man is not so much to be blamed as that therfore a Christian should refuse to heare him if peraduenture he teach somthing out of the chaire of Moses or Christ that is either out of the law of God or out of the holie gospell that maie serue for edification They which bring a diuers or a staunge voice whatsoeuer they be they are in no account or estimation with the sheepe of Christ Ioh. 10. Yet they which haue a seculare power and soueraigntie they haue it of God him selfe howsoeuer they be called therefore he should resist the ordinance of God whosoeuer should oppose him-selfe to that temporall gouernment These things doe our Preachers teach touching the authoritie of Ecclesiasticall persons so that they haue great iniurie offered to them in that they are blamed as though they sought to bring the authoritie of Ecclesiasticall prelats to nothing whereas they neuer forbad them that worldlie gouernement and authoritie which they haue But they haue often wished that they would come nearer to the Ecclesiasticall commaundements and that either they them selues would instruct and faithfullie feede the consciences of Christians out of the holie Gospell or that at the least wise they would admit others hereunto and ordeine such as were more fitte for this purpose This is it I saie that out Preachers haue oftentimes requested of the Prelates them selues so faire haue they beene from opposing themselues at anie time to their spirituall authoritie But wheras we could not either beare anie longer the doctrine of certaine Preachers but beeing driuen thereunto by necessitie we haue placed others in their roome or els haue reteined those also which haue renounced that Ecclesiasticall superioritie We did it not for anie other cause but for that these did plainlie and faithfullie declare the voice of our Lord Iesus christ the other did mingle therwith all mans inuentions For so often as the question is concerning the holie Gospell and the doctrine of trueth Christians must whollie turne them selues to the Bishop of their soules the Lord Iesus Christ and not admit the voice of anie straunger by any meanes wherein notwithstanding neither we nor they do offer violence to anie man for Paull saith All thinges are yours whether it be Paull or Apollos 〈◊〉 Cephas or the worlde or life or death whether they be thinges present or thinges to come euen all are yours and ye Christes and Christ Gods Therefore seeing that Peter and Paull are ours and we are not theirs but Christes and that after the same manner that Christ himselfe is his Fathers to witte that in all thinges which we are or maie be we might liue to him alone Furthermore seing to this ende we haue power to vse all thinges yea euen men themselues of what sorte soeuer they be as though they were our owne and are not to suffer that anie man or anie thing should hinder vs therein no Ecclesiasticall persons maie iustlie complaine of vs or obiect to vs that we are not sufficientlie obedient to them or
that without any good affection of him that vseth it This article we finde thus in another Edition COncerning the vse of the Sacramentes they teach that they were ordained not so much to be mar●es and badges of profession amongst men as that they should be signes or testimonies of the will of God towards vs set forth vnto vs to stirre vp and confirme faith in such as vse them Whereupon they condemne those that teach that the sacraments do iustifie by the work done and doe not teach that faith to beleeue remission of sinnes is requisite in the vse of sacraments OVT OF THE CONFSSION OF SAXONIE Of the sacraments THe Church also is discerned from other Gentiles by by certaine rites or ceremonies instituted of God vsuallie called Sacraments as are Baptisme and the Lords Supper which notwithstanding are not onelie signes of a profession but much more as the auncient Fathers saide signes of grace that is they be ceremonies added to the promise of the Gospell touching grace that is touching the free remission of sinnes and touching reconciliation and the wholl benefit of our redemption the which are so instituted that euerie man maie vse them because they be pledges testimonies which declare that the benefits promised in the Gospell doe appertaine to euerie one For the voice of the Gospell is generall this vse doth be are witnes that this voice doth appertaine to euerie one which vseth the Sacraments OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of the Sacramentes THe worde Sacrament as also the worde Mysterie which interpreters do expounde Sacrament is very large But because some haue thought it good to restraine it to the number of seauen Sacraments we wil briefly runne ouer euerie one that we may shew what we finde wanting in the doctrine that some haue broched and what maie seeme to be repugnant to the meaning of that Church which is in deede Catholike or orthodoxe OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of the Sacraments SEeing that the Church of Christ doth liue here in the flesh howbeit not according to the flesh it pleased the Lord also to teach admonish and exhort it by the outwarde worde And that this might be done the more commodiouslie he would also haue his to make much of an externall societie among them selues For which cause he gaue vnto them holie signes among which these are the chiefest Baptisme and the Lords Supper the which we doe not onelie think therfore to haue had the name of Sacraments among the Fathers because they are visible signes of inuisible grace as Saint Augustine doth define them but also for that purpose because that by them we doe consecrate our selues vnto Christ and doe binde our selues as it were by the othe or Sacrament of faith THE THIRTEENTH SECTION OF THE SACRAMENT OF Holie Baptisme THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of holie baptisme CHAP. 20. BAptisme was instituted and consecrated by God and the first that baptized was Iohn who dipped Christ in the water in Iorden From him it came to the Apostles whoe also did baptize with water The Lord in plaine words commaunded them To preach the Gospel and to baptize in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost And Peter also when diuers demaunded of him what they ought to doe said to them in the Acts Let euerie one of you be baptized in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes and you shall receiue the gift of the holy Ghost Whereupon Baptisme is called of some a signe of in●tiation of Gods people as that whereby the elected of God are consecrated vnto God There is but one Baptisme in the Church of God for it is sufficient to be once baptized or consecrated vnto God For baptisme once receiued doth continue all a mans life and is a perpetuall sealing of our adoption vnto vs. For to be baptized in the name of Christ is to be enrolled entered and receiued into the couenant and familie and so into the inheritance of the sonnes of God yea in this life to be called after the name of God that is to saie to be called the Sonne of god to be purged also from the filthines of sins to be indued with the manifolde grace of God for to lead a new and innocent life Baptisme therefore doth call to minde and keepe in remembrance the great benefit of God performed to mankinde for we are al borne in the pollution of sinne and are the Sonnes of wrath But God who is rich in mercie doth freelie purge vs from our sinnes by the blood of his Sonne and in him doth adopte vs to be his sonnes and by an holie couenant doth ioyne vs to himselfe and doth inrich vs with diuers giftes that we might liue a new life All these thinges are sealed vp vnto vs in Baptisme For inwardlie we are regenerated purified and renued of God through the holie Spirit and outwardlie we receiue the sealing of moste notable gifts by the water by which also those great benefites are represented and as it were set before our eyes to be looked vpon And therefore are we baptized that is washed and sprinckled with visible water For the water maketh cleane that which is filthie refresheth things that faile and faint and cooleth the bodies And the grate of God dealeth in like manner with the soule and that inuisible and spirituallie Moreouer by the Sacrament of Baptisme God doth seperate vs from all other religions and people and doth consecrate vs a peculiar people to himselfe We therefore by being baptized doe confesse our faith and are bound to giue vnto God obedience mortification of the flesh and newnes of life yea and we are billed souldiers for the holie warfare of Christ that all our life long we shoulde fight against the worlde Sathan and our owne flesh Moreouer we are baptized into one bodie of the Church that we might well agree with all the members of the Church in the same religion and mutuall duties We beleue that that of al other is the most perfect manner of baptisme wherin Christ was baptized and which the rest of the Apostles did vse in baptisme Those things therfore which by mans deuise were added afterwards vsed in the Church we thinke them nothing necessary to the perfection of Baprisme Of which kinde is exorcisme and the vse of lightes oyle salte spattle and such other things as namelie that baptisme is twise euerie yere consecrated with diuerse ceremonies For we beleeue that the baptisme of the Church which is but one was sanctifed in Gods first institution of it and is consecrated by the word and is now of full force by and for the first blessing of God vpon it We teach that baptisme should not be ministred in the Church by women or midwiues For Paul secludeth women from Ecclesiasticall callings but Baptisme belongeth to Ecclesiasticall offices We condemne the Anabaptists who denie that young infants borne of
faithfull parents are to be baptized For according to the doctrine of the gospell theirs is the kingdome of God And they are writen in the couenant of God And why then shoulde not the signe of the couenant be giuen to them Why should they not be consecrated by holy baptisme who are gods peculiar people in the Church of God We condemne also the Anabaptists in the rest of their opinions which they peculiarlie doe holde against the worde of God We therfore are not Anabaptists neither doe we agree with them in any point that is theirs OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of Baptisme BAptisme according to the institution of the Lorde is the fonte of Regeneration the which the Lorde doth giue to his chosen in a visible signe by the ministerie of the Church in such sorte as we haue declared before In which holy fonte we do therfore dippe our infants because that it is not lawfull for vs to reiect them from the companie of the people of God which are borne of vs who are the people of God so long as they be not pointed out by the voice of God especiallie seeing that we ought godlie 〈◊〉 presume of their election Out of the Declaration of the same Confession sent vnto Luther Of Baptisme BAptisme is a Sacrament wherin the Lord by a visible signe doth testifie his grace vnto vs whereby he doth regenerate vs and clense vs from our sinnes and also receiue vs to be his people that we may liue to Christ die to the olde Adam be partakers of the good things of Christ For we all are borne sinners whereupon we haue neede of regeneration and the purging of our sinnes which commeth to passe by the free mercie of God whereby also we are receiued into the couenant that beeing buried into his death we may rise againe in newnes of life the which thing is taught more at large in the Apostles writings But the goodnes of God doth in deede giue vuto vs these heauenlie gifts and also vseth a signe hereunto that it may declare these things vnto vs and by pouring them into our senses might allure vs to more excellent thinges that so the wholl glory might be proper to God yet the holie institution of the signe might not be made frustrate For it is most truelie saide Baptisme doth saue vs but it is added of Peter Not that which washeth awaie the filth of the bodie And the Baptist saith I in deede doe baptise you with water but he that is Christ shall baptize you with the holie Ghost and with fire Whereunto the holie Councell of Nice hauing respect did saie Our Baptisme is to be considered not with sensible eies but with the eies of the minde Also Baptisme is a badge for it serueth to our confession For this we doe plainlie confesse in the Church that we together with our children and al our familie doe professe the Christian religion that the members of that bodie whereof Christ is the head to whome we haue giuen our names are receiued of him into the number of those souldiers who by the good guiding of Christ doe through al their life exercise a warfarre against the worlde Satan and the flesh Hitherto also apperteineth the 5. Art ss 2. of the confession of Basill which before was placed in the 12. Sect. OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA Of holie Baptisme CHAP. 12. TOuching holie Baptisme it is taught that men must beleeue and professe that this is a Sacrament or holsome ministerie of the new Testament instituted of Christ the Lorde concerning which the faithful ministers haue in charge that by the administration hereof they benefit the holie Church This Sacrament consisteth of an outwarde washing that is done with water with calling on the name of the holie Trinitie that of the element and word may arise and be ioyntlie withall made a Sacrament and that washing is vsed both to signifie and to witnes a spirituall washing and inwarde clensing of the holie Ghost from the disease of hereditarie sinne and from other sinnes the guilt of which is here forgiuen and taken awaie and to the atteining of a new manner of birth or regeneration wherupon it is called the sacrament of the new birth that is of regeneratiō or a washing with water in the word of life For we beleue that whatsoeuer by Baptisme as by a Sacrament added to the worde of the Gospell is in the outward ceremony signified and witnessed all that doth the Lord God worke and performe inwardlie that is that he washeth awaie sinne begetteth a man againe and bestoweth saluation vpon him and through the washing of water clenseth by the word the societie of his Church cloatheth and appareleth it with his Sonne burieth and taketh awaie sinne and giueth testimonie to and sealeth the peace of a good conscience For Baptisme is not a washing awaie of the outward filth of the flesh but the stipulation or promise that a good conscience maketh vnto God For the bestowing of these excellent fruites was holie Baptisme giuen and graunted to the Church which the faithful shepheards of soules ought to administer and which the faithful people of Christ touching the receiuing thereof ought to vse lawfully but once onelie yet in deede and truth troughout their wholl life And although Baptisme in the primitiue Church was for the most part ministred to such as were well growne and of discretion after a confession of faith made by them according to Christs commaundement yet this is taught that yong children also who are reckoned in the number of gods people in like sort are by this ministerie to be beneficed towarde the attaining of saluation that they likewise may be consecrated and dedicated to Christ according to this commaundement when he saith Suffer ye the little ones to come to 〈◊〉 and forbid them not because vnto such belongeth the kingdome of God Therefore according to the worde of the Lord and many other testimonies and other promises made to this beloued age of Children especiallie when as also there is extant an example of that auncient mynisterie ordeined of God to wit circumcision which by reason of the couenant belonged not onelie to those of discretion but therewithall also to young children For these causes doe our ministers without any doubt and boldly baptise children in the name of the holie Trinitie applying vnto them a signe of moste effectual vertue and a most sure witnesbearing of that thing which by Christs owne words is assigned to this age and is imparted vnto it For so Christ in generall and without exception giueth in charge not touching some but touching all Teach ye all nations and baptise them in the name of the father the Sonne and the holie Ghost And so ouer children this most holie name is called vpon in which alone there is saluation This is further also taught that they who are once lawfullie and truely baptized when they
come to yeares ought to do their endeuour that they may learne to acknowledge and know what holie Baptisme is and therewithall the Catholike and Christian faith without which Baptisme auaileth nothing to the end that afterward when they do desire to be partakers of the Lord his Supper they may with their owne mouthes and of their owne accorde make profession of their faith and may renew their sanctification by which they were consecrated to the Lord. And such that is which are thus instructed our ministers receiue vnto this couenant of holie Baptisme and by the laying on of hands do testify to them that grace is conteined in baptisme to strengthen them to the warfarre of faith and so after a conuenient and godlie manner and with vse of pure ceremonies and such as are profitable to edifying they bring them to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper without any reiteration of Baptisme as there are euident tokens and examples to be seene of this matter in the primitiue Church which is the true and best maistresse of the posterie and goeing before leadeth vs the waie For if so be that a man should euen after a true manner enioy the Baptisme of Christ and should by meanes hereof be buried with Christ into his death to newnes of life if afterward his life beeing prolonged he should not according to the doctrine of the holie Gospell shew forth a true and liuelie faith in Iesus Christ brotherlie loue towardes all those that are consecrated to the Lorde and so should leade a life vnworthie his place or calling and vnworthy of God and his neighbour and should not in baptisme conceiue a liuelie hope of life euerlasting such a one should assuredlie giue certaine testimonie of himselfe that he had in vaine receiued grace in holie Baptisme wherein the name of the holie Trinitie was called on ouer him the which thing God the Lord as his worde declareth suffereth by no meanes to escape vnreuenged or vnpunished OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION WE acknowledge that there be two onelie Sacraments common to the wholl Church whereof the the first is Baptisme the which is giuen to vs to testifie our adoption because that therein we are ingrafted into Christs bodie that being washed in his bloode we maie also be renued to holines of life by his Spirit This also we saie Although we are baptized but once yet the fruit of Baptisme doth pertaine to the wholl course of our life that this promise to wit that Christ wil alwaies be vnto vs sanctifi ation iustification maie be sealed vp in vs with a sure and firme seale Further more although Baptisme be a sacrament of faith and repentance yet seeing that God doth together with the Parentes account their posteritie also to be of the Church we affirme that infantes being borne of holie parents are by the authoritie of Christ to be baptized We saie therefore that the element of water be it neuer so fraile doth notwithstanding truelie witnes or confirme vnto vs the inward washing of our soules in the bloode of Iesus Christ by the vertue and efficacie of the holie ghost OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION WE saie that baptisme is a sacrament of the remission of sinnes and of that washing which we haue in the blood of Christ and that no person which will professe Christes name ought to be restrained or kept backe there from no not the verie babes of Christians forsomuch as they be borne in sinne and pertaine vnto the people of God OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue and confesse that Iesus Christ which is the ende of the law hath by his owne blood shedding made an ende of all other propitiatorie sacrifice for sinnes Also that Circumcision which was done by blood being abolished he hath instituted Baptisme in the place therof whereby we are receiued into the Church of god and separated from all other nations and all kinde of straunge religions being consecrated vnto him alone whose badge and cognisance we weare Finallie Baptisme is a token vnto vs that he wilb our God for euer whoe also is our gratious father Therefore the Lord hath commaunded all his to be baptized with pure water In the name of the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost To signifie that the bloode of Christ doth internallie through the operation of the Spirit performe effect that in the soule which water doth externallie worke in the bodies For as water being poured vpon vs and appeering in the bodie of him that is baptized moistning the same doth wash awaie the filthines of the body so the blood of Christ washing the soule doth clense it from sinne and doth make vs the sonnes of God which before were the children of wrath Not that this materiall water doth these things but the sprinckling of the precious blood of the Son of God which is vnto vs as the read sea where though we must passe that we may depart from the tyranny of Pharoh that is the Deuill and enter into the spirituall lande of Canaan Therfore the ministers verilie doe deliuer vnto vs the sacramentes and the visible thing but it is the Lorde himself that giueth it vnto vs that is represented by the sacrament namelie the giftes and inuisible graces washing purifying and clensing our soules from all spottes and iniquiries renuing in like manner and filling our heartes with all comforte and to conclude giuing vnto vs a certaine persuasion of his Fatherlie goodnes clothing vs with the new man and putting of the old man with all his deeds For these causes doe we beleeue that euerie one that desireth to obtaine eternall life ought to be baptized with one baptisme and that once alone which neuer afterwardes is to be iterated seeing that we cannot be borne twise Neither doeth this baptisme profit vs onelie at that moment when the water resteth vpon vs when we are sprinckled with it but it is auaileable throughout the wholl time of our life Therefore here we doe det●st the errour of the Anabaptistes whoe are not onelie content with one only baptisme and that once receiued but doe also condemne the Baptisme of infants yea of those that be borne of faithfull Parentes but we by the same reason doe beleeue that they ought to be baptized and sealed with the signe of the couenant for the which in time past the infants amongst the Israelites were circumcised that is by reason of the same promises made vnto our infantes that were made vnto others And verilie Christ hath no lesse shed his blood to wash the infantes of the faithfull then he did for the washing of those that are of riper yeres Therefore it is meet that that they should receiue the signe or sacrament of the thing which Christ hath wrought for their sakes as in the law the Lord commaundeth that the sacrament of the death and passion of Christ should be communicated to children new borne by offering vp the lambe
of the Church We therefore disalow them which haue taken from the faithfull one part of the sacrament to wit the Lordes cuppe For these doe verie grieuouslie offend against the institution of the Lorde who saith drinke you all of this which he did not so plainlie saie of the bread VVhat manner of Masse it was that the Fathers vsed whether it were tollerable or intollerable we doe not now dispute But this we saie freelie that the Masse which is now vsed throughout the Romish Church for manie and moste iust causes is quite abolished out of our Churches which particularlie we will not now recite for breuities sake Truelie we could not like of it because that of a moste wholsome action they haue made a vaine spectacle also because it is made a meritorious matter and is said for monie likewise because that in it the Priest is saide to make the verie bodie of the Lorde and to offer the same reallie euen for the remission of the sinnes of the quicke and the dead Adde this also that they doe it for the honor worship and reuerence of the sainctes in heauen c. OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of the Lords Supper WE saie that the supper is a mystical thing wherein the Lord doth in deede offer vnto those that are his his body blood that is himselfe to this end that he may more more liue in them and they in him not that the bodie blood of the Lord are either naturallie vnited to bread and wine or be locallie here inclosed or be placed here by anie carnall presence but that bread and wine by the institution of the Lord are signes whereby the true communication of his bodie and blood is exhibited of the Lord himselfe by the ministerie of the Church not to be meate for the bellie which doth perish but to be nourishmet vnto eternal life We doe therefore vse this holie meat oftentimes because that beeing admonished hereby we doe with the eies of faith beholde the death and bloode of Christ crucified and meditating vpon our saluation not without a taste of heauenlie life and a true sense of life eternall we are refreshed with this spirituall liuelie inward foode with an vnspeakeable sweetnes and we doe reioyce with a ioye that cannot be expressed in wordes for that life which we haue found and ●e doe whollie and with al our strength powre out thankesgiuing for so wonderfull a benefit of Christ bestowed vpon vs. Therfore we are most vnworthelie charged of some who think that we do attribute very l●●le to these holy signes For these thinges be holie and to be reuerenced as those which were instituted receiued of our high Priest Christ exhibiting vnto vs after their manner as we haue said the things signified giuing witnes of the things done representing verie difficult things vnto vs and by a certaine wonderfull Analogie of thinges signified bringing light to those moste euident mysteries Moreouer they minister aide helpe euen to faith it selfe and to conclude they doe serue in stead of an othe to binde him that is entered into the profession of Christianitie Thus holilie doe we thinke of the sacred signes But we doe alwaies attribute the force and vertue of quickning and sanctifying to him whoe is life it selfe to whome be praise for euer Amen Out of the declaration of the same confession Of the holie Supper of the Lord. THe Supper of the Lord is a Sacrament to wit the holie institution of the Lorde whereby he doth renue and witnes vnto vs his bountifullnes to wit the communion of his bodie and bloode and that by a visible signe For by bread and wine he doth declare vnto vs what he giueth namelie himselfe to be the nourishment of our life for he by his bodie and bloode doth feede vs to life eternall Therefore the verie gift of God that is the bodie and bloode of the Lord to wit the bodie of the Lord deliuered vnto death for vs and his blood shed for the remission of sinnes is the chiefest parte of this Sacrament For the bodie and bloode of Christ is thus made or prepared to be the liuelie meate of our soules The Sonne of god doth die in the flesh for vs that he might quicken vs he poureth out his bloode that he might clense vs from our sinnes To conclude he raiseth vp his bodie from the dead that our bodies maie receiue hope and strength to rise againe Thus therfore doth the Lorde offer himselfe to be eaten and possessed of vs and not a certaine false imagination of a man or an idle picture in his steade For beside him there is nothing in heauen or in earth that maie feede and satiate our soules Now we do indeed eat the bodie and we do indeed drink the blood of our Lorde but not so rawlie as the Papistes haue hitherto taught to wit the breade being chaunged into naturall flesh substantiallie that is corporallie or carnallie or the bodie being included in the bread but spirituallie that is after a spirituall manner and with a faithfull minde The Lorde is eaten indeed and with fruite by faith that now he maie liue wholie in his and his in him Moreouer these holie gifes of God which are not giuen of anie other then of the Lorde himselfe according to the institution of the Lord are represented vnto vs by visible signes to wit breade and wine and offered to our senses not that we should rest in them but that our weakenes maie be helped and we maie lift vp our heartes vnto the Lorde knowing that here we must thinke vpon greater thinges to wit not of eating bread or drinking wine but of receiuing the Lord himselfe with all his giftes by a faithfull minde Therefore when the guestes see the bread on the borde they set their 〈◊〉 vpon the bodie of Christ when they see the cuppe they set their mindes vpon the bloode of Christ when they see the breade broken and the wine poured out they consider how that the bodie of Christ was tormented and his bloode poured out for their sakes as by breade the bodies are nourished and strengthened as by wine the mindes are made merie so the godlie doe beleeue that by the bodie of the Lorde deliuered vnto death for them they are fed to euerlasting life also that by his blood poured out vpon the crosse their consciences are renewed to conclude they do feel the quickning power of Christ which doth confirme them In this sorte is the supper of the Lord accomplished spirituallie thus are the bread and wine a sacrament vnto vs and not bare and naked signes Hereupon now ariseth a verie great reioycing and thankesgiuing for so great benefits also apraising and confessing of the name of God here those workes which the Lorde once finished are renued and represented but especiallie the death of the Lorde is repeated which although it once hapned and now is past yet vnto the faithfull it is
yea the wholl institution hereof appointed by Christ For which cause the Ministers of our Churches doe admitte none to this Sacrament neither giue it vnto anie but to such as are noted to come vnto it seriouslie and doe so much as in them lyeth prepare them-selues hereunto after such a manner as becommeth Christian godlines Now when the congregation doth come together to celebrate the vse of the Lordes Supper and be partakers therof then according to the example of the primitiue Church our ministers doe teach in their holie Sermons concerning Christ and concerning the grace which through him and in him is giuen to sinners and especiallie concerning his death the shedding of his blood and the redemption and saluation purchased thereby After that the wholl Church doth ioyne together in faithfull prayers vnto God to obtaine this that they may indeed vse this Sacrament worthelie Moreouer in the next place absolution from sinnes is lawfullie administred the wordes of the institution are rehearsed and the people by exhortation is stirred vp to a reuerent consideration of this mysterie and to a cheerefull and serious contemplation of the benefits of God the sacrament is reuerentlie with al godlines distributed and the people of the faithfull most commonlie falling downe on their knees doe receiue this sacrament with thanksgiuing with gladnes with singing of hymnes or holie songes and they shew forth the death of the Lord and admonish themselues of all his benefits to the confirmation of their faith in a true communion with Christ and his bodie And all this we do according to the meaning of those things which are commaunded in the holie Scripture especiallie according to the saying of Christ Do this in remembrance of me and Paul saith So often as ye shall eat of this bread and drinke of this cup ye shall shew forth the death of the Lord till he come OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION WE affirme that the holie Supper of the Lorde to wit the other Sacrament is a witnes to vs of 〈◊〉 vniting with our Lorde Iesus Christ because that he is not onelie once deade and raised vp againe from the deade for vs but also he doth in deede feede vs and nourish 〈◊〉 with his flesh and bloode that we beeing made one wi●● him maie haue our life common with him For although he be now in heauen and shall remaine there till 〈◊〉 come to iudge the worlde yet we beleeue that by the secret and incomprehensible vertue of his Spirit he do●● nourish and quicken vs with the substance of his bodie and blood being apprehended by faith But we saie that this is done spirituallie not that we maie counterfeit an imagination or thought in steade of the efficacie and truth but rather because this mysterie of our vnion with Christ is so high a thing that it surmounteth all our senses yea and the wholl order of nature to conclude because that it being diuine and heauenlie cannot be perceiued nor apprehended but by faith We beleeue as was saide before that as well in the Supper as in Baptisme God doth in deed that is truelie and effectuallie giue whatsoeuer he doth there sacramentallie represent and therefore with the signes we ioyne the true profession and fruition of that thing which is there offered vnto vs Therefore we affirme that they which do bring pure faith as it were a certaine vessell vnto the holie supper of the Lord doe indeed receiue that which there the signes doe witnes namelie that the bodie and blood of Iesus Christ are no lesse the meate and drinke of the soule then bread and wine are the meate of the bodie Also out of the 38. Art a litle after the beginning And also that that bread and wine which is giuen vs in the supper is indeed made vnto vs spirituall nourishment in as much as they doe offer vnto our eies to beholde that the flesh of Christ is o●● meat and that his bloode is our drinke Therefore we reiect all those fantasticall heades which doe refuse these signes and tokens seeing that Christ our Lorde hath saide This is my bodie and This cuppe is my blood OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION WE saie that Eucharistia that is to saie the Supper of the Lord is a Sacrament that is an euident Representation of the bodie and blood of Christ wherein is set as it were before our eies the death of Christ and his Resurrection and whatsoeuer he did whilest he was in his Mortall Bodie to the ende we maie giue him thankes for his death and for our deliuerance and that by the often receiuing of this Sacrament we maie dailie renew the remembrance thereof to the intent we being fedde with the bodie and blood of Christ maie be brought into the hope of the Resurrection and of euerlasting life and maie moste assuredlie beleeue that as our bodies be fedde with bread and wine so our soules be fedde with the bodie and blood of Christ To this Banquet we thinke the people of God ought to be earnestlie bidden that they maie all communicate among themselues and openlie declare and testifie both the godlie societie which is among them and also the hope which they haue in Christ Iesu For this cause if there had beene anie which would be but a looker on and abstaine from the holie Communion him did the olde Fathers and Bishops of Rome in the primitiue Church before priuate Masse came vp excommunicate as a wicked person and as a Pagane Neither was there anie 〈◊〉 at that time which did communicate alone whiles other looked on For so did Calixtus in times past decree That after the consecration was finished all should communicate except 〈◊〉 had rather stande without the Church doores For th●● saith ●e did the Apostles appoint and the same the holie Church of Rome k●ep●●h still Moreouer when the people 〈◊〉 to ●he holie Communion the Sacrament ought to be giuen them in both kindes for so both Christ hath commaunded and the Apostles in euerie place haue ordeined and all the auncient Fathers and Catholique Byshops haue followed the same And who so doth contrarie to this he as Gelasius saith committeth Sacrilege And therefore we saie that our aduersaries at this daie who hauing violentlie thrust out and quite forbidden the holie Communion doe without the worde of God without the authoritie of anie auncient Councell without anie Catholique Father without any example of the primitiue Church yea and without reason also defend and maintaine their priuate Masses and the mangling of the Sacraments and doe this not onelie against the plaine expresse commaundement of Christ but also against all antiquitie doe wickedlie therein and are verie Churchrobbers We affirme that the bread and wine are the holie and heauenlie mysteries of the bodie and blood of Christ and that by them Christ himselfe being the true bread of eternall life is so presentlie giuen vnto vs as that by
Faith we verilie receiue his bodie and blood Yet saie we not this so as though we thought that the nature and substance of the bread and wine is clearelie chaunged and goeth to nothing as manie haue dreamed in these latter times and yet could neuer agree among themselues vpon their owne dreames For that was not Christes meaning that the wheaten bread shoulde laie aparte his owne nature and receiue a certaine new diuinitie but that he might rather chaunge vs and to vse Theophilactes wordes might transforme vs into his bodie For what can be saide more plainelie then that which Ambr●●● saith Bread and wine remaine still the same they were before and yet are chaunged into another thing Or rhat which Gela●i●● saith The substance of the bread or the nature of the wine ceaseth not to be Or that which Theodor●tus saith After the consecration the mysticall signes doe no● cast of their owne proper nature for they remaine still in their former substance fourme or kinde Or that which Augustine saith That which ye see is the Bread and Cuppe and so our eies doe tell vs but that which your Faith requireth to be taught is this The bread is the bodie of Christ and the cuppe is his blood Or that which Origen saith The bread which is sanctified by the word of God as touching the materiall substance thereof goeth into the bellie is cast out into the priuie Or that which Christ himselfe said not onlie after the blessing of the cup but also after he had ministred the communion I will drink no more of this fruit of the Vine It is wel known that the fruit of the vine is wine not blood And in speaking thus we meane not to abase the Lordes Supper or to teach that it is but a colde ceremonie onlie and nothing to be wrought therein as manie falsely slaunder vs we teach For we affirme that Christ doth truelie and presentlie giue himselfe wholly in his sacraments In Baptisme that we maie put him on and in his Supper that wee maie eate him by Faith and Spirit and maie haue euerlasting life by his Crosse and blood And we saie not this is done sleightlie or coldelie but effectuallie and trulie For although we doe not touch the bodie of Christ with teeth and mouth yet wee holde him fast and eate him by faith by vnderstanding and by Spirit And it is no vaine faith that comprehendeth Christ neither is it receiued with colde deuotion that is receiued with vnderstanding Faith and the Spirit For Christ himselfe altogether is so offered and giuen vs in these mysteries that we maie certainelie know we be flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones and that Christe continueth in vs and wee in him And therefore in celebrating these mysteries the People are to good purpose exhorted before they come to receiue the holie communion to lift vp their hearts and to direct their mindes to heauen warde because he is there by whome wee must be fedde and liue Cyrillus saith when we come to receiue these mysteries all grosse Imaginations must quite be banished The Councell of Nice as it is alledged by some in Greeke plainelie forbiddeth vs to be baselie affectioned or bent toward the bread and wine which are set before vs. And as Chrysostome verie aptelie writeth we saie That the bodie of Christ is the dead carkasse and we our selues must be the Egles meaning thereby that we must flie on high if we will come to the body of Christ For this Table as Chrysostome saith is a table of Egles and not of Iaies Cyprian also This bread saith he is the foode of the soule and not the meate of the b●llie And Saint Augustine saith How shall I hol ie him being absent How shall I reach my hande vp to heauen to laie hol●● vpon him sitting there He answereth Reach thither thy Faith and then thou hast laide holde on him Neither can we awaie in our Churches with these shews and sales and markettes of Masses nor with the carrying about and worshipping of the bread nor with such other Idolatrous and Blasphemous sondnes which none of them can prooue that Christ or his Apostles euer ordeined or left vnto vs. And we iustlie blame the Bishops of Rome who without the worde of God without the authoritie of the holie Fathers without anie example of antiquitie after a new guise doe not onelie set before the people the sacramentall breade to be worshipped as God but doe also carrie the same about vpon an ambling Palfraie whither soeuer themselues ●ourney in such sorte as in olde times the Persians ●●re and the Reliques of the Goddesse Isis were solemnlie carried about in procession and haue brought the sacraments of Christ to be vsed now as a stage plaie and a solemne sight to the end that mens eies should be fedde with nothing else but with madde gasinges and foolish gaudies in the selfe same matter wherein the death of Christ ought diligentlie to be beaten into our heartes and wherein also the mysteries of our Redemption ought with all holines and reuerence to be executed Besides where they saie and sometime doe perswade fooles that they are able by their Masses to distribute and applie vnto mens commoditie all the merites of Christs death yea although manie times the parties thinke nothing of the matter and vnderstand full litle what is done this is a mockerie a heathenish fansie and a verie toie For it is our faith that applieth the death and crosse of Christ to our benefite and not the act of the Massing Priest Faith had in the sacraments saith Augustine doth iustisie and not the sacramentes And Origen saith Christ is the Priest the Propitiation and Sacrifice which propitiation commeth to euerie one by meane of Faith And so by this reckoning we saie that the Sacraments of Christe without Faith doe not once profitte those that be aliue a great deale lesse doe they profitte those that be deade OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue and confesse that Iesus Christ our Lord Sauiour hath instituted the holie Sacrament of his supper that in it he might nourish sustaine those whom he hath regenerated and engrafted into his family which is the Church But those which are regenerate haue in them a double life the one carnall temporal which they brought with them from their first natiuity the which is common vnto all the other spirituall heauenlie bestowed vpon them in their second natiuitie which is wrought in them by the worde of the Gospell in the vnion of the bodie of Christ the which is peculiar to the elect alone And as god hath appointed earthlie and materiall bread fi●e and conuenient for the preseruation of this carnall life which euen as the life it selfe is common vnto all so for the conseruation of that spirituall and heauenlie life which is proper to the faithfull God hath sent liuelie bread which
moste profitable that children and young men be examined in the Catechisme by the Pastors of their Church and that they be commended if they be godlie and well instructed and that they be amended if they be ill instructed The rest is to be seene in the 14. sect where the confirmation vsed in Papisticall Baptisme is handled Hitherto also perteineth the 16. Art ss 2. Of Praier BY praier god is inuocated and true inuocation is a work of faith and can not be done without faith Now faith doth behold Christ and relie vpon his merites onelie Wherefore except thou shalt applie vnto thy selfe the merit of Christ by faith praier wil stand thee in no stead before God Now praier is necessarilie required for this purpose that by a due consideration of the promises of God faith may be stirred vp kindled in vs. Therfore it is not absurdly saide that sinnes are cleane taken away by praier yet must it not so be vnderstoode as though the verie worke of praier of it owne merit were a satisfaction for sinnes befor God but that by praier faith is stirred vp and kindled in vs by which faith we are made partakers of th● merit of Christ and haue our sinnes forgiuen vs onelie for Christ his sake For before that we doe by praier inuocate God it shall be necessarie to haue the merit of Christ applied to vs and receiued by faith Therefore it can not be that praier should be such a worke as that for the merit thereof we might obteine remission of our sinnes before God Psalme 108. Lette his praier be turned into sinne But it is not possible that praier should be turned into sinne if of it selfe it were so worthie a worke as that sinne thereby should be purged Isa 1. When you shall stretch out your hands I will turne my eies from you and when you shall multiplie your praiers I will not heare you But God would not turne awaie is eies from praier it of it owne worthines it were a satisfaction for our sinnes Augustine vpon the 108. Psal saith That praier which is not made through Christ doth not onelie not take awaie sinne but also it selfe is made sin Bernard de Quadrages Ser. 5. saith But some peraduenture doe seeke eternall life not in humilitie but as it were in confidence of their owne merites Neither doe I saie this let grace receiued giue a man confidence to praie but no man ought to put his confidence in his praier as though for his praier he should obteine that which he desireth The giftes which are promised doe onelie giue this vnto vs that we maie hope to obteine euen greater things of that mercie which giueth these Therefore let that praier which is made for temporall things be restreined to these wants onelie also let that praier which is made for the vertues of the soule be free from al filthy vncleane behauiour let that praier which is made for life eternal be occupied about the onelie good pleasure of God and that in all humilitie presuming as is requisite of the onelie mercie of God Of Almes CHAP. 18. WE doe diligentlie commend almes and exhort the Church that euerie man helpe his neighbour by euerie duetie that he may and testifie his loue But whereas it is saide in a certaine place That almes doe take away sinne as water doth quench fire we must vnderstand it according to the analogy of faith Eor what neede was there to the taking away of our sinnes of Christ his passion and death if sinnes might be taken awaie by the merit of almes And what vse were there of the ministerie of the Gospell if almes were appointed of God for an instrument whereby the death of Christ might be applied to vs Therefore that Christ his honour may not be violated and the ministerie of the Gospell may reteine it lawfull vse we teach that almes doth thus take away sinne not that of it selfe it is a worthie worke whereby sinne may either be purged or the merit of Christ applied but that it is a worke and fruite of charitie toward our neighbour by which worke we doe testifie our faith and obedience which we owe vnto God Now where faith is there Christ alone is acknowledged to be the purger of sins Therfore seing that almes doth testifie after their manner that Christ doth dwell in the Godlie it doth also testifie that they haue remission of sinnes For except almes be a worke of charitie which may beare witnes to faith in Christ it is so farre from signifying that man hath remission of sins through Christ that it doth euen stinke in the sight of God If I shall distribute saith Paull all my substance that it may be meate for the poore and shall not haue loue it profiteth me nothing Therfore we teach that good workes must be done necessarilie that God is to be inuocated and that almes is to be giuen that we may testifie our faith and loue and obeie the calling of God But in true repentance we teach that we obteine remission of sinnes onelie for the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ his sake through faith according to that which Peter saith To him doe all the Prophets beare witnes that through his name euerie one that beleeueth in him doth receiue remission of sinnes Of Canonicall howres CHAP. 27. AVgustine writeth in a certaine place that Ambrose the Bishop of Millane did ordaine that the assemblies of the Church should sing Psalmes whereby they might mutuallie comfort themselues whilest they looked for aduersitie and stirre vp them selues to beare the crosse lest the people saith he should pine awaie with the yrckesomnes of mourning This singing because it was vsed in a tongue commonly known it had both a godlie vse deserued great praise And by the Canonical decree it appeereth that those houres which they call Canonicall were an appointment of certeine times wherin the wholl holie Scripture should be publikelie ouerrunne euerie yere as in the schooles there be certain houres appointed for interpreting of authors Such a distribution of houres was peraduenture not vnprofitable for that time in it self it is not a thing to be condemned But to appoint a special kinde of priests to chaunt out those Canonicall hours to sing them in a strange tongue which commonlie is not known to the Church or is not our countrie tongue that in some place in the night in the day time without any intermission new singers very often taking one an others course to make hereof a worship not to this ende that by patience and the comforte of the scripture we might haue hope as Paul saith but that by the merit of this worke a man might mitigate the wrath of God and purge the sins of men before God this is it that is contrary to the meaning of that Church which is in deede Catholike 1. Cor. 14. When ye come together according as euery one of you hath a psalm or hath
when they should not faste but rather take heede that they do not faste it is expressed in the Prophet and manifestlie taught of Christ himselfe What is to be thought of the choise and difference of meates euerie man ought to learne out of the doctrine of Christ that by this meane what doubt soeuer is in this pointe it maie be taken awaie and decided Then Christ called the multitude vnto him and said Heare and vnderstand That which goeth into the mouth defileth not the man but that which commeth out of the mouth that defileth the man that is maketh him guiltie Also out of the doctrine of the Apostle whose wordes are thus I am perswaded through the Lord Iesus that nothing is vncleane of it selfe but vnto him that iudgeth anie thing to be vncleane to him it is vncleane But if thy brother be grieued for the meat now walkest not thou charitablie Destroy not him with thy meat for whome Christ died For the kingdome of God is not meate nor drinke but righteousnes and peace and ioy in the holie Ghost Christians indeed are not tyed to anie law in this case yet so that they be not an offence to the weaker sorte therefore the Apostle addeth All things indeed are pure but it is euill for the man which eateth with offence And in another place he writeth Meat doth not make men acceptable to God for neither if we eate haue we the more neither if we eate not haue we the lesse OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION TO conclude we thinke that Purgatorie is a feigned thing comming out of the same shoppe whence also Monasticall vowes Pilgrimages the forbidding of mariage the vse of meates a ceremoniall obseruation of certaine daies auricular confession indulgences and such like thinges haue proceeded by which things certaine men haue thought that they doe deserue fauour and saluation But we doe not onelie reiect all those thinges for a false opinion of meritte added thereunto but also because they are the inuentions of men and a yoke laide vpon the consciences of men by mens authoritie OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION ANd as for their bragges they are wonte to make of their Purgatorie though wee know it is not a thing so verie late risen amongst them yet is it no better then a blockish and an olde wiues deuise Augustine indeed sometime saith there is such a certaine place sometime he denieth not but there may be such a one sometime he doubteth somtime againe he vtterlie denieth that there is anie at al and thinketh that men are therein deceiued by a certaine naturall good will they beare their friends departed But yet of this one errour hath their growne vp such a haruest of those Massemongers that the Masses being solde abroad commonlie in euerie corner the Temples of God became shoppes to get monie and seelie soules were borne in hand that nothing was more necessarie to be bought In deede there was nothing more gaine full for these men to sell OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE Of Abuses that be taken awaie Of putting difference betweene meates and such like Popish traditions IN this corporall life we haue neede of traditions that is of the distinctions of times and places that all things maie be done orderlie in the Church as Paull willeth Let all thinges he done in order and so as is meete and decent Therefore the Church hath her traditions that is shee appointeth at what times and where the Church shall come together For this ciuill end it is lawfull to make traditions But men that are not acquainted with the doctrine of Christ are not content with this end but they ioyne superstitious opinions vnto traditions and by superstition multiplie traditions out of measure Of this there hath beene complaint made in the Church not onelie by late writers as Gerson and others but also by Saint Augustine Wherefore it is needfull to admonish the people what to thinke of the traditions which are brought into the Church by mans authoritie For it is not without cause that Christe and Paull doe so often speake of traditions and admonish the Church to iudge wiselie of traditions There was a common opinion not of the common sort alone but also of the teachers in the Church that the difference of meates and such like workes which the Ecclesiasticall traditions doe commaund are seruices of God which deserue remission of sins Also that such kindes of worship are Christian righteousnes and as necessarie as the Leuiticall ceremonies in the olde Testament euer were and that they cannot be omitted without sinne no not then when they might be omitted without daunger of giuing offence These persuasions haue brought forth many discommodities First the doctrine of the Gospell is hereby obscured which teacheth that sinnes are forgiuen freely by Christ This benefit of Christ is transferred vnto the worke of man And by reason of this opinion traditions were especiallie encreased because that these workes were supposed to deserue remission of sinnes to be satisfactions and to be Christian righteousnes Moreouer for this cause especiallie doth S. Paull so often and so earnestlie giue vs warning to beware of traditions lest that Christes benefit should be transferred to traditions lest the glorie of Christ should be obscured lest that true and sound comforte should be withheld from mens consciences and in a worde lest that faith that is trust of the mercie of Christ shoulde be quite smothered These daungers Saint Paull would haue auoided For it is greatlie needfull that the pure doctrine of the benefit of Christ of the righteousnes of faith and of the comforte of consciences should be continued in the Church Secondlie these traditions haue obscured the Commaundemenss of God for this kinde of schooling was thought to be spirituall and the righteousnes of a Christian man Yea the traditions of men were set aloft aboue the commaundements of God All Christianitie was placed in the obseruation of certaine festiuall daies rites fastes and forme of apparell These beggerlie rudiments caried goodlie titles namelie that they were the spirituall life and the perfection of a Christian In the meane while the commaundements of God touching euerie calling were of small estimation that the Father brought vp his children that the Mothet bare them that the Prince gouerned the common wealth these workes were litle set by They were not taken to be any seruice of God The mindes of many stoode in a continuall mamering whether mariage magistracie and such like functions of a ciuill life did please God or no. And this doubtfullnes did trouble manie verie much Manie forsaking their callings leauing the common welth did shut vp themselues in monasteries that they might seeke that kinde of life which they thought did more please God yea which they supposed to merit remission of sinnes Thirdlie the opinion of necessitie did much vexe and disquiet the consciences Traditions were thought necessary And yet no man though neuer so
married men but as the Lord saith that it maie be receiued for the kingdome of heauen that is in such sort as he which for the gift spoken of before is fit to lead a single life As therefore by these things he may with lesse hindrance and more easily and readilie with great leasure and more commodiouslie imploy his labour to the saluation of the Church and holy assemblies euen so he may be a more conuenient minister then others of the same saluation which Christ hath purchased for him and whereof that he may be partaker by faith it is giuen him freelie of grace and wherein he doth keepe and vpholde him selfe seeing that it is certeine that by the state of marriage many lets manie cares and manie thinges whereby necessary quietnes is disturbed are cast in our way And this is it which Paul saith I would that you should be without such cares He that is vnmarried is careful for those things which pertein to the Lord how he may please the Lord. Also I think that this is good for the present necessitie Also to that which is seemlie to performe diligence by seruing the Lord without distraction And before we rehearsed the voice of the Lord who saith that there be some who for the kingdome of heauen do abstaine from marriage And holy Paull saith He that giueth not his virgine to be married doth the better For which cause it is taught that all they who of their owne accord do take and chuse vnto themselues this kinde of life ought carefully to haue regard hereunto that in such a life they may with a singular earnest endeauour exercise godlines and be holie as Paull commaundeth as well in body as in spirit and giue more light then others by the honestie of their actions by the laboures of such trades as beseeme a Christian profession by doing all that they can for the benefit of the Church and by yeelding their seruice to the sicke and to other needy members This gift and purpose of such which do thus in this matter consecrate themselues to God and such an exercise of their godlines is commended of our men and they do faithfully persuade men hereunto but they do persuade as we said and not compell the which thing Paull also doth who writeth thus Concerning Virgines I haue no commaundement of the ●●rd but I deliuer my iudgement which haue receiued this mercie of the Lord that I maie be faithfull I thinke it good for a man to be such a one and he concludeth after this sort He is more happie in my iudgement if he remaine such a one that is vnmarried then if he marrie and I thinke that I haue the spirit of God In like sorte in comparison of others there be bountifull and peculiar promises and singular rewardes offered vnto those that keepe themselues single to wit that their worthie workes shall be recompensed with a great reward and that no man shall in vaine for sake anie thing as house father brother so also his wife c. as the Apostles did for the Lords cause Furthermore it is taught that they which haue receiued this gift of God and being throughly prooued and tried in this behalfe do of their own accord serue the Lord and the Church they are taught I saie together with other giftes to make great account of this gift and to keepe it diligentlie lest that by anie euill lustes or by anie allurements of occasions they do loose it Yet notwithstanding if anie good faithful and diligent man chaunce to be assaulted with such a tentation as to feare in himselfe the heat and wicked fact of luste then there is no snare laid for such a one neither is there anie daunger of entrapping his conscience but he that is in this case let him be put ouer to take counsell of the Elders and gouernours of the Church who haue the spirit of God that all may be done in the Church in order decentlie with honestie of the example and with the vsing of all due consideration Then verilie if vpon these thinges thus done he doth lawfullie chaunge his kinde of life he doth not sinne seeing that he obeyeth the counsell of the holie Ghost and the holie Church ought not for this cause to contemne him nor to make anie thing the lesse account of his ministerie Notwithstanding if for this cause he should be contemned which the Church can not do without sinne it were certeinly better for him by this meanes to preserue his soule although he should be one of the common sort of Christians onely then by persisting in his ministerie with sinne to loose and condemne it But although it seemeth to come neerer to the example of the Primitiue Church that worthie and honest maried men may be chosen to take the charge of soules in the Church thē to giue them leaue to change their kinde of life who before being vnmaried did labour diligently in the ministery of the Lord yet notwithstanding our men do not ground the worthines holines and vertue of the Ecclesiasticall ministerie no more then they doe of Christian saluation vpon either of these kindes to wit neither vpon the state of single life nor of wedlocke neither is there any other thing sought or looked for as it is before declared more then that onelie profit and opportunitie which falleth into a single life and is commended of the holie Ghost After these thinges they doe thus consequentlie teach touching wedlocke that such a condition of life though it haue many difficulties punishments and curses ioyned with it wherewith after the fall of man both mankinde and this order is opressed yet that it is in this wise holie and acceptable vnto God because that God himselfe did in the beginning ordaine it and afterward Christ our Lord did confeciate it and doth daily consecrate it in those that are his and that in such sort that their children also be holie and that moreouer God hath offered vnto it peculiarlie singular promises and blessings which are conteined in the Scriptures Thence therefore must al true Christians know that whosoeuer doe chuse this kinde of life so as it becommeth them and with an vpright purpose doe both giue them selues thereunto and be conuersant therein they doe not onelie not sinne but they doe and accomplish that which God would haue them to doe and that they lead such a kinde of life as God doth peculiarlie call some vnto and that they doe serue the selfe same Lord whome the vnmaried men doe serue THE FRENCH CONFESSION doth condemne Monasticall vowes and the forbidding of Mariage Artic. 24. which we haue inserted in the 16. Sect. OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION VVE saie that Matrimonie is holie and honorable in all sortes and states of persons as in the Patriarchs in the Prophets in the Apostles in the holy Martyrs in the Ministers of the Church and in Bishops and that it is an honest and lawfull thing as
WE beleeue that the most gratious and mighty God did appoint Kings Princes and Magistrates because of the corruption and deprauation of mankinde and that it is his wil that this world should be gouerned by laws by a certein ciuill gouernment to punish the faults of m●n and that all things may be done in good order among men Therefore he h●th armed the Magistrates wi●h the sword that they may punish the wicked and defend the good Moreouer it is their duetie not onelie to be carefull to preserue the ciuil gouernment but also to endeuour that the ministerie maie be preserued that all Idolatrie and counterfeit worship of God maie be cleane abolished that the kingdom of Antichrist maie be ouerthrowne and that the kingdome of Christ maie be enlarged To conclude it is their dutie to bring to passe that the holie word of the gospell maie be preached euerie where that all men maie serue and worship God purelie and freelie according to the prescript rule of his word Moreouer all men of what dignitie condition or state soeuer they be ought to be subiect to their lawful Magistrates and paie vnto them subsidies and tributes and obey them in all thinges which are not repugnant to the word of God Also they must poure out their praiers for them that God would vouchfafe to direct them in all their actions and that we maie lead a peaceable and quiet life vnder them with all godlines and honestie Wherefore we condemne the Anabaptists and all those troublesome spirites who doe reiect higher powers and magistrates ouerthrow all lawes and iudgements make all goods common and to conclude doe abolish and confound all those orders and degrees which God hath appointed among men for honesties sake OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE COncerning ciuill affaires they teach that such ciuill ordinances as be lawfull are the good workes and ordinances of God As Paull witnesseth The powers which are be ordained of God They teach therefore that it is lawfull for Christians to beare offices to sit in iudgement and to determine of matters by the Princes lawes or by the lawes of the common wealth to appoint punishmentes according to lawe to make lawfull warres to goe to warre to deale in bargaines and contractes by lawes to holde his owne to take an othe at the request of the Magistrates to contract lawfull marriage and to follow such craftes and sciences as are approoued by law They condemne the Anabaptistes which forbid Christians these ci●ill offices They likewise condemne them which haue placed perfection vnder the Gospell in the renouncing of ciuill offices whereas it is spirituall that is it consisteth in the motions of the heart in the feare faith loue and obedience of God For the Gospell speaketh of a certeine eternall righteousnes of the heart yet doth it not take awaie Ciuill or domesticall gouernement but requireth most of all to haue them preserued in this bodelie life as the ordinances of God and that we should exercise loue and charitie in such ordinances Wherefore Christians most of necessitie obeie the magistrates lawes that now a●e saue onelie where they commaund and set forth anie sinne For in such case they must obeie god rather then men Act. 4. These thinges are thus found in another edition COncerning ciuill thinges they teach that such ciuill ordinances as are lawfull ar● the good works of god that christians may lawfully beare office sit in iudgements determine matters by the Princes or countrie lawes lawfullie appoint punishmentes lawfullie make warre be souldiours make bargaines and contractes by law holde their owne take an oth when the magistrates require it marrie a wife or be giuen in marriage They condemne the Anabaptistes which forbid Christians to meddle with ciuil offices as also those that place the perfection of the Gospell not in the feare of God and saith but in forsaking ciuill offices For the gospel teacheth an euerlasting righteosnes of the heart In the meane time it doth not dissalow order and gouernement of common wealths or families but requireth especiallie the preseruation and maintenance thereof as of Gods owne ordinance and that in such ordinances we should exercise loue and charitie Christians therefore must in anie wise obeie their Magistrates and lawes saue onelie then when they commaund anie sinne For then they must rather obeie God then men We condemne the Anabaptistes which doe spread Iewish opinions a fresh They imagin that the godlie before the resurrection shall possesse the kingdomes of the world and the wicked and vngodlie in all places be destroied and brought vnder For we are sure that seeing the godlie must obeie the Magistrates that be ouer them they must not wring their rule and authoritie out of their handes nor ouerthrow gouernmentes by sedition forasmuch as Paul willeth euerie soule to be subiect to the Magistrates We know also that the Church in this life is subiect to the crosse and that it shall not be glorified till after this life as Saint Paull saieth We must be made like to the image of the Sonne of God And therefore we doe condemne and detest the follie and deuilish madnes of the Anabaptistes THE CONCLVSION THese are the principall articles that seeme to haue anie doubt or controuersie in them For though we might haue spoken of manie more abuses yet to auoid tediousnes we haue onelie set downe the chiefest by which it is easie to iudge of the rest There haue bin great complaints of Indulgences and Pilgrimages and of the abuse of excommunication Parishes haue beene diuerse waies molested by Catchpoles therehaue beene manie braules and bickerings berweene parish Priestes and Monkes about this whoe had greater right to the parish and about commissions burials extraordinarie sermons other innumerable things such like matters we haue pretermitted that fuch as are the principall in this cause being shortlie set downe might the better be vnderstood Neither haue we here spoken or written anie thing to anie mans reproch Onelie we haue rehearsed such thinges as seemed necessarie to be spoken to the ende that it might be seene that nothing is receiued among vs in doctrine or ceremonies contrarie to the scripture or the Catholique Church For it is euident that we haue moste diligentlie taken heede that no new or wicked opinions should creepe into the Church These articles aboue written we thought good to exhibit according to the Emperours his highnes edict wherein our confession might be extant and the summe of that doctrine which our teacher doe deliuer among vs might be seene and knowen If any thing be wanting in this confession we are readie if God permit to yeald a more full information thereof according to the scriptures Another edition hath it thus VVE haue set downe the summe of the doctrine of the Gospell that is needfull for the Churches And wee are out of doubt that this our iudgement in these pointes is in deede the doctrine set forth in the writinges of of the
time would giue vs leaue we thought it good to offer thē to your sacred Maiestie and that to this ende that we might both giue account of our faith to thee whome next vnto God we doe chiefelie honour and reuerence and might also shew how necessarie it is speedely and earnestlie to consult of a way and meane whereby a thing of so great importance maie be knowen diligentlie weighed and discussed as the honour which we doe chiefelie owe to God in whose chiefe matter it behooueth vs to be conuersant with feare and trembling doth require Secondlie it is a thing worthie of your sacred Maiestie which is so much commended for the name of religion and clemencie To conclude the very meane to attaine to that certaine and sound peace which your sacred Maiestie goeth about doth require it which peace seeing that we doe varie about faith and religion can no other waies be obteined then when as before all other thinges the mindes be plainelie instructed concerning the trueth But peraduenture it might seeme needeles that we in these matters should vse so many words seing that the most famous Prince Electour of Saxony and others haue very largely and soundly declared vnto your sacred Maiesty those things which at this daie are in controuersy in our holy Religion But because that your sacred Maiestie hath desired that all they who haue any interest in this busines should declare vnto you their iudgement concerning Religion we also thought it our duety to confesse those things vnto your sacred Maiestie which are taught among vs. Howbeit this matter is so large comprehendeth so many thinges that euen those thinges which we haue declared on both sides are as yet fewer and more briefelie declared then that we maie hope presentlie to haue some certeintie determined in the controuersies and that such as may be approoued not of all but at the least of a good parte of Christian people So few is the number of those that doe subscribe to the trueth Therefore seeing that this matter is so weighty so diuers and manifold and can not fruitfully be decided except it be well knowne and sifted of many we beseech your sacred Maiesty and most humblie request you by god and our Sauiour whose glory without doubt you do chiefely seek that you would procure as speedily as may be that a general free and a Christian Councell in deed may be summoned which hitherto hath semed so necessary a thing both to your sacred Maiestie and also to other Princes of the sacred Empire for the setting of Ecclesiastical affaires at a stay that almost in all assemblies throughout the Empire which haue been gathered together since the beginning of this variance about religion both your sacred Maiesties commissioners and other Princes of the Empire haue openly witnessed that there was no other waie in these matters to bring that to pas which might be wholsome Whereupon in the last assembly held at Spire your sacred Maiestie gaue occasion to hope that the Bishop of Rome would notwithstand it but that such a Councell might with speed be summoned But if so be that in time we may not haue opportunitie for a generall Councell yet at the lest your sacred maiestie may appoint a Prouinciall assemblie as they call it of the learned men of euery degree and state whereunto all for whome it is expedient to be present may freelie and safely resorte euery man may be heard and all thinges may be weighed and iudged by such men whome it is certaine as being indued with the feare of God to make the chiefest account of the glorie of God For it is not vnknowne how grauelie diligentlie in times past both Emperours and Bishops behaued themselues in deciding the controuersies of faith which notwithstanding were oftentimes of much lesse moment then those which doe presentlie trouble Germanie so that they thought it not an vnworthie thing for themto examine the selfe same things the second and the third time Now he that shall consider how things stand at this present he can not doubt but that at this day there is greater need then euer was heretofore of greater faithfulnes grauitie meeknes and dexteritie to this ende that the Religion of Christ maie be restored into her place For if so be that we haue the truth as we doe vndoubtedlie beleeue how much time and labour I pray you is requisite that they may know the truth without whose consent or patience at the least sounde peace can not be obtained But if we doe erre from rhe which we doe not doubt but we be far againe the matter will not require slouthfull diligence nor a short time that so many thousand men may be called into the way againe This diligenee and time it shall not be so vnseemelie for your Maiestie to bestow as it is meete that you should expresse his minde toward vs in whose stead you doe gouerne ouer vs to wit the minde of Iesus Christ the Sauiour of vs all who seeing that he came with this minde to seeke and to saue that which was perished so that he vouchsafed also to die that he might redeeme them which were lost there is no cause why your sacred Maiestie should thinke much although you should vndoubtedlie beleeue that we are fallen from the truth to leaue the ninty nine sheepe in the wildernes and to seeke for the hundreth and to bring it backe into the sheepefolde of Christ that is to preferre this busines before all other things that the meaning of Christ in euery of these things which at this present are in controuersie may out of the Scriptures be plainlie and certeinlie laide open vnto vs though we be but a few in number and of the meaner sort and we for our parts will shew our selues willing to be taught onely let all obstinacie be remooued so that it may be lawfull to heare the voice of our shepheard Iesus Christ and let all things stay and rest vpon the Scriptures which teach whatsoeuer is good whereunto we shall be called For if it should so fall out that the care of teaching vs being reiected there should compendious formes of Edicts be sought which we doe nothing feare whilest the matter is in the hand of your sacred Maiestie it can not be said into what straightes innumerable thousands of men should be brought to wit of those whome as beeing perswaded that God is chieflie to be heard and then that those things which follow as opinions must stay vpon the vndoubted oracles of God these sayings of our Sauiour doe alwaies appale Feare not them which kill the bodie He that shall loose his soule shall finde it He that shall not hate Father and Mother c. yea euen his owne soule he can not be my Disciple He that shal be ashamed of me before this froward and adulterous nation of him will I be ashamed before my Father and his Angells And such like Many men being mooued with these thundering speaches