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A17140 Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. Or, the trauels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, iudges, kings, our sauiour Christ, and his Apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Testaments. With a description of the townes and places to which they trauelled, and how many English miles they stood from Ierusalem. Also a short treatise of the weights, monies, and measures mentioned in the Scriptures, reduced to our English valuations, quantitie, and weight. Collected out of the workes of Henry Bunting, and done into English by R.B.; Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. English Bünting, Heinrich, 1545-1606.; R. B., fl. 1619. 1636 (1636) STC 4020; ESTC S106784 396,681 582

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commandement of the Lord he made a league with him Gen. 31. 4 From mount Gilead hee went to Mahanaim which is 16 miles and there he met with the Angels of God Gen. 31. 5 From Mahanaim he passed the water and went to Penuel which is foure miles and there wrestled with the Angel of God Gen. 32. 6 From Penuel hee went to Succoth where hee pitched his Tents 2 miles Gen. 33. 7 From Succoth hee passed the riuer of Iordan and went to Sichem not far from Salem about eight miles where his daughter Dinah was rauished Gen. 33. 8 From thence he went to Bethel which is eight and twenty miles Gen. 31. 9 From Bethel he went to Bethlehem Euphrata which is twelue miles in which way Rachel died and was buried not farre from Bethlehem then Iacob went forward and set vp his Tents neere to the Tower of Eder a mile from Bethlehem towards the South Gen. 35. 10 From Bethlehem Euphrata and the Tower of Eder he returned againe to the valley of Mamre neere Hebron to his father Isaac which is 20 miles Gen. 35. 11 From Hebron hee went to Beersaba which is 16 miles Gen. 38. 12 From Beersaba he went to the Towne of Ony a little off Aegypt in the land of Gossen which is 168 miles where Ioseph his sonne gaue him honourable entertainement Gen. 46. 13 From Ony he went to the citie * This was the chiefe Citie of Aegypt Zoan which is also called Tanis 28 miles where he was presented to K. Pharaoh Gen. 47. 14 From Tanis he returned to Ony which is 28 miles and there he dwelt and dyed in the land of Gossen Gen. 49. The Description of the Townes and places to which Iacob trauelled Of Bethel BEthel was a Towne in the Tribe of Benjamin eight miles from Ierusalem toward the North and signifies The house of God In times past it was called Luz but Iacob seeing in that place the vision of the Ladder with the Angells ascending and descending vpon it and because there the Lord renued the couenant with him concerning his seed and the comming of Christ he therefore called it Bethel Afterward Ieroboam hauing vnlawfully vsurpt the kingdome of Rehoboham caused a calfe to be set vp there for which cause it was then called Bethauen which signifieth the house of sinne and abhominable offence Vatablus is of opinion that there are two Bethels one in the tribe of Benjamin the other in the tribe of Ephraim both not far from Hay but if this should be granted then these two townes should stand within two miles one of the other which seemeth very absurd therefore I dare boldly affirme that there was but one Bethel which stood vpon the borders of Benjamin and Ephraim both tribes bordering vpon the South side of the towne of Luz Iosh 16. 18. This towne of Bethel was at first in the Suburbs of Lue vntill the diuision of the tribes for then both these Tribes of Ephraim and Benjamin ending in that place so much increased this town that they became both one city and so were called Bethel Ie. 28. 35. Iosh 7. 18. From hence there is a two-fold mistery to be apprehended the first of Iacob whose sleeping in this place vpon a stone caused this Citie or Towne to be built and to retaine the name of Bethel that is The house of God So whosoeuer seekes to haue eternall life must rest vpon that corner stone Christ Iesus the sonne of the euerliuing God and by faith bee incorporated into the Church which is the house of God of which Christ the Annointed of the Lord is both King and Priest for euer Secondly as Iacob resting vpon this corner stone saw the Angels ascending and descending from heauen vnto earth so by this incorporation into the body of the Church of which Christ is the head by Faith and Baptisme our soules are made capable to ascend into that heauenly Tabernacle which he hath prepared for all those that beleeue according to that in Iohn 14. I am the way the truth and the life no man commeth vnto the father but by me only And whosoeuer is assured of this ladder that reacheth from heauen vnto earth may well say with Iacob surely the Lord Iesus Christ is in this place here is nothing but the house of God and here is the gate of heauen as Christ himselfe testifieth in the tenth of Iohn I am the doore and whosoeuer entreth not by me c. So that Christ is the head of his Church the ladder that ascendeth into heauen and the doore whereby we may enter into eternall life Of Gilead THis land of Gilead was a country that lay betweene Iordan and the mountaine of Gilead or rather betweene the sea of Galilee and the mount Gilead sixtie miles from Ierusalem towards the Southeast for the mountaines of Gilead beginning at mount Gilead extended thence vnto Arabia the stony and seperated the countrey of Israel beyond Iordan from the countrey of the Amonites But that part which lyeth betweene the Sea of Galilee and Ammon is properly called Gilead for when Iacob and Laban made a couenant either with other in the mount Gilead they gathered a heape of stones and making a banquet eat together vpon it Gen. 13. and from thence that mountain and all the countrey thereabouts tooke the name For Laban in the Syrian tongue is called IEGAR SAHADVTA the heap of couenant But Iacob in the Hebrew language called that mountain together with all the Countrie thereabouts Galeed or Galaad the heape of testimonie for Gal signifieth a heape or graue and Galal He rolled or hee thrust into a round heape From whence the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to roule and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a circle is deriued Also Edah signifies testomonie with the Hebrewes being deriued from Id which signifies testaetus est that is he beareth witnesse and from hence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 amongst the Grecians is deriued which signifieth a witnesse This land of Gilead was very fertile and pleasant being adorned with many Castles and strong Cities And in this countrey the Prophet Eliah was taken vp into heauen in a fierie Chariot 1 Reg. 17.2 Reg. 2. The Graecians call this Decapolin from ten cities that are strongly built in that countrey Marc. 7. Of Machanaim MAchanaim was a Citie of the Leuites in the Tribe of Gad neere to the floud of Iordan and Iaboch fortie foure miles from Ierusalem toward the Southeast and scituate in the land of Gilead beyond Iordan being so called of the Patriarch Iacob because there he saw the Tents and Armie of Angels which he vnderstood to be his assistants against his brother Esau whom hee feared Genesis 31. For Chana signifieth Castrametatus est that is the Tents are measured out from whence Machanaim is the proper name of a place being deriued from two Tents of Angels which appeared to Iacob That they might defend him in his journey For the Angels of God compasseth
and be reconciled to her but her father shut him out of doores because he had married his wife to another man wherefore he tooke a company of Foxes and tying them taile to taile put fire-brands to their tailes and turned them into the wheat of the Philistines and they set fire of all the Wheat and Vines and Oliues thereabout Iudg. 15. From thence he went to a caue in the rock Eta and there dwelt which is 12 miles Iudg. 15. At the rocke Eta Sampson was bound with two new cords by the Israelites and from thence led to Ramah Lehi which is six miles where hee killed 1000 Philistines with the jaw bone of an Asse that he found in the way From thence he went to Gaza a citie of the Philistins which is 42 miles here he carried away the gates of the citie From Gaza he carried these gates with the posts to the top of a hill neere Hebron which is 20 miles Iudg. 16. From Hebron he went to the riuer Sorecke where hee dwelt with Dalilah the Harlot and by her was deceiued and taken of the Philistines which are 12 miles Being taken of the Philistines he put out both his eies and bound him in chains and led him from thence to Gaza which is 32 miles there they brought him into the house of their god Dagon to make them sport but he pulled downe the house a multitude of them were slaine where he also died and was buried in the Sepulchre of Manoah his father betweene Zerea and Esthaol 28 miles from Gaza and almost 20 from Ierusalem towards the West This was in the yeare of the World 1811 and before Christ 1157. So all the Trauels of Sampson were 240 miles The description of the seuerall Townes and places to which SAMPSON trauelled Of Zarea THis is a city in the tribes of Iuda and Dan neere the riuer Soreck and taketh the name from a Cole or Leprosie being deriued of Sarag that is He was Leaprous it stood 18 miles from Ierusalem Westward Of Esthaol THis was a Towne in the Tribe of Dan two miles from Zarea and stood neere the Riuer Sorecke some 20 miles from Ierusalem towards the West and taketh the name from a Woman and Fortitude for Isca signifieth a woman and El or Ol strong or powerfull Here Sampson was brought vp In S. Ieroms time this was called Asto not farre from whence Sampson lieth buried Of Timnah You may reade of this in the trauels of Iudah Of Ascalon THis was a citie of the Philistines scituated vpon the shore of the Mediterranean sea some 30 miles from Ierusalem Westward and to this day retaineth the figure of halfe a circle it taketh the name from an ignominious fire being deriued of Esh and Kalon an ignominious light Of Gaza Of this Towne you may reade in the trauels of Ioshuah Of the Riuer Sorek THis was a very pleasant riuer vpon the banke whereof grew great plentie of Vines and Palmes from whence it seemeth to haue taken the name for Sorek in Hebrew signifieth a Myrtle branch which bringeth forth a pleasant berrie whereof excellent Wine is made It takes the beginning at a fountaine in the tribe of Iuda some 12 miles from Ierusalem towards the West where there is a very fertile valley in which Dalilah that betraied Sampson dwelt and from thence it runneth through the land of the Philistines and falleth into the Mediterranean sea Of the rocke Eta IN this rocke there was a caue wherein Sampson dwelt as in a strong tower it stood in the Tribe of Iuda neere to the riuer Sorecke 12 miles from Ierusalem toward the West and seemeth to take the name from Fowles for before that Sampson inhabited there a multitude of fowles bred vpon it and therefore it was called Eta for Aith signifies a Fowle This rocke growing to decay was repaired againe by Ierobaham that idolatrous King of Israel Of Sampson SAmpson or Schimpson according to the Hebrew text taketh his name from the Sunne for Schaemaes in Hebrew signifieth the Sunne and seemeth to haue some affinity with Hercules which signifieth The glory of the aire for what can be said to be the glory of the aire but the Light of the Sunne without which it would become exceeding darke wherefore as some thinke this Sampson was the true Hercules and those noble exploits that hee did the Graecians attributed to their Hercules The typicall signification of SAMPSON HE typically representeth Christ diuers waies first in his person hee was a mightie man secondly in his profession hee was a Nazarite thirdly in his calling he was a Prince and Iudge fourthly in his manner of liuing for he went from place to place to reuenge himselfe vpon the enemies of Gods people the children of Israel and in his death euen so our Sauiour Christ is that strong man who being mightier than the Diuel hath dispossest him of his tyrannicall jurisdiction ouer the soules of mankinde hath taken away those gates of death by his mercy opening vnto vs the dore of life that so being set at liberty from that hellish imprisonment we may be made partakers of euerlasting happinesse he was also a Nazarite euen from his mothers womb borne and bred there tying himselfe to a vow of bondage that we might be made free he is a Prince for euer and a Priest after the order of Melchisadeck during the continuance of his life in this vaile of misery his chiefest actions were to go from place to place to teach to doe good and to rescue and relieue the poore distressed members of the Church who lay miserably afflicted vnder the hands of Sathan healing some relieuing others and bringing a third sort into the state of grace so that as Sampson deliuered the Israelites from the bondage of the Philistins Christ our Prince and Iudge deliuereth his from the slauerie of Sathan by his death sauing more soules than in his life And therby pulling down the strong buildings the temptations of Sathan hath laid them leuel with the ground that they shall neuer be restored againe And lastly after this life ended he shall be our Prince and Iudge and bring vs to that place of promise prepared for vs in his euerlasting kingdome The trauels of the Spies of the Danites SHortly after the death of Sampson the Spies of the Danites went from Zarea and Eastaol to mount Ephraim to the house of Michah which is 24 miles Iudg. 18. From thence they went to Lais which is a hundred and foure miles Iudg. 18. From thence they returned to Zarea and Esthaol which is 126 miles Iudg. 18. So all their trauels were 244 miles Of Lais. LAis was a citie scituated at the foot of mount Libanus some 104 miles from Ierusalem towards the North and was sometimes called Belenus this because it stood so farre from aid was quickly conquered by the Danites and by them vtterly destroyed it signifieth a roring or deuouring Lion But after being rebuilt by the Danites they called it Dan
vp of water for the riuer Kison begins at the foot of this mountain and diuides it self into diuers parts vntill it commeth to the hill Hermon and then it runs into two principal streams the one passeth toward the East into the sea of Galilee the other to the West towards Carmel and so into the Mediterranian sea There be some that are of opinion that neither raine nor dew falls vpon this hil because when Saul was slain Dauid cursed these mountains saying Let neither rain nor dew fal vpon you ô yee mountaines of Gilboa because the strong men of Israel were slaine there 2 Sam. 1. But this was but a figuratiue speech wherby Dauid would expresse the greatnesse of his sorrow for Borchardus the Monke speaking of this mountain saith That as he was ascending vpon it there was such a violent showre fell that he was wet through his clothes and the waters in great aboundance ran into the vallies And in the yeare of our Lord 1283 sleeping vpon this hill on the Eve of All Saints there was a great dew fell vpon his clothes onely some parts of it were very stony and barren as are many other mountains in that country Of Endor THis was a town in the tribe of Manasses neere the riuer Kison Ios 17. where Saul asked counsell of a witch 1 Sam. 28. It seemes to take the name from a fountaine of durance for Dor signifies he hath made sure It is distant from Ierusalem 44 miles toward the North. In S. Ieroms time this was but a smal village Of Bethsan THis was a city in the Tribe of Manasses betweene Bethulia and the sea of Galile some 44 miles from Ierusalem toward the North Iosh 17. It taketh the name from a Church-yard or a place of rest for Beth signifieth a house and Iaschan he hath slept Here Saul killed himselfe and the Philistines cut off his head and set it vpon the wall of this citie Afterward about S. Ieroms time Ptolomie called this Scythopolis You may reade in the second booke of the Macchabes how it was the towne of the Scythians for the Scythians which dwelt some 800 miles from Ierusalem towards the North came with a great army into the Holy land and by force woon this citie and dwelt there of whom it was called the Scythian towne Ioseph in lib. 2. de Bell. Iud. cap. 18. remembreth a strange accident that hapned neere this towne for the Iewes besieging it there were of their own nation that dwelt within the city who that they might make a priuate gaine took wages of the Scythians to oppose their brethren and countreymen by which meanes the Scythians got the better But after a while the Scythians considering that the number of the Iewes were great and fearing some sudden insurrection or innouation gaue them warning to depart and leaue the towne they though with great griefe as being prest with a two-fold necessity their owne wants and the hatred of their kindred did so relying meerely vpon the courtesie of strangers But about some two dayes after in the night time the inhabitants of Scythopolis breaking out of the citie vnawarres fell vpon them and in recompence of their kindnesse put to the sword some thirteen thousand many slaine vnawares some as they were eating and most in their sleepe After they had committed this massacre they compassed about the wood where they were took away all their substance and suffered not a man to depart aliue Wherefore one Simon the soone of a certaine ancient and noble Citizen called Saul perceiuing their present miserie and that there was no hope to escape iminent death and vtter ruine in a cruell and desperate maner breakes out into these words O miserable wretch that I am that against my owne conscience haue lift vp these impious hands against my countrey committing daily massacres to pleasure them who at this day lay violent hands vpon all wee haue die therefore thou that art thus profane and with thine owne hands make an end of thy wretched life since thou doest not deserue to die honourably in the face of the enemy but wretchedly in a corner and for thine owne offence So soone as he had ended these words he turned him about with a fierce countenance and falling vpon his father mother wife and children put them all to the sword after burnt his goods and to make an end of the tragedy ran himselfe vpon his owne weapon These things hapned but a little before Vespasian came into the land of Iudaea At this day this Citie Sythopolis is called after the antient name Bethsan The typicall representation of SAVL SAul if it be properly taken doth sometime signifie a Graue or Sepulchre and sometimes Hell being deriued from Scheuol which may be taken for both As therefore Saul persecuted innocent Dauid with an inueterate malice euen vnto the death so the sonnes of Sathan euil and wicked men persecute Christ and his members with an immoueable malice sparing neither Prophets nor Apostles neither such as are religious no nor Christ himself but with cruell torments put them to lingering deaths till they be vtterly exryrpate as they thinke and then wanting objects to satisfie their sauage mindes they follow their owne diuellish councels till with Saul they come to desperate ends Schaul or Saul if it be taken in the better part signifieth He hath desired or called The Philistines trauels from their Campe to Michmas THe Philistines incamped themselues at Michmas vpon Mount Ephraim some ten miles from Ierusalem Northward and out of the Philistines campe there issued three armies to spoile the countrey The one marched towards Ophra and went from Michmas to Salem 28 miles From thence they went to Ophra 4 miles The second went from Michmas to Bethoron 8 miles The third went from Michmas to the valley of Zeboim eight miles So all the Trauels of the Philistines were 58 miles Of Zoboim THis valley is not farre from Ierusalem in the Tribe of Benjamin Nehem. 11. The trauels of Ionathan Sauls sonne IOnathan went from Gibeah to Kiriath-jearim which was two miles where hee draue the Philistines out of their campe 1 Sam. 13. From thence he went backe againe two miles From thence he went to Michmas which is 8 miles and there by the helpe of his Armor-bearer he gaue the Philistines a great ouerthrow 1 Sam. 14. From thence hee followed the enemy to Aialon wich is 12 miles there his father would haue put him to death because he had tasted a little hony 1 Sam. 14. From Aialon Saul and his sonne Ionathan returned to Gibeah his owne citie which was two miles From Gibeah hee went with his father to Socho and Asecha which was 8 miles where after Dauid had slaine Goliah for that singular vertue and heroicall spirit which Ionathan saw in him he loued him as he did his owne soule and preferred him before his owne life and honour 1 Sam. 18. From thence he went with his father to Gibeah some 8
of Oliues you come vnto the place where Christ mounted vpon the Asse as we reade Matth. 21. And a little after you may see the whole citie of Ierusalem with Solomons Temple and the Church of the holy sepulchre with many other holy places Then as you descend from the top of the mount of Oliues you may see the place where the multitude cryed Hosanna blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lord. And in this discent also our Sauiour Christ wept ouer Ierusalem saying O Ierusalem Ierusalem how often would I haue gathered thee vnder my wings as a Hen gathereth her Chickens but thou wouldest not Of Bethpage BEthpage standeth vpon the right hand of the way towards the East as you goe from Bethania to Ierusalem and as S. Ierom saith was somtimes a habitation of the Priests which at their appointed times went vp to Ierusalem to minister to the Lord. It was so called because of the multitude of Figs that grow there for Pagim signifies a Figge Cant. 2. Bethpage is a notable type of the Church for that ought likewise to be fruitfull and to bring forth sweet Figges that is good workes and many other comfortable vertues that so men in their afflictions might be comforted As it is thought the Fig-tree that our Sauiour Christ cursed because it wanted fruit stood not farre from Bethpage Matth. 21. Marke 11. Wherefore let vs take heed that wee be not like that fruitlesse Fig-tree couered onely like our forefathers Adam and Eue with leaues and bearing no fruit Gen. 3. lest so Gods curse fall vpon vs and we be thrust out of eternall happinesse Matth. 3. Of the Castle from whence the Asse and the Colt were brought vpon which our Sauiour rode to Ierusalem THis Castle as Adamus Risnerus saith was a certaine Hold compassed about with strong walls and within beautified with a faire pallace supported with goodly columnes it stood not farre from the Mount of Oliues just in the deuiding of the way as you goe from Bethania to Ierusalem for there goes one way to the fountaine gate and another to the valley of Gehinnon In the Hebrew text it is called Tirah as you may reade in Matthew which signifies not onely a Castle but a firme and sure building with good decorum and order for Tor signifies a circular order It is credible that this Hold is a resting place and that the Asse and the colt were tied in the way for this cause that if by chance any trauellers were wearie by reason of the tediousnesse of their journey they might hire them for certain houres to carrie them ouer the Mount of Oliues and so returne them backe againe The Allegoricall meaning of this Asse and the Colt according to the opinion of many learned men signifies the people of the Iewes who were burthened with Moses lawes and the Asses Colt signifies the rest of the Gentiles which were not charged with the burthen of Moses law but tyed onely to the law of nature So we also like trauellers and strangers in this miserable world are tyed to the afflictions and calamities thereof standing in two waies expecting the death of the body and libertie of the soule then our Sauior Christ commeth in peace and looseth this bond of death as the Apostle saith Rom. 7. and bringeth vs to that heauenly Ierusalem eternall joy according to that of Saint Paul in the first of the Philippians I desire to be loosed and to be with our Lord Iesus Christ Of the Mount of Oliues ABout halfe a mile and a furlong from Ierusalem towards the East stood the Mount of Oliues very fruitfull and pleasant bringing forth Oliues Palmes Figs Gossumpine many other notable fruits but principally Palmes and Oliues of which the mountaine taketh the name It is said in Pliny lib. 16. cap. 19. that these Oliue and Palme trees doe neuer lose their leaues and are greene both Winter and Summer Saint Austine calleth it The mountaine of vnction because of the fertilitie and pleasantnesse of it also The mountaine of health because it bringeth forth Oyles and many other plants necessarie for Physicke also The mountain of light first because it lieth vpon the East so that the Sun shineth in the morning very pleasantly vpon it and in the euening when it setteth the beames thereof reflecting vpon the Temple of Ierusalem casteth a beautifull light to this Mount secondly because it bringeth forth Oyle which is the nourishment and life of light thirdly because it was beautified with the gratious presence of our blessed Lord and Sauiour Christ which is the Day-starre and light of the Church rising vpon high to enlighten all those which shall be called vnto eternall happinesse For which cause it typically representeth the Church which is the light of the World wherein are found many Christians that bring forth pleasant fruit good workes relieuing the necessitie of such as are in want comforting the afflicted patiently supporting the calamitie and misery of this world that so they might triumphantly rejoyce with Christ in that heauenly citie of Ierusalem What things Zacharias hath spoken of this Mount in his last chapter is to be vnderstood of the preaching of the Gospell and propagation of the Church through all the world Saint Ierom saith in his Epitaph vpon S. Paul That vpon this hill the Iewes commonly burnt the red Cow with the ashes whereof the people of God being sprinckled they were purified and sanctified of which you may reade Num. 19. Heb. 6. Hellen the Empresse mother to that godly Emperor Constantine the Great about the yeare of our Lord 332 caused a faire and beautifull church to be built vpon this Mount just in the place where our blessed Lord and Sauior Christ ascended vp into heauen It was built round all of white polished marble vpon the top therof there is no roofe but a window euen as Christ should ascend through it as Eusebius saith in the life of the Emperour Constantine the Great lib. 3. cap. 40. The same S. Ierom affirmeth in his booke de locis Hebraicis He also saith That the inhabitants of the Holy land take vpon them to shew in this Church the impression of the feet of our Sauiour Christ which hapned as they say just at such time as he ascended vp into heauen out of which trauellers and pilgrims take sand to carry with them as an holy relicke though indeed it is verily to be thought that they were feet made in stone by antient Monkes thereby to get mony from such as resorted thither vpon deuotion for looke how oft pilgrims take thence the sand they are presenly filled againe from whence may bee gathered that there is no sand naturally there Euery man therefore ought to embrace a neerer way to saluation than to follow those monkish fables and to seeke Christ in the holy Scripture not vpon the Mount of Oliues or amongst sand for since the graue could not containe him the Mount of Oliues cannot hold him