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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16564 Recreations vvith the Muses. By William Earle of Sterline Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of, 1567 or 8-1640.; Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of, 1567 or 8-1640. Monarchick tragedies.; Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of, 1567 or 8-1640. Doomes-day.; Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of, 1567 or 8-1640. Paraenesis to the Prince. 1637 (1637) STC 347; ESTC S106640 194,215 266

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devoure That Lady of events though still she rave Scarce can her course to mocke my minde advance For if not trusted first none can deceive And I attend no certainty from chance Then I have learn'd to moderate my minde Still with contentment crowning my desires My garments course my food such as I finde He hath enough who to no more aspires VVhat satisfaction doth o're-flow my soule The world all weigh'd while high accounts I cast And in my memories unblotted scroule Doe match the present time with others past Those worldly mindes whose weaknesse wealth doth cloake Though others happy I them wretched thinke For whil'st that passions base all reason choake The bodies slaves their soules surcharg'd doe sinke Yet loath I not the world as loath'd by it Like those who when disdain'd pretend disdaine No no I had as Athens must admit What riches birth or reputation gaine And if that I would vaunt of mine own deeds Faire Citie where mine eyes first suck't the light I challenge might what most thy glory breeds For fame or power as due to me of right When Salamina had our yoke remov'd Wit● follies garments wisedome to disguise What none durst else attempt I boldly mov'd And seem'd a foole to make the people wise Then having thus by policy prevail'd My Countries squadrons leading to the field Whil'st both by strength and stratagems assail'd I forc'd that I le though wall'd with waves to yeeld But when renown'd by that advent'rous deed And turn'd victorious charg'd with strangers spoiles No perfect blisse below worse did succeed The peace that was abroad bred civill broyles What with more violence doth fury leade Then mut'nous commons when they want a head The meaner sort could not their mindes conforme Those things to doe which great men did command And whil'st distracted with a dangerous storme All joyn'd to place the Rudder in my hand I re-united that divided state And with good successe manag'd matters well Which further kindled had been quench'd too late That Hydra-headed tumult did so swell VVhen I my worth by those two works had prov'd And trod the path of power as Prince a space The peoples Minion by the Nobles lov'd None could be great save such as I would grace Thus carried with the force of fortunes streame I absolutely acted what I would For the democracy was but a name The Cities raines my hand in trust did hold I might a tyrant still have rul'd in state But my cleare minde could no such clouds conceive But gladly left what others urge of late If I may rule my selfe no more I crave Yet some whose thoughts but for fraile glory car'd Said that my sprite could not aspire to raigne And that my errour could not be repair'd Since so to erre meanes come not oft againe My soule in this a more contentment findes Then if a Diadem adorn'd my brow I chayn'd th' affections of undaunted mindes Though barbarous earst which did to order bow Yet hardly could rich Citizens advise To keep the statutes which my lawes contain'd Whil'st what one prais'd another did despise Some lov'd some loath'd ev'n as they thought they gain'd At last at least in shew all rest content Ev'n those who hate me most lend their applause A worthy minde needs never to repent The suffering crosses for an honest cause Whil'st travelling now with a contented minde The memory of this my fancy feeds Though to great states their periods are assign'd Time cannot make a prey of Vertues deeds Where seven-mouth'd Nile from a concealed source Inunding ov'r the fields no bankes can binde I saw their wonders heard their wise discourse Rare sights enrich'd mine eyes rare lights my minde And if it were but this yet this delights Behold how Craesus here the Lydian King To be his guest me earnestly invites The which to some would great contentment bring But I bemoane that world-bewitched man Who makes his gold his god the earth his heaven And I will try by all the meanes I can To make his judgement with his fortune eaven Chorus VVHat can mans wandring thoughts confine Or satisfie his fancies all For whil'st he wonders doth designe Even great things then doe seeme but small What terrour can his sprite appall Whil'st taking more then it can hold He to himselfe contentment doth assigne His minde which monsters breeds Imagination feeds And with high thoughts quite headlongs rold Whil'st seeking here a perfect ease to finde Would but melt mountains and embrace the winde What wonder though the soule of man A sparke of heaven that shines below Doth labour by all meanes it can Like to it selfe it selfe to show The heavenly essence heaven would know But from this masse where bound till free With paine both spend lifes little span The better part would be above And th' earth from th' earth cannot remove How can two contraries agree Thus as the best part or the worst doth move Man of much worth or of no worth doth prove O! from what fountaine doe proceed These humours of so many kindes Each braine doth divers fancies breed As many men as many mindes And in the world a man scarce findes Another of his humour right Nor are there two so like indeed If we remarke their severall graces And lineaments of both their faces That can abide the proofe of sight If th' outward formes then differ as they doe Of force th' affections must be different too Ah! passons spoile our better part The soule is vext with their dissentions We make a God of our owne heart And worship all our vaine inventions This braine-bred mist of apprehensions The minde doth with confusion fill Whil'st reason in exile doth smart And few are free from this infection For all are slaves to some affection Which doth oppresse the judgement still Those partiall tyrants not directed right Even of the clearest mindes eclipse the light A thousand times O happy he Who doth his passions so subdue That he may with cleare reasons eye Their imperfections fountaines view That so he may himselfe renew Who to his thoughts prescribing lawes Might set his soule from bondage free And never from bright reason swerve But making passions it to serve Would weigh each thing as there were cause O greater were that Monarch of the minde Then if he might command from Thule to Inde Act 2. Scene 1. Croesus Aesope Solon WHat Prince hath been so favour'd by the fates As could like me of full contentment boast Lov'd of mine own and fear'd of forrain states My foes have faln my friends were never crost For having that which thousands seek at will My happinesse in all things hath been such Heavens favorite and fortunes Minion still I know not what to wish I have so much Mine eyes no way did ever grieve my heart With any object that their sight did draw My name applauded is in every part My word an Oracle my will a law What brest can well confine this floud of joyes Whose swelling
ground that never failes None can be throughly blest before the end I may compare our state to table-playes Whil'st Iudges that are blinde give onely light Their many doubt the earnest minde dismayes Which must have happy throwes then use them right So all our dayes in doubt what things may chance Time posts away our breath seems it to chace And when th' occasion comes us to advance It of a thousand one can scarce embrace When by a generous indignation mov'd Two fight with danger for a doubtfull praise Whil'st valour blindely but by chance is prov'd That ones disgrace anothers fame must raise O! what a foole his judgement will commit To grace the one with a not gain'd applause Where fortune is but to give sentence yet Whil'st bloudy agents plead a doubtfull cause This world a field is whereas each man fights And arm'd with reason resolutely goes To warre till death close up the bodies lights Both with externall and internall foes And how can he the Victors title gaine Who yet is busied with a doubtfull fight Or he be happy who doth still remaine In fortunes danger for a small delight The wind-wing'd course of man away fast weares Course that consists of houres houres of a day Day that gives place to night night full of feares Thus every thing doth change all things decay Those who doe stand in peace may fall in strife And have their fame by infamy supprest The evening crownes the day the death the life Many are fortunate but few are blest Croe. I see this Grecians sprite but base appeares Which cannot comprehend heroicke things The world of him more then he merits heares At least he knowes not what belongs to Kings Yet fame his name so gloriously array'd That long I long'd to have him in my house But all my expectations are betray'd I thinke a Mountaine hath brought forth a Mouse Act 2. Scene 2. Solon Aesope THis King hath put his trust in trustlesse toyes Whil'st courting onely temporary things And like a hooded Hawk gorg'd with vaine joye At randon flyes born forth on follys wings O how this makes my griefe exceeding great To see ones care who lives for dead things such Whil'st shew-transported mindes admire his state Which I not envy no but pitty much Thus wormes of th' earth whil'st low-plac'd thoughts prevaile Love melting things whose shew the body fits Where soule 's of clearer sight doe never faile To value most the treasure of good wits Those worldly things doe in this world decay Or at the least we leave them with our breath Where to eternity this leades the way So differ they as farre as life and death Aesope And yet what wonder though he wander thus Whom still by successe treacherous fortune blindes Though this indeed seem somewhat strange to us Who have with learning purifi'd our mindes Was he not borne heire of a mighty state And us'd with fortunes smiles not fear'd for frownes Doth measure all things by his owne conceit A great defect which fatall is to Crownes Then from his youth still trusting in a Throne With all that pride could crave or wealth could give Vs'd with entreaties and contrould by none He would the tongue of liberty deprive Though to his sight I dare not thus appeare Whose partiall judgement farre from reason parts I grieve to see your entertainment here So farre inferiour to your owne deserts That matchlesse wisedome which the world admires And ravish't with delight amazed heares Since not in consort with his vaine desires Did seeme impleasant to distemper'd eares Eares which can entry give to no discourse Save that which enters fraughted with his praise He can love none but them that love his course And thinkes all fooles who use no flattering phrase This with the great ones doth the gods displease Though spreading all her heavenly treasures forth They if not in their livery them to please Doe vertue vilifie as of no worth Solon I care not Aesope how the King conceiv'd Those my franke words which I must alwaies use I came not here till he my comming crav'd And now when come will not my name abuse Should I his poys'nous Sycophants resemble Whose silken words their Soveraigne doe o'rethrow I for his Diadem would not dissemble What hearts doe thinke the tongues were made to show And what if I his humour to content The worlds opinion lost by gaining ones He can but give me gifts which may be spent But nought can cleere my fame if darkned once That so he might my reputation raise If I sooth'd him it would procure my shame Whil'st those who vitious are our vertues praise This in effect is but a secret blame Though as a simple man he me despise Yet better simply good then doubly ill I not my worth by others praises prize Nor by opinions doc direct my will That praise contents me more which one imparts Of judgement sound though of a meane degree Then praise from Princes voyd of princely parts Who have more wealth but not more wit then he Aesope Who come to Court must with Kings faults comport Solon Who come to Court should truth to Kings report Aesope A wise man at their imperfections winkes Solon An honest man will tell them what he thinkes Aesope So should you lose your selfe and them not save Solon But for their folly I no blame would have Aesope By this you should their indignation finde Solon Yet have the warrant of a worthy minde Aesope It would be long ere you were thus preferr'd Solon Then it should be the King not I that err'd Aesope They guerdon as they love they love by guesse Solon Yet when I merit well I care the lesse Aesope It 's good to be still by the Prince approv'd Solon It 's better to be upright though not lov'd Aesope But by this meane all hope of honour failes Solon Yet honesty in end ever prevailes Aesope I thinke they should excell for vertue rare All men in wit who unto men give lawes Kings of their kingdomes as the centers are To which each weighty thing by nature drawes For as the mighty rivers little streames And all the liquid pow'rs which rise or fall Doe seeke in sundry parts by severall seames The Oceans bosome that receives them all It as a Steward of the tumid deeps Doth send them backe by many secret veynes And as the earth hath need of moisture keeps These humid treasures to refresh the Plaines Thus are Kings brests the depths where daily flow Cleare streames of knowledge with rare treasures charg'd So that continually their wisedomes grow By many helpes which others want enlarg'd For those who have intelligence ov'r all Doe commonly communicate to Kings All th' accidents of weight that chance to fall Which great advantage Greatnesse to them brings They jealously dispos'd comment on mindes And these who Arts or Natures gifts enhaunce Whose value no where else a Merchant findes Doe come to Kings as who may them advance No doubt
harme more fear'd I alwayes so contentment might attaine What tombe to men more glorious can be rear'd Then mountaines made of foes whom they have slaine But how are my transported thoughts growne such That they disdaine a measure to admit Whilst bent not what to doe but to doe much On Glories Throne Ambition strives to sit No to the State me from my selfe I give Free from particulars as who expose Fame life and all for it and whilst I live So Rome may gaine I care not what I lose I 'le never rest till he for ever rest Who gives my Country such a cause of griefe And that to doe no forme I will detest Nor for my fame endanger Romes reliefe But worthy Cassius ere we further doe Let our friends mindes first well be understood Of which I hope to have assistance too Who will not venture for his Countries good Cas Now whilst my soule rests ravish'd in a trance I thinke I see great Rome her courage raise Then beat the ayre with songs th' earth with a dance And crowne thy vertues with deserved praise Act. 3. Scene 2. Marcus Brutus Portia MY dearest halfe my comfort my delight Of whom one smyle may sweeten all my sow'rs Thou in my bosome us'd to powre thy spright And where I was didst spare afflictions pow'rs When broils domesticke did disturbe thy rest Then still till finding faining some reliefe Thou with calme words disguis'd a stormy brest Ioyes frankly sharing and engrossing griefe Still tend'ring me with a respective care What might offend was by no meanes made knowne But with loves colours all things painted faire What might have made me glad was gladly showne How com'st thou then thy courage thus to lose That thou canst look so sad and in my sight Lend me deare Love a portion of thy woes A burden when divided doth grow light I see the Roses fading in thy face The Lilies languish Violets take their place Port. Thou hast deare Lord prevented my designe Which was to aske of thee what makes me pale If Phoebus had no light could Phoebe shine No with the cause of force th' effects must faile The mirrour but gives backe as it receives By just resemblance the objected forme And what impression the ingraver leaves The waxe retains still to the stamp conforme I am the mirrour which reflects thy minde As forc'd from thoughts or flowing from thine eyes I take the state in which thy state I finde Such is my colour as thy count'nance dyes Then how can I rejoyce whil'st thou art sad Whose breast of all thy crosses is the scroule I am still as thou art if griev'd or glad Thy bodies shadow th' essence of thy soule On that great Planet which divides the yeares Of fields inferiour as the fruit depends And as it vanish doth or pleas'd appeares In th' earths cold bosome life begins or ends Sunne of my soule so I subsist by thee Whose shining vertue leades me as a thrall From care-bred clouds if that thy face be free I rise in joyes but if thou faint I fall Brut. With all my course this count'nance best accords Who as you know yet never from my birth Light gestures us'd nor did delight in words Whose pleasant straines were onely tun'd to mirth My melancholy Nature feeds on cares Whil'st smothred sorrow by a habite smokes A thought-full breast when burden'd with affaires Doth make a silent mouth and speaking looks As for my palenesse it imports but good The bodies humbling doth exalt the minde Where fatnesse come from food but serves for food In fattest bodies leanest sprits we finde Ah! since I saw th' abhorr'd Thessalia's bounds All drench'd with bloud of Senatours and Kings As if my soule yet smarted in their wounds A secret sorrow often-times me stings But since thy Father braving paine with blows In the most hideous forme affronted death To him my minde a sad remembrance owes Which sorrow shall exact whil'st I have breath Yet grieve I that I gave thee cause of griefe Who thoughtst some new mishap did me dismay To such old sores one worst can give reliefe But Time in end may weare my woes away Por. Why should'st thou so from me thy thoughts conceale From thine own soule between whose breasts thou sleep'st To whom though showne thou dost them not reveale But in thy selfe more inwardly them keep'st And thou canst hardly hide thy selfe from me Who soone in thee each alteration spie I can comment on all that comes from thee True love still looks with a suspitious eye Within our bosome rests not every thought Tun'd by a sympathie of mutuall love Thou marr'st the Musicke if thou change in ought Which when distemper'd I do quickly prove Soule of my soule unfold what is amisse Some great disaster all my thoughts divine Whose curiousnesse may be excus'd in this Since it concerns thy State and therefore mine Brut. I wonder that thou dost thy frailtie show By Nature women have beene curious still And yet till now thou never crav'd to know More then I pleas'd to speak of my free will Nought save the wife a man within the walls Nor ought save him without she should embrace And it not comely is but th' one enthralls When any sexe usurpes anothers place Deare to their wonted course thy cares inure I may have matters which import the State Whose op'ning up might my disgrace procure Whose weight for femall thoughts would be too great Port. I was not Brutus match'd with thee to be A partner onely of thy boord and bed Each servile whore in those might equall me Who but for pleasure or for wealth did wed No Portia spous'd thee minding to remaine Thy Fortunes partner whether good or ill By loves strict bonds whil'st mutuall duties chaine Two breasts must hold one heart two souls one will Those whom just Hymen voluntar'ly bindes Betwixt them should communicate all things But chiefly that which most doth move the mindes Whence either pleasure or displeasure springs If thus thou seek thy sorrows to conceale Through a disdaine or a mistrust of me Then to the world what way can I reveale How great a matter I would do for thee And though our sexe too talkative be deem'd As those whose tongues import our greatest pow'rs For secrets still bad Treasurers esteem'd Of others greedy prodigall of ours Good education may reforme defects And this may leade me to a vertuous life Whil'st such rare patterns generous worth respects I Cato's daughter am and Brutus wife Yet would I not repose my trust in ought Still thinking that thy crosse was great to beare Till I my courage to a tryall brought Which suffering for thy cause can nothing feare For first to try how that I could comport With sterne afflictions sprit-enfeebling blows Ere I would seek to vex thee in this sort To whom my soule a dutious reverence owes Loe here a wound which makes me not to smart No I rejoyce that thus my strength is knowne Since thy
oft times sinke downe in a Sea of shame It may be fear'd our King at last Whil'st he for nothing is afraid Be by prosperity betray'd For growing thus in greatnesse still And having worldly things at will He thinks though time should all things waste Yet his estate shall ever last The wonder of this peopled round And in his own conceit hath said No course of heaven his state can cast Nor make his fortune to be ill But if the gods a way have lay'd That he must come to be uncrown'd What sudden feares his minde may fill And in an instant utterly confound The state which stands upon so slippery ground When such a Monarchs minde is bent To follow most the most unwise Who can their folly well disguise With sugred speeches poisnous baits The secret canker of great States From which at first few disassent The which at last all do repent Then whil'st they must to ruine go When Kings begin thus to despise Of honest men the good intent Who to assure their Soveraignes seats Would faine in time some help devise And would cut off all cause of woe Yet cannot second their conceits These dreadfull Comets commonly fore-go A Kings destruction when miscarried so Act. 3. Scene 1. Croesus Adrastus WHat fancies strange with terrour strike my soule The tortur'd captive of distrustfull feares Huge cares suggesting harme my joyes controul Whose minde some comming crosse charactred beares And credulous suspition too too wise To fortifie my feares doth meanes invent Whil'st sudden trouble doth my sprite surprise A presage sad which boasts some bad event I thinke the soule since an immortall brood Hath by inheritance an heavenly power Which some fore-knowledge gives of ill and good But not the meanes to scape a fatall houre Though with this mortall vaile when made halfe blinde Not well fore-seeing what each time forth brings Yet it communicates unto the minde In cloudy dreames true though mysterious things Imagination wonderfull in force The judgement oft foiles with confusion so That then they prove things presupposed worse Ere time distress'd man multiplies his woe For as the shadow seemes more monstrous still Then doth the substance whence the shape it takes So the conjecture of a threatned ill More then it selfe some to be troubled makes This alteration too seemes more then strange Which suddenly so moved hath my minde I see more then I thought all states may change When heaven pursues th' earth no defence can finde My soule all pleasure is already loathing This hath indeed so deep impression left A dreame a fancy froth a shadow nothing Hath all my mirth even in a moment reft Adrast Whence mighty Soveraigne can this change proceed Which doth obscure the rayes of Princely grace Those who are school'd in woe may clearly reade A mighty passion written in your face And if a stranger may presume so farre What friend is false or who are fear'd as foes For I imagine in what state you are A secret sympathie imparting woes Two strings in divers Lutes set in accord Some say th' one onely touch'd both give a sound Even so souls tun'd to griefe the like afford Whose airie motions mutually do wound Croe. No doubt it must disburden much the minde A Secretary in distresse to have Who by his owne anothers griefe can finde Where glad mindes scorne what they cannot conceive And I Adrastus would the cause declare With which I so torment my soule in vaine But yet I blush to tell my foolish care The fond illusion of a drowsie braine Adrast As bodies temper'd are or souls inclin'd All dreames by ●ight th' imagination makes Or else th' impression thoughts worke in the minde By which when wakening one most travell takes Croe. By sleepe arrested as o're-come by death In Natures bosome I imbrac'd true rest And in that Masse where nothing mov'd but breath Lifes facul●ies sleep for a time supprest Then whil'st the sprite most pow'r●ull did remaine Since least distress'd by this terrestriall part Adrast Souls at such times their strength so strongly straine That oft their burdens as astonish'd start Croe. To rarifie the aire from vapours pow'rs When first Aurora rose from Tithons bed Ere Phoebus blushing stole from Thetis bowres This apprehension in my braine was bred I onely have two sonnes and th' one you see The signe of Natures indignation beares And from his birth-day dumbe is dead to me Since he can give no comfort to mine eares The other Atis all my lifes delight In whom the treasures of my soule are kept I thought vaine be my thought in the twi-light I know not whether yet I wak't or slep't Whil'st he was sporting void of worldly cares And not in danger which could threaten death A pointed toole of iron fell unawares And from his body banish did his breath Whil'st the pale carkase did upbraid mine eyes The horrour of the sight my sense re-call'd Which when I thinke of yet my courage dyes Such an exceeding feare my sprite appall'd This touch'd my state so much it hath me mov'd To match my Sonne in marriage at this time With vertuous Coelia whom he dearely lov'd That both might reape the pleasure of their prime And if the heavens his o're throw have decreed By destiny which cannot be revok'd So may we have behinde some of his seed Ere in his blossome all our hopes be choak'd Thus ere his soule lodge in the lightlesse shade Some of his off-spring may content my minde I cannot hold him altogether dead Who leaves his Image in some one behinde And though we do what ever seemes the best To disappoint those but surmiz'd annoyes Yet for all this my minde hath never rest Some secret terrour doth disturbe my joyes Adrast Ah Sir if such a dreamed ill as this Hath plung'd your soule even in the depths of griefe Unhappie I who waile a thing that is Whil'st hope though rack'd dare promise no reliefe Though all those dreadfull fancies took effect Which heavy chance th' almighty Iove with-hold None can compare them no in no respect With those mis-fortunes which my state enfold For though your Sonne dye by anothers hand You shall but waile his death and not your crime The heavens of me my brothers bloud demand His fate my fault mourne must I all my time Croe. In what strange forme could this disaster fall From which there flow salt flouds of just distresse Tell on at length the fatall cause of all A greater griefe makes one forget the lesse Adrast My sorrows ground I smother'd still till now As too offensive food for dainty cares But since of such discourse you do allow I le tell a tale that may move stones to teares Of Phrygian Princes my great Father come Had in my growing age a tender care That all my education might become One whom he might for mighty hopes prepare As yet foure lustres scarcely had begun To grace my witness'd sex with blooming cheeks When I fond youth that
which the heavens would point my danger forth The Gods from me with indignation gone In every thing charact'red have my death And must both heaven and earth conspire in one To quench a little sparke of smoaking breath My safety would that I should stay within Till this disastrous day give darkenesse place But daring honour would have me begin To reape the glory of my painefull race And I 'le advance in spight of threatned broyles For though the fates accomplish what we dreame When onely death hath triumph'd of my spoyles I then though breathlesse still shall breathe with fame Exit Chorus VVHat fury thus doth fill the brest With a prodigious rash desire Which banishing their soules from rest Doth make them live who high aspire Whilst it within their bosome boyles As Salamanders in the fire Or like to Serpents changing spoyles Their wither'd beauties to renew Like Vipers with unnaturall toyles Of such the thoughts themselves pursue Who for all lines their lives doe square Whilst like Camelions changing hue They onely feed on empty ayre To passe ambition greatest matters brings And save contentment can attaine all things This active passion doth disdaine To match with any vulgar minde As in base breasts where terrours raigne Too great a guest to be confin'd It doth but lofty thoughts frequent Where it a spatious field may finde It selfe with honour to content Where reverenc'd fame doth lowdest sound Those for great things by courage bent Farre lifted from this lumpish round Would in the sphere of Glory move Whilst lofty thoughts which nought can binde All rivals live in vertues love On abject preyes as th' Eagles never light Ambition poysons but the greatest sprite And of this restlesse Vultures brood If not become too great a flame A little sparke doth sometime good Which makes great mindes affecting fame To suffer still all kinde of paine Their fortune at the bloudy game Who hazard would for hope of gaine Vnlesse first burn'd by thirst of praise The learned to a higher straine Their wits by emulation raise As those who hold applauses deare And what great minde at which men gaze It selfe can of ambition cleare Which is when valu'd at the highest price A generous errour an heroicke vice But when this frenzie flaming bright Doth so the soules of some surprise That they can taste of no delight But what from Soveraignty doth rise Then huge affliction it affords Such must themselves so to disguise Prove prodigall of courteous words Give much to some and promise all Then humble seeme to be made Lords Yea being thus to many thrall Must words impart if not support To those who crush'd by fortune fall And grieve themselves to please each sort Are not those wretch'd who o're a dangerous snare Do hang by hopes whilst ballanc'd in the ayre Then when they have the Port attain'd Which was through Seas of dangers sought They loe at last but losse have gain'd And by great trouble trouble bought Their mindes are married still with feares to being forth many a jealous thought With searching eyes and watching eares To learne that which it grieves to know The brest that such a burden beares What huge afflictions doe o'rethrow Thus each Prince is as all perceive No more exalted then brought low Of many Lord of many slave That idoll greatnesse which th' earth doth adore Is gotten with great paine and kept with more He who to this imagin'd good Did through his countries bowels tend Neglecting friendship duty bloud And all on which trust can depend Or by which love could be conceiv'd Doth finde of what he did attend His expectations farre deceiv'd For since suspecting secret snares His soule hath still of rest beene reav'd Whilst squadrens of tumultuous cares Forth from his brest extort deep grones Thus Caesar now of life despaires VVhose lot his hope exceeded once And who can long well keep an ill wonne State Those perish must by some whom all men hate Act. 5. Scene 1. Marcus Brutus Chorus Antonius Caius Cassius Marcus Tullius Cicero ARe generous Romans so degener'd now That they from honour have estrang'd their hands And us'd with burdens do not blush to bow Yea even though broken shake not off their bands This glorious worke was worthy of your paine Which now ye may by others dangers have But what enchaunts you thus that ye abstaine That which ye should have taken to receive Where be those inundations of delight Which should burst out from thoughts o're-flow'd with joy Whil'st emulous Vertue may your mindes incite That which we give you bravely to enjoy Or quite conform'd unto your former state Do still your mindes of servitude allow As broken by adversitie of late Not capable of better fortune now Loe we who by the Tyrants favour stood And griev'd but at the yoke which you out-rag'd Have our advancement riches rest and bloud All liberally for liberty engag'd Chor. Thou like thy great Progenitour in this Hast glory to thy selfe t' us freedome brought Then liberty what greater treasure is Ought with it much without it much seemes nought But pardon us heroicke man though we To high perfection hardly can aspire Though every man cannot a Brutus bell What none can imitate all must admire At this strange course with too much light made blinde We our opinions must suspend a space When sudden chances do dismay the minde The Iudgement to the Passion first gives place Ant. What wonder now though this most barbarous deed Have with amazement clos'd your judgement in Which O I feare shall great confusion breed When Caesars toyls did end Romes did begin The most suspitious mindes had not beleev'd That Romans reverenc'd for their worth by us Would have presum'd to kill or to have griev'd An hallow'd body inhumanely thus Who would have once but dream'd of such despight What strange hostilitie in time of peace To kill though not accus'd against all right A sacred man and in a sacred place Cai. Cass If Caesar as a Citizen had liv'd And had by Law decided every strife Then I would grant those treason had contriv'd Who went without a Law to take his life But to pervert the Laws subvert the State If all his travels did directly tend Then I must say we did no wrong of late Why should not Tyrants make a Tragicke end Cho. Since destinies did Caesars soule enlarge What course can we for his recovery take Ah! th' unrelenting Charons restlesse Barge Stands to transport all o're but brings none back Of lifes fraile glasse when broken with vaine grones What earthly power the ruines can repaire Or who can gather up when scattred once Ones bloud from th' earth or yet his breath from th' ayre Let us of those who passe oblivions floud Oblivious be since hope of help is gone And spend our cares where cares may do most good Lest Rome waile many where she wailes but one Ant. Still concord for the Common-weale were best To reconcile divided thoughts againe
lab'rinth could not shunne Whence backe in vaine the straying Entrer seeks I lov'd O fatall love unlovely fate The vertuously faire yet fairest Dame That ever was enshrin'd in soules conceit Or ditties gave to grace the sounds of fame Straight were my fancies to her beauties ty'd None can paint passions but in feeling mindes I burn'd freez'd doubted hop'd despair'd liv'd dy'd With actions chang'd as oft as Autumnes windes Yet many conflicts past 'twixt hopes and feares To feast at least to nurce my starv'd desires She granted had a truce unto my teares And temper did with equall flames my fires For as she was the most esteemed Saint Whose image Love erected in my minde So when her cares had harbour'd once my plaint It pitie first and then did favour finde But ah triumphing in mine owne conceit As one whose love his Lady did preferre I was corrivall'd O disastrous fate By one who lov'd but was not lov'd by her He looking as I look'd faw what I saw Saw Natures wonder and the worlds delight And straight as that blinde god blinde guide did draw Still like a Lizard liv'd upon her sight Then labour'd he that Iewell straight to wonne Whose matchlesse worth he priz'd above his breath And loath'd all light which flow'd not from that Sunne As life without her had beene worse then death Yea Fortune seem'd to favour his desire And where to build high hopes did give him ground● The Nymph her parents daily did require That she might furnish physick for his wounds Of my distracted thoughts strange was the strife Who threatned thus with eminent mishap Was like to lose a thing more deare then life Whil'st others striv'd my treasure to entrap The man who sought my joyes to undermine I could not justly wish his state o're-throwne Nor blame the sprite that sympathiz'd with mine I envi'd not his lot but wail'd mine owne Now in my beast a mighty rage did raigne Which forc'd my soule with inward wounds to bleed Some fancies fear'd what once his love might gaine Since it was possible that he might speed Then others call'd her constancy to minde Which would not yeeld by such assaults though prov'd Yet forc'd to feare the frailty of her kinde A hearing woman may in time be mov'd Thus toss'd with doubts amidst a deep of woe Which with suspition did my joyes supplant I blam'd the thoughts that durst accuse her so As vertues patterne could one vertue want And ●or I hop'd his toils no further wrought Affliction oft affection doth enflame She of her sex who was the wonder thought Would thus not wrong the glory of her name Though in my absence they had oft assai'd That from her minde they might have me remov'd The Sunne burns hotest when his beames are stay'd The more they cross'd her love the more she lov'd For finding that delay no end affords And how faire Generals onely flow'd from Art She did upbraid him with disdainefull words To raze those hopes that had abus'd his heart Love is a joy which upon paine depends A drop of sweet drown'd in a sea of sowres What folly doth begin oft fury ends They hate for ever who have lov'd for houres When all his arguments prov'd of no force Straight with disdaine his soule in secret burn'd And what he thought was ill to make farre worse That Apostate to furie favour turn'd Through love preposterous procreating hate His thoughts amongst themselves could not agree Whil'st what was best he deeply did debate To see her dead or then enjoy'd by me What said he when he first had mus'd a space So hard it is to quench affections fires Shall I disfigure that Angelike face And cloud those beauties which the world admires Shall she by me be to confusion brought To whom I vows and prayers did impart To whom I sacrifiz'd each secret thought And on her beauties altar burn'd my heart Or shall I see her in anothers pow'r And in his bosome laid upbraid my losse Whil'st both with scornfull smiles then death more sowre To point me out for sport report my crosse That sight which sometime did me sweetly charme Should it become a cause of griefe to me No none who live shall glory in my harme Since she will not be mine she shall not be The hatefull love having vow'd her death Did with a cup of poyson drowne my joyes The fairest body from the sweetest breath Was parted thus O ocean of annoyes That Monster Fame whose many mouthes and eares Must know but not conceale a rare thing long And prodigall of ill most chiefly beares The worst news first inform'd me of this wrong For neighbouring neare the most unhappy part That had beene spoyl'd of such a noble guest As death had hers the furies seiz'd my heart Whose paine did spring from that which bred her rest How huge a weight did first confound my soule No tongue can tell it still my minde torments Rage did of griefe the outward signes controll When great windes blow the fire the smoak worst vents Whil'st generous furie did disguise my griefe I ranne transported with a mighty rage Bent by revenge or death to get relife A tragicke actor for a bloudy stage For I was come no sooner to the place Whereas I thought the Murtherer to have found But I did meet O ruine and disgrace Too deare a friend to catch and enemies wound Ah! passions dimn'd mine eyes wrath led my hand I was no more my selfe Griefe had me kill'd The first by Night who did before me stand As one whose breast with rage Alecto fill'd By chance encount'ring ere he spake a word I bath'd his bosome with a crimson floud And in his breast did drowne the cruell sword That in anothers body drank my bloud But when a Torch had partly rob'd the night Proud of suppos'd revenge ah bitter gaine I saw I knew black knowledge cruell sight My brother was the man whom I had slaine O bitter losse which nothing can repaire My soule with tow such monstrous deeds annoy'd Griefe rage spite shame amazement and despaire Gall'd toss'd burn'd dash'd astonish'd and destroy'd The thought of my offence doth grieve me most Yet am I sometime by loves verdict cleans'd And straight my brothers violated ghost By dreadfull dreames doth bragge to be reveng'd Croe. Now whil'st this great disaster did occurre What had the author of your anguish done Adrast He having heard this lamentable stirre Who self-accusing thoughts convicted soone Straight wounded by a wonderfull remorse Led by mad love or desp'rate feare to death He bent to follow her or dreading worse Stab'd by himselfe dy'd to defraud my wrath Croe. Those strange mishaps your enemies eyes must weet And force compassion from your greatest foe Since many monstrous circumstances meet To make a horrid harmony in woe But what doth touch ones selfe most force doth finde For ills when felt then heard griefe more abounds This extasie hath so o're-whelm'd my minde A melancholy huge all mirth confounds
the Gods Their providence as partiall would condemne Who in such sorte doe exercise their rods He thus now kill'd with life to let me goe May breed reproch to all the pow'rs divine But ah they knew no death could grieve me soe As that which through his heart was aim'd at mine Now all the world those deities may despise Which strike the guiltlesse and the guilty spare Cease haplesse man to plague thy selfe thus wise I pardon thee and pittie thy despaire Adrast. O rigorous judgement O outragious fate Must I suruive the funeralls of my fame All things which I behold vpbraide my state Too many monuments of one mans shame All and none more then I my deeds detest Yet some waile want of friends and I of f●es To purge the world of such a dangerons pest Which still contagious must taint hearts with woes To wound this brest where all hells hosts do raigne Seiz'd with just feare none dare a hand forth stretch Else this base charge as odious doe disdaine To deale with Death in favour of a wretch Or must I yet till more detested stand And fill the world with horrour of my name What further mischiefe can require my hand Must it ingrave on others graves my shame Or would some bastard thought lifes cause debate Which in the blasted field of comfort gleanes No no in spite of Heaven I 'le force my fate One when resolv'd to die cannot want meanes Proud Tyrant Death and must thou make it strange To wrap my wearied soule in further strife Vnlesse my courage with my fortune change Though nothing else I can command my life But this ay me all hope of helpe devowres What gaines my soule by death in those sad times If potent still in all her wonted pow'rs Shee must remember of my odious crimes What though un-bodied she the world forsake Yet from her knowledge cannot be divorc'd This will but vexe her at the shadowie lake Till even to grone the God of Ghosts be forc'd But welcome death and would the Gods I had Lesse famous or more fortunately liv'd Then knowne if good and kept obscure if bad Of comfort quite I had not beene depriv'd Ah! have I liv'd unnaturall I to be My brothers murtherer who me dearely lov'd Ah! have I liv'd with my owne hands to kill A gallant Prince committed to my charge And doe I gaze on the dead bodie still And in his fathers sight my shame enlarge Ah! have I liv'd whilst men my deeds doe scan To be the obiect of contempt and hate Of all abhorr'd as a most monstrous man Since thought a Traitouror farre worse ingrate Yet with my blood I 'le wash away this staine Which griefe to you to me disgrace hath brought Would God my name from mindes ●ight ●a●'d remaine To make my life as an unacted thought Brave Atis now I come to pleade for grace Although thou frown'st on my affrighted Ghost And to revenge thy wrong this wound embrace Thus thus I toile to gaine the Stygian coast Cho. Loe how he wounds himselfe despising paine With leaden lights weake legs and head declin'd The bodie beates the ground as in disdaine That of her members one hath prov'd unkind The fainting hand falles trembling from the Sword With his selfe slaughtering blow for shame grown red Which straight the blood pursues with vengeance stor'd To drowne the same with the same floods it shed Who of those parties can the combat show Where both but one one both strooke and sustain'd Or who triumphs for this most strange o'rethrow Where as the victor lost the vanquish'd gain'd Croe Curs'd eyes what suddaine change hath drown'd your lights And made your mirthfull objects mournefull now Ye that were still inur'd to stately sights Since seated under an imperiall brow Ah! clouded now with vapours drawn from cares Are low throwne down amid'st a hell of griefe And have no prospect but my soules despaires Of all the furies which afflict me chiefe O dead Adrastus I absolve thy Ghost Whose hand I see some destiny did charme Thou hated by the heavens wast to thy cost A casuall actour not intending harme No doubt some angry God hath laid this snare And whilst thy purpose was the Boare to kill Did intercept thy shaft amidst the Aire And threw it at my Sonne against thy will Ah! Sonne must I be witnesse of thy death Who view thee thus by violence to bleede And yet want one on whom to poure my wrath To take just vengeance for so vile a deede This wretch whose guiltlesse minde hath clear'd his hand Loe for his errour griev'd unforc'd doth fall And not as one who did in danger stand For still he liv'd till I forgave him all Thus have I but the heavens on whom I may Blast forth the tempest of a troubled minde And in my soules distresse I grieve to say That greater favour I deserv'd to finde Act 4. Scene 1. Sandanis Croesus WHy spend you Sir with sighes that Princely breath Whence Soveraignty authority should take O weake revenge for one when wrong'd by death To yeeld him homage prostrated in blacke That Tyrant pale so hatefull unto us Whose fatall shaft so great a griefe hath bred Where he triumphs should you reare trophees thus And weare his livery as his captive led No though he might this outward blisse o'rethrow And you save you of all things else might spoile Yet whilst of one who yeelds no signe you show You are victorious and he gets the foile Those floods of sorrow which would drown your soule In brests more base might better be excus'd Since wanting sprite their passions to controule As from their birth still to subjection us'd But you in whom high thoughts by nature grow To this decay how is your vertue come I blush to see my Soveraigne brought so low And Majestie by misery o'recome Nor doe I thus to make you stupid strive As one unnaturall wanting sense to smart No none a Prince of kindnesse can deprive The honour'd badge of an Heroicke heart That pow'r supreme by which great States doe stand Affections order should but not undoe And I could wish you might your selfe command Which though you may not well yet seeme to doe Croe. I will not here rehearse enlarging woes On what just reasons now my griefe I ground But still will entertaine my comforts foes Whilst many a thousand thoughts my soule doe wound What pensive pensill ever limm'd aright The sad conceipts of soule-consuming griefe Ah! words are weake to shew the swelling height Of th' inward anguish desperate of reliefe Though many monarchs jealously despise The rising Sunne that their declining staines And hate the Heyre who by their fall must rise As griev'd to heare of death or others raignes My love to Atis otherwise appear'd Whome whilst for him I did my cares engage I as a Father lov'd as king not fear'd The comfort not th' encombrance of mine age And had he me as reason would surviv'd Who glanc'd and
we certaine see And not attaine to that which you devise Croe. I grant indeed this very few shall know Though I professe but to relieve my friend My thoughts conceive as successe best may show And not without great cause a greater end You see how fortune nought but change affects Some are reproach'd that others may be prais'd And every age brings forth some strange effects Some men must fall that others may be rais'd I doubt not you have heard who was the first For warring with the world whom fame revives Who had of soveraignty so great a thirst That it could not be quench'd with thousands lives Even he who first obtain'd the name of Iove And rests reputed for his glorious acts The most imperious of the pow'rs above Who vowes and offerings of the world exacts He all his time in state did terrour breath Borne to acquaint the world with warre and dearth Whil'st fertile still in misery and death Two fatall furies that afflict the earth Yet since his course the worlds first plague was past When his proud race had many ages raign'd That Empire too did perish at the last And what it lost by martiall Medes was gain'd This was the cause of that great kingdomes fall A Prince who could not judge of Princely parts With losse of Scepter honour life and all To buy base joyes sold all his Subjects hearts To that disastred Monarchies decay Th' aspiring Persians purpose to succeed But I intend their lofty course to stay And that in time ere that it throughly speed The Persians once the Lydians force must prove And O! who knowes but that it is ordain'd At the tribunall of the States above That I should raigne where famous Ninus raign'd This all the hoste of heaven oft-times foretels To this the Gods of Greece my minde have mov'd And he that in Arabia's desart dwels By his response this enterprise approv'd San. Thus still in love with what we minde to doe What we affect we fairest still conceive This feeds our humour whil'st selfe-flatterers loe To shew our wit we would our selves deceive Vaine hopes so maske all doubts you cannot spy What secret danger this designe doth beare But whil'st well view'd with an indifferent eye There want not grounds where fore-sight may find feare You unadvis'dly purpose to pursue A barbarous people opposite to peace Who but by robbery to their greatnesse grew And would for each light cause the warres embrace No dainty silkes dipt in Assyrian dye Doe decke their bodies to abase their mindes Skinnes reft from beasts them cloath who danger ply Not mov'd by flattering Sunnes nor bragging windes They simply feed and are not griev'd each day With stomackes clody decocting divers meates They fare not as they would but as they may Of judgement sound not carried with conceits Those ancient customes which they strictly hold Make all things easie that they feele no paine This cooles the summers heate kils winters cold This makes the Rivers dry the Mountaines plaine They whose ambition poverty did bound Of Lydia's dainties if they once doe taste Will have in hatred straight their barren ground And all our treasures insolently waste To governe such although that we prevaile You shall but buy vexation with your bloud And doe your selfe and yours if fortune faile From Soveraignty by time secur'd seclude Yea though this rash desire your judgement blindes I for my part must praise the Gods for you Who have not yet inspir'd the Persians mindes To waste with warre all Lydia long ere now Croe. Those flames which burn my brest must once burst out Your counsell for more quiet mindes I leave And be you still thought wise so I prove stout I 'le conquer more or lose the thing I have Coelia AH am I forc'd out of afflictions store For my mindes ease a few sad words to straine But yet unlode it now to lode it more I empty but mine eyes to fill againe My soule must sound even as my passions strike Whil'st sighes and teares would faine afford reliefe My brest and eyes are both accurst alike The Cabinet of care the Springs of griefe O cruell heaven fierce starre unhappy fate Too foule injustice of celestiall pow'rs Whose high disdaine to me with partiall hate The comfort of the world poore world devoures Curst be the day in which I first was borne When lying tongues affirm'd I came to light A monstroues blasphemy a mighty scorne Since where darke sorrow breeds an endlesse night Would God I then had chanc'd this life to leave The tombe straight taking what the wombe did give Then alwayes buried changing but the grave I had not liv'd to dye but dy'd to live What profited to me my Parents joyes VVho with such pompe did solemnize my birth Since sti●l my soule must flote amidst annoyes So to defray one dramme of tasted mirth And it did onely serve to make me know The height of horrour threatning to succeed I was but rais'd up high to be brought low That short liv'd joyes might endlesse anguish breed Whil'st nothing did for my confusion lacke All my best deeds did but betray my State My vertues too were guilty of my wracke And warr'd against me banded with my fate For whil'st my Virgin-yeares with praise I past Which did ah that it did too much import My modest eye told that my minde was chast Which gain'd the warrant of the worlds report And all should have a great respect to fame No greater dowry then a spotlesse name Faire beauties God desse thou can'st beare record My offring never made thine Altar rich Lascivious fancies highly I abhorr'd Whose free-borne thoughts no folly could bewitch Till happily ah so it seem'd to some O but unhappily the end hath prov'd All this and more to Atis eares did come Who straight did like and after liking lov'd He to our eares his purpose did impart Not lip-sicke-lover-like with words farre sought Whose tongue was but an agent for his heart Yet could not tell the tenth part that it thougth And lest his travels should have seem'd to tend My honours fame by fancies to betray He brought his wishes to a lawfull end And in effect affection did bewray There Iuno president of wedlockes vow And Hymen with his odoriferous cote With sacred customes did our love allow Whil'st th' ominous Owles no crosses did devote The blessing that this marriage did procure It was too great to have continued long A thing too vehement cannot endure Our joyes farre past the reach of any tongue We ever did full satisfaction finde Yet with satiety were never cloyd But seem'd two bodies manag'd by one minde Such was the happinesse that I enjoy'd He lov'd me dearely I obey'd his will Proud of my selfe because that I was his A harmony remain'd betwixt us still Who each in th' other plac'd their soules chiefe blisse This mov'd th'immortals to a high disdaine That thus two worldlings who of death were heires Should in a Paradise of
This Tragedies last act who might enquire My man who spy'd a babe there breathlesse lye With that rich funerall furniture array'd Told what the fellow told a generous lye So that thus try'd I trusted what they said I end Time posting with houre-feather'd wings Had given you strength with others of your yeares You haunted games not nephewes unto Kings But for that time admitted for your Peeres They faile call fortune blinde she sight bewray'd And your authority by lot enlarg'd In pastorall sport who still the Scepter sway'd And as but borne for that that best discharg'd With other children then as once it chanc'd A Noble-man of Medeas Sonne remain'd Who swolne with envy to see you advanc'd Your childish charge with scornfull words disdain'd You raging at that proud attempt of his Did punish him as it became a Prince I doubt now Sir if that you thinke of this The rest of rashnesse did your deed convince Cyrus Though now my breast doth greater thoughts embrace Of youthfull sport yet do not spare to speake Let cares alternatly give pleasure place That which is bended still must sometime breake Harp The childes great Father did inform the King How that so base a boy his Sonne abus'd And of the guard one hasted you to bring As for an odious crime to be accus'd But when the King expostulating long By terrours striv'd to cast your courage downe You boldly said that you had done no wrong To punish one who had contemn'd your Crowne You so magnanimous amaz'd to finde Whil'st pausing long with an attentive Eye That speech imperious told the King your kinde Whose brood but th' Eagles durst have soar'd so high The fained Father to the King was brought Who fear'd for torture telling truth in time Where he reward deserv'd but pardon sought As if the saving you had beene a crime Then as it seem'd delighted with the rest The King did cause a sumptuous feast prepare And me desir'd as his most speciall guest That with my Sonne I would to Court repaire When I was come the King great joy disclos'd And sooth'd my words which did his chance applaud But for another end then I suppos'd What fairer cloke then courtesie for fraud When th' absence of the Sunne did darknesse breed The Candles light inheriting his place On my Sonnes flesh they caus'd my selfe to feed Then did upbraid me with his bloudlesse face VVhat anguish or what rage o're-flow'd my soule A loving Father may imagine best Yet at that time I did my rage controull But laid it high up in a stormie brest Cyrus Some of the wise-men then I heard remain'd VVho from their former sentence did recoyle And said no danger was since I had raign'd Then did dismisse me for my native soile VVhere when I had my blooming season spent To weakened wrath your lines did strength afford Informing us that many Medes were bent For his great cruelty to leave their Lord And wish'd if to their Scepter I aspir'd That I should move the Persians to rebell VVhich did succeed even as my soule desir'd For they disdain'd in bondage base to dwell VVhen my encourag'd troups all arm'd did stand Ere they from Strangers could attend releefe I quickly march'd encountring with that band Of which the King had chanc'd to make you chiefe Harp Loe how those wretches whom the heavens would wrack To plagues expos●● of judgement are unarm'd The King of me his Captaine straight did make And look't for help of him whom he had harm'd Yet was th' old wrong so rooted in my heart My Countries thraldome and mine owne disgrace That all the horrours mischiefe could impart Seem'd nought to me so my disdaine took place Cyr. On those whom they have wrong'd none should relye Iust rancour unreveng'd can never dye Harp This enterprise at first so well did speed That since your Greatnesse still began to rise Which may by time to brave a story breed As may be pretious in all Princes eyes Cyr. Behold how Craesus with his riches blinde Durst even encounter with my warre-like band And whil'st a prosp'rous course betray'd his minde Did not suspect what pow'r was in my hand But he and his confederates have seene How victory doth still my troupes attend And Persia must be once all Asia's Queene On whom for servants Princes shall depend Now Croesus is o'recome this Towne surpris'd And Lydia charg'd with gold doth yeeld rich spoyles The League unprosp'rous Aegypt hath despis'd This is the happy end of all our toiles But ah one sowre unseasons all my sweets Whose praise through all the peopled circuit fleets And with his love each generous courage warmes Then when though weake in troups in courage strong Th' Aegyptian Chariots desperately he charg'd There whil'st he fought infortunately long Mars from terrestriall bands his soule enlarg'd Harp No doubt that Dame this trouble hardly beares Who onely seem'd for him to like of life I heard him whil'st she bath'd his breast with teares Oft wish by proofe to merit such a wife When their farewell was seal'd last speeches spent She kiss'd the Coach that did containe her trust And with eyes bigge with pearle gaz'd where he went Still till her sight was choak'd with clods of dust Cyrus And have you then not heard his death but prov'd The black beginning of a bloudy Scene His wife Panthea at the first not mov'd Seem'd as she had some marble image beene The body that had oft her fancies fir'd She caus'd beare out of sight still deare though dead But where the River ranne when once retir'd She 'twixt her bosomes Rounds entomb'd his head And then from Rage she borrowed some reliefe For sorrow by degrees a passage seeks Vapouring forth sighs which made a cloud of griefe A mighty storme of teares rain'd downe her cheeks Then whil'st her Eyes the wonted object miss'd With heavy looks resolving fatall haste Pale senselesse lips she prodigally kiss'd With as great ardour then as in times past I posted thither bent to have releev'd This Lady of a portion of her woes Heaven beare me witnesse I was greatly griev'd Who would to save one friend spare hosts of foes She first a space me passionately ey'd Then with those words her lips did slowly move My husband loe hath valorously dy'd As of your friendship worthy of my love My comming but encreas'd griefes starving store For till that passion of it selfe expire All kinde of comfort but augments it more Like drops of oyle thrown on a mighty fire A constant count'nance though I striv'd to make And what her woes diminish might did tell That comfort which I gave I could not take And scarcely could throw forth my last farewell When I had left her but a little space She did discharge the Eunuchs from her sight Then pray'd her Nurse to bury in one place Her and her Lord as they deserv'd of right Last looking on his corps she drew a sword And even as if her soule had flown in him
Their matchlesse worth in armes large Asia findes Their feare is falne upon all Nations now But if you suffer them in such a sort To be made rich with plenteous Lydia's spoiles Not able then their conquest to support The vanquish't by their fall the victor foils Let not vain pleasures entertaine their sights Rest wealth wealth pride pride warre warre ruine breeds Whil'st faint through pleasures weakened with delights No thought of honour from base breasts proceeds Then Cyrus straight approving what he spake His souldiers were from pretious spoyls restrain'd Whil'st he the tenth part did pretend to take A fatall off'ring for the Gods ordain'd This is the summe of our disastrous state We must a Stranger serve as thrall'd long since With losse of all which he possest of late Our King bought breath a poore thing for a Prince Chor. O wretched people O unhappy King Our joyes are spoyl'd his happinesse expir'd And no new chance can any comfort bring Where destinies to ruine have conspir'd Go wofull messenger hold on thy course For to have heard too much it irks our eares And we shall note of this thy sad discourse With sighs each accent and each point with teares Croesus Loe I who late did thunder from a Throne Am now a wretch whom every one disdaines My treasure honour state and freedome gone No kinde of comfort no nor hope remaines And after me let none whom greatnesse shrouds Trust tumid titles nor ostentive shows Sailes swolne with windes whil'st emulating clouds That which puffes up oft at the last o're-throws O! had this pretious wit enrich'd my minde Which by experience I have dearly bought Whil'st fortune was within my Court confin'd And that I could not thinke a bitter thought Then satisfi'd with Soveraignty ear'st prov'd I had disdain'd new dangers to embrace And cloath'd with majestie admir'd and lov'd Had liv'd with pleasure and had dy'd in peace But what more wonderfull in any State Then power when courted that is free from pride But chiefly those who live securely great They oft may erre since Fortune is their guide What could the world afford or man affect Which did not smooth my soule whil'st I was such Whom now the changing world doth quite neglect By prospr'ing plagu'd starv'd onely with too much Long lull'd asleep with scornfull Fortunes lyes A slave to pleasure drown'd in base delights I made a covenant with my wandring eyes To entertaine them still with pleasant sights My heart enjoy'd all that was wish'd of late Whil'st it the height of happinesse did cloy Still serv'd with dainty but suspected meat My soule with pleasure sicke was faint for joy All which much care what might procure mine ease My will divin'd obsequiously devis'd And who my fancy any way could please As prais'd by me was by all others pris'd Save serving me none else could have deserv'd Of whom what ever came was held of weight My words and looks were carefully observ'd And whom I grac'd were had in honour straight For pompe and pow'r farre passing other Kings Whil'st too secure with drowsie thoughts I slumbred My coffers still were full of pretious things Of which as wealth least weigh'd gold scarce was numbred I rear'd rare buildings all embost with gold Made ponds for fishes forrests for wilde beasts And with vain thoughts which could not be controll'd Oft spent the day in sport the night in feasts I toss'd the Elements with power like Ioves Driv'd water up aire downe a pleasant change For stately fountains artificiall groves As common things were not accounted strange With me what more could any Monarch crave In all the parts of pompe none could compare My Minions gallant Counsellours were grave My guards were strong my Concubines were faire Yea whil'st light Fortune my defects supply'd I had all that could breed as now I finde In others wonder in the owner pride So puffing up the flesh to spoyle the minde Thus with delight long pressing pleasures grapes With Fortune I carrows'd what men deare hold But ah from misery none alwayes scapes One must be wretched once or yong or old Then weary to be well and tyr'd of rest To waken trouble I th' occasion sought And yet to cloake the passions of my brest Did with devotion long cloud what I thought Of all the Oracles I did enquire What was to come of this intended warre Who said as seem'd to second my desire That I a mightie Monarchie should marre Those doubtfull words I wresting to my will In hope to breake the hauty Persians pow'rs Did ruine quite whil'st all succeeded ill What many a age had gain'd even in few houres And this may be admir'd as more then strange I who disdain'd an equall of before What cannot Fortune do when bent to change Then servants lesse must dreame content no more What eye not bigge with scorne my state surveyes Whom all do pittie now or worse do blame And bound even to my foe for some few dayes Which borrowed are with th'intrest of my fame Though this sweet gale of life-bestowing windes Would seeme a favour so it seemes to some Who by the basenesse of their muddie mindes Shew from what vulgar stock their kinde doth come I scorne unlike my selfe thus to be seene Though to my comfort this appear'd to tend As if misfortunes past had onely beene A Tragick entry to a Comick end Of all that plague my State what greater pest Then servile life which faints from th' earth to part And hath in one united all the rest To make me dye each day yet live to smart Life in my brest no comfort can infuse An En'mies gift could never come for good It but gives time of misery to muse And bathe my sorrows in a bitter flood Ah! had my breath straight vanish'd with my blisse And clos'd the windows that gave light to life I had not borne to misery submisse The height of those mishaps which now are rife Whil'st with a thousand sighs I call to minde The death of Atis and mine owne disgrace In such an a●ony my soule I finde That life to death would willingly give place But since I see reserv'd for further spight I with sad thoughts must bur●en yet my soule My memory to my distracted spright Of all my troubles shall present a scroule Of which while as th' accounts I go to cast When numbring my misfortunes all of late I will looke backe upon my pleasures past And by them ballance my now haplesse state Chorus IS' t not a wonder thus to see How by experience each man reeds In practis'd volumes penn'd by deeds How things below inconstant be Yet whil'st our selves continue free We ponder oft but not apply That pretious oyle which we might buy Best with the price of others paines Which as what not to us pertaines To use we will not condescend As if we might the fates defie Still whilst untouch'd our state reamines But soon the heavens a change may send No perfect blisse before
TRAGEDY OF DARIVS Act 1. Darius WHat thund'ring pow'r grown jealous of my state Which having daunted th' earth perchance heaven fears Thus arm'd with lightning breathing flames of hate Big with disdaine high indignation beares Long smooth'd of all whilst I pale cares despis'd In fortunes lap asleep of greatnesse dream'd Even in that calme my state a storme surpris'd And ere I wak't my ruine was proclam'd Thus I whose onely name did terrour give As Idoll of the world ador'd over all With crosses compass'd such a wretch doe live That who admir'd my might admire my fall Ah then indeed I fell when gallants stood And Phoenix like renew'd their lives by death Who having seal'd their force and faith with bloud Would rather dye then draw a borrowed breath Yet I not I did view not venge though neare Those monstrous mountaines of my Subjects slaine Though even my enemies must my courage cleare Which flames of fury lightned forth in vaine Through greatest dangers death I did pursue Till heapes of slaughtred bodies barr'd my way And chang'd my Chariot to a scarlet hue Ere wounded honour could be drawne away O how I envy yet their happy Ghosts Who dy'd whilst hope of victory remain'd And in the presence of two famous hosts To praise their valour even their foes constrain'd Shall I survive that memorable shame Which Persia's glory with disgrace confin'd No rather let me dye and let my name As vaine quite vanish raz'd from every minde Starre-boasting Babylon all Asia's Queene Blush to behold thy King in such a state That by the gazing world he now is seene A scorned futer humbly to entreate But not turn'd vassall as by pow'r appall'd Though all my Empire to a period come Yet none shall vaunt that ever I was thrall'd Hearts holding courage are not quite o're-come Should I whose Soveraignty so oft was sworne Be seene submisse to scape a minutes paines No let them bow who but to bow were borne For Darius this indignity disdaines Since I was once judg'd worthy to command Shall I descend a Subjects state to try No whilst a sword yeelds homage to this hand I scorne to grant a greater man then I. Brave sprites who now possesse the pleasant bow'rs And glorious Gardens of th' Elysian Plaines For if deserts may move th' infernall pow'rs That happy shade your shadowes now containes Those fatall fields where I did leade you forth Your bodies bury but enlarge your fames Men shall adore the relickes of your worth And Trophees reare to your immortall names I 'le sacrifice as Incense to your soules His dying sighes and sorrowing Parents teares Who now whilst none his prospering pride controules Our conquer'd Ensignes in his triumph beares For it may ease your Ghosts to heare his grones Whilst burden'd earth rebounding backe doth send A wailing eccho rais'd from woods and stones With wounded words to shew that Armies end Why spend I speeches to disturbe your rest As but with words an idle speaker pleas'd A mighty fury hath enflam'd my brest And I will rage till by revenge appeas'd Did I that strong Cadusian first afront Who durst advance himselfe to brave our bands Then turn'd applauded and in high account Charg'd with his spoiles the honour of my hands What could I then all kinde of doubt remov'd Alone adventure to an Armies shame And should I now that ancient praise disprov'd With squadrons compass'd lose that glorious name Blinde fortune O! thy stratagems are strange Which spoile my pow'r and staine my honour too And having made my state the stage of change Hast acted all was in thy power to doe Loe I who late of swarming troups did boast Neere left alone have fortunes fraud disclos'd And those made captives whom I fancy most To vaunting Victors are by fates expos'd O torment but to thinke death to beleeve That any may my dearest part annoy And I wretch'd I not able to releeve Mine eyes chiefe jewell and my hearts chiefe joy Deare object of my thoughts my life my love Sweet Spring of my delights my one my all Bright image of th'excellencies above What do'st thou breath and com'st not when I call And can I be and not be where thou art Hath heaven the force me from thy face to barre Or are my hands growne traitours to my heart That they should shrinke from doing what it dare O! could my minde but distribute a space Those emulating thoughts which tosse my brest To pointlesse ciphers who but spend a place Then I alone might animate the rest Since in this great disgrace I chanc'd to fall Now nothing rests to raise my fame forlorne But by some desperate course to hazard all I 'le live with praise or by my death flye scorne Some prosp'rous issue afterward may purge This crime which fortune hath impos'd on me This crime that carryes with it selfe a scourge No greater torment then the want of thee But fortunes course what mortall can restraine Who Diadems through dust for sport doth roule A stranger now o're my delights doth raigne And may extort the treasures of my soule Now not till now I apprehend my harmes When I imagine how my best belov'd Must entertaine mine enemy in her armes And I so farre from offering ay de remov'd A host of furies in my brest I finde Which doe my soule with dreadfull horrours fill Whilst Melancholy musters in my minde Strange apprehensions that affright me still And this surmiz'd disgrace grown throughly strong Reades hourely in mine eares a hatefull scroule Of an imagin'd yet a helpelesse wrong Such poison'd thoughts like Serpents sting my soule Blinde love beguiles me not sharpe sighted feares With reason fed doe make suspition live Would God that I had neither eyes nor eares Which to the heart intelligence might give This aggravates the weight of my despaire When doubt objects to breake loves last defence How he is yong and fierce she yong and faire He to offend she subject to offence From wronging me both cannot long abstaine Her beauty is sufficient to allure His bravery is sufficient to obtaine Captaines will force and Captives must endure O Alexander tender my renowne Though thus thou travell to usurpe my throne I rage to have a rivall in my Crowne But in my love I can comport with none That boundlesse flame which in thy bosome boyles If quench'd with ought save bloud as base I blame My fortunes take but spare her honours spoiles Which not thy glory yet must breed our shame But pardon deare that which griev'd thoughts burst ●orth More bright thy fame that darkened is my state By many meanes men may approve their worth A woman onely with a wretched mate Chast mindes still pure doe then most firmely stand When fortifi'd with wedlockes sacred band Yet let me doubt or let me leave to love To feare the worst it is affections part I doubt not of thy truth yet it may prove Thy face betray thy faith thy hap thy heart But on thy
up break And let eye-flatt'ring shows our wits enchaunt All perish'd are ere of their pomp men speak Those golden palaces those gorgeous Halls With furniture superfluously faire Those stately Courts those skie-encountring walls Do vanish all like vapours in the ayre O! what affliction jealous greatnesse beares Which still must travell to hold others downe Whil'st all our guards not guard us from our fears Such toile attends the glory of a Crowne Where are they all who at my feet did bow Whil'st I was made the Idoll of so many What joy had I not then what have I now Of all once honour'd and now scarce of any Our painted pleasures but apparrell paine We spend our nights in feare our dayes in dangers Balls toss'd by Starres thrals bound to Fortunes raigne Though known to all yet to our selves but stranges A golden Crowne doth cover leaden cares The Scepter cannot lull their thoughts asleep Whose souls are drown'd with flouds of cold despaires Of which base vulgars cannot sound the deep The Bramble grows although it be obscure Whil'st loftie Cedars feele the blust'ring windes And milde Plebeian souls may live secure While mighty tempests tosse Imperiall mindes What are our dayes but dreames our raigne a glance Whil'st Fortunes feaver makes us rage and rave VVhich with strange fits doth to a height advance Till ere paine us we first our life must leave For glist'ring greatnesse by Ambition lov'd I was the wonder of all gazing eyes But free from shadows reall essence prov'd States just proportion ruine onely tryes Loe charg'd with chains which though they be of gold My states distresse diminish not the more When this prepost'rous honour I behold It but upbraids me what I was before And what was I before as now I see Though what afflicted was not clearly knowne But still in fetters whilst appearing free And in a labyrinth of labours throwne Was I not forc'd to serve a thousand humours To scape the censure of a Criticke storie Still clog'd with cares enrag'd with many rumours O glorious bondage and ô burd'nous glory That dignity which deifi'd me late And made the world doe homage to my name Doth not oppose that which pursues my state But by fall gives feathers unto fame My best was but a momentary blisse Which leaves behind this ever-lasting sting That of all woes no woe is like to this To thinke I was and am not now a king No man with me in all th'accomplish'd joyes That satisfie the soule could once compare No man may match me now in sad annoyes Or any crosse which can provoke despaire Thrice fortune did my gallant troups entrap And I to fall did desperately stand Yet could not be so happy in mishap As to have di'd by some renowned hand But for my greater griefe disgrace and scorne The mindes of men so apt are to deceave They whom aloft my favours wings had borne Ev●● they have made their Master thus a slave Ah! did nor death in prison from me reave The ●●●●red Soveraigne of my soules desires And I wretch'd I not present to receave The 〈◊〉 ●ol● kisse that should have quench'd my fires Yet o thrice happie thou who hast not liv'd To beare a burden of this great disgrace More then a thousand deaths this had thee grievd To know I di'd and di'd in such a case Ah! doe the pledges of our mutuall love The onely comfort that the fates have left Rest prison'd yet and may I not remove M● mother thence as of all power quite reft My paines are more then with my pleasures even Since first my head was burden'd with a Crowne Was I exalted once up to the Heaven That to the Center Iove might throw me downe My ample Empire and my Princely birth My great magnificence and vaine excesse All cannot yeeld my minde one minutes mirth To ease me now in this my great distresse Loe here reduc'd vnto the worst of ills Past helpe past hope and onely great in griefe Two abject vassals make me waite their willes Not looking no nor wishing for reliefe If that my honour had beene first repair'd Then what though death had this fraild fortresse wonne I waile my life since for disgrace prepar'd Not that it ends but that it was begunne What fatall conflict can my count'nance marre Though me to bragge death all his horrours bring I never shall wrong Majestie so farre As ought to doe that not becomes a king Chorus SOme new disaster daylie doth fore-show Our comming ruine wee have seene our best For fortune bent as wholy to o'rethrow Throwes downe our king from her wheeles height so low That by no meanes his state can be redrest For since by armes his pow'r hath been represt Both friends and servants leave him all alone Few have compassion of his state distrest To him themselves a number false doth show So foes and faithlesse friends conspir'd in one Fraile fortune and the fates with them agree All runne with Hatchets on a falling tree This Prince in prosp'rous state hath flourish'd long And never dream'd of ill did thinke farre lesse But was well follow'd whilst his state was strong Him flattering Syrens with a charming song Striv'd to exalt then whilst he did possesse This earthly drosse that with a vaine excesse He might reward their mercenarie love But now when fortune drives him to distresse His favourites whom he remain'd among They straight with her as hers their faith remove And who for gaine to follow him were wont They after gaine by his destruction hunt O more then happie ten times were that king Who were vnhappie but a little space So that it did not utter ruine bring But made him prove a profitable thing Who of his traine did best deserve his grace Then could and would of those the best embrace Such vulturs fled as follow but for prey That faithfull Servants might possesse their place All gallant minds it must with anguish fling Whilst wanting meanes their vertue to display This is the griefe which bursts a generous heart When favour comes by chance not by desart Those minions oft to whom kings doe extend Above their worth immoderate good-will The buttes of common hate oft hit in end In prosp'rous times they onely doe depend Not upon them but on their fortune still Which if it change they change them though they fill Their hopes with honour and their chests with Coyne Yet if they fall or their affaires goe ill Those whom they rais'd will not with them descend But with the side most stronge all straight doe joyne And doe forget all what was given before When once of them they can expect no more The truth hereof in end this strange event In Bessus and Narbazenes hath prov'd On whom their Prince so prodigally spent Affection Honour Titles Treasure Rent And all that might an honest minde have mov'd So bountyfull a Prince still to have lov'd Who so benignely tendred had their state Yet Traitours vile all due respects remov'd
his hand a little space When dying like a Torch whose waxe is spent In spite of payne even with a princely grace His hands still seem'd directing as he went Alex. Who could refraine from teares to heare declar'd The huge mishapps which all at once did light Have subiects slaine their Prince whom strangers spar'd Vs hath he fled that perish thus he might I for his fall am wonderfully sorry Whom first I forc'd but last would have maintain'd I envie death because it rob'd the glory Which I by giving him his life had gain'd Hep. Since death hath put a period to his woes That favour which to him you would extend Let it with furie flame against his foes For your designes can have no fairer end So shall you both the peoples love obtaine Whilst by your meanes reveng'd their Soveraigne rests And likewise may the more securely raigne The state well purg'd from such contagious pests If but one vertue did adorne a king It would be justice many great defects Are vail'd thereby whereas each vertuous thing In one who is not just the world suspects Alex. Though this your Counsell nor yet his request Had not the pow'r to penetrate my eare A generous stomach could not well digest So great a wrong which courage stormes to beare My sprite impatient of repose disdaines That they so long their infamie survive But I will punish with most grievous paines The monstrous Treason that they did contrive What doe they thinke though back'd with numbrous bands That Bactria is a bulwarke for mine Ire Flie where they list they cannot scape my hands My wrath shall follow like consuming fire Such damned soules the heaven cannot receave I le force Hells dungeons as Alcides did And they on th' earth no bounds but mine can have I 'le search them out though in the center hid And when as threatning now I once may strike Betwixt the bending boughs of some strong tree To Traitours terrours who intend the like They shall by violence dismembred be Poll. Sir may it please you to extend your care That some his funerall offices performe Alex. Goe presently and every thing prepare As best becomes the military forme Act 5. Scene 2. Sisigambis Nuntius Chorus THIS looke alas hath charg'd my soule with feares Speak for my life doth on thy lippes depend Thy count'nance ah a dolefull copie beares Of some sad summons to denounce my end Starve not my eares which famish for thy words Though they when swallow'd may but make me burst Nun. The message madame which my soule affords Must once be knowne and once knowne still accurst Sis. Be not a niggard of ill newes Nun. And why Sis. Fame will tell all the world Nun. But first to you Sis. Tell soone Nun. Your sonne is dead Sis. Then let me die Cho. Her joyes and pleasures all are perish'd now Sis. Why opens not the Earth straight to devoure A hopelesse caitive who all good hath lost The longer that I live my griefe growes more As but to mischiefe borne kept to be crost Would God this masse where miserie remaines A weight of Earth from sight of men might keepe Or that the Seas all raging through the plaines Would make my tombe amid'st their tumid deepe O Alexander hast thou rob'd his life Yet entertain'd me still in hope to finde him Why did'st thou not first kill this poore old wife Who was not worthie to have liv'd behind him That I should live till thou my Sonne had'st slaine Was all thy kindnesse for this cause imploi'd Nun. You wrong that Prince for he with hast in vaine Came him to helpe whom others had destroi'd Sis. What impious thoughts durst dreame so vile a deed A monarchs murther Asia's glories end Nun. Two whom he rais'd did his confusion breed He found his friend his foe his foe a friend Sis. Tell on thy message messenger of death And loade my minde with mountaines of distresse That tears may drowne my sight sighs choake my breath Whilst sorrow all my sences doth possesse Nun. When Alexander who at peace repin'd Did save submission hold all offers vaine Bent of sterne Mars to try the doubtfull minde A generall muster Darius did ordaine And in one battell bent to venture all He caus'd his will be publikely proclaim'd Whilst two vile Traitours did conspire his fall Who Bessus and Narbazanes were nam'd Those two in councell did discover first Some portion of the poison of their heart Which caus'd the king suspect but not the worst Yet with a sword he sought to make them smart But having scap'd what first was fear'd from rage They seem'd so much their errour to lament His indignation that they did asswage False hypocrits pretending to repent Whilst Artabazus as an honest man Who judg'd of others by his vpright minde No fraud conceav'd sought more to scape then scan What they with craft to compasse Crownes design'd Cho. A mind sincere is ever least suspitious These think all faultie who themselves are vitious Nun. They urg'd him with the king to interceed That in his favour he would give them place And did protest that by some valorous deed They labour would to gaine againe his grace Then Artabazus came and told the king That in the battell he might try their faith And both before his majestie did bring Who when submisse did quickly calme his wrath With hands stretch'd up to Heaven and humbled knees With teares like those which Crocodiles doe shed Woe in their face and pitie in their eyes Did for compassion though from rigour pleade The king of nature milde did them receave And them who thus but for the forme complain'd Not onely all relenting quite forgave But wept in earnest too whil'st they but fain'd When in his Coach from all suspition free With count'nance sad long following on behinde As still pretending supplicants to be They bow'd to him whom they were bent to binde The Grecian Captaine curiously neare When mark'd a suter crav'd what he requir'd By pregnant proofes did evidently cleare What treason was against his state conspir'd He told what way their purpose might be tri'd And how the Bactrians were for trouble bent Then for his safety pray'd him to provide By straight with him retyring to his Tent But in the King who did neglect his state No kinde of care this friendly offer bred So that it seem'd he by some pow'rfull fate Was head-long forward to confusion led The Greeke past thence despairing him to save Who thus all meanes to help himselfe refus'd With subtle words then Bessus there did crave To purge himselfe and errours past excus'd Old Artabazus happ'ning to approach The King to him did Patrons speech report Who then perceiv'd what danger did encroach And wish'd he would where Greeks were strong resort But in his breast this purpose firmly plac'd That from his Subjects he would never flie With mutuall teares they tenderly embrac'd And parted there like two who went to dye Now silent night in
pitchie vapours cled Had must'red mysts and march'd out of the West Dayes beauties darkning shadowie horrours spread The Sentinels were set and all at rest When loe a terrour did distract the host Whose bands to murmure were dispers'd in parts With sounds resembling ships in stormes neare lost Whil'st each to other cause of feare imparts Those who their King appointed were to guard From what was due by fraud or feare did stray And to his danger having no regard His Fortunes Minions fled with heraway The desolation then growne wondrous great With some few Eunuchs Darius left alone No strength remaining nor no signe of state He thus them spake who for his fall did mone Go part in peace ere further harme be had Lest that my ruine likewise you surprise They hearing those sad words as men gone mad Went howling through the host with dolorous cryes So that all those who heard what plaints they made Thought that they had their Soveraignes death bewail'd And forcing trust some forg'd reports were spread That he had kill'd himselfe all hope quite fail'd The Persians griev'd whil'st these things did occurre Did first encourage all their Countrey bands To help their Prince but yet they durst not stirre For feare of falling in the Bactrians hands Even in the time when this confusion was The Traitors to deferre the fact no more Did to their Soveraignes Tent with Squadrons passe And took and bound him whom they serv'd before Who in a golden Coach once proudly rode Was throwne in one for common carriage us'd And who of late was honour'd like a God Two of his owne as if their slave abus'd Those royall hands to beare a Scepter borne Were basely bound and which the more him griev'd Thus misery can hardly scape from scorne With bands of gold which burden'd not reliev'd When Alexander great with courage spy'd Our Armies flie he who in hope them chac'd To follow us with diligence did ride Base seem'd the Conquest which no danger grac'd But when at last at length by some inform'd How he was made a captive to his owne At this indignity he highly storm'd As if by it his hopes had beene o're-throwne Out of his host he did select a few Who were best hors'd and fit for such a fight With whom his foes he did so fast pursue That e're they could suspect he came in sight The Traitors vex'd when spying him appeare Came to the Cart whereas the King did stay And call'd to horse in haste since foes were neare Lest that they else might finde him for a prey He look'd aloft and cry'd aloud I see That Nemesis is frowning from above Should I with Traitors as a captive be And flie from him who but brave warres doth move Then those in whom impiety abounds Throw'd Darts at him vile beasts to be abhorr'd And hurt the horses with an hundred wounds Then men more trusty dying for their Lord As false in hearts so feeble with their hands When Guilt and Danger doubled had despaires The Traitors first then all their trait'rous bands Fled from a number lesse by halfe then theirs But to the bounds of Deaths pale kingdome brought The King retyr'd where least by people spy'd More wounded with ingratitude then ought Did leave the world whose folly he had tri'd The last divorce which lasts was scarcely made Twixt soule and body whil'st the eyes grew dim When Alexander came and found him dead Who labour'd had so long to ruine him And whil'st his teares a generall mourning mov'd That stately vesture which himselfe array'd Much fear'd for valour more for vertue lov'd With his owne hand on Darius corps he layd Then wailing long as for a brother lost To have his funerals furnish'd like a Kings He bids you use his wealth and spare no cost For you shall want no necessary things He hath his body hither sent by me And sunerall rites solemnely bent to do He thinks that they may best accomplish'd be Whil'st who him bred doth see him buried too Cho. Behold how griese hath her of sense bereft Whil'st breath for passage strugling is with grones No will nor pow'r to live just griefe hath left Since what she value vanish'd is at once Sis Ah! shall I see no let me first be blinde That body breathlesse which I brought to light Where would my soule a force sufficient finde That could encounter with so sad a sight O flinty heart what hinders thee to breake Since crush'd with cares a stranger to repose Why part'st thou not poore soule that whil'st I speake In opening of my lips mine eyes may close This heritage of death this wither'd stocke Is but a place appointed for despaires A torture to it selfe a stumbling block Whose aged furrows fertile are in cares Once for good Fortunes now for bad design'd To state betray'd drawne forth from calme repose To have beene happie most afflicts my minde Who rais'd to fall got much the more to lose Ah me malitious fates have done me wrong Who first come to the world should first depart And ah why should the old o're-live the yong This Nature wrongs by a prepost'rous art Ah! why should Death so indiscreet be found To spare a caitive and to spoyle a Prince My halfe-dead body bending to the ground Through griefe is grown ripe for the grave long since Chorus WHat makes vaine worldlings so to swell with pride Who come of th' earth and soone to th' earth returne So hellish furies with their fire-brands burne Proud and ambitious men that they divide Them from themselves and so turmoyle their mindes That all their time they study still How to content a boundlesse will Which never yet a full contentment findes Who so this flame within his bosome smothers He many fancies doth contrive And even forgets himselfe alive To be remembred after death by others Thus while he is his paines are never ended That whil'st he is not he may be commended What can this help the happinesse of Kings So to subdue their Neighbours as they do And make strange Nations tributaries too The greater state the greater trouble brings Their pompes and triumphs stand them in no stead Their Arches Tombes Pyramides high And statues are but vanity They dye and yet would live in what is dead And while they live we see their glorious actions Oft wrested to the worst and all their life Is but a stage of endlesse toyle and strife Of tumults uproares mutinies and factions They rise with feare and lye with danger downe Huge are the cares which wait upon a Crowne And as Ambition Princes under-mynes So doth it those who under them rule all We see in how short time they rise and fall How oft their light ecclips'd but dimmely shines They long time labour by all meanes to move Their Prince to value much their parts And when advanc'd by subtle arts O what a danger is' t to be above For straight expos'd to hatred and despight With all their skill they
particular thing Which by your selfe I long to heare disclos'd Lysim When wise Calistenes for no request With superstitious customes could comport But with franke words all flattery did detest He was abus'd and in a barbarous sort So plaguing him no doubt the King did ill Yet to prosperity we must impute Those fatall faults which follow fortune still As of great mindes a kinde of bastard fruit We should in Kings as loth their state to touch Speake sparingly of vice praise vertue much But I whose soule that wise man dearely lov'd Whilst his perfections spying thus injur'd To tender passions by compassion mov'd Would his reliefe have willingly procur'd But when my credit fail'd all hope quite past That I could purchase grace in any sort I desp'rate physi●ke did afford at last That if his life was ill it might be short The King ●nrag'd that I had thus presum'd To limit his revenge by giving death That by a Lyon I should be consum'd Did throw my doome out of the depths of wrath But when with rowling eyes the Lyon roar'd He by my strength as strengthlesse was o're-thrown Which to the King whose did then remord My constancy and courage both made knowne So that incontinent I was set free By this rare proofe esteem'd amongst the strong And with a minde from inward rancour free As he his wrath so I forgot the wrong For whilst alone he through a Forrest rang'd A prey expos'd yet did no danger dreame Some at that time had former wrongs reveng'd If but for mischiefe bent to gaine a names Yet that which others did attempt in vaine And tyr●d by travell of a surfet dy'd I did performe and brought him backe againe As swiftly running as his horse could ride And of that deed my sprite rests well appaid For since that time my Soveraigne held me deare Which afterwards he to the world bewraid Whilst by this meanes his favour did appeare VVhen unawares my brow he chanc'd to wound To stay my bloud which striv'd to dye his Launce He with his Diadem my Temples crown'd A happy signe though comming but by chance And O! who knowes but once before I dye Some good event may second the presage Seleu. What hinders us but we should fortune try And for a Crowne our travels straight engage Those bended mindes which ayme at Greatnesse still Growne popular of purpose to be prais'd Doe winde themselves every mans good will And would seeme humble that they may be rais'd What counterfeited friends seale trustlesse bands VVhilst in the generall cause that wit pretends Though never joining hearts all joyne their hands And worke one way yet worke for divers ends Yea those whose mindes move in the sphere of State Have purchas'd pow'rs as purpos'd for the fields VVith jealous mindes their rivals to abate VVhilst equals all none to another yields Yet with suspended thoughts they doubtfull stand And their designes to venture doe forbeare Least all the rest joyn'd by a generall band Doe him o're-throw who first gives cause of feare But he may speed who for a Crowne doth thirst And free from feare with courage doth advance Some to be second doubting to be first Will make their course depend upon his chance And by a battell if that one prevail There will rich hopes at easie rates be sold Whil'st those seek help whose Fortune then doth faile As first by hope last by despaire made bold All this to me great cause of feare affords Lest that we two protract the time too long And wounded be before we draw our swords All at such times must do or suffer wrong Lysi No chance of late hath brought me so to bow But I have throwne some thoughts at those high hopes Yet in my minde that man do most allow Who doth with judgement moder are fancies scopes Those Provinces which are to us assign'd As calme in minde we manage must a space Till all attempt that which they have design'd By enterchanging damage and disgrace Then living but like those whose force is small From which the world no great thing can expect We shall professe a favour to them all As who nought else save publicke peace affect Yet then our thoughts shall not have leave to sleep But subtle plots must circumspectly frame Those whom we feare at variance still to keep So alwayes strengthning us and weakening them If wrongs provoke or when occasion claimes Like cunning wrestlers at th'Olympick games Who exercise themselves to be more strong And when themselves have thus prepar'd the way Whil'st that their pompe doth beare a lower sayle For at the last their force must much decay Since all must alwayes lose though one prevaile Then prompt to tempt that which we now contrive By ruining the remnant that remaines We may possesse the state for which they strive Thus they the toils and we shall get the gaines Exeunt Chorus O Happy was that guiltlesse age When a● Astraea liv'd below And that Bellona's barbarous rage Did not all order quire o'rethrow Then whil'st all did themselves content With that thing which they did possesse And gloried in a little rent As wanting meanes to make excesse Those could no kinde of want bemone For craving nought they had all things And since none sought the regall Throne Whil'st none were Subjects all were Kings O! to true blisse their course was set Who got to live not liv'd to get Then innocency naked liv'd And had no need nor thought of Armes Whil'st spightfull sprits no meanes contriv'd To plague the simple sort with harmes Then snaring laws did not extend The bounds of Reason as they do Strife oft begun where it should end One doubt but clear'd to foster two By conscience then all order stood By which darke things were soone discern'd Whil'st all behov'd there to be good Where as no evill was to be learn'd And how could any then prove naught Whil'st by example vertue taught Then mortals mindes all strong and pure Free from corruption lasted long By innocency kept secure When none did know how to do wrong Then sting'd with no suspitious thought Men mischiefe did from none expect For what in them could not be wrought In others they would not suspect And though none did sterne laws impart That might to vertue men compell Each one by habite in his heart Had grav'd a law of doing well And all did wickednesse forbeare Of their free-will and not for feare The first who spoyl'd the publike rest And did disturbe this quiet state Was Avarice the greatest pest Which doth of darknesse fill the seat A Monster very hard to daunt Leane as dry'd up with inward care Though full of wealth for feare of want Still at the borders of despayre Scarce taking food for Natures ease Nor for the cold sufficient clothing She whom her owne could never please Thinks all have much and she hath nothing This daughter of sterne Pluto still Her fathers dungeon strives to fill That Monster-tamer most renown'd
Pluto in th' umbragious Caves There since he will be first made first in hell What with that Tyrant I will straight be even And send his soule to the Tartarian grove Though Iove will not be jealous of his heaven Yet Iuno must be jealous of her Iove And though none in the heavens would do him ill I 'le raise up some in th' earth to haste his death Yea tho●●● both heaven and earth neglect my will H●ll 〈◊〉 me Ministers of wrath I 'le cro●● 〈◊〉 and the smoaking lakes To borrow ●●enc●●●y brothers damned bands The furies arm'd with fire-barands and with Snakes Shall plant their hell where Rome so stately stands Whil'st Furies furious by my fury made Do spare the dead to have the living pin'd O! with what joy will I that Army leade Nought then revenge more calmes a wronged minde I must make this a memorable age By this high vengeance which I have conceiv'd But what though thousands dye t' appease my rage ' So Caesar perish let no soule be sav'd Exeunt Chorus VVE should be loath to grieve the gods Who hold us in a ballance still And as they will May weigh us up or downe Those who by folly foster pride And do deride The terrour of the Thunderers rods In seas of sinne their soules do drowne And others them abhorre as most unjust Who want Religion do deserve no trust How dare fraile flesh presume to rise Whil'st it deserves heavens wrath to prove On th' earth to move Lest that it opening straight Give death and buriall both at once How dare such ones Look up unto the skies For feare to feele the Thunderers weight All th' Elements their Makers will attend As prompt to plague as men are to offend All must be plagu'd who God displease Then whil'st he Bacchus rites did scorne Was Pentheus torne The Delians high disdaine Made Niobe though turn'd a stone With teares still mone And Pallas to appease Arachne weaves loath'd webbes in vaine Heaven hath prepar'd ere ever they begin A fall for pride a punishment for sinne Loe Iuno yet doth still retaine That indignation once conceiv'd For wrong receiv'd From Paris as we finde And for his cause bent to disgrace The Trojan race Doth hold a high disdaine Long layd up in a loftie minde We should abstaine from irritating those Whose thoughts if wrong'd not till reveng'd repose Thus thus for Paris fond desire Who of his pleasures had no part For them must smart Such be the fruits of lust Can heavenly breasts so long time lodge A secret grudge Like Mortals thrall to yre Till justice sometime seemes unjust Of all the furies which afflict the soule Lust and revenge are hardest to controull● The Gods give them but rarely rest Who do against their will contend And plagues do spend That fortunate in nought Their sprits quite parted from repose May still expose The stormy troubled brest A prey to each tyrannicke thought All selfe-accusing soules no rest can finde What greater torment then a trouble minde Let us adore th' immortall powers On whose decree of all that ends The state depends That farre from barbarous broiles We of our life this little space May spend in peace Free from afflictions showres Or at the least from guilty toyles Let us of rest the treasure strive to gaine Whithout the which nought can be had but paine Act. 2. Scene 1. Iulius Caesar Marcus Antonius NOw have my hopes attain'd the long'd for heaven In spight of partiall Envies poysnous blasts My Fortune with my courage hath prov'd even No Monument of miscontentment lasts Those who corrival'd me by me o're-throwne Did by their falls give feathers to my flight I in some corner rather live unknowne Then shine in glory and not shine most bright What common is to two rests no more rare In all the world no Phoenix is save one That of my deeds none challenge might a share Would God that I had acted all alone And yet at last I need to mourne no more For envy of the Macedonians praise Since I have equall'd all that went before My deeds in number do exceed my dayes Some earst whose deeds rest registred by Fame Did from their Conquests glorious titles bring But Greatnesse to be great must have my name To be a Caesar is above a King Ant. Those warre-like Nations which did Nations spoile Are by thy Legions to our laws made thrall What can brave mindes not do by time and toyle True magnanimity triumphs o're all Caes Th'out-ragious Gauls who in most monstrous swarmes Went wasting Asia thundering downe all things And Macedony quaking at their Armes Did insolently make and un-make Kings Those Gauls who having the worlds Conquerours foil'd As if the world might not have match'd them then Would sacrilegiously have Delphos spoil'd And warr'd against the Gods contemning men Yea those whose Ancestors our City burn'd The onely people whom the Romanes fear'd By me Romes nursling match'd and o're-match'd mourn'd So what they first eclips'd againe they clear'd Then as to Subjects having given degrees The Gauls no more presuming of their might I wounding Neptunes bosome with wing'd trees Did with the world-divided Britains fight The Germans from their birth inur'd to warre Whose martiall mindes still haughtie thoughts have bred Whil'st neither men nor walls my course could barre Mask'd with my banners saw their Rhene runne red The Easterne Realmes when conqu'ring now of late My comming and o're-comming was but one With little paine ear'st Pompey was call'd great Who fought soft bands whose glorious dayes were gone But what though thousands set ones praises forth For fields which shadows and not swords obtain'd The rate too easie vilifies the worth Save by great paines no glory can be gain'd From dangers past my comfort now proceeds Since all who durst gaine-stand I did o're-come And in few words to comprehend my deeds Rome conquer'd all the world and Caesar Rome Ant. Loe those who striv'd your vertue to suppresse As whose great actions made them jealous still Whil'st labouring but too much to make you lesse Have made you to grow great against your will Great Pompeys pompe is past his glory gone And rigorous Cato by himselfe lyes kill'd Then dastard Cicero more you● honours none Thus all your foes are with confusion fill'd The Senatours who could not be asswag'd Long to your prejudice their pow'r abus'd Till at their great ingratitude enrag'd I swore our swords would grant what they refus'd When having scap'd endanger'd and despis'd Brave Curio and I did to your Camp resort In old bare gownes like some base slaves disguis'd All sigh'd to see us wrong'd in such a sort Caes The highest in the heaven who knows all hearts Do know my thoughts as pure as are their Starres And that constrain'd I came from forraine parts To seeme uncivill in the civill warres I mov'd that warre which all the world bemoanes Whil'st urg'd by force to free my selfe from feares Still when my hand gave wounds
just himselfe more strong Then Caesar thought who for no justice car'd And since discovering what he cloak'd so long Said that the other and not he was snar'd Thus Caesar conquer'd all but Cato's minde Who to a tyrant would not owe his breath But in such sort his famous course confin'd Then Caesars life more glorious was his death Those great men thus brought to disastrous ends The author of their death make me despise Who to usurpe all pow'r while as he tends By treading good men downe doth strive to rise Now made most great by lessening all the great He proudly doth triumph in Rome o're Rome And we must seeme to like the present state Whose doubtfull breath depends upon his doome Yet had I not enlarg'd my griefes so long To you whom Caesar doth pretend to love Save that I know touch'd with the common wrong A just disdaine all generous mindes must move Dec. Had Caesar willingly resign'd his Armes And rendred Rome her liberty at last When as from fores he fear'd no further harmes But had repair'd his just displeasures past More then for all that could be done for me He should have had and Altar in my best As worthy for his vertuous deeds to be Fear'd by the bad and honour'd by the best But since though conqu'ring all the world by might He to himselfe a slave would make Rome thrall His benefits are loathsome in my sight And I am griev'd that he deserves to fall My fancies move not in so low a sphere But I disdaine that one Romes Crowne requires Yet it is best that with the time we beare And with our pow'r proportion our desires Though first dissembling so your minde to try I told what fame to Caesars praise relates Yet was I pleas'd that moe were griev'd then I All miscontented men are glad of Mates Cic. Since tyranny all liberty exiles We must our sleves no more our selves disguise Then learne to maske a mourning minde with smiles And seeme to like that which we most despise Yet all our deeds not Caesars humour please Who since mistrusting once esteemes us still When dumb disdainefull flatterers when we praise If plaine presumptuous and in all things ill Yea we whose freedome Caesar now restraines As his attenders all his steps must trace And know yet not acknowledge his disdaines But still pretend an interest in his grace Though all my thoughts detest him as a foe To honour him a thousand meanes I move Yet but to save my selfe and plague him so No hate more harmes then it that lookes like love His pride is by prepost'rous state growne such That by the better sort he is abhorr'd The gods are jealous and men envy much To see a mortall man so much ador'd Dec. Well Cicero let all meanes be entertain'd That may embarke us in his bosomes deepes Till either willingly or then constrain'd He justly quite what he unjustly keepes Exeunt Chorus THis life of ours is like a Rose Which whilst rare beauties it array Doth then enjoy the least repose When Virgin-like make blush we see Of every hand it is the prey And by each winde is blowne away Yea though from violence scap'd free Thus time triumphs and leades all thrals Yet doth it languish and decay O! whilst the courage hottest boiles And that our life seemes best to be It is with dangers compast still Whilst it each little change appalles The body force without oft foiles It th' owne distemp'rature oft spoiles And even though none it chance to kill As nature failes the body falles Of which save death nought bounds the ioyles What is this moving Towr in whith we trust A little winde clos'd in a cloud of dust And yet some sprites though being pent In this fraile prisons narrow bounds Whilst what might serve doth not content Doe alwaies bend their thoughts too high And ayme at all the peopled grounds Then whilst their brests Ambition wounds They feed as fearing straight to dye Yet build as if they still might live Whilst famish'd for fames empty sounds Of such no end the travell ends But a beginning gives whereby They may be vex'd worse then before For whilst they still new hopes contrive The hoped good more anguish sends Then the possess'd contentment lends As beasts not taste but doe devoure They swallow much and for more strive Whilst still their hope some change attends And how can such but still themselves annoy Who can acquire but know not how t' enjoy Since as a ship amidst the deepes Or as an Eagle through the ayre Of which no way th' impression keepes Most swift when seeming least to move This breath of which we take such care Doth tosse the body every where That it may hence with haste remove Life slips and sleepes alwayes away Then hence and as it came goes bare Whose steppes behinde no trace doe leave Why should heaven-banish'd soules thus love The cause and bounds of their exile As restlesse strangers where they stray And with such paine why should they reave That which they have no right to have Which with them in a little while As summers beauties must decay And can give nought except the grave Though all things doe to harme him what they can No greater enemie then himselfe to man Whilst oft environ'd with his foes Which threatned death on every side Great Caesar parted from repose As Atlas holding up the Starres Did of a world the weight abide But since a prey to foolish pride More then by all the former warres He now by it doth harm'd remaine And of his fortune doth diffide Made rich by many Nations wreake He breaking through the liquid barres In Neptunes armes his Minion forc'd Yet still pursu'd new hopes in vaine Would the ambitious looling backe Of their inferiours knowledge take They from huge cares might be divorc'd Whilst viewing few more pow'r attaine And many more then they to lacke The onely plague from men that rest doth reave Is that they weigh their wants not what they have Since thus the great themselves involve In such a labyrinth of cares Whence none to scape can well resolve But by degrees are forward led Through waves of hopes rockes of despaires Let us avoyd ambitions snares And farre from stormes by envy bred Still seeke though low a quiet rest With mindes where no proud thought repaires That in vaine shadowes doth delight Thus may our fancies still be fed With that which Nature freely gives Let us iniquity detest And hold but what we owe of right Th' eyes treasure is th' all-circling light Not that vaine pompe for which pride strives Whose glory but a poysnous pest To plague the soule delights the sight Ease comes with ease where all by paine buy paine Rest we in peace by warre let others raigne Act 3. Scene 1. Caius Cassius Marcus Brutus NOw Brutus now we need no more to doubt Nor with blinde hopes our judgement to suspend That flatt'rers credit loe is quite worne
distresse strikes deeper in my heart Thy griefe lifes joy makes me neglect mine owne Brut. Thou must deare love that which thou sought'st receive Thy heart so high a saile in stormes still beares That thy great courage doth deserve to have Our enterprise entrusted to thine eares This magnanimitie prevailes so farre That it my resolution must controule And of my bosome doth the depths unbarre To lodge thee in the centre of my soule Thou seest in what estate the State now stands Of whose strong pillars Caesar spoyl'd the best Whil'st by his owne preventing others hands Our famous Father fell amongst the rest That proud usurper fondly doth presume To re-erect detested Tarquins throne Thus the worlds Mistresse all-commanding Rome Must entertaine no Minion now but one All those brave mindes who mark where he doth tend Swell with disdaine their Countries scorne to see And I am one of those who soone intend His death or mine procur'd to be made free Port. And without me canst thou resolve so soone To try the danger of a doubtfull strife As if despair'd and alwayes but undone Of me growne weary weary of thy life Yet since thou thus thy rash designe hast showne Leave Portia's portion venter not her part Endanger nought but that which is thine owne Go where thou lik st I will hold still thy heart But lest by holding of thy best part back The other perish't aggravate my grones Who would be so thought guilty of thy wrack Take all thy Treasure to the Seas at once Like Asia's Monarchs wife who with short haires Sad signes of bondage past still where he past To weare away or beare away thy cares I 'le follow thee and of thy fortune taste These hands which were with mine own bloud imbru'd To strike another may more strength afford At least when thou by th' enemies art pursu'd I 'le set my selfe betwixt thee and each Sword But if too great a priviledge I claime Whose actions all should be dispos'd by thee Ah! pardon Brutus and but onely blame This streame of passions that transported me Brut. Thou ask'st what thou shouldst give forgive deare Mate This ventrous course of mine which must have place Though it make Fortune Tyrant of our State Whose fickle foot-steps Vertue grieves to trace And wonder not though thus to thee I prove Since private duties now all pow'r have lost I weigh not glory profit pleasure love Nor what respect may now import me most So to the land of which I hold my life I may performe that worke which I intend Let me be call'd unkinde unto my wife Yea worst of all ingrate unto my friend As an instinct by Nature makes us know There are degrees of duty to be past Of which the first unto the Gods we owe The next t' our Countrey to our friends the last From Rome of old proud Tyrants bent to drive Did th' author of my race with ardent zeale Make those to dye whom he had made to live And spoil'd himselfe to raise the Common-weale To settle that which Caesar now o're-throws Though vertues nurserie stately whil'st it stood He with the Tyrant inter-changing blows On Glories Altar offered Fame his bloud And did that man to crosse the common foe Then damne his Sonnes to death and with dry eyes And is his speciall heire degener'd so In abject bondage that he basely lyes No his posterity his name not staines But even to tread his steps doth fast draw neare Yet of his sprit in us some spark remaines Who more then life our liberty hold deare Port. Then prosecute thy course for I protest Though with some griefe my soule the same approves This resolution doth become thy brest In honours spheare where heavenly Vertue moves And do this enterprise no more deferre What thee contents to me contentment brings I to my life thy safety do preferre But hold thy honour deare above all things It would but let the world my weaknesse see If I sought my delights not thy desires Though griefe it give and threaten death to me Go follow forth that which thy Fame requires Though Nature sexe and education breed No power in me with such a purpose even I must lend help to this intended deed If vows and pray'rs may penetrate the heaven But difficulties huge my fancie findes Nought save the successe can defray my feare Ah! Fortune alwayes frownes on worthy mindes As hating all who trust in ought save her Yet I despaire not but thou may'st prevaile And by this course to ease my present grones I this advantage have which cannot faile I le be a free-mans wife or else be nones For if all prosper not as we pretend And that the Heavens Romes bondage do decree Straight with thy liberty my life shall end Who have no comfort but what comes from t●●● My Father hath me taught what way to dye By which if hindred from encountring death Some other meanes I though more strange must try For after Brutus none shall see me breathe Brut. Thou for my cause all others earst didst leave But now forsak'st thy selfe to joyne with me Ore generous love no pow'r weake passions have Against thy minde thou dost with mine agree I le since by thee approv'd securely go And vilipend the dangers of this life Heavens make my enterprise to prosper so That I may once prove worthy such a wife But ah of all thy words those grieve me most Which bragge me with the dating of thy dayes What though I in so good a cause were lost None flies the fate which stablish'd for him stayes Do not defraud the world of thy rare worth But of thy Brutus the remembrance love From this faire prison strive not to breake forth Till first the fates have forc'd thee to remove Port. The heavens I feare have our confusion sworn Since this ill Age can with no good accord Thou and my Father ah should have beene borne When Vertue was advanc'd and Vice abhorr'd Then ere the light of Vertue was declin'd Your worth had reverenc'd beene not throwne away Where now ye both have but in darknesse shin'd As Starres by night that had beene Sunnes by day Brut. My treasure strive to pacifie thy brest Lest sorrows but sinistrously presage That which thou would'st not wish and hope the best Though Vertue now must act on Fortunes Stage Exeunt Chorus THen liberty of earthly things What more delights a generous brest Which doth receive And can conceive The matchlesse treasure that it brings It making men securely rest As all perceive Doth none deceive Whil'st from the same true courage springs But fear'd for nought doth what seemes best Then men are men when they are all their owne Not but by others badges when made knowne Yet should we not mispending houres A freedome seeke as oft it falls With an intent But to content These vaine delights and appetites of ours For then but made farre greater thralls We might repent As not still pent In stricter bounds