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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07489 The heauenly pro:gresse. By Rich: Middleton Middleton, Richard, d. 1641. 1617 (1617) STC 17872; ESTC S114542 286,451 938

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which thou hearest or readest giue thy selfe to vnderstand them and certifie thy selfe of all doubts Twelfthly vse all diligence to commend to the Treasure-house of thy minde as much as possibly thou canst euen as one that is desirous to fill a vessell Thirteenthly seeke not after things beyond and aboue thy reach And following these steps thou shalt carry and bring forth on thy shoulders as long as thou liuest both boughes and fruites most profitable into the Vine-yard of the Lord of Sabaoths these things if thou dost follow thou shalt attaine to the thing thou affectest Now hauing laid these short grounds of procuring the vertues tending to sanctification and holy perfection as an entrance to the sequent Treatise you may remember that in the front of this last part hauing said that the ignorance of a certaine methode and Art whereby to direct vs to the attaining of Christian perfection and the knowledge of a right seruing of God was the onely cause why so many Christians came so farre short of their duty drift heerein as that scarce one was to bee found who had made any competent passage into the habite of any one vertue I must now as my first ground of this Discourse according to my promise set forth this methode and Art of seruing God aright to euery mans view Wherein for our better proceeding I will first giue some more generall instructions to direct vs in all our actions secondly some more particular for the repayring of that slaughter which sins haue made in mans soule thirdly I will speake of the loue of God and of the things which a man ought to loue in which loue consists the fulfilling of the Law and of all our good works 1 If it be true which S. Ambrose writeth that the ignorance of order and manner whereby things are to be done doth much trouble and deface the quality of ones desert and worke and that hee is not to bee thought to haue the full knowledge of any thing who knoweth what is to bee done but yet knoweth not the order whereby hee is to proceed therein Then it is manifest that it profites very little that a man do know all that is written concerning the seruice of God if withall hee bee ignorant how and by what meanes the same is to bee put in practise And albeit all Arts and knowledge of good things doe slow from the supreme Artificer God and many are enlighted with his goodnesse and preuented with the blessings of sweetnesse yet are wee not for that cause to omit our duty nor is the obligation of doing what is in our power dissolued in searching into his Precepts and Will and such things as are necessary for vs to the end that we may doe what is pleasant in his sight to which purpose this present methode is necessary wherby wee may know and bee able to put in practise all those excellent things which the holy Scripture teacheth vs. Nor let any man thinke it superfluous that wee shall haue instructions giuen vs helping to the seruice of God seeing the whole Scripture witnesseth it and the Apostle expressely that wee are Gods fellow-Labourers 1. Cor. 3. But wee cannot say that he doth truely or sufficiently helpe that doth not helpe so much as hee can and ought to helpe Nor is it any thing else for vs to bee helpers vnto God then to moue the soule in all our workes as much as wee can to repaire the grieuous losses which sinne hath brought into the soule and purely to loue God aboue all Besides there is no cause why any should excuse themselues in that the annointing of the Holy Ghost doth teach all things and so there should bee no vse nor need of any Art or methode whereby to learne the seruing of God For that is true but yet so as that wee bee not wanting vnto the Spirit and to our selues in searching and labouring by all holy meanes to come to that knowledge For the holy Ghost teacheth not those that are altogether vn-willing much lesse such as reluct and striue against it Nor let any thinke this sweete yoke of the Lord to bee heauy in spending so much time to attaine so high and heauenly wisedome whereby to vse this methode of seruing God aright For if vsually men spend three foure or more yeares in Grammer Logicke and other inferiour Arts nay sometimes all their liues if they study to bee perfect in it how much better shall hee bestow his whole life to learne perfectly this most heauenly Art to teach vs which our most deere and heauenly Maister Iesus Christ came downe from heauen vnto vs and with so much labour and paine performed it therefore let not any bee discouraged in following this course if hee finde in himselfe many disabilities for herein it chanceth to him as to an infant for hee hauing a soule hath not yet the vse of reason and hauing a body feete and legges yet cannot goe but when hee beginnes to grow and to moue the members of the body hee can goe yet for all that with much difficulty and often falling vntill increasing in yeares and by continuall exercise hee goes so freely that whē he listeth he can runne The same thing falleth out in holy exercises whilst one beginnes purely to serue God for albeit the soule bee found yet it is so bound and burdened so without power wherby to moue it selfe in this iourney to God as the whole Scripture declareth that we cannot walke at all and if wee bee moued something towards it yet it is with such difficulty faintnesse and fallings as that our walke is but a very standing still if not rather a very going backewards but when we shall haue practised this methode and meanes of seruing God for some short time wee shall grow to such strength therein that wee shall doe things which before wee durst not hope for and shall so runne through these high and heauenly iournies as that our motions may rather bee called the motions of Angels flying then of men walking on the earth And it is much to bee forewarned that no man make any pretext or excuse of seruing God in this ensuing manner as contenting himselfe with the ordinary manner of seruing God to bee sufficient to bring him to saluation for it is the will of God euen our sanctification 1. Thess 4. and not our sanctification for some short time or in some one part of body or soule but during the whole life and throughout the whole Spirit soule and body Seeing then that the louers of the world are neuer satisfyed with riches honours and pleasures but still wish and seeke for more yea God commanding the contrary neither let vs bee content with present graces and vertues but labour for an increase of all graces and of that Crowne of glory which wee daily expect seeing God so earnestly desires that wee should obtaine it and if so bee our mindes and appetites bee not therefore set
make an ill beginning forespeake themselues as it were at the very first Therefore happy are they that haue the arrow yet in their hand and day before them For if wee haue not ouercome sinne in youth before it take root in vs how shal we struggle with it when the roaring lyon hath vs in his pawes and when sinne being like an olde man that hath lost his hearing will not be charmed but tells vs it was a custome and could not be left And because no man is borne to idlenesse nor for himselfe only I haue bethought my selfe of some course to discharge at least some part of my seruice duty to your High and in generall to benefit al such as with holy deuotion aspire to perfection in the seruice of God Vir. Eneid lib. 5. imitating herein Palinurus who finding that he could not saile against the wind into Italy turned his course with Aeneas his approbation into Sicily where they had before been friendly entertained It being a point of wisedome when a man cānot saile by a fore-wind where he would and happily where he shold to saile by a bowling and side-wind or at least-wise to cast anchour where hee may Act. 16.6 Paul his companions being forbidden by the spirit to preach the Gospell in Asia and Bythinia by a vision appearing to Paul on the night a certaine Macedonian intreating him to come into Macedonia and helpe them collected that they were called of the Lord into Macedonia to preach the word and what shall I thinke of my selfe to whom God would haue that ordinary cōmand of his word to be in stead of Pauls extraordinary vision to him Heb. 10.24 but that the holy commandement of sharpning pronoking others to good workes 1. Thes 5.11 Eze k. 13.5 of edisying one another and of rising vp in the gap and making vp the hedge hath sufficiently animated me and warranted my aduenture in putting Gods talent to the exchangers Mat. 25.27 that at his comming hee might receiue his owne with aduantage I am not ignorant that Aulus Albinus was reproned of Cato because he would rather deprecari culpam quāvacare culpa Aul gell 11.8 excuse his fault thē want a fault in that himselfe a Romane borne and writing a Hystory in Greek desired pardon if he chanced to offend in a strange tongue Yet Catoes reason excusing such as offēd by constraint and Albinus case and mine differing much he being a stranger in that language but I at home in mine owne element giues mee no small hope of a generall pardon albeit I should offēd in taking on me an office altogether vafit for my weake and weary shoulders for I grant this heauy taske requires a fuller pen a riper iudgement a sweeter singer then my selfe Yet when the equity of my calling the imploiment in so high a sernice as a Princes Court and the necessity of the times and manners called vpon me for some duty and the importunity of some whose words haue much weight and authority with me had wrung this worke from me I am the more bold to intreat that Catoes censure if any be may be made with Catoes equity because I had rather be without a fault then make an excuse for it The wise Orator feinedly reproted Cic. pro deiot that therefore applause was not giuen to Caesar because hee was pressed with men astonished with admiration but I must vnfainedly confesse that I must passe by in silence the commendations of this kind of seruing God methodized in this little worke because the admiration of it Isa 6.5 as the sunne beames dazles the sharpnesse of my weake sight But as the Prophet witnesseth when he saw the Lord sitting on his throne that he was amazed because a man of polluted lippes vn-worthy to see the glory of God so do I ingenuously professe when I ponder the great Maiesty of Gods word the absoiute perfection wherewith he lookes to be serued I am struck starke dambe because I am a man of polluted lips indeed of an vncircumcised heart and far vnfit to expresse the praise of such wonderfull things Therfore I willingly leaue such luy-bushes to the worldly wisdome of Philosophers Physitians and Lawiers whose learning I confesse are good for mans life but that life which perisheth excellent but yet humane laudable but yet mortall high but yet most shippery and brittle The story roports Liuy li● XX that Hanniball before hee would ioyne battell with the Romans proposed to his army certaine couples of captiues contending withtheir swords that by this kind of playing conslict the Carthaginians might the more wisely attend and the more cheerefully be armed to vnder-take the condition of a serious sight but such is the combat and seruice wherein by this little booke I must imploy all that purpose to haue the victory against sinne Satan hell and damnation that if they depart from the rule of combat and seruice prescribed it is not the losse of Captiues but of Carthaginians not of Carthaginians but Christians not be life of the body but of the soule is in danger not the law of man but of God is contemned not transitory riches nor health nor all the pleasures of life but euen the most blessed possession of the kingdome of heauen the eternall saluation of our soules lies at the stake to be lost A matter if euer any of great consequence and therefore timely to bee begun and constantly to be continued For hee that hath a great taske to bee performed in a short time is euer prouident not to let slippe that time Our taske is our conuersion to GOD our time of returne is this short span of life a short time for so sore a taske our wages for this taske is our soules saluation therefore no wisdome to mis-pend the least portion of time and to loose our glorious inheritance in heauen It is strange to see our toylings and sweatings for these sub-lunary vanities and yet how remisse we are to make our calling and election sure how negligent and sloathfull to lay hold on that good part which cannot be taken from vs. As the spider spends her owne bowels in spinning sine threeds weauing cunning nets to catch slies when suddenly a pusse of wind or a bro●me comes and marres all that fine fabricke So we torment our selues for the base honors baser pleasures of this life and when we are at the height of all comes but one paffe of dis-grace sicknesse or death defeats all wee did all wee hoped for Therefore seeing all doe agree that God is to bee serued but dispute of the time let vs take the present time for youth had neede of legges and age of wings I confesse indeed that this manner of seruing God which I propose is something strict vncouth and vnsauory to flesh and bloud but most of all to such whose glory and greatnesse all men adore and also to such whose breasts are
maist consider all the good things which the blessed doe enioy and the euils which they want comparing them together that so they may make the stronger impression in thy minde 5 How to meditate on the things that belong to the knowledge of a mans selfe 1 Thou art to consider the time past Ber. present and to come a course of meditation much commended practised by the godly and heere thou art to ponder 1. what thou wast 2. what thou now art 3. what thou shalt bee heereafter Or to meditate duely in thy minde 1. from whence thou art come 2. where thou now art 3. whither thou art to goe Or thus 1. what kinde of entrance there is of man into the world 2. what kinde of dwelling and abiding hee hath heere 3. what kinde of passage hee is to haue hence 2 Thou must consider well as the godly haue euer vsed and prescribed to others for a rule heerein first thy selfe what thou art and of what qualities secondly those things which are vnder thee as the gulfe of hell ready to swallow thee thirdly the things which are about thee as the world the creatures the deuills fourthly those things which are aboue thee as Heauen glory and perpetuall ioy 3 To ponder seriously with thy selfe first what thou art by nature secondly what thou art become by thy sins thirdly what thou oughtest to be by grace and vertues fourthly what thou maist be by the grace of God and thy holy endeuours 4 To weigh diligently that excellent sentence of Moses Deut. 32.29 Oh that they were wise then they would vnderstand this they would consider their latter end First Required that thou be wise viz. haue a sound taste and rellish of the things past which are first the good things thou hast omitted to doe secondly the euill and wicked things thou hast committed and done thirdly the most pretious time thou hast mis-spent fourthly Iesus Christ crucified thou hast contemned Secondly thou shouldst vnderstand things present as first the benefites and blessing of God vpon thee in an vnspeakeable manner secondly the extreme vanities of this world thirdly the shortnesse and as it were the nothingnesse of mans life fourthly the difficulty and hard labour of mans saluation Thirdly that thou shouldst consider and fore-see thy latter end those last things of this world first death ineuitable vn-auoideable secondly iudgement where the Iudge most iust and in-exorable thirdly hell toments most in-sufferable and fourthly heauens glory most vn-speakable 5 To expend and consider the foure causes of man from whence hee hath his being and well being first the Efficient cause which is God of whom he was made secondly the Materiall cause that is the earth of which his body was made thirdly the Formall cause that is the soule endowed with the image of God fourthly the Finall cause that is eternall blessednesse for which cause and end man was created 6 Thou maist consider thy selfe according to the diuerse and sundry states and conditions of man first in as much as thou art a man secondly in as much as thou art a Christian thirdly in as much as thou art endowed and enriched with more blessings and graces either temporall or spirituall then many others are fourthly in as much as thou art a publicke person a Preacher or Minister in the Church or a Magistrate in the Policy and State 6 How to meditate on the matter of our sinnes 1 The first thing which wee are to doe is to consider and know our owne proper sins partly to the end that they may bee feelingly knowne vnto vs and partly that being known vnto vs we may take the more true sorow and compunction for them and make our repentance the more syncere and sound And herein it shall bee to good purpose to diuide this point into these considerations first the multitude of our sins secondly the grieuousnesse of them thirdly the harmes and euils they bring with them And for the multitude of our sins that we may haue the more exact knowledge of them it shall not a little profite vs to proportion our whole liues into certaine times and to bethink our selues in what places and with what persons we haue beene occasioned to sin Or to weigh with our selues our sins committed in thought word or deed or by omission of our dueties Or to meditate in what manner we haue sinned against God our neighbour or our selues and so prouoked Gods vengeance against vs. But we must here be very carefull in the calling to mind of our sins that we do not too much fixe vpon the memory of carnall sins nor of anger reuenge withall let it be obserued that the frequent memory of our fore-spent life is very profitable to a man that professeth Religion so that if hee do sometime make his whole meditation of it running ouer the whole course of his life for the space of a quarter of an houre which may easily bee done if hee diuide his whole life into so many parts as are the places wherein hee hath dwelt hee shall finde it no fruitlesse labour 2 Hee is to consider sinne in it selfe that hee may conceiue the greater hatred horrour and detestation of it Meditating first how much it is displeasing vnto God and how contrary it is to his goodnesse secondly how much hurt it heaps vpon man that commits it and oftentimes vpon a mans neighbour too and how much harme comes by it to his soule body honour and other temporall good things thirdly what harme and miseries it brings vpon the whole world and how seuerely God will take vengeance on it as wee see by the fearefull example of the Angels falling from God and the ruin of man-kind by the disobedience of our first parents 3 To consider those seuen capitall and deadly sins which are the roots and parents of all other sinnes and to meditate seuerally vpon one of them euery day of the weeke in this manner following first on the Lords day to meditate on the sin of Pride secondly on Monday on the sin of Couetousnesse thirdly Tuesday on Luxury fourthly Wednesday on Enuy fiftly Thurseday on Gluttony sixthly Friday on Anger seuenthly Saturday on Slouthfulnesse and Wearysomenesse in doing good And concerning euery one of these wee may not vnprofitably consider these three points first how greatly this vice displeaseth God secondly how greatly it hurteth man thirdly how often wee haue in this sin and the spawne that comes from it offended our good God And if wee shall double these points it shall not bee amisse by considering first how much God detests this vice how much he is delighted with the contrary vertue secondly how hurtfull this vice is to man and how behouefull the contrary vertue thirdly how often wee haue giuen entrance and entertainement to this sinne and how often we haue and how obstinately wee do keepe out the contrary vertue 7 How to meditate on the death of Christ 1 The first kind of meditation
on Christs death is euery day to take one of the chiefest Mysteries of Christ from the Annuntiation of the Angell to Mary vntill the ascension of Christ into heauen to bee meditated on 2 To distribute the whole life of Christ into seuen parts and euery weeke once in meditation to runne ouer his whole life allotting to euery day his part 3 The third is to diuide Christs whole life into ten parts according to those ten places wherein it pleased him to dwell and to consider what hee did and suffered in euery of those places For the first what in the wombe of his mother nine monthes secondly what in the Stable at Bethlem forty daies thirdly in Egypt seuen yeares or thereabouts fourthly in Nazareth twenty two yeares and more fifthly in the Desart forty daies and forty nights sixthly in Iudaea and Galile● Preaching three yeares and a halfe seuenthly in paines and torments one whole day eighthly on the Crosse three houres ninthly in the Sepulchre and in Hell forty houres tenthly on the earth being risen from death forty daies Thus may one in an houres or halfe an houres meditation repeate with himselfe the whole life of Christ pawsing a while vpon euery point which is of no small benefite to the deuoute soule Hee may also if hee please make seuerall meditations vpon euery part as time and place will giue him leaue from the necessary workes of his Calling 4 Another manner of meditating hereon is to distribute the life of Christ into three parts as namely his entrance into the world his abiding in the world his departure out of the world and so cast in his minde what kinde of entrance hee had into the world what kinde of entertainement hee had in it what hee did in it and how hee departed out of the world and on euery one of these to frame one or more meditations 5 Besides to comprehend all the life of Christ in these three generall points first what hee said secondly what he did thirdly what hee suffered Dixit multa fecit mira Ber. pertulit dura Hee spake many things hee did wonderfull things but hee suffered cruell things and heereof also may seuerall meditations be vsed vpon euery one of these 6 Lastly is to take one of the foure Euangelists or the Concordance of the foure Gospels and in meditation to runne ouer it from the beginning to the end 8 How to meditate on the Passion of Christ 1 Is to begin with the last Supper daily to propose vnto our selues one of the Mysteries to bee meditated according to the order of the Text of the Gospell vntill his death and buriall 2 Or to diuide the Lords Passion into seuen parts and in meditation to passe ouer it euery weeke wholy 3 Also to frame so many meditations of it as are places wherein Christ suffered any torment euery day insisting vpon one place first in the lower Parlour wherein his last Supper was celebrated secondly in the Garden wherein hee felt that mighty troublednesse of Spirit and heauinesse of his Soule vnto death thirdly when before Annas fourthly before Caiphas fifthly in Pilates house sixtly in Herods house seuenthly againe when hee was brought to Pilate eighthly in his iourney to Mount Caluary carrying his Crosse ninthly in the Mount Caluary it selfe 4 To meditate our Sauiours seuen sentences which hee spake in those three houres hee hanged on the Crosse which euery Christian ought to commend to memory first Father forgiue them for they know not what they doe secondly to the Thiefe Verily I say vnto thee this day shalt thou bee with mee in Paradise thirdly to his Mother Woman behold thy Son c. fourthly My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee fifthly I thirst sixthly It is finished seuenthly Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit 5 One may meditate on the three kindes of paines our Sauiour suffered viz. what hee suffered in his Soule in his Body in his Honour taking the matter of his meditation from the sacred bookes of the Gospels and making one or more meditations thereof 6 We may also consider these foure things who it is that suffered what things hee suffered for whom hee suffered and how hee suffered 7 Wee may also meditate on Christs Passion to diuerse ends and all of them very good first to the end to suffer with Christ if wee consider the bitternesse of his torments secondly to conceiue and beget in vs contrition and sorrow for our sinnes if wee weigh that hee suffered to put away our sinnes and did vndergoe a death of all other most ignominious thirdly to imitate him if wee consider that Christ suffered that hee might leaue vs an example to follow his steps fourthly to bee thankfull to him if we consider the greatnesse and excellency of this benefite fifthly to loue him if wee conceiue the vnspeakeable charity which in this worke hee shewed towards vs sixtly to conceiue hope if wee behold that hee tooke on him the death for the expiation of our sinnes and for our saluation seuenthly to admire if we bee astonished at the consideration of his infinite goodnesse and loue Thus may wee euery week consider all these ends if euery day we propose to our selues one of these or if in the consideration of euery point of the Lords Passion wee stirre vp in our selues one or more of these affections 9 How to meditate on the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper 1 For the History thou maist meditate first how Christ did eate the Paschall Lambe with his Apostles secondly how hee washed their feete thirdly how hee instituted this most holy Sacrament and distributed it to his Apostles 2 As touching the names of it thou maist consider that it is called an Eucharist or Thankesgiuing a Sacrament a Communion of the Body and Bloud of Christ the Supper of the Lord Bread and Wine 3 As concerning the figure of it thou maist meditate that it is represented and figured vnto thee by the Bread and Wine which Melchisedec brought forth to Abraham by the Paschall Lamb by the heauenly Manna by the stony Rocke that gushed out water by the bread of Elias 4 If thou wilt consider the causes for which Christ instituted this holy Sacrament then meditate that the first cause is to continue the memory of his Passion secondly to set forth his loue vnto vs thirdly to feede our soules fourthly to be a Seale and Pledge vnto vs of eternall happinesse 5 Meditate on the fruites and effects of this holie Sacrament the first whereof is that as bread and wine nourish the body and make glad the heart of man so this sacred bread and wine nourisheth and maketh glad the soule preserues the life of it streng theneth it against the assaults of the spirituall aduersary and filles it full of ioy and the marrow of deuotion if with due preparation and a liuely faith assured purpose of amendment of life it bee receiured and digested Secondly it in-lightens
them or else because that by these duties hee should performe something acceptable vnto him Once the Diuine Maiesty said to his Disciples Ioh. 15. That for this cause hee spake vnto them that his ioy might bee in them But this is the ioy of God which is in vs as one saith whereby hee vouchsafeth to reioyce concerning vs Aug. namely when wee are obedient to his will But no manner of seruice is so acceptable to him as that the seruant of God should so will that which hee willeth so desire what hee desireth that whatsoeuer himselfe is or can be may with all his force bee powred out to the obedience of God as hee that in euery worke conceiued no other end which might moue him to worke then to bee willing to please God and to do a worke acceptable to him This I say is the thing I meane that he should in some sort forger the good and glory which may befall himselfe from the practise of vertue being onely mindefull of God which requires it and for this cause onely would doe it because God willeth it and commandeth it and not without great cause of his goodnesse requires it To make this plaine by example Conceiue a sicke man who for the recouery of his health desires some meate or medicine and not onely desires it but procures it in the meane time it fals out that some deere friend of his fals sicke of a more dangerous disease and stands much more need of that meate or Physicke heere hee that was first sicke being vnmindfull of his sickenesse how great soeuer and of that desire hee had to it for his owne sake beginnes now to desire the same and to procure it not to himselfe but to his friend so that the loue to his friend makes him desire and procure that which is needfull for himselfe not to satisfie his owne necessity but the necessity of his friend so that after hee hath by sundry wayes busying himselfe found it hee perceiues in his minde a certaine boyling desire to get it for his friend as forgetting that hee needs it himselfe and hauing gotten it reioyceth greatly that the will and necessity of his friend is satisfyed The like ought it to be to him that should moue the seruant of God to euery desire and worke euen the like by all meanes namely that in his soule hee feele an instinct whereby to desire and do that is good but that desire must be because God willeth that the thing bee done and by that leades a man to performe obedience to him as if it were very necessary to him and euer forgetting that by these vertues which hee sought desired or wrought hee should attaine glory and saluation For it is a farre more necessary end that wee therefore worke because God would haue vs to doe it and for his goodnesse which moues vs to loue and serue him then that wee our selues should possesse glory For wee ought to desire that wee may enioy glory and good things chiefly for that cause because God would haue vs to desire and haue them and that in hauing them wee might loue him and after an excellent manner serue him and not for our owne profite ioy or glory And so great is the magnificence and goodnesse of GOD that by how much as wee doe in this manner the more desire or do any good thing so much more shall be our glory in heauen This instruction I confesse may seeme vnto many to be full of difficulty but surely the beginnings of all things doe appeare to be such to all beginners for they iudge they shall neuer attaine to that they haue begunne but yet so long doe they exercise themselues in those things that by continuall exercise they become Maisters where at first they durst not call themselues Schollers And obserue it for trueth that if any man haue a will inflamed with deuotion hee shall doe all these things with such facilitie that in a sinall space of time hee may seeme to haue done wonderfull things But vnto him who is not enkindled with so great a flame of deuotion this must be a rule which wee now lay downe wherein shall distinctly bee touched the manner and reason which hee must obserue in attaining vnto it Let a man on the one side propose God as his chiefest friend and himselfe on the other side when the will is moued to desire any vertue or profitable thing let a man consider with what end hee it moued and hee shall perceiue for the most part that hee is moued either with feare of punishment or loue of glory and vertue Now this motiue ought not to satisfie vs although it bee not euill but seeing mans will preuented and assisted by the grace of God hath so much freedome and power in some measure as to forsake the one and chuse the other and seeing we know the will of God to be much more excellent and more woorthie to moue vs then our owne will wee must now forbeare to bee moued after that manner as wee haue beene and turne all our will to desire the same thing after the best manner namely because he would haue it so who is worthy of all obedience Surely he should of right account himselfe vile and wretched who desires or doth any thing moued thereunto with a naturall desire albeit the thing be good and holy seeing hee hath euer the will of GOD present before him which should mooue him euer to will and desire but chiefly seeing GOD giues euer such strength as that one may forsake his owne will as it is stirred vp with a naturall desire albeit a good desire and be moued with a heauenly desire And so much difference there is betwixt these two scopes and motiues that nothing in this world differs more from another then these two doe the one from the other so that the one of these is incomparably more excellent then another as the Sunne exceeds the brightnesse of a candle the Sea a drop of water infinite talents of Gold a peece of Lead Therefore let vs euer endeuour to desire and worke being moued with so happy an end and motiue seeing the Diuine Goodnesse most desirous of our aduancement and glory doth binde vn to do all our workes corporall and spirituall great and small proceeding from the body or the soule euen such as are done according to our naturall disposition to do them I say onely because it is the will of God wee should doe them For all our actions from the least to the greatest serue for the conseruation of this naturall life and as wee cannot forsake them so in vsing them for the loue of God they much further to the increase of a holy and happy life and so the least and meanest worke wee doe is in the sight of God of more worth then the best and highest action performed of him that hath not the same scope And indeed it is a thing wonderfull and worthy of
doe heare the Gospell and accordingly doe liue mooued with threatnings and promises therein contained yet without the losse of the excellent motiue of which we haue spoken Wherof if any man doubt and thinke these not to be compatible or can stād together namely the threats of hell and glory of heauen with the motiue of Gods will let him consider that when our Sauiour saith except ye also repent ye shall all likewise perish in this threatning are two things to be noted First the punishment threatned Secondly the will of God wherewith God threatens and this is his will that we should serue him arid not perish The true seruant of God ought to obey this precept not that he may auoide the punishment but because God who threatens would haue vs to repent and not to fall into that punishment So being mindfull that Gods desire is wee should serue him and not fal into so great an euill as once forgetting the punishmēt we repent turne to God With this perfection therefore do we work yet mooued by the cōminations of the Scripture And so the Scripture conteining that most high and perfect seruing of God albeit withall it hath that which seemes to be of frailty and infirmity whereby to stoope to our frailty and to moue vs to doe as our frailty requires And that promises and threatnings in Scripture are thus to be vnderstood may appeare by that first and great couenant of seruing God with all the heart c. which he doth not sufficiently perform Mat. 21. who towards God doth not bestow all his powers to serue him and both to desire celestiall glory and abhorre the paines of hell as well desiring that as detesting this in the same manner as we haue spoken namely that the last and chiefe end of both be the fulfilling of Gods will and his obedience and glory 3 Instruction That it be commeth all men but chiefly those who are sacred persons to serue God according to this more sublime and heauenly manner There is no doubt but that God being in the highest heauens is also iustly esteemed for the most high God but the seruice and obedience due vnto him must be performed in a most sublime and exact manner That which our Sauiour said to one hee meant of al Math. 19. if thou wilt enter into life keep the commandements it was not the young mans raske alone if thou wilt be perfect sell all thou hast and giue vnto the poore but euery mans part is in that seruice This was well patternd out vnto vs by the sonne of Maiesty it selfe the Sonne of God who forsook all things on earth whose sacred life was exercised with many grieuous labours not that that most holy and princely person stood need of them but because it much concerned vs to imitate those sacred steps he wold become a seruant that he might teach vs to serue In all things he serued that we might vnderstand what a laboursome and exact soule in all vertue that must be that rightly desires to serue and loue him No man is exempt from that great commandement of louing God with all the heart with all the soule with all the minde with all the strength with all the heart with all the affections all the soule with all the life all the minde with all the vnderstanding all the strength with all the externall things of the body It is the part of the heart to know of the soule to will of the minde to be able of the strength from the heart soule and will to know will and be able nor only with the good health of the body with strength beauty agility and other gifts but also with our riches dignity and authority to glorifie God and do him due and meet obedience So that whatsoeuer good thing we can doe in heart soule minde and strength God requires of euery one vnder the necessity of a commandement Yea when all is done that was commanded vs we may say we are vnprofitable seruants If he bee worthy of reprehension who going about to doe some necessary and profitable thing shall slightly cast it off and put himselfe into some base and abiect businesse How much more is he to bee blamed who being borne to this end that with all his heart soule minde strength he should serue the Lord who is most worthy thereof and from whom there is most benefit to be expected yet omits this and betakes himselfe to the seruice of the creatures vanities of the world which doe suddenly vanish and bring much harme with them As if all be to be blamed who serue not God in this exact manner how much more are they suable to a seuere penalty who haue dedicated themselues by a speciall function to his seruice as are in some sort his familiars in house and table How exactly ought they to follow the steps of him that hath called them Math. 19. saying follow me Which being spoken to all sorts of men we cannot but gather thus much of euery mans duty out of it that it is not enough that we doe the thing we do with loue but of loue and for loue For these are the footsteps which he commandeth vs to follow So wee must not fulfill something of that is writtē but the whole Nor is it sufficient in his seruice that we do our duty with loue or loue accompanying it but it behoueth vs to doe it of loue and for loue We see the seruant serues his Master with loue who loues his Lord and Master but yet doth it not for loue seeing hee would not serue him except he expected a reward from him But he should indeed serue him with loue and for loue if he serued him only for this that his Lord desired it and held his seruice gratefull and because he loues the goodnesse and society of his Lord without any other respect And such obedience it is that wee learne of our master Christ saying follow mee Which signifies that wee must do whatsoeuer we are commanded to doe with loue and for loue For to follow Christ is to do that which he did for our instruction and in the same manner that hee did it But vndoubtedly he did all things with loue and for loue seeing that is the most sublime manner of working therefore so must we do albeit we cannot do it with such perfection as he did therefore wee must not thinke that God commands vs to follow him in doing onely and not in the manner of doing too seeing it is to no purpose to doe if the manner of doing aright be absent namely to do with loue and for loue For wee cannot suspect that so excellent magnificent and liberall a Lord as this would teach vs a doctrine of smal vse and profit but of singuler moment so that we obserue therin as well the manner as matter 4 Instruction That the cruell slaughter which sin hath made in mans soule is the cause of such
deceiued and blind in that he loueth it As great madnesse to nourish that seruant that will betray thee and to cherish that theefe that brings thee to the gallowes The loue of our selues will affoord vs no more fauour and therefore it is wisdome to hate our selues seeing it is no better then the worme that destroies the wood it is bred in and the Moth that frets the cloth that feeds it Plato Heathen men found this to be the most grieuous euill that could be in man to loue himselfe because hee could not bee a iust iudge of himselfe 1 Loue built two cities the loue of GOD Aug. the City of God euen to the contempt of a mans selfe but the loue of a mans selfe built the city of the deuill euen to the contempt of God 2 We must hate our selues because that seeing we haue by our sinnes become Traitors against God it is but iust that wee giue him all possible satisfaction wee can But seeing an infinit satisfaction is due according to the measure and mallice of our sinnes and wee poore wretches of our selues can performe so small as the least for this cause we ought to hate our selues and to desire that all men should hate vs as much as without sinne and the offence of God may be because when wee being so vnable to satisfie one for a thousand yet we should presume to sinne against him with a high hand and therefore by this hatred of our selues to render vnto him all the satisfaction that lieth in vs. And if you aske me what treason the sinner hath committed I answere the greatest of all other treasons it is no other but to kill his Lord and take his life from him And that the sinner doth this is plaine Heb. 6. for he crucifieth to himselfe the son of God The vnderstanding whereof if thou desirest the same Saint Paul giues in saying Gal. 4. Christ liueth in me namely by a spitituall kind of life quickning of soules and working in them the works of life as it is written thou hast wrought al our works for vs. Isa 26. In this manner doth God liue in euery righteous and godly man Therefore seeing God doth not liue so in the sinner it is plaine that by sinne hee hath killed him But what a wickednesse this is and what a treason and how many euils it includes in it let him well consider that will iudge rightly of things 3. Let the third reason for which we must hate our selues be this as the most eminent namely that our soules being emptied of the loue of our selues so farre is it acceptable vnto God as that it may he filled with the loue of God whose goodnesse will not suffer vs to bee emptied of the loue of our selues but that he will fill vs with the loue of himselfe and euen in that measure and no further shall we be replenished with the loue of God then we shall be emptied of the loue of our selues For nothing can so rightly bee done as to hate all our sensuall delires that so the moll sublime will of God which is God himselfe may raigne in our will Which is the highest pitch of holinesse that heere we can haue Therefore I beseech you by the mercies of God and that infinit desire wherewith of his goodnes he desireth our aduancement and againe for that naturall desire that all men haue to wish and desire the chiefe good euen God himselfe that you will not be negligent in this but search out the innumerable cranies holds and subtle manners of hauing our selues in this hatred whereby we may obtaine such and so perpetual riches and glory But seeing the coldnesse of our minds doth not suffer vs to handle our selues any thing sharply as we ought at the least let vs desire and with great desire consent that we may be prouoked and may sustaine persecutions disgraces and contempt from others For persecution contempt and the like are no other but as a shop and hammer wherewith to take from vs the rust and drosse of our soules or as the searing iron of the soule whereby to take from it the poison of selfe-loue wherewith we are exulcerated and abstracted from all good that this exulceration beeing taken away we may performe that admirable worke of God which is the loue of him Therfore we should much reioyce When we are ill intreated of others when we are affected with calumniations and iniuries and with great loue to God and him that persecutes vs cry out whence haue I this happinesse in this world to haue the exulceration and infection of my soule taken from me and that it should be the occasion to ●nrich mee with my God with most excellent riches and graces We may consider that it is holden for a great happinesse to light vpon a Chirurgian who can cure the wounds and vlcers of the body albeit that hee doe it not without sharpe prickings and lancings which mightily crucifie euen the marrow of the soule But sure it is much more happinesse to fall into his society who beyond all reason seemes to vse vs ill and withall to take from vs euen those things we stand in need of for so he cureth otherwise the most incurable wounds and stinking vlcers of the soule For if we willingly embrace this we shall bee made sound from that deadly poison of selfe-loue Happy is that man who shall feele and desire this and shall with continuall and effectual care procure it but more happy he who seeing himselfe in the middest of the conflicts of persecution and worldly disasters and misfortunes shall yet swallow those bitter draughts that hee may possesse this loue of God and that hatred of himselfe but most happy is he who through long exercise is so directed towards the greatnesse of this most sweet hatred that albeit for his naturall inclination it brings great paine with it yet the ardent desire of increasing in the loue of God doth change it into so great sweetnesse as that was wont to doe which with a most earnest longing he before desired Of the manner in respect of our duety whereby to obtaine this shal be spoken in the sixth exercise of humility which is the primary foundation hereof Yet this place requires that wee should deliuer the most effectuall manner of obtayning this hatred of our selues because the thing is so out of all practise and vse Therefore we must obserue that it is very expedient we be attentiue that at what time the will is inclined to desire or accept persecution it is not fit to bring into sight the persecution it selfe compelling our selues to accept it for it is something difficult voluntarily to accept persecution being present or but lately laide on vs except wee haue a great measure of the annointing of the holy Spirit therefore we must doe thus vsing a holy caution It falleth out often that we are iniuried and that without all reason much griefe accompanying
is the greatest for it hath the motion of contraction contrary to the vitall motion comming from the heart dilated it most grieuously hurts the minde as by this reason appears For the minde is kept downe by the weight of the euill present the actions are made more seeble a certaine cold vapour and sluggishnesse runnes thorow the whole man and almost dissolues the ioints whereby it is hardly mooued or else altogether slacks to the workes of vertue which being difficult stand need of extēsion to vndertake difficult things which by this reason is euident It is a thing well tried that any sorrow of the body long raging in short time the whole man must needes be dissolued nor can the imagination diuerte from thence to any other worke for sorrow is the bond of the minde Now if sadnesse be properly taken as differing from sorrow it much needes worse torment the minde then sorrow for the anxieties of the minde are much more grieuous then those of the body which is thus from the contrary prooued it is the generall opinion both of Diuines and Philosophers that the delectations of the Spirit are greater then those of the body for seeing delectation is a motion proceeding from the coniunction of good by how much as the good is greater the coniunction straighter the appetite more inacted to perceiue pleasure so much the greater shall the delectation be but the goods of the minde are greater then of the body as being Spirituall more narrowly ioyned as being without any body betwixt more liuely perceiued as hauing the vnderstanding to penetrate the essence of good Therefore by the same reasons the euills of the minde inwardly apprehended arc greater because they belong to the minde their coniunction is greater for euill inwardly conceiued is most nerely conioyned and repugnes the appetite but outwardly apprehended doth neerely repugne the body but if it should onely hurt the body the appetite not resisting it should bee more light yea and sometimes it should delight for many with delight of the appetite euen for foule causes doe suffer hunger blowes and stripes To conclude euill is more intensly perceiued but the inward sence is more able Hence may we collect how diligently wee ought to cut off the beginnings of sadnesse and of what weight it is prudently to cure these diseases For the learned know that these passions but especially the third do often put the vnexperienced worshippers of Christ out of the way of saluation that not without cause the Apostle was instant reioyce in the Lord euermore againe I say reioyce for it behooued him to speake it againe because it was of infinit weight 2 The remedies of these passions 1. A man sees something that is incommodious and hurtfull as he supposeth to him say that it bee some parts of the exercise of God-linesse which seeme difficult and and harsh to him by and by ariseth an auersion of the minde which is hate and with a most swift motion as much as belongs to it the appetite flees from it which is slight and being commanded or constreined to performe it he is cast downe with the burden of heauinesse and griefe Then therefore hee that hath care of himselfe assoone as the motion of hate ariseth may thus commaund himselfe absteine from thy auersion for it is not worthy of hate if I will heare reason speake for many more incommodious things must wee suffer for the loue of vertues and expediting of the minde from the fetters of the body for the liberty of man is by these motions hurt whilest hee hates the things which are not truely euill and will make him languish from the study of reason This manner of commanding the passion as I said of loue is common to heathen men 2. There is another very Christian manner which is to propose to the appetite true euills which by the instruction of faith it may abhorre and this comes from the superiour part of man thus abstaine from hate for here is nothing worthy of hate seeing sinne is a wanting which only is worthy of detestation for that as concerning the incommodity if it be without fault certainely it pleaseth God well 3. But there is a thing more diuine than this and that is taken from the imitation of Christ thus absteine from hate for how much more incommodious was the crosse of Christ on which for thy sake he suffred willingly is this the imitation of Christ Iesus crucified who when the foxes had holes the fowles of heauen nests yet had not where to hide his head and yet was most worthy of eternall rest By such exhortations is the superiour part wont so to preuaile that by his command and effectuall motions the appetite is weakened nay sometimes by a sudden conuersion it begins to loue what before it hated But oft-times these kinds of repressing the passions doe not profit because the appetite cannot receiue these reasons of the honest good or else it will not bee instructed by reason in respect of the violence and heate of the passion and then it will be to purpose to represent to it other more grieuous euills which by the experiment of lesser euills it hath cause to feare to shunne which euills if not willingly yet patiently he will not hate the present euill which he beganne to detest and this may thus be done desist from hatred nay loue and imbrace this incommodity for art not thou mercifully dealt withall who hast deserued the torments of hell ought not the fiery flames of hell to be changed for this incommodity These and such like present remedies are to be sought out before sadnesse and griefe haue taken too deepe rootes for if the griefe doe grow not from a light cause but proceed from some grieuous causes of the soule such as are woont to befall to men of a scrupulous conscience or vehemently vexed for the sins of their life past there are some more effectuall remedies to bee sought out For the written counsailes and as it were dead letters haue not so much power to heale these diseases which creepe into mans inwards and doe extenuate the powers both of body and soule putting on diuers formes as the Oracles of a liuing voice of some sweete singer in Israell who according to the nature of the euill can minister a word to the wearied in due season Such as the Psalmist deliuers Eduxit me de lacumiseriae de luto faecis statuit supra petram pedes meos Hee brought mee out of the pit of miserie and from the claie of dregges and set my feete vpon a rocke How many causes of ioy are heere Hee fetcht mee out of all my miseries and that I should not fall into them againe set mee vpon the rocke Christ Iesus from whom I shall neuer fall To conclude we may obserue that these three passions may not only be encountred with the said reasons whereby the superiour part maybe able to keepe them downe but also
in this methode is most singularly proposed by what meanes one may come to the sublime and perfect practise of all that is written in all the bookes of God and godly men Besides this is shewed by the confession of many who thought themselues before to haue had a sufficient loue of God according to the frailty of man and that they serued him according to his will but yet hauing read some such direction and methode as this is they affirmed that almost they had not serued him at all and that now they serued him more in one day then in ten before And the same shal be also fully manifested by experience of thē who reading these things againe and againe will euer doe according to this forme or such like euer doing all they doe to the praise and glory of our most potent LORD God shall grow mighty and powerfull seruants of his for euer 2 The 2. point which in this 4. iourney of the soule to heuen I proposed was a daily short methode of practising such holy duties as wold make our whole liues a sweet smelling sacrifice to God This I will dispose into these sixe considerasitions 1 The duties which are to be done the former part of the day 2 Those to be don in the euening 3 Such as are to be don euery weeke 4 The duties to be don euery month 5 The duties to be don euery yeare Lastly the duties which at all times are to be done 1 The first worke of the day is is leauing of our beds and applying of our mindes to watch labour Wherin we must preuent the sun and euer thinke we heare the voice of the Angell arise quickly Act. 12. This timely rising is of great moment for vpon it dependeth the whole sensible deuotion of the whole day and the diuine visitation Assoone therefore as thou art vp turne thy heart and minde vnto God and labour in that first moment of day to bind him vnto thee with the affections of thy loue For it is iust thou shouldest consecrate vnto GOD the first fruits of the day and first receiue him into the closet of thy heart as that guest who to this end turneth in vnto thee and bringeth with him a troupe of vnspeakable graces to season thy heart and sanctifie all the actions of that day To this end therefore thou must cast from thy heart al thy cogitations wherwith Satan laboureth to exercise thee offer vnto God the first fruits of thy cogitations either in thought or some holy meditation vpon thy knees vntill thou hast cōceiued some affect feeling of deuotion labouring to cast frō thee al vaine cogitations which then doe chifely infest thy minde for hereby thou shalt be more deuout to euery good worke and more expedite al that day This is of great moment because if thou openest the gate of thy heart to any vaine cogitation or care it will make thee vnquiet and lesse apt to pray It is in the power of thy will Gods grace assisting it to admit this cogitation but not to reiect it after it is admitted because after it hath gotten the possession and dominion of the heart it will be very difficult to cast it out Whilst thou art it cloathing thy selfe inuocate the blessed Trinity and pray with heart and deuotion for the obtayning of zeale to pray of holinesse and diligence in performing the duties of thy calling For this purpose thou must haue in memory some such short praiers as may stirre vp thy affection This done and thy selfe being fully made ready cast downe thy selfe before God and with as great affection of minde as thou canst giue him thankes that hee hath giuen thee as quiet night and wholesome sleepe that hee hath graunted thee a new day and longer time to acquire thy eternall saluation and that hee hath deliuered thee from many daungers both of body and mind from all the iullusions of Sathan and thou shalt instantly begge of him grace to shunne all kinde of sinnes to performe worthily the duties of thy calling and in all things so to seeke his most holy will that thou maist be acceptable vnto him offer vp vnto him thy body and soule thy cogitations desires words and workes in the vnion and merit of Iesus Christ that from it and it onely they may become acceptable to him Lastly put on a full resolution of shunning some particular defect and sinne and of exercising some particular vertue and aske of GOD a speciall faour and helpe to the performance of this holy worke 2 After we are thus risen from our beds wee are to prepare our selues after a little while to pray For he that comes to pray vnprepared is like vnto him that tēpts God because hee doth not so much please God and obtaine any thing of him as he doth prouoke his indignation against him Now the preparation which then is to bee made is of two sorts 1 If a man bee not of a good memory or much exercised in matters of deuotion hee must from some booke or paper appointed to that vse read againe the points of meditation which he reade the night before as wee shall after shew that the mind bee not in the time of praier wandring to seeke matter and so bee distracted The 2. is conteined in those words of Abrham beginning his praier to God Gen. 18. I haue begunne to speake vnto my Lord and I am but dust and as●es In which words are three things which this excellent preparatiō consists 1 That thou thinke thou must pray because thou art but dust and ashes 2 That thou consider him to whom thou speakest that hee is thy Lord God 3 That thou meditate the things thou art to speake A holy father interpreting these words saith thus Thinke not O Lord Chrys that I am ignorāt of my self and do exceed my boūds vse too much confidence For I know that I am but dust ashes but as I know this and know it clearely so neither am I ignorant of this that the greatnesse of thy mercy is plentifull that thou art rich in goodnes wouldst haue all men to be saued Think therefore whom thou art to wit a most vile man a most ingrate sinner for thou art indeed dust and ashes dunge and stinch it selfe and with this cogitation humble thy selfe Thinke also to whom thou doest pray namely to the most wise mercifull and potent God the louer of Angels nature the repairer of mans nature the framer and maker of all things Admire his dinine Maiesty in●●mously present which susteines thee loue his infinit goodnesse which is ready to heare thee and graciously to fauour thee be rooted in hope in that thou canst neuer depart out of the presence of so great a King either empty or forsaken Lastly thinke what good affect thou wilt drawne from thy meditation that thou maist direct thy considerations vnto it and what thou wilt pray for that so thou maist obserue
thy Maiesty Let all the guifts of thy holy Spirit rest vpon me O Lord the spirit of Wisdome and Vnderstanding the spirit of Counsaile Strength the spirit of Knowledge and Piety and let the spirit of thy Feare fill my heart that by these guifts I may bee made immoueable from thee and may grow vp to be a perfect creature in Iesus Christ Of other guifts graces which do not belong vnto sanctification giue mee so much onely as may serue to the saluation of my soule and performance of thy will And grant that I may bee imploied all my life in such businesse as may bee to the glorie of thy name my owne saluation Giue me O my God this grace that in all the talents and guifts which thou hast giuen mee I may neuer seeke my selfe but thy praise glory giue mee of thy goodnesse the guift of perseuerance that by no sin I may euer be separated from thee but vntil death and for euer may perseuer in thy grace Giue me by thy immortality and the most blessed death of my Redeemer a happie end of my daies in him and that after a good life in thee I may die the death of the Righteous take from mee the too much loue of this life and the immoderate feare of death graunt that I may so liue that I may say with the Apostle Phil. 1. I desire to be dissolued and to bee with Christ Giue me an inward light of the houre of death that I may flee the flattering in●icements of the world giue me an inward sauour of blessed eternity that I may ioyfully forsake all transitory things Giue me a true resignation in thy most holy will that I may willingly depart hence when how thou shalt dispose receiue my spirit cloathed with thy grace loue that for euer it may cleaue vnto thee To conclude take from me whatsoeuer may keepe me from thee giue me O Lord my Redeemer most potent helps to liue holily and die happily These are my petitions O my God these are the desires of my heart which I pray beg by all thy mercies the infinit merits of thy Son may be fulfilled not onely in me but in all my brethren vnto the worlds end that we may euer please thee in this life and inioy thy blessed presence in the life to come Amen Being thus prepared for some good time before the communion it followeth that comming into the Temple thou shouldest cast downe thy selfe vpon thy knees and prepare thy selfe further inuocating the name of God thus O blessed Trinity my God and my Lord I doe now come to be partaker of all those heauenly riches of my Sauiours life death and resurrection 1. In confession of that supreme dominion which thou hast ouer all creatures and of all manner of subiection which wee haue towards thee 2 In commemoration of the most bitter passion and death of Iesus Christ thy Sonne and my Sauiour according to his commandement saying As often as you doe this doe it in remembrance of mee 3 In thankfulnesse for all those infinit riches conferred vpon vs by his most precious death 4 In thankfulnesse for all his benefits wherewith he hath in this world magnified his Saints and mee his most vnworthy seruant O most omnipotent Father I come to this thy true refreshment of soules confirme in mee by thy grace all things which may make me worthily receiue the same I come vnto thee that thou who art life it selfe may by thy grace quicken mee thou which art the light may illighten me thou which art the fire may inflame me thou which art the rest may quiet mee thou which art the purity may purifie mee and thou which art ioy it selfe may reioice me I humbly pray by thy wisdome illuminate me that I may worthily vse these holy mysteries adorne my soule with those seauen fold graces of the blessed spirit that by thy infinit charity I may bee inflamed to receiue it worthily O my God I come vnto thee as smalnesse vnto greatnes as darkenesse vnto light as vncleannesse to holinesse as infirmity to power as the creature to God his Creator O make mee great in thy eies turne my darkenes into light my vncleannes to holines my infirmity to power shew thy selfe in mee as a most wise and potent Creator so a most wise and louing Recreator Redeemer I am most vnworthy to receiue so great fauours I confesse altogether vnworthy because I haue euer offended thee and past by al thy cōmandements vnworthy because I haue euer coldly negligētly serued thee vnworthy because I neuer fully with all my heart loued thee vnworthy because I am but dust and ashes nay very filth if any thing be worse worse then that I come vnto thee whom the heauen of heauens is not capable of how much lesse this house I come vnto thee who art the cōmon Father of Men and Angels and who will not reuerence his Father I come vnto thee who art the Lord of all creatures who will not doe homage to such a Lord I come vnto thee as to the Father and Lord whose honour I haue contemned whose sonnes and brethren I haue not once but often both by word and example smitten and who will not tremble to stand before him so offended I come vnto thee my Lord whose seruant I haue smitten vnto thee my Father whose Sonne I haue slaine I smit him by word I slew him by example and shall I not feare such a Lord and reuerence such a Father Yes surely but yet as I come with feare so will I come with hope as I come with reuerence so will I come with confidence For thou hast appointed thy Sonnes bloud whom I haue slaine to be the only soueragin antidote heauenly remedie to heale my wounds and this thy blessed Sacrament to be the Cabinet out of which I must take that sacred plaister for it is the bloud of Iesus Christ thy Sonne 1. Io. 1. that clenseth vs from all sinne He is the bread of life Io 6. hee that cateth of it shall neuer die These words indeed are Spirit and Life they giue Spirit vnto my wounded spirit and life vnto my dead soule O looke vpon thy seruant that I may liue O blesse mee with the guift of such a faith as that out of my belly may flow riuers of water of life Amen 6 How to giue thanke after the Lord Supper is receiued IT were very absurde to receiue so vnspeakable a gift and not to returne thankes if after dinner rest from businesse and imployment be necessary for the health of man that the naturall heate may concoct the meate turne it into the nourishment of the body much more necessary is rest this feast being ended from distractions and businesse that the benefit of this Sacrament may come vnto vs and that it may diffuse his vertue strength into our soules But who will be so
Eare and Audition Mynde and Meditation Hart and Affection Hand and Action THE HEAUENLY PROGRESSE By Rich Middleton LONDON Printed by Nicholas Okes. 1617. ❧ TO THE truely Great and grace-full Prince CHARLES Prince of WALES SIR I Well fore-see not only how vn worthy I may be esteemed to present your Highnesse with any furtherances of piety being already so richly adorned with plenty of al rare and diuine habiliments of the soule but with all how vn-welcome I shall be to such as doate on their owne shadowes in the meane while dis-liking defacing and dis commending euen the straightest statures and beautifullest parts in others who are not of their owne hue constitution and complexion Se● For nunquam desunt qui etiam per ornamenta ferient There will neuer want some to wound a man euen through the sides of his best ornaments and graces But albeit I presume not of that happinesse of learning and iudgement Plin sccun either to act things worth the writing or write things worth the reading which is I confesse a shred of outward and temporall happinesse yet I hold it no presumption to affirme seeing herein I seek not mine owne Phil. 2.21 but that which is Iesus Christs that to goe this Heauenly Progresse and to take delight in it is the true and onely way to eteruizer he soule in blisse 1 Sa. 2.30 hauing Gods hand and seale to warrant that he will honor them that thus honor him Ioh. 17.3 For if it be life eternall to know God and whom hee hath sent Iesus Christ and consequently to know a mans selfe then this Progresse leading directly vnto both must needs be worth the going and if it be true herein as it is most true which that wise Historian spake in another case Dinothi aduers histor absurdissimum est soris multum s●ire domi prorsus ignarum esse that it is most absurd to know many forraine affaires in the meane while being ignorāt of home businesse then whosoeuer will taste the ioyes of heauen must goe this Progresse on earth for this onely teacheth him to know wel both the things at home in his owne soule and the things from home in heauen where he would haue his soule Happy is that kingdome family and soule where wisedome and youth are so one that they are neuer sundered but sweetly kisse each other age and wisedome in the meane time not sequestred from the same condition For that makes kingdomes families and soules eternal and euen this happinesse is onely acquired by timely beginning and constantly perseuering to serue God in spirit and truth and walke in this Progresse Therefore it is well obserued that in buildings God and man do hold a different course man beginning euer at the foundation but God at the roofe he stretched out the heauens before he laid the foundation of the world by his naturall workes giuing vs spirituall instruction to follow his order euer begin with care of heauenly things Seeke first the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof Mat. 6.33 is our Sauiours direction to as many as will build mansions in heauen For as the building rests on the columns and the columns on the bases so the eternall wel-being of the soule is sustained by faith whose foundation is in heauen accompanied with the glorious fruits of the spirit as the roofe at which all true Christians must begin their spirituall building For as we serue God so he serues vs if we begin late or neuer or for fashion or for carthly rewards and respects or faintly or out of his place to serue him hee keepes the same cor●●espondency with vs giues vs our hearts desire but with-all sends leannesse into our soules a false comfort for a false worship Psal 106. ●5 a false saith for a false religion a false saluation for a false profession For he that giues God his lips in stead of his heart teacheth God to giue him stones in stead of bread and he that rankes him last and reckons him least in the duties of his life teacheth God to set him at the lower end of the table of his earthly blessings and to reiect him from the enioyment of his heauenly One example for all as a glasse to behold the truth hereof Whilst Adam serued God God serued him he consulted for a mansion for him for meat for him for a sweet companion for him vntill he rebelled against him we reade of nothing but his works for Adam as if he had been hired to worke for him but when hee once lost his innocency then God tooke from him whatsoeuer he had giuen him he lost his wisdome his peace his liberty his glory his dwelling like that man that betwixt Iericho and Ierusalem f●ll among the●ues Mat. 25.29 For from him that hath not shall bee taken away euen that hee hath God is as a father deliuering a stocke to his sonne to trade with-all if he husband it ill at first he with-draws his hands frō●error blessings And as they that try vessels first put water into them and then wine when they find them staunch so doth God with vs he that is faithfull in a little shall be made ruler ouer much and he that begins to lay his foundation in heauen shall end with a glorious crown in heauen Now your highnesse hauing most happily taken your patterne from God and begun for many yeeres to build from heauen down-wards making that the corner stone my labour in this little Pro-gresse is to bring some materials to this worke and shew a method how to bring this goodly building to perfection that seeing it is not my happinesse as Paul to plant I may bee allowed as Apollos to water those rare and admirable seeds of religion and piety already sowen in your Princely heart For nihil in te mediocre esse contentus sum Ier. to tum summu totum perfectum esse desidero Lesse then exquisite perfection in all things is lesse then I desire may be found in you Therefore as the Gardiner waters his seeds and plants till they spring and waters them againe till they be aboue ground and lastly till they bring foorth fruit on the earth the seed the water the stalke the fruit and all being from the Lord of the ha●uest so must this and such like godly books and sweet sermons be suffered to water the garden of your heart seeing they are not onely as the sweet dew of heauen dropping downe grace into the soule but also as so many little chinkes by which the heart is kept open that the beames of heauenly knowledge may enter And so much the rather is this worke now to be entred vpon because as the foundation is laid so is the building raised either soone to ruine or for euer to remaine For as the arrow is directed at the first so doth it flie all the way either home ouer short or besides the marke so that whosoeuer shall
and defend that doctrine and piety which by their places they are bound to promote and defend As it is truly saide quod latet ignotum est ignoti nulla cupido what is hidde is vnknowne and vnknown vnloued and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by the sight the affection is mooued Which we find iustly to fall out in such as haue tasted of the waters of the diuine fountaine that albeit they extinguish the desire of all other things yet do they so worke that quo plas sunt potae plus sitiantur aquae the more you drinke them the more you desire them And this your Highnesse wisdome industry in holy things which all men admire in one of your yeeres honors the noblenesse of your birth largenes of your glory fortunes makes more conspicuous re-markeable to all men For as the light of a torch by how much it is placed in a higher candle-sticke by so much doth it giue light to more in the roome so vertue and goodnesse albeit the splendor thereof doe euery where spread it selfe yet doth it more largely send foorth his beames when grafted in a high eminēt person And it is by the good hand of our God vpon vs so ordered in your Princely person aboue the most of your ranke in the world that as gold and siluer are apter mettalls to ingraue pretious stones in then iron or lead so is true nobility but more truly the noblenesse of your nature a better subiect to imprint any vertue in then those of a baser lower cōdition For as waxe is apt to receiue al formes so true nobility and most the truenesse of your noble nature is a disposition fitted by the hād of God to receiue the impression of any vertue Therefore God hauing done so great things for you aboue others you must not content your selfe to haue abandoned one vice or entertained one vertue but you must empty your heart affections of all the masse of corruptions and fill the cabinet of your soule with the rich treasures and lewels of all manner of vertues For as one vn-tuned instrument destroies the whole harmony of musick so the defect of any one vertue mars the sweet harmony of the soule And as a bird is staid frō flying away with a little string yea a strong man in swimming is held back by a little twig and often drownd by a little grasse growing in the bottom of the riuer so euen the least sin hinders our passage into heauen as it did Moses from going into Canaan But especially if sinne grow into custome for they seldom euer rise that haue the mil-ston of ill customes pressing them downe Therefore those that would safely arriue at the heauenly Canaan must banish the two pests of ill customes and il companions from them For whē a man once begins to like of pleasure and to dally with sinne straight way as many vanities flocke to him as Salomon had concubines Then he runs ouer reason treads on conscience goes by the word posts to destruction as if he ran for a kingdom much like a Larke that retires and falls faster then shee mounted The Crocodiles egge they say is at first no bigger then a Goose egge but her issue growes by little and little till it become eighteen foot long so sinne at first seems but a small matter but once enter and admit him hee will fill the house of the soule and prooue a monster And as it growes so doth the punishment too an arrow is swift the Sunne is swift but sin is swiftest of all for in a moment it is arraigned on earth iudged in heauen and condemned to hell O that I might once see great ones turne sinne but euen their great sinnes a begging for want of seruice as good seruants often goe a begging for want of maintenance But I am much afraid that as God looking downe from heauen to see if any would doe good and seeke after God said non est vnus there is not one So this kind of seruing God to shake off om sinnes and acquaint our selues with God may goe from Court to country from City to village from preacher to hearer and find none that will subscribe to it Yet is this required at all our hands vnder paine of eternall damnation For as Rebecca had not only eare-rings of gold but bracelets too so our armes must bee adorned as well as our cares we must not onely haue cares to heare well and mouthes to speake well but also hands to doe well And how can that be done if we giue our selues wholly to the pleasures of the flesh for as moist and plashy grounds bring foorth nothing but frogs so the belly and watry stomacke stuft like a tunne brings forth nothing but foggy thoughts filthy speeches and corrupt affections Therefore Physitians say that nothing is better for the body then abstinence Lawyers say nothing is beter for the wits but diuines say nothing is better for the soule The story tells vs of a bird with a mans face but so cruell to man that it will kill him yet afterwards seeing her owne face in the water like to that shee killed incontinent kils her selfe because she had killed one like her selfe What then will those men doe that haue not onely kild one like themselues but euen their owne bodies and soules by their surfettings drunkennesse vncleannesse malice pride enuy and other beastly intemperancies O why will we not liue ten yeers or twenty yeeres like Christians that we might liue not a thousand but euen millions of yeeres like Angels How long shall it bee a voice from vs a sound to you and so all the matter is ended that wee preach or write all going away like a boy in ones hand from our bookes and sermons remembring and applying nothing that is said or read as the stomacke except it haue power of retention makes no benefit of the meat so except wee lay vp these things in our hearts reading and preaching are but in vaine I will not presse your sacred Highn esse out of your Chaire of State as worthy Gregory did Basil pulling him out of his Doctors chaire from the profession of Rhetoricke to Diuinity saying Omitte ista da saluti ●peram leaue these toyes and haue care of your saluation for I know well it is your principall care to make your calling and election sure but giue mee leaue to put you in minde so to manage the things of this life which belong to profit or pleasure that you euer preserre the things of heauen and make the desire of heauē the moderator of all your pleasures and profits For the pleasures of youth are like gilded pilles very bitter like fresh riuers that euer end in the sea loosing their sweete rellish in an ocean of saltnesse True zeale cannot flourish vnder such a delicate gonernmēt nor yet the perfect knowledge of God he subiect to the paunch I know not how it comes to
For one sinner destroieth much good Eccles 9.18 nay the breath of a wicked person is euen bainfull to the company Nor let them euer thinke that such a companion or such a seruant as is not the true seruant of God Suidas can euer bee faithfull to them For as the Historian reports when one changed his religion to please the King hee was iudged to loose his head and one appointed to cry at his execution He that keepes not faith towards God what sound conscience can he haue towards men therefore in euery great house there would bee prouision of besoms and wings to sweep downe the Spiders webs so by leauing them no place nor meanes to hurt the harmlesse slies the Spider it selfe might at last be quite swept our too Nor let them thinke that because they are great they may vse what customs companions and seruants they please For as Alexander to a City of Asia that offered him halfe their riches to desist from war answered I came not into Asia with a purpose to take what you would giue me but that you should retain what I would leaue you so faith God to them I came not into your houses or kingdomes or soules that you should condition with me what I should suffer you to doe and to liue as you list and to take such conditions of you as you would giue me at your pleasure but that what conditions I haue thought fit to require of you you should accept them and thinke them best and most happy For God is our summum bonum wee must not rest below him not yet reach aboue him below him is dangerous neglect aboue him is damnable presumption Therefore must wee not loue God forour owne profit or pleasure which is the soule-killing custome of most in the world for such a one is like a child that faith his prayers that he may haue his break-fast But we must loue him how-soeuer it fare with vs with-out any respect of our owne good because he only is worthy of our loue and nothing is worthy of it but he and in his loue consists all our happinesse I say there is great need therefore of the practise of this art of seruing God as this short pro-gresse sets it out seeing it brings vs not only within the view of the heauenly Canaan but euen into the bosome and communion of his loue And seeing also we liue in the dregs of time wherein it is come to passe that as the waters couered the whole earth so pride and other monstrous impieties hath couered it againe and not suffered eight persons to escape For doe we not see the City of God the holy profession of Iesus Christ to bee destitute of walls gates and guards and the repaire of it either hindered by sects of men madly furious or else oppugned by the craft and cunning violent assaults of men either meerely epicures or sottedly superstitious on the one side Christ Iesus is vtterly cast off by the lust of these most impure hogs that are euer wallowing in the myre on the other side the riches estate● of the meaner sort nay often of the greater sort is exhausted and vtterly rained by the greedy auarice of most cruell and barbarous v●●o●s and other time-sellers here shall we see bodies by drunkennesse and gluttony consumed there by lust surquedry and pride and other intemperancies both bodies soules and ostates ouer-throwne and all places and persons with extreme filthinesse and fopperies slurred and defiled to say nothing of whole Prouinces and Kingdomes by intollerable bribery extortion symony sacriledge craft and cruelty miserably expiled and robbed and none to be found for all this which dare or can meete with these mischiefes and the most part of men hauing so cast off all hope of amendment of these great euils as that they thinke they may bee numbred amongst those diseases which are so desperate as either by no a●t can be cured or else whose cure is as dangerous as the disease For though Nebuchadnezzar bee dead yet his pride is come amongst vs though Sodom be burnt to dust and ashes yet are her sinnes remaining if not raigning with vs though Symon Magus be gone yet hath he left the staine of symony in the highest degree to vs though Iezabel be dead yet doe bribes liue and thriue and beare away the bell in all businesse and men begin to take courage to commit any sinne by example For when the pillars sinke the Temple falls when a great tree is hewen downe which is a shade to the beasts and a rest to the birds many leaues boughs and twigs nay the shrubs and lesser trees are borne downe and crushed with it so many doe fall with them whose lampes should giue light to others and thinke it no sinne to sinne by example and for company This being so it is not only necessary that some stand vp in the gappe to turne away the wrath-full dis-pleasure of God from vs but also is fully confest that frō this Pro-gresse of the soule most apt and necessary helps instructions may be drawne to the vse of all sorts of men of our times For if we call to mind those heauenly secret and wonderfull mysteries of our saluation also those things by which all mankind is either much furthered or greatly hindered in the way to heauen to conclude if we call to minde those things which aswell the Church of God as kingdomes states stand as much need of vs as the world doth of fire and water wee must needs confesse that in this Pro-gresse are proposed most excellent necessary and profitable things of all men to bee knowne and obserued How great a benefit the diligent reading thereof may bring to all sorts accommodating and directing all things therein to the vse of true religion and increase of holy life the due consideration of the parts and true practise of the passages thereof will sufficiently declare For here are shortly and plainely deliuered the true and onely means faculties and helps to raise man to the highest step of perfectiō in glory Now for as much as the world is postered with a kind of people resembling seruants and men of low condition who expecting in the lobbies and out-rooms their masters comming and being idle and brainlesse how to bestow their time well do take a coale and with fond and filthy phrases be-sincare the faire plastered w●ls I assure my self to meet with some such enuious idlebies or ignorāts as most men doe that put themselues vpon the worlds stage by publicke writings who with the blacke coale of a blistered tongue will not sticke to bespawle and depraue both the worke and the worke-man Therefore as those that for some time haue bin exercised in some craggy difficult and dangerous place desire much to come into some safe and wished hauen wherein they may take their rest and with true pleasure and delight call to mind their former labours and losses so I
sound direction and order bee prescribed which may as well delight the soule to apprehend as guide it to follow the true path that leads it to eternall rest for which cause amongst such as haue bestowed their pains and arguments of like nature but not fully and onely to this end I haue deemed it a work of much consequence to frame this Progresse of the Soule wherin by soure labours or dayes iournies of the Soule I doe orderly and fully discourse whatsoeuer may be requisite in the true seruice of God The first Iourney that the Soule must make towards Heauen is to heare the word of God with benefit That this may bee duely performed it sufficeth not that the Preacher bee skilfull to diuide the word of Trueth aright and therein be diligent to do his duetie but it is further required that the Hearer also bee not wanting on his owne behalfe to himselfe The duety then of the Hearer is no other but that both before the Sermon during the time of the Sermon and after the Sermon he consider learne and practise those things that are vnto God glorious and vnto the Church of God and himselfe wholesome and profitable And it consisteth in these two things first That he haue an eye to the scope and end of his calling secondly That he vse the meanes appointed to come to that scope and end First of the first part of the Hearers duety that is of the scope in hearing Sermons Forasmuch as there is one common scope as of all other things so of the Preachers and Hearers namely the glory of God and happinesse of the Church therefore it behooueth the Hearer to follow the guidance and direction on of the Preacher and to labour to come to that chiefe end by such means as leade thereunto namely by hearing the word preached by vnderstanding the thinges heard by louing the good thing vnderstood and hating the euill by a serious and earnest study and practise of the good thing beloued and a slying from the euill by which it will come to passe that God shall be glorified and the church and our selues edified 2 Of the second part of the Hearers duety that is of the meanes appoynted to come to this end and first of the meanes before Sermons That the Hearer may before Sermons as well as at Sermons and after Sermons ponder learne and practise those things which make for the glorie of God the churches comforts and his owne hee must duely prepare hims●l●● to the hearing of Sermon● and this preparation consisteth in the sanctifying of himselfe vnto the Lord Exod. 19. for so were the people of God commanded to do that it might the more deeply penetrate into their hearts God instituted a peculiar ceremony for the same and it were to be wished that all Hearers would with earnest endeuour regarde for what causes this sanctification is required of them wherein it consists and how it is to be instituted and ordered Therefore heere wee will deliuer three necessary points touching this sanctification and preparation of the Hearers first what are the moouing causes why they ought to sanctifie themselues secondly generall obseruations belonging to the sanctification of the Hearers thirdly the parts and members of sanctification 1 The moouing causes why they ought to sanctifie themselues The causes chiefly moouing sanctification may bee gathered from the Apostles words Heb. 12 from the 12. verse vntill the 22. of the 13. chapter where albeit the Apostle may seeme to speake generally of the sanctification of a christian man yet doth he chiefly respect the time wherein men assemble to heare the word For there all things are holy 1 Then the Church is holie Heb. 12.18 22.19 and the communion of Saints 2 The Word is holy especially that of the Gospel those pretious pearles Matth. 7.6 3 The time is most holy the Sabbaoth of the Lord. 4 The Angels are holy Heb. 12 2● who are present in the assembly 5 Those spiritually first borne are holy Heb. 12.23 6 A most holy God 23. who is present and President 7 The holy Saints in Heauen 23. whither we that are in the Militant Church ought to striue and contend to come 8 A holy Mediator 24. euen Iesus the righteous 9 The most holy blood of sprinckling which speaketh better things then that of Abel 24. Therefore let vs not contemne the communion with these most holy things neither let vs defile the same with our impurity and vncleannesse but labour for true sanctification vnto which thing let the consideration of these fiue reasons following added to the former stirre vp our hearts 1 The consideration of Gods holy commandement of sanctifying the Sabboath as also of that passage Be yee holy as I am holie 1. Pet. 1.15 16. for seeing he that hath called vs is holy wee must be holy in all manner of conuersation 2 Of that diuine and heauenly interdiction Matth. 7.6 giue not that which is holy vnto dogges nor cast ye your pearles before swine lest they treade them vnder feet and turning againe all to rent you 3 Of that assertion of S. Pauls 2. Cor. 2. that the preaching of the Gospel is vnto the vnsanctified and such as are neuer to be sanctified the sauour of death vnto death 4 Of that most grieuous danger of being smitten with the hidden or the manifest thunder-bolt of Excommunication 1. Cor. 5. to be deliuered vnto Sathan for the destruction of the flesh Where wee may remember that of the Apostle That without holinesse no man shall see God Heb. 12 1● neither heere by saith in this world nor in the world to come face to face And what meant our Sauiour by that man which was bound hand and foot and cast into vtter darknes for want of a Wedding Garment but that the want of holinesse is the iust cause of our reiection from the presence of God and his Angells Mat. 2● 11 5 Let euerie Hearer thinke with himselfe that hee is admitted to the speech and Supper of the great God and prepare himselfe as a meete guest for such a worthy entertainment 6 Let the change of our garments admonish vs of this sanctification namely the putting off of such garments as are soyled with the labours of our vocation and the putting on of cleaner and more precious garments For if the body must be hansomely and cleanely decked at such times how much more is the most pretious soule to bee sanctified and prepared To this purpose may also serue the consideration of the washing of our bodies wherin wee are daily carefull and the ringing of the Bell calling vpon vs for preparation 2 The generall obseruations which belong to the sanctification of the Hearers Seeing then the sanctification of the Hearers is so necessary not vnworthily are we to search with much diligence wherein the same consists here it is to be instituted and ordered as sanctification euen
euen euery hearer This is a great ignominy to God by it the wrath of God is kindled and prouoked against the whole Assembly and we our selues are offended and hindred withall Therefore let vs haue great care to testifie our brotherly affection towards our neighbours euen as our hands do one of them helpe another so let the hearers one stirre vp another first by their holy examples secondly by their sweete and well seasoned exhortations thirdly by the iudgements of God fourthly the mourning one for another fiftly the censure of exeommunication 1. Cor. 5. which are proper vnto the Minister of God for wee ought to haue a speciall regard of the saluation of our brethren honour of the Church and glory of God 7 The neglect of prayer is a great hinderance to this preparation or if prayer bee not rightly ordered Therefore euery hearer must haue a singular regard to inuocate the name of God for a blessing where first hee must giue hearty and humble thankes to God for his infinite benefites but chiefly for the inestimable benefite of his Word to vs reuealed which is either altogether denyed vnto others or else impurely Preached also he must be thankfull to God for that in part his holy Spirit hath purged out the old leauen and some part of the leauen of maliciousnesse and wickednesse out of his heart secondly it behoues him to acknowledge to pray earnestly against his owne impurities and defilements as well naturall as actuall by the example of Dauid often falling into the consideration of his sinnes Psal 51. euen from the wombe Psal 25.32 and of vnknowne sinnes of his youth Thirdly hee must pray for his Minister that hee may so meditate on the Word that hee may haue the knowledge and vtterance of such things as belongs to the edification and saluation of the hearers Let him also pray for himselfe and all the hearers that they may haue holy and learned eares to apply to their owne soules the instructions deliuered for there is no good thing either in the Teacher or Hearer without the free gift of God in Iesus Christ from whose fountaine of mercies it is that we must draw it with sighes and teares 2 The publicke Preparation of the Hearer before Sermons In few words the publicke preparation of the hearer in the Church before Sermon may stand in these obseruations first to sing some Psalme containing either thankfulnesse to God for his benefites or petitions vnto God for things necessary pertaining to the Preaching of the Word for such singing in which there is a wonderfull sweetnesse of things and of concord the holy Spirit working by them do stirre vp the motions of the minde and driue away the idle wandring and wicked cogitations as also the perturbations and sorrowes of the heart that the hearer may with a more setled and appeased minde bee present at the Sermon Secondly by reading of some Chapter of the Bible vntill the Company be assembled noting therein first the summe and principall points of the Chapter secondly the distribution and parts of it thirdly the chiefe doctrine that is to bee drawne out of it with the vse and application Thirdly by exhorting and stirring vp one another to the apprehension and practise of some necessary point of doctrine either before Preached or at that time conceiued Fourthly by praying with the Minister that forasmuch as they doe now talke with God himselfe being gathered together for that purpose in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost that they may beare God and God may heare them In which prayer it is necessary that their chiefe aime bee at the scope and end of all Sermons which because few or none doe truely vnderstand either how necessary it is or wherein the end of all Sermons consists it shall bee fit in this place that I open the point First the chiefest and highest end of Preaching and Hearing Sermons is that all glory and honour may bee attributed from men vnto God both in this world and in the world to come which glory consists in the true and right knowledge of God and in the true inward and outward worship of God so truely knowne Secondly the meane scope and end leading and directing to this high end are these First the eternall saluation of mans soule and body with which is ioyned this temporary life both in prosperity and aduersity for that God may of vs bee glorified and not as it commeth to passe in this world by Sathan and his members bee affected with contumely and ignominy by infidelity and impiety it is necessary that it be well with vs and that wee bee assured of eternall life and that from God the Father by the deliuerance of Iesus Christ and the working of the holy Spirit For who in the graue will praise thee saith the Prophet Secondly that man may obtaine eternall saluation and so glorify God both heere and for euer it is needfull that in him bee destroyed the kingdome of Satan which he got by the fall of man in what state office or condition soeuer he bee and that the Kingdome of Christ which hee obtained by the deliuerance wrought by his death vnto the elect bee built vp and re-edified Thirdly that the Kingdome of Satan may bee destroyed and the Kingdome of Christ which is the Kingdome of eternall Life and the glory of God may bee truely built vp it is required that there bee an vtter ruining and slaying of all incredulitie and vices and on the contrary an edifying and practising of faith and all vertues Fourthly that wee may flee incredulity and vices and giue our selues to the study of faith and vertues it is required that we hate and detest them and loue and embrace these and therefore the drift of all Sermons is that the minde and heart and conscience of the hearer may bee inflamed to them both Fiftly that the minde and soule of the hearer may bee inflamed to the hatred and eschewing of sin and wickednesse and to the loue application and practise of goodnesse it is necessarily required that the euill of incredulity and vices and also the good of faith and vertues be soundly knowne for as there is no desire of the good things which are vnknowne So of the euill things vnknowne there is no hatred and eschewing Thirdly the lowest drist of hearing Sermons directing by these meanes vnto the highest end is that the vnderstanding of the hearer by the grace of Gods holy Spirit may bee by Sermons informed in the faith and errours about the same in vertues and the vices destroying them These are the chiefe ends which euery man ought diligently to propose vnto himselfe in hearing of the word of GOD Preached But now if such as ought to heare this word be cold and negligent in this preparation and eyther refuse to come at all or else refuse to come sanctified and prepared Then 1. let their consciences bee admonished and compelled both by the
impossible that euer any doctrine with his vse should bee applyed without the speciall directing hand of God Now God doth apply the doctrine with the vse at two seasons First from euerlasting for all things were present vnto him from euerlasting Secondly in time for nothing was done by him in time that was not concluded before all time euen from the beginning of the world and from euerlasting decerning and decreeing with himselfe concerning the doctrines and vses of doctrines to be applyed or not applyed to certaine men in time by the holy Spirit through the Preachers and their Hearers whom as ministring causes hee vseth as seemeth best to his heauenly Wisedome and good Pleasure 2. in time the holy Spirit of God hath applyed doth apply and vnto the end of the world will apply freely the doctrines with their vses that is to whom when and in what measure it thinketh fit and that by the meanes heereafter following And these things which I haue spoken of the application which is made by God are fitly remembred in the first place first because neither is the Preachers applicatiō or Hearers of any moment without it secondly because so wee meete with a two-fold errour first the opinion of opus operatum that is that it sufficeth to go to Sermons and heare them and that for the workes sake God will respect vs secondly the most dangerous opinion and perswasion of some hearers who thinke it in their power to apprehend wholesome doctrine and to bring forth fruits worthy thereof 2 The Preacher as the Ambassadour Seruant and chiefe Instrument of the great God doth not onely bring that spirituall medicine namely the heauenly doctrine in the name of God bearing witnesse of the singular power and profite thereof but also doth apply the same to his hearers and that at two seuerall times first in and at the Sermon whilst after the doctrine is handled and the vse shewed hee admonisheth the Hearer that it is not sufficient that he know the doctrine and profite thereof except hee apply them both also vnto himselfe For not the hearers but the doers of the Law shall bee iustified And also whilst hee declares to the hearer all those things in which true application consists of which wee shall presently speake Secondly after Sermon the Preacher applies the doctrine with the vse and that 1. Publiquely 2. Priuately First Publiquely not onely exhorting to thankes-giuing for the great benefite of the will of God manifested in his Word vnto vs and touching the doctrines which are to his glory and many waies to our owne comfort and benefite and to the destruction of the Kingdome of Satan and to serious inuocation that God would bee pleased more and more to write and imprint the doctrines with their vses in their hearts but also by giuing of thankes and calling vpon God for a blessing to giue a holy example of them both to the hearers And secondly more priuately after the Sermon the Minister applies the doctrine with the vses if by priuate prayers hee intercede with God not onely for himselfe and his family but also pray vnto God for his hearers that his labours may not bee in vaine if by application of the doctrines and vses hee by his owne example go before them and become the type of his Flocke if hee diligently obserue euery an and person vnder his charge and by others do enquire of them how they carry themselues in the application and practise of the doctrines and vses that if they do well hee may stirre them vp by commending their godly care to go forwards cheerefully if they doe euill hee may admonish blame correct with-draw them and not desist heerein till he perceiue the fruite of application in them And in this holy worke the assistance of euery Magistrate is required that hee haue a speciall care that those things which by the benefite of the Ministery God hath reuealed in his Word may flourish in the faith and life of their people that they may bee put in execution and so applied that they may bring forth fruite 3 From this duty of application the hearer can by no meanes be excluded For hee is by the working of the Holy Ghost according to the good pleasure of God to apply vnto himselfe the doctrines and vses deliuered by the Preacher Seeing the Holy Ghost vseth the hearer as his instrument to beginne and perfect his owne worke in him which holy duety the hearer is to performe to himselfe both at the Sermon and also after Sermon At the Sermon whilst the hearer by the benefite and motion of the holy Spirit applyeth especially to himselfe all those things which in generall were deliuered by the Preacher to the whole Assembly And after Sermon hee is also to make the like application both publiquely and priuately Publiquely whilst with a ioyfull thankes-giuing together with the Preacher and the Assembly hee prayseth the name of God for his singular and in estimable fauour of the reuelation of his sauing truth vnto him and by serious and ardent supplication intreate of God that by the working of his holy Spirit hee would bee pleased to bring to passe that the doctrines and vses hee hath heard may take deepe roote in his heart and may in his whole life aboundantly bring forth fruit acceptable to God And these two things let him priuately continue and often repeat But besides the hearer must priuately apply vnto himselfe the doctrines with the vse in euery condition of life as well in aduerse as prosperous times and that both before amongst and after all his actions But chiefly when any perplexed cases or intricate questions are obiected vnto vs either by others or by our owne flesh But chiefly when Satan sollicities vs by his Stratagemes sleights and grieuous temptations to errours in the saith or life that is to heresies and sins whilst he endeuours to bring to passe that either wee doe not at all regard the good of vertue or else performe it not lawfully or at the least not with a right end and so endeuours to bring vpon both body and soule not onely temporary but eternall dangers 2 Hauing shewed that God the Preacher and also the Hearer himselfe must all concurre in applying the doctrines and vses we must now see how and by what meanes this application is to bee made In the meanes and manner of application which must bee made of the hearer two things are chiefly to be obserued First what things are to bee eschewed as enemies to this application Secondly what things are to bee embraced as helpes vnto it In which two points are those other two parts formerly observed in handling this matter of application contained which I called the impediments and the aduancements of application and follow to bee spoken of in the third and fourth places 3 The impediments of application which are to bee abandoned being such as hinder the successe of Preaching and cause both doctrines and vses to bee
the memory 3 The duety of Hearers after Sermons priuate and publicke may bee surueyed in these few obseruations First that the Hearers bee thankefull to their Teachers allowing them liberall and louing maintenance Secondly that they bee charitable to the poore according as God hath enabled them Thirdly that they promote and set forwards all Schooles of learning Fourthly that they labour to propagate and enlarge the Religion of Christ by all holy meanes Fifthly that they submit themselues willingly to the censures admonitions and iudgements Ecclesiasticall and Ciuill Priuate and Publicke chiefly to the Domesticall or Prouinciall or other such Visitations and Examinations as are godlily instituted for the further encrease of piety and the knowledge of God This holy exercise of censure and examination both of the Preacher and Hearer being so necessary as that without it the very force and sinewes of all Sermons are quite cut asunder I will commend vnto the Reader in as short a discourse as I can fitly conceiue it considering therein onely these three things First what it is secondly who are to censure and examine thirdly what are the miseries which follow and fall vpon men when these censures and visitations are neglected 1 This censure and visitation that I speake of it is nothing else but an examination and proofe of the actions of the Preacher and Hearer which consists in these two things first that they haue a respect to the rule of actions in this Treatise described or such like drawne from the word of God secondly that there be an aduised obseruation and inquisition set downe whether the actions of the Preacher and Hearer bee conforme to that rule of God Now the actions of which the censure and examination must passe are either such as haue respect to the Sermon it selfe namely how the Preacher doth teach and the Hearer learne or to the fruite and benefite arising from Sermons as well in the life of the Preacher as of the Hearer as well the common fruite which is required of euery Christian as those more proper required of euery man in his Office and Calling 2 Now those that are to censure and examine the actions and liues both of Preachers and Hearers are in a double difference For first this censure iudgement and triall of mens liues is to bee made by men secondly when they faile it is certaine God will neuer bawke nor faile to censure and that soundly and hee is the second Censurer First man is the censurer for hee is Gods agent to bring himselfe and others to glory Now men doe censure as you know either publickely or priuately and the priuate censure is either done by the Preacher or Hearer the Preacher may and ought to censure both himselfe and his Hearer himselfe whether hee Preach according to the true Rule and liue accordingly and so seale the doctrine that hee Preacheth the Hearer hee censures namely how hee learnes and liues according to that hee learnes But for the Hearer his censure is directed either to the Minister to himselfe or others for of all these is hee the censurer to enquire and enforme himselfe whether the Preacher himselfe or others doe Preach heare and practise as becomes eueryone of them in their seuerall places and callings and this hee must doe not onely that God blessing our endeuours wee may bee by our selues amended but also that mutuall and interchangeable admonitions may be vsed to the common edification of all And this is all I will say concerning this priuate censure and examination onely this I will beg of God that hee will giue such a measure of grace to all both Preachers and Hearers that they may haue more and more regard of this censure for the omission of it or the not diligently regarding of it is the onely cause why many and that most heauenly Sermons do passe away without fruite or comfort as too too manifest experience in euery part of this Kingdome sheweth Now the Publicke Censure and Examination both of Preachers and Hearers is either belonging to the Church and Ecclesiasticall persons or to the Politick and Ciuill Gouernours the Ecclesiasticall censure which is ordered by Ecclesiasticall persons the Ciuill Magistrates or persons sometimes assisting them is first exercised in the conuentions made by the Minister of euery seuerall Church Secondly in Classicke and approued Synods and speciall Visitations where the censure is made by the Visitors and Ministers of Churches adioyning and other Politicall Officers not onely concerning the Hearers but also Preachers Church-wardens distributers of Almes Teachers of Schoole and their Scholers Thirdly in generall Visitations and Synodes by Ecclesiasticall persons alone and this is the Ecclesiasticall censure But the Politicall censure is that which is done by Politicall persons as first in the conuentions of seuerall Cities Streetes and Villages where an account is taken of euery man by certaine Sworne-men how they leade their liues secondly in the yearely conuentions where calling together the Maister of euery family in the Diocesse an inquisition is made by the rulers concerning the liues of those Sworne-men and men of a lower Office then is the head Magistrate whether they bee conformable to the lawes or no thirdly when there is a censure and inquisition by men of greater power of and concerning all Officers Sworne-men and other Subiects And hence may it appeare that there is a most sweete harmony and proportion betwixt the Ecclesiasticall and Politicall censures and gouernements none of them hindring one another but rather giuing each one another mutuall helpe Yea if wee respect the effects of both these censures wee shall finde in them an excellent proportion For those that are found in this censure to bee endued with singular gifts and to liue agreeably to the Word of GOD and the Lawes whether they bee Preachers or Hearers are not onely for the promotion of Gods glory and the publicke and priuate saluation both of body and soule to be commended but also to bee preferred to greater Offices and Places But seeing of those Preachers and Hearers who liue not agreeably to the Word of GOD and the Lawes there are certaine degrees they must bee dealt withall according to the quality of the offence and heere wee must obserue that both the Ecclesiasticall and Politicall censures haue their certaine degrees and distinct orders of punishing offenders wherein the said two censures doe most swee●ly conspire and agree First the Ecclesiasticall censure in their conuentions doth brotherly and grauely correct admonish and counsell such as are blemished with any crime and this fitly answeres to the increpation admonition and threatning that the Polititians vse Secondly if thus they bee not reformed but that they run into more grieuous sinnes they are suspended from their office and the vse of the Sacraments and this answeres the imprisonement which the Ciuill Magistrate vseth and such other Ciuill amercements Thirdly but if they bee not by such suspension restrayned but frowardly and wilfully persist in
together yet are wee all secure carnall blinde slouthfull petulant and most peeuish and peruerse both Teachers and Hearers either not ministering due censures and visitations or not enduring them to bee administred but except wee be rowsed vp their rests yet more grieuous things to fall vpon vs as these are Thirdly eternall punishments of body and soule for Christ who shall at the last day come as a iust Iudge shall ordaine the last censure both of godly and vngodly Teachers and Hearers This censure himselfe doth illustrate and set forth with singular comparisons of like things taken first Mat. 13.34 from the Haruest where the wheate shall bee purged from the cockle and tares which was sowne whilst men slept secondly from the separation of the good fish from the bad thirdly Mat. 13.43 from the rewarding of the faithfull seruant Mat. 24.44 and punishing of the vnfaithfull fourthly from the comming of the Bridegroome Mat. 25.1 where the fiue wise Virgins by which vigilant Preachers and Hearers are noted doe enter into the Marriage Chamber of heauen with the Bride and Bridegroome but the fiue foolish Virgins by whom slouthfull carnall and wicked Preachers and Hearers are ment are thrust out from the ioyfull Marriage fifthly from the account which the Lord requires of them to whom hee trusted his Talents Mat. 25.14 sixthly Mat. 25.31 from the Iudge before whom an infinite multitude of men stood to bee censured Mat. 25.32 seuenthly from the Shepeheard separating the Sheepe from the Goates and the same concluding censure of Christ Iohn Baptist remembers by purging the Floore Math. 3.12 and separating the Chaffe from the Wheate In this censure and triall of Christs touching blinde guides and lame followers no clamours nor answeres will bee of any force such as are at this day heard where the worst of men do boast of the Lord his Word and Glory For Christ shall say Math. 7.21 22.23 Not euery one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into my Kingdome but hee that doth the will of my father which is in heauen c. Nor shall the vaine excuses and shifts of those that are blindly led then auaile them such as many now a daies vse as if onely the Preachers must giue an account and not euery Hearer who suffered themselues to bee seduced Shall it not bee said to them If the blind leade the blind shall they not both fall into the ditch Namely the Ditch burning with fire and brimstome Apoc. 21.18 which is the second death O thou most sharpe and exquisite Censor and Iudge of Man-kinde Father Son and Holy Ghost doe thou in mercy rowse and raise both Preachers and Hearers from their sound sleepe of sinne let them know and acknowledge that this is the time of thy most gratious visitation that they may bee more carefull and patient of thy most wholesome censure that they may not bee inforced to beare that thy most heauy censure internall externall eternall but may ioyfully bee brought into their heauenly Countrey and bee with Thee and thy holy Angels blessed internally externally eternally Amen The second Daies Labour of a Christian to the end that bee may arriue at the Port of Heauen is to Meditate on sacred Things for the further enabling of him in the course of godlinesse AMongst all the exercises of a spirituall life as there i● none more difficult then the prayer of the minde and meditation of the heart so there is none more necessary which thing is aboundantly manifested as well by the infinite testimonies of most holy men as also by reason daily vse and experience it selfe so that it is no wonder if to get the practise thereof there bee great care diligence and desire required of euery man To the happy learning of this holy Art there are two Schoole-maisters very necessary First the holy Spirit of God for if all good gifts come from aboue much more this most excellent grace of holy Meditations and therefore with most instant and humble prayer is this gift to bee sought for at Gods hands Secondly the practise of Meditation for by it as are all other Arts so is that acquired for as hee who seldome or neuer writes shall neuer write perfectly so hee that seldome or neuer Meditates shall neuer come to the perfect vse and vnderstanding of Meditation But besides that wee may not faile in setting downe a right course of Meditation two things are to bee considered namely the Method and Ma●●er of Meditation for it is very fit that we know before-hand as well the manner how to meditate as the matter and obiect about which our minde is to bee employed else the want of either of these may so hinder our proceedings that wee shall not bee able either to bestow our minds in this holy exercise or to continue in it with that benefite which is to bee expected from it And this exercise comes very neere the nature of prayer if wee define prayer Chrys as some of the Fathers haue done to bee a colloquy and speech with God or an ascending of the minde towards God Damas for Meditation generally signifies all the inward acts of the understanding will and other powers of the soule when they are directed to God and things aboue And indeed Meditation is nothing else but a discourse of the understanding and studious intention of the minde diligently insisting about the finding out of something I say of the understanding either exhorting vs vnto that which is good or disswading vs from that which is euill and so weighing and digesting the godly things wee heare or reade to the worke of prayer euen as the foode whereby the will is fed and made strong and for this cause the manner of Meditation is to bee framed according to the worke of our will namely that Meditation may be vsed as an instrument whereby the will may bee affected with that and vnto that which is holy and good and for that cause may neither make too much hast nor yet bee too slow but onely may in such a sort bee exercised as may best serue the heart that when the will becomes inflamed it may bee interrupted vntill that heate being well allayed it bee fit to fall to it againe for more labour must bee bestowed vpon the affection then the meditation it selfe insomuch that by how much the meditation is shorter by so much is the prayer more happy being made fruitfull by the affection multiplyed vpon it In a word that wee may come to speake of the matter and manner of meditation as wee haue proposed this first vnderstand that meditation is in two sorts performed first when we meditate of things which may bee perceiued by the senses vnder corporall representations as of the actes of Christs Passion secondly or of things intellectuall as of the goodnesse and excellent beauty of God which albeit they may bee conceiued vnder some corporall imaginations yet they doe
not properly require it but the whole thing it selfe without the helpe of any representation is done by the vnderstanding And according to these two manners of meditation the presence of God is distinguished first an imaginary presence according to the first kinde of meditation secondly an intellectuall presence according to the second kinde Now the presence of God is a certaine application of the minde and affection to God and heauenly things conceiued either after an imaginary or intellectuall manner which application is most necessary in all our Meditations Now come we to shew those two things which I said before were principall helpes to those that would meditate aright and those are the matter and methode or forme of meditation 1 That wee may not be destitute of most fit matter to bee taken into our meditations briefly suruey these points following as most necessary subiects to exercise our holy meditations vpon 1. meditate vpon those foute ineuitable Destinies and Diuine Determinations of God concerning Man Death Iudgement Hell torments and Heauens glory 2. of the vanity of this whole world and the most glorious things therein and the infinite miseries of mans life 3. Meditate on the sins of thy fore-spent life 4. On the Life Passion and Death of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ the Mysteries of his most holy Supper and Sacrament instituted of him to put vs in mind of these 5. On the benefits of God past present and to come 6. On the blessed Virgin all the Saints in glory 7. On all vertues and vices but especially such vertues whereof thou findest thy soule most barren such vices to which thou knowest thy selfe most inclined 8. The book of the creatures 9. The Diuine perfections Attributes of God as his mercy iustice wisedome c. 10. All the sacred Scripture but chiefly the 4. Euangelists and book of the Psalmes 11. The Lords Prayer ten commandements the Creed 12. Thou maist meditate on all things contained in the whole body of Christian doctrine from the one end of the Catechisme to the other Besides thou maist often meditate to what end this noble Creature Man and this glorious frame of the world was made for that is the foundation of all our saluation and perfection and that it shall not heerein bee amisse to follow the wisedome and direction of our Church insisting in her steps for our helpe in this godly exercise This wee shall doe if on the solemne daies of prayer and holy exercises wee shall diligently weigh with our selues such Mysteries of Religion as are on those daies proposed to bee reade and expounded to the people If on the Feasts of the Saints of God we reuolue in our mindes their liues deaths vertues and memorable actes together with the glory they haue now happily attained If vpon the Aduents of our Lord Iesus Christ wee shall duely consider the Mysteries of his holy Incarnation and Natiuity If in and during the Lent wee seriously meditate on the holy Gospels appointed to bee reade daily If vpon the Lords day wee consider with our selues the resurrection of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ or the generall resurrection of all men and the happinesse which those that die in the Lord shall attaine vnto which the Lords day doth represent vnto vs or the benefites of God or the Gospell of that day or doe so dispose of these foure points that euery month containing foure Lords dayes wee at once performe these allotting vnto euery Lords day these seuerall points If also on such daies wherein wee receiue the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper wee enter into diligent meditation of the Mysteries of that heauenly Sacrament or of the passion and death of the Lord Iesus whereof that was instituted a memoriall If at such seasons as these and also when wee shall haue beene present at Sermons wee presently after or within a conuenient time enter into meditation and repetition of things heard and conceiued then shall wee make right vse of the Churches wisedome and direction and finde most apt matter for meditation And let vs know this withall that euery Christian ought very often to handle and meditate on that vertue which hee knowes himselfe to stand most in need of and on that vice which he chiefly desires to haue extinguished in himselfe for as the body doth more desiringly seeke after and more profitably and readily digest those meats which are most pleasant and agreeable to the palate and taste in like manner the soule should more frequently meditate and as it were feed it selfe with those things which are to it more tastefull profitable for I am fully perfwaded that the rule of Phisitions is as true in spiritual things as in coporall quod sapit nutrit That which is sauory to the taste is nourishing to the stomacke Onely to end this point let these three things be obserued in the matter of Meditation first that great care bee vsed in the beginning of euery week or month in preparing of fit and sufficient matter of meditation which may serue for that whole time secondly if it so fall out any day that iust occasion of changing our appointed matter of meditation be offered as Sermons or solemne exercises of prayer and the like then wee must deferre the meditation of that day vntill the next day following thirdly albeit there is much benefite arising from a setled course of prefixing to our selues certaine matters to bee meditated on from weeke to weeke and month to month yet may euery one meditate on other matters in one the same day and because these few matters of meditation following seeme to bee more profitable and necessary to euery Christian then the rest euery Christian may besides other matters of meditaon take euery weeke these in order into his meditation namely first to meditate on Monday vpon death secondly on Tuesday vpon the last iudgement thirdly on Wednesday vpon the torments of hell fourthly on Thurseday vpon the glory of heauen fifthly on Friday vpon the Passion of Christ sixthly on Saturday vpon his sinnes and seuenthly on the Lords day vpon the benefites of God bestowed on Man-kinde Thus hauing briefly laid open the chiefe subiects and matters of euery Christian meditation it is required that wee descend to the second consideration namely the methode and forme of Meditation for it is to small purpose it a man haue neuer so many good materials for building if hee want the skill to vse them in building and little benefite or none is had by knowing the matters whereon wee ought to meditate vnlesse we also know the manner how to meditate on them Ambr. For Ignorantia ordinis modi quibus operandum est plurimum turbat meriti qualitatem The ignorance of the order and manner wherewith a man must work doth very much trouble the quality of a mans desert nor is it to bee thought that wee haue attained the full knowledge of any thing albeit we know what wee
ought to doe vnlesse withall wee know the order and manner of proceeding in it and how wee ought to doe it therefore I will onely set before your eyes certaine short methodes and formes of meditation vpon euery of the matters of meditation before named and such as are easie for euery vulgar capacity to learne and frequent 1 Concerning Death these things may bee chiefly considered and meditated 1 What great and ineuitable necessity of dying is laid vpon euery man of what condition soeuer 2 How vncertaine a thing it is to know when where and how death will seize vpon vs. 3 How that in death all things in this world euen the things that were most endeared to vs will leaue and abandon vs. Or thus 1 What are the things which do vsher vs to our death and as it were leade the dance euen all all our infirmities and weakenesses all our griefes and paines in body or minde all the potions and receits of Phisick our friends and neighbours visitations and condolements 2 What things do accompany our death euen most bitter and extreme conuulsions and torments of the body the losse of our senses depriuation of sound reason departure of the naturall heate anxieties and troublednesse of the minde strong temptations and often fearefull visions 3 What things doe follow death buriall in the earth neglect and forgetfulnesse amongst those that seemed sometimes to bee incorporated into vs rottennesse stincke and loathsomnesse and lastly the iudgement of the soule either to the ioyes of heauen or torments of hell Or thus 1 That death is the most terrible and fearefull thing of all the fearefull things that can bee conceiued 2 That it is to be feared contemned and desired feared least it take vs suddenly contemned least the conceite of it should make vs saint cowardly desired least wee should seeme to die vnwillingly 3 How iust and reasonable a thing it is that euery Christian should with all care and diligence addresse himselfe to a fit and due preparation of well dying that hee may bee assured at what time soeuer death sets vpon him yet shall it neuer take him tardy and vn-prouided 2 Of the last Iudgement these things are principally to be meditated 1 Those most fearefull signes spoken of by our Sauiour in the Gospell which shall be the forerunners of that iudgement Math. 24. the powers of heauen shall bee shaken and all the kinreds of the earth shall then mourne 2 The renouation of the world 2. Pet. 3. There shall bee a new heauen and a new earth this present world being burnt vp with fire 3 The resurrection of all the sonnes and daughters of Adam at the blast of a trumpet 4 The Maiesty of that Iudge round about whom the whole Court of heauen shall stand 5 The account that must then bee rendred of all things that are done in the flesh whether good or euill the opening of the bookes of our conscience wherby the secrets of all hearts shall bee manifested to the whole world 6 The sentencing of them that haue done good vnto eternall ioy and glory Mat. 25.41 and of them that haue done euill to infinite and eternall vengeance and torment of body and soule of which sentence euery word is aduisedly to bee pondered 7 The most certaine execution of both those sentences how and how long time to endure euen for euer and euer and beyond all times 3 How to meditate on the torments of hell In this meditation thou maist contemplate these three points first the place it selfe and the eternity of it secondly the tortures of the body in that place eternally thirdly the torments of the soule euerlasting First conceiue that hell is a certaine perpetuall prison full of fire and other innumerable torments wherewith those are affected that die in their sinnes vnrepented Or thus Hell is a certaine eternall state and condition in which all impenitent sinners are tormented with that punishment that they shall want all the things that may make for their comforts and shall suffer all the things that may increase feare and horrour so that there shall bee the want of all good things mans heart can conceiue and the presence and aboundance of all euils wherewith either man in this world or the deuils in hell are tormented and all these to bee endured not for some thousands of millions of yeares but for euer and euer Heere then consider that whatsoeuer is in hell is eternall First the damned himselfe is eternall not onely in soule but in body too so that neither himselfe nor any other can kill him nor will God bring him to nought They shall seeke death but shall not finde it They shall desire to die Apoc. 9.6 but death shall flee from them so that God shall bee so farre from fulfilling their desires that their mad desire to bee brought to nothing shall encrease their horrible torment in seeing they cannot obtaine what they so infinitely desire Secondly the place it selfe is eternall Eccles 1.4 for as the earth and heauen are eternall so is hell also Thirdly the fire is eternall and vnquenchable Esay 30. For the breath of the Lord as a Riuer of brimestone doth kindle it so that it is not extinguisht not consumed Esay 66. and yet doth euer burne Fourthly the worme neuer dyeth the worme of conscience for the rottennesse of the sin of which it is ingendred and nourished shall haue no end and the liuely apprchension of sin and the punishment of it shall neuer cease Mar. 9. neither shall the cruell biting of it whereby it wounds the conscience euer haue any end Fifthly the decree of God is vnchangeable and eternall the sentence is past From hell there is no redemption no price sufficient to ransome them Sixthly all the punishments there are eternall because the sinnes for which they are inflicted are eternall in as much as the Reprobate if hee could haue liued for euer hee would euer haue had a purpose of sinning against God Why then will wee make our selues guilty of eternall punishments Why doth not this eternall fire feare vs Why doth not this breath of God this worme this vnchangeable decree of God disturne vs And heere further meditate first the continuednesse of these torments without any interruption or diminution for a moment nay rather by how much more as their wicked liues haue beene occasions of others damnations by so much their torments increase secondly yet for all this continuance there is no habite attained in suffering to make them the lighter but rather they seeme to be new and by the impatience of the damned to waxe fresh For euen as the pride of them that hate God ascends euer more and more so their anger Psal 73. fury enuy impatience and madnesse increaseth thirdly that it is an vgly and most odious place in which no light though all bee on a fire fourthly a most narrow place in respect of the multitude that
are in it Fifthly a most intemperate place for heate for there is the Lake of fire and brimstone Sixthly Apoc. 19. a most filthy place the bodies yeelding an intollerable stincke Seuenthly the misery infelicity and confusian that is there for there is no respect of goodnesse nobility kinred consanguinity friendship or fidelity all shall bee capitall enemies one to another loading one another with all kinde of torments and vexations none can endure the fight of another the father shall detest the sonne the wife her husband cursing and biting one another and most those that haue beene complices in euill shall now bee more mad one against another and yet that which makes it worse they shall in despight bee enforced to bee together for euer so that if they flie from some whom they hated they shall fall vpon another more hatefull and to make vp the full measure of misery hee shall bee compeld for euer to dwell with his enemies that hate him curse him and yet can neither stop their mouthes nor his owne eares nay hee shall see none that wishes him well or bemones him but all increasing his sorrow Eighthly looke a little into the cruelty of the tortures themselues for first euery damned man and woman shall torment one another doing and saying all that may torment and vexe them Secondly the deuils themselues shall reuenge themselues vpon them with most ghastly aspects and vnspeakeable torments afflicting them Thirdly tho neuer dying worme of conscience that miserable executioner of it selfe shall bite it selfe with horrour remembring the sinnes committed and the good inspirations and meanes it had to auoide that damnable estate Fourthly the inuisible hand of God which with his omnipotent power shall lie heauy on the damned And if it bee a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God in this life how much more in that life from whence there is no redemption How d●e not our spirits faile vs to cons●d●r the infinitenesse of ●h●se corments so long continuing so vn-changeable so eternall If it bee a paine vn-expressible to lie a few weekes waking vnder some little sickenesse and on a soft bed how vn-speakeable a torment is it to endure these torments so vn-vtterable 2 Let him meditate on the paines and punishments of the senses for by the same things where with a man sinnes by the same shall hee bee punished his eyes shall be tormented with the sight of his enemies and horrible aspects of deuils his eares with blasphemies cursings howlings roarings and fearefull noices his smell shall perceiue nothing but most abhominable stincke his taste rellish nothing but wormewood gall and other most loathsome stuffe his touching nothing but infinite torments from the crowne of the head to the soale of the foote so that what the paine of eyes eares teeth side heart goute chollicke stone can expresse vnto vs is there in a most vnspeakeable manner 3 Meditate on the torments of the soule and the inward faculties of it the imagination shall be tormented with horrible formes and representations the memory with continuall remembrance of things euill past present and to come the vnderstanding so obscured that it can conceiue nothing that is pleasing the will so wifull and indurate in sin that it can will nothing but the hatred of God and good men But this is not al that is to be considered for yet rests the priuation of the infinite Goodnesse it selfe which is God from whose sight for euer they shall be exiled which of all other torments is by the Learned accounted the greatest If wee conceiue griefe which often kils and that for the losse of a Kingdome when it is taken from v●d● what griefe is that they conceiue for the losse of God And to adde to the fulnesse of this torment they shall bee shut out from beholding the gracious face of Iesus Christ which the Angels desire to behold 4 How to meditate on the glory of Heauen 1 These points are considerable first the place it selfe secondly the persons with whom wee shall accompany thirdly the actes of the blessed soules which are nothing else but continual reioycings and praysings of God 2 The three sorts of good things which the blessed doe enioy first the good things of the soule secondly of the body thirdly the outward good things 3 The three excellent perfection of the soule viz. Vision Possession and Fruition of God the Father Son and holy Ghost 4 The singular perfections of the body as the impassibility the clarity and glory the agility and subtility 5 The ioy which euery one of the blessed shall enioy in all their senses no sense but shall haue his full delight and that in a more perfect manner then can in this world bee enioyed or by mans heart conceiued 6 Lastly these seuen points following may in one or more meditations be handled as euery one shall thinke fit 1 The excellency of that place viz. the greatnesse the blessednesse the riches the glory of that heauenly Mansion 2 The blessednesse of the body which shall be endowed with those foure most admirable qualities for it shall bee altogether most impassible most bright and glorious most nimble and as the Apostle speakes altogether Spirituall so that without any let it can penetrate all other solide bodies 3 The blessednesse of the soule but chiefly the wisedome of it because it shall see God face to face and all things in him also that most high and soueraigne loue of God and our neighbours and the infinite pleasure and exultation arising therefrom 4 The most pleasant society of all the blessed Saints and Angels of God 5 The actions and exercises of the blessed which are no other but perpetuall Contemplation Ioy Loue Feastings Pleasures and continuall praysing of God All shall bee there Magdalens not one Martha all outward action and worldly negotiation shall cease and bee quite banished 6 The aboundance of good things which shall be in so great a measure that nothing shall bee wanting which thou wouldst wish to haue nor yet any thing shall bee present which thou wouldst wish to be away And this thing thou shalt much better know if thou wilt but truely compare the euils and miseries of this world and the good things of that eternall happinesse together 7 The eternity and lastingnesse of this felicity and happinesse which no time shall euer end but shall last in the same fulnesse for euer and euer There are also other formes of meditating vpon this glory of heauen as first to consider with what infinite ioy and pleasure both of body and soule thou shalt bee rauished to behold aboue thee the most blessed Trinity thy Lord and Redeemer Iesus Christ Secondly about thee the most desired society and most magnificent company of our heauenly King Thirdly within thy selfe the vn-speakeable blessednesse of body and soule and fourthly vnder thee the world hell death and deuils Thus thou maist meditate on these things or if thou wilt thou
the vnderstanding and inflames the heart Thirdly it vnites and incorporates a man with God Fourthly it increaseth and confirmeth his graces and vertues Fiftly it chaugeth the whole man and makes him another kinde of man in life and manners Sixtly it makes a man certaine and sure of his saluation Seuenthly it is the conduite to conuey vnto mans soule grace in this life and glory in that to come 6 Consider these foure circumstances first who it is that commeth vnto vs secondly to whom he cometh thirdly how he cometh fourthly for what cause he commeth to vs. Besides we may also consider these things which appertaine to the due preparation of the Receiuer which we may ranke in this order 2. before the receiuing of it purity and desire arising from the fountaines of true faith and repentance for our sins 2. at the Communion humility and charity and 2. after the Communion thankes-giuing and amendment of life Whosoeuer comes thus furnished receiues the vnspeakeable benefites of all Christs Sufferings and Merites 10 How to meditate on the benefites of God 1 All the benefits of God may in one meditation be considered and because they are innumerable a double catalogue and list may be made of them whereof the first comprehends the chiefest generall benefits of God such as are first the creation second conseruation third redemption fourth saith fifth iustification sixt communion seuenth our calling vnto the knowledge and seruice of God and these may be meditated on euery weeke one for euery day Secondly the other containes the speciall benefites peculiar to euery man as that he is borne of good parents that hee is of a good and healthfull constitution of body that he hath beene preserued from many dangers and calamities and such other speciall benefites which hee knowes himselfe to haue receiued from God 2 The benefites of GOD may be considered many wayes first as the benefits of nature of grace and benefits acquired by labour secondly as the benefites of the soule of the bodie and externall benefits thirdly as benefits past present and to come fourthly benefits common to all men as benefits common to more as benefits common to a few and as benefits onely proper to one and of euery one of these a man may meditate 3 In considering one benefite alone one may insist as long as it pleaseth him and meditate on diuers things after this maner with great profite first who it is that bestowed this benefit vpon mee God secondly what mooued him to giue it vnto me onely his owne good will and pleasure thirdly why did he grace me with this benefite more then many other to his owne glory my saluation and the good of all that stand in neede of it fourthly how great is this benefite and how ill should it be with me if I wanted it fiftly how much am I bound to his goodnes by reason of this benefite sixtly how vnthankfull haue I hitherto been vnto him for it how ill haue I husbanded it and how contrary to those ends for which I receiued it seuenthly what remaines for the time to come that I shold doe to the end I may make the right vse of this benefit 11 How to meditate on the feasts of the Saints of God In considering these 3. things first their preferment with what an exceeding weight of glorie they are now crowned secondly their example how they attained to so great glorie by what actions labour and vertues they made way by the speciall worke and aido of Gods Spirit through the seas of this life to the heauenly mansion thirdly my owne confusion and shame What shall I doe haue not I receiued as many helpes as they Is not the way as well knowne to me haue not I as many spurres and prouocations I desire to come to the same degree of happinesse which they haue attained but I neglect to goe the way and vse the meanes that they did 12 How to meditate on Christian vertues The chiefe vertues of a Christian are these faith hope loue of God and man the feare of God prudence iustice humilitie patience obedience meekenesse chastity sobriety mercy simplicity modesty magnanimity perseuerance commendable silence and the like in considering these vertues we may either comprise diuerse of them in one Meditation or diuide one of them into many meditations or else wee may daily consider in our minds these virtues or som one of them which may be well put in the list of the former as the contempt of the world the dis●esteeming of our selues the ●eale of soules deuotion diligence in the seruice of God concord trueth fidelitie liberalitie purity gratitude thankfulnes and repentance 1 But in my opinion the most profitable way to meditate on any vertue is to obserue these points following first what is that vertue whereon I meditate as for the purpose what is humility or charity and wherein to be humble or charitable consists secondly how excellent profitable and necessary that vertue is considering especially what benefits it brings with it thirdly how much it pleaseth God and how acceptable it makes him to GOD that is indewed with it fourthly what examples and admonitions Christ left behind him touching that vertue fiftly how detestable hurtfull and displeasing vnto God is that vice which is contrary to that vertue sixtly how far I haue hitherto bin from that vertue yet am and what is the cause I am so farre from it seuenthly what hence-foorth is my taske and duety to do namely what meanes I must vse and what impediments I must shunne that I may obtaine that vertue 2 Another way there is of meditating on the vertues in considering any vertue in the person of Christ and weighing these 3. points first with what examples the Sonne of God did trace this vertue out vnto vs secondly what hee spake or did concerning that vertue remembring some sentences thereof thirdly why he said and did so for my information and imitation And thus in one wecke one may meditate on the seuen more principall vertues of Christ On the Lords day meditating of his Loue Monday his Humility Tuesday his Patience Wednesday his Obedience Thurseday his Meekenesse Friday his Pouerty Saturday his Chastity 3 Lastly to meditate the eight Blessednesses Math. 5. and in euery of them to ponder these three things first the sentence it selfe which containes two points the vertue and thereward of that vertue secondly how excellently this vertue shined in Christ thirdly how farre I am from that vertue how great profit it would bring mee if I had it and what harme I haue by wanting it 13 How to meditate on the creatures of God It is a most diuine Truth that by the due consideration of the creatures of God man may attaine to a very high pitch of the knowledge of the Creator of them Rom. 1. for there is not the least creature in the world but doth demonstrate euidently the power the wisedome and goodnesse of its Maker
Therefore whosoeuer will profite in GODS Schoole hee must wholy addict himselfe to the reading of the booke of the creatures of this great and most beautifull world which booke is opened to euery eye and the Lecture is reade obuious to the meanest capacity therefore out of this booke euery man is frequently to meditate on what hee reades there The manner of his meditation must bee either first on all the creatures of this world together or secondly on some one creature and therein to consider the power wisedome and goodnes of God And hee shall doe well euery houre necessity not taking him away whilst hee beholds any creature as Horse Flower and the like to lift vp his heart vnto God and consider with himselfe who made it and how many foot-steps of the power wisedome and goodnesse of God doe appeare in it 1 Then in meditating on the creatures in generall hee shall consider first that the greatnesse of this world doth demonstrate the greatnesse of the Creatour of it secondly the multitude and variety of things the infinite perfections that are in God thirdly the beautifull frame and order of this world the vnsearchable wisedome of God fourthly the benefites and profites wee reape by the creatures the goodnesse of God fifthly the beauty of this world sets forth the admirable beauty comlinesse glory of God sixtly the roundnesse of the world wanting beginning and end the Eternity and Euerlastingnesse of God seuenthly the vnity of the world in that but one world demonstrates the vnity of God eighthly the aboundance of the good things wee receiue from the creatures the liberality of God ninthly the s●●nenesse and constancy of the world in that still remaining in one state the immutability of God 2 But in meditating on the creatures seuerally by themselues let him consider first the Beginning and Authour of that creature which is God secondly the end why hee made it namely to his owne glory and mans seruice thirdly whence and how it was made fourthly the qualities and effects of that creature fifthly how often and much wee haue abused this creature 14 How to meditate on the Perfections and Attributes of God This meditation as it is of all other the most fit for the learned so of all others it is the most excellent some therefore of his Diuine Attributes are these his infinite Essence his Power Goodnesse Wisedome Loue Mercy Iustice Prouidence Liberality Patience Gentlenesse In all and euery of which it behoues vs to know and consider the workes and effects which God hath shewen concerning these to which purpose wee must call to minde the examples and sentences of the holy Scripture which indeed do bring no small help hereunto As for example to the knowledge of the Essence of God this sentence of the Prophet doth much further vs I fill heauen and earth Ier. 2. Act. 3. and that of Paul In him wee liue moue and haue our being to set forth his Power that in the Psalme helpes much Hee spake the word Psal 32. and they were made and so of the rest 1 If wee would meditate of the infinite bounty of God to man we may consider First that hee giues innumerable benefites to man not for that hee is bound to do it or expects any benefite from it secondly his liberality to them that are liberall with him hearing their prayers remembring them in the things they forgot to aske giuing them store of spirituall consolations and infinite gifts of grace thirdly how niggardly I haue dealt with God who hath beene so liberall to mee and therefore I doe binde Gods hands from being any more so liberall 2 If we would meditate of the immensitie and presence of God in euery place first consider that he fills heauen and earth Ier. 23. and is euery where present Heb. 11. and therefore doe thou euer thinke thou seest him that is inuisible by thee secondly how hee is present in euery place namely by his essence presence and power by his essence that is his Diuinitie so that euery where is his infinite goodnes mercy iustice his residence omnipotencie and all his excellencies by his presence seeing and knowing all things in euery place by his power giuing a being to euery thing and helping euery thing to do that which they doe thirdly how in a speciall manner he is within me and how I liue and am and mooue within him He incloseth me on euery side as the water doth the fish and as the apple is within the eye so am I within him hee carries mee in his wombe as the woman doth the infant to whom she is a house a bed a wall nourishment and all it stands neede of Esay 46. and he is within me more inti●●ously ioyned then the soule is within the body after a more excellent manner so that his infinite goodnesse within me giues me the being and life I haue his wisedome the light and knowledge I haue and his omnipotencie the power I haue to doe anie thing and so I ought to behold God within me most present euen as if I were his house and habitation where he is and doth whatsoeuer I am haue or doe without whose presence I shold presently cease to be and turne to nothing from which I may conceiue affections of ioy admiration trust and loue seeing my selfe thus ioyned vnto GOD. Hence must I accustome my selfe to search for GOD within my selfe for if within me why should I weary my selfe to seeke for him onely without my selfe 3 If I would meditate of his infinite wisedome and knowledge first I consider that by it he knoweth himselfe his essence all his infinite perfections also all his owne Actes Intentions Decrees Dispositions and all things that hee can doe so that nothing can escape his knowledge Secondly that hee hath this Wisedome by his owne Essence and by it as in a most cleere Chrystall hee sees and comprehends all things which by himselfe hee disposeth and ordereth so that hee receiueth it not from any other or hath any Maister or Counsellour or any other booke to teach him Thirdly that this Diuine Wisedome alone without any other helpe is the first Inuentor of all things in the world from which all Sciences Arts and Inuentions in heauen and earth proceedes as namely the inuention of mans creation of the beings of grace which hee communicates to man and the wisedome that hee poures out ouer all his creatures Fourthly that this Wisedome of God hath put all things in the world in number weight and measure comprehending the number of all things which were are or shall bee and of all their parts members offices and workes the weight of euery one of them in quantity or weight of their propensions and affections naturall and supernaturall the measure of euery one of them length bredth thicknesse and depth and the very measure of their perfection talenesse and faculties of them Fifthly that this Wisedome is eternall
Hallowed bee thy Name where wee may meditate first that the name of God is nothing else but his knowledge honour renowne celebration and inuocation Secondly that to sanctifie this Name is to celebrate praise magnifie and glorifie him and that Hee and his Honour and Knowledge may bee such as all the world may acknowledge it Thirdly that wee first begge this of him because wee call him Father and our selues his sonnes and it is the part of sonnes to desire their Fathers honour as nothing doth more reioyce the sons heart then the glory of their fathers so wee being the sonnes of God ought to wish nothing more then that hee may bee acknowledged and honoured for this is the first and chiefe good of which the first and second Commandements and all the first Table chiefly treates This is the first worke of a Christian to wish that Gods name may bee sanctified and his owne name may bee condemned and obscured namely that God may bee knowne such as hee is in heauen and in earth that hee may haue all honour and glory that there bee no creature in which hee bee dishonoured polluted and blasphemed but as hee is holy in himselfe so hee may be taken by all his creatures Fourthly that in doing that hee commands and forsaking that hee forbids wee sanctifie and glorifie his name for wee cannot commit any act whatsoeuer against the Law of God and chiefly against the first Table but wee speake against this demand and hinder the fulfilling of it 2 Thy Kingdome come In which meditate first that the Kingdome of God is nothing else but the Preaching of the Gospel by which the Church is gathered which God rules with his holy Spirit and the abolishing of the Kingdome of sinne and Satan as also all the meanes that conduct thereunto as on the one side the word of God the Ministery of the Gospell the holy Ghost Faith Loue Vnity c. and on the other errours abuses false doctrine heresies schismes and the like Secondly that wee begge this in the second place because sonnes desire nothing more then that their fathers Kingdome may be inlarged that they may dwell in the more safety and honour For if the fathers be aduanced vnto high honours vnder their shadow their sonnes do raigne and what dignity soeuer their fathers haue they think it their owne so the sonnes of God desire nothing more then the amplenesse of his Kingdome that they may bee safe vnder his shadow Thirdly that of all others the Christians dignity is the greatest for hee comes from Gods House hee is a King of his Kingdome Ergo when wee put our selues into the seruice of the deuill and become instruments of his wrath how much worse are wee then the prodigall sonne that kept Swine When wee commit idolatry whooredome couetousnesse gluttony drunkennesse enuy hatred rancor and malice is it not worse then to be in Sampsons case ouercome by a harlot Fourthly that those doe oppose the comming of this Kingdome which are not lead with the Spirit of God by the Word which defend the impious Traditions of men and labour to extinguish the truth of God which defend with tooth and naile Idolatry by which Satan raignes which make of this Kingdome a temporall Kingdome to serue their lusts and ambition as all wicked Magistrates and Ministers doe 3 Thy will bee done in earth as it is in heauen In this meditate first that the will of God is to know and beleeue in his Sonne Ioh. 6. 1. Thess 4. also our sanctification and that all sorts of men may rightly and faithfully doe their duety and obey God that all the contumacy of all men and creatures being tamed their wils may bee to his so subiect that the same thing which hee willeth hee will effect that wee also may will and doe the same Secondly that wee aske this fulfilling of his will after the comming of his Kingdome because heerein is the felicity of the Kingdome and Family that all bee obedient to the authority of the King and Father and that all things may depend vpon his will For God raignes not in vs except we obey him and so our felicity in the House of GOD consists heerein that wee are obedient vnto him Thirdly that we beg of him that hee will frustrate all our desires that are contrary to his will that hee will frame in vs new mindes and new hearts that wee aske nothing of our selues but rather that his Spirit may gouerne our desires to haue a ful consent with God that wee may haue obedience patience perseuerance in the crosse and all this so perfectly as the Angels in heauen doe performe his Will Fourthly that all free-will and power to doe any good of our selues is quite extinguished That who beleeue not in the Sonne obey not the word of God pray not for the Spirit of God are impatient vnder the Crosse doe oppose this will of God 4 Giue vs this day our dayly bread meditate herein first that this bread is nothing else but all things appertayning to the bodie and soule meat drinke clothing health defence peace good successe and all spirituall blessings secondly that we first begge this bread of God for that as sonnes doe aske bread of their fathers so doe wee the sonnes of God aske necessaries of God And the will of God cannot be done in vs except wee be nourished with the bread of God thirdly that albeit wee are commaunded to get our bread with the sweate of our browes yet wee must begge it of him because we must not ascribe it to our labour and industry that wee are nourished but to the onely blessing of God who prospers our labors which other wise would be in vaine Besides it is not by the substance of the meate that we are fedde but by the only power of God for they haue no such naturall power from heauen but God administers it from heauen as to the instrumēts of his bounty fourthly that it is our bread albeit wee begge it of God first ours because by the bounty of GOD it is made ours albeit not due vnto vs secondly ours that we might learne to temper our selues from desiring other mens bread and to be content with that which by lawfull means doth come vnto vs as out of the hand of God thirdly because albeit that it bee the blessing of God yet it is destinated vnto vs for our conseruation as necessary for vs fourthly because as the corporall food so the bread of Life the word of God is ours fiftly because we ought so to aske this bread of God that wee may haue to breake vnto others sixtly for that not for our selues but also for others we must aske it seuenthly that it is so our daily bread that without by both sorts of it daily receiued we be nourished wee come to ruine Whence consider mans misery for except nourished with foode wee cannot continue eightly that it is giuen vs for onely God can
and may stirre vp in himselfe a feruent desire of doing the same aright Sixthly a little before his meditation let him remember that as our Sauiour willes all before they pray to go into their chamber and shut the dore so hee must enter into himselfe shutting the dore of his heart against all othor thoughts and worldly imployments and considering with himselfe what it is that hee is to doe and to what end Seuenthly it will much helpe the fruite of meditation to come to it with an appetite and inflamed desire of meditating to which purpose hee must vse the meanes to prouoke his appetite For as those that haue no stomacke to their meate do labour to get one by strong exercise of the body and diuerse poynant and sharpe sawces so hee that meditates must labour by reading godly bookes diligent examination of his conscience or some holy act whereby to mortifie his affections to stir vp in himselfe a holy deuotion and zeale of meditating Eighthly the more to enflame him heereto hee may thinke with himselfe when hee comes to meditate that hee is making a iourney to the most rich veine of siluer and gold in the world from whence hee may carry great and in-valuable Treasures Ninthly vpon the point of putting himselfe to meditation let him cast himselfe downe vpon his knees or vse such humble and deuoute reuerence and gesture of body as is most agreeable and with his heart and minde lift vp let him consider with himselfe on the one side the greatnesse of God and his presence on the other his owne basenesse and multitude of his sinnes and yet notwithstanding that his so infinite Maiesty that hee vouchsafeth vs free accesse and audience when wee come saying with the blessed Patriarke Shall I speake vnto my Lord being but dust and ashes Tenthly in conclusion let him commend himselfe and his meditations to God and pray him in Iesus Christ to assist him in all his meditations and not to depart from him to take from him all matter and occasion of distraction and to giue him a comfortable and happy successe in them And let him vse all diligence in the obseruation of all these instructions but yet without scruple or trouble of conscience if at any time hee forget any of them for it oft fals out to such as meditate much that without so much preparation they are admitted to many heauenly secrets Onely our part is to vse diligence that wee omit not the things which are necessary 2 Such things as accompany meditation are to be considered and these are first Praeparatory prayer secondly préparatiues thirdly colloquies with God First I call this a preparatiue prayer because in the entrance of the meditation it is a short request vnto God that hee will direct all the powers and actions of our body and soule to his glory our owne saluation and the good of others praying him to giue vnto vs grace to meditate aright of heauenly things and acknowledging that of our selues wee can doe nothing but all our sufficiencie is from God Secondly preparatiues which are things going before meditation and making way for it that it may the more easily enter Now after the preparatory prayer for the most part there are two preparatiues which that wee may know how they are to bee made wee must obserue that the matter of meditation is of two natures the one corporall such as is the natiuity of Christ the other spirituall such as is sinne When wee are to meditate on corporall and visible things the first preparatiue is to imagine and conceiue the place and persons as if they were present as for the purpose if wee would meditate on Christs Natiuity the first preparatiue is to propose and set before the eyes of our mindes the Stable the Manger the infant IESVS the Virgine Ioseph her husband these are to bee represented vnto vs in our imagination but yet without any violent action of the head or braine The second preparatiue is to begge of God such grace as that wee may ob●aine the true end which wee ●imed at in meditation namely sorrow for our sinnes the loue of God the knowledge of a mans selfe or some other end agreeable ●o the meditation But if the matter of meditation bee spirituall wee must then vse another kinde of representation namely the soule to bee in the body as in a prison man to bee in this vale of teares exiled amongst bruite beasts or to thinke himselfe intrenched with deuils or Angels or to imagine a voyce discending from heauen or Christ or some of his Apostles pronouncing the words which hee hath taken to meditate on That is the first preparatiue and the second is as before to begge of God to direct him to the right end of meditation The third are Colloquies and speeches with God which indeed are nothing else but prayers vnto God and of necessity euery meditation and contemplation must haue some colloquy or speech with God ioyned vnto it in which thankes are giuen vnto him remission of sinnes increase or confirmation of graces and other necessaries are to bee begged of God Now in this businesse we will open these three things first how these colloquies and prayers are to bee made secondly how often thirdly when First all these things may bee done mentally or otherwise with some vocall prayer agreeable to the meditation and about the end of the meditation with the Lords Prayer distinctly and leasurely pronounced And that the colloquy may bee the better fitted wee must obserue sometimes to speake vnto God as the Scholler to his Maister the seruant to his Lord the subiect to the King somtimes as the Spouse to the Bridge-groome the poore to the rich the guilty to the Iudge the Sicke to the Physitian and so take vpon him the person of the Prodigall childe of the blinde lame or any other troubled with any infirmity and secondly hee may make one or more to the Father Sonne and holy Spirit to giue vnto vs necessary graces And thirdly the proper place of Colloquy is about the end of our meditation albeit through the whole course of our meditations after euery point the soule being inflamed to the desire of any thing it may bee made but then they must be short as well to continue our intention as to repell distractions that meditation be not hindred 3 Now then those things which are considerable vpon the seuerall points of meditation follow to bee handled for many sticke at this knot not knowing what they ought to thinke in meditating that therefore wee may prouide for them and deliuer the matter and methode of continuing meditation and making some progresse therein we must consider these following points which in euery matter whatsoeuer must be vsed Therefore obserue that the matter of all meditation being either corporall or spirituall If it bee corporall these circumstances are to bee considered first the persons present at the Mystery such as are Christ Iesus the Virgine
thy meditation hath succeeded well or ill if well giue thanks to the goodnes of God humble thy selfe acknowledge it is none of thine but proceeding from God if ill aske pardon of God secondly enquire the causes whence that proceeded and consider duely how and with what diligence thou hast perfourmed thy part wherein thou hast failed and haue a firme purpose of amending it thirdly keepe in thy mind some fruite that thou madest of thy meditation that thou maist turne it to thy benefite fourthly briefly and wisely dispose of the businesses of the whole day and conceiue the good purposes that God inspires into thee fiftly if anie profitable poynt in meditation be vnderstoode note it in some paper that after thou mayest vse it to thine owne benefite or to thy neighbours sixtly sometimes before dinner or supper call to minde the morning meditation chiefely that point thou committedst to memorie and considering thereon renew thy deuotion seauenthly the good purposes thou conceiuest in the morning bring into execution and to that end be diligent to take all occasions eightly bee diligent all the day long to auoyde all vn-necessarie distractions as much as may be that at no time thou doe forget God but may in euerie place with heart and mouth say I haue set the LORD euermore before my face ninthly that we may profite in this heauenly Exercise of Meditation wee must make this examination beeing of so great moment twice a weeke examining how this meditation succeeded what profite was had by it what impediment was found in it And to this purpose must a certaine time bee limited to performe it in as Wednesday and Saturday in the morning and euening and so duely obserued But 2. this first examination must not thrust out the other which concernes our sinnes and defects in generall or particular and therefore wee must knowe there are two other kindes of examination of the conscience the first generall when wee search out all our defects in thought word deed or omission committed that wee may the better amend our liues being knowne to vs which being fitly done in the euening is thus performed first in the giuing thankes for the benefites receiued secondly begging of God the Lampe of heauenly light and knowledge how to amend our deformities thirdly exacting an account of the soule for the sinnes that day committed fourthly humbly desiring pardon of God for them fiftly seriously purposing by the grace of God an amendment of life and so concluding with the Lords prayer The second sort of examining the cōscience is more particular touching some one defect or deformitie which we desire to reforme which being fit for a morning sacrifice may be thus done first after hee is vp to conceiue a firme purpose of most diligent taking heede lest that day hee fall into that sinne● secondly after dinner withdrawing himselfe a little from other things let him doe these three seruices to himselfe first take an account of his soule and search well euery houre how often he hath fallen into that sinne secondly keepe the account in some note thirdly propose to himselfe a more diligent watch ouer that sinne Thirdly after supper let him do the same conferring day with day and weeke with weeke that hee may see how hee profites and incessantly desire Gods assistance to mortifie and ouercome that Infirmity This re-collection of a mans selfe and often entring into the priuy chamber of his soule setting himselfe by the benefite of imagination euer in the presence of God hauing one eye to the houre or day past and another to that to come will in short time bring a Christian to the greatest measure of perfection that in this world hee can arriue at and briefly consists in these three first to giue thankes to God who gaue him life secondly to begge pardon for the sinnes that houre or day committed and the mis-spending of it thirdly to propose to himselfe and to that end to begge grace of God to spend that houre or day more fruitfully Happy and thrice happy is that man who applies himselfe to this holy exercise for thus shall hee be preserued in a continuall deuotion and grow to a most soueraigne familiarity with God which is the perfection of man in this world The Third Daies Iourney of the Soule to Heauen is Prayer THIS holy duety and the former of meditation are so linked and matched together that hardly can the one without the other bee handled and explaned both of them being of great necessity to the perfection of a happy life and both of great difficulty in the practise of life and therefore no wonder if all diligence and industry of man be required therein If therfore we desire to be put into the right way of so necessarie and hard a worke as is prayer wee must addict our selues vnto these three maisters first the Spirit of GOD for if all good gifts come from God much more this most excellent art and grace of prayer which excelleth all other things is the speciall gift of GOD and therefore with most humble and instant prayers to be begged of GOD as the Apostle did of Christ Luk. 11. Lord teach vs to pray secondly the practise of prayer for by continuall vse thereof it is learned euen as all other Arts are As custome of riding maketh a man at length a good horseman so daily praying bringeth a man to great perfection in petitioning of GOD thirdly the paternes and examples of holy men deuoted to that heauenly exercise For as one saith well No Art is learned without a Maister Hence is it that both the Baptist our Sauiour proposed a Methode Forme of praying vnto their Disciples Luk. 11. Now that we may proceede by a right line in handling this point I will shew what Prayer is what are the kindes of prayer what is required before in and after prayer 1 That wee may know what Prayer is it behoueth vs to vnderstand that there are diuerse significations thereof of which the second seemeth to make most for our purpose for Prayer is often taken for Petition and so it is defined to bee a Petition of things fit to be asked of GOD Damasc lib. 3. de fide c. 24. sometimes it is taken for the conference of the soule with GOD whether asking anie thing of God or giuing him thankes or conferring with him about anie other thing in which signification it seemeth a Father tooke it Chrys Hom. 10. in Gen. when hee sayd Prayer was a speech or conference with God But sometimes it signifies generally all the inward actes of the vnderstanding will and other powers of the soule when they are lift vp vnto God and things aboue in which sense it seemes that the said Damascen tooke it when hee cals prayer the ascension of the minde vnto God And if prayer be taken in this sence then meditation contemplation the praise of God thankes-giuing petition obsecration offring vp our selues
promise protestation accusing of our selues weeping for our sinnes examination of our consciences admiration and such like actions are all of them certaine kindes of prayer and so to meditate contemplate giue thankes examine the conscience and the rest are nothing else but to pray yea to reade godly bookes to stirre vp our deuotions in this sense is nothing else but to pray For when to this end any doe reade godly bookes then God speakes to them euen as man speakes vnto God when hee prayes Bern. lib. de scala Claustr And this moued that deuoute Father to place the reading of godly bookes amongst the parts of prayer That therefore in this sense we may know what those things are which seeme to bee all one with prayer first it must be vnderstood that to meditate is nothing else but diligently and attentiuely to weigh and ponder the thing proposed to the end to pray vnto God or talke with him And this I doe therefore adde because the diligent consideration of the Mysteries of faith and other things as they are taught in the Church or as any other end of them is proposed is not to bee named prayer But this meditation or consideration is an act of the vnderstanding from which doth the act of the will immediately arise For man plainely knowing what is good and what is euill is most easily moued to the loue of the one and the detestation of the other Hence the Kingly Prophet saith that in his meditation the fire kindled Psal 38. And for this cause is prayer and meditation so coupled together that hardly can they bee handled asunder Secondly contemplation is a certaine excellent and full meditation of affections flowing out without any discourse or labour whilst the soule by knowledge and perfect loue is ioyned vnto God and delighted in him no otherwise then a man beholding a most elegant image with fixed eyes without turning his eyes this way or that for the singular delight that hee takes therein Thirdly the praise of God is to magnifie him for his excellent vertues and perfections inhaering in him Fourthly Thankes-giuing is to approue himselfe thankefull to him for his benefites receiued Fifthly Petition is to aske something of God without any obsecration Sixthly Obsecration is to aske something of God with some interposition of a sacred thing most acceptable vnto him by the power and sight whereof hee may bee moued to giue what we demand as when we aske him for the bloud and wounds of his most deerely beloued Sonne to grant our requests Seuenthly Oblation is to offer vnto him our soules bodies all our actions and whatsoeuer belongs to vs or is in vs. Eighthly the examination of our consciences is to remember our sinnes before God to aske pardon for them and promise from the heart an amendment of them Ninthly Admiration is an excellent act of prayer when the soule in contemplation doth vehemently admire and is astonished at the wisedome goodnesse power and other workes of God which for the most part is accompanied with inflamed affections and exclamations and very often with extasies and rauishments of the soule Luther was therefore wont to say that prayer bringeth more profite then many labours of learning and that therefore hee came to the knowledge of heauenly doctrine which hee had by these three instruments prayer meditation and temptation For prayer brings those sentences of Scripture which in reading wee conceiue into vse 2 But if you take prayer in the second signification then there are three sorts or kindes of prayer mentall or of the minde vocall or of the tongue and mixt of both and the reason heereof is for that man doth negotiate and speake with God three manner of waies namely in heart mouth and in both together and therefore there must needs bee three sorts of prayer First wee may call that mentall prayer when the soule speaks to God inwardly without speaking of any words or mouing of the lips This is true prayer and before all others most acceptable to the Maiesty of God of which our Sauiour speakes thus God is a Spirit and those that worship him Iohn 4. must worship him in Spirit and truth Secondly vocall prayer is that when the words of prayer are cōceiued vttered with the mouth Where yet we must obserue that it ought to proceed frō the heart first that the words which are recited ought to be reuolued pondred in the mind for if any with the tongue onely pray without any attention or consideratiō not labouring to anoide all distractions and wandrings of the minde hee is not to bee accounted to pray vocally but contrarily casts himselfe into a grieuous sinne with which the Prophet vpbraids his people This people honour mee with their lippes Esay 29. but their hearts are farre from mee Ergo this kinde of prayer is not therefore called vocall because onely vttered by the mouth but that it might bee distinguished from the mentall which being onely made in the minde the vocall also addes to the intention of the minde words besides Thirdly the mixt kinde of prayer composed of both these kindes is when hee that prayes doth partly with heart and partly with his tongue pray vnto God therefore it is not to bee called a mixt prayer when any shall at one and the same time pray with the Spirit and wordes conceiued reuoluing with himselfe the things which hee speaketh for that is vocall prayer but that is a mixt prayer when after the prayer conceiued onely in spirit and minde hee that prayes doth ioyne vnto it a vocall prayer of the mouth 3 It followeth then that wee discourse of the things required in prayer that wee may pray aright where as we shall finde diuerse things that may prouoke that duety so shall wee meete with many incumbrances and lets and therefore our industry must bee to gaine the one and shunne the other with might and maine But because I haue in the former tract of meditation spoken both of these helps and impediments I will onely heere name them referring the Reader to that place for a fuller satisfaction First then there is to this holy exercise required a fit time which euery day is to bee allotted vnto it Where wee may fitly obserue first that so much time euery day is to bee assigned to this exercise as the condition and state of the party may well spare secondly for no cause nor vpon any occasion to omit this time or put it off vnto another season but to perswade himselfe that this exercise is farre more worthy then any other though neuer so beneficiall thirdly if vrgent necessity enforce the interruption of this time to repaire that losse some other houre of the day if it possible fourthly that the best houre for prayer is mid-night in respect of the quietnesse thereof next to that is the morning timely before wee set hand to any businesse for that will season the labours of the whole day
short obseruations following the larger discourse whereof is in the tract of meditation first to know the mysterie or matter which we build our prayers on with the circumstances of time place persons c. secondly not to come to prayer with a tyred spirit after much reading or writing thirdly for some good space before prayer diligently fore-see and commit to memory the chiefe points you will insist on in prayer fourthly to enter the chamber of the heart a good while before prayer and shut the dore of the heart against all other cogitations thinking with himselfe what hee is to doe fifthly to come to prayer with great appetite and inflamed desire and as hee that hath no appetite to meat gets one with strong exercise of the body so about to pray wee must stirre vp our deuotion either by reading or diligent examination of the conscience sixthly to inflame him the more let him that prayes thinke that hee comes to a most rich veine of gold from whence hee may carry most rich treasures seuenthly with his minde and heart lift vp let him on the one side behold the greatnesse of God and his presence and on the other his owne vilenesse and multitude of his sinnes and that yet notwithstanding all this God vouchsafeth him a free accesse and audience eighthly with humble and deuout gesture of body let him doe vnto God most profound reuerence in heart and tongue saying Shall I speake vnto my Lord being but dust and ashes ninthly and lastly let him doe all these with great obseruation but yet without scruple or too much anxiety of heart if hee forget any of them 2 What is to bee obserued during the time of prayer I refer to the former tract of meditation where I haue shewed these foure requifites in this part first a preparatory prayer secondly certaine praeludia and prefaces thirdly certaine points fourthly certaine colloquies with God 3 After prayer these things are diligently to bee obserued first a particular examination is to bee made sitting or softly walking for a quarter of an houre how our prayers haue succeeded well or ill if well then are wee to giue God thankes to humble our selues and acknowledge that this was not our owne but onely proceeded from the goodnesse of God if ill then to begge pardon of him for it Secondly inquity must diligently bee made wherein thou hast beene defectiue and a firme resolution to bee holden of more diligent obseruing them heere-after Thirdly thou must retaine in thy minde some fruite which God hath communicated to thee in prayer that thou maist conuert it to thy benefit fourthly briefly and wisely dispofe of all the businesse of that whole day that thou maist conceiue the good purposes which God inspires in thee Fifthly diligence must bee vsed that all the day wee remaine in a continuall deuotion as much as may bee free from all distraction neuer at any time for getting God but euery where from the heart proclaiming The Lord was euer in my sight Sixthly Psal 10. to conclude that this exercise may bee profitable thou must determine twice euery weeke an examination vpon all these things that belong to prayer seeing it is a thing of most account and heerein thou shalt examine how thy prayer hath succeeded whether thou hast made any passage in it whether thou hast felt any impediment and the like and to this end thou must conferre weeke with weeke and moneth with month and appoint certaine houres of the day to this purpose But yet it remaines that wee speake somewhat more of those 8 kindes of prayer that heerein wee may know first how to giue thankes secondly what things wee are to pray for thirdly for whom to pray fourthly of whom wee must aske fifthly how wee must aske 1 Mentall prayer as wee haue said is an inward talking of the soule with God to whom hee expresseth all his Petitions and necessities without any noyse of words and this is of two sorts first when the soule by it selfe findeth out sighes by which it speakes vnto God as if the soule should inwardly say ô Lord God thou hast inriched mee with many blessings giue mee grace to vse them all to thy glory and my owne saluation secondly when the soule doth ruminate with it selfe some vocall prayer as the Lords prayer or any other which it hath committed to memory and offers vnto God the Petitions therein contained In prayer therefore wherein a man hath to do with God for the most part three things are necessary first to giue him thankes secondly to aske things necssary thirdly to offer vp vnto God himselfe body and soule 1 Now that wee render vnto God worthy thankes for his benefites wee must propose to our selues a double catalogue of them in our memory the one of benefits in generall as his Creation Preseruation Redemption Vocation Iustification Sanctification Election his gratious patience long-suffering in expecting our returne and the like the other of particular benefites which as they are proper vnto euery man so must they specially of euery one bee remembred as namely that hee is borne of good and Christian parents that hee is of a good constitution of body and sound that hee hath beene preserued and deliuered from many infirmities and dangers of body and soule and such like euery one of which benefites if we doe but a little ponder with our selues wee shall finde a most large occasion of giuing him thankes and that we may haue rule heerein to procede by let euery one giue him thankes first for the blessings of nature secondly of Grace thirdly for blessings acquired Also first for the good things of the soule secondly of the body thirdly for outward good things in particular of all which hee must take an account of himselfe how God hath stored him with them that hee may bee thankefull for them And indeed it is meete that continually wee giue thankes vnto God seeing euery moment wee receiue benefites from him for no moment is there wherein wee receiue not from God life sense vnderstanding and all other good gifts both naturall and super-naturall that are in vs or belong vnto vs Therefore if when thou receiuest any benefite from any man thou art presently thankefull for it how canst thou but bee ingrate vnto God when receiuing innumerable benefites from him thou dost not answer them with a thankefull heart Thou shalt therefore giue thanks for things prosperous because they are giuen thee for thy comfort for things aduerse because they are ordained for thy correction and the augmentation of thy eternall Crowne thou shalt giue thankes for spirituall gifts because they enrich the soule and for corporall gifts because they preserue the body which is the palace and habitation of the soule Thou shalt giue thankes for the things giuen vnto thee because they belong vnto thee for the things bestowed on thy neighbours because they belong to such as thou art bound in charity Euer shall thy heart
meditate that good word of Thankes-giuing euer shall thy mouth in what estate soeuer sound out thankefulnesse vnto God that whilst thou giuest thankes for continuall benefites thou maist thereby bee disposed to receiue better benefites 2 Our petitions and requests vnto God consist generally in two things namely in begging remission of our sinnes and in begging some other grace vertue or good thing wee desire to haue The things which wee are to aske of God are all contained in the Lords prayer but besides these generall petitions which daily are in the first place to bee made euery one ought to aske certaine speciall things most necessary vnto him which either hee must retaine in his memory or else keepe a catalogue of them with him which hee may at pleasure in his mentall prayer vse First therefore hee must aske of God grace well to performe the offices and duties of that place wherein God hath put him secondly to spend the time profitably thirdly to extirpate and subdue vice and all imperfections fourthly to gaine that vertue and those helpes to godlinesse which hee stands most need of but chiefly charity humility the gift of prayer and increase of faith praying with the Apostles Lord teach vs to pray Luk. 11. Luk. 17. and Lord increase our faith 1 Euery Christian I confesse must generally labour with God for remission of all their sinnes but yet it shall much helpe his conceite and memory to distinguish them thus desiring first remission of all the euill hee hath committed secondly of all the good hee hath omitted thirdly of all the time hee hath wickedly spent or to desire the pardon of all his euill thoughts words and workes and of the omission of his good thoughts words and workes But especially a man may cast the eye of his minde vpon these foure first the commandements of God and his lawfull Gouernours secondly to the seuen mortall sinnes thirdly to the three powers of the soule the Vnderstanding Will and Memory fourthly to the fiue senses of the body For in these are all the sinnes that any man can commit comprehended therefore let him reason with himselfe in his minde a little vpon euery one of these points and desire specially pardon of his sinnes committed against this or that commandement in such a kinde of sinne with such a power of the soule or externall sense of the body 2 Wee must generally pray for all men and things as Christ hath taught vs in that blessed prayer of his owne and especicially for speciall men and things but chiefly and necessarily for these first for the whole Church of Christ wheresoeuer dispersed or howsoeuer despised ouer the face of the earth secondly for the conuersion of all Heretickes Schismatickes and erronious persons that they may bee brought home into the bosome of Christs holy Church thirdly for the whole kingdome where thou liuest and namely for the Kings Maiesty and all the Gouernours and Magistrates Ecclesiasticall and Ciuill fourthly for all our Benefactors who doe vs good and minister to our necessities fifthly for those that are committed to our charge or vnder whose charge wee are sixthly for our enemies and persecutors seuenthly for all that are in any necessity or suffer any aduersity in body or minde This prayer for others Chrys as a Father saith of all others is most acceptable vnto God vnto it wee are many wayes obliged and therefore it is no day to bee omitted And as wee must pray for others so must wee not bee vnmindefull to giue thankes for others for the benefites conferred vpon all men for benefites bestowed vpon all Christians priuate or publique persons and aduisedly considering both the persons and the benefites seuerally to giue God thankes for them no lesse then if wee giue thankes for our selues 3 If you aske of whom wee must looke for all these benefites and vnto whom wee must giue thankes the answere is easie and ready at Gods hands wee receiued all and vnto him alone must wee giue thankes hee it is that heareth the prayer and therfore vnto him alone must all flesh come this is taught vs out of the blessed mouth of our Sauiour When you pray say Lnk. 11. Our Father which art in heauen c. 4 The last thing is to know how wee must aske surely wee must bee furnished if wee will speed first with those three diuine graces Faith Hope and Charity Faith considering that God is able to doe all that hee will and as much as wee stand need of Hope considering his infinite goodnesse and thence conceiuing a desire and assurance of obtaining our petitions Charity asking the things onely that may make meerely for the glory of God and the good and saluation of our selues and our neighbours secondly that in asking wee vse all incessant and important obsecrations such as in our Litanies our Church vseth thirdly in humbling our selues and setting forth our owne vility and indignity as the most vnworthy wretches in the world 3 I said that in our businesse with God as wee must giue thankes to him and begge of him things needefull so wee must also offer vnto him our selues this is a sacrifice vnto him most acceptable and therefore the Apostle begges it so earnestly of all Christians I beseech you brethren Rom. 12.1 by the mercies of God offer vp your selues a holy liuing and acceptable sacrifice vnto God So that nothing lesse is this sacrifice but our whole liues our bodies soules our goods within vs without vs our thoughts words and workes all must bee sacrificed vnto him and dedicated to his honour neuer any more to bee vsed after the conceite of our owne peruerse will but according to the most exact rule of Gods most holy will And these things which I haue spoken concerning Thankes-giuing Petition and Oblation are to bee done mentally for these containe a most elegant manner of continuing in prayer a long time 2 Now must wee come in a word to vocall prayer this being either publicke or priuate in both which is required due preparation and attention wee will obserue these three things First that being about to pray hee first enter into himselfe recollecting himselfe a little and lifting vp his heart to God hee direct the whole worke hee is about to the onely glory of God begging of him assistance that he would establish his minde in him alone secondly in the progresse of his prayer it is good that first hee pronounce all the words distinctly without too much haste secondly that by some paw sings as in the end of the Psalmes where wee say Glory bee the Father c. hee renew his attention that if his minde bee distracted hee may gather it vp againe and beg pardon of God for this neglect Thirdly the prayer being ended thankes are to be rendred vnto God and pardon of sinnes and defects therein committed humbly begged There is another excellent way of vocall prayer both easie and full of deuotion and
sinnes of one man and no more who can bee so ignorant meditating this but easily will arise from the dungeon of despaire and in the midst of his heart conceiue vn-repellable hope This reason is able not onely to giue health to the sicke but life to the dead 3 Reason Besides the most vnspeakeable loue of God exhibited to vs in Christ who is the foundation of our hope Christ himselfe hath spoken in the Gospell many things to stirre vp our hope Aske and you shall receiue c. But aboue all that I say vnto you whatsoeuer you shall aske beleeue that you shall receiue it and it shall be done vnto you These words to stirre vp our minds and beget hope are most forcible I say vnto you As if Christ had giuen his Obligation for the truth of it to bind himselfe to vnworthy man requiring onely this condition of vs that wee hold a good opinion and faith of his goodnesse that hee will giue vs what wee aske And how consonant to reason is this Is there any Prince that promising faithfully hee will giue to some that aske him a peece of siluer so they aske faithfully that performes no this promise Or doe any doubt of it that are wise If then that most high Potentate of heauen and earth that cannot loofe any of his riches nay who the more hee giues tho richer hee is do promise to giue to them that aske faithfully being able to do what hee list with a beck Who is so mad that doth not vndoubtedly hope and aske nay which doth aske and doth not obtaine Now then if God who is most propense to doe good as the first reason prooues and of his owne accord sent his Son his onely begotten Son deliuering him to most bitter death that I might by him obtaine what I aske as appeares in the second reason And to conclude the Son of God himselfe both God and Man my Redeemer haue bound himselfe by promise most ample and most worthy of himselfe to giue vnto mee what I faithfully aske as in the third reason it must needs follow that I must not onely swerue from all Christianity but euen from the right vse of reason or else most constantly hope for the eternall good things of saluation which I pray for The Fourth Daies Iourney of the Soule to Heauen is Holinesse of Life THIS indeed is the full complement of all the rest to heare the word with iudgement to meditate vpon Diuine Mysteries with diligence and to pray vnto God with deuotion are to small purpose except there follow practise and application of all these in the life Our labour then must bee in this discourse first to giue some generall precepts how to acquire those vertues that helpe to the sanctification of life and to roote vp the vices which hinder the increase of godlinesse in our hearts Secondly to propose a daily methode of practising such holy duties as being performed will make our whole liues a sweete smelling Sacrifice to God 1 The ignorance of a sure methode and meanes to beget the seeds of vertues in mans heart is the cause that so few do arriue at the Hauen of Perfection in any measure Insomuch that hardly shall one finde one man in all his life that hath attained to any competent habite of any one vertue All vertues as the learned doe well obserue are either infused into the soule by the onely grace of God which giueth all good things or else are acquired by the industry and labour of man being helped therevnto by the grace of Gods holy Spirit for the obtaining of which let him consider these points following 1 Hee that will attaine to any vertue as humility or the like must know these fiue things to be very necessary 1 An earnest and great desire of that vertue which is ingendred first by pondering the glorious beauty nobility excellency and necessity of that vertue secondly how it pleaseth God that a man be adorned with that vertue thirdly what examples and admonitions Christ left of that vertue fourthly how displeasing and detestable to God the contrary vice is fifthly how farre I am yet from that vertue and what is the cause of it 2 Prayer whereby with most earnest supplications he must beg that vertue of God 3 Frequent meditations vpon that vertue in which hee must reuolue with himselfe these foure points first how pleasing this vertue is to God secondly how excellent in it selfe thirdly how necessary to mans saluation fourthly what worthy benefites and fruites it briugeth with it 4 A continuall exercise and vse as well of the inward as outward acts of that vertue 5 Examination whereby to discusse himselfe daily touching his defects against this vertue 2 Albeit all vertues are desireable yet the more easily to gaine the habite of them wee must take some one by the space of a month or as shall bee needfull wherein to exercise our selues and so long to frequent the actes thereof vntill wee haue gained some habite therein else wee shall hardly euer come to a wished end 3 Before all things those vertues are most to bee loued and laboured for which are of most moment and which euery one knowes to bee most necessary for him the rest by little and little are to bee sought for And surely to speake generally two vertues seeme to bee chiefest and most necessary for all men Humility and Charity 4 It is profitable in acquiring of vertues to reade some booke or chapter writing of that vertue we propose to our selues and of the contrary vice 5 And it will bring no small furtherance to gather some choice sentences from Scriptures and Fathers and prophane Writers to be committed to memory and and often to bee repeated 6 Lastly it is most profitable to propose the example of some Saints of God who haue excelled in that vertue but chiefly the example of Iesus Christ to bee imitated But before I depart from these instructions how to acquire necessary vertues for sanctification of life let mee reueale vnto you the rules of two deuout and learned men which they aduise to bee obserued in this affaire The one is Saint Bernard who giues two rules very profitable for the attaining vnto perfection Ber. libel de formula Hon. vitae If saith hee thou wilt fully obtaine what thou entendest two things are necessary First that thou with-draw thy selfe from all transitory and earthly things that thou regard them no more then if they were not Secondly that thou so giue vp thy selfe to God as that thou neither say nor doe any thing but that which thou constantly beleeuest is pleasing vnto God 1 The first thou shalt by this meanes attaine vnto 1 By all meanes which thou art able to doe thou shalt vilifie thy selfe reputing thy selfe to be nothing and beleeuing all other men to bee good better then thy selfe and more pleasing vnto God 2 Whatsoeuer thou shalt heare or see in men professing Religion except it bee
vpon this course of godlinesse because it is profitable for vs to saluation yet let them for this cause inlarge themselues to the highest extent of seruing God because they know it is the will of God that in all things wee might bee magnified as the sonnes of such an eternall Father who is in heauen and admonisheth vs saying Leu. 19. Be● yee holy because I the Lord your God and Father am holy Hauing promised thus much concerning the harmes which ensue the ignorance of a certaine methode in seruing of God I will now descend to the first part which is the generall instructions directing vs in all our actions wherein wee must obserue these seuen seuerall instructions and helpes 1. Instruction That knowing our selues to bee naked miserable and of all good things indigent wee should labour euer by all meanes to procure the grace and helpe of God that there may bee such a change made in our soules whereby wee may seele that our will insists vpon this not to seeke the things that are our owne as our owne but to seeke God and whatsoeuer good thing is in him and our selues as the thing that is of God and whorewith of his infinite goodnesse and mercy hee wisheth himselfe to bee serued so that wee hold euermore his most excellent graces and infinite glory as our owne goods nay farre more excellent then our owne and that wee praise him and reioyce in him more then in any good thing which either wee haue or hope for or can happen vnto vs accounting it a perfect happinesse that the Maiesty of God may possesse infinite good things and now it doth possesse and as not hauing any care or regard of our owne selues yet labouring by all meanes that wee may be receiued into heauen where wee may behold him and more perfectly enioy him not for our owne ioy and comfort alone but for that the Diuine Maiesty being of infinite glory of his infinite goodnesse would haue vs to bee so magnified with the sublime inheritance and riches which himselfe possesseth and with him all those which for their last rest and good doe desire that the Diuine Maiesty may haue so great glory as it hath and this is to bee one Spirit with God and is the summe of all Christian perfection For it is a doctrine cleere by the sacred Scriptures and holy Fathers that wee were all brought forth into this world not to rest and settle vpon the brittle good things of this life and in them to solace our selues seeing they are the least lowest and vilest of the good things of God but that vsing them so farre forth as they serue for our necessity according to Gods ordinance wee spend our whole liues in the sublime and high workes of our great God who to this end created vs that hee might make vs blessed and the enioyers of his owne selfe who is an infinite good in whom wee shall farre more eminently and aboundantly possesse all good things then wee are able to magine Againe wee may obserue that albeit God haue not tyed vs vnder the commination of eternall death that wee should perpetually intend nothing else but his obseruance but onely then when any of his commandements are to bee obserued yet by the law of equity whereby wee ought to obserue our selues as the sonnes of so great a Father not onely men of a Religious Profession but euen all Christians are bound to procure vnto themselues a more sublime and heauenly degree of sanctity and euermore to serue that so mighty a Lord and Father For it was not of some few but of all in generall that the Lord pronounced those words Let vs make man according to our owne Image and Smilitude And then is man wholly found according to the image of God when hee exerciseth himselfe heerein to know and loue the wonderfull things of God taking exceeding great ioy thereat And in the Gospell hee saith Bee yee perfect Math. 5. as your heauenly Father is also perfect Surely it is most meete that hee bee holy who is the sonne of him whom Seraphines incessantly call Holy Holy Holy that neuer forgetting whose sonnes wee are we should not thinke it sufficient to be holy in a low degree but as our frailty will suffer vs to striue for the goale of all perfection abstracting our hearts from the loue of all earthly things and reflecting them vpon our Father who is of infinite goodnesse and with great affection illuminateth and sanctified all that come to his Maiesty as to the Father of infinite dignities and excellencies Knowing then our Obligation whereby wee are all bound to this duety of holinesse and chiefly such as haue taken vpon them the office of Guides and Shepheards Let vs withall remarke that as in this world the greatest neerenesse and friendship which a mortall man can obtaine with a King is that hee bee of one will desire and affection with him so true sanctity heerein consists that a man bee of one spirit and will with God But to come to this sublimity and heighth of honour it behoueth him to trauaile through the passages of all vertues which the holy Scripture euery where describes and the Sonne of God with so much labour hath taught vs. Thus hauing seene as through a casement wherein consists our change from men naked miserable and destitute of graces to diuine and heauenly seruers of God scil by seeking nothing but the good will of our good God in all our actions wee proceed to the instructions following 2 Instruction That wee euer haue an eye to the end and scope by which wee ought to bee admonished to doe those things that serue for the reparation and remedy of our wounded soules yea whatsoeuer wee determine to doe before all other things the eye of our obseruation must bee vpon the end that moues vs to the action This is most necessary to bee knowne and euery moment to bee looked on for there is no worke that hath in it more goodnesse then it receiues from the end for which the work is done which end if it bee euill the worke also must needs be so although of it selfe otherwise it were good Seeing then God is an infinite Good that must needs bee the greater good worke which is more purely performed in his sight For declaration whereof it is to bee noted that it behoueth the seruant of God who would please his Lord to plant in his soule a very puissant will or habite of willing ingendred of strong and frequent actes of willing it which will or habite so ingraffed in him may moue him and make him thinke that whatsoeuer hee doth in body or soule whatsoeuer hee shall thinke or speake nay all the vertues hee shall acquire together with this same remedy of his soule and all his deuotion I say that all these things are done because God would haue it so doth euer require them of vs and is for his infinite goodnesse most worthy of
memory that in the sight of God it should bee a thing of more dignity to eate meate with this scope and motiue then with any other motiue as namely that wee enioy the glory of heauen to fast or powre out our bloud for the truth Not that it is not an excellent thing to desire the possession of heauens glory but for that this motiue is so much more excellent then the other as the whole world ouer-values a nut shell That therefore wee may bee induced through this happy motiue to doe all that wee doe all the motions of body and soule bending vnto this end wee must bee very intent that wee neuer passe from one worke to another nor neuer beginne any worke vntill wee feele our selues to bee moued vnto it for this that wee thinke or know that God would haue vs to doe it For which purpose wee must know that God with an infinite iubile and desire wisheth to bee beloued or possessed of all men and with the same will wisheth that with euery motion of loue which in euery moment of our liues we work we shold loue him and how often soeuer we shall loue or do any other thing wee should doe it being attracted thereunto with this his infinite will so that this is the rule wee must follow in all things that whensoeuer wee will doe any thing wee must neuer beginne it vntill hauing first cast our eyes vpon God wee shall perceiue that wee desire this for the infinite ioy which hee hath of this our good worke Which being sensibly knowne that God is most worthy to bee obeyed and serued in this so sublime a nature then obeying this will we bring into execution whatsoeucr wee determined as altogether forgetfull of our owne good For iust it is that his blessed Will who created all wils should haue that preheminence and dominion ouer all wils that not onely they should obey him in all hee commands but also that whatsoeuer wee doe wee should doe it as forgetting to performe our owne proper wils and obtaine our owne glory but that both in the one and the other Gods holy will may be fulfilled without any other respect But because as many men think themselues rich when indeede they are but poore reckoning their chickens in the shell so many thinking they feele the said motiue and esteeming themselues to haue done great things doe at length finde they are but small for it easily falleth out that one considering the sublimitie that consists in louing of GOD and desirous of those excellent and true good things and also being in the fauour of God and state of saluation hath an enkindled desire to enioy that loue and yet that desire is no perfect worke For albeit that desire be of a thing that is perfect yet is that desire no perfect worke if the perfect motiue of the minde bee wanting namely that such desire proceed from a strong wil we haue to desire such loue because God would haue vs to enioy it to our aduauncement which hee greatly desires The same that wee say of this desire may also be spoken of many who are carried with a great zeale of saluation of Soules or good of the republike and such as are hungry and thirstie for Righteousnesse and weepe for the euilles which they see and know to bee in the world all which things are good but yet may bee most abiect and defectiue if they want the said true motiue and scope therefore wee must be very regardfull that whatsoeuer wee doe we be moued vnto it with this motiue And that wee haue spoken of these words ought to be vnderstoode and practised in all those infinite motions which doe offer themselues to the Soule of what kinde soeuer yea in the resisting of euery temptation for we must so labour that Gods will may reigne in ours as that nothing must arise from our will alone It is true that such as enter into this course shall find much difficulty and spend much time in acquiring this excellent motiue but let none be discouraged for doe not many worldly men labour all their liues for vile things of no worth yet do not obtaine them But we shall surely obtaine this gift if with intimous humility wee labour for it with perseuerance but he ought greatly to reproue himselfe who shall thinke it is of any estimation dignity or price to obserue these things and yet shall not for the greatnesse of the rewarde promised which is to obtayne the said motiue be stirred vp to seeke it And surely it is not amisse to prae-admonish all men that at the beginning great coldnesse wil happen vnto him that directs his workes after so high a pitch doing all things to God alone and hee may wonder that hauing taken the more sublime way yet hee should finde lesse deuotion as hee may wonder that approaching to the fire yet feeles it growe more colde but we must know that whoso doth well consider the cause heereof shall finde that of necessitie such coldenesse will seize vpon him and yet his worke is of no lesse worth for the cause heereof is for that we neyther doe nor loue any thing more for our owne proper good as we were wont and is naturall vnto vs but for the onely loue of God wee remooue from vs the roote from whence commonly and naturally all ioy and pleasure was wont to spring that is our owne good and quiet and wee assume anothers good namely the glorie of God for the rest and end of our labours which being a supernaturall thing and vnaccustomed to vs no wonder if it bring much paine to make such a change From this ariseth that luke-warmenesse vntill wee be accustomed to feele esteeme price loue and much more to valew GODS glorie then our owne as the thing which wee loue much more And hauing gotten this then wee shall approach the fire that will not suffer any cold fit to tarry on vs. Now the end being knowne for which we must doe all things some may admire that seeing the sacred Scripture chiefly the Gospel being so perfect and requiring such exact obedience yet it seemes not euer to propose this end and motiue when it admonisheth commendeth prohibiteth but for the most part either threatens punishments or inuites by promising glory To this I say that our blessed redeemer the Sonne of God the author of all Euangelicall docttine being in himselfe most perfect did often in his owne person take vpon him the things which belonged to our frailty and infirmity that hee might descend to our frailty as fleeing hiding himselfe seruing death c. so his pleasure was to write his doctrine in such words as our fraile and miserable conditions required who for the most part are moued to do all things either for hope of glory or feare of punishments But yet obserue withall that as our Sauiour took vpon him these our infirmities with great perfection and loue so the Saints of God
great difficulty in seruing God after this sublime and heauenly manner For this purpose those that will serue God aright must consider their owne dispositions that they may be able aright to meete with their owne defects therefore they must know that the euill wherby they are drawen from seruing God after this most diuine manner proceeds from sin which hath weakened the soule and subdued it to it selfe For if sinne had not interposed it selfe we should haue done euery good thing with much facility but sinne once arryuing in the Soule all our desires wills and appetites are become so dissolute disordered and rebellious by that grieuous speciall disease arising from sinne that now loathing that which is good wee scarce loue affect or desire any thing saue the most abiect worth lesse and vitious things forgetting that infinit good vnto which wee were created as the thing wherein we haue neither rellish nor sauour And hence proceeds the confusion and perturbation of the soule which we feele in our selues so much distracted from the true God whereunto we were created that the thing which is absolutely and onely good being cast off we incline euer and greedily follow that which is euill Yet must we know that howsoeuer this sin hath made such a slaughter of graces in the soule that there is not one friend left to take armes against it yet doth not our obligation cease from binding vs to doe what is our duty and for which we came into this world For albeit this great infirmity doth so infeeble vs that we doe all good things with great difficulty yet doth it not make vs altogether so impotent but that we are capable of grace and diuine fauour whereby to repaire this our former ouerthrow and destruction Besides we must obserue that by so much more doe we grow to an admirable disposition of seruing God aright which disposition had euer remained in the soule vnto all good things if sinne had not diseased it by how much more we shall haue our appetites and desires repaired and disposed which by sinne were formerly indisposed And he shall haue them repaired who with an attentiue care and profound consideration of the things we speake of shall direct them all to the Lord with a repugnancy to all things that are without the will of this Lord and a following of all such remedies as are here described And in that degree wherein any shall obtaine this in the same shall hee be aduanced here in sanctity and afterwards in glory And there is no doubt but herein one may so profit by assiduity and diligence as that he may doe all things with great faclity and delight to which hee shall be the more easily aduanced if he often and attentiuely read these instructions 5 Instruction That wee haue in our bodies and soules sufficient meanes for the reparation of this decay and ruine if they be stirred vp by the grace of Gods spirit As we haue both body and soule so wee haue in both of them instrumentes wherewith to worke For as the body hath feete to walke hands to worke mouth to speake and the like so the soule hath the vnderstanding where-with to know the will wherewith to desire and diuerse other faculties of the appetite But it must bee obserued that the more excellent the worker is together with the instrument so much more worthy is the worke so that all things concurring to the acte bee suteable Corporall actions haue so much more excellency in them by how much the instrument of the soule concurring to the act is more excellent Now that is called a singular instrument which to the production of the act is mooued by a good end Therefore the most excellent instruments are the vnderstanding and the will which can bee mooued of God alone as wee haue said in the second instruction Therefore of small worth are corporall things which doe not so proceede And this is it that Saint Paul said 1. Tim. 4. bodily labour profiteth little But the actions of the soule are of another kinde namely because of themselues they may bee of great profit As if one exercising his vnderstanding shoulde consider how base and abiect the honors of this world were and of what value those things which God commands are and how vnspeakable that glory is to which we aspire also to know how one may moderate his passions and the like Againe if one exercise himselfe in his will louing that which he knowes is good and refusing that is euill Such refusals of the soule should be very profitable albeit the body were very idle for by such exercises would be produced excellent habits and the euill habits destroied which thing of it selfe is very laudable albeit done for the only loue of vertue as Philosophers did yet much more being in a Christian who hath faith but most of all if in euery worke wee ioyne faith with our intention actually directed vnto God Hence may it be obserued how much euery one ought to be exercised in the actions of the soule which thing he may doe whether he bee imployed in body or no in euery time and place so that speaking with another in any temporall affaire yet may he in soule worke by louing God recaling to mind some of his works This may seeme difficult to him that hath not attained the habit thereof yet custome wil make it easie as we must remember that vertue is practised about difficult things Therefore violence is to be vsed to the wil that thou maist become an industrious workman to doe singular things with facility Which if thou doest not attempt no maruaile is it that thou canst not be more deuout towards God seeing hee is euer ready to assist thy desires vnto that which is good and to withstand thy pronenesse to euill so that thou doe rightly vse the meanes And be sure that if thou desirest on earth to be a great and excellent friend and seruant of God thou shalt the sooner attaine vnto it by how much thou dost daily more and more vse these instrumente of the soule thy vnderstanding and will at all times and places And this is it which aduanceth the Saints of GOD to so much glory in heauen the neglect whereof is so blameable on earth Seeing then our highest glory consists herein for the most part that wee worke by these instruments of the soule and our ruine in the neglect of this exercise Let vs see what course wee must take who haue as yet beene euen liuelesse to vse these instruments of the foule And that wee may begin with the vnderstanding leauing the will to the next instruction we will premise this theologicall and Philosophicall fundamentall rule that our naturall appetite doth naturally desire that to which it is inclined seemes pleasant to it not standing need of any thing to helpe or inuite vnto it but rather necessarily as it were coactedly desiring it But so doth not the will work bur first
it Behold now we are at the point of death For at that time sensuality hath no life but is wholy subiected the miserable reason ●is not then mistresse as it ought but compassionats sensuality as her sister albeit aduersant the deuill who is neuer a sleepe indeauours by all his michinations to inflame vs that we might the more feele the persecucion yet God who is faithfull 1 Cor. 10. will not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue our strength Now it behoueth vs to see what on our behalse we can and ought to doe with Gods assistance in such a danger Namely that the iniury being so present nere vnto vs as much as is in vs for some short time we forget the same and for this time to lift vp the eyes of our consideration to thinke on those innumerable riches contained in the loue of God towards vs and with this consideration we incline the will to loue and desire the infinit good of this loue so as now louing and desiring so great riches we turne our selues and incline our wills to the present persecution before as it were forgotten and reputing it to bee so necessary as wee haue said to obteine the riches of Gods loue we desire the same with all our might inforcing the will with all our power to desire it Thus no doubt the will being mollified and strenghthned with the reward of the loue of God and future glory will bee most ready to be inclined and drawne to accept such persecution which before was so terrible in our eyes and if wee exercise this often wee shal be so accustomed to that which is good that what before seemed aboue nature wee shall now with great delight performe And this would be againe and againe considered because it is of great moment aswell to the whole Chapter as that of Humility Patience Affections of the soule as also that of the loue of our selues and againe to any difficulty or labour inward or outward to conclude to the whole method of seruing God If I should adde more reasons why wee should hate our selues I might tell you 4 That consideration of shortnesse of life were very effectuall hereto For seeing so small time to tarry why should wee fall in loue with our selues 5 The consideration of the euills of this life in the world wee shall haue pressiue and trouble and all things that may iustly make vs hate our selues 6 Consideration of our daunger 7 The consideration of them that haue perished by too much loue of themselues 8 The consideration of our seruitude whilst wee are heere 9 The consideration of the worlds ingratiude And lastly the consideration of the forgetfulnesse of our selues and of God All which might be strong motiues against all selfe loue which is the best of all graces moue vs to this holy hatred as the goale of goodnesse 3 How true charity hatred of our selues do stand together I briefly shew thus They not only stand together but so stand together as we shall neuer be able to climb to the top of charity except we hate our selues For assoone as one doth hate himselfe as wee haue said and not before he then hath all the loue which he ought to haue towards himselfe and which is most profitable for him as also which God would that he should haue that is to say he then hath the loue of God and of vertues and celestiall glory and all things that doe conduce vnto it And this loue suffers not the co-partnership of any vice albeit we are inclined to it and so denying our selues and hating our selues and taking from our selues the euill that we desire we are filled with the true diuine loue which otherwise we could neuer inioy 3 Exercise is to adorne our soules with vertues necessary to the beauty of the soule He is said to haue a beautifull soule that hath his naturall appetites conforme with sanctified reason and the lawes of God And this conformity is nothing else but a certaine troope of vertues whilst euery one being placed in his due ranke in the soule makes it beautifull and directs it as is conuenient for the great dignity thereof mitigating the false and euill concupiscences which cleaue vnto it by sinne and disposing it to serue him and without contradiction obey his will that created it It is not amisse then that wee know what course must be taken to come to these vertues As much therfore as maybe gathered from the sacred word it selfe and writings of the godly belonging hereunto we will reduce all those things wherein it is necessary that he be imploied who would acquire so great beauty of soule vnto three 1 That hee beg helpe of one more potent then himselfe seeing all our powers arc too weake to reach such high things and to this serues prayer 2 That with many acts as with the matter he build these habits of vertues 3 That as with a bridle he may restraine or warily lead and guide the naturall affections which are found in euery man called of diuines and Philosophers ioy sorrow hope and feare 1 Of prayer Our most high and omnipotent God would haue vs stand in need of his supernaturall helpe seeing the good things vnto which he hath created vs are supernaturall And he would also that we should call vpon him for them not but that he more desireth to giue vs them then wee to aske them of him but that we might possesse that with greater glory which we obtaine with greater labour of desire Besides he would haue vs aske that as importunate suiters we should more frequently present our selues before him and so by often presenting our selues in his presence might the better come into the knowledge of him For by how much we haue the thing present before vs by so much the knowledge of it maketh the greater impression and the better we know his greatnesse and super-eminent qualities we shall the more reioice in him and the more we shal reioice in him and know him the more we shall loue him and by how much as we shall know him and loue him more by so much more will the beames of truth shine in our soules and to conclude by how much as this light together with his loue shall shine in vs by so much more whatsoeuer is not good or tending to God shall be nothing reputed in our eyes and by so much more shall we hate that is euill imbrace all vertue and come neere vnto God From whence it is cleere by many reasons that prayer is a sure iourney to obtaine whatsoeuer is necessary for vs and that it leades vs to the height of loue to which we were borne Therefore we must esteeme this prayer or that necessitie of prayer as a pledge which God hath taken of vs whereby to retaine vs with him For hee knowes well how much good comes vnto vs by his presence and how assuredly we would forget him if wee had no need
no words which can manifest the ioy hee finds in his heart whose soule with the whole heart shall thus say Oh what an infinit good doe I possesse seeing God which is more I or more mine then I am my owne doth possesse so infinit good things whom I now see albeit imperfectly yet I seeke him and hold him for my owne more then euer I held or possessed any thing for mine Let vs not thinke that this can bee expressed in words but let vs to our purpose conclude only that so great a good ought to mooue vs that wee should not otherwise feele our griefes but as wee now haue spoken seeing wee ought not to desire for our selues any other thing then the diuine goodnesse hath ordeined for vs and after that manner he shall thinke fit to dispose But it is fit that we diligently ponder all the words wee now speake because they are of great vse and conteine great perfection Therefore euery seruant of God must be prouident that by the said cōsiderations he presently put from him the infinit paines and sorrowes which the miseries and disc●nte●tments of the world thrust vpon him To which thing are necessary the acts spoken of in the sixth Instruction presently casting away the vnwillingnesse as it is there spoken and that so often as such griefe shall occurre or to speake more rightly euery one should in will occurre and meete the sorrowes that hee may desire those things from whence sorrowes and afflictions arise For when these are desired then the sorrow ceaseth which first did arise from heauen euen that we hated these things and it is most iust that wee should desire those things from whence commeth such grieuances aswell for that they come from the hand of God Iob. 1. as also for that our sinnes haue deserued them and with all many good things doe come vnto vs by them Therefore from hence it followeth as from a certain rule that the faithfull seruant of God ought either so to expell or else to direct his ioy and griefe to Godwards that nothing else should occupy his thoughts besides God wherby perfectly to expel it he may indeauour to make it a custome to take vp some painefull thing and as often as any delightfull thing or ioye shall fall out to bring fourth the act of sorrow and griefe and againe on the other side to reioyce as often as any grieuous thing shall fall out And surely it is most iust that he who offēding God and expelling him from the soule hath deliuered his soule to Satan should ioy at euery griefe and grieue at euery ioy that befalls him In this manner is that to be vnderstood which is wont to bee spoken Let thy ioy bee euer vnto thee for a punishment and thy punishment for a loy And hee onely shall performe this perfectly who shall more manifestly know that all things in themselues and in respect of vs are nothing but so farre fourth as they are of themselues or by vs directed to Godward And albeit euery man thinkes he knowes this yet happy is that man in the world that sall truely know and feele this in truth 3. Now as for the affection of hope we must know that it is not the same with that vertue which is called Hope For that which is the vertue is not common to all men but that which is the affection of the minde all men haue so that it is naturall as well to Heathens as Christians in so much that as we see it is naturall as well to the one as the other to reioyce and to feare so shall wee see the Heathen hope for diuerse things as well as the Christian Of this hope which is no vertue but an affection common to all wee may obserue that albeit wee are inclined to Hope for many things often yet nothing ought to reft in our hearts to bee hoped for besides God and those things by which we thinke wee may the better draw neere to God to serue him for whatsoeuer thing else we must thinke to be of no worth an● if at any time we see the hope of any thing to fix it selfe more in our hearts then felicity and vertues we must presently expell it seeing that it is euidently against the due and right end 4. So must wee also doe in feare namely cast oft all that which is not concerning God The reason whereof the Prophet shewes The Lord it my light and my saluation Psal 26. whom then shall I feare and so the Sonne of God feare not them that can kill the body but feare him that can cast body and soule into hell fire q. d. You are much to feate the offending of God or to prouoke him to anger but he cannot be more prouoked to anger then if by your sinnes you giue him occasion to send body and soule into hell fire Hence it is that hee cries Alas I will reuenge my selfe of my enemies Is 1. Therefore most iust it is that this great God be so feared with a filiall feare For it is more to be desired that we should pluck out our eyes thē to doe any thing to displease so great a God and so good a Father and Lord as he is Nay hee is not to be feared with any other kinde of feare seeing he only can giue both life and death eternall and fearing him there is no cause thou shouldest feare any thing else in the world Qui timet Deum omnia timent eum qui non timet Deū timet omnia He that feares God all things feare him but he that feares not God feares all things For albeit all the calamities of the world rush in vpon vs if we feare them not they can affect vs with no euill which can truely be called euill But rather if we boldly confront them and take them with a thankfull minde in that our God and Redeemer would haue vs to imbrace them in memory of those things which hee suffred for vs they will increase in vs perpetuall dignity and glory Therefore being prepared hereunto that we esteeme of no worth or rather esteeme as a pretious ornament whatsoeuer calamity can befall vs in the world if any feare creepe vpon vs by and by in will wee meet it to repell it that it haue not that place in vs. In which the reuerent feare of God necessary for vs ought to be placed to this the sixth Instruction is necessary Surely hee that shall thus rule the passions of the soule shall liue without vitious passions in a great perfection and shal come to that peace which maketh the peace-makers bee called the Sonnes of God Of the passions SEeing it is impossible for him to get the victory that doth not know his enemies and the more cruelly they vex vs and grieuously woūd vs the more need there is to know their wiles it cannot but be a matter of singular consequence for the true inriching of our soules to know how to
the true louers of Christ both may and ought often to stirre them vp as in the next Chapter appeares that as loue desire delectation are stirred vp tor prosecute the goods of the minde so hate flight and griefe must be rowsed vp to detest the euills of the soule which may thus bee done the superiour part instructing the inferiour The superiour part doth finde the appetite to be deterred from labours contempt and austerity of life and doth thus vrge it if thou wilt hate doe not hate those things which are not fowle but rather hate the deformity of sin if thou wilt flee then flee from sine as from the face of a serpent if sadnesse and griefe creepe vpon thee let it not grow vpon thee for punishment but for sinne that it may bee turned into wholesome repentance But yet if for all this it doe not so abborre the turpitude of sinne seeing it doth not so cleerely perceiue it let it hate flee and grieue for the punishments of hell and terrour of that great iudgement which the imagination can more easily represent But let vs come now to the Irascible 3 Of the passions of hope and audacity and their remedies and 1. what it is The Irascible part as wee haue said is the setter of the concupiscible at liberty for when as manifold difficulties doe encompasse the good things which are desired then the Irascible as if armed with power combats with this difficultie and driues it away and so brings the concupiscible into a francke fruition and enioyment of them But amongst the fiue passions of the Irascible Hope holds the first place which is nothing else but a motion towards the difficult good which it beleeues may be obtained or to say more cleerely it is a motion wherby the appetite is stirred vp to acquire that good which is hardly acquired which the concupiscible loueth and which is thought may be obtained Boldnesse and Audacity succeeds this Hope which Audacity we call a motion of the appetite prosecuting an imminent difficult thing as if I ●hould say it were a motion whereby the appetite goeth forewards against an euill at hand That as desire is a certaine pregression of loue so boldnesse is a progression of hope But when I call audacity a motion towards euill wee vnderstand by the name of euill the difficulty it selfe which it indeauours to ouercome and which doth circumstance the good which hope properly respecteth although audacity also doe respect the difficulty of the difficult euill to ouercome which Hope succeeds Touching these two passions we must obserue that those who are giuen to loue are more inabled both to Hope and to dare then others for seeing both the passions are motions of progression and heate which is the property of loue by his dilatation and opening conferres much to the motion of progession it commeth to passe that Louers are more prompt and ready to hope and to dare especially such as stand well affected to Heauenly things for the Conscience of Righteousnesse inioyning the diuine assistance begets a certaine security which doth chiefly conduce both to Hope and Audacity Happy are those who finde themselues called to such an assurance as from the affection of diuine loue and heauenly things and the testimony of a good conscience may beget in them hope and audacity so that with much profit they may haue the vse of these passions But here we haue need to know fruits from falshood seeing these passions may impose vpon the vnwary whilest they are ill placed for those things which are vnworthy the followers of Christ must not be hoped for nor must wee dare and bee bold sharply to driue away the things which are not euill as shall appeare by this example 2 The remedies of these passions It commeth to passe often that either a man is checkt or frownd on by his Prince or some great man vnder whose check he liues or the wife of the husband or sonne of his father or seruant of his master is so vsed as that hee coniectures he is not beloued yet loues to be beloued But it seemes a difficult thing vnto him to obtaine it for it behoues him to excogitate some meanes to reconcile his minde vnto him and so fit himselfe to auoide his checks and frownes which would require both time and discourse and some other duties not without labour yet it seemeth possible Therefore albeit all other duties be neglected hee determines to deale seriously in this thing hee is raysed by hope and goes forewards with boldnesse but these passions he may check thus What is it that thou doest thou vnbrideled appetites it is vnworthy the minde of a man to hope for things which are not true good things but to desire so to be beloued as not to bee checkt is dissonant to reason and therefore cannot bee any true good therefore God forbid that I should bestow my time and labour to winne the fauour of men and not rather in gayning the fauour of God God forbid that I should boldly goe forewards to shake off the things which are molestfull to the body and should happily procure greater indulgence of the body but more grieuous losses of vertue But this first kinde is such as a naturall man may vse Yet from this example it appeares that the passion of hope shewes it selfe through a false opinion at the apparant good of indulgent loue but indeed true euill but on the other side audacity against the circumstant difficulty as against euill and therefore the superiour part ought thus to instruct the appetite If it helpe any thing to Hope amendment which is a true good is to bee hoped for by correction and checke if thou wilt bee bold goe foreward against those things which hinder thy amendment dare something against the motions of sorrow combat with them and carry a cheerefull countenance that those who seemed to be offended with thee seeing the fruit of their checks and controules may goe on to check more for it is written let the righteous rather smite me but let not their pretious balmes breake my head Oyles i. the faire dissimulations of sinners not breake my head i. affect my minde with any delectation 2 But this is more worthy of a Christian which the superiour part may vse thus Desist from this Hope of seeking for the fauour of men hope rather in the Lord and be doing good dwell in the Land and thou shalt be fed How much more honest profitable and delightfull shall the beneuolent minde of the most mercifull God be to thee then that of men which doubtlesse thou shalt enioye if despising the fauour of men thou doe thy indeauour that thy Hope and portion may bee in the Land or the liuing Therefore dare something against the difficulties which would retarde and withdraw thee from the sweeter imbracing of Iesus Christ and thou shalt be happy 3 But the third is most worthy of the follower of Christ thus did Christ hope in man
befall him more grieuous then it seemed hee was able to beare presently the appetite apprehending some feare beginnes to be daunted and to step backe as at some vehement tempest or sudden and fearefull ruine of a house for it loues the commodity of good things from whence it is that this feare of suffring any thing ariseth Then doth reason worke in this manner namely the second of those three waies of taming the passions The Lord is my light and my saluation whom shal I feare The Lord is the protector of my life of whom then shall I bee affraid Surely I will not onely not feare by Gods grace to vnder goe this burden it hath pleased him to lay vpon me but also albeit euen Castles and Fortresses should ●tand vp against me my heart should not be affraide But if for all this the sence make any reluctation then that third way of taming those passions which consists in the Imitation of Christ is here fitly to bee vsed For when the inferiour part of Christ feared the acerbity of his passion euen to the sweating of bloud hee stirred vp by deliberate act of reason the passion of audacity that hee might conflict with feare and preuaile against it and so rising hee admonished his Disciples Arise let vs goe hence behold hee that betraieth me is at hand Behold let vs arise saith our Champion Christ and as feare possessing vs wee laboured to flee from an instant daunger so let vs couragiously by a stirred vp audacity meete the daunger comming Thus did Christ and shall he be worthy of Christ that will neuer striue to accompany him in agony 3 The remedy of the passion of anger It often falleth out that a man either by words or gestures findes himselfe to be little esteemed and contemned of some either his inferiour or not much aboue him by and by anger is inflamed and hee desires seekes in the same manner to render at least a like kinde of reuenge for the appetite will begin to complaine saying hee ought not to haue made so small account of me he might haue risen vnto me hee might haue put off his hat he should not so lightly haue improoued the things I spake Hee ought not so to haue contradicted me he ought not to haue controuled mee in that manner hee might haue answered mee more mildly seeing I am no way inferiour to him as many things will the loue of a mans owne excellency obiect But now the superiour part will herein doe thus to mitigate this passion Thou fierce disordered passion be quieted For it becomes not man endued with reason like a beast to waxe fierce and angry and by a certaine drunkennesse of fury to become mad for the turpitude and vilenesse of this passion doth euen in the countenance bewray it selfe whilest the eyes doe sparkle the lips tremble the speech is hindred and the whole man is alienated from that meekenesse which being a sociable creature is naturall to him This manner albeit but naturall yet is it very effectuall to the subduing of anger But the second kinde of subduing the passions is more worthy the true Christian and that is thus blessed are the meeke for they shall possesse the Land of the liuing and shall I for this beastly and brutish passion despoile my selfe of the right of this inheritance which faith shewes vnto me The third kinde of taming this passion may bee this and most apt for such as will follow Christ For as a Lambe before the shearer hee opened not his mouth and as a sheepe vnto the slaughter he was led when hee was cursed hee cursed not againe when hee suffred hee complained not hee deliuered himselfe into the hands of him that iudged vniustly and shall not I be meeke and milde Many other reasons might be vsed to restraine these passions but here I desire may bee obserued as also in other passions that these passions may profitably bee exercised if they bee transferred to diuine things and surely the vse of desperation albeit not so proper as of other passions for it hath not any spiritiall good which for the hardnesse of it is to be despaired may be this according to the counsell of the Kingly Prophet trust not in Princes nor in the sonnes of men in whom is no saluation q. d. hope not nay despaire of saluation from men who altogether are voide of it for that saluation which the world by an impudent lie doth promise is to bee despaired of Feare hath a most large field for what is it that iustly can bee feared in this life not sudden death nor the torments of hell nor the seuerity of the last iudgement nay nothing albeit the most terrible euills of this life ought to put vs in feare for Christ hath said feare not them that can kill the body but feare him who hauing killed the body is able to send the soule into hell fire In like manner anger may bee exercised many waies there are sinnes there arc enemies of the soule and amongst others most cruell are the passions which doe continually disturbe and oppugne the reason of man but against these enemies our Sauiour Christ hath taught vs that anger may wholesomely be stirred vp in vs whilest being most meeke yet did hee waxe hote against desilers and abusers of the Temple Thus haue wee briefely been taught to master our passions which are the greatest enemies to the reparation of our soules But yet before wee conclude this point let vs take this obseruation with vs to consider diligently the originall increase and declyning of our owne proper passions for besides the former things we shal finde many things of much profit if wee shall diligently marke that sometimes this passiō sometimes that as if they were borne of diuers parents doe produce sundry effects as by the example following may appeare There is nothing doubtlesse seemes lesse consonant to anger then delectation and yet it often growes vp with anger as when a man in his fury reuengeth himselfe but griefe and heauinesse doth more directly disagree with delectation then anger and yet griefe in the very motion of sorrow conceiued of the absence of the thing is cause of delectation whilst it begets the memory of the thing beloued But the other are more plaine that namely out of the loue of good the hatred of euill which is repugnant to it ariseth out of concupiscence and desire of the good deferred doth sorrow grow by reason of deferring it and this duell of the 2. passions thus conflicting together is very well knowne seeing towards one and the same thing as namely fasting the appetite both dares do it because it hopes for victory feares also because terrified with the difficulty which do serue for this purpose that both the various commixtions of passions may bee knowne and also that their sundry remedies may succeed But this must euery man most carefully labour to know namely of what passion hee is most grieuously
his ioye and delight in him rather then in himselfe and reioyced more to bee delighted in his father then in himselfe and all things which bring any honour or ioy which hee doth or are offred vnto him hee so much reioyceth that they are offered as hee thinketh his father will reioyce for them and on the other side is more afflicted by any occurring calamity for the griefe that his father will thence conceiue then for his owne punishment So that when this sonne is sicke hee suffers more paine for the affliction and sorrow which hee sees his father suffer seeing his sonne sicke then for his owne griefe and when hee growes sound is more ioyed of the ioy his father doth thence conceiue then of his own health In like maner in things which in the world bring honour as egregrious stratagems and pollicies of warre or exercises of learning he desires to doe them with commendations because his father lookes vpon them and reioyceth at them more then for his owne honour and one the other side if hee doe not these things aright would thence take more griefe then for his owne dispraise All this loue and will hath this sonne towards his father prouiding for him all things which are necessary for him by no other reflexe then for the great loue which from his infancy he beareth towards his father This example must he that will serue God from day to day often reuolue in his minde at the least for two or three monthes For herein is declared so much as may serue for our purpose to set fourth the manner of the true loue of God not hunting after our owne profit which course we ought to obserue Our eternall Father is God and wee his sonnes out of his magnificent gift and grace Hee stands no need of our goods but we cannot want his good in a farre different manner from this father that I haue spoken of with his sonne For there the father was rich and the sonne his Protector and therefore so much the more is the loue of the sonne towards his father to be esteemed Let vs therefore reioyce that the Maiesty of our eternall Father is so great that he stands no neede of vs knowing that our obligation is greater vnto him then of that sonne to his father Let therefore our loue at the least be like that of this sonne and our soules so farre subiected vntill they finde and feele no ioy of all the good they doe and expect but so far as we shall know that by this we doe God seruice And whatsoeuer we shall doe must be done with great ioy because we beleeue and so it is indeed that the diuine Maiesty is wel pleased with it al the grief which we feele by the infirmity of sin must be for that it is against the wil of God And the Prophet doth witnesse that God reioiceth at our seruice God is well pleased with his people Psal 149. the praises of God are in their mouthes And that by our sins he seemes as if he were grieued God himself testifieth it repenteth me that I haue made man Gen. 6. Now it is to be obserued that if the aduersary of mankinde do much impugne the seruants of God in euery vertue wherein he seeth they desire to profit he will much more set vpon them when he seeth thē hunt after this most high kind of loue Amongst al his diuerse impugnations assaults there is one as very secret so no lesse hurtfull wherewith he oppugneth and opposeth many and that is tepidity and coldnesse of minde which many doe feele whilest they thinke on read or heare the chiefe point wherin consists this heauenly loue namely that the being glory and all the good things of God should be desired for God himselfe Concerning which we must consider two things 1. what it is that causeth so excellent a thing to wax cold to come to such an aguish fit seeing it is that diuine heate it selfe 2. What remedy is to bee applied to this disease For the 1. we will expresse it by this comparison If being induced to behold something which is of great value it come to passe by the defect of our knowledge that the same thing doe seeme vnto vs to be of small estimation and worth vndoubtedly wee finde that our appetite growes cold whereby wee desired to see it albeit in truth the thing bee of as much worth as it was first commended for The same thing befalleth many in this same loue of God whilst they both slenderly behold the thing they loue and the aduersary besides sets vpon them which thing chiefely chanceth vnto them who are preuented with that sweetnesse and contentment which this loue vsually bringeth with it who hearing that this loue consists herein that we doe desire and inwardly feele in our selues a complacency and pleasure from all the good and glory which is in God waxe very cold thinking that this worke is not so high and excellent and iudging that there are other things as well corporall as spiriturall which may be had more sublime and worthy imagining many things which they iudge to be of more price and that it becomes the seruants of so great a Lord to doe them as workes of great corporall fortitude as for the point with one shock to cast down some mighty tower with one blow of a sword to cut in sunder ten squadrons of souldiers Againe to shew some great signe of knowledge as to the purpose if one should make all the Heathens vsing all the Science and knowledge they haue to be speechlesse or some other great wonders which are of great admiration in the world as continuall contemplation the working of miracles prophecying and such things which are thought by those that are thus tempted to be of much more excellency then to lift vp the soule to God that it may reioyce that in God is all good and glory which he hath and therefore they waxe cold in directing all that they are to doe in this life to this onely end to attaine to that loue which in their eyes seemes not so excellent a thing albeit they beleeue it to bee such because the sacred Scripture affirmes it and they do almost admire that God will prefer this loue before all other things that can be done But it is to bee considered that as the appetite and desire of hurfull and loathsome things for the most part proceeds vnto the sicke from one and the same roote namely from the infection and corruption of the palate so it commeth to passe in him who doth value these signes of great corporall fortitude to be of much worth and this loue of GOD not to bee of any such esteeme for this proceeds from the infected pallate of the soule as hath beene said in the fourth instruction and from the assaults and temptation of Sathan Yet is not good meate more vile then euill meate nor the loue of God lesse excellent
a high manner this their desire it fulfilled and how much ioy they haue of the one and the other Therefore it is manifest of what great excellency this worke of the loue of GOD is seeing neither tongue nor pen is able to expresse it 3 Now hauing seene the remedite for this coldnesse of the loue of God what this loue of God is what is the beginning progresse and end of it It is fit that wee know how much and how often we must be imploied in this loue And surely so farre as briefly can be gathered wee must know that wee must euer or at the least by infinit turnes euen in the same houre if it bee possible exercise our selues in this loue yet that wee may bee able the more liuely to feele how wee ought continually thus to loue wee must obserue that if the exchange be commendable whereby one takes vpon him the labour of one houre or giues some small mony for the redemption of a thousand men captined by the Moores without all companion he shall and ought to thinke his time better bestowed that himselfe or any other man should sustaine death yea manie deaths that some other man for a most small time may loue God if that loue cannot be had without suffring of the same death or deathes euen for that small space of time and that is so true that it not onely hath place when he who for that smal space of time loueth God by that loue obtayning heauens glory but also if we were certaine that hee might by diuerse other seruices towards God in that small space of time obtaine the said glory which hence is manifest For that short loue hath in it greater good then the euill of of him that is suffred with much griefe who doth also wish death a thousand times Besides it shall yet incomparably be a greater good if we shal consider that for this short time of loue shall be rendered an increase of grace and further also an augmentation of perpetuall loue together with Celestiall glory And how great a good that is hee shall know who vnderstands what is the greatnesse of diuine loue And this being knowne it will yet more cleerely appeace that wee ought euermore or by inumerable vicissitudes to performe this so sublime a duty of loue that doing here that which is our duety wee may increase in strength to doe the same in heauen where those that ●aue obtained glorie doe so much more excellently loue by how much more they haue loued when they were on earth But if we ought by these inumerable turnes wee ought to loue this our most glorious God because the act of this loue is of inestimable goodnesse then let vs turne our selues to consider our owne negligence and mallice● and behold how bitterly wee ought to lament euery moment of our liues which hath passed without this loue Againe how much more grieuously wee ought to bewaile al those things which haue disioyned vs from this loue and such are all our sinnes by which we become capitall enemies and most contrarious to this loue and at the best brings a shiuering coldnesse and sluggishnesse ouer our hearts to so great a good and withall let vs consider of what great reprehension he is worthy that doth not intimously from the heart reioyce at euery thing which may promote vs to so great a good such as iniuries contempts persecutions and the like are And on the other side if wee doe not mightily lament as often as wee finde any impediment to so great a good such as humaine fauours and all other complacency and temporall delectations are Surely so reprooueable is it that we do not ioy or grieue at the things wee haue spoken by how much it is more better to suffer death a thousand times then the iniuries and persecutions which mans malice was wont to inferre or the sorrowes which wee can feele whilest wee flee the fauours of men and other things which were wont to be delight-some to vs. Againe that in so excellent a iouruey nothing may hinder vs wee must obserue that if sometimes for the debility of bodie or because wee haue not attained so great vertue in the soule as is necessarie to the suffring of aduersities it is necessary then that wee flee persecutions and the societies of such as affect vs with iniuries or to procure I some delicate and sauory things that wee may doe that with an actuall intention of greater euils and often lamenting for that in fleeing from aduersities we should depart frō that which is good which may promote vs to so great a good as is the loue of God and that taking vp these pleasant things wee should omit those bitter things vnto which by the malice of our negligence we are obliged And wee must doe this with an humble Prayer vnto GOD supplicating his goodnesse to strengthen verthe both in body and soule whereby hauing receiued power to resist our frailty for which by the defect of our power it was necessary for vs to flee persecutions or to take vp things pleasant vnto vs wee may bee without any impediment disposed to that same heauenly loue of him and his glory And that wee may the more cleerely know how worthy these our negligences are of reprehension whereby wee fall from this pretious loue it will be to good purpose to obserue that which wee haue written before of the hatred of our selues which is the foundation and primary disposition to this loue of God And because wee haue no balances on earth wherewith continually to weigh the same wee must aske of God that he would prouide vs from heauen and God graunt that our liues may neuer bee weary of the consideration hereof From all these is to be obserued what great madnesse it is not to procure that great glory in heauen seeing the sublimity of that glory doth necessarily follow low the seriousnesse of that loue and although the greatnesse of that glory were not much to bee regarded which is ordained for vs yet are wee much obliged to regarde that we may obtaine the greatnesse of the loue that being made glorious we may euer loue him who is most worthy of all to bee most highly loued But that we may see how we may be able often to loue chiefely when the taste in sweetnesse forsakes vs which of it selfe was wont to stir vs vp we must take a helpe from the sixth Instruction seeing God giues grace to the will to incline to this or that as often as the seruant of God shall prepare himself therunto frō al which the seruant of Christ may obserue what an infinit and irrecouerable losse we receiue when wee omit to loue God in euery moment of time wherein wee may loue him And if it bee to bee lamented whilest by neglecting of great dignities or earthly riches one receiues a great losse How much more lamentable is it seeing the losse is farre greater to omit euen for a
it but it sufficeth not him that is truely addicted vnto God to giue part vnto God but the whole so that the whole affection must be imploied in God or in that which is wholy directed to him Therefore whatsoeuer is vaine in this loue must bee cast away seeing it is certaine that nothing can bee ordered and directed towards God which is more loued in the creature then in God the Creator Our loue towards al persons ought to bee carried with so great affection as can proceed from that affection which wee haue towards God all other affections being cast off that that affection may haue place which wee owe vnto God And to the casting away of these things it shall not profit a little to remember what wee haue spoken before of vaine ioy together with the sixth Instruction Now therefore seeing in part we haue spokē what kind of loue ours ought to be and that wee must cast away the loue that is not such wee will adde an example to open this manner of louing to which purpose wee neede but call to minde the example of that good Sonne of whose loue toward his Father wee spake in the former Chapter by whose imitation wee collected it is fit to loue our Heauenly Father So now let vs see in the imitation of him how wee ought to loue the seruants of our Father namely all that are in the world friends and enemies Therefore wee must adde in that example that the father so beloued of his son who yet expected no benefit frō his father had a seruant whom he onely loued but yet wanted all kinde of necessaries as well for himselfe as for his seruant sauing what his sonne did giue vnto him Now this seruant is odious and hatefull to this sonne and in nothing profitable to him or to his minde and if the sonne should onely seeke himselfe and his owne benefit and pleasure he would cast off this seruant yet vnwilling to doe any thing that may displease his father but rather seeking by all meanes to doe the things that may please his father induced thereunto by no other respect hee maintaines this ser●ant in his house as one of his ●onnes or most dearely beloued seruants and so speakes vnto him ●nd intreates him that if at any time he would seeme to leaue the house the sonne would be grie●●ed and would intreat him to tarry fearing least his father should bee grieued for his absence Such loue must that be which wee ought to carry towards our neighbours namely that considering they are so much beloued of God that hee gaue himselfe to death for them when as yet all of them were his enemies we also should loue them al so much helping them in all that is good and necessary for them as well in body as in soule euen so much I say as we are wont to loue them who do much please and delight vs and that also albeit their conuersation were odious and g●ieuous vnto vs so to speake vnto them and prouide for them in all necessaries euen as for those who are much beloued of that our Father and Lord who both would it should bee so and hath also so commanded it to be done And all these things wee must doe with as great and feruent a will as wee are able because this is most acceptable vnto God and he would haue vs doe it and this he his infinit will that it should bee so done of vs. Let them who desire to serue God chiefly obserue that whosoeuer doe affect vs with any iniury giues vs great occasion to increase in the seruice of God for after this occasion of so great good which comes vnto vs ioyned with the commandement of God who would haue it so what excuse can we haue if wee doe not with intimous and ardent bowels loue then that load vs with euils chiefly whilst wee consider that God himselfe will happily afterwards take from such our perse cut ours all excellent and high duties as it often befalleth many other sinners Therefore the good seruant of God he must neuer be accounted who reioiceth not at the afflictions and iniuries which are cast vpon him for his Lord. If therfore hee shall esteeme himselfe happy when he is set vpon with iniuries and aduersities the onely will of seruing God makes him no lesse stable in louing him whom his inordinate affection made odious then him whom the abundance of benefits compelled to loue Yet it must be obserued that although loue must bee equally borne vnto all yet first it must bee shewed both in affection and good workes towards them that are giuen to vertue and holinesse of life 3 The last thing which I reserued for this place is the loue of our selues how he must loue himselfe that would truely loue himselfe To loue our selues is a thing so naturall that whosoeuer would hereof write may wel do it without feare of prouoking any to anger seeing our appetite doth increase in our loue towards our selues that albeit we be inriched with great riches yet doe wee iudge them but small because we loue our selues labour aduancement to greater matters For this cause our excellent Master the Sonne of God desiring that wee should loue our neighbours very much as those for whom hee laid down his life that he might shew in few words how much hee would haue vs to loue them he gaue this rule Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Math. 22. But seeing the blindnesse of sinne hath so inuaded vs that it hath taken from vs the iudgement and knowledge how wee ought to loue our selues it is fit by the direction of the Gospell wee prouide for this euill Therefore we will say that he truely loues himselfe who obserues these three rules 1 That with all his strengh hee procure euery thing whence hee vnderstands any good may come vnto him 2 That hee shun euery thing which may bring any harme damage or euill vnto him 3 That albeit many difficulties and rubs to the attayning of that which is good do offer themselues yet hee shall not refuse to oppose himselfe against them Of these three seeing wee haue often spoken in this discourse we will onely touch some few things which are more necessary to bee knowne that wee may learne aright to loue our selues 1 As concerning the first of these wee will obserue that this Cannon is euery moment very necessary hereunto that the thing which is good may bee made very good namely that in euery thing I repeate it againe in euery thing speaking generally which wee shall desire or obtaine two points may be considered 1 Is the good which from this thing commeth vnto vs or may come vnto vs. 2 That it is acceptable vnto God that this good thing should come vnto vs. Therefore hee that loueth himselfe and desireth great good things to himselfe must little esteeme the good that may befall him from any thing hee doth or desireth I say
hee must little esteeme that as it is his owne good if it bee compared to the second namely that it is the seruice of God and the fulsilling of his holy will flowing from thence and to this point the second Instruction serueth well Let vs obserue that euery one whilst hee loueth himselfe doth greatly desire to better either his ornaments or else all his houshold furniture and all things else that he hath if it be not such as he would haue it and so must he do who spiritually loueth himselfe For our Lord God hath giuen vs a pretious ornament or pearle wherewith at all times to inrich our selues This pearle wee haue but couered with brasse or copper whilst wee desire any thing to our owne good or profit nor must wee euer rest vntill by the right hand of the highest there bee such a change made that our appetite which is euer agitated and tossed vp and downe in vs wishing our owne profit may now onely regarde those things wherewith GOD is delighted chiefely that thing being such as that not onely GOD would that wee should haue it but also that we our selues shold be more inriched with it For the more wee doe forget our owne proper benefit that wee may record it call to minde the glory of God the more care hath hee of inriching vs with al good things this forgetfulnesse is worthy of eternall memory this remembrance worthy of eternall glory What a most pretious loue is this which maketh men Gods For of this loue is that to bee vnderstood which a good father spake Si Deum amas Deus es if thou louest GOD August thou art God for I haue said yee are Gods Psal 81. that therefore wee might obtaine this so excellent loue of our selues our GOD would haue vs to hate our selues in that thing wherein wordly men doe loue themselues and this hee willeth whilst in the Gospell hee commaunds Luk. 14. That we should hate our selues as before is spoken Besides all these things I forewarne him that will truely loue himselfe that the sweetnesse hee findes in the seruice of GOD doe not suffice him for the glory expected For albeit this sweetnesse bee good yet GOD giues it not to this end that we should rest in it alone but that by it wee might come to take a taste in the consideration of the good glorie and dominion which God himselfe possesseth and that with a great minde wee should praise him For the beautifull praise of God is nothing else then that should re●oyce to declare the wonderfull things of God to the whole world as in the psalmes and euery where in Scripture is to bee seene and in all created things Of which and or euery other thing which we shall relate speak or heare wee must feele a new motion of ioy such as worldly men doe feele whilst they see themselues or those whom they most loue to be commended Seeing then that they doe vainely reioyce at the commendations which are not due vnto them it is very iust that the seruant of God should mightily reioyce at his praise whom heauen and earth suffice not sufficiently to praise Besides hee who truely loues himselfe when he shall haue vnderstood that hee hath receiued any benefit from God ought from his most intimous bowels to giue him thankes not for that he findes himselfe more iuriched but that he findes himselfe the more inabled to serue God Euen as if some of the Kings chiefe seruants should reioyed that they had receiued some great benefit from the King that from those greater riches they might doe him greater and more acceptable seruices without respect of other benefits or gifts Nor is it any other thing to giue God thankes which thing many know not then an inward act of the soule whereby hee who hath receiued the gift or benefit from him acknowledging that God is an infinit Lord from whom comes cuery good thing reioyceth at all the glory of God and that by such gift hee sees himselfe more apt the more to loue and serue him and by how much that which is said is inlarged seeing it is a thing of great moment wee may obserue that besides this recognition and ioy spoken of at the receipt of euery benefit from God wee ought to offer vnto God all that wee are in our owne wills annihilating our selues whereby we may giue our selues wholy in body and soule to his seruice producing then mos● great acts wherwith for the great power goodnes of God we may reioice frō whence that benefit comes for which we now giue him thankes And that wee may more clearely vnderstand that which I now speake of annihilating our selues I would hereby signifie that seeing wee may euer increase in the diminution and despising of our selues we ought as oft as we giue thāks vnto God after a singular maner to dis-esteeme of our selues in respect of his benefits whereby we may the better giue our selues to his Maiesty Therefore the seruant of God must be very present to himselfe that as often as he giues thanks to God for any benefit that motion of the mind that will wherby he reioiceth at the benefit receiued do actually proceede as before is said that he may loue God the more serue him reiecting all confideration frō this that hence it cōmeth vnto him whereby hee may of good from him that he knoweth may come vnto him thence so be made more strong in the loue of GOD alone and more acceptable thankes may bee rendred vnto him and he must also haue the eyes of his soule open for sometimes these things will fall out not without some defects and we will thinke that al things are rightly done But the ground-worke of that which hitherto is spoken is taken from that which Diuines Prophets are wont to say that he who would be thankful must returne to the benefactour a worke of as great a value or greater then that which bee hath receiued Seeing thou that all our good things are receiued from God whatsoeuer wee can performe in his seruice is of little worth in respect of the least of his benefits Therefore at the least wee ought to giue him thankes for them in this manner as we haue spoken and that with as much affection and indeauour as we are able By this very motion of our vnderstanding and will and by all the foresaid preparation of our annihilation we must euery day giue thankes for so great a benefit bestowed on vs namely that he that great Maiesty hath receiued to himself so great good as he hath In the same manner must wee giue like dayly thankes vnto him for the benefit of his Incarnation our Redemption and the Redemption of the whole world For the benefits conferred vpon all the company of that blessed Court of heauen and for all the benefits bestowed vpon his Saints in earth but chiefly on those that doe affect vs with iniuries and
and bands of Charity this his slaue and might reduce him from vnder the yoake of inordinate passions vnto his seruice more happy then to be Lord of all Dominions 3 Who is it that comes Christ our Master Math. 32. who said to ●is Disciples Be not you called Rabbi for there is one that is your Master But not such a Master as binds heauy burdens and insupportable vpon the shoulders of men but will not moue then with their finger but he who first did the things which hee taught and in the Doctrine of perfection instructed all both Men and Angels and euer helpes his to doe their duties 2 To whom comes hee To his ignorant Scholer and Disciple who neuer or seldome comes to heare the doctrine of vertues and besides by the leuity of his minde doth soone depart from the things heard 3 For what cause comes he Can. 8. That I by imitation may follow the bridegrome and apprehend him by faith and may lead me through hope into the house of my minde there shal he teach me his waies the waies of righteousnesse and I in like manner will giue to him spiced wine of loue and wine wrung out of the holy affections of the pomgranates 4 Who is it that comes Christ our friend whose loue to man was so great that not onely of his enemies he made seruants whom hee redeemed with the price of his bloud but aduanced them to the dignity of his greatest friēds A faithfull friend Syr. 6. the weight of gold and siluer is not to be compared to the goodnesse of his faith who being forsaken of vs doth yet neuer forsake vs and prouoked by our iniquities yet doth not contemne vs. 2 To whom comes hee To him that hath as often despised his friendship as are starres in the skie and hath preferred sinne before his grace and changed his familiarity for the most vaine conuersation of men 3 To what purpose comes he That he might bee a faithfull friend Syr. 6. a strong protection that whilst I finde him I may finde a treasure that hee might increase in me his loue and more intimously vnite mee to him by loue 5 Who is it that comes Christ our brother who being true God and Lord of men is not ashamed to call them brethren saying Hebr. 2. Psal 21. I will declare thy name vnto my brethren The first begotten brother who hauing right to the whole inheritance yet most willingly admitted others adopted by his Father into the possession of it 2 To whom comes he To mee his brother but the killer of him my brother who as an other Caine haue with my sinnes slaine iust Abel in the field of this world and him as one drunke with loue and not with wine with most bitter death haue I slaine and punished 3 To what ende came hee That hee might preserue me his brother of whom hee was slaine in spirituall life which he had before giuen mee and that he might not turne mee off as a banished and vagabond person vpon the face of the earth 6 Who is it that comes Christ our Father who is called the Father of the world to come and as Father to them that dwell in Ierusalem Is 9. Is 22. and house of Iudah because hee begate all the sonnes of his Church with the word of truth and doth by grace giue them a diuine essence A Father who loued vs most tenderly and calls vs his little children of whom he doth againe and againe trauaile till himselfe be formed in vs. 2 To whom comes he to mee a prodigall sonne who haue wasted all his substance and con sumed my yeares if not with riotous liuing yet with vain and vnprofitable liuing 3 To what purpose comes he That he might put on mee the best garment Luk. 15. and cloathe mee with the roabe of grace that he might giue me the ring of celestiall guifts a signe of dignity in my hand that hee might protect my feete i. my affections with the shoes of his helpe that hee might feed mee with his fatted calfe his pretious body and bloud that he might defend mee from my elder brother and from pride and euer make me a possessor of his eternall inheritance in the house of his glory 7 Lastly who is it that comes Christ our bridgroome who saith to the soule hee loueth I will marrie thee vnto mee for euer I will marry thee vnto mee in righteousnesse Hosea 2. and in iudgement and in mercie and in compassion and I will marry thee vnto mee in faithfulnesse and thou shalt know I am the Lord. Hee marries the soule for euer vnto him because he would neuer depart from the wedlocke of it he marries it in righteousnesse whilst hee iustifies it by grace in iudgement whilst he deliuers it from the aduersaries in mercy and compassion whilst hee inricheth it with celestiall guifts and in faithfulnesse because not by its workes but by faith in Christ and by grace is it admitted vnto so great dignity 2 To whom comes hee to my soule vnto which that of the Prophet doth well agree In euery high hill Ier. 2. and vnder euery greene tree thou hast plaied the Harlot The hill is the occasion of waxing proude and the greene tree is the incitement to adhere to things created in these haue I euer fallen and haue prostrated my selfe to pride and impure loue 3 To what purpose comes hee That the sorrowfull soule might returne vnto him and bee admitted againe most louingly into the bed and bosome of his most sweet familiarity For thus he wooes it thou hast committed fornication with many louers yet returne vnto me saith the Lord and I will receiue thee By these or such like meditations which are euery where to bee seene thou maist easily shake off all sloathfulnesse and stirre vp thy selfe to deuotion Nor doe I thinke any long time required hereunto because the minde being warned by the morning praier and by the care of the diuine presence of which after doth easily collect it self and dispose a man to celebrate the holy Communion with all due and possible deuotion 4 The last point of preparation is the vse of praier which must be generall for all men 1. Tim. 2. but more particularly for our selues for the obtayning of all things necessary and profitable but albeit this praier is to be left to euery mans deuotion affection dependeth not vpon any composition of words but vnction of the holy Spirit yet I thinke it not vnfit to set downe a forme of praier which may fitly be vsed in the morning before the receiuing of the communion that euery one may therby learne the manner of praying and lifting vp the minde to God Thus therefore not with lips but heart not with words but affections being placed in the sight of God let him set forth his desires and pray both for himselfe and others O blessed Trinity O my Lord God O most omnipotent
a hearty sorrow for them and humbly begge pardon of him 4 Loue him with thy whole heart namely so as that thou haue a firme desire and purpose that thou wilt doe nothing that is contrary to him that thou wilt doe nothing that is contrary to him that thou wilt loue nothing but what in act or vertue tends to him and that thou wilt preferre him before thy selfe and all other things 5 At the last aske of God seauen gifts which some do conceiue the blessed Virgin did dayly begge of God 1. An effectuall helpe that thou maist in some measure performe the commandement of the loue of God 2. That thou maist constantly loue thy neighbour euery holy thing which he loueth 3. That whatsoeuer euill he hateth thou also maist hate the same 4. That thou maist be adorned with humility chastity contempt of the world and al other necessary graces 5. That he would make thy minde thy body a worthy tēple and habitation for himselfe 6. That at length after this mortality being don away thou maist for euer enioy his most blessed presence maist with the eies of thy flesh clearely see his most holy humanity and with the eies of thy minde behold and possesse his diuinity 7. That in this temple and in all other temples and places throughout the whole world he may receiue all due worthy reuerence acknowledgement honour and praise 2 Meditation 1. Behold Christ thy Sauiour in the midst of thine heart as thy Lord who redeemed thee with the price of his bloud and thy selfe as his seruant who by a new conceiued feruour wouldst returne vnto him desirous in all things to please him 2 Giue him immense thanks 1. That he wold be present at the Sacrament as a Master would gouern the habitatiō of thy hart compose with the gift of mortification the multitude of thy affections 2. That with such meekenes receiued the petitions of his runnagate seruant 3. That being King of kings whom the heauens cānot receiue yet vouchsafeth in admirable manner to dwell in the base cottage of his vnworthy seruant 3 Desire that at the presence of thy Lord the house of thy heart may be quiet and in peace And resolue with thy selfe that thou wilt mortifie thy iudgement will affections and fences and cast away whatsoeuer shall displease him 4 Loue him with all thy soule which thou shalt doe if thou doest submit thy life vnto him if onely thou wouldest haue life and wouldest keepe it that it might obey him if thou dost direct all thy cogitations desires words and workes to his good pleasure 5 Thou shalt aske of him those seauen things in the first Meditation 3 Meditation 1 Behold Christ thy Sauiour in the midst of thy heart as thy Master which teacheth thee the way of saluation and giues grace to performe what he teacheth and thy selfe as his disciple who for thy great negligence hast learned little or nothing of him 2 Giue him infinit thankes 1 Because he would be present at the Sacrament that as a most wise Doctor he might teach thee the way of perfection and instruct thee in things to be done and omitted 2 Because with so great mercie hee hath heard the petitions of his Disciple crauing heauenly knowledge 3 Because the Master of Angels and Men hath deigned to remaine in the lowest ranke of thy polluted heart to teach thee 3 Blush before him because thou art so estranged from his Doctrine and art so filly a scholler in the imitation of him Resolue also with thy selfe that thou wilt forsake all created things both in thy vnderstanding and affection and wilt wholy cut off all inordinate loue of the creatures from thee 4 Loue him with thy whole minde Which thou shalt doe if thou resolue to clense thy spirit from euery thing that may displease him if thou purpose to adorne it with vertues if thou doe continually adhere vnto him in thy memory vnderstanding and will if thou dost labour for ttanquillity of the minde that Christ himselfe may dwell in thy heart 5 Aske of God those seauen things before remembred 4 Meditation 1. Behold Christ thy Sauiour in thy heart as thy most faithfull friend who hath aduanced thee his owne workemanship and his owne vassall to his familiarity and friendship and thy selfe as a friend at the table or rather an hireling who when thou receiuest comfort then louest him but being beaten for thy amendement waxest cold in loue 2 Giue him imnense thankes 1. Because hee would bee present at the Sacrament that hee might visit thee being made his friend by grace and that hee might talke with thee words sweeter then hony 2. Because with so louing eares hee heard the petitions of his friend begging perseuerance in friendship 3. Because as a most rich friend hath determined to dwell by grace in the conclaue of his most poore friends heart 3 Conceiue shame and griefe of thy owne nakednesse who art spoiled of vertues and couered with sordid rags of vices kindle the desires of vertue especially such as thou most needest aske them instantly and exercise some of them with internall acts as time and place will suffer 4 Loue the Lord thy God with all thy strength And that thou shalt doe if thou doest offer vnto God the powers of thy soule and also the sences and instruments of thy bodie in the vnion of his powers and sences and determinest to vse them euer to his seruice 5 Begge of God the seauen graces aforesaid 5 Meditation 1. Behold Christ thy Sauiour in thy heart as thy elder brother and the first borne of many brethren who hath reconciled the enemies of his eternall Father vnto him and made them his brethren and thy selfe as a little brother worthily the least or rather vnworthy of such a name because thou art both in life and manners most vnlike vnto him 2 Giue thankes 1. Because he would please to be present at the Sacrament that he might not call thee an enemie but might acknowledge thee for a brother might deuide with thee his fathers inheritance 2. Because hee would heare with so great loue the petitions of his brother so vnlike him in manners and by the coldnesse of conuersation affecting him with tediousnesse 3. Because the first borne Sonne of our heauenly Father reigning now in heauen did not abhorre the base and obscure dwelling of his brother remayning in exile but was pleased to dwell in it 3 Obserue thy selfe to bee distanced from so louing a brother and complaine of thy misery wish ardently by praier his intimous familiarity and propose to thy selfe that all things necessary to obtaine this guift are to be performed of thee 4 Loue him with all thy power which thou shalt doe if thou doest effectually propose and faithfully performe it that with all thy indeauour thou wilt be aduersant to all euill and performe all that is good 5 Thou must aske those seauen things before named 6 Meditation 1.
Behold thy Sauiour Christ in the midst of thy heart as a most pious Father who begate thee on the crosse not with pleasures but sorrowes and thy selfe as the prodigall sonne returning from a farre countrey after thou hast wasted all thy Lords goods with vicious liuing and knowest thy selfe to stand in neede of his goods and mercy 2 Giue him infinit thankes 1. Because hee vouchsafed his presence at the Sacrament that hee might claspe thee in the armes of his loue being his forlorne and cast away sonne returning vnto him from a most barren land namely from thy selfe 2. That with so much pity he would receiue the petitions of his most vnthrifty and disobedient child begging pardon of him 3. Because a father most worthy of infinit loue would not onely receiue into his house a most vngracious child but also would dwell euen in the dung-hill of his filthy-breast 3 Being placed before him instantly desire beg of him true sanctification that being clensed from sinnes and adorned with all vertues thou maist cleaue vnto him cōtinually both in vnderstāding and affection by perfect faith and charity maist liue of him through him and for him 4 Loue him with all thy might so that for him thou despise thy life if need be the health of thy body riches pleasures and honours and accustome thy selfe to llue without the creatures 5 Begge the seauen abouesaid 7 Meditation 1. Behold thy Sauiour in the midst of thy heart as thy most sweet bridegroome who loued thy soule not because worthy but because hee would and so pleased his owne goodnesse and thy owne sould as his spouse ioyned vnto him by the bond of marriage and allured enticed to him by infinit benefits bestowed 2 Giue him infinit thanks 1. Because he was pleased to be present at the Sacrament that he might ioyne thee spiritually but inseparably vnto him and might cherish the with the sweete imbracements of most chast loue 2. Because hee heard the intreaties of a most faithlesse spouse begging his fauourable aspect and imbracing 3. Because hee hath decreed for euer to dwell with thee in thy bosome as in a bed of all other most desired of him 3 Raise vp thy affection towards eternall glory and compell thy selfe feruently to desire it and to bee transported from this miserable world and say to him as to thy husband tell mee Can. 1. thou whom my soule loueth where thou feedest where thou liest at noone 4 Here gather together all the affections of loue and loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soule with all thy minde with all thy powers with all thy strength and with al thy might 5 Aske of God those seauen former petitions This forme of thankesgiuing if thou likest not vse thy owne iudgement in some other But bee sure thou omit not this duetie For the sinne of unthankefulnesse is of all other sinnes the most daungerous albeit thou shouldest receiue but verie small benefits but receiuing so manie and so vnspeakable benefits especially this whereof no man can account the worthinesse it were most intollerable not to giue thankes And for this cause is it that thou receiuest not the mercies thou often desirest because thou hast beene so vnthankefull for this so great a benefit so often receiued For as that deuout father writeth Wee see many at this daie aske with great importunity the things they know that they want Ber. but we know very few that haue giuen worthy thanks for benefits receiued It is not reprehensible that wee instantly doe aske but surely it denies the effect of the petition when we are found vnthankefull And happily this may seeme to be clemency to deny to the vnthankfull that which they aske least it might fall out vnto vs that we should be iudged so much more grieuously by how much wee haue been found more vnthankfull for benefits heaped vpon vs. Therefore in this case it is a point of mercy to withdraw mercy euen as it is a point of anger and wrath to shew mercy namely that mercy of which the father of mercies speakes in the Prophets Isa 26. Let mercy be shewed to the wicked and hee will not learne righteousnesse therfore let vs bee euer thankfull for this so great a benefit and neuer suffer it to passe away with out some notable thankfulnesse of heart for it 7 Of the studie of Christians and how they should profit in learning THere is no man but knowes Idlenesse to be the maine enemy of all vertues therefore must the Christians labour be to keepe him off and shut him out of doores It is not by Idlenesse or sleepe that the reward is obtained as one saith As there is no worke proceeds from him that sleepes Ambr. so there is no fruite but losse comes of Idlenesse Idle Esau lost the blessing of birthright because hee had rather haue meate gotten to his hand then seeke it But painfull Iacob found fauour with both his parents Therefore in all thy studies and readings which thou dost vndertake for increase of thy knowledge labour to bring with thee a right intention and a true scope vnto which all thy knowledge is to bee directed Thou must not learne or read that thou maist become renowmed amongst men not that thou maist bee instiled a learned man not that thou maist bee holden for a great man not that thou maist steppe vp into the chiefest Pulpits and Chaires of Doctors not that thou maist gaine preferments in the Church or policy because to learne to this end is great vanity Thou must not learne that thou maist satisfie the appetite of knowing if thou maist know new and subtill things that thou maist onely fill thy vnderstanding with the knowledge of excellent things for this is vaine curiositie But learne thou that thou maist please God that thou maist accommodate thy selfe to his good pleasure and the prescript of his obedience that in knowing God better thou maist more ardently loue him and more feruently serue him and more diligently performe the duties of the calling wherein God hath placed thee A blemish in any garment is vncomely but in a most pretious garment of silke or costly stuffe much more vncomely so a preposterous intention in euery labor of man is discommendable but in the gayning of knowledge is much more intollerable The great daunger of such as direct their studies to such vaine ends the wise man well describes Iob. 20. His meate in his bowels was turned the gall of Aspes is in the midst of him hee hath deuoured substance and shall vomit it for God shall draw it out of his belly For knowledge is as bread whereby wee refresh the minde which shall be turned into gall when wee direct it to vanity and ambition And the learned doth but vomit it vp when from his drie and barren heart he powres it out without all profit either to himselfe or his hearers And it shal be drawne out
cloath which is often washed is so much the cleaner so the conscience by such examination becomes so much the purer by how much it is examined oftner Therefore if the commodity of time will serue thee a little before thy dinner discusse thy selfe thus Consider the state of thy minde and body what is awanting what it hath profited what hinders thee to profit And how thou maist meere with it either by declyning or resisting or gouerning or tolerating some thing Search into thy selfe how thou hast spent that morning how thou hast walked with God that thou maist repent thee of that wherein thou findest thou hast offended Take an account of thy selfe and 〈◊〉 a iust Iudge wring from ●ny 〈◊〉 a reason of e●●ry fact sayin● Way haue I wounded my b●●●ers fame Why haue I rashly iudged my brother Why haue I contemned GOD Why haue I beene angry without a cause Why haue I marmured that euery thing hath not fallen out to my fancy Thus must wee discusse our selues for our morning sleepes inquiring also how wee past ouer the last night ●nd how wee failed in any good duty Thus if a man doe order his waies hee shall grow from strength to strength and shall see the GOD of gods in Sion This thing that good father saw well Ber. who vpon those words of the Prophet Let vs search our waies speakes thus In this thing let euery one iudge himselfe to haue profited not when hee shall finde in himselfe what hee may worthily reprehende but when hee may iustly reprehende that which hee shall not finde in himselfe Then hast thou not in vaine searched thy selfe and if thou hast obserued that thou hast need againe to search thy selfe and so often hath not thy inquisition deceiued thee as often as thou shalt thinke that it is to be iterated and renewed 9 Of our behauiour at dinner THere is do doubt the houre of our refection is compassed with no few daungers for often the delicacy of the fare makes vs ouercharge the stomacke with too much and so blunt the edge of the soule and the minde and fall into many and grieuous sinnes Therefore it behoueth vs herein to bee most circumspect least whilst we refresh the body for the health of the soule we loose the beauty glory of the soule First therfore thinke with thy selfe how vn worthy thou art of these blessings how many grosse sinnes euen since the last night thou had committed how coldly and negligently thou hast serued God wandring so many waies out of the rule of righteousnesse and lift vp thy minde vnto God assuring thy selfe that GOD would not haue thee to eate for thy pleasure but for necessity and that thou mightest bee the better inabled to serue him and doe the workes of thy calling This done power out thy praier vnto God to giue thee grace that vnto this end 1. Cor. 10. thou maist eate and that all may bee done to the glory of God After thou hast blessed the meate prouided for thee thinke with thy selfe that these things are giuen thee as out of Gods almes and bounty vnto thee haue Christ euer before thee and eate as if thou eatest before him when thou eatest let not thy whole man eate but be attentiue either to that which is read if there be any thing read if not thinke of God and something fit for edification That both thy inward and outward man may be refreshed Despise not any thing that is set before thee nor yet complain if any thing bee a wanting for it is the custome of children and men of ill condition to complaine and striue about the prouisions ill preparations of them thinke thy selfe vnworthie of Gods benefits and so shalt thou neuer bee greened at small defects Thinke also that many more worthy in Gods sight then thou art would bee well pleased with worser cates and would thinke the things which thou reiectest to bee great delicacies And euer bee mindefull to leaue something for the poore members of Christ for Kings haue euermore enough to eate and to leaue to their seruants And if thou seruest GOD thou art a King for to serue GOD is truely to reigne Therefore thou must euer haue this honour to leaue something for Christ and that not of the worst but of the best least Christ should reiect it Lastly seeke not after delicate meates for thy taste but leaue them for gluttons and Belly-gods and conclude all with thanksgiuing vnto GOD who hath so liberally and louingly fed thee being so vnworthy For it is necessary that euery man know whose bread he hath eaten that hee may giue him thankes for it Tell mee if thou shouldest giue vnto any man the thing hee needed wouldest thou not expect that hee should giue thee thanks And if hee should not wouldest thou not note him for an vnthankefull person So GOD who feedes vs expects wee should thanke and praise him for his guifts For this is the retribution of diuine benefit that when wee are refreshed wee should confesse we tooke if well But if receiuing the guifts of God wee silently and vnmind●fully passe them ouer we shall be defrauded of the vse of them as ingrate and vnworthy that so by calamities comming vpon vs we might bee prouoked to seeke God whom by his benefits wee haue not knowne and by aduersity might be prouoked to aske who in prosperity haue not giuen thankes for the things wee enioy 2 The exercises of the Euening or later part of the day which we cast into these three following 1. THat we bestow some certaine time as our necessary occasions will giue leaue after dinner to read some part of Scripture or other godly booke in which we are not too much to seeke knowledge of spirituall and heauenly things as the taste rellish and affection of them Thus euery day somthing is to be swallowed downe into the belly of our memory which may more faithfully be disgested and again being called vnto memory may oftener bee ruminated chewed and meditated which may agree with our purpose profit our intention and may so hold and exereise the minde that it may not bee carried away with by matters Nor are wee to thinke that this kinde of exercise is prescribed onely to the vnskilfull and weake but euen to the wisest and most perfect The learned stand in neede of it if not that they may know things new yet that they may mooue and stirre vp themselues to performe the things they know Wee know many things with a barren kinde of knowledge which being read doe affect the will and from affection doe not onely mooue them to knowledge but also vnto action And euen the most perfect and regenerate man stands in need of this exercise because no man can be perfect but that hee may bee further promoted And reading puts into a man greater desires of a larger measure of holinesse and shewes him higher degrees of it This lesson is taught by the wise man as
God would not spare him that offendeth Greg. 9. Mor. And what is it that this holy man who did such admirable workes feared in them was it not least fraud and deceit should mixe themselues in his actions and earthly concupiscence should like a theefe secretly lurke to steale away the goodnesse of them Exod. 30. Therefore as the sacred perfumes composed of many sorts of spices were to bee beaten to pouder and set before the Arke of testimony so must our good workes not be few but many not proceeding from one but mixt with all vertues and by the pestle of the heart through inward discussion of the Conscience broken and bruised all to peeces and powder that they may giue a gratefull sauour in the nostrels of GOD. For as these spices if they bee not powned cast fourth no fragrant smell so if our good workes passe not vnder the hand of discussion but be presented in grosse vnto God they loose the sweet smell which they should haue Now if our good workes must come vnder this examination much more must our euill and wicked actions bee subiect to it For seeing thereby not onely our sinnes and defects but also the quality and greatnesse of the euill committed it cannot but mooue it to sorrow and repentance which being true and vnfeined bends the mercy of GOD towards vs and obteines remission in Iesus Christ Is 38. What doth the good King that hee might get GOD to bee propitious vnto him I will walke weakely all my yeres in the bitternesse of my soule where the common translation goeth thus I will recall all my yeares in the bitternesse of my soule All the yeares saith hee of my life I will remember my sinnes committed against thee and I will season this remembrance with grieuous sorrow and repentance and because I haue offended thy diuine Maiestie I will euen consume my selfe with griefe and affliction I will surely say O Lord if thus I liue if thus I must spend and wast my daies if in such so filthy and odious things so vnworthy of man I shall loose the life of my soule why should I liue And whilst I thus say and with griefe consume my selfe feeling thy reprehension in my heart I am by thy mercy brought to life againe I now see that in the false feigned and hurtfull peace which I had with my sinnes there was hidden most bitter bitternesse But whilst I see this and grieue for it thou O Lord who wouldest not the death of a sinner but that hee might bee turned and liue hast taken away and deliuered my soule from that miserable condition of sinne that it should not perish and hast cast behind thy backe all my sinnes These fruits did Ezechias gather from the recogitation of his sins And the same shall wee also doe as often as with sorrow and griefe wee discusse and recogitate our sinnes Ber. Learne therefore saith that deuout father to commaund thy selfe to order thy life to compote thy manners to iudge thy selfe to accuse thy self with thy selfe and often to condemne thy selfe and suffer not thy selfe to escape vnpunished Let thy conscience iudging and condemning thee sit quiet let Iustice stand as guilty no man loues thee better no man will iudge more faithfully In the morning take an account of thy selfe for the night past and giue a Law vnto thy selfe for the day come At night take an account of the past and lay a commandement on thy selfe for the night to come so shalt thou be kept from all wicked and daungerous transcursions and wandrings out of the way Seeing then all that wee doe must be thus discussed many of them being by the mercy of God good and not a few by our owne frailty euill it follower that all both good and bad must appeare before the conscience that what is good in them may by the mercy of God be accepted and what is euill out of our frailty may through his mercy and our due repentance be put out and pardoned Now hauing thus seene the matter of our discussion it followeth that we speake how it is to be done We say that Kingdome is happy where the Iudges loue no guifts nor seeke for rewards but iudge iustly but more truely is that soule happy in which reason illuminated by God examines all the actions and dissembles nothing nor leaues any thing that is vniust without iust punishment If then this examen of the conscience bee a certaine kinde of spirituall iudgement the forme of iudgement most be obserued in it that it be rightly and profitably performed of vs. Now in that iudgement wherin a man is not onely accused of some crime but also of ingratitude towards him whom by his offence he hath hurt 1. There must bee a commemoration of the benefit 2. An inquisition and probation of the crime 3. Lastly a sentence of the Iudge condemning the guilty and with due punishment censuring him Of this kinde it seemeth the examen of Conscience is●● in which wee must not onely accuse our selues of some faultes and defects but of ingratitude towards GOD which being prooued against vs wee cannot but pronounce sentence against our selues and punish our selues by repentance for it For as black doth appeare better if placed neere vnto that which is white so our sins being set neere to the benefits of God will more euidently shew themselues To this discussion the Prophet exhorts what haue I don Mich. 6. O my people and wherein haue I grieued thee That so remembring his benefits hee might draw them to the knowledge of their sinnes and ingratitude and so bring them to a desire of their conuersion The next thing is to take a time accommodate and fit for this examen which may be some short time before we prepare our selues for sleepe There is one time of searching out the things that are aboue vs and another time of discussing the things that are with in vs. For their is a time for euery thing vnder the Sunne Therefore there is a time of contemplating the wonderfull workes of God and there is a time of considering our owne infirmities This is a time of weeping but that is a time of laughing For sorrow may bee for a night but ioy commeth in the morning Psal 29. Why should there not be a time of laughing in the morning of diuine contemplation in the contemplation of eternall light And why should there not be a time of weeping in the euening of horrible sights in considering the darkenesse of mans conscience Therefore in this time of weeping and considering our owne darkenesse fiue things are to bee done which concurre to the forme and manner of this examen 1. Is a commemoration of the benefits of GOD and an humble and feruent thanksgiuing 2. A desire of grace that wee may bee able to search out and know our sinnes and defects 3. An inquisition and discussion of the conscience whereby we may acknowledge the sinnes
nor doe engender ill affections They are ordered when they come reasonably that is in their owne time For not in their owne time euen to thinke good things is not without sinne as in praier to thinke of reading and in reading to thinke of prayer 3. In workes we must consider 1. That they be done out of a good intention a good intention is that which is simple right Simple without malice right without ignorance For that which is without malice hath zeale but that which is with ignorance hath not zeale according to knowledge Therfore the intention must bee right by discretion and simple by deuotion 2. That out of a right intention begun they bee with a perseuerant feruour brought out to the end that neither perseuerance may be sloathfull nor loue may wax cold 3. That they be commanded in the word of God Else God may say who required these things at your hands 4. That they proceed from faith else they will prooue to bee no better then birds without fethers that cannot flie and images without life that cannot stirre 5. That they bee done to the glory of God and the good of our selues and others which is the true and onely end of all our workes Now for our words we must consider in them that they be 1. True 2. Hurtfull to none 3. Necessary for some cause 4. That in fit time and place 5. In due maner spoken if in any of these wee offend concerning our thoughts that they bee lesse cleane or lesse ordered concerning the affections that they bee lesse right or lesse sincere concerning our workes that they bee lesse qualified then we haue spoken concerning our words that they be lesse true or lesse necessary wee must note it in our memorie that wee may the better conceiue a griefe for it and procure a purpose of amendement In thy examen of thy workes and words let this be thy forme for the auoyding of that detestable negligence which in this behalfe is vsed at some conuenient time bee thou a Iudge of thy selfe and take a strict account of thy Stewardship saying Oh euill seruant and slow tell mee how thou hast spent this daie Thou hast beene slow to do thy duetie vnto God Thou hast beene indeuout in doing it Thou hast spoken many words with little fruit thou camest late and labourest loiteringly Thou hast spoken vnprofitably demanded curiously iudged suspiciously reported dissolutely detracted wilfully thou hast beene mooued thou hast wandred both with thy heart and eyes Thou hast beene attentiue after worldly things negligent towards the things of God Thou hast beene to greedy of meate and drinke desired more and murmured at little Thou wast not patient at a little nor continent at more nor pleased in any thing Thou hast sought thy selfe in small things and hast left Charity and Fidelity vndone Behold where thou hast fallen and leaue to be proud giue God the glory for all thou hast receiued Euer deplore the state of the inner man with many passions intangled Search the secrets of thy heart if anger if enuy if concupiscence if malice if impatience or griefe hath mooued or ouercome thee Nor must thou search for euils committed onely but also for the good neg●ected If thou receiued the benefits of God thankfully if thou hast praied as well for the enemies as friends if thou hast beene ●●ithfull and obedient to those ●et ouer thee if thou hast beene compassionate to such as are weake in any tēptation if thou hast helped such as asked and comforted such as haue sorrowed if thou hast simply and purely sought the glory of God if thou hast strongly shunned the praise of men if thou hast frankly denied thy owne proper will if thou hast preferred thy selfe before no man if thou hast patiently taken correction if thou hast beene grieuous to no man if being hurt thou diddest lo●●ingly forgiue if thou hast asked pardon of him iniuried if thou hast done thy duety to God deuoutly if thou hast not beene peruerse if thou hast made hast to humble thy selfe if being contemned thou hast not contradicted if thou hast not thought to render euill for euill but hast laboured to ouercome euill with good if thou hast seriously repented thee thus we see many whole counsailes painted out before the eies of the mind to make vs ashamed who hauing so many occasions of growing daily more holy doe yet so defile our selues that wee haue iust cause rather of sorrow then solace from the tenor of our liues From these thou maist gather a dailie fardle of thy sinnes and a heape of sorrowes for them For placing these thy sinnes neere the benefits of God before remembred thou shalt see how little thou answerest vnto God for so many benefits how little thou dost recompence his gifts how vile and ingrate thou art who returnest him for benefits offences for gifts sinnes for loue obliuion and negligence Therefore thou maist well lament and powre out teares seeing thou hast so much matter of lamentation For thou canst neuer come to this examination but thou shelt finde sinnes ingratitudes and obliuions of thy Lord and creator these offences albeit they seeme small to the eyes of thy bodie yet with all the seruor thou canst for the loue of God detest and hate them because a faithfull soule beholding Gods goodnesse vnto it and its ingratitude towards God will count nothing small if he haue any celestiall knowledge that may offend so great and good a Maiesty 4 From this collation comparison of Gods benefits and thy ingratitudes and sinnes thou wilt deriue such sorrow and detestation of thy sinnes that thou shalt leaue no place to the smalnesse of faith Nay euen from this same that thou seest the soule soiled with so many sinnes and blemishes and thy most mercifull Lord to beare with thee so many yeers and to haue pardoned thee not 70 times seauen times but euen millions of times thou maist be lift vp to hope that God will neuer cast thee out so sorrowing and greeuing for thy sinnes but so often as thou shalt thus come vnto him and beg pardon he will redeeme thee as a most louing father 5 At the last set some paine vpon thy owne head for these thy many escapes and sinnes let it be an amercement proportionable to the quality of thy sinnes and ability of thy body that so thy repentance and sorrow for thy sins past may bee a barre against the propensitie of sinning after check and reproue thy selfe againe and againe and deale as a senere and iust iudge with thy soule and body imprisoning all thy sences and fettering thy affections that henceforth they may not stealt away thy pretious soule from thee But to end this point of discussion Whereas I haue often in this treatise made mention of this examination thou maist referre them all vnto two times namely before the Communion and before thou goest to bed For after thou hast taken a view of thy thoughts
is to be receiued by vsing it let them mortifie themselues and know that not sensible deuotion but the purity of the soule is to be sought as the chiefe end in this Sacrament but if it proceede from an impatient desire and violent loue that contents not it selfe in any but in the Lord if there be purity of life the gift of prayer an euident profit by the Communion the edification of others and no scandall giuen to others which doe perswade vs that these desires proceede from God he may then very well vse it more often so that hee liue in such sort as he may be an example to others But howsoeuer either of these sorts receiue it let them euer haue that of Chrysostome in minde whom shal we make most account of those who once or those who often or those who seldome receiue it neither those who once nor those who often nor those who seldome but those that take it with a cleane heart a cleane conscience and a life vnreproueable Now there are two sorts of disposition and preparation to bee vsed in receiuing the Sacrament The first is as it were a farre off and that is no other but a holy life free from vices distractions and foule crimes which doe defile a man and make him odious in GODS sight For the more humble in heart pure in minde feruent in loue and holy in life thou art the more worthily shalt thou receiue this Sacrament 2. Tim. 2. Therefore are wee aduised to clense our selues from all sinnes that we may bee vessels sanctified vnto honour and ready vnto euery good worke our liues must bee euer so holy as that with comforts and profit wee may receiue the Sacrament euery day if neede were The other kinde of preparation is to bee performed for a weeke or some such fit time before our receiuing of it in which time a full suruey without partiality beeing taken of a mans life wee may so giue our selues to Prayer Fasting Repentance and other Holy duties that wee ridde from vs the burden of our accusing sinnes and bee furnished with Faith Hope Loue and all the troupe of sauing graces to the ende wee may in some competent measure approach that Heauenly banquet And to conclude with the same or more diligence which when thou seest a woman painte and trimme her selfe that shee may appeare to bee beautifull to men must thou deeke wash purifie and painte thy selfe and thy Soule with inward graces that thou maist bee truely beautifull in the eyes of thy louing God And if after thou hast liued a holy life and for some time before the communion also prepared thy selfe and that day wherein thou receiuedst the communion exercised thy selfe in repentance and holy desires and shalt for all this find no sensible deuotiō but rather a drynes yet cast not down thy selfe nor withdraw thy selfe from the Sacrament for the wisdome of God worketh diuersly in those that serue him the effects of his graces nor must any man search out the secrets of God for they are vnsearchable and past finding out Therefore the indeuoute ought not to bee driuen from the Sacrament whilst hee liues holily acknowledgeth himselfe humbly and comes reuerently nay whilst hee tells me hee is sory for his sinnes and purposeth amendement and craues the helpe of that blessed Sacrament he is not to be kept from it For it is the hid Manna and conteines abundance of all spirituall delights Now for some good time after the receiuing of the Communion thou shalt doe well to recollect thy selfe to giue thankes for so great a benefit for not only the defect of preparation but euen the defect of giuing of thankes may much hinder the fruite thereof For shall we receiue all those infinit benefits of his passion and passe by him vnsaluted He comes to heare our petitions and helpe our miseries and shall wee aske nothing of him He enters most louingly into the Inner chamber of our hearts and shall we giue him no thankes Least wee fall into so great ingratitude and loose such an opportunity of profiting sit like good Magdalene at the feete of thy Lord and Sauiour Heare diligently his word hee will vouchsafe to teach thee something speake to him be confounded at thy owne vility and nakednesse and begge pardon for thy small and remisse disposition offer vp to him thy body and all that belongs vnto thee a holy lyuing and acceptable Sacrifice lay open thy miseries and necessities desire his grace and all the good meanes that may further thee thereunto and exercise thy selfe in all the affections of loue If thus thou shalt doe the Lord will not suffer thee to depart from his presence without a blessing 2 Things to bee done euery weeke is the hearing the word preached THis is very necessary to bee heard at the least once a weeke for as it is the true and onely meanes in that kinde to heale our spirituall leprosies so is it to conserue and keepe vs in sanctitie of life and spirituall health Two things amongst many other benefits wee receiue from the word Ber. saith that deuoute father it heales vitious soules and it admonisheth vertuous soules One calls it a bread and a sword a trumpet for it sounds in our eares bread for it feeds the hungry soule a sword for it penetrates the very secrets of the heart If then thou wilt profit by hearing come prepared as in the first part of this treatise thou art taught Come with preparation praier and great desire to learne Heare not negligently and for fashion but let the words of wisdome sinke into thy heart For they inquire at the mouth of the wise man in the congregation Syr. 21. and they shall ponder his words in their heart They will not heare perfunctoriously and negligently but thinke on his words in their heart and wisely ponder them to the end to worke out their saluation thereby And thou shalt stirre vp this holy desire much if thou shalt obserue well that thou standest neede of heauenly doctrine Yea with so much more care and attention is it to be heard by how much as experience hath taught thee that by frequent hearing of it negligently thou hast receiued from it no benefit or very little benefit at all The similitude of that learned man is very fit to expresse this businesse as saith he The fish which are bred in the salt water Clem. Alex. doe yet for all that stand neede of salt to season them so euen those that are much exercised in Religion and are bred and brought vp in hearing the word doe stand neede to heare it diligentlie that they may bee preserued from the corruption and putrefaction of sinnes Heare therefore the Preacher no otherwise then thou wouldest heare Christ himselfe speaking and teaching thee For it is hee that speakes vnto thee by his Ministers it is he that by their mouthes instills the wordes of life into thy heart That belongs vnto all
Preachers which the LORD spake to the Prophet Thou shalt goe to all that I will send thee Ier. 1. and thou shalt speake all things which I commaund thee and beholde I will put my wordes in thy month But if God haue sent him whom thou hearest to teach thee if hee proprose the things which GOD commaundes thou must not thinke that thou hearest a man speaking onely but euen God himselfe Thou must not regarde whether the Preacher bee learned or eloquent or to thy toothe for if hee bring the word of GOD vnto thee thou oughtest to heare him with like reuerence as if hee were endued with great talents and guifts For as it falls out in the affaires of men Chrys when the King sends his Letters happily by some base poste or man of no reckoning and such as cannot reckon vp any petigree of greatnesse but is a very obscure fellow Yet those to whom these letters are directed looke not at the person of the Kings messenger but with great reuerence and silence receiue them So the hearer must not haue any respect to the meanes of his condition or condition of his guifts whom GOD will imploy in his seruice to bring him the tidings of saluation but with all reuerence and attention must receiue the message brough as if it were deliuered him by the king of Heauen himselfe But because wee faile herein it causeth the word to haue such small increase in our hearts For wee heare it without any reuerence not as the word of God but as a tale told vs by a man and so it goeth in at the one care and out at the other Nor yet must wee regard if the Preacher doe often propose vnto vs common doctrines and knowne to all men for thou must not heare the doctrine of the spirit to learne new things but that thou maist bee stirred to practise the olde things thou hast already learned and that thou maist bee ashamed hereat that thou hast not performed the good things thou knowest For if the worde of GOD had not come vnto thee thou had'st had no sinne but now thou hast no excuse for thy sinne Therefore heare the Worde of GOD not with loathsomnesse and tediousnesse but attentiuely and desirously not out of curiosity but out of a desire to learne and practise the good things thou hearest Heare not to forget presently but to meditate seriously In the Law those beastes onely which chewed the Cuade were cleane Leuit. in the Gospell those Soules onely which meditate the Word hearde and by their liues and it were doe turne it into their owne substance doe become cleane in the sight of God The hearer of the word saith a Father must be like to those beasts which because they chew the cudde are called cleane that it may not be irksome vnto him to thinke on the things which he receiued into the womb of his heart and when he heares let him be like to one that eates but when he calls things hard to remembrance let him be like one that chewes the cudde If so thou hearest the word thou art happy Blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it Heare humbly not as a censor to iudge but as a scholler to learne Heare attentiuely that thou maist keep in memory what thou hearest heare faithfully that as good ground thou maist bring foorth fruit through the seed that hath been sowne in thee and so from abundance of doctrine thou shalt gather a most rich store-house of al vertues and graces Prepare thy selfe to heare with a short prayer vnto God that he would giue vnto the Preacher the grace of speech and edifying vnto thee and all the hearers all helpes and meanes of profiting 4. The things which are to bee done euery month Concerning this point I will onely obserue one thing wherein it is fit that euery one doe monthly exercise himselfe beeing most profitable for the increasing of our graces and for live promoting of a happy life and that is that he chuse vnto himselfe one day euery month in which hee sequestrate himselfe from externall negotiations and bestow it on himselfe in diligent and wise examination of his life end manners This day thou must pray more deuoutly and giue move time to reading of Scripturs But chiefly herein thou must bee imployed to become a censor of thy selfe and a seuere iudge of thy owne actions Consider therefore the things that are aboue thee whether thou hast feruently serued God and longed for heauenly things Consider the things beneath thee if thou hast tamed thy body and restrained thy sences and affections consider the things about thee if thou hast cut off superfluous things moderatly takē necessary things and walked holily before thy brethren Consider the things within thy selfe if thou hast had purer thoughts if thou hast increased any grace or vertue and if thou hast liued with more tranquility Thinke with thy selfe that it hath beene said vnto thee that thou art a Sunne and of the Sunne it is thus written that it riseth and setteth Eccles 1. and returneth to the place where it riseth Therefore as a mysticall and spirituall Sunne doe thou neuer exceede thy calling no more then the Sun doth his Zodiacke but running all thy course within that compasse labour to enlighten all men with the example of thy life Sometimes lift vp thy selfe by praier aboue all corruptible things sometimes by holy actions draw neere vnto thy neighbours in helping them and after thou hast thus laboured for some time returne vnto thy place namely to the repose of viewing and amending thy defects and say vnto thy soule returne O my soule vnto thy rest because the Lord hath blessed thee And what blessing can bee greater then to helpe vs to liue holily to mooue vs to returne into our selues to finde strength in holy life and rest and tranquillity of Conscience But for such whose places of seruice will not fitly allow so large a time as one day in a month for this exercise let them if fitly they can steale some few houres from their necessary imployments to bee bestowed in this exercise of their amendement and gayning of a spirituall rest If they cannot gaine so much time yet let them not bee grieued at it for they may liue with such care of conscience euen in the midst of imployments that they shall not stand need of this exercise 5 The thing which are euery yeare to be done 1 IT will helpe much to aduance piety if euery yeare wee set apart some certaine daies for the renewing of the actions of a spirituall and holy life The Philosophers haue determined that a naturall motion is very flow at the beginning but swift at the end but a violent motion is swift at the beginning and very slow at the end As for the purpose if a great and weighty thing should naturally descend downewards it would slowly begin to fall downe wards but the nerer it
then the carcasse Why then should we not often or at least once in a yeare bestow a new suite vpon the soule or else patch vp the old one But take heed of patching for God loues a new creature Hee will haue all new or none at all Ambr. In a word he is rightly renewed that is changed from the darkenesse of his sinnes into the light and grace of vertues that being before more stinking then a dunghill is now become more white then snow 2 Because continuall labour euen in profitable things and worthy of all our loue is a weriso●nnesse to the spirit makes it lesse able to performe the duties required Therefore ease thy selfe for some time and dis-burthen thy minde of those serious things that thou maist rest and resume strength The minde must haue some remission that it may rise vp the more sharpe As wee must not incessantly commaund fruitfull fields for their fertility will soone be exhausted if they rest not so the daily labour of the minde breaks the strength of it A little remission and relaxation will recouer strength But dulnesse of minde ariseth from assiduity of labours Of purpose men vse to vnbend their bowes that in their time they may with profit be bent againe which if they haue no relaxation will by being continually bent loose the strength of hitting the marke So in the exercise of the minde vertue is sometime reserued when by discretion it is pretermitted that afterwards it may the more strongly hit vices by how much in the meane time it wisely ceased from smiting A key if it bee turned one way shuts the locke but turn'd another way opens it so the minde intending outward things disposeth and keepeth them but turned vnto God and inward things opens the doore of Gods mercy to fetch out the treasures of heauenly guifts except thou shalt moue thy selfe towards this side and except thou shalt receiue from GOD that which thou gauest thou shalt not haue any thing at all to giue Wisely therefore did that good father speake Ber. to waite vpon God is not to be idle nay of all b●si●esse is the great●● besi●e●se be●a●●e from this idlenesse doe forces proceed to worke and he that knowes wisely for a time to rest shall after know strongly and profitably to labour God himselfe inuiting vs to rest by his example and resting the seauenth day 6 The things which are euer more to be done THere is no question but that euermore vices are to bee shunned vertues imbraced euer we must insist in doing good fighting against Satan all his deceits But more particularly for our purpose we will reduce them into these three ranks 1. Our duty toward God 2. To wards our selues 3. Towards our neighbors 1 To wards Gods these points following must euer be obserued 1. The presence of God thinke euer thou dost heare him saying Do not I fill hea●e a and earth And behold him as a witnesse of thy though desires and a beholder of ●er 23. thy words workes He compasseth the on euery hand if thou wert in the bottome of the sea he conteines with his Deity all aboue thee below thee on the right hand and left before and behind and that Great Lord and wise Iudge lies had euen within thy selfe This cogitation that God is present that hee sees all thy inwards and outwards let it neuer depart from thee and so dispose thy life compose thy conuersation that as much as mans frailty will suffer thou needest not blush that God should behold thee In the beginning of euery worke offer it to him in the continuance behold him in the end resolue to please him for his sake to end it If thou shalt attaine this guift whether thou be idle or in businesse whether alone or with others thou knowest to contemplate God standing by thee thou shalt sooner then thou thinkest attaine to a great increase of graces 2. The loue of God Thou shalt loue thy Lord God with all thy heart all thy soule all thy minde Loue him with the heart directing all thy thoughts and desires to him Loue him with thy worke keeping his commandements loue him onely turning thy will from all created things loue him diligently performing all things that belongs to his obedience with diligence loue him purely in nothing seeking thy selfe loue him freely constantly casting away all things that oppose his loue Loue him gratis looking from his loue nothing but his good pleasure Loue him strongly suffering ●all things for him patiently Loue him perseuerantly neuer pulling thy self from his desire and obedience These thou shalt doe if thou dost contemplate him as the chiefe good as goodnesse it solfe as the fountaine of all good things If also thou shalt daily with earuest praiers beg this loue if thou labour by all good meanes to keepe thy selfe cleane from all leprous pollution and filthinesse 3 The feare of God Feare the Lord thy God because he is thy Lord and requireth it if I bee your Lord where is my feare Feare him because after he hath slaine the body he can also kill the soule and send it into h●l fire Feare him because his iudgements are incomprehensible and his wayes past finding out and thou knowest not what shall become of thee Feare him not as a seruant for feare of punishment but as a most louing and faithfull childe least thou shouldest incur his displeasure Feare him least thou shouldest bee separate from him in whom is all good and from whom if thou be separate thou drawest to thy selfe all euill and misery Feare great sinnes because they separate from God feare small ones for they set open the gates vnto greate lastly feare the Lord for his feare is the beginning of all good for nothing shall bee wanting to them that feare the Lord and those that secke him by chaste and holy fear shal not be destitute of any good From this fear proceeds intimous reucrence whereby thou learnest to adore him in spirit 4. Zeale of Gods glory Be inkindled wilh the zeale of the glory of thy God which may eat vp thy heart and consume thy soule with forrow Consider that the Lord is thy husband whom heretiques contemne the Iewes doe mocke Idolaters and infidels know not all manner of sinners doe with infinit iniuries affect him most part euen of the best men and his deare children doe but coldly and negligently serue him and wilt not thou that seest this labour to put away these iniuries gaine thy husbands honor and for so great iniurses wilt not thou intimoufly grieue therfore let this be thy care euer to seeke the glory of God and saluation of soules and both by prayer holy example and all other good meanes to helpe to promote the glory of God Forget thy owne profit and quiet contemne thy owne honor and spare not to meete with any difficulty that thou maist promote the glory of the Lord. 5. The prayse of God
Prayse thy Lord God euer because not on●ly worthy to bee praysed but aboue all praise Praise him with thy tongue praise him with thy worke and life the prayer of lips and life is best of all That as the heauens by their beauty and brightnesse declare the glory of God and the firmament with as many tongues as stars shew forth his handy worke so thou by sanctity of life shalt praise the Lord and shalt inuite as many as see hee to praise and magnifie his name So let the light of thy life shine before men that seeing thy good workes they may glorisie thy father which is in heauen Praise him with thy tongue so that it continually may begin in thy heart and resound in thy mouth Euermore reuolue the mysteries of Christ the attributes of thy God in thy minde and all his admirable perfections extoll with thytongue All his creatures praise him thou being one hee hath done most for be not thou sloathfull to set foorth his praise 6. Thankfulnesse to God Euer giue him thanks for it is iust that re ceiuing euery moment benefits thou shouldest answer him euery moment if it were possible infinit thankes There is no moment wherein thou receiuest not from God being life sense vnderstanding and all other good things naturall and supernaturall in thee or about thee if therefore when thou receiuest a benefit from man by and by thou thankest him shalt thou not be most ingrate to God in receiuing so many blessings and giuing so few thankes Giue him thanks therfore for thy prosperity because giuen for thy comfort and for thy aduersities and crosses because giuen for thy correction and increase of thy crowne Thanke him for spirituall gifts because they inrich the soule for temporall because they serue the body the habitation of the soule Thank him for things giuen to thy selfe because they belong to thy selfe and for things giuen to thy neighbours because they belong to thy brethren to whom thou art ioyned in loue Let thy heart euermore breake foorth a good word of thanksgiuing and thy mouth in euery successe set foorth his praise that whilst thou giuest thāks for continued benenfits thou maist be disposed to receiue greater mercies 7. Resignation of our selues to the wil of God Leaue all thine and all thy felfe in the hands of God Commit thy selfe vnto him resigne thy selfe fully into his hands that he may doe with thee what seemeth best in his eyes Say often thy will bee done but with all imbrace his will in thy will For wee often say with the mouth and resist it with our desire and purpose wee offer it him in word but wee reteine it indeede Wee giue it him in speech but in action we foolishly resist GOD when hee would take his owne Doe not thou so but know that thou art not thy owne but GODS thine are not thine but GODS Therefore thou medlest with another mans gods against his will and so in the day of iudgement shal be condemned of theft Bee thou before the Lord as a table cleane wherein nothing is written that hee may write in thee what hee pleaseth Be as the clay in the hand of the potter that hee may breake thee or make thee being made may set thee in a higher or lower place Looke vpon all thou hast thy Life Health honours comforts And all thou possessest not as on thy owne but as on things lent thee and be ready to render them to him that liberally lent them Hee loues thee infinitly more then thou dost thy selfe therefore thou oughtest to put thy selfe into his hands to doe with thee both now and in all eternity what he pleaseth 2 Our duety towards our brethren Where consider 1. In thy brother thou must regarde to thinke and behold not so much man as God for God is in euery thing by his essence presence and power but chiefely and in an excellent manner in man Therefore it is fit that in euery thing but especially in man we behold God Therefore when thou seest or speakest with thy brother thou shouldest not so much behold his aspect with the eyes ●●●che flesh as God dwelling in hi●●● with the eyes of thy ●unde To obtaine this is a great guift of God For so shalt thou not be affected either to his youth or beauty or abhor the aged lame and sicke and shalt obtaine a wonderfull purity of minde and a singular familiarity with God 2 The loue of our brethren Loue thy neighbour as thy selfe is the precept and is like that great commandement of the loue of God for it commaunds loue and commands it for Gods sake and in his amplitude includes all the commandements for he that loues his neighbour hath fulfilled the Law Therefore loue thy neighbour with true and pure loue Rom. 13.8 not for gaine nor for any created thing but onely for thy God This thou shalt doe if thou shalt not conteinue thy brethren in thy heart if thou shalt not iudge them rashly if thou shalt not brawle with them if neither in word or deed thou shalt harme them if according to thy ability thou helpe them To conclud if thou perform that is written not to do vnto another what thou wouldest not haue done to thy felfe Nor is this loue difficult if thou dost contemplate God in thy brother if thou remembrest that hee is holden in high esteeme with God if thou shalt think that he is the sonne of God ordained vnto glory and vnto thee profitable 3. Affability to all men and good example Accōmodate thy selfe to all men speake gently to all let no in-urbanity or in-ciuility or rusticity appeare in thee to offend any A sweet talke multiplieth friends pacifieth them that bee at variance a sweete tongue increaseth much good talke Syr. 6. Therefore so conuerse amongst all men that all may loue thee and euery one desire thy company To all men giue good example and spread abroad the sauour of sanctity and being made the good sauour of Christ in euery place thou maist not only praise him with thy owne mouth but with all mens mouthes For thou dost praise him euen with the mouth and heart of others whom by the purity of thy life thou inuitest to praise him This thou shalt doe if in the good workes thou shewest and circumspection thou keepest thou seeke not thy owne but the praise and glory of GOD. Therefore do nothing whereby others may take any scandall or offence or occasion of liuing at more liberty 4. Honor of our brethren Go one before another in giuing honor It is pride to expect from others the signes of honor and not rather to preuene them in giuing honor Shew thy humility in honoring others not in hunting after honor Let none passe by thee without honor let none come to thee without honor Yea euen thou shalt honor God dwelling in men when thou giuest due honor to euery man according to his place 5. One to beare
anothers burthen Our defects are great burdens by which we sometimes become intollerable to others Therfore the defects churlish manners of our brethren must be born withall that so we may fulfill the Law of charity Measure others by thy selfe I know thou seeft in thy owne conuersation many defects which thou wouldest haue other men to beare So must thou doe with others except thou wilt with diuerse weights and diuerse measures measures other mens and thy owne which is abhominable Therefore beare that thou maist bee born with all dissemble others light defects that thy great ones may be dissembled be thou silent that thy miscries may be silenced 6 Helpe one another Bee profitable to all and by thy industry helpe them for the loue of God Helpe by thy Prayers imploring Gods mercy for them Helpe with holy desires coueting the fruite of their labours with the Lord be they corporall or spirituall helpe with thy speech when thy wisdome findeth opportunity exhorting to all things fitting and honest helpe by thy example of life and helpe by all the meanes which GOD hath giuen thee For to this end hast thou receiued them to bee Gods Steward 7 Liue circumspectly Loue all but be familiar only with the godly For he that toucheth pitch shal be defiled with it Syr. 13. and he that is familiar with the proud will be like vnto him Nor be too familiar with any for out of doubt it spends and consumes the time distracts the heart and makes two men offend at once 3 Our duty towards our selues where consider 1. The care of modesty In all thy actions be mindefull of modesty and so behaue thy selfe that thou no lesse respect thy selfe then others beholding thee Modesty is not onely a vertue but the ornament of all vertues It it that which with men gaines estimation because by the aspect of the face and those things which they see outwardly they are wont to measure our inward parts And as it is a Iudge of inward serenity and fairenesse so is it wont to keepe the same amongst all occasions of trouble Therefore thou shalt shew thy selfe modest as well in the cleerenesse of thy countenance as gracefulnesse of thy gate and in the moderation of all outward actions so that these outward things may shew the inward tranquillity to edifie all and may shew some image as it were of Christ whose modesty was so admirable that Paul besought the Corinthians by the meekenesse gentlenesse of Christ 2. Cor. 10. 2 The contempt of ones selfe Learne to discusse thy selfe to Iudge blame and contemne thy self It is a knowledge more profitable to know to dispise ones selfe then to know the amplitude of heauen and earth This Science of the knowledge of our selues doth euer cast in wholesome and profitable counsailes tending to the humble despising of our selues Therefore turne thy eies from those things which thou thinkest are good and excellent in thy selfe for they are not thine but Gods who gaue them gratis without thy desert and behold in thy selfe the things that are abiect and despicable for these are thy owne proceeding from thy corrupt nature and for these argue and despise thy selfe Let thy words sauour of the contempt of thy selfe and desire to heare the same from others concerning thee and let not the baulme of flattery breake thy heade Flee applauses flee the world and hearken to such willingly who sincerely speake truth and doe reprehend in thee what is worthy of reproofe If thou shalt thus contemne thy selfe and loue thy contemners God shall loue thee as the apple of his eye and shall adorne thee with great blessings of the spirit for this holy hatred wherewith one hates himselfe God doth abundantly recompence with his loue 3 A generall abnegation of our selues This is Christs rule If any will bee my Disciple Math. 16.24 let him deny himselfe take vp the Crosse and follow mee This word himselfe doth not designe one part of the man but the whole man to bee denied Therefore if any will insist in Christs steps he must take vp this generall denying of himselfe mortifie thy sences inward and outward commaund thy appetites restraine thy iudgement and will Chiefely bridle the two tongues of body and soule the tongue of the body that it speake not hurtfull and vnprofitable things The tongue of the soule that is thy thought that it doe not harbour and vtter vaine impure vnfruitful things if thou shalt tame these two beasts the tongue of thy selfe and thy cogitation thou shalt wonderfully dispose thy selfe to the familiarity of God For God vouchsafeth to speake to them whom he sees absteine from vaine words and as much as they can doe recall their thoughts to one that is to God himselfe 4 To beate downe the body This rebell flesh is euer in armes against the spirit Therefore that it may not ouercome let the spirit take armes against the flesh by watching fasting prayer and such holy helpes labour to bring it in subiection Beasts are not perswaded with reasons or arguments to obey men The flesh is a beast which thou shalt neuer tame by consideration alone without some castigation or subtraction of food as men vse to doe that tame beasts 5 Tranquillity of heart Thinke thou hast done nothing vntill thou hast obtained this Let not thy owne defects disquiet thee but presently assoone as thou fallest into any sinne out of the loue of God detest it returne to peace and commit thy selfe and all thine to Christ Let not aduersities trouble thee think they will not tarry nor that they came without the good wil and prouidence of God The tranquillity of the heart depends vpon the purity of it For small sinnes teare the heart but for inordinate affectiōs excruciate tormēt it Prophane businesse doe gripe the heart and such as belong not to our calling infect it If therefore thou wilt haue a quiet heart shunne euen the least sinnes those thou shunnest not presently repent thee of them moderate thy affections flee prophane businesse and withdraw thy selfe from all that belongs not to thy calling 6 Is discretion In these things hitherto treated of and in all others there is great neede of discretion whereby thou shouldest consider the times places the persons thy selfe and such with whom thou dealest thy state and manner of conuersation and according as reason circumstances and the qualities of things persons shall dictate direct thee so thou shouldest carry thy self in things that do occur offer thēselues Many things there are which do displease God trouble thy neighbour hurt thy self because not seasoned with the salt of discretion the same things if they were discreetely don would be of great acceptance both with God and man but the discretion which thou hast not let it be supplied with prayer recourse vnto God with the counsailes of prudent and wise men For hee that in doubtfull thing resorts to GOD and the counsailes