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A06832 The gouernaunce of vertue teaching all faythful christia[n]s, how they oughte daily to leade their lyfe, & fruitfully to spend their time vnto the glorye of God & the health of their owne soules. Newlye corrected & augme[n]ted by Thomas Becon. 1566 Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1727; ESTC S101289 136,978 330

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the dead but of the liuing The houre shall come in the whiche all that are in the graues shall heare his voice and shall come forthe they that haue done good vnto y e resurectiō of life thei y e haue done euel vnto y e resurrectiō of damnatiō I know that my brother shall rise again at the latter day God hath raised vp y e Lord and shall rais●… vs vp by his power If there be no risinge again from death then is Christ not risen If Christ is not risen then is our preaching vaine your faith is also vaine Read and commend to memory the xv Chapiter of the first to the Corinth The Lord Iesus shall chaunge our vlle bodies that they may be fashioned like vn to his glorious body c. I would not brethern haue yon ignorāt concerning them which are fallen a slepe that ye sorow not as other do which haue no hope For if we beleue y ● Iesus Christe died rose againe euen so they also which slepe by Iesus wil god bring againe with him Read forth ☞ Examples out of the new Testament CHrist raised from death the daughter of y ● Rular the Son of a certaine widow and Lazarus with many other These are euident examples of our resurrection After Christ had geuen vp the ghoste the graues did open and the bodyes of ma ny Saintes whiche slept arose and came out of y ● graues after his resurrectiō cāe into the holy citie appeared vnto many Christ rose againe from death the third day accordinge to the scriptures and was sene of Cephas then of the twelue After that he was sene of mo then fiue hundreth brethern at once c S. Peter raised Tabitha from death S. Paule restored vnto life a certaine yong man named Euticus Christe rebuked the Saduces because they beleued not the resurrection of y e ded The Epicures and Stoykes laughed S Paule to scorne when as he at Athens taught the resurrection of the dead But he defended the doctrine Against them that deny the immortalitie of the soule IF Sathan or any of his tempte thee to liue at thy pleasure labouring to perswade the ●…y sophi sticall reasons of carnal imaginations y ● the soul of man is but as the breath of other beastes that after the dissolutiō of the body it is nothing nether liueth afterward but hath an end with the bodye take hede that thou geuest no place to such wicked and most damnable doctrine but enarme thy selfe a gainst it w t these authorities of the holy Scripture ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament GOd created man in his owne image in y e image of god created he him male and female created he them The Lord god shope man euen dust frō the ground and breathed in his nostrels the breathe of life and Adam was made a liuing soule I should vtterly haue fainted but that I beleue verely to s●… the goodnes of y e lord in the land of the liuing Like as the harte desireth the water brookes so longeth my soule after thee O god My soule is a thirste for god yea euen for the liuing god when shal I come to ap peare before the presence of god The bodye shal be turned againe vnto earth from whence it came and the spirit that is the soule shall returne vnto God whiche gaue it God made man to be vndestroyed that is to say immortall yea after the image of his own likenes made be him The soules of the righteous are in the hand of God and the pain of death shall not hurt them In the sight of the vnwisethey seme to dy and their end is taken for very destructiō but they are in rest The hope of the faithful is ful of immortalitie The righteous shall liue for euermore their reward also is w t the Lord and their remembrance with the highest Therfore shall they receiue a glorious kingdome a bewtiful crowne of the Lordes hand Read the third fourth and fift Chapiters of the boke of Wisedome We are the children of holy men and looke for the life whiche God shall geue vnto them that neuer turne their faythe from him Examples out of the olde Testament THe holy scriptur testifieth that Ehore and his complices went downe quicke vnto Hel and the earthe couered them so that they perished By this it is euident that the soules of the wicked are immortall and liue in the paines of hel fire If Saule had not beleued bothe the resurrection of the body and immortalitie of the soule he wold neuer haue gone about to haue had Samuel raised vp When Dauid saw that his childe was dead he wept no more but said I shall go vnto him he shal not come again vnto me Helias prayed for the rasing vp againe vnto life of his hostes Sonne sayinge O Lord my God I beseche thee let the soule of this Childe come into him againe And he reuiued When Tobias was laughed to scorne of his elders and kinssolkes which said vn to him here is thy hope for the which thou hast done almose and buried the dead He rebuked them and sayde say not so for we are the children of holy men and looke for the life which god shall geue vnto thē that neuer turne their faith from him Againe he prayed vnto god on this ma ner Now O Lorde deale with me according to thy wil and commaund my spirite to be receiued in peace For more expediēt were it for me to dye than to liue Sentences out of the new Testament FEare not them whiche kil the bodye but are not able to kil the soule But rather feare him whiche is able to destroy both soule and body in hel Ther is no man that hath forsakē house eyther father or mother either brethren or wyfe or children for the kingdom of Gods sake which shall not receiue muche more in thys worlde and in the worlde to come lyfe euerlasting Thys is the wyll of hym that sent me that euery one which seeth the sonne and beleueth on him haue euerlasting life and I wyll raise him vp at the last day My shepe heare my voyce and I knowe them and they followe me and I geue vn to them euerlasting lyfe and they shal neuer peryshe neyther shall anye man pluck them oute of my hand I am the resurrection and the lyfe He that beleueth on me yea though he were dead yet shal he liue and whosoeuer liueth and beleueth on me shal neuer dye Let not your hart be troubled Ye beleue in God beleue olso in me In my fathers house are many mansions If it were not so I would haue told you I go to prepare a place for you And if I goe to prepare a place for you I will come agayne and receiue you euen vnto my selfe that where I am
there may ye be also Father I wyl that they which thou hast geuen me be with me where I am that they maye see my glory whiche thou hast geuen me We knowe that if our earthy mans●…on of this dwelling were destroyed we haue a building of God an habitation n●…t made with handes but euerlasting in heauen Reade forth the Chapter When soeuer Christe our lyfe shall appeare then shall you also appeare with him in glory The lorde hymselfe shall come downe from heauen wyth a shoote and the voyce of the Archaungel and tromp of God And the dead in Christ shall arise first then we whiche shall lyue euen we which shall remayne shal be caught vppe with them also in the clouds to mete y e Lord in the ayre so shal we euer be with the lorde Therefore comfort your selues one another with these wordes The spirite or soule is before God a precious thinge and much set by Christ was killed as pertaning to the flesh but was quickened in the spirit In which spirite he also went and preached vnto the spirites that were in prison c. Here it is manifest that the spirites or soules of men are immortal and liue either in glory or in payne after they be losoned from the body Examples out of the new Testament WHen the Sad●…ces denied the resurrec tion of the body and the immortaliti of the soule Christe aunswered thē saying haue ye not reade what is wrytten I am the God of Abrahā the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob He is not the God of the dead but of the liuing By this testimony of the holy scripture Christ declareth that though Abraham Isaac Iacob and al other of the faithful be dead as concerning theyr bodyes yet their soules liue with God and are immortall The history of the pore mā Lazarus of the rich vnmercifull gloton proueth euidentlye that the soules dye not with the body nor yet slepe vntil the day of iudgement as the vngodly Anabaptists dream nether are they cast into purgatory as the papistes teach but that the soules of the faythfull goe immediatly after their departure from the body vnto eternal glory and the soules of the vnfaythfull vnto euerlasting damnation so that the soules of al men are immortall and liue for euer either in heauen or in hel in glory or in payne The parable of the vnrighteous steward setteth forthe also the immortality of the soule as these words of Christ do declare Make you frends sayth he of the wicked Mammon that when ye shal depart hence they may receiue you into euerlastig dwel ling places The soule came agayne to the widowes son to the rulers doughter to Lazarus to them that after Christes resurrection came out of their graues to Dor●…s to Eu tichus c. Which thing declareth ma●…festlye that the soule dyeth not with the bo dy but stil liued and remayned immortall The thiefe that hanged one the crosse with Christ sayde vnto him Lord remember me when thou shalte come into thy kingdome Christe aunswered verelye I saye vnto thee this daye shalt thou be with me in paradise The body of the thiefe dyed shortly after and was committed to the earth The soule of the thiefe was in paradise with Christ. The soule therfore liueth and remaineth immortall or els muste Christ be a liar But let God be true and all heretikes liars Sainct Stephen being at the pointe of death prayed saying lorde Iesu take my spirite Sainct Paule wisshed to be losoned out of his bodye and to bee with Christ. I saw vnder the aulter saith Sainct Iohn the souls of them that wer killed for the word of God and for the testimony whiche they had and they cried with a loude voyce saiing howe long tariest thou O lord bolye and true to iudg and to auenge our bloud on them that dwel on the earth and longe white garmentes were geuen vnto euery one of them And it was sayde vnto them that they should rest for a little season vntyll the number of their felowes and brethren and of them that should be killed as they were were fulfilled ¶ Of the glory of heauen and of euerlasting lyfe IF Sathan go forth to tempt thee that thou mightest lose the inheritance of the kingdome of god and say vnto thee that thou art a sinner an abhominable liuer and therfore thy faith is frustrate and thy hope vain in loking for the glory of heauen for God is a righteous Iudge and rewardeth euery man according to his deedes and merites let all these his crafty●… assaultes nothinge moue or abashe thee but call to thy remembraunce and beleeue stedfastlye that the heauenlye kingdome is not geuen thee for thy merites and desartes for so shouldest thou receiue nothing but eternal dampnation but for the promises which god the father hath made thee in Christes bloud if thou repent beleue Therfore cast away that rightousnes which the hypocrites chalenge by their good works and lay handes on that which commeth by faith of Iesus Christe so canst thou not be deceiued so can sathan win nothyng at thy hande so can it not but come to pas that thou shalt enioy the glory of heauen thorowe Christe Iesu. And that thou mayest doubt nothinge in this behalfe imprint these sentences and examples of the holy ●… scripture diligētly and earnestly in thy minde ☞ Examples out of the olde Testament THe Lord hath saued me because it was his pleasure Prayse the Lorde O my soul and all that is within me praise his holy name Praise the Lord O my soule and forget not all his benefites which forgeueth all thy sinnes and healeth all thine infirmities which saueth thy life from destructiō and crowneth the with mercy and louing kindnesse They that put their trust in me shall inherite the land and possesse my holy hil Thy damnation O Israel came of thy selfe but thy saluation commeth of me Examples out of the olde Testament That princelye Prophet Dauid being thorowly perswaded that the inheritance of the glory of heauen and the possession of euerlasting life is the free gift of god thorow Iesus Christe and is denied to none although neuer so sinful and wretched if they repent being nothing appalled with his former sinful liuig as though y ● shuld pluck him from the inheritaunce of the heuenly kingdome knew what blessed felicitie and ioyful quietnes the soules of the faithful do enioy after their departure frō the bodyes lamented he caried so longe in this vale of misery and no lesse feruently desired to come and appeare before the face of god than the thirstye harte desireth to come to the water brookes The godly auncient Tobye knowinge gods exceeding great liberalitie in the gift of euerlastinge quietnes after the humble submission of him self vnto the Lorde hys god wyshed rather to dy than to lyue and beseched god that hys spyryte might be receiued in
Apostlesayth do all thyngs vnto the glory of God Agayne let euery man looke not for his owne profite but for the profite of other Charitie seketh not her owne Of Supper ☞ When the tyme is come ▪ that thou shalte leaue of thy worke and prepare thy selfe vnto supper euē with the same reuerence that thou camest vnto the table at dinner come agayne nowe but before thou doest taste any meate pray on this maner A prayer before Supper THe eyes of all thynges looke vnto thee O Lorde and thou geuest thē meate in due tyme thou openest thy hand and fillest euery liuyng creature with the blessing vouchesafe O heauē ly father for Christes sake mercifully to loke vpon vs louingly to blesse vs liberally to geue vs grace so to taste of these thy creatures that our bodyes beyng satisfied with the moderate vse of them we may bee the more able to serue thee our Lord God and to profit our neighbour thorow Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen Of the behauiour at the table in Supper tyme. ☞ After thou hast thus prayed vnto GOD ▪ eate thy meate with a chearefull and thankefull mynde vsing the same modesty and honest behauiour that thou diddest vse at dinner And whē thou hast supped geue thankes vnto god for his benefites on this wise A thankesgeuing after Supper FOr these thy benefites wherewith thou hast refreshed our hungry bodyes we thanke thee most merciful fa ther desiring thee that thou wilt also feede our soules with y ● lyuely faith in the bloud of thy sonne Iesu Christ our Lord that we beleuyng stedfastly and working diligently thy holy wil may obtayne thy glorious kyngdome thorowe the same Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen VVhat to be done after Supper ☞ When thou hast on this wise geue thākes vnto God thou mayest do what thou wilt so it be godly and honest ▪ vntill thou goest to bed ▪ If thou canst rede rede thou thy selfe or els here some other rede parte of the holy scriptures that may be to the comfort of thy self and of so many as be with thee or passe the tyme by frendly and honest talke with some of thy lo●…yng and trusty familiares or els debate with thy selfe how thou mayest most conueniently bryng that to passe that thou hast to doo the next day folowyng Of goyng to bed ☞ And whē the time cōmeth that thou must go to bed thou beyng in thy chamber to cal remēbraūce how thou hast spent the day past If thou perceiuest that y u hast offēded God in any thyng at all confesse thy fault vnto him with a repentaunt and sorowfull heart ▪ and desire hym of hys great mercye for Christes sake to forgeue thee and promise that vnto the vttermost of thy power hys grace woorkyng with thee thou wilt amende that wherin thou hast offended and walke more diligently in the rules of thy profession Cry with the Publicane O God be mercifull to me a sinner Cry with that lost sonne Father I haue synned against heauen and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne Pray with Dauid for thy names sake O Lorde for geue me my sinne for it is excedyng much Thus with a faythfull hart beleuyng that thy sinnes are for geuen thee content thy selfe and quiet thy conscience If thou perceyuest that thou hast that day committed no notable crime ▪ then geue to God right harty thankes whiche by his holy spirite hath wrought the same in thee and desire him to encrease his giftes in thee that hys glory may be shewed in all thy actes dedes This done prepare thy selfe to bedward and when thou art ready to lye down lift vp thou hart thy eyes and thy handes vnto heauen pray to God on this maner A prayer to be sayd when we go to bed I Thāke thee O heauenly father by thy dearelye beloued Sonne Iesu Christ our Lord and Sauiour that of thy free mercy thou hast preserued me this day from all hurtes and daūgers Uouchesafe also I most humbly besech thee to kepe me this night and to saue me ftom all myne enemyes both bodely and ghostlye Gyue to my body quietnesse and fleepe but let my mind continually watche vnto thee thinke on thee and on thy holy law that whē the cherefull light of y ● day shal spryng and appeare I being whole both in bo dy and mynde may ioyfull ryse again be thanckefull vnto thee and diligent ly walke in my vocation vnto the glo ry of thy blessed name and the commo ditie of my neighbour thorowe Iesus Christ thy sonne Amen ☞ When thou hast thus prayed lye down in thy bed and say on this maner The Prayer O Lorde God and my heauenly Father I commende my bodye and soule into thy handes that in Christe whiche is our life and resurrectiō thou mayest defende me from euerlastyng death and giue me that blessed and ioy full lyfe of immortalitie and that he which is the true light may poure out the brightenesse of hys grace into my hart preserne me both bodye soule vnto that day of the glorious resurrection where the faythfull with ioyfull harts shall see thee face to face and for euer reygne with thee in glory Amen ☞ Remedyes agaynst all kyndes of temptations Against Idolatry ☞ If that olde enemy Satan goeth about to persuade thee that there be ●…o gods then one resiste him with these Scriptures ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament I am the Lord thy God Thou shal●… haue none other gods in my sight Understand and marke wel that the Lord he is God in heauen aboue and vpon the earth beneath neither is ther any other God besides him Here Israel the Lord our god is one Lord. Se howe that I yea that I am the Lord and that there is no god but I. Heare O my people I will charge thee O Israell that if thou wilt her●…en vnto me there shall no straunge god be in thee neither shalt thou worship any other god For I am the Lord thy God I am the lord there is none other I am the Lord there is els none It is I that created light and darknes I make peace and trouble yea euen I the Lord do all these thynges Am not I the Lord is there any god but I A god that is righteous such one as saueth ther is none besides me Turne vnto me all ye coastes of the worlde and ye shal be saued for I am God and there is els none Haue we not all one Father hath not one god made vs ☞ An example out of the old Testament Abrahā saw three worshipped one ☞ Sentences out of the newe Testament Thou shalte worshyp the Lord thy god and him onely shalt thou serue We haue but one god whiche is the Father of whom are all thinges and ●…e in him and one Lord Iesus Christ by whom are al thinges we in him
Take hede to your selues lest at any time youre hartes bee ouercome with the cares of this life If any that is called a brother that is to say a christen man be couetous or an ex torcioner with him eat not Neither theues neither couetous per sons nether extorcioners shal inherit the kingdome of God Let not couetousnes be once named among you For no couetous parsō which is a worshipper of Idols hath any inheritance in the kingdome of Christ and God Godlines is great riches if a man be content with suche as GOD sendes For we brought nothing into the worlde neither shall we cary any thing out Whan we haue fode and rayment let vs therw t be content they that wil be rich fall into temptation and snares and into many folishe and noysome lustes whiche drown men in temptation and destructiō For couetousnes is the roote of all euill which while some lusted after they erred from the faith and tangled them selues w t manye sorowes But thou whiche art the man of god flee such things Folow righteousnesse godlynesse loue patience and mekenes Let your conuersation be without couetousnesse and bee content with that ye haue alredy For God verely hath saide I wil not faile thee nor yet forsake thee Examples out of the new Testament ACertaine riche and couetous person made great prouisiō for many yeares that he might liue pleasantly and welthely but shortly after God tooke awaye hys life so that he died The riche and vnmerciful glotton that fared daintely euerye daye and was gorgeously apparaled died and was buryed in Hel. Iudas for lucre of mony sould and betrayed his maister christ to the bishops Scribes and Pharises Afterward he hanging vp him selfe brast a sunder in the mides and al his bowels gushed out Ananias and Saphira were punished with soden death because of a couetous mynde they kept away parte of the mony which they receyued for the possession that they had sould Againste rebellion and disobedience IF the deuill that old enemy of mankind and troubler of all good orders goe aboute to put in thy head that the maiestrates and hye powers do not their duty in the right gouernmente of a cōmon weale but to muche cruellye oppresse thyre subiectes and that therefore thou maist iustly ryse and rebell agaynst them and take vpon thee of thine owne priuate authority to redresse thinges that are amys in the commone w eale take heede that thou by no meanes consentest to his most suttle and wicked temptations wherby he goeth about to throw thee into euerlasting dampnation both of body and soule beside the shameful death that thou shalte haue in this worlde and the losse of all that euer thou hast but content thy selfe with thy vocation ▪ laboure diligently and quietly for thy ●…uing study to maintaine peace pray for the highe powers th●…k that crosse to be layde vpon the●… for thy distres amēd thy life humbly lamēt thy cause to God which will not leaue thee succour●…s and defend thy self againste Satan and al his craftye suggestions with these scriptures folowing ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament THou shalt be ouer my house and accor ding to thy word shall al my people be ruled Thou shalt do what soeuer they say vnto thee that ●…e rulers ouer the place which the Lorde hath chosen Al that thou hast commaunded vs sayd the people to Iosue we will do and whether so euer thou sendst vs we will go Who so euer he be sayth God that doth disobey thy mouthe and wil not hear ken vnto thy woordes in al that thou cōmaundeste him let him dye The Lord hath heard your murmurings sayth Moyses which ye murmur agaynst him For what are we he speaketh of him selfe and of Aaron your murmurings are not against vs but against the Lord. They haue not caste thee awaye but me sayde God to Samuell that I should not reigne ouer them Beholde to obey is better then sacrifyce and to harken is better then the fat of ram mes For rebellion is as the sin of witchcrafte and stubbernes is as the wickednes of idolatry By me kinges raigne by me Princes make iust lawes By me Lords bear rule and al Iudges of the earth exercise iudgement Where no ruler is there the people decay but where as many are that can geue counsel there is wealth The kynges displeasure is a messenger of death but a wise man wil pacify hym The chereful countenaunce of the kyng is life and hys louyng fauor is as the eue ning dew The king oughte to be feared as the roring of a Lion Who so prouoketh him vn to anger offendeth against his own soule My son feare thou the Lorde and the king and kepe no company withthem that slide backe from his feare For their destruction shall comsodenly And who knoweth the aduersyty that may come from thē both Wish the king no euel in thy thoughte and speake no hurte of the noble man in thy priuy chamber For a byrde of the ayre shall betraye thy voice and with her feathers shall shee bewray thee Whosoeuer wil not fulfill the lawe of God and the kinges law let him haue his iudgment without delay whether it be vn to death or to be rooted out or be condemned in goods or to be put into prison The kinge is ruler ouer sea and lande and hathe dominion of all thinges loke what he commaundeth is done The common people ▪ and the rulers are obedient vnto him ☞ Examples out of the olde Testament GOd did strike Miriam with moste greuous and horrible leprosy because she murmured against her lawful magistrate Moyses God plagued the Israelites for murmuringe against his seruaunt Moyses w t stinging serpents which stong them vnto death Corath Dathan and Abiron because they did not obeye Moyses Gods magisstrate but disdained that he should raigne ouer them althoughe appointed of God were swalowed vp of the earth both they their wiues their children and all their goodes They went down aliue vnto ●…el and the earthe closed vpon them and they perished from among the congregation Absolon king Daulds sonne made an insurrection against his Father and thorowe the councaile of wicked Achitophel wrought most vilany against his fathers honoure What folowed Was not Absolon miserably slaine Did not his vntrusty counselor hang him self were there not also xx M. men slaine in battaile that tooke Absalons part Seba the son of Bechey had his he●…d cut of because he conspired against kinge Dauid and disswaded the people from du●… obedience to their liege soueraigne Lord. Baasa the sonne of Abia conspired a gainst Nadab king of Israel slewe him raigned in his steade But in hat folowed●… though Baasa in the sight of the world dy ed no shameful death yet died he in the dis pleasure of God and afterwarde all hys succession with all
siluer an asse couered with purple with suche other despytefull names so little regarded euen amonge the Heathen was noble bloude worldly substaunce sumptuous apparell gorgious buildyng delicate fare and what soeuer besydes the foly she worlde wondereth at and moste highlye extolleth if learning and vertue were absent By this meanes came it to passe that Philip king of the Macedonians and his sonne Alexander Iulius Cesar Darius Antonius Philosophus the Emperour Hieron Attalus Magones I●… Dion Siracusanus Thebanus Epaminondas Pompeius Augustus Traianus Antonius Pius Claudins ▪ Tiberius Titus Uespasianus Domicianus Aelius Adrianus Galerius Maximus ▪ the sonues of Tiberius Gracchus with other innumerable became both learned and the vnfayned fauourers of learning yea and the diligent promoters of learned men Many of them which were right excellent Emperours and noble kinges thought themselues more noble and more worthy of renowne for their learning and vertue then for their imperiall dignitie and princelike authoritie When king Alphonsus heard a certayne man say that learning was not semely for a prince or for a noble mā he cryed out and sayd vox bouis non hominis Thys is the voyce of an oxe and not of a man When a certaine man demaunded of Isocrates whether he thought the kyng of the Persians happie and blessed or not he answered I know not howe much learning and vertue he hath meaning that the true felicitie happines and wealth consisteth not in the flitting and vncertain goods of fortune but in the constant immortall treasures of the minde The bringing vp of youth in learning and honest qualities was so much regarded among the Lacedemonians that they made a law who soeuer dyd not studie for the honest vertuous trayning vp of their children in good letters and other necessarie artes profitable for a common wealth the same should be depriued of all such priuiledges and liberties as were due to true and faithfull Citizens Our auncetors both amonge the people of God and among the heathen did consider that the health prosperitie safegard of the cōmon weale ●…th principally consiste in the godly and vertuous bringing vp of youth If they be learnedly fruitfully brought vp then shall they afterward proue 〈◊〉 ●…ble Magistrates some wyse and faythfull counsellours some godly spirituall ministers some learned scholemaisters some diligent labourers some cunning artificers some yea and ail obedient subiectes to the high powers and profitable members of the common weale Contrariwyse if they be brought vp in barbarous rudenes and w t out any ciuilitie or knowledge of good letters such other necessarie artes it must nedes come to passe y t they shal be rather pestilēces thē preseruers of y ● cōmon weale Therfore dyd our elders aboue all thinges shewe earnest diligence about y ● godly trayning vp of their youth in honest vertuous exercises euer setting before their eyes that learnyng to a noble man is a ioyful iewel to the baser sort a sure defence and a mightye bulwarke against the stoute stormes of froward fortune to a common weale a precious preseruatiue In like maner my Lords grace your father a prince of noble renoune in whō●…s in a true mirror liuelye shyneth y e beautifull bea mes of right nobility considering that the office of a worthye Parent appeareth in nothing so manyfestly as in the Godlye bringing vp of youthe in heauenlye mysteryes that is to say in the knowledge of good letters and in the studye of Godes moste blessed woorde hath with my Ladyes grace your mother a Ladye of a notable godlynesse and of singulere pity toward y ● poore mēbers of Christ euen from your cradels studyed to trayne bring vp both my Lordes your brothers and my Ladies your Sisters and you likewise his graces children in good literature and in the knowledge of Gods most holye lawes that ye maye learne from your infancye to feare the Lord your God and to walk in his godly ordinaunces and so be come truely noble not onely for birthes sake but also for learning and vertue and for the Godly qualities of the mynde In the whiche Godly exercises ye haue so profited euen in these your tender yeares that ye ●…aue not only answered but also ouercome the expectation of many If ye goe forth accordyng to your beginnings I doubt not but that ye shall get to my Lordes grace and to my Ladies grace your most honourable Parents much renoune and to your selfe noble fame and glorious immortalitye And albeit your good Ladiships brest is so furnished withal godly doctrine that ye nede not my simple and homely exhortations to moue you vnto godlynes and vertue whereunto of your owne disposition ye are moste willinly bente and enclined yet to declare some parte of my good wil toward your Ladishippe I thought it not good to let go the occasion offred vnto me Certayn wekes past considering the miserable face of this to much wretched and lamentable worlde and weighinge with my selfe that the next and most ready way to redresse our miseries is to flye vnto God wyth continual harty prayer I made a boke intituled The Floure of Godly prayers dedicated to my ladies grace your mother wherin ar contained pray yers not only for al degrees and states of men but also for all other thinges necessarye to be asked of God eyther for the bodye or for the soule which prayers I woulde with daylye as occasion shall serue to bee vsed of the faythfull Immedyatly after the setting forth of these prayers certayn of my frends came vnto me and earnestly requyred of me to peruse and correcte the Gouernaunce of Vertue which aboute viij yeares paste euen in the bloudye wysterous burning time when the reading of the holye Bible the worde of oure soules health was forbidden the poore lay people I gathered out of the holy scriptures and caused to bee printed for the edifiyng of the simple and vnlearned Christians Yet suppressinge my name which at that time was odious to those ou●…s that could not abide the glorious lighte of gods blessed word that the boke might haue the better successe and be the more free frō Antichristes thonderbolt●… I knowinge my self debter to all good men and to all their godly requestes perused the boke wherin I found so many fautes thorowe the negligence o the hongry printers that very pitie without anye request of frendes might haue bene thought sufficient to haue geuen me occasion to correct the boke which hitherto hath bene so greatly desired and gre dely red almoste of all men yea and that not w t out great profite as the often printing of the boke doth rightwell declare I haue diligentlye perused the boke corrected the faultes chaunged diuers things and added many necessari instructions with diuers godly prayers for the edifiyng of the readers This little boke recognised and augmented moste vertuous Lady I geue vnto your Ladyship as a testimony of my good will towarde you desiring you to take
this my poore gifte in good part And I shall moste humbly beseeche the Lorde our God to preserue my Lords grace and my Ladyes grace your honourable parentes in good health longe life and encrease of honoure and to geue my Lordes youre Brothers and my Ladies youre Sisters and you also grace to go forth in your godly enterprises and Christen studies that ye may tru ly know the Lord your God the saluation whiche ye haue by his sōne Iesus our alone Sauiour who euer preserue your good Ladyship in cōtinuall helth and prosperous felicitie Amen THE GOVERNANCE of Vertue ¶ How a man should behaue him selfe in the morning when he riseth When thou risest in the morning looke that thou with all humblenesse of mynde knelest downe and lifting vp thy harte thy handes and thine eyes into heauen vnto God the father almighty pray on this maner ¶ A prayer for the morning O Lord God my heauēly father I most humbly thanke thee y ● thou of thy fatherly goodnes hast vouchsafed to defend me this night from all euil I most entyrely beseche thee to preserue me also this day both from suffring and doyng any euill and to geue me grace so to walke in the lyght of thy holy woorde that I may bring forth y e frutes of y ● same vnto the glorye of thy blessed name and the profite of my neighbour Amen ¶ After thou hast prayed on this maner seing we be al sinners it shall be expedient if thou hast conuenient leasure to confesse thy selfe to God on this maner ¶ A confession of our sinnes vnto God the father MOst greuouslye haue I wretched sinner offēded thee my Lord God and heauenly father both in thought word and dede in so much that in my selfe I ūnde such vnworthines that if I did not behold thine exceding great mercies set forth in thy dearely beloued sonne our Lord and sauiour Iesu Christ I could not but dispayre and wholy geue my selfe into the hands of Satan that olde enemy of mankynd But when thorow thy grace and holy workyng I loke vpon thy mercies offered frely to all faythfull penitēt sinners in thy son Christ Iesus for whose sake thou art well pleased with man and of thy own good will forgeuest vs al our sinnes whē soeuer we flee vnto thee in his name I cease to dispayre beginne to conceiue an earneste faithe and an vndoubted hope of obtaynyng forgeuenesse of al my sins in Christes bloud for thy louing and fatherly promise sake I therfore poore and wretched sinner most humbly beseche thee for Christes sake to forgeue me al my sinnes where with from the day of my byrth vnto this present tyme I haue most greuously offended thy fatherly goodnesse and to geue me grace so to resiste the deuill the world the flesh ▪ and so to order my lyfe accordyng to thy blessed will that thou mayest delight in me as a father in his sonne de fend me frō all euill and worke in me all good thinges vnto the glory of thy holy name ☞ After the confession say the Lordes prayer called the Pater noster and so commendyng thy selfe vnto God faule in hand with some honest and vertuous exercise accordyng to thy callyng But whatsoeuer thou doest do it with purenesse of hart singlenes of eye ▪ yea so do it as though God wer present and looke vpon thee as vndoubtedly he doth Of Dinner ☞ Whē the time cōmeth that thou shouldest refresh thy wery and hongry body approch vnto the table with reuerence and when thou art set lyft vp thy hart thy hands and thy eyes vnto heauen and pray vnto God on this maner A prayer before dinner O Most gentill God and louyng father whiche mercifully ●…edest al ly uing creatures we beseche thee blesse vs and all these thy giftes whiche we at this present shall receyue of thy beū teous hande for the refreshyng of our hungry bodies and geue vs grace to doo all thynges vnto the glorye of thy name thorowe Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen Of the behauiour at the table in Diner tyme. ☞ Whē thou hast thus prayed vnto god eate thy meate soberly and christenly esche wyng all superfluitie surfeting and drouckenship Consider that thy meate and thy drinck are the giftes of God are reuerently thanke fully to bee receyued ▪ Remember that in the tyme of thy repast thy behauiour be honest comely in all thinges Let thy communica tion as the Apostle sayth ve well sauoured and powdred with ●…t that is to say seasoned with godly wisedome that thou mayest know how to answere euery man Let no fil thy talke procede out of thy mouth but that whiche is good to edifie when neede is that it may haue fauor with the hearers remem bring that thou shalte geue accountes at the day of iudgement for euery idle worde that thou speakest Eschewe all dissolute and vncomely laughyng least thou be therby counted wilde wa●…ton foolishe without good maners Let thy coūtenaūce he graue sober modest gentle and ●…ouyng towarde al that be at the table and so fashion thy selfe in gesture worde and deede as though God and his aungels we●… visibly present at the table And when Dinner is done geue thankes to God for his benefites on this maner A thankes geuyng after Dinner WE thanke thee O heauenly father for this our foode which being sāctif●…ed by thy worde thou hast vouchesafe at this present to geue vs wee beseche thee that thou wilt also fede our soules w t the liuely bread of the word which commeth out of thy mouth that we receauyng at thy merc●…full hande meate both for our bodyes and soules ▪ may lyue and growe in all godlynesse vnto the glory of thy blessed name tho row Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen VVhat is to be done after dynner ☞ After thou hast geuen thankes vnto God for thy repast ▪ returne vnto thy labour vertuously exercise thy self accordyng to thy voca tion and callyng Employ earnest diligence about thy businesse and alway in thy minde desire God to blesse to prosper and to bryng to passe all thy counsels deuises trauailes labours and enterprises Do not thy worke negligently and deceitfully but so laboure as thoughe God were present and beheld thee as vnfaynedly he doth Cursed be he sayth Hiere mye that doth the Lordes worke deceitfully Saint Paule also exhorteth that what soeuer we doo we should do it hartly as though we did in vnto the Lorde and not vnto men for as much sayth he ▪ as ye know that of the Lord ye shall receyue the rewarde of inheritaunce for ye serue the Lord Christ. Yea verely so many as labour or trauayle in any vertuous enterprise they serue God and of God shal they receiue their rewarde Therfore in thy calling labour earnestly and diligently what soeuer thou be sekyng not onely thyne owne lucre ●…uaunt age but much more the glory of God and the profite of thy neighbour as the
is the defē der 〈◊〉 our life of whome then shall we ●…e afrayed Christe is the strength of his people and the defender of the health of his annointed Christ is our refuge in all tribulatiōs that assaile vs. Christes eyes are vpon them that fear hym and vpon them that trust in hys mercy he may deliuer their souls from deathe ▪ norishe them in the time of hunger Christ is gentle blessed is that man that trusteth in him Christ beholdeth the righteous and heareth their prayer Christ is at hand for them that are troubled in hart he shall saue the hum ble and meke spirited Christe geueth saluation to the righte ous and he is the defēder in the tyme of trouble He helpeth thē and deliuereth them and maketh them free from finners and saueth them because they trust in hym Christ pardoneth all our iniquities and healeth all our dyseases he delyuereth our lyues from destruction and crowneth vs in iuercye and louynge kindnes Christ is righte mylde and mercyfull flow vnto wrath but ready to forgenenes He chydeth not euer neither is he angrye alwayes he dealeth not with vs after our sinnes nor rewardeth vs accordyng to our wickednesse The height of the heauens is not so present ouer the earth as is his merciable goodnes ouer them that worship him He setteth our sinnes as far from vs as is the East frō the West Neuer was there any father so tender vnto his chyldren as is the Lorde vnto them that worshippe hym For it is he that knoweth our making he remembreth that we are but of dust That the age of man mortall is lyke grasse that he florisheth lyke a flowre of the fielde Whiche as soone as anye sharp wind toucheth it it is gone being no more founde in hys place But the merciable goodnes of the Lord is for euer and euer preseruyng hys worshippers and the form of his rightwise m●… kyng is presente with theyr chylders chyldren so long as they kepe his couenaunt and hold his commaundementes inmynd to do them Christ is the Lorde with whome there is both infinite mercy plenteous redētion For he it is that redeemeth Israel from al their sinnes Christ is that Lord yea Christ is that Lord in deede which putteth awaye our iniquities for his owne sake and will remember them no more Neither haue we anye thyng wherby we may be iusti fied in his sight Christ alone is that sauiour in whom Israel is saued with an euerlasting health Christ can no more forget vs then a mother can forgette the chylde of her wombe And thoughe she forgetteth her childe yet cannot he forget vs For he hath written vp vs in his hands so that we are alway in his sight Christ hath taken vpon him our dyseases and borne awaye oure sorowes Christ was wounded for our iniquities and brused for our sinnes Christ was offerd for vs because it was his pleasure Christe alone hath troden downe the vynepresse neither was there any at al that helped him Examples out of the old Testament When God determined to slea all the first borne in the land of Egipt bothe of man and beaste hee commaunded his people euery man in hys house to slea a Lambe of a yere olde and without spot and with the bloud therof to annoynte the vpper doore post and the two syde postes that whan the Aungell whiche smote the land of Egipt should see the bloud he mighte passe ouer them not destroy them This pascal Lambe of the Iewes is a figure of the true Pascall lambe Iesus Christ the Lorde whiche is the pure and vndefiled lambe of God whiche offered him selfe a sweete smellynge sacryfice vnto God for vs which neuer committed synne and in hys mouth no gyle was founde For as the bloude of the Lambe sprynckled on the doore postes of the Israelites dydde dryue awaye the auenger and kepte harmles the fyrst begotten of the Israelites so lykewyse the bloude of Christ sprinckeled in the heartes of men by ●…aythe dryueth Sathan synne death desperation and hell from them puryfieth their consciences maketh their hear tes merye setteth them at one wyth God and bringeth ouerlastyng lyfe as Sainct Iohn saith Behold that lambe of god which taketh away the sinne of the world Hereto agreeth the saying of S. Paule christ our passeouer is offred vp for vs. Christ was figured by Manna which God gaue from heauen vnto the Israelites to eate in the desart For as that breade was very plesaunte and good of taste and had in it the sauour of all sweete and deintye meates so that they whiche dyd eate of that neded none other meate Euen so lykewyse is Christ the moste sweete and pleasaunte breade that came downe from heauen He that eateth of thys bread shal lyue for euer neyther nedeth he to folow ani other straung repast For in Christe the soule of a christen man through fayth findeth enough to fede vpon The rock out of the whiche plenty of swete waters gushed out for the cōfort of the thirstye Israelites in the wildernes signifyed Christe also as Sainte Paule dothe declare For as that rocke gaue out abdundance of swete and plea sant waters to the great comfort of the peple of Israel which otherwise should haue pearished so likewise is Christe y ● rock out of the which floweth plenty of heauenlye waters comfortable for the thirsty soule whiche otherwise can not be succoured but muste needes pearish And he that drinketh of those heauenly waters whiche come out of the rocke Christ shall not nede to seeke after the ●…inking dirtie puddles of other For in this Christe he shall finde plentye of waters to drinke yea and that vnto the vttermost for his soules helth as Christ him self sayeth Whosoeuer shall drink of the water that I shall geue him shall neuer more be a thirste but the water that I shall geue him shall be in him a wel of water springing vp into euerlasting life The brasen serpent in the olde lawe was a figure also of Christ. For as those whiche were striken of y ● fyry serpentes were made whole whē they loked vppon the brasen Serpent for their faithes sake which they had in the promise of god annexed vnto the ser pent so likewise they that are wounded with the firie darts of Sathan are made whole when so euer they beholde with the eyes of the inward man by fayth Iesus Christe whiche was crucified for our synne as Christ himselfe testifieth sayinge As Moises lyfted vp the Serpent in the wildernesse euen so must the Son of man be lyfted vp that none that beleueth in him peryshe but haue euer ●…astyng life Sentences out of the newe Testament Christ is so called a Sauiour for hee it is that saueth hys people from theire synnes Christe came not to call the iusticiaries but sinners to repentaunce Christ calleth al them that labour and
riche in mercy thorow his great loue wherewith he loued vs euen when we were dead in sin hath quic kened vs to gether in Christ for by grace are ye saued and hath raysed vs vp together and made vs sit together in heauenly thinges thorow Christ Iesus By grace are ye made safe thorow faith and that not of your selues For it is the gift of God and commeth not of works least any man should boast himself We were straungers and farre of but nowe we are made nigh by thy bloude of Christe Christ is our peace By Christ Iesu our Lord are we bound to draw nighe in the trust which we haue by fayth on him Christ is ascended vp on high and hath led captiuity captiue and hath geuē gifts vnto men In Christ haue we redemption thorow his bloude that is to saye forgeuenes of sinnes By Christ thorowe the bloude of hyscrosse are all things reconciled to God the father and set at peace both in heauen and in earth This is a true saying and by all means worthy to be receiued that Christe Iesus came into this world to saue sinners There is one God and one Mediatour betwene God and man which is the man Christ Iesus which gaue himselfe a raunsome for all men God hath not saued vs for the dedes of rightousnes which we haue wrought but of his mercy hath he saued vs. We are not redemed with corruptible siluer and gold from our vayne conuer sation which we receiued by the tradicions of the fathers but by the precious bloud of Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spotte Christe is the shephearde and bishop of our soules The bloud of Iesus Christ Gods sōne maketh vs cleane from all sinne If any mā sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ that ryghteous one and he is a mercye stocke for our sinnes not for our sinnes onely but also for the sinnes of all the world Our sinnes are forgeuen vs in y e name of Christ. For thys purpose appeared the sonne of God to loose the workes of the deuill In thys appeareth the loue of God towardes vs because that God sent his onely begotten Sonne into the worlde that we myght liue thorowe him Herein is loue not that we loue God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to be a sacrifice for our sinnes Christ in hys owne person hath purged our sinnes Christ thorow death put down him that had rule ouer death that is to say the deuill and hath made vs free from the daunger of bondage In that Christ himself suffred and was tempted he is able to succor them that are tempted We haue not an high priest which can not haue compassion on oure infyrmities but was in all poyntes tempted lyke as we are but yet without sinne Let vs therefore goe boldelye vnto the seate of grace that we may receaue mercye and fynde grace to helpe in tyme of neede Christ hath an euerlasting priesthoode Wherefore he is able also euer to saue them that come vnto God by hym forasmuch as he euer liueth to make intercession for vs. Christ being Byshop of good thinges to come came by a greater and a more perfecte tabernacle not made wyth handes that is to saye not of thys manner buildyng neyther by the bloude of Goates and Calues but by hys owne bloude he entred in once for all into the holy place and founde eternall redemption For if the bloud of Oxen and Goates and the ashes of an Heyfer when it was sprinckled purifyed the vncleane as touchyng the purifyeng of the fleshe howe muche more shall the bloude of Christ which thorowe the eternall spirite offered himselfe without spotte to God purge your consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing god And for this cause is he the mediator toure of the newe Testamente that thorow death which chaunced for the redētion of these transgressions that were in the first Testament they which were called might receiue the promise of eternall inheritaunce Christ now in the end of the world hath appeared once for al to put sinne to flight by the offering vp of him selfe We are sanctified by the offeringe of the body of Iesu Christ once for all With one offring hath Christ made perfect for euer them that are sanctifyed Christe loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in hys owne bloud and made vs kings and priests vnto god his father Christe liueth for euermore and hath the keyes of hell and death Christ is Lord of Lordes and king of kings and they that are on his side are cal led and chosen and faithful ☞ Examples out of the new Testament Christ is that welbeloued Sonne of god for whose sake the heauenly father is well pleased with man Christ is that kyng which forgaue the seruaunt the ten thousande talentes that be oughte Christ is that moste louyng Samaritane which healed the wounded man that was halfe dead Christ is that tender shepeheard which fetched home vnto the shepefolde euen vpon hys shoulders the lost shepe Christ is that most gentle father which wyth so great ioy and with embracinge armes receiued home againe the lost son Against suche as go about to disswade the christen people from the studying readyng or hearing of gods worde IF Sathan or any of his impes goe about to disswade thee and to plucke thy minde from studying readyng or hearyng gods woorde that thou mayest walke in darkenes and neuer come to the knowledge of the truth least by this meanes thou shouldest be saued leane not vnto hym but enarm thy selfe against his wicked tēptations with these scriptures followyng ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament THou shalte tell thy sonne at the same dai say because of that which the lord dyd for me whē I departed out of Egipt Therfore shall it bee a signe vnto thee in thyne hand and a token of remembrance before thine eyes that the law of the lord may be in thy mouth how that the Lord broughte thee out of Egipt with a mightye hande Speake to the children of Israell and say vnto them that they make thē gardes vpon the quarters of their garmentes amongst all your posterities and put yellow r●…handes vpon the gardes in y e quarters And the gardes shall serue you that ye may looke vppon them and remember all the commaundements of the lord and do them y ● ye order not your selues after the meanyng yf your owne harte nor go a whoryng after your owne eyes Therefore shall ye remēber do all my cōmaun dements and be holy vnto your God Take heede to thy selfe now and kepe well thy soule that thou forgette not the thynges which thine eyes haue seene and that they depart not out of thy harte all the dayes of thy lyfe And thou shalte teach them thy children and thy childers children Heare O Israell the
and be not able to kill the soule But rather feare him which is able to destroye both soule and body in hell Are not two sparowes solde for a farthing And none of them fall on the ground without the will of your father Yea all the hayres of your head are numbred Feare not therfore ye are of more value than manye sparowes Ye be come out as vnto a theefe with swordes and staues When I was daylye with you in the temple ye layd no hand vppon me but this is your houre and the power of darkenesse Thou couldest haue no power at all against mee sayd Christ vnto Pilate except it were geuen thee from aboue All thinges are of him by hym and in hym If we liue we liue to be at the Lordes will And if we die we die at the Lordes will Whether we liue therfore or die we are in the Lordes hand Beholde I am aliue sayth Christ for euermore and haue the keyes of death ●…nd hell ☞ Examples out of the new Testament THe ship wherin Christ and his Disciples were was greuouslye tossed with the waues of the sea through y ● winde and the tempest that arose in so muche that it was at the point of drowning Notwithstanding neither water winde nor tempest did once hurte it The deuills had no power to enter into swine till Christ gaue them leaue If thou cast vs forth sayd they suffer vs to enter into the herd of swine Christ aunswered goe ye and they went The Iewes did seke to kill Christ but hys tyme was not then come No man dyd set hys handes on hym because hys houre was not yet come They went aboute to take Christ but he escaped from the midst of their hands There came certain of y e Pharisees and said vnto Christ get thee out of the waye depart bence For Herode will kill thee And he said vnto thē go tell that Fore behold I cast out deuills and heale y ● people to day and to morow and the iii. day I make an end Neuertheles I must walke to day and to morow and the day following for it can not be that a prophet perish any other where then at Ierusalem Herode threwe Peter in prison bound him faste with chaines and set certaine souldiours for the more assurance to kepe him purposing after Easter to bring him forth vnto the people and so to haue slaine him But God being mightier then all the tirannie and power of the world sent his Aungell and deliuered Peter out of prison Paule being at Milete gathered a bundel of stickes and put them in the fire and sodenlye there came a venemous adder otherwise called a Uiper out of the heate and lepte on his hande The men The men that were present and sawe this thinge waited when he shoulde haue swollen or fallen down dead sodynly But Paule shoke of the vermine into the fier and felt no harme Against hunger pouertie or carefulnes of liuing IF at anye time thou be tempted with the carefulnes of liuing comfort thy self with these holy scriptures Sentences out of the olde Testament THey that feare the Lord shall haue no scarcenesse They which seke the Lord shall want no good thing Beholde the eyes of the Lord are vpon them that feare him and vpon them that trust in his mercy y ● he maye deliuer their liues from deathe and norishe them in the time of honger I haue bene young and am waxē old and I haue not seene the righteous forsaken nor his children begging their bread on the earth Lay thy care on the Lord and he shal norishe thee All creatures depende vpon thee O Lord that thou shouldest geue them meat in due time For thou geuing it them they take it and thou opening thy hande they are well satisfied But thou hidinge thy face they are sorowful thou taking away their breath they are but dead and turned into y ● earth that they came of The eyes of all things loke vpon thee O Lorde and thou geuest them meate in due time Thou openest thy hande and replenishest all thinges liuing with thy bles singe The Lord geueth meat to the hungry The blessing of the Lord maketh men riche and there shall no greife accompany them The Lord wil not let the soule of the righteous suffer hunger but hee putteth the vngodly from his desire He that tilleth his land shall haue plē teousnes of bread but he that foloweth idlenes is a very foole Good and euil life and death pouerty and riches are of God Trust in god abide in thy place For it is an easy thing in the sight of God quickly to enrich a pore mā Feare not my sonne we leade a pore life notwithstanding we shall haue plenty of all good things if we feare the Lord depart from all sinne and do wel Examples out of the olde Testament GOd fed the people of Israel with meat from heauen and gaue them drinke out of the rock God sent meate by the Rauens to Helias The Aungell of god tooke Abacuk by the top and bare him by the heare of the head and thorow a mighty winde set him vpon the den wher Daniel was prisoner and gaue him that meat whiche the Prophet had prepared for his reapers Sentences out of the new Testament MAn shall not liue with breade alone but with euery word that cō meth out of the mouth of god Take no thought sayinge what shall we eat or what shal we drīk or wherwith shall we be clothed after these things seke y ● heathen For your heauenly father know eth y ● ye haue nede of all these things But seke ye first the kingdom of god the righ teousnesse thereof and all these thinges shal be caste vnto you God geueth vs abundantly all things to enioy them I wil not fail thee nor yet forsake thee Examples out of the new Testament CHriste at the mariage turned water in to wine Christe with fiue barlye loues and two fisshes fed fiue thousande people and yet remained xii baskets ful of fragmentes Against keping of euil companye When the Deuil the Fleshe or the worlde moue thee to resorte vnto any euill company defende the selfe from it with remembring these scriptures Sentences out of the olde Testament HE shall dwel in the Lords tabernacle and rest vpon his ●…oly hil whiche setteth not by the vngodly but maketh much of them that feare the Lord. With the holy shalt thou be holye and with the innocent thou shalt be innocent With the cleane thou shalt be cleane and with the frowarde thou shalt be froward A froward hart shall depart from me I wil not know a wicked person Who so hath a proud loke and an high sto make I may not awaye with him Mine eyes shall looke for suche as be
yet if I haue no loue it profiteth me nothing at all Brethren if any mā be fallen by chance into any fault ye which are spiritual helpe to amende him in the spirite of mekenes consideringe thy selfe least thou also be attempted Beare ye one an others burden and so fulfill ye the law of Christ. Let not the sunne go downe vpon your wrath Be gentle one to another mercifull forgeuing one another euen as GOD for Christes sake hath forgeuen you Let euery man be slow vnto anger For the wrath of man worketh not that which is righteous before God Aboue all thinges haue feruent loue among you For loue shall couer the multitude of sinnes If anye man saye I loue God and hateth his brother he is a lyer For he that lo ueth not his brother whom he hath seene god whome he hathe not seene how can he loue And this commaundement haue we of him that he that loueth god shoulde al so loue his neighbour He that loueth not his brother a●…ideth in death Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a murtherer And ye know that no murthe rer hathe euerlasting life abidinge in him ▪ My babes let vs not loue in worde nor in tongue but in worke and truthe Examples out of the new●… Testament Christ so dearly loued vs yea and that when we●… were yet his enemies that hee gaue him self euen vnto the death for our sake Yea he hanginge on the cros prayed for his very●… enemies vnto his heauenly●… Father Blessed Stephen in the middest of his tormentes prayed for his enemies S. Paule wished him self to be cursed from Christ●… so that his kinsmen might●… be saued Against the bitter stormes of persecution of Gods worde IF at a●…y time thorow the frailti of nature thou be troubled in thy minde when the cros ●…f persecution is laid vpon thee for the word of God looke that thou shrinke not backe from the truthe nor discourage thy selfe but think thy selfe blessed of G●…d call these scriptures that follow vnto rei membrance for thy comfort Sentences out of the old Testament THe Lorde killeth and geeueth life again●… hee bringeth euen to Hell and back agayne The righteous cry and the Lord heareth them and deliuereth them out of all their troubles The Lord is nigh vnto them that ar of a troubled heart and wil saue such as be of an humble spirite Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth him out of thē all He kepeth all his bones so that not one of them is broken But misfortune shall flea the vngodly and they that hate the righteous shal be desolate The Lorde deliuereth the soules of his seruauntes and all they that put theyr trust in him shall not be comfortles For thy sake O Lord are we killed all the day long and are counted as shepe ap pointed to be slaine Up Lord why sleepest thou awake and be not absent from vs for euer Wherfore hidest thou thy face and for gettest our misery and trouble For oure soule is brought low euen vnto the duste our belly cleaueth vnto the ground Arise and helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy mercies sake Thou O god hast proued vs thou also hast tryed vs like as siluer is tryed Thou broughtest vs into the snare and laydest trouble vpon our loynes Thou suffredest men to ride ouer our heades we went thorow fire and water and thou broughtest vs out into a comfortable place I beleued and therefore haue I spoken but I was sore troubled Righte deare in the sighte of the Lorde is the death of his saintes The way of the righteous is iudged to be vtter destruction but they are in rest Althoughe they suffer paine before men yet is their hope ful of immortality They are punished but in few things neuertheles in many thinges shall they be well rewarded For God proueth them and findeth thē mete for hym selfe yea as the golde in the furnace dooth ●…e try them and receyueth them as a burnt offring and when y e time commeth they shal be loked vpon My sonne if thou wilt come into the seruice of god stand fast in righteousnes and feare and arme thy soule to temptation Setle thine heart be patient ●…ow down thine eare receiue the wordes of vnderstāding and shrink not away when thou art entised Holde thee faste vpon god ioyne thy selfe vnto him and suffer that thy life may encrease at the last Whatsoeuer happeneth vnto thee receyue it suffer in heauines and be paciēt in thy trouble For like as gold and siluer are tried in fire euen so are acceptable mē in the fornace of aduersity Beleue in God and he shal helpe thee For righteousnesse take payne with all thy soule and for the truth striue thou vnto death and God shall fyghte for thee against thy enemies Examples out of the olde Testament Abell was cruelly slaine of his brother Cayne whome he neuer offended Ioseph was cast into prison because he woulde not leane to the fy●…thy requeste of his lordes wyfe Moses Aaron and the Israelites were greuously entreated persecuted of King Pharao Saule with great diligence soughte to destroy Dauid Quene Iezabel pursued the Prophete Helias Zachary the sonne of Barachias was stoned to death for telling the king truth Achymeleche with certayne other holy men of god was slaine at king Saules commaundement because he shewed kind nes to Dauid the harty beloued seruant of God Sydrac Misac and Abdenago were cast into a firye fornace because they wouldnot worship the golden Image that king Nabuchodonosor had made but only the God of Israell Daniel was cast into the den of Lions because that contrary to king Darius commaundement he had prayed vnto his Lord God the God of Israel At an other time also he was caste into the den of Lions because he sayde that Bell and the Dragon were no Gods The vertuous and chast woman Susan was at the point to be stoned vnto death because she woulde not breake the commaundement of god and consent to the vn lawfull and filthy requests of the two Elders Eleazarus was miserably put to death because at the kinges commaundemente he woulde not eate swines flesh contrary to the lawe of god A certaine woman also with her vii sonnes were with moste extreme cruelty put to death because they would not obey the wicked precepte of the moste wicked kyng The prophets were vnmercifullye slain because they rebuked synne and taught●… the wyll of God The most excellent Prophet Esay for his libertye of speach in re●…uking the sins of the princes and of the people and prophe●…iyng of Gods vengeaunce to fall vpō the countrye and people was cut in two partes asunder with a saw and buried vn der an Oke Ieremy after much enprisonment was stoned onto death of his people at Taphu as in Egipc●… because he warned them of
their wicked liuing and exhorted them vn to repentaunce Amos at the commaundement of kinge Amassas for his preching was cruelly bea●…en and greuously formented At the laste Ochozias sonne of Amasias caused him to be thurste into the temples with a great nayle and being half deade he was caryed into his own countrye where he sone after died Micheas was buffeted emprisoned and fed with bread and water Examples out of the olde Testament BLessed are they that suffer persecution for righteousnes for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Blessed are ye when men reuile you perse●…ute you and 〈◊〉 speak all eu●…l sayings against you for my sake Reioyce and be mery for great is your rewarde in heauen For so persecuted they the Prophets before you The scoler is not aboue the maister nor the seruant aboue his Lorde If they haue called the Father of the housholde Belzebub how much more shall they so cal them that are of his houshold Be not afrayed of them that ●…il the body but rather feare him whiche is able to destroy both body and soule in hel fire Euery one that shall confesse me before men I shall confesse him also before my fa ther whiche is in heauen But whosoeuer shal deny me before men I shall also deny him befyre my Father that is in heauen Ye shal be hated of all men for my sake Whosoeuer wil follow me let him forsake him self and take vp hys crosse and folow me For whosoeuer wil saue hislife shall lose it But whosoeuer shall lose his life for my sake and the gospelles the same shall saue it For what shall it profite a man if he winne all the world and lose his owne soule or what shall a man geue to redē his soul w tal agaī whosoeuer fore shal be ashamed of me and my wordes in this whorish and sinful generation of him also shall the son of man be ashamed when he commeth in the glory of his Father with the holy angels The seruaunt is not greater thē his Lord. If they haue persecuted me they will also persecute you If the world hate you know ye that it hated me before you If ye were of the world the world wold loue that is his But forasmuch as ye are not of the world but I haue chosē you out of the world therfore doth the world hate you The tyme shall come that who so euer killeth you wyll thinke that he doth God seruice Ye shal lamēt and wepe but the world shal reioyce In the world ye shal haue trouble but be on a good comfort I haue ouercom the world If we suffer with Christ we shall also be glorifyed together with him I suppose that the afflictions of thys life are not worthy of the glorye whiche shal be shewed vpon vs. Blessed be God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ which is the father of 〈◊〉 and the God of al comfort which comforteth vs in all our tribulations As the afflictions of Christ are plenteous in vs euen so is our consolation pleuteous by Christ. We are not weried but though our out ward man perishe yet the in ward man is renued day by day For our trouble which is shorte and lighte prepareth an exceding and an eternall waight of glorye vnto vs while we loke not on the things which are sene but on the things which are not sene For thinges whiche are seene are temporal but things which ar not sene are euerlasting We know that if our earthly mansion of this dwelling were destroyed we haue a building of God an habitatiō not made with handes but euerlasting in heauen Unto you it is geuen not only to beleeue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake Suffer affliction as a good souldiour of Christ. If we dy wyth Christ we shal liue with him If we suffer w e him we also shalreig●… with him if we deny him he will also dny vs. All that wil liue godly in Christe Iesu shall suffer persecutions This is thanke woorthy●… if a man for conscience toward god endure grefe and suffer wrong vndescrued If when ye do wel ye suffer wrong and take it patientlye then is there thankes with God For here vnto verely were ye called Blessed are ye if any trouble happen vn to you for righteousnes sake Dearly beloued maruel not that ye are proued by fire which thing is to trye you as though some straung thing hapned vnto you but reioyce in as muche as ye are partakers of Christes passion that when his glorye appereth ye may be merye and glad If ye be railed vpon for the name of Christ happy are ye For the glory and the spirite of God resteth vpon you On theyr parte he was euill spoken of but on your parte he is glorified If any man suffer as a christian man let him not be ashamed but let him glorify god in this behalfe Let them that be trooubled according to he wil of god commit their saules to him with wel doyng as vnto a faithfull creatour Iesus to sāctify the people with his own bloud suffered without the gate Let vs go forth therfore out of the tentes and suf fer rebuk wyth him For here haue we no continuyng city but we seke on to come By many trybulations must we enter into the kingdome of heauen The holy ghost witnesseth in euery city saying that bandes and trouble abide me But none of these things moue me neyther is my lyfe dear vnto my selfe that I mighte fulfill my course with ioy and the ministration of the word whith I haue receiued of the Lord Iesu to testify the Gospell of the grace of God I am ready not to be bounde only but also to dy for the name of the Lord Iesu. Blessed are the deade that dye in the Lorde euen so sayth the spirite that from henceforth they reaste from their labours But theyr worke folow them Examples out of the new Testamen IOhn Baptist for truth telling to kinge Herod was cast into prisō beheaded Iesus Christ our Lord and sauiour after many blasphemies rebukes slaunders and bitter tormentes suffered the moste spitefull deathe of the crosse and so entred into glory The holy marter S. Stephen was stoned vnto death Iames y ● brother of Iohn was beheded What kindnes Peter and Paule wyth the apostles found at the handes of them whose saluatiō they most diligētly sought the histories make mencion Neither I heare speak of those blessed Marters which sence their dayes haue dyed for the confession of gods truthe so that the gospell is not without a cause called of blessed Paul the word of the crosse For all that wil liue godly in Christ Ie su saith he shall suffer persecution I saw saith Sainct Iohn vnder the altar the soules of them that were killed for the woord of god and for the testimony●… whiche they
end Sentences out of the olde Testament CAine the figure of all wicked and blou dy Tirantes slew his brother Abel while he liued he was a runnagate and a vagabound hauing an vnquiet conscience and now being dead he is a dampned soul in Hel. The Tirauntes and mighty Giaunts with all the world besides 8. persons were drowned after they had liued long in plea sure and in all the filthy desires of the wic ked flesh without repentaunce The filthy Sodomites liued in all kind of voluptuous abhominacion the conclusion was that they were consumed with fire and brimstone from heauen Pharao handled the people of God very cruelly entending vtterly to destroy thē all but the ende was that bothe he and all his army were drowned in the sea and the people of Israel harmeles preserued Sisar and Abimelech beinge greuous enemies of gods people were slayne of wo men Holophernes for all his proud lokes en tending to destroy the Israelits was slain him self of a woman Saule persecuted Dauid the seruant of God entending to slea him but Dauid escaped Saule was slaine with the sword Achitophel remembringe what wicked councel he had genen Absalon against his Father Dauid perceiuing that it wold not come to passe so mighty is God to destroye the wicked councels of the vngodly he went home and hanged him self ●…bsolon pursuing and sekinge his Fathers death in the midst of his furye was hanged by the heare of his head on a tree and so dyed Ioab was slaine because he killed two good men euen Abner and Amasa The house of Hieroboam because hee made Israell to sin was destroyed by the sword of Baasa king of Israel Quene Iesabel that great enemy to the seruantes and Prophets of the Lorde was throwne downe hedlonge out of an highe windewe and troden downe with horses feet and at the last deuoured and eaten vp of dogs Iehu slew the house of Achab for the Prophets that were slaine King Ioas was slaine of his owne seruauntes because he slewe Zachary the sō of the hyghe Priest Ioiada wythoute a cause The wicked king Sedechias whiche so cruelly handled the Prophet Ieremy had both his eyes put out and being fettered with chaines of Iron he was caryed priso ner into Babilon where hee miserablye died Amon that most proud accuser and inuentour of mischiefes against the Iewes preparing a paire of galows for good Mar docheous that faithful Israelite was han ged vpon them him self They that accused Daniell to y ● kinge and sought his death were caste into the dongeon and deuoured of the Lions The vngracious and wicked Iudges which sought the deathe of that godly woman Susan were slayne them selues Andronicus which s●…ew that good man Onias was slayne him selfe Sentences out of the new Testament WO be to you that are rich that haue therin your consolation Wo bee to you that are full for ye shall honger Wo be to you that now laugh for ye shal wail and wepe Wo bee to you when all men shall prayse you for so dyd their fathers to the false Prophetes Many walk of whome I haue told you often and now I tel you wepyng that they are the enemies of the crosse of Christ who se ende is damnation whose God is their belly and whose glory is their shame whiche are worldly mynded Go to now ye rich men wepe and houle one your wretchednesse that shall come vp on you Your riches is corrupte your garmentes are motheaten your golde and siluer is cankered and the ruste of the●… shal be a witnesse vnto you and shall eate your flesh as it were fyre c. I heard a voyce from heauen sayinge●… O my people come awaye from Babilon that greate whore and mighty strompet the mother of the abhominacions of the whole earth Come away I say from her that ye be not pertakers of her sinnes that ye receaue not of her plages for her sinnes are gone vp to heauen and god hath remēbred her wickednes ▪ Reward her as she re warded you and geue her double accor●…dinge to her woorke And pooer in double to her in the same cuppe whiche she filled vnto you And asmuch as she glorifyed her selfe and liued wantonly so muche poure ye in for her of punishmente and sorowe For she sayd in her selfe I sitte beinge a Queene and am no widow and shal see no sorow Therfore shal her plagues come at one day death and sorow and hunger and shal be brent wyth fyre For stronge is the Lord god which iudgeth her Examples out of the new Testament The riche and proud glutton which was gorgeously apparelled and fared daintely euery day and yet woulde haue no pity on the poore Lazare dyed and was caryed in to hell Iudas that betrayed Christ hanged him selfe Herode which greatly vexed the congregation of Christ and slew Iames the brother of Iohn euen in the middes of his pomp and glory was smitten down of the Lords angel and was eatē with wormes and so miserably perished Elimas the sorcerer and false Prophete resisted Paules preaching but he therfore was stretght wayes striken blynd thorow the mightye power of God Against the most horible and damnable sinne the synne against the holy ghost IF the Deuill which seketh nothing but thy des●…ruction labour so to harden thy harte that thou contrary to thy knowledge euen of a pretensed wilful malice shouldst impugn the truth of Christs gospel and persecute the same in his menbers and so sinne against the holye ghost and blaspheme the Lorde thy God vnto the damnation both of thy bodye and soule loke that aboue al thinges in this be halfe thou leauest not vnto his wicked temtations if thou ●…enderest thyne owne saluation but rather withal thy power resist him by calling these holye scriptures vnto thy remembraunce Examples out of the olde Testament I will put him oute of the booke that sinneth against me A man that speaketh euill of his God shall beare his sinne and he that blasphemeth the name of the Lorde●… let him dy●… the death All the people shall stone him whether he be a citezen or a straūger what soeuer he be that blasphemeth the name of the lord let him dye the death If one man sinneth against another God maye be mercifull vnto him but if a ny manne sinne againste God who shall pray for him The soule that dothe oughte presumt●… ously whether he be an Israelite or a straū ger the same blasphemeth the lord And that soule shal be rooted out from amonge his people because he hath despised the worde of the Lorde and hath broken his cōmaundemente That soule therfore shal perish and hys sinne shal be vpon him They reioyce in doyng euil and delight in wicked thinges They make boast of theyr sinnes them selues as the Sodomites did and hide thēnot Wo
in Paradise Against sinne death and hell IF Sathan in the time of sicknes or els whā goe about to fray thee to quenche thy spirit either with the greatnes of thy sinnes or els with the error and fearcenes of death and hell be not dismayd but with a lustye courage resiste his temptations with these most swete and comfortable scriptures Sentences out of the olde Testament I am he indede sayth god he which puteth away thy sinnes yea that for myne own sake will remēber them no more As for thine offēces I haue driuen thē away like the cloudes and thy sinnes as the miste Turne thee againe vnto me for I haue redemed thee Where is ther such a god as thou art●… that pardonest wickednes and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thine heritage He keepeth not his wrathe for euer And why for his delighte is to haue compassion He shall turne againe and be mercifull to vs hee shall putte downe our wickednes and caste al our sinnes into the bottome of the sea Out of the power of death sayth the lord wil I deliuer them yea from the death it self wil I redeme them O death I will be thy death O hel I wil swallow thee vp Examples out of the olde Testament That holy king and prophet Dauid being fully perswaded that by Christ which was to come Sathans head was broken a sunder sinne was vanquished death was ouercome hell was swalowed vp that they could nothinge hurt that faythful man lamented sorowed that he continued so long in this vale of misery and moste hartelye wished to be deliuered out of thys prison and to goe vnto the Lord his God That godly and aunciente father Toby knowing that neither sinne death nor hell can do any thing against gods chosē people which in Christe haue gotten the victory ouer them al so that they nede not to feare death nor anye thing to come after this life praied to god on this maner Nowe O lord drale with me according to thy wyl and commaūd my spirite to be receiued in peace for more expedient were it for me to dye than to liue Sentences out of the new Testament CHriste shall saue hys people from their sinnes Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world There is no damnation to thē that are graft in Christ Iesu. Christe came into the worlde to saue sinners The bloud of Iesu Christe maketh vs cleane from all synne Thorow the name of Christ al Prophets beare witnes that so many as beleue in him shal receiue remissiō of their sinnes Death is swalowed vp into victory Wher is thy sting O death Wher is thy victory O hell The sting of deathe is sinne and the power of sin is the lawe But thankes bee to God which hath geuen vs the victory thorow our Lord Iesus Christ. By death hath Christ put him to flight that had lordshippe ouer deathe that is to saye the Deuill that he myght delyuer them which thorow the fear of death were all theyr lyfe tyme in daunger of bondage Examples out of the new Testament SO sone as the auncient father Simeon had seene and receiued Christe into his armes he fering neither sin death nor hel shewed himselfe redy to depart out of this world and spake with a ioyful voice O Lord now lettest thou thy seruaunte depart in peace c. Blessed Paule knowing that thorowe Christ the power of synne death and hel is so altogether weekened that they can do the faithful no harme wished to be losoned out of this world and to be with Christ. ¶ Against them that deny the resurrection of the body IF that olde enemy Sathan labour to perswade thee that there is no resurrection of the dead but as the bodye returneth to death so shall it for euer continue in the earth neuer receiue lyfe again nor line either in glory or in peace after this present life that therfore thou maiest liue as thou iust defende thy selfe against his cruel assaults 〈◊〉 these sentēces exāples of the holy scripture Sentences out of the olde Testament The Lorde killeth and maketh alyue againe bringeth downe to the graue and stretchet●… vp againe I am sure that my redemer liueth and that I shall rise out of the earth in the latter day and that I shall be clothed againe with this skinne and see god in my flesh yea I my self shall beholde him not wyth other but with these same eyes These that be deade will I raise vp againe from their places and bringe them out of the graues Thy dead shall liue euen with my body shall they rise againe Awake and singe ye that dwel in the dust For thy dew is euen as the dew of hearbes and the earthe shall cast out of her them that be vnder her the earth shall disclose her own bloud and shal no more hide ●…em that are slaine in her Your bones shall florish like an herbe Beholde saith god I wil put breath in to you that ye may liue I wil geue you sinowes and make fleshe growe vpon you and couer you ouer with skin and so geue you breath that ye may liue knowe that I am the Lord. Thus saith the Lord god behold I wil open your graues O my peo ple and take you out of your Sepulchres Many of them that slepe in the duste of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life some to perpetuall shame and reproofe Examples out of the olde Mestament THe Prophet Helias raised vp frō death vnto life the Sonne of the widdow of Sarepta which is in Sidon Helizeus obtained of God a Childe for his Hostesse which dyed and as afterward by the prayer of Helizeus raysed vnto life Read and mark diligently the 37. Chapiter of Ezechiel A certaine woman with her 7. Children were cruellye put to death because they would not eate swines flesh contrary to gods worde at the commaundement of the kinge The seconde of the brethren saide vnto the kinge thou moste vngracious person puttest vs now to deathe but the kinge of the worlde shall raise vs vp which dy for his lawes into resurrection of euerlasting life The mother of the 7. Children sayde thus vnto them I cannot tel how ye ●…am in my wōbe for I neither gaue you breath nor soule no nor life It is not I that ioyned the members of youre bodyes together but the maker of the worlde whiche fashioned the birth of man and began all thinges Euen he also of his owne mercye shall geue you breath and life againe like as ye now regard not your own selues for his lawes sake ☞ Sentences out of the newe Testament AS touching the resurrection of y ● dead haue ye not reade what is said vnto you of god which saieth I am Abrahams god and Isaackes god and god is not the god of
peace ☞ Sentences out of the new Testament FEare not litle flocke for it is your Fathers plesure to geue you a kingdom Euerlasting life is the gift of God thorow Christe our Lord. Whome god hathe predestinate them hath he also called whome he hath called them also hath he iustified whome he hath iustified them hathe he glorified The eye hath not sene and the eare hath not heard neither hath it entered into the hart of man what thinges god hath prepared for them that loue him By grace are ye saued thorow faith and that not of your selues For it is the gifte of god and commeth not of workes least any man should boast him self God saued vs not for the dedes of righ teousnes whiche we wrought but for hys mercy and louing kindnes God hath geuen vs euerlasting life and this life is in his Sonne he that hathe the Sonne hath life and he that hathe not the Sonne of god hath not life Be faithful vnto the death and I will geue thee the crowne of life To him that ouercōmeth will I geue to sit with me in my seate euen as I ouercame and haue sitten with my father in his seate Examples out of the newe Testament The reuerent auncient father Simeō being nothing apalled with y ● remēbraūce of his sinnes after he had seene and embra sed Christ in his armes knowinge him to be the alone Sauiour of the world shewed himselfe ready glad and willinge to dye that he might enioy that heauenly enheritance purchased by the same Iesus Christ our Lorde S. Paule being fully perswaded that al his sinnes were washed away in Christes bloud desired to be loosoned from that his mortall body and to be with Christ. Virescit vulnere virtus Geue the glory to god alone Here endeth the Gouernance of vertue ¶ Here followeth certayne godlye prayers for sundry diuers purposes A prayer for the Queenes Maiesty O Lord our heauenly father high and mightye king of kinges lord of Lords the onely ruler of Princes which doest from thy throne behold al y ● dwelllers vpon earth most hartely we besech thee with thy fauour to behold our●… moste gratious soueraigne lady Queene Elizabeth and so replenish her wyth the grace of thy holy spirite that she may alway incline to thy wil and walke in thy way Indue her plentifully with heauenly gifts graunt her in health and wealth long to liue strength her that she maye vanquish ouercom al her enemies And finally y ● after this life she may attayne euerlasting ioy and felicity through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A generall confession O Lord God almighty father of mercy and God of all comfort we thy poore creatures resort vnto thee knowledgyng and confessing our selues before thy gloryous maiestye that we are all greuous sinners and can of our selues do nothing but sinne For all our imaginations intentes and thoughts are enclined and disposed vnto euel from our youth vp Our damnation cōmeth of our selues wee our selues are not able to thyncke a good thought It is thou onlye that doest worke in vs both the will the dede We are but earth and naturally the children of wrath We of our selues are but vaine yea lighter then vanitie it self We can do nothing without thee theris not one of vs whole we are all vnclene al our rightousnes is but as a filthy cloth We haue no more power to doo good of our selues then a man of Inde hath power to chaunge his skinne or the leoparde her spottes Nowe accordinge to this euell and corrupte inclination of our nature so haue we liued in thought●… worde and deede We haue finned we haue offended we haue gone backe from thy lawe haue not harkned vnto thy worde We haue not loued th●… O Lorde with all our strength with all our heart with all our power We haue bene sore transgressors of thy commaundementes wee haue not putt oure whole truste and confidence onelye in thee Wee haue in oure troubles and neede not soughte for helpe onely in thee We haue not called onely vpon thy name but with false confidence with vaine supersticion and vnlawfull othe●… haue we blasphemed thy name We haue prayed and made intercession vnto stockes stones made the creatures oure aduocates mediatours cōtrary to thy word We reposed our trust and affiance in our own deedes ▪ and in such workes as haue bene deuised by mens fantasies besides the scripture We haue wandred on vaine pil gremages offering vp mony candels and tapers to Images and reliques with such like supersticion We haue bene slouthful in our busines We haue not bene feruēt and diligent in doing of our duty Special ly on suche dayes as be appointed for the preaching of thy word we haue not plyed our selues wholly to learne it nor occupied our time in prayer geuing of thanks vnto thee And as touching the loue that we ought to haue vnto all men women for thy sake we haue not bene ernest in it at al times We haue not loued our neigh houre as our selues we haue not done as we would be done vnto we haue bene vngentle vnpaciēt vncurteous froward angry and displeased we haue reioyced in our neighbors hurte and bene sory of his welfare We haue bene led with false doc trine errours from the way of thy truth We haue sinned w t our fathers we haue don amisse we haue delt wickedly therfore our most deare father whiche art in heauē forasmuch as we haue blasphemed thee not soughte alway the glory of thy name graunt now that from henceforth thy name may be sāctified and halowed in vs. Graunt now that thy kingdome maye come and that in steede of sin and errour thou onely maiest raigne in vs graunte now that our wil may be cōformable vnto thine and that in al aduersitie we may be hartely wel content to suffer thy wil to be done in vs. Graunt now that we bee neuer destitute of our daily food but that we may alway be nourished w t thy worde in our soules and haue such a competent liuing in this life as is necessary for our body Graūt now that we may euen from our heart rootes forgeue one another all maner of trespasse as y ● for Iesu Christes sake thy Sonne haste mercifully forge●… vs. Graūt now that where the world the deuill and our owne flesh doth dayly tempt and prouoke vs to sin we may thorow thy strength be able to resist all their temptation Graunte nowe that thorow thy helpe and grace we may be deliuered from all euill from all daunger and peryll of soule and body from all synne hel and dampnation from all pryde and enny from all wrathe and slouthfulnes frō couetousnesse vnmeasurable and filthy lyuing Graunt now that from hence forth we may be content with such fatherly pro uision as thou haste made for vs already graunte now that we may
time of your pilgrimage in feare for as much as ye know how that ye were not redemed with corruptible siluer and golde from your vaine conuersation which ye receaued by y ● traditions of the forefathers but with the precious bloude of Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spot Examples out of the new Testament THe Pharisies and the Scribes following their vngodlye forefathers obserued the traditions of their elders and neglected the commaundementes of God The Iewes fulfilling the measure of their forefathers whiche slewe the Prophets that were sent vnto them frō God killed Christ and his blessed Apostles Paule before his conuersion following his wicked forefathers the Iewes persecuted the congregation of Christ euen as hys elders persecuted Christ and the Prophets Agaynst the wicked olde customes and long vsages IF Sathan or any of his members labour to plucke thee from gods word vnto wicked olde customes and longe vsages auoyde him with these scriptures following Sentences out of the olde Testament ACcording to the custome of the land of Egipt wherin ye dwelt shall ye not do and after the manner of the land of Canaan whether I wil bring you shall ye not doe neither walke in their ordinaunces but do after my iudgements keepe my ceremonies to walke therin I am the lord your God Ye shall keepe therfore mine ordinaunces my iudgements which if a man do he shall liue in them I am the lorde Take heede that ye commit not one of these abhominable customes which were committed before you and loke that ye defyle not your selfe therin I am the Lorde your God An example out of the olde Testament EUen vnto this present day do they still followe their olde customes They feare not the Lord neither kepe they his ceremonies his lawes and commaundements The Prophets cried worship no straunge Gods but feare the Lord your God and he shall deliuer you from the power of all your enemies But they would not heare but still committed wickednes according to their olde custome They pretended as though they serued the Lorde and yet neuerthelesse did they also seruice to their idoles For as their forefathers did so do their sonnes neuewes vnto this present day ▪ Against such as sclaunder Christes Gospell by calling it new learning IF the aduersarye of true godlinesse goe about to perswade thee that Christes gospel is new learning and that therefore thou oughtest to geu●… no care vnto it nor beleue it looke that thou by n●… meanes consent vnto them but rather remember that thys is no newe blasphemie but vsed manye yeares before of wicked hipocrites as thou shalte perceaue by these examples following ¶ Examples out of the new Testament WHen Christ preached in the Sinagoge at Capernaum and healed the man that was possessed with an vncleane spirit the people cryed out and sayd what newe learning is this When Paule preached at Athens the resurrection of the dead certayne bellye gods as the Epicures Stoikes straue with him and sayd what meaneth thys pratler Other sayd he semed to be a preacher of new deuills An other companye sayd maye we not know what new learning this is that thou shewest Thou bringest in new things in deede vnto our eares Our olde fathers neuer taught vs any such geare We will knowe what these thinges meane Agaynst pensiuenesse and thought taking for the life IF thou be troubled for the preseruacion of thy life eyther in sickenesse trouble persecution emprisonment or otherwyse comfort thy selfe with these scriptures Sentences out of the olde Testament THe Lorde killeth and geueth life agayne He bringeth euen to hell and backe agayne The Lorde is my light and my health whom then should I feare The Lorde is the strength of my life of whom then should I be afrayd though an host of men were layde agaynst me yet shall not my harte be afrayde And though there arose vp war against me yet wil I put my trust in him He hath geuen his Aungells charge of thee to kepe thee in all thy wayes The Aungell of the Lord shall be sent among all them that feare him and shall deliuer them The sourges of the sea are maruelous yea the lord on high is rather maruelous They consented all against me they cōspired to take away my life but in thee O Lord haue I trusted and I sayd thou art my God In thy hand are my destenies Many tribulations fall on y ● righteous but from them all the lord deliuereth thē The Lorde kepeth all their bones so that not one of them shall be broken The health of the righteous is of the Lord and he defendeth them in the tyme of their trouble Yea the lorde will helpe them and deliuer them and set thē harmeles from the vngodlye and saue them because they haue trusted in them Thou haste limitted the waters these bounds which they may not passe The Lord is my helper I will not feare what man doe vnto me The Lord is my deliuerer therefore will I set nought by mine enemies The Lord hath geuen a cōmaundemēt and none shall go beyond it Fyre Hayle Snow Ise and vapours stormie windes accomplishe his worde Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh for to sinne neyther saye thou before the Aungell there is no prouidence least peraduenture the Lord being angry against thy wordes do destroye all the workes of thy handes Life and death are of God Thy prouidence O father gouerneth all thinges frō the beginning Thou O Lord art he which hast power of life and death Who can say that any thing can be done without the Lordes cōmaundement From the mouth of the highest goeth there not good and ill ☞ Examples out of the olde Testament ESau burned with an immortall hatred against his brother Iacob because of the blessing wherwith his father had blessed him and purposed fully in his hart to kill his brother But Iacob prayed vnto the Lord and he mollifyed Esaus hart in so much that whan Iacob thought that both he and his shoulde be slaine his brother Esau came gently vnto him louinglye embraced him kissed him frendly and for very ioye wept so mightie is God to mollifie tira●…ntes hartes whan it pleaseth him and to make them gracious and fauourable to his seruauntes Saule persecuted Dauid cruelly purposing to kill him but his labor was in vain Iezabel threatned and sware to sley Helias but the Lorde preserued him Sathan coulde doe nothing to Iob till God suffered him neither exercised he hys cruelnes any further against Iob than he was appointed of God The godly woman Susan through the false accusations of y e two wicked iudges was at y ● point to be stoned vnto death but God wonderfully deliuered her from the handes of her enemies ☞ Examples out of the new Testament FEare not them which kill the body
and thē wil my wrath waxe whote and I will kill you with the sweard and your wiues shal be widowes and your children fatherles Thou shalt take no giftes for giftes blinde the wise and peruert the wordes of the righteous Thou shalt not do thy neighbour wronge neither violently oppresse him Ye shal do no vnrighteousnes in iudgement in mete yard in weighte or in measure True ballances true weightes a true Epha and a true Hin shall ye haue Fire shall consume the houses of such as are gredy to receiue giftes He heapeth vp treasure and yet know eth not he for whom he gathereth it O truste not in wronge and robbery geue not your selues vnto vanities ▪ and if ritches encrease set not your harte vpon them Encline my har●… O Lord to thy testimonies and not to couetousnes Who hordeth vp his corne shal be cursed among the people but blessing shall light vpon his hed that geueth food He that trusteth in his riches shal haue a fall but the righteous shall florishe as y e greene leaf Better is a little with the feare of the Lorde then great and innumerable treasures otherwise He goeth aboute to destroy his own house that geueth his mind to couetousnes but who so hateth reward shall liue Better it is to haue a little with righteousnesse then great rentes wrongfully gotten He that hateth couetousnesse shall liue long A man that is sodenly riche enuyeth other and considereth not that pouertye shall come vpon hym Who so robbeth his father and saith it is no sinne y ● same is like vnto a mans●…ear O Lord geue me neither pouertye nor riches onelye graunt me a necessarye lyuinge He that loueth mony wil neuer be satisfied with monye and who so delighteth in riches shall haue no profit therof Where as muche riches is ther are ma ny also that spende them away And what pleasure more hathe hee possessed then sauing that he maye looke vpon them wyth his eyes A labouring man slepeth swetely whether it be litlle or much that he eateth but the aboundance of the riche wil not suffer him to slepe There is a sore plague which I haue sene vnder the sonne namely riches kept to the hurte of him that hath them in possession For oftimes they pearishe with his great misery and trouble and if he haue a childe it getteth nothing Read forth the Chapiter Let not thyne hande be stretched out to receaue and shut when thou shouldest geue Trust not vnto thy riches and saye not tushe I haue inoughe for my life For it shall not helpe thee in the time of vengeance and temptation Trust not in wicked riches for they shal not healp thee in the daye of punishment and wrath Nothing is more wicked and vngratious then a couetous man He that with all his carefulnes heapeth together vnrightuously gathereth for other folkes and another man shal make good chere with hys goods A couetous mans eye hath neuer inough in the portion of wickednes vntil the time that he wither away and hath lost his own soule The riches of the proude shal be rooted out He that loueth ritches shall not ●…e iustified Manye one is come in great mysfortune by the reason of gold and haue found their destruction before them It is a tree of fallinge vnto them It is a tree of passage vn to them that offer it vp and al such as be folish fall therin Blessed is the riche which is founde without blemish and hath not gone after gold nor heaped in mony and treasures where is there such a one and we shal com mende him and call him blessed For great things doth he among his people Wo be vnto you that ioyne house to house and coopl●… land to land euen so lōg as any can be gotten Shal ye alone dwel vpon the earth These things are in the eares of the Lorde of hostes c. Wo bee vnto them that geue sentence with the vngodly for rewards and condemne the iust cause of the righteous Wo be vnto thee that spoylest for thou also shalt be spoyled Wo be vnto him that heapeth vp other mennes goods Howe long will he lade himselfe with thick claye O howe sodenly will they stand vp that bite and awake that shall teare thee in peces yea thou shalt be their pray Wo be vnto him that couetously gathe reth euil gotten goods into his house that he may set his neste on hye to escape from the power of misfortune Thou haste deuised the shame of thyne owne house so that the very stones of the wall shall cry out of it and the tymber that lieth betwixt the ioynts of the building shall aunswere Their siluer and theyr gold shall not be able to deliuer thē in the day of the Lords wrath Examples out of the olde Testament Balaam for luc●…es sake would haue cur sed the people of Israel contrary to his own conscience but he was reproued of the Aungell of the Lord so that his cursing was turned into blessing Acham by the commaundement of God was stoned to death because ●…e toke of the excommunicate goods Saul for the couetousnes of the praylost his kingdome The couetousnes of Naball his churlishnes shewed vnto Dauid had almoste caused that Naball and all that euer hee had had bene vtterly destroyed if Abigail his wife had not pacified the matter Notwithstanding God shortlye punished him with death so that he was taken away frō all that euer he had The couetousnes of Achab and Iesabel was the occasion that the good Nabothe was stoned vnto death against all equitie and right that by this meanes they might haue his vineyarde But howe miserable their end was for that their abhominable murther the holy stories do declare Gehesy was striken with leprosy because he receiued mony of Naaman ☞ Sentences out of the new Testament BLessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Lay not vp treasure for youre selues vpon earth where neither rust nor mothe doth corrupt and where theues break thorow and steale But lay vp treasures for you in heauē where neither rust nor moth doth corrupt and where theeues do not breake through nor steale For where your tresure is ther wil your hart be also What dooth it prophet a man to win the whole worlde if he loseth his soule A rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdome of heauen It is more easye for a cable rope to go thorow the eye of a nedle then a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen Wo be to you riche men whiche haue your comfort Take heede and beware of couetousnes For no mans life standeth in the aboū dance of thinges which he possesseth Thou foole this night wil they fetche away thy soule againe from thee Then whose shall the thinges be that thou hast gathered