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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05983 The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.; Book of common prayer Church of England. 1603 (1603) STC 16326; ESTC S101416 290,715 467

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Curates shall diligently from time to time but specially in the plague time exhort their Parishioners to the oft receiuing in the Church of the holy Communion of the body and blood of our Sauiour Christ which if they doe they shal haue no cause in their sudden visitation to be vnquiet for lack of the same But if the sicke person be not able to come to the Church yet is desirous to receiue the Communion in his house then he must giue knowledge ouer night or else early in the morning to the Curate signifying also how many bee appointed to communicate with him And hauing a conuenient place in the sicke mans house where the Curate may reuerently minster and a good number to receiue the Communion with the sicke person with all things necessarie for the same hee shall there minister the holy Communion The Collect. ALmightie euerliuing God maker of mankinde which doest corect those whome thou doest loue and chastisest euery one whome thou doest receiue wee beseech thee to haue mercie vpon this thy seruant visited with thine hand and to graunt that hee may take his sickenesse patiently and recouer his bodily health if it bee thy gracious will and whensoeuer his soule shall depart from the body it may bee without spot presented vnto thee through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Epistle MY sonne Heb. 12. despise not the correction of the Lord neither faint when thou art rebuked of him for whom the Lord loueth him hee correcteth Yea and he scourgeth euery sonne whom he receiueth The Gospel VErely verely I say vnto you Hee that heareth my word Iohn 5. and beleeueth on him that sent mee hath euerlasting life and shall not come vnto damnation but hee passeth from death vnto life ¶ At the time of the distribution of the holy Sacrament the Priest shall first receiue the Communion himselfe and after minister vnto them that be appointed to communicate with the sicke ¶ But if a man either by reason of extremitie of sickenesse or for want of warning in due time to the Curate or for lacke of companie to receiue with him or by any other iust impediment doe not receiue the Sacrament of Christes body and blood then the Curate shall instruct him that if hce doe truely repent him of his sinnes and stedfastly beleeue that Iesus Christ hath suffered death vpon the Crosse for him and shed his blood for his redemption earnestly remembring the benefites he hath thereby and giuing him heartie thankes therefore he doth eate and drinke the body and blood of our Sauiour Chrift profitably to his soules health although he doe not receiue the Sacrament with his mouth ¶ When the sicke person is visited and receiueth the holy Communion all at one time then the Priest for more expedition shal cut off the forme of the visitation at the Psalme In thee O Lord haue I put my trust and goe straight to the Communion ¶ In the time of Plague Sweat or such other like contagious times of sicknesses or diseases when none of the Parish or neighbours can be gotten to communicate with the sicke in their houses for feare of the infection vpon speciall request of the diseased the Minister may alonely communicate with him ❧ The order for the buriall of the dead The Priest meeting the corps at the Church stile shall say or else the Priest and Clarkes shall sing and so goe either into the Church or towards the graue I Am the resurrection and the life faith the Lord. He that belieueth in me Iohn 11. yea though he were dead yet shall he liue And whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in me shall not die for euer I know that my redeemer liueth and that I shall rise out of the earth in the last day and shall bee couered againe with my skinne Iob. 19. and shall see God in my flesh yea and I my selfe shall behold him not with other but with these same eyes WEe brought nothing into this world 1. Tim. 6. Iob. 1. neither may we carie any thing out of this world The Lord giueth and the Lord taketh away Even as it pleaseth the Lord so commeth things to passe Blessed be the Name of the Lord. When they come to the graue while the corps is made ready to bee layed into the earth the Priest shall say or the Priest and Clarkes shall sing MAn that is borne of a woman hath but a short time to liue Iob. 14. and is ful of meserie He commeth by and is cut downe like a flowre hee fleeth as it were a shadow and neuer continueth in one stay In the midst of life we be in death of whom may we seek for succour but of thee O Lord which for our sinnes iustly art displeased Yet O Lord God most holy O Lord most mightie O holy most mercifull Sauiour deliuer vs not into the bitter paines of eternall deatth Thou knowest Lord the secrets of our hearts shut not vp thy mercifull eyes to our prayers but spare vs Lord most holy O God most mightie O holy and mercifull Sauiour thou most worthie iudge eternall suffer vs not at our last houre for any paines of death to fall from thee Then while the earth shall be cast vpon the body by some standing by the Priest shall say FOrasmuch as it hath pleased almightie God of his great mercie to take vnto himselfe the soule of our deare brother here departed we therefore commit his body to the ground earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust in sure and certaine hope of resurrection to eternall life through our Lord Iesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it may bee like vnto his glorious body according to the mightie working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himselfe Then shall be said or sung I heard a voyce from heauen saying vnto mee write From hencefoorth blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Even so saith the spirit that they rest from their labours Then shall follow this Lesson taken out of the xv Chapter to the Corinthians the first Epistle CHrist is risen from the dead and become the first fruites of them that sleepe For by a man came death and by a man came the resurrection of the dead For as by Adam all die euen so by Christ shall all bee made aliue but euery man in his owne order The first is Christ then they that are Christes at his comming Then commeth the ende when hee hath deliuered vp the kingdome to God the Father when he hath put downe all rule and all authoritie and power For he must reigne till he haue put al his enemies vnder his feete The last enemie that shall be destroyed is death For hee hath put all things vnder his feete But when hee saith All things are put vnder him it is manifest that he is excepted that hath put all things vnder him When all things are subdued vnto him then shall the Sonne
spirit that beareth witnesse because the spirit is trueth For there are three which beare record in heauen the Father the Word and the holy Ghost and these three are one And there are three which beare record in earth the Spirit Water and Blood and these three are one If we receiue the witnesse of men the witnes of God is greater for this is the witnesse of God which he testified of his Sonne He that beleeueth on the Sonne of God hath the witnesse in himselfe He that beleeueth not God hath made him a liar because he beleeueth not the record that God gaue of his Sonne And this is the record how that God hath giuen vnto vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne He that hath the Sonne hath life and he that hath not the Sonne of God hath not life The Gospel THe same day at night Iohn 20.19 which was the first day of the Sabboths when the doores were shut where the disciples were assembled together for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stood in the mids and said vnto them Peace be vnto you And when hee had so said hee shewed vnto them his handes and his side Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord. Then said Iesus to them againe Peace be vnto you As my Father sent me euen so send I you also And when he had said these words he breathed on them and said vnto them Receiue yee the holy Ghost Whosoeuers sinnes yee remit they are remitted vnto them and whosoeuers sinnes ye retaine they are retained The ij Sunday after Easter The Collect. ALmighty God which hast giuen thine only Son to bee vnto vs both a sacrifice for sinne and also an ensample of godly life giue vs the grace that wee may alwayes most thankefully receiue that his inestimable benefit and also dayly endeuour our selues to follow the blessed steps of his most holy life The Epistle THis is thanke worthy 1. Pet. 2.16 if a man for conscience toward God endure griefe and suffer wrong vndeserued For what praise is it if when ye be buffeted for your faults ye take it patiently But and if when yee doe well yee suffer wrong and take it patiently then is there thanke with God for hereunto verily were yee called For Christ also suffered for vs leauing vs an example that yee should follow his steps which did no sinne neither was there guile found in his mouth Which when he was reuiled reuiled not againe when he suffered he threatened not but committed the vengeance to him that iudgeth righteously Which his owne selfe bare our sinnes in his body on the tree that we being deliuered from sinne should liue vnto righteousnes by whose stripes yee were healed For yee were as sheepe going astray but are now turned vnto the Shepheared and Bishop of your soules The Gospel CHrist said Iohn 10.11 I am the good Shepheard A good Shepheard giueth his life for the sheepe An hired seruant and hee which is not the shepheard neither the sheepe are his owne seeth the woolfe comming and leaueth the sheepe and fleeth and the woolfe catcheth and scattereth the sheepe The hired seruant fleeth because hee is an hired seruant and careth not for the sheepe I am the good Shepheard and know my sheepe and am knowen of mine As my Father knoweth me euen so know I also my Father And I giue my life for the sheepe And other sheepe I haue which are not of this folde them also must I bring and they shall heare my voyce and there shall bee one folde and one Shepheard The third sunday after Easter The Collect. ALmightie God which shewest to all men that be in errour the light of thy trueth to the intent that they may returne into the way of righteousnes grant vnto al them that be admitted into the fellowship of Christes religion that they may eschew those things that be coutrary to their profession follow all such things as be agreeable to the same through our Lord Iesus Christ The Epistle DEarely beloued 1. Pet. 2.11 I beseech you as strangers and pilgrimes absteine from fleshly lustes which fight against the soule and see that ye haue honest conuersation among the Gentiles that whereas they backbite you as euil doers they may see your good works and praise God in the day of visitation Submit your selues therefore euery man for the Lords sake whether it be vnto the king as vnto the chiefe head either vnto rulers as vnto them that are sent of him for the punishment of euill doers but for the laud of them that doe well For so is the wil of God that with well doing ye may stop the mouthes of foolish and ignorant men as free and not as hauing the libertie for a cloke of maliciousnesse but euen as the seruants of God Honour all men Loue brotherly fellowshippe Feare God Honour the King The Gospel IEsus said to his disciples Iohn 16.16 After a while ye shal not see me and againe after awhile yee shall see mee for I goe to the Father Then sayd some of his Disciples betweene themselues What is this that hee sayeth vnto vs After a while shall not see me and againe after a while ye shal see me and that I go to the father They said therefore What is this that hee sayeth After a while Wee can not tell what he sayeth Iesus perceiued that they would aske him and sayd vnto them Yee enquire of this betweene your selues because I sayd After a while ye shall not see me and Againe After a while ye shal see me Verily verily I say unto you Yee shall weepe and lament but contrariwise the world shall reioyce Ye shal sorrow but your sorrow shal be tnrned to ioy A woman when the traueileth hath sorrow because her houre is come but assoone as she is deliuered of the childe she remembreth no more the anguish for ioy that a man is borne into the world And ye now therefore haue sorrow but I will see you againe and your heart shall reioyce and your ioy shall no man take from you The fourth sunday after Easter The Collect. ALmightie God which doest make the mindes of all faithfull men to be of one will graunt vnto thy people that they may loue the thing which thou commandest and desire that which thou doest promise that among the sundry and manifold changes of the worlde our heartes may surely there be fixed whereas true ioyes are to be found through Christ our Lord. The Epistle EVery good gift Iam. 1.17 and euery perfect gift is from aboue and commeth downe from the Father of lights with whom is no variablenesse neither shadowe of change Of his owne will begate he vs with the worde of trueth that wee shoulde bee the first fruites of his creatures Wherefore deare brethren let euery man bee swift to heare slowe to speake slow to wrath for the wrath of man worketh not that which is righteous
counsell then let him come to me or some other discreete and learned Minister of Gods word and open his griefe that hee may receiue such ghostly counsaile advice and comfort as his conscience may bee relieued and that by the ministerie of Gods word he may receiue comfort and the benefite of absolution to the quieting of his conscience and auoyding of all scruple and doubtfulnesse Then shall the Priest say this exhortation DEarly beloued in the Lord yee that minde to come to the holy Communion of the body and blood of our Sauiour Chris must conder what S. Paul writeth to the Corinthians how he exhorteth all persons diligently to trie and examine themselues before they presume to eate of that bread and drinke of that cup. For as the benefit is great if with a true penitent heart liuely faith we receiue that holy Sacrament for them we spiritually eate the flesh of Christ drinke his blood then we dwel in Christ and Christ in vs we be one with Christ and Christ with vs So is the danger great if wee receiue the same unworthily For then we bee guiltie of the body blood of Christ our Sauiour wee eate and drinke our owne damnation not considering the Lords body wee kindle Gods wrath against vs we prouoke him to plague vs with diuers disease and sundrie kinds of death Therefore it any of you bee a blasphemer of God an hinderer or slaunderer of his word an adulterer or bee in malice or enuie or in any other grieuous crime be walie our sinnes and come not to this holy table least after the taking of that holy Sacrament the deuill enter into you as hee entred into Iudas and fill you full of all iniquities and bring you to destruction both of body and soule Iudge therefore your selues brethren that yee be not iudged of the Lord. Repent you truely for your sinnes past haue a liuely and stedfast faith in Christ our Saviour Amend your liues and be in perfect charitie with all men so shall yee be meete partakers of those holy mysteries And aboue al things ye must giue most humble and heartie thanks to God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost for there demption of the world by the death and passion of our Sauiour Christ both God and man who did humble himself euen to the death vpon the crosse for vs miserable sinners which laye in darknesse and shadow of death hee might make vs the children of God and exalt vs to euerlasting life And to the ende that wee shoulde alway remember the exceeding great loue of our master and onely Sauiour Iesus Christ thus dying for vs and the innumerable benefits which by his precious blood shedding he hath obtained to vs hee hath instituted and ordeined holy mysteries as pledges of his loue and continuall remembrance of his death to our great and endlesse comfort To him therefore with the Father and the holy Ghost let vs giue as we are most bounden cominuall thankes submitting our selues whloly to his holy will and pleasure studying to serue him in true holinesse and righte ou●nesse all the dayes of our life Amen Then shall the Priest say to them that come to receiue the holy Communion YOu that do truely and earnestly repent you of your sinnes and bee in loue and charitie with your neighbours and intend to leade a new life folloing the commandements of God and walking from hencefoorth in his holy wayes Draw neere and take this holy Sacrament to your comfort make your humble confession to almightie God before this congregation heere gathered together in his holy Name meekely kneeling vpon your knees Then shal this generall confession be made in the name of all those that are minded to receiue the holy Communion either by one of them or els by one of the Ministers or by the Prist himselfe all kneeling humbly vpon their knees ALmightie God Father of our Lord Iesus Christ maker of all things Iudge of all men we knowledge and bewaile our manifold sinnes and wickednesse which we from time to time most grieuously have committed by thought word and deede against thy diuine Maiestie prouoking mostiustly thy wrath and indignation against vs. Wee doe earnestly repent and be heartily sorie for these our misdoings the remembrance of them is grieuous vnto vs haue mercy vpon vs most mercifull Father for thy sonne our Lord Iesus Christ sake forgiue vs all that is past and graunt that we may euer here after serue please thee in newnesse of life to the honour and glory of thy name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then shal the Priest the Bishop being present stand vp and tur●ning himselfe to the people say thus ALmightie God our heauenly Father who of his great mercy hath promised forgiuenesse of sinnes to all them which with heartie repentance and true faith turne vnto him Haue mercie vpon you pardon and deliuer you from all your sinnes confirme and strengthen you in all goodnes and bring you to euerlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then shall the Priest also say ¶ Heare what comfortable wordes our Saniour Christ faith vnto all that truely turne to him Come vnto me all that trauell and be heauie laden and I will refresh you So God loued the world that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne to the ende that all that beleeue in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting ¶ Heare also what S. Paul sayeth This is a true saying and worthy of all men to bee receiued that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners ¶ Heare also what S. Iohn sayeth If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the Righteous and he is the propitiation for our sinnes After which the Pries shall proceede saying Lift vp your hearts Answere We lift them vp vnto the Lord. Priest Let vs giue thanks vnto our Lord God Answere It is meete and right so to doe Priest It is very meete right and our bounden duetie that wee should at all times and in all places giue thankes vnto thee O Lord holy Father almightie euerlasting God Here shall follow the proper preface according to the time if there be any specially appointed or els immediatly shall follow Therefore with Angels and Archangels c. Proper prefaces Vpon Christmas day and seuen dayes after BEcause thou diddest giue Iesus Christ thine onely Sonne to be borne as this day for vs who by the operation of the holy Ghost was made very man of the substance of the virgine Mary his mother and that without spot of sinne to make vs cleane from all sinne Therefoe with Angels and Archangels c. Vpon Easter day and seuen dayes after BVt chiefly are we bound to praise thee for the glorious resurrection of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord for he is the very Paschall Lambe which was offered for vs and hath taken away the sinne of the worlde who by his death hath destroyed death and
by his rising to life againe hath restored to vs euerlasting life Therefore with Angels c. Vpon the Ascention day and seuen dayes after THrough thy most dearely beloued Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord who after his most glorious resurrection manifestly appeared to al his Apostles and in their fight ascended vp into heauen to prepare a place for vs that where he is thither might we also aseend and raigne with him in glory Therefore with Angels gels and Archangels c. Vpon Whitsunday and sixe dayes after THrough Iesus Christ our Lord according to whose most true promise the holy Ghost came downe this day from heauen with a sudden great sound as it had beene a mightie winde in the likenesse of fierie tongues lighting vpon the Apostles to teach them and to leade them to all trueth giuing them both the gift of diuerse languages and also boldenes with feruent zeale constantly to preaech the Gospel vnto al nations wherby we are brought out of darknesse and errour into the cleare light and true knowledge of thee of thy sonne Iesus Christ Therefore with Angels c. Vpon the feast of Trinitie onely IT is is very meet right and out bounden duety that we should at all times in all places giue thankes to thee O Lord almightie and euerlasting God which art one God one Lord not one onely person but three persons in one substance For that whicht we beleeue of the glory of the father the same we beleeue of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost without any difference or inequalite Therefore c. After which prefaces shall follow immediately THerfore with angels and archangels and with al the companie of heauen we laude and magnifie thy glorious name euer more praysing thee and saying Holy holy holy Lord God of hostes Heauen and earth are full of thy glory Glory be to thee O Lord most high Then shal the Priest kneeling down at Gods board say in the name of al them that shal receiue the Communion this prayer folowing WE doe not presume to come to this thy table O mercifull Lord trusting in our owne righteousnesse but in thy manifold great mercies Wee bee not worthy so much as to gather vp the 〈◊〉 vnder thy table But thou art the same Lord whose propertie is alwayes to haue merry graunt vs therefore gracious Lord so to eate the flesh of thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ and to drinke the blood that our sinful bodies may be made cleane by his body and our soules washed through his most precious blood and that we may euermore dwell in him and he in vs Amen Then the Priest standing vp shall say as followeth ALmightie God our heauenty Father which of thy tender mercie diddest giue thy onely Sonne Iesus Christ to suffer death vpon the Crosse for our redemption who made there by his one oblation of himselfe once offered a full perfect and sufficient Sacrifice oblation and satisfaction for the sinnes of the whole world and did institute and in his holy Gospell commaund vs to continue a perpetuall memorie of that his precious death vntil his conuning agane Heare vs o mercifull Father wee beseech thee and graunt that wee receiuing these thy creatures of bread and wine according to thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christes holy institution in remembrance of his death and passion may bee partakers of his most blessed body and blood who in the same night that he was betrayed tooke bread and when he had giuen thankes he brake it and gaue it to his Disciples saying Take eate this is my body which is giuen for you doe this in remembrance of me Like wise after supper he tooke the cup and when hee had giuen thankes hee gaue it to them saying Drinke yee all of this for this is my blood of the new Testament which is shed for you and for many for the remissin of sinnes doe this as off as ye shall drinke it in remembrance of me Then shall the Minister first receiue the Communion in both kinds himselfe and next deliuer it to other Ministers if any bee there present that they may helpe the chiefe Minister and after to the people in their hands kneeling And when hee deliuereth the bread he shall say The body of our Lorde Iesus Christ which was giuen for thee preserue thy body and soule into euerlasting life and take and eate this in remembrance that Christ dyed for thee and feede on him in thine heart by faith with thankesgiuing And the Minister that deliuereth the cup shall say The blood of our Lord Iesus Christ which was shed for thee preserue thy body and soule into euerlasting life and drinke this in remembrance that Christs blood was shed for thee and be thankefull Then shall the Priest say the Lords prayer the people repeating after him euery petition After shall be sayd as followeth O Lord heauenly Father wee thy humble feruants entirely desire thy fatherly goodnesse mercifully to accept this our sacrifice of prayse and thankesgiuing most humbly beseeching thee to graunt that by the merites and death of thy sonne Iesus Christ and through faith in his blood wee and all thy whole Church may obtaine remission of our sinnes and all other benefites of his passion And here we offer and present vnto thee O Lord our selues our soules and bodies to bee a reasonable holy and liuely sacrifice vnto thee humbly beseeching thee that all wee which be partakers of this holy Communion may be fulfilled with thy gracc and heauenly benediction And although we be vnworthy through our manifold sinnes to offer vuto thee any sacrifice yet we beseech thee to accept this our bounden duetie and seruice not weighing our merites but pardoning our offences though Iesus Christ our Lorde by whom with whom in the vnitie of the holy Ghost all honour and glory be vnto thee O Farther almightie world without end Amen Or this ALmighty and euerliuing God we most heartily thanke thee that thou doest bouchsafe to feede vs which haue duely receiued these holy mysteries with the spiritual food of the most precious boby and bloob of thy sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ doest assure vs thereby of thy fauour and goodnes to ward vs and that wee be very members incorporate in thy mysticall body which is the blessed company of all faithfull people and be also heires though hope of thy euerlisting kingdome by the merites of the most precious death and passion of thy deare Sonne wee now most humbly beseech thee O heauenly Father so to assist vs with thy grace that we many continue in that holy felowship and doe all such good works as thou hast prepared for vs to walk in through Iesus Christ our Lord to whom with thee the holy Ghost be all honour and glory world without end Amen Then shall be said or sung GLorie be to God on hie in earth peace good will towardes men We praise thee we blesse thee we worship thee we glorifie
God to call mee Question My good childe knowe thhis that thou art not able to doe these things of thy selfe nor to walke in the comandements of God and to serue him without his speciall grace which thou must learne at all times to call for by diligent prayer Let me heare threfore if thou canst the Lords prayer Answere OUr Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy Name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our dayly bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill Amen Question What desirest thou of God in this prayer Answere I desire my Lord God our heauenly Father who is the giuer of all goodnesse to send his grace vnto mee and to all people that wee may worship him serue him and obey him as we ought to doe And I pray vnto God that he will send vs all things that be needfull both for our soules and bodies and that hee will bee mercifull vnto vs and forgiue vs our sinnes and that it will please him to saue and defend vs in all dangers ghostly and bodily and that hee will keepe vs from all sunne and wickednesse and from our ghostly enemie and from euerlasting death And this I trust hee will doe of his mercy and goodnesse through our Lord Iesus Christ And therefore I say Amen So be it Question HOw many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church Answere Two onely as generally necessary to saluation that is to say Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord. Question What meanest thou by this word Sacrament Answere I meane an outward and visible signe of an inward and spirituall grace giuen vnto vs ordained by Christ himselfe as a meanes whereby wee receiue the same and a pledge to assure vs thereof Question How many parts be there in a Sacrament Answere Two the outward visible signe and the inward spirituall grace Question What is the outward visible signe or forme in Baptisme Ansvvere Water wherein the person baptized is dipped or sprinkled with it In the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Question What is the inward and spirituall grace Ansvvere A death vnto sinne and a new-birth vnto righteousnesse for being by nature borne in sinne and the children of wrath we are hereby made the children of grace Question What is required of persons to be baptized Ansvvere Repentance whereby they forsake sinne and faith wherby they stedfastly beleeue the promises of God made to them in that Sacrament Question Why theu are Infants baptized when by reason of their tender age they cannot performe them Ansvvere Yes they doe performe them by their Sureties who promise and vowe them both in their names which when they come to age themselues are bound to performe Question Why was the Sacrament of the Lords Suuppet ordained Ansvvere For the continuall remembrance of the Sacrifice of the death of Christ and the benefits which we receiue thereby Question What is the outward part or signe of the Lords Supper Answere Bread and Wine which the Lorde hath commaunded to be receiued Question What is the inward part or thing signified Answere The Body and Blood of Christ which are verely and indeed taken receiued of the faithfull the Lords Supper Question What are the benefits whereof we are partakers therby Answere The strengthening and refreshing of our soules by the body and blood of Christ as our bodies are by the bread wine Question What is required of them which come to the Lordes Supper Answere To examine themselues whether they repent them truely of their former sinnes stedfastly purposing to leade a newe life haue a liuely faith in Gods mercy through Christ with a thankefull remembrance of his death and be in charity with all men So soone as the children can say in their mother tongue the Articles of the faith the Lords prayer the tenne Commandements and also can answere to such questions of this short Catechisme as the Bishop or such as hee shall appoint shall by his discretion appose them in then shall they bee brought to the Bishop by one that shall be his Godfather or Godmother that euery childe may haue a witnesse of his confirmation And the Bishiop shall confirme them on this wise ❧ Confirmation or laying on of hands OUr helpe is in the Name of the Lord. Answere Which hath made Heauen and Earth Minister Blessed be the Name of the Lorde Answere Henceforth world without ende Minister Lorde heare our prayers Answere And let our crie come vnto thee Let vs pray ALmightie and euerliuing GOD who hast bouchsafed to regenerate these thy seruants by water and the holy Ghost and hast giuen vnto them forgiuenesse of all their sinnes strengthen them wee beseech thee O Lord with the holy Ghost the Comforter and daily encrease in them thy manifolde giftes of grace the spirit of wisedome and vnderstanding the spirit of counsaile and ghostly strenghth the spirit of knowledge and true godlinesse and fulfill them O Lord with the spirit of thy holy feare Amen Then the Bishop shall lay his hand vpon euery childe seuerally saying Defend O Lord this childe with thy heauenly grace that hee may continue thine for euer and daily increase in thy holy spirit more and more vntill hee come vnto thy euerlasting kingdome Amen Then shall the Bishop say Let vs pray ALmightie and euerliuing GOD which makest vs both to will and to do those things that be good and acceptable vnto thy Maiestie wee make our humble supplications vnto thee for these children vpon whome after the example of the holy Apostles wee haue layde our handes to certifie them by this signe of thy fauour and gracious goodnesse toward them let thy fatherly hand we beseech thee euer be ouer them let thy holy Spirite euer bee with them and so leade them in the knowledge and obedience of thy worde that in the end they may obtaine the euerlasting life through our Lord Iesus Christ who with thee and the holy Ghost liueth and reigneth one God world without end Amen Then the Bishop shall blesse the children saying thus The blessing of God Almightie the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost bee vpon you and remaine with you for cuer Amen The Curate of euery Parish or some other at his appointment shall diligently vpon Sundayes and Holy dayes halfe an houre before Euensong openly in the Church instruct and examine so many children of his Parish sent vnto him as the time will serue and as he shall thinke conuenient in some part of this Catechisme And all Fathers Mothers Masters and Dames shall cause their children seruants and prentices which haue not learned their Catechisme to come to the Church at the time appointed and obediently to heare and be ordered by the Curate vntill such time as they haue learned all that is here appointed for them to
and thereto haue giuen and pledged their troth either to other and haue declared the same by giuing and receiuing of a Ring and by ioyning of hands I pronounce that they be man and wife together In the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen And the Minister shall adde this blessing GOD the Father God the Sonne God the holy Ghost blesse preserue and keepe you the Lorde mercifully with his fauour looke vpon you and so fill you with all spirituall benediction and grace that you may so liue together in this life that in the worlde to come you may haue life euerlasting Amen Then the Minister or Clearkes going to the Lords table shall say or sing this Psalme following BLessed are al they that feare the Lord and walke in his wayes Beari omnes Psal 128. For thou shalt eat the labour of thy hands O well is thee and happy shalt thou be Thy wife shal be as the fruitfull Vine vpon the walles of thy house Thy children like the Oliue branches round about thy table Loe thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. The Lord from out of Sion shall so blesse thee that thou shall see Hierusalem in prosperitie all thy life long Yea that thou shalt see thy childrens children and peace vpon Israel Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and euer shal be world without ende Amen Or this Psalme GOD be merciful vnto vs Deus misereatur Psal 67 and blesse vs and shew vs the light of his countenance and be mercifull vnto vs. That thy way may be knowen vpon the earth thy sauing health among all nations Let the people prayse thee O God yea let all the people prayse thee O let the nations reioyce and be glad for thou shalt iudge the folke righteously gouerne the nations vpon the earth Let the people praise thee O God let all the people praise thee Then shall the earth bring foorth her increase and God men our olvne God shall giue vs his blessing God shal blesse vs and all the ends of the world shal feare him Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Psalme ended and the man and the woman kneeling afore the Lordes Table the Priest standing at the Table and turning his face toward them shall say Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Answere Christ haue merry vpon vs. Minister Lord haue mercie vpon vs. ¶ Our Father which art in heauen c. And leade vs not into tempatation Answere But deliuer vs from euill Amen Minister O Lord saue thy seruant and thy handmaid Answere Which put their trust in thee Minister O Lord send them helpe from thy holy place Answere And euermore defend them Minister Be vnto them a towre of strength Answere From the face of their enemie Minister O Lord heare our prayer Answere And let our crie come vnto thee Minister O God of Abraham God of Isaac God of Iacob blesse these thy seruants and sow the seede of eternall life in their mindes that whatsoeuer in thy holy worde they shall profitably learne they may in deede fulfill the same Looke O Lord mercifully vpon them from heauen and blesse them And as thou diddest send thy blessing vpon Abraham and Sara to their great comfort So vouchsase to send thy blessing vpon these thy seruants that they obeying thy will and alway being in safetie vnder protection may abide in thy loue vnto their liues ende through Iesus Christ ou Lord. Amen This prayer next following shall be omitted where the woman is past childe birth O Mercifull Lord and heauenly Father by whose gracious gift mankinde is increased we beseech thee assist with thy blessing these two persons that they may both bee fruitfull in procreation of children and also liue together so long in godly loue and honestie that they may see their childrens children vnto the thirde and fourth generation vnto thy prayse and honour through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen O God which by thy mighty power hast made all things of nought which also after other things set in order didst appoint that one of man created after thine owne image sinulitude woman should take her beginning and knitting them together didst teach that it should neuer bee lawfull to put asvnder those whom thou by Matrimonie hadst made one O God which hast consecrated the state of Matrimonie to sush and excellent my sterie that in it is signified represented the spirtuall marriage vnitie betlvixt Christ and his Church Looke mercifully vpon these thy seruants that both this man may loue his wife according to thy worde as Christ did loue his spouse the Church who gaue himselfe for it louing cherishing it euen as his owne flesh and also that this woman may be louing and amiable to her husband as Rachel wise as Rebecca faithful and obedient as Sara and in all quietnesse sobrietie peace be a follower of holy and godly matrons O Lord blesse them both and grant them to inharite thy euerlasting kingdome through Iesus Chraist our Lord. Amen Then shall the Priest say ALmighty God which at the beginning did create our first parents Adam and Eue and did sanctifie and ioyne them together in marriage powre vpon you the riches of his grace sanctifie and blesse you that yee may please him both in body and soule and liue together in holy loue vnto your liues end Amen Then shal begin the Communion And after the Gospel shal be said a Sermon wherein ordinarily so oft as there is any mariage the office of a man and wife shall bee declared according to holy Scripture Or if there bee no Sermon the Minister shall reade this that followeth ALl yee which be married or which intend to take the holy estate of Matrimonie vpon you heare what holy Scripture doeth say as touching the duetie of husbandes towards their wiues and wiues towards their husbands Saint Paul in his Epistle to the Ephesians the fift Chapter doeth giue this commandement to all married men Yee husbands loue your wiues euen as Christ loued the Church and hath giuen himselfe for it to sanctfie it purging it in the fountaine of water through the worde that he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious congregation not hauing spot or wrinckle or any such thing but that it should bee holy and blamelesse So men are bound to loue their owne wiues as their owne bodies He that loueth his owne wife loueth himselfe For neuer did any man hate his owne flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it euen as the Lord doeth the congregation for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones For this cause shall a man leaue father mother and shall be ioyned vnto his wife and they two shall be one flesh This mysterie is great but I speake of Christ and of the congregation Neuerthelesse let euery
also himselfe bee subject vnto him that put all things vnder him that God may be all in all Else what doe they which are baptized ouer the dead if the dead rise not at all Why are they then baptized ouer them yea and why stand we alway then in ieopardie By our reioycing which I haue in Christ Iesu our Lord I die dayly That I haue fought with beastes at Ephesus after the maner of men what aduantageth it mee if the dead rise not againe Let vs eate and drinke for tomorow wee shall die Bee not yee deceiued euill words corrupt good maners Awake truely out of sleepe and sinne not For some haue not the knowledge of God I speake this to your shame But some man will say How arise the dead With what body shall they come Thou foole that which thou sowest is not quickened except it die And what sowest thou Thou sowest not that body that shall bee but bare corne as of wheat or some other but God giueth it a body at his pleasure to euery seed his owne body All flesh is not one maner of flesh but there is one maner of flesh of men another maner of flesh of beastes another of fishes another of birdes There are also celestiall bodies and there are bodies terrestriall But the glorie of the celestiall is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another There is one maner glorie of the Sunne and another glorie of the Moone and another glorie of the Starres For one Starre differeth from another in glorie So is the resurrection of the dead It is sowen in corruption it riseth againe in incorruption It is sowen in dishonour it riseth againe in honour It is sowen in weaknesse it riseth againe in power It is sowen a naturall bodie it riseth againe a spirituall body There is a naturall bodie and there is a spirituall bodie As it is also written The first man Adam was made a liuing soule and the last Adam was made a quickening spirite Howbeit that is not first which is spirituall but that which is naturall and then that which is spirituall The first man is of the earth earthie The second man is the Lord from heauen heauenly As is the earthie such are they that be earthy And as is the heauenly such are they that are heauenly And as wee haue borne the image of the earthie so shall wee beare the image of the heauenly This say I brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherite the kingdome of God neither doeth corruption inherite incorruption Behold I shew you a mystery we shal not all sleepe but we shall all be changed and that in a moment in the twinckling of an eye by the last trumpe For the trumpe shall blow and the dead shall rife incorruptible and we shall bee changed For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortall must put on immortality When this corruptible hath put on incorruption and this mortall hath put on immortalitie then shall be brougt to passe the saying that is written Death is swallowed vp into victory Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victorie The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the law But thankes be vnto God which hath giuen vs victorie through our Lorde Iesus Christ Therefore my deare brethren bee yee stedfast and vnmooueable alwayes rich in the worke of the Lorde forasmuch as yee know how that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord. The Lesson ended the priest shall say Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Our Father which art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptation Answere But deliuer vs from evil Amen The Priest ALmightie God with whom doe liue the spirits of them that depart hence in the Lorde and in whom the soules of them that be elected after they bee deliuered from the burden of the flesh be in ioy felicitie wee giue thee hearty thanks for that it hath pleased thee to deliuer this N. our brother out of the miseris of this sinfull world beseeching thee that it may please thee of thy gracious goodnesse shortly to accomplish the number of thine elect and to hasten thy kingdome that we with this our brother all other departed in the true faith of thy holy Name may haue our perfect consummation and blisse both in body and soule in thy eternall and euerlasting glorie Amen The Collect. O Mercifull God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who is the resurrection and the life in whom whosoeuer beleeueth shall liue though hee die and whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in him shall not die eternally who also taught vs by his holy Apostle Paul not to be sorie as men without hope for them that sleepe in him we meekely beseech thee O Father to raise vs from the death of sinne vnto the life of righteousnesse that when we shall depart this life wee may rest in him as our hope is this our brother doeth and that at the generall resurrection in the last day wee may bee found acceptable in thy sight and receiue that blessing which thy welbeloued sonne shall then pronouce to all that loue and feare thee saying Come yee blessed children of my Father receiue the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world Graunt this we beseech thee O mercifull Father through Iesus Christ our Mediatour and Redeemer Amen The thankesgiuing of women after childbirth commonly called the Churching of women The woman shall come into the Church and there shall kneele downe in some conuenient place nigh vnto the place where the Table standeth and the Priest standing by her shal say these words or such like as the case shall require FOrasmuch as it hath pleased Almightie God of his goodnesse to giue you safe deliuerance and hath preserued you in the great danger of childe-birth ye shall therefore giue heartie thanks vnto God and pray Then shall the Priest say this Psalme I Haue lifted vp mine eyes vnto the hils from whence commeth my helpe Psal 121. My helpe commeth euen from the Lord which hath made heauen and earth Hee will not suffer thy foote to bee mooued and he that keepeth thee will not sleepe Behold hee that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleepe The Lord himselfe is thy keeper the Lord is thy defence vpon thy right hand So that the Sunne shall not burne thee by day nor the Moone by night The Lord shall preserue thee from all euill yea it is euen he that shall keepe thy soule The Lord shall preserue thy going out and thy comming in from this time forth for euermore Glorie be to the Father and to the Sonne c. As it was in the beginning is now c. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercye vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. ¶ Our Father which art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptation Answere But deliuer vs from euill Priest O
and cast away their tordes from vs. He that dwelleth in heauen shalt laugh them to scorne the Lord shalt haue them in derision Then shalt he speake vnto them in his wrath and vexe them in his fore displeasure Yet haue I set my king vpon my holy hill of Sion I will preach the lawe where of the Lorde hath sayd vnto me thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee Desire of mee and I shalt giue thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the vttermost parts of the earth for thy possession Thou shalt bruise them with a rodde of yron and breake them in pieces like a potters vessell Be wise now therefore Dye kings be learned ye that are iudges of the earth Serue the Lord in feare and reioyce vnto him with reuerence Kisse the Some lest he be angry and so ye penrish from the right way if his wrath be kindled yea but a little blessed are all they that put their trust in him Domine quid Psal iij LOrd how are they increased that trouble mee many are they that rise against me Many one there be that say of my soule there is no help for him in his God But thou O Lord art my defender thou art my worship and the lifter vp of my head I did call vpon the Lord with my voice and hee heard me out of his holy hill I layd mee downe and slept and rose vp agaie for the Lord sustained me I will not be afraid for ten thousands of people that haue set themselues against me round about Vp Lord and helpe mee O my God for thou smitest all mine enemies vpon the cheeke bone thou hast broken the teeth of the vngodly Saluation belongeth vnto the Lorde and the blessing is vpon the people Cum inuocarem Psal iiij Heare me When I call O God of my righteousnesse for thou hast set me at libertie When I was in trouble haue mercie vpon me and heacken vnto my prayer O yee sonnes of men how long Will yee blaspheme mine honour and haue such pleasure in vanitie and seeke after leasing Know this also that the Lorde hath thosen to himselfe the man that is godly When I call vpon the Lorde he will heare me Stand mawe and sinne not commune with your owne heart and in your chamber and be still Offer the sacrifice righteousnesse and put your trust in the Lord. There be many that say who will shew vs any good Lord list thou vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs. Thou hast put gladenesse in my heart since the time that their corne and wine and oyle increased I will lay mee downe in peace and take my rest for it is thou Lord onely that makest me dwell in safetie Verba mea auribus Psal 5 POnder my Words O Lord consider my meditation O hearken thou vnto the voice of my calling my king and my God for vnto thee will I make my prayer My voice shalt thou heare betimes O Lord earely in the morning wil I direct my prayer vnto thee and will looke vp For thou art the God that hast no pleasure in wickednesse neither shalt any euill dwell with thee Such as be foolish shal not stand in thy sight for thou hatest all them that worke vanitie Thou shalt destroy them that speake leasing the Lorde will abhorxe both the blood thirstie and deceitfull man But as for me I will come into thy house euen vpon the multitude of thy mercie and in thy feare will I worship toward thy holy Temple Leade me O Lord in thy righteousinesse because of mine enemies make thy way plame before my face For there is no faithfulnesse in his mouth their inwarde parts are very wickednesse Their throate is an open sepulchre they flatter with their tongue Destroy thou them O God let them perish through their owne imaginations cast them out in the multitude of their vngodlinesese for they haue rebelled against thee And let all them that put their trust in thee reioyce they shalt euer be giuing of thankes because thou defendest them they that loue thy Name shalt be Ioyfull in thee For thou Lorde wilt giue thy blessing vnto the righteous and with thy fauourable kindnesse wilt thou defend him as with a shield Domine ne in furore Psal vj. O Lorde rebuke mee not in thine indignation Euening prayer neither chasten mee in thy displeasure Have mercy vpon me O Lord for I am weake O Lorde heale me for my bones are vexcd My soule is also fore troubled but Lord how long wilt thou punish me Turne thee O Lord and deliuer my soule Oh saue me for thy mercies sake For in death no man remembreth thee and who will giue thee thankes in the pit I am wearie of my groning euery night Wash I my ved and water my couch with my teares My beautie is gone for very trouble and worne away because of all mine enemies Away from mee all ye that worke vanitie for the Lorde hath heard the voice of my weeping The Lord hath heard my petition the Lord will receiue my prayer All mine enemies shalt be confonnded and sore vexed they shalt be turned backe and put to shame suddenly Domine Deus meus Psal vij O Lorde my God in thee haue I put my trust saue mee from all them that petsecute me and deliuer me Least he deuoure my soulce like a lion and teare it in pieces While there is none to helpe O Lorde my God if I haue done any such thing or if there be any wickednesse in my hands If I haue rewarded euill vnto him that dealt friendly with mee yea I haue deliuered him that Without any cause is mine enemie Then let mine enemie persecute my soule and take mee yea let him tread my life downe vpon the earth and lay mine honour in the dust Stand vp O Lord in thy wrath and lift vp thy selfe because of the indignation of mine enemies arise vp for mee in the iudgement that thou hast commanded And so shalt the congregation of the people come about thee for their sakes therefore lift vp thy selfe againe The Lord shalt iudge the people giue sentence with me O Lord according to my righteousuesse and according to the innocencie that is in me O let the wickednesse of the vngodly come to an end but guide thou the iust For the righteous God trieth the very hearts and reines My helpe commeth of God which preseructh them that are true of heart God is a righteous iudge strong and patient and God is prouoked cuery day If a man will not turne he will whet his sword he hath bent his bow and made it readie He hath prepared for him the instruments of death he ordeineth his arrowes against the persecuters Behold he trauaileth with inischiefe hee hath conceiued sorow and brought foorth vngodlinesse He hath grauen and digged vp a pit and is fallen himselfe into the destruction that he made for other For his trauaile shalt come vpon his owne head and
The voyce of the Lord maketh the hindes to bring foorth yong and discouereth the thirke vushes in his temple doeth iuery man speake of his honour The Lord sitteth aboue the water flood and the Lord remaineth a King for euer The Lord shall giue strength vnto his people the Lord shall giue his people the blessing of peace Exaltabo te Domine Psal xxx I waill magnifie thee Morning prayer O Lord for thou hast set me vp and not made my foes to triumph ouer me O Lord my God I cried vnto thee and thou hast healed me Thou Lorde hast brought my soule out of hell thou hast kept my life from them that goe downe to the pit Sing praises vnto the Lord O ye faints of his and giue thankes to him for a remebrance of his holinesse For his wrath endureth but the twinckliong of an eye and in his pleasure is life heauinesse may endure for a night but ioy commeth in the morning And in my prosperitie I sayd I shall neuer be remooued thou Lod of thy goodnesse hadst made my hill so strong Thou didst turne thy fare fro me and I mas troubled Then cried I vnto thee O Lord and gate mee vnto my Lord right humbly What profit is thee in my blood whē I go downe to the pit Shall the dust giue thankes vnto thee or shall it declare thy trueth Heare O Lord and haue mercie vpon me Lord be thou my helper Thou hast turned ny heauinesse into ioy thou hast put off my sackecloth and girded me with gladnesse Therefore sball euery good man sing of thy praise without reasing O my god I will giue thanks vnto thee for euer In te domine speraui Psal xxxj IN thee O Lord haue I put my trust let me neuer bee put to confusiou deliuer me in thy righteousnesse Bow downe thine eare to me make haste to deliuer me And bee thou my strong rocke and the house of defence that thou mayest saue me For thou art my strong rocke and my castell bee thou also my game and leade me for thy Names sake Draw me out of the net that they haue laid priuily for me for thou art my strength Into thy hands I commend my spitrit for thou hast redeemed me O Lord thou God of trueth I haue hated them that holde of superstitious vanities and my trust hath been in the Lord. I will be glad and reioyce in thy mercie for thou hast considered my trouble and hast knowen my soule in aduersities Thou hast not shut me vp into the hand of the enemie but hast set my feete in a large roume Haue mercie vpon me O Lord for I am in trouble mine eye is consumed for very heauinesse yea my soule my body For my soule is waxen old with heauinesse and my yeres with mourning My strength faileth me because of mine iniquitie and my bones are consumed I became a reproofe among all mine enemies but speciaily among my neighbours and they of mine acquaintance were afraid of me and they that did see me without conueyed themselues from me I am cleane forgotten as a dead man out of minde I am become like a broken vessel For I haue heard the blasphemie of the multitude and feare is on euery side while they conspire together against me and take their counsell to take away my life But my hope hath beene in thee O Lord I haue sayde Thou art my God My time is in thy hand deliuer me from the hand of mine enemies and from them that persecute me Shew thy seruant the light of thy countenance and saue me for thy mercies sake Let me not be confounded O Lord for I haue called vpon thee let the vngodly be put to tonfusion and bee put to silence in the graue Let the lying lips be put to silence which cruelly disdainfully and despightfully speake against the righteous O how plentifull is thy goodnesse which thou hast laid vp for them that feare thee that thou hast prepared for them that put their trust in thee euen before the sonnes of men Thou shall hide them priuly by thine owne presence from the prouoking of al men thou shalt keepe them secretly in thy tabernacle from the strife of tongues Thankes be to the Lord for he hath shewed me marueilous great kindnesse in a strong citie And when I made haste I sayd I am cast out of the sight of thine eyes Neuerthelesse thou heardedest the voice of prayer when I cryed vnto thee O loue the Lord all ye his saints for the Lord preserueth them that are faithful and plenteously rewardeth the proud doer Be strong and hee shall stablish your heart all ye that put your trust in the Lord. Beati quorum Psal xxxij BLessed is hee whose vnrighteousnesse is forgiuen and whose sine is couered Euening prayer Blessed is the man vnto whom the Lord imputeth no sinne and in whose spirit there is no guile For while I helde my tongue my bones cōsumed away through my dayly complaining For thy hand is heauy vpon me day and might and my moisture is like the drought in Summer I will knowledge my sinne vnto thee and mine vnrighteousnesse haue I not hid I sayd I will confesse my sinnes vnto the Lorde and so thou forgauest the wickednesse of my sinne For this shall euery one that is godly make his prayer vntothee in a time when thou mayest be found but in the great mater floods they shall not come nigh him Thou art a place to hide me in thou shall preserue me from trouble thou shalt cōpasse me about with songs of deliuerance I will enforme thee and teach thee in the way wherein thou shall go and I will guide thee with mine eye Be ye not like to horie and mule which haue no vnderstanding whole mouthes must be holden with bit and bridle lest they fall vpon thee Great plagues remaine for the vngodly but who so putleth his trust in the Lord mercie imbraceth him on euery side Be glad O ye righteous and reioyce in the Lord and bee idyfull all ye that are true of heart Exultate iusti Psal xxxiij REidice in the Lord O ye righteous for it becommeth wel the iust to be thankefull Praise the Lord with harpe sing Psalmes vnto hin with the Lute and instrument of ten strings Sing vnto the Lord a new song sing praises lustily vnto him with a good courage For the word of the Lord is true and all his workes are faithfull He loueth righteousnesse and iudgement The earth is full of the goodnesse of the Lord. By the word of the Lord were the heauens made and all the hostes of them by the dreath of his mouth He gathereth the waters of the sea together as it were vpon an heape and layeth vp the deepe as in a treasure house Let all the earth leare the Lord stand in awe of him all ye that dwell in the world For he spake it was done he commanded it stood fast The Lord
of this Realme safely maintained and last of all all estates and people thereof in true obedience and charitie vnited and knit together Grant this O God for thy onely Sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen The third Collect. PReuent vs O Lorde in all our doing with thy most Gracious favour and further vs with thy continuall helpe that in all our woorkes begunne continued and ended in thee wee may glorifie thy holy Name and finally by thy mercy obtaine Euerlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Then shall follow the Benediction as thus THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ 2. Cor. 13 and the loue of God and the fellowship of the holy Ghost be with vs all euermore Amen The order where Morning and Euening Prayer shall be vsed and said THE morning and Euening Prayer shal be vsed in the accustomed place of the Church Chappell or Chancell except it shall be otherwise determined by the Ordinary of the place And the chancels shall remaine as they haue done in times past And here is to be noted that the Minister at the time of the Communion and at all other times in his ministration shall vse such ornaments in the Church as were in vse by authoritie of Parliament in the second yeere of the raigne of King Edward the sixt according to the Acte of Parliament set in the beginning of this Booke An order for Morning prayer daily throughout the yeere At the beginning both of Morning prayer and like wise of Euening prayer the Minister shall reade with a lowd voyce some one of these sentences of the Scriptures that follow And then he shall say that which is written after the said sentences AT what time soeuer a sinner doeth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of this heart I will put all his wickednesse out of my remembrance saith the Lord. Eze. xviij I doe knowe mine owne wickednesse and my sinne is alway against me Psal Lj. Turne thy face away from our sinnes O Lord and blot out all our offences Psal Lj. A sorrowfull spirit is a sacrifice to God despise not O Lord humble and contrite hearts Psal Lj. Rent your hearts and not your garments and turne to the Lord your God because hee is gentle and mercifull he is pacient and of much mercy and such a one that is sory for your afflictions Ioel ij To thee O Lord God belongeth mercy and forgiuenesse Dan●x for we haue gone away from thee and haue not hearkned to thy voyce whereby wee might walke in thy Lawes which thou hast appointed for vs. Correct vs O Lord and yet in thy iudgement not in thy fury lest we should be consumed and brought to nothing 〈◊〉 x. Amend your liues for the kingdome of God is at hand Ma●h iij. I will go to my father and say to him Father I huve sinned against heaven and against thee I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne Luke xv Enter not into Iudgement with thy seruants O Lord for no flesh is righteous in thy sight Psal exliij If wee say that we haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues and there is no trueth in vs. i. Iohn j. DEarely beloued brethren the scripture mooueth vs in sundry places to acknowledge and confesse our manifolde sinnes and wickednes and that wee should not dissemble nor cloke them before the face of Almighty God our heauenly Father but confesse them with an humble lowly penitent and obedient heart to the ende that wee may obtaine forgiuenesse of the same vy his infinite goodnesse and mercy And although we ought at all times humbly to acknowledge our sinnes before God yet ought wee most chiefly so to doe when wee assemble and meete together to render thankes for the great benefits that we haue received at his hands to set foorth his most worthy prayse to heare his most holy word and to aske those things which be requisite and necessary aswell for the body as the soule Wherefore I pray and beseech you as many as be here present to accompany me with a pure heart and humble voyce vnto the Throne of the heauenly grace saying after me A generall confession to be said of the whole Congregation after the Minister kneeling ALmighty and most mercifull Father wee have erred and strayed from thy wayes like lost sheepe wee haue followed too much the deuices and desires of our owne hearts we have offended against thy holy Lawes we have left vndone those things which wee ought to have done and we haue done those things which wee ought not to haue done and there is no health in vs but thou O Lord haue mercy upon vs miserable offenders spare thou them O God which confesse their faults restore thou them that be penitent according to thy promises vnto mankinde in Christ Iesu our Lord and graunt O most mercifull Father for his sake that we may hereafter liue a godly righteous and sober life to the glory of thy holy Name Amen The absolution or remission of sinnes to be pronounced by the Minister alone ALmighty God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which desireth not the death of a sinner but rather that hee may turne from his wickednesse and liue and hath giuen power and commandement to his Ministers to declare and pronounce to his people being penitent the absolution and remission of their sinnes hee pardoneth and absolueth all them which truely repent and vnfainedly beleeue his holy Gospel Wherefore we beseech him to graunt vs true repentance and his holy spirit that those things may please him which wee doe at this present and that the rest of our life hereafter may be pure and holy so that at the last wee may come to his eternallioy through Iesus Christ our Lord. The people shall answere Amen Then shall the Minister begin the Lords prayer with a lowd voyce OUr Father which art in heaven halowed ve thy Name Thy kingdom come Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen Give vs this day our daily bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse vs. And leade vs not into temptation But deliver vs from evil Amen Then likewise he shall say O Lord open thou our lips Answere And our mouth shall shew foorth thy prayse Priest O God make speed to save vs. Answere O Lord make haste to helpe vs. Priest Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne c. As it was in the beginning is now c. Prayse ye the Lord. Then shall be said or sung this Psalme following O Come let vs sing unto the Lord let vs heartily reioyce in the strength of our salution Veni●e exul 〈◊〉 Let vs come before his presence with thankesgiuing and shew our selves glad in him with Psalmes For the Lord is a great God and a great King avoue all gods In his hand are all the corners of the earth and the strength of the hilles is
sayd vnto them How hapned it that yee sought me wist ye not that I must go about my fathers businesse And they vnder stood not that saying which hee spake vnto them And he went downe with them came to Nazareth and was obedient vnto them But his mother kept all these sayings together in her heart And Iesus prospred in wisedome and age and in fauour with God and men The second Sunday after the Epiphanie The Collect. Almightie and euerlasting God which doest gouerne all things in heauen and earth mercifully heare the supplications of thy people and grant vs thy grace all the dayes of our life The Epistle SEeing that we haue diuers giftes according to the grace that is giuen vnto vs Rom. 12.6 if a man haue the gift of prophesie let him haue it that it bee agreeing to the faith Let him that hath an office waite on his office Let him that teacheth take heed to his doctrine Let him that exhorteth giue attendance to his exhortation If any man giue let him doe it with singlenesse Let him that ruleth doe it with diligence If any man shewe mercie let him doe it with cheerefulnesse Let loue be without dissimulation Hate that which is euill and cleaue vnto which is good Be kind one to another with brotherly loue In giuing honour goe one before another Be not slothfull in the businesse which ye haue in hand Be feruent in spirit Apply your selues to the time Reioice in hope Be patient in tribulation Continue in prayer Distribute vnto the necessitie of the Saints Be ready to harbour Blesse them which persente you Blesse I say and curse not Be mery with them that are mery weepe with them that weepe Bee of like affection one towards another Bee not high minded but make your selues equall to them of the lower sort The Gospel ANd the third day was there amariage in Cana a city of Galilee Iohn 2.1 and the mother of Iesus was there And Iesus was called and his disciples vnto the mariage And when the wine failed the mother of Iesus said vnto him They haue no wine Iesus said vnto her woman what haue I to doe with thee mine houre is not yet come His mother sayde vnto the ministers whatsoeuer he saieth vnto you do it And there were standing there fixe water pots of stone after the maner of purifying of the Iewes containing two or three firkins apiece Iesus said vnto them Fill the water pots with water And they filled them to the brim And he said vnto them Draw out now and beare vnto the gouernor of the feast And they bare it When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water turned into wine knew not whence it was but the ministers which drew the water knew he called the bridegrome and said vnto him Euery man at the beginning doeth fet foorth good wine and when men be drunk thē that which is worse but thou hast kept the good wine now This beginning of miracles did Iesus in Cana of Galilee and shewed his glorie and his disciples beleeued on him The third Sunday after the Epiphanie The Collect. Almighty and euerlasting God mercifully looke vpō our infirmities in al our dangers and uecessties stretch forth thy right hand to helpe and defend vs through Christ our Lord. The Epistle BE not wise in your owne opinions Rom. 12.16 Recompense to no man euil for euil Prouide aforehād things honest not onely before God but also in the sight of all men If it be possible as much as in you is liue peaceably with all men Dearely beloued auenge not your selues but rather give place vnto wrath for it is written Vengeance is mine I will reward sayeth the Lord. Therefore if thine enemie hunger feed him is he thirst giue him drink For inso doing thou shalt heape coales of fire on his head Be not ouercome of euil but ouercome euil with goodnesse The Gospel WHen hee was come downe from the mountaine Matt. 8.1 much people followed him And beholde there came a leper and worshipped him saying Master if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane And Iesus put foorth his hand and touched him saying I will bee thou cleane And immediatly his leprosie was cleansed And Iesus sayd vnto him Tell no man but goe and shewe thy selfe to the Priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded to bee offered for a witnesie vnto them And when Iesus was entred into Capernaum there came vnto him a Centuriō and besought him saying Master my seruant lyeth at home sicke of the palsie and is grieuoussly pained And Iesus sayd when I come vnto him I will heale him The Centuriom answered and sayd Sir I am not woorthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe but speake the word onely and my seruant shal be healed For I also my self am a man subiect to the auyhority of another and haue souldiers vnder me I say to this man Go he goeth to another man Come he commeth to my seruant Do this he doth it When Iesus heard these words he maruciled said to them that followed him Verily I say vnto you I haue not foūd so great faith in Israel I say vnto you that many shal come from the East West shal rest with Abraham Isahar Iacob in the kingdome of heauen But the children of the kingdome shal be cast out into vtter darkenes there shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth And Iesus said vnto the Centurion Go thy way and as thou beleeuest so be it vnto thee And his seruant was healed the selfe same hour The fourth Sunday after the Epiphanie The Collect. GOd which knowest vs to be set in the mids of so many and great dangers that for mans frailnesse we cannot alwayes stand vprightly grant to vs the health of body and soule that all those things which we suffer for sinne by thy helpe we may wel passe and ouercome through Christ our Lord. The Epistle LEt euery soule submit himself e vnto the authority of the higher power for there is nopower but of God Rom. 13.1 The powers that be are ordeined of god Whoesoeuer therefore resisteth power resisteth the ordinance of God but they that resist shall receiue to themselves damnation For rulers are not fearefull to them that doe good but to them that doe euil Wilt thou be without feare of the power do well then and so shalt thou be praised of the same for he is the minister of God for thy wealth But if thou doe that which is euill then feare for hee beareth not the sword of nought for hee is the minister of God to take vengeance on them that doe euill Wherefore yee must needes obey not onely for feare of vengeance but also because of conscience and euen for this cause pay yee tribute For they are Gods ministers seruing for the same purpose Giue to euery man therefore his dutie tribute to whom tribute belongeth longeth custome
fasting 1 ocl 2. 12. weeping and mourning rent your hearts and not your clothes Turne you vnto the Lord your God for he is gracious mercifull long suffring of great compassion and ready to pardon wickednes Then no doubt he also shall turne and forgiue and after his chastening hee shall let your encrease remaine for meate and drinke offrings vnto the Lorde your God Blowe out with the trumpet in Sion proclaime a fasting call the congregation and gather the people together warne the congregation gather the Elders bring the children and sucklings together Let the bridegrome goe foorth of his chamber and the bride out of her closet Let the Priests serue the Lord betweene the porch and the altar weeping and saying Be fauourable O Lord be fauorable vnto thy people let not thine heritage be brought to such confusion least the heathen bee lords thereof Wherefore should they say among the Heathen Where is now their God The Gospel WHen yee fast Mat. 6.16 be not sad as the hypocrites are For they diffigure their faces that it may appeare vnto men how that they fast Verely I saye vnto you they haue their reward But thou when thou fastest annoynt thine head and wash thy face that it appeare not vnto men howe that thou fastest but vnto thy father which is in secrete and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly Lay not vp for your selues treasure vpon earth where the rust and moth doeth corrupt and where theeues breake through and steale But lay vp for you treasures in heauen where neither rust nor moth doth corrupt and where theeues do not break through nor steale For where your treasure is there will your hearts be also The first Sunday in Lent The Collect. O Lord which for our sake diddest fast fortie dayes and fortie nights giue vs grace to vse such abstinence that our flesh being subdued to the spirite we may euer obey thy godly motions in righteousnesse and true holines to thy honour and glorie which liuest and raignest c. The Epistle WE as helpers exhort you 2 Cor. 6.1 that yee receiue not the grace of GOD in vaine For he saith I haue heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of saluation haue I succoured thee Behold now is that accepted time Behold now is that day of saluation Let vs giue none occasion of euill that in our office bee found no fault but in all things let vs behaue our selues as the ministers of God in much patience in afflictions in necessities in auguish in stripes in prisonments in strifes in labours in watchings in fastings in purenes in knowledge in long suffering in kindnesse in the holy Ghost in loue vnfained in the word of truth in the power of God by the armour of righteousnesse on the right hand and on the left by honour and dishonour by euill report and good report as deceiuers and yet true as vnknowen and yet knowen as dying and behold we liue as chastened and not killed as sorrowing and yet alway merrie as poore and yet making many rich as hauing nothing and yet possessing all things The Gospel THen Iesus was led away of the spirite into the wildernesse Mat 4.1 to bee tempted of the deuill And when hee had fasted fourtie dayes and fourtie nights hee was at the last an hungred And when the tempter came to him hee said If thou bee the sonne of God commaund that these stones bee made bread But hee answered and saide It is written Man shall not liue by bread onely but by euerie word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Then the deuill taketh him vp into the holy citie and setteth him on a pinacle of the temple and saith vnto him If thou bee the sonne of God cast thy selfe downe headlong for it is written Hee shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee and with their hands they shall hold thee vp least at any time thou dash thy foote against a stone And Iesus said vnto him It is written againe Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Againe the deuill taketh him vp into an exceeding high mountain and sheweth him al the kingdoms of the world and the glorie of them and saith vnto him All these will I giue thee if thou wilt fall downe and worship me Then saith Iesus vnto him Auoid Satan for it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord God and him onely shalt thou serue Then the deuil leaueth him and behold the Angels came and ministred vnto him The second Sunday in Lent The Collect. ALmightie God which doest see that we haue no power of our selues to helpe our selues keepe thou vs both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our soules that we may be defended from all aduersities which may happen to the bodie and from all euill thoughts which may assault and hurt the soule through Iersus Christ c. The Epistle WE beseech you brethren 1. Thes 4.1 and exhort you by the Lord Iesus that yee encrease more and more euen as ye haue receiued of vs how yee ought to walke and to please God For yee know what commaundements wee gaue you by our Lord Iesus Christ For this is the will of God euen your holinesse that ye should absteine from fornication and that euerie one of you should know how to keepe his vessell in holinesse and honour and not in the lust of concupiscene as doe the Heathen which know not God that no man oppresse and defraud his brother in bargaining because that the Lord is the auenger of all such things as we told you before testified For God hath not called vs vnto vncleannes but vnto holinesse Hee therefore that despiseth despiseth not man but God which hath sent his holy spirit among you The Gospel IEsus went thence and departed into the coastes of Tyre and Sidon and beholde Matt. 15.21 a woman of Canaan which came out of the same coasts cried vnto him saying Haue mercie on mee O Lord thou sonne of Dauid my daughter is piteously vexed with a deuill But he answered her nothing at all And his disciples came and besought him saying Send her away for she crieth after vs. But he answered and said I am not sent but to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel Then came shee and worshipped him saying Lord helpe me Hee answered and said It is not meete to take the childrens bread and cast it to dogs Shee answered and said Trueth Lord for the dogs eate of the crummes which fall from their masters table Then Iesus answered said vnto her O woman great is thy faith be it vnto thee euen as thou wilt And her daughter was made whole euen the same time The third Sunday in Lent The Collect. WE beseech thee almighty God looke vpon the hartie desire of thy humble seruants and stretch forth the right hand of thy maiestie to bee our defence against all our enemies through Iesus Christ our Lord.
The Epistle BE you the folowers of God as deere children Eph. 5.1 and walke in loue euen as Christ loued vs and gaue himselfe for vs an offring and a sacrifice of a sweete sauour to God As for fornication and al vncleannes or couetousnes let it not bee once named among you as it becommeth saints or filthinesse or foolish talking or icsting which are not comely but rather giuing of thankes For this yee knowe that no whoremonger either vncleane person or couetous person which is a worshipper of images hath any inheritance in the kingdome of Christ of God Let no man deceiue you with vaine words For because of such things commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of disobedience Be ye not therfore companions of them Ye were sometimes darkenes but now are ye light in the Lord walke as children of light for the fruit of the spirit consisteth in al goodnes and righteousnes and trueth Accept that which is pleasing vnto the Lord and haue no felowship with the vnfruitfull workes of darkenes but rather rebuke them For it is a shame euen to name those things which are done of them in secret but all things when they are brought foorth by the light are manifest For whatsoeuer is manifest the same is light Wherefore hee sayth Awake thou that sleepest and stand vp from death and Christ shall giue thee light The Gospel IEsus was casting out a deuill that was dumbe Lu. 11.14 And when he had cast out the deuil the dumbe spake and the people wondred But some of them sayde He casteth out deuils through Beelzebub the cheefe of the Deuiles And other tempted him and required of him a signe from heauen But hee knowing their thoughtes sayde vnto them Euery kingdome deuided against it selfe is desolate and one house doth fall vpon another If Satan also be diuided against himselfe how shall his kingdome endure Because yee say I cast out deuiles through Beelzebub If I by the helpe of Beelzebub cast out deuils by whose helpe doe your children cast them out Therefore shall they bee your Iudges But if I by the finger of God cast out deuiles no doubt the kingdome of God is come vpon you When a strong man armed watcheth his house the things that he possesseth are in peace But when a stronger them hee commeth vpon him and ouercommeth him he taketh from him al his harnesse wherein he trusted and dimdeth his goodes He that is not with me is against mee and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad When the vncleane spirit is gone out of a man hee walketh thorowe drie places seeking rest and when he findeth none he saith I wil returne againe into my house whence I came out And when he commeth he findeth it swept and garnished Then goeth he and taketh to him seuen other spirits worse then himselfe and they enter in and dwell there and the ende of that man is worse then the beginning And it fortuned that as hee spake these things a certaine woman of the company lift vp her voyce and sayde vnto him Happy is the wombe that bare thee and the pappes which gaue thee sucke But he sayd Yea happie are they that heare the word of God and keepe it The fourth Sunday in Lent The Collect. GRaunt we beseech thee almightie God that wee which for our euill deedes are worthily punished by the comfort of thy grace may mercifully be relieued through our Lord Iesus Christ The Epistle TEll me ye that desire to be vnder the law do ye not heare of the law for it is written Gal 4.21 that Abraham had two sonnes the one by a bondmaide the other by a free woman Yea he which was borne of the bondwoman was borne after the flesh but he which was borne of the free woman was borne by promise Which thinges are spoken by an allegorie for these are two testaments the one from the mount Sina which gendreth vnto bondage which is Agar for mount Sina is Agar in Arabia and bordereth vpon the citie which is now called Hierusalem and is in bondage with her children But Hierusalem which is aboue is free which is the mother of vs all For it is written Reioyce thou barren that bearest no children breake foorth and crie thou that trauellest not for the desolate hath many moe children then shee which hath an husband Brethren we are after Isahac the children of promise But as then he that was borne after the flesh persecuted him that was borne after the spirit euen so is it now Neuerthelesse what saith the Scripture Put away the bondwoman and her sonne for the sonne of the bondwoman shall not be heire with the sonne of the freewoman So then brethren wee are not children of the bondwoman but of the freewoman The Gospel IEsus departed ouer the Sea of Galilee Ioh. 6.1 which is the sea of Tiberias and a great multitude followed him because they sawe his myracles which hee did on them that were diseased And Iesus went vp into a mountaine and there hee sate with his disciples And Easter a feast of the Iewes was nigh When Iesus then lift vp his eyes and saw a great companie come vnto him hee said vnto Philip Whence shall we buy bread that these may eate This he said to prooue him for he himselfe knew what hee would doe Philip answered him Two hundreth penywoorth of bread are not sufficient for them that euery man may take a litle One of his disciples Andrew Simon Peters brother saith vnto him There is a lad which hath fiue barley loaues and two fishes but what are they among so many And Iesus said Make the people sit down There was much grasse in the place So the men sate downe in number about fiue thousand And Iesus tooke the bread and when he had giuen thankes hee gaue to the Disciples and the Disciples to them that were set downe and like wise of the fishes as much as they would When they had eaten inough hee said vnto his Disciples Gather vp the broken meate which remaineth that nothing bee lost And they gathered it together and filled twelue baskets with the broken meate of the fiue barley loaues which broken meate remained vnto them that had eaten Then those men when they had seene the miracle that Iesus did said This is of a trueth the same Prophet that should come into the world The fifth Sunday in Lent The Collect. WE beseech thee almightie God mercifully to looke vpon thy people that by thy great goodnesse they may be gouerned and preserued euermore both in bodie and soule through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle CHrist beeing an high Priest of good things to come Heb. 9.11 came by a greater and a more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building neither by the blood of Goates and calues but by his owne blood he entred in once into the holy place and found eternall redemption
Luk. 14.1 to eat bread on the Sabboth day and they watched him And behold there was a certaine man before him which had the dropsie And Iesus answered spake vnto the Lawyers Pharises saying Is it lawfull to heale on the Sabboth day And they held their peace And he tooke him healed him let him go answered them saying Which of you shal haue an Asse or an Oxe fallen into a pit and will not straightway pul him out on the Sabboth day And they could not answere him again to these things He put forth also a similitude to the ghests when he marked how they preased to be in the highest roomes and said vnto them When thou art bidden to a wedding of any man sitte not downe in the highest roome least a more honourable man then thou bee bidden of him and hee that bade him and thee come and say to thee Giue this man roome and thou begin with shame to take the lowest roome But rather when thou art bidden goe and fit in the lowest roome that when he that bad thee commeth hee may say vnto thee Friend sit vp higher then shall thou haue worship in the presence of them that sit at meate with thee For whosoener exalteth himselfe shall be brought low and he that humbleth himselfe shall be exalted The xviij Sunday after trinitie The Collect. LOrd we beseech thee graunt thy people grace to auoyde the infections of the deuil and with pure heart and minde to followe thee the onely God through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle I Thanke my GOD alwayes on your behalfe 1. Cor. 14. for the grace of God which is giuen you by Iesus Christ that in all things yee are made rich by him in all vtterance and in al knowledge by the which things the testimonie of Iesus Christ was confirmed in you so that yee are behind in no gift waiting for the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ which shall also strengthen you to the end that ye may be blamelesse in the day of the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ The Gospel WHen the Pharises had heard that Iesus had put the Sadduces to silence Matth 22.34 they came together and one of them which was a Doctour of the Law asked him question tempting him and saying Master which is the greatest commaundement in the Lawe Iesus sayde vnto him Thou shall loue the Lord thy GOD with all thine heart and with all thy soule and with all thy minde This is the first greatest commandement And the second is like vnto it Thou shall thou thy neighbour as thy selfe In these two commaundements hang all the Law the Prophets While the Pharisees were gathered together Iesus asked them saying What thinke ye of Christ whose sonne is he They said vnto him The sonne of Dauid He sayd vnto them How then doth Dauid in spirit call him Lord saying The Lord sayd vnto my Lorde Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footestoole If Dauid then call him Lord how is he thē his sonne And no man was able to answer him any thing neither durst any man from that day forfh aske him any mo questions The xix Sunday after Trinitie The Collect. O God forasmuch as without thee wee are not able to please thee grant that the working of thy mercie may in all things direct and rule onr hearts through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle THis I say Eph. 4.17 and testifie through the Lord that yee hence foorth walke not as other Gentiles walke in banitie of their minde while they are blinded in their vnderstanding being far from a godly life by the meanes of the ignorance that is in them because of the blindnes ot their hearts which being past repentance haue giuen themselues ouer vnto wantonnesse to worke all maner of vncleannesse euen with greedinesse But ye haue not so learned Christ If so bee that yee haue heard him and haue bene taught in him as the trueth is in Iesu as concerning the conuersation in times past to lay from you the olde man which is corrupt according to the deceiueable lustes to be renewed also in the spirite of your minde and to put on that newe man which after God is shapen in righteousnesse and true holinesse Wherefore put away lying speake euery man trueth vnto his neighbour forasmuch as wee are members one of another Be angry and sinne not Let not the sunne go downe upon your wrath neither giue place to the backbiter Let him that stole steale no more but let him rather labour with his hands the thing which is good that he may gine vnto him that needeth Let no filthie communication proceede out of your mouth but that which is good to edifie withal as oft as neede is that it may minister grace vnto the hearers And grieue not the holy spirit of God by whom ye are sealed vnto the day of redemption Let all bitternesse and fiercenes and wrath and roaring cursed speaking be put away from you with all maliciousnesse Be ye courteous one to another merciful forgiuing one another euen as God for Christs sake hath forgiuen you The Gospel IEsus entred into a ship Mat. 9.1 and passed ouer and came into his owne citie And beholde they bought to him a man sicke of the palsie lying in a bed And when Iesus sawe the faith of them he said to the sicke of the palsie Sonne be of good cheere thy sinnes be forgiuen thee And beholde certaine of the Scribes sayde within themselues This man blasphemeth And when Iesus saw their thoughts he sayd wherefore thinke ye euill in your hearts Whether is it easier to say Thy sinnes be forgiuen thee or to say Arise and walke But that ye may know that the sonne of man hath power to forgiue sinnes in earth Then saith he to the sicke of the palsie Arise take vp thy bed and goe vnto thy house And hee arose and departed to his house But the people that saw it marueiled and glorfied God which had giuen such power vnto men The xx Sunday after Trinitie The Collect. ALmightie and mercifull God of thy bountifull goodnesse keepe vs from all things that may hurt vs that wee being ready both in bodie and soule may with free heartes accomplish those things that than wouldest haue done though Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle TAke heede therefore how yee walke circnmspectly Ephes 5.15 not as vnwise but as wise men redeeming the time because the dayes are euill Wherefore be yee not vnwise but vnderstand what the will of the Lord is and be not drunken with wine wherein is excesse but be ye filled with the Spirit speaking vnto your selues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall songs singing and making melodie to the Lord in pour hearts giuing thankes alwayes for all things vnto God the Father in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ submiting your selues one to another in the seare of God The
thee we giue thanks to thee for thy great glory O Lord GOD heauenly king God the Father almightie O Lord the only begotten sonne Iesu Christ O Lorde GOD Lambe of God sonne of the Father that takest away the sinnes of the world haue mercy vpon vs. Thou that takest away the sinnes of the world receiue our prayer Thou that fittest at the right hand of God the Father haue mercie vpon vs. For thou onely art holy thou onely art the Lord thou only O Christ with the holy Ghost art most high in the glory of god the father Amen Then the Priest or the Bishop if he be present slall let them depart with this blessing The peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding keepe your hearts and mindes in the knowlege and loue of God and of his sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and the blessing of God almighty the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost be amongst you and remaine with you alwayes Amen Collects to be said after the offertorie when there is no Communion euery such day one And the same may be said also as often as occasion shal serue After the Collects either of Morning and Euening prayer Communion or Letanie by the discretion of the Minister ASsist vs mercifully O Lord in these our supplications and prayers and dispose the way of thy seruants toward the attainement of euerlasting saluation that among all the changes and chances of this mortal life they may euer bee defended by thy most gracious and readie helpe though Christ our Lord. Amen O ALmightie Lord and euerliuing God vouchsafe wee beseech thee to direct sanctifie and gouerne both our heartes and bodies in the wayes of thy lawes and in the works of thy commandements that through thy most mighty protection both here and euer we may be preserued in body soule though our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ Amen GRaunt wee beseech thee almightie God that the wordes which wee haue heard this day with our outward eares may though thy grace be so graffed inwardly in our hearts that they may bring forth in vs the fruit of good liuing to the honour and praise of thy name though Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen PReuent vs O Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious fauour and further Vs with thy continuall helpe that in all our works begum continucd and ended in the we may glorifie thy holy Name and finally by thy mercy obteine euerlasting life though Iesus Christ out Lord. Amen ALmightie GOD the fountaine of all wisedome which knowest our neccssities before we aske and our ignorance in asking wee beseech thee to haue compassion vpon out infirmities and those things which for our vnworthinesse we dare not and for our blindnesse we cannot aske vouchsafe to giue vs for the worthines of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ALmightie god which hast promised to heare the petitions of them that aske in thy sonnes name we beseech thee mercifully to encline thine eares to vs that haue made now our prayers and supplications vnto thee and graunt that those things which wee haue faithfully asked according to thy will may effectually be obtained to the reliefe of our necessitie and to the setting forth of thy glorie though Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ¶ Vpon the holy dayes if there be no Communion shall be said all that is appointed at the Communion vntill the ende of the Homilie concluding with the generall prayer for the whole estate of Chrifstes Church militant here in earth and one or moe of these Collects before rehearsed as occasion shall serue And there shall bee no celebration of the Lords Supper except there be a good number to communicate with the Priest according to his discretion And if there be not aboue twentie persons in the Parish of discretion to receiue the Communion yet there shall be no Communion except foure or three at the least communicate with the Priest And in Cathedrall and Collegiate Churches where be many Priests and Deacons they shall all receiue the Communion with the Minister euery Sunday at the least except they haue a reasonable cause to the contrarie And to take away the superstition which any person hath or might haue in the bread and wine it shall suffice that the bread be such as is vsually to bee eaten at the table with other meates but the best and purest wheate bread that conueniently may bee gotten And if any of the bread and wine remaine the Curate shall haue it to his owne vse The bread and wine for the Communion shall be prouided by the Curate and the Churchwardens at the charges of the Parish and the Parish shall be discharged of such summes of money or other dueties which hitherto they haue paide for the same by order of their houses euery Sunday And note that euery Parishioner shal communicate at the least three times in the yeere of which Easter to bee one and shall also receiue the Sacraments and other Rites according to the order in this booke appointed And yeerely at Easter euery Parishioner shall reckon with his Parson Vicar or Curate or his or their deputie or deputies and pay to them or him all Ecclesiasticall dueties accustomably due then and at that time to be payed The ministration of Baptisme to be vsed in the Church It appeareth by ancient writers that the Sacrament of Baptisme in the old time was not commonly ministred but at two times in the yeere At Caster and whitfuntide At which times it was openly ministred in the presence of all the Congregation Which custome now being growen out of vse although it cannot for many considerations bee well restored againe it is thought good to follow the same as neere as conueniently may be Wherefore the people are to be admonished that it is most conuenient that Baptisme should not be ministred but vpon Sundays and other holydayes when thr most number of people may come together as well for that the congregation thet present may testifie the recieuing of them that be newly baptized into the number of Christ Church as also becouse in the Baptisme of insants euery man present may bee put in remembrance of his owne profession made to God in his baptisme For which cause also it is expedient that baptisme be ministred in the English tounge Neuerthelesse if necessitie so requeire children may at all times be baptized at home When there are children to bee baptized vpon the Sunday or holy day the parents shall giue knowledge ouer night or in the morning afore the beginning of Morning prayer to the Curate And then the Godfathers Godmothers and people with the children must be ready at the Font either immediatly after the last Lesson at Morning prayer or els immediatly after the last Lesson at Euening prayer as the Curate by his discretion shall appoint And then standing there the Priest shall aske whether the children be baptized or no. If they answere No then shal the Priest say thus DEarely
and euerlastingly rewarded through thy mercie O blesssed Lord God who doest liue and gouerue all things world without end Amen ALmighty euerliuing God whose most dearly beloued Sonne Iesus Christ for the forgiueness of our sinnes did shed out of his most precious side both water and blood and gaue commandement to his Disciples that they should goe teach all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Regard we beseech thee the spplications of thy congregation and grant that all thy seruants which shall be baptized in this water may receiue the fulnesse of thy grace and euer remaine in the number of thy faithfull and elect children through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Then the Priest shall take the child in his hands and aske the name And naming the child shall dip it in the water so it bediscreetly and warily done saying N. I baptize thee in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen And if the childe be weake it shall suffice to powre water vpon it saying the foresaid words N. I baptize thee in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen Then the Priest shall make a Crosse vpon the childes forehead saying WE receiue this childe into the Congregation of Christ flocke and doe signe him with the signe of the Crosse in token that here after he shall not be ashamed to confesse the faith of Christ crucified and manfully to fight vnder his banner against sinne the world and the deuill and to continue Christs faithfull souldier and seruant vnto his liues end Amen Then shall the Priest say SEeing now dearely beloued brethren that these children bee regenerate and grafted into the bodie of Christs congregation let vs giue thanks vnto God for these benefits and with one accorde make our prayers vnto Almightie God that they may leade the rest of their life according to this beginning Then shall be said Our Father Which art in heauen c. Then shall the Priest say WE yeeld thee heartie thanks most merciful father that it hath pleased thee to regenerate this infant with thy holy spirit to receiue him for thine owne child by adoption and to incorporate him into thy holy congregation And humbly wee beseech thee to graunt that he being dead vnto sinne and liuing vnto righteousnes and being buried with Christ in his death may crucifie the old man and vtterly abolish the whole body of sinne that as hee is made partaker of the death of thy sonne so he may be partaker of his resurrection so that finally with the resid●e of thy holy Congregation hee may be inheritout of thine euerlasting kingdome through Christ our Lord Amen At the last ende the Priest calling the Godfathers and Godmothers together shall say this exhortation following FOrasmuch as these children haue promised by you to forsake the deuil and at his workes to beleeue in God and to serue him you must remember that it is your parts and dueties to see that these infants be taught so soone as they shall bee able to learne what a solemne vowe promise and profession they haue made by you And that they may know these things the better ye shall call vpon them to heare Sermons and chiefly you shall prouide that they may learne the Creede the Lords prayer and 〈◊〉 ten Commaundements in the English tongue and all other things which a Christian man ought to know and beleeue to his soules health and that these children may bee vertuously brought vp to leade a godly and a Christian life remembring alwayes that Baptisme doeth represent vnto vs our profession which is to follow the example of our Sauiour Christ and to be made like vnto him that as he died and rose againe for vs so should wee which are baptized die from sinne and rise againe vnto righteousnes continually mortifying all our euil and corrupt affections and dayly proceeding in all bertue and godlinesse of liuing The Minister that command that the children be brought to the Bishop to be confirmed of him so soone as they can say in their vulgar tongue the Articles of the faith the Lords prayer and the ten Commandements and be further instructed in the Catechisme set forth for that purpose according as it is there expressed ¶ Of them that are to be baptized in priuate houses in time of necessitie by the Minister of the Parish or any other lawfull Minister that can be procured The Pastours and Curates shall often admonish the people that they deferre not the Baptisme of Infants any longer then the Sunday or other Holy day next after the childe be borne vnlesse vpon a great and reasonable cause declared to the Curate and by him approued And also they shall warne them that without great cause necessitie they procure not their children to be baptized at home in their houses And when great need shall compell them so to do then Baptisme shal be administred on this fashion First let the lawfull Minister and them that be present call vpon God for his grace and say the Lords prayer if the time wil suffer And then the child being named by some one that is present the said lawfull Minister shal dip it in water or powre water vpon it saying these words N I baptize thee in the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen And let them not doubt but that the childe so baptized is lawfully and sufficiently baptized and ought not to be baptized againe But yet neuerthelesse if the child which is after this sort baptized doe afterward liue it is expedient that it bee brought into the Church to the intent that if the Priest or Minister of the same parish did himselfe baptize that childe the Congregation may be certified of the true forme of Baptisme by him priuately before vsed Or if the childe were baptized by any other lawfull Minister that then the Minister of the Parish where the childe was borne or Christened shall examine and try whether the childe be lawfully baptized or no. In which case if those that bring any childe to the Church doe answere that the same childe is already baptized then shall the Minister examine them further saying By whom was the childe baptized Who was present when childe was baptized And because some things Essentiall to this Sacrament may happen to be omitteb through feare or haste in such times of extremitie therefore I demaund further of you With what matter was the child baptized With what words was the child baptized Whether thinke you the childe to bee lawfully and perfectly baptized And if the Minister shall finde by the answeres of such as bring the childe that all things were done as they ought to be then shall not he Christen the childe againe but shall receiue him as one of the slocke of the true Christian people saying thus I Certifie you that in this case all is
well done and according vnto due order concerning the baptizing of this childe which being borne in original sinne and in the wrath of God is now by the lauer of regeneration in baptisme receiued into the number of the children of God and heires of euerlasting life For our Lord Iesus Christ doeth not deny his grace and merey vnto such Infants but most louingly doeth call them vnto him as the holy Gospel doeth witnesse to our comfort on this wise AT a certaine time they brought children vnto Christ that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them But when Iesus saw it Marke 10.13 he was displeased said vnto them Suffer little children to come vnto me and forbid them not for to such belongeth the kingdome of God Verely I say vnto you whosoeuer doeth not receiue the kingdome of God as a little childe hee shall not enter therein And when hee had taken them vp in his armes he put his hands vpon them and blessed them After the Gospel is read the Minister shall make this exhortation vpon the wordes of the Gospel FRiends you heare in this Gospel the words of our Sauiour Christ that the commanded the children to be brought vnto him how hee blamed those that would haue kept them from him how hee exhorted all men to follow their innocencie Yee perceiue how by his outward gesture and deede he declared his good will towarde them For hee embraced them in his armes he laide his hands vpon them and blessed them Doubt yee not therefore but earnestly beleeue that hee hath like wise fauourably receiued this present infant that hee hath imbraced him with the armes of his mercie that hee hath giuen vnto him the blessing of eternall life and made him partaker of his euerlasting kingdome Wherefore we being thus perswaded of the good will of our heauenly Father declared by his sonne Iesus Christ towards this infant let vs faithfully and deuoutly giue thanks vnto him say the prayer which the Lord himselfe thaught and in declaration of our faith let vs recite the Articles conteined in our Creede Here the Minister with the Godfathers and Godmothers shall say ¶ Our Father which art in heauen c. Then shall the Priest demaund the name of the childe which being by the Godfathers and Godmothers pronounced the Minister shall say Doest thou in the name of this child forsake the Deuil and all his workes the baine pompe and glory of the world with all the couetous desires of the same the carnall desires of the 〈◊〉 and not to follow and be led by them Answere I forsake them all Minister Doest thou in the name of this childe professe this faith to beleeue in God the Father Almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely begotten sonne our Lord And that he was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Marie that he suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried that he went downe into hel and also did rise againe the third day that hee ascended into heauen and fitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty and from thence he shal come againe at the end of the world to iudge the quicke and the dead And doe you in his name beleeue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saints the remission of sinnes reserrection and euerlasting life after death Answere All this I stedfastly beleeue Let vs pray ALmightie and euerlasting God heauently father wee giue thee humble thankes for that thou hast vouchsafed to call vs to the knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee Increase this knowledge confirme this faith in vs euermore giue thy holy spirite to this infant that hee being borne againe and being made heire ot euerlasting saluation through our Lord Iesus Christ may continue thy seruant attaine thy promise through the same our Lord Iesus Christ thy sonne who liueth and reigneth with thee in the vnitie of the same holy spirit euerlastingly Amen Then shall the Minister make this exhortation to the Godfathers and Godmothers FOrasmuch as this childe hath promised by you to forsake the deuill and all his workes to beleeue in God and to serue him you must remember that it is your part and duetie to see that this infant be taught so soone as he shall bee able to learne what a solemne vowe promise and profession he hath made by you And that he may know these things the better ye shall call vpon him to heare Sermons and chiefly you shall prouide that hee may learne the Creede the Lords Prayer and the ten commandements in the English tongue and all other things which a Christian man ought to know and beleeue to his soules health and that this childe may bee vertuously brought vp to lead a godly and a Christian life remembring alway that Baptisme doeth represent dnto vs our profession which is to follow the example of our Saniour Christ and bee made like vnto him that as hee died and rose againe for vs so should wee which are baptized die from sinne and rise againe vnto righteousnesse continually mortifying all our euill and corrupt affections and dayly proceeding in all vertue and godlinesse of liuing And so foorth as in Publique Baptisme But if they which bring the Infants to the Church doe make such vncertaine answeres to the Priests questions as that it cannot appeare that the childe was baptized with water In the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost which are Essential parts of Baptisme then let the Priest baptize it in forme aboue written concerning Publique Baptisme sauing that at the dipping of the childe in the Font hec shall vse this forme of wordes IF thou be not already baptized N. I baptized thee in the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen ❧ The Order of Confirmation or laying on of hands vpon children baptized and able to render an account of their faith according to the Catechisme following TO the end that Confirmation may be ministred to the more edifying of such as shall receiue it according to Saint Pauls doctrine who teacheth that all things should be done in the Church to the edificatiō of the same it is thought good that none hereafter shall be Confirmed but such as can say in their mother tongue the Articles of the faith the Lords Prayer and the tenne Commandements and can also answere to such questions of this short Catechisme as the Bishop or such as he shall appoint shall by his discretion appose him in And this order is most conuenient to be obserued for diuers considerations First bccause that when children come to the yeeres of discretion and haue learned what their Godfathers and Godmothers promised for them in Baptisme they may then themselues with their owne mouth and with their owne consent openly before the Church ratifie and confirme the same and also promise
that by the grace of God they will euermore endeuour themselues faithfully to obserue and keepe such things as they by their owne mouth and confession haue assented vnto Secondly forasmuch as Confirmation is ministred to them that be baptized that by imposition of handes and Prayer they may receiue strengch and defence against all temptations to sinne and the assaults of the world and the deuill it is most meete to be ministred when children come to that age that partly by the frailtie of their owne flesh partly by the assaults of the world and the deuil they begin to be in danger to fall into sundry kinds of sinne Thirdly for that it is agreeable with the vsage of the Church in times past whereby it was ordained that Confirmation should be ministred to them that were of perfect age that they being instructed in Christes Religion should openly professe their owne faith and promise to be obedient vnto the will of God And that no man shall thinke that any detriment shall come to children by differing of their Confirmation hee shall know for trueth that it is certaine by Gods word that children being baptized haue all things necessary for their saluation and bevndoubtedly saued A Catechisme that is to say An instruction to be learned of euery childe before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bishop WHat is your name Answere N. or M. Question Who gaue you this name Answere My Godfather and Godmothers in my Baptisme wherein I was made a member of Christ the childe of God and an inheritour of the kingdome of heauen Question What did your Godfathers and Godmothers then for your Answere They did promise and vowe three things in my name First that I should forske the deuill and all his workes and pompes the vanities of the wicked world and all the sinfull lustes of the flesh Secondly that I should beleeue all the Articles of the Christian faith And thirdly that I should keepe Gods holy will and Commandements and walke in the same all the dayes of my life Question Doest thou not thinke that thou art bound to beleeue and to doe as they haue promised for thee Answere Yes verily and by Gods helpe so I will And I heartily thanke our heauenly Father that hee hath called mee to this state of saluation through Iesus Christ our Sauiour And I pray God to giue me his grace that I may continue in the same vnto my liues ende Question Rehearse the Articles of thy beliefe Answere I Beleeue in God the Father Almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgine Mary suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried hee descended into hell the thirde day hee rose againe from the dead hee ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty From thence hee shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleeue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saints the forgiuenesse of sinnes the resurrection of the body and the life euerlasting Amen Question What doest thou chiefly learne in these Articles of thy beliefe Answere First I learne to beleeue in God the Father who hath made me and all the world Secondly in God the Sonne who hath redeemed me and all mankinde Thirdly in God the holy Ghost who sanctifieth mee and all the elect people of God Question You said that your Godfathers and Godmothers did promise for you that you should keepe Gods Commandements Tell me bow many there bee Ansvvere Tenne Question Which be they Ansvvere THe same which God spake in the twentieth Chapter of Exodus saying I am the Lord thy God which haue brought thee out of the land of Egypt out of the house of boundage i. Thou shalt haue none other gods but mee ii Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not bow downe to them nor worship them For I the Lord thy God am a ielous God and bisite the sinnes of the fathers vpon the children vnto the thirde and fourth generation of them that hate mee and shew mercy vnto thousands in them that loue mee and keepe my Commandements iii. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vaine for the Lord wil not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vaine iiii Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbath day Sixe dayes shalt thou labour and doe all that thou hast to do but the seuenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God In it thou shalt doe no maner of worke thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy man seruant and thy mayde seruant thy cattell and the stranger that is within thy gates For in sixe dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seunth day wherefore the Lord blessed the seuenth day and halowed it v. Honour thy father and thy mother that thy dayes may bee long in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee vi Thou shalt doe no murther vii Thou shalt not commit adulterie viii Thou shalt not steale ix Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against neighbour x. Thou shalt not couet thy neighboures house thou shalt not couet thy neighbous wife nor his seruant nor his mayde nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is his Question What doest thou chiefly learne by these commaundements Ansvvere I learne two things My duetie towards God and my duetie towards my neighbour Question What is thy duetie towards God Ansvvere My duetie towards God is to beleeue in him to feare him and to loue him with all my heart with all my minde with al my soule and with all my strength To worship him to giue him thankes to put my whole trust in him to call vpon him to honour his holy Name and his word and to serue him truely all the dayes of mhy life Question What is thy duetie to wards thy neighbour Answere My duety towards my neighbour is to loue him as my selfe and to doe to all men as I would they should doe vnto mee To loue honour and succour my father and mother To honour and obey the king and his ministers To submit my selfe to all my gouernours teachers spirituall Pastours and masters To order my selfe lowly and reuerently to all my betters To hurt no body by word or deed To be true and iust in all my dealing To beare no malice nor hatred in my heart To keepe my handes from picking and stealing and my tongue from euill speaking lying and slandering To keepe my body in temperance sobernesse and chastitic Not to couet nor desre other mens goods but to learne and labour truely to get mine owne liuing and to doe my duetie in that state of life vnto the which it shall please
them at rest The words of the Lord are pure words euen as the siluer which from the earth is tried purified seuen times in the fire Thou shalt keepe them O Lord thou shalt preserue him from this generation for euer The vngodly walke on euery side when they are exalted the children of men are put to rebuke Vsquequo Domine Psal xiij HOw long wilt thou forget mee O Lord for euer how long wilt thou hide thy face from me How long shalt I seeke counsell in my soule and be so vexed in mine heart howe long shalt mine enemies triumph ouer me Consider and heare mee O Lorde my God lighten mine eyes that I sleepe not in death Left mine enemie say I haue preuailed against him for if I be cast downe they that trouble me will reioyce at it But my trust is in thy mercy and my heart is ioyfull in thy saluation I wil sing of the Lord because he hath delt so louingly with me yea I wil praise the name of the Lord most highest Dixit insipiens Psal xiiij THe foole hath said in his heart there is no God They are corxupt and become abominable in their doings there is not one that doeth good no not one The Lorde looked downe from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that would vnderstand and seeke after God But they are all gone out of the way they are altogether become abominable there is none that doeth good no not one Their throat is an open sepulchre with their tongues haue they deceiued the poison of aspes is vnder their lips Their mouth is full of cursing and bitternesse their feete are swift to shed blood Destruction and vnhappinesse is in their wayes the way of peace haue they not knowen there is no feare of God before their eyes Haue they no knowledge that they are all such workers of mischiefe eating vp my people as it were bread And call not vpon the Lorde there were they brought in great feare euen where no feare was for God is in the generation of the righteous As for you yee haue made a mocke at the counsaile of the poore because he putteth his trust in the Lord. Who shalt giue saluation vnto Israel out of Sion when the Lorde turneth the captiuitie of his people then shalt Iacob reioyce and Israel shal be glad Domine quis habitabit Psal xv LOrd who shalt dwell in thy tabernacle Morning prayer or who shalt rest vpon thy holy hill Euen he that leadeth an vncorrupt life and both the thing which is right and speaketh the tructh from his heart Hee that hath vsed no deceit in his tongue nor done enill to his neighbour nor hath not slandered his neighbours Hee that setteth not by himselfe but is lowly in his owne eyes and maketh much of them that feare the Lord. Hee that sweareth vnto his neighbour and disappointeth him not though it Were to his owne hinderance He that hath not giuen his money vpon vsurie nor taken reward against the innocent Who so doeth thrse things shalt neuer fall Conserua me Psal xvj PReserue me O God for in thee haue I put my trust O my soule thou hast said vnto the Lord thou art my God my goods are nothing vnto thee All my delight is vpon the saints that are in the earth and vpon such as excell in vertue But they that runne after another god shalt haue great trouble Their drinke offerings of blood will I not offer neither make mention of their names within my lips The Lord himselfe is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup thou shalt maintaine my lot My lot is fallen vnto me in a faire ground yea I haue a goodly heritage I will thanke the Lord for giuing me warning my reines also chasten me in the night season I haue set God alwayes before me for hee is on my right hand therefore I shalt not fall Wherefore my heart was glad and my glory reioyced my flesh also shalt rest in hope For Why thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell neither shalt thou suffer thine Holy one to see corruption Thou shalt she we me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at thy right hand there is pleasure for euermore Exaudi Domine iustitiam Psal xvij HEare the right O Lorde consider my complaint and hearken vnto my prayer that goeth not out of fayned lippes Let my sentence come forth from thy presence and let thine eyes looke vpon the thing that is equall Thou hast prooded and visited mine heart in the night feason thou hast tried me and shalt finde no wickednesse in me for I am vtterly purposed that my mouth shalt not offend Because of mens workes that are done against the wordes of my lips I haue kept me from the wayes of the destroyer O holde thou vp my goings in thy pathes that my footesteps slip not I haue called vpon thee O God for thou shalt heare mee encline thine eare to me and hearken vnto my words Shew thy maruellous louing kindnesse thou that art the Sauiour of them which put their trust in thee from such as resist thy right hand Keepe mee as the apple of an eye hide me vnder the shadow of thy wings From the vngodly that trouble mee mine enemies compasse me round about to take away my foule They are inclosed in their owne fat and their mouth speaketh proud things They lie waiting in our way on cuery side turning their eyes downe to the ground Like as a Lion that is greedie of his pray and as it were a lions whelpe lurking in secret places Vp Lord disappoint him and cast him downe dcliuer my soule from the vngodly which is a sword of thine From the men of thy hand O Lord from the men I say and from the euil world which haue their portion in this life whose bellies thou fillest with thy hid treasure They haue children at their desire and leaue the rest of their substance for their babes But as for me I will behold thy presence in righteousnes and when I awake vp after thy likenesse I shal be satisfied with it Diligam re Psal xviij I will loue thee O LORD my strength Euening prayer the Lorde is my stonie rocke and my defence my Sauiour my God and my might in whome I will trust my buckler the horne also of my salutation and my refuge I wil call vpon the Lord which is worthy to bee praised so shalt I be safe from mine enemies The sorowes of death compassed me and the ouerflowings of vngodlines made me afratd The paines of hell came about mee the snares of death ouertooke me In my trouble I will call vpon the Lord and comylaine vnto my God So shall hee heare my voice out of his holy Temple and my complaint shalt come before him it shalt enter eueu into his eares The earth trembled quaked the very foundations also of the hilles shooke were
that hope in thee shall not bee ashamed but with as transgresse without a cause shal be put to confusion Shew me thy wayes O Lord and tearh me thy paths Lead me foorth in thy trueth learne me for thou art the God of my saluation in thee hath bene my hope al the day long Call to remembrance O Lorde thy tender meries and thy louing Kindnesse which hath bene euer of olde Oh remember not the sinnes and offences of my youth but according to thy mercie thinke thou vpon me O Lord for thy goodnesse Gracious and righteous is the Lord therfore wil be teach sinners in the way Them that be meeke shal he guide in iudgement and such as be gentle them shal he learne his way All the paths of the Lord are mercie and trueth vnto such as keepe his couenant and his testimonies For thy Names sake O Lord be mercifull vnto my sinne for it is great What man is he that feareth the Lord him shall he teach in the may that he shall choose His soule shal dwel at ease his seed shall inherit the land The secrct of the Lord is among them that feare him and he will shew them his couenant Mine eyes are euer looking vnto the Lorde for hee shall plucke my feete out of the net Lurne thee vnto me and haue mercie vpon me for I am dcsolate and in miserie The sorowes of my heart are enlarged O bring thou me out of my troubles Looke vpon mine aduersitie and miserie and forgiue me all my sinne Cousider mine enemies howe many they are and they beare atyrannous hate against me O keepe my soule and deliuer mee let me not be contounded For I haue put my trust in thee Let perfectnesse and righteous dealing waite vpon mee for my hope hath bene in thee Deliuer Israel O God out of all his troubles Iudica me Domine Psal xxvj BE thou my iudge O Lord for I haue walked innocently my trust hath bene also in the Lord therfore shal I not fall Eramine me O Lord and proue me try out me reinef and my heart For thy louing kindnesse is euer before mine eyes and I will walke in thy trueth I haue not dlwelt with vaine persons neither wil I haue fellowship with the deceitfull I haue hated the congregation of the wicked and wil not sit among the vngodly I will wash my hands in innocencie O Lord and so will I goe to thine altar That I may shew the voice of thankesgiuing and tell of all thy wonderous workes Lord I haue loued the habitation of thy house and the place where thine honour dwelleth O shut not vp my soule with the sinners nor my life with the bloodthirstie In whose hands is wickednes and their right hands are full of gifts But as for me I will walke innocently O Lord delitter me and be mercifull vnto mee My foote standeth right I wil praise the Lord in the congregations Dominus illuminatio Psal xxvij THe Lord is my light and my saluation Eueing prayer whom then shall I feare the Lord is the strength of my life of whom then shall I be afrand When the wicked euen mine cnemies and my foes came vpon me to cate vp my flesh they stumbled and fell Though an hoste of men were layd against mee yet shall not my heart be afraid and though there rose vp warre against me yet will I put my trust in him One thing haue I destred of the Lord which I will require euen that I may dwel in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the faire beauty of the Lord and to visit his temple For in the time of trouble he shal hide me in his tabernacle yea in the serret place of his dwelling shal be hide me and set me vp vpon a rocke of stone And now shall hee lift vp mine head aboue mine enemies round about me Therefore will I offer in his dwelling an oblation with great gladnes I will sing and speake praises vnto the Lord. Hearken vnto my voice O Lord when Icrie vnto thee haue mercie vpon me and hear me My heart hath talked of thee seeke yee my face thy face Lord will I seeke O hide not thou thy face from mee nor cast thy seruant away in displeasure Thou hast been my succour lcaue me not neither forsake me O God of my saluation When my father and my mother forsake me the Lord taketh me vp Teach me thy way O Lord and leade mee in the right way bccause of mine enemies Deliuer me not ouer into the will of mine aduersaries for there are false witnesses risen vp against me such as speake wrong I shold btterly haue fainted but that I beleeue verely to sce the goodnes of the lord in the land of the liung O tarie thou the Lords leasure bee strong and hee shall comfort thine heart and put thou thy trust in the Loard Ad te Domine Psal xxviij VNto thee will I crie O Lorde my strength thinke no scorne of me left if thou make as though thou hearest not I bccome like them that goe downe into the pit Heare the voice of my humble petitions when I crie vnto thee when I hold vp my hauds toward the mercie seate of thy holy Temple O plucke me not away neither destroy mee with the vngodly wicked doers which speake friendly to their neighbours but imagine mischiefe in their hearts Reward them according to their deedes and according to the wickednesse of their owne inuentions Recompense them after the workem of their hands pay them that they haue deserued For they regard not in their mind the workes of the Lord nor the operation of his hands therfore shall he breake them downe and not build them vp Praised bee the Lord for hee hath the voice of my humble petitions The Lorde is my strength and my sheild my heart hath trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart danceth for ioy and in my song will I praise him The Lord is my strength and he is the wholsome defence of his anointed O saue thy people and giue thy blessing vnto thine inheritance feede them and set them vp for euer Afferte Domino Psal xxix BRing vnto the Lord O ye mighty bring young rammes vnto the Lorde ascribe vnto the Lorde worshippe and strength Giue the Lorde the honour due vnto his Name worship the Lord with holy worship It is the Lord that commandeth the waters it is the glorious God that maketh the thunder It is the Lord that ruleth the sea the voyce of the Lordeis mighty in operation the voyce of the Lord is a glorious voyce The voyce of the Lord breaketh the Cedac trees yea the Lord breaketh the Cedars Libanus He made them also to skippe like a calfe Libanus also and Syrion like a yong Vnicorne The voice of the Lord diuideth the flames of fire the voice of the Lord shaketh the wildernes yea the Lorde shaketh the wildernesse of Cades
Moab is my washpot ouer Edom wil I cast out my shoe Philistia be thou glad of me Who will leade me into the strong citie who will bring me into Edom Hast thou not cast vs out O God will not thou O God go out with our hostes O be thou out help in trouble for baine is the help of man Through God wil we doe great actes for it is he that shal tread downe our enemies Exaudi Deus Psal 61 HEare my crying O God giue eare vnto my prayer From the ends of the earth wil I call vnto thee when my heart is in heauinesse O set me vp vpon the rocke that is higher then I for thou hast been my hope and a strong tower for mee against the enemie I will dwell in thy Taberanacle for euer and my trust shal be vnder the couering of thy wings For thou O Lord hast heard my desires and hast giuen an heritage vnto those that feare thy Name Thou shall graunt the king a long life that his yeeres may endure throughout all generations He shall dwell before God for euer O prepare thy louing mercie and faithfulnesse that they may preserue him So will I alwalyes sing prayse bnto thy Name that I may dayly performe my vowes Nonne Deo Psal 62 MY soule truely waiteth still vpon God for of him commeth my saluation Morning prayer He berely is my strength and my saluation he is my defence so that I shall not greatly fall How long will ye imagine mischiefe against euery man ye shall be slaline all the sort of you yea as a tottering wall shall ye be and like a broken hedge Their deuice is onely how to put him out whom God will exalt their delight is in lies they giue good words with their mouth but curse with their herat Neuerthelesse my soule waite thou still vpon God for my hope is in him Hee truely is my strength and my saluation hee is my defencc so that I shall not fall In GOD is my health and my glorie the rocke of my might and in God is my trust O put your trust in him alway ye people powre out your hearts before him for God is our hope As for the children of men they are but baine the children of men are deceitfull vpon the weights they are altogether lighter then vanitie it selfe O trust not in wrong and robberie giue not your felues vnto vanitie if riches increase set not your heart vpon them God spake once and wife I haue also heard the same that power belongeth vnto God And that thou Lord art mereifull for thou rewardest euery man according to his worke Deus Deus meus Psal 63 O God thou art my God earely wil I seeke thee My soule thirsteth for thee my flesh also longeth after thee in a barren and dry land where no matter is Thus haue I looked for thee in holinesse that I might behold thy power and glory For thy loutng kindenesse is better then the life it selfe my lips shall prayse thee As long as I liue wil I magnifie thee on this maner and lift vp my hands in thy name My soule shall bee satisfied euen as it were with marowe and fatnesse when my mouth prayseth thee with ioyfull lips Haue I not remembred thee in my bed and thought bpon thee when I was waking Beacause thou hast beene my helper therefore vnder the shadow of my wings will I reioyce My soule hangeth vpon thee thy right hand hath vpholdeli me These also that seeke the hurt of my soule they shall go vnder the earth Lat them fal vpon the edge of the sword that they may be aportion for forces But the King shal reioyce in God all they also that sweare by him shal be commended for the mouth of them that speak lies shal be stopped Exaudi Deus psal 64. Heare my boyee O God in my prayer preserue my life from feare of the enemie Hide me from the gathering together of the froward and from the insurrection of the wicked doers Which haue whet their tongue like a sword and shot out there arrowes euen bitter words That they may priuily shoote at him that is perfect suddenly doe they hit him and feare not They courage themselues in mischiefe and commune among themselues hom they may lay snares and fay that no man shall see them They imagine wickednesse and practise it that they keepe secret among themselues euery man in the deep of his heart But god shal snddenly shoot at them with a swift arrow that they shall be wounded Yea their owne tongues shall make them fall in so much that who so feeth them shal laugh them to srone And all men that see it shall say This hath God done for they shall perceiue that it is his worke The rightcous shall reioyce in the Lord and put hist trust in him and all they that are true of heart shal be glad Te decet hymnus Psal 65. THou Euening prayer O God art praised in Sion and vnto thee shall the vow bee performed in Hierusalem Thou that hearest the prayer vnto thee shall all flesh come My misdeeds preuaile against me oh be thou merciful vnto our sinnes Blessed is the man whom thou choosest receiued vnto thee he shal dwel in thy court shal be satisfid with the pleasures of thy house euen of thy holy temple Thou shall shewe vs wonderfull things in thy righteousnes O God of our saluation thou that art the hope of all the endes of the earth and of them that remaine in the broad sea Which in his streangth setteth fast the mountaines and is 〈◊〉 about with power Which stilleth the raging of the Sea and the noise of his waues and the madnesse of his people They also that dwell in the vettermost parts of the earth shall be afraid at thy tokens thou that makest the outgoings of the morning and euning to praise thee Thou bistest the earth and blessest it thou makest it very plenteous The riuer of God is full of water thou preparest their corne for so thou prouidest for the earth Thou waterest her furrowes thou sendest raine into the little valleyes thereof thou makest it soft with the drops of raine and blessest the increase of it Thou crownest the yeere with thy goodnesse and thy clouds drop fatnesse They shall drop vpon the dwellings of the wildernesse and the lilttle hilles shall reioice on euery side The folds shal be ful of sheepe the ballelyes also shal stand so thicke with corne that they shall laugh and sing Iubilate Deo Psal 66. O Be ioyfull in God all ye lands sing praises vnto the honour of his Name make his praise to be glorious Say vnto God O howe wonderfull art thou in thy workes through the greatnesse of thy power shal thine enemies be found liars bnto thee For all the word shal worship thee sing of thee and praise thy Name O come hither and behold the morks of God how wonderfull he is in his
doing to ward the children of men He turned the sea into drie land so that they went through the water on foote there did we reioice thereof He ruleth with his power for euer his eyes behold the people and such as will not beleeue shal not be able to exalt themselues O praise our God yee people and make the voice of his prayse to be heard Which holdeth our soule in life and suffereth not out feete to slippe For thou O God hast proued vs thou also hast tried vs like as siluer is tried Thou broughtest vs into the snare and layedst trouble vpon our loynes Thou sufferedest men to ride ouer our heads wee went thorow fire and water and thou broughtest vs out into a wealthy place I will go into thy house with burnt offerings and wil pay thee my bowes which I promised with my lips and spake with my mouth when I was in trouble I will offer vnto thee fat burnt sacrifices with the incense of rammes I will offer bullockes and goats O come hither and bearken all ye that feare God and I will tell you what he hath done for my soule I called vnto him with my mouth and gaue himpraises with my tongue If I incline vnto wickednesse with my heart the Lorde will not heare me But God hath heared me and considered the voyce of my prayer Praised bee God which hath not cast out my prayer nor turned his mercie from me Deus misereatur Psal 67 GOd be mercifull vnto vs and blcsse vs an t shewe vs the light of his countenance and be mercifull vnto bs That thy way may be knowen bpon earth thy sauing health among all nations Let the people praise thee O God yea let all the people praise thee O let the nations reioyce and be glad for thou shall iudge the folke righteoufly and gouerne the nations vpon earth Let the people prase thee O God let all the people praise thee Then shall the earth bring foorth her increase and God euen our owne God shall giue vs his blessing God shal blesse bs and all the ends of the world sbal feare him Exurgat Deus Psal 68. LEt God arise Morning prayer anb let his enemies bee scattered let them also that hate him slee before him Like as the smoke vanisheth so shall thou briue them away and like as ware melteth at the fire so let the vngodly perith at the presence of God But let the righteous bee glad and reioyce before God let them also be ney and ioyfull O sing vnto God and sing praises vnto his Nmme magnifie him that rideth vpon the heauens as it were vpon an horse praise him in his Name yea and reioyce before him He is father of the fatherlesse and defendeth the cause of the widomes euen God in his holy habitation He is the God that maketh men to bee of one minde in an house and bringeth the prisoners out of captiuitie but letteth the runnagates continue in scarcenesse O God when thou wentest forth before the people when thou wentest through the wildernesse The earth shooke the heauens dropped at the presence of God enen as Sinai also was mooueb at the presence of God which is the God of Israel Thou O God sentest a gracious raine vpon thine inheritance and refreshedst it when it was wearie Thy congregation shall dwell therein for thou O God hast of the goodnesse prepared for the poore The Lord gaue the word great was the companie of the preachers Kings with their armies did flee and were discomfited and they of the houshold diuided the spoile Though ye haue lien among the pots yet shal ye be as the wings of a Doue that is conered with siluer wings and her feathers like golde When the Almightie scattered kings for their sake then were they as white as snow in Salmon As the hill of Basan so is Gods hill euen an high hill as the hill of Basan Why hop yee so yee high hils this is Gods hill in the which it pleaseth him to dwell yea the Lord will abide in it for euer The charets of God are twenty thousand euen thousands of Angels and the Lord is among them as in the holy place of Sinai Thou art gone vp on high thou hast led captiuitie captiue and receiued gifts for men yea euen for thy enemies that the Lord might dwell among them Praised be the Lorde daily euen the God which helpeth vs and powreth his benefits vpon vs. He is our God euen the God of whom comuneth saluation God is the Lord by whom we escape death GOD shall wounde the head of his enemies and the hairie scalpe of such a one as goeth on still in his wickednesse The Lord hath said I wil bring my people againe as I did from Basan mine owne will I bring againe as I did sometime from the deepe of the sea That thy foote may be dipped in the blood of thine enemies and that the tongue of thy dogs may bee red through the same It is well seene O God how thou goest howe thou my God and King goest in the Sanctuarie The singers goe before the minstrels follow after in the middest are the damosels playing with their timbrels Giue thankes O Israel vnto God the Lord in the Congregations from the ground of the heart There is litle Beniamin their ruler and the princes of Iuda their counsaile the princes of Zabulon and the princes of Nephthali Thy God hath sent foorth strength for thee stablish the thing O God that thou hast wrought in vs. For thy Temples sake at Hierusalem so shal Kings bring presents vnto thee When the companie of the spearemen and multitude of the mightie are scattered abroad among the beastes of the people so that they humbly bring pieces of siluer and when he hath scattered the people that delight in warre Then shall the princes come out of Egypt the Morians land shall soone stretch out her hands vnto God Sing vnto God O yee kingdomes of the earth O sing praises vnto the Lord. Which sitteth in the heauens ouer all from the beginning loe he doth send out his voyce yea and that a mightie voyce Ascribe yee the power to God ouer Isral his worship and strength is in the cloudes O God wonderfull art thou in thy holy places euen the God of Isral he will giue strength and power vnto his people blessed be God Saluum me Psal 69. SAue mee Euening prayer O God for the waters are come in euen vnto my soule I stick fast in the deepe myre where no ground is I am come into deepe waters so that the floods run ouer me I stick fast in the deepe myre where no ground is I am come into deepe waters so that the floods run ouer me I am wearie of crying my throat is dry my sight faileth me for waiting so long vpon my God They that hate me without a canse are moe then the haires of my head they that are mine enemies and would destroy
let it fall among their tents euen round about their habitation So they did eate and were well filled for hee gaue them their owne desire they were not disappointed of their lust But while the meat was yet in their mouthes the heauie wrath of God came vpon them flue the wealthiest of them yea and smote downe the chosen men that were in Israel But for all this they sinned yet more and beleeued not his wonderous workes Therefore their dayes did he consume in vanitie and their yeeres in trouble When hee flewe them they sought him and turned them earely and enquired after God And they remembred that God was their strength and that the high God was their redeemer Neuerthelesse they did but flatter him with their mouth and dissembled with him in their tongue For their heart was not whole with him neither continued they stedfast in his couenant But he was so mercifull that forgaue their misdeedes and destroyed them not Yea many a time turned hee his wrath away and would not suffer his whole displeasure to arise For hee considered that they were but flesh and that they were euen a winde that passeth away and commeth not againe Many a time did they prouoke him in the wildernesse and grieued him in the desert They turned backed and tempted God and mooued the holy one in Israel They thought not of his hande and of the day when hee deliuered them from the hand of the enemie How he had wrought his miracles in Egypt and his wonders in the field of Zoan He turned their waters into blood so that they might not drinke of the riuers He sent lice among them and deuoured them vp frogs to destroy them He gaue their fruite vnto the Caterpiller and their labour vnto the Grashopper He destroyed their Vines with hailestones and their Mulberie trees with the frost He smote their cattel also with hailestones and their flocks with hot thunderbolts He cast vpon them the furiousnesse of his wrath anger displeasure and trouble and sent euill angels among them Hee made a way to his indignation and spared not their soule from dearth but gaue their life ouer to the pestilence And smote all the first borne in Egypt the most principall and mightiest in the dwellings of Ham. But as for his owne people he led them foorth like sheepe and caried them in the wildernesse like a slocke He brought them out safely that they should not feare and ouerwhelmed their enemies with the sea And brought them within the borders of his Sanctuarie euen to his mountaine which hee purchased with his right hand He cast out the heathen also before them caused their land to be diuided among them for an heritage and made the tribes of Isael to dwell in their tents So they tempted and displeased the most high God and kept not his testimonies But turned their backes and fell away like their forefathers starting aside like a broken bow For they grieued him with their hill altars and prouoked him to displeasure with their images When God heard this he was wroth and tooke fore displeasure at Israel So that he forsooke the Tabernacle in Slid euen the rent that he had pitched among them He deliuered their power into captiuitie and their beautie into the enemies hand Hee gaue his people ouer also vnto the sworde and was wroth with his inheritance The fire consumed their young men and their maydens were not giuen to mariage Their Priests were slaine with the sword and three were no widowes to make lamentation So the Lord awaked as one out of sleepe and like a Giant refreshed with wine Hee smote his enemies in the hinder parts and put them to a perpetuall shame He refused the Tabernacle of Ioseph and chose not the tribe of Ephraim But chose the tribe of Iuda euen the hill of Sion which he loued And there he builded his temple on high and laid the foundation of it like the ground which he hath made continually He chose Dauid also his seruant and tooke him away from the sheepe foldes As he was following the Ewes great with yong ones he tooke him that he might feede Iacob his people and Israel his inheritance So he fed them with a faithfull and true heart and ruled them prudently with all his power Deus venerunt Psal 79. O God Morning prayer the heathen are come into thine inheritance thy holy temple haue they defiled and made Hierusalem an heape of stones The dead bodies of thy feruants haue they giuen to be meate vnto the foules of the ayre and the flesh of thy saints vnto the beastes of the land Their blood haue they shed like water on euery side of Hierusalem and there was no man to burie them Wee are become an open shame to our enemies a very scorne and derision vnto them that are round about vs. Lorde how long wilt thou bee angrie shal thy ielousie burne like fire for euer Power out thine indignation vpon the heathen that haue not knowen thee and vpon the kingdomes that haue not called vnto thy name For they haue deuoured Iacob and laid waste his dwelling place O remember not our old sinnes but haue mercie vpon vs and that soone for we are come to great miserie Helpe vs O God of our saluation for the glory of thy name O deliuer vs and be mercifull vnto our sinnes for thy names sake Wherefore doe the heathen say where is now their God O let the bengeance of thy seruants blood that is shed be openly shewed vpon the heathen in our sight O let the sorowfull sighing of the prisoners come before thee according to the greatnesse of thy power preserue thou those that are appointed to die And for the blasphemie where with our neighbours haue blasphemed thee reward thou them O Lord seuen fold into their bosome So we that be thy people and sheepe of thy pastare shall giue thee thankes for euer and will alway be shewing foorth thy prayse from generation to generation Qui regis Israel Psal 80. HEare O thou shepheard of Israel thou that leadest Ioseph like a sheepe shew thy selfe also thou that fittest vpon the Cherubims Before Ephraim Beniamin and Manasses stirre vp thy strength and come and helps vs. Turne vs againe O God shew the light of thy countenance and we shal be whole O Lord God of hostes how long wilt thou be angry with thy people that prayeth Thou feedest them with the br●au of teares and giuest them plenteousnesse of teares to or●ke Thou hast made vs a very ●rife vnto our neighbours and our enemies laugh vs to scorue Turne vs againe thou God of hosies shewe the light of thy countenance and we shall be whole Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt thou hast cast out the heathen and planted it Thou madest room● for it and when it had taken roote it filled the land The hils were couered with the shadowe of it and the boughes thereof were like the goodly Cedar
concerning me for he shal speake peace vnto his people and to his saints that they turne not againe For his saluation is high them that feare him that glorie may dwell in our land Mercie and trueth are met together righteousnes peace haue kissed each order Trueth shall slorish out of the earth and righteousnesse hath looked dowme from heauen Yea the Lord shall shew louing kindnesse and our land shall giue her increase Righteousnesse shall goe before him and he shall direct his going in the way Inclina Domine Psal 86. BOwe downe thine eare Morning prayer O Lord and heare mee for I am poore and in miserie Preserue thou my soule for I am holy my God saue thy seruant that putteth his trust in thee Be mercifull vnto me O Lord for I will call dayly vpon thee Comfort the soule of thy seruant for vnto thee O Lord doe I list vp my soule For thou Lord art good and gracious and of great mercie vnto all them that call vpon thee Giue eare Lord vnto my prayer and ponder the voyce of mine humble desires In the time of my trouble I will call vpon thee for thou hearest me Among the good there is none like vnto thou O Lorde there is not one that can doe as thou doest All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship thee O Lord and shall glorisie thy name For thou art great and doest wonderous things thou art God alone Teach mee thy may O Lord and I will walke in thy trueth O knit my heart vnto thee that I may feare thy name I will thanke thee O Lord my God with all my heart and will praise thy Name for euermore For great is thy mercie toward me and thou hast deliuered my soule from the nethermost hell O God the proud are risen as against me and the Congregations of naughty men haue sought after my soule and haue not set thee before their eyes But thou O Lord God art full of compassion and mertie long suffering plenteous in goodnesse and trueth O turne thee then vnto mee and haue mercie vpon mee giue thy strength vnto thy seruant and helpe the sonne of thine handmaid Shew some good token vpon me for good that they which hate me may see it and be ashamed because thou Lord hast holpen me and comforten me Fundamentaeius Psal 87. HEr foundations are vpon the holy hils the Lord loueth the gates of Sion more then all the dwellings of Iacob Very excellēt thigs are spokē of thee thou city of God I will thinke vpou Rahab and Babylon With them that know me Behold ye the Philistims also and they of Tyre with the Morians loe there was he borne And of Sion it shal be reported that he was borne in her and the most High shall stablish her The Lord shall rehearse it when he writeth vp the people that he was borne there The fingers also and trumpetters shall hee rehearse all my fresh sprmgs shall be in thee Domine Deus Psal 88 O Lord God of my saluation I haue cryed day and night before thee O let my prayer enter into thy presence encline thine eare vnto my calling For my soule is full of trouble and my life draweth nigh vnto hell I am counted as one of them that goe downe into the pit and I haue beene euen as a man that hath no strength Free among the dead like vnto them that be wounded and lie in the graue which be out of remembrance and are cut away from thy hand Thou hast layde me in the lowest pitte in a place of darkenesse and in the deepe Thine indignation lyeth hard vpon mee and thou hast bexed me with all thy stormes Thou hast put away mine acquaintance farre from mee and made me to be abhorred of them I am so fast in prison that I cannot get foorth My sight faileth for very trouble Lord I haue called daily vpon thee I haue stretched out mine hands vnto thee Doest thou shewe wonders among the dead or shall the dead rise vp againe and praise thee Shall thy louing kindnesse be shewed in the graue or thy faithfulnesse in destruction Shall thy wonderous works be knowen in the darke and thy righteousnes in the land where all things are forgotten Vnto thee haue I cried O Lord and earely shall my prayer come before thee Lorde why abhorrest thou my soule and hidest thou thy face from me I am in miserie and like vnto him that is at the point to die euen from my youth vp thy terrours haue I suffered with a troubled mind Thy wrathfull displeasure goeth ouer mee and the feare of thee hath vndone me They came round about mee dayly like water and compassed me together on euery side My louers and friends hast thou put away from me and hid mine acquaintance out of my sight Misericordias Domini Psal 89. MY song shal be alway of the louing kindnesse of the Lorde with my mouth wil I euer be shewing thy trueth Euening prayer from one generation to another For I haue said Mercie shal be set vp for euer thy trueth shall thou stablish in the heauens I haue made a couenant with my chosen I haue sworne vnto Dauid my seruant Thy seede will I stablish for euer and set vp thy throne from one generation to another O Lorde the very heauens shall praise thy wonderous workes and thy trueth in the Congregation of the Saints For who is hee among the clouds that shall be compared vnto the Lord And what is hee among the gods that shall bee like vnto the Lord God is very greatly to be feared in the counsel of the saints and to be had in reuerence of all them that are about him O Lord God of hostes who is like vnto thee thy trueth most mightie Lord is on euery side Thou rulest the raging of the sea thou stillest the waues there of when they arise Thou hast subdued Egypt and destroyed it thou hast scattered thine enemies abroad with thy mightie arme The heauens are thine the earth also is thine thou hast laid the foundation of the round world and all that therin is Thou hast made the North and the South Tabor and Hermon shall reioyce in thy Name Thou hast a mightie arme strong is thy hand and high is thy right hand Righteteousnesse and equitie is the habitation of the ●eate mercie and trueth shall goe before thy face Blessed is the people O Lorde that can reioyce in thee they shall walke in the light of thy countenance Their delight shall dayly in thy Name and in thy righteousnesse shall they make their boast For thou art the glory of their strength and in thy louing kindnesse thou shall lift vp our hornes For the Lorde is our defence the holy one of Israel is our King Thou spakest sometime in visions vnto thy Saints and saydest I haue laid helpe vpon one that is mightie I haue ixalted one chosen out of the people I haue found Dauid my seruant with
then all that are in the earth thou art exalted farre aboue all gods O ye that loue the Lord see that ye hate the thing which is cuill the Lord preserueth the soules of his saints he shall deliuer them from the hand of the vngodly There is sprung vp a light for the righteous and ioyfull gladnesse for such as be true hearted Reioyce in the Lord ye righteous and giue thankes for a remembrance of his holinesse Cantate Domino Psal 98. O Sing vnto the Lord a new song Euening prayer for he hath done marueilous things With his owner right hand with his holy arme hath he gotten himselfe the victorie The Lord declared his saluation his righteousnesse hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen He hath remembred his mercie and trueth towarde the house of Israel and all the ends of the world haue seene the saluation of our God Shew your sclues ioyful vnto the Lord all ye lands sing reioyce and giue thankes Prayse the Lord vpon the Harpe sing to the Harpe with a Psalme of thankesgiuing With trumpets also and shaumes O shew your selues ioy full before the Lord the king Let the sea make a noyse and all that therein is the round world and they that dwell therein Let the floods clap their hands and let the hilles be ioyful together before the Lord for he is come to iudge the earth With righteousnes shall he iudge the world and the people with equitie Dominus regnauit Psal 99 The Lord is king be the people neuer so vnpatient hee sitteth betweene the Cherubinis bee the earth neuer so vnquiet The Lord is great in Sion and high aboue all peopel They shall giue thankes vnto thy name which is great wonderfull and holy The kings power loueth iudgement thou hast prepared equitie thou hast executed iudgement and righteousnesse in Iacob O magnifie the Lord our God and fall downe before his footestoole for he is holy Moses Aaron among his Pricsts and Samuel among such as call vpon his name these called vpon the Lord and he heard them He spake vnto them out of the cloudie pillar for they kept his testimonies and the law that he gaue them Thou heardest them O Lord our God thou forgauest them O God and punishedst their owne inuentions O magnifie the Lord our God and worship him vpon his holy hill for the Lord our God is holy Iubilate Deo Psal 100. O be ioyfull in the Lord all ye lands serue the Lord with gladnesse and come before his presence with a song Be ye sure that the Lord he is god it is he that hath made vs and not we our selues we are his people and the sheepe of his pasture O goe your way into his gates with thankesgiuing and into his courts with prayse be thankefull vnto him speake good of his name For the Lorde is gracious his mercie is euerlasting and his trueth endureth from generation to generation Misericordiam iudicium Psal 101. MY song shall be of mercie and iudgement vnto thee O Lord will I sing O let me haue vnderstanding in the way of godlinesse When wilt thou come vnto me I will walke in my house with a perfit heart I will take no wicked thing in hand I hate the sinnes of vnfaithfulnesse there shall no such cleaue vnto me A froward heart shall depart from me I will not know a wicked person Who so priuily slandereth his neighbour him will I destroy Who so hath also a proud looke and high stomacke I will not suffer him Mine eyes looke vnto such as be faithfull in the land that they may dwell with me Who so leadeth a godly life he shall be my seruant There shall no deceitfull person dwell in my house he that telleth lies shall not tarif in my sight I shall soone destroy all the vngodly that are in the land that I may root out all wicked doers frō the city of the Lord. Domine exaudi Psal 102. HEare my prayer Morning prayer O Lord and let my crying come vnto thee Hide not thy face from mee in the time of my trouble encline thine eares vnto mee when I call O heare mee and that right soone For my dayes are consumed away like smoke and my bones are burnt vp as it were a firebrand My heart is smitten downe and withered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bread For the voice of my groning my bones will scarse cleaue to my flesh I am become like a pelicane in the wildernes and like an Owle that is in the desart I haue watched and am euen as it were a sparrow that sitteth alone vpon the house top Mine enemies reuile me all the day long and they that are mad vpon me are sworne together against me For I haue eaten ashes as it were bread and mingled my drinke with weeping And that because of thine indignation and wrath for thou hast taken me vp and cast me downe My dayes are gone like a shadowe and I am withered like grasse But thou O Lord shall endure for euer and thy remembrance thoughout all generations Thou shalt arise and haue mercie vpon Sion for it is time that thou haue mercie vpon her yea the time is come And why thy seruants thinke vpon her stones and it pitieth them to see her in the dust The heathen shall feare thy Name O Lord and all the kings of the earth thy maicstie When the Lord shall build vp Sion and when his glorie shall appeare When hee turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute and des●iseth not their desire This shal be written for those that come after and the people which shal be borne shall praise the Lord. For he hath looked downe from his sanctuarie out of the heauen did the Lord behold the earth That he might heare the mournings of such as be in captiuitie and deliuer the children appointed vnto death That they may declare the name of the Lord in Sion and his worship at Hierusalem When the people are gathered together the kingdomes also serue the Lord. He brought downe my strength in my iourney and shortened my dayes But I said O my God take me not away in the middest of mine age as for thy yeeres they endure throughout all generations Thou Lord in the beginning hast laied the foundation of the earth and the heauens are the worke of thy hands They shall perish but thou shalt endure they all shall ware old as doeth a garment And as a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy yeres shall not faile The children of thy seruants shall continue and their seed shall stand fast in thy sight Benedicanima Psal 103. PRaise the Lord O my soule and all that is within mee prayse his holy Name Praise the Lord O my soule and forget not all his benefits Which forgiueth all thy sinne and healeth all thine infirmities Which saueth thy life from destruction
thy word aboue all things When I called vpon thee thou heardest me and enduedst my soule with much strength All the Kings of the earth shall prayse thce O Lord for they haue heard the words of thy mouth Yea they shall sing the wayes of the Lord that great is the glorie of the Lord. For though the Lord be high yet hath he respect vnto the lowly as for the proude he beholdeth them a farre off Though I walke in the middest to trouble yet shalt thou refresh mee thou shalt stretch foorth thine hand vpon the furiousnesse of mine enemies and thy right hand shal saue me The Lord shall make good his louing kindenesse toward mee yea thy mercie O Lord eudureth for euer despise not then workes of thine owne hands Domine probasti psal 139 O Lord Morning prayer thou hast searched mee out and knowen mee thou knowest my downe sitting mine vprising thou vnderstandest my thoughts long before Thou art about my path and about my bed and spiest out al my wayes For loe there is not a word in my toungue but thon O Lorde knowest it altogether Thou hast fashioned me behinde and before and laid thine hand vpon me Such knowledge is too wonderfull and excellent for mee I cannot attaine vnto it Whither shall I goe then from thy spirit or whither shall I goe then from thy presence If I clime vp into heauen thou art there If go downe in hell thou art there also If I take the wings of the morning and remaine in the vttermost parts of the sea Euen there also shall thy hand leade mee and thy right hand shall hold me If I say Peraduenture the darkenesse shall couer mee then shall my night be turned to day Yea the darkenesse is no darkenesse with thee but the night is as cleare as the day the darknesse and light to thee are both alike For my reines are thine thou hast couered mee in my mothers wombe I will giue thankes vnto thee for I am fearefully and wonderfully made marueilous are thy works and that my soule knoweth right well My bones are not hid from thee though I be made secretly and fashioned beneath in the earth Thine eyes did see my substance yet being vnperfect and in thy booke were all my members written which day by day were fashioned when as yet there was none of them How deare are thy counsels vnto mee O God O how great is the sumine of them If I tell them they are moe in number then the sand when I wake vp I am present with thee Wilt thou not slay the wicked O God Depart from me ye bloodthirstie men For they speake vnrighteously against thee and thine enemies take thy name in vaine Doe not I hate them O Lord that hate thee and am not I grieued with those that rise vp against thee Yea I hate them right fore euen as though they were mine enemies Trie me O God and seeke the ground of my heart prooue me and examine my thoughts Looke well if there be any may of wickednesse in me and leade me the may euerlasting Eripe me Domine Psal 140. DEliuer me O Lord from the euill man and preserue me from the wicked man Which imagine mischiefe in their hearts and stirre vp strife all the day long They haue sharpened their tongues like a Serpent Adders poyson is vnder their lips Keepe mee O Lord from the handes of the vngodly Preserue mee from the wicked men which are purposed to ouerthrow my goings The proud haue laid a fanare for me and spread a net aborad with cordes yea and set traps in my way I said vnto the Lord Thou art my God heare the boyce of my prayers O Lord. O Lord God Tbou strength of my health thou hast couered my head in the day of battell Let not the vngodly haue his desire O Lord let not his mischicuous imagination prosper lest they be too proud Let the mischiefe of their owne lips fall vpon the head of them that compasse me about Let hotte burning coales fall vpon them let them bee cast into the fire and into the pit that they neuer rise vp againe A man full of wordes shall not prosper vpon the earth euill shall hunt the wicked person to ouerthrow hilll Sure I am that the Lorde will auenge the poore and maintaine the cause of the helelesse The righteous also shall guie thankes vnto they name and the ●ust shall continue in thy sight Domine clamaui psal 141. LOrd I call vpon thee haste thee vnto mee and consider my voyce when I crie vnto thee Let my prayer bee set foorth in thy sight as the incense and let the lifting vp of my hands be an euening facrifice Set a watch O Lorde before my mouth and keepe the doore of my lips O let not mine heart be cnclined to any euill thing let mee not be occupied in vngodly workes with the man that worke Wickednesse left I eate of such things as please them Let the righteous rather smite me friendiy and reprooue me But let not their precious balmes breake mine head yea I will pray yet against their wickednesse Let their iudges be ouerthrowen in ftony places that they may heare my wordes for they are sweete Our bones lie scattered before the pit like as when one breaketh and he weth wood vpon the earth But mine eyes looke vnto thee O Lorde God in thee is my trust O cast not out my soule Keepe mee from the snare which they haue laide for mee and from the traps of the wicked doers Let the vngodly fall into their owne nets together and let me euer escape them Voce mea ad Dominum Psal 142. ICried vnto the Lord with my voyce Euening prayer yea euen vnto the Lord did I make my supplication I powred out my complaints before him and shewed him of my trouble When my spirite was in heauinesse thou knewest my path in the way wherein I walked haue they priuily laid a snare for me I looked also vpon my right hand and sawe there was no man that would know me I had no place to flee vnto and no man cared for my soule I cried vnto thee O Lorde and sayd thou art my hope and my portion in the land of the liuing Consider my complaint for I am brought very low O deliuer mee from my persecutours for they are too strong for me Bring my soule out of prison that I may giue thankes vnto thy name which thing if thou wilt graunt mee then shall the righteous resort vnto my companie Domine exaudi Psal 143. HEare my prayer O Lord and consider my desire hearken vnto me for thy trueth and righteousnesse sake And enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iusrified For the enemie hath persecuted my soule he hath smitten my life downe to the ground hee hath laid mee in the darkenesse as the men that haue bene long dead Therefore is my spirite bexed within
thy borders and filleth thee with the flowre of wheate He sendeth foorth his commandement vpon earth and his word runneth very swiftly He gineth snow like wooll and seattereth the hoare frost like ashes He tasteth foorth his yee like morsels who is able to abide his ashes He sendeth out his worde and melteth them he bloweth with his winde and the waters flowe He sheweth his word vnto Iarob his statutes and ordinaures vnto Israel He hath not dealt so with any nation neither haue the heathue knowledge of his lawes Laudate Dominum Psal 148. O Praise the Lord of heauen praise him in the height Prayse him all yee Angels of his praise him all his hoste Prayse him all ye heauens and ye waters that be aboue the heauens Let them prayse the name of the Lord for he speake the word and they were he commaunded and they were cerated He hath made them fast for euer and euer he hath giueb shem a lawe which shall not be broken Praise the Lord vpon earth ye Dragons and all deepes Fire and halie snow and vapours winde and storme fulfilling his word Beastes and all cattell wormes and feathered foules Kings of the earth and all people princes and all iudges of the world Young men and maidnes olde man and children prayse the name of the Lord for his Mane onely is axcellent and his prayse abour heauen and earth He shall exalt the home of his people all his Saints shall prayse him cuen the childern of Israel euen the people that serueth him Cantate Domino Psal 149. O Sing vnto the Lord a new song let the Congregation of Saints prayse him Let Israel reioyce in him that made him and let the children of Sion be ioyfull in their king Let them praise his name in the dance let them singpraises vnto him with Tabret and harpe For the Lord hath pleasure in his people and helpeth the meeke hearted Let the Saints be ioyfull with glory let them reioyce in their beds Let the praises of God be in their mouth and at two edged sword in their hands To be auenged of the heathen and to rebuke the people To bind their kings in chaines their nobles with linkes of yron That they may be auenged of them as it is written such honour haue all his Saints Laudate Dominum Psal 150. O Prayse God in his holinesse praise him in the firmament of his power Prayse him in his noble actes prayse him according to his excellent greatnesse Praise him in the fouud of the Trumpet prayse him vpon the Lute and Harpe Praise him in the Cymbals and daunces praise him vpon the stirings and pipe Praise him vpon the well tuned Cymbals praise him vpon the loub Cymbals Let euery thing that hath breath praise the Lord. FINIS Certaine godly prayers to be vsed for sundry purposes A generall consession of sinnes to be sayd euery Morning O Almightie God our heanenly Father I confesse and acknowledge that I am a miserable and a wretched sinner and haue manifolde wayes most grieuously transgressed thy most godly conunaundements through wicked thoughts vngodly lustes sinfull wordes and deeds commited all my whole life In sinne am I borne and conceiued and there is no goodnesse in me in as much as if thou shouldest enter into thy narrow iudgement with mee iudging mee according vnto the same I were neuer able to susser and abide it but must needes pertsh and be damncd for eucr So little helpe comfort or succour is there either in me or in any other creature Onely this is my comfort O heauenly Father that thon diddest not spare thy onely deare beloued sonne bnt diddest gine him vp vnto the most bitter and most vile slanderous death of the crosse for me that he might so pay the ransom for my sinnes satisfie thy indgment still and pacifie thy wrath reconcile me againe vnto thee and pnrchase me thy grace fanour cuerlasting life where fore throngh the merit of his most bitter death and passion and through his innocent bloodshedding I beseech thee O heauenly Father that thou wilt vouchsase to be gracious merciful vnto me to fergiue and pardon me all my sinnes to lighten my heart whit thy holy Spirit to renue confirme and strengthen me with a right perfect faith and to inflame me in loue toward thee and my neighbour that I may hencefoorty with a willing and glad heart walke as it becommeth me in thy most godly commaunements and so glorifie and prayse thee euerlastingly And also that I may with a free conscience quiet heart in all maner of temptations afflictions or necessities eucn in the very pangs of death cry boldly merily vnto thee say I beleeue in God the father almighty maker of heauen earth and in lesus Christ c. But O Lord God heauenly Father to comfort my selfe in affliction and temptation with these articles of the Christian faith it is not in my power for faith is thy gift and forasmuch as thou wilt be prayed vnto and called vyon for it I come vnto thee to pray and beseech thee both for that and for all other my necessities euen as thy deare beloued Sonne our Sauiour Ie-sus Christ himselfe hath taught vs And from the very bottome of my heart I crie and say Our Father which art in heauen halowed be thy Name c. ¶ A prayer to be sayd in the Morning O Merciful Lord God heauenly Father I ren dermost high laudes praise and thankes vnto thee that thou hast preserued mee both this might and all the time and dayes of my life hitherto vnder thy protection and hast suffe red me to liue vnto this present houre And I beseech thee heartily that thon wilt vouchsafe to receiue mce this day and the residue of my whole life from hence foorth into thy tuition ruling and gouerning mee with thy holy Spirite that all maner of darkenesse of misbeliefe infidelitie and of carnall lustes and affections may bee betterly chased and driuen out of my heart and that I may be iustified and saued both body and soule through a right and perfect faith and so walke in the light of thy most godly trueth to thy glory and prayse and to the profite and furtherance of my neighbour through Iesus Christ our Lord and Saui-our Amen ¶ Another prayer for the morning O Almightie and most gracious God wee heartily thank thee for the sweete sleepe and comfortable rest which thou hast giuen vs this night and for asmuch as thou hast commanded by thy holy word that no man should be idle but all occupied in godly and vertuous exercises euery man according to his calling we most humbly beseech thee that thine eyes may attende vpon vs dayly defend vs cherish comfort and gouerne vs and all our counsails studies labours in such wise that we may spend and bestow this day according to thy most holy will without the hurting of our neighbors and that we may
deligently and warily eschew and auoid all things that should displease thee set thee alwayes before our eyes liue in thy feare working that which may be found accepteble before thy diuine Maie stie through Christ our Lord Amen A prayer for the Euening O Most mighty Lord our father and God e uerlasting full of pitie and compassion we acknowledge and confesse that we be not worthy to lift by our eies to heauen much lesse to present our selues before thy Maiesty with confidence that thou wilt heare our prayers grant our requests if we consider our owne deseruing For our conseiences doe accuse vs and our sinnes witnesse against vs and wee know that thou art an vpright iudge which doest not iustifie the sinners and wicked men but punishest the faults of such as transgresse thy commaunde ments Yet most mercifull Father sith it hath pleased thee to command vs to call on thee in all our troubles aduersities promising euen then to helpe vs When wee feele our selues as it were swallowed vp of death and desperation wee vttterly renounce all worthy confidence and flee to thy soue-raigne bounty as our onely stay and refuge besceehinng thee not to call to remembrance our manisold sinnes and wicked-nesse where by wee continually prouoke thy wrath and in dignation against vs neither our negligence and vnkindnesse which haue neither worthily csreemed nor in our liues sufficiently expressed the sweete comfort of thy Gospell reuealed vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience and death of thy Sonne Iesus Christ who by offering vp his body in Sacrifice once for all hath made sufficient recompense for all our sinnes Haue mercie therefore vpon vs O Lorde and forgiue vs our offences Teach vs by thy holy Spirit that wee may rightly weigh them and earnestly repent for the same and so much the rather O Lorde because that the reprobate and such as thou hast forsaken cannot praise thee nor call vpon thy Name but the repenting heart the sorowfull minde the conscience oppressed hungering and thirsting for thy grace shall euer set foorth thy praise and glory And albeit wee bee but wormes and dust yet thou art our Creator and we be the worke of thy hands yea thou art our Father and wee thy childreen thou art our sheepheard and wee thy flokec thou art our redeemer and we thy people whom thou hast bought thou art our God and wee thine inheritance Correct vs not there fore in thine anger O Lord neither according to our deserts punnish vs but mercifully thastise vs with a fatherly affection that all the world may knowe that at what time soeuera sinner doeth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of his heart thou wilt put away his wickednesse out of thy remembrance as thou hast promised by thine holy prophet Finally forasmuch as it hath pleased thee to make the night for man to rest in as thou hast ordained him the day to trauell Grant O deare Father that we may so take out vodily rest that our soules may continuaily watch for the time that our Lord Iesus Christ shall appeare for our deliuerance out of this mortall life and in the meane season that wee not ouercome by any fantasies dreames or other temptations may fully set our mindes vpon thee loue thee feare thee and rest in thee Furthermore that our sleepe be note excessiue or ouer much after the insatiable desires of our flesh but onely sufficient to content our weake nature that wee may bee the better disposed to liue in all godly conuersatiou to the glory of shine holy Name and profite of our brethren Amen A most necessary prayer O Lord Iesus Christ which art true Sunne of the worlde euermore arising and neuer going downe which by thy most wholesome appearing and sight doest bring foorth preserue nourish and refresh all things aswell that are in heauen as also that are on earth we beseech thee mercifully and fauourably to shine into our hearts that the night and darkenesse of sinnes and the mists of errours on cuery side driuen away thou brightly shining within out hearts we may all out life space go with out any stumbling or offence and may decently and seemely walke as in the day time being pure and cleane from the workes of darkenesse abounding in all good workes which God hath prepared for vs to walke in which with the Father and with the holy Ghost liuest and reignest for euer and euer Amen ❧ The prayer of Manasseh King of the Iewes O Lord Almighty God of our fathers Abra ham Isar●nd Iacob and of their righte ouseed 〈◊〉 made heauen and earth with all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which hast bound the sea by the word of thy commandement which ha●● 〈◊〉 vp the deepe and sealed it by thy terribl● glorious name whome all doe feare tremble before thy power for the Maiesty of thy glory cannot bee borne thine angry threatning toward sinners is importable but thy mercifull promise is vnmeasurable and bnscatcable For thou art the most high Lord of great com passion long suffering and most mercifull and repentest for mans miscrics Thou O Lord according to thy great good nesse hast promised repentance and forgiuenesse to them that sinne against thee and for thine infinite m●rcies hast appointed repentance vnto sinners that they may bee saued Thou therefore O Lord that art the God of the iust hast not appointed repentance to the iust as to Abraham and Isaac and Iacob which haue not sinned against thee but thou hast appointed repcntance vnto nice that am a sinner for I haue sinned aboue the number of the sand of the sea By transgressions O Lorde are multiplied my transgressions are exceeding many and I am not worthy to behold and see the height of the heauens for the multitude of mine vnrighte ousnes I am bowed downe with many yron bands that I cannot lift vp mine head neither haue I any telese For I haue prouoked thy wrath and done euill before thee I did not thy will neither kept I thy commandements I haue set vp abominations and haue multiplied offences Now therefore I bow the knee of mine heart beseeching thee of grace I haue sinned O Lord I haue sinned and I acknowledge my transgressions but I humbly beseech thee forgiue mee O Lord forgiue mee and destroy mee not with my transgressions Be not angry with me for euer by reseruing euill for mee neither condemne mee into the lower partes of the earth For thou art the God euen the God of them that repent and in me thou wilt shewe all thy goodnesse for thou wilt saue me that am vnworthy according to thy great mercie theresre I will prayse thee for euer all they dayes of my life For all the power of the heauens prayse thee and thine is the glory for euer and euer Amen ❧ A prayer conteining the duetie of euery true Christian O Most mighty God merciful and louing Father I wretched sinner come vnto thee in the name of
thy dearely beloued Sonne Iesus Christ my only Sauiour and redeemer and I most humbly beseech thee for his sake to be mercifull vnto mee and to cast all my sinnes out of thy sight and remembrance through the merits of his bloody death and passion Powre vpon me O Lord thy holy spirit of wisedome and grace gouerne and leade me by thy holy word that it may be a lanterne vnto my feete and a light vnto my steps Shew thy mercie vpon me and so lighten the naturall blindnes and darkenesse of my heart through thy grace that I may dayly bee renewed by the same spirit and grace By the which O Lord purge the grossenes of my hearing vnderstanding that I may profitably reade heare and vnder stand thy word and heauenly will beleeue and practise the same in my life and conuersation and euermore hold fast that blessed hope of euerlasting life Mortifie and kill all vite in mee that my life may expresse my faith in thee mercifully heare the humble suite of thy seruant and grant me thy peace all my dayes Graciously pardon mine infirmities and defend mee in all dangers of body goods and name but most chiefly my soule against all assaults temptations accusations subtill baites and sleights of that old enemie of mankind Satan that roaring Lion euer seeking whom he may deuoure And here O Lord I prostrate with most humble mind craue of thy diuing Maiestie to bee mercifull vnto the vniuersall Church of thy Sonne Christ and specially according to my bounden duety beseech thee for this sake to blesse saue and defend the principall memeber thereof thy seruant our most deare and Souercigne Lord King Iames encrease in his royal heart true faith godly ●eale and loue of the same And grant him victorie ouer all his enemies a long prosperous and honourable life vpon earth a blessed ende and life euerlasting Moreouer O Lorde graunt vnto his Maiesties most honourable Counsellours and euery other member of this thy Church of England that thy and we in our seuerall callings may truely and godly serue thee Plant in our hearts true feare and honour of thy Name obedience to our Prince and loue to our neighbours Increase in vs true faith and religion Replenish our mindes with all goodnesse and of thy great mercie keepe vs in the same till the end of our lines Giue vnto vs a godly zeale in prayer true humilitie in prosperitie perfect patience in aduersitie and continuallioy in the holy Ghost And lastly I commend vnto thy fatherly protection all that thou hast giuen me as wife children and seruants Aide me O Lord that I may gouerne norish bring them vp in thy feare and seruice And forsmuch as in this world I must alwayes be at warre and strife not with one sort of enemies but with an infinitie number not onely with flesh and blood but with the deuill which is the prince of darknesse and with wicked men executors of his most damnable will Grant me therefore thy grace that being armed with thy defence I may stand in this battel with an inuincible constaucie against all corruption which I am compassed with on euery sde vntil such time as I hauing ended the combate which during this life I must sustaine in the ende I may attaine to thy heauenly rest which is prepared for mee and all thine elect through Christ our Lord and only Sauiour AMEN ⸪ ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie Anno 1603. ¶ Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis