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A03695 Life and death Foure sermons. The first two, of our preparation to death; and expectation of death. The last two, of place, and the iudgement after death. Also points of instruction for the ignorant, with an examination before our comming to the Lords table, and a short direction for spending of time well. By Robert Horne. Auspice Christo. Horne, Robert, 1565-1640.; Horne, Robert, 1565-1640. Points of instruction for the ignorant. aut 1613 (1613) STC 13822.5; ESTC S118515 156,767 464

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waues they came to Christ awoke him saying Master saue v● wee parish Mat. 8.24.25 But they had Christ with them in the Ship But some thinke not of Christ to awake him to their saluation being strangers to God through the ignorance that is in them til the ship of their body tossed with the tempests of their last sicknesse bee readie to sinke into death and by many leakes and wearings beginne to receiue into their soules that dead sea that must needs drown them in perditiō destruction before the Lord for euer For how many thus think of him till they can thinke no longer how many begin to liue that is truely to liue till they be readie to die and how many call to minde that Time of Times till there be no more time at least to them till that last time and houre of the day come vnto them in the which they must come to the barre to receiue their doome and iudgement The reason of all this backwardnesse to a new life in the feare of God is mens ouer-hungrie desire to follow those pleasures of sinne into which Satan putteth himselfe as he did into the Serpent to beguile Heue The subtile enemie knoweth with what bait to take a worldling to all forgetfulnes of God and of the iudgement to come And therefore as the hunter minding to take the Tygres young one is said to set vp certaine looking glasses in the Tygres way that is in the way that she passeth to seek her straying brood that finding in such glasses a perfect resemblance of her selfe the same may cause her to leaue the pursuit and to loose her whelpe So this old huntsman Satan obseruing what care man ought to haue which care but few men haue to saue from hell and destruction his stray soule doth set many goodly shewes or false glasses of pleasures which seeme but are not in the way of his Christian walke that by holding his sight in these deere-prized delights he may more willingly leaue the care of that one thing which is necessarie the saluation of his soule Therefore that wee may not bee taken in this Hunters snare our short life should be often thought of When we goe to bed we should remember our graue and when wee rise in the morning consider that we shall rise out of the graue of the earth at the last day With this key of meditation we should open the day and shut in the night And what befalleth others in the dust of their bodies we should thinke must come to vs we cannot tell how soone in our owne dust mortality Here therefore as the third Captaine sent from the King of Israel to Eliah to bring him and perceiuing that the other two Captains with their fifties were deuoured with fire from heauen at the request of Eliah grew wife by their experience and therefore fell downe and besought fauour for himselfe and his fiftie 2. King 1.13 So we seeing or hearing of so many fifties young and old that in these late yeares of mortalitie haue ended their liues in a fire of pestilence sent from the Lord should make supplication day and night not as that Captaine to the man of God but as true Christians to the man and God Christ Iesu that our liues deathes may be precious in his eyes and that we may not forget that what is done to others may come to vs. And if God haue knocked by many infirmities as by so many messengers at the doore of our fraile bodies wee should not def●●re then chiefly to open to him by present repentance lest he breake in by incurable plagues and make his way by our certain destruction death remedilesse An apologie or defence of those good Christians Vse 3 who considering the vncertaintie and shortnesse of Mans time redeeme as much as may be of it into the band and to the glorie of Him that made and is owner of all their daies in a care of his seruice They know that Satan is a great gainer by the waste of time and that contrarily they shall gaine and Satan be looser by a wise redeeming of their few daies for good duties and therefore they care not to buie time with any redemption temporall so they may haue store of it for the markets of godlinesse and thefeare of the Lord. This would be well obserued for it sheweth the reason why the godly haue so great comfort in their short time and the wicked no true comfort in their few euill daies and so much horror at the end of them when they goe from their house to graue The godly haue much pleasure in their short though troublesom life because they haue bestowed it well and because they are become by such redemption of time citizens in title of a citie that cannot be shaken And therefore though their time bee short their short time here is very comfortable vnto them seeing as Noahs dou● vpon the waters they waite daily till God open the window of his heauenly Arke to take them to rest from their labors The wicked who haue spent their short time euil must needs greatly feare at the end of their short time seeing when they see death they may doubt if it be peace hauing neuer yet loued the God of peace 2. King 9.22 The righteous are in the world as the Israelites in Babylon who beeing captiues in this prison of life care not how soone they bee deliuered that they may sing the songs of the Lord in their owne Land Psal 137.4 The wicked like spirituall Babylonians and as men at home in their owne naturall soile desire no other life and know no better and therefore it exceedingly grieueth them so soone to depart from this and so much against their wils To the godly by reason of good houres well employed 1. Cor. 15. death is the last enemie and to the wicked by their prophane life the first Gods Children count nothing their own here euerie day they gather Manna and haue but from hand to mouth till the long Sabbath come when they shall eate the fruites of the land of heauen Therefore their losse is nothing when they haue lost all here onely they loose miserie and finde saluation and what losse is that Surely such as they are glad of and the sooner they make the change the better for them The worlds children are here at home in their Mothers lappe here they haue their pleasure Luk. 16.25 and receiue their portion hauing great things for themselues and to leaue to their Babes when they are gone Here they wasted time the fairest and best part of it vpon their profits and lusts and little of it they bestowed if any of it well and what maruel then if they cry out to come to their account for time so precious so much abused The godly because their affection is to do good and God doth so mercifully blesse them that they constantly and heartily doe it therefore they are and
their bed of death they go to it in vtter darknesse where is weeping and gnashing of teeth So farre for the time which is called largely dayes that which is limitted called the appointed time followeth Of mine appointed time c. By appointed time Iob here meaneth his bounded life which can no more be extended beyond the appointed time then the Sea can passe her bounds Ps 104.9 Doctr. From whence this doctrine may be gathered that we liue by Gods decree not at our owne pleasure So Paul told the men of Athens for hauing taxed their superstition who wold bound the boundlesse presence of God to a temple made with hands and to Idols the worke of mens hands he she wecht hat the Almighty Maker of this Worlds-masse is not to be straitned who hath shut in with the straites of time fore-se● by himselfe all men and creatures hauing assigned their times and the bounds of their habitation Act. 17.26 And in this Booke of Iob it is moued by a question but taken for granted that there is an appointed time to man vpon Earth Iob 7.1 or a set time of mans warrefare here that is he is a Souldier and his life militant but how long and for how short a time he shall be and continue in this field of his bodie vnder corruption fighting against the strangelusts that are in the world it is ordered by him who hath summed vp all the number of his daies and measured his short time with a decree or Law which he cannot passe after it is said that God hath set Mans daies and numbred his moneths and limited his time that is that he hath set bounds to all the moments of his life here Iob 14.5 By which it is plaine that the maker of man hath in his hand the whole number of mans time such as it hath pleased himselfe to adde to the Moneths and yeeres that he hath giuen him in this vale of miserie The reasons First if God had not numbred the daies of man vpon earth they who loue the world would neuer leaue it nor they who suffer in it without speciall grace waite till God should worke their deliuerance from it They who liue in pleasure would neuer resolue to die and they would presently seeke their owne death and find it who liue in paine Secondly as wee are not borne at our owne pleasure so it is reason we should liue and die at his pleasure who hath formed vs in the wombe Thirdly God taketh small matters into his hands to order them Mat. 29.30 and shal we think that he hath not taken to himselfe the great matter of life and death to dispose of it A confutation of those who think that man can either shorten his owne life Vse 1 or draw it beyond the Lords score to make it longer Indeed man may by offering violence to himselfe become an vnnaturall instrument of the Lords iustice to cut of those daies that God hath finished but no man can later or sooner die then the Lord of death and time hath set his end Quest But hath not the Magistrate power ouer the life of a Malefactor and is it not in his hand to giue him his life or to take it from him when his sinne hath giuen him into the power of the Law and of the Magistrate vnto death Answ In this case the Magistrate hath no power but what is giuen him as when either the spite of time or sinne of Man shall accomplish what God hath purposed Ioh. 19.11 So Christ told Pilate who because he had the soueraignty of iudgement thought he had also the soueraigntie of life verse 10. But he had no power but what the decree of God and determined moment of mans saluation had then giuen vnto him If then the Magistrate saue a man who is iudged to die it is secretly to fulfill Gods time concerning him which is not yet come or if he cut him of it is because the time appointed to him by God is first come and he is Gods Minister to doe what God hath purposed to be done An instruction Vse teaching vs patience and contentment when any of our friends shall be taken from vs for God hath taken them from vs their time was come which as we cannot preuent so we may not enuie 2. Sam. 12.20.21 c. So for our own death we must willingly beare it seeing that God hath appointed that we shall once die and that once must once come Hebr. 9.27 It is I confesse naturall to all to be loth to lay downe this tabernacle but our obedience to the will of God must correct nature in so direct an opposition to his decree that hath made vs we must call to our remembrance not what we could wish but God hath purposed reasoning euerie man apart and priuately in his heart thus I must needes die because it is Gods ordinance and I will willingly die that I may shew my obedience to his will I must needes die to put of corruption and I will willingly die that I may see God Or I must needs die Looke Deerings 11. Lecture on the Epistle to the Hebrues that sinne may haue his pay the wages of sinne is death Rom. 6.23 and I will willingly die that sinne may be no longer and death may loose his sting and power So much for the mid-times of that naturall life in which Iob became attendant and did waite for a better life the period of time which he expected followeth Till my change were come Here Iob sheweth how long hee would waite by hope in his afflicted estate● euen till that period of time should come which he calleth the time of change when hee should finish the daies of his warre-fare on Earth and receaue the Crowne of his sufferings in glorie And here by the day of change he meaneth the day of death which is therefore called a change because it is the remoue of the faithfull from labour to rest in their bodies and from an Earthly to an Heauenly life in their soules which are taken vp to God Somewhere it is called the losing as of a Prisoner from the Prison and fetters of the flesh that hee may be with Christ Philip. 1.23 Also the godly in their blessed death are for this said to be taken away Esa 57.1 In their bodies from their house to graue from feare to security from sense of paine to ease and from their bodies of labour to their beds of rest in their soules from an house of clay to an house not made with hands from Men to Angels from Earth to Heauen from prison to libertie from mortalitie to immortall and from death to liue And we reade of the gathering of the righteous as of things scattered and straying from home to their people fathers Gen. 25 8. Iudg. 2.10 Thus we haue heard why Iob and other scriptures call the death of the godly a change From whence the doctrine is Doctr. That there is nothing in
repaire from deformitie to fashion and from corruptible to eternall So death was Saint Pauls aduantage and how can it bee our losse if wee make Saint Pauls end If we had no hope after death wee might feare indeed But GOD hauing made their first Adam a liuing soule not a dying soule and all the sonnes of the second glorious soules not reprobate spirits Why should wee dread or feare to receiue our crown and glorie Or why should we be vnwilling with a ioyfull shout to salute our port and hauen after so many tiring stormes as wee haue endured vpon the raging sea of this world And why be sorie that we are going to our house of peace and home of long life which is at the right hand of God where is fulnesse of ioy and pleasures for euermore Psal 16.11 Doth any man feare to fall a sleepe at night that hath laboured hard all day What is the death of the faithfull but their sleepe of refreshing after the toiles of their life when the night is come in which no man can worke Ioh. 9.4 To this blessed sleepe of peace the Lord for his mercies sake lay euerie one of vs whom hee hath purposed to take to rest from labour in his time appointed Amen The end of the second Sermon THE THIRD SERMON ESA. Chap. 57. Vers 2 He shall enter into peace and they shall rest in their beddes euery one that walketh before him or that walketh in his righteousnesse THis scripture is a scripture of much comfort bringing a Gen. 8.11 an oliue leafe of peace in the mouth of it to the righteous that perish and to mercifull men that are shut vp with the flood of death in the Arke of their graues that they might not see the euill the great euill to come when they should see their enemies in the habitation of the Lord and Iuda with her King and inhabitants lead in Chaines of bondage to Babylon The words particularly and those of the fiue verses immediately before foure of them in the former Chapter the fift and sixt at the beginning of this containe two things as a complaint and comfort The complaint which is ioined with a threatning concerneth the vngodly that liued in their sinnes the comfort pertaineth to those that should be taken away in peace walking before the Lord that is in pathes of righteousnesse before him In the complaint the Prophet speaketh of a lamentable and very vniuersall destruction or plague that the Lord was preparing to send shortly vpon that wicked Rebell Iudah which was come to such a brimme of sinne and senslesse wickednesse and that is he would call for the wild beasts of the field and forrest of Babel meaning those Gentils and Nebuchadnezar their King to deuoure them and to execute the Lords iudgements vpon them eating their flesh and inuading their land Therefore where in a figuratiue speech at the 9. verse of the former chapter he calleth the beasts together as to some royall feast hee meaneth to forwarne the people of some grieuous iudgement prepared for them and comming toward them euen a iudgement of desolation and slauerie entended against them by the King of Babel and his great hoast The like we reade Ier. 9.22 Ezech 39.18.19 And because it might appeare that the Lords iudgements are euer righteous as he himselfe is most righteous and holy in the three verses that follow he speaketh of one maine cause that moued the iust God to send so great a storme of affliction and death in the captiuitie then threatned and that was their watchmen who should haue told them of their sinnes and giuen them warning with the Lords trumpet at their mouth of a plague so neere neither kept watch nor gaue warning but liued delicately and fed without feare being also couetous and greedie dogges that could neuer haue inough And indeed when a kingdome is ouer-runne by such in the forme and calling of Teachers it is a blazing-starre to that people and kingdome of some alteration at hand For if the Sun be set vpon the Mountains what shew can it make in the valleys or if the blind lead the blind must not both of them by the darknes that is in them of sinne and ignorance fall into the ditch of the condemnation of the Lord. Mat. 15.14 But all the fault though the greatest was not in those dumme and greedie Dogs the not teaching and ill ruling Ministers of that time the people them selues had their sinne also spoken of in the first verse of this Chapter and that was a carelesse regard of the deaths of the righteous beside their festrednesse and more then stand in sinne and wickednesse wherein they continued and went on carnally not feeling any stroke of Gods hand in that iudgement which he begunne at his owne house by taking away suddenly his best men And now if this complaint may bee vrged against vs and our coldnesse in a like case at this day as it was against them and if it shall make vs no wiser to God nor more carefull of our last end then it could them let vs prepare our selues to a like iustly deserued miserie and to pledge these in the cup in which they haue drunke before vs or begun vnto vs to destruction Thus farre the complaint The comfort entended only to those who should walke before God in their goodnesse fidelitie and truth for such should be sure vpon the remoue of their soules in soule to enter possession of an euerlasting and present peace and in bodie to rest most sweetly in the common bed and house of the earth till the last great day hath two things to be considered in it as a promise made and the persons to whom the promise is made The promise is in two things peace to the soule and rest to the bodie so soone as the soule goeth out of the bodie The persons to whom this promise is made are iust men and mercifull men that walke before the Lord that is that doe his commandements that they may liue Luc. 10.28 and keep his sayings that their part may bee in the tree of life Apoc. 22.14 The text may be resolued thus as a learned man resolueth it He that is the righteous shal enter into peace or vpon peace and they namely the godly shall rest in their beddes to wit immediately and presently vpon their deaths for as their bodies goe to rest so their soules shall enter into peace as Apoc. 14.13 Luc. 16.22 Euerie one that is euery godly one God is no accepter of persons and there is a generalitie of giuing in him as their must be a particularitie of receauing in vs that walketh before the Lord that is that hath his conuersation in the Lord walking in no way but by him nor in any course but after him This being as I take it the true both resolution and sense of this verse the first thing in it promised to the righteous is peace by which as was said
fill in them they haue Gods blessing inwardly in the peace of a contented minde outwardly in so much as is sufficient The wicked who haue them in greater measure haue them not vnder Gods hand nor as his blessings but as stolne wares that they shall answere for because they haue no right vnto them by Christ nor hold them in Capite that is in him Therefore their table is a snare vnto them and their prosperitie their ruine They liue to the encrease of their damnation and they die to take possession of it Fourthly they who with the glorified virgins wait for Christ in the life of the righteous are alway prepared for death when it knocketh Mat. 25.10 to open vnto it And what is a prepared death but an happy death And what followes an happie death but an happy life neuer to die againe Such goe in with Christ to his marriage of euerlasting life We see then that the last houres repentance the common refuge of worldlings as it commeth short of a sanctified life Vse so it seldome reacheth to an happy death or life after death For as the tree boweth before it bee cut downe so it falleth and in the place where it falleth there it shall be Eccles 11.3 That is as we liue so wee commonly die Or shall we thinke that men can easily begin righteousnesse at their last houre and that repentance in that houre is ordinarily good and sound repentance Let them well consider this who put off their conuersion to God and send away by hope of repenting old all those good motions that knocke at the doore of their hearts for a sanctified life One saith well While the Lord speaketh to thee make him answere and while he calleth let there bee an eccho in thy heart such as was Dauids who when God said seeke yee my face presently answered thy face will I seeke Psal 27.8 The Lord hath promised pardon to him that repenteth saith another but that hee or any other shall liue till to morrow he hath not promised Many in their puttings off fare as if they should say Lord let me sinne in my youth and pardon me in mine age But where in the meane season is their walking before God yong that peace may come when they are old And is it not a iust thing that men dying should forget themselues who liuing neuer remembred God Surely let them looke for no better who watch not the stealing steps of death in their tower of repentance in the life of the righteous And if moe things belong to repentance then can bee done in an houre and well in a mans life as to bring forth the buds of it young to beare fruits of it at more yeares to ripen it being man and to gather it toward death in the autumne of fruits how can they thinke one poore houre to be sufficient to bring the seednesse the spring the summer the autumne and full crop of these things together in so short time and how can they hope in such a span of life to prepare themselues for the Lord when so many els of long l●fe afford so scant measure to the best men to set them in a readinesse for him Let vs therefore while wee haue time laying vp treasures in heauen for our soules store vp in the summer of life for the winter of death which will come Prou. 6.8 In our last sicknesse and vpon our death-bed we are fitter to seeke ease for our bodies then mercie for our faults and grace for our soules Besides how fearefull will it be to be taken then by sudden death as by some vnexpected Officer without baile or warning and by it to bee brought to the goale of the earth in the bodie and in the soule to perpetuall prison in the torments of hell Of this more was spoken in the first Sermon and vse of the last doctrine there But shall they who liue well here Vse 2 liue well hereafter that is blessedly then their desperate and cursed errour is confuted who blaspheme the way of righteousnesse saying that it is to no purpose to bee so deuout godly and that they are most wise who giue themselues most libertie in the pleasures and iollitie of life So say the wicked in Malachy it is invaine to serue God Mal. 3.14 And the wicked in Iob say what profit to pray vnto him Iob 21 15. As if they should haue said we may serue God and we may pray to God but there is nothing gotten by it or they speed as well and are as wise that are cold in these matters as they who kindle and are hottest in them But they Prophet here saith that peace shall come that is they shall see the peace of God in heauen who make peace with God here and they that serue him shall raigne before him The wicked are as the chaffe which the wind driueth away Psal 1.4 That is so soon as God punisheth them with the wind of death their hope is gone But the godly haue a sure foundation and no storme either of death or of mans ill will can blow them to destruction whose house beeing builded by God not on the sand of time but vpon a rocke vnmoueable standeth fast in all changes Math. 7.25 The builder vp of Sion is the wise God whose worke abideth for euer Let the vngodly oppose themselues neuer so much they shall not be able to beate down Gods house and death is their aduantage Phil. 1.21 Or if the Princes Palace be safely guarded we must not think that any of Gods houses shall be left without their keepers sufficient watchmen and the righteous shall flourish when the hornes of the vngodly shall be broken And thus it is no vaine labour nor gamelesse seruice to serue the Lord. Doth a good life bring a good death Vse 3 Then the despairing words of Gods children in a troubled skie and when the waters enter into their soul as that God hath forsaken them that God hath cast them off in displeasure that God will not saue them and such like are words of distemper not of reason and iudgement For will God cast away his people The answere is Godforbid The meaning is hee will not Rom. 11.1 Neither can mans changeable tongue alter the decree of God that is vnchangeable Rom. 3.3.4 And we must not iudge of the estate of any man before God by his behauiour in death or in a troubled soule For there are many things in death which are the effects of the sharpe disease he dieth of and no impeachments of the faith he dieth in And these may depriue his tongue of the vse of reason but cannot depriue his soule of eternall life Which may bee spoken also of a troubled soule For as in a troubled water the face in the water cannot bee perceiued which when it commeth to be cleare is manifest so in a troubled spirit the face of Gods mercie seemeth to be changed against vs and to
bodies bee raised O then let vs so prepare for death by a good life that the day of our resurrection may bee a day of refreshing to vs from the Lord. Act. 3.19 When the wicked as seede that rotteth in the earth which God doth not blesse shall arise without comfort let vs endeuor to lie downe in that fauour of God wherein who so falleth a sleep shal out of the same be sure to awake comfortably and ioifully hauing no more woe nor sorrow And as Christ is the first fruits of them that sleepe 1. Cor. 15.20 there resurrection beeing yet in the blade and greene eare and their bodies at rest in their graues as it were beds of peace in which they sleepe quietly till he shal raise them who raiseth the Sunne daily from his den So let vs so liue in Christ by our good consciences that when the night shall come that night or hour in the night whereof our Sauiour spake when hee said the night commeth when no man can worke Ioh. 9.4 we may goe down peaceably to our sepulchers as into our beds with confidence to stand before God in the resurrection of the iust The day will come let vs thinke of it earnestly when we must meete the Lord face to face It is good therefore to meete him heere in his word and in our honest conuersation seeking the things aboue Col. 3.1 that when we shall goe forth to meet him with the Virgins that had oile in their lampes and store of oile that is grace in their hearts wee may not bee ashamed Math. 25.1.10 If we will attaine to the resurrection of the iust we must begin it here in the New birth of a Christian and new life of one that is so borne For as in the first birth man is brought forth consisting of soul and body so in this second of our spirituall resurrection wee must haue a new soule and bodie as it were new heauen and earth created in vs. Of flesh we must be made spirit and of fleshly diuine so wee may comfortably looke for the last resurrection or our parts in it a day that sweeteneth more then sugar the crosses and miseries of our hard life here The comfortable day of the Saints and Christs glorious and welcome day after which he will raigne in the middes of the people for euer Againe shall the iudgement be of all men good and bad then it concerneth vs all if we meane to receiue from Christ the Iudge a comfortable sentence in that day to looke well to our estate and matters here that we bring a good cause and the witnesse of a good conscience to that iudgement seat He that hath a matter to be heard before some earthly Iudge and vpon some certaine day will at the time and about the day appointed be in some good readinesse That is He will bring his sufficient counsell to the barre be sure that his matter be good and eu●dence without exception haue his witnesses to speake for him and the truth of the cause to speake for it selfe And shall we negligently deale in so waighty an action as that which must come to hearing before so great a Iudge of quicke and dead The day is set and we know not how suddenly it will come and in how short time Besides the matter to be heard concerneth not lands or goods but life or death eternall Christ is our onely Counsellour or Aduocate in that court our good deedes are our good euidence The witnesses are the word that must iudge vs and our owne consciences And shall we now despise the Son of God and count his couenant a prophane thing shall we crucifie by our sinnes Christ our Aduocate and thinke to haue him on our side and part or dreame that he will be for vs whom we haue crucified should we not rather kisse the Sonne with the kisse of our reconcilement to Christ who must speake for vs and be for vs if euer we be saued our good deedes are our best euidence and shall we follow after vnrighteousnesse doe bad deeds with greedinesse and shew no good euidence why we should not be damned our witnesses are the word and our owne consciences and shall we make a mocke of the word and not regard the witnesse of our conscience whether it be with vs or against vs if we despise the Gospell it cannot speake for vs and if we goe against our conscience it will surely be against vs. And should not man feare to bring a witnesse specially in such a court that will fearefully speake against him Let vs therefore endeuour by making much of the word by preferring it to our chiefe ioy by hearing it diligently by being moulded in it and fashioned like vnto it to get one witnesse for vs that is more worth then all the pleasures and profits of sinne that wretched men so admire And for the waies of our heart and actions of our life let vs so approue them to God who will giue an vpright sentence vpon them and vpon vs for them and doe them in such an integrity before God and innocencie before men when we either deale with God or haue dealing with our Neighbor that wee may haue two witnesses clearely for vs in that great day of hearing Lastly Vse 3 if all matters and persons must be iudged by Christ they are here reproued who take from God his seat and iudge their brother that is iudge him to condemnation For this Christ hath forbidden who is Iudg. Math. 7 1. And the Apostle Saint Paul would not haue vs thus to iudge our brother giuing this for a reason for we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ Rom. 14.10 as if he should haue said by iudging in this manne● we would seeme to step before God and to preuent his sentence exposing our brother with great wrong to a double iudgement one which we pronounce another which Christ will giue at the last day So our brother shall be twice iudged once by vs who are vsurpers and againe by Christ who is Iudge indeed or by such manner iudgement we argue Gods righteous iudgement of insufficiencie and iudgement seat of corruption and so wrong the Lord and not only our brother when we so iudg him But though rash iudgement be forbidden yet all iudgement is not For the Iudge may censure a fault that deserueth death with death and may condemne a malefactor to the gallowes whom he may not condemn to hell The Minister may censure faults by the doome of the word of God and by ecclesiasticall correction Nay the priuate man may iudge a wicked person by his life so farre as he may know him by it and iudge him by the word though he may not iudge him to hell nor iudge him before the time 1. Cor. 4.5 we may iudge the tree by the fruit because by the fruit we may know it Math. 12.33 and so as farre as we know we may speake so we speake charitably
of blood and water so strong and forcible that they ranne down his cloathes and streamed to the ground and yet to say Father not my wil but thine be done And shall we liue at ease in Zion and feed vpon the mountaines of Samaria that is desire an easie and pleasant life when his was so bitter to him and full of deadly troubles or thinke it much to feele a little of the sharpe aire when the whole storme was vpon him a storme so fierce and percing that it rent the vaile of his body from the top to the bottom and be vnquiet in a small shoure who are commanded to possesse our soules in the middes of our troubles when whole floods of his bitter passion could not carry him to the least vnquietnes in all his agonies bloody sweats Fourthly it is the triall of our faith tried or tried at all but where is gold better tried then in the furnace and faith which is more precious then gold where is it tried so as in aduersity or in the furnace of trobles The corage of a Souldier is more seene in warre then in peace and the skill of a skilfull Pilot better discerned in a storm then in a calme So the courage of a Christian is better knowne in the warre of the crosse and when the calme of the soule is turned into a storme of tentations then when the bodie is in health and the soule in no great aduersitie or when all things goe well with a man and he hath euen what heart can wish And as his courage so his wisdome may better be perceiued in a rough Sea then in a calme Riuer that is in a troublesome then in a quiet estate A reproofe to those Vse 1 who because they purge not themselues from an euill and faithlesse feare doe in the day of their trouble forsake their hope and say with the messenger who came from the King of Israel Behold this euil commeth of the Lord wherefore should I attend on the Lord any longer 2. King 6.33 as if there were any crown without a conquest or conquering but by that which is the victorie that ouercommeth the world the grace of patience and worke of faith in those who say with Iob in another place though the Lord kill vs we will trust in him Iob 13.15 as if they should say whatsoeuer comes we wil stil praise him and howsoeuer he doe we wil yet wait vpon him Psal 43.4 If God will haue Daniel to bee the ruler vnder King Darius Daniel must for a time be in the Lions den and the Kings seale must bee vpon it Dan. 6.16 So Gods children shall see their hope but first they must be committed to close prison and haue the seale of sicknesse set vpon the doore of their chambers out of which they cannot passe their soule shall be among Lions and the word of the Lord shall trie them before they goe out before Lazarus bee carried by the Angels to Abrahams bosome blessed Lazarus must bee laid at the Rich mans gate full of sores and diseases Luk. 16.20.22 So Gods children shal be freed from miserie in the kingdome where is no sorrow nor woe and passe from their bodie of death to the bosome of Abraham but they must first taste of the cup of miserie at the doore of death and bee filled with sores and prepared by sicknesse before they can put on this change All teares shall bee wiped from their eyes Apoc. 21.4 but then they must shed them here Also except the wheate corne fall into the ground and there die it bringeth forth no fruit Ioh. 12.24 So Gods children shall flourish for euer the seede of their bodies shall grow before the Lord in the garden of his presence but both it they must receiue this increase and preferment by the help of corruption It and they must be kept in the coffin of the earth and there putrifie as doth the seede of corne before there can be any putting on of the greene garment of the resurrection to eternall life For since the fall of Adam no man passeth to Paradise but by the burning Seraphins Gen. 3.24 nor to the holy Citie but by the Riuers of Babel which must enter into his soule And thus God will trie the patience of his children before hee worke their full deliuerance Much therefore are they to bee condemned who if they may not haue their heauen presently and in this life will rake into a hell of sinnes and world of lusts to haue those delights which they loue better then heauen the pleasures of sinne for a season and so forsake God to inherit desperation An admonition to store our hearts with faith Vse 2 hope patience and the promises of God in his word so shall we be in better case and likelihood to beare what commeth Also to look for trouble and when it is come to possesse it in patience not to breake the Lords bonds nor to cast the cords of his chastisements from vs by a mutinous and distempered soule For the tenure whereby wee hold heauen is the crosse and the great Indenture that is made betweene Christ and his Father runneth in this forme and stile of words All that will liue godly in Christ Iesu must suffer persecution 2. Tim. 3.12 In the drowning of the old world as the waters rose so did the Arke and in the deluge of this world the Arke of the faithfull soule should bee lift vp to confidence and arise to God as afflictions lift vp their waues That is as sicknesses and troubles and afflictions and the whole traine of hell fight against vs so we should fight against them by that victorie that ouercommeth the world 1. Ioh. 5.4 Christ vpon the Crosse as a Doctor in his Church did by his owne example and in his great patience then commend his truth vnto vs who relyed vpon his fathers deliuerance when the snares of death compassed him and the paines of hell caught hold of him and when hee found trouble and sorrow Psal 116 3. Luke 23.46 Esay saith Peace shall come Esay 57.2 but to whom to euery one saith he who walketh before the Lord. That is it shall surely goe well with him at the last who keepeth his vprightnesse and continueth to doe well who persisteth in his good course meeting the Lord in a readie heart and prepared soule Psal 108.1 and who when Christ saith I come quickly doth reply and make answer with all Saints saying euen so come Lord Iesus Apoc. 22.20 that is doe as thou hast said whatsoeuer pleaseth thee contenteth me Some tainted with hypocrisie can abide some short and small troubles but if they continue long and receiue encrease they forsake their patience and further their paine by beating the aire and themselues with their raging and vnquiet sounds till they cause the Lord to lay heauier penalties vpon them and to chaine them faster with linkes of longer and more perplexed troubles And so as the Bird that
the good mans death but what is profitable and excellent In the third to the Philippians vers 21. the Apostle calleth this alteration by death not the losse of our body but the change of our vile body that it may bee facioned like to the glorious body of Christ And is there any thing in this but what is excellent and worthy if any thing be worthy our trauell best paines here Iohn speaking of the Saints glorified saith All teares shall be wiped from their eyes Apoc. 21.4 His meaning is that as soone as death shall let them out of the world they shall haue no more sorrow that is sorrow that causeth teares And the same Iohn saith Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord Apo. 14.13 that is they who hauing liued righteously die wel in him are in the hand by the helpe of death leade presently to blessednesse The Saints militant did alwaies with the eyes of faith in the Gospell behold this great honour and preferment by death in the happy ends of the righteous and therefore sighed desiring their house from Heauen 2. Cor. 5.2 for they knew that if it were an honour to be remoued from a base cote to a Princes court it could not but be a double that is singular honour to bee translated from the Cotes of the Earth to the Court of Heauen Therefore they sighed that is could not be merrie till that change should come Paul saith that to be losed to wit from the bonds of his corruptible bodie was best of all Philip. 1 23. which hee would not haue said if any preferment had beene better then that by death which is from basenes into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God The reasons And further that there is so much good in the godlie mans death which is his change may be and is euident First by the things to which that their happie and blessed change by death is compared as to a hauen that after they haue passed the troublesome waues of the sea of this world carrieth them to their owne key or backe in the which they ride safely to their iourneys end after which they come home to their owne house being strangers here 1. Pet. 2.11 to the medicine that cureth most perfectly the sicknesse of life to the messenger that biddeth them to the marriage dinner of their great King Mat. 22.2.3 to their returne from banishment into their owne countrey and naturall land to their deliuerance from the gaole of sorrow where they are taken with Ioseph out of prison to be set with Princes to the laying downe of their tabernacle and to the putting on of their house from Heauen to a deliuerance like that out of Egypt from the bondage of corruption to the libertie of saints from a land of darknesse to a land where the sunne neuer goeth downe and from a land of destruction to the land of the liuing Now what is there in all these that is not perfitly good and desirable Secondly death abolisheth in the faithfull departed all power of sinning and sting of sinne Thirdly the bodie feeleth no more paine nor shal euer againe be sensible but of that which is excellently good desireable and comfortable and for the soule it shall presently be glorified Luc. 16.22 Fourthly death is but the dore of the soule out of an earthly dungeon such as the bodie is that must be destroied before the wormes into an heauenly kingdome or passage from death to life from a short death to a long life Lastly God executeth his iudgements vpon the damned and purgeth his Church by death An instruction to correct all vnreasonable and faithlesse weeping for our godly friends and brethren departed in the faith of Christ Vse 1 The Apostle to the Thessalonians exhorteth Christians if they sorrow for such not to sorrow for them as men that haue no hope 1. Thes 4.13 When Hester was taken from Mardochay who had brought her vp as his owne daughter to be married to King Assuerus and to receaue the crowne of Queene in the kingdome did he either bewaile or enuie that her great preferment the faithfull are taken from sorrowfullmen to be espoused to Christ and to receaue the crowne of glorie and shall they that liue by such vnmeasurable sorrow and taking on as is too commonly vsed at the graues of their friends vnwish to them in a sort so great happinesse Will a father be sorrie or can he without imputation of enuie repine that his sonne or daughter is with Ioseph taken out of prison to be set with Princes when thou giuest forth thy child to nurse and shee hath kept it long inough should shee because thou takest it home againe complaine thou wilt say she hath no reason for it Then what reason hath any father to murmure against the owner of the child hee taketh for taking of his owne Parents that so lose their children if they may be called lost that are so found are but nurses to them in their absence from their owne fathers house to nurse them with the milke of the Gospel and religiously to nurture them for the Lord who by death sends for them home to himselfe when he seeth time and when he so doth haue they cause to complaine of wrong father mother sonne wife husband brother are but lent goods which we must restore when the creditor and hee that owneth them calleth for them And shall we count our selues spoiled or vndone because they are required If one should lend vs a thing of price or thing that is costly would wee for a recompence of the vse of it vpbraid the owner because he sendeth for it or if we should might not he who was the lender iustly say is this my thanks and shall I be recompenced with so great impatiencie for my so great good will So if God should lend vs tenne deare children as he did to Iob and we should be made to part with them all in one day would it become vs with rough words to receaue that supposed losse or would we complaine of wrong where none is offered and where our good is sought and our childrens gaine be vnthankfull if we should may not the Lord of them and of vs iustly taxe our vnthankfulnesse and complaine of wrong May he not say did Iob my seruant so from whom I tooke ten children in one day and in a few daies all the honour and substance that he had did he not rather confesse my vnquestionable right in such moueables and say the Lord giueth the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord. Iob 1.21 If a great Lord should call vs and our child promising to both much honour and great wealth would we weepe and take on because our child is gone before and we our selues must shortly follow after would we not rather with much ioy so order our iourney and affaires that we also might with as great dispatch as might be receaue such preferment as wee know
more pleasures then at feasts this estate of heauenly life is both a kingdome and a feast A kingdome for they that are in it haue ouercome and shall sit on thrones Apoc. 2.7 A feast yea the marriage feast of the sonne of God in which he shall euer be espoused to the Church his wife The contract is made below the marriage shall be consummate aboue with solemnities vnspeakeable But if these excellent things spoken of the citie of God cannot winne our loue thither remember we the rich man in torments Luc. 16.23 and by this burnt child learne to dread the fire of hell The places are contrarie and all things contrarie that be in them As therefore Heauen is a place of ioyes and honour eternall so hell is a kingdome of shame and perpetuall contempt Dan. 12.2 And now if so great glorie and pleasures so many and so endlesse cannot please you doe but a litte cast downe your eyes into that deepe lake where are nothing but flaming fire palpable darknesse and perpetuall burning and nothing but teares shrikes and outcries of hopelesse and reprobate consciences and nothing but torments and places of torment prepared for damnable sinners where is no intermission of complaints nor end of paine as farre from ease millions of yeeres to come as at their beginning The rich man in torments craued but one drop of water when whole riuers of water would not quench those riuers of brimstone that fed that fire and could not haue it Luc. 16.24.25 And if the rods wherewith God chastneth his children in this life be so smart and galling that they haue brought them downe to the brimme of despaire and so low in affliction that they haue wished for death what smart and galling plagues doe the damned suffer in the torments of hell who are beaten not with rods of chastisement but with an iron rod of destruction in whose confusions remedilesse the Lord will say euen he whom here they despised I will ease me of mine ad●ersaries and auenge me of my fees Esa 1.24 And thus the feare of hell may be reason inough to draw our affections from these things below if the loue of heauen cannot But neither the loue of heauen nor feare of hell can worke in some any little distast of this worldly Egypt that they may eat of this Manna that is hidden Apoc. 2.17 That is of the bread of heauen in the kingdome of heauen A reproofe therefore to those who altogether mind the earth and earthly things Vse 2 not caring for that kingdome that cannot bee shaken Some haue an eye still in Sodome and hoofe in Egypt and so sticke to the place of their banishment in which they take case purpose cōtinuance that they neuer mind their countrey nor affect their remoue vnto it They cloy their stomacks with the grose dinners of this present world and so haue no appetite to the Lambs dinner where Christ being gouernour keepeth his best things last Ioh. 2.10 When we speake to them of peace they prepare themselues to battell Ps 120.7 In heauen is peace and here on earth is nothing but warre within and without within in our selues without in the world and yet men had rather liue in a field thus swimming in blood then by walking before God dwell in tabernacles of peace A signe that heauen is not there citie nor Christ their head For they that belong to the citie of peace will seeke heauens peace and they that belong to Christ desire to bee with him Colos 3.1 Where the head is there would the body be If then we doe not ascend to heauen by a spirituall life but digge downe to the hels by a carnall if couetousnesse hold vs in the world and the loue of God cannot draw vs out if to be thus absent from Christ be our happinesse and we count it our greatest vnhappinesse to come vnto him by going hence Christ is not our head but he that hath the Dragons head the world is our citie and heauen our strange citie to which either we meane not to come or would not willingly but by the violence of death when we can liue no longer For can Christ bee our head whom wee care no more for and heauen our countrey which we seeke no sooner after Therefore while we are on the earth in our bodies if we will be the members of Christ and the citizens of heauen let vs dwell before God in our soules framed in the forme and manner of a ship which is close downeward and shut to the world but open aboue enlarged to heauen where our treasure is and expectation ought to be So did our fathers who walked with God to whose righteous soules this peace is come and who now are most safe vnder the shadow of their Altar Christ vpon whom whiles they liued they offered all their spirituall sacrifices and now being taken vp to heauen in their soules praise him with ioifull lips continually and follow him in white whether soeuer he goeth A comfort to those Vse 3 who for this peace-sake fight lawfully in all the warre of the world against it They who in such a presse of worldly affaires beeing with Zacheus vpon too low a ground to see Christ doe therefore climbe vp in their affections aboue earthly matters and worldly desires treading the Moon vnder their feete shall heare one day perhaps this present day their sweet Sauiours voice saying Come to mee at once for this day is saluation come to your houses Luk. 19.5.9 And then as God said to Abraham Arise and walke about this Land this is the countrey that I will giue thee Gen. 13.17 So he will one day say to euery child of Abraham Behold thy heauenly land that is the place of thy perpetuall aboad come to it walke about it and liue in it for euer Then wee shall haue that blessing that all our prayers hearing readings in the word and other godly striuings like that of Iacob with the Angell before hee blessed him laboured vnto Gen. 32.26 Herod promised much when he promised halfe his kingdome Mark 6.23 But Christ both promiseth will giue a whole kingdome Math. 25.34 And where among men the elder onely doth inherit here all sons are heires and all receiue not some few Manors and small Lordships but crownes of righteousnesse Rom. 8.17 O then what should let our desires with the tribes of Renben Gad to passe ouer this Iordan of death by the parting not of waters but of soule body to come to our Land of promise Num. Iacobs 7. yeeres seemed light vnto him in regard of Rahel for whom he serued Ge. 29.20 And why should the labour trauel not of 7. yeares for it may be as was said we shall not serue 7. dayes we serue not a churlish Laban but a most bountiful redeemer I say why shold this short labor of ours trauell of so short time seeme any thing in respect of that faire
God hauing giuen eyes to vs to see his truth and the light of iudgement to see it by let vs not walke in so great darknesse as they who know not the truth nor whether they goe Here also we learne to put difference betweene the condition of the righteous Vse 2 and the state of the vngodly in their graues and buriall the godly hauing their graues for their beddes of rest the wicked contrarily for their prisons out of which they shall come to the resurrection of death Ioh. 5.29 as malefactors to their execution And where the godly as honest men of the countrey shall stand before the Iudge without feare they shal stand as the guilty Prisoner at the barre of shame to receaue the sentence of their iust condemnation in soule and bodie And what comfort can this be to shamelesse sinners in the night of the putting off of their tabernacle seeing they goe not to their beddes as doe the righteous but to their dungeons of darknesse and horrible feare For as if a man should be bidden to goe to his rest that after he had slept and was risen the punishment of some terrible death might be inflicted vpon him So is the state and condition of all impenitent sinners in their death For they must lie downe for some time in their beddes of dust and rise againe that a second fearefull death may be inflicted vpon their soules and bodies Now could any poore man goe comfortably to his bed that is bidden so as we haue heard to goe vnto it with what comfort then can desperate sinners remember their graues of earth from which they must passe to their graues of fire for euer Indeed as a man that is out-lawed may take his pleasure and walke at large for a time but whensoeuer or wheresoeuer he is taken he must yeeld to the punishment that law hath awarded so the wicked vpon whom sentence of damnation is past alreadie by an out-lawrie and iudgement that cannot be reuoked may for a season goe vntaken taking their libertie and fetching their friskes as if it would neuer be otherwise or as if that iust God who is their creditour and must be their Iudge would neuer serue an execution vpon them by death his Minister but the time will come when they shal be arrested and after some short repriuie of their bodies in the gaole of the graue be violently haled to the prison and pit of hell from which there is no redemption It were well for such if they had beene cast into their graues as a dogge into a ditch for though his buriall be homely yet his case is much better then theirs who are buried gorgeously and goe to hell The dogge endeth his misserie with his death but when such die they beginne their miserie and end their ●oyfull daies for euer For man shall not die like a beast though he liue like a beast nor be senslesse of paine hereafter though here he was sensles●e of sinne free from paines and smart that others felt As before in respect of their soules that presently enter into peace Vse 3 so here in regard of their bodies which sleepe in their beddes of rest the godly may be comforted for their godly friends departures at least it may stay all sorrowing without hope For who would be sorrie for his friend because after his hard labour he goeth to his rest in a bedde of much ease prepared for him or to vse an other comparison A man locketh vp his best apparrell in a chest meaning hereafter to weare it will he mourne and be sorrie that it is so kept till there come a high daie to weare it So the faithfull concerning their bodies which are the vesture of their soules are shut vp by death in the coffers of the Earth And shall their friends take on because their friend hath his best clothing so preciously laid vp that euerie soule vpon the highest day of the daies of the yeere may haue the seuerall robe and vesture of it owne body to be put vpon it or will any man thinke much that his friend hath put off his old rags to put on robes of glorie This is the very case of the righteous when they lay downe their bodies They put off vile bodies to put on glorious and their bodies are but chested in the earth when they returne to their dust that in the solemne and high day of resurrection they may be brought forth againe and restored but with farre greater beautie and shining to the soules that were owners of them So much for the comforts promised The persons follow to whom such comforts are promised Euerie one that walketh c. The persons whose soules shall enter into peace and bodies be put in their sepulchers no otherwaies then if they should be laid in their beds of rest so soone as they goe hence are they who walke before the Lord or walke that is liue as in his sight And here the Prophet setteth downe two things the generality of the promise euerie one and condition vnder which it is made that walketh before Him that is the Lord. For the generalitie and where the Prophet saith euerie one his meaning is that neither countrey nor parentage nor diuersitie of sexe and calling nor any outward thing shall make his end vnhappy whose life by reason of his godly life is happie where learn That Doctr. God is no accepter of persons that is respecteth not the person of man but his grace in man Whosoeuer beleeueth in him or hath receaued the grace of faith to put faith in him and to liue vnto him let him be borne wheresoeuer and let his degree be whatsoeuer such an one saith Amen shall not perish But so it may be that is one may not perish and yet misse of peace therefore it is added and haue euerlasting life as if it had beene said he shall not be miserable and he shall be happie euer he shall not die and he shall liue eternally in glorie Ioh. 3.16 Peter perceiued this and in a vision comming from heauen saw this and therefore as God opened the vision Act. 10.15 so hee opened his mouth and said Of a truth I perceiue or to say the truth I now know that God is no accepter of persons or God doth giue his grace indifferently to one and other whether born in Iewrie or fearing God in Caesarea and therefore in euerie nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousnesse no matter what countrey-man so he be a good man he that reuerenceth him shall haue his part in him Act. 10.34.35 whether Iew or Gentil circumcised or vncircumcised rich or poore bond or free he shall haue life if he walke before the God of life Blessed is euerie one that feareth the Lord and walketh in his waies Psal 128.1 All that walke in the sunne-shine of Christ shall receaue the die of his fauour as all that walke in the Su● are tanned They shall gaine peace and find rest
her ability thereunto What be the childrens duties They bee such as they owe to their Parents or one to another What duties doe they owe to their Parents They owe them reuerence in their hearts obedience Leuit. 19.3 Ephes 6 1 1. Tim. 5 4 Gen. 47 12 in their deedes and when their parents shall be in yeeres and neede it is their dutie if they haue wherewith to nourish them What duties doe they owe one to another To loue as brethren and not to fall out Psal 133.1 Gen. 45.24 What duties doe Masters owe They concerue Religion Genes 18.19 Coloss 4.1 1. Tim. 5.8 Prou. 31 15 and so they must help them to God by their instruction and the care of their soules or they respect their life heere and so paying them their wages iustly they must make honest prouision for them What duties do seruants owe In singlenesse of heart Ephes 6 6 Tit. 2 9 14 1. Pet. 2.18 and all good faithfulnesse they must doe their masters worke be true vnto him and seeke to please him though he be froward So much for our thankefulnes to God expressed in our words deeds for our duties the morning before our work in praier and praises what duties doe we owe that day after They be duties such as are between or after our work at night What must we do between our work It concerneth our refreshings or recreation What must we do at our refreshings Pray before meat for Gods blessing 1. Tim. 4 4 5 giue thanks after Coloss 3.17 1. Cor. 10.31 Math. 16.30 Act. 10.10 Luke 21.34 Exod. 32.6 for Gods blessings vsing the same for strength or honest delight and no way for excesse or drunkennes What must we obserue in our recreation That our company be good Ephes 5.7.11 Phil. 4 8. 1 Thess 5.22 Ephes 5.16 sports of good report remēbring that time must be redeemed When be our sports of good report When they be lawful for the nature of them Rom. 14.16 1. Cor. 6.12 Coloss 3 2 1. Thess 5 16 17. necessary for the vse not hindring better duties So much for the duties as are betweene our worke what must we doe after it Examine our selues Ier. 8.6 Psalm 4.4.8 as vpon an accompt what we haue done the day past and prepare our sleepe that it may be comfortable How shall we by such preparation make our sleepe comfortable By committing our selues to God soules and bodies 1 Pet. 4.19 Psal 4 8 55 16.17 121.4 5 7. 2. Thess 3 3● praying him to inspire the soule with good thoughts and to watch the body till the morning that no hurtfull thing breake in vpon it But some go to bed without praier Such sleepe in Satans lap haue him for their keeper who therefore maketh a thorow-fare in the thoughts of their heart sowing the tares of many vncleane concupiscenses lusts therein Math. 13.25.26 which sown in the night grow in the day What reason can you giue to proue the necessity of praier before we goe to rest That night for ought we know may be our long night and that sleepe our last sleepe Which if it bee and the Lord hath sealed no warrant to any that it shal not be must needes bring small hope to our vnpraying soule that it shall be glorified and as little comfort to our body laid downe in so brutish forgetfulnesse that it shal goe to God at our next rising What doe you conclude of this That those Masters are cruell to their seruants who sufter them to go to their beds Psal 19.5 as wild beasts to their dens without praier and do not better arme them against the feare of the night Somuch for the daies of labour what say you of the daies of holines On Gods Sabaths Mark 1 35 Exod. 20.8 we must first pray God to blesse the duties of them and so keepe them holy How must we keepe them holy By doing as little worldly work as may be Isa 58.13 Ier. 48.10 by doing Gods work religiously with all our might In doing of God worke what is to be considered That we doe the workes that sanctifie the Sabath and auoide the vnfruitful works that defile it What workes are required to the sanctifying of the Sabath To preuent or deferre Exod 16 23. Psal 92.1 2 32 5 Iob 1.5 Jam. 1.5 Ephes 6.19 Eccles 4.17 Psal 84 1 2 Acts. 10.33 13 15. 20 7 16.14 Deut. 11.18 and by rising earely to dispatch all businesses that would prophane it and by praying God to blesse his onwe ordinances to come with a spiritual forward mind to publik praier preaching Sacramēts What other works are required It is required further before we come to the assembly that wee pray read or heare somewhat read at home that may edifie between the times of publike exercise Luke 24 14. Deut. 6 7 that we meditate on that which hath been deliuered and after and between that we talke with others and examine our selues about it What is lastly required That we take a view of God in his works word Psal 92.5 Rom. 1 19 20 Psal 19.1 Acts 17 11. los 1 8 Cant. 8.13 Ps 14.4 Apoc. 1 3 to Deut. 17.19 Psa 92. in the title Col. 3.16 Eph. 5 19.1 Cor. 16.2 Eccles 7.15 pray reade and sing Psalmes priuately doe workes of mercy and consider Gods speciall workes of mercy iustice goodnesse and truth So much for the works to be done what are the vnfruitfull workes to be auoided The spēding of the day in sleepe Psal 92 2. Ex 32 6.1 Cor. 11.21 Isa 58.13 Exo. 20 10. Isa 29.13 play drinking worldly talke or businesse foolish communication and things that separate from God by a carnall heart Glorie be to God EPHE S. 5.15.16 Take beed therefore that yee walke circumspectly not as fooles but as wise Redeeming the time for the daies are euil The sense and exposition of the ten Commandements in Engglish verse published long since by a godly Brother and in some points now altered GOD first doth charge me by his law to haue no Gods but one That is to loue to feare to pray and trust to him alone Next that I doe deuise no signe or image of the Lord Nor sweare by creatures rood or Masse but serue him by his word The third that both I thinke speake of him vvith reuerent feare And to his word his works and name like awe and reuerence beare The fourth the Sabath doth command religiously to spend In publike place and priuately from morning to daies end The fist all Parents to obey who rule me in Gods steede And I as Parent rule and teach my charge with carefull heede The sixth forbids my heart my hand and tongue to worke despight And biddes me saue by all these parts the life of euery wight The seuenth condemnes both thought and words of wanton life Commanding cleanesse and th●entire and deed chaste loue of man and wife The eight to shun the stelth of heart of hand and crafty deed To liue contented with my state and helpe my brothers neede The ninth all falshood doth forbid in witnesse talke or thought To speake ill or beleeue it till the truth to light be brought The tenth condemnes our stain of birth and first intent of sinne Though neither action nor consent 〈◊〉 no● liking passe therein A briefe rehearsall of the tenne Commandements for the vse of the weakest THou shalt haue no Gods b●t one And truly worship him alone Gods name in vaine thou shalt not take The seuenth day holy thou shalt make Honour thy Parents Murther flee A fornicator neuer be Thou shalt not steale False speech eschue And couet nor anothers due LVKE 10.28 This doe and thou shalt liue
Lord and in his feare and word to serue him Iob 28.28 to loue the good and hate the euill that oursoules may liue Am. 5.15 wee can encourage one another in wickednesse and say let vs eate and drinke for to worrow we shal die Esay 22.13 that is we remember our end but we remember it not wisely but as beasts to eate and drinke or we put off and make our end long but who prepareth for it and who is wise and of an vnderstanding heart Deut. 32.29 to consider it The rich man maketh his small barnes big as if he would make his short life endlesse Luk 12.18 The euill seruant saith my master deferreth his comming as if that which is put off would neuer come Math. 24.48 Nabal he that yet liueth in the carnall churles of this age applieth all his mind to riches and forgetteth his sudden end 1. Sam. Absalons whol studie is to mount neuer thinking of his destruction so neare whose bodie though it stand at the lower end of the presence yet heart sitteth vnder the cloth of estate practising for the kingdome 2. Sam. c. In the daies of Noah they eate they dranke they builded and remembred not the flood Luk. 17.27 In our daies men feede themselues without feare and forget their end Let vs therefore be warned better to remember our few and euil daies Gen. 47.9 to do the workes of God while it is day Ioh. 9.4 before the long night of sleepe come out of which there is no awaking till the last great trumpe call vs vp to iudgement Behold now is the accepted time behold now the day of saluation 2. Cor. 6.2 the rich man in hell once might and would not heare Moses and the Prophets afterward that is too late hee would and could not Luke 16.25.29 The enemie that is prepared for hurteth lesse and hee that maketh himselfe readie for the last enemie which is death neede not feare to such it bodeth no danger for such it hath no sting nor breath that can doe hurt If we first see this Basiliske death armed with repentance and with the shield and target of faith in our last houre by preparing for our end there is nothing in it that shall not be for our preferment and the full conquest of our troublesome life for then we may take it by the hand as a most welcome guest and as that last seruant whom the Master will send to bring vs to his great Supper and that at supper time when all things are readie Luke 14.17 when our warrefare is accomplished and our iniquities are pardoned when our weary course is finished and ioy commeth after the night of life which life was not properly nor can be truely called life but the shadow of death The person to be remembred followeth Thy Greatour c. The person in whose eye Salomon exhorteth his young Man to walke reuerently is God his Maker By which name or title hee doth secretly imply the great power of the Maker of all things and of mans Creatorr and sheweth that the end of Mans creation is to glorifie continually God his Creator as if hee should haue said Hee that gaue vs breath is Mightie and if he take away his breath by stopping our mouth and nosthrils we are gone and wherefore did he put his spirit of life into vs Was it to giue vs some large libertie to liue as wee list or was it not rather to prouoke vs to seeke his glorie that made vs This is Salomons meaning where we first are taught that the Al-mightinesse of the Creator and the worke of our strange and fearfull creation should make vs feare to liue in any forgetfulnesse of God by an impenitent and obdurate heart By such an argument the Prophet Amos stirreth vp a carelesse people to turne to God by repentance saying He that formeth the Mountaines and createth the winde which maketh the morning darknesse and walketh vpon the high places of the earth the Lord God of hosts is his name Ames 4.13 as if hee should haue said if God who is your mightie Lord and shall be your righteous Iudge bee able to create the windes to forme the Mountaines and to turne the morning into darknesse then is he able to persecute you with his storme to tumble the Mountaines vpon you and to couer you with the darknesse and shadow of death and to prepare an eternall iudgement of confusion for you to the destruction of soule and bodie For hee that made hell can cast into hell and he that causeth darknesse punish with vtter darknesse Dauid by a like argument inureth himselfe to the feare and reuerence of his wonderfull Maker saying I will praise thee that is I wil acknowledge thy goodnesse in all my life for I am feare fully and wonderfully made Psal 199.14 the meaning is if he should goe on in sinne the God who is fearefull can open hell to deuoure him and can shew himselfe as mighty in his iudgement to his destruction as hee was great in his loue to giue him being when before he was not So in Psal 119. ver 37. the Prophet hath these words thine hands haue made mee and fashioned me giue me vnderstanding therfore that I may learue thy commandements and he reasoneth thus Lord thou hast made mee in thy image therefore new-make me by thy word and as thou hast giuen me the shape of man so by teaching make me a new-man in the shape and soundnesse of a true worshipper Our Creation therefore should teach vs the life not of libertie but of repentance and holinesse in the feare of God The reasons Our life is nothing but a little breath and how easie is it for God to take away our weake life when weake man by stopping our breath is able suddenly and most certainely to send vs to our dust Gal. 2.22 Psal 104.29 And should not this weake and poore life fed with a little breath breath forth continually the praises of that God that so feedeth it from the shop of his prouidence Secondly God hauing greater power ouer vs then the Potter hath of the clay which he fashioneth who yet hath power to put it to some seruice or if it content him not to breake it to fitters Rom 9.21 Esa 45.9 should not this Clay Dust Man striue to please him in newnesse of life who hath power to bring him to glorie in his presence or if he be in no conformitie with his righteous will hath like power to breake him in peeces like a Porters vessell This condemneth those who set out no time for the dutie of meditating on their fearefull creation that the strange worke thereof may warne them to feare alwaies to doe euill Vse One cause why the people of Israel did so often and presumptuously prouoke God was because they forgate his wonderfull workes Psal 78.10.11 And it is said that the workes of God are sought out of all that loue them Psal 111.2.5
the meaning is that this diligent search of Gods power in the register of his noble workes is one excellent meane of godlinesse and signe of one that is godly But what shall we say of those who take liberty to doe euill because they are made great as if he that made them were not greater Psal 76.12 and who walke stubbornely in their sinnes because they may walke quietly in them without any mans checke not caring for nor dreading his iudgement of rebuke who hath power is strong to bring sinners to destruction To such I say Doe yee prouoke the Lord and are yee stronger then hee 1. Cor. 10.22 if hee touch the Mountaines they smoke and if he strike hard shall they not burne The Sorcerers who ascribed so much to the finger of God Exod. 8.19 what would they haue said of his whole hand what is stubble to fire and what are wee to God Our God is a consuming fire Heb. 12.19 But God is our Creator Doct. 2 therefore againe we are taught to shew our selues in knowledge and obedience yea by all meanes and waies such as are readie alwaies to glorifie this our Creator This moued the Apostle of the Gentils writing to the Romans to exhort them to offer vp to God as in a sacrifice by obedience First their bodies mortifying them that is sinne in them Rom. 12.1 And secondly their minde by renuing of it that is by seeking to make it of old new of fleshly spirituall of prophane noly and of euill good and acceptable to God in Christ ver 2. But was this written to them or for them onely or doth it not also concerne vs seeing that he who made them made vs and who saued them must be our Sauiour The same Apostle writing to the Collossians chargeth them and vs in them whatsoeuer they doe in word or deede whether they vse their tongues or labour with their hands to doe all in the name of the Lord Iesus that is thankefully to ascribe all to God the father of Christ and our father in Christ Col. 3.17 And wherefore so but because the Father hath made vs and the Sonne hath redeemed vs as hee also saith in another place glorifie God in your bodie and in your Spirit for they are Gods as all are his 1. Cor. 6.20 The reasons No tradesman but would haue all that hee deuiseth or maketh to haue some vse and that vse to his minde and liking and what Man of occupation can abide that the tooles and instruments by which he worketh should by one comming into his shop be vsed to a wrong end and will not hee who hath created all things for his glorie and seruice haue Man his principall worke more principally seruiceable to his will and glorie or can he abide that one of his chiefe tooles that which was made to be to his praise should turne to his dishonour becomming an instrument of vnrighteousnesse to sinne which was made a weapon of holinesse to God Secondly Mans body is called the Temple of God or House made by God 1. Cor. 6.15.19 and shall we not keepe Gods House cleane If a man hauing a faire dwelling-House whereinto he meaneth to receaue his Prince should conuert the same into a stie or stable would not men say that hee did greatly abuse both his House and Soueraigne So if we make that which should be a Palace to God by swearing lying drunkennesse adulterie and such vnclean pranks a stie of Hell and stable for the gouernour of this world would not good men say that we reproch our Creator and dishonest the House of Him that made vs An instruction to make conscience of euerie sinfull way Vse as wee would bee afraid to pollute and dishonest the Princes Court or House and if we would be ashamed to be fit for nothing let euerie thought and purpose make vs blush which doth manifest that we can be of no vse to God when we goe on in sin let vs reason against such proceedings and say Surely God made vs to another end and this is no good vse of our creation This is not to make our bodie a vessell for God but a stie for Diuels or heard or droue of swine for vncleane Spirits to enter into Math. 8.31 And surely the more filthie a mans bodie is the more fit it is to become a lodge hold for Diuels sinne Wee haue eyes to see the Heauens and the soule in Gods image hath other eyes to looke into heauen Al other creatures goe with their eyes and bodies depressed to the ground and where other creatures haue but foure muscles to turne their eies about Man hath a fifth to pull His vp to Heauen And what is this but to teach vs that howsoeuer we necessarily seeke other things yet wee should first and chiefly respect and respecting seeke the things of God in our saluation But at this day though Men goe vpright outwardly in face hypocritically in shewes yet looke into their liues and worke and they may as well goe on all foure Is this to remember thy Creator and remembring Him as thou oughtest in feare and with obedience to set thy heart to His commandements and to adorn thy creation with good works seruing God So much for the person to be remembred the tyme of remembring him followeth In the daies of thy youth c. As god is to bee remembred so wee must begin betimes to remember him For many make a shew and wil seem to walke with God who walke in no awe nor reuerence of His word and many also forgetting with the common Parents of the world that they who transgresse shall die be it in youth or age eate the forhidden tree of putting off from day to day to turne vnto the Lord Gen. and so thinking it too soone to beginne in the flight age of youth or at Mans estate carefully to serue God turne all their termes into vacations and like bad borrowers when one day or terme of life is past craue a longer and alonger till they be staied by the arrest of death and sent to the prison of hell and their lie bound in fetters of long night and death eternall Therefore Salomon giueth his yong Man counsell earely to begin repentance that is in the prime and bud of his life while hee is fresh and gallant and not to tarrie till the dead winter of age cause his buds to fade and lease to fall or till the brawne of his strong armes fall away or till the keepers of the house the hands which defend the bodie tremble or till euery thing be a burthen seeing euen the grasse-hopper shall then be a burthen or till they waxe darke the eies that looke out at the windowes or till the grinders cease that is teeth fall out of his head or till the dore of his lips bee shut and ●awes fallen or till the daughters of singing the eares be abased being vnable any longer to heare the sounds of
ordered bring forth the greatest Masters of vice and Guides to wickednesse and as a weede if it grow in a ranke soile will grow out of measure noisome so the tender youth of great families brought vp in ease and pampered with the delights of gentry if they prooue weeds must needs riot most vnmeasurably and prooue most hurtfull members in the Commonwealth and not members but diseases in the Church Lastly to excite our gentry to traine vp their yong Gentlemen to the feare of God and to good sciences let them remember that a gentleman without vertue learning is like a darke heauen in the night without moone or starres and let them not forget that if they would haue the blessing of being blessed fathers of a blessed seed they must bring them within the couenant endeuouring to make their sonnes by nature the sons of God by grace The like for their daughters if they would haue their daughters by birth to become the daughters of Abraham by new birth and godlinesse An admonition to yong persons Vse 2 to striue against all impediments of godlinesse in yong yeeres For are parents bound to teach youth then are youth bound to learne of their parents or must al feare God yong then young and all must learne betimes to feare him and can none feare him but such as arme against the impediments of his feare then where are most as in youth and where most are hindered as tender youth there must this armor chiefly be put on The first impediment of early godlines in yong men is a reckoning but without their host that they shall liue to be old which causeth thē to say peace peace I●r 8.11 til with Sisera they fal into their last sleep of destruction Iudg. 4.21 go from their house to graue Psal 49.14 But who can be ignorant that on the stage of this world some haue longer and some shorter parts and who knoweth not though some fruits fall from the tree by a full and naturall ripenes that all doe not so nay that more are pulled from it and wither vpon it in the tender bud or young fruit then are suffered to tarrie till they come to their perfect ripenes and mellowing so do not mo without comparison fall from the tree of time young either violently plucked from it by a hasty death or miserably withering vpon it by a long death perishing in the bud of childhood or beaten downe in the greene fruit of youth then come to their full age of ripenesse by a mellow and kindly death Further doth not God call home from his worke some in the morning some at noone and some at night For as his labourers enter into his vineyard so they goe out that is in such manner and at such houres Math. c. Some dye in the dawning of their life who passe but from one graue to another Some dye in youth as in the third houre some at thirtie and some at fiftie as in the sixt and ninth and some very old as in the last houre of the day Yet more dye young then old and more before tenne then after threescore Besides all this the fresh life which the youngest haue here is cut off or continued by the same decree and finger of God that the oldest and most blasted life is prolonged or finished For say that a man had in his keeping sundrie brittle vessels as of glasse or stone some made fortie fiftie yea threescore yeares age and some but yesterday we will agree that that vessell wil soonest be broken not that is made first but which is first striken or first receiueth a knocke So for these brittle vessels of our earthly bodies they that soonest receiue the blow of death though but made yesterday first perish not that were first made and haue longest liued What then is our life and how vaine and false is our hope of long life seeing no man can tel who hee is that shall receiue the first stroke or knocke to the destroying of this his mortal tabernacle In a prison where are many condemned should some riot and forget death because they first are not drawne out to die or because one goes before another to execution shall he that comes last come forth pleasantly with Agag and say Surely the bitternes of death is past 1. Sam. 15.32 because we die not so soone as others and we shall not all die at once shall we therefore count our selues immortall If we be old wee may bee sure our turne is neere and if we be young it may be as neere for they that be old may trauell longer but we that are yong may haue a shorter way home Seeing then this hope of liuing till we be old is so vaine and deceitfull wee should make as great haste to God at twenty as at fourescore When we heare a solemne knell we say some bodie is departed and why should we not thinke that the feet of them who carried out that bodie is at the doore readie to cary vs out also Act. 5.9 He was not an old man and he had much peace in his dayes to whom it was said O foole this night they will fetch away thy soule Luc. 12.20 So death worketh in vs whether we prepare for it or no. a Mr. Perk. in his right way of dying well A certaine writer vseth this comparison A man pursued by an Vnicorne in his flight fals into a dungeon and in his fall hangs by the arme of a tree as he thus hangeth looking downeward he sees two wormes gnawing at the root of the tree and looking vpward he sees an hiue of sweet hony which makes him to climbe vp vnto it to sit by it and to feed vpon it While he thus feedeth himselfe and becommeth secure or carelesse of what may come the two wormes gnaw in sunder the root of the tree which done both man and tree fall into the bottome of that deepe pit This Vnicorne is swift Death the Man that flieth is euerie sonne of Adam the pit ouer which he hangeth is hell the arme of the tree is his short life the two wormes are day and night which without stay consume the same the hiue of honie is the pleasures of this world to which while men wholly deuote themselues not remembring their last end the root of the tree that is temporall life is spent and they fall without redemption into the pit and gulfe of hell Another impediment of godlinesse in a young man is his strong constitution which perswades him that he shall liue long that therefore he may at leasure inough turne to God hereafter but no constitution in man can enlarge his Charter of life one poore houre Indeed the good complexion of a man may be a signe of long life but he that prolongeth our daies on Earth he onely can make vs to liue long Exod. 20.12 A third impediment of godlinesse is parentage abused For some thinke that God neuer required
such to bee renued in their mindes reformed in their liues Eph. 4.14 And though they haue beene children long hauing so long and much forgotten God in the ignorance of childhood and vanitie of youth should they alwaies be so or should they not grow to be men in Christ and strong men in the saluation of God wisdome being their gray haires and an vndefiled life their old age 1. Cor. 16.13 The Israelites gathered twice as much Manna the day before the Sabbath as they did any day before because on the sabath they might gather none Exod. 16.22 and should not the hoare head that looketh euery day for the last sabbath of mortalitie and long sabbath of glorie in an age and day so neare vnto it heare twice as much pray twice as much do twice as much good be more fruitfull then in all his life before vsing not legs as youth but wings of repentance yet as young men think they haue a long time so put off remembrance so old men doe hardly beleeue that their time is so sho●● or end so neere but that they 〈◊〉 take leasure and doe that hereafter which they should doe presentlie And who is there almost though hauing liued verie long alreadie that thinketh not hee may liue one yeer longer we read that threescore and ten is a great age Psa 90.10 but when we our selues are past it we forget what we haue read and look not to that which is gone but as couetous persons who onely liue vpon that which they expect not which they haue doe onely number the yeeres to come and build vpon seuen yeeres when perhaps there are not seuen months behind peraduenture not seuen daies not houres Little thought hee to die before the morrow who promising many yeeres of ease to himselfe said hee would pull downe his old barnes and build new Luc. 12.18.19 The like condition in sudden death may steale vpon the like foolish numberers of their daies For hee ●as a young man that so reckoned ●misse and shall they that be old so ●ckoning thinke to reckon well We say commonly Yong men may ●e and when we turne it to old ●en we say with good warrant Old ●en must die And yet as men by ●a thinkes anothers ship goes fast ●nd their owne stands still where ●eirs maketh as great hast to the ●ort as the others doth so old men ●inke that other old men weare a●ace and goe a maine to death as if ●eir owne yeeres did neuer a whit ●reake nor moue to the waine of ●se where the truth is that they ●aue as swift a gale and flight to the ●ort of all the liuing as the other ●aue who seeme in their eyes not ●o moue softly but to flie to their ●nd So much for the first reason ●he second followeth Nor the yeares approach wherein ●hou shalt c. This secōd reason gi●en for remembrance is drawne frō●n age in a neerer degree to death by ●ōmon course then the age that was spoken of though it may wel be called old age cōpared to the times 〈◊〉 yong men childrē For these yee● take all pleasure from our life whe● in affliction followeth affliction 〈◊〉 the clouds returne after the raine E●cles 12.2 The reason may be draw● from the lesse to the more thus 〈◊〉 if Salomon had said It is an v●● time in old age to begin repētance much more at these stooping yere● where euerie step is in death a●● they may say with Barzillat wh● are come vnto them How long h●● I to liue Doctr. 2. Sam. 19.34 The Doctrine is If in old age then muc● more in that age it is verie late 〈◊〉 consecrate our time to God whe● our houses are turned into our prisons and we haue no taste in that 〈◊〉 eat or in that we drinke 2. Sam 19.35 Of Ephraim it was said Th● gray hayres were here and there vp●● him yet he knew it not Hos 7.9 tha● is hee had the markes of age in 〈◊〉 face and vpon his head and yet 〈◊〉 one that would still be young he● considered not that hee drew nee● ●o the graue and had tokens vpon ●im of a blasted life What would ●t haue beene said if being readie to ●ye downe in the graue he had fared ●s one that had come into the world but yesterday And that he thought not of putting off sinne and putting on holinesse in an age when he could neither put off nor put on his owne clothes The reasons This ●s the last time or rather houre and how shall we hope to be good if we begin but now And if it be somewhat late where memory is stronger how can it bee but verie late where memorie is quite gone Secondly repentance should bee voluntarie not extorted as at these yeares by bitter griefe and the feare of hell Thirdly our repentance then will be late repentance and late repentance is seldom or neuer true repentance Also those repentances that men frame to themselues at the last houre are but false conceptions that come not to bearing For in such repentances men forsake not their sinnes but their sinnes forsake them A reproofe to those desperat sinners Vse who put off all care of turning to God by repentance till the graue be readie for them and till they be readie to make vp their bed in the darke But many deceiued with this charme sorcery of the last hours repentance haue knocked when there was no opening Luc. 13.25.28 The foolish Virgins that came not for mercy whiles the Lords doore was open that is whiles hee was before the doore to giue it and they in the way to receiue it did stand without had none to open vnto them Matth. 25.10.12 So he was taken away to damnation that prepared not his wedding garment before his comming to the wedding feast Matth 22.11.13 Let these examples of reprobate putters off mooue vs to preuent the diuels houre of turning to God which is the last houre of life an houre when Gods doore of mercy is made fast and all hope is cut off for entring It is an eu●ll seruant that putteth off all his worke to the last houre Eccles 12 And who knoweth not that hath vnderstanding that when those yeeres approach and that gastly houre is come there is businesse and worke enough in the mind and externall man of deaths condemned prisoner to resist and prepare against the extremitie of that combat which because it is the last of the day is like to be the sharpest Besides the last sicknes bringeth trouble inough with it when death the diuell mans vnremitted sinnes Gods intolerable wrath and the gaping pit and deepe lake of hell doe altogether with greatest terror astonishmēt present themselues to mans sorrowfull and sore incumbred soule Obiect You will say that a theefe was saued at the very last cast of life or some short time before hee departed from the Crosse to Paradise Luke 23.43 Answ I confesse that the
Rahel and life to come So much for the first of those comforts that are promised namely peace that properly concerneth our soules The second which is rest and belongeth to our bodies followeth And they shal rest in their beds c. By beds the Prophet vnderstandeth the places into which the Lord bestoweth the bodies of his seruants in or after their death whether water or fire or the panches of wilde beasts or the chambers of the earth or sea or aire And these he calleth beds because they shall rest quietly in them as men in their beds till the morning bell or loud trumpet of the last great day warning all flesh to rise shal raise them Therefore it is an vsuall thing in the scriptures so soone as men die to say they fall a sleepe Whereby is meant that they are laid in their beds of peace whether Churchyard or Church and that before their bodies are carried forth for buriall thither the places in which God taketh their soules to his presence are their beds and so the beds of their death are the beds of their peace Beds made for them by God himself in the which after their last long sleep of death they presently enter into their last sweet sleepe of peace The Papists say otherwise who hold that the righteous take no possession of their beds of rest till the Priest haue put them into their beds of earth Indeed men giue them burials then but God doth prouide for them their bed of burial lat their death And they are called beds of rest to put difference betweene these beds of our nights-sleepe and those of our sleepe in death For here bee our beds neuer so soft or well made we often take no rest by reason of some disorder in our bodies or fancies in our head but in these sleeping places which the Prophet calleth beds of rest wee may lay vs downe and sleepe in peace Psal 4.8 the Lord of life being our keeper who will make vs dwell in safetie Indeed in it own nature the graue is an house of perdition rather then bed of rest but being altered to the Iewes in promise to vs in performance by Christs graue who was buried in the earth to change the nature of it it is made to vs a chamber of rest and bed of Downe The point here taught is Doctr. The graues of the righteous which by nature are houses of destruction and chambers of feare are by Christ and the graue of Christ made to them chambers of safetie and beds of rest Christ by his buriall hath consecrated and perfumed our graues making them which were prisons to hell gates to heauen Which made the Apostle speaking of the dead in Christ to say they sleepe not they die As if hee should haue said they goe to their beds and not to destruction 1. Thes 4.15 And the same Apostle speaking of the death of the righteous calleth it not a death but a sleepe 1. Cor. 15.51 as if hee had called it not rottennesse but rest For this cause also is our death in heathen Authors called a sleepe as the Scriptures call it and our graue our bed At night wee take our chambers and lie downe in our beds so when death comes which is the end of life as the night is of the day we goe to the chambers of the earth and there make our beds or lie downe in bed till the day of refreshing which is the day of rising come that commeth from the Lord. The reasons are This was figured in the embalmings which the Iewes vsed And this figure as al other figures of the old Testament must bee performed in one which one is Christ As therefore their embalmings did perfume the graues in which they laid their dead for a season so the most precious blame of Christs buriall did for euer sweeten to the Saints their graues of corruption Secondly as the end of Christs death was that he might vanquish death so it was one end why hee was buried that he might after the manner of conquerours subdue death at his own home and as it were pluck him out of his owne den and cabbin Thirdly the bodies of the godly are parts of Christs mysticall bodie while they are in the graue and when they are turned to corruption and therefore cannot but bee precious in his eyes and grauen vpon the palme of his hand till they be restored For as the Husbandman doth make no lesse reckoning of that corne which he hath sowne in his field and lies vnder the clod of the earth then he doth of that which he hath brought into his barnes So Christ doth as highly esteeme of those bodies as it were graines of corne that are sowne in corruption as of those that yet neuer saw corruption nor came to the graue Therefore wee shall not rest in death though we rest in our graues For that God who raiseth the Sunne daily out of his den will one day raise vs out of our graues to stand before him for euer A confutation of that fancie that hath so long deluded the simple world Vse 1 which is that dead bodies walke after their death and appeare to men For how can that be when the bodies of Gods children rest in their beds so soone as their breath departeth and the bodies of the wicked are in their prisons till the day of assise Whereof if any make question let him open their graue and see And seeing the soule returneth not after it hath left the bodie how can the body walke that wanteth a soule or soule be seene if it should walke that hath no bodie Or if death bee a loosing of our soules from our bodies Phil. 1.23 How can there be any death when soule and bodie are not parted and when the man is not dead but liueth But this fancie came from Pithagoras a Philosopher and is but a Philosophers dreame Pithagoras told his dreame to the world which was that the soules of men departed did enter into the bodies of other men good soules into good mens bodies bad into bad mens The world then beleeued him And since that time Satan who can turne himselfe into all formes did in the darke night of Poperie to deceiue that ignorant age change himselfe into the similitude and forme of some person that was lately or had beene long dead and was beleeued by such a transformation to bee the partie man or woman that hee made resemblance off So entred the errour that Spirits did walke and that dead bodies came out of their graues and haunted sundry houses in the night which were not the bodies of the dead but the Diuell in those bodies or shapes as is to be seene in Samuels counterfet shape raised by the Witch at Endor 1. Sam. And this errour as it deceiued the blind world and somewhat troubled the seeing Math. 14.26 Act. 12.15 So it is still in the mouth and faith of credulous superstition at this day But
him but deale kindly with him nor run from him but towards him to bid him welcome not to bid him be gone Luc. 15.11 c. His very miserie was sufficient matter to worke vpon his fathers heart would not this ouercome a man the Lord is kinder to vs and how can we setting him before vs in so great loue but breake of the course of sinne and with a yeeding heart returne to our father Fourthly we must set the Lord before vs in his prouidence not onely generall to all but particular to vs which being well considered must needs doe something with vs for a better course For who will not seeke to please him or her vpon whom he must rely for al the turnes of life Seeing then wee depend on God for all things and that our life is at his only pleasure who breath in the aire of his mercies how can we thinke of this and thinke indeed and earnestly thereof and not striue to obey him in his word of whose prouidence we moue and haue beeing Acts 17.28 Fiftly and lastly for it were infinite to speake of all we must set the Lord before vs in Christ in whom he so loued vs not then friends but enemies Ro. 5.8.10 that he gaue his Son to death for vs Ioh. 3.10 Now what enemie will not bee reconciled and dearely loue him who shall but offer to die for him Christ died and made not an offer onely to die for vs and is not this sufficient beeing well and deepely thought of to reconcile vs to God by submission to Christ by spirituall life By all this wee may easily iudge why God is so little regarded among vs. Vse For we set him seldome before vs and as seldom we appeare before him rather we say Depart from vs wee desire not the knowledge of thy waies Iob. 21.14 So did Dauids enemies of whom hee maketh complaint in diuers Psalmes For he saith they sought not God and which made them more securely to doe euill they thought there was no God And after he giueth this for a reason of their so desperate and bold madnesse The iudgements of God were high aboue their sight that is they set them so farre off that they neuer looked after them nor did remember them Ps 10.4.5 Further speaking of strangers that rose vp against him and of tyrants that sought his life that which made them so cruell as he saith was they set not God before them Ps 54.3 86.14 God was not in their thoughts nor the feare of God before their eies therefore they kept no measure in sinning Let vs for our selues remember this who haue the Lord set before vs in the preaching of the Gospell euerie sabbath day Let vs remember him in his Sonne and not forget him in his iudgements specially in his last iudgement The end of our daies and the beginning of that draweth on the Sun is long since past the meredian line and death we know will not be answered with an I pray thee haue mee excused Luc. 14.19 Let vs not therefore put off till the flood come not of waters but of insufferable fire or till the Lord come with deuouring fire and with his tempest of the last iudgement to kindle it Let vs rather frame that course for our selues now that hereafter may proue in our dying houre or at this worlds last houre an arke for our bodies and a tabernacle for our soules If we would set the word before vs or God in it we should see our dangerous waies and by so cleare a light better direct our steppes Ps 119.105 If we would well remember Gods prouidence ouer vs and care for vs we should not doe as we haue done we would beare euils more patiently and doe euill more vnwillingly seeing whatsoeuer commeth to vs commeth by his appointment and whatsoeuer euill is done against him by vs is done against his bounties and loue And if we would set him before vs in Christ how could we sinne against the sacrifice of such a Redeemer or if we wold set Christ before vs in that day wherein this world that must be destroied shall crackle about our cares being all on fire and the large Ierusalem of the earth be brought downe by him who will send forth his voice and that a mighty voice Ps 50.3.4 how little would we regard the short and deare-prized pleasures of this our momentany and fading life But because God is so farre out of our sight and so late in our hearts therefore doe offenders so multiplie among vs and sinne so abound that the regions begin to grow white and we cannot but thinke that the Angell will shortly thrust in his sicle Men are at no paines and bestow no care in Gods seruice Men are mercilesse without naturall affection false accusers and despisers of them which are good 2. Tim. 3.3 Men want faith and some goe cleane against it both in word and in bookes written Sin is full ripe now which in our fathers daies was but greene in the eare and iniquitie that then stroue with righteousnesse hath now gotten the vpper hand what doe all these shew but that God is forgotten and that the fearefull God is cast behind vs in this age of so great liberty and fulnes of sinne The Lord giue vs the due consideration of these things pardon our great sinnes for his owne great names sake to whom be praise and glory for euer The end of the third sermon THE FOVRTH SERMON IVDES Epistle verses 14.15 Vers 14 Behold the Lord commeth with thousands of Saints Vers 15. Togiue iudgment vpon all men and to rebuke all the vngodly among them of all their wicked deeds which they haue vngodlily committed and of all their cruell speakings which wicked sinners haue spoken against him THis prophecy was ancient for he to whom this testimonie is ascribed was the seuenth from ADAM And it is like it either passed as Enocks from hand to hand by tradition or was found in the daies of the Apostles extant in some booke bearing Enochs name For the Iewes had some vnwritten truths which were profitable and good for instruction and yet were not made articles or rules of faith to saluation This prophecie of Enochs and testimonie of Iudes might bee one yet was it as common water till it passed through the sanctuarie Ezech. 47.1 Till the Apostle Iude or the holy Ghost by him set it down in scripture it was to be receiued but as other truths which are to haue their allowance from the booke of faith But now that the Lord hath brought it into his treasurie among the other golden plates which beare for letters of credence the stampe of his Spirit wee must take it for his owne coine and sacred metall distinguishing it from baser metall that hath receiued but common impression and is marked with the finger of man That which the Apostle would proue by this testimoni● is that those seducers of Gods people of whom he had spoken
chuse but come And the Euangelist Iohn the third witnesse of this truth vnto vs saw this in a vision wrote it in a booke His words are And I saw the dead both great and small stand before God Apoc. 20.12 Not some dead but all the dead little and great And they were iudged Not some men but euerie man according to his workes ver 13. But shall the dead onely stand before Christ not they who shal be found aliue at his comming Yes euen they shall stand before Him and the elect then aliue shall come vp vnto him 1. Thes 4.16 The elect shall be with him in the Mount the wicked and sinners shall stand at the foote of the hill The reasons First euerie thought and worke must bee brought into iudgement Eccles 12.14 11.9 and if euery secret thing and worke then the persons out of whose hearts those thoughts came and in whose hands those workes were must be iudged Secondly among the sonnes of Adam some are gold and they must be purged and some drosse and they must be burnt vp with the fire of the Lords comming Here goates and sheepe feede together as in one common pasture and here tares and wheat grow vp together as in one common field But when they come to the fold the Porter of heauen not Peter but Christ will open the doore of life to his sheepe and open hell for damned goates and reprobates and when they come to the haruest the Master of the field will command his Reapers the Angels to gather the wheate of his election into his garner but for the chaffe of his wrath he will scatter it with the wind of his iudgement and burne it vp with the vnquenchable fire of hell Math. 3.12 13.30 It is necessary therefore for the triall of euery mans worke and person that there should be a generall iudgement and a generall appearing at it Thirdly it is more for the glory of God and the solemnitie of the day that all without exception shall be cited to it and be present at it It is more to the glorie of God for then the glory of his iustice shall more appeare in the reprobation of sinners and the glorie of his grace be more and more gloriously manifest in the saluation of his people And for that daies magnificence what can be imagined to make it more solemne stately and glorious then to haue all countreyes tongues and kindreds of the earth to come together to it for what a great day will that be and how full of maiestie beautie and honour when the whole world shall appeare together at once that is at one session and iudgement If a King should marrie his eldest sonne and bid many Kings and some Emperours to the marriage would not that be a great marriage but at the day of Christs marriage wherein he shall be eternally espoused to his Church all the world shall be present all Kings and Emperors that euer were shall be at it some as guests to honour it some as enemies to be driuen from it Math. 22.11.13 Quest But if the godly shall be iudged and if all persons both the godly and sinners shall and must appeare before Christ in iudgement how is it true that the Saints shall come with Christ and that no iudgement shall passe by Christ against the saints and why doth Saint Iohn say that he who beleeueth in the Sonne shall not come into iudgement Ioh. 3.18 For answere I say that Answ though all persons must come vnto iudgement yet the righteous onely shall stand in the iudgment Ps 1.3 and with boldnesse before Christ the Iudge Luc. 21.36 who therefore shall receiue sentence with them not as the wicked against them and here the sentence of come yee blessed not the wofull sentence of goe ye cursed into euerlasting fire Math. 25.34.41 where it is said that he who beleeueth shall not come into iudgement the meaning is and so our bookes haue it into iudgement of condemnation Quest Answ But the text hath against all men I answere the me anng is and the greeke preposition may well be rendred vpon all men and so the last translated Bible copie hath it Will Christ giue iudgement vpon all men Vse 1 good and bad then the bodies of all men that sleepe in the dust good or bad must be raised For if they be not raised how shall they be iudged or shall they be iudged in their soules onely then not men but the soules of men onely are to be iudged This point of the resurrection is a point or article of faith to saluation wherein we professe to beleeue by the scriptures that when the soule goeth out of the bodie to rest or paine the bodie it selfe is laid in some graue till the day come wherein the Lord Iesus will raise it by his voice in an Archangell either to eternall happinesse or to eternall miserie I speake of the soules going out of the body For some haue thought that the soules of men which die not are kept in still within the body that dieth as in a sleepe or swoune till the last day But we reade to the contrarie in the word of God as of soules vnder the altar not still in the body and of crying soules not of soules asleepe or soules in a traunce Apoc 6.9 So Lazarus soule was carried to heauen Therefore not least in the bodie but taken out of the bodie Luc. 16.22 Other groser opinions of the soules estate after death I leaue to the Mowles and to the Backes from which they came Esa 2.20 My purpose being to speake of the bodies estate as it shall be at the last day not of the soules as it is at the day of our death And here for the resurrection of bodies which we beleeue with all the true Churches of Christ Satan hath raised some in all ages to cauill against it or flatly to denie it For all haue not altogether denied it who were enemies to it as Himineus and Philetus who granted there was a resurrection but said it was past 2. Tim. 2.17.18 And the Sadduces did not generally resist it but had their false glosses and diuers interpretations of it Indeed the Stoikes and Epicures among the Philosophers were peremptorie ad●ersaries to it Act. 17.18 and Libertines among Christians doe in their liues denie it But the truth of it shineth brighter in scripture and reason then that it can be darkned by any cloude how blacke soeuer of humane opposition Iob saith that after the wormes haue done with his bodie yet euen in that bodie he shall see God Iob. 19.26 Ezechiel foresheweth the bringing againe of the people out of captiuitie vnder an excellent figure of the rising and restoring of our flesh at the last day Ezech. 37.5.6 as if he should haue said He that can restore flesh and breath to rotten bones can restore the Israelites to their country Esay speaketh plaine of this matter saying Thy dead men
shall liue together with my dead bodies shall they rise Esa 26.19 where the Prophet testifieth without any figure his hope in the resurrection both of his owne bodie and the bodies of all beleeuers His drift is to proue that same thing whereof we spake before out of Ezechiel namely the restoring of Israel after their long captiuitie in Babylon where he sheweth that as herbs which in winter seem dead are fresh again in the spring so the people who seemed to die as winter herbs in their captiuitie shall in the spring of their return rise as it were from death to life And yet hee plainely sheweth that the bodies of the faithfull though they seeme vtterly to porish when they are in the earth shall rise at the last day through that seed which they haue in Christ Daniel speaketh yet more plainely and saith Many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth shall awake Dan. 12.2 He saith many as if he should say an infinite number shal awake an infinite number of the iust and an infinite number of the wicked Or by many hee vnderstandeth all as the Apostle in a like case doth Rom. 5.15.19 Where speaking of many dead by the sinne of Adam he sheweth in the 18. verse that by those many hee meaneth all The Iewes gather from the text in Daniel that there shall be no resurrection of the wicked which also they doe from the first Psalme But they gather that the holy Ghost neuer scattered And they may as well say that all the godly shall not rise because it is said many not all as that the wicked shall not be raised But to proceed wherefore did Dauid lay vp his flesh in such hope but because hee had greater faith in the resurrection Psal 16.9.10 Martha neuer staggered at the resurrection but confessed it as a doctrine of the faith of those times For when Christ had said thy brother shall rise againe shee readily answered I know that hee shall rise againe in the resurrection at the last day Ioh. 11.23.24 As if hee had said I doubt nothing of that Saint Paul in the whole 15. chapter of his former Epistle to the Corinthians maketh the resurrection the subiect of all his disputes there And this was his hope that he had toward God that the resurrection of the dead should bee both of the iust and vniust Act. 24. The Epistle to the Hebrews speaking of the manifold martyrdomes of the Saints sheweth that they quietly endured al those sharpe stormes in their faces because their hope was to receiue a better resurrection that is better then any deliuerance here Heb. 11.35 Also how could Christs argument hold that God is the God of the liuing being the God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob if Abraham Isaac and Iacob should not liue as now in their soules which are before God so hereafter in their bodies which are in Gods keeping Mat. 22.32 Neither doth the Lord say I am the God of Abrahams soule but the God of Abraham that is of Abrahams whole man Thus the point of the resurrection is plaine by Scripture It followeth briefely to shew what euidence it hath in reason that we may take heauen earth to witnesse against the oppugners of it Deut. 30.19 It is sufficient to weigh these matters in the weights of the sanctuarie and not needfull to trie them at the bulke of humane reason yet to giue them ouer measure that will not receiue this truth Let it first bee considered that as the soule of the righteous did not please God without the body nor the soules of the wicked sinne against him but in their bodies so it is requisite that as the soule of the one is glorified and the soules of the other are condemned to hell that I say their bodies also should in Gods time bee brought to pleasures or torment Secondly without the bodie the soule is imperfect And beeing imperfect how can it enter into an entire estate of happinesse till the body bee raised that the bodie may bee ioined to it Thirdly if the bodie should not bee raised the fulnesse of grace should not be shewed to the Saints nor the fulnesse of wrath to sinners Fourthly if there were no resurrection God shold promise that which he minded not to giue who promiseth a reward to the iust but it is at the resurrection Luke 14.14 Fiftly the reuolutions of so many springs summers haruests hard winters as it were so many deaths and resurrections the dying of the day in the night the graue of that day and the vprising againe of it in the morning from that den of darknesse are and doe become so many liuely testimonies to the world of the generall great resurrection of all bodies at the last day Sixtly doe we not see in the spring how that from a dead dry tree leaues proceed and sprout forth by a kinde of resurrection And doe wee not see the same tree to beare further fruit and to be adorned with a new rinde as it were fresh and beautifull skin do wee not fee in a small seede a tall and great tree is that which is sowne quickened except it die 1. Cor. 15.36 Doe not our Meddowes pastures and pleasant gardens which in the winter appeare dead without all beautie returne with the returne of the Sunne to their former full life and glorie This winter is our death and this spring our rising from death to life Seuenthly the swallowes wormes and flies which lie dead all winter doe with the returne of the Sunne and comming of Summer receiue a new life Now shall the force of this earthly Sun worke so in birds and wormes and shall the Sunne of righteousnesse be lesse able to giue life then the sunne of the heauens And if it was an easie thing with God at first to make man of nothing is it a lesse easie thing with him to make him againe though he be as nothing seeing hee is not meerely nothing but nothing out of that which was before Before we were borne where was our forme and matter Yet wee feee to what bignesse wee are come and what forme wee haue and what being Where was the seede of Leui when to speake as the Scriptures do hee was in the loines of Abraham his great grand-father Heb. 7.20 Many alterations corruptions and changes came between yet God purposed that Leui should be so borne that is of the feede of Abraham and not all the corruptions that came betweene could alter his purpose Lastly all the resurrections that we reade of in the Scriptures of the old and new testament as of the Shunamites sonne 2. Kin. 4.33 Of the body that was cast into the Prophets graue 2. King 13.21 of Lazarus Ioh. 11.43 of Iairus daughter Mat. 9.25 yea of the bright Sunne himself and of many Saints with him Mat. 27.52.53 are as so many pledges to vs of the resurrection that shal be of all dead bodies at Christs comming But must all
Depart from mee I know you not Gen. Mat. 7.23 It is a plague of all plagues and the very bottome of the viall of Gods wrath to bee separated from Christ For as in the presence of God is the fulnesse of all ioy Ps 16.11 So to depart from the Lord is the perfection of all miserie Absalon could say Let mee see the Kings face and if there bee any trespasse in mee let him kill me 2. Sa. 14.32 His meaning was rather let me not liue then liue in disgrace an exile from my fathers court and fauour And what will the wicked say who must in this rebuke of their euerlasting banishment from the face and saluation of Christ depart neuer to returne And if the comming of the Sunne to a place promise ioy and the againe departing of it from the same place cause sorrow and darkenesse what ioy must needs be lacking and sorrow abound where the Sunne and God of saluation shall neuer in the sunne-shine of his presence bee seene any more Where shall be no gleames of fauour but darke tempests of iustice raining snares vpon all the wofull inhabitants of the earth And yet this punishment is not all though insufferable For the damned Cains of hell shall not onely haue this cursed marke set vpon them to goe from the presence of the Lord Gen 4.16 but shall dwell for euer in the Tophet of damnation Esay 30.33 where besides their not endurable pain of losse they shall haue inflicted vpon them paines of sense that are intolerable For spirituall Tophet is a place wherin is fire and much burning Our ordinarie fire the hottest we make and greatest we kindle is but as painted fire to this fire indeede Yet a man would not be in it one quarter of an houre to gaine the world How much then and itolerably shall the wicked suffer who shal be tormented in this fierce fire not a quarter of an houre or yeare only but yeares vppon yeares yea millions of yeares world without end or if a little disease and that but in one part onely so troubled vs lying vpon a soft bed How shall we abide the rebuke of the Lord in all the parts of our body and tender powers of our mind and not vppon our pallats of ease but beds of glowing fire The rage of the fiercest enimy may be qualified or if it might not yet he shall perish and his wrath with him But in this large winepresse of the Lords indignation the worme dieth not and Gods anger endureth for euer as himselfe is eternal The couenant that God hath made with the day and night shall be broken But his iudgment of rebuke is inuiolable They whom he condemneth shall bee euer damned and whom he sendeth to hel shall neuer returne Some doe here idly aske how fire can euer burne the flesh of the damned and neuer consume it To this Ianswere materiall fire cannot but this fire appointed so to doe by the powere and will of the Creator shall The bush that Moses saw in the fire burned and consumed not Exod. 3.2 And it is saide of the Salamander that shee liueth in the fire and is not burnt So why may not these bushes of the curse ordained to burning and hellish Salamanders iudged to perpertuall fire be day and night tormented in a fornace of intollerable heat and yet their flesh neuer be diminished nor their bodie consumed in those flames Some are curious to know what manner fire that shall be Quest that is able to burne vpon not the bodies onely but soules of damned wretches To this curious question I only answere Answ God knoweth And let vs who haue the hope of the Saints endeuour rather neuer to feele it then to know it For as when a mans house is on fire we stand not to enquire how it came but doe our best to quench it so it should be our wisdome hearing that the Lord will rebuke the world with fire and sinners with hell fire rather to quench the matter of it in our so many increasings against God by the meanes of sinne that dwelleth in vs and to take from it the wood-pile that fedeth it then curiously to dispute or search how fire can fasten vpon a spirituall substance and with what kind of burning Thus haue we showed that the Lords comming at the last day shal be a putting of the wicked frō God and a putting of them into hell where they shall be tormented day and night for euer and that therefore it will be a day to all vngodly men of intolerable wrath from God and vexation from the effects of his comming The reasons All things which then they shall see and feele shall be if any thing may be terrible most terrible They shall see and feele sinne on their right hand and Satan on their left hell vnder their feet and an angry Iudge aboue their head the world full of destruction without and a worme gnawing the heart within Or to speake as b Anselme one sometimes fearefully spake Aboue them shall be their Iudge offended with them for their wickednesse beneath them hell open and that burning furnace wide gaping to receiue them on the right hand their sinnes accusing them on the left hand fierce diuels ready to execute this wrathfull sentence of the Lords rebuke vpon them within them their conscience gnawing without them all damned soules bewailing on euerie side the world burning Be not these sights terrible and will not these things worke terribly Secondly the wrath of a Lyon is terrible Am. 3.8 what then when the Lord shall roare from heauen and giue forth his voice and that a glorious voice who will not then be afraid or if the wrath of a King that is if a Kings anger or fire iust kindled burne to death vpon the offendours for Salomon saith The wrath of a King is as messengers of death Prou. 16.14 how terrible to eternall death shall the Lords anger be prouoked by sinners how insufferable to all those who haue by rebellious wickednesse offended him If the King passe sentence who will denie execution For where the word of the King is saith the Preacher there is power Eccles 8.4 And yet the King may command where the Subiect will not see done as when Saul would haue put Ionathan to death and the people would not let him die 1. Sam. 14.44.45 But if God once passe sentence who will stop it nay who will not be readie both good and bad Angels to execute it If Gods wrath be to be feared in man how fearefull is that wrath in the God of wrath Dauid saith if his wrath be kindled but a little blessed are they that trust in him then when it is all on fire how miserable are they who hauing trusted in themselues and prouoked him can haue no hope from him nor comfort from his comming Thirdly the signes that shall keepe company with or be ioined to the comming of the sonne of man to iudgement
helper Let vs reuerence the godly and honour the Lord and we shall stand inuincible in all oppositions or as mount Sion that cannot bee remoued but remaineth for euer Psal 125 1. Our death shall bee comfortable and our iudgement without rebuke wee shall benefit Christs church haue praise of God to whom Father Sonne and holy Ghost three persons and one immortall and onely wise God be rendred all glorie power and thanksgiuing now and euer Amen All glorie to God FINIS POINTS of instuction for the ignorant With An examination before our comming to the LORDS TABLE And A short direction for spending of time well LONDON Printed by William Hall for Francis Burton and are to be sold at his Shop in Pauls Church-yeard at the signe of the Greene Dragon 1613. TO THE Christian Reader the sauing knowledge of that truth which is according to godlinesse Tit. 1.1 * ⁎ * CHristian Reader this short Catechisme thus gathered and set downe for the helpe of the ignorant cannot bee called new but renewed for their sakes For I may say in thi● case as Salomon in his Ecclesiastes said in a like case What is that that hath beene that that shall be Eccles 1.9 And what is that that hath beene done that that shall be done and there is no new thing vnder the Sunne The portion of meate which is heere offered to the tasle of the simple is no other then that which he hath already tasted of if he haue tasted any thing of the things of God and it is but the substance of other Catechismes set before him in another kinde of seruice that is with some difference of Cookery and dressing which considering our too great distaste with one kinde of meate though neuer so wholsome if wee be continuallie fedde withit without diuersitie may not be without some good vse at least for some short time For the affections of men stand no lesse diuersly affected towards the variety of Gods gifts in deliuering one and the same matter then doth the stomacke towards the dressing of one and the same kinde of meate in a diuers maner by some alteration of forme and manner of doing it And yet it is no part of my meaning to hold vp the market of nouelty by any schey-seruice as tendeth rather to tikle the eare then to satisfie the sounder iudgement or to say any thing for those who make books like to the apparell which they weare and fashions that they are weary of when a newer comes Onlie hauing taught these Principles most of them to a few priuately and finding it more easie to print them then to write them for the surer keeping of them in their memories who had learned them and the good of some abroad that desired them I was not vnwilling thus to giue them content by the benefit of the Presse and of Printing Neither haue I done this far any want for there is store of Catechismes abroad to which this worme of mine is no way comparable and God hath dealt mercifully with our age for the meanes of knowledge but we famish spiritually at the full measure of these meanes either by not vsing them at all or not as wee should This mite of instructions I could haue made much larger but that I considered in my Cruse of store the vessels that I had to fill King 4.4.6 which could not well receiue more and so left pouring as I perceiued their filling Accept therefore Reader what is heere offered to thy gentlenesse and take it in as good part as it is meant vnto thee And so I command thee and thy grouth in godlinesse to the grace and assistance of Al-mighty God and rest Thine in all Christian good will ROBERT HORN POINTS of instuction for the ignorant WHat is true happinesse To know God Ioh. 17.3 Ier. 9.24 Luk 15.17 and to know my selfe Can you knowe God Not so plainely and fully heere as wee shall heereafter by face Exod 33.20 1. Cor. 13.12 but as hee hath reuealed himselfe vnto vs. How is that By his workes without vs and within vs Rom. 1.20 1.19 and by some description of his nature and effects in his word How doth the word describe him Generally thus ●xo 3.14 Ioh. 4.24 ●xo 34 6. Psa 90. 〈◊〉 1. Tim. 1 17. Isa 5.5 Psal 103 8 ●m 4.13 1 Pet. ● 19 Psal 99 1 2 ● Heb. 1 3 Act. 17 25 26 1 Iob. 5.7 Mat. 〈◊〉 16.17 2. Cor. 13 13. He is what he is And more particular thus a Spirit euery way infinite goodnesse it selfe Creatour Preseruer and Ruler of all things distinguished into three persons Father Sonne and holy Ghost So much for the knowledge of God What say you of the knowledge of your selfe It may bee considered before the fall or since What are you by creation in Adam before the fall A reasonable Creature Mat. 10.28 Ge. 1.27 Col 3 10 Ephes 4.24 consisting of soule and body made after the image of God in knowledge righteousnesse and true holinesse What are you since by Adams fall A sinner Rom. 3 9 10 Iob 14.4 Rom. 6 23 5.18.19 Gal. 3.10 and by sinne subiect to all kind of misery and punishments as to the death of my body and the death of my soule which is endlesse damnation What are your sinnes A guiltinesse in Adams first offence that is Rom. 5.12.18 7.18 Ier. 17.9 Gen. 6.5 Matth. 15.19 Rom. 7.5 a depriuation of all good thereby and a disposition of my whole heart to euery thing that is against the Lawe of God with innumerable corrupt fruits thereof in thought word and deede What doe you consider in Man thus falling His recouery to saluation and duty for it What say you of his recouery It may bee considered in the worker thereof or the meane of apprehending it What say you of the worker The worker or substance of it is Christ Iesus the Sonne of God 1. Iohn 2.1.2 Ioh. 1.14 Iohn 3.16 Philip 2.7.8 Galat. 4.4.2 Cor. 5.21 Iohn 1.12 who in Mans nature which hee tooke in the wombe suffered the death of the Crosse and fulfilled the Lawe for all that receiue him What is the meane wherby Christ is apprehended Faith Galat. 2.20 Acts 6.31 which is a speciall perswasion of Gods fauour in his word Ioh. 1.12 Luk. 2.29 Ephes 3.17 1. Cor. 1.30 Ioh 20.28 2. Tim. 1.12 wrought in my heart by the holy Ghost whereby I doe truely and in particular beleeue that Christ is made vnto me wisdome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption When doth this faith beginne to breede and take place in your heart When by Gods grace I begin to be touched in conscience for my sinnes Psal 51.17 Isa 55.15 Math. 5.6 Phil. 3.7.8 Math. 15.25.27 Mark 9.24 to hunger and thirst after Christ and his merits aboue al things in the world and against all doubtings doe begin to beleeue By what meanes is this wrought It is begunne ordinarily