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A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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sturdye and dysobedyent nacion The vncircumcised giauntes sayth Ezechiell wyth theyr weapons are gone downe to hell whose swerdes are layed vnder theyr heades theyr wyckednesse vpon theyr bones Of the wycked onely is all thys spoken héere if ye marke well the text and in no wyse of the Godly what though many of them hath bene drowned in the sea burned béeheadded and hanged vpon the lande and buryed quicke in the earth 17 For it foloweth also that they were iudged of the iudge and receiued euery one accordynge to theyr deseruinges Accordynge to the fleshely fruites of theyr owne inuentions shall they bée rewarded theyr vnfaythfulnesse iustly measured vnto them Theyr bodyes shall than take parte wyth theyr wretched soules in the euerlastynge cursse of dampdamnacion the elect numbre rewarded wyth perpetuall felicytye 18 And as concerninge death it self which is the vniuersall enimye of man it shal be destroyed for euer 19 Hell also whych is here taken for sinne shall neuer more be séene amonge the creatures of God 20 For both shal be throwne into the great lake of boylinge fyre and brymstone The victorie of death shal be swallowed vp and hys stinge done cleane away which is sinne That is nowe corruptyble shall put on vncorruptiō that is nowe mortall immortalitie Thus that the Lord at the houre make of all hys enimies hys fotestole according to his promyse by Oseas the Prophet O death I wil be thy death O hell I will bée thy destruction 21 This tirrible appoyntmēt of the iudge sayth saynt Iohn is the second death or perpetuall depriuation of the sight of God yea the vtter fall from his fauour grace and mercy This death is the whole vengeaunce of all innocent bloud which hath bene shed vpon earth from iuste Abell to the last faythfull witnesse Yea thys sentence is the stone that shall grinde the enimies to pouder the very eternall dampnation both of body and soule 22 Now for a conclusion of the whole matter whatsoeuer he be king or Emperour Priest or prelate laye or religious that shall not be founde writtē in the booke of lyfe which is the eternall predestination of god for that he hath worshipped the beast and his Image he shal be cast by the irreuocable sentence of the iudge into the stynking lake of fyre perpetully there to burne with the Diuell and hys Angels So that he which hath had no parte in the fyrst resurrection shal be sure to taste of this seconde death which is dampnation 23 He that beléeueth not the gospell whan it is faythfully taught hym repenting hys former lyfe but refuseth the grace thereof fréely offered shall for euer be damned Neuer shall his sin be remitted neither in this worlde nor in the worlde to come that reststeth the holy ghost withstanding the open verytie Onely remaineth a fearfull expectatiō of iudgement vnto thē that here treadeth Christ vnder fote not regarding his bloud shedding but doeing iniury to the spirite of grace for their owne inuention The .xxj. Chapter In thys laste vision of Iohan is both discribed the prosperous estate of the true church or kingdōe of Christ here and also the perpetuall Sabboth of the chyldren of God All the other visions were mixte with labours afflictions and paynes This is full of peace tranquilitie and ioye incorruption glorie and felycitie THE TEXT 1 And I savve a nevve heauen 2. a nevve earth 3. for the first heauen 4. and the firste earth vvere vanished avvaye 5. and there vvas no more sea 6. And I Iohan savve that 7. holy Cytie 8. nevve 9. Hierusalem 10. come downe from God out of heauen 11. prepared as a bryde 12. garnished for hir husdande 13. And I hearde a great voyce from the seate saying 14 Beholde the tabernacle of God 15. is wyth men 16. and he vvyll dvvell vvith them 17. And they shall be hys people 18. and God hym selfe shall be vvith them 19. and shall be theyr God 20 And God shall vvype avvaye 21. all teares from theyr eyes 22. And there shal be no more death 23. neither sorovve 24. neyther shall there be any more payne 25. for the olde thinges are gone The Commentary 1 Besides the afore rehersed reuelations I behelde now last of all saith saynt Iohan that heauen was cleane altered from that it was afore and became all newe and so was the earth also and became the same Not onely become they nowe spirituall by a true beléeue in the Gospell that afore were carnall but also in the ende of the world shall the whole bodyes of heauen and of earthe as golde in the fornace be purged from fylthynesse by fyre goyng before the yudge which both are nowe defiled wyth the wickednesse of the creatures 2 After both sortes shall they be delyuered from the corruption here of sinne and thereof death and dampnatyon and so be restored vnto the glorious lybertie of Gods children 3 The first heauen defiled through y● pryde of Angell and the first earth also corrupted by the sinnefull vsage of manne shall vanyshe cleane away and no more be séene Not that the substaunce of them shall vtterly perysh but that theyr nature shape and figure shal chaunge into a much more pure and perfect similytude A custome it was amonge the prophetes whan thy aduertysed the afflycted Israelytes of prosperite peace or renouation of the glory of God cōming towards thē to promis al things new 4 Beholde sayth the Lorde in Esay I make you new heauens and a new earth and as for the olde shall neuer more be though vpon Newe is the true church of Christ so are the people pertayning to the same In no poynt are they lyke to the Popes holy orders nor yet vnto Mahometes religion Clere are their hartes which haue rereceiued the verytie from all supersticions and theyr outwarde lyues from idell obseruations perfect are theyr consciences and theyr conuersacions godly And thys in the regeneration shal be fully accomplished Not onely shall that which is now mortall becō immortal the is now corruptible than incorrupted as the very Angels of the Lorde but also the vniuersall heauen shal be than renewed so shall the whole face of the earth and appere more beutyfull than now 5 And from that tyme fourth shall there be no more sea whych signifieth people vnstedfast vaine and fickle Whereas the peace of Christ is surely grounded no more is there anye troubled conscience No more is there any diffydence wan hope or dispayre Al bitternesse sorow anguish is turned into swéetnes ioy in the holy ghost We knowe sayth saynt Paule the all thinges are taken to the best in them that loue God Frō the Apostles whō Christ fyrst also called from the Sea vanished this waueringe Sea away whan they went from the mallicious counsell of the Bishoppes reioysinge that they were founde worthy to suffer rebuke for hys names sake In lyke case all impediments and néedes all daungers and doubtes all fearefull mouings and outragings
for newe promotions Euermore they compassed to augment their dignyties Continuall was their study to get preheminēce to win honour and to obtayne superiorytie not withoute the destruction of kingdomes the vtter decay of communalties and vnspeakeable murther of peoples Iohn the Archebyshoppe of Constantinople contended to be the vniue●sal Patriarke Boniface the thirde of that name Byshoppe of Rome tooke vpon hym to be the head Byshoppe of all the worlde and Gods onely Uicar in earth Mahomet boasted hym selfe to be the great Prophete and messenger of GOD. Thus was Christes coate withoute seame among them deuided and his church most rufully dispersed Thus out of the corrupted depraued scriptures tooke the Iewes their Talmud the Saracens their Alchorane and the Byshops their popish lawes and decrées Then folowed innumerable sectes of perdicion vnder the romishe pope in Europa vnder Mahomet the false Prophet in Afryca and vnder prester Iohn in Asia whiche with their execrable tradicions and rules banished Christ and his pure doctrin for euer Than set they vp songe in the church with Latine seruice bell ringing and Organ playinge Than builded they monasteries auaunced Images inuented purgatorye not without many strange reuelacions Than came in that ceremony that as sensing of Images Procession and holy water with candles ashes and palmes Than were shauen crownes commaunded holy ornaments deuised mariage and meates inhibited and hallowing of churches practised At the last crepte in the worshipping of reliques and shrines with holy oyle and creame with the paschall and paxe with feastes and dedications with latines masses dirges for the dead and many great miracles followed Thā were kings deposed and made Moonkes Emperours put downe and parrish priests set vp No gospell might then be taught but to maintaine this ware for aduantage Uniuersities were then builded and generall studies founded the worlde ouer with all kindes of crafty learning to vpholde this new Christen relygyon or prestish supersticion The Antichristes thus spred and theyr kyngdome well set forwarde the light was cléerely extincted and darknesse ouer wente the whole worlde 1 Much meruayled alwayes the poore chosen flock of christ and were greatlye troubled in their mindes to beholde this great confusion tyll the Lorde opened vnto them the fourth seale of his booke in the which all was written from the begining In that Seale openinge the Lorde shewed what the head rulers of his Church were euen very hypocrites rightly compared vnto a pale Horse For after their dissembling manner they shewed sad countinaunces outwardlye to appeare fastinge and babled very much to séeme deuonte men 2 And as the Lambe had opened the fowrth Seale sayeth Saincte Iohn I hard the voyce of the fowrth beast which séemed vnto me an Egle representing those godly beléeuers that are most highly desirous of the glorye of GOD. 3 Come hyther sayde that voice Note what thou shalt sée here enprent it well in thy minde 4 And sa I looked foorth I behelde a pale Horse whome I tooke for the vniuersall Synagoge of hypocrites or dissembling church of Antichriste pale as men without health bleyk as men without that freshe lyfe which is in Christ Iesu. 5 The name of hym which sate vpon this pale Horse was death for their doctrine is death and dampnation What bringeth hypocrisye with hym but destruction of health What carrieth dissimulation but the vtter decay of lyfe Are their last fruites any other then confusion and dyspayre 6 For why hell commeth after them to swallowe in those that are taught by them Eternall dampnation doth folow them to eate them vp for euer whome they shall deceiue Such is the finall rewarde of those cursed hypocrits that treadeth down Gods truth and destroyeth his word vnder a fayned pretence of the contrarye God graunt them therefore once to open their eyes and to consider it that they are the Horses of death least Hell héere after deuoure them 7 Unto these gaudish hypocrites and beastly Antichristes whith are the horse of death and carieth all to darknesse and dampnation power is geuen whiche is the sufferaunce of God vpon the fourth parte of the earth A great part of the world shall they destroy much people by thē shal perish and be lost 8 After diuers sortes shall they depriue them of the lyfe euerlastyng Some shal they slay with the sword of their false doctrine hauing a glorious shine of wisdome in supersticion and deuilishnesse Some shall they famishe for wante of GODS true worde whiche is the bread of Chyldren and the lyuinge foode of the soule 9 Some will they also poyson with the contagious leauen of their pestilent lawes and tradicions which are dayly ministred taught by the vile vermine of the earth their suffraganes Archedecons officials doctors ministers false preachers curates persons parrish priests and religions verye beastly both of lyfe and studye Lorde ones delyuer from these deceiptfull and rauenous wolues whiche are neuer satisfied thy poore seruants that confesse thy holy name Amen THE TEXT 1 And when he opened the fift seale 2 I saw vnder the aulter 3. The soules of them that were killed for the word of God and for the testimony which they had 4. And they cried with a loude voyce saying 5. How long taryest thou 6 Lord holy and true to iudge 7. And to auenge our bloude on them that dwell on the earth 8. And lōg white garments were geuen vnto euery one of thē 9. And it vvas saide vnto thē 10. That they shoulde rest for a litle season 11. vntill the number of their felowes and brethren 12. And of them that shoulde be killed as they were were fulfilled The Paraphrase 1 Euident it is by that hath ben séene and sayde afore in these fowre horses what the estate of the christen church was is now in these latter dayes Such horrible confusion hath the Antichristes made with their wicked lawes and decrées and with their deceiptfull doctrine of errours and lies to vpholde their filthy kingdome of pryde slouth hypocrisie and beastlynes that scarcely is any thing cleane pure and godly Now do they nothing but slea None other studye haue they in these dayes but to persecut emprison and famish to burn head and hang. Now haue they obtayned to enter the iudgement hall and to syt vpon lyfe death without defiling of thēselues Now may they both a accuse and iudge both indite and condempne yet not soyle their consecrate handes If any controle their customes or say against their witchcraftes they are ready to run ouer hym with death whom they carye to slea both soule and bodye 1 This hath the Lord shewed in mistery vnto Iohn in the fift seale openinge by whom are ment the true Christen beléeuers at this time so well as at al other times sence Christes assension 2 And when the Lambe opened the fift seale or declared in
figure what should be the estate of that time to assertaine his chosen friendes therof I saw saieth Saincte Iohn vnder the Aulter of God which is Christe vpon whom the whole sacrifice of our redempcion was offered 3 The soules or spirits of those constant beléeuers whiche through the violent handlynge of the afore sayde false prelats and Antichristes were cruelly put to death by diuers maner of tormēts not only for the vndefiled word of god but also for the sincere testimonye of Iesu which they had by the gift of his only spirit Under this Aulter remaine all they which haue bin killed for that witnesse of truth In his faith they slept and still rest now in his hope In him now they liue for whom they once dyed Under his shadow they dwell Under his winges they flocke vnder hys couerte they cloyster He is their comforte kéeper and defender With hym are they now whose presence they euermore coueted 4 In that they cried with a lowde voice is signified that their innocent death fercely asketh and requireth the great indignation vengance and terrible iudgement of GOD vppon those tirauntes lyke as dyd the bloude of Abell vppon that murther Cayne 5 And this is their daylye crye O Lorde God almighty so holy thou art that thou hatest all euill so true and so iust that thou abhorrest al lies and peruerse doctrine so manifest is the filthy lyfe of the spirituall antichristes that thou séest it so euidente is their vnshamefast crueltie vpon thy seruantes that thou knowest it Yet doest thou leaue them vnpunished and suffer them vncorrected Howe long time wil it be ere thou iudge them to dampnation What yeares wilt thou take ere thou reuenge our bloud 6 Sure it is that thy lawes are holy and thy wordes are faithfull and true Why doest thou then permitte these proud homicides and spightfull murtherers to defyle them with their errours and blaspheme them with their lyes Kyllyng vp thy seruants without pittie for holdynge with them and reigning héere as Gods vpon earth in ambiciousnesse vayne glory pompe glotony and le●herye with other abhomynable vices Thus these beastly bellye Gods doth dayly dispise thée They treade downe thy testimonies and shed innocent Christen bloud in despight of thée 7 Looke once vpon them therefore according to thy promisse and sée thou rewarde them according to their wickednesse Thys reuengement doe we not aske for our scath but for the contempt of thy truethe Not for our harme but for the blasphemy of thy name 8 And longe white garmentes sayth Sainct Iohn very large and comely were geuen vnto euery one of them A full innocencye perfectnesse and cléerenesse was powred ouer them and abundantly spred vpon them Indued they were with an inestimable purenesse by Christe for whose veryties sake they dyed With him they are now in peace ioy and swéetnesse But whether they be in full glory afore God or no that wyll we not temerously define Sure we are that they be deliuered from all payne sorrow and care and that they clearely be assertayned so haue that glory complet both in body and soule at the latter day More swéete is their estate for the time yea more delycious and pleasaunt then all the delightes prosperytye and wealth that euer was yet in thys worlde 9 And as they were in this swéete solace much desirous of their bodyes delyueraunce from corruption they were requyr●d by these secrete heauenlye mocyon of Christe as we are in this life by the outwarde word 10 Paciently to pause for a while and quietously to rest for a season 11 Untill such time as the complet nūber of their cōstant fellowes and faithfull brethren 12 Yea and of all those poore creatures that shoulde be kylled by these vnsaciat blud suckers for his truthes sake like as they were afore shuld be fulfilled and wholy accomplished according to the eternall prediffinition of God And so much the rather to content themselues with their peaceable and quietous estate for their brethrens sake that it should not belonge ere their death were reuenged and they restored to a full tranquillitie For nothing in comparison are the sufferinges of this time to that glorye whiche shall be shewed vnto the chosen sort in that day Let no man think where as Christ hath willed those soules to rest that they sléepe in death for they rest in hym which is lyfe Out of hym they are not he is their Aulter he is theyr couert They lyue they decerne and in swéetenesse they abide the latter day and all vnder him Their white garment of innocencie they haue onely by him Worship him then and not them Pray and call vpon him and not vpon them For he is the onely meditour and generall aduocate to God the father so wel for them as for you Nothyng can they doe but by hym Their office is not to heare suters causes nor to goe to and fro but still to rest abyding the glad day of theyr deliuerance It is Christes onely office to receyue all complayntes to pleate them and to iudge them THE TEXT 1 And I beheld when he opened the six● seale 2. lo there was a great earth quake 3. and the sunne was as black as a sack cloth made of heare 4. And the moone vvaxed euen as bloud 5. And the starres of heauen fell vnto the earth 6. euen as a figge tree casteth from hir hir figges vvhen it is shaken of a mightie wynde 7. And heauen vanyshed avvay as a scroull vvhen it is rolled togither 8. And all mountaynes and yles vvere moued out of their places 9. And the kings of the earth and the great men and the riche men 10. and the chiefe captaynes and the mightie men and euery bond man and euerie free man 11. hid themselues in dennes and in rockes of the hilles 12. and sayde to the hilles and rockes 13. Fall on vs 14. and hyde vs from the presence of hym that sitteth on the seate 15. and from the vvrathe of the Lambe 16. for the great day of hys vvrath is come 17. And vvhō can endure it The Paraphrase 1 This know they well whome the lambe hath deliuered from their dark sinagoge to whom he hath in these dayes opened the sixte seale of the booke raysing vp the spirites of many to detect by his holy worde theyr shamefull abhominations Blessed be the name of that Lord which hath now so mercifully vysited hys poore people from aboue sending his word vnder the tipe or figure of this Lambe to open vnto them at this sixt time of darkenesse the vj. seale of the hydden misteries of the booke I looked yet farther sayeth sainct Iohn and as the Lambe Christ disclosed the sixte seale to manifest the cléernesse of his truth to shewe the estate of his church anon I behelde a merueylous earthquake arise Most liuely was this fulfilled such tyme as William Courteney the Archbishoppe
then ryse disprophet then profite 9 For the tenth parte of the city fell to the grounde Their buildinge vpon sand will in no case endure That God hath not planted must vp by the rootes Their holy whoryshe church which is heere called Sodom and Egipt is ruinously decaied their monasteries of monkes their houses of friers their coleges of idle priests with theyr Nuns Chanons chantryes in many places are downe Tythes are not as they haue bene nor Trentals nor other deuocions Images are not sought nor pardons in confession The people inclineth to new learning and goeth from their olde beléeue of holy church They y● were mōks priests friers are now become gospell teachers Such as afore were dead standeth vp now against them boldely This fallen part is heare the tenth for it is the Lords by the law It is the same shéepe that afore was loste and nowe is brought to Christes folde These were called away from thence by the witnesses the other stande yet styll and are euery daye worse and worse 10 In the earthquake were slaine names of men to the number of seuē thousād An innumerable multitude hath ben sent out of the way by these Antichristes in their fury but yet nothinge haue they slayne but their names Onely haue they hurt their bodyes vpon their soules haue they had no power no more than had Sathan vpon the soule of Iob. Yet haue their not names perished befor god for of him are they writen in the booke of lyfe In no case are the wicked of the godly héere put to death though some do so vnderstand it but rather of the wicked the godlie For they neuer retaile their wronges but rather pray for their enimies 11 And the remnaunt or residue were feared saith saint Iohn and gaue glory to God of heauen Of such as were left in their earthquakes or terrible persecutions some remayned in pryson Some were beggered some were exiled some fled some lost their estimacion and friends and yet gaue prayse vnto God 12 In all their aduersities they gloryfied the name of their heauenly father and Lorde Thus haue we héere what is done already and what is it to come vnder this sixt trompet blowyng where vnder we are now which al belongeth to the second wo. 13 And these thinges once accomplished the second woe wyll be past And then looke by and by for the third woe for it wyll folow anone after without faile yea so soone as this second woe is done 14 In the later age of all shall this third woe raigne such time as Gog and Magog most extremly shall rage And the vninuersall iudgement shall finishe that woe as héere after more euidently wyll appeare But consider that these woes are to the infideles The faithfull feareth them not but receiuinge the worde in a pure hart they bringe forth fruite in pacient sufferaunce The xij Chapter NNw foloweth in order the seuēth trumpet blowinge or the pure declaration of Christes ioyfull tydynges for the laste age of the Church vnder the seuenth seale openynge with the wounders and maruayles that there after ensueth THE TEXT 1 And the seuenth Aungell blew 2. And there were made great voyces in heauen 3. Saying The kindomes of this worlde are our Lordes and his Christes 4. And he shall rayne for euermore 5. And the xxiiii elders vvhich sate before God on their seates 6. Fell vpon their faces and worshipped God saying 7. We geue thee thankes Lorde God almighty whiche art and waste and art to come 8. For thou hast receiued thy greate might and hast raigned 9. And the nation● were angry 10. And thy wrath is to come 11. And the time of the dead that they should be iudged 12. And that thou shouldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruantes the Prophets and sayntes 13. And to them that feare thy name small and great 14. And shouldest distroy them which destroye the earth The Paraphrase 1 And the seauenth Angel blewe sayeth Sainct Iohn The seuenth sort of sincere prechers shall vtter their message accordinge to the will of God they shall declare his pleasure as he hath appointed them For though it be spoken heare as past and done for the certentie of the thing yet is it not fulfilled in effecte The word of God was without beginning and his promyse euerlasting yet is it not all perfourmed in his creatures but many things are yet to come 2 After this blaste of the Angell were made great voyces in heauen Many the congregation or kingdom of God his Gospell once purely publyshed by the preachers shall speake godly thinges to the edification of other The simple poore weaklings idotes and infants shall vtter the hydden wisdome of god to the confusion of the great wise men and sage seniours of this world Yea the stones in the streat the outcastes of the world the forsaken people shall wonderfully prayse the Lord. 3 And these shal be their sayings when they shall sée the Antichristes cōfused and not able to speake again The kingdomes of this worlde that were somtime wicked cruel and vnfaithfull are now become the Lords and his Christes of his onely grace and goodnesse Now fall they to the worde that afore thought it foolishnesse Now cleaue they to the trueth that somtime did abhorre it Now haue they in hand the Gospel that afore dyd persecute it as sedicious learning and heresy 4 And in this congregation shal he raigne euermore Continually is he with them that in faith retaineth hys verytie All this shall they vtter with no small reioyce For doubtles after the seauenth seale opening and the gospell preaching then a peaceable time shall be and figured it is by the halfe houre spoken of afore For it shal not continue to the ende Long may not the church of Christ be vnpersecuted But yet this peace for the time shall ●ot onely be an inward peace in the conscience as is alwayes among the faithful but an outward quiet also or a season wtou● persecution abroade 5 And the xxiiij elders saith S. Iohn or the great number of saincts departed whiche sitteth before God on their seats or resteth in his swéet peace in such graces of the spirit as he gaue them by their lyfe time as charite stedfastnesse loue ioy peace méekenesse rightuousnesse and such other lyke fell downe flat vpon their faces 6 Most humblye haue they euer submitted themselues referryng vnto god the father the benfite of their creation and vnto Iesus Christ hys sonne the frée gyft of their redemption Yea sepcialli at this time being vnder the Antler of God knowyng by hys méere goodnesse the number of their brethē shortly to be fulfilled and them selues with thē to be at a gloryous liberty after their gostly sorte they laud hym saying 7 From the verye depth of our spirituall hartes we render vnto thée most hygh thankes Lorde god almighty eternall Father sonne and holy ghost which art one essenciall God and wast without beginninge and shalt be
to his charge committed and after that sort their mighty monarke also by the scriptures which thei haue afore this time denied worshippinge them for most holy saints which haue most presumptuously rebelled in that behalf But ouer the whorish church of theirs whom Christe neuer planted is sathan the onely head by the holy ghosts fore iudgements héere For to that beastly brood gaue the dragon his power his seat and his mighty aucthorytie God forbid therefore that any christian prince shoulde at their false suggestions admit so blasphemous a title The deuill saith Iob is the only head ouer all the children of pride That voice therfore may be blasphemous as comming from the mouth of the serpent if it be not taken good héede to 3 And power was geuen to the beaste to do these things for the space of xli● monthes which is the thrée yeares an halfe of Hilias the time times halfe time of Daniell and the M. two hundred lx daies of Iohn Not onely for this age of the church but also for all other ages and by other heades also hath the mouth of this beast vttered great things in blasphemy lies in hipocrisie wonders vnder a deceitful power But as cōcerning this latter healed heade of the beast the time therof wil be short as herafter shal appeare in the xvii chap. 4 He opened his mouth saieth the text in reproues against god speking euill of his name of his tabernacle and of them that dwell in heauen This is in a manner all one with that was spoken afore in the xi chapter of the temple the aulter and of them that worship in the temple saue only that his name is héere for his temple In token that when his temple is blasphemed which is his cōgregatiō his name is blasphemed by the same so is his tabernacle Iesus in whom bodyly dwelleth the fulnes of the Godhed so ar also they that dwel in heauen wherby is mēt the true church from whom the angels are not secluded beīg their fellow seruāts These dwellers be they that haue their conuersation in heauen vnder an vndefiled faith that séeke those thinges which are aboue not vpon earth that worship the father in spirit veritie the perseuereth true christians to the end Many entreth this heauē of the Lord but all continueth not in it to the ende of their liues the more is the pitie 5 Power was also geuen vnto this beastly antichrist to make battel with the saints and to ouercome them Cōtinually do they with violence vexe by their carnall policies auctority lawes the sincere witnesses or preachers of the Lorde sanctified of him throw faith in his holy word as were his apostles lyke as did the malitius clergy of the iewes yea thei did resist thē with their more thē tirāous proclamatiōs cōmissiōs cōmandemēts with cruell Pharao Aman Antiochus to proue Christ in them the signe of cōtradiction and stone of reproch They seeke héere the hunt there and neuer leaue raging til they haue closed thē vp in prisons 6 Yet are they not so contented tyl they haue ouercome them in the sight of the blinde world though not before God Either shall they be compelled shamefully to recant or if they persist in the veryty to suffer most painfull death By one way or other they must be ouercome to hold the people in errour The gardiner of winchester was not ashamed now of late as I hard it credibly reported to say vnto one that was accused of his malignant multitude when he was no lēger able to withstande the manifest truth Master Seitō we know ye are lerned and plentuously endued with knowlege in the scriptures yet thīk not that ye shall ouercome vs. No no set your hart at rest and looke neuer to haue it sayd that ye haue ouercom the bishops for it shal not be so In déed it is trueth For neither Christe nor his Apostles did euer yet ouercome you Their victory ouer you is not in this world your kīgdom being here But be ye certen sure of it ye shal be ouercō to your much more rebuke at the latter day when al wrōgs iniuries shall be reuēged which is not farre of Your lordly estimatiō which may not be hindred here wil apeare there not very precious Yet doe ye well to hold vp a proude pecoks head as long as ye may Lose not an inche of your height hardly but with your gogle eyes looke vp like a man with a gard at your taile like a sort of tormentours in a play And with your lyinge iudgementes ouercome these beggerly vagabonds and burn them also rather then faile to fulfil the mesure of your holy fathers 7 And authority was geuen to this beast vpon euery kinred people tong and nacion For none these antchristes spare neither high nor low rich nor poore sick nor whole learned nor vnlearned But a iurisdiction they must haue ouer them though it be vsurped Once in the yeare must they haue them in confession to knowe which way they are bente That salue haue they gotten in agayne to heale vp their wounded head Be he natiue or be he strāger be he ruler or be he a commoner he must obey thē no remedy or els stande forth at the sessions with Christ among théeues Not in on regiō or wher as one maner of langage is vsed haue they this auctority but in euery land in euery shire in euery towne in euery famyly must they haue to do corruptīg euery mans faith 8 For al that dwel vpon earth must worship this beast They must agrée to the great things no remedy They must blaspheme god as they do But blessed be the Lorde none doth y● in their harts but they onely that dwel vpon the earth that haue their felicity here that séeketh the prosperitie of this world regardeth nōe other life thē therin is The lābs of christs fold geueth héed to his voice thei regard his cal they folow his word they wal●e in his light Thei séeke for no holines but only in hī neither in water nor bread ashes nor palmes robes nor reliques masses nor anointings He is their only sufficient wisdom rightuousnes holynes redēptiō His word is their liuing water the fode of their soules the lantarne that shal gyde thē and the life that wyll not faile them None other doctrine do they couet nor yet other precepts of liuing Though they be héere in the earth yet dwell thei not vpon it No continuing citie haue they here but they séeke vnto another of much more beauty pleasure not builded of mē And for that they are ready rather to render vp their liues then to renoūce the verity only they which dwel here doth worship the beast louing themselues better then god their flesh better then his trueth hauing their whole trust in the mangye merits dirty deseruings of these beastly hipocrites and nothing at all in his swéet
theyr bellyes and thys wyl be the tenour of their wofull tragedy 10 Alas alas that worthy citie that royall Rome that swéet Babilon that holye mother of ours in whom we were left so rich so mighty so strong that all the worlde feared vs we felt of no sorrowes 11 Specially all we that had ships in the sea or that had Bishopprickes benefices and other fat liuings amonge the wauering wanderers of the light laytie inconstaunt fyckle and foolysh where as GODS worde is not knowne 12 We became wealthy in all maner of pleasures by reason of hyr costly and profitable wares that those our shippes contayned whiche are to many to be now rehearsed 13 Full woe are we heauy at the hart remembring that famous citie for at one houre is she made desolat In this last age of his Churche wyll the Lord consume hir with his breth not leauing in hir one stone vppon an other Like as the shadow that passeth shal she vanish away lyke the dry thistle Floure or dust that is scatered with the winde Suche wordes sayeth the wise man Philo shall they speak in hell that haue sinned besides their desperate complaynt in this lyfe Some expsitours haue taken al these kings marchants vnd ship gouerners for one manner of people or generation of Antichrist And it may wel be for so much as they are all of the earth None of these are they iustlye by the authorytie of God but very tiraunts théeues and manquellers THE TEXT 1 Reioice ouer hir thou heauen 2. And ye holy Apostles 3. And Prophetes 4. For God hath geuen your iudgemente on hir 5. And a mighty Angell tooke vp a stone lyke a great milstone 6. And cast it into the sea saying 7. With such violence shall that great Citie Babilon be caste 8. And shall be founde no more 9. And the voyce of harpers and musitianes 10. and of pipers and trumpeters 11. shal be heard no more in thee 12. And no craftes man of vvhatsoeuer crafte he be shall be founde any more in thee 13. And the sounde of a mille shall be hearde no more in thee 14. And candell light shall be● no more burning in thee 15. And the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde shall be heard no more in thee 16. For thy merchaūts vvere the Princes of the earth 17. and vvith thine inchauntments vvere deceiued all nations 1● And in hyr vvas founde the bloude 19. of the Prophets 20. and of the saincts 21. and of all that vvere slayne vpon the earth The Commentary 1 With all myrth possible sayeth the text reioyce thou heauē or thou faithfull congregation of God to sée thys aduoutrous church of Antichrist ouerthrowen Be glad in thy hart not that thy quarell is reuenged but in that the rightuousnesse of God is fulfilled hys people being at libertie 2 Haue myrth conuenient ye holy Apostles or messengers of the Lorde with them that the Gospell hath called 3 Ioye with our brethren ye aunciēt Prophets or godlye teachers of the olde lawe 4 For your merciful God hath heard your pittious crye from vnder the aulter and hath perfourmed vpon the blasphemous whore the same selfe iudgement that you desired According to your owne request hath he reuenged all your innocēt bloud which hath bene shed vpon earth since Abell the ryghtuous The same dampnation haue they now iustly that they ministred vnto you vniustly Yea double for so muche as they haue it both in theyr bodyes and soules where as you had it but alone in your bodyes 5 And immediatly saith S. Iohn an Angell of great power betokening the true preachers of the latter age of the church strōgly indued frō aboue tooke vp a stone of exceding weight very like in simylitude vnto a greate milstone They shal gather vp out of Esay Hieremy Abacucke other Prophets the mighty tirrible iudgemēts of the Lord which are the heauy stone that shall grinde his enimies into pouder 6 This stone shal they cast into the sea They shal publish preach and declare vnto the people of this worlde which are as the mouable floud those heauy iudgements which shal light vpō that blasphemous churche of theirs at the tyme appoynted and thus shall they say vnto them 7 So vyolent and heauy shall be the distruction of that myserable citie that mysticall Babylon that prostibulous church of Antichrist with hir shorne citizens and smeared hipocrites as is the waightie fal of an excéeding great milstone in the bottome of the sea rysing vp no more agayn yea so tirrible and fearefull 8 With shame and confusion shall that wicked generation come downe and neuer more be foūd hereafter neither in the earth nor yet in heauen Though in their painted stories they put popes cardinals bishops monks chanōs shauen priests friers nuns and heremites in heauen amonge the saincts yet are there none such nor neuer shal be Their resting place is the bottome of the sea by the iudgements of God vnlesse they renounce those vaine supersticions and cleaue to the sincere verities of the Lord. Much haue they boasted in their writinges that their holy mother of predigious orders and disguised relygyons should euermore continue 9 But be certaine and sure thou myserable church saith the holy ghost that thou shalt no lēger enioy the cōmodious pleasures of a frée cittye all quietous without trubles The mery noyes of them that play vpon harpes lutes and fidels the swéet voice of musicians that sing with virginals vials and chimes the armony of them that pipe in recorders flutes and drums and the shirle showt of trumpets waits shawmes shall no more be heard in thée to the delight of men 10 Neyther shal the swéet Organs containing the melodious noyse of all maner of instruments byrdes be plaied vpon nor the great belles be rong after that nor yet the fresh discant prick song counter point and faburden be called for in thée which art the very sinagog of Sathan 11 Thy lasciuious armonye delectable musique much prouoking the weake hartes of men to meddle with thy abhominable whordom by the wantonnes of Idolatry in that kinde shal perish with thée for euer 12 No cunning Artificer Caruer Paynter nor Gilder Embroderer Goldsmith nor silk worker with such other like of what occupacion so euer they be or haue bene to thy cōmodity shall neuer more be found so agayne Copes cruettes candelstickes miters crosses sēsers crismatoris corporasses and chalices which for thy whorishe holines might not somtime be touched will thā for thy sake be abhorred of all men Neuer more shall be builded for marchāts of thi liuery mark palaces tēples abbeys collages couēts chauntries fair houses horcherds of plesure 13 The clapping noise of neyther wyndmil horsemil nor watermil shal any more be heard to the gluttenous féeding of thy puffed vp porklings for the maintenaunce of thine idle obseruacions ceremonies No more shal those idle belly gods swill vp
vision of the serpent I behelde saith S. Iohn seates prepared without number I saw the harts of faithfull beléeuers which are the seats of wisdōe after Stlomon bewtifully garnished with vertues by the preaching of thou Apostles other godly techers Uery peaceable quietus were these seats For thogh they had in the worlde on euery syde tribulation yet had they their contciences quieted in Christ. They considered themselues partakers of the heauenly calling and reioyced in hope of the glory of gods children 2 Upon these seates sate they which are afore called that people whome Sathan should no more deceine They setled them selues in the wisdome the god loueth They groūded theyr dwelling with discreation in his vnderstanding and knowledge Fast dyd they cleaue to his louinge worde And for none aduersitie woulde they moue theyr foote from the hard rock whiche is Christ. Thus sate his people in the beautifull seates of peace after Esay in the tabernacles of trust and in a most plentuous rest the deceuers and mockers put aparte 3 And as they were thus quieted the iudgemente or true vnderstandyng of the Lordes verytie was giuen vnto them Their sences were opened and great knowledge had they in the scriptures The figures and prophesies that were hyd to other were manifeste and open vnto them The Dark vale was remoued from Moyses face and the light of the laws appeared They coulde then decerne good from euill light from darknesse and swéete from sower The yoke was then taken from them no longer were they subiecte to straungers Dead men perceiued the secrets of the Booke The eyes of the blinde might sée without mist of darknesse They whiche afore tyme were of an erronious spirite had than the ryght vnderstanding and were learned in the lawe In their inward partes was the knowledge thereof planted of the Lord and the truth written in theyr hartes he becomming their God they his people Bycause we should not seperate the dead from the quicke or the departed from the liuing and so iudge them dyuers cōsidering they both are of one God and liue by one spirite being of one hope and calling The holy ghost doeth here couple them togither as shéepe of one pasture féeding all of one spirituall meate and drinkyng of one spirituall rock accompanying thē and as members of one misticall body of Christ in thys present reuelation 4 I also sayeth saint Iohn behelde in this secrets mysterie of the spirite the innocent soules of godly men and women that were beheaded of cruell tyrauntes for the faithfull testimony of Iesu and the constante assercyon of the true word of the Lord God I perceyued by the scriptures that his true harted witnesses remained not in deth with the wicked but passed through● with the rightuous from the death vnto lyfe had the lyfe euerlasting They are not forgotten wyth the vngodly but they nowe followe the lambe and dwell where as he dwellethe Else would Paule neuer so ernestlye haue desired to be dissolued frō this fleshe and so to be wyth Christ. 5 Not onely is this here spoken of them that wer beheadded and of none other else thoughte it séemeth so in the letter but of all them that hath dyed for the veritie For than should Esaye Ieremye Ezechiell Amos Micheas Zacharye Steuen and Iames the lesse with all those that hath bene burned strangled quartred drowned stoned crucyfied spytted racked ●layed boyled stycked shot throughe wyth arrowes and that hath suffrid all other terrible tormentes be rekened to be none of that number Beheaddyng is here taken for depriuacion of lyfe lyke as the heade is in scripture taken sometyme for the soule sometyme for the whole man 6 For standing by Christes veritie confessinge hym God and man dyd they loose their liues which was in the end no losse vnto them but a profitable winning For vnto such remaineth the crowne of lyfe the delyghtes of Paradise and a seate wyth god 7 These worshipped not the beastlye Antichrist the verye body of Sathan They bowed not downe nor yet gaue them selues to such wycked tradicions as that carnall generacion made for their beasty bellyes sake 8 Neyther reuerenced they thys prodigious Image or such vngodly princes and magistrates as their trewe offyce set a parte dyd counterfet hym in crueltie and diuelishnesse But they rightlye considered with the faithfull Machabées and apostles that in such case it was much better to obey God than men 9 Neither had they in their lyfe time taken the printe of his filthie seale vpon their foreheades professinge in their inwarde consciences those diabolicall rules 10 Nor yet on their handes agréeyng to vse them in the outward conuersacion of their bodyes No yoke woulde they drawe with the infidels thinking that Christ coulde haue no agréement with Beliall For through faith they perceyued as he that is of the spirite discerneth all things that though they séemed glorious in the face of the world yet were they before God abhominable sacriledge Diligētly they searched the scriptures and beleued not all spirites but first proued them whither they were of God or naye By that knewe they that the homage of soule ought to be giuen to none other than to one liuing God alone and that none other preceptes of liuing were to bée followed of them than Christ their sauiour had taught All other traditions of mē tooke they for straūge doctrine for crafti colors of diuilish deceitfulnes 11 Therfore whā they were thought of the wicked to be dead they liued in all swéetnes of the spirit in desire of his latter commyng which shall bée to theyr double glory 12 And they reygned with Christ the pastour high bishop of their soules not onely here were as they suffred wyth hym for a thousand yeres space but also aboue where as he sitteth on the right hand of gods maiestie seat thousand wythout end Than raigneth the godly numbre most of all whan they seme to the wicked least of all to reigne as whan they suffer persecution and death for Christ. For after none other sort reigneth hys churche here thā he reigned afore them whose tryumphe was greatest vpon the crosse 13 The thousand yeares of the reigne of the godly stretcheth here no farder than the thousande years of the fall of the vngodly Christes yeares also deducted which is the head of his congregation For as the one kyngdome decreased the other alwayes increased very fewe Christian martyrs are constaunt witnesses perceiued frō thence forth For as it appeareth by the historye many were abiured and recāted which was not séene in the former age and all in a maner a small number of the poore except vtterly renoūced the veritye for the cruell behauior of the Antichristes In these ii sortes afore rehersed of them that sate vpon the seates and of them that were beheadded for the testymony of Iesu is it to be marked that all were not martyrs whome God alowed for his in the prymatiue churche but that
THE IMAGE of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist contayning a very fruitfull exposition or Paraphrase vpon the same Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures and most auctorised histories Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Goe ye out of Sodome for the Lord will destroy that Citie Gen. 19. Come away my people least ye be partakers of hir sinnes Apoc. 18. Flee from filthie Babilon and go cleane away from the lande of the Caldees Hier. 50. ¶ Printed at London by Thomas East ¶ A Preface vnto the Christian Reader SO highly necessary good Christian Reader is the knowledge of S. Iohns Apocalips or Reuelation whether thou wilt to him that is a true member of Christes church as of any other booke of the sacred Byble For in none of them all are the faythfull diligent hearers and readers more blessed nor more liuely so declared obseruing the contentes thereof thē in this one booke No wher is it more clerely specified the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost to bee one euerlastyng God and Iesus Christ to be the eternall sonne of that lyuing Father which are the fyrst and chiefe groundes of our Christian faith then here No where is the durable kingdome and priesthoode of the sayde Iesus Christ more plentuously spred more playnly proued and more largely vttered thē in this holy oracle No where is the doctryne of healthe more purely taught fayth more throughly commēded nor yet rightuousnesse more highlye rewarded then heere No where are heresies more earnestly condempned blasphemous vices more vehemētly rebuked nor yet their iuste plagues more fiercelye threatened then in this compendious worke Herein is the true christian church which is the meeke spouse of the Lambe without spot in hir right fashyoned colours discribed So is the proud church of hypocrites the rose coloured whore the paramour of Antichrist and the sinfull sinagoge of Sathan in hir iuste proporcion depaynted to the mercifull forewarning of the Lordes electes And that is the cause why I haue here intituled thys booke the Image of both Churches Neyther heere spareth the holy Ghost theyr hypocrisie nor pryde their Idolatrie nor whoredome theyr couetousnesse nor most cruell tyranny with theyr other outragious myscheues No he toucheth them so nyghly that we should the better know them and be the more ware of them that he sheweth them to be such a spirituall sorte as maketh dayly marchaundise of the bodyes and soules of men Let vs neuer looke to haue a more open marke of that wicked generation take heede of them if we lust He that will lyue godly in Christ and be a pacyent sufferer He that will stande in Gods feare prepare him selfe to temptacyon He that will be stronge when aduersitie shall come auoyde all assaultes of Antichrist and the diuill let him giue him selfe wholly to the study of this prophecy Not one necessary poynt of beleife is in all the other scriptures that is not heere also in one place or other The very complet summe and whole knitting vp is this heauēly booke of the vnyuersall verities of the Bible All that Moyses taught in the lawe Dauid in the Psalmes and the Prophetes in theyr wrytinges concernyng Christes spyrituall kyngdome both here aboue meete for thys present knowledge are heerein briefly comprehended So is hys eternall vyctory for vs ouer sinne death hell and the dyuill with hys perpetuall cleerenesse aucthoritie and empyre world without ende compendiously here expressed Hee that knoweth not thys booke knoweth not what the church is whereof he is a member For herein is the estate thereof from Christes ascention to the ende of the world vnder pleasaunte figures and elegant tropes decyded no where els throughly but heere the tymes alwayes respected He that delighteth not to beholde the condition of his own citie is therevnto no louing citizen And after the true opinion of sainct Austen eyther wee are citizens in the new Hierusalem with Iesus Christ or els in the old supersticious Babylon with Antichrist the vicar of sathā He that with diligēce shall serch that matter specially in this presēt reuelatiō shal throughly perceiue the certaintie thereof Consider the dignytie and worthinesse of this most precious Iewel that the Lord hath left here to our cōsolatiō Fyrst God the eternall father gaue it vnto Christ his welbeloued sonne in our māhood Christ now glorified committed it vnto the holy Ghost which is here called an Angell or messenger The holy Ghost deliuered it vnto Iohn the peculiarly beloued disciple of Iesu. And Iohn last of all lefte it with the vnyuersall church to theyr christian eruditiō Mark now if any other treatise of the sacred Bible had euer so worthy a foreward setting forth This is not that it should be altogither neglected and not looked vpon No man lighteth a candle sayth Christ and conueyeth it vnder a bushell that men should not see therby Neuer was this gracious gift giuen of God to be hidden as it hath bene of longe tyme but to be opened to all the congregations A more necessary doctrine to the christian erudition is not in the whole scriptures all cyrcumstaunces considered For besides all that is afore expressed it containeth the vniuersal troubles persecutions and crosses that the church suffred in the primatyue spring what it suffreth now and what it shall suffer in the latter tymes by the subtile satellytes of Antichrist which are the cruell mēbers of Sathā It manifesteth also what premyes what crownes and what glory the sayd cōgregatiō shall haue after this present conflict with the enimyes that the promysed rewardes myght quicken the hartes of those that the tormēts feareth A prophecye is this Apocalips called and is much more excellent thē all the other prophecies Lyke as the lyght is more precious then the shadowe the veritie then the figure the new testament then the olde and the gospell then the lawe so is this holy oracle more precyous then they That Esay Hieremie Ezechiell Danyell Oseas with all the other Prophets warneth afore hande to follow concerning Christ and hys churche this mystery declareth effectually fulfilled It is a full clerenesse to all the cronicles and most notable histories which hath bene written since Christes ascension opening the true natures of their ages tymes and seasons He that hath store of them and shall diligentlye serch them ouer conferring the one with the other time with tyme and age with age shal perceyue most wonderfull causes For in the text are they onely proponed in effecte and promised to folow in their seasons and so ratified with the other scriptures but in the cronicles they are euidently seene by all ages fulfilled Yet is the text a lyght to the cronycles and not the cronicles to the text Unto
from the vntowarde and wicked generation for their vnbeleuers sake yet will it be playn ynough to the faithfull beleuers instauntlye calling vpon him which hath the key of Dauid to open vnto them the dore of his infallible verities They shall be sure to finde there that shall richly delyght them and that will greatly replenishe the most wholesome desire of their ●oules concerning their necessary saluation in Christ. The more the figuratiue speech aboundeth heere the more let them conferre it with the other scriptures without all honyed colours of retoricke or of crafted philosophy specially with those which of their owne nature iointly agreeth to the same Nothing ought heere to be sought of curiositie but of loue towards God for defence of his most pure doctryne and for auoydance of the craftie snares of the viuel A perfect preparation is it to a cōstant soule when the battayle is seene afore the ende thereof knowne and the remedies learned Heere are we admonished afore hande of two most daungerous euils neyther to agree to those tyrantes which battayleth with the Lambe in his elect members nor yet to obey those deceiptful bishops that in hipocrisie vsurpeth the churches tytles Of suche tirryble plagues of vengeaunce as were comming towardes the Israelites the Lorde euer warned them afore by his Prophets And none was there that escaped them so cleerely as they dyd whiche regarded those warninges watching euermore the conclusions of them Much lesse harme felte they of Antiochus Epiphanes that had redde Daniels prophecy afore and marked it then they which knewe it not when the Tyraunte came vpon them Through dyligent expecration in the fayth of Gods promises receyued iust Symeon and Anna the sauiour of the world in hys tender infancie Mencion maketh the holy Ghost heere of Gog and of Magog two tirryble fierce enymies to Christes congregation and sheweth afore hande their purposed mischieues Let vs not suppose it to be a fable that he so earnestly telleth vs. Neyther let vs thinke but this warning is of loue if we liste so to take it and accept it for a trueth Immedyately after the Apostles preaching was this prophecie giuen to the Christian church which hath bene alwayes a smal congregation least they shoulde vnbewares at the subtile suggestions of these two enimyes throwe asyde the sinceritie of Christes Gospell So gloryous are the pretenses of the Romysh Pope and Mahomete that they seeme vnto them whyche regarde not these warnings the verye Angelles of lyghte and theyr churches most holy congregations being very diuels with their filthy dregges of darkenesse The Pope in his church hath ceremonyes without number None ende is there of their babling prayers their portases beads temples aulters songes houres belles Images Organes ornamēts Iewels lights oylings shauings religions disguisings dyuersitie of feasts cōstrained vowes fastings processions and pratlings that a man would think they wer proctours of Paradise On the other side Mahomet in his church is plentuous also in holy obseruations They washe them selues oft they frequent their temples they pray fiue tymes in the day they reuerently inclyne they lye prostrate vpon the grounde they feruently call to God they are temperate in feedyng not curious in theyr buyldynges they abstayne from wyne they abhorre Idolles they hate them that are proude and commende all sobernesse And these vertuys haue they to appeare most innocent liuers But vnto what ende thys holynesse leadeth the sequele heereof declareth Daniell ●aketh these two but one bycause they are both of one wicked spirite and reporteth his blasphemous mouthe to vtter presumptuous things Sainct Iohn sayeth also that the Dragon speaketh blasphemyes against God in them both Marke both their voyces and ye shall fynde these sayings most true The Pope maketh hys boast hee is the highe priest hee is of equall power with Peter he can not erre he is heade and spouse of the church and he is Christes immedyate vicar By this braulyng boaste hee maketh men to beleue he may constitute lawes kepe vnder the Gospell distribute kyngdoms sell promocions and benifices set vp a Purgatorie prouyde satisfactions make new bodyes to Christ redeme dead mens soules and remit sinne for money Mahomete braggeth also that he is the great prophet the promises Messias the Apostle of both testamēts abled both by the law the gospel that he hath his name frō the eternall throne of God He is well contented that Christ be an holy Prophet and a most worthie creature yea the word of God the soule of God and the spirit of God conceiued of the holy ghost and borne of Mary the virgin but he will in no case graunt hym to be the sonne of God nor that he dyed here for mans redemp●ion Both these two mayntayners of mischief alloweth Moyses lawe the Psalter the Prophets and the Gospell yea they commende them auaunce them sing them reade them honour them and reuerently vse them in all their doyngs Yet will they haue their owne filthy lawes preferred aboue them the Pope his execrable decrees Mahomete his wicked Alchorane els will they murther men without measure Thus though they outwardly appeare very vertuous yet are they the malignaunt ministers of Sathan denying the Lord which hath redenied them By these may wee measure their inferiour marchandies hauing their lyuery and marke Of these hath our louing Lord premonyshed vs in this heauenly worke of his and graciously called vs away from their abhominations least we shoulde bee partakers of theyr sinnes and so receyue of their plagues If we vnthankfully neglect it the more daūger is ours Let no man take the corrections of this booke to mallice But if hee chaunce in it as in a cleare glasse to perceiue him selfe spotted let him washe away the deformities for Gods worde spareth no mans iniquytie Read my whole Commentary els iudge me not In no wyse rebell I heere agaynst any princely power or aucthoritie giuen of God but agaynst Antichristes filthy tytles The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ bee euer more with thee good faythfull Reader and with all those good men that intierly hunger for his rightuousnesse Amen Thus endeth the Preface of the Image of both Churches out of Sainct Iohns Apocalips ¶ A briefe Paraphrase or compendious Elucidacion vpon the Apocalips or Reuelation of Sainct Iohn the Euangelist gathered out of the pure scriptures and sincere worde of God by Iohn Ba●e an e●yle also in this lyfe for the testimonye of Iesu. The first Chapter The Texte 1 The Reuelation of Iesus Christ 2 vvhich God gaue vnto him 3. for to shevve vnto his seruauntes the thinges vvhich must shortlye come to passe 4. And heuen● and shevved by his Angell vnto his seruaunt Iohn 5. vvhich bare recorde of the vvorde of God and of the testimony of Iesus Christ and of all thynges that he savve 6. Happy is he that
word 8. and hast not denyed my name 9. Beholde I shall giue some of the congregation of Sathan which call them selues Iewes and are not but doe lye 10. Beholde I will make them that they shall come and worship before thy feete 11. and shall knowe that I haue loued thee 12. Bicause thou hast kept the wordes of my pacyence therefore will I keepe thee from the houre of temptacion 13. which will come vpon all the world to tempte them that dwell vpon the earth 14. Beholde I come shortlye 15. Holde that vvhich thou hast that no man take away thy crovvne 16. Hym that ouercommeth vvill I make a pyller in the temple of my God 17. and he shall go no more out 18. And I vvill vvryte vpō him the name of my God and the name of the citie of my God nevve Hierusalem 19. vvhich commeth dovvne oute of heauen fro my God 20. And I vvill vvrite vpon him my nevv name 21. Let him that hath eares heare vvhat the spirite sayth vnto the congregacions THE PARAPHRASE 1 Moreouer differ in no wyse my trustie discyple Iohn sayth the Lord Iesus by wryting to signifye or make mencion to the tydings brynger bishop or ouerséer of the déerely beloued Churche of Phyladelphya which as beséemeth a Christian congregation in this life is neuer without brotherly charitie and loue but alwayes hath a swéete compassion vpon the poore the néedie the symple the desolate the forsakē the disdayned and myserable people of this world Shée hath also in hir harte a wofull pittie and a lamentable dolour when shée séeth men wicked vayne blasphéemous hatefull beastly ydle couetous supersticious and full of other vngodlinesse 2 Let this be knowne to hir first of all that these are the fauorable sayings of him which is holy of himself and alone maketh other holy which is only true and the veritie it selfe without whō no truth can be had 3 Which hath also in his hand and power the keye of the house of Dauid which is the faithfull kingdom or congregation of God 4 Where as hée openeth to the faithful beleuers by the gospel preaching no man can speare them out of the kingdom of God by no excommunicatiō nor cursse Where as he doeth losen from the bandes of sinne by the holy Ghost no man can bynde to dampnation by no interdictiō nor sentence haue he neuer so great power giuen hym And agayne if hée shutteth vp the kingdome from the vnfaithfull hypocrites no man can admit them to it by blessings remissions nor a thousand yeares of their pardon If he seclude them from it no man can able them to it agayne by no auctoritie nor power 5 I know sayth that Lord thy dooings from the verie roote and from whence thy workes doeth spring euen from a sincere faith in my word wherefore they are to my mynd and pleasure 6 For so much therefore as I finde thée thus grounded in fayth be thou certayne and sure of it I haue sette before thée an open dore I haue illumyned thy sences and cleared thy vnderstandyng to knowe the holye scriptures and perceyue the hyghe mysteries therin written so admittyng thée to my kingdome And this dore can no man shut vp again Neither shall the power of this world nor yet the gates of hell bée able to preuayle against this opening 7 And this hast thou of mée partly for thy méekenesse For where as the wicked doth séeme to them selues beautifull strong learned rich righteous religious and holie spirituall fathers thou estéemest thy selfe but an abiecte of the worlde wretched weake blynde poore sinfull a myserable dooer as concernynge the fleshe 8 But thou arte she that hath kept my sayings and by such strength as I haue giuen thée obserued also my lawes and commaundements It is thou that haue stande by my trueth stedfastly and not denyed my name in the time of troublous persecution Wherefore thou canst in no wyse perish before mée 9 And as concernyng the wicked behold howe I shall order them I shal not only set thée cléere from the filthie traditions of that false congregatiō or sinagoge of Sathan but I will also take a certen from thēce of the best learned conuerting them from their errours and giuing them vnto thée Which afore tyme called them selues Iewes or the chosen children of Abraham and were not so in déed They boasted them selues very much to be the anoynted Israelytes the consecrate sonnes of promisse and the holy spirituall people of God lyke as the residue doth yet still to this houre but they lyed full falslie They were for that time false dissembling hypocrites and cruell aduersaries to the trueth as theyr companions are still 10 Be sure that these will I so inwardly moue and effectuallye prouoke that they shall come vnto thée to be of thy congregacion They shal gladly submitte them selues to thy doctryne they shall worship God not in outward shadows with bondage but in spirite and truth with lybertie At thy féete after thy holsome instructions and godly admonicions 11 And where as they haue thought thée afore tyme of me to bée hated when thou hast béene in persecutiō they shall nowe well perceyue and know my spirite speaking in thée and such heauenly secrets comming from thée that thou standest much in my loue art greatly in my fauour 12 And for so muche as thou haste cōstantly holden and manfully stand by that word for the which I haue suffred much not only in mine own fleshe but also in thée and in other my seruauntes for no aduersitie falling from it I will preserue thée in the houre of temptation Thou shalt for no violence decline from the truth thou shalt for no tormēt forsake the veritie So mightie a stomake and so strong an hearte shall I giue thée for the time of thy temptations that thou shalt not be once moued 13 For no doubte of it thys fierce temptation and cruell handeling of the boystuous Antichrists Mahomet standing in the way of sinners and the Romish Pope sitting in the most pestilent seate of errours will come vpon all the world by execrable sects of false Prophets lyars hypocrytes blasphemers and teachers of diuilish doctryne to tempt and allure them which dwell here vpon earth sometyme by flattering promotiōs sometyme by threatnings and penalties to renounce that veritie and denye that word to the vtter dampnation of their soules 14 But in any wise take héede and watche in prayer for I come shortly as a righteous iudge giuing to euerie one according to their hartes inuencions Consider the life but short in this world the rewarde great if thou perseuere in thy Christen profession Holde faste that godly fayth which thou hast taken with hir holsome fruites 15 Sticke sure to that heauenlye word which thou hast receyued least thou falling from it loose the crowne prepared for thée I haue done my parte
the fleshe els but death What are theyr practises but fighting weapons against lyfe They had licence to deceyue and leysure to doe mischief in outward things as had Sathan vpon the body of Iob. But no doubt the goodnesse of God yet preserued the inwarde soules of many simple Iobbes for tyme of that daungerous world 5 And whē they had opened the bottomlesse pit with the key of their false doctrine there wēt vp a black filthie ayre as it had bene the smoke of a great fornace There arose all errours lyes heresies supersticions idolatrie couetousnesse pryde incontinencie falsehood hypocrisie with all other filthinesse which are the fruits of hell and they wēt abroad the world ouer Thus hath these cursed Apostates the pope his Chaplaynes the keyes in deed not of heauen but of hell They may open but they can not spear againe vnlesse they spear from heauē as they doe alwayes They may hurt but they can not heale they may distroy but they can not help they may well dampne but they can not saue For the nature of their keye is onely to make blinde obstinate foolyshe harde harted and euer more worse and worse He onely giueth light grace faith health He taketh away all darkenesse and sinne which hath the keye of Dauid For he alone hath trodē down the wyne presse hauyng the whole victorie ouer death sinne hell and the diuill He hath power onely to speare vp both death and hell The fyre of Gods wrath they be not able to quench The smoke of the dyuils malyce and continuall wickednesse they be not able to kéepe downe Eua could not wtstād one simple suggestiō of Sathan A smal taste of this smoke lost Adam with his whole posteritie And now these Antichristes hath filled the world with it For what is it els but wicked perswasions a learning of diuilles and a doctryne contrarie to y● doctryne of God poysoning all destroying all leading vnto hell 6 The sun by this smoke was darkened so was the holesome ayre The Gospell they defiled with their false interpretacions Gods word they corrupted with their gloses cōmentaries and postilles They myngled the scriptures with the dirtie dregges of their own lawes tradicions and olde rotten customes of their popishe fathers So that in the church no good ayre could be had no swéete smell of the truth could be found There was much ydoll worshipping strange crying and lippe labouring sensing fooling charming crossing mowyng and iugling gasing knéeling knockyng but no true Gospell preaching 7 Out of this pestilent smoke came innumerable locustes a verie monstruous vermyne and horrible to behold créeping ouer all the earth These were the disguised swarme of Cardynalles mytred Bishoppes doctours shauen priestes Abbottes Moonkes Chanons Fryers Nunnes sisters and heremites in read white russet graie blacke blewe and all other colours Of these were the Benedictines the Bernardines Gerondines Gilbertines Celestines Scopetines Grādimontensers Camaldulensers Cruniacensers Premonstratensers Carthusianes Carmelitanes Ambrosianes Rhodianes Gregorianes Purgatoryanes Guilhelmytes Iesuites Iohannites Hieronimites Niniuits Cellites Thaborits Templars Hospitelers Crucigers Augustinianes Dominicianes Franciscanes Brygydanes Basilianes of Iosaphats valley and of the dark alley and suche other with innumerable swarmes of them euerie where Peter prophecyed afore of thys smokie multitude when hée gaue warnyng that there should come into the Christen church false teachers which priuily should bring in damnable sectes denying the Lord that bought them and many should follow their damnable wayes thorough whom the truth should haue ill reporte But fewe hath marked that warning 8 And vnto these noysome locustes was poure giuen but yet none other poure then haue the scorpyons of the earth whose craftie nature is fyrst to créepe softely then gréeuouslye to sting last of all to venim Thys pestilent vermine God hath suffred for the wickednes of his people first flatteringly to créepe to dissemble glose glose and speak fayre promising prosperitie victorie long lyfe and heauen after this departing And by such meanes gote they vnder them Emperours Kings gouernours and all the world besides 9 Then did they sting their consciences with terrible dreames and visions and with fearefull reuelacions of purgatorie and of hell to buylde them vp faire houses and to lyue in wealth and pleasure Fynally they venimed their fayth with their poisoned counsayles and promyses and so tooke they from them the true hope in Christ making marchandise of them through couetousnesse faire words Thus cloistering togither like locusts they haue left nothing gréene but all they haue withered and distroyed No workes might then be vsed of Gods prescription but such as were fantasied by them for aduantage as masse founding chaunteries building priest singing Image gilding kissing of relyques prayinge to death men and such lyke And when they were once frank and fatte they stood vp togither proudly agaynst the Lord and his word THE TEXT 1 And it vvas sayde vnto them that they should not hurte the grasse of the earth neither any greene thing neyther any tree 2. but only those men vvhich haue not the seal in their foreheades 3. And to them vvas it cōmaunded that they shuld not kil them 4. but that they shuld be vexed fyue monethes 5. And their payne vvas as the payne that commeth of a Scorpion vvhen he hath stung a man 6. And in those dayes shall men séeke death and shall not finde it 7. and shall desire to dye and death shall flie from them The Paraphrase 1 Yet were they commaunded that they should in no case hurt the grasse of the earth neyther any gréen thing nor trée Though they were permytted by the sufferaunce of God to doe much mischiefe yet could they harme none but such as wanted fayth He ordayned from the beginning alwayes to saue his Neuer could Sathan hynder the soule of Iob onely did he vexe the outward carkasse and goods Where as fayth is growing true hope in Christ springing and workes of charitie fructifying they shall doe no hurte by the promyse of God Where the gift of the spirite aboundeth they can in no wyse preuayle If any hinderaunce doeth fall it is where fayth is wanting 2 For onely had they power vpon those men which had not the seale of God in their foreheades They onely are in perill that haue not the sure fayth And the more want they haue therof the more is their seathe when it commeth 3 Yet had those locusts in commaundement that in no wise they shoulde kill them whom they had noyed For the wil of God is that no wicked person should perishe vnlesse he resisted the holy ghost but rather to turne frō sinne and to liue 4 Onely was it permytted that they should be vexed v. moneths Only for their lyfe tyme were they suffered to ouer loade their poore consciences with their beggerly tradicions to trouble them with their trumperie to
this had a very sharpe sting For death was towardes them that withstoode their ginnes Destruction of body and goods was euermore at hand 11 Yet was their powre only to hurt men for v. monthes space to harme them in this sencible lyfe deuided in fiue partes No power had they vpon the soules hence departed Then could they not hynder with all their censures black curses suspencions disgradings interdictions excommunications and all such terrible thunderbolts with Booke Bell and Candle Farther extended not their violence then vpon the poore bodies The soules were in Gods handes whose mercy is neuer farre of 12 A King they had ouer them which is the Angell of the bottomlesse pit for he is the head captayne of all the children of pride the master of errours and the father of lyes Néedes must the diuell be their king whiles his smoky doctrine hath nourished them fed them and set them foorth in their coulours Sure we are that they are straungers to God for the heauenly father neuer planted them Well such people such gouernour such swarm such stinking leader 13 The name of this their capitayne in the Hebrue tongue is Abadon and in the Gréeke tongue Apollyon and both signifieth a spightfull destroyer His nature is to persuade all euill to infect the minde to corrupt the hart to plucke away faith to make the soule blinde to robbe man of all goodnesse to seperate hym from God and to dampne hym with hym selfe for euer Wo is that wretched army that hath such a Capitaine and that forsaken multitude which hath such a king 14 One wo is past One cursed season of execrable blasphemy darknesse and deuilishnesse vnder the fift seale opening and the fyft trumpet blowing is at an ende But looke to it well for two other woes yet shall come after this vnder the sixt and vii as here after wyll appeare THE TEXT 1 And the sixt Angell blewe 2 And I hearde a voyce from the. 3. Foure corners of the golden Aulter which is before God 4 Saying to the sixt Angell which had the Trumpet 5. Lose the fowre Angelles which are bounde in the greate ryuer Euphrates 6. And the fowre Angels were losed 7. Whiche were prepared for an howre for a day for a month for a yeare 8. For to slea the thirde parte of men 9. And the number of horsemen of vvar vvere tvventy times ten thousand 10. And I hearde the number of them 11. And thus I savv the horses in a vison 12. And them that sate on them hauyng fyerye habbergions of a yalovv and brimstonie coloure The Paraphrase 1 Consequently the sixt Angell stoode forth and triumphantly blewe his Trumpet Constantly the sincere preachers of this present age hath taught Christ and hys veritie vnder this sixt seale openinge wherin they haue disclosed the detestable errours and shamefull abhomynacion of the other age afore 2 And as this Trumpet was blowen I harde saith saint Iohn a swéete voyce from the fowre corners of the golden Alter whiche is before the eyes of God Uppon him we offer when we trust only in hym and also when we liue according to true faith in hym restraining our olde Adam with his fleshly desyres 3 The fowre corners of this alter is the Gospell which he hath left by his Apostles in the fowre quarters of the vniuersall worlde The voyce is the ioyfull tidings or message therof And this signifieth Christ not onely to haue his church within the dominion of Rome vnder bondage but also in all other partes of the world in lybertie All these fowre corners hath but one voyce The Gospell euery where taught hath but one heauenly message of mercy and peace from God the father one glad tiding of health and saluation from Iesus Christe and one swéete smell of the grace of God and of victory in Christ from the holy ghost 4 And this one voyce commaunded the sixt Angell which had the Trumpet or the true faithfull preachers vnder the sixt seale openinge which had the administration of the word at the onely gift of God 5 To goe foorth and to lose the fowre Angelles which are bounde in the great riuer of Euphrates Many hath the Lord anoynted with his spirit in this age to preache delyueraunce to the captiue to open the pryson to thē that were in bondage and to declare the acceptable yeare of health By whose preaching he hath now vntha●●led the children of the dead and set them at libertie to preache his name in Syon and to worshippe him in Hierusalem Manye that afore were fettered with fantasies yoked with vnaduised vowes ouercharged with intollerable burthens amōg Byshoppes Priestes Monkes Chanons Fryers and Noones are now graciously delyuered and with a frée conscience confesseth the verytie of God 6 So that many among the fowre Angels or a great number of them that were sometime Antichristes Hypocrites Tyrauntes and murthers are now losened from Euphrates the great flood of wauering fantasies and of the sickle pleasures of this worlde For though they were sore bound in their conscience and lyfe yet wanted they there no wanton delightes to nourish and féederal fleshlinesse They lacked nothing that might maintaine their pompe vayne glory couetousnesse pryde glottony and lechery but they had it in abundance And though the nature of Gods worde be as of a key to open vnto them that beléeue and to speare vnto them that beléeue not yet is it fayde héere to open vnto both But yet in diuers respects For in the chosen sort it openeth to loue in the other it openeth to hate The one bringeth forth hony by it with the Bée the other venim with the spyder The one is made more méeke and gentle the other wareth more cruel and mad As Paule saith vnto some it is the sauer of life vnto lyfe and some againe it is that sauer of death vnto death For hard is that worde to the execrable Angelles 〈◊〉 children of Sathan callinge them from Euphrates They can in no wise abide it Yet were the fowre Angels loosoned frō thence and hath lost a great parte of theyr pleasures Since the Gospell came in the Antichristes hath lost the prophets of their Buls pardons confessions pryuy tythes ydol offerings purgatory masses bell christenings church hallowings with other loose endes The Hypocrits hath lost their more then princely habitations their monasteries couents hospitalles preben●●●ies and chaunteries with their fat féeding warme couches for yll gotten good will home againe The tiraunts and murtherrers haue not now their pleasures in all poyntes as they had afore tyme what though their cru●ltie be stil as much as it was and rather more For the people is not now to their minde as then And as these Angels are losoned in this quarter of the world so shal they be in all then other quarters the Lorde appoyntinge theyr tymes One corner of the aulter hath geuen his
sincere preaching vnder such vain titels after the mind of Zacharye but very shamful Idols in déede Their decres decretals cōstitucions canons rules statutes prouinciall sinodall traditions lawes fatherly customes vsages not groūded vpon gods cōmaūdemēts are very diuelishnes hipocris● blasphemīg the name of god For why to haue the name of blasphemy vpō their heads is none other thā vnder a glorious title to maītain that thing which is blasphemous glorifying themselues in the same The vngodly saith Dauid with mocks hath disdained the Lord with open mouth hathe vttered wickednesse against God 5 And the strange fashioned beaste saith S. Iohn whome I saw in this vision was like in similitude to a cat of the mountaine full of many coulored spots in token of inconstancy varietie and ficklenesse 6 His féete wer as the féete of a bear fierce rough and ill fauored in signification of crueltie stubburnnesse vncleannesse 7 And his mouth séemed as the mouth of a Lion declaring him to be full of pryde rauin excesse To such beasts as here are mencioned cōparith Daniell vnder hidden mistery certaine mightie kingdomes of the world As to the Lions which here is caleld a Lion for the more crueltie now vsed thā was in those daies the proud kingdomes of the Assirians Caldeans To the beare the cruell kingedomes of the Medes and Parthianes And vnto the Cat of the mountaine the vnstedfast kingedome of the Grekes Of pryde spoile and rgbbery are the Assirians Caldeans condemned by Esaye Nahum and Abacuck the prophets The Medes Parthians held captiue the people of god as witnesseth Hester Paralipomenō Esay The Grekes most spightfully were bent against them vnder the cruell king Antiochus as in the Machabes is euident No abhomination nor mistery of iniquitie as Paule calleth it was euer founde in these kingdomes but now reigneth manifould in the detestable papacie or monstruous kingedome of Antichrist as all the worlde may sée No where was euer more pryde vanitie and cruelnesse Idolatry horedome and filthinesse hipocrisie falsehoode and ficklenesse extorcion vaineglory couetousnesse sorcery supersticion and vnfaithfulnesse More than all the vnfaythfull kingdomes vnder heauen haue this sodomiticall spiritualtie defyled with theyr witchery the holy temple of God which is the Christen church They haue most shamefully abused gods chosen people which are the vessels ordeyned to his glory They haue holden his frée seruants most miserable captiue vnder their wycked decrées and tradicions The crueltie of Pharao Antiochus and Caiphas compared to theyr tyranny is but as it were a play dalliance or shadow In them is all lechery and vncleannesse all raginge lustes and wantonnesse all fleshly abuses and beastlinesse no naturall order obserued Nothing in a maner are the cruell constitutions made against the Iewes by the suggestions of Aman and by Antiochus to their wicked lawes and ordinances For they were onely againste the body theirs are against mens soules So that the papistical kingedome of antichrist are to be séene both the Lyon the Beare and the cat of the mountayne they not onely participatinge with all vnfaythful regions but also doubling with thē in al abhominatiōs vnder the Sky The mouth they haue of a Lion roaring out euermore blasphemies curses bytternesse The féete of a bear signifieth their rauenous affections rūning vnto all pernicious euills very swift also to the sheddīg of bloud As Cats of the moūtain they are spottid with diuers fickle fātasies in sects obseruations ceremonies ryts lawes customes no wher stedfast vniforme but euery wher variant foolish And worthy they are to be forsakē of god to be left to the spirit of errours lies to their damnation that so contēneth the veritie of god 8 More ouer the dragon saith s. Iohn which is sathan the diuel gaue ouer vnto this beast or curssed generation of antichrist beīg his bestial body al his whole power his blasphemous seate his mighty authoritie To geue thē his power is no more but to fyl thē with crafts subtilties wiles malice fraud and deceit and to make them apt to seduce the simple or to able them to all falsehood wittie gile To admit thē his seat is to leaue them here a kingdom of vaine glory hipocrisie abhominable Idolatry To graunt thē his ful authority is to worke in thē all lying singes wonders throughe deceiuable doctrine strōgly to delud the vnbeluers to their greater damnacion 9 To this power of the dragon is no power comperable vpō earih No power is able to suppresse it onlesse it cōmith frō aboue is geuen vnto vs from the father of light as is the strong gyfte of faith Thus is this great antichrist a king with sathan ouer all the children of pryde With Lucifer he vsurpeth the seat of God sitting in the consciēces of men euermore boasting himselfe to be in gods stede seducing the people of the worlde finally ouercomming them by bringing them into all kindes of errour 10 And as concerning the seat lyke as Christ our lord sitteth in the throne of God reigninge with his eternall father in méekenesse so sitteth he in the throne of sathan with his father the diuel in al pride and blasphemie As touching the power lyke as Christ had his power of God so hath he his power of the diuel Like as Christ is full of grace and verity and of his fulnes all they haue receiued that truly haue beleued in him so is this antichrist full of hate falsehed and all other iniquite of whose errours and lies the vnbeleuers haue tasted Like as the holy spirit of Christ hath wrought in his louers the misterie of truth goodnesse so hath the erronius vnclen spirit of this antichrist wrought the mistery of his wickednes in chrstes enimies since his deathe and asscencion 11 And finally as conserning authoritie like as Christ beinge man toke power of God to doo such mirakles as none els could do so dyd he of the deuil being his wretched body to work prodigiuos maruels wonders in hipocrisy among the vnfaithfull multitude by the secret fufferance of god So that in all peruerting power supremite and authoryty he foloweth his father sathā yea in euery point For like as he depriued simple Iob a man that feared god of his substāce cattell chilldren and seruauntes and vexed him in his flesh with most greuouse botches so doth this gredy Leuiathan this malicious murtherer the man of sinne body of the diuel with his deuourig locoustes robbe the poore people of their sweat labours trauaile and nessary liuing sparing neither sicke nor succourlesse poore widow nor fatherles no goods gottē by theft mans slaughter extorcion bribery pollage idolatry bandry al other vngodlines comming to thē amisse in their priuat confessions And that is most to be lamented they defile their soules with al supersticions fals beleue and deuilishnesse leauing their conciences all doutfull desperat comfortles Finanally to
promises 9 And therfore are not their names written of the lamb in the booke of life which lambe was slaine from the beginning of the world Christ hath not alowed them by his word promise With the rightuous are they not regestred as members of one misticall body in hym In the similitude of hys death are they not grafted vnto hym as the braunches vnto the vine to be partners of his resurrection Their porcion is not in the lande of the lyuing with him They are none of those whom the father hath geuen hym to participate with hym in one spirit Predestinate they are not vnto life by hym nor so written vp in the foreknowledge of God Chosen they were not of the lord before the worlds constitution to be his vndefiled children in Christ. 10 He is the méeke lamb that was slaine He alone taketh away the sins of the world In hym only is the life for he is the life it self Yet is he the life of none other but of those that only beleue in him 11 In that he was killed from the worlds beginning is signified that he dyed for all them whiche were create to be saued and that his onely death is all their health raise and remedy by the promise of God For all they haue eaten of one spiritual meat and dronke of one spirituall rocke though it came in the fleshe longe after them He onely trode downe the head of the serpent Since the beginning hath he bene slaine in his membres also as manifest it is in rightuous Abell Hieremy Iohn Baptist such other like They that are not written of the lambe in the booke of life for the children of God are registred in the booke of death for the children of perdiciō reserued to eternal death for their infidelytie with the deuill his Angels 12 He that hath an eare sayeth the text let him take good héede He that hath an vnderstanding let hym be admonished by that which foloweth héere Or he that hath receiued the wisdome of the spirit let hym iudge hereof according vnto it Thus doth the holy ghost aduertise the faithfull to consider that whatsoeuer thinges are writtē they are writtē vnto our learning 13 He that leadeth into captiuity shall go into captiuyty And he that killeth with a sworde must with a sworde be slaine This warning geueth the lord take it if they lyst For he will haue his right iudgments known He that vexeth or aflicteth the iuste beléeuers in body by outward punishments he shall be aflicted in the spirit with an inwarde darknes or blindnes of the soule that he may be the more captiue to sinne and to sathan God wyll deliuer hym vp vnto a lewde mind and wyll geue him stronge delusion to beléeue all maner of lyes that he might be damned 14 He that killeth the poore innocēt for his faith with the yron sword or slaieth hym with any other torment with the sword of the spirit which is the Lords word shall he be both iudged condemned The word that I haue spoken saith Christ shall iudge them at the latter day And this is in manner all one with that was saide in the xi chapter afore If any mā wyl hurt them fyre shall procéede out of their mouthes and consume their enemies 15 Neuerthelesse to the christian is persecution necessary For héere in this lyfe is the pacience of the saints proued and their faith required Here was Abrahā tempted Iob sore vexed and both they were founde Gods true faithfull seruants Here were the apostles contemned reioysinge that they were found worthy for christes sake to suffer rebuke The rightuous the lorde trieth as gold in the furnace He chasteneth euery seruant that he loueth and scourgeth euery son that he receiueth Onely is it faith that al the euils of this worlde by pacience ouercommeth so obtaineth the victory The fruit which riseth to eternal lyfe is peaceable sufferance in faith And that must be heare in this lyfe where as we are vnperfect to make vs perfect THE TEXT 1 And I beheld an other beast 2. comming vp out of the earth 3. and he had two horns lyke a lamb 4. and he spake as dyd the Dragon 5. and he dyd all that the firste beaste could do 6. in his presence 7. And he caused the earth and them which dwell therein 8. To worship the firste beaste vvhose deadly vvounde vvas healed 9. And he dyd great wonders 10. So that he made fyre come downe from heauen 11. In the sight of mē 12. And deceiued them that dwelt on the earth by the meanes of those signes which he had povver to doe in the sighte of the beast 13. Saying to them that dvvelt on the earth that they should make an image 14. Vnto the beast vvhich had the vvounde of a svvord and dyd liue The Paraphrase 1 And I behelde saieth S. Iohn in this secret reuelation of my Lord an other beast arising out of the earth A figure is this of al false prophets and vngoly preachers Beastly are they euermore vaine carnal and corrupt in their studies abhominable in the practisings of their wicked harts not séeking God but their belleyes not Christes glory but their owne pride and vaine glory 2 From the earth they aryse all geuen to erthly wisdome The only affectes of this worlde doth moue them to teach no good zeale of the truth Either are they tickled with ambition pricked with auarice or els stirred with mallice to inuei These are the common affects of the wicked This goinge vp haue they from wickednesse to wickednesse and shall haue still till the Lorde destroy them like as haue the iust beléeuers from vertue to vertue in the spirit till such time as they sée him face vnto face in the euerlasting Syon From the worlds beginning hath this beast risen vp in Cayne the first murtherer in the fleshlye Children of men in Cham the shamelesse childe of Noe in Ismael Esau in Iannes Iambres in Balaham Baals prophets in the Beniamits Bels chaplains in Phasur Semeias in Iudas Annas and Caiphas in Bariehu Di●trephes And now sēs their time most of all in Mahometes doctoures and the popes queristers Yea stil they are aloft in their beastly beggerye will be till their mischif be finished Who séeth not now a daies that hath light in the spirit the malignite hipocrisy fraud craft deceit in certen fals prophets at pauls crosse in London in other places els 3 This beast had ii hornes like the lambe at a blush but all counterfet ● fals in very déede for he spake as did the dragon the hornes of Christ are his high kingdom in the world Only ariseth his Churche by faith in the glad tidinges and promises of god That word is the scepture of Christes power and the rod of right order wheras he reigneth None other strange sceptures are there neither tradicions nor customes Seuen hornes had Christ for
should speake 3. And should cause that as many as vvould not vvorship the Image of the beast should be killed 4. And he made all both small great rich and poore free and bond 5. To receiue a mark in their right hands 6. Or in their foreheads 7. And that no man might bye and sell. 8. Saue he that had the mark 9. Or the name of the beast 10. Either the number of his name The Paraphrase 1 For power they haue to geue spirite to the Image of the beast It is surely geuen them of the deuil whā they haue once fashioned out the beasts right image or made of an emperor a tiraunt or set in the place of godly gouernour a cruell murtherer vp of gods people by flattering prayses to encourage them to al mischiefe and by wicked counsell to prick thē forwarde to make cruell actes of murther for vpholdinge their beastly generation The spirit that they do minister vnto Princes euermore is not the correction of sin the amendement of lyfe redresse of the common wealth prouision for the poore nor the séeking of Gods glorye But by flatteringe praises to vpholde thē in their euils much after this sorte of speakinge Your maiesties or graces are called most vertuous moste valiant most worthy most wise most mighty best learned among al christen potētates Thei are al but a●es in cōparisō to your worthinesses If it be your maiests plesure to do this or that within youre owne dominiō who shall be so bolde to withstande you No though Gods holy lawes be an hundred times against it Sopport the olde religion of holy church against the heriticks ye cannot choose but prosper in all your affaires Let it be treason against your owne persons according to the actes of the Emperour Sigismundus and of King Hēry the fift if they do but once speake against hir corrupt customes Make cruel constitutions a pace proclaim them abroad to shew your selues the popes liuely Images 2 Our office it is to cause the beastes Image to speake Let therfore your voyces be heard Be no domb idoles but speak with bold stomaks In his spirit make vtterance without gods word of his old romish rules Send forth your proclamaciō to be published eueri where cōcernīg his masses his confessions his ceremonies and his whorish chastitie Let al things be blowen forth vnder your titles names auctoryties to be obserued vnder pain of death If other relmes report that ye abuse the duty of emperours or kinges which is the office of god estéeme not their sayings but stand wel in your owne cōceits Interpret the scriptures at your owne lust pleasures as your law master of Rome hath done afore your time 3 Cause so many to be killed as wil not worship the Image of the beast or obey such wicked lawes against the veritie of god as hath bin made by those Emperours that were the pops eldest sonnes by the kings of Frāce which were his yonger sons or by other princes els which were the defenders of his church let none escap your hāds that inueieth against our kīgdōe but make hauok of thē on euery side as of heriticks traytours to proue the holy ghost true here in his foreiudgemēts For that is your office not appointed of god but of sathan And in our cōmission frō him also we haue it to be no slake mouers of you therevnto So hath Christ tould afore in this reuelation vnto S. Iohn the Euangelist This is the Ghoostelye councsell that we the horned beasts haue in commission to geue vnto you from the mouth of the Dragon Whē such an Image or Idoluse prince is thus vp set or constituted by authoryty his oth once mad that he shall al waies defend thē he may in no wise speake but out of that spirit that their cōiurers confessours I should saye haue put into him He mai make no lauws but at their spiritual appointment like as the Emperour Carolus doth now in these daies Much after this sort became the emperour Nero this beastes image immediatly after Christes ascention by the subtil flaights of that spiritual sorcerer Simon Magus at Rome to withstand the Christen preachers Peter Paule as largely witnesseth Egisippus in his thirde booke de Hierosolimorū excidio the ii chap. This Simon Magus by flateringe praises crepte firste into his fauer promising him health long life increace of power enlargemēt of his empyre with cōtinuall victory ouer his enemies in case he would folow his counsel vpon this became he not only his chiefe counseller but also the high bishop of his soule conseruatour of his body the preseruacion of his whole health and life to him committed only All thinges after that was done by his counsell to stop the Apostles preaching he taken for the emperours most familiar friend and a man most profitable to the cōmon wealth of the Romans they soone after supprssed and put vnto moste cruel death 4 And he made all saith saint Iohn both greate and small rich poore free and bonde to receaue a marke in their right handes or in their foreheds When this new raised Image of the beast or sworne power to Antichrist is once raised vp or admitted by their authoritye be he Kinge or Keyser Prince or other Potentate he must stronglye defende that sinagoge of the diuell with whole maiestie crowne and scepture By their only counsel must he thē make lawes for they must geue him spirit and send his commaundementes abrode that their holy decrées be obserued Cōmisioners and visitours must out vnder the auctorytie as wel to the clergy as laite Thē must al be sworn to it and so obey it both high lowe both gentleman yeoman both owner and farmar both citizen townsman both marchant and plowman both maister seruant both natiue dweller and denison Yea both priestes in their colleges monks in their abbayes chanons in their couents fryers in their cloysters must after their sort do the same This rule hath bin alwaies for the commoditie of that kingdome where as the powers haue bin thus by thē peruerted Much were it to shew the manifolde examples in that behalfe Charles the v. now Emperour to make this good and to shew him selfe to be the sayd beastes Image caused such actes to be publyshed throughout his whole dominion against the christen doctrine wherin al they ar declared heritiks scismatiques excōmunicats which taketh not the pope for S. Peters only vicare head of the christen church none excepted neither king nor coruester as there are now diuers of the contrary opinion The articles of the Louanians vnder his priueledge the actes of the Parisians vnder the French kings auctoryty proclaymed in this presēt yeare of our lord a M. D. xlv wil make al this matter good 5 And what is this els both in their clergy and cōmons but to receyue a marke in theyr ryght hādes or foreheads for in admitting those
the number of one seuenth be an infinit nūber ther much more of many seuenthes 4 And I harde a voyce frō heauen saith S. Iohn which is all one with the aforesaid Sion is the vniuersal cōgregacion of Christ all cleare frō● supersticions of men For from Sion commith the lawe of the Lord after Esay and the word of God from Ierusalem 5 This worde is as the noise of many waters whan it is in the mouthes of many diuers peoples of diuers nacions lāguages one not vnderstanding an other yet knowing it eche people among them selues 6 Uery like is it also to a great thūder cracke mighty fearful and terrible to the fleshe Uery harde is thy word Lord sayde Christes disciples who is able to abide it 7 And the voice that I hard sayth Iohn was much after the noyse that the harpers make whē they play vpō their harps Ful of agremēt are the holi scriptures yea ful of swéet hermony concord more precious are the verities of the Lord than is golde and their melody more swéet than hony 8 With thē reioysed Dauid before the arke of the Lorde In them tooke Paule a stomake and cōfounded the Iewes at Damascus 9 And swéetly they vttered with their voyces a song that séemed all newe before the seat of the Lord before the foure beastes before the auncient elders This song is the word of the Lorde all new both to the good and to the il The faythfull it renueth in the spirit of their mynds prouoking them to do on a new man in Christ. The hartes of the vnfaithfull is so hardened that they in disdayn and spight doth call it new learning as did the ignorāt multitude at Caparnaum and the worldly wise men of Athens 10 Before the seate of the Lord was this song vttered which is the godly disposed multitude For like as the hart of an hipocrite is the very seate of sathan so is the harte of a faithfull man the seate of god and habytacle of the holy ghost 11 Before the iiii beasts was it opened also by this number of godly teachers which beasts ar the priuat cōgregatiōs of the Lord remaining here yet in the flesh in the iiii quarters of the world 12 Finally before the elders was it songe also For none other doctrine is it nor Gospell of glad tidinges than hath bin since the beginning nor than hath bene thankfully receiued of our old auncitors Patriarkes the Prophets the Apostles the faithful fathers 13 And no man could learne the new song but the aforesaide hundred and xliiij thousand which were redéemed from the earth Oh mighty wonderful yea tirrible sentence of the Lorde None that take them selues for the people of God can be accepted afore hym for the true féede of Abraham nor for the iust ministers of his worde vnlesse they be tokened afore with the holy spirit of his promise and so predestinate to the lyfe euerlasting 14 None can sincerely do that godly office to the profit of other vnlesse he be wholly taken from all fleshlye and worldly affects No man cā come vnto me saith Christ vnlesse it bée giuen him of my father 15 The wilfull Iewes beleued not bicause they were not the shéepe of his marke Neither is it of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of the onely mercy of the Lord. Necessarie is it therfore that his spirit draweth moueth inclineth the hart Els cā not the sōg be swéet neither in him the singeth nor yet in the herer The notes of this new sōg are gods heuēly verities registred in the faithfull hartes 16 And they that dyd signe them to the prayse of the Lord were not defiled with women With no straunge doctrines nor yet prophane worshippings is theyr faith cōtaminate that vnfainedly haue don on Iesus Christ. Not the spousage of their soules haue they broken by no filthy traditions of men Onely haue they with Dauyd sought the testimonyes of God and thought none lyke vnto them Onely dyd they cleaue to hys precyous lawes estéeming all other but chaffe and very whoredome in the spirite 17 Therfore are they vyrgines maryed vnto Christ in faith as were the Corinthians by Paules preachinge whō he wished to cōtinue a chast virgin vnto Christ. Neuer is the maydenhead of the soule lost till erronious doctrine be receiued frō the messengers of Antichrist the Bishops Hipocrites 18 The virgins or vncorrupted beleuers doth folow the lambe whersoeuer he becōmeth They go after Christ the beleuing his word doth fashion their liues vnto it Like as they folow Antichrist the fashion their workes to his doctrine They walk in his steps that forsake thē selues with him that beareth the crosse of persecutiōs with him or the suffreth deth for the truth with him And not they that séeke them selues lyuing héere in all pompe voluptuousnesse and Tiranny From this place fetch the blinde papists a great argument for their wiuelesse castity that none foloweth christ but they in this muster bicause they are vnmaried Neyther may Abrahā Moises nor Dauid Zachary Peter nor Philip walk in this number bicause they had wyues So perillous a thing it is to haue a wife It is greate meruayle they admit Mary Christs mother to it bicause she had a husband Oh ignorāt asses very beastly Idiotes I think you follow Iudas which had neyther wyfe nor childe vnlesse he had thē sitting by other mēs fyers as many of you haue yet at this same day What is vyrginitie before god more thā is mariage No more thā is circumcision in comparison to vncircumcision And that is nothing No more maketh the one thā the other to a Christian life Only is it ●aith effectually working by loue that the Lord requireth of vs. Only respected he the faith of Mary and not hyr virginity They which liue in matrimony after the word of god ar accepted afore hī for virgins so are named of S. Paule An other cauillatiō they haue that none which hath offēded afore can be of this number But they consider not what is spokē here afore that they wer redemed from the earth that the spirit of the lord hath purified their hartes throughe faith Neither haue they grace to remember the Christes innocency is reckened for an whole perfecte rightuousnesse vnto them that beléeue in him but they must bring in such trifles as are their owne beggerly merites 19 And therefore it followeth also These faithfull beléeuers saith sainct Iohn were redéemed frō men being the first fruites to God to the lambe By none other were they redemed than by Christ. For of all the elect nūber he is the only rightuousnesse wisdom holinesse redemption From the corrupt blinde froward multitude hath he called them taken them and cleared them And of deformed sinners hath he made thē faire of vile pure of wretched gloryous of blinde perfectly séeing of lyars true sayers of obstinate gentle of yll good and
of vnfruitfull profitable For he it is that taketh away the stony hart and geueth a soft hart for it so making vs Abrahams children Thus are we redéemed from men whan we are taken by his goodnesse from such corrupt vsages as mans nature is inclined vnto 20 And for none other purpose but to be the first fruits vnto god as were the aulter offrings in the old lawe in the hands of the high priestes For so much as the elect number ar but a few or a certaine taken out from the vniuersall multitude and are the porcion of the Lord as were the said offerings perteyning vnto Christ the only bishop of our soules they are his first fruits Yea his owne very mistical members and al but one offring vnto God the father by him For he is the onely lambe that died for them his owne bodye beinge the only oblacion and sacrefice 21 And in their mouthes was found no gile For none other wordes vttered they but his p●er testimonies None other taught thei but his vndefiled lawes None other perswaded they to be obserued of other but his immaculate Gospel or easy burthen of Christ. No importable yokes laied they vpon mens shoulders neither of cerimonies fastīgs nor masse hearings 22 For they are without spot before the throne of god Both before them that are faythfull and haue right iudgment in the spyrite whiche are the very seats of God apereth their doctrine pure and also their life innocēt before god hīselfe Neyther are they spotted with filthy tradicions nor yet with vncūly examples as cōcerning their former sinnes they shal not be imputed vnto them They are remitted in Christ and so forgotten afore god Though this that here hath bin spoken be concerning the whole christen multitude and her preachers yet doth it most specially touche the Iewes or Israelyts that shal in this latter age be conuerted vnto Christ. And so doe I counsell the reader to vnderstand it For the mount Syon after the flesh was theirs Not defiled are they with vnmaried women which are the whorishe lawes and vncleane supersticions of the Gentiles vpō none other harp haue they commonly harped but vpon the scriptures though it hath not bin to the pleasure of God tyll nowe in this latter age wherin they shall wholye turne vnto Christ. THE TEXT 1 And I savv an Angell 2. Fly in the midst of heauen 3. Hauing an euerlasting gospell to preach vnto them that sit and dvvell on the earth 4. And to all nacions kinreds and ●ongs and people 5. sayinge vvith a loude voyce 6. Feare God 7. And geue honour to him 8. For the houre of his iudgemente is come 9. and worship him that made heuen earth 10. And the sea the fountaines of vvater The Paraphrase 1 An other Angell sawe I sayeth sainct Iohn flye in the midst of heauen For Christ was the first angell or messenger of the euerlastinge couenaunt of the father This angell here mencioned is none other than he that had the seale of the lyuing god in the .vii. Chapter and he that was clothed with a cloude in the tenth chap. And he betokneth those feruent ministers whō god hath sent in this latter time to admonishe his people to flye from the errours of antichrist returne to his heauenlye verities 2 He flyeth in the midst of heauen An earnest feruent faithful course take they in the middest of gods congregacion which is his heauenly kingedom here to whom this reuelation is written lyke as dyd Paulus Sylas and Barnabas Timotheus Titus and Clemens with other of the Apostles sincerely to declare his worde Mighty stomaked are they in gods cause both in their wordes and wrytings 3 An euerlastinge Gospell had this Angel to preach vnto them that sit dwell vpon the earth and to al nations kynreds and people His eternal testamēt and couenant of peace hath the Lorde giuen vnto them to preach deliuerance to the captiue health to the wounded lyfe to the dead and remission to the sinfull Yea to vtter that word that is stronger thā is heauen or earth and that shall neuer fayle hym that truely beléeueth 4 The sound of this gospell muste go the world ouer as in the apostles time Eueri wher must it be spred to the increase of faith Amōg al natiōs of the earth among al kinreds of the Isralyts among all languages of the world and among all kinds of people of what sort so euer they be whether they sit vpon the earth or dwell vpon the earth whether they be high or lowe gouernours or subiects masters or seruāts owners or fermers So that they sit not nor dwell not within the earth or haue theyr felicitie here For that is holy should not be geuen vnto dogs nor yet pearels layed before swyne 5 And he cryed with a loude voyce with a mighty feruent spirit do they beat it into the heades of men both by wordes writings and al they can make to haue the feare of God and to geue him his due honour And this is the doctrine they teache the counsell they geue 6 Feare ye God in all that ye doe for the first poynt of godly wisdome is to dread least we offende him Be constant in the worde and feare no displeasure of men For no more can they do in their anger but slea the body and bring it to the rest of god No power haue thei ouer the soule feare him only therfore that whē he hath destroied both may throw thē into he● 7 Geue honor vnto hī worship him serue him alone praise him glorifie him aboue al. But yet after 〈◊〉 other sort thā he hath apoīted which is in faith spirite veritie not 〈◊〉 outward shadowes with obseruation of tymes He truely honoureth him that trusteth in him the beleueth his word and that in spight of all antichrists cōfesseth it afore al men after this sort therfore feare him worship hym nothīg douting the assalts of enimies 8 For the houre of his iudgemēt is come At hand is it that all the antichristes and hipocrits shal by the inuincible word of god be iudged condemned and destroyed From heauē shall hys wrath be declared vpon al their vngodlynes With the spirite of his mouth shall the lorde consume them and not longe after wyll the great day of his indignatiō toward them light sodenly vpon them 9 With al faithful obsequi worship him therfore that created heauen earth in wonderfull strēgth beuty 10 That made the sea the fountaines of water with all that in thē doth anone whose power is eternall knowledge none other god but him None other helper redemer nor sauior but christ for al other christs not sēt of hī ar but antichrists only bow your knées vnto him for only is hys strength euerlasting onely obey his lawes for only are his lawes clean THE TEXT 1 And there folovved an other Angel saying 2. She is fallen she is fallen euen
Unto them which at that day shall be in the cittie wil be that sitteth in the thron make all things now All dolour afflictiō sorow paine penury wrath cōdempnatiō death shal be past with them Only shal they be trodē down in this winefat of gods wrath that lyued héere lyke beastes without reason and that wandered here lyke horses and mules in theyr owne filthy lustes 12 All shal be punished there that was here vnbrideled vnordred vngouerned after the worde pleasure of God And therefore it is here sayd vnto the horse bridles Euery man shal receiue in body according to that he hath don whether it be good or euell They that haue wrought the work of God in faith shall reape according vnto it The bridles also betokeneth the mesure of gods iudgement not as concerning the tyme which is euerlasting but concerning the payne rightly mesured according to the iniquity For the lord hath set his iudgments ouer the wicked in weight and mesure the stripes agreing in quātiti to the exces of sin so much tormēt to haue as their reioice hath ben in wikednes 13 The space of these terible tormēts or punishmentes of hel is a M. and .vj. hundred furlongs A furlong of the Grekes is called the runne of Hercules it is in length an C. .xxv. paces or steppes And cōmōly they vsed accordīg to the length to measure their playing places Of whome Paule maketh mēcion to the Corinthiās being Gréekes by thē that rūneth in a course that proueth masteries In this thousande and vi hundred furlonges here is comprehended the whol vniuersal course of the wicked for the iiii quartars of the world The number of an hundred is euermore an whole complete perfect number And ●iij hūdred .iiij. times nūbred is .xvj. hūdred which maketh this number of a thousand vj. hūdred the number of iiij respecting alwayes the iiij clymates of the world which are the common habitaciōs of sinners In thē course they in all wantan kindes of liuing In thē worke they their masteris of all vngodly obseruaciōs and false worshippinges walking in the large or opē way which leadeth vnto death According to the number mesure of this course hath God here measured the place punishment Notwithstanding neuer is he without mercy Maruelous he is in his workes iudgemēts which are vnsercheable Blessed is he that shal haue his part in the citie or congregation of the rightuous and that shal sée the peace vpon Israel when the Lord shal lead forth them with the euil doers that hath 〈◊〉 them selues with their lawes The Lord graunt vs once to tast the prosperitye of Hierusalem Amen The xv Chapter NOt only for the common sinnes of the world doth the Lord plague but most of al for vnthankfulnes of al blasphemies the greatest From that spurneth against knowlege directly worketh against the holy ghost A double distruction or decay both of soule bodye by the righteousnesse of god must nedes followe the wilful cōtempt of his veritie manifestly shewed and openlye taught Yet is the Lorde so mercifull that hee willeth not the dānation of a sinner Such cōpassiō hath he euer our manifold weakenesse that he premonisheth vs of hys moste terrible plagues to call vs backe by feare if loue will not doe it As here consequently in the first vysion of this present reuelatiō to Iohn which followeth after this sort in this xv and xvj Chapters THE TEXT 1 And I saw an other signe in heuen great and merueilous 2. seuen Angels hauyng the seuen last plagues 3. for in them is fulfilled the vvrath of God 4. And I savve as it vvere a glassy sea 5. mingled vvith fyre 6. and thē that had gotten the victory of the beast and of his Image 7. and of his mark and of the number of his name 8. stande on the glassy sea 9 hauing the harps of God 10. And they sang the songe of Moyses the seruaunt of God 11. and the songe of the Lambe saying 12. Great and merueilous are thy vvorkes Lord God almightie 13. iust and true are thy vvayes thou king of Sainctes 14. VVho shall not feare O Lorde and glorifie thy name 15. For thou onely arte holy 16. and all gentiles shal come and vvorship before thee 17. for thy iudgements are made manifest The Paraphrase 1 And I sawe sayeth sainct Iohn by the secret goodnes of my Lord God yet an other tokē in heauē great merueilous straunge and wonderfull For in the churches or congregation of God are euermore vttered his wonderfull and déepe iudgementes vnto them only whome his grace appoynteth as vnto Iohn And this is the token in mistery 2 Seuen Aungels had in their hands the seuen last plagues Some expositors haue taken these Angels for the right ministers in the .vii. ages of the christian church Some haue thought them to be the peruerse prechers and vngodly ministers of all the sayde ages suffered of God strongly to delude the vnbeléeuers that he wich hurteth should hurte stil and that he wkich is in fylthines should still be filthy Unto euery age corresponding an Aungell to declare the nature of those deceitefull hyrelings and lying masters And this maketh them so to vnderstande the texte They are here expresly noted to be in heauen Among the congregation of God are the false Prophets and discembling Hipocrits euermore as the chaffe among the corne the teares among the wheate and the filthy dregs amonge the pure wine For that kyngdome is as a net throwen into the sea and gatheringe all manner of fishes both good and bad In all ages hath the wicked generaciō increased to impugne the truth and stifly s● to stande vp agaynste God and his Christ whiche is none other after their mindes than to minister the .vii. laste plagues here For no poyson is to the soule so pestilent nor yet venim so noyfull as is false doctrine No plage can be thought more deadlie nor violent than to depriue vs of that faith of that veritie of that life whiche is in Christ Iesu or to bring vs out of the way which he hath appointed And al this séemeth no smal likelyhood of the iust vnderstanding of the text here Yet Frances Lambert geuith a far better iudgment calling thē the set sentēces or vnuariable decrées of god difining his iudgments against the wicked in his latter age of the world at their appointed times to be vtterred For all these thinges are iontely to be considered These Angles came not onely from heauen which is the congregation as they haue mencioned but also out of the celestiall temple of the tabernacle of testimonie which is the omnypotente God his Christ as the xxi chap. hereof declareth They are also clothed with pure whit linnen gyrded with golden girdles they haue golden vials deliuered vnto them by one of the iiii beasts and one of them commoneth with Iohn declarynge vnto him the iudgement and fall of the
will neither merites nor yet soule masses helpe neyther blessinges nor knéelings sacrifices nor sensings wawlings nor ringings bussings nor singings but will she nyll shée néedes must shée abyde his heauy and tirrible sentence 15 And there fell great hayle sayeth the texte as it had bene waightie talents Alwayes must it be remembred that commonly the tyme paste is vsed in this hrophecie for the tyme to come for the certayntie of the things héere spokē This haile is none other thē the heauy tempest or plague of the said fearfull tirrible iudgements of the Lord which shal on that woful day fal sodaynly as a thicke hayle vpon the miserable multitude of them that boasted thē selues to be the holy church vpon their wicked folowers cōpared here vnto Babilon 16 This plague is here also for none other cause lykened vnto talents but for that it is in wayght measure to bée ministred vnto them by the preordination of God So much paine and sorow is due vnto that whorish generation as shée hath glorified hir selfe in filthy delightes so many punishmentes to be rewarded hir Yea double must shée haue according to hir workes 17 Out of heauen shall this vehemēt hayle fall from the fearful sentence of the Lord Iesus Christ which shal than sit as a Iudge in the myddest of hys faithful congregatiō they fitting with him as the body with the head in condempnation of the wicked 18 And vpon the men shal it light For the great whore or the citie called héere Babilō is in this place to bée takē for that it comprehendeth euen for men in whom also are included women by the common vsage of the scriptures 19 These men shall spightfully blaspheme God bicause of the hayle plague or terrour of their torments They shall crye out of him wishing that hée had no such power so to torment them 20 For the tempest is great and the sufferaunce thereof excéeding painfull As the Lorde is mightie so are hys iudgements whan they fal Uehemēt fierce and strong is the Lorde sayeth Esay as is the tempest of hayle breaking out on euery side bearing down strong holdes The xvij Chapter OFte hath occasions bene giuen me in this booke to speake of greate Babilon and of the execrable beast but here is place offered to discribe them more at large THE TEXT 1 And there came one of the seuen Angels vvhich had the seauen vyalles 2. and talked vvith me 3. saying vnto me 4. Come I vvill shevve the iudgement 5. of the great vvhore 6. that sitteth vpō many vvaters 7. vvith vvhō the Kinges of the earth haue committed vvhoredome 8 and the inhabiters of the earth are dronken vvith the vvyne of hyr fornication 9. And he caryed me away 10. into the vvildernesse in the spirite The Paraphrase 1 After this came sayth Saint Iohn one of the vij Angels or vnuariable decrées of the Lordes eternall iudgements which had the vij vyals of hys wrath as afore hath bene declared 2 And this Angell or set purpose of God as an heauenly messenger talked with me in mysterie 3 Of fauourable goodnesse in secreat maner he ascertayned me thereby of this wonderfull iudgement héere following to be fulfilled at the latter end of the worlde And thus it sayde vnto mée 4 Come hither friende Iohn I will shew thée in secretnesse the tirrible iudgment of the great whore or coūterfaite church of hypocrites as God hath appointed it Néedes must this whore be Rome for that which is hereafter spokē that she is the great citie which reigneth ouer the kings of the earth Euidēt it is both by the scriptures Cronicles that in Iohns dayes Rome had hyr dominiō ouer all the whole world And being infected with the abhominatiōs of all landes rightly is shée called Babylon or citie of confusion not onely in this reuelation but also in the first Epistle of Peter And like as in the scriptures ofte tymes vnder the name of Ierusalem is ment the whole kingom of Iuda so vnder the name of Rome here may be vnderstanded the vnyuersall worlde with all their abhominations and diuillishnesses theyr Idolatryes witchcraftes sectes superstitions papacyes priesthoodes relygions shauings anointings blessings sensings processiōs the diuil all of such beggeryes For all the people since Christes assēcion hath this Rome infected with hyr pestilent poisōs gathered from al Idolatrous nations such time as she held ouer them the monarchial suppremit And like as Babilon had the Israelites captiue vnder a bodily tribute so hath this Rome had the Christians both in their bodies soules At the wryting of this prophecy felt Iohn of their crueltie being exiled into Pathmos an I le of Licia for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. And so did I poore creature with my poore wife children at the gatheringe of this present commentary flyinge into Germamye for the same 5 No maruail though she be here called a great whore For no wher were euer yet séene so many Idole worshipinges so many vaine obseruatiōs so many supersticious sects so many errours in hipocrisie so many false prophets and so many prodigious kindes of filthynes no not in Sodom it selfe nor yet in miserable Egipt 6 This Babilonysh whore or disguised sinagoge of shorelings sitteth vpō many waters or peoples that are fantastical fickle or folish For none are in conscience subiect vnto hyr that are constantly grounded in the sure doctrine of fayth only alloweth hir traditions the wauering witted multitude the slipper and vnstedfast number obeying them in theyr hartes of feare not of loue so throwing them selues into a moste confuse Chaos or vawte of double dotage 7 With this stinking strompet haue the mightie potentates of the vniuersall earth the Emperours Kings Princes and other notable gouernours cōmitted most shamefull whoredome in the spirite by many straunge worshippings agréeing among them selues to hyr wickedly decréed lawes customes To long should we stande here in this place if we should discribe them all seuerally in theyr colours at large as they be 8 Through the craftie legerdimaine of the priests on the one side the cruel cōstitutiōs of Princes on the other side the dwellers of the earth or worldly minded multitude are dronken with the wyne of hyr fornication spirituall or practised worshippings besides the prescript rules of Gods word Not only they which haue bene couetous carnall leude wreched hath followed theyr abhominaciōs but also an innumerable sort of the elect number hath beleued their lies and errors Yea they haue bene so dazed with theyr dotages so tangeled with theyr customes that as men losing theyr wittes without all godly remembrance reason wisdom discressiō vnderstāding iudgement grace the lawes of God laid apart the commandementes neclected and the scriptures despised they haue not only knéeled crossed kissed set vp lights holdē vp their hāds before rottē postes but also called thē their fathers in heuē Yea I axe God mercy a thousand times I haue
antichrist with hyr filthye wares and occupings painted out hereof the holye Ghost with hir most horrible fal in the end hir worldly fauours shewing gret heanies and the seruants of God an excedyng reyse In the .xix. Chapter is that reyoice of elect number ouer the tirryble iudgments of that whore much more highly discribed the deth of Christes holy witnesses most plentyously reuenged and how the Angel in no case will of Iohn be worshiped In the .xx. Chapter is the dragon tied vp for a thousand years the chosen sort reigning with Christ. Gog and Magog gather thē to battayle and are ouercōmen The dead after that ariseth and receiueth iudgement In the xxi Chapter is the church of the chosen or the new Hierusalem prepared to to hir spouse That citie commeth downe from heauen and is of the holy ghoste here after most wonderfull circumstaunces in hir right proportion described In the xxii Chapter the riuer of lyuinge waters proceedeth from the throne of God Iohn sealeth vp the sayinges of this prophecy Christ concludeth what his kingdome is and who shall be therevnto receyued admonishyng that vnto his worde nothing be added of men in payne of dampnation Some hatefull and vngodly blasphemers there are and euer hath bene whiche wyll in no wise this Booke to be of equall authorytie with the other scriptures of christes testament But damnably wretched 〈◊〉 are they in the vaine imaginations of their sinful h●rts The most high Theologye and secret wisdome of God the eternall father is the blessed doctrine there of geuen vnto hys onely sonne in our humanytie and after that of him so cōmited vnto Iohn by the holy ghost to be distributed taught by hym to the vniuersal christen cōgregation which is a most sufficient argument of the authoritie therof what so euer mad Momus shall quarrell to the contrary Iames Faber Stapulensis in his preface prefixed to the woorkes of Dionise the Ariopagyt doubted neuer a deale to prefer this heauenly prophesie to all the other writings of the other Apostles confessing that in worthines it farre passed them all the due circumstances there of considered The more nigher saith he the light be to the sun the more strength it hath and the more clernesse it ministreth vnto men But Momus hath not yet done away the madde mistes of his monkery nor yet the darke dregges of his sophistry which both are great blemyshing vneo his eye sight The wisdom of Plato Homerus Cicero auaileth nothing in this Aristotle Uirgil if thei were aliue could herein do little or nothing In estimably more maketh the poore fishers learning to the vnderstanding of these misteryes thē the prowd painted eloquence or far set resōs of the philosophers The Lord geue vs grace from the barne of his most plentuous scriptures to fetche the fat feedyng of our feble hungry soules that we may by thē obtayne his strength into the lyfe euerlasting The third part of the Image of both chruches after the most wonderfull heauenly reuelacion of saint Iohn the Euangeliste Compiled by Ihhn Bale The xviij Chapter VNder the title of Babilon is here in this chapter folowing described the feareful iudgment of the malignant church with the ruinous fal of Antichrist and his kingdom prefigured afore in Esay and Hiremye THE TEXT 1 And after that I savve an other angell 2 Com dovvne frō heauen 3. hauing great povver 4. And the earth vvas lightned vvith his brightnes 5 And he cried mightely vvith a strong voyce saying 6. She is falen she is fallen 7 Euen greate Babilon 8. And is become the habitacion of Deuils 9. And the holde of al foule spirites 10. And a cage of all vnclene and hatefull birdes 11. For all nacions haue dronk of the vvine 12. of the vvrath of hyr vvhordom 13. And the kinges of the earthe haue commited fornicaciō vvith hyr 14. And hyr marchauntes are vvaxen ryche 15. of the abundance of hir pleasurs The Commentarie 1 After these manifolde visions sayeth S. Iohn was I yet ware of an other aungel or heauenly messenger of the Lord cōmyng downe from heauen whnch is the habitacle of God For from aboue al goodenesse cōmeth This Aungell betokeneth the faythfull preachers of our age and is all one wiih the Angel that had the seale of the liuing God in the vii Chapter wyth him that was clothed with a cloude in the x Chapter and with him thai procllamed the fal of Babylon in the .xiiii. chapter 2 In that he is sayd here to come downe from heauen is signified that they are sente 〈◊〉 God hauing great power with constaunt feruentnesse of spyrit strongelye to declare hys wil to the vtter destruction of the whore For like as the father hath lyf in hym selfe so hath his sonne Iesus and ●o hath in hym his Godlye ministers 3 His power is an euerlasting power retayninge both lyfe and death 4 With the brightnes not of this angell which was but a messēger but of the power that was geuen vnto him was the vniuersal earth abundantlye lightned Full is all the world of the glory of God where as his word 〈…〉 his verity is once spred by y● true Godly prechers 5 In this strong power cr●ed he might●ly in this clere light was his earnest voice herd vttering this sentence to the world 6 She is falen clean down that was so proud she is turned ouer that was so glorious an whore yea euen the great Babilō hyr self or blasphemous church of the Hipocrites 7 By the iudgement of God is ●he brought to vtter confusion Firste ha● she a ●al by the death of Christ when the prince of this world was throwē forth Mark the distruction of Hierusalem wher the church of the Iews dyd cease the material temple of Salamō and clearelye ouerthrowen not one stone vpon an other remayning Now shall she haue an other much worse by the playne ●●nifestation of hys word to the comfort of all his elects And both are of one certenty though the one he pa●te and the other yet to come Confer with this place the ouerthrowe of the monasteries in England Denmarke the free cities of Germany certaine other regions thinke that more sorowes are yet comming 8 These are the causes of hyr fall and occasions of hyr ruyne before the Lord. She is become the filthy habitacion of deuils much more than before hir first fa●l for now they enter in by heaps yea seuen for ●n afore 9 Now is she the stinking hold of all vnclene spirites For ther haue al the kinds of Idolatry their earnest maintenance by hir spiritual occupiers the bishops priestes and religious There regneth Simony Sacrilege Usury fraud ambition mallice glotony auaryce pryde filthynes all mischiefes beysde 10 Now is she the corrupt cage of all vnclene fowles and ●atefull byrdes For in hyr dwelleth the aduouterous Cardinals the buggery bishops the prostibulous prelates and pristes the Gomorreane monks chanons friers and nonnes an
therefore I passe it ouer here Onely haue I rehearsed their names as I could doe yet many more to put ●ée in remembraunce that God hath alwayes had some in the world which hath not in all poynts cōsented to their blasphemies though they haue not had the lyght of this trueth so open as wée haue it now Many godly Emperours and Coūseil● general haue attemted this reformacion in the church but euermore haue they foūd vngodly princes against thē to houlde the Antichristes stil in their wickednes Yet doubt I not but Pharao with his hoast shall perishe in the sea and the proud Iewishe priestes in the cittie for theyr manyfolde blasphemyes at the tyme now appointed of the Lord. 5 For the sinnes of this whore or abhominacions without number of the false religion hyr stinkeing Idolatry and slaughter of Innocēts are gone vp vnto heauen against hyr requiring the great vengeāce of God The filthines of thē hath moued him to wrath and kinled his displesure towards hir putting hym in rememberaunce of his eternal decrée cōcerning hir destructyon The greatnes of hir mischiefs hath touched heauen and hath axed with Sodome and Gomor the fearfull plages threatned hyr 6 And the merciful Lorde beholding the affliction of his people pittying their miserable thraldō in the spiritual Egipt hath cōsidered hir vngodly behauiour wayed hir wilfull wretchednesse and measured hir vnmerciful murther cōmaunding his appointed ministers to execute vpō hir his iudgmentes without mercy 7 Rewarde hir nowe saith he in euery cōdiciō as she hath rewarded you afore Measure agayne vnto hir lyke as she hath measured to you nowe that ye haue the iudgement seates Crye out vpon hir as she hath cried out vpon you Snare hir as she hath snared you Destroy hir as she hath destroyed you As she hath taken vengeaunce of you so take you vengeaunce again● of hir Lyke as she hath afflicted you Iudge● you and condemned you by the lawes of mē so scurge you hir againe iudge hir an harlot and condemne hir to hell by the mightie worde of God 8 Sée that you giue hir two folde in punishment according to hir wicked deseruings Where as she hath taken from you no more but the life of the bodie take you away from hir againe the lyfe both of bodie and soule 9 Into the same bitter cuppe of sorow● that she hath filled vnto you in hir mallice powre you in double again to hir Where as she hath geuen you a temporal death giue hir the death euerlasting doubling vnto hir both the griefes and continuance of them 10 Yea consider how greatly she hath glorified hir selfe against God in blasphemous errours in pride in pleasures and in wanton liuing 11 And so muche let hir tast of moste terrible punishmentes sorowfull plages waylinges gnashinges of téeth An holy priesthod hath she pretended a regal dignitie hath she vsurped and both those powers moste shamefully hath she so abused therefore let hir haue the penalties dew vnto such presumption Take from hir hir plesaūt Euphrates with the spoyles and profites wherein she hath inordinatlye delighted and throwe hir into most● depe wretchednesse here besides that shal follow in an other worlde THE TEXTE 1 For she sayth in hir hart 2. I sitte beyng a queene 3. am no widovv 4. and shal see no sorovv 5. Therefor shal hir plages co● at on day 6. death and sorovv and honger 7. And she shal be brent with fyre 8. For stron● is the Lord God 9. vvhich shall iudge hyr The commentary 1 For hyghlye shée standeth in hyr owne conseit as yet boasting hyr selfe to be the great goodnesse of the earth 2 I sit here in wealth and pleasure saith she being a glorious quéene yea the holy church hir self hauing authoryty in heauen in earth and in hel with power to lose and bynd saue damne With me is it not as with them that are not of this world or haue no dwelling place here for all is at my wyll and pleasure 3 I am no desolate widow The powers of this world standeth by me The mighty princes and potentates defendeth me with the death of innocente peple Neuer was Nero Domicianus Traianus nor Marencius with other cruel tirrauntes more sure vpon my side in defence of supersticions than they are yet still to this houre 4 Therefore I can take no seathe nor yet féele of any sorrowe I shal be lady for euer Neuer shall my seate be remoued Neuer shall I fall nor any m●shappe light vpon me Such are the bold bragges of the papistes that Peters lytle shippe may well be moued with the tempest of heretiques but neuer shall it be ouerthrowen thynking therby the whorish church shal euermore continue and neuer come to naught 5 They cōsider not how strōg the Lamb is against whō they dayly fight And therfore shall the terrible plages which God hath appointed hir to suffer heauily light vpon hir and all in one day 6 At once shall he powre vpon that wicked congregation death sorowe hunger lyke as he did fyre and brimstone vpon the sinfull cyties Perpetually shall they be depriued of the lyfe which is in Christ Iesu. Continuall wéeping and téeth gnashing shall they haue their worme neuer dying Still shal they inwardly famish and neuer with felicitie be satisfied 7 With vnquencheable fire shall this whore be brent with hyr whole generation of hypocrites prepared for the diuil and his Angels 8 Effectual and trwe is the sentence for mightye is the Lorde that shall iudge hir condemne hir by his word 9 Iust is he in his promise true in his sayings gloryous in his works holye terrible and fearefull in his iudgements against the wicked None shall be founde able at that day to restrayne the least part of his purposed vengeance neyther Mary throwyng in hir beades into saint Michaels balaunce Iohn Baptist with his Lamb Peter with his key nor yet Paule with his long sword Though Moyses and Samuell the chosen Prophetes of the Lorde yea with Noe Daniell and pacient Iob should stand before hym at that day yet should they not be ha●d THE TEXT 1 And the kings of the earth shall be vvepe hyr 2. and vvayle ouer hyr 3. vvhich haue cōmitted fornication 4. and lyued vvantonlye vvith hir 5. vvhan they shall see the smoke of hir burning 6. and shall stand a farre of 7. for feare of hir punishment saying 8. Alas alas that great citie 9. Babilon 10. that mightie citie 11. For at one houre commeth thy iudgement The Commentary 1 Moreouer the carnally mynded kings of the earth sayth the aforesayde Angell which hath for hyr pleasure abused their aucthoritie and power shall take hyr sodayne distruction in thys lyfe very heauily 2 Yea they shall moste sorrowfully bewayle them selues ouer hir as men very ill contented with that ordinance of God They shall be sorie in their heartes that his worde is become so stronge agaynst hyr that they can resist it with
swerd fyre halters no longer They shal be pensyue heauy to sée all goe to wracke they being no lenger able by the slaughter of innocents to vpholde hyr glittering estate 3 Specially shal they be sore discontēted with the matter which haue with his commited the whordom of the spyrite by many externe worshipings of drye waffer cakes oyles roods relyques ladyes Images sculles bones chippes olde ragges showes bootes spurres hattes breches whodes nightcapes and such like 4 And they that haue liued wantōly with hir in folowing hir idle obseruacions in mattēses houres and masses in sensinges halowings and font halowing in going processions with canapye crosse and pyx with banneres stremers and torchelight with such other gaudes to folish for children no godly admonishment taken of the scripturs For vnder the kinges here are also to be vnderstāded those peoples whō they haue wickedly gouerned constrained by theyr lawes to such abhominable vsages 5 Dolorously shal these kings lamēt whan thy shal behould the filthy smoke of hir burning or whan they perceiue that she comming to the triall of the scriptures appereth nothing but a vile stinking smoke noyful to the eyes choking to the throte and euermore blemishing the comfortable light The churche of the wicked saith Dauid is as the dust that is blowen forth of the winde the shadow that passeth away the smoke that vanisheth and the waxe that melteth in the fyre yea of al fantasticall vanities the most 6 A fare of shal they stand trembling at the magesty of gods worde ●●aring to be destroyed or to lose their worldlye honours also by the same as dyd the duke of Bauery and Brunswick with other popish princes at the last counsail of Rainsbrig For the continuall clamor of Eckius Cochleus Tregarius Sactzgerus Pelargus Herborne Hos●●eister Badia Winchester and such other dirtye doctours of theirs is euermore that the Gospellers would haue all things in cōmon And therfore do these persecut them and would not haue that church to goe downe thynkyng that if it should once fall they should not long after continue 7 Thus doth the childrē of Cain which haue murthered their poore innocent brethern fear that euery man loking vpon them would destroy them As men forsakē of God they dispaier in them selues loking for non other but dampnacion now that they can haue no more masses holy praiers nor suffrages complayning after this sort 8 Alas alas that great cyty that beutiful Babilō that blessed holy mother the church which somtime had so many Popes pardons so many bishoppes blessinges so many holye stacions so many clean remissions a Pena et culpa so many good ghostly fathers so many religious orders so much holy water for spirites and saint Iohns Gospels with the .v. woundes and the length of our Lord for drowning is nowe decayed for euer 9 We sorow we sighe we sobbe we are sore disquieted for pain we pante tremble and quake to sée our dearely beloued Babilon turned vpside down whom we toke for a most wonderfull miracle 10 Oh that cyty that city the sumtime was so mighty and strong so fayre bewtiful so glorious holy is now becom wast and desolate 11 At once is the terrible iudgment of God cōmen vpon thée vnloked for Sodenly art thow destroyed with the spirit of his mouth vnthought vpon Alas who shall pray for vs now who shall ●inge Diriges and trentoles who shal assoile vs of our sinnes who shal giue vs ashes palmes who shal blesse vs with a spade and sing vs out of purgatory when we are deade If we lacke these things we are like to want heauē These are the desperate complaints of the wicked THE TEXTE 1 And the marchauntes of the earth 2. shall vvepe and vvaile in them selues 3. bicause no man vvill by their vvares anye more 4. The vvares 5. of golde 6. and siluer 7. and of precious stons 8. neither of pearle 9. and silke 10 and raines 11. and purple and scarlet 12. and all thinne vvood 13. and all maner of vessels of luery 14. all maner vessels of most precious vvood 15. and of brasse 16 and of yron 17. and of marbil 18. and sinamon 19. and odours 20. oyntmēts 21. frankensence 22. wine 23. oyle 24. and fine floure 25. and wheat 26. and cattell 27. and sheepe 28. and horses 29. and charettes 30. and bodyes 31. and soules of men The commentary 1 Now followeth in course the merchauntes of the earth the sellers of wares in the temple the marked muster of Mahomet and the Pope 2 They shall wéepe mourne wayle and lament inwardly in them selues both wringing their hands for sorow and scratchyng theyr heades for verye anguish 3 Bicause they sée all men goe from them and none in a maner are disposed to buye their pedlary wares anye more 4 As these wares are specially which follow here in course 5 They will pay no more money for the housell sippings bottom blessings nor for séest me and séest me not aboue the heade and vnder of their chalices which in many places be of fyne gold Neyther regarde they to knéele anye more downe and to kisse their pontificall rings which are of the same mettal 6 They will be no more at coste to haue the ayre beaten and the Idols perfumed with their sensers at pryncipall feastes to haue their crucifixes layde vpō horses or to haue them solemply borne aloft in their gaddings abroade with the religious occupyings of their paxes cruettes other Iewels which be of siluer 7 Neyther passe they greatly to beholde precyous stones any more in their ij horned miters whan they hallow their churches giue theyr whorishe orders and tryumphantly muster in processions 8 Nor in costuous pearles in theyr copes perrours and chysibilles whan they bée in theyr prelately pompous sacrifices 9 Men knowing the worde of God supposeth that their ornaments of silk wherwith they garnishe their temples and adorne their Idolles is very blasphemous and diuillish 10 They thinke also that their fayre white rochets of raynes or fine linnen cloath their costly gray amices of calaber and cattes tayles 11 Theyr fresh Purple gownes whā they walke for their pleasures their read scarlet frockes whan they preach lyes in the Pulpit are very superfluous and vayne 12 In their thynen wood whom some men call Algume trées some Basill some Corall may be vnderstande all theyr curious buildings of Temples Abbeys Chappels and Chambers All shrines Images churchscooles pews that are well payed for All Banner staues Pater noster scores and péeces of the holy crosse 13 The vessels of yuory comprehendeth all their maundye dyshes theyr offring platters their relique chistes their god boxes their drinking horns their sipping cuppes for the hiccough their tables wherevpon are charmed their chalices and vestiments theyr standiches their combes theyr muske balles their pomaunder pottes and their dust boxes with such other toyes 14 The vessels which after some interpretours
2. Come dovvne from heauen 3. hauing the key of the bottōlesse pyt 4. And a great chayne in his hande 5. And he toke the Dragon the olde serpent vvhyche is the Diuell and Sathanes 6. And hee bounde hym a thousand yeares 7. And cast hym into the bottomlesse pitte 8. And he bounde hym 9. and sette a seale on hym 10. that hee should dis●eyue the people no more 11. tyll the thousande yeares vvere fulfilled 12. And after that must he be losed 13. for a lyttle season The Commentary 1 IN the end of these reuelations afore rehersed saieth S. Iohn sawe I in a secrete vysion an Angell of most singuler bewtye betokning Iesus Christ the Aungell of Gods eternall couenaunt 2 From the high heauen aboue came this Angell downe vnto the earth sent of the euerlasting father For neyther spared that louing father to sende his most dere and onely sonne at the time appoynted nor yet the obedient sonne to submit him selfe to the shape of a seruaunt and so become manne ●i●t●riously did he ouercome both deathe and the Diuell as appeareth by hys great miracles resurrection and ascēcion And lyke as he came downe first of all with a p●ssible meekenesse so came he downe ater that wyth an impassyble and inuysible mayiestie Sodeine was thys latter comminge downe most maruelous to the worlde such tyme as he by his heauenly spirit replenished his Apostles with all necessary knowledg And the noyse therof was hearde the worlde ouer tuche tyme as they did preach it abrode Sīsibly was this cōming downe expressed in Saule olso the mighty power therof when hée throwe him to the grounde and sayd Saule Saule why persecutest thou me 3. Thys Aungell had the keye of the bottomelesse pet or power ouer hell and a greate chayne in hys hande or full libertie to restrayne the spirituall aduersarie For vnto him was geuen all power in heauen and in earth 4 Authoritie had he to destroye him that had rule ouer death which was than the Diuell Though I was dead sayth Christ yet am I now a lyue 〈◊〉 euer and euer hauing the keyes both of death and hell 5 And accordinge to his authoritys sayth saynt Iohn he toke the fierce Dragon in hande that was wonte so maliciously to noy that olde wily serpent that of so long tyme hath wyth infinite craftes deceiued which is the very diuell himselfe or malicious accuser of man and is called Sathan or the cruell aduersarye as he is moste worthy For both is he a spightfull aduersarie to God euermore withstāding his will also vnto man in plucking him backe frō folowing the same 6 Lyke a most valiaunt captain fell he vpō that stronge armed house watcher ouercame him depriuing hym both of weapon and spoyle He layed a snare for the outragious Behemoth and caught him He ringed the nose of the greate Leuiathan and so brought him vnder Yea he bounde that malicious sathan and made him sure for a thousande yeares space to make of the vessels of wrath the vessels of mercy This did he by his stronge worde of couenaunte whome he made for a thousand generations And a full perfourmaunce it is of Gods first promise for mannes behoue that Christ should tread downe the head of the serpent For a thousande yeares was this restraynte Marke besides the misterie the tyme from the ascention of Christ vnto the dayes of Siluester the second Bishop of Rome of that name and ye shall all finde that it was frō Christes natiuitie a complete thousande after all the Historiographers By such Nicromancy as he learned of a Sarazin in Spayne obtayned he the papacy as witnesseth Iohn Wycleaue in his booke De solutiōe sathane in Christes vicarship he lowsoned that diuell whō Christ had afore shut vp and sett him againe at large to deceiue a freshe Cōsider for the tyme that hée was thus bound the constaunt saith of the christians and the inuincible heartes of thyr martyrs and ye shall finde them farre different from them which hath bene since He was then so weake so infatuate and babysh that not onely wyse men learned men and stronge men dyd set him lyghte but also yong maydens chyldren and tender infantes in a maner did laugh him to scorn set all his subttle slaights at nought Euidente wyll this bee to all them that shall read the liues of the holye martirs sainctes of the primatiue church Lyke a byrde was that croked Leuiathan in those dayes so tamed that no man set by him at all 7 For not onely was he then bound but also throwen downe with violēce into the bottomelesse pytte For that tyme might they go safe vpon the adder and scorpion they might tread vnder their féete both the Lyon and Dragon Both the Diuell and his Angels might they then set at nought 8 Yea he was shutte vp and so was double bounde So was his power taken from him that vpon neither side could he harme Neyther was he able to plucke them from Christes fayeth by flatteringe prosperitie nor yet by vrgent aduersitie Neither could tyrānies nor herisies for that time preuail agaynst the Gospell 9 Fynally he set a sure seale vpō him which was his word will and commaūdemēt that he should no more of his own presumption deceiue the people with errours Idole worshipings that beleued in him or that were predestinat to be saued till such time as the afore sayd thousād yeres wer fully acōplished or as he shoulde permit him thervnto for their vnbeleues sake 10 By thys doth the holy Ghost here assartayne vs that Christ hath so suspended the subtilties and suppressed the venemouse craftes of Sathan for his electes that he can not hurt them in one heire of their head For onely is all this spoken for the chosen number No part hath therein the reprobate vessels neuer was the Diuell from thē yet speared bat hath bene in all ages with thē famyliar Onely are the consciences of the rightuous by thys fréedome quieted all other still left in captiuitie This reuelation respecteth in this poynt the inwarde kingedom of Christ or the hidden congregation of the faithfull whom the worlde beholdeth with froward eyes and not the blasynge Sinagoge of Antichrist whom it laugheth vpon so freshly 11 None otherwyse were they for all those thousand yeares vexed of Sathā and his curssed members but as was pacient Iob in their outwarde substaunce bodies No power had he vpon their soules all that longe season 12 And where as it is here sayed that after these thousand yeares Sathan must be let lose agayne for a certayne teme Consider it to be the promise of God which must in effect be fulfilled Not that he shall agayne lose him which hath once bound him for euer vut that he shall permit other to doe it according to his threatning promise the vnthankefulnesse and mallyce of wicked doers requiring none other In the end of these thousand yeares raigned in the papacy at Rome
that we nowe haue of the sea shall cease in that day of the Lorde whan we shall beholde hym face to face No longer shall it be subdued vnto vanitie no more than the other creatures but clerely depured from fylthy corruption No more shall it be the same to sée to being frō thens forth so claer● as cristall though it styll be the same in substaunce 6 Heauen earth the sea wyth all other creatures in mistery thus renewed I Iohan the sonne of Zebede the same dysciple whom Christ loued being here in exyle for hys worde testimony perceyued in the saue mystery by the singular gyfte of the spirite the the selfe holy cytie or congregation of the Lorde whych is worthely called the new Hierusalem of peace descended downe out of heauen from hir omnipotēt creator God eternall 7 Holy is this cyty For both is she here the vndefiled spouse of the lambe and shal be hereafter more perfectly in the regeneracion Here admytteth she nothing in faithe that is prohpane and carnal but cleaneth to his only worde There shal she folowe his steppes in a much more pure estate clearly delyuered from all that is ill 8 Here is she newe in that she hath here by his godly spririte done of the olde man wyth hys fylthy workes And ther shal she also be new through hys gifte by throwinge awaye the bodye of sinne wyth death and corrupcion 9 Hierusalem is she called both here and there or peceable city of the Lord in that all hir cytizens are here of one faith and ther shal be of one glorious vnity and concorde Here are hir dwellers citizens with the saintes the househould seruants of god Ther shall they be both hys chyldren and heires togyther wyth Christ. 10 From God came she downe and out of heauen fyrste of all Neyther out of flesh nor bloud hath spronge hir Christen beléeue but frō the gracyous openinge of the father which is in heauē That Hierusalem saith Paul which is frée our mother is from aboue She is that Cytie whose builder and maker is God With none other lawes is she gouerned but with hys eternall testament and Gospell of peace With the constitutions of men hath she nothing to doe be they neuer so holy and precious For alone she dependeth on God and hys spirite 11 Of hym is she prepared through the gyft of fayth She is clensed with the fountayne of water in the worde of lyfe to séeme a glorious congregation without blemysh or wrincle From hir sinnes is she purely washed in his bloud 12 And so garnyshed as a beutifull bryde to hir husbande with loue ioye peace paciēce méekenesse long suffering other glorious fruites of the spirit Upon thy right hand Lorde sayth Dauid standeth a quene in a garmēt of most fyne golde compassed with diuersitie But euery man shall not se this hir apparell for it wil be rather a rayment of the harte than of the outwarde body Figured was this decking of hir at large in the wonderfull adourning of the temple and tabernacle of God in the dayes of Moyses and Salomon whose mysticall meting also he describeth in his cantycles How maruelous this newe Hierusalē wyll be in the regeneration whan shée meteth hir spouse in the ayre and how glorious hir countinaunce wyth him it lyeth not in vs to declare in all poyntes considering that neyther eye hath séene nor eare harde neyther can the hearte coniecture what God hath there prepared for them that loue hym but of this are we sure that wyth the glorye of him she shal be replenished Here is hir estate vnperfect and there perfect here mortall there immortal here sower ther sweet here harde there pleasaunt here paynfull there dilectable here Godly there inestimable glorious 13 And as Iohn had séene these wonderfull thinges and mused much vpō them a great voyce came vnto hym from the seate of God declaring the mistery thereof I hard sayth he in the middest of this last reuelation as I was in doubt what it ment a mightie voyce from the throne of my euerlasting Lorde saying thus vnto mée 14 Beholde Ihon beholde marke it both for thyne owne erudicion and also for the instruction of others The holy tabernacle or restyng place of the euerlastinge God of heauen is wyth men in the worlde beneth Not onely in that the eternall sonne of the Lorde toke vpon him the shape of a man callyng it the temple of hys body but also in that the soule of euery faythfull man is become the habitacle of the holy ghost He that loueth me sayth Christ obserueth my word In hym will both I and my father prouide vs a resting place He that is in loue abideth in god and God dwelleth in hym 15 This voice might Iohn well heare from the mouth of God in Esechiell I will make sayth he ther a perpetuall couenaunt wyth man to dwell with hym euermore My tabernacle shal be amonge them So that I wyll be their God and they shal be my people 16 For why it foloweth here in this voyce that he hath determined of fauourable loue mercy to dwell with them assisting them here in thys lyfe by hys spirite and in the lyfe to come shall he satysfye them by his eternall presence For here doe we sée hym in a similytude farre of there shall wee beholde hym lyke as he is in dede and shall eternally reioyce therein 17 Here are they his people through fayth for Israell is his heritage There shall they be his familiar housholde through loue and he their Lord for euer Here shall they be his chyldren and he theyr eternall father Ther shall they be his heyers Christ being the right heyer for them all 18 Thus God his owne selfe of hys inestimable goodnesse being presētly with them shall here by his grace and therby inestymable benefites shewe him selfe in all poyntes to be theyr moste mercyfull and louing God Here doth he strongly assist thē agaynst all temptations of enimyes There shall be endue them wyth full perfection and clerenesse 19 So shall he be theyr god that neither here nor yet ther shal they knowledge any other but hym alone Hée shall so comfort them here by his spirite and ther by his glorious presēce that neyther shall they here forsake hym nor there be deuyded from hym 20 And thys euerlasting god shall so wype away all teares from their eyes here that no vexacion shall make thē sorowfull nor yet aduersitie pensyue But all maner of slaunders and persecutions shall they take for most suffren consolations for his names sake For if he be wyth them who can preuaile against them 21 And after that day can no wepings be whereas shal be full ioye with immortalitie both of soule and body Beholde sayth the Lorde in Esayes prophecye I shall make a ioyfull Hierusalem yea and my selfe will reioyce there with them From thence forth shall neyther waylyng nor weping be harde in hir
〈…〉 breake promise nor go from the 〈◊〉 that I haue once spoken Both heauen and earth shall passe ouer but not 〈◊〉 of my wordes shall passe 〈◊〉 at theyr tymes appoynted The worde that goeth out of my mouth 〈◊〉 not returne home again 〈…〉 both accomplysh my wyll prosper the thing I sent it for Ned●full is it therfore that all men beleue that I shall fulfil the couenauntes here promised 6 Moreouer than this the sayd heauenly Lorde sayd thus vnto me to put me clerely out of doubt 7 It is fintshed and done already Be thou assertayned that my worde is my dede In the beginning I spake but the worde all things were created heauen earth the lyght the firmamēt the Sunne the Mone the fowles the fishes the beastes and last of all man Whatsoeuer I say therfore ought to be beleued as nowe done in dede be it to the rightuous or damned For all thinges are present afore me In tokē whereof the prophetes and fathers vttered their prophesies of thinges to come in the time past for the more part for the sure certentie of them 8 And take these my wordes so much to be the more certayne that I which haue made those promyses haue all thynges in my power I am the firste and the last fyguratly comprehended vnder Alpha Omega the first the last Gréeke letters as a knowen 〈…〉 the Gréekes vnto whome this 〈◊〉 was fyrst written 〈…〉 God was there before me nor 〈…〉 after me I am God from euerlastyng and world without ende 9 I am he that hath begon al thing● I am he againe that shall fynish them I am alone there is none other God but I. I sley I quicke I smi●e I heale I set vp I put downe Through me doth kings raygne euery mans 〈◊〉 is in my hande Wherfore it is reasō y● they haue recourse vnto me 10 I am that fresh fountaine that ●say speaketh of most hyghly necessary to them that will lyue Uery lyberall shal he finde me the séeketh me in faith 11 To him that is a thyrst or desierous of rightuousnesse wil I geue to drinke of the plentuous welspring of the wholsome waters of life And that wil I doe fréely without pryce or payment eyther of Masse or merites dead su●frages or deseruinges Laye out your mony on more for ●he thing the fedeth not spende no more trauayle about the thing that helpeth not Come vnto me all you that labour and are loaden and I shall refresh you So desirously séeke vnto me your God as the hart séeketh to the brokes of water For with me is the well of lyfe euerlasting With my pleasaunt riuers shall I content your good appetytes The water of this fountayne is the verite swéetenesse of Christes spirit refreshing the soule here with hope ther with the lyfe euerlasting In this lyfe is felte but a tast of it in the world to come shall the thirst be satisfied Here is it but in heart springing vp toward lyfe ther shall it be in full course and neuer fayle Here are obtayned but small droppes of it ther shall it be had in full plētuousnesse The philosophers for their wisdō the lawiers for their lerning the phisicians for their cōning loketh for gret rewards The biers sellers in the tēpl set their wares at a gret pryce yet are they but stynking waters not able to restrayne the thyrst But this is frée with out paimēt through christ cōtaineth helth in haboūdaūce Not our good works saith s. Augustin but his own fregifts doth god croun in vs. This must be sought for For onli sha● he obtaī it the thirstith after it Onli shal he haue the asketh he fynde that séeketh 12 He that hath done on a christian warriour to fight against the diuel of these darkenesses and so manfully doth his part that by faith he ouercōmeth him hath the ful victory ouer him in Christ he shal be sure to posses al these thīgs heauen earth the new Hierusalem the liuing waters and to haue his ful desire in the ioyes to come Wonderfull is this promis No Kinge nor Emperour priest nor prelate Turke nor Souldane can graūt such wages But who shall obtayne them None other than fighteth lawfully workinge accordinge to the rules and examples of fayth Neyther he that masseth nor senseth processioneth nor holy watereth nor yet he that buildeth churches For those workes the Scripture commaundeth not 13 Besides this promised rewarde saith the lord here I will be his god in déede according to my former couenant and he shal be vnto me as my natural sonne So louing wil I be to him as the mother is to the babe borne of hir body whom she can neuer forget So mercifull as the naturall father y● pittieth his owne children at the very hart Example by the vnworthy lost chylde whome I both louingly receyued swéetly enbraced in myne arms Yea I both clothed him fedde him with the best as a sonne ful deare vnto me And of this let him be sure which hath me for his father that I shal giue him Christ to be his brother and with hym all things necessary constituting hym my perpetual heire This fatherly couenaunt was plaine vnto my seruant Dauid for whom I set vp mercy 〈◊〉 euer 14 But farre otherwise wil I doo by the other sort which neither wyl séeke the liuing waters or haue desyre to the scriptures nor yet kepe the hold I haue put them to which is their Christian profession but cowardly leaue it vnto the enimies the serpent the beast and the false prophet As are these which foloweth here in their course Fyrst of all the feareful cowardes or false harted Christians Whome the holy ghost calleth here afore neyther whote nor cold At a time they beléeue but whan any trouble cometh they go cleane frō it These dou● the losse of their goods the hinderaūce of their names and the harme of their bodyes and so are they not worthy of Christ. Such were Ananyas Saphira with many other more sence theyr tyme. These trust not in the Lord as doth Sion which neuer remoueth 15 Next are the vnfaithfull hipoccits which neither beleue the promises nor yet feare the threatnings of the Lord. These make gods commaundements of no value for their owne tradicious With beggery ceremonies clogge they the people as the blynde they leade the blynde into the ditch Neyther wil these enter into the kingdom of god nor yet suffer other to enter Such were the pharisies saduces with our monkes chāons and fryers succéeding in their wicked examples 16 After them foloweth the curssed obstinates or abhominable blasphemers which knowinge the verite doth not onely abhorre it but also with moste spightfull cruelnesse persecuteth it These are the swine y●●redeth perles in the myre and the dogges that turn agayne to deuowre Unpossible to be renewed to repentaunce thus casting at their tayles the gra●es of the spirit so fréely
for hys shousholde seruauntes enioying the swéet cōmodyties mencioned in thys booke as pertayning to hys peculyar people 8 Lyke as are the bewtyfull trée of lyfe wyth his manyfolde fruites and leaues of wholsomnesse the swéet running ryuer of the lyuing waters and the holy citye sufficiently discribed afore with such other els None that contendeth for a mastry saith Paule shal be crowned vnlesse hée contende lawfully Arrius toke away from the tenth of Iohn this setence I the father are one Photinus added this clause to the gospell as a voyce frō the father I giue vnto Iesu his original of Mary And both their intētes were to destroy our faith concerning christs godhede lyke as the papystes doth also our iustificacyon in hys bloude vnlesse we haue theyr lowsie masses merites A lyke adiuratiō to this hath Hireneus in the ende of his octonarie requiring al them that shal coppy out that booke to doo it truly as they will aunswers it béefore god their rightuous iudge In like case doth saint Hierome before the abreuiaciōs of Eusebius chronicle cōmaūd that in anye wyse the veritie therof be dilygently reserued So doth also Cyrillus the Gréeke in the preface of his prophecy vnto Ioachim Abbas desiring the writings therof in no case to be corrupted of il writers which diuers other 9 In confirmatiō of the I haue sayd afore saith S. Iohn the eternall son of god which hath ratified these former things with his mighty word saith here also as one subscribing to it 10 Yea it is so or els thus Like as thou hast said Iohn shal these blasphemers here after finde it the presumeth eyther to adde or to deminish frō these scriptures for any carnall purpose 11 And to perform the promyse of thyne I wyll not long tarry I come by by to reward the wicked which swift dampnatiō for not beleuing the truth For nowe are the last dayes the endes of the worlde yea the very laste houre Ready is the Lord sayth saint Peter to iudge the quicke and dead and the ende of all things is at hande 12 Sainct Iohn hearing this of hys mercifull Lorde and sauiour lifte vp his heade and handes towardes heauen as one desirous of the perfourmaunce of Gods appoynted will and of the full deliuerance of the faythfull he sayde Amen Or be it fulfilled in effect For that is the thing which my soule dayly desireth and inwardly coueteth to the full manifestation of thy glorious kingdome 13 Consequently in the voyce of the whole congregation cryeth Iohn as did Symeon the iust Yea euen so might it be as thou hast here promised that thou mightest come out of hande 14 Oh come most merciful redemer gracious Lord Iesu Christ to iudge the vniuersall worlde Come come or hie thée hether apace to seperate the wheate from the chaffe and the lambes from the Goates so bringing them into thy eternall tabernacle Wo is mée that my banishmēt endureth so long I dwelling in the tabernacles of the sorowfull My soule hath a thurstie desire for God the fountaine of lyfe Oh whan shall I come and beholde hys face Lyke are we to those faythfull seruaunts which wayte for the return of their Lorde from the wedding very ready to open at his knocking 15 The grace of our mercifull Lorde Iesus Christ sayth saynct Iohn wherby commeth saluation to them that truly beléeueth bée with you all so many as are of that godlye expectation and desire 16 Or the fauour mercy and acceptation of God the father through his blessed death euermore preserue you in the vnitie of his godly spirite that yée may hereafter in this holye citie bée partakers of his gloryous heritage in the worlde to come 17 Let all them say Amen vnto this which myndeth the glory of the Lorde vnfaynedly So be it A conclusion of the vvhole vvorke HEre hast thou good christian reader to thy soules consolation from the eternall Trinitie the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost three distincte persons in one euerlasting godhead the vniuersall estate of the church from Christes ascencion to the ende of the world in wonderfull mysteries discrybed directed vnto thee of him by the most holy Apostle and Euangelist Saint Iohn Wherein it is fully by all due circumstances manifested of the sayde holy Ghost what the innocent Christian church is with all hir iustifications blessings to the singular comforte of the Lords true electes and what the proude Synagoge of Antichrist is with hyr filthy superstitions and plagues to their fore warning also This is specially done here of the sayde holy ghost that no true beleuer should professe him selfe a citizen of this wretched world with Cain Nemroth other reprobate vessels at the execrable doctrine of men but at the pure voyce of God with Abell and Abraham to seeke for that heauēly heritage which is purchased for them in Christes bloud Marke heere the condition of Iohn being in most paynefull exile for he in misterie through all this booke representeth euery godly beleuer By this shall ye well knowe in this reuelation the one church from the other for the one is mayntayned by the onely preaching of Gods pure worde the other by all kyndes of Iewishe ceremonyes and heathenish superstitions And by this they also differ that Christ wold haue all of loue Antichrist of tyrannous constraint as euidently appeareth in Mahomete and the Pope For that only cause are many necessary thynges here written in mysterie that they should bee hid from the worldly wyse Hypocrites and that the iust or Gods meeke spirited seruaūts should aske them of their Lorde in fayth and prayer In the which dayly prayer is that most worthy minister of God Kyng Henry the eight afore all other to thée remembred which hath so sore wounded the beast that he may before his departure or Prynce Edwarde after him throw all his supersticions into the bottomlesse lake agayne frō whence they haue commen to the comforte of his people The grace and peace dyrected from God the Father his Son Iesus Christ with the holy Ghost in the beginning of this reuelatyon be vnto all them which vnfaynedly loue hys veritie Amen ¶ Printed at London by Thomas East Apoc. 22. 1. Cor. 6. Rom. 12 Apoc. 1. Apoc. 22. Apoc. 4. 1. Iohn 5. Mat. 16. Apoc. 14. Hebr. 7. Apoc. 1. Iohn 7. Apoc. 21. Apoc. 18. Apoc. 15. Ephe. 5. Apoc. 21. Apoc. 17. Apoc. 2. VVhy this booke is called the Image of both churches Apoc. 11. Apoc. 18. 2. Pet. 3. 2. Timo. 3. Eccle. 2. 1. Pet 5. Ephe. 6. A brief sum is this boke of the whol scriptures Luc. 24. Esay 9. Apoc. 21. Ephe. 4. Iohn 16. Hebr. 2. Apoc. 18. Col. 1. Apoc. 4. Apoc 12. Apoc. 21. Ephe. 3. August Apoc. 21. Hier. 50. Iohn 5. Mat. 7. Mat. 13. Rom. 15. Luce. 10. Iohn 21. Apoc. 1. Iohn 12. Apoc. 22. Gilbertus porre●a Mat. 25. Lucc 11 Mat. 5. Mark 4. Iacobus faber super Dionisium VVhat