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A62118 Two treatises The first is, A plain platform for preaching: whereby the word of truth may be rightly divided; and he that speaketh, speak as the oracles of God. Digested into 20. propositions. The second is, The destruction of in-bred corruption. Or, An antidote against fleshly lust. By A. Symson minister of Gods word. Simson, Alexander, 1570?-1639.; Simson, Alexander, 1570?-1639. Destruction of inbred-corruption. 1658 (1658) Wing S6369; ESTC R221898 80,628 321

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members The time of its manifestation Names from the time of its manifestation so it is termed 1. Gen. 8.21 The evill imagination of mans heart from his youth or infancie and childs age the word whence youth here is derived being spoken of Moses when he was a babe Exo. 2.6 the same being in us from the very houre wherein wee are formed then especially first shewing it selfe when we first begin actually to sinne 2. The sinne wherein wee are conceived and borne as in that of the Psalmist Psal 51.5 Behold I was shapen in iniquitie and in sinne did my mother conceive me and againe Psal 58.3 The wicked are estranged from the wombe they goe astray so soone as they bee borne speaking lies To this purpose Isaiah Isai 48.8 For I knew that thou wouldest deale very treacherously and wast called a transgressour from the wombe It s continuance Names from its continuance so is it termed 1. Sinne that dwelleth in one Now then it is no more I that doe it Rom. 7.17 saith S. Paul but sinne that dwelleth in me 1 Ioh. 1.8 If we say we have no sinne saith S. Iohn wee deceive our selves and the truth is not in us To which purpose S. Iames. Iam. 3.2 In many things wee sinne all Our Saviour for this cause directeth us dayly to pray and forgive us our sinnes Mat. 6.12 As a bold saucie quarrelsome inmate it will though but as a slavish Gibeonite whilst we dwell here dwell in us 2. The Old man Eph. 4.22 as in that unto the Ephesians That ye put off concerning the former conversation the Olde man which is corrupt according to the deceitfull lusts and unto the Colossians Col. 3.9 Lie not one to another seeing that yee have put off the Old man with his Workes Yet in other respects also it may bee thus termed Why to●med the old man As 1. in respect of our state of corruption which in the renewed estate we change so that our condition after calling is said to bee new and our disposition before calling to bee old 2. in respect of the effects thereof as well in the godly as the ungodly the godly in whom it waxeth old and withereth more and more daily by the power of Christ in them the ungodly in whom it spends the strength and vigour of the faculties of their soules making them more and more withered and deformed in Gods sight as in like manner upon their bodies it hasteneth old age and death It s power Names from its power 2 Cor. 10.4 so is it termed 1. Strong holds for the weapons of our warfare are not carnall saith S. Paul but mighty through God to the pulling downe of strong holds Strong holds wee know are neither easily nor quickly pulled downe some one having for many months together stood out against the furious batteries of most puissant Princes Such are our inbred corruptions words will not make them affraid and if cowardly or without our warlike engins weapons and armour we assaile them they will but flout us for our labour faith knowledge hope prayer teares sighes groanes c. will have enough to doe ere those holds be pulled downe 2. Heb. 12.1 The sinne which doth so easily beset us and hangeth so fast on us whereof of our selves we can no more be rid then a little childe is able to encounter a Gyant which sticking as it were in our marrow and bones wee are as unable to shake off as the black-more his colour or the leopard his spots Its effects Names from its effects so it is termed 1. Iob. 14.4 Why termed an uncleane thing An uncleanething Who can bring a cleane thing out of an uncleane saith Iob uncleane as in its owne nature being contrary unto God who is holines and puritie it selfe so in respect of us who are defiled thereby according to that of our Saviour Mat 15.18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile the man 2. Rom. 6.6 The body of sinne as not onely being in it selfe a monstrous body in which respect the names of Serpents Why termed the body of sinne Vipers Lyons Bears ravening Wolves wild Swine Asses c. are in Scripture ascribed unto those in whom there is nothing else but flesh and corruption but also daily bringing forth in us a monstrous brood of noysome lusts by all meanes provoking egging and inticing us to fulfill the same 3. The motions of sinne Rom. 7.5 Why termed the motions of sinne as which are continually stirred up by in-borne corruption in the heart and in the minde and doe incite a man and as it were sollicite him to sinne which being in themselves sinfull and comming from sinne so they egge unto sinne and beget workes which are sinfull hence Saint Paul describing simple women that are carried away as a prey by cunning seducers thus speaks of them 2 Tim. 3.6 that they are led with divers lusts that is as the word signifieth acted and moved impelled and driven this way and that way by many evill motions and lusts 4. Ro. 7.23 A warring law in our members even a law in our members warring against the law of our minde and bringing us into captivitie to the law of sinne which is in our members whereunto is agreeable that of Saint Peter 1 Pet. 2.11 Abstaine from fleshly lusts which warre against the soule Gal. 5.17 and that of S. Paul unto the Galathians The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other 5. Ro. 7.24 The body of death O wretched man that I am saith S. Paul who shall deliver me from the body of this death Why termed a body of death A body of death as being a deadly thing deserving both temporal and eternall death as working the death both of body and soule Iam. 1.14.15 as engendring and bringing forth a brood of deadly sinnes Heb. 6.1 being nothing else but dead workes as being a most deformed and mis-shapen body yea destined to everlasting death condemned to die Gal. 5.24 and to death must goe 6. The lust of concupiscence 1 Thes 4.5 as elsewhere evill concupiscence Col 3.5 as being the loathsome fountaine whence the filthy streames of uncleannesse abundantly flow 7. Heb. 3.13 The deceitfulnesse of sinne as unto the Ephesians deceitfull lusts Eph. 4.22 as which in the end notwithstanding of all their faire shewes Why termed deceitfull and goodly pretences will certainely delude and coozen us if wee repose any confidence therein 8. Heb. i2 i5 A root of bitternes which springing up in us doth both trouble and defile us dayly producing in us much bitter fruit the corrupt fruit of evill 9. Iam. 1.14 Entising lust But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of
against the law of our mind and bringing us into captivity to the law of sin which is in our members The enemy to be encountred even our naturall corruption and in-borne pravitie which as a spirituall kinde of disease gall leaven and poyson dayly diffuseth it selfe throughout our whole man so infecting the same that as thereby wee are made in our selves unapt to any good though most prone and ready to all evill so most bitter fruits are in us produced even inordinate motions of the minde will and affections which doe entice and stir us up unto sinne Iam. 1.14 and are now and then acted and executed by the body both inword and deed This is in Scripture made knowne unto us under divers names How it 's in Scripture made knowne to us which upon divers and different respects are appropriated heereunto as namely in regard of its nature its places of residence the time of its manifestation its continuance its power its effects its ayme and end and the like Names from its nature It s nature so is it termed 1. A secret sinne as in that of David Psal 19.12 Clense thou me from secret faults and that of Moses Psal 90.8 Why termed secret sinnes Thou hast set our iniquities before thee our secret sinnes in the light of thy countenance the word in the former derived from a Roote which signifieth hid 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chem. loc com implying that our originall sin or corruption of nature is hid even from our very thought till it bee revealed by the law of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Sam. 17.56 as the latter from a Roote whence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth a young man or stripling is derived that as a young man abideth hid and unknowne till hee undergoe either the domesticke change of a familie or some publike office in the common-wealth So our originall corruption till it manifest it selfe by its inward stirring and outward acts of sin is unto us wholly unknowne unto God onely knowne 2. Sin as in that of S. Paul Rom. 7.8 But sinne taking occasion by the commandement wrought in me all manner of concupiscence Why termed sin even because it is out of measure sinfull yea the ground and roote of all other sinnes as S. Iames testifieth Iam. 1.14.15 But every man is tempted when hee is drawne away of his owne lust and enticed then when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin To which purpose S. Paul Rom. 6.12 let not sinne reigne in your mortall body that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof 3. The lust of the flesh as in that of Paul Rom. 13.14 make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof And againe walke in the spirit Gal. 5.16 and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh So fleshly lusts 1 Pet. 2.11 as in that of S. Peter Abstaine from fleshly lusts which warre against the soule intimating Why termed the lust of the flesh that as the same proceed from the flesh and savour of the flesh so are they marveilous pleasing to sensualitie and such as the flesh doth especially delight in 4. Enmitie against God as in that of S. Paul Rom. 8.7 because the carnall minde is enmitie against God for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be 5. The vanitie of the minde as in that of the same Apostle Eph. 4 17. This J say therefore and testifie in the Lord that ye henceforth walke not as other Gentiles walke in the vanitie of their minde having the understanding darkned c. All our fleshly lusts our inward motions and stirrings unto sinne they are but the vanitie of our minds how pleasing soever to us 6. Earthly members as in that unto the Colossians Col. 3.5 Mortifie your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleannesse inordinate affection c. Members 1. Why termed members because as in the fit and apt joyning together of the severall parts and members of the body the being of the humane body doth consist so doth our wickednesse consist in many particular disorders inordinate lusts and affections the joyning of which together doth make up the universall sinfulnesse of our nature wherby the heart is made no lesse fit for all manner of sinne then by the members of the body the body is made fit for action 2. because they are no lesse naturall unto us then the members of our body beginning and growing in us with the beginning and growing of our limbs according to that of the Psalmist Behold J was shapen in iniquity Psal 51.5 and in sinne did my mother conceive mee 3. because as the members of the body doe the actions of the body so doe these base affections doe the actions of the unregenerate part 4. because as the members of the body doe serve as weapons for the defence one of another so these as weapons of unrighteousnesse doe warre against the soule 5. because they are as deare unto the heart as any member is unto the body its right hand Mat. 5.19 and right eye which without much adoe it will not part withall Earthly members Why earthly members as being the signes of the earthly man and tend onely to earthly pleasures and contentments still carrying and drawing our mindes from an high valuing of heavenly things to a base esteeme of them and from a base esteeming of earthly things unto an high esteeme of them Its places of residence Names from its places of residence so is it termed 1. Flesh as in that of Saint Paul Rom. 8.1 who walke not after the flesh but after the spirit and againe Gal. 5.24 They that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts Why termed the flesh 1. Because the Flesh is the instrument by which it is propagated 2. because it is executed in our carnall and earthly members 3. because it is strengthened augmented and nourished by carnall and fleshly objects 4. because it is the end it drives us to namely to affect the same and fulfill the lusts thereof 2. The deeds of the body as in the fore-mentioned Chapter Rom. 8.13 if yee through the Spirit doe mortifie the deeds of the body ye shall live Why termed the deeds of the body Because the body is the subject wherein they are and instruments wherby they are executed visibly manifesting themselves in the same 3. Eph. 2.3 The desires of the Flesh and of the Minde Neither is it any marvell that such as walke in the vanitie of their minde Eph. 4.17.18 having the understanding darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindnesse of their heart it 's no marvell I say that such fleshly desires doe reside in their minds and are in like manner obeyed in their outward
bee presented chast Virgins to Christ and who having fought hitherto against the evill one and kept their garments unspotted with the corruption that is in the world through lust as through grace they have begun in the Spirit so through grace they shall end in the spirit and not in the flesh How then can it otherwise be but that they should practise this duty of Mortification but that being thus endued with the Spirit of grace and of glory they should obey the good motions thereof inspiring them and knocking at the dores of their soules to the keeping especially of their hearts with all diligence Pro. 4.23 Between them and the rest of the world grace hath made such a change as there is betweene them that dwell in a faire house of great height Simil. and full of many great lights and them that dwell in a low dark house whose windowes remaine alwayes shut those can discerne in a manner of every thing these not take notice or view any thing Difference betweene the godly and the ungodly So the Saints through the abundance of the light of God in them can espie even a moate in the Soule whereas the ungodly who will not permit the holy light of Gods convicting reproving improving word to have passage in them abide still in darknes having their hearts haunted as it were with Zim Ochim Isa i3 21 and Jim in stead of more comfortable guests The Saints know that God dwels in their hearts as his owne Tabernacle with the Sonne and holy Spirit which therefore must be well kept clensed purified and washed by the blood of Christ and water of his sanctifying Spirit that uncleannes may not enter therein To this end 2 Chron 23.13 as Iehoiada the Priest put a great guard of Princes Preists about young Ioas that wicked Athalia could not come at him to harme him Simil. which made her cry out Treason Treason So the Saints left Sathan should at any time get entrance into them get themselves garded by the word and Spirit Prayer Repentance Watchfulnes holy feare to offend God and grieve the Spirit by whom they are sealed unto the day of Redemption Eph 4.30 yea as the Elders which sate with Elisha in his house 2 King 6.32 at his command shut the dore upon bloody Iorams messenger and held him fast thereat the sound of his masters feete being behind him Simil. so the Saints understanding that evill motions are as it were Sathans messengers or harbengers to take up his lodging for him whom he immediatly followeth through grace they so resist the same that either they doe not enter or if they enter they get no footing and are compelled speedily to depart In the wicked indeed hee getteth a renewed entry at his owne pleasure but not so in the Saints Hee seekes rest but heere hee finds none Thus that the Saints doe and are to encounter the Flesh with the Lusts and Affections thereof and so of the third Particular CHAP. IV. Why the FLESH with the lusts and affections thereof is to be encountred NOt without cause are wee to encounter this our Enemie and doe what in us lyeth to oppose it resist it subdue it destroy it if either we consider it our selver or others It Reasons why the Flesh is to be encount●ed From its nature and that both in regard of the nature thereof and effects produced thereby It s nature vile odious abominable vgly and loathsome like the vomiting of a dogge a Sowes wallowing in the mire The Scripture doth accordingly decipher it by the names of filth Isa 4.4 Zech. 3.3 2 Cor. 7.1 2 Pet. 2.20 Rom 6.19 Mat. 15.11 filthy garments filthinesse of the Flesh and Spirit The Worlds pollutions uncleannesse a defiling thing and the like Thus if a man should view it even as it is in its own proper colours he could not but loath and abhorre the same Its effects From its effects Rom. 6.21 Shamefull both shamefull and hurtfull Shamefull as which maketh men and women its vassals and slaves for to whomsoever we yeeld our selves servants to obey Rom. 6.16 his servants we are to whom wee obey coozening and deceiving them at its pleasure Heb. 3.13 proffering as largely as the Devill sometime did Christ Mat. 4.4 All these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall downe and worship mee But in the meane time not being able to performe any whit of its promises Hurtfull Hurtfull Iob. c. as whose pleasure is onely momentaneall but bitternesse everlasting yea which warreth against mens soules bodies posterity goods and good name Soules To our Soules by blinding their understanding reason and judgement and bringing them to a reprobate sense so that they will not bee brought to the knowledge of the truth Psal 58 5. but are like the deafe Adder that stoppeth her eare which will not hearken to the voice of charmers charming never so wisely Isa 30.9 even who will not heare the Law of the Lord. Hos 4.11 So by taking away their heart i Tim. 6.10 and piercing them thorow with many sorrowes So by destroying their soules Pro. 6.32 So by seducing the will and affections and making them worse and worse every unmortified Lust being a wound in the Soule a gash in the Conscience so by inclining the Soule to maintaine those sinnes whereunto they themselves are principally addicted so by distempering their soules that there 's no peace therein they themselves disquieting themselves in vain Psal 39.6 travelling in paine all the dayes of their life Iob. i5 20 sinne not suffering grace as it were to manifest it selfe in the least measure unto those but disturbing them by unnaturall thoughts as by the insatiability of that whereunto it inciteth The Sluggard must have a little more sleepe the Drunkard a little more drink the covetous more money the lascivious more Concubines So by its importunitie which will admit no deniall forcing them oftentimes to commit what in their judgement they doe not approve So by promising them contentment which notwithstanding they finde not there being indeede neither pleasure nor profit in sinne So by galling their Conscience after the commission thereof whether in adversity or prosperity as the examples of Ahab about Naboths Vineyard i King 21.27 Dan 5.6 and Belshazzar when he drunk wine with his Concubins in the vessels of the house of the Lord sufficiently imply whereby it commeth to passe that they feare when there is no cause of feare Lev. 26.36 To our bodies Bodies both directly and indirectly directly Pro. 23.29 as which occasioneth bodily diseases and distempers as in like manner death it selfe Deut. 28.21 Rom. 6.23 indirectly by affecting or inflicting the minde wherby the body cannot but be so disquieted that even in laughter the heart is sorrowfull Pro. i4 i3 and the end of that mirth is heavinesse
Pro. i7 22 for amerry heart doth good like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bones as David found by experience Psal 32.3.4 To our posterity Posterity as the examples of Pharaoh Ahab Ieroboam Iehu with others manifest according to that of Moses from the Lord. Deut. 28.18 If thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God c. cursed shall be the fruit of thy body In Hell when many both Parents and Children shall meet these may blame those as the especiall cause of their Condemnation Goods both directly and indirectly To our goods directly Pro. 6.26 as because of the whorish Woman a man is brought to a morsell of bread whereof the Prodigall Sonne had particular experience Luc. 15.16 Indirectly as which bringeth a curse upon the goods which they have painefully gotten by gracelesse children Unfaithfull servants costly tho fruitlesse Physicke and such like So that often Hag. 1.6 what they earne is put as it were in a bagge with holes Eccles 2.6 and what they painfully gather is heaped up to give to him that is good before God Yea sometimes it falleth out that a man to whom God hath given riches Eccles 6.2 and treasures and honour and he wanteth nothing to his soule of all that he desireth yet God giveth him not power to eate thereof but a strange man shall eat it agreeable to that of Iob. Iob. 27 i6.17 Though he should heape up silver as the dust and prepare rayment as the clay he may prepare it but the just shall put it on and the innocent shall divide the silver Iob. 20 i5 As a little before Hee hath devoured substance and hee shall vomit it for God shall draw it out of his belly yea God maketh their Table a snare unto them Psal 69.22 To our good name Good name according to that of the Wise man The name of the wicked shall rot Pro. 10.7 and that of Iob He shall perish for ever like his dung Iob. 20.7 It makes them odious both to God and good men Is not the Flesh then with the lusts and affections therof to be encountred Is not the same to be mortified as in regard of its nature so the wofull and dangerous effects of the same Our selves Reasons from our selves First because wee have so promised and vowed in Baptisme as also often renewed the same at our participatiō of the Lords Supper even to forsake the Devill and all his workes the pomps and vanities of the wicked world and all the sinfull lusts of the Flesh If then wee would not become forsworne and perjured persons as it were Souldiers forsaking their colours casting downe their weapons and running away from their Captaine we must faithfully keepe touch in the performance of our Covenant accordingly arming our selves to this battell Secondly because wee are called with an holy Calling i Pet. 1.14 As obedient children saith Saint Peter not fashioning your selves according to the former lusts in your ignorance but as he which hath called you is holy so be yee holy in all manner of conversation Because it is written be yee holy for I am holy Thirdly Because we professe our selves to bee the children of GOD and so consequently enemies unto our owne corruptions Rom. 8 7. which are enmitie against GOD. Fourthly Rom. 8.13 because If wee live after the Flesh we shall die but if through the Spirit we doe mortifie the deeds of the body we shall live Fiftly Because at the length we shall be victorious against the same God will so accept of our weake endevours that he will more enable us to hold on yea so strengthen us that through him wee shall do valiantly in crucifying this Old man mortifying these earthly members subduing this body of Sin and putting to death this body of death We are weake indeed in our selves Rom. 8 3i but if God be with us who can prevaile against us not Goliah against David our gyant-like sinnes against us being under the Almighties protection and clothed with the Armour of God Sixtly because the more we yeeld unto our lusts Pro. 30 i5 the more will they insult over us being so unreasonable that they are never satisfied like the horsleech whereof the Wiseman speaketh that the more it is given the more it craves and is never satisfied like the fire which the more is cast into it burneth the more yea 2 Per. 1.4 notwithstanding whatsoever corruption is in the World hath proceeded from lust yet is not contented but still desireth to corrupt more If thou give it an inch it will take an ell if it can get but in its head it wil quickly wind in its whole body If it once take possession of the Soule it will not be an easie matter to dispossesse the same entertainest thou it in any measure it will quickly force thee to give it good entertainment Others GOD. Reasons from others GOD. First because Sinne is Gods enemie Every Lust hath in it the seed of Rebellion and as it increaseth so rebellion increaseth Secondly because the same grieveth him as which opposeth his Mercy Truth Patience love and every thing else in him Simil. if we must not doe that which will grieve our earthly Parents much lesse that which grieveth the God of Heaven Thirdly because he enjoyneth us to performe this Dutie whose Commandements doe not admit of a Dispensation yea binde our Consciences and impose upon our Soules a necessity of doing what he commands Christ CHRIST Whose death through our sinfull lusts is despised his worke of Redemption vilified his most precious blood troad under foot and himselfe as it were pull'd downe from Heaven and crucified afresh The Spirit SPIRIT Who is hereby extreamly both tempted grieved and quenched yea forced to withdraw it selfe as it were and to forbeare those comfortable operations which it did once worke for our good insomuch as at length wee shall have no feeling of it and scarce bee able to discerne whether it bee in us at all yea or no. The holy Angels The holy Angels Who rejoycing at the conversion of sinners doe therefore grieve at their impenitencie The Saints departed The Saints departed As whose consummation of blisse is through us hindered for if wee belong unto God they without us cannot be glorified if Reprobates our sinnes must be ripe and come to the height ere everlasting judgements shall bee inflicted on us till which time neither can they be perfectly glorified Alive Alive As who grieve at our impieties mourne for the abominations by us committed The wicked The wicked First because they walke after their lusts Col. 3.7 whose lives are not fit patternes for our imitation Secondly because through our wickednesse they will be the more encouraged to goe on in Sinne as the Israelites by the evill example of Elies Sonnes 1 Sam. 2.17
deale with our lusts as Ioseph with his Mistris doe we flatly refuse to yeeld unto them render we also reasons of our refusall that therby they may appeare the more unreasonable as from the duty which wee owe unto God the injunctions which wee have received of him the variety of blessings whereof through his blessing wee are dayly made partakers The unexpressable joyes in Heaven laid up for mortifi'd persons the severity of Gods justice to be showne on the impenitent the filthinesse and pollution of Sin with sundry the like But if yet they will not bee gone supposing to weary us with their importunity wee must bee as resolute in refusing as they in urging even stopping our eares at their insinuating perswasions Yet if at any time having some advantage they make use of it and lay hold on us leave wee our garments with them and get us gone rather then they shall force us to yeeld and to become defiled be wee content to forgo goods good name friends yea our very lives that wee may bee presented chast Virgins unto Christ For Pharaoh 1. He made the Israelites Exod. 1.10.11 bondslaves 2. Hee wisely compassed their destruction in the death of their children when they were first borne 3. Hee commanded that the Male-children should be drowned So 1. Make we bondslaves of our lusts as which then will quickly be gone from us 2. Do we wisely compass their death Deale wee with our lusts as Pharaoh with the I raelites even at their very conception at the furthest their birth being then weaker then afterward crushing the viper in the very shell not suffering the same to come in though knocking at the dore of our hearts 3. Cast them in the sea drowning them by the teares of true repentance Object But may some say here 's a great stirre indeed much a-doe about nothing God I thank thee Lu. 18.11 that I am not as other men are extortioners unjust adulterers I finde not my selfe troubled with evill motions and fleshly lusts as are others I never had such evill thoughts or have been at any time assaulted with strange temptations as such and such complain themselves to have beene I doubt not but that I may spare the pains that are heere required and y●● doe well enough Ans 1. Thy condition is not unlike unto his Simil. who being desperately sicke is notwithstanding perswaded that hee is in good health or the fool's which conceiveth himselfe to excell in wisedome The more insensible thou art of thy lusts and of thy spirituall bondage under them the more art thou in bondage unto them the more is thy whole man under their slavery 2. Naturally wee are Eagle-ey'd in respect of other mens corruptions but purblind in respect of our owne being hereof even willingly ignorant 3. Whom the Divell hath once captivated and marked for his owne he suffereth to walke according to their hearts desires not troubling them as it were any further as being already his owne in full possession Note Neither indeed careth he which way he bring men under provided hee may in thrall them one way or other 4. Unlesse thou oppose thy corruption and use the meanes here prescribed for the killing of thy lusts undoubtedly they will in the end kill thee and bee the everlasting destruction both of thy body and soule Ob. But thus should I here live uncomfortably as even those doe which notwithstanding truly endevour to mortifie their lusts according to the rule of Gods Word 1. It 's only at some times not at all times as especially when they doe first begin to mortifie their lusts or God is pleased to visit them by some great crosse or temptation 2. Mortification hath in it indeed paine and sorrow sin having a strong heart and so not soone killed the same sticking as fast in our nature as a tooth in our head or our soule to our body which will not be driven away without force and violence 3. Though weeping may be in the Evening Psal 30.5 joy commeth in the Morning though our afflictions are many Psal 34 i9 yet doth the Lord deliver us out of them all Simil. The Sunne is somtimes eclipsed sometimes darkned by Clouds wait a little while it will shew it's light Our life seemeth uncomfortable it will not bee long ere we shal abound with comforts Imagine we that any of us should fall Simil. and thereby breake a leg or an arme though in respect of the pain we could wish our selves in a manner out of the World yet being well set and carefully drest and dayly growing more more in strength we live in comfort that all shall be well we are contented to sow in teares Psal i26 5 even to indure the painefull dressing thereof that we may reap in joy by enjoying the use of the same as aforetime Not unlike is our condition in this World but much more comfortable as being more certaine 4. This World is not our place of mirth and in us sorrow must needs precede joy Ioh. 16.20 Verily verily I say unto you saith our Saviour that yee shall weepe and lament but the World shall rejoyce and ye shall be sorrowfull but your sorrow shall be turned into joy Ob. But if through Christ we obtaine salvation what need wee taske our selves to this duty of Mortification why may wee not live as wee list 1. Because Christs sufferings are available unto no other but such as mortifying their lusts and affections live religiously and holily 2. Because it 's the voyce of Christ himselfe Luk. 9.23 If any man will come after me let him deny himselfe and take up his crosse dayly and follow mee Tit. 2.14 3. That hee gave himselfe for us that hee might redeeme us from all iniquitie and purifie unto himselfe a peculiar People zealous of good works Ob. But many have heere in this world used divers and sundry meanes to bring their body under as by watching fasting scourging of themselves going bare-footed and barelegged many miles together who notwithstanding have had no comfort here in the assurance of Gods favour neither by all likelihood shall see the face of God with comfort hereafter It 's no wonder 1. because Mortification as it consisteth not of some of those externall shewes of Will-worship at all Wherein Mortification chiefly consisteth as to weare hair-cloth scourge ones selfe goe on Pilgrimage and the like so it consisteth not wholly in the others watching fasting and the like but especially in the crucifying of the inward Lusts and Affections which doe even reigne and domineere in them 2. Because they perswade themselves that by those they doe merit at the hands of God the forgivenesse of their sinnes with life everlasting then which what can more crosse their present and future well being 3. Because God hath thus in justice dealt with such sorts of persons from time to time Ier. 2.13 even that by
time shall reape if we faint nor Had wee but grace thus to lay the matter to heart that if wee fight not we shall live in slavery under the divell the world and the flesh of all others the greatest or rather the onely slaves but if we fight manfully and persevere therein wee shall bee conquerors over all those and as victorious Kings trample Sathan under our feete we would seeke to prevent our own misery and get an assured possession of glory gather courage in our decayed spirits and lustily goe on Did we but call to mind how often the Lord hath beene pleased heretofore to help the same 1 Sam. 7 1● would be as Ebenezer unto the Israelites to encourage us against our spirituall Philistims As the Israelites in after ages reading how Joshua had once before discomfited Amalek Exo. 17.15 and of the Altar which Moses did then build calling it by the name of Jehovah Nissi that is the Lord is my banner could not but be encouraged hereby to have warres with them Simil. so is it with Gods children calling to mind their former spirituall victories of whom it may be more truely said then David did it of Saul and Ionathan 2 Sam. 1.22 From the blood of the slain from the fat of the mighty the bow of Ionathan turned not back and the sword of Saul returned not empty Note They have greater joy and gladnes with more pleasure and contentment in striving against their corruption of nature which by degrees they still lessen and weaken then the greatest souldier hath to glut his sword with the blood of his enemie Strive wee against these beasts our beastly lusts as Paul fought with the Beasts of Ephesus 1 Cor. 15.32 Beastly men either or both those were outward but these are inward beasts If those had prevailed they would only have killed the body if these should they would destroy both body and soule those might have beene overcome with bodily weapons these no otherwise but by the whole Armour of GOD Faith Hope Repentance the Word Prayer with the other pieces yea in fighting against these Gods power is after an especiall manner manifested Quit we our selves then like men Iudg. 16.39 so dealing with our lusts as Samson with the Philistims even by slaying moe of them hereafter then heretofore wee have done as hee moe at his death then in his life yea i Sam. 15.3 as Saul should not have spared any one Amalekite but utterly destroyed them all so doe we destroy the whole brood of our sinfull and fleshly lusts not sparing any one of these cursed Amalekits Thus of the Caveats to be observed in this our Warfare and so of the 8. Particular CHAP. V. How to discerne when we prevaile against the Flesh with its inordinate Lusts and Affections AN enemie is not alwayes vanquished when he seemeth so to be Iosh 8.15 Ioshua and all Israel made as if they were beaten before the men of Ai and fled by the way of the wildernesse yet was it meerely out of Policie to draw them out of their Citie Iudg. 20.39 as afterward the Israelites to the same end used the same Stratagem when they discomfited the Benjamites It is thus with our Lusts they may seeme to bee mortified when indeed they are not but only wait their fittest opportunitie to doe us mischiefe Signes whereby to discern whether our lusts be mortified How then we should judge of them many or few great or small strong or weak violent or peaceable conquerers or conquered discerne wee by these signes 1. Gal. 5 24. They are Christs They that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts and they that are in him walke not after the flesh Rom. 8.1 but after the Spirit How to know whether we be in Christ Art thou in Christ then thou art a mortified creature else not Q. How shall I know whether or not I am in Christ A. If thou walkest in the light 1 Ioh. 1 6. if thou walkest as Christ walked 1 Ioh. 2.6 if thou keepest his commandements 1 Ioh 3.24 and hast his Spirit in thee if thou perseverest in the knowledge and obedience of the Cospel 1 Ioh. 2.24 if thou art fruitfull in good workes Ioh. 15.2 2 Cor. 5.17 if thou art a new creature teh art thou in Christ 2. Rom 8.1 They that walke after the Spirit walke not after the Flesh They walk after the Spirit Walkest thou after the Spirit then walkest not thou after the Flesh but art a mortified creature Q. How to know whether wee walk after the Spirit How shall I know whether or not I walke after the Spirit A. If thou walkest after the Spirit then livest thou not according to the motion and guidance of the corruption of nature but according to the motion and guidance of the Spirit of grace and sanctification Thou earnestly desitest both to know and walk in the good way Thou doest in every thing runne unto God by prayer that he would guide and direct thee Thou resolvest in every thing to please God Thou preferrest his will unto all things else profits pleasures preferments yea and thine owne life too Thou walkest carefully warily and circumspectly alwayes ordering thy steps with discretion lest thou shouldst in any sort tempt vexe grieve or quench the Spirit 3. Rom. 6 1● They are alive unto God They that are indeed dead unto sinne are alive unto God through Iesus Christ our Lord. They doe really and truely partake as well of the vertue and efficacie of Christs death unto Mortification as of his Resurrection unto newnes of life Being on the one part mortified persons in whom the death of Christ hath broken the force of sinne that it cannot reigne in whom the vigor and force of sin which is the life thereof is crushed and extinct in whom sinne cannot bring forth such bitter fruits as it was wont to do before sanctification Simil. who therefore even as men who have so lost their bodily strength as it cannot be recovered are said to be dead while they live how soever sinne doth still remaine in them are truly said to be dead thereunto because the power and strength of sinne is sore abated and dayly lessened and weakened so on the other part are they quickned and moved by the holy Spirit to doe what is pleasing and acceptable in Gods sight A difference betweene nature and grace It 's so in nature I confesse as it is in grace hee that is corporally dead doth not corporally live but hee that is spiritually dead doth spiritally live he is dead indeed unto sinne but alive unto God yea his being dead unto sinne Note doth argue that hee is alive unto God as his being alive unto God that he is dead unto sinne 4. They that are dead are freed from sinne Rom. 6.7 They that are spiritually dead
How to know whether wee grow in grace Thou lovest grace thou labourest for grace thou highly prisest grace thy thoughts words and works relish and savour of grace thou canst not away with any thing that may in any sort hinder grace thou art further and further enamoured with the love of grace thou still hungerest and thirstest for more grace and canst not be satisfied with that thou hast already Thou art every day more and more carefull to avoid sinne more and more desirous to vanquish thy corruptions more and more carelesse of the things of this World Thus indeed appeareth it infallibly that thou growest in grace and dayly prevailest against thy corruptions 8. They hate sinne They that doe truely mortifie their lusts and in some measure prevaile over them have anextreame hatred and detestation thereof wrought in their hearts Loathest thou sinne dost thou truly hate and abhorre it questionlesse thou prevailest over it Qu. How shall I know whether or not I doe truely hate it A. If thou lovest the Lord thou hatest sin How to know whether wee hate sinne if thou canst not indure to speake a good word of it or for it if thy dayly actions tend unto its ruine if thou grievest exceedingly whensoever thou fallest thereinto taking on thy selfe an holy revenge for the same if thou hatest it not so much in respect of its effects or punishment ensuing thereupon as its very nature being a breach of Gods Law if thou grievest when it seemeth to have the better but rejoycest when it is put to the worst then dost thou hate sinne and so prevailest against it by degrees vanquishest the same 9. They that doe truely mortifie their lusts and prevaile over their owne corruption having once escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust are exceeding carefull to avoid relapses therein not againe to be entangled therewith A burnt child dreads the fire Beasts that have fallen into ditches or pits will beware of them afterward The Bird that hath escaped out of the Fowlers ginnes will avoid them another time So the Saints remembring their former misery and dangerous condition whilst they were slaves unto sinne are so much the more carefull to keepe it under to this end shunning the occasion of sinne and abstaining even from all appearance of evill Hath Peter denied his Master he will doe so no more Hath David beene an adulterer he will bee so no more Hath Noah beene drunke he will be more wary in his drinking after But if God for their leaving of him or their want of watchfulnesse and improving his graces shall be pleased to leave them unto themselves for a time even after their knowledge and acknowledging of the truth so that they yeeld unto violent temptations and fall into the very sadnes of their unregenerate condition though they fall into the acts thereof they fall not into the love thereof They doe what they allow not what they would not what they are heartily grieved for Thou art carefull to avoid all sins but especially thine own sins thy formerly dearly beloved sins herein appeareth it that thou art a mortified Creature 10. They that have a true sight and sense of their sinnes doe in some measure mortifie the same Art thou acquainted with Satans Stratagems Art thou not ignorant of his wiles Discernest thou the deceitfulnesse of sinne Observest thou the subtilty of the flesh and how cunningly it would insinuate it selfe Knowest thou its traps and tricks its ginns and snares its baits and allurements Thou canst not but in the like manner avoid the same Thou wilt not willingly run headlong unto destruction 11. As before bodily death there is for the most part sicknes and at the time of death both unwillingnesse to undergoe it and painfulnesse in undergoing the same They are truly humbled and feele in themselves a great deale of unwillingnesse so before this death unto sinne there is deepe humiliation and dejection through the sense and apprehension of Gods wrath wrought in us by the law of God Simil. the soule being brought thereby as it were unto the very gates of hell There is also no small unwillingnesse in us to undergoe it the Flesh having a strong heart and so loath to die as in like manner no lesse paine then to pull out our right eye or cut off our right hand Hast thou beene thus spiritually dejected and affected thou art a mortified creature 12. As on those that are corporally dead neither alluring objects flattering speeches golden promises hope of pleasure feare of danger Not any thing is of force to withdraw us from God or such like doe worke at all so if thou art indeed dead unto sinne thou wilt neither be terrified by threats Simil. nor tickled with pleasures nor shall any allurements withdraw thee from God but still thou keepest fast hold on God though at some times in great weaknesse and continuest at deadly feud and open defiance with thy flesh and all its ad herents thus how to discerne when we prevaile against the flesh and so of the 9th particular CHAP. X. The Application of the foregoing matter HAving discovered the Enemy to be encountred shewed that it is to bee encountered laid open by whom it is to bee encountred set forth the reasons why it is to bee encountred declared after what manner it is to bee encountred described the meanes whereby it may bee encountred made knowne the Motives or Encouragements whereby we may bee stirred up to encounter it propounded such necessary Caveats as are to bee observed in this spirituall Combate as also manifested by what signes we may discerne when wee prevaile against it What remaineth but that as the Lord encouraged Moses to fight against Og the King of Bashan feare him not Numb 21.34 for I have delivered him into thy hand and all his people and his land and thou shalt doe to him as thou didst to Sihon King of the Amorttes which dwelt at Heshbon and Moses encouraged Ioshua from the Lord Deut. 31.23 Be strong and be of a good courage for thou shalt bring the children of Israel into the Land which J sware unto them and I will be with thee as the Lord himselfe after the death of Moses Iosh 1.9 Be strong and of a good courage bee not affraid neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest and Ioshua the Captaines and men of Warre that went with him Iosh 10.24 Come neere put your feet upon the necks of these Kings Iosh 10.25 feare not nor be dismai'd be strong and of a good courage for thus shall the Lord doe to all your enemies against whom you fight and Deborah Barak to fight against Sisera Iudg. 4.14 up for this is the day in which the Lord hath delivered Sisera into thine hand is not the Lord gone out before thee and the Philistms one another to fight against the Jsraelites
Lord your God fighteth for you Iudg. 1.12 It was the Angels speech unto Gideon The Lord is with thee thou mighty man of valour It is no lesse true even of the weakest Christian that doth in truth oppose his lusts who may therefore triumph in the words of David Ps 60.22 Through God wee shall doe valiantly for hee shall tread down our enemies and of Paul If God bee for us Rom. 8.31 who can bee against us Heaven it selfe Heaven it selfe I have fought a good fight saith S. Paul I have finished my course 2 Tim. 4.7 J have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for mee a Crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day and not to me onely but to them also that love his appearing Oh the promises of great reward if we shall fight lustily and persevere therein Whatsoever wee have beene heretofore set we our selves now against our lusts The foregoing time of our ignorāce Act. 17.30 God hath graciously winked at but now commaundeth he all men every where to repent Some J know are men yea mighty men of valour others babes in Christ his young and tender lambes let not those waxe carelesse but go on in their might that they may be saved from their spirituall Midianites and let these labour for strength and courage casting all their care on God who careth for them 1 Pet. 5.7 O Jerusalem Ier. 4.14 wash thine heart from wickednesse that thou maist be saved how long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee 2 Cor. 7.1 Oh let us clense our selves from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit perfecting holinesse in the feare of God Rom. 6.12 Let not sinne reigne in your mortall body that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof Neither yeeld yee your members as instruments of unrighteousnesse unto sinne but yeeld your selves unto God as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousnesse unto God Rom. i3 i2 The night is far spent the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darknes and let us put on the Armour of light Rom. i3 i3 let us walke honestly as in the day not in rioting and drunkennesse not in chambering and wantonnesse not in strife and envying but put ye on the Lord Iesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof Ep●h 4.17 This J say therefore and testifie in the Lord that ye henceforth walke not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind having the understanding darkned being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindnesse of their heart who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousnesse to work all uncleannes with greedines Col. 3.5 Mortifie your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleannesse inordinate affection evill concupiscence and covetousnesse which is Idolatry for which things sake the wrath of God commeth on the children of disobedience Jn the which ye also walked sometime when ye lived in them Eph. 4.22 Put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitfull lusts and be renewed in the Spirit of your mind putting on that new man which after God is created in righteousnes and true holines Tit. 2.11 for the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodlines and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world Heb. 13.12 Take heed brethren lest there be in any of you an evill heart of unbeliefe in departing from the living God but exhort one another dayly while it is called to day lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulnesse of sinne Heb. 12.12 lift up the hands which hang downe and the feeble knees and make straight pathes for your feet lest that which is lame be turned out of the way but let it rather bee healed looke diligently lest any man faile of the grace of God lest any root of bitternesse springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled 1 Pet. 4.2 For as much as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh arme your selves likewise with the same minde for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sinne that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men but to the will of God for the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles when we walked in lasciviousnesse lusts excesse of wine revellings banquetings and abominable idolatries wherein they thinke it strange that you runne not with them to the same excesse of riot speaking evill of you 1 Pet. 2.11 Dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims to abstaine from fleshly lusts which warre against the soule 1 Pet. 2.12 having your conversation honest among the Gentiles that whereas they speake evill against you as evill doers they may by your good workes which they shall behold glorifie God in the day of visitation Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might Eph. 6.10.11 Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devill for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darknesse of this world against spirituall wickednesse in high places wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evill day and having done all to stand Stand therefore having your loynes girt about with truth and having on the brest-plate of righteousnesse and your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospell of peace above all taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God praying alwayes with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance Thus shall our corruption bee weakned our flesh subdued our old man crucified the body of sinne destroyed our consciences quieted Gods Commandment obeyed himselfe well pleased our selves both in soule and body here and hereafter really and truly blessed Iude 24. Now unto him that is able to keepe us from falling and to present us faultlesse before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy To the onely wise God our Saviour be glory and majesty dominion and power now and ever Amen FINIS