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A60284 Satan's invisible world discovered, or, A choice collection of modern relations proving evidently against the saducees and atheists of this present age, that there are devils, spirits, witches, and apparitions, from authentick records, attestations of famous witnesses and undoubted verity : to all which is added, that marvellous history of Major Weir, and his sister : with two relations of apparitions at Edinburgh / by Georg Sinclar ... Sinclair, George, d. 1696. 1685 (1685) Wing S3858; ESTC R4971 118,890 288

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following the Hobbesian and Spinosian Principles slight Religion and undervalue the Scripture because there is such an express mention of Spirits and Angels in it which their thick and plumbeous capacities cannot conceive Whereupon they think that all contained in the Universe comes under the notion of things matterial and bodies only and consequently no GOD no Devil no Spirit no Witch Hobbs the Inglishman is too well known by his Atheistical writtings Benedictus Spinosa or rather Maledictus a stranger abroad a profain abuser of the Scripture will have all those Devils which CHRIST and his Disciples cast out to be but Diseases in mens Bodies There is a second Reason namely the absurd Principles of the Cartesian Philosophy eagerly maintained by Cartes his Followers in their publick Writtings and Disputations abroad They do not indeed assert there is no GOD but rather seem to prove so much especially by his Idea which is Connatural to all men This may seem a plausible reason but when it s put to the Test or Touchston it with others of that kind are not found sufficient nor able to convince Atheists That their Principles are absurd and dangerous I shall mention a few of them which are owned and maintained publickly abroad especially in Holland As 1 that we must doubt of all things before we can come to any clear distinct knowledge of them We must suppose they say there is no God no Heavens no Earth nay which a man ought to tremble at to speak of that GOD is a deceiver 2 They incroach upon the sound Orthodox Religion and the Articles of our Faith and go quite contrary to all Christian and Protestant Divines and would have the Orthodox Theology reformed by their fanatical Philosophy 3 That Philosophy is not subservient or an Hand-maid to Divinity 4 That Philosophy is as sure as Divine and also revealed as the Scripture is 5 That the Scripture in things Natural speaks according to the erroneous opinion of the Vulgar That Philosophy and Philosophers are the Interpreters of the Scripture in things Natural 6 That the Scripture in things Moral and Practical speaks according to the erroneous Judgment and Opinion of the Vugar 7 That the Scripture in matters of Faith speaks also according to the erroneous opinion of the vulgar 8 That Philosophy is the infallible Interpreter of the Scripture 9 That the Cortesians their Clear and Distinct Perception is the onely Rule of all Truth 10 That there is in every man an Idea of GOD without the Consideration of which no man can attain to the knowledge of Gods Existence and Nature though he were never so well furnished with the light of Nature and the knowledge of the works of Creation and Providence 11 That GOD may be properly defined 12 That the Divine Essence consists only in Cogitation 13 That GOD cannot properly be called a Spirit because say they a Spirit to speak properly denotes some corporeal thing 14 That the life which the Scripture attributes to GOD and whereby he is called the Living GOD is nothing else but his Understanding and his Will 15 That GOD by his power can make one thing contradictory to another 16 That GOD can deceive if he please 17 That GOD can make an Infinitum both as to bulk and number 18 That God is From himself not only Negative but also Positive That is he is not only Independent from all things whatsoever but is from himself as if he were the cause of himself both prior and posterior to himself 19 That his Omnipresence is nothing else but his most Efficacious Will by which he sustains and governs all things 20 That the Mysterie of the Trinity may be demonstrat by Natural Reason 21 That the Communicability of the Divine Essence doth not arise from its infinitness 22 That the three Persons of the God-head are neither distinguished among themselves Really nor Modaliter 23 That the three Persons are neither distinguished from the Divine Essence Really nor Modaliter nor ratione ratiocinat● 24 That in Explaining the Work of Creation we may lawfully make use of false Suppositions 25 That the first Chaos was able of it felf to produce all things material 26 That God did not creat all things for Man 27 That the World hath a Soul 28 That the world as to its bulk is indefinite but may be infinite 29 That there is a world in the Moon 30 That the Angels might have existed and been before the world was made 31 That the Essence of Angels consists only in Cogitation 32 That what marvellous works have been performed by Angels as killing an hundred fourscore and five thousand of the Assyrians wer done by their bare thought and Cogitation 33 That the Essence of the Soul of man consists only in Cogitation 34 That every man hath two Souls one Rational the other Animal 35 That the Rational Soul may be absent and yet the Bodie living by vertue of the Animal Soul This by the way is a brave invention to let see how Witches may be transported to Balls of Dancing and far countreys and their Bodies tary at home For the Devil may put their Rational Soul into some Aerial Vehicle or a Body made of condensed Air and carry it whithersoever he pleases while the Animal Soul may keep life in the Body at home 36 That it is proper only to the Will to affirm and deny 37 That the will is infinite after its own manner and that it can will all things which God can will 40 That the Idea of God in man belongs to the Image of God in man 41 That Brutes want life sense and Perception 42 They confound Gods Omnipresence with his Providence 43 That the explication of Original sin is to be sought for from the inmost Cabins of the Cartesian Philosophy 44 That the Intellect doth not err nor can err 45 That it is in the Will of Man not to assent but to things clearly and distinctly perceived 46 That the Decree of God leaves the free actions of men indetermined 47 That the Personal Subsistence namely that Subsistence by which the Humane Nature subsists is but a meer figment of Divines 48 That the Divine Nature cannot be present or united to the humane Nature but by an external operation 49 That Grace in the Conversion of a man is not irresistable 50 That Faith is not Knowledge 51 That Faith doth not belong to the Understanding 52 That Faith consists only in hungering and thristing after Righteousness 53 That Death is not the separation of the Soul and Body 54 That the Resurrection is not the re-union of the Soul and the Body 55 That the Souls of the Righteous do not properly pass immediatly into heaven 56 That the Souls of the wicked do not presently pass into hell These are a part of the Cartesian Tenets What dangerous Principles they are and what dreadful consequences may be drawn from them is evident to all sober men James Arminius and his followers
very colour which her face had when she died She saw her walking under the Fruit-trees and over the Beds where the Seeds had been sowen bowing her body downward as if she had been seeking somewhat off the ground and saying to her self A stane a stane for so she pronounced the words For she had gathered a considerable number of small stones in her lap which the woman saw her throw down at a Bush-root near to the foot of the yeard Some may apprehend that these were the stones which she frequently cast in the night time This woman seeing her says with very great confidence Wow What 's thou doing here Isabel Heriot I charge thee by the Law thou lives on to tell me See the like expression page 24. She replyes or rather the Foul-Fiend in her likeness I am even come again because I wronged my Master while I was his servant For it was I that stealled his Shekel This was a Jewish Shekel of Gold which with some other things had been stollen from him several years before which I hid under the Hearth-stone in the Kitching and then when I flited took it into the Canongate and did offer to sell it to a French Woman who lodged where I served who askt where I got it I told her I found it between Leith and Edinburgh One night says she I was riding home late from the Town and near the Head of Fauside Brae the Horse stumbled and I said the Devil raise thee whereupon the Foul Thief appeared presently to me and threatned me If I would not grant to destroy my Master the Minister he would throw me into a deep hole there which I suppose is yet remaining or if I could not get power over my Master I should strive to destroy the Shool-Master It was very remarkable that one of the Ministers servant-women had given to the School-Masters servant-woman some Linnings to make clean among which there was a Cross-Cloath of strong Linning which could never be found though diligent search was made for it till one morning the Master awakening found it bound round about his Night Cap which bred admiration both to himself and his Wife No more skaith was the Devil or the Witches able to do him What way this was done or for what end it cannot be well known but it is somewhat probable that they designed to strangle and destroy him in the night time which is their usual time in working and doing of mischief This happened about the time I suppose that the Devil had charged Isabel Heriot to destroy this honest man Yet within two days a young Child of his of a year old fell sick which was quickly pulled away by Death none knowing the cause or Nature of the Disease But I proceed She confest likewise how the Devil met with her a second time at Elfiston mill within a quarter of a mile of Ormiston and told what the Devil did to her And says she I was coming home one night from Hadington Mercat with Horse-Corn and met with the Devil at Knokhills who bad me destroy Thomas Anderson who was riding with me And because I refused he threw the horse-corn off the horse This Thomas Anderson was a Christian man It is well remembred yet that she went the next morning timously and brought home her Oats which had layen there all the night And moreover says she I cheated my Master when I went to the Mercat to buy Oats for I made him believe I gave more money for the Boll than I did And do not you remember Isabel Murray that one night you coming out of the Ministers house got a sore knock upon the back with a stone It was I but it was not for your own sake but for your Good-mans sake Willy Craig who threw me one day into the Jaw-hole and abused me She told this Woman likewise that she would fain have spoken a word with her Master After this conference the Woman began to be feared and came running home in haste During all this time there was no person in the Family that m●t with any hurt or skaith or saw any thing such was the Lords kindness to them all One Isabel Elliot a Witch confest to the Minister that many nights his house and yeard would have been beset with Witches The same woman askt the Devil one time why they could not get a mends of him He told her he was locked up This Woman Isabel Heriot was never reputed a Witch nor delated by anie for Witch-craft Some jearingly would have called her so She was indeed ignorant of Religion notwithstanding of the excellent opportunities she had for gaining of knowledge Next her riding and travelling from far places in the countrey in the night as well as in the day time and coming home late without fear and her stunkard and ill Nature bred suspicion If she had confest a Compact with the Devil before her death it might have been a good ground But this trouble happening to the Family immediately after her death and her Apparition being seen gave all occasion to say she was a Witch But these things do not infallibly conclude But what could her Apparition be It behoved either to be her reall Body informed and acted by the Devil for her soul could not be brought back or only the Devil taking upon him her shape and form acting and imitating her to the life which is more probable I have adventured to publish this without his knowledge presuming so much upon his Goodness and love of Truth and useful instruction of the World though I should displease his own humour whilst haply I may upon his better consideration gratify some more noble principle in him For I know nothing in the thing that can turn to his dishonour For the best of Men and Families have suffered from the Devil in extraordinary wayes and it has been their Glory that by their Faith and Courage and confidence in the Arm of GOD they have overcome him If I have erred in some circumstances or in any other thing I am to be excused since I was not an eye witness And what I have written anent the Apparition was most part from the womans own mouth RELATION XXII Anent a Magician at Antwerpe Mr. Tindal the first Translater of the Scripture into Inglish after the Reformation being at Antwerpe whilst the Persecution was hot in England against the Truth he was shewed by some English Merchants there of a notable Magician in the place whose use was at Feasts or when they used to meet at Supper to bring to the Table whatever Wines or delicious Fruit the Company would desire and set presently before them with other amazing proofs of the power of the Devil Mr. Tindal perceiving what a snare this might be to some desired that when they met together with him he might be present without being known what he was And after they were met and at Table this wretched Magician after his manner began to
try his Black Art but it would not do with him For whilst he had wearied himself in observing his Spells Charms and Incantations and what the furthest that Hellish skill and power could do to satisfie the Company he was at last enforced to that Confession before them all which he spake with great wrath and anger That there was one in the Company that hindred his work by Reason of whom he could get nothing done at that time I may add to this a strange Providence of GOD. Master John Craig that was a Minister to King James here in Scotland being when he was a Young Man apprehended at Room for venting Heresie as they called it was shut up in Prison In the mean time Paul the fourth dies The Banditi that night broke up all the Prison doors and set at Liberty all the Prisoners Mr. John Craig escapes with an intention to go to Bononia But fearing hurt there he set his mind towards Millain When he had travell'd some days declining the High-wayes out of Fear he came into a Forrest a wild and desert place and being sore wearied lay down among some Bushes at the side of a little river to refresh himself He lay there pensive and full of thought For neither knew he in what place he was nor had he any means to carry him out the way In the mean time there came a Dog fawning upon him with a purse in his teeth with Money and layes it down before him He strucken with fear rises up but construing the same to proceed from GODS favourable Providence he accepted of it and held on his way till he came to Vienna in Austria RELATION XXIII Anent a great Doctor of Divinity that raise out of the Bier and spoke to all that were present IT is written in the life of one Bruno that a Doctor of great note for Learning and Godliness being dead and being brought to the Church to be buried while they were in their Popish Devotions and came to these words Responde mihi the Corps arose in the Bier and with a terrible voice cryed out Justo DEI judicio accusatus sum I am accused at the just Judgement of GOD. At which voice the people ran all out afrighted On the morrow when they came again to perform the Obsequies to the like words as before the Corps rose again and cried with a hideous voice Justo DEI judicio condemnatus sum I am Judged at the Righteous Judgement of GOD. Whereupon the People run away amazed The third day almost all the City came together and when they came to the same words as before the Corps rose again and cried with a more doleful noise than before Justo DEI judicio condemnatus sum I am condemned at the just Judgement of GOD. The consideration whereof that a man reputed so upright should yet by his own confession be damned caused Bruno and the rest of his Companions to enter into that strick Order of Carthusians The Author and Relator makes this use of it If the voice of the dead man could afright them into Superstition should not the warning of GOD afright us into True Doctrine RELATION XXIV Touching some Drunkards destroyed by the Devil THIS hath been published in a Sermon by a Godly Minister But I must insert it here in its own proper place On the 8 of February saith my Author in the year 1578 a company of Drunkards whose names are recorded as followeth Adam Gibbons George Keepel John Keysel Peter Horsdroff John Warner Simon Heamkers Jacob Hermons and Hermon Frow These eight Drunkards in contempt of the blessed Sabbath agreed to go to the Tavern on the Lords day to be merry and coming to the house of one Antony Hodge an honest Godly Man they called for Burnt-Wine Sack Clarat and what not The Good-man refusing to give them any advised them to go to Church to hear the Word of GOD but they all save Adam Gibbons refused saying they loathed that Exercise Whereupon the Host departed who being gone to Church they began to curse and ban wishing he might brake his neck ere he returned and wishing the Devil might brake their own necks if they went from hence till they had some Wine Whereupon the Devil in the likeness of a Young-Man appeared unto them bringing in his hand a Flagon of Wine and so drank unto them saying Good Fellows be merry you shall have Wine enough you seem to be lusty Lads and I hope you will pay me well who answering said They would either pay him or engage their Neck for it Yea rather than fail their Bodies and Souls Thus these men continued drinking and swilling so long till they could hardly see one another At last the Devil their Host told them that now they must pay for all at which their hearts waxed cold But the Devil bid them be of good chear for now they must drink Fire and Brimstone with him in the Pit of Hell for ever At which the Devil breake their Necks assunder and destroyed them And thus ended these drunkards their miserable dayes This by the way may serve for a Document for all Drunkards for ever and to perswade folk that the Lord has the Devil for his Executioner when he pleases to execute his vengeance upon Notorious Sinners RELATION XXV Touching one William Barton a Warlock ABout thirty years ago more or less there was one William Barton apprehended for Witch-Craft His confession was first that if he had twenty Sons he would advise them to shun the lust of uncleanness For said he I never saw a beautiful Woman Maid nor Wife but I did covet them which was the only cause that brought me to be the Devils Vassal One day says he going from my own house in Kirkliston to the Queens Ferry I overtook in Dalmeny Muire a young Gentlewoman as to appearance beautifull and comely I drew near to her but she shunned my company and when I insisted she became angry and very nyce Said I since we are both going one way be pleased to accept of a convey At last after much entreaty she grew better natured and at length we came to that Familiarity that she suffered me to embrace her and to do that which Christian ears ought not to hear of At this time I parted with her very joyful The next night she appeared to him in that same very place and after that which should not be named he became sensible that it was the Devil Here he renounced his Baptism and gave up himself to her service and she called him her beloved and gave him this new name of Iohn Baptist and received the Mark. She likewise bestowed fifteen pound scots upon him in name of Tocher-good and so parted After he had gone a little way off she calls him back and gave him a Merk-piece in good and sufficient money which She bad him spend at the Ferry and desired him to keep entire and whole the 15. pound which he declared was real
whether they were awake when it was done they all answered in the Affirmative and that the Devil sometimes laid something down in the place that was very like them But one of them confessed that he did only take away her Strength and her Body lay still upon the Ground Yet sometimes he took away her Body with him Being asked how they could go with their Bodies through Chimneys and broken pans of Glass they said that the Devil did first remove all that might hinder them in their flight and so they had Room enough to go Others were asked how they were able to carry so many Children with them They answered that when the Children were asleep they came into the Chamber and laid hold of the Children which straightway did awake and asked them whether they would go to a Feast with them To which some answered yes Others no Yet they were all forced to go They only gave the Children a Shirt a Coat and a Doublet which was either Red or Blew and so they did set them upon a Beast of the Devils providing and then they rid away The Children confessed the same thing and some added that because they had very fine Cloaths put upon them they were very willing to go Some of the Children concealed it from their Parents but others discovered it to them presently The Witches declared moreover that till of late they had never power to carry away Children but only this year and the last and that the Devil did at this time force them to it that heretofore it was sufficient to carry but one of their Children or a Strangers Child with them which happened seldom but now he did plague them and whip them if they did not procure him many Children insomuch that they had no Peace nor Quiet for him And whereas that formerly one journey a week would serve turn from their own Town to the place aforesaid now they were forced to run to other towns and places for Children and that they brought with them some fifteen some sixteen Children every night For their journey they said they made use of all sorts of Instruments of Beasts of Men of Spits and Posts according as they had opportunity if they do ride upon Goats and have many Children with them that all may have room they stick a Spit into the Back-side of the Goat and then are anointed with the aforesaid Ointment What the manner of their journey is GOD alone knows This much was made out that if the Children did at any time name the names of those either Men or Women that had been with them that had carried them away they were again carried by force either to Blockula or to the Cross-way and thereby beaten in so much that some of them died of it And this some of the Witches confessed and added That now they were exceedingly troubled and tortured in their minds for it The Children thus used lookt mighty Bleak Wan and Beaten The Marks of the Whips the Judges could not perceive in them except in one Boy who had some wounds and holes in his Back that were given him with Thorns But the Witches said they would quickly vanish After this usage the Children are exceeding weak And if any be carried over-Night they cannot recover themselves the next Day and they often fall into Fits the coming of which they knew by an extraordinary paleness that seizes on the Children And when a Fit comes upon them they lean on their Mothers Arms who sits up with them sometimes all night And when they observe the paleness coming shake the Children but to no purpose They observe further that their Childrens Breasts grow cold at such times and they take sometimes a burning candle and stick it in their hair which yet is not burned by it They Swooun upon this paleness which Swooun lasteth sometimes half an hour sometimes an hour sometimes two hours and when the Children come to themselves again they mourn and lament and groan most miserablie and beg exceedinglie to be eased This the old men declared upon Oath before the Judges and called all the inhabitants in the Town to witness as Persons that had most of them experience of the strange Symptome of their Children A little Girle of Elfdale confessed that naming the name of Jesus as she was carried away she fell suddenly upon the Ground and got a great hole in her side which the Devil presently healed up again and away he carried her and to this day the Girle confessed she had exceeding great Pain in her side Another Boy confessed too That one day he was carried away with his Mistris and to perform the Iourney he took his own Fathers horse out of the Meadow where it was feeding and upon his return she let the horse go in her own Ground The next morning the Boys Father sought for the horse and not finding it gave it over for lost but the Boy told him the whole Story and so the Father fetcht the horse back again and this one of the Witches confessed We come next to the Place where they us●d to assemble called Blockula and what they did there They unanimously confessed that Blockula is Situated in a large Meadow like a Plain Sea wherein you can see no end The Place or House they met at had before it a great Gate painted with many diverse colours on it through this Gate they went into a little Meadow distant from the other where the Beasts went which they used to ride on But the men whom they made use of in their Journey stood in the House by the Gate in a Slumbering posture Sleeping over against the Wall In a huge large Room of this House they said there stood a very large long Table at which the Witches did sit down And that hard by this Room was another Chamber where there were some lovely and delicate Beds The first thing they said they must do at Blockula was That they must deny all and devote themselves Body and Soul to the Devil and promise to serve him Faithfully and confirm it with an Oath Hereupon they cut their Fingers and writ their Name in his Book They added that he caused them to be Baptized too by such Priests as he had there and made them to Confirm their Baptism with dreadful Oaths and Imprecations Hereupon the Devil gave them a Purse wherein there were fyllings of Clocks with a big Stone tyed to it which they threw into the Water and then were forced to speak these words As these fyllings of the Clock do never return to the Clock from which they are taken so may my Soul never return to Heaven To which they add Blasphemy and other Oaths and Curses The mark of their cut Fingers is not found in all of them But a Girle who had been slashed over her Finger declared that because she would not stretch out her Finger the Devil in anger had so cruely wounded it After this they sat down to Table
fall out as indeed he had reason went to his Uncle a grave and experienced Person who advised him to take all his Ships Company to the number of fourteen able men and keep watch not forgetting the Reading of Scripture and earnest Prayer to GOD. The Night was still and calme as an Summers evening without the least appearance of Change when upon a sudden at midnight as James Fleming himself was coursing her too and again as the custome was holding her by the hand I say upon a sudden a terrible tempest like an Hirricano came on which took the Roof from the house to their great consternation And a voice was heard three times calling her by a strange name to come away At which she made three several loups upward increasing gardually till her feet were as high as his breast But he held her by both her armes and as he used to say when he spoke of it he betooched himself strongly and earnestly to God though with great amazement his hair standing Widdershins in his head And after the third call he prevailed against the greatest Effort which ever he felt and threw her on the ground she groveling and fomeing like one having the falling-sickness where she fell into a profound sleep for the space of two or three hours When she awaked she declaimed most bitterly against the Devils treachry and perfidiousness who had promised to carry her to Irland before four a clock in the morning and to touch at Paisley where she might see her sister in passing She made a free and full confession and deleated many Women some of them of good repute who afterwards confessed and died so The Author of this letter is a Person of great honesty and sincerity From the First Relation of his we have an evident instance that the Devil can transport the Bodies of men and Women thorow the Air ` T is true he did not carry her far off but not for want of skill and power Neither was he afraied to hear the name of God spoken but purposing to destroy both the Soul and the body of the poor creature he has pretended so much to excuse himself at her hand The first Story puts me in mind of one Craich a Witch put in prison in the Steeple of Culross to whom several years agoe Mr. Alexander Colvil Justice Depute came a gentleman of great sagacity and knowledge as to Witches He asked if she was a Witch She denyed Dar you hold up your hand and swear that you are not a Witch Yes sir said she But behold what a remarkable Iudgement of God come upon her While she is swearing with her arm lifted up it became as stiff as a tree that she could not pull it in again to the amazement of all that were present One Person yet living there was a witness and can attest this The Gentleman seing the vengeance of God upon her for her wickedness falls down presently upon his knees and entreated the Lord in her behalf who was graciously pleased to hear him Some are of Opinion that the Devil cannot raise winds and storms upon the Sea and Land This is evident from the last relation in the Letter Which puts me in mind of a terrible tempest of wind in the Firth that day when Bessie Fouler was burnt at Mu●●elburgh in May anno 1661. The Devil it seems had promised to her that she should not die at that time whereupon she looking out at the Prison Window spake very confidently to the folk below You think to see me burnt the day but you will all be deceived The Hirricano did so prevail that in effect everie body suspected that she should not have died that day The morning and the forenoon were very calme RELATION XXXV Anent some Prayers Charms and Avies used in the Highlands IN the time of ignorance and superstition when the darkness of Paganism was not dispelled by Gospel light Spirits keept a more familiar converse vvith families and even in the time of Popery what was more frequent in houses than Brownies whom they employed in many services It were unseasonable and tedious to rehearse all the Stories which have been told of Brownies and Pharies commonly called our Good-Neighbours how there was a King and a Queen of Pharie of such a Court and train as they had and how they had the teind and dutie as it were of all corns flesh and meale how they rode and went alongs the sides of hills all in Green apparel I verily believe many have seen such spectres but what were they Nothing but the delusion of the Senses of sundry simple people whom the Devil made believe they did see and hear such things Browny was a Spirit that haunted divers houses familiarly without doing any evil but doing necessary turns up and down the house and frequently was found working in the Barn threashing the corn in the night time who appeared like a rough hairy man Such then was the ignorance of many that they believed their house was all the sonsier that Browny was about it As K. J. says in his Demonology I will not speak of ridiculous Friets such as our meeting with a Lucky or unlucky foot when we are going about important business these unquestionably are the Devils lessons for the most part and a denying of Gods Providenee The practise of the Heathen was to attribute good or evil luke to the slying of Birds as Virgil sayes Saepe sinistra cava praedixit ab ilice Cornix Whether there be any Magie in the practise of some young Women too curious who upon Allhallow even goe to bed without speaking to any having first eaten a cake made of soot and dreaming see in their sleep the man that shall be their husband I shall not determine But it looks like a very bad practise I heard of a Woman who dipt her smock in South-running-water on that night and hanged it up before the fire to dry One comes in in the likness of the man who was to be her husband and turns it and went immediately to the Bed where she was attending the event and kist her It seems she did not believe it was the Devil To speak of the second sight I cannot till fuller information be given I am undoubtedly informed that men Women in the Highlands can discern fatality approaching others by seeing them in Waters or with winding-sheets about them And that others can lecture in a sheeps shoulder bone a death within the Parish seven or eight days before it come It is not improbable but that such preternatural knowledge comes first by a compact with the Devil and is derived downward by succession to their posterity many of such I suppose are innocent and have this Sight against their will and inclination Charms and Spells have been first taught to men and Women in confederacy with the Devil many of which are received by Tradition and used by Witches and ignorant Persons too The vertue of curing