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A29574 The holy practises of a devine lover, or, The sainctly [sic] Ideots Deuotions the contents of the booke are contained in the ensuinge page. More, Gertrude, 1606-1633.; Baker, Augustine, 1575-1641. 1657 (1657) Wing B479; ESTC R10839 90,605 335

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come it naturallye or by any chance or accident 8. To loose my life by suddayne death or else by longe sicknesse as it shal please God 9. To receiue harme in my Imagination whereby I may haue my braines crackt or become a very foole or madd man And to be content with all this if God permitt the case to befall mee 10. That my Body putrifie and corrupt slowly and with lenth of tyme and that others obserue and take notice of such putrifyinge and in their natures abhorre it and mee for itt 11. To endure and suffer the Agonye of Death and the vnwillingnesse and horrour that nature hath in the separation of the soule from the Bodye I● is continued THE III. EXERCISE 1. I am resigned to dye a natural death or otherwise a violent and paynefull death procured by others which of them may best please thee my Lord. 2. To dye when where and in what manner it shall best please God and that without the helpe of any of the Sacraments if I cannot come by them 3. Beinge dead to want not only honorable but euen Christian Burial And my Body to be a prey and food to beasts and fowles as hath beene and often is the case of Martyrs 4. In the Agonye of death to endure such terrours Afflictions temptations as the diuel doth then vsuallye rayse and procure or my deare God permitt Heere follow Resignations about externall Goods 5. To be depriued of the Cloths I haue or may haue be they neuer soe necessarie for mee The like for good bookes conuenient lodginges and to haue these things bestowed vppon one whom in my nature I am most auerted from 6. To be driuen to weare cloths that seeme base or insufficient or vnfitt for the body● as ouer heauy ouerhott for the summer or ouer thynne and light for the cold winter or else cloths that are of hayre rugged and paynefull to the Bodye 7. To be streitned or otherwise ilaccomodated for chamber or lodginge hard beddinge to want necessaries in my lodginge and beddinge 8. To want necessarie cloths soe as to be brought to that pouertie that I am not onlye barely and basely clothed but hardlye able to couer my nakednesse whereby I maye be wonderfully contemned and dispised by others 9. To be turned out of doores and to be depriued of all certayne and proper place of Habitation and thrust into the wide world and soe entirely left to such destinye as God shall permitt to fall vppon mee 10. To haue all the temporal goods whereof I haue the proprietie or vse taken from mee and to be left as poore naked and desolate as euer Iob was or any man or weoman can be 11. To endure the Crosses that in any sort spirituall or corporal maye fall vppon my friends or kindred or vppon those who in my nature I most affect as to endure their deaths imprisonments dishonors losse of their lands or goods their extreame pouertie or whatsoeuer else may happen vnto them 12. And on the other side to forbeare and restreigne my selfe from all inordinate ioye and complacence that I may take in their prosperities 13. I am resigned alsoe and hope to be well content that my friends and kindred louers and well wishers doe alienate and withdraw their affections from mee doe forgett and neglect mee yea and come to be auerted from mee and to conceiue and speake euill of mee and doe mee euill offices yet soe as I committ noe sinne or giue noe iust occasion of such auersion from mee 14. And further I resigne my selfe to be left and forsaken of all creatures in the world soe that I haue noe Man or any thinge to cleaue vnto saue thee only my Iesus who will aboundantly suffice mee 15. I am resigned and indifferent in what place and in what companie I liue and in particular to liue with them from whom my nature is most auerted and to liue with strangers aswell as with my familiars 16. And to liue with them with whom and from whom I shall find and receiue most contradictions discurtesies and hard vsages if it shall be the blessed will and pleasure of thee my Lord to allot or ordayne mee to liue in such companye 17. I am resigned to abide in this life in all sorts of Afflictions for soe longe tyme as it shall please God though it were to the end of the world 18. And not to yeild to the Motion or inclination of my nature that would perhaps out of wearisomnesse fayne haue life at an end But in this I wholy submitt my will to the will of God Amen Heere follow Resignations about good name Honour and Estimation THE IV. EXERCISE 1. I Am resigned not only not to be beloued or well thought of by Superiors Bretheren sisters or others but euen hated and euil thought of by them Yet wil I take heed through Gods Grace not by any sinne to giue iust Occasion of such hatred or euil opinion of mee 2. And I am resigned that all others yea myne enemyes be in greater Grace fauour loue and good opinion with superiors and all others then I am 3. To vndergoe all manner of disgraces Reproaches slaunders infamyes Dishonors Taunts contempts neglects scoffs backbitings and iniuries in my fame And to endure all these be they done to my face or behind my Back whither I haue iust occasion for them or noe and I am sorrie for the sinne soe farre as there was a sinne in it and I am glad of the occasion growne by it of my Resignation and Mortification 4. And whither they be done mee by my Superiors or betters or by myne equalls or els by such as in the condition of the world are inferior to mee 5. And whither they be done by such as I esteemed my friends and of whom I had better deserued or by any professed foes or as such behaue themselues towards mee though I esteeme them to be in charity with mee and all the world 6. I am resigned that my life or manner of my death be execrable odious and hatefull to others and beinge dead to be euil thought of and euil spoken of by others and to haue noe man that will uouchsafe to pray for mee beinge dead but to be either cleane forgotten or to haue an ill memorie and esteeme 7. Yea thought by all the world to haue dyed out of the state of Saluation and soe damned for euer Yea moreouer to haue it soe sett downe and expressed in a printed booke or Cronicle not only to my owne euerlastinge shame but to the shame and confusion of my kindred and familye 8. And finally in this life to be held for the scumme and outcast of all the race of Mankind and forsaken by All both as to their doings and to their Affections towards mee 9. In sicknesse and other occasions and necessities to be chargeable and troublesome to others and my selfe to be profitable to none at all nor in any sort to be
forbeare them if that it could stand with the will of God accordinge to true discretion 2. I doe renounce all manner of Affection to created things be they corporall or spirituall as to any affection I heare them for their owne sakes meerely de●iringe and intendinge that all kind of created things spirituall and corporall and all that is not God may be loued by mee for God and in God and not otherwise 3. In particular I renounce all Affection to sensible g●st and Deuotion to spirituall lights to facilitie in Prayinge to eleuated contemplations both Actiue and Passiue Rapts and extases Visions Apparitions Extraordinarie Illuminations Reuelations knowledges of the de●ine secrets the beholdinge and conuersinge with Glorious Angells Saints or other good Spirits And to all other extraordinarie guifts and fauors I say I doe resigne all affection to them soe that if I chance to haue them yet by the Grace of God will I haue no● adheringe Affection to them but referre it to the goodnesse and freewill of God to giue or not to giue what Hee pleaseth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 4. And with the Grace of God I will neuer ●●st in any guift of God not in any created thinge be it neuer soe noble but only shall make vse of itt soe farre as it may be of vse for to passe further into that which is increated illimited and infinitt which is God himselfe the Creatour and Giuer who is infinitly aboue all these and other whatsoeuer guifts Graces and Creatures And in him only will I place and make my finall Rest loue and intention Though I know well I shall not attayne vnto him as Hee is in his true essence while I ●m in this l●fe 5. And therefore I purpose with his Grace euer to labour more and more to approach vnto him neuer to giue ouer knowinge well that I shall not perfectly come by him in this life It beinge reserued for the future but yet with continuall labour I may with his grace walkinge only in the light of faith draw neerer and liker vnto Him and more please his deuine eyes which I desire and intend seriously euer to doe 6. I resigne my selfe for the loue of God to be depriued of al bodily necessaries and to be as naked therin as when I was borne And as for such necessaries as God shall afford mee for the maintayninge of my corporall life I doe and will likwise resigne all loue and affection euen to those necessaries 7. For the loue of God I resigne my selfe to be by all that doe know or heereafter shall know mee esteemed the most abiect vnworthy base ignorant foolish wittlesse and most contemp●ible of all humayne creatures And therefore not only incapable of all Office and imployment but alsoe vnworthy to be admitted into the company or conuersation of any Others though of neuer soe meane condition 8. For the loue of God I doe resigne my selfe to be contented with the naturall and supernaturall guifts and talents that I haue or shall haue wishinge noe more of them then it shall please God to giue mee or continue in mee which I will employ in his seruice while I haue them and will not repine or murmure ●o be depriued of them 9 I am resigned and contented to vndergoe all such mortifications Obediences and difficulties whatsoeuer which my superior mediate or immediate shall deliberately require of mee to be vndergone or performed 10. I am resigned after this life to abide in Purgatorie in horrible paynes and torments and for soe longe tyme as it shall be the will of God and to remayne there euen to the end of the world if it shall soe please God to ordayne of mee THE XII EXERCISE 1. I Am resigned not to know what will become o● mee heereafter ●i●her for bodye or soule but therin to referre my selfe to the priuate and secret Iudgement of God And to be resigned and contented that God doe reserue and conceal● to himselfe those his knowledges iudgements about mee 2. And in particular not to know where in what companye with what assistance and in what manner of what kind of sicknesse and whither suddenly or of a longe sicknesse or in what case as to the state of my soule I shall dye as whither my soule shall goe to Heauen or to Hell or to Purgatori● In all these cases I am to resigne my selfe and to be con●●nted that God only doth know what will become of mee and my 〈◊〉 to be Ignorant of itt 3. Neuerthelesse as to my soule I hope and with the Grace of God ●uer will hope because hee is good and commands mee to hope that I shall be a saued soule and shall one day sooner or later enioye Him in Heauen for all Eternitie 4. For the loue I beare vnto God purely for the loue and excellencie that is in him I resigne my selfe to serue him all the dayes of my life with all my soule and bodye without any reguard to a reward for soe doinge In soe much as if there were neither Heauen or hell or Purgatorie or any Reward or punishment in this life or the next Yet would I serue him in the best maner I could and this only in reguard that his Goodnesse and Other His excellencies doe deserue infinitly greater loues and seruices then I yea or all the Angels and Saincts and other creatures whatsoeuer are able to do● or performe for him 5. For the loue of God in whose sight I am and vpon whom all my beinge depends I resigne my selfe vnto him with all that I haue or can doe or suffer in soule Bodie Fame Friends or externall goods for tyme and eternitie Soe that I doe reserue to my selfe noe manner of will but in all things doe make the will of God to be my will vtterlye neglectinge my owne will as if I had none at all God by this meanes wholye reigninge in mee and doinge by mee with mee and about mee as beinge but his instruement whatsoeuer shall please him And nothinge as for or to my selfe or any end of myne owne An Act for a timerous or scrupulous Conscience 6. For the loue I beare vnto God I renounce and giue ouer all manner of selfe will and selfe conceit or opinion in all matters generallye and particularly in this that I will henceforth stand to and practise such aduise and direction as hath beene giuen mee by such as I haue reason to giue creditt vnto in spirituall matters about the sayinge of my Office or about Confessions or about iudginge what is sinne and what not and what I am to iudge to be mortall and what not Neither will I in any point varie from such aduise or directions But will tye myselfe out of the loue and obedience I owe to God to ●●and to such aduises as haue beene or shall be giuen vnto mee ●ither about the matter manner or frequencie of Confession or about the iteratinge or sayinge of my offi●e or any part thereof or about the
looke to find any Booke for thy turne in this way written by any of the Societie of Iesus whose genius is the actiue way and in that they are excellent and very commendable but in this contemplatiue way few or none hath appeared euer since their first institute aboue these hundred yeares Vanitie of Vanitie and all is Vanitie Eccles. 1. But only to loue to loue and serue God Though thou a faire howse hast and splendid fare What then A spowse or concubine without compare What then And Blist with numerous issue large extents What then Yea faire stronge rich in all accomplishment What then If Prior Abbot Prince or Pope thou be What then Courted by the world and all prosperitie What then Let fortunes wheele aduance thee aboue the skies What then Liue heere ten thowsand yeares in Paradise What then Then virtue only doth remayne by which true Glorie thou shalt gayne The world passes away and the concupiscence thereof 1. Io. 2.17 IESVS sonne of dauid haue mercie on mee GOD be mercieful to mee a sinner Luc● 1● ●● 1● HOLY EXERCISES OR SAINCTLY IDEOTS DEVOTIONS THE POENITENT THE FIRST EXERCISE 1. WHO shall giue to my head water and to mine eyes a fountaine of Teares that I maye bewayle both day and night my sinns and ingratitude towards God my Creator 2. Consider ô my soule the multitude of the Benefits of God bestowed vppon thee and be thou confoun 16. Amongst soe many infidels as are in the world thou hast brought mee to thy Faith and Baptisme 17. There that couenant was made that thou shouldst be mine and I thine thou my Lord and I thy seruant thou my Father and I thy child That thou shouldst behaue thy selfe as a Father towards mee and I as a child towards thee 18. What shall I say of the other Sacraments which thou hast instituted for remedies of my euills makinge a plaister for my sinns of thy owne most pretious Blood 19. Haueinge these helpes yet haue I not remayned in goodnesse but my wickednesse hath beene soe greate that I haue lost my first Innocencie 20. And thy Mercie on the other side soe greate that thou hast patientlie hitherto expected mee 21. O my Hope and Sauuiour how can I without teares call to my remembrance how oftentymes thou mightst iustlye haue bereaued mee of my life 22. How many thowsand soules now peraduenture burne in hell who haue lesse sinned then I and yet I burne not there 23. What had become of mee if thou hadst taken mee away when thou tookst them This is continued in the ensuinge Exercise THE II. EXERCISE WHO then ô Lord bound the hands of thy Iustice 2. Who held the rod of thy iudgements when as I by sinninge prouoked thee 3. What pleased thee in mee that thou didst deale more dearelie with mee then with others 4. My sinns cryed vnto thee and thou stoppedst thyne eares 5. My malice euerie day increased against thee and thy merite euerie day encreased towards mee 6. I sinned and thou expectedst 7. I Fled away and thou Followedst mee 8. I was wearied in sinninge and thou wert not wearied in expectinge 9. In the midst of my sinns I receiued from thee diuers good inspirations 10. What shall I now render ô Lord vnto thee for all these benefitts which I haue receiued of thee 11. Because thou hast created mee I owe thee all that I am 12. Because thou hast preserued mee I owe thee all that I am and my life 13. Because thou hast giuen mee thy selfe what shall I render to thee 14. If all the Liues of Angells and men were mine and that I should offer them all vnto thee as a Sacrifice what were this Oblation if it were compared with one droppe of thy Blood which thou hast shed for mee soe aboundantlie 16. Who therefore will giue Teares to mine eyes that I may bewayle my ingratitude and wicked retribution or requitall of these thy soe many benefits 16. Helpe mee ô Lord and giue mee Grace that I may worthylye bewayle myne iniquities 17. For I am that vnhappie wretch who hath sinned against heauen and before thee 18. I am thy Creature made accordi●ge to thy Image take awaye from mee that which I haue made and know that which thou hast made 19. I haue bent all my forces to doe thee iniurie and haue offended thee by the workes of my hands 20. The things which thou hast giuen and created for mee to be imployed and vsed for thy seruice and Honour I haue wrougfullie and most vnthankfullie conuerted and imployed the same to thy offence and dishonour This is continued in the ensuinge Exercise THE III. EXERCISE 1. MY feete haue bene swift to euil and mine eyes haue beene dissolute to Vanitie myne eares haue beene alwayes open to trifles and toyes 2. My vnderstandinge which should haue contemplated thy Beautie and haue meditated both day and night on thy Commandements hath considered transitorie toyes and meditated day and night how to transgresse thy said Commandements 3. My will was by thee inuited to the Loue of coelestiall delights and delicacies but I preferred the earth before heauen 4. I haue spread my Armes which thou hast consecrated to thy loue to embrace and hugge the filthie Loue of Creatures 5. This is ô Lord the reward this is the Fruite which I thy Creature haue yeilded 6. Alas What can I a wretch answere if thou entrest with mee into Iudgement and wilt say I haue planted thee a chosen vineiard all true seed how then ô strange vineiard art thou turned in my sight into that which is depraued 7. And if I cannot answere to this first question concerninge my Creation how shall I answere the second concerninge my conuersation 8. Thou ô mercifull God hast preserued him by thy prouidence who hath thought of noe other thinge but how to violate thy Commandements and to set vp the Kingdome of sinne against thee 9. Thou hast moued that tongue which dishonored thee thou hast gouerned those members which offended thee 10. In soe much as I haue not onlie beene vngratefull for thy benefits but vsed thy benefits alsoe themselues as weapons against thee 11. Thou hast made all creatures for my vse to allure mee to loue thee I haue abused them and of them haue diuers tymes taken occasion of sinne 12. I haue made choise rather of the guift then the giuer 13. I haue beene blinded by them and haue not lifted vp myne ey●s at the sight of them 14. I haue not considered how much more beautifull the Creator is then the creature 15. Thou hast giuen mee all things that I should giue thee my selfe and all things haue serued mee but I neuer haue giuen thee Glorie or paid thy tributedue 16. Thou hast giuen mee health and the diuell hath gathered the fruits thereof 17. Thou hast giuen mee strenth and I haue spent it in the seruice of Thin● enemye 18. What shall I say wherefore haue not all the calamities and miseries which
I haue knowne to haue falne vppon other men and touched not mee beene a sufficient argument to mee that my deliuerie from euerie one of them was a peculiar benefit from thee 19. O most gratious Lord shall I be vngratefull for these Benefits 20. If the fiercenesse and crueltie of Lions and serpents be assuaged with benefits why shall not thy benefits be sufficient to tame and assuage my sinnefull Hart This is continued in the Followinge Exercise THE IV. EXERCISE 1. BVT if soe strict an account shall be demanded for these things which cost thee soe little what accompt wilt thou aske of those which thou hast bought to thy selfe with thy most pretious Blood 2. How haue I peruerted thy Counsells 3. How haue I violated the Mysterie of thyne Incarnation 4. Thou wert made man to make mee a God I haue made my selfe a beast and the slaue of the Diuell 5. Thou hast come downe to the earth to bringe mee to heauen and I haue not harkened to or acknowledged this high Vocation 6. But haue perseuered in wickednesse and in the durt and mire of my basenesse 7. Thou hadst deliuered mee I haue cast my selfe agayne headlonge into my old bondage 8. Thou hadst raised mee I haue agayne embraced death 9. Thou hadst made mee one Bodie with thee and I haue ioyned my selfe agayne with the di●ell 10. Soe many and soe greate Benefits could not doe soe much as make mee know thee 11. Nor soe many tokens of Loue make mee requite thee with Loue. 12. Nor soe many deserts and guifts make mee hope in thee 13. Nor such a strict kind of iustice as appeared in thy Passion make mee feare thee 14. Thou hast humbled thy selfe euen to the dust of the earth I puffe my selfe vp with pride 15. Thou didst hange naked on the Crosse I seeke the world worldlye delights 16. Thou beinge God wert buffeted if any man touch my garment who am onlie a most vile worme I presentlye become colericke 17. What shall I say my sweete Sauuiour behold how greate thy mercie and charitie is towards mee 18. Thou wouldst dye to kill my sinns and ● persuminge in thy said Mercie Goodnesse and Loue haue ●ot feared to sinne against thee what greater impietie can be imagined 19. I haue taken occasion of thy Goodnesse to worke malice and by that meane which thou hast vsed to kill sinne I haue taken occasion to raise agayne sinne in my selfe 20. Because thou wert soe good I thought I might without preiudice be euil 21. And because thy Benefits were soe many I thought I might without punishment render vnto thee as many iniuries This is further continued in the ensuinge Exercise THE V. EXERCISE 1. THVS haue I made thy medecines occasions of sinne● and I haue turned that sword which I receiued of thee to defend my selfe from myne enemyes against my owne bowels and with the same murthered myne owne soule 2. Finally thou diedst as wee are taught by the Apostle that they that now liue may not liue to themselues but vnto thee 3. And I as the child of Iezable haue made thy Death as a meane to depriue my selfe of thy blessings by Flyinge from thy seruice and makinge my selfe the Bondslaue of thyne enemyes 4. Alas what doth hee deserue who committeth such enormities 5. If doggs haue eaten the flesh of Iezable what will become of mee 6. If the Apostle make it soe heinous a matter of the Law itselfe to take an occasion to breake the Law how greate is my malice who of Grace Mercie haue taken an occasion to offend Grace and Mercie itselfe 7. O most Patient Lord who for sinners hast suffered buffetts but farre more patient in sufferinge sinners Will this thy patience ●ndure for euer 8. I remember what thou hast said by the Prophet I haue held my peace I haue kept silence I haue beene Patiint as one that hath beene labouringe with child I will speake 9. I see that the earth that yeldeth not fruict after rayne is reiected and cursed 10. I see that the vineyard which beinge well tilled producinge noe grapes but wild vines by thee is commanded to be destroyed 11. Wherefore ô vnprofitable fruitlesse branch dost thou not feare the voyce of that potent husbandman that dresser of the vineyard who as truth itselfe reporteth taketh away all branches not bearinge fruicte and casteth them into the fire 12. What shall I doe my Lord what shall I doe I confesse I am not worthy to appeare in thy sight nor to behold thee 13. Whither shall I flye from thy Face 14. Art not thou my Father and in verie truth a Father of Mercies which haue noe end or measure 15. For though I haue as much as lay in mee for a longe tyme desisted to be thy child yet thou euen to this present dost not desist to be my Father 16. Although I haue done many things worthy of damnation yet thou hast not desisted to saue mee 17. What then shall I doe but cast my selfe downe at thy Feete and humblie craue Mercie 18. Art not thou My Creator My Preseruer My Redeemer My Deliuerer My Kinge My Pastor My Preist and My Sacrifyce 19. Whither then shall I goe whither then shall ● flye but vnto thee 20. If thou repell mee who will receiue mee 21. If thou reiect mee of whom shall I seeke succour 22. Acknowledge ô Lord and receiue this sheepe that hath runne a stray 23. Behold I come full of wounds thou canst heale mee 24. I come all blind thou canst giue mee sight 25. I come all dead thou canst rayse mee 26. I come all full of leprosie thou canst make mee cleane 27. Thou shalt sprinkle mee ô Lord with I sope with thy pretious blood shed for mee and I shall be made cleane 28. Thou shalt wash mee and I shall be made whiter then snow 29. Thy mercie is greater then my iniquitie thy clemencie exceedeth my malice and thou canst forgiue more then I can sinne 30. Doe not therefore ô Lord doe not repell and reiect mee 31. Doe not consider the multitude of my sinns but thyne infinit mercie 32. I resigne my selfe wholye into thy hands 33. Thou ô God who art able to doe all things conuert mee vnto thee renew my Spiritt 34. Enlighten my vnderstandinge sanctyfie my will increase my strenth of Bodie and soule 35. That I may depend onlie on thee Feare and loue thee aboue all things and serue thee feruentlye 36. And in all my actions hereafter to conforme my selfe to thy blissed will and pleasure 37 I beseech thee finallye to impart vnto mee thyne aboundant effectuall Grace by which I may be able to beginne to lead a perfect and holye life and to serue thee perfectlye and throughlye euen to the end Heere end the 5. Exercises of Contrition THE VI. EXERCISE 1. TAKE pittie ô Lord take pittie ô mercyfull Sauuiour of mee most miserable sinner doinge things worthye of blame and worthylye sufferinge for the same 2. Beinge
dost threaten I may eschape by fearinge thee 12. And giue mee agayne the ioye of thy saluation that those things which thou dost promise I may receiue by louinge thee 13. O Lord my strenth my force my God my Refuge and my deliuerer instruct mee what I ought to thinke and conceiue of thee 14. Teach mee with what words I am to call vpon thee 15. Make knowne vnto mee which way I maye please thee 16. One thinge doubtlesse I know with which thou art appeased and another which thou dost not dispise Verilie a penitent spirit is to thee A sacrifice acceptable soe likewise a hart that is contrite and humble 17. With these guifts ô my God my Ayde doe thou enrichmee 18. Barricade mee with these Bulwarkes against myne enemyes 19. Graunt mee this refreshinge against the flames of my vicious inclinations 20. Sett open this pious place of Refuge to which I maye flye from the Tumults of myne inordinate Affections Amen THE XVII EXERCISE 1. GRAVNT ô Lord that I be not of the number of those who for a tyme beleiue and in tyme of Temptation doe depart and leaue thee 2. Couer my head in the day of Battaile thou ô Lord who art my hope in the day of Affliction and my safeguard in the tyme of Tribulation 3. Behold ô Lord my light and my life I haue asked those things which I wan● I haue made knowne those things which I feare my conscience neuerthelesse tormenteth mee the secrets of my hart doe reprehénd mee 4. And what loue affordeth feare disperseth zeale encourageth mee dread daunteth mee 5. Myne Actions cause mee to feare but thy pittie giueth mee cause of Hope 6. Thy Mercie emboldneth mee my naughtinesse with holdeth mee 7. And to speake the truth their occurre to my memorie many sinnefull imaginations which reprehend the boldnesse of my presuminge Affections 8. Hee therefore who deserueth anger with what face can hee demand fauour 9. Hee who meriteth to be punished how can hee be soe foole hardie as to aske to be rewarded 10. He incenseth the iudge who neglecteth to make satisfaction for his offence and yet maketh meanes to obtayne a Recompence 11. That malefactor mocketh and derideth His Kinge and Lord who earnestly requireth the Prise and honour which hee neuer deserued 12. That foolish sonne likewise prouoketh to anger the sweete Affection of his Father who vppon reproaches offered without repentance dare vsurpe and lay title to his inheritance 13. What is this ô father that I recompt of my selfe I haue deserued death yet begge for life 14. I haue moued my Kinge to anger whose aid notwithstandinge I impudentlye implore 15. I haue dispised my Iudge whom boldlye I begge to be my helper 16. I haue insolentlye refused to heare him as a father whom now I presume to choose as my defender 17. Woe is mee for not cominge soe soone as I ought Alas alas how little hast doe I make 18. I neglected to beware of the weapons which wounded mee behore hand and now I am troubled through the apprehension of Death at hand This is continued in the followinge Exercise THE XVIII EXERCISE 1. I Haue made my former ●carrs to fester with new soares since I haue renewed my former faultes by new iniquities 2. And those which the deuine salue had made sound my phreneticall itchinge hath agayne vnbound 3. The skinne which beinge growne ouer my wounds had hidden my maladie by reason of corruption breakinge forth hath growne to purifie because myne iniquitie beinge reiterated hath bereaued mee of mercie which before was granted 4. For that I know it is written in what howre soeuer a iust Man shall sinne all his good deeds shall be forgotten 5. If the righteousnesse of a good man is abolished when hee falleth into sinne 6. By how much more is the pennance of a sinner defaced if hee returne to the same 7. How often like a dogge haue I returned to that which I had vomited vp before 8. And as a sowe haue wallowed agayne in the mire 9. I confesse that it is impossible for mee to remember how many simple and ignorant persons through my meanes haue sinned 10. How many that were desirous to cease from sinne haue I perswaded to sinne 11. How many that haue withstood mee haue I constrayned 12. To how many that were willinge haue I consented 13. To how many walkinge in the right waye haue I prepared a ginne or snare 14. To how many that haue sought the right way haue I vncouered the pitt that they might fall in 15. And that I might not be frightned with committinge still the like I easilie put those past out of my mind 16. But thou in the meane while beinge a iust Iudge hast obserued and recorded and doth obserue and record all myne offences and hast numbred all my footesteps 17. Thou hast all this while held thy peace thou hast beene silent thou hast beene patient 10. Wooe is mee for that thou wilt speake at lenth as a weoman in her Trauayle This Exercise is continued THE XIX EXERCISE 1. I D●●re not ô my Lord God presume on my owne meritts yea I am affraide and tremble to present my selfe before thee 2. For my Soule and Bodie are spotted and blemished with many sinns and defects and I haue beene negligent ●● thought and word 3. To thee therefore ô mercifull God deare Sauuiour I wretched sinner beinge in these streights recurre as vnto the fountaine of Mercie and pittie ● flie vnto thee for Saluation 4. And to thee ô Lord I laye open my wounds and soares to thee I discouer my infirmities of which I am ashamed 5. I know my sinns to be many and greate for which I stand in feare 6. I hope in thy Mercies which are without end 7. Lord Iesus-Christ eternall Kinge God and Man looke vppon mee with the eyes of thy Mercie 8. Harken vnto mee puttinge my trust in thee haue pittie on mee that am full of miseries and sinns thou ô Lord who neuer restreignest the flowinge of the fountaine of thy Mercie 9. I am hartilye sorrie that euer I haue offended thee I desire to amend for the tyme to come 10. Doe away therefore from mee ô most mercifull father all my sinns and iniquities that soe beinge purifyed and cleansed in soule and Bodie I may be able worthilye to serue thee and blissedly to be vnited vnto thee 11. Let my soule thirst alwayes after thee the source of wisedome and knowledge the fountaine of eternall life and sunne of eternall light the Riuer of Pleasure the Plentifulnesse of the Howse of God 12. Lett it alwayes earnestly aspire after thee seeke thee and find thee deseruinge such ingratitude at my hands 6. I much desire that I were more sorrie that my hart might breake for any one of the offences which I haue committed against thy deuine Maiestie 7. How great reason is there that I should melt into teares for the least of them 8. For I haue little
hast forsaken thy God 20. Alas poore wretch and what wilt thou doe to whom wilt thou flye from whom wilt thou expect helpe 21. From whom but from Him whom thou hast offended Hee is most pittifull most courteous and most mercifull It is continued THE IV. EXERCISE 1. HVMBLE thy selfe prostrate thy selfe powre out thy selfe like water in his sight and Hee will take pittie on thee 2. O my soule if it were necessarie dayly to suffer torments yea to endure hell itselfe for a longe tyme together that wee might see Christ in his glorie and be ioyned in fellowship with the saintes in His Heauenlye Citie were it not meete thinkest thou to sustayne all manner of miserie that wee might be made pertaker of soe greate a good and soe greate a felicitie 3. O my soule who art most famous by beinge framed accordinge to the likenesse of God beinge bought with the price of Christs owne blood espoused vnto Him by Faith endowed with the holye Ghost adorned with vertues esteemed equall with the Angells 4. Loue Him then Loue Him of whom thou art beloued 5. Attend to Him that attendeth to thee and seeke Him that seeketh thee 6. Loue this Louer of whom thou art beloued with whose loue thou art preuented and who is the fountaine from whence thy loue floweth 7. Be carefull to please Him who is carefull to please thee thinke on Him who thinketh on thee be pure with Him who is Puritie itselfe be holye with Him who is Holinesse itselfe 8. Accoordinge to thy carriage towards God in thy conuersation will hee carrie himselfe towards thee againe 9. God is courteous mild full of mercie and compassion and doth require therefore of thee that thou likwise be courteous mild sweete humble and mercifull towards All. 10. Loue Him ô my soule who hath deliuered thee from the lake of miserie and from the Mire of sinne and iniquitie 11. Choose Him for thy special Friend who alone will Faithfullye adhere and sticke vnto thee when all other things and Friends will faile and shrinke from thee 12. One the day of thy burial when thou shalt be Abandoned and forsaken by all thy Friends Hee will not leaue thee but will defend thee from those roaringe infernall Fiends readie to deuoure thee will conduct thee vnto the Land of the liuinge 13. O my soule sigh vehementlye and aspire feruentlye to that glorious Citie soe highlye spoken of 14. Heauen and Earth and all therin contayned doe continuallye exhort thee to loue thy Lord God 15. My soule blisse thou our Lord my soule praise thou our Lord 16. Why art thou ô my soule sad and why art thou troubled Hope in our Lord for hee will be thy comfort and sollace 17. Sweete and amiable Iesus is present with thee thou must with Reuerence and loue attend vnto Him 18. O would to God hee would wash mee with his most pretious blood perfectlye cleanse and heale mee and lighten mee with the brightenesse of his Grace 19. O that hee would wound my hart interiorlye and mollifye itt perfectlye and make it as it were drunke with his mellifluous Charitie 20. O would to God I might wholye burne and be consumed and melted with the fire of his Loue 21. I aske I wish I desire that the heauenlye Kinge who vouchsafeth to be my soules Bridegroome would vouchsafe alsoe to make mee pleasinge to him Amen FINIS An example of Acts which a Soule maye Exercisee towards God as absent from Her 1. I will blesse our Lord at all tymes his prayses shal euer be in my Mouth 2. Our Lord haue Mercie on vs● enlighten his countenance vppon vs and take pittie on vs. 3. It is good for mee to seeke after our Lord and gett neere vnto him for hee is our Hope and our All. The Pfalmes of Dauid are full of these Acts. FINIS An example of speakinges supposed to be made by God to the soule 1. SONNE it behoueth thee to giue all for all and reserue nothinge to thy selfe 2. Sonne where is true peace to be found is it not in Mee 3. Sonne thou canst not attayne to perfect libertie if thou dost not wholye forsake thy selfe 4. Sonne abide constant and hope in mee This is All in All. FINIS ACTS OF LOVE AND vvellvvishinge tovvards God THE FIRST EXERCISE 1. I Doe reioyce in all the Perfections that are in thee ô my God as in thy wisedome Goodnesse Powre and all other thy deuine prerogatiues and perfections 2. Lett it please and suffice mee that thou art infinitlye happie and Rich my most benigne and louinge Father 3. I doe reioyce at the presence of thee my God in heauen where thou reignest as in thy Kingdome and that thou art there worshipped adored and loued by all thy Angells and Saincts 4. Soe that if it were in my Powre I would Loue and honour thee with all that loue and worshipp wherewith all the Angells and Saints doe there Loue thee 5. I doe ioye in all the Loues and seruices that the iust Men in the Church especiallye the Perfect in all former ages in the present Age or in the future Ages haue borne performed doe beare and performe or shall beare and performe towards thee 6. And I desire to loue thee with the Loue of them All and would for thy Loue doe and performe if it lay in my powre all their workes aswell internall as externall and would vndergoe all their labours and endure all their Afflictions 7. I doe hartilye reioyce in all the good things that are in the elect seruants of God but especiallye for the wonderfull guifts of the perfect and that they are by thee ô my God illuminated inflamed and sanctified 8. My Loue and desire towards thee ô my God is such and soe greate that if it were possible to mee and acceptable to thee I would of each soule especiallye of myne owne make a Kingdome of Heauen that thou mightst be beloued and praysed in foe many Heauens by the dwellers in them 9. Which if it lay in my powre should be more in number then the Grasse piles on the Earth the sands in the sea or dropps of water therin 10. I doe heere in thy presence ô my God hold and repute my selfe as nothinge and whatsoeuer I haue aboue nothinge naturall or supernaturall I acknowledge it to be thyne and none of myne 11. And because of my selfe I am nothinge and that my God is all Good and that all good things come onlye from him I doe greatly reioyce and with all my hart confesse that I am nothinge can doe nothinge and haue nothinge for both my beinge and abilitie to doe and all I haue is thyne and from thee THE II. EXERCISE 1. I Doe heere in the presence of God repute and iudge my selfe the most vile of all creatures and because I cannot feele or perceiue this in my selfe but rather the contrarie hauinge a good and greate opinion of my selfe I doe acknowledge therefore that I am most prowd
able to steed others 10. Soe that the whole world grow weary of mee and of my life and Beinge and dayly longe to be ridd of mee by death or some other way they care not how and in this case to remayne diuers yeares yea for my whole life tyme though neuer soe longe 11. I am resigned that dyinge in the Grace of God which I hope and earnestly pray I may alwayes doe and of a naturall death I be for all that through some occasion or other by the permission of God esteemed to haue killed or destroyed my selfe and therevppon to be accordinge to the custome of our countrey pearsed through the midst of my Bodye with a stake and buried in the high way and euery one that passeth by to cast a stone on my Graue in detestation of mee to the vnspeakable shame c●nfusion and damnation of my owne fame and to the fowle Aspersion of my Familye Resignations of and concerninge the soule THE V. EXERCISE 1. I Am resigned to vndergoe all sorts of temptations which may please thy Deuine Maiestie to lay or permitt to fall vppon mee for myne exercise and Triall And to endure them to the end euer adheringe to thee and not yeildinge to sinne by occasion of them soe farre as thy holy Grace shall enable mee 2. To endure all manner of desolations Priuations Aridities Drynesses and indeuotion All darknesse in myne vnderstandinge and all dullnesse and coldnes●e of Affection in my will towards my God soe farre as I am not able to helpe it And will not for my comfort conuert mee to externall solaces 3. To want all manner of guifts Graces that are not absolutely necessarie to my Saluation as all supernaturall contemplations sweetenesses and extraordinarie deuine visits and fauours 4. To resigne my selfe in all things be they neuer soe contrarie to nature and its inclination to sensualitie and its affections 5. To resigne my selfe to beare with the repugnance which I find in my sensualitie vntill by the Grace of God sooner or later euer or neuer in this life it may be brought to perfect subiection to the soule and in the meane tyme to beare with the labour and difficultie that is in fightinge against it or in resistinge the desires of itt 6. To resigne my selfe to dye before that I can reach to perfection and to liue and dye in that state or degree of perfection which shall be pleasinge to God and not accordinge to my owne will or waye yet euer wishinge and endeauouringe that I may not be wantinge in cooperatinge with His Graces and Calls 7. To resigne my selfe to be content to serue my God accordinge to that manner which Hee preordained and not accordinge to myne owne proper will desires or wayes Hauinge reguard notwithstandinge to my naturall talents and complexion or corporall constitution And accordinge to the measure of witt or vnderstandinge that is in mee and accordinge to the supernaturall helps and Graces that God shall afford vnto mee and not accordinge to the talents guifts and graces which God hath giuen and imparted vnto others 8. I am resigned and well pleased that God hath giuen and heereafter at his pleasure may giue to others farre greater Graces and Talents or perfections then hee hath giuen or shall giue vnto mee 9. And that all others make greater progresse in Spirit and perfection then I doe albeit I should vse greater diligence and industrie then they 10. I am resigned to vnderstand learne or know noe more or otherwise then God would haue mee to know and to remayne ignorant in what Hee would haue mee to remayne ignorant of It is continued THE VI. EXERCISE 1. AND for what I doe or shall know I doe resigne and yeld vp to God whose it is by due all the Honour contentment satisfaction and commoditie that can come to mee by such knowledge 2. I am resigned to know noe more then is absolutely necessarie to saluation and to want the knowledge of all other things and especiallye of all curiosities and impertinencies 3. I am resigned yea desire to follow God by all wayes whatsoeuer that Hee shall call mee seeme they neuer soe strange or vnreasonable soe they haue noe sinne in them I meane both for internall and externall wayes though I cannot vnderstand the reasons of them or perceiue how they can lead or bringe to a good end or issue And soe to be contented to walke as it were blindfold and in darknesse as to the vse of my naturall vnderstandinge 4. I am resigned and contented that others doe excell mee in virtues and perfections yet euer desiringe that I may not be wantinge in my endeauours And am resigned that they be farre more then my selfe esteemed loued and honored by all others for virtues and perfection 5. I am resigned not to know in what case I am as to my soule nor in what degree of Perfection and not to know whither I goe backward or forward in perfection 6. I am resigned not know whither I am in the state of Grace or noe as noe man without speciall reuelation doth know himselfe to be I craue notwithstandinge and desire that I may be industrious and doe my part and cooperate with my Grace 7. I am resigned that God may giue and bestow on Him who of all creatures liuinge most hateth mee all those guifts Graces and Fauours which my soule my nature or my hart could craue or wish of thee my God for my selfe and am resigned to want them my selfe and to haue noe more then thy will is to bestow on mee 8. And I am moreouer contented and resigned that in the end of my life thou my Lord may bestow vpon him that hateth mee most the fruict Benefit and reward of all the labours afflictions and mortifications which in my life tyme I haue vndergone albeit they were soe great and soe many as hath beene all the labours Afflictions and Mortifications of all the Mar●yrs Confessors and Virgins all put together that euer liued or heereafter shall liue in the Church of God Soe purely and freely doe I desire to serue my God 9. I am resigned willingly to endure all manner of contempts and yet to be esteemed by others that I endure them meerely against my will and not out of Humilitie and that I would be reuenged if I could without further discredit or dammage to my selfe THE VII EXERCISE 1. I Am resigned to serue my God in this life in all labours and afflictions which are possible for mee to vndergoe though there were neither heauen or Hell or Purgatorie or any payne or reward in the future life Soe purely doe I desire and purpose to serue my God for his owne sake without any maner of interest or commoditie thereby intended to my selfe 2. I am resigned and contented to enioy the very lowest place in Heauen though God should enable mee to meritt as much as all the SS in Heauen putt together haue done 3. I am resigned to doe and suffer both in
soule and Bodye what and in what maner and for soe longe tyme as shall be pleasinge to God and as it shall be his deuine pleasure to lay vppon mee to be done or suffered by mee 4. For the loue of my God I resigne and renounce all maner of inordinate loue towards my selfe and towards all other Creatures 5. Euen now and euer I doe renounce all inordinate Affection that I beare to the personall company or societie of any Persons or to correspondence with them by letters tokens or messages And I am contented to be depriued for euer of their company and all manner of correspondence with them 6. And I will auoid such companie and correspondence soe farre as by the will of God I may where I doe or shall find it to be an occasion of fallinge into sinns or imperfections 7. And when I cannot auoid the company I will with Gods assistance be more warie and carefull in my conuersation with such persons And I doe resigne my selfe and hartilye desire to be depriued of such company 8. For the loue of God I doe resigne and yeild vpp all seekinge to gett the Loues or good wills of others towards my selfe and all sollicitous seekinge to please them further or otherwise then shall be for God-sake 9. And I will be contented that they whose loue in my nature I most looke after shall noe iust cause giuen for it by mee withdraw all their Affections from mee yea Hate mee speake ill of mee and doe mee all maner of euill Offices 10. For the loue of God I doe renounce all maner of curiosities in dressinge of my selfe and all desire that other should affect or esteeme mee for my exterior Habit corporall array or dressinge or for my personall visage feature comelynesse Grace Beautye or stature or any other Qualitie Artificial or naturall that is in mee or generally for any guift or Talent that I haue I say I doe renounce all proprietie in them all affection to them And would if it soe pleased God for my mortification be depriued of them 11. And haue them bestowed vpon some other Man whom in my nature I doe least affect and most detest It is continued THE VIII EXERCISE 1. AND as for such guifts Graces and Talents as thou ô my God wilt haue still to abide in mee I desire and intend that they may be employed and made vse of meerely and purely for thy Honour and Glorie and not for any Honour or other end of myne owne And therefore I wholy resigne and giue them vp as to any affection I retayne to them to thee my God from whom all good things doe proceed and to thee and thy seruice only doe they belonge 2. Likewise in particular I doe renounce all complacence loue and likinge to elegancie and Acutenesse of witt eloquence of tounge and abilitie to expresse my mind perfectlye by words or by letters or other writinge All Humour Abilitye or facilitye to Iest recreate or delight others All affection I say to those talents or qualities soe farre as I haue any of them in mee I doe for the loue of God resigne relinquish and abandon 3. In particular likewise for the louer of God I doe freely renounce all complacence and loue that I haue in the knowledge or skill of any particular art either of readinge writinge speakinge enditinge and generally all skill and knowledge of any art or science whatsoeuer And alsoe all desire to be esteemed for nobilitie Gentrie and gteate alliance All things in a word that are not for God and in God with the loue and Affection to them I doe for the present and future reiect and cast awaye 4. For the loue of God I doe freely renonnce all maner of affection to the occasions of sinns or imperfections soe that willingly I would vtterlye flye from them be they of what kind they will And will endeauour to auoid all such occasions as farre as well I maye and what I cannot such beinge the necessitie of our liues that wee cannot auoid all maner of occasions I will with the Grace of God be as warie in them as my frailtie will permitt mee and withdraw my selfe from those occasions soe soone as well I maye 5. I doe for the loue of God renounce all proprietie I haue or may haue in any Kind of Office Dignitie or imployment And am and will be euer readye to resigne and yeild itt vp when it shall please God and in the meane tyme shall hold my selfe in itt out of Obedience to God and for his seruice and not for myne owne turne Honour or interest 6. For the Loue of God I doe renounce all manner of proprietye to spirituall Exercises be they neuer soe pleasinge to mee soe that there is or shall be noe Exercise soe sweete or pleasinge which I would not giue ouer if I knew it were Gods will that I should doe itt 7. Neither is there any Kind of Exercise soe vngratefull or paynefull to my nature but I would embrace it If I knew or thought itt to be Gods will that I should or otherwise could find it to be profitable to mee 8. In the meane tyme I will for the loue of God serue him in such kind of Exercises as my poore knowledge shall informe mee to be most for his Honour and seruice and my owne soules good 9. I resigne my selfe to vndergoe all manner of temptations be they corporall or spirituall as Blasphemies dispaire or any other manner of Temptation wherewith it would please God to exercise and proue mee and will abide in them as longe as hee shall please that they continue be it for neuer soe many yeares yea though it were for my whole life tyme. 10. And I purpose with the Aid of his Grace not to be carried by any of of those temptations to offend his Maiestie But euer to adhere and abide faithfull to him It is continued THE IX EXERCISE 1. AND if I should happen vppon any of these temptations to fall or proue defectiue as who is not fraile I will notwithstande by the Grace of God soe soone as I can rise vp agayne reforme what hath beene amisse and for the future tyme looke better to my selfe continuinge in resistance to those temptations soe longe as they continue 2. Nor will I seeke to driue them away or lessen the payne of them but only as it shall be the will of God and not accordinge to the will of my nature that is apt to free or ease herselfe of all temptatiōs meerely out of slouth and vnwillingnesse to vndergoe the sharpe and paynefull remedies prouided by God for my soules good by the meanes of these temptations 3. I alsoe resigne mee willingly to embrace and entertayne such defects or blemishes soe they be noe sinns as are in mee by nature or by chance in bodie or in soule and by which I am lesse esteemed by others soe farre as any such defects or blemishes are in mee as Dullnesse or slownesse
of witt or Iudgement disabilitie to expresse my mind by word or writinge ignorance or vnskilfulnesse in such Kind of things as others of my callinge vsuallye can doe rawnesse harshnesse lownesse or vnpleasantnesse of voyce Blemishes or defects in face or fauour or in any other part of the bodie or in stature or in any other reall or seeminge defect in soule or bodye Or in beinge descended of poore or lesse noble parents or hauinge poore or obscure kindred or Friends In these and all other such like points I resigne my selfe to God and I doe and will still accept of my Coudition such as it is or may be And doe not desire any betteringe lesseninge or alteringe of itt But that it may continue and be published to all others for my mortification and humilitie 4. I resigne my selfe all the tyme of my life proue it neuer soe longe for the Honour of God and his deuine pleasure to labour all that I can both corporallye and spiritually for gayneinge of perfection that is the perfect loue of God albeit I neuer reach vnto itt or neere vnto itt Therin and in all other things resigninge and wholy submittinge my selfe to what the Maiesty Goodnesse and Wisedome of God shall please to determine about mee 5. I resigne my selfe as to all proprietie and affections to bookes and instructions printed and written● which I either haue had now haue or heereafter may haue And doe resigne my selfe to be depriued of them when and by such meanes as shall please God to depriue mee of them And for the loue of God I doe for the present and for the future renounce and giue ouer all Affection to them 6. The like I doe for all those things that I haue for the vse of my bodye or Exercise of deuotion as chamber beddinge cassocke or any other cloathinge and all other things appertaninge to the bodye 7. Beads Reliques Reliquaries Agnus Dei with their siluer gold or other pretious cases pictures medalls and whatsoeuer other materiall things appertayninge to Deuotion or that may be a recreation solace or pleasure to the mind THE X. EXERCISE 1. I Doe most willingly resigne my selfe to be depriued of all instructors I meane men or weomen that may or doe instruct mee and of all Confessors both in Generall and particular purposinge with the Grace of God euer to serue him the best I can accordinge to the naturall talents which I haue as alsoe accordinge to the supernaturall talents and Graces that hee shall bestow on mee hopinge in his goodnesse that hee will by one meane or other supplie mee with all knowledge that shall be necessarie for my soule albeit I be depriued of all those ordinarie helps of bookes instructors and confessors 2. I resigne my selfe to haue my superiors and all others whom my nature would haue to be most friendly vnto mee to be in all things crosse and contrarie vnto mee yea and to persecute mee soe farre as the prouidence of God shall permitt purposinge through his Grace and for his loue to endure all 3. Since the tongue is an occasion of many sinns and imperfections I doe for the loue of God renounce all affection to the vse and Exercise of the tongue and to all manner of talkinge and discoursinge soe that if it might please God I would be contented for his loue to be made dumbe and to haue noe tongue at all soe that I could not speake 4. Because neuerthelesse the necessitie of his life will not admitt such mortification of absolute dumnesse in practise but that I must often speake either for myne owne need or for Charities sake or for my own● recreatio● or for some other iu●t occasion I purpose with the grace of God that all my words and talkings shall not be out of Affection to talkinge but out of a reasonable necessitie with a religious warinesse that I offend not in the matter or manner of my speakinge giuinge ouer soe soone as conueniently I may euer affectinge at least in my superior will if not in my nature or sensualitie to haue noe vse of my tongue at all nor wishinge to haue need or iust oc●asion for it saue only for praysinge Honoring● God Soe that by this meanes my errors escapes by occasion of talkinge doe not proceed out of affectiō to talkinge itselfe but that the talke itselfe be neces●●tated and the which wee could not well forbeare 5. For the loue and Honour of God I doe renounce all manner of desire of Honour and Honorable places dignities and Offi●es that are o● Authoritie command or Directio●● or whatsoeuer may breed mee estimation with others and thereby feed my prowd nature 6. And in steed thereof I will vndergoe any office place or imployment that my nature doth scorne and abhorre if that obedience charitie or the will of God doe impose itt on mee 7. For the loue of God I doe renounce all vayne complyinge conuersation and correspondance with the world by letters tokens messages or otherwise And all seekings to please the world with which in affection I desire to haue noe more to doe then if I were really dead and buried desiringe only to serue and please God Yea I desire soe much to be forgotten by the world that it may not remember or know tha● there is or euer was any such creature as I am or as if I had neuer at all beene borne 8. For the loue of God I renounce all inordinate affection to my parents Friends and kindred as if I were another Melchisedec whose parents and kindred were vtterly vnknowne both to himselfe and to all others And doe resigne my selfe to be neglected and forsaken by them all yea and to haue them without any iust occasion giuen by mee auerted from mee soe that they abhorre to heare mee named nor can endure soe much● as to thinke of mee 9. For the loue of God I renounce all affection to meates and drinkes as to any pleasure or delight that I willingly intend in them and doe rather if it might please God to graunt itt vnto mee choose for the mortification of my sensual●tie that I might neuer need to eate or drinke at all but be deliuered from the necessitie of itt And in such case would I desire to liue soe longe as it shall please God that I abide in th●● lise I meane without eatinge or drinkinge and without need to eate or drinke or to take any thinge that may be pleasinge to my Bodye or nature 10. But since it cannot be soe but that I needs must eate and drinke I will doe it for the loue and seruice of God and not meerely or at all for my owne will and pleasure It is continued THE XI EXERCISE● 1● IN the like manner I resigne my selfe as to the affection for sleepinge Recreation and all other corporall refreshments and solaces to take them only for God and not for myne owne will or satisfaction And to be willing altogether to
Attention vnto it or about iudginge what to be s●nn● and ●hat not and what to b● morrall and what not Or about any other thinge that shall concerne my Confession or sayinge my Office or otherwise con●erni●ge my soule and conscience ● I ●es●gne my selfe to vnd●rg●e and perform● whatsoeu●r my sup●●io● shall deli●era●●lye and Abso●utely● req●i●e of m●● ●lb●i● neu●r ●oe ●●pugn●nt ●o ●yn● ow●● naturall will or 〈◊〉 And though it s●●m●●●ue●●oe r●pugnant to my natu●all rea●on a●d iudg●ment● and ●●●me to be ●ayne and impertinent or ag●●●st re●s●n● 〈◊〉 pro●● very p●●nefull to my bodye or preiudiciou● to my Fame and honour yea and though it seeme a thinge impossible to be done yet will I attempt it and endeauour to doe it the best ● can Prouided alwayes there be nothinge commanded mee as without doubt I hope there neuer will be against the Lawes of God and His Church 9. I likewise resigne my selfe willinglye to vndergoe any pennance publike or priuate that shall be enioyned mee by my superior immediate or mediate yea though such a pennance be neuer soe greate a ●onfusion or shame vnto mee or stayne ●o my honour or credi●t and ●hough I be neuer soe innocent in the supposed crime for the which the p●●●an●e is imposed and that ●ll Others doe e●●eem● and iudge me● guiltie of the crime though ind●ed I am n●t 10. I resigne my selfe soe ●arre to ouercome the ●a●hfullnesse or other diffic●l●●●●●ha● i● o● shall ●e in mee for the discoueringe of my secret bodilye necessities or other secrets of my interior Especially to doe this in matter of Confession That I will when there shall be cause for it therin mortifye my selfe and will with the Grace of God open my case to my superior or Ghostly Father accordinge to the nature of my cases and as it shall require albeit my naturall will haue neuer soe greate an auersion from such my discouerie of my necessities or of my interiour state THE XIII EXERCISE 1. I Resigne my selfe that when Charitie Obedience discretion or necessitie shall require it I will visitt and helpe any One lyinge sicke though of the plague or any other infectious odious or horrid disease and will attend serue and comfort them accordinge to my abilitie without flinchinge any way and therin will reguard neither life nor health nor will auoid itt for any horrour or loathsomenesse that my nature shall find or co●ceiue in the disease or imployment Yet it is not the will of God that I should without cause desperately put my selfe into the said imployment but it must be done accordinge to the Rule of Discretion and that good may come by it to the partye that is infected or otherwise sicke 2. In like manner I resigne my selfe to attend serue and watch with those that be sicke or need helpe accordinge to their necessitie and as Charitie Obedience and discretion shall require of mee 3. I resigne my selfe to vndergoe and put in execution all manner of remedies that shall be deliberatelye aduised mee by the physitian with the consent of my Superiors for the betteringe of my health or sauinge of my life be those remedies neuer soe harsh bitter paynefull or odious to my nature As the takinge of mo●● bitter Potions cuttinge of some of my limmes or any other paynefull remedie ordayned and prescribed vnto mee 4. I am resigned to vndergoe the molestations of little but paynefully ●inchinge bitinge and troublesome creatures as fleas lice eimises and other such like v●rmine soe farre as God will haue mee to be exercised by them and that I cannot rid my selfe from them Yea though they should soe far●e pr●uayle ouer mee as to bereaue mee of my life ●as they haue done to diuers I will and doe s●●●he loue of God therin re●●gne my selfe to his will and prouiden●●●eerin ● I resigne my selfe when Obedience Charitie or necess●tie shall ●●quire it to goe to any Howse roome or place and lodg● and dwell ●here notwithstanding the feare of Deuills Hobgobblings or othe● had Spirit● that are said to be there 〈…〉 will in th● name of God and when it shall be his will resort and abide in such a place albeit I should there really see a 1000. of those euill and malitious Spirits yea and though God would permitt them to beate buffet scratch and torment my Bodie as hee permitted them to doe to the Bodies of S. Anthonie and other Saincts for their Exercise For I know well that all the Malice of the Diuell will not be able to hurt my soule soe longe as I continue my good will and loue to God which the diuell cannot take away by molestinge of my Bodie but hee doth thereby giue mee more and better occasion to vnite my soule to God the which beinge done it little importeth what hee doth to my bodye which what harme soeuer hee doe in this life I beleiue and am assured will be well restored to mee at the generall day of Iudgement and in perfect health as I hope alsoe for the saluation and perpetu●ll felicitie of my soule 6. And therefore and in like manner I doe resigne my selfe that if God will permitt and haue my bodie to be possessed by the Diuell or by millions of Deuills and to be vexed and tormented by them or to haue witchcraft preuayle on my bodye to vexe and torment mee I shall take it patientlye and resignedly as from the hand of God and be contented that his and myne enimies those Deuills doe pe●forme their malice towards my Bodye my soule beinge still vntouched by them ouer which they shall haue noe more powre then my Frewill shall giue way to which by the Grace of God shall be in nothinge at all And some Saincts there haue beene who for their Exercise humiliatiō haue desired of God that they might in their bodies be possessed by the Deuill and haue thervppon come to be possessed 7. For the loue I beare vnto God I doe renounce all desire to any manner of Office or imployment that is of Authoritie or Dignitie or in any sort gratefull to my nature or sensualitie and doe purpose with the helpe of his Grace for the keepinge my selfe in humilitie and for auoydinge of occasions of distractions not only not to desire or goe about directly or indirectly to procure the haueinge of any such Office or imployment 8. But alsoe by all the meanes that may be pleasinge to God to pre●ent the hauinge of them 9. And beinge offered vnto mee to refuse them vt●erlye soe farre as I may without displeasinge God It is continued THE XIV EXERCISE 1. AND further I will endeauour and procure soe farre as shall stand with the pleasure of God that any other rather then my selfe though hee be my iunior o● of talents neuer soe inferior to myne shall haue the office if hee shall be iudged fitt and sufficient for the place yea though hee be one whom in my nature I haue least affection for or one
11. Graunt that with my hart I maie vtterlie tread vnder foote spitt vppon and haue in detestation all ambition ostentation worldly pompe and vanitie and all earthlie dignitie 12. That by profo●nd humilit●e and true contempt of my selfe I may incessantlie ●unne towards the Glory of thy heauenlie felicitie 13. Hayle su●ete Iesus Who beinge declared Innocent by Pilate the Iudge didst not refuse to heare the furious outcries of the Iewes by which they demanded that thou shouldst be crucified 14. Grant that I may liue innocently and not be troubled by reason of Other mens euill will towards mee 15. Giue mee this Grace that I maie neither backbite other Men or willinglie giue ●are to those that doe it 16. But that still I may haue a good opinion of others and beare other mens imperfections with a true compassion 17. And loue all men for God and in God with a pure sinceare and cordiall affection Amen The XIV EXERCISE 1. HAyle sueete Iesus Prayse Honour and Glorie be to thee o Christ Who didst permitt thy selfe in the presence of thy people to be vniustlie condemned to the most ignominious Death of the Crosse. 2. That thou mighst free vs from the sentence of eternall Death 3. Grant that I may seeke thy honour and rather choose to be exercised with thee in Aduersitie then by forsakinge thee to enioye the commodities of this life 4. Hayle sueete Iesus who beinge deliuered ouer to the pleasure of those who did persecute thee didst suffer greate payne by puttinge of the purple garment which did sticke vnto thy soares and puttinge on thyne owne againe 5. Grant that after I haue putt of the garment of my Bodie and am vested with the robe of perfect brightnesse I maye appeare adorned with thy meritts 6. Hayle s●eete Iesus Who with many disgraces and iniuries offered thee didst carrie thy Crosse on with greate payne vppon thy sacred and torne sholdiers 7. And beinge weary and breathlesse didst languish vnder the burden 8● Grant that with feruent Deuotion I may embrace the Crosse of myne owne Abnegation 9. And with an ardent charitie imitate the Examples of thy virtues 10. And may humbly follow thee vnto Death 11. Hayle sueete Iesus Who in that lamentable iorney in which thou went to thy death didst meekely admonish the Weomen that did bewayle thee to bewayle themselues and their childeren 12. Giue mee accegtable teares of Compunction with which I ma● truely bewaile my sinns and mine owne ingratitude 13. Giue mee Teares of deuout compunction and of holie loue which may melt my hard hart and make it gratefull vnto thee 14. That I maye loue thee alone and rest in thee only 15. Hayle sweete Iesus Who beinge led out with two theeues didst not refuse to be driuen forward to be vrged and hastened and in many other sundrie manners to be afflicted 16. Draw mee after thee and lett mee cheerefullye follow thee 17. Grant that I maie reioice in thee Alone 18. Giue mee grace to loue thee and render Loue for Loue. THE XV. EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sweete Iesus Prayse honour and glorie be to thee ô Christ Who hauinge thy sholders bruised with the weight of the Crosse didst at lenth arriue wearie at the place of execution 2. Where Wine mingled with Gall was offered thee to refresh thy languishinge forces 3. O that thou wouldst extinguish in mee the allurements of Gluttonie and the Concupiscences of that flesh 4. And cause in mee an auersion horrour from all impure and vnlawfull delight 5. And that I may eate and drinke soberly to the glorie of thy name 6. That I maye hunger and thirst after thee alone 7. And in thee place my delight ioye 8. Hayle sweete Iesus Who didst not disdaine to be stripped naked vppon Mount Caluarie in the sight of the people 9. And to suffer a most bitter paine by thy soares renewed with the pullinge of thy cloaths 10. Graunt that I maye loue pouertie of Spiritt and neuer be troubled for any worldly want 11. Grant that by thy example I may endure and suffer any corporall necessities or calamities whatsoeuer● 12. Hayle sweete Iesus Who beinge naked didst not refuse to be rudely stretched out vppon the Wood of the Crosse and cruellie fastned with nailes vnto the same 13. In this manner didst thou suffer thyne innocent hands and delicate feete to be most greiuously wounded and all thy sacred ioints to cracke and be put out of ioint 14. Grant mee ô Lord that with a faithfull and gratefull mind I maye consider this thy vnspeakeable Charitie with which of thyne owne accord thou didst stretch forth thyne armes and willingly offered thy hands and feete to be peirced 15. Vouchsafe ô Lord to enlardge and extend my hart with the perfect loue of thee 16. Peirce it and fasten itt vnto thy selfe with the most sueete naile of Charitie 17. And all my senses cogitations and affections inclose only in thee Amen THE XVI EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sweete Iesus prayse honour and glorie be to thee ô Christ Who didst hange thy hands feete beinge peirced three howres vppon the shamefull wood of the Crosse and sheddinge in greate aboundance thy pretious Blood didst of thyne owne accord endure vnspeakeable torments through out thy whole Bodie 2. Lift vp I prey thee vppon the wood of thy Crosse my miserable soule grouelinge on the ground 3. O healthfull Blood ô reuiuinge Blood 4. O that thou wouldst purge and througlie heale mee beinge washed with this thy pretious Blood 5. O that thou would offer this thy Blood to thy father for a perfect satisfaction of all myne iniquities 6. Grant I beseech thee that myne inward Man maye with ardent Affection mentally receiue and licke the liuely dropps of thy pretious Blood and maye truely tast how sue●te thy Spiritt is 7. Hayle sweete Iesus Who hanginge vppon the Crosse in the midst betwixt two notorious theiues wast reputed with the wicked 8. That by thy incomprehensible humilitie and Patience thou mights amend and withall satisfie for myne immense impatient Pride 9. Lift vp I beseech thee my Spirit aloft that from aboue I maye dispise all things transitorie 10. That I maye only admire thee my God Crucified for mee 1● Lett mee thinke speake and dreame of thee 12. Hayle sweete Iesus Who wast soe good euen to those that were soe wicked that for the verie same parties who did crucifie thee thou didst praye vnto thy father sayinge Father forgiue them for they know not what they doe 13. Giue mee I beseech thee the grace of true meekenesse and Patience by which I maye accordinge to thy Commandement and example loue myne enemies 1● And doe good to those that hate mee 15. I hartilie pray vnto thee for those that hurt and persecute mee 16. Hayle sweete Iesus who wouldst that the Title written in Hebrew Greeke and Latine as it were the Trophie of thy Victorie should be fastned to the Crosse that wee beholdinge it might couragiously fight against our inuisible
enemies 17. Protect mee vnder this Title against the wiles and deceits of the Diuell 18. Teach mee vnder this Title to ouercome all Temptations and to subdue all uices 19. That hauinge by Grace conquered them I maye freelie prayse and Glorifie thy holy name Amen THE XVII EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sueete Iesus Prayse Honour and Glorie be to thee o Christ. Whose garments the souldiers hauinge deuided amongst themselues did leaue thy coate which was without seame and signifieth the vnitie of the Church vndeuided 2. Powre downe into my hart I beseech thee the Spiritt of Peace and Vnion 3. That I may neuer through my fault deride or trouble the concord and vnion of my Bretheren 4. But that I maye alwayes endeauour to repaire diuisions and pacifie troubles 5. Hayle sweete Iesus Who sufferinge vppon the Altar of the Crosse incomprehensible torments and ineffable lanquishes wast shamefully reproached and scorned by the Iewes who vomited out of their wicked Mouths sundrie Blasphemies against thee 6. Grant ô Lord that beinge mindfull of thy humilitie and Patience mildnesse I maye quietlie and cheerefully suffer paynes disgraces Persecutions infamie and contempt of my selfe 7. And may remayne with thee nayled to the Crosse euen to the end 8. Let noe violence of temptation noe stormes of Aduersities noe tempest of contumelies hinder mee from effectinge my good purposes 9. Lett not Death or life or things present nor to come nor any creature separate mee from thy loue 10. Hayle sweete Iesus who didst tollerate one of the Theiues to vpbraid thee and didst most mercifullye and bountifullie promise the Glorie of Paradise to the other who did humblie acknowledge his owne iniustice and with a deuout faith did confesse thee to be his kinge and God 11. Behold mee I beseech thee with those eyes of mercie which thou didst cast vppon the Theife repentant for his sinns 12. O that by thy Holy Helpe and Grace I maye lead a life soe innocent that I maye soe faithfullye serue thee and purelye loue thee 13. That at the end of my life I may deserue to heare from thee most mercifull Redeemer that most desisired voyce This Day thou shalt be with mee in Paradise 14. Hayle sweete Iesus Who from the Crosse beholdinge thy most sweete Mother full of greife and teares with inward compassion didst commēd Her to Thy Disciple Iohn and agayne Iohn to Her and vs all in Iohn vnto thy said Mother 15. Grant that I maye Loue and Honour Her with a most chast and ardent affection 1● That hauinge Her for my Mother I may deserue alsoe to be acknowledged by Her for her sonne 17. Grant that in all necessities and especially at the howre of my death I may find Her present assistance Amen THE XVIII EXERCISE 1. HAyle sweete Iesus Prayse Honour and Glorie he to thee o Christ Who in a most pittifull manner hanginge vppon the Crosse with wide gapinge wounds didst professe thy selfe to be destitute of all all comfort 2. Grant that with a firme confidence I maye alwayes haue recourse to thee my most mercifull Father in all aduersities Temptations and Desolations 3. And wholy distrustinge my selfe I maye trust in thee alone 4. And committ and resigne my selfe entirely to thee 5. Wound the intymme of my soule with the remembrance of thy wounds 6. Imprint and caracter them in my Hart and make my mind euen drunke with thy sacred Blood 7. That I may attend to thee and thee only seeke find hold and possesse 8. Hayle sweete Iesus Who pantinge vppon the Cros●e thy Bodye beinge drawne drie for want of Blood becamst very thirstie and didst burne with an vnspeakeable desire of our Saluation 9. Grant that I maye most ardently thirst after thyne Honour and the Saluation of our soules 10. And may with courage employe myselfe in this affaire 11. Grant that I may not be hindered or entangled by any transitorie thinge 12. Hayle sweete Ies●s who wouldst that a spunge dipt in vineger and gall should be offered thee to drinke thirstie euen to death that by tastinge thereof thou mighst satisfie for our gluttonie and leaue vs an example of pouertie 13. Giue mee grace to dispise vnlawfull pleasures and delights and to auoid all excesse in meate and drinke 14. Alsoe to vse those things moderately which thou giuest for the sustentation of the Bodie 15. Pacifie the inordinatenesse of my desires that whatsoeuer doth please thee may please mee and whatsoeuer displeaseth thee may be displeasinge alsoe to mee 16. Hayle sweete Iesus most enamoured of Mankind who duly performinge the Worke of our Redemption didst offer vp thy selfe vppon the Altar of the Crosse an Holy Sacrifice for the expiation of the sinns of all Men. 17. Be thou I beseech thee the scope of all my thoughts Words and Workes 18. That in all things I maye With a right and simple intention seeke thy honour 19. Grant I maye neuer grow cold or Faint in thy seruice 20. But that the feruour of Spirit may be renewed in mee and that I may be dayly more and more inflamed to praise and loue th●● Amen THE XIX EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sweete Iesus prayse hon●ur and glorie ●e to o Christ. Who of thyne owne accord didst embrace Death and recom●endinge thyselfe to thy Heauenly Father bowinge downe thy venerable Head yeildest vp thy Spirit 2. Truly thus giuinge thy life vp for thy sheepe thou hast shewed thy selfe to be a good shepheard 3. Thou didst dye ô the only begotten sonne of God! Thou dyedst ô my beloued Sauuiour that I might liue for euer 4. O How greate Hope How greate confidence haue I reposed in thy Death and in thy Blood 5. I Glorifie and prayse thy Holie name acknowledginge my infinit obligations to Thee 6. O good Iesus for thy bitter death and Passion giue mee Grace and Pardon 7. Giue vnto the faithfull departed Rest and life euerlastinge 8. Hayle sweete Iesus at whose death the ●unne withdrew his light the vaile of the Temple rent in sunder and the Monuments opened 9. O Sunne of Iustice permitt not I beseech thee that the beames of thy grace at any tyme forsake mee 10. But lett them continuallie enlighten the inner parts of my soule 11. Withdrawe wholie from mee the vaile of Hypocrisie 12. Shake the earth of my soule with wholesome repentance 13. Rent my stonie hart 14. That beinge wholie renewed I maye contemne all things transitorie and loue onlie that which is eternall 15. Hayle sweete Iesus Who wouldst that thy side should be opened with a soldiers launce 16. And out of itt poure out blood and water to reuiue and wash our soules 17. Thou wouldst ô my best beloued that thy mellifluous Hart should be wounded for mee 18. O that it might please thee to make a most deepe wound in my Hart with the launce of thy Loue 19. And vnite itt to thy most sacred Hart. 20. In such manner that I maye haue ●oe powre to will any thinge bu● that which thou wilt 21.
Bringe in ô my Lord bringe in my soule through the wound of thy side into the Boosome of thy Charitie and the treasure-howse of thy Diuinitie 22. That I maye ioyfullie glorifie thee my God Crucified and dead for mee Amen THE XX. EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sweete Iesus prayse honour and glory be to thee ô Christ Grant that all other visible things maye be blotted out of my memorie and that I maye freelie applie my selfe to thee Alone 2. Behold with as much Deuotion as possibly I can I salute the fiue principall wounds of thy most blissed bodye 3. Hayle ruddye glorious and mellifluous Wounds of my Redeemer of my Kinge 4. Hayle glorious seales of my Reconciliation and Saluation 5. I humblye desire to abide and be hid in you and soe by that meanes be secure from all euill 6. Hayle sweete Iesus who being● with greate lamentation of thy friēd● taken downe frō the Crosse woulds● be annointed with pretious ointments wrapt in a windinge sheete and buried where noe man was buried before 7. ●urie I beseech thee all my senses all my forces and all myne affections in thee 8. That beinge ioyned to thee through efficatious loue I maye become as it were stupid and vnsensible in respect of all other things 9. Hayle sweete Iesus Who hast vanguished the powre of the Diuell powrefullie and louingly in soule descendinge into Hell didst make ioyefull with thy presence the fathers there detained 10. And didst translate them thence ● thy Glorious Ascension to the delightfull Guarden of the Celestiall Paradise and to the cleare Vision of God 11. Lett the virtue of thy Passion of thy Blood descend now I beseech thee into Purgatorie vppon the soules of my parents knisfolkes friends benefactors and all the faithfull departed 12. That beinge deliuered from paynes they maye be receiued into the Boosome of Eternall Rest. 13. Hayle sweete Iesus Who like a conqueror with glorious Triumph didst arise out of thy closed sepulchre 14. And reuested with thy louelie countenance didst replenish thy friends with new ioye and gladnesse 15. Grant ô Lord that leauinge the olds paths of my vicious conuersatiō I maye walke in the newnesse of life 16. And seeke and Sauour those things which are aboue in Heauen not those things which are heere vppon earth 17. To the end that when thou my life shall appeare at the last Daye ● maye appeare with thee in Glorie Amen THE XXI EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sweete Ie●us prayse honour and glorie be to thee ô Christ. Who fortie dayes after thy Resurrection beinge expired didst gloriouslie Ascend into Heauen in the sight of thy Disciples where thou sittest on the right hand of thy Father blissed for euer 2. O that my soule might alwayes languish on earth and ascend and aspire towards Heauen 3. Mai● hunger and thirst alwayes after thee 4. Hayle sweete Iesus Who didst giue thy Holie Ghost to thy elect Disciples perseueringe together with one mind in Prayer 5. And didst send them to teach all Nations through out the whole world 6. Cleanse I beseech thee the interiour of my Hart. 7. Giue mee true puritie and constancie of mind that the Holie Ghost maye find a gratefull Habitation in my soule 8. And maye replenish mee with● the speciall guifts of His Grace 9. Maye comfort strenthen fill gouerne and possesse mee 10. Hayle sweete Iesus Who cominge as a Iudge at the last Day wilt render vnto euerie one accordinge to his Workes either punishment or Reward 11. O my most mercifull Lord God grant that accordinge to thy Will I maye soe innocentlie passe the course of this miserable life 12. That my soule departinge out of the Prison of my bodie I maye be vested with thy merits and virtues 13. And be receiued into thy euerlastinge ioye 14. And With all the Saints I maye blisse and prayse thee for euer 15. Hayle sweete Iesus Whom I haue most grieuouslye offended all the dayes of my life 16. Ala● I haue neuer ceased to be vngratefull to thee resistinge thy Grace in diuers maners and alwayes addinge new faults vnto my ●ormer 17. Behold ô my sweete Refuge behold mee the outcast of all Creatures bringinge with mee nothinge but bundles of sinnes 18. I prostrate my selfe at the feete of thy mercie and humblye implore pardon and remission 19. Pardon I beseech thee and saue mee for thy names sa●e 20. For I belieue and am assured that noe sinns are soe greiuous and heinous but by the meri●s of thy most sacred Passion maye be forgiuen and washed a waye Amen These Exercises and All Others may and ought to be e●larg●d and dilated accordinge to euer●e ones Gr●ce and Guift which is the only infallible Guide and rule of our Prayer and noe sett written or printed forme whatsoeuer as the directions particularly and pertinently teach vs. A Dittie to the same subiect IN sorrow deepe I wa●e I sleep● with griefe my Hart opprest My Watry eyes like winter skies bedew my mournefull breast For when I see my loue for mee in flames of loue to burne My Lord my Loue my God aboue and why should I not mourne With feete and hands transfixed hee stands vppon a fatall beame And from his side a wound most wide powres out a bloddie streame A peircinge Crowne his head pulls downe his face quite wanne doth turne Hee for my sake these paines did take and why should I not mourne While i● this paine he● did remaine his drinke was mixt wiih Gall. His Corps lay bare his Cloths they share each as by lott did fall His Foes about did laugh and flowt and at his vertues spurne Thus was his breath shutt vp by death and why should I not Mourne The Earth did quake the rockes did shake and rented all in sunder The Corps from Graues and hollow Caues Arose to see this Wonder The sunne soe bright forsooke his light and all most wanne did turne Thus heauen and earth laments his death and why should I not mourne Loe when I see vppon a Tree his breathlesse Body lye I greiue I groane I sigh I moane I payne I Faint I dye For thee Alone my life beinge gone vntill thou ba●ke returne In endlesse greife without reliefe I le neuer cease to mourne FINIS THE TOPP OF THE HEAVENLIE LADDER OR THE HIGHEST STEPPE of Prayer and Perfection And the progresse and complement of the fore●aid Practises and Deuotions My Throne in a Pillar of Clowde Eccl. 24. 7. A life hidden with Christ in God Coloss. 3. 3. TRVE HAPPINESSE IN A Monasticall life Thy forces straind ' boue ela rayse Yet nere condignly canst thou praise A State Monastical Which if it be with learninge stated And to studies dedicated Lord how beneficiall But if it want this ornament And eeke the Grace from Heauen sent Sad O sad imprisonment Lett fierie Mars blow vp the scot Or lett the Britans goe to th'pott The Col meane tyme reguards it not Or lett some feirce forraine Hoast The Spaniard sweed or Dane
them not but hold forth on thy way and only desire the loue of Iesus Euer answere thus I am nothinge I couet nothinge but onlye the loue of our Lord Iesus This is the best securest and easiest waye of ouercominge all temptations● and scruples whatsoeuer answere nothinge to them be not troubled with them but still goe on thy waye tend to the loue of thy God which will ouercome all and make all right wit● thee If thyne enemies by suggestions to thy soule saye vnto thee that thou hast not made thy Confession a right or that there is some old sinne or sinns hidd in thy hart that thou before knewst not or that thou hast not as yet euer made thy Confessions a right or as thou shouldst haue made them and therefore would haue thee turne home agayne and to giue ouer thyne earnest desire of the Loue of God and to goe and make a better confession Beleiue not this their sayeinge For it is folly For thou art rightly confessed and soe doe thou surely hope and trust thyselfe to be and that thou art in the waye and that thou needest noe further to looke into thy conscience for confession of what is past Hold on thy waye euer thinke on Ierusalem If they saye alsoe vnto thee that thou art not worthy to haue the Loue of God and therefore why shouldst thou couet that which thou wilt not be able to come by or art worthy to haue Beleiue them not but hold on thy waye and saye thus Not because I am worthye but because I am vnworthy therefore would I loue God For if that I had His loue it would make mee worthye And since that I was created for that end which is for the louinge of God though I should neuer come by it yet will I couet it and therefor will I praye and thinke how I ma●e gett itt and will labour for itt And then if thyne enemies see that thou beginst to growe bold couragious and resolute in thy said purpose they beginne to grow afraid of thee Neuerthelesse they will not cease or giu● ouer to seeke to staye and hinder thee as much as they can soe longe as thou art holdinge on thy way what on the one side with feares and threatnings and what on the otherside with false flatterie vayne pleasings for to make thee giue ouer thy good purposes and to turne thee home agayne And for that end they will say thus vnto thee If thou thus hold on thy desire to Iesus trauellinge soe feruently as thou now beginst thou wilt fall into fancies or into frenzie or craze thy head or fall into bodilie sicknesse as thou seest some doe by goinge about that which thou now dost or thou wilt fall into pouertie or some bodilye harme or mischeife and noe man able to helpe thee or thou maist fall into secret and inward temptations or illusions of the enimie soe ●hat thou wilt not be able to helpe thy selfe about them For it is wonderous perillous for any man or weoman to giue him or herselfe wholy to the loue of God and to leaue and forsake all the world and to couet nothinge but onlye the loue of Him For soe many perill● may fall to a Man in such course of his as hee cannot soe much as imagine them before hand And therefore turne thee home agayne and leaue of this desire for thou shalt neuer bringe it to an end and doe thou as other worldlye men or the common sort of good Christ●ans or euen of Religious doe Thus saye thyne enemyes but beleiue them not but hold on in thy desire saye or answere nothinge else but that thou wouldst haue Iesus and be at Ierusalem And if they perceiue that thou wilt not giue ouer neither for sicknesse for fantazies nor for frenzies for doubts nor for feares of any temptations corporall or spirituall for pouertie nor for any mischeife or harme For life nor for death but euer seekest longest after the said one thinge and nothinge else but that one thinge and yeildst to them a deafe eare as if thou heardst them not and holdst on stifly constantly and perseuerantly in Prayer and in other thy spirituall workes with discretion accordinge to the counsaile of thy superior or the aduise or direction giuen thee by thy Spirituall Father or director then beginne they to be verie angry and to goe a little more neere thee Then they beginne to robbe thee and beate thee and doe thee all the shame and mischeife they can And that they doe when they cause all the deeds thou dost be they neuer soe well done to be deemed iudged by others to be euill and turned and taken in the worser sense and meaninge And whatsoeuer it be thou wouldst doe or haue done in helpe reliefe or comfort of thy bodie or of thy soule it shall be lett or hindred by those other men soe that thou shalt be put from thy will and contradicted in it in all or most of those things which thou with reason desirest to haue And this thy said enemyes doe to the end thou shouldst be stirred and prouoked to anger impatience or euill will towards thy Christian Brother or sister but against all these temptatiōs and vexations and difficulties and all other that maye come vppon thee or which thou maist feele vse this remedie that I shall now agayne tell thee as before I haue told thee Take Iesus or his loue in thy mind and trouble thy selfe noe further with thē but thinke on thy lesson That thou art nothinge that thou hast nothinge that thou couetest nothinge of earthlye or transitorie things that thou desirest nothinge but the loue of Iesus And in and with these exercises hold on thy waye to Ierusalem And if thou happen sometymes through thy frailetie or by the euill will of some other man or through the malice of thyne enemye to be tarried or lett in thy waye Yet assoone as thou canst come agayne to thy selfe leaue of thinkinge of what hath past and proceed in thy good exercises and hold on thy way abide not longe with those thy former defects or difficulties for feare of thyne enemyes who would still hold thee in them and in discussinge of them thereby to hinder thee from goinge forwards in thy waye If in this our waye to Ierusalem and Spirituall tendance towards God we chance to stray and deuiate or stoppet rough any sinne or defect wee must presentlye get into the way again● and goe on as if wee had neuer strayed or stopped at all this is the only waye to expiate the sinns or defects themselues and to ridd vs of all scruples For t●eir is noe such Contrition as this aspiringe to God in the Clo●d of faith and feelings of Loue. Yea if wee fall into certayne euident greate sinnes lett vs meekely and penitently confesse them and trouble our selues noe further but walke on agayne as if noe such thinge had happened or beene done THE XXIII