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A22983 A pretious booke of heauenlie meditations, called a priuate talke of the soule with God which who so zealouslie wil vse and pervse, shal feele in his mind an vnspeakable sweetenes of the euerlasting happines: written (as some thinke) by that reuerend, and religious Father S. Augustine; and not translated onlie, but purified also, and with most ample, and necessarie sentences of holie Scripture adorned, by Thomas Rogers.; De meditatione. English. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. 1581 (1581) STC 944; ESTC S100313 79,627 230

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hardlie perceaued vnles wee receaue light from thee ô Lorde our hope that we may behold al things For he hideth subtile traps not in the workes of the flesh onlie which with no great ado may be descried nor in manifest vices only but in spiritual exercises besides vnder the colour of virtues he cloaketh vices and transformeth himselfe into an Angel of light These and many mo things doth that sonne of Belial euen Sathan himselfe enterprise against vs ô Lord our GOD And sometime like a Lion like a Dracon sometime openlie and secretlie inwardlie and outwardlie daie and night he lieth in waite to catch our soules But thou who dost saue those which trust in thee deliuer vs ô Lord that both he may haue sorow of vs and thou be glorified in vs ô Lorde our God Chap. 18. Againe of Gods manifold benefites ANd I the sonne of thy hādmaid who haue commended my selfe into thine hand in these my poore confessions wil praise thee my redeemer with mine whole heart and cal into mind al the good things which thou hast done for me al my life long euen fro my youth For I know right wel that ingratitude doth much displease thee as being the roote of al spiritual wickednes and a certaine winde drieng burning vp al goodnes and stopping the spring of thine heauenlie mercie toward man whereby dead workes now die not and liuing die out of hand are no more I then wil thanke thee ô Lord that I may not prooue vngrateful to thee my deliuerer for thou hast deliuered me How often would that Dracon haue deuoured mee but thou Lord didest plucke me out of his mouth How often haue I sinned and how often hath he bin readie to swalow me vp But thou ô Lord my God hast defended me When I did wickedlie against thee and when I brake thy commandementes then stood hee readie to plucke mee downe euen to hel but thou didest hold him backe I offended thee but thou didest defend me I feared not thee and yet thou didest keepe me I went from thee and yeelded to mine aduersarie but thou didest beate him backe that he durst not take me O Lord my God these benefites hast thou conferred vpon mee and I wretch neuer marked so much For thus thou hast saued me oftentimes from the iawes of Satan and taken me by force out of the Lions mouth and manie waies reduced me from hel although I wist not how For I descended euen to the gates of hel but that I might not go in thou didest hold me backe I drew verie nigh to deaths doore but so thou didest worke that they could not take me In like sort ô my Sauior thou hast deliuered mee from bodilie death when greeuous sicknes oppressed me when I haue bin in manie perils both on sea and land thou hast stood by me alwaie preseruing mee from fire and sword and from al danger sauing mee of thy great mercie Indeede Lord thou didest knowe that if death then had takē me my soule had straightwaie gone into hel and so had bene damned world without end But thy grace and thy mercy did preuent me ô Lord my God and saued both my bodie from death and my soule from damnation These and manie mo benefites thou hast bestowed vpon me but I was blind and knew not so much vntil thou inlightenedst me Now therefore ô light of my soule ô Lord my God my life through whome I liue the light of mine eies through which I see lo thou hast inlightened me so that I knowe thee for I liue through thee therefore I praise thee and giue thee thankes albeit I confesse my thankes are vile and bare and farre vnanswerable to thy benefites yet such as my frailtie can afford For thou alone art my God and my merciful creator louing our soules and hating nothing which thou hast made Lo I am of sinners which thou hast saued the chiefe that I might shew an example vnto others of thy most louing kindnes I wil acknowledge vnto thee thy great benefites for thou hast deliuered my soule from the lowest graue both once and twice and thrice and a hundred yea a thousande times I alwaies inclined downe to helwarde but thou alwaies didest bring me backe againe and iustlie thou mightest haue condemned mee a thousand times if thou wouldest But thou wouldest not for thou louest our soules and dissemblest the sinnes of men because they should amend ô Lord our God of much mercie in al thy waies Now therefore ô Lord my God I see and perceaue these things through thy light and my soule is astonished in consideration of thy great mercie poured vpon me especialie for deliuering my soule from the lowest graue and for bringing me againe to life I was wholie dead and thou hast wholie reuiued me againe Therefore let it be wholie thine that I liue and wholie I doe offer my selfe vnto thee al whole Let my whole spirit my whole hart my whole bodie my whole life liue to thee ô my sweete life For thou hast redeemed mee wholie that thou mightest possesse mee whole thou hast renued mee wholie that thou mightest haue me wholie againe Wherefore let me loue thee ô Lord my strength let mee loue thee mine vnspeakeable ioie Let my whole life hencefoorth liue not to my selfe but to thee my life I saie which had perished in my miserie had it not bin raised againe in thy mercie who art a pitiful God and a merciful of much kindnes toward thousands of them which loue thy name Hence is it ô Lord my God my sanctifier that in thy lawe thou hast commanded mee to loue thee with al mine hart with al my soule with al my mind with al my strength and with al the powers which I haue yea from the verie marow and pith of mine hart and that euerie houre and moment wherein I enioie the goodes of thy mercie For I should continualie perish if thou didest not guide me continualie I should continualie die didest thou not quicken me continualie and euerie moment thou dost bind mee vnto thee whilest euerie moment thou bestowest thy great benefites vpon me As therefore there is no houre nor minute in al my life wherein I enioie not thy blessing so ought there bee no moment wherein I should not haue thee before mine eies and loue thee with al the powers both of my bodie and mind Yet this am I not able to do without thou giue mee grace whose euerie good giuing and euery perfect gift is cōmeth downe from y e Father of lights with whome is no variablenes neither shadowing by turning For it is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but of thee which she west
shortned that it cannot saue neither is thine eare heauie that it cannot heare But my sinnes haue separated betweene mee and thee betweene darkenes and light betweene the image of death and life betweene falsehood and truth betwene this vanishing state of mine and thine eternitie Chap. 12. Of the manifold snares of concupiscence THese be the shadowes of darknes wherwith I am couered in the dungeon of this darke prison wherein I lie groueling vntil the daie dawne shadowes doe depart and light be made in the firmament of thy strength The voice of y e Lord is mightie the voice of the Lord is glorious let it speake that light may be made darkenes may depart the drie land appeare and earth maye bud foorth the hud of the herbe that feedeth seede bringeth out the fruite of righteousnes of the kingdome of God O Lord father and God of my life by whom al things do liue without whome al things are as dead leaue mee not in a wicked imagination neither giue mee a proude looke Take fro mee vaine concupiscence and giue not me thy seruant ouer into an impudent mind but possesse thou mine heart that alwaies it may think on thee Inlighten mine eies that they may behold thee and neuer be lifted vp before thee ô eternal glorie but think humblie not of thy woonders aboue their reach that they may see those things which are at thy right hand not the things at thy left And alwaies let thine eie lids direct my steps For thine eie-lids do trie the sonnes of men Asswage the heate of my cōcupiscence with thy goodnes which thou hast laide vp for those that feare thee that with euerlasting desire I may couet after thee that mine inner taste may not be enticed deceiued with vaine things and so put sowre for sweete and sweete for sowre darknes for light and light for darkenes that I may be deliuered in the middes of so many snares as are laid by the enimie to take the soules of sinners wherewith the whole world is replenished Which thing S. Iohn did see and passed not ouer the same in silence when he said For al that is in the world is either the lust of the flesh the lust of the cies or the pride of life Behold ô Lord my God the whole worlde is ful of the snares of concupiscence which they haue prepared for my feete who cā escape them Euen hee doubtles from whome thou takest the loftie lookes that he be not taken by y e lust of the cies frō whome thou takest carnal cōcupiscēce that he be not taken by the lust of the flesh and from whome thou takest a bold impudent mind that the pride of life doe not slilie deceaue him O most happie man for whome thou dost these things for doubtles he shal go vnpunished Now then ô my redeemer by thy selfe I beseech thee assist me that I fal not in the sight of mine aduersaries being takē by y e traps which they haue set for my feete to bring downe my soule But deliuer mee ô strength of my saluation least thine enimies which hate thee haue me in derision Arise ô Lord my God my mightie one and let thine enimies be scattered they also that hate thee let them flie from thy face As waxe melteth before the fire so let the wicked perish at thy presence But let me be hid priuilie in thy presence and reioice with thy children abounding with al good things And thou ô Lord God father of Orphanes and thou mother of thy poore children listen vnto y e crie of thy sonnes spreade out thy wings that we may flie therevnder from the face of the enimie For thou art the tower of Israëls strength who wilt neither slumber nor sleepe keeping Israël because he that fighteth against Israël doth neither sleepe nor slumber Chap. 13. Of mans miserie and of Gods benefites O Light ô cleerenes whome none other light or clerenes doth beholde ô light which darckeneth al light ô cleerenes which dimmeth al strange light ô light from which al light ô cleerenes from which al cleerenes doth proceede ô cleerenes in respect wherof al other brightnes is but darkenes and al other light but dimnes Where thou shinest the verie darkenes is bright as daie and dimnes is light O moste souereigne light whom no blindnes can darken nor mistines dimme nor darknes obscure nor anie let close vp nor shadow keepe away O light which inlightenest al things at one time togither and alwaies swalow me vp into the depth of thy brightnes that I may on al sides beholde thee both in thy selfe and me in thee al things vnder thee Forsake mee not ô Lord least the shadowes of mine ignorance do encrease and mine offences multiplie For without thee euerie thing is darkenes to me and al things are euil because nothing is good without thee the true onlie and souereigne good This I acknowledge and this I know ô Lord my God For be I in anie place without thee euil is it with mee hauing not thee not onlie outwardlie to my bodie but also inwardlie to my soule because al abundance being not with thee my God is but beggerie but whē thy glorie apeareth I shal be satisfied And ô Lord my blessed life grant that I maie confesse my wretchednes vnto thee for from thee the souereigne and verie good it selfe and from the vnitie of thy goodnes hath the diuers kinds of temporal things separated me being fallen into sinne through carnal senses and from one it hath parted me into many things so that abundance to mee was combersome and pouertie was plentie while I haunted after this and that and yet could neuer be satisfied for in my selfe I found not thee th' vnchangable singular vnseparable and onlie good which had I once atteined I should want no more which had I once found out I should weepe no more which did I once enioie mine heart would be at rest Oh miserie vpon miserie sith my miserable soule doth flie from thee with whom she hath abundance and ioie and foloweth the world with whome she hath pouertie and sorow The world crieth I vanish ô Lord thou criest I refresh yet doth my wicked wretchednes more folowe that which vanisheth than him who refresheth This verilie is my weakenes O Physicion of the soule cure it that I may praise thee euen the saluation of my soule and that with mine whole hart for al thy benefites where with thou hast refreshed me euen fro my youth Cast me not off in the time of my age forsake me not whē my strength faileth ô Lord for thine owne sake I beseech thee Thou didest make me when I was
mercie that we doe loue thee This Lord is thy gift whose euerie good gift is Thou commandest that wee shoulde loue thee grant which thou commandest and command what thou wilt Chap. 19. Of the feruencie of loue or charitie O Lord my God I doe loue thee and alwaies more and more I desire too loue thee For thou art in deede sweeter than anie honie more nutritiue than anie milke and brighter than y e cleerest light And therefore thou art deerer to mee than either gold or siluer or pretious stone For I despise whatsoeuer I did in the world in respect of thy sweetenes and the glorie of thine house which I haue loued O fire which alwaies burnest and neuer goest out ô loue which alwaies art inflamed and neuer coolest set me on fire Let me wholie be inflamed of thee that I may loue thee wholie For he loueth thee too little who loues anie thing beside thee except he loue it for thy sake O Lord let me loue thee because thou first didest loue me Where shal I get wordes to expresse the signes of thy singular great loue toward mee through thine infinite benefites wherewith from the beginning thou hast nourished me Namelie besides the benefite of creation when at the beginning thou madest me of nothing after thine own image in magnifieng and exalting me aboue al those creatures which thou hadest made and making me glorious with the light of thy countenance wherwithal thou hast sealed the vppermost seate of mine hart thereby disseuering mee both from insensible thinges and also from brute beastes which haue sense and abasing mee but little beneath Angels Yet was al this too little before the sight of thy Godhead For without cessing thou hast fed me with dailie and singular and most ample benefites yea as if I were thy deere and weake and tender child thou hast nourished refreshed me with the teates of thy comfort And that I might wholie serue thee thou hast put al things which thou hast made vnder my subiection Chap. 20. That God hath made al things to serue for mans vse THou hast made al things to serue man that man alone might serue thee altogither And that man might be wholie thine thou hast giuen him dominion ouer al thy workes For al outward things thou hast created for the bodie and the bodie for the soule and the soule for thy selfe that man might onelie serue thee and loue thee onlie enioieng both thee to his solace and inferior things for his seruice For nothing vnder the coape of heauen is for worthines comparable to the soule of man which was created for the chiefest good on high by enioieng whereof it might become blessed to which if it cleaue ouerpassing al earthlie things which are transitorie it cleerelie shal behold the face of that eternal immortalitie and the glorious maiestie of him whose image it doth represent Then shal it in the house of the Lord enioie those excellent good things in comparison whereof al outwarde thinges which we now see are as nothing For they are those things which eie hath not seene eare hath not heard neither came into mans har● which God hath prepared for such as loue him O Lord such things wilt thou giue vnto y e soule of man And heereby Lord which louest the soules thou daie by daie doest reioice the soules of thy seruants But why maruel I at these things ô Lord my God For thou bringest vnto honor thine owne image and similitude according to which they were created For to our bodie though corruptible vile that it might see thou hast giuen the cleerenes of the skie by the hands of thine vntired seruants y e Sunne and Moone which continualie daie and night by thine apointment doe seruice to thy children that it might breath thou hast giuen the pure aër varietie of soundes that it might heare sweete odors that it might smel qualities of sauors that is might taste grosenes of al bodilie things that it might feele to serue his vse thou hast giuen him the beastes of the field and soules of the aër and fishes of the sea and fruite of the earth to refresh him Thou hast created medicines of the earth for al diseases and hast prepared for euerie seueral euil a seueral comfort For thou Lord art a pitiful God and a merciful thou our maker knowest whereof we are made and how we are but as claie in thine hand Chap. 21. That by the consideration of Gods temporal benefites wee may gather the greatnes of his heauenlie blessings O Lord reueale thy great mercie towarde mee shine vpon me yet more and more with thy light I beseech thee that more and more I may perceiue the same For thy great things by these smalest things and thine inuisible things by these visible creatures are seene ô God holie and good our Lord and maker For if thou prouidest both from heauen from the aër from the earth from the sea from light from darkenes from heate from shade from deaw from raine windes showres birdes fiishes beasts trees and from the diuersitie of herbes and fruite of the earth and from the seruice of al thy creatures which serue for mans vse in their due season to comfort him withal If I saie thou prouidest so ample and so infinite benefites for this vile and corruptible bodie ô Lord I beseech thee how excellent how innumerable shal those good things be which thou hast prepared for those which loue thee in that heauenlie countrie where wee shal see thee face to face If thou dost so for vs in prison what wilt thou doe in thy palace Great and without number doubtles be thy workes ô Lord King of Heauen For sith al these things are exceedinglie good delightful which thou impartest as wel on the euil as vpon the good what shal those hereafter bee which are laid vp onelie for the good If thy giftes are so infinite and diuers which in this world thou giuest to thine enimies as wel as to thy friends how great and how infinite how sweete and howe comfortable shal those blessings be which thou wilt impart onelie vpon thy friends If we haue so much delectation in this time of teares what ioie wilt thou bring vs on the daie of our mariage If our prison haue such pleasure how vnspeakeable shal the happines of our countrie be O God none eie without thee hath seene the things which thou hast prepared for them that loue thee for according to the great number of thy mightie workes thy goodnes is great which thou hast laid vp for them which feare thee For great art thou ô Lord my God and incomprehensible neither is there ende of thy
mee onlie but also of al mankind whome I acknowledge to be begotten of the Father before al worlds God of God light of light verie God of verie God begotten not made being of one substance and coeternal with the Father and the holie Ghost by whom al things at the beginning were made Stedfastlie beleeuing trulie confessing that thou Iesus Christ the onlie begottē Sonne of God for our saluation by the consent of the whole Trinitie tookest flesh and wert conceiued by the holy Ghost of the virgin Marie and wert made verie man of a reasonable soule and humane flesh subsisting Thou forsomuch as in respect of thy Godhead being the onelie begotten Sonne of God thou couldest neither suffer nor die through thine exceeding loue wherewith thou hast loued vs thou the verie same Sonne of GOD for al that becamest subiect to sufferings mortalitie in respect of thy manhood ô onlie Sonne of God for the saluation of mankinde diddest suffer death vpon the wood of the crosse to saue vs from euerlasting death Thou the autor of light descendedst into hel and like a glorious conquerour rosest againe the third daie taking to thee againe thy sacred bodie which for our sinnes had lien in the sepulchre and quickening it according to the Scripture the third daie that thou mightest place the same at the right hand of the Father For thou the verie Sonne of God taking againe vnto thy selfe the substance of our flesh that is to saie the soule and humane bodie which thou tookest of the glorious virgin art ascended vp aboue al the heauens and mounted aboue the orders of Angels where thou sittest at the right hand of God the Father and whereas the fountaine of life is the light which none can attaine vnto the peace of God which passeth al vnderstanding There we doe worship thee there we do beleeue thee to be verie God and verie man confessing God to be thy Father and from thence we looke that thou wilt come a iudge in the end of the world to iudge both the quick and the dead and to render to al men good and bad according to their deedes which they haue don in this life either reward or punishment according as euery one is worthie rest or torment For al men euen as manie as haue receaued soules in their humane flesh which they had in this world shal rise at that daie through the sound of thy power that whole man may receaue either the glorie of heauen or the paine of hel according to their deserts Thou art our resurrection and the life it selfe whom we looke for euē y e Lord Iesus Christ our Sauior who shal change our vile bodie y t it may be facioned like vnto his glorious bodie I knowe thee the holie Spirit both of the Father and of the Sonne to be one God and a verie God proceeding alike from them both of one substance and coeternal with the Father and the Sonne our comforter and aduocate Which camest downe in the likenes of a doue vpon y e same God our Lord Iesus Christ and showedst thy selfe vpon thine Apostles in firie tongs Which also euen from the beginning hast instructed with the gift of thy grace al the saints and chosen of God and opened the mouthes of the Prophets that they might declare abrode the woonderful mysteries of the kingdome of God who also together with the Father the Sonne of al the Saints of God art worshipped and glorified Among whome I the sonne of thine handmaid do glorifie thy name because thou hast inlightened me For thou art the verie light the true light the fire of God the master of the spirits which by thine ointment teachest vs al truth the spirit of truth without which it is impossible to please God For thou thy selfe art God of God and light of light vnspeakablie proceeding from the Father of lights and from his Sonne our Lord Iesu Christ with whom thou raignest and art glorified most singularlie being of one substance coequal and coeternal with them in the essence of one and the same Trinitie I knowe thee Father Son and holie Ghost to be one a liuing and a verie God three I confesse in persons yet but one in essence whome I acknowledge worship and glorifie with mine whole hart being the true God the onelie God holie immortal inuisible vnchangeable whom no man can either attaine vnto or find out This God I acknowledge to be one light one sonne one bread one life one happines one beginning one end one creator both of heauen earth by whom al things do liue by whom al things subsist by whom al things are gouerned ruled and quickened both the things in heauen and the things in earth and things vnder the earth beside whom there is no God neither in heauen nor in earth Thus knowe I thee ô Lord God who knowest me thus knowe I thee Through thy faith which thou hast inspired to me I knowe thee ô my light the sight of mine eies ô Lord my God the hope of al the ends of the earth the ioie reioicing mine youth and the good susteining mine age For in thee ô Lord al my bones reioice saieng O Lord who is like to thee Among the gods who is like to thee Not that whome the hands of men haue made but thou who hast made the hands of men The idols of the nations are siluer gold euen the workes of mens handes so is not hee which made man Al the gods of the people are idols but the Lord made the heauens Let those gods which made not y e heauens the earth perish frō the earth from vnder these heauēs but let both heauen earth praise him which created both earth heauen Amen Chap. 33. A confession of mans wretchednes WHo is like vnto thee ô Lord among the gods who is like vnto thee so glorious in holines fearful in praises doing wonders Long was it ere I knew thee ô true light long was it ere I knew thee There was a great and darke cloude before my vane eies so that I coulde not beholde the sunne of righteousnes nor the light of the truth I a childe of darkenes was wrapped in darkenes I loued darknes because I knew not the light Blind I was and I loued blindnes after darknes I folowed through darknes Who brought mee thence where I a blinde wretch sate in darknes and in the shadowe of death Who tooke me by the hand to leade me out What was he which inlightened me I sought