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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19566 A confutatio[n] of vnwritte[n] verities both bi the holye scriptures and moste auncient autors, and also probable arguments, and pithy reasons, with plaine aunswers to al (or at the least) to the moste part and strongest argumentes, which the aduersaries of gods truth, either haue, or can bryng forth for the profe and defence of the same vnwritten vanities, verities as they would haue them called: made up by Thomas Cranmer ... translated and set forth, by E.P. The contentes whereof, thou shalte find in the next side folowinge. Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.; E. P., fl. 1556. 1556 (1556) STC 5996; ESTC S109030 77,248 224

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be taken as olde wyues fables the wordes of liars and fraye bugges of children neyther canne the soule beyng departed from the body walke in this earth For the soules of the righteous are in the hand of god and the soules of synners ar streight after their death caried awai Which is manifest by Lazarus and the ryche man The lord saieth also in another place this day shal they fetche away thy soule The soule therfore after it be departed from the body cannot wāder here amongest vs. It may be proued by maniscripturs that the souls of the ryghteous cannot wander here after their death For Steuen sayd Lorde receiue my spirite And Paule desyered to be losed from the bodye and to be wyth CHRISTE Of the Patriarkes also the Scripture sayth he was laid vp wyth his fathers he dyed in a good age And that the soules of sinners canne not tarye here with vs harken to the ryche manne what he sayeth consyder what he asketh and obtayneth not But yf mens soules myghte bee conuersaunte here he woulde haue come as he desyered and haue certified his brethren of the tormentes in hell Of the whiche place of Scripture it is manyfeste that after the departynge from the bodye the soules are caryed into a certayne place from whence they cannot returne at their pleasure but loke for that terrible day of Iudgement HIerome in the .8 Ca. of Ieremy If you doubt of any thīg sayeth the prophete knowe that it is written that those nations whiche the lord shal scatter before thy face shal harken to dreames and sothsayers but the Lord thy god hath cōmaunded thee not so to doe but if you wil know thynges that be doubtful geue yourselues rather to the testimonies of the law the scriptures But if your congregacion wil not searche the worde of the lorde they shall not haue the lyghte of the trueth but shal wander in darkenesse of errors You ought to knowe thys that euery nacyon asketh counsell at theyr owne gods and enquireth of the deade for the health of the quicke but god hath geuen you the law for youre helpe so that you may say the soothsaying of the heathen which deceiue their worshippers is not lyke ours whyche is spoken oute of the lawe without any coste SAīct Augustine also saith that the spirite of Samuel which the woman sorcerer raysed to Saul was not the soule of Samuel but the deuil which appeared in Samuels likenes for to deceiue Saul this doeth he proue both by euydente scriptures and stronge reasons ¶ Neyther are miracles able to proue our fayth ¶ The .vi. Chapter EXodus .7 8. The wise men and inchaunters of Pharao turned their roddes into serpentes and the waters of Egipt into bloode and made all the whole lande to swarme with frogges through their sorceries DEuteronum .13 If there aryse among you a Prophete or a dreamer of dreames and geue thee a signe or a wōder and that signe or wonder which he hath sayed come to passe and then saye let vs got after straunge goddes which thou hast not knowen and let vs serue them Harken not vnto the wordes of that Prophet or dreamer of dreames For the lord thy god tempteth thee to wete whether ye loue the lorde your God wyth all youre hartes and all youre soules IEremye .23 Beholde here am I ▪ sayeth the LORDE agaynste those Prophetes that dare prophesye lyes and deceyue my people wyth their vanities and miracles ▪ whom I neuer sent nor cōmaunded MAth .7 Many shal saye to me in those dayes LORDE haue we not prophesyed in thy name haue we not caste oute deuils in thy name and then it shall bee answered them I neuer knewe you departe from me you children of iniquite MAth .12 An euyll and froward generacyon saketh a sygne and there shall no sygne bee geuen to them but the signe of Ionas the Prophete MAthewe .24 There shall a rise false CHRISTES and false Prophetes and shal shewe greate miracles and wonders in so muche that if it were possyble euen the verye electe shoulde bee disceaued but take you hede beeholde I haue shewed you al thynges before THessa .2 The commyng of that wicked one meanīg Antichrist shalbe after the working of S●than with all lyenge power signes and wonders and wyth al disceit of vnrighteousnesse of them that shall peryshe beecause they receaued not the loue of the trueth that they myght be saued And therefore God shal sende them stronge delusyōs that they myght beleue lyes that all they myght be damned which beleued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes ACtes .8 Simon Magus an in chaunter by his wonders bewitched the Samaritans ACtes .13 Elimas the sorcerer had of long tyme deceyued the Antiochians Read the stories IRene lib .1 Telleth of a certen Iugler called Marke whiche in the sacrament of thankes geuing wonderfully deceaued the simple people For he so chaunged the coloure of wyne that it appeared vtterly to be bludde and a litel wine so increased through his Iugling that the chalyce was fylled and ranne ouer By this Iugling it is playne inough that those myracles that be alledged of many men for the real presence in the sacrament of the alter doe not confyrme their error but be very delusions of the deuyl or of his iuglyng ministers CHrysostome in his .4 9. Homilie vpō the .24 of Math. Afore time it was knowē which wer true Christen men and which false by miracles but how were the false knowen Because they could not worke such or lyke miracles as true Christē men did but they wroughte vaine thinges making men to wonder but bringing no profit at al. But the Christians did miracles which not onelye brought wonders but also profyte by these they were knowen whyche were true Christians and whyche false But now workyng of miracles is vtterly taken awaye Yea coūterfet miracles are rather founde amonge them that be false Chrystians as Peter declareth in Clement Antichriste shal haue full power geuen him to worke great miracles THe same in his first oracyon agaynste the Iewes vpō thys place of Deutero .13 If there a rise among you a Prophete or a dreamer of dreames c. That that he saith sayeth Chrysostome is thys if any Prophete saye I can rayse a dead mā and geue syghte to a blinde man obey me let vs worship deuils let vs do sacrifice to Idols moreouer if a man speake thus that he can geue the blīd his syghte rayse the dead● yea though he doe these thynges beleue him not for the Lord trieng thee suffereth him to doe them not that he knewe not thy mynd but to geue thee occasyon of tryall whether thou loue God in dede THe same in Iohn Cap. 2. In the ende of the .22 Homilie Ther be some doubtles now a daies that aske why men worke no miracles now If thou be faithful as thou oughtest to be if thou loue Christ as he shoulde be loued thou nedest
is the true church the very spouse of god Christ bēig the head therof But how many and who of that nomber that heare the word of god and receiue the sacramentes be gods elect and church and true mēbers of Chryst is knowē to god onelye For the Lorde knoweth who he his and no man can tell of an other man whether he be worthy loue or hatred although their works seme neuer so holy and gloryous afore men so great a wytch is Ipocrisie LAst of al to make all coke suer and to maintaine their Idolatrye besyde yea and also contrarye to the worde of GOD as itruocacion and prayinge to Saynctes worshyppyng of Images reliques with pilgrimages and offerynges the sacrifice of the masse for the quick and the dead and pardons to delyuer dead mens soules from purgatory holy breade holy water ashes palms and suche other baggage they alledge reuelacions of Aungels of our Ladye and other sainctes and dead mennes soules appearyng to diuers men and wemen bidding them to cause certen masses trentalles pilgrimages and offering to Images and reliques of this and that saincte to bee done for them and they shoulde be delyuered from the fier of purgatorye where the paynes be greater say they than mans wit can comprehende And whā suche masses pilgrimages with offringes to suche sainctes reliques and images be done for them they appear to the same persons agayne sayinge that by suche meanes they be deliuered out of purgatory into the eternal ioyes of heauen they tel also of many wonders and straunge miracles to proue their doctrine in all these afore sayed thynges to be true And because they haue great profyte and aduaūtage therby they counting gains godlynes haue fylled all theyr bookes with suche vanites and lyes of which some be so fonde so directly againste gods glory that the most earneste papistes hauing either learnyng or wit be ashamed of thē Yea and the pope himselfe hath cleane put them out of gods seruice vsed in the churche of Rome and yet must we reade them beleue them as necessarye articles of our fayth or els burne therfore lyke heretikes BY thē manifest and plaine words of the Scriptures and the consent of the most auncyente authours before written it is euydente that neither the visions of Aungels apparitions of the dead nor miracles nor all these together ioyned in one are able or sufficient to make anye one newe article of our fayth or stablyshe any thyng in religion wythout the expresse wordes of god because that all such thyngs as is before proued may be yea and haue been throughe gods permission for oure sinnes and vubelefes sake done by the power of the deuill hymselfe or fayned and counterfeited of hys lyuelye members Monkes and Friers with other such hipocrites But what shal sathan nede to tell oracles vse visions shew apparitiōs or worke miracles now a daies what should he nede to toyle herin himself or why should he not like a gentle mā take his ease in his inne seing his subtil seruaūtes Monkes Friers Nōnes and other Pope holye hipocrites can and doe counterfeit such thynges day lye and from their beginning hath dō diligently par●e whereof I shall rehearse About fourtene yeares paste at Orleāce in Fraunce the Profestes wife died willing to beburied at the friers in the same citie without pōpe or other solemnite cōmonly vsed at burialles Wherfore the friers fearinge to lease a great pray if this shoulde be suffered to enter into the heades of the people caused a younge frier to speake in a vawte in a womās voice many people hearinge it sayd that she was the soule of the Profests wife condemned in hell for contemnyng of the suffrages of the holy churche commaunding also her body to be cast out of Christian buriall But the profeste so boolted out the mater that the yōg frier confessed the place and the maner of his speaking and all the friers were openly punished for that fault in the common market at Orleance But let vs come home to oure owne realme of Englande About .xxx. yers paste in the borders of wales wythin a Priory called Lymster there was a younge woman called the holy maide of Lymster whiche as the fāe was lyued onely by Aungels foode and was enclosed wythin a grate of Irone Vnto whom certain daies when the Prior of the place sayede masse the thirde parte of the hoste went hanging in the ayer by miracle as it semed from the aulter wher the Prior massed into the maids mouth whiche thing broughte the people into a great opinion of holynes in her and caused great pilgrimage to be ther vsed But when the Lord of Burgauenny with his brother sir Edward ●euel and diuerse other ientle men ientle wemē came to trye the trueth her of thei caused the doore to be opened and strayghte wayes the dogges fought for bones that wer vnder her bedde Whervpon they searching farther founde a priuye doore whereby the Prior myght resort to her and she to hym at their pleasures And then the confessed that she made as it wer .ii. fine thredes of her own heres sīgly tyed together wyth fyne knottes and then made a bigge hole with a bed kin thorowe the corner of a quarter of the hoste and fastened one ende of the sayed heere to the corporas where the sayed Prior sayd masse and the other ende to her own bedde wherein the laye tyed the other heer faste to the quarter of the hoste and wrapped the other ende aboute her own finger And whē the Prior had receiued his porcion of the hoste she wōde vy the threde wherto the hoste was tyed vpon her fingers and so cōueyed the ost into her mouth Thys both the Prior and she confessed and dyd open penaunce for the same To Sainct Albans about .xxviii. yeares past came a mayde crepyng vpon her knees and lening vpon .ii. short staues enquiring after Sainct Albās bōes affirminge that she shoulde bee made whole and goe vpright so sone as she should come to the place where saīct Albans bones were In token wherof an Aungell had deliuered her a keye wherby she should certenlye knowe where his verye bones were And when she passed thus throughe the streates of Sainct Albans creping on her knees till she came to Sainte Albans shrine after she had made her prayers deuoutly there she toke out the key of her purse whiche she sayed an Angel had deliuered to her and thē she stode vpright opened the shrine with the sayd key and then kneled agayne to pray and to geue thankes to god and sainct Albāe for her healing geuing her strēgth to walke whiche was borne lāe And by the mōkes would haue had it rōge for a miracle but some wiser men thought it mete to trye the matter better to examine her further before they tēpted to rīge a miracle op̄enly And vpon her examinacion the sayd that she had bene lame from her
that we may deni them if they dissent frō the holy scripturs We may not think al that the old fathers did write to be true Al mens writings ought to be weyghed by the canonical scriptures He confesseth many errours in his owne bokes 〈◊〉 others also Beleue not his writings except thou be suer of them by the scriptures we ought not to esteme mans writinges further then thei agree with the scripturs but may refuse thē at our pleasures Vnderstande the word written for they that learn of it learne of god al things perteining to doctrine and good maners are in the worde written which is sufficiēte Note this holy fathers wordes and print them in your hartes for euer If preachers ought so then so ought all others for they al are prepared to come to one ende by one ordinary rule The scriptures only are sufficiēt for matter of saluaciō If any mā speak let him speake accordinge to the worde of god excepte he wil be called by these names here expressed We may not beleue the generall faith excepte the same agre with goddes worde the truth of our fayth is conteyned in the worde written Thei wer gathered in the spirite of pride and enuy and not in the spirit of mekenes and loue Note these words diligentlye and forget them not Counsails are not of such authorite that what so euer thei decree must be holdē for truth The scripture must trie all Marke thys Reade ye Papistes and be no longer ignorāte Coūsails may and doe erre oftimes Read the Psalme O what a court is this that in suspicion of heresye acquiteth no man and in cause of adultery condēneth no priest be his crime neuer so openlye knowen Cano. 7. Cano. 9. Can̄o 10. The counsel of nice Cano. 6. The coūcel of nice cano 20. The coūcell of Nice 6. The coūcell of Gāgrēse Ibidē 7. The coūsel of Neocesario The coūcel of Laodicia Ibidem Ibidem Mat. 23. The deuill deceueth man because he wādereth from the word written and is not cōtēt therewith Spirites worke no good but euill The deuils miracles ar● to worke mischief Thei hurt most of all when thei cease from hurtyng The deuils vexe both bodye ct soule to cause mē to seke to them for help and so to be worshipped as god Sathan worketh miracles by Images and hereof springeth the worshipping of Images The deuils speke in Imags as thogh thei wer gods thoughe deuils prophesi truly of thynges to come yet all is but dysceite to make mē to worship thē Sathan vnder pretence of dead mēs soules de ceaueth thē that lyue and leadeth them into Idolatrye Subtil Sathan sayneth himself to be Christ ct worshipped as god How shal we then knowe any certayne trueth by apparicions Thei that beleue visions often worship Sathan for Christ. Read the place Read the Chapter He laugheth theyr foolishnes to scorne the scripture ought to be beleued rather thē the testimonye of the dead for it is gods owne word and the other oft times the deuils The dead neuer returne after the death to tel their state that be dead The scripture is to ●e beleued aboue all thinges It is not the soule of the dead that saith I am such a mans soule but the devyl counterfeteth the dead to deceue the liuing for soules departed the bodie can not walke her on earth Mar. 13. By this example ye maye iudge of the popishe miracles True Christiās work miracls profitable to the seers but the wicked without profit at all God sufferth wicked men to worke miracles for the tryall of the faythfull The faithfull nede no miracles for signes are gyven to the vnbelevers .1 Corin .14 Al doctrine ought to be tryed by the canonicall in plaine sense and not by wordes that be darke doubtful or figuratyue Miracles shewed at the tombes of saintes proue no doctrine Visions seen eyther in dreame● or being awake cānot make any doctryne Men be heard at the tombes of heretikes and yet is not their doctrine true The deuill worketh miracles in the temples and Idols of the gētils although their religion be false an detestable Menne ought to prou● thēselfes to be the true churche by none other me●nes but by the scripturs only Neyther miracles nor agrement of Bishops in doctryne proue any thing in religion Not miracle workers but the commaundemente kepers ar called blessed of Chryste To work miracles maketh no man holy nor to worke no miracles hindereth his holynes Thys would be put amōg the appariciōs of the dead Sathan counterfetteth Moses Math. 18. Argumente Answere Math. 7. Acres 19. Math. 7. A replicacion Answere Math. 23. The. 2. argumēt The first answere The second answere the forth argumēt Math. 28 Answere The. 5. argumēt Iohn 16. Answere Iohn 14. Iohn 15. Luke 18. Math. 20 Math. 16 The. 6. argumēt Iohn 20. Answere 2. Thess. 2 argumēt Answer 2. Cor. 10 Actes 1● Argumente Ans●ere Vnderstande here as necessary to saluacion Argumente Answere Argumente Answere Argumente argumēt ●rgumēt Answere Answere argumēt Answere argumēt argumēt Answere Answere argumēt Answere Gene. 17 Math. 19. Luke 19. 1. Cor. 7. argumēt Esai 56. Esai 58. To lanuarye epist. 119. The bodely rest on the sabboth day is figuratiuely to be kepte To the perfite Ghristiā al dayes be lyke and eueri day is good friday eueri day is Easter day and we eat● hys fleshe alwayes argumēt Answere Christes bage Dani. 7. The mark to knowe antichrist by is to preuaill by persecucion againste gods elect saints Daniel 8. And the marke of the true churche is to be persecuted of Antichriste Read the places Read the Chapters argumēt Answere Iohn sleidane Elzabeth Barton O diuilishe illusion Reade more of herin her boke set forth in print and in Halles cronicle A letter forged as thoughe it had come frō heauen Bishops euer haue been bolsterers of idolatry A notable miracle Christe prouedre alli in the hoste by 2. horses the deuil sp●aking in one of them Which is Rome