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A18939 Holy incense for the censers of the saints. Or, A method of prayer with matter, and formes in selected sentences of sacred scripture. Also A praxis upon the holy oyle shewing the vse of scripture-phrases. And choyse places taken out of the singing Psalmes, digested into a method of prayer and praises. Clarke, John, d. 1658. 1634 (1634) STC 5357; ESTC S116610 106,869 376

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omitting good particular failings frailties distractions indisposednes to serve God our ignorance Atheism infidelitie hypocrisie inconstancie pride vaine-glory envy uncharitablenesse putting off our repentance forgetfulnesse distrustfulnesse unthankefulnesse dulnesse unchearfulnesse felfe-love strife wrath flattery idlenesse gluttony uncleannesse covetousnesse all inordinate desires and all the evill of our good workes c. may never bee imputed or layd to our charge As likewise the Nationall unthankfulnesse heresies schismes swearing oppression security which crye open mouth'd against us may not enter into the eares of the Lord of hosts Secondly That we may from on high be indued with power over those corruptions and lusts to which pleasure allures profit provokes sinfull custome most of all swayes us the plague of our own heart that the lusts of our flesh may be crucifyed and the whole body of sinne abolished and we leade our captivity captive 2 Victory over all the deceits of the whole world which lieth in wickednesse and all the temptations thereof that neither the persons nor things therein may become our suare 3 Over the Devill that arch-enemy of our salvation and his fiercest and eraftiest assaults that he may never finally prevaile over us that the God of peace would tread downe Satan under our feete and so make us more than conquerors through our Lord Iesus who hath loved us Secondly Deprecation of the evill of Punishment 1. All those dreadfull curses due to our sinnes that they may not be inflicted on us 2 Deliverance from all plagues which we now feele or hereafter may feare viz. 1 Iudgements nationall which the whole Land mournes under Plague of the pestilence famine warre sedition conspiracie 2 Afflictions personall that lie on our selves either in soule body or in estate troubles and terrours of conscience griefe of minde scandalls and offences imprisonment banishment sicknesse poverty disgrace losse of friends or any other afflictions of what kinde soever preservation from and in all dangers Death it selfe the king of terrours the day of judgement from Hell and chaines of darknesse from Gods wrath and everlasting damnation c. Secondly We petition for others which is Intercession and thus here wee pray for the Catholike Church of Iesus Christ militant every where on earth which is either 1 Uncalled yet belonging to the election of grace that they may be converted as 1. Iews our elder sister which was in the covenant before us 2 Pagans and Infidels that they may heare the glad tidings of salvation and that the Sunne of righteousnesse may arise on them with healing in his wings that they may enjoy Gods Word Sacraments Sabbaths that God would bring home them that goe astray instruct the ignorant and forgive them that rebelliously transgresse Heretickes yea the Enemies and Persecutours of the Church that they all may bee converted or if implacable confounded beseeching God to forgive our Enemies Persecutors and Slanderers and to turne their hearts 2 Already called that the Lord would purge it from Schisme and Heresie and appease all unhappy differences in the Church making all Christians keepe the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace and that he would warme and enliven the setling and cooled affections of these secure and earthly-minded times To watch over it for good whether in the transmarine parts and forraigne countries abroad or our owne nation at home herein especially our gracious soveraigne King Charles and his Highnes Dominions with all his sacred Stocke and Lineage the Queene young Prince Princesse Duke the Lady Elizabeth the Kings onely sister and her Progenie The Lords spirituall and temporall those of his Majesties most honourable Privie Councell the Nobility Majestra●ie Ministrie the two Universities the Gentry and Commonalty our Parents Kindred Friends Benefactours all such as we stand obliged unto by nature desert duty or any speciall relation Thirdly Afflicted in soule body or in estate being oppressed and persecuted under Popish tyranny or Mahumetan cruelty those that bee destitute of all comforts of this life that want foode rayment harbour liberty peace health that grone under poverty famine nakednesse c. that all the Israel of God may bee delivered from all their troubles 3. THANKSGIVING THe third and last Part of our Prayers is Thankesgiving that God would give us thankefull hearts for all his Blessings First Positive Secondly Privative in Temporall spirituall and eternall good things towards his whole Church 1 Triumphant for providing for it Heaven a place of rest and happinesse for the glorious Martyrs godly Bishops Preachers and Confessors that out of their ashes he hath wondrously raysed up beleevers 2 Militant for giving ●●●m 1 Christ to be their Saviour captaine and leader 2 Holy spirit to bee their comforter 3 God himself to be their father 4 His Gospell Sacraments c. Secondly For his blessings to our selves for that eternall unchangeable infinite everlasting undeserved love of his to us in our Election in and Redemption by Iesus Christ our vocation our Adoption Iustification Sanctification inchoate with assured hope of future Glorification That we were borne of Christian and beleeving Parents in a land of righteousnesse in a time of knowledge planted in religious families towns undergodly and painfull Ministers and gracious Governours that we enjoy Gods word and Sacraments in the power and purity of them for the many great and precious promises made to us therein Which are either performed already towards us or shall be hereafter in due time accomplished For all the Graces of the holy spirit for the gracious and free pardon of our many sinnes Faith Repentance some care of sincere obedience and tender hearts desiring to feare God for power against and prevailing over any sinne that we are not given over to Heresies and Errours in opinion nor to those base and fleshly Lusts that some others are in our lives nor to a hard heart reprobate minde benummed conscience and finall Apostasie for victory in any temptation over subtle Satan the alluring world and our own selfe-deceiving selves Secondly Temporall Blessings viz. of Creation Providence 1 Creation after Gods own image not being made a Beast Toad Foole c. 2 Gods providence Nationall Personall in those wonderfull Deliverances of the nation Preservation peace plenty towards us and fatherly care over us in our birth and infancie ever since we hung upon the ●rests in our childe-hood youth mans estate unto old age and gray haires for our health continued so long or restored of late for understanding judgement and discretion peace liberty prosperity food raiment same and good esteeme among Gods people for wealth friends Godly parents carefull ●utours masters and governours good education quietnesse of minde contentment c. Daily preservation manifold deliverances from imminent and apparent yea unseene and unfeared dangers For his fatherly chastisements and corrections for sanctifying to our everlasting good our afflictions
on any earthly thing for nothing brings true content to the soule but God Delight thy selfe in him this will both purifie thy heart and assure it before God In thy carnall delight there are or may be losse of crosses in curses for them They are broken cisternes In the end of every day aske thy selfe What have I done What have I done amisse What have I left undone Thus summe up thy accounts and make all streight twixt God and thee Keepe a Catalogue of all thy g 〈…〉 knowne sinnes nor balking any but dealing truely with thy selfe and then falling downe on thy knees disburden thy conscience of them by humble confession to God carrying this thy owne inditement and spreading it before the Lord and pleading guilty drag thy sinfull lusts to the crosse of thy Saviour and there crucifie them 2 Pray for a soft and tender heart as for life Lord thou hast promised to take out the heart of stone to give an heart of flesh 3 Get the particular promises which thou desirest to have fulfilled to thy soule without booke yea into thy heart as well as thy head Mr. Byfield Mr. GEORGE FLETCHER in Christs victory and triumph pag. 50. VVHo is it sees not that he nothing is But he that nothing sees what vveker brest Since Adams armour faild dares warrant his That made by God of all his creatures best Straite made himselfe the worst of all the rest If any strength we have it is to ill But all the good is Gods both povv'r and vvill The dead man cannot rise though he himselfe may kill Mr. QVARLES Historie of SAMPSON Medit. 21. LOrd if our Father Adam could not stay In his upright perfection one poore day How can it be expected we have povver To hold out siege one scruple of an houre Our armes are bound vvith too unequall bands We cannot strive vve cannot loose our hands Great Nazarite avvake and looke upon us Make haste to helpe the Philistims are on us Medit. 22. ibid. Lord shouldst thou punish every part in me That does offend what member would be free Each member acts his part they never lin Vntill they joyne and make a body of sinne Make sinne my burthen let it never please me And thou hast promis'd when I come to ease me Medit. 19. idem ibid. Thou great Chirurgion of a bleeding soule Whose soveraigne balme is able to make whole The deepest wound thy sacred salve is sure We cannot bleed so fast as thou canst cure Heale thou our wounds that having salv'd the sore Our hearts may feare and learne to sinne no more And let our hands be strangers to those knives That wound not fingers only but our lives Some particular formes of PRAYER 1. For the Sacrament of the LORDS Supper WOnderfull art thou O Lord in all thy works towards the sons of men but more especially wonderfull in that great worke of our redemption by the death of thy Son Hadst thou left us to have perished in that estate of damnation into which wee desperately had implunged our selves by the wilfull disobedience of our first parents it had beene but just with thee so to have done for wee were the clay thou wast our Potter and we all are the work of thine owne hands and hadst thou taken no delight in us to doe us good thou mightest easily have made us dishonourable vessels of thy wrath as well as thou didst the Angels which kept not their first estate but left their owne habitation whom thou hast reserved in everlasting chaines under darkenesse under the judgement of the great day But thou in love to our soules wouldest not that wee should perish and therefore out of thine own incomprehensible wisedome foundest out a meanes of rasoming and redeeming man from hell by causing thine own sonne God equall for ever with thy blessed selfe to bee made sinne for us that so wee might bee made the righteousnesse of God in him who his owne selfe bare our sinnes in his body on the tree and the more to confirme us in the assured hope of everlasting salvation which he once purchased for us by his bloody passion did institute for his Church the blessed Sacrament of his body and blood in which I see him againe crucified and freshly bleeding before mine eyes in the outward elements of bread and wine which he hath appointed to bee often celebrated in remembrance of him Blessed bee thy holy name therefore my daily sinnes have made mee unworthy of daily bread much more of this bread of life yet seeing thou callest and invitest mee at this time to the Supper of the Lambe to eate of that Manna that came down from heaven to partake of those divine mysteries O let not mee suffer my selfe to bee needlesly detained from so blessed a feast by any pretended occasions whatsoever as those did that made excuses and set light by their invitation to the marriage of the Kings sonne Math. 22. 5. left thou sweare in thy wrath that I shall never taste of thy Supper nor enter into that rest which my Saviour is gone to prepare for thy beloved ones For if those in the law that did neglect to eate the Passeover and to worship at Hierusalem at the times appoynted were to bee cut off from the number of thy people of how much sorer punishment shall I bee worthy if I refuse to partake in thy blessed Sacrament and neglect so great salvation which thou tenderest unto mee hereby O therefore make me to come as a guest invited comming prepared unto thy table having on my wedding garment because thou thy selfe the great master of this feast art present in the assembly eying and observing thy guests Let mee therefore first wash my hands in innocencie my heart from wickednesse and so compasse thine Altar O Lord that seeing Christ my Passeover is sacrificed for mee I may purge out the old leaven and become a new lumpe keeping this feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth feeding on him with the sowre herbes of godly sorrow and unfained repentance for all my former sins O make the very remembrance of them to be grievous and the burthen of them intollerable unto mee O wash mee Lord wash mee not onely the feete but even the hands also and the head for I am uncleane I am uncleane a very Leper a sinke of sinne whom thou mighest shut out of the congregation of thy people for ever but yet O Lord if thou wilt thou canst make mee cleane Thy blood O sweet Iesus is able to cleanse more throughly than the waters of Iordan did Naomans leprosie and to wash away all my pollutions and make my Ethiopian skin my leopards spots to be white as snow in Salmon Now the good Lord pardon me and every one that prepareth himselfe to seeke thee in the truth of his heart though wee bee not cleansed and prepared according to that exact purification of thy Sanctuary O Lord make me to search
bee removed neither shall any of the cords thereof bee broken O Scripture Psal 63. 1. how my soule thirsteth for thee how Head Desire my flesh longeth after thee in a dry and thirstie land where no water is But now O blessed day thrice welcome newes the Head Die messengers of death Scripture Pro. 16. 14. tell mee that the Scripture Gen. 47. 29. time drawes neere that I must dye 1. And shall I so Head Death Scripture Math. 25. 23. soone enter into the joy of my Lord is the time of my DEPARTING so Scripture 2 Tim. 4. 6. neere at hand then blesse the Lord O Scripture Psal 103. 1. my soule and all that is within mee bless his holy name I have long lyen Head World Scripture Dan. 7. 2. upon this great SEA the world looking longly for this happy day when one sweet gale of wind my last breath should wast me over Scripture Hebr. 11. 10. unto a better countrey that is an heavenly where Scripture 3. 11. I shall enter into REST and bee Scripture Col. 1. 12. partaker of the inheritance of the Saints in light 2. Alas I am but a Stranger on this earth and woe is Scripture Psal 120. 5. Head Wicked me that I Sojourne in Mesech that I dwell in the tents of Kedar my soule Scripture 6. hath too long dwelt Scripture Mal. 3. 15. with such as tempt Scripture Ephe. 2. 2. Head Profane God children of disobedience that Scripture Pro. 30. 12. are not washed from their filthynesse I have beene long Head Vngodly absent from the Lord But now Scripture Eccle. 12. 5. I am going to my long HOME to Head Death my Fathers House Head Heaven Scripture Ioh. 14. 2. 3. where are many mansions whither my Saviour is gone before to provide me a place there Scripture 1 Sam 20. 3 is now but a step betwixt me and life everlasting Head Glorified I shall Scripture 2 Cor. 5. 8. now shortly be present with the Lordbeing Scripture Hebr. 7 26. seperate from sinners and made higher than the heavens 3. I dwell now Scripture Iob 4. 19. in a house of clay whose foundation is in the dust an Head Body Scripture 2 Cor. 5. 1. earthly Tabernacle which may bee crushed before the moaths But blessed bee God now I am ●●itting to an House Head Heaven not made with hands but eternall in the Heavens whose builder and Scripture Heb. 11. 10. maker is God 4. Why should I then feare death Head Death though a King of terrours to ungodly Scripture Iob 18. 14. men ●a● with holy ●o● All the dayes of Scripture 14. 14 my appointed time I will waite till my CHANGE comef●r death is but a-Change yea and a Head Glorifie Change also for the better for thereby Scripture Phil. 3. 21. Christ shall Change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body Scripture 2 Co 5. 4. mortalitie shall bee swallowed up of life then I shall hunger no more neither thirst any more nor sinne any more O blessed Change for my sinning against my God hath grieved me sore hath even Scripture Psal 69. 20. made me weary of my life and broken my heart but I shall then follow Scripture Rev 14 4. the Lambe whither soever hee goeth 5 What is Death Head Die but a putting off the rags of mortalitie Scripture 2 Cor. 5. 4. and why should I feare to be u●cloathed or be loath to put off this corruptible yea rather why should I not be gla● when I can find the grave For 6 Now I shall Scripture Iob 3 22. Scripture Iob 7. 21. -14. 12. Head Die Sleepe in the dust I shall lye downe and not rise againe till the heavens bee no more I shall make Scripture 17. 13. my bed in darkenesse I shall fall Scripture 1 Thess 4. 14. Scripture Acts 13. 36. asleepe in IESVS and bee laid to my Fathers where though wormes be spread under mee and wormes cover me and though after this skin they Scripture Iob 19. 26. shall destroy this body Head Resurrecti ¦ on yet in my flesh I shall see God Therefore as the Scripture Psal 42. 1. Hart panteth after the water-brookes so panteth my soule after thee O God My soule thirsteth Scripture 2 for God for the living God when shall I come and appeare Head Life before God My times Lord Scripture Psa 31. 15. are in thy hand-thou breathedst into me Scripture Gen. 2. 7. at first the breath of life command Head Die Scripture Tobit 3. 6. now therefore my Spirit to bee taken from me that I may be dissolved and become earth and my soule returne to God that gave it Father into thy hands I commend Scripture Psal 31. 5. my spirit for thou hast redeemed mee O Lord thou God of truth Amen An humble Soule bemoaning it selfe under its many Sins may thus pray O My God I am ashamed and Scripture Ezr. 9. 6. Head Ashamed blush to lift up my face to thee my God for mine inquities are increased over mine head and my trespasse is growne up unto the heavens yet suffer me O thou Holy Scripture 2 King 19. 22. Head God One of Israel suffer me who am Scripture Dan. 4. 17. Scripture Iob. 30. 8. Head Base the basest of men viler than earth Scripture 1 Tim. 1. 15 the chiefe of sinners to bring Scripture Numb 5. 15 mine iniquity to remembrance Head Repent to afflict Scripture 29 7. my soule in thy sight to abhorre Scripture Iob. 42. 6. Head Humble my selfe and repent in ●ust and ●shes Scripture Isai 57. 9. d●basing my selfe even unto hell because of my manifolde Scripture Amos 5. 12. transgressions Head Sinne. and my mightie sinnes Father I have sinned Scripture Luk. 15. 21. against heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to bee called thy Sonne I have dealt treacherously Scripture Hos 5. 7. against thee and have gone a whoring Scripture 9. 1. from my God yea in the land of righteousness I have Head Sinne. done wickedly and thee the God Scripture Dan. 5. 23. in whose hands my life is and whose are all my wayes have I not glorified But have walked Scripture Lev. 26. 21. contrary unto 〈…〉 and to make Scripture Rom. 7. 13. 〈…〉 me become exceeding sinnefull I have added rebellion Scripture Iob. 34. 37. unto my sin Alas how often have I yeelded my Scripture Rom. 6. 13. members as instruments of unrighteousnesse unto sinne doing evill with Scripture Mic. 7. 3. both hands earnestly seeking after Scripture Numb 15. 39. mine owne heart and mine owne eyes making my Scripture Lev. 20. 25. soule abominable by those things which are forbidden to bee Scripture 5. 17. done by the commandements of the Lord. And as if it had Scripture 1 K. 16. 31. beene a light thing for me to commit those sinnes which men commit I Scripture 1 Kin. 16. 25. have done woorse than all that were before me drinking iniquity like water Scripture Iob 15. 16 and selling my selfe to doe evi●l in
of the Sea though the waters thereof roare and bee troubled though the mountaines shake with the swelling thereof for unto thee O Lord belong the issues from death O make us to cast the anchor of our hope still on thee who hast hitherto mercifully delivered us from so great a death and dost deliver us in whom we trust that thou wilt yet deliver us Let not the depths we pray thee cover us neither let us sink into the bottome as a stone though the flouds compasse us about yet let not the waves and billowes passe over us thou makest a way in the Sea and a path in the mighty waters thou art the God that hast made the Sea and the dry Land doe not thou suffer that there be the losse of any mans life among us let not a hayre of our heads perish Appease the mighty tempest when it ariseth that our Ship may not be broken rebuke the wind and say unto the waves peace and be still O teach every Ship-master and all the company in Ships those that handle the Oare the Marriners and all the Pilots of the Sea and as many as trade by Sea to trust in the saving helpe of thy right hand when we be toyled in rowing and the wind is contrary unto us and not to rely on our owne skill take from us that desperate boldnesse fearelesnesse of thee and danger that Atheisme Swearing and Prophanenesse and notorious Ungodlinesse which is too often found in many of us Make us to be at peace with thee in the blood of thy Sonne that he may be advantage unto us both in life and death There is continually but a step betwixt us and death yea even but an hand-breadth for thou hast made all mens dayes as an hand-breadth and our age is as nothing before thee Be thou our life in death and to trust thee with our bodies and soules knowing that the Sea shall at the last day give up the dead that are in it and our spirits shall returne unto God that gave them If thou please to bring us safely to land O make us to remember our vowes which we uttered with our-lips when wee were in trouble lest otherwise thou shouldst deliver us no more Grant this grace unto us for Iesus sake to whom with thee c. Amen Husbandman in Seed time O Lord doe thou teach me to cast abroad the fitches and scatter the cummin and cast in the principall wheat and the appointed barley and rye in their places and that I may plough and sow in hope make me to breake up the fallow ground of mine owne heart that the earth bring not forth bryars and thornes and thist●es unto me when it is tilled neither be cursed for my Sinne. Make me to sow to my selfe in righteousnesse 2 Spring-time BLessed bee thy name that thus renewest the face of the earth that crownest the yeare with thy goodnes and thy steps drop fatnesse the winter is past the raine is over the time of the singing of birds is come and the voyce of the turtle is heard in our Land the pastures are clothed with flocks the valleyes also are covered over with corne they shout for joy and sing O make my barren heart to flourish in grace to abound in the fruits of righteousnesse For Seasonable weather Plentie c. O Lord give us the raine of our seed that we have sowed the ground withall and bread of the encrease of the earth that it may be sat and plenteous Let not the Locust Catterpillar Cankerworme Blasting Mildew or unseasonable weather deprive us of the fruits of the earth but blesse them and bring them to maturity that our garners may be full abounding in all manner of store let our oxen be strong to labour let the mower fill his hand and hee that gathereth up the sheaves his bosome that our barnes may bee filled with plentie and our presses burst with new wine Reserve for us the appointed weeks of harvest and though wee deserve not the least morsell of bread we eate yet thou that art goodnesse it selfe and canst not but put on bowels of pitty wilt fulfill thine owne gracious promise that Seed-time and Harvest summer and winter may not cease true it is Lord we deserve not onely that the fruits of the earth but even that our selves also should be swept away like dung from off the earth for thou art pressed under us as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves thou changest the seasons because we change our obedience our hearts are stony and the heavens weepe for their hardnesse yet we lay not all this to heart teach mee to provide my meate in summer as a Sonne of wisedome and although the fig-tree shall not blossome neither fruit be in the vine though the Labour of the Olive shall faile and the fields shall yield no meate the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls yet that I may rejoyce in the Lord and joy in the God of my salvation Amen FINIS Some Choise places taken out of the singing PSALMES Digested into a method of PRAYER And PRAISES Per hujusmodi aurium oblectamenta quae pietatis doctrinam continent saepe infirmior animus in affectum pietatis assurgit Theodoret. Printed at London for Rob. Milbourne 1634. To the Christian READER AThanasius in his Treatise upon the Psalmes to Marcelinus reports that the ancient old Father Philoponus in a learned discourse which he vouchsafed once to make to him did evidently demonstrate that whatsoever was contayned abroad in the whole Scriptures was fully reported in the Booke of Psalmes It conteineth saith he the motions the mutations the alterations of every Christians heart and conscience described and lively painted to his owne sight so that if a man list he may easily gather out thereof certaine considerations of himselfe as out of a bright glasse and plaine patterne set before his face so thereby to reforme himselfe He may have a very good forme of Prayer meet to be sayd and presently at hand in every case and state The words here delivered in the Psalmes are as it were his owne spoken in his owne person and is so affected with them as if they were first by him conceived and pronounced c. Liber Psalmorum est ars ritè precandi Oratorium ut ita dicam divinisssimum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Basil Magn. Veteres vocârunt librum Psalmorum PARVA BIBLIA quia breviter omnia quae in Biblijs habentur continet ut historias legem promissiones fidem consolationes poenitentiam bona opera Antiquitùs hic liber vocatus est Soliloquium quia solius hominis Christiani cum solo Deo colloquium habetur Est anatome conscientiarum Nullum in se affectum quisquam reperiet cujus in hoc speculo non reluceat imago Ab alijs rectè appellatur Panacea
forsake Forsake me not that am the worke Which thine owne hand did make O keepe me as thou wouldest keepe The apple of thine eye And under covert of thy wings Defend me secretly For I doe call to thee O Lord Surely thou wilt me ayde Then heare my prayer and weigh right well The words that I have sayd Into thy hands Lord I commit My spirit which is thy due For why thou hast redeemed it O Lord my God most true The length of all my life and age O Lord is in thy hand Defend me from the wrath and rage Of them that me with-stand Preserve my soule because my wayes And doings holy be And save thy servant O my Lord That puts his trust in thee I layd me downe and quietly I slept and rose againe For why I know assuredly The Lord will me sustaine In peace therefore lye downe will I Taking my rest and sleepe For thou onely wilt me O Lord Alone in safety keepe Within thy Tent I lust to dwell For ever to endure Vnder thy wings I know right well I shall be safe and sure I set the Lord still in my sight And trust him over all For he doth stand on my right hand Therefore I shall not fall He the desires which they require That feare him will fullfill And he will heare them when they cry And save them all he will For why our glory strength and ayd In thee alone doth lie Thy goodnesse eke that hath us stayd Shall lift our hornes on hie Our strength that doth defend us well The Lord to us doth bring The holy one of Israel He is our guide and King Therefore let thy goodnesse O Lord Still present with us be As we alwayes with one accord Doe onely trust in thee 2. Deprecation aversion and ablation of the evill of sinne and punishment MY Lord for guiding of my mouth Set thou a watch before And also of my moving lips O Lord keepe thou the dore Direct my foot-steps by thy word That I thy will may know And never let iniquity Thy servant overthrow Thy countenance which doth surmount The Sunne in his bright hew Let shine on me and by thy Law Teach me what to eschew That I should wicked workes commit Incline thou not my heart With ill men of their delicates Lord let me eate no part O shut not up my soule with them In sinne that take their fill Nor yet my life among those men That seeke much blood to spill All yee that love the Lord doe this Hate all things that are ill For he doth keepe the soules of his From such as would them spill Out of mine eyes great floods gush out Of dreary teares and fell When I behold how wicked men Thy lawes keepe never a dell But I in righteousnesse intend My time and dayes to serve Have mercy Lord and me defend So that I doe not swerve THine arrowes doe sticke fast in me Thine hand doth presse me sore And in my flesh no health at all Appeareth any more My wounds stinke and are festred so As loathsome is to see Which all through mine owne foolishnesse Betideth unto me And I in carefull wise am brought In trouble and distresse That I goe wailing all the day In dolefull heavinesse My loines are fill'd with sore disease My flesh hath no whole part I feeble am and broken sore I roare for griefe of heart Thou know'st Lord my desire my grones Are open in thy sight My heart doth pant my strength doth faile Mine eyes have lost their light One griefe another in doth call As clouds burst out their voyce The floods of evill that doe fall Run over me with noise And as an harth my bones are burnt My heart is smitten dead And withers like the grasse that I Forget to eate my bread By reason of my groning voyce My bones cleave to my skin As Pelican in wildernesse Such case now am I in And as an Owle in desart is Loe I am such a one I watch and as a Sparrow on The house-top am alone Lord take from me thy scourge and plague I can them not withstand I faint and pine away for feare Of thy most heavy hand Wherefore my God some pitty take O Lord I thee desire Doe not this simple soule forsake Of helpe I thee require Then didst thou turne my griefe and woe Into a cheerefull voyce The mourning weede thou took'st me fro And mad'st me to rejoyce For why his anger but a space Doth last and slacke againe But in his favour and his grace Alwayes doth life remaine Trust still in God whose whole thou art His will abide thou must And he shall ease and strength thy heart If thou in him doe trust HOw ev'er it be yet God is good And kind to Israel And to all such as safely keepe Their conscience pure and well For when I saw such foolish men I grudg'd and did disdaine That wicked men all things should have Without turmoile and paine And though I be nothing set by As one of base degree Yet doe I not thy lawes forget Nor shrinke away from thee TRouble and griefe have seaz'd on me And brought me wondrous low Yet doe I still of thy precepts Delight to heare and know When with my selfe I mused much And could no comfort finde Then Lord thy goodnesse did me touch And that did ease my mind How long wilt thou forget me Lord Shall I never be remembred How long wilt thou thy visage hide As though thou wert offended In heart and mind how long shall I With care tormented be How long eke shall my deadly foe Thus triumph over me THou art my hope and my strong hold I to the Lord will say My God he is in him will I My whole affiance stay What gaine is in my blood sayd I If death destroy my dayes Doth dust declare thy Majesty Or yet thy truth doth praise The Lord himselfe hath chastened And hath corrected me But hath not given me over yet To death as yee may see Even when the snares of cruell death About beset me round When paines of hell me caught and when I woe and sorrow found They that be dead doe not with praise Set forth the Lords renowne Nor any that into the place Of silence doe goe downe For why thy mercy shew'd to me Is great and doth excell Thou setst my soule at liberty Out from the lower hell The pangs of death did compasse me And bound me every where The flowing waves of wickednesse Did put me in great feare The flie and subtile snares of hell Were round about me set And for my death there was prepar'd A deadly trapping net How long away from me O Lord For ever wilt thou turne And shall thine anger still
acted with a high hand against Knowledge and the cries of a convinced conscience which makes sinne rebellion to know God yet not to glorifie him as God not in the dayes of our ignorance onely but since the light of the glorious Gospell hath shone into our hearts 3 Without any or with small temptation resolving to sinne selling themselves with Ahab even in cold bloud to doe wickedly Heb. 10. 26. as in sinnes in which there is neither pleasure or profit c. As to sweare prophane the Sabbath refuse preaching praying scorning Gods wayes 4 Against frequent purposes faire promises of more holy obedience reiterated vowes and covenants generall in Baptisme Lords Supper particular on such and such an occasion 5 Against meanes 1 Blessings coards of love 2 Corrections thou hast striken us but wee have not sorrowed Ier. 5. 3. 3 Word early and late all the day long 2 Actuall sinnes against the Gospell 1 Not thirsting after Christ Iesus nor prizing nor loving and cleaving unto him with our dearest affection 2 denying him in our lives 2 Not repenting us of our sinnes though God in mercie vouchsafe space and means but hiding excusing not mourning for nor forsaking sinne 3 Not believing the promises of salvation nor relying upon Iesus Christ for justification sanctification and salvation c. not stirring up our selves to take hold of him but forsaking our owne mercies 4 S●●ning against the hol● Ghost by tempting grieving or quenching the holy spirit of God receiving the grace of God in vaine turning it into wantonnes growing cold in religion losing our first love Thus bringing our iniquities to remembrance 1 wee must acknowledge and bewayle them not onely generally but individually also one by one fetching and ferreting them out as so many Achans by the poll especially those which are naturalized and habituated in us our beloved and darling sinnes our dearest Dalilahs And that from a 1 Trobled broken bleeding melting spirit beleeving heart clasping the promises Ezr. 10. 2. yet now there is hope in Israel c. 2 Honest heart wishing the confusion as wel as making the confessiō of sin meaning to leave every wicked way and with purpose of heart cleaving to the Lord 2 Confession of the evill of punishment acknowledging our selves in regard of these our so many and grievous sinnes not onely to bee lesse than the least of all Gods mercies but most justly worthy of his most dreadfull plagues lyable and obnoxious to all evills of punishment in Iudgements Corporall Spirituall Temporall Eternall vid. Ezr. 9. Dan 9. Thus of the first part of Prayer viz. CONFESSION The Second followes which is PETITION PEtition is either for Our selves Others 1 Our selves and is called Supplication consisting of two branches viz. Apprecation Deprecation 1 Apprecation or collation of good which also consists in desiring 1 Supply of all wants Spirituall Corporall 2 Continuance and encrease of all blessings both Eternall Spirituall Corporall 1 Apprecation for bestowing of all good blessings viz. 1 Supplying all our wants of things 1 Spirituall viz. Grace Encrease of Grace Meanes of Grace 1 For the grace of free Pardon for our sinnes that God for his mercies promise Christs sake even the abundant merits of our Lord Iesus his bloudy passion who hath satisfyed for them to the utmost farthing by pouring out his soule for an oblation for the sinnes of the whole world would be pleased freely to forgive and blot them out of his booke never laying them to our charge beforemen to shame us in this world or to our everlasting confusion before men and Angels in the world to come Of which that we may more fully bee assured wee pray for a lively and apprehensive Faith by which we may be inabled to lay hold on and apply the generall and free Promises of Salvation to our selves in particular that God would seale up the assurance hereof to our consciences by the gracious testimony of his holy spirit giving unto us the spirit of adoption whereby we may with comfort and confidence cry ABEA father that so being justifyed and freed from the guilt and punishment of all our sinnes wee may have peace of conscience being reconciled to him in his Sonne 2 Repentance unto life whereby our stony hearts may be softned broken w th godly sorrow our eyes run down w th rivers of teares for our falls and faylings heretofore and we quickned to new obedience to serve the living God in holinesse and righteousnesse all our remaining dayes 3 All other sanctifying graces accompanying furthering our everlasting happinesse 1. as saving knowledge that we may understand what the holy and acceptable will of the Lord is 2 Fervent love to God our brethren yea our very enemies for his sake that loved us when wee were enemies 3 Ardent zeale 4 Lively hope 5 Son-like feare of God 6 True humility and contrition of spirit 7 Sincerity and boldnesse in the profession of the truth Perseverance patience and strength under the crosse Contentation in all estates either of weale or woe want or abundance 2 Encrease and growth of all these graces that the bruised reed may not be broken nor the smoking Flaxe quenched but that our graces like the light may shine more and more to the perfect day and our works be more at last than at the first 3 The meanes of grace continued and sanctifyed unto us as 1 Gods Word preached at Church 2 Read in private that the holy Ghost blessing it from heaven may bring it close home unto and savingly worke it upon our hearts that thus the heavenly spirit breathing on his own ordinances they may quicken us and become effectuall to our salvation 2 Sacraments 3 Sabbaths 4 Prayer 5 Fasting c. 2 Supply of wants temporall our owne personall concernements and all outward blessings appertayning to this present life Health Liberty Friends Rayment Food giving and preserving to our use the kindly fruits of the earth so as in due time wee may enjoy them preservation in our persons and estates Direction in all our courses thoughts words actions the blessing of God upon all our labours a right and sanctifyed use of all Gods blessings and chastisements 2 Deprecation of Evills personall nationall both of sinne and punishment either before or after it comes Before it comes aversion prevention After it comes ablation or removall 1 Wee pray against the evill of sinne that we may be 1 Delivered freed and acquitted of the guilt and danger of all our sinnes 2 Endued with watchfulnesse power and dominion over them all in our judgements to dislike them in affections to hate them in heart to bewaile them and in life to forsake them 1 From the guilt and danger that our sinne may not shame us before men and torture our consciences here in this life nor condemne us body and soule in the world to com that our doing evil
sicknesses crosses temptations for ordinary and extraordinary favors for desired successe in our labors and vocations for blessing the workes of our hands upon us in the day and for preserving and refreshing us with sweet sleepe in the night and finally all blessings of what kinde soever may here as occasion is offered yea must be remembred with thankful acknowledgement unto God not onely verbally with our lips and tongue but vitally and really in a holy conversation shining in our life lest it be verifyed of us which our Saviour saith concerning the Lepers Were there not ten cleansed but where are the nine There are not found that returned to give glory unto God c. Luk. 17. 17. 18. FINIS Methodi Causes of Distraction in PRAYER Ex P. M. 1. THe naturall lightnesse of our spirits that have much adoe to stay themselves and keepe long in one state 2 Because divine things are farre off from our senses now they are the senses which tye our attention as the sight of the Preacher workes a deeper impression in the hearers 3 Because of our lusts as hatred covetousnesse ambition which being bent to their naturall center will bee setling 4 Because of the Devill who stirs up our lusts and foysteth in vaine thoughts when we pray because Prayer is the maine ram that batters downe the wals of his kingdome Helpes against it 1 A Voice in prayer for the thought alone is easily distracted 2 Darkenesse and the removing of all objects that may distract 3 Be short in thy prayers and pray the oftner Eccles 5. 4 Mortifie our lusts for they clip the wings of our prayers pride covetousnesse wantonnesse chol●er 5 Meditate before you pray of Gods greatnesse of his judgements of our sinnes c. The godly man will bee sorry for judge and condemne himselfe for his distraction formalitie deadnesse of spirit c. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him to all that call upon him in truth Psal 145 18 to this man will I looke even to him that is poore and of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my word Be not rash with thy mouth and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God for God is in heaven and thou upon earth therefore let thy words be few Take heed thou give not the sacrifice of fooles if thou offer the lame and the sicke unto thy governour will he be pleased with thee or accept thy person Cursed be the deceiver which hath in his flocke a male and voweth and sacrificeth to the Lord a corrupt thing Offer incense unto his name and a pure offering whatsoever thine heart prayeth let it bee heartily with all thy might labour for the spirit of prayer which the Lord promiseth to his faithfull ones the Spirit of grace and of supplications for know that 1 A very hypocrite may pray and that as one would thinke very zealously both with others and also apart by himselfe For is the true Christian sometimes hot in prayer hee will sweat is the humbled soule sorrowfull he wil weepe and blubber doth the sincere heart sigh softly hee will cry out amaine with a great and exceeding bitter cry as Esau Blesse me even mee also O my father It stands us therefore in hand to looke that our hearts bee right in the sight of God 2 For what is the hope of the hypocrite will hee delight himselfe in the Almighty will hee alwayes call upon God no for in more grievous crosses he sometimes hath not one word to blesse himselfe withall yet hee sometimes may then seeke God early they powred out their prayer when thy chastning was upon them 3 In thy Praying seeke Gods face herein the hypocrite is too blame hee prayes out of selfe-respects for base ends and out of pride and vaine glory hee prayes more often more zealously with others than alone by himselfe to his father in secret not with all manner of prayer c. the touchstone of prayer is giving of thankes in which he is seldome about which he does but bungle 4 Make not prayer thy end in praying but use it in good sadnesse as a meanes to bee enabled against corruptions and to get grace the hypocrites are lazie lip-prayers hee feeles not sinne like a mountaine of leade lying on his conscience hee sees not a want of grace c. he puts not to the shoulder he useth not the meanes for the atteining of what hee prayes his hands labour not his feet bestirre them not so fast as his tongue hee prayes against sinne yet lives wickedly hee prayes for health c. and yet lives riotously intemperately would I had such and such a grace but hee is not sicke of love nor earnest for those graces hee desireth he never breaketh his sleep for the matter hee hungers not thirsts not for righteousnesse Hunger will breake stone walsand the sincere Christian will have no nay like Rachel give mee children give me this and this grace or I die hee useth the meanes O that my wayes were so directed Like as the Hart brayeth for the water brookes my soule-breaketh for the longing that it hath 5 Pray without ceasing persevere in prayer and faint not never thinke thy selfe to have too much heavenly society and talke with God acquaint thy selfe still more with the Almighty The hypocrite is inconstant fickle off and on Wicked men and hypocrites have taken up a course of prayer and breeding and custome have wrought a kind of conscience in some but they but lust with Balaam let mee die the death of 2. They alwayes have one pad one forme 3. From the lips or braines not from the spirit 4. At randome as men shoot not minding how their arrow lights or speeds 5. They begin and end in themselves with their owne strength for their owne particular ends not for the Church Meanes of PREPARATION to Prayer 1 CLense our soules from the guilt of foule sinnes those lately committed Wash you make you cleane The Iewes and Turkes wash their bodies wash thou thy soule in the brinish teares of sincere sorrow 2 Sequester our thoughts from worldly cares goe up into the mount retire thy selfe some little while before thou prayest outward things stifle our prayers and make them hang the wing 3 Consider we have to doe with God come with feare and trembling into his presence not rushing on a consuming fire Three Questions to bee asked of our selves the serious answer whereunto will stirre up and furnish every babe in Christ to cry Abba father with faith feeling and fervencie Q. 1. VVHat sins have I committed all my life long that lie heavie on my conscience and would affright my soule if I were now to die This Question sincerely answered wil drive thee to a scrutinie and searching them out as the Iewes did Leaven before the Passeover and very seasonable for Christians before
rise not againe Make them like Iohn burning and shining lights that they may bee holinesse to the Lord Whom thou hast set as watch-men over thy people make them instant in season and out of season that they may give warning from thee that they may cry aloud and not spare lifting up their voyce like a trumpet and shew thy people their transgressions COMMONALTIE Blesse all Israel from Dan to Beershebah make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field and with the fowles of heaven breake the bow and the sword and the battell out of the earth and make them to lye downe safely For the AFFLICTED And thou Lord who givest power to the faint and to them that have no might encreasest strength comfort them that lie upon beds of languishing make all their beds in their sicknesse for unto thee Lord belong the issues from death Behold the teares of such as are oppressed and have no comforter Lord remember them that are in bonds that are tryed in the furnace of affliction Bind up the breach of thy people heale the stroke of their wound Let the sighing of the prisoners come before thee according to the greatnesse of thy power preserve thou those that are appoynted to dye Bee thou a strength to the poore a strength to the needy in their distresse a refuge from the storme a shadow from the heat when the blast of the terrible Ones is a storme against the wall His place of defence shall bee the munition of rockes bread shall be given him his waters shall be sure THANKS GIVING for Blessings Spirituall and Eternall And now our God we thanke thee and praise thy glorious name for blessing us with all spirituall blessings in heavenly places in Christ for delivering us from the power of darknesse and translating us into the Kingdome of thy deare Sonne Blessed be God even the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort who when we were sometimes aliens and enemies in our mind by wicked workes and were by nature the children of wrath as well as others out of his rich mercy for the great love where with hee loved us even when we were dead in trespasses and sinnes and the uncircumcision of our flesh hath quickned us together with Christ having forgiven us all trespasses Blotting out the hand-writing of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary unto us and tooke it out of the way nayling it to his Crosse Blessed bee thy glorious Name which is exalted above all blessing and praise for great is thy mercie towards us and thou hast delivered our soule from the lowest hell and hast made us meet to bee partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light 3. For TEMPORALL blessings of Creation and Providence I thanke thee Father Lord of heaven and earth that Blesse the Lord O my soule and all that is within mee blesse his holy name c. For thou art he that tookest me out of the wombe thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mothers breasts I was cast upon thee from the wombe thou art my God from my mothers belly We have beene borne by thee from the belly and are carried from the wombe And even to our old age be thou hee and even to hoarie haires doe thou carry us Thou hast covered me in my mothers wombe I will praise thee for I am fearefully and wonderfully made marveilous are thy workes and that my soule knoweth right well How precious are thy thoughts unto me O God how great is the summe of them If I should count them they are moe in number than the sand Thy hands have made me and fashioned me I am not worthy of the least of all thy mercies and of all the truth which thou hast shewed nuto thy servant Thus will I blesse thee while I live I will lift up my hands in thy name My soule shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatnesse and my mouth shall praise thee with joyfull lips when I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches c I know Lord that thy judgements are right and that thou in faithfulnesse hast afflicted me Before I was afflicted I went astry but now I have kept thy word O Lord my God I cryed unto thee and thou hast healed me O Lord thou hast brought up my soule from the grave thou hast kept me alive that I should not goe downe to the pit c. Thou hast delivered mee in sixe troubles yea in seven there hath no evill touched me c. There hath no evill befallen me neither hath any plague come neere my dwelling Thou hast delivered my soule from death my eyes from teares and my feete from falling What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. Thou hast extended peace unto us like a river and prosperity like a flowing streame we drinke waters out of our owne Wells Thou hast strengthened the barres of our gates and blessed our children within us c. Thou hast given us bread to eate and rayment to put on yea our bread like Ashurs is fat and wee have pleasures which even Kings doe want Thou hast not dealt so with any nation O that men would praise the Lord for his goodnesse and for his wonderfull workes to the children of men CONCLVSION with a craving of Audience Two things have I required of thee deny me them not before I depart Thy Sonne our Saviour hath promised that What things soever wee desire when we pray if we beleeve we shall receive them Lord we beleeve helpe thou our unbeliefe Now unto him that is able to doe exceeding abundantly above all that wee aske or thinke according to the power that worketh in us unto him be glory in the Church of Christ throughout all ages world without end Amen Now the God of Peace that brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus that great Shepheard of the Sheepe through the the bloud of the everlasting covenant Make us perfect in every good worke to doe his will working in us that which is well pleasing in his sight through Iesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen REVEL 5 13. Blessing honour glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lambe for ever and ever Reve. 7. 12. Amen Blessing and glory and wisedome and thanksgiving and honour and power and might be unto our God for ever and ever Amen MEDITATIONS for the Morning My soule waiteth on thee O Lord more than the morning watch watcheth
may receive them as pledges of thy favour and gracious assurances of thine everlasting love through Iesus c Matter for Graces after meate Blessed bee thy name for health life strength and for all the blessings of this and the blessed hopes of a better life make it our meate and drinke to doe the will of thee our heauenly father make us to hunger after that bread which endureth to everlasting life Provide dayly bread for all thy poore servants till thou bring us to that place where we shall never hunger nor thirst any more thy loving kindnesse is better than life that I may labour not so much for this meat that perisheth but for that meate which endureth to everlasting life the body and bloud of our Saviour which is meate indeed and drinke indeed Keepe us in thy feare while we live on earth and afterward receive us to glory in thy kingdome We thanke thee O Lord for the comfortable use of these good blessings we beseech thee also feed our soules to everlasting life with the meate that perisheth not through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Blessed bee thy name O Lord God for thus opening thy hand and filling us at this time with thy good creatures vouchsafe still to be our God with-hold no good thing from our soule or body Save all thy Church protect our King Queene Prince Royall Progeny and Realme Grant free passage to to thy Gospel comfort to thy Servants and peace of conscience to us all through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen An EPITOME of a Christians Conversation and Religious course of life gathered out of some Godly Practicall Divines c. Every day bestow halfe an houre in reading the Scriptures and Prayer Gods word will not onely shew thee what to do what to pray but will worke a secret power to accomplish the same Appoint and set a part some time once every day seriously and solemnely to cast up the eye of thy Faith on that never-fading crowne of life which after an inch of time shall for ever rest upon thy head The comforts hereof will make a man live almost without a soule and sweeten all the troubles of this life Set one houre in the weeke a part Saturday in the afternone is more fit by reason of the approching day to consider of search and try thy wayes this will snub and keepe downe the weeds of corruptions from overspreading thy soule Thou bestowed an houre on thy body every day in dressing it and lookest thy selfe in a glasse to attire thy outward sheath and wilt thou not once a weeke doe as much for thy soule thy body must one day rot and turne to dust perhaps to morrow thy soule must live ever either in weale or woe Life and death are now in thy choyse chuse then that good part Give God the honour of thy thoughts as well as of thy words and actions often thinke how all the glistering shewes of this whole world must and doe vanish and moulder into vanity and nothing very smoke As soone as thou hast broken of sleepe set God before thee and thinke What shall I doe what course shall I take that I may bring glory to God that I may not sinne this day O that my wayes were so directed Never speake the evill which thou too certainely knowest by others but with fearefulnesse as it were and some kinde of enforcement being sure thou hast a calling to it and then doe it seasonably charitably discreetly and not in humour spleene imperiousnesse T is the humor of Hypocritts to be supercilious and censorious but for Gods glory thy owne discharge use no moe wordes against m●ns sinnes than thou wilt make prayers for their soules in secret Be bold yet wise in speaking for Christ and with height of resolution goe through all the disgraces that the sinfull times lay in the wayes of God In Actions civil Doe as thou wouldst be done to religious Strive to live by faith because faith is the soule of all our actions our prayers will bee cold unlesse this warme them Take heed of falling from thy first love Serve not God for by-respects but onely for himselfe So long as thou art unfeinedly displeased with and sorry for all thy sinnes and dost mortifie the deedes of thy body by the spirit thy cafe is the state of salvation Let thy whole conversation favour of the Lord. Bee alwayes bemoaning thy spirituall pride knowne hypocrisie covetousnesse perf●●ctorinesse and formality in Gods service Give not way to a heartlesse neglect of the use of Gods holy ordinances reading prayer fasting private humiliation for this is the fore-runner to some fearefull sinne or fiery temptation to some heavie judgement or dangerous apostasie Seeke not thy selfe in any of thy actions Looke to thy repentance that it bee sincere universall constant from the heart root for all sinne Incorporate thy selfe into the Communion of Saints be intimate onely with them such an holy and humble majesty is in their carriage such a deale of heaven is in their countenances such spirituall ravishments is in their hearts such grace and powerful piercings in their speeches such zeale and hearty melting is in their prayers that they cannot but worke upon thy heart if thou converse with them Looke well to thy carriage that thou leave not an ill savour behinde thee in any company Wait for occasions to doe good Act. 26. 28. In bad company give them apparent signes of thy dislike Unlesse you give some kinde of reall or verball reproofe they will be hardned Often withdraw your selfe apart imparting unto God your griefes wants desires Walke with God on the top of Mount Tabor once a day Prayer in secret will bee unto thee an unspeakeable comfort a testimony that thou art not left to thy selfe if words will not come sigh God heares the sighing of his servants if thou canst not sigh breath God hath an care for that thou hast heard my voyce hide not thine eare at my breathing at my cry yea speake with thy countenance be humbled for thy unfitnesse dulnesse c. Then wee pray most happily when wee arise from prayer most humbled After prayer thou shalt carry thy selfe in thy vocation with much more zeale and standing thus upright with God thou wilt not feare the world thou shalt have rest and peace within what ever stirres bee without Have a speciall eve to a sincere constant and fruitfull performance of holy duties take heed of customarinesse and Formality which cuts out the heart and drawes the very life-blood from them Strive by all meanes for attainment of what thou prayest for by all occasions helpes and heavenly offers Be diligent in thy personall employments and take heed of idlenesse 2 Have an eye to Gods glory in all thy undertakings 3 Goe about earthly busines with an heavenly mind 4 Let not any unrighteous gaine entice thee to sinne or belime thee 5 Set not thy delight
and try my wayes to looke backe upon all the ungodly actions and aberrations of my fore-past life to view my sinne-deformed soule in the cleare glasse of thy undefiled ●aw that so I may judge and abhorre my selfe in dust and ashes and bee still more vile in mine owne esteeme make me to examine my selfe and so eate of that bread and drinke of that cup knowing that if I eate and drinke thereof unworthily I eate and drinke damnation to my selfe because I discerne not the Lords body Teach mee to try my selfe whether I be in the faith or no for without faith it is impossible to please thee in any service T is my faith in the death of my Saviour that is the hand and mouth by which I must apply him and make him mine in this Sacrament Assure me by these broad seales annexed to the covenant of grace and letters patents of thy holy word that thou wilt make good what thou hast promised that as thou hast called Ho every one that thirsteth come to the waters so thou wilt refresh this my gasping and thirsting soule as thou callest all that be weary and heavie laden to come unto thee so thou wilt in no wise send mee empty away that cast my selfe into the bleeding armes of my dying Saviour Perswade my unbeleeving and doubting heart that as thy Minister taketh and blesseth and breaketh and poureth out and giveth and saith Take and eate the bread take and drinke the wine of the Sacrament so thou from everlasting hast separated consecrated and ordained Iesus Christ to be a Sacrifice for my sinnes hast poured out his blood to be a satisfaction to thy offended justice for my sinfull soule and that hereby I shall continue in communion with him my head and his mysticall body my fellow members Thy flesh O sweet Saviour is meate indeed and thy blood is drinke indeed O let me I beseeth thee find it so in my fainting soule that I may bee ravished with thy love that I may taste and see how gracious the Lord is and find thy free promises and pledges of thy grace to bee better than wine sweeter also than the honey and the honey combe Let thy holy spirit set to his privie seale on my heart inwardly by the secret and sweet refreshment of his blessed testimonie that I am my well beloveds and my well beloved is mine establishing my heart in thy love and knitting my soule unto thee for ever O draw me and I shall run after thee shew me the light of thy countenance and I shall bee saved And Lord make mee to love my brethren as thou hast loved me yea to love my very enemies for thy names sake reconciling my selfe to those whom I have offended following peace with all men and forgiving them their hundred pence as thou hast freely forgiven me my ten thousand talents Vouchsafe me this aud all other graces which may fit mee for thy service in thy kingdome of grace and prepare mee for the enjoyment of everlasting glory through my Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ Amen After the receiving of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper O Lord what shall I render unto thee for all the benefits which thou hast bestowed upon mee and daily ladest mee withall a most unworthy sinner how shall I bee sufficiently thankefull unto thee for them when they bee more than I can reckon up unto thee more then my heart is able to conceive or comprehend Should I offer up unto thee thousands of rams or ten thousand rivers of oyle they all would come farre short of thy most free eternall undeserved infinite love Lebanon it selfe is not sufficient for wood nor the beasts upon a thousand hils for a burnt offering What shall I then doe unto thee O thou Preserver of men or what recompence shall I make thee I will even take the cup of salvation and give thankes to thy name O Lord. I will offer up my soule and body for a holy living and acceptable sacrifice unto thee this will please thee better than bullocke that hath hornes and hoofes Thou O Lord in the beginning didst make mee to bee when I was not before and when I had lost my selfe and forfeited my being and life and happinesse didst in Christ restore mee to a more blessed estate than at my Primitive integrity Thou thy selfe art become my Father thy sonne my Saviour thy holy Spirit my Sanctifier thy word my Instructor thy Sacraments the food to refresh satisfie and feed my poore hungry soule to everlasting life This day thou hast called me to thy holy Mountaine and made me joyfull in thy house of prayer this day hast thou invited me to sit downe at thy table and made unto mee a feast of fat things full of marrow a feast of wines on the lees well refined thou hast abundantly satisfied me with the f●●nesse of thy house and hast made mee to drinke of the river of thy pleasures Blessed bee thy glorious name for ever and ever which is above all thankesgiving and prayse of mine O that I could bee indeed thankefull unto thee as thou art gracious unto me If I should open my mouth never so wide thou wouldest fill it thy favours to my poore soule are more than all tongues of men and Angels can worthily magnifie And now O Lord accept I beseech thee the free will-offering of thy servant that desires to feare thy name and to make a covenant with thee never to bee broken that my soule shall cleave close unto thee and avouch thee this day to bee my God and Saviour for ever more Here I doe resigne myselfe soule and body all that is in me and all that belongs unto me to bee wholly thine and that I will never wickedly depart from thee my God as I have done O that my wayes were so directed that I might keepe thy commandements alway Never let mee with the disgorged dog returne any more to my former vomit nor with the washed sow to wallow in the mire but as I have now washed my feete so suffer mee no more againe to defile them as I have put off the filthy rags of my old conversation so I may never againe put them on but become a new creature That seeing the expiation of my sins cost my Saviour so deare as the shedding of his precious blood and that thy wrath lay so heavie upon him who was our suretie onely being innocent in himselfe I may hence conceive how heinous a thing sinne is how abhorred by thee and so hate it in my selfe with a perfect hatred and resist it even to blood and not crucifie againe hereby the Lord of life and glory O make mee thankefully to remember that bitter passion of his and thy love O Father unto mee in that thou hast accepted mee to life in him and hast brought salvation this day home to my house to my heart Lord enter in abide with and dwell in my soule for ever Take not
kindle thus At thine owne pasture sheepe Lord call the people to thy thought Which have beene thine so long The which thou hast redeem'd and brought From bondage sore and strong Have minde therefore and thinke upon Remember it full well The pleasant place thy Mount Zion Where thou was wont to dwell Lift up thy foote and come in haste and all my soesdeface Which now at pleasure rob and waste Within thy holy place Rise Lord let be by thee maintain'd The cause that is thine owne Remember how that thou blasphem'd Art by the foolish one The voyee forget not of thy foes For the presumption hie Is more and more increast of those That hate thee spitefully Give ayde O Lord and us relieve From them that us disdaine The helpe that Hoasts of men can give It is but all in vaine Except the Lord had beene mine ayde Mine enemies to repell My soule and life had now beene layde Almost as low as hell When I did say my foote did slide I now am like to fall Thy goodnesse Lord did so provide To stay me up withall In Chariots some put confidence And some in horses trust But we remember God our Lord That keepeth promise just They fall downe flat but we doe rise And stand up stedfastly Now save and helpe us Lord and King On thee when we doe cry IN thy good-will deale geutly Lord To Sion and withall Grant that of thy Ierusalem Vprear'd may be the wall O Lord give thou thy people health And thou O Lord fulfill Thy promise made to Israel From out of Sion hill Thy people and thine heritage Lord blesse guide and preserve Increase them Lord and rule their hearts That they may never swerve The Lord will give his people power In vertue to increase The Lord will blesse his chosen flocke With everlasting peace Let them in thee have joy and wealth That seeke to thee alwayes That such as love thy saving health May say to God be praise God loves the Gates of Sion best His grace doth there abide He loves them more than all the rest Of Iacobs tents besides Though Basan be a fruitfull hill And in hight others passe Yet Sion Gods most holy hill Doth farre excell in grace From such as thee desire to know Let not thy grace depart Thy righteousnesse declare and shew To men of upright heart O Thou the Saviour of all them That put their trust in thee Declare thy strength on them that spurne Against thy Majesty Destroy them not at once O Lord Lest it from minde doe fall But vvith thy strength drive them abroad And so consume them all For their ill vvords and truthlesse tongues Confound them in their pride Their vvicked Oathes vvith lies wrongs Let all the vvorld deride And as the fire doth melt the vvaxe And vvinde blowes smoake away So in the presence of the Lord The vvicked shall decay Our God vvill vvound his enemies head And breake the hairy sealpe Of those that in their wickednesse Continually doe vvalke Lord turne their table to a snare To take themselves therein And vvhen they thinke full vvell to fare Then trap them in the gin The third head of Prayer is Thankesgiving TO sing the mercies of the Lord My tongue shall never spare And vvith my lips from age to age Thy truth I vvill declare The Heavens doe shew with joy and mirth Thy vvondrous vvorkes O Lord Thy Saints within thy Church on earth Thy Faith and Truth record O how great good hast thou in store Laid up full safe for them That feare and trust in thee therefore Before the sonnes of men Thou wilt them teach the vvay to life For all treasure and store Of perfect joy are in thy face And povver for evermore O Lord my God thy vvondrous deedes In greatnesse farre doe passe Thy favour tovvards us exceedes All things that ever vvas When I intend and doe devise Thy workes abroad to shovv To such ● reckoning they doe rise Thereof no end I know My soule from death thou doest defend And keep'st my feete vpright That I before thee may ascend With such as live in light COme forth and hearken here full soone All yee that feare the Lord What he for my poore soule hath done To you I vvill record Full oft I call to minde his grace This mouth to him doth cry And thou my tongue make speede apace To praise him by and by THe doctrine of his holy Word To Iacob he doth show His Statutes and his Iudgements he Gives Israel to knovv With every Nation hath he not So dealt nor they have knowne His secret judgements yee therefore Praise yee the Lord alone O Lord out of my mothers wombe I came by thy request Thou didst preserve me still in hope While I did sucke her brest I vvas committed from my birth With thee to have abode Since I vvas in my mothers wombe Thou hast beene e're my God FOr vvhy the eyes of God above Vpon the just are bent His eares likevvise doe heare the plaint Of the poore innocent What thou commandedst vvrought it vvas At once vvith present speede What thou doest vvill is brought to passe With full effect indeede Knovv that the Lord our God he is He did us make and keepe Not we our selves for wee are his Ovvne flocke and pasture sheepe The Lord of Hoasts doth take our part To us he hath an eye Our hope of health vvith all our heart On Iacobs God doth lie Thou openest thy plenteous hand And bounteously doest fill All things vvhatsoever doe live With gifts of thy good-will O praise the Lord Ierusalem Thy God O Sion praise For he the barres hath forged strong Wherewith thy Gates he stayes Thy children he hath blest in thee And in thy borders ●e Doth settle peace and vvith the floure Of wheate ●e filleth thee BVt Lord that man is happy sure Whom thou dost keepe in avve And through correction dost procure To teach him in thy Lavv. ALl praise to thee O Lord of Hoasts Both now and eke for aye Through skie and earth and all the coasts Amen Amen I say FINIS THis for an Essay I desired to shew on every head of Prayer that some place or other in the Psalmes might be made use of on severall occasions which a Christian hath to doe about There may be divers added but for pe●●●ring this Booke I had added all those which I have lying by me thus digested but these may suffice to shew thee Christian Reader my meaning who mayst as thy neede requires supply what is now wanting in this Sing with the Spirit and sing with the understanding also Maister QVARLES on Ionah in the generall use of the STORY MAl●●do rouze thy leaden spirit bestirre thee Hold up thy drousie head