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A10173 Protestants demonstrations, for Catholiks recusance All taken from such English Protestant bishops, doctors, ministers, parlaments, lawes, decrees, and proceedings, as haue beene printed, published, or allowed among them in England; since the cominge of our king Iames into this kingdome: and for the most parte within the first six or seuen yeares thereof. And euidentlie prouinge by their owne writings, that english Catholiks may not vnder damnable syn, co[m]municate with English Protestants, in their seruice, sermons, or matters of religion: and soe conuincinge by the[m]selues, their religio[n] to be most damnable, & among other things, their ministery to bee voide, false & vsurped. Broughton, Richard, attributed name. 1615 (1615) STC 20450; ESTC S112509 81,861 158

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dostrine as hee propou●ded them and M. Foxe maintaineth them Some of them as they were propounded by Tyndall Foxe to 2. mon. in Tyndall first edition and maintayned by Foxe doe followe in these words The lawe maketh vs to hate God It is vnpossible for vs to consent to the will of God The lawe requireth vnpossible thinges of vs. Speaking of mā he speaketh thus Christ is in thee thou in him knitt together vnseperably neither cast thou bee dāned except Christ be dāned with thee neither can Christ bee saued except thou bee saued with him Euery man is Lord of other mens goods I am bounde to loue the Turke with all my might and power yea and aboue my power There is noe worke better then an other to please God to make water to was he dishes to bee a Sowter or an Apostle all is one to washe dishes and to preache is all one touching the deed to please God To worshipp God otherwise then to beleeue that hee is Iust and true in his promises is to make God an I d●ll God moued the hartes of the Egiptians to hate the people likewise hee moued kings Paule was of higher Authoritie then Peter Yf S. Paule were alyue I would compare my selfe to S. Paule and bee as good as hee The children of faithe are vnder noe lawe God bindeth vs to that which is vnpossible for vs to accomplishe synne cannot condemne vs. Soe longe as the Successors of the Apostles were persecuted and martyred there were good christian men and noe longer All these and other such damnable positions are mayntayned in one place of this protestant Doctors booke dedicated to his maiestie appoynted to bee written by their Archbishop D. Bancroft and published with common priuiledge Wherevppon and from such like proceedings the protestant Author of the booke named Aduertisement speaking of the errors of this their english protestant Religion writeth thus Millions of millions runne to eternall flames Christianitie is denyed in England by Aduertisem●●t An. 1604. publicke Authoritie Of other their heresies hellish errors and damnable deuises against the authoritie Reg●ll and cyuill power of Princes and such morall affaires I will entreate hereafter in the meane time I add these protestant positions registred by M. Ormerod in these Ormerod dial 1. wordes All synnes are equall it is as greate a synne to doe any seruile worke vppon the sabboth day as to doe murther and committ adultery it is as greate a synne to throwe a boul● on the sabboath day as to kill a man It is as greate a syn to kill a mans cocke as to kill his Seruant Their Bishop of Winchester D. Bilson setteth Bilsō Suru pag. 467. downe other their straunge errors in this maner the protestants cleare not Christ from synne it was rife in the pulpitts and vsuall in Catechismes that the death of Christ Iesus on the Bils pr●f sup crosse and his blood sh●dd for the remission of our syns were the leaste cause and meane of our Redemption And reciting further these protestants p. 466. 474. def pag. 126 122. Bilson sup pa. 490 def p. 134. Bils p. 496. 486. def pa. 131. 136 Bils p. 497. 503. def pa. 137. 138. Bils p. 515. def pa. 141. Bils p. 517. def pag. 142. Parkes epis dedicat pag. 139. sect 20. Povvell l. de diaphor ep d●●icat Parkes apol epist. dedic doctrines thus relateth them Christs will was contrary to Gods will Christ in his agonie knevv not Gods will Christ was forsaken both in bodie soule Christ suffered hell Torments Christ suffered the paynes of hell Christ suffered the death of the soule the death of the soule is such paynes and sufferings of Gods wrathe as allwayes accompanie them that are seperated from the grace and loue of God God did forsake Christ Thus our most blessed Sauiour Redeemer of mankinde consequently both Christians and all mankinde is damned with him by these blasphemous protestāts M. Parkes hath told vs that the parson of Christ is prophanely irreligeously spoken of the scripture is falsefyed to fastē blasphemie vpon Christ heauen hell the diuinity humanity yea the verie soule and saluation of Christ our Sauiour himselfe is called in questiō M. Powell hath published with publicke allowāce in his booke printed by Robert Barker the kings printer this doctrine To holde that Christ was a lawe maker is an insolent pseudographema false scripture M. Parkes againe complaineth thus The Creede it selfe which hath allwayes beene the verie badge and Cognizance vvhereby to discerne and know the faithfull from vnbeleeuers Christians from heathens and Catholicks from hereticks is the mayne point in questiō Which is cōfirmed by their Bishop Barlowe in his sermon before the kinge Barl ●erm septem 21 An 1606. in these wordes The whelps of those beasts are multiplied vvith vs in England of which S. Paule speaketh 1. Cor. 15. 32. vvhich made a lest of the soules immortaliti● and the bodies resurrestion Therefore seing these bee the moste materiall D. George Abb. against D. Hill p. 101. essentiall and fundamentall points in Religion and their present protestant Archbishop hath peremptorily told vs. protestants and puritanes did neuer differ in any point of substance wee all ioyne in all materiall points of saluation and noe Goliath against vs can proue the contrary And Povvell ag epis apol pag. 52. M. Powell saith Hee lyeth which saith they differ in substantiall points they are all guiltie of these heresies The 7. particular protestant demonstration for Catholicks iust recusancie is Because English protestants by their owne writings are Scismaticks FVRTHER that these english protestants are Scismaticks and soe by that title alsoe not to bee communicated with in spirituall things is manifest by that which is written before and more directly in this order followinge Noe Scismaticks are to bee communicated with in Religeous matters But the protestants of England by their owne testimonies are Scismaticks Therefore not to bee communicated with in such busines The maior proposition is euidently true and before graunted by these protestans for this time I will therefore onely cite their Bishop of Peterborough D. Doue his words bee these This proposition noe hereticks nor Scismaticks are to bee communicated Doue persuas pag. withall is vndoubtedly true because it is grounded vppon scripture c. The minor proposition that english protestants bee Scismaticks is proued by this their owne definition of Scisme published by D. Feild in this maner Scisme is a Feild l. 3. c. 5. pa. 70. breache of the vnitie of the churche the vnitie of the church consisteth in three things First the subiection of the people to their lawfull pastors Secondly the connexion and communion wich many particular churches and the pastors of them haue amonge themselues Thirdly in holdinge the same Rule of faith Then if Scisme is a breache of the vnitie of the church and this vnitie consisteth in three things and
he ther reproueth haue thus con●eated of them it will bee pardonable in Catholicks to thinke of them as themselues doe and reporte and soe wee may not communicate with such hereticks especially when D. Couell againe writeth the like in this Couell des of Hooker pag. 24. maner The begynnings the proceedings the end of them both in England and Scotland serue to this end that order may cease Therefore they are hereticks And to passe ouer this generall state of heresie whereof they are thus manifestly conuicted by their owne testimonie I will breefely sett downe how by their owne confessionalsoe they are guiltie of diuers other particular and singular heresies errors and paradoxes in Religion suffered allowed and maintayned amonge them and soe consequently for that cause alsoe not to bee communicated with in matters of Religion some of them bee recorded or mayntayned by these protestants M. Ormerod setteth downe one of their doctrines in Ormer dial 1. these words children of hereticks and of such as by excommunication are cut from the church may not bee baptized By which opinion ioyned with their other protestant doctrines before the children of all protestants must needs bee damned because there is noe saluation without baptisme Their Bishop of Winchester D. Bilson Bilson suru p. 541. 552. writeth these I doe not finde any scriptures that allowe the Saincts deceas●d the same place of glorie where Christ now is at the right hand of God in the highest heauens till the laste day come Then if noe scriptures teach yt protestants receauing noe other rule cannot beleeue yt and soe by D. Couells sentence they dissolue that communion Couell ag Burg. p. 90. of Sainsts which wee professe to beleeue as an article of Gods truthe The doctrine of Christs discēt into hell is an article of our Creede the protestants censure puritans for heretick for denying of yt yett M. Ormerod a professed writer against puritans condemninge them of many heresies teacheth this doctrine The beleeso Ormer dial ● Ormer pa. ganot pag. of Christ discending into hell to fetch prisoners t●ence is like the fable of Hercules greing to hell to setch thence Theseus Pirothous and Cerberus Thus hee hath written with publicke applau●e and priuiledge of this Article of our faith Therefore M. Parkes setteth downe their protestants Parkes p. 92 opinion herein in this maner Christs discent into hell is noe Article of our Creede but an intruded fable a patch which some Cobl●r or patcher patched to the Creede it is against the Analogie of our faith it ingēdreth many incōueniences many absurde opinions friuolous fables and p●antasticall visions The common opinion of protestants in their arguments against transsubstantiation Christs reall presence in the blessed sacrament of the altar is that the true naturall properties of a bodie cannot bee seperated from yt Yett M. Powell with priuiledge writeth thus The Powell de Antich pa. 499. bodie of Christ after his resurrection had not the naturall properties of a bodie Then by thei● doctrine yt was not a true bodie and soe noe true resurrection and that article of our Creede also is publickly denyed and soe there is noe resurrection of the bodie as followeth by S. Paules doctrine and reasoning thus by their owne translation if Christ bee not risen thē is our preaching 1. Corint 15 v. 14. 17. 18 vayne and your faith alsoe is vayne and if Christ bee not raised your saith is vaine you are yett in your synnes And soe they which are a sheepe in Christ are perished And soe there is noe Resurrection of the bodie noe immortalitie of the soule by this doctrine for a thinge perished is not but hath ceased to bee Therefore M. Parkes writeth of these protestant as before they strike at mayne points of saith shaking the Parkes epi. dedic foundation it self● and calling in que●tion heauen and hell the diuinitie and humanitie yea the verie soule and saluation of our sauiour himselfe And to make it apparant that they generally giue way to all infidelitie The same M. Powell highely commended by D. Sutcliffe writeth thus with publicke approbation it is noe more certaine Powell pref l. de Antic● that God is in heauen Crea●or of visible inuisible things and Iesus Christ the tru● m●ss●●● then that the pope of Rome is the greate Antichrist and the papall church the synagoge of Antichrist But I haue made euident demonstration before by their owne testimonies that it is soe far from truth or apparance thereof that the pope is Antichrist or the papall church his Sinagoge that they haue proued that church to bee the true church of Christ and the Pope to bee the true lawfull vicar of Christ supreame heade of his holy catholicke Church on earth and to whome all Christians in the worlde doe owe obedience in religeous busines Therefore these protestants by their owne published and priuiledged writing haue denyed God And Christ Iesus is not the true Messias by their doctrine Then noe meruayle though D. Feild D. Willet Feild l. 3. e 3 p. 139. will Antil p. 13. Po●ell l de Artichrist p. 494 c. apud parkes pa. sect 23. M. Powell and others deny the virginitie of our ladie for shame I omitt their vnseemely word● and others write Dauid is still in hell to this day when they teach that Christ delyuered none from thence neither is the Messias Yett other protestants sette all men at libertie to beleeue and lyue as they list to bee turkes Iewes pagans or whatsoeuer for they shall all bee saued not withstanding by Christ whome they haue these dishonored and denyed The words of the protestant Author of the booke called Suruey c. bee these The english protestants Suru of cō B pa. 119. teache that Christ hath actually and effectually redeemed all men whatsoeuer Therefore by them all men turkes Iewes pagans c. must needs bee saued because an act and effect acted and effected cannot bee vnacted or vneffected M. Wotton seing how other protestants had ouerthrowne the lawe and Religion of Christ laboureth for himselfe likewise to euacuate the promise to Abraham and the lawe of Moyses and leaue all mankinde in originall syn contracted from Adam and writeth thus Circumcision was not prouided for remedie of originall Wottō def of perk pag. 447. sinne any more then for actuall neither did it remedie the one or the other The like heresies and detestable errors publickly printed and priuiledged amonge them as alsoe their Authors and mayntayners are too many to bee alleadged therefore to giue some coniecture of the rest I will propose one Doctor and Professor of diuinitie in their church a man highly commended in protestants iudgment whoe to omitt all other his bookes and erroneous places in them in one onely place of his publickly warranted and priuiledged Antilogie This professor Doctor Willet writeth thus Tyndalls Willet Antil pag. 203 opiniōs are sounde good
preisthood which your new learninge and womanly diuinitie haue pronownced treasonable And your present protestant Archbishop and all others directors of M. Mason teaching that all Archbishops M●son epis● dedicator of Canterbury before your first pretended and protestantlie made Bishop Matthew parker were from S. Mason in c●ns●crat of Matthew parker Suecliffe pag d●●ell pag. 4. 5. Feild l of the church Mas●n supr Augustine consecrated after the Romane maner and otherwise then you practise must bee of the same opinion for our preists were made by them And as D. Sutclisfe D. Feild M. Mason and others testifie by this forme Receaue power to offer sacrifice for the quick and the deade which is now vsed in the church of Rome in which noe treason but much spirituall power and honor is conteyneth And such as it enforceth your present Ministery by all pretence Statut. An. 27 Elizab cap 1. M●sm Sutcl●●eild sup c. they can to clayme though with note of treason their callinge from that ordination And such that it maketh the lawful soe ordered to bee soe honorable that a cheife doctor in your Religion hath written of them in thes most D Couell def of hooker pag. 87 reuerend termes ●o thes parsons God imparteth power ouer his misticall bodye which is the societie of soules and ouer that naturall which is himselfe for the knittinge of bothe in one which Antiquitie doth call the making of Christs bodie By blessinge visible elements it Couell sup pag. 105. maketh them inuisible grace it giueth daily the holy ghost it hath to dispose of that flesh which was giuen for the life of the worlde and that blood which was powred out to red●eme soules Couell sup pag. 87 88. 91. it is a power which neither prince nor potentate kinge nor Caesar on earth can giue Then this state a function soe honorable with God and renowned in his holie church by the sentence of your owne doctors may not bee condemned for a state of Treason And soe manie Reuerend preists aboue one hundred and twentie besides diuers of Religious orders miserablie tortured and putt to death for that onelie cause in Englang since that Edics of Queene Elizabeth were not Traytors and malefactors but happie Saints and blessed Martyrs And your protestant persecution in puttinge soe manie the fourth third part or more of that little companie to that cruell death with other manifold Afflictions vppon your contrie Catholicks hath giuen occasion for straungers to thinke and a famous protestant amonge you to write in this maner The sufferings and S. Edwyne Sandes in his Booke Relation of the state of Religion cap. 31. Martyrdomes of English Catholicks in thes times are accōpted to the height of Neroes Dioclesians persecutions and the sufferings on their side both in meritts of cause in extremitie of Torments and in constancie and patience to the renowned martyrs of that heroicall church age Which noe man can denie if hee consider how manie hundred yeares wee enioined peace honor renowne aboue the third part of the possessions and reuenewes of this kingdome with all Bishopricks Monasteries and church liuings with their priuiledges and prerogatiues Hollnish hist. in will Conq Speed ib. Booke of Domesday c. And now are not onelie spoiled and depriued of them all but stiled branded and reproached with such Infamous titles additio●s slaunders and miseries as neuer any such example can bee produced of like and soe longe persecutions prosecuted against the auncient possessioners of Religion and religeous preeminences by soe late and new inuention by straungers or enemies much lesse by contrimen add professors of Christianitie And yett his maiesties regall sentence is my minde was K speach in parlam 19. of marrh An. 1603. euer free from persecution or thrallinge of my subiects in matters of conscience And againe Correction without instruction which as before you cannot sufficientlie giue vnto vs is but tirannie And writinge against Contadus vorstius the dutche hereticke proueth that if Catholicks should bee in error yett they are soe far from deseruing persecution and persecution of such nature that their case needeth not fraternall or frendly correption or admonition The wordes of his Censure bee thes If the subsect of vorstius his heresies Declaratiō An. D. 1612. in the cause of D. Conrud vorst pag. 46. 47. had not beene grownded vppon questions of an higher qualitie then touching the number and nature of the sacraments the point of iustification of meritts of purgatorie of the visible heade of the church or any such matters as are in controuersie at this day betwixt the papists vs wee doe freely professe wee should neuer haue troubled our selues with the busines in such fashion And yett all which was done therin was but a gentle and frendlie Admonition without any breache of peace leaque or amitie with that people Isaac Casaub resp ad epist. Cardi Per. in praefat Feild l. of the church Your Champion Casaubou that hath priuiledge soe often to call his doctrine the faith of our kinge the faith of the english church telleth you that thes controuersies cannot bee determined without a generall councell to whome D. Feild subscribeth and attributeth onely to that power to define and punish for such things And next to that yeeldeth primarie doth of Iudgment and to bee obeyed to the church of Rome his Feild supr l. 4. cap. 5. words bee thes Yt is more to bee respected and reuerenced then the authoritie of catholicke doctors and Bishops or other apostolicke churches Casaubon well knowinge the weakenes Casaubon supr of your cause addeth first because you haue noe hope of a generall cowncell that soe greate libertie of writinge one against an other might cease againe hee wisheth that seueris legibus ●trinque coerceretur that it were brideled on each side with seuere lawes Then you know by your owne doctors and Iudgments how greate and not to bee named offence it is with seuere lawes or edicts to commaunde and execute soe vndue and rigourous persecutions against them whome you cannot Iudge or condemne not being condemnable But because after soe manie humble and earnest suites and petitions english Catholicks can finde noe hope of other triall but to make their professed Enemies in this case and persecutors their Masters teachers accusers Iudges and and sentencers I am enforced to accept that moste vnequall and vnreasonable conflict to make your owne present protestant writers and proceedings Iudges betweene them and vs in their owne cause knowinge they dare not Lactāt firdiuin insti l. 4. de vera sapient ca. 12. Morton in appeale ep dedicat with any impudencie denye against the light reason and the christian philosopher that it is an inuincible argument to proue truthe which is graunted or made by enemies themselues especiallie seing by their common Harolde Doctor Morton they haue publicklie proclaimed yt in thes wordes The assistance of learned aduersaries wee
or lesse in dignitie and Christ offering his body and blood for the quicke and deade and giuing power to those whome he made preists to doe that which hee then did Hoc facite doe you this which I doe preists also must needs haue that power and that power be the proper office of Holy preisthood For at that time were the Apostles made preists otherwise we doe not finde where any power is communicated vnto them to be ministers of this soe commaunded and recommended sacracrament And otherwise S. Thomas not present when the wordes of binding and losing were spoken vnto the Apostles was not a preist in the doctrine of protestants admitting nothinge but scriptures in such cases Neither can those wordes whos● syns you forgiue they are forgiuen and whose syns you retayne they are retayned confer that power which belongeth to preists if they were not to offer sacrifice but onely to minister sacraments in the Religion of protestants which doe not teach that either the preist or sacrament but the faith of the Receauer forgiueth syns And soe essentiall it is to preisthood to offer sacrifice that those which in our languadge we call preists sacrifice and altar bee in other tonges things inseperable and Correlatiues both in name and deed Thusiastis Thusia Thusiast●rion sacrificer sacrifice and place where there sacrificer or preist offereth sacrifice Which inseperable connexion betweene sacrifice and altar preist and sacrifice D. Morton before acknowledgeth in these wordes We cannot dislike t●● sentence of D. Reynoldes concerning the mutuall Mortō App. pa. 16● l. 2. ca. 6. sect 1. Reinolds confer pag. 550. Relation and dependance betweene an altare and sacrifice But graunt that altar doth as naturally and necessarily inferr a sacrifice as a shrine doth a Saint a father a sonne And further these Cardinall Bellarmine said truly viz sacrifice and preistood are Relatiues Therefore seing Relatiues bee inseperable preisthood and to offer sacrifice cannot bee deuided but inuiolably vnited and coniected together Therefore the holy generall Councell denied such by these protestants before defineth thus The forme Conc. Flor. in vnion of preisthood is this Receaue power to offer sacrifice in the church for the liuing and deade in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost Neither is this by these protestants other doctrine then was taught from the beginninge but it was euer soe constantly and generall taught in the church that it was adiuged and condemned for heresie in Aërius to deny yt D. Felds wordes thereof are these Arius condemned the custome of the church in Feild p. 138 l 3. cap. 29. Couell exā pag. 114. naminge the deade at the Alt●r and offerringe the Sacrifice of Eucharist for them for this his ●ash and inconsiderate boldnes and presumption in condemning the vniuersall church of Christ hee was iust●y condemned Therefore protestants haue noe preisthood they are iustly condemned for hereticks by their owne censure and the Romane sacrificing preisthood both by the present and primatiue vniuersall church of Christ is most holy Which is further confirmed by these protestants authorities first their allowed greeke church censureth these The doctrine Feild of that church Gennad Schol. def 5 c. 3. Feild p. 238 Hull Rom. pol pa. 86. Middleton papistom p. 64 45. 46. 51. 47. 48. 49. Relation of Religion Casau resp ad Card. per p. 51. 52. c of purgatorie prayer sacrifice for the deade was a tradition of the Apostles equall with the worde of God as D. Feild writeth M. Hull saith Leo S. Leo the Pope appointed Masses for the deade M. Middleton saith It was a tradition of the primatiue church receaued from the fathers to pray for the deade and begg mercye of God for them the deade were prayed for in the publick liturgies of Basile Crisostome and Epiphanius And their Relator wittnesseth that these Masses and forme of sacrifice were publick in the church Therefore M Isaac Casaubon calling yt the Religion of our kinge and saying he writeth by the kings commaund and from his mouth writeth these neither is the kinge ignorant nor den●eth that the fathers of the primatiue church did acknowledge one sacrifice in Christian Religion that succeeded in the place of the sacrifices of Moses lawe D. Morton goeth higher euen to the Rabbins before Christ graunting with his frend Mortō app in sacrifice c. Mortō app pa. 395. l ● Theodore Bibliander that they taught this sacrifice of the Christians and called yt Thoda And hee addeth these These testimonies of Rabbi Cahana Rabbi Iuda Rabbi Simeon are such if yet● they were such that they make soe directly for the Romish article of transsubstantiatiō that the most Romish Dostors for the space of allmoste a thousand yeares after Christ did not in soe expresse termes publish this mistery to the world They are more playne and pregnant for transsubstantion then are the sayings of transsubstantiators themselues pag. 396. Hitherto D. Morton And therefore allthough I now dispute for a sacrificing preisthood and externall sacrifice not of transubstantiation or what it is in particular that being impertinent to my present purpose yett because D. Couell with publick allowance before hath told M. Morton that preists to vse Couell def pag. 8● his wordes Haue power imparted to them by God ouer Christs naturall body which is himselfe which antiquitie doth call the making of Christs bodie it hath to dispose of that flesh which was giuen for the life of the worlde and that blood which pag. 105. was powred out to redeeme soules And M. Casaubon graunteth for our kinge and their protestāts church that the sacrifice offered by preists is Christs bodye to vse his wordes the same obiect Casaub sup pag. 50. 51. and thinge which the Romane church beleeueth Therefore I say because D. Morton acknowledgeth himselfe but an Alephbethorian in Mortōpr●ā Hebrue not able to Iudge of those Rabbines and I may not dispute but by protestants his f●end and fellowe protestant Franciscus Starearus Hebraicae literaturae callentissimus most excellent in Hebrue learninge as the Franck fort protestant allowers of those Rabbines name h●m Praefat. prot in p. G●l Frā●● fur●i An. 1602. and they themselues are wittnesses doe call those and other testimonies of the Rabbines before Christ. Irrefragabilia testimonia vndeniable testimonies of the kingdome of Christ that all men except madd against the Religion of Christ might knowe the truthe Therefore by all kinde of Testimonies in the Iudgment of these protestants as scriptures traditions Councells the whole church of Christ holy fathers and the protestant proceedings themselues the sacrificing preistood of the Romane church is Stat. An. 8. Eliz. cap. 1. Foxe in Ed. 6. Regist e●d pereg in Lōd Reinol Caluinot Resp lustit english min●sters in state of treason protestāt●●n felony by their doctrine Method pataren l. decret ab init Iams Manuscrip in Can●trig lawfull sacred and moste reuerent And
them Further I argue in this maner Whatsoeuer is confidently taught printed and published by men of Religion is to bee allowed and graunted by all that acknowledg themselues to bee wholly of the same Religion with them in all things essētiall But the hauing of the pure worde preached though essentiall in Religion is yet denyde by these consenting protestants to bee in their church Therfore they must graunt it is wanting with them The maior proposition is euidently true otherwise they should not agree but dissent in essentiall things The minor is thus proued by these agreing protestants M. Iacob one of their agreing protestants writeteh in these words the protestants flocke Iacob Reas pag. 52. pa. 52. 53. Iacob reas episc dedic pag. 51. of England cannot expect that heauen shall bee opened vnto them And thus further The english p●otestant Religion diminisheth the honor and dignitie of Christ impugneth the foundation of sauing faith and is contrary to Gods word And thus againe Christs owne ordinances necessarie to bee enioyed for our soules health are wanting in England t●ere is noe ordinary meanes of saluation Iacob exhor pag. 82. pag 79. 8 to bee had in the english protestant Religion euery man vvanteth the heauenly foode and perseruatiue appointed for vs of God the english protestant church vvanteth the ordinary meanes appointed of God for saluation to euery man Their agreing protestant author of the booke named Aduertisement sp●eking of the errors of their english Aduertisement An. 1604. pag. protestant church writeth thus Millions of millions runne to eternall flames Christianitie is denyed in England by publicke authoritie Their Certaine dem An. 1605. p. 4● thus well agreing Author of certayne demaunds hath these wordes The protestant Religion of England cannot bee kept vvithout breach of the commaundments Therfore the pure word of God is not preached with them their church not true their Religion false noe saluation to bee hoped with them therefore noe communion in Religion to bee yeelded vnto them And this is sufficiently graunted by the protestant Bishops themselues in their publicke Conference at Hampton Court where their behauiour and confession was this as the protestant Author of the first copie ioyned to that of their Bishop Barlowes setteth downe in thes words Canterbury London Winchester fell dovvne on their knees and desired that all things might remayne Conference at Hamptō copie 1. annexed to B. Barlovves printed by Ihōwindet Copie 2 sup least the papists should thinke vvee haue beene in error And this is confirmed by a seconde protestant writer and Copie of that conference in this maner Bishops of Canterburye London and Winchester makinge earnest suite that all things might stand as they did leaste the papists should take offence vvhoe might say vvee vvould persvvad● them to come to a church hauing errors in yt Like is the testimonie of a third Copie 3. protestant Copie followinge in the same place And D. Morton concludeth this matter with this generall protestant Maxime and grounde in their doctrine It is a generall Maxime there is none in the churche vvhose iudgment is of infallible Morton Apol. part 2. pag. 315. authoritie Then an other Maxime is that the protestants church is erroneous hath not true faith for euery article of faith being ●euealed of God is most certaine infallibly true The 4. particular protestant demonstration is because english protestants by their owne testimonies want the due ministration of Sacraments an other thinge alsoe essentiall to the true church by their owne Religion AS I haue proued in the former Chapter that the protestants of England haue not the pure worde of God preached amonge them because by their owne testimonie they haue noe true and lawfull preachers Soe I now demonstrate that they haue not the due ministration of Sacraments because they want a true and lawfull ministery and sacred ministers to administer them for where the due and right Actor and doer of a thinge is not the thinge cannot bee duely righly done because euery externall Action is an emanation or doing of the effect from the agent Secondly I argue thus These protestants haue not sacraments Therfore not sacraments duely ministred The consequence is euidently true for where there is noe action or thinge to bee done there yt cannot bee either dulie or vnduely done because yt can by noe wayes bee done The Antecedent that these protestants haue not sacraments I thus demonstrate from themselues for first they deny fyue of those seuen which the Apostolick Romane church receaueth onely retayning twoe as they themselues affirme that is Baptisme and the Lords supper as they name the moste holy sacrament of the Altar Soe that if but one of these twoe is want●ng with them they cannot bee said to haue sacraments in the plurall number as their definition before containeth but one onely sacrament and if that is either wanting with them or not duely ministred by them they haue none at all duely ministred Now that the blessed sacrament of the altar is wanting in their church I thus demonstrate First because as they acknowledg it is to bee celebrated by a lawfully consecrated preist or minister as some of them rather call him yt selfe beinge a sacrament of greatest consecration and they haue not any such cōsecrated preist or minister in their church therefore this soe sacred and consecrated holy sacrament not being without such consecration and preist is not in their church and their breade and wyne is noe more a sacrament then that which in a tauerne is seet on the table by the drawer of the wine And for this present it is manifestly demonstrated by D. Couell and his priuiledging protestants whoe entreating of lawfully called sacred church preists or ministers hath these words To these parsons God imparted power ouer Couell def of Hook-pa 87. his misticall body which is the societie of soules ouer that naturall which is himselfe for the knittiuge of bothe in one a worke which antiquitie doth call the making of Christs body And in an other booke hee writeth thus The power of the Couell mod exam pag. 105. ministery by blessing visible Elements it maketh them inuisible grace it giueth dayly the holy ghost it hath ●o dispose of that flesh which was giuen for the life life of the worlde and that blood which was powred out tò rèdeme soules Where wee see a diuine and miraculous consecration and grace belonging to both these holy Sacraments of Order to consecrate and the most blessed Eucharist the bodie and blood of Christ to bee consecrated both which as is manifest are wanting in the english protestants church by their owne both practise and writings And to make this matter more euident if it could bee and further confirme that these men want this sacred Order and Sacrament of preisthood to minister this and the other sacraments hee writeth of yt againe in this maner It is a power Couell def sup
may not bee communicated with in Religion either by the lawe of God or of this kingedome But the english protestant doctrine is such by their owne writings Therefore not to bee communicated withall in Religion The maior proposition is soe euidently true that it is manifest spirituall treason heresie and Rebellion to God and ciuill Treason in moste highe degree against our kinge by the lawes of this nation to deny yt And the minor proposition is thus proued by these protestants one protestant writeth thus C●rtaine demaū An. 1605. p. 42. Couell exā ●ag 12. To establish the commaund of the ciuill magistrate the squar and plumet of subiects conscience is to wrest the scriptures and a Tyranny D. Couell recordeth their opinion thus First fruites tenthes subsedies contributions of ecclesiasticall parsons to the prince are sacriledge and Robbery D. Willet writeth in this maner Princes ar● not to Will●t Antil pa. 151. Assertion An. 1604. Ormer pict purit epist dedic dial 1. bee obeyed in all ecclesiasticall lawes An other writeth thus The temporall prince neuer had any spirituall power in this kingedome M. Ormered setteth downe their doctrine in these words Christian Soueraignes ought not to bee called heads vnder Christ of the particular and visible churches within their dominions princes ought not to meddle with the making of lawes orders and Ceremo●ies for the church As the ministers Ormerod supr d. 4. meddle not with makinge of ciuill lawes and lawes for the common wealthe s●● the ciuill Magistrate hath not to ordeyne Ceremonies pertayninge to the churche Noe ciuill Magistrates in Councells dialog 1. or assemblers for church matters can either bee cheife moderator ouer Ruler iudge or determiner To bee breife in this matter D. Morton perceauing that deniall of the princes supreamacie Mortō cōf of the pop auth par 3 p. 25. p. 26. was proued to bee the doctrine of their Bishop Bilson D. Fulke D. Whitaker D. Sutcliffe D. Couell D. Downame D. Willet M. Hooker M. Bell and others cheife writers amonge them denyeth it not eyther for them or himselfe but referreth the matter to S. Leo Pope of Rome who as hee was one of the moste learned godly fathers that euer were soe hee is knowne and acknowledged by protestants to bee the greatest patrone of the Popes supreamacie that was in that primatiue and learned age and taught as M. Ormerod telleth vs that God did assist direct that See in decrees And yett neither kinge Ormer pict pap pa. 44. nor Pope must bee supreame heade when it pleaseth them But either their Bishops or presbitery M Ormerod thus relateth their opinion Ormerod dial 2. To these three ioinily that is the ministers Senion and deacons is the whole regiment of the church to bee committed And how far this Regiment by them extendeth is before expressed euen to punish and depose princes and M. Ormerod further recompteth in these words Princes must remember to subiect themselues to the churche to Ormerod dial 1. submitt their scepters to throwe downe their Crownes before the churche yea to licke the dust of the feete of the churche And these soe well agreing protestants are or were soe far from swearinge to the supreamacie of a Temporall prince that in Scotland as they themselues wittnesse they caused our Soueraige kinge Iames to sweare to their supreamacie The words of the protestant defendor of the ministers Reasons are these The Kings maiestie hath not Defence of the minist reas pag. 3. Suruey of the Booke of common prayer p. 23 onely subscribed but sworne to the discipline An other protestant writer hath these words is it not generally knowne that his maiestie hath by subscription sworne to mayntayne the discipline in Scotland in these words To the vvhich vvee ioyne ourselues vvillingly in doctrine faith Religion discipline and vse of the holy sacraments as a liuely member of the same promising● and swearinge by the greate name of our Lord that wee shall defend the same accordinge to our vocation and power all the dayes of our life vnder the payne conteyned in the lawe and daunger bothe of bodie and soule in the day of Gods fearefull iudgment And yett his maiestie hath told vs before that these men to obtayne their purpose first gaue supreamacie to the Queene there But their purpose now obtayned the Kinge himselfe by their Relation subscribeth sweareth to their supreamacie as a subiect to them as his Superiors What moste horrible and odious positions about depriuinge deposing killinge and murtheringe of princes not sutinge to their humors in Religion not without horror to bee named are recorded by their brother Whittingham Wittingh pref to Goodni booke deane of durrhame and affirmed to bee approued by the best learned at Geneua Caluine Whittingham Goodman Gilby Couerdale one of their pretended Bishops from whome D. Sutcliffe befor claymeth their ministery Whiteheade english protestants and others and to bee seene in they suruey of holy discipline attributed to their late protestant Archbishop of Canterbury Suruey of of Hol. discipl D. Bancroft which I breefely remember here though befor the time of my syxe limited yeares Because the protestant Authors of the offer of conference speaking in the name of all their protestant profession call those positions the doctrine of the worthiest protestants and thus Offer of Cōfer p. 18. 19 affirme they consent in iudgment with those parsons and churches and together with other churches hold the foresaid positions And Doctor Couell will secure mee in this poynt that I doe Couell exā pag 35. 36. not exceede my limitts his wordes bee these That it is lawfull to kill wicked kings wa● the doctrine of the best and moste learned about Geneua and those partes Neither neede wee to seeke these obedient doctrines at Geneua where they depriued their temporall prince or in Scotland deposinge their lawfull Queene and Princesse England it selfe will yeeld vs too much choice of these doctrines M. Ormerod doth thus relate them what Kinge Prynce or Emperour shall disanull Ormer pict purit epist. ded c. 2. supr d. 3. the discipline hee is to bee reputed Gods enemy and to bee held vnworthie to raigne aboue his people And more plainely of all princes in generall in these words Kinges and princes are naturally enemyes to the libertie of the ghospell and can neuer patiently heare the yeoke of Christ. The sup ● 1. gouernment of the common wealthe must bee framed accordinge to the gouernment of the churche where there must bee equalitie and paritie Whervppon their Bishop Barlowe thus relateth the speach of his maiestie in their publicke Conference The presbytery aswell agreeth vvith a monarchie as God and the deuill lacke and Tom and Conference at Hampt Court p. 79 Will and Dicke vvill Censure the Kinge and all their proceedings at their pleasure in Scotlande he vvas a kinge vvithout state vvithout honour vvithout order vvhere beardelesse boyes