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A08850 A myrrour or cleare glasse for all estates, to looke in, conteining briefly in it the true knovvledge and loue of god, and the charitie of a faithfull christian tovvardes his neyghbour. Palfreyman, Thomas, d. 1589? 1560 (1560) STC 19137; ESTC S101415 93,769 240

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set man whom he had fourmed to dresse it to keepe it and to enioye all the louely pleasures therof onely one thynge excepted from the which because he wolde ther shuld be signified vnto hym wyth reuerence lowe submission as vnto God his maker and his duetie in obedience he streyghtned the reane of his freely vertie and layed the burdeyne of his greuous commandement vpon his shoulders sayeng vnto him Gene. 5. Eccle. 11. Of al the trees of the gardeyn thou shalt eate and vse at libertie for the accomplisshement of thy full delight and pleasure but of the tree of Knowledge of good and euyll thou shalte not eate and gaue hym further a sharpe and mooste bitter threate saying Take hede and be well ware of this my commandement for the same day thou eatest of that tree thou shalte die the death It is here then to be noted after this straight precept of God what greate daunger through disobedience man stoode in and howe the most subtil and malicious serpent the deuyl and onnemye to mankynde who alwaies and by al meanes possible despightfully seeketh his destruction watched his time and immediatly deuysed to worke his present cōfusion through his sleigh tie sweete sugred tale vnto the weake fraile woman Gene. 3. 2. Cor. 11. tellyng her they should be as goddes and know both good and euyll not withstandyng the commandement of god if they wold eate of that fruite wherby without fearyng god forgetfull of his former loue towardes theim of theyr most blyssefull and high estate and of the place of great plesure where he had planted them neither yet remembryng his straight commandement and most terrible threatenyng of death theyr heartes were sore blynded they were vtterly deceyued they receaued the foule spotte of the serpent they were desyled with disobedience pride and hastened to leaue God theyr maker theyr dere and most louyng fronde and folowed the dyuell and his moste cursed suggestions beeyng theyr mortall and deadly ennemie and to tast of that moste bytter and forbydden fruicte of deathe and euerlastynge dampnation whiche by the iustyce of God and accordyng to the doome of theyr own consciences through theyr most wretched disobedience they had duely deserued Gene 2. for their faultes were thenne opened vnto theym they knewe assuredly they had doone amisse and therfore they sled and ran into corners to couer and hide thēselues with leaues and amonge the trees from the face and presence of god as in themselues already condemned moste disobedient to the voyce of god and wretched synners and durste not appeare nor shewe their faces so lothesome and foule was their spotte apparant in their owne eies And God that created thē not yet forsaking them Esay 40. Iere. 30. but stil bearyng his tender cōpassion mercy towardꝭ mā wold not yet leaue him but sought him out where he had hidde himselfe he called vnto him he gently talked with him herd the grounde of that most hainous great offence And so consequently according to his diuine wille and iustyce rewarded euery of theim the malicious serpente for his part the fraile woman for hir part Gene. 3. and lykewise the vnhappy manne with the malediction of god vpon th earth and for his parte also depriued from his former most blisseful estate cast out of the gardeyne of pleasure and constrained to labour and to tylle the earthe frome whence he was taken and so myserably with great trauayle and sorow and wyth the sweat of his owne browes to get his breade So that vnto man that sorowful reiected creature ther apered then no hope of redresse in that his present distresse and moste wofull misery but rather vtter desperacion and encreace of all forowe continuall tribulation and trauayle paine and anguish in bodye and soule corporall death and eternall damnation tyll God still renuyng his loue whiche is vnspeakable and infinite made promise vnto man that Christ the seconde Adam Rom. 5. Colos 1. Luc. 11. the seede of the woman and sauior of the world shoulde in time be raysed vppe to ou●● come synne and lyke a valyant most puissaunt conqueror to destroye the anuyll deathe hell and damnation 〈◊〉 that also by hym shal be restor●● 〈◊〉 through a liuelye faith the gra●● 〈…〉 heauenly father peace and 〈…〉 conscience Esay 53. Iohn 3. Act. 10. and eternall saluation 〈◊〉 che he vndoubtedly did then 〈…〉 therfore obteined grace whole 〈◊〉 also we are and spotted impes spryngyng out frome that olde crooked and stoupyng tree a stocke vnstable waueryng and alwaies leanynge and ready with euery storme and tempest of tentation to fall suche is the feblenes therof and corrupted nature whose fruictes continually are none other but rotten and vnsauery wourkes as blynde ignorāce disobedience pride stoughtnes mistrust contempt of god and godlie thinges feruent lusting after carnal thynges scornefulnes hatred and malice selfe loue with innumerable suche other odible stuffe and stinkynge store and therefore most worthye the banishmente of all pleasure and the presence of god to wander the earth in misery and to susteyn as rotten braunches the stroke of the axe Math. 7. Luke 3. and to be cast for euer into hell fyre For the which and frome the daunger wherof we also know non other remedy yf we desyre the fauoure of God to be his faithfull seruauntes his obedient children and heires of his kyngdome but to seke our pourgation in Iesus Christe whose name we haue professed whome we acknowledge to come frome aboue the sonne of God Esay 7. and verye God and to be incarnate in the wombe of the virgin Esay 7. Luke 20. Iohn ● Rom. 8. Philip. 2. that he here lyned perfecte man amongest vs in the fleshe immaculate and vnspotted and suffred al kind of affliction in the fleshe yea euen very death and that the most cruell and shameful death of the crosse for the redemption and freedome of vs disobediente and wretched synners to pourge vs Esay 54 and with the effusion of his bloud to wash and make cleane our spotted and moste fylthy soules and so to restore vs agayne to the grace of our heauenly father from whom with our synneful father lyke frayle and vnthākful creatures we were sled and through our instabilitie and lightnes lyke rūnagates rebellious and presumptuous chyldren Esay 23. Psal 119 wandrynge a strate lyke loste shepe falne euē into the lap or mouth of the roryng and deuouryng lyon the deuyll whose tearyng teethe and insaciable throte is alwaies wyde strained and firmely fixed impituously to rente deforme and deuoure the beautie of goddes creation vnto whom we were in most bytter thraldom his seruile and very bond slaues the children of sinne and deathe and for euer thunquenchable tyrebrandes of hell From the whiche he hath mercifully delyuered vs restored vs vnto strength peace and quietnes of mynde he hath fylled vs full of ioye he hath made vs to
this vale of misery in many dāgers of the flesh vncertaine to attaine the hungry delightes of the fleshe and of a few things doutfully attained vnto we do not onely doubtfully kepe thē therby to enioy the fruites of our trauail to take the sweete with the soure for as we haue the proofe in getting thē with perils so we often also in perils for go them whych sygnifieth vnto vs most manifest and open misery besides the vncertayne howre of the bodyes most certayne deathe and that as we heere lyue a whyle deliciously we sodaynly departe hense most bitterly but we be also in further daunger by gods sharp and extreame iudgement in the latter daye Esay 52. Apoca. 1. The revvarde of the vvicked of the seconde deathe that is the death of the soule A death most dolorouse A deathe most horrible euerlastyng euer more in tormentes euer dyenge and neuer to dye whose intollerable paynes no hart can thinke nor tonge can expresse In vayne shall we their 〈◊〉 ●●laine and lament our grieses and wycked state of lyues Sapi. 4. psal 49. Sapi. 4. 4. Esdr 16 psal 49. we shal lye for euer amonge the dead in shame and dishonoure hell shal be our dwellyng we shall for euer be laied waste vnto the highest we shall now mourn for euermore and our memoriall shal peryshe We shall remember our sinnes and our owne wickednes shall euer condempne vs we shall lye in hell lyke sheepe death shal gnawe vpon vs incurable shal be oure woundes most outragyouse and stoughte shal be the strokes of goddes myghtye arme vppon vs to dryue vs downe headlonge into the dolefull dungeon and deepe botomelesse pyite where perpetuallye is stynche darkenesse languysshynge and yellynge endles horrour Math. 13.22.25 2. Pet 2. Iude. 1. and gnashynge of teethe Frome whense wee shall beholde wyth the eyes of oure tormented and most wicked soules the buckled browes and moeste terryble countynaunce of that rightuous and iuste GOD by whose irreuocable sentence thoroughe oure owne wyckednesse we shall for euer lye bourninge in the perdurable lake and vnquencheable fyre of hell Hebre 10. a place prepared for the deuell and hys Aungelles hys moste fylthys and malygnaunte membres the dungehylles of synne the vesselles of venguaunce the chyldren of perdicion and the mooste cursed aduersaries of Chryste and of hys dearelye beloued churche As the blessing toye and saluacion of god shall comme vppon all them that hunger and thirst for ryghtuousenesse and preuayleth in syght agaynste the furiousenes of our bodylye and ghostlye enemyes hauyng the eternall God to be theyr God their onlye waye and theyr onelye strengthe thoroughe hope as the children of hys kyngedome Apoca. 21 so the louers of wyckednes the cōtempners of rightuousnes the fearefull the vnbeleuers and the abhominable and murderers adulterers filthy whoremongers beastlye drunkardes sorcerers deceyuers idolatoures scorners lyars flatterers all wrongefull dealers shal haue their parte in the lake that bourneth wyth tyre and brymstone Psal 89. whyche is the seconde and euerlastynge death Ah terrible is the Lorde our God and greatlye to be feared among his sainctes of whom he must be pleased and reuerenced with godlye feare yea I saye he must be feared his great wrathe thorough his grace preuented for he is against his enemies in cases of reuengemēt Deut. 4. Psal 105. a terrible cōsuming fire whose mighty arme most sharp punishmentes are felt through out the whol world Therfore in ●ope of goddes mercy although we haue committed iniquity haue paumpered our flesh deliciously and withdrawne our godly charitie And therfore haue or doo sustayne in this lyfe greate affliction and miserye● in the fleshe for our whole imperseend truly and vnrightuousenes of lyfe so marueilousely hath iniquity preuailed amongest vs Iere. 〈◊〉 to the hastnyng vpon vs the sharpe Iustice and wrath of god yet let euery of vs yea the most rightuouse of vs wythout seekynge the condempnacion of others straightlye appeale to the iudgemente of our owne cōnsciences and there see Es●v ●4 how verye foule and filthye we are as witnesseth the prophet in the sight of god whose most cleare and lyuely quicke eies penetrateth the heues where through he seeth sercheth the secretes of the hartes raines Iere. 1.27 Psal 3 before whō also notwithstandinge his diuine counsailes and moste bitter threatnynge often ryngynge in oure tares we shew our selues inflexible stought stonye harted and sturdy vntowarde sloughthful and vnprofitable seruantes And doo the rather merite to haue poured vpon vs the vialles of his heauye indignaion and wrath throughout the race of this shortlyfe and in the ende corporall death yet let vs I saye reuerentlye in tyme Psal 119. Iere. 4. haue peace wyth God seeke to content wel God with troubled spirytes broken contryte and meeke hartes lette vs mourne and weepe let our laughter oure lyghtenesse and oure folitye bee tourned into lamentation and mournyng and our earthly ioies and vaine foolyshenesse in to bytter weepynge and heauines let vs plucke down our pryde Iacob 4. lette vs subdue the lustes of the fleshe and vse temperaunce in all our affectes accordynge to oure honest estate and calling let neither pride nor excesse in suche wise preuayle against vs but that vertue and reason maye partely beare rule lette vs be charitable and loue better one another let vs bee more liberall to the comforte of the poore that GOD may agayne blesse vs and wythorawe hys furye frome vs. And if he will feeme yet further to visite vs then pacientlye wyth repentance to beare al kynde of affliction and the crosse of Chryste Hebro 12. for we maye not despise the chastisinge of the lorde neyther fainte when we are rebuked of hym for whome the lorde loueth hym doothe he chastise yea he scourgeth euery son that he receiueth Prouer. 3. Whereby we doo and shall feele the loue of God in Christ and his fatherlye kyndenesse towardes vs who by hys sharpe rodde of iustice Iacob 4. Iob. 13. Psal 32. Luke 15. 1. Iohn 1. putteth vs in remembraunce of oure iniquitye a way to prepare vs vnto repentance wyth all lowlynesse also and humble submission to fall prostrate beefore hym to confesse from our hartes oure synnes to acknowledge our weaknes and to appeale to his grace for mercy and forgeuenes that by hastnyng his heauenlye benediction and the wourkynge of his spiryte in vs we tourne from presumption to humilitie To be tourned frome oure vvye●ednes and sinne is the gift of god Iere. 31. from carnall fooolyshenes to cleannes and puritye frome vayne superfiuitie to temperaunce and modestie from vnmercifulnes to compassiō pity frō enemity to amitie from discorde discentiō to peace vnitie and so foorthe frō strēgth to strēgth to the happy amēd mēt of our vntoward most peruerse liues Iere. 3● And though we haue long tyme heretofore stopped our eares Let
concorde and vnitie kyng Dauid the seruant and beloued proph●● of God had experience and hath signified vnto vs the excellencye and noblenes of the same vertue to the eno● we should euen from the depth of ou● hartes be thervnto affected and delite to trade our selues therin ioyfully all the daies of our loued b●yng all brotherne and sisierne and haue one father euen our heuenly father by whō also we haue Christe our sauioure to be our lorde and brother And by hym we are the sonnes and heyres of god Rom● 8. yea and felowe heyred with hym of eternall glory how requisite therefore is it seing we haue but one father the God of heauen and Christe to be one brother and are all brotherne and sisterne in Iesus Christe to be all of one mynde because there is nothyng that more garnisheth and becommeth better the name of brothern thā brotherly loue true peace quietnes mekenes and amiable concorde It must needes picase well God and be an excellente treasure in any cōmon welthe seynge the prophet so hyghly extolleth it and compareth it to a moste precious ointment Psal 〈◊〉 and most pleasant dewe whose swete smelles can not be expressed Beholde saieth he howe good and ioyfull a thynge it is bretherne to dwell togyther in vnite so forsh as in the psalme Thexperience wherof VVhere peace and 〈◊〉 abideth ther 's is the blessinge of God we also our selues ar able som thing to declare by perfect knowledge what benefites innumerable by the blessing of god hath hē poured vppon those countreyes and commen wealthes where it hath raigned as also amonge faythfull and vnfeyned frendes or honest familiar cōpanions And to the contrary where the sayde vertue betwixt thē hath byn broken and not flouryshed but rather diuision murmuryng maliciousnes warre VVher vvar and discen●●ō is there is the curse of God and discention there by the curse of god hath appeared amongest theim innumerable other plagues to to their great griefe in conscience to the confusion of their owne bodyes losse of their goodes spoylyng of their frendes defylynge their wyues Euery king dome diuided muste come to desolation rauishyng their daughters and maydens destruction of insantes and fynallye the vtter decaye and subuersion of the whole common wealthe whether by diuision or ciuill warres among them selues or by anye other vyle nation whome aboue all others their hartes doth most abhorte If our hartes therfore be presentely yrefull or poysoned with rancoure and malice and suffer the continuaunce thereof in vs withoute fearynge daunger or seekynge rem dy It is not possible to the contrarye but beeynge wylfulle possessours of wrathe whereby we shewe oure selues to bee the very chylderne of wrathe but also that the iuste anger and wrathe of GOD shall therfore agayn consume and destray vs. By our sedition and wrathe wee deuyse and seke all maner of myscheues Prou. Oree 10. but violente and cruelle messangers shall therfore be sent agaynst vs. Suche fruites as we plante we shall plucke and taste If we sowe iniquitie we shall reape sorow Iob. 1. Gala. 6. But forasmuch as we vs all of Christ and liuely membres also incorporate into the body of Christ and are al one with Christ and in Christ and Christ in no wise may amongest vs bee diuided of whome also VVe must● liue in loue 〈…〉 a 〈◊〉 of Christe we receyued example of loue and vnitie we muste all lyue in the same loue we must stil continue in the same loue we musse seeke the peace of god and as muche as in vs shall lye neuer to breake the bonde of vnitie And yf through frayltie we other whiles slip from it and therby breake the peace of Christe yet bycause he woulde in no wyse haue any continuance therof amongest vs beyng a pestilente malady and an infection of the soule he calleth vnto vs sayeng Let not the son go downe vpon your wrathe Christe vnderstandyng this cursed euyl to be a foule spotte and deforinitie in the soule of man that thervpon also did depende great distruction mischiefe geueth vs this shorte and swete lesson to auoyde the continuaunce thereof that the rather our lyues maye be perfect and holye accordyng to the excellencye of our christen confession Eccle. 18. thinkyng alwayes vpon the couenaunt of the rightuouse and most high god and so charitably to shewe our selues frēdlye and to forgeue oure Neighboures their offences and ignoraunces not leauynge in no pointe to stryfe or variaunce wherby god shall be wel contented and our sinnes also diminished For suche as be yrefull busye and vnquiet they are wycked wourkers of mischief kendelers of variaunce and sowers of discorde among theim that be at peace Ecclesiastic 25 to the encrease of iniquitie and heaping vpon them selues the yre of god The more woodds there is the more vehemente is the fyre and the longer that strife endureth the more wyckedlye it dourneth And therefore for thauoydyng of euyl and that good may come vnto vs saint Paule counfaileth vs sayenge Let all bitternes Eph● 5. fearcenes wrathe roryng and cursed speakyng be put away from you with all maliciousnes Be curteous one to another be charitable lowly and mercyfull forgeuynge one another euen as god for Chrystes sake Phil. 2. hathe forgeuen you Be ye lyke mynded vnto me hauynge one loue beynge of one accorde and of one mynde that nothing be done through stryfe or of vaine glorye but in mekenes of mynde And let euery man esteme another better thē hym selfe Phil. 4. Agayne let your softnes be knowne vnto all men For the Lorde is euen at hande remembre therefore these diuyne counsayles of Christ and hys Apostles sleepe not before thine harte be pour god of maliciousnesse of the pride and stoughtnes And thynke that yt cannot be only perfourmed of thee wyth thoughts For soo mayest thou styll keepe the serpente of maliciousnes lurkynge wythin thy breaste but let it in deede be manifeste in the spight of the diuell vnto those against whō thou bearest thy malice stoutenes of stomack For in that mean while that this rule is not thus by the obserued truely greate is thy daunger and present peril by the hand of god O what knowst thou thou grosse lūp of erth what soeuer thou be the liuest vpō the earth that gloriest so much vpon thy selfe that couchest downe thy selfe at nyght vpon thy soft bedde with a mischeuous and cancred stomacke what shal chaunce vpon thy soule before the daye returne Or after thou risest in the mornynge what state thou shalt be in er nyght He that gaue vnto thee thy life can also take away frome thee thy life and is able to caste both thy body and soule into hell fyre Math. 10. Luc. 12. Why dooth thyn hert then ma●e thee so proude Why standest thou to greatly in thyn own conceipt Whervnto looketh thy eies that thy mind is so puft vp againste god
myghtye hande and power Haste thou not sent by all meanes possyble the experience of thys bryckle lyfe Remembrest thou not that with one only blast Iob. ●● the dimme lyghte of thy candle of lyfe is vtterlye extincts and put oute And that it is in suche wyse dynged that there remayneth in it no spark of hope for thy light to retourne agayn And that the lyght beyng ones loft the waxe lieth waste the heate abateth the ●nuffe smoketh it corruptly stinketh it quickly consumeth and sodeinely falleth to asshes Haste thou not thus thought of mans mortalitie and falle Eyther haste thou presumed vppon Goddes sufferaunce or wantonly fyxed thyne hart to daliaunce Hast thou not yet aptely prepared thy selfe to God a repentant synner for the multitude of thy sinnes and iniquities Haste thou not in thee the charitie of god Haste thou presently wrath in thee agaynst thy neyghbour Either hast thou maliciouslye of wicked set purpose detracted thy neighboure to the spoylyng of hys good name and same He that is stiffenecked and vvill not yeld to the grace of god and he reformed shal sodainly vvithout helpe bee rooted out and destroyed Prou. 29. losse of goodes losse of frendes or losse of lyfe Haste thou not soughte with a sorowfull harte to bewaile thy wickednesse to God and to be reconciled agayne vnto thy neighbour accordyngs to the wyll of god Hath the deuell so blynded thee or poysoned thine harte wyth pryde malyce contempt or scornefulnes that then wylt contynue in stoughtnesse and be ashamed of well dooynge to knytre thy selfe in the bonde of peace and amitie wyth thy frend or enemy thy poore neighbour thy christē brother or sister Hast thou oppressed hym or craftilye deceyued hym Hast thou bene slacke in doynge thy duetie to hym Hast thou ben pittles or vncharitable to hym Hast thou thus sette at naught the preceptes and holye counsailes of God Eyther haste thou so fyred thy selfe to the worlde refusynge the grace of GOD that thou hast not yet found time to be stowe and set in good ordrs to his glorie the vaine things of this world fore seing the sodaine visication of God or the swiftnes cruelty of me deathe Eccle. 24. Eccle. 41 the messenger of god Hast thou not herd that at my commyng I tary not Hast thou not bene taughte to byspase thy goodes and to be charitable vnto thy freende and accordynge to thyne habilytye to reache out thyne hande and geeue vnto the poore and to wourke ryghteousnesse before thy death to the sāctifieng of thy soule in Iesus christ Examine thy self what thinkest thou Feelest in thy cōscience the due iustice of god and the terrour of me deth hys messēger Doth the sorows of deth now compasse thee and the huge flouds of iniquity make the afraid hath the paines of hel fastned vpō thes the strāgling snares of deathe ouertaken ther Shrinkest thou now at mee Feelests now in thine hart my deadlye gripes Seest thou nowe no waye to flye nor longer dayes to amende thy lyfe And is ther therfore now in thee a feareful hope of ioyful life and condempnatiō in thy conscience to eternall death for thy leuds folly and forgetfulnes of the wille of God Ah the more accursed and dampnable is thine estate neither do I pitie thee no no lette hell fyre deuoure thee or all the tormentes of hell fasten vpon thee for as I fynde thee so muste I surelye take thee I maye not passe the boundes of my commission And as I thy mortal enemye Death 〈…〉 regarde not thy present state of dampnacion to eternal death so wyll I now not defer so ●●uruec thy soule from thy body and wyl byolently wyth my force deforme thee waite and consume thy beautye and take from thee my breath of lyfe And as thou hast hath hards and seene or manye that haue sustayned my p●●●es ●urye and ouerage so wyth 〈◊〉 my moste violent cruet●●● I new take ●●om thee thy me O the arear terrour and sharpenes of ●eam 〈…〉 O sodayn and ●●r●or crueltie O the mercyles meisenger or the 〈◊〉 most ●euere god than thus in ●o●yne cutteth vs thorre from 〈◊〉 curshly rei●●●e ●e● rather wer may ●ny with lamentation We for euer ●ee 〈◊〉 th●ie 〈◊〉 and damnnable sowles whose benummed and dull senses hath ben wylfully stopped from the apte seelynge and receiuyng of the diuine grace and voice of god wrootyng and cumblyng lyke swine in the myre of their carnall and filthye affectes wandryng the byepathes of Sathan refusyng the straight wate of Christe and contempnyng the moste pure and vndefiled law of the highe●● Whose byrthe whenne they be borne 〈…〉 shall bee to cursynge and when they dye the curse shal be their portion For horrible is the death of the vnrightuous He shall neuer come our of darknes the flame shall drie vp his braunches and with the blast of the mouthe of god he shal be taken awa●e O ●ure wilful and stiffnecked wickednes that hasteneth vpon vs goodes heauy ●●●o●gnation and wrath heapes of his plagues to torment our flel●he the violence of deathe to shorten this lyfe If we a●●er escape euerlasting death For as ●ynne preuaileth against vs to the iustice of God hangeth ouer vs. And because we are the seruauntes of 〈◊〉 we shal also receiue the reward of 〈◊〉 whiche is death Rom. ● 6 as it was playnely signified vnto vs from the beginnynge by the mouthe of God Gene. 2. when Adam whose children we are disobeied and transgressed the wourde of God We with our forefathers to the destruction of thys lyfe must all drynke of the cuppe of death VVe muste drinke all of the cup of death who dyuersely knocketh before he stryketh to warne vs of our ende But who regardeth that Who harkeneth gladly to the knocke or call of death Eyther who alwaies duely receiueth that monishementes of deathe for a remembrance of his ende by deathe thorough innumerable sygnifications and exaumples of lyuynge thynges whether it hee in their rysynge or fallynge in theyr quicknyng or decaying or in their vncertaine liuyng and moste certain dying besides the fickle course of mans short life felt approued in al times ages euē frō the yong tender infant to the youthful middle age so forth to the gray heded croked old age as also these daily familiar messengers that is Many strange diseases violent plagues great perils hard fortunes sodein deathes with such other like as before mencioned prepared for sinne eyther partly worthily felt vpon his owne flesshe or fully performed before his face vpon others wh● I therfore consider but a little the forgetfulnes great frailtie and vsual disorder of mankynd in this behalfe and behold to the contrary the great workes of God and the most mercyful order of all his doynges towards man for thvpright conuersation good life and saluation of man As I can not herein but highely magnifie praise the
to his lawes and testimonies whiche shall euer rise vp againste vs for our condemnation byeause we haue in theim so greatly disobeyed the will of god obstinately flyenge frome hym in the true faith and conuersation of his soonne Iesus the heade corner stone whiche the buylders refused and moste shamefully contemned and abused whome he onely appoynted to bee the foundation of our reste and perpetuall mansion Against whiche in any one parte therof we may not spurne to breake God handleth al thinges according to hye vvil among the povvers in heauen and among the inhabitours of the ●●●the and ther●●non● that may resist his had 〈◊〉 say what doest thou● Daniel 4 nor seeke by any meanes to spot and deface but thankefully embrace and be ioyfull of goddes disposed wyll consideryng it is his owne doyng euen for his glories sake although it appere neuer so meruailous in our eies he wil haue it knowen that it is the onely power of his right hand that he himself hath don it Psal 10● His works ar meruailous his right hād bringeth mighty thinges to passe yea the right hand of the Lord hath the preeminēce for the helth saluacion of his people he myghtily preuaileth in al his entēts Ps 118. Therfore to cōclude without long depēding in admiration seing that Goddes determinatiōs in rightousnes as he himself is a God of rightousnes must most certaynly appere in brightnes and of necessitie be accomplished a mongest vs againste whose will in his woorkes no man may without daunger rebel let vs examine wel our selues and trie our saluacion in truthe by the assistence of the spirite of truthe and therby know our assured leanynge staye and which way we shall rightly walke and not stand so fast in assuraunce to our aunciente termed customes and bycause the greate parte of christendome thorow simple or wilfull ignoraunce reeleth blindelye that waies nor remembryng the smalnesse and myld trade of Christes stable flocke howe pacientely they beare the crosse of Christ and suffer rather to bee persecuted then persecute vnto whome god promised strength and to be amongest theim for their coumforte euen in the middest of the tire although we wickedly iudge of them to dye obstinately vayne gloriouselye desperately most beastly VVicked vvourkers iudge vvickedly like a sort of dogs or very helhoūdes with such other malicious rashe and most cursed railynge iudgemente contrarye to god and the heartes of all godly men neither regarde we the example and steppes of their conuersacion The cōuersation of the vvicked through shamelesse pride ambition stoughtnes couetousnes outwarde holynes vnclennesse maliciousnes cruel murther with suche lyke wickednesse spronge vp in the churche of Christe whiche are the fruites of the dyuel and thincensementes of a wicked spirit and therfore refused of the perfect and rightuous christians because they bee contrary to thexample of Christ and his holye Apostles who teacheth vs to trye spirites and to knowe the tree by the fruite but to yelde vs wyth all humblenes bothe bodye and soule Hovve to attaine the grace of god into the handes of god and referre wyth reuerence in suche tyme of controuersie theffect of our whole faith and saluacion to the wourkynge of his grace by the power of his holy spirite to the lyghtnyng of our vnderstanding and to put by doubtfulnes all controuersies sectes and diuisions One God that as we haue but one onely God god our heauenly Father Christ our onelye sauiour and the holy spirite our comforter all thre in glory equall all one in substaunce and in vnitie also all one and vndeuided One faith So we the professours of his name may haue but one onely quicke and lyuely faith in one religion the true rule of christ to the knit tyng of oure hartes in christen vnitie and to bee vndeuided The vertue of christen vnitie to the feclyng in our selues the true peace of God and thexercise of goddes heauenly charitie wherby our eyes shall ber opened to see and receyue his very perfecte and louely obedience reuerently to submytie our selues to all his holy and most godly ordinaunces and with a thankefull and mylde christen spirite accordyng to our most bounden duetie to pray for the Queenes moste excellent maiestie that God for the greatnes sake of his mercy wyll hencefoorth blesse hir preserue her and prepare so for her that her reigne maye bee longe and prosperous amongest vs with muche ioy honour wealthe strengthe and victorie ouer her ennemies that she maye the more quietely in the feare of God seke aboue all thynges the glory of God in rightuousnes accordyng to the truthe of his wourde and that his ministers also vnder her may bee endued with the spirite of truthe that his truthe in rightousnesse maye beautyfully and cleerely shyne thoroughout her graces dominions to his euerlastynge prayse and that we beeynge also blessed vnder her hig●es hande with ready prepared hartes for the grace of God may haue sufficient of all thynges to the sustentation of oure earthely bodyes subduynge alwayes the enemies of the common wealthe that we her humble and louynge subiectes maye reioyce thorowe hir highnesse in the greate mercies of God and be thankefull louyng more perfectly one another and applye oure selues with more pitifull and tender heartes to see oure poore neyghbours and christen brotherne better relieued and prouyded for that God in Iesus Christe maye styll vnto the ende holde his mercyfull hande ouer vs and finishe his good wourke vpon vs newly agayne begunne to the exaltation prayse and glorye of his moste blessed holy name whiche alone is worthy all honour and glory Amen The peace of God the father through our lord Iesus Christ by the workyng of his holy spirite in you abyde in all your harts and kendle in you the fyre of his loue Amen IF we the chyldren of Adam depely wold consyder and ponder diligently from the beginnyng the maiestie of thimmortall God In beholdyng symply and with all humblenes both externely and with our inward senses his omnipotent power and workemanship in heauen and in erth the merueilouse order of his doynges Gene. 1. and his most happy entent towardes mankind in the same what greate appearaunce there was of his moste deere and syngular loue that after the creation first of heauen and earth as also the depe and bottomlesse seas and all thynges innumerable in theym conteyned and by hys blessynge tencreace and multiply for the redy vse seruyce and pleasure of man howe he then in tyme made man a creature amonge all other his louelye creatures moste glorious beautyfull and semely yea and after his owne ymage and symilitude a liuyng soule breathyng into him the breath of life Gene. 2. Eccle. 32. 1. Cor. 15. how he made him lorde and ruler and to haue dominion ouer all gaue names vnto all maner of cattall fowles of th aire and beastes of the fielde how he planted a gardeyn of pleasure and there
not God by the doctrine of his wourde to be a god of loue of vnitie peace and concorde or that we haue not abundantly in Christe Iesus both tasted and felt of the liuely and faste flowynge fountaines of his grace ● Cor. 13 to the greate blessyng sustentation and comfort of body and soule whose cōmandementes also we haue professed and promised to obeye and whose steppes of rightousnesse we ought to embrace and folow In consideration whereof and for the perfourmaunce of ryghtuousnes haue not wee Christians the rather good occasyon well to remembre that when we were professed consecrated wyth the holye mysteries of the foun●aine of lyfe howe we thenne boundo our selues vnto the good wyll of god Rom. 6. and Christ in all puritie and holynes and to forsake the deuil and al his dāpnable wourkes of darkenes and lyke dilygence and faythfull souldiours of Christ to be alwaies prepared and redie armed wyth the armoure of lighte and rightuousnes to wythstande the cruell assaultes and craftye ingins of Sathan that our most aunciente and mortall enemye And valyauntlye to aduenture our lyues throughout the whole rase and dangerous passage of this shorte lyfe vnder oure victoriouse prince most puissant captain christ to whome oure lyues are double due first because he ons gaue lyfe vnto vs and thā being lost to restore it vnto vs agayne Eyther are we forgetfulle agaynste whome wee stryue For we wrastle not agaynste fleshe and bloud but agaynste rule agaynste power againste worldlye rulers euen gouernours of the darkenes of thys worlde and agaynste spirituall craftynesse in heauenlye thinges Wherefore take vnto you the whole armoure of god sayeth saint Paule that ye may be able to resist in the euyll daye Ephe. 6. Luke 18. Thes 5. and stande perfect in al things Stande therfore and your loynes gird with the truth hauing on the breast plate of rightuousnes hauing shoes on your fete that ye may be prepared for the gospel of peace Aboue al things take to you the sheld of faith wher with ye may quench all the fyry dartes of the wicked And take the helmet of saluation the sword of the spirite which is the word of god And Iob saith ●oh 〈◊〉 That the life of manne here vpon th earth is but a continuall warfare or tyme of resistence mightily touer come the stoughtnes of our enemies that no mā attaineth the croun of victory except in Christ be striue laufully And that we prepare our selues by cōtinuall praier to preuaile against our ennemies as the Israelitꝭ therby preuailed againste the wicked Amalachitꝭ Exod. 17. or other their deadly enmies mē cioned in the scriptures Wherfore for the more strait loking to of our charge and the more spedye fulfyllyng of our professiō bond as we wold shew our selfs faithful valiāt wise souldiors thobediēt seruantꝭ of god as we wold declare our selfes to be the zelous childrē of the vprighte and moste pure honourynge of god and as we woulde haue any regarde to the state of our soules and to the lyfe to come whose euerlastyng ioyes no tungue can expresse let vs haue in remembraunce oure sayde promyse 〈◊〉 made to anye earthelye kynge or other vayne creature vnder the sonne nor to any angel in heauen but to the Lord of heauen him self that liueth for euer a god aboue al goddes a righteous god omnipotent and immortall vnto whome let vs acknowledge our owne weakenes and applye our selues chieflye and aboue al thinges humbly to abase our selues to prepare our strength in Christ to seke the mortification of thold man the whole body of synne to seeke newnes of life and to hungre and thirst for the waye of rightuousnes Prayer is the eleuation of the minde to god vva●do vvhereby is secluded al worldly do sires and all carnall and vayne fantasies And vnto the said prayer must be ioyned fastynge and almose dedes Toby 12. lette vs trauell wyth our ful force and strength and with al feruent prayer and bourning desire to god to attayne at his gracious most mercyfull hande to bee partakers of the depthe of hys grace whereby we maye the rather attayne into our hartes the wisedome of his sonne Christ whiche by vs must be reuerently searched for and digged out of the hydde treasures and plentyfulle vaynes of diuine scriptures or wourde of god which is the word of truth the touche-stone of trial the lanterne of light the heauenly foode health strengthe and life to our soules wrought in vs by the spirite of God or mynistred vnto vs by his diuine and faithfull mynisters And by whose clearenes and beautyfull bryght shynyng beames our soules may be pourged frome all impuritie frome the vayne wisedome of the worlde from darkenes and from the fowle stynkynge and blynde thycke myste of ignorance whiche dymmeth in vs the perfect senses and iudgemēt of reason whiche is wonderfully corrupted against whom sensualitie preuaileth who also of it selfe is not able to healpe and rule it selfe but feebly yealdeth to confusion and therefore muste haue for his assured and perfect guyde a more excellent and wourthy gouernoure For not withstandynge that Baptisme the outewarde signe and lauachre of Regeneration hathe wiped away in vs the greate and foule spotte yet the synne VVee styll possesse the spot of our father Adā partlye there remayneth styll of oure progenitoures and first parentes which hath not a litle darkened that soo pure and cleere light of the coūtenance resemblaūce or similitude of god whyche he hathe wonderfullye shewed and layed vpon vs whereby our courage is greatly enfeabled oure strēgth diminished or the vertue of our wysedome fowlye dysteyned and spotted For the reformacion wherof through the liuely courage omnipotencye and greate wysedome of oure Capitayne Christe and by the vertue heauenlye operacion thereof in vs our hartes by hym shal be cleane pourged and lyghtned to possesse and enioye the spirite of humilitye mekenes Through whyche vertue also we shall bee the rather in Iesus Chryste made more apt vesselles prepared and sanctified to honoure and meete for the vse and seruice of our lord god and to the receyuinge also of hys most holye spyrite Math. 5. Iohn 4. who alwayes reioyceth to reste in the humble and meke harted personne vnto whom Christ hath promised the blessyng of god and to en●̄erite and possesse the earth Iohn 14. Math. 5. And when our mynds are therby replenished we shall be thā the more enforced with all singlenes of hert to marke dilygently by hearyng or readyng the wourde of god what his good wyll and pleasure is should here in this lyfe be done by vs and amongest vs who hath promised vs for our christen obedience humilitie mekenes in acknowlegyng as before oure owne inhabilitie and weakenes trustyng and only leauyng to the power and merites of Christe that he wyl mercifully heare vs when we call vnto hym Iohn 7.9 and teustruct vs
Fearest thou not in thy selfe that huge heapes of sinne that wil accuse thee or make the more careful and lowely Neither thy barthen of thy conscience that so fore oppresseth thee and wherby the iustice of god hangeth ouer thee Either wy●●e thou shew thine hart to be hardened against him O fadyng floure erthly creature what meanese thou vnreuarently to forget god thy creator or not to fear hym Thinkest thou that the cōtinuāce of thy wil to do wickedly shal euer endure Or why art thou so presumptuous ageinst him Art thou able thou wretched and feeble wourm●● to resiste hys omnipotence or almyghtye power Art thou not in hys hande as a piece of clay in the hand of the potter Esaie 49. Iere 18.19 Rom. 9. Or whyche of all the stought or puyssaunte prynces of the earthe shall not stoupe at hym and obeye hym He trulye is almyghtye and terryble yea the earth trembleth and quaketh for feare of hys greate indignacion and wrath and the people shal not he able to abide hys threatnynge The whole power and strength of all the earth ioyned to I●ther is not able to abyde one blaste of the breathe of goddes mouthe And darest thou thou dustye stubble persist or stand at any time in the state of wickednes before the face of so great and terrible a god Consider therfore thy wilfull malice and folishnes and thy carelesse slippyng from god that is so iust and terrible Examin thy self reuerentlye in the feare of god trye well the state of thy cōscience whether thou mayest iustlye saye before heauen and earth O lord thou omnipotēt terrible god Hiere 17. whose throne is most glorious excellēt and of most antiquitie which dwellest in the heuens euen in the place of mans holy rest of whō thou arte of all goddes moste highely to he feared for thou art a rightous and a iuste god in pouryng thy wrath vpon thyne enmies The repentant sinner yea I must also say that thou art a mercyfull and a louyng god the only comforter and refuge of man his immouable pillour and staye of assurance and the lyuely hope of his helth ioy strength and saluation Therfore O Lorde in acknowledgynge thyne omnipotency and great mercy whervnto I appeale I humbly fly vnto thy mercy seate for succour for myne iniquitie O god is manyfest vnto thee which I confesse before thy diuine maiestie I haue O lord offended against thee I haue forsaken thy lawe and cōmitted iniquitie I haue fledde from thy loue I haue falne from thy word I haue broken my fidelite I haue ben rebellious against thee For myn hart hath wickedly possessed pride and maliciousnes wherby I haue greuousely offended and hurte my neyghbour O Lorde greate therfore is myne iniquitie in thy sight Psal 119. My conscience iustly accuseth me my fleshe trēbleth for feare beefore thee my spirites are troubled within me And the remembraunce of thy Iudgement is terrible vnto me O Lorde myne eies therefore gushe oute with water my sight falleth me I am greuouslye vexed myne harte panteth within me my strength is gone from me my knees are weake my flesshe is dryed vp my beautie is consumed I am weary of my gronynge Alas my griefe alas my fal Alas my great wo and myserye for thys my stroke and wofull plage that thy grace O God should thus be taken frome me wherby I most wretched sinner am forget full of my truthe and obedience of my faythe and promises of thyne infinyte loue and goodnesse towardes me and of thy greate indignation and Iustice for my synne iniquitie Ah who shall geue me water to my head and a fountain of teares to mine eies that I may washe my bedde with teares of sorow and bewayle my sinnes both nighte day wherby thy grace O swete god may yet be returned vnto me and thy iustice agaist me be shortlye preuēted I make myn hūble peticion in thy presence with my whole hart the thou wile be merciful vnto me accordyng to the truthe in thy wourde O heauenly father A Prayer lette thy greate mercy in Iesus Christe lyghten vppon me that thy wrathfull indignation preuaile not against me I humbly with repentāce acknowledge myne iniquite I cōtesse my sicknes frailtie appeale to thy mercye promysed vnto me in Iesus Christ And if thou O Lorde for his sake wilt assist me Psal 119. order my steppes according to thy wourd my fete shall kepe thy pathes no wickednes shall henseforth haue dominion ouer me O refourme therfore with mercy that is amisse Psal 3● for thy mercy recheth vnto the heauens and thy faithfulnes vnto the cloudes With the is cōfort the light of life in thy light shal I se light and the workes of darknes shall flie farre from me O turne thee then vnto me Ierem. 1● so shall I be tourned heale thou me and I shall bee made whole saue thou me and I shall be saued O be not terrible vnto me after thy rightuous iudgemente Psal 143. Enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunt for then shall I not be iustified in thy syghte Yea if thou O lorde shouldest extremely marke what is doone amysse who could then abyde it But thou arte also a God of mercy yea thou delightest in mercy and with thee is plentuous redemption My soule therfore flieth only vnto thee Psal 130. it wayteth humbly for thee trusteth assuredly in thee Out of the depe doo I call vnto thee O Lorde O here myne humble voyce and lette thyne eares consyder welle the voyce of my complaynte Benignely beholde me with thyne eye of mercy that I I say thyne vnwourthy seruaunt maye bee ioyfull of thy coūtenance O let thine holy spirite possesse my harte to create in me a cleane harte to ●enue within my bowelles a ryghte spiryte that I wretched synner may be quiet in thee maye growe in the true knowledge of thee that I may feruentlye desyre thy kyngedome and that I maye knowe thy wyll and reuerently wourke there after For thorow thyne onelye grace O Lorde and by the vehement impulsion of thyne holye spirite shall myne heart and soule be cleane pourged quiesed quickened strengthned sanctified It is thy spirite O GOD that shal conuerte my soule and guyde me forth in the pleasaunte and playn path waye of rightuousnesse Yea Lorde I wyll therfore be bolde and saye Come thou good spirite of god comme I beseche thee and assiste me with the present healthe of thy grace I haue affiaunce in thee O instruete thou me and strengthen mee refresshe comforte and quiete me replenysshe my soule with ioye and gladdenesse and kendle in me the fyre of thy loue Th n O holy spirit whether in body I wake or sleape my soule shall continuallye watche vnto thee thynke of thee delight in thee depende onely vpon thee yea it shal be fully satisfied in thee and euermore reioyce loue please thee euen
estates of and for the commen wealth of goddes people thenne in somme The excellencye and noblenesse of whyche vertue shynethe not frome all personnes alike for as there bee diuersities of degrees and somme in moore auctoritye or of more habilytye thenne other that should rule in a cōmune wealthe for an assured good state and comfort of the people so this moste louely and pearelesse vertue goddes heuenly charitie shoulde breake foorth more abundantly and shine more clearely frome suche as beare rule and bee in auctoritie then frome other thinferiour and base people of the cōminaltie or from suche as be not of habilitie for examples sake and encrease of vertue althoughe euery of vs in our vocation shulde seeke an others cōmoditie And agayne as there duely by the promyses of god belongeth vnto vs the blessynges of God for oure charitable demeanour and well dooyng throughe our lyuely and sounde faithe in Iesus Christe so for thabusyng of our profession state or holye vocation dependeth ouer vs the malediction and iust wrathe of god Princely or spiritual gouernemet Thou arte called in the churche of god to princely or spirituall gouernement thou arte a lorde a maister or a father ouer the seruants and people of god thou hast a charge cōmitted vnto thee by the power and will of god for their healthe wealthe consolation strengthe and defence Thy charge herein vocation is greatest and most straight aboue al others for the lyuelye settyng forth amongest them in bodye and soule the glory and prayse of god But thou beynge in honour and wanting the felowshyp of a good guyde namely the spirit of god art now without vnderstanding thou art forgetfull thou art wedded to vanities thou arte verye negligente or an abuser of thyne office Thou considerest not directely wherevpon truelye thyne honour dependeth Thou sek●st not aboue all thynges the glory of god in rightuonsnes Thou art not careful nor tēder ouer the people neither hast thou compassion nor pitie vpon them Thou art not a good shephard among thy shepe Thou watchest not ouer thē to nourysh saue and defend thē Thou blowest not thy trompe amongest thē to kepe them together in the obedience of ryghtuousnesse lest they straye and be in daunger of the swourde of God Ezech. 34. Thou harkenest not what furiouse deuouring beastes assaileth them Thou art slouthefull careles and not continually studious for their bodilye and ghostly comforte but rather singulerlye for thyne owne glorye corruptlye infected wyth vayne affectes and so sufferest theym to straggle and wander to starue and diuerslye to stande in greate peryll and daunger Thoroughe whyche vnnaturall and noisome euelles thyne estate is abused thyne honour disteyned thy personne defamed and the glory of god thereby greatly hindered Whereby also most plainely appeareth that the bright beames of rightuousnes shineth not from thee namelye the good fruites of loue charitie which should chiefly breake forth for the peoples felicitie and therfore before God thine owne open wickednes shall iustly condempne thee He wyll poure oute hys cruell displeasure vpon thee he wyll vndoubtedlye confounde thee roote the out and consume thee in the fyre of his wrath The bloude of hys people wyll he requyre at thyne hande Eze. 22.32 and thyne owne crooked and vayne wayes shall he recompence vppon thy verye heade Thou arte a gentle manne a man of worship or a landed man Gentlemen or men of vvorship thou arte peraduenture raysed vppe of nothing to a ryght honourable or wourshippefull estate thou art a lawyer a iudge or a iustice an officer or a minister in the commē welth thou art endeued with the good gyftes of god with wytte wysedome learnynge and grauitie thou hast also in thee an apperance of vertue by reason whereof thou growest into effimation and art auctorisod put in truste vnder god the highe magistrate oure soueraigne to be in the commen welth a diligente ouerseer a faithfull true minister a shielde and mighty pro●ection by auctoritie aforesayde that the simple poore people or flock of Christ be not ouercomme with these outragious and deuourynge beastes rebellious idle vacabundes sturdy beggers murderers theues or robbers conspirators priuy pickers extortioners oppressors whisperers wilful deceiuers crafty deuisers Thy charg cōmitted vnto the is great requireth at the hād of god a iust straight accompte But thou also arte negligente and s●ongtheful thou duelye lokeste not to thy charge thou wyckedly appliest the gift of god or thou thy selfe wyth somme of these foresayde euelles are spotted whereby thou cāst not worthily reproue others accordyng to thyne office least peraduenture thyne owne shame should thē be opened and so thou sufferest muche wyckednesse in thy selfe and in others rankely to abounde thou art therfore fled from God thou wantest in thee the charitie of God thou hast offended thy maker thou hast bene vnthankfull to hym thou hast bene hurteful to hys people thou hast deceyued thy prynce and arte knowne and so noted in the common wealth to be but a monster a corrupted and lewd officer a pernicious enemy and most subtile deceiuer The diuyne iustice hangeth ouer thee the curse of the people shall preuaile against thee yea thy state shal be chaunged and thy glory abated And where thou by thyne auctoritie hast disorderlye ruled or abused others to the great offence of god to the dishonour of the kyng and great griefe of the commen wealth thou thy self shalt also by some other be rightly vsed to the glory and prayse of god to further the kinges honour and to the reformacion of thyne abuse in the commen wealthe Thou art called a marchaunte man or vsest the trade of marchaundise Merchaunt men Thou bearest the face of a frende in the commen wealth and that thy vocation therein thou saiest is of necessity thou hast at thy disposition the cōmodities of thy countreye thy charges and trauailes are great thy iourneys be far thy dangers bee not smalle thou cariest ouer thou recariest thou makest exchange thou preparest bringest in such thinges as the time orderly wil permitte in apperāce for the good state and necessitie of the commen wealth secludyng in secrete all priuy and corrupted auarice all craft or deceipt al falsehode or subtletie Thy pretence herein is honest wel pleasyng and commendable and wourthye due supportation by princely autoritie But if thou swarue from the forsaid straight trade of simplicitie vertuous good demeanor and sinceritie into doublenes auariciouse dealyng and subtilte thou shewest thy selfe an approued ennemye verye vnfrendly and vnnatural is thy countrey and therfore cleane voyde of gods heauenlye charitie for the whyche his indignation shal fall vpon thee to the encreace of thy wofull mishappe spoylynge thee of thy pleasures and plagynge thy posteritye Fermer Grasier Vitailers Thou arte a ryche farmer a stoughte frankelyne a graster or a vittayler in the commen wealthe of thy countreye God vnder thyne hande blesseth the earth thy fieldes
euery common welthe among the degrees of men some naturall frendly and charitable men that seeketh gladly the preferment of their countrey by their vertue and wisdō so to the cōtrary there be many other also that are vnnaturall very vnfrendlye vnlouinge to the same and alwaies seeke the hynderaunce therof by their craste and subtletie Of whome we maye saie with compassion and pitie because worthilie there hāg ouer them the daunger and pricke of misfortune O vnnaturall and strange people peruerse and vntoward to the vse of vertue And vnfrendly for the comfort of your countrey before whom standeth alwaies the vrefull face of goddes iustice For yf in these or such other like thinges offence be committed shall it not then be manyfest of thee what so euer thou bee that the charitie of God abideth not in thee or that an euyl spirite possesseth thee What is this but that the deuyl preuaileth againse thee when thou art rebellious againste the wil of god or hateful to thy countrey Thou hast not sought th aduancement of Goddes glorye Thou haste not directly answered to thy vocation thou hast sought onely thyne owne wealth and commoditie Thou art disobediēt and false to the kyng thou hast craftily deceyued hym and his moste vertuouse counsaylours thou lyuest vnder hym an vnnaturall and wicked subiecte thine hert is vnsounde towardes hym thou art sclaunderous to his personne Thou careste not for hys lawes Thou dishonorest hys nobilitie neyther loueste thou hys people thou haste shutte vp thy compassyon from theym thy poore neyghboures thou haste not soughte theyr commoditye whome thou oughteste to loue as thy selfe but rather haste styrred theym vp as muche as in thee hathe lyne to dispeyre of the grace of god to disobey the wourde of god to breake withoute feare the true peace of god to hasarde in madnes both body soule to make rebellion and vproure agaynste hym theyr annoynted Kynge and naturall prince as in the dayes of darkenes or great ignorāce of god to dāger his person to put in hasarde vnder him his whole dominiō empire although of late dayes the myghtie hande of god thorough the power of his grace to his onely praise hath so stayed the hartes of the people that thy most wicked attempte hath not taken place O blessed therfore be the name of God for euer that hath wrought so mercifully in vs to the lyghtnyng of our darknes and to works in vs his reuerent feare and obedience wherby the people of god the cōmons of this realme hath bene quiete paciently in all thynges to susteyne the sharpe rodde of his iustice whiche he of late hath bitterly layde vpon vs for oure former disobedience and great vnthankfulnes in the daies of his mercyfull visitation amongest vs who in tyme accordynge to the greattenesse of his mercye in Iesus Christ and for the loues sake in hym he to his elect hath and wyll retourne againe his ioyfull countenaunce vppon vs and wourke myghtily for vs contrary to the expectation of his and our moste wicked enemies Psal 89. yea euen in such wise that thei shal se peciue it be ashamed because he our god hath mercifully leaned vnto vs blessed vs holden vs vp and cōforted vs. Thou therfore what so euer thou be the arte a maynteyner of thyne owne only state rather by corrupted auarice vntrewe dealynge or fylthy gayne then truely in the feare of god without dissimulation or doublenes accordynge to the duetie of goddes faithfull seruaunte and the kinges obedient subiect to the prayse of God to the honoure of the kyng and comfort of his people thou playnely approuest thy selfe the verye ennemy of God a disobediente rebellious subiect to the kyng and a wilfull spoyler or murtherer of his people Thou arte wourthy no better to be termed amonge the people in a common wealth before God and to the knowledge of the kyng than an open ennemy a secrete sower of sedition and a priuie worker of rebelliō wherby the kyng the appointed high minister and seruant of God thy liege lorde and soueraigne and his derely beloued people the flocke of Christ may be greatly vexed and in daunger of confusion althoughe I saye suche cursed instrumentes and workers of mischiefe as thou arte God prospereth good ententes ar oftentymes by the grace of GOD swyftely preuented and the iuste confusyon thorough thy very occasion to lyghte vppon thine owne pate Thynges that are well deuised and entended from a good hart to a good ende god prospereth theym bringeth theim well to passe but the wicked deuises and ententes of an euill hart to a wycked ende VVicked de 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 god prenented are often of God preuented and comme not so to passe but as a stone vehemently reboūding from the rocke or hard wall doth stryke or hurte hym that threwe it to his greate perill and danger Reuoke therfore thyne euell ordre to the supportacion of thyne own state Preuēt betimes an incōuenience and beware that thou be not rightly vsed and susteyne the curse of god Feare him and honour thy kynge be obediente to his lawes and loue dearelye his people Bridle I lay thyne vnlauful attemptes least thorow the iustice of god the Kynges auctoritie also fall vpon thee for he beareth not a sword for nought but wourthily for the sharpe punishemente and cuttinge of of suche rotten membres noysome and destroyful caterpillers Roma 13. engendered in the commen wealthe of an euyll wynde and pestilent ayre of the deuil that spileth and deuoureth the louely buddes tender grene leaues faire freshe fleures and plesant frutes plentifully flourishyng ouer all the head the braunches and the beautyful renoumed stocke of this Englishe common wealth And finally what soeuer member thou be or artificer inhabiting within thy cuntrey Artificers and other that bearest the name of a christen subiect and abusest thyne honest estate vocation through corrupted auarice falseboode or subtletie not duely wayeng the true order and frendshyp in a common wealthe appointed and stablyshed by thauctoritie of god and the kynges lawes to the comsorte of the people thou shalt also manifest thy self to be void of grace not to be of Christ not to haue in thee the charitie of god nor to lyue in his feare and vnder the obedience of thy kynge and therfore as a disobedient and wylfull malefactour both to God and the kyng thou shalte wourthyly by due iustice stand in daunger of them bothe to thyne vttre ouerthrowe and destruction th one iustely condempnynge thee and the other mynystrynge his vengeaunce vpon thee For as thou art the very aduersary of god mischeuouse hard harted and euill willynge to goodnes so wyll he by some meanes Eccle. 21. sende the bitternes of his wrath vppon thee and it shall destroye the euen as the stubble Therfore O thou enemy of rightuousnes thou vncharitable vnnaturall wycked man Herken in few wourds vnto the voice of the holy ghost by the
mouthe of the prophete who narowly respecteth thyne euell fixed state and wicked vayne lyfe These things saieth he hast thou done Psal 50. And because in thy doynges I staied my tong against thee and haue not presently according to iustice reproued thee and poured my plages vpon thee but haue gently delayed to trye thee after the greatnes of my mercye for thy better amendement thou haste therein contempned me thou haste vnthankfully forsaken me and repined agaynste me thou haste abused this my blissefull state of gentlenesse longe susterynge and pacience and hast styll moste wyckedly contynued and wandred forth in wickednes in vnfaithfulnes pride lieng and deceitfulnes thoughtest me thy creatour thy rightuouse Lorde merciful and omnipotent god to be as no God or to bee euen lyke vnto thy self that ys vnrightuouse verye vaine most feble fantasticall and foolyshe and to be but a sleepinge double faced or drousie god either not to know thy dooinges or wantonly wynkyng at thy wickednes as one that alwaies looketh thorow the fingers at thee as though I were but a dalier with thee forgetfull of thee an hider of my face from thee or without earnest regarde of thy behauour and not recompensing thy condicion in th ende But be thou well assured O thou very worldelyng and most vaine creature that as thou art vtterly deceyued greatly blinded and wilfullye led in the damnable waies of darkenes so shalt thou vtterly be vnexcused For if thou in suche wise thou earthie slime and slipper filthines wilt nedes be ignorant of me not knowynge or rather not regarding the state of myne eternitie greate power and maiestie but styll euyl affected to fondenes and vanitye neyther yet confessing thy faultes before me wyth repentaunce and hūble submission thou shalt both know and feele that I the onelye omnipotente rightous and most true god do plain lye perceiue thee and as my soule doth abhorre thee so wyll I duelye also reproue thee and vnwares set before thy face to thy confusion the wickednesse whiche thou haste done yea I wyll in deede so visite thee and lay iustly mine hande vpon thee that I wil make thee as the filthy rottē dūg vpō the erth or as the light fliēg stubble before the face of the wynde For I do thee truely to vnderstād that as I the great god of heuen and earth haue sworne by myne holines to kepe faithfully my promises to be merciful vnto the charitable and faithfull christians the generation of the rightuouse that wyllynglye wyll walke in the right waye so will I also vpon all fleshe and al faithles and pitiles generations that leadeth vnkindlye their liues in wickednes performe straightly the rigoure of my iustice in the truth of my promises For as mercye is highly annexed to the exaltatiō most wourthy aduauncemēt supportation of myne eternall glorye or the excellency of my diuine maiesty in the incomprehencible state of my deitie among such as loue me treade gladly th appointed plain pathes of piety so the brightnes also of my glory my potent power or omnipotēcy my wisedō godly loue faithfulnes veritie hath ben is and for euer shal be both sene selte knowne embraced aduaunced hyghlye and feared most emdētly because iustice is ioyned so aptlye to mine etertistie for the defence of my louing trēdes against the ennemye whose lyues hath bene traded euell spent wasted in the hurtefull steppes of impietie The Prophete therfore goeth loorthe with this most gentle and myld exhortation sayeng Regarde and consider this O ye the forget god of what estate or degree so euer ye be whether ye bee hyghe or lowe ryche or poore of the clergy or laitye natural countrey mē or strangers the haue office auctoritie or any kynde of ministery in the churche of God and in the cōmon wealth of his people least his wrathe be thus kendled against you and that he sodēly rēt you pluck you away not one els of powerable to help or deliuer you c. For touchuīg this point of ingrate fulnes what thīg is it cōmitted by vs amongest vs vpon th earth through out all degrees that more greuousely offendeth God causeth him to tourn vpon vs the terrible face of his iustice then the want of an vniuersall eare to thvse of gods charitie naturall frendship amite wherby the cōmon welth is vpholden florisheth Hath not the wrath of god falne vpon great cities whole kingdoms coūtreis for vsing themselfes to the cōtrary Either hath not particularly suche wicked people ben worthily plaged that hath wāted this vertue of charitie we fele daily if we haue wyll to regarde it the swete fauour of god for chuse of vertue procedyng from the true faith in Christ what displeasure also by his iustice doeth fall vpon vs The 〈◊〉 of god respecteth not 〈…〉 for our incredulitie vice great wickednes The iustice of god hāgith by egal balāce nuer āl flesh that disobeieth his holy preceptes and lawes And lyke as his iustice for oure Ethnike disobedience is ready to fall vpon vs so his mercy for our christen obedience shall euer remayne amongest vs. Looke whiche waie we apply our selues and dispose oure lyues either wickedly or in the waie of godlynes so our rewards with ioy or paine are accordyngly prepared vs and shal assuredly lyght vpon vs at his appointed and most certain tyme Are we not at libertie to sinke or swymme and to ascende or descende through our behauiour to God or to the diuell Either wyll we nedes wylfully walke in the waye of wickednes Let vs leaue god if we lyste Note 〈…〉 let vs set lyght by Christe and his wourd let vs folow the dyuel let vs styll loue the worlde let vs yet leane to our old lewd lustes and flesshly foolishnes with obstinate and hard hartes so to accomplysshe the fulnesse of our moste fickle and vayne affectes through our filthte auarice pride and excesse that we elles regard nothing in this lyfe touching eyther god and chri●t or his poore afflicted membres but suffre them without compassion to wander abrode and perysh or to minister occasions whereby the commen wealth shal decay by his iussice I say he wyll also leaue and forsake vs He will wythdrawe his grace frome vs we shal be vnwourthi the ioy of his coūtinaunce Math. 18. Iacob 2. And as we shewed no mercy or comfort vppon his poore people according to his word nor were studious for their naturall preseruation but with drewe our carefull diligence and charitye both to the losse and greate daunger of their bodies and soules so wyll he also withholde his mercy from vs and poure duely his heauy indignation vppon vs he wil be vnmyndeful to doo vs good he wil diuersly visite vs Leui● 26 Deu● ●● Iob. 7. he will not cease his wrath ou●r vs he wil vexe our spirites and fyll vs wyth bitternes he will sodenly shorten oure daies he wil plucke vs from
reuerence set his hope in the lord god hath not tourned vnto the wais of the proude For vndoubtedly when the wrath of god shall fall by his iustice vpon thys generation for the synne of disobedience pride as in all ages before it hath ben greuously felt O how great shall the fall thereof be vpon vs yea how alas shall we wretched creatures bee able to abyde it The olde sayenge hathe bene from the begynnyng Pride wyl haue a fall Pre. 21 2● Whiche agreeth to the saying of Salomō Presumption goeth bee fore shame and destruction and after a proude stomack ther foloweth a fall Maye wee not nowe thinke it at the higheste 〈…〉 pride and neuer so lyke to fall Was there euer sens GOD created heauen and earth the like abuse and abhomination with oute measure raignynge Canne it by anye meanes moare horribly appeare amongeste vs Canne it wyth possibilitie from anye fantasticall heade that beareth lyfe bee more dyuerslye deuysed and chargeablye to the payntynge foorthe and fettynge oute of oure rotten carraynlye carcases Or can it bee by other more vainely or fondly deuysed then is of our selues fondely consēted to and receyued Eyther consyder we as we oughte in all suche our dooynges oure poore and base estate or the sleandernes of our habilitie In prvde vve forget pou●●●tie for the supportation of such a chargeable fantasie And dothe it not also by oure wourkes appeare that as we are gloriouse gaye and ryche without our hartes are wretched deformed and full of pouertye wythin yes vndoubtedlye both in the presence of god and all godly men it is to to plain and euidēt and that we are presently thereby among other euelles greately entred into the hatred of god Our Lord haue mercye vpon vs for his sonne Iesus Chrystes sake and temper oure heartes wyth the spirit of his feare that we may in al our doynges better consider our christen profession and declare it more holylie in our outward conuersatiō that the terrible thretnynges of gods vengeaunce do not light vpon vs. Temperance in the lyfe of a christiā is a moste precious and bright shynynge vertue to shew forth gods glori and to declare the beautifull lyuely state of the christē commen wealth It is a true sayenge that the wourdes countinaunce gesture and the apparell of the outward man expresseth plainelye the naturall disposition and lust of the inward man But what diuersitie is there now touching the present state of our liues betwixte vs VVe diffre nothinge frō the sodomites the most vyle people some tyme of the world that were moste detestable in the light of god for the gretnes of their wicked company and the multitude of their terrible synnes ouer whome god rained from heauen sulpher fyre brymstone wyth great darkenes and horrible stinch for their reward and destruction namely the filthy sodomites and stinking Gomorreans whose ioy and felicitie was in pride delicacie fulnes of meate abundaunce and ydlenes neither reached they their hande to the poore but were harde harted and pitiles and full of al fylthye abhomination Vnto whom in the fulnes of their pride and stynkyng felicitie the Prophetes of God preached repentance to tourne them from their great abhominatiō wickednes and to escape the heauye wrathe of God presentely hanging ouer them if they could haue preuailed whose heuēly doctrines from time to time sharpe threatninges gētle warnings faire promises from god offered vnto them Preaching preuailed not against the Sodomites The destruccion of the sodomites were no lesse bytter and vnsauery vnto theim then their accustomed haunted fleshlines or beastly filthines was pleasaunt and sweete vnto theim And so without leauing of or fearing daunger they stil contynued in their beastelye wickednes vntill the vnquencheable fyre of gods vengeaunce fell down vpon them to their perpetual confusion of body and soule The signe of whiche horrible destruccion and great vēgeance of god remayneth in the place vnts thys daye for an exaumple vnto the wycked inhabitours of the earthe wherebye they maye learne to knowe and feare the mighty at me of so terrible and iuste a God agaynst hys obstnate styffenecked VVe are carelesse of gods vengeaunce proude vncharitable and filthy enemies O howe careles also are we of such thinges Howe slacke and farre of are we from due cogitation of that mightie god and of his iustice that shoulde bee alwayes a terrour in our consciences And of his humilitie and great example also of loue lowlynesse cleannes and puritye that should mooue vs to charitie mekenes holynesse and chastitie Neyther consyder wee the frailtie rebellion and vilitie of our fickle and frayle flesshe VVe seeke not to vvith stande the rebellion and greate frailetie in our fleshe to withstand the corrupt motions therof that euer yeldeth to euyll and reeleth alwayes wyth greate daunger to fall Yea and other whyles the fall is suche as we maye here and knowe through our willfull presumption longe suffering lyngerynge daliaunce or fylthye wantonnes that it descendethe frome synne to sinne VVe fal thoroughe the flesh neuer to ryse againe and from one iniquitie to another tyll the staye of gods grace be vtterly takē away so neuer to rise again but fal with the sinking Sodomites by what ordre of corporall deth so euer it be frō god to the deuel to eternal deth hel dāpnacion for euer O pleasaunt purchaced end wourthy reward for such pleasures Hath it not ben as wel truly known as often spoken the sweete meate wil haue sharpe soure sauce haue we not also knowne that after a few vain short foolish pleasures there foloweth many bitter woful and endles miseries the after laughter ioy iolitie there foloweth lamentacion greuous cruel desteny that after health wealth and worldlye prosperitie there foloweth the troden trace of infelicitie And finally after an vnrepētant wycked shorte lyfe there foloweth gods iuste iudgemēt to eternal death These thinges wel noted May we not thinke our tymes welle spente that serueth for so louely recompence For a fewe dayes of vain pleasures to enioy euer lasting paines Thou O man that art in such wise disobedient a contempner of god a refuser of hys grace or obstinate and heady agaynst hym that is so mightye so mercifull pitifull and gentle thou an apt folower of the deuel that is so merciles and cruell a tiraunts be thou well assured hereof that in thys case thorough thyne owne wylfull malyce and beastly obstinacie both their mindes shal be sette and ioyned together agaynste thee that is the one to wythdrawe hys mercye from thee God fotsaketh the refuser of his grace The deuell receiueth him and vtterly to forsake thee and the other maliciously to take thee and mercilesse to torment thee Thou shalt not deuise to do more wickedly then he wil prepare wayes to cruciate thee And thoughe thy tyme of fylthy pleasures and to do wickedly be but
it repēt you and be conuerted sayeth Christ that your sinne and iniquities may be done avvay Math. 4. Act. 3. tourned oure faces and fledde backe from the voice of our most holy and rightuouse God in the lare dayes specially of hys mercyfull visitation yet lette vs repentauntely tourne in tyme and embrace hym moste louely with our readye spreadde armes of faith charitie and constancye And as we haue ouer longe wyth corrupted and vaine hartes bene vaynely addicted to vaine thynges and our wylles greatly dissenting from the wil of god so let vs now make haste that wyth all puritie and cleannes of harte suche fondnesse and impuritie may be refected and goddes most diuine wyll obediently retayned Yea and though God in deede by his iustice hathe some thing of late dayes and presētly also touched vs Gods heauye and bitter vvrathe vpon Englande and hath seemed to laye vpon vs cruell strokes and rough chastisementes whether by our late kynges death that most godly and christē prince either by the breach of vertuous and good lawes by the alteration of Chrystes holy religion by takinge awaye the lyght of the gospel by cruell persecution and destruction of the pastoures and flocke of Christe And in stead of mercy and pitie bitter tyrannye and most shamefull effusion of innocente and christen bloude by bournynge famishinge in prysons buryenge in dungehylles rackynge headinge drawynge hangynge and quartering as in the dayes of goddes slaughter by his greate and most heauie indignacion besides strange diseases sodein deathes dishonorable warres greuouse exactions meynteinyng of straungers vniuersal famyne losse of goods losse of frends or otherwise yet for the auoidynge of further daungers that by the bytternes of his wrath maye yet fall vpon our fleshe and specially escapynge the second death secludinge wilfull ignoraunce obstinatie Good coūsayle and stiffeneckednes let vs humbly geue thankes vnto gods diuine maiestie for all thinges and namely for the present shewe and ioiefull lyght of his countynaunce now shynynge agayne vpon vs dailye besechinge him to contynue his goodnesse to assiste vs wyth his grace and to prepare vs lyuelye and apte folowers of his holye and diuine wylle wythout murmurynge vnreuerente talkynge secrete conspirynge or cursed rebellynge for they are euelles greately dyspleasing god and wourkes of the deuell and of hysedicious membres vpon whome he wyl assuredly poure downe his determinate plages to their swyfte confusion of bodye and soule Lette vs feare therefore to offende the maiestie of so mighty a God VVe maye not vvith stande the vvil of god who is rightuous and a ieolous god ouer rightuousnes let vs not repugne his wyll or stryue against the streame preparyng newly vnto our selfs the cup of gods wrath and to drynke double the dregges of his vengeaunce but spedyly with a lyuely faythe to retourne and leane towardes hym and not be doubtefull of his mercy for he hath promised in Iesus Christe that our synnes shall be consumed oure transgressions couered and oure iniquities pourged He is mercyfull Daniel 9. he beholdeth vs in Christe and reioyceth in the conuersion of synners he wyll haue mercye vppon vs after the multitude of his mercyes whyche wyll not the death of synners Math. 3. Eze. 18.33 1 Timo. 〈◊〉 1. Peter 3. The tyme and houre vvhen god vvill vifite vs and take accomptes of vs vvee knovv not but rather that they repentantly tourne and lyue and aptly receyuynge the grace of god readily to prepare theim selues that in what so euer tyme and place deathe by the hande of God shall assaild them they bee not founde vnprepared in that so shorte and sodayne warnyng And not withstandinge this moste apte preparacion touchyng lyfe and death or tymes appointed for them let vs referre all with a liuely hope to the good disposition and wyll of god and say with saint Pauie whether welyue or whether we die to god and to goddes good pleasure wee lyue or dye For herein shall consist greate perfection in oure spirituall profession if in our redines and moste apte preparacion we humblye embrace rightuousnes shewyng our selues always well pleased and reioycing in god and desire accordynge to the wyll of god to be dissolued from this frail and corruptible body and to lyue vncorruptible wyth Chryst for euer And we may be sure yf god see in vs such apt towardnes that we hunger thirst for the waye of ryghtuousnesse and that we earnestly seeke the mortification of our olde grosse affectes and shake frome oure shoulders that greuous packe and reprocheful bourthen of malice Collos 3. fearcenes wrath bloudshed cursed speaking cōspiring rebelling lieng octractiō false accusation pride couetousnes drūkennes vncleannes selfe loue vayne affection and suche lewde fondnes and in respect of gods he auenly felicite and endles treasure to neglect the fugitiue and shorte pleasures of this life he will not deferre to help vs to assist vs and strēgthen vs such is the accustomed goodnes of his deuine nature towardes vs but wyll be myndefull of hys promyse to haue mercy vpon vs as he in thys wise sayeth of hym selfe by the prophet Esaye I haue forsaken you sayeth hee for a small season Esay 〈◊〉 I haue tourned my face from you I haue sharply with plages visited you haue stretched out myne arme agaynste you to stryke you and make you stoupe for the greatnesse of your pryde and iniquity ye haue bene agaynste me so stoughte so stonye harted and sturdye but now I see you agayne relented repentaunse for your synnes and tourned agayn vnto me I wyl with great mercyfulnes tourne me vnto you embrace you receyue you take ye vppe agayne vnto me and for euer holde ye vp and preserue you And where in my wrathe as it were the twyncklynge of an eye I hydde my selfe frome you I haue nowe thoroughe myne euerlastynge goodnesse tourned me agayne vnto you and pardoned you sayeth the LORDE GOD youre auenger I am he Psal 102. I am he sayeth the Lorde whych taketh awaye your iniquities for mine owne sake and will no more remember youre synnes Thus we vnderstande the greate mercye and goodnesse of God towarde vs dysobediente and wretched synners who wylle not onelye here vs and tourne hym mercyfullye agayne vnto vs by oure humble sute and peticion or by oure happye amendmente of lyfe thoroughe the true faythe and loue in Iesus Chryste and staye his presente indignacion now raygnynge vppon vs and the greate terroure of hys vengeaunce to comme eyther in cases generall touchynge thys our already afflicted realme or countrey our lord blesse it and defende it or properly touch●●●● our owne personnes for euerye of vs see in our selues our due dosertes but wyll henseforthe blesse vs he wyll renewe styll hys ioyfull countynance vpon vs he wyll wythdraw the power of the diuell from vs that he preuayle not agaynst vs in no kynde of temptacion he wyll not suffre vs to be tempted aboue our strength but wyl in the myddeste