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A06743 [The flour of godly praiers] [most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard, health, and comforte of all degrees, and estates / newlie made by Thomas Becon]. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 1719.5; ESTC S1782 124,086 356

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doubtyng loke for remissiō of all our synnes at thy heauenly fathers hande accordynge to thy mooste gentle promyses yea and that not for our good dedes and merites Titu iii which in this behalf are none but for the worthynes of thy blessed passion for the dignity of thy precious bloude and for that only and alone sacrifice of thy holye body For that O Lord is the salue the healeth our souls That is the medecine that comforteth our weake and troubled consciēces Iohn vi That is the liuinge breade whosoeuer eateth of the bread shal neuer honger but lyue for euer That is the Iewel of ioy that maketh our sorowfull hertes mery That is the mighty bulwark the stronge defēce the sure fortres the preserueth and kepeth vs harmlesse against Satā synne death hel desperacion and al the infernal power To come to the table to be presēt at the supper ☜ to here and se what is there don yea to receiue the holy mistiries of thy body bloud ther setforth vnto vs profiteth vs nothyng at all ▪ if we faithfully beleue not that thy bodi was brokē thy bloud shed for our sinnes and that by the alone oblacion therof done once for al our syns are forgeuen vs Hebru vii ▪ ix.x. thy heuenly father is recōciled vnto vs his wrath stored vp thorow sin against vs is pacified quietnes of consciēce and euerlasting lyfe is geuen vs but rather turneth vnto our dāpnacion because we eat of thys breade and drinck of this cuppe vnworthely and shal with that Hipocrite whyche presumed to come vnto the mariage not hauing the wedding garmēt be boūd hād and fote ●ath xxii and caste into vtter darcknes wher weping and gnashīg of teeth shal be Therfor we most hūbly besech the to geue vs grace according to thy holy Apostles councel diligently to proue try examin our selfes whether such repentance such faith such loue i. Cori. ●i suche disposition toward al godlines be foūd in vs or not as thou dost require in them whych come worthely with frute vnto thy table And forasmuch as it is thy gift to repēt hertely to beleue truly to loue vnfaynedly to be disposed earnestly to ēbrace true godlynes and to go forward in the same from vertueto vertue vnto the end graunt we most entirely pray the Math. iii. we may so repent that the frutes of repentāce may be foūd in vs so beleue that we may knoledge y● our alone sauiour so loue that al oure affeccion may be set on the alone and so embrace true godlynes that our h●le lyfe may be a cleare Myrrour of vertue goodnesse So shall we thorowe thi merci be foūd worthi gests of this thy table Phil lp ii receiue these holy misteries vnto the saluacyon of our soules yea so shal we be wel assured of the remission and forgeuenes of all our synnes by the breaking of thy blessed body and the sheding of thi precious bloud our consciences shal be quiet our hertes shal be filled wyth all true and spirituall ioye wee shall tryumph ouer Satan sinne death hell and desperacyon we shal be partakers of all the fruites and merytes of thy blessed passyon and bee made one bo●ye wyth the and fellowe heyres of euerlastynge glorye O Lord God lette it so come to passe for the honour of thy name Amen A thankesgeuinge after the receiuynge of the Communion IE thanck the O heauēly father for the blessed passion and gloryous death of thy derelye beloued sonne our Lorde and sauiour Iesu Christ Ephe. ii ●olloss ii by whō by whose holy woūdes we faythfully beleue and are assuredly perswaded that thy wrathe is not onlye pacified toward vs but that thou also art now becōe oure moost mercyful father and haste frelye forgeuen vs all oure synnes restored vs to thy heuēly grace and made vs sonnes heiers of thyne eternall glorye And because we shuld not dout of thi fatherly goodnes toward vs set forthe in the deathe of thi sonne the same thy sonne Christ Iesu our Lorde hathe leafte vnto vs not onlye his holy word Ma● x●vi Mat. xiiii Luke xxii ● Cor. xi but also a blessed memoryal of hys death and passyon set forth in the holy breade and holy wine whych we at this presēt haue receiued both for a remembraūce of the brekyng of hys blessed body and the shedding of his most precious bloud and also for the quietnes of oure conscience and for the assurance of the remission of our syns thorow fayth We besech the O heauēli father that we be neuer vnmyndeful of this thy exceadinge greate kindenes nor vnthanckful for thy manyfold vnspekeable mercys declared vnto vs in the gloryous death of thy welbeloued sōne but so worcke y● in vs thorowe thy holy spirite that we maybe made worthye members of that bodye whereof thy sōne and oure sauyoure Christe Iesu is the heade Eph. i. iiii Colloss i. and that we may so faythfullye beleue in the and so feruentlye loue one another alwaye liuinge in thy feare and in the obediēce of thy holy law and blessed wyl that we being fruteful in al godly and chryst●n workes may traine our life accordig to thy good pleasure in this transitory world and after this fraile and shorte lyfe obtaine that true and immortall lyfe wher thou with thy derely beloued sōne our lord and sauiour Iesu Christ and the holy gost that most sweete cōfortour liuest and reignest one true God in all honor glory worldes without ende Amen ¶ A shorte prayer to bee sayed at the receiuynge of the mysterye of Chrystes body in the holy Communion O Heauenly and blessed father I render vnto thee mooste heartie thanckes for al thy benefytes whiche thou hast shewed vnto me most wret●hed synner but speciallye for that moost swete smelling sacrifyce whyche thy onely begotten sōne offred vnto the on that aulter of the crosse Ephe. v. by giuīg his most pure vndefyled body vnto the death for the redempcion of mākind Philip. ii ▪ in remembraūce wherof according to thy welbeloued sōns ordināce I nowe receyue this holy breade moost entirely beseching that I may both be partaker of the merites of thi dere sōnes bodi brekīg and also lead a lyfe worthy of so greate a benefite vnto the glory of thy name Amen A prayer to be sayed at the receiuynge of the misteryes of Christes bloude in the holy Communion O Blessed mercifull father thy loue towarde me sinneful creature is so exceadyng greate and vnspeakable Roma v. that I can not but geue vnto the moost humble thanckes Ephe ▪ ii namely for the shedding of the moost precious bloud of thy deare sonne Iesu Christe by the vertue where of thy wrath styrred vp againste me wretched synner is pacyfyed my raunsōe is payed the law is fulfylled my enemyes are ouercome and put to flyghte In remembraunce of this so noble a victorye and
thou offerest thyself vnto hym as a most gētle father to his deare sonne and by temporall punyshment ●uttest away eternall paynes whych both he and all we thorow our synfull liuing haue most ryghtouslye deserued and by makyng the outeward man weke thou comfortest and makest strōg the inward mā which is made like to thi glorious image We most entirely besech the mercifully to behold this our weke brother and as that piteful Samaritane to poure wine and oyle into his woundes to bynde them vp that is to relieue hym to cōfort hym and to cherysh him wyth thy holy spirit to make him stronge in his inwarde man that in the middes of his syckenes he may not only ●ere the crosse that thou haste layed on hym pacyently and so shewe hym self conformable to thy blessed wyll but also thanckfully praise thy holy name for thy fatherly correccion with vnfayned and stronge fayth say The lord gaue me my health the Lord hath taken it away agayne As it hath pleased the lord so it is come to passe now blessed be the the name of the Lord. Oh it is for my great profyt that the lord hath thus visited me euen that I shulde learne to forsake myne own wyl and to walcke in hys holye ordynaunces I am his creature a shepe of his pasture let him deale wyth me as semeth good in hys godly syghte For whyther I liue or dye I am the Lordes Hys wil therfore be done and not myne Gyue hym grace O swete Iesu thus to be perswaded of thy good wyll towarde hym euen in the myddes of hys moost bytter agonyes that he faynt not vnder the crosse but paciently and thanckefully abyde thy good plesure and wyth earnest fayth cal on thy blessed name which is a strong tower for all them that fle vnto it Moreouer forasmuch O Lord as it is not thy property alway to chyde alway to be angry alwaye to punyshe neither to deale wyth vs accordyng to oure sinnes nor yet to reward vs after our iniquities but as thou takest awaye so geuest thou againe as thou bryngest downe to the graue so liftest thou vp agayne as thou makest weake so makest thou stronge agayne We most humbly beseche the if it be thy godly pleasure the rather at the contēplaciō of these oure prayers to restore vnto oure weake brother after this his long sicknes the confortable benefyte of ioyfull healthe And as thou haste broughte him low wyth la●ing thy heauye crosse on hym so we moste hartely beseche the if it be thy godly wyll rayse hym vp agayne by restoryng vnto hym his former healthe that he may lyue and contynue here among vs vnto the glorye of thy name and the comfort of vs hys neyghbours But if thy godly pleasure haue otherwyse determyned that by thys hys sycknes thou wylte call hym from this vale of miseri and place hym in thy gloryous kyngdome which alone is the true ioyful and greatly longed for contre of al thy chosen and faythful people we most entierly pray the in the meane whyle to geue hym grace paciently and thankfully to beare hys crosse diligently to cal on thy holy name valeauntly to fight agaynst al the tentacions of the deuyll the flesh and the worlde and faithfullye to beleue that the merits of thi blessed passiō precious bloud are the full satisfaccion for all hys synnes and haue made a perfect atonement and frendlye reconciliaciō betwene god the father and hym Graunt O mooste merciful sauioure that his whole hart and mynde may so be set vpon the that at what soeuer houre thou callest hym out of this wretched world he mai be willing and glad to depart from it and to cōe vnto the. O let the remembraūce of the ioyes of heauen bee so feruent in hys brest that all wordlye thynges may waxe vyle in hym and a perfect desyre found in him to be losoned out of this bodi and to be with y● in glory And when the time commeth that he shall gyue ouer to nature and depart out of thys miserable world though the paynes of deathe take awaye the vse of hys tonge and speache yet graūt that his heart may cry vnto the and saye O Lorde I commende my soule into thy hādes Lorde Iesu take my spirite vnto thee Graunt also most louyng Lord that when death hath shut vp the eyes of his bodye he maye wyth the eyes of hys soule beholde and looke vpon thy gloryous maiestye in thy heauenlye kyngdome where thou wyth the father and the holy Ghoste lyuest and reignest one true and euerlasting God in al honour and glory worldes wythout ende Amen A prayer to be sayed for all suche as lye at the poynt of deathe O Moste louynge Sauioure and gentle redemer whyche cammest into this world to call synners vnto repentance to seke vp that was loste thou seest in what case thys oure brother lyeth here visited with thy mercyful hand al weake feble sick and ready to yeld vp his soule into thi holi hands O loke vpō him most gentle sauiour with thy merciful eie pitie him and be fauorable vnto him He is thy workmanshippe despise not therefore the work of thine owne handes Thou sufferedst thy blessed body thy precyous bloud to be shed for his sins and to bring hym vnto the glory of thy heauenlye father let it not therefore come to passe that thou shuldest suffer so great pains for him in vaine He was baptised in thi name and gaue himself wholy to be thy seruaunt forsakynge the deuyl the world and the flesh confesse hym therefore before thy heauenlye father and hys blessed aungels to be thy seruaunt Prou. xvi Hys synnes we confesse ar great for who is able to sai mi hert is clene and I am fre from synne but thy mercyes o Lord are much greater Ma●h ix And thou cāmest not to cal y● ryghteous but synners vnto repentance M●th● xi To them that are disesed and ouerladen wyth the burdē of sin doste thou promyse ease Thou art that god Ezec. xviii which willest not the death of a synner but rather that he shoulde turne lyue Thou art the sauioure which wishest all men to be saued i. Timo. ii and to come to the knoledge of thy truth Withdraw not therfore thy merci frō him because of his sins but rather lay vpon hym thy sauynge health that thou maist shewe thy self toward hym to be a sauioure What greter praise cā ther be to a phisiciō thē to he le the sick Nether cā th●r be a gr●ter glori to the being a ●auiour then to saue siners saue hī therfore o lord for thi nāe sake Agaī let the law b●●o ●orsiffe to his consciēce but rather giue hī grace euen in this extreme agoni cōflict of deth to be fully persuaded that thou by thy death hast takē away al his sīs Ro●● ▪ i. fulfilled the law for him bi this means deliuered
¶ A Table of the prayers co●●tayned in thys booke THe prayer of our Lorde   A Prayer for the mornynge Fol. ● A Prayer for the nyght Fol. ii A Confessiō of our sins vnto god y● father fol. iii. A Confession of our sinnes vnto oure Lord Iesus Christe fol. vii A confession of our sins vnto the holy gost fo xi A prayer to be sayde before dynner fol. xiii A Thākesgeuyng vnto god after dynner fo x●●ii A pryaer to be sayd before supper fol. eode● A thankesgeuyng vnto god after supper fol. x●● A prayer for the kynges Maiestie fol. eod● A prayer for ●he kynges Councell fol. x●● A prayer for Iudges fol. 〈…〉 A generall prayer for all Magistrates fol. xvii● ▪ A prayer for Byshoppes and minysters of God●● woorde fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for gentlemen fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for landelordes fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for marchauntes fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for lawers fol. eodem ▪ A praier for laborers men of occupaciōs fo 〈…〉 A prayer for rychemen fol. 〈…〉 A prayer for poore people 〈…〉 A prayer for the commons fol 〈…〉 A prayer to them that are vnmaryed 〈…〉 A prayer for them that be maryed 〈…〉 A prayer for wemen wyth chylde 〈…〉 A Thankesgeuynge vnto God for th● 〈…〉 〈…〉 A prayer for fathers and mothers 〈…〉 A prayer for chyldren 〈…〉 A prayer for Masters fol. xliii A prayer for seruauntes fol. xlv A prayer for them that are sycke fol. xlvi A prayer for souldiers fol. li. A prayer for maryners fol. lii A prayer for trauelers by lande fol. liiii A prayer for a faythfull man beynge in trouble or indurance fol. lv A thākesgeuīg vnto god for his deliuerāce fo lvi A generall P●ayer that all menne maye walke in theyr vocacion and callynge fol. lix A prayer for our enemyes fol. lxv A prayer for the aduersaryes of Gods truthe and that all men maye come to the true knowledge of gods blessed worde fol. lxvi A prayer for one vniforme and perfecte agrement in matters of Christen religion fol. lx●i A prayer for the Common peace and quyetnes of all Realmes fol lxxv A prayer to be preserued from the plage and other diseases fol lxxviii A praier to preserue y● frutes of the earth fo lxxxi A prayer that we maye haue the feare of god before our eyes in al our doynges fol. lxx●iii A prayer for fayth fol. lxxxv A prayer for charitie fol. lxxxvi A prayer for a g●dly lyfe fol. lxxxviii A prayer agaynst the temptacions of the flesh the diuell and the worlde fol. xci A prayer for the remyssyon of synnes fol. xcv A prayer for a competent necessary lyuing fo c. A prayer to be sayde before the Sermon fol. ciii A thansgeu●ng vnto god after the Sermō fo cv A prayer to be sayde before the receyuynge of the holy Communion fol eodem A Thankesgeuynge after the receyuynge of the Communion fol. cxi A short prayer to be sayd at receiuīg of the mistery of c●ristes body in y● holy cōmuniō fo cxii A praier to be sayd at ●he receyuing of the mistery of christes bloud in the holy cōmuniō fo cxiii A prayer agaynst Idolatry fol. cxiiii A prayer agaynst Swearyng fol. cxv A prayer agaynst pryde fol. cxvii A prayer agaynst Whoredome fol. cxviii A prayer agaynst Couetousnes fol. cxx A prayer against glottony drunkēnes fo cxxiii A prayer agaynst Idlenesse fol. cxxv A prayer against slaūdering ba●bitīg fo cxxvii A general prayer for the auoydyng of all kynde of Synne fol. cxxix A Praier vnto God in prosperitie fol. cx●xiii A Prayer vnto God in aduersitie fol. cxx●iiii A thankesgeuing vnto god for sending his sonne into this worlde to dye for our syns fol. cxxxix A thankesgeuyng vnto god that he hath brought vs oute of the darckenes of mennes tadicions into the gloryous lyght of hys holye gospell fol. cxlvii A Thankesgeuynge vnto god f●r all hys benefytes fol. cxlix A prayer to be sayd for al such as lye at the poynte of death fol. clii A thankesgeuynge vnto god for the departure of the faythfull out of this worlde fol. cliii The Letanye and Suffrages with certayne other Prayers for dyuers purposes fol. clvi The ende of the Table ❧ To the most honourale vertuous Lady Anne Douches of Somerset her ●race Thomas Becon her most hūble and faythful seruant wysheth the fauour of god encrease of honour long lyfe and prosperous health ▪ both of body and soule SO ofte as I behoulde the fact of this world ▪ namelye of thys realme of England mou Gracious Ladye I know not whether ther be offered vnto me greater occacions of gladnes or of sadnes For when I consider the horrible blyndnes and monsterous ignoraunce whyche heretofore reygned among vs a great number of yeares yea and that almost vniuersally in al partes of the Christen publique w●ale thorow the subtile deuises of Sara and of his ministers which to deceiue the folish blinde world fashyon them selfes lyke vnto the Apostles of Christ and walke as the Aungels of lyght when notwyths●andynge they are in deede fal●e Apostles and deceatfull worckers hauyng an ●●warde apperaunce of godlynes ii Cor. xi but vtterly denying the vertue and power therof and now se the aforesaid pestilēces banyshed and driuē out of this most florishing real● of England thorow the wonderful working of Gods spirit in the Kynges Mages●y and in his most honorable Councel I cannot but hartelye ●eioyse and ●y●e God most int●re ●ha●rkes For who seeth 〈◊〉 e●cept he be wilfully blyn●e and obs●inatly refuse to se● how many ●o●able and excelēt benefi●s of ou● saluacion we ha●e re●●yued of God vnd●● this our kyng a Prince for hys godly dispo●icio● 〈◊〉 ●er●uous en●erprises worthy to enioy not onely immortal fame but also the yeares of a●ncient and long liuing M e●husel●h 〈…〉 in these hys yong yeares by the aduise of his most honorable Coūsel hath no les trauailed in putti●●way Idolatry Papi●●●y ▪ Supers●iciō and Hypocrysy out of this his graces Realme ●nd in re●●oryng vnto vs hys humble and obedient Subiects the true religiō and the glorious Gospel of our sauiour Iesu Chri●t then that most godly yong king Iosias dyd in hys kyngdom of Iuda whych beyng but a chylde of eyght ye●es ol●e when he began to reygne dyd not wythstanding both studiously iiii reg xxii ▪ and earnestly seke after the God of Dauid his ●ather ▪ i. Pa. xxxi●● ▪ turned neither to the right hand nor to the le●t An● in the .xii. yeare he began to pu●ge Iuda and Hie●usalem of hyl altars groues harued images and images of mettal so that they ●roke down the altares of Baaleuen in the Kynges presence and the idols that were vpon them he caused to be destroyed He slew the Idolatrous Priests and the Chaplens of Baall He destroyed the stewes and whorysh houses and put down the bugge●y places He neuer cesed tyll he had reformed all hys whole realme and brought in againe
fa●●heful praye● obtayneth of God as oure Sauyoure Christe sayeth what so euer ye shall aske in prayer If ye beleue ye shall receyue it For asmuche therefore as nothynge is more necessarye too bee vsed of thee treue Christians for the contynu●unce of goddes fauoure and of hys heauenlye blessynges towarde them and for the auoydynge of all plages and dyspleasures than prayer for asmuche al●o as nothynge dothe so muche adorne garnyshe and se●te forthe the goodlye and prosperous state of a common wealthe as euerye manne diligentlye fayeth fullye and quyetly to lyue in his vocacion and callynge I not otherwyse knowinge howe I may be able to doo good to my countrye out by prayinge preachynge and wryghtynge for fortune gooeth foorthe frowardelye too trowne vppon me haue these fewe weekes pa●●e compiled and made a bo●e 〈◊〉 Prayers comprehendynge not onely necessa●y ●nd conuenyen● Prayers for al degrees or menne euen frō the highest to the lowest but also for al other thynges necessary to be prayd for So that yf wee wyll fol●we the order of charytye and do the wyl of God whiche commaundeth vs to pray one for another ●gayne if we wil praye to obtain vertue and to fl● vyce ▪ this booke shall mini●●er to the godly conuenyen●e and mere prayers And because the prayers shoulde bee the more acceptable vnto god ▪ and soūd the better in hys godly eares agayne that the godly exercisers of prayer may praye wyth the more fruite and bee the better editted I haue trauayled to the vttermooste of my power too vse in theese prayers as fewe woordes of my ow●ea● I coulde and to gle●e oute of the frutieful fyelde of the sacred scryptures what so euer I founde meete for euerye prayer that I made that whan it is prayed not manne but the holy Ghost may seme to speake After I hadde finyshed theese prayers mooste vertuous Ladye youre 〈◊〉 came fyrste too my remembrance as a wor●●ye Patrones boothe of the godlye and of godlynesse boothe of the learned and of learninge to whom euen of most bounden dutye I oughte to offer thys my laboure The gyfte I confesse is small and slender if it be● compared wyth youre graces lyberalytye whyche your grace hathe mooste bounteouslye shewed vnto me sence I came fyrste too youre seruyce Notwythstandynge I am so fullye perswaded of youre g●aces mooste gentle nature and godlye dysposyon toward so many 〈◊〉 are godly and well bent and vertuouslye minded that I feare nothinge to o●●er this my ●ooke vnto your grace as a testimonye of my seruise●●le heart and ready bent good wyll towarde your grace It is a flower I graunte Notwithstandynge suche a flower as if it be ryghtelye vsed is of synguler vertue and myghtye in operatyon No euyla●er can hu●te where the ●●uoue● of thys flower commeth yea the deuil the world the flesh cā not abide the ayer of thy● flower so mighte is the spiritual operacion therof The flower ge●●th a smel in the stre●es to the soule of the faythefull as Cimamone and Balme ▪ that hathe so good ● sauoure ▪ yea a swete odoure doth it gyue as it wer mirre of the best I therfore most humblye besech● your grace to take thys my small gyft in good part which comminge as it were from your Grace into the handes of many shal I doubt not doo manye good and bee the occasion that vyce shal decrese and vertue abundauntly encrease among vs. God whose holye worde your Grace most feruently loue and moste earnestly practise in your daylye conuersacion mought vouchsafe to ●reserue your Grace wyth my Lordes Grace youre moste louyng husband and al your godly ●e●tuous chyldrē in cōtinual health dayly ēcrease of honour vnto the glory of his name and ●he comfort of al vs your graces moost● humble and faytheful ser●●●nts Amen ¶ The Prayer Of oure Lorde O LORD God our father in heauē we thi miserable chyldrene vppon earth besech thee mercyfully to loke vppon vs and sende vs thy grace that thy name maye ●e sanctifyed amonge vs and in all the worlde throughe the pure preachynge of thy woorde ▪ and trewe knoweledge and vnderstandinge of thee same and thoroughe earneste charytye in oure dayelye conuersacyon and lyuynge Seclude thou gracyously frome vs all false doctryne and euyll lyuynge whereby thy worthy name myghte be blasphemed and slaūdered Oh let thy kyngedome come and bee greate to all synfull and blynde people and such as be houlden captyue of the deuyll and his kingdome brynge thou Lorde to repentaunce and to the knowledge of the trewe faith in Iesus Christ thy sonne Strengthen vs Lord with thy grace to do thy wyl in life and deathe in well and in woo that our wil may be alwaies broken offered vp and mortified Geue vs our daily bread preserue vs from all couetousnes ▪ and immoderate carefulnes of the belly that of the we maye be assured to haue aboundaunce of all good thinges necessary for vs. Forgeue vs oure trespasses ▪ that we maye haue a glad and a quiet● conscyence in the in that we receiue forgeuenes of our synnes as we be wyllyng to forgeue all them that trespasse againste vs. And leade vs not into tēptacion but strēgth then vs Lord wyth thy spirite to subdue the flesh to dispise the worlde wyth the vanities thereof to ouercome the deuell wyth all hys crafty assaultes And finally deliuer vs from al euil both bodely and ghostlye temporall and eternal for thine is the kingdome the power and the glorye for euer So be it The Flour of godly praiers most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard health and comforte of all degrees and estates Newlie made by Thomas Becon ¶ A prayer for the mornynge O Heauenly Father Psal. xxxi Psal. xxvii Psal. xii whiche lyke a dyligent watchmā attendest alwayes vpō thy faythful people wheither they wake or ●lepe mightely defendest theim not onely from Sathan that old enemy of mākind but also from all other their aduersaryes so that throughe thy godly power they bee harmlesse preserued I moost hartely thancke the that it hathe pleased thy fatherly goodnesse soe toe take care of me thyne vnprofytable seruaunt thys nyghte p●ste that thou hast bothe safelye kepte me frome all myne enemyes also giuē me swet slepe vnto the great comforte of my bodye I most entireli besech the o most merciful father to shew the like kindnes toward me this day in preseruing my body soule that as my enemies may haue no power ouer me so I likewyse maye neyther thincke breath or speake or doo anye thynge that maye bee dipleasaunt to thy fatherly goodnes daungerous to my selfe or hurtful to my neighboure but that all my enterprises may be agreable to thy moost blessed wil whiche is alway good and godly doinge that Leuiti xix Mat. xxii Roma xiii Galla. v Luk. ii that may auaunce thy glory aunswer to my vocacion and profyt my neyghboure whō I ought to loue as
my self that whensoeuer thou callest me frō the vale of misery I may be foūd the chylde not of darknes but of light and so for euer reigne with the in glory which art the true euerlastyng light Iho. i. vii ▪ xi and xii● i Iohn i to whom with thy dearely beloued sonne Iesu Christ our alone sauiour and the holy ghost that most swete comforter be al honour glory Amē A prayer for the nighte O Lorde God and my heauenly father forasmuch as by thy dyuyne ordynaūce the nyght approcheth and darcknesse begynneth to ouerwhelme the earthe and time requireth that we gyue our selues to bodely rest and quietnes I rēder vnto the most harty thanks for thy louinge kindenes which hast vouchedsafe to preserue me this day frō the daūger of mine enemies to geue me my helth to fede me so to sēd me al things necessary for the cōforte of thys my pore neady lyfe I most hūbly besech the for Christes sake that thou wilte mercifully forgeue me al that I haue this day committed against thy fatherli goodnes eyther in woorde deede or thought that thou wilt vouchsafe to shadow me this night vnder the cōfortable winges of thy almyghty power and defend me from Sathan frō al hys crafty assautes that neither he nor any of hys ministers haue power ouer eyther my body or my soul but that although my bodye thorow thy benefite enioyeth swete and pleasaūt sleepe yet my soul may cōtinually watch vnto the thinke of the delight in the euermore praise the that whē the ioyful light of the day returneth according to thy godly appoinctment I maye ryse agayne wyth a faythfull soule and vndefyled body and so afterwarde behaue my selfe al the time of my life accordynge to thy blessed wyl and comaundemente Rom. xiii by castynge away the works of darcknes and putting on the armours of light Math. v. that men seing my good works may therby be prouoked to gloryfie the my heauēly father which wyth thy only begotten sōne Iesu Christ our alone sauiour and the holye goste that moste swete comfortoure liuest and reignest one true and euerlastynge God world without end Amen The confession of our sinnes vnto God the Father I Am not able to expres oh wretched sinner that I am how greuously the burden of my sins oppresse me whyther soeuer I turn me whatsoeuer I do speke or thinke I perceiue such corruption and wickednes such abhominacion vnclennes to raign in me Gen. vi Psal ▪ l●v Iohn iii. ▪ Genesi i●i Eccl vii x Gene viii Prouer x. Iere. xvii Tobi ix Esay lxiiii Genesi iii Roma v. Ephesi ii ▪ Collos. iii that it vtterly confoūdeth my conscience and in a manner fettereth me with the cheyne of desperaciō No maruell For my outward manne is flesh earthe ashes duste donge and all that moost vile is My thought disposicion is altogether nought euē frō my very cradels my harte is vnclean defiled with most filthy synne leude vnable to be searched for the manifolde wickednes thereof but of God alone My works are abominable and lothsome in the syght of the most highest yea my very ryghtousnesses if any I haue are euen as a defyled cloth Againe my inward mā hath lost his former beautye In steade of the Image of god he is miserabli deformed with the wicked visare of wily Satā In the place of innocencye fayth loue hope ▪ pacience mercy obedience goodnes gentilnesse liberality ioy and suche other frutes of the holi gost wickednes vnfaithfulnes ▪ hatred desperacion vengeaunce couetousnes rebelliō maliciousnes churlishnes vnmercifulnes pensiuenes of minde such other dampnable works of the fleshe are ētred into me and holy posses me so that whether I consider my outwarde or inward mā I fynde my self the bōd slaue of Sathan Roma vi Deu. xxvii Mat. xviii Gala iii ▪ Ephesi ▪ ii ▪ Luke xv ▪ Luke x ▪ Esaye ▪ ix ▪ the vile dōghil of sīne the miserable debtour of the law the fyre brond of hel the childe of wrath the vessel of vengaunce the sonne of perdicion the wandring shepe the woūded mā an hipocrite an vnprofitable seruant enheritour of euerlasting payne al that euer noughte is To ryd my selfe of al these most detestable enormities I am not able To seeke remedy at any other mans hand to bie their merit●s praiers watchings fastīgs their other workes oh it is but vayne Luk. x. Moses can not heale my diseases neither the Leuite nor the priest can binde vp my woundes and make them whole For vayne is the health that is loked for at mannes hand Psal lix Roma iii. Mat. xviii Ps● xii Al haue sinned all haue gone astray al owe to that heauenly king ten thousand talentes Al are become abhominable there is not one that dothe good no not one Ah who then can be made cleane of thē that are vncleane Ah who beynge sycke Iob. xiiii Ecc xxxiiii wyl seke to be made whole of them that are altogether diseased Ah who beyng weake wyll wish to be stayed vp by him whiche for feablenes is not able too stande Canne the man of Inde chaunge his skinne Ierem. xiii or the catte of the mountaine her spots No more canne they make me good whych are them selues naught Ah whither then shal I f●e vnto mi self and vnto mine own righteousnes Psa. xciiii ii Cor. iii. I am a moste damnable sīner and of my self not able to thinke a good thought Unto the lawe it woundeth kylleth condēneth me It is a yoke Roma iii● ii Cor. iii Ga iii ●iii Actes xv Math xxv that neyther we neyther our fathers wereuer able to bear Unto creatures thei haue not oyle inough for them selues Ah wretche that I am destitute and voyde of all mortall helpe shal I dispayre Farre be that from me But wer ther not a nother maner of doctrine thē the doctrine of the lawe whych maketh no man perfecte Heb x ▪ were ther not another maner of righteousnes then is foūd in my selfe ● Cor i Roma iii ●ii and v Gala. ii iii ●iii and ▪ v or in any other sinful creature I se none other but playne desperacion death damnatyon But thākes be vnto the O heauēly father which tēderinge the health of thy creatures although sinful so oft as they repente beleue and study to amende their life hath set forth in ●hi hol● scriptures another doctrine euen the doctrine of the gospell that most sweete pleasaunt and ioyful tidings of our saluacion which cōforteth chereth maketh merye weake consciences sorowfull herts andanother righteousnes euē the righteousnes of thy welbeloued sonne Iesu Christe Rom ▪ v. i Cori i. Math. iii. and xvii ii Peter i. Iohn iii. ●om viii ●say liii for whose sake art thou wel pleased with mā and for whose innocēcy and righteousnes thou frelye of thy bountifull goodnes forgeuest
vndoubted faith doing that alway that is good plesant in thy sight vnto the glory of thi blessed name which liuest reignest with god the father and God the sonne in one Maiestye power and glory very god worlds wythout ende Amen ¶ A prayer to be sayed afore Dynner O Lorde our heauenlye father whyche by thy dearelye beloued sonne Iesu Christe haste commāded vs to take no thought thought for our mete Math. vi Luke xii P●al ▪ ● v drinke and cloth but hast promised to giue vs all thyngs necessary for thys our pore and nedy life if we first seke thi kingdome and the righteousnes therof we most harteli thāk y● that it hath pleased thi fatherly goodnes accordinge to thi promise to send vs meat at this present for the cōfort of our miserable and hōgri bodis desiring the to blesse these thy giftes to geue vs grace so to tast of thē that we may euer remember the ●phe vi and neuer forgette our neadi brethren but euē as thou art merciful and liberall to vs by geuyng vs these thy benefits so likwise we again may shew merci kindnes to our pore neighbours by distrybuting to thē part of these thy gifts that both thei we being refreshed with thi giftes of thy liberality may with one mouth glorifi with one mynd praise thi holi name for euer euer A thank●sgeuing after Dinner FOr thys thy bountyefull goodnesse in feadynge vs at thys tyme we hartelye thancke the moost mercyful father desirynge the to fede oure soules lykewyse with that meate Ioh● vi whiche perisheth not but abideth into euerlastinge lyfe that we beynge fedde both bodye and soule at thy mercyefull hande may do that alway whiche is pleasant in thy godly sight thorow Iesu Christ our lord Amen ¶ A prayer to be sayde before supper O Heauenly father and mercyfull God whyche opennynge thy hand replenysheste all lyuynge cretures with thy blessyng ●●al ●l●v Psal. clxvi ●i ii.xxxiii and geueste meate to the hōgry in due seasō we knoledge our meat and drincke to be thy giftes prepared by thy fatherly prouydence to be receyued of vs for the comfort of our bodyes wyth thanckes geuinge we moost humblye beseche the to blesse vs and our fode and to geue vs ●race so tovse these thi benifites that we may be thankeful to the and liberall to oure pore neighbours thorow Iesu Christe oure Lord ▪ Amen A thankesgeuyng after supper VUe render vnto the mooste mercifull father most hartye thanckes for these thy giftes which thou so liberally haste geuē vs in this our supper most entirely besechyng the to fyl our minds also wyth thy heauenly and spiritual benefits that we maye truly knowe the beleue in the loue the serue the and leade a lyfe worthy of this thy kindnes that thou finding vs not vnthanckful mayste go forthe dailye more and more to encrease thy giftes in vs and at the last take vs vnto the Iacob ● whiche arte the fountayne of all goodnes and heade sprynge of all wealthe and place vs in thy ioyfull kingedome among the holy aungels blessed saints wher thou with thy onelye begotten sonne and the holy gost liuest reignest onetrue and euer lasting God in al honour and glorye worldes without ende Amen A prayer for the kynge O Almyghtye God kyng of kinges and Lord of Lords i. Timo vi A●oc xvii and xix Deu xvii Iosu. i. i. Timo. ii Tit iii. i. Pet ii Sapi. vi Sapi. ix whiche by thy deuyne ordynance hast appoynted temporall rulers to gouerne thy people accordyng to equitie and iustice and to lyue amonge theym as a louynge father among hys naturall children vnto the auancement of the good and punyshemente of the euyll we most hūbli besech the fauorably to behold Edward thi seruāt oure king gouernor to breath into his hert thorow thi holi spirit that wisdō that is euer aboute the trone thy Maiestye wherby he maye be prouoked moued and styrred too loue-fear and serue the to seke thy glory to banysh Idolatrye supersticion and hipocrisye oute of this hys realme and vnfaynedlye to auaunce thy holye and pure relygyon amonge vs his subiectes vnto the example of other forren nacyons O Lord defend him fromhis enemis sēd him lōg prosperous life amōg vs giue him grace not only in his own persō godly iustlie to rule but also to appoint such magistrats vnder him as may be likewise affected both toward thy holye word toward the common wele that we his subiects liuīg vnder his dominiō in al godlynes peace wealth may pas the time of this our short pilgrimage in thy fear seruice vnto the glori of thy blessed name whyche alone is worthy all honour for euer and euer Amen A prayer for the Kynges Councell Prouer. ii IT is written o most mighti and euerlastyng king that wher manye are that giue good councell there goeth it well wyth the common people there are all thinges conserued in a goodly and semely order ther doth the publike weale floryshe with the aboundaunce of al good thinges it may please the therefore Proue xii O Lorde whiche haste the hartes of al rulers in thi hand and directest their councels vnto what ende it is thy good pleasure mercyfully to assist all those whiche are of the kinges councel and to geue them thy holy spiryte to be theyr presydente ruler and gouernoure that in all theyr assembles they maye euer sette before theyr eyes thy mooste hyghe and Pryncelyke Maiestye the feare of thy name the accomplyshment of thy commaūdment and alway remēber that they are seruaunts appoynted for the welth and comodity of thy people that what so euer they attempt priuatlye or openly may turne vnto the glory of thy blessed name vnto the setting forthe of thy holy worde vnto the auauncement of y● kynges honour vnto the profytte of the Comons vnto the destrucciō of vice and vnto the commendacion of vertue Geue thē grace o mooste mercyful father so wyth one minde to consent in al godly and righteous thinges that they rulyng righteously and we liuīg obediently may al together with quiet harts fre consents praise and magnify the our Lord God for euer and euer Amen ¶ A prayer for the iudges O God thou mooste righteous iudge whych commaundest by thy holy worde such to be chosen iudges ouer thy people as be of approued cōuersacion Deut. i. Exo. xviii wyse learned in thi holy lawes feare the their lorde God and suche as bothe are true them selfes also loue truth and hate couetousnes we besech y● to send vs such Iudges as thy sacred scriptures doo paint and set forthe vnto vs so to rule theyr harts wyth thy holy spirite that in theyr iudgements they admit no false accusacions haue no respect of personnes nether to be desirus of gifts Exod. xxiii Deut. xvi Ecc●● x. Psal.
No●● thy barne his house thy house ▪ And vnto thys end woldst thou haue temporal thinges prouided for thy preachers that they myght haue wherof to liue them selfes to fede theyr family also to comfort the pore of the parish To fede with word not with worcke profiteth litel To fil the eare with the soūd of words to suffer the body starue for honger is not the part of a good shepperde He is not a good herdeman that standeth al day whystlynge and callynge at his shepe but he that driueth thē vnto sweete pleasaūt pastures where they may eat their bellye 's ful i. Timo. ii Titu i. Thy holy Apostle cōmaūdeth a Byshop or spiritual minister to maintein hospitality Thou also which art the mirroure of al goodnes liueli exāplare of al true pastors being in this world conuersaūt amōg mē and a preacher of thy heauēly fathers blessed wyll Mat. xiiii and .xv Marke vi Luke ix Iohn vi feddest the people not only with thy godly doctrine but also with corporal food geuing an exāple vnto al spiritual pastours that they shuld do so likewise Thou cōmaūdest also thy blessed apostle Peter iii. to fede thy flocke Ihon. xxi that is fyrst with the pure doctrin of thy heauēly gospel wher vnto thi holi sacramēts sure seales are annexed for the cōfirmaciō of thy truth Secondly with godly conuersacion a lyfe agreable to the doctrine that the parishioners may the soner be allured vnto manners worthy of the gospel Thirdly with hospitality And this commaūdemēt gauest thou not onli vnto Peter but vnto al other thy Apostels yea and to al spiritual pastours that haue or shal succed thē vnto the end of the world Actes vi that thy pore people may be fed both body and soule Roma xv This commaundement O swete Iesu was diligētly executed of the holy Apostels ii Cor i ▪ ix and of the faithful ministers that succeded thē Actes xx whiche al were moued wyth so great and so tēder compassion toward thi pore mēbers ii Cor. xi that they did not onli feede them with such goods as thei receiued of the christē cōgregacion i. Thessa. ii i. Thess. iiii but also to satisfye theyr lacke they wrought with their hāds But o Lord this louinge pitie toward the pore in these our dayes is greatlye abated waxeth vtterly colde in many of the Ministers of thy church which notwtstandynge are them selfes verye wealthy and lyue all in pleasure of the churche goodes so that by this meanes they are not residēt vpon theyr benifices they mayntayne no hospitalyty the parisheners are robbed of theyr dutyes the pore are not fed wyth meat as thou haste commaunded but they rather miserably sterue for honger Unto such shepherds as fede them selfes and not the flock Ez●c xxxiii as eate the mylke are clad wyth the wolle and eate of the fattest of the flock yet fede not the shepe thou threatnest dampnacyon by the prophet promising that thou thy self wylt vpon the shepherdes require thi shepe frō theyr hands make them cease from fedinge of thy shepe Yea thou sayest moreouer that the shepperdes shal fede them selfs no more for thou wilt delyuer thy sheepe oute of theyr mouthes so that they shal not deuoure them after this Thou promisest also to set faythfull shepperdes ouer thy flock and quietly to place thy shepe in grene fat and pleasaunte pastures so that the beastes of the fyelde shall deuour them no more but they shal dwel safely without anye feare neyther shal they any more be famished with hōger nor yet beare the spyteful words of the heathē For thou theyr Lorde God wilte take care of thē Deale wyth thy flocke O mooste faytheful sheppeard accordyng to thy promise i. Cori. xi Dryue away from amonge vs al rauenynge wolfes and deceitful hypocrites whyche are the Ministers of Sathan ▪ chaunging thē selfes into aungelles of lyghte and appoynte faythefull and dylygent heardmen ouer thy flock whych may feede them wyth thy lyuely worde leade a good lyfe ▪ maynetaine hospitalyty among them for the comfort of th● pore and in al thyngs so behaue them them selfes according to thy blessed wyl and com●aundemente that when thou the moost hyghe Byshoppe and chyefe shepparde shalte appeare i Peter v. they may receiue the vncorruptible crowne of glorye Amen ¶ A prayer for Gentlemenne AL be it what soeuer is borne of flesh is flesh Ihon. iii. and all that we receiue of our natural parents is earthe dust ashes corruptiō Genesi iii so that no childe of Adam hath any cause to boste hym self of hys birth and bloud ●ccle vii x seing we haue al one flesh one bloud begottē in sinne Psal. ii conceiued in vnclennes borne by nature the chyldren of wrathe Ephesi ii yet for asmuche as some for theyr wysdom godlynes vertue valeaūce strength eloquēce learnynge and pollicy be auaunced aboue the commō sort of people vnto dignities and temporal promocyons as men worthye to haue superiorite in a christē comū weale by this meanes haue obtayned among the people a more noble worthy name Iohn i We moste entyrely besech the from whom alone cōmeth the true nobility to so many as are born of the Galath iii made thy sons thorowe faith whether they be rich or poore noble or vnnoble to geue a good spirit to our superiours that as they be called gentlemen in name so they may shewe them selues in al their doynges gentle curteus louing pitiful and liberal vnto their inferiores liuing amōg them as natural fathers amonge their chyldren not polling pillyng and oppressing them but fauoryng helpynge and cheryshing them not destroyers but fathers of the cōtrey not enemies to the pore but ayders helpers and cōforters of them that when thou shalte call them from this vale of wretchednes thei afore shewing gētlenes to the comon people may receiue gentelnes agayn at thy merciful hād euē euerlasting life thorowe Iesu Christ oure Lorde Amen A prayer for Landelordes THe earth is thine o lord all that is conteined therin Psal ▪ xxiiii Psal. cxv notwithstāding thou haste geuē the possessyon thereof vnto the children of men to passe ouer the time of theyr short pilgrimage in this vale of misery We hartelye pray y● to send thy holy spirit into the harts of them that posses the groūds ▪ pastures dwelling places of the earth that thei remēbrīg thēselues to be thy tenaūts may not rack and s●retch out the rēts of theyr houses and lāds nor yet take vnreasonable fines incōs after the māner of couetous worldlings but so let them out to other that the inhabitauntes therof may both be able truly to pay the rētes also honestly to liue to nour●sh their familye to relief the pore Geue them grace also to cōsider that thei are but
word not with eye seruice as men pleasers but in singlenes of hearte fearynge God that what so euer they doo Coloss. iiii they may do it hartely euē as vnto the lord not vnto men forasmuche as they are sure that they shal receiue the reward of the heuenly enherytaunc● of the o lord Christ whō also they serue while trulye and faithfullye they serue theyr bodely masters Graūt that so manye as are vnder the yoke may count theyr masters worthy of all honoure that the name of god his doctrine be not euil spokē of and obey thē with all feare T it ii not onli if they be good and courteous i. Peter ii but also though thei be froward please thē in al thīgs not answering thē again Tit. ii nor pickīg ought from thē but shew al good faythfulnesse that in all thynges they maye do worshyppe vnto the doctrine of the our god and saueout to whome with the holy gost be al honoure ▪ prayse and glorye for euer Amen A prayer for them that are sicke O Iesu the sauiour of the world and the true Phisicion both of the body and of the soule Math. ix we are not altogether ignorante howe detestable a thing sinne is in thi sight and how greatli thou abhorrest them that commyt i●●quitye and shake of the yoke of thy lawe Psalme v. geuing their mindes to the filthy lustes of the fleshe and the vaine pleasures of the world Som that thus vngodly behaue them selfes thou sufferest to go forthe stil in theyr be as●like manners wythoute correccion or punyshment to liue in pleasure and wantonnes vpō the earth Iacob v. Philip. iii. to noryshe their heartes as in a day of slaughter to serue theyr belly as theyr God and voluptuouslye to spende theyr dayes wythoute all feare of the that at the laste they beinge altogether nousled in voluptuousnes and dying wythout repentaūce for the sorowes Psa. cxiiii plages and punyshments of the wicked begynne at theyr death may wyth that riche and beastlike gloton be tormented for euer in the flames of hel fyre For conueniēt it is that thei which in this world liue all in pleasure Luke xvi do in another worlde receyue theyr paynes euen as thou haste promised in thy holye Gospel sayinge Wo bee to you that are full for ye shall hongre Wo be to you y● now laughe for ye shall wayl and wepe Again some that walke inordinatli ▪ Luke vi and contrary to the rules of thy holye lawe thou tendryng theyr saluacion visitest them with syckenes their punishest their bodies wyth the louing rod of thi correctiō ▪ that they maye no lenger be proude cruell and fearce againste the spyryte whose seruaunte and bond slaue the bodye of ryghte oughte to be but rather be obediēt and seruice able that it may from h●nsforthe not so much as once lust against the spirite and by thys meanes thou mercifulli callest them whiche as wanderyng sh●pe Luke ●v haue so long strayed abrode home again vnto thy shepefold● For thys O Lord is an euident tokē of thine exceadynge goodnes and tender mercy towarde vs when thou seing vs moost greuously thorowe our wicked and synneful conuersacion to offend thy deuine Maiesty to forsake thy lawe not too walk in thy ordinan̄ces to breake thy statutes not to kepe thy commaundements Ps. ●xxxix doest not take away from vs thy louing kindnes but vysytest our iniquityes wyth thy gentyl rodde and punysheste our synnes wyth thy correccions swete to the spirite i. Cor. xi but bitter to to the flesh for whyle we are punished we are corrected of the lorde least we shuld wyth thys worlde be cōdēpned and by this meanes thou prouokeste vs to leaue oure ryotous and vngodly manners and to seke after the oure moste louynge sauiour leadynge a lyfe from henseforthe accordynge to thy mooste blessed wyll and commaundemente Some also thou throweste into aduersity and punyshest wyth syckenesse to proue and try theyr fayth whether they be constante in confessynge callinge vpon and praisinge thy holye name lyke vnto that pacyent man and faythefull warryoure whyche sayed If we haue receiued good prosperous thinges at the lords hād Iob. i. why shulde we not be content to suffer euill troublous things The Lord gaue them the Lorde hath taken them away as it pleased the lord so is it come to passe blessed be the name of the Lord. So manye O Lorde as thou louest thou sometime visitest wyth thy louinge rod of correcciō least that they cōtinually enioyenge y● to muche felicitie and wealthe of worldely thynges shuld forgette the theyr Lord God and walke in the vanities of a lewde minde Heb. xii For if we endure chastenīge thou offerest thy selfe vnto vs as vnto sonnes Prouer. iii Apoca. iii. For whō thou louest him thou chastnest yea and thouscourgest euery sonne that thou receyuest Hebru xii what sonne is that whō the father chastneth not if we be not vnder correccion whereof all are partakers then a●e we bastard● and not s●ns And albeit no maner chastising for the presēt time semeth to be ioious but greuous neuerthelesse afterward it bryngeth the quiet frute of righteousnesse vnto them which are exer●ised therin Forasmuch therfore O most merciful sauiour as sicknesse and aduersyty is sent from the vnto the chyldren of men for theyr greate profyt and singuler commoditie euen that the bodye with the workes thereof shuld be subiect to the spirit and as a witnesse and zele of thy louing kindnesse and harty good wyl toward them we most hartelye praye th● mercyefullye to beholde all suche as are sycke and as that pytyfull Samaritane to poure wine and oyle into theyr woundes Luke ● and to bynd them vp that is to comfort them geuing them grace paciently to bere the crosse that thou hast laied vpō them to shew thē selfs conformable to thy blessed will in the myds of theyr trouble and syckenesse to prayse thy gloryous name and wyth stronge fayth to say Ose. vi come and let vs retourne vnto the lord for he hath begun and he wil heale vs he hath strikē vs and he wil sureli make vs whole For it is the Lorde that bryngeth downe to the graue fetcheth vp again Deu. xxxii i. Reg. ii It is the Lorde that punysheth with pouertye Tobi. xiii and maketh welthy again Sapi. xvi It is the lord that ●ringeth lowe lifteth vp again yea it is the lord that killeth and maketh aliue again It is for our greate profit Psal. cxix that the Lorde hath thus plaged vs euē that we shuld learn to forsake our owne fleshly wil to walk in his holi ordinaūces Therfore as it is gods good plesure Mat. xxvi so let it come to pas His wil be done not oures Psal. ●c● We are his people and the shepe of his pasture let him deale
good men Giue vs also that the most plesaunt dew euē the dew of thy heuēlye grace which may cause vs thorow thi holi spirit to florish with the abundaunce of al good works prouoke euery one of vs quietlye and peaceably to do our own besines to liue according to oure calling ii Tim. ii the magistrate godly to gouern the subiect humbly to obey Romay xi the preachers of thy word diligētly to attend vpon hys offyce ps● cxxxiii So shall it come to passe that wee as brethren quietly dwellyng together in this vnitie and concorde shal haue that thou haste promysed euen thy blessinge that is in this world abūdaunce of all good things pertaining ether to the body or to the soul and after our departure from thys vale of misery euerlasting life Lord let it so cōe to passe Amen ¶ A praier to be preserued from the plage and orher dyseases AH Lorde as thou haste sette forthe in thy holy scriptures plenty of blessinges to them that feare the Leuit. xxvi De. xxviii ▪ Esaye c. v. xxiii xxx xi Ier. ix.xvi. and .xxix. Ezechi vii xiiii.xvii●.xxxiii.xxxviii and wyth al diligēt obedience obediente dylygence walke in thy holy statutes ordynaunces so lykewise in the same haste thou set●orth innumerable curses plages to such as liue with oute all feare of the transgres thy blessed commandements Among other thy greuous punishmēts thou hast thretned the vngodlye to sende the plage and such other mortal diseases vpō them and so to roote them oute from the face of the earth because of theyr disobedyence and rebellyon agaynst the theyr Lorde God ii Re. xxiii i Par. xxi Examples herof we haue manye in thy holy worde Ah good Lorde who can be fre from these and such other thy plagues Psa. cxxix if thou shouldeste dele with vs according to oure iniquites We are al synnefull Roma iii. The best of vs all are vnprofitable seruantes Luke xvii so that we cā fynd nothynge in ourselfs wherwith we maye worthelye eyther pacify thy wrathe styrred vp agaynst vs for our manifold wickednesse or turne awaye from vs those thy plages whyche we most iustelye haue deserued Notwythstāding there are whyche supersticiously for the appeasyng of thy anger for the dipsatch of corporal puni●hmentes cal vpon dead creatures and flee vnto domme Idolls as thoughe most present helpe wer to bee looked for of theym when in dede they canne do nothyng at all vnto our health neither concerning the bodi nor the soul. With suche Idolatours O good Lord haue we nothing to do although neuer so greuous synners For we are taughte by thy holy word nether to truste in Roche nor in Apoline neither in Agasse nor in Annes nether in Erkēwald nor in Grimbald nor yet in ani other creature eyther in heauen or in earth but in thy greate mercyes set forth in the precyous bloud of thy most dear sonne Iesu Christ for whose sake alone for whose merytes and good deedes alone thou art wel pleased with mā fauorest him delighteste in hym as a louing father in his dereli beloued sonne O mooste merciful God we fyndynge in our selfes a iust deserte of al those thy plages which thou art wonte to caste vpon the chyldren of men for theyr wyckednes so great and manifold is the nūber of our synnes and nothynge at all wherew●th we may in any parte be able to tourne aw●y thy heauye dyspleasure fro● vs are co●e at thys presente vnto the throne of thy mercie moost humblie beseching the in the name of Iesu Christe thy sonne and oure alone Mediatour and aduocate not to weyghe our sinnes wyckednesses ▪ but to cōsider thy gret mercyes and louynge promyses and for Christes sake to putte away frome vs al such plages 〈◊〉 iii. and ▪ ●vii Mark ●ii Luke iii. i● ii Peter ● as we moost iustelye haue deserued and to preserue vs in suche state of bodelye healthe that we maye liue and glorify thi blessed name Ah Lorde Psal. xxx Es xxxviii may dust giue thanks vnto the or shall that declare thy faithfulnes The graue praiseth not the death doth not magnifye the. They that go down into the graue prayse not thy truthe but the lyuynge yea the the lyuynge knowledge prayse and magnify the. Defende vs therefore O Lorde from the terrible plagues of thy fearful dyspleasure but aboue al thinges remoue from vs y● dyseases of our mynde that we beynge whole in soule maye beholde the wyth a pure faythe and serue the with a clean hert Giue vs also the health of our body vnto our laste dayes that we enioyinge the healthe bothe of bodye and soule thorowe thy syngular benefite maye leade a quyet and healtheful life vnto thy honoure and glorye Amen A prayer to preserue the frutes of the earthe ▪ AT the beginning thou commaundest the earth O Lord to bringe forthe grene gras herbs Gene. i. and trees with their sedes and frutes ▪ that they myghte be meate to thy creatures lyuynge on the earthe both to manne and beaste After that depe and great floud wherin all liuing creaturs perished excepte Nohe and suche as were with him in the arck ▪ Gene. vii ii Peter ii not onelye herbes sedes and fruites gauest thou vnto man for to eat Gen. ix but also all other thy creatures that moue or lyue on the earthe whether it be fysh or foul Acte● ● Titus i. Rom xiiii i. Corin. x. i. Tim. iiii so that al thynges are pure to them that are pure nether can ani thing be comon or vnclene that thou hast made pure and cleane For al thy creatures O Lord god are good and none of them are to be refused if they be taken wyth thanckes geuynge For they are sāctified by thi word and by prayer and were ordeined of the to be receiued with thanks geuynge of the faythfull of thē that knowe the truth Seing thē that thou alone art the creatoure and maker of al thyngs and hast prepared hearbes seedes fruits fyshe and fleshe to be meate for manne seynge also that without thy blessīg al these thy creatures prospere not nor yet come vnto a fortunate ende but growe out of kynde wyther awaye perysh dye and come to nought wee mooste humbly besech the to blesse vs al the frutes of the earth wyth al other thy creatures whych thou hast made for mans vse and profit i. Cori. iii. And forasmuch as neither he that plāteth nor he that watreth is anye thynge but thou O God which geuest the encrease graūt we pray the psal lxvii that the earthe maye geue forth her fruit prosperously and plenteously that we may enioy the same in due and conueniente tyme vnto oure greate ioye and comfort Let not the labors of our handes which we haue taken in thy name and accordinge to thy worde be found vaine and frustrate but accordynge to thy
of so great a benefit I am come vnto this thy table O merciful father to drinke of this cup desiring the that as my outward man is comforted by the drynkekyng of thys wyne so lykewyse my inwarde man mai be comforted and made stronge by true faythe in the precious bloud of thy mooste dearly sonne O Lord and my heauenli father geue me thy holye spirite whych may so rule and gouerne my hert that I neuer be vnthanckful nor forgetful of this thine excedinge greate kindenes but so trayne my lyfe accordynge to thy blessed will that whatsoeuer ▪ I do speke or thinke may be vnto the glorye of thy blessed name the health of my soule ▪ thorow Iesu Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer againste Idolatry THou O Lord art God alone and besydes the Esay lxvi there is no God nether in heauen nor in earth As for the gods of the heathen thei are deuils and the images Malach. ii i. Cor. xviii which the ignoraunt people worshyppe as gods by knelynge praying and offering vnto them are no gods but stocks stones Ephe. iiii Idols and Mamets They haue mouthes speake not i. Timo. ii eies haue they but theyse not They haue eares and heare not Psal. xl●i noses haue thei but thei smel not Psal. c●●ii Thei haue hands and handle not fete haue they but they can not go neyther canne they speake thorowe theyr ●hrotes O how vayne thē are all they that put their trust in suche mad fan●ies as can doo them no good Psalm ▪ ii Al health and saluation al ioye and comfort come frome the alone Esaye xlv ii Cor. i. Ieremy li. Psam xlv ▪ Ps. ●xlv Iere xvii ▪ O Lord Thou art the god of al consolacion and father of al mercyes Thou arte the lyuynge fountayne from who●e alone ●loweth whatsoeuer good or godlye is Thou arte the refuge and succour of thy people Thou hearest thy seruāts whēsoeuer they cal on the. Who euer trusted in the and was not holpen Blessed are they which put their trust in the and cursed are they that forsake the and folow the Idols of their owne heart Psal ▪ cxiii ▪ Esaye lxv Deu. xxviii For as the faithfull in thy presēce shall fynde fauour and merci so shal al Idolatours receiue before the shame of face and confusion of conscience yea terrible iudgement and euerla●ting dampnacion Esaye i ●euit ●xvi I●remy ix besides those temporal punishmentes whiche thou threatnest in thy holy lawe We beseche the therfore O thou alone true and liuing god to endue vs with thy holi spirit which may clense vs from al blynde erroures al folysh fansyes I●o● xvi Ioh. xvii al vain supersticions and frō the whole lumpe of Idolatry and leade vs vnto thy godlye truthe that wee maye knowe the to bee the alone true euerlasting and immortall God beleue in the feare loue cal on thy blessed name seke thy honoure and glory and craue at thy merciful hande alone alone whatsoeuer good thing we haue nede of concerning the bodye or the soule that we in th●s worlde glorifi●ng the our lord god alone alone accordynge to thy blessed woorde maye after this present life be glorified of the in thy heauenly kingdom wher thou wyth thy dearelye beloued sonne the holy gost liuest and reygnest one true and euerlasting god foreuer and euer Amen A prayer against Swearynge O Almighty and euerlastinge God Exod. xxi how greatly they that abuse thy holy name bi vain and vnlawful othes shall be plaged Deute i. it is euident inoughe in the sacred scripturs For thou thi self saiest that whosoeuer taketh thi name in vain shal not escape vn punished ●a●ha v. And thy prophet sawe flying in the ayre a great large boke euen twēty cubyts in lēgth and ten cubits in breadth wherin were contayned the cursses plages that are prepared for thē which vainly or falsly sweare by thy holy name It is wrytten also that whosoeuer vseth muche to sweare shal be fylled with iniquity and the plage that is the vengeaunce of thy wrath shal not depart from his house Ecle xxxii Seing that so many yea those terrible punishments and moost greuous plages are threatned prepared setforth to all idle swearers and wycked blasphemers of the of thy blessed name we most hertely pray the so to order our tunge that it vtter no vngodlye nor file thy communication that it abuse not the nor thy name nor any of thy cre● tures eyther in heauē or in earth by vnlawful and vayne othes but that with all diligence we obserue the cōmaundemēt of thy only begotten sonne whiche streightly chargeth vs Math. v. that wee sweare not at al Iacob v. nether bi heauē for it is godds seat nor yet by the earthe for it is his footestole nether by Ierusalē for it is the city of the greate kyng neither saith he shalte thou swere by thy head because thou canst not make one whyte here or black But thy cōmunication shal be yea yea naye nay For whatsoeuer is more thē that commeth of euyll Gyue vs grace therfore O moost louinge God to auoyde all vngodlye and wicked othes to reuerēce thy holy name to ste vnto it as a strong castell by herty prayer in aduersitie and at al tymes to prayse and magnifi it Graunt also that our communicacion be yea yea nay naye that is yea in herte yea in mouthe nay in herte and nay in mouth that ther be foūde no dissi●ulaciō in vs but such symplicitie and truthe in our talke and such sīcerity purenes in al our conuersaciō and lyuynge as becōmeth them that profes thy holi name which alone is worthy all honour and glory Amen A prayer against Pride O Most louing and gentle sauiour the only begotten son of the eternall and lyuynge god thou commaundest al them Math. x● that wyll come vnto the and bee thy scolers to learne of the to be meke humble and lowly in hert Math. ● to be pore in spirit not to be puffed vp with arrogancy pride ambicion and vayn glory For thou scatterest thē that ar proud in the Imaginacion of theyr heartes Luke ● Thou puttest downe the mighty from theyr seats and exaltest thē of lowe degre Thou resistest the proud i. Peter ● geuest grace to the humble Thou throwest down the hauty minded and exaltest the meke spirited Thou so greatly abborrest Pride Eccle. x. that thbou ryngest also the proude to nought and makest the memoryall of theym to ceasse from out of the earth For pryde is the orygynall of al synne whoso taketh hold therof shal be fylled wyth cursings 〈◊〉 x. and at the last it shal ouerthrow hym O Lord what is to be foūd in vs being our owne that may make vs to glory in our selfs and to be proud 〈◊〉 ▪ iii. As concerning our body what is
it but earthe ashes dust donge As for the beauty fauour of it Oh how disceitful and vayn it is 〈◊〉 x●xi And as for the strēgth therof howe shortelye dothe a litle feuer make the most myghty the most weake 〈◊〉 iii. Who thā wil be proud of so vyle a carcas sacke of donge 〈◊〉 ii 〈◊〉 ▪ v. As touching our soule if it be regenerat by thy holy spirit what other thing is it thē the bonde slaue of satan and sinne If any thing we haue that good is for all naughtines cōmeth of oure selues it is thy gyft Os● xiii If we haue receiued it why do we glory in our felfs as though we had ●ot receiued it It may plese the therefore whiche arte the Myrrour of true humility and geuer of al vertu to graue in our herts the true knowledge of our selfes that we maye bothe willyngelye and vnfainedly confes whatsoeuer goodnes we haue to be thy gyfte and so not to glory in oure selfes but to geue vnto the most humble and herty thanks for all thy giftes euer walkynge before the with al submissiō lowlines of mind that thou maiest exalte vs whē the tyme commeth Suffer vs not to be hye mynded but to make our selfs equall to thē of the lower sort gyue vs that humiliti lowlines of hert that mortifieth killeth in vs al loue of o ur selfs al pride arrogācy that our whole glory reioising may only be in the our Lord and sauioure to whō be al honor for euermore Amen A prayer agaynste whoredome 〈◊〉 xlvii HOwe greatly thou doste abhorre whoredom fornicaciō and all vnclennes O Lord 〈◊〉 xix the drownyng of the whole world the destruccion of Sodome and Gomorre with water Exod xx fire brimstone Deute v. from heuen and such other like plages mencioned in the holy scriptures ▪ do euidētly declare and shew Deu. xxiii Thy cōmaundement is that we shulde cōmit none adultry Leuit. ●x And in the common ▪ weale of the Israelits thou cōmaūdest Deut. xxii that there shuld neither be whormonger nor whore If any suche wer found the thei shuld be stoned vnto deathe Prou●r v. For althoughe the l●ppes of an harlotte are to the folyshe a droppynge hony come and her necke softer then oyl yet at the last is she as bitter as wormwod and as sharp as a swearde Her feete go down vnto death her steppes haste them into hell and he the accompanieth him selfe with an whore Prouer. ix shal go doun vnto hel but he that goeth away frō her shal be saued Proue x●x Yea he y● mainteineth an whore shal come vnto beggery in this world and after this life shal haue his part in the lake that burneth wyth fire and brymstone O Lorde Apoca. xx i. Tess. iii● thou haste called vs not vnto vnclēnes but vnto holynes purenes of lyfe i. Corin. vi thou hast made vs one body and one spirit with the how vnsemely thē is it to take the mēbers of Christ Psalm li. to make thē the mēbers of an harlot We therfore moste humbly besech the to make in vs a clene hert to renue a right spirite within vs to turn away al voluptuousnesse from vs. Ecle xxiii Take from vs the lusts of the body let not the desires of vnclēnes take hold vpon vs and geue vs not oouer into an vnshamefaste and obstinate minde Ephesi v. Let not fornicaciō adultery nor any kind of vnclēnes be once named amōg vs. Let no fylthye communicaciōn procede out of your mouthes Ephe. iiii but that which is good to edifie with al when nede is i. Cor. vi that it may haue fauour with the hearers And for asmuch as nether fornicatours neyther whoremongers Ephesi v. nether weaklīgs nether abusers of thē selfs with the mankinde shal enherit the kingdome of God grāt we hertely pray the that suche as be vnmaried may kepe thē selfs pure and vndefiled after the exāple of that godly yong man Ioseph and bring with thē vnto honorable wedlocke both their bodyes and myndes chast honest Graunte also that the maryed men may beware and kepe thē selfes from all whoredome Gen. xxxix and vse the companye of no woman besides theyr wife Again Tobi. iiii Iob. ●iii graunt that al maried women may practyse the maners of that vertuous womā Susāna nether for flattering nor manacing words at anytime consent vnto vnclennes but so kepe the bed vndefiled that their mariage may be honorable that God may blesse thē theyr godly trauels and make theym ioyfull Mothers of manye children Fynally graūt O most merciful father that we may so auoid al vnclēnes that we being pure both in bodye soule may deserue to se thy glorious face in thi heuēly kīgdō thorow Iesu christ our lord Amē A prayer agaynste couetousnes THy sonne and oure Lord O heauenly father byddeth vs take hede and beware of couetousnes for no mannes lyfe sayeth he standeth in the aboundaūce of thyngs which he posesseth Thy holy Apostle also affirmeth couetousnes to be the rote of al euilles i. Tim. vi and that they which study to be riche fal into temptacion and snares into many folyshe and noysome lustes which drowne men in temptacion and destrucciō And in a nother place he calleth couetousnes the worshyppyng of Idolles Ephes● v. Thus in euery place of the holye scrypture thys most damnable synne of couetousnes is cōdēpned and forbiddē ▪ Notwithstanding O lord thorow the suttel working of the Deuill we se how this most vyle monsture hath preuailed and almost ouercome the whole world and brought into his subieccyon not onli the wicked and vnfaithful but thē also that professe thy blessed name and holy religion For frome the fyrste to the laste frō the hiest to the lowest al gyue theyr mynde to couetousnesse Iere. vi Phil. ii Al seke their own not Iesu Christes They renounce the world in word but in dede no mā ēbraceth it more desirousli Thei bi mouth professe couetousnes to be a line but in worke they magnifi it not onelye as a vertue but also as a God In word they confes that to be theyr Lord Esay● v. but in dede they serue Māmō Thei make no end of ioynīg house to house land to land Lordshyp to Lordshyp ferme to ferme pastur to pasture i. Peter v. Another sorte which ought to be an exāple to thy flocke cheyneth coupleth lynck●the and ioyneth lykewyse dignyty to dignity promocyon to promocion benefice to benefyce prebend to prebende deanry to deanry office ro office office for a vauntage vnto the greate dishonoure of thy holy name the hyndrance of thy blessed Gospell and the confusion of theyr cōsciēce if they had any Esay● lvi They be shamlesse dogges that haue neuer inoughe nor be neuer fatysfyed Abacuc ii
They go forth daili more and more to hepe vp thicke clay against them selfs Their couetousnes knoweth nether ende nor mesure so that if thou dost not shortly reforme this outragious desyre of hauīg it is like to come to passe that Mammon shal be honored for a God thou vtterly dispised few shal possesse the whole fruites of the earth the other shal miserably sterue for hūger For ther is no mercye on the earthe Os● iiii as thy Prophete complayneth All seke theyr own and not Iesu Christes Philip. ii ▪ They be louers of themselfs and haters of other O good lord it may plese that therfore for thy mercyes sake to redresse these pestylences wher wyth the moost parte of the worlde at thys present be infected Open the eies of the couetous worldlyngs that they may clearely se how vile an Idole they serue Psal. xxxix how vncertain possessions they gather together not knowing to whom they shall leaue them Take awai frō them inordinate and vnsaciable desire of hauīg Psal. cxix Encline their herts vnto thi testimonis not vnto couetousnesse i. Peter ii Teach thē that in this world they are but straūgers and Pylgrimes Hebr. xiii and haue here no abidig citie but seke for one to come and that therfore thei ought to be contente wyth that is sufficient For nothinge broughte they into this world nether shal they carye any thyng out of it i. Tim● vi Teach them not to put theyr trust in vncerten rychesse but in the the liuing god which geuest vs al thyngs abundantelye to enioye them Teache them to do good and to be rich in good workes and readye to geue to distribute layinge vp in store for them selfs a good foūdacyon agaynste the time to come that they may obtayne eternal life Teach them to learne practise this thy commaundement geuē bi the prophet breake thy bread to the hungri Esa. lviii lede into thi house the pore harbourles When thou seest a naked mā couer him and thou shalt not despise thy flesh Teache thē to loue theyr neighbour as them selfes Leui●● xix Math. xiii and to seke the commodite of theyr Christē brethren no lesse then theyr owne Mark xii Yea teach them euer to set befor their eies this cōmaundement of thy holi Apostle let no man seke his owne profyt but the cōodite of other Luke x. Roma ●iii In fine grant that the conuersaciō of so manye as professe thy name Iacob ii may be so far stranged from the most detestable sinne of couetousnes that it be not once named amōge them Hebr. xiii agayne that they make thē bagges which waxe not old Ephe. v. and gather treasure in heauē that faileth not Luke xii where no thief commeth nor moth corrupteth that they being rich in good workes Mathe. vi may obtain that blessed life which thou hast promised to so mani as be louing and merciful thorow Iesu Christ our Lorde Amen A prayer agaynste Glotonye and Dronkennesse VUe are warned by thi deare son O most merciful father to take heede that our hearts be not ouerwhelmed with feasting and dronkennes Luke xix Eze. xxxvii For thorow festynge manye haue died Ose. iiii and thorow drōkēns innumerable haue peryshed If oure fyrste parentes hadde not obeyed theyr appetyte Gene. ii they had not transgressed thy cōcommaundement by eatinge the forbiddē frute nor haue gottē so great an euil both to them selfes and to al their posterity If Lotte had not ben ouercome with wine he had neuer so filthely committed inceste with his owne doughters Genesis ii Ex● xxxii ▪ If the people of Israell had not geuē them selfs vnto bāckettinge i. Cor x. they had not neuer so wyckedly fallē into Idolatry nether had so mani thousands of mē ben slain Math. xiii If king Herod had not ben ouercome wyth banckettyng he wold not so sone haue consented to the death of the godly preacher S. Iohn Luke xvi If that rich gloton had not bene so greatly geuen to the pampring of his belly he woulde neuer haue ben so vnmerciful to pore Lazarus If the Sodomits had not vsed bancketting and riotous liuinge Ezechi xvi they had not peryshed with so horrible punyshments For thou ▪ O lord canst not abide thy creatures to bee abused Gene. xix For besydes euerlastynge dampnacion which abydeth all glotones dronckerds thou punishest these voluptuous Epicures beastlye belli slaues with corporal plages with sicknes and pouerty as thy seruaunt Salomon testifieth Where is wo sayeth he Prou. xxiii wher is sorowe where is stryfe wher is brawling wher are woūds withoute a cause Where be red eyes Euen among those that be euer at the wine seke out where the best is Agayne he saieth kepe no company with wine bibbers and riotous eaters of fleshe for suche as be dronckerdes and ryotous persōnes shal come to pouerti Another of thy seruaunts also declareth that excesse of meats brīgeth sicknesse and glotony commeth at the last vnto an vnmesurable heat Yea he sayeth ▪ that an vnsaciable eater slepeth vnquietly Eccle. xxxi and hathe ache and pain of the body Seing these foule and fylthy monstures of glottonye and drōkennes bring vnto vs the destruccion both of body and soule we besech the O heauenli father to geue vs grace that from hensforth we may be from these beastly vices as from mooste presente pestilēces and vse thy good creatures soberly temperatelye and thāckfully Roma xiii by no meanes make prouision for the fleshe to fulfil the lusts therof but be sober watch that we fal not into the snares of oure gostly enemie the Dyuel whiche walketh about like a roringe Lion seking whom he may deuour and labour for that meate i. Peter v. which perysheth not but abydeth into euerlasting life Iohn x. vi that we liuing soberly watching warely prayinge continually and loking diligently for the comming of thy dearlye beloued sōne Luke xvii may be found redy whensoeuer he commeth enter with him into the glory of heauē for euer and euer Amen i. Te●so vi Mat. xxiiii A prayer agaynst Idlenes IMmediatly after thou haddest created man O maker of heauen and earth and placed him in the garden of Eden Gene. ii thou conmaundedst him to dresse keepe it because he shoulde not be idle For idlenes is the occasiō of much euil Eccl. xxxiii In lyke manner after man had transgressed thy holy cōmandement thou expulsing hym out of paradice for his disobediēce Gene. iii. sending him abrode into the face of the earth commandedst him to eate his bread in the swete of his face in the labour of his hāds Psal. cxix so that thy good pleasure is that no man shulde be idle Thys thy commaundement was diligentli obserued of the godly auncyente
our conuersacion and liuing that whatsoeuer we breth thyncke speake or do all thyngs may be done vnto the honour glorie and prayse of thy name whyche lyueste and raygneste wyth God the father and GOD the holy gost the true liuinge euerlastynge God worldes wythoute ende Amen A prayer vnto God in prosperity Iacob i. VUe are taughte in thy holye worde O moste merciful father that euerye good perfecte gifte commeth from aboue euē from the the father of lyght that wee haue nothynge in thys worlde pertayninge eyther vnto the body or vnto the soule 1. C●ri iiii that is prayse worthy but we haue it altogether of the forasmuch therefore as it hathe pleased the to opē thy lyberal hande and plenteously to blesse me a wretched sinner ●sal cxlv aboue many other the creatures wyth large and diuers benefites bothe bodely and ghostly I most hūbly beseche the geue me grace not to be proude of these thi gifts nor licenciouslye to abuse them but alwayes mekely to acknoweledge the thalone geuer of them continually to be thanckeful vnto the for them and so to vse thē all the dayes of my lyfe vnto the glorye of thy holye name and the profyt of the Christen congregacyon that when so euer I shal departe from thys vale of miserye come before the glorious throne of thy diuine Maiesty I maye be founde a faythfull stewarde and heare these swete and comfortable wordes of the well thou good and faythful seruaunt thou hast bene faythful ouer fewe thyngs I wyll make the Ruler ouer manye thynges Math. xx● ▪ Enter thou into the ioye of thy Lorde Graunt thys o mooste louing father for thi dere sonnes sake Iesus Christe oure Lorde and sauyoure Amen A Prayer vnto God in aduersitie THou alone O blessed Lorde by thi godly wisdome and heuenlye prouidence gouernest all thynges ●ap xiiii and sendest vnto vs thy creatures as semeth good to thi godli maiesti i. Reg● ii somtime welth somtime pouerti somtime health sometime sicknes somtyme prospe●●●ie sometime aduersitie as thou dost appoint so doth it chās vnto vs. It hathe pleased the at thys present for my deserts worthely to lay the crosse of aduersity vpon my shulders whych I freli confesse I haue moste iustlye deserued and yet not withstanding I am perfectly perswaded that it is thy mooste gentle and louinge visitacion Prouer. iii. yea and an euident token not of thyne anger and heauy displeasure Hebru xii Apoca. iii. but of thy fatherly loue and harty good wyll toward me i. Corin. xi whyle on this manner thou correctest me in thys worlde that I maye not bee condemned wyth thys wycked worlde My synnes I graunte O heauenlye father haue deserued a more greuous bytter crosse whych in dede haue ful oft deserued veri hel but thou consyderyng my frayle and weke nature dealest not wyth me after my deseruynges but accordynge vnto thy greatst mercyes Uouchsafe therefore o moste louing sauyour to geue me thy holy spirit which may worke in mi hart such thankefull pacyence and pacyent thākefulnes that euer I grudge nor murmure agaynst thy blessed wyll Eccles● ii but continuallye call on thy holye name wyth hartye prayers and euen from the very botom of the heart prayse and magnify the my heuenly father Psalm● i. beyng wel cōtented to suffer what so euer thy good pleasure shall be to laye vpō me nothyng doubtynge but that thou wylt here after mercifullye looke vpon me and restore vnto me the fruic●on and enioyinge of thy former benefites that I seyng again good and prosperous dayes on the earth may lyue and synge vnto thy godlye Maiestye contynuall praises and most harty thanckes thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde to whome wyth the and the holye Ghoste be all glory and honoure for euer and euer Amen ☞ A thanksgeuyng vnto God for sendynge his sonne into this world to die for our sins VUither soeuer we tourn our eyes O mooste louynge and heauenlye father the bottōlesse seas of thyne vnspeakeable goodnesse towarde mankynde plenteouslye stowe in and lyuely offer thē selfs vnto vs to beholde and to wonder at Esay xxiiii After thee fall of the sinnefull angels what an exceadynge greate kyndenesse was thys Iob. iiii to make man after thy similitude image liknesse ii Peter ii that he and hys posteritye myght furnyshe and occupy those places in thy gloryous kyngedome Gene. ii whych the proude and dysobedient aungels loste for theyr proude dysobedyēce disobediēt pride Not only to place man in earthe but also to prouyde aforehande all things necessary for hym yea to make hī Lorde and ruler of al thyngs contayned in the earth vnder y● hys Lorde GOD Psalm● ●● O what a wōderfull louynge kyndenes was thys Again to preserue kepe defend man to watch continually vppon hym whether he wake or slepe as the deligēt and carefull shepherd watcheth ouer his flock that no euyl chance to man to dyrrecte hys thoughtes counsells deuyses vnto the best neuer leauinge hym til thou haste broughte hym into thy heuenly kyngedome O who is able with tong to expresse or wyth herte to thyncke thys thy hertye good wil towarde manne These benefites O most merciful father are exceadynge greate tokens of thy deare loue toward mankind but the gyft of thi onelye begotten sonne Iesu Christe our Lorde Mathe. i. ii Timo. ii Ephesi ii ▪ whom thou gauest vnto vs to be our sauyoure oure redemer i. Cor. i. our peacemaker our wysdome our santificacion and our ryghteousnesse is the most excellent gift most precius treasure A chylde to be born for our sakes The sonne of the most hiest God to be geuen vs for a newe yeares gifte Esaye ●x to be our owne for euer O loue passynge all loue O kyndenes rather to be merueled at thē able by mouth to be vttered Iohn iii. God the father so derely to loue the world that he wold geue his only begotten sonne that euery one that beleueth in him maye not pearishe but haue euerlastyng life God the father to sende hys sōne into the worlde not to condēne the world but that the worlde thorowe hym shuld be saued God the father not to spare his own sonne but to delyuer hym euē vnto death for vs al yea with him euē to geue vs al thinges O most gentle kīdnesse excellyng al loue kindnes Roma●● v. Wōderfully O moost louing father doth this thing set forth thy herti loue toward vs that whē we wer yet vngodly wycked sinners thou gauest thi sonne to dye for our sins Esaye ●iii Math v●i● i. Peter ii He was wounded for oure offences and smitten for our wyckednes The paine of our punishmēt laiedst thou vpon him with hys stripes were we healed Thorow him O lord dyddest thou pardon all our sins It was thy good plesure to smyte hym with infyrmity
of the glorius gospell of christ shuld not shine vnto thē that they cast away thys doctryne as heresye go forth stil of an obstynate and froward minde to worshyp the bread wine as god condēne al other for heretikes whyche hold the contrarie O lord these bread christians may wel be resēbled to the men of Babilō which would not be perswaded by anye meanes but that Bell the great Dragon whō they dayly worshipped and offred vnto Dan. x●iii were liuyng godds and therefore sought they al meanes possible to destroy both Daniel and the king because thei taughte the contrarye and braste tho●e Idols geuing commandement that the liuyng God alone which thou art shuld be honored worshipped of al nacions in the worlde But we O Lord to whō thou haste reueled the misteris of thy godlye truthe and delyuered out of the kyngedome of darckenesse confes our selfs to be great lye bounden vnto the for thy mercyful benefyte We therefore beseche the to gyue vs grace so to walk in this glorious light of thy holye Gospel as it becommeth the chyldren of light in al goodnesse Ephe. v. ryghteousnesse and truth Thou haste deliuered vs from stinking Sodome suffer vs no more to loke backe toward it Gene. xi Thou hast brought vs home againe frō Babylō y● land of bondage vnto the newe Ierusalē Grant that we beīg delyuered oute of the handes of our enemis may serue the in holines righteousnes al the dais of our lyfe Luke i. Mathe. ii We haue sene Christ thy sonne and oure kynge suffer vs no more to returne vnto wycked Kyng Herode Luke ix We haue put oure hande to the ploughe grante that we neuer loke backe agayne but perseuer contynew go forward vnto the end Let it be neuer sayed to vs as thy sonne sayde vnto the Iewes Math. xxi the kyngdom of God shal be taken frō you shal be geuen to a people which shal bringe forthe the fruites of it Make vs fruteful fig trees Giue vs grace to be ryche and plenteouse in all good workes As we confesse the with oure words so let vs expres the with our workes As we fauour and loue thy Gospell so lette vs folowe and loue thy gospel For that seruant whiche knoweeth hys masters wyll and doeth it not shal be beatē with mani stripes If after we haue escaped frō the filthynesse of the worlde thorowe the knowledge of the Luke xii and of our sauiour Iesu Christ we are tangled again therin and ouercome ●ii 〈◊〉 ii then is the latter ende worse with vs then the beginning For it had ben better for vs not to haue knowen the wai of righteousnes thē after we haue knowē it to turne from the holy cōmaundement geuē vnto vs. So might it be sayde of vs accordynge to the true prouerbe Pro. xxvi The dog is turned to hys ●omit agayne Pr● ●xvi and the sowe that was washed to her walowīg in the myre Graunte therfore we moste humbly pray the that accordynge to oure knowledge we may leade an honest conuersaciō among all menne i. Peter ii that they which backbyte vs as euyll doers maye see oure good worckes and glorifie the our heauenly father in the day of visitacion Amen A thankesgeuinge vnto God for al his benefites VE mooste heartelye thancke the O LORDE God oure heauenly father for thy mamanyfolde and inestimable benefites whiche thou haste geuen vnto vs bothe for oure body and soule yea and freely euē of thine owne goodnesse wythoute oure desearte We thancke the that it hathe pleased thee of thy greate mercie fyrste to create make vs accordynge to thyne own image and lykenes Gene. i. to place vs in ioyful paradyse Sapi ii wher we shuld continually haue remained in a blessed quiet state if thorow the subtil and deceitefull suggestions of of Satan our old enemy Gene. iii. we had not transgressed thy holy cōmandement We thancke the also O most gentle father for thy louing kindnes whiche thou shewedst vnto vs when we all were perished lost thorow the sinne of oure firste father Adam For whē thou mightest iustly haue condemned vs and cast vs into perpetuall dānaciō thou like a father of singuler great loue haddest pity on vs and sauedst vs by the deathe and passyon of thy welbeloued sonne our Lord sauiour Iesu Christe ii Tim. ii which gaue him self a raunsome for all oure synnes and payed a sufficiente price by hys precious bloud for all the wyckednes that we at anye tyme heretofore haue commytted i. Iohn i. Hebru ▪ x● or hereafter shall cōmit thorow our frailtye weakenesse so that we repente beleue amende Neither wast thou thus contented that he only shuld dye for our sinnes but thou also didst raise him vp again for our iustificacion Roma iiii and to make vs ryghtous in thy sight Moreouer after that he had shewed him self vnfained lye alyue to hys Apostles by manifest and euident tokēs certain dayes after his resurreccion Mat. xxvii● thorow the power of his godhead he ascended vp into heauē perfecte God and perfecte man Luk. xxiiii where he nowe sitteth on the ryghte hande and maketh intercessiō for vs Actes i. being our alone mediatour and aduocate i. Timo. ii From thēce we looke for hym to come again at the daie of iudgement Iohn ii A●t●s i. not as a cruell iudge to condemne and caste vs away but as a moste louinge Lord and gentle sauioure Math. xxv to cary vs wyth hym vnto euerlastyng glory i. Tes. iiii ther worlde 's without end to remaine in such ioyes as eie haue not sene nor eare hathe hearde Esay liiii i. Cor. iii. nor yet is any hert able to thinke For those thy moost bounteous gyftes and for al other thy benefites whiche thou dayly geuest vnto vs of thy great mercy both for oure bodye and soule we most hūbly thanke the mooste gentle and mercyfull father besechynge the that thou wilt giue vs grace thorow thi holie spyrit not to be vnthākful but to walke worthy of this thi kindnes and so to behaue ourselfs all our life time in this wretched worlde according to thy holye wyll that at the last day we may be foūd in the number of them to whō thy only begotten sonne shal say Mat. xxvi come ye blessed of my father po●ses the kyngdome whiche was prepared for you from the beginninge of the world Lord let it so come to passe ¶ A prayer for the sycke to be sayde of the congregacyon ▪ O Iesu the alone sauyoure of the world and the onely true Phisicion bothe of body and soul we ar come together at this presente before the thorne of thy godly Maiestie to offer our humble prayers vnto the for our sicke and weake brother whome thou haste visited wyth thy louing rod of correcciō wherby
hym from the cursse of the lawe Galath iii and paied his ransome that he thus being fully perswaded may haue a quiet herte a fre conscience a glad wil to forsake this wretched world and to go vnto the his lorde god Moreouer thou hast conquered him that hadde rule of death euē satā Hebru ii suffer him not therfore to exercise hys tirranny vpō this our sycke brother nor to disquiet his cōsciēce with the errours of sin and pains of hell Gse● xiii i. Cori. xv Lette not Satan nor his infernall army tempt him further thē he is able to bear but euermore gyue hym grace euen vnto his last breath valeantly to fight against the deuil witha a stronge fayeth in thy precyouse bloud that he may fyght a good fight and finish his course with ioy vn the to glorye of thi name and the health of his soul. O lord so work in him by thy holy spirite that he wyth al his hert may contempne dispise al worldly thyng●s and set his minde who●ly vpon heauēly thynges hopyng for thē with a strong vndouted fayth Agayn let it not greue him o swet sauior to be lo●oned frō this vile wretched carcase which is now so full of sorowe trouble anguysh sickenes and paine but rather let h●m haue abent and readye wyll thorowe thy goodnesse to putte it of yea and that wyth this faith ▪ that he at the last daye shall receyue it agayn in a much better state then it is now or euer was frō the daie of hys byrthe Phil. iii. euen a bodye vncorruptible immortal and like to thy glorious body Let hys whol hert and mynde be set only vppon the· Let the remēbraunce of the ioies of heauē be so feruent in his brest that he may bothe pacientlye and thanckfully take his deathe ii Cori. xv and euer wish to be with the in glory And when the time cōmeth that he shall gyue ouer to nature and depart from this miserable world vouchesafe we most humblye beseche the O Lorde Iesu to take his soule into thy handes and to place it among the glorious company of thy holy angels and blessed Saynctes and to kepe it vnto that mooste ioyfull daye of the general resurrecciō that both his bodye and soule thorow thyne almyghty power being knit againe togither at that daye he maye for euer and euer enioy thy glorious kindom and sing perpetuall praises to thy blessed name Amen ☞ A thankesgeuynge vnto God for the departure of the faythful out of thys world O How can we most louing father render vnto the sufficient thanks for thine in estimable goodnes toward thi faithful seruauntes whome thou calling out of this wretched worlde vouchestsafe to place in thy heauenly kingdō amonge the gloryous company of thy holy aūgels and blessed saintes Psal. cxv O full precyous is the death of the faithful in thy sighte Blessed are the deade that dye in the O Lord Apoc. xiiii For they are at reast frō their paynful trauails and labours The souls of the righteous are in thy hand Sapi. iii. O God and the payne of death shall not touch them In the syghte of the vnwise thei appere to die but they are in peace They shine as the sparckes that runne thorowe the reed bushe Danie xii They glyster as the shining of heauen Thei are as the stars world wythout ende They ar as the angels of God Math. xx●i Apoc. iiii They are clad with white garmentes haue goldē crownes vpon their heads They do seruice day nyght before the glorious throne of thi diuine Maiesty Apoca vii They nether honger nor thirst anye more neyther doth the sun or any heat fal vpon them for the lambe which is in the mids of the thron gouerneth thē and ledeth them vnto the lyuing foūtains of waters They folow the lābe whithersoeuer he goeth They haue such ioies ▪ E●ay lxiii i. ●or iii. as eie hath not sene nor eare hath herd neyther is th●r any hert able to thīck them Infinite and vnspeakable are the tresures O Lord whych thou haste layed vp for them that depart in thy fayth For these thy fatherly benefyts toward the souls of the fayethful for that it hath pleased the to cal our Christē brethren and sisterne from this vale of misery vnto thy heuenly kingdome we geue vnto the most herty thanks humbly beseching the that thou wylte take lyke care for vs and so gouern vs wyth thy holye spirite both in sycknes and in health that we maye lyue a good and godlye lyfe in thys preas●nte world and whensoeuer it shal be thy good plesure to call vs hence we may with strong faith in the and in thy sōne Christe Iesu our Lord commēd both our bodies soules into thy mercifull handes and thorowe thy goodnes be placed in thy gloryous kyngdome among thy faythfull chosē people and so for euer and euer praise magnify the our heauenli father to whome with thi derely beloued son Iesu Christ our Lord and sauior and the holy gost that moste swete comfortour be al glory and honor worlds without end Amē Finis ❧ The Letanye and Suffra●●s O God the Father of heauen haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinn●rs O God the Sonne redemer of the world haue mercye vpon vs miserable synners O god the holy ●ost proceding from the father the sōne haue mercy vpon vs miserable sīners O holy blessed glorious tryniti thre persons one god haue merci vpon vs miserable sīners Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our forefathers neyther take thou vengāce of our synnes spare vs good lord spare thy people whom thou hast redemed with thi most precious bloud and be not angri with vs for e●er Spare vs good Lo●d● From al euil and mischiffe frō sin frō the crafts and assaults of the deuil from thy wrath from euerlastyng damnacion Good lorde deliuer vs. ❧ From blindnes of hert from pride vainglory hypocrisy from enuye hatred and malice and all vncharitablenes Good lord delyuer vs. ❧ Frō fornicacion and all other d●adly sin ▪ from all the deceites of the world the fleshe the deuyl Good lo●de del●u●r vs. ☞ Frōlightning tempest from plage pestilēce famē frō battel murther from sodaine death Good lorde delyuer vs. Frō al sedicion and pryuy conspiraci frō the tiranni of the Bishop of Rome al his detestable enormities from al false doctrin heresy frō hardnes of hert cōtēpt of thy word commandemente Good lorde delyuer vs. ❧ By the misterye of thy holy incarnacion by thy holy natiuity cyrcumcysyon by thy Baptysme fasting and temptacyon Good lorde delyuer vs. By thine agonye and bloudye sweat bi thi crosse and passion bi thy precious death and buriall bi thy glorious resurrecciō ▪ ascēcion by the cōming of the holi gost Good lorde delyuer vs. In al time