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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06667 A rule how to bring vp children A treatise wherein is declared, how the father apposeth his sonne in the holy Scripture, whereby all parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their children, briefelie collected into a short volume.; Rule how to bring up children. Lyster, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 17122; ESTC S104942 107,568 287

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say to the wicked Sonne Reuel 12 First when they are areigned ther shal stand before them a terrible most fearefull Iudge on the one side Wisd 17 Malach. 3. Reuel 14 2. Peter 3. Math. 25 their workes accusing on the other side the Diuell and all hell-hounds to draw them away with in them their conscyence crying out against them on euerie side the whole world burning vnder them hell and damnation wide open to swallow them the fier of paine therin to bunre them the sentence of Iesus thus shall be then prononced Goe you cursed of my ●ather into euerlasting fier prepared for the Diuell and his Angells after which curse they shal be presēly cast into a lak● of fier brimstone Math. 3 where the fier neuer quencheth and the worme neuer dyeth and haue euerlasting paine Father Procéed tell me what shall become of the Diuell death and damned soules and bodies then Sonne Saint Iohn saith Reuel 20 that death and Hell shall be cast into a lake of fier which is the second death The beast and the false Prophetes were taken Reuel 19 and cast quicke into a ponde of fier burning with Brimstone and all that had the beasts marke The wicked shall drinke of the wine of the wrath of God Reuel 14 which is powred into the cup of his wrath and shall bée punished in fier and Brimstone VVher punishment neuer endeth before the holie Angells before the Lambe and the smoak of their tormēts ascēdeth euermore The damned shall sucke the Gall of Serpents Iob. 26. the Adders tounge shall slay him so that he shall no more sée riuers of Honie and Butter The wicked shall be turned vnto hell all they that forget God Psalm 9 so that vpon thē shall the Lord ra●●e fier and Brimstone storme and tempest this shal be their portion to drink In that daye the Lord with his sore Esay 27. Christ conquered Sathan and destroyed his power great and mightie sworde shall visite Leuiathan the fugetiue serpent euen Leuiathan that crooked serpent shall slay the Dragon that is in the sea Esay 30. Hell in the depth prepared for Kings so that none are spared The fier of paine is ordained from the beginning yea euen for kinges it is prepared this hath the Lord set in the depth and made it wide the burning whereof is fier and much wood and the breath of the Lord which is a riuer of Brimstone doth kindle it Esay 3● The wicked saith God shall conceaue stubble and beare straw and my spirit shal be as fier that it may consume and the people shall be burnt like lime and as thornes burne that are hewed off and cast into the fier Esay 34. They shall be so chaunged that they shall be as blacke as a pot my sword shall come downe in iudgement and vpon the people which I haue cursed for my vengeaunce The paine fier shal continue euermore thy folke shall be t●rned to pitch his earth to Brimstone therwith shall the land be kindled so that it ●hall not be quenched day nor night but smoake euermore Esay 66. Their carrions shall lie and be looked vpon their wormes shall not die neither shall their fier be quenched and all flesh shall abhorre them Iudeth 16 The Lord shall giue fier and wormes into their flesh that they may burne and féele it for euermore Thunder-boltes hills Wisd 5 waters of the sea flouds shall runne roughlie together a mightie winde shall stande vppe against them Their ioye shall be turned to sorrow Baruch 4 for fier shall fall vpon them from the euerlasting God long to endure and shall be inhabited of Diuells The wicked will the Lord burne with vnquenchable fier Math. 3 there shall be wéeping and gnashing of téeth Mark 13 The fearefull and vnbeléeuers Reuel 21 and abhominable murderers and whorrmongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all lyers shall haue their part in the lake that burneth with fier and Brimstone which is the second death And Christ thus concludeth that they shall be bounde ●ande and foote and cast into vtter darken●sse where is wéeping and gnashing of téeth Father The Lord make our hearts stable and vnblameable 1. Thess 3 in holinesse before God our Father at the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christ with all Sainctes Amen Procéede tell mée now of the ioye prepared of God for his electe and chosen Reuel 28 I sawe saith Saint Iohn a newe heauen a new earth new Ierusalem come downe from heauen prepared as a bride garnished for her husbande ●oye and I hearde a great voyce from heauen saying beholde the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himselfe shall bée with them and be their God and GOD shall wipe away al teares from their eies and there shall be no more death neyther sorrow neyther crying neither shall there be any more paine for the olde thinges are gone Reuel 21 They shall sée his face and his name shall be in their forehead● where shall appeare the brightnesse of God Reuel 14 They shall drinke of the well of the water of life They shall rest from their labours Gen. 1. The Lord himselfe will be their reward Reuel 7 They shall bée in the presence of the seate of God and serue him day and night in his Temple and he that sitteth in the seate will dwell among them they shall hunger no more neither thirst neither shall the Sunne light on them neither any heate for the Lambe which is in the middest of the seate shall féede them and leade them vnto fountaines of liuing water and God shall wipe away all teares from their eies They shall stande before the seat of the Lambe Eod. cloathed with white long garments and Palmes in their hands They shall singe night and day saying Reuel 4 Holie holie holie Lord God almightie which was and is and is to come In the kingdome of heauen shall the Lord of hostes make vnto all people a feast of plenteous delicate dishes Esay 25 euen of most pleasaunt and daintie dishes The Lord of hostes shall be a crowne of glorie and di●mond of beautie Esay 28. vnto his faithfull people Iacob shall not bée confounded Esay 29. nor his face pale The rewarde of righteousnesse Esay 32. shall bée rest peace and quietnesse for euer There shall Sion bée séene Esay 33 the head Cittie of our solemne feast there shall thine eyes sée Ierusalem that glorious habitation and Tabernacle that neuer shall remoue ●eauen whose nayles shall not bée taken out worlde without ende the Maiestie of God shall be there present among vs Maiestie 〈◊〉 God ●ene ●dge ●aw-giuer ●ing Sa●iour as a place where broade riuers and streames are for the Lord is a Iudge the Lord is our
thou that hast made thy seruant king in steade of Dauid my father Wisedome and strength are the Lords Dan. 2. he putteth downe kinges and setteth vp kinges The Lord hath set a ruler ouer euerie people so that the ruler Eccle. 17. Conclusiō that the Prince is the head Prince or king set ouer euery people by the Lord being so ordayned of God is chiefe head ouer those people where the Lord hath placed and set him Father Thou proouest verie well and directly my Sonne if Kinges and Princes are ordayned of God But now procéede and tell me for what cause Sonne 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 13. The Apostle aunswereth thus for the punishment of euill dooers but for the loue of them that doe well Rulers are not fearefull to them that doe well but to them that doe euill for he is the minister of God for thy welth But and if thou doest euill then feare for hée beareth not the swoord for naught for hee is the minister of God to take vengeance of him that doth euill Exod. 18. Moyses saide iudge betwéene euerye man and his neighbour and shewe them the ordinaunce of God and his lawes Gen. 26. Abymelech the king commaunded that none of his people should touch Abraham or his wife and whosoeuer hurt eyther of them should die the death VVho are to be chosē kings Deut. 17. No stranger to be thy king Deut. 17. Thou shalt make him king ouer thée which the Lord thy God shalt choose euen one from among thy brethren shalt thou make king ouer thée thou mayst not make a stranger king ouer thee which is not of thy brethren The king ought to reade in the lawe of his God all the dayes of his lyfe and not turne there from neyther to the right hand nor to the left Dauid raigned ouer Israell and executed iust and right ouer all his people 2. kings 8 The King shall giue sentence betwéene parties 2. king 25 and iustifie the righteous and condemne the vngodly The King is like an Angell of God to heare good and bad 2. king 14 The King ought to defend the fatherlesse and poore Psalm 82. to sée that such as bée in néede and necessity haue right A wise King destroyeth the vngodlie Pro. 20. and bringeth the whéele ouer them Father Sonne 1. Pet. 2. I vnderstand the Kinges dutie and that the God of heauen hath chosen him for the punishment of the wicked and for the praise of the good doer but tell me if he haue this power and aucthoritie from God ouer all his subiects spiritual and temporall Sonne Yea Father ouer all people within his seuerall iurisdiction whether exclesiasticall or cyuell Iosua commaunded the Prists to take Iosua 3. vp the Arke of the Lord and to goe before the people and they so dyd Iosua 4 The Lord saide to Iosua commaund the Priests that beare the Arke of witnes to come vp out of Iourden and the people to followe 3. Cron. 8. Salomon set the sorts of the Priestes to their offices and the Priestes in their watches to minister to the Lord and the Priests the Leuites omitted not the commandement of the King concerning anie maner of thing Father Well but what further hath a Prince to doe in the Church of God Sonne 4. king 18 You may perceiue Father by these examples following Hezechia dyd that which was right in the sight of the Lorde as Dauid had done he put downe the hyll Alters and brake the Images cut downe the groues and all to brake the brasen Serpent which Moyses made for vnto that time the people did burne sacryfice to it called it Nehustan Dan. 6. Daryus the King wrote a commaundement that all menne spirituall and temporall within his domynion should feare and stand in awe of Daniels God for he is the liuing God that abydeth euer and his kingdome shall not fayll it is he that delyuereth and saueth The Kinge ought to ouerthrowe all Alters breake downe their Pyllers Deu. 7. cut downe their groues and burne the grauen Images with fire Whereby you may plainely sée that the King or Prince in the Church of God hath aucthorytie to roote out all supersticion and Idolitrie And to commaund that the liuing God be feared and worshiped Father What punishment may the Kinge or Prince appoint for Idolaters and for those that pollute the Temple of the Lord and will not feare the God of Israell Sonne Euen what punishmēt as the Prince shall thinke good for the Lord sayeth Iosua 2. The kings displeasure is a messenger of death whosoeuer doth disobay his mouth will not harken vnto his woords in al that he commandeth him let him dye Salomon sayd if thou be a Childe of 3. Kings 1 vertue there shall not one haire of thine head fall to the earth but if thou be wicked thou shalt dye Deu. 13 If there arise saith the Lord among you a Prophet a dreamer of dreames and giue a signe or wonder and that signe or wonder come to passe and shall then say come let vs worship strange Gods thou shalt haue no pittie nor compassion vppon him but cause him to be slayne thou shalt stone him with stones that he dye Exod. 22 He that offereth to any Gods but to the Lord onely let him be rooted out Exod. 21 He that smyteth a man that he dye shall dye for it He that curseth his father or mother shall dye for it Eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand c. By these examples you may well note Father that Princes may punish with imprisonment fyne or death offenders whether Priests or seculer persons Father Séeing that Princes are ordayned of God for these causes and haue power to punish with death or otherwise according to the offence must not all persons then néeds obey them Sonne Yes Father all subiects must honour them and obay them with their bodies goods and prayers Ouer all which the Prince hath power Let euery soule saith Saint Paull Rom. 13. submit himselfe to the aucthorytie of the hyer powers Ye must néeds obay Eod. not onely for feare of vengance but also because of cōscience Warne them that they submit themselues to rule and power Titus 3 that they obay the officers Submitte your selues vnto all manner of ordinances for the Lords sake 1. Peter 2 whether it be to the King as to the chiefe head eyther vnto rulers as vnto them that are sent of him for the punishment of euill doers but for the prayse of them the do well All our Cyties possessions Iudeth 3 al moūtaines and Hills all Fields great and small Cattell Shéepe and Goates Horses Camels all our goods housholds are in the power of the King and vnder his subiection we our selues and our Children are his owne Christ Iesus sayth Math. 22 giue to Caesar the things that belong to Caeser and
aunswere to euery man that asketh me a reason of the hope that is in me that with méekenes feare hauing a good cōcience that whereas they back byte mée as an euill doer they may be ashamed that falsly accuse my good conuersation in Christ demaund therefore what pleaseth you and I will according as Gods holy spirit shall teach me aunswere to the same Father In whome doest thou beléeue and whom doest thou worshippe Sonne Acts. 24 I aunswere with Saint Paull and confesse vnto you that after the way which some called heresie so worship I the God of my fathers beléeuing al things that are written in the Law and Prophets and haue hope towards God that the resurrection of the dead shall be both of iuste and vniust and therefore I study to haue alwaies a cleare conscience towardes God and towards men Father Shew mée if thou hast read perfectly the whole booke of God Sonne Psalm 1. Yea father I may say with Dauid my delight is in the Lawe of the Lorde and in his word haue I exercised my selfe day and night Father Are all thinges necessary to saluation contained in that booke of life called the Byble Sonne Yea truly father Io. 5. search the Scriptures saith Christ for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall life and they are they which testifie of mée and yet ye will not come vnto-mée that ye might haue life Saint Iames saith Iames. 1 Suscipite insitum verbū quod potest saluare animas vestras receiue with méekenesse the worde which is grafted in you being able to saue your soules Many signes truly did Iesus in the presence of his disciples Io. 20. which are not written in the Byble but so many are written that may learne vs to beléeue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of GOD and that in beléeuing wée may haue life through his name Saint Peter sayth 1. Peter 2 although wée sée not Christ yet wee doe beléeue and reioyce with ioye vnspeakable glorious The end of faith is saluation receiuing the ende of our faith euen the saluation of our soules Io. 15. Christ Iesus himselfe saith that we are cleane through the words which he hath spoken vnto vs. Peter the Appostel rose vp and saide ye men and brethren Acts. 15. ye knowe that GOD did choose among vs that the Gentiles by my mouth should heare the worde of the Ghospell and beléeue and GOD which knoweth the hearts bare them witnesse and gaue vnto them the holie ghost euen as he did vnto vs and put no difference betwixe vs and them Purified by faith séeing that with faith he purified their hearts Saint Paull saith to Timothie continue thou in the thinges which thou hast learned which also were committed vnto thée knowing of whome thou hast learned them 2. Tim. 3 And for as much also as of a Childe thou hast knowen the holie Scriptures which are able to make thée learned vnto saluation through the faith which is in Christ Iesu for all Scriptures giuen by inspiration of GOD is profitable to teach Scripture makes men perfect in righteousnesse to improue to amēd to enstruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may bée perfect and prepared vnto all good workes Whereby you may plainelie perceiue Father that all thinges néedefull to saluation both to the Iewes and Gentiles Conclusion bonde and frée is contained in the written worde of GOD. Father Me thinkes that by these proues the holie Scriptures contained not onelie all thinges necessary for Saluation but also all other thinges néedefull for the good gouernement of a Christian life Sonne It is so Father as if it please God you shall heare afterwarde in the declaring of the duties of all estats and degrées of people for what blasphemy were it to the holy spirit of God to say that God hath left his word will and Testament vnperfect Father Is there nothinge then left out of Scripture for manne to teach that is néedefull many rites ceremonyes ordinances and inuentions of manne haue béene added thereto and taughte as things most requisite euen in my time Sonne Deu. 4. No father the Lorde saith you shall put nothing vnto the worde which I commaund you Prou 30. neither doe ought there from put thou nothing vnto his wordes least he reproue thée and thou be found a lyer Reuel 22. I testify saith Saint Iohn vnto euery man that heareth the prophecie of the Lords booke if any man shall adde vnto those thinges God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in that booke and if any man shall minish of the words of the prophecie of that booke God shall take away his parte out of the booke of life and out of the holy Cittie and from the things that are written in that booke who then dare be so bould father to thrust in among the ordinances and statutes of our heauenly father mans inuencions and constitutions séeing there hangeth Gods vengeance and eternall punishment ouer the heades of such ready to destroy soule and body when the Lorde commaundeth and to cast them into hell fire that neuer quecheth Father Séeing that the Scripture is the word of saluation why doe so many in these dayes refuse to heare or reade the same Recusants Sonne Christ Iesus saith Io. 8. he that is of God heareth Gods wordes they therfore heare them not because they are not of God To those Recusants saith Christ further Io. eod why doe you not know my spéech euen because you cannot abide the hearing of my worde Yée beléeue not my wordes Io. 10. because you are not of my shéepe for my shéepe heare my voyce and I know them Recusants none of his sheepe and they follow mée and I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neyther shall anye man plucke them out of my handes He that heareth you saith Christ to his disciples heareth mee Luke 10 and he that heareth mée heareth him that sent mée Recusants despise Christ and he that dispiseth you despiseth mée and he that despiseth mee despiseth him that sent mée The Quéene of the South shall rise at the daye of iudgement Luke 11. with this nation and condemne it for she came from the vttermost partes of the earth to heare the wisedome of Salomon and beholde a greater then Salomon is héere Luke 14 Nemo virorum istorum qui vocati sunt gustabunt cenam meam None of these saith Christ that were called and refused to come shall tast of my Supper Acts. 3. The time will come sayth the Apostle That euerie soule that wil not héere that same Prophet shall bee destroyed from among the people 1. Io 4. Recusants are not of God neither know him We are of God saith Saint Iohn hée that knoweth God heareth vs he that is not of God heareth vs not hereby knowe we the spirit of God and the
with her alredy in his heart Math. 15 Out of the heart procéede euill thoughts murders breaking of wedlocke whoredomes theftes false witnesse blasphemies these defile a man Iames. 3. So that euill thoughtes with consent saith Saint Iames procure death Father VVoords Let mée heare what words hurte Sonne 1. Cor. 15 Corrumpunt bonos more 's colloquia praua Euill words corrupt good manners Iames. 3 If any man sinne not in worde the same is a perfect man and able also to same all the body Ephe. 4 Let no filthie communication procéede out of your mouthes saith Paull but that which is good to edifie withall that it may minister grace to the hearers Eod. 5. As fornication or vncleanenesse or couetousnesse let it not be once named among you as becommeth Saincts or filthienesse or foolish talking or ieasting which are not comely but rather giueing of thankes Of euery idle worde that men shall haue spoken Math. 12 they shall giue accompts in the day of the Lorde Ex abundantia cordis os loquitur Eod. Of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh Out of thy wordes thou shalt be iustified Math. 12 and out of thy words thou shalt bée condemned So that the Lawe condemneth wicked wordes Father Procéede to speake of workes VVorkes or deedes Sonne The déedes of the flesh saith S. Paull Gal. 5. are manyfest which are these adultery fornication vncleannesse wantonnesse worshiping of Images witchecraft hatred variance strife sedicions sects enuying drunckennesse gluttony such like The committers of them or such shall not inherit the kingdome of God Whosoeuer breaketh one of the commandemēts and teacheth other men Math. 6. so he shall be called the least in the kingdome of God Who liueth father Iames. 2 that hath not offended either in thought word or déede and if he hath offended in one point hée is guyltie of all for saint Iames saith whosoeuer shall kéepe the whole lawe and yet faill in one point he is guiltie of all Father Was ther neuer any man nor woman that fulfilled the whole lawe Sonne All sinners none iust No father but the man Iesus Christ who was perfect God and perfect man for saint Paull saith all are sinners and stand Rom. 3. Eod. in néed of the grace of God we do perceiue that both Iewes and Gentiles are al vnder sinne there is none that doth good their is none righteous Originall sinne Rom. 5 Gal. 3. By the sinne of Adam there sprong vp euill on all men vnto condemnation The Scripture concludeth all thinges vnder sinnes that the promise by the saith of Iesus Christ should be giuen to all that beléeue Io. 1. If we say that we haue no sinne wée deceiue our selues ther is no truth in vs. Math. 19. None is good saith Christ but one and that is God Psal 14. There is none righteous no not one ther is none that vnderstandeth there is none that séeketh after God they are all gone out of the waie they are all vnprofitable ther is none that doth good no not one There is none iust vppon earth Eccle. 7 that doth good and sinneth not So that Saint Paull concludeth Rom. 3. None iustified by the lavv because none fulfill the same that all mouthes may be stopped and that all the worlde may be subdued vnto God because that by the déedes of the lawe there shall no flesh be iustified in his sight Father What a kinde of doctrine was that which hath béene taught that man might be saued by his owne merits séeing all are sinnes Sonne A detestable doctrine father Gen. 32. as you may perciue by this going before yet for satisfiyng your minde I will proue further vnto you marke what Iacob euen the Lordes elect saide to God Oh Lord I am not worthie of the least of all thy fatherly mercies and truth which thou hast shewed vnto thy seruant It was not for thy righteoussnes sake Deu. 9. or for the right heart that thou goest to possesse the Land for thou art a stifnecked people but for the wickednesse of them that dwell therein and for my promise sake to Abraham Isaac and Iacob Psalm 89. What man is he that shall not sée death and shall he deliuer his owne soule from the hand of hell Rom. 8. I suppose that the afflictions of this life are not worthie of the glory that shall be showed on vs. Luke 17 Christ willeth vs therefore when we haue done all that euer we are able to say we are vnprofitable seruantes Father What sayest thou of those that iustifie themselues before men Iustifiers Sonne Math. 23. Christ Iesus curseth such Woe vnto you Scribes Pharises Ipocrites you make cleane the outside of the cup and platter but within you are full of brybery and excesse euen so they outwardly appeare righteous before men but within are full of faynednesse and iniquitie and all their workes they doe of intent to be séene of men Math. 6 but they haue their reward Ieremi 2 Though thou washest thy selfe with Nitrus and make thy selfe to smell with the swéete hearb of Loreth yet in my sight thou art stained with thy wickednesse Why bostest thou thy selfe sayth God so highly to obtaine fauour thereby Iustifiers Condēned when thou as yet hast stained thée with blasphemies and teachest thyne owne waies and yet thou darest say I am without sinne and guiltles I haue not offended and therefore I condemne thée in iudgement The Prophets and Priests are polluted Ieremi 23 Ipocrytes and their wickednesse haue I found in my house I will therefore bring a plague vppon them The Pharisy saide God I thanke thée Luke 10. I am not like other men I am no extorcionor I am not vniust I am not as this Publican I fast twise in the wéeke I giue tythes of all that I possesse and yet hée went home not iustified Séeing thou puttest thy trust in thyne owne waies Oseas 9. Merits and leanest vnto the multitude of thy merites there shall growe a sedicion among the people al the strong holdes shall be layde wast If I iustifie my selfe Iob. 9. mine owne mouth shall condemne me Tush I haue good enough Oseas 12. in all my workes shall not one fault be found that I haue offended but thou art like a false Marchant that occupyeth extorcion Iustifiers punished ●and therefore shall his blood be powred vppon himselfe and the Lord God shall reward his blasphemies Math. 16. Iustifiers of themselues followe not Christ Therefore I will conclude with the wordes of Iesus Christ if any man will follow me let him forsake himselfe and take vp his crosse Let none trust in their owne worthinesse but in Iesu and follow him Father Thou speakest the truth that all are sinners that we mirrit or deserue no goodnesse at the hand of God and that none what
saide vnto Moyses I will be with thy mouth and teach the what thou shalt say Ioel. 2. I will saith the Lorde powre out of my spirit vppon al flesh and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophecie your olde men shall dreame dreames and your younge men shall sée visions Micheas 3 I am full of strength and the spirit of the Lord full of iudgement and bouldnesse to shew the house of Iacob their offences and the house of Israell their sinne 1. king 19 The spirit of God came vppon the messengers of Saull and they prophecied Math. 10. Christ tould his disciples and saide it is not you that shall speake but the spirit of my father that shall speake within you Luke 12. The holy ghost shall teach you what you shall say Io. 16. When the spirit of truth commeth he shall leade you into all truth Feare not what you shall say for it shal be giuen you in the same houre what ye shall speake Father If the spirit of truth speake by the mouth of his true messengers then it is likelie that the spirit of error I meane Sathan speaketh by the false Prophets Seminaries and seducers of Gods people Sonne True it is father 1. King 1● For an euill spirit sent of God came vppon Saull I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all the Prophets 3. king 2● And deceiue kinge Ahab that he may goe to warre in Ramoth Geliad and so be slaine They are of their father the Diuell Io. 8. his lusts will they follow saith Christ he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth The diuell speaketh by Seminaries for ther is noe truth in him when he speaketh a lie hée speaketh of himselfe for he is a lyer and the father of the same thing take héede father of these seducers by whom the diuel speaketh This false spirit spak to Eua Gen. 3. that if she eate of the trée of knowledge shée should not die the death but bée as God knowing good and bad so many deceiued now by this serpent dye the death Father ●an What saist thou by Man what is hée and to what ende shall he come Sonne Psal 144 Man is like a thing of nought his time passeth awaie like a shadowe Psal 90. When the Lord is angrie all our daies are gone we bring our yéeres to an ende as it were a tale that is tould ●ames 4. The life of man is euen a vapour that appeareth a litle time and then vanisheth awaie Gen. 3 Man is dust and into dust thou shalt bée tourned againe ●ob 7. Hath man anie certaine time vppon earth are not his daies like the daies of an hired seruant ●ob 10 The Lorde made man of moulde and shall bring him to dust againe ●ob 14. Man that is borne of a woman hath but a shorte time to liue and is full of miserie ●od While he liueth his flesh must haue trauell and while the soule is within him he must be in sorrow Isay 40 All flesh is grasse and all the goodlinesse thereof is euen as the flower of grasse the grasse is withered the flower falleth awaie euen so the people are as grasse when the breathe of the Lorde bloweth vppon them Statutum est omnibus hominibus semell mori Heb. 9. it is appointed that all men shal once dye Remember his iudgement Eccle. 38 thine also shal be likewise vnto thée yesterdaie vnto me to day Father I sée plainelie by these partes by dalie experience that all men must dye and that none can escape the hande of death therfore what saist thou to the death of the righteous Sonne The soules of the righteous Wisd 3. are in the hands of God and the paines of death shall not touch them The righteous shal shine as the sparks of fire in the read bushe Eod. and shall iudge the nations and haue dominion ouer the people and their GOD shall reigne for euer Psal 65 Blessed is the man whom the Lords choseth and receiueth vnto him he shall dwell in his court he shal be satisfied with the pleasure of his house euen of his holie Temple Psalm 72 The Lord shall deliuer their soules frō falshod and wrong For deare is the blood of his Saintes in his sight Father I perceiue that the righteous are alwaies preserued but what becommeth of the wicked Sonne Psalm 9 The wicked shal be turned into hell and all the people that forget God Macha 2. Fear not an vnrighteous mans words for his glorie is but donge and wormes to day he is set vp to morow he is gone Iob. 24. Some men there be saith Iob that remoue other mens land markes and rob them of their cattell and kéepe the same for their owne The lyfe and end of the couetous and wicked that take the asse of the fatherlesse and take the widowes Oxe for a pledge that thrust the pore out of the way that reape downe the corne that is not their owne they are the cause that so manie men are naked and bare The eye of the aduoute●er waiteth for the darknesse and faith no man seethe him but shortile are they gone and pluckt out of the way vtterlie pluckt off as the eares of corne Vppon the vngodlie shall the Lorde raine fire and brimstone storme tempest Psalm 10 this shal be their porcion to drinke Father What saist thou to purgatorie Purgatory out of which mens soules are deliuered by the prayers of holy Priests Sonne I say the Scripture maketh mencion of no such thing But of heauen and hell Christes blood and Saint Iohn sheweth by what meanes we are purged and clensed Io. 1. The blood of Iesus Christ clenseth vs from all sinne Through mercie and faith are sinnes purged Pro. 15. Almost euerie thinge is by the Lawe purged with blood Heb. 9 and without blood-shedding is no remession The blood of Iesus Christ doth purge our consciences from dead works Eod. to serue the liuing God Iesus Christ loued vs and purged vs from our sinnes in his blood Reuel 1 and made vs Kinges priestes vnto God the Father to him therefore bée glorie and dominion for euer more Father that was a false doctrine which was of purgatorie as you may sée and made to fill Priests purses Father What profit could that bring to Priests Sonne Mark 12 It brought much worldlie riches and Gods curse withall as Christ saith beware of the scribes which loue to goe in longe clothing and loue salutations in market places Damnaciō to thē that deuoure widowes houses with prayer and the chiefe seates at feasts and in the congregations which deuoure widowes houses vnder a pretence of long praier but they shall receiue greater damnation Math. 23. And Christ saith in the xxiii of S. Mathewes Gospell wo vnto
a leper he should shut him out of the congregation vntill he were clensed Saint Paull speaketh of one that was a speciall Leper 1. Cor. 5 who had cōmitted fornication with his Mother in lawe and willed the Corinthians to excommunicate him saying deliuer the man that hath done this déede vnto Sathan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirite may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus put away the euill from among you Father What if the Leper be clensed and the fornicatour be penytent how must they be vsed Sonne The Leper shall come to the priest Leuiti 13 and if he be clensed the Priest shall shew it to the congregation that their brother being Leprous is healed and after the offering commaunded by God and he shal be receaued into the congregation againe So likewise if the offender repent and come to the Priest hauing such aucthoritie he shall receaue him and giue notise to the congregation whome he had offended that he hath repented and so receaue him againe offering an oblatiō of thanks giueing vnto the Lorde for Saint Paull saith Absolution ● Cor. 2. to whome you forgiue anie thing I forgiue also in the sight of Christ least Sathan should preuent vs. ● Cor. 2. It is sufficient of the man that he was rebuked of many so that now contrariewise ye ought to forgiue him and to comforte him least that same person should be swalowed vp with ouermuch heauienesse Comfort the broken harted Wherefore I exhort you that loue may haue strength ouer him Father Ignorance What if a man sinne ignorantly is not that excusable Sonne Leuiti 4 No father for the Lord commaunded that if any man should sinne of ignorance and should doe any of the things that the Lord had forbidden in his commaundements to be done that he should bring for his sinne which he hadde sinned an Oxe without blemish or a Goat for a burnt offering and the Priest shall make an attonement and the sinne should be forgiuen If the blinde leade the blinde saith Christ both fall into the dytch That seruaunt that knew not his lords will and did it not Luke 2 shall be beaten with few stripes So that ye may sée ignorance shall not excuse Father What saiest thou of holy water that was vsed of late yéeres Holy water Sonne I say it was a ceremonie reproued by the Lord speaking by Ieremie Ieremi 2. the people haue forsaken mée the well of the water of life and haue digged themselues pitts yea vile and broken pitts that can holde no water Ye are like to those that goe downe to the graue Baruc. 3 euen because ye haue forsaken the well of wisedome Father Yea Nume 19 but the scripture maketh mention of sprinckeling water and saith he that toucheth any vncleane thing shall be vncleane vntill he be sprinckeled with the sprinckeling water Sonne That was accounted a ceremonie ordayned by God the father to signifie that all were vncleane except their hearts and consciences should be sprinckled with the water of life zachar 1● which the Prophet Zachary speaketh of the house of Dauid and the Citizens of Ierusalem shall haue an open well to wash of sinne and vncleanenesse zachar 14 In that time shall the waters of lyfe runne out of Ierusalem then shall there be but one Lord onelie and his name shall be one Ieremy 17 They haue forsaken the Lord euen the waters of life ●o 19 Sprincklīg VVater One of the souldiers when Iesus was vpon the Crosse with a speare thrust him to the heart and there out came bloud and water this is that sprinckeling water wherewith we are clensed so that I will conclude with Christes owne wordes to Peter ●o 13. Holy wa●er when he washed the Disciples féete with water Peter saide Lorde thou shalt neuer wash my féete but Iesus saide if I wash thée not thou hast no part with mée so that vnlesse we be washed with this water by Iesus Christ we shall neuer be cleane this water of life being come that sprinckeling water you speake of in the ceremoniall lawe is taken away séeing the verie thing it selfe is come the shadow or figure is abolished Father What doth the scripture speake of frée will Free will Sonne Since the fall of Adam Ieremi 10 there was none that had frée will for Ieremie the prophet saith I know Lord it is not in mans power to order his owne waies or to rule his owne footesteps and goings Who can haue vnderstanding of the meaning except thou giue him wisedome Wisd 10 and send the holie Ghost that the waies of them that be vpon earth may be reformed What I would doe doe I not Rom. 7 but what I hate that doe I to will is present with mée but I finde no meanes to performe that which is good It is God that worketh in you Phillip 2 both the will and also the déede euen of good will We are not sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues 2. Cor. 3 but if we haue béene able vnto any thing All goodnesse commeth of God the same commeth of God which hath made vs able to minister the newe Testament not of the letter but of the spirit Father Euil counsellers What saiest thou of euill counsellers for many great men delight therein Sonne Math. 16 I say they are diuels incarnate marke the words of Christ when he was shewing his Disciples that he must suffer death for the sinnes of the world Peter his seruaunt called him aside and saide Maister fauour thy selfe saue thy selfe but what aunswered Christ Iesus when he hadde turned that all might heare Openly reproued he said to Peter goe after me Sathan for thou sauourest not the things that be of God but the things that are of men I pray God that all noble men Gentlemen and Land-lords hauing stewards and seruaunts that moue them to fauour themselues to liue daintely in this world to oppresse their poore tenaunts to enhaunce their rentes to pill and poll them to driue them out of their houses and doe ioyne house to house and lande to lande that they would aunswere them openlie to their shame Euil counsellers are diuells and say come after mée sathan thou art an impe of the Diuell and a messenger of death thy Maister Sathan hath sent thée to gette my soule which Christ Iesus bought with his precious bloud for a little pleasure to be tormented in hell for euer for what will it gayne me if I winne all the world and léese my soule Father God graunt that all Land-lords would so doe for then God should be glorified the poore well relieued they themselues more honested and in the ende rewarded the Realme by a strong and mightie commonaltie strengthened and her Maiestie by dutiefull subiectes dread feared and honoured But procéede tell me what is the ende commonlie of such