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A06491 The chiefe and pryncypall articles of the Christen faythe to holde againste the Pope, and al papistes, and the gates of hell, with other thre very profitable and necessary bokes the names or tyttels, whereof are conteyne in the leafe next followynge. Made by Doctor Marten Luther. To the reader. In thys boke shal you fynde Christian reader the ryght probation of the righte olde catholyke Churche, and of the newe false Churche, whereby eyther of them is to be knowen. Reade and iudge.; Selections. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Lynne, Walter. 1548 (1548) STC 16964; ESTC S108922 81,794 252

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Christe is the onely Sonne of God and oure Lorde In whome we beleue euen with the same Fayth wherewith we beleue in the Father as the texte sayeth in the fyrst Symbole I beleue in God c. And in Iesu c. For yf he were not very God then muste he not with lyke Faythe lyke vnto the Father be honoured This disputeth and dryueth S. Athanasius in his Symbole And it is a very defence of the fyrst Symbole Who so euer wil be saued before al thynges it is necessarye that he haue the Catholyke fayth Whiche faythe but yf euery man will kepe whole and inuiolate withoute doubte he shall eternally perysshe This truely is the righte Catholyke Faythe that we worshippe one God in trinite and the trinite in vnitie Neyther confondinge the persons neyther seperatinge the substaunce The person of the Father is one The persone of the Sonne another The persone of the holy Ghooste another But of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghoost ther is one diuinite equall glorye coeternall maiestie Suche as is the Father suche is the Sonne suche is the holy Ghoost The Father is vncreate the sonne vncreate the holy Ghost is vncreate The Father is immeasurable the Sonne immeasurable the holy Ghoost immeasurable The Father is euerlasting the Sonne euerlasting the holy Ghoost euerlastinge And not withstāding there be not thre euerlasting but one euerlasting Euen as there be not thre vncreate nor thre vnmeasurable but one vncreat and one vnmeasurable In lyke maner is the Father almightie the Sonne almightie and the holy Ghoost almightie And yet be they not thre almighties but one God almightie So the Father is God the Sonne is God the holy Ghoost is God And yet be there not thre Goddes but one God So the Father is the Lord the Sonne the Lord the holy ghoost the Lorde And yet be they not three Lordes but one Lorde For as we be compelled by the christian veritie to cōfesse separately euery one person to be God and Lorde So are we prohibite by the Catholyke relygyon of Christes faythe to saye that there be three Goddes or three Lordes The father is made of none neyther crated nor gotten The sonne is from the father alone neyther made nor created but gotten The holy Ghost is from the father and the sonne neyther made created nor gotten but procedynge And so is there but one father not three fathers one sonne not three sonnes one holy Ghoost not three holy ghoostes And in thys trinite there is none before or after another nothyng more or lesse But al the three persōs be coeterne and coequal to them selfe So that by all wayes as nowe it hath ben aboue sayde the trinite in vnite and the vnite in trinite maye be worshypped He therfore that wyll be saued let hym vnderstande thus of the trinite But it is necessary vnto euerlasting helth that euery Christian beleue also faythfully the incarnation of oure Lorde Iesu Christe It is therfore the ryght fayth that we beleue and confesse that our Lorde Iesus Christe the sonne of GOD is God and man He is God by the substaunce of the father gotten before al worldes and he is man by the substaunce of the mother borne in the world Perfect God perfecte man beyng of a soule reasonable and of flesshe humayne Equal to the father by hys Godheade lesse then the father by hys māheade Whiche though he be God man yet is there not twayne but one Christe Truely he is one not by the turnyng of hys Godheade into manhead but by assumptynge of hys manheade into Godheade Yea he is one not by cōfusyō or mixture of substaūce but by vnite of persō For as the reasonable soule and the flesshely body is or maketh one man So God and man is one Christe Vvhiche suffred death for oure saluation descended to hel and rose from death the thyrde daye Vvhiche ascended to heauens sitteth on the ryght hande of God the Father almightye From thence shal he come to iudge the quicke and the deade At whose commynge al men must ryse with theyr owne bodyes And shal geue accompte of theyr owne propre dedes And they that haue done wel shall go into euerlasting lyfe thei that haue done euyl into euerlastynge fyre This is the catholike fayth which excepte euery mā faythfully stedfastly do beleue he can not be saued ☞ Symbolum Ambrosij and Augustini THe thyrde Symbole should be S. Augustyns and Ambroses and after S. Augustyns baptisme haue ben songe whether that be so or not there is no daunger in it whether a man beleue it or not It is neuertheles a propre symbole or confessyon whosoeuer be the mayster or authour made after the maner of a songe not onely to knoweledge oure faythe but also therin to prayse and to thanke God And soundeth thus We prayse the O God We knowledge the to be the Lorde All the earth dothe worshippe the the father euerlastynge To the al Angels crye a loude the heauen and al powers therin To the Cherubyn and Seraphyn continually do crye Holy holy holy Lorde God of Sabaoth Heauen and earthe are full of the maiestye of thy glorye The gloryous companye of the Apostles prayse the. The goodly felowshyp of the Prophetes prayse the. The noble army of martyrs prayse the. The holy Churche throughoute all the worlde dothe knoweledge the. The father of an infinite maiestie Thy honourable true and onelye sonne Also the holy Ghoost the conforter Thou arte the Kynge of glorye o Christe Thou arte the euerlastyng sonne of the father Vvhen thou tokest vpon the to delyuer man Thou dyddest not abhorre the virgyns wombe Vvhen thou haddest ouercome the sharpenes of death Thou diddest opē the kyngdome of heauē to al beleuers Thou sittest on the right hande of God in the glorye of the father Vve beleue that thou shalt come to be oure iudge Vve therfore pray the to helpe thy seruauntes whome thou haste redemed with thy precyous bloude Make them to be nombred with thy saynctes in glory euerlastynge O Lord saue thy people and blesse thyne heritage Gouerne them and lifte them vp for euer Daye by daye we magnifye the. And we worshyp thy name euer worlde withoute ende Vouchesafe O Lorde to kepe vs thys daye without synne O Lorde haue mercy vpon vs haue mercy vpon vs. O Lorde let thy mercy lyght vpon vs as oure trust is in the. O Lorde in thy haue I trusted let me neuer be confounded ❧ The Symbole of Nyce I Beleue in one God the Father almightye maker of heauen earth of all thynges visyble and inuisyble ¶ And in one onely Lorde Iesu Christ Gods onely sonne which was gotten of the father before al worldes God of God light of lyght very true God of the very true God gottē not made equall with the father by the whiche al thynges be made Vvhiche for vs mankynde and for oure saluation came doune from heauen And was incarnate by the holye Ghoost
Summa he kan not do it Notwitstondinge all the premisses coulde not helpe the Christianite and there shoulde ryse many more sectes than before For seynge mē sholde not be bounde to obey suche a heade by the commandemēt of God But of mannes good will it shoulde very lightely and sone be despised at the last not be estemed as a membre And also it must not allwayes be at rome or in any other place But whersoeuer and in what Churche God had geuen suche a man as shoulde be mete for the same O what a wylde and dissolute thinge shoulde that be Therfore can the Churche be neuer better gouerned and mayntayned Than that we all lyue vnder one heade Christe And that the Bysshoppes lyke in office although they be vnlyke in gyftes earnestly agree and holde together in vnitie of doctrine Faythe Sacramētes Prayers and workes of loue According to the writtinge of S. Ierome That the Priestes of Alexandria together in cōmune did gouerne the Churches As the Apostles did also And after them all Bysshoppes in the whole Christianite vntill the tyme that the Pope did exalte his heade aboue all To sette hymselfe aboue agaynst God This part sheweth euidētly that he is the right Antichrist which hath set exalted hym selfe aboue and agaynst Christe whylest he will not suffer the Christiās to be saued withoute his iurisdiction whiche notwithstondinge is vayne not ordeyned of God nor commaunded This is called properly to sette hym selfe aboue God agaynst God as saynt Paul sayth Such thynges doth neyther Turk nor Tatter be they neuer so greate enemyes to the Christians But permitte to beleue in Christ whosoeuer wil takyng bodely tribute obedience of the Christians But the Pope wyl not suffer to beleue but sayth mē ought to obey him and so doynge they shoulde be saued Howe be it Thys wyl we not do but rather dye therfore in the name of god Thys cometh al thereby that he Iure diuino would be called the superiour ouer the Christen Church Therfore hath he made him self equal with Christ hath set him self aboue Christe as the head After that a Lorde of the Churche and laste of all hath suffred hym selfe to be boasted Lorde of all the worlde and euen a GOD in earth In so much that he presumed also to cōmaunde the Angels in heauē Popysh doctryne And whan a distinction is made betwene the Papisticall doctryne the holy scripture or an egal comparyson it apereth euidently that the popyshe doctryne euen where as it is beste is taken oute of the ciuile and Heathen lawes and teacheth worldly busynes and iudgementes decrees as hys decrees declare After that doth she teache ceremonyes of Churches rayment meates Personnes and of suche chyldren games vysers and fowles babels innumerable But in all these not one worde of Christe faythe and Goddes commaundementes Tast of all is it nothynge but al deuelysshe wheras he setteth furthe hys lyes of masses purgatory Cloysteringes propre workes and Goddes seruyces whiche is euen the ryght Papacye ouer and aboue god condemneth slayeth punyshed al Christians that do not exaite and worshyp suche hys abhomination aboue all thynges Papistcal gouernaunce Therfore as littel as we may worshyppe the deuyl hym selfe for a Lord or God euen so lyttel may we also suffer hys Apostle the Pope or Antichrist in his iurisdiction to be our Lorde or head for lyes and murther destructiō of body soule euerlastingly thys is proprely his papistical gouernaunce Euen as I haue declared the same in many bookes In these foure Articles shall they haue ynough to condēne in the Counsayll For they can nor will not leaue or graunte vnto vs the least membre of any of the sayde Articles wherfore we must be sure of this and stedfastely truste that God hath apprehended his aduersary and shall suppresse hym bothe by his spirite and also by his comynge Amen For in the Counsayll shall we not stande before the Emperour or tēporall powers as at Augspurg which made a very gracious Proclamation and caused the matter to be heard fauourably But we shall stande there before the Pope the deuill hym selfe whiche intendeth not to heare But euen to condemne murther and to cōpelle to Idolatrye Vvherfore here we may not kysse his fete or saye ye are my souereique Lorde But euen as in Dachary the Angell said to the deuill God reproue the Datan The thyrde Parte of the Articles ☞ The peeces or Articles following may we with learned and discrete persons or amonge oure selues dispute and discusse for the Pope and his kyngdome doth not passe muche vpon them For by thē is no Conscience but money honour and power is all Of Synne Originall synne HEre must we knowledge as S. Paull Rom. v. sayth That Synne came by that onely man Adam through whose disobedience all men are become Synners subiecte vnto death the deuill This is called the Originall Synne or capitall synne The frutes of this synne are consequently the euill workes which in the tenne cōmaundementes Frutes of the original synne are forbiddē as vnbeleue false fayth Idolatry to be without the frutes of god arrogācye dispayre blyndnes sūma not to knowe god nor to regarde him Cōsequently to lye to sweare by the name of god Not to pray not to worshippe not to regarde gods word disobediēce vnto the parentes murther vnclenlynes to steale to begyle c. This original synne is suche a very depe euyll destructiō of nature that no witte doth knowe her but must be beleued through the reuelatiō of the scripture Psal li. Ro. v. Exo. xxxiii Gene. iii. Therfore is it nothynge but errour blyndnes contrary to this Article whatsoeuer Theologiens haue taught Doctryne of the scoole theologiens i Namely That after the originall fal of Adam the natural power and strength of man remayned hole and vncorrupt And that man haue of nature a ryght discretiō a good wil euē as the Philosophers teache the same ii Item that man hath a free wil to do good to leaue euyl contrariwyse to leaue the good vndone and to do that whiche is euyll iii Item that man maye by naturell power and strength do and kepe all the commaundementes of God iiii Item that he may of naturall power loue God aboue al thynges and hys neyghbour as hym selfe v Item whan man doth so much as lyeth in hym that than God geueth hym hys grace vi Itē that whā he wyll receyue the sacrament it is not necessary to haue a good purpose to do good But that it is sufficient that he haue not an euyll purpose to do syn so excedynge good is nature the Sacrament so mighty vii That it is not grounded in the Scripture that the holy gost with hys grace and assistence be necessary and requisite for to do good workes Suche and such lyke Articles many be trough misvnderstandynge and ignoraunce bothe of
synne and also of Christ our sauyour crepte in and they be euen the ryghte doctryne of the heathen which we can not suffer For yf thys doctryne be true then dyed CHRISTE in vayne seynge there is no wicknednes or synne in mā wherfore he ought to dye Or elles he dyed onely for the body and not for the soule also forsomuche as the soule is safe and onely the body worthy of deathe Of the lawe Wherfore the lawe is geuen Here holde we that the lawe is geuen of God fyrst for to anoyde synne by threatenynge and feare of punishement And also by promyses and offeringe of grace and benefites Howbe it all this as concernyng iniquitie for as muche as synne hathe wrought in man is very euill chaunced Rawe wicked persons For some are thereby become worse As they that be enemy to the lawe because she forbiddeth that whiche they woulde fayne do And cōmaundeth that whiche they are not willinge to do In so moche that wher as they may cōueniētly withoute punysshemēt they do more agaynst the sawe nowe than they did before These are euē suche rawe and wicked persons which ceasse not to do wickedly where as they maye haue tyme and place Ipocrytes and false sainctes The other become blynde and arrogaunt thinckynge that they do kepe and can kepe the lawe of theyr owne strength as euen nowe was rehersed aboue of the Scool Theologiēs Out of these come the Ipocrites and false saynctes Offyce power of the lawe But the Chiefe and pryncipal office or power of the law is that she opē the originall synne with al her frutes and shewe vnto man how depely his nature is fallen and howe miserably it is destroyed as vnto whome the lawe must declare that he hath no God nor yet regardeth God but worshyppeth straunge Goddes which before or without the lawe he coulde not haue beleued Therewith becometh he fearfull humble abasshed desperate and would fayne be holpen but knoweth not howe and beginneth to become enemy vnto God and to murmure c. This is it that Saynte Paule sayth Rom. iii. The lawe causeth wrath And Rom. v. Synne increasseth thorough the lawe Roma iii. v. Of Penaunce Thys offyce kepeth the newe Testament and teacheth the same also as S. Paule Rom. i. doth saynge The wrath of God apereth from heauen agaynst al men Rom. i. Item iii. All men are debters before God And no man is ryghteous before hym Rom. iij And Christe Ioh. xvi The holy gost shal rebuke the world of Synne Ioh. xvi This is euē the thōderbolt of god wherewith he striketh downe al in one heape bothe the open synners and the false saynctes suffereth none to haue right but dryueth them all together into feare desperation Thys is the hammer as Ieremy sayth Ie. xxiij my worde is a hāmer that breaketh harde stones Right contrition This is not actiua contritio a made repentaunce But passiua contritio the ryght repentaunce of the harte the sufferyng and fellynge of death Beginnyng of ryght penaunce And thys is euen the beginnynge of the ryghte Penaunce and man must here heare this sentence It is al in vayne with you all whether ye are open synners or saynetes ye muste al become and do otherwyse than ye are and do yet Be ye as great wyse myghtye and holy as ye wyl here is no man ryghteous Promyse of grace But vnto thys offyce doth the newe Testament by and by minister adde the comfortable promise of grace through the Gospel whiche muste be beleued as Christe sayeth Marc. i. Repente and beleue the gospel Mar. i. That is become and do otherwise and beleue my promyse And a littel before hym Iohn is named A preacher of repentaunce for the remission of synnes That is he shoulde rebuke them all make them synners that they might knowe what they were before God and knowledge them selues as damned people and so to be prepared for the Lorde to receyue hys grace of him to hope and accepte remissyou of synnes For thus sayth Christe him selfe Luce xxiiij That repentaunce and remissyon of synnes muste be preached in hys name amonge all nations Luce. xxiiij Offyce of the lawe without additiō of the Gospel But where as the lawe doth dryue thys her offyce onely withoute additiō of the Gospell there is death and hell And man must dispayre euē as Saul and Iudas dyd accordyng to the saynge of Saynt Paul The lawe slayeth through Synne Comforte of the Gospell And agayn The gospel doth not alwayes vse one manner or f●ssyon to geue cōforte and forgeuenes But by the worde sacracrament and suche lyke as we shall heare to thintent that the redemptiō be plenteous by God accordynge as the C. xxx Psalm sayeth agaynst the great captiuite of synne Psalm C. xxx But nowe must we make a comparyson betwene the false penaunce of the Sophistes and the righte Peuaunce whereby they may bothe so moche the better be vnderstande ¶ Of the false Papisticall Penaunce Vnpossyble was it that they should teache ryght of Penaunce whylest they knewe not the ryght synne For as is sayd aboue they holde a wrōg opinion cōcernyng the original synne Doctrine of the scoole Theologyens For they saye that the naturall powers of man dyd remayne hole and vncorrupte And that the discretion of man can teache ryght and the wyl of man can do ryght thereafter And that God vndoubtedly geueth hys grace whan a man doth so muche as is in hym after hys free wyli Out of thys must nedes followe that they onely repented the Actuall Synne as euyll thoughtes whereunto the Actuall dede dyd consente for euyl motyons lustes desyres and appetites was no synne with them euil wordes and euyll workes whiche the free wyll myght and coulde fulwell haue left vndone And to suche penaunce they putte three partes Contrition Confessyon and satisfaction with thys comforte promyse that yf a man hadde ryghte contrition were duely shryuen and made satisfaction than hadde he there by deserued forgeuenes and had made satisfaction for the synne before God And so they taught the people in Penaunce to truste in theyr owne workes Thereby came thys worde in vsage when the common Shrifte or Confessyon was read to the people Spare me Lorde god c. preserue my lyfe vntyl I may do penaunce for my synnes and amende my lyfe Here was no Christ nor any thing of fayth remembred But men did hope by theyr owne workes to ouercome ●ynne to quenche it before God To that intent dyd we also become Priestes and freers because we woulde sette oure selues agaynst synne Contrition As touchynge contrition thus was the matter handled for asmuch as noman was able to cal to remembraunce al hys synnes specially such as were cōmitted throughout the hole yere they dyd cōueye the matter thus whē the forgotten synnes came afterwardes to
wyl stande vntyll my death God willyng And knowe nothyng therein to alter nor to geue backe But yf any mā will geue backe any thyng let hym do it vpō hys own conscience Hallowynge of churches Christenyng of billes Last of all is yet the Popes Iouglinge bagge behynde of foolyshe and chyldysshe Articles as of hallowynge Churches Christonynge of billes Baptisynge of aulter stones and biddynge of Gosshippes therevnto that gaue somewhat thereto c. Which Baptisynge is a slaunder and mocke of the holy Baptisme so that it ought not to be suffered After that of halowyng of lyghtes candels palmes Lakes wafers spyces and worthes c whiche neuertheles can neyther be called halowed nor yet be hallowed but is a mere mocke and deceyte And of suche iugglynge castes an innumerable sorte whiche we committe vnto theyr God and to themselues to worshyppe vntyl they waxe wery Vve wyl not be entangled therewith ¶ The confessyon or knoweledgynge of the faythe of Doctor Marten Luther FOr as moche as I se that sectes errours from day to day do more and more increase and that Satā doth not ceasse from hys fury and Tyrannye To thintent that not from hencefurthe durynge my lyfe or after my deceasse any myght come take holde of me falsely interpretate my writtynges for to stablysshe theyr errours thereby euen as the Sacramentaryes and Anabaptistes began to do So wyll I by thys writtynge before God and all the worlde knoweledge my fayth from pece to pece whereby I intende to abyde and perseuere vntyll my death and therein whiche God vouchesafe to graunte me to departe out of thys world and to come before the iudgement seate of oure Lorde Iesus Christe And yf any man after my deceasse shoulde saye yf Luther were a lyue nowe he woulde teache and take this or that article otherwyse for he hath not scanded examyned it sufficiently c. To thys I answer nowe as then and than as nowe That I by the grace of God haue moost diligently and moost earnestly remembred and poūdered al these Articles and haue examyned searched and often retracted them agayne and agayne throughout the scripture and wil so surely stedfastely fighte for them as I haue all ready foughten for the Sacramente of the aulter I am not now dronken nor vnaduised I knowe right well what I saye And also feele ryghtwel what charge it is vnto me agaynst the commynge of oure Lorde Iesus Christ to the last iudgement Therfore let no mā make a geste or a trifelynge matter of it For it is earnest vnto me For I knowe Satan by Gods grace a greate parte Seyng he can peruerte and tangle the worde of God and scripture what woulde he not do with myne or with other mennes wordes I First I beleue with herte the hygh Article of the godly maiestye That Father Sonne Holy Ghooste three seuerall persons is one ryghte onely naturall true God maker of heauen and earthe in all thynges contrary to the Arrianes Macedoniens Sabellines and suche lyke heresyes Gene. i. accordyng as all that hath bē holden and kepte hitherto bothe in the Romysshe Churche and in all the worlde by the Christen Churches Second person in God II Secondarely I beleue and knowe that the Scripture teacheth vs that the seconde Person in God namely the Sonne is onely become very man of the holy Ghoost conceyued withoute the helpe of man and borne of the pure blessed virgyn Mary as of a ryghte naturall mother accordyng as al the same S. Luke doth clearly describe Luc. i. and as the Prophetes haue declared So that not the Father or the holy Ghoost dyd become man as certeyn heretykes haue taught Also that God the Sonne hath not onely taken vpon hym the body withoute a Soule as certeyn heretykes haue taught But also the Soul that is a whole perfecte manhode And the ryght seede or Chylde promysed to Abraham and Dauid and is borne a naturall sonne of Mary In euery condition and shape a ryght man euen as I am my selfe and al other excepte that he was borne without synne onely of the virgyn by the holy Ghoost And that thesame man is verye God as an euerlastynge inseparable person become of God and man so that Mary the blessed virgyn is a very right mother not onely of the man Christe Nestorianes as the Nestorians teache but of the sonne of God as saynt Lucas sayth Luc. i That holy one whiche shall be borne in thy shal be called the Sonne of God That is my Lorde and the Lorde of all men Iesus Christe the onely ryght natural sonne of God Mary very God and man The sonne of God suffered for vs. Also I beleue that the same sonne of God and Mary oure Lorde Iesus Christe suffered for vs wretched synners was crucifyed dead and buried Vvhereby he dyd delyuer vs from synne death and euerlastyng wrathe of God through hys innocent bloude and that he rose agayne the thyrde daye from death and ascended into heauen and sitteth on the ryghthand of God the Father almightye a Lord aboue all Lordes Kynge ouer al Kynges and aboue al creatures in heauē earth and vnder the earth ouer death and lyfe ouer synne and ryghteousnes Al men borne in synne For I knowledge and can testifie by the scripture that al mē cam of one man Adam and of thesame thorough the byrthe brynge with them and inherite the fal trespas synne whiche thesame Adam in Paradys Gen. iij throughe the deuyls wickednes dyd perpetrate and so with hym are borne in synne lyue and dye and must be condemned to euerlastynge death Yf not Iesus Christe were come to succour vs and as an innocent lambe had taken vpon hym al oure transgressyons and synnes satisfyed for vs by hys passyon and yet dayly standeth and maketh intercessyon for vs as a true mercyfull mediatour Sauiour and onely priest and Bysshop of oure soules Esa liij Rom. ij Gal. iij. i. Tim. ij Heb vij ix Io xvij i. Ioh ij Hereby do I reiecte and condemne as for a mere errour all such doctrine as commendeth our free wyl as that whih stryueth cleane against such helpe and grace of oure sauyour Iesus Christe For seynge without Christe death and synne be oure Lordes the deuyl oure God and Prince there can be no strength nor power no witte nor vnderstandyng whereby we be able to prepare oure selues or to thinke towardes the righteousnes and lyfe But must he blynded and captyue at the deuyls and synnes owne commaundement to do to thinke whatsoeuer pleaseth him and is contrary to God and hys commaundementes Newe olde Pelagians In lyke maner do I also condemne bothe new old Pelagianes Original synne that wil not graunte the originall synne to be synne but that it should be a lacke or impedimēt But for as much as death goeth ouer al men must nedes the original synne be no ●mal faulte but an excedyng great
hath commaunded you Vvhere is it written Vvhere do ye fynde it in the olde Church that ye haue authorite to induce suche newe remissions or merite And who can reherse howe many maners of newe fasshions ye haue inuented to forgeue synne for money or propre deseruynges Vvho is here the newe Churche with newe doctrines and Sacramentes whereof neyther Christ Apostles Scripture nor yet the old church haue any thinge knowen Sacrament of the aulter of the vniuersall Church robbed Sixthely who will reherse al the abhominable newellies which ye haue inuented in the hygh worthy holy Sacramēt of the body bloude of Christ Vvho hath cōmaunded you Vvhere is it written where do ye fynde it in the olde church That fyrste maye take and robbe this Sacrament from the vniuersall church and leaue onely the one kynde appropriate the hole onely to the Priestes Secondarely also the same onely kynde not to teache and increase faith but to chaunge it into a worke of obedience of the Churche Thyrdly The ho●e sacrament yf it elles as than be a sacramēt not in the remēbraunce of Christe of hym openly to preache and to geue hym thankes for his passion But to selle it vnto the other for a Priest offer and propre deseruinge of a wicked person and to make the soules in purgatory partakers thereof and to alter it moost abhominably and blasphemously for all temporall necessities euen as a heathē seruice of Idolles yea as a shamefull iuglynge Vvhereby ye haue stilled defaced the remembraunce of Christe for the whiche Christ did institute it And notwithstādinge that ye were elles so pure a church as the Apostles church yet much purer Neuertheles doth this onely abhominable horrible pece whiche by the counsayll of the deuil ye haue inuēted of new make you a new of falling hereticall church yea an earthy whoor of the deuil a scoole of hell For this parte is so abhominable groundeles euill that in this lyfe no tonge can expresse nor no harte cōprehende it vntil the later daye appeare Reade gather and heape all the mischief to gether Vvhatsoeuer the deuil with you all agaynst vs cā imagine lye a thousande tymes as muche intre to it yet for all that will it not be a smal chippe in cōparyson of this great beam● where on not one but douteles all the deuills with all the Craftyest k●aues in sixe hundreth yeres haue buylded This is one of the right poyntes Abhominatiō in holy place Vvhiche Christ calleth an abhominatiō to the holy place Vvherfor not onely we should must flee frō you as frō the great wrath of God But also heauē earth trēbleth abhorret such a denne of theues for this pece doth not onely cause no church to remayn But also maketh thereof the foulest doug●hill of the deuil that is in earth The Turke Tatterues and Iewes be nothing lyke so euill a dēne of murtherers as the Popyshe churche is in this one point For they onely denye Christ tourne their backe towardes hym But these take hym here before the spitte at hym scorne hym blaspheme slaunder defame marter hym playe a more horrible passiō with hym then was done vnto hym corporaly by the Iewes He go your wayes nowe boaste your selues the holy church frō the which we be fallē The deuil abyde with you in such a church all suche as hold w●…h you in that trade God saue vs frō it euen as he hath graciousely pluckte vs away from it wherfore be laude and prayse vnto hym for euer Seuently who hath commaunded you to make this neweltie That ye haue made new keyes and wrought two false warthes wherewith ye do not forgeue synne nor yet withhold it as the olde keyes do with vs And in the vniuersal olde churche But ye do institute of newe synne and murther whereas elles be none in your runne awaye and murtherysshe church whereby with importable and innumerable lawes ye entangle and bynde the Christen consciences ye treathen and kyll for eatynge drynkyng clothyng places dayes and such lyke outwarde thynges whiche Christe hath geuen free Colloss ij and the olde Churche hath kepte without any synne or feare Collo ij Besydes thys ye put downe Kynges and Prynces as though ye were God youre selues Howe is here fallynge awaye or newe churche The deuyll abyde with you in thys blasphemous murtheryshe synful and dānable peace we be come agayne to the olde church lauded praysed be god Eyghtly who hath commaunded you ouer and aboue the maner of the olde Churche and contrary to the cōmaundemēt of christ to preache other wyse thā he hath cōmaunded Matth. xxviij Go teache thē to obserue what soeuer I cōmaūdeth you Matth. xxviij He sayth not whatsoeuer semeth to you right good Iohā xiiij The holy goost shall teache you al thynges bring to your remēbraūce whatsoeuer I haue tolde you Ioh. xiiij Mens tradicyons lyes in the Papacye But ye haue filled al churches and schooles so ful of your dregges dōg that is mannes doctrine lyes and arayed al places so foul with your vomite filthynes that as Esay sayeth no more roume is lefte and yet ye will be called the churche Priuate masse And this point is besydes the priuate masse also one of the worste abhominations whose hurt plage cā not be grounded nor expressed whereby ye haue edifyed a newe church for the deuyl haue serued hym with the same In so much that it is nothyng but soule murther and the very Molech deuourer of chyldren whiche suffreth not as yonder Molech did the soules of the chyldren to be saued although they were burned corporally but contrarywyse suffereth the bodye to lyue a short space but the soul burneth perpetually Molech Leuit. xviij Leui. xx Hiere xxxij I can not for tremblynge recyte muche of the calamitie of the innumerable false Idolatrous murtherysshe doctryne in Poperye thys is our newe goodly Churche Bodely head of the Romyshe Church Nynthly who hath cōmaunded you thys froward newe fang lednes in the Churche which is a spirituall kyngedome that ye set vp a bodely heade namynge hym the moost holyest for as muche as there can be none other but a spiritual h●ade which is Christ Thys is the thy●…e abhominatiō most damnable in youre moste holye yea mooste hellysh ●…we church For the olde churche knoweth nothyng there of for she ●bydeth by her head euen as we out she knoweth that it is the deuils owne creation and shoulde come euen for synnes sake accordynge as she hathe declared it .ij. Thessal ii The man of synne and chylde of perdicion shall sette hymselfe in the tempell of God and shewe hym selfe as God ij Th. ij Euen so hath Daniel sayd also that he should despyse the olde church and the God of hys fathers and sette vp another newe God newe churche that maye helpe hym to stablysshe hys newe God Da.
cursed Antichriste shall sitte in the Tempell of God and not in a horse stable c. But of the Churche or membres of the Churche are ye no more But in that holy Churche of God do ye execte this youre newe of fallinge Churche the whorehouse of the deuill and innumerable whore domes and Idolatryes or Newelties whereby ye seduce the Christened and redemed soules with you And deuoure them through helles mouthe in the botomles pytte of hell with innumerable flockes To the harrible pitiefulnes and disquietnes of harte of all them that with spirituall eyes see and knowe the same But it is God that through his wōderfull allmightie power by you amonge so many abhominatiōs deuelyshe whoredomes yet saueth the yōge babes through baptisme and some old folkes but very few that in theyr ende haue turned agayne to Christe of whiche sorte I haue knowen a greate nombre myselfe So that for all this The righte olde Churche with her Baptisme and Gods worde dothe still remayne amonge you And youre God the deuil through so many newe Idolatries with all youre deuelysshe whoredome was neuer able to destroy it cleane Church in Elias tyme .iij. Reg. xvij Euen as in the tyme of Elias whē all howe be it they were all Goddes people that is suche as were called the holy Churche and boasted that God whiche had broughte them oute of Egypte was full of Baall Idolatrye and whoredome in all the whole lande that there was not one aulter left for God And yet for all that were reserued seuen frō thousand men of all the multitude of thousandes among the which were the Chyefest and the best which went all to the deuill And in the wildernes vnder Moses al dyede sauinge these two Iosua and Caleb Goddes worke is called Consummans and abbreuians that he saueth a certein fewe by his grace When the whole multitude in his wrath perissheth whereof S. Paule Rom. x. plenteously writteth Rom. x. Euē so did Daniel also propbecye longe before Da xij That vnder Anthechrist shoulde be a tyme of wrath and suche trouble as neuer was vpō earth And S. Paull whiche taketh his prophecye out of Daniel euen there sayeth also ij Thes ij That God shal be displeased suffce to come mightye erroures because mē receyued not the loue of truethe that they might be saued Heretikes arrianes I pray you let vs behold oure owne hittories that is The histories of the Christianite Vnder Constantius the sonne of Constantyn was the indignatiō of God so great that the heretikes of the Arrians had taken in all the churches of the world excepte twa●n And notwithstondinge at that tyme were the Bysshoppes and also the Arrians them selues learned wyse honest honourable earnest men before the world Vvhat shoulde than be vnder the Bysshoppe of Rome Vvhere as no Bysshoppe knoweth nor exercy seth his office But lyueth Epicuryshly and hoggysshly There must nedes be the very deuill Vvherefore the miserable blynde hardened Popyshe asshes muche lesse vnderstande Vvhat Churche or God is then a Cowe or Sowe vnderstandeth The church is a hygh depe hydden thinge that noman may know her nor see But onely must be taken beleued by the Baptisme Sacramente and worde Mans doctrine Ceremonies Shauen Crounes longe gounes Bysshops battes the hole popyshe rablement doth leade farre wyde from it euē into the very holl I omitte that it shoulde signifie the Churche For to the churche pertayne also naked Children man woman Ploweman Citegen whiche haue neither shauen crounes Bysshoppes hattes nor yet masse garmentes vpon them Distinction / betwene the right and the false Churche Papistes sett as much by mās doctrine as by Gods worde HEre myght the papystes paraduēture desyre yea they will haue it by compulsion That suche newe Articles of their newe Churche shoulde besydes the olde Articles of the olde Churche be obserued or suffered yf not they woulde haue vs to be heretikes and tyd out of the waye For the Popysshe Asse is suche a dull Asse that he neither can nor will learne to discerne betwene Goddes worde and mans traditions But kepeth bothe lyke This do they declare thereby That they nowe often haue intended to make with vs an accorde or agreemēt and made as thoughe they woulde somethinge abate and that we shoulde also abate som what to thintēt that bothe to gether mighte be stablysshed showe be it they neuer mynded the same earnestly But onely to rente vs away and to trouble vs. Papistes Neuertheles men may see so muche therin howe that they haue sette them selues aboue God as the Antichristifshe blasphemours Thinkynge that that the doctrine shoulde be right as longe as they will And when they will no more that then it shoulde no more be right For they woulde haue the authorite somwhat to abate thereof or not at their pleasures And euen as they geue it or take it euen so shoulde we receyue it Offringe vs suche an abhominable filthnes shameles with oute any semblaunce very openly Whereby they them selues declare that they haue no more a subtill deuill that rydeth them as they had a certein hundreth yares a goue But the cōprehēsible Tulpyn Clubbyshe deuill that can couloure hym selfe no more for iniquitie Goddes worde to abate or chaunge For seynge they offer them selues somthinge to abate desyring the same also of vs they do testifie That they regarde as muche Mannes doctrine as Gods worde It lyeth not in God hym selfe to abate or chaunge his own worde For he can not denye and alter hym selfe And his worde abydeth for euer Vvherfore whosoeuer shoulde vndertake to abate or alter it the same muste nedes haue a hyer Power and authorite then God hym selfe For he would not haue altered Moses lawe yf he had not before by his worde promysed to alter it Vvherfore also noman will entreprise the same then the Antichriste as Daniel xij S. Paule do saye Da. xij Vvhiche exalteth hym selfe aboue God namely the Papacye What shoulde men nowe handle with suche people yea with suche dull and grosse asses whiche suppose that Goddes worde is a reede whiche is moued with euery blaste of wynde hither and thither whereof they haue the rule Or as they do rather thinke that it is a counter whiche after their damnable frowardnes muste signifie accordinge as they caste or laye it vpō the rule Euen so pretely do they vnderstande what the church is yea euen therewith shew they aboundātly that they despise God and his word highly and moreouer sette them selues aboue God and can not be his Church The holy Christen Churche I talke nowe with oure owne fellowes For with the Popyshe asses Clutters and stones is no vnderstandinge seynge nor hearing is not a reede nor Counter No she wauereth not nor geueth backe as the deuills harlott the Popyshe church which lyke an aduou tresse thynketh that she ought not to cleaue vnto her wedded husbāde But that she may lawfully swarue
not hold hym gyltelesse that taketh his name in vayne Fyrst I do learne that I must kepe the name of God Glorious Holy and cleane that I shall not sweare curse or lye thereby that I shall not be proude sekynge myne owne honour name but that I shall humbly worship adore prayse and boast hys name And let all this be myne honour and reioysinge that he is my God and that I am his poore creature and vnworthy seruaunte Secondarely I do thanke hym of his glorious gyft that he hath reueled and geuen me his name that I may boast of his name and be called a seruaunt or Creature of God c. That his name is my refuge as a sure hold as Salomon sayeth to the which the Righteous doth flye and is saued and defended Thyrdely I do cōfesse knoweledge myne abhominable greuous synnes which I haue committed against this cōmaūdemēt frō my youth wher as I haue not onely left worshipping boastinge and honouringe of his name but also haue ben vnthākeful for suche giftes haue abused the same to al maner of vngraciousnes with swearing lyeng deceyuing c. Wherfore I am sory and desyre grace and mercy c. Fourthly I do praye for helpe and strength that I may from hence furth learne thys commaundement and kepe my selfe from suche shamefull vnthankefulnes abuse synnes agaynst hys holy name but that I maye be founde thākeful and in the true feare and honour of hys name And as I haue sayde before in the Pater noster so do I admonysshe agayne that in case the holy Ghooste shoulde come amonge suche thoughtes begynne to preache in thy harte with rychely illumyned cogitations Then geue hym the honour let these cogitacyons go whiche thou hast takē in hande be styl and heare hym that can do it better than thou And whatsoeuer he preacheth the same marke and note it then shalt thou se marueylous thynges as Dauid sayth in the lawes of God The thyrde commaundemēt Remember the Sabboth daye that thou sanctifye it Herein do I learne fyrste that the Sabboth is iustituted not for to go ydell nor for carnal pleasures but that he shoulde of vs be sanctifyed but through oure workes and doynges is he not sanctifyed for our worhes are not holy but through the word of GOD whiche onely is 〈◊〉 hole pure and holy sanctifyeth all whatsoeuer is accompanyed with it whether it be tyme place person worke rest c. For throughe the worde are oure workes also made holy as Paul saith i. thi iiij i. Thi. iiij That also al creatures are sanctifyed through the worde and prayer Therfore do I knowledge herein that at the furthest vpon the holy daye I ought to heare and to remembre the worde of God and after that to thanke hym in the same worde and lande hym for al hys benefytes and to pray for my selfe and al the world whosoeuer doeth thus vse hym selfe vpon the holy day doeth sauctifye the Sabboth daye he that doeth it not doeth worse than they that laboure or worke vpon it Secondarely I do geue thankes in thys commaundement for this greate fayre bene fyte and grace of God that he hath geuē vs his word preaching and commaunded vs specially to vse it vpon the Sabboth daye which treasure no mans harte is able sufficiently to remembre for hys worde is the onelye lyghte in the darkenes of thys lyfe and the worde of lyfe of conforte and of al saluation And wheresoeuer thys swete and holesome worde is not there is nothynge but fearfull and horryble darkenes errour corruption death all euyll and the Deuyls owne Tyrannye as we see dayely before oure owne eyes Thyrdely I do confesse and knoweledge my greuous synnes and my shameful vnthankefulnes that I haue so lewdely spent the holye dayes in my tyme and so contemptuousely despysed hys holy worde and haue ben so stouthful vnlusty lothsome to heare thesame I omitte that I should haue desyred it mooste hartely or that euer I shoulde haue geuen hym thankes for it so haue suffered my deare Lorde and God to preache vnto me in vayn not regardyng this noble treasure but treadynge it vnder my fete which he hath suffered of me with mere godly pacience and bountyfulnes and hath not therfore ceassed frō preachyng vnto me stilfurth and from callynge me to the saluacyon of my soul with al fatherly and Godly loue and faythfulnes wherfore I am sory and crye for mercy and forgeuenes Fourthly I do praye for my selfe and for al the worlde that our heauēly father vouchesafe to kepe vs by his holy worde and not to take thesame from vs because of oure synnes vnthankefulnes and slouthfulnes That he wyll preserue vs from all sectysshe and erronyous spirites and false doetrynes and sende vs faythfull true labourers in hys haruest that is true and good curates preachers Geue vs grace also that we maye humbly heare receyue and honour the wordes of them as his owne worde and besydes that maye hartely thanke laube hym for it The fourth commaundement Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother Fyrst do I learne here to knowe God my creatour howe wonderfully he hath shapen me with body and soule and geuen me lyfe through my pareutes and hath geuen them the mynd that they as the fruyie of theyr body haue serued me with all theyr power brought me into the worlde educated me tēded me gouerned me brought me vp with great diligence care daunger labour and trauayle and hath preserued me hys creation vnto this houre in body and soule from innumerable daungers and necessities and hath also oftentymes delyuered me from them as though he created me a newe euery houre For the deuyll woulde not haue vs lyue the space of one moment Secondarely I do thanke our ryche and bountyful creatour for me self and for al the worlde that in thys cōmaundement he hath instituted and preserued the increase multiplication and entretaynement of mankynd that is house and Towne beynge or oeconomyam and Politiam for withoute these two beynges or regimentes the worlde were not able to continue one yere seyng withoure worldely gouernaunce there can be no peace where no peace is there can be no house holde where no housholde is there can neyther chyldren be broughte furthe nor educated And the estate of fatherhode and motherhode shoulde altogether ceasse But therfore is thys cōmaundement ordeyned which kepeth and entretayneth bothe housekepyng and Townekepynge and commaundeth the chyldren and the subiectes obedience It doth also loke to it that it be done or yf it be not done it leaueth not the transgressours vnpunysshed If thys were not the children through theyr disobediēce would haue destroyed and made waste the housekepynge long a goo and the subiectes through theyr sediciou in lyke maner the Towneshyp or Townekepyng for so much as the numbre of them doth farre excede the numbre of parentes rulers Therfor is this benefite also inexplicable
confesse with thy mouthe wherefore thou hast nothing to reioyce of before God but that thou arte nothinge at all and that he is thy maker and creatour and can tourne the to nothinge euery momente Of this light knoweth the imagination of man nothinge at all Many highe learned men haue sought and searched what heauen and earth Man and creature might be but they haue not founde it But here sayth oure belefe that God made all thinges of nought Here is the pleasaunt garden of the soule to walke in in the workes of God howe be it it is to longe to writte of it at this tyme. Secondarely ought we here to geue thankes that we through the goodnes of God are made of nought and are dayly preserued of nought suche a goodly creation whiche hath body and soule discretion and the fyne wittes c. and ordeyned Lordes and rulers ouer the earth fysshes foules cattel Hither belongeth the i.ij and .iij. chapiter of Gene. Thirdely ought we to confesse to lamente our vnbeleue and vnthankefulnes that we haue not regarded beleued remēbred nor knowledgede thesame worse then the vnreasonable cattell c. Fourthely to praye for a true and sure faith that we maye from hence-furth earnestly beleue take the true God for our Creatour accordinge to the sayenge of this Article The seconde Article of the redemption And in Iesu Christe his onely sonne our Lord. c. Here shyneth agayne as greate a lighte and teacheth vs Howe we are redemed through Christ the Sonne of God from death wherein we are fallē after our creation through the synne of Adam and must eternally perysshe And here is it tyme lyke as in the fyrst Article thou must also counte thy self for one amonge the creatures of God and doubte nothinge therein Euen so muste thou counte thy selfe also for oure amonge them that are redemed and doubte nothinge at all And set by euery worde the fyrste worde oure as Iesus Christe oure Lorde euen so lyke wyse oure suffered Oure dead oure rysen that he be all hole oures And that thon arte also vnder the same oure euen as the worde it selfe doth geue it Secondarely we ought hartely to geue thankes for this great grace and be glad of this redemption Thirdely bitterly to Lamente and to confesse oure shamefull vnbeleue doubtefulnes concerninge this grace Oh what a heape shalte thou fynde here for to remembre howe muche Idolatrye thou haste vsed contrary to this with so many seruynges of saynctes and innumerable workes of thyne owne whiche haue ben quite and cleane against this redemption Fourthely muste thou praye that God wil kepe the by the true and syncere faith in Christ thy Lord frō hence furth vnto the ende The thyrde Article of the Sanctification I beleue in the holy Ghoost c. This is the thyrde greate lighte whiche teacheth vs. Where this Creatour and redemer in earthe externally is to be founde and to be taken and where al thinges shall become at the last whereof there were muche to say And briefly this is the summe Whersoeuer the holy Catholyke Churche is there is founde God the Creatour God the redemer and God the holy Ghoost that is to saye whiche dayly sanctified through forgeuenes of synnes c. And the Churche is whersoeuer Goddes worde is truely preached and knowledged of this faythe Here haste thou agayne many thinges to remembre of all that the holy Ghoost doeth dayly exercyse in the churche c. Therfore geue here thankes that thou arte also come and called into this Church Confesse and Lamente thyne vnbeleue and vnthankefulnes that thou hast not regarded all this And praye for a righte sure faythe whiche maye continue and abyde vntill thou comest where as all thing shall continue for euer that is after the resurrection of the deade in the lyfe euerlastinge AMEN A prayer agaynste the Pope the Turkes the Mortall enemies of Christ and of his Churche HEuēly Father ful well haue we deserued to be corrected of the. But correcte vs Lorde thy selfe accordinge to thy mercy and not after thy fury It is better for vs to geue oure selues into the correctiō of thy handes than in the handes of men or of the enemy as Dauid prayed also For great is thy mercy We haue synned agaynste the and haue transgressed thy commaundementes But thou God almightie Father knowest that we haue not synned agaynst the deuill Pope or Turkes And that they also haue no authorite nor power vs to correcte Howe be it thou canst and mayest vse them as thy fearful scourge agaynst vs which agaynst the haue offended and deserued all myschief Yea deare God heuenly father we haue done no synne against thē wherfore they might lawfully punyssh vs. But muche rather would they that we with thē most abhominably shoulde synne against the. For they regard it not yf we to the were disobedient blasphemed the vsed al maner of Idolatry as they do went aboute with false doctryne false fayth and with lyes and committed agaynst the aduoutry vnclenlynes murther thefte robbery Sorcery and al maner of enyl But this is our trespasse against them that we preache beleue knowledge the God the father to be the onely true God and thy welbeloued sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and the holy ghoost to be one onely God yea thys is the synne that we committe agaynst them but yf we shoulde denye the then shoulde the deuil world pope and turcke fulwel leaue vs in rest accordynge to the saynge of thy deare Sonne yf ye were of the worlde the worlde woulde loue her owne c. Here shewe thy mercy O merciful father ouer vs and earnest iudge ouer oure enemyes for they are more thyne enemyes then oures Because that when they persecute and stryke vs then do they persecute and stryke thy for the world which we preache beleue and knowledge is not oures but thyne and the work of thy holy ghost in vs. The deuil wil not suffre such thynges but in steade of the he wyl be our god in stede of thy word he wil stablis she lyes in vs. The Turke wil set hys Machometh in the rowme of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ For he speaketh euyl of hym and sayth That he is no ryght God and that hys Machomet is hyer and better then he Yf it be synne that we holde knoweledge and boaste the father and the Sonne and the holy Ghoost for the true onely God Then arte thou the synner thy selfe whiche workest thys in vs and commaundest vs to do it Therfore do they hate stryke and correcte thy selfe whē they for such matters do hate stryke or punysshe vs. Wherfore awake O Lorde God sanctifye thy name whome they blaspheme strengthen thy kingdom whiche they distourbe in vs let thy wyl be done whiche they will quenche in vs and suffer not thy self so to be troaden vnder fete for our synnes sake of them that do not correcte our synnes in vs but woulde quenche in vs thy holy worde name and worke to thintent that thou shouldest be no God haue no people to preache beleue and knoweledge the. Vouchesafe o Lorde gracyously to heare this oure petitiō and do accordynge to oure beleue and truste By the deare Sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christe whiche lyneth and raygneth with the and the holye Ghooste worlde without ende AMEN FINIS ☞ Seke peace and ensue it Psal xxxiij i. Pet. iiij ❧ Imprinted for Gwalter Lynne dwellyng vpon Somers kaye by Byllinges gate In the yeare of oure Lorde God M.D.Xlviij ❧ Cum Gratia et Priuilegio ad imprimendum solum