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soul_n body_n death_n hell_n 16,892 5 7.9791 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03769 Of the expresse vvorde of God A shorte, but a most excellent treatyse and very necessary for this tyme. Written in Latin, by the right reuerend, lerned, and vertuous father Stanislaus Hosius, Bishop of VVarmia, Cardinal of the Holy Apostolyke See of Rome, and of the presidents in the late general councel holden at Trent. Newly translated in to English. Hozjusz, Stanisław, 1504-1579.; Stapleton, Thomas, 1535-1598, attributed name. 1567 (1567) STC 13889; ESTC S116558 106,428 242

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the Hebionytes begāne to sprynge who would needes haue all the ceremonies of the lawe also as precysely obserued and kept as the very Gospell and therfore vtterly denied that this sacrament might be made in leauened bread because all oblation offred to our lord ought by the lawe to be with out leauē the contrary was decreed that is to saye That the sacrament should be made of leauened bread VVhē yet the thing in his owne nature is indifferēt neither seemeth it muche materyall whether you make it in vnleauened or in leauened bread But after the heresie of the Hebionites ceased the Latyn churche thought good to returne agayne to their intermitted manner of consecrating in vnleauened bread Thus wee see our holy fathers thought not good by permission to noorishe heresies but by meere contrary decrees to suppresse them But somwhat they saye is to be graunted to the multitude which require this VVhat yf the multitude should propound this pointe of doctrine that only God the father were to be adored and called vppon but Christ to be holden only for an aduocate Shall we say that this is straight wayes to be graunted because the multitude required it The matter goeth yll when we shall rather chose to followe the vnlearned multitude then the iudgement of those who are properly called to this office Namely synce it is truly sayd that the multitude is the mother of sedition and contumacye and the small nomber the mistrese of discipline The multitude ought to be gouerned and not to gouerne ought to obey but not to prescribe lawes That kingdom is in an hard and pittefull case where the Rule and gouernemēt standeth in the multitude As in all other thinges so chieffly in matters of religion it is diligently to be considered not who or how many doo requyre but what the thing is that is required The multitude requyred of the Apostles and their followers that they should denye Christ and offer incense to idolls The power and auctoritee did also earnestly aduyse thē therunto But what did they to this VVee must sayd they obey God rather then men And so they were ready to indure al kynd of punishemēt yea to laye downe their neckes vnto thē rather thē they would do that they required yea and by their martyr dome they ꝑformed in deed that they had spokē VVhat your part is to doo most vertuous kyng in the suppressing of heresies you are not ignorant You are taught this also by the lawes of your contrey to the keeping wherof you bound your self by an othe when you were inuested in this your kingdom Verely all men which will be accompted Christiās especially wee that be bisshops and guides of religion must rather desire a thowsand deathes then once to denye Christ. But he denyeth Christ not only which confesseth him not to be God and acknowlegeth him only for an aduocat or he which dooth not beleue euery poynt and article which the infallible auctoritee of the canonicall scriptures prescribeth vnto vs either of his diuinite or of his humanite but allso he which dooth not in all pointes communicatt with the vnitee of his churche For Christ is both the head and the body The head is the only begotten sonne of God and his body is the Churche they be as husband and wyfe two in one fleshe VVherfore he dooth as myche denye Christ which dooth so dissent from his body the Churche that he thinketh the communion therof not to be spred ouer all but to be found separat in some one part as he which dissenteth from the holly scriptures in any point touching Christ him self the head therof as S. Augugustine teacheth vs in many places There is extant in Eusebius an epistle of Dionysius Alexādrinus to Nouatus wherin he writeth that martyrdome indured for not deuyding the Churche is as glorious as that which is indured for refusing to committe idolatry Yea and surely in my iudgement saieth Dionysius it is so myche more glory For there he suffreth martirdome but for his owne soule but here for the whole churche VVherby wee may see it is no lesse greuous offence to deuide the Churche or by assent to allowe a schisme then to offer incense to idolls Let it therfore be farre from a christian man and namely from a Bisshopp by and by to geue his assent whē a multitude or power requireth a separation from the Churche of God It is to be wished that it may please God to geue vs this mynd rather to suffer our bodyes to be deuyded from our soules then by our assent to allowe any sacrilegious deuise of separation from Christ or his body the churche Of this mynd as it becometh all Christians to be so chieffly vs that be bisshopps yf wee will duely execute the office of good pastors It is well remēbred most vertuous kyng how when your highnes came first to the gouuernement of this Realme and that some thing was then requyred of you which partly tended to separation your highnes curteously as your manner is and yet well and flatly denyed their request saying you could not without offence of your conscience graunt the same vsing farther in the presence of your councell and a very notable assembly of the people this saying of Christ VVhat auayleth it a man yf he gayne the whole word and suffer his soule to perishe or what exchaunge may a man make for his soule Your princely crowne the empyre of your large and populous kingdome and of so many dominions adioyning therunto were not so deere vnto you that the losse or hazard of any of them could once moue you to do any thing that should seeme to be against your faith and religion And why should not the lyke wordes now allso serue for answer Vnlesse perhapps this separatiō seeme of lesse importaunce then the other being now required to permitt a deuisiō to be made from the holly Catholike Church being the body of Christ But some what is to be graūted say they in respect of a publyke tranquillitie And I pray you was not then allso the publyke tranquillite of the kingdome pretēded VVas it not said that great troubles would ryse yf the request were not graunted Yet God did forsee and prouyde for the tranquillitie of your kyngdome And yf tranquillite and quyet be to be bought with so great losse of suche a number of sowlls it were better as the Prouerb sayeth that heauen and earth should meete and a thousand tymes to indure the losse of this mortall lyfe then being deuided from the body of Christ to lead a whyle a happy lyfe heare in yearth in the iudgement of common men and soone after to change the same with euerlasting death and hell tourments that neuer shall haue end Lighter is the losse of goodes and lyfe then of the soule the losse wherof is not to be recouered I reason not as though it were true which they seke