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A02886 A mysterye of inyquyte contayned within the heretycall genealogye of Ponce Pantolabus, is here both dysclosed & confuted by Iohan Bale. An, M.D.xlii. Marke in the capytall letters of this boke, the .A.B.C. with the name of the author Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1545 (1545) STC 1303; ESTC S100627 82,542 190

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Christ reproue the Capernaytes or carnall hearers of his worde requirynge a beleue of them that will be saued For at that tyme nor yet of a yeare after was not that holye supper of his instituted Christ there admonished both his owne disciples and y ● Capernaytes not to labour for the meate that perisheth with the bellye but for that which endureth into the lyfe euerlastynge which is his eternall worde And whan they grodged at his heaueulye aduertysementes he declared vnto them what he ment by that eatynge fayeng Qui credit in me habet vitam eternam He that beleueth on me hath the lyfe euerlastynge As who shulde saye that there to eate is to beleue accordynge to his worde Whan Christe after that he had declared hymselfe to be the breade of lyfe and that his fleshe was meate and his blood verye drincke and that they which ded eate him shuld lyue for euer He gaue them this for a full cōclusyon of the vnderstandynge of that eatynge and drinckynge Spiritus est qui vi●ificat caro non prodest quicquā It is onlye the sprete that quyckeneth the carnall eatynge profyteth nothynge at all For the bisshoppes behelde him Iudas ded kysse him and the cruell Iewes towched his bodye yet were they for that neuer the better Nomore than the prestes are yet to this houre which as they saye do daylye receyue him with their mouthe eate him with their lyppes and teare him with their teathe A mysterye 1 O braynelesse nodye Christ sayd my bodye 2 Is verelye meate For manne to eate 3 Caro mea vere est cibus c. Ioan. 6. The openinge 1. QVycke is Pantolabus in his matters now quauereth in his quybybles at large He cutteth his crotchettes as short as chyldes dyrt that they shulde tonne rounde on his tonge Now is Iohan Frith a braynelesse nodye because he hath not written to his mynde But what a wytlesse wrangeler is he and a dodypoll dawe pat● that thus will talke with a dead manner A cōmon custom is it amonge the vnlerned papistes onlye to inueye agaynst them that are gone Neuer will they meddle with them which are alyue vnlesse they be sure to burne them or to hange them Truthe it is that Christ hath sayd that his bodye is meate and that he which doth not receyue that meate cā haue no lyfe in him But what that eatynge is can not Pantolabꝰ tell or at y ● last he hath not yet taught it Christ sayth that to eate his flesshe and to dryncke his blood is to dwell in him by fayth and loue and he agayne to dwell in vs by his sprete of veryte and not to heare youre popishe masse or to receyue youre sacrament An infynite nombre of people haue thus eaten him and droncke him which neuer knewe what your massynge or how sellynge ment shall lyue perpetuallye in that refeccyon Not one euer perished that so hath receyued him where as thousandes hath bene lost that hath bene fedde at youre aulters 2 Whereas his fleshe is eaten and surelye dygested there is seane nomore whoremongynge theft fornicacyon ydelnesse wytchecraft cruelte spyght couetousnesse ydolatrye hatred glotonye and other fylthye vyces of the fleshe But loue ioye peace pacience longe sufferynge gentylnesse goodnesse faythfulnesse mekenesse clennesse temperaunce with other frutes of the sprete It is not youre oyled generacyon therfore nor yet they that are howseled at their masses that eateth Christes fleshe drynketh his blood which for the more part styll remayne whoremongers buggerers robbers cloyners catchers false teachers hypocrites ydolaters trayters deceyuers bellye goddes extorcy●ners murtherers of sowles and burnets of innocentes for their true Christen beleue Where as Christ is eaten he dwelleth And whereas he dwelleth he will suffre no soche workes to be done That persone can be no blasphemouse babler no instructour of lyes no dysdayner of Gods worde no peruetter of y ● scripturs as Pantolabus is here through oute all his iest He shall not iudge that to be whyghte that is blacke nor yet that is blacke to be whyght But his syght shall be soche by the gyft of his sprete that the thynge which is nought he shall so discerne it hath it neuer so manye gloryouse glytterynge colours to the contrarye 3 As Pantolabus is in his poesyes so is he in his allegacyons of the scripture a verye vnlerned ydyote applyenge them both to his folyshe fleshlye purpose He thynketh with Caromea vere est cibus to proue that Christes fleshe is reallye present in their popyshe sacrament And Christ meaneth nothyngelesse in that whole chapter He sayth not there my fleshe shall be naturallye present in youre sacrament whan ye haue ones prouyded youre oyled offycers and consecrate coniurers for that purpose But my fleshe is meate and my blood is vnfaynedlye drynke afore there were anye soche ●wlyshe orders He promysed nor to dwell in that but to dwell in vs euermore The kyngedome of God sayth he cometh not with outwarde obseruacyon of lo here and se there For beholde the kyngdome of God is within yow youre members sayth saynt Paule are the temple of God and youre sowles the habitacles of the holy ghost It foloweth in that Gospell hic est panis qui de celo descendit He is the breade which came from heauen not that breade which came from the wafer backers or from the breathyng of syr Laurence Loyterer at the aulter The worke of God is onlye to beleue not to fatche that bread at youre ydell handes They dye that eate youre breade and ronne headlynges to the deuyll a greate sort of them as ded manye of the Iewes that eate Manna in the desart But they that eate this breade shall neuer perishe A mysterye 1 Vvhye vvist thu then Sett to thy penne 2 And so playnelye Christes vvordes denye 3 Thy peuyshe pyld reasons Vvere not vvorthe .ii. peasons 4Vvherfore in a ●yre Thu haddest thy hyre 5 Iuste patiebantur secundum suas nequitias Sapien. 19. ¶ The openinge 1. RIallye styll ruffleth this rutter in his ragged rymes of rustycall rudenesse He reasoneth here his matter full clarkelye with this dead manne whye he sett his penne to b●oke aganyst the profytable wares of their markett But so longe as he was alyue he wolde not meddle with him Lyke a valeaūt warryour of the Popes armye he thynketh the victorye sone gotten of him that is gone awaye The manne alredye ouerthrowne is sone beatten But lete him not thynke so to wynne anye greate worshyp at Iohan Frithes hande For thoughe his corps be dead his sprete is alyue Whan his fleshe was in burnyng his fayth was most quycke the veryte in him remaynynge inuincyble The power of hell with the whole swarme of Antichrist shall neuer pre●ayle agaynst that stronge buysdynge Non other victorye haue ye than had Cayphas ouer Christ and the deuyll ouer Iob tryumphe ye neuer so fast ye maye ponnyshe the bodye and geue it to death but ouer the sowle
ayre Effuderunt sanguinem corum tanquam aquam What they are that haue y ● true beleuers in soche deadlye derysiō it were easye ynough to perseyue though we had nothinge els to proue it but this present Genealogye Neuer shall ye ●e that spiritualte of theirs persecute anye other thā the louers of the truthe Wynchestre at this houre honteth nether for thefe nor murtherer aduouterer nor whore keper If he ded there shuld not so manye of them so boldelye diuell at the next dore to him But there shall not apere a reader of Christes gospell that he shall not haue by the sleue by and by He s●yth not Pantolabus here which is an heretyque in dede yf an heretyque be a peruerter of y ● scripturs for they are of an other veyne that he coueteth He shuld not els be his mothers owne darlynge HEre though I seme sumwhat to digrede yet shall it be no digressyon but a necessarye rela●yon consyderyng that Pantolabus hath so spyghtfullye accused matrymonye for synne Sumwhat shall it be nedefull to shewe here to the commendacyon of that godlye estate of lyuynge and to the vtter reproche and shame of the contempners therof by the scriptures chronicles To non other ende ded y ● Pope w t his prelates first inhybyt prestis their marryage but to apere therby an holy spirituall kyngdome deuyded from the prophane multitude to lyue in all voluptuousnesse deceyt Marke fyrst their vngodlye sprete by this The lorde cōmaunded not Dauid to put from him Bersabe after the death of Vrias for the aduouterye afore committed but both allowed her after for his wyfe also greatlye loued the seconde frute of her begotten which was Salomon The Rome churche as a congregacyon cleane contrarye to God in that cōmaunded their prestes first not onlye to forsake their most lawfull wyues but also to leaue their most dere chyldren as frutes of fornicacyon which cruelte we haue also felt in this age And thus hath holye wedlock bene vnto them euer sens a most pernycyouse poyson and stynkynge whoredome with buggerye a most suffren remedye of their naturall dyssease Soche hath bene their sathanycall tyrannye euer sens A great aduersarye to that holye office was Pope Nycolas the first in the yeare of oure lorde D. ccc.lxiiii tyll Huldrichus the good bishop of Augus●a in Germanye withstode his deuyllyshe hypocresye yet was a wyfe non impediment to holye ●aynt Nycolas longe afore that which was of a cōmon cytezen made the archebisshop of Myr●hea and metropolytane of all the whole lande of Lycia Nomore was it to Ignaciꝰ Hermas An●anus Pheleas Spiridion Valens Hilarius Polycrates Dionysius Corintheorum Tartulianus Cheremon Basilius senior Gregorius Nazianzenus Eupsichtꝰ Philogonius Vitalis Apollinaris Vrsinꝰ Pharo Burgundus Genebaudus Geroldus and a great sort more which had both wyu●s and chyldren yet they all were prestes and bisshoppes Moche better sayth Baptista Mantuanꝰ was their ●yfe in marryage than is now the lyfe of the spiritualte without it For a great consyderacyon sayth Pius the Seconde Pope otherwyse called Eneas Siluius was marriage first inhibited to prestes but for a moche greatter ought yt ageyne to be graunted them Saynt Peter y ● holye Apostle was not ashamed at Antiochia whan his wyfe was ledde vnto death to cal her by her name which was Eolam or in the latyne Perpetua after writers And to saye vnto her in the myddes of the multitude Swete wyfe remēbre thy Lorde Iesus Christ feare not thē which sleyth the bodye for they can do no harme to the sowle Onlye couetousnesse ambycion interdicted this marryage which hath geuen or casion to wonderfull mischeues as I haue declared at large in my answer for Tolwyn ageynst the Bysshop of London To whom I haue added these historyes folowynge vpon iust occasyons here geuen me bycause they are yet so good vnto marriage Pope Iohan the. viii was a woman was begotten with chylde by her owne dere chaplayne chamberlayne a Cardinall which God at that tyme wolde haue known to the worlde that their churche might apere as it was in dede all whorishe fylthye and beastlye lyke as the Apocalips hath described her yet was the worlde so blynde that it neuer perseyued it tyll nowe of late years Marozia caused her husbande Guido which was than Marques of Chuscia to strangle Pope Iohan the .ix. with a pyllowe and to slee his brother Peter that the bastarde which she had by Pope Sergi●s the thirde whan she was his concubyne myght be saynt Peters vycar after his father As he was sone after in dede and was called Pope Iohan the .x. Iohan the .xii. Pope begate of his whore Iohan the .xiii. Pope in short space after was stryken to death of the denyll as he was in doynge an other holye acte of bytcherye By the auctorite and commaundement of this holye vycar of sathan ded saynt Donstane here in Englande forbydde Prestes their wyues and had thervnto the assistence of kynge Edgare By the which occasyon Oswaldꝰ than bisshop of Worcestre expelled the canons out of their cathedrall churche and out of .vi. churches more of his dyocese and thrist in monkes there to supplye their romes onlye bycause they worlde not leaue their wyues for he his selfe had also bene a monke E●helwoldus in lyke case the bisshop of Wynchestre ded the same selfe holye acte also at the same tyme in his dyocese for ●e arose also of y ● same generacyon The prestes not cōtented w t so spyghtfull an ●niurye thought they wolde be euen with saynt Donstane for it as they were in dede For whan he shuld make his purgacyon before the kynge in y ● generall synode for soche matters as they had by that tyme bulted out he had moche a do to saue all thynges honest yet had he both the prelated and kynge vpon his syde For holye fathers wyll at a tyme be as wanton as other poore menne and smell after smockes for all their holynesse Holye Tomas Becket wold sumtyme for his pleasure make a iournaye of pylgrymage to the prymerose peerlesse of Stafforde as his holye lyfe mencyoneth He that shall narrowlye serche saynt Hieromes Epistles shall fynde him sumwhat famylyar with Marcella So shall he fynde Saynt Gregorye with Domicella and also saynt Bonifacius the archebisshop of Magunce with Tecla and Lieba .ii. Englysshe women of his owne cuntre natyue After the death of kynge Edgare this bredde moche trouble in Englande For the great menne of the realme put out y ● monkes by vyolence and restored agayne the Prestes with their wyues tyll soche tyme as a counsell was holden at Wynchestre Where as the prestes were agayne dyscharged by vertu of a voyce which came from a rode in the freyter wall here was propre packynge or els from the deuyll speakynge in him For in dede the deuyll loueth wele and first sought out that holye kynde of chastyte for to bewtyfye therwith the Popes
Aq●yne supportynge that doctryne by his doltyshe diuynite Iohan Parys and other wolde haue added vnto yt Impanacyon of y ● worde but that was reiected anon for daungers therevpon ensewynge After that came in ydemptyte realyte formalyte materyalyte propryete veracyte absolute beynge multiplicacyon vnyon diffynitacyon essenciacyon vbiquite fyguralite symbolycalite naturalyte potencialite personalyte presencialyte proporcionalite perticipalite habitualite virtualite dymencionalite substancialite deificalite carnalite corporalite modalite supposytalite ypostaticalite and a great sort more amonge their Sentencioners and Scolistes Than was y● boxed pyxed and tabernacled so borne forth in processyon with torche lyght banner crosse candels●yck cope canape with knelynge and crowchynge manye wonderfull myracles folowynge as was seane at Lynos Parys Calys Brucels Schiedam and in manye other places els And so was yt clerelye altred from Christes institucyon and became throughlye the abominacyon of desolacyon as wytnesseth Iohan Wyclef in his .iii. chapter de Eucharistia Than had the bisshoppes at their handes their Sophisters and Summystes their Sentēcyoners and Canonistes with all supers●iciouse subtyltees to defende yt for a blessed sacramēt And whan that lowsye lernynge wolde not serue them than had they vpon their sydes to dispute with agaynst y ● heretyques both sweedes and halters fyre and faggottes as they haue yet styll to this houre 3 I wolde that the text which Pantolabꝰ bringeth in here out of Salomons Prouerbes to proue that Christes bodye is reallye present in the blessed sacrament were dilygentlye marked of the reader It is not these De stusti pascitur imperitia as Pantol●bus hath here layed it forth But it is in that xv chapter De stultorum pascetur imper●tia yf ye take their olde text The mouthe of fooles shall befedde with all folyshnesse Of a lykelyhode Pantolabꝰ hath some priuylege of the Pope that he maye at his pleasur peruert the scripturs in the defence of holye churche yet proueth not this peruerted text that Christ is reallye present in the sacrament But in dede it declareth what Pantolabus is both reallye naturallye formallye and substanciallye and so doth in a maner all the whole chapter besydes Sone after the begynnynge therof is soche an other lyke clause De fatuorum ebullit stultitiam The mouth of lewde fooles boyleth out folyshe bablynges as are the Poeticall verses of Pantolabus boke here and all the ynke horne termes also of their doctors afore rehersed here for their blessed sacramēt More fytlye had this clause of the same chapter bene applyed to that sacrament as it is now vsed Victime impiorum abominabiles Domino Abhominable to y ● Lorde are the sacrifyces of the wycked where as the prayer of the ryghtouse is acceptable Fylthye is the waye of the vngodlye but he that foloweth ryghtousnesse is in Gods fauer For whye y ● ceremonyes therof are the Popes not his The brekefast is the prestes alone and no communyon of Christes peple to knytt them vp togyther as members into his mysticall bodye A mysterye 1 The flesshe and blood And lyuelye food 2 And onlye vvelthe Of oure soule helthe 3 Qul manducat hunc panem viuet in aeternum Ioan. 6. ¶ The openinge 1. PRoudelye styll pratleth this popishe Poete accusynge Iohan Frith for not graūtynge Christes reall presence in their sacrament And here he cōuerteth his fantasyed realyte into Christes fleshe and blood callynge it the lyuelye fode of y ● sowle Godlye wyse was Iohan Frith and so shall he fynde it in the latter daye in that he wolde not attribute vnto Christ that thynge w t is not founde in y ● scripturs A popishe lyuerye is that realite of theirs sophisticallye borrowed of Aristotles logyck He wolde in no case be accursed of the mouthe of God for addynge soche beggerye to his worde Rather ded he good creature offre his bodye to the fyre I thynke not the contrarye of I●han Frith but yf their sacrament had bene Christes as it is the Popes in the colours it is in now he had graunted vnto it moche more than he ded Christes fleshe is no soche pouetrye nor his blood soche māmetrye as their mangye myracles hath made it For yf their corruptyble breade were that lyuelye fode of sowle than had all they peryshed which hath not so outwardlye receyued it afore tyme. As Adam Noe Abraham Moyses Dauid Helias with all the other fathers which dyed afore Christ. They receyued both his bodye and blood els had they not bene saued For saynt Paule doth saye that all they and we haue eaten of one spirituall meate and drōcke of one spirituall drincke one harde rocke ministrynge it vnto ve both In sprete veryte sayth Christ shall the true worshippers worshippe him and not in outwarde thynges that are seane with the eye for they remayne onlye to the false worshippers or ydolaters 2 Neyther haue youre Realyte power to make youre blessed sacrament Christes flesshe nor yet his blood Neyther can ye therby proue it oure lyuelye food nor yet oure ●owles helthe though ye a thousande tymes put it thervnto For so moche as it cometh not from y ● expresse worde of God but from the fylthye doctryne of youre Philosophers which were non other but fylthye ydolaters Rathe● shulde it seme therfore to conuert it into an ydoll to oure sowles destruccyon than into Christes fleshe to oure sowles cōsolacyon A lyuelye fode it maye wele be vnto you which are fedde therwith daylye at youre austers but wele I wote in that kynde it is non vnto vs in y ● churches bodye which haue no part therof An onlye welthe it maye be vnto youre generacyon which take the swete profytes therof lyueth therby in all boluptuouse pleasurs of ydelnesse But how it shulde be the helthe of youre sowles in that kynde of clowtynge that can I not wele tell you Wele I wote it is neyther welthe nor helthe vnto vs. For a great vndoynge hath it bene to the comonwelthe and is yet a most ruynouse decaye of the peples sowle helthe the eternall father redressel it ye will saye parauenture ye make it Christes fleshe by the speakynge of his worde vnto it Christ neuer taughte yow to preache his worde in a foren language to a thynge that is dumme but to the lyuynge peple in their natyue language that they myght beleue and be saued He bad you distribute that brede vnto other and not to slaffe it vp youre selues He commaunded also the peple to eate it but in no case to worship it Neuer was it worshipped in the churche tyll it had youre Realyte which Christ neuer graunted to youre breathynge 3 The scripture that is here alleged oute of the sixt of Iohan. Qui manducat hunc panem viuet in eternum condempneth the whole doctrine of Pantolabꝰ madde meters here both by the sequele of the same chap. and also by the opynion of all the olde doctors which nameth it a spirituall eatynge In all that processe doth
ye haue no power Blessed is that māne that euer he was borne which perseuereth faythfull to the ende as Iohan Frith hath done That he penned by his lyfe concernynge the sacrament and their popyshe purgatorye is not greatlye hyndred here as yet ōy Pantolabus dyrtye dartes The greatest acte he hath done is that he hath here paynted vs out a fole of himselfe 2 Here is it layed vnto Iohan Frithes charge that he shulde denye Christes wordes because he wolde not in his boke admyt Aristotles realyte in their sacramēt In dede he neuer denyed Christes worde for than he shulde haue done as you do alwayes so haue denyed Christ himselfe which is all one with his worde He euermore affermed that Christes fleshe was verye meate his blood verye dryncke but not for the bodye yet denyed he not the corporall eatynge He graunted also that he was verye bread and that he which eateth that breade shall lyue for euer yet wolde he not haue that bread which came from the waffer backers to be all one with that breade which came from heuen For saynt Augustine sayth that their eatynges be diuerse The one is eaten with the mouthe the other with y ● fayth The one with the lyppes the other with the harte The one with the bodye the other with the sowle He wolde in no case haue them to come in both at one dore youre ●ordes wolde not Frith afferme because they are not Christes but Aristotles youre wayes are all after the Master of your sentēces which was in an whoryshe nonne a fylthye frute of your vowed chastyte ye folowe in youre fayth the fore steppes of Bonauenture Thomas Dons Osbert Albert Baconthorpe Gerarde Gyles Gandauus Guido Ockham Helyoth Holcoth Brulifer Dorbel other dyrtye diuynes forth yssuynge from him in whom sathā hath wrought euer sens he was sett at large refusynge the Apostles doctryne And that caused Iohan Frith neuer to agre vnto you 3 His reasons are neuer the worse that youre pylde popyshe brayne do not allowe them Peuysh ynough are your poesyes and more peuyshe a great deale youre pylde wyttes What youre reasons are it is playne to all them which hath eyther wytt or lernynge The value of them is sone rekened now that they are come to y ● towche stone I thynke verelye they are neyther worth two peasons nor yet worth two nyttes or antes egges The reasons and auctorytees of Iohan Frith concernynge Christes bodye blood standeth yet vntowched for all you Moche more vndischarged It is ynough for you to rayle and to prate to bragge to lye though ye do nothynge els ye fare lyke a gargull in a wall with a spowte in his mouthe which doth nothynge els but spewe oute water ye sett a greate face here vpon the matter as though the Popes churche were holden vp by you and nothynge do ye at all but vomete fylthye swyllynges More lyke are you and a sort of youre fellawes more to pull downe youre holye mother than to kepe her vp longe yf ye haue no better lernynge than ye shewe here Iohan Wyclef prophecyed that your churche shuld haue an ende had veryte ones the victorye Which is in short space lyke to be founde true yf ye plye not youre matters apace 4 Disdaynefullye cast ye it in Iohan Frithes teathe here that he dyed in the fyre at ● procuremēt of your prelates As though it were a greate ignominye to dye for the Lordes veryte But precyouse in y ● syght of that lorde was the death of that faythfull yonge manne though it were verye wretched in your syghtes regardynge nothynge but that which is pleasaunt to the fleshe What your ende shall be the Lorde of heauen knoweth ye haue yet layser ynough to playe the felde bysshop and to blesse with youre heles in an hempen corde as a great sort of youre fellawes haue done which were as true menne as you are here Therfore ye are not wyse to disdayne anye mannys ende nor yet to iudge him yll that departeth in Christes fayth ye maye wele knowe that Christes deathe was not verye precyouse to your proude predecessors the bysshoppes pharysees lawers whan they went vp and downe there mockynge and mowynge as you do now here with youre meters No better is the seruaūt than his master nor yet the disciple than he that sent him Full vnlyke is y ● syght of god to youre syght and his ins●rutable iudgementes to youre carnall iudgemētes Blessed is Iohan Frith that he suffreth styll at your handes these obprobryes for his holye names sake for sure is he of the kyngedome of heauen 5 The clause that ye haue here ins●pientlye raught out of the last chapter of S●pience to make good with it your malicyouse meters agaynst Iohan Frith will not Sapience allowe now for his ye haue so disuygured yt If ye had gentyllye borowed it not so theuishlye stolne it he wolde gladlye haue receyued it of you agayne But now it is youre owne ragged stuffe not his He hath there Iuste patiebātur secundum suas nequitias and not patiebatur The Egypcyanes sayth he which cruellye persecuted the chosen people of God vndre Pharao hath worthelye sufferd accordynge to their many folde wyckednesses He is not contented w t you nor yet with soche other false Prophetes as will so preposterouslye bestowe his scripturs as to geue that to gods fryndes which belongeth to his enemyes In the ende of that chapter is this text folowynge wherin Iohan Frith hath now his porcyon but that coude not Pantalabꝰ perseyue In omnibus enim magnificasti populum tuum Domine honorasti In all thynges lorde hast thu done the best for thy people so brought them to honoure Thu hast not despysed thē but alwaye and in all places hast thu gracyouslye stande by them The Egypcyanes now are you as wytnesseth saynt Iohan in the Apocalyps 11. youre greate cyte sayth he hath a spirituall name youre churche is called Sodoma and Egyptus For there ye daylye crucifye the Lorde in his members besydes that ye do in youre daylye Masses or newe founde sacrifices for the quycke and the dead A mysterye 1 Next of this secte That vvas suspecte 2 Vvas one Lamberte A manne peruerte 3 And almost vvood 4 Probauerunt habere Deum in notitia tradidit illos Deus in reprobum sensum Rom. 1. ¶ The openinge 1. SEryouslye hath Pantolabus sought his wyttes here to clowte vp his Genealogie with sumwhat But I maruele moche that for .v. years space betwixt the burnynges of Iohan Frith and Iohan Lambert he coude fynde out non els for his purpose His bloodye generacyon of mytred mahoundes and their shauen sergeaūtes were not wonte to be so longe vnoccupyed His holye mother whom saynt Iohan reporteth to be droncke in the blood of martyrs was not wonte to fast so longe from that drynke but wolde coole her hote thirst ere that tyme hauynge so fyerye a stomake wele I wote that manye
than suffred at London Colchestre Hadleye Ippeswyck Norwyche Lynne and in other more places of Englande Good Wyllyā Tyndale was done to death also at Vylforde in Braban within the same years by the procurement of youre craftye Cayphases in the yeare of oure Lorde a M. V. and .xxxv. in the moneth of Septembre And therfore I wondre they escaped youre hande This maketh vs to thynke that ye entended of these onlye with those that here foloweth to iest at youre pleasure vpon soche malyce as ye had agaynst them conceyued Sure are you to be of soche a secte as will worke lyttle goodnesse Lete menne suspect of you what they will but these popyshe poesyes of yours smell knauyshlye whan ye can fynde out non other heretyques but these alone of so manye Popes poyseners trayters sorcerers Sodomites scysmatyques and pestylent papistes as hath bene and are yet styll to this daye 2 Because ye are here in hande with Lambert I will saye sumwhat for him for I knewe his cōuersacyon The truthe of it is he was sumtyme a prest of youre generacyon called syr Iohan Nycols and was borne in the cyte of Norwyche After that he had in Cambryge geuen himselfe to good letters and became sumwhat expert both in the Latyne and the Greke at the preachynges of the good menne Arthure and Bylneye he toke repentaunce of his former lyfe And after that the kynge by his lawfull offycers had taken of him an othe to renounce the Pope as a false vsurper he threwe from him that Antichristes yoke with his lyuerye and marke to shewe himselfe throughlye obediēt Than leauyng papistycall customes he enbraced the Gospell for his lyfes direccyon lyued otherafter a vertuouse Christen lyfe which you iudge here a lyfe peruert soche is youre owne Englyshe terme This wolde I not wryte so manyfestlye yf I knewe it not for a certente Where as he was before an ydell Massemonger and an hater of the scripturs he became than a fauorer and folower of them yea he taught them vnto other and lyued his selfe accordynge to the same Manye Christen instruccyons wrote he to his bretherne brought vp their chyldren in all vertu Dyuerse workes of Erasm●s and of other good authors more translated he into the vulgar Englyshe tonge to the Christen commodyte of other 3 And whereas Pantolabus wryteth him here to be a manne almost woode for that he was not in fayth and opinyon to his folyshe mynde agreable He declareth himselfe to be of lyke iudgement with those relygyouse curates of the Iewes Synagoge which reported Iohan Baptist to be a madde manne for his abstinence and Christ to be a dronckarde for his good felyship kepyng But lete him not thynke easlye to auoyde this slaunderouse report before the eternall iudge vnlesse he repent in tyme. What so euer thu art sayth saynt Paule that iudgest an other this shalt thu be sure of forthyne owne part to condemne thyselfe perfourmynge the same selfe thynges that thu condemnest him of Moche more than yf it be left in wrytynge as this outragyouse slaundre is that he was a manne peruert and almost wood Though I and soche other which haue redde ouer Pantolabus iest here ded not iudge him a fellawe of a peruerse opinyon and doctryne and a Bedlem beast more than madde the seyd iest it selfe wolde do it for vs. Therfore lete him not saye that we iudge him agayne here for his owne fylthye frutes declareth him How abhomynably the scripturs are here peruerted for a trayterouse popyshe purpose to vpholde the fylthye kyngedome of Antichrist it will be euydent to him that shall serche the places 4 Now cometh here one in borowed of y ● first chapter of saynt Paule to the Romanes Marke the good workemanlye handelynge I praye ye therof Sicut non probauerunt sayth he hab ere Deum in notitia tradidit ●llos Deus in reprobrum sensum As they haue not regarded to knowe their lord god so hath he geuen them ouer into a lewde mynde And what is this text to the purpose to proue that Iohan Lambert was a manne peruert and almost wood This is there a conclusyon of an olde stynkynge matter of yours goynge but a lyttle afore and therfore lete it not be left so cowardlye behynde you Relicto naturali vsu femine exarserunt in desyderiis suis in inuicem masculi in masculos turpitudinem operātes They which haue vnrightouslye with holden the truthe of the lorde in vnrightousnesse leauinge y ● naturall vse of women haue burned in lustes amonge themselues workinge menne with menne vnspekable fylthynesse Be ashamed wretches be ashamed and bestowe ones the scripturs whereas they shuld be bestowed Lerne to amende yowr abhominable lyuinge and leaue to blaspheme the poore innocētes by them For yf ye can no rightlyar bestowe them trulye yf yowr wrytinges come to owr handes we shall teache yow the right waye bycause yowr own shepeherdes are slacke A mysterye 1 Vvhich vvolde make good Vvith tonge and penne Before all menne 2 That in the Masse Nothinge els vvas 3 But a signifycacion Of Christes passion 4 Ne sis sapiens a pud te ipsum Prou. 1. ¶ The openinge 1. THough this verse agreeth with his other fellawe in sownde yet doth he not agre with him in matter therfor I haue disseuered them It is not all one to be wood or madde and to do good therfor I haue put the good doer from the madde Pantolabꝰ saith here that Lambert wolde make Than is he moche better by his owne report than is his holye generacyon for they haue euer marred ▪ yea farthermor he saith that he wolde make good He cānot so report of his owne monstruouse mustre for they haue made all thinges euyll No● one thinge is there vndre the heauens that they haue not defyled with one kynde of Idolatrye or other Besydes their hypocresye whoredome Idelnesse buggerye and the deuill and all of soche vyces their shameful abhorringe of marryage their superstic●ouse forbyddynge of meates and their abhominable peruerting of the scripturs with their sophistrye sorcerye wyles wytchecraftes decrees decretals actes clementynes extrauagantes pryuileges bulles prouinciall synodals makynge playne merchandyce both of the bodyes and sowles of menne This have they done before all menne both with tunge and penne lyke as Pantolabus here reporteth of Lambert 2 I wyst wele this goodnesse had a tayle which at the latter ende wolde not seme verye good Lambert both with tunge and penne was a contynuall aduersarye to their holye Masse which is their princypall market and that is the cause that he is here regestred for an heretyq̄● yea marrye set now vnderstande the matter moche better than I coude afore Now can I tell yow what heresye is as ye take it and who be the heretyques that yow meane Not they that speake ageynst the father of heauen with Sabellius and Arrius Nor they that blaspheme y ● sonne with Porphirius and Photinus Nor yet
them at tymes be brent in the fyre for Christes testymonye through the Bisshoppes olde tyrannye Nothynge is there lost but their corruptyble bodyes Wheras he suffreth one bodye in their malyce so to peryshe he saueth that ●owle and a thousande more by the fredome of Christes Gospell Blessed be the Lorde therfore that euer he was borne 3 I coūsell no manne to make this prayer with Pantolabus nor with soche other execrable Papistes so damnablye vayne in the corrupt practyses stodyes and deuyses of their wretched hartes though yt semeth verye good and godlye But praye after y ● scripturs with y ● dere heretage of Christ which is a churche persecuted as he was and not pampred vp here in pryde and in vayne glorye It is a congregacion not knowne to the worlde nor regarded of fleshlye lyuers nomore than he was knowne and receyued of them whan he came into his owne Praye all from within as that churche is from within lyke as Dauid wytnesseth with all the Apostles and Prophetes And lete this be youre specyall prayer for youre kynge and prince euermore Thu eternall God of our fathers thre distyncte persones in one euerlastynge Godhede Thu omnypotent father and creatour of all Thu eternall sonne and redemer Iesus Christ. Thu euerlastynge holy ghost conforter equall vnto them both all one God in power substaunce and nature of the Godhede for thy tendre mercyes sake haue respect vnto oure kynge and yonge prince And lyke as thu hast of thy munyfycence and lyberalyte geuen vnto them the imperyall crowne and scepture of Englande So graunt them to lyue in thy feare to walke in thy worde and to do that is ryghtouse in thy syght euermore Graunt them also Lorde with the swerde that they beare that they carrye yt not in vayne but alwayes to the ponnyshment of the yll doers and to the syngular solace of thy faythfull seruauntes For so is thy eternall will Thus ought true subiectes to praye without all hypocresye dissymulacyon and glosynge flatterye A mysterye 1 Cōpyled by Ponce Pātolabus 2 Imprynted at London In Pater noster rovve 3 At the signe of our ladye pytye By Iohan Redman Ad imprimendum solum ¶ The other coppye 4 Imprented by me Robert Vvyer Ad imprimendum solum ¶ The openinge 1. NOw shuld soche a famouse worke made in defence of holye churche apere notable vnto the readers therof except the name of a notable clarke as master Pantolabus is were putt ther vnto fytt is yt that the carpenter shuld stande by his carpētrye and the buylder by his buyldynge A broken wall of Babylon hath Pantolabus dawbe●d vp here of old fauer and loue but his dyrtye dawb●rye holdeth not For lyke an vnworke manlye dawber he hath done yt with vntempred claye contrarye to all godlye admonyshmentes Most dampnably hath he peruerted the sacred scripturs here to maynteyne his Popyshe malyce agaynst all Christen charyte But Hieremye Ezechiel Micheas and Aba●uk with other holye Prophetes byddeth him and soche other to sett their hartes at rest For the cyte which is buylded with blood and the howse that standeth by vnryghtousnesse shall not alwayes contynue in the worlde I shall cast donge in youre faces ●sayth the Lorde by his Prophete Malachias euen the verye donge of youre solempne feastes and ceremonyes And yt shall cleaue fast vpon you and take you with yt to eternall perdicion What Ponce Pantolabus is which putteth himselfe forth here for y ● Author of this Iest I nede not to describe For the verye worke it selfe setteth forth his lyuelye ymage It manyfestlye declareth him a braynelesse babler a presumptuouse ydyote a frantyck Papist a peruerter of the scripturs a stynkynge heretyque an enemye to God a secrete louer of Antichrist a preuye conspyrer agaynst his prince for the Pope 2 Moche accordinge to the ryght nature therof is the settinge out here of this heretycall Genealogie Abhominably blasphemouse it is and therfor it passeth forth vndre some tytles of abhominacion It is seyd first of all to be imprinted at London which is a most noble cyte Verye sorye I am that soche sylthye frutes shuld come from so worthye a place Notwithstandinge I ascribe not this partycular euyll to that worshypful cyte wherin I knowe to be people most vertuouse and godlye But of this am I certayne Though Hierusalem were holye and the verye cyte of the lorde allowed by the scripturs yet was it in conclusion most greuouslye ponnyshed for sufferinge blasphemers and for vnthankefullye receyuinge of Christ and his verite Pater noster was wont to be a most wholsom prayer ordayned and commaunded of Christ to dwell onlye within mannys sowle and from thens to be sent in dayly massage to the eternall father of heauen And now he is becomen an out strete dweller the name of a lane or the sygne of a tauerne Farre is he changed from Christes first institucion a●d from the office that he appointed him A farre meane● change from a pylde popyshe ceremony wolde be called a great heresye of y ● Bysshoppes What this is I leaue it to yowr coniecture 3● In this Pater noster rowe or in bedealleye whether ye wyll was this Genealogye imprinted at the signe afowr ladye pyte What that pyteouse ladye is I can not tell but wele I wote she hath no ●ust tyttle to be called owr ladye No true fygure is she to Marye the mother of Christ. For neuer was she so farre from the ryght faythe that she sorowed so largelye for that thīge which was vnto vs all most necessarye I knowe she neuer wept so vndyscretely for the deathe of Christ which was owr vniuersall helthe but most hyghly reioysed therin If she euer mourned it was for the synnes of the people and for that she sawe his veryte contēpned of the cruell clergye as it is yet styll They therfor which worshyp that sorowfull pyte of Marye do honour that infydelyte w t she neuer had and make them therof an Idoll Thus is the sygne that Iohan Redmā dwelleth vndre an exercrable Idoll and he for so magnifyenge her with that tyttle a verye Idoll worshypper The lesse maruele is it that soche fylthye frutes cometh out of his howse Here is he not ashamed openlye to confesse that he hath sett his handes to most wycked Papystrye and vnto an heape of peruerted Scripturs to the great dyshonour both of God and of his kynge Adioyninge ther vnto his pryuylege Ad imprimēdum solum the rather to infect his people 4 Now foloweth Robert wyer he graunteth also by his owne handye worke that he hath promoted forewarde these Popyshe Poesyes and Scripturs abhominablye peruerted Wherin he hath done all that hath lyen in him to assure the kīges faythfull subiectes to geue their good hartes to y ● Popes olde faythe An vngodlye cruell waye were it yf menne ded but mynistre that thinge w t shuld but poyson the bodyes of the people What shall we than recken it whan that fylthynesse is ministred of them which infecteth their sowles to eternall deathe Soche is the vnsacyable thirst of thē that are couetouse that they care not what myschefes they do to get money If the deuyll had geuen them a matter ageynst Christ as his sworne Chaplayne hath done here ageynst his true seruauntes and haue monyed them wele they wolde surely haue done by that lyke as they haue done by this And the daye wyll ones come that they shall fynde it all one The kynges priuylege Ad imprimēdum solum is put to the same to bringe him also vndre the selfe same curse of God yf anye chaunce for it at the latter daye whom he defende so good subiectes are thy vnto him By soche diuersite of printes is it easy to perseyue that the sale hath bene great the profyghtes therof plentuouse If the worke had bene Godly yt neuer had gone so frelye abrode nor with so moche fauer of y ● Bysshoppes The lorde ones be mercyfull to his afflicted famelye and delyuer thē frō their my●cheues Amen ¶ The conclusion ¶ Expreslye is it here to be seane dere frynde in the lorde what Pantolabꝰ was at the makinge of this iest and what manye other are yet styll in the same synefull lyne of Antichrist I perseyue by him and soche other more that Leuiathan had than great strengthe in his loynes to sende forth soche sturdye babes Not longe afore that they hydde their heades and durst not be seane abrode But thā ded they on their mothers shamelesse face and were ageyne as bragginge as in their Popes tyme. Small harme is it to them that the Beastes head was wounded it is so wele and workemanlye healled vp ageyne Not to Christes glorye haue they fashyoned thē a newe churche now after the Gospell preachinge but after their owne vayne glorye ageyne yet for aduauntage Destroyed yet vtterly shall that execrable mōstre be within short space trust vpon it by y ● only breathe of y ● lordes eternall mouthe For now doth he call to remembraunce the blood of his elect Seruauntes whō she hath slayne seduced to establyshe her kyngedō of lyes abhominaciōs Now shal she be subdued of that heauenlye verite whō she hath of so longe tyme suppressed the beast peryshinge w t her whō she hath worshypped in so manye kyndes of Idolatrye That lorde make spede to fulfyll his euerlastinge promes to the confort of his electes Amen ¶ Thu● endeth y ● openinge of a darke mysterye of inyquite latelye spredde a brode in England● by Ponce Pantolabus and dysclosed by Iohan Bale 1542.