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A02793 Two godlie and learned sermons, preached at Manchester in Lancashire before a great audience, both of honor and vvoorship. The first, containeth a proofe of the subtill practises of dissembling neuters, and politique worldlings. The other, a charge and instruction, for all vnlearned, negligent, and dissolute ministers: and an exhortation to the common people, to seeke their amendment, by prayer, vnto God. By Simon Harward, preacher of the woord of God, and Maister of Arte, late of Newe Colledge in Oxfoord. Harward, Simon, fl. 1572-1614. 1582 (1582) STC 12924; ESTC S112568 108,746 262

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❧ Two godlie and learned Sermons preached at Manchester in Lancashire before a great Audience both of Honor and VVoorship The first containeth a reproofe of the subtill practises of dissembling Neuters and politique worldlings The other a charge and Instruction for all vnlearned negligent and dissolute Ministers And an Exhortation to the common people to seeke their amendment by prayer vnto God By Simon Harward Preacher of the woord of God and Maister of Arte late of Newe Colledge in Oxfoord Si Deus nobiscum quis contra a nos Homo Deo lutum figulo ¶ Imprinted at London by Iohn Charlewood and Richarde Ihones 1582. ❧ The Preface to the Christian Reader FOr as much as the profession of a Christiā 2. Tim. 4.7 Ephe. 6.11 1. Thes 5.8 is in the holie Scriptures oftētimes compared vnto the life of a soldier because we are as it were sworne in the Sacramēt of Baptisme to fight manfullie vnder the banner of Iesus Christe not onelie against the vaine and wicked entisementes of the fleshe whereby we are drawne to the abhominable lustes and pleasures of voluptuous liuing and against the daūgerous assaultes of Satan the Prince of this world which seeketh continuallie to deuoure vs and to drowne vs in the pit of desperation confusion but also against the subtill snares of the world which either by ritches and the glorie ●hereof dooth prouoke vs vnto coue●ousnesse or else by slaunderings reui●nges iniuries and oppressions dooth ●rre vs vp to impatiencie hatred enuie ●nd malice we are therefore to call to remembraunce cōtinuallie that notable propertie and qualitie of a Christian Soldier to arme our selues with patiēce against the daie of triall that we may as Saint Paul sayth to Timothie Suffer affliction ● Tim. 2.3 as good Soldiers of Iesus Christe And this dooth our Sauiour teach vs in the Gospell after the Euangelist Saint Luke Luk. 14.31 when he asketh the question VVhat King going about to make warre against an other King dooth not sit downe and take councel whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him which commeth against him with twentie thousande VVhereby he dooth admonishe vs to ponder and weigh our strength and abilitie beforehand and not rashlie and careleslie to enter into the battaile And therefore as that Captaine is greatlie to be condempned which wil not prouide for any helpe and furniture vntill the time doo come that the onset must be giuen and the stroakes begin to flie about him And as that Soldier sheweth him selfe verie carelesse and negligent vvhich will neuer thinke vpon his armour and weapons vntill the time doo come that he must enter into the combat Euen so that christian is ouermuch giuen to carnall securitie vvhich being a Soldier in the Spirituall warfare of Christe vvherin the victorie bringeth no earthlie triumph but the incorruptiple crowne of glorie and the losse is not the death of the body onelie but the casting of bothe body soule into hell fire vvill not yet once sit downe to take councell aforehand of his abilitie nor once remember his weapon of patience nor once by praier make prouision for it vntill the houre doo come that euen now the trumpet dooth crie alarum and his enimies fal vpon him Of which sort of Soldiers I am afeard there are verie many in the Realme of Englād vvhich because the Lord hath giuen vs many happy plentifull and peaceable yeeres vnder our gratious Princesse Elizabeth the Lord lōg preserue her Maiestie and giue vs grace so to repent and amend our sinfull liues that for our wickednesse and vnthankfulnesse her daies be not shortned do therefore lothe to heare the preaching of the armour of patience and not once remēber to pray vnto God for the obtaining of the same But rather they seeke by their pollicies to ioyne them selues in league with the enimies of Christe that if trouble and affliction should come they may auoide the daunger not by patience in suffering for the name of Christe but by a trayterous shrinking from their Lord and sauiour And these may well be compared to the Ostridge who when there was a battell between the foure footed Beasts and the Birds to please the Beastes shewed foorth his hoofe and to make the Birds beleeue that he was of their side he put foorth his byll winges and so pretēding to take part with bothe was in deede traytor to bothe And therfore wheras of late beeing appointed by my very good Lord the Bishop of Chester I preached a Sermon at Manchester in Lankashire as concerning the bolde constant confessing of the Lord Iesus and the patient suffering of affliction for his names sake I haue thought good to publishe the same in writing to the view of those Christian Soldiers into whose handes it shall please God to send it that therby they maie learne bothe the faithfulnesse which they owe vnto their grande captaine Iesus Christe and the prouision which they ought to make in time for the armour of patience and also be admonished howe they shall sit downe and take councell and make their accoumpts of the charges which are required to a Christian mans profession And this our sauiour dooth reach vs by an other similitude taken of the wisedome which ought to be in a builder VVhich of you sayth he beeing minded to builde a Tower Luk. 14.28 dooth not first sit downe and count the costes and charges whether he haue sufficient to performe it or no least that after he hath laide the foundation and is not able to finishe it all that beholde it beginne to mocke him saying This man beganne to builde and was not able to make an ende Euen so all we which builde our selues vppon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Iesus Christe him selfe being the head corner stone must first sit downe and cast our accoumpts whether we be able to performe it or no. In what manner must we reckon our charges First whether we be fullie resolued to shewe foorth the fruite of our profession in our liues and conuersations For otherwise vnlesse with hearing we ioyne dooing with professing expressing Our sauiour sheweth vs Math. 7.27 That we build not vpon the rocke but wee are like vnto the foolishe man which buildeth vpon the sande where the raine falling and the floods running and the windes blowing doo beate downe the house so that the fall thereof is great And secondlie we must count our charges whether we be thorowlie determined by the grace and assistaunce of God whome we call vpon continually for helpe strength succour constantlie with the mouth to confesse the Lorde Iesus and with patience to take vp our crosse and followe him so that Neither father nor mother nor wife nor children nor brother nor sister nor farmes nor Oxen nor lande nor liuing nor golde nor siluer nor worldlie promotion nor tribulation nor anguishe nor persecution nor famine nor nakednesse Rom. 8.35 nor perill nor swoorde nor life
to bring his people home to repentance amēdmēt of life the one is by the loouing countenaunce of his mercy the other is by therod of correction procéeding from his iustice if the one will not serue hee must must needes put in vre the other The Lord giue vs grace to returne truly vnto him that we may be brought to amendment of life rather by the mildnes of his mercy then by the rigour of his iustice And the Lord long preserue our gracious Princesse Elizabeth that she may haue a long happy and prosperous raigne ouer vs that we may a long time in peace and tranquillity inioy the glorious gospell of Christ and vnder her lead a quiet and a peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie and the Lord confound all the bloody interprises of trayterous Rebels and as he hath alwayes hetherto discouered and preuented their deuises so the Lord of his mercy discouer them and preuent them heareafter But déerely belooued whatsoeuer troubles doo happen vnto vs let vs alwayes remember that saying of our Lord and Sauiour Mat. 10.28 Feare not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soule But rather feare ye him which is able to destroy both body and soule and to cast them both into hell fyre feare him Luk. 14.26 Mat. 10.37 He that looueth father or mother or wife or children or brethren or sisters or lande or liuing or his owne life more then me is not worthy of me If any man vvill be my disciple let him take vp the crosse and follovv me But here I thinke I heare some of you say a mong your selues it is an easye matter to talke of constancie in bearing the Crosse and suffering affliction for the name of Christ but it is not so easye to performe it indéede There are many of you of the ministry which exhort to constancie in the profession of the Gospell which if any trouble should come are likely to turne your coates as soone as any other What we should doo in the like case 2. Cor 3.5 Phil. 2.13 God onely knoweth who is the giuer of all strength and without whom wee are not able to thinke a good thought but it is God which woorketh in vs both to will and to performe It may be that some which make the greatest brags say with Peter though all men in the vvorld should be offended by thee Math. 26.33.35 yet vvill not I be offēded though I should dye vvith thee yet vvill not I deny thee Ioh. 13 37 Lorde vvhy can not I follovv thee novv I vvill lay dovvne my life for thy sake It may be I say that they shall bee the first which shall deny and forsweare but good people the question is not what I or be or any other particular man shall doo but the question is what ought to be doon of euery Christian and therefore we must euery one of vs pray vnto God continually that he wil vouchsafe to account vs woorthye to suffer any thing for the name of Iesus Christe and that he wyll giue vs patience to endure whatsoeuer his mercifull hand shall lay vpon vs. Some may paraduenture thinke that this doctrine of patience to suffer for the name of Christe is not needefull to be preached at this time when all thinges are in quiet But is not he a foolish Souldiar which will neuer thinke vpon his weapons and armour vntyll the howre come that he must hasten into the feelde And howe vnwise then is that Christian whych will neuer thinke vppon hys armour of patience vntill the time come that the Crosse shall sodainly be layd vpon him Let vs thinke vpon our weapon in time déere brethren let vs pray for it day and night that so wee may finde comfort in the day of tryall 1. Pet. 1.7 that the tryall of our fayth béeing much more precious then gold may be found to our prayse and glory at the appearing of Iesus Christ Let vs set before our eyes the example of our Lord and Sauiour 1. Pet. 2.21 who as Peter sayth did suffer for vs leauing vs an example that we should follow his steppes Let vs looke vnto Iesus the author and furnisher of our fayth Heb. 12.2 who for the ioy that was set before him endured the Crosse and despised the shame and is set at the righte hand of the throne of God The scholler is not aboue his Maister Mat. 10.24 Ioh. 13.16 nor the seruaunte aboue his Lord nor the embassador greater then him that sent him wherefore if they haue called the Maister of the house Belzebub how much more will they reuile them of the housholde If they haue called the Maister Christ himselfe a glutton and a drunkarde and a companion of Publicanes and sinners Mat 9 34 11.19 and a caster out of Deuils through the Prince of the Deuils how much more will they giue reprochefull woordes vnto the schollers If they haue cruelly intreated the Lord himselfe with haling him about frō place to place with blasphemous lyes and false accusations with whips and scourges prickes and thornes buffets and blowes mocks and mowes cordes and ropes scoffing and spitting rayling and reuiling nailes and gibbet thirst and vineger réede and speare and lifting him vppe betwixt two theeues leauing no droppe of blood in all his blessed body howe can the seruaunte looke for any better let vs also call to minde the ioy which is layd vp in heauen for those which suffer any thing for the professing of the Lord Iesus as hee sayth Blessed are ye when men reuile you Mat 5.11 and persecute you and falsly speake all manner of euill against you for my sake Reioyce and be glad for great is your reward in heauen for so they persecuted the Prophets before you Mat. 23.35 euen from the blood of Abel the righteous vnto the blood of Zacharias the sonne of Barachias whom they slew be-tweene the temple and the Aultar 2. Cor. 11.25 Rom. 8 18 S. Paule was most cruelly persecuted stoned beaten with rods imprisoned yet he counteth all his afflictions not worthy of the glory which should be reuealed vnto him Blessed is the man vvhich endureth temptation Iam. 1.12 for vvhen he is tryed he shall receiue the crovvn of life which the Lorde hath promised to them that loue him Last of all let vs call to remembraunce the heauye iudgementes of God which from time to time haue béen shewed vpon them which haue not continued constant in the confessing of the Lord Iesus Iulian the Emperour who for his moste wilfull renouncing of his Lord and Sauiour Hilar. is called the Apostata was counted at the firste a gracious and religious Prince But afterward being drawen away with the vain intisements of Philosophy he began to account the Gospell of Christ to be but foolishnes be persecuted the professors of his name with many scoffes and tauntes saying that they must doo
honor but some to dishonor it is cōpared also to a draw Net Math. 13.47 which being cast into the Sea dooth gather all kinde of Fish good bad And our Sauiour saith that the kingdom of heauen is like vnto a man which sowed good seed in his field Math. 13.24 but while mē slept the enemy came sowed tares amōg the wheate wēt his way whē the blade was sprōg vp brought forth fruite thē appeared the tares also thē came the seruāts of the housholder said vnto him Maister sowedst not the good seed in thy field from whence then hath it Tares and he sayde the Enuious man hath done this Then the Seruants saide vnto him wilt thou then that we goe and gather them vp But he said naye least while ye goe about to gather the Tares ye pluckt vp the Wheate also Let bothe grow together vntill the Haruest and in the time of the Haruest I will say vnto the Reapers gather ye first the Tares and binde them in sheaues to burne them but gather the Wheate into my Barne And therefore vntill the Haruest doo come that is the consumation of all things and the end of the world we must looke for nothing but to haue the wicked mingled with the godly and the Tares with the good Graine Some haue gathered out of this place that obstinate Heretickes and Idolators ought not to be punished with death because the Householder dooth commaund his seruaunts to let the Tares and the Wheate growe together vntill the time of the Haruest Mat. 13.24.30 But we must vnderstande that as by the good Corne is mēt all the faithfull all which are sowē of God all which shall be gathered into the Barnes of euerlasting life so by the Tares are mēt not onely Hereticks and Idolaters but also all which are sowen of the Deuill all Hipocrites Infidels and all which shall be cast into the Furnace of euerlasting fier And therfore if by this Parable our Sauiour did forbid the punishment of Idolaters by the ciuill Maiestrate it would follow also that neither Traitours Whoremongers Théeues nor Murderers were to be punished with death which were too absurde and too grose to be Imagined For by the Tares are signified all the wicked and all which are sowen by the enuious mā Math. 13.28 And therefore this commaundement of Christ giuen to his Seruaunts dooth not concerne the ciuill Magistrate but as by the Field is signified not the Church where the Gospell is purely preached nor our minde as some do expounde it but the whole world conteyning all bothe graine and chaffe wheate and Tares And as the Haruest in that place is taken not as it is héere for the company of the faithful which gladly receaue the word of God but for the vniuersall consummation of the world so by the seruaunts are ment not ciuill nor Ecclesiasticall Magistrates but the Angels of God by whose Ministery the haruest that is the consummation of the world shal be accomplished And therefore as in the beginning of the Historie of Iob God is set foorth consulting with his Angels as a Kinge with his honourable Counsell that thereby the incomprehensible prouidence of God which gouerneth all things by his Ministring spirites might be as in a liuely table set foorth before our eyes so héer is the Lord set downe as it were talking with his Angels of the state of the Ghurch and of the end of the worlde when there shall be an vniuersall purging of the Church of God And this may appeare bothe by the wordes of the seruaunts Num vis vt colligamus Zizania They do not say shall we gather this or that Tare shall we punish this or that Idolater this or that Murderer but wilt thou that we shall gather the Tares that is that we shall make an end of all things and purge the good seede which thou hast sowen from all offences and also by the words of the Housholder for he dooth not commaunde his seruaunts to suffer the Tares to growe least they chaunce to pluck vp Wheate for Tares but least with the Tares they pluck vp the Wheate also signifying thereby that he gaue the commaundement not to prouide for the Tares but to prouide for the good Corne and therefore neither dooth the generall gathering of the good Corne into the Barnes any thing hinder but that God may particularly by death euery day gather some of his Saints into Abrahams bosom Exod. 32.27 Deut. 13.9 2. Par. 15.13 2. Reg. 23.20 1. Keg 18.40 2. Reg. 10.1 neither dooth the vniuersall burning of the tares any thing hinder but that they may particulerly be pluckt vp by the Magistrate according to the word of God And there is no reason but if they may be put to death which murther the bodye and spoile men of their goods much more they which murther the soules of many and disturbe the quietnesse of the common wealth and robbe God of his honour whose name be blessed for euer and euer Then the meaning of that Parable of our Sauiour Christ is that so longe as this wicked worlde continueth we must looke for no perfect purging of the Church of God Let the Magistrate execute neuer so much and the Preacher teache neuer so muche there will be Heathen Infidels Iewes Turkes Papistes Atheists Hipocrites continually troubling the church of God But all our comfort is that the Lorde dooth tell vs that there will come an Haruest time wherein he will seperate the Tares from the wheate the sheep from the Goates The wicked doo prouoke the wrath of God to burne and consume them presently and to throw them headlong into the bottomles pit of Hell notwithstanding for the elects sake God dooth spare them for a time vntill the Haruest that is vntill the number of the elect shal be accomplished which shall neuer be vntill the consumation of all things and the end of the worlde be brought vpon vs and therefore if in the meane time in the Haruest of the people of God the Tares be mingled with the Corne we must not fret our selues because of the vngodly neither be enuious for the wicked dooers Psa For they shall once be cut downe like grasse and as the greene Herbe shall they wither away though for a time they be lustie and stronge spread themselues like greene bay Trées yet shall they sodainly passe away so that we may saye with Dauid O how sodainely are they destroyed Psalme 73.19 perished and come to a fearefull ende euen as a dreame when a man awaketh And though for a time the Tares doo florish amids the Wheate yet shall the Haruest at the last be ripened thē shall the Lord send his Reapers to gather the Corne into his Barne but the Tares shall they binde together and cast into vnquencheable fier Héere then learne good people to shew foorth the fruite of your profession Math. 7.16 for by the
to be in all the Ministers of Christ to haue a zealous and a tender care of the Church of God which Christ hath purchased with his moste precious bloud and therefore our Sauiour dooth héere commaund his seuentie Disciples that in all their prayers they should not haue so much respect vnto themselues as vnto the Haruest of the Lorde and biddeth them pray the Lord of the Haruest to sende foorth labourers into his Haruest And this is the dutie not onely of the Minister but generally of all men Psal 137.5.6 to pray for the peace of Ierusalem and the prosperous estate of the Church of God Ephe. 6.19 to pray for the Ministers that vtteraunce may be giuen vnto them that they may opē their mouthes bouldly to publish the secret of the Gospell to pray 2 Thes 3.1 that the word of God may haue free passage and be glorifyed among them to pray for their Pastors Colos 4.3.4 that God wyll open vnto them the doore of vtteraunce that they may so speake the Misteries of Christ as it becommeth them to speake to pray with Dauid that the Lord will be fauourable vnto Sion Psa 51.18 and build vp the walles of Ierusalem And finally to praye heere with the seuentie Disciples that the Lord of the Haruest will send foorth labourers into his Haruest and this shall euery one of you performe a great deale more carefully if ye will call to minde either the great comfort which commeth vnto you by the paines of faithfull Labourers or els the miserable estate that ye stande in if ye want these Labourers For first what greater comfort can there be to a trauayler béeing in a straunge place and among his enemyes then to be well armed and to haue a good weapen to defēd him Neither can there be any greater comfort to vs that Psalm 39.12 are straungers and Pilgrimes in this vale of misery and continually assaulted with most cruell enemies the world the flesh and the Deuill then to be well weaponed with the sworde of the spirite Ephe. 6.17 Hebru 4.12 the word of God which shall cut downe sinne in vs and enter thorough euen to the deuiding a sunder of the soule and of the spirite of the ioyntes and of the marrowe Then we ought alwayes to pray with Dauid I am a straunger vpon earth Psal 119.19 O hide not thy commaundement from me What greater comfort to a man which walketh in darkenesse and in a daingerous place Ephe. 5.8 Psa 119.105 2. Pet. 1.19 Ephe. 5.8 then to haue a light to be brought vnto him Neither can there be anye greater comforte to vs which of our selues are nothing but darkenesse as Paule saythe then to haue the worde of God a Lanterne to our feete and a Candle shining in a darke place whereby we may be made light in the Lorde and walke as the children of light What greater ioye vnto a poore man then to shrowde himselfe vnder the winges of some Nobleman or Gentleman and to weare his Liuerie and Cognisance neyther can there be any greater ioye to a true Christian then to weare the Badge of a Christian which is a zeale to heare the worde of God Iohn 8.47 1. Ioh. 4.6 Iohn 10.27 that hearing Gods worde he may be knowne to be of God and hearing the voyce of Christ may be knowne thereby to be one of the Sheep of Christ and therefore such a one as cā neuer perrish There is no man but he would willingly be reconciled to his Landlorde or any other which is able to hurt either his body or goods The Gospell of Christ is called 2. Cor. 5.19 Math. 10.28 the worde of reconciliation whereby we are reconciled to him which is able to destroy bothe body and soule and cast bothe into Hell lier No man but he would willingly be saued Iam. 1.21 Rom. 1.16 Isa 12.3 it is called the worde of saluation which is able to saue our soules and therfore we ought with ioy to draw water out of the Wels of saluation as the Prophet speaketh ther is no mā but he would willingly be preserued frō errours falshood it is called 2. Cor. 6.7 Iohn 17.17 the word of truth No mā but if he haue any sparkle of grace he would willingly be deliuered frō the bondage of sinne iniquitie It is the Law of God Psal 19.7.11 119.9 which is perfect conuerteth the soule the Testimony of the Lord is sure giueth wisdom vnto the simple by thē is the seruāt of God made circūspect by teaching improouing 2. Tim. 3.16 correcting instructing they make the mā of god absolute perfect in al good works There is no mā but if he haue enemies suing him at Lawe for a péece of Land he would gladly haue the aduise of good and learned Counsellers our enemyes séeke to pluck from vs the kingdome of Heauen and therefore our delight ought to be in the statues of God for they are our Counsellers Psal 119.24 saith Dauid if we haue any suite we are desirous to know the end how that iudgement shall passe Christ saithe If any man receiue not my woords Ioh. 12.48 Sermo quem loquutus sum iudicabit eum in nouissimo Die the word which I haue spoaken shall iudge him the last day There is no man but if his Father haue made a Will and Testament and therein bequeathed vnto him any worldly goods or possessions he wyll read the Will ouer and ouer againe to see what his father hath bequeathed vnto him But the Minister dooth bring vnto you not the Testament of any mortal man but the Will and Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ Rom. 11 27. 2. Cor. 3.6 Hebru 8.8 9.15 1. Pet. 1.18 wherein he hath bequeathed vnto you not temporall riches but the euerlasting ioyes of Heauen purchased not with Siluer nor Gould but with his owne precious bloud How much more then ought ye to héere marke and commit vnto me morie this Will and Testament of our Lorde and redéemer When the Market day commeth that we must prouide for foode and rayement for our bodyes we wyll applye it dilligently to our great costes and charges Behoulde the Lorde hath appointed many dayes especially the Sabbaoth dayes to be the Market dayes of our soules wherein we may fréely prouide for some thing to the nourishment and comforte of our soules What a great care then ought wee to haue to resort vnto the Church Apoc. 3.18 Isa 55. ● to buy Gould tryed by the fier that we may be riche and white rayment that we may be cloathed and as the Prophet saythe to buie Wyne and Mylke without Siluer and not so to care for the body which shortly shall be Wormes meate that we haue no care of the soule which shortly shall be in the companye of Angels There is none of vs but he would willingly conceaue some hope of eternall life and
hissing and a reproche among all nations where I shall cast them because they haue not heard my words saith the Lorde When I sent vnto them my seruaunts the Prophets rising vp early and sending them but yee would not heare saith the Lord. But while they mocked the Messengers of God and despised his worde and misused his Prophets 2. Chro 36.16 beholde the Kinge of the Chaldaeans comming with a fearce and terrible Armie brake downe the Walles of their Cittie fiered their Temple burnt all their Towers destroyed Man Woman and Childe so that none escaped death but such as were ledde into Captiuitye and all the Goulde and Treasures bothe of the Temple and of the Noble men was all caryed awaye into Babilon The Lorde knoweth whether the like Captiuitye be reserued for vs or no and the Lorde graunt that the dayes of our Gracious Prince Elizabeth be not shortened for our vnthankfulnesse There was neuer Countrey that euer despised the Prophetes of God but it afterwarde felte the scourge of God and shall wee which are most guiltye of this synne be onelye frée from the punishment No no it cannot be but either we shall taste of a miserable Captiuitie in this world or els of a farre greater Captiuitie 2. Thes 1.8.9 when Sathan shall lead bothe body and soule into the bottomlesse pit of Hell there to be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of God and from the glory of his power These things good people if they were well pondered in our minds they would make vs continually to flie vnto God with feruent and hartie prayer and to say with Dauid Blessed art thou O God Psalme 119.12 18 19 33 35 97 135. O teach me thy Statutes open mine eyes that I maye see the wonders of thy Lawe teache me O Lord the way of thy Statutes and I will keepe it vnto the ende direct me in the pathe of thy commaundements for therein is my delight O how I loue thy law it is my meditation continually shew the light of thy countenaunce vpon thy seruaunt and teach me thy commaundements and they would make vs carefully to performe this which our Sauiour dooth commaund his seauentie Disciples To prave the Lord of the Haruest to sende forthe Labourers into his Haruest and not onely to pray for faithfull Labourers but also to put to our helping hands and to indeuour by all lawfull meanes possible to prouide for such as shall painefully labour in the Haruest of the Lord for otherwise if we will in words seeme to pray for them and then indéede can not finde in our harts to bestow any peny vpon them that the Labourers may haue their hier that they which sowe vnto you spirituall things Math. 10.10 1. Tim. 5.18 1. Cor. 9.11.14 Gala. 6.6 may in like māner reape of your carnall things that they which preach the Gospel may liue of the Gospell as the Lord hath ordeyned then are our prayers nothing els but mockeries and plaine Hipocrisie before God for outwardly we praye for them but inwardly we are not touched with the want of the thing that we desire Héere then is a Lesson for all Latrones as they are but Patrones as they should be that in bestowing their liuings they séeke not to enritche themselues by Sacriledge and Church robberie nor yet to prouide for such as will flatter them in their sinnes and sowe Pillowes vnder their Elbowes and crie Peace peace where as no peace is Ezech. 13.18 Ierem. 23.30 nor such as haue sweete lippes and will passe and repasse vnder their armes at their own pleasure nor such as are domb Dogges and cannot barke blinde guides and cannot see Isa 56.10 but that they trauaile to the vttermost of their power to place faithfull labourers in the Haruest of the Lord or otherwise they are accessarie to the murder of so many soules as perish And héere also is a lesson for you of the inferior sorte that séeing our liuings are so spoyled by impropriations that they are not able to maintaine Preachers amongst you for ye know that we haue but the chaffe and others the corne we the parings and other the Aples we the shels and others the Kernels and ye sée how euery day it waxeth worse worse so that he now dooth account him happiest which can pill the Church moste yet ye must not follow their wicked and desperate ensample but euery one contribute something to the maintenaunce of some learned Pastor to instruct you in the word of God which is able to saue your soules Set not your mindes so vpō worldly things Luke 14.18 as vpō your Oxen your Farmes and your Wiues that in the meane time Math. 13.46 ye neglect the Heauenly Supper which is prepared for you by Iesus Christe Ye must accompt the Gospell of Christ to be that Precious Pearle which when a Marchaunt man hath found it he selleth all he hath to bine it Phil. 3.8 Math. 6.33 ye must accompt all things but doonge so that ye may win our Lord Iesus Christ Seeke ye firste the kingdome of Heauen and then all things shall be giuen vnto you Spend not your substaunce in pride riot drunkennesse and excesse to the destruction both of your soules and bodies but bestowe it to the glory of God to the comfort of your brethren to the godly reléeuing of your familyes and to the saluation of your own soules Dauid saith Psalm 69. ● O Lorde the zeale of thy house hath eaten me vp but we may say the zeale of our owne houses the pride and excessiue riotousnesse of our owne houses hath eaten vs vp but few of vs can say with Dauid O Lord the zeale of thy house hath eaten me vp Especially ye that are Landlordes and haue all the swéete and fatte of the earth ye are to looke vnto it that there be prouision made for Labourers in the Lords Haruest and that ye bestowe your portion liberally thereunto for what a great shame is it that ye whom the Lord hath blessed with so great aboundance should prodigally spende it all vpon your owne backes all vpon your owne bellyes all vpon your owne Kitchins all vpon your owne Stables all vpon Hanking and Hunting all vpon Whores and Hounds and nothing vpon the Church of God nothing vpon the honour of your cheefe Lord in Heauen nothing vpon the common wealth nothing vpon your brethren in Christe deerly bought with the bloud of Christ And what a shame is it that ye should accompt the liuings of the Church to be your owne to giue them to buie them to sell them to farme them at your owne pleasures in the meane time to thinke that the care of the Church dooth nothing appertaine vnto you As the Prophet requireth of Princes Isa 49 23. so also all inferior Maiestrates ought to be Nurcing Fathers Nurcing Mothers to the church of God Now the dutie of a Nurce is not onely to
swearing blaspheming the name of God It were a matter too long tedious and likewise the time will not suffer me discourse of all the soueraigne vertues of the Tōgue as Blessing praysing the name of God calling vpon him by prayer instructing of our brethren reproouing wickednesse setting vnitie and concorde amongst men and cōfessing of the Lord Iesus But héere we are only to cōsider the chéefest vertue of the Tōgue which is With the mouth to cōfesse the Lord Iesus And the chéefest poison which is To deny renounce our Lord and Sauiour The Apostle héere requireth of euery Christian That he shal with the mouth confesse the Lord Iesus Because as all the body is made to glorifie God so especiallie the tongue is as Paule sayth Let euery tongue cōfesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord Phil. 2.11 to the glorie of God the Father Hebr. 13.15 Let vs offer the sacrifice of praise alwayes to God That is the fruite of the lippes which confesse his name and this the Prophet Hosea dooth call the calues of our lyppes Hose 14.2 Dauid sayeth I beleeued and therfore I spake Psal 116.10 Signifying therby that There can be no true beleefe in the heart vnles the tongue delight to talke of the same Math. 12.34.35 For of the abundaunce of the heart the mouth will speake A good man out the good treasure of his heart bringeth foorth good thinges and an euill man out of the euill treasure bringeth foorth euill things About what thing soeuer the heart of man is occupied the tongue will most commonlie be talking of the same The Ship man will talke of his windes the Soldier will reckon vp his woundes the Shéepheard will be telling of his shéepe and the Plowman of his Oxen. If a man ●elight in Hawkes Horses Houndes or ●ny pastime whatsoeuer his talke wil be according to his delight and howe can it ●hen be but that if our hearts and soules delight in the Lord our tongues should also praise him confesse him and glorifie his holy name Shall the knowledge of Christe haue lesse obediēce of our tōgues then the vaine and transitorie desire of worldly pleasures Shall worldly things haue our tongues at commaundement shall the glorious name of Christe haue no portion therein This can not be déere brethren that there should be any true saith in the hart except it draw the tōgue to the confessing of the same Our bodies are called the temples of God Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of God 1. Cor. 3.16.17 that the spirit of God dwelleth in you If any man defyle the temple of God him will God destroy for the temple of God is holy and that are ye And therfore it is Sa●riledge Church-robbery to plucke our tongue or any part of our body frō God For we are Temples and Saints conse●rated and sanctified vnto God And for ●his cause dooth Paule beséeche vs for the tender mercie of God That we offer vp not onely our soules 1. Cor. 6.19.20 but our bodies also a liuing sacrifice holy and acceptable vnto God And telleth vs that Our body being the Temple of the holy ghost we are not our owne but are bought with a price And therfore we should glorify God both in our bodies and in our soules for they are Gods They are Gods That is God made them and Christe Iesu redeemed them and bought them with a price not with siluer nor golde but with his owne most precious blood God made not onely soule but body also and our Lord and sauiour Christe gaue his body and shed his heart blood vppon the Crosse not onely for soule but for body also and not onely soule but body also shall liue for euer in the worlde to come then séeing that God created bothe body and soule and Christe with his body and soule did paye the raunsome bothe of body and soule and bothe body and soule shal be partakers of euerlasting glorie in the worlde to come We must as Paule sayth Glorifie God bothe in body and in soule for they are Gods 1. Reg. 19.18 The Lord sayth vnto Elias That he hath reserued vnto him seauen thousande people which neuer bowed their knees to Baall nor kissed him with their mouthes He dooth not say Which haue not beleeued in Baall in their harts But Which haue giuen neither knee nor mouth nor any part of their body to any other but to the Lord God of Israell Nabuchadnezzar required nothing of Shidrach Meshach and Abednego Dan. 3.19 but that They shoulde in bodie fall downe and worshippe the golden Image But ther chose rather to be cast aliue into the boate fierie Furnace The Kinges Commissioners required nothing of Mattathias But 1 Mach. 2.19.37 That he should outwardlie doo Sacrifice vnto the Idolles at Modin But he would rather dye then consent vnto it God is a ielous God and therefore will suffer no part of our bodie to be giuen to any grauen Image nor to any other but him alone as he sayth in his commaundement Thou shalt not bowe downe to them nor worshippe them Exod. 20.5 for I the Lorde thy God am a ielous God Whereby you sée that no part of our bodies ought to be giuen from God but that we should with euery part of vs glorifie God our creator and Christe Iesu our redeemer and the holy Ghost our sanctifier which hath made our whole bodies holie Temples vnto the Lord. And as with euerie part of our body we must set foorth the lawde and praise of God so especially with our tongue Phil. 2.11 That euery tongue may may confes that Iesus Christe is the Lord to the glory of God the Father Dauid séemed to be in better case when he was in the house of Achis or in the land of Iorden or in Hermonim or in the mount Mizar then if he should haue béen in the Tēple of God in the midst of Saules boast and all his enimies Psal 42.4.5 yet he sayth him selfe I powred out my very heart because I had gone with the multitude and led them into the house of God with the voice of singing and prayse as a multitude that keepeth a feast Why art thou so cast downe O my soule and why art thou so vnquiet within me O my God my soule is cast downe within me because I remember thee from the land of Iorden Hermonim and from the mount Mizar When Dauid was in the lande of Iorden in Hermonim or in the mount Mizar no doubt he prayed vnto God and gaue him thankes for all his benefites Yet because by reason of his enimies he could not come to the Temple of God to glorifie God as well in body as in soule He therefore crieth out with gréefe of hart Psa 84.1 ● ● Why art thou so cast down O my soule and why art thou so vnquiet within me And in an other place O Lord of hoastes howe
make publique confession of their faith in the blood of Iesus Christ to pray for things necessarie to heare the sacred and blessed woord of God to be thankfull to him for all his benefites to receyue his holie Sacraments And he which slieth from these thinges which are so often commaunded by the Lord God in flying from the Church he flyeth from the Celestial Ierusalem he flyeth from his own saluation he flyeth from God him selfe What caused the Iewes to lament so pittifullie to wéep by the Riuers of Babilon and to hang their Instrumentes vpon the Willowes Psa saying How shall we sing the song of the Lorde in a ●traunge lande If I forgette thee O Ierusalem let my right hand forgette to play ●f I do not remember thee let my tongue leaue vnto the roofe of my mouth if I ●oo not remember Ierusalem in all my mirth No doubt when they were captiues ●n Babilon they prayed vnto the Lorde ●ut therefore they wept by the waters of Babilon because they could not visite the Temple of GOD in Ierusalem there to make publique confession of their Faith ●nd openlie to magnifie the name of the God of Iacob And in the same place the Rulers enuying that Daniel should be set ●uer them caused the King to confirme ●nd seale a decrée that Dan. 6.7.10 Whosoeuer should ●ke any peticiō of any other God sauing ●nly of the King for the space of thirtie ●nyes he should be cast into a den of Liōs 〈◊〉 man might thinke it to be but a small ●ffence to abstaine from praying openly or the space of thirty dayes Daniel might ●r so short a time haue prayed to God in ●eart onely or he might haue prayed se●retlie in his bed and in his Closet But he knewe that his whole body was made to glorifie the name of God and therefore when the decrée was published he went into his house and his windowe béeing open in his Chamber towardes Ierusalem he knéeled vpon his knées thrée times a daye and prayed and praysed his God as he had done aforetime He opened the windowe towards the Cittie that all men might sée that he serued the Lord his God not with heart onelie but with the tongue the knées and the whole body Peter denied his maister in mouth But no doubt Math. 26.70 in heart he beléeued in him and he denied him not for feare of loosing his worldlie goodes but for feare of present death not willinglie and of set purpose but through the infirmitie of his flesh because he sawe his Maister forsaken of his fréendes and taken of his enimies and therefore could finde out no other way to saue his lyfe but in heart he styll beléeued in the Lord. Héere some peraduenture may iudge this fault of Peter to be somewhat excusable But moste certainlie it was a wicked and an heinous offence and vnlesse the Lorde had looked vppon him wherby he went foorth and wept bitterly no doubt it had béene to his vtter condemnation and destruction bothe of body and soule Math. 10.33 For our sauiour sayth Who soeuer shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my Father which is in hea●en And it is not sufficient not to deny Christ vnlesse we doo in all places openly confesse him fréely reprooue those which blaspheme his holy name For we are not ●orne to our selues but first to the glorie of God as Christe commaundeth vs To let our lyght so shine before men Math. 5.16 1. Pet. 2.12 4 11. that they may see our good workes and glori●ie our father in heauen And secondlie to ●he edifying of our Brethren and to win them vnto Christe as Paule sayth Ex●ort one another and edifie one another 1. The. 5.11 And Saint Iames sayth If any man hath ●rred from the way Iam. 5.19 and some man hath conuerted him let him knowe that he which hath conuerted a sinner from going a stray out of his way shall saue a soule from death This is the lawe of God in Leuitticus Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart Leuit. 19.17 but thou shalt plainly ●ebuke thy neighbour and suffer him not ●o sinne Where the Lord dooth accoumpt ●t the extréemest hatred that can be to ●atter our neighbours in their sinnes We are cōmaunded by the woord of God ●hat For as much as we are all members of ●he same body in Iesus Christe we should be charitable one to an other and doo good one to an other by all meanes possible Nowe if it be accoumpted charitie to féede the body howe much more is this charitie to féede the soule with holy admonitions and godlie instructions And if we be bounden by the law of God Exod. 23.4 That when wa see our enimies Oxe or Asse going astray we shall bring it home againe Howe much more ought we when we sée the soule of our brother going astray to séeke by all meanes possible to bring it home againe Saint Iohn willeth vs That if any man bring not the doctrine of Christe 1. Ioh. 2.10.11 we receyue him not into our houses neyther byd him God speede for he that biddeth him God speede is pertakar of his euill deedes And therefore if thou heare or sée a man which holdeth any wicked opinions and heresies if thou doo not instruct him to the vttermost of the power but sufferest him to continew in his errour and blindnesse and biddest him God spéede thou art partaker of his wickednesse And if thou heare any man blaspheme the glorious name of Christe if thou doo not saye vnto him Exod 20.7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine Eccl. 23.11 A man that vseth much swearing shall be fylled with wickednesse and the plague of God shall neuer depart from his house Thou art partaker of his iniquitie and the same plague which hangeth ouer him for his blasphemie in speaking the same is due vnto thée for thy silence in hearing For if thou doo not confesse Christe thou doost denie him as our Sauiour sayeth He that is not with mee is against mee Luk. 11.23 and hee that gathereth not hee scattereth And therefore we must euerie one of vs in such manner confesse the Lorde Iesus with our mouthes that by our confession other may be edified and the greater that the assemblie is the more boldnesse should be in our confession There are many of vs which before one or two will paraduenture rebuke a swearer which blasphemeth the name of Christe But if it be in a Feast or in a Banquet or otherwise before many then wée are verie mannerlie and ciuill we dare not speake for feare of offence we accoumpt it a point of modestie to beare with their wickednesse But what is this else but to kéepe the honour of God for holes and préeuie corners and to offer vp sacrifice openlie to the deuill Iohn 12.43 What is this else But to looue
good for euill and looue them which hated them and blesse them which curssed them and in all his life he made a mocke of Christe and called him the Carpenters sonne and the man of Galily But what came of it in the ende when he sawe his death at hande he cryed out with a desperate mind Vicisti Gallilaee O thou man of Galiley thou hast gotten the victory Ioh. 4.25 The Iewes saw manifestlye that Christ was the Messias Act. 3.6 the sonne of God which was promised they sawe the power of his Godhead by all the miracles Ioh 8.46 7.40 2.9 which were wrought not onely by him selfe but by his Apostles in his name they sawe the innocencye of his lyfe the maiesty of his woord the certi●nde of his prophesies they saw his mighty omnipotencie by turning the water into Wine Mat. 14.19 by féeding so many thousandes with a fewe barlie loues and a fewe fishes Mar 4.39 by commaunding the Sea and Winde by giuing sight to the borne blinde by making the deafe to heare the dumbe to speake the lame to goe the dead to ryse Luk. 8.30 17.14 Ioh. 4.18 by clensing Lepers by casting out deuils by telling them the very thoughtes and cogitations of their hearts They saw all thinges fulfilled in him which the Prophets had foretold them as Zachery Zach. 9.9 of the King which shoulde come poorely and riding vpon an Asse Isa 53.3.10 Esay of the laying downe of his soule an offering for sinne Dauid of his féete and his hands bored Psa 22 16 18 of the thirst vineger and of the casting lots for his garments also which Moses had foreshadowed vnto them by his sacrifices vpon the Aulters Num. 21.9 Ioh. 1.29 and by the lifting vp of the brasen Serpent They hearde Iohn Baptist a Prophet and more then a Prophet not declaring in woord but poynting out with his finger Mat 27.51.45 Luc. 23.45 The Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world They saw how at the time when he was crucified the vayle of the Temple burst and darknes ouershadowed the earth They saw how gloriously the body of Christe was risen againe out of the graue Mat. 27.65 Math. 28 4.5 and they knew well enough that it coulde not be stolen away by vnarmed Disciples from so many harnised Souldiars as they had placed to kéepe the graue Act 1.11 2.3 5 41. 7.60 They saw this his wonderfull resurrection witnessed by the testimony of men Women and Angels They perceiued the giftes of the holy ghoste which after his visible ascention he powred out most plentifully vpon his Apostles and Disciples And they sawe also his Apostles Disciples which were alwayes conuersaunt with him so stedfastly to beléeue in him that they did not onely suffer greate tribulation for the professing of his name but also endured most cruell death sealing theyr profession with their owne blood as with a most certaine testimonie Col. 2.9 which surely they would neuer haue don vnles they had séene the godhead to dwell corporally in him All these thinges the Iewes sawe well enough and yet notwtstanding all these testimonies of mē of Angels and of God himselfe saying from heauen This is my well belooued sonne Math. 3.17 17.5 in whom I am well pleased Notwithstanding I say all these thinges confirmed with so many witnesses beholden with so many eyes and as it were handled with theyr owne hands yet they would not confesse the Lord Iesus to be theyr Messias but obstinately renounced theyr Lorde and Sauiour but howe did the Lorde plague them for thys their offence euen with the plague which is threatned by the Prophet Isa 6.9 Mat. 13.14 Rom. 11.8 that theyr hearts should be made fat and their eares heauy and their eyes blinde least they should see with their eyes or heare with their eares or vnderstande with theyr hearts and be saued They mocked and scorned our Sauiour and his Disciples and now they thēselues are made a scorne and a laughing stocke vnto others lyuing in miserable slauery and bondage and being lamentably scattered abroade ouer the face of the earth so disdained and hated that vnto this day the verye name of a Iewe is odious thoroughout all the world They will not confesse the Lord Iesus to be their Messias but they looke for an other Messias But looke they doo looke they shall and they shall neuer sée him vntill the day of vengeaunce then they shall see him whether they will or no but as a iudge and not a Sauiour To descende from the Ievves to examples of latter time God hath shewed sufficient tokens of his iudgementes euen in mans memory to terrifye vs all and to teach vs what a horrible thing it is to renounce the true fayth of Iesus Christ Fraunces Spera after that he had in Citadell professed the Gospell of Christ after warde by the threatning of the Popes Legate in Venis and by the desire which he had of worldly riches he renounced openly recanted his fayth and religion but he was by and by stricken with horrour desperation and confusion he felte the torment of hell in his conscience he desired to be in the place of Iudas Caine ●e looked for Belzebub to call him to a ●aste he cryed out that he was a repro●te from the beginning and that the ●eath and passion of Christ could nothing ●uaile him He wished that he might re●aine tenne thousande yéeres and more 〈◊〉 the flames of hell fyre so that at the ●ste he mighte conceaue some hope of an ●de but that he could hope for nothing ●ut euerlasting destruction both of bodye ●nd soule he cryed out alas that curssed ●ay alas that curssed day that euer he renounced his Lord and Sauiour and at ●he last in a desperate mynde he stranged himselfe and so ended his wretched ●se with a most miserable death So also Stephen Gardener Act. mo pag. 1992 when there ●ame a Bishoppe vnto him lying on his death Bedde● and put him in remembraunce of Peters denying his Maister aunswered againe that hee had denyed with Peter but that he could not repent with Peter So also one Rockwood at the poynte of death staring and raging sayde that ●he was vtterly dampned and béeing willed to aske mercy cryed out all all too late all to late I might rehearse also the death of diuers others as Hales Thorneton Smith and many others of whose death we may not iudge but commit iudgement to him to whom it belongeth but most certainly it was horrible fearefull in the sight of man I might also declare the gréeuous plagues wherewith God hath punished the persecutors of thē which haue professed the name of Christ Herod soughte by all meanes possible to roote out the name of Christe and to destroy the babe Iesus but in the ende hee was plagued with a desperate minde so that he
would haue stickt a knife into his owne heart Iosephus de antiq li. 17. cap. 8 if Achiab his kinsman had not with houlden his hande and yet he did not so escape the vengeaunce of God for he was striken with Feauers with wonderfull swellinges and last of all with Woormes to deuoure him moste horribly to beholde Iohn 19.22 Suppl cron Eutrop. lib. 7. cap. 7. Euse lib. 2 cap. 7 Pilate vniustly crucified Iesus of Nazereth whom he coulde not but confesse to be the King of the Iewes but within a fewe dayes after he was driuen to hang himselfe Nero a blood thirsty Tyraunt persecuted imprisoned and murdered Paule many other Christians in Rome which professed themselues to bee the seruants of the Lord Iesus But in the end ●e was moste gréeuously plagued for the ●ame for béeing wonderfully troubled with terrours and teares and fearefull ●reames he would haue had some fréende ●o haue cut off his head he coulde not get so much fréendship he would haue drowned himselfe in the riuer Tibris but that ●he was holden backe by one Phaon and at the last hee thruste his knife into his owne throate And thus wee sée that they which persecute the confessors of the Lorde Iesus rather then they shall want a hangman they shall become hangmen vnto themselues I might rehearse also diuers others Emperours of Rome which although they were of greate mighte and power in the world yet dyd they in vain kicke against the spurre when they persecuted the professors of the Gospell of Christ Valerian the Emperor was a blody persecutor of the Christians his rewarde was to be caryed away in a Cage Act. mon pag. 30.31 by Sappores the King of Persia who brought him to such slauery that he made of him a blocke to get vp vpon his Horsse Maxentius Maximinian and Dioclesian béeing Emperours of Rome they cruelly murdered the Saints of Christe But escaped not Gods vengeaunce volat lib. 23 when one of them fell of a bridge with his Horsse harnes the other was plagued with lice and vermine gusshing out of his entrals And the last was driuen to this extremitye to poyson himselfe Sundry other examples I might recite vnto you of latter yéeres but that the time will not suffer me and these may be sufficient to testifie vnto vs all what a horrible thing it is not onely to renounce the Lorde Iesus our selues but also to speake by any meanes whatsoeuer to compell others therevnto And now therefore that I may drawe to an ende let vs consider in a woorde or two whom it is whom Saint Paule will haue vs to confesse with our mouthes we must confesse with our mouthes the Lorde Iesus that is we must cōfesse Christ onely to be our Sauiour and that we looke for saluation in none other for this is signified by the name of Iesus Math. 1.21 as the Angell sayth to Ioseph thou shalt call his name Iesus for he shall saue the people from their sinnes Peter when he was examined by what meanes the impotent man was made whole aunswered Act. 4.10 Be it known vnto you all and to all the people of Israell that by the name of Iesus Christe of Nazereth whom ye haue crucified whom God raised againe from the dead euen by him dooth this man stande before you whole This is the stone caste aside of you builders which is become the head of the corner neither is there saluation in anye other for among men there is giuen none other name vnder heauen by whom we must be saued but onely by the name of Iesus of Nazereth Then as often as we heare the name of Iesus we must call to minde how God the father which cannot lye hath commaunded by an Angell from Heauen that the name of Iesus that is a Sauiour should be giuen to his Sonne béeing made manifest in the fleshe and therefore that hee will moste certainlye saue vs full and perfectlye both in bodye and soule And we must call to remembraunce the sweete promises of the Gospell whych laye hydde vnder this name of Iesus that he by his merrites hath saued vs from our sinnes and by his vertue and power dooth dayly mortifie the Reliques of sinne in vs and quicken vs with his holy spirite and kéepe vs vnto saluatiō 1. Pet. 1.5 which is prepared to be shewed in the last time as Paule sayth While we were yet sinners Rom. 5.9 Christ died for vs much more then being now iustified we shall be saued from wrath through him For if when we were enemies wee were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne much more being reconciled wee shall be saued by his life Esa 53.5 And therefore doth Christe beare the name of Iesus because by his stripes we are healed because by him we haue redemption through his blood Ephe. 1.7 2 Tim. 1.10 Heb. 2.14 euen the forgiuenes of sinnes according to his rich grace because by hys death death is destroyed and he that had the power of death that is the Deuill And therefore for our cause hee beareth that excellent name giuen him of his Father from Heauen to wit Iesus a Sauiour that he might indede effectually shew foorth the trueth of his name in my saluation and in the saluation of all beléeuers 1 Cor. 10.13 He is faythfull which beareth the name of Iesus and therefore Hebru 10 2● 2. Tim. 2.13 as he is called a Sauiour so no doubt he will indéede shew himselfe a Sauiour vnto vs he is also able to saue vs for to him is all power giuen in heauen and in earth séeing that God hath highly exalted him and giuen him a name aboue euery name that at the name of Iesus euery knée should bowe bothe of things in heauen and of things in earth Phil. 2.9.10 and of things vnder the earth that euery tongue should confesse that Iesus is the Lorde to the glory of God the father And this cannot but be a great comfort to the heart of euery Christian that the Lord Iesus is true and therefore as he is called a Sauiour so will he shew himselfe indéede he is also omnipotent and therefore able to performe it to the saluation of all beleeuers Rom. 4.21 so that we may bouldly say with Paul 1 Cor. 15 55.5● O Death where is thy stinge O Hell where is thy victory Thankes be to God which hath giuen vs the victorie thorough our Lorde Iesus Christe Iam. 1.6 1. Pet. 1.13 Heb. 10.22 2. Tim. 1.12 Whosoeuer then dooth doubt of his saluation béeing like a waue of the Sea which is rossed about with euery winde and dooth not fully perswade himselfe that he is of the number of them for whom Christ dyed vpon the Crosse and whosoeuer dooth put his trust in any other thing but onely in the death and passion of Iesus Christe these doo bothe deny and renounce their Lorde and Sauiour
therefore we ought to dispense the word faithfully in season and out of season 2. Tim. 4.2 knowing that if any doo perish thorough our default a seuere accompt shall be required at our hands We are called builders to edifie build the body of Christ Isa 49.17 Ephe. 4.12 15. that is his Church and to ioyne it vnto the head Christ and therefore we muste labour painefully and take heede where we laye our foundation that we build not vpon the sand but vpon the foundatiō of the Prophets and Apostles Ephe. 2.20 Iesus Christ himselfe béeing the chiefe corner Stone We are called Luke 6.39 the leaders of Gods people to leade them into all trueth and therefore we must take héede that we haue alwayes the word of God a Lanterne to our feete and a light vnto our pathes Psal ●19 105 for otherwise if the blinde leade the blinde Math. 15.14 they shall bothe fall into the Ditche we are called Sheepeheards and Pastors and therfore we ought to feede the stock committed to our charge or otherwise there is no loue of Christ in vs. Iohn 21.15 For our Sauiour mooued the question thrife to Peter Simon thou sonne of Iona doost thou loue me his aunswer was Lord I loue thee Lorde thou knowest that I loue thee Then feede my Sheepe feede my Lambes And therefore it is vnpossible that there should be any sparckle of the loue of Christ in our hearts except we haue a care to feede those Lambes for when he shed his bloud Ezech. 34.4 to strengthen the weake to heale the sick to binde vp the broken to bring home that which is driuē away to seeke that which is lost and to defend thē frō being deuoured of the wild beasts of the field which we c●̄ neuer do vnlesse we be able to interpret the scriptures to apply them to the instruction comfort of the people therefore 〈◊〉 ●3 2 〈◊〉 2.24 Paul requireth in the Minister that he be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sit to teache al● commaūdeth Timothy to shew himselfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rightly deuiding the worde of trueth 2. Tim. 2.15 not onely and barely reading for that were to giue whole loaues vnto Children for the which they should be neuer the better but cutting and deuiding the worde of trueth Math. 4.19 Luke 5.5 and as it were breaking vnto them the bread of life We are Fishers of men and therefore we must at Christes commaundement continually let downe our Nets We are called Gods Stewards Luk. 12.42 16.1 and therefore we ought to be faithfull and wise and giue vnto the Household of God their portion of meate in due season Happy is the Seruaunt whom the Maister when he cōmeth shall finde so dooing We must euery one of vs be as it were Gen 41.57 another Ioseph that when the Aegiptians are pinched with famine they may finde reliefe at Iosephs hande The first thing then that is required in a Minister is that he haue knowledge and vnderstanding how to doo his Embassage how to feed with discretion first with Milke and thē with stronge meate how to labour in the Lords Haruest how to builde how to leade the people of God how to watch ouer them how to lighten their hearts and to season them with the knowledge of Gods holy worde The Prophet saith Math. 2.7 that the lippes of the Priest must preserue knowledge that the people may seeke the lawe at his mouth For he is the Messenger of the Lord of Hoastes and not onely should their lippes preserue knowledge but they must euen eate the rowle of Gods booke Ezech. 3.2 3. Apoc. 10.9 and fill their bowels with the volume thereof whereby is signified the profounde and deepe knowledge and inward digesting of the worde of God which ought to be in euery Minister Esai 56.10 The Prophet dooth greatly complaine of the blinde watchmen which cannot sée and the dombe Dogges which cannot barke and God denounceth a seuere iudgement against them saying Ezech. 13.3 Woe be vnto the foolish Prophets which follow their owne spirite and haue seene nothing Exod. 28.33 About the skirts of the robe of Ephod were goulden Bels alwayes sounding to signifie that the Priest wheresoeuer he went should be able to found out the worde of trueth and therefore we which are called to be labourers in the Lords Haruest to instruct the people in the worde of God Let vs first learne how we must doo it for labour wee neuer so painefully 2. Tim. 2.5 yet if wee labour not as we ought to doo our labour is all in vayne The labouring Husbandman must firste be able to choose good Seede and then to Sowe it with discrescion euen so the Minister must first be able to disseuer the trueth from falsehood light from darkenesse and meate from poyson and then to vtrer his Doctrine applying it to the profit and comfort of the hearers The Husbandman must fyrste Plowe the Soyle and bruse the Cloddes before hee commit the Séede vnto the ground euen so must the Minister fyrst bruse the cloddes and knotty affections of mens hearts by the Preaching of the Lawe and then Sowe therein the sweete promises of the glorious Gospell of Iesus Christ Some are of this iudgement that onely the lawe and the threatnings of God against sinne ought now to be preached bothe because the manners of men are growen to be so wicked and desperate that they haue néede of a sharpe and desperate remedie and also because that Christian libertie the more it is preached the more it is abused I confesse these thinges to be true and too true the Lorde be mercifull vnto vs But how so euer sinne be increased and Christian libertie abused yet good brethren we must so procéede in teaching that rather Christe be framed in the hearts then Moses and that rather by acknowledging Gods benefits men may be drawen to loue him then be driuen by feare to flie from him For if Christe doo come into our hearts it is vnpossible but that he should bring with him new vertues new actions new motions and a spirite sanctifying all thinges and where Christe is not receaued there is it in vaine to speake of any morrall vertue or vice whatsoeuer Eph. 3.17 If Christe doo dwell in our hearts by faythe then must it néedes follow that wee should bee rooted and grounded in looue and saye with the Apostle 2. Cor. 5.14.15 The loue of Christe constrayneth vs for this wee knowe that if Christe dyed for vs wee which liue should not liue vnto our selues but liue vnto him which dyed for vs and rose againe that as he gaue his body and bloud vpon the Crosse for vs so we should giue our bodyes and soules to serue him and shew our selues thankfull for the worke of our redemption knowing that he did not therefore die for vs that we should wallow in sinne and wickednesse
with the vnbeléeuers thou shalt be cast as an vnprofitable seruaunt Mark 9.44 Ezech. 34.1 1. Cor. 9.16 Luk. 16.26 Apoc. 14.11 into vtter darkenesse where shall be weeping gnashing of teeth where the worme neuer dyeth and the flame neuer goeth out where woes thou shalt finde on euery side and nothing but woes and of all woes this is the greatest that there shal be no ende of thy woes Where thou shalt alwaies consume and yet neuer be consumed alwayes burne and yet neuer be burnt away alwayes die and yet neuer giue ouer to death but haue paines vnquencheable intollerable easelesse endlesse and hopelesse from the which the Lord of his infinite mercy for his sonne Christ his sake deliuer vs all and giue vs grace so to vse our Talents in this vale of miserie that when our accompts shal be made we may be founde acceptable in his sight and héere that ioyfull saying O ye good and faithfull seruaunts Math. yee haue beene faithfull in little I wil make you Maysters of much enter into the ioyes of your Lorde come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you frō the beginning of the world Thus deerely belooued ye see the thyrde propertie which is required in him that shall labour in the Lords Haruest that Luk. 12.46.45 he must be dilligent and that if he let any perish for want of foode then doth he smite his fellow seruaunts and murder them with a murder which before God is of all others most horrible and therefore if when we haue murdered a man although it be but by chaunce medley yet the remembraunce of it dooth gréeue vs vexe vs terrifie vs torment vs and make our flesh to quiuer shake and tremble how much more ought ye to auoyde the wilfull murder of so many thousand soules which perishing by your wilful negligence and ignoraunce 2. Thes 1.8.9 because they know not God are thrown headlong into euerlasting perdition and if the bloud of mē that are slaine béeing behoulden with the eies of the body dooth moue pitty and compassion howe much more ought it to gréeue the eyes of your hearts and spirits to sée the bloudshed of the soules 2. Sam. 22.15 which bringeth death eternall When Dauid in the Haruest time being in the Caue of Adullam did greatly longe to drinke of the water of Bethlehem sayd O that some man would giue me to drinke of the waters of Bethlehem there could not well any water be fetched because the Garrison of the Philistines which were Dauids enemies were then in Bethlehem Notwithstanding when thrée of Dauids mighty Captaines saw how greatly their King lōged for that water they valiauntly brake thorough the Hoaste of the Philistines and drew water out of the Wel of Bethlehem and brought it vnto Dauid when Dauid sawe what they had done he refused to drinke of it and sayde O Lord be it farre from me that I should doo this Is not this the bloud of the men which went in daunger of their liues And so he would not drinke of it but powred it out for an offering vnto the Lorde Now if Dauid would not drinke once of the water of Bethlehem because it was brought vnto him with the ieopardie of thrée mens liues how much lesse ought ye not onely to eate and drinke but also to cloathe your selues yea and delight your selues in pastimes and plesures not once but euery day not with the daūger of thrée mens liues but with the manifest murder of so many hundred soules And therefore as in the Solemnization of Matrimonie in this Church of Englande the Minister dooth firste charge the parties that are to be maried as they will aunswer at the dreadfull day of iudgement when the secrets of all hearts shall be opened that if either of them doo knowe in themselues any impediment why they may not lawfully be joyned together in Matrimonie that they confesse it Euen so I am to charge you before the Lord Iesus Christ and as you will aunswer at his appearaunce that if any of you doo know in your selues any secret impechment that either ye want the inward calling not to respect the liuing but to doo good in the Church of God or els that ye haue not the giftes of Nature fitte for that function or that yee feele not your selues so mortified with the spirite of sanctification that ye haue good hope to liue according to your profession to despise the worlde and painefully to discharge your duties that ye vtter it or at the least wise withdrawe your selues from rashelye entring into so high a calling Otherwise assure your selues that ye doo nothing els but plucke the vengeaunce of God vpon your owne heads But some of you say that ye haue no other way to liue and therefore vnlesse ye ●e nows made Ministers ye must néedes he brought to extreame beggerie I aunswer Ps 33 19. 34 8. 112.1 ● 3 that if the Lord be willing to deliuer you from pouertie he is able to deliuer you and he will deliuer you by a farre more lawfull meanes if ye will serue him and feare him 1 Tim. 1.5 1. Pet. 3.16.21 Tit. 1.15 and although he should neuer bring you out of it yet how much better were if for you to liue here in perpetuall begger is with a quiet conscience then with the best benefice in this Realme to haue a hell in your consciences in this worlde and euerlasting death in the worlde to come for then Mar. 8.36.37 what will it profit a man to win the whole world and loose his own soule or what shall a man giue for his soule ye must remember the counsell which Paul giueth to Timothie 1. Tim. 5.22 Psalm 38.4 not to be partakers of other mens sinnes our own sinnes are a burthen too heauie for vs to beare and altogether intollerable then what a desperate case are we in if we doo also charge and loade our selues with a heape of sinnes committed by other men Ezech. 3.18 whose bloud must be required at our hands if they be not dilligently lye warned and reclaymed from their wickednes that they may repent liue The fourth propertie which must be in the labourer is that he labour with bothe hands that is both with life and doctrine for otherwise if he be painfull in teaching and haue no care to expresse the same in life and conuersation then dooth he but build with the one hand and pluck downe with the other with the one hand he gathereth together and with the other hand he scattereth abroade and then he is no good labourer in the Haruest of the Lorde and therefore Saint Paul biddeth Timothy 1. Tim. 4.15 Act. 20.28 take heede vnto himselfe and to his doctrine and continue therein for in so dooing he should saue himselfe and thē that heard him And he willeth Titus Tit. ● 7 abooue all things to shew himselfe an ensample
of God not onely with the inward calling but also with the outward I speake this of the publique office of the Ministerie Gen. 18 1● Iosu 24.15 Isa 38 19. Ephe. 6.4 for otherwise euery Christian is bound priuatly to instruct his brother and especially euery parent houshoulder is bound by the word of God to be a Bishop in his owne family hath charge not onely of the body but also of the soule But in the publique office of the Ministery there is required an other manner of outwarde calling first Hebru 13.17 1. Thes 5.11 to be approoued and allowed by the iudgemēt of the Church especially of those whome the Apostle doothe call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which be ouer the people haue the ouersight of the people therefore Paul wil haue in the Church a Seniory or Eldership which he calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when he saith to Timothy 1. Tim. 4.14 Despise not the g●if● that is in thee which was giuē thee by prophesie with the laying on of hands of the company of the eldership Actes 6.2 whē the Deacons were chosē the twelue called the multitude of Disciples together For the which cause good people ye see how my lord at this time hath done nothing of his own priuate iudgement but hath ioyned with himselfe a Seniory of the Preachers round about you who haue altogether in this church examined these which are now to be admitted for the space of these two or three daies and for that the consēt of the common people is not to be neglected for before the Deacōs were chosen the whole multitude was pleased Actes 6. ● therfore there is none at this time admitted but he is approoued cōmended by the letters of sundry worshipfull and others which are best thought of testifying bothe his good godly conuersation also the good liking which the people haue of him in that place whereunto he is already called And as for the rest if any in those parishes can alledge any cause why any of these are not to be admitted if they will speake they shal be heard if they speake not then their silence is to be taken for a consent especially seeing they haue had knowledge so longe before as this businesse is not now taken in hand of a sodayne but longe before knowne to all the Countrey And héere as in Matrymonie the congregation standing by is déepely charged that If any man can shew any iust cause why the partyes that are to bee marryed maye not lawefullye be ioyned together that hee nowe speake or els for euer heereafter houlde his peace Euen so that I maye as it were aske the Banes betwixte these that are to be made Ministers their charge and office I most earnestly request you all as you will aunswer before the Lord Iesus Christ and as ye tender the Church of God that If any of you can laye any thing to any of their charges or shew any iust cause why they may not be receiued into the office of the Ministerie that he speake now or els for euer heereafter hould his peace from speaking any ill of theyr admission Now after their election ther must follow their ordering which that it may be according to the worde of God there are two things required Luke 6.12 Actes 1.24 6.6 First fasting and prayer and therefore our Sauiour Christe before that he sent foorth his Apostles he went into the Mountaine to praye and spent the night in prayer to God The Apostles in the choosing of Matthias and in the appointing of the Deacons made their prayers vnto God Actes 13.3 14 23. Paul Barnabas were sent foorth with fasting praier And the second thing is Acts. 8 1● 13.2 14.22 the laying on of hands wherby they are as it were seperate from priuate men and sent foorth vnto the worke wherevnto the Lorde hath called them which manner of ordeyning as it is plainely commaunded and appointed by God so is the number vncertaine by whom it must be done for that the Scriptures doo make mention sometymes but of one 2. Tim. 1.6 1. Tim. 5.22 Actes 6.2.6 13.1 1. Tim. 4.14 althoughe no do●bt there were no more adioyned sometimes of the twelue sometimes of certaine Prophets Teachers and somtimes of the Seniorie or eldership which seemeth moste to appertaine to the state of the church now present But héere a question may be mooued how the calling of the first reformers in the Church in this last age can be good seeing they had no imposition of hands but onely of Popish Priestes which are no true Seniorie I aunswer that the manner of calling must be considered according to the visible estate of the Church which is either altogether corrupt or els abiding safe and sound If it be pure then is the ca●ing ordinarie but if it be altogether corrupt thē an extraordinary vocation may haue place euen according as it shall please God to rayse vp his seruaunts and to imploye thē to reforme the Church and to bring her to her olde purity God is not alway bound to ordinary meanes 1. Reg. 18 19. for when the ten Tribes of Israel were altogether corrupted thorow their Idolatries God did extraordinarily raise vp vnto them Elias to reforme them and to endeuor to bring thē vnto the right seruice of God who notwithstanding was not a Priest neither had he in that respect any succession That this generall corruption shall be in the Church in the last age and that God shall rayse vp witnesses to speake against it it is sufficiently shewed in the Apocalips Reuel 11.2.3 Againe I may aunswer that the most part of the first reformers of the Church in this last age had after a sort an ordinary vocation as they count a vocation for they were called by the Priests and by them established and setllin their charges and therefore by consequent had authoritie and right to goe vp into the Pulpit and to teach in the Church as Luther Zwinglius Ecolampadius Bucer and before them Wicliffe and Iohn Hus and so many Bishoppes in England Scotland Denmarke and els where which haue receaued and do preach the Gospell of Christ haue succeeded the Popish Priests in succession of the Chaire and place although in Doctrine they haue onely succeeded our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ And therefore as we allowe their Baptisme so also their imposition of hands vntill the time came that the Lorde in his mercie tooke away the corruptions of them bothe And thus you see how by the word of God Ministers are to be publiquely ordeyned with laying on of hands and with prayer not with shauing and besmearing with Oyle not with Tapers Basins Towels Chalices singing Cakes Wine and Water Flower Crosses Linens bands not with breathing on them as though it were in mans powre to giue the holy Ghost not with Amicks Albes Sto●les Girdles