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A02284 Il pastor fido: or The faithfull shepheard. Translated out of Italian into English; Pastor fido. English Guarini, Battista, 1538-1612.; Dymock, John, attributed name.; Dymock, Charles, attributed name. 1602 (1602) STC 12415; ESTC S103502 75,332 128

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We ought to vse whilst it we haue Time flies Away and yeares come on our youth once lost We like cut flowres neuer grow fresh againe And to our hoary haires loue well may runne But Louers will our wrinkled skinnes still shunne Ama. Thou speakest this Corisca me to trie Not as thou think'st I am sure But be assur'd Except thou show'st some meanes how I may shun This marriage bonds my thought 's irreuocable And I resolued am rather to die Then any way to spot my chastitie Co. I haue not seene so obstinate a foole But since you are resolu'd I am agreed But tell me do you thinke your Siluio is As true a friend to faith as you to chastitie Ama. Thou mak'st me smile Siluio a friend to faith How can that be hee 's enemy to loue Co. Siluio an enemy to loue O foole These that are nice put thou no trust in them Loues theft is neuer so securely done As hidden vnder vaile of honestie Thy Siluio loues good Sister but not thee Ama. What goddesse is she for she cannot bee A mortall wight that lighted hath his loue Co. Nor goddesse nor a Nimph. Ama. What do you tell Co. Know you Lisetta Ama. She that your cattell keeps Co. Eu'n she Ama. Can it be true Co. That same 's his hart Ama. Sure hee 's prouided of a daintie Loue. Co. Each day he faines that he on hunting goes Ama. I eu'ry morning heare his cursed horne Co. About noone-time when others busie are He his companions shuns and comes alone By a backe way vnto my garden there Where a shadow hedge doth close it in There doth she heare his burning sighes his vowes And then she tells me all and laughes at him Now heare what I thinke good to doo Nay I Haue don 't for you alreadie You know the law That tyes vs to our faith doth giue vs leaue Finding our spowses in the act of perfidie Spite of our friends the marriage to denie And to prouide vs of an other if we list Ama. That know I well I haue examples two Leucipp to Ligurine Armilla to Turingo Their faith once broke they tooke their owne again Co. Now heare Lisetta by my appointment hath Promist to meet th'vnwary Louer here In thi●same Caue and now he is the best Contented youth that liues attending but the houre There would I haue you take him I le be there To beare you witnesse oft't for else we worke In vaine so are you free from this same noisome knot Both with your honour and your fathers too Ama. Oh braue inuentiō good Corisca what 's to do Co. Obserue my words In midst of this same caue Vpon the right hand is a hollow stone I know not if by Art or nature made A litle Caue all linde with Iuy leaues To which a litle hole aloft giues light A fit and thankfull receptacle for loues theft Preuent their comming and attend them there I le haste Lisetta forward and as soone As I perceiue your Siluio enter so will I Step you to her and as the custome is Wee le carry both vnto the Priest and there dissolue This marriage knot Ama. What to his father Co. What matter 's that Think you Montanus dare His priuate to a publike good compare Ama. Then closing vp mine eyes I let my selfe Be ledde by thee my deare my faithfull guide Co. But do not stay now enter me betime Ama. I 'le to the T●mple first and to the Gods My prayers make without whose aide no happy end Can euer sort to mortall enterprise Co. All places Amarillis temples are To hearts deuout you 'le slacke your time too much Ama. Time's neuer lost in praying vnto them That do commaund the time Co. Go then dispatch Now if I erre not am I at good passe Onely this staying troubles me yet may it helpe I must goe make new snares to traine in Coridon I le make him thinke that I will meet him there And after Amarillis send him soone Then by a secret way I le bring Dianaes Priests Her shall they finde and guiltie doome to death My riuall gone Mirtillo sure is mine See where he comes Whilst Amarillis stayes Ile somewhat trie him Loue now once inspire My tongue with words my face with heau'nly fire Sce. 6. Mirtillo Corisca HEre weeping sprights of hell new torments heare New sorts of paine a cruell mind behold Included in a looke most mercifull My loue more fierce then the infernall pit Because my death cannot suffice to glut Her greedie will and that my life is but A multitude of deathes commaund me liue That to them all my life might liuing giue Co. I le make as though I heard him not I heare A lamentable voyce plaine hereabouts I wonder who it is oh my Mirtillo Mir. So would I were a naked shade or dust Co. How feele you now your selfe after your long Discourse with your so dearely loued Nymph Mir. Like a weake sick man that hath long desir'd Forbidden drinke at last gets it vnto his mouth And drinks his death ending at once both life thirst So I long sicke burn't and consumed in This amorous drought frō two faire fountains that Ice do distill from out a rockie braine Of an indurate heart Haue drunke the poyson that my life will kill Sooner then halfe of my desire fulfill Co. So much more mightie waxeth loue as from Our hearts the force is he receiues deare Mirtillo For as the Beare is wont with licking to giue shape To her mishapen brood that else were helplesse borne Eu'n so a Louer to his bare desire That in the birth was shapelesse weake and fraile Giuing but forme and strength begetteth loue Which whilst t' is young and tender then t' is sweet But waxing to more yeares more cruell growes That in the end Mirtillo an mueterate affect Is euer full of anguish and defect For whilst the mind on one thought onely beates It waxeth thicke by being too much fixt So loue that should be pleasure and delight Is turn'd to malancholy and what worser is It proues at last or death or madnesse at the least Wherefore wise is that heart that often changeth loue Mir. Ere I change will or thought chang'd must my life Be into death for though the beautious Amarillis Be most cruell yet is she all my life Nor can this bodies bulke at once containe More then one heart more then one soule retaine Co. O wretched shepheard ill thou knowst to vse Loue in his kind loue one that hates thee one That flies from thee fie man I had rather die Mir. As gold in fire so saith in griefe 's refinde Nor can Corisca am●rous constancie Shewe his great power but thorough crueltie This onely rests amongst my many griefes My sole content doth my heart burne or die Or languish ne're so much light are the paines Plaints torments sighes exile and death it selfe For such a cause for such a sweet respect That life before my faith
could finde her out And fearefull signes and monstrous accidents Of horrour in the Temple proou'd the doubt As dolorous to vs as strange and rare Not seene since we did feele heauenly ire That did reuenge Amintas loue betrayde The first beginning of our miserie Diana swet out blood the Earth did shake The sacred Caue did bellow out vnwonted howling And dire deadly cries Withall it breath'd out such a stinking mist As Plutoes impare kingdome hath no worse And now with sacred order goes the Priest To bring thy daughter to her bloodie ende The whilst Mirtillo wondrous thing to tell Offer'd by his owne death to giue her life Crying vnbind those handes vnworthie striges And in her steed that should be sacrifiz'd Vnto Diana draue me to the Aulters A Sacrifize to my faire Amarillis Ti. O admirable deede of faythfull loue And noble hart Nu. Now heare a miracle Shee that before so fearefull was to die Chaung'd on the sodaine by Mirtilloes wordes Thus answeres with a bold vndaunted hart Think'st thou my deare then by thy death to gaine Life to her death that by thy life doth liue O miracle vniust on Ministers on on why do you stay Leade me foorthwith vnto mine end I le no such pittie I Mirtill replies Liue cruell pitteous loue My hart his spightfull pittie doth reproue To me it longes to die Nay then to me She answeres that by Law condemned am And heere anew begins a wondrous strife As though that life were death and death were life O soules well borne O couple worthy of Eternall honour neuer dying prayse O liuing and o dying glorious louers Had I so many tongues so many voyces As Heauen hath eyes or Ocean sea hath sandes All would be dumbe and hoarse in setting out Their wondrous and incomprehended prayse Eternall Childe of heauen O glorious Dame That mortall deedes enchroniclest to time Write thou this Historie and it infold In solid Diamond with wordes of gold Ti. But what end had this mortall quarrell then Nun. Mirtillo vanquisheth O rare debate Where dead on lyuing getts the victorie The Priest speakes to your Child be quiet Nimph We cannot change this doome for he must die That offers death our Law commaunds it so And after bids your Daughter should be kept Least griefes extreame should bring her desperate death Thus stood the state When Montane sent me for thee Ti. In sooth t is true sweete scented Flowers shall cease To dwell on Riuers bankes and Woodes in Spring Shall be without their Leaues before a Mayde Adorn'd with youth shall set sweete Loue at naught But if we stay still heere how shall we know When it is time vnto the Church to go Nun. Heere best of all for in this place alas Shall the good Shepheard sacrifized be Ti. And why not in the Church Nu. Because there where The fault is done the punishment must be Ti. And why not in the Caue there was the fault Nun. Because to open skyes it mus be hallow'd Ti. And how knowst thou all these misteriall rites Nun. From the High-priest who from Tireno had them For true Amintas and vntrue Lucrine Were sacrifized so But now t is time to goe See where the sacred Pempe softly descendes T were well done of vs by this other way To go vnto the Temple to thy daughter Finis Sce. 2. Act. 5. ACTVS 5 SCE. 3. Chorus of Shepheards Chorus of Priestes Montanus Mirtillo Chorus of Shep. OH daughter of great Joue sister of Phebus bright Thou second Titan to the blinder world that giuest light Cho. Pri. Thou that with thy well temper'd vitall ray Thy brothers wondrous heate doth well allay Which mak'st sweete Nature happely bring foorth Rich firtile birthes of Hearbes of Beastes of Men As thou his heate dost quench so calme thine ire That sets Arcadiaes wretched hartes on fire Cho. Sh. O daughter of great Ioue c. Mon. Yea sacred Priestes the Aulters ready make Shepheardes deuout reiterate your soundes And call vpon the name of our great Goddesse Cho. Sh. O daughter of great Ioue c. Mon. Now Shepheards stand aside nor you my seruants Come not neare except I call for you Valiant young man that to giue life els where Abandonest thine owne die comforted thus farre T' is but a speedie sigh which you must passe For so seemes death to noble minded sprightes That once perform'd this enuious age With thousandes of her yeeres shall not deface The memorie of such a gentle deed But thou shalt liue the example of true fayth But for the Law commaundes thee sacrifiz'd To dye without a word Before thou kneelst If thou hast ought to say say it and hold thy peace For euer after that Mir. Father let it be lawfull that I call thee so For though thou gau'st not yet thou tak'st my life My bodie to the ground I do bequeath my soule To her that is my life But if she die As she hath threatned to do aye mee What part of me shall then remaine aliue Oh death were sweete if but my mortall parts Might die and that my soule did not desire the same But if his pittie ought deserues that dyes For soueraigne pittie then courteous father Prouide she do not die and with that hope More comforted I le pay my destenies Though with my death you me from her disioyne Yet make her liue that she may me retaine Mon. Scarse I containe from teares ô frayle mankind Be of good cheare my sonne I promise thy desire I sweare it by this head this hand take thou for pledge Mir. Then comforted I die all comforted To thee my Amarillis do I come Soule of the faythfull Shepheard as thine owne Do thou receiue for in thy loued name My wordes and life I will determine straight So now to death I kneele and hold my peace Mon. On sacred Ministers kindle the flame With Frankensence and Mirrhe and Incense throw thereon That the thicke vapoure may on high ascend Cho. Sh. O daughter of great Ioue c. ACT. 5. SCE. 4. Carino Montanio Nicander Mirtillo Chorus of Shepheards Car. WHat Countrymen are here so brauely furnished Almost all in a Liuerie Oh what a show Is heere how rich how full of pome it is Trust mee I thinke it is some Sacrifize Mon. Reach mee Nicander the golden Bason That containes the iuice of Bacchus fruite Ni. Behold t' is ready here Mon. So may this faultles blood Thy brest Oh sacred Goddesse mollifie As do these falling droppes of Wine extinguish This blasing flame So take the Bason there Giue me the siluer Ewer now Ni. Behold the Ewer M. So may thine anger cease with that same faithles Nimph Prouok't as doth this fire this falling streame extinguish Car. This is some Sacrifize but where 's the holocaust Mon. Now all is fit there wantes nought but the end Giue me the Axe Ca. If I be not deceiu'd I see a thing that by his backe seemeth a man He kneeles he is perhappes the holocaust
time she made Elidis blest With her sweet count'nance she liberall was Of pleasing lookes to mee But thereof did My cruell fates robbe me so sodeinly That I perceiu'd it not till they were gone Whē I drawne by the power of her beauteous looke Leauing my home came hither where thou knowst My father had this poore habitacle But now the day that with so faire a spring began Come to his western bound thunders lightēs out Ah then I saw these were true signes of death Now had alas my tender father felt My not-foreseene departure and orecome With griefe fell sicke nigh hand to death Whereby I was constrained to returne Ah that returne prooued the fathers health But deadly sicknesse to the sonne for in short time I languished and pined quite away Which held me from the time the sunne had left The bull vntill his entry into Capricorne And so had still had not my pitious father sought For counsaile to the Oracle which said Onely Arcadia could restore my health So I returnd to see her that can heale My bodies griefe O Oracles false lye But makes my soule sicke euerlastingly Er. Strange tale thou telst Mirtillo though't be true The onely health to one that 's desperate Is to dispaire of health And now t' is time I goe communicate with our Corisca Go to the fountaine you there stay for me I le make what haste I can Mir. Goe happily The heauens Ergasto quith thy curtesie Sce. 2. Dorindo Lupino Siluio O Fortunate delight and care of my Faire spightfull Siluio Ah that I were As deare vnto thy cruell maister as thou art Happie Metampo he with that white hand That nippes my heart thee softly stroking feeds With thee all day and all the night he is Whilst I that loue him so sigh still in vaine And that which greeues me worst he giues thee still Kisses so sweete that had I one of them I should goe blest away I cannot choose But kisse Melampo Now if th'appie starres Of loue sent thee to me bcause thou shouldst Find out his steps Go'w whither me great loue Thee nature teacheth But I heare a horne Sound in these woods Sil Vo ho ho Melampo ho Do. If my desire deceiue me not that is the voice O my beloued Siluio that call his dogge He hath our labour sau'd Sil. Vohoho Melampo ho. Do. Doubtlesse t 's he happie Dorinda heauens Haue sent him whom thou soughtst t' is best I put The dogge aside so may I win his loue Lupino Lu. What 's your will Do. Go hide thy selfe In that same thicke and take the dogge with thee Lu. I goe Do. And stirre not till I call Lu. No more I will Do. Go soone Lu. And call you soone least hunger make The dogge beleeue I am a shoulder of mutton and so fall too Do. Go get you hence hen-hearted wretch Sil. O wretched me whither shall I goe To follow thee my deere my faithfull dogge The dales the mountaines I haue sought with care All weary now I am Curst be the beast Thou didst pursue But see a Nymphe perhaps She can tell newes of him Out vpon her T' is she that 's still so troublesome to me I must dissemble Faire and gracious Nymphe Did you my good Melampo see to day Do. I faire good Siluio can you call me faire That am not faire a whit vnto your eyes Sil. Or faire or soule did you not see my dogge Answere to this or I am quickly gone Do. Stil thou art froward vnto her that thee adores Who would beleeue that in that smooth aspect Were harboured such rugged thoughts Thou through These sauage woods and rocky hills pursu'st A beast that flies thee and consum'st thy selfe In tracing out thy greyhounds steps and me Thou shunst and dost disdaine that loues thee so Ah leaue these does that runne so fast away Take hold of me thy preordained pray Sil. Nymphe I Melampo came to seeke not to loose time Farewell Do. Do not so shun me cruell Siluio I 'le tell thee newes of thy Melampo man Sil. Thouiests Dorinda Do. Siluio I protest By that deare loue that me thy handmaid makes I know where thy Melampo is that courst the doe Sil. How did he leese her Do. Both dog and doe are in my power Sil. Both in your power Do. Why doth it grieue you then That I them hold that do adore you so Sil. Deare Dorinda quickly giue me him Do. See wau'ring child am I not fortunate When a beast and a dogge can make me deare to thee Sil. Good reason too but yet her I le deceiue Do. What will you giue me Sil. Two guilded apples Which my mother gaue me yesterday Do. I want no apples and perhaps I could Thee better-tasted giue didst thou not thus Disdaine my gifts Sil. What wouldst thou haue a kid A lambe Ah but my father giues me no such leaue Do. Nor kids nor lambes do I desire it is thy loue My Siluio which I seeke Sil. Wilt thou nought but my loue Do. Nought else Sil. I giue it thee Now my deare Nymph Giue me my dog and doe Do. Ah that thou knewst That treasures worth whereof thou seemst so liberall Or that thy heart did answere to thy tongue Sil. Heare me faire Nymphe thou euer telst me of A certaine loue I know not what it is Thou dost desire I should thee loue and so I do As farre forth as I can or vnderstand Thou callst me cruell and I know not crueltie Do. Wretched Dorinda how hast thou plast thy hopes In beautie feeling ne're a sparke of loue Thou louely boy art such a fire to me And yet burnes not thy selfe Thee vnder humane shape O● daintie mother did the Cyprian dame Bring forth thou hast his arrowes and his fire Well knowe my breast both burnt and wounded too Get but hi● wings vnto thy shoulders and New Cupia shal● thou be wer 't not thy hear● Is made of rocky frozen Isy shelfe Thou wantedst naught of loue but loue it selfe Sil. Tell me what kind of thing is this same loue Do. If in thy face I looke oh louely boy Then is this loue a paradize of ioy But if I turne and view my spirit well Then t' is a flame of deepe infernall hell Sil. Nymphe no more words giue me my dog and doe Do. Nay giue me first the loue you promised Sil. Haue I not giu'n it what a stirre is here Her to cnntent take it do what thou wilt Who doth forbid thee what wouldst thou haue more Do. Thou sow'st thy seed in sand wretched Dorinda Sil. What would you haue why do you linger thus Do. As soone as you haue got what you desire Perfidious Siluio you are gone from me Sil. No trust me Nymph Do. Giue me a pledge Sil. What pledge Do. I dare not tell Sil. And why Do. I am asham'd Sil. Are you asham'd to speake and not asham'd It to receiue Do. If you will promise me To giue it I will tell
much harme as feare thereof Thou sooner dead thy paine is sooner past Am. Some helpe may come deare father father now Dost thou leaue me now leaue thine onely child VVilt thou not helpe me yet before I die Do not deny me yet thy latest kisse One blade shall wound both brestes and out of mine Thy blood must streame Oh father Oh sweete name Sometime so deare which I ne're calld in vaine Make you your onely daughters marriage thus A morninges Bri●e an euening Src●●fize Ni. Nimph. Do not thus torment thy selfe and me T' is time I lead you to the Temple now My duetie t' is I may not slacke it so Am. Deare Woods farewell my dearest Woods farewell Receiue my latest sighes vntill my soule By cruell wound from this my body free Returne to seeke your loued shadowes out For Innocentes can not be doom'd to hell Nor mongst the blessed can despayrers dwell O Mirtillo wretched was that day That first I saw thee and thy sight did please Since I my 〈◊〉 must leaue more neare to thee Then thine which prooues the occasion 〈◊〉 my death VVilt thou beleeue that she is doom'd to death For thee that cruell euer was to thee To keepe me innocent For mee too bold For thee too little dating 〈◊〉 my will ●ow euer t' was I faultles die fruitles and without thee My deare I die my deare Mirt. Ni. Surely shee Is dead and in Mirtilloes loued 〈◊〉 her life Hath finished her loue and griefe the blade Preuented hath come helpe to hold her vp Shee lyueth yet I feele her hart doth throb Carry her to the Fountaine here hard by Fresh water may restore her stonied sprights But were it not a deed of pittie now To let her die of griefe and shun the blade No let vs rather succour now her life Wee do not know what heau'ns will do with her SCE. 6. Chorus of Huntsmen Chor. of Shepheardes with Siluio Chor. Hunt O Glorious child of great Alci●es race That Monsters kilst and Wild-bestes dost deface Cho. Sh. O glorious child who 〈◊〉 Boore Hast ouerthrowne vnconquerable thought Behold his head that seemes to breath out death This is the 〈◊〉 of our Demi-God Helpe Shepheardes helpe to celebrate his name And with solemnitie his deedes to grace Cho. Hu. O glorious child of great Alcides race That Monsters kilst and Wild-bestes dost deface Cho. Sh. O glorious child by whom the fertile plaines Depriu'd of till age haue their good regain● Now may the Plough-man goe securelie and Sow both his Seede and reape his Haruest in These ougly teeth can now no more them chace Cho. Hu. O glorious child of great Alcides race That monsters 〈◊〉 and wild Beastes dost deface Cho. Sh. O glorious child how thou dost couple still Pittie with fortitude 〈◊〉 behold Thy humble Silui●● vow behold this head That here and here in thy despight is armd With white and crooked tuskes enuying thy hornes Thou puissant Goddesse since thou didst direct His shaft the price of his great victorie Is due to thee hee famous by thy grace Cho. Hun O glorious child of great Alcides race That monster kilst and wild Beastes dost deface SCE. 7. Coridon VNtill this time I nener durst beleeue That which the Satyre of Corisea said Imagining his tale had been but fordg'd Maliciously to worke me iniurie Far from the t●oth it seemd to mee that place VVhere she appoynted I with her should meete If that be true which was on her behalfe Deliuered me by young Lisetta late Should be the place to take th'Adult● ou● in But see a signe that may confirme the same Eu'n as he told mee so it is in deed Oh what a Stone is this which shuts vp thus The huge mouth of this Caue Oh Corisea All in good time I haue found out your guiles Which after so long vse at last returne VVith damage to your selfe So manie lies So many trecheries must needes presage Some mortall disaduenture at the least To him that was not madd or blinde with loue T' was good for mee● stayde away so long Great fortune that my father me detain'd So with a tedious stay as then me thought Had I kept time but as Lisetta bad Surely some strange aduenture had I had What shall I doe shall I attir'd with spleene S●eke with outragious furie for reuenge F●●no I honour her too much so bee The case with reason waighd it rather would Haue pittie and compassion then reuenge And shall I pittie her that me betrayes Shee rather doth betray her selfe that thus Abandons mee whose fayth to her was pure And giue her selfe in pray To a poore Shepheard straunger vagaband That shall to morrow be more perfidous then shee Should I according to the Satyres counsell her accuse Of the fayth broken which to mee shee swore Then must shee die My hart 's not halfe so base Let her then liue for mee or to say better Let her die vnto mee and liue vnto others Liue to her shame liue to her infamie Since she is such she neuer can in me Kindle one sparke of fearefull iealowsie SCE. 8. Siluio O Goddesse that no Goddesse art but of An idle people blinde and vaine who with Impurest mindes and fond Religion Hallowes the Aulters and great Temples too VVhat sayd I Temples wicked Theaters O● beastly deedes to colour their dishonest actes With titles of thy famous Deitie Because thy shames in others shames made lesse Let lose the raines of their lasciuiousnesse Thou foe to Reason plotter of mildeedes Corrupter to our soules calamitie To the whole worlde thou daughter of the Sea And of that treacherous monster rightly borne That with the breath of hope dost first intice These humane brestes but afterward dost mooue A thousand stormes of sighes of teares of plaintes Thou mayst be better calld Mother of tempestes and O● rage then Mother of Loue. To what a miserie hast thou throwne downe Those wretched Louers now mayst thou vaunt thy selfe To be omnipotent if thou canst saue That poore Nimphs life whom with thy snares thou hast Conducted to this miserable death O happy day I hallowd my chast minde To thee my onely Goddesse Cinthia Such power on earth to soules of better sort As thou art light in heau'n aboue the Starres Much better are those studious practises Then those which Venus vnchast seruantes vse Thy seruantes kill both Beares and ougly Boores Her seruantes are of Beares and Boores still slaine Oh Bowe and matchles Shaftes my power and my delight Vaine fantastiue Loue come prooue thyne armes ●sseminate with mine but fie too much I honour thee poore weake and wreckling child And for thou shalt me heare I 'le speake aloud A rod to chastise thee will be inough ynough VVhat art thou L●●ho that so soundes againe Or rather Loue that answerest loudly so y so I could haue wisht no better match but tell Me then Art thou by heauen hee eauen hee The sonne of her that for Aaenis did So miserably burne
her with her faithfull friend Come from the Temple where they plighted haue Their marriage troth and so go to Montanus h●use To reape sweet fruit of their long amorous toiles O hadst thou seene Corisca the huge ioy The mightie noyse of ioy full voyces and Th' innumerable troupes of men and women Thou should'st haue seene old young sacred and prophane But litle lesse then mad or drunke with 〈◊〉 With wonder who ranne not to see the Louers Each reuerence to each them embraced there Some prais'd their pitie some their constancie Some prais'd the gifts that Ioue and some that nature gaue The hills the dales the meadowes did resound The glorious name of faithfull Shepheard From a poore Shepheard to become so soone A Demy-god and in a moment passe From life to death the neighbour obsequies To chaunge for vnexpected and dispaired nuptialls This is some what Corisca but not halfe Her to enioy for whom he sought to die Her that disdaind to liue if he had dy'de This is fortune this is such a sweet As thought preuents and yet thou art not glad Is not thy Amarillis then as deare to thee As my Mirtillo is to mee Co. Yes yes Argasto see how glad I am Er. O hadst thou seene but Amarillis when She gaue Mirtill her hand for pledge and tooke His hand againe thou easily hadst perceiu'd A sweet but vnseene kisse I could not say Whether she tooke it or she gaue it him Her cheekes would haue the purest colour stain'd Purple or Roses Art or nature brings How modestie was arm'd in daintie shield Of sanguine beautie with force of that stroke Vnto the strikor turned whilst she all nice Seemed as though she fled but to recouer force Shee might more sweetly encounter that same blow Leauing it doubtfull if this kisse were giuen or ta'ne With such a wondrous Art it graunted was This taken sweet was like an action mixt With rapine and with yeelding both at once A●o so courteous that it seem'd to craue The very thing that it denying gaue Such a retrait and such a speedlesse flight As mend the pace of the pursuer might O sweetest kisse I cannot stay Corisca I goe directly I to finde a wife For mongst the ioyes there is no pleasure sure If gentl● loue do not the same procure Co. If he say true then thou Corisca hast lost all Sce. 9. Chorus of Shephear is Corisca Amarillis Mirtillo CHo Sh. Come holy Himeneus come this euen According to our vowes and to our songs 〈◊〉 thou these Louers 〈…〉 〈…〉 one 〈…〉 of heauen Knit thou the 〈…〉 Co. Ah me it is too true this is the fruite Thou from thy store of vanities must reape O thoughts o my desires no lesse vniust Then false and vaine Thus of an innocent I sought the death to haue my beastly wil● So bloudie cruell was I then so blinde Who opens now mine eye● Ah wretch I see My fault most ●oule that seem'd felicitie Cho. Sh. Come holy Himeneus c. See faithfull Shepheard after all thy teares All thy distresses whither thou art come Is not this shee from thee was ta'ne away By lawe of heauen and earth by cruell fate By her chaste will and by thy poore estate By her faith giuen another man and by her death Behold Mirtillo now shee 's onely thine This face these eyes this breast these daintie hands All that thou seest hear'st and feel'st so often sought In vaine by thee are now rewards become Of thine vndaunted faith yet thou art dombe Mir. How can I speak I scarce know if I breathe Nor what I see I scarce beleeue I see Let Amarillis you that pleasure giue In her alone my soules affections liue Cho. Sh. Come holy Himeneus c. Cor. What do ye now with me trecherous toies Vilde frenzies of the body spots of the soule You long inough haue me betrayed here Go get you to the earth for earth you are You weare th' armes erst of lasciuious loue Trophes of chastitie now may you proue Cho. Sh. Come holy Hymeneus c. Co. Why tris●est thou Corisca● now 's fit time 〈…〉 impetrate ●ear'st thou thy paine Beheld thy paine cannot be greater then thy fault 〈…〉 and blessed couple of the skies And earth b●lou'd since to your glorious fate This day hath me●kely bow'd all earthly force 〈◊〉 reason she do bow that gainst the same 〈◊〉 set a worke a●l of her earthly force Now 〈◊〉 I will not denie 〈…〉 the same which you desir'd But you enioy it for you worthy were You do enioy the loyalst man aliue And you Mirtillo do enioy the chastest Nymph 〈…〉 the world hath bred Beleeue you me For 〈◊〉 whetstone was vnto your 〈◊〉 And to her chastitie But courteous Nymph before Your anger do discend on me behold Your 〈◊〉 face there shall you finde the force Both of my fault and of your pardon too For in the vertue of such worthinesse You cannot choo●● but cause of pardon finde Beside● you 〈…〉 the selfe●ame fire That did inflame vnfortunate desire Ama. I do not onely pardon thee 〈…〉 I count thee 〈◊〉 the effect beholding not the cause For fire and sword although they wounds do bring Yet those once he●ld to vs to whole 〈◊〉 deare Howsoeuer now thou prou'st or f●iend or foe I am well 〈◊〉 the Destinies did make Thee the good instrument of my content Happie 〈…〉 And if you please 〈◊〉 with vs to be Come then and take part of our ioyes with vs. Co. I haue 〈…〉 pardon me And that 〈…〉 Mir. And I Corisca pardon all thy harmes Saue this delaying of my sweet content Co. You and your mirth I to the Gods commend Cho. Sh. Come holy Himeneus c. Sce. 10. Mirtillo Amarillis Chorus of Shepheard MIr. I am so tyed to paine that in the midst Of all my ioyes I needs must languish still Is 't not inough this ceremonious pompe Doth hold vs thus but that Corisca must Come in to hinder vs Ama. Th' art too quick my deare Mir. O my sweet treasure I am not secure Yet do I quake for feare of le●sing thee This seemes a dreame and still I am afraid My sleep should breake and thou my soule shouldst flye away In better proofe my sences would I sleepe That this sweet sight is not a dreaming sleepe Cho. Sh. Come holy Himeneus come this euen According to our vowes and to our songs Dresse thou these Louers as them best belongs Both t'one and t'other of the seed of heauen Knit thou the fatall knot this blessed eauen Chorus O Happie two That plants haue sow'd and reaped smyles In many bitter grieuous foyles Haue you imbellist your desires Henceforth prepare your amorous fires And bolden vp your tender sprights Vnto your true sincere delights You cannot haue a sounder ioy There is no ill can you annoy This is true ioy true pleasure and true mirth T'which vertue got in patience giueth birth FINIS