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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01754 A commentarye vpon the prophet Mycha. Wrytten by Antony Gilby. Anno Domi. M.D.Li Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585. 1551 (1551) STC 11886; ESTC S114969 84,838 234

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serued in the temple wyth praying and fastynge professed thys to bee the redemer of Israel Yea the voice of God from heauen in the presence of many people doth confyrme al thys saying thys is my welbeloued sonne in whom I am well pleased heare you hym The myracles wythout number both in hys lyfe tyme when he cured al dyseases both of body and soule When he caused the wyndes to cease the seas to obeye and deathe to geue place and in hys death when he caused the heauens to shet the earth to shake the sunne to loose hys lyght And after hys death also when he caused the hels to open the graues to geue againe theyr prysonats What wyll you haue more Hys mooste ennemyes the Scrybes and Pharyseis coulde not saye in conscience but that al these wonders were doone by the fyngar of God and the sougiours wyth theyr captayne whych kepte hym at hys deathe was compelled to crye Truelye thys is the verye sonne of God Math. xxvii Yea the verye deuyls were dryuen to confesse hym to bee Iesus the sonne of God Math. viii Mark .v. Luke .viii and yet some whych do beare his name called Christians and some twyse christened as they cal it dare denye vnto hym thys glory O blasphemye intollerable yea al the power of Sathan and all the gates of hel haue not bene able to beate downe the church buylt vpon thys confession as Christ out sauioure promysed Math. xvi thoughe contynuallye thys M.D. and Li. yeares they haue wyth the swerd hangyng and burnyng moste despitefully stryuen agaynst it and yet these blynde beastes dare attempt such foly Yea thoughe the Iewes thoughe the Turkes thoughe the Aryans and the Anababtistes and al the lying rable of the deuyls sougiers labour and striue al that in them lyeth to hinder and stop the kyngdom of this child borne in despysed Bethelem as he is man but commyng forth from old from euerlastyng as he is god Yet lo it is now dilated and spred a longe tyme throughe the whole world and at thys present moste gloryously spreadeth and triumpheth ouer al. Embrace therefore the sonne least he be angrye and you doo peryshe foorthe of the way al you ragyng people and vain imaginers agaynst our Christe Y● you gather you and sette you agaynste thys Messiah the euerlyuing lord wyl laugh you to scorne For he hath anointed him kyng vpon Sion hys holye temple He wryteth it in hys euerlastyng decree He calleth hym hys sonne he geueth hym power ouer al people to rule them wyth the yron scepter and so folowing of the kyngdome of Christ Psal ii Agaynst the aduersaryes therefore of thys kyngdome whyche are the Antychristes wherof we are so oft warned in the scriptures Suffer me I pray you to make a short digression not for any sotie arguments that I wil bring against them for that is contrarye bothe to my purpose and profession But for my zele sake simply to vtter the words of truth yf by that way we may win but any one of thē It is not sayd for noughte by the holy Apostle Heb. iiii The word of god is lyuelye and myghtye in operacion sharper then any twoo edged swearde Therfore wyl I vse the sweard of God hys holy scriptures to cutte of theyr errours desyryng oure heauenlye father wil houte whom no man can come vnto Christ to drawe some of these blynded and loste shepe home againe to hys son Christe theyr only shepperde and to hys fold holy felowship of the faithful lyuynge in Christen vnytye to the glorye of hys name and the delatinge and enlargynge of his glorious kyngdome There be .ii. sortes of the aduersaryes of thys kingdome the one denieth him to be God the other to be mā wherfore I wyll declare and proue by open scriptures Christ God and Man FYrste that the Messiah promysed shulde be verye man euen of the seede of man as we doo reade Genes iii. that the womannes seede shal breake the serpentes heade agayne Gen. xii saythe God vnto Abraham in the shal al the kynredes of the earthe bee blessed and declaringe howe thys shall come too passe in thee xvii Chapter he promyseth to Abraham and to Sarai a sede wyth whom he wil make an euerlastynge leage and couenaunte And in the .xxii. Chapter after he had broughte thys promised seede to be a slaine sacrifice as the Lorde hadde commaunded thys was again from heauen pronounced that in the sede of Abraham all nacions shoulde be blessed And in the .xxvi. Chapter vnto his sonn● Isaac was the same promyse renewed wyth these same words In thy sede shal al the nacyons be blessed Againe to his sonne Iacob in the .xxviii. of Genesis al the kynreds of the earthe shal be blessed in the and thy seede saythe the Lorde Agayne saithe Iacob in the spyryte of Prophecye to hys chyldrene The scepter shall not bee taken frome Iuda nor the ruler from his seat whyles that Messiah do come and to him shal the people be gathered Loo thus by playne testymonies mooste auncient euen from the beginninge maye it bee proued Messiah oure Christ to be appoynted man of the seede of manne And after the troublous tymes when all theyr captaines fayled as Micha dyd Prophecy then forthe of a litle village of the tribe of Iuda shuld come oure Christe the appointed and anoynted ruler ouer the faithful Israel And to let you vnderstande whyche are the ennemyes to Christ his kyngdome that you do striue in vayne there against mark that Balaam prouoked bi the king Balaac colde speake nothyng agaynste thys kingdome which he did se more thē a thousand .d. yeres to come after hym but dydde reuerence it a farre of saying There shal ryse a starre from Iacob and a rodde from Israel whiche shall stryke the captaynes of Moab Of Iacob shall come thys greate Lorde whyche shal destroye the remnaunte forthe of the cytye Numer xxiiii Thus are the enemyes of oure Christe compelled to knoweledge hym a man of the seede of Iacob and a gloryous kynge ouer all hys ennemyes tryumphynge Agayne Deut. xviii Moses the seruaunte of God dare say thus A Prophete vp frome amonges thy brethrene euen lyke me shall the Lorde thy God raise vnto the whosoeuer shall not heare hym I wyll requyre it of him Loo nowe heare is the humilitie of Christ his man hode set forthe but so that whosoeuer is the despiser of him and hys doctryne hathe thys playnly promised that he shall gyue accomptes for it and God hym selfe wyll questyon wyth hym the cause whye he hathe refused him For so standeth the Hebrewe Beware therfore as Esay sayth and take hede vnto your selues from the man whose breathe is in hys nostrelles for wherin he is reputed though he be very man and therfore despised yet is he of the Lorde onlye regarded Agayne in the Psalme lxxxviii We do reade I haue sworn to Dauid my seruaunte for euer wyll I prepare thy sede and wyl stablish thy seate
cōplaineth religion to be neglected charity to be clene quēched al good maners orders peruerted and corrupted couetousnes so depelye grounded and ryot so rooted in theyr hartes whyche haue authorytye ouer vs that these poysons are spred lyke smyttinge lepryes from the heade to the hole bodye euen to the soules of the feete and lowest mēbers Repente we saye O you prynces iudges of the earth remember these examples of olde consyder that al is laid vpon your backes for you must answer for the sinnes of the people euen you I saye whiche shuld be as it wer earthlye goddes vnto the people to minister all goodnes Become not deuils the authors of euil and wickednes haue ofte in minde the godli sayings of the boke of wisdome that power is geuen vnto you of the Lord authoriti frō the hiest which shal examine your woorkes shal serch your very thoughts because that you being the ministers of his kīgdome haue not vsed righte iudgement nor kept the law of righteousnes nether haue you walked after the wil of God Horribly therfore and spedelye shal he appeare vnto you for a moste straite iudgment shal be to them in authoritie Vnto the smal mercye shal be shewed but the mighty shal be mightely tormēted c as in Sapi. vi Repente we crie again O ye lords of the earthe of your former negligens in religion Lay downe your couetouse ambicion sease from ryot and your lasciuious wantonnes Awaye with your stinkinge fornycacyon Let go your oppression and extorsion Sease to do euil Learne to doo good Least you do perish with these .ii. cities afore named Samaria Ierusalē The pore people your subiects muste nedes folow your exāple if you do vnfainedly repēt as did the kīgs princes of Niniue Lyke as they can not eskape vnpunished if you do sinke in sin with the princes of Sodō But oh wher be the exāpls proclamaciōs of the kings prynces of Niniue which admonished of theyr syns by Ionah only proclaimed a fast for yong olde mā beast cōmanding most straitly that they shuld crye vnto the Lord with al theyr might euery man torne frō his euil way frō the wickednesse wherein he was practised That God might repent of his word turne awa his wrath But you contrariwise not repenting but forgetting how you haue offēded God with your old idolatry do abuse his light now sent amōgs you to the satitfying of your lusts to condēnaciō of your owne soules cause god his holy word the preachers therof to serue your couetusnes You do make proclamaciōs daily I do graūt against the couetous dealings of your inferior members subiects but be sure the body can not be deliuered of this disease except the head be first pourged Wherfore be warned in tyme by the prophets and preachers for if we stil both head fote continue in euil we must loke to gether to perish with the wicked world before vs. The Text I wyll laye Samaria in forowes to plant vines I wil cast down her stones into the valei raise her foundacyons Lo vtter destrucciō is threatned to this cytye for the wickednes of the inhabitantes And it was performed which the prophet speketh by Salmanasar San herib Phul Theglathphelaser as appeareth in the .iiii. boke of the kinges the xvii .xviii. chap. And shal our polluted Samaritās of Londō escape vnpunished the Iewes could not medle with the Samaritās wtout polluciō neither cā the faithful come to London but they are contaminate Their eies with filthye sightes are ful of adultery their eares with wicked tales blasphemies ar obturate made deaffe theyr mindes with infinite errours occupied with the diuersity of diuilish delucions demēted that neither Samaria neither Sodō it self hath deserued before god mā any sorar or more extreme punishment God is ther none amōgs thē nether yet erthly king as appeareth by their lawes cōtēpned no loue amongs mē no shame fastnes amonges women no fayth no fear no trust no cōfidēce no master cōtent wyth one offyce and callynge no seruaunt for loue doth shew obediēce In shadow and outward shewe haue banished Idolatry and changed theyr religion yet do they serue the deuil styll as much as euer they dyd in al kynde of abhominaciō Therfore shal thys Englysh Samaria be wasted and destroyed because from this sea all sinful poodles of England doth flow spread abrode And al the grauen ymages of Samaria shall bee broken in peeces The Text the gyftes and offerings shall be brent wyth fyre and all her temples shal I make desolate for she hath gathered all of the hyre of an harlot and to the hyre of the harlot they shall bee returned The grauen Images the goldē calues what so euer the Assyryans foūdin Samaria they spoiled and waisted it they destroied theyr townes tēples as is towched .iiii. Kynges .xvii. They dyd take away their golden calues Hosea .viii. wherby the lying Lord would vtter the weakenes of those fayned gods whych could not helpe them selues and the foolyshnes of all men whyche wyll worshyp such broken cesterns that can hold no water Yea theyr foolyshnes shameles abhominacion is muche more vttered in that the Prophet sayth that Samaria had gathered all thys of the hyre of the harlot charging thē as doth Ezechiel .xvi. Chap. that where vnto all common whores ther is geuē rewards Israel lokinge for no rewarde of her Idols with whom she hathe ren of whoringe hath contrariwise made thē riche with her giftes and rewardes But as goodes euill gotten muste nedes be euil spente according to the common Prouerbe so now commeth it to passe that these ryche Iewels golde and siluer offered Idols in Samaria are caried into Babilon to be dedicate to their Idoles againe or elsse are readye to be conuerted vpon suche harlottes as communelye foloweth suche garrisons of orderles sowgioures and by the cursse of god and mooste heauy temptacion as we do se in our time that whiche was gotten by spiritual fornicacion is spent in beastly and bodely whoredome Wherefore I shal mourne and yel The Text I shal go spoiled naked I must murne lyke the dragōs wayle lyke the Estriches The Prophet brasteth forth wyth teares wyth sighing sobbing yelling and criyng to lament the state of these myserable tymes which he dyd see and behold to hang ouer the heades of his people So doth Christ our Sauiour seynge Ierusalem wept ouer it So doth Esaiah So doth Ieremiah and al true prophets and preachers lamēt and bewaile the miseries whych nedes must followe the synneful stubbernes of the wycked Thus alwayes the wycked worlde greueth the holy spirit of God in these holye men but neuer wyl they mourne for theyr own sins vnles it be so as our prophet may be ryght wel vnderstand that afflyccion daunger and distres do giue them vnderstandyng as in theyr feareful famine when the delycate