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A55881 Antient Christianity revived being a description of the doctrine, discipline, and practice of the little city of Bethania : collected out of her great charter, the Holy Scriptures, and confirmed by the same for the satisfaction and benefit of the house of the poor / by one of her inhabitants who desireth to worship God after the way which some men call heresie. Pardoe, William, d. 1692. 1688 (1688) Wing P348; ESTC R27527 83,441 196

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having itching Ears are therefore wandering after divers and strange Doctrines 1 Cor. 3.15 or any way behave themselves unseemly contrary to the pure Principles of Vertue Which Charity teacheth towards any either in the Church or in their Families or in the World. These and such like things as these being open and manifest Errors are therefore Rebuked before all that others may fear and avoid the like offences for that which is openly committed is not censured in a corner and they that are not ashamed to Sin must not be excused from the shame of Suffering seeing the Rebukes of God against his own People are of greatest Antiquity and remain in lasting Characters in sacred Scriptures EIGHTHLY Heresy in Bethania is counted a very noysome Weed 1 Tim. 6.4 5. 2 Pet. 2.1 that springeth up in a corrupt Mind and is evermore accompanied with an Impious Life and then it is of a very Damnable Nature and the way thereof very Pernitious the which also endeth at last in most swift Destruction 2 Tim. 2.17 it is a kind of a Canker-eating Mischief which men involved in it take much delight to promote and so are rightly called Hereticks But every Error is not properly called Heresy seeing many may be guilty of Error in their Judgment who are notwithstanding of Pious and Vertuous Lives therefore as there is a Body of true Faith the which also is contained in that Ancient Creed called the Apstles Even so also the direct contrary thereunto is real Heresy for to deny the only Lord God by whom all things were Created which is the first Article of that Christian Creed 1 Cor. 8.6 and our Lord Jesus Christ by whom all things consist Jude 4. which is the second is the ready way to overthrow all pure Religion and then the next thing that followeth is to turn the Grace of God into Lasciviousness and such as these are absolute Hereticks and are of old ordained to this Condemnation Besides to let pass all other Articles of the Creed aforesaid which are all sufficiently confessed before in the Articles of Bethania's Faith. The Catholick Church is declared in this Creed to be a Communion of Saints or holy Ones whose priviledges are the Remission of Sins Resurrection of the Body and Everlasting Life therefore to believe and maintain that to be the Church of Christ which is a Communion of Impious and Ungodly Persons whether we respect National or Congregational Societies is very near of Kin if not the very same with Heresy for to father Children on the most pure God which are not of his own Begetting and to cast a Spouse upon his Blessed Lamb that is of a different nature from him is a very high degree of Indignity therefore the Earthly Jerusalem as well as Confused Babel are in great danger of being guilty of Herely Now the way by which Bethania Executeth her Censures against Hereticks is such as is contained in her great Charter therefore when the Heresy beginneth first to appear and the direct Tendency thereof clearly fore-seen the Persons thereunto enclined are the first and second time carefully to be Admonished if they reform and so are reduced to the right Faith Tit. 3.10.11 Luke 15.11 then there is Joy in Bethania for the return of the wandring Sheep but if they perfist to nourish this noysome and poysonous Weed then they are finally Rejected Isa 59 5. Chap. 11.18 and so the Cockatrice Egg is not permitted to grow up into a fiery-flying-Serpent And thus the hole of the Wasp being delivered from the Viper the little Children in Bethania are secure from danger NINTHLY Communion in Bethania is threefold and first Formal which is that state of Communion wherein Persons are conformable to one another in External Principles Exod. 12.6.8 1 Cor. 11.20 Acts 20.7 Psal 55.14 Psal 42.4 Rom. 6.17 Eze. 43.11 ver 8. Rev. 11.2 and are United in the Forms and Ordinances that relate to Visible Worship This Communion is held only in the outward Court it is the right Visible way into an higher degree of Communion and is only bounded with a strong Wall but hath no Covering over it the Storms of Temptation and Persecution oft Times deface the Steps of this Communion Those who only Worship in this outward Court are liable to be troden under foot of the Gentiles Nevertheless this Communion is of great Estimation in Bethania Rev. 2.17 Heb. 9.4 John 10.9 1 Cor. 5.2 John 10.9 and those whose proper Food is chiefly the hidden Manna the which they also Eat in the most holy Place yet they have learned of their great Master to go out into the place of little Children and with them to Feed of those Crumbs which are suitable to the Capacity of the little Childish Nature and so they experience the true meaning of that Scripture viz. They shall go in and out and find Pasture The second state of Communion is Congregational by vertue of which 2 Cor. 8.5 Acts. 2.41 a company of Persons who have first given up themselves to the Lord in Vifible Profession of Truth Now secondly Give up themselves one to another in Congregational Union in which Estate they have a special and more particular Interest in each others Persons and Enjoyments then when they were only Members one with another in a formal Union and so the Pastors in this state of Union are more especially engaged to their Flocks Acts 20.28 Heb. 13.17 1 Thes 5.12 13. and they on the other hand are deeply enjoyned to submit to their Pastors as such who watch for their Souls and must give account thereof in the day of the Lord. But the third state of Communion is Spiritual 1 Cor. 10.17 Chap. 12.18 Rom. 12.15 which consisteth excellently in this In that many Bodies have but one Soul for by one Spirit Souls in state of Union are Baptized into one Body and so are all Members one of another and hence it is that the whole Church of Christ though consisting of many distinct Congregations Psal 46.4 ssa 27.2 3. Cant. 4.12 Chap. 2.14 Chap. 4.11 is notwithstanding in holy Scripture often spoken of in the singular number and is called a City a Vineyard a Garden a Dove a Virgin a Wife and so Christs Beloved is but one and their Communion in this state is Celebrated in and maintained by the Divine Nature 2 Cor. 11.2 Rev. 19.7 Cant. 6.9 2 Pet. 2.4 Jam. 1.18 2 Cor. 5.17 Heb. 12.23 Joh. 1.3 in which they are of one kind even a kind of first Fruits of Gods new Creatures and by vertue thereof we have Union and Communion with those we never saw and highly esteem of those who long since are departed out of this World as Abel Enoch Noah Abraham Moses and the Prophets Apostles and those holy Servants of God that succeeded them yea those that differed in form with each other now in the present time are notwithstanding in Union with one
which satisfaction made by Christs sufferings the Father delivered all Flesh into his hands that he might give Eternal Life or dispose to Eternal Torments such as conform or remain Nonconformists to the gracious Terms of the Gospel Rom. 3.25 So that in the first Acts of Repentance and Faith men do only receive Remission of sins that are pasto according to the riches of the Grace of God through Christ and in case any truly converted Soul be overcome by the violence of Temptation Heb. 4 15. Chap. 7.15 Joh. 1.9 2 Cor. 7.10 1 Tim. 2.5 and slip and fall and thereby be bruised very sore yet if he readily confess his Sins and enter into most true Repentance for the same Jesus our Saviour as a Mediator between God and man by vertue of his Intercession is able to recover them and to save to the uttermost those who thus come to God by Him Hos 14.4 Isa 57.18 Heb. 9.22 so pardoning and healing the wounded but Penitent Soul and into this capacity he was put and entred into the Holy place for this end by his own blood without which there is no Remission of Sins so that the work of Reconciliation was only wrought by the death of the Son of God but the Salvation of Reconciled Souls is fully compleated by his most precious Life Rom. 5.9 Heb. 7.25 as may clearly appear by Christian Principles professed and believed in the little City Bethania And thus having laid down in certain Articles The sum in brief of the Doctrine of Bethania as it respecteth God to Man I shall as the Lord shall assist briefly hint at her Doctrine as it respecteth Man to God. And ELEVENTHLY There are six things believed in Bethania to be the Foundation upon which Christian Religion is to stand And they are written Heb. 6.1 2. The first of which is Repentance from Dead Works Act. 3.19 1 Thes 1.9 2 Cor. 7.10 Eph. 4.18 Isa 14.29 Col. 1.21 Eph. 5.8 Joel 2.13 14. Psal 51 17. James 4.10 Job 42.6 which is a true turning of the whole mind to God without which turning it is impossible that men should walk with him the which turning is not only a change of Judgment but also a change of Life For from a mind estranged from God proceedeth as from the Serpents Root an evil Judgment and a wicked Life but when the mind is wholly turned to God a Right Judgment and a New Life presently ensues Besides Repentance is an hearty sorrow for Sins that are past which sheweth forth it self in great brokeness of Heart and deep humblings of Soul before the Father of Mercies abhorring it self in Dust and Ashes in that it hath lived so long in sin against him from whom all its good proceeds Act. 9.11 Psal 109.22 Job 31.1 Chap. 34.32 and this godly sorrow worketh Repentance unto Salvation not to be repented of and further appears by earnest Prayers and frequent fastings and careful Circumspection with stedfast Resolutions through the Grace of God for time to come to lead a Holy Life In this Estate the Soul is received into Mercy Luke 1.77 and through tender Mercies obtains Remission of Sins TWELFTHLY The Second thing Joh. 6.29 is Faith in which there are three parts The first of which James 2.19 is Credence by which we believe the things reported of God and Christ Salvation and the way thereof to be true Secondly Adherence By which we believe the things reported to be good John 12.42 excellent and very profitable adhering to them in our Affectionate Desire Thus far went the Rulers and many others in the way of Faith believing the things reported by Christ Mark 6.20 to be true and adhering unto them as good things Mat. 25.10 Act. 8.21 Chap. 11.23 Ephes 1.13 Ephes 4.2 Mark 7.29 Hos 11.8 Act. 15.9 John 1.16 Psal 97.2 Psal 66.9 but yet for all this came short of Salvation which stands at utmost end of Faith. The Third and last part of which is Compliance By which the Souls of men comply and become one with the things of God. And herein Faith arrives at his Maturity and Fullness being now compleated in all its parts in which compleat state it reacheth unto the very Heart of Christ in whom all fullness dwells and draws that vertue from him by which the saving health of God is brought into and also maintained in the believing Soul. THIRTEENTHLY The Third thing is Baptism in which also are three parts Heb 6.2 Acts 10.42 Chap. 38. Rom. 6.4 Mat. 28.19 And therefore in this place called Baptisms The formal part of which is Water in which the whole body is dipped or plunged in every part and this done in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit By this formal part of Baptism Acts 8.13 we are baptized into the Name and Profession of Divine Christianity which outward washing is a true figure of the inward washing of the Soul by the Blood of Christ 1 Pet. 3.21 Heb. 10.22 Tit. 3.2 Rom. 6.5 Isa 1.6 Acts 15.9 and Sanctification of the Holy Spirit and is the laver of Regeneration but not Regeneration it self It is a sign of our being dead unto Sin and burial with Christ in the likeness of his Death and of our Resurrection with him into Newness of Life And therefore as every part of the Soul was defiled by Sin and is actually cleansed in its turning to God even so also as a true figure hereof after Repentance and Faith is professed every part of the body is to be washed John 13.10 1 Cor. 6.11 1 Cor. 12.13 2 Pet. 1.4 2 Tim. 1.7 John 3.6 shewing thereby the Universal Defilement of the Soul before its cleansing and that after its cleansing it ought to be universally pure The Second part of Baptism is that of the Spirit by which cleansed Souls are baptised into the Mystical Body of Christ 2 Cor. 2.15 Gal. 5.16 Isa 30.11 and into the Nature Power and Vertue of Divine Christianity This Baptism is Effected when the whole Soul is Spiritualized and Regenerated into the Divine Nature of Christ and formed after his own Image that as in outward Baptism the whole Body is covered over with Water even so also in this Baptism the whole Soul is covered over with the Spirit of God in which it is to live and walk and act in Divine Things and this is true Regeneration of which the other part is but the Laver. Blessed therefore are those Souls who are born not only of Water John 3.2 but also of the Spirit The Third Part of Baptism Luke 20.20 2 Tim. 1.8 is that of Afflictions and into this the Spiritual Soul is deeply plunged for the Gospel sake and as Christ our Lord was straitned in himself until this part of Baptism was also accomplished even so the spiritual Soul desires to confirm his Love to him Rom. 5.3 by great and overwhelming
Tribulations Therefore though this Scripture Heb. 6.2 mentions Baptisms yet Bethania believes Heb. 10.32 that according to Ephes 4.5 That there is but one Baptism of which these three are the several parts FOVRTEENTHLY The fourth thing is laying on of hands Heb. 5.12 which is believed in Bethania to be one of these first Principles of the Oracles of God Mat. 28.20 and therefore given by Christ to his true Ministers to be by them performed upon believing and baptised Souls Act. 8.14 Chap. 19.6 with which they use earnest Prayers and serious Supplications to the Soveraign God in whom is infinite fulness that those Souls may receive his holy Spirit and that Divinely assisting Grace 2 Cor. 12.9 1 Cor. 1.8 by which they may be instructed confirmed and enabled to walk and persevere to the end in that Divine Christianity in which they are now ingaged by holy Baptism This principle is to be asserted by all Christs true Ministers 1 Cor. 15.1 Act. 20.20 Verse 27. as their own indispensible Duty and by them to be performed as an highly excellent priviledge for believing and baptised Souls in Bethania FIFTEENTHLY The fifth thing is the Resurrection of the dead both of Just and Unjust Act. 24.15 Joh. 5.28 and is a Doctrine that in Bethania hath been earnestly contended for and is still of great estimation in the house of the Poor that as by the fall both Soul and Body lost their paradisical Estate and became dead unto it Even so God hath appointed a way by him who is the Resurrection and the Life John 11.25 John 5.5 to obtain it again and it is begun first in the Soul and that in this world who by the Voice of Christ in the Dispensation of Grace Tim. 5.6 Rom. 6.11 is raised up from a Death in Sin to a Life of Righteousness which is a true state of true Regeneration and Spiritual Resurrection 1 Pet. 1.23 Ephes 2.16 by which it recovers again the Divine Image 2 Col. 3.18 1 John 1.3 and so obtaineth communion with God the which by the Fall was utterly lost 2 Sam. 14.14 In which communion stands the Divine Joy which is a true paradisical state 1 Joh. 1.4 and first part of that Resurrection of Just men in which Bethania obtaineth great consolation Job 19.25 Sam. 26.19 Mat. 27.52 Rom. 8.11 1 Cor. 15.42 The second part is that of the Body which will be accomplished when Jesus shall appear the second time by whose Voice of Power in the dispensation of Glory he will bring it to pass that hath said John 6.39 Phil. 3.20 I will rise again at the last day in which these Eyes shall see God and these Vile Bodies of ours be made like the Glorious Body of Christ Rom. 6.19 So that these Members of our Bodies Job 17.14 1 Cor. 4.11 Psal 49.12 which were yielded in this World as Instruments of Righteousness unto the Glory of God although by reason of the Fall we are sunk down into a state of Corruption afflicted with Hunger Thirst Cold and Nakedness subject to Sickness Pains Persecutions Deformity and variety of Likeness like the Beasts and Fowls into whose Kingdom we now are fallen having lost our own Eccl. 3.19 1 Cor. 15.43 which at first was Paradise and therefore subject to Mortality and Death as they are yet this very Essence shall rise again but in a far more excellent Estate and become a glorious Body like the glorious Body of Christ Matt. 22.30 Gal. 3.28 in which Estate it will be neither Male nor Female neither Marry nor be given in Marriage nor be of variety of Form nor yet appear in the imperfections of old Age or Infancy but all Heaven-born Christians whose Souls are formed into the Image of Christ and also grown up into his Similitude and into the measure of his Stature in the inward man Even so in the Resurrrection Phil 3.21 Ephes 4.13 the Bodies of the Saints shall be all of one entire likkeness one with another fashioned in the likeness and raised up into the measure of the Stature of the Glorious Body of Christ and now become meet Companions for their Heaven-born Souls unto whom in their corruptible State before the Resurrection they were meer Prisons 2 Cor. 5.2 and in this united State of Body and Soul Rev. 19.7 the whole Catholick Church becomes Triumphant and is the glorious Bride the Lambs Wife Chap. 21.9 who being now Married unto him which is the highest degree of her Blessed Union Verse 7. she is therefore Instated in his Unspeakable Glory in which she lives and with whom she shines for evermore Blessed therefore are those Souls which shall at last obtain this glorious Resurrection of Just men Mat. 13.43 Rev. 20.6 about which the Faith of Bethania is firm and unshaken but as for Unjust men who will not hear the Voice of Christ in the Dispensation of Grace and come out of the Grave of Sin by the sweet awakening Call of Gods convincing Spirit Prov. 6.9 Joh. 16.8 Ephes 5.14 Joh. 8.44 these must arise from Death and the Grave by force in the dispensation of Vengeance and as their Souls have lived in a state of Sin unto the lusts and will of the Devil by reason of which they are deeply defiled with divers kinds of Impieties and so in the sacred Scriptures are rightly called Serpents Mat. 23.33 Chap. 7.6 Ver. 15. Luke 13.32 Job 20.5 Isa 14.12 Job 41.34 Vipers Dogs Swine Wolves Foxes and such like Even so in the Resurrection their now beautiful and stately Bodies in which they are proud and triumph like the Peacock with his flourishing Tail following the steps of Lucifer their Infernal King shall receive an ugly deformed monstrous shape suitable for such a Devilish Soul whose Image they received in this World 1 Cor. 15.38 Ephes 2.2 and in whose Spirit they walked while in this World therefore in that Image their Souls and Bodies must appear in the World to come and sink down in it into Gods Eternal Wrath in which as in unquenchable Fire maintained by the Breath of the Eternal God as a stream of Brimstone Isa 30.33 Mark 9.46 to make their Torments everlasting SIXTEENTHLY The sixth thing according to the Doctrine of Bethania Act. 17.31 Rom. 2.16 2 Cor. 5 10. is Eternal Judgment or a day wherein or in which God will Judge the Secrets of men by Jesus Christ before which Judgment Seat must all both good and bad appear and there receive according to the things done in the Body whether they be good or evil Mat. 12.37 in which time the Justification of Christian Souls shall be fully compleated who were Justified first from the Sin of their Nature Joh. 1.29 1 Joh. 2.2 by the meer Merits of Christ who as the Lamb of God taketh away the Sin of the World. Secondly from the Sin of their
Go sell all and come follow me And Every one that is perfect shall be as his Master is oft pressed unto by the Apostles That I might prsent every man perfect in Christ Jesus whereunto I also labour according to his working that worketh in me mightily Col. 4.12 Ephes 4.13 2 Cor. 7 1. 1 John 4.17 That ye may stand perfect and compleat in all the Will of God Unto the measure of the Stature of the fullness of Christ unto a perfect man Perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God. And herein is our love made perfect Phil. 3.15 EpheI 3.9 2 Cor. 3.18 because as he is so are we in this World Let us therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded being filled with the fullness of God changed from Glory to Glory into the same Image with him even as by the Spirit of the Lord And he that hath this hope in him 1 John 3.3 2 Pet. 3.14 purifieth himself even as he is pure Wherefore Beloved Seeing ye look for such things be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace without Spot and Blameless that he might present it to himself a Glorious Church Ephes 5.27 not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be Holy and without blemish For Pure Religion and Undefiled before God is this James 1.27 To visit the Fatherless and Widdows in their Affliction and to keep our selves unspotted from the World many more Scriptures might be alledged to the same purpose But because it is an hard saying to the fleshly part therefore who can bear it Matt. 7.14 This is indeed the narrow way which Flesh and Spirit mixt together cannot walk in Therefore He that is Christs in Esponsed Union hath Crucified the Flesh with the Affections and Lusts Gal. 5.24 John 3.6 1 Cor. 2.15 Gal. 5.25 Jude 24. Rom. 8.13 1 Pet. 4.1 2. and is born of the Spirit and so is a compleat Spiritual Man And therefore walketh in the Spirit hating even the very Garments spotted with the Flesh having through the Spirit Mortified the Deeds of the Body by the which suffering in the Flesh he hath ceased from Sin and liveth to God in Newness of Life Therefore do we begin Christianity in the Principles before written that we might finish it in Perfection 1 Cor. 9.24 Verse 25. 2 Tim. 4.7 and so our ruaning to end this Race and our fighting to accomplish this Warfare yea all our labouring tendeth to finish this Course And here at last the Reward will stand But while this Salvation is working out Phil. 2.12 Job 12.5 Gal. 6.1 Isa 30.26 1 Cor. 8.12 it is with much Fear and Trembling and many slips falls and wounds poor Souls receive in this difficult Passage and were it not for the Intercession of Christ the which to us in this Case is of an unspeakable Advantage we might uttecly despair of coming to our journeys end By Vertue of which in most true Repentance and right humble Confession looking to him in the true Nature of the Christian Faith who is Exalted at the Right Hand of his Father for this very end Heb. 9.24 Numb 21.9 the Soul is cured again from the Stings of Wilderness Serpents by which it was wounded in its Travels toward the Milkey Land and so in true Watchfulness walking in the Light as he is in the Light 1 Thess 5.6 1 John 1.7 receives Remission of its Sin and is cleansed from all Unrighteousness and thus being recovered he hasteth on his way again Psal 55.8 2 Pet. 3.14 Cant. 2.3 2 Cor. 10 5. performing his work with Diligence and Chearfulness till at last every thought is brought into Subjection unto the Obedience of Christ This Perfection is not pretended to in Bethania to be a Perfection in parts 1 Cor. 12.11 for that is the Gift of God and he distributeth thereof severally to every one as he will but it is a coming up to all the Requirements of God that are or can be known with diligent search John 15.14 1 Pet. 1.10 with a careful abstaining from all Actions and appearances pearances from Evil giving up the whole Heart and Soul to God 1 Thess 5.12 Prov. 23.6 Jer. 29.12 13. Rom. 6.19 Verse 22. Cant. 1.6 and yielding the Members of the Body as Instruments of Righteousness in his Service and to his Praise And so having the whole fruit of the Soul and also the whole fruit of the Body unto most pure Holiness the end will be Everlasting Life Let none of our Mothers Children be too angry with us though we go a little out of their Vineyards in this difficult point of Doctrine for if they will enquire further about it we readily shall in the best manner we can explain and confirm the same in all Humility and Meekness of Spirit Col. 3.15 which is the ruling Spirit in Bethania EIGHTEENTHLY The Catholick Church of Christ it believed in Bethania according to the Scriptures Eph. 1.23 1 Cor. 10.16 17. Rom. 15.5 1 Cor. 12.27 Rev. 11.1 Psal 45.13 Ephes 1.19 Cant. 6.13 Isa 9.6 and that Ancient Article of the Apostles Creed to be a Communion of Saints or Holy ones Constituted by Divine Appointments and ordered by Rules from Heaven being richly adorned with Divine Vertue and possessed with exceeding great Power She is the Blessed Sbulamite deriving her Name and Divine Nature from Shulim for Shallom the Prince of Peace being his Sister and also his Spouse she doth and wi●● appear in a Threefold State The first of which Mat. 5.14 is Formal I which she is as a City on a Hill from whence True Doctrine and Divin● Purity shines forth unto the World. In this Estate Her Worship is visible confisting of Forrus and Ordinance Goings-out Ezek. 43.11 John 10.9 and Coming in And ● this belongs those two Blessed Sacraments viz Baptism and the Lord Supper But Her formal State ● measured from Heaven and He whole visible Limits round about Ezek. 43.11 must be most Holy. Her Second State is Spiritual Wherein She is vailed and unknown unto the World John 3.2 Cant. 6.10 John 4.24 Phil. 3.3 1 Cor. 12.13 Rev. 2.17 John 6.55 Isa 32.2 1 Cor. 10.4 Cant. 8.13 Chap. 4.12 and in this Estate She Worshipeth the Invisible Father in Spirit and Truth Injoying a Baptisin which is inward and Spiritual and a Supper that every one knows not of For the hidden Manna is Her Divine Food and the Spiritual Rock giveth Her Water In this Spiritual Estate She is a close Companion with the Blessed Lamb and dwells within the measuring Line So is a Garden inclosed a Spring shut up a Fountain sealed and though Her outward and visible Limit be oft assaulted and sometimes trodden under feet by the Gentiles Isa 32.2 Psal 91.4 Cant. 2.10 Yet here She is secure under the Shadow of the Rock of Agess Even under the wing of Christ as his only Fair
up in the Soul by the Love of God which is shed abroad into it this is the number of perfection and highest degree of Virtue it is the highest Stone in Zerubbabel's Temple who is a stranger to Babel and the bond of Perfection Zech. 4.7 Col. 3 16. it is that wherein Bethania enjoyeth her highest Communion with God and is the chiefest Street in all her City for there the Palace of Emanuel standeth as it is written John 4.16 He that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God and God in him She hath many a Walk with God in this Street and while she walketh with him there she seeth nothing but Glory in his Face in this Street she is fearless of Men or Devils and the Terrors of God do not make her afraid 2 Cor. 4.6 for perfect Love casteth out Fear Psal 27.1 in this Principle of Love God moved himself in all Eternity and produced that Image 1 John 4.17 who is called the Son of his Love Light and Love are the pure Essence of the glorious God and in that Principle were the Angels of Light created whom the Father appointed to attend that Throne on which the Son of his Love sitteth who being the glorious Head of their famous Principality Col. 1.13 1 John 1.5 2 Cor. 11.14 Isa 6.1 2. Col. 1.10 Rev. 4.10 Psal 84.11 Job 38.7 was therefore by them most humbly worshiped and so the heavenly Host of resigned Spirits vail their Faces and cast down their Crowns when the Son and Glory of all these Morning-Stars ascends the Throne Out of this Principle of Light and Love issued forth that Light that was in the beginning before the Sun and Moon and Stars were created the which after they were created seized upon their Bodies as Fire seizeth upon an unlighted Candle when it is touched therewith whose Bodies being thus enlightned they carrylight from Heaven round about the Earth in twenty four hours In this Principle was the Soul of man breathed in his Nostrils in the day of his Creation Gen. 1.34 Vers 14. Gen. 2.7 therefore Man's Soul did bear the Image of God and God is Love yea the whole Creation was brought forth in this Principle of Light and Love therefore the Fruits do grow so quietly among the Leaves together upon the Tree and the great Multitudes of Flowers of so many several Colours Forms and Virtues all peaceably together in one Meadow so that nothing of Strife and Contention or any other Disorder did immediately proceed from God whose Essence and dwelling place was Light and Love from all eternity so that the contention that is now among the Creatures ariseth from some other remote Cause and though there be generation and corruption among those Creatures which are under the influence of the four Elements Gen. 1.31 yet in the beginning there was no contention for the Herbs and Plants and Trees with the Fruits in the vegetable Kingdom grew up by the influence of Heaven into the perfection of their own Nature and yielded up their Spirits into the sensitive Creatures and so live in a more excellent state in the Animal Kingdom than when they lived in their own These again when their Bodies are grown old and feeble resign their Spirits into the four Elements who according to the course of Nature produce new Vegetables and young Animals to possess the places of those who are gone into a formal decay therefore the first disorder of Nature began in the Kingdom of Lucifer who set his Seat above the Stars of God Isa 14.13 upon the Mount of the Congregation in the side of the North Isa 6.2 Rev. 4.1 Ezek. 28 6. Isa 9.6 and did not vail his face at the appearance of the Son of God's Love nor yet cast his Crown before his glorious Throne but would set his Heart as the Heart of God and so be like the most High this kindled Wrath in the Father of Eternity or or rather stirred up pure Justice in him which lay before as Fire is hid in the Flint until it be smitten upon and hence it is that God became a consuming Fire Heb. 12.28 but the next disorder began in the Garden of Eden where Man should have obeyed the Voyce of God Gen. 3.6 Rom. 5.12 Ephes 2.3 Gen. 1.28 Jer. 2.21 Gen. 3.17 Psal 82.2 and have turned to the Tree of Life and so have eaten of that Fruit without which he could not long securely stand but he turned the quite contrary way and Eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and so brought Sin and Death into his first Nature and in that Nature he is still a Child of Wrath Thus the King of the Creatures being degenerated the Earth is cursed for his sake therefore the whole Foundations thereof are out of Course and the Devil is become Prince of the World and so there is little but Confusion and Disorder in it Isa 24.1 John 1.18 2 Cor. 5.17 Dan. 9.24 for which cause the great Jehovah moved himself again in the Principle of Love and sent the Son of his Love out of his own Bosom to make all things new again even to put a final End to Sin and so take away the Curse and to turn out Death Rev. 22.3 Hos 13.14 Rev. 20.10 also to send the Devil into his infernal Den and to create Souls anew for Heaven into which New-Created Souls he infuseth the Spirit of Power of Love and of a sound Mind and in this Estate they become followers of God as Dear Children 2 Tim. 1.9 walking in Love so that all their things be done in Charity or Love and this Love fulfilleth the whole Law Ephes 5.1 1 Cor 16.114 Rom. 15.8 1 Tim. 1.5 Cant. 8.7 Rom. 5.3 1 Pet. 4.13 Mat. 11.29 and goeth to the end of the Commandment For the end of the Commandment is Charity out of a pure Heart and of a good Conscience and Faith unfeigned and where it is shed abroad in the Hearts of Christians it is more strong then Death and many Waters cannot quench it passing through all Tribulations very chearfully rejoycing therein because it is then in Communion with Christ being Partaker of his Suffering and walking with him in the Kingdom of his Patience John 5.3 John 6.6 Gal. 6.16 Rom. 8.37 Cant. 5.10 James 3.24 it counts his Yoke easie and his Commandments are not grievous and those things which to others appear as hard sayings are unto it as Words of Eternal Life It glorieth in the Cross by which 't is more then a Conqueror and nothing separates it from the Love of God It letteth out the whole Soul after Christ and counteth him the chief of ten Thousand and the only Portion of the Soul Cant. 2.5 Psal 71.20 Col. 1.3 so that if he go but behind the Curtain it is sick of Love but when he sheweth his Face again the Spirit is greatly revived and the Lips that were a
sleep begin to speak This Divine Charity being the Head Stone of all is still looking upwards and setteth its Affections on things above Heb. 11.24 so that all Earthly things are of a small Esteem with it therefore if it lose all its worldly Possessions for Jesus sake it grieveth not If it have but one Isaac and he also a Child of Promise yet Love will give its first-born to God who did not with-hold his first-born from men Nevertheless Charity loveth every Creature yet not for their own but for the Creators sake and so it loveth the Earth and all that groweth upon it because Gods Vegetative Spirit is the Life thereof it also loveth the sensitive Creature because Gods sensitive Spirit dwelleth in them it loveth all Angels and Souls of men John 21.16 John 4.2 because Gods national Spirit hath inspired their Essences it loveth Christ and the Saints most dearly because God by his Divine Spirit liveth in them it loveth the Sun Moon and Stars Rom. 1.20 Job 31.27 Rev. 5.13 with all the whole Host of Heaven because they possess the light of God and shew forth his Eternal Power and Godhead to men Yet it will Worship no Creature whatsoever God and the Lamb are the only Objects of Divine Worship with it 1 Cor. 13.4 5 6 7. therefore Charity envyeth not but suffereth long and is not easily provoked yea it thinketh no evil but is kind and beareth all things endureth all things vaunteth not it self is not puffed up seeketh not her own neither doth it behave it self unseemly it rejoyceth not in Iniquity but rejoyceth in the Truth Verse 8. Verse 13. it standeth firm and unchangeable when all Prophecies fail and Tongues do utterly cease yea it out-liveth Faith and Hope and will at last swallow up all the Heavenly Off-spring into it self and become their Glorious Habitation in Endless Eternity this is the longest Street in all Bethania and we have not yet travelled unto nor yet seen the End thereof Therefore cannot give so full a Description of it as we would and possibly as many also may desire yet all the Free-born Citizens of Bethania often walk in this Street and all other Streets have a Dependance upon it CHAP. XI THese are the seven Pillars of the House of Wisdom Prov. 9.1 Ephes 5.2 Verse 15. 2 Cor. 2.14 Ephes 5.1 Rev. 14.4 and upon them pure Christianity most firmly standeth and so is thereby exposed to open View The savour of the Knowledge of Christ being manifest by these things in every place they are the seven famous Streets in Bethania wherein she is carefully walking with an holy God and is a faithful Follower of the Blessed Lamb and in this Path of the Just which is as a burning light shineth more and more to the perfect day John 14.23 John 15.11 Isa 26.3 2 Cor 4.4 Job 29.3 4. She experienceth great Communion with God and in that Communion is often filled with Divine and lasting joy And being stedfast in Spirit in these Paths of Vertue their minds are kept in perfect Peace and the light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ shineth in and round about their Tabernacle by which many famous Mysteries are plainly discovered for unto these it is given to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God who are therefore enabled in the Spirit to speak Mysteries Mat. 13.11 1 Cor. 14.2 1 Tim. 3.9 Rev. 5.5 1 Tim. 3.16 Mat. 11.27 and also to hold the Mystery of the Faith in a pure Conscience for 't is the Lamb whom these do follow that openeth the seven Seals of the Mystery of Godliness which without Controversie is exceeding great and it is his proper Work to reveal the Father and in his times to shew who is the Blessed and only Potentate the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Heb. 1.3 Acts 5.19 Lev. 25.9 10. Rev. 14.14 who only hath Immortality dwelling in the Light which no man can approach to whom no man hath seen or can see but by the Revelation of him who is the express Image of his invisible Substance which are the times of refreshing which will shortly come from the presence of the Lord Ephes 1.10 Rev. 10.7 being the glorious Jubilee and Year of Rest for all labouring and painful Christians in which Dispensation of the fullness of times all things in Christ will be gathered together in one both which are in Heaven and Earth These also being the days of the Voice of the seventh Trumpet in which the Mystery of God will be fully finished and the Eternal Light and Love of the Father 1 John 1.7 Chap. 4.16 in which he moved in all Eternity most gloriously Unvailed the which Divine Brightness and the Everlasting Love will then be the State and Habitation of all Holy Souls who have walked in light and dwelt in Love while they were strangers in this World and so God shall be all in all and the Eternal Admiration of all Divine Creatures both Angels and Men who now in these times through the glorious Son of Righteousness see the Face of the invisible God Rev. 22.4 and have his Name written in their Foreheads CHAP. XII EVEN so also to such as Walk with God in these Divine Paths Luke 24.22 Isa 16.11 Psal 25.14 The Lamb openeth the Mystery of the Holy Scriptures and sheweth unto them the Paths of Life making manifest the Secret of the Lord to them that fear him teaching the humble his most pure Way and guiding the Meek in Judgment Isa 42.16 Chap. 29.18 Psal 119.99 Mat. 13.2 for he will bring the blind by a way they knew not and make them see out of great Obscurity so the humble and holy Souls in Divine Wisdom oft excelleth their very Teachers and grow so skillful in the Word of Righteousness that as Scribes greatly instructed into the the Kingdom of God Wisdom 2. they can bring out of their Treasures things both New and Old and thus the pure Wisdom which in all Ages entereth into Holy Souls still maketh such kind of men Friends to God Psal 63.5 and Prophets by whom the inside of Scriptures and Divine Ordinances are clearly discerned and invisible things which are signified by External Forms are the satisfying and Nourishment of the Soul for the Soul of Man heing a Spiritual Essence cann't be perfectly satisfied by a Corporal thing therefore as it is tinctured by an Heavenly Influence it still looketh into inward things and through the pure Humanity of Jesus our Saviour it spyeth out his glorious Divinity and through the Ministerial Word the Holy Scriptures it searches into the Essential Word which was before the Scriptures were written and through the Baptism of Water which concerneth the Body it reaches into the Baptism of the Spirit which concerneth the Soul and through the Bread and Wine which nourisheth the outward man it discerneth the Lords Body which is the Life of the Spirit
Creatures was Man Heb 1.7 who was by Creation a little lower than the Angels but his Soul was a rational Being therefore of the same Essence with them not capable of Annihilation but only a change of State Gen. 3.22 Chap 2.8 His Body was immortal in which it was to be confirmed by Eating of the Tree of Life his place was Eden his State was Paradice Male and Female Gen. 1.27 Eccles 7.29 capable of producing an Off-spring He was made in he Image of God viz. in Holiness Wisdom Soveraignty and was Lord of all the inferiour Creation unto whom all the communicable Attributes of the Divine Nature were communicated as Mercy Justice Patience Bounty Love Humility and such-like He was naturally inclined to good but capable being as yet unconsirmed Gen. 1 3● of being drawn into Evil therefore being tempted Chap. 3 19. broke that Righteous Law that was given him by reason of which his Body was designed to the Dust Eccles 12.7 Chap. 20.21 Jer. 2.21 his sensitive Spirit to extinguish as the Spirit of a Beast and his rational Soul to a change of State as having lost the Image of God and fallen into the Image of the fallen Angels sunk down with them into the same Wrath of God out of which neither by himself Eph. 2.2 Psal 49 7. nor yet by any other Creature there was no Redemption This point will be further argued and endeavoured to be cleared unto any sober Person that shall doubt thereof if he inquire further about it in Bethania The Third sort of Creatures were those that move in the Air in the Earth and in the Waters Their Estate was inferiour to mans as mans was inferiour to Angels Their Place or Habitation was and is in this World Gen. 1.26 1 Pet. 2.11 but since the fall man doth cohabit with them Heb. 11.13 Chap. 13.14 Job 1.21 Rom. 1.12 John 3.5 yet is but a stranger in it and hath no continuing City here he enters this World naked and mourningly lives in it sinfully and except he be Born again and so recover himself to his first Estate he must leave it miserably this third sort of Creatures have no Rational Life therefore their end is only anihilation there being no state after Death proper to them FIFTHLY Touching the Decrees of God Eph. 1.11 Jam. 1.17 Jud. 4. Mark 16.16 about the everlasting state of men it is concluded and believed in Bethania that they are eternal and unchangeable and that they do respect the Persons and not the Qualities of men Mat. 25.34 Mat. 3.10 Psal 50.22 Mat. 24.5 so that there is a state of Election and a state of Reprobation proper to men as they are found in a state of Regeneration to Christ which is the true estate of Election or remain in the Fall which is the true state of Reprobation Even so that Decree which is proper to that estate is executed upon them SIXTHLY It is concluded in Bethania Tit. 3.3 Eph. 2.3 2 Tim. 2.19 Esa 42 1. Rev. 5.5 Rom. 11.17 that none are elected but such as are in Christ who is the only Elect of God and the Foundation that standeth sure in whom the Lord knoweth them that are his So that he is the Elected Root and Heaven-born Souls are the Elected Branches 2 Cor. 5.19 2 Pet. 1.4 and there is no real being in him but what is by Regeneration Ephes 4.15 2 Cor. 2.18 Rom. 8.29 v. 30. Rom. 1.16 in which the New-creature-Soul is partaker of the Divine Nature being Ingrafted into him as a Graft into a Stock and so partaketh of his vertue from whence springeth up the Divine Nature and Image which is the Image of the first born among many Brethren unto a conformity to which Image God hath predestinated the Sons of men and into a conformity thereunto he doth call them by the Gospel of his Grace and in that consormity he doth Justify them and Glorify all those that shall be Eternally saved SEVENTHLY Bethania further believes Ephes 2.2 Rom. 3.11 Mat. 7.18 Luk. 19.10 Col. 1.13 Act. 26.18 John 15.15 1 Cor. 15.10 That man in the Fall is dead in sin and averse to every thing that is good and therefore though means be prepared of God for his recovery yet without the Grace of God to help him to lay hold on that means he is like still to continue in that lost Estate for deeply intangled in the Kingdom of Darkness he is therefore held by the Prince thereof in great Captivity and Bondage which being firmly believed it must needs follow that Free-will is a great stranger in the House of the Poor EIGHTHLY Therefore that Grace by which Christ our Lord tasted Death for every man Tit. 2.11 Heb. 2.9 Chap. 9.15 Ephes 2.4 Tit. 2.12 Rom. 2.4 and procured by the merit thereof Salvation for them hath appeared and doth appear unto all men reaching them the way and administring to them the power to deny Ungodliness and Worldly-Lusts For the observation of which appearance and for the complying with which power the Lord waiteth in long forbearance upon men and calleth upon them by the loud Calls of the Gospel striving with them by the frequent working of his holy Spirit Gen. 6.3 that so they may come into that Estate in which this Salvation may be obtained by them NINTHLY So that the first moving cause of mans Conversion is God Ezek. 16.6 Gen. 3.9 Heb. 12.2 Act. 14.27 Phil. 1.27 Act. 11.18 Isa 65.2 Prov. 1.25 Luk. 13.34 Matt. 22.9 who is the Author of their Faith and openeth the door thereof and giveth power to believe and granteth unto men repentance unto Life stretching out his Arms of Mercy unto the Stubborn and Rebellious and to such as set at naught all his Counsels seriously desiring to gather in all those who in the end are not gathered inviting to the Feast and that in good earnest those that do not come marveling at their unbelief and reproving their wilful and careless refusal Hos 11.4 but his manner of working in the dispensations of Grace is to perswade not to force the will of man theresore it is concluded in Bethania that the power to repent and believe are the Gifts of God Mark. 1.15 but the Acts of Believing and Repentance are the Acts of men TENTHLY And seeing Bethania hath been suspected in her Doctrine about the great work of Christs Satisfaction She seriously professeth and hath fully concluded Heb. 7.27 Rom 5.10 2 Cor. 5.18 Heb. 10.12 Verse 14. that by the sufficiency of Christ the work of Reconciliation of God to men was fully wrought and satisfaction for all sins past present and to come was compleatly made and justification and remission of sins by that means was effectually procured so that he needed to suffer no more his Sacrifice being every way sufficient for those ends for which it was designed John 16.2 John 5.22 Mark 16.16 upon
quite away SIXTHLY But if any sin a Sin that is directly and immediatly against God such as Fornication Idolatry an● Murder 1 Cor. 6.9 10. is Effeminate or doth abu●● themselves with Mankind is a Thi●● or Covetous or a Drunkard or a Reviler or an Extortioner or such like then those to whom such things appear though it be their Father Deut. 13.6 Verse 8. James 2.1 Wife or Husband or any the nearest Relations whatsoever do bring the● things immediatly to the Church a●● there testifie unto them without any respect of Persons which spring● from Envy or Flattery and that i● the same Spirit in which they give wholesome Physick unto their dearest Friends 1 Cor. 16.14 1 Cor. 5.5 6 7. Josh 7.20 Verse 24.28 1 Cor. 4.19 2 Cor. 13.2 Phil. 2.3 2 Tim. 2.24 28. And if the thing become evident by sufficient Testimony the● notwithstanding all Manifestations of Repentance and free Confession of the sinning Party in a very grave and sober manner and with that Severity yet Lamb-like meekness which becometh the Executioners of Gospel-Discipline The Sinner is immediately cut off and excluded from the Christian Communion of Bethania By vertue of that Exclusion he is not only deprived of Communion at the Lords Table but also of being present within that place where Preaching and Praying Lev. 13 45 46. 1 Cor. 5.13 with other Divine ●xercises relating to the Worship of God are performed And though ●his little City be greatly enclined to Compassion and readiness to forgive Offences and very unwillng to be ●xercised in sharp Severities yet ●er Divine Charter will in no wise ●●llow it in this case but that a visible ●mpiety must needs be corrected by a ●ublick Punishment 1 Tim. 5.20 Seeing the end ●f Discipline is not only the recovery ●f Sinners as some suppose but also ●he Vindication of the Purity of the Church of Christ against those that would accuse her of bearing with evil Rev. 2.2 Verse 20. 2 Sam 12.12 but this thing could not possible be done by any means if all Offences were forgiven upon Repentancè and Confession of the sinning Party without immediate Excommunication Therefore though God forgave the sin of David and Miriam upon Repentance and Confession Num. 12.13 14 15. 2 Sam. 12.14 Psal 38.5 Psal 39.11 yet though David were a Prophet and Miriam a Prophetess she must be put out of the Camp seven days and David endure many sore and greivous Chastisements for God will have it known both to Churches and also to the World That this little City is no harbour for Sin nor Sinners Yet after publick and severe Discipline hath been duly executed and t●● Offender hath been put to op●● Shame for his open Offences Th●● is great Pity 2 Cor. 2.5 6.7 Mat. 3.8 and tender Compass●● found in the Breast of Bethania a●● from thence it proceedeth freely a● readily to the truly Penitent a● Broken-hearted Sinner and when th● Fruits of Repentance have sufficiently manifested themselves in him the● according to her usual and Ancient Custom they do with all Solemni●● in one of their solemn Meetings rig●● humbly confess the Sins and Offenc●● of the Penitent Soul Dan. 9.20 Ezra 9.5 6. Gal 2.9 Col. 3.17 with earne●● Prayers to the Father of Mercies for the Remission of the same and the● the whole Society by one of h●● appointed Ministers reacheth the Right-hand of Fellowship unto th●● now recovered and absolved Person●● and receiveth him again in the Name of the Lord Jesus into the Christian Communion of Bethania SEVENTHLY Rebuke in Bethania is a certain Divine Censure which springe from pure Justice Rev. 3.19 Job 33.17 Jer. 19.29 30. and yet Mercy is designed in its Execution It is the same Word with that John 16.8 where it is said The Spirit shall convince or reprove the word of Sin and though sometimes it is Excommunication it self which is the highest degree of Rebuke yet oftentimes it is found a degree below it 1 Tim. 5.20 and so is only in this degree a Publick Censure frequently Executed both by God and Man upon those Persons whose state doth not render them immediately Excommunicable being a cutting and piercing means designed mainly to chastise a present and prevent a future Evil and thus God correcteth man with Rebukes Isa 39.11 by reason whereof his Beauty consumeth like a Moth but his end is to bring back his Soul from the Pit to be enlightned with the light of the Living and it seemeth that David was content to be Rebuked by God for this end so that it might not be in Wrath and hot Displeasure Psal 6.1 Psal 38.1 ver 5. 1 Tim. 5.24 1 Cor. 11.32 Rev. 3.19 whose meer foolishness as himself hath said had brought these sharp Rebukes upon him and so some mens Sins go on before-hand to Judgment that being Judged and Chastned of the Lord they might not be Condemned with the World by this Censure therefore the Lord dealt with the Laodiceans that they might not be Spewed out of his Mouth for whom saith he I Love I Rebuke and Chasten be ye Zealous therefore and amend After this manner therefore Christ our Lord Rebuked Peter saying Get thee behind me Satan Mark 8.33 Prov. 9.8 Job 12.15 for thou savourest not the things that be of God but the things which be of Men even so also in Bethania if a wise man happeneth to slip with his feet he is quickly Rebuked and it is accounted as precious Oyl Psal 14.5 Prov. 27.6 open Rebuke being preferred before Secret Love and the Wounds of a Friend above the Kisses of an Enemy therefore if a Brother Trespass against a Brother Luke 17.3 Lev. 19.17 he is Rebuked and the Neighbour by his Rebuke● is delivered from his Sin so that whe● this Divine Censure is Executed in the Spirit of Bethania the effects thereof are of great advantage Tit. 2.15 for the very Doctrine of Grace it self is sometime to be fastned in the Minds of Professing Christians by Exhortations and Rebukes with all Authority 2 Tim. 4.2 therefore saith Paul to Timothy Reprove Rebuke Exhort with all long-Suffering and Doctrine And again to Titus Rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the Faith for Correction Reproof and Instruction in Righteousness Tit. 1.13 are in order to make the Man of God perfect throughly furnished unto all good Works 2 Tim. 3.16.17 1 Tim. 5.13 1 Pet. 4.15 Tit. 2.13 Rev. 3.16.17 ver 19. therefore Bethania Executeth this Censure against busie Bodies in other mens matters against Vain Talkers and such as teach things they ought not for filthy Lucre sake as also against those of the Laodicean Spirit who sit down secure in a luke-warm Self-conceited State neither are they exempted from this Censure 2 Pet. 2.16 who too much encline to the things of this World conforming thereunto in Fesh-pleasing Vanities Rom. 13.14 2 Tim. 4.3 or
the Spirit Heb. 12.9 1 Cor. 14.15 Rom. 1.9 1 Tim. 4.8 John 4.24 and God 〈◊〉 my Witness whom I serve with my Spirit For bodily Exercise profiteth little or for a little time but the constant Exercises of the Spirit are delightful to God Therefore it is the Desire of Bethania when they have spread a thing before the Lord in a few serious and weighty Words to keep their Minds stedfast in a Praying Posture Psal 40.1 Psal 39.7 Psal 103.1 waiting upon the Lord from whom is their Expectation until they obtain their Hearts desire the which being obtained is a great Experience of Mercy and engages the Soul in Songs of Praises But if at any time they have presented a thing before the Lord 1 Sam. 16.1 Ezek. 14.16 that doth greatly concern the Ease of their Soul or the comfort of their outward Life or have intreated for a Mercy for Mercy-Rejecting Sinners or have desired the Removing of some bodily Distemper or natural Impediments from Natural or Christian Friends and the Lord doth flatly deny them or long defer therein to answer them Luke 18.7 then they cast their Eye upon Jesus who hath taught them to say Our Father thy Will be done And in great Calmness of Soul Mat. 6.10 Heb. 2.7 quietly sink down into the Will or God subjecting themselves as is most meet to the wise disposings of the Father of Spirits Luke 11.8 Gen. 22.2 Luke 1.7 Isa 57.16 yet in some cases the Lord alloweth of restless Importunity And therefore Bethania will not hold her Peace but wrestleth strongly with great Jehovah until the Day-break of Mercy appears And he being of a wonderful condescending Spirit suffers himself oftentimes to be overcome in such cases that be of great weight about which he is importuned So then Prayer is a serious business and accordingly is very seriously performed Eccles 5.2 being mainly and chiefly the work of the Soul about which the Tongue is but little concerned But in great Babel and also in the Earthly Jerusalem Prayer is wholly another business and is mainly and principally the work of the Tongue in which these two Cities have many very skillful Artists Mat. 6. who like the Heathens seem to act as if they should be heard in their much speaking but their Sacrifice is but as the Sacrifice of Fools and like Smoak in the Nostrils of the Heart-searching God Eclces 5.1 Isa 65.9 Jer. 17.10 who is greatly wearied with the Words of Men Therefore Bethania is not rash with her Mouth neither is her Heart hasty to utter Words or any thing before God knowing that he is in the Heavens and she on Earth therefore her Words are weighty Mat. 6.11 but few TWELFTHLY The Gesture used in Bethania in the time of Prayer is such as becometh serious men Dan. 10.10 Acts 7.60 Ezra 9.5 Ephes 3.14 Josh 7.6 when they are talking with an immortal God. And therefore in that Divine Exercise they either bow their knees upon the Earth or fall down flat with their faces upon the ground or else stand upright upon their feet In all or any of which gestures they have the most glorious Majesty of God still in their Eye whom in every part of his Worship they desire to serve with great Reverence and godly Fear Heb. 12.28 Psa 89.7 But this last gesture of standing is most used in Bethania when they are giving Thanks or pronouncing Blessings upon Persons or craving them upon things they are to use But as for that unseemly gesture of sitting in the time of Prayer although it be in frequent use among the careless Daughters in these Flesh-pleasing times 1 Tim. 3.2 wherein men are Lovers of themselves It is a great stranger in the Charter of Bethania and therefore is but very seldom used there and if at all yet it is upon the Account of some Infirmity proceeding from Age or Weakness constraining thereunto neither do they usually kneel upon Cushions if ever at all in that Soul-Exercising time of Prayer For they know that Christ had none in the Mount when he continued all Night in Prayer to God nor had Solomon Luke 6.12 2 Chron. 6.13 Dan. 6.10 as yet appears when he kneeled before the Lord and before the Altar in the Temple Neither do we find that Daniel used Cushions when he Prayed in his Chamber upon his Knees three times a day with his Windows open towards Jerusalem nor is it likely that there were any Cushions in the Mount of Olives where our Saviour kneeled down and Prayed in the time of his Agony Luke 22.41 and it may be much supposed that Paul had none when taking his leave of the Ephesians he kneeled down and Prayed with them all And to be sure there were none on the Shore of Tyre Acts 20.36 Acts 21.5 when Paul and his Companions kneeled down and Prayed And it is very unlikely that James the Disciple of Jesus used to kneel on Cushions when his Knees were benummed like Camels Knees and bereft of the sense of feeling by reason of his continual kneeling in Supplication to God Euseb Eccles Hist Lib. 2. Chap. 23. And therefore it is concluded in Bethania that those things which are easy to the Body 1 Pet. 4.1 2. are not always profitable for the Soul. And therefore they used to suffer in the Flesh and through the Divine Spirit mortifie the Deeds of the Body Rom. 8.13 Psal 55.6 that the Soul being unclogged of sensual Delights may as with the Wings of a Dove hasten its escape and find rest in the Heavenly places But if any shall instance Moses and David Exod. 17.12 about sitting to Pray It is to be considered that Moses case was a case of Necessity Therefore Aaron and Hurr when Moses was tyred by reason of standing and continual spreading of his Hands took a Stone and sate upon it and they held up his Hands between them But this was when he could neither stand nor lift up his Hands nor spread them out any longer and as for David 2 Sam. 7.18 Verse 25.26 27. Psal 95.6 1 Cor. 13.15 he went in and sate before the Lord and then spake unto him and after that he Prayed in which most serious Exercise his Practice was to kneel as is said Psal 95.6 O come let us fall down and let us kneel before the Lord our Maker Therefore as Charity doth not behave it self unseemly neither doth it seek its own either Ease or any other delightful things Even so Bethania who is greatly possessed of Divine Vertue taketh great care according to the uttermost of her Capacity to avoid all superfluous Words and needless Repetitions long and tedious speakings with all unseemly Gestures in that most serious and Divine Exercise of Prayer THIRTEENTHLY Time in Bethania is accounted a very precious Jewel Eccl. 9.12 2 Cor. 6.2 Ephes 5.16 Tit. 3.14 and therefore she is very careful of
perfect Rest in Eternal Joy. ONE and TWENTIETHLY Fasting in Bethania is of great Antiquity and was first commanded in Eden especially from some things of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Gen. 2.17 and it hath run through all Dispensations from the Beginning until this time in which serious Exercise many Holy Men of God have been very famous yea those that have been filled most with God have often enjoyed the least of Creatures Moses fasted twice forty days yet in that time he was close with him Deut. 9.9 Verse 18. Exod. 34.30 1 Kings 19.8 2 Kings 2.11 Dan. 10.3 and came from him with a shining Face Elijah fasted forty days and at last God sent for him from Earth to Heaven Daniel he fasted three full Weeks though not from all kind of Food yet from that which was accounted pleasing and he was a man greatly beloved David chastened his Soul with fasting and he saith That his Knees were grown weak thereby Psal 109 24. yet he was a man dear unto God and sometimes enjoyed much of his presence Esth 4.16 Esther was a very Glorious Queen yet in a weighty case yielded her self unto three days fasting Jesus our Saviour fasted forty Days and forty Nights Mat. 4.2 in the beginning of his most Sacred Ministry So likewise his Apostles and approved Ministers were and are often in Fastings 1 Cor. 11.27 Luke 2.36 37 Hannah served God with Fastings and Prayer Night and Day Christ gave Directions to his Disciples about fasting and the Disciples of John were Exercised therein It was not only found among Jews and Christians Mat. 6.16 but Heathens also were famous in it For King Darius passed the Night in Fasting Mat. 14. Mark 2. Dan. 6. Act. 10.30 and the Prayers of Cornelius were performed with it Therefore it is an approved and a dilligent observed Custom in the City Bethania who also for divers Ends and in divers Manners observeth the same Sometimes it is used for the chastening of the Soul Psal 69.10 1 Cor. 9.27 and beating down of the Body that the Flesh may become weak and the Spirit strengthned in Vertue At other times when they go about any weighty Undertaking or desire to obtain any special Mercy or to remove any sore Affliction all or any of these are attempted and managed by Prayer and Fasting Dan. 9.4 Esth 4.16 If there be a publick Design on foot then Fasting is publick also yet not made common to any but only those who are concerned in it Joel 2.12 These retire themselves into the greatest Retirement as possible may be and there with earnest Prayers and silent Groans with frequent Sighs of Soul to God spend their time in most serious manner Rom. 8.26 Ezra 9.4 little minding their own Ease or moving from place to place except in great Necessity suspending all other Actions but those only that appertain to the present Exercise else it is not Fasting Isa 58.4 for Fasting is an Abstenance Neither do they mind any business nor take any Food or Natural Refreshment but with great Watchfulness keep their Minds retired to the Lord waiting to see how he appeareth unto their Souls And all their time is not spent in speaking Words but mostly in the Exercise of their Soul and working of the Mind with the Lord. Verse 9.27 But private Fasts if it be to beat down the Body and bring it into Subjection that it may not be too strong for the Soul then that kind of Fasting is accompanied with Labour or any Exercise whatsoever But if it be for obtaining any special Mercy or for the removing of any sore Affliction or for Assistance against any dangerous Temptation or for the subduing of any prevailing Corruption ●hen it is performed in great Retirement 1 Cor. 7.5 And so Wives and Husbands withdraw themselves from one another during that time of Fasting the which if it be for many days then they take a little Food and a little Water and after enjoy each others Company again Dan. 10.3 Phil. 4.5 Amos 4.6 with such moderate Refreshments of Nature that will stand with Christian Sobriety But much Wine and strong Beer and dainty Meats and gorgeous Apparel with soft and pleasant Resting places being inconsistent with the state of Pilgrims Heb. 13.14 are therefore meer Strangers in Bethania TWO and TWENTIETHLY Singing of Psalms in Bethania is a certain Divine and Spiritual Exercise by which the Inhabitants thereof do celebrate the Praises of the most High God and it is mainly and chiefly an Exercise of the Soul being performed by the lifting up of the Soul and Spirit unto great Jehovah Psal 32.7 and this Divine Mirth springeth up in the Souls of those who are in Experience of some Spiritual Refreshments Psal 101.1 Therefore when any is merry they sing Psalms in which they teach and admonish one another with Hymns and spiritual Songs singing with Grace in their Hearts to the Lord James 5.13 Col 3.16 Ephes 5.19 speaking also to themselves in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs making Melody in their Hearts to the Lord giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ Verse 20. So Jesus our Saviour rejoyced in Spirit and then said I thank Thee Luke 10.21 Psal 25.1 Psal 103.1 Job 29.30 Isa 65.30 Jer. 31.25 O Father c. Even so David lifted up his Soul to God and then set his Soul to bless his Holy Name and Job caused the Widows Heart to sing Even so faith the Lord My Servants shall sing for joy of Heart for I have satiated the weary Soul and I have Replenished every Sorrowful Soul. By all which and much more that might be said it appeareth that singing is a Work of the Heart and Soul the which being inwardly refreshed calleth to the Tongue to awake and declare it Psal 57.8 And it is only proper to those and none but those who are in Communion with the Blessed Lamb in some of Sions Glory For none can learn these Spiritual Songs Rev. 14.3 Chap. 5.3 but such who are Redeemed from an Earthly State and have gotten the Victory over the Beast and over his Image and over his Mark and over the Number of his Name so that it be the Redeemed of the Lord whom he hath recovered from Spiritual Babylon that can say and sing Psal 107.2 Thy Mercy endureth for ever Therefore Singing of Psalms and Spiritual Songs 1 Cor. 12.4 Rom. 12.6 1 Cor. 14.26 Psal 40.3 Psal 137.4 is no Gospel-Ordinance neither is every individual Member of Gospel-Churches able to perform it But it is properly a Gospel-Gift and only belongs to those into whose Mouth the Lord hath put the New Song For who can sing the Songs of Sion while they sit by the Waters of Babylon who though they do often remember her and greatly desire to be there
therefore every Herb Plant and Tree live and work by Vertue of a Vegetative Spirit so the Beasts Fowls and Fishes and Creeping Things live by Vertue of a Sensitive Spirit also all Angels and Souls of men live immortal Lives by Vertue of a rational Spirit Even so all real and true Christians live and move in a Divine Life by Vertue of that Divine Spirit which is the very Life and Vertue of Jesus our Emanuel which Vertue was in him in such exceeding Fulness that from his sacred Body Vertue issued out to cure by touching all the Impediments of Nature for by touching He cleansed the Leper drave away the Fever Mat. 8.19 Chap. 9.29 opened the Ears of him who had been Defective both in his Speech and Hearring raised the Widows Son as he was carrying to his Burial Mark 7.37 Luke 7.4 Mat. 9.20 21. stanched the Bloody Issue which the Physicians could not do yea by touching He Expelled Fear out of the Spirits of his Disciples when sorely surprised therewith in the Mount of Transfiguration Mat. 17.7 So that the whole Multitudes of People sought to touch him by reason that Vertue went out of him to cure all their Maladies Luke 7.19 Even so also the precious Faith of Christians that Divine Principle begotten in the Souls of God Elect goeth forth from thence as a touching Instrument Tit. 1.1 Mat. 15.2 Gal. 2.20 which reacheth into the very Heart of Christ and draweth forth that Divine Vertue which dwelleth there into its self and so by that Vertue it lives Divinely Acts 6.5 and walketh with God. Now according to the Greatness and Perfection of the Instrument even so is the Measure of Vertue obtained by it Heb. 11.33 Therefore in ancient Times when Faith in the Prophets and Apostles and Holy Men of God was strong and famous so accordingly their Souls were possessed with great Degrees of Vertue by which they wrought many famous Miracles Heb. 2.4 Deut. 2.1 and in which they flourished in a Life of Eminent Piety but as a little Fire can give but a little heat and a little Candle can yield but a little light even so Faith since it became weak Miracles are for the most part ceased and Piety doth but meanly flourish Therefore Bethania who is poor in Spirit is letting out her whole Heart and Soul to Christ Isa 26.9 John 21.14 offering up her whole Will to him and so presseth after a great increase of Faith by which her Soul may be fast linked to her Saviour in which most Blessed Union she may obtain much of his Vertue Luke 1.75 and shine forth in it right gloriously before her fellow-Mortals in which most pure Life she liveth to the Praise of him who hath called her to Glory and Vertue 2 Pet. 1.3 Prov. 12.4 Chap. 30.10 and 29. and so this Vertuous Woman is a Crown to her Espoused Husband and when she can be found Her Price is above Rubies and though many have done vertuously yet she in that that is Divine hath Excelled them all Vertue is the Direct contrary to Vice and so is of God in whom dwelleth all good things but Vice is of the Devil Vertue maketh man like God James 1.17 Psal 119.68 Acts 10.38 and in it man is good but Vice maketh man like the Devil and in it he is a meer Monster Vertue is always profitable both in Church and State but Vice bringeth Ruine upon both It s Property is ever to do good even in Natural and Spiritual Things but is altogether a Stranger to Evil. Col. 1.10 Rom. 16.19 In either of these Vertue is of great Antiquity even from Eternity it self but Vice is but of yesterday and had a Beginning Mat. 10.16 Verse 6.16 Rom. 6.12 Rev. 21.25 and at last all Iniquity shall have an End. Vertue liveth in the whole Creation except in that part that is Degenerated from its first Estate and it a very Courteous and of good Behaviour always letting out it self for the good of others that it may transform other things into its own likeness It is very humble gentle and exceeding harmless helpful to all and needesh help from none It will shine before the Face of Tyrants Cant 3.16 John 2.14 Rom. 5.3 Rev. 15.4 Heb. 1.14 Rev. 12.11 1 Cor. 20.24 and stand in a modest boldness against the Threats of most furious Mortals Vertue is a Conqueror of the Devil and triumpheth gloriously over all Temptations it standeth in perpetual Friendship with God and Angels delight to become Ministring Spirits unto those who are Professors of it It maketh nothing of Death and Fear can never make it hide its Head yea those that hate it Gen. 39.2 3. and will not entertain it in themselves do yet desire to be served by it in others Dan. 2.4 hence Joseph and Daniel became famous in the sight of Heathens Psal 11.7 Acts 10.39 Psal 63.8 Rev. 14.4 for it is faithful in its Service both to God and Man. Vertue hath great Communion with an Holy God who also will own it wheresoever it appears for it keepeth constantly at his Right-hand and will follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth John 4.17 2 Pet. 15. It hath great boldness in the Day of Judgment and knoweth that it shall not be condemned and where the precious Faith is there it is also as a perpetual Companion and so those that have walked with God by Faith have also walked before him in a state of Vertue It maketh uncomely Bodies very Beautiful when Vice deformeth the most comely Creatures So then Vertue is a strong Pillar in the House of Wisdom and a Street in Bethania in which Bethania hath many a Walk with God. In this street standeth her Market-place from whence are dispersed many precious things Therefore O ye that pretend to Faith be careful to prove the Truth thereof James 2.18 by its Companion Vertue and whatsoever things are true whatsoever Things are honest whatsoever Things are just whatsoever things are pure Phil. 4.8 whatsoever Things are lovely whatsoever things are of good Report if there be any Vertue if there be any Praise think on these Things CHAP. V. THE Second Pillar in 〈◊〉 House of Wisdom is Knowledge in which there are two Party First Speculative by which we look at things without us Secondly Experimental by which we know things from within us It consistent mainly in two Things First In 〈◊〉 Knowledge of God. Secondly In the Knowledge of our selves and in both these Bethania desires to walk 〈◊〉 Wisdom Without all Controversy God is a great Mystery and so also is man Col. 4.5 1 Tim. 1.16 Psal 139.14 Mat. 13.33 Therefore saith David I am fearfully and wonderfully made Man is to be considered in a Threefold Life the which are the three Measures of Meal in which the Leaven is to be hid The first of these is Rational in which man is in Union of Life
with Angels The second of these Lives Col. 3.18 Job 14.2 is Sensitive in which he is in Union with Beasts and Fowls The Third of these is Vegetive in which Man hath Union of Life with Herbs Plants and Trees Thus God breathed into Man the Breath of Life when Man became a living Soul. Man is also to be considered ●nd to know himself in a Threefold State First His State in Creation Gen. 2.7 Col. 7.29 John 8.44 John 3.8 ●n which he was a pure man. Secondly His State in the Fall in which his Soul beareth the Image of the Devil and his Body hath the Properties of a Beast Thirdly His State in the Restoration in which only he is a Christian and his Soul beareth the Image of Christ Eccles 3.20 Col. 3.10 Phil. 3.12 Rom. 6.3 and in the Resurrection his Body also shall be changed into shining Immortality Thus man descended out of the Image of God into Sin and so through Sin into Misery Therefore his Ascent must be out of Sin into Holiness and so through that into Safety The great desire of God in his out-goings to man is to make him know himself Therefore the first Question that God asked Man after the Fall was Adam where art thou So also Gen. 3.9 Heb. 4.12 't is the Property of his most sacred Word to pierce between the very Soul and Spirit and to discover the very Secrets and Intents of the Heart The first work of the Spirit of God towards man John 16.8 is To convince him of Sin and to set it all in order before him that he may see himself to be unclean and miserable and so look for a Premedy but it is the Desire of the Devil to keep man from knowing himself that he might believe he is what he is not thus 〈◊〉 would perswade the Woman in Edea that they should be as Gods Gen. 3.5 2 Cor. 4.4 when he designed to make them as Devils For the God of this World blindeth the Minds and darkneth the. Understanding of those that hearken to him that so he might lead there Souls blindfold to Hell. Ephes 4.8 Gen. 3.7 John 3.20 Isa 29.21 Isa 5.14 Rev. 4.8 Psal 19.12 Psal 25.21 2 Cor. 1.12 Rom. 8.16 1 John 5.10 Heb. 10.34 Gal. 4.9 1 Cor. 15.4 Rom. 5.9 Luke 21.28 Man therefore cannot endure to see his ow●● Nakedness nor to have his in side made manifest but hateth him that reproveth in the Gate and striveth to p●●● out that light by which his Deeds 〈◊〉 made manifest and so covereth himself either with worldly Glory as 〈◊〉 Painted Mortal or else with Fig. leaves as a seeming Christian wh●● his Soul is full of Deceitful Hypoc●sie But that Knowledge in which Bothania is walking with God is 〈◊〉 Knowledge that springs from an Eye within and this is still looking into the Secrets and searcheth into th●● most inward State of the Soul and from hence ariseth all true Peace and Comfort when the Root of the Matter is found within the Spirit of God beareth Witness with mans Spirit so he that believeth hath the Witness in himself and the rejoycing of a Christian is the Testimony of his own Conscience The reason why men so much love the World is because they want an inward Evidence for Heaven Heb. 10.34 and no such Evidence can possibly be obtained 1 Cor. 15.1 but ●s the Soul appeareth in a New Creature-State To know that Jesus our Saviour was born of a Virgin and dyed for our Sins according to the Scriptures Gal. 4.19 is a true and needful Knowledge but except his Image be formed in our Souls 1 Cor. 15.4 2 Cor. 4.11 and they quickned by his Spirit and beautified by his Grace so that his precious Life may be made manifest in us this Knowledge will signify but very little Salvation was begun by Christ in the Flesh Rom. 5.9 Luke 21.28 John 17.3 John 15.20 Jer. 9.24 Heb. 11.27 Exod. 3.14 Isa 9.6 1 Tim. 6.16 Job 11.7 Isa 5.7 15. Jer. 23.23 24. 2 Chron. 6.18 Col. 1.15 it is carryed on by Christ in the Spirit and fully ends when he shall appear in Glory The second part of Knowledge is of the only true God and his Son Jesus Christ the which indeed is the Substance of all Knowledge and in it consisteth Life Eternal but the most pure Essence of God is invisible and unconceivable for he dwelleth in that light unto which no man can approach In this sence therefore none by searching can find out the Almighty unto Perfection for as he inhabiteth Eternity even so also he filleth it being infinite and incomprehensible yea Infinity it self and no Finite Creature can possibly in its greatest Capacity comprehend or conceive of an Infinite Essence Heb. 1.3 Nevertheless it hath pleased the invisible God to give forth an express Image of his most pure and unconceivable Substance John 1.18 and by that Image which is in the Bosom of the Father Angels and Men see him which otherwise is invisible Thus the Father in himself is God Concealed but the Son his express Image 1 Tim. 3.18 is God Revealed Therefore in the Name Jehovah 1 Tim. 3.16 Rev. 4.8 Mat. 1.23 he is beyond all Angels and unknown by them but in the Name Emanuel he is God with us and known by men God in his Eternal Substance is the only God in himself but in the Image of that Substance he appeareth to be the only God to his Creatures Thus the only Son of God Revealeth the Father who is the only good and maketh all the Goodness of God that concerneth Creatures to pass before them Mat. 19.17 Act. 3.3 19. Col. 1.19 Chap. 23. For it pleaseth the Father that in him should all Fulness dwell in whom also are hid the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge so he that causeth Light to shine out of Darkness hath shined in the Hearts of those whose minds are turned to him and giveth them the Knowledge of his Glory in the Face of Jesus Christ and thus the invisible God through this Glorious Mediator maketh manifest his Unsearchable Goodness to the Sons of men 2 Cor. 4.6 Ephes 3.8 that he might engage them and encourage them to believe in him also to Love Fear and Serve him Psal 9.10 and to trust in him from whom they have received their Life and Being and whatsoever good they enjoy But till the minds of men be turned to God and so the Devil World and Sin be left behind they can know but little of his Goodness Ephes 4.18 Isa 5.20 therefore they call Evil Good and Good Evil and so hate the Good and say to God Depart from us Job 21.14 Isa 59.15 John 16.3 for we desire not the Knowledge of thy Ways Moreover also they hate and despise those men in whom the Image of Goodness appears and these things will they do because they know not God and his most
perfect day in this famous street of Bethania she hath many a close walk with God Pro. 3.17 and there findeth great pleasure and profit for all the ways of Wisdom are pleasantness and all her paths are peace So also godliness is profitable unto all things 2 Tim. 4.8 having the promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come It signifieth a likeness unto God being a conformity to his Will in matters of Worship 3. Jo. 11. Eph. 5.1 Ja. 1.17 and also in manner of life and so it is God's likeness Now he is altogether good and ever was so even from eternity and when he created the Creation Gen. 1.13 it was also good yea very good and Lucifer himself was the anointed Cherub Esa 20.14 and was perfect in all his ways in the day that he was created till iniquity was found in him Jude 6. it was first found in himself through his own default and there it had its proper begining 1 Jo. 3.8 and he introduced it into man and by man it entred into the World and now hath infected all Mankind Rom. 5.12 Ps 82.6 and the whole foundations of the Earth are out of course and sin hath spoiled and brought disorder into that Creation which at first was good so that evil is not of God for he made things like himself and that was pure and very good yet he made no Creatures immutable in that goodness as they stood in their own single Essences for then he had made gods and not creatures so that all things went out from him and therefore must needs be good for a good Tree cannot bring forth evil fruit So also it was according unto his unchangeable Decree Mat. 7.18 that the very principal of his Creatures Angels and Men should live in an absolute dependance upon him resigning their wills wholly unto him yielding most humble subjection unto the Sovereign Lord of the whole Creation that so through that resignation subjection and dependance they may be by him confirmed in that goodness Act. 17.28 Eph. 1.22 1 Cor. 2 8. in which they were first created so then God did not divide his Essence in the Creation of the most excellent creatures viz. Angels and Souls of Men Ja. 1.17 for then they must have been immutable in state and so could never have fallen but he produced a fruit Ja. 1.11 and left it in freedom of will not compelling it to any thing which lived by it self in that glory and purity in which God created it and did not resign its will to God as the Tree from whence it hath its being and nourishment and so like fruit fully ripe it fell because it was not made immutable and sunk into another change of state through its own default Thus the Creation lost its first and primitive glory and changed quite into another estate but the Creator is still the same even yesterday to day and for ever Jer. 4.23 and in the second Creation which produceth the new creature he maketh things good still and so like himself therefore those souls who are regenerated and made anew are regenerated into Christ's nature 1 Pet. and formed in his Image quickned by his spirit nourished by his flesh and bloud that so it may be in the life of God and like him in all things Jo. 6.5 7. in which a Creature may be like its Creator and this is the true godliness Eph. 4.18 when the Souls of men are given up into the will of God to be holy as he is holy 1 Pet. 1.16 and to serve him with reverence and godly fear cleaving to the truth which is after godliness Heb. 12.28 Tit. 1.1 2 Cor. 1.12 walking in simplicity and godly sincerity in that quiet life which is in all godliness and honesty Such godly men God the Lord hath set apart for himself who though they are godly in Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.2 Ps 4.3 2 Tim. 3.12 oftentimes suffer Persecution Yet the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of all adversity and to put an end to those light afflictions 2 P. 2.9 2 Cor. 4.17 which for a few moments attend upon a godly life so that Godliness is a strong pillar in the house of Wisdom and therefore if that be wanting in the power thereof though the form remain untouch'd there must needs be a great breach and where this breach is 2 Tim. 3.5 the house will quickly fall Luk. 10.39 Mat. 11.19 Heb. 7.26 2 Pet. 2.22 therefore Bethania chuseth to sit at Jesus feet and to enter into his Yoke learning of him with that diligence who is holy harmless undefiled meek gentle lowly and every way vertuous a perfect pattern of true piety who did no evil neither was guile found in his mouth and hath left us an example that we should follow his steps and this godliness springeth up in the soul by vertue of the operation of one of the seven spirits of God viz. the spirit of holiness Rom. 1.3 whose Divine tincture changeth their nature into its own even as Wine by entring into Water maketh the Water talte of it self So also their whole life savoureth of the spirit and tasteth of the vertue and grace of God which appeareth in the Soul teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts that the mind may be exercised in that godliness Tia 2.11 2 Tim. 4.7 by vertue of which the conversation may be as becometh the Gospel of our Lord Jesus In this street of Bethania standeth her place of Worship in which she performeth Divine service to the Holy God with great reverence and godly fear who is greatly to be feared in the Assembly of the Saints Heb. 12.28 Ps 89.7 and to be had in reverence of all that come about him CHAP. IX THE sixth Pillar in the House of Wisdom is Brotherly Kindness the which is also produced out of one of the seven Spirits before the Throne viz. the Spirit of Humility and is a very beautiful Street in Bethania in which she hath great communion by walking with God in the Brotherhood and fellowship of the Gospel 1 Pet. 2.17 Phil. 1.5 Heb. 2.11 Mat. 23.8 for as there is a very near relation between Christ and his Disciples even so there is also a Divine brotherhood between Christians and one another but there is a two fold brotherhood generally considered the first is natural wherein all mankind are of one blood and children of the first Adam Act. 17.26 and descended all out of his Loins and have all one kind of Soul 1 Cor. 15.48 and one manner of sensitive life and also one kind of humane flesh and have all equal interest in the Priviledges of Nature Jer. 38.16 1 Cor. 15.39 Psal 24.1 Rom. 5.18 John 2.2 Heb. 9.27 Acts 24.15 Chap. 17 31. Dan. 12.2 and are all equally involved in the Fall
and are accordingly concerned in the benefit of the Restoration for Jesus our Saviour is the Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World and are all alike designed to Mortality and must be all equally concerned in the Resurrection and Eternal Judgment and so at last according to their proper State must be center'd in a woful or Blessed Eternity But the second Degree of Brotherhood is Spiritual and Divine in which Estate Christians are of the Second Adam being Members of his Body Ephes 5.30 of his Flesh and of his Bones John 16.57 and so are nourished by that Vertue which issueth out from the living Father unto them through Christ So that as he in Conjunction with the Father liveth in and by the Fathers Vertue and Fullness John 14.6 even so Christians by their close Union and Conjunction with Christ live by him and his Fullness and Vertue is the Life of their Souls according as it is written in the Holy Scriptures He that Eateth me shall live by me therefore all our Union with the Father is mediately not immediately and that through Christ unto whom it is only proper to enjoy immediate Union with the Father Chap. 10.30 John 14.10 Rom. 9.5 and by Vertue thereof the infinite Fullness of the Father dwelleth it him so that he is very God being the absolute and perfect Image of the Fathers Substance Heb. 1.5 and if we did live immediately upon the Father and had all the incommunicable Properties of the Divine Nature John 2.25 as well as those which are communicable which is impossible either for Angels or men Then we might be Gods and Christs as well as he but this is Blasphemy for any to imagine and also Lies for them to speak Therefore this Brotherhood or Heavenly Off-spring are Branches that grow upon Christ the Stock Rom. 11.17 who is in perfect and immediate Union with the Father who is the Root from whence the Vertue goeth into the Stock and so through him into the Branches from which Branches the fruits of Vertue springeth forth unto the World John 3.21 Hos 14.8 Acts 11.16 1 John 2.20 Verse 27. Ephes 3.14 and thus all their Works are wrought in God in whom also all their Fruit is found therefore these Souls are not Christs but Christians not the Anointed ones of God but the Anointed ones of Christ so that as he lives by the Father even so they also live by him and so being of a Heavenly Descent and born from above they are of the Family in Heaven and Brotherhood that is Divine and Spiritual between whom there is great Brotherly Kindness Therefore Heb. 13.1 as the Branches of a Tree do link themselves into one another and so support and help each other to bear the Burthen of their Fruit winding themselves for that Purpose into a certain kind of round Body by which the Tree is made comely to behold and so shewing a Natural Kindness one to another even so this Brotherhood all acts as one man Phil. 1.27 Rom 12.10 Prov. 31.26 and Charity being a Ruling Principle in their Souls these are kind one to another Be kindly affectioned as becometh Brethren in whose Tongue appeareth the Law of Kindness Now Kindness is a Quality that looketh not only to it self but goeth out of it self and emptieth it self to others imparting unto them somewhat of that which is its own for none can love themselves and keep ●heir own that dwell in Kindness for that would be great Cruelty Prov. 5.27 the which consisteth not only in inflicting Misery upon men but also in detaining from them that by which Misery may be removed Kindness if it cannot help its Friend will therefore mourn because it cannot help him and evermore extendeth it self to them that have need of Succour Luke 10.34 Sometimes it respecteth the Body at other times the Soul sometimes in one way and then again in another so the Wounds of a Friend are better then the Kisses of an Enemy For when the Righteous smiteth it is in Kindness Prov. 27.6 and his Reproofs are as precious Oyl but when the Wicked smiteth Psal 141.5 Prov. 27.4 1 Thess 2.8 Zach. 4.12 it is in Wrath and their stroaks are full of Cruelty If kindness hath received any Spiritual thing straitway it desireth to impart it to others but Cruelty keepeth all to its self if it hath any natural thing that will profit its Brother it rejoyceth when it is accepted For that End Kindness doth divide not its Natucal or Spiritual Enjoyments between it self and others 2 Cor. 8.9 John 1.16 Rom. 5.10 but emptieth it self of all if the call so requires even as Jesus our Saviour who emptied himself both of Comforts of Soul and Body and became exceeding poor in that which was his own that we may be filled with that Fulness which by right is none of ours John 3.16 Kindness in him laid down his Life for the Brethren yet Kindness in Christians extendeth not it self only to the Brotherhood in the last Degree but also to the Brotherhood in the first Degree Rom. 12.20 Therefore when the Enemy is Hungry it feedeth him and when he is thirsty it giveth him Drink it cloatheth the Naked relieveth the Oppressed and succoureth the helpless Enemy 2 Tim. 2.25 Therefore there is no Cruelty nor Persecution in Bethania no Heart-burnings against any that will not in all things conform to her Charter Luke 13.34 In Meekness she instructeth them that oppose themselves and waiteth if peradventure God will give them Repentance Chap. 19.41 John 2.18 Mat. 13.30 Jer. 17.16 Isa 53.5 Jer. 4.19 Psal 33.15 1 Tim. 6.5 Rev. 18.24 She weepeth over the Earthly Jerusalem but will not set it on Fire and when she taketh a Whip in hand it is only to purge the Temple of the Lord and then it is made but of small Cords neither She will let the Tares grow in the World though not in the Church and by her Prayers doth not hasten the woful Day She cryeth out against the Spirit of Babel but not against those who are Baptized with it Her Heart is often bleeding for others but her Hands are dyed in the Blood of none so that sharp and proud Contentions are found in the Earthly Jerusalem and Blood and Cruelty dwell in Babel but Brotherly Kindness in both Degrees of Brotherhood taketh up its Habitation in Bethania Psal 112.9 Mal. 25.36 Heb. 13.2 James 1.27 In this Street standeth the great Hospital in which the poor are relieved the Sick are visited Strangers are entertained and the helpless succoured and there also she hath many a pleasant and comfortable Walk with Her Dear Emmanuel CHAP. X. THE Seventh Pillar in the House of Wisdom Gal. 5.22 1 John 4.9 Rom. 5.5 is Charity and it is produced by one of the seven Spirits before the Throne being a precious fruit of the Spirit and a divine Principle springing
Therefore it is the Desire of this Author that all his Fellow-Travellers who are seeeking and walking in the way of Life that they would turn their Minds into themselves and carefully weigh the State of their own Souls to see that the Root of the Matter is in themselves neither casting off any Truth of Christ nor yet resting therein till they have found the inside thereof neither yet to satisfie themselves until the inside of Truth be firmly setled in the inward parts of the Soul For the All-seeing God looketh for Psal 51.6 Psal 19.11 Jer. 15.16 Psal 119.105 and desireth Truth in the inward parts and there only it is profitable unto men and will stand them in great stead in their greatest and deepest Necessities For it will be a light in the Land of Darkness Psal 119.143 Psal 9.4 Mat. 4 4. Isa 32.2 Psal 25.21 a Comfort in the time of Trouble an hiding place in the Hour of Temptation a Shield and Buckler against the storms of Violence it will be for Food in the time of Famine and Refreshing Water in the Land of Drought For Integrity and Uprightness will still preserve those who really possess it and cause them to lift up their Heads before the Face of the most insulting Adversary Psal 19 6. Verse 14.6 Heb. 10.34 neither shall they be ashamed before Kings that have respect unto all Gods Righteous Judgments Truth in the inward parts fortifieth the Soul against the Fear of Men and Devils and possesses it only with the pure Fear of God it sealeth unto it an inward Evidence for Heaven Psal 17.14 Mat. 13.21 and where that Evidence is Earth and its Fullness are easily forsaken but where this Evidence is wanting the Mind is frequently filled with Fear and all the known Portion being the things of this World the Thieves are suspected to be likely to steal and the Moths to corrupt that which is within the reaches of their Power and many a time through want of Truth in the inward parts with which also the inward Evidence stands divers Souls desist the Service of the holy God and through the Fear of Mortal men Isa ●1 12 13. when it can but kill the Body and deprive us of the Comforts of this outward Life they wander into a Spirit of Apostasie and forget the fear of him which is able to kill Mat. 10.28 Verse 29. Luke 12.20 Prov. 14.26 Acts 20 24. and Eternally to torment the Soul and hence it cometh to pass that by seeking to save the Life of the Body we lose the Eternal Life of the Soul by possessing our selves of Earth for a few Moments we lose Heaven to all Eternity but the pure Fear of God driveth away all other Fear and causeth the Soul to pass through all Difficulties with much chearfulness keeping it clean from all Impurity but while men possess themselves only with the outside of Truth and have the glorious Forms of Godliness shining forth in a visible Profession this being but the outward Court of Gods holy Temple and Suburbs of his little City Dan. 8 12. Rev. 11.2 will not secure in the hour of Temptation nor be a shelter from the Storms of Violence For Men and Devils can invade this place and cast down this part of Truth to the ground and tread under Foot those Persons who have their Habitations only here Therefore our Safety consisteth not in Forms only but also in the Power of Godliness yet the greatest Contention among men is about the Wall and outward Court of the House where also many poor Souls have been sore wounded and discouraged by Reason of the Divisions of Reuben Judg. 5.15 16. Numb 32.5 who chose to dwell on this side Jordan where his Possessions lie open to divers kinds of Dangers but when this out-side of Truth is used only as Spectacles to help us to the light of invisible things then it standeth in its right place and so every part of Truth is very precious when observed in that Order whereunto the Lord appointed it and when the visible things have done their Office and the time of Figures is come to an End then the light of this Sun Moon and Stars will disappear and Prophecies fail Rev 21.23 1 Cor. 13 8. and Tongues shall cease and Faith and Hope have a final End and so those who have rightly used these Spectacles shall see no more through a Glass darkly but shall see as they are seen and know as they are known For in the glorious Resurrection 1 Cor. 15.44 the very Bodies of men shall be made Spiritual so that which is perfect being come that which is in part shall be done away Therefore have I endeavoured according to my weak Ability to hint at things through these Papers both in their Formal and Spiritual Natures that so none might despise the one or miss the other but if it be possible might be brought to conform unto the Walk in the whole will of God and it is very much to be supposed Col. 4.12 that I shall be censured by many not understood by all yet I hope quietly to bear the one and carefully to inform the other according to my utmost Capacity and I commit these Writings which have been Composed in the midst of many Distractions to the disposing of the most wise God beseeching him of his great Mercy to perfect all my Imperfections that in them appear and to guide the serious Reader by his most pure Counsel that in the use thereof he may attain to greater Wisdom then that which at present is my little Talent and when he hath found any thing in the use of this short Breviate of things that he be as ready to impart to me as I have now at last been to communicate these things to him and though I have used divers Allegories and Figurative Speeches in these Writings Hos 12.10 Psal 1.8 1 Cor. 4.34 yet I know how to excuse my self therein and intreat that I may not be too fiercely condemned before I come to Judgment And forasmuch as our Brethren called Particular Baptists were the principal and only Occasion of the first part of these Papers I intreat them to consider that both of us might come nearer the Truth as 't is in its own Nature if we did not set our selves too much to wander into extreams by reason of which we have been smiting each other in the dark and so weakning each others Spirits while Piety and Vertue the Substance of all true Religion doth but meanly flourish on either side and though we should share alike among the rest Isa 33.18 1. Cor. 4.1 in the outward Knowledge of outward things yet in the end it will signifie little for it is Charity only that edifieth and Contention and Vanity are all or very near the Earthly Spirit but Unity is from above and nearly related to the only wise God whose Name is One and to our Lord Jesus Christ whose Work is together in One Unto whom who is the most Glorious and Blessed Lamb 1 Cor. 4.3 with the Eternal Father The only Wise and Invisible God be all Glory Might Majesty Dominion Love Service and Obedience throughout all Ages Ephes 3.21 and to all Eternity Amen FINIS