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A89273 Fornication condemned, in a double sentence, commending marriage, condemning whoredom [brace] in all, or, A brief consideration of Heb. 13. 4 Moore, Thomas, Junior. 1667 (1667) Wing M2601A; ESTC R42315 77,906 108

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FORNICATION CONDEMNED IN A DOUBLE SENTENCE Commending Marriage in All. Condemning Whoredom in All. OR A brief Consideration of Heb. 13. 4. By THO. MOORE jun. And did not be make one and yet had be the residue of the spirit And wherefore one That he might seek a godly seed Therefore take heed to your spirit and let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth Mal. 2. 15. Flee fornication Every sin that a man doth is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body What know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy Ghost And if any man defile the temple of God him will God destroy 1 Cor. 6. 18 19. 3. 17. LONDON Printed by Ja. Cotterel for the Author and are to be sold by Nath. Crouch at the Cross-Keys in Bishops-gate-street neer Leaden Hall MDCLXVII The Preface Considering how oft and vehemently the Apostles admonish believers in all their Epistles and precepts to the Churches and especially to those among the Gentiles of fornication and all uncleanness and filthiness of the flesh usually mentioning it as the first branch of the evils reproved and to be abstained from as Gal. 5. 19. Eph. 5. 3. Col. 3. 5. 1 Cor. 6. 9. And sometime mentioning it as the general head of the pollutions to be abstained from in order to their sanctification as 1 Thess 4. 3. I have been inquisitive what might be the reason and meaning of it and have in such enquiry found and perceived some things haply worth observation 1. That there is generally in most men a greater natural promptness and inclination 〈◊〉 the flesh to such kinde of filthiness and uncleannes● of the flesh then to many or most other wayes of iniquity this is signified or intimately implyed in this that when the holy Ghost distinguisheth the lusts of the flesh under these two heads the desire of the flesh and of the minde Eph. 2. 3. or into more branches as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye and the pride of life as 1 John 2. 16. or as in the formentioned Scriptures the desires or lust of the flesh is put first Note that all fleshly and sinful lusts as under both those heads in Eph. 2. 3. are there and elsewhere called the lusts of the flesh as by the flesh is meant the carnal minde or body of sin which is enmity to God and is not subject to his Law nor can be so that they that are in it cannot please God Rom. 8. 1-12 This is called flesh of man because conceived by him in his listening to Satan and because from thence it is become a natural disease over-spreading the whole natural man in his body and in his minde as he is naturally descended from Adam For as so the Apostle saith He was carnal sold under sin It consists of ignorance and enmity to God and jealousies of him together with vain and high thoughts of our selves and desires of equality with God And was at first conceived by listening to and parlying with that temptation of Satan Hath God said c. Is there not some secret will in God contrary to that revealed some design to keep you back from arriving at that happiness and contentment which you ●ay attain in improving your natural faculties and freedom Now this body of sin with its members diffuseth it self and is stirring and working in the whole man leading captive in all his natural desires affections and actings and thus it is still in them warring who through grace are not in it but in the Spirit And the desires of the natural body which are after ease pleasure and contentment to it self these as polluted and instigated by the carnal minde which provokes to seek the same in such things or in such a way and manner as is forbidden of God are more properly called the desires or lusts of the flesh as by flesh is meant the natural body or outward man And the desires of the natural minde and soul of man which are after those things which according to its reason understanding and judgement are best for the man these as corrupted and moved by the carnal minde under which also it is sold are more properly called the desires of the minde and by the Apostle John the lust of the eye and the pride of life And these are after the riches honour and wisdom of the world or the establishing a righteousness of ones own such things and in suchwise as to his corrupted reason promise to make him rich and excellent in himself to give him a self-sufficiency Now the first sort of these fleshly lusts the grosser and more sensual the appetites of the flesh or natural body as corrupted and sold under sin are put first where they are distinguished to signifie as is said a more powerful inclination and promptness in men generally unto them yea even in believers where the minde is in part renewed yet this law of sin hath its dwelling and operation still in the members working in them all manner of concupiscence and leading captive to bring forth fruit to death in which also it will prevail if not abstained from in the light and strength of the grace of God bringing salvation And by reason of the prevalency and dominion of this sensual carnality in the natural powers the admonitions against this grosser filthiness are first placed and more abundantly and vehemently urged And however through pride men will not acknowledge it but every one almost if they can but hide it so as it appear not openly or palpably are ready to say they abhor and are free from inclination and desire to such filthiness as Whoredom Adultery or uncleanness of that nature yet it is not so but generally there is in most men naturally a great propensity to the following those sensual desires after that which is forbidden the flesh as corrupted by sin dwelling in it is alwayes provoking to it therefore there is need of more instructions and vehement admonitions and warnings against it 2. The Gentiles that knew not God but walked in the ways of their own heart did generally allow themselves in such kinde of uncleanness and filthiness of the flesh possessing their bodies in the lust of concupiscence 1 Thessalon 4. 5. 1 Cor. 5. 1-10 And were the more hardned therein after any rejection of the light of the knowledge of God brought to them Rom. 1. 24 c. Yea also among the Jews that had been and still was allowed that was now declared to be fornication and uncleanness as is shewed in the following discourse And this gave a twofold reason for the Apostles so placing and urging their admonitions of this nature 1. The believers wrote to had bad their education and conversation among such and were sometimes such fulfilling with allowance the desires of the flesh and of the minde even as others Eph. 2. 2 3. 1 Cor. 6. 9-11 Tit. 3. 3 And therefore though now
regard but know that his goodness in his patience and bounty yet exercised is to melt thy heart and move thee to repentance But God shall wound the head of his enemies and the hairy scalp of such a one as goes on still in his trespasses Destruction is to the wicked even at their portion from God and a strange punishment to the workes of iniquity Job 31. 3. Psal 68. 21. And infinitely better it is to be judged yea to have our judgement in this world then in the world to come Seeing therefore Gods judging us here is by a Mediator and that he may not judge us in the world to come but that we may escape the damnation of Hell Learn at least when so judged by him timely to humble our selves under his mighty hand and to judge our selves that we fail not of his grace that is yet bringing salvation in the way of his judgements nor be further judged by him Be not mockers lest your bands be made strong for if under all these judgements in this life and notwithstanding them the Whoremonger and Adulterer and so the Murtherer and Covetous person who is an Idolater remain still such until the day pass that is to say If either they continue in the evil way and course of acting serving or following and making provision for it for there is no such dispensation from heaven that a man may continue in the act of sin or in the course and way of sinning and yet be free from the guilt of it The liberty to which we are called by the Gospel is not liberty to the flesh Or if they have left some particular way and course of sinning in which they have before walked or it have left them if yet they remain under the guilt of it not being washed in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God as aforesaid And so their iniquity not being purged from them till they dye which it cannot be but by the blood of Christ and if they be not purged till death they can never be purged after for there is no wisdom knowledge work or device in the grave or in the disappearing state of death to which we are going Eccles 9. 10. no Purgatory there nor any returning again to perfect any thing left undone under the Sun For though all men shall return again from the grave and from the disappearing state of death yet not to perfect any thing left undone under the Sun but to appear before the Judgement-seat of Jesus Christ to receive every one according to the deeds done in the body in this life whether they be good or bad according to the Gospel-rule of judging if therefore they still remain such in Gods account they still remain under the decree For Whoremongers and Adulterers God will judge And so dying in their sins 3. They fall under the eternal judgement of the wrath of God the full and proper wages of their sin and cannot escape the damnation of Hell-fire where their worm dyeth not and their fire is not quenched For from the very time of death there is a great gulf fixed between them and those that have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour and are not again intangled therein but dye in the Lord yea between them and those that are yet among the living to whom there is hope so that he that would pass from the one to the other cannot From thenceforth they are sealed up and reserved in prison to the judgement of the great day and their spirits have no rest day nor night but are in continual horrour in remembrance of what infinite mercy they have slighted abused and sinned against and in the sence and apprehension of the dreadful wrath of the Lamb that is now become their portion for ever Luk. 16. 19-26 Rev. 14. 11. with Prov. 14. 32. And in that imprisoned state of darkness and horrour they shall remain till they shall have their dead bodies raised up by the voice of the Son of man the Lord Jesus Christ that dyed for them and re-united with their spirits And that resurrection of them shall be to everlasting shame and confusion world without end For then they shall be brought before his Judgement-seat and there shall be particularly and fully brought to light and manifested all the grace they have sinned against all the warnings and reproofs they have despised and every secret thing and hidden work of darkness they have done It shall be made manifest before God Angels and men to evidence the equity and righteousness of his Judgement which themselves also shall then upon clear conviction acknowledge just for from their own mouths he shall judge them and so proceed to that righteous and dreadful sentence which from thence in the execution shall for ever seize on soul and body Go ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels which is to them the second death and the smoke of their torment aseendeth up for ever and ever And God and his holy Angels and sanctified ones shall rejoyce when they see the vengeance for there shall be no more mercy bowels or pity in God Angels or men towards them for ever as in this day there was God himself shall laugh at their calamity and mock when their fear cometh and they shall be tormented for ever from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power I say for ever in soul and body together for there is no darkness or shadow of death left in which the workers of iniquity may then hide themselves no pains or torments shall ever be able to put an end to their sensible being or make a dissolution of soul and body again but when an hundred a thousand ten thousand yea ten thousand times ten thousand years have passed yet is not the time at all shortned it is still for ever and for ever Nor is there any intermission their worm dyeth not and their fire is not quenched and it is infinitely sorer punishment then any merciless torments that can be suffered in this life yea the pains and miseries of this first death and the Hell pertaining thereto will be cast into that lake to boot all aggravating the terrour of it yet there will be degrees of torment by the worm and by the fire and they will be most dreadful and in the highest degrees upon those that have sinned against most mercy who knoweth the greatness and power of his wrath it will be even according to his infinite greatness and power to execute it and according to the grace abused for then there shall be no Mediator to plead for any abatement as now there is nor any to deliver Oh consider it in time ye that forget God lest he come and tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver surely then it will appear no small mercy to have been now delivered from the wrath to come
secured from the second death whatever men have suffered or denyed themselves of in the way to it Oh that men were wise and would timely take warning to flee from it and therefore to flee from those ways of iniquity and paths of the destroyer that end in it For such as aforesaid cannot enter into life nor inherit the Kingdom or escape the damnation of Hell And in their turning let them turn to the Lord seek healing in his name and blood for except he wash us we can have no part with him The Vse of all That therefore they may flee fornication and be washed indeed from such filthiness and uncleanness of the flesh let them give more earnest heed to the things they have heard concerning Christ in the three branches of the testimony of God concerning him namely of what he hath done and is become for us in himself and of what he is doing as the Mediator between God and men and of what he will do and so unto the instructions thereof with the reproofs of those instructions The instructions thereof as particularly applyed in this case are 1. The body is not for fornication but for the Lord for his use and service and to be disposed by him for he hath bought it with a great price even by giving himself in his own body a ransome or price of redemption to God for it and to this purpose he dyed rose and revived that he might be Lord of all Therefore we are not our own we are bought with a price that we should glorifie God in our souls and bodies which are his by redemption as well as by Creation The body is not redeemed at such a rate from the curse of the Law that it should henceforth serve sin 2. The Lord is for the body he is the Saviour of it and even now caring for it all the health strength and mercy enjoyed in this body is by vertue of his bloud and through the power of his mediation who maketh intercession for transgressors for further sparing and that he may still be a testimony in due time and that we may live to him and glorifie him in our souls and bodies which are his 3. And he that raised up Jesus the Lord from the dead shall also raise us up by his own power even in this very body to receive in it according to the things done in it whether good or bad and he shall raise and judge us by him according to the Gospel as before is shewed Shall we then take the members of Christ those that are his by purchase redeemed and bought by him cared for and preserved by him and that must be eternally disposed and judged by him and make them the members of an harlot God forbid See all these three branches of instruction together and so applied 1 Cor. 6. 13 14 15-20 Yea there is also included and contained in the same further instructions and arguments against this filthiness of the flesh and all uncleanness as springing from the testimony of Jesus unto such as have believed and known the truth as it is in him as to say 1. They have been redeemed by the same price in another and further sense which is before mentioned namely bought off themselves and so redeemed and chosen out of the world and from their vain conversation by his spiritual discovery of it to them and therein the pretiousness of his bloud he hath thereby out-bidden the world and prevailed with these to adhere to him and yeeld up themselves soul and body to him to be his and at his dispose and he hath owned and taken them as his purchased possession and so made their bodies temples of the holy Ghost which is in them renewing the minde that the whole man might be transformed by it And 2. After a peculiar sort he cares for their bodies preserving and carrying them thorow great tribulations and so delivering them from those things and persons that do threaten destruction to their bodies their outward man more then to any others and this that they might glorifie him and finish their course with joy to which purpose as their Advocate he is managing their cause and matters in heaven and taking away their sins yea the iniquity of their holy things there and thence affording his gracious and spiritual presence with them and protections over them in their service of him and suffering for him here on earth 3. He hath called them by the Gospel to the obtaining of eternal glory and given them part in the first resurrection by faith in Christ and in the hope of it in and by him in which resurrection they shall be presented together with the Lord Jesus and with the Patriarchs Prophets and Apostles and have their bodies that now are vile fashioned into the likeness of his glorious body See all this also in the forementioned Scripture with Chap. 3. 16 17. Rom. 8. 9-12 1 Thes 4. 13-18 5. 5-10 2 Thes 2. 13-17 Phil. 3. 20 21. Their bodies therefore are more especially and in a peculiar sense the members of Christ and shall they then take them and make them the members of an harlot God forbid let not such filthiness be once named among them as becometh Saints surely it is not onely unsuitable to their faith and hope and to their profession of it but directly contrary to all the instructions of it and tends to make it void to themselves and to cut them off from it Rom. 8. 13. yea to provoke his cutting them off from the Vine shutting them out and driving them away into utter darkness For the wicked is driven away in his wickedness but the righteous hath hope in his death Prov. 14. 32. If any man defile the temple of God him will God destroy for the temple of God is holy peculiarly devoted and set apart for him to dwell in and walk in which temple says he speaking to such as forementioned ye are Now then such as last mentioned in committing fornication or al●owing themselves in the service of such filthy and unclean lusts of the flesh bring themselves thereby under that dreadful sentence of destruction from the Almighty be will destroy them and not build them up as to their place and service in his temple yea if timely they receive not correction and obey the voice of it he will blot out their names and take away their part out of the book of life because they defile his temple Which they do Both in defiling themselves who are purchased and devoted stones in that house or building members of that body And in defiling others even others that are also of his house yea the whole Church or Society of which they are and this is done in fornication not abstained from by such more directly and abundantly then in many other sins or ways of iniquity As to shew it a little 1. They defile themselves and that both in themselves their bodies and souls which are Gods and
before God and men 1. Herein they pollute and defile themselves in their own persons so that the whole man is actually defiled and made unclean by this lust followed and not abstained from 1. They defile the flesh or body Jude 8. In joyning it unto and making it one flesh with that which is forbidden and unclean to them For he that is joyned to an harlot is one body and so not onely defiles her but himself with her This therefore the Apostle urgeth as a particular motive against fornication and to admonish to flee from it Every sin that a man doth is without the body but he that commits fornication sins against his own body that is to say every sin though conceived within in the minde yet when a man doth or commits and acts it it is then without the body for it is done and acted by the members and so comes forth to manifestation or at least into an act that is outward and so without the body And so also is fornication but in this fornication is singular it not onely wars against the soul as all other fleshly lusts but in committing it a man more directly and grosly then in other sins sinneth against his own body wrongs injures and dishonours it and so he doth his wives also if he hath one who is his own flesh or body yea he pollutes and defiles his members in making them the members of an harlot any that is not his own wife according to the Marriage-covenant and becoming one flesh with her Besides that therein he hazards and lays his body open to such noisom diseases as is the proper fruit and meet recompence of such unrighteousness and so therein sins against his own body as much as if it did always certainly follow II. They also therein more directly and abundantly then in many other sins do wrong defile and destroy the soul and that both in order to the committing it and that they may go on to serve it and then also by committing or serving it and as the consequence of it In order to the committing it and that men may go on to serve this lust of uncleanness it is so manifestly contrary to Gods minde especially where the light of the Gospel hath discovered it and so dishonourable and fil●hy in the eyes of men generally and no colour of any good pretence to excuse it and so bruitish and sensual a thing in it self and contrary to the reason understanding and judgement of a man as in any measure that is preserved by Christ that a man or woman especially such as have in any measure known the truth as it is in Jesus cannot go on to commit or serve it without such ●ilful suffering the minde to be clouded and darkned and h●rdning the heart against the light and instructions of the grace of God as may make them fit to receive any thing that so Satan may carry them captive at his pleasure yea the reason and understanding of a man must be captivated and denyed and all ●nslav●d to the lust that it may get domini●n Which also being followed and served further wrongs defiles and destroys the soul yea it takes away the heart as saith the Prophet Hosea of that and drunkenness together Hos 4. 11. Whoredom and wine and new wine take away the heart they confound and rob a man of his understanding and take away his heart and affections from God and the things of his Kingdom that when a price is put in his haud he hath no heart Prov. 17. 16. Nor can he see when good comes nor hath understanding or strength to see or avoid any evil but is made sottish and easily led into any Idolatry Murther or wickedness after their own deceived heart for so also it follows in that of Hosea My people ask counsel at their stocks and their staff declareth unto them for the spirit of whoredom hath caused them to err c. Nor have they eyes or an heart to foresee consider or prevent any mischief or danger coming upon them but are hurried into it ●s an ox to the slaughter or as a fool to the correction of the stocks Prov. 7. 22 23. and are as he that lyeth down to sleep on the top of a Mast insensible of wounds evils and dangers attending them See this and much more mention'd as the fruit of those two besotting sins Whoredom and Drunkennes● Prov. 23. 26. to the ●nd So ●e that doth them defiles and destroys his own soul Prov. 6. 32. 2. Hereby they render themselves filthy and unclean in the sight of God vessels unmeet for any peculiar use and service of the Master such as in which he can take no pleasure for they herein break his appointment and order reject and despise his government and provision profane and defile his members to the service of unclean and filthy lusts and therefore God accepts them not but will destroy them as to their place and service in his temple a● aforesaid and blast their blessings and good things to them and have no fellowship with them for he requires cleanness and holiness in them that come neer to him and will be sanctified by them yea this kind of uncleanness and so all filthiness of the flesh and spirit as it comes under this head of fornication carnal or spiritual is especially branded with this note that God hates it Rev. 2. 6 15-20 22. with Levit. 20. 10-23 24. Mal. 2. 16. and Deut. 12. 31. and 16. 21 22. 3. Such unclean lusts not abstained from do also bring a blemish stain or blot upon them among men and that also to the blemishing the worthy name of God if that be called upon them Some other evils are more justifiable in the sight of men which yet are abominable in Gods sight but this is not onely abominable in Gods sight but of evil base and shameful report among men and especially to be found in such as are called by or call upon the Name of the Lord A wound and dishonour shall he get and his reproach shall not be wiped away See Prov. 6. 33. Yea so are they defiled in the sight of God and men hereby as renders their words and works unclean unacceptable to God unprofitable to men so that whatever right profession be held forth by them as the Lord delights not in it so also it is stayned and its fruit hindered among men by its coming out of their mouths until they be washed delivered and quitted from those pollutions and the guilt of them before God and in such wise as it may in some measure appear to men that they are so whence David prays to be delivered from bloudguiltiness that his tongue might sing aloud of Gods righteousness and so that God would open his lips and then he saith his mouth should shew forth his praise signifying thereby that his lips were shut by Gods just correction and by the sense of shame and guilt of his murther and adultery
remaining upon him and that his opening them himself until God had washed and purged him and delivered him from the guilt of them would not tend to the praise of God Psal 51. 12 13 14 15. 2. They defile others not onely each of them the other with whom they joyn in it nor is this all further that if there be an husband or a wife against whom the adulteress or adulterer deals treacherously in committing fornication defilement occasionally happens to them yea it may be to body and soul more or less besides the fraud and wrong therein done to them but also they defile others more generally and the more abundantly by how much the more they were in union and fellowship with them that call on the Name of the Lord in truth encouraging some by their evil example to follow it against the reproofs of Gods instruction in that or other lusts and so also unfitting them to admonish or reprove others for so doing and offending others that are weak yea occa●●oning them to stumble at the truth and at the way of it as if Christ were the minister of sin or the liberty to which we are called by the Gospel were liberty to the flesh and provoking others to wrath of pride strifes debates and many other evils whence the Apostle admonishing to look diligently lest any root of bitterness be suffered to spring up and not curbed or pluckt up at first rising and thereby many be defiled he addes this warning against fornication and profaness as eminent defilements and defilers lest there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright Heb. 12. 15 16. Yea such the stain and blemish brought upon the whole societies of believers among whom such are that while they are with and among them they are outwardly defiled and besmeared with reproach amongst men of the world that are ready presently to judge them as allowing such evils and uncleanness among themselves and thereby rendered unmeet to bear the vessels of the Lord and minister about holy things among them and the more unsuccessful therein And therefore they are admonished to put away from among themselves such wicked persons as being called brethren yet are fornicators idolaters railers drunkards covetous extortioners with such to have no company or intimate fellowship that they may be ashamed c. See 1 Cor. 5. And that the truth of God and the way of it may not be evil spoken of as a nursery of such nor suffer damage by them in any thing but that they may cut off occasion from them that seek it For there are many wicked and malicious adversaries that watch for their halting and seek occasions and advantages that they may speak reproachfully of and blaspheme that worthy name by which they are called and great occasion is given them by such fleshly lusts served among such which also more highly provokes the Almighty and renders such works of darkness and iniquity so vile in his sight that he will not let them go without some correction left upon them for a remembrance of their ways and to warn and humble them even such as yet in turning to him are forgiven and healed For so he saith to David after his humbling himself and confessing his fins although thereupon he saith by the Prophet The Lord hath put away thy sin yet he addes Howbeit because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme the childe also that is born unto thee shall surely die that is besides the forementioned corrections which likewise should come and remain upon him as that the sword should not depart from his house c. Because saith he thou hast despised me and taken the wife of Vriah c. See 2 Sam. 12. 9-14 Seeing then this lust of uncleanness and other such fleshly lusts not being abstained from by those that have known and believed the truth are so out of measure sinful and defiling to themselves and others suffer this word of exhortation by the Apostle Peter Dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts that war against the soul having your conversation honest among the Gentiles that whereas they speak against you as evil doers they may by your good works in putting off these deeds and fruits of the flesh and in putting on the new man with his deeds which they shall behold glorifie God in the day of visitation 1 Pet. 2. 11 12. Yea the rather accept it and give earnest heed to the things we have heard in Gods speaking to us by his Son to strengthen us against such defiling evils because especially now that the darkness is past and the true light hath shined making manifest all things that are reproved such defiling of the temple of God procures such sorer punishment and destruction to the defilers from the Almighty for Whhremongers and Adulterers God will judge And look what sentence is here denonnced and lies for ever against Whoremongers and Adulterers unto whom the holy Ghost had here particular occasion to apply it in this opposition of his sentence unto his asserting the honourableness of Marriage and the bed undefiled we may by the same word of the Lord apply unto all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men For now especially since the righteousness of God is revealed in the Gospel of Christ which is the power of God to save that men might be justified by faith and that the just by faith may live and walk by faith and so in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh compare Rom. 1. 16 17. with chap. 3. 21-27 Gal. 3. 23 24. 5. 16. The wrath of God is also thereby more clearly revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold hold back detain or smother the truth of God that comes to save them from it all in unrighteousness for the judgement of God is according to truth yea according to the Gospel of truth that royal-law of liberty that proclaims redemption from the curse and liberty from the bondage of the Law that the righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in them that believe I say according to this Gospel of Salvation by him that was made sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him the judgement of God is according to truth against all them that commit such things as in which his holy law is transgressed and without respect of persons he judgeth according to every mans work for he that said Do not commit adultery said also Do not kill now if thou commit no adultery yet if thou kill thou art become a transgressor of the Law and so we may say if thou steal or if thou bear false witness or if thou do any thing contrary to sound Doctrine and shalt be judged for it by the law of liberty and according to its rule of judgement which hath