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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11295 [Certaine points of christian religion] Saintbarb, Richard. 1589 (1589) STC 21556; ESTC S113423 55,419 187

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they haue no being so many soules Question In the definition it is said that it neuer dieth but alwaies liueth and is immortall but there are some that affirme that it sleepeth other some that it dieth with the bodie Answere That it neither sleepeth nor yet dieth but that it alwaies liueth and is immortall and that either it goeth vnto blisse or miserie presentlie after the seperation of the body proued Eccl. 12.7 Mat. 22.31 Luk. 16.24 25. Reu. 6.9 10 11. Question Also it is said in the definition that it is created of God and by him infused into the bodie but there are some that hold that the soule begetteth the soule Answere First these testimonies of holy Scripture do sufficiently prooue that they are created of God and powred by him into the bodie Eccles 22.7 Psal 33.15 Iob. 10.9 10 11 12. Secondly it is against the nature of a being to be deuided and parted Thirdly to say that a soule hath seed generation is a hard and strange kind of diuinity Question The Apostle Paule diuideth man into three parts the spirit the soule and the bodie so that hee seemeth to make the spirit one thing and the soule another how is it then that you diuide man into two partes the soule and bodie 1. Thes 5.23 Answere The Apostle diuideth the soule into two partes the first is reason and vnderstanding which he calleth the spirit the second is wil and affection which he calleth the soule so that the spirit is not a seuerall substance but the soule spirit are one euen as the bodie and flesh are one Question Now let vs come vnto the third point as thou hast shewed that God made man so tel me did he make him perfect and free from all sinne Answere Yea for it is said that God did make him in the image of God Gene. 1.27 Eccles 7.31 Question In that Moses bringeth foorth God speaking after this manner let vs make man in our image did he speak vnto Angels or the earth Answere No verely neither to the one nor to the other for First what fit counseller is the earth which is a dead Element Secondly to ascribe such a notable worke as the creation of man or the least part therof vnto Angels is blasphemie against God Thirdly it is not said that man was created after the image of earth or Angels but in the image of God Question What is the true meaning of the words Answere God in that place speaketh vnto his wisdome and power shewing thereby what a notable creature man should bee also it is a notable place to proue the Trinitie of the persons Question Doth Moses make any difference betweene Image and likenes in that hee rehearseth them both Answere No verely for by it Moses repeateth one thing with many words to make the same more plaine and driue the same more deeply into our hearts Also in the 27. verse he nameth only the word Image finally in the fift chapter the word similitude he onely vseth and maketh no mention of the word Image Question Was that the image of God in respect of mans fourme or substance either in soule or bodie Answere No for God hath no such forme nor substance for he is neither flesh blood nor bone and although a spiritual essence yet infinite vncreated and incomprehensible 1. Reg. 8.27 Iob. 11.7 8. and 26.6 to the ende Esay 40.12 13. Rom. 11.33 Question Yea but the Scriptures doo attribute head eyes eares mouth armes and such like thinges vnto God Psalme 34.15 16. Luke 1.51 Answere It is true but these things are spoken for our weaknes not that God hath such things as are attributed vnto him but by these things God dooth teach vs and instruct vs further in his holie and vnsearchable mysteries and because we are too earthlie minded therefore hee by these things doth lift vs vp to more excellent things otherwise God is a spirite inuisible infinit and incomprehensible Question Also the Scriptures doo say that he breathed into him the breath of life and so made of him a liuing soule This breath was of the substance of God so the soule is a part of God and therefore his image Answere It is blasphemie so to affirme for the soule was created of God as the words maketh manifest if it had been part of the Creator then it could not haue been created and what is this but to make God subiect to errors sinne blasphemies afflictions and terrors yea hell it selfe and the diuell for the soule of man hath been subiect to these things euer since the fall of Adam Eua. Gen. 6.5 Ier. 17.9 1. Sam. 15.29 Eph. 2.2 3. Question Is it said that man was created in the image of God because Christ should come who is the image of God Answere No for Moses speaketh of the present time when God made man Again what is this but to say that man is an image of his image and also that Christ should be an image of himselfe and of the holie spirite which thing is absurd a lying doctrine of diuels Gen. 1.26 27. Question How vnderstand you these words of the Apostle in Coloss 1.15 Who is the image of the inuisible God the first borne of euerie creature Answere Those words doo nothing belong to the prouing of the former absurdities but the Apostle telleth vs that God sheweth himselfe to be séene in his sonne Christ not in that he had flesh head armes eies c. but in his mercie wisedome goodnes and righteousnes for otherwise God in his naked Maiestie is inuisible incomprehensible and by these words is proued against Arms the coessence and consubstantialitie of the Sonne with the Father Question There are some that holde that the image of God was in man in respect of rule ouer the creatures Answere Their iudgement is not right for although the image of God did shine in some part yet this is not Moses meaning when he saith that man was created in the image of God if it were Adam should be created vnto one image and we restored into another Question There are others that doo affirme that the image of God is in the soule in respect of the immortalitie but as for true righteousnes holinesse wisedome c. they are but the properties of God and not his image and therefore man is not said to be the image of GOD herein Answere They herein are greatly deceiued for First if it be onely the immortalitie of the soule then Adam hath lost the same for he by his Apostacie lost the image of God Secondly if it be the onely image of God wherein Adam was created then is it not the same image wherein all true Christians are nowe created as the Apostle sheweth which is true righteousnesse and holinesse a thing too too absurd Eph. 4.24 Thirdly by this it should folow that God hath 2. images which wer great blasphemy Fourthly herein the lie is giuen to the holie Ghost for he plainly
hee saieth that they are subdued vnder hope namelie of restoration to that excellent estate that they had by creation Question Proceede to your second place of proofe Answere Whome the Heauens must conteine vntill the time that all things bee restored which God had spoke by the mouth of all the holy Prophets since the world began Actes 3.21 Question What gather you by these words Answere That al things shal be restored to an excellent perfection and therfore S. Peter calleth the day of Iudgement the day of restoring of al things which could not be attributed vnto that day vnlesse that there should be a restoration of them Question To what end or what vses shall they serue after the day of Iudgement Answere That is a wicked curiositie to search after those things which God hath not reuealed vnto vs let vs therefore say with Moses The secret things belong vnto the Lord our GOD and the things reuealed vnto vs and our children for euer that we may doo all the words of this Lawe Deu. 29.29 and so auoide likewise such vaine questions as these whether they shall be perpetuall or not perpetuall for vses or not for vses for they breed but strife and meere babling 1. Tim. 1.4 5 6 7. Titus 3.9 Question What is the vse of this point Answere First how all things were created of God most perfect and good at the first and he therfore holy and iust in his works Psalm 145.10 11. Deut. 32.4 Secondly how our sinne was the ruine and confusion of the perfection and excellencie of the creatures in their first creation so that hereby we may see how horrible and filthie a thing sinne is and therefore so much the more to hate the same Gene. 4.11 12. Ephe. 2.2 3. Col. 3.1 2 3 4. Thirdly the iustice of GOD in punishing sin and therfore we ought to kil and flie from the same as the only enemy of our health and saluation Psal 5.4 5 6. Co. 3.5 6. Ro. 6.23 Fourthly how all things in Christ shall bee restored to health and the former excellencie but man to a greater excellencie and more perfect happines than at the first Rom. 8.14 to 26. Question As wee haue hetherto intreated generallie of the creation of the world with all things therein so now more particularlie let vs come to the making and creating of man the which is the second point and tell me what order thou wilt keepe herein Answere First who made man Secondly whereof he consisteth Thirdly of his excellencie in his first creation Fourthly of his fall Fiftly how wee come to the knowledge thereof and our sinnes Sixtly of the vses of the lawe and good workes Question Who made man Answere God Question What things may we consider in God in the creation of man Answere First his wisdome Psalm 104.24 Secondly his power Thirdly his goodnes Psalm 8. Question Let vs come to the second thing What is man and whereof dooth he consist Answere Man is an excellent and reasonable creature created after the image of God his creator consisting of two partes Gene. 1.26 27. First a soule Gene. 2.7 Second a bodie Eccle. 12.7 Question What is the bodie Answere A wonderfull Creature of the workemanship of God framed out of the dust of the earth and of a notable proportion in euerie parte made vpright to looke vpward alwaies to God his maker Gene. 3.19 Question Although the bodie bee of the dust of the earth is it not yet more excellent than all other creatures that were made of the earth Answere Yes verelie and that first in respect of the time of his creation Secondly of the forme of his creation Thirdly of the end of his creation Fourthly of the person of the Sonne Question 1 How in the time of his creation Answere When the Lorde made man hee first tooke counsell of his wisdome and power and deliberated on the matter but when he made all other creatures before hee made man hee saide let it be done and it was done presentlie not taking such deliberation on their Creation although his wisdome power and glorie may bée seene in them Gen. 1.26 Roma 1.20 21. and 11.36 Question 2 How informe of his creation Answere God made all other creatures to go groueling on the earth and to looke downeward but he made man a streight bodie to go vpright and alway to looke vp into Heauen and so to consider of his Creator also he hath planted a certaine Maiestie in the face of man to the terror of all other creatures Gene. 1.28 29. Question 3 How in the end of his creation Answere First in glorifying GOD in holy words and also in good workes Ephesians 4.29 30. Matth. 5.16 Secondly in respect of the redemption of the bodie thorough Christ to be the childe of God and heire of eternall life and saluation Ro. 18.7 Thirdly to bee the temple of the holy Ghost 1. Cor. 3.16 and 6.19 Question 4. How in the person of the Sonne Answere In that Christ the sonne of God hath onely communicated with man in taking to himselfe mans nature Heb. 2.16 Rom. 1.3 Question What hath man to consider in that his body is made of the earth and aduanced to such glorie Answere First it beateth downe all pride Iere. 22.29 Secondly his brittlenes is shewed therin Isay 40.6 7 8. Iob. 14.1 2. Thirdly it teacheth man to consider his excellencie in Christ and not to defile in sinne and vncleanenes of life his bodie 1. Cor. 6.15 to the end 2. Cor. 6.14 to the end Question What is the soule Answere It is an immortall and spirituall substance created of GOD and infused into the bodie which quickneth and giueth life thereunto and of it selfe neuer dieth Eccle. 12.7 Iob. 10.12 Matth. 10.28 Reue. 6.9 10 11. Question What are the powers of the soule Answere Principallie two First reason Esay 29.9 1. Thes 5.23 Secondly will Heb. 4.12 Question Are they perfect in vs Answere No but most imperfect Gen. 6.5 Ier. 17.9 Matth. 15.19 20. Rom. 8.7 1. Cor. 2.24 Question Were they so created in vs Answere No but we got corruption by the fall of our first parents Adam and Eue. Gen. 3.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 2. Cor. 11.3 Question Thou saiest that the soule is a spirituall substance but there are some that doo affirme it is but a motion other some to bee a vanishing breath Answere The Scripture teacheth the contrarie for First God is called the father of the spirits Heb. 12.9 Secondly Christ is called the pastour of soules 1. Pet. 2.25 Now if these sentences shal be applied to motions and a vanishing breath thereby to make God a Father and Christ a Pastour of a thing of naught it were most wicked and absurde Thirdly the soule is subiect to torments and capable of ioy in this world and in the life to come which things cannot be applied to motions and a vanishing breath Luk. 16.24 25. Fourthly it shoulde than followe so many motions and breathes seeing
affirmeth by his holie Word that Adam was created into the same image which we are now restored into by Christ Question But dooth not immortalitie represent the image of God in some measure Answere Yes trulie in some part but as I haue said before it is not Moses meaning to call Man the image of God onelie in that respect Question But true righteousnesse and holinesse c. are the properties of God Answere I grant the same yet it is the image of God wherein man was created and the faithful now restored into through Christ Question What is this image of God wherin they were created Answere It is the naturall conformitie of the soule all the functions of it to the law of God whereby fréely and voluntarily it inclineth vnto true perfect holines righteousnes Eph. 4.24 Col. 3.10 Question Where was this image placed Answere In the soule as the especiall seate to rule all the powers thereof to perfect and faithfull obedience Eph. 4.23 Rom. 12.2 Question Wherefore was man created thus Answere To serue God his Creator in true righteousnes holines Ge. 2.16 17. Lu. 1.75 Eph. 4.24 Question Why saist thou true righteousnes holines Answere First because the same must be in sinceritie Ioh. 4.24 Esay 29.13 Matth 15.7 8. Secondly according to the truth of Gods Word otherwise it is but counterfet false Deut. 4.2 Matth. 15.9 Ioh. 4.24 Question What is righteousnesse Answere It is a perfect rule of equitie which teacheth vs to giue vnto euerie man his due in worde deede and thought Leuitie 19.11 15 35 36. 1. Thess 4.6 Math. 7.12 Rom. 13.7 8. Question What is holinesse Answere It is a reuerent and holie obedience in the worship of God cōioyned with a sincere loue of God which proceedeth from an effectuall faith in the knowledge of God his word workes 1. Sa. 15.22 23. De. 6.5 Ro. 14.23 2. Co. 4.13 Question Let vs come vnto the 4. point tell me how fel we from this excellent image of God Answere We fell through the deceit of Satan the willing consent of Adam and Eua from the image of God vnto the image of Satan which is sinne foolishnesse all kind of blasphemies Gen. 3.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 1. Ioh. 3.8 Question What were the meanes which Satan vsed to bereaue vs of this image of God and our happinesse at the first Answere Two externall and internall Question What are the externall Answere Three First the serpent Gen. 3.1 Secōdly the forbidden fruit Ge. 3.2 to 6. Thirdly the woman Gen. 3.6 7. Question What are the internall Answere Three First infidelitie Gen. 3.3 Secondly ambition Gen. 3.5 6. Thirdly stubborne vnthankfulnesse Rom. 5.19 Question What hath this fall brought vs Answere It hath wrapped vs wholly in sinne made vs the children of wrath by nature Genes 6.5 Psal 51.6 Iob. 14.4 Matth. 15.19 Eph. 2.2 3. Question What is originall sinne Answere It is the heritable corruption of our nature which once was perfect in the innocencie of mā but by the fall of Adam it was corrupted by propagation this corruption is distilled into all the parts of our mindes so that it maketh vs guiltie of Gods wrath and to bring forth nothing but the fruits of the flesh Rom. 5.12.14 Gal. 5.19 20 21. Question What is sinne in generall Answere Sinne is euerie transgression of anie of the Commandements of the lawe of God either in not doing them or not doing them to their right end or in not doing them so willingly and fully as the Lawe requireth Nehem. 1.7 1. Ioh. 3.4 Iam. 2.8 9. Rom. 7.7 First in soule Matth. 22.37 39. Secondly in bodie Matth. 5.28 Ro. 7.7 8. Question What is it to be the childe of Gods wrath Answere To be subiect to the eternall curse of God which is the due reward of sinne Deut. 27.26 Gal. 3.10 Question What is the curse of God Answere It is all the plagues that doo belong either to the soule or the bodie which are comprehended in the whole booke of God First for this life Leu. 26. the whole Deu. 28. the whole Secondly eternall perdition and damnation both of bodie and soule Roman 6.23 Matth. 25.41.42 Reuel 21.8 Question Then of our selues and the diuell commeth sinne and damnation Answere Yea verely and of no other Gene. 3.1 to 8. Iohn 8.44 1. Iohn 3.8 Question Let vs come to the 5. point tel me how shal we come to the knowledge of our sin miserie Answere Onely by the perfect rule of the holy righteous law of God Ro. 3.20 7.7 Gal. 3.19 Question What is the Lawe Answere It is a most perfect rule and a holie doctrine fined from all corruption prescribed frō God himselfe vnto vs shewing what we ought to doo what not Psal 12.6 19.7 8 9. First in respect of God Matt. 22 37. to 40. Secōdly in respect of our neibors Matt. 22 37. to 40. Question Doth the word of God deliuer all things sufficiently for the perfection of Christianitie Answere Yea that in this sort First for the pure seruice of God which is true holinesse Deu. 13.32 Matth. 15.9 Iohn 4.24 Esay 8.19 20. Gal. 1.7 8. Secondly for our saluation Iohn 5.39 Ioh. 20.30 31. Thirdly for our sufficient righteousnesse vnto men 2. Tim. 3.16 17. Question Maie wee not serue God after our owne inuentions and traditions Answere No verelie for first our vnderstanding is blindnesse 1. Cor. 2.14 Iere. 10.14 Secondly our wisedome is foolishnesse 1. Cor. 1.20 Thirdly the same an enemie to the will and wisedome of God Rom. 8.7 Fourthly They are accursed that serue God with any other doctrine and wisedome than his owne Gal. 1.8 Reuel 22.18 19. Question Where may wee finde a short summe of the will of God Answere In the ten Commandements whereof the foure first belong vnto the first Table the sixe last vnto the second Table Question Wherefore was it giuen in two Tables and not rather in one Answere First it was to shewe a flatte difference betwéene the dutie we owe to God and the duetie we owe to our neighbours Secondly that the first is more excellent to be preferred before the second Mat. 6.33 Question Doo they that breake anie commandement of the first offend greater than in breaking any of the second Answere Yea verelie for the first belongeth vnto God and his seruice and the second to men their duties one towards another Question But out Sauiour Christ seemeth to make them equall when he saith Thou must loue God with all thy heart with all thy soule c. This is the first and greatest Commandement the second is like vnto it thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Matth. 22.31 38 39. Answere First the latter is like vnto the former not in the excellencie and equalitie of matter but because it hath some affinitie and agreement with the first Secondly because each of them teacheth the true and perfect will of God Thirdly
to bee the sole Sauior of mankinde Matt. 1.21 Fourthly in stéed of heauen euerlasting life they by their good intents and workes doo purchase hell and euerlasting death Ioh. 3.17 36. Question What vse ought we to make of this point Answere First to note how miserable we were of our selues after our fall as First in sinne Psal 51.5 Ier. 17.2 Secondly vnder the wrath of God eph 2.3 Thirdly captiues to the diuell eph 2.2 Fourthly inheritors of hell eternal death Rom. 6.23 Secondly the great and rich mercie of God First in giuing vs a Sauiour that might redeeme vs from sinne satan and hell Eph. 2.4 5. Tit. 3.4 5. Secondly in seeking to reconcile vs to him selfe and to make vs his children righteous 2. cor 5.18 19 20 21. Thirdly in giuing vs thereby euerlasting life and eternall happinesse Ioh. 5.24 Question Seeing we are now redeemed in Christ are we now therfore in a better and more happier estate vnder Christ our head than Adam was in his innocencie in Paradice Answere Yea surely the estate of Gods children is now more excellent Question Why so Answere First because wee haue an excellent head to wit Christ which Adam had not in the time of his innocēcie before his fal Eph. 1.22 col 1.18 Secondly God is more néerer ioyned vnto vs than he was vnto Adam at that time for he hath taken vpon himself since Adams fal our humane nature and ioyned the same to his diuine nature and is become one with vs sinne excepted Ephe. 5.30 Heb. 2.16 1. Pet. 2.23 1. Ioh. 3.5 Thirdly our saluation is more certain thā it was vnder Adam for then we had no power to stand in the perfection of our creation but now in Christ it is most certaine and firme because it is grounded First vpon the euerlasting vnchangable decrée and purpose of God Ephes 1. 11.2 Tim. 2.19 Secondly vppon the euerlasting mercies of God in Christ 2. Tim. 1.9 Thirdly vpon his faithfulnesse truth and righteousnes 1. cor 1.9 1. thes 5.24 Fourthly vpon his inuincible power omnipotencie Iohn 10.27 28 29. Fourthly God doth not onely giue vs heauen which Adam should haue had in his innocencie but also maketh vs heirs yea ioint heires with Christ in glorie the which Adam should neuer haue had if he had stoode in his innocencie so that wee maie see our estate farre better than Adams in Paradice Rom. 8.17 Question And is not man made more excellent than the Angels in heauen Answere Yes verely for First Christ tooke vpon him our nature and exalted it aboue all principalities powers and Dominions Eph. 1.20 21 22. Secondly man is made the Lord and ruler of the whole world that through grace in Christ which rule and lorldlie authoritie was neuer giuen vnto the Angels Psalm 8. the whole Thirdly the Angels by the free mercies of God are made the seruants of the faithfull to defend and comfort them for they are the ministring spirits sent foorth to minister for their sakes that shall be heires to saluation psal 34.7 Heb. 1.14 Question In that thou saist that man is restored to a better estate than Adam in his first innocencie in Paradice is become more excellent than Angels is thy meaning of all mankinde of all persons generally Answere No surelie but onely of the faithfull who are grafted into the bodie of Christ by the holy ghost as for infidels hipocrites heretikes libertines and atheists their estate is no better than the diuels in hell in shame and confusion for euer and euer Reuel 21.28 Eph. 5.5 Question Why died not Christ for all men as well as for a certaine number Answere No Christ died not for all for if Christ died for all then First there is no election 2. Tim. 3.19 Secondly God should be then vniust to condemne anie Rom. 3 4. psal 51.4 Thirdly al haue not faith 2. the .3.2 tit 1.1 Fourthly the spirit of Christ belongeth onely to the faithfull Rom. 8.9 10. Question Was there anie imperfection in the sacrifice of Christ in that it was not sufficient for all Answere There was no imperfection in the sacrifice of Christs bodie and soule for he was perfect and holy also it was sufficient for all people but effectual onely vnto those which lay hold on him through faith he 10.10 12 14. 9.25 26 28. Question The Scripture saith God would haue al men come to the knoledge of the truth be saued Answere The word all must be considered after this manner that First hee offereth grace vnto all but all receiue not the same Secondly that word must bee vnderstood some of all Nations Thirdly some of all callings as First Princes Secondly subiects Thirdly parents Fourthly children Fiftly masters Sixthly seruants Seuenthly men Eightly women Some of all which euen those that lay hold vpon Christ by a liuely true faith shall be saued and liue 1. Iohn 5.10 11 12 13. Fourthly we must consider that his reueled will is equally ruled by his secret wil and that they be not contrarie the one to the other although they seeme so to our foolish iudgements Fifthly that God is stable and vnchangeable in all his waies and workes Iam. 1 17. Question What moued God to saue some damne other some In that he saueth some is it for that they deserue the same or did he foresee that they would both beleeue and worke out their saluation Answere His owne mercie is the cause that he saueth some out of the sinfull lumpe of Adam for First all deserued damnation for the best worke after regeneration is defiled with sin and the reward of sinne is death how much more then deserue we death before God doth regenerate vs by his spirit 1. cor 13.9 Ro. 7.24 Secōdly faith is the only gift of god eph 2.8 Thirdly we cannot work wel before God regenerate vs vnto good works eph 2.9.10 Fourthly in that he dampneth other some it is of right and according to his righteous iudgements for that it is written if you do this you shall liue if you do not yee shall die Question How shall we bee perswaded of our saluation in Christ Answere Thorough faith Gal. 3.11 Gal. 2.16 Rom. 3.27 28. Question What is faith Answere A firme perswasion grounded vpon a sounde knowledge in sacred Scriptures that God is reconciled and become both our God and father thorough the merits obedience and bloudshedding of Iesus Christ in whome wee shall be saued and haue eternal life so assuredly as though wee possessed the same already which faith is wrought by the holy Ghost in the hearts of the elect thorough the ministerie and preaching of the word Rom. 5.1 2. Rom. 8.38 39. and 3.24 Ephe. 3.17 Ephe. 1.13 1. Ioh. 3.1 2 3. Question Then our faith must not bee wauering but firme in Christ and his promises Answere It must be firme and not wauering as Saint Iames teacheth for note this that not he which doubteth shall be saued but
the veritie of Gods Prophesies is thereby to be seene First in respect of the persons of Marie and Christe Isay 7.14 Matth. 1.23 Secondly of the time when the scepter should departe from Iuda Gene. 49.10 Mat. 2.1 Thirdly of the place in Bethelem Micah 5.2 Math. 2.6 Question What learne you out of the fourth article he suffred vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell Answere First vnder whome he was iudged to death vz. vnder that feareful and false iudge Pontius Pilate to deliuer vs from that feareful iust and eternall iudgement of God his father Mat. 26. and 27. Secondly the great sufferings that Christ suffred both in body soule namely in body he was crucified killed dead and buried and in his soule and bodie in the garden and vppon the crosse he suffred the torments of hel Matth. 26.46 Heb 9.25.26 1. Pet. 3.18 Thirdly the endes why hee suffered these things That was to make a sufficient sacrifice and a ful satisfaction for al our sinnes thereby to auoide the horrible punishment due vnto vs. 1. Pet. 3.18 Gal. 3.13 14. Fourthly to fulfill all prophesies and promises sacrifices and figures of his death and our saluation Gen. 3.15 Esay 33. the whole Iohn 19.30 Question Now let vs come vnto the second point of Christs exhaltation in glorie and excellencie in perfection What learne you in the sixt article the third day he rose againe from the dead Answere First that Christ did rise out of the graue with the same body on the third day according to his owne Prophesies and the figure of Ionas Matth. 12.39 and 16.21 Secondly by the power of his resurrection he sheweth vnto vs that hee hath ouercome the power of the diuell sinne death and hell Mat. 18.4 5. 1. Pet. 3.21 22. Heb. 2.14 15. Thirdly that hee hath purchased for vs righteousnes vnto iustification to eternall life Rom. 4.25 1. Pet. 1.3 Fourthly by the vertue of his death he causeth sinne to die in vs and by the vertue of his resurrection hee causeth vs to rise vnto newnes of life Rom. 6.4 5. 1. Pet. 4.1 2. Fifthly his rising is an assured pledge that our bodies shall rise againe to immortalitie 1. Cor. 15.12 16. Question What is the imputation of righteousnes Answere It is an accounting of Christs righteousenes to bee our owne thorough faith whereby we are presented both iust and blameles before God both his and our father Phil. 3.9 10. 2. Cor. 5.27 Question What learne you in the sixth article he ascended into Heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God Answere First that he is ascended into Heauen from out of this earth in his manhoode according to the Prophesies of his assention Psalm 65.19 Acts. 1.9 10 11. Ephe. 4.8 Secondly his ascension is a pledge that we shall likewise ascende after him for he assended to prepare a place of glorie for his people Iohn 14.3 Ephe. 2.6 Thirdly he is ascended to make intercession for vs to God his father Rom. 8.38 He. 7.24 25 26 27. Fourthly that all power is giuen vnto him and how he is of equall authoritie with God his father Matth. 8.18 Ephe. 1.20 First to enrich his Church and to defende her against the gates of hell Ephe. 4.7 8. Secondly to punish the wicked to destruction 1. Cor. 15.24 to 29. Question What learne you in the seauenth article from thence hee shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead Answere First that there is a day appointed for the iudgement of the quicke and dead according to the Prophecies of the worde of God but when this ioyfull and fearefull day shall be the verie Angels doo not knowe neither yet the sonne of man Actes 17.31 Marke 13.32 Iohn 5.27 28 29. Secondly who is the iudge that must iustifie the godly and iudge the wicked namely Iesus Christ Actes 10.42 2. Corinth 5.10 Thirdly it ministreth to the godlie First this comfort that their sauiour and elder brother is their iudge to iustifie them and at that day shall deliuer them from all sinne feare of death hell and diuell and all other miseries Rom. a8 33.34 Luke 21.28 Secondly that to the great terror of the godlesse who feare not God nor loue either Christ or his Gospell he shall bee their iudge to their fearefull and iust destruction 2. Thes 1.6 7 8 9. Reuel 6.12 to 17. The end of the second part ¶ The third parte of the Catechisme Question NOw let vs come vnto the third parte of our Catechisme and shewe mee what is the same Answere Our sanctification Question What is sanctification Answere It is a setting free at libertie from the power of sinne vnto the freedome of righteousenes that therein his people might walke continuallie receiuing from Christ their daily strength Iohn 8. Rom. 6. Phil. 3. Question Where shall wee finde the same deliuered at large vnto vs Answere In the third parte of the articles of our faith Question Into how many partes shall wee diuide this point Answere Into three as First who sanctifieth that is the Holie Ghost as in the 8. article appeareth Secondly whom he sanctifieth vz. his Church and the meanes whereby he sanctifieth it as in the 9. article Thirdly of the spiritual benefites and graces that belongeth to the Church onely in the 10 11 and 12 articles Question Which is the first Article of the 3. part of the Articles of our faith Answere This I beleeue in the holy Ghost Question What learne you out of the same Answere First that the holie Ghost is God proceeding from the Father and the Sonne the thirde person in Trinitie and nothing inferiour to the Father nor the Sonne either in substaunce or glorie but of the same substance and glory with them Matth. 28.19 Acts. 5.3 4. Secondly it is he that instructeth sanctifieth comforteth and confirmeth the elect in the trueth of the promises of the Gospell of Christ vnto saluation and euerlasting life Eph. 1.13 Tit. 3.4 5 6. 2. cor 1.21 22. Thirdly the holy Ghost executeth the great prouidence of God ouer all his creatures whereby they continue in their estate ordereth the euent and successe of things that nothing commeth to passe by chance or any way els but by his disposition apointmēt Gene. 1.2 Psal 145.7 to 11. Fourthly that the sinne against the holie Ghost shal not be forgiuen in this life nor in the life to come Matth. 12.31 32. Heb. 6.4 5 6 7 8. Question Whom doth the holie Ghost sanctifie comfort and confirme Answere All the people of God in Christ who are called the Church of God spouse of Christ Ephe. 5.26 27. 1. cor 1.2 Question Rehearse the Article Answere I beleeue that there is a catholique Church a communion of Saints Question What is the Church of God Answere It is all the elect of what sexe and estate soeuer which haue been are and shall be vnto the endes of the world which are called by the onely working of the holie
were renewed by the spirit vnto righteousnes Secondly we cannot reade in this chapter that Nicodemus was baptised the which if it had been of such a necessitie both he should and would haue béen presently baptised and the Euangelist would haue noted the same Thirdly admit that Christ did speake of Baptisme yet the worde must not bee so vrged that he includeth saluation in water but hee rather ioyneth water with the spirit because hee testifieth and sealeth vnto vs by that visible signe newnes of life which God alone doth work in vs by his holy spirit Question What gather you by this doctrine of the Papists Answere First they are most cruell against poore infants Secondly most wicked to tie God to externall meanes and denie his couenant Thirdly if all be damned that are not Baptised then all are saued if they be Baptised Fourthly by this doctrine although Baptised yet if children die before they eat the flesh and drinke the bloud of Christ they are damned Iohn 6.53 Question May priuate men and women minister the Sacrament of Baptisme Answere No surely for First the Lord hath tied the same vnto his lawfull ministers with the preaching of the word Matth. 28.19 20. 1. Cor. 14.34 35. Secondly if they may administer Baptisme they may as well administer the Sacrament of the Lordes supper and preach the word publiquelie which things are absurde and wicked Question God was pleased with Zipporah her acte in circumcising her sonne with a stone Answere First Almightie God did not approue her facte otherwise we might say that the worshipping which the Gentiles that were brought from Assiria raised vp did please God because the beasts did cease to afflict the people Exod. 4.24 25 26. 2. Reg. 17.41 Secondly that which is particuler ought not to be made a generall example Question Doo wee not sinne most heynouslie if wee walke not according to our promise made vnto God in Baptisme Answere Yes verelie for First we breake our promise with GOD and falsefie our faith with the holy Trinitie Matth. 28.19 Titu 3.4 5 6 7. Secondly wee crucifie a newe our sauiour Christ and tread the bloud of the holy couenant vnder foote Heb. 6.6 and 10.26 27 28 29. Thirdly wee grieue the holy Ghost by whome the elect are sealed vnto the euerlasting redemption Ephe. 4.29 30. Fourthly wee mock and grieue the holy Angels who reioyce at the repentance of a sinner and cause them to bee our enemies to destruction who are appointed of God to be the ministers of the elect vnto Saluation Matth. 18.10 Luke 15.10 Fiftly we giue offence vnto the Church but it had been better that a Milstone had been hanged about our necks and wee cast into the Sea Matth. 8.6 7. Sixtly wee doo not only bereaue our selues of all the spirituall gifts of Gods spirit but also we are murtherers of our owne soules in that we bereaue our selues of Christ who is the very life it selfe Iohn 14.6 Roma 8.9 10 c. Question The signe may not be neglected of Christians may it Answere No God forbid it should for if wee neglect and contemne the Sacrament it is an accursed and wicked kind of dealing in men as namelie the Anabaptists who deny the Sacrament of Baptisme to youg infants wherein they shew their ignorance For first they bee vnder the couenant Exod. 4.24 25 26. Gene. 17.9 10. Secondly the kingdome of God belongeth vnto them Matth. 18. Question Now let vs come vnto the Lords supper when did he institute the same Answere Presently after the eating of the passeouer and also a little before his death thereby First to shewe vnto vs that the Passeouer was ended in him 1. Cor. 5.7 Secondly to put vs alwaies in remembrance of his suffrings Matth. 26.26 27. Question What is the Lords supper Answere It is a holy banquet and a sacrament of publique eating and drinking of Bread and Wine to put in minde all beleeuing Christians which are of a good and a sound discretion how Christ was put to death and did shed his bloud for the remission of their sinnes and so is become their meate and drinke thorough faith to euerlasting life Mat. 29.26 27. 1. Cor. 10.16 1. Cor. 11.23 24 25. Question How many things are to bee considered of in this sacrament Answere Fouer as first Christ and his institution Math. 26.26 c. Secondly the externall signes Bread and Wine Math. 26. Thirdly the promise of redemption and remission of sinnes in Christ 1. Corinth 11.23 c. Fourthly faith in the promise to iustification and euerlasting life Iohn 66.54 c. Question How is our faith nourished and confirmed by the Lords supper Answere First in that our sauiour Christ giueth himselfe vnto vs therein assuring that his bodie was giuen vnto the death of the Crosse and his bloud shed for vs. Matth. 26.26 27 28. phil 2.8 1. pet 2.24 Secondly the bread and wine which wee take and eate and drinke according to his holy institution doo teach vs that by faith we doo eate and drinke the body and bloud of Iesus Christ as the onely comfort and nourishment of our soules Iohn 6.48 51. Question What is the Analogie betweene the signes and the things signified Answere It standeth in feeding nourishing comforting refreshing in vnion and in fellowship Question As how Shew me Answere First as the bread and wine doo feede nourish and refresh the naturall bodie of man euen so the bodie and bloud of our Lord and Sauior Christ with the merits of his passion doo spirituallie feede nourish comfort and refresh our poore famished and thirstie soules Ioh. 6.32 33.35 1. Cor. 11.24 25 26. Secondly as many cornes and grapes are vnited into one loafe and one wine euen so are wee vnited into one mysticall bodie and haue vnion and fellowship with Christ and bee as members one with another 1. Corin. 10.16 17. Question Then we do not reallie and verelie eat and drinke the naturall flesh and bloud of Christ in the holy supper Answere No for first it fighteth against the nature of a Sacrament for how can it be a signe and the thing it selfe Secondy if we be fed with the accidents of Bread and Wine It should followe that our bodies should be accidentall bodies bodies in shewe and not bodies in deede and of substance Thirdly it were to deny that Christ tooke flesh of the Virgin Marie if the substance of Bread and Wine doo become his flesh or els to say he had a mixte bodie either of which is blasphemie Matth. 1.23 Rom. 1.3 Fourthly it were to make Christ to haue a fantasticall bodie if his naturall bodie bée in euerie place after the words of consecration Fiftly it were to deny Christs Ascension and his sitting at Gods right hand and asmuch as to say the resurrection is past Act. 1.9 10. and 3.21 Sixthly it were to make him subiect to corruption as the Bread and Wine is Phil. 3. 20 21. 1. Timo. 1.17 18. Seauenthly it were to make
will of God then must we seeke to learne the same and vse all the meanes to come vnto the knowledge thereof Rom. 12.1 2. Eph. 5.17 1. Thes 4.1 Question Now let vs come to the second parte of the praier and see what we are to learne out of the first petition therein Giue vs this day our daily bread Answere First what daily bread dooth signifie namely all things needfull for this life Gene. 3.9 2. Reg. 22.23 Psal 104.14 15. Secondly who must giue vs the same namely God Matth. 6.32.33 Psal 127.1.2 3. and 128.1 2 3 4. Thirdly that God onely must blesse all our labors that wee may receaue profit thereof Deut. 28. Pro. 3.7 8 9 10. 2. Thes 3.8.12 Fourthly we must be contented with that which God giueth vs and bee thankfull for the same though neuer so small and simple Phil. 4.11 12. 1. Timo. 6.6 7 8 9 10. Fifthly in that we must praie for the good estate and preseruation of our brethren and that all that is theirs may prosper it teacheth vs not to spoile them of any thing that is theirs nor to hurt the same 1. Timo. 4.4 Iohn 6.11 1. Thes 4.6 Pro. 3.27 28. Question How many things learne you in the fift petition forgiue vs our trespasses as wee forgiue them that trespasse against vs Answere First how all men are sinners and none free from sinne but all doo breake the lawe of God both in thought word and deed Pro. 20.9 and 24.16 1. Iohn 1.8 Secōdly how we haue need therfore to seek continuallie for pardon at the hands of God who onely doth pardon and that thorough Christs death and bloud Psal 32.5 51.1 to 7. Thirdly this teacheth that man cannot by his merits satisfie Gods wrath insomuch as he must seeke forgiuenes Esay 64.6 Psalm 130.3 4. and 143.2 Fourthly it sheweth that we must both forgiue and forget if wee will haue our sinnes both forgiuen and forgotten of God Gene. 50.21 Col. 3.13 Mat. 6.14 15. Mat. 18.35 Question What learne you in the sixt and last petition And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill Answere First that although God dooth trie our faith and obedience by satan and his euill suggestions yet that he would assist vs with his spirit of strength and holines that we neuer be ouercome of them Ephe. 6.12 to 19. 1. Peter 5.8 Reuel 12.8 9 10. Secondly it sheweth how Christians are at warre with a cruell Lion a subtill serpent and a continuall accuser therefore not to sleepe in securitie 1. Pet. 5.8 Reuel 12.8 9 10 11 12. Thirdly how wee must ouercome not in our strength and wisdome for they are our enemies and friends to the diuell but onelie by the armor of God and strength of Christ Rom. 8.7 1. Cor. 1.20 Ephe. 6.10.11 12 13 14. 1. Cor. 5.55 to 58. Cor. 1.11 1. Ioh. 5.4 Fourthly the diuell can doo nothing without God giue leaue and that God wil tempt his children no farther than he wil strengthen and deliuer them 1. Cor. 10.13 Psal 34.18 19. Iob. 1.12 1. Sam. 16 14. Matth. 8.31 Acts. 16.18 Fifthly what it is to be giuen ouer to temtation and euill that is when GOD giueth man ouer vnto himselfe and punisheth sinne with sinne and hardnes with hardnes of heart Acts. 28.25 26. Matth. 13.14 Ro. 1.24 Rom. 9.17 18 1. Reg. 22.21 22 23. Question What learne you in the conclusion For thine is thy kingdome the power and the glorie for euer and euer Amen Answere First ernestly to seeke after the glory of god Matth. 6.33 1. Chro. 29.9 10. Ro. 11.36 Secondly we may assure our selues that God will graunt vs our godly desires for all power and glorie is his and cannot be taken from him Psal 50.15 Thirdly that his kingdome shall neuer cease but remaine euerlasting and glorious 2. Chro. 29.11 12 13. Deu. 4.31 Luk. 1.33 Fourthly that by this worde Amen wee are taught with what godly mind and feruent zeale we should praie and with what assurance to haue our praiers granted 1. Timo. 1.17 Reuel 7.12 Question What are the spirituall benefits and graces that belong to the Church of Christ Answere They are these three chiefely First the forgiuenes of sinnes Secondly the resurrection of the bodie Thirdly life euerlasting Question Rehearse the tenth article Answere The forgiuenes of sinnes Question What is forgiuenes of sinnes Answere A full remoouing of the guiltines and the punishment of our sinnes by the death and bloud of Christ which is our reconciling vnto God Rom. 3.24 Ephe. 1.7 Col. 1.12 13.14 Question What is reconciliation with God Answere It is a perfect restoring vnto the fauor of God through the obedience of our only mediator Iesus Christ 2. Cor. 5.19 20 21. Titus 2.14 Question What learne you out of this Article Answere First that we are all vile sinners and therefore neede to séeke for pardon Matth. 18.24 Iob. 14.4 1. Iohn 1.8 Secondly that the remission of sinnes comes only by the suffrings of Christ 1. Pe. 1.18 19 20 21. Matth. 26.26 27. Thirdly that our sinnes being freelie forgiuen shall bee no more laid to our charges to condemne vs for Christ hath both died for vs and iustified vs. Rom. 8.32 33 34. Iere. 31.34 Heb. 10.16 17 18 19 20. Question What learne you in the eleuenth article the resurrection of the bodie Answere First that our mortall bodies that are consumed either in the earth vppon the earth or in the sea shall arrise againe at the last day of iudgement according to the prophesies and the word of God Esay 26.19 20 21. Dan. 12.2 3. Iohn 5.28 Secondly that the resurrection of our bodies comes by the benefit we haue of Christs resurrection and the power of God 2. Cor. 4.14 Phil. 3.20 1. Cor. 15. Thirdly that our bodies shall arise glorious and immortall Phil. 3.20 21. Question What learne you in the twelft article And life euerlasting Answere First that all the faithfull shall haue euerlasting life Matth. 25.46 Iohn 14. Iohn 17. Secondly that eternall life is the free gift of God Rom. 8.23 Matth. 25.24 Thirdly by whome that is onely through faith in Christ Iohn 6.47 Pet. 1.4 5 6 7 8 9. c. Question Why is there no mention made in the articles of our faith of the resurrection of the wicked with their punishment of bodie and soule in hell fier euerlastingly Answere Because this summe of faith respecteth onelie the benefits of faith belonging to the faithful in Iesus Christ Question Why Shall not the wicked rise and be punished euerlastinglie Answere Yes verily their bodies shall arise and bee ioyned to their soules and so punished in hel fier for euermore Actes 24.15 Iohn 5.28 29. 2. Thes 1.8 Reuel 20.8 Question Now for good works tell me can wee not merit Heauen of our selues by our owne good works Answere No verely for so to think were first to denie the grace of God Ephe. 2.8 Secondly to say that Christ died in vaine and so no sauiour Gal.