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A06800 The sicke-mans comfort against death and the deuill, the law and sinne, the wrath and iudgement of God. Translated out of Frenche into English, by I.E.; Consolation et instruction aux malades contre l'appréhension. English. L'Espine, Jean de, ca. 1506-1597.; Eliot, John. 1590 (1590) STC 17238; ESTC S119213 84,176 220

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soule is buried when it pleaseth God to fetch it from thence it is not as though he should make it come forth of the graue and raise it vp againe What is the occasion then that men may haue to flye from this corporall death and to haue it in such horrour Séeing that seperating the soule frō the body setteth the soul out of prison and sendeth it to enioy liberty in heauen there to be made much of in the bosome of Iesus christ and to inioy with him and with all the happy soules the eternall comforts promised and reserued for the elect people of God The body on the other side liethe in the earth as in a bed there to sléep and take his rest at his ease being neuer wake or troubled in his sléepe neither by fearefull dreames nor cares nor feares nor cries noyses or any thing els that maye disquiet the same sléeping there til the day of the resurrection when it shalbe waked by the sound of Gods Trumpet and knit againe to the Soule hauing left behind in the earth his mortality dishonour and weakenesse hauing put on his robes of glory power immortality and corruption Whereby we may sée that it is without curse that men feare so much this corporall death the which doth but seperate for a time the soule from the body for y ● great profite of the one and of the other For the body is by this meanes out of all daunger not onely of sinne and of the miseries that waite thereuppon but also of all temptation remaining and resting in the earth in certaine hope of the resurrection and of the life euerlasting And although it séeme to be altogether depriued of life lyinge in the earth because that the soule being departed from it leaueth it without any mo uing or féeling and it putrifieth and goeth into earth yet being alwaies accompanied with the spirit and infinit power of God which quickeneth all thinges it is not altogether void of life as Saint Paul saith If the spirite of him which raised Iesus Christ vp from the dead dwell within you He also which hath raised him vp shal also quicken your mortal bodies because of his spirit which dwelleth in you This is the reason why in another place drawing out vnto vs the portrature of the resurrection of our bodies to come he brings in an example of the séede which is cast into the earth the which hath life in it although being in the Garner it semeeh to haue none and holding it in our hands wee cannot iudge but that it is a thinge dead and without life Yet when it is cast into the earth where a man would think the life if it had any would be smothered and taken away it showes it selfe and growes as it were from the rottennesse from whence wee sée the eare commeth which nourisheth and grows afterwards shewing plainely by euident tokens the life that was hidde in it before it was cast in the earth So God in the holy scripture caleth himself the God of Abraham long time after Abrahams death and saith that he is not the God of the dead but of the liuing Then it followeth that not only the soule of Abraham which he redeemed by the death of his Sonne is yet liuing since it hath béen seperated from the Body but that the bodye which is partaker of the same redemption which is knit and incorporate to Iesus Christ to be one of his members and hath bene consecrated and sanctified vnto God that he may dwel therin as in his holy Temple is not clean without life although it be putrified in the bowels of the earth For so much as it is alwaies accompanied with the grace of God and iointly with the soule comprised in the euerlasting couenant that hee hath made with his people which couenant is a fountaine and vaine of life not onely to the souls but also the bodies of al the faithfull And if as Saint Iohn saith they bee most happy and blessed which die in the Lord and that no blessednes can be without life we must needes conclude the one of these two things either that no blessednes can come to the body or els if it may come that the body is not depriued and void of all life lying in the earth For although it be putrified and haue no signe of life in it at all yet retayneth it in it selfe as it were a séede and stack which shal appeare at the day of the resurrection when the spirite of God pouring out his infinite vertue on our bodies shal raise them vppe againe and shall make them shine with the glory and brightnes that hee hath promised his elect And euen as in an egge there is a chicken and a certain life which is euidently perceiued when the hen hath heated and hatched it by her heate so immortality and life euerlasting whereof both our soules and bodies are called to bée partakers from the time that we haue receiued the Gospell of Christ which is a worde of life and a séede incorruptible shal shut vp till the last day by the power of our God which shall then make vs newe againe as hee shall doe the Heauens the earth and all other creatures which then shall fully be deliuered from the bondage of corruption Whereof we are also assured by the baptisme that is giuen vs in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost For the water which hath bene poured vpon our bodies whiche the Scripture calleth the lauer of Regeneration is not onely to assure vs that our soules are washt and purged cleane by the bloud of Iesus Christ for the remission of our sinnes but also our bodies And that being both together couered and clad with the righteousnes and innocency of the son of God and besides sanctified by his holye Spirite they are by and by put in possession of life euerlasting and altogether made frée and deliuered frō the slauery of death which hath no power as we said but onely where sinne raigneth which is the onely cause of death The holy Supper of our Lord in the which taking by faith breade and wine which are giuen vnto vs by the handes of the minister we are receiued to the partaking of the flesh and bloud of Iesus Christ and so vnited and incorporate with him that for euer as Saint Iohn saith he dweleth in vs and we in him doth it not assure vs also that being inseperably ioyned with the life and with him that is cause of life wee can neither die either in soule or body by reason of this vniō which is common both to soule and body The death of the body ought not to séeme so hor rible and hideous as it doth vnto others who are frighted as little children with a maske or false vizard For if the mother should come to her childe with a monstruous and vgly face to be séene he would be afraid and
himself sincerely and to aske mercy and pardon of Iesus christ but he heard by and by this day shalt thou be with me in paradice What worthines might the poore Publican haue who for the great shame and horrour that he had of all his life before past durst not lift vppe his eies to heauen neuertheles as soone as he began to confesse the pitiful and miserable estate wherin he was and prayed God to haue compassion vppon him all his sins were pardoned him and he went iustified and righteous home to his owne house What worthines I pray you was found in Sainct Paul at Damascus when transported with a rage and fury to giue information according to his Commission that he had obtayned of the high Priest for all them that confessed the name of Iesus to bring them bound and manacle●… to Ierusalem there to endict them and to condemn them to death and yet for al that he was so horrible a blasphemer and persecutor of Iesus Christ and of his Church and therefore not onely vnworthy to be numbred amongst his Apostles as he himselfe confesseth but also amongst his shéepe God forgetting in a moment all the iniuries that he had done vnto him and vnto his Church made him a speciall instrument and a chosen trumpet amongst all his companions to publishe his Gospell throughout al the world Who would say that he had any respect vnto the merit and worthines of his gestes and actions when he did aduaunce him to so great honoure Louing him as much or more then hee did any of his fellowes Séeing that hee himselfe doth so highly commend the grace of God to the which he doth attribute what good thing soeuer he did either thinke or speake or doe in all his life It is then the onely grace of God which is the foundation and meane of life euerlasting that wee hope for as it is also of the righteousnes and holines of life by the which we attayn vnto it This Iesus christ did teach when speaking of his shéepe hee saith that they heare his voice and follow him and y●…t for all that hee giueth them eternall life Signifiyng thereby that it is fréely geuen them and of a pure gist and not in lieue or respect that they haue heard his voice and followed his traces This may also be gathered out of the words of Moises in the 20. of Exodus where God promiseth to shew mercy vppon thousandes towardes them that loue him and kéep his commandements Whereby we must note that he doth not promise his seruantes any other recompence for their good déedes but to shew mercy towards them and their posterity And as much may we obserue in the 24. Psalme Wher the Prophet speaking of those that went vp to the hill of the Lorde saith that it shalbe He that hath innocent hands and a pure heart which hath not lift vppe his mind vnto iniquity nor sworne deceitfully and a litle after he saith He shal receiue a blessing from the Lord and righteousnes from the God of his saluation This is the generation of them that séeke him of them that séeke the face of the God of Iacob to giue vs to vnderstand that whatsoeuer we haue done to obey God to washe our hearts from all wicked thoughtes and affections and our hands from all wicked workes to humble our selues vnder the hand of God and to presume nothing of our selues nor of our owne vertues notwithstanding al this wee cannot goe vppe into the hill of the Lord but onely by the gracious fauour that hee shall shewe vnto vs and by the merciful dealing that it shal please him to vse towards vs. And this is the best thing to comfort vs withal and to put our hope in full assurauncè that it bee grounded vppon his mercy truth which are firme and immutable and not vppon the merites and worthines of our workes and vertues which are very vnperfect Now if wee perceiue the sicke man to bee fully resolued of the remission of his sins and that in his mind there remain no feare or conceyte of them that may trouble his conscience then must we goe further with him to strengthen him against the horrour and apprehension that hee may haue of death shewing him by the word of God that it is vanquished and swallowed vp by the death of Iesus Christ who speaking by the mouth of his Prophet he saieth vnto death O death I wil be thy death and destruction For séeing that the stinge of death is sinne and the power of sinne is the lawe Iesus Christ fulfilling the lawe for vs hath by that meanes taken awaye the sting of death So that it cannot hurt vs any more and hath ouercome and vanquished the power of sinne so that it cannot condemne vs no more And althoughe it be a certain decrée and ordinance of god that all men shall die and that comminge from dust they shall returne to dust neuerthelesse to speake properly the seperation of the body and the soule in the faithfull ought not to be called death So Iesus Christ speaking to his disciples of Lazarus who was dead said that he slepte This phrase of spéeche is very vsuall in the old Testament to signifie the death of the Fathers Saint Paul vseth it likewise writing to the Corinthians and Thessalonians of those that should depart this life before the day of the resurrection whom hee calleth sléeping But hee giueth it a more honorable title in his epistle to the Philippians where he calleth it a dislodging or departing of the Soule from the Bodye Which agréeth well with the wordes of Iesus Christ who aduertising his Disciples of his death that was at hande tolde them that the houre drewe neare in the which he should passe out of this worlde to God his father calling the death of his body but a passage by the which we goe out of this vale of misery to enter into possession of Paradise that is to say of a place of assured tranquillity and rest and full of all delight pleasure The ancient Gréeks called death Thanaton which is as much to say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in english thus From hence to God or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth consecration as one should say a solemne Ceremony by the which the faithfull are wholly dedicated vnto God neuer afterward to do any thing but sing praise to him and sanctifie his holy name And also our Sauiour hath also called it baptisme for that by death we passe as it were through a gate and as it were ouer a water to goe to a place of rest and pleasure whether we purpose to goe And if the body which the Gréekes call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to shew that it is as it were the graue and sepulchre of the soule which they call with a name very neare vnto the other called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wherein it séemeth in this life the
Citie of Hemor because his son Sichem had rauished Dina the onelie daughter of Iacob And in the house of Dauid for hauing entised to wickednesse the wife of his se●…uant Vrias And in that of Salomon his sonne who was so wise and had receiued such honour and fauour of glorie riches and puissance and at the end of all this so many excellent and goodly promises of God that by good right hée might be called a pearle farre excéeding all other Kings and princes of the earth And yet for all that the voluptuous pleasures of this world handled him so that they tooke cleane awaie his vnderstanding euen in olde age when he should haue had the staiedst wisedome and setledst iugement of all and made him not onely to forget God and his bounden dutie towards him but also to sacrifice to Idolls as a man cleane berefte of his wits onely to please his wicked concubines who were strangers with whom he acquainted himselfe against the expresse commaundement of God wherevppon a thousand plagues fell vppon his house and his posteritie The house of Ahab was it not vtterly subuerted because of the greate abhominatiōs that did raigne in it What was the cause of those lamentable Tragedies written of the ruine and desolation happened to the house of Priamus a King renowned for his riches treasure greatnesse pomp and wealth amongst the greatest and most ●…mightie monarkes of all Asia was it not the foolish loue of Paris and Helen Did not the like fall out in the Court of greate Agamemnon after hée was returned conquerour of his enimies from Troy so famous and rich wyth the spoyles that he got thereby the impudence and vnchast behauiour of his wife Clytemnestra and her adulterer Aegysthus The spoiles that were done in the Prouince of Ionium in Cyrus time and al the miseries and distresses that ouerflowed all that Countrie which was the most pleasant and fruitfullest territorie in all Asia as Herodotus reciteth were occasioned in the same manner But what is hée that can reckon vp all the mischiefes and inconueniences that this cursed fleshly concupiscence hath alreadie bred and doeth bréede dayly Well did Plato tearme it a bait of al mischiefes and enormities And the Emperour Aerianus did portraite it out properly comparing it to a pill that his gilden on the out side to swallowe it downe with more ease but when we come to digest it then wee féele the bitternesse thereof and this is the difference betwéene them that the pils doe purge and voide the infections and grosse humours which are in the bodie to recouer health but the pleasures on the other side increase procure them and doe corrupt altogether the good disposition both of the bodie the soule When we are debarred from these pleasures and haue the vse of them no more by reason of death diseases penurie olde age or by anie other meanes we should reioyce as much as if we were escaped out of the handes of some cruell and outragious tyrant For there can be no tyrannie more cruell then that of these voluptuous pleasures as Cicero faith for that the one can but hurt our bodies and goods the other doth racke and torment our soules and consciences in a strange manner Whosoeuer then doth desire a fréedome and quiet of conscience to possesse his soule in tranquillity without anie disturbance or trouble of minde which is the most soueraigne good that is in this world may be sought or found he must bid adieu to all worldly pleasures and be glad with all his heart when they take theyr leaue for altogether as they doe at the house of death These things must we set before the eyes of the sicke who shall féele themselues tyed fast by the legge to theyr ease and the vaine and deceitfull pleasures of this world And agayne we must shew them the pleasures that tarry for them prepared in the kingdom of heauen which are so great that the verie sent and tast that the Apostles and Martyrs felt haue made them straight forget this worlde with all her vaine delights before they euer departed from her out of this life How great a ioy shall it bee then to vs when wée shall drinke our fill of the riuer of these pleasures When we shall sée plainly the face of our God and sauiour Iesus Christ whē we shall sit at his table with the Patriarches Abraham Isaac and Iacob When we shall heare the melodious musicke of Angelles singing continually To the holy holy holy great God of hosts be all praise glorie and honour for ●…euer God shall wipe the teares from the ●…ies of his children and then bring them into full fruition of his ioyes and rest when hee shall make them sitte néere vnto him vpon seates that long since he caused to be built and prepared for them to bée iudges altogether of the worlde and the deuills And lastly when in stead of the Sun and Moone he shall make a perpetual light shine ouer them comforting them for euer This pleasure shall bee as Iesus Christe sayd no momentarie thing but a pleasure and ioy that lasteth for euer and not as the pleasures of this worlde which fade awaie in time and loose quickly their sauour bée they neuer so great and daintie at their beginning This we sée in many men daily by experience who couet and desire many things eagerly verie vehemently which when they haue once obtayned and haue had their pleasure a little while then this great heate beginneth a little and little to quench and diminish and in the end is altogether extinguished And so it falls out oftentimes with vs when we haue had our pleasure oftentimes of that which we haue with so great affection desired we disdayne it afterward and repent with great displesure with our selues whereof we haue in the Scripture a notable example in Amnō the sonne of Dauid his sister Thamar But the true pleasures that the blessed soules inioy in the kingdome of heauen are of another nature For in satisfieng vs they leaue vs alwayes in appetite and in filling vs they leaue vs alwayes hungrie they quench our thirst and yet we are alwaies thirstie so that in contenting and satisfying all our appetites they leaue vs still desirous to abide in the same estate alwaies so that we are neuer a wearie therof These are then the true plesures which we ought alwaies to desire and seke after and not the pleasures of the worlde which are al●… but scuruie things For as those which are full of the itch whilest they are scratched haue some pleasure and fele some ease which lasteth but a little whilest they are in scratching and by and by vppon it there followeth a pain which vexeth them grieuously so the voluptuous men haue neuer no pleasure but it is mixed with a thousand griefes and sorrowes And theyr pleasure is much like that which they féele who are tickled which hath a certayne vexation and feare which
is to liue in this wicked peruerse world and be forced to see so many abhominable impietie and sacriledges committed and to heare so many execrable and horrible blasphemies that they spit out without any feare or shame against Heauen against the throne and maiesty of God shall he not lament his life so long in this world and say with the Prophet Dauid Woe is me that I remaine in messhech and dwell in the tents of Kedar my soule hath too long dwelt with them that hate peace I seeke peace and when I speake thereof they are bente towarre Ely séeing the people of Israell had forsaken GOD and had giuen themselues ouer to Idolatry and perceiuing the strange cruelties on the other side that Achab and Iezabell did vse against the Prophets and seruants of God being a weary of his life got him into the desart vnder a Iuniper trée and ther he praied vnto god that hee would take him out of this life that he might not behold any lōger that he did then behold and sée so also is it not possible for a man be he neuer so stronge harted séeing the disorder and confusion that raignes now a daies in the world and how euery where except in very few places Piety and Iustice are altogether ouerthrowne faith and the feare of God vertue and verity are clean banished from the company of most men but he shal féele in his heart strange pangs and passions of sorrow and that to turne away his eies from such pitifull sightes hee shall desire with all his heart that his soule mighte dislodge quickely from this earthly Tabernacle to take vppe and haue a newe dwelling place in Heauen where wee haue a permanent Cittye and an habitation well fenced and fortified againste all dangers and that then shalbe fully accomplished that which the Prophet saith The Lorde shall preserue thee from all euill he shal keepe thy soule The Lord shall preserue thy going out and thy comming in from henceforth and for euer And besides this will greatly increase our desire for that dislodging from this world we shalbe sodenly transported vp into Heauen where we shall sée God face to face and Iesus Christ in his glory by which sight the Angells af heauen and all blessed Spirites are so rauished that they desire and séeke none other thinge at all for their contentment and pleasure as saith the Prophet In thy presence is the fulnes of ioy at thy right hand there is pleasure for euermore The Quéen of Saba hauing séene Salomon and heard his great wisedome by the aunswere that he made to all questions that shée demanded hauing moreouer considered and remarked the order and pomp of his Court being as one rauished and in an estasis shée began to cry O how happy are the seruants of thy house that may behold thy face euery day and vnderstand thy profound wisedome that commeth from thy lippes How much more happy then they shall we be then séeing fully the glorious face of our God all the diuine treasures of his heauenly wisedome being opened vnto vs. If Moyses thought himselfe happy and was accounted one of the greatest Prophets of the world because he had séene on ly the hinder part of God what shall w●…e be when we shall sée him face to face as he is in all his glory Many kings and prophets in the time of our Fathers haue greatly desired the comming of Iesus Christ and would haue thought themselues most happy if they had séene God manifestly in the flesh as Saint Iohn Baptist Simeon the Apostle did how happy then may we thinke our selues at this present day when by our death wee haue this prerogatiue to se him in his glory and maiesty clothed with his royall robe sitting at the right hand of God his Father hauing auctority and power in heauen and earth to gouerne and dispose all things according to his good pleasure treading vppon all his enemies as vpon a footestoole vnder his féete When hee transfigured himselfe in the mountaine Peter Iohn and Iames séeing but a little beame of his glorie were so soddenly rauished in thēselues that forgetting all other things they desired for all felicitie but that they might continue still in that ioy and pleasure wherein they were at that houre Now let vs thinke if neuer so little taste of the life to come hath béene able so to rauish these thrée Disciples how shall it be with vs when according to the good hope that we haue we shall haue the whole precious stone and drinke our fill in this streame or rather in this Sea of pleasure and al perfect contentment When this euerlasting ioy whereof the Apostle speaketh shalbe poured vpon our heads And this ioy shalbe doubled when with Iesus Christ we shall see this noble and glorious company of Angels Archangels dominions powers patriarches prophetes apostles martirs and generally all the triumphant Church of the blessed soules which doe nothing but sing incessantly the praises of God crying Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty who wast art and art to come for euer Likwise to him that sitteth on the throne and to the Lambe be honour praise glory and power for euer euer It was merueilous pleasant in olde time to beholde the solemne méeting of all the Tribes of all the people of Israell in Ierusalem when Salomou hauing finished the Temple did dedicate it with an infinite number of burnt offerings and other sacrifices with swéete parfume and incence with praiers and thankesgiuing and such mirth and melody of al the people that the like was neuer séene nor heard off before There was likewise two other notable assemblies in Ierusalē which are very famous in holy Scripture the one in the raigne of Ezechias the other in the raign of Iosias when these two good princes moued with a zeale of godlines and the seruice of God that before had béene pittifully corrupted by the idolatry and impiety of their predecessors with an heroical and magnanimious hart vndertook to pu●…ge y ● holy land of al filthy stinking abhominations wherwith both the bodies soules of diuers were infected taking clean away y ● stewes Idols of al the county of Iudaea and abolishing cleane all the false seruices that their hipocritical fathers had inuented and established against or cleane beside the worde and ordinance of God hauing no warant for it at all And to renew the couenant of God which was almost forgotten and cleane defaced out of the peoples heart assembled all the inhabitants of the Countrey with whom after the law was read publikely they solemnised the Easter with great solemnity then euer was séene or heard of before And who was he amongst that company think ye that séeing such an assembly gathered together for so good an end whose heart did not leape in his belly for ioy séeing God present in the midst of his holy people hearing the agréement that was
renewed betwéene the parties and the solemne promises and protestations first that GOD made respectiuelye to his people assuringe them of his fauour for euer and then that his people made vnto him promising him neuer to goe from him but to kéep his couenant for euer and neuer change his true seruice euer hereafter honoring him only and sanctifying his holy name And sure such assembles of y ● militant church wherof some steps we haue séen in this latter age if Antichrist and his adherents did not disturbe them would bee an excellent thing and most to be desired of all earthly treasure as the Prophet saith O Lord I haue loued the habitation of thyne house the place where thine honor dwelleth And also here he saith As the heart braieth for the riuers of waters so panteth my soule after thee O God my soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuinge God when shall I come and appeare before the presence of God And in the 92. Psalm It is a good thing to praise the Lord and to sing to thy name O most highest To declare thy louinge kindnesse in the morning thy truth in the night These places and infinit other doe shewe sufficiently what accounte we ought to haue of holy assēblies which he did prefer before all worldly pleasures And to say the truth euery man which knoweth and féeleth in himselfe what is the loue bounty swéetenes mercy goodnes wisedom faithfulnes patience truth power greatnes maiesty iustice liberality and other soueraigne and infinite vertues of God can neuer content himselfe sufficiently to thinke vpon them to declare them to others to admire and adore them and to inuite not onely the angels and all the holy company of Heauen but also all the elements al liuing creatures al plants yea all creatures without life to magnifie his holy name and to bee filled with ioye when he shall heare it exalted and glorified Albeit the praises and thankesgiuing that men yet liuing doe sing vnto the Maiesty of God cannot be so holy or wel directed but they want somewhat for being alwaies vnperfect as we are vnto what degree of faith and charity soeuer we haue attained and hauing besides this flesh with vs which doth fight continuallye against the spirite and kéepeth it in bridle and pulleth it backe when it would lifte it selfe vp vnto God it is impossible that we should heare the word of God with such zeale attentiuenes as we ought neither that we should make our confessions praiers and thankesgiuing with such humility and affection as is required of vs. Yet when we heare in the midst of the assembly the Psalmes and spirituall songs resound from the mouths of the faithfull although they be but weak fraile poore and miserable sinners we reioice and are rauished with the ioy that we fele inwardly in our hearts What may we then thinke of the pleasure and ioy that we hope to receaue in Heauen when our soules being departed out of our bodies and ascēded thither shall heare the swéete musicke and harmony of Angels and other blessed spirites singing together the praises of God with so melodious a tune that ●…he contentment and pleasure that they shal take thereby shal make them in an instant forget not onely all other displeasure but also all other pleasure that euer they felt As a pale of water being cast into the sea is by and by no more perceiued and as the brightnes of the starres appeares no more as soone as the Sunne beginneth to shine and to cast his glorious beames ouer the face of the earth Moreouer when we die in the faith of our Lord Iesus Christ at that very instant we are blessed and moste happy that is to say wee haue no more thoughts and desires but such as are pure and holy and at the very houre of death haue their full periode Which is no small felicity for we haue the flesh no more contrary to our spirite our appetites no more rebelling against reason nor the lawe of our members no more repugning the law of God but all tumultes and troubles being asswaged in our hearts wee haue a soule spirituall calme peaceable liuing to God altogether which doth alwaies cleau so fast vnto him that it can no more by any temptation or any otherwayes bee withdrawen from his loue or his seruice nor from beholding of his face Is there any thing more pleasant to behold then a City gouerned with good pollicy where al the Citizens and inhabitants are so louing one to another firmely ioyned together with an vnfaigned bond of amity which committeth no wranglinges strifes debates quarrels partiallities diuisions tumults or seditions to arise amongst thē they doe hold so together and liue all in amiable loue and concord Is there likewise any thing more to be desired then to sée a family well ordered where the father and mother the children seruants do liue together in the feare and obedience of God and doe containe themselues within their dutie and doe not let slip or go beyonde in anie thing the rule measure that God hath set downe in his lawe Saint Paul in many places doth tel vs of the wonderfull harmonie which is betwéene the mēbers of mans bodie of their mutuall communication faculties powers not one enuying the dignitie of another or despising his companion for his basenes by this comparison teaching the Church what fraternitie iust proportion ought to be betwéene the members thereof for the health preseruation of euery member in particular and of the whole bodie in generall What goodlier sight is there then this to be séene amongst men And what better melodie can there be then a Lute well tuned and well touched But what heauenly harmonie is there in the soule when it agréeth so well in all her powers that our vnderstanding thinketh on nothing more then on God our will loueth desireth and aspireth to nothing but to him our memorie hath nothing to remember but him for so is it with her when hauing lefte this bodie she is receiued into Paradice For then shée is filled with GOD who is in her From thence forwarde all things as the Apostle saith that is to saie all her thoughtes all her loue and desire all her cogitation to bée bréefe all her good all that euer shee hath all her wishing and contentation is fixed in God Séeing then that by death wée doe atchieue so greate a benefite that in all this life in what estate so euer wée bée wée cannot finde the like for there is liuing in this miserable worlde neither King nor Caesar noble man of marke or marchant lawyer or labourer who complaineth not of his estate often and hath iust occasion so to doe when his affayres fall out contrarie to his desire hope and expectation are not wee then greatly beholding to death that in the twinkling of an eie doth giue vs the fruition of the soueraigne felicitie which doth consiste
goe on our sides For when wee appeare before the iudgement seate of God we cannot be cōdemned what accusation or crime so euer be brought and alleged against vs by our aduersaries He which beleeueth in me saith he commeth not into iudgement at al. And in another place to comfort his disciples he exhorteth them to haue an eie to the last iudgement day séeing it draw nigh to lift vp their hands and to reioyce for that the full and perfect redemption is reserued vnto that daie And S. Paul confirmeth the same in his Epistle to y e Romans with a meruailous grace magnificency of spéech Who shal cōmence any accusation against the elect of God god is he which iustifieth who shal thē be able to condēne Christ is he which is dead who is moreouer risē again who is also at the right hand and doth make intercession to God for vs. We must thē conclude that which he saith in y e beginning of the Chapter That there is no condemnation to those that are now in Iesus Christ that is to say which walke not according to the flesh but after the spirit And that as Iesus Christ their head cannot be saued but with those that are his members so they cannot bée condemned but he should also be condemned with them by reason of the inseparable vnion which is betwéene the head and the members Moreouer that Iesus Christ beeing dead for vs hath suffered the punishment and curse which was due vnto vs because of our sinnes and by consequent hath fully satisfied the iustice of God we néed not feare that he wil exact of vs anie more the paiment of debts the which hee hath forgiuen and acquited vs for that were to go against the iustice not onely of God but also of man to demand to be pardoned debt twice hauing then yéelded our selues wholly and referred all our matters into the handes of our Souiour Iesus Christ let vs not feare to bee ouertaken by the iugdement of God where the Sonne is continually before the face of the Father making intercession for vs carrying vs vpon his shoulders and in his brest as the high Priest did in old time carry y e names of the twelue Tribes of Israell to present them before the Lord although hée entered into the Sanctuary with a plate of gold vpon his forehead wherein were engrauen these words The holie one of the Lord. To the ende hée might make them acceptable to the Lord which was a type of that which Iesus Christ our high and euerlasting Priest after the order of Melchisedech did exhibite and represent in verie déede vpon the Crosse when offering himselfe in sacrifice for vs to God his Father he did sanctifie and make vs acceptable vnto God for euer We must not then feare that being in state of grace as we are hauing an Aduocate towardes God in whom he is well pleased hée can or will condemne vs when we shall appeare before him in iudgement and shall be clothed in these goodly long garments whereof is spoken in the Apocalippes the which are dyed and washed in the bloud of the Lambe and shall bring tustification with them When we shall thus haue exhorted the sicke man to take a good heart and not to bée afraide neither of his sinnes nor of death nor of the Diuell nor of the iudgement of God if wée sée that hée bée loath to leaue the worlde and that his honours riches pleasures case and that hée beareth yet to these earthly and corruptible thinges dooth make him loth to forgo them and troubleth his minde wonderfully that it cannot resolue to m●…rch merily whether God dooth call it Then first must wée make relation vnto him that this world is altogither set vpō wickednes drencht in sin that it shall passe away quickely be faded away with all her concupiscences that it doth not know God at all that wée are no more children of this worlde that God hath taken vs cleane out of this world to the ende we should not be condemned with it that we cannot loue this world but we must néeds be enemies vnto God That the Diuell is the Prince of this world and that by consequence wée cannot loue this world or the things that be in this worlde but we must néedes be vassals slaues of the prince of darknes That wee cannot bee faithfull nor true members of Iesus Christ but the worlde must be crucified to vs and we to it That by the example of the Apostle we make no more account of the world with all his glorie pompe and superfluitie then of the dung of the earth or of a floure that is faded and withered that wée are here but as passengers and straungers and cannot make any long time of abode as in a Citie and habitation that shall last for euer but wée lodge héere as in an Inne and must bée readie to gird vp our loynes and dislodge betimes in the morning to bée trudging still outwarde till we come to the place where wée meane to take vp our lodging and rest for euer that is to wit in heauen wherein wée ought to haue our hearts our thoughts our desires and all our affections altogether fixed alreadie and there as the Apostle saith shoulde wee haue all our conuersation For béeing raised vp from the dead with Iesus Christ and vnited vnto him vnseperably although our bodies be far seperate and distant from his yet ought we alwaies to be present with him in our spirites and soules and to forget cleane the worlde and the earth séeking after and thinking on nothing more then of those thinges which are from ahoue Our heart should it not bée where our treasures are and where are our treasures but in heauen where Iesus Christ is in his glorie who hath our lise hidden in himselfe and not onely all the treasures of the knowledge and wisedome of God but also of all the gifts graces honours riches and blessings that God the father hath giuen him to bestow vpon his Church whilest shée is here militant in hope and when shée is alone triumphant shée shall enioy the full fruition thereof when our soules leauing these filthie stinking and obseure prisons of our bodies shall be carried as was that of poore Lazarus into the bosome of Abraham by the Angels there to rest and reioyce for euer as it is written The children of thy seruants shal continue and their seede shall stande fast for euer in thy sight If then wée doo but languish in this worlde where wée liue as poore strangers in exile amongst a number of barbarous and rude people ought wée not to bée full glad when God calleth vs away to reclaime vs into our own country where with our brethren the Patriarches the Prophets Apostles and Martirs of all other blessed spirits we shal peaceably enioy togither the glory honour trust rest and all that perfect felicitie that
our vertue Giuing vs by this means matter and argument to make demonstration of the faith and trust that we haue in him to craue his mercies by our earnest prayers and sorrowfull sighings to acknowledge and confesse our faultes and offences by our griefe and displeasure And to bring the sicke person so farre to cause him to make an humble true confession of his sinnes wee must first set before his eyes what is the spring and principall cause of all diseases as well corporall as spirituall and how that to heale them vp hée must take awaie the causes that engēder them that is to saie our sinnes from the which we cannot otherwise be deliuered but by the remission and pardon that God doeth giue vs through his grace so that as S. Iohn sayth wee doe confesse them vnto him and be assured that Iesus Christ is our aduocate and propitiation to God-ward by meanes of his iustice by the which hée doth hide and deface them so that they shall not be laide to our charge at the day of iudgement And for that the loue which by nature we beare vnto our selues doeth so blinde vs that we cannot sée or think our selues to be so vicious and corrupt as we are we must pul awaie this vaile from before the sicke mans eyes setting before him the lawe of God wherein as in a glasse hée may view and behold all the course of his life to make him know that by the same not onely all our actions but also all our nature is condemned to be abhominable naught and vicious For proofe and confirmation hereof we must alleadge vnto him in generall that we are conceiued in sin that we are all borne the children of wrath that wée are but flesh and vanitie that we are sold vnder sinne that in vs there dwelleth no good thing that our righteousnes is lyke olde rags and filthie clothes And to conclude that we are altogether nothing but dust and rottennesse Then must wee discourse vnto him all the commandements of God and shew him particularly that when he would examine himselfe throughly he should finde none of them but hée hath oftentinms transgressed and beginning with those of the first table to call to his minde 1 That he hath not done his best indeuour to inquire after God and to séeke to know him That he hath not loued him with all his hart with al his strength and with all his soule That hee hath not alwaies put his trust in him That he hath oftentimes doubted of his promises and mistrusted his aide and succour That he hath trusted to the strength of the flesh and such meanes that men might prouide rather then to the succour and aide of God That hee hath not looked for all his prosperitie and increase from the onely fauour and blessing of God That he hath not alwaies called vppon him in all his actions with full assurance and hope to be heard and helped of him That he hath not alwaies dreaded and reuerenced him as appertaineth to his high and soueraigne maiestie That he hath not thanked him and blessed his holy name for all things at all times and as well for his aduersities as prosperities 2 Then next that thinking vppon GOD hée hath imagined him to bée vnder some humane and bodilie shape That hée hath not conceiued him to bée a spirite incomprehensible infinite inuisible immortall impassible immutable soueraigne in power in bountie mercie iustice and veritie as an example and myrrour of all vertue and perfection the spring of all lyfe and light the fountaine and fulnes of all goodnes the heape of all happines and blessednes the beginning and end of all things who is all in al and by his onely word doth cause all creatures to bréed and subsist That he hath not serued and worshipped him in spirite and truth as hée requireth of vs and commandeth vs in his lawe That he hath béene more curious of ceremonies and exterior shewes of piety then of pitie it selfe and rather to séeme a good Christian then to be one in déede And lastly that he hath not alwaies thought in his minde that the true lawfull seruice of God doth consist in the only obedience of his will That speaking of the name of God it hath not béene with such respect and reuerence of his maiestie as is méete That he hath neuer studied and giuen his minde to sanctifie and glorifie his holy name as he ought That by wicked life and conuersation he hath béene cause that the ignorant and infidels haue blasphemed his name That he hath not heard read and meditated t●…e word of God with such attentiuenesse desire feare and zeale as is requisite to honour the Lorde which speaketh by it and the name of him of whom it is announced That hee hath not alwaies spoken of the workes of God nor acknowledged in them the greatnes of his power wisedome and bountie with such praise and admiration as they deserue for their abundance and magnificence That being at the table of the Lord euerie time that the holy Supper hath béene celebrated he hath not vsed such humilitie deuotion and contemplation of the holy mysterie nor hath not lifted vp his heart on high t●… heauen where Iesus Christ sitteth on the right hande of God the father as he should do That in the dayes ordayned to abstaine and rest from prophane and bodili●… workes to apply our selues wholy to the sanctifieng of his holy name hee hath not giuen himselfe at al to the meditation and exercise of spirituall things thinking vpon and séeking nothing else but onely those things which are from aboue That he hath bene oftentimes more carefull for his worldly affaires then to séeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnes thereof preferring by this meanes this transitorie and corruptible life before the eternall and blessed life the care of this bodie before that which hee ought to haue of his soule the seruice of the world and his flesh before that wherewith hee ought to honour God aboue all things That vpon small and light occasions he hath absented himselfe from the place of Conuocations and publike assemblies ther to make publike confession and protestation of his faith to shewe his deuotion and the feare of God that is in him to edifie the congregation by his good ensample and to make knowne to euerie man without any shame feare dissimulation and hypocrisie the religion that hee will followe and kéepe resoluing to liue and die in the same That hée hath not laboured to instruct and catechise his wife his children his seruantes and all his familie as a good Christian ought to doe calling them morning and euening to Prayers exhorting them to reade and meditate the worde of God to sing Psalmes hymnes and spirituall songs in his praise and to conferre among themselues of holy and godlie things and neuer to minde anie thing more then that which may aduance and increase daylie the knowledge and feare
passe straighte from death vnto lyfe Now N. bée of good chéere in Iesus Christe for hee hath loued you dearely and washed you from all your sinnes by his bloud Haue then a strong faith and valyant resolution to encounter couragiouslie with your aduersarie You néede none other buckler to defend you but the precious bloud of Iesus Christ the which by the vertue of his death and passion hath reconciled you to God the father vnto whom with great humilitie and true repentance you must saie Lord God Father almightie haue mercie on me a pore miserable sinner for the loue of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour and by the merite of his death and passion vouchsafe to receiue my soule the which I commend into thy hands N. Haue a good hope and firme faith that this good God full of mercie and compassion wil receiue your soule as his own into his handes for the loue of his son Iesus Christ. For there is none other mean vnder heauen giuen vnto men by the which we must be saued no other saluatiō but in Iesus Christ. Arme your selues then with this Iesus Christ for hee hath done all for you He hath accomplished the law for you He hath vanquished all your enemies that fight to ouercome you Now N. reioyce your selues in God stand firme in this liuely faith Followe and imitate the holy Patriarches Prophets and Apostles who are all saued in this faith who assured you that your aduersarie cannot anie waie hurt you For your processe is gotten by Iesus Christ who is both your iudge and your aduocate Wherefore you may boldly say with a stedfast beléefe When I shoulde walke in the shadowe of death I shall feare none euill for thou Lord art with me Then good N. be neuer a wearie saying from the bottome of your heart in all true humilitie and repentance Lord God Father almightie haue mercie on me a pore miserable sinner for the loue of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour and by the merite of his death and passion vouchsafe to receiue my soule the which I commend into thy hands A verie godly Praier for one that is grieuously afflicted by sicknes and readie to die ECCLESIASTICVS 18. Vse Phisick before thou be sicke examine thy selfe before thou be iudged and in the daie of visitation thou shalt finde mercie God doth admonish vs to praie continually but especially when wée are touched with his rods of correction Wherefore all the kindred faithfull friends who visite the sick person ought not onely to visite and haue a care of his bodie but also séeke some spiritual medicine for his soule And this must bee done by good praiers confession of sinnes and Christian exhortation according to the worde of God without the which no man can liue And that all things may be done orderly and zealously the assistance must prostrate themselues before the maiestie of GOD saying Our aide is in the name of God And then saie the generall confession of sinnes and after that this praier as followeth LOrd God almightie and Father of mercie we that are assembled together in the name of thy welbeloued sonne our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ trusting vpon his grace and fauour we haue bin so bolde as to come before thée to call vpon thy holy name making our onely refuge in thy soueraigne bountie y e which we desire not onely to féele and tast in our selues but also in y ● extremitie of thy poore creature who is grieuously afflicted with sicknes of bodie affliction and calamitie of minde We knowe Lord that thou doest iustly visite chastise him with thy rods to make him vnderstand and féele thy fatherly affection towards him But thy great mercies which thou wast wont to vse towards our Fathers are not yet at an end and clean forgotten For thou art that great God eternell full of pittie and compassion which neuer changest Thy holy word doth teach vs plaine that the earth is full of thy mercies the which doe farre surpasse thy iustice Wherefore O Lord appease thy wrath towards this thy creature Haue pittie and compassion on him for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord. Looke not vpon his sinnes but looke vppon the face of thy Christ who hath fully satisffed for him in offering to thée the greate sacrifice of his body vppon the crosse We beséech thée then most gracious and mercifull ●…ather make him ●…éele thy grace the which thou hast neuer ●…efused to giue vnto anie of thy ch●…ldren And because thou art our Father for euer who alwaies knowest what is necessarie and expedient for our saluation we do not pray and beséech thée to prolong or abridge his life for we rest our selues wholy vpon thy holy will the which we desire onely to please Thou art wise enough without anie other counsell to dispose of thy creature according to thy good pleasure But if it please thée to call him awaie who is hée that is able to resiste Or if thou wilt restore him his health again who is he that can or dare reprehend thée For all things are in thy handes nothing is done without thy holy will prouidence Although Lord if of thy fauourable grace thou prolong his daies thy rod shal serue for a chastisement to amend him and turne him to thée we with him shal yéeld thée thanks and praise But if it bee thy determinate will to let him passe into a better life wée beséech thée for thy sonne Iesus Christ his sake to forget all his sins and offences the which thou hast 〈◊〉 out and washed away by the 〈◊〉 of his most precious bloud Let it please thée by the merit of the death 〈◊〉 passion of thy sonne to receiue his soule into thy hands when thou shalt call him out of this world Lord God despise not the work of thy hands for sée here thy poore creature almost at the last gaspe which calleth vnto thée from the depth of all his languishes and miseries presenting thée with his sorrowful penitent soule with an humble contrite hart the which we beséech thée to accept of for the loue of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord in whose name thou hast promised to heare our praiers Wherefore Lord we beséech thée to take vs into thy tuition and to illuminate our hearts and vnderstandings that we may stil come to thée and cal vpon thy holy name as thy sonne Iesus Christ our sauiour hath taught vs to call vpon thée in all time of our néede saying Our Father which art in heauen c. Lastly most mercifull and gracious God and father may it please thée we beséech thée to vpholde vs alwayes by thy grace and power that by the infirmitie of our fleshe wée doe not stumble and fall and for that wée of our selues are so weake that wée