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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06513 [A methodicall preface prefixed before the epistle to the Romanes ...] Made by the right reuerend father in and faithfull seruant of Christ Iesus, Martin Luther ...; Praefatio in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Wilkinson, William, d. 1613, attributed name.; Watkinson, William, fl. 1573-1594, attributed name. 1632 (1632) STC 16986; ESTC S105157 20,999 82

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which onely is of force avaylable and can stand before God because it is the meere gift of God And this faith doth transforme the whole man and makes him such a one that according to that common definition of civill justice he is ready to giue and render to everie one that which is due to him For seeing by that faith we are justified and indued with the love of the lawe of God then surely we so magnifying God and the law doe giue that glory vnto God which is due vnto him Also seing by that faith wee doe belieue firmely that we are justified freely and reconciled vnto GOD through Christ who every where is ready to saue vs then by course we serve for our neighbour so againe render attribute to everie man that which is his This righteousnes of the heart we cannot obtaine by any indevour of our owne free will or by our strength and merits For as no man can see that lively operation that is faith of our hearts but onely GOD so no man can repell from himselfe that wickednesse and incredulitie of the heart but onely by grace and the Spirit of God so farre we are from being able to deliver our selves from sinnes by our own power Therefore though workes doe seeme to show gallantly and gloriously yet notwithstanding whatsoever is not of faith is hypocrisie and sinne Now as concerning flesh spirit which often are vsed in this Epistle you must not take flesh to be after the common manner the desires and lusts of the flesh only neither must you call the spirit only these things which are done spiritually in the inward corners of the hart For the Apostle S. Paul as also Christ himself in the 3 chap. of Iohn doe call flesh 6. Flesh wha● it is whatsoever is borne of the flesh that is the whole man body and soule all mans reason wholy with all his chiefest and best powers Because that all these thinges doe savour of nothing but flesh seeke after nothing but fleshly things Wherefore thou shall call al those works flesh which seeme to bee good and make a beautifull show of holy works and yet are done without the grace and working of the holy Spirit of GOD in the heart Which thing is plaine and evident by the 5 chap. to the Gal. where Paul reckoneth counteth heresies amōgst the fruits of the flesh And in the 7 chap. to the Romans he saith that the law is made weake by reason of the flesh which thing ought to be meant not only of the vnchaste lusts of the flesh but also of the whole masse of corruption and wickednesse yea briefly and chiefly of incredulitie or vnbeliefe Incredulity the ground of al sinnes which is the moste secreet and chiefe sinne of all Contrarywise 7. Spirit what it is thou shalt call the Spirit those spirituall things even those externall workes which proceede from a spiritual man or from a heart innovated and made newe by the holy spirit That washing of the feete which Christ did to his Disciples though it was an outward worke yet it was spirituall Peters fishing to which hee returned being now justified in the spirit was also spirituall Therefore that is flesh whatsoever a man doth seeking and savoring only carnall and fleshly things And that is Spirit whatsoever is done within or without wherewith a man exercising faith and Charity doth seeke spirituall things Vnlesse wee take these words in this sense wee shall neither vnderstand this Epistle of St. Paul nor any other bookes of the divyne Scriptures Therefore whether it bee Ierome or Augustine or Ambrose or Origen briefly what writers soever they bee that vse these words otherwise let not the authoritie of men moue thee any thing at all but rather flee from them al as from the plague and pestilence But now let vs come to handle the Epistle it selfe A godly in struction for readers Seeing therefore it is the duety and office of an Evangelist or preacher of glad tydings first of all to preach the Law and to shew how that all men which are without the circuit and compasse of grace and faith in Christ are the sonnes and children of wrath are sinners and can doe nothing but sinne that so they acknowledging their miserie and wretchednesse with an humble and contrite heart might thirst after grace the Apostle St. Paul in in this first Chapter doeth first of all finde fault with the vnbeleefe Chap. 1. and checketh and rebuketh those grosse sins which aptly plainly were knowne to be manifest offences The māner of S. Pauls doctrine as were the Idolatry and such grosse sinnes of the Gentiles as also are of those men which at this day being ignorant of GOD voyde of grace and without the Spirit doe liue in blindnes and darknesse The wrath of God is revealed by the Gospel saith the Apostle from heaven against al vngodlinesse and vnrighteousnesse of men which withhold the truth in vnrighteousnesse For though man might know by the Creatures that there was a God yet notwithstanding his nature is evill and wicked insomuch that it doth not glorifie him nor giue him thankes but being blinded doth alwayes giue over it selfe to worse and worse vntil they doe not onely commit Idolatrie and al kind of wickednesse but also favour them that doe them and giue their consent and agreement to those which commit such things Chap. 2. In the second Chap. he doth more at large shew that even these litle holy ones and those glorious hypocrites as namely the Iewes then The Iewes as ill or worse sinners than the Gentils and now in these dayes all the Iusticiaries which go about by their owne strength and power to fulfil the lawe are also sinners who by dooing outwardly the goode works of the law notwithstanding inwardly nourishing that griefe of their heart doe hate the law And these as right hypocrits commonly vse to doe are very quick to condemne other men counting themselves holy and pure when as they are full of malice and envy fraud deceit all kinde of filthinesse and vncleanesse as Christ sayeth Mat. 23. And these are they which faining themselves holye contemne and despise in very deed the great goodnesse of God according to the hardnesse of their hearts heape and treasure vp to thēselves wrath against the day of wrath Paul therefore as a true Evangelist first of all preacheth the Law All are sinners concluding all men alike to be sinners and denuncing to all the wrath of God Wherefore they who marke well by the power of their owne nature or free-will are so farre from being any better than those grosse and open sinners mentioned in the first Chapter that the Apostle calleth them obstinate stubborne men that cannot repent aliants and strangers Chap 3. In the third Chap. hee declareth that both the Iewes and the Gentiles are alyke sinners before God Difference betwixt both Iewe