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A04393 Moses his sight of Canaan with Simeon his dying-song. Directing how to liue holily and dye happily. By Steuen Jerome, late preacher at St. Brides. Seene and allowed. Jerome, Stephen, fl. 1604-1650. 1614 (1614) STC 14512; ESTC S100256 249,259 535

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you a-farre off as Moses was shewed Canaan a type of Heauen Then for the comfort of those that haue imployed their bodies and their soules in Gods seruice here to prouoke others now to sacrifice their bodies to God as is most reason as the Apostle cals it a reasonable seruice Rom. 12.1 let them know these bodies shall then be like the Angels in heauen Mat. 22.30 they shall shine as Starres Dan. 12.3 yea as the Sunne in the Kingdome of the Father Mat. 13.46 For their Soules they shall be glorious without spot or wrinckle Ephes 5.17 they shall behold the face of God in righteousnesse and haue fulnesse of ioy in Gods presence Psal 16.11 For their estate they shall be Kings and raigne with God and Priests to sing Haleluiahs vnto him Reu. 1.6 for as they haue serued Christ on earth so they shall serue him in glory Reu. 22.3 yea and they shall be Iudges to to sit vpon thrones and iudge the twelue Tribes of Israell Mat. 19.28 I could tell you further of their ioyes out of the Scripture in their eminencie excellencie fulnesse glorious greatnesse and perpetuitie Psal 36.8 Mat. 25.21 Esay 21.11 1 Cor. 2.20 how incorruptible the Crowne is how stedfast the Kingdome how constant the ioy how euerlasting the feast how secure the rest how endlesse and infinite the pleasure is which is prouided for Gods seruants after their departure out of this vaile of misery 1 Pet. 5.4 Reu. 21.6 2 Thes 3.7 Iohn 16.22 Heb. 12.28 c. with all the accruments and additions and amplifications incident to this poynt eyther in respect of the place the highest heauens or the company innumerable Angels the congregation of the first borne God the Iudge Christ the Redeemer Heb. 12.22 c. but I contract my sailes and leaue the rest to your search and meditation and to the spirit to make application onely desiring euery soule that is as yet a slaue to his vsurping sinnes to consider as Hell that hee gaines so the gaine that hee looseth that is Heauen thinke of it seriously and betimes least thou thinke of thy gaining losse thou getst by sinne when thou must for euer stand to the bargaine as the rich Diues did in Hell when he saw Lazarus in Abrahams bosome Luke 16. when his bad and base choise was repented but not redressed Lastly if these blessings here and hereafter God blesseth the wicked oft for his Seruants cause moue thee not yet lend mee thy patience a while to peruse and ponder the curses and plagues and euils that thou shalt auoid by being Gods Seruant Many a man thou knowest is exempted from many common calamities by the countenance of some great man to whom he retaines as from being a common Souldiour in the time of warre and the like so in any common plague or iudgement the Lord knowes how to deliuer his yea though thousands fall on their right hand And surely this is a wondrous priuiledge that the Saints haue first that as God blesseth oft the wicked for their sakes as hee did Laban for Iacobs cause and Potiphar and Pharaoh for Iosephs cause his blessings being not onely vpon the houses and families but vpon whole Nations Countries and Cities for the cause of his Seruants euen as heathenish Empyres amongst the Babilonians prospered for Daniels cause and so Cyrus Artaxerxes and Darius for the cause of Ezra Nehemias and other captiue Iewes that serued the true God and the Heathenish Romanes for the persecuted Christians causes as Histories manifest and as it is a further priuiledge that God oft not onely preserues from dangers but saues from destruction sinfull Sodomitish and profane places and persons for their cause to as hee did those in the indangered ship for Pauls cause and Noahs kindred for Noahs cause and would haue spared Sodome for Abrahams and the righteous sake if they could haue beene found so it is a wonderfull prerogatiue to that when the Lord by the prouocation of the vnrighteous is minded to bring destruction vpon a Land or Country hee first deliuers his Seruants 1. eyther by death as hee did Iosias and good Augustine before the sacking of Hippo by the Vandales 2. Or by conueying them to some other place as he did Lot when Sodome was burned 3. Or by prouiding some meanes for their escape as the Arke for Noah when the World was drowned 4. Or by sauing them by his immediate Power and Mercy as hee did Moses and the Israelites vvhen the wicked were drowned euen Pharaoh and all the Aegyptians 5. Or when his owne Seruants are by men appointed to the sword hee rescues them with their enemies whom he sets in their stead as he rescued Ester Mordechai the Iewes Daniel and the three Children when wicked Haman and others their accusers in their roomes satisfied the Gallowes the flaming fire the mouthes of the Lyons c. sauing the Corne and burning the Tares 6. Or if his Seruants fall into the same temporall punishments with others as Ionathan that was slaine with Saul and good Zwinglius that dyed in battell which is vsuall yet euen thereby the righteous are brought nearer heauen and the more violent their death is the sooner they are in ioy vvhen the godlesse shall be throwne downe to Hell euen as with the same Flaile is beaten chaffe to be burnt and pure Corne to be preserued These ruling sinnes are damnable without repentance I could draw out these Motiues ad infinitum and from the Estates and Excellencies and Priuiledges of Gods Seruants in these and other peculiars in which thou hast no part nor portion so I might if the point were not too tedious and burthensome to thy memory presse thee as much on the left side from the consideration of thy fearefull estate in the case wherein thou standest being as thine owne heart tels thee the seruant to many a reigning and ruling sinne and so consequently no seruant of God vnlesse like the wicked Seruant the false Steward and traiterous Iudas thy deserts being a Halter and Hell For as Christ said it of Couetousnesse so I say from Christs ground Mat. 6.24 thou canst not serue God and Mammon God and the World God and the Diuell God and thy Belly God and thy Bagges with the Vsurer God and Herodias God and Rimmon God and Baal Christ and Antichrist God and Babels beast God and the Pope no more then one man can serue two Masters no more then one Riuer by one streame can runne two wayes at once no more then one man can moue vpwards and downewards at one time no more then one woman can loue lawfully the bed of her Husband and the bosome of a stranger or one man his owne Wife and the body of an Harlot For God and Sinne are opposed ex diametro and will no more mixe then oyle and water nay then fire and water then Heauen and Hell Now then being a Seruant to sinne thou consequently art none of Gods Seruant for
to death to know that the minute or the moment of thy afflictions here shall be succeeded nay exceeded with an eternall waight of glory hereafter at the resurrection of the iust 2 Cor. 4.17.18 Thus the godly Dauid Iob nay Christ himselfe the afflicted Primitiue Christians that vnder Antiochus were racked and tormented sollaced their soules in the midst of their anxeties with this melodious Meditation of the Resurrection Psal 16.9 Iob 19.25 Acts 2.26 Heb. 11.35 Which onely apprehension puls off the vizard from Death pluckes off his Lyon skinne exposeth him as an Hobgoblin or meere scarre-Crow to the godlies dirision Let Atheists and Epicures feare him that haue their portion in this life let Infidels and vnbeleeuers feare him vvhose hopes of any better estate are languishing and faint and perish with their soules let his name be as terrible to carelesse impenitent worldlings as the name of Tamberlaine and Zisca once to Cowards which like guiltie fellons feare the face of the Iudge but let those that haue learned Christ better and know in whom they haue beleeued entertaine it as Cornelius did Peter as the Galathians did Paul as Peter did the Angell that brought him out of Prison as that which makes the happiest exchange of a Mansion terrestriall for a Citie coelestiall a vaile of teares for mount Sion a region of death for the land of the liuing an earthly tabernacle for an house eternall in the Heauens 2 Cor. 5.1 For who is so improuident or imprudent that desires to stay in an old smoakie decayed Cottage ready euery day to fall on his head when the Land-lord offers to reedifie it and to make it better since euen Mise Rats by Natures instinct flye from an house that is inclining to fall Now this clayie Cottage of thy body which is vpheld by the weake prop of breath and vapour is euery day declining blesse the prouidence of the Worlds great Architect that when it fals by resuscitation will raise the frame and the fabricke a thousand times both fairer and firmer then the first Secondly Vse 2. Of Direction let the thought of the Resurrection be as a consolation to thy heart so a direction to thy life Must body and soule meete together and eyther be blessed together or else for euer burne together after their departure and doth their euerlasting weale or woe blisse or bane depend vpon thy good or euill life here Oh then Let vs liue holily to rise ioyfully spinne the short thread of thy abridged life well and worthily that so it may tye a blessed peace to thy soule runne thy short race here well that thou maist obtaine an eternall Crowne hereafter passe the time of thy dwelling here with feare think as once S. Ierome that zealous spirit thought Quoties commedo c. as oft as I eate or drinke or walke or talke or rise vp or lye downe I alwayes heare the Trumpe sounding Surgite mortui c. Arise yee dead and come to Iudgement Thinke of dying and liuing againe of departing and returning of reuiuing and strict vnpartiall iudging which thoughts let them not perish like abortiue fruit but fixe them by these effects First euery day awake out of the sleepe of some sinne ere the darke night of death come now in this lifes light that God lends thee Secondly let it be a spurre to pricke thee to all good and gratious actions Thirdly a bridle to restraine thee from sin both in the action and affection Fourthly let them be meanes to rouze thee from the bed of securitie and to set thee on thy feete as the Angell did Elias in thy iourney toward heauen Fiftly as water poured out to coole the furnace of thy furious affections euen in thy youthfull and burning bloud Sixtly a Diall or watch to direct thee how to spend thy time well Seauenthly as a Fanne to winnow thee from the chaffe of sinne Eightly as a winde to scatter and disperse thy inordinate passions Ninthly as a paile or Parke to keepe thee within thy limits and bounds Tenthly as a Counseller to redeeme thy time Lastly a holy director as it was to Paul himselfe to cause thee in euery thing to endeuour to keepe a good conscience towards God and man Acts 24.15.16 The immortall soule dyes not but departs Thus wee haue seene that the body must returne to take part with the soule after the dissolution the same foundation vvill beare this truth that the soule is dissolued it dyes not for which cause Paul cals his death a dissolution Phil. 1.23 it departs it dyes not therefore Simeon cals death onely a Departing and in the mouth of these two witnesses it is euicted that the soule is immortall Death kils not the soule but onely lets it out as Noahs Doue was let out of the Arke as a man is let out of prison and fetters for Plato cals the body Ergastulum animae the Prison of the Soule as Luther cals it the Asse of the Soule Sómá i. Sémá. and Erasmus Sepulchrum animae the sepulcher of the Soule Now death onely breakes open this prison doore vnties the fetters of the senses vnlooseth this Asse roules away the stone from this Sepulcher le ts out the soule sends graue deorsum leue sursum the grosse body downeward the soaring soule vpward the soule is put here in saccis vilibus in a base sacke as Ioseph put his golden Cup and siluer treasure in Beniamins sacke Now Death like Iosephs Steward opens the sacke naturally or rips it vp violently takes out the treasure vntoucht if any thing perish the sacke is vnripped the body destroyed the soule is as safe as Iosephs siluer for it cannot die being vnmateriall and a forme abiding in it selfe which forme cannot be taken away like roundnesse or squarenesse from a Table because it subsists not in the matter but in it selfe Secondly the soule is impenitrable insufferable it suffers not of any externall agent from the fires heate or ayres coldnesse it receiues no hurt from the frozen Ice of Norway or the scorching Sands of Affricke therefore receiuing nothing whereby it should decay it cannot corrupt or marre or dye since nothing in the whole world is contrary to it Thirdly man is desirous of immortalitie Now how could hee desire it and discusse of it how should man so labour and seeke for immortalitie some by skill and policie some by martiall exploits as Hercules Thesus c. some by Soueraigntie as Alexander and Caesar some by Bookes nay some by villanies as the burners of Diana's Temple vnlesse mans soule were immortall for Ignoti nulla cupid● Fourthly God by creation infusing it or by infusing creating it gaue vnto it in the first originall the gift of immortalitie Reasons prouing the soules immortalitie Fiftly the rage of conscience in the wicked their soules accusing them of secret sinnes as Caine and Nero and Herod of their murthers Iudas of his Treason c. their inward horrour appearing by
inexorable as vnresistible with his Trophies ouer all 283 We must not too much loue this life which we must shortly leaue 287 Those that loue life must hate Sinne the cause of death 289 Death onely makes the Prince and the poore man equall 291 Deaths effect in equalizing all illustrated by fit similies 296 Sixe Reasons further shewing the necessitie of dying 299 How euen in liuing wee dye and are dead in part 301 By how many meanes we dye 304 Diuers examples of seuerall sorts of deaths violent and naturall 305 Some cut off in the midst of their lawlesse lusts 309 Our dayes abbreuiated in respect of the long liues of the Patriarkes 316 Foure causes of the long continuation of things 318 Because our life is short we must spend it well 319 Our many sinnes to be mourned for and why 320 The practise of Epicures and profane men reproued and threatned 321 How wee must sow in teares in this short seed-time 323 Further vse to be made of our short time 325 Our life is laborious and miserable euery calling hauing his crosse 328 No place priuiledged from foure things 1. Sathan tempting 2. The hearts wandring 3. Ill tongues biting 4. The world crossing 330 Examples of humane calamities 331 Twelue meanes to get that peace with God which the world wants 334 The vanitie of life with all the things in life truely discouered 336 The world truly described by eleauen similies 340 How Christ in his practise crossed all the worlds proceedings 342 The benefits of death to a Christian vnder the Crosse 343 God oft cals away the best soonest 345 How death is fearefull and not fearefull 347 Death is onely a departure out of life not a finall destroyer 348 Eight Arguments prouing the Resurrection of our bodies 351 Illustrations from Nature that our bodies shall rise 352 Foure Reasons besides from the Word 354 The Christians comfort in the consideration of our Resurrection 355. 356 That wee may rise ioyfully we must liue holily in tenne particulars 359 Tenne Arguments to proue the soules immortality 362 Seauen moe from the Word 364 Death vnmasked what it is to the godly 365 Reproofe of those that respect the body more then the soule 367 The seruants of God alwayes dye in peace 369 The godly oft haue their desires at before and in their deaths 372 The very last words recorded which the Saints vttered in their death beds 374 How great men haue liued and dyed good men 377 Reasons why the godly depart in peace 379 Nine Obiections answered that seeme to contradict the peaceable departure of the Saints 380 Nine Reasons that his death may be good that dyes of the Plague 384 How selfe-murther doth not alwayes imply a wretched death 387 Hee that would dye well must liue well 389 The fearefull ends of wicked persecutors in euery age 391 An ill life the vsuall Prologue to a Tragicall death 395 None can repent when he will 397 The Word layes downe a way to a blessed death 402 Death is certaine yet vncertaine 403 The paines of Hell without remission or redemption 405 Repentance is not to be deferred till death 406 The danger of deferring discouered 408 The Theefes Repentance vpon the Crosse examined 412 Sixe effects of Deaths meditation 417 The life of Faith brings dying Peace 429 Repentance the meanes of peace with God 430 How to dye daily three wayes 433 How to leaue the damnable custome of Swearing 434 Eighteene things to be prayed for that death may be prosperous 437 A good conscience in life brings peace in death 442 Sixe causes of sickenesse besides sinne 445 With fiue duties to be done in sickenesse 446 The sicke man must send for a Minister before the Physitian and carnall friends 451 The necessitie and lawfull vse of Physicke proued and vrged 455 Rules obseruable in the vse of Physicke 457 Against seeking to Witches and Charmers in sickenesse 459 Reconciliation and Restitution vrged 461 Fiue Reasons why a sicke man must make his Will 465 Foure Rules in making all Wills 466 A Christian carriage prescribed in the houre of death 468 Twenty seuerall Comforts in the death of friends 1 Because God takes them away 470 2 The Saints haue beene patient spectators of the deaths of their deare friends 471 3 If he dyed in the faith of Christ he is translated from this life to a better 472 4 He is blessed being dead in the Lord. ibid. 5 Hee is returned home to his Fathers house ibid. 6 He is inseperably vnited vnto God the chiefest good 473 7 He is marryed vnto his Bridegroome Christ ibid. 8 His warfare is now at an end ibid. 9 Being here a pilgrime hee is returned into his owne Country 474 10 Thou hast not lost but left him ibid. 11 He shall be restored vnto thee againe at the Resurrection ibid. 12 Ere long thou shalt goe vnto him 475 13 His better part is yet liuing ibid. 14 His estate is bettered by death ibid. 15 Thou sorrowest for that could not be preuented 476 16 Thou hast many companions in thy sorrow ibid. 17 Thy impatient sorrow hurts thy selfe 477 18 Thy extreame sorrow is as fruitles at faithlesse ibid. 19 The Lord thy best friend is still liuing ibid. 20 They are insensible of thy sorrow 479 Twenty Cordials against the crosse of sicknes 482 And Meditations how to beare the intollerable burthen thereof 499 Eight seuerall Consolations against the vnkindnes of mercilesse Friends 500 1 Thy case is not singular but ordinary ibid. 2 The Saints haue had the same measure 501 3 Christ himselfe was maliced of his owne brethren ibid. 4 There hath beene hatred amongst the nearest friends by nature ibid. 5 Though thy friends forsake thee yet God careth for thee 502 6 As thy friends are vnkinde to thee so thou hast beene vnthankefull to God ibid. 7 God hath elected thee though man reiect thee 503 8 Though thou canst not see thy friends here with comfort yet ere long thou shalt see God as hee is ibid. Thirteene Preparatiues against Pouertie 504 1 It is the prouidence of God that thou shouldest be poore 504 2 Thy crosse is not singular 505 3 Pouertie is no token of Gods displeasure ibid. 4 A little with the feare of God is better then great riches of the vngodly 507 5 As well Pouertie as Riches fals out to the best to them that feare God ibid. 6 The Lord knoweth what is best for thee ibid. 7 Pouertie hinders not the acceptance of thy Prayers 508 8 If thou be poore in spirit thou art rich in Christ 509 9 Pouerty is no hinderance to thy saluation 510 10 The lesse thou receiuest the lesse shall thine accounts be 511 11 The Lord hath a care of thee euen for the things of this life 512 12 And can blesse a small portion vnto thee 514 13 Christ himselfe and the most excellent Saints haue beene poore on earth 516 MOSES His sight of Sion applyed to encourage and direct euery Christian to
refreshing can come from our earthly beds and naturall sleepe here Wherefore with ioy let vs welcome the houre of death and blesse God for it tenne thousand times following the foot-steps of worthy Fathers and Saints in the Church whose feeling of this point God hath directed them to leaue behinde them in their writings O tu vita quam praeparauit Deus ijs qui diligunt eum vita vitalis vita beata vita secura vita tranquilla c. O thou life saith Augustine prepared of God for them that loue him thou liuing life thou blessed life thou secure life thou quiet life thou beautifull life thou life that knowest no death thou life that knowest no sadnesse thou life without blot without sorrow without care without corruption without perturbation without any varietie or change Would God that laying aside this burthen of my flesh I might enter into thy ioyes O quam fortunatus ero si audiuero c. O how happy shall I be if I might heare those sweet Songs of thy Citizens and those honey sweet verses but O more happy if I my selfe may finde grace and fauour to sing a song vnto the Lord Iesus Christ of the sweet Songs of Sion O verè foelices qui de Pilago c. O truely happy they that come out of the Sea of the World to the Hauen of Heauen out of Banishment to their owne Country and out of a soule Prison to a glorious Palace O Coelestis domus luminosa ad te suspirat c. O Heauenly House full of glorious light to thee tendeth my pilgrimage that he may possesse mee in thee that made both mee and thee Inter Brachia Seruatoris mei viuere volo mori cupio In the Armes of my Sauiour I wish to liue and desire to dye Many such feeling speeches I could repeate from the auncient militant warriours in this mortalitie whom we call Fathers when they went to the Father of Spirits shewing how farre they were from any vnwillingnesse to die which if wee make vse of as wee ought assuredly they will vvorke in vs through the blessing of God the same effect To shut vp this the godly cry come Lord Iesus come quickely Now they are in the world then they shall come to their owne now they are in the skirmish then shall they be in their victory now in the tempestuous Sea then in the quiet Hauen now in the heate of the day then in rest and coole euening now in place absent from Christ then with him following wheresoeuer hee goeth Now their life is hid with Christ but then shall they appeare with him in glory and that glory for euer and euer without change or end 1 Iohn 4.2 Comforts against the feare of Death by which the Christian Soule may be made willing to her Dissolution CHAP. V. THE feare of death is not one of the least temptations to a weake Christian for Death is not onely fearefull to a naturall man whose hope is in this world being in it owne nature the most terrible of all terribles as Heathen men haue tearmed it for which cause wicked men are agast at the apprehension of it as appeares in the example of Baltazar of Hamon and others being as vnwilling to dye as the Beare vnto the Stake and the Swine vnto the Shambles but euen the godly themselues haue some combats and conflicts in this kinde as had our Sauiour Christ himselfe Ezekias and Dauid c. by reason that Nature abhorres her owne abolishion and feares the dissolution of the soule and body which are naturally as vnwilling to be seuered and sundered as two friends that haue beene borne and bred and brought vp together are loath to depart and to take their long leaue eyther of other therefore to make that easie and facile vnto thee which of it selfe is harsh and difficult that thou maist submit thy selfe willingly to that which all flesh haue vndergone and must vndergoe of necessitie Arme Grace against Nature and the Spirit against the Flesh with these comfortable considerations 1 God cals for they soule 1 Consider that by corporall death God onely cals againe for that soule which at the first hee created and infused into the body to informe and animate it and that this Soule of thine flits not out of her terrestriall tabernacle by chance or hap-hazard or casualtie or fortune or by the Climactericall yeere the reuolution of seauens and nines or by the position of the Heauens or course of the Starres or by thy disease or sicknesse occasioned by bad dyet superfluities of meates or drinkes ouer-great heates or taking of cold or the like accidents which are but meere instruments of thy mortalitie but looke at the superiour Agent GOD himselfe who hath now determined and disposed thy death Hab. 9.27 who hath numbred thy dayes and appointed thy limits who turnes thy dust into his dust Gen. 3.19 thou being a Sonne of Adam and cals for thy Spirit to returne to him that gaue it Psal 90.3 Eccles 12.7 And therefore seeing it is the Lord that cals be thou as willing to sleepe with thy Fathers as Samuel was to awake out of his naturall sleepe at Gods call 1 Sam. 3.10 Thinke that thy Soule is giuen vnto thee as a precious pledge to be safely kept and therefore grudge not to returne thy holy pawne to God the chiefe owner when hee requires it but commit it to him as into the hands of a faithfull Creator and louing Redeemer Why should the Tenant at will stand out with his Land-lord for an old rotten Cottage when he would remoue him to a better Mansion why should the Souldier be refractorie to leaue his station and place to be otherwaies disposed of by his Generall and Commander Now thou art here but a Tenant at will thou hast no fee-simple of thy life thou art a war-faring Souldier professed in Baptisme therefore like the Centurions Souldiers be willing to goe when thy Captaine bids thee goe Mat. 8.9 2 Let this comfort thee that thy sinnes 2 The sting of death is taken away the cause of thy death is taken away by the Messias Christ in whom thou beleeuest by whom thy sinnes being pardoned thou art blessed Psal 32.1 his death being the death of Sin and the conquest of Hell Hos 13. 1 Cor. 15. And therefore comfort thy selfe with Dauids holy Meditations encouraging thy soule to returne vnto her rest because the Lord hath beene bountifull vnto thee since he hath deliuered thy Soule from death euen the second death thine eyes from teares and thy feete from falling and since thou shalt walke before the Lord euen with the foure and twentie Elders in long white roabes in the Land of the liuing Psal For all thy bitter griefe in corporall death which yet is sweetened to the Elect the Lord will deliuer thy soule from the pit of corruption for hee hath cast all thy sinnes behinde his backe as hee did Ezekiahs Esay 38.17 And
non os ●ri sed Deus homini vnitur c. Oh happy kisse which is not a ioyning of lips but a ioyning of loues betwixt God and man Secondly was this Lord borne man for vs let vs labour to be borne againe to him in that spirituall new-birth and Regeneration which the Scriptures call a new Creation a Psal 51.12 a holy turning b Ioel 2.12 change c Rom. 12.2 and conuersion d Ier. 31.18 of the whole man in the renouation of all the Powers and faculties of body and soule superiour and inferiour both in the intellectuall parts as in memory will vnderstanding c. as also in the lower faculties irascible and concupiscible this new birth which the Prophets haue continually vrged e Esa 31.6 Ier. 3.12.14 Ezek. 18.30 Ose 14.2 which Iohn f Mat. 3.2 Baptist and the Disciples haue preached g Lu. 24.47 which Paul h Acts 26.17.18 and the Apostles haue continually pressed in their Sermons i Act. 2.38 and writings which our Sauiour Christ himselfe both in his publique preaching k Mar. 1.15 and priuate conference with Nichodemus l Ioh. 3.3.4 hath so doctrinally explained and by application inforced to be performed of all vnder paine of damnation m Luke 13.3.5 it is so needfull nay of such absolute necessitie to be practised of all Christians chiefely that till a man bring forth the fruits of it worthy repentance and amendement of life n Mat. 3.8 he is but like the barren Figge-tree o Luke 23.7 corrupt and twise dead p Iude v. 12. without either sap of Grace or blossome of goodnesse fit to be hewen downe and cast into the fire q Mat. 3.10 nay a beast and no man a foxe a Viper a Dogge r Phil. 3.2 filthy and vncleane as were Herod s Lu. 13.32 the Iewes t Luke 3.7 and the v Tit. 1.12 Cretians nay a horse u Ier. 5.8 and Oxe x Pro. 7.22 nay worse then the Oxe and Asse y Esay 1.4 then the Horse and Mule without vnderstanding vnwise a Rom. 1.29 30. Psal 14. Rom. 3.12 disobedient rebellious fooles b Psal 53. Rom. 1.22 blinde men c Iohn 9 31. naturall men without God in Christ aliants from God and strangers from the Common-wealth of e Eph. 2.12 Israel miserable naked and wretched men f Reu. 3.17 for whom is reserued Hell g Psal 9.17 and the second death wrath h Rom. 2.8 9 and vengeance fire and Brimstone i Reu. 21 8. storme and tempest exclusion out of k Reu. 22 15 heauen and intrusion and eternall inclusion in the bottomlesse pit with the Diuell and his Angels l Mat. 25.41 insomuch that as Augustine well Nasci non renasci generati non regenerari for a man to be borne and not to be borne againe to haue the nobilitie of the first birth without the new birth be hee what hee will be Prince or Potentate King or Kesar or the worlds Monarch a second Alexander if hee haue onely generation from Adam without regeneration from the Spirit of Christ the second Adam if hee be not borne to him by water and the Spirit that was borne and dyed for him comming by water and by bloud m 1 Ioh. 5.6 hee had better as the Scripture saith of Iudas that hee had neuer beene borne n Marke 14 21 nay that a Milstone had beene hung about his necke and hee throwne into the Sea the first houre hee was borne for then he should haue bene damned for his originall sinnes but his damnation shall now be aggrauated for his actuall sinnes chiefely for this sinne of Omission in liuing so long within the Church without the life of grace like a rotten Bough or woodden Legge No part of the root of Iesse o Esay 53.2 or body of Christ without regeneration in not beleeuing in or liuing like that light which for that end came into the world p Iohn 3.19 20. those which before sate in darknesse and in the shadow of death being illuminated q Luk. 2.29 should cast off the workes of darkenesse and walke like the children of the light r 1 Thes 5.6 like Disciples of this Lord who was made man to redeeme Sathans slaues into the libertie of his owne Sonnes Secondly in Simeons Compellation Lord let it rectifie our practise wee vse or rather abuse this great and glorious Name in our mouthes at our pleasures not onely in rash vaine and false swearing and forswearing to which sinnes there belongs a swift curse a Mal. 3.5 but without reuerence respect or regard in our ordinary and customary talke which at euery word and vpon euery triuiall and friuilous occasion is stuffed out with foolish and vaine admiration as oh God oh Lord oh Iesus oh Christ b See Mr. Perkins his Gouernement of the tongue tossing like a Tennis ball this great and fearefull Name the Lord our God the mighty Iehouah which the very Iewes feare and tremble to nominate at this day Others againe in their Pharisaicall Orisons Paganish Prayers Heathenish Bablings vse this word Lord in their Tantologies and repetitions as the Papists the word Iesus euen like a Superstitious Popish charme thinking to be heard for their much babling c Mat. 6.7 nay imagining which is the grosse and foggy ignorance of our both vulgar and vicious common and carnall people that if euen in the houre of death like the Theefe on the d Luk. 23.41 crosse or in their old age with Simeon they cry Lord Lord if they can haue time but to say Lord haue mercy vpon them they are cocke-sure of heauen it is no matter how they liue Ans It is true indeede if they had the Faith of Simeon and the penitent Theefe if they had the Spirit of God and zealous hearts like them they should be heard and helped yea inter Pontem Fontem crying betwixt the Bridge and the Riuer betwixt the Axe and the necke for Velox Spiritus sancti gratia the Spirit is nimble and speedy like the winde in breathing grace and Penitentia vera non sera True Repentance is neuer too late and hee that cals vpon the Lord shall be e Ioel 2. Act. 2.21 saued But alas then thou must call vpon the LORD with such an heart as did Simeon for the Lord reiects and abhors all prayers that come not from the f Esay 59.13 Esay 64.7 heart as hee did Caines Sacrifice g Gen 4. as execrable and abhominable h 1 Sam. 25 37 But now thou that hast liued in sinne in health and in youth in thy old age and in sickenesse by these sinnes art likely to be depriued of Gods Spirit and of thine owne heart For as Sinne quencheth the Spirit as vvater quencheth fire so it takes away the heart Ose 4. verse 11. therefore Nabal vvhen hee dyed hee vvanted
and frame this excellent Fabricke and composure of thy body more sumptuous artificiall magnificent then the Aegyptian Pyramides then Salomons Temple then all splendent and glorious buildings vnder the Sunne that are made of Lime Stone Lead Wood Glasse Mettals and the like and did infuse as it were inward proportionable furniture such an vnderstanding spirit an immortall soule into this externall structure and building of the body for the Diuell his mortall enemie to dwell in to take possession and keepe habitation by his eldest Sonne Sinne Will any earthly Monarch suffer a Traitor a Tyrant an Vsurper to intrude vpon his Territories to dwell in his fortified Cities to possesse his Crowne and vsurpe his Throne I trow not And will the King of Kings suffer it Can a meane man indure another man which means to abuse him to inioy his Table his Bed his Wife chiefely that shee to whom hee is betroathed and wedded should prostitute her selfe to his enemie And will the Lord that is as a zealous so a iealous God suffer thy spirituall whoredomes and fornications with the triple enemies of thy soule the deceiuing Flesh deluding World and destroying Diuell Will he endure his Sanctuary to be polluted his Temple abused the holy Vessels profaned Thy body is the Temple of the holy Ghost 2 Cor. 3.16 Ch. 6. v. 19. 2 Cor. 6.16 thy members called Vessels now if thou suffer this great Temple-spoyler this Dionisius the Diuell to abuse thy vessels by offering them to him by vncleannesse to pollute this Temple this body of thine by sinne he that thus destroyes the Temple of God him will God destroy as hee threatneth seuerally twise together Take heede therefore that thou suffer not any sinnes to take vp the best roomes in this earthly Tabernacle and Temple least by hardening thy heart corrupting thy conscience deprauing thy will blinding thy minde ecclipsing thy reason dulling thy memory disordering thy affections spoyling and defiling thy whole man giuing ouer that body of thine which God made for himselfe to be sinnes Brothell-house and the Diuels Play-house wherein all sinnes are acted least the Lord burne thee downe sticke and stower eyther with fire from heauen as hee did Sodome or with fire in hell as hee did Diues Prepare thy body and soule therefore betimes dresse it and sweepe and garnish it as a Chamber for Christ to keepe his Passeouer in that the destroying Angell may passe ouer thee vvhen hee comes in Iudgement Os homini sublime dedit c. I might adde secondly how fitly by Creation thou art made in euery part as an Organ and Instrument to Gods seruice with a body vpwards to heauen whereas all other Creatures looke low and groueling vpon the earth with eyes to looke vp to the Hils and to the heauens from whence commeth thy helpe Et refert quaelibet herba Deum and downe vpon the fragrant and verdant earth fit to behold how euery creature Celestiall and Sublunarie in their kinde as it were in a dumbe Oratorie tels thee there is a God and a God to be serued beginning and continuing the Quire vnto thee to sing and ring forth his prayses thy tongue fitted to speake Magnaliae Dei the wonderfull workes of God and to confesse to Gods glory as Ioshuah tels Achan Iosh 7. those numerous and haynous sinnes of thine wherewith thou hast offended God more then all the vnreasonable creatures how euer the ill Angell eyther strikes thee dumbe as the good did Zachary or if thou speakest Sathan oyles the Clocke of thy tongue to strike after his setting and moue after his motion Thy head abounding with moisture more then the heads of many Birds and Beasts ready to distill into thine eyes that thou mightest weepe for thy sinnes more then the rest as hauing moe and more monstrous sinnes to weepe for then all the rest of the other Creatures and so I might speake of all other parts of thy body and faculties of thy soule superiour and inferiour as Will Reason Memory Vnderstanding Phantasie the Heart with the Affections thereof all fitted for Gods Seruice in the same symetrie and proportion From considering thy Creation 2. Motiue from our Preseruation thinke of Gods great largesse and bountie towards thee in thy Preseruation GOD hauing fed fostered educated nourished cloathed thee from thy first forming in the wombe till this present minute and moment of time wherein thou liuest a rebellious sinner against thy God of protecting thee euen in thy Infancie Childe-hood Youth in the weakenesse of the first forwardnesse of the second and rashnesse of the third from many eminent dangers to which thou wast subiect and reseruing thee vntill this present houre in health and strength from the fury and force of the Elements Fire and Water c. From the might of the Creatures the claw of the Lion paw of the Beare horne of the Bullocke tuske of the Bore tooth of the Dogge venome of the Viper sting of the Serpent all which thy sinnes haue armed against thee disarming thy selfe as also from the malice of the Diuell and his substitute infernall Spirits who without Gods restraint would haue torne thee in pieces and carryed thy soule as they will doe the sinners in Iudgement in triumph to hell Now doe not all these constant and continuated mercies of thy Protection Preseruation Reseruation so long so louing so large with the addition and multiplication of so many and manifold vndeserued positiue blessings Doe not all these I say call for vrge require plead for yea preuaile for thy heart thy obedience thy seruice to such so good so great a Maister Sure if thou giuest it not him now franckly freely willingly heartily desiringly thou art a monster of men without grace or good nature but especially if thou payest the Lord euill for good sinnes for fauours and seruest Sathan for him thou art an vngratefull Viper and condemned of the very Heathens Neyther will God be so abused Make it thine owne case thou takest a desolate Infant as Pharaohs Daughter did Moses and bringest him vp or thou entertainest a Seruant giuest him meate drinke and cloath wages countenance house and harbour c. wouldest thou take it well if this thy adopted fostered childe this thy so much fauoured Seruant should reiect thee thou still out of thy loue continuing his meanes and maintenance and serue thy mortall enemie Now make Application thus thou dealest with God in seruing notwithstanding all his fauours to thee temporall and spirituall him who is the professed enemy of God of Christ of the Gospell of the Church of man of thee and of thy saluation the Diuell Thirdly consider thy Vocation 3. Motiue from our Vocation thou art called from darknesse to light The grace of God hath appeared vnto thee teaching to deny vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and to liue soberly righteously and godlily in this present world Tit. 2.11 Therefore as an obedient Childe to thy Father as a dutifull Seruant
12.6 Secondly since it is the Lord say with Eli Let him doe what seemes good 1 Sam. 3.18 His will be done on mee in mee and by mee on me in suffering in me by his grace working by me in obeying Thirdly Christ thy high Priest and Intercessor is euen touched with a fellow-feeling of all thine infirmities Heb. 4.15 Fourthly against deaths feare Short furnitures against the feeling of sickenesse and feare of death 1. consider the estate of thy life which life is but a vanishing Vapour Iames 4.14 a Weather-cocke which turnes at euery blast a Waue which surgeth at euery storme a Reede blowne vvith euery winde a Warfare as doubtfull as dangerous feare not the vanishing of a Vapour the turning of a Weather-cocke 2. Consider thy body as a body of sinne Rom. 7.24 the soules prison the mindes iayle the spirits cage no Bocardo dungeon sincke puddle pit is so noysome to the body as it selfe is to the heauenly inspired soule Now since death is the leauing of this body of sinne as Augustine cals it b Super Iohan. it is not to be eschewed but imbraced saith Chrisostome c Super Mat. 11. Other incouragements I leaue to their due places 4. Reasons why the sicke man should set his soule in order The second dutie which concernes the soule is this thou must set in order thy soule reconciling and recommending vnto God this desolate darling of thine after the manner afore-said for as the sickenesse of the body oft comes from the sinne of the soule so the curing of the one oft procures the health of the other but if thy sicknesse be to death by this course 1. thou shalt dye more quietly 2. more comfortably 3. giue good example to thy visitors 4. leaue a comfort to thy suruiuing Friends Now for the performance of these things the better others ought to assist thee as others brought the sicke of the Palsie to CHRIST Marke 2. Iames tels thee that the Elders of the Church must be sent for Iam. 5.14 which Elders were not onely Apostles but auncient men endued with the spirit of Prayer and gift of Miracles a gift which not onely many Parents had but euen Christian Souldiers saith Tertullian de corona militis c. 11. In these times S. Iames his rule still holds though then those gifts cease yet make thou choyse of such Christians as haue the spirit of Admonition Exhortation Prayer c. for to their prayers for thee a blessing is promised Iames 5.15 their prayers if they be feruent may preuaile for the restoring of thy spirituall life or corporall health as the prayers of d 1 King 17 17 Elias e 2 Kin. 4.31 Elizeus f Act. 20.10 Paul and our g Ioh. 11.14 Sauiour Christ preuailed for whom they prayed but chiefely send for thy Minister or some faithfull Preacher for hee will play the part of a spirituall Physitian 1. hee can vnrip thy vlcers 10. Reasons why the sicke must send for his Minister search thy sores better then thou thy selfe 2. set before thee thy sinnes 3. cast thee downe by the Law 4. raise thee vp by the Gospell 5. comfort 6. direct 7. instruct thee 8. speake a word to thee in due season from God 9. be thy mouth to speake from thee and for thee to God 10. pronounce thy pardon on earth vvhich shall be ratified in heauen vpon tryall of thy Repentance Iohn 20.23 The practise of the world and worldlings is condemnable in this case for alas instead of sending for knowing and zealous men which could comfort them with such consolations wherewith they themselues haue beene comforted 2 Cor. 1.4 and in some measure restore them Gal. 6.1 they send for their carnall friends entertaine and welcome profane men that come to visit them from whom they receiue as much comfort as Iudas did of the Scribes and Pharisies when hee was in despayre Mat. 27.3.4 First eyther they say nothing to them like Iobs friends that were silent seauen dayes Iob 2.13 and in silence looke vpon them like a Deere at gaze The small comfort that a sicke man gets from carnall visitors Secondly or else they speake to little or no purpose saying to the sicke partie they are sorry to see him in such a case they would haue him take that which themselues want a good heart and be of good courage and comfort but wherein and by what meanes they cannot tell Others more vainely and profanely that they doubt not but hee shall doe well enough and recouer and that they shall be merry and drinke and carouse together as they haue done before c. and they will pray for them if they will when alas all their prayers are nothing else but the Apostles Creede or the tenne Commandements and the Lords Prayer vttered without Faith Feeling and Vnderstanding and this is the common comfort that sicke men get of their neighbours and friends when they come to visite them alas we may say as Iob of his friends miserable comforters be they all Secondly herein many men are also culpable 1. that they eyther send not for a Minister at all 2. or else for such a one as is as good as none a cloud without raine a dry pit without water such a one as wants the tongue of the learned to speake to him or the heart of the humble to pray for him vnlesse in saying as they say some set prayers which good Sir Iohn is as farre from truely praying as the sicke Patient is from profiting by them Or thirdly if they send for a Minister it is preposterously when it is too late in some maine exigent when they see no vvay but one The Minister is to be sent for before the Physitian Oh then send for a Preacher send for a Minister as Pharaoh in his deepe distresses knowing no meanes of euasion sends for Moses and sends for Aaron Exod. 9.27 whom in his welfare hee both despised and despited If Iannes and Iambres Astronomers and Astrologers could haue helpt Pharaoh Moses and Aaron should neuer haue beene sought to nor God by their meanes If Physitians and Galens Art Natures Simples nay with some if Sorcerers and white Witches and Sathans power or the vertues of the waters or ought else could comfort their soules or cure their bodies the Preacher should be vnsought to or vnsent for of many that in their health haue hated him and his doctrine as much as Ahab hated Michay and his Ministery 1 Kings 22.8 Vbi definit Theologus ibi incipit Medic●● Oh what an vnequall course is this that although till help be had for the soule and sinne which is the roote of sickenesse be cured Phisicke to the body seldome auailes for which cause the Physitian should beginne where the Diuine ends yet vsually the Diuine beginnes when the Physitian makes an end nay oft when life is making an end the Physitians are sent for in the beginning of sicknesse wee in
thou heede of this cursed course and Satanicall practise in thy sicknesse for alas to runne a whoring after such is not the way to cure thee but to kill thee for this haynous sinne vsually prouokes the Lord to plague the practisers of it euen with death it selfe as the Lord himselfe threatens that hee vvill purposely set his face against those that worke with Spirits c. yea and that he will cut them off to from amongst his people Leuit. 20.6 So the Lord verified this threat in Ahazia for because hee did seeke to Baalzebub and not to the God of Israell in his sicknesse God sends Elias directly to tell him that for that cause hee should not come downe from his bed but should dye the death as indeede hee did 1 Kings 1.6 So Saul was slaine notwithstanding that he went to the Witch at Endor 1 Sam. 31. Oh that our common people would reade and remember this Against seeking to Witches Charmers in sicknes that in stead of getting helpe by such Satanicall meanes as thy vse they prouoke the Lord as Paul tels the Corinthians in another case of receiuing the Sacrament vnworthily 1 Cor. 11.29.30 to plague them eyther with further diseases or else with death it selfe as hee did Saul and Ahazia Secondly suppose thou shouldest get help it is by the Diuels meanes and who vvould goe to such a filthy Physitian Thirdly if by this meanes thou be relieued thy soule is a thousand times more preiudiced the cure of thy body is the curse of thy soule thou procures the health of the one by the sicknesse of the other so thy salue is worse then thy sore therefore when Sathan and his Instruments can helpe thy health so much as Superstition and Idolatrie in seeking to them hinders thy saluation then I shall say to thee as Elizeus to Naaman Goe in peace euen to the house of Rimmon Others there be that vse other meanes which haue no warrant of which kinde are those that vse any manner of Charmes or Spels or that hang about their neckes Characters and Figures eyther in Paper Wood or Waxe c. which are all vaine and superstitious because neyther by creation nor by any ordinance in Gods word they haue any power to cure diseases for words doe onely signifie Figures can but onely represent Indeede I confesse there are some things that haue some vertue in them being hung about the necke as white k Galen lib. 6. 10 de simpl Medic. Peonie in this kinde is good against the Falling-sickenesse and Wolfes-dung tyed to the body is good against the Collicke so there are many the like which haue not their operation by Inchantment but from an inward vertue but all Amulets and Ligatures c. which worke not by some virtuall contract must needes haue their power from the Diuell The last dutie which must be done in sicknesse is relatiue concerning others of which briefely euen as wee haue spoke of those that concerne God and our selues Others I call eyther our Enemies or our Friends those without vs or our owne Families First to thy enemie thou must be reconciled forgiue him and desire to be forgiuen of him thou art now about not to offer a Lambe or a Bullocke as in the Leuiticall law but thy selfe thy body thy soule a sacrifice to GOD Rom. 12.1 Oh then first be reconciled to thy God ere thou offer thy gift Mat. 5.23 Now if the party whom thou hast iniured eyther be absent or present and vvill not relent yet thou in seeking peace hast discharged thy conscience and God will accept thy will for the deede Secondly if thou hast wronged any man by any manner of Iniustice whatsoeuer secretly or openly thou must make restitution euill gotten goods must be restored be they gotten by Vsury Oppression Extortion keeping the pawne the pledge or by any sinister meanes whatsoeuer the LORD strictly inioynes it Leuit. 6. vers Zacheus practised it Luke 14. The Law of Nations and of Nature approues it and the very Law that is writ within vs doth presse and vrge it The practise of the world is against both these rules for alas are there not many whose malice is like coales of Iuniper vnquenchable The throwing of dust amongst buzzing Bees makes them quiet but the summons to their dust causeth not some to leaue their waspishnesse they carry wrath boyling within their breasts as in a Furnace euen to Tophet the fire and Furnace of Hell neuer purposing to forget nor forgiue nay wishing that their very spirits could torture and torment their enemies after their dissolution And for restitution how few be there that once dreame of it Reconciliation with enemies restitution in wrongs in sicknesse to be practised much lesse determine it in which case they come farre short of Iudas who at his desperate death would restore those thirtie pieces which hee got in life with the price of bloud Mat. 27.4.5 In which those men doe not onely prejudice their owne soules but their Children also and posteritie euen in earthly things in leauing to them riches wrongfully got which bring deseruedly the curse of God vpon all the rest of that estate which they bequeath vnto them according to the phrase De male quaesitis vix gaudet tertius haeres Goods euill got who ere enioy them Helpe not the third heyres but annoy them like that coale of fire which the rauenous Eagle carryed to her nest which set all the rest of the nest on fire Thirdly thou must haue a speciall care to prouide for the peace welfare and prosperitie of those that are committed to thy charge that it may goe well with them after thy death The Magistrate after the example of Moses Deut. 31.1 Iosh 25. 1 King 2. Ioshua and Dauid must prouide for the godly and peaceable estate of that Towne Citie or Common-wealth ouer which hee is set Magistrates Ministers and Masters must prouide for the good of their charges euen after their death that pure Religion may be maintained outward Peace established ciuill Iustice executed c. The Minister as much as he can when he is in dying must cast to prouide for the continuance of the good estate of that Flocke ouer which the holy Ghost hath made him Ouer-seer Thus our Sauiour himselfe the chiefe Shepheard had a care of his Flocke ere hee left them hee moderates the mourning of the Daughters of Ierusalem giues Commission to his Disciples to teach all Nations Mat. 28.19 comforts them with the promised Comforter Iohn 16.7 Thus Peter endeuoured that those to whom hee writ and preached should haue remembrance of what hee taught them euen after his departure 1 Peter 1.15 If Peters pretended Successors stood not so much on their personall succession as they should in the right of succession labouring to imitate the doctrine of Peter of the Prophets and Apostles nay if this care of doctrinall succession were in the Ministers of the
Seruant hee standeth or falleth to his owne Master and Lord. To the b The fearfull estate of the wicked by sodain death wicked indeede that haue wallowed in sinne without feeling sodaine death is fearefull eyther in warre when the bullet taketh him or at Sea when hee is drowned or any other way whatsoeuer when Ammon is nailed to the wall by his Brother Absolon 2 Sam. 13.28.29 when Pharaoh and his Companie be sodainly drowned in the Seas Ezod 14.27.28 Corah Dathan and Abiram sodainely swallowed vp of the earth Numb 16.32 When Zimry and Cosbee the Israelitish and Moabitish wantons be sodainely destroyed by Phineas Speare or Gods plagues in their filth or after Numb 25.4.8 The old c Gen 7.21 Worldlings and d Gen. 19.24 Sodomites sodainely consumed by fire or water e Dan. 4.30 Baltazar f 2 Mach. 9 5.6.7 Antiochus g Act. 12.23 Herod the rich h Luke 12. Churle with others sodainely swept away like dung from the face of the earth with the besome of Gods wrath and strucke with Gods reuenging hand in the midst of their drunkennesse crueltie pride couetousnesse and such sins their case is fearefull Sect. 2. That all must die BVt though Moses be not sodainely taken away yet away hee goeth it is very true and so must all flesh therefore let vs reckon of it The reward of sinne is death Rom. 6.21 And since all flesh is sinfull to all is appointed once to die Heb. 9.27 hodie an cras c. whether it be to day or to morrow it must be it will be a debt it is and must be paid saith S. Augustine Hodie mihi cras tibi I to day you to morrow till wee be all gone nothing more vncertaine then the time nothing more certaine then the thing They that liued so many hundred yeeres as Adam Methusalem Noah Sem and the other Patriarkes of euery one it is said Et mortuus est and hee dyed the longest time had an end and at the last death knocked for him hee must away And as no time so no vertue can auoid death but euen Moses himselfe as worthy a man as the earth hath carried as the Word testifies of him Iosh 1.2.13 Heb. 3.2.5 yet this Moses must die But if a man maruell at this why such men should dye Rom. 5.12 since sinne which is the cause of death is pardoned forgiuen them through faith in Christ let him know that this is done for two causes First for those reliques of sinne and corruption which hang vpon and by death must be purged and taken cleane away God then perfecting that sanctification which was begun before Secondly that wee might be made conformable to our Head Christ Iesus who as hee by death ouer-came death and rose from death to life so must wee by him both which ends yeeld vs great comfort because they shew that death is not laid vpon the elect as a punishment but as a mercy vouchsafed by a sweet father for the ends named Sect. 3. God prepares his children to dye as hee did Moses by shewing them Canaan BVt before hee dye and passe this way of all flesh God will haue him goe into the Mountaine and see the Land of Promise this was done in sweet goodnesse that with more ready will hee might make an end And assuredly thus dealeth God with his louing children at their latter ends Obser euen giue them a glympse a sight and taste of the true Land of Promise that heauenly Canaan which hee hath prepared for them after death But as Moses to see this pleasant sight must ascend vp into the Mountaine so must wee raise vp and lift vp our hearts our soules our thoughts and the eyes of our mindes as it were aloft to an high Mountaine that so wee may see what will make vs most willing to depart that our ioy may be full and endlesse as in Peter Mat. 17.14 That Moses entered not into Canaan but onely saw it it had two ends first the punishment of his Incredulitie when hee strucke the Rocke spoken of here in the 14. Verse of this Chapter and secondly for mysterie Numb 20.12 Vt significet nos per Legem cuius Minister c. that it might signifie that by the Law whereof Moses was Minister wee may see as it were afarre off eternall life and saluation but neuer enter into it that way because through corruption of our natures wee are not able to performe it which being not performed Gal. 3.10 Iames 2.10 Mat. 5.19 shutteth vs out and subiecteth vs to a curse Sect. 4. Moses obedience to Gods summons a patterne to vs. THat Moses went vp into the Mountaine to dye Deut. 34.1 is an example before our eyes of most singular obedience for hee grudged not hee grieued not he shrunke not backe but yeelded to Gods blessed pleasure and was most willing and ready to dye O that wee may finde grace and mercy with God so to doe when time commeth saying with tongue and saying with heart behold here am I thy seruant be it vnto mee as thou my blessed God wi lt Is my time come and must I away Lord then I come and desire to be loosed and to be with thee Againe that Moses endured so patiently the deniall of him to enter into the Land which no doubt hee much desired let it euer teach vs and strengthen vs to doe the like when God denieth vs our desires for assuredly God will doe better for vs as here he did for Moses if vvee rest on his good pleasure It is a true saying it is a good saying let it neuer goe out of our mindes Semper Deus suos e●audit c. God alwayes heareth his Children if not vnto their will yet vnto their saluation and good CHAP. III. The nature of death sweetned to the Saints with fifteene resemblances of death to sleepe OBserue it againe carefully that death is not mentioned vnto Moses in any terrible words but in sweet wordes Ver. 13. Ibis ad Patres Thou shalt goe to thy Fathers and so still is the death of Beleeuers spoken of in the Scriptures that we might draw sweet comfort from it against any feare that fraile flesh may conceiue of death For there is a death which most men feare and that is the seperation of body and soule our naturall death and there is a death which too few feare and that is the seperation of the soule from God Vita corporis anima vita animae Deus the life of the body is the soule and the life of the soule is God Against this naturall feare oppose this and the like phrases in Scriptures You goe to your father Gen. 15.15 therefore feare not Socrates a Heathen was much comforted at his death that hee should goe and meete with those learned Poets Orpheus Homer Hesiod and such like how much more may wee ioy to meete with God the Father and God the Sonne
and God the holy Ghost with Angels Arch-angels Patriarkes Prophets Apostles and all the holy company of Heauen our fathers our mothers our sisters and brothers our friends and deare ones that are gone before vs O glorious sight O inestimable comfort worthy to make vs cry with the Apostle Phil. 1.21 Iohn 11.11 I desire to be loosed and to be there Come Lord Iesus come quickely Death is an end of all misery and the beginning of all blisse an eternall dwelling with God againe and an aduantage as the Apostle nameth it a sweet sleepe a comfortable rest Vitae via the way of life saith Ambrose Nomentantum fidelibus death is onely a bare name and no death indeed to the faithfull saith Chrisostome Nemo timet mortem nisi qui non sperat viuere post mortem No man feareth death but hee that hopeth not to liue after death the Lord gaue and the Lord taketh away life as well as goods and shall not wee say with Iob Iob 1.21 Blessed be the Name of the Lord. If wee hold for tearmes of yeeres or at the will of the Lord must not we be content to relinquish it when our tearme is expired Wee our selues doe looke for it at the hands of our Tenants and would be much offended if they should be disobedient shall wee not performe to God what wee looke for at men Grudge not at the losse but be thankfull for the loane wee are Gods Tenants and we ought to giue him his owne when it is due to him Would you keepe a pledge from the true owner that committed it to you for a time Our life is Gods pledge hee hath left it with vs now so long he euer entended to call for it againe and will you not restore it gladly and willingly without murmuring and repining thinke how you would like that at mans hands to keepe your pledge Heathens haue beene strong and shall Christians be weake The Swan is said to sing most sweetly when shee must die and shall Gods Children weepe Blessed blessed are the dead that die in the Lord saith the holy Ghost Reu. 14.13 and will we not beleeue him O ignaros malorum suorū c. O ignorant men of the miseries of this life that doe not esteeme and prayse death as the best inuention of nature yea let vs say rather it is the great mercy and goodnesse of God towards man for first it expelleth calamitie secondly it includeth felicttie thirdly it preuenteth the perils of youth fourthly it finisheth the toyles of age Omnibus fints multis remedium nonnullis votum to all an end to many a remedie to some a wish deseruing better of none then of them to whom hee commeth before hee be called for As children feare their friends when they are disguised but when their vizards are plucked off are glad of them so of death Ignorance makes feare and Knowledge ioy Cleambrotus saith Cicero after hee had read Platoes Booke of the happy estate of the dead cast himselfe head-long off from a wall into the Sea that hee might come to that happinesse the same Author speaketh of another Philosopher that so disputed of the contempt of death that many willingly killed themselues whereupon Ptolomy the King for bad him any more to speake of that matter in his Schoole Now alacke what comparisons be betwixt Philosophicall Comforts and Diuine out of the Treasure of Gods owne Wisdome taken from his written Word Shall wee then with our light feare that which they in their darknesse so little regarded God forbid The day of our birth wee neuer feare and The day of death saith God that is euer true is better then the day that one is borne Eccles 7.3 That resemblance of death to sleepe in Scriptures 1 Cor. 15.51 is most fit if you marke it and full of pleasure for 1 As no man can euer wake but of necessitie must sometimes sleepe so no man can euer liue but must needes haue a time to die 2 Be a man neuer so strong sleepe will tame him and so will death as it did Goliah Sampson Milo and others 3 As sleepe maketh vs put off our cloaths and Iewels and that willingly that we may take our rest so dealeth death with vs it taketh away all our pompe and port and layeth vs downe in our beds till the waking time to arise 4 As sleepe commeth of eating so came death also to our first Parents by intemperancie in eating the forbidden fruit Gen. 2.17 5 As our dayes doings be our nights troubles by the working of the phantasie so are our lifes sinnes our deaths griefes by the gnawing of the Conscience as appeareth in Iudas Antiochus and Francis Spira 6 Sleepers haue no stormes nor dead men know the worlds woes for Abraham is ignorant of and Israel knowes not the Iewes woes the first things being past c. Reu. 21.4 7 Some fall sodainely or quickely into sleepe and some are long according to the moistnesse or drynesse of their braines euen so some dye sooner as young Iosias and some later as olde Methusalem according to the temper of their radicall moysture as it pleaseth God 8 Some sleepe in their owne houses and some in other mens as did Sisera in Iaels some in the fields some at Sea some here some there in sundry places so doe wee dye some at home and some abroad some by land and some by Sea as God appointeth 9 No man can tell the very time that hee falleth asleepe but onely feeleth it comming and his body disposed to it so no man can tell the very moment of his death but onely feeleth his body faint and his spirits drawing to an end 10 Suauius dormiunt qui relinquunt c. They sleepe much better saith one that leaue all their cares in their shooes which they put off and goe to rest with a quiet minde euen so doe they dye better that haue disposed of all their worldly matters by Will or otherwise whereby they are not troubled or distracted by them 11 They sleepe well againe that haue laboured and taken paines all the day time and so they die well that in their vocation haue not beene idle but imployed both body and minde to doe good Ester 6.1 12 As Assuerus when he could not sleepe called for the Chronicles of his kingdome to be read vnto him so assuredly whilst wee wake in this world and the sleepe of death commeth not vpon vs it shall be a most profitable thing to reade or cause to be read vnto vs the Chronicle of GOD the sacred and holy Scriptures the treasures of all Comfort and good instructions 13 When the body sleepeth the soule sleepeth not no more dyeth the soule when the body dyeth 14 No man goeth to bed to sleepe but with a certaine hope and purpose to wake and rise againe so must wee dye in assurance of that great and generall Resurrection 15 And as our voyce and calling vpon men awake them so shall that
strength of sinne is the Law But thankes be vnto God which hath given vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ Mors Christs mors mortis meae The death of Christ is the death of my death Osee 13.14 saith Bernard O Death I will be thy Death saith hee by the Prophet And Hierome vpon it Illius morte tu mortuaes c. By his death thou art dead by his death wee liue thou hast deuoured and art deuoured thy selfe oh Death Death maketh dust returne to the earth as it was and the Spirit to returne to God that gaue it saith the word of God and shall not wee be glad of this Shall it grieue vs to returne to God to haue the Spirit goe from whence it came to walke with God to enter into life to goe to the Marriage of the Lambe Is the brute Oxe grieued to be vnyoaked Were Abraham Isacc and Iacob holy men or holy women euer vnwilling Wherefore if men desire naturall sleepe in regard of the good that commeth by it so doe you death and cherefully from your heart say with olde Simeon Lord now lettest thou thy Seruant depart in peace according to thy Word c. Luke 2.29 Sect. 4. The fourth Consideration A Fourth cause making men willing without Note 4 feare to sleepe naturally is that assured hope which they haue to awake and arise againe and shall not you arise from the sleepe of death why then should we shrinke more at the one then at the other wee shall rise againe for Christ our Head is risen and the Members must follow If the dead be not raised then is Christ not risen c. as you read in that singular Chapter 1 Cor. 15.20 The Sunne riseth and setteth againe the Moone waineth groweth againe Of the ashes of the olde Phoenix commeth another the leafe falleth and the sappe descendeth yet both sappe and leafe returne againe Sarahs wombe though dead yet beareth a Sonne when the Lord will so shall the resurrection be of dead bodies The hand of the Lord was vpon mee Ezech. 37.1 saith the Prophet and carried mee out in the Spirit of the Lord and set mee downe in the midst of the field which was full of bones And hee led me round about by them and behold there were very many in the open field and loe they were very dry And hee said vnto mee Sonne of man can these bones liue And I answered O Lord God thou knowest Againe hee said vnto mee Prophesie vpon these bones and say vnto them O yee dry bones heare the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God vnto these bones behold I will cause breath to enter into you and yee shall liue And I will lay sinewes vpon you and make flesh grown vpon you and couer you with skinne and put breath into you that yee may liue and ye shall know that I am the Lord. So I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noyse and behold there was a shaking and the bones came together bone to his bone And when I beheld loe the sinewes and the flehsh grew vpon them and aboue the skinne couered them but there was no breath in them Then said hee vnto mee Prophesie vnto the wind prophesie sonne of man and say to the winde Thus saith the Lord God Come from the foure windes O breath and breathe vpon these slaine that they may liue So I prophesied as hee had commanded mee and the breath came into them and they liued and stood vp vpon their feet and exceeding great armie Such another excellent place is that in the Apocalypse Reue. 20.11 And I saw a great white throne and one that sate on it from whose face fled away both the earth and the heauen and their place was no more found And I saw the dead both great and small stand before God and the Bookes were opened and another booke was opened which is the Booke of life and the dead were iudged of those things which were written in the Bookes according to their workes And the Sea gaue vp her dead which were in her and Death and Hell deliuered vp the dead which were in them and they were iudged euery man according to their workes Thus you see that as from our naturall sleepe so from death wee shall awake againe and therefore no cause to feare the one more then the other Resurrectio mortuorum spes Christianorum The Resurrection of the dead is the hope of the Christians Faith So Tertullian meaning their ioyfull hope that wipeth away all teares and vnwillingnesse to dye Credo Resurrectionem carnis I beleeue the resurrection of the body and life euerlasting Therefore care away Though I dye yet I dye not but onely sleepe in my Graue as in my Chamber till my GOD send his Angels to awake me with his Trumpet that I may enter into ioy that neuer shall haue an end till which time I rest free from all sorrow and paine not troubled with any of the worlds woes but as a man in his bed fast asleepe most free from all offences and vexations Yea euen the selfe same body shall arise to our vnspeakable comforts teach the Scriptures Iob 19.25 Iohn 5.29 1 Cor. 15.42.43 and many other places euen as Christs body arose the same that it was before the same eyes mouth feet hands Luk. 34.32 c. Dixerunt tactis corpreibus c. They said saith Tertullian of aucient Christians touching or laying their hands vpon the bodies wee beleeue the resurrection of this body this body that I touch and lay my hands vpon for the goodnesse of God will giue glory to that body that hath giuen glory to him the selfe-same eye the selfe-same mouth the selfe-same care feet hands c. What an encouragement is this to doe well if you marke it and what an argument to make vs willing to dye being assured of this as we are Sect. 5. The last Consideration The bodyes freedome and the soules Glorification Note 5 THE fift and last cause that maketh vs willing to goe to our naturall rest without feare muttering or any discontent is the chearefulnesse and liuelinesse of body and minde that vseth to follow after sleepe both to body and minde being refreshed thereby so greatly let the same cause make vs willing to dye for there is no comparison betweene the comfort and refreshing that naturall sleepe worketh and that which followeth after death when Christ shall change our vile bodie that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body according to the working whereby hee is able and subdue all things vnto himselfe when this corruptible hath put on incorruption and this mortall hath put on immortalitie If that small glimpse which the Disciples saw made them wish for three Tabernacles and an eternall being there Mat. 17.4 O how shall the whole glory of heauen and heauens blisse rauish vs and make vs glad that wee haue attained to it O no such
before vs Numb 27. and haue led the way to this common Inne of death Deut. 32. we shall see the face of CHRIST wee shall looke vpon him whom our sinnes haue pierced behold his wounds in his glorified body as the Angels now behold them wee shall inseperably be vnited vnto him and so ioy in him that our ioy shall be full in those blessed mansions which hee hath gone before to prepare wee shall liue and conuerse with Abraham Isaack and Iacob and the ancient Patriarkes with Dauid Iosias Ezekias c. and all religious Kings with Samuel Esay Ieremie Iohn Baptist and all the holy Prophets with Peter Andrew Phillip and all the blessed Apostles with Matthew Marke Luke and Iohn the sincere Euangelists with Paul Steuen Peter and Iames and all the constant Martyres zealous Confessors and Professers of the Truth yea and all the rest of the faithfull whom we shall know to the increase of our ioy especially those whom wee haue here knowne and seene euen as Adam knew Eue in the Creation Gen. 2.23 Mat. 17.4 and Peter knew Moses and Elias in Christs Transfiguration a type of our Glorification whom before they had neuer seene To conclude therefore now is the time when in the Church triumphant all that haue beene within the Couenant of Grace and vnder the Gospell in the Church militant shall come to the Mount Sion and to the Citie of the liuing God the celestiall Ierusalem and to the company of innumerable Angels and to the Assembly and congregation of the first borne which are written in heauen and to God the Iudge of all and to the Spirits of iust and perfect men and to Iesus the Mediator of the new Testament Heb. Now what great harme is there in going to our friends especially such friends as these be who in knowledge and wisedome in glory and excellencie in loue and amitie doe farre surpasse all friends vpon earth 6 Death frees from sinne and from thy soules enemies 6 Consider the fruit and happy effect of Death in freeing thee from sinne and all miseries the punishments of sinne that stroke that kils thee will kill also a monstrous Mother and a wretched Daughter Sinne and Sorrow for as Death is the death of the body so it is the disseuering of sinne from the body Sinne that brought forth Death is destroyed by Death euen as the Viper kils the damme that bred him and as Nero murthered Agrippina that bore him that which puls downe the house of the body destroyes Sinne the troublesome and vnruly Tenant that dwelt in this house Now is it not a ioy to thee to be rid by any meanes of such an vnworthy and vnwelcome guest as Sinne which is alwayes quarrelling with thy best friends as the Spirit and the Grace of GOD within thee Art thou not glad to be freed from such a Make-baite as this body of sinne this old Adam which is alwayes stirring vp ciuill broyles and combats within this little world of thy selfe alwayes plotting and contriuing the ruine and destruction of thy better part thy Soule Art thou not glad to haue such a fire quenched as thy burning lusts and rebelling concupiscences the worst burning Feuer that euer came to man Art thou not glad to be rid of a sloathfull luxurious riotous vaine wanton vicious rebellious Seruant which is alwayes grieuing and offending thee prouoking thee to euill hindering thee from good sluggish to doe well forward to all euill such a guest such a quarreller such a fire such a rebell such a seruant is thy Flesh dull and dead and lumpish slow and sluggish to euery good dutie priuate and publique prone and propense to euery sinne alwayes solliciting importuning trying and tempting thee with as great importunitie as Potiphars Wife did Ioseph to abase and abuse thy soule and body in euery filthy pollution to commit spirituall whoredome with the world and the flesh still grieuing thy God and offending his maiestie abusing his mercy crucifying Christ turning his grace into wantonnesse vexing his Spirit quenching the motions and hindering the operations of his Grace taking part with Sathan thy forraine enemie like an inmate traytor and domesticall conspirator Now Death dislodgeth this guest quels this quarreller hangs vp this Achitophel quencheth this lustfull fire executes this rebell cashiers this seruant for euen as the Iuie dyes that twines about the Oake when the Oake is cut downe so the cutting downe of the body is the curbing and curing the sinne in the body which sinne liues and dyes hath his birth and death with the subiect wherein it is resident for he that is dead is freed from sinne Rom. 6.7 Therefore Mors metuenda non est quia est finis peccatorum Ambrose Now as it frees thee from sinne so the cause ceasing the effect ceaseth also it frees thee from all the miseries that grow as fruits from this cursed Tree euen all the paynes and labours of body and vexations of spirit that are incident to this mortall condition This made the Wise-man praise those that were dead before those that are liuing Eccle. 4. and to preferre the day of death before the day of life Eccles 7. And made some of the Philosophers in their Heathenish Paradoxes affirme that it was best for a man neuer to be borne the next best to dye soone because in respect of the many miseries of this life which they saw into with their naturall eyes they thought Nature was a Mother vnto all other Creatures and a Step-dame vnto man Theophrastus therefore Iob that drunke as deepe in this cup of common afflictions incident to humane nature as euer any meere man in this respect desired death Euen as the Seruant desired the shadow and as the Hireling looked for the end of his worke Iob 7.2 7 Consider that God doth not onely deliuer thee from the euill of sinne and the euill of punishment present 7 It deliuers from the euils present and to come but by taking thee now away hee hath a purpose to free thee from future temporall euils which perhaps hee purposeth to bring vpon that place and people amongst whom thou art for indeede this is the Lords ordinary proceeding to deliuer his Seruants from the euils to come whilest the wicked are chained in earth and reserued for further plagues Thus hee tooke away good Augustine ere the Gothes and Vandals ouer-ranne Hippo where hee vvas Bishop this the Lord promised as a speciall mercy to good Iosias that before hee vvould accomplish his threat against Iudah he should be put into his graue in peace and that his eyes should not behold the euill 2 Kin. 22.20 And thus hee saith of the mercifull men and righteous that they are taken away from the euils to come that Peace shall be vpon them and they shall rest in their beds when the Witches Children the seede of Adulterers and Whores a rebellious people shall perish and consume Esay Apply this
some particulers as once in the Scripture Luk. 23.43 in the Theefe vpon the crosse that a theeuish and licentious life should haue the promise of Paradise in Death which as it was first the conclusion of Christs life secondly the present magnifying of the power of his Passion so it is not to be vrged nor peremptorily pleaded 1. in defence of ill liuers 2. nor imitated in deferring repentance 3. nor presumed vpon no more then a man ought to presume to be a Traytor a Witch a murtherer in hope for a pardon when he is to be turned off the Ladder because some one man in an age hath by Gods prouidence this priuiledge to be repriued and released from these facts committed For in place of one example that hath had his inueterate old sores cured his crying treasons pardoned at the last houre like Gregories good theefe that begd heauen wee haue millions that haue perished rot and consumed in body and soule in the last exigent of life as they haue not spared GOD liuing God hath not giuen them any tokens of his fauour but rather of his wrath and indignation dying forgetting them dying as in their life they forgat him turning away his eare from hearing of their prayers Psal 66 2● though they houle vpon their sicke-beds like Wolues Ose 7.14 because in their health and prosperitie they haue like deafe Adders stopped their eares in not hearing his Law and Word and in not considering the cryes of the poore Prou. 28.9 Prou. 21.13 Prou. 15.8 Therefore for thy present instruction and future consolation worke thou out betimes thy saluation with feare and trembling Phil. 2.12 Giue all diligence to make thy Election sure Breake off all thy sinnes by repentance Dan. 4.24 Turne to the Lord with all thine heart in fasting weeping and mourning Ioel 2.12 Turne from the wickednesse thou hast committed with the Niniuites Ionah 3.7.8 Wash thee and make thee cleane Esay 1.16 Cleanse thy heart from euill thoughts Ier. 4.14 Leaue thy formalitie in Religion and worship the Lord in truth and spirit Iohn 4 24. Get faith and learne to liue by faith Hab. 2.4 and to dye by faith Iohn 1.47 Be a Nathaniel in thy dealings with men let thy heart be vpright as thy hand Ioh. 1.47 Remember the poore and needy then the Lord will remember thee in the day of thy sicknesse Psal 41.1 Christ will visite thee as hee did Iairus Daughter Luk. 16.22 and Peters wiues Mother he shall be thy Physitian when the simples of Nature and the arme of Flesh faile his Angels shall pitch their tents about thee and carry thy flitting soule as they did Lazarus his into the seates of the blessed Make vse of this and the LORD giue thee vnderstanding in all things 16 As the examples of the Saints of God 16 In death desire Christ as hee by death desired thee that hauing liued conscionahly and dyed comfortably must comfort thee in this houre so their willingnesse to dye must encourage thee willingly to drinke of that cup which the Lord offers thee without resisting or relucting Looke vpon old Simeon singing that Swan-like song prophecying his death Lord now lett●st thou thy Seruant depart in peace Luke 2.29 But especially of Saint Paul vveary of this mortalitie desirous to be disburdened of the burthen of his corruptions to be deliuered from the body of sinne Rom. 7. to be present with the Lord to be dissolued and to be with CHRIST 2 Cor. 5. Phil. 1. But the best president that wee haue in life and death as the best comfort is the practise of Christ who although hee feared death as man desiring conditionally the passing of that bitter cup yet neuerthelesse wee shall see in him a great alacritie chearefulnesse propensitie and willingnesse to dye for Mat. 10.38 and Luk 18.31 besides his often conference with his Disciples about his death the frequent nomination of it vpon all occasions which shewes how vehemently hee was affected towards it the tongue speaking from the hearts abundance all his words and acts declare it for to shew his desire to dye Iohn 4.32 hee counts it but a Baptisme or as it were a sprinkling of cooling water Mat. 20.22 nay it is meate and drinke to him to doe his Fathers will which was that hee should dye hee counts it a Iourney to goe which hee was willing to vnder-goe nay hee was euen payned vntill it was past when it came to the push that his houre was come hee seekes death as it seekes him Ioh. 18.4.7 hee goes forth to meete and welcome it as his friend Gen. 18.2 Ioh. 19.30 Gen. 8.8 as Abraham and Lot to meete and entertaine the Angels hee offers himselfe to the instruments of his death his backe to the smiters and finally his soule is not taken from him compulsorie but as hee commended it so hee resigned and gaue it vp to his Father willingly hee gaue vp the ghost hauing power to lay downe his life sending out his spirit as Noah did the Doue out of the Arke which after three dayes returned againe to quicken the body from heauen from whence also Lazarus his soule returned after foure dayes Now apply this to thine owne particular art not thou a Christian so denominated of CHRIST then euery one of Christs actions ought to be thy instruction chiefely in his death all whose dying gestures are worthy to be writ in thy heart in letters of Gold Did hee then vnder-goe such an extraordinary vnnaturall painefull shamefull cursed death the worst that euer was for therefore Christ dyed the worst death that euer was both for the ignominie of it and the exquisite tortures in it that a Christian should not feare any death since euery death is sanctified vnto him in the death of Christ Did Christ not onely indure his pangs and paines in death so patiently Esay 53. as a Lambe before the shearer but was euen desirous of this bitter pill for the ioy that was set before him and the loue hee bore to redeeme thy enthralled soule and art thou scrupulous and timerous of a naturall and an ordinary passage from life to life through this dead Sea Wilt thou mutter and murmure and shew thy selfe refractory to come to the Kings Court when thou art so gently summoned by such a sweet messenger as a lingring sickenesse Hast thou so little longing to goe to him by the rupture of a weake thread of life who was so desirous to come to thee from heauen to earth from the earth to the Crosse from the Crosse to the Graue euen through a red Sea of blood thorow Pikes and Speares and nayles and thornes being dieted in this his bloody march with the bread of affliction and the water of teares with gall vinegar oh hast thou so little delight in him so little desire towards him so small liking of him so little loue to him that thou list not step ouer the
ioyes are vaine vile carnall sensuall like thy selfe like the Horse and Oxe that delights onely in a good fat pasture Exhortat though the Pinfold and the slaughter-house be the next dish but theirs are pure chaste sincere heauenly eternall like that God that sends them like that Spirit that workes them therefore get thine eyes opened to see thy miserie and ioyne thy selfe to them whom now thou despisest as Rahab and Ruth did to the true Church that thou maist finde mercy Secondly whereas Simeon is now willing to depart hauing seene Christ and so reioyceth in this expected obiect it is obseruable that the Patriarkes all of them in their times and ages expected CHRIST euer since the promise of this Messias was made vnto our Protoplasts Gen. 3.15 our first Parents Adam and Eue Simeon lookes for him here in his generation so did the Church of Ierusalem so did the rest in their generations Eue thought he was then come when shee bore Caine confessing that shee had receiued a man from the Lord Gen. 4.1 Abraham desired to see his day Iacob wayted for his saluation Gen. 48.18 Gen. 48.18 Moses desired GOD to send him to deliuer Israel out of Aegypt Exod. 4.13 Iob vvas comforted in this expected Redeemer Iob 19.25 Yea Mat. 13.17 many Prophets and righteous men desired to see the things which wee see euen the Maiestie of God clothed with flesh as a man is shod with Sandals on his feete And sure the Ancients for this cause much extenuate the Polygamie and multiplicitie of wiues of the Patriarkes as of Iacob c. as also in taking their Maides as Concubines which they say was done non propter libidinem sed propter prolem not for lust but for multiplying a holy seede euery one in their dayes desiring to propagate the promised Seede of the woman In which wee see Gods great mercy to vs now vnder the Gospell Vse Of Consolation more then to those vnder the Law for then came into the world the great Physitian of the world to cure the great Patient which was the world which so long did languish when we stood in most need of him The former ages had but a glimpse of this light of the world they saw him but darkely and obscurely tanquam inspeculo tanquā in aenigmate as it were in a cloud in a glasse in Leuiticall shadowes but wee see him clearely euen fully as the Sunne at noone day perspicuously in the Gospell euen as the Wisemen saw him in the Stable as Simeon and Anna in the Temple Visio beatifica wee haue an happier vision of him then they euen as the Angels more then wee hee came indeede to the beleeuers comfortably powerfully Typically but wee receiue him as Simeon did personally hee came to Adam with the promise in the time of despayre to Abraham with supply in time of Sacrifice to Isaac with reliefe in time of famine in time of exile with honour to Ioseph in time of persecution vvith comfort to Elias in time of battell with an hand on Gideons hilt with an eye to the stone from Dauids sling in time of inuasion with triumph to Ezekias alwayes hopefully helpfully to his Church For which cause hee is called The Starre of Iacob The Lyon of Iudah The Rod of Isaack c. Typically hee came in Circumcision Rom. 3. in the Paschall Lambe Iohn 1. in Manna Iohn 6. in the brazen Serpent Iohn 3. in the Arke and on the Altar c. Hee came figuratiuely as our rest in Noah our increase in Ioseph our loue in Dauid our peace in Salomon our saluation in Ioshuah c. But now hee is come to vs personally Vbi venit ple●itudo temporis venit ille qui liberauit no● à tempore in the assuming our nature in the fulunesse of time saith Paul Gal. 4.4 to free vs from all time saith Bernard Note his mercy hee came to vs voluntarily non compulsu Patris sed consensu sui not by compulsion from his Father but by his owne consent Non ex necessitate mandantis Chrysost sedex voluntate venientis saith Chrisostome Yea Vltro venit sponte Gregory se videndum attulit occidendum obtulit Greg. Of his owne accord yeelding himselfe to be seene of men to be slaine for men Yea Basil Propria benignitas inuitatuit misericordia traxit veritas compulit His benignitie to vs inuited him his mercy drew him his truth compelled him Basil Here is his Mercy for our Consolation Oh let vs walke worthy of this grace and Vse 2 Mercy for an vse of Instruction Of Instruction let vs runne after the sweetnesse of his odours let vs follow his footings since hee came to leade vs let vs worke out our saluation with feare and trembling since hee came to saue vs 1 Tim. 4.9 Luke 19.10 Let vs returne to the Bishop of our soules since hee came to finde vs Luk. 19.10 as lost sheepe let vs be no more the slaues of the Diuell since hee came to dissolue the workes of the Diuell 1 Iohn 3. let vs entertaine him as did Zacheus and retayne him Luke 11. Gen. 28. as did Iacob when hee would not let him goe till hee blest him let vs feast him as did Mathew wash his feete with our teares Luke 7. as did his Mary seeke him sorrowing as did his Mother prepare for him an vpper lodging to eate his Passeouer in as did his Disciples 1 Cor. 6.16 euen our bodies and soules the Temples of his Spirit let vs walke nearer to Sion in this our light since the Sun is come so neere vs nay euen to vs then the Patriarkes did in their darkenesse vnder the vayle and cloud of the Law Vse 3 Redargution Let vs now come to the tryall and bring our practise to the Touch-stone and wee shall be found as vnworthy of Christs reuelation to vs as vnthankefull for his manifestation amongst vs Luke 10. as the very Iewes themselues nay let vs compare our selues with them and wee shall iustifie them as they did Sodome Euer since CHRIST dwelt amongst the sonnes of men the kinde of his vsage hath beene too vnkinde the course of his entertainment hath beene too course the forme and manner of his welcome deformed and vnmannerly the world hath beene still so weake through ignorance as not to know or so wicked through ingratitude as not to acknowledge or so corrupt by nature as not to welcome the Word incarnate the Lord of Nature For euen in his birth at Bethlem howsoeuer hee had the hearts and admirations of some few some handfuls as of Anna Simeon Zachary Elizabeth c. As also after of his Disciples of Nathaniel Nicodemus Ioseph Mary Martha Lazarus some healed Patients conuert sinners penitent Publicanes and such like yet the grossest and the greatest part despised and dispited him Looke vpon him from the wombe to the earth from the Cradle to the
sinnes which cleaue so fast on which they cannot shake off Sinne with which they are at opposition and deadly feud dogs them at the heeles like a Serieant waytes on them like a Catchpole insinuates into them like a claw-backe creepes into their bosomes as a Serpent stings them at the heart like an Adder followes them as their shadow stickes close to them like their shirt vpon their skinne their skinne vpon their flesh and their flesh vpon their bones insomuch that it burnes and frets them as Dia●●raes poysoned shirt did Hercules and as the Ticke vexeth the Oxe which makes them crye out in the anguish of their soules In me duo armati Amor Odium Iacob Esau Caro Spiritus c. Hier. vvith Paul and the faithfull Rom. 7. Oh miserable man that I am who shall deliuer mee from this body of sinne They complaine of the strife of the Flesh and the Spirit as Rebeccah of the strugling betwixt Iacob and Esau Now death comes and rescues and makes thy baile and playes the Mid-wife and ends the broyle therefore welcome to the well disposed Fiftly they are here Pilgrimes and strangers 1 Pet. 2.11 as was Dauid and the rest in their ages they are here exuls and banished men as Children put forth to nurse from their Mothers as Schollers and Pupils sent to forraine Schooles and to farre Vniuersities and therefore their returning home to their owne Country their restitution to their prouided Kingdome their fetching home to their Father and friends their retyring to their Fathers house though it be through the shadow of death must needes be acceptable Sixtly they know that the day of their death is better then the day of life Eccles 7.3 because they dye prepared their soules purged their hearts by Faith purified As they haue entered into the first degree of eternall life in this life when they beleeued and receiued the gifts of the Spirit the earnest of their Saluation so they enter into the second degree in death August in Iob. Qui cupit dissolui essecum Christo non patienter moritur sed patienter viuit delectabiliter moritur when their soules are carryed into heauen and they dye in assurance of the third degree when body and soule shall be re-vnited to participate of happinesse as they haue liued together in holinesse Seauenthly they dye as with a desire so in an expectation to see and behold the face of Christ of which with Steuen they haue some glimmering in their deaths and therefore death to the godly so farre as regeneration rules is no more burthensome then the stripping off the cloathes vnto a louing Spouse to goe into the Marriage-bed of her contracted Bridegrome Hos 2.19 Eightly they haue kept a good Conscience with God and man like Paul Acts 24. And therefore they feare not iudgement no more then a true man feares to looke the Iudge in the face Ninthly wherein they haue offended God they haue their sinnes remitted and therefore feare not to hold vp their hand at the barre since they are quit before by Proclamation of all the promises in the Gospell and haue the Kings Pardon sealed them in the Sacraments Iacula praeuisa minus ferun● Tenthly they haue oft in life invred themselues to thinke speake record and meditate of death euen as did Christ their head and his Seruants Iacob Moses and Paul as appeares in the Word and therefore Deaths dart foreseene Praemoniti Praemuniti wounds them lesse being fore-warned of it they are fore-armed for it Euen as the Souldier that hath beene long trayned and in many skirmishes is more couragious in the maine Battell and as hee that hath long exercised himselfe in foyles is more hardy to fight with sharpe so the petty conflicts that the godly haue had in their owne breasts vvith Deaths feare make them more hardy to encounter Deaths force Eleuenthly they entertaine it as a reward for their worke as a rest from their labour as willingly as the hired labourer receiues his hire and reposeth his wearied limbes Dan 12. Esay 57.2 Twelfthly they are perswaded and haue their Faith grounded in an happy and blessed change they expect a Metamorphosis and an alteration a comfortable transmutation of Earth for Heauen of the Sea for the Hauen of Griefe for Glory of the outward Court for the Sanctum Sanctorum of a Mortall for an Immortall body of Enon for Salem Sodome for Segor Aegypt for Canaan the Wildernesse of Sin for the Land of Promise of a House of clay terrestriall for a House celestiall aboue the Clouds 2 Cor. 5.1 And therefore they are as willing to make this exchange as a poore begger would be to exchange his poore rags for some Princes robes or some poore man to leaue his smoaky rainy Cottage for a pompous Pauilion and decked Chamber in the Court. To reape the Vintage of this discourse Vse the vse to vs is first of examination in that it is an argument of a good man to be willing to dye as here was Simeon Lay thou thy hand on thine heart and search in thy soule what propensitie and disposition thou findest in thy selfe to dye Many arguments there are in the Word and tryals both of a holy and a happy man both affirmatiue in shewing what hee doth and negatiue in shewing what he auoids Dauid points at him in the first Psalme as also in the 32. Psalme verse 1.2 as also in the 15. Psalme So doth our Sauiour Christ in the first eight Verses of the fift of Mathew So the Apostle Paul in the 2. of Cor. ch 7. ver 11. with other such places as namely delighting in the Word meeknesse mourning for sinne hunger after righteousnesse c. care to please God Feare Zeale Indignation against sinne not letting Mony to Vsury and the like yet sure there is no greater euidence of an honest and holy heart then so to walke vprightly with God in life as alwayes to be willing to imbrace the strictest Summons of death to be as ready to depart out of this world as the Israelites were to depart out of Aegypt Againe it is most vsually a note of a soule eyther altogether soyled in corruption or indued with a smaller measure of Sanctification to be violently possessed with a continuated feare of death and therefore in this particular finde out thy selfe and trye in what case thou standest for the more vnwilling thou art to dye commonly the more Nature rules in thee the more earthly fleshly and carnall thou art the more willing commonly the more Grace raignes the more thou art holy heauenly and spirituall in which case you shall obserue that the desire to liue or not to liue to dye and not to dye hath oftentimes ebbed and flowed according to the measure of grace or corruption of sinne or of sanctification Euery man may finde this in his owne heart vsually vpon the search Hence it was Luke 8.33 that our Sauiour Christ
smite together the sound of death to them is the most harsh of all sounds and puts them sometimes in a deadly sowne the noise of the roaring Canon is not so fearefull to the fainting Souldier nor the Lightning and Thunder was so terrible to Nero as the summons of death to such naturall men whether by the Harbenger thereof Sickenesse or from the condemning voice of a Iudge or by such meanes for these reasons before mentioned What doth this argue but a guiltie conscience a secure soule a hardned heart a carnall minde and a maine measure of infidelitie incredulitie and want of faith in the remission of sinnes the resurrection of the body the immortalitie of the soule and hope of a better life which considerations as they haue moued the ancient and moderne Martyres Ignatius Policarpus Laurence Cyprian and others in our precedent age French Germaine and English to subiect themselues to the mouthes of Lions flames of fire and all other tortures and torments which Madnesse and Malice could inuent c. So the diffidence of these the want of the perswasion of Gods loue and expectation of wrath and vengeance after this mortalitie makes wicked men entertaine Death as Ahab did Elias euen as their greatest enemie as their Iaylor their Serieant their Butcherer their Executioner as the curber of their delights and procurer of their curse Yet that I be not mistaken I doe not here condemne all feare of death and make it such an essentiall note of Gods childe as though euery one that feared God did not at any time or in any respects feare to dye or that wicked men might not sometimes and vpon some seruile respects with some shew of alacritie vndergoe death for First I know that there is in all men a naturall desire to liue which caused Ezekias to mourne when hee was to dye Esay 38.10 And Dauid to pray that his soule might liue Psal 6.4 and Psal 119. As also our Sauiour Christ to desire the Passage of the cuppe from him Luke 22. There being a naturall desire in the best of Gods Saints to liue Nature fearing her dissolution and the body and soule being as loath to part as two friends that a long time haue liued and loued together Secondly besides I know Gods Children may be desirous to liue as to glorifie God more so for some other good ends propounded as for the better setting their estates to their successiue seed for the establishing their houses for to dispose of their Children in some religious courses which was the cause that Ezekias desired to liue say Interpreters because when the Prophet brought this message of death to him hee was without issue and left none to suceede him in his Kingdome as Gods promise was to his Father Dauid 1 King 8 15●3 Thirdly a godly man is sometimes in distresse and perplexitie of minde as Dauid was vvhen hee made the sixt Psalme at which time hee is vnwilling to depart till GOD shine vpon him againe with his fauour Fourthly a godly man may pray sometimes against some kinde of death as our Sauiour Christ did praying not simply against death but against that cursed death of the Crosse fearing not death but the curse of the Law that went with death Fiftly I know that euen naturall men haue made light account of death such as the Decians and the Fabritians Curtius and Codrus with others amongst the Romanes and Athenians that exposed and spent their liues for the good of their Country I know euen of obstinate Heretiques such as the Gnostiques and the Circumcellions more lately Michael Sernetus many moderne Papists yea the late Arrian burnt in Smithfield haue some of them vndergone death more willingly and chearefully then those that haue had in them farre more grace and sanctification Wicked men may dye willingly for sinister respects but some of these haue imbraced death so welcomly out of a morall desire of doing good to their Country or out of vaineglory to be spoken of like those Heathen or out of obstinacie or desperate madnesse or peruersenesse against the truth or Diabolicall delusions or erronious conceits or Atheisme or opinion of merit or chiefely pride of heart to be magnified and famoused of their fauourites or some other sinister ends not for Gods glory or hope of any better condition after this life as these Heretiques So that my conclusion still holds notwithstanding these doubts and scruples that Grace kisseth Gods rod though in the hand of Death Nature barkes and bites at the hand that holds the rod Gods Sheepe going quietly to their graues like Lambes to be sacrificed carnall men gruntling and complaining like Swine to be butchered Thirdly since that Grace is willing Nature Vse 3 vnwilling to her dissolution all are to be exhorted to vse the meanes to helpe forward their spirituall part to be more willing to curbe their carnall part Meanes to make vs dye willingly in it nilling The meanes are two first priuatiue for the remouall of the impediments which lye in the way secondly positiue in incouraging vs to enter the way of all flesh What the causes are that cause the carnall man to sing Loath to depart you haue heard as namely the losse of his pleasures profits preferments promotions here with the like in all which things wee must looke to our hearts and be watchfull Centurions ouer our affections least they be carryed with too violent a course and torrent in the prosecution and pursuite of these terrestriall and earthly things wee must not be mad vpon the world as worldlings are let vs not place our affections on things below but on things aboue where CHRIST sits at the right hand of GOD let vs vse this World as though wee vsed it not as wee vse Physicke and wines modice medice with moderation and mortification as a Student vseth recreations for necessitie not vanitie let vs not fall downe and worship the Diuell though hee would giue vs it all let vs not bowe the knee to Baal nor adore the golden Calfe nor sell our soules for the trash and the dongue the * Siluer and Gold white and red dust of it as Iudas did let vs touch riches tenderly with our hands not with our hearts as wee doe Thornes because they are Thornes let vs not loue vaine pleasures least after their Beeish honie wee feele their Waspish sting when these charmers charme to delude vs let vs be as wise as Serpents stopping both our eares as shee doth with the taile and the earth remembrance of our ends of which the taile is an embleame and of our earth whither wee shortly must Thus must wee first learne to practise this hardest point of Christianitie in dying to the world ere euer wee can be willing out of faith and feeling to dye out of the world for alas what causeth men that they haue as little heart to goe into their Mother-earth as the Moale hath to come out of the earth but onely
Infidelitie of Repentance or Impenitencie by the performance or not performance vvhereof wee auoid or incurre the curses denounced or are capable of or not capable of the promises propounded therefore when God staid the execution and as it were repriued this good King hee did nothing but what hee determined for hee decreed by this threatning to bring him to the sight of his sinnes and so to repentance that hee might liue Obiect 2 Obiect 2. Iob complaines that his breath is corrupt that his dayes are extinct and that the graue is ready for him Iob 17.1 So Dauid complained that the Lord had weakened his strength in the way that he had shortened his dayes yea hee feared that God would take him away in the midst of his dayes Psal 102. vers 23.24 So Salomon tels vs that the feare of the Lord prolongeth dayes but the yeeres of the wicked shall be shortened Prou. 10.27 then it seemes a man may dye before his limited time Answ There are two ages or times of man the one a ripe age suppose seauenty or eighty yeeres the other vnripe and greene Now all men naturally aspire and desire the first which if they attaine not to in some measure and proportion they are thought to dye before their time but yet neuerthelesse they accomplish their decreed date And therefore though Iob and Dauid complayned of the shortning of their dayes yet they deceiued themselues for the one liued after that an hundred and forty yeeres and saw his sonnes sonnes euen foure generations Iob 42.16 the other dyed old and well stricken in yeeres 1 Kings 1.1 but both of them not seeing the Sunne of Gods fauour through the cloud of the Crosse remembred not that Gods power is seene in infirmitie 2 Cor. 12.9 Obiect 3. Yet it is said that bloud thirsty men shall not liue out halfe their dayes Psal 55.23 Answ First that is which they desire to liue Secondly or which in nature they might liue to so Basil Thirdly In Psal 55 God hastens iudgements vpon crying sinnes such as that of Murther and Sodomie and vncleannesse as hee did on Sodome Onan and Ioab For when sinne once cryes like Cains sinne or is ripe like the sinnes of the Amorites God is prouoked and cuts off the workers of it Secreta esse possunt iudicia Dei nunquam iniusta sometimes sodainely sometimes secretly neuer vniustly Fourthly good men as they participate of Gods blessing long life Exod. 20. ver 12. or else of life eternall if they be taken away with Iosias in youth which is better so wicked men fearing death as a iudgement which they feare it shall fall vpon them for whatsoeuer a wicked man feares in a slauish and seruile feare that shall come vpon him saith Salomon Prou. 10.24 A proud man feares disgrace he shall be disgraced yea proud Herod shall be eaten with Wormes and that Ester and Mordocheus and those Iewes which Ammon feared shall bring him to the Gallowes If Achitophel feare that his counsell shall be reiected it shall be reiected If the Theefe and the Seminarie feares Tyburne they shall be top● there The couetous man feares pouertie it shall betide him or his hee shall vomit vp his sweet morsels his substance which he hath deuoured Iob 20.15 some part of his ill gotten goods like the coale in the Eagles nest shall set all the rest on fire If Ieroboam feare death as Abijah threatneth him the Lord will strike him that hee die 2 Chron. 12. ver 12. ver 20. and so all other vvicked men Obiect 4. But if our death be determined may carnall reason obiect then we neede vse no meanes to prolong our life as Physicke recreation c. Answ If God haue ordained thee to liue long hee ordayned the meanes also to prolong thy life as hee sent Ioseph before to prouide the Land of Aegypt for old Iacob and his Sonnes to liue and to trade in when the Famine was in Aegypt for their preseruation Gen. 34.10 and as hee prouided a Whale to receiue Ionas that hee drowne not so he hath ordayned meanes as meates drinkes cloathes dyet Physicke Musicke exercise carefull circumspection in the vse of thy body and the like that thou perish not to which meanes if thou beest not subordinate thou art guilty of thine owne death because thou with-drawes thy selfe from without those limits and bounds that God hath appointed thee to vvalke in and so art found eyther a fighter against or at least a tempter of God Deut. 6.16 It is worthy considering that though God had told Paul Acts 27.24 that all that were in the ship with him in that Cretian tempest should be safe yet neuerthelesse when some would haue leapt out of the ship hee tels the Centurion v. 31. that except they abide in the Ship they could not be saued they must stay still and bestirre themselues validis incumbendo renijs if they will be safe yea they must eate meate to for their healths sake vers 34. so what God hath decreed eyther concerning thy body or soule thy temporall or spirituall estate in life or death thou must vse meanes for the well being and preseruation of both Wee may out of this boxe thus opened Vse draw out this Triacle namely to goe on constantly and couragiously in our callings and Christian courses in the performance of good duties belonging to the first and second Table to God or man commanded in the word commended in the practise of the Saints notwithstanding all not onely oppositions and calumniations by the scoffing tongues of Ismaels but euen piercing persecutions of the worlds Nimrods and the bloody Buls of Basan what though they menace thy massacring determine thy death as those cursed crew of Ruffians did Pauls Acts 23.14 yet they cannot hurt a hayre of thy head without Gods permission no more then the Iewes could doe ought against Christ but what God had before determined Thirdly in that Simeon here appeales vnto Gods permission in respect of his departure it is plaine that hee tooke not leaue of himselfe to depart hee askes leaue you see as a Souldier of his Generall to depart out of the Campe as a Scholler of his Master to goe home as an Attendant to be dismissed of the Court. From whose particular we may extract this generall obseruance that it is vnlawfull for any man to let out his owne life or the life of another man vnlesse the Sword of Magistracie be put in his hand no man must lay violent hands vpon himselfe or vpon another Deus vitae necisque arbiter God is onely the disposer of life and death And therefore for the first how euer the world pretend reasons and excuses for to make this bastard-brat of selfe-murther which comes from Sathan and our corruption legitimate as proceeding from magnanimitie greatnesse of courage or the like or at least would extenuate it or make it tollerable if not approueble and laudable when it is a curer of all other crosses
as Argobastes after he had caused Valentinian the younger to be strangled at Vienna So Ecelinus the Tyrant after innumerable slaughter of others made hauocke of himselfe Lesser Crosses haue occasioned others selfe destruction as the losse of friends scandall of name miscarrying of some things which they ouer-weeningly loued in life as Terence that drowned himselfe because some hundred and seauen Comedies which he had turned out of Greeke into Latine perished by Sea Hor. in Epod● so Hipponax the Poet made Bubilas the Painter hang himselfe by his ierking Iambickes In all which particulars these desperate salues that they vsed were worse then their sores These were Heathens that knew not God nor the soueraigne good nor the true being or beatitude of man the most of them they wanted illumination from the Sunne of Righteousnesse and Sanctification from the Spirit of Grace they were in the shadow of death both in life and death and were vnder the power and Prince of darknesse Acts 26.18 who ruled so powerfully in them and ouer them that oft times they haue made away themselues for little or no cause as haue also some in the rancke of Christians as Celius and Crinitus write of one Laurence a learned Florentine who threw himselfe into a pit in the health and strength of body as also of one Peter Leonius an excellent Philosopher and a singular wise man that did the like no probable cause being knowne or suspected in eyther Let vs feare the Fates and the vntimely fals of such Cedars whom God hath cut downe with the Axe of death put into their owne hands let vs by faith in CHRIST and repentance from dead workes be reconciled to that God who by our prouoking sinnes may iustly deale with vs as he hath done with them in giuing vs ouer to Sathan and our selues But aboue all things let vs feare to commit sinnes or liue in sinnes against conscience for the rage of conscience the effect of witting willing vnconscionable and customarie sinnes is the blatrant beast that kils so many in selfe-murthers The spirit of a man may beare his infirmitie but a wounded conscience who can indure saith hee that was once Salomon no doubt touched in conscience for the sinnes with which his soule was soiled Lastly let vs take heede of Cains sinne despayre of mercy least it worke that effect in vs that it did in him and Iudas both who offended GOD more in this sinne chiefely the last in effusing his owne bloud then in shedding the bloud of Abel or of Christ himselfe Apply the promises to thy soule by faith fons vincit fitienteus Augustine there is a fountaine of Grace and a Well of the water of life Mat. 5.6 Mat. 11.28 alwayes open to the thirsty sinner which Fountaine is greater then the puddle of sinne and hath a stronger mundifying vertue and abstersiue power to cleanse the soule then Iordan to purge and purifie Naamans Leprous body I might prosecute another vse against those who by a continuated custome of sinne are indirectly and effectiuely though not intentionally for euery man in sinne commits it Omnia appetunt bonum Immo malum sub specie boni sub specie boni vnder the shew of some deluding good as our first Parents did a truth which euen Philosophers saw but I say in respect of the effect selfe-murtherers for there is no sinne wherein a man practically and actually liues but as it is damnable to the soule so it is preiudiciall and dangerous to the body the death of both and that if wee consider it in his causes and effects whether naturall or supernaturall Naturall instance in some doth not fond lust cause dry bones doth it not consume the moysture dry vp that radicall humour which is the nurse and fountaine of life doth it not inflame the bloud cause burning Feauers c. To speake no worse in bringing such diseases that euen modestie suffers me not to name as that French or Neopolitan disease that Anthonies fire vvhich burnes to the consumption of the body and confusion of the soule Doth not Drunkennesse cause Dropsies doth not strong drinkes ouer-heate the bloud For to whom is woe to whom is sorrow to whom is strife to whom is murmuring to whom are wounds and to whom is the rednesse of eyes Euen to them that tarry long at the Wine to them that seeke mixt Wine which Wine though it be pleasant both in the colour and the taste yet at last it bites like a Serpent and hurts like a Cockatrice Pro. 23. v. The like may be said of all other intemperancies in meates by the immoderate excessiue abuse whereof many haue laid their stall-fed pampered carkasses vntimely in the dust Insomuch that Physitians considering the innumerable diseases that flow from that vncleane sincke of Epicurisme and gluttonizing haue set it downe as an Axiome Plures gula quam gladio that the insatiable belly hath slaine moe then the Blade What should I speake of Auarice and Couetousnesse which wastes and consumes the spirits by a mad and eager pursuit after the world euery crosse and losse whereof goes to the hart of the wretched worldling like a dart or a dagger Of Enuy which frets the heart as the Moath the Garment and eates into it as the rust into the Iron with the destroying and deadly effects of other such sinnes I might be large in the causes supernaturall in confirming that Diuinitie which not onely Protestants commenting Aret. in locum Bernardin de sena art 3. cap. 4 but Papists alledging that place in the Apocalypse chap. 3. vers 3. If thou watch not I will come on thee as a theefe c. haue taught and affirmed that GOD accustometh for the punishment of carelesse and negligent sinners to cut off time from them and to shorten their liues for their misimploying and mispending the same in omitting all good duties and committing outragious sinnes God taking from them that which they haue or at least seeme to haue * Mat. 25.29 Tom. vlt. ser 13. art 3. 4. Tom. vlt. ser 18. which is Time a Iewell so precious that as zealous Bernardine de sena oft acknowledgeth if the traffique and marchandize of it might be carryed to hell to be sold for one onely halfe houre there would be giuen a thousand worlds if the damned had them Hence it is that wee see many murtherers riotous persons malefactors swearers swash-bucklers cut off by the Sword of the Magistrate or of the enemie in warre or priuate quarrels or by Gods sword the deuouring Plague or such meanes euen in their youth and strength when by the course of Nature they might haue liued longer according to the threat of the Psalmist that bloudy and deceitfull men shall not liue out halfe their dayes Psal 55.23 And that Propheticall threat of Iob Iob 15.32 that the sinfull man shall die ere hee accomplish his dayes and that his hand shall be
rottennesse and guilded rubbish there are another sort of men if I may call them men forgetting what the very composure of their body and the instinct of Nature tels them which being void of all grace and emptie of goodnesse neyther knowing nor willing nor working what is pleasing and acceptable to the Almightie deriding and detesting good men and disliking good dutyes with the former sort as neither fearing God nor caring for his worship nor furthering his seruice nor fauouring his seruants casting behinde their backes all thought of God and their owne saluation they serue themselues and their owne ends their lusts their darling sinnes and consequently the Diuell Gods and their mortall enemie And of this sort there are not so few but they may brag as the Spirits in the Gospell of their number their name is Legion Many that liue amongst Christians are the deuils seruants All places professions trades callings conditions estates sexes and sorts and ages from youth to gray hayres afford trained Souldiers in these sinfull seruices marching to hell vnder the conduct of the Prince of darknesse the God of the world and worldlings that rules in and ouer those children of disobedience Alas how many be there of couetous Mammonists churlish Nabals that as truely as Dauid and Simeon professed and confessed to the Soueraigne Creator Lord I am thy Seruant so they say to Mammon to the Wedge of Gold to their Siluer Shrine their Mettall-Idoll Lord I am thy Seruant How many Epicures Drunkards and riotous persons whose belly is their God Phil. 3.17 and their end damnation say to the deuouring gulph of their vnsatiable guts I am thy Seruant How many lustfull liuers and lasciuious louers offering the sacrifice of their vncleane bodies to bewitching women say to Asmodius the vncleane Spirit Lord I am thy Seruant How many proud aspiring spirits in Court and Country flying in their thoughts faster then Pegasus or Mercurie vpon the wings of high hopes plumed with the feathers of their selfe-conceited worth making greatnesse not goodnes the marke of their mounting may say to the high climbing Lucifer Lord I am thy Seruant The Iewes How many such saying desperately with that Nation which once was called stubborne and crooked Surely we will walk● after our owne imaginations Ier. 18.12 and doe euery man after the stubbornnesse of his owne wicked heart Ier. 18.12 forsaking the Rocke of the field and the Cedar of Lebanus for the cursed Thistle the fountaine of waters for broken pits the liuing for the dead the great Iehouah for Belzebub and the God of Eckron the God of Abraham for the Gods of Nations the seruice of God for the seruice of Sinne and Sathan the Diuell may iustly claime and challenge them in death plead and preuaile to haue them in Iudgement since they haue by an explicite or implicite couenant as it were sold themselues like Ahab and Ieroboam to worke wickednesse in their life time as wittingly and willingly dedicating and consecrating themselues to his seruice as did once desperate Ruffus who as is reported vpon the two sides of his Shield painted God and the Diuell Si tu nolis iste r●gitat with this Motto If thou oh God wilt none of mee here is one will offering himselfe to him who was not a little glad of him the vnkinde kinde Diuell who retaines and giues Liueries to all commers yea and wages to such as himselfe hath the world in shew but fire and brimstone in substance Esa 30.33 Vse of Exhortation Oh consider this you that forget both God and your selues his seruice your owne soules you that make your members weapons of vnrighteousnesse to fight against God wounding him with his owne weapons the strength of your bodies and the powers of your soules which you haue receiued from him now at last offer vp your bodies a liuing sacrifice Rom. 12.1 holy and acceptable vnto God which is your reasonable seruing of him Rom. 12.1 Giue vp your members as weapons of righteousnes vnto God Rom. 6. vers 12. These eyes of yours that haue beene full of adultery 〈◊〉 7 2 Pet. 2.14 hautie and proud Sinnes of the eyes P● 6 17. mocking and scornefull How all the members that haue serued sinne must and may serue God Pro. 30.7 wandering Esay 3.16 Now let them be Doues eyes chaste eyes like Dauids eyes lowly and humble Cast away the abhomination of your eyes Ezek. 20 7. Let them not regard vanitie Iob. 31.1 Shut them vp from seeing euill Esay 33.15 Make a couenant with them as Iob did Let them not looke vpon a woman but let them looke vp to the Holy One of Israell euen as a Seruant lookes to his Master Psal 123.2 Set no wicked thing before thine eyes Psal 101.1 but set the Lord alwayes before thine eyes to doe the thing that is right Psal 16.8 That Tongue of thine which hath beene a principall seruitor of Sathans Twelue Sinnes of the tongue being set on fire by Hell Iames 3.6 the flame breaking out by 1. lying 2. swearing 3. forswearing 4. filthy 5. cursed 6. guilefull speaking 7. vaine words 8. idle babbling 9. profane ieasting 10. corrupt communication 11. slanders 12. reuilings with such other enormities in the whole course of thy life and conuersation to the dishonour of God and the pollution of the good name and chastitie of thy neighbour Now let it forsake the old Masters seruice in these sinnes set a watch before thy mouth and keepe the dore of thy lips Psal 14.3 Lye not Iames 4.11 Let thy lips speake no guile Psal 34.13 but speake the truth to thy neighbour Zach. 8.16 So thou shalt shew thy selfe a righteous man Prou. 13.5 Sweare not neyther by Heauen nor by Earth c. Iames 5.15 but Let thy communication be yea yea nay nay for what is more commeth of euill Math. 5.17 Put away filthy speeches Col. 3.8 Neyther name fornication nor filthinesse nor foolish talking nor ieasting which are not comely Ephes 5.3 But corrupt good manners 1 Cor. 15.33 Now also Put away from thee a froward mouth Pro. 4.24 and cursed speaking Col. 3.8 Auoid also idle and vaine words for which thou must giue an account Mat. 5. Be as slow to speake as swift to heare Iames 1.19 since thou hast two eares but one tongue for in many words there cannot want sinne Prou. 10.19 Therefore auoid vaine repetitions and babblings Mat. 6.7 In speaking eyther to God or man speake no vaine words Esay 58.13 Thus keepe thy mouth hereafter brideled that thou sinne not with thy tongue Psal 39.1 Neyther is it sufficient that thou now purpose that thy mouth shall not offend in these and such like sinnes Psal 17.3 But as thou hast beene tongue-tyed heretofore and mute in speaking ought which was good to Gods glory or thy neighbours good now it is most consonant to that end and office which thou hadst the vse of speech giuen thee let thy tongue be
a consonant to serue God to sound out his prayses continually Psal 34. Sing to the Lord all thy life and prayse him whilst thou liuest Ps 104.33 Yea if thou praise him before the morning-watch as did that holy-hearted Dauid Psal 119.147 yea if at mid-night thou rise to giue thankes vnto him Psal 119.12 If seauen times a day thou prayse him v. 164. yea if thy mouth daily rehearse his righteousnesse and saluation Psal 7.15 yea if all the dayes of thy life thou prayse thy God Psal 146.2 and make his Statutes thy Songs in the house of thy pilgrimage Psal 119.54 yea not onely praising him but praying to him earely in the morning Psal 5.3 Iob 8.6 yea at euening and at morning and at noone day so oft as thou eatest thou dost but that seruice for which thy tongue was created it is Gods due and thy dutie so let thy tongue also serue man Gods Image in God and for God Let thy words be good and to the vse of edifying that they may minister grace to the hearers Let thy speech be alway gratious and poudered with Salt Col. 4 6. Let thy tongue spread abroad knowledge Pro. 15.7 that it may be as the well-spring of life Prou. 10.11 Vtter the words of grace Eccles 10.12 that thy lips may feede many Prou. 10.21 If God haue inriched thee with knowledge minister a word in season to him that is weary Esay 50.4 confirming him that is ready to fall and strengthening the weake knees Iob 44. So thy tongue shall glorifie God thus imployed Psal 50. be a testimonie of the sinceritie of thy heart Mat. 16. and it shall asswage the sorrow of the afflicted Iob 16.15 Sinnes of the eares So for the other members of thy body thy Eares if thou hast not serued thy God in and by them now beginne hast thou serued Sathan with them eyther in hearing what thou shouldest not haue heard profane Enterludes and Stage-playes filthy Songs scurrulous talke whereby thou hast opened those two dores to let in sinne into thy soule or hast thou refused to heare what thou shouldest haue heard hast thou turned away thine eare from hearing the Law Prou 28. Hast thou had heauy and vncircumcised eares Ier. 6.10 Psal 40.8 Hast thou beene an Idoll with eares and heard not Ezek. 13.2 A deafe Adder stopping thine eares at the voyce of the Charmer Psal 58.4 now serue God with that little part of thy body now stop thine eares at the hearing of sinne Esay 33.15 and open them to heare what the Spirit saith Reu. 2. Cause thine eare to heare wisedome Prou. 2.2 Giue eare to vnderstanding Prou. 14. Heare counsell and receiue instruction that thou maist be wise now in the latter end Prou. 19.20 Be wise and hearken to the corrections of life Prou. 15.3 Heare the Word of God Sit at Christs feete with Mary Luke 10.39 Heare with heede taking Luke 8.18 Heare with an honest heart vers 15. Heare and forget not Iames 1.24 Heare and practise vers 22. so thou shalt serue God with thy hearing Moreouer for thine Hands Sinnes of the hands if with them thou hast not serued God working vvicked works to prouoke the eye of the Lords glory Esay 3.8 eyther in committing euill 1. stealing from thy neighbour 2. taking Bribes in thy place 3. Idlenesse in thy calling or in omitting good duties first eyther of Pietie to God in stretching out thy hands in Prayer secondly or of charitie to man in closing them towards the poore Now keepe thy hands from doing euill and consecrate them vnto the Lord in doing good so thou shalt be blessed Esay 56.2 Exod. 32.29 If iniquitie be in thine hand put it farre away Iob 11.14 If thou hast stolne steale no more but worke with thine owne hands Ephes 4.28 Keepe them innocent and pure Psal 24 41. Shake thine hands from taking any gifts Esay 33 15. Let no blot or stain cleaue vnto them Iob 31.7 Strengthen them to doe good workes Nehem. 2.18 Open thy hand to thy brother to the poore to the needy Deut. 15.11 Stretch thy hand out of the increase that God giues thee Prou. 31. And stretch out thy hands also to the Lord. Psal 143. yea in euery place lift vp thy heart with the hand to God in heauen 1 Tim. 2. Lament 3.4 So shall thy hands serue God Sinnes of the feete For thy Feete if they haue declined and made haste to deceit Iob 23.11 if they carryed thee with lewd company out of the way of Gods Commandements to vanities or to vices to filthinesse or to follies to Playes or to Brothell-houses now remoue thy foote from euill Prou. 4.26 Make straight steps to thy feete Heb. 12. Refraine thy feete from the pathes of the wicked Prou. 1.15 And keepe the way of the righteous Prou. 2.20 So shalt thou serue God and keepe thy soule Prou. 16.17 Walke not in vanities Iob 31.5 nor in the counsell of the wicked Psal 1.1 but run the wayes of Gods Commandements Imploy them to carry thee to the house of God to the holy Exercises of Religion where God is serued Delight to stand in the gates of Ierusalem Psal 122.2 looking narrowly to thy foote when thou enterest into the house of God Eccles 4.17 Thus did those two good Anna's in Samuel and Luke a mother and a widdow as also good Dauid and here old Simeon rightly and religiously vse their feete in Gods seruice in visiting so frequently so constantly so zealously the house of Prayer where they met with God with Christ and with a blessing vpon their seeking and seruing God And so must thou if thou set thy selfe with thy heart and soule and strength and spirit and minde and body to serue the Lord as they did consecrating these and the rest of thy members parts and powers externall and internall to Gods seruice which that thou maist more willingly performe let these Motiues for conclusion of this Vse adde Spurres vnto thee to runne along with old Simeon to the seruice of this best Master to whom I recommend thee First thou wast created for Gods seruice Motiues perswading to Gods seruice 1. From the end of our creation as the Apostle instanceth in one sinne so I may in all the body was not made for fornication nor vncleannesse nor adultery nor drunkennesse nor for any other workes of the flesh which are recited Gal. 5.19 but for the Lord 1 Cor. 6.23 and the Lord for the body Therefore Dauid makes this an argument that wee should fall downe and worship the Lord because wee are the Sheepe of his pasture and the worke of his hands hee hath made vs not we our selues Doth any man keepe sheepe but hee will eate of the milke of the flocke and be cloathed with the wooll Doth any man build a Palace a Castle or a sumptuous house for his enemie to dwell in Did the Lord thinkest thou oh vaine man that seruest thy lusts thy pleasures the World the Diuell forme
round about Esay 57. Iob 15.20 c. For their good names these shall rot and perish Prou. 10.7 euen like their wealth and substance vpon which Gods curse shall seaze Deut. They shall be made a wonder a Prouerbe and a reproach amongst all people an astonishment an hissing and continuall desolation Deut. 18.37 Ier. 25.9 And for their seede it shall not prosper the sword shall destroy them Iob 27.14 for the Lord will root out the memoriall of the wicked from the earth Psal 34.16 Therefore as Dauid concludes to the comfort of Gods Seruants after the enumeration of many blessings Thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord so I may say in these particulars and many moe plagues denounced from the mouth of GOD as in Leuit. 26.16 Psal 49.12 Psal 107.10 Prou. 3.33 vpon the wicked in this life besides those which they shall feele and finde in their death Iob 13.26 Psal 49.14 And in Iudgement Dan. 12.2 Esay 2.11 Reu. 1.7 Reu. 6.15 Mat. 25. and 41. and in hell Marke 9.43.44 Luke 13.28 Reuel 9.6 Loe thus shall the man be plagued that serueth not God If any beleeue not these testimonies let him looke his owne face in the glasse of the examples of Pharaoh Herod Nebuchadnezzar Holofernes of Iulian the Apostate Valerian Antiochus Nero Domitian Decius Dioclesian Theod. lib. 3 c. 11. Euseb lib. 7. c. 30. Lib. 7.14 Ba●aze● with infinite others from the Word and Histories as they are recorded by the Machabees Tacitus Suetonius Dion Orosius c. and they will speake that from the beginning of the world till now sinne alwayes brought shame and that Gods dishonour brought Gods disfauour death to the body damnation to the soule which considerations may be whips and goads to driue vs to the dutie vrged It is contrary with the godly their seruice is the path way to honour the people that hearken vnto Gods voyce are a precious people vnto him high aboue all Nations in praise in name and honor Deut. Aske the verdict and censure of all the Prophets and Apostles and the Seruants of God Esay Micah S. Paul S. Iames S. Peter yea of Christ himselfe Holinesse is the way to Honor. and according as they were inspired by the Spirit of Truth and knew in their owne experience they will say that the way to be great is to be good to rise is to fall to be exalted is to be humbled vnder the mighty hand of God 1 Pet. 5.6 The way to seeke glory and honour and immortalitie is to continue in well doing Rom. 2.7 to be fixed established and to indure for euer is to beleeue and to fulfill the will of God Esay 7.9 1 Iohn 2.17 and that the onely thing that it good for man is to walke with God Mic. 6.8 Yea Tully and Aristotle that made Honour the subsequent and effect of Vertue and Goodnes the Aegyptians that painted it betwixt Humilitie and Labour the Romanes that so composed their Temples that a man must first passe by the Temple of Humilitie and Vertue ere hee could touch the Shrine of Honour saw with the eyes of Nature that the way to be great is to be good Yea to serue that goodnesse which the Heathens onely coniectured but Christianitie defined to be the soueraigne good and that is God himselfe who is both more willing to preferre his Seruants to earthly dignities here if it be good for them to be exalted yea and infinitely more able then Assuerus was to honour Mordocheus Hest 6.6 Nabuchadnezzar Daniel Dan. 5.7 Pharaoh Ioseph yea or Saul any of his Captaines or followers for all his baosts of his Fields and Vineyards 1 Sam. 22.7 since his alone is Greatnesse and Power and Glory and Victory since all that is in heauen and Earth is his Riches and Honour Power and Strength c. as Dauid acknowledgeth Hannah singeth and Cirus confesseth 1 Chro. 29.11.12 1 Sam. 2.7.8 Ezra 1.2 God is most liberall of all Masters For I pray you what was the most that any of those great Monarchs could doe for any of their Fauourites and Followers in their chiefest graces when they set their wits a-worke what to doe for such a man whom the King will honour Cloathing in Purple and royall apparrell setting on their heads a Princely Diadem putting a Chaine of gold about their neckes Rings vpon their fingers mounting them on their Steedes or setting them in a gorgeous Chariot with Proclamations before them of the Kings fauours towards them was the chiefe luster and eminencie that earthly Kesars could dignifie their chiefest Seruants withall Gen. Hest 6.9.11 c. But what are all these Honours that the King of Aegypt the King of the Medes or of the Babilonians could profer in respect of that Honour which God bestowes vpon the meanest of his Saints and Seruants Surely toyes and trifles for in stead of these fine Linnens and royall Roabes that are exposed to the corrupting Moath and consuming Time God will clothe his with the externall and internall Roabes of Grace the righteousnesse of Christ Esay 49.16 Rom. 13.14 they shall not haue a fading but a flourishing not a mortall but an immortall Crowne not of Gold but of Glory that is they shall not haue a Chaine of Gold onely Psal 45.13 but of golden Graces knit together by Saint Peter 1 Pet. c. In stead of a Ring they shall be placed as Signets on the Lords right hand Ier. 22.24 I cannot say they shall ascend vp in a chariot though Elias were so taken vp but they shall be aduanced to choise mansions in such a Kingdome as surpasseth all the Kingdomes of the earth as much as the Sun the Clouds or Salomons Throne Iobs Dunghill Ephes 2.6 Iohn 14.2 Reu. 3.12 where they shall be Kings and Priests for euer Reu. 1.6 Such honour haue all his Saints Psal 149.9 If any man obiect that he sees no such honour that Gods Saints haue that they are rather made here a gazing stocke to men and Angels despised reuiled and euill spoken of yea reputed as the filth of the world 1 Cor. and the off-scouring of all things Answ It is true indeede But of whom Of such whose neyther prayse nor disprayse is to be respected of profane men children of Beliall of fooles and naturalists for so are all vngodly men tearmed Psal 14.1 Psal 53.1 Luke 12.20 Ier. 4. c. Of such wee are reputed fooles for Christs sake yet are wee wise in Christ though weak yet strong though despised yet honourable 1 Cor. 4.10 Honourable though not with wicked men yet wee shall be hereafter when wee must sit in ioynt Commission with Christ in Iudgement vpon them In the meane space wee are honoured of God and if he be with vs who can be against vs Rom. 8.31 Gods Seruants best regarded and rewarded Besides if this Motiue will not fixe vpon thee yet let the greatnesse of reward the excellencie of the wages
the liberall allowance of Gods Seruants stirre thee vp at last to sing this best part of Simeons Song with heart and voyce that thou wilt be Gods Seruant It is a blasphemous scandall that the Iewish Atheists cast vpon God that it is a vaine thing to serue God and they had got no profit in keeping his Commandements Mal. 3.14 For sure there is a reward for the righteous doubtlesse there is a God that iudgeth the earth Psal 58.10 A reward euen in this life euen before the Sonnes of men Psal 31.19 Euen as Dauid was annoynted long before hee was crowned 1 Sam. 16.13 2 Sam. 2.4 So here the Lord annoynts vs with the oyle of Gladnesse in the Church militant though wee haue not the Crowne till Christs appearing tryumphant 2 Tim. 4.8 Yea euen here the Lord is a Sunne and a Shield to his Seruants he giues grace and glory and no good thing will hee with-hold from them that liue vprightly Psal 84.11 For what good thing doth mans heart desire which God doth not promise and performe to his league Subiects 1 For their Wealth he giues them wealthy wages an hundred-fold Marke 10.30 Hee builds the Hebrew Mid-wiues houses Exod. 2. and giues his Seruant Dauid a great portion for he loueth the prosperitie of his Seruants 2 For Health the Lord will make their bed in their sicknesse Psal 41.3 Yea the voyce of ioy and health is in the habitations of the righteous Psal 110.1 3 For Strength the Lord himselfe is their strength Psal 27.8 and they shall be strong in the power of his might Esay 6.10 4 For Fame their memoriall shall be blessed Prou. 10.7 yea their righteousnesse shall shine as the light and their iudgement as the noone-day Psal 37 6. euen as Salomons did to the furthest South 5 Yea their Enemies that haue traduced them shall will they nill they acquit them and iustifie them euen as Saul twise iustified Dauids integritie 1 Sam. 18. and Chap. 26. and Pilate Pilates Wife the Centurion nay euen Iudas himselfe together with the Sunne the Earth and the Stones acquitted CHRIST who is tearmed Gods righteous Seruant in Esay and proclaimed his innocencie 6 Nay rather then they should want their deserued commendations God himselfe will prayse them liuing and dead as hee did in Moses funerall Sermon Iohn 1. 7 Nay iustifying them euen against the accusations of the old accuser Sathan as hee did Iob Iob 1. Hence wee haue these Encomiums of Dauid Ezekias Asa Iosias Moses himselfe with others in the old Testament to be men after Gods owne heart men of vpright perfect and relenting hearts and of meeke spirits Hence also Christ himselfe so famouseth the Centurion the Canaanitish woman the good Seruant Nathaniel Mary Magdalene c. Hence Paul so commends M●ason Gaius Philemon Appia c. Luke in the Acts Steuen Dorcas the noble Baraeans Bernabas vvith others for their Faith their Sinceritie Zeale Almes deedes Liberalitie Hospitalitie Loue to the Word searching the Scriptures Holinesse with other Graces so much doth God delight in the flourishing same of his Church and Children For Peace True Peace where righteousnesse flourisheth there is abundance of peace Peace keepes her Throne amongst Gods Seruants for though they be at warre with the black Prince of Hell and his blacke Guard the wicked and with the World and chiefely with their owne corruptions yet they haue peace with GOD with Christ with the Angels with the Church with her Children with their Brethren vvith the Creatures with their owne Soules and Consciences such as none knowes saue those that inioy it For Fauour GOD grants the suites of his Seruants they are in wonderfull grace with their Masters they haue freedome of accesse to the throne of Grace vpon all occasions the golden Scepter is alwayes stretcht out vnto them they may haue easier accesse to the God of heauen and more gratious welcome with obtayning of their Suites and Petitions and Prayers then any Courtier with a temporall Prince it being as truely verified of God towards his Seruants as it is recorded of Augustus Caesar and Traian these morrally good Emperours that hee neuer sent any discontented or empty away that was a sutor to him Witnesse thou Salomon when thou didst pray for Wisedome thou Paul when for strength against Sathans buffets thou Ezekias and Dauid when you called for deliuerance from enemies you Israelites when you cryed in bondage thou Moses for preseruation at a dead lift thou Prodigo thou Publican thou penitent Theefe thou Manasses thou mourning Mary when you prayed and sued with teares for mercy thou Anna thou Isaack thou Zachary with thy Wife Elizabeth intreating for Children nay lastly let the experience of all Gods Seruants for this fiue thousand yeeres speake and speake thou mine owne Soule in thy young yet true experience what thou hast found and felt and declared in the great congregation if euer petition were put vp from a sorrowful soule a beleeuing and a touched heart a zealous spirit that receiued not a gracious answere in euery request concerning body or soule that concerned eyther Gods glory to giue or his seruants good to receiue For thou Lord wilt blesse the righteous thou wilt shine vpon him with the light of thy countenance and with fauour wilt crowne and compasse him as with a shield Psal 6.12 For Mirth the Lords Seruants shall reioyce and sing for ioy of heart Esay 65.14 they shall reioyce vvith ioy vnspeakeable 1 Pet. 1.8 and their ioy shall no man take from them Iohn 16.22 For Pleasures The godly haue a tast of heauen here though they be not fatted with the carrion of the world like the Diuels Crowes nor taste not of this bitter Ratsbanes sweet-sower poyson of Sinne which at last stings like a Cockatrice yet they haue pure and perfect pleasures such as the worlds swine neuer tasted they are fed with hidden Manna they keepe a constant Iubilie and a perpetuall Christmas feasting Christ as feasted by him in that communion they haue with him in the Word the Sacraments Prayer c. In vvhich they are satisfied with the fatnesse of Gods House and drinke abundantly out of the riuers of his pleasures Psal 36.9 These wages with many moe are as the earnest penny and the Hirelings entring penny with vs called the Gods penny which God giues as assurance and part of greater and better payment hereafter being but a little portion and pittance of that which they shall haue hereafter but as the Prologue to the Comedie as a Beauer to a Banquet as a Mite to a mountaine of Gold as the Candle light to the Sunne For hereafter indeede is the great reward Mat. 5.12 so great so shining that as it hath dazeled the Aegles eyes of the dearest of Gods Seruants when they haue set themselues to behold it Tom. 10. ser 1. lib. Medit. c. 18 Dicere quāt●m v●lo non v●le● as of Augustine and others so I can but shew it
haue on a good Gantlet the hand is safe which Gantlet being pluckt off or broken the hand is exposed to danger So Man being naturally mortall yet being armed with originall righteousnesse against the stroke of death being tyed and chained with the golden chaine of speciall grace should not haue moued in the naturall course of death but as soone as euer man by the instinct of Sathan tyed himselfe with the cords of sinne God tooke away that other chaine of Grace disarmed him of munition and armour and exposed him to be carryed through the swift torrent of this present life by the violence of the contrary qualities of the Elements euen into the dead Sea or Sea of Death Mare mortuum Secondly because of the reliques and remainders of their originall sinnes and corruption which are still resident and fixed in them howsoeuer pardoned by Christ the godly must dye that so these remnants may be quite taken away and abolished and the root of old Adam absolutely stocked vp Thirdly flesh and bloud of which they partly consist cannot inherit the Kingdome of God but must first be changed 1 Cor. 15 vers 50. Fourthly that as by other crosses and afflictions so by dying they may in some sort be made conformable to their head Christ in his death and sufferings Rom. 8.29 Sixtly that the godly might haue experience of Gods power in the resuscitation and raising vp of their dead bodies Seauenthly that the godly may haue sweet and comfortable experience of the difference betwixt this mortall life and that immortall glory in the life to come which will be so much more ioyous as they shall taste their prepared ioyes through the iawes of death as Sampson did his Honie in the Lyons belly for as it is a misery to haue beene happy Miserum est fuisse f●elicem so it sets a better edge and relish on any mercy when it comes by an exemption from a former experienced misery euen as deliuerance was more gratefull to the Israelites after their Aegyptian yoke and as hony is more sweet to him that hath beene dyeted with Aloes so ioy in glory shall be more ioyous extracted out of the paines of life and pangs of death vnto the godly Vse of Consolalation Hence let the Saints sing clap their hands and reioyce let the ioyfull shout of a King be amongst them in the sweet contemplation of the vnlimitted mercies of God towards them that whereas in Adam as they were branches of his stocke and so fruitfull in vnrighteousnesse in his sinne so indammaged and indangered by their originall corruptions besides their actuall transgressions that God might in iustice haue punished them both with the first and second death according to that menace in Paradise to our Protaplasts In that day which you eate of the forbidden fruit you shall dye the death Aug. lib. 3. de ciu Dei Qua die me deserueritis per inobedientiam ego vos deseram per iustitiam c. as Augustine interprets it in that day which you forsake me by rebellion I will forsake you by my iust iudgements execution yet it hath pleased God so farre to mitigate both the guilt and the punishment of both that in and by Christ they being redeemed from that second that eternall sempiternall death of the soule the temporall death which is onely a change of a worse life for one infinitely better is so farre inflicted or rather imposed as makes for Gods glory and their owne greater good Secondly 2. Vse of Commination let this withall terrifie the wicked which are out of CHRIST and as yet haue no more part in him then the Diuell and Iudas by reason of their witting and willing sins by which voluntarily and frequently they crucifie him againe to themselues that if the godly must haue their teeth set on edge in dying the first death of the body Phil. 3.17 for these sweet fruits which proued sower Grapes that Adam and Eue tasted in the Garden by reason of these remainders and reliques of corruption that are in them how much more shall they as they are threatned as God hath decreed and denounced drinke the dregs of Gods wrath euen to the bottome not onely in tasting the first death but the second not onely that which is the separation of the soule from the body but which separates both body and soule eternally from God as they are corrupt and fruitlesse trees twise dead so if the godly which are trees of righteousnesse planted by the riuers of Grace Cum concutitur Cedrus Paradisi quid faciet Virga Desar●i be pluckt vp that they may be transplanted in glory much more shall they by stockt vp by the Axe of death cut downe in wrath like the barren Fig-tree and throwne into Hell fire yea as they are called dead coales Psal 17. and God a consuming fire Deut. 9. Hebrewes the last c. so they are as sure to burne vnlesse quenched by repentance as they are fit to burne Neyther doth the Lord take such avvay ordinarily by a naturall and peaceable death as hee did Simeon here but oft-times in the whirlewinde of his wrath by some vnnaturall and violent and sodaine death as the fruit of their prouoking sinnes 1. Sometimes for their abuse of his worship as hee did Nadab and Abihu so Iudas that came from the Communion and hanged himselfe as also the Corinthians who dyed for their vnworthy receiuing the Sacrament 2. Sometimes for rebellion against Magistrates as Corah Dathan and Abiram Numb 16. 3. Sometimes for abusing the Seruants Prophets and Ministers of God as the two and fortie Children whom the two shee Beeres slew the two Captaines with their fifties that came to lay hands on Elias 4. So for murthering the Saints as Achab and Iezabel So the tenne persecutors infamously famous for the abundance of Christian bloud which they shed came all to fearefull ends according to the curse threatned Psal 56. Psal 139. Math. 26. that Bloudy men shall not liue out halfe their dayes and They that smite with the Sword shall perish by the Sword 5. For gurmundizing gluttonie and drunkennesse as Iobs Children Iob 2. Baltazar Dan. 5. and the Israelites slaine whilst the Quailes were in their mouthes Numb 11. 6. For couetousnesse as Ananias and Saphira Acts 5. 7. For Lust and Luxury as Cosbee and Zimri and the vncleane Israelites Numb 25. 8. For Tyrannie and oppression as Pharaoh and his Hoast Exod. 14. 9. For Pride against God as Herod Acts 12. 10. For the effect of pride and malice Blasphemie against heauen as Senacharib and his pestilent Parasite Rabsekah 2 Kings 19. as also for other sinnes But now wee are to hoist vp sailes into a Sea of matter Doctrine All must dye which flowes eyther necessarily from the Text or by consequence of this last proued point and by argument from the greater to the lesser from the better to the worse that if Simeon and the
Saints must dye then vnsanctified sinners and so from the specials and by inductions from all particulars the generall may be concluded that all must dye So much the Text giues vs leaue to touch for if we be here as Tully intimates Tanquam in diuerserio as guests lodged in an Inne or as those that come to a Mart a Market or a Faire or as those that come to visite their friends not to inhabite long here but to depart as Simeon here imports Then hoc commune malum this departure is the designed lot to all the worlds passengers Wee here giue no reasons of the point omitting or pretermitting them till we come to distill some comforts against death onely for explanation or further satisfaction Ponder the premises that since the godly which haue no sinne Psal 32.1.2 I meane with Dauid and the Augustane Confession out of Augustine Non vt non fit sed vt non imputetur no imputed sinne must die since children that haue no actuall sinne doe dye because the staine of the roote is propagated to the branches as Augustine Anselme and Ambrose haue in moe phrases explained De praed c. 2. lib. cont Fortunatum cap. 2. In Lucam if Adam himselfe did dye not so much as hee was a created man but as hee was a corrupted sinner Then sure as life was the fruit of his obedience if he had stood à Deo donante from Gods free giuing so death is inflicted vpon his fall à Deo vindicante from God punishing Moriendum est omnibus Tullie Tus 9. lib. 1. And as now it is Gods Statute-Law enacted that all Adams Sonnes partaking of Adams sinnes must die so it must be executed nay wee see it is executed Philosophers and Poets and the learned Heathens who themselues since their workes and writings haue felt the smart of deaths stroke haue acknowledged it Christians haue confessed it Experience hath ratified it in the consumption and consummation of all ages all sects all sorts persons and professions that all must dye omnia peribunt c. I thou hee they and euery man besides that are were shall be this way slides Wee haue Gods statutum est for it that as in Heauen all liue and none must or can dye in Hell all dye an eternall death and none must or can liue so in earth all must dye and none can for euer liue This is an ineuitable yoke imposed on all flesh Nam rigidum ius est c. the Law is strict vnalterable to striue against the streame vnauaileable Lanificas nulli tres exorare Puellas Contigit c. The vnpartiall Fates to whom we all are vnder With rule imperiall cut lifes thread asunder Many meanes haue Galenists and Physitians vsed for the preseruation of life many Workes and elaborate Bookes are extant of the conseruation of health but neuer none writ or disputed of the exemption from death because it were in vaine If any Physitian could administer such a simple that vvould perpetually prolong life if any Lawyer could plead the case with Death not to enter violently vpon their bodie which is his tennant-right and preuaile If any Diuine did preach that sinners should not dye and performe it the first should haue moe Patients the second more Clyents the third moe Auditors then euer had any of their fellowes in their functions But to teach or plead or practise this point which the Diuell guld our first Parents with in Paradise You shall not die were to be a Lyar like him it were to build Castles in the Ayre Hom. lib. 2 ed. 3. sic od 12. od 28. c. to sow the winde and reape the whirlewinde for Omnes vna mane● nox c. Deaths tract wee all must tread our life 's faire light Must be obscur'd and set in Deaths darke night How many glorious Lights in the vvorld Kings Kesars Emperours Popes Potentates Dukes Earles Lords Barons c. Learned wise prudent potent c. haue already perished and vanished like Comets and blazing Starres leauing no more tract behinde them then a Serpent that goes ouer a stone of whom wee retaine nothing but the Images corporeall of their bodies or mentall of their mindes by the help of some Painters or their owne or others pens that haue onely shewed to posteritie that such men there once were but now are not What haue wee sauing the Images of moe then an hundred famous Emperours of the East and West Christian and Heathen Amongst the rest vvhere are the seauen Henries the sixe Constantines the fiue Ottoes the fiue Charleses the fiue Lodonicques the foure Leo's the three Theodosij the three Fredericques the three Tiburiusses the two Claudij the two Alberts the two Anasta●ij the two Martians the two Rodulphs the two famous Caesars for warre and peace Iulius and Augustus with the rest Is not the lampe of their life extinct Those whose voyces commanded the Nations are they now able to speake as it was said of Alexander those that vvere able once to deliuer others from death could they free themselues Besides where are now more then two hundred of Romaine Bishops and triple Mitred Popes some of whose roaring Buls made once all Christendome quake and shake Where are now the twelue Gregories the nine Bonifaces eight nocently Innocents the seauen Clements the sixe Alexanders sixe Vrbans sixe Adrians twelue Benidicts the fiue Celestines the fiue Nicholasses the foure Sixtusses the foure Sergij the foure Anasta●ij the foure Foelixes the foure Eugenij the three Siluesters the three Victors the three Lucij the three Iulij's with the rest Doe they not all know now that which * As Alexander 6. Iohn 11. Iob. 22. c. some of them Atheistically in words in writings and in life haue denyed that their bodies were mortall their soules immortall that there is a Heauen for the godly a Hell for the vvicked but no Purgatory passage to eyther the one place or other for eyther sort The deaths of the worlds Worthies of al kinds epitomized Besides where shall wee seeke but amongst the dead for all the Romane Caesars the Aegyptian Ptolomies the Latine Murrhanes the Albane Siluies the Syrian Antiochusses the Arabian Arabarcques the Argiue Abantiades the Persian Achaminedes the Theban Labdacides the Lybian Lybiarcques and all the rest of those renowned Kings which had such diuers denominations from their worthy Predecessors and from those Countries ouer which they ruled Nay to come nearer home where are all our English Kings that haue awfully swayed the Brittaine Scepter since the Conquest Where are the two Conquering couragious Williams our three Richards our sixe Edwards our eight Henries Hath not Death made a Conquest of them Haue we any remnants of them sauing their Westminster Monuments their Ensignes their Vertues Could their Scepters Crownes Coulours Honours Miters Power or pompe of these Potentates resist Deaths all-subduing all-subiecting rod which brings vnder moe then Mercuries charming wand in the
and best Chamber of thine heart through the dores of thy eares and the vvindowes of thy eyes and the entrance of thy mouth to acquaint it vvith all thy secrets I say it is extreame madnesse For the pleasing of sinne thou dost preiudice thine owne life temporall spirituall and eternall and displeasest GOD and wilt prouoke him to cut thee off for vvhereas other Kings destroy onely the forraine Castles and Cities of their enemies to establish their owne Crownes so GOD for sinne destroyes the Citie and Castle which himselfe hath built and made the body and soule of sinfull man Thirdly 3. Vse of Mitigation this consideration of Deaths commaund ouer euery created nature consisting of body and soule whereby all humane flesh is designed to the graue serues notably to comfort and erect the poore deiected and reiected vvormes of the world and to deiect and cast downe the high lookes and eleuated thoughts of the proud and potent for if both the one and the other consider well that as they had both one originall and beginning from the earth their foundation being from the dust and clay and that both of them ere long shall be paraleld and equalized in the graue where they shall see corruption Neyther shall the meane man too much distaste his owne estate and emulate the mighty neyther shall the proud Potentate exalt his Crest and insult ouer the poorest Peasant Alphonsus in one word resolues what it is that equalizeth the poore man with the Prince the Mechanicall with the Monarch and that is the graue some say sleepe in vvhich the poore man participates halfe his life time with the rich nay oft-times in the better share the poore Labourer soundly sleeping when Agamemnon and Assuerus are vvatching when Ieroboam and Nabuchadnezzar are troubled in their thoughts about golden Calfes and such things as they dreame and doate vpon which made Caesar vvilling to buy the bed of the indebted poore man of Rome who slept better then hee but vvhether that Deaths yonger brother Sleepe Death onely makes the Prince the Peasant equall vvorke alwayes this effect or no it is as little materiall as it is vncertaine I am sure Death the elder Brother brings all states and conditions to this paritie Hence the vvitty Painters pictured it like Loues Cupid blinde and vvithout eyes hitting and hurting at randome Kings Princes Popes Prelates Lords Lownes c. vvithout difference and distinction of degrees Crownes Diadems Scepters Miters Pals Roabes Rotchets Ragges Purples and Leathren Pelts being all Ensignes of his Trophies Subtua Purpurei veniunt vestigia Reges Deposito luxu turba cum paupere mix●i The rabbling rout and purpled Kings Are all alike Deaths vnderlings Yea Mors Sceptra Ligonibus aequat There Scepters and the sheep-hookes sympathize The Carter doth the Courtier aequalize This thought much possest Augustine and Bernard in their Meditations and therefore they send vs to the graues and sepulchers of the deceased Aspice diuitum tumulos c. to see if wee can finde any difference in their bones and munmiamized earth saue onely in the externall pompe and superficiall vernish of their Monuments nay sure there is no difference at all vnlesse as once it was said wittilie that the corrupted bones and putrified bodies of the rich being more crammed and fatted with surfetting and drunkennesse doe smell and sauour more strongly then the withered karkasse of the frugall and abstenious poore man This Consideration caused the wittie Cynicke when hee was vpbraided by Alexander Diogenes what hee could finde him to doe amongst the sepulchers of the dead for indeede there was his choyse study Oh quoth hee I am here searching for the bones of thy Father Phillip of Macedon and I cannot discerne them from others An answere as sound as Satyricall as Dogmaticall as it was dogged for Seneca in Agamemnon Victor ad Herculeas c. For though a man could conquer more then eyther Philip or Alexander in their times and could extend his conquest beyond Hercules his Pillars yet his portion of earth shall be but a few feete no greater then the meanest of his vassals when he shall mete it out with his owne dead body as Alexander himselfe was forced to confesse when by an occasioned fall hee was constrayned to imprint his body in the dust And sure if Alexander had rightly applyed to himselfe eyther Diogenes his girds at his ambition or his inclining dying condition he would neyther haue so soared ouer all the world besides liuing neyther should he haue subiected himselfe to the quipping censures of the wisest in the world dying for as it is recorded after hee was dead and his bones were put in a vessell of Gold diuers Philosophers meeting to see this dead and vnexpected dumbe show One quipt at him thus Yesterday hee that treasured vp Gold now Gold him Another thus Yesterday the world would not content him now a Sepulcher of sixe feete must containe him Another thus Yesterday hee pressed the earth now the earth presseth him Another thus Yesterday hee ruled the world now Death ouer-rules him Another thus Yesterday all the liuing followed him now hee followes all the dead and euery one had the like diuersitie of Descant the last knits vp all their censures thus Heri multos habebat subditos c. Yesterday he had many subiects now all are his equals Thus did these liuing Hares insult ouer this dead Lyon so will the meanest insult ouer thee in the like case though thy loftie lookes now ouer-toppe thine equals though thy pride trample vpon thine inferiours as Pope Alexander did on the necke of Fredericke and dare contest and contend with thy superiours therefore leaue thy hautinesse and learne humilitie doe not magnifie thy selfe against those that are mightier or aboue those that are meaner then thy selfe scorne not to sit at table with him that must lye in the same bed with thee I meane in the earth looke not at thy white feathers and proud plumes with the Swanne and the Peacocke but at thy blacke feete the earth thy originall Quid superbis puluis cinis Why art thou proud dust and ashes what art thou but dust If Honourable Noble Worshipfull Witty Wealthy Learned Beautifull thou art but honourable dust noble dust worshipfull dust witty dust learned dust beautifull dust This is the proper adiunct to all the best and the rest of thy Epithites What is one piece of dust of sand of slime better then another Why boasts thou of thy Babell of any thing within thee or without thee thy best things being none of thine but Gods thy worst the Diuels and thine owne not worth a proud thought thou thy selfe being the earths and none of thine owne Neyther let the holy humble pious poore man be too-too much deiected eyther at his owne meannesse or at the greatnesse of the insolent insulting debashed men of this world who ouer-toppe them and ouer-droppe them to as the high Oakes
by their sinnes both as euery sinne wastes the body as it wounds the soule as also in that they prouoke God to cut them off short eyther by his owne hand as hee did Absolon Er Onan and the Sonnes of Heli or else by the sword of the Magistrate And they hasten and prolong their plagues and paines perpetuall They leade their liues in ioy saith Iob Ch. 20. and sodainly they goe downe to Hell Oh they goe like theeues laughing to the Gallowes and like traytors dancing to execution Oh how sodainely is their candle put out Exhortat Let me speake to such in the conclusion of this Vse in Gods feare let them consider that this life is called a valley of teares here therefore they must sow in teares if they will reape in ioy they must haue a wet Seede-time if they expect a blessed Haruest Let them ponder what Christ saith Blessed are they that mourne Mat. 5. As also W●e be to you that laugh let them thinke what Christ did wept oft laught neuer his Prophets and Apostles seldome or neuer Let them know further that God cals to weeping and mourning and baldnesse and sack-cloath Esay 22. which call they haue not yet answered for behold Ioy and exultation vpbrayding God and brauing his command euen to his face with their hellish Prouerbes as Hang sorrow Cast away care As long liues the merry man as the sory Let vs be merry wee know not how long wee haue to liue like the scoffing Atheists amongst the Iewes Let vs eate and drinke to morrow wee shall dye Oh thou knowest not how long thou hast to liue therefore retort that temptation backe againe to Sathan thus How vvee must sowe in teares in this short seede-time of life Therefore I will be sorie for my former sinnes I will be if at all soberly and mortifiedly merry therefore I will set my soule in order and the house of my heart in order like Ezekias otherwayes I shall be worse then Achitophel that set his house in order ere hee hanged himselfe To morrow it may be I shall dye therefore I will not eate and drinke inordinately least I be taken away to hell as was the rich Churle and Baltasser in the midst of my cursed cates and drunken cups I will not any more serue the Diuell and my belly in chambering and wantonnesse in surfetting and drunkennesse but I will put on the Lord Iesus Christ It is now time that I should awake from the sleepe of sinne ere I sleepe in death I will arise vp that Christ may giue mee light Oh alas what fruit haue I had in the vnfruitfull workes of darknesse whereof I am now ashamed Lastly thinke with thy selfe how small cause thou hast of this thy irreligious profanenes carnall securitie and besotting sensualitie Hath a Traueller any cause to be merry when hee is farre out of his way hath few friends nothing to spend stormy weather aboue his head Pyrates lying in waite to rob him night approaching and vncertaine whether euer he get to his iournyes end Thou art in this world a pilgrime and a stranger Heauen is thy country from thence came thy soule thou art out of the way that leades thither thou art in the broad way to hell thou hast few friends God Angels Diuels Man and the Creatures are against thee thou hast little to spend thy good Tallents and stocke of Grace is already gone and spent like the Prodigoes on thy lusts Luke 15. thou hast no moe meanes to helpe thy selfe then the wounded man that trauelled to Ierico that had not two-pence there is a storme ouer thy head Gods wrath hangs ouer thee in a cloud of vengeance Pirates the infernall Spirits lye in waite for thy soule the night of thy death is neare and thou art vncertaine of saluation nay the word excludes thee and such as thou from apprehension of any comfort from that since thou walkest in the shadow of death in the way to damnation Consider againe what occasion of sports and merriments and sensuall sollaces a man can haue in prison in colde irons Did Manlius and Regulus and Musius Scaeuola take delight in their prisons and pressures Now here thou art as it were in prison like Ioseph in the stockes like Manasses in fetters and in tribulation the world it selfe is but a prison in respect of Heauens pallace and thou in this prison liuing in securitie like the old Worldlings art enthralled to thine owne lusts and so a slaue to Sathan who plots thy destruction as Achitophel did Dauids What vse we are to make of our short time Therefore heare counsell and receiue instruction since thou art here in a strange Land like Israel in Babel sit downe by the Riuers of water and weepe hang vp thy Harpes and Instruments vse not carnall company that cause thy carelesse securitie and thy forgetfulnesse of God and thine owne soule remember whence thou art where thou art and whither thou art going make that vse of thy time that Ioseph did of the seauen yeeres of plentie prouide against famine agree with thine aduersary whilst thou art in the way ere thou come before the Iudge as Cato counsels to doe something in youth worth thy relation and remembrance in age and as trauellers vse to performe some exploit in their trauels worthy their thoughts and discourse when they come at home so treasure vp those graces in life which may stand thee in stead after life prouide against a rainy day gather now honie from the flowers of vertuous actions into the Hiue of grace worke whilst it is day ere the night come doe good to all whilst thou hast time Gal. 6. waite at all times with Iob vntill thy changing come euen as thou wairest for the times and seasons in Winter for the Spring in the Spring for Summer in Summer for Autumne thou canst not enioy thy sinnes long thou must leaue them or they thee violently therefore breake them off as Daniel counselled Nabuchadnezzar voluntarily by Repentance and Almes-deedes get a certaintie to thy soule conclude something like Ambassadours that goe to forraine Courts and haue but a short abode allotted that may make for thy eternall peace hereafter when thou commest before thy Prince make something certaine here ere thou goest hence in euery thing thou vndertakest thou louest a certaintie if thou iourney thou wouldest rather goe by Land then Sea because more certaine dost thou purchase thou wouldest make sure worke of Lands or Tenements dost thou walke on Ice thou poysest euery foot-step ere thou set thy foote ere thou venter thy body so in euery thing thou wouldest be sure Oh make sure worke for thy soule that as Ezekias prayed for peace and righteousnesse all his dayes so there may be peace to thy soule after thy dayes Oh make vse of that precious time that is allotted thee take it by the fore-top it is bald behinde Goe to the Pismire thou sluggard learne of the Beasts the
Ant sees it will not alway be Summer the Crane and Storke thinke it will be another season the Birds take the Spring prime to build their nests store thou vp faith with her fruits chiefely Repentance from dead workes Now beginne Ars longa vita breuis Life is short but the Art of well liuing and well dying which is the Art of Arts euen that vvhich the best Master taught in the best Chaire Christ vpon the Crosse that is long therefore Nulla dies sine linea Euery day learne some line take out some lesson in this Art sing not out thy time here with the foolish Grashopper loyter not with the idle men of B●lial least thou incurre Christs checke play not the fat bellyed Monke and Epicurish Abbey-lubber least thou smart for it as the * When the Abbies were visited in king Henrie the 8. time Cloysterers once did in this Land in the day of the Lords visitation Learne to liue the life of grace that thy death may be gracious and precious in the sight of GOD as one of his Saints that so thou maist dye not onely naturally like a man as thou must but Christianly like a Christian man as thou oughtest which that thou maist the better doe as in other things thou contriuest how to doe well that which thou purposest to doe as thou forecasts thy building ere thou build thy iourney ere thou trauell So oft remember how thou maist dye well since thou must die and that is by liuing well whilest thou here runnest the short race of thy life A good man like a good Tree brings forth fruit tempore suo in his due time and season this Life time is tempus tuum thy time Death is tempus suum Gods time therefore begin to mend the ship of thy soule in the hauen in thy health not in the tempest of sickenesse not in the Sea of death I end my counsell as I begun this life is as short as sinfull therefore spend it well 2 Point Secondly in that Simeon here desires his departing Life is laborious Miserable the nature of the word signifying a loosing or an vnyoaking being a Metaphor taken from Oxen loosed out of the yoke after labour or from Prisoners set at libertie may well and warrantably administer vnto vs the consideration of the nature of that life which wee leade to be as miserable as mortall as laborious to the body as dolorous to the minde as also it may open our eyes to see something more clearely into the nature of death vvith his bounties and benefits in that it is not onely a curber of Sinne but a curer of Crosses an vnlooser from labours For the first that whether you call it a curse or a command which was imposed on the first man that in the sweate of his browes hee should eate his bread till hee returned to his earth from whence hee came Gen. 3.19 all mans seede since in their seuerall generations haue beene exposed to Doe wee not feele yet the smart of the forbidden fruit Are not our teeth set on edge by it Are not all things vnder the Sunne full of labour Are not the workes of Grace the workes of Nature painefull the actions of the body the actions of the minde the operations of the soule and spirit laborious Is it not a paine to pray a paine to repent a paine to study to contemplate to discusse to discourse to number to diuide Is it not painefull to write to indite to preach to counsell to exhort to perswade disswade vrge moue Let euery knowing man and experienced spirit speake Are not workes manuall and mechanicall painefull euen as the Arts liberall are Is it not paine to plow delue digge sow mow to work in Coale works Mettall-mines in brick and clay is an Aegyptian bondage Nay is there not onus as well as honos a labour as well as an honour in euery Calling Are not Princes and superiour Magistrates Gouernours in houses Colledges and Corporations like the heauenly Bodies as much in motion and labour as in veneration Vertues vices pleasures profits riches pouertie vvanton youth couetous old age all haue their burthens What callings without their crosses from the Scepter to the Sheepe-hooke what sexe without his sorrow No place is priuiledged from foure things Whither shall a man flye 1. from Sathan tempting 2. from the vanitie of his owne heart 3. from the bitings of venemous tongues 4. and from the crosses of the world I haue oft thought if there were any place in the foure parts of the world to auoid these foure thither to flye but there is no Asilum or Sanctuarie from them or any of tnem vnder the Cope of Heauen These alwayes follow as the shadow the body and like proud Tarquin in Rome challenge a perpetuall Dictatorship in the whole life of man What day sets ouer our head without his euill eyther of Sinne or Punishment Adam must eate his bread in his browes sweate Cunctis diebus all his dayes in hear and sweat toyling and moyling man must wearie his body and weaken his spirits till hee keepe his eternall Sabbath in Heauen Bring me the man that hath not yet drunke of the common cup of humane calamities incident to life and I shall more admire him then the Graecians did Achilles that could not be wounded I neuer read of any but Policrates who was thought to be without the Gun-shotte of Fortune by the deluded Heathens yet his death was as dolorous as his life prosperous I am sure mitred Popes crowned Kings inuested Emperours tryumphant Conquerours haue seene the turning of Sesostris wheele and haue experienced so many miseries that they haue cryed out some of them Miserum est fuisse foelicem it is a miserie to haue beene happy others solus viues Vacia that the priuate life of Vacia the Romane was farre safer then their publique guilded guilefull pompe others with Cyrus and Augustus haue thought the Regall Crowne not vvorth stooping for others haue left voluntarily their Courts and Palaces for secure and penitent Cels. If wee had no moe examples of the miseries of greatnesse eyther by birth bloud command Examples of humane calamities or desart then in Nabuchadnezzers deiection amongst Beasts being one of the greatest of men in Manasses his imprisonment in Sampsons grinding in the Mill in Agag hewed in peices in Adonizebecks eating crummes like a Dogge vnder his enemies Table in Alexander poysoned and left vnburied in Caesar stabbed by his pretended friends in Bellizarius a blinde Beggar after his Conquests in Baiazets Iron Cage in Socrates and Seneca's poysoning in Cleopatra's Iezabel's Agrippina's and other infamously famous Queenes and Queanes perishing to omit all the rest in this kinde it might verifie the Paradoxe that Humana vita non est vitae sed calamitas Mans life is no life Vita vix vitalis an imaginarie life and a reall calamitie in which anni pauci aerumna multae the yeeres are
few the griefes many yea so many so manifold so constant so continuated by successiue crosses which follow one another like the waues of the sea like the Messengers that came one after another to Iob and Dauid to bring ill newes of the death of their Children euery day hauing suam malitiam militiam his wrath and his warre-fare that euen the very childe entring the lists into this militarie world as soone as it comes from the mother cryes and weeps the first note it sings is Lachrymae taught onely by prouident Nature The Males saith a wittie Popish Postiller from Adam cry a and the Females from Eue cry e e which put together make a Note of sorrow Nondum lequitur at tamen prophetat Augustine Before it speakes it prophesies as though at the birth it had that prognosticating spirit which Carden saith some men haue at their death as though it did see some euill present fore-see and feare moe to come I might goe along with Innocentius in this subiect and shew the seuerall maladies and miseries incident to euery seuerall age from Infancie to Decrepit old age how like seuerall Beasts wee carry our selues till Death bring vs to the Shambles how pittifully Childe-hood wallowes like a little Pigge in dirtie places and like Duckes and Geese swattles and dabbles in wet and filth How Youth is a lasciuious Goat Adolescencie an vntaimed Heiffer Man-hood a sterne Lyon Old age a sluggish Asse that onely beares a more precious thing then Isis euen that which beares it an immortall soule I might anatomize man further in all his parts and weakened powers shewing the seuerall diseases that cease vpon euery member where they challenge their seates and thrones I might inlarge the crosses incident to euery Function and Vocation but referring you to the Fathers chiefely Bernard and Fulgentius De conditione vitae humanae De contemptu mundi and to zealous Papists chiefly Innocentius and Stella besides him that in English hath vvrit the miseries of mans life leauing you to their vintage I onely rest with the taste of these Clusters vvhich we now further presse forth by vse Is it so that this life which wee liue is so laborious as the world wherein wee liue is wicked Vse 1. Of Instruction then the lesse good that wee finde in the life naturall wee must labour to counterpoyse it by purchasing the life spirituall the more discontent wee finde in the life of Nature the more comfort and content wee must seeke and search for in the life of Grace which like Elishaes salt cast into Iordan seasons all the maladies of life Now if thou wouldest liue the life of Grace and haue peace and ioy euen by a drie passage as it were in the red Sea of this World then doe those things that concerne thy peace Twelue meanes of true peace First abstaine from sinne for where it raignes there is no life of Grace Sin quencheth Grace as water fire Sinne vvill kindle a fire vvithin thy soule to burne vvith secret flames for the wicked are like the raging Sea Secondly as one of Christs true Disciples subiect thy will and soule to Christ it is his promise thou shalt haue peace in him and he will send thee the Comforter Thirdly frequently confesse thy sinnes to God more balme of inward ioy thou shalt haue from the chiefe Physitian the more thou dost lay open the vlcers of thy sicke and wounded soule Fourthly vse frequent and feruent prayer shut thy Chamber-dore play not the Pharisaicall hypocrite and Christ shall enter in and say Peace be to thee as hee did to the Disciples Fiftly keepe the Lords day strictly neyther doing thine owne works and will nor Sathans nor speaking thine owne wordes nor his but Gods word and will in publique and priuate duties this brings much familiaritie vvith God and hath the answere of many hidden ioyes from his Spirit It is a spirituall rest to euery Christian as it was promised a rest to the Israelites Sixtly reade and meditate in he Word of GOD They shall haue much peace that delight in thy Law saith the Psalmist Seauenthly suffer iniuries patiently sustaine and abstaine and thou shalt feele within thine owne heart God taking thy part for Qui patitur est victor c. He that suffers ouercomes himselfe the world his enemies and is Christs friend Eightly contemne earthly vanities they deuide and distract the heart Ninthly be imployed in a Calling the idle are tossed with a multitude of foolish fancies and fond desires Tenthly be meeke so shalt thou enioy the earth with ioy Mat. 5. Eleauenthly get an humbled and a contrite heart that is the seate of Grace and throne of God Esay 57.15 Twelfthly doe righteousnesse the fruit whereof is peace and ioy These things belong to thy peace which if thou practise thy light shall shine to the darke world and thou shalt haue a lightsome Goshen in the life of Grace euen in the darkesome Aegypt of this wretched world Vse 2. Of Redargution Secondly is life so laborious are our dayes so dolorous Then these come within the compasse of a iust Redargution that are so drenched and drowned in the things of this life so besotted and bewitched with the painted beauties of this earthly Iezabel the World that they can neyther spirare nor sperare coelestia that they haue as small hopes as they vse small helps for Heauen in a better life but setting vp here their rests stinting their aimes at earth they desire as Peter vpon the Mount to build tabernacles here in this vaile below neuer caring for that building not made with hands eternall in the Heauens 2 Cor. 5.1 Alas let such know that in their aerie hopes they feede but on the winde with the Camelion they imbrace but a cloud with Ixion in stead of Iuno they touch Sodomes Apples and are deluded vvith beautifull dust they imbrace shadowes for substances and place their desires vpon such objects as are vnworthy of an immortall soule and a heauenly inspired spirit The vanitie of life with all the things in life truly discouered For I pray you what is life it selfe yea long life which they so doate vpon and long after but a most irkesome and tedious pilgrimage enuironed with infinite perils and vpon most light occasions lost or what is any thing in life worthy our liking and affections What is the body it selfe which we so pamper but coagulated dust guilded ouer in the out couering with colours and set vp with the props of proportion the slaue of the minde and prison of the soule sperma fetidum cibus vermium mans excrement wormes nutriment What is the Beautie of the body but a well coloured skinne farre inferiour to the beauties of the Sunne and Moone these heauenly bodies Besides if we could see within we should see a filthy Golgotha and rotten dung-hill What is Strength when Sampson is bound by a woman since the greatest things and
most worthy of a man are effected by the sinewes of wit not by the strength of sinewes are not both Strength and Beautie the flowers of the body which one blast of a Feauer will deface and shake all to fitters What are the Pleasures of the body but like the body it selfe sensuall sinfull pecu●ine and vile Diseases being the Vsury that Pleasures pay and perpetuall Sorrow the bond as the Poets fayne of Iupiter that hee ioyned Pleasure and Sorrow together in an Adamantine Chaine when hee could not agree them in a difference that they brought before him Besides are not these corporall Pleasures inioyed of the Beasts more then of man more strongly vehemently and longer Are they not the workes of darkenesse and vsed in the darke is any man so impudent that dare vse them publikely for shame Are not distempers diseases distractions discredit to our good name losse of substance to our estate when they deuoure their Idolatrous vsers of them as Acte●n● Dogs did their Master fruitlesse repentance to the mind dulnesse of wit corrupting of the heart darkning the vnderstanding decaying the Soules Intellectuall powers Impatiencie of a mans selfe hatred of all vertues inclination to all vices their bad fruits and base effects Are not nominie ignobilitie imprisonment deformitie sicknesse imbeci●litie blockishnesse and Stupiditie their Pages and Attendants For Riches the vulgars God what are they but the long expences and prouisions for a short iourney oppressing the bearers heauy burthens to sincke the Shippe of the Soule For Gold and Siluer the Helena that the world doates on the Lais that most are inamoured vpon as the beasts vpon the Panthers skinne for his seeming luster what are they but red and white dust the base excrements of the earth blowne away with the wind of euery casualtie Pearles and precious Stones what are they but the spoyle of Fishes good onely in the estimation of the Lapidarie and in their owners imagination not in their owne nature nor in any helpfull effects Nobilitie what is it but an opinion or lot of birth being our Ancestors not ours also oft vvrongfully acquired by oppression and crueltie Glory what is it but a puffe of winde the vaine inflation of the earth vncertaine momentanie oft wicked like his father the multitude who this day haue Hosanna for a man to morrow Crucifie him that in one houre will make one more then man and then a murtherer as they did Christ and Paul Power and a Kingdome are but a spatious molestation Pulchrum malum a beautifull euill a guilded poyson a Crowne adorned with counterfeite Iemmes a sea of euils Honour if it come not from Vertue a friuolous and peruerse conceit Dignitie if desert beget it not what is it but the bastard of an vncertaine father oft acquired by suite craft fraud ambition sinister meanes and vvicked Arts Lastly to draw together the sailes of our speech in one word what is the World with all her Iezabels paint and Peacockes plumes with which shee deludes her louers What is Life and the best things in life with which her Amorettoes and Idolatrous Adorers are so delighted hath not Salomon by a diuinely inspired spirit giuen in his vnpartiall and infallible verdict as one that knew most in this kinde of all meere men Vanitie of vanities and all is but vanitie saith the Preacher And as there is little good in life to be loued so there is nothing but euill in this life Malum culpae malum poenae eyther in it owne nature as is the euill of sinne or penall the fruit of sinne eyther crosses such as the godly trye or curses such as the wicked feele The due meditation whereof hath caused many zealous spirits Augustine Ambrose Chrysostome Bernard Fulgentius as also Pontanus and Stella with many moe to write seuerall Tractates which I thinke as the Spider drawes her webbe they drew from themselues and from the feeling of their owne hearts concerning the contempt of the world and the not louing this life Vnicuique sua cupiditas est tempestas some comparing it to a Sea in which euery mans turbulent desires are a tempest some to a darke and dangerous Wood wherein are many wilde Beasts Buls of Basan deuouring Wolues Herodian Foxes poysoning Basiliskes The world anatomized by sundry Similies fiery Dragons for the Scripture giues the true mortall of Pithagoras and Ouids fictions in their Transmutations men in shape are beasts in conditions Tit. 2.12 Esay 1.4 c. Some to a Net that is spread for all but catcheth and retaines onely foolish fishes Others say it is an vngratefull Hoast that entertaines and retaines yet pils and spoyles all that trust it still dislodging dismissing forsaking forgetting his old Guests to retaine new Some say it is like the darkesome Aegypt wherein is plague vpon plague at last deuastation to all that are not the true Israell of GOD. Some compare it to the Firmament in continuall motion Some to a solitarie Desart wherein is the roaring Lyon the Diuell the Scorpion and Dipsas the old Serpent wicked Spirits Theeues Thornes of sinnes and barrennesse of grace Some vnto the Night First because of the blindnesse and ignorance that is in it Secondly the drowsie and secure sleepe of sinne thirdly the wilde beasts of the night Heretiques Schismatiques c. Bores of the Forrest Foxes that spoyle the Vines the night the time of forraging in which also the enemie sowes Tares of sinnes and Heresies the one to corrupt the good Wheate of Sanctification in the heart the other of Illumination of the braine Others with holy Iob make it a place of warrefare and combat wherein wee are to fight with seuerall enemies of sundry natures as Dauid did with a Lyon with a Beare and with Goliah some being within vs craftie Sinons our owne lusts some without vs like armed Philistines the lust of the world some aboue vs Sathan in the Ayre some on the right hand some on the left as prosperitie and aduersitie some before vs as the forbidden fruit of Sin some behind vs the barking mouthes and biting tongues of maleuolent men Some to a prison wherein though it feed the body yet it fetters the soule like that wherein Ioseph had fauour yet hee was kept fast Lastly Fulgentius compares it to a fayre Amazon Maide with these Mottoes writ vpon her head I haue wit and policie vpon her browes I haue comelinesse and beautie vpon her brest Here is strength and agilitie on her right hand Here are riches and prosperitie yet vnder her feete Haec omnia vanitas All these are but vanitie and so let vs account them Loue not the world much lesse the lusts of it concupiscence of the flesh of the eye and pride of life Imitate CHRIST thy head hee despised the pride and pompe of it in refusing a Kingdome in washing his Disciples feete Iohn 13. in preaching practising humilitie Mat. 11. in sustaining temptations and tryals Mat. 4. in assuming our flesh in
flesh the palenesse of the face the dissolution of the members the obscurenesse of the graue the lodge with wormes the solitarinesse of the sepulcher and lastly the dissipation and annihilation of euery part but when hee considers againe Natures course Gods Injunction his disposing Prouidence Christs Passion the bodyes Resurrection the freedome and exemption of the soule from her inclosing prison the Iubilie of the body from all bondage and seruitude Faith preuails and Feare flyes Euen as those that come from a Citie to a Country Village Tradesmen or the like Hom. de Diuite Lazaro when their businesse is well dispatcht saith Chrisostome returne into the Citie with ioy againe so the Christian soule that comes from the new Ierusalem the heauenly Citie to traffique here in the low Countryes of this earth by the Organs of the body if it haue well executed the duties of Pietie Charitie and Christianitie to GOD and man may with ioy returne like a Ship Royall loaden with precious Marchandize from whence it came for such a man dyes not but departs Death onely a departure out of life not a finall destroyer From whence we slide into the third point briefely concerning the Epithite which Simeon here giues to death hee cals it a Departure From whence we may see partly into the nature of that which wee call Death it is onely a Departure a going or transmigration from one place to another Therefore vvhen Abraham speakes of his barrennesse he vseth this phrase Ego vadā absque liberis I depart this life Hom. 36. in Genes or goe away without Children Chrysostome notes his phrase and thereupon implies Ecce iustus ille vt philosophatur c. That Abraham doth truely in that word going away philosophize and dispute of death which Basil Hom. de Martyrio applying to the auncient Martyres cals Migratio quaedam ad meliora c. A migration to a better habitation Philosophy cals it The priuation of all heate Compar aquae ignis so Plutarch or Priuatio vitae the priuation of life so Scaliger Exercit. 307. Sect. 23. All which titles and tearmes may still hearten the Christian to confront it in the very face couragiously according to Bernards counsell Volo mortem Epist 105. si non effugere c. That since they cannot flye it they should not feare it Iustus mortem etsi non cauet c. since the iust man is not cautelous to preuent it let him not be too timerous to encounter it nay rather let him enter the lists as the Persians went to battell ioyfully and with a shout since it is but a Bugbeare or a shadow without substance a Serpent without a sting a superficies no positiue thing of it selfe but the corruption of the subiect that God and Nature subiects vnto it at the worst to the worst an Executioner of a Rebell Mors bona bonis mala malis good to the godly a rewarder of a faithfull Seruant Iosephs Chariot to bring good Iacob from the Land of penurie to the Land of plentie Et quis non ad meliora festinet saith Cyprian in his Sermon vpon death Who will not hasten to exchange for the better Lastly me thinkes here is notably implyed the immortalitie of the Soule for what is it which departs but the soule out of the body which flyes out when Death opens the doore that held it in like a Bird out of the Cage liuing else-where in pleasure or in paine in actu seperato in a seperated act as also the Resurrection of the body may not vnfitly be concluded for in a departure betwixt man and wife friend and friend there is a constant hope of meeting againe so these two friends which liue and loue together like Ionathan and Dauid the soule and body shall meete together at the Resurrection both which poynts of Christianitie as Simeon beleeued and taught his Schollers being a great Rabbi and a Master in Israel so hee seemes to mee to allude here vnto both and to professe his faith in both The body departing shall returne againe at the Resurrection To beginne with the baser part the body that it shall rise againe howeuer it be a Mysterie scoffed at because vnknowne of the Iewish Saduces scoffing Athenians Braine-sicke Philosophers stupid Stoickes hoggish Epicures disputing Peripaticians howeuer denyed by all the rabblement of these Hereticall Valentinians Simonians Carpocratians Cerdonians Seuerians Basilidians Hierarchites and all the Libertines yet it was the faith of all the Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles from the first houre that by reuelation of the Spirit or by the Word it was manifested to the Church of God it was the faith of a Psal 17.16 Psal 49.15 Dauid of b Dan. 12.2 Daniel of c Ezek. 37.10 Ezekiel of d Esa 26.19 Esay e Iob 19.25.26 Iob f Act. 24.15 Acts 17 32 Paul g Iohn 11. Arguments to proue the Resurrection of the body Martha Iohn the Diuine of all the Saints and so of Simeon Let these Arguments confirme thine first Christ thy head is risen hee is the first fruits of them that sleepe and the pawne that thou shalt rise being a member of his 1 Cor. 15.20 where my flesh and bloud is there shall I be saith Cassiodorus our Ioseph is in Aegypt before vs. Secondly the redemption by Christ extends to thy body as to thy soule vvhich body must rise againe else Christs Passion were fruitlesse and forcelesse Thirdly the body which like Simeon and Leui was brother here in sinning vvith the soule must in Gods equall remunerating Iustice be raised to suffer in an equall measure and proportion as it hath sinned Fourthly Gods promises which hee hath signed with the finger of his Spirit sealed with the bloud of the Lambe to the Elect of peace and Immortalitie cannot be of vigour and vertue vnlesse their bodies rise Fiftly the inseperable vnion twixt Christ and his Church should be disioyned if the body rise not Sixtly many absurdities vvould follow which Paul addes 1 Cor. whither I referre you as that all preaching professing and practise of Christianitie vvere else in vaine Seauenthly if in other cases witnesses be to be beleeued then those fiue hundred Brethren mentioned 1 Cor. 8. Cephas and the twelue Iames and the Apostles Mary Magdalene Paul that testifie Christs resurrection by necessary consequence confirme ours Rom. 8.13 which depends vpon Christs Eightly these that haue beene brought to life againe after their departure eyther by the Prophets as the widdow of Sarepta's Son by Elias 1 Kings 17.22 or the Shunamites Childe by Elizeus 2 Kings 4.35 And the dead Souldier by touching Elisha's bones 2 Kings 13.21 or by the Apostles as Dorcas by Peter Acts 3.40 Eutichus by Paul Acts 20.10 or by Christ himselfe as the widdow of Naims Son Luke 7.15 Iairus Daughter Mat. 9.29 Lazarus the brother of Marthae and Mary Iohn 11.44 and those which appeared
in the holy Citie when Christ rose and ascended vp to heauen with him Serm. de Passione as Augustine thinkes are all Praeludia Resurrectionis types and figures of our resurrection Illustrations from nature that our bodies shall rise Ninthly we haue many resemblances both in the great Booke of Nature and the little Booke of Grace in the word and in the world Isaacks suruiuing in sacrificing whom Abraham receiued in a figure Heb. 11.19 Aarons dry Rod that budded and blossomed Numb 17.8 Ezekiels dry bones that came together bone to bone flesh to flesh Ezek. Ionas deliuery out of the Whales belly are instances in the Word In Nature the Summer liuing of Trees 1 Cor. 15 36 37.38 Hearbs Plants c. yea of Corne it selfe in their seeming Winters death when their sap is in the roote these beasts as some Beares and Mice c. which sleepe all Winter and seeme to reuiue in the Spring Swallowes Bats Flyes Gnats c. which by the Sunnes heate seeme to reuiue out of their cold sowne the Arabian Phoenix Pompon Mela de situ orbis lib. 3. c. 9. which by her selfe-burning preserues the indiuiduum of her kinde the Sea-Vrchin that rejoynes after her rending in pieces after she tastes the salt water Serpents that are renued by casting their old skinnes the Sea-Lobsters by casting their old shels the Eagle by casting her old bill Mechanicall men that renue many things that are old Image-makers that make againe their brassie pictures by marring them Bell founders that mend their mettall-worke by melting the Silke-worme See the Book writ of the Silke worme that liues in the preseruation of her kinde by inclosing her selfe in her Clue and dying nay man himselfe that in his generation receiues life into his flesh bones sinewes and vitall powers from a little liquid seede that in his preseruation oft liues againe out of sownes and trances seemingly depriued of breath and life that in his augmentation eating and by naturall heate concocting and digesting the dead flesh of Goates Sheepe and Bullockes makes them his owne liuing flesh All these speake vnto my vnderstanding and confirme my Faith that though Death swallow vs that are now liuing as the Whale did Ionas binde vs as the Philistines did Sampson lay vs in our sepulchers and roule a great stone vpon vs as the Iewes did vpon Christ yet we shall come to shore againe breake these bonds as the bird the snare and we shall be deliuered vve shall flourish like Noahs Oliue tree after wee haue beene vnder the water yea these bodyes of ours subiect to diseases crushed crazed bruized distempered payned the head with Megrim the lungs with suffocations the ioynts with Gouts the stronger parts themselues with shrinking in of the sinewes Origen periarct lib. 3. these bodyes which haue borne the burthen of the day shall once with the Angels sing Haleluiah these bodies of ours I say shall rise besides these mentioned wee haue many grounds of it as first the will of God that will haue it so Iohn 6.39.40 Secondly the oath of God that it must needes be so Heb. 6.13 Thirdly we haue double Hostage for it 1 the soules of the Saints lodgers vnder the Altar Reu. 2. Their bodies lodgers in the graues as our pledges till all things be restored when they and wee shall be perfected together Heb. 11.40 Fourthly the pawne of the Spirit within vs Rom. 8.11 All vvhich are so many nayles in the Sanctuary to fasten our hope Neyther shall wee onely rise but rise the same bodies for substance though altered for qualitie to our further perfection Wee shall come againe I say the same bodies in which wee haue departed hence the same bones bloud arteries skinne flesh veynes sinewes parts members Iob 19.25 Howeuer I cannot say in the same age for there shall be neyther childe nor old man saith the Prophet that is Esa 65.20 neyther weakenesse of youth nor infirmitie of age but all shall be flourishing and perfect like Adam and Eue in their Creation some say from Ephes 4.13 The consideration of our returne after our departure Vse Of Consolation and of our resuscitation at the generall Resurrection for before that time none are or shall be glorified in their bodyes neyther the Virgin Mary whose Assumption is but a fiction nor Enoch nor Elias nor the body of Lazarus nor of those that rose vvith CHRIST Mat. 27.52 In this Sermon called The Christians Watch. as Mr. Leigh proues pithily against all Papists It is a matter of singular comfort it is the Anchor of our hope the life of our Religion vvherein it differs from Paganisme and Turcisme the hand that holds vp our drooping soules in the Agonies of death Fiducia Christianorum The Christians comfort in the Resurrection resurrectio mortuorum saith Tertullian This made the auncient Martyres goe to the stake and burning place as wee goe to our beds this is that redemption of our bodies vvhich Paul mentions Rom. 8.23 the time of our refreshing which Peter magnifies Acts 3.19 the time of our Iubilie and reioycing vyhich Esay fore-sees in the Spirit and exulteth Esay 26.19 vvhen the hungry shall be satisfied Mat. 5.6 when mourners shall be comforted Mat. 5.4 when there shall be no more griefe nor sorrow nor paine when there shall be a yeere of Iubilie an end of our iourney an accomplishing of our warrefare a cessation from labour a wiping away of teares Reu. 17. verse 17. Chap. 21.4 a putting off this mortall and a putting on of this immortall 1 Cor. 15.42 A change of our vile bodies that they may be like his glorious body Phil. 3.22 Oh be glad of this yee Saints reioyce and sing euen as the little Birds are glad when Winter casts off her rugged mantle and Summer brings his flowrie Spring as Beggars vvould be glad to put off their ragges and be clad with Regall Robes Let these comfort themselues in hope of this change and renouation whose bodies are subiected to infirmities weaknesses and maladies De ciu dei lib. 22. c. 20 for then it shall cast away neuer to resume all infirmities impurities deformities tardities saith Augustine Asa shall not be gouty nor Moses stammer nor Mephibosheth lame c. let Cripples Lazars Beggars Bedlams lame Souldiers Hospitall men Spitlers and all other impotent distressed diseased persons apprehend this comfort being conuerted Christians and beleeuers Let all weake and wearyed wights vse this Meditation of the Resurrection as Iacobs staffe to rest and relye on in their passage ouer this worlds Iordan as the clifts of the rockes to the Doues and the stonie rockes to the Conies to shelter them from the feare of death the hunting Nimrod of the world for here is Medicamentum vulneris c. a precious Cordiall in all thy crosses whether publique or priuate of body or minde nay Aqua vitae to reuiue thee when thou art dead sicke or sicke
their pale faces trembling ioynts deiected lookes as was seene in Baltazzar and Felix Dan. 5.6 Acts 24.25 their consciences like Magistrates commanding them to execute themselues shewes they are more then mortall Sixtly the effects of the soule in numbring diuiding discussing discoursing remembring affecting knowledge desire of blessednesse respect to glory c. shew it immortall Seauenthly if the Soule were not immortall man should not resemble GOD neyther in Creation or Regeneration haue any part or participation of the Image of God or any reuelations from God or communications with the Spirit of God and our spirit Eightly else there should be no difference betwixt vs and Beasts whose soules are in their bloud Gen. 9.4.6 Ninthly else there should be no vse of Iudgement of the day of doome or of Christs second comming Tenthly else were the godly of all men most miserable if their hope were onely in this life 1 Cor. 15.19 the Sonnes of Belial whose portion is oft-greater in this world then the Lords owne Saints as Dauid Iob Ieremie in their times haue complained should else be in better case then they But since the Sunne of this truth shines clearely in the Scriptures why should I giue any moe Reasons which are infinite both in Philosophy and Diuinitie so adding light to the Sunne and water to the Sea First is not the argument that our Sauiour Christ vsed against the Sadduces from Exod. 3.6 authentique against Atheisme God is the God of Abraham Isaack and Iacob therefore the soules of Abraham Isaack and Iacob are liuing stil though they be dead themselues Secondly was not Enoch translated that he should not see death Gen. 5.24 Heb. 11.17 then Enochs soule still liues Thirdly had not Daniels prayer beene an ignorant and friuolous wish as some note praying for Nabuchadnezzar D. Willet his Hexaplae in Danielem Oh King liue for euer Dan. 2.4 If the life of his soule had not beene the obiect of his wish Fourthly doth not Elias pray that the soule of his Hostesse Childe may returne againe into him therefore it was not dead and extinct it is no matter where it was it is as absurd to say that it was in Limbo puerorum as Papists doe as that the soule of Lazarus and Lairus Daughter was in Purgatorie suppose it were in heauen Mat. 17. it was liuing where euer it was euen as the soules of Moses and Elias were liuing and gaue motion to their bodies being vpon the Mount with Christ Fiftly Christ promiseth Paradise to the penitent Theefe Luke 23. the very day of his dissolution of which hee had liuery and seasure and present possession in his liuing soule for his dead body hung all that day vpon the Crosse Sixtly Lazarus dying was carryed into Abrahams bosome what was carryed his Soule Luke 16.22 as the wicked Angels fetcht the soule of the secure Churle to Hell Luke 12. verse 20. Seauenthly Iohn saw the soules of those vnder the Altar that were killed for the Word of Christ Reu. 5.6.9 All which with infinite moe being so many Arrowes shot against Atheisme doe euince that the soule is immortall and that the spirits of the iust here with old Simeons after their departure from the body returne to God that gaue them Eccles 12.7 A truth that the very Heathen saw by the light of Nature as appeares by their Writings by Antiochus his Epistle to Lisius wherein hee thinkes his dead Father translated to the Gods 2 Mach. 11. ver 23. Plato in his Timeo Tully in his Diuinations and in his Booke of the sleepe of Saeipio Pithagoras and the Pithagoreans Thales Milesius Hermes Euripides in his Tragedies Plutarch in his Consolatory Epistles Seneca in his Booke of immature death yea the Poets in their fictions of the Elizean fields and the like ayme all at this more like Christians at least Christian Philosophers and Poets that the Heauens are aeterna animarū domicilia the eternall mansions of good soules departed Vse 5. Of Consolation Chris What death is to the godly lib. 2. de morte Let vs beleeue this by the light of the Word which they saw by the poore sparke of Nature and let the thought of it still encourage thee which is the Naile that I driue at in all this discourse to looke Death boldly in the face since to the godly it is but Titulus sine re a bare title without any subsisting a bare name a blancke without a Seale good saith Bernard to the good in regard of rest better in regard of securitie best of all as the way to life and immortalitie being as Ambrose cals it alledged by Pontanus the birth day of thy eternitie the repayrer of thy lifes ruines not abolishing but establishing thy best being Therefore Summum nec metuas diem c. Feare not thy last fate rather desire it with Paul because it is but thy dissolution be thankfull for it with Simeon because it is but thy departure waite for it with Iob because it is thy changing then feare it or fret at it with the naturall and morrall men of the world For why should that eyther feare thee or fret thee that cannot hurt the best the greatest part of thee If the gold be saued who regards the losse of a rotten purse If the Pearles within be preserued who cares for the breaking of an old chest If the costly Marchandize and loading of the ship be safe what Marchant respects the ruines of a rotten Barge If the liuing soules be not indangered nor the best of the stuffe endammaged wee care not so much for the burning of an old house wee respect not the losse of the Cradle if the childe be safe the mangling of the cloaths if the body be vnwounded Now that which the Gold is to the Purse the Pearles to the Chest the Wares to the Ship the good Wines to the Caske the Honie to the Hiue the Housholder to the House the Childe to the Cradle the Body to the Garments that is the Soule to the Body as much more eminent and excellent as the thing contained exceedes the continent If death doe fetter the Body and free the Soule where is the losse what is the crosse Secondly Vse 3. Of Redargution is the Soule immortall and the Body mortall then execrable is the folly of the multitude and lamentable is the dotage of all sorts from the highest to the lowest that spend misspend their yeeres dayes strength vvit vvealth and all their Tallents in pleasing contenting satisfying and fulfilling the desires of the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof in decking adorning feeding and pampering this sluggish Asse this rotten Carrion the body which perhaps shall take vp his Inne in the earth to morrow and be meate for wormes in the meane space neglecting and not regarding the soule which is to liue for euer Oh how many millions of men and women to euen amongst common Christians may be arraigned accused and conuicted of this folly and
dottage that in other things are politique Gallio's and plotting Iezabel's yet in this are witty fooles in preferring the Purse before the Gold the Caske before the Wine the Hiue before the Hony the Body before the Soule How many spend yeeres and moneths nay all their precious time in hawking hunting whoring carding dicing c. in scraping and gathering yealow dust together in doing workes morrall or sinfull their owne workes or the Diuels how many in doing nothing or doing euill or as good as nothing How many women spend many dayes and houres in tricking and trimming the painted sepulchers of their soules I meane their bodies in a Glasse who neuer considering how the glasse of their time runnes spend not a moneth in a yeere a weeke in a moneth a day in a weeke an houre in a day in the publique or priuate worship of GOD in looking into the Glasse of Gods word prayer meditation c. How many Citizens and Countrimen of all sorts spend the vvhole sixe dayes in catering and purueying for the body who grudge God his Sabbaths for the prouision of their soules such men eyther they thinke they haue no soules or that their soules shal die with their bodies like the beasts liuing like Libertines and Epicures as their faith is like the Saduces which denied any Spirit or Resurrection or soules immortalitie as Iosephus testifies of them Iosephus antiq lib. 8. c. 2. de bello Iud. lib. 2. c. 7. Oh we had need cry to such deluded franticke men and tell them that they haue soules and soules immortall to raigne with GOD or to be plagued with the Diuels after their departing out of the body His hoped Pacification In these words In peace NOW followes the last part of this holy Hymne Simeons Quietus est or his Pacification God suffering him to depart in peace Caluin and Bucer renders Simeons minde thus Nunc libenter sedato quieto animi moriar Lord now I depart willingly with an appeased heart and a setled soule since I haue seene thy Christ From whence I gather Doctrine that a good man that liues piously alwayes dyes peaceably It appeares here in Simeon so in the rest of the Saints as in Abraham to whom it was promised Gen. 15.15 that hee should goe vnto his Fathers in peace Godly men alwayes die in peace and should be buryed in a good age which promise was plentiously performed to Abraham for he yeelded the spirit dyed in a good age an old man and of great yeeres Gen. 25.8 So Isaack the Sonne of Promise gaue vp the ghost and dyed peaceably being old and full of daies Gen. 35.29 Neither was the death of good Iacob that preuailing Israel discrepant to his holy life for he dyed quietly making an end of his charge vnto his Sonnes hee pluckt vp his feete into his bed and gaue vp the ghost Gen. 49.33 After the like manner was the death of chaste and mercifull Ioseph Gen. 50.26 of penitent and patient Iob after hee had seene his sonnes and his sonnes sonnes euen foure generations Iob 42.16 Of zealous and sincere Dauid 1 Kings 2. after hee had counselled and charged his Sonne Salomon to walke in the wayes and Statutes of the Almightie Deut. 34. Of Moses the faithfull Seruant of the Lord who dyed when his eye was not dimme nor his naturall force abated though he were an hundred and twentie yeeres old God himselfe being present at his death and buriall So Iosuah that couragious Leader of Israel Iosh 24.29 Aaron the Lords Priest who dyed before the Lord in the Mount Hor Numb 20.28 Eleazar Aarons Sonne Iosh 24.33 Samuel the Lords Prophet 1 Sam. 25.1 with all the rest of Gods Children Patriarkes Prophets Iudges Kings Martyres Confessors the learned Lights of the Church such as Ambrose Augustine c. as they haue liued holily they haue dyed happily of which in their seuerall Histories they haue giuen demonstrations most of them if not all in these three particulars First Three things demonstrate that the godly dye in peace that they were gathered to their Fathers in a mature and full age full of yeeres reaped like a Ricke of ripe Corne into the Lords Barne taken like mellow Apples from the Tree of life in which full age Abraham Isaack Iacob Ioshuah Iob with the rest before mentioned as also the Patriarkes before the Floud which out-liued them with others of the faithfull did blessedly yeeld their spirits and quietly slept in the Lord which blessing of long life being the promise annexed to that fift Commandement of Obedience is peculiarly incident to the godly rather then the wicked whose sinnes as the Iuie kils the Oake ordinarily abbreuiate their dayes or if any of the faithfull dye young or in their middle age before they haue attained to the yeeres of their Fathers eyther by a naturall dissolution as Iosias or by a violent death as the auncient and moderne Martyres eyther they are taken away from the euill to come as Augustine was immediately before the siege of Hippo by the Gothes and Vandals or else because they are ripened already in grace and come to that maturitie which GOD in his fore-seeing wisedome knowes they would or could attaine to and so are fitted for glory or else they testifie the truth here to others confirmation Gods glory and their owne consolation Secondly the Elect vsually haue their wishes The godly oft haue their desires before at and in their deaths and the fruition of their desires ere their departure to the great satisfaction of their soules the contentation of their hearts the corroberation of their faith and the scaling pledge of Gods speciall loue vnto them thus Simeon ere his death had CHRIST in his armes which was the desire and longing of his heart So Abraham saw Christs day before his death in the spirit and reioyced what did old Israel so long after in the whole world except the sight of Shiloh the Messias in the flesh as to see his darling Ioseph which longing of his the Lord satisfied at the full ere his death for his dying eyes did not onely see Iosephs face but his seede Ephraim and Manasses Gen. 48.11 What did Moses desire more then the fruition of Canaan the promised Land Now euen before the Lord shut his dying eyes the Lord tooke him vp into a mount and as a rellish and a taste of his fauour gaue him a sight of Canaan Deut. 34 ver 1.4 In what could Dauids heart be more setled then to see his Throne setled in Salomon his Sonne which his desire was accordingly accomplished for his eyes did see what his heart desired for which hee blessed God 1 Kings 1.48 And the like ordinarily fals out as many aged Christians at this very day can bring in their experienced probatum est as many that are fallen a-sleepe before them could haue testified how the Lord hath heard their requests and granted the desires of their soules in
these and these particulars before their deaths Thirdly the godly expresse the hidden ioy The last words of holy men are holy and inward peace which they finde within their soules by their seasoned and sanctified words of grace which they breathe out as a sweet Perfume from holy hearts to the refreshing of others vpon their sicke beds with which they vsually winde vp the thread of their life words so good so gracious that they are worthy to be writ in Letters of Gold and for euer to be remembred as they are recorded in the sacred Cannon and collected by holy men from the Saints of latter times For example vvhat a sweet gratulatory speech is this of Simeons in his farewell to the world Lord now lettest thou thy Seruant depart in peace c. Euery word hauing his waight and Emphasis Ponder the last Sermons that Moses and Ioshuah and Samu●l these faithfull Seruants of the Lord made immediately before their deaths vnto the Israelites Gods chosen people how zealously they perswade to the seruice of the true God disswade from Idolatrie and false Gods enumerate Gods speciall mercies exhort to obedience dehort from rebellion against God and their Superiours proclaime the promises to the obedient pronounce mercies to allure denounce iudgements to terrifie the disobedient blessing GOD by gratulatory Songs for his benefits and blessing the people in their Tribes Deut. 32. ch 33. Iosh 12. 1 Sam. 12. and a man shall see the peace they had in their hearts by the grace of their lips The last words of Iacob were blessings and prophecies Of Ioseph were admonitions and cautions the one to his Sonnes the other to his Brethren See 1 Sam. 22. 23.1 Gen. 49. Gen. 50. The last words of Dauid were his charge to Salomon his Son concerning Gods worship and the gouernement of his Kingdome 1 Kings 2. vers c. The last words of Steuen the first Martyr after CHRIST were prayers for his Persecutors Lord lay not this sinne to their charge Acts 7.60 Last words reuealed of the Theefe on the Crosse Gregorie that bonus Latro good Theefe that so happily stole Paradise were Lord remember mee when thou commest into thy Kingdome Luke 23. The seauen last words that Christ spoke vpon the Crosse to the Daughters of Ierusalem to his virgin Mother to his beloued Disciple Iohn to God his Father De Passione to the penitent Theefe as recorded by the Euangelists explained by Ferus Nabumius and Gueuarra these and all these of holy men in the sacred Cannon Mons Caluariae and of Christ himselfe as one speakes of Cyprians Epistles referunt pectus ardore plenum shew their deaths were full of peace as their liues were full of grace If I should instance in all the rest of this kinde and set downe at large What speeches the Saints haue vttered in their deaths the gracious words like Apples of Gold in Pictures of Siluer that haue proceeded out of the mouthes of Saints euen when they lay vpon their sicke couches drawing their last breath testifying their faith in Christ their hope of Heauen their zeale for Gods glory their sorrow for sinne their sealed pardon Or when they were to be martyred and sacrificed by fire as they are collected and recorded by Ecclesiasticall Authors Eusebius Nicephorus Apotheg morientium the tripartite History the Centuries Mr. Foxe his Martyrologie Grineus Mr. Perkins and others to whom I referre you It would easily appeare that where the Premisses are Grace in Life the Conclusion will be Peace in Death Let vs chew the cudde in the Meditation of some particulars How to dye well Euseb lib. 3. cap. 30. Idem lib 4 c. 15. The last words of Peter in his crucifying death were thus to his wife O Coniux memento Domini Oh Wife remember the Lord Iesus Of Polycarpus were prayses and prayers Of Cyprian Salus mea virtus mea Christus Dominus Christ the Lord is my strength and my saluation Of Ambrose Nec pudet viuere nec piget mori c. I neyther am ashamed to liue nor grudge to dye because I haue a good Iesus both in life and death Of Augustine Paulin. in eius vita It is no great matter that wood and stones fall and ruine or that mortall men dye vsing that sentence of Dauids Psalmes which also Mauritius the Emperour vsed Possidon in eius vita Oswaldus Miconius de Zwinglio anno 1536. when hee was slaine by Phocas his Centurion Iust is the Lord and righteous is his iudgement Zwinglius thus when hee was wounded in the wars mortally Well goe to they may kill my body my soule they cannot Erasmus dying in the house of Ierome Strobenius breathed out his soule crying thus Chare Deus c. Deare God oh God my mercy deliuer me make an end oh Christ and saue mee Peter Martyr saith Simler and Bullinger that were present at his departure confessed his faith acknowledged Christ his Sauiour expounded and applyed Scriptures exhorted his Brethren and in his death was wholy diuine Obijt an● Christi 1564. So was Oecolampad●● that burning Lampe in Gods house who supplyed with the oyle of grace gaue a wondrous light euen in his death as appeares by Grineus his Epistles to Fabritius Capito and others Luthers death resounds ioyfull prayses for Gods reuelation of the truth vnto him and victory ouer the Romish Antichrist Caluin as Beza reports that heard him with Dauids heart dyes not speaking but sighing out Dauids Psalmes * See a little Book from the Martirologie gathered called The deaths of holy Martyres Ridley Latimer Hooper Saunders with many moe constant Professors dyed desirous of the fire saluting the Stake professing their Faith confirming their Brethren and calling vpon God If I should ascend a little higher How great men haue liued and dyed good men and looke into the sicke Couches of Emperours Kings Queenes Dukes Earles Nobles which like those Boreans Acts 17. were truely noble indeed I should occasion you to magnifie Gods mercies in calling some great ones vvho by their workes and words as liuing so dying testified that their Graces did equalize their Greatnesse I might instance in Charles the fift in Theodosius the great in Maximilian the second in Stephen King of Poland in Fredericks the third Prince Elector in Ferdinand in Queene Anne Bullen in Ioahn Gray the Duke of Suffolks Daughter with diuers of others To omit the last words of Chrysostome dying in his exile of deuout Bernard of Ignatius the Martyr of these Belgicke Lights Phillip Melancthon Tremellius Musculus c. with ma●y moe some whereof thankefully recording the benefits they had receiued from God in life spirituall and temporall some pouring out their soules for the good of the Church which they haue bequeathed vnto Christ some discoursing of the vanities of this life of the fruits of sinne of the miseries of man some reioycing in the Spirit for the mitigation
that haue liued well eyther of Impietie or Hypocrisie by their deaths Let vs looke into their former courses of life and conuersation let vs iudge charitably and Christianly as wee would be iudged in the like case Obiect 5. But Gods Saints are at their deaths most of all molested assaulted and tempted by Sathan some in one nature some in another as was the good Mr. Knoxe and M ri● Katherin Stubbs and others How then can they dye in peace Answ Many of the godly God tying and chaining vp Sathan dye as here old Simeon and others before recited as a Torch or Fire-brand without sense of paine or tryals Esa 57. vers 1.2 Secondly Exercentur in praelio vt maiori remunerantur praemio they are exercised in the last combat that they may receiue the more ioyfull Crowne of conquest Thirdly by Faith Prayer and Gods Word they resist Sathan as Christ did Mat. 4.4.7 and hee like a Crocodile pursued flyes away Iames 4.7 1 Pet. 5.9 for the godly in that houre laying holde vpon the promises flying vnto Christ hee mannaging their cause the holy Spirit assisting vvhen Sathan lookes for the greatest victory hee receiues the greatest foyle Obiect 6. But some that goe in the rancke of the godly haue dyed of the Plague and Pestilence Numb 25. 2 Sam. 24. which hath beene vsually sent as a iudgement for the sinnes of disobedience vncleannesse diffidence c. vpon the Israelites and others from which the godly are promised to be preserued Psal 9.10 How then die such in peace that die of the plague Answ First that promise of preseruation from the Plague in the Psalmist is to be vnderstood of those Iewes that in Dauids time were vntouched with it Secondly then the Plague came by Gods immediate hand now by meanes Thirdly the godly are preserued from it as it is a curse but not as it is a fatherly correction for doe wee not thinke that many Christians in Corinth died of the Plague 1 Cor. 11.30.31 Vide pag. 30. 38. 45. 54. 92. 36. Hinningi Grosij In these great Plagues which Grosius hath mentioned in his Tragicall Histories which haue swept away whole Countries with these that haue raged in particular Cities as in Venice in Florence the yeere of our Lord. 400. in which thirtie thousand or in Constantinople when Leo Isaurus ruled wherein there dyed three hundred thousand Citizens as both Volateran and Aegnatius testifie shall wee say that none of these dyed the Seruants of God Shall wee censure Alphonsus the ●leauenth King of Spaine that good Lodouicke with his Sonne Iohn many zealous Diuines as Beza and others for bad men because they haue dyed of the Plague Suppose it be an accursed death did not Christ the penitent Theefe Peter and Paul which were crucified by Nero with their heads downewards dye an accursed death euen the death of the Grosse Fourthly besides is it not Gods visitation like other diseases Fiftly is it not oft-times sent Lib. de Mortalitate as Cyprian well notes as well for the sinnes of those that liue as of those that dye as appeares in the Plague sent vpon Dauids Sheepe when he the Shepheard sinned in numbring of them Sixtly is it not a disease though sharpe yet short and more tollerable then the Stone Dropsie Gout Palsie or the French disease Seauenthly did not Dauid desire this kinde of death rather then eyther Famine or Warre Eightly nay haue not Gods Saints as namely Iob for many moneths together beene troubled with a more grieuous maladie Ninthly is not God very mercifull to many that dye of the Plague that haue their senses and memories till the last houre are not those blew spots which appeare Gods tokens as they are called fore-warning them that haue them as God did Ez●kias to prepare themselues for they must dye Lastly is their any death much lesse this can hinder the soule after her departing from Gods present and immediate fellowship or the body from a glorious Resurrection and what if none visit the afflicted in this sort the fewer that gaze on them the fitter they are to looke vp to God And what if they dye and vvant solemne buriall what preiudice is that to the bodies resurrection or soules saluation Obiect 7. But some of the godly dye of Famine as did Lazarus from which God promiseth to preserue them Psal 34. Answ First it is vncertaine whether Lazarus dyed for want of food or the violence of his disease Secondly this death is rare and seldome fals out God prouiding for his as hee did for Iacob and Elias euen in Famine but if this happen God armes his with patience and strengthens them with the assured hope of life eternall as hee did the persecuted Hebrewes who were exposed to nakednesse and hunger Heb. 11.38 Thirdly the Promise is conditionall as all others are that concerne these outward things which fall alike to all Eccles 9. Fourthly some vnderstand the place in the Psalmist concerning the soules of Gods Saints which are fed with the hidden and precious Manna of the Word to life eternall Iohn 6. Apoc. 2.17 Obiect 8. But some are slaine by their enemies these dye not in peace Ans Yes for no death can seperate Gods Children from his loue Rom 8.38 Secondly though they kill the body as Cain did Abels the Philistines Ionathans y●t as Zwinglius said in the like case as you haue heard they cannot kill the soule Thirdly it is a priuiledge if they dye in Gods cause and procures them a greater increase of glory Apoc. 14.13 Mat. 5.8 Obiect 9. Lastly it is obiected that some of the godly as Sampson and Rasis haue killed themselues others haue done the like in our dayes How haue these dyed in peace Ans For Rasis it was a weakenesse in him Vide Polani Syn● de inter Scrip. Lelius de expresso dei verbo if hee were a good man or a wickednesse if he were not For Sampson what hee did was typicall as he prefigured Christs death that ouercame dying Secondly it was by a speciall instinct and motion of Gods Spirit inimitable no more then Abrahams sacrificing his Sonne for those which our experience instanceth in I confesse it is a ticklish point and the knot is hard to be loosed I know that Saul Achitophel and Iudas that killed themselues are noted in the Scripture for reprobates And it seemes that those which doe this inhumane deede doe not for the instant thinke of hell torments yet vvhat then God neuer forsakes his chosen Secondly his mercy is bottomlesse from the Ocean of which mercy hee may distill some drop of grace at the last point of time Thirdly this act is done commonly in some Frenzie or predominant Melancholy when they are not themselues Fourthly Sathan is a wilie Serpent that obserues his aduantages and the Lord knowing his malice and wickednesse and mans frailtie and weakenesse punisheth this sinne as he did the first sinne Adams sin in Paradise wherein
greater and grosser more pleasing and more profitable sins when thou wilst Canst thou not leaue such sinnes which thou maist as well spare as the dirt from thy nayles namely thy vaine words thy oathes and blasphemies and canst thou leaue these that haue nearer allyance with thee and stand thee in more stead Is an inueterate sore a long raigning Disease so soone cured Is that Diuell that hath taken long possession so soone cast out Can the Aethyopian leaue his blacknesse and the Leopard his skinne then will it be easie for thee to doe well that still accustomest thy selfe to doe euill Besides thou thinkest thou canst repent when thou wilst Thou maist as well imagine that if thou wert dead thou couldst reuiue and liue againe when thou wilt for a wicked man is a dead man liuing in the life naturall dead in the life spirituall thou maist as well thinke to worke a Miracle when thou wilt for it is no greater Miracle to raise a dead body as Christ did Lazarus then to raise a dead soule None can repent when hee will to turne stones into flesh then a stony heart into a fleshie that can repent Indeed if Repentance were in thine owne power there were policie in it to deferre this fight with sinne as Fabritius lingred to fight with his enemies and still to taste the sweet of sinne but it is not in thy power to repent it is the gift of God Acts 5. ver 31. from whom this grace and all other come Iames 1.17 I but thou hast Scripture for thy purpose so hath the Diuell his Scriptum est is it not written saith the ignorant Lay-man or the carnall Cauiller that remembers no other Text but this which hee wisely vrgeth to his owne destruction that At what time soeuer a sinner repents from the bottome of his heart the Lord will be mercifull c. It is true that at what time the sinner repents hee shall be pardoned as Mary Magdalene the Publican and others were but the Lord saith not that at what time soeuer a sinner sinnes hee will giue him Repentance Aug. Qui dat poenitenti veniam nescis an dabit peccanti poenitentiam Repentance is the gift of Grace it comes not from Nature a stone hath as much power to mount vp to the Church Steeple of it selfe as a wicked man to repent of himselfe Therefore dally not with sin be not deceiued God is not mocked If thou couldst leaue the traffique and commerce with sinne when thou wouldest and repent from thy heart sinne might vvith greater shew be retained and with lesse danger but since the longer thou continuest in it the more thy heart is hardened since as the Prophet speakes of Wine and Women so euery other sinne takes away the heart Ose 11. and makes it incapable of any Christian dutie let it be thy wisedome as Daniel councels Nabuchadnezzar to breake off thy sinnes betimes leaue sinne ere it leaue thee beginne at length to liue ere thou dye for as Similis once said of himselfe though thou seest many yeeres thou liuest but those that are piously and penitently spent Now redeeme the time which thou hast misspent now is thy Haruest lead home now prouide against the rainy day of thy last day now in the calme of life arme thy selfe against the tempest of death Oh it will be too late to thinke of leading a good life when life is ended too late to buy after the Market is done too late to traffique after the Mart too late to saile when the Tyde is past and the Sea is rough therefore prepare a medicine before the wound Sero Medicina paratur Heare not the voyce of the Serpent Eritis sicut Dij you shall be like Gods to puffe you vp with pride but feare and beleeue the voice of God Moriemini yee shall dye like men for this death prepare betimes now is the acceptable time now is thy time thy day thy houre thy visitation now the voyce cals Christ knockes the Angell moues the waters Moses and the Prophets perswade the shortnesse of thy life multitude of thy sinne difficultie of repenting thy Houre-glasse running time spending thy former fruitlesse liuing danger of deferring death approaching all vrge moue pleade for a conuerted soule a holy heart a renued life that thou maist dye a blessed death finde a ioyfull resurrection and inioy a happy glorification Lastly to conclude this Text for this time Doctrine and so this Worke hauing exceeded my purposed and proposed breuitie let mee onely offer vnto your considerations this meditation that there is a direct and a certaine method and rule as of liuing so of dying well There is a way laid downe in the word to a blessed death so plaine so perspicuous that some haue vvrit vvhole Tractaites of this subiect from whose Haruest I will not be ashamed to gleane something as Ruth out of the field of Booz and insert their eares into this Garland borrowing some few grounds of him whom I heard as a Master out of Moses Chaire liuing * Mr. Perkins Mr. Sutton in his Booke Learne to Dye and reuerence dying If any therefore demaund in this great and maine poynt of all poynts what course hee is to take that with old Simeon he may die in peace for Resolution of this case of Conscience I say that to dye well there are two things requisite A preparation before death and A right disposition in death This Preparation is two-folde generall and speciall generall is that whereby a man prepares himselfe to dye throughout the whole course of his life to this the Scripture continually exhorts when it inioynes vs straitly to watch and pray to awake from sleepe to prepare to meete the Bridegroome to be in a readinesse euery day like Souldiers that expect their Generall against the second comming of CHRIST to Iudgement not to haue our hearts oppressed with surfetting and drunkennesse and the cares of the world least that day come vpon vs vnprouided as the theefe vpon the carelesse housholder as the snare vpon the Bird as the Floud vpon the old world as fire vpon Sodome as desolation vpon Ierusalem A thing that stands vs all much vpon as a dutie not to be omitted First Death is certaine yet vncertaine because of that vncertaine certaintie that is in death certaine for the matter as before we haue proued vncertaine both in respect of the Time when which none knowes whither morning euening midnight or Cocke crow in Winter Summer Spring or Autumne Secondly in respect of Place for none knowes where whether at home or abroad by Sea or by Land in his bed or in the field Dauid dyed in his bed Ionathan in the field the deceiued Prophet and Amasa in the high-way Abner at the Court Icarus Helle Aegaeus by Sea from whom the Aegean and Icarian Sea and Hellespont were named three Popes Iohn the first Iohn the foureteenth and Caelestine the fift dyed in prison nay some
Ridiculous and Childish Oathes as by Fay How to leaue the damnable custome of Swearing Fakins Trokins Bodikins Slid Sounds Cocke and Pye with the like whereby thou seekest to mocke and deceiue God who will not be mocked Gal. 6. Thirdly then invre thy selfe to leaue thy Superstitious Oathes as by the Masse Rood Crosse by our Lady and by Popish Saints c. Fourthly so proceede against thy Heathenish and Idolatrous Oathes in swearing by the Creatures as Laban and Iezabel by their Idols Gen. 31 53. 1 Kings 19. verse 2. as by men by S. Peter and by S. Iohn c. by the Heauens the Earth by Fire Sunne the Light Meate Drinke Money c. or by the parts of thy body as Hands or the like or by thy Soule all condemned Mat. 5. ver 34. Iames 5.12 And so with a courage set vpon thy impious horrible fearefull damnable blasphemous Oathes as by the Lord by God the eternall God by Christ by Iesus and such like or by the parts and adiuncts of Christ by tearing his Humanitie as the Iewes did his body by diuiding him as the Souldiers did his garments Mat. 27.35 in blasphemie by his Death Passion Life Soule Bloud Flesh Heart Wounds Bones Sides Guts Armes Foote Nayles c. of all which I tremble and quake to thinke write and speak● though thou makest no more scruple of such Hell-bred Oathes then of thy ordinary words so deale with all other sinnes of which thy soule is as full as a Serpent is full of venome and a Toade of poyson Crucifie them by degrees and dye to them daily else thou dyest for euer if thou dye 〈◊〉 in them By this course thou shalt take away the sting of Death which is Sinne for the strength of Death is Sinne 1 Cor. 15. euen as the strength of Sampson laid in his hayre Iudg. 16.17 which sinne when it is subdued Death it selfe is as easily conquered as weakened Sampson was by the Philistines verse 21. yea it can doe thee no more harme then a Dragon Viper or angry Waspe which haue lost their stings Secondly dye daily to the world Secondly dye to the world loue it not nor the things of it that so thou maist more happily dye out of the world and more hopefully entertaine thoughts of a better world And in this case doe as Runners vse who oft runne ouer the Race before they runne for the Wager that so they may be better invred and acquainted when they come to try their abilitie or as is said of Belney the Martyr that being to suffer by fire many dayes before he would hold his hand a pretty while in the flame so to prepare himselfe to sustaine the paines of Martyrdome which he was to vnder-goe Thirdly Beare crosses patiently Thirdly dye daily by invting thy selfe to take Crosses and Afflictions patiently as sickenesses in body troubles in minde losse of goods of friends and of good name c. which indeede are little deaths euen pettie deaths not onely Prologues of death but Preparatiues to death for which cause GOD sends them to his children more then to the wicked euen to weane them from the world and prepare them for death as the Nurse weanes the Childe from the Teate by doing bitter Aloes vpon it and sure he that beares Crosses most patiently is well prepared to dye peaceably as appeares by S. Paul 1 Cor. 15.31 who by making good vse of afflictions dyed daily it holding commonly that Mors post crucem minor est Death is lesse dolorous after the crosse Fourthly Prayer oft preuailes for a peaceable departure Fourthly pray seriously for a peaceable departure it is confirmed by examples of all ages and experience of all Gods Seruants that hee that prayes well speedes well Iacob and Abrahams Seruant had Gods blessings vpon their Iourneyes as an effect of their Prayers Gen. 24. Gen. 27. Thou shalt finde Gods presence euen in that houre of the last iourneying of thy soule from her earthly Mansion to her heauenly Country if thou pray for this grace particularly and effectually therefore as thou oughtest to pray continually for other a Lu. 18.1 Eph. 6.18 things 18 Things to be prayed for that death may be prosperous so euen in health and prosperitie pray frequently and feruently 1. That God would make this backeward repugnant and nilling nature of thine willing to her dissolution 2. Prepare thy vnprepared soule 3. Subdue thy corruptions 4. Purge out the drosse of thy sinnes 5. Giue the patience to kisse his correcting Rod when hee whips by sicknesse or diseases 6. Succour thee in thy last and greatest conflict 7. Support thy weaknes 8. Aide thee against Sathans force and fraud 9. Strengthen thy Faith 10. Renew thy decayed graces 11. Giue thee the power and comfort of his owne Spirit 12. Not to visit thy sinnes in Iustice but in Mercy 13. To preserue thy soule from the Hunter and thy darling from the Lyon 14. To giue his Angels charge ouer thee in thy extremitie 15. To keepe thee from 1. Impatiencie 2. Frenzie 3. Distraction 4. Idle fancies 5. Rauing 6. Raging 7. Blaspheming c. least thy death be scandalous 16. To touch thy tongue with a coale from the Altar that thou maist speake 1. to Gods glory 2. and to Edification 17. To dye the death of the righteous 18. Lastly to receiue thy soule into that new Ierusalem which is aboue Such Prayers we haue vpon record in holy Writ as of Dauid Psal 39. and Moses Psal 90. true patternes of our Prayers in this kinde And sure who euer approacheth oft to the throne of Grace and supplicates to a pittifull God from faith and feeling in these and the like petitions he shall be sure to finde an answere from God euen when hee lyes vpon his sicke-bed as the fruit of his former desires Besides that his former acquaintance with God in speaking to him and talking as it were with him oft-times in life by Prayer will increase in the sicke Patient euen a holy boldnesse in a filiall feare to come to that God as one friend to another in extremitie with whom he hath so oft conuersed and conferred with by the Word and Prayer in health and prosperitie Fiftly that thou maist depart in peace make sure to thy soule the inheritance of life eternall euen here in this thy life naturall for as worldlings are something at quiet vvhen they haue made sure such houses lands leases and purchases as they haue long gaped after so assurance of life eternall is the onely pacification to the spirituall man this is the lot the portion and inheritance that his soule longs after the estate that hee preferres before all the flesh-pots of Aegypt or the Iewels of Aegypt Now for the purchase of a fixed place in the heauenly Canaan thou must prouide these treasures 1. sauing Knowledge 2. Faith 3. Sanctification of more price vvith God then Gold Pearle and precious Stones with men For the first
euer you are Ministers or Lay-men keepe a good conscience I intreate you with God and with man in all your wayes and walkings in your courses callings functions and tradings that in your deaths you may shew your selues the Lords Sheepe the Lords Swannes like Simeon not the Diuels Swine and Hels Hiaena's Now thou art to be directed in some dueties in thy sicknesse the probable summoner of thy death for though God onely know when death is nearest he hauing as the keyes of the heauens and the keyes of the heart so the keyes of the earth and of the graue of life and of death 1 Sam. 2.6 yet it is probable that life is nearest expiring when sickenes is approaching as the wals are nearest ruine when the Cannon is laid to batter them Now these Directions I referre to these three heads First respect God secondly thy selfe thirdly others In respect of God first renue thy former repentance seeke earnestly to be reconciled to God in CHIRST get more assurance of the Mercy Fauour and Loue of God towards thee gather together all thy spirituall forces striue and wrastle couragiously against Diffidence Distrust Infidelitie and Despayre like an actiue runner shew some brunts as it were of inward strength euen when thou seest the Goale and art nearest the end of thy race Now for strengthening thy Faith and renuing thy Repentance the better take this course First when Sickenesse or Infirmitie ceazeth on thee consider that it ariseth not from 1. Chance 2. Fortune 3. Rawnesse of Weather 4. Ill Ayre 5. Bad Dyet 6. Catching of cold or the like which are eyther no causes at all or else onely secondarie but by an immediate prouidence Secondly search out the cause for which God afflicts thee and thou shalt by the light of the word and of thine owne conscience find that the cause is thy sin other causes there may be as CHRIST shewes in the case of the blinde man who neyther sinned nor his Parents Iohn 9.2 As 1. tryall of Faith 2. of Patience as in Iobs case 3. exciting to Prayer and Repentance as in Ezekias case Esay 38.1 4. to preuent sinne to which Nature and corruption inclines 5. the Humiliation of pride 6. manifestation of the workes of God oft cause the Lord to visit euen his owne sonnes with sicknesses and diuers diseases but in Gods reuealed will sinne is the ordinary cause as appeares Deut. 28.21 Leut 26. c. Sixe causes of sickenes besides our sinnes Sinne caused the Aegyptians Botches Exod. 9.10 the Philistines Emerods 1 Sam. 5.6 the Widdow of Sarepta's Sonnes sickenesse 1 King 17.18 and therefore when CHRIST cured the bodies of his Patients hee first remits the sinnes of their soules so remoues the cause Mat. 9.2 Iohn 5.14 as in the blinde man and the sicke of the Palsie Fiue duties to be done in sicknes Thirdly when thou hast felt thine owne pulse and laid the finger on the right cause which is sinne then by examination of thine owne hart find out what speciall sin causeth thy present scourge oh search thy selfe thorowly Zeph. 2.1 examine thy soule narrowly Psal 4.4 Play the selfe Constable make priuie search in euery roome within the house of thy heart for thy secret sinnes as for priuie Traytors Fourthly when thou hast found them out confesse them bring them to the strict barre of Gods Iustice arraigne them nay be thy selfe a Witnesse against them yea a Iudge to condemne them as Paul prescribes the Corinthians in the like case 1 Cor. 11.30.31 and as Dauid practised in his owne particular Psal 32.5 Fiftly supplicate and intreate the supreame Iudge of Heauen that may condemne thee or repriue thee to pittie thee and pardon thee Ieremy and Hosee will direct thee how to put vp thy supplications in forma pauperis as a poore penitent and what words to vse that will plead and preuaile for pardon Lam. 3.40.41 Hosee 6.1 Dauid sets thee an holy President most beseeming thy imitation who when hee was sicke at least vpon the occasion of his sickenes penned speciall Psalmes of repentance as namely Psal 6. the 22. the 38. the 29. which I prescribe to be rea● of thee repeated and applyed with Dauids heart also as spirituall Physicke 1 to purge the ill humours of thine heart 2. to quicken thy dulnesse 3. to excite thy deadnesse 4. to inflame thy desires 5. to comfort thy conscience 6. to strengthen thy faith 7. to prepare thee to Prayer What Scriptures are fittest to be read of a sicke man reade seriously the History of Christs Passion recorded Luke 22.23 Chap. the 29. Psalme the 42. Psalme the 51. Psalme the 1 43. Psalme the 14. Chapter of Iob the 11. the 14. the 17. Chapter of Saint Iohn Ecclesiastes Chap. 1. Dan Chap. 9. Romanes Chap 8. the 7. Chap. of the Apocalypse 1 Cor. 15. Chap. these will giue thee some holy heate Thus thou hast the true preparatiues in thy sickenesse in respect of God they are the more worthy remembrance because so few follow them for alas how many that haue liued long in the bosome of the Church are so farre from renuing their● Faith and Repentance that when they lye sicke and are drawing to their deaths they must be catechized as Christ did Nicodemus and Philip the Eunuch euen in the maine doctrines of Faith and Repentance like as some new conuerted Pagans were in the Primitiue Church There be few Ministers acquainted vvith visiting the sicke but they shall finde that men that haue beene vnder the meanes twentie thirtie or fortie yeeres doe at the end of all beginne to inquire as the Iewes of Peter Acts 2. and the Iaylor of Paul Acts 16. what they should doe to be saued not yet knowing the meanes and the way to saluation which argues the great securitie of our age and contempt of God oh take thou heede betimes vse all good meanes before-hand that thou maist be able in sickenesse to put in practise these spirituall exercises of Repentance and Inuocation The second branch of the sicke mans preparation concernes himselfe and that eyther his soule or his body for the soule D. Maxeys Sermon on the Agonie of Christ Laboraui in gemitu meo● First the sicke partie must arme himselfe against the feare of death and feeling of sicknesse Death is very fearefull to all men euen to the godly as one obserues well in Dauid for all who though hee were neyther daunted with Sauls malice nor the Philistines hatred nor Absolons Treason nor Achitophels treachery nor in grapling with a Lyon nor in fighting with a Beare nor incountring Goliah yet when Death beganne to close vvith him and lay holde on him then hee cryes out Oh I am troubled aboue measure Oh spare mee a little Psal 6.3 39.13 Therefore thus incourage thy present feeling and greater feare First that sicknesse and so death is the rod of a Father not the whip of a Iudge the correction not destruction of a Sonne Heb.
in the water they are better fitted for their flight thou plunging thy selfe into the troubled Bethesda poole of thy repentant teares distilling from the Limbecke of a remorcefull heart thy soule may take the wings of a Doue and flye out of the Cage and Coate of thy body to her eternall rest in Abrahams bosome Now with Simeons heart sing Simeons Song now awaken all thy powers to praise the Lord so as in singing wee ascend to higher notes thy soule leauing the earth of thy body shall with the Larke mount still higher and higher nay it shall be carryed vpon the wings of wayting Angels till it be transcendent amongst the Quires of those heauenly Hierarchies that sing continuall Halleluiah's vnto the once incarnate now deified Lambe euen Simeons Lord that sits vpon the throne To whom with the Father and the eternall Spirit a Trinitie in Vnitie and Vnitie in Trinitie as his due and our duty from the ground of our hearts and soules be ascribed all Honour Glory Power Maiestie and Mercy of vs and all Churches now and for euermore Amen Necessary Incouragements and Comforts against the grieuances of seuerall Crosses Because that many are too much deiected and disconsolate at the death of their friends Parents for Children Children for Parents Husbands for Wiues and Wiues for Husbands Brother for Brother and Friend for Friend mourning like * Ier. 31.16 Rachel for her Children and will not be comforted let these Motiues moue thee to take truce with thy teares and not to sorrow as did the Heathens without hope 1 KNOW and acknowledge that it is GOD that hath taken away thy friend the pleasure of thine eyes thy Wife or the like therefore as God said to Ezekiel in the like case Mourne not nor weepe neyther let thy teares runne downe cease from sighing and make no mourning for the dead Ezek. 24.16.17 Murmure not as did the rebellious Israelites when their Brethren were taken away Numb 16.41 Kicke not against the pricke Act. 9.5 resist not God with a stiffe and vncircumcised heart Act. 7.51 but like an obedient childe imbrace the stroke of thy Father and kisse the rod. 2. The Saints of God haue beene patient spectators of the deaths of as neare and deare friends as any thou hast parted withall whose Patience in this crosse I propound vnto thee to imitate as Iames propounds Iobs Patience to be imitated in euery crosse Iames 5.11 Thus Adam and Eue saw the death of their sonne Abel Gen. 4. Noah the destruction of the whole world by the Deluge Gen. 7. Abraham of Terah his Father Gen. 11.32 so of his deare Wife Sarah Gen. 23.2 Lot of his Wife Gen. 19.26 Isaack of his Mother and of Abraham his tender Parents Gen. 25.8.9 Iacob of his Father Isaack Gen. 35.29 of his beautifull and beloued Rachel Gen. 35.19 Thus when Aaron saw his two sonnes Nadab and Abihu deuoured with fire from the Lord hee held his peace Leuit. 10.2.3 Iob blessed God as well when his Children were slaine as his goods imbezeled Iob 1.21.22 for Eli lamented the losse of the Arke rather then the slaughter of Hophni and Phinees for which his Daughter in-Law also was more moued then for the death of her Husband 1 Sam. 4. v. Dauid more bewayled the spirituall death of the soules of Ammon and Absolon then the corporall deaths of their bodies thy dying in their sinnes of Incest and Treason a Crimina doluit non exitu filiorum Amb. 2 Sam. 14.14 Lastly the Virgin Mary and Iohn the Disciple stood by the Crosse of Christ in his Passion onely with compassion b Stantem lego flentem non leg● Ambr. in orat ●uneb without that outward lamentation which Christ condemned in the Daughters of Ierusalem and in them immoderate mourning in all Mat. 27.56 Luke 23.28 which particulars chiefely the last as Ambrose applyed them in his Funerall Oration of Valentinian the Emperour so they must be laid to heart in our application and imitation in euery Funerall Gen. 5. 3 If hee dyed in the Faith of Christ hee is translated like Enoch from this life to a better from this vaile of misery to eternall glory hee is a Citizen of Heauen an inheritor of a Kingdome Luk. 12.31 Sorrow not for his triumph he is gone to possesse a Crowne in Glorification which was granted him in Predestination promised him in Vocation 4 Hee is blessed being dead in the Lord Apoc. 14. 5 Hee is returned home to his Fathers house hee is gone to his better friends euen to the companie of innumerable Saints and Angels and to the Spirits of the iust Heb. 12.22.23 Mat. 22.30 Reu. 15.11 Mat. 8.11 1 Thes 4.17 6 Hee is inseperably vnited vnto GOD the chiefe and perfect Good first whom to see is Tranquillitie secondly whom to rest in is Securitie thirdly to enioy is Felicitie Being incorporated into that Citie first whose King is Veritie secondly the Lawes Charitie thirdly the Dignities Equitie fourthly the Life Eternitie Augustine Prosper in which hee shall be sempeternally blessed ioying in and inioying first a certaine Securitie secondly a secure Tranquillitie thirdly a safe Iocunditie fourthly happy eternitie fiftly an eternall felicitie 7 He is now married vnto his Bridegroome CHRIST to whom his soule was contracted in earth and the Marriage-feast is now solemnized in Heauen now thy mirth not thy mourning becomes a Marriage Hos 2.19 Mat. 22. Phil. 1.23 Iohn 12.26 17.24 Luke 33.43.46 Reu. 7.17 8 Consider that his warre-fare is now at an end his iourney is finished and his worke is accomplished if GOD had had any more worke for him to haue done hee should haue liued longer for as God sweepes away the wicked when they are at the height of sinne as hee did Er and Onan Gen. 38. the Sodomites Hophni Phinees and Absolon so the godly in the height of Grace 9 He was here a Pilgrime and a stranger as were the Patriarkes Abraham c Heb. 11.9 10. Cha. 13.14 Isaack d Gen 47.9 Iacob e Psal 39.14 Dauid and the rest now he hath hoyst vp sailes hee is gone home into his owne Country therefore why shouldest thou grieue at his happy voyage and safe arriuall 10 Thou hast not lost him * Amici mortui non amissi sed praemissi Bern. but left him hee is not dead but departed nay as Christ said of Iairus his Daughter and f Iohn 11.11 Lazarus thy Friend thy Damzell thy Daughter be it hee or shee is not dead but sleepeth and as g Verse 24. Martha beleeued there shall be a time when they shall waken Now what mother grieues that her vnquiet childe sleepes and takes the rest many weepe because their Children will not or cannot sleepe few because they doe sleepe 11 Hee shall be restored vnto thee againe at the Resurrection of the iust euen in his body Psal 17.15 Iob 19.25 Iohn 5.29 as his soule is now immediately gone to God as
did the soule of Lazarus Luke 16.22 of Stephen Acts 7.69 of the penitent Theefe Luke 23.43 yea of CHRIST himselfe verse 46. where it remaines in ioy Mat. 25. v. 21. 23. so the body shall be re-vnited to it againe participating with it in glory h 1 Cor. 2.9 vnspeakeable and i Mat. 25.46 Iohn 3.16.36 1 Thes 4.17 2 Tim. 2.10 2 Cor. 4.17 euerlasting Therefore mourne not excessiuely for him like the Gentiles the Epicures and Sadduces that haue no hope of the Resurrection 12 Though hee cannot come to thee as the dead Diues desired Luk 16.24 yet ere long thou shalt goe to him as Dauid said of his deceased k 2 Sam. 12 23 Childe yea thou shalt in all probabilitie know him againe in thy Glorification as Adam knew Eue in the Creation l Gen. 2.23 and as Peter knew Moses and Elias m Mat. 17.4 in Christs Transfiguration Therefore haue patience for his absence till you meete againe to your more mutuall comfort as n Gen. 46.29.30 Mors non interitus sed introitus non obitus sed abitus Iacob met with Ioseph in a better place 13 His better part is yet liuing his soule is immortall Iohn 11.25.26 onely the Cage of the body is broken and the soule like a Bird hath taken vvings and is at rest 14 His estate is now bettered and farre more blessed then it was of a Bond-man being made a Free-man Freed by Death First from Sinne Rom. 6.7 to which here hee was solde o Rom. 7.14 as Ioseph p Gen. 37.28 was solde to the Ishmaelites Secondly hee is freed from the miseries of this life the punishments of Sinne q Rom. 6 23 as from a prison by this Goale-deliuery Death his paines r Gen. in this life s Lu. 16.25 concluding in the pleasures of the next Thirdly hee is free from the Gunne-shot of the world and from those euils which are fore-told in the last times Mat. 24. Luke 21.25.26 1 Tim. 4.1.2 2 Tim. 3.1 ad 9. Chap. 4. ver 3.4 2 Pet. Fourthly from the vanitie vnder which all the Creatures groane Rom. Fiftly besides hee is with Tryumph and honour recalled from exile and banishment as was once Themistocles amongst the Athenians Iudg. and Iphtah amongst the Israelites to receiue dignities in his owne Country from whence his soule came Now are any Parents sorie when their Children of Bond-men are infranchized of Prentises are made Free-men Is any man grieued that his distressed and disgraced friend is recalled home from Banishment and that by the King himselfe Now this is thy case if thou take paines to apply it 15 In thy exceeding sorrow thou laments what could not be preuented for hee vvas one of the Sonnes of Adam t Gen. 3.19 Heb. 9. vlt. therefore borne to dye u Pro. 26.6 Quod generatur corrumpitur Quod oritur moritur Serius aut citius metam properamus ad vnam hee could not escape the stroke as the Swallow by flying For the God of Nature now confirmes the Principles of Nature that whatsoeuer hath motion by generation must haue a cessation from motion by corruption 16 Thy case is not alone but thou hast millions and thousands both in the Christian and Heathenish world sayling at this instant all along with thee in the Sea of sorrow driuen with the windes of their owne sighes and sobs for the like or greater crosses then thine bewayling publike and priuate calamities Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris Therefore if companions in griefe as the phrase is mitigate griefe then let societie asswage thy Sorrow 17 Thy impatient sorrow 1. hurts thy selfe 2. preiudiceth thy health 3. consumes thy moysture 4. occasionedly shortens thy life 5. Discontents thy friends 6. 1 Cor. 7.16 displeaseth thy God therefore eyther moderate it or leaue it off or which is best of all turne the streame of it from a naturall to a spirituall from a carnall to a Christian sorrow for thy speciall sinnes which is that godly sorrow x Ioel 2.12 13. v. 17. commanded of God y 1 Sam 7.6 Esay 38.3 Mark 9 24 Mat. 26.75 Luke 7. practised by the Saints z 2 Cor. 7.10.11 causing repentance vnto saluation neuer to be repented of Thy extreame sorrow for the dead is as fruitlesse as faithlesse as vnprofitable to the dead or to the liuing to others and thy selfe as vnpleasant therefore let Dauids considerations when his Childe was dead be thy directions 2 Sam. 12.22.23 The Lord is still liuing who is thy Head thy Husband thy Father thy Mother thy brother thy sister all in all vnto thee if thou hearest him belieuest in him and obeyest a Luke 8.21 him therefore as Dauid in another extreamitie comfort thy selfe in the Lord b 1 Sam. 30 6. thy God happy is hee that is ready to leaue all for Christs sake c Mat. 10 37.38.39 that can say with one of the Auncients d Deus meus omnia My God and all things my God my Guide my Rocke my Defence my Saluation e Psal 18.1 therefore that loue which thou diddest beare to them that are gone sequestrate it from the dead and reflexe it vpon God there is danger in our earthly loue whether naturall to our Childe coniugall to our marriage Mate or morrall to our Friend in which vvee may soone offend in the defect of too little or in excesse of too much For which cause God being a f Exod. 20. Iealous God and not enduring that our hearts g Pro. 4.23 should be set on any thing in louing it too much ouer or aboue or besides or equall with himselfe oft depriues vs of our loued Idols Therefore hee hath crost the loues of his dearest Saints in this kinde of two Wiues Iacobs Rachell dyes which hee loued aboue Leah h Gen. 29.30 Ch. 35. v. 18 of twelue Sonnes Iacobs Ioseph is solde his dearling more then the rest i Gen. 37.4 v. 23.24 Ch. 39. of many Children Dauids Absolon and Adoniah k 1 Kin. 1.6 whom hee most pampered soonest perish of all Dauids Friends hee soonest sorrowes for his best Friend his halfe-soule Ionathan Thus perhaps it is with thee thine owne l 2 Sam. 12.3 Sheepe from thine owne bosome thy Turtle-doue thy louing Hinde thy Wife the fayrest male-Lambe in thy Folds thy Heyre and eldest Sonne thy strength thy Reuben or thy Friend thy second selfe is taken from thee perhaps thy heart was more vpon them then vpon God therefore God hath taken away the occasion of thy Idolatry Then there is danger in earthly loue but there is no danger in louing ouer-louing our louing God The speech was as seasoned as the heart was sanctified which I once heard of a young Gentlewoman Lord thou hast depriued mee quoth shee of my deare Husband of mine onely Sonne whom I loued too dearely I see now thou
pined with hunger wanting crummes payned with vlcers wanting comforts reiected of men his best Physicke the Dogs tongues ere hee were carryed by the Angels into Heauen Luke 16. I might instance in the Creeple that was lame from his mothers wombe that sate at the gate of Salomons Temple called Beautifull Acts 3.2 v. 6. and in that other impotent Creeple at Lystra which were both of them healed and helped the one by Peter and Iohn Acts 14. v. 8. the other by Paul and Barnabas Acts In Aeneas that kept his couch eight yeeres sicke of the Palsie yet in the name of Christ made whole Iohn 9. v. 6.7 Acts 9.33.34 In him that was blinde from his birth Iohn 9.2 In those two blinde men that cryed after Christ Mat. 9.27 All which by faith receiued their sight from him that is the light of the world So in those whose Sonnes and Daughters were dispossessed of those tormenting Spirits Mat. 9. v. 29. wherewith from their Cradles they were possessed Marke 9.21 verse 25. Luke 9.42 Mat. 15.22 with all the rest of the halt blinde dumbe maymed c. that were cast downe at IESVS his feete and healed Mat. 15.30.31 If I should set before you in order Dauids suffrings in this kinde you would wonder who though hee were a King a Priest and a Prophet a man after Gods owne heart yet indured dira dura hard and harsh pressures GOD so tempered his cup that hee occasionedly cryes out that by reason of his outward and inward sorrowes there was no health in his flesh no rest in his bones his wounds stincking through corruptnesse his loynes filled vvith sore diseases no sound part in his body his flesh trembling within him and the terrours of death comming about him his heart panting his eyes dimmed his strength failing euery way so perplexed that his extremities cause him not onely to cry and call and complaine and groane but euen to roare and bellow out like an Oxe pricked in the bitternesse of his soule Psal 55.4.5 Psal c. yet for all that so freed so comforted after that his heart was filled with ioy and his mouth with laughter that hee broke forth into prayses vnto his God vvith ioyfull songs for his deliuerance Apply this Mithridate of these examples to thine owne ruptures Did not the LORD loue those whom he so visited as well as hee loueth thee Did hee release those and can hee not release and relieue thee Is the Lords hand shortened that hee cannot helpe or his eare heauy that hee will not heare Esay 59.1 c. 8 Thy dolours are nothing if they be compared with the sufferings and Passion of Christ the Messias Psal 22. Esay 53. neyther in their vehemencie or continuation all his whole life from his Cradle in Bethlem to his Crosse in Golgotha being a dying life or a liuing death exposed to the malice madnesse opprobries and calumnies of his enemies Herod and Herodians Scribes Pharisies Sadduces Iewes Iudas to 1. Pouertie Hunger 2. Thirst Wearinesse c. which miserable life was concluded with such a death so ignominious for the shame of it Phil. 2.8 so dolorous 1. both in respect of paines of body by the Nayles and Thornes in the sinewie parts of the body 2. and of griefes of minde for the ingratitude of the Iewes the treason of Iudas the faintnesse of his Disciples 3. and of the tortures of soule in the apprehension of the wrath of his Father that in his entrance into it hee sweat water and bloud in the Garden in the vndergoing of it hee cryed My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee All concurring together make such a confluence of sorrowes that thy greatest paines are but pleasures and refreshings nay the sufferings of all the Martyres 1. Steuen Iohn Baptist 2. Iames 3. Peter Paul Lawrence c. and the rest doe not poize and paralell it in the least particulars Now canst thou grudge against thy God for afflicting thee deseruedly that art nocent being his Sonne by Adoption when hee imposed so much vpon his owne Sonne by Nature being innocent onely made sinne for thee Rom. 4. vers 25. 9 By these sufferings thou art made conformable to the Image of Christ Rom. 8.29 who by many tribulations entred into glory Luke 24.26 Non debent sub spinoso capite membra esse mollia It is vnseemely for the members to goe one way when the head goes another if thou beest a part of Christs body then a head of thornes must haue pricked members 10 There is no greife so great but the Lord can and will in his due time ease and relieue thee as hee hath promised Psal 50. vers 15. yea from thy most grieuous diseases Exod. 15.20 Psal 34.18 For when did any of the Lords Children cry vnto him but hee heard and holpe them Psal 107.13.14 God is able to helpe he will helpe he knowes how to deliuer his out of euery tentation and will deliuer them Esay 5.2 Esay 59.1 2 Pet. 2.9 11 Christ thy high Priest is touched with a fellow-feeling of thine infirmities hauing had experience of them in thy owne nature Heb. 4.15.16 12 This sickenesse of thine is the Herauld and Summoner of thy death the warning-peece of thy departing it it needfull that this earthly house of thine thy terrestriall Tabernacle be pulled downe piece-meale by sickenesse that thou maist be cloathed with a better house from heauen 2 Cor. 5.1 13 This thy sicknesse is an excellent Tutor to catechize and instruct thee in the Schoole of Christianitie it reades as it were a Diuinitie Lecture vnto thee in Christs owne Colledge 1. of the * Gen 3.18.19 fall of Adam 2. the miseries of man in life 3. his mortalitie in death 4. the desert of sinne 5. thine owne vvretchednesse and vnworthinesse 6. thy corruptions originall 7. thy transgressions actuall 8. the vilenesse of man 9. the Equitie Iustice Maiestie Mercy Goodnesse and Greatnesse of Almightie GOD besides it fits and prepares thee for a better life 14 Remember how many grosse and raigning sinnes this thy sickenesse hath cured or at least curbed in thee besides those which it hath restrained Quod medicina corpori hoc morbus animae how hath it quenched in thee the fire of Lust how hath it pulled downe the head of Pride how hath it brideled thy Anger how restrayned thy Malice how dammed vp the streame of inordinate passions of head-strong lustfull luxurious couetous and carnall affections For to whom sickenesse is sanctified it is Physicall to the soule as medicines are to the body thy soule is sicke of the Lethargie of sinne scorcht with Lust inflamed with the burning Feauer of Concupiscence distempered vvith the cold palsie of Couetousnesse coldnesse of Zeale tympanie of Pride swelling of Aemulation with a number of such like infirmities Now as Physicke is vngratefull to the Patient yet wholesome so is sickenesse to thy body but take it patiently
because God thy Physitian prescribes it for goods ends 15 As this thy sickenesse cures many sins so causarily and occasionedly it preuents many to which thy nature is inclined How many doe liue and lye and snort in sinne soyling their soules with all manner of pollutions that it were better for them to be sicke in their beds How many profane a Heb. 12. Esaw's b Luke 15. prodigall young men loose Libertines like c Ier. 5.8 Horses are neighing after their neighbours Wiues like d Prou. 7.7 Salomons Foole are watching the twilight to sleepe in the house of the strange woman following e Verse 22. her like an Oxe to the slaughter to the very Chamber of Death How f Verse 27. many are drinking daily in Ale-houses Hell-houses or Tauernes in their Germaine healths following the sinnes of g Ezek. 16. Sodome Idlenesse and fulnesse of bread and fulnesse of drinke to like Epicures and Belly-gods till they breake out into all excesse of Riot Blasphemies Oathes Beastialities Swaggerings Swearings Raylings Reuilings h Pro. 23.29 Fightings and Bloud-sheds whose states were better to haue sober soules in sicke bodies then to haue defiled and damned soules in such pampered bodies i Esay 5.11 that are strong to drinke Wine and to poure in new Wine till they be inflamed How many are scraping and scrawling and scratching for this earth in which they wroote and digge like Moales and Swine till they open a pit from which they leape into Hell selling their soules for the Mammon of iniquitie like k Mat. 26.15 Iudas and Demas whose bodies if they were more sickely perhaps their soules would be more healthy and holy and their estate more happy How many Country-men ride and runne like mad men vp and downe to the Citie and in the Citie for the tearme of life from the Innes of Court to Westminster not sparing the very Sabbath to effect their couetous or malicious plots against their neighbours who were safer at home sicke in their beds then here to imploy their strong bodyes and politique pates in the Diuels Office to be accusers and tormenters of their Brethren The Whore that hunts for the precious soule of a man the Theefe that waytes like a Lyon in his Denne to catch his prey the Vsurer that bites to the bones and deuoures the flesh the l Pro. 21.17 Gamester that holds a false Plough the Player and the Pander and all the rest of Sathans Factors that exchange his sinnes for soules liuing in vnlawfull callings vpon the sinnes of the people how much better had it beene for them that their Mothers vvombes had beene their perpetuall beds and graues or that they were all their life time imprisoned in their priuate Chambers tyed to their couches with the cords of sickenesse then to runne head-long in such courses to hell strong and liuely where they shall be chained and pained eternally in the bottomlesse pit Besides how many abuse their outward members and senses in the seruice of sinne and Sathan whose case would be easier in iudgement if they had neuer had them or by diseases were depriued of them The vnchaste Eye that lusts after a woman the window that lets lusts into the soule were it not better pluckt out Oh that Sampson Sichem Potiphars wife and Dauid had beene blinde then when they beheld those beauties that vvere there banes Those whose feete are ready to shed bloud swift to euill as Hazael speedy to runne to sinne how good were it for them to be lame those that haue hands to perpetrate mischiefe were better their hands vvere withered like Ieroboams Oh what a blessing were it to be dumbe to those whose tongues being set on fire on hell are a world of vvickednesse polluting eyther the Name the Word and Workes of GOD by oathes and blasphemies so obliging their guilty soules to condemnation and swift vengeance 2. or the good name of their neighbours by slanders and calumnies 3. or their chastities by filthy and rotten speeches How much better were it for our riotous Libertines and licentious Gentlemen that liue here like the Athenians to doe nothing but heare or see or tell new things to be deafe without eares then to drinke in daily such deadly infection through that sense as the Spunge suckes water from soule-poysoning Playes Now how mercifull is God to thee not onely by this crosse to mortifie sinne in the inward affection but to restraine and refraine thee from the very outward action 16 This thy sickenesse it glorifies God it tends to the glory of God thou art not punished because God hates thee aboue others for those vpon whom the Tower of Siloh fell were no greater sinners then the rest Lu. Neyther did thou or thy Parents perhaps sinne aboue others as Christ said of the blinde man Iohn 9.3 but that the glory of God might appeare both the glory of his power free-will in creating thee so Esay 45. v. 6. v. 9. Esd 4. as also the glory of his might and his mercy in curing thee for so all the miraculous cures that the Lord wrought in the old or new Testament did tend to his owne glory both in the thankefull gratulations of his Saints for them as in their ioyfull promulgations and declarations of them Thus Dauid and m Esay 38.9.10 c. Ezekias in their Eucharisticall Hymnes and Songs of deliuerance after their sicknesse n 2 Kings 5.15 Iohn 9.17 Mat. 8. Luk. 17.16 Naaman his acknowledgement and confession of the true God of Israell the sicke of the Palsie healed the blinde man cured the Centurions seruant recouered the Samaritan cleansed confessing their sinnes proclayming Christs mercies and divulging the Miracles were instruments of Gods glory 17 These thy Maladies are no arguments that God hates thee for in this nature or some other God chasteneth euery Sonne whom he receiueth None euer eyther Patriarkes Prophets or Apostles went to heauen out of the crosse way Mat. 22. by which CHRIST himselfe went to glory Therefore as Christ to shew his loue pittie and compassion to the diseased and distressed inuited the halt blinde and lame to his great Supper and wils others to inuite them to their feasts so hee himselfe will accept them in his Kingdome as he did Lazarus These Cordials may be applyed to euery ordinary visitation but if thy paines be permanent and thy dolours extreame and durable yet thus reuiue thy fainting spirits and strengthen thy selfe by these Meditations 18 THat at furthest they can but continue this short and transitory course of this life they shall expire with death thy dayes flye as fast as the Bird in the ayre the Ship in the Sea the Arrow out of a Bow or the swiftest things in Nature Now thy Diseases are designed vvithin the limits of this briefe and brittle life they haue their date in thy death at which time they bid thee adiew neuer to returne but ioyes to succeede 19