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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A79651 A collection of articles, injunctions, canons, orders, ordinances and consitutions ecclesiastical, with other publick records of the Church of England chiefly in the times of K. Edward VI. Q. Elizabeth, [double brace] K. James, & K. Charles I. Published to vindicate the Church of England, and to promote uniformity and peace in the same. : With a learned preface by Anthony Sparrow, D.D. Lord Bishop of Norwich. Church of England.; Sparrow, Anthony, 1612-1685.; England and Wales. Laws, etc. 1671 (1671) Wing C4094cA; ESTC R173968 232,380 430

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17. which is to be understood mystically also of death spiritual by Excommunication by being cut off from the living body of Christ's Church It being thus cleared by reason and Gods own Rule that such power is necessary for preserving peace and unity it cannot be imagined with reason that our great Master should deny his dear-bought Body such necessaries But not to rest upon the reason why they should be given it may be made to appear that de facto He hath given such power to the Church and that by reciting his gracious Commissions granted to the Church with his Apostles practice and exercise of those powers who best knowing their Lords will and pleasure must be by their practice the best Interpreters of his mind and meaning See then how read we For the power of Jurisdiction we find a large Commission St. John 20. As my Father sent me so send I you and one particular of Jurisdiction there expressed Whosoever sins you bind in Earth they are bound in Heaven a sharp and dreadful sentence worse than that of the sword by so much as the death of the Soul is worse than the death of the Body which in obstinate despisers of that correction doth too certainly follow This power of spiritual censures St. Paul calls the rod of discipline 1 Cor. 4. ult By vertue of this Power and Commission St. Paul delivers the incestuous Corinthian to Satan and casts him out of the Churches Communion 1 Cor 5. And the same St. Paul not only exercises this Jurisdiction himself but also directs his Son Bishop Timothy how to behave himself in the Ordering of these Church-censures 1 Tim. 5.19 not to receive an accusation against a Presbyter under two or three witnesses and when he hath heard to rebuke or censure as the cause requires without partiality or leaning to either side all which speak plainly a Tribunal erected in the Church and acknowledged by the Apostle enough to prove the power of Jurisdiction Then the Legislative of making Laws and Constitutions for regulating manners and determining doubts and controversies it cannot with reason be denied to be granted in that large Commission forecited St. John 20. As my father sent me so send I you For here committing the Government of the Church to his Apostles our Lord Commissions them with the same power that was committed to him for that purpose when he was on earth with the same necessary standing power that he had and exercised as Man for the good of the Church Less cannot in reason be thought to be here granted than all power necessary for the well and peaceable Government of the Church and such a power is this of making Laws this is a Commission in general for making Laws then in particular for making Articles and decisions of Doctrines controverted the power is more explicit and express St. Matth. 28. All power is given to me go therefore and teach all nations that is with Authority and by vertue of that power that is given to me And what is it to teach the truth with Authority but to command and oblige all people to receive the truth so taught And this power was not given to the Apostles persons only for Christ there promised to be with them in that Office to the end ef the world that is to them and their Successors in that Pastoral Office to the Apostles or Bishops that should succeed them to the end of the World This will appear still more clear by St. Paul Heb. 13. where after he had commanded them not to be carried about with divers and strange Doctrines he prescribes this as the preservative against such errors and inconstancy Obey them that have the oversight over you and watch for your souls obey them in the guidance and conduct of your souls in their determinations and decisions about such divers and strange Doctrine all which supposes in those Guides a power to govern and rule us in such doubts and controversies about Doctrines and matters of belief an authority to determine in Controversies of Faith as our Church teaches in her twentieth Article Add to this that St. Paul tells us 1 Tim. 3.15 that the Church is the ground and pillar of Truth And whither then should we go in doubts and controversies for the determination of what is truth but to the ground and pillar of truth For the clearer understanding of this power in the Church know that to this one holy Church our Lord committed in trust the most holy Faith and the whole stock of necessary Christian truth therefore called the ground and pillar of truth This truth she must endeavor to preserve as by stopping the mouths of obstinate gainsayers so by guiding and governing the meek but weak doubters into the truth by determining their doubts and controversies Not that the Church can make Articles of Faith and obtrude them upon the members but that she may and must if the true sense of Faith and holy Scriptures be called in question declare and determine what that sense is which she hath received in trust from Christ and his Apostles commanding under penalties and censures all her children to receive that sense and to profess it in such expressive words and form as may directly determine the doubt Thus she did in the great NICENE Council venerable over all the Christian World when the Arrians had perverted by subtil controversies and questions the true sense of the Creed concerning our Saviors Divinity she first declared what sense of the Creed she had received by constant tradition from the Apostles and then enjoined all Christians to profess that sense by the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the same substance with the Father a word directly determining the controversie in hand Nor did the Christian World ever questian her Authority in this particular And in contriversies about Doctrines where she hath received no such clear determination of either part from Christ and his Apostles she hath power to declare her own sense in the controversie and to determine which part shall be received and prefest for truth by her members and that too under Ecclesiastical penalty and censure which they accordingly are bound to submit to not as an infallible verity but as a probable truth and rest in her determination till it be made plain by as great or a greater Authority that this her determination is an error and if it shall appear to any of the Members to be an errour or if they shall think it so to be by the weight of such reasons as are privately suggested to them yet are they still obliged to silence and peace where the decision of a particular Church is against the Doctrine of the Vniversal not to profess in this case against the Churches determination because the professing of such a controverted truth is not necessary but the preservation of the peace and unity of the Church is This is not to assert Infallibility in the Church but Authority The
of difference whereby Christian men are discerned from others that be not Christned but it is also a sign and seal of our new-birth whereby as by an instrument they that receive Baptism rightly are grafted into the Church the promises of forgiveness of sin and of our adoption to be the sons of God are visibly signed and sealed faith is confirmed and grace increased by vertue of prayer unto God The Custom of the Church to Christen young Children is to be commended and in any wise to be retained in the Church Of the Lords Supper THe Supper of the Lord is not only a sign of the love that Christians ought to have among themselves one to another but rather it is a Sacrament of our redemption by Christs death Insomuch that to such as rightly worthily and with faith receive the same the bread which we break is a communion of the body of Christ likewise the Cup of blessing is a communion of the blood of Christ Transubstantiation or the change of the substance of Bread and VVine into the substance of Christs Body and Blood cannot be proved by holy VVrit but it is repugnant to the plain words of Scripture and hath given occasion to many superstitions For as much as the truth of mans nature requireth that the body of one and the self same man cannot be at one time in divers places but must needs be in some one certain place therefore the body of Christ cannot be present at one time in many divers places and because as holy Scripture doth teach Christ was taken up into heaven and there shall continue unto the end of the world a faithful man ought not either to believe or openly confess the real and bodily presence as they term it of Christs flesh and blood in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was not commanded by Christs Ordinance to be kept carried about lifted up nor worshipped Of the perfect Oblation of Christ made upon the Cross THe offering of Christ made once for ever is the perfect redemption the pacifying of Gods displeasure and satisfaction for all the sins of the whole world both original and actual and there is none other satisfaction for sin but that alone VVherefore the sacrifices of Masses in the which it was commonly said that the Priest did offer Christ for the quick and the dead to have remission of pain or sin were forged fables and dangerous deceits The state of single life is commanded to no man by the Word of God BIshops Priests and Deacons are not commanded to vow the state of single life without marriage neither by Gods law are they compelled to abstain from matrimony Excommunicate persons are to be avoided THat person which by open denunciation of the Church is rightly cut off from the unity of the Church and Excommunicate ought to be taken of the whole multitude of the faithful as an Heathen and Publican until he be openly reconciled by penance and received into the Church by a Iudge that hath authority thereto Traditions of the Church IT is not necessary that Traditions and Ceremonies be in all places one or utterly like for at all times they have been divers and may be changed according to the diversity of Countries and mens manners so that nothing be ordained aginst Gods VVord VVhosoever through his private judgment willingly and purposely doth openly break the Traditions and Ceremonies of the Church which be not repugnant to the Word of God and be ordained and approved by common authority ought to be rebuked openly that other may fear to do the like as one that offendeth against the common order of the Church and hurteth the authority of the Magistrate and woundeth the consciences of weak brethren Of Homilies THe Homilies of late given and set out by the Kings authority be godly and wholsom containing Doctrine to be received of all men and therefore are to be read to the people diligently distinctly and plainly Of the Book of Prayers and Ceremonies of the Church of England THe book which of very late time was given to the Church of England by the Kings Authority and the Parliament containing the manner and form of praying and ministring the Sacraments in the Church of England likewise also the book of ordering Ministers of the Church set forth by the aforesaid Authority are godly and in no point repugnant to the wholsom Doctrine of the Gospel but agreable thereunto furthering and beautifying the same not a little and therefore of all faithful members of the Church of England and chiefly of the Ministers of the word they ought to be received and allowed with all readiness of mind and thanksgiving and to be commended to the people of God Of Civil Magistrates THe King of England is supreme head in Earth next under Christ of the Church of England and Ireland The Bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction in this Realm of England The Civil Magistrate is ordained and allowed of God wherefore we must obey him not only for fear of punishment but also for conscience sake The Civil Laws may punish Christian men with death for heinous and grievous offences It is lawful for Christians at the commandment of the Magistrate to wear weapons and serve in lawful wars Christian mens Goods are not common THe riches and goods of Christians are not common as touching the right title and possession of the same as certain Anabaptists do falsly boast Notwithstanding every man ought of such things as he possesseth liberally to give alms to the poor according to his ability Christian men may take an Oath AS we confess that vain and rash swearing is forbidden Christian men by our Lord Iesu Christ and his Apostle James so we judge that Christian Religion doth not prohibit but that a man may swear when the Magistrate requireth in a cause of faith and charity so it be done according to the Porphets teaching in justice judgment and truth The Resurrection of the Dead is not yet brought to pass THe Resurrection of the dead is not as yet brought to pass as though it only belonged to the soul which by the grace of Christ is called from the death of sin but it is to be lookt for at the last day For then as Scripture doth most manifestly testifie to all that be dead their own bodies flesh and bone shall be restored that the whole man may according to his works have either reward or punishment as he hath lived virtuously or wickedly The Souls of them that depart this life do neither die with the bodies nor sleep idlely THey which say that the souls of such as depart hence do sleep being without all sense feeling or perceiving until the day of judgment or affirm that the souls die with the bodies and at the last day shall be raised up with the same do utterly dissent from the right belief declared to us in holy Scripture Hereticks called Millenarii THey that
Sentence shall bind to submission though the Superiours may err in the sentence Thus God ordered it Deut. 17. that in doubts the Inferiour were to stand to the decision and sentence of the Priests and the Judge and yet their judgement was not infallible 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the whole Assembly the chiefest Senate might err and sin through Ignorance and a sacrifice is appointed for the expiation of their errour Lev. 4.13 Better that Inferiours be bound to stand to such fallible judgment as to quiet submission in such kind of controversies as afore-mentioned than that every man be suffered to interpret Laws and determine controversies which will bring into the Church certain confusion Nor will such submission in the Inferiours be damnable seeing in this submission to Authority they follow Gods method obeying them that have the oversight over them Heb. 13. and keep order of which God is the Author 1 Cor. 14.33 God is not the Author of Confusion but of order and peace as in all Churches of the Saints This Authority in determining doubts and controversies the Church hath practised in all Ages and her constant practice is the best interpreter of her right We read not only of St. Pauls determining controversies about rites and circumstances 1 Cor. 14. but also of the Churches determining controversies of Doctrines and matters of belief in a full Council Act. 15. and requiring submission to those determinations from inferiour members The like did the Church afterwards in her general Councils of NICE CONSTANTINOPLE EPHESUS CHALCEDON And not only the General Councils have exercised this Authority but particular Churches also in National Councils in the Council of ORANGE MILEVIS and others have used the same power over their children whom they were bound to teach and govern and for whose souls they were to account to God and they did no more than was their right so long as they did it with submission to the general Church to whom they are subject Christ said to the Apostles and by this to all the guides of souls that should succeed them in a lawful Ordination he that hears you hears me and he that despises you despises me St. Cypr. Ep. 69. From these premises it plainly follows that our dear Mother the Church of England in makeing these Canons and Articles for determining the controversies in matters of belief which you may see in the ensuing Collection did no more than what was both her right and her duty to do both for the preservation of her peace and the guidance and conduct of the souls committed to her charge and what her care hath been in the exercise of this power for the good of her members ever since the Reformation will evidently to her honour appear by this following Collection made up not without great care and industry of the Publisher By which he hath done our Mother this farther right that now whosoever will may easily see the notorious slander which some of the Roman perswasion have endeavoured to cast upon her That her Reformation hath been altogether Lay and Parliamentary for by the Canons and Articles following which were formerly scattered and hard to be seen by every one now gathered together into a body it easily appears to any that will but open their eyes and read that the Reformation of this Church was orderly and Synodical by the Guides and Governors of souls and confirmed by Supreme Authority and so in every particular as legal as any Reformation could or ought to be Anth. Sparrow Books newly Printed for Robert Pawlet at the Bible in Chancery Lane 1675. AN Historical Vindication of the Church of England in point of Schisme as it stands separated from the Roman and was Reformed I. Elizabeth Written by Sir Robert Twisden Knight and Baronet XIX Sermons Preached by that Eminent Divine Henry Hammond D. D. Published by the Authors own Copies Golden Remains of the ever Memorable Mr. John Hales of Eaton Colledge Also Letters and Expresses concerning the Synod of Dort with many new Additions from an Authentick hand INJUNCTIONS Given by the most Excellent Prince EDWARD VI. By the Grace of God KING of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith And in Earth under Christ of the Church of England and Ireland the Supreme Head To all and singular his loving Subjects as well of the Clergy as of the Laity Imprinted at London by Richard Grafton MDXLVII Injunctions given by the most Excellent Prince Edward the Sixth by the Grace of God King of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and in Earth under Christ of the Church of England and of Ireland the supreme Head To all and singular his loving Subjects as well of the Clergy as of the Laity THE Kings most Royal Majesty by the advice of his most dear Vncle the Duke of Somerset Lord Protector of all his Realms Dominions and Subjects and Governor of his most Royal Person and residue of his most honourable Council intending the advancement of the true honor of Almighty God the suppression of Idolatry and Superstition throughout all his Realms and Dominions and to plant true Religion to the extirpation of all Hypocrisie Enormities and Abuses as to his duty appertaineth doth minister unto his loving Subjects these godly Injunctions hereafter following whereof part were given unto them heretofore by the Authority of his most dear beloved Father King Henry the Eighth of most famous memory and part are now ministred and given by His Majesty All which Injunctions his Highness willeth and commandeth his said loving Subjects by his supreme Authority obediently to receive and truly to observe and keep every man in their offices degrees and states as they will avoid his displeasure and the pains in the same Injunctions hereafter expressed 1. The first is That all Deans Archdeacons Parsons Vicars and other Ecclesiastical persons shall faithfully keep and observe and as far as in them may lie shall cause to be kept and observed of other all and singular Laws and Statutes made as well for the abolishing and extirpation of the Bishop of Rome his pretensed and usurped power and jurisdiction as for the establishment and confirmation of the Kings authority jurisdiction and supremacy of the Church of England and Ireland And furthermore all Ecclesiastical persons having cure of souls shall to the uttermost of their wit knowledge and learning purely sincerely and without any colour or dissimulation declare manifest and open four times every year at the least in their Sermons and other Collations that the Bishop of Rome's usurped power and jurisdiction having no establishment nor ground by the Laws of God was of most just causes taken away and abolished and that therefore no manner of obedience or subjection within his Realms and Dominions is due unto him And that the Kings power within his Realms and Dominons is the highest power under God to whom all men within the same Realms and Dominions by Gods Laws owe most Loyalty and
to use themselves in such wise as may be to Gods glory the Kings honor and the weal of this Realm Thirdly ye shall pray for all them that be departed out of this world in the faith of Christ that they with us and we with them at the day of Iudgment may rest both body and soul with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven ALL which singular Injunctionsr the Kings Majesty ministreth unto his Clergy and their Successors and to all his loving Subjects straightly charging and commanding them to observe and keep the same upon pain of deprivation sequestration of fruits or Benefices suspension excommunication and such other coertion as to Ordinaries or other having Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction whom his Majesty hath appointed for the due execution of the same shall be seen convenient charging and commanding them to see these Injunctions observed and kept of all persons being under their jurisdiction as they will answer to his Majesty for the contrary and his Majesties pleasure is that every Iustice of Peace being required thall assist the Ordinaries and every of them for the due execution of the said Injunctions THE ORDER Of the Communion Imprinted at London by Richard Grafton MDXLVII The PROCLAMATION EDWARD by the Grace of God King of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and of the Church of England and Ireland in Earth the Supreme Head to all and singular Our loving Subjects Greeting For so much as in Our high Court of Parliament lately holden at Westminster it was by Vs with the consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons there assembled most godly and agreably to Christs holy institution Enacted That the most blessed Sacrament of the body and blood of Our Saviour Christ should from thenceforth be commonly delivered and ministred unto all persons within Our Realm of England and Ireland and other Our Dominions under both kinds that is to say of Bread and Wine except necessity otherways require lest any man phansying and devising a sundry way by himself in the use of this most blessed Sacrament of Vnity there might thereby arise any unseemly and ungodly diversity Our pleasure is by the advice of Our most dear Vncle the Duke of Somerset Governour of our Person and Protector of all Our Realms Dominions and Subjects and other of Our Privy Council That the said blessed Sacrament be ministred unto Our people only after such form and manner as hereafter by Our Authority with the advice beforementioned is set forth and declared willing every man with due reverence and Christian behaviour to come to this holy Sacrament and most blessed Communion lest by the unworthy receiving of so high mysteries they become guilty of the body and blood of the Lord and so eat and drink their own damnation but rather diligently trying themselves that they may so come to this holy Table of Christ and so be partakeres of this holy Communion that they may dwell in Christ and have Christ dwelling in them And also with such obedience and conformity to receive this our Ordinance and most godly direction that we may be encouraged from to time time further to travel for the reformation and setting forth of such godly Orders as may be most to Gods glory the edifying of Our Subjects and for the advancement of true Religion Which thing we by the help of God most earnestly intend to bring to effect willing all Our loving Subjects in the mean time to stay and quiet themselves with this Our direction as men content to follow Our Authority according to the bounden duty of Subjects and not enterprising to run a fore and so by their rashness become the greatest hinderers of such things as they more arrogantly than godly would seem by their own private Authority most hotly to set forward We would not have Our Subjects so much to mislike Our Iudgment so much to mistrust Our Zeal as though we either could not discern what were to be done or would not do all things in due time God be praised we know both what by his word is meet to be redressed and have an earnest mind by the advice of Our most dear Vncle and other of Our Privy Council with all diligence and convenient speed so to set forth the same as it may most stand with Gods glory and edifying and quietness of Our people which we doubt not but all Our obedient and loving Subjects will quietly and reverently tarry for God save the KING The order of the Communion First the Parson Vicar or Curate the next Sunday or Holy-day or at the least one Day before he shall Minister the Communion shall give warning to his Parishoners or those which be present that they prepare themselves thereto saying to them openly and plainly as hereafter followeth or such like DEar Friends and you especially upon whose souls I have cure and charge upon day next I do intend by Gods Grace to offer to all such as shall be there godly disposed the most comfortable Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ to be taken of them in the remembrance of his most fruitful and glorious Passion by the which Passion we have obtained remisson of our sins and be made partakers of the Kingdom of Heaven whereof we be assured and ascertained if we come to the said Sacrament with hearty repentance for our offences stedfast faith in Gods mercy and earnest minds to obey Gods will and to offend no more wherefore our duty is to come to these holy mysteries with most hearty thanks to be given to Almighty God for his infinite mercy and benefits given and bestowed upon us his unworthy servants for whom he hath not only given his body to death and shed his blood but also doth vouchsafe in a Sacrament and mystery to give us his said body and blood spiritually to feed and drink upon The which Sacrament being so divine and holy a thing and so comfortable to them which receive it worthily and so dangerous to them that will presume to take the same unworthily my duty is to exhort you in the mean season to consider the greatness of the thing and to search and examine your own consciences and that not lightly nor after the manner of dissemblers with God But as they which should come to a most godly and heavenly banket not to come but in the Marriage-garment required of God in Scripture that you may so much as lyeth in you be found worthy to come to such a Table The ways and means thereto is First That you be truly repentant of your former evil life and that you confess with an unfeigned heart to Almighty God your sins and unkindness towards His Majesty committed either by will word or deed infirmity or ignorance and that with inward sorrow and tears you bewail your offences and require of Almighty God mercy and pardon promising to him from the bottom of your hearts the amendment of your former life And amongst all
others I am commanded of God especially to move and exhort you to reconcile your selves to your Neighbors whom you have offended or who hath offended you putting out of your hearts all hatred and malice against them and to be in love and charity with all the World and to forgive other as you would that God should forgive you And if there be any of you whose conscience is troubled and grieved at any thing lacking comfort or counsel let him come to me or to some other discreet and learned Priest taught in the Law of God and confess and open his sin and grief secretly that he may receive such ghostly counsel advice and comfort that his conscience may be relieved and that of us as a Minister of God and of the Church he may receive comfort and absolution to the satisfaction of his mind and avoiding of all scruple and doubtfulness requiring such as shall be satisfied with a general confession not to be offended with them that do use to their further satisfying the auricular and secret confession to the Priest nor those also which think needful or convenient for the quietness of their own consciences particularly to open their sins to the Priest to be offended with them which are satisfied with their humble confession to God and the general confession to the Church But in all these things do follow and keep the rule of charity and every man to be satisfied with his own conscience not judging other mens minds or acts whereas he hath no warrant of Gods word for the same The time of the Communion shall be immediately after that the Priest himself hath received the Sacrament without the varying of any other Rite or Ceremony in the Mass until other orders shall be provided but as heretofore usually the Priest hath done with the Sacrament of the body to prepare bless and consecrate so much as will serve the people so it shall yet continue still after the same manner and form save that he shall bless and consecrate the biggest Chalice or some fair and convenient Cup or Cups full of Wine with some Water put unto it And that day not drink it up all himself but take one onely sup or draught leave the rest upon the Altar covered and turn to them that are disposed to be partakers of the Communion and shall thus exhort them as followeth DEarly beloved in the Lord ye coming to his holy Communion must consider what St. Paul writeth to the Corinthians how he exhorteth all persons diligently to try and examine themselves or ever they presume to eat of this bread and drink of this Cup for as the benefit is great if with a truly penitent heart and lively faith we receive this holy Sacrament for then we spiritually eat the flesh of Christ and drink his blood then we dwell in Christ and Christ in us we be made one with Christ and Christ with us so is the danger great if we receive the same unworthily for then we become guilty of the body and blood of Christ our Saviour we eat and drink our own d mnation because we make no difference of the Lords body we kindle Gods wrath over us we provoke him to plague us with divers diseases and sundry kinds of death Iudge therefore your selves brethren that ye be not judged of the Lord. Let your mind be without desire to sin Repent you truly for your sins past have an earnest and lively faith in Christ our Saviour be in perfect charity with all men so shall ye be meet partakers of these holy Mysteries But above all things you must give most humble and hearty thanks to God the Father the Son and the holy Ghost for the redemption of the world by the death and passion of our Saviour Christ both God and man who did humble himself even to the death upon the Cross for us miserable sinners lying in darkness and the shadow of death that he might make us the children of God and exalt us to everlasting life And to the end that we should always remember the exceeding love our Master and only Saviour Iesus Christ thus doing for us and the innumerable benefits which by his precious blood-shedding he hath obtained to us he hath left in these holy mysteries as a pledge of his love and a continual remembrance of the same his own blessed body and precious blood for us spiritually to feed upon to our endless comfort and consolation To him therefore with the Father and the holy Ghost let us give as we are most bounden continual thanks submitting our selves wholly to his holy will and pleasure and studying to serve him in true holiness and righteousness all the days of our life Amen Then the Priest shall say to them which be ready to take the Sacrament If any man here be an open blasphemer adulterer in malice or envy or any other notable crime and be not truly sorry therefore and earnestly minded to leave the same vices or that doth not trust himself to be reconciled to Almighty God and in charity with all the world let him yet awhile bewail his sins and not come to this holy Table lest after the taking of this most blessed bread the Devil enter into him as he did into Judas to fulfill in him all iniquity and to bring him to destruction both of body and soul Here the Priest shall pause a while to see if any man will withdraw himself and if he perceive any so to do then let him commune with him privily at convenient leisure and see whether he can with good Exhortation bring him to Grace and after a little pause the Priest shall say You that do truly and earnestly repent you of your sins and offences committed to Almighty God and be in love and charity with your Neighbours and intend to lead a new life and heartily to follow the Commandments of God and to walk from henceforth in his holy ways draw near and take this holy Sacrament to your comfort make your humble confession to Almighty God and to his holy Church here gathered together in his Name meekly kneeling upon your knees Then shall a general confession be made in the name of all those that are minded to receive the holy Communion either by one of them or else by one of the Ministers or by the Priest himself all kneeling humbly upon their knees Almighty God Father of our Lord Iesus Christ Maker of all things Iudge of all men we acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness which we from time to time most grievously have committed by thought word and deed against thy Divine Majesty provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us We do earnestly repent and be heartily sorry for these our misdoings The remembrance of them is grievous unto us the burthen of them is intollerable have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most merciful Father for thy Son our Lord Iesus Christs sake Forgive us all that is
past and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newness of life to the honor and glory of thy Name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Then shall the Priest stand up and turning him to the people say thus Our blessed Lord who hath left power to his Church to absolve penitent sinners from their sins and to restore to the grace of the heavenly Father such as truly believe in Christ have mercy upon you pardon and deliver you from all sins confirm and strengthen you in all goodness and bring you to everlasting life Then shall the Priest stand up and turning him toward the people say thus Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Christ saith to all that truly turn to him COme unto me all that travel and be heavy laden and I shall refresh you So God loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son to the end that all that believe in him should not perish but have life everlasting Hear also what St. Paul saith THis is a true saying and worthy of all men to be embraced and received that Iesus Christ came into this world to save sinners Hear also what St. John saith IF any man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous he it is that obtained grace for our sins Then shall the Priest kneel down and say in the name of all them that shall receive the Communion this Prayer following WE do not presume to come to this thy Table O merciful Lord trusting in our own righteousness but in thy manifold and great mercies we be not worthy so much as to gather up the crums under thy Table but thou art the same Lord whose property is always to have mercy grant us therefore gracious Lord so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Iesus Christ and to drink his blood in these holy Mysteries that we may continually dwell in him and he in us that our sinful bodies may be made clean by his body and our souls washed through his most precious blood Amen Then shall the Priest rise the people still reverently kneeling and the Priest shall deliver the Communion first to the Ministers if any be there present that they may be ready to help the Priest and after to the other And when he doth deliver the Sacrament of the body of Christ he shall say to every one these words following THe body of our Lord Iesus Christ which was given for thee preserve thy body unto everlasting life And the Priest delivering the Sacrament of the blood and giving every one to drrnk once and no more shall say THe blood of our Lord Iesus Christ which was shed for thee preserve thy soul unto everlasting life If there be a Deacon or other Priest then shall he follow with the Chalice and as the Priest ministreth the Bread so shall he for more expedition minister the Wine in form before written Then shall the Priest turning him to the people let the people depart with this blessing THe peace of God which passeth all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and of his Son Iesus Christ our Lord. To which the people shall answer Amen Note That the Bread that shall be consecrated shall be such as heretofore hath been accustomed And every of the said consecrated Breads shall be broken in two pieces at the least or more by the discretion of the Minister and so distributed And men must not think less to be received in part than in the whole but in each of them the whole body of our Saviour Iesus Christ Note That if it doth so chance that the Wine hollowed and consecrate doth not suffice or be enough for them that do take the Communion the Priest after the first Cup or Chalice be emptied may go again to the Altar and reverently and dev●utly prepare and Consecrate another and so the third or more likewise beginning at these words Simili modo postquam coenatum est and ending at these words qui pro vobis promultis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum and withiout any leavation or lifting up Articles to be enquired of in the Visitations to be had within the Diocese of Canterbury in the second year of the Reign of our Dread Soveraign Lord Edward the Sixth by the Grace of God King of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and in Earth of the Church of England and also of Ireland the Supreme Head FIrst Whether Parsons Vicars and Curates and every of them have purely and sincerely without colour or dissimulation four times in the year at the least preached against the usurped power pretended authority and jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome Item Whether they have preached and declared likewise four times in the year at the least that the Kings Majesties power authority and preheminence within his Realms and Dominions is the highest power under God Item Whether any person hath by writing cyphring preaching or teaching deed or act obstinately holden and stand with to extol set forth maintain or defend the authority jurisdiction or power of the Bishop of Rome or of his See heretofore claimed and usurped or by any pretense obstinately or maliciously invented any thing for the extolling of the same or any part thereof Item Whether in their Common-prayers they use not the Collects made for the King and make not special mention of his Majesties name in the same Item Whether they do not every Sunday and Holy-day with the Collects of the English procession say the prayer set forth by the Kings Majesty for peace between England and Scotland Item Whether they have not removed taken away and utterly extincted and destroyed in their Churches Chappels and Houses all Images all Shrines coverings of Shrines all Tables Candlesticks Trindels or Rolls of Wax Pictures Paintings and allother Monuments of feigned Miracles Pilgrimges Idolatry and Superstition so that there remain on memory of the same in walls glass-windows or elsewhere Item Whether they have exhorted moved and stirred their Parishioners to do the like in every of their houses Item Whether they have declared to their Parishioners the Articles concerning the abrogation of certain superfluous Holy-dayes and done their endeavor to perswade the said Parishioners to keep and observe the same Articles inviolably and whether any of those abrogate dayes have been kept as Holy-days and by whose occasion they were so kept Item Whether they have diligently duly and reverently ministred the Sacraments in their Cures Item Whether they have preached or caused to be preached purely and sincerely the word of God in every of their Cures every quarter of the year once at the least exhorting their Parishioners to words commanded by the Scripture and not to works devised by mens phantasies besides Scripture as wearing or praying upon Beads or such like Item Whether they suffer any Torches Candles Tapers or any other lights to be in your Churches but only two lights upon the
preached may be the savour of life unto life and as good seed take root and fructifie in the hearts of all that shall hear it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quoque GRant that by thy Holy Word which from this place shall be read the hearers may both perceive and know what things they ought to do and also may have Grace and Power to fulfil the same Sacram etiam Mensam GRant that all they that shall at any time partake at this Table the highest blessing of all thy Holy Communion may be fulfilled with thy Grace and Heavenly Benediction and may to their great and endless Comfort obtain Remission of their sins and all other Benefits of thy Passion Locum Nuptiarum GRant that such persons as shall be here joyned together in the holy estate of Matrimony by the Covenant of God may live together in holy Love unto their lives end Vniversum denique pavimentum GRant to such bodies as shall be here interred that they with us and we with them may have our perfect consummation and bliss both in body and soul in thine everlasting Kingdom Tum flexis genibus ante sacram Mensam pergit porro GRant that this place which is here dedicated to thee by our Office and Ministry may also be hallowed by the sanctifying power of thy holy Spirit and so for ever continue through thy Mercy O blessed Lord God who dost live and govern all things world without end Grant as this Chappel is separated from all other common and profane uses and dedicated to those that be sacred only so may all those be that enter into it Grant that all wandering thoughts all carnal and worldly imaginations may be far from them and all godly and spiritual cogitations may come in their place and may be daily renew'd and grow in them Grant that those thy servants that shall come into this thy holy Temple may themselves be made the Temples of the Holy Ghost eschewing all things contrary to their profession and following all such things as are agreeable to the same When they pray that their prayers may ascend up into Heaven into thy presence as the Incense and the lifting up of their hands be as the morning sacrifice purifie their hearts and grant them their hearts desire sanctifie their spirits and fulfil all their minds that what they faithfully ask they may effectually obtain the same When they offer that their Oblation and Alms may come up as a Memorial before thee and they find and feel that with such Sacrifices thou art well-pleased When they sing that their souls may be satisfied as with marrow and fatness when their mouth praiseth thee with joyful lips When they hear that they hear not as the word of man but as indeed it is the Word of God and not be idle Hearers but Doers of the same Populus interea tacitè ingressus in imis substitit dum haec in Cancellis agerentur quibus finitis sedes quisque suas jussi capessunt atque ad solennem Liturgiam Sacellani se parant Alter Sacellanorum coram sacra mensa venerans sic incipit IF we say we have no sin we deceive our selves and the truth c. Confessionem Absolutionem Dominic 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 recitant c. Psalmos canunt pro tempore accommodos Ps 84.122 132. alternis respondente populo quibus facultas erat libri Lectio prima definitur ex 28 Gen. à ver primo ad finem Hymn Te Deum c. Lectio secunda ex secundo capite S. Joh. à versu 13. ad finem Hymn Psal 100. I Believe in God c. Et post usitatas Collectas hanc specialem addidit Episcopus O Lord God mighty and glorious and of incomprehensible Majesty thou fillest Heaven and Earth with the Glory of thy presence and canst not be contained within any the largest compass much less within the narrow walls of this Room yet forasmuch as thou hast been pleased to command in thy holy Law that we should put the Remembrance of thy Name upon places and in every such place thou wilt come to us and bless us we are here now assembled to put thy Name upon this place and the Memorial of it to make it thy house to devote and dedicate it for ever unto thee utterly separating it from all worldly uses and wholly and only consecrate it to the invocation of thy glorious Name wherein supplications and intercessions may be made for all men thy sacred Word may be read preached and heard the Holy Sacraments the Laver of Regeneration and the Commemoration of the precious death of thy dear Son may be administred thy Praise celebrated and sounded forth thy people blessed by putting thy Name upon them we poor and miserable creatures as we are be altogether unfit and utterly unworthy to appoint any earthly thing to so great a God And I the least of all thy servants no ways meet to appear before thee in so honourable a service yet being thou hast oft heretofore been pleased to accept such poor offerings from sinful men most humbly we beseech thee forgiving our manifold sins and making us worthy by counting us so to vouchsafe to be present here among us in this religious action and what we sincerely offer graciously to accept at our hands to receive the prayers of us and all others who either now or hereafter entring into this place by us hallowed shall call upon thee And give us all grace when we shall come into the house of God we may look to our feet knowing that the place we stand on is holy ground bringing hither clean thoughts and undefiled bodies that we may wash both our hearts and hands in innocency and so compass thine Altar Jam alter Sacellanus denuo exiens venerans ante sacram Mensam incipit Litaniam in fine cujus recitavit hoc ipse Episcopus O Lord God who dwellest not in Temples made with hands as saith the Prophet yet hast ever vouchsafed to accept the devout endeavours of thy poor servants allotting special places for thy Divine Worship promising even there to here and grant their requests I humbly beseech thee to accept of this days duty and service of dedicating this Chappel to thy great and glorious Name Fulfill O Lord I pray thee thy gracious promises that whatsoever prayer in this sacred place shall be made according to thy will may be accepted by thy gracious favour and returned with their desir'd success to thy glory and our Comfort Amen Post benedictionem populi cantatur Psalm 132. conscenditque suggestum M. Robinson Theol. Bac. Fundatoris summo rogatu Episcopus hoc ei tandem concessit geminas sorores ille atque Fundator in uxores duxerant sed utraque defuncta jam tertiis gaudebat thalamis Concionator Thema ejus desumptum è 28. Cap. Gen. vers 16 17. inter caetera doctè egit de omnipraesentia Divina ubivis Locorum tum speciatim pro beneplacito suo
Porta clauditur Prior Sacellanus pergit legendo sententias illas hortatorias ad Eleemosynas interea dum alter Sacellanus singulos Communicaturos adit atque in patinam argenteam oblationes colligit Collecta est summa 4. l. 12 s. 2. d. quam Dominus Episcopus convertandam in Calicem huic Capellae donandum decernit Caeteris rebus ordine gestis demum Episcopus sacram Mensam redit Sacellanis utrisque ad aliquantulum recedentibus lotisque manibus pane fracto vino in Calicem effuso aqua admista stans ait ALmighty God our Heavenly Father c. Eucharistiam ipse primo loco accipit sub utraque specie proximo loco tradit Fundatori quem jam coram sacra Mensa in genua supplicem collocarant dein utrique Sacellano Ad caeteros vero pergentem Episcopum atque panem iis tradentem prior Sacellanus subsequitur Calicem ordine porrigit Cum vinum quod prius effuderat non sufficeret Episcopus de novo in Calicem ex poculo quod in sacra Mensa stabat effundit admistaque aqua recitat clare verba illa consecratoria Finita tandem exhibitione Dominus Episcopus ad Sacrae Mensae Septentrionem in genibus recitante quoque populo ait OUr Father c. O Lord our Heavenly Father c. GLory be to God on high c. Concludit denique cum hac precatione BLessed be thy name O Lord that it hath pleased thee to put into the heart of this thy servant to erect an house to thy worship and service by whose Pains Care and Cost this work was begun and finished Bless O Lord his substance and accept the work of his hands Remember him O our God concerning this wipe not out this kindness of his that he hath shewed for the house of his God and the offices thereof and make them truly thankful to thee that shall injoy the benefit thereof and the ease of it and what is by him well intended make them rightly to use it which will be the best fruit and to God most acceptable Post haec vota populum stans dimitit cum Benedictione hac THe peace of God which passeth all understanding keep your hearts and Minds in the Knowledge and love of God and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord and the Blessing of God Almighty the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost be amongst you and remain with you always Amen Consecratio COEMETERII STatim à prandio quod in aedibus suis vicinis Fundator Capellae satis lante appararat Domino Episcopo atque convenarum magnae frequentiae ad rem divinam reversis alter Sacellanorum praeit OUr Father c. Post Responsas Psalmus 90. recitatur alternis Post Psalmum Episcopus cum universa multitudine egreditur Capella atque ad Orientalem Coemeterii partem stans denuo sciscitatur Captain Smith for what have you called us hither again Ille schedulam ut prius humillime porrigit quam praefatus à Registris recitat in haec verba IN the name of Richard Smith of Peer-tree in the County of Southampton Esquire R. Reverend Father in God I present unto you the state of the Village of Weston c. ut prius usque ad the River cannot be passed whereby it often cometh to pass that they have been constrained to bury their dead in the open fields the water not being passable or if they durst venture over yet the dead body was followed with so little Company as was no way seemly And thus much formerly having been presented to your Predecessor the R.R.F. in God James late Bishop of Winton and Petition to him made to give and to grant leave unto the said Richard Smith to enclose a piece of ground for a Burial-place on the east side of the said River he favorably gave licence and granted power unto the said Richard Smith so to do as may appear by an instrument under his Episcopal Seal bearing date the 23 of February in the year of our Lord God according to the Computation of the Church of England 1617. Which place of Burial being now enclosed with a decent Rail of Timber at the only proper cost and charges of him the said Richard Smith with intent and purpose that it might be dedicated and consecrated only and wholly for Christian burial for him the said Richard Smith and his Family and the said inhabitants and none other In which respect I beseech God to accept of this sincere intent and purpose and both he and they are together humble Suiters to your Lordship as Gods Minister the Bishop and Ordinary of this Diocess in Gods stead to accept this his free-will offering and to decree this ground severed from all former common and profane uses and to sever it as by the Word of God and prayer and other special Religious duties to dedicate and consecrate it to be a Coemeterie or place of christian burial as aforesaid wherein their bodies may be laid up until the day of general Resurrection promising that they will ever so hold it for holy ground and use it accordingly applying it to no other use but that only and that they will from time to time and ever hereafter as need shall be see it conveniently repaired and fenced in such sort as a Coemetery or Burying-place ought to be Hoc ipsum vero ab Episcopo paucis interrogatis viva voce confirmant Fundator qui è vicinia Lectio prima desumitur è 23. Gen. Secunda Lectio destinabatur è prima Epist ad Cor. cap. 15. à vers 15. ad finem propter angustias temporis omissa Tum Dominus Episcopus in genua ibi submissus precatur O Lord God thou hast been pleased to teach us in thy holy Word as to put a difference between the soul of a Beast and the spirit of a Man for the soul of a Beast goes down to the earth from whence it came and the spirit of a Man returneth unto God that gave it so to make diverse accompts of the Bodies of Mankind and the Bodies of other living creatures in so much as the Body of Adam was resolved on and afterwards the workmanship of thine own hands and endued with a soul from thine own breath But much more since the second Adam thy blessed Son by taking upon him our nature exalted this flesh of ours to be flesh of his flesh whose flesh thou sufferedst not to see Corruption so that the Body returns to the earth and the soul to him that gave it It shall from thence return again it is but a rest and a rest in hope as saith the Psalmist for it is a righteous thing with God that the Body which was partaker with the soul both in doing and suffering should be raised again from the Earth to be partaker also with the soul of the reward or punishment which God in Mercy or Justice shall reward not to one of them alone but joyntly to them both There being then so
Elect from all the Ends of the Earth and especially those who by a mystical union are flesh of thy flesh and in whose hearts thou hast dwelt by Faith we humbly beseech thee for them whose bodies shall in this place be gathered to their Fathers that they may rest in this hope of Resurection to eternal life through thee O blessed Lord God who shalt change their vile bodies that they may be like thy Glorious body according to the mighty working whereby thou art able to bring all things even death and all into subjection to thy self Holy and blessed Spirit the Lord and giver of life whose Temples the bodies of thy Servants are by thy sanctiying Grace dwelling in them we verily trust that their bodis that have been thy Temples and those hearts in which Christ hath dwelt by Faith shall not ever dwell in corruption but that as by thy sending forth thy Breath at first we received our Being Motion and Life in the beginning of the Creation so at the last by the same Spirit sending forth the same breath in the end of the Consummation Life Being and Moving shall be restored us again so that after our dissolution as thou didst shew thy holy Prophet the dry Bones shall come together again Bone to his Bone and Sinews and Flesh shall come upon them and thou shalt cause thy Breath to enter into them and we shall live and this Corruption shall put on Incorruption and this Mortal shall put on Immortality God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost accept sanctifie and bless this place to that end whereunto according to thine own Ordinance we have ordained it even to bestow the Bodies of thy Servants in till the number of thine Elect being accomplished they with us and we with them and with all other departed in the Faith of thy Holy Name shall have our consummation and Bliss both in body and Soul in thy eternal and everlasting glory Blessed Saviour that didst for this end die and rise again that thou mightest be Lord both of the Living and the Dead whether we live or die thou art our Lord and we are thine living or dying we commend our selves unto thee have mercy upon us and keep us thine for evermore Reintrantes igitur Capellam cantant priorem partem Psal 16. Conscendit Suggestum Magister Mathaeus Wren Thema ei posterior pars vers 17. cap. 2. S. Joan. Zelus domus tuae c. Agit de affectibus in Christo Zelo inter caeteros nec illo falso sed pro Deo nec caeco sed secundum scientiam pro Domo pro Cultu Dei de praesentia Dei praecipue in Templis magno non Morum solummodo nostrorum sed Spei quoque Fidei incremento fulcimentoque Deum Locorum distinctione gaudere confirmat tum exemplo mirifico Jacobi tantopere distinguentis Bethel tum maximo omnium miraculo quo Christus Mercatores e Templo ejecit Enarratis Christi per hoc factum devotionibus concludit in debitam à nobis Templorum reverentiam atque istius Fundatoris Encomium meritissimum Cantatur pars reliqua Vespertinae precationes incipiendo jam à Symbolo Apostolico secundum communem Ecclesiae formulam siniuntur FINIS THE TABLE OF THE Principal Matters A. ALmes incouraged to be given Page 9 74 Articles to be Inquired of in Visitations in 2 E. 6. by Archbishop Cranmer Page 25 to 33 Articles to be Inquired of in the Visitation of London by Bishop Ridley 4 E. 6. Page 33 to 39 Articles of Faith agreed in the Convocation 1552 and 1562. Page 39 88 Ale-houses not to be haunted by Ecclesiastical Persons Page 69 177 Almes how to be distributed Page 75 Ale-house-keepers c. not to sell Drink or Victuals in Service time Page 78 An Admonition to simple Men deceived by malicious Page 83 Archbishops or Bishops the forme of their Consecration Page 159 Articles to be Inquired of in the Visitation the First year of Queen Elizabeth Page 175 Articles for Doctrine and Preaching Page 123 Articles for Administration of Prayer and Sacraments Page 124 Articles for Orders in Ecclesiastical Policy Page 125 Articles for outward Apparel of persons Ecclesiastical Page 126 127 Articles of Enquiry one Book thereof to be used at all Parochial Visitations Page 364 Administration of Sacraments Page 121 B. BIble with the Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the Gospels to be provided in all Churches and by the Parson Page 3 6 68 Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost Page 44 Of Baptisme Page 49 101 Book of the Ceremonies and Prayers of the Church of England Page 51 Books to be Licensed and by whom before they be Printed Page 81 Bishops and Ministers their Consecration Page 135 C. CHildren not to be brought up idly Page 2 3 171 Contentious persons forbidden the Sacrament Page 8 74 Ceremonies to be observed but superstitious ones abrogated Page 8 74 Chantery Priests to teach youth to Read and Write Page 10 Common Prayer the form of bidding thereof Page 10 Communion order thereof and Celebration of the same Page 13 17 18 to 25 Creeds three Page 42 93 Christ alone without Sin Page 44 96 Commandments Moral of the Laws to be kept Page 46 Of the Church and Authority thereof Page 46 98 Councels General their Authority Page 47 99 The Chest of the Poor Page 74 Charmes forbidden Page 78 180 Catechisms to be taught Page 79 Cup in the Sacrament not to be denyed to the Laity Page 102 Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical made Anno 1640 16 Car. 1. Page 335 Confirmation thereof Page 337 Conformity of Preaching for it Page 364 Concerning the Conversation of the Clergy Page 365 Chancellors Patents Page 366 Chancellors alone not to censure any of the Clergy in sundry cases Page 367 Concerning Commutations Page 368 Against vexatious Citations Page 371 D. DEscent of Christ into Hell Page 41 91 Disputations about Religion tending to contention forbiddden Page 80 81 Deacons the Form and manner of ordering them Page 135 Disorders Reformed in the Ministers of the Church Page 118 E. ECclesiastical persons not to spend their time idly Page 4 Epistle and Gospel to be read in English Page 6 Excommunicate persons to be avoyded Page 50 103 Excommunication and Absolution not to be pronounced but by a Priest Page 368 F. FAsting days to be observed Page 6 Of Faith in the Holy Trinity Page 41 91 Of free-will Page 43 94 The Form of bidding the Prayers to be used generally Page 85 False Miracles c. to be inquired Page 177 G. OF Grace Page 43 Goods of Christian Men not common Page 51 106 Grammar of H. 8. to be taught and none other Page 79 H. HOlydays to be kept yet they may in Harvest be laboured in Page 7 73 Homilies to be read for lack of Preachers Page 9 50 76 Hereticks called Millenarii Page 52 Heresie not to be maintained Page 78 179 Of the Holy Ghost Page 92 Of Homilies and their Names Page