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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A59963 A hind let loose, or, An historical representation of the testimonies of the Church of Scotland for the interest of Christ with the true state thereof in all its periods : together with a vindication of the present testimonie, against the Popish, prelatical, & malignant enemies of that church ... : wherein several controversies of greatest consequence are enquired into, and in some measure cleared, concerning hearing of the curats, owning of the present tyrannie, taking of ensnaring oaths & bonds, frequenting of field meetings, defensive resistence of tyrannical violence ... / by a lover of true liberty. Shields, Alexander, 1660?-1700. 1687 (1687) Wing S3431; ESTC R24531 567,672 774

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to himself what shall I do in the case Shall I obey and be free Or disobey and suffer Here is Election choice upon mature deliberation And so the deed becomes truly voluntary This will be confirmed if we consider the Law of God Deut. 22. 25. concerning Rapes Where to make the unvoluntareness of the betrothed Virgin she must not only be supposed to strugle resist the attempt made upon her chastitie honour by the villain but she must cry for assistence in that resistence without which she is held in Law willingly to consent to the committing of that wickedness And moreover if we consider the Law vers 13. it will be manifest in order to her escaping of death that when violented and the villain hath committed this villany she is to carry as Tamar when defiled of that beast thô of the blood Royal did 2 Sam. 13. 19. that is to complain cry and crave Justice against him and be wanting in nothing that may bring him to condign punishment This doth aptly correspond to our Case Scotland is the betrothed Virgin We were espoused to Jesus Christ and joyned to Him by a Marriage Covenant never to be forgotten But the Rulers and with them the body of the Land have treacherously broken it yet there is a Remnant that adhere to Him as Head Husband because of which these called Rulers incensed against Him will violently commit a Rape upon them and have them prostitute their bodies their fortunes yea their Souls Consciences to their lusts and thus they will needs ravish the Queen in the Kings presence And so while with displayed banner they declare they will drive our Covenanted Husband out of the Nation and destroy all who will oune Him as such they call for our Assistence Complyance to enable them to accomplish this wickedness Now either must we make all the Resistence that is in our power or the Law judgeth us willingly to consent and because of that we fall in the hands of the righteous Judge and have neither the evidence of our Resisting nor Crying nor pursuing the wicked for this violent Rape to produce and plead upon why Sentence should not pass and the Laws just severity be execute upon us What Alas do they declare they will stone our Husband Ah! for which of His good deeds is this done And shall they make a Law whereby we shall be obliged to furnish them with stones to do it And shall they be obeyed Is this our strugling Is this our Crying Is this our endeavour that the wicked may be brought to condign punishment Oh! let us meditate terror lest we be brought forth as willing Consenters For whatever vengeance the jealous just God shall execute upon them who have committed the Rapt shall equally in its crushing everlastingly confounding weight fall upon them who do not by their-Refusing their Resisting make their unwillingness manifest which in the present Case is their strugling their Crying and calling God and man to witness they are not Consenters but continue constant loyal in their love to their betrothed Husband 6. A formal Consent to the wickedness of these Impositions were the less matter if the payment of them were not also a Concurrence to assist them and a strengthening their hands in it But this is so manifest that the paying of the Cess Locality Fynes Fees c. is a Concurrence with and a Contributing towards the promoving the wicked designs for which they are imposed that he must have a conscience of brass and in a great measure seared who will run upon such a formal Engagement against the Lord and His anointed King in Zion If it was Aarons sin which made the people naked and which brought so great a sin upon them to take and the peoples sin shame to give that Contribution of Golden ear-rings for making a Calf Exod. 32. 3. c. And if it was Gideons sin to take and Israels to give that Contribution of the ear-rings of their prey to make an Ephod Iudg. 8. 25. Then as it is our oppressors sin to take so it must be our sin shame to give their demanded Exaction to help them in erecting such Idols of Jealousie as they have set up and are commanding al● to bow to to provoke the Lord to Jealousie especially when they affrontedly require such Contributions to be payed both as punishments for not assisting and as means to assist in their establishment Should we thus help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord And will not this bring doun wrath upon us from the Lord 2 Chron. 19. 2. Alas instead of Arguing it were more fitt to fall a weeping when it s come to be a question amongst us whether in stead of coming to the help of the Lord against the Mighty we shall really help the Mighty against the Lord and that while they call for our assistence formally upon this declared account As the very inscription of their Acts does carry it in their front requiring a supply to his Majestie c. If this be not a Casting in a Lot among them who can tell what it is Sure it is a preparing a table for that troup and a furnishing a drink-offering unto that number Isai. 65. 31. Seeing it is a supplying them with necessaries to solemnize their Idolatrous fest vities who forsake the Lord and not only forget but lay waste His Holy Mountain for which all that have any accession to it are threatned to be numbered to the sword If any thing be a strengthening the hands of evil doers Ier. 23. 14. certainly this is For as they cannot accomplish their cursed ends without these Exactions so the payment of them is all the present personal publick Concurrence in wageing this war with Heaven that is required of the Nation to wit such a summ to furnish them with all necessaries and maintain the Executioners of their hell-hatched and Heaven-daring Decrees Orders And the Law requiring no more but contributing what is appointed looks equally upon all the Givers as followers of the Command and active Concurrers in complying with its end and carrying on promoving its design and so assoils them from all the statute serverities in case of Deficiencie 7. If it were only a Concurrence in their wickedness to pay those their Exacted supplies it were more easily comported with But I fear it shall be found a hire reward for their wicked service At first they were only enacted exacted as Helps to capacitate this Popish Prelatical Malignant faction to prosecute the war they had undertaken declared against Christ But now having thereby been enabled to carry it through this length that they have almost got all visible Appearances for Christ in ouning His Gospel and propagating His Testimony quite suppressed by means of these Impositions and having got the fields cleared of those that formerly opposed their Course Career and all obstacles
Test of their acknowledgment but they would not accept Deliverance on these termes that they might obtain a better Resurrection Which so enraged the Tygrish Truculency of these Persecuters that they spared neither age sexe nor Profession the tenderness of youth did not move them to any relenting in murdering very boyes upon this head nor the gray hairs of the aged neither were women spared but some were hanged some drouned tied to Stakes within the Sea-mark to be devoured gradually with the growing waves and some of them of a very young some of an old age Especially after the murder of the never to be forgotten Martyr Mr Cargil the multitude of merciless Sufferings upon this account cannot be enumerated which encreased far beyond all the former steps after the Lanerk Declaration which was burnt with great Solemnity by the Magistrats of Edinburgh in their robes together with the Solemn League Covenant which had been burnt before but then they would more declaredly give new demonstrastrations of their rage against it because they confessed and were convinced of its being conforme unto founded upon that Covenant And because the Incorporation of Lanerk did not because they could not hinder the publishing of it therefore they were threatened with the loss of their Priviledges and forced to pay 6000 Merks Upon the back of which the Sufferings of poor People that ouned the Testimony were sadder sharper and further extended than ever Some being banished for Souldiers to Flanders c. some to be sold as Slaves in Carolina and other Places in America to empty the filled Prisons and make room for more ● which were daylie brought in from all quarters and either kept languishing in their ●asty Prisons or Thiefes holes in bolts irons to make them weary of their life or dispatched as Sacrifices and led as dumb Sheep to the slaughter without suffering them to speak their dying words for beating of Drums or disposed of to Masters of Ships to be transported in Slaverie 5. Had they satisfied themselves with murdering them out of hand it would have been more tolerable and reckoned some degree of mercy in comparison of their malice which after all their endeavours to murder their Souls by ensnaring Offers enslaving Bonds blasphemous contradictory Oaths and multiplying captious Questions to catch the Conscience or at least vexe the Spirits of the Righteous whom they could not prevail with to put forth their hands into iniquity did proceed to invent all exquisite torments more terrible than death Some at their first apprehending were tortured with Fire-matches burning and for ever thereafter disabling their hands Then laid fast locked up in great Irons upon their legs where they lay many Moneths in the cold of winter without any relaxation Some were tortured with the Boots squeezing out the marrow of their legs Others with Thumbkins piercing bruising the bones of their thumbs And some tormented with both one after another and besides kept waking nine nights together by watchful Souldiers who were sworn not to let the afflicted person sleep all that time 6. All this Tyranny had been the more tolerable if they had kept within any bounds of colourable or pretended shadow of legality or in any consonancy to their oun wicked Lawes or exemplars of any former Persecutions But in an ambition to outdo all the Nero's Domitians Dioclesians Duke d' Alva's or Lewis de Grands they scorned all formes as wel as Justice of Law and set up monstrous Monuments of unprecedented illegalitie inhumanitie For when after all their hornings harrass●ngs huntings searchings chasings catchings imprisonments torturings banishments and effusions of blood yet they could not get the Meetings crushed either in publick or private nor the zeal of the poor Wanderers quenched with whom they had interdicted all harbour supply comfort refreshment converse or corrospondence and whom they had driven out of their oun all other habitations in Touns Villages or Cottages to the Deserts Mountains Moors Mosses in whose hags holes they were forced to make Dens Caves to hide themselves but that they would still meet for the Worship of God either in Publick though mostly in the cold winter nights or in their Private fellowships for Prayer Conference and to rescue their Brethren and prevent their Murder in these extremities would surprize and take advantages of the Souldiers now then They then raged beyond all bounds and not only apprehending many innocent persons against whom they had nothing to accuse them of but because they could not satisfie them in their Answers sentenced and executed them all in one day and made an Act to do so with all but allowed the bloody Souldiers to murder them without either Tryal or Sentence Especially after the Apologetical Declaration affixed on the Church-doors they acted with an unheard of Arbitrariness For not only did they frame an Oath of Abjuration renouncing the same but pressed it universally upon pain of death upon all men women in City Country and went from house to house forcing young old to give their judgement of that Declaration and of the Kings Authority c. to ridicule and reproach and make a Ludibrum of all Government yea impowered Souldiers common Varlets to impannel Juries condemn cause to be put to death innocent Recusants and having stopt all Travel Commerce without a Pass signifying they had taken that Oath they gave power to all Hostlers Inn-keepers to impose Oaths upon all Passengers Travellers Gentlemen or Countrymen who were to swear that their Pass was not forged And Prisoners that would not take the Oath were according to the foresaid Act condemned sentenced execute all in one day and early in the morning that the People might not be affected with the Spectacles of their bloody Severities Yea Spectators also that gathered to see the execution were imposed upon and commanded to give their judgement whether these men were justly put to death or not And not only so but after that they gave Orders Commands to to the Souldiers to pursue the chase after these Wanderers more violently and shoot or other wise put them to death wherever they could apprehend them Whereby many were taken instantly most inhumanely murdered IV. In the begining of this killing time as the Country calls it the first Author Authorizer of all these Mischiefs Charles II. was removed by death Then one would have thought the Severity would have stopped And the Duke of York succeding in his late Proclamation would make the world beleeve that it never was his principle nor will he ever suffer violence to be offered to any mans Conscience nor use force or invincible necessity against any man on the account of his persuasion Smooth words to cover the mischiefs of his former Destructions and the wickedness of his future designs To which his former celebrated saying that it would never be well till all the south-syd of Forth were