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A51839 XVIII sermons on the second chapter of the 2d Epistle to the Thessalonians containing the description, rise, growth, and fall of Antichrist : with divers cautions and arguments to establish Christians against the apostacy of the Church of Rome : very necessary for these times / by that late reverend and learned divine, Thomas Manton ... Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677. 1679 (1679) Wing M522; ESTC R7577 216,743 470

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Picture of Iupiter on the Wall committing Adultery Quo pacto se non faceret cum in Templo adorare cogeretur Jovem potius quam Catonem But our God is Pure as appeareth by his Laws which are all Holy Just and Good Psal. 119.140 Surely such holy Precepts could come from none but a Pure and Holy God As also by the Work of his Spirit on his People Ephes. 4.24 And that ye put on the New Man which after God is created in Righteousness and true Holiness And 2 Cor. 3.18 We all with open Face beholding as in a Glass the G●ory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. He puts into us a Nature that is very tender and shie of Sin troubled at it in others 2 Pet. 2.7 8. And delivered just Lot vexed with the filthy Conversation of the Wicked For that Righteous Man dwelling amongst them in seeing and hearing vexed his righteous Soul from day to day with their unlawful Deeds He that made the Eye shall not he see He that put into us a clean Heart is not he Pure and Holy This appeareth also by the dispensations of his Providence Hab. 1.13 Thou art of purer Eyes than to behold Evil and canst not look on Iniquity Wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously and holdest thy Tongue when the Wicked devoureth the Man that is more Righteous than he Judgments on Sinners so on his own People Prov 11.31 Behold the Righteous shall be recompenced in Earth much more the Wicked and the Sinner As for Instance in David The Child died his Daughter is defloured Ammon slain Absolon is in Rebellion his Wives Ravished himself Banished from his House and Kingdom Eli's Sons slain the Ark taken his Daughter-in-Law died himself brake his Neck But chiefly in the very Foundation of the Gospel the Son of God dieth a Shameful Painful Accursed Death before God wou●d relax the Rigour of his Law and set a-foot the Gospel And all that there might be a perfect Demonstration of his Justice and Holiness and displeasure against Sin Rom 8.3 For what the L●w could not do in that it was weak through the Flesh God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful Flesh and for Sin condemned Sin in the Flesh. 2. The very nature of this Calling enforceth this Sanctification or setting Man apart from a common to a sacred use For it is a calling us not only from Misery to Happiness but from Sin to Holiness and the one is indispensibly necessary to the other For none but those who are in an holy Estate can be in a blessed Condition Our calling is sometimes called a Heavenly Calling Heb. 3.1 Sometimes an Holy Calling 2 Tim. 1.9 Therefore the chief subordinate end is Holiness Rom. 1.7 Called to be Saints from the Devil the World and the Flesh to God 3. The grace and favour which is shewed in our Calling obligeth us to be Holy in point of Gratitude For when we consider in what a sinful estate God found us how freely he loved us and that with a discriminating differencing Love when he passed by others worthier than we and to what estate he is ready to advance us to the enjoyment of himself amongst all those that are Sanctified by Faith All these are as so many strong Bonds and Obligations upon us to walk worthy of God who hath called us to his Kingdom and Glory in Iesus Christ 1 Thess. 2.12 Worthy of his Grace in Calling worthy of the Glory to which we are Called that is with the worthiness of Condecency not of Condignity We cannot fully answer this Grace but we must do that which will become it 4. This Calling enableth us to be Holy because it giveth us all things necessary both to holiness of Heart and Life 2 Pet. 1.3 According as his Divine Power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto Life and Godliness through the knowledg of him that hath called us to Glory and Vertue Now this Grace must not lie idle otherwise we receive the Spirit in vain 2. The Ultimate end to obtain the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. The same expression is 2 Pet. 5.10 The God of all Grace who hath called us to his Eternal Glory by Christ. Iesus It is his Glory Mark 1. Here is Glory 2. It is the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1. It is Glory for Body and Soul the Glory is so great we cannot utter it and conceive it Now a little is revealed to us but then it shall be revealed in us 1. The Soul is not annihilated after Death nor doth it sleep till the Resurrection nor is it detained by the way from immediate passing into Glory but assoon as it is loosed from the Body is admitted into God's Presence and gathered unto the Souls of just Men made perfect where it seeeth God and loveth him and enjoyeth what it seeth and loveth For as soon as we are loosed from the Body we are present with the Lord. And therefore t●e first benefit we receive in the other World is the Salvation of the Soul 1. Pet. 1.9 Receiving the end of your Faith even the salvation of your Souls It flitteth hence to God 2. The Body hath its glory also in due time For when it is raised up out of the Grave it will be another kind of Body then we now have both for Impassibility Clarity Agility For Impassibility called Incorruption Clarity called Glory Agility called Power Subtilty called a Spiritual Body by the Apostle 1 Cor. 15.42 43. It is sown in Corruption it is raised in Incorruption It is sown in Dishohonour it is raised in Glory It is sown a Natural Body it is raised a Spiritual Body 1. Impassibility doth not only exclude Corruption for so the Bodies of the Damned are preserved for ever but all grievance● and pain Rev. 21.4 There shall not be any more pain 2. For Glory a shining Brightness The Righteous shall shine as the Sun in the Kingdom of the Father Matth. 13.43 Stephen's Face shone in this Life as it were the Face of an Angel Acts 6.15 And Moses his Face shone by Converse with God in the Mount Exod. 34.30 Our Bodies shall be likened unto his glorious Body Phil. 3.21 In the Transfiguration His Face did shine as the Sun and his Rayment did shine as the Light 3. For Vigour Activity and Strength It shall always be in the height and excellency of it God preserved Moses his natural Vigour for a long time Deut. 34.7 but glorified Bodies shall for ever remain in an eternal spring of Youth 4. Subtilty as Spiritual Body Here we live an animal Life after the manner of Sensitive Creatures maintained by Meat Drink Sleep But hereafter the Body shall live after the manner of Spirits having no need or use of these things There we are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Angels of God Matth. 22.30 and 1 Cor. 6.19 Our Bodies
Sometimes the way of internal Government by terrors of Conscience or punishing sin committed with sin permitted both these parts are seen in punishing both the godly and the wicked as for instance in the godly in the way of external Government 1 Cor. 11.32 But when we are judged we are chastned of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the World In the way of internal Government the lesser penal withdrawings of the Spirit which Gods people find themselves after some sins and neglects of grace are grievous But the Judgments upon the Souls of the ungodly are most dreadful when the sinner is either terrified or stupi●ied terrified by horrors of Conscience 1 Cor. 15.56 The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the Law or stupified by being given up to their own hearts Counsels Psal. 81.12 So I gave them up unto their own hearts lusts and they walked in their own Counsels So that the Sinner is left dull and senseless and past feeling Eph. 4.18 Having the understanding darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart by the first by horrors of Conscience they are made to feel Gods displeasure at the courses they walk in but when that is long depised and men sin on still then the other and more terrible Judgment cometh For the giving up a Sinner to his own lusts and his losing all remorse is the last and sorest Judgment on this side Hell 3. As to Gods internal Judgments the Scripture chiefly insists upon two parts of this internal dispensation blindness of mind and hardness of heart they usually go together Blindness of mind is spoken of Iohn 12.39 40. Therefore they could not believe because that Esaias said again he hath blinded their eyes and hardned their hearts that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them All passages are obstructed whereby the word might enter and work Conversion unto God It was God laid this punishment of blindness upon them Hardness of heart in that famous instance Exod. 4.21 I will harden Pharaohs heart God doth not make them that see blind nor them that are soft hard but leaveth them to their own prejudice obstinacy and unperswadeableness and that when highly provoked The former is under our consideration 4. To understand Gods concurrence as a Judge we must not say too much of it nor too little We must not say too much of it lest we leave a stain ●nd blemish upon the divine Glory God infuseth no sin no blindness nor hardness into the hearts of men all influences from Heaven are good he conveyeth no deceit into the minds of men immediately nor doth he command or perswade men to oppose the truth Nor doth he impe● or excite their inward propensions so to do All this belongeth not to God but either to man or Sathan Nor must we say too little as for instance God is not said to blind or harden by bare prescience or foresight that they will be blinded or hardned because God foreseeth other things and yet they are not ascribed unto God as that men will kill or steal or do wrong and yet God is not said to kill or steal as he is said to blind and harden and therefore there is a difference between Gods concurrence to this effect and other sins Nor only by way of manifestation as if this were all the sense that in the course of his Providence God doth in the issue declare how blind and hard they are That some other thing is meant by it is seen in the Prayers by which we deprecate this heavy Judgment As when the Saints pray Isa. 63.17 Lord harden not our hearts from thy fear or David Psal. 119.19 Lord hide not thy Commandments from me They mean not thus Lord shew not to the World how hard and blind I am but cure my blindness and hardness of heart keep back this Judgment from me Again we must not say that all that God doth is a bare naked and idle permission as if it happened besides his will and intention and God had no more to do in it than a man that standeth on the shore and seeth a Ship ready to be drowned he might have he●ped it but permitted it No besides all this there is not a bare permission only but a permissive intention and a judicial sentence which is seconded by an active Providence Many things concur to the blinding of the mind and hardning of the heart all which God willeth but justly The wicked take occasions of their own accord to blind and harden themselves Sathan tempteth of his own ma●ice but all this could not be done with effect and success without the will of God There is a supreme power over-ruling and ordering all that is done in the World 5. Gods concurrence may be stated by these things 1. His withdrawing or taking away the light and direction of his Holy Spirit Deut. 29.4 The Lord hath not given you an heart to perceive nor eyes to see nor ears to hear unto this day Now when God lets them loose to their own hearts Counsels then they fall into damnable errors A Greyhound held in by a slip or Collar runneth violently after the Hare when it is in sight as soon as the slip and Collar is taken away the restraint is gone and his inbred disposition carryeth him So men that are greedy of Worldly things are powerfully drawn into errors countenanced by the World when God taketh off the restraint of his Grace and giveth them up to their own lusts Now herein God is not to be blamed for he is Debtor to none and the grace of his Spirit is forfeited by their not receiving the love of the truth He is so far from being bound to give grace that he seemeth to be bound in Justice to withdraw what is given already by mens wickedness and ingratitude Voluntary blindness bringeth penal blindness And because men will not see they shall not see And when they wink hard and shut their eyes against the light of the Gospel it is just with God in this manner to smite them with blindness And since they had no love to the truth they are given up to errors and deceits And because they despise the Holy Scriptures they doat on vain Fables And would not take up a course of sound Godliness and Holiness he suffereth them to weary themselves with sundry superstitions 2. Not only by desertion but by tradition delivering them up to the power of Sathan 2 Cor 4.4 The God of this world hath blinded their eyes Sathan as the Executioner of Gods Curse worketh upon the corrupt nature of man and deceiveth them It is said 1 Chron. 21.1 Sathan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel But it is said 2 Sam. 24.1 And the Anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel and he
Negatively they believed not the truth That is received not the Gospel in the simplicity of it as revealed by Christ and his Apostles and recorded in the Scriptures but wilfully and for their interests sake gave up themselves to these corruptions 2. Positively had pleasure in unrighteousness in the 10 th verse it was They received not the love of the truth Now when the meritorious cause is repeated there is something more added They had a love to and delight in other things 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Here two things must be explained 1. What is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unrighteousness 2. What is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 taking pleasure in unrighteousness 1. What is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unrighteousness Righteousness is giving every one his due and denying them their due is unrighteousness There is a giving man his due and a giving God his due Matth. 22.21 Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesars and unto God the things that are Gods Righteousness is often put for giving man his due Titus 2.12 That we should live soberly righteously c. and giving God his due which is worship and reverence Psal. 29.2 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name And again Ps. 96.8 Give unto the Lord the glory due to his name bring an offering and come into his Courts Now this unrighteousness here spoken of is principally meant in the latter sense False ways of worship are the greatest unrighteousness that can be practised For the duty that we owe to God is the most righteous thing in the World Now by false worship you withdraw the Glory of God from him and communicate it to another Worship is his own proper due both by the light of nature and Scripture and therefore the Gentiles which had the light of nature are said to detain the truth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 1.18 why the reason is rendred in the after Verses 23. They changed the glory of God into an Image made like a corruptible man Ver. 25. They changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the Creature more than the Creator This was their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their unrighteousness or injurious dealing with God So the Antichristians that had the light of Scripture though under palliated pretences changed the truth of God into a lie loved their own errors more than simple and plain Christianity or the true knowledge of God and diverted the worship from himself unto an Idol 2. They had pleasure in unrighteousness in these things they please themselves not lapse into it out of simple ignorance and error of mind And so the Apostle parallels the two great Apostasies That from the light of nature and that from the light of the Gospel Light of nature Rom. 1.32 Not only do these things but have pleasure in them that do them Light of Scripture Have pleasure in unrighteousness they are mad upon their Idols and Images not only are Idolaters but delight in Idolatry and Image-worship Psal. 97.7 That boast themselves of Idols Now to observe some things 1. Errors of Judgment as well as sins of practice may bring damnation upon the Souls of men All sins do in their own nature tend to damnation Rom. 6.23 For the wages of sin is death And Errors of Judgment are sins for they are contrary to the rule or law of God 1 Joh. 3.4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the Law for sin is the transgression of the Law Any swerving from the Law is sin And they are inductive of other sins for if the eye be blind the whole body is full of darkness Matth. 6.23 It perver●s our zeal There is nothing so mischievous wicked and cruel that a man blinded with error will not attempt against those that differ from him Ioh. 16.2 They shall put you out of the Synagogues yea the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doth God service A blind Horse is full of metal but ever and anon stumbleth Therefore if a man be not guided by sound Judgment his zealous affections will precipitate him into mischief As the Jews that persecuted Christ and his Apostles had a zeal of God but not according to knowledge Rom. 10.2 So the Popish Zealots with what fury have they persecuted the innocent and sincere servants of Christ The Papists would be angry if we should not reckon St. Dominick a zealous man and the poor Albigenses felt the bitter effects of that zeal in the destruction of many thousands by inhumane Butcheries and Villanies about Tholouse c. The Lord deliver us from the furies of transported brain-sick Zealots 2. Though all errors may bring damnation upon the Souls of men yet some more especially than others may be said to be camning As 2 Pet. 2.1 Some shall bring in damnable Heresies Now this may be either from the matter or manner of holding them 1. From the matter if destructive of the way of Salvation by Christ. Some are utterly inconsistent with Salvation and eternal life as errors in the fundamentals in Religion As suppose that a man should reject or refuse Christ after a sufficient proposal of the Gospel to him there is no question but this is damning unbelief Joh. 3.19 And this is the condemnation that light is come into the World and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil But yet we are not to say that alone damneth There are other things necessary to Salvation contained under that general truth The Scripture saith Joh. 17.3 And this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent There is the sum of what is necessary to Salvation That God is to be known loved obeyed worshipped and injoyed and the Lord Jesus to be owned as our Redeemer and Saviour to bring us home to God and to procure for us the gifts of pardon and life and this life to be begun here and perfected in Heaven Other things are of moment to clear these necessary truths but they may be all reduced thereunto The truth is the question about the matter to be believed is not what divine Revelations are necessary to be believed or rejected when sufficiently proposed for all points without exception are so but what are simply and absolutely necessary to eternal life and these are points of faith and practice and obedience The points of Faith are a knowledge of God in Christ and practice that we be regenerated Joh. 3.5 Except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God And live an holy life Heb. 12.14 Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. 2. For the manner 1. When men profess what they believe not and voluntarily chuse error for Worldly ends though it be a less error against the Scripture and consistent with the main tenour of Salvation yet it taken up against Conscience for by-ends
of the love of the Truth rather than because you are out of the reach of the temptation However it is a great mercy that God keepeth off the Temptation till we are better setled in Religion 2. That the Election of God giveth a People great advantages against Errors especially against the impostures of Antichrist for when he speaketh of the sad estate of those who are seduced by the Man of Sin he presently addeth but we are bound to give thanks to God for you for he hath chosen you to Salvation You will say the Thessalonians received the Gospel before these corruptions were brought into the Church but though Antichrist was not then in being and this corrupt Christianity not then set a foot yet there were some preparations for it The mystery of iniquity already worketh and they were preserved from the taint of it by the Election of God for either God suffereth not the Elect to be deceived in momentous points or sooner or later he reduceth them the purpose of God according to Election must stand Rom. 9.11 Rom. 11.7 The Election hath obtained and the rest were blinded So 2 Tim. 2.18 19. They have overthrown the faith of some nevertheless the Foundation of the Lord standeth sure Still the Elect of God escape the seduction and especially Antichristian Error Rev. 13.8 The dwellers upon Earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life 3. How careful we should be to support the Hearts of God's People when we speak of his terrible Judgments on the wicked This was the practice of the Apostles every where as when the Author to the Hebrews had spoken of the dreadful estate of Apostates whose end is to be burned Heb. 6.9 But we are perswaded better things of you and things that accompany Salvation though we thus speak he did not condemn them all as Apostates nor would not discourage them by that terrible Threatning So again after another terrible passage Heb. 10.39 But we are not of them that draw back to perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the Soul Once more when another Apostle had spoken of the Sin unto death which is not to be prayed for he presently addeth 1 Joh. 5.18 19. Whosoever is born of God sinneth not but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and that wicked one toucheth him not And we know that we are of God and the whole World lieth in wickedness Zuinglius saith Bone Christiane h●●c nihil ad te c. Good Christian this is not thy portion when he had flashed the terrours of the Lord in the face of Sinners The reasons of this are partly with respect to the Saints who sometimes out of weakness and infirmity and sometimes out of tenderness of Conscience are apt to be startled electorum corda semper ad se sollicite pudeant Gregor We deserve such dreadful Judgments and therefore fear them partly with respect to our selves that we may rightly divide the Word of Truth 2 Tim. 2.15 Study to shew thy self approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth Give every one his portion not make their hearts sad whom God would not make sad and therefore they are much to blame who in reproving Sinners stab a Saint at the Heart and take the doctrine but for a colour to make a perverse application The Apostle here useth more tenderness God shall send them strong delusion But we are bound always to give thanks for you Brethren beloved of the Lord because the Lord hath from the beginning chosen you to Salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth In the words are two things 1. An acknowledgment of this obligation to give thanks for them But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you Brethren c. 2. The matter or particular cause of his thanksgiving because the Lord hath from the beginning chosen you to Salvation c. First There are 1. the Titles he giveth Brethren and Beloved of the Lord they were not only beloved of the Apostle but the Lord himself both with an antecedent Love bestowing Grace upon them and also a consequent Love they believing in his Name living according to his Precepts suffering for the Truth 2. His obligation to bless God in their behalf we are bound to give thanks to God always for you There is first giving thanks which sheweth his esteem of the blessing 2. Always which s●eweth how deeply he was affected with it 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 We are bound he acknowledgeth a Debt and bond of Duty we must not only give thanks to God for our own Election but the Election of others Out of the law of Brotherly Love we loving them as our own Souls respect to the Glo●y of God which is promoted by the Salvation of others as well as our selves 2. The matter of the thanksgiving their Election to Salvation which is two ways amplified 1. By the Antiquity of it from the beginning that is from everlasting for so it is taken sometimes as Joh. 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God That is before the first point of time before God began to create all things 2. From the means of its accomplishment two are mentioned one on God's pa●t the sanctification of the Spirit The other on ours the belief of the Truth From the whole observe Doct. That the great matter of our thanksgiving to God is his eternal Election of us whether for our selves or others This is that which leaveth a Debt or an indispensible Obligation always to bless and praise his Name In pursuing this Point I shall first consider how Election is here set forth 2. Give you the reasons why this is the great matter of thanksgiving 1. How it is here set forth 1. By the rise of it which is the meer love of God for he calleth these Brethren ●eloved of t●e Lord. And that the only original cause and motive of Election is God's Love and Grace this is asserted in other Scriptures As for instance in the Types of Election and Reprobation Rom. 9.13 Iacob have I loved and Esau h●ve I hated God's respect to Iacob above Esau is ascribed to his love So to the posterity of Iacob whom he distinguished from other Nations Deut. 7.7 8. The Lord did not set his love upon you and choose you because ye were more in number than any People for ye were the fewest of all People but because the Lord loved you And still the Lord's Election is an Election of Grace There is no antecedent worthiness in the People whom he chooseth 2 Tim. 1.9 not according to our Works but according to his own Purpose and Grace which was given in Christ Iesus before the World began Now Grace is nothing but the Love of God working freely and of its own Inclination 2. The Act it self he hath chosen you making a distinction
3. Carry it so as those to whom God hath given grounds of everlasting Consolation We are up when we have the World with us but dead in the Nest when our temporal Dependencies are broken The Covenant is the same still and there should be your Hope and your Joy 2 Cor. 1.20 All the Promises of God in him are Yea and in him Amen unto the Glory of God by us 2 Sam. 23.5 Although my House be not so with God yet he hath made with me an everlasting Covenant ordered in all things and sure for this is all my Salvation and all my desire although he ma●e it not to grow Heaven is where it was the World cannot make void your Interest in it Therefore you should rejoice in the Lord always Phil. 4.4 Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice SERMON XVI 2 Thess. 2.16 And good hope through Grace WE now come to the third ground of Audience and Acceptance he hath given us good hope through Grace This sheweth how we entertain the everlasting Consolation offered in the Gospel with good Hope and this wrought in us by God Here is 1. The Gift good Hope 2. The moving Cause through Grace Doct. That it is a great advantage when we pray for Consolation and Confirmation in Holiness to consider that God hath already given us the Hope of Eternal Life Here I shall 1. Open the Gift 2. Shew what incouragement this is in Prayer In the opening the Gift let me inquire 1. What is this good Hope mentioned and what are the Properties of it 2. That this is the free Gift of God 1. What is this good Hope Hope is sometimes put for the Object or Thing hoped for As Prov. 13.12 Hope deferred maketh the Heart sad That is the delay of the good expected is very tedious and troublesome to us So in Christian Hope Col. 1.5 For the Hope which is laid up for you in Heaven Where Hope is put for the Object of it the blessed and glorious Estate which is reserved for us hereafter The great objects of Hope which yet do not exclude intervening Blessings are these 1. The coming of Christ to o●r Comfort Tit. 2.13 Looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Iesus Christ. 1 Pet. 1.13 Gird up the loins of your Minds and be sober and hope to the end for the Grace that is to be ●rought unto you at the Revelation of Iesus Christ. Hope is there described by its singular Object the coming of Christ called there the Revelation of Christ. Christ is now under a Vail his Bodily Presence being removed and his Spiritual Glory seen but darkly as in a Glass but then he shall appear in Person and in his Glory When Christ withdrew out of sight our Comfort seemed ●o be gone with him but he will come ag●in he is not gone in anger but about Business to set all things at rights against the day of solemn Espousals and then he cometh to possess what he hath purchased and to carry the Church into the everlasting place of her Abode This is the great Hope of Christans and a blessed and good Hope it is indeed 2. The Resurrection of the Dead Acts 2.36 My flesh shall rest in Hope Acts 24.15 I have hope towards God tha● there shall be a Resurrection both of the Iust and Vnjust Acts 26.6 7 8. Now I stand judged for the hope of the Promise made unto the Fathers unto which Promise our twelve Tri●es instantly serving God day and night hope to come Why should it be thought an incredible thing with you that God should raise the Dead Death seemeth to make void all the Promises at once but there is an estate after Death the Dead shall rise and to Men bred up in the Bosom of the Church this should not seem incredible It is not incredible in it self considering the Justice and Power of God But why to you Since all Religion tendeth to it But it is a matter of undoubted certainty all Believers do look for long for and prepare for this Blessedness otherwise why should they trouble themselves about Religion which abridgeth us of present Delights and exposeth us to great Difficulties and Sufferings But there is another Life after this where all is happy and joyful and therefore we serve God instantly day and night 3. The Vision of God I Iohn 3.2 that at length we shall be admitted into his blessed Presence and see him as he is and be made like him both for Holiness and Happiness 4. Our heavenly Inheritance 1 Pet. 1.4 An inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that fadeth not away reserved in Heaven for us Called Eternal Life Tit. 1.2 In hope of eternal Life which God that cannot lie promised us The Glory of God Rom. 5.2 We rejoyce in hope of the Glory of God Well then all this is a good Hope if there be the things hoped for for the object of our Hope is the chiefest Good the eternal Vision and Fruition of God this is that we must aim at as our Happiness Psal. 17.15 As for me I shall behold thy Face in Righteousness I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy Likeness we must seek after it and make it our constant Work Heb. 11.6 God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him this is that we must take hold of as having a right and title to it Heb. 6.18 Who have fled for refuge to lay hold on the Hope set before us We challenge it by the Law of Grace as we fulfil the Conditions Our Hold is more strong Right more evident as we get greater measures of the First-fruits we gain more security and confidence in the spiritual Conflict Ver. 19. Which Hope we have as an Anchor of the Soul sure and stedfast By good Works we enter upon the possession of it in part as we get the First-fruits of the Spirit Rom. 8.23 We our selves also which have the First-fruits of the Spirit even we our selves groan within our selves waiting for the Adoption to wit the redemption of our Body 2 Cor. 5.5 Now he that hath wrought us for the self-same thing is God who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit In whole when we come to Heaven for then we enter into our Master's Joy Matth. 25.21 when we die our Souls enter into that blessed place where the Spirits of just Men are made perfect not only preserved in manu Dei but admitted in conspectum Dei 1 Pet 1.9 Receiving the end of your Faith the salvation of your Souls But after the Resurrection and general Judgment John 14.3 I will come again and receive you to my self that where I am there ye may be also Then in Body and Soul we enter into our everlasting Mansions 2. Sometimes Hope is put for the reasons and causes of Hoping and so he that giveth me solid reasons of Hoping giveth me good Hope In this sense it is
you are bound to use the means 1. Remove the Impediments 1 Pet. 1.13 Be sober and hope to the end Draw off the Affections from Carnal Vanities and the delights of the Senses and consider what God offereth to you in the Gospel there can be no certain and desirous expectation of better things while the Mind and Heart is so occupied and thronged with Vanity and deadned by Carnal Satisfaction 2. Wait on all the opportunities of Profiting and use the known means of Grace more conscionably Certain it i● that the grace of Hope is of God not acquired but infused but God will bless his own Means The propounding of the Object the offering of the solid Grounds maket● way for the infusing of the Grace Tit. 1.1 2. Paul was the Apostle to bring them to the acknowledgment of the Truth for the hope of Eternal Life And it is called the Hope of the Gospel Col. 1.23 b●●●●se it is wro●ght by the Preaching of the Gospel SERMON XVII 2 Thess. 2.17 Comfort your Hearts and stablish you in every good Word and Work WE come now Thirdly to the Prayer it self He asketh two Benefits 1. Comfort 2. Establishment First Comfort Comfort your Hearts But why doth the Apostle pray for that which they had already He had told them in the former Verse That God had given them everlasting Consolation and now he prayeth that God would comfort them The Answer given by some is That he prayeth that God would give them an increase of Comfort By others That God would give them the continuance of it Rather by everlasting Consolation is meant the solid matter of Comfort by his Prayer now the effectual Application of it For though sufficient matter of Comfort be provided for us yet God must powerfully apply it The Gospel is a soveraign Plaister yet God's Hand must make it stick Observe here Doct. 1. That all true and solid and heart-Comfort is of God He is called the Father of Mercies and the God of all Comfort 2 Cor. 1.3 And again The God of Patience and Consolation Rom. 15.5 His Spirit taketh an Office upon him to accomplish this Effect in us therefore called the Comforter 1. I shall enquire what Comfort is 2. Shew why it is of God 3. What Advantage we have thereby I. What Comfort is Three thi●gs are to be Explained 1. Comfort 2. Comforting 3. In what sence it is of God II. What Comfort is We call Two things by that Name 1. Our natural Refreshment 2. Our support in Troubles 1. Our natural Refreshment or the benefit that we have by the Creatures for the support of Nature We cannot enjoy our Temporal Mercies with any delight and pleasure without God's leave and Blessing As to eat and drink with Comfort that the Soul may enjoy good by its Labour In one place it is said it is by the Hand of God Eccles. 2.24 In another place it is said to be the Gift of God Eccles. 3.13 It is by his Power and his Grace that the Comfort of the Creature is not in Man's Hands but God's Nor can the Creature yield to us any Comfort without his Gift or Grant And because of our forfeiture by Sin we have neither these Mercies from our selves nor the use nor the natural benefit from the bare Creature which is Health Strength and Chearfulness All Goodness resideth chiefly in God and it is to be found in the Creatures only by Participation and that at his Pleasure Acts 14.17 He gave us Rain from Heaven and fruitful Seasons filling our Hearts with Food and Gladness That is the comfortable use of Food We must still look to the Giver But the Apostle here doth not speak of the Comfort of the Creatures but the Comfort of the Scriptures not the supply of the Body but the support of the Soul 2. Comfort is taken for Support in Troubles The Thessalonians were now under great Persecutions Comfort is a strengthening of the Mind when it is in danger to be weakened by Fears and Sorrows or the strength and stay of the Heart in Trouble Psal. 119.50 This is my Comfort in my Afflictions thy Word hath quickned me And 2 Cor. 1.4 Who comforteth us in all our Tribulations that we may be able to comfort them which are in any Trouble by the Comfort wherewith we are comforted of God As Cordials are for a Fainting-time so are Comforts for a time of Afflictions Indeed Spiritual Comfort is never out of Season because we are now in the House of our Pilgrimage and our chief Good is at a distance from us And because of the labours and difficulties of the Spiritual Life Therefore it is said Acts 9.31 When the Churches had rest th●y walked in the fear of God and the Comforts of the Holy Ghost But the great need of Comfort is in our Afflictions therefore here I shall shew Three things 1. That God can give his People Comfort in the greatest Tribulation His Favour is enough to support them against the Frowns of all the World Isa. 51.12 I even I am he that comforteth thee Who art thou that thou shouldest be afraid of Man that shall die and the Son of Man that shall be made as the Grass As long as we have the Almighty and Immortal God to stand by us and t●e Promise of Eternal Life it will counterballance all our Trouble Rom. 5.2 3. We rejoyce in hope of the Glory of God And not only so but we glory in Tribulations Also 2 Cor. 4.17 This light Affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and ●ternal weight of Glory There is everlasting joy against a heaviness for a Season and everlasting ease and rest against a little present pain there is enough to out-weigh all that we can suffer for and from God So the pardon of Sin Isa. 40.1 2. Comfort ye comfort ye my People saith my God Why Because her Iniquity is pardoned Matth. 9.2 Be of good cheer thy Sin is forgiven thee Here is sound Comfort the Sting of all our Troubles is taken away Well then This the People of God have to support them in all their Tribulation They can set God against the Creature Heaven against Earth Pardon of Sins against all the bitterness they meet with in the World 2. That there is a special allowance of Comfort for God's Children in their Afflictions The Lord is more tender of his People then when they want Comfort than at another time they have a more plentiful measure of the supporting Operations of his Spirit then As 1 Pet. 4.14 If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye for the Spirit of Glory and of God resteth upon you As the Mother keepeth most with the sick Child so God looketh to the Afflicted This is the difference between God and the World The World ever runneth most after those that are Prosperous and flourish and rejoyce as Rivers into the Sea where there is Water enough but forsaketh
glad and rejoice in thee we will remember thy Love more than Wine the Vpright love thee God's Ordinances are not empty there is some participation 1 Cor. 10.16 The Cup of Blessing which we bless is it not the Communion of the Blood of Christ The Bread which we brake is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ Vse 5. Consider the ends why God giveth us Comfort it is to fortify us against the Enemies of our Salvation so far as they are vexing and troubling and molesting us in the way to Heaven The Spirit hath two great Offices to be a Sanctifier and Comforter and both serve all the needs of Christians When we are inticed to Sin he helps us as a Santifyer when we are discouraged in God's Service he helps us as a Comforter And therefore Christians are to consider their condition and what their present state requireth for God dispenseth his Grace according to the Assaults made upon them by the Enemies of their Salvation As for instance Our Enemies are the Devil the World and the Flesh these we renounced in Baptism And in the progress of Christianity these are those with whom we conflict and must overcome As for instance The Devil is a tempting Devil who seeketh to draw away the Saints from God and by the love of the Flesh to weaken our Love and Obedience to our proper and our rightful Lord. Now what are we to do in this case to beg Comfort and Peace that we may not be troubled though we yield unto his Temptations Alas this were to turn the Grace of God into Wantonness No we are to be sober and watchful 1 Pet. 5.8 to use all the Rules of Sobriety and Vigilancy that our Worldly Comforts may not be a snare to us Sobriety is an Holy Moderation in the use of all earthly things Vigilancy is an Holy Diligence and seriousness in the use of Means and also add to both the help of the Sanctifying Spirit that we may keep up our Love to God and be faitful in our Obedience to him But the Devil is not only a tempting Devil but a vexing and disquieting Devil who accuseth us before God day and night Rev. 12.10 raiseth in us many troublesome Fears to make our Service uncomfortable and tire us and clog us What is our Duty then to beg the help of the Comforter not only to shew Love to God but that we may have some persuasion of his Love to us and quench his fiery Darts that we may go on chearfully in our Work because the God of Peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shor●ly Rom. 16.20 So for the World The World is a tempting World drawing our Affections from God and Heaven to present things and when it smileth on us in incroaches upon our Heart more and more 2 Tim. 4.10 Demas hath forsaken me having loved this present World Now what is our business then to beg comfort and assurance of God's Love No that would be our Bane there is work for the Sanctifier rather than the Comforter that the worldly Spirit may be subdued in us there is need of Mortification rather than Assurance that we may be crucified to the World Gal. 6.14 But sometimes the World is a Persecuting World and reproacheth and troubleth us with all manner of vexations then there is work for the Comforter to seal up to our Souls the Love of God or Interest in Christ John 16.33 These things have I spoken to you that in me ye ●ight have peace in the World ye shall have tribulation but be of good chear I have overcome the World and to become to our Souls the Earnest of eternal Glory Comfort is for Tribulation at other times we are glutted with it but then it is our great support When all t●ings fail we feel the great necessity of the Joys of Faith It is good to time well our Duties David saith Psal. 56.3 What time I am afraid I will trust in thee So for the Flesh it inticeth us Iames 1.14 Every Man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own Lust and enticed Many times it draweth to Actual Sin by indulgence to its desires yea disposeth us often to Apostacy and falseness of Heart for Apostacy usually begins at falseness of Heart when the fleshly Mind and Interest is not throughly overcome Well when we are conscious to this what shall we do in such a case Certainly the great and proper Work is to beg the Spirit and implore the Spirit as a Sanctifier and to be more obedient to his sanctifying Motions Comfort will come in time Well but the Flesh is not only inticing but troublesom and grievous to the Saints witness Paul's groans Rom. 7.24 Oh wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this Death We are quite wearied and tired out with the importunity of its motions we would serve God more purely and perfectly Then there is work for the Comforter and confidence in his Operations to help the faithful Soul Phil. 1.6 Being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good Work in you will perform it unto the day of Iesus Christ. Then it is seasonable to remember the Covenant we are under Rom. 6.14 For Sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the Law but under Grace The serious striving Soul will not be left destitute Thus must we expect Comfort Vse 6. Remember that Comfort hath a latitude in it and is expressed by divers words 1. Sometimes by it Support is implied when the sense of Sin and fear of God's Wrath is not altogether removed and taken away but so mitigated and abated that Hope doth more easily prevail in the Soul than Fear And we resolve to wait on God though we cannot so fully clear up our Interest in him You have many Conflicts and Fears yet some Hope and Expectation towards God Jonah 2.4 5. I am cast out of thy sight yet will I look again to thy Holy Temple Resolute adherence giveth great support Job 13.15 Though he slay me yet will I trust in him I will maintain my own ways before him He dependeth merely on the Covenant 2. Peace or some rest from Troubles and accusations of Conscience there is some calm and quiet of Soul Rom. 5.1 Being justified by Faith we have peace with God Gal. 6.16 As many as walk according to this Rule Peace be on them and Mercy Assaulted with none or light Fears Iohn 16.33 In me ye shall have Peace I will give you Peace though not full Spiritual Suavities 3. The third word is Joy 1 Pet. 1.8 Ye rejoice with Ioy unspeakable and full of Glory In Peace all things are quiet they have no anxious Thoughts but in Joy there is a sensible motion of Pleasure and Delight they are feasted with the pleasures of Faith Love and Hope Let us then bless God for any degree of Comfort SERMON XVIII 2 Thess. 2.17 And stablish you in every
short Men please themselves in things received 2. In every good Work or in holiness of Life Here needeth the greatest establishment that we may hold on our course to Heaven and the usual Apostacy and Backsliding that Men are guilty of is from the practice of Religion It is ill when the Mind is tainted but worse when the Heart is alineated from God and commonly it is the perverse inclination to the Will that tainteth the Mind Therefore the great Establishment is to be settled in a course of Godliness 1 Thess. 3.13 That he may establ●sh your Hearts unblameable in Holiness before God even our Father until the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ with all his Sain●s Now this Establishment is very difficult First Because of the contrariety of the Principles that are within us Gal. 5.17 For the Flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the Flesh and these are contrary one to the other so that ye cannot do the things that ye would The Garison is not free from Danger that hath an Enemy lodged within The love of the World and the Flesh was in the Heart before the love of God and Holiness and these are not wholly rooted out yea these are natural to us whereas Grace is a Plant planted in us contrary to nature And the Ground that bringeth forth Weeds and Thistles of its own accord but the Flowers and good Herbs with mush T●llage and Cultivation if it be neglected the Weeds will soon overgrow the Flowers Secondly Because it is more hard to continue in Conversion than to co●vert our selves at first In our first Conversion we are more passive it is God that converteth us and draweth us to himself and quickens and plants us into Christ but in Perseverance and fulfilling our Covenanting Duty we are more active it is our Work though we perform it by God's Grace An Infant in the Mother's Womb is nourished by the nourishment of the Moth●r but afterwards he must suck and seek his own Nourishment and the elder he groweth the more care of his Life is devolved upon himself Now that which is more our work is more difficult It is true that God that hath begun a good Work doth perfect it but not without our care Phil. 1.6 When we are fitted and prepared unto good Works God expecteth from us that we should walk in them God establisheth us in the Text but it is in every good Work Beside in Conversion we make Covenant with God but by Perseverance we keep Covenant with him Now it is easier to consent to Conditions than it is to fulfil them the Ceremonies at first consent of Marriage are not so difficult as to perform the duties of the Marriage Covenant It is more easie to build a Castle in time of Peace than to keep it in a time of War Peter more easily consented to come to Christ upon the Water but when he begun to try it his Feet were ready to sink Mat. 14.29 30. When Winds and Waves are against us alas how soon do we fail Therefore a good Spring doth not always foreshew a fruitful Harvest nor plenty of Blossoms store of Fruit. We are carried on with great Life and Earnestness for a while in the profession of Religion we consent to follow Christ but when we meet with Difficul●ies not foreseen or allowed for we faint and are discourage Thirdly With respect to the Subject in which it is seated which is the Soul with its faculties The strength of the Body is known by Experience rather than by Description but the strength of the Soul must be determined by its right constitution towards Good and Evil. The Faculties of the Soul are either the Understanding wherein lieth the Directive Councel or the Will wherein lieth the Imperial Power or the Affections wherein lieth the Executive Power of the Soul 1. The Mind or Understanding is established when we have a clear certain and full Apprehen●●on of the truth of the Gospel it is called Knowledg the sure and sound and certain apprehension of them is called Faith or Intellectual Assent or the full assurance of Vnderstanding Col. 2.2 when there is a due knowledg of what God hath revealed with a certain persuasion of the truth of it wrought in us by the Holy Spirit Now the more clearly and orderly and certainly we know these things the more powerfully do they affect the Heart and the more we are established He that hath little Knowledg and little Certainty is called weak in the Faith Rom. 14.1 Him that is weak in the Faith receive but not to doubtful Disputations And those that have a clearer Understanding are called strong As Rom. 15.1 We that are s●rong ought to bear the Infirmities of the Weak meaning strong in Knowledg So also for certainty of Persuasion it is said Rom. 4.20 Abraham was strong in Faith giving glory to God When in all his Trials he bore up himself upon the Confidence of God's Word and Promise Well then the Mind is confirmed and established when we have a good stock of Knowledg and do firmly believe what we know of God and Christ and eternal Salvation But alas how few Truths do many Christians know especially in their order and as to their worth and weight and certainty and so that if we know these things we know them not as we ought to know them 1 Cor. 8.2 If any Man think that he knoweth any thing he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know them If we know them Speculatively we know them not Practically If we are able to discourse of these things we do not live by them If we know them generally we do not know them particularly to direct us in all Cases wherein they concern us but are blinded with Temptations If we know them comprehensively so as to look about the compass of them yet not certainly John 17.8 and have kn●wn surely that I came out from thee so as to venture our Interests upon them If we know them darkly and with an half light we do not know them clearly and with a full light There is many times conviction in the Ore which is not refined into a clear and distinct knowledg such as may awe the Heart if we know these things habitually we know them not actually when we should remember them in their season and Oblivion is a sort of Ignorance Hence come the many doubts we are assaulted with and all the unevenness and uncertainty of our Lives so that the Mind needeth to be established in Grace 2. The Will which is the Imperial power of the Soul Now the Wills establishment is known by its firm and through resolution for God and against Sin For God as Acts 11.23 Barnabas when he had seen the Grace of God was very glad and exhorted them all that with full purpose of Heart they would cleave to the Lord. First choosing then cleaving and this with full purpose when the Will is so fixed in the Knowledg