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A23591 Here begynnys a schort [and] breue tabull on thes cronicles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. 1485 (1485) STC 9995; ESTC S106502 430,579 577

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out of that beym rome vij bemes full clere long as it were the light fier ¶ This sterne was seyn of mony a man but none of them wist wat it betokened ¶ vter that wos the kynges brother that wos ī wales with his host of bretōs saw that sterre ̄ the gret light that it yaf he wōdred ther of gretli what it myght betokē ̄ let call Merlī prayed hī for to tell what it myght betoken ¶ Of the betokenyng of the stere MErlin saw that starre ̄ beheld him long tyme and sithen he quoke and weped tendirli And sayed alas alas that so nobull a kyng and worthy is deid ¶ And I doo you to vnder stand that Aurilambros your brother is enpeysened and that I se well ī this sterre ̄ yourself is betokēd bi the heed of the dragō that is seī at the bought of the beem that is yourself that shal be kyng ̄ regne ¶ And by the beem that standeth toward the est is vnderstōd that ye shall get a son that shal conquere al fraunce all the landes that belongeth to the croune of fraunce that shal be a worthier kyng ̄ of more honour than euer wos ony of his auncetours ¶ And bi the beem that strechys toward Irland is betokened that ye shall get a doughter that shall be quene of Irland ¶ And the vij bemes betokene that ye shall haue vij sonnis euerichon of them shall be kyng regne with moch honour abyde ye no longer heir but goth yef bataill to your enmys ̄ fight with them bodely for ye shall ouer cū them and haue the victori ¶ vter thanked hertely Merlyn toke his men and went toward his enmy ̄ they foughten to gedre mortali so he discomfited his enmy them distroyed And him self kylled Passent that wos vortiger son ¶ And his bretons killed Guillomer that wos kyng of Irland ̄ all his men ¶ And vter anone after that bataill toke his way toward winchester for to done entere Aurilambros kīg that wos his brother ¶ But tho was the body borne to stonhēge with moch honour that he had done made in remembrance of the bretons that ther wer slaī thurgh treson of Engist that sam day that they shuld haue bene accordid in the same place they entered aurilambros the secūd yere of his regne with al the worshipe that myght belong to sich a kīg of whos soull god haue me●ci ¶ Of vter pendragon and werfor he was called so ye shall here And how he was ouer take wyth the loue fe Igerne that was the Erle of Cornewaill wife AFter the deth of aurilambros vter his broder wos crouned and regned well and worthely and in remembrance of the dragon that he wos likened to he let make ij dragons thurgh councell of his bretons ̄ made that one for to be borne before hī when he went in to bataill and that other to abide at winchester in the bisshoppis chyrche ¶ And for that cause he wos called euer after vter pēdragō ¶ And Otta that was Engistes son commendid vter bot lytell that wos made new kyng and ayens him begon to meue were and ordined a gret company of his frendis of his kin of Ossa his brother had takē all the land frō humber vn to yorke but tho of yorke held strongly ayenes them and nold not suffer them to cū ī to the cite nother to yeld the cite to hē he beseged the toune anōe right yaf therto a strong assaut bot they of the cite hem keped well ̄ strōgly ¶ And whē vter herd ther of he come theder with a gret pouer for to help rescu the toune ̄ put away the sege yaf a strōg bataill Otta ̄ his cōpany them defēdid as well as they myght but at the last they wer discōfitid the most ꝑt of them slaī ̄ Otta Ossa wer takē put ī prison at london ¶ And vter hī self duelled a while at yorke ̄ after he went to london ̄ at the estir after he wold bere croune hold a solempne fest and let somen all his Erles and Barons that thei shuld cum to that fest and all tho that had wyfes shuld bringe them also to that fest and all comē at the kynges cummandmēt as they wer cummaundid ¶ The fest wos richely arrayed ̄ holdyn and all worthely set to mete after that they wer of astat so that the erle Gorloys of Cornwaill Igern his wif set●̄ alther next the kīg ̄ the kīg saw the fairnes of that lady that she had ¶ And wos rauysshed for hir beaute ̄ oft he made to hir nyse sembland ī lokīg laughyng so at the last the erle ꝑceyued the preue lokīg ̄ laughyng the loue bitwen them ros vp frō the ●a●ullull ī wroth teke is wife ̄ called to hī his knyghtes ̄ went thens all in wroth with out takīg leue of the kīg The king anone sent after hym that he shuld cum ayen and goo not thens in despite of hym ¶ And the Erle wold not cum ayene ī no maner of wise ¶ Wherfor the kyng wos full wroth and in wrath hym deffied as his deidly enmy And the Erle went thens in to cornewaill with his wife in to the Castell of Tyntagell ¶ And the kyng let ordin a gret host come in to Cornwaill for to distruy the Erle if that he myght but he had put hym ī sich a castell that was strong and well arayed of Tyntagell wold not yeld hym to the kyng and the kyng anone beseged the castel ther duelled xv dayes that neuer myght sped euer thought vpō Igerne vpō hir laid so moch loue that he not wist to done So at the last he called to hym a knyght that was callid vlfyn that wos preue with him told hī all his councell and axed of him what wos best for to done ¶ Sir qd he doth send after Merlyn anone for he can tell you the best counsell of ōny man leuyng Merlin anone was sent after come to the kyng and the kyng told him all his councell his will ¶ Sir qd Merlin I shall done so moche thurgh craft that I can that I shall make you cū this nyght ī to the castell of Tyntagell shall haue all your will of that lady ¶ How vter bigat on Igerne that wos the Erlis wife of cornewaill Arthur kyng MErlyn thurgh craft that he coud changed the kynges figure ī to the liknesse of the Erle ̄ vlfyn garlois his chāberlayn in to the figure of iordan that wos the Erles chambirlayn So that yche of them wos transfigured to oder lekenesse ¶ And when Merlyn had so done he sayed to the kyng Sir qd he now may ye go sodenly to the castell of Tyntagell axen
men that theder wold cum ¶ And in this same yere Dame Blaunche the eldest doughter of kyng Henri the iiij wos sent ouer the se with the erle of somerset hir vncle and with mastir Richard Clifford thā bisshop of wurcestre and with mony othir worthy lordis knyghtis and ladies ̄ worthy squiers as longed to such a worthy kyngꝭ doughter and come vn to Colayn ¶ And thidder come the dukis sone of barre with a fair menye and ressaued this worthy lady and the bisshope of wurcestre weddid and sacred them to geder as holi chirche it wold ¶ And ther was made ariall fest and a gret Iustīg in the reuerence and wo●●h̄ip of them and all pepull that thedder com ¶ And whan this mariage and fest wos done the Erle and the bisshop and all ther menye token ther leue of lord and lady ̄ come home ayen in to englond in saufte thanked be god almyghty ¶ And in the v yere of kyng Henris regne the lord Thomas his son wēt ouer the see and the erle of Kent and mony othir lordis and knyghtis with men of armes and archiers a gret nō bur to chastise the rebellis that a fore had done moch harme to our englishmen marchantis to mony tounes and port●s in Englond on the see costis ¶ And the lord Thomas the kynges sō come in to Flaundres be fore a toune that is called the Skluse among all the shippis of diuerse nacions that wer ther. and after ther they ridden with ther shippis among them ̄ went on land sported them ther ij dais and come ayen to ther shippis and toke the brode see ̄ ther they met with iij. Carikkis of I●ne that wer ●aden with diuerse marchandize and well mannyd they foughten to gedres long time but the englishmen had the victori and brought the Carrikkis in to the Cambre befor wynchelse and ther they cāted thees goodis and one of thees Carrikkes was sodēli brent ther ¶ And the lordis and ther pepull turned them home ayē and went no ferthir at that tyme. ¶ And ī the same tyme serle yoman of kyng Richerd robes come in to englōd out of scotland and told to diuerse pepull that kyng Richard wos on liue in Scotland and so moch pepull beleued in his wordis wherfor gret ꝑtie of thee pepull of the reame wer in gret errour and grutchyng ayenest the kyng thurgh informacion of lies and fals lesinges that this Serle had made ¶ For moch pepull trustid ̄ beleued in his seyng But at the last he wos taken in the northcuntre and by law Iugged to be drawe thurgh euery cite and good burgh tounes in englond and so he wos serued and at the last he wos brought to londō vn to the gild hall before the Iustice ther he was Iugged for to be brought to the toure of london and ther to be laid on a hurdell and than to be drawen thurgh the cite of londō to Tyborne ̄ ther to be honged than quartired ̄ his hede smytē of and set on Londō brigge and his quarters to be sent to iiij good tounes of englond and ther set vp thus endid he for his false treson ̄ desseyd ¶ And in the sext yere of kyng Henris regne the iiij The erle of Marre of scotland by saifcondit come ī to Englōd to chalenge sir Edmand the erle of Kent to certayn courses of were on horsbake ¶ And so this chalange wos acceppid and graūted the place taken in smythfeld at londō this Erle of Marre the scot com proudly ī to the feld as his chalenge asket ¶ And anone come in the erll of Kent and rode vn to the scot and manfulli rode to geder with sharpe speris diuerse courses but the erle of Kent had the feld and gat him moch worship and thanke of all maner of men for his manfull dedis ¶ And ī the vij yere of kyng Henris regne the iiij Sir Richard Scrop erchebisshop of Yorke and the Erle Marchall of Englond gadred vn to them a strong power ayens kyng Henri ¶ And the kyng hering ther of in all the hast that he myght come with his pouer northward and met with them at yorke ̄ ther wer thes ij lordis take and brought to the kyng ¶ And anone the Iugges wer set thes ij lordis brought forth and ther they wer dampned vn to the deth and both ther hedis smyten of and ther they maden ther end on whos soules god for his pite haue mercy Amen ¶ And whan this was done the kyng come to londō ayen and ther restid him Anone god of his gret goodnesse wrought and shewed mony gret miracles for this worthy clerke Erchebishop of yorke that thus wos done to deth ¶ And ī the vij yere of kīg Henris regne Dame Luce the dukis suster of Milane come ī to englond so to londō ̄ ther wos wedid to sir Edmond Holand erle of Kent in the priori of sent marie oueis in suthwarke wyth moch solempnite and gret worship ¶ The kyng was ther him self and yaf hir at the chirch dore ̄ whan that they wer weddid and masse was done the kyng his own parson brought and lad this worthy lady in to the bisshoppis place of wynchestre and ther wos a wonder gret fest holdyn to all maner of pepull that wold cum ¶ And the same yere sir Robert Knolles bnyght a worthi weriour died at his maner in Northfolk and from thens he was brought to london vpō a hors bere with moch torch light ̄ so he wos brought vn to the white freris in fleetstret and ther wos do and made for him a solempne fest and ariall enterement for tho that thidder wold cume both rich and poer and ther he lieth beried by Dame Constance his wife in the midde of the body of the chirche on whos soule god for his pitte haue merci amen ¶ And thus ī this same yere sir Thomas Rampston knyght Constabull of the tour of london wos drenchid at londō brugge as he com fro westmynstre inwardis to the tour ī a barge and al thurgh lewdenesse ¶ And in the sama yere Dame Philip the yonger doughter of kīg henri wos lad ouer see with sir Richard thee dukis brother of yorke and sir Edmond Courteney bisshop of Norwych and mony other lordis knyghtis and squiers ladies gentilwomen that apparteyned to such a worthy kynges doughter and come in to Denmarke and the kyng resceyued this worthi lady for his wyfe and welcomed thes worthy lordis and did vn to them moch worsh̄ipp and they wer brought vn to a toune that wos called London in Denmarke and ther wos this lady weddid and sacrid to the kyng of Denmarke Norway and Swythē and ther was crouned quene of Denmarke with moch solempnite and ther wos made ariall fest ¶ And whan this fest
the toūe of Melun held lōg time for ther in wer good defendours ¶ In the viij yere the kyng the quene come ouer se and landid on Candilmasse day in the morou at Douer ¶ And the xiiij day of Feueryer the kīg com to london And the xxi day of the same moneth the quene come And the xxiiij day of the same she wos crouned at westmynstre Also the same yere anone after Ester the kyng held a ꝑlament at westmynstre at wich ꝑlament it wos ordined that the gold in english coyn shuld be weid none resayued but by weyght ¶ And anone after witsontide the king sailled to Calais and passid so forth in to fraūce And ī marche the xxij· day before the kyng come ouer the duke of Clarence wos slayn in fraunce and diuerse othir lordis taken prisoners as the erle of Huntindon the erle of somerset with diuerse othir And all wos because they wold not take with thē archiers but thought to haue do with the frenshmē them self with out them ¶ And yit whan he was slayn the archiers come and rescued the body of the duke wich they wold haue caried with them god haue merci on his soule he wos a valiaūt man ¶ And the same yere bitwen cristemasse Candilmasse the toūe of Melun wos yoldē to the kyng ¶ In the ix yere on sent Nicholas day in December was borne Henri the kyngꝭ first begoten sone at wyndesore whos godfadres at fontstone wos henri bisshop of wynchestre Iohn̄ duke of of Bedford ̄ the duchesse of holand wos godmoder hen●i Chicheley erchebisshop of cantorberi wos godfader at ꝯfirmyng ¶ And in the x. yere the cite of Mews ī brie wos goten wich had long beseged And this same yere the quene sh̄ippid at hampton sailed ouer to the king ī fraūce wher she was worshipfulli receyued of the kyng so of the kyng of fraūce hir fadre of hir moder ¶ And thꝰ kīg Henri wan fast ī fraūse ̄ held gret astate sat at dyner at a gret fest in Paris croned the quene also wich had not bene seyn be fore ̄ all pepull resorted vn to his court but as to the kyng of fraūce he heeld none astate ne rule but wos left almost alone ▪ ¶ Also this yere the wethercok wos set vpō poules stepull at londō And this yere in the moneth of august the kyng waxed seke at boys de vyncēt ̄ whan he saw he shuld die he made his testament ordaned mōy thynges nobull for his soule ̄ deuoutli ressaued all the rightis of holi chirch ī so fer forth that whan he wos anoynted he said the seruice with the prest and at the vers of the psalme Miserere mei deus that wos Benigne fac dn̄e in bona volūtate tua syn vt edificentur muri ierusalem he bad tarie ther ̄ sayd thus O good lord thou knowest that myne entent hath bene ̄ yit is if I myght leue to reidyfie the wallis of Ierusalem ¶ And then thee prest procedid forth and made an end ¶ And anone after this most nobull prince victorious kīg flour in his time of cristyn chiualri whom all the world douted yaf his soule in to the hondis of god died ̄ made an ende of his naturall life at the forsaied Boys de vyncent beside Paris the xxxvi yere of his age on whos soule god haue merci amen ¶ Then wos the body enbamed cerid laied in a riall chare and an ymage like to him waas laid vpō the corps open with diuerse baners hors couerid richeli with armes of englond fraūce and also thold armes of seint Edward sent Edmōd and othir with gret multitude af torchis with whom went the kyng of scotland ̄ mony othir lordis wich accompanid the body till it come vn to westmynstre by londō in Englōd ¶ And in euery toūe by the way he had solempli his dirige on the euen and masse on the morn and moch almis wos yef to poer pepull by the way And the vij day of Nouēbre after the corps was brought thurgh londō with gret reuerens ̄ solempnite to westmynstre wher he now lieth it wos worshipfulli beried and after was laid on his tombe a riall ymage lyke to him self of siluer and gild wich wos made at the cost of quene Katrin ¶ And thus endid is entered ̄ beried the nobull kyng Hēri the fifth on whos soule all cristyn god haue merci amen· ¶ Of the law of kīg henri the v. what he ordeyned for kīg Richard for him self after his deth HEre is to be notid that this kyng Henri the v. wos a nobull prince after he wos kyng crouned how be it be fore in his yougth he had bene wild recheles ̄ sparid no thing of his lust ne desires but accomplisshed them after hrs likyng but as sone as he wos crouned ennoynted sacred anone sodenli he was chaūged in to a new man set all his entent to liue vertuusly in mayntenyng of holy chirch destroyng of heritikis Kepyng Iustice ̄ dofendyng of his reame subiettis ¶ And for as moch as his fadre had deposid by his labour the good kyng Richard pytously made him to die and for the ofence done to him aynest his legeaunce he had sent to rome to be asoyled therof For wich offence the pope our holi fadre enioyned him to make him be prayed fore ꝑpetually ̄ like as he had done to be taken from him his naturall life ther fore he sh̄uld do found iiij tapers to brene ꝑpetually about his body that for the extinccion of his bodyli lyfe his soule may euer be remembrid ̄ liue in heuen in spirituall life ¶ And also that he shold euery weke on the day as it com about of his deth h●ue a solempne masse of requiem ̄ on the euen before a dirige with ix lessons and a dole to poer pepull alway on that day of a xi shillynges and viij pens to be deled peny mele and ons in the yere at his annyuersarie his terment to be holdyn in the most honest wise be deled that day xx pound in pens to poer pepull ¶ And to euery monke to haue xx· shillyng wich all thes thyngꝭ ꝑfurmed this noble kyng for his fadre for kyng Hēri the iiij his fader ꝑformed it not during his life whom as it was said god touchid wos a lepre or he died ¶ Also than this nobull prince let do calle all the abbotes ̄ priours of sent Benet order ī englōd had them in the chapiture hous of westmīster for the reformaciō of the order wherin he had comynicaciō also with bisshoppis and mē of the spiritualte in so fer forth that they doutid sore he wold haue had the temꝑaltes out of ther handis wherfore by thauys labour ꝓcuring of the
fadre my brother therfor I haue quyte now your trauell ¶ Tho said kīg Richard he that died vpon the cros to bring mans soule from pyne of hell for yef the my deth I also for yef it the. ¶ Tho cōmandid he that no man shuld him misdo ¶ But for all the kynges defēdīg som of his men him folowed ̄ p̄ueli him kylled ̄ the vi day after the kīg did shriue hī sore repētans hauīg of his mysdedis ̄ wos houseled anoynted this kīg regned bot ix yer xxxix wekis died ̄ lieth beside his fadre at fountenerard HEnricus the v. wos emprour viij yere This henri was son to Frederik ̄ he weddid Constans the kynges doughter of Cecill And thurgh the occasion of hir he subduid all the kyngdom of apulie he drofe all the pepull out that inhabit that land Celestinꝰ the thrid wos pope after Clemēs almost iij. yere This man wos crouned vpon Estyr day the day foloīg he crouned Henri the emꝑour he made a palas at sent Petres decesid Innocencius the thrid was pope after him viij yere ̄ v. monnethes This man was well lettred and he made a boke of the wrecchidnes of mans condicion And he made splm̄ misse he made mony cōstituciōs This man dampned the boke of Iohn̄ ioachim the wich he made ayens mastyr Pers Lumbard the maker of thee sentans ¶ This tyme decesid the emꝑour Henri the princes of Almayn discordid for sum chose Otto sū choso Philip brother to henri then philip wos falsly slayn ̄ Otto was crouned of Innocens in fraūse the wich anone faught with the Romans for they yaf him no dew honor And for that cause ayens the popis will he toke the kyngdō of Apulie frō Frederik wherfor the pope cursid him then after the fourth yere of his regne the prince of almayn made Fredirik emꝑour ̄ victoriusly he subduid Otto Wyllyam of Paris this tyme began the ordir of the freres austyn the wich be cal̄led freris mendicantes Franciscus an Italian a man of gret ꝑfecciō ̄ a sampill to mony a man did mony a myracull this tyme and he ordand the frere Minores ¶ And the vi yere of pope Innocent the thrid The ordir of the freris preche is began vndir Dominik bot it myght not be cōfirmyd till the frist yere of honory ¶ Of kyng Iohn̄ that in the frist yere of his regne lost all Normandie WHen kyng Richard was deid for encheson that he had non heir nother son ne doughter his brother Iohan was made kyng an crouned at westmynster of Hubert that tho was Erchbisshop of Cantorburi ¶ And whan he began to regne he become so meruelus a man and went ouer in to Normandie wered vpō the kyng of fraunce ̄ so long they wered to gedre till at the last kyng Iohn̄ lost all Normandie Angeon wherfor he was sore anoyed it was no meruell ¶ Tho let he assemble before hī at London erchebisshoppis bisshoppis abbots priors erles ̄ barons held ther a gret ꝑlamēt ̄ axed ther of the clerge the tenth of euery chirche of englond for to cōquere ̄ get ayen Normandie Angeon that he had lost They wold not graūt that thīg wherfore he was wonder wroth ¶ And in that same tyme died Hubert the prior the couēt of Cantorburi chosen ayens the kīgꝭ will to be Erchebirspop mastyr Stephen of langton a good clerk that woned at the court of rome send to the pope ther eleccion ̄ the pope ꝯfirmid it sacrid him at viterbi ¶ When the kīg wist this tyding he wos wonder wroth drofe the prior couēt fro cantorbury exiled them out of englond cōmandid that no maner letter that come frō rome ne no cōmandement shuld be vnderfenge ne pleted in englond ¶ When this tydīg come to the pope he sent to kīg Iohan be his letter prayed hī with good will good hert that he wold vnderfenhe Stephen erchebissh̄op of Cantorburi to his chirche suffer the prior ̄ his monkis to cū ayen to ther own duellīg bot the kyng wold not graūte it for no thing ¶ How kyng Iohn̄ wold nothīg done for the popis cōmandement wherfor all englōd was enterdited and suspended ANd at the last the pope sent by his auctorite and enioyned to the bisshoppis of englomd that if the kyng wold not vndirfenge the prior of Cantorburi and his monkis that they shuld done generall interdityng thurgh out all englone and graunted full pouer to iiij bisshoppis to pronounce the interditing if it werned ¶ The frist was bisshop willm of Lōdon and that other bisshop Eustace of Ely ̄ the iij was bisshop walter of wīchestre the iiij was bisshop Giles of Herford ¶ And thes iiij bisshoppis praied the kyng kneling on ther kneys ̄ sore weppīg that he wold do the popis commandemēt shewed him the popis bulles of the enterditīg bot for no prayer that they myght pray he wold not consent ther to ¶ And whē the bisshoppis saw this they wēt from the kīg And in the morne after the Anūciaon of our lady they pronouced the generall enterditīg thurgh out all englond so that the chirche doris wer shit with keis and with other fastynyng with walles ¶ And when the enterditing was pronoūced than the kyng be gane for to wax all out of mesure ̄ anone in to his hand all the possessions of the iiij bisshoppis of all the clarge thurgh out all the land he toke ̄ ordened men for to kepe it that the clarkis myght not haue ther leuīg Wherfore the bisshoppis cursed all them that put or shuld medle with holy chirche goodis ayens the will of them that owed them ¶ And when the kīg wold not of his malace sees for no maner thing Thes iiij bisshoppis a fore said went ouer the see come to the bisshop of Cātorburi ̄ told him all the thyng ¶ And the Erchebissh̄op to them said that they shuld gone ayen to Cātorburi he shuld cum thider to them or els he wold send vn to them certan ꝑsons in his stede that shuld do as moch as him self wer ther ¶ And whē the bisshoppis herd this They turned ayen in to englōd ̄ come vn to Cātorburi ¶ The tydīg comen to the kīg that the bisshoppis wer come ayen to cantorburi him selfe might not cū theder that tyme. he send thider bissh̄oppis erles ̄ abbotis for to trete with them that the kyng sh̄uld vnderfenge the erchebissh̄op stephen the prior ̄ all the mōkis of cantorburi that he shuld neuer after that tyme no thīg take of holi chirche ayens the will of them that awed the goodis that the kyng shuld make full amendis to them of whom
of the stepull in the castell of Douer fell doūe this same yere ¶ How the noble duke of yorke wos slayn and of the feld of wakefeld and of the secund Iourney at sent Albons by the quene and the prince THen for as moch os the quene with the prince hir son was ī the Northcuntre and absent hir from the kyng and wold not obeye such thynges as wos concludid in the parlament it was ordeyned that the duke of Yorke as protectour shuld go Northward for to bring in the quene subdue suche as wold not obeye wyth whom wēt the erle of Salisberi sir Thomas Neuill his sone with moche pepull· And at wakefeld in Cristemasse weke they wer all ouerthrowen and slayn by the lordis of the quenis partie that is to wit the Duke of yorke wos slayn the erle of Rutland sir Thomas Neuill and mony mo and therle of salisburi wos takyn othir as Iohn̄ harow of London Captayn and rewlar of the foot men and hanson of hull wich wer brought to poūfret and ther after behedid and ther hedis senten to yorke ̄ set vpon the yatis ¶ And thus wos that nobull prince slayn the duke of yorke on whos soule and all cristyn soules god haue mercy And this tyme therle of marche beīg ī shrowsberi hering the deth of his fader desired assistence ayde of the toūe to avēge his faders deth ¶ And from thens went to wales wher at Candilmase after he had a bataill at mortimers crosse ayenst therles of Penbroke and of wylshire wher therle of march had the victorie Then the quene wyth tho lordis of the north after they had distress●d and slayn thee Duke of Yo●ke and his felish̄ip com southward with a gret multitude and puissaunce of pepull for to cum to the kīg and defete such conclusions as had ben taken before by the parlament ayens whos commyng the duke of Norfolke the Erle of warwik wyth moch papull and ordinaunce went to sent Albons and sad kyng Henri wyth them And ther encountred to gedre in such wyse and faught so that the duke of Norffolke and the Erle of warwyke wyth mony othir of ther partie fled and lost y● Iourney wher that kyng Henri was taken and with the quene and wyth the prince Edward his son wych two had geten that feld ¶ Then the quene and hir pertie beyng at ther aboue sent anone to london wych wos on askiswedineday the first day of Lente for vitaill for wych the mayre ordined by thauys of the Aldermen that certayn cartis laden with vitaill shuld be sent to Seint Albons vn to them ¶ And when that tho cartis come to Crepylgate the comunes of the cite that keped that gate token the vitaillis from the cartis and wold not suffre it to passe ¶ Then wer th●● certayn Aldermen and comuners appoyntid to go vn to Barnet for to speke wyth the quenes counsell for to entreyt that the Northerin men shuld be sent home in to their cuntre ayen For the cite of London dred sore to be robbed and despoyled yf they had comen ¶ And thus during this trayte tydynges comen that the Erle of Warwike had met wyth thee Erle of the Marche on Cottyswold comyng out of walis wyth a gret menye of walsshmen And that they both wer commyng vn to londonward ¶ Anone as thes tidyngꝭ wer knowē th● tray●te was broken for the kyng quene prince and all thee othir lordis that weren with them departid from Seint Albons northward wyth all the● pepull Yit or they departid from thens they hedid the lord bonuyle sir Thomas Kiriell wich wer taken in the iourney done on shroftewisday ¶ Then the duchis of yorke beyng at london hering of the losse of the feld at s●nt albonis sent ouer se hir two yong sonnys George Richard wich went to vtrecht ¶ And Ph●lip malpas a rich marchant of lōdō Thomas vaghan squier mastir willm hatteclif mony othir fering of the comyng of the quene to londō toke a ship of andwarp for to haue gone in to Zeland· and on that other coost wer taken of on Colompne a franshmā a ship of were ̄ he toke them prisoners brought them in to fraunce wher they paied gret good for their ransum ther wos moch good riches ī that ship ¶ Of the deposiocion of kyng Henri the sext and how kyng Edward the fourth toke possession And of the bataill on palmeson●ay how he wos crouned THen whan the erle of March and the Erle of warwike had mette to gedres on Cotiswold in continente they conclud for to go vn to london And sent word anone vn to the maire to the cite that they shuld cum and anane the cite was glad of their comyng hopyng to be releuyd by them ¶ And so they comen to london whā they wer comyn ̄ had spokī with the lordis estates thē beīg ther ꝯcludid for as moch as kīg Henri was gone with them norward that he had forfited his croune ̄ aught for to be deposed accordyng vn to the actes made and passid in the last parlament ¶ And so by thauys of the lordis spirituall and temperall then beyng at londō the erle of the march Edward by thee grace of god oldest sun of Richard duke of yorke as rightfull heire next enheritour to his fader the iiij day of march the yer of our lord M. cccc lix toke possessiō of the reame of englōd at westmīster ī the gret hall after ī the chirch of the abbey offerd as king with the septre royall to whō all the lordis both spirituall tēꝑall did homage obeyssaūce as to ther soferayn liege lord and kyng And forthwith it wos ꝓclamid thurgh the cite kyng Edward the fourth of that name And anone after the kyng rood ī his rii●ll astate northward with all his lordis to subdue his subiectis that tyme beyng in the north ̄ to avenge his fadres deth ¶ And on Palme sonday after he had a gret bataill in the northcuntre at a place called Towton not fer from yorke wher with the help of god he gat thee feld and had the victorie wher wer slayn of his aduersaries xxx thousand men and mo as it wos said by them that wer ther. ¶ In wich bataill wos slayn the Erle of Northumberland the lord Clifford sir Iohn̄ Neuill the erle of westmerlandis brother Andrew Trollop● mony knyghtis squiers ¶ Then kyng Henri that had bene kyng beyng with the quene the prince at yorke hering the losse of that feld and so moch peple slam ouerthrowen anone forthwith deꝑtid all thre with the duke of sumerset the lord Roos othir toward Scotland ¶ And thee next day kyng Edward with all his armye entrid in to yorke wos ther proclamed kīg obeyed as he ought to be And the mair aldermen and comuns sworen to be his lege men And when