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A17643 A commentarie vpon the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romanes, written in Latine by M. Iohn Caluin, and newely translated into Englishe by Christopher Rosdell preacher. Whereunto is added a necessarie table for the better and more readie finding out of certayne principall matters conteyned in this worke; Commentarius in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Rosdell, Christopher, b. 1553 or 4. 1583 (1583) STC 4399; ESTC S107213 360,940 450

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power to raigne in vs for the vertue of sanctification ought to haue the superioritie ouer it that our life might testifie we are indeed the members of Christ Of late I admonished that this worde bodie is not to be taken for the flesh skinne and bones By body is meant the whole corrupted masse of man but if I may say so for the whole masse of man And that may be gathered more certainly out of this present place because another member which hee will adde straight wayes concerning the partes of the bodie is also extended vnto the soule And so Paule meaneth euen grosely the earthly man For the corruption of our nature causeth that we shew forth nothing worthy of our originall So God also whiles he complaineth that man is become fleshe or carnall as the bruite beastes leaueth nothing vnto him but that is earthly Gen. 6.3 Hereunto apperteineth that saying of Christ That which is borne of flesh is flesh Ioh. 3.6 For if any obiect that there is another consideration of the soule the aunsweare is at hande namely as wee are nowe degenerate our soules are so fastened to the earth and so addicted to our bodies that they are fallen from their dignitye or excellencie Furthermore the nature of man is called corporall because he being depriued of celestiall grace is onely a certayne deceiueable shadow or image And adde that this bodie is called mortall of Paule by contempt that he might teache howe the whole nature of man inclineth vnto death and destruction Nowe verily he calleth sinne that firste corruption abyding in our soules which draweth vs to sinne whence properly all euill deedes and abhominations flowe Betweene that and vs he putteth concupiscences in the middest that that might be in steed of a king concupiscences as statutes and commaundements 13 Giue not your members When sinne hath once gotten the dominion in our soule all our members are straight wayes giuen ouer into his obsequie or obedience Wherefore he describeth here the kingdome of sinne by the sequeles that hee might declare the better what we must doe if we will shake off his yoke And he borroweth his similitude from warfare whiles he calleth our members weapons like as if he saide as a souldier hath alwayes weapons in a readinesse to vse them as often as he shal be commaunded by his captaine and neuer vseth them but at his appointment so Christians ought to esteeme all their members to be weapons of the spirituall warfare We are the souldiers of Christ ought to haue nothing to doe with the campes of sinne If therefore they abuse any member of theirs vnto wickednesse they are woorthy to be blamed But by the othe of warfare they haue bound themselues to God and Christ by which othe they are tyed They ought therefore to haue nothing to doe with the campes of sinne They may see here by what right they can pretend the name of Christian whose whole members beeing as it were the brothell houses of Sathan are ready to commit all filthinesse On the contrarie nowe he biddeth vs giue our selues wholly to God namely that we restrayning our minde and heart from all wandering whereunto the lustes of the fleshe drawe vs might intende vppon the will of God onelie might be ready to receiue his commaundementes and prepared to obey his precepts that our members also might be destinated and consecrated to his pleasure that al the powers of our soule and body might fauour nothing but his glorie And the reason is added because it is not in vayne that the former life being done away the Lord hath created vs to a new after which actions deeds ought to follow 14 For sinne shal not haue dominion ouer you For you are not vnder the law but vnder grace 15 What then Shal we sinne because we are not vnder the law but vnder grace God forbid 16 Know ye not that to whom ye haue giuen your selues seruauntes to obey his seruantes yee are whom yee doe obey whether it be of sinne vnto death or of obedience vnto righteousnesse 17 But thankes be to God that yee were the seruantes of sinne but ye haue obeyed from the heart the type of doctrine whereinto ye haue beene brought 18 And being freed from sinne ye are made the seruants of righteousnesse 14 For sinne shall not haue dominion It is not necessary to abide long in reciting and refuting those expositions which haue none or but litle shew of truth There is one which may more probably be suffered then the rest namely whiche taketh this worde vnder the lawe For to be subiect vnto the letter of the lawe which doth not renewe the mynde as againe to be vnder grace is as much as by the spirite of grace to bee freed frō euill concupiscēces But that exposition is not simply allowed of mee For if we take that sence whereunto shall that interogation tende which followeth straight wayes Shall wee sinne because wee are not vnder the lawe The Apostle woulde neuer haue subiected suche a question excepte bee had meant that we are freed from the rigour of the lawe that God might no more deale with vs according to extreeme iustice wherefore there is no doubt but his meaning is to shewe heere some deliueraunce from the bondage of the lawe of the Lorde But all contention layde aparte I will briefly declare what I thinke And first heere seemeth vnto mee to bee a consolation wherewith the faithfull are confirmed that they faynte not in the studie of holines through the feeling of their weakenesse Hee did exhort them that they shoulde apply all their powers vnto the obedience of righteousnesse But so long as they carrie about the relikes of the flesh they muste needes halte somewhat Therefore least they being ouercome with the knowledge of their infirmitie shoulde dispayre he preuenteth this in time comforting them in this that their workes are not to be examined according to the seuere rule of the law but their impuritie being remitted God doth fauourably mercifully accept of them The yoke of the law cannot be borne but it breaketh or crusheth those that beare it it remayneth therefore that the faithful flee vnto Christ and desire him to be their deliuerer And so he offereth himself For to this end tooke he vpon him the seruitude of the law wherunto otherwise he was not a debter that he might deliuer those were vnder the lawe as the Apostle saith vnto the Galathians Gal. 4.5 What is the meaning when it is said we are not vnder the law Therfore not to be vnder the law signifieth not only that by the dead letter is prescribed vnto vs that which maketh vs guilty because we are vnable to performe it but also that we are not subiect vnto the lawe as it requireth perfect righteousnes pronouncing death against all those transgresse it in anie part Vnder the name of grace we vnderstand likewise both partes of redemption that is the remission of
their strength is not sufficient Paule saith hee founde not that were to bee wished namely the effecte of a good desire Heereunto apperteineth the confession that next followeth namely that hee did not the good hee woulde but rather the euyll which hee woulde not namely because the faithfull howsoeuer they bee right minded yet beeing priuie to theyr owne infirmitie they esteeme no worke to proceede from them without faulte For seeing Paule intreateth not heere of a fewe faultes of the Godly but in generall noteth the whole course of their life wee gather that their best woorkes are alwaye stayned with some blot of sinne so that no reward is to be hoped for but so farre forth as God doeth pardon them Finally hee repeateth that sentence namely that so farre forth as hee is indued with celestiall light hee is a faithfull witnesse and subscriber to the righteousnesse of the lawe Whereby it followeth that if wee had the pure integritie of nature the lawe shoulde not bee deadly vnto vs for the lawe is not aduersante to that man who being of a sounde minde abhorreth from sinne Howebeit health is of the celestiall Phisition 21 I finde then by the lawe that when I woulde doe good euil is present with me 22 For I consent to the law of God concerning the inner man 23 But I see another lawe in my members rebelling agaynst the lawe of my mynde and leadinge mee captiue vnto the Lawe of sinne whiche is in my members 21 I finde then Here Paule imagineth a fourefolde lawe Namely 1. the law of God which onely is properly so called because it is the rule of righteousnesse whereby our life is fashioned aright A fourefold law 2. Hereunto he addeth the law of the minde so learning the readinesse of a faithfull minde to obey the law of the Lorde because it is a certaine confirming of vs to the lawe of God 3. On the contrary side he opposeth the lawe of vnrighteousnesse and by a certaine allusion he so calleth the dominion whiche iniquitie hath as well in a man not yet regenerate as in the fleshe of a regenerate man For the lawes of Tyraunts how wicked soeuer they bee yet abusiuely are called lawes 4. Vnto this law of sinne hee maketh the lawe of members answere that is the concupiscence resting in our members For that consent it hath with iniquitie Concerning the first member because many interpreters take the name lawe in his proper sense they vnderstande Cata or Dia and so doth Erasmus translate it by the lawe As thoug Paul had saide by the instruction and direction of the lawe he founde out that corruption was graffed in him But that thou mayest vnderstande or adde nothing the sentence shall runne well thus the faythfull whiles they goe about to doe good they find a certayne tyrannicall lawe in them selues because there ●s graffed in their marrowe and bones a corruption contrarye and rebelling the lawe of God 22 For I consent to the lawe of God Heere then thou seest what manner of diuision there is in godly myndes whence ariseth that battayle of the fleshe and the spirite whiche Augustine in a certaine place doeth notablie call the Christian warfare The lawe of God calleth man vnto the rule of righteousnes iniquitie which is as it were a tyrannicall lawe of Sathan pricketh forwarde vnto wickednesse The spirite carieth vnto the obedience of the lawe of GOD the fleshe draweth backe vnto the contrary part Man thus distracted with diuers desires is now in a maner diuided of one made two men but because the spirite ought to holde the principalitie hee iudgeth and estimateth himselfe chiefly by that part Therfore Paul saith hee was bounde captiue of his flesh because whereas hee is yet tickled and moued with euill concupiscences that is a coaction in respect of the spirituall desire which altogether resisteth But the acception of the inner man and members is diligently to bee noted which whiles many did mistake they haue fallen vpon this rocke Therefore the inner man is not simply taken for the soule but for that spirituall parte of the soule whiche is regenerate of God the worde members signifieth the other part that remayneth What is ment by members howe the spirit hath the name of inner man For as the soule is the more excellent parte of man and the bodie the inferiour so is the spirite more excellent then the fleshe By this reason therefore because the spirite occupieth the place of soule in man and the fleshe that is the corrupt and contaminated soule the place of bodie spirite hath the name of inner man and fleshe the name of members The outward man is taken in another sense the seconde to the Corinth But the circumstaunce of the present place necessarily requireth that interpretation I haue put downe and it is called inner by the way of excellencie because it possesseth the heart and hidden affections seeing the appetites of the fleshe are wandering and as it were out of man Or surely it is like as if a man shoulde compare heauen with earth For Paule by the way of contempte vnder the name of members noteth what so euer appeareth in man that he might the better declare howe the secrete renouation is hidden and couered from our sences saue so farre forth as it is apprehended by fayth Nowe then seeing the lawe of the minde without question signifieth an affection rightly composed and set in order it appeareth that this place is wickedly wrested vnto men not regenerate For Paul teacheth that suche are without minde because their minde or soule degenerateth from reason 24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer mee from this body of death 25 I thanke God through Iesus Christ our Lorde Then I my selfe in my minde serue the Lawe of God but in my fleshe the law of sinne 24 O wretched man Hee windeth vp the disputation with a vehement exclamation whereby hee teacheth that wee are not onely to striue with our fleshe but with continuall sighing to bewayle both with our selues and before God our vnhappinesse And hee demaundeth not by whom hee might be deliuered as though hee doubted as vnbeleeuers doe who holde not that there is one onely deliuered But it is the voyce of one panting and almost fanting because hee doeth not sufficiently see present helpe And therefore hath he vsed the word take or deliuer that hee might shewe howe there is required vnto this deliueraunce a speciall power of God By the body of death Hee meaneth the masse of sinne What is ment by the body of death or heape whereon man is compacted sauing that in him there remained onely certayne reliques with whose bondes hee was holden captiue The pronowne this or of this which I with Erasmus haue referred vnto bodie may also fitly bee applied vnto death but almost in the same sence because the minde of Paule is to shewe that the eyes of the sonnes of God are opened that they
that raysed Iesus from the dead dwell in you hee which raysed Christe from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies because of his spirite that dwelleth in you 9 Nowe yee are not in the fleshe By a supposition he applieth the generall sentence vnto them to whome hee wrote not onely to the ende that directing his talke as proper vnto them hee might the more vehemently moue them but also that by the definition late put downe they might certainely gather howe they are of the number of those from whome Christe hath taken the curse of the lawe Yet withall shewing of what force the spirite of God is in the elect and what fruit it bringeth forth hee exhorteth them vnto newenesse of life If so be that the spirite of God This is a correction very fitly applyed whereby they are stirred vp to examine themselues more neerely A note to knowe the true sonnes of God from the children of the world least they pretende the name of Christe in vaine And this is a most sure note whereby the sonnes of God are discerned from the children of the worlde if by the spirit of God they be regenerate vnto innocencie and holinesse Although it seemeth his purpose was not so much to correct hypocrisie as to suggest matter of glorying against those were preposterously zealous ouer the lawe who esteemed more of the dead letter then of the inwarde vertue of the spirite which quickeneth the lawe Furthermore this place teacheth that Paule by the name of spirite meant not the minde or vnderstanding whiche of the Patrones of free will is called the more excellent part of the soule but the heauenly gift For hee expoundeth those to bee spirituall not which obey reason by their owne motion but whom God gouerneth by his spirite Who and howe they are called spirituall Neither yet are they said to bee according to the spirite as though they were full of the spirite of God which thing hath happened to none yet but because they haue the spirite of God abiding in them howesoeuer they feele some relique of the flesh remaining in them And it cannot meaning the spirite cannot remaine except it haue the superioritie For we are to note that a man is named of the chiefest part in him But if any haue not the spirite of Christe Hee addeth this that he might shewe howe necessarie the deniall of the fleshe is in christians The kingdome of the spirite is the abolishing of the fleshe in whome the spirite of Christe raigneth not they doe not appertaine vnto Christe Then they are not Christians that serue the fleshe For they who pull Christ away from his spirite make him like vnto a dead image or carkasse And alway wee are to remember that counsaile of the Apostle namelye that free remission of sinnes cannot bee separated from the spirite of regeneration because this were as a man woulde saye to rent Christe in peeces Which thing if it be true it is maruaile that wee are charged by the aduersaries of the Gospell with arrogancie that wee dare acknowledge the spirite of Christe dwelling in vs. For eyther wee muste denie Christe or confesse that wee are Christians by his spirite Surely it is horrible to heare that men are so fallen from the woorde of the Lorde that they doe not onely boast themselues to bee Christians without the spirite of God but also they scoffe at the faith of others But this is the Philosophie of Papists Nowe verily let the Readers marke heere that the spirite is indifferently sometime called the spirite of God the father somtime of Christe not onely because all the fulnesse thereof is shed vpon Christe How the spirite of God is also called the spirite of Christe as hee is our mediatour and head that from thence might redownde to euery one of vs his portion but also because the same spirite is common to the father and the sonne who haue one essence add the same eternall dietie Yet because wee haue no communication with God but through Christe the Apostle very wisely descendeth from the father who seemeth to be further of vnto Christe 10 And if Christe bee in you That which before he said of the spirite now hee saith of Christe whereby is declared the maner of Christes dwelling in vs. For as by his spirite he consecrateth vs for temples to himselfe so by the same spirit he dwelleth in vs and now he doth more cleerely open that which wee touched before How Christe dwelleth in vs. namely that the sonnes of God are counted spirituall not in respect of a full and absolute perfection but onely for the newnesse of life is begun in them And here is a preoccupation whereby he preuenteth that doubt which might otherwise vexe vs. For howsoeuer the spirit possesseth one part of vs yet we see another parte to be holden styll of death Therefore hee answereth that in the spirite of Christe there is a vertue of quickening which is of power to swallow vp our mortalitie Whereupō he inferreth how we are paciently to expect till the reliques of sin be vtterly abolished Furthermore the Readers haue bin alredy admonished that by the word spirit they vnderstand not our soule but the spirite of regeneration which spirite Paule calleth life not onely because it liueth and florisheth in vs but because by his strength it quickeneth vs vntill at the length our mortall flesh being extinguished it doth perfectly renewe vs as on the contrarie the worde body signifieth that grosse masse which is not yet cleansed by the spirite of GOD from the dregges of the earth which sauour of nothing but that is grosse For otherwise to attribute vnto the body the guiltinesse of sinne were absurde Againe the soule is so farre from beeing life that it liueth not it selfe Then the meaning of Paul is although sin doth iudge vs vnto death so farre foorth as there remaineth yet in vs the corruption of the first nature yet is the spirite of God the conquerour neither doeth this hinder any whit namely that wee are onely indued with the firste fruites because euen one sparkle thereof is the seede of life 11 If I say the spirite This is a confirmation of the last sentence being taken from the efficient cause after this maner if by the power of the spirite of God Christe were raysed and the spirite keepeth his power for euer Then it shall also shewe foorth the same power in vs. And hee taketh it for a thing graunted namely that a proofe of that power whiche apperteineth vnto the body of the whole Church was declared in the person of Christe And because hee maketh God the authour of the resurrection hee assigneth vnto him the quickening spirite Who raysed by a circumlocution hee describeth God which did agree better for the present purpose then if had simply named him In like maner hee ascribeth the glory of Christe raysed vnto the father for that was more effectuall to proue the thing
might prudently discerne from the lawe of God the corruption of their nature and death which proceedeth thence Howe bee it the name body is all one with the name externall man and members for Paul noteth this to bee the originall of sinne that man is fallen from the lawe of his creation and so is become carnall and earthly For although hee doe yet excell bruite beastes yet his true dignitie is taken from him and that which remayneth is filled with innumerable corruptions so that his soule as it is degenerate Gen. 6.3 may be said to be chāged into a body So god saith with Moses my spirit shall striue no more with mā because he is but flesh where by the way of reproch he compareth man being spoyled of his spirituall dignitie vnto brute beastes And this place of Paul serueth notably to beate downe all the glory of fleshe For it teacheth that the most perfect men of all so long as the dwell in their fleshe are addicted vnto miserie because they are subiect vnto death yea whiles they doe diligently examine them selues they finde nothing in their nature but miserie Furthermore least they shoulde cocker their dulnesse by his example Paule prouoketh them vnto carefull morninges and commaundeth them so long as they wander in earth to desire death as the onely remedie of their euill And this is the right ende of coueting or desiring death Why and howe the godly may wish for death For oftentimes desperation driueth prophane men vnto the same desire but rather for the lothsomnesse of this present life then for the wearinesse of their sinne they doe wickedly wishe for death Adde also that the faithfull albeit they leuell at the true marke yet they are not caried with an vnbridled or outragious passion to wishe for death but submitte themselues to the will of God to whom we ought to liue and die Wherefore they doe not rage with indignation agaynst God but they do humbly lay their griefes in his bosome for they doe not so stay or rest in the cogitations of their miseries but being mindefull of the grace receiued they temper their sorrowe with mirth as it followeth 25 I thanke God Hee therefore addeth this thankesgiuing straightwayes least any shoulde thinke hee murmured stubbornely against God in his complaint For wee know how easie it is yea euen in iust dolour or sorrowe to fall vnto murmouring or impatiencie Notwithstanding therefore Paule bewayling his estate did feruently couet death yet he confesseth him selfe to rest in the grace of God For it is not meete that the Saintes whiles they examine their owne imperfections shoulde forgette what they haue receyued of God Finally this cogitation sufficeth to bridle impatiēcie and nourish peace namely that they are receiued into the custodie of God to the ende they shoulde neuer perish and euen nowe feele them selues indued with the first fruites of the spirite which assureth them of the eternal inheritaunce And albeit they do not yet inioy the promised glory of heauen yet they being content with that measure which they haue obtayned neuer want matter of ioy Then I my selfe A briefe conclusion wherein hee teacheth that the faythfull neuer come vnto the marke of righteousnesse We neuer come vnto the marke of righteousnes so long as wee liue in the flesh so long as they dwell in their fleshe but they are in the way vntill they haue put off the bodie By minde hee vnderstandeth not that reasonable part of the soule whiche the Philosophers make so muche on but whiche is illuminated with the spirite of God to vnderstande and will aright For there is not onely mention made of the vnderstanding but also the serious desire of heart is ioyned To conclude by this exception hee confesseth that he is in such sort addicted vnto God that yet creeping vpon the earth hee is defiled with many corruptions This is a notable place to conuince These professed themselues to bee pure that pernicious doctrine of the Catharites or Nouatian heritikes which some tumultuous spirites goe about to renewe againe at this day CHAPTER 8. 1 NOwe then there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus which walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite 2 For the lawe of the spirite of life in Christ Iesus hath made mee free from the lawe of sinne and death 3 For that which was impossible to the lawe because it was weake through the fleshe God by sending his sonne in the similitude of sinnefull fleshe yea hee hath condemned sin of sinne in the fleshe 4 That the rigeteousnesse of the lawe myght bee fulfilled in vs which walke not after the flesh but after the spirite NOwe then there is no. Hauing set downe that conflict which the godly haue with their flesh hee returneth vnto a very necessary cōsolation for them whereof he made mention before namely that although they are yet beset on euerie side with sinne neuerthelesse they are exempted from the power of death and from all curse so bee it they walke not in the fleshe but in the spirite For hee ioyneth three thinges together imperfection which is alway in the faithfull the mercy of God in pardoning and forgiuing the same regeneration of the spirite and this last verily is added least any vpon a vaine opinion should boast himselfe as though hee were freed from the curse whiles in the meane time he doth securely cocker his fleshe As the carnall man therefore doth in vaine flatter himselfe if hee being retchlesse to refourme his life vnder the pretence of this grace promise to himselfe impunitie so the trembling consciences of the godly haue an inuincible safegarde that whiles they abide in Christe they knowe they are without all danger of condemnation Nowe it behoueth vs to examine the wordes Who walke according to the spirite hee counteth those to walke according to the spirite not which haue altogether put off all the senses of flesh so that in their whole life there appeareth nothing besides a celestiall perfection but which doe so diligently labour in taming the fleshe that the studie of pietie may appeare to raigne in them hee denieth such to walke according to the fleshe because wheresoeuer the sincere feare of God florisheth it taketh the dominion away from the fleshe albeit it doth not abolishe all the corruptions thereof 2 For the lawe of the spirite of life This is a confirmation of the former sentence for the vnderstanding wherof the signification of the wordes is to be obserued What is meant by the law of the spirit He calleth the lawe of the spirite improperly the spirite of God which sprinckleth our soules with the blood of Christ not only that it might cleanse them from the blot of sinne in respect of giltinesse but also sanctifie them vnto true puritie He addeth that it quickeneth for the Genetiue case after the maner of the Hebrewes is taken for an Epitheton whereupon it followeth that who so
handle the place of Moses but onely to apply it vnto the treatise of the present cause He doeth not therefore recite sillable by sillable what is in Moses but he vseth a polishing whereby hee applyeth the testimonie of Moses more neerely to his purpose Hee spake of p●aces are not to bee come vnto Paule hath expressed those places whiche are most of all hidden from our eyes and yet are to bee ●ee●e of our faith Wherefore if you take these to be spoken by the way of amplification or polishing thou canst not say that Paule hath violently and vnaptly wrested the woodes of Moses but rather thou wilt confesse that without any damage to the sense hee hath notably alluded vnto the wordes heauen and Sea Now let vs expound the wordes of Paule simply Because the assurance of our saluation dependeth vpon two principles namely whiles wee vnderstande that life is purchased for vs and death conquered to vs. With both which he teacheth our faith is supported by the word of the Gospell For Christe by dying hath swallowed vp death by rysing againe he hath gotten life in his power Nowe in the gospell the benefite of Christes death and resurrection is communicated vnto vs then there is no cause that wee shoulde seeke further for any thing Therefore that it myght appeare the righteousnesse of faith is aboundantly sufficient vnto saluation hee teacheth that those two members which onely are necessary vnto saluation are conteined in it Who then shall ascend into heauen Is as much as if he said who knoweth whether that inheritance of eternall and celestiall life abideth for vs Who shall descend into the deepe As if thou said who knoweth whether eternall death of the soule also follow the death of the bodie Both which doubtes hee teacheth to bee taken away by the righteousnesse of faith For the one should bring Christ downe from heauen Christ in his humane nature hath taken possesion of the heauens for the faithfull the other frō death should bring him backe againe For the ascention of Christe into heauen ought so to establish our faith of eternall life that hee in a maner draweth Christe himselfe out of the possession of the heauens that doubteth whether the inheritance of heauen bee prepared for the faithfull in whose name and cause hee is entred in thyther Likewise seeing hee tooke vpon hym the great horrours of Hell that hee myghte deliuer vs thence to call it into question whether the faythfull be still subiect to this miserie is to make his death voide and in a maner to denie it 8 But what saith it That negatiue speech which the Apostle hath hitherto vsed did serue to take away the impediments of faith it remaineth therefore that he declare the maner of obteining righteousnesse vnto the which ende this affirmation is added And whereas there is an interrogation interposed when they might all haue beene spoken together in on course of speeche that is done to procure attention And also his meaning is to shewe what a great difference there is betweene the righteousnes of the law and the Gospel seeing that sheweth it selfe a farre off it doth driue away all men from comming vnto it but this offering it selfe at hand doth familiarly inuite vs vnto the fruition of it The word is neere thee First of all this is to bee noted that least the mindes of men beeing carried away by vaine circumstances shoulde erre from saluation the boundes of the worde are prescribed vnto them within the whiche they ought to keepe themselues For it is as if hee shoulde commaund them to bee contente with the worde onely and admonish them that in this glasse the secretes of heauen are to bee seene which would both dasill theyr eyes with their brightnes astonishe their eares and also make the mynd it self amased Therefore the godly receiue an excellent consolation out of this place touchyng the certaynetie of the worde namely that they may as safely rest therein as in the most present beholdyng of things or as in any thyng is present and in hande Secondly it is to bee noted that suche a worde is propounded by Moses wherein wee haue firme and sure trust of saluation This is the worde of faith Iustly doth Paule take that for the doctrine of the lawe doth not pacyfie and quiet the conscience neyther doeth it minister vnto the conscience those thinges wherewith it ought to bee content Yet in the meane whyle hee excludeth not the other partes of the worde no not the precepts of the lawe but his mynde is to put downe remission of sinnes for righteousnesse and that without suche exact obedyence as the lawe requireth Therefore the worde of the gospell wherein wee are not commaunded to merite righteousnesse by workes but to imbrace it by faith being freely offered sufficeth to pacifie mens consciences and establish their saluation And the worde of faith by the figure Metonymia is put for the worde of promise that is for the gospel because it hath a relation with faith For the contrarietie whereby the law is discerned from the gospell muste bee vnderstood And out of this note of distinction we gather as the lawe requireth workes so the gospell requireth nothing els but that men bring faith to receiue the grace of God This parcell whiche wee preache is therefore added least any shoulde suspect Paule to dissent from Moses For hee testifieth that in the ministerie of the Gospell hee agreeth with Moses seeing he also did not place our felicitie any other where then in the free promise of Gods grace 9 So that if thou confesse This also is rather an allusion then a proper and naturall interpretation For it is like that Moses by the figure Synecdoche did vse the worde mouth Synecdoche is when by one thing another is vnderstood for face or countenance But it was not vnseemely for the Apostle to allude vnto the worde mouth to this sense when the Lorde publisheth his worde before our face assuredly hee calleth vs vnto the confession thereof For wheresoeuer the woorde of the Lorde is there it ought to fructifie and the fruite is the confession of the mouth Whereas hee putteth confession before faith it is the figure Anastrophe very vsuall in the Scriptures For the order had beene better Anastrophe is an inuersion of wordes when that is first should be last c. if faith of the hearte being put in the first place confessiō of the mouth which proceedeth thence had beene added And he doth confesse the Lorde Iesus aright who adorneth him with his vertue acknowledging him to bee such one as hee is giuen of the father and described in the Gospell And whereas resurrection onely is named wee must not so take it as though his death were in no place but because Christ by rysing again made vp our saluation For albeit our redemption and satisfaction was accomplished by his death by the which we are reconciled vnto God yet the victorie