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A14185 Lectures upon the vvhole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, deliuered in St. Peters Church in Oxford: by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ Henry Airay ... and now published for the vse of Gods Church by C.P. ... Airay, Henry, 1560?-1616. 1618 (1618) STC 245; ESTC S100494 890,650 1,118

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because they are things not principally intended The Apostle desireth to be loosed and to be with Christ to bee loosed why that he might be with Christ Whence I obserue that the death of Gods Saints is nothing else but a departure of the soule out of the body vnto heauen where Christ sitteth at the right hand of the Throne of God Hee which at the first coupled soule and body together in death parteth them asunder and taketh the soule vnto himselfe to bee where he is till in the resurrection hee couple them againe ●ogether neuer after to be parted asunder Whereof all the godly in Christ Iesus at all times haue beene so thorowly perswaded that alwayes in death they haue done and doe after the example of Christ Iesus commend their soules ●nto the hands of him that gaue them saying as he did Fa●her into thine hands I commend my spirit Luk. 23.46 So wee reade that that holy Martyr Steuen when hee was stoned called on God and said Lord Iesus receiue my spirit Act. 7.59 And in death it is the very ordinary praier of all Gods Saints Wherein they plainly shew their thorow-perswasion that in death their soules are receiued by the Father of spirits into the heauenly habitations there to be ioyned vnto Christ Iesus Contra●riwise the death of the wicked and vngodly of the earth is nothing else but a departure of the soule out of the body vnto hell there to be with the Deuill and his Angels Examples of both we haue in the begger and the rich man Luk. 16.22 whose deaths vnto the one was the departure of his soule out of his body into heauen but vnto the other the departure of his soule out of his body into hell Or if the persons of these proue not strongly enough take for example the death of the two theeues which were hanged with our blessed Sauiour on the Crosse vnto the one of which Iesus said that that day hee should be with him in Paradise Luk. 23.43 but vnto the other that railed on him his death doubtlesse was a downfall into hell Is then the dissolution of Gods Saints a passage of the soule out of the body vnto heauen there to be with Christ Farre be it then from vs to thinke that the condition of the children of men and the condition of beasts is euen as one condition vnto them that when man dieth hee returneth wholly vnto the dust and hath no more fruit of all the trauels that hee hath taken vnder the Sunne Thus indeede sensuall man following onely the iudgement of his weake sense and of his owne blinde reason thinketh and saith As the one dieth so dieth the other man and beast haue all one breath and in death there is no excellencie of man aboue the beast all goe to one place all to the earth as all came from the earth But the spirit of God hath otherwise taught vs in his holy word for doth not the Lord say that he is the God of Abraham Matt. 22.32 of Isaac and of Iacob And doth he not say that he is not the God of the dead but of the liuing Abraham Isaac and Iacob then are not dead but liuing Liuing How In their soules with God Dead they are in respect of the separation of their soules from their bodies But forasmuch as the earthly house of their Tabernacle being destroyed they haue a building giuen of God that is an house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens 2 Cor. 5.1 as the Apostle witnesseth euen of all the Saints of God therefore they are still liuing in their soules with God in the heauenly habitations Howsoeuer then the bodies of men be mortall and in death goe downe vnto the dust whence first they came yet their soules are immortall and in death returne vnto the Father of spirits whence they came But what needs more to this purpose then that which here our Apostle saith In death the sonnes of men are loosed that is their soules are separated from their bodies Now if the soule were mortall as the body what needed any loosing of the one from the other Surely both should fall together and not the one bee loosed from the other if the condition of both were one Euen this then that the soules in death are loosed from the bodies of men sheweth that the soules are immortall Againe in death the Saints of God are loosed that they may be with Christ After death then they are with Christ not in body for that descendeth vnto the graue there to rest vntill the resurrection In soule then In death then the soules of Gods Saints passe out of the body vnto heauen there to be with Christ And therefore farre be it from vs to thinke that in death as of beast so of man there is vtterly an end and an entire returne vnto the dust And yet so we liue a great many of vs as if we made no other reckning for do we not a great many of vs passe our dwelling here without feare in chambering and wantonnes in gluttony and drunkenesse in striefe and enuying Doe we not euen glut ourselues with sporting and pleasure and sundry delights of the flesh and say let vs be merry and take our fils of pleasure while we are here for when we are gone then all the world is gone with vs. Surely if a man may coniecture by our dissolutenesse of life a great many of vs either thinke that in death there is vtterly an end of vs or too little thinke what remaineth after death Beloued wee are bought with a price let vs therefore glorifie God both in our bodies and in our spirits We may not liue vnto our selues nor giue our members weapons of vnrighteousnes vnto sinne but we must liue vnto him that died for vs and rose againe and giue our members seruants vnto righteousnesse in holinesse Let vs so liue that in our liues wee thinke of death and let vs know that if we die the death of the Saints we shall die to liue for euer with Christ but if otherwise our part shall be in that lake that euer burneth Againe this may serue for the confutation of that foolish dreame of purgatorie The soules of Gods Saints they are loosed in death from the body and being loosed are with Christ The soules of the wicked they likewise in death are loosed from the body and being loosed do as it is said of Iudas Act. 5.25 go to their owne place euen the place of the damned Where then is Purgatorie They that trouble the Church with this fancie tell vs that of them that die some are perfect and iust men and they go streight vnto heauen others are desperately wicked and they goe streight downe into hell and others are neither perfitly good nor thoroughly badde and for these are Purgatorie But I demaund them touching this third sort of men haue they faith or no They grant they haue but a weake
minde of Christ his resurrection so to awaken them ●rom the dead sleepe of sinne vnto holinesse of life More ●laine to this purpose is that of the same Apostle where he thus saith Rom. 6.4 We are buried with Christ by baptisme into his death that like as Christ was raised vp from the dead by the glory of the Father so we also should walke in newnesse of life In which words most plainely ye may see how the Apostle presseth the similitude of Christ his resurrection to proue that we ought to walke in newnesse of life But in this place most worthy our consideration it is how the Apostle maketh Baptisme a resemblance of Christ his death and resurrection and so by an argument from our Baptisme proueth that we ought to walke in newnesse of life By baptisme saith the Apostle we are buried with Christ into his death that at he died for sinne so we by the power of his death should die vnto sinne againe in baptisme we are baptized into Christ his resurrection that as he was raised againe from death vnto life so we should rise from sinne wherein we are dead vnto newnesse and holinesse of life Want yee then motiues to perswade you vnto newnesse of life Behold Christ is risen againe behold we are baptized into Christ his death and resurrection therefore we ought to walke in newnesse of life Art thou then a Christian and y●● wantest thou proofe that thou oughtest to walke in newnesse of life Looke backe into thy Baptisme Wast thou not there visibly receiued into the Church of Christ and communion of Gods saints Wast thou not there sacramentally adopted into the number of the sonnes of God Was not there thy name registred amongst the children of the most high Diddest thou not there receiue presse money to fight vnder the banner of Christ Iesus Diddest thou not there promise vnto the Lord thy God in the congregation of his Saints to forsake the world the flesh the Deuill Did not thy God there make a couenant with thee that he would be thy God and thou againe with him that thou wouldest be his childe Wast thou not there sacramentally borne againe of water and of the spirit as at the first thou wast naturally borne of flesh and of bloud In a word wast thou not baptized into Christ Iesus euen into Christ Iesus dead and risen againe from the dead Wast thou not baptized into Christ his death that thou mightest die vnto sinne Wast thou not baptize● into his resurrection that thou mightest liue vnto God Ye● men and brethren if you looke backe into your baptisme yee ●hall finde euery of these things true in euery one of you And ●herefore we bring litle children to be baptized that here they may receiue the seale of that great couenant whereby God is ●heir God and they his people that here they may be visibly ●eceiued into the Church adopted into the sonnes of God ●egistred amongst his children and receiue as it were presse-money to fight vnder the banner of Christ Iesus against the world the flesh and the Deuill that here they may be bapti●ed into Christ Iesus euen into the death and resurrection of Christ Iesus And want we yet a sufficient reason to perswade ●s vnto newnesse and holinesse of life Surely we want no ●ufficient reason to perswade vs but yet this reason is not suffi●ient to perswade vs and preuaile with vs. The Ministers of God may lift vp their voices and cry daily Eph. 5.14 Awake thou that ●eepest and stand vp from the dead and Christ shall giue thee life They may cry till their hearts bleede within their bodies nay ●hey may cry till the breath goe out of their bodies Know yee ●ot that all yee that are baptized are baptized into Christ his death and into Christ his resurrection that yee might die vnto sinne ●nd liue vnto God But who doth heare Whose hearts are ●o pricked that they cry Men and brethren what shall we doe Sound a trumpet in a dead mans eares he moues not he ●eares not And surely so dead are we in our sinnes that how ●owde and often soeuer the trumpet of Gods voice sound vnto vs a retrait from sinne and wickednes vnto newnesse and ●olinesse of life yet we heare it not we are not at all moued ●herewith O my brethren the very meditation of our bap●isme with our selues and the seeing of the same administred vnto others should sufficiently preach vnto vs mortification ●rom dead workes and sanctification in holinesse of life ●specially baptisme being so notable a resemblance of Christ ●is death and resurrection as that it doth most liuely repre●ent vnto vs 1. our remission of sins by the death of Christ ●n that our soules are so clensed by the spirit from the filthines ●f sinne euen as the filth of the bodie is washed with water ● our regeneration and new birth by the power of his resur●ection in that after the washing by the spirit wee rise againe cleansed by the same spirit Let these things men and brethren sinke deepe into your soules Let the meditation of your baptisme call to your remembrance the death and resurrection of Christ and let all these stirre you vp vnto ne●nesse and holinesse of life that as he was exalted rising from death vnto life so yee may be exalted rising out of your s●●● to liue in righteousnes and true holinesse The second thing which Christ his resurrection may teach vs is that our bodies also howsoeuer they be turned into du●● torne of beasts or deuoured of fishes yet shall rise againe at that day For his resurrection is a most certaine and sure pledge of our resurrection and therefore is he called the first fruits of them that sleepe because as in the first fruits which were offered by the law 1 Co. 15.20 all the rest of the corne was sanctified so in Christ his resurrection we haue a most sure pledge of our resurrection But yet this withall thou must note that vnlesse thou haue part in the first resurrection thou shalt neuer haue part in the second .i. vnlesse thou first in this life rise from sinne in newnesse of life thou shalt neuer rise againe after this life into glory but onely vnto euerlasting condemnation which is called the second death Vnto you therefore I say as Paul spake to the Romanes If the spirit of Christ that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you Rom. 8.11 then he that raised Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies And by this yet know that the spirit of Christ dwelleth in you if yee mortifie the deeds of the flesh by the spirit and walke after the spirit i● newnesse and holinesse of life O striue to haue your second resurrection into glory assured vnto you by your first resurrection in newnesse of life Blessed and holy is he that hath p●● in the first resurrection Apec 20.6 for on such the second death hath no
Christ and that so much strife is among them 〈◊〉 as the chiefe man and maintainer of that way may either be forced to desist from preaching of Christ and so bring a shame on my selfe or else may be put to death But I know that this which they practise against me shall through your prayer and by the helpe of Gods spirit and according to my certaine expectation hope turne to my saluation euen to the saluation of my soule because of my confident constancie in the defence of the Gospell whether it bee by life or by death and to the saluation and deliuerance of my bodie out of prison so that neither shall I bee put to shame for leauing the defence of the Gospell nor put to death for standing in the defence of the Gospell This I take to be the order and meaning of these words in generall Now it wi●● be needfull that yet a little more perticularly we sift and examine the meaning of them For I know c. These words ye see containe in them a reason of something that went before Before the Apostle had said 〈◊〉 Christ be preached whether it be vnder a pretence or sincerely I therein ioy yea and will ioy Will ioy why F●● I know that this c. I know how euen by the reuelatiō of the spirit and by warrant out of the word What did he know I know saith he that this this what euen that this chaine wherewith I am bound and this practise of some brethre● in the Lord to bring me to shame by leauing the defence o● the gospell or to bring me to death if I stand in the defence of the Gospell I know saith he that this shall turne to my saluation Now what is meant by saluation all doe not agree Some thinke hee meaneth thereby his bodily deliuerance out of prison as the word is often vsed for a bodily deliuerance Act. 7.25 as where it is said of Moses That he supposed that be brethren would haue vnderstood that God by his hand would haue giuen thē deliuerance 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as here it is said and ofte● elsewhere Others thinke hee meaneth the saluation of h●● soule in the day of Christ as the word is most of all vsed ●●t I thinke the Apostle may be vnderstoode to speake of ●●th whether we consider the opposition betweene 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●d 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the matter of the Philippians prayer For ●●at was the affliction which they supposed to adde vnto 〈◊〉 bands Euen this that he as the chiefe by the threats 〈◊〉 Nero should be forced to leaue the defence of the gospel ●his shame and the hazard of his soule or if hee should ●●nd in the defence of the Gospell should be deliuered vn●● death Now in opposition to this he saith that whatsoe●●r they supposed hee knoweth that this euen this their ●●actise against his constancie or his life should turne to his ●●luation euen the saluation of his soule through his con●●ncie in the defence of the Gospell so that in nothing hee ●ould be ashamed c. And likewise to the saluation and ●eliuerance of his body out of prison quite otherwise then ●●ey had intended And againe the Philippians prayer no ●oubt was for both these euen that hee might abide con●●ant so that in nothing he might be ashamed and that hee ●ight be deliuered from the mouth of the Lyon And for ●hese causes I vnderstand saluation in this place both of ●oule and bodie in such sort as hath beene said I know that ●his shall turne to my saluation How by what meanes first ●hrough their prayer praying for his constancie and deli●arance Secondly By the helpe of the spirit of Iesus Christ which should be giuen vnto his seruant to helpe him euery way against all practises And thirdly Rom. 8.19 according to his fer●ent desire for so the word is translated or according to his ●arnest expectation and hope whereof he should surely not ●e deceaued I know saith hee that by these meanes this ●hall turne to my saluation How to his saluation by these meanes that is in that thus it should come to passe that in nothing pertaining to the defence of the Gospell he should bee ashamed but that with all confidence and liberty to speake in the defence thereof as alwaies so now where hee strengtheneth his hope by his experience Christ should be magnified and honoured in his body whether hee should liue by preaching the gospell or should die by sealing it with his bloud Wherevpon he signifieth his owne indifferency to either life or death and the conueniencie of his life in respect of them and then he tells them how this shall turne to his saluation in the deliuerance of his bodie out of prison And thus much for the opening of the meaning of these words in particular which as yee see is somewhat intricate and obscure Now let vs see what notes we may gather hence for our farther vse and instruction The first thing which I note is in the maine proposition in that the Apostle saith that he knoweth that this casting of him into prison and this practising against him being in prison shall turne to his saluation not onely of his bodie by deliuerance out of prison but of his soule because of his constancie in the defence of the Gospell Whence I obserue what fruit the godly may assure themselues shall follow vpon their sufferings and wrongs euen their saluation in the day of Christ Iesus For though the Apostle might know this some other way then now the godly can euen by the reuelation of the spirit as no doubt he did know of his deliuerance out of prison yet may the godly thus farre goe with the Apostle and say I know that my sufferings and wrongs shall turne to my saluation in the day of Christ Iesus But how shall they know this or assure themselues of this Euen because the Holy Ghost hath said Rom. 8.28 that all things worke together for the best vnto them that loue God In which place amongst many other arguments for the comfort of the godly against afflictions and troubles he vseth this drawne from the prouidence of God who so wisely ordereth and disposeth all things that eue● the crosses and afflictions of his children worke for the good of his children euen their best good their saluation Be it then tribulation persecution famine nakednes sword imprisonment or what crosse soeuer that doe presse vs we know that all things euen all crosses and calamities worke together for the best vnto them that loue God so that if we loue God we neede not shrinke at all these or any such like but certainely know that they shall turne to our salua●ion More plaine it may be to this purpose will be thought ●hat of the Apostle where he saith Rom. 8.7 2 Tim 2.12 that if we suffer with Christ we shall also be glorified with Christ and againe if
their good in the former is signified his great desire to remoue out of the bodie and to dwell with the Lord in the latter is signified his great desire to abide in the bodie for their furtherance and ioy of their faith vnto the former his loue toward Christ constrained him vnto the latter his loue toward them constrained him for the former it was best for him for the latter it was most needfull for them and thus betweene the former and the latter he was so perplexed that he knew not what to chuse life or death death for his owne present good or life for their further good Now the thing which in the former reason I note is that the Apostle desired euen with a great desire to be loosed from the prison of his bodie or to depart out of the bodie and to be with Christ where he sitteth at the right hand of the throne of God and that he counted this better for him in respect of himselfe then to liue in the bodie Whence I obserue that a Christian in respect of himselfe is rather to desire to die then to liue to depart out of the bodie then to abide in the bodie Vnto the proofe of this point out of this place adde also that other of our Apostle where to the same purpose and in the same words almost he saith thus We loue rather to remoue out of the bodie 2 cor 5.8 and to dwell with the Lord. And that good olde Simeon ye know when once he had seene the Messias which was promised then hee desired with all his heart to die saying Luc 2.29 Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace for mine eyes haue seene thy saluation as if he should haue said now that I haue seene the promised Messias the sweet Sauiour of the world now indeed I desire rather to die then to liue Yea but was it not a great fault in Iob that he desired rather to die then to liue when in the bitternesse of his soule he cried and faid Why died I not in my birth Iob. 3.11.6 9 7.15 or why died I not when I came out of the wombe O that God would destroy me that he would let his hand goe and cut me off my soule chuseth rather to be strangled and to die then to be in my bones Yes indeede this was a great fault in Iob thus in impatiency to breake out and to search for death more then for treasures Neither is any man be his crosses or troubles neuer so great neuer so many through impatiencie and because he is weary of his life to wish rather to die then to liue much lesse is he with cursed Achitophel or traiterous Iudas to become his owne butcher and to cut off his owne daies for this were to repine against the highest and to take our owne matters out of Gods into our owne hands A Christian therefore in respect of himselfe is to desire rather to die then to liue but in no sort through impatiencie or because he is weary of his life Yea but is not death terrible euen vnto the godly and doe they not oftentimes so shrinke thereat that they are afraid of it Yes surely death in it selfe and in it owne nature is so terrible that Dauid being in great heauinesse and distresse by reason of Sauls cruelty expressed it thus saying Psal 55.5 The terrors of death are fallen vpon me Whereby he meaneth that he was so afraid of his enemies as if death had beene ready to seaze vpon him And surely but for Christ Iesus that hee hath seasoned it and that through him it is but a passage vnto a better life wee might all of vs euen the best of vs well feare death as the fruit of sinne and as the reward or wages of sinne How then doe we say that a Christian in respect of himselfe is to desire rather to die then to liue We must vnderstand that a Christian is to desire rather to die then to liue but how not simply rather to die then to liue but so as Paul did rather to die and to be with Christ then to liue He doth not say to die and to be ridd out of the miseries of this life for so many desire whose desire is not good and for whom it were better rather to liue in the bodie then to die but he saith to die and to be with Christ Are we not then while we liue here in the bodie with Christ and Christ with vs If wee will speake as the scripture vsually doth we are not While we liue here in the bodie we are in Christ by his spirit and Christ in vs by faith as appeareth by many places of holy scripture but in the vsuall phrase of the scripture then principally wee are faid to bee with Christ when after the separation of the soule from the bodie we doe in soule enioy the continuall presence of Christ in heauen where he sitteth at the right hand of the throne of God euen as the Apostle witnesseth where hee saith Whiles we are at home in the bodie we are absent from the Lord 2 Cor. 5.6 not from being in the Lord but from dwelling with the Lord in the heauenly places So that first our earthly house of this tabernacle must be destroyed before we can be with Christ where he is as he is man When then we say that a Christian in respect of himselfe is to desire rather to die then to liue the meaning is that he is rather to desire the separation of his soule from his bodie and in soule to bee with Christ where he is as man till he may both in soule and bodie bee there with him for euer then to liue in the bodie And the reasons are plaine and cleare as first because Christ is the husband and we the spouse if we belong vnto Christ As then it is better for the spouse to liue with her husband then to liue apart from her husband Eph. 5.32 so is it better for vs to be loosed and to be with Christ then to liue in the bodie secondly because heauen is our home and here we are but pilgrims and strangers As then it is better to be at home then where we are but pilgrims and strangers Heb. 11.13 so is it better for vs to be loosed and to be with Christ then to liue in the bodie thirdly because it is better for the soule to be ioyned vnto Christ then vnto a sinnefull bodie for as Dauid saith of Mesech and of the tents of Kedar Woe is me that I am constreined to dwell in Mesech Psal 120. ● and to haue mine habitation among the tents of Kedar so may the soule say of the bodie woe is mee that I am constrained to dwell in this sinfull bodie better it were for mee to be ioyned vnto Christ 4. Because the body is as a prison of the soule wherein it wanteth free libertie to doe what
it would and should As then it is better to be out of prison and to liue at libertie so is it better to die and to be with Christ than to liue in the body 5. Because in the body wee only know in part beleeue in part loue in part liue in part ioy in part and are blessed in part with all such graces of the spirit but when wee remoue out of the body then that which is in part shall be abolished As then it is better to know to loue to liue to ioy c. perfectly than only but in part so is it better to be loosed and to be with Christ where all these shall be perfected than to liue in the body where they are neuer but in part Lastly to passe ouer the rest in silence because it is better to be with God than with men in heauen than in earth in a state freed from sorrow sinne and temptation than in a state subiect to them all Job 14.1 for man that is borne of a woman is but of short continuance and full of trouble as Iob speaketh yea his life is as a warfare 7.1 Matt. 6.34 as the same Iob speaketh and as our Sauiour speaketh euery day of his life bringeth griefe enough with it neither hath his griefe an end till his life haue an end But blessed are the dead that die in the Lord Ap. 14.13 euen so saith the spirit for they rest from their labours and their workes follow them They rest from their labours inasmuch as all teares are wiped from their eyes no more death nor sorrow nor crying nor paine doth take hold of them and their workes follow them inasmuch as they are had in remembrance before God when all other things of our life leaue vs and forsake vs. I spare to enlarge this point further at this time Ye may easily conceiue what might be added Let this serue for a iust reproofe of them that are vnwilling to die For come now and let vs reason the case together What man is there among you that if hee were clothed only with ragged and torne and patched and worne and bad cloathes would not be willing to be vncloathed of them and to be cloathed with better And what else is this mortall and corruptible body but as ragged and rotten cloathes wherewith wee are cloathed Why should wee not then be willing to be shifted of those cloathes of this mortall and corruptible body and to bee cloathed with our house which is from heauen euen with incorruption and immortalitie Againe what man is there among you that if hee were in prison would not be willing to be set at libertie or being in a place where he is but a stranger would not be willing to be at home And what else is this sinfull bodie but as a prison of the soule wherein it is so shut that it hath no libertie till it returne vnto him that gaue it Or what else is this world but as a place wherein wee wander as pilgrims and haue no abiding Citie Why should wee not then be willing to remoue out of this prison of the bodie and to bee receiued into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God or to loose anchor from this land wherein wee are but strangers and by death to saile towards heauen where is our home and our abiding Citie Where should the members ioy to be but with their head Where should the spouse desire to bee but with her husband Where should man whose breath is in his nostrils delight to bee but with him that is his life to see him as hee is and to liue in his continuall presence Surely whosoeuer thou art that art vnwilling to die thou doest not yet conceiue nor beleeue the blessed estate of them that die in the Lord thou hast not yet throughly learned this lesson that Christ is the husband of the Church that Christ is the life of his body that in the presence of Christ there is fulnesse of ioy and life for euermore for then wouldest thou willingly desire with the Apostle to bee loosed and to bee with Christ which is farre the best If the condition of the children of men and the condition of beasts were euen as one condition vnto them so that in their death there were indeed no difference or if after death there remained nothing but a fearefull expectation of iudgement then indeed thou haddest some reason to be vnwilling to die But now that Christ by death hath triumphed ouer death and made death vnto thee if thou belong vnto him a passage vnto life without death vnto ioy without sorrow vnto all blessednesse without any miserie why shouldest thou bee vnwilling to die Nay now a chip for death nay now most welcome death And so beloued let it be to euery one of vs. If wee belong vnto Christ there is no cause why wee should feare death and great cause there is why wee should embrace death Let vs therefore neuer feare death nor be vnwilling to die but whensoeuer the Lord his will is let vs be willing to be loosed and to be with Christ which is best of all LECTVRE XIX PHILIP 1. Verse 23. Desiring to be loosed and to be with Christ which is best of all NOw to proceed Against this which hath beene said it may be obiected that as no man is to put asunder the things which God hath coupled together as the soule and the body so no man is to desire that the things which God hath coupled bee sundred and therefore no Christian is to desire to die Whereunto I answer that it is true that no Christian is to desire simply to die nor to die to this end only that he may be rid of the miseries of this life nor to die otherwise than when the Lord his will is but yet he may desire to die and to be with Christ to die to this end that hee may bee with Christ to die when the Lord his will is and when his death may be for his glory 1 Reg. 19.4 So it is to be vnderstood of Elias that he desired to die when he praied and said It is enough O Lord take my soule for I am no better than my fathers And so wee say that a Christian may desire to die when the Lord his will is not for that death in it selfe is to be desired but because he desireth to be with Christ So that the thing which a Christian desireth simply and in it selfe is to bee with Christ neither doth he otherwise desire to be loosed but that he may be with Christ and so wee say he may desire to be loosed when the Lord his will is And thus much for this which is the chiefe point in these words whence ye see that a Christian in respect of himselfe may desire rather to die than to liue Other things there are which may not vnfruitfully bee noted in these words which I will only briefly touch
dehortation And in nothing feare c. but is thus to bee vnderstood in true coherence with that which went before Let your conuersation c that whether c I may heare and see that yee continue in one spirit and in one minde fighting c and that in nothing yee feare your aduersaries For so wee are to vnderstand the Apostle that hauing exhorted the Philippians to such a conuersation as becommeth the gospell of Christ he doth particularly specifie some things whereby they might giue proofe vnto him of such a conuersation as namely if hee might heare or see that they continued in one spirit and in one minde fighting together c and in nothing fearing the aduersaries or being in nothing afraid of the aduersaries Thus then I read these words not by way of dehortation but as depending on the former words and in nothing fearing the aduersaries or and being in nothing afraid of the aduersaries The Syriac interpreter readeth in nothing feare our aduersaries our reading is in nothing feare your aduersaries But in the originall is neither read our nor your aduersaries but as I said before in nothing fearing the aduersaries or fearing them that oppose themselues The meaning is that if he might heare or see that both they stood fast by the power of the spirit against the aduersaries of the truth and that they ioyntly fought together against the aduersaries of the truth as men knit together in one minde and likewise that in nothing they feared them that opposed themselues against the truth and the professors thereof this should bee a good proofe vnto him that their conversation was such as became the Gospell of Christ Hence then I obserue a third speciall part and marke of such a conuersation as becommeth the Gospell of Christ which is christian courage against the aduersaries of the truth and of the professors thereof If in nothing we feare the aduersaries of the Church and of the truth but take a good courage against the Dragon and his Angels this is a good note of such a conuersation as becommeth the Gospell of Christ Whereunto the Holy Ghost seemeth to giue so many testimonies as he doth often disswade all feare of whatsoeuer and whomsoeuer exalt themselues against God Feare yee not them saith our blessed Sauiour Mat. 10.28 which kill the bodie but are not able to kill the soule but rather feare him which is able to destroy both soule and bodie in hell Mat. 10.28 In which place our blessed Sauiour putteth the very extremitie of that which any aduersarie can doe against vs. For what can any cruell tyrant or bloudy persecutor doe more then kill the bodie Nebuchadnezzars rage and furie against those three seruants of the Lord Shadrach Mesech and Abednego can no more but take hold of their bodies and cast them into an hote fiery furnace And the Deuill himselfe when he would wrecke his malice vpon Iob Job 1. 2. what could he doe more then touch him in his goods and in his bodie Assault the soule the Deuill may by many tentations and poyson the soule Heretiques may by their damnable heresies but none of them all can kill the soule neither can any of them all preuaile farther either against the soule to infect or defile it by heresies or other pollutions or against the bodie to kill or to afflict it then they haue power from God The Iewes in their rage may stone Steuen to death Act. 7.59 but though Nebuchadnezzar in his rage command the furnace to be hot seauen times hotter then it was wont Dan. and cast Shadrach Meshech and Abednego into the middest of it yet not one haire of their heads shall be burnt nor their coates singed nor any smel of fire come vpon them And why but because the Lord giueth power ouer the one and not ouer the other The very extremitie then which any aduersarie can doe against vs is to kill the bodie and that if the Lord giue leaue they may doe yet saith the Lord feare them not seeing they can doe no more feare them not Yea but they are many and we but few how should we but feare them Nay though they be many and wee but few Luc. 12.32 how should we feare them seeing our great Captaine Christ Iesus hath said vnto vs Feare not little flocke Wherein he implieth that the aduersaries are many and wee but few yet saith he little flocke feare not And shall hee bid vs not feare and shall we feare Elisha we read feared not the King of Syria 2 Reg. 6.16 nor all his horses and charets nor his mighty hoste because he knew that they that were with him were m●e then they that were against him Be we nener so few we are to take vnto vs that weapon of faith whereof we spake before and to beleeue that God is with vs and then we are not to feare but with good courage and comfort to say If God be with vs who can be against vs Rom. 8.31 for surely if he be with vs none shall be able to preuaile against vs. Yea but they are mighty powerfull and strong Yea but God that dwelleth on high is mightier and be the aduersaries that oppose themselues against vs tyrants or heretiques or spirituall wickednesses which are in the high places his power is enough to ●quell them and to turne all that they can doe against vs to the furtherance of his Gospell and to our saluation And why are they mightier and stronger then we Is it because they are moe then we One God and Sauiour of vs all Christ Iesus enow for them all If he goe forth with our armies nay if he goe forth with vs alone with thee or with me hell gates shall not be able to preuaile against vs. What then Are wee desperately to runne vpon their pikes and to put our selues in danger or securely to walke and onely contemne them No these are extremities on the other side and either to runne our selues into danger when we neede not or to wish assaults by Satan grapling with heretiques persecution by tyrants or on the other side to sleepe the matter when such aduersaries lay their batteries against vs what else is it but to tempt the Lord by willfulnes and securitie We are to feare them so that we auoide them and runne not our selues into the danger of them when we neede not and we are so to feare them that we take heede that we be not circumvented by them For our blessed Sauiour himselfe so feared that hee runne not himselfe into the danger either of any other aduersarie or of the Deuill when he was tempted but was led aside by the spirit into the wildernes to be tempted of the Deuill Mat. 4.1 and so he feared that he tooke heede of being circumvented either by any other aduersarie or by the Deuill and therefore returned vpon his false allegations of scriptum est true allegations
of ●od in him Here then is an exceeding great comfort for euery faithfull Christian soule Christ hath fulfilled the law for vs and his ●bedience vnto the law is now made our righteousnes so that ●ow there is no condemnation vnto them that are in Christ ●esus Whatsoeuer the law required of vs all that he hath ●ulfilled in his owne person that so the righteousnes of the ●aw which was impossible for vs to performe might be im●uted vnto vs and we deliuered from the bondage of the ●aw He made himselfe subiect vnto the law that by fulfilling ●f the law for vs he might free vs from all feare of condemna●ion by the law Doth then the law present before thine eyes 〈◊〉 curse and condemnation if thou doest not continue in all ●hings that are written in the booke of the law to doe them ●nd doth thine owne conscience tell thee that in many things ●hou hast offended and many waies thou hast transgressed ●he law of thy God Be not troubled nor feare Cast thy ●urthen vpon Christ Iesus He hath fulfilled the law not for himselfe but for thee that his obedience might be imputed for righteousnesse vnto thee Againe knowest thou that nothing that is vnpure or vncleane hath at any time entred into Gods sight and wouldest thou be presented pure and vnblameable before him in that day Here is the garment of thy elder brother Christ Iesus in this his obedience thou shalt appeare righteous before thy God in that day Thine owne obedience thine owne works thine owne righteousnes seeme it neuer so great and goodly must vanish as a morning cloud in that day for euen thy best righteousnesse is but as the menstruous cloathes of a woman as the Prophet speaketh The cloke where withall thy nakednes must becouered is the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus which righteousnesse is made thine owne if thou by a true and liuely faith lay hold on him where he sitteth at the right hand of the Father in the highest places What greater comfort can there be vnto thine afflicted soule then this both to be deliuered from the curse of the law for not keeping it and to be presented pure before thy God a that day And all this comfort thou maiest haue by this obedience of Christ Iesus And as this obedience of Christ Iesus vnto his Fathers wi●● to fulfill the law for vs may iustly minister this comfort vnto vs so may it further teach vs to yeeld all obedience vnto the will of our heauenly Father For howsoeuer we be freed from the condemnation of the law because Christ hath fulfilled the law for vs yet are we not freed from the performance of our obedience vnto the morall law of God but euen by th●● example of our Sauiour Christ we are more straitly tied therevnto 1 Joh. 2.6 For he that saith he remaineth in Christ ought euen so to walke as he hath walked in all humilitie and in all obedience to his heauenly Fathers will He that saith he knoweth God and keepeth not his commandments 4. is a liar and the truth is not in hi●● but he that keepeth his word in him is the loue of God perfect indeed and hereby we know that we are in him and that we loue him if ●e keepe his commandements 5. As therefore Christ walked in the law and performed all obedience vnto his Fathers will so remember thou to walke with thy God and to keepe his commandements with thine whole heart Beware that thou dissemble not beware that thou present not thy selfe in the assembly of Gods saints to heare his word or to receiue his holy sacrament either for fashions sake or for feare of the law onely to saue thy purse for so thou purchasest vnto thy selfe a fearefull iudgement Beware how thou dalliest with thy God for he seeth not as man seeth Well thou maiest dissemble with man but he searcheth the heart and the reynes and he knoweth all thy thoughts long before they be conceiued by thee Let thy heart be sound with thy God and his commandements let them be in thy heart to doe them And so much of Christ his obedience It followeth And became obedient euen vnto the death His death being likewise a part of his voluntarie obedience vnto his Fathers will for both in fulfilling the law and in suffering death for vs he shewed his obedience vnto his Father and wrought the works of our redemption Here then is the third doctrine touching Christ which I proposed to be obserued which is touching his death vnder which name I vnderstand not onely the separation of his soule from his bodie but all the paines and agonies which he suffered both in soule and bodie For as it was written of him He bare our infirmities Esay 53.4 and caried our sinnes he was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquities he made his soule an offering for sin the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed as thus I say it was written of him so thus he suffered and was obedient vnto the death Will you then see what manner of death Christ suffered He suffered not onely a bodily death and such paines as follow the dissolution of nature but he suffered likewise in his soule the wrath of God for the sinnes of the world lying so heauy vpon him that it wounded his flesh and his spirit also as the scripture speaketh euen to death For if he had suffered no more but in bodie then he ouercame no more but a bodily death and then were our state most miserable but our sinnes hauing deserued not the bodily death onely but euen death both of body and soule by the death which he suffered he ouercame death and the power of it both in our bodies and in our soules Whence was it that when his death approched he began to be in sorrow and heauinesse Whence was it that he said vnto his Disciples my soule is very heauy euen vnto the death Whence was it that so often he fell on his face and praied that if it were possible that cup might passe from him Whence was it that an Angell appeared from heauen vnto him to comfort strengthen him Whence was it that as he praied his sweat was like drops of bloud trickling downe to the ground Was not this and all this euen from the paines which he felt in his soule by reason of the wrath of God against sinne Can we thinke that all this came to our Sauiour Christ for feare of a bodily death Haue his seruants that receiue of his fulnesse so despised this death of the body that either they wisht for it to be with Christ or reioyced in the middest of it before the persecutor and did our Sauiour himselfe so feare and tremble at the remembrance of it Did the Apostles sing in prison and reioyce when they were whipt and scourged Did Paul glory in the tribulations which he suffered and did our
Sauiour in such like paine crie in the bitternes of his soule my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Nay my brethren that which made Christ to be heauie would haue crusht his Apostles in pieces that which made him sweat bloud in the garden would haue sunke them into hell that which made him crie would haue held both men Angels vnder euerlasting woe and lamentation Besides his bodily death therefore and the paines that followed thereupon hee felt in his soule most grieuous paines through the wrath of God which was vpon him for our sins And thus ye see what death he suffered for our sakes when he was made obedient to the death The fruites and benefits which wee receiue by Christ his death are these 1. By his death we are freed from that death which is both of body and soule haue the victory ouer that death which is the reward of sinne as witnesseth the Apostle For our Sauiour by his death hath pulled out the sting of death Heb. 2.14 Rom. 8.1 and on the crosse hath triumphantly said O death where is thy sting ô graue where is thy victorie and therefore when we feele the pangs of death approach wee should not feare but be full of hope considering that our death is now changed by the vertue of Christ his death and is the entrance into an euerlasting ●ife 2. By Christ his death we haue remission and forgiuenesse of our sinnes as saith our Sauiour himselfe where in the institution of his supper Math. 16.28 this my bloud which is shed for many for the remission of sinnes For the remembrance of which his blessed death and fruits of his passion he hath ordained this holy Sacrament of his supper to be continued in his Church for euer In which holy supper the death and passion of our Sauiour is so liuely represented vnto vs a if we had seene it with our eies the bread betokening the body the wine the bloud of our Sauiour Christ the breaking likewise of the bread signifying the breaking of his body with those vnspeakable torments which he suffered and the pouring out of the wine the shedding of his most precious bloud when his blessed side was gored with the speare of a souldier our eating of the bread and drinking of the wine assuring vs of our incorporation into Christ to be made partakers of all the benefits of his passion When ye come therefore to this holy Supper remember that ye are called hither to continue the remembrance of his blessed death and passion vntill his blessed comming againe Repent you earnestly of your manifold sinnes for the remission whereof Christ shed his owne hearts bloud Loue one an other euen as he hath loued vs who laid downe his life for vs. And haue faith in Christ Iesus whom God hath set foorth to be a reconciliation through faith in his bloud By faith in Christ Iesus we receiue remission of our sinnes and all other benefits of his death and passion By loue of our brethren we testifie our loue of God who sent his sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes And with the contrition and sorrow of our hearts for our sinnes the Lord is better pleased then with all burnt offerings and sacrifices These are the things which the Lord requireth of vs euen faith repentance and loue and as at all times so at this time especially when we come to the receiuing of these holy mysteries let vs thinke of these things He that eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth and drinketh his owne damnation crucifying againe vnto himselfe the Lord of glory and King of our peace But hee that examineth himselfe and so eateth of this bread and drinketh of this cuppe is made one with Christ and Christ with him and Christ shall raise him vp at the last day so that he shall neuer see death because he belieueth in him who died for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification It followeth Euen the death of the crosse The most shamefull death that they could put him vnto Here then is the fourth and last point which I noted in these words which is the kinde of his death whereunto he submitted himselfe The kinde of his death was he was crucified betweene two Theeues where he was mocked of all sorts of men where in feeling of the whole wrath of God vpon him he cried out my God my God why hast thou f●●saken mee where hauing performed all things that were written he said it is finished and so commended his spirit into the hands of his Father Whence 1. we may learne with bitternesse to bewaile our sinnes for which Christ was thus cruelly nailed on the crosse and there suffered the whole wrath of God 2. To crucifie our flesh and the corruption of our nature and the wickednesse of our hearts Gal. 3.24 For they that are Christs crucifie the flesh with the affections and the lusts 3. It may teach vs that when wee suffer any iudgement crosse or calamity in body or in minde wee doe not suffer them as any curses of God but as the chasticements of a louing father For Christ Iesus in his crosse being accursed for vs hath deliuered vs from all curse Beloued let vs thinke of these things mourning for our sinnes mortifying the deedes of the flesh and comforting our selues in the crosse of Christ Iesus who abased himselfe for vs fulfilled the whole law for vs died for our sinnes and was nailed to the crosse for our iniquities O Lord teach vs to humble our selues both before thee and one vnto another teach vs to doe thy will teach vs to die vnto sinne that we may liue vnto thee and daily more and more crucifie the old man in vs that being renued in the spirit of our mindes we may henceforth serue thee in holines and righteousnes all the daies of our life LECTVRE XXIX PHILIP 2. Verse 9.10 Wherefore God hath also highly exalted him and giuen him a name aboue euery name that at the name of Iesus c. IT remaineth now that we proceed from the description of Christ his humility vnto the description of his exaltation into glorie after his humiliation here on earth set downe in these words Wherefore God hath also c. In which words the Apostle 1. in generall setteth downe Christ his exaltation into glory as a consequent or effect following his humiliation and obedience vnto the death when he saith Wherefore ●od hath also c. Him euen Iesus who was crucified him ●ath God raised vnto life set him at his right hand and made ●im both Lord and Christ 2. The Apostle setteth downe a ●ore particular specification and explication of Christ his ex●●tation into glorie 1. when he saith and giuen him a name c. Whereby is meant that God hauing raised him from the ●ead hath giuen him such maiestie and glorie in the heauenly ●aces that he hath appointed him Lord ouer all things and ●ade him head vnto the Church
euen the like extremitie of sickenesse that Epaphroditus was brought vnto A step onely betweene them and death or rather no steppel but they deliuered out of the iawes of death as a pray out of the teeth of the wilde beast or as a bird out of the snare of the fouler And this the Lord may seeme to doe for these causes amongst many other 1. Thereby to make his power more to be knowne amongst the sonnes of men For what can more manifest the power of almighty God then to saue vs when the pit is now ready to shut her mouth vpon vs and nothing but present death before vs 2. To encrease their thankefulnesse who being brought vnto the gates of death are thence deliuered For how much neerer they were vnto death so much greater praises are due vnto him that hath deliuered them from death 3. Thereby to humble them for euer vnder his mightie hand by whom they yet liue moue and haue their being For what should more humble vs then plainely to see that it is no way in our selues but in the Lord only to saue our life from death and to deliuer vs from the power of the graue Seeing then it pleaseth the Lord oftentimes to bring euen his dearest children and choisest seruants into such extremities as of other dangers so of sicknesse let vs take heed how we iudge them as plagued of God for their offences because they are so extreamly visited Yee know it was the great fault of Iobs friends that still they vrged him that surely hee was a great and grieuous sinner a wicked and an vngodly man because the Lord his hand was so heauie vpon him Nay my brethren though some of our brethren in these hot and sharpe diseases through extremity of paine or otherwise howsoeuer should somtimes breake out into impatient speaches yet let vs take heede how we iudge them as forsaken of the Lord ye know the example of Iob into what execrations and words of impatiencie he brake out through that extremitie of griefe wherewith he was holden who yet was a very choise seruant of the Lord and whose patience is commended in the Scriptures Againe seeing it pleaseth the Lord oftentimes to bring euen his dearest children and choisest seruants into such extremities of sicknesse let this be a comfort vnto vs in what extremitie of sicknesse so euer we shall be For no new thing herein doth befall vs but such as oftentimes doth the dearest children of God and he which deliuered them from the hand of the graue when the pit had euen shut her mouth almost vpon them will also deliuer vs if it shall be for his glory and our good Sicknesse and extremitie of sickenesse all are of the Lord and all for the best vnto his children Let vs therefore in all things that befall vs so submit our selues vnto the will of the Lord as that both in heart and voice we euer pray and say thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen LECTVRE XLV PHILIP 2. Verse 27. But God had mercy on him and not on him onely but on me also lest I should haue sorrow vpon sorrow BVt God had mercy on him Where the Apostle first setteth downe the cause of his recouerie and restoring vnto health which was Gods mercy 2. The extent and bountifulnes of Gods mercy therein reaching not to Epaphroditus alone but to Paul also 3. The Apostle setteth downe the cause why the Lord in mercy towards him also restored Epaphroditus vnto health to wit left he should haue sorrow vpon sorrow .i. lest vnto that sorrow which already he had by his bands and imprisonment there should haue beene added another sorrow for his death The words are so plaine and easie in themselues to be vnderstood that there needeth no farther opening or explication of them Let vs therefore see what notes and obseruations we may gather hence whereof we may make some vse vnto our selues But God had mercy on him By which phrase of speech the Apostle signifieth Epaphroditus his recouerie and restoring vnto health Yet see how the Apostle was not content barely to say but he was restored vnto health but signifying euen this same thing he withall noteth both who restored him wherfore he was restored vnto health saying But God had c. As if he should haue said but God for his mercies sake restored him vnto health Whence I note that it is the Lord that woundeth and maketh whole that both visiteth vs with sicknesse and also holdeth our soule in life and healeth all our infirmities For so the Lord himselfe saith Behold now for I Deut. 32.29 I am he and there is no God with me I kill and giue life I wound and I make whole And againe in Exodus saith the Lord Ex. 15.26 I am the Lord that healeth thee And therefore the Prophet thus praieth Heale me ô Lord and I shall be whole saue me I●r 17.14 Ps 103.2.3 and I shall be saued And the Prophet Dauid thus stirreth vp himselfe to praise the Lord saying Praise the Lord ô my soule and forget not all his benefits which forgiueth all thy sinne and healeth all thine infirmities or all thy sicknesses and diseases It is the Lord then yee see that healeth our sicknesse and holdeth our soule in life yea it is euen he that deliuereth vs both from the first and likewise from the second death Yet I would not here be so mistaken as if I iudged that because it is the Lord that healeth our infirmities therefore in the bed of our sicknes we should onely call vpon the Lord and neglect the meanes ordeined for the recouerie of our health For as he hath appointed the end so hath he ordeined the meanes vnto the end And albeit sometimes he worke without meanes and restore vnto health without any medicine or physicke at all yet most ordinarily he worketh by meanes and restoreth vnto health by medicine and physicke And therefore we are not at any time to neglect the meanes of physicke and such like helps for the recouerie of our health but rather we are to vse them with all thankfulnesse vnto the Lord for them and with all praier and supplication in the spirit for his blessing vpon them We see how that good King Ezechias when it had beene told him of the Lord by the Prophet 2 Reg. 20.5.6 thus Behold I haue healed thee and the third day thou shalt goe vp to the house of the Lord and I will adde vnto thy daies fifteene yeere yet for all that 7. when the Prophet said vnto him take a lumpe of dried figs and lay it vpon the boyle and thou shalt recouer he tooke it and laid it on and recouered He might haue said hath the Lord spoken and will he not performe it He hath promised me heal●h and a lengthning of my daies for 15 yeeres what neede I more then his word what neede I any medicine or prescript from any Physician
dutie it appeareth that our conuersation should be in all holinesse as becommeth the Saints of God and citizens of hi● kingdome But most plaine to this purpose is that of ou● Apostle where he saith If yee be risen with Christ seeke those things which are aboue Colos 3.1.2 where Christ sitteth at the right hand o● God set your affections on the things which are aboue For in this place the Apostle sheweth most plainely that if we be risen with Christ by the vertue of his resurrection then we are in minde and affection euen while we are in the bodie to ascend vp into heauen and euen to dwell with him where he is at the right hand of God And why should it seeme strange vnto any that euen while we liue here in the bodie we should haue our conuersation in the heauens Where should the bodie liue but where the head liueth If then Christ which is our head and our life be in heauen we also which are the members of his bodie should haue our life in heauen where Christ which is our life is Againe where should the spouse loue and like to be but where her welbeloued bridegroome is Her heart and her soule should be so knit vnto him as that where he is there should shee be also Nay our Sauiour himselfe tells vs that where our treasure is there will our hearts be also Is then Christ in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge the treasure and ioy of our soules If he be Matt. 6.21 then where he is there will our hearts be also In bodie it must needs be that we walke on earth amongst the sonnes of men till our earthly house of this tabernacle be destroyed and we be clothed with our house from heauen But here we haue no abiding Citie Heb. 13.14 In token whereof we read that the holy Patriarchs dwelt in tents counting themselues onely pilgrims vpon earth and as guests in an Inne for a night and looking for a Citie hauing a foundation whose builder and maker is God Nay what else is here but a vale of misery and a valley of teares How are we here assaulted on euery side with the world the flesh and the Deuill How doe the wicked and vngodly of the earth take secret counsell together against vs saying come let vs roote them out that they be no more a people and that their name may be no more had in remembrance How doe the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life swarme like grashoppers vpon the face of the earth How manifold are our necessities infirmities miseries distresses perils crosses troubles tentations afflictions losses griefes and anguishes both in soule and in bodie while we are in the bodie Euen such and so many that we haue great reason with our Apostle to sigh whiles we are in this tabernacle and to desire to remoue out of the bodie 2 Cor. 5.4.8 and to dwell with the Lord. Seeing then that here we are but pilgrims and strangers and haue no abiding Citie being that here is but a vale of misery and a valley of teares we are not here to pitch the resting place of our soules but liuing here in the bodie we are in heart and sole in minde and affection to haue our conuersation in heauen And that so much the rather because man that is borne of woman is but of short continuance here on earth Iob 14.1 and full of trouble and misery For wherein should yee haue ioy or peace or comfort in the Holy Ghost nay how should he not be swallowed vp of griefe and sorrow and vexation of the spirit if in soule he should not ascend into heauen and set his affections on the things which are aboue For thus it is that though our outward man be troubled yet our inward man is comforted though in bodie we be afflicted and distressed on euery side yet in our soules we haue peace and ioy of the Holy Ghost euen because our conuersation is in heauen whence it is that we looke not on the things which are seene but on the things which are not seene This point might be farther inlarged But by this it doth appeare that the children of God ought in this life to haue their conuersation in heauen walking as citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God Will yee then see for your farther vse and instruction what manner persons yee ought to be in holy conuersation and godlinesse that liuing in the bodie yee may be said to walke as citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem and to haue your conuersation in heauen 1. If we will walke in this life as citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem and approue our selues to haue our conuersation in heauen we may not warre after the flesh or suffer our selues to be intangled with the affaires of this life For these two to minde earthly things and to haue the conuersation in heauen are as we see in this place so opposed the one vnto the other that the one is a plaine note of inordinate walkers and the other a sure token of our adoption into the sonnes of God to be partakers of the inheritance among the Saints Whereupon it is that the Apostle plainely protesteth against the one but cheerefully professeth the other 2 Cor. 10.3 Though saith he we walke in the flesh yet doe we not warre after the flesh And againe No man saith he that warreth he meaneth to God in the spirit and therefore the vulgar interpreter puts it into the text no man that warreth entangleth himselfe with the affaires of this life 2 Tim. 2.4 because he would please him that hath chosen him to be a souldier And the like is very vsuall But see how cheerefully hee professeth in this place that his conuersation is in heauen and in another place that his house is from heauen and in other places that he walkes in the spirit 2 Cor. 5.2 and mindes those things which are aboue This one thing then must we care if we will walke as citizens of heauen that we walke not after the flesh nor set our affections on the earth nor suffer our selues to be intangled with the loue of the world 1 Ioh. 2.15 For as Iohn saith if any man l●●e the world or the things that are in the world the loue of the Father is not in him We must therefore so vse the world as though we vsed it not And in no case wee may so set our affections on any thing in this life that our soule should so cleaue vnto it as the soule of Shechem vnto Dinah the daughter of Iacob Gen. 34 26. for death will surely follow as it did vpon Shechem 2. If we will walke in this life as citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem and approue our selues to haue our conuersation in heauen we must so wrestle against all tentations and all assaults of the Deuill that hauing finished all
of the Lord yet haue I often turned out of the way of his commandements though I haue affected the things which are aboue yet haue mine affections beene too much diuided betweene the things which are aboue and the things which are on earth Well let not thy soule be troubled nor feare Doest thou see and know and acknowledge thus much Dauid saith that he confessed his sinne vnto the Lord Psal 32.5 and so he forgaue the punishment of his sinne Feare not then but that he who hath opened thine eyes to see and thy heart to acknowledge thy weaknesse and imperfection will pardon this weaknesse and imperfection whatsoeuer it is Againe feelest thou some seedes some beginnings of these things in thee Who is it that hath sowen and begun these things in thee Euen that God that hath said I will not faile thee nor forsake thee and therefore will performe that good worke which hee hath begun in thee vntill the day of Iesus Christ and will cause those holy seedes to bring forth their fruit in due season Yea comfort thy selfe herein if it be with thee as thou sayest that thy conuersation hath beene in heauen For art thou sorrie that thou hast more minded earthly things then thou shouldest that tentations haue so nighly surprised thee that thou hast so often turned aside from the law of thy God that ●hine heart and affections of thy soule haue beene more diuided twixt heauen and earth then they should And doest thou de●i●e in thy soule daily more and more to be weyned from ●●●nding earthly things to be strengthned against tentations ●o be conformed in thy will vnto Gods will and to walke with ●hy God with a perfect heart This also is a sure token that ●hy conuersation is in heauen for where the perfection of that which should be is wanting there an holy desire and affection vnto that which should be is accepted If therefore in searching out thy heart and thy reines for the triall of these points thou finde it to be with thee as thou sayest thou hast great cause of comfort and ioy in the spirit But if in triall it appeare that as thou hast liued in the flesh so thou hast walked after the flesh neglecting the Law of God yeelding thy selfe captiue vnto the law of sinne setting thine affections on the things which are on earth and neuer minding the things which are aboue then surely thou art a stranger from the life of God and the way that thou walkest leadeth vnto hell Looke therefore well vnto it and let euery man haue that care of his wayes that howsoeuer hee liue here in the body yet in minde and affection he may haue his conuersation in heauen And to this end weyne your selues daily more and more from the loue care of these earthly things He that weepeth through aduersitie 1 Cor. 7.30 let him be as though hee wept not he that reioyceth through prosperitie let him be as though hee reioyced not hee that buyeth as though he possessed not hee that vseth this world as though he vsed it not 31. for the fashion of this world goeth away and all things in the earth are but meere vanitie Take vnto your selues the whole armour of God wrestle harder and harder daily against all tentations and assaults of the Deuill fight a good fight stand fast quit your selues like men resist the Deuill and hee will flie from you Conforme your wils daily more and more vnto Gods will yeeld your selues daily more and more to bee gouerned by his lawes order your steps so heere in his waies as hauing right into that City whereof also ye shall haue possession And though yee liue heere in the flesh yet ascend in heart in minde and in soule into heauen let your thoughts and desires and affect●ons bee setled there your faith your hope and your lou● let them bee rooted and grounded there And then among●● other benefits this shall not be the least that death shall no● come hastily vpon you yea yee shall chearefully thinke vpo● death death shall be vnto you an aduantage and when th● will of God is yee shall desire to bee loosed and to bee wit● Christ to remoue out of the body and to dwell with th● Lord. For what is the cause why wee so feare death why we● are so loth to die Here it is because in the dayes of our flesh we haue not had our conuersation in heauen Our minde● were set vpon earthly things and therefore we are loth to par● with them We neuer fought against any tentation nay th● strong man possessed vs in such peace that wee neuer knew what tentation meant and therefore wee know not where to liue better then here We regarded not to submit our selues to the lawes of God to be gouerned by them and therefore wee shrinke at death for feare of a iudgement We neuer ascended into heauen in our hearts or soules wee neuer raised our thoughts our desires or our affections so high wee neuer tasted in our selues any sparkle of those ioyes which are prepared to be shewed in the last time and therefore wee long not after heauen but we rather loue to liue here on earth These are the things I say that make vs shrinke at death and loth to die Let vs then hearken vnto these words of exhortation and let vs haue our conuersation in heauen If we shall then shall death be welcome vnto vs and wee shall accept it as the end of our pilgrimage and as the way to our abiding Citie Ierusalem which is aboue and vnto Christ which is our life For the more we ascend while we are in the body in our soules and spirits in our meditations and desires in faith and hope into heauen the more will wee desire to remoue out of the body that we may for euer dwell with the Lord and therefore we will the more cheerefully open vnto death when hee knockes at our doores I heare that the example of this our sister may be a good prouocation to stirre you vp vnto these things for they that were with her giue her this testimonie that in this time when the Lord had laid his hand vpon her she quickly set apart all minde of earthly things patiently ●●bmitted her selfe vnto the will of the Lord willingly set her ●ections on the things which are aboue and desired nothing more then to heare and thinke of her Lord and God her Sa●iour and Redeemer I beseech almightie God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ that both her examp●e and the words ●hich ye haue heard this day with your outward eares may so preua●le with you that in this life ye may walke as citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem hauing your conuersation in hea●en weyning your selues from the world and the things that ●●e in the wor●d manfully fighting against all tentations and assa●lts of the deuil conforming your selues in all obedience vnto the lawes of his kingdome and while ye
Heb. 9.28 as saith the Apostle the second time vnto saluation Is the message then of Christ his second comming gladsome vnto you Is the remembrance of it ioyfull vnto you It is a sure token vnto you that ye belong vnto Christ Iesus and it is a notable fruite and effect of your faith and hope in Christ Iesus It may be that some of you looking more vpon your selues and your owne sinnes then vpon Christ and the bowels of his mercies and being more sharpe and seuere toward your selues then quick-sighted to looke toward Christ Iesus may feele some appalling in your selues or at least not that cheerefulnesse in expectation that should be But let not your harts be troubled nor feare Ye looke not only vpon your sinnes or so on Christ as only a seuere iudge and so despaire in your selues and vtterly abhorre his comming but yee looke for him though not without hope yet without that cheerefulnes which ye ought In this weaknesse the Lord will perfit his praise and vnto these beginnings hee will giue a good issue Only let my counsell be acceptable vnto you turne away your eies from your selues and cast them vpon Christ Iesus He shall be your iudge that is your Sauiour He hath bidde you looke vp and lift vp your heads for your redemption draweth neere Joh. 5.24 And he hath said it that hee that belieueth in him hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death vnto life Tit. 2.13 Waite therefore patiently and cheerefully for the Lord for the grace of God which bringeth saluation to all c. The third and last thing which heere I note is in the person of him whom the Apostle saith that they looke for from heauen which is the Lord Iesus Christ the Sauiour Wherein I obserue a reason both why wee should walke in this like as citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem hauing our conuersation in heauen and why wee should looke and long for the second comming vnto iudgement For why should it seeme strange vnto any man that liuing here in the body wee should haue our soule-conuersation in heauen Is not our Lord and King mightie in power to saue and defend vs and to reuenge vs of our enemies in heauen Is not our Iesus who not by the workes of righteousnesse which we had done but according to his mercie hath saued vs by the washing of the new birth and the renuing of the holy Ghost in heauen Is not our Christ the Mediator of the new Testament that hath reconciled vs vnto God maketh continuall intercession for vs and teacheth vs outwardly by his word and inwardly by his spirit in heauen Is not our Sauiour who in that day shall make vp the full complement of our saluation in heauen where then should our conuersation be but in heauen where should the body be but where the head is where should the spouse be but where the bridegroome is not one of vs all but we are stung with fierie Serpents cursed sinnes and noysome lusts which fight against the soule If wee will be healed and liue we must looke vp vnto the brasen Serpent lift vp for that purpose In heauen is our brasen Serpent euen the Lord Iesus Christ We must therefore while we are in the body lift vp our eies vnto him and haue our soule-conuersation in heauen if now we will be healed of our infirmities and if when we remoue out of the body we will dwell with the Lord. And as this should bee a sufficient reason to moue vs to haue our whole conuersation in heauen so should it also moue vs to looke and long for the second comming vnto iudgement For shall our Lord and King come which shall tread downe ●he Deuill and all enemies vnder his feete and leading captiuitie captiue shall make vs to triumph in the heauenly places Shall our Iesus come then to be our iudge that first came to saue his people from their sinnes Shall our Christ come that offered himselfe vpon the crosse for vs and opened his fathers will vnto vs Shall our Sauiour come to saue vs from death and corruption by glory which first saued vs from sinne and condemnation by grace What cause then haue wee to hearken vnto the counsell of Iames Iam. 5.7 exhorting to bee patient vnto the comming of the Lord yea what cause to crie with the soules vnder the Altar Apoc. How long Lord holy and true dost thou not iudge and auenge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth Yea to crie with Iohn Come Lord Iesus come quickely Vnto this which hath beene taught the example of our brother lying here before vs may as I heare be a good prouocation My selfe knew him not and therefore I can say the lesse of him But by the report of them that knew him hee was very studious and for his time had profited well in the knowledge of such Arts as he applied himselfe vnto He was also as I heare religiously affected and godly minded hauing in good measure while hee was in the body his conuersation in heauen And in the time of his sicknesse willingly submitted himselfe vnto the will of his God as one that looked for the blessed hope and appearing of the Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ in whom his soule reioyced and in the merits of whose death and passion his heart was comforted The Lord grant that wee may all liue in his feare and die in his fauour LECTVRE LXXIII PHILIP 3. Vers 2● Who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body according to the working c. IT remaineth now that wee proceede vnto the third and last branch where the Apostle in the behalfe of himselfe and such others as walked as he did maketh Christian profession of their certaine hope of the glorification of their vile bodies by the powerfull working of Christ Iesus set downe in these words who shall change c. They had their conuersation in heauen looking for the Sauiour from heauen euen the Lord Iesus Christ and from heauen they looked for the Lord Iesus Christ knowing that then hee should change their vile bodies and make them like vnto his glorious body c. The generall point then here spoken is the glorification of our vile bodies in the day of Christ by the power of Christ The particular circumstances which here the Apostle noteth are these 1. who shall glorifie vs namely the Lord Iesus Christ who shall change c. 2. What he shall glorifie in vs namely our bodies whose soule-conuersation hath beene in heauen 3. the condition of our bodies what now they are namely bodies of vilenesse basenesse and abiectnesse i. Vile base and abiect bodies subiect to corruption sinne and all kinde of vanitie 4. The time when he shall glorifie our vile bodies namely in that day when he shall come in the cloudes of heauen to iudge both the quick and
we weane men from this worldly reioycing as much as we can What is then the reioycing which we teach As the Apostle saith of sorrow 2. Cor. 7.10 that there is a worldly sorrow which causeth death and a godly sorrow which causeth repentance vnto saluation so I say of reioycing that there is a worldly reioycing when men take more pleasure in the vanities of this life and the pleasures of sinne then in the things which belong vnto their peace which causeth death a godly reioycing when men reioyce in the Lord so that they put their whole confidence in him and count all things losse and dung in comparison of that reioycing which they haue in him which causeth confidence vnto saluation The reioycing then which we teach is not the worldly reioycing which the world teaches which causeth death but the godly reioycing which causeth confidence vnto saluation We say that ye may and that ye ought to reioyce in the Lord. So the holy Ghost often exhorteth vs to doe and so the godly haue alwayes done Be glad O ye righteous saith Dauid and reioyce in the Lord. Psal 32.12 And againe Let Israel reioyce in him that made him Psal 149.2 and let the children of Sion be ioyfull in their King Let him that reioyceth saith the Apostle out of the Prophet reioyce in the Lord. 2. Cor. 1.31 And in the former chapter My brethren saith the Apostle reioyce in the Lord. Esay 61.10 So did the Church in Esay saying I will greatly reioyce in the Lord and my soule shal be ioyfull in my God for he hath clothed me with the garments of saluation c. So did Mary saying Luke 1.47 My soule doth magnifie the Lord and my spirit reioyceth in God my Sauiour So Peter giueth testimonie to the strangers to whom he wrote that they reioyced in the Lord with ioy vnspeakeable and glorious 1. Pet. 1.8 And so the godly haue alwayes reioyced in the Lord as in the onely rocke of their defence and strong God of their saluation And now see besides these exhortations and examples so to doe what great cause we haue to reioyce in the Lord and how litle cause there is to reioyce in any thing else for what haue we that we haue not from him or what want we which if we haue he must not supply Haue we peace in all our quarters and plenteousnesse in all our houses haue we a blessing in the fruit of our body in the fruit of our ground in the fruit of our cattel in the increase of our kine and in our flockes of sheepe are our wiues fruitfull as the vine and our children like the Oliue branches round about our tables haue we health strength foode rayment and other necessaries of this life Iames 1.17 And whence are all these things Euerie good giuing and euery perfect gift is from aboue and commeth downe from the Father of lights with whom is no variablenesse neyther shadowing by turning But to come nearer vnto the causes of Christian reioycing Doth the Spirit witnesse vnto our spirit that we are the sonnes of God Is the darkenesse of our vnderstandings lightned the frowardnesse of our wills corrected the corruption of our affections purged Do we feele in our selues the vertue of Christ his resurrection by the death of sinne and the life of God in our selues Are our soules fully assured of the free forgiuenes of our sinnes by grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus dare we go boldly vnto the throne of grace and crie Abba which is Father Do we know that Death shall not haue dominion ouer vs and that Hell shall neuer be able to preuaile against vs Behold then what cause we haue of our reioycing in the Lord for abundance of spirituall blessings in heauenly things for our election in Christ Iesus vnto euerlasting life before the foundatiō of the world for our creation in time after his owne image in righteousnesse and true holinesse for our redemption by the bloud of Christ Iesus when we through sinne had defaced the image wherein we were created and sold our selues as bond slaues vnto Sathan for our vocation vnto the knowledge of the truth by the Gospel of Christ Iesus for our adoption into the glorious liberty of the sons of God for our iustification and tree forgiuenesse of our sinnes by the bloud of Christ Iesus for our sanctification by the Spirit of grace vnto some measure of righteousnesse and holinesse of life for our regeneration vnto a liuely hope in Christ Iesus and for the assured confidence which we haue of our glorification after this life with Christ Iesus who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie c. All graces of Gods Spirit and for them all such matter of reioycing in the Lord as may make our hearts dance for ioy and may rauish our soules with gladnesse And as we haue all things from the Lord that we haue whether for the body or for the soule for this life present or that that is to come so what is it that we want which he doth not supply Want we riches The Lord maketh poore 1. Sam. 2 7. and maketh rich and he is rich vnto all them that call vpon him faithfully Want we preferment Psal 75 6. Promotion cometh neyther from the East nor from the West nor yet from the South God is the Iudge he putteth downe one and setteth vp another Want we wisedome If any man lacke wisedome let him aske of God Iames 1.5 which giueth vnto all men liberally and reprocheth no man and it shall be giuen him Want we patience in troubles That is the wisedome which Iames specially speaks of in the place mentioned wisedome patiently to endure whatsoeuer God laieth vpon vs which ye see God liberally giueth to them that lacke aske Want we comfort in our soules God is the God of patience and consolation Rom. 15.5 which comforteth vs in all our troubles and turneth our heauinesse into ioy as also himselfe saith saying I will turne their mourning into ioy Ierem. 31.13 and will comfort them and giue them ioy for their sorrowes Yea whatsoeuer it is that we want it is the Lord that must supply our wants He openeth his hand and filleth all things liuing with plenteousnes Psal 145.16 such as he best knoweth to be most meet for them and good for his glory 84.11 The Lord will giue grace and glory saith the Psalmist in another place and no good thing will he withhold from them that walke vprightly no good thing which he knoweth to be good for them and also good for his glorie Haue we then whatsoeuer blessings we haue from the Lord and doth the Lord supply whatsoeuer we want fo farre forth as he sees it to be expedient for vs and good for his owne glorie See then what cause we haue to reioyce in the
to the letter of the Text and in all simplicitie to deliuer the meaning of the Holy Ghost Their iudgement our Author approued and followed their example opening in these Lectures the simple and most naturally intended sense of the holy Apostle and and thence vrging applying the Obseruations so effectually that many not only of his ordinarie hearers but euen of the Vniuersitie by whom he was much frequented blessed God for the direction and comfort they receiued from his mouth The life of deliuery in him was very powerfull made great impression in his hearers this booke wants that aduātage which yet is here supplied because those things which then were only deliuered in the eares of few are here submitted to the eyes of all Touching the Author himselfe I need not say much Altho after a sort he condemned himselfe to obscuritie and affected a priuate and retired life yet he could not hide himselfe from the eyes of the world being generally noted and esteemed for his holines his integrity his learning and grauity his indefatigable paines in the discharge of his ministeriall function his singular wisdome and dexteritie in the gouernment of our Colledge which by Gods blessing vpon his care hath sent forth many learned Ministers into the Church many worthy Gentlemen into the Common-wealth Briefely in his whole conuersation he was so sincere vnrebukeable that by some partly by occasion of these Lectures he was defamed for precisenes Indeede as the times are now the only meanes almost to auoid that reproch is to be notoriously wicked But in few words to wipe of that imputation how much he condemned the iniurious zeale of the Separatists how far he misliked all busie disturbers of the Churches peace quiet still grauely exhorting to calmnesse and moderation how heartily he reuerenced his holy mother the Church of England and how willingly he conformed himselfe to her seemely ceremonies and iniunctions besides his practise he hath so many reuerend graue witnesses as he had familiar acquaintance To say truth he was not of the Laodicean temper nor yet pure in his owne eyes zealous feruent not turbulent contentious a faithfull seruant of God an humble and obedient sonne of the Church an enemy to faction no lesse then to superstition Lastly when the few and euill daies of his pilgrimage were ended as a comfortable death euer followes a conscionable life he patiently meekly endured Gods gentle visitation earnestly longed after his dissolution and to be with Christ which he knew was best of all and at length when the time of his changing was come deuoutly cōmending his soule to the mercy of his redeemer he closed vp his eyes in peace was caried to his graue with honor He now rests from his labors and his works follow him he hath left behind him a blessed memory and a name sweeter then any oyntment This holy monument of his industry I cōmend to thy vse and serious meditation good Christian Reader which fauourably accepted may incourage me to publish other of his labours The Lord Iesus blesse all our indeuours to the building vp of his Church and our owne euerlasting saluation Amen Queenes Colledge Nou. 28. 1617. Thine in the Lord Iesus Christopher Potter A Table Alphabeticall A. ADuersaries of the truth not to to be feared pag. 253. Affliction a gift and grace of God 89. 700. 707. fruits of them 80. 180. Comforts in them 337. 763. 700. whether to be desired pag. 709. Aged Ministers to be respected pag. 492. Allusions approued in the Scripture pag. 592. Ambition a note of false teachers pag. 821. Anabaptists their errour touching oathes pag. 97. Apostates censured pag. 196. 250. Armour of a Christian pag. 512. B. BAptisme duties from it pag. 342. Bodies of men fraile and vile pag. 857. Booke of life pag. 745. Bowing at the name of Iesus pag. 353. Brownists taxed pag. 175. 293. 846. 782. C. CAluin we reuerence yet we no Caluinists pag. 292. 829. Carefulnesse pag. 800. Censures to be charitable pag. 869. Certainty of saluation pag. 402. 749. 724. Circumcision two-folde 597. carnall abolished 602. morall vse of it pag. 605. Charity hopes the best 79. 74● a worke of Christ pag. 562. Christ the onely gaine 200. in life 203. in death 206. true God 316. his obedience 325. his second comming 796. duties from it 843. his sufferings in soule 329. fruits of his death 330. how exalted 341. all creatures subiect to him 356. the marke of our Christian race 750. his body not euery where 844. it is a true body pag. 862. Christians to bee like minded 289. why 290. how freed from the Law 328. not voyd of passions 538. their courage pag. 253. Church to bee remembred in our prayers 46. not without staine in in this life pag. 286. Company of wicked dangerous pag. 437. Confidence must bee in Christ 627. not in our best workes pag. 637. 661. 649. 657. 666. Contentions disswaded pag. 299. Contentation in all estates pag. 877. 921. Corporal presence in the Sacrament pag. 225. Couetousnesse pag. 880. Crosse of Christ 812. enemies of it ibid. D. DEacons described pag. 4. Death may bee desired 215. how 216. why 217. not to bee feared 219. 221. a mercy of God to the faithfull pag. 532. Diuels subiect to Christ pag. 361. Distrustfull care 802. reasons against it ibid. Dissentions obiected to vs answered 291. 786. causes of them 780. remedies pag. 782. Doubting of saluation a doctrine false and vncomfortable pag. 183. 195. 402. 724. Drunkennesse pag. 826. E. EArthly desires pag. 825. Elections pag. 906. Enemies to the crosse of Christ pag. 810. Equity and moderation vrged 774. ●ules for it pag. 779. Erasmus his iudgement of Luther pag. 591. 621. Exhortations whether they doe inf●●●e 〈◊〉 pag. 398. 732. Exalt●tion ●f Chr st pag. 348. Examp●●s ●●●●tion pag. 790. Expe●●●●ntall knowledge in the word nec●ss●ry pag. 124. F. FA th commended 252. a gift of God 26● by it are wee assured of salu●tion 403. how it iustifies pag. 678. Faithful●●sse pag. 919. Faul s how to be noted pag. 734. F●lse teachers dog● 583 to beware of them 587. notes of them pag. 589. 814. Feare seruile an ●●fil●all 406. motiues to this la●●er pag. 411. Fellowship in he Go●pell a blessing pag. 37. Flocke their duties to their Pastor pag. 231. Freewill con●uted pag. 72 398. 415. 731. 893. Friends their duty pag. 54. Fulfilling of the Law pag. 888. G. GOds immutability the ground of our perseuerance 63. hee the authour of all good 68. 416. deliuers out of troubles 190. prouidence ouer his 791. his glorie cheefely to be aimed at pag. 226. Good workes See Workes Good report to be desired pag. 843. Gospell of Christ a great blessing pag. 49. 650. Grace 4. author of it 5. effects pag. 22. 26. Grauity of carriage pag. 832. H. HEalth a mercy of God pag. 530. Hearers of the word their duty pag. 374. Heretikes contentious pag. 300. Hope a vertue necessary in Christians
thy candlesticke out of his place What is that that is he will remoue his Church from thence by taking his gospell from them Euen as our blessed Sauiour also threatned the Iewes saying Matth. 21.43 The kingdome of God shall be taken from you and giuen to a nation which shall bring forth the fruits thereof So the Prophet threatning a heauy iudgement vpon the rulers of Israel Behold saith he the daies come that I will send a famine in the land Am●s 8.11 not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but of hearing the word of the Lord which how grieuous a famine and how heauy a iudgement it is appeareth by that of Salomon where he saith that where there is no vision Prou. 29.18 .i. no sincere preaching of the word no sound fellowship in the gospell there the people perisheth euen perisheth both in soule and body And as the curse and iudgement is great and grieuous of wanting so is the blessing and benefit of hauing this fellowship in the gospell exceeding great and happy for it is indeed our very life and soule 1 Pet whereby we are begotten borne and nourished vnto euerlasting tife as Peter witnesseth It is the lanterne vnto our feete and the light vnto our steps to bring vs to the Citie of the liuing God the celestiall Ierusalem Heb. 12.22 23 24. and to the company of innumerable Angells and to the congregation of the first borne which are written in heauen and to God the iudge of all and to the spirits of iust and perfit men and to Iesus the mediator of the new testament and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things then that of Abel By it we are called out of darknes into light instructed in the way of God perfitly grounded and stablished in the faith and made wise vnto saluation Rom. 1.16 for it is the power of God vnto saluation vnto euery one that beleeueth See then whether here it be not principall cause for vs to pray for our Church that in it the gospell of our saluation may for euer be freely and sincerely preached and for our selues that we may continue in that grace wherein we stand by the gospell of our saluation Yes surely if either feare of as great a plague of Gods wrath as can fall vpon vs may force vs to pray or desire of as great a blessing of God as can befall vs may perswade vs to pray we haue great cause euen to powre out our soules in prayer and supplication vnto our God for the blessed continuance of that fellowship which we haue with other Churches in the gospell that as now so euer this grace may bee continued vpon vs. Yea beloued if yee shall but cast your eyes abroad into the land yee shall finde that there is great cause thus to pray For how doth Atheisme and abominable irreligion spread it selfe and ouer-spread the whole face of the land Hath it not nestled it selfe on hie and said within it selfe who shall bring me downe to the ground How doth Papisme and out-worne Pelagianisme now shoote out the head and breake out in many places as if now the day approched wherein they may say so so thus would we haue it How hath cunning policie broken the necke of Christianitie and now so swaieth that it carieth all almost with it What neglect and contempt of the word is there in all places And what else are these but forerunners of a fearefull iudgement to follow What else doe these threaten but the remouing of our candlesticke from vs Beloued shall wee see and know these things and shall wee not pray Let vs pray at euening and at morning and at midday let vs pray and that instantly that this iudgement may neuer fall vpon vs that this light of the gospell may neuer be put out but that it may shine amongst vs from generation to generation vntill the day of Christ Iesus The more that the danger is let vs pray the more feruently and let vs not giue our selues any rest but still pray vnto the Lord for our continuance which we haue with other reformed Churches in the gospell The fourth thing which here I note is that the Apostle thus praied for the Philippians alwaies in all his praiers Whence I obserue with what constant assiduity and carefullnesse we ought to pray for our Church and for our selues that we may continue in the fellowship which we haue in the gospell we should neuer pray but alwaies in our praiers this praier for our Church and for our selues should continually be remembred that the fellowship which we now haue with other Churches in the gospell may for euer be continued vnto vs. To pray alwaies Rom. 12.12 1 Thess 5.17 Luc. 18.1 and not to faint or giue ouer is a thing much commanded by the Holy Ghost Continue in prayer saith our Apostle And againe in another place Pray continually And to the same purpose is that parable of the importunate widow in the gospell All which places shew vs the necessitie of praier that whensoeuer we stand in neede we haue recourse vnto God by praier so the constant perseuerance that is to be vsed in praier that howsoeuer for some time we seeme to pray and bee not heard yet we faint not nor giue ouer but still pray and that instantly Now as wee are to pray and to pray alwaies so alwaies in all our praiers this is to be remembred that we pray that the Lord his way may be knowne vpon earth and his sauing health among all nations that the preaching of the gospell may bee fruitfull vnto vs and vnto the whole Church that the word of the Lord may haue free passage and be glorified that we may continue grounded and stablished in the faith as wee haue beene taught in Iesus Christ that we and our whole Church may continue in the fellowship which we haue with other Churches in the gospell This the example of our Apostle teacheth vs to do who in that he did for others left vs an example what to doe for our selues and for others Yea but is not the Lord alwaies more ready to heare then we are to pray and hath he not said that whosoeuer asketh receiueth that he that seeketh findeth and that to him that knocketh it shall be opened Or if it be so what needeth it alwaies in all our praiers thus to pray as hath beene said True it is that whosoeuer asketh receiueth and that the Lord is more ready to heare and to grant our requests then we are to pray and call vpon his name for commonly he preuenteth vs with his blessings and whatsoeuer it is that we haue by praier he it is that teacheth vs to pray for it as we ought But some things we aske often and receiue not Jam. 4.3 because we aske amisse and some things he hath appointed so to be granted if they bee continually asked And of this sort
that they were partakers of his bands for the defence and confirmation c. Whence I obserue that to suffer bands imprisonment persecution and the like for the Gospels sake is a speciall grace and gift of God So the Apostle againe in the latter end of this chapter affirmeth saying Vnto you it is giuen for Christ Phil. 1.29 that not onely yee should beleeue in him but also suffer for his sake Whence it is plaine that as faith in Christ Iesus so to suffer for his sake is a speciall gift of God And herevpon the Apostles reioyced when they were beaten Act. 5.41 that they were counted worthy to suffer rebuke for Christ his name 2 Cor. 11. And our Apostle reioyced asmuch in his sufferings as in any thing And why but because they counted their sufferings as speciall gifts and graces vpon them Where yet first we must note that simply to suffer bands and imprisonment persecution and trouble is no grace or gift of God but to suffer these things for Christ his sake for the Gospels sake for righteousnes sake And therefore Peter saith Let no man suffer as a murtherer 1 Pet. 4.15 or as a theefe or as an euill doer or as a busie-body in other mens matters But if any man suffer as a Christian 16. .i. for Christ his sake and the gospels let him not be ashamed but let him glorifie God on this behalfe Secondly that to suffer bands and persecution for Christ his sake and the gospels is no grace or gift of God in it selfe and in the nature of the thing but onely by way of consequent for if to suffer bands or affliction for the gospels sake were in it selfe and in the nature of the thing a grace and gift of God then were we to pray for affliction and trouble for the Gospels sake as we doe for other graces of the spirit But now no man doth pray to be tried and troubled to be persecuted and imprisoned for the Gospells sake neither is any man so to pray because this were in deede to tempt God But our praier is for strength and patience and helpe in trouble whensoeuer it shall please the Lord by troubles for the Gospels sake to try vs as the praiers of the godly at all times doe shew To suffer bands then and trouble for the Gospels sake is no grace of God in it selfe but onely in euent and by consequent For what is the euent fruit and consequent of suffering for the Gospels sake First in respect of our selues it bringeth forth the fruits of patience experience and hope as it is written We reioyce in tribulation knowing that tribulation bringeth forth patience Rom. 5.3 and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed It is the meanes to make vs like vnto the Sonne of God as it is written 8.29 Whom God knew before he predestinate to be made like to the image of his Sonne Where by the order of our election hee sheweth that afflictions in generall are the meanes to make vs like vnto the Sonne of God And it causeth vnto vs eternall glory in the heauens as it is written Matth. 5.10 Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnes sake 11 for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Blessed are yee when men reuile and persecute you and say all manner of euill against you for my sake 12. falsly reioyce and be glad for great is your reward in heauen Againe in respect of God by suffering trouble bands and death for the gospels sake God is glorified as it is written This spake Iesus vnto Peter Joh. 21.19 signifying by what death he should glorifie God And thereby also the power of Christ dwelleth in vs as it is written 2 Cor. 12. Very gladly will I reioyce in mine infirmities that the power of Christ may dwell in me because the power of Christ is most seene in helping our infirmities in loosing our bands and deliuering vs out of troubles And againe in respect of the Church by the sufferings of the Saints for the Gospell many children are strengthned and many begotten vnto the Church as it is written in this chapter afterward Many of the brethren in the Lord are boldened through my bands Phil. 1.14 and dare more frankly speake the word To which purpose also it is said that the blood of the Martirs is the seede of the Church Because then of the grace which followeth our bands and troubles for the Gospels sake both in respect of God and of his Church and of our selues therefore it is that they are called a grace and gift of God So that to suffer bands and troubles for Christ his sake and the Gospels is a grace and gift of God nor in the nature of the thing but because of the grace giuen vs constantly and patiently to endure those troubles and because of the grace which issueth thence for the good of our selues for the glory of God and for the benefit of his Church Yea but if to suffer bands and affliction and trouble for Christ his sake and the Gospels were a grace and gift of God any way why should the children of God be often so much perplexed thereat as they are why should they not alwaies be more welcome vnto them then they are For answer whereunto we must vnderstand that in the children of God there is the flesh and the spirit an outward man and an inward man Are then the children of God often perplexed at their bands and sufferings for Christ his sake and the Gospels It may be in their flesh and outward man but in their spirit and inward man they are alwaies welcome vnto them as our Apostle saith though our outward man perish 2 Cor. 4.16 and euen sinke vnder the burthen of our afflictions yet the inward man is renued daily and made stronger and stronger through afflictions And so we must vnderstand all the places of scripture where the Saints seeme to faint vnder their afflictions Dauid in his Psalmes often complaineth of his troubles no doubt because they were heauy vnto his outward man but vnto his inward man they were so welcome that he saith Psal 119.71 It is good for me that I haue beene afflicted that I may learne thy statutes and againe Before I was afflicted I went astray 67. but now I keepe thy word So our Apostle saith that he was pressed out of measure passing strength through affliction 2 Cor. 1.8 so that his outward man no doubt was not able to susteine them yet in his inward man he reioyced in them and boasted of them and fainted not vnder them So our blessed Sauiour himselfe saith Mat. 26.38 My soule is very heauy euen vnto the death so that by his owne will he would haue had that cup to passe from him but knowing his Fathers will immediatly he addeth neuertheles not as I will but as thou wilt So that
then to build the Church of God how shall we brooke to heare such how shall we loue or like such how shall we take ioy or comfort in such Wherevnto 1. I answer out of the rule of charitie that because we know not who doe so preach Christ therefore we are to presume the best of them whom we heare The Lord only knoweth the hearts of men and the purposes and intents of their hearts Who art thou then that iudgest he standeth or falleth to his owne master 2. I answer out of the Apostle i● this place that if Christ Iesus be truely and soundly preached we are to take great ioy and comfort therein and willingly gladly to heare them that deliuer the truth sound●● with what minde soeuer and to what end soeuer it is that ●●y doe speake the word That is for them to looke vnto 〈◊〉 for vs to ioy in the other Hence then I obserue that that ●●●ister and preacher of the word is gladly and ioyfully to ●●eard that preacheth Christ and the doctrine of the go●●●l soundly and truely with what minde soeuer vpon ●●●t motiue soeuer or to what end soeuer he preach Christ 〈◊〉 his gospell To which purpose also Mat. 23.3 is that of our Saui●● where he willeth to hearken vnto the Scribes and Pha●●es sitting in Moses seate whereby he meaneth that the ●●ctrine which the Scribes and Pharisies deliuered faithful●●●ut of Moses was gladly to bee receaued howsoeuer in ●●●ir actions and liues they were iustly to be noted And 〈◊〉 reason is because the word is the Lords which they ●●●g with what minde soeuer they bring it or how vitious ●●ad soeuer they bee that bring it And tell I pray you ●●ch of you would much looke at the minde or affection ●●he messenger towards you or other qualities in him ●●ch should bring you a bill signed from the Prince for ●●e pension or liuing for you If he should faithfully deli●● the bill from the Prince vnto you would ye not ioyful●●●eceaue it How much more gladly then and ioyfully ●●ght yee to receaue the word of the Lord wherein is your 〈◊〉 when it is faithfully deliuered from the Prince of Hea●●● and Earth with whatsoeuer minde and affection the ●●nister thereof deliuer it If Christ crucified be preached ●●e holy word of life be truely and soundly deliuered this ●●uld so warme our hearts and glad our soules that other ●●ngs whatsoeuer should not greatly trouble vs. This then first serueth for the confutation of their er●●r that cut themselues from vs so that they neither will ●●re the word of vs nor communicate in the Sacrament ●●●h vs because of some defects in our Church because of ●●e blemishes in vs. For I demaund is the word of truth ●●ely taught with vs are the Sacraments rightly admini●●●d with vs doe we labour amongst our people with vncorrupt doctrine Then surely if there were the same mi●● in them that was in the Apostle they would so reioyce 〈◊〉 this that they would brooke all things the better for th●● If we be defiled in our minds or in our liues euery thin● that we touch is likewise defiled What to you Nay but to vs. The word that we preach shall saue you and th● Sacraments which wee administer shall profite you ho● fruitfull or vnfruitfull soeuer they be vnto vs. Secondly this serueth for the reproofe of them that 〈◊〉 cutting themselues from vs yet cannot brooke to heare th● word of such of vs as they thinke haue gauled them an● spoken the word with an hard minde towards them F●● thus commonly it is said he is a good Preacher he deliue● good and sound doctrine he teacheth the word faithfull● but in his Sermons I see hee saith many things vpon a stomacke against mee with a minde to girde mee and of p●●pose to note and brand me before all the people and the●●fore I cānot brooke to heare him I take no comfort in t●● hearing of him But Paul was of another minde for thoug● there were that preached Christ of a badde minde towar● him through enuie and strife touching him and of pu●pose to adde affliction to his bands yet that Christ was pre●ched that gladed him that reioyced his heart And 〈◊〉 would it each of vs if we were so singly and sincerely af●●cted towards the gospell as hee was whatsoeuer minde th● Preacher carried towards vs yet would we most gladly an● ioyfully heare the word at his mouth It were indeede b●● of all if they that speake the word were as in doctrine 〈◊〉 in life vncorrupt and that they spake of a good minde alwaies and vpon loue But if they preach Christ soundly and truely we are not so much to be troubled what their affection or what their life be If persecution should come then wee would bee glad if wee might heare the word preached and not curiously looke with what minde it were deliuered Seeing the word and the worth and price thereo● is the same now let vs with the Apostle reioyce and be gla● if Christ bee preached whether it bee vnder a pretence o● sincere●y LECTVRE XV. PHILIP I. Verse 19. For I know that this shall turne to my saluation through your prayer and by the helpe of the spirit of Iesus Christ 20. As I feruently looke for and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed but that with all confidence as alwaies so now Christ shall bee magnified in my bodie whether it be by life or by death NOw followeth the latter part of the Apostles narration wherein hee tells the Philippians what successe he hoped his bands and the practises of those brethren which imagined mischiefe against him should haue And the summe of it is that he certainely ●oped and knew that his bands and all the practises of the ●icked against him should turne to his saluation and to ●heir good and comfort by his comming againe vnto them ●irst then the Apostle setteth down the proposition or main ●oynt for his hope hereafter in these words For I know c. Secondly he setteth downe the meanes whereby this shall ●ome to passe namely through the prayer of the Philippians by the helpe of the spirit of Iesus Christ and according ●o his owne faith and hope in these words Through your ●rayer c. And thirdly he explicateth what saluatiō he hopeth for and assureth himselfe of by these meanes as first the saluation of his soule in that by these means he hopeth ●hat in nothing he shall be ashamed but that with all confidence Christ shall be magnified in his bodie whether it be by life or by death in these words That in nothing c. And secondly the saluatiō or deliuerance of his bodie out of prison to their good comfort in vers 25. 26. For the meaning in general thē of these words it is as if the Apostle had thus said they by preaching Christ suppose to adde affliction to my bands that when Nero shall heare that so many preach
Gospell he should be ashamed but that with all confidence c. The first thing which here I note is that the Apostle saith that he hopeth that in nothing he shall be ashamed .i. that shame shall neuer befall him for leauing the defence of the Gospell Whence I obserue both that it is a shame to leaue the defence of the Gospell and that a godly care in this behalfe is needfull in euery Christian that this shame may neuer befall him Which care and regard of which shame how litle it is reckoned of in these our daies doth too too much appeare by the number of shamelesse Apostataes and back sliders which harkning vnto the serpent eat of the forbidden fruit which opening their eares to that enchanting whore drinke themselues drunke with the cup of her fornications and forsake the truth of Christ Iesus But let vs hearken to the Apostle Heb. 10.23 and let vs hold fast the profession of our hope Doe we hope in Iesus Christ Doe we hope that in nothing touching the profession of the truth of Christ ●esus we shall be ashamed Let vs hold fast this hope and ●et vs pray that this hope may continually be confirmed in ●s and that according to this hope we may stand fast vntill ●he day of Christ Iesus The second thing which I note is that the Apostle saith ●hat hee hopeth that with all confidence and liberty to ●peake in the defence of the Gospel Christ shall be magni●ied and honored in his body whether it be by life that hee ●iue and preach the Gospell or by death that he be put to ●eath and seale the Gospell with his bloud Whence I ob●erue another godly care needfull in euery Christian which ●s that God may be glorified in him whether he liue or die Glorifie God saith the Apostle in your body and in your spirit 1 Cor. 6.20 ●or they are Gods Where the Apostle by way of exhorta●ion commendeth this dutie vnto euery one of vs that we glorifie God both in our bodies and in our spirits by con●orming our whole man in all obedience vnto his will And why for both our bodies and our spirits they are Gods and ●hey are bought for a price by him that hath died for both ●hat wee should not henceforth in either liue vnto our selues but in both vnto his glory which died for vs and ●ose againe And let this be enough to warne vs to beware of dishonoring God in our bodies or in our soules either by shrink●ng from a good profession or by giuing our members weapons of vnrighteousnes vnto any kinde of sin to serue ●t in the lusts thereof Neither let vs be so besotted as to ●hinke that we are not as well to be sanctified in our bodies ●s in our soules or that God is not as well to be glorified in our bodies as in our soules but let vs know that we are to be sanctified throughout in our spirit soule and body that God is to be glorified in our whole spirit and soule and body Let this therefore be our care that God at all be not dishonored by vs but that in our whole man hee may bee honored The last thing which here I note is how the Apostle was confirmed and strengthned in these his hopes and that was by his owne experience for he hoped that as alwaies 〈◊〉 now Whence I obserue how the hope of a Christian is nourished and increased It is begun and grounded vpon Gods promises made in Christ Iesus but it is strengthned and increased by obseruation of the Lord his goodnes toward vs in our owne experience So our Apostle also witnesseth Rom. 5.4 where he saith that tribulation bringeth forth patience and patience experience and experience hope .i. experience of the Lord his helpe in troubles confirmeth and strengthneth our hope in the Lord. Ye know the saying of Da●id The Lord said he that deliuered me out of the paw● of the Lion 1 Sam 17.37 and out of the paw of the Beare he will deliuer me out of the hand of this Philistim This should teach vs to obserue the mercies of the Lord toward vs and not to suffer them to slip out of our minde and thus to reason with our selues as alwaies the Lord hath beene good to vs so now he will LECTVRE XVII Verse 21. For Christ is to me both in life and in death aduantage NOw then that the Apostle had signified his hope that Christ should be magnified in his bodie and had added whether it were by life or by death implying that it was all one to him so that Christ were magnified in his body whether it were by life or by death he yeeldeth a reason thereof saying For Christ is to me c. as if he should haue said I heartily looke for and hope that Christ shall be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death and so that Christ be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death all is one to ●●e for Christ is to me c. .i. whether I liue or die Christ i●●o me aduantage If I liue and Christ be magnified in my ●ody by preaching the Gospell and walking in his waies ●●erein I count I haue great gaine and aduantage and if I ●ie now in my bands and Christ be magnified in my body ●y my constancie in the defence of the gospell and in suffe●ing for the gospels sake herein also I count I haue great ●aine and aduantage so that if Christ be magnified in my ●odie it is all one to me whether it be by life or by death ●ecause which so euer fall Christ and his glory is the thing which I count my vantage and gaine His glory by me is ●y glory the increase of his kingdom by me is the crowne ●f my reioycing the honor of his name by me whether it ●e by my life or by my death is to me in mine account a ●reat gaine Thus then I resolue the Apostles reason Christ and his glory is to me of that reckoning and regard ●hat whether he be glorified in my life or in my death I ●ount it a great gaine vnto me therefore it is all one to ●e whether he be glorified in my bodie by my life or by ●y death This sense and meaning of these words I fol●ow both because being a reason of the former words i●●hus best concludeth them in my iudgement as also be●ause the words themselues in the originall may very well ●arie this meaning if we vnderstand an ellipsis of the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is not vnvsuall Neither is this meaning of these worde vnso●ting with ●he words that follow For hauing said that Christ and his glory was vnto him and in his account aswell in death as in ●ife euen both in death and in life an aduantage and gaine ●pon that occasion by a litle digression he first moueth the ●oubt whether were better for him to chuse
life or death ●f he should chuse the one vers 22. and secondly answe●eth that he knoweth not what to chuse but in this choise ●s in a strait betwixt two and thirdly setteth downe the reasons why the choise is so hard as 1. in respect of himselfe it were better for him to chuse death vers 23. and 2. in respect of them it were better that he chose life vers 14. Here is then the strait whether for his owne greater good he were now to chuse death or for their greater good h● were to chuse longer life This I take to be the order and meaning of these words generally thus farre Now let v● see what obseruations we may gather hence for our farthe● vse and instruction The first thing then which here I note is the reason wherefore the Apostle was so indifferent either vnto life or death which so euer God might be glorified by and it was because whether he liued or died if by either death or life he might gaine glory vnto Christ vnto him did accrew vantage enough Whence I obserue how a Christian becommeth indifferent vnto either life or death and that is thus if Christ be vnto him both in life and in death aduantage if he seeke no other gaine but this that Christ may be glorified in his body then he is indifferent vnto whatsoeuer it is whereby Christ may be glorified be it life or death This was it that made those three children mentioned in Daniel so indifferent either vnto life or death For when Nebuchadnezzar had called them and thundred out cruell threatnings against them if they should not worship the golden image that he had set vp Dan. they said vnto him O Nebuchadnezzar we are not carefull to answer thee in this matter Behold our God whom we serue is able to deliuer vs from the hote fiery fornace c. In which their answer they plainely shew that it was not life or death that they stood vpon but it was the glory of their God If God should deliuer them from death to his farther glory by their life they were willing to liue and againe if he should deliuer them vp vnto death to his further glory by their death they were also willing to die Life and death was indifferent to them by whether soeuer God would be glorified in them because the glory of God was all that they sought in life or in death The same is to be said of all those godly Martyrs that are dead in the Lord for the testimonie of a good conscience and for the defence of the truth of Christ Iesus to the shedding of their bloud They were willing no doubt to haue liued and they ●re willing also to die euen very indifferent vnto either 〈◊〉 or death And how so that they were indifferent vnto ●●her Because if God were glorified in them whether it ●●re by life or by death that was comfort enough ioy ●●ough and gaine enough vnto them If they might gaine ●rie vnto God thereby came death or came life either ●●s welcome vnto them And in so many of gods children ●here is this indifferencie vnto either life or death thus ●commeth to passe because of the aduantage which they ●●ckon vpon by Gods glorie because as either life or death ●akes for Gods glory so they embrace either life if ther●● God may be more glorified and death if thereby God ●ay be more glorified Let this then teach vs euen so many of vs as feele not in ●●r selues this indifferencie vnto either life or death to ●●oke into the cause why it is that we are not indifferent vn●● either And surely if we be not too partially affected to●ards our selues we shall finde that it is because this is the ●ast reckoning with vs that Christ be glorified in our bo●●es The pleasures and sorrowes of life and the terrors of ●eath these be the things that so affect vs that wee are not ●●different vnto either but so heart set on the one that wee ●●nnot brooke to heare of the other If as Iob speaketh Iob ●ur seede bee stablished in our sight with vs and our generation ●●fore our eyes if our houses be peaceable without feare and the ●●od of God bee not vpon vs if our bullockes gender and faile not ●nd our Cowe calue and cast not her calfe If wee spend our ●ayes in wealth and haue all things at our desire then doe ●e so dote vpon these things that wee say with the foole in ●he Gospell Soule Luc. 12.19 thou hast much goods layd vp in store for ●any yeares liue at ease eate drinke and take thy pastime And ●uch a reckoning we make vpon the honors and pleasures commodities of this life that we could be content to liue with them euer but cannot abide to depart frō them Again ●f the rod of the Lord bee vpon vs and his countenance ●eeme to be turned away from vs if we be troubled on euery side with fightings without and terrors within if wee b● crossed in our substance and goods in our wife and chi●dren or in our owne bodies if wee bee in trouble sorro● neede sicknesse or other aduersitie if we be tryed by mockings and scornings by bonds and imprisonment then o●● the other side we are so daunted with those things that w●● are wearie of our liues and with Iob in his extremitie we c●● out Iob 3.11.12 and say Why dyed I not in the birth or why dyed I not wh●● I came out of the wombe Why did the knees preuent me 〈◊〉 why did I sucke the breast O that God would destroy mee th● he would let his hand go and cut me off my soule chooseth rath●● to be strangled and to dye then to be in my bones Yea and many times like vnto Achitophell and Iudas wee become our owne butchers One sort can heare of nothing but life and another sort wish nothing but death very fewe of vs that are indifferently affected to either life or death and all because we minde earthly things The preferments and pleasures and commodities of this life they are our aduantage and gaine If our desires bee filled with them then wee are nothing indifferent vnto death but all our delight is set o●● life But if wee lacke them and instead thereof haue our drinke mingled with weeping then are we nothing indifferent vnto life but all our desire is of death and would God we were dead would God we were dead As for the glorie of God it neuer comes into our thoughts neither doe wee euer make account of life or of death as they doe make for the glory of the Lord for if we did then would we be indifferent vnto either as either should make for the glory of the Lord and not run vpon the one as carnall respects or terrors of death should moue vs. Well now that wee know these things let vs thinke or these things Let vs not set our hearts
contemne our Superiours and sometimes euen make rebellion against them Doe wee not often murther the innocent without a cause if not in his life yet in his credite and name and in a cruell spight against him Doe we not often steale from our brethen by false weights and measures by selling naughty wares by bribes and extortion by symonie and vsurie by deceitfull and wrongfull dealing Doe we not often lye one vnto another and so smother the truth that it can neuer come to light Doe wee not abound with sinnefull lusts inordinate affections vngodly desires and vnruly motions True it is which the Prophet saith that by lying Hos 4.2 and swearing and killing and stealing and whoring we breake out and bloud toucheth bloud Shall I say all in a word Christ is not to vs in life aduantage but rather Christ is vnto vs in life a losse His glorie we count not our glorie but rather we count all the time lost that is not spent in the things which tend nothing to his glorie I wish my words might iustly be reproued Beloued it is enough that we haue spent the time past of our life in vngodlines vnrighteousnes it is enough that hitherto we haue not glorified God in our mortall bodies as we ought Let vs hereafter make streight steps vnto the Lord and let vs liue vnto his glorie in whose glorie is our life Let vs so make account that wee liue if wee liue to his glorie and whatsoeuer others count their gaine let vs count his glorie our greatest gaine The third thing which here I note is that the Apostle saith that Christ is vnto him in death aduantage Whereby he meaneth that if he dye and by his constancie in his death bring glorie vnto Christ this glorifying of Christ by his death is vnto him in his death an aduantage Whence I obserue what vnto a Christian should be the thing wherof he should make reckoning in his death and that is that God be glorified by his death and then if he dye so that in his death God haue his glorie welcome death whensoeuer and whatsoeuer violent or naturall What saith our blessed Sauiour Luc. 22.50 I must saith he be baptized with a baptisme and how am I grieued till it be ended In which words hee shewed his great and earnest desire to die for vs that the Gospell might the sooner be preached throughout the world For hauing before signified that his comming was to preach the gospell which should kindle a fire throughout the world and this fire was alreadie kindled by the preaching of the gospell he signified likewise that before his passion the gospell should not be published throughout the world And therefore that he desired to die was that the Gospell might the sooner bee preached throughout the world Heere then ye see what it was that the sonne of God reckoned vpon his death namely the glorie of God by the publishing of the gospell throughout the world Phil. 2.17 And because he longed after this hee longed after death What also saith our holy Apostle Though saith he I be offered vp vpon the sacrifice and seruice of your faith I am glad and reioyce with you all Where yee see the Apostle saith that hee would reioyce in death as a vantage vnto him if by his death God might haue this glorie that their faith thereby might bee confirmed The thing then that hee made reckoning of in his death was that God might be glorified thereby and so hee would reioyce in death Semblably wee in death should principally looke at this that our death be to the glorie of the Lord that our death bee as the death of his Saints Ps 116.13 that our death be in the Lord and then we may reioyce and bee glad in it For as the Prophet saith Apoc. 14.13 Right deare and precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of the Saints And as our Sauiour saith Blessed are the dead that dye in the Lord. Hence then we may learne why it is that we are many of vs so vnwilling to dye If persecution arise because of the word and fire and faggot be the portion for vs to drinke it is no need to bid vs to flie but we runne and we turne and turne and turne againe rather then wee will burne If any sicknes seaze vpon vs by and by we so shrinke and are so affraid of death that whatsoeuer physicke by the Physition whatsoeuer cōfort by the Minister be ministred vnto vs yet stil nothing but death death with vs. Euery summō of death is so fearefull vnto vs that if any way wee could wee would shift it off And why is all this but because we count of no vantage in death because Christ is not vnto vs aduantage in death we neuer bethinke our selues shall God be glorified by my death shall the Saints hearts be strengthened by my constancie my patience in my death shall the Christian and quiet repose of my soule in the Lord at my death cause them that behold me to glorifie the Lord But what do we thinke and say I shall die I shall die I shall go downe to the graue and be no more seene the terrors of death are vpon me and who shall deliuer me And thus death triumpheth ouer vs whereas vpon the other cogitations we should triumph ouer death 1 Sam. 25.37 Ye know the storie of Naball of whom it is said that when his wife told him Dauids words his heart died within him and he was like a stone So is it with many of vs when any summons of death come forth for vs our hearts faile and die within vs and we are euen as stones And no meruaile that feare of death should so worke vpon vs when in our death there is nothing to comfort vs. If our hearts were so set on the glorie of the Lord that wee counted that gaine enough vnto vs if any way wee might gaine glory vnto the Lord by life or by death then would wee willingly die whensoeuer our death might be to Gods glorie But setting apart all care of Gods glorie by life or by death we mind onely the pleasures and profites of this life which haue an end in death and therefore are vnwilling to die In the terrors of death then will we not feare death Let mee die the death of the righteous and I will not feare what death can doe vnto me Let Christ Iesus bee glorified by my death and then let death come in fire in sword in famine in pestilence in what terrible sort it can come and I will triumph ouer death Let this mind be in euerie one of vs and so that by our death God bee glorified in vs at what time so euer and in what sort so euer it come let it bee welcome to vs. And let this suffice to bee obserued from these words whence ye see first how we become indifferent vnto either death or life
the sheepeheards and will require my sheepe at their hands and cause them to cease from feeding the sheepe neither shall the sheepeheards feede themselues any more for I will deliuer my sheepe from their mouths and they shall no more deuoure them As then this is a great mercie of the Lord vnto the flocke of his pasture when the Pastor is an ill one to deliuer them from him and to cause him to cease from feeding them whether by death or how else so euer so is it a great blessing of the Lord vpon them when they haue a good and faithfull Pastor and Teacher to continue his life amongst them for their further growth and encrease in the faith and truth of Christ Iesus This then beloued should teach you how when the Lord blesseth you with a faithfull Pastor you should bee affected towards him and that is thus you should euen pray vnto the Lord for him to continue his life long amongst you by whose life yee haue such a blessing Other duties many towards them on your behalfe are commanded as obedience where it is said Obey them that haue the ouersight of you and submit your selues and loue As where it is said Heb. 13.17 Know them that labour among you and are ouer you in the Lord 1 Thes 5.12.13 and admonish you and haue them in singular loue for their workes sake and maintenance As where it is said Gal. 6.6 Let him that is taught in the word make him that hath taught him pertaker of all his goods Whereunto ye are also to adde this dutie towards them euen to pray for the continuance of their life long amongst you And surely if either ye consider the blessing which ye haue by the enioying of them or the losse which ye haue when such are taken from you yee will see that yee haue great cause to pray for their abiding in the flesh amongst you For what if after such a faithfull Pastor should succeede an idle sheepe heard a greedie wolfe an ignorant hireling a slow-belly a peruerter of the truth a scandalous man for life one whose God is his belly and whose glorie is to his shame as too too often after such light followeth such darkenesse How great cause then should yee haue to waile and lament and with Ieremie to say How is the golde become so dimme While then ye haue them how ought ye to pray for them that long ye may haue them and enioye the benenefits of their labours But how farre otherwise doe wee a great many of vs in many places for so it is with many of vs in many places that if our Pastor be a faithful teacher one that labours amongst vs in the word and doctrine one that keepes nothing backe from vs but faithfully deliuers vnto vs the whole counsaile of the Lord we are so farre from praying for the continuance of his life that by all meanes we labour to make him wearie of his life If wee haue such a Pastor as neither can nor will teach vs in the wholesome word of truth one that will suffer vs to go on in our sinnes and neuer awake vs out of our dead sleepe of securitie one that will sowe pillowes vnder our elbowes and crie peace peace when there is no peace one that will sort himselfe vnto our manners and apply himselfe vnto our humors he is a man fit for vs hee is a milde a soft man and a good companion and wee wish that he might liue for euer with vs. But if our Pastor with the Prophets of the Lord threaten the iudgements of the Lord against vs for our sinnes if with Iohn Baptist hee reproue vs boldly to our faces for such crying sinnes as reigne amongst vs if with the blessed Martyr Steuen in the application of his doctrine hee shall come vpon vs and say yee stiffe-necked of vncircumcised hearts and eares ye haue alwaies resisted the holy Ghost as your fathers did so doe yee If with the Apostle he shall rebuke vs and say O foolish people who hath bewitched you that yee should not obey the truth if hee shall launce our sores vnto the bottome that so we may be throughly healed if he shall wound the heary scalpe of him that goeth on in his wickednesse and lay the axe to the roote of our sinnes him wee can by no meanes endure he is a contentious man a seditious man a schismaticall fellow a troubler of the world away with such a man hee is not worthy to liue vpon the earth Thus the Pastor from whom it were a mercie of the Lord to deliuer vs we loue and like and him in the continuance of whose liue were a blessing of the Lord vpon vs wee cannot away with So greatly are we in loue with our sinnes and ignorance and so little doe we loue knowledg and the things that belong vnto our peace But beloued I perswade my selfe better things of a great many of you As already you do so continue to haue them that labour amongst you in singular loue for their workes sake Let the feete of them that bring you the Gospell of Christ Iesus bee beautifull vnto you Count the life of your faithfull Teachers a blessing of the Lord vpon you and pray yee vnto the Lord when yee haue such a blessing for the continuance thereof vnto you This blessing is as needfull for you as the greatest blessing of this life and therefore reioyce in it and pray for it as the greatest blessing of your life And let this suffice to be obserued from the reasons which made the Apostle doubt what to chuse whether to liue in the bodie or to remoue out of the bodie It followeth And this am I sure of c. In the Apostles narration which began at the 12. verse first the Apostle told vs what successe his bands had already had and then what successe he hoped they should haue Touching the successe which they should haue we haue heard that the Apostle certainly looked for and hoped that they should turne to the saluation of his soule through his constancie in his bands whether it were in life or in death But what should be the successe of his bands touching the saluation and deliuerance of his bodie The Apostle now tells the Philippians that namely he knew certainely that he should liue be deliuered out of prison be restored to them againe And withall he tels them wherefore God would now deliuer him haue him yet to liue longer which was for these two ends 1. for their furtherance ioy of their faith .i. that by his ministerie they might be confirmed in the faith thereby haue their ioy increased 2. that they might more abundantly reioyce c. .i. that they seeing the mighty power of Christ in deliuering him from the mouth of the lion might more abundantly reioyce in Christ the author of his deliuerance for deliuering him and for bringing him againe to them The first
becommeth the Gospell of Christ Whence ye see that it is not to bee hypocriticall or framed after mens liking for the time to please them but to be led in the feare of the Lord to please him But how may we so order our conuersation that it may be such as becommeth the Gospell of Christ That the Apostle now sheweth in the next place as namely if we continue in one spirit if we sight together in one mind through the faith of the Gospell if we feare our aduersaries in nothing If we continue in one spirit that is if we stand fast and abide constant in one truth of Christ by one spirit wherinto we are all baptized Whence I obserue one speciall part of a conuersation agreeable to the Gospell of Christ and that is constant abiding in the truth If we stand fast and abide constant in the truth this is one note that our conuersation is such as becommeth the Gospell of Christ Iesus Iohn 8.31 If ye continue in my word saith our Sauiour yee are verily my Disciples as if hee should haue said if ye stand fast against all assaults whatsoeuer and quit your selues like men and abide constant in the truth which I haue taught you so ye shew your selues to be my Disciples and to walke worthie of me So that to continue and abide constant in the truth shewes vs to be Christ his Disciples and sheweth our conuersation to be such as becommeth the Gospell Whereupon it is that wee are so often exhorted to continue in the grace of God to continue in the faith to abide constant in the truth to stand fast and shrinke not Beware then beloued of reuolting from the truth wherin ye haue byn taught in Christ Iesus of being caried about with euery winde of doctrine by the deceit of men and with craftinesse whereby they lye in waite to deceiue of yeelding and giuing ground vnto the aduersaries of the truth He that continueth vnto the end he shall be saued But if ye start aside like a broken Bowe surely yee walke not as becommeth the Gospell of Christ Looke to it then that ye continue in the things which ye haue learned and that yee fall not away from the hope of your profession Another thing also hence I obserue which is that to continue and abide constant in the the truth is wholly the gift of the holy Ghost It is not by our owne wisdome power and strength but onely by the power of the holy spirit that we stand fast without which we can no more stand in the truth then can our bodies stand without our soule and spirit Both therefore let vs beware that we grieue not the holy spirit by our euill deeds or by our euill words and let vs alwaies powre out feruent prayers vnto him that hee will vouchsafe euer to abide with vs to strengthen vs to abide in the truth It followeth And in one minde c. Whence I obserue another speciall note of a conuersation agreeable to the Gospell of Christ and that is vnity and concord and loue amongst our selues If we be knit together in one minde so that as wee are one bodie in Christ Iesus so wee bee of one heart and one soule dwelling together as brethren in vnity loue good agreement this is a good token that our conuersation is such as becommeth the Gospell of Christ Ioh. 13.35 By this shall all men know saith our Sauiour that yee are my Disciples if yee loue one another A good note that we are Christ his Disciples and that we walke as becommeth the Gospell of Christ if we liue in loue and concord one with another if we be of one minde together Let vs beware then how we nourish hatreds malice strife contention in our selues one against another For these things doe so distract vs from another as that being thus affected one towards another we doe not walke as becommeth the Gospell of Christ or rather we are iniurious vnto the Gospell of Christ For thus it commeth to passe that the Gospell which wee professe is euill spoken of Let vs therefore be knit together in one mind and beware of euery thing that may distract and dismember vs. Another thing hence I obserue which is that this Christian concorde must be to fight together against such aduersaries as fight against the truth be they heretiques and schismatiques that fight against it and vs with lyes slanders cauils false doctrines and the like or be they tyrants that fight against it and vs with fire sword imprisonment banishment confiscation of our goods or the like Wee are not onely to stand stoutly and constantly for the truth against them without being throwen downe by them but being knit together one with another in one minde we are ioyntly and with one accord to fight together for the truth against them as good Souldiers to throw them downe that when we haue finished our course we may say with our Apostle That we haue fought a good fight 2 Tim. 4.7 Otherwise we walke not as becommeth the Gospell of Christ Let them then looke to this that either for ease and idlenesse or for feare of displeasure some way or vpon any other carnall reason whatsoeuer will rather betray the truth then they will fight for it And seeing none is crowned but hee that striueth lawfully let vs fight together here that there we may be crowned But how are we to fight for the truth against the deuill and all his instruments the aduersaries thereof Some by praying some by preaching some by writing some by patiently sustaining for the truths sake and all of vs as hence I obserue by the faith of the Gospell Resist the deuill saith the Apostle and he will flie from you Resist him and fight against him 1 Ioh. 5.4 how by faith For this is the victorie that ouercommeth the world and the Prince thereof euen our faith And therefore the Apostles exhortation is Aboue all take the shield of faith Eph. 6.16 wherewith you may quench all the fiery darts of the wicked This is the armour wherewith we must all of vs fight By an in●ernall faith then wrought in vs by the Gospell let vs all of vs fight against Satan for the truth and by an externall confession of the faith against all tyrants heretiques and schismatiques whatsoeuer Let vs hold fast the mysterie of faith in a good conscience against all the enemies of the truth and let vs boldly alwaies make confession of our faith both in word by writing preaching disputing professing indeed by ioyning our selues to the professor● of the truth constantly patiently abiding for the truth LECTVRE XXII PHILIP 1. Verse 28. And in nothing feare your aduersaries which is to them a token of perdition and to you of saluation and that of God A Third thing also is herre mentioned namely courage against the aduersaries of the truth set downe here in our reading by way of
into one Christ as the reasonable soule and flesh is vnited into one man A distinction therefore of natures there is in Christ but no confusion of substance one Christ and he both God and man Thirdly it that it is said he was made like vnto men I note the truth o● his Manhood for the Apostles meaning is that in no sort be tooke on him the nature or qualities of Angels but tooke the seed of Abraham and so made himselfe man that in nothing he differed from the common sort of men tasting of all man infirmities and in all things was as man sinne only excepted Lastly in that it is said he was found in shape as a man I note the same thing that before namely the truth of Christ his Manhood for in these words the Apostle his meaning i● that his very person and behauiour shewed him to bee a man and a man as the Prophet speaketh full of sorrowes Th●● haue I briefly pointed at some of those notes and obseruation which may easily bee gathered touching the Godhead and Manhood of Christ out of this description of Christ his humilitie in his incarnation To knit vp the whole in one generall note and obseruation here wee may most cleerely obserue the great humilitie of our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus euen this one description of his incarnation may both most liuely present it before our eyes and be a most cleere patterne vnto vs how wee ought to be minded one towards another Hee that was very God of the substance of the Father glorious in maiestie wonderfull in power only wise of right and without any iniurie to the Godhead at all euery way equall vnto God the Father of himselfe vouchsafed to descend from his high and glorious maiestie and to take into the vnitie of his person the nature of a man euen the base condition of a seruant and in euery thing that concernes mans nature to bee like vnto all other men sinne only excepted Here is loue passing the loue of women and here is humilitie beyond all comparison Who knoweth not this and yet who followeth this patterne of Christ Iesus set before him He when we were enemies vnto him vouchsafed to come vnto vs which of vs will vouchsafe ●o goe vnto our enemie and be reconciled vnto him though ●he commandement be that the Sunne should not go downe vpon our wrath Nay how hardly are wee drawne to come vnto him that hath thus vouchsafed to come vnto vs Let the ●ell ring in the fore noone and in the after noone to call vs to come vnto him that wee may heare his will out of his word yet either wee will not come at all or at our best leisure when our owne businesse is dispatcht Hee for vs vouchsafed to descend from his high Throne of Maiestie and to become man But which of vs will stoope downe a whit or at all let downe our saile for our poore brethrens sake Nay if wee bee aboue them rather than wee will looke so low wee will turne them out of house and home out of lands and goods yea wee will suffer them for want of food to perish in our streets O if Christ Iesus had beene so vnkinde vnto thee how hadst thou ere this beene plunged into the bottomelesse pit of hell and so beene preuented of this vnkindnesse to thy brother He disdained not to take on him euen the basest condition of a man euen of a seruant and for our sakes to become poore that wee through his pouertie might be made rich But how many of vs with patience doc beare our pouertie Nay doe wee not murmur and grudge against God as an vnequall disposer of these temporall blessings Doe wee not often breake out into these intemperate speeches Rather than we will thus want wee will rob by the high wayes side or steale Rather than we will starue wee will haue it out of the rich mans belly c. But know thou that vnlesse Christ had beene poore for thy sake thou hadst had thy portion with the Deuill and his Angels He tooke vpon him our infirmities that so hee might take compassion on our infirmities But how many of vs are moued to take compassion on the miseries distresses and infirmities of our brethren Nay how many of vs doe shut vp all bowels of compassion against those that are in miserie and distresse not clothing the naked not feeding the hungry not visiting the sicke not releeuing the distressed O my brethres let the same minde be in you that was in Christ Iesus If hee thus humbled himselfe for our sakes let vs follow him in the practise of humilitie Let vs equall our selues vnto them of the lowest degree Let vs plucke downe our high sailes and bee ready to distribute vnto the necessitie of the Saints Let vs d●e good vnto all but especially vnto those that are of the houshold of faith Let vs not say with the Angell of the Church of La●●icea I am rich and increased with gold and haue need of nothing but let vs cast downe our selues for our sinnes and let euery man be humbled in his owne soule and so shall we submit our selues one vnto another Let vs alwayes set before our eyes the humilitie of Christ Iesus in his incarnation and thereby be prouoked to all humblenesse and lowlinesse of minde Meditate on these things all yee that feare God and yee shall finde rest vnto your soules Meditate on these things ye that now come or hereafter meane to come to the Lords Table to be made partakers of the mysteries of Christ his blessed death and passion Here Christ Iesus who was made bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh inuiteth you vnto this holy Supper that you may be made bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh Here by a true and liuely faith through the operation of the holy spirit yee are made bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh members of his body and vessels of his glory But there must be in you the same minde that was in Christ Iesus yee must put away all hatred and contention all rancour and malice and as he came to vs in loue towards vs so wee must come vnto him in perfect loue and charitie towards all men As hee came vnto vs to kill sinne in our flesh so wee must come vnto him purged from the corruption which is in the world through lust 2 Pet. 1.4 that so wee may bee partakers of the diuine nature as Peter speaketh As hee came vnto vs giuing vs an ensample so to walke as hee hath walked so wee must come to him with full resolution and setled purpose so to walke as wee haue him for an ensample in all humblenesse and lowlinesse of minde or else in comming vnto him to this holy Table wee heape vnto our selues wrath against the day of wrath and of the declaration of the iust iudgement of God The Lord giue vs his grace that we may walke
through contention or vaine-glory but let euery man in meeknes of mind esteem other better then himselfe 〈◊〉 the same mind be in you that was in Christ Iesus this know for a surety that as here in Christ he was first humbled ther exalted 18.12 so before glory goeth lowlinesse humilitie And le this suffice to be obserued out of the originall scope and dr●● of the Apostle in these words Now let vs a little more neerly look into them and see what further vse we may make of them and first of these where the Apostle setteth downe in genera● Christ his exaltation into glory saying Wherefore God hath c. In which words I obserue 1. The cause of his exaltation or rather the sequell of his crosse 2. Who exalted him 3. In what sense he is said to haue h●● exalted Touching the first the word wherefore here vsed may either signifie a cause or a consequence so that we may vnderstand the Apostle either thus that because Christ th●● humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the crosse therefore God highly exalted him or thus that Christ first humbled himselfe and tasted of the sorrowes of death for vs and afterwards God highly exalted him After this latter sort doth the Apostle speake where he saith Heb. 2.9 that Christ was made a little inferiour to the Angells to the end that he might suffer death and so was crowned with glory and honour After this sort also doth Christ himselfe speak vnto the two Disciples which were going toward Emma●● saying Luc. 24.26 ought not Christ to haue suffered these things and to enter into his glory In both which places the Apostle and our Sauiour himselfe speaketh of his crowne of glory and honour as a consequent of his crosse not as caused by the crosse as following his crosse but not as merited by his crosse And if we follow this sense hence wee may gather this very profitable ●sson that if wee desire to raigne with Christ in glory then ●ust wee be content to beare his crosse in this life and with ●m to suffer affliction in this vale of miserie Psal 110.7 He first drunke the brooke in the way as the Prophet speaketh and then hee ●t vp his head first hee had his crosse and then his crowne ●st hee did weare a crowne of thornes and then a crowne of ●ory So wee if wee will be made like vnto his image wee ●ust suffer with him that wee may bee glorified with him ●ee must through our sufferings and crosses be driuen euen shed teares if wee will haue all teares wiped from our eyes ●e disciple is not aboue his master nor the seruant aboue his Lord. ● hee hath chalked the way so must we walke euen through ●flictions and troubles through sorrowes and crosses vnto ●at inheritance immortall and vndefiled reserued in heauen ●r vs. Let not then thy soule be troubled or cast downe at whateuer trouble sorrow need sicknesse crosse or persecution ●et not losse of goods losse of friends the reproaches of the ●cked the contempt of the world the miserie of thy life or the maner of euill things which can be said or done against ●ee for Christ his sake trouble or dismay thee Nay in the ●iddest of all thy crosses and afflictions comfort thy selfe ●th these things First afflictions and troubles are that strait ●d narrow way which leadeth vnto life Act. 14.22 for we must through ●any afflictions enter into the kingdoms of God Secondly by ●r sufferings and afflictions we are made like vnto the image Christ who being the Prince of our saluation was conse●ated through afflictions Thirdly by crosses and aduersi●s we are brought to acknowledge our sinnes vnto the Lord ●d to reforme the wickednesse of our wayes And therefore ●auid said It is good for mee that I haue beene in trouble Ps 119.67.71 that I ●ght learne thy statutes and againe he saith Before I was trou●ed I went wrong but now I keepe thy word And the Lord by ●sea saith In their afflictions they will seeke mee diligently ●urthly in all our afflictions Christ suffereth with vs and ●erefore Paul calleth his afflictions which he suffered by sea land of friends or enemies in body or in spirit the afflictions of Christ In euery crosse he suffereth with vs and euery crosse sealeth his loue vnto vs. Lastly our afflictions are b●● for a little while and after them is glory for euer as it is wr●ten Heauinesse may endure for a night but ioy commeth in the morning Why art thou then so sad O thou distressed soule and why doe thoughts arise in thine heart Comfort thy selfe in this that thine afflictions conforme thee vnto Christ his image and set thee in the plaine and right way to saluation and glory Thou art chastised of the Lord but because th●● shouldest not be condemned with the world thou lamente● and weepest but that Christ may wipe all teares from thi●e eyes thou diest with Christ but it is that thou maist liue for euer thou here eatest the bread of teares and drinkest the water of affliction but the Lord hath reserued for thee li●● and ioy for euermore 2 Tim. 2.11.12 for it is a true saying If wee bee de●● with Christ we shall also liue with him and if we suffer with Christ wee shall also raigne with him And let this suffice to be not● from this sense Now if wee follow the other sense and vnderstand the Apostle thus that because Christ humbled himselfe and bec●●● obedient vnto the death euen the death of the Crosse therefore God hath highly exalted him then wee are further hence 〈◊〉 note that Christ his exaltation into glory for vs was not only a consequent of his death and passion but his death and p●●sion was a cause of his exaltation into glory for vs so that by his death and passion he deserued exaltation into glory I do● not here dispute the question which commonly hence is moued whether Christ by his death and passion deserued this exaltation into glory for himselfe or onely for vs. The whol● tenor of the Scripture running thus that Christ became m●● for vs fulfilled the Law for vs was tempted for vs was clothe● with infirmities for vs tasted of sorrowes for vs made hi● soule an offering for vs died for vs rose againe for vs an● whatsoeuer he did did all for vs I vnderstand the Apostl● thus that by his death and passion hee merited and deser●e● exaltation into glory for vs. My obseruation then hence i● that by the merits of Christ his death and passion is purchased saluation and glory to all them that obey him for by 〈◊〉 bloud hath hee obtained eternall redemption for vs Heb. 9.12 and entred in ●ce into the holy place that is into heauen for vs. Yea euen by ●he merits of his death doe wee pleade and sue for that inheri●●nce immortall and vndefiled reserued in heauen for
vs. A ●riuiledge only proper vnto Christ that by his sufferings hee ●ould merit at all either for himselfe or for others For of all ●ur afflictions and sufferings that is to be said which Paul saith ●f his afflictions Rom. 8.18 I account saith hee that the afflictions of this ●resent time are not worthy of the glory which shall be shewed vnto ● Where the Apostle plainly renounceth all merit of life ●nd glory vnto his sufferings and afflictions And our Sauiour ●hrist likewise plainly telleth vs that when wee haue done all ●hat wee can euen all that is commanded vs wee must say ●ee are vnprofitable seruants Luk. 17.10 wee haue done onely that which ●as our dutie to doe If when wee haue done all that we can ●ee are vnprofitable seruants if when wee haue done all that commanded vs wee haue only done our dutie then what ●aime can wee make by merit or desert Nay if wee looke ●nto our merits wee shall finde that eternall life is the gift of ●od through Iesus Christ and that wee haue onely deserued ●eath and euerlasting condemnation Iam. 2.10 For whosoeuer keepeth ●e whole Law and yet faileth in one point he is guiltie of all and ●f the condemnation due to the breach of them all Now cer●ine it is that in many things wee offend all and that our best ●●ghteousnesse is but as the menstruous clothes of a woman ●uen the best thing that wee doe is stained with sinne and full ●f vnrighteousnesse so that if wee stand vpon our owne me●ts wee see wee must needs perish all Wee must then flie ●rom our selues and renouncing our owne merits rest our ●elues wholly only on the merits of Christ Iesus by whose ●eath and passion wee haue an entrance into glory For his ●assion being the passion of the Sonne of God was both a ●ll satisfaction vnto Gods iustice for vs and worthily deser●ed the glory which hee hath purchased for vs and giuen ●nto vs. And let this bee spoken touching the sequele of Christ his passion or the cause of his exaltation into glory ●t followeth Wherefore God c. The second thing which hence I obserued was who exalted him and that is here set downe when it is said God hath highly exalted him Christ then hauing humbled himselfe and beene obedient euen vnto the death God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ raised him from the dead and set him at his right hand in the heauenly places Act. 2.31 So Dauid had said long before saying Th●● shalt not leaue my soule in graue neither shalt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption Which Peter auoucheth to be spoken of God raising vp Iesus from the dead To this likewise giue all the Scriptures witnesse that God raised vp Iesus our Lord from the dead the Father by the Sonne and the Sonne by the eternall Spirit that was within him Here then is our comfort that he who hath loosed the sorrowes of Christ his death and raised him vp by his power will also giue a good end vnto all our troubles and raise vs vp also by Iesus and set vs with him Many are the troubles of the righteous Psal 34.18 but the Lord deliuereth him out of all And if it be so that thou see not the fruit of this promise in this life but goest to thy graue in mourning vnde● the crosse yet know this that hee which hath raised vp the Lord Iesus shall raise thee vp also by Iesus and set thee with him and there wipe all teares from thine eyes and couer thee with the garment of gladnesse But withall let mee giue you this caueat 1 Pet. 4.15 16 Let none of you suffer as a murtherer or as a theefe or as an euill do●r or as a busie body in other mens matters But if any man suffer as a Christian pouertie sicknesse persecution imprisonment or what crosse else soeuer let him not be ashame● but let him glorifie God in this behalfe For Christ hath also suffered once for sinnes the iust for the vniust that hee might bring vs vnto God and God for our momentanie and light afflictions in that day will giue vs an eternall weight of glory Wherefore as the Apostle doth so I exhort you Let him that suffereth 1 Pet. 4.19 what crosse soeuer it be according to the will of God commit his soule to God in well-doing as vnto a faithfull Creator and hee that loosed the sorrowes of death from Christ shall giue in his good time a good end to all his troubles And thus much touching the second point to wit who exalted him It followeth Wherefore God hath also highly exalted him Where wee are to see in what sense Christ is said to haue beene exalted and not onely so but highly exalted which was the third thing which I proposed hence to be obserued 1. Therefore Christ was exalted when he was raised from the dead when his bodie which was sowen in dishonor was raised vp in glory 2. He was highly exalted when ascending into heauen he was set in the heauenly places farre aboue all principalitie and power and might and domination and euery name that is named not in this world onely but also in that that is to come Thus God exalted ●nd highly exalted Christ Iesus whom the Iewes had crucified Here then first we haue the testimonie of the Apostle for that ●oint of our faith the resurrection of Christ Iesus He made his graue with the wicked as the Prophet had prophesied He was buried and the pit had shut her mouth vpon him Esay 53.9 euen the ●ombe of the earth had enclosed him in but God the third day ex●lted him raising him from the dead and not suffering his body to ●ee corruption If I thought it needfull further to proue the resurrection of Christ Iesus vnto you his sundry appearances ●fter he rose againe from the dead first vnto Marie Magdalen ●hen vnto the two Disciples that went to Emmaus then to Pe●er then to all the Disciples together saue Thomas then to all ●he Disciples then to moe then fiue hundreth brethren at ●nce these I say his manifold appearances and many other ●estimonies of holy scripture might at large proue the same ●nto you But my desire rather now is to lesson you in such ●hings as Christ his resurrection may teach vs. First therefore the resurrection of Christ Iesus may put vs ●n minde of this dutie that as he was raised againe from the ●raue wherein he lay dead vnto life so we ought to rise from ●he graues of sinne wherein we lie dead vnto newnesse and ●olinesse of life If yee be risen with Christ saith the Apostle Colos 3.1 ●hen seeke those things which are aboue as if he should haue ●id Christ is risen from the dead if yee be risen with him ●nd lie not still dead in your sinnes then seeke those things ●hich are aboue Where yee see how the Apostle putteth ●hem in
according to both According to his godhead not as it is considered in it selfe but in as much as his godhead which fro● his birth vnto his death did little shew it selfe after his resurrection was made manifest in his manhood For as the Apostle saith Rom. 1.4 He was declared mightily to be the sonne of God by the resurrection from the dead Euen by the resurrection and after his resurrection from the dead he which was thought only to be man was most plainely manifested likewise to be God Now as touching his manhood he was therein exalted vnto highest maiestie in the heauenly places not onely shaking off all infirmities of mans nature but also being beautified and adorned with all qualities of glory both in his soule and in his body yet so that still he reteineth the properties of a true body For euen as he was man hee was set at the right hand of the father to rule and reigne ouer all till all his enemies be● destroyed and put vnder his feete To knit vp all in a word Christ God and man after his resurrection was crowned with glory and honour euen such as plainely shewed him to bee God and was set on the throne of God there to rule and reigne as soueraigne Lord and King till hee come in the clowdes to iudge both quicke and dead Here then is both matter of comfort and consolation vnto the godly and likewise of feare and astonishment vnto the wicked and vngodly For therefore is he ascended into heauen euen to prepare a place for vs that where hee is there may we be also Ioh. 14.2 for so himselfe speaketh And therefore is he exalted farre aboue all men and Angels as in all fulnesse of gifts and graces so in glory and maiesty that he may succour vs in all our miseries and helpe vs in all dangers Whatsoeuer infirmities we haue whatsoeuer persecutions wee suffer whatsoeuer crosses we endure wee neede not be dismaide or troubled For Christ Iesus who bore our infirmities whom the high Priests Scribes and Pharisies and all the Iewes persecuted vnto the death who endured the crosse and despised the shame is exalted vnto the highest glory for vs and both 〈◊〉 able to succour vs and will not suffer vs to perish If Christ ●ad not ouercome death and sinne and the world and the Deuill nay if he had not as a most triumphant King led cap●●uitie captiue and so crushed them that though they would ●et they can not hurt vs nay if hee did not now as Lord and ●ing so bridle their rage that they cannot preuaile against vs ●hen might we well feare death and sinne and the world and ●he Deuill But now that he hath ouercome all these and ●uleth all things henceforth with his mightie power so that ●ne haire of our heads cannot fall away without his heauenly ●ill and nothing can touch vs but as hee giueth leaue what ●re of death what danger of sinne what care of the world ●hat care of the Deuill Let death draw out his sharp arrowes ●gainst vs let sinne assault vs and seeke to tyrannize ouer vs ●t the world hate vs and band themselues against vs let the ●euill rage and lay what battery he can against vs our King ●nd our God which dwelleth in heauen he laugheth them to ●orne and our Lord hath them in derision Hee saith vnto ●em touch not my chosen and doe my children no harme Hee ●tteth them their bounds which they cannot passe and hee ●miteth their power euen as it best pleaseth him And there●●re death shall not deadly wound vs but onely transport vs ●nto a life that lasteth euer sinne shall not tempt vs aboue ●at we be able but together with the tentation we shall haue ●e issue that we may be able to beare it the world and wick●● instruments of Sathan shal either not at all preuaile against ● or no farther then shall be for Gods glory and our good ●either shall the Deuill rage he neuer so horribly be able to ●rre euer a whit farther then the linkes of his chaine shall be ●osed vnto him When Salomon was annointed King ouer ●rael in stead of Dauid his father 1 King 1.40 it is said that all the people came ●ter him that they piped with pipes and reioyced with great ioy so ●at the earth rang with the sound of them Shall the people of ●rael thus reioyce the crowning of Salomon and shall not ●e much more reioyce when as Christ Iesus is placed in hea●en at the right hand of his Father and hath the euerlasting ●epter of his kingdome put into his hand Shall not our soules be filled with ioy and gladnesse for the crowne of his glory and honour which is the prince of our peace and the strong rocke of our saluation Surely the Apostle so reioyced in this crowne of his glory that he bidde defiance vnto condemnation and whatsoeuer accusation could bee laid against him who shall lay any thing saith he vnto the charge of God chosen Rom. 8.33 it is God that iustifieth Who shall condemne it is Christ which is dead yea or rather which is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God 34. and maketh request for vs c. Where ye se● plainely how the Apostle vpon the ground of Christ hi● death or rather vpon the ground of that crowne of glorie whereunto Christ was exalted after his resurrection from the dead henceforth feareth neither accusation nor condemnation nor whatsoeuer can be laid vnto his charge And as the Apostle doth so all the children of Christ his kingdome may bidde defiance vnto accusation and condemnation and whatsoeuer can be laide vnto theire charge now that Christ sitteth at the right hand of God to make intercession for vs. The Lord is King the earth may be glad thereof hee i● great in Sion and high aboue all people Let the heauens reioyce and let the earth be glad let the sea roare and all that therein is Psal c. Thou that dwellest vnder the defence of the most high and abidest vnder the shaddow of the almightie say vnto the Lord c. Now as this soueraigntie of power and excellency of dignitie whereunto Christ was exalted after his resurrection may be matter of comfort and consolation vnto the godly so may it be matter of feare and astonishment vnto the wicked and vngodly Psal 2.9 For he shall bruise his enemies with a rodde of iron and breake them in pieces like a potters vessell Hee shall euen deale with them as Ioshua dealt with the fiue Kings that were hidde in the caue he shall tread them vnder feete and make a slaughter not so much of their bodies as of their soules For as his exaltation into that glory is for the good of his Church and faithfull people so is it for the confusion and vtter destruction of his enemies For it is a righteous thing with him to recompence tribulation to them which
were ●nder the law and as the same Apostle saith to the Romanes Rom. 8.4 That the righteousnesse of the law might be fulfilled in vs. Seeing ●hen it was for vs that Christ was humbled and that hee was obedient vnto the law and vnto the death great reason it is ●hat his humility and obedience should be a sufficient motiue to perswade vs vnto humilitie and obedience in the whole course of our life Should it bee my brethren a sufficient motiue vnto vs and why is it not Why it is not I know not but that it is not euery man seeth it Our high conc●●●●● our selues whether it be of our wisedome or of our riche or of our honour our contentions and vaine-glory our delight in our owne waies and our neglect to walk in the waie● of the Lord these and the like testifie vnto our faces that Christ his humility and obedience little preuaile with va●● perswade vs vnto these holy duties O my brethren let this be an healing of our errour So often as wee heare or read that Christ thus humbled himselfe for vs that he became man for vs that he bare our infirmities that he was led as a sheepe v● to the slaughter for vs that he made his soule an offering for our sinne and that he made his graue with the wicked in his death for vs let these be so many remembrancers vnto vs to plucke downe our proud peacockes feathers to put away wrath contention pride vaine-glory and in all meeknesse of minde to submit our selues one vnto an other and all of v● vnto our God So often as we heare or read that Christ became obedient vnto his Father in all things that the law required of him that he fulfilled all righteousnesse and neuer gaue ouer to doe the will of his Father till hee had tasted and drunke of deaths cuppe and all for vs let this suffice to sl●● vs vp to walke in all dutifull obedience vnto our heauenly Fathers will Yea let vs thus hereupon resolue with our selues and say vnto our owne soules hath the sonne of God my Christ and my God vouchsafed to descend from his high throne of glory to be clothed with my flesh and my skinne to suffer hunger cold pouerty and manifold tentations for mee to be slaundered reuiled buffeted spit vpon condemned nailed on the crosse and to be buried for me and shall beare my selfe aboue my brethren shall I walke with a st●●● necke and disdaine my inferiors or shall I not make my selfe equall to them of the lowest degree and passe the time of my dwelling here in feare and in all lowlinesse of minde Hat● the sonne of God my Christ and my God fulfilled all righteousnesse done his fathers busines and yeelded all obedience vnto his father for mee and shall I kick against him with ●e heele shall I draw my necke from vnder his yoke and re●●se to walke in the waies of his lawes or rather shall I not ●nforme my selfe in all obedience to his holy will and doe at which is good and right in his eyes This vse wee should ●ake of Christ his humility and obedience vnto his father ●●d to this end he maketh it the ground of his exhortation in is place It followeth Wherefore my beloued The 2. thing which I obserued in ●ese words of the Apostle was his kinde and louing entrea●e of the Philippians signified in that he calleth them his be●●ued Which kinde entreatie of them he vseth the rather to ●inne them to harken vnto his exhortation Here then is a ●te for vs whom God hath set apart vnto the holy worke of ●s ministery to wit that we should not onely bee carefull to struct them that heare vs in the wholesome words of truth at that likewise we should seeke in all kinde and louing sort ● winne them vnto that wherein we doe instruct them Here●pon are those kinde and louesome speeches so often vsed in ●e writings of the Apostles my brethren my beloued my babes ● little children dearely beloued deare brethren I beseech you ●ethren by the mercies of God and the like Not to speake of ●ther places this one place of our Apostle might suffice suf●●ciently to instruct vs in this lesson where the Apostle doth ●ot onely exhort the Philippians to walke in the way of godli●esse with humblenesse of mind and in obedience vnto God ●nd strengthen his exhortation both by the example of their ●wne former obedience and by the example of Christ his ●umility and obedience but in all kinde and louing sort hee ●roposeth his exhortation calling them his beloued that so ●e might the rather winne them to harken to his exhortation or euen so the dispensers of God his holy mysteries should ●ot onely labour in a godly care to teach them that heare ●hem the words of truth in all euidence of the spirit and to ●onfirme and strengthen the same out of the sacred worth of ●ruth but further they should seeke with all kinde speaches ●nd in all louing manner to lead them foorth vnto the waters of comfort and to bring them vnto Christ Iesus And here happily a man that should long beate vpon this point and to large it to the full might haue great applause in many place especially there where the exception against their Teacher i● that he is too sharpe and that hee presseth the iudgement of God against sinne too sore and too vehemently Here the●● I beseech you a lesson for you that are hearers our of thi● place As we that are the ministers of the Lord for your comfort are hence taught to striue in all kinde and louing sort to bring you vnto Christ Iesus so you that heare vs are likewise he●●● to learne so to cary your selues as that we may speak vnto you as vnto our brethren and vnto our beloued If the loue ● God be not in you indeed how can wee speake vnto you a vnto our beloued If your honour not God nor keepe his commandements how can we speake vnto you as vnto 〈◊〉 children If ye be not ioyned with vs in one faith and in one hope in Christ Iesus how can wee speake vnto your as to o● brethren Nay I say more vnto you if ye know not vs that labour amongst you and are ouer you in the Lord and ad●●nish you if ye haue vs not in singular loue from our works sa●● how can we speake vnto you as vnto our beloued If when 〈◊〉 labour to beget you in the faith and to present you before God blamelesse in that day you either stoppe your eares the voice of our charming charme we neuer so wisely or speak euill of vs as of euill doers can wee speake vnto you as v●● our babes and little children If you embrace not the tr●● which we preach vnto you but rather hate vs for the message which we bring vnto you can we speake vnto you as vnto on deare brethren Nay certainely if yee will haue vs to co●● vnto you
meddle not now with those other glorious titles giuen to the word in holy Scriptures as that it is called the word of God the wholesome word of truth the Gospell of saluation c. Euen this that it is called the word of life may teach vs how precious the ministerie and preaching thereof ought to be vnto vs euen more precious than thousands of gold and siluer and as wee desire to be saued in the day of Christ so should wee thirst after these most sweet waters of life But what thirsting is there after them They are brought vnto vs in conduits euen vnto our doores and yet wee will scarce step out of our doores to drinke of them nay wee will sit in our doores and in our houses talking and sleeping rather than wee will come into the house of God and drinke of these waters Euery light excuse and euery small businesse will serue to stay vs from comming to heare the word read and preached I told you euen now of our slacknesse in comming of our negligence in hearing of our carelesnesse to meditate after we haue heard of the holy word of life If I should adde vnto that complaint another of prophaning the Lords day which should be wholly spent in hearing and reading and meditating of the holy word of life of prophaning it I say with dancing and drinking and playing at this or that game or keeping this or that vnprofitable and vnnecessary obseruation and custome should I iustly be reproued Yea but this yee doe in the morning or in the euening not in seruice-time of day Yea but this yee doe on the Lords day which the Lord hath commanded to be kept holy not only in seruice-time of day but Remember saith he that thou keepe holy the Sabboth day Hee doth not limit it to this or that part of the day but keepe the day holy by hearing and reading and meditating in the holy word of life Yea but this is too precise and strait and sauours too much of Puritanisme Well be it as it will thou must either be a Puritan in obseruation of the commandement or else thou bringest vpon thy selfe iudgement O consider this men and brethren what it is that wee call you vnto It is the word of life by which you must be begotten vnto eternall life or else you cannot be saued by the direction and guidance whereof you must enter into rest or else you shall neuer finde rest vnto your soules Dauid when he could not be present in the assemblie of Gods people to praise his God heare his word because of his persecutors he thought the sparrowes and the swallowes happy that might nestle themselues in the house of God Insomuch that he brake out as Psal 10. Our case is not as Dauids was wee may come We should say therefore with Dauid in another place I was glad c. Yea we should call one vnto another and say as it is in Esay Come and let vs goe vp c. Psal 122.1 Esa 2.3 Col. 3.16 Scrutamini Scripturas c. Ioh. 5.39 Let the word of Christ dwell in you plenteously c. In a famine of bread yee need no exhortation to seeke for bread to refresh and sustaine your bodies Your soules farre more precious than your bodies and your soules hunger-starued and yet what care for your soules The sicknesse is most dangerous when it is least felt LECTVRE XXXVIII PHILIP 2. verse 15 16 17 18. That I may reioyce in the day of Christ that I haue not runne in vaine nor laboured in vaine c. THus farre of the former reason and of the vses thence to bee made by vs heretofore Now followeth the latter reason drawne from the Apostle himselfe in these words that I may reiojce in the day of Christ c. That I may reioyce c. This is the Apostle his latter reason whereby he would enforce his former exhortations and it is as if he had said My beloued I exhort you that you make an end of your owne saluation with feare and trembling and that ye do all things with your neighbours and brethren without murmuring and reasonings and these things I would haue you to doe as for your owne sakes that yee may be blamelesse and pure so for my sake also that I may reioyce c. Yea and if yee marke it euen in these words he would haue them to doe as he hath exhorted them both for his sake and for their sakes also For he would haue them to walke before God in all obedience with feare and trembling and with their neighbour in all loue without murmuring c. why that he may reioyce that 's for his owne sake But wherein doth he desire to reioyce Euen in their saluation that he hath not runne in vaine nor laboured in vaine amongst them but that by his Ministerie and Apostleship they are gained vnto Christ That I may reioyce in the day of Christ c. By the day of Christ the Apostle meaneth that day when God shall iudge the secrets of all men by Iesus Christ that day of Christ his second comming vnto iudgement when it shall be rendred vnto euery man according to that he hath done in his flesh be it good or euill as also in many other places of the new Testament This day is called sometimes the day of Gods wrath sometimes the day of his appearing sometimes the day of iudgement sometimes the great day sometimes that day sometimes the day of the Lord sometimes the day of our Lord Iesus Christ sometimes the day of Christ Now that day of Christ his second comming vnto iudgement is therefore called the day of Christ because in that day God shall giue all iudgement vnto him and he shall descend from heauen with a shoute and with the voice of the Archangell and with the trumpet of God and all shall appeare before his iudgement seate and he shall separate the sheepe from the goates and set the sheepe on his right hand and the goates on the left and shall say to the one Come yee blessed of my Father and to the other Depart from me yee cursed Now the Apostle would haue the Philippians so to walke both before God and men that in this day of Christ when he shall giue to euery man according as his worke shall be he may reioyce wherein that hee hath not runne in vaine c .i. that by his labours he hath gained them vnto Christ The manner of speech which the Apostle vseth seemeth to be borrowed from them that runne in a race wherein though many runne and labour hard toward the marke yet one alone receiueth the price and the rest runne in vaine and labour in vaine because they obtaine not the pr●ce or the thing which they runne for So the Apostle maketh his account that in respect of them he should be like vnto those that runne in vaine and labour in vaine if hauing laboured to gaine them
not them vnto Christ Certainly of this I am perswaded that the moe soules they gaine vnto Christ the more glorious shall be their crowne of reioycing And therefore the Apostles glory no doubt shall be exceeding glorious by whose labours so many Churches were planted so many soules were brought vnto the faith Yet his glory in that day doth not wholy depend vpon the saluation of them that heare him The vsing of his talent faithfully shall be accounted vnto him as gaining with it Neither is his running and his labouring in vaine in respect of himselfe but onely in respect of them whose hearts the Lord doth not open that they should heare and beleeue and be saued as it is plaine out of Esay where Christ in his members thus complaineth I haue laboured in vaine I haue spent my strength in vaine Esay 49.4 and for nothing but my iudgement is with the Lord my worke with my God though Israel be not gathered 5. yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord and my God shall be my strength By which words it is out of all doubt cleared that howsoeuer the Ministers labour be often in vaine howsoeuer his strength be often spent in vaine in respect of them that heare him because thereby their hearts are not mollified and they brought vnto the obedience of the faith yet for themselues their iudgement is with the Lord and their worke with their God Though they that heare them be of such vncircumcised hearts and eares that they cannot be gained vnto Christ yet shall they be glorious in the eyes of the Lord and their God shall be their strength To the like purpose is that in Ezechiel where the Lord instructing the Minister and watchman of the house of Israel in his dutie he saith EZec. Sonne of man I haue made thee a watchman c. if thou warne the wicked and he turne not from his wickednesse nor from his wicked way he shall die in his iniquitie but thou hast deliuered thy soule c. What is then the Ministers dutie To warne the wicked and his dutie is to turne from the wickednesse of his waies If the Minister warne his labour is not in vaine in the Lord he deliuereth his owne soule but if the wicked being warned turne not from the wickednesse of his waies he dieth in his iniquitie so that his Minister in respect of him hath runne in vaine and laboured in vaine because he hath not reclaimed him from the wickednesse of his wayes Here then is a notable aduertisement for them that are hearers of the word to take heede that their watchman which is set ouer them spend not his strength in vaine and for nothing amongst them The Minister yee heare he runnes he labours he sweates he is still playing his prizes still trying his maisteries still plowing vp the fallow ground of your hearts in euery season yea in season and out of season sowing the immortall seede of the word alwaies on his watch tower in cold and in heate giuing warning of euery enemie which he doth descry Happily yee haue another conceit of the Ministers labour at least many haue that it is no such continuall labour that there is no such care or paines therein as is pretended Well whatsoeuer account yee make of the labour therein he spends his strength and oftentimes his bloud It is for you to looke vnto it that he spend not his strength in vaine If he teach you the waies of the Lord and yee receiue not instruction if he reproue such sinnes as breake out amongst you and ye hate to be reformed if hee call to fasting weeping and mourning and ye fall to eating drinking and dauncing if he exhort you to study to bee blamelesse and pure and the sonnes of God in the middest of a naughty and crooked nation and to shine amongst them as lights holding forth the word of life and ye giue your members seruants to vncleanesse and to iniquity to commit iniquity in a word if he out of the word either teach or improue or correct or instruct in righteousnesse ye refuse to hearken to the voice of the charmer charme he neuer so wisely what else doth hee in respect of you but runne in vaine and labour in vaine And if he spend his strength in vaine amongst you his worke is with his God but your bloud is vpon your owne head yee die in your sinnes but his soule is deliuered The minister his desire is to reioyce in the day of Christ but wherein in your saluation If in that day he shall not reioyce in your saluation what do ye thinke will be your portion His desire is not to runne in vaine nor to labour in vaine but it is in respect of you that he may gaine you vnto Christ For hee knoweth that his labour is not in vaine in the Lord. Hearken therefore and obey and harden not your hearts as in the prouocation and as in the day of tentation in the wildernesse If thou hearken thou shalt be the crowne of his reioycing and the crowne of his reioycing is in thy saluation And in any case take heed that thou iudge not amisse of him that is set ouer thee in the Lord to admonish thee of thy w●●es For whatsoeuer it is wherein he either teacheth or improueth or correcteth or instructeth thee it is that hee may reioyce in the day of Christ that he hath not runne in vaine nor laboured in vaine And this much of this later reason to enforce the former exhortations Yea and though I be offered c. The Apostle as yee haue heard vrged the Philippians that they would walke in all obedience with God and in all meeknesse with their brethren euen the rather for his sake that he might reioyce ouer them in the day of Christ Now the better to enforce this reason drawne from himselfe in these words hee assureth them that such is his longing after their saluation that if by his death they might be confirmed and strengthened in the faith hee would most willingly and ioyfully giue his life for them and if he shall do so he would not haue them to be sory but to be glad and reioyce thereat The manner of speech here vsed is drawne from the sacrifices of the old law wherein the Priests were commanded after their comming into the land of Canaan Num. 15 7 alwaies to poure out a drinke offering vpon the sacrifice that was offered The Apostle therefore alluding hereunto saith that if his soule should now bee poured out as a drinke offering vpon that spirituall sacrifice of their faith which by his ministery and Apostleship they had embraced for their farther confirmation and strengthening therein he would be glad and reioyce with them for that their faith by his death were strengthened Here then we may obserue how zealous the Pastor ought to be of the saluation of his flocke he ought with Saint Paul in this
place to be willing to giue vp his life for them Joh. 10.11 The good shepheard saith our Sauiour giueth his life for his sheepe Christ himselfe was indeed this good shepheard here spoken of who when wee were yet sinners died for vs. But herein likewise he set before vs a paterne how we should approue our selues to be good shepheards Nothing should bee so deare vnto vs as the good of them ouer whom the Lord made vs ouerseers persecution and banishment stripes and imprisonments yea the losse of life it selfe must rather bee indured then their saluation be neglected What then are wee simply to giue vp our liues for our flockes What if they be such as will bee glad thereat and rather then faile will themselues persecute vs yea and take our liues from vs Such sheepe indeed there are as persecute their shepheard and desire if they can to make him wearie of his life But this is that which now from our Apostle we teach that if our death may bee for the enlarging of Christ his kingdome and for the confirmation and encrease of their faith vnto whom we haue preached the Gospell then we are not to loue our liues vnto the death What then because our death may be for the confirmation of their faith are we to offer our selues vnto death Nay wee may not seeke death nor willingly runne our selues into danger But if the will of the Lord be such that by our bloud wee seale that testimony which we haue giuen to Christ Iesus and so confirme our brethren in the things that they haue heard and learned by our ministery we are not to shrinke at it but willingly to embrace it Yea but the cuppe of death is bitter how then can we be glad and reioyce in it True happily we should not greatly reioyce in that violent and vntimely death being considered in it selfe But knowing that our bloud is the seede of the Church and that by our death and persecution many are made more bold to professe the Gospell of Christ Iesus wee should be glad and reioyce in the fruit that we know comes to the Church by our death and persecution And thus our Sauiour by precept hath taught vs to doe saying Mat. 5.11.12 Act. 5.41 Blessed are yee when men reuile you and persecute you c. reioyce and bee glad for great is your reward in heauen Thus the Apostles likewise haue taught vs by example who when they had bin cast in prison and afterwards beaten departed reioycing that they were counted worthy to suffer rebuke for Christ his name As they by precept and example haue taught vs so ought wee to reioyce in tribulations and persecutions to be glad though we be offered vp vpon the sacrifice of their faith who by our ministerie haue belieued Should then the saluation of your soules and the confirmation of your faith be so deare vnto vs euen dearer then our owne liues How ought ye then to be affected towards vs and our ministerie It was a notable testimonie that the Apostle gaue vnto the Galathians Gal. 4.15 wherein he bore them record that if it had beene possible they would haue pluckt out their owne eies and haue giuen them to him Nothing more deare then their eyes and yet so neere had their soules beene knit vnto him in reuerence and loue for the Gospells sake that they would haue giuen him their very eies to haue done him good Shall I say that ye ought to be thus affected towards vs I say not so but I say that ye ought so to thinke of vs as of the ministers of Christ and disposers of the secrets of God Yee ought to thinke of vs as of the Embassadors for Christ and that we pray you in Christs stead as though God did beseech you through vs. In a word if we ought to lay downe our liues for our sheepe our sheepe ought to heare our voice And certainely if we were so liuely and Christianly toucht with a feeling of the sweetnesse of the word of life as we should be if the powerfulnesse thereof had so seasoned and seazed vpon our soules as it ought then would we heare his voice and obey him and follow him we would reuerence and regard him for the truths sake which he preacheth It is said of Lydia that when she had heard Paul preach and the Lord had so opened her hart that she belieued the things that Paul spak she was so desirous that Paul and those that were with him should come into her house and abide a while with her that she neuer left them till she had constrained them Act. 16.15 If yee haue iudged mee to be faithfull to the Lord saith she come into mine house and abide there and she constrained vs saith Luke It seemes besides other purposes which shee had that she thought her house would be the better if she might get them into it Not many Lydiaes I wish we might haue such hearers as Peter had that when they had heard vs would be pricked in their hearts and say vnto vs men and brethren what shall we doe Act. 2.37 such as would be so carefull to heare what we speake that they would lay the same vp in their hearts and digest it in their soules Our desire is as I said ere while that our labour in the word may not be vnto you in vaine but that by our ministery we may offer you vp as liuing sacrifices holy and acceptable vnto God If we ought not to spare our liues vnto the death for you yee ought so to heare the word of vs that yee grow vp in faith and loue and euery good worke If wee ought to poure out our bloud for an offering for you for the confirming of your faith ye ought first by faith through our ministery to be made a spirituall sacrifice vnto God that so our soules may be poured out as a drinke offering vpon the sacrifice of your faith For both these are implied here in our Apostle Wee heare what Pastor and people should doe and wee see in daily experience what they doe euen both so little answerably vnto that they should doe that it may be as truly now said as it was in the Prophets time like Pastor like people But I will not now stand farther to open and cut vp these soares Consider only in a 〈…〉 me I beseech you a reason which mee ●hinkes may be gathered from these words for the stirring vp of both Pastor and people vnto that they should doe If ye marke it both the obedience of their faith which are gained vnto Christ by the ministerie of the word and likwise the martyrdome and death of those that giue their liues for their sheepe are by a borrowed speech called sacrifices and offerings Though I be offered there the Apostle his death is called an offering vpon the sacrifice and seruice of your faith their faith whereunto by his seruice and ministery they had
the Lord and his strength and doe first honour him that so he may honour them before all people Nay euery plot is sooner and oftener cast then this and this comes seldome or neuer within their thoughts or if it doe yet this is too slow a course for them God must giue them leaue to climbe vp another way and then when they are where they would be they will serue him perhaps when they thinke of him Againe are there not many that are so couetous that they seeke by all meanes to be rich and to be Lords if it were possible of the whole earth And yet how many of them remembring that the Lord maketh poore and maketh rich doe first seeke the Lord so to become rich by him Nay if fraud oppression vsurie or the like will make them rich they will not wait vpon the Lord but thus they will become rich Yea but these and such like as seeke and delight only in pleasures and idlenesse and riches and honour and the like they seeke these things altogether they seeke not the Lord at all neither is God in all their thoughts but thou seekest the Lord and delightest in his Law And so doe many which yet seeke their owne more then that which is Iesus Christs Wilt thou then see whether thine owne things or the things of Christ Iesus be more sought of thee whether in some things thou preferre not thy selfe before thy Christ and his will Aske thine owne heart and see whether if thy God should bid thee doe as Zacheus did Luk. 19.8 giue halfe of thy goods to the poore and if thou hast taken from any man by forged cauillation to restore him foure-fold whether I say it would not grieue thee so to doe See whether if thy Christ should say vnto thee as he said to the young man in the Gospell Goe sell that thou hast Mat. 19.21 and giue to the poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen and come and follow mee whether I say thou couldest be content to doe so See whether in thy care for thy health for thy wealth for thy life c. thy first and chiefe care therein be that thereby thy God may be glorified See I say and looke into these and the like things with a strait eye and this shall be a good rule for thee to know whether thou seeke thine owne more then Iesus Christs And howsoeuer you shall finde your selues in the examination of these things guiltie or guiltlesse this you must know that Christian dutie requireth this of vs that first and principally we should seeke the glory of God and the things that belong vnto our peace and then afterwards the things that belong vnto this life Wee are carefull for many things what to eat what to drinke wherewith to be clothed how to liue and pay euery man his owne how to prouide for our wiues and our children how to maintaine our state and calling c. and so wee may and so wee ought to haue a godly care of these things without diffidence or distrust in Gods gracious prouidence but the rule which our Sauiour Christ giueth that must wee still keepe Mat. 6.33 first to seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnes and then all these things which are outward meanes of liuing and well liuing shall be cast vpon vs. Christ must bee vnto vs health and wealth and life and all things else We must cast our care vpon him and he will care for vs. Aboue all things wee must submit our selues vnto his will and walke after his Law and whatsoeuer things are needfull and meet for vs hee will minister vnto vs. Let euery man therefore so seeke his owne things that first and principally hee seeke the things of God let him so minde earthly things that his affections be principally set on the things that are aboue let him so regard his body that he principally looke vnto his soule LECTVRE XLI PHILIP 2. Vers 22.23.24 But yee know the proofe of him that as a sonne with the father hee hath serued with mee in the Gospell NOw the Apostle in these words to cleere Timothee of that fault wherewith very many of the rest were tainted that hee sought not his owne more than that which was Iesus Christs he asketh no other or better proofe thereof then their owne knowledge and experience of him for that they knew very well that Timothee as a sonne with the father serued with the Apostle the Lord Christ in preaching of his Gospell But yee saith the Apostle know the proofe of him c. As if the Apostle should haue said The rest that are with mee at least very many of them seeke their owne more then that which is Iesus Christs But for Timothee your selues will serue to cleere him of this fault yee know vpon that knowledge and proofe which yee haue of him that hee is another kinde of man that he hath serued with me euen as a sonne with his father whom Christ Iesus wherein in the Gospell that is in the preaching of the Gospell his ministerie is fully knowne vnto you that both he and I haue walked after one rule in preaching of the Gospell of Iesus Christ euen that wee haue walked as the father and the sonne in the selfe same steps vnto the building of the spirituall Temple of Christ Iesus hee walking as hee hath mee for example This I take to bee the Apostle his meaning in these words The notes hence to bee obserued I will rather point at then much stand vpon especially in this place and auditorie 1. Hence I note that Timothy whom the Apostle sent vnto the Philippians was a man of whom they had had proofe and experience before and whose faithfulnesse in the worke of his ministery was so well knowne vnto them that they could not doubt thereof And this was the cause why the Apostle thought it not needfull to labour much in the clearing of Timothy from such faults as had infected the rest or in the enlarging of his commendation they knew that as a son with the father so he had laboured with the Apostle in preaching the Gospell of Christ Iesus A thing whereunto euen all the ministers of Christ Iesus ought most earnestly to striue by their faithfull and carefull walking in the workes of their calling to approue themselues not onely before the Lord but also before men to be the faithfull seruants of Christ Iesus Yea but here is all the skill to do so or rather it seemeth a thing impossible to approue our selues both before the Lord and also before men For if we yet should please men we were not the seruants of Christ And therefore the Apostle in an onother place protesteth against pleasing of men Gal. 1.10 and saith we so speake not as they that please men but God which trieth our hearts 1. Thes 2.4 How is it then possible for vs to approue our selues both before God and before men True
God submit themselues vnto his will who will dislodge them when it seemeth best to his godly wisdome and in the meane time let them this know and therein comfort themselues that howsoeuer their fight bee long and great yet that the Lord hath so done with their enemies as Iudah dealt with Adonibezek Judg. 1.6 euen cut off the thumbes of their hands and feet that is so abated their power and broken their strength that though they continually assault them yet can they neuer preuaile against them This therefore I doe not say as if I liked that any should desire to die before his time appointed of the Lord come but rather to lesson vs in this that when our glasse is runne and our time appointed of the Lord come we should not then be vnwilling to lay downe our liues but rather bee then glad and reioyce that our warfare is at an end and that wee shall be ioyned with our head Christ Iesus A man would thinke wee should greatly desire to be deliuered from these miseries whereunto this life is subiect rather to triumph ouer our enemies then to liue still at the staues end with them rather to raigne with Christ in the valley of blessing where there is peace and ioy and life for euermore then to fight vnder Christ in the valley of teares where hee shall beare away many strokes though not any deadly wounds because his life is hid with Christ in God What then should bee the cause why wee should not most willingly lay downe our liues in the time of death Surely in my iudgement it is because in the time of our health wee minde too much earthly things and set our affections too little on the things that are aboue For if in the time of our health our conuersation were in heauen as it should bee wee would most patiently and willingly looke for the Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ who shall change our vile bodie that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie and when death approched we would cry with the Apostle Come Lord Iesus come quickly To conclude this point therefore when our time appointed of the Lord comes let vs willingly lay downe our liues and let vs be glad and reioyce that our warfare is at an end And to the end that in the time of death we may do so let our conuersation in the meane time in the time of health be in heauen let vs set our affections on the things that are aboue and not on the things which are on the earth For he longed after all you c. In these words the Apostle setteth downe the cause why he now presently sent Epaphroditus vnto the Philippians and did not stay him till either Timothie or himselfe should come vnto them The cause was as appeareth by the Apostle because Epaphroditus greatly longed it is not said after his owne people and them of his owne familie but because he longed after the Church at Philippi neither so onely but after all the Church at Philippi neither did he onely long after them all but so he longed that he was full of heauinesse till he might come vnto them And why did he so long after them that he was full of heauinesse till he might come vnto them The Apostle saith because the Philippians had heard of his sicknesse Epaphroditus then longed after all the Church at Philippi and was full of heauinesse till he might come vnto them and therefore the Apostle sent him presently vnto them and againe Epaphroditus knew that the Philippians had heard of his sicknes and therefore he longed after them all and was full of heauinesse till he might come vnto them To knit vp then both the causes in one and to gather the summe of all the cause why the Apostle sent Epaphroditus now presently vnto them was because Epaphroditus hauing heard that the Philippians knew of his sicknesse longed greatly after them all and was full of heauinesse till he might come vnto them and comfort them ouer his sicknesse lest they should be swallowed vp of too much griefe for both Pauls bands and his sicknes Here then I note what mutuall loue and affection there should be betweene the Pastor and his people euen the like that was betweene Epaphroditus and his people of Philippi The Pastor his sicknes or sorrow whatsoeuer should be the peoples sorrow and heauinesse of heart and againe the peoples trouble of minde or affliction of bodie should be the Pastors anguish of soule and vexation of spirit So it was betweene Epaphroditus and his Church at Philippi as here we see and so it was betweene Paul and all the Churches at least on his part as himselfe witnesseth saying that such was his care of all the Churches 2 Cor. 11.29 that if any were weake he was also weake and if any were offended he also burned And I wish I could truely instance in the like affection betweene many Pastors and their people in this our day But such examples are not euery where with vs nay in too many places with vs the Pastor cares not if he may haue their fleece though hee neuer see or heare of his people and flocke and againe in too many places the people care not if they may haue their forth in their owne delights and desires though they neuer see or heare of their Pastor Yea so farre are they from this sympathie and mutuall loue and affection one towards another that so the one may haue his profit and the other their pleasure they are not much touched without any further respect either of other Well it should not be so but the ioy of the one should be the ioy of the other and the griefe of the one should be the griefe of the other Now here happily it may be demanded why either Epaphroditus or the Philippians should be so full of heauinesse and take the matter so much to heart seeing his sicknes which was the cause of all this heauinesse came vnto him by the will of God and his gracious prouidence Whereunto in one word I answer that this mutuall heauinesse one for another was onely an argument of their mutuall loue one of another not any argument of their ignorance or doubt of Gods prouidence in his sicknesse Our Sauiour Christ as we read groned in the spirit and was troubled in himselfe Joh. 11.33 and wept for the death of Lazarus This shewed his great loue of Lazarus as the Iewes very well gathered saying behold how he loued him 36. but will any man gather hence that he knew not or doubted of Gods prouidence in his death Nay himselfe plainely said in the beginning of that chapter that that sicknes was not vnto death but for the glory of God that the sonne of God might be glorified thereby So that albeit he knew that his death was by Gods prouidence God so prouiding that his Sonne might thereby be glorified yet such was his loue towards him that
the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 11.32 that being chastened of the Lord they may not be condemned with the world For such is the louing mercy of the Lord towards his children that when they haue either omitted some such dutie as they ought to haue performed or committed some such sinne as they ought not to haue done he as a louing father towards his tender childe whom hee dearely loueth correcteth and chastiseth them with the rodde of sicknesse or weaknesse or some such like rodde that so they may see their owne error and be healed For this cause saith the Apostle many are weake and sicke among you 30. and many sleepe For this cause for what cause euen for not discerning the Lord his body in comming vnto the communion of the body and bloud of Christ In which place the Apostle plainly sheweth that therefore many of Gods children are weake and sicke and die euen because they doe not duely and diligently examine themselues before they come vnto the celebration of the Lord his supper But saith hee when wee are iudged and punished wee are chastened of the Lord as children of their father that we should not be condemned with the world euen with the wicked men of the world whose portion is in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone for euer Sometimes then Gods children are sicke that so their error or their negligence or their wickednesse may be reformed and they brought into the right way wherein they should walke Another reason is that so they may be staied from such inordinate waies as wherunto naturally they are bent and wherein sometimes they would walke if they were not holden backe as with a bridle For whose delight in the waies of the Lord is so entire and so altogether vncorrupt before him That hee maketh as he should do his law his whole delight and his councellour Nay whose pathes are so straight that hee hath not an ouerweening delight in some crooked by-pathes or whose will and desire and affections are so sanctified that they are not often enclined and sometimes caried as it were with a maine streame vnto that which is euill And therefore the Lord only wise knowing best what is best for his children sometimes visiteth them with sickenesse that so being exercised with his rodde they may not runne into such danger of body and soule as otherwise they would A third reason why the children of God are sicke sometimes is that thereby he may make triall of their faith and of their patience to see whether they can be conrent as to receiue health so to receiue sicknes of the Lord and whether as in health so in sicknesse they will put their trust in the Lord and submit themselues vnto his will For both health and sicknesse they are of the Lord and both in health and in sicknesse wee should put our trust in the Lord and submit our selues vnto his will Yet so choise wee are that we can be content to receiue health from the Lord but hardly to receiue sicknesse from the Lord and so weake wee are euen the best of vs that howsoeuer wee doe in health yet in sicknesse we can hardly submit our selues vnto God his will and oftentimes more put our trust in Phisitions then in the Lord 2 Cron. 16. as we read that that good King of Iudah Asa did therein declining from that right path wherein he ought to haue walked Sometimes then as I say Gods children are sicke that the Lord their God may so trie whether they will still cleaue fast vnto him and patiently submit themselues vnto his will A fourth reason why the Lo●d sometimes visiteth his children with sicknesse is that they also may haue a farther triall of the mercifull goodnesse of the Lord towards them For albeit his children are neuer without great experiences of his mercifull goodnesse towards them yet wherein haue they greater experience thereof and wherein their soule more to reioyce then that in the time of their sicknesse he assisteth them with the comfort of his holy spirit and giueth them strength and patience to endure what he laieth vpon them and suffereth not their faith or their hope to faile but so prepareth them vnto him that come death come life they can willingly embrace either because they know that come death come life they are the Lords An especiall great goodnesse of the Lord towards his children Whereof they haue such triall in time of their sicknesse as that thereby not themselues alone but such as are about them are and may bee greatly comforted And sometimes no doubt they are sicke that seeing the goodnesse of the Lord towards them in time of their sicknes they may the rather praise the Lord for his goodnesse and studie to glorifie his name in the time of their health Not to trouble you with moe reasons hereof the last reason why the Lord visiteth his children with sicknesse is to put them in minde both of that sinne which dwelleth in them and also of their mortalitie For sicknesse is both the fruite of sinne and also the Harbinger of death For howsoeuer sinne be not the only cause wherefore sicknesse commeth yet is it alwaies a cause wherefore it is sent insomuch that we see when our Sauiour healed some that were sicke hee would say sometimes vnto them some be of good comfort thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Math. 9 2. In which speach he gaue them this note that sinne was the principall cause of their sicknesse and sometimes hee would say vnto them Behold thou art made whole sinne no more least a worse thing come vnto thee wherein in effect he told them that their sicknesse was a chasticement for their sinne And againe howsoeuer death doth not alwaies follow sicknes yet ought sicknesse alwaies to put vs in minde of our mortality Well it may be that those our houses of clay which in this or that sicknesse threaten to fall may for a time bee patched vp againe yet they which threaten now to fall at length shall fall and downe to the ground they shall be brought For as the Psal mist speaketh who liueth that shall not see death Psa 89 47. or who shall bee able to deliuer himselfe from the hand of the graue Of the dust of the earth we are and to earth we shall returne and so many sicknesses as we are visited withall should be vnto vs as so many remembrances both of that sinne which cleaueth so fast vnto vs and likewise of death which is the fruit thereof Thus then ye see the reasons why the Lord lieth this rodde of sicknesse vpon his owne children namely as a mercifull and louing father to reforme whatsoeuer error negligence or other fault is in them to keepe them backe as with a bridle from inordinate walking to make triall of their faith and patience to giue them triall of his mercifull goodnesse towards them and to put them in minde of sinne dwelling in them
profane stories of some much renowned for most rare friendship But what else were those but as shadowes in respect of the bodie What friendship of theirs came euer neere vnto that of Ionathan and Dauid 1 Sam. 18.1 whose soules were so knit either vnto other as that either loued other as his owne soule Who more faithfull vnto any then Hushai the Archite vnto Dauid 2 Sam 15. at whose request he tooke as we say his life in his hand and vndertooke with all diligence and speed to bring to nought the counsell of Ahitophel Yea generally where religion and the feare of the Lord knits the knot there the friendship is most sure and the duties thereof best performed If therefore thou wilt haue such a friend as without delay when neede doth require will doe the dutie of a friend and not shift thee of for this that time with this and that excuse ioyne thy selfe vnto him that is religious feareth the Lord and let your loue be in the Lord and for the Lord. For what is the cause wherefore friendship is so rare and why there is such slacknes in all sorts of men to helpe one another and to comfort one another in any time of neede Surely hence euen because our loue is onely a cold loue grounded on this or that worldly respect but wee doe not loue one another in the Lord and for the Lord because our soule delighteth in them that feare the Lord. O let all of vs delight in them that feare the Lord and then will we no doubt as Pauls scholers be diligent one vnto anothers good and one vnto anothers comfort in euery time of need It followeth that when ye should see him againe yee might reioyce In these wordes the Apostle setteth downe a second cause and reason wherefore hee sent Epaphroditus vnto the Philippians with such diligence and speede The cause was as here it is signified that after such sorow and heauinesse of heart as they were filled with vpon the hearing of their Ministers dangerous sicknesse thinking they should neuer see him againe they might reioyce when they should see him againe throughly well in health able to doe the worke of his ministerie Here then we see how a faithfull friend is especially to employ his diligence and his carefulnesse namely as in matters most needfull so in them to the best purpose hee can deuise A notable patterne whereof we haue in this example of our Apostle The Philippians were at this present full of heauinesse and sorow as we haue heard for their Ministers sickenesse and they much needed to be cheered and comforted The Apostle he vsed all diligence and after hee heard and knew of it he delaied not the time to cheere them and to comfort them But how hee might haue written his letters vnto them and therein signified their Ministers recouerie of his health and so haue cheered and comforted them But because he thought neither messenger nor letters nor any thing else would so much reioyce them as his presence with them and the sight of him because they thought they should neuer haue sent him againe therefore hee sent himselfe vnto them that when they should see him againe they might reioyce so taking the best course that hee could deuise to comfort them So we see in the example of Hushai before men●ioned when Dauid was in great distresse by Absolon his sonne Hushai came vnto him with purpose to go with him 2 Sam. 15.32.34 and in life or death not to leaue him But when it was thought that his friendshippe would be to better purpose vnto Dauid if he should returne vnto the Citie and bring the counsell of Ahitophel to nought he did that which was thought would be to the best purpose Right so if wee will approue our selues faithfull friends indeed as we must employ all diligence and carefulnesse in matters most needfull for our friend so must we do it to the best purpose wee can deuise For albeit diligence and carefulnesse in euery matter of our friend be very commendable in vs yet is it then worthily most commendable when it is imployed to the best purpose 1. When our care is specially bent to that which apparantly may be to our friends greatest good and comfort A matter of too too rare practise Few carefull of others good and of those few that will seeme sometimes to be carefull very few that will care for them in things most needfull and fewest of all that will in such sort care for them in things needfull as may be most behouefull for them If the course most behouefull for our friend be somewhat hurtfull for our selues wee will rather thinke of some other course then that whereby wee may so helpe our freind as that withall wee may not hurt our selues And so that wee shew our selues friends wee thinke it is well though we doe not so much as we should Well I wish wee would thinke of this example of our holy Apostle and as he was most diligent and carefull not onely to comfort the Philippians but in such sort to comfort them as they most desired so we would be diligent and carefull both to doe good vnto others and that likewise in such sort as they thereby might receiue the greatest good though happily our selues should be somwhat endamaged thereby What then happily you will say vnto mee was it such a commendable matter in the Apostle to send their Minister backe againe vnto them or was it such a pleasure vnto the Philippians to see their Minister againe It may be that some would stand at an answer to these questions in particular who shew but too plainely by their practise what they thinke or these questions in the generall For touching the Ministers in generall who is he that if his Minister be absent from his Church greatly longeth after him who is hee that if his Minister be sicke vnto death greatly wisheth his restoring vnto health who is he that if his Minister be absent and sick feares that he shall neuer see him againe or who is he that will take such a pleasure and ioy of heart in it if he shall see him again Some such God be thanked there are and God for his mercies sake encrease the number of them and his graces in them But generally if the Minister be such a one as makes a conscience of his waies amongst them as carefully feedes them with the bread of life and painefully leades them forth besides the waters of comfort such a one as will religiously call them vnto the sanctification of the Lord his Sabboth and restraine them of their meriment and sports and pleasures and wanton dalliances such a one as will sharpely reproue their sins boldly put them in minde of their duties and carefully reclaime them from such inordinate waies as they walke in such a one as we may very well presume this Epaphroditus was if the Minister I say be such a one generally
euery where almost wee may see men following their wonted pleasures and reioycing themselues in their wonted delights as if the hand of the Lord were not vpon vs. But such carnall and worldly reioycing is not good Nay vnto such as thus reioyce fixing their only ioy and delight on the things of this world and on the vanities of this life our Sauiour Christ pronounceth a woe saying Woe be to you that now laugh Luk. 6.25 for yee shall waile and weepe This is the fearfull iudgement of God vpon them that reioyce in the flesh and not in the spirit Vnderstand therefore that there is a two-fold ioy and reioycing one in the flesh another in the spirit one carnall and sensuall another spirituall and Christian one in the world another in the Lord. The carnall and worldly reioycing is when putting farre from vs the remembrance of the euill day wee reioyce more in the pleasures of sinne and the transitorie things of this world then wee doe in the things that belong vnto our peace Such was the reioycing of him that when he had pulled downe his barnes and builded greater Luk. 12.18.19 and therein laid all his fruits and his goods said vnto his soule Soule thou hast much goods laid vp for many yeeres liue at ease eat drinke and take thy pastime And such is the reioycing of men commonly at this day as already hath beene noted And true it is which wise Salomon saith Foolishnesse is ioy to him that is destitute of vnderstanding that is Pro. 15.21 euen wickednesse and sinne is a matter of mirth and delight to the wicked and vngodly man I●b 20.5 But it is as true which Zophar saith That the reioycing of the wicked is short and that the ioy of hypocrites is but a moment Besides this carnall and worldly reioycing there is also a Christian and spirituall reioycing which is when setting our hearts on the Lord as on our chiefest good wee so reioyce in the things of this life as that wee count them all losse and dung in comparison of that reioycing which wee haue in Christ Iesus when remembring the mercifull goodnesse and louing kindnesse of our good God nothing can so much daunt vs but that our heart daunceth for ioy and our soules are rauished with reioycing thereat Wilt thou then reioyce or know how and wherein to reioyce O man that fearest the Lord Reioyce in the Lord reioyce in those spirituall blessings wherewithall God hath blessed thee in heauenly things in Christ Iesus reioyce in thine election in Christ Iesus vnto eternall life before the foundation of the world reioyce in the workmanship of thy creation after Gods owne image in thy redemption by the bloud of Christ Iesus when through disobedience thou hadst for euer cast thy selfe away in thine adoption through Iesus Christ into the number of the sonnes of God in thy reconciliation with God the Father by the intercession and mediation of Christ Iesus in thy vocation vnto the knowledge of the truth by the Gospell of Christ Iesus in thine incorporation into the mysticall body of Christ Iesus by the powerfull operation of the spirit in thy iustification and free forgiuenesse of thy sinnes by faith in the bloud of Christ Iesus in thy sanctification by the spirit of grace vnto some measure of holinesse and righteousnesse in this life in thy regeneration vnto a liuely hope in Christ Iesus and in the assured confidence of thy glorification after this life with Iesus who shall change thy vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body c. Herein is the Christian mans reioycing and here is matter of reioycing indeed All reioycing in all things in the world whatsoeuer what is it in comparison of this reioycing Surely as euen now wee heard out of Iob it is short and but a moment Nay I say more Whatsoeuer men imagine with themselues yet indeed there is no true ioy no sound reioycing but this reioycing in the Lord. Other ioyes in other things may happily for the time somewhat affect vs and please our fancies and tickle our outward senses and delight our outward man but that that warmes the heart that that cheeres the soule that that makes the inner man to pant and to leape for ioy that 's the ioy in the holy Ghost and reioycing in the Lord. And this is it which stickes by a man in his life and in his death forsakes him not Yea when in the throwes and pangs of death he shall say of all other ioyes whatsoeuer I haue no pleasure in them then in this ioy his soule shall reioyce through this ioy hee shall ioyfully wrestle with death and because of this ioy hee shall not feare death nor the graue but desire to bee loosed and to be with Christ Let the carnall and worldly and sensuall men therefore bragge and boast as much as they will that they leade the only ioyfull and pleasant liues and let them obiect vnto the godly Christian as much as they will a lumpish and momish and sowre life wherein he hath no ioy or pleasure at all yet shall the day come when they sh●ll change their mindes and sigh for grife of minde Wisd 5.3 and say within themselues These are they whom sometimes we had in derision and in a parable of reproach 4. We fooles thought wee had the world at will and thought their life madnesse but how are they counted among the children of God 5. and their portion is among the Saints Thus I say shall they say when they shall perceiue that the life which they thought the only ioyfull life was indeed the most miserable life So that when the count is indeed truly cast wee shall finde that onely the true Christian hath sound ioy of heart and that there is no sound reioycing but this reioycing in the Lord. Yea but how shall wee know this that indeed wee doe reioyce in the Lord For wee are inclined naturally to flatter our selues and wee will say that wee reioyce in the Lord and perhaps thinke so too when indeed wee doe not How then shall wee know that wee doe truly reioyce in the Lord The wicked indeed whose hearts are set on other pleasures wherein no true ioyes are to be found they know not what ●t meaneth yea it seemeth meere madnesse and foolishnesse vnto them But for vs thus wee shall know that we reioyce in the Lord in whom alone true ioyes are to be found 1. Consider and see what longing and thirsting there is in thee after the hearing and reading and meditating in the holy word of life what comfort and peace of conscience thy soule findeth in the holy word of life how thy heart is enlarged when thou hearest or readest the sweete promises of God in Christ Iesus what a gladnesse vnto thy soule it is that Christ is made of God vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption how stedfastly thou cleauest in
vnto that righteousnesse which is of God through faith to the end I say that he might bring the Iewes from those outward things of the flesh vnto the inward knowledge of Christ Iesus he raised vp to this purpose this holy Apostle that he being a manfully furnished with all prerogatiues in all such outward thing● as they reioyced in might both be of greater authoritie with them and likewise haue the greater possibilitie to draw them from workes vnto grace from the law vnto Christ For if it had beene so that he had perswaded them to renounce all confidence in the flesh and to reioyce onely in Christ Iesus hauing himselfe no cause of confidence in the flesh they might happily lightly haue esteemed him and thought that because himselfe had nothing touching the flesh whereof to reioyce therefore he enuied them and perswaded them to renounce all confidence in the flesh But when now they should see that he that thus perswaded them was one that had greater cause of confidence in the flesh then had the best of them they must needs likewise see that surely his perswasions proceeded from a certaine and sound iudgment and not from any conceited opinion or hatefull enuy So we see that to teach men that pleasures and sumptuous buildings and riches and possessions and the like were all but vanitie and vexation of the spirit he stirred vp Salomon who hauing had his fill of all kinde of pleasures which either his eye Eccles 2. or his heart could desire and hauing built goodly houses and great workes and hauing gathered great riches and treasures and gotten large possessions aboue all that were before him in Ierusalem was so fit to teach that lesson that he saying of all those things that they were but vanitie and vexation of the spirit the truth thereof might the rather be beleeued So likewise when the Church had sate now a long time in the darknesse of Romish Egypt and had beene bewitched as with many other grosse errors so with this of iustification by workes and merits of their owne making we see that to purge the Church of these pestilent diseases he raised vp not many yeares ago in Germanie that reuerend Luther who hauing beene a long time more pharisaicall and zealous in those monkish waies and doctrines then the common sort of his order and hauing liued as Erasmus witnesseth Epist lib. 5. Melan. l. 6. Wolsac so that none of all his enemies could euer charge him with any note of iust reprehension might so much the rather preuaile with the Church to draw them from those dreames and dregs of superstition and idolatrie wherein they were drowned And thus oftentimes it seemeth good to the wisdome of our God to the end that he may the rather draw his people either from errors in opinion or corruptions in life to raise vp of themselues some such as haue as deeply beene drencht in those errors which they maintaine and delighted asmuch in those follies which they follow as they themselues that when they shall disclaime such and such errors or renounce such and such follies the rest may the rather hearken vnto them and be induced by them to disclaime their errors and to renounce their follies Whence I make this double vse 1. This may teach them whom it hath pleased the Lord to reclaime from error in opinion or folly in life to consider why the Lord hath thus in mercy dealt with them and accordingly to performe such duties vnto the Lord as are required of them Art thou then called out of the darknesse of Romish Egypt vnto the glorious light of the Gospell of Iesus Christ Art thou freed from the bondage of that Romish Pharaoh into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God by the day-starre arising in thine heart It is a great mercy of the Lord vnto thee thus to deliuer thy soule from death and thy feete from sliding But consider thou whether the Lord hath not also in wisdome done this that thou hauing beene nusled vp in their superstitious errors and as egerly maintained them as they shouldst now labour to draw them out of darknesse into light and from vaine confidence in the flesh to reioyce in Christ Iesus What doest thou know but that the Lord therefore suffered thee for a while to sit in darknes and in the shadow of death that when afterward the day-starre should ●rise in thine heart thou mightest both labour the more with them and likewise be in the better possibilitie to preuaile with hem Follow thou therefore the example of this holy Apostle and labour to weyne them as from other their errors so from confidence in their workes and in merits of their owne making that they may reioyce wholly in Christ Iesus and onely put their trust in his name Againe hast thou haunted with vaine persons and beene delighted in the companie of the wicked hast thou runne with a theefe when thou sawest him and beene partaker with the adulterers hast thou giuen thy money vnto vsury or taken reward against the innocent haue thine hands wrought or thy feete runne vnto or thy thought deuised or thy heart consented vnto this or that sinne or iniquitie and hath the Lord now reclaimed thee It is a great mercy of the Lord no doubt vnto thee But consider thou whether the Lord hath not also in wisdome done this that thou mightest draw them with whom sometimes thou sortedst thy selfe vnto a reformation of their waies What knowest thou but that he hath reclaimed thee from such and such inordinate waies that hauing walked with them thou mightest be the meanes of reforming them As it hath pleased the Lord therefore to reclaime euery man from any error in opinion or folly in life so let him labour to reforme such errors or follies in them whom hee knowes to be intangled with them euer remembring that of our Sauiour vnto Peter when thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethren Luk. 22.32 and likewise that that he which converteth a sinner from going astray out of his way Iam. 5.20 saueth a soule from death and hideth a multitude of sinnes 2. This may teach them that are as yet holden with any error in opinion or folly in life to hearken vnto those whom the Lord hath raised euen of themselues to admonish them of their errors or of their follies For thus they should consider with themselues He was so affected as now I am and had as great skill and will to maintaine those things which now he doth oppugne as I haue and if the Lord haue now reuealed vnto him that which as yet he hath kept hid from mine eyes who am I that I should not hearken vnto him Againe he was so delighted as now I am and did runne after such sinnes and iniquities as he now speaketh against as now I doe and if the Lord haue now so lightned his eyes that he both seeth the folly of his owne waies and calleth me from the like
by the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus whose whole obedience in suffering death and fulfilling of the Law shall bee the couering of our sinnes and the cloke of our righteousnesse And let it teach vs to iudge all our workes in respect of that righteousnes whereby we are made righteous before God to be but losse and dung that we may be found in Christ not hauing our owne c. O Lord our God as thou hast vouchsafed to instruct vs in our true righteousnesse so vouchsafe by a true and liuely faith in thy sonne Christ Iesus to make vs partakers of that righteousnes Iudge not O Lord in that day by our own righteousnesse which is full of vnrighteousnes and vncleannesse but passing by our sinnes and our iniquities accept the righteousnes of thy sonne Christ Iesus for our vnrighteousnes that we being clothed with his righteousnes may be of the number of those vnto whom it shall be said Come yee blessed of my Father c. LECTVRE LVII PHILIP 3. Vers 10. That I may know him and the vertue of his resurrection c NOw the Apostle goeth forward and sheweth other reasons why he renounced all his owne merits as losse and dung and reioyced only in Christ Iesus 1. as we haue heard he did so that hee might gaine the righteousnesse of Christ by faith that was the first and principall gaine that he reckoned vpon by doing so 2. He did so for other aduantages that he reckoned vpon by doing so as ● he did so that he might know Christ 3. That he might know the vertue of his resurrection 4. That hee might know the fellowshippe of his afflictions and be made conformable vnto his death 5. That he might attaine vnto the resurrection of the dead What is the reason then why the Apostle hauing cause of confidence and reioycing in the flesh and in things without Christ doth renounce all things without Christ and reioyce only in Christ Iesus The reason is because reioicing in the flesh and in things without Christ is vnprofitable and hurtfull and contrariwise the renouncing of all things without Christ and reioycing onely in Christ Iesus is most profitable Why what profit comes thereby 1. Christs righteousnesse which is by faith 2. The knowledge of Christ 3. The knowledge of the vertue of his resurrection 4. The knowledge of the fellowshippe of his afflictions c. 5. The attaining vnto the resurrection of the dead All these vantages the Apostle reckoned vpon to follow his renouncing of all things without Christ and his reioycing onely in Christ Iesu● For so he saith that he iudgeth all things losse and dung that he may winne Christ and may be found in him c. as if these things could not be vnlesse he should do so All which vantages doe so follow the renouncing of all confidence in the flesh and reioycing onely in Christ Iesus as that these foure last doe issue and spring out of the first For being iustified by faith in Christ Iesus wee know Christ we know the vertue of his resurrection c. These being fruits issuing and growing out of that righteousnesse which is through the faith of Christ Thus much for the generall drift and meaning of these words Now for the more particular opening of these words wee must know that by the knowledge of Christ is here meant not such a knowledge as wherby we are able to talke of Christ of his birth of his life of his doctrine of his death and passion c. but such a knowledge as whereby we feele and proue in our selues and in our owne soules that hee is indeed our redemption our reconciliation our saluation and whatsoeuer else we haue heard or read or belieued of him in the Scriptures not a contemplatiue knowing knowledge of Christ but a liuely and experimentall knowledge of Christ in our owne soules Againe by the vertue of Christ his resurrection the Apostle meaneth that regeneration i. that dying vnto sinne and liuing vnto righteousnesse which is wrought in vs by the power of his resurrection 3. By the fellowshippe of Christ his afflictions the Apostle meaneth that partaking which Gods Saints haue with Christ of his afflictions for the glorie of Christ and the good of the Church and their owne conformitie vnto the death of Christ Lastly by attaining vnto the resurrection of the dead the Apostle meaneth that eternall weight of glory in the heauens which onely they obtaine that in this life know Christ by experience in their owne soules and by the power of his death and resurrection die vnto sinne and liue vnto righteousnesse and constantly endure such afflictions as the Saints of God are partakers of that so they may be conformable vnto the death of Christ who was consecrated through afflictions The summe of all is this the Apostle tells the Philippians that he hath no confidence in his merits or workes but onely reioyceth in Christ Iesus that so he may be iustified before God by Ch●ist his righteousnesse and that being iustified by his righteousnesse through faith in his name he may know Christ by a liuely feeling of him in his owne soule and may by the power of his resurrection die vnto sinne and liue vnto righteousnesse and may constantly with Gods Saints suffer such afflictions as Christ hath suffered and may be made conformable vnto Christ his death and at length may be receiued into that glory which is prepared to be shewed in the resurrection of the iust Thus then yee see that both these are the fruits of the righteousnesse of faith and that both the righteousnesse of faith and these fruits issuing out of it are all vantages which the Apostle counteth he hath hy renouncing all confidence in the flesh and reioycing onely in Christ Iesus Now let vs see what obseruations we may gather hence for our vse That I may know him This is one end wherefore the Apostle would bee found in Christ hauing his righteousnesse through faith and consequently wherefore he renounced all his owne merits and works and onely reioyced in Christ Iesus euen that he might know Christ For why iudged he his owne righteousnes to be but losse and dunge That he might winne Christ and be found in him not hauing his owne righteousnesse but the righteousnes of Christ through faith And why would he be found in Christ his righteousnesse through faith that he might know Christ This is the fruit of the righteousnes of faith and both of them are vantages which follow the renouncing of all confidence in the flesh and the reioycing in Christ Iesus But what Did not Paul know Christ Had he preached Christ so many yeares yet knew not Christ Had he planted so many Churches in the faith of Christ and yet knew he not Christ For answer herevnto to omit that knowledge which is by vision in heauen when we shall see him face to face we must vnderstand that there are two sorts of knowledge of Christ here on earth
this knowledge of Christ and withall see and consider with your selues what a longing and thirsting desire you should haue after this knowledge of Christ The knowledge of Christ Iesus euen by hearing and by reading and by faith is as not long since we heard the most excellent knowledge that is but this experimentall knowledge of Christ to know by experience in our owne soules that he is such as by the word we beleeue him to be this is the most sweet and most comfortable knowledge euen so sweet and so comfortable as passeth all vnderstanding If yee haue this knowledge of Christ yee are already entred in part into those ioyes which are reserued in heauen for you If yee haue it not ô thirst after it and giue your soules no rest till yee come vnto this knowledge of Christ Giue all diligence vnto the reading and hearing of the word of life pray alwaies with all manner of prayer and supplication in the spirit that yee may know Christ with a feeling knowledge and with a sweet experience in your owne soules that whatsoeuer yee haue heard and beleeued of him is most true The second thing which here I note is from what roote this experimentall and feeling knowledge of Christ issueth and springeth and that is from the righteousnesse of faith For so we are to vnderstand this knowledge of Christ to be a vantage following the renouncing of our owne righteousnes and reioycing in the righteousnesse of Christ by faith as that this vantage springeth from the righteousnesse of faith Hence then I obserue that onely they know Christ by this experimentall knowledge who being iustified by faith doe by a true and liuely faith happly the righteousnesse and obedience of Christ Iesus vnto themselues For then doe we begin to haue this feeling knowledge of Christ in our owne soules when by faith we lay hold on the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus to be iustified thereby and the more sure hold that we lay by the hand of faith on the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus the more wee grow vp in this feeling knowledge of Christ Iesus We beleeue saith Peter vnto Christ Joh. 6.69 and know that thou art the Christ the Sonne of the liuing God We beleeue saith he and know as if he should haue said we beleeue and in our owne soules by the testimonie of the spirit witnessing it to our spirit we know that thou art the Christ the sonne of the liuing God Faith then in Christ Iesus is the roote whence this feeling knowledge of Christ commeth and the more stedfastly we beleeue the greater feeling of this knowledge doth the spirit of God worke within our soules Many of vs I feare me want this feeling knowledg of Christ many of vs that say thinke that we know him know him not by experience in our owne soules many of vs that haue heard and read of him know not that he is made of God vnto vs wisdome or righteousnesse sanctification or redemption many of vs know not what treasures of wisdome or knowledge or saluation are laid vp in him for vs many of vs I feare mee feele not in our selues the sweetnesse of Christ the fruits of his sufferings the comforts of his promises the riches of his mercies many of vs I feare me onely know Christ as we heare of Christ and read of Christ but know him not by his comfortable presence in our owne soules And what is the cause of all this Surely we haue no roote in our selues we want that true and liuely faith whence such knowledge should spring Wee deceiue our selues flattering our selues and saying we beleeue in Christ we know Christ when as we neither beleeue in him nor know him A smattering faith and a smattering knowledge of Christ we haue but a iustifying faith or sauing knowledge we haue none Is then a iustifying faith the roote whence a feeling and sauing knowledg doth spring Let this then teach vs to vse with all religious reuerence those meanes which the Lord hath ordained for the begetting and increasing of faith in vs that we may beleeue and know and growing in faith we may grow also in the knowledge of Christ Iesus Let vs with reuerence hearken vnto the word preached and celebrate the holy Sacraments two ordinarie meanes which the Lord vs●th thereby to beget and to increase faith in vs. For faith comes by hearing as the Apostle witnesseth where he saith Faith is by hearing and hearing by the word of God Ro. 10.17 Seeing therefore wee cannot know Christ vnlesse we beleeue in him and seeing we cannot beleeue in him vnlesse we heare his word preached that we may beleeue in him and know him let vs willingly flocke as doues vnto the windowes vnto the house of the Lord to heare the word preached Againe as by the word preached so likewise by the vse of the Sacraments the Lord as by meanes strengthneth and increaseth our faith in vs. In the Lords Supper the bread is broken for vs giuen to vs we take it and eat it and digest it and it is made one substance with vs the wine likewise is powred out for vs giuen vnto vs we take it and drinke it and it is made one with vs. All which rites and actions what else are they but so many pledges and seales for the strengthning and increasing of our faith in the benefits of our saluation pu●chased by the death and passion of our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus The bread that is broken for vs in that Supper and the wine that is powred out for vs they are so sure pledges vnto vs that Christ his bodie was broken for vs and his bloud shed for vs as that we ought as stedfastly to beleeue the one by faith as we clearely see the other with our eyes So likewise the bread and the wine that are giuen vnto vs by the Minister in the Supper they are so sure pledges vnto vs that Christ by his Spirit giueth vs his bodie and his bloud euen then in the supper as that we ought as stedfastly to beleeue the one by faith as we clearely see the other with our eyes So likewise the bread which with the hand of our bodie we take and eat and the wine which with the hand of our bodie we take and drinke are so sure pledges vnto vs that by faith our soules doe feede vpon the bodie and bloud of Christ as that we ought as stedfastly to beleeue the one by faith as we clearely see the other with our eyes Lastly the bread and wine which being digested are turned into our substance and made one with vs and we with them are so sure seales vnto vs that by a mysticall vnion and spirituall coniunction we are made one with Christ and Christ with vs members of his bodie flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones as that we ought as stedfastly to beleeue this by faith as we perfectly know that by sense Such are the helps
which we haue by this holy sacrament of the Lords Supper for the strengthning and increasing of our faith Many things yee see here are fully to assure our faith that we should not doubt but as surely as we receiue the bread and wine into our bodies to become wholly ours so withall our soule receiueth Christ together with his passion and righteousnesse to be wholly ours as surely as if we had wrought them in our owne persons Yea such assurance our faith groweth vnto by the vse of this holy Supper as that now we know by the powerfull operation of Gods holy spirit within vs that God is in vs indeed and that now Christ is ours and we Christs and that together with Christ we haue all things euen all the benefits of our saluation And the more that our faith is strengthned hereby the more also is this feeling knowledge of Christ increased in vs so that together with the growth of our faith there is a growth of this knowledge Seeing therefore this knowledge of Christ groweth as our faith in Christ groweth and seeing our faith is so strengthned and increased by the holy vse of this holy Supper let vs so often as we are called vnto this holy table prepare our selues with all holy reuerence and feare to the celebration of these holy mysteries Great is the benefit that here we doe receiue if we eat of this bread and drinke of this cup worthily for then we eat spiritually the flesh of Christ and drinke his bloud then we dwell in Christ and Christ in vs we are one with Christ and Christ with vs and these things are so sensibly represented vnto our eyes and taste as that our faith is fully assured thereof so that henceforth we know by the working of the spirit that Christ is ours together with whatsoeuer is his But if we present our selues at these holy mysteries without due preparation and examination of our selues we haue no such benefit but rather we are guilty of the bodie and bloud of our Lord and Sauiour Proue therefore your selues whether you are in the faith whether yee feele your hearts assured by the spirit of God that the punishment of your sinnes is fully discharged in Christ and that whatsoeuer Christ hath done pertaineth not onely to others but euen to you also If you beleeue these things and know these things though it be not without some doubts and without some imperfections behold by the vse of this Supper your weake faith and imperfect knowledge shall be strengthned and increased But if as yet yee haue no such faith in Christ no such knowledge of Christ then may yee not presume to present your selues at this holy table The vse of this Supper is for the confirmation and strengthning of our faith it is not for the begetting of faith in vs but that being begotten by the word is by the word and the vse of the Sacrament thus confirmed The last thing which hence I obserue is that if we will haue this experimentall knowledge of Christ in our owne soules by faith in Christ Iesus then must wee renounce all confidence in our owne merits and in our owne righteousnesse whatsoeuer For wherefore is it that men trust in their owne merits and in their owne righteousnesse Wherefore is it that men make reckoning to be iustified and saued by the worth of their owne workes Wherefore is it that men grow to a pharisaicall pride and conceit of themselues as if they had somewhat in themselues that might abide the tryall Surely it is because of the want of this feeling knowledge of Christ They neuer felt in their owne soules the sweetnesse of Christ the comforts of Christ the treasures of Christ They know not by experience in their owne soules that Christ is all in all vnto them they know not what Christ is made of God vnto his children They haue a knowledge of Christ but the knowledge of Christ hath not seazed vpon their soules and therefore they doe not know the full sweetnesse of Christ and the full worth of Christ For if they knew in their owne soules that Christ were made of God vnto them wisdome and righteousnesse sanctification and redemption they would onely reioyce in Christ Iesus and haue no confidence in the flesh But therefore they reioyce in the flesh and haue confidence in their owne workes and in their owne righteousnesse because they know not Christ If therefore we will know Christ with a sauing knowledge and a feeling knowledge of him in our selues we must vtterly renounce all confidence in our owne merits and all trust in our owne righteousnesse whatsoeuer What shall we say then vnto them that stand vpon the merit and worth of their owne workes and of their owne righteousnes Surely euen thereby they shew that howsoeuer they say they know Christ yet they haue not this experimentall knowledge of him in their owne soules for if they had they would know such infinite treasures of all spirituall graces to be hid in him as that they would minde nothing without him To conclude this point therefore let these trust in their merits let those follow their vaine delights and pleasures let these seeke after riches let those spend their whole time in the studie of humane knowledge but let vs studie to know Christ If we haue this feeling knowledge of him in our owne soules then come pouertie come sicknes come famine come sword come persecution come affliction come aduersitie come what crosse can come our soule notwithstanding all these is at quiet rest and in him we haue comfort enough against all these In him because we know him we know that treasures enow and comforts enow are hid for vs whatsoeuer trouble or aduersitie we finde in the world Let vs therefore studie to know him and because faith is the roote of this knowledge let vs vse with all religious reuerence those meanes whereby faith is either wrought or confirmed And because confidence in our owne merits and righteousnes is an enemie to this knowledge let vs renounce all such confidence and reioyce onely in Christ Iesus that we may know him c. LECTVRE LVIII PHILIP 3. Verse 10. And the vertue of his resurrection and the fellowship of his afflictions c. THat I may know him and the vertue That is and that I may know the vertue of his resurrection .i. that I may daily more and more feele in my selfe the vertue of Christ his death resurrection .i. that I may daily more more die vnto sinne and liue vnto righteousnesse by the power of the spirit which raised vp Christ Iesus from the dead For by resurrection in this place I vnderstand both Christ his death and resurrection and by the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection I vnderstand not that power whereby Christ ouercame death and rose againe from the dead but that regeneration that dying vnto sinne and liuing vnto righteousnesse which the Holy Ghost worketh in
vs by the power of Christ his death and resurrection The third vantage then which the Apostle reckons vpon by disclaiming al righteousnes by his own works and reioycing onely in Christ Iesus is that hereby he shall know the vertue of Christ his resurrection in himselfe whereby he shall daily more and more die vnto sinne and liue vnto righteousnesse which vertue of his resurrection he greatly desired to know and which otherwise he could not know So that it is as if the Apostle had thus said I doe iudge all my owne workes whatsoeuer to be but dung and quite renounce all confidence in my owne righteousnesse to the end that being iustified by the righteousnesse of Christ through faith in him I may know and daily more and more feele in my se●●e by the powerfull operation of the Holy Ghost the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection whereby I may die vnto sinne and liue vnto God in righteousnes and true holinesse Thus much for the sense Now for the obseruations And that I may know the vertue Here first I note the Apostles great desire to know and to feele in himselfe by the worke of the holy Ghost the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection He reckoned this knowledge amongst the chiefe vantages which he had in Christ Iesus and for this vantage sake he made no reckoning at all of his owne righteousnesse by any workes that hee had wrought Such a longing and thirsting desire hee had to know the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection He knew Christ his death and resurrection that he died and was buried and that hee rose againe the third day but hee desired to know the vertue of his death and resurrection He knew likewise this vertue of Christ his death that thereby he had vanquished sinne death and the deuill and this vertue of his resurrection that thereby hee had purchased for him righteousnesse life and euerlasting saluation but he desired to know and to feele in himselfe the death of sinne by the vertue of his death and the life of righteousnesse and holinesse by the vertue of his resurrection This vertue also of Christ his death and resurrection he knew in that hee felt in himselfe by the power of the spirit a dying vnto sinne and a liuing vnto righteousnesse but hee desired to feele this vertue of his death and resurrection in himselfe daily more and more that hee might daily more and more die in the old man and be quickened in the new man that in euery combat betweene the flesh and the spirit the flesh might daily more and more be subdued to the spirit Whence I obserue what a vehement and earnest desire there should be in vs all to know and to feele in our selues the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection and in whom there is some feeling thereof to know and to feele it in themselues daily more and more Wee all of vs know that Christ died for our sinnes and that he rose againe for the full accomplishment of our iustification wee know that by the power of his death wee are deliuered from the first and from the second death from the death of sinne in this life and from the death of damnation for sinne after this life and that by the power of his resurrection wee haue our part both in the first and in the second resurrection in the first resurrection from sinne vnto righteousnesse and in the second resurrection from the power of the graue vnto life euerlasting Wee know that wee are buried with Christ by baptisme into his death that like as he was raised vp from the dead by the glory of the Father so wee also should walke in newnesse of life We know that if we be grafted with Christ to the similitude of his death dying vnto sinne by the power of his death euen so wee shall be to the similitude of his resurrection liuing vnto God by the power of his resurrection These things I say wee know at least we should know and I wish that they were farre better and more knowne then they are But there is a further knowledge of the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection which in our soules wee must long and thirst after This is the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection that we must long and thirst after to know and to feele in our selues the death of sinne and the life of God to know and to feele in our selues that the strength of sinne is abated in our flesh and that the life of God is renewed in the spirit of our minde to know and to feele in our selues a loathing of sinne and a loue of righteousnesse to know and to feele in our selues a mortification of the flesh with the affections and the lusts and a quickening in our spirit by the fruits of the spirit to know and to feele in our selues that delight which sometimes wee tooke in vnrighteousnesse in vncleannesse in couetousnesse in pride in crueltie in contention or the like sinnes to be cooled and a desire to liue righteously and soberly and godly in this present world to bee kindled in vs. For hereby we know in our selues the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection if we feele in our selues this mortification of the old man and this quickening in our inner man when his death workes the death of sinne in vs when his resurrection workes the life of God in vs then wee know in our selues the vertue of his death and resurrection The sacrament hereof is the sacrament of baptisme for when wee are baptized wee are baptized into the similitude of his death that like as he died once for sinne so we should euer die vnto sinne and into the similitude of his resurrection that like as he rose from the dead so wee which were dead in sinne should not henceforth serue sinne but liue vnto God in righteousnesse and true holinesse Euen our baptisme doth witnesse vnto vs that so many of vs as are baptized into Christ Iesus wee should die vnto sinne and liue vnto God in righteousnesse and true holinesse Which death vnto sinne and life vnto God seeing the holy spirit of God doth worke in vs by the power of Christ his death and resurrection how should we not most earnestly desire to know and to feele in our selues the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection But doe wee desire to know and to feele in our selues the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection Doe we with our Apostle in this place reckon this knowledge amongst our chiefest vantages Nay alas we know it not neither care we to know it for what dying vnto sinne and liuing vnto God is there amongst vs In whom is the strength of sinne abated and the life of God renewed in the spirit of his minde Doth the Atheist leaue his Atheisme and embrace godlinesse Doth the couetous person leaue off to set his affection on the things which are on the earth
and set his affection on the things which are aboue Doth the cruell oppressor leaue off to grinde the faces of the poore and beginne to be mercifull Doth the vsurer leaue off to lend his money vpon vsurie and beginne to lend freely Doth the swearer leaue off to sweare and beginne to feare an oath Doth the filthy whore-monger and adulterer leaue off his vncleannesse and beginne to liue chastly Doth the contentious person leaue off to brawle and contend with his neighbour and beginne to loue quietnesse Doth the drunkard leaue his drunkennesse and beginne to liue soberly c. Doth any prophane and wicked person leaue off his prophanenesse and wickednesse and beginne to liue righteously and godly in this present world Nay so farre are wee from dying vnto sinne and liuing vnto God that contrariwise wee liue vnto sinne in sinne and wee are dead in respect of the life of God If wee would denie it yet doe the iudgements of God testifie it vnto our faces Hath not the sword beene shaken against vs by the hand of a cruell and mercilesse enemie now a long time Hath there not beene cleannesse of teeth in all our cities scarcenesse of bread in all our places euen a great dearth and famine throughout this whole land now a long time Hath not grieuous sicknesse and mortalitie great plagues and strange diseases taken away many thousands of our people And is not the hand of the Lord still stretched out against vs Doe not dearth and famine on one hand and sicknesse and mortalitie on another hand still deuoure our people And are not these the messengers of Gods fierce wrath against vs for our sinnes Yes certainly euen for our sinnes and iniquities are all these things come vpon vs. And because he hath smitten vs and wee are not healed because hee hath laid his punishing hand vpon vs and wee haue not turned from the wickednesse of our wayes vnto him therefore his wrath is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still No man knoweth the vertue of Christ his death or careth to know it but euery man walketh after the wayes of his owne heart and drinketh iniquitie like water No man knoweth the vertue of Christ his resurrection or careth to know it but euery man in stead of rising vp vnto holinesse of life riseth vp to eat drinke and play and therefore doth the hand of God lie still so heauie vpon vs. O my brethren at length let vs follow the counsell of the Apostle let vs morti●●e our earthly members fornication vncleannesse the inordinate affection euill concupiscence and couetousnesse which is idolatrie and let vs bring forth the fruits of the spirit Let vs crucifie the flesh with the affections and the lusts and walke in the spirit Let vs put off the old man which is corrupt through the deceiueable lusts and let vs put on the new man which after God is created in righteousnesse and true holines For this let vs all know that whosoeuer in this life dieth not this death which is vnto sinne no man shall deliuer his soule from the hand of the second death after this life and whosoeuer hath not his part in the first resurrection which is from sinne vnto righteousnesse he shall haue no part in the second resurrection which is vnto glory and life euerlasting And such as doe know and feele in themselues the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection them I exhort in the bowels of Christ Iesus that with the Apostle they desire and labour to know and to feele this vertue in themselues daily more and more Stand fast against all the assaults of the deuill and quit your selues like men embrace holinesse and follow after righteousnesse While yee liue the flesh will rebell against the spirit but striue daily more and more to subdue the flesh vnto the spirit Consider with your selues with all godly care what sinne it is that most doth haunt you couetousnesse or licentiousnesse or pride or hatred or swearing or lying or the like and fight against that labour daily more and more against that seeke daily more and more to crush that in the head Againe consider with your selues what good thing yee are too dull and slacke vnto hearing of the word or liberalitie to the poore or patience in aduersitie or the like and labour daily more and more vnto that follow daily more and more after that seeke daily more and more after that In a word stirre vp euery good grace of God in you and refraine your feet from euery euill path that ye may know and feele in your selues the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection and doe this daily more and more that ye may feele in your selues this vertue daily more and more The second thing which here I note is from what root this knowledge of the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection issueth and springeth and that is from the righteousnes of faith for still wee must remember that these foure last vantages whereof the Apostle speaketh doe so follow the renouncing of all our owne workes and the reioicing only in Christ Iesus as that they all issue from the first vantage that we haue thereby namely from the righteousnesse of Christ through faith Whence I obserue that only they that are iustified by the righteousnesse of Christ through faith doe feele in themselues by the powerfull operation of the holy Ghost the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection whereby they die vnto sinne and liue vnto God in righteousnesse and true holinesse And to this the Apostle seemeth to giue witnesse where hee saith that our hearts are purified by faith Act. 15.9 for it is as if hee should haue said wee are purified and purged from dead workes to serue the liuing God but how is it It is by faith in Christ Iesus So that the Apostles meaning is that only they that are iustified by faith in Christ Iesus are purged from dead workes to serue the liuing God For if this purification bee by faith then only they that haue faith are thus purged So our Sauiour also saith Ioh. 15.4 As the branch cannot beare fruit of it selfe except it abide in the vine no more can yee except yee abide in mee Whence it is most plaine that they onely that are ingrafted into Christ Iesus by a true and liuely faith in him whereby they take hold of his righteousnesse bring forth the fruits of the spirit dying vnto sinne and liuing vnto God in newnesse and holinesse Why is it then that there is so little knowledge amongst vs of the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection The reason is only the faithfull children of God know it The rest they haue no root in themselues they want that true and liuely faith whence such knowledge should spring Let this then serue to rowse vs out of the dead sleepe of sinne and to awake vs vnto righteousnesse That the death and resurrection of Christ worke no
better vpon vs that wee subdue not the flesh vnto the spirit that we serue sinne and giue not our members seruants vnto righteousnesse in holinesse it is a plaine argument of the want of faith in vs. And therefore our Sauiour made it an argument against Iudas that hee beleeued not because he would betray him Ioh. 6.64 But there are some of you saith our Sauiour that beleeue not For saith the Euangelist Iesus knew from the beginning who they were that beleeued not and who should betray him Where the argument is that Iudas had a traiterous heart therefore he beleeued not In like manner let vs make the argument against our selues Our hearts are sett on mischiefe we drinke iniquitie like water wee die not vnto sinne but wee suffer sinne to raigne in our mortall bodies wee liue not vnto God in righteousnesse but wee giue our members seruants vnto vnrighteousnesse wee feele no vertue at all of Christ his death or resurrection in our selues therefore we beleeue not The conclusion is hard but if it bee altered the premisses must be altered Let vs cease to doe euill and learne to doe well let vs die vnto sinne and liue vnto God let vs mortifie our earthly members and be filled with the fruits of righteousnesse and then shall wee haue a good testimonie vnto our selues of our righteousnesse by faith In a word iustification which is by faith and regeneration which is by the spirit killing our old man and quickening our new man are so linked the one with the other as that they are affirmed and denied both together For if we be iustified by faith then are we regenerate by the spirit and if wee be regenerate by the spirit then are we iustified by faith And againe vnlesse wee be iustified by faith wee are not regenerate by the spirit and vnlesse we be regenerated by the spirit we are not iustified by faith As therefore we desire to haue our iustification by faith sealed vnto our soules so let vs desire to know and to feele in our selues the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection by dying vnto sinne and liuing vnto God in righteousnesse and true holines It followeth And the fellowshippe of his afflictions c. This is the next vantage which the Apostle reckons vpon by renouncing all his owne workes as losse and dung and reioycing onely in Christ Iesus the knowledge in himselfe of Christ his afflictions euen such as he did suffer in the daies of his flesh and such as he doth daily suffer in his members And the reason he addeth why he would know in himselfe the fellowship of Christ his afflictions namely so to be made conformable vnto Christ his death It is then as if the Apostle should haue said I make no reckoning of mine owne righteousnesse by workes but my desire is that being iustified by the righteousnesse of Christ through faith in such afflictions as Christ suffered in his owne person for the glory of God and the good of his Church and such as still hee suffereth in his members for his owne glory the good of his Church I may haue fellowship and bee partakers with them because I desire to be made comformable vnto Christ his death i. like vnto Christ who is dead and through many afflictions is entred into his kingdome What then did the Apostle desire outward afflictions in his body yea hee counted it a great vantage to suffer afflictions such as Christ had suffred in his own person and such as hee did suffer in his members for the glory of Christ and the good of his Church Hence then I obserue that affliction and trouble for Christ his sake and the good of his Church should not seeme grieuous vnto God his children but rather they should count it a vantage vnto them to be afflicted for his sake Thus the holy Ghost almost euery where teacheth vs. Mat. 5.12 Reioyce saith our Sauiour and be glad when men reuile you and persecute you and speake all manner of euill sayings against you for my sake falsly And the Apostle Iames Iam. 1.2 Count it exceeding ioy when ye fall into tentations i. afflictions and tribulations whereby ye are tempted And the Apostle Peter Thinke it not strange concerning the fiery triall 1 Pet. 4.13 which is among you to proue you but reioyce inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ his sufferings c. And lest the holy Ghost should seeme without all reason to will vs to reioyce in afflictions and to count them vantage vnto vs hee hath set do●ne many reasons why afflictions should not daunt vs or seeme grieuous but rather ioyous vnto vs. As 1. affliction hath been alwaies the lot of Gods children It beganne we see euen with Abell Gen. 4 8. whom his brother Caine slew Iacob and Ioseph the children of Israell Dauid Iob the Prophets the Apostles of Christ what afflictions suffered they Reioyce saith our Sauiour when they persecute you for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you yea such persecutions and affliction● both Patriarches and Prophets and Apostles and all the holy men of God haue suffered 2. Afflictions are profitable instruments which God vseth thereby to draw vs to the obedience of his will Hos 5.15 For so saith the Lord by his Prophet In their affliction they will seeke mee diligently Ier. 31.18 So saith Ieremy that before the Lord corrected and chastised him by afflictions he was a● vntamed calfe Ps 119.67 71. And Dauid before I was afflicted I went wrong but now I keepe thy word And againe it is good for mee that I haue beene afflicted that I may learne thy statutes 3. Afflictions are a token of Gods loue and fauour towards vs. For as the Apostle saith Heb. 12.6 Whom the Lord loueth he chasteneth and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receiueth Sometimes we wander astray out of the right way wherein we should walke and then as a good shepheard he sends his dog after vs to pinch vs and to ranke vs in our right order againe 4. Afflictions make w● like vnto Christ as both the Apostle sheweth here and in the Epistle to the Romanes Rom. 8.29 for as Esay had prophecied of him so he was full of sorowes he wanted no sorowes but he was full of sorowes 5. The afflictions of Gods children they are Christ his afflictions whereinsoeuer they suffer hee suffereth ●th them And therefore when Saul persecuted them that ●lled vpon his name he called vnto him from heauen say●ng Saul Saul why persecutest thou me because he persecuted ●is children he counted that he persecuted him 6. It pleaseth ●he Lord through afflictions to bring his children vnto the ●ingdome For it is ordained that through many afflictions ●e should enter the kingdome No chastising Heb. 12.11 saith the Apo●tle for the present seemeth to be ioyous but grieuous but afterward 〈◊〉 bringeth the quiet fruite of righteousnesse vnto them which are ●ereby
correction and chastisement him for a plague and punishment He chastiseth thee with roddes but he woundeth him with the swords of an enemie thou by thy corrections art kept in a child-like awe hee in a slauish feare the effect of thine afflictions is reformation of things past and obedience afterwards to thy good but the effect of his is hardnes of heart and rebellion against the highest the end of thine is ioy euerlasting the end of his is woe euerlasting Though therefore your afflictions seeme to be like yet is the whole course of them altogether vnlike in the beginning in the manner in the vse in the effect and in the end What then though thine afflictions be great It is a token that he hath giuen thee great grace and strength to stand For he will not suffer his to be tempted aboue that they be able 1 Cor. 10.13 but will euen giue the issue with the tentation that they may be able to beare it What though thine afflictions be many It is that as gold purified seuen times in the fire thou maist bee found more precious at the appearing of Iesus Christ what though thou hast waited long It is that thy patience may haue her perfect worke and that thou maist be perfit and entire lacking nothing What though there be no oddes vnto thine outward sense between thy sufferings and the wicked It is that thou maist grow out of loue with that restlesse and wretched life and maist long after that life where there shall be no more death nor sorow nor crying nor paine but life without death ioy without sorow rest without crying and pleasure without paine If this will not serue to make thee brooke thine afflictions be they great or many or whatsoeuer they be then consider these points Christianly and with a wise heart 1. Consider what thou hast deserued if the Lord should deale with thee in weight and measure Are thine afflictions and thy troubles proportioned to the desert of thy sinnes Nay if hee should dispute with thee thou couldest not answere him one thing of a thousand if he would straightly marke thine iniquities thou were not able to stand when he is angrie No sinne that thou committest in the whole course of thy life but the wages of it is death euen euerlasting death both of body and soule without the Lords speciall mercy What are then thine afflictions vnto that that thou hast deserued 2. Consider how light and momentanie thine afflictions are For what if they be for a yeare what if for twentie what if for thy whole life when the Lord had punished his people with 70. yeares captiuitie for a moment saith he Es 54.8 in mine anger I hid my face from thee for a little season but with euerlasting loue haue I had compassion on thee Seuentie yeares captiuitie it was but a little while a moment in comparison of his euerlasting loue Euen so the afflictions that thou sufferest if they be for seuenty if for a 100. yeares what is this in comparison of eternity Who would make account of taking very bitter potions and very sharpe phisicke for three or foure daies together in hope of health for euer after What then if thy potions if thy phisicke if thine afflictions be for 70. or 100. yeares It is not so much as three or foure daies nor so much as three or foure houres nay nothing in comparison of eternitie And therefore the Apostle very well calleth the afflictions of this life light and momentanie afflictions in respect of that eternall weight of ●●ory reserued for them that stand fast vnto the end 3. 2 Cor. 4.17 Heb. 12.11 Consider what fruit in the end followes thine afflictions They bring saith the Apostle the quiet fruit of righteousnesse vnto them that are thereby exercised And in another place he saith that they cause vnto vs a farre most excellent 2 Cor. 4.17 and an eternal we●● of glorie Which is not so to be vnderstood as if by our afflictions we did merit an eternall weight of glory Fo●● count saith the Apostle in an other place Rom. 8.18 that the afflictions of this present time are not worthy of the glory that shall be shewed v ●o vs but his meaning is that God in mercie rewardeth the light momentanie afflictions of this life with an eternall weight of glory afflictions wi●h glory light afflictions with a weight of glory moment any afflictions with eternall glory light and momentanie afflictions with an eternall weight of glory Let not afflictions then daunt vs but let vs rather without Apostle desire to know in our selues the fellowship of Christ his afflictions Pro. 3.12 and let vs count them a vantage vnto vs. For the Lord correcteth him whom he loueth euen as the father do●● the childe in whom he delighteth Heb. 12.8 And if we be without correction whereof all are partakers then are we bastards and not sons The finest clothe yee know which a man weareth next vnto his skinne will sometimes be nastie and slurried and then it must be beaten and washed and wrung and if yet it be not cleane then to it againe and beat it and wash it and wring it till it be cleane and fit to be worne next the skinne but a sack-cloth or haire-cloth we care not how blacke it be neither doe we wash or wring it Beloued we are so neere vnto Christ as that we are not next vnto his skinne but wee are flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones And therefore to purge vs and to make vs cleane he washeth vs and hee wringeth vs with afflictions Sack-cloth and haire-cloth be it as blacke as it wi●l he cares not for the whiting and cleansing of it because it shall neuer come neere vnto his skinne Hee taketh no pleasure in it and therefore he regardeth not the cleansing of it Let vs not therefore be troubled at afflictions They are nothing proportionable to that we deserue they are but light and momentanie whatsoeuer they are and in the end they cause vnto vs a farre most excellent and an eternall weight of glory Let vs therefore endure with patience and let patience haue h●● perfect worke that we may be perfect and entire lacking nothing For if we endure chastening Heb. 12.7 Iob. 5.17 God offereth himselfe vnto vs as vnto sonnes and blessed is he whom God correcteth It followeth And be made conformable c. Or as Beza readeth it whiles I am made conformable vnto his death i. vnto Christ being dead and so the sense is this I iudge all things without Christ to be dung as for other vantages so for this that whilst I am made like to the image of Christ that is dead by sufferings I may know and feele in my selfe the fellowshippe of Christ his afflictions such as he suffered in his person and doth now suffer in hi● members Here then I note two reasons why the Apostle reckoned affli●tions a
vantage vnto him 1. Because in afflictions he had fellowshippe with Christ 2. Because by afflictions he was made like vnto Christ Whence I gather these two obseru●tions 1. That in afflictions we haue fellowshippe with Christ 2. That afflictions make vs like vnto Christ For the first that in our afflictions we haue fellowship ●ith Christ it is plaine both because he suffered the like afflictions before vs and because in all our afflictions he suffereth with vs. For what affliction is it that we suffer Is it pouertie persecution hunger agonie in soule punishment in body Are we reuiled slandered mocked tempted by the Deuill Doth the wicked band themselues against vs vniustly accuse vs vniustly condemne vs vniustly put vs to death Are they of thine houshold thine enemies doe they that eate bread at table with thee lift vp their heeles against thee and betray thee into the hands of the wicked and vngodly All this way our Sauiour Christ hath walked before vs he hath drunke of all these cuppes and hath seasoned them vnto vs. Neither did he onely suffer these and the like afflictions before vs but as the head with the members still hee suffereth these and the like afflictions with vs. How many how great how aboue measure were Pauls troubles by sea by land of friends of enemies in body in spirit yet calleth he them all the afflictions of Christ because in them all Christ suffered with him Lazarus likewise in all his pouertie sicknesse sores griefes and miseries suffered nothing wherein Christ was not partaker of his griefe And if all the paines and miseries of that patient Iob were now vpon any of vs we should feele nothing which Christ felt not with vs. For can any member of the body suffer and not the head suffer with it Nay so long as this mysterie is which is for euer that Christ is the head and we the body so long if the body or any member of the body be hurt shall Christ which is the head be touched with the point of it O what a great comfort must this needes be vnto all the children of God here is a notable seasoning of all our afflictions If we be poore sicke persecuted imprisoned banished whipped c. in euery crosse that we beare the loue of Christ is sealed vnto vs in euery suffering that we suffer Christ suffereth with vs. As therefore the Apostle exhorteth Let vs reioyce in all our sufferings 1 Pet. 4.13 inasmuch as we are partakers of Chr●●● his sufferings 2 Cor. 4.10 For as Paul saith If we suffer with Christ we shall also raigne with Christ and if we beare about in our bodies the dying of the Lord Iesus the life also of Iesus shall be made manifest in our mortall bodies My 2. obseruation was that afflictions doe make vs like vnto Christ He was consecrated the Prince of our saluation through afflictions For taking our nature vpon him he filled it with the fulnesse of miseries with all sorowes of flesh with all anguish of minde with persecution with death with sin with condemnation Rom. 8.29 with hell And those whom God hath foreknowne he hath also predestinate to be made like vnto the image of his sonne like vnto him in many afflictions that at the last they may be like vnto him in eternall glory Do sorowes then come thicke vpon vs the moe the better because the moethe liker vnto Christ who was full of sorowes as Esay had prophecied of him Doe we in agonies and bitternesse of sorowes descend into hell Christ hath also descended and herein we are like vnto him If God haue giuen vnto vs pouerty cold nakednesse and much affliction if we feele many troubles to rest vpon vs if we feele that greatest trouble of an affrighted soule and a minde oppressed let vs thinke with our selues how good is God vnto vs thus to make the image of his onely begotten sonne to shine in vs that wee carying his image in vs may die with him and also reigne with him in the due time which he hath appointed Let vs looke into all that euer we haue euen into what thing soeuer pleaseth vs best ●to our goods lands possessions buildings riches honour ●ealth fauour authoritie friendship wife children and the ●ke in all these things we cannot behold the liuely image of Christ nor by any of these things are we made like vnto Christ Affliction and troubles humiliations and crosses ●hese are the things that make vs like vnto CHRIST and ●he greater that our afflictions are the liker wee are vnto Christ Let this then teach vs with patience to beare whatsoeuer ●rosse doe befall vs. We are full of griefe but we are chasti●ed of the Lord because we should not be condemned with ●he world we die with Christ but because we should liue with him we suffer with Christ but because we should reigne with him we weepe with Christ but because that Christ should wipe all teares from our eyes we are afflicted on eue●y side with Christ but because we should be like vnto him in all afflictions and so be glorified with him in the day of glory Let vs therefore runne with patience the race that is set before 〈◊〉 looking vnto Iesus the author and finisher of our faith who for ●he●y that was set before him endured the crosse and despised the shame and is set at the right hand of the throne of God Let vs approue our selues in much patience in afflictions in necessities in distresses in stripes in prisons in tumults in labors and let vs commit our soules vnto God in well-doing as vnto a faithfull Creator Yea let vs reioyce in afflictions inasmuch as they are a vantage vnto vs inasmuch as in our afflictions we haue fellowship with Christ inasmuch as afflictions make vs like vnto Christ Now if the question be asked whether seeing afflictions are such a vantage vnto vs as that therein we haue fellowship with Christ and thereby we are made like vnto Christ whether I say we are to wish and desire afflictions and crosses I answer that we are to wish them if by that meanes we may attaine vnto the resurrection of the dead For we are to wish and we are to iudge all things without Christ to be but dung that we may attaine vnto the resurrection of the dead If therefore by the meanes of affliction or by any meanes we may attaine vnto the resurrection of the dead we are to w●● that meanes whatsoeuer it be We are not therefore simply to wish for afflictions and crosses being corrections and chastisements for our sinnes but if the will of God be so that w● suffer afflictions we are to reioyce inasmuch as we are partaker of Christ his sufferings thereby made like vnto Christ and we are to wish if by that or any meanes we may attaine vnto the resurrection of the dead When therefore the Apostle saith here if by any meanes this if implieth not any doubting in
be perfect His exhortation is indeed generall vnto all that all would thinke as hee did touching the points mentioned before from verse 3. to this 15. But lest any man should thinke that he spake especially vnto the vulgar sort of men and prescribed this rule only vnto those that were babes in Christ therefore he sheweth precisely that this is a rule which whosoeuer among them thought himselfe to be or were more perfect than others ought to keepe euen to be so minded as Paul was in the things mentioned aboue And besides it was not so needfull to speak vnto them by name as it were that knew and acknowledged their owne wants that they should not thinke themselues perfect as to them that either thought themselues or were thought of others to be perfect Vnto them principally as by name the admonition was most needfull that they should be so minded as Paul was as in the rest of the points so in the acknowledgement of their owne imperfection and in the pursuit after perfection It followeth And if ye be otherwise minded c. This sheweth that the Apostle thought or rather knew that he should not be able to perswade all to be of the same minde with him in the things mentioned but that some through the suggestions of the false Teachers would thinke otherwise then hee thought of those points Yet see how kindly he dealeth with those If saith he ye be otherwise minded so that ye do not yet thinke as I your Apostle do of these points euen of Christian perfection but rather are of another iudgement yet I doubt not but as God hath begunne to reueale his sonne Iesus Christ vnto you by my preaching so hee will also in his good time reueale and make knowne vnto you this same thing wherein ye now dissent in iudgement from mee and will not suffer you to bee holden of this error he will I doubt not in his good time by the ministerie of his seruants through the powerfull operation of the holy spirit open the dimme eyes of your darke vnderstanding that ye may see both that ye erre in this wherein ye dissent from me and that this is the truth whereunto I now exhort you To gather then the summe of the Apostles meaning in these words it is as much as if the Apostle had thus said I am thus minded as I haue told you touching mine owne righteousnes which is by workes touching the righteousnesse of Christ which is through faith and touching Christian perfection in generall Let vs therefore euen all of vs not only those which are but babes in Christ or of the vulgar sort but euen as many as either think our selues or are thought by others to be perfect be thus minded as I am touching these points and if any of you dissent in iudgement from mee and doe not thinke as I doe touching Christian perfection God will no doubt in his good time by the ministerie of his seruants through the powerfull working of the holy Ghost open the dimme eyes of your darke vnderstanding that ye may see both your owne error in dissenting from me and the truth of that whereunto I exhort you Which being the Apostles meaning as I take it in this verse now let vs see what obseruation wee may gather hence for our vse and instruction 1. Therefore in the Apostles exhortation when he saith let ●s as many as be perfect be thus minded I note that as many as follow after Christian perfection are to be so minded touching workes and touching Christ as the Apostle was inasmuch as they are not perfect that thinke themselues already perfect either in the knowledge of Christ or in holy obedience but they rather that acknowledging that they haue not yet attained vnto perfection doe renounce all things without Christ reioyce only in Christ feeling a sense of the knowledge of Christ and of the vertue of his resurrection in themselues labour daily more and more to grow with all spirituall growth therein in certaine hope of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus Hence then I obserue what Christian perfection is namely a gift of the holy Ghost wherby we renounce the flesh reioyce in Christ and haue such a sense of the knowledge of Christ and of the vertue of his resurrection in our selues that acknowledging our want of perfection therein we labour to grow and encrease daily more and more therein and so incessantly runne after perfection in them that as good runners we forget that which is behind and endeauour our selues to that which is before and follow hard towards the marke for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus So that vnto Christian perfection there are foure things necessarily requisite The first whereof is iustification by the righteousnesse of Christ imputed to vs through faith without workes For so onely are we perfit if we be found in Christ Iesus not hauing our owne righteousnes which is by workes but that which is through the faith of Christ euen the righteousnesse of God through faith And therefore the Apostle telleth the Colossians in the next Epistle that he and Timothie preached and taught euery man in all wisdome Col. that they might present euery man perfect in Christ Iesus And in the next Chapter he telleth them that they are compleate in Christ in whom dwelleth all the fulnesse of the godhead bodily Both which places plainely shew that were perfect but how not in our selues but in Christ Iesus And in him onely are we perfect because onely being in him no● our sinnes but Christ his righteousnesse is imputed vnto v● and because all perfection is originally in him and is only deriued vnto vs as we are in him Being then in him our s●nne and imperfections are hidde and couered being in him his righteousnesse and obedience are imputed and reckoned vnto vs and being in him that perfection which originally is in him is deriued vnto vs and so onely are our imperfections couered his righteousnesse imputed and his perfection deriued vnto vs as we are in him For if any man be not in him he is cast out as a branch and withereth Ioh. 15.6 This then is necessarily requisite vnto Christian perfection that we be in Christ Iesus not hauing our owne righteousnesse by workes but his righteousnesse by faith And from this as from the fountaine doe all those other things which are necessarie vnto Christian perfection issue and spring The 2. thing necessarily requisite vnto Christian perfect●on is our regeneration sanctification by the spirit of God for so onely are we perfit if by the power of the quickening spirit working on our soules spirits we haue a feeling knowledge of Christ Iesus in our owne soules and doe feele in our selues a dying vnto sinne and a liuing vnto righteousnesse by the vertue of Christ his death and resurrection And therefore the holy Ghost exhorting vs often to be perfect doth
many which made merchandize of the word of God many which were disobedient and vaine talkers and deceiuers o● mindes How often doth Iohn complaine of many Antichrists many false Prophets Nay in what age hath not the litle flocke of Christ liued in the middest of a naughty and crooked nation beset with a world of wickednesse and wicked men Where Christ hath his Church there the Deuil● hath more then a chappell euen 500 synagogues his instruments to worke his will so farre as they can So that if wee follow the most we shall commonly follow the worst A good hold then haue they of it that make this to be one of the notes of their Church Christ calls his Church a litle flocke and Esay calls it a litle remnant and Ieremie a small ●eede But well may shee stand on her multitude that hath made all nations drunken with the wine of the wrath of her fornications and so let her doe till the smoke of her burning ascend But why or whence is it that we in our ordinarie life stand so much vpon the multitude What more common amongst vs then to say that we will doe as the most doe we will not single our selues from the rest c Nay is not that profane and wicked speech often heard amongst vs that it is good going with companie though it be to the Deuill But beloued our God hath taught vs another lesson Exod. 23.2 Thou shalt not saith he follow a multitude to doe euill neither agree in a controuersie to decline after many to ouerthrow the truth And our Apostle here tells vs that many walke that are the enemies of the crosse of Christ but we may not walke after them but after him and such as he is For we are not to looke how many doe walke thus and thus but who walke as they should not how many walke in this or that way but what the way is wherein they doe walke And though all the rest bow the knee to Baal yet we may not though all the nations of the earth fall downe before the beast and worship yet may not we What if in an election of an officer and magistrate the rest or farre the greater part consent vpon an vnfit man yet may not I. O but I shall make my selfe odious if I single out my selfe from the rest and preuaile neuer a whit Yea but good Prophet Michaiah stood vpon no such points 1 Reg. 22. but that though hee should by standing single against 400 false prophets become odious vnto Ahab the King and all the Prophets and not preuaile yet he spake the truth Here I haue a good example I must walke as I haue him for an ensample And so generally let vs not looke how many doe thus or how we may preuaile if we single our selues but let vs doe as we ought whatsoeuer come of it and howsoeuer all do otherwise Et hoc sciamus fortiorem esse qui pro nobis est quam qui contra nos sunt omnes And this let vs know that he is stronger who is for vs then all they who are against vs. LECTVRE LXIX PHILIP 3. Verse 18.19 That they are the enemies of the crosse of Christ whose end is damnation whose God is their belly c. THus farre we haue already proceeded in this first reason of the Apostles which he vsed to moue the Philippians to follow him and such as he was for many walke of whom I haue told you often and now tell you weeping c. Now follow the fiue notes whereby the Apostle describeth these many walkers of whom he had told them often and now told them weeping The first note whereby he describeth them is that they are the enemies of the crosse of Christ Which branch of his reason might well stand for a sufficient reason with the Philippians to moue them not to walke after these but to follow him and to walke so as they had him for an ensample Now the Apostle calleth them the enemies of the crosse of Christ in two respects 1. Because by vrging the necessitie of circumcision and the workes of the law vnto righteousnesse and saluation they made the crosse of Christ to be of none effect and abolished the worke of our redemption by the bloud of Christ Iesus 2. Because they would not suffer persecution for the crosse of Christ and therefore applied themselues to the humor of the Iewes and preached vnto them circumcision and the law For thus both in doctrine detracting from the merits of Christ his crosse and redemption by his bloud and likewise in life following after carnall securitie and auoyding persecution for Christ crucified they shewed themselues to be enemies vnto the crosse of Christ Hence then I obserue who they be that be the enemies of the crosse of Christ namely they that in their doctrine detract from the merits of Christ his crosse and the worke of our redemption by the bloud of Christ Iesus finished vpon the crosse and they likewise that in their life follow after carnall delicacie and flie persecution for the crosse of Christ for Christ crucified euen both these sorts of men are enemies vnto the crosse of Christ For touching the first sort of men must not they needs be counted the enemies of the crosse of Christ that in their doctrine make the crosse of Christ to be of none effect And doe not they in their doctrine make the crosse of Christ to be of none effect that teach righteousnes redemption or saluation to be any otherwise then by the onely merits of Christ his crosse and faith in his bloud The Apostle saith if righteousnesse be by the Law that is Gal. 2.21 if we may be made righteous by any worke which we can doe according to the law by the feare of God the loue of God the loue of our neighbour or any thing commanded in the morall law of God then Christ died without a cause and in vaine For to this end as the Apostle sheweth Rom. 8.3.4 God sent his Sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh that the righteousnesse of the Law might be fulfilled in vs. Where the meaning is that therefore Christ was sent to fulfill all righteousnesse in our flesh and to die for vs because we were vnable to fulfill the law to be made righteous by it or to saue our soules from death For if we had beene able to purchase righteousnes by our owne workes or to saue our soules from death then what needed Christ to haue come in the flesh or to haue died for vs It had beene in vaine and vnprofitable They then that teach righteousnesse to be by the law or any thing that we can doe they make the death of Christ and his resurrection his victorie his kingdome his glory himselfe vnprofitable and of none effect and so are enemies of the crosse of Christ So againe the Apostle saith yee are abolished from
things wee may stand fast For so shall we indeede walke as citizens of the houshold of God if our case being as our Apostles was wee can say with our Apostle 2 Cor. 4.8.9 wee are afflicted on euery side yet are wee not in distresse in pouerty but not ouercome of pouerty we are persecuted but not forsaken cast downe but we perish not Thus we make a good tryall of our selues and shew plainely that we walke not as men simply but as men of God For it cannot be that we should not be tempted and assaulted that we should not haue fightings without and terrors within 2 Cor. 7.5 as the Apostle professeth he had Nay if we be without such corrections whereof all Gods children are partakers Heb. 12.8 we are bastards and no sonnes But if we at such times shall take vnto vs the whole armour of God if we shall girde vnto vs the sword of the spirit which is the word of God as our blessed Sauiour for our example did Matth. 4. we shall be sure to quit our selues like men and to quench all the fiery darts of the Deuill It may be indeede that after yee haue fled from vs by thus resisting him he will againe assault vs. And so we see he did with our blessed Sauiour in the place mentioned He left him not with once or twise but againe and againe and againe hee tempted him We must then as he did still resist him and still fight against him with the sword of the spirit So shall we fight with Michael and Michael shall fight with vs against the Dragon Heb. 2.18 and we shall preuaile for in that he was tempted he is able and will also succour them that are tempted This then must be another care that we must take if we will walke as citizens of heauen that in all tentations and troubles whatsoeuer we may stand fast for so shall we be good citizens indeed if whatsoeuer battery be laid against vs still we stand vpon our guard and hold out euery enemy 3. If we will walke in this life as citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem and approue our selues to haue our conuersation in heauen we must yeeld our selues to be guided and gouerned by the lawes of that Citie and to liue in all obedience vnder those lawes which are giuen and kept there for euery citizen is to be gouerned by the lawes of his Citie and to yeeld all obedience thereunto As then the Angels in heauen are alwaies ready to obey execute his wil going when he biddeth and returning when he calleth so we as dutifull obedient children should with all willingnes and cheerefulnes apply our selues vnto his sacred will neuer attempting any thing contrary thereunto For if when he sets it downe as a law that we flie that which is euill and doe that which is good c we contrariwise flie that which is good and follow that which is euill we are no more citizens but plaine rebels we haue no conuersation in heauen but we plainely fight against heauen and against God This then must be a third care that we must take if we will walke as citizens of heauen that we yeeld our selues to be gouerned by the lawes of that Citie and liue in all obedience vnder those lawes which the King of heauen hath giuen and commanded to be kept Otherwise how can we say that our conuersation is in heauen if we submit not our selues vnto the lawes and conforme our liues vnto the will of our father which is in heauen 4. And lastly if we will walke in this life as citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem and approue our selues to haue our conuersation in heauen we must in heart in minde and in soule ascend vp thither our thoughts our desires and our affections must be setled there our faith hope and loue must be roo●ed and grounded there By faith we must alwaies be looking vnto Christ Iesus the author and finisher of our faith where he is set at the right hand of the throne of God In hope we must alwaies waite for that inheritance immortall and vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for vs. In loue we must alwaies be fast tied vnto him who is loue it selfe whom we haue not seene and yet loue him and in whom now though we see him not yet doe we beleeue and reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and glorious Our affections must alwaies be set on the things which are aboue Our desires must alwaies runne on the things that belong vnto our peace Our thoughts must alwaies be musing of the iudgements of his mouth Our hearts must alwaies be lift vp vnto the Lord. Our soules must there alwaies repose themselues where true ioyes are to be found And our minds must alwaies be occupied in the meditation of those ioyes which are prepared to be shewed in the last time For thus though we be absent in body from the Lord yet euen whiles we are in the body we are and dwell with the Lord. And vnlesse we thus be and dwell with the Lord we cannot say that our conuersation is in heauen no more then we can say that our hearts cleaue stedfastly vnto the Lord when they are set on riches and on the pleasures of this life Now then that yee see that yee ought to haue our conuersation in heauen and likewise how to walke to haue your conuersation in heauen it behooueth you men and brethren to looke vnto it whether your conuersation be such as it ought and whether it be where it ought to be Looke vnto the earth how yee are minded towards earthly things looke vnto the tentations of this life how fast yee stand against them looke vnto the law and will of God how yee conforme your selues vnto it looke vnto the things which are aboue how in heart and soule yee are affected toward them and hereby try whether yee can say with the Apostle our conuersation is in heauen If thou hast so vsed the things of this life as that tho● hast not too too much loued the world nor the things tha● are in the world if thou hast manfully resisted the tentation● of this life and ouercome them if in holy obedience tho● hast conformed thy life vnto the will of thy God if being absent in body from the Lord thy soule thine affections haue beene set on the things which are aboue where true ioyes alone are to be found what a comfort may it be vnto thy soule to haue such a testimonie that thy life and conuersation hath beene in heauen O but here will the good soule say I meane the troubled and afflicted soule True indeed I might be comforted if I found it thus with me but thus it is with me though I haue not wholly minded earthly things yet haue I minded them more then I should though I haue withstood such tentations as haue assaulted me yet in great weaknesse though I haue delighted in the law
the dead which I note out of this that he saith who shall change to wit in that day when he shall come from whence they looke for him 5. The manner how he shall then glorifie our vile bodies namely not by changing the substance of our bodies in the forme or feature or lineaments or members of them but by changing our vile bodies .i. our bodie● which were created of God holy and good but are now de●●led with our vilenesse by changing these vile bodies and fashioning them in qualitie like vnto his owne glorious body so that of mortall they become immotall of corruptible incorruptible of naturall spirituall of weake glorious 6. And lastly the meanes whereby he shall thus glorifie our vile bodies namely by that diuine power and effectuall working whereby he raised his owne body from the graue and whereby he is able to doe what he will euen to subdue all things vnto himselfe These be the particular circumstances of this third branch of the Apostles reason Which noting of them in this sort that we haue done may serue also for the explication and opening of the meaning of these words Let vs now therefore see what profitable notes we may gather hence for our farther vse and instruction The first thing which I note is who it is that shall change our vile bodies that they may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie which is the Lord Iesus Christ The obseruation then hence is that after we haue slept in the dust Christ Iesus shall raise vs againe by his power and make our vile bodies like to his glorious body He it is that being one God with the Father from before all beginnings in the beginning of time created vs formed vs and made vs and breathed into vs the breath of life and made vs liuing soules All things saith Iohn was made by it Ioh. 1.3 namely by the incarnate word of God by the euerlasting Sonne of the Father and without it was made nothing that was made And the Apostle saith that by the Sonne of God were all things created which are in heauen and in earth Col. 1.16 things visible and invisible by him I say not onely as an instrument but as an efficient cause For as the Apostle saith of him Ro. 11.36 and through him and for him are all things He likewise it is that in the fulnesse of time came into the world to redeeme them which were vnder the law and to saue his people from their sinnes When the fullnesse of time was come saith the Apostle God sent forth his Sonne made of a woman Gal. 4.4.5 and made vnder the law that he might redeeme them which were vnder the law And againe This is a true saying 1 Tim. 1.15 and by all meanes worthy to be receiued that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners And therefore was his name called Iesus Mat. 1.21 because he should saue his people from their sinnes He also it is that in the end of times shall raise our bodies out of the dust and make them like vnto his glorious body Joh. 5.28.29 For the houre shall come saith Iohn in the which all that are in the graues shall heare his voice and they shall come forth that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life but they that haue done euill vnto the resurrection of condemnation And in the chapter following 6.54 Whosoeuer eateth my flesh saith Christ and drinketh my bloud hath eternall life and I will raise him vp at the last day And our Apostle in this place from heauen we looke for the Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ who shall change our vile body c. So that he that in the beginning of time created vs and made vs and in the fullnesse of time redeemed and saued vs shall also in the end of time raise vs vp out of the dust of death and glorifie vs with himselfe Whereof also he gaue vs a sure testimonie when he raised vp himselfe from the dead no more to returne vnto the graue And therefore the Apostle saith 2 Cor. 4.14 He which hath raised vp the Lord Iesus shall raise vs vp also by Iesus and set vs with the Saints Let this then serue to confirme and strengthen vs in the point of our resurrection and glorification Christ Iesus hath taken it vpon him that he will raise vs vp at the last day and glorifie vs with himselfe Let vs then lie downe in peace and commit that to him and he shall bring it to passe For is the glory and strength of Israel as a man that he should lie Hath he said it and shall it not be done Let the Sadduces denie the resurrection Act. 17.18 let the Philosophers and disputers of Athens mocke at Paul when they heare him preach the resurrection let the profane Atheist scoffe and iest at the resurrection of the dead and their glorification with the Saints yet let vs with Martha know that our brethren and we shall rise at the last day Mat. 9.25 He that raised the Rulers daughter from death to life in the house he that raised the widowes sonne from death vnto life as they were carying him out to be buried Luc. 7.15 he that raised vp Lazarus from death vnto life Ioh. 11.44 hauing laid foure daies in the graue shall also raise vs vp and shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body Let vs therefore hold fast this hope vnto the end without wauering and let vs lay this vpon Christ Iesus who will surely doe it and will not faile The second thing which I note is the time when Christ shall change our vile bodies and make them like vnto his glorious body The time is in that day when the faithfull looke that he shall come in the clouds of heauen to iudge both the quicke and the dead Which I gather from this that he faith who shall change c ioyned with that he had said before from whence also we looke c. For the meaning is that from heauen they looke for the second comming of Christ who then in his second comming shall change c. The obseruation then hence is that in the last day when Christ shall come in the clouds of heauen to iudge the quicke and the dead then shall he raise vp the bodies of them that haue slept in the dust and glorifie them with his owne selfe Which point of the time of our second resurrection and glorification of our bodies the Holy Ghost often precisely noteth as where it is said The houre shall come in the which all that are in the graues shall heare his voice c Ioh. and againe where Christ saith I will raise him vp at the last day 1 Co. and againe where the Apostle saith that they that are of Christ at his comming shall rise againe and againe where he saith
we shall not all sleepe but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet All which places plainely shew the time of the resurrection and of the glorification of our bodies to be in the last day at the second comming of Christ vnto iudgment In the meane time they shall sleepe in the dust and make their beds in the graue Iob 17.14 they shall say to corruption thou art my father and to the worme thou art my mother and my sister This should teach vs patiently with the faithfull children of God to waite and looke for the second comming of Christ Iesus yea euen to long and reach after it because then these crackt and fraile vessels shall be in better case then now they be Now they are vile and rotten and naught but then shall they be changed made like vnto Christ his glorious body and then shall they be vnited to the soules to receiue that blessed inheritance which God the Father of old hath prepared God the Sonne of late hath purchased and God the Holy Ghost doth daily seale in the hearts of Gods children That is the time for our full deliuerance our full redemption when al things shall be subdued vnder him And till that time after that death once destroy these bodies the graue shall be our house and we shall make our bed in the darke The third thing which here I note is what it is that Christ in that day shall raise vp againe and glorifie namely our vile body Whence my first obseruation is that since sinne entred into the world and death by sinne such is the condition of our bodies here that they be vile subiect to all infirmities miseries mortalitie corruption and all kinde of vanity The experience whereof is so common and so well knowne vnto vs all that it shall not be needfull to proue it vnto any of vs How many aches infirmities diseases are we troubled withall in our bodies What wounds and swellings and sores full of all manner of corruption are our bodies subiect vnto What labours what perils what watchings fastings cold nakednesse imprisonments how many kinds of death are they subiect vnto How soone are they cut downe like grasse How soone doe they wither as the greene herbe How soone doe they returne vnto the dust whence they first came Or what priuiledge here haue the bodies of them that come of noble houses of honourable parents of the bloud royall None at all but their bodies are as vile as here the Apostle meaneth as subiect to diseases as needing all helps for health is vnable to endure labour heat cold hunger thirst as vnable to want sleepe rest foode apparell as soone cut downe by the hand of death as soone deuoured by the wormes as soone turned vnto the dust as the bodies of other men And therefore our bodies without exception in the holy scriptures are called and likened vnto grasse the flower of the field to earthen vessels to earthly houses to tabernacles to dust and ●athe c. All flesh is as grasse 1 Pet. 1.24 and all the glory of man is as the flower of grasse the grasse withereth and the flower falleth away Yea looke what Iobs bodie was that all our bodies are if the Lord shall lay his hands vpon them Yea this shall be the state of our bodies to be thus vile as the Apostle speaketh till they bee changed and made like vnto his glorious body This should teach vs to plucke downe our sailes and to abate the great daintinesse of our bodies whereunto we are growne Such silks and veluets such ruffes and lawnes such frizling and painting such chaines bracelets and rings as now commonly we vse what else is it but to cloth and adorne proud rottennesse Such choice of meats daintinesse of fare variety of dishes as in this heauy time of dearth and famine is some where vsed what else is it but to feede the neuer satisfied belly Nay are not some growne so nice that they may not suffer the winde to blow vpon them nor the sunne to shine vpon them Is it not for some so hot in summer and againe so cold in winter that they can finde no time to come to heare euen the holy word of God And what else is it that we doe thus cherish but a vile body subiect to all kinde of vanity The beginning whereof what is it but earth the being whereof what is it but as from the earth the end whereof what is it but to the earth And yet what curiositie in clothing and what daintinesse in feeding this vile body An allowance there is and meete there should be that according to each mans degree there be both costlinesse in clothing and daintinesse in feeding But in each degree there is such excesse of decencie as that it may be thought that no degree considereth what a vile body it is that they cherish How much better were it that we should consider our selues and that we should moderate our selues in these things each man according to his degree Let vs therefore whether we eat or drinke or cloth our selues remember that the bodies which we cherish are but vile bodies dust and ashes euen very rottennesse and subiect to all kinde of vanity My second obseruation hence is that Christ in the last day shall change our bodies not our soules and raise vp our bodies not our soules For our soules in their very deliuerance from the contagion of our bodies are purged and cleansed from euery spot of sinne and immediatly translated into heauen and there abide till the last iudgement They die not nor sleepe nor wander vp and downe as some doe foolishly imagine but being spirituall substances they liue and abide for euer aswell out of the body as in the body Which appeare as by the soules of the rich man and Lazarus Luc. 16.23 the one of which had immediatly ioy in Abrahams bosome the other suffered woe and torments in hell immediatly so doth it also appeare by that vision of Iohn Apoc. 6.9 where he saw the soules vnder the Altar c for there the present state wherein they are after their departure out of their bodies vntill the last iudgment is described namely that they are vnder the Altar .i. that they remaine continually vnder the hand of our Lord Iesus and that they be in ioyfull rest vnder his custody and protection Our soules then are not changed or raised vp in the last day but our bodies euen as we make confession in our Creede when we beleeue the resurrection of the body For therein we confesse that we beleeue that in that day when the Lord shall descend from heauen with a shoute and with the voice of the Archangell and with the trumpet of God he shall raise againe these selfe-same bodies out of the dust of death and vnite them vnto our soules that in soule and body wee may liue for euer with
him in heauen in the perfect state of blessednesse Yea but doth not the Preacher say Eccl. 3.19 that the condition of the children of men and the condition of beasts are euen as one condition vnto them If then there be no resurrection of the bodies of beasts after this life how doe we say that there is any resurrection of the bodies of men The meaning of the Preacher is that man is not able by reason and iudgment to put a difference betweene the dying of man and beast as by his eye to iudge otherwise of a man being dead then of a beast being dead But neither he there speakes of mans estate after death neither what we know by the word of God touching the condition of man and of beast For thence we know that the spirit of man ascendeth vpward when it leaueth the body and that the spirit of the beast descendeth downeward to the earth and that the body of the beast sleepeth for euer in the dust but the body of man shall be raised vp at the last day vnto life euerlasting in the heauens How then doth the Apostle say 1 Co. 15.10 that flesh and bloud cannot inherit the kingdome of God There the meaning of the Apostle is that the naturall body as it is now subiect to sinne and corruption cannot inherit the kingdome of God vntill it be glorified forasmuch as none vncleane thing entreth into it This therefore is it that we teach Christ shall raise vp our vile bodies in the last day and make them like vnto his glorious body and so possesse vs in soule and body of that kingdome prepared for vs from before all beginnings Here then is a notable comfort for all Gods children that not onely our soules after this life ended shall goe vnto God that gaue them but our bodies likewise in the last day shall be raised vp againe and be made like vnto Christ his glorious body that our soules and bodies being vnited together wee may liue for euer with him in his kingdome of glory For hereupon thus we may resolue with our selues What though I be afflicted and tormented What though my miseries be as many and grieuous as Iobs were What though I bee racked torne in peeces with wilde horses my body cast to the birds of the aire to the beast of the land or to the fishes in the sea I know that after this life ended there will follow a ioyfull resurrection Thus Iob comforted himselfe amidst all his extremities Iob. saying I know that my Redeemer liueth and that he shall stand the last on the earth and though after my skin wormes destroy this body yet shall I see God in my flesh whom I my selfe shall see and mine eyes shall behold and none other for me though my reines be consumed within me And so we read that the Saints of God mentioned to the Hebrues comforted themselus Heb. 11.35 For when they were racked and tormented they would not be deliuered and why because they looked for a better resurrection Whatsoeuer therefore trouble affliction aduersitie misery death doe befall vs or our friends let vs comfort our selues in this that there shall be an end of all troubles when all teares shall be wiped from our eyes and that there shall be a ioyfull resurrection in the last day and glorification of our mortall bodies My third obseruation hence is that the resurrection of bodies vnto glorification is only of them whose soule-conuersation in this life is in heauen For albeit in the resurrection not only the sheepe but the goats not only they that haue done good but they that haue done euill shall rise againe with their bodies yet the one only vnto euerlasting ioy and glory the other vnto euerlasting woe and miserie So saith Iohn Ioh. 5.29 They shall come forth that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life and they that haue done euill vnto the resurrection of condemnation The same also is most plaine by that separation of the sheepe from the goats in the last day where it is said Matt. 25. that the one shall stand at his right hand the other at his left that the portion of the one shall be with the Saints of God in heauen the portion of the other with the deuill and his Angels in hell that the one shall goe into life eternall the other into euerlasting paine Whereof we are to make this vse that if we will haue our part in the second resurrection after this life vnto glory wee must also haue our part in the first resurrection in this life vnto grace In this life wee must rise from the death of sinne vnto the life of God in righteousnesse and true holinesse if in that day wee will rise from the power of the graue vnto life euerlasting and blessednesse in the heauens Apoc. 20.6 For blessed and holy is he yea only blessed and holy is he that hath his part in the first resurrection for on such the second death hath no power Let vs therefore follow the counsell of Peter let vs amend our liues Act. 3.19 and turne vnto the Lord that our sinnes may be done away when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Let vs in this life grow vp in grace that in that day we may rise vp in glory Thus much of the third point viz. what Christ in that day shall raise and glorifie The fourth thing which I note is touching the manner how Christ shall in that day glorifie our vile bodies namely by changing not the substance of our bodies but by changing our vile bodies and fashioning them in qualitie like vnto Christ his glorious body Whence I obserue what shall be the glorified bodies of the Saints of God wherein at the hearing of his voice and the sound of the trumpet they shall rise in that day And this it is Our corruptible bodies shall be raised vp in incorruption our mortall bodies shall be raised vp in immortalitie our bodies which were vile carcases shall be raised vp in glory our bodies which were weake shall be raised vp in power our bodies which were naturall needing foode raiment rest sleepe physicke and the like shall be raised vp spirituall needing none of these things but being as the Angels of God exempt from all wants and infirmities of this life Our bodies in substance in figure in lineaments and in members shall be the selfe-same that they were in this life inasmuch as in these there was no change by the sinne of our first parents but in such vile qualities as by sinne they were poisoned and infected with they shall so be changed as hath beene said And this is the glorification of our bodies in that day He that shall come to be glorified in his Saints shall thus change the vilenesse of our bodies and fashion them like vnto his owne glorious body Of this glorification Daniel speaketh where he saith
Dan. 12.3 that they that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many vnto righteousnesse shall shine as the starres for euer and euer Matt. 17.2 And a glimpse of it Peter Iames and Iohn saw when Christ was transfigured in the mount before them 1 Cor. 15. And the Apostle at large shewes the whole manner of it to the Corinthians First then hence wee learne that the body of Christ is not so deified or glorified as that the essentiall properties of God are communicated to it as to be omnipotent infinite present euery where c. For this being true that our bodies shall be made like vnto his glorious body then our bodies also should then be omnipote●● infinite euery where c. which no man will say They erre therefore that maintaine the body of Christ to be really present euery where Secondly hence we may learne not to be dismaied at whatsoeuer sicknesse danger or death It may be that thus our bodies may be turned into the graue and that death haue there dominion ouer vs for a season but in the last day our bodies shall be taken out of the power of death and made like vnto Christ his glorious body Thirdly hence we may receiue great comfort that we haue such a Sauiour as will thus change our vile bodies and make them like vnto his glorious body Hee will be a perfect Sauiour and therefore as he receiues our soules at their depar●ure out of our bodies to keepe them safe vnder his custodie ●and protection so will hee also in the last day change our vile ●odies and make them like vnto his glorious body that so he may be a perfect Sauiour both of our soules and bodies The fift and last thing which from these words I note is ●ouching the meanes whereby Christ in that day shall glorifie ●ur vile bodies For here is the doubt which the carnall man ●akes He cannot see nor conceiue how the bodies which are ●urned into dust and ashes which haue beene some torne in ●eeces by the beasts of the land some deuoured by the fishes of the sea some eaten vp by the fowles of the aire how they ●he same in substance should possibly be raised vp againe and ●lorified To meet then with this my obseruation hence is ●hat Christ by that diuine power and effectuall working ●hereby hee raised vp his owne body from the graue and ●hereby hee is able to doe what hee will euen to subdue all ●hings to himselfe shall raise our bodies in that day euen the ●el●e same in substance that wee laid downe and shall glorifie ●hem Christ he is the first-fruits of them that sleepe and by ●is resurrection he hath sanctified all the elect thereunto and 〈◊〉 according to the working of his mighty power hee raised ●imselfe from the dead so by the same working of his migh●ie power shall he also raise vs vp It may be that this may ●eeme impossible with men Luk. 18.27 but the things that are impossible ●ith men are possible with God And why should it seeme so im●ossible Can the potter make a new vessell of the same lumpe 〈◊〉 clay if the first fashion did dislike him and is not God ●uch more able out of our dust to raise againe our dead bo●●es Can the Goldsmith by his Art sunder diuers metals ●ne from another or the Alchymist draw one metall out of ●●other and is not God much more able to distinguish the ●ust of mens bodies from the dust of beasts and the dust of ●ne mans body from another and to draw out our bodies ●o● whencesoeuer they lie Was God able in the beginning 〈◊〉 create all things of nothing and is hee not much more able 〈◊〉 make euery mans body at the resurrection of his owne matter Againe shall napkins be brought from Pauls body and diseases depart from them shall the shadow of Peter helpe the weake and sicke shall Elizeus his bones giue life to a dead corpes cast into his graue and shall not Christ much more by his diuine power change these vile bodies and make them like vnto his glorious body Hee that doubteth of his power shall be drencht vp of his maiestie Take this one proofe further from our daily experience At night wee lie downe and sleepe and in the morning wee wake and rise vp againe Our death what else is it but as a sleepe and our resurrection what else but as it were an awaking againe And as in the one it is so in the other the mighty power of God shall be seene when by his power hee shall raise vs vp out of the sleepe of death and glorifie vs with himselfe in the kingdome of hi● Father This then may serue vs to meet with all doubts against this point of the resurrection and glorification of our mortall and vile bodies He which is willing hath also power to doe it and by his power hee shall raise vs vp in the last day and shall change our vile bodies that they may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body We are not therefore to doubt of it lest so wee also denie his power but rather wee are to comfort o●● selues in this that he who by his power is able to subdue all things vnto himselfe will also by his power raise vp our bodies in the last day and will change our vile bodies that they may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body Laus omnis soli Deo THE FOVRTH CHAPTER LECTVRE LXXV PHILIP 4. Verse 1. Therefore my brethren beloued and longed for my ioy and my crowne so continue in the Lord ye beloued 2. I pray Euodias and beseech Syntiche c. MAny and notable and most worthy our continuall meditation haue bin the points which we haue heard by occasiō of the things contained in the former Chapter as touching necessary watchfulnesse against false teachers together with certain marks of such ver 2.19 touching the true circumcision of the Spirit ver 3 touching the vanitie of all confidence and reioycing in any thing without Christ ver 4. to 9 touching iustification by the alone righteousnes of Christ Iesus through faith in his bloud v. 9 touching sanctificatiō by some sence of the knowledge of Christ and of the vertue of his resurrection in our selues c. and by an holy acknowledgement of imperfection and pursuite after perfection ver 10. to 15 touching Christian perfection ver 15 touching the sole rule of mans life ver 16 touching an holy imitation v. 17 touching euill and vngodly walkers ver 18 19 touching an holy conuersation ver 20 touching the expectation of the faithfull for Christ his second coming v. 20 touching the glorification of our vile bodies in the day of Christ by the power of Christ ver 21 some of which the Apostle purposely disputeth and others by occasion he toucheth For in that Chapter ye may remember that the Apostle instructeth the Philippians touching circumcision and
holy care not onely to instruct and exhort the whole Church of Philippi in generall but likewise priuately such particular persons as he heard it was needfull to instruct and exhort For here we see how after his generall exhortation vnto the Philippians he commeth vnto particular exhortations to priuate persons Whence I obserue a holy dutie of a good Minister which is not only publikly to teach and exhort and comfort his whole congregation in the Church but also priuatly to labour with particular persons so as shall be needfull for them If they need instruction to instruct them exhortation to exhort them consolation to comfort them correction to reproue them peace-making to compose their strifes and euery way to labour with them as it shall appeare to be needfull for them Examples hereof we haue in generall in all the Apostles of whom it is said Act. 5.42 that they ceassed not to teach and preach Iesus Christ dayly in the Temple and from house to house Ye see likewise not onely Iohns generall Epistle but his priuate Epistles also one vnto a certaine Ladie and another vnto one Gaius in either of which as he thought it needfull he comforted them and exhorted them and admonished them And this our Apostle ye may see how he taught both openly and throughout euery house how he reproued sins not onely in generall Act. 20.20 1. Cor. 5.1 2. Tim. but in particular noted the sinnes of the incestuous person of Hy●enaeus and Philetus of Demas of Alexander the copper-smith c how he dealt with Philemon in particular for Onesimus how he comforted and admonished Timothy and Titus in particular And what else meaneth that of the Apostle where he chargeth to be instant in season and out of season 2. Tim. 4.2 but that the Minister of the Gospell should at all times and in all places publikely and priuately generally and particularly take euery occasion to profite Gods people whether it be by teaching by improuing by rebuking by exhorting or how else soeuer it shall seeme needfull or profitable For if we may but pull one brand out of the fire if we may but conuert one sinner from going astray out of his way if we may but instruct one man in righteousnes vnto saluation euen by priuate and particular dealing with him we shall not lose our reward but euen he shall be our crowne of reioycing in the presence of our Lord Iesus Christ at his coming I wish they would at length remember this dutie who hauing their consciences seared with an hote iron vouchsafe not either publikely or priuately to teach or exhort or admonish the flock of God which dependeth on them As publike with all so priuate dealing with particulars will be seene to be needfull if any man do but with halfe an eye looke into the state of the people euery where The ignorance in some the wickednesse in others the iarres amongst others in euery place shew plainly how needfull it is vnto publike teaching to adde also particular admonitions and exhortations But they that cannot be drawne vnto the one namely to teach their people in their assemblies it is hardly to be hoped that they will deale with men in particular on the way or at the plough-taile or at the anuil or at the shop-boord how needfull soeuer it be This place serueth not much to speake vnto them and therefore I let them alone Secondly in the person of Paul I note his godly care to compose the strifes of these two godly women Euodias and Syntyche For there being a iarre either betweene themselues about some priuate matters or betweene them the Church about some matter of religion both himselfe exhorteth them to be of one accord in the Lord and also he dealeth with his faithfull yoke-fellow to helpe to order their matters and to compose their strifes commending them as worthy that he should do this for them Whence I obserue a very commendable qualitie as in the Minister of Christ so in euery good Christian which is both by themselues and by all the meanes that they can make to take vp such quarrels as fall out among their brethren It is registred vnto the euerlasting commendation of Cloë 1. Cor. 1.11 and her house that when great dissensions and contentions broke out in the Church of Corinth they being very desirous to haue them stayed and yet not able to stay them aduertised Paul thereof that he in his wisedome might take some course to stay them And our Apostle giues it for a precept vnto Timothy 2. Tim. 2.23 to put away foolish and vnlearned questions knowing that they ingender strife Where the meaning in generall is that he must be so carefull to stay all strife that he must be carefull to take away euery thing which may be any occasion of strife And our Sauiour pronounceth a blessing vpon them that make peace among their brethren saying Blessed are the peace-makers Mat. 5 9. for they shall be called the children of God For God being the God of peace the more that we haue peace amongst our selues and the more that we studie and labour to make peace among others the more like we are vnto God and the more we shew our selues to be the children of God So that we see that to make peace and end strifes is very commendable both with God and men This then first may teach vs to beware how we do sow strife and dissension betwixt man and man For looke how commendable a thing it is to make peace and end strifes so intollerable and odious a thing it is to blow the bellowes of discord amongst brethren and neighbours and as they that make peace do thereby shew themselues to be the children of God with whom dwelleth peace so those seditious fire-brands that delight to stirre vp strife among their brethren and to set men by the eares together shew plainly that they are the sonnes of that wicked one who cannot abide that brethren should dwel together in vnitie Prou. 6.16.17 18 These six things saith Salomon doth the Lord hate yea his soule abhorreth seuen The haughtie eyes a lying tongue hands that shed innocent bloud an heart that imagineth wicked enterprises 19 feete that be swift in running to mischiefe a false witnesse that speaketh lies and him that raiseth vp contentions among brethren All these seuen things the Lord hateth yea his soule abhorreth the seuenth as plaine murder For what is murder if this be not to rend in sunder the members of the same bodie by sowing debates and diuisions amongst them and so by braules and iarres and quarrelling to kill both the soule and the bodie Prou. 17.14 The beginning of contention saith the same Salomon is as one that openeth the waters so that he that bloweth the bellowes of contention and openeth the way vnto strife amongst neighbours is as he that by pulling vp a sluce letteth in the waters vpon a
appeareth that their ioy is not Christian because it is not constant but ebbeth and floweth according to the ebbe and floud of aduersitie and prosperitie What shall we say then when the Lord afflicteth vs with pouertie sickenesse and the like crosses must we reioyce in the Lord Yea verily 1. Sam. 2.6.7 for it is the Lord that killeth and maketh aliue that woundeth and healeth that bringeth to the graue and raiseth vp that maketh poore and maketh rich that bringeth low and exalteth Amos 3.6 There is no euill in the Citie which the Lord hath not done No euill that is no crosse or affliction no plague or punishment which he sendeth not And whatsoeuer crosse or affliction it is vnto his children it is but either a probation that the triall of their faith being much more precious then gold that perisheth may be found to their praise and honour and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ such as was Iobs affliction or else it is a fatherly correction that being chastened of the Lord 2. Sam. 12.14 they may not be condemned with the world such as was the death of Dauids child for Dauids sin and such as was the weakenesse and sickenesse and death of many of the Corinthians 1 Cor. 11 30. for eating and drinking vnworthily at the Lords Table Are then our crosses of pouertie sickenesse or whatsoeuer they be from God Then are they good and we are to reioyce in them For all things fall out for the best for those that loue and feare him Are they for the triall of our faith My brethren saith Iames James 1.2 count it exceeding ioy when ye fall into diuerse tentations and trialls c. Are they to correct and chastice vs If we endure chastening Hebr. 12.7 God offereth himselfe vnto vs as vnto sonnes for whom he loueth he chasteneth O but sometimes he shutteth vs euen vp in despaire and infidelitie how shall we then reioyce in the Lord I demand then Dost thou know it and lothe it and long to be brought againe into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God Thou hast good cause to reioyce in the Lord for he hath onely hid his face from thee for a while that he may haue mercie on thee for euer And what if thy faith or hope be but as a graine of Mustard seed what if being as it were couered vnder the ashes they seeme not to be Christ Iesus is most plentifull to helpe them that are most weake and he is all-sufficient to supply all wants If any seede of God be there in thy weakenesse he will perfite his praise Yea but in that our Sauiour pronounceth a blessing vpon them that mourne Matt. 5.4 it appeareth that we are not alwayes to reioyce Not so neyther for euen then when we sigh and mourne for the affliction we haue in the world we are to reioyce in the Lord and to be of good comfort in Christ Iesus because he hath ouercome the world euen then when we mourne through a sence of Gods iudgements we are to reioyce in his tender mercies that he deales not with vs after our deseruings euen then when we mourne in the body because of affliction we are to reioyce in our soules because of our strong consolation in Christ Iesus and because our light affliction in the body causeth vnto vs a far most excellent and an eternall weight of glorie And therefore our Sauiour in the same place where he saith Blessed are they that mourne exhorteth also to reioyce and be glad in persecution for that great is our reward in heauen Let this then teach vs to take heed how we murmure against the Lord for pouertie sickenesse or any crosse whatsoeuer They are from the Lord whatsoeuer they be and if we be his children they are onely eyther for the triall of our faith and patience that patience hauing her perfect worke we may be perfect and entire lacking nothing or else as a louing correction of a mercifull father that we may be reclaimed from the wickednesse of our wayes And if we do not now reioyce in the Lord when he seemeth thus to hide his face from vs certainly whatsoeuer shew we made before of reioycing in the Lord we plaied but the hypocrites Howsoeuer therefore looking vnto our selues vnto our sins vnto our infirmities vnto our afflictions vnto the world we may sigh and mourne yet let vs reioyce in the Lord. We are not bid to reioyce in our selues Nay in our selues we shal be sure to haue cause enough of mourning We must therefore go out of our selues vnto the Lord and we must reioyce in him We must looke vnto him and remember that he is good and therefore whatsoeuer he doth is good that he is Almightie aod therefore can raise vs out of the dust of death and set vs with the Princes of the earth that he is mercifull and therefore will not suffer the rod of the vngodly to rest on the lot of the righteous And againe we must remember that he was poore that we might be made rich in him that he was weake that we might be made strong in him that he was tempted that he might be able to succour them which are tempted What cause therefore soeuer of mourning there be in our selues let vs looke out of our selues and let vs reioyce in him alwayes If he blesse vs then we thinke and yeeld easily that we haue cause to reioyce in the Lord and if he crosse vs with any plague or trouble then we haue also cause to reioyce in him because it is for our good and his owne glorie Reioyce therefore in the Lord alwayes LECTVRE LXXIX PHILIP 4. Verse 4. Againe I say reioyce 5. Let your patient mind be knowne to all men The Lord is at hand THese words are as we heard the last day an exhortation vnto the Philippians to reioyce not as the world doth but to reioyce in the Lord not with a momentanie and flitting ioy but alwayes both in weale and in woe not vnaduisedly made or about a light and easie matter but seriously made and about a matter very needfull and yet hard to be perswaded and therefore doubled Againe I say reioyce in the Lord alwayes Now see how it pleaseth the Lord that as the Apostle comes againe and againe vnto this holy exhortation and leaues it not with once or twice but euen the third time also exhorteth them to reioyce in the Lord so I should come vnto you againe and againe euen three seuerall times with the same exhortation to reioyce in the Lord. Againe saith the Apostle I say reioyce euen in the Lord alwayes for that is to be added and resumed to the former place From which doubling and redoubling of this exhortation I obserue both how needfull and withall how hard a matter it is to perswade this constant reioycing in the Lord to reioyce in the Lord alwayes For to this end doth the holy Ghost often in
in the Lord alwayes both because by our reioycing which we haue in the Lord we stand against whatsoeuer otherwise might quell vs and because through the want thereof it is that wee fall and are vtterly ouercome whensoeuer stormes arise and troubles assault vs. And as thus it may appeare how needfull a thing it is that we reioyce in the Lord alwayes so it may easily also be seene how hardly we are perswaded to reioyce in the Lord always Euery man complaineth where his shoo pincheth him and euery man layes his hand vpon his sore But very few in such cases when the hand of the Lord is vpon them when they are humbled and brought low through oppression through any pl●gue or trouble can be brought vnto this to reioyce in the Lord. Nay tell one wicked and vngodly man when his troubles are multiplied and when his sorrowes are increased that he is to know that the Lord his hand is in all these that he is not to murmure against the Lord but to reioyce in the Lord doth he not say of them that thus speake vnto him that they are mad doth he not with indignation aske what cause he hath to reioyce in the Lord doth he not stil crie out vpon his crosses and miseries and vexations and paines and doth he not within a while belch out most impious blasphemies And hence it is that many with Iudas in such cases fall to despaire ●nd that many with him become their owne butchers Yea ●et the children of God themselues say whether their afflictions and their sorrowes do not sometimes sinke them so far that their soule euen almost refuseth comfort in the Lord very few like vnto Iob that mirrour of patience who when they heare of the losse of all their goods and of their seruants and of the death of their children can be content to frame themselues to the will of God and say Iob 1.21 Naked came I out of my ●others wombe and naked shall I returne againe the Lord hath giuen and the Lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord Or when they are smitten with sores and boiles from the s●l● of their foote to the crowne of their head can with the sam● Iob comfort themselues and say What shall we receiue good at the hands of God and not receiue euil And yet this most rare patterne of patience into what sharpe fits of impatiencie did he sometimes breake out crying out in the bitternesse of his soule 3.3 4. c. and saying Let the day perish wherein I was borne and the night wherein it was said There is a man child conceiued c. And thus it fareth often with the deare children of God that they sinke so farre that their soule almost refuseth comfort in the Lord. Their sense and feeling of their paine and affliction is sometimes so great that they haue almost no sense or feeling of God Which yet I do not so speak as if the children of God might not be touched with sorrow and heauinesse for the crosses of this life for no doubt they may but to shew that sometimes they are so cast downe with heauinesse that it is a hard matter to reare them vp againe For as Iobs friends disputed against him so they against themselues that they are punished of God for their sins and iniquities and that therefore now he hath shut vp his louing kindnesse in displeasure And then they stand prying and looking into their sinnes and hardly can they be drawne to lift vp their eyes vnto the Lord that in him they may find comfort vnto their soules I wil not stand vpon the further enlarging of this point By this which hath bene spoken ye see how needful it is we should reioyce in the Lord alwaies and withall how hardly we are perswaded to reioyce in the Lord alwaies and consequently vpon what cause the Apostle doubled and redoubled this his exhortation Now this may first instruct vs in the merciful goodnesse of our God towards vs who in things so needfull for vs and whereunto we are so hardly drawne ceasseth not to stirre vp our dull minds and againe and againe to call them to our remembrance Esa 28.10 Precept vpon precept precept vpon precept line vnto line line vnto line here a litle and there a litle Euen as yong schollers are dealt withall so dealeth he with vs he goeth ouer and ouer the same lesson with vs and gladly he woul● beate it into vs. Secondly this may teach vs our dulnesse to conceiue and slacknesse to embrace the things that belong vnto our peace Such things must be doubled and redoubled vnto vs and ye● we will not learne them they must be often vrged and much beaten vpō and yet we wil not receiue instruction The Lord must euen draw vs vnto himselfe by his holy Spirit and yet we will not runne after him he must send his holy Prophets and Ministers vnto vs early and late and all litle enough to stirre vp our dull minds Thirdly this may teach vs to hold fast that reioycing which we haue in Christ Iesus For is it so that the holy Apostle doth so often exhort vs to reioyce in the Lord alwaies is it so that it is so needful for vs to reioyce in the Lord alwaies that only by our reioycing in him we stand fast against whatsoeuer troubles and sorrowes and without it we are quite affright and vtterly ouercome of them is it so that we are so hardly drawne to reioyce in the Lord alwaies How are we then to hold fast that reioycing which we haue in Christ Iesus euen so fast that nothing take it from vs Let vs therefore reioyce but let vs reioyce in the Lord let vs reioyce in him alwaies that so no man nay that nothing take from vs our reioycing in him A ioyfull heart maketh a cheerfull countenance and if the heart be ioyful in the Lord it cheeres the heart and quickens the soule howsoeuer the countenance be appalled Other ioyes in riches in honours in friends in the vanities of this life and in the pleasures of sinne haply haue their moment of time and their appearance of good but their time is but only a moment and their good but onely an appearance and outward semblance onely the reioycing in the Lord is the true and sound reioycing and which causeth good health vnto the soule Let vs therefore reioyce in the Lord and let vs reioyce in him alwaies not onely when he feedeth vs with the floure of wheate but when he giueth vs plenteousnesse of teares to drink For whether he blesse vs or crosse vs it is for our good and his glorie and therfore he is to be blessed in both Yea whatsoeuer crosses or sorows we suffer let that remembrance of Christ his blessed death and passion which this day we celebrate be sufficient to cause vs to reioyce in the Lord. For what are all our sufferings or sorrowes vnto those
Peter saith of loue 1. Pet. 4.8 that it couereth the multitude of sinnes so it is true in this moderation and patience whereof we speake that it beares with and pardoneth many faults and offences of one man towards another likewise concealeth such faults and offences as secretly or through infirmitie are committed against God If then we will approue our selues to haue that patient mind which our Apostle here requireth we must not publish whatsoeuer fault of our neighbor we he are or know but such faults as either are not commonly knowne abroade or whereinto he hath fallen through infirmitie we must hide and couer them and so beare with them as to burie them out of the sight and speech of men A fourth rule which we must obserue is this when the faults of our neighbour are such as that they may iustly offend vs behouefull it is that we go vnto him and tel him his fault betweene him and vs alone and if thus he hearken not vnto vs then to call vnto vs one or two moe that his fault being here opened againe that which is amisse may be amended and he in the best sort that may be may be reclaimed Which rule is also the rule of our blessed Sauiour touching priuate iniuries and wrongs where he saith Mat. 18.15 If thy brother trespasse against thee he speaketh of priuate trespasses and wrongs for such as are publike and to the offence of the Church 1. Tim. 5.20 the Apostle would haue them rebuked openly but if thy brother trespasse against thee priuately giuing thee cause of offence go and tell him his fault betweene thee and him alone if he heare thee thou hast wonne thy brother and as Iames speaketh hast saued a soule from death and he repenting Iam. 5.20 thou art to forgiue him as Christ in another place warneth and if he will not vouchsafe to heare thee Luc. 17.3 to be sorie for his fault at thy priuate admonition but rather increase his stomack and stubburnnesse against thee then take yet with thee one or two that by the mouth of two or three witnesses euery word may be confirmed Otherwise if neglecting this rule of our Sauiour we shall vpon such occasions traduce him or breake out into intemperate heates against him how shall our patient mind be knowne vnto men For this is our patience and moderation that when we haue so iust cause of offence we deale as mildly and quietly with our neighbour as may be first priuately conferring of things b●tweene our selues and then taking vnto vs one or two of our neighbours and friends which may heare and helpe to order things that are out of order And if we will approue our selues to haue that patient mind which here our Apostle requireth we must thus peaceably deale in matters wherein we haue iust cause of offence and in no sort traduce our neighbours or brethren or breake out into impatient heates against them A fift rule which we must obserue and the last which now I will note is this generally in matters of this life we must remit of that which in rigor might be done For if we shall thus stand vpon it that this we may do by right and this the law will beare vs out vnto what proofe hereby shall we make of our moderation and patient mind Gen. 9.6 The law saith Who so sheddeth mans bloud by man shall his bloud be shed Now who will commend the moderation of that Iudge that so oft as bloud is shed pronounceth sentence of death because in rigour of the words it may seem he may do that which indeed in the equitie of the law he may not And so it fareth with vs if in matters of this or that qualitie betwixt vs and our neighbours we shall alwaies do that which in extremitie of right it seemeth that we may and not moderate right by equitie who shall commend our moderation If we haue the losse we must sometimes sustaine it if we haue the wrong we must sometimes put it vp and for peace and vnities sake we must remit and yeeld of our right if we wil haue our moderation and patient mind to be knowne Moe rules might be added vnto these but let these for this time suffice And now I beseech you to thinke on these things and in your liues one with another to practise them that so your moderate and curteous and soft and gentle and patient mind may be knowne Beare one with another in such faults as are naturally in any of you and spare sometimes to speake or do that which anothers humor cannot brooke make not alwaies the worst of such words or deeds as haply might haue not the best construction and meaning but rather when in themselues they are either doubtfull or not altogether the best make the best of them and so construe them as they may be wel meant rather then as they might be il taken Be not hastie to publish whatsoeuer fault of your neighbour you heare or know but such faults as either are not cōmōly known abroad or whereinto he hath fallen through infirmitie hide couer them as much as in you is burie them out of the sight and speech of men Traduce not one another nor breake out into intēperate heates one against another but in matters wherein ye may haue iust occasiō of offence one against another first priuately expostulate your matters one with another and if amends do not follow debate your matters one with another in the hearing of one or two of your neighbours and friends which may heare and helpe to order your matters Be not auerse from sitting downe sometimes with the losse and from putting vp sometimes the wrong but for the maintenance of peace and concord one with another remit and yeeld one vnto another that which in right sometimes ye might haue one of another that so your patient mind may be knowne vnto all And why should I need in many words at this time to exhort you vnto this moderation one towards another May not this day may not that holy table sufficiently exhort you here unto For vnlesse ye be patiently minded one towards another can ye either worthily celebrate those holy mysteries of Christ his blessed death and passion or thankfully celebrate this day in remembrance of his resurrection To celebrate these holy mysteries worthily is not to come hither as to an ordinary table and here to eate and drink but to come hither prepared with all holy reuerence hauing examined our selues before as touching our faith in Christ Iesus whether by faith in Christ Iesus we feele a full assurance in our soules of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and of all other benefites of Christ his death and passion which in this Supper we desire for our further assurance to be sealed vnto vs and touching our repentance whether we be truly grieued in our soules for our sinnes against our God and fully purpose hereafter to
to anger abundant in goodnes and truth reseruing mercie for thousands and not making the wicked innocent the most mightie God vnto whom al power is giuen in heauen and in earth who sitteth in heauen and beholdeth the earth and seeth whatsoeuer is done among the sonnes of men our Lord by right of creation in that he made vs of nothing when we were not our Lord in the right of redemption in that when we were bondslaues vnder hell death and damnation he payed the ransome of our redemption and freed vs from the bondage of sinne and Satan and our Lord in the right of soueraignty to rule and gouerne vs by his Spirits to saue and defend vs vnder his wings he is at hand neare about our paths and about our beds pitcheth his tents round about vs and giueth his Angels charge ouer vs he is at hand neare to behold our sufferings and our wrongs Exod. 3.9 as himselfe saith I haue seene I haue seene the affliction of my people which is in Egypt where●nto the Egyptians oppresse them Neare to heare vs when we call vpon him as himselfe saith Call vpon me in the day of trouble Psal 50.15 and I will heare thee and thou shalt glorifie me Neare to deliuer vs from the wrongfull dealings of men and therefore the Prophet prayeth vnto him O deliuer me from the wrongfull dealings of men and giue me not ouer vnto mine oppressours Neare to saue vs vnder his feathers in euery needefull time of trouble for so the Psalmist saith The Lord will be a defence for the oppressed Psal 9.9 euen a refuge in due time of trouble Hereof Iacob had experience when Laban persecuted him in that the Lord curbed Laban when he said vnto him Genes 31.24 Take heede that thou speake not to Iacob ought saue good Hereof Ioseph had experience in his danger by his brethren in that the Lord first by Reuben saued him that he was not slaine and after that he was sold made him Ruler of Pharaohs house and of all his substance Genes 37.41 Hereof the children of Israel had experience when Pharao oppressed thē in that the Lord Exod 3. when their crie for their bondage came vp vnto him deliuered them out of the house of bondage by the hands of Moses and Aaron Hereof Daniel and his companions had experience when they were traduced vnto the king in that the Lord shut the mouthes of the lions that they hurt not the one Dan. and abated the heate of the fire that it had no power ouer the bodies of the other Hereof the Disciples of Christ had experience when they were cast into prison in that the Lord sent his Angell vnto them and deliuered them out of prison Acts 5.19 And hereof the children of God haue continuall experience in that the Lord helpes them to right when they suffer wrong feedeth them when they are hungrie Psal 146. looseth them when they are in prison giueth them sight when they are blinde raiseth them when they are fallen keepeth them if they be strangers relieueth them if they be fatherlesse or widdowes and maketh all their beds in their si●kenesse And hereupon Dauid resolued and said Psal I will not be afraid though ten thousands of people beset me round about nay though an hoste of men were laid against me yet shall not mine heart be afraid nay though I walke through the valley of the shadow of death I wil feare no euill And why for thou art with me saith the Prophet thou O Lord art with me and therefore whosoeuer be against me in what danger soeuer I be I will feare no euill This then to know that the Lord is with vs and that he is alwaies neare at hand to heare vs and to helpe vs should quiet vs as of all feare so of all perturbations of the minde so that we should patiently brooke whatsoeuer might otherwise stirre vs vnto impatiencie How is it then that vpon euery occasion we are so vnpatient and haue so little hold of our selues If any man thwart or crosse vs if any man harme or wrong vs if any man taunt or mocke vs if any man reuile or speake euill of vs if anie man offer vs any hard measure in word or in deed how do we bite vpon the bridle and stomacke the matter One abuse must be quit with another one wrong with another one mischiefe with another or else we think we haue neuer plaied the men But if we be falsly accused before the Iudge of theft murder sedition treason or the like if we be wrongfully scourged imprisoned racked or tormented if we be cruelly or deceitfully turned out of house and home lands and liuing and all that we haue O how then are our soules disquieted within vs and how do our hearts burnt within vs till we be auenged of such as haue thus dealt with vs Here must reuenge be sought by bloud death and if there be any further reuenge then this And tell me I pray what is the cause of such impatiencie in these and the like cases yea oftentimes when the Lord his hand is vpon vs in pouertie sickenes and the like Is it not euen hence because either we know not or remember not that the Lord is at hand Yes verily it is the ignorance or forgetfulnesse of the Lord and of his prouident watchfulnesse ouer vs that makes vs fret and fume and like the dogge runne vpon the bone that is cast at vs. We know not or we remember not that vengeance is the Lords and that he hath promised that he will repay and reward the wicked after their deseruing and therefore forsooth when we thinke there is cause we will be disquieted we will kill and slay and we will be auenged For if we knew or remembred that vengeance is the Lords and that he wil repay we would patiently passe by the contumelies and wrongs of men and leaue them to the Lord that iudgeth righteous iudgement We know not or we remember not that the Lord is neare vnto all that call vpon him in truth to heare and help vs in all dangers if we patiently waite vpon him that we may be safe vnder his feathers and therefore forsooth when troubles assault vs or the sorrows of death compasse vs about we thinke we do well to be as vnpatient as Ionas was angrie for his gourd For if we knew or remembred that he is at hand at euerie needfull time of trouble to helpe vs our soules would patiently wait vpon the Lord vntill he should helpe vs. Eyther we thinke not of the Lord and of his watchfull prouidence ouer vs to saue and defend vs and to auenge our sufferings and wrongs or carnally we say if the Lord be at hand I wish I might know it I wish I might heare him I wish I might see him as if otherwise we could not discerne of his being neare vnto vs or if we
all care of our matters but we must carefully commend them vnto God and depend vpon him for his blessing vpon them and successe vnto them In all things we must haue this care by humble and hearty prayer to flie vnto the Lord to pray vnto him for the obtaining of such good things as we want to pray vnto him for deliuerance from euills eyther now presently vpon vs or which we feare may fall vpon vs and to giue him thankes for such blessings as in the riches of his mercies he hath vouchsafed vnto vs. This care God requireth of vs and this care the godly haue alwayes had as might largely haue bene proued if time had giuen leaue and this is the Christian and godly care which now I commend vnto you faithfully to do the dueties of your calling committing your wayes vnto the Lord depending vpon his prouidence alwayes and in all things flying vnto him by humble and hearty prayer with giuing of thankes Let this then first teach vs not to be idle or carelesse in matters for this is not the thing forbidden to labour or to do the workes of our calling but to be too too carefull about that we do or haue to do and though we may not be too too carefull about that we do or haue to do yet may we not be carelesse or say as the maner of some is let the world wag as it list care shall neither kill me nor touch me This carelesnesse beseemeth not the children of God but is a note of retchlesse persons such as not onely cast all care away but also all honestie godlinesse and goodnesse As therefore too much carefulnesse so let this carelesnesse be farre from euerie one of vs. Secondly let this teach vs so to labour and do all that we haue to do as that still we depend vpon the Lord his prouidence and care ouer vs and in all things flie vnto him by praier and supplication with giuing of thankes It is he that must blesse our labours and giue a good end vnto our businesse We onely can do that we ought to do and then commend both it and our selues vnto the Lord in humble and heartie prayer Which if it were so well thought of as it should be many of politike complots and deuices might very well be spared for we plot and deuise and cast and winde vp and downe about this matter and that matter as if we by our maine wit would bring that to passe which the Lord otherwise either could not or would not Well the best plot that I can tell you of is this faithfully do ye that which ye ought to do pray vnto the Lord for his blessing vpon it and so commit it vnto him that he may do in it what he will and what seemeth best vnto him This I am sure is the best plot because the most Christian Let this therefore be our Christian policie let vs feare the Lord and walke in his wayes let vs do the duties of our calling whatsoeuer we haue to do let vs labour therein as we ought and let vs pray vnto the Lord for his blessing vpon it let vs commit it vnto him and then let him do as he will LECTVRE LXXXIII PHILIP 4. Verse 7. And the peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding shall preserue your hearts and mindes in Christ Iesus THese words as we haue already heard diuide themselues into three branches first a dehortation in these words Be nothing c. secondly an exhortation in these But in all things c. thirdly a consequent or effect which wil follow vpon both in these And the peace of God c. Another thing there is which I would obserue from the words of the exhortation of our Apostle in this place The chiefe scope and drift of his exhortation we haue alreadie heard which is that the Philippians would cast their care on God and in all things runne vnto him by prayer pouring out such prayers vnto him as may be accepted with him for his blessing vpon what they do and desire for deliuerance from such euills as presently they suffer or feare to follow Where note that the Apostle would haue their requests to be shewed vnto God by praier and supplication so that withall there should be ioyned giuing of thankes Whence I obserue that as prayer and supplication so giuing of thankes also is a necessary seruice of God a necessary duty of a Christian For as there are many causes of our often approching vnto the throne of grace by prayer and supplication for blessings in good things and deliuerance from euill so are there many causes of pouring out our soules before God in humble praise and heartie thankesgiuing for blessings in good things and deliuerance from euill Neither is there any whose wants or miseries vrge them vnto prayer and supplication which haue not also such proofes of Gods mercies and louing kindnesse towards them as may and ought to prouoke them vnto thankesgiuing Many are the blessings and graces for the bodie for the soule for this life present for that that is to come which enforce our prayers vnto God that we may obtaine them Many are the euills touching the body touching the soule touching this life present touching that that is to come which enforce our supplications vnto God that we may be deliuered from them And are there not as many blessings and graces corporall and spirituall temporall and eternall which the Lord hath already vouchsafed vnto vs as many euills corporall and spirituall temporall and eternall from which the Lord hath deliuered vs which should enforce our praise and thanksgiuing vnto God Yes verily but that rather we looke vnto the things which we would haue then vnto the things which already we haue receiued we might as wel see the one as the other And hereupon it is that as well praise and thankesgiuing are commanded by the holy Ghost in the Scripture as prayer and supplication and that the godly in al ages haue poured out their soules before God as well in praise and thankesgiuing as in prayer and supplication I exhort saith the Apostle vnto Timothie that first of all supplications prayers intercessions 1. Tim. 2.1 1. Thess 5.16 17. and giuing of thankes be made for all men And to the Thessalonians Pray saith the Apostle continually and in all things giue thankes And looke into the practise of the godly in all ages Iacob praying vnto the Lord to be deliuered from the hand of his brother Esau Genesis 32.10 11 first praysed him for the riches of his mercies towards him The Songs and Psalmes of thanksgiuings which Moses and the Israelites Deborah and Barak Hannah and Marie Dauid and Iehosaphat made vnto the Lord are not vnknowne vnto them that haue knowledge in the booke of God Paul likewise witnesseth of himselfe almost vnto all the Churches he wrote vnto that still in his prayers he gaue thankes to God for them And of him and
things are pure thinke on them and do them Yea but this is a thing that cannot be For none can say I haue made my heart cleane Prouer. 21.9 I am pure from sinne True indeede yet are we still to endeuour our selues vnto it and to labour after it 1 Cor. 12.31 Hebr. 12 14. We are to desire the best gifts and we are to follow peace with all men and holinesse though in this life we cannot come vnto them and comprehend them Otherwise that of our Sauior should be in vaine Be ye perfect as your Father which is in heauen is perfect Matth. 5.46 This is a thing that cannot be yet is it a thing that we must labor and striue vnto both by prayer and euery holy course So howsoeuer we cannot be pure yet must we labour and striue vnto it both by prayer and euery holy course that we may be pure both in body and in soule euen in our whole man vntill the coming of Christ Iesus This then should teach vs to take heede and beware of whatsoeuer things may defile vs in our bodies or in our souls The time was when they defiled themselues that touched a dead corps or any thing that was vncleane But all those things perished with the vsing Now our blessed Sauiour hath told vs what the things are that defile the man and those are Matth. 15.19 euill thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false testimonies slanders likewise couetousnesse scurrile ieasting corrupt communication and the like And therefore the holy Ghost euery where giueth out caueats against these things admonishing alwayes to take heed and beware of them Ephes 4.29 Let no corrupt communication proceede out of your mouthes sayth the Apostle And yet how do many of vs defile our selues with filthie and vnseemly talke It is a shamefull thing vnto chaste eares to heare what filthy ribauldries what bawdy talking what vncomely ieasting what lewd and wanton songs and sonnets are vsed in many places both by men and women old and yong They remember not that their tongues were giuen them therewith to glorifie the God of heauen but as if their tongues were their owne to speake therewith what they list therewith they despite the Lord offend their brethren 1. Cor. 6.18 and defile themselues Againe Flie fornication saith the Apostle euery sin that a man doth is without the bodie but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his owne bodie And yet how do men defile their bodies in all places with the filthinesse of this sinne Know we not beloued that our bodies are the members of Christ or if we do shall we take the members of Christ and make them the members of an harlot God forbid Know we not that he which coupleth himselfe with an harlot is one body with her And shall we ioyne our selues vnto an harlot cut off our selues from the body of Christ Iesus God forbid Know we not that our bodies are the temples of the holy Ghost to dwell in And shall we by following after strange flesh driue the holy Ghost out of the temples of our bodies 1. Cor. 3.17 God forbid If any man destroy the temple of God him shall God destroy Now what do we else but destroy the temple of God when we make our bodies a cage of vncleane birds and of all hatefull lusts and pleasures It behooueth therefore euerie man to looke into himselfe how he suffereth himselfe to be defiled with this vncleannesse that he keepe his body a pure virgin vnto the Lord. Againe 1. Pet. 4.15 Let none of you saith the Apostle suffer as a murderer or as a theefe or as an euill doer or as a busie body in other mens matters And yet by killing and stealing and robbing and all manner of euill doing we breake out and as the Prophet saith Hos 4.2 Bloud toucheth bloud And indeede so little nowadayes do we thirst after purity in all our wayes that we had euen as leife be counted impure as pure Yea now we haue taken it vp for a scoffe and reproach vnto them that make any conscience of their wayes that Forsooth they are pure men and they are pure women and if any such haply treade a little awrie then These be the pure men these be the pure women Thus instead of hearkning vnto the Apostles exhortation we mock and reproch them that endeuour to keepe themselues pure Well ye see that our Apostle would haue vs to thinke on and to do whatsoeuer things are pure Let vs hearken vnto the Apostle and let vs labour and striue vnto it both by praier and euerie holy course to be pure in body and in soule in word and in deede and in our whole man Let vs abstaine from whatsoeuer things may any way defile vs Fornication Ephes 5.3.4 all vncleannesse or couetousnesse let it not once be named amongst vs as it becometh Saints neyther filthinesse nor foolish talking nor iesting which are things not comely but rather giuing of thanks Euen whatsoeuer things are pure let vs thinke on them and do them It followeth Whatsoeuer things pertaine to loue This is the fift generall head of that Christian dutie which the Apostle commendeth vnto the Philippians wherein he exhorteth them to think on and to do whatsoeuer things are louely and may procure them loue and fauour with all men For so I vnderstand the Apostle in this place Whence I obserue this lesson for vs that whatsoeuer things may win vs loue and fauour amongst men we are to thinke on them and to do them It is said of our blessed Sauiour that he increased in wisedome and stature Luke 2.52 and in fauour with God and men And it cannot but be commendable in vs so to carrie our selues as that we grow in loue and fauour amongst men What then Are we to communicate with the idolatrous in their superstitions with the drunkards in their drunkennesse with the lasciuious in their wantonnesse with the idle in their idlenesse with the vnthrifts in their vnthriftinesse with the factious in their factiousnesse with the carelesse in their retchlesnesse with the carnall in their carnalitie that we may winne their loue and fauour The fauour indeed of such is seldome wonne but so But it is not so much the loue and fauour of them as the loue and fauor of the good and godly that we are to seeke What then Are we to soothe and flatter them to speake that we should not that we may seeke to please them to spare to speake that we should lest we offend them to hazard a good conscience for the pleasing of them or euerie way to labour to creepe into their fauour for thus sometimes euen their fauor is won Nay neither are we thus to seeke after the fauour of good men But so we are to thinke on and to do whatsoeuer things may winne vs loue and fauour amongst men as that the same things also may purchase vs
the bodie or for the soule goods of the Church or other goods that we are trusted withall to dispence and dispose it is required of vs that we be faithfull euen so faithfull that if neede be they whom it doth concerne may safely giue vs their testimonie thereof A good lesson for men of all sorts to learne for Prince and subiect that for their faithfulnesse each to other each may receiue of other this testimonie I haue receiued all loyaltie I haue receiued all right of soueraignty For Pastor and people that for their faithfulnesse each to other each may haue of other this testimony I haue receiued all wholesome instruction from you I haue receiued all duties cheerefully from you For maister and seruant that for their faithfulnes each to other each may haue of other this testimony I haue receiued all faithfull seruice from you I haue receiued all that is iust and equall from you But haue those or other like learned this lesson I will particularly instance onely in one sort of men whose example best fitteth with this we haue in hand Patrons of Ecclesiasticall liuings haue the patronage and donation of liuings committed vnto them The churches of seuerall places haue committed that trust vnto them to conferre them wholly vpon men willing and fit to discharge a good duty in them But vse they the like faithfulnesse herein that Epaphroditus did with Paul Do they giue all that is allotted vnto him vnto their Clerke whom they present Doth the Minister receiue all that the Church assigned him from his Patron Nay I feare me not many Ministers can say I haue receiued all that the church gaue me by my Patron Many may say I haue receiued by my Patron some part of that which the Church allotted vnto me perhaps the one halfe perhaps the fourth part perhaps the tenth perhaps the twentieth part but all cannot say I haue receiued all But let such vnfaithfull Patrons as thus neglect to discharge the trust reposed in them feare that they shall neuer enter into their Maisters ioy It is for the good and faithfull seruant to enter into his Maisters ioy but the bad and vnfaithfull seruant shall not enter thereinto As for vs beloued let vs looke on the example of Epaphroditus and as he did so let vs labour in all things faithfully to discharge whatsoeuer trust is reposed in vs that as Paul did vnto him so others may giue vnto vs if neede be their testimony of our faithfulnesse If we haue any of the Churches goods in our hands any orphans goods in our hands any reliefe by any contribution for any maintenance of any of Gods poore Saints in our hands or any such like trust be committed vnto vs let vs vse all faithfulnesse therein that euen they whom our faithfulnesse doth concerne may giue vs that testimony that they haue receiued all that should any way accrew vnto them But as for the sinne of vnfaithfulnesse touching any trust reposed in any of vs let it not be once heard of amongst vs as it becommeth Saints that we may defie all the world to their faces that shall in the malice of their heart seeke to fasten any such note vpon vs. Let vs with Dauid hate the sinnes of vnfaithfulnesse and let no such cleaue vnto vs let vs euerie man vse faithfulnesse in whatsoeuer trust is committed to him and let vs assure our selues of this that as the Lord was with Abrahams seruant to blesse him for his faithfull seruice vnto his maister Abraham so will he be with vs to blesse vs in all our wayes and in all that we put our hands vnto The second thing which I note is the Apostles great contentment with a little An euident token whereof is this that he saith I haue plentie and am filled For wherewith was he filled With that which came from the Philippians and which he receiued by Epaphroditus which it may be supplied his present wants and somewhat more Yet hauing receiued this which it is very likely was no great matter he saith I haue plentie and I am filled Whence I obserue a certaine note of good contentment in the true Christian If with that small or great store wherwith the Lord in mercy hath blessed him he rest so satisfied that he can say I haue plentie and I am filled it is an argument of his Christian contentment and an argument that he is truly rich indeede For who more rich then he that is best content or who better content then he that is so satisfied with that he hath as that he saith I haue plentie and I am filled If a man shall aske the couetous rich man whether he haue plentie and be filled his continuall carking and caring scraping and scratching together all that euer he can will speake for him and say that he is not full If a man shall aske the rich vsurer whether he be full and haue plenty his continuall eating and deuouring of men by his wicked and vngodly vsurie will speake for him and say that he is not full If a man shall aske the cruell oppressor and extortioner whether he be full and haue plentie his continuall grinding of the faces of the poore and wringing from his brethren whatsoeuer he can will speake for him and say that he is not full It is not great wealth and store that alwayes fills a man but the more a man hath the more oftentimes he craueth and the more cause he hath to thinke himselfe filled the lesse he thinketh himselfe filled and therefore to be filled stickes not at vsurie oppression extortion bribery or any vnlawfull and vngodly meanes and yet neuer is filled because neuer content with that he hath Will ye then know beloued who they are that are content with that they haue will ye haue an euident token of great contentment in a good Christian Marke where ye heare these speeches I haue enough I thanke God I haue plenty I am filled I am as rich as the Emperour for he hath but enough and so haue I. It may be that they that thus speake haue not the greatest wealth in the world it may be that they haue but as we say from hand to mouth or little more yet these are the speeches of them that are content with that they haue which minde not earthly things but haue their conuersation in heauen Learne therefore to skill of mens contentment in their desires by the words of their mouth and looke by what token ye iudge of other mens contentment let others also by the like tokens in you iudge likewise of your contentment None more like to be free from vngodly desires and attempts by vngodly meanes to be rich then they that are content with that they haue neither any more like to be content with that they haue then they that are so satisfied with that they haue as that they thinke and say I haue plenty I am filled As therefore we desire to seeme content with that