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A11012 Lectures, vpon the history of the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord Iesus Christ Beginning at the eighteenth chapter of the Gospell, according to S. Iohn, and from the 16. verse of the 19. chapter thereof, containing a perfect harmonie of all the foure Euangelists, for the better vnderstanding of all the circumstances of the Lords death, and Resurrection. Preached by that reuerend and faithfull seruant of God, Mr. Robert Rollocke, sometime minister of the Euangell of Iesus Christ, and rector of the Colledge of Edinburgh. Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Charteris, Henry, 1565-1628.; Arthur, William, fl. 1606-1619. 1616 (1616) STC 21283; ESTC S116153 527,260 592

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acknowledge professe We offer therefore these Lectures our labours therein vnto your patronage protectiō not only as a testimony of the Authors great liking and gratitude toward you but also as a monumēt of our thākfulnes for your kindnes shewed vnto vs finally Sir as God hath preuented you many wayes with his blessings hath made you sēsible of his loue hath giuen you an honorable accoūt estate in this world so continue in the honouring of God doing good vnto his Saints for his sake the Lord shall performe the fruite of his promises in you which his Saints find by experience his mercy shall neuer leaue you vntill the time that he accomplish the worke he hath begun he crowne his grace with glory Now the God of all grace peace who is able to doe all things exceeding aboundantly aboue all that we can aske or thinke grant to you Sir according to the riches of his mercy a long happy peaceable life here to the comfort of his Church Commonwelth that you may abound in euery word worke that you may fight constantly the good fight of faith here on earth that whē your course is finished ye may be assured to receiue that crowne of glory in the heauens which Iesus hath acquired to them that loue him To whose gracious protection we recommend you in body and soule with all the actions you enterprise according to his will for now and euer AMEN Yours in the Lord H.C. W.A. THE FIRST LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST IHON CHAP. XVIII verse 1 WHEN IESVS had spoken these thinges hee went foorth with his Disciples ouer the Brooke Cedron where was a Garden into the which he entred and his Disciples verse 2 And Iudas who betrayed him knew also the place for IESVS oft times resorted thither with his Disciples verse 3 Iudas then after he had receiued a band of men and officers of the high Priests of the Pharises came thither with lanterns torches weapons verse 4 Then IESVS knowing all thinges that should come vnto him went foorth and said vnto them Whom seeke yee verse 5 They answered him IESVS of Nazareth IESVS said vnto them I am hee Now Iudas also who betraid him stood with them verse 6 Assoone then as hee had said vnto them I am hee they went away backwardes and fell to the ground VNTO this part of this GOSPELL beloued in the LORD IESVS the LORD hath done the office of a Prophet and Doctor going about to instruct the people of the IEWES in the way of Life and saluation and to instruct and comfort His owne Disciples especially in these last CHAPTERS Nowe in the eighteenth and nineteenth CHAPTERS following He doeth the office of a Priest Ye know the LORD he is a King a Priest and a Prophet He playeth the part of a Priest in offering vp himselfe Hee offered vp none other sacrifice than his owne bodie for the world and for the redemption and saluation of mankind As concerning his passion and suffering which is rehearsed in these two CHAPTERS the historie diuideth it selfe verie clearly First wee haue his Passion and suffering in the Garden Next wee haue his suffering in the Hall of Caiaphas the high Priest Thirdly we haue his suffering before Pontius Pilate the Iudge Fourthly wee haue his suffering in the place of Execution which is called Caluaria or in Hebrewe GOLGOTHA where he was crucified And last in the ende of the nineteenth Chap. we haue the last poinct of his suffering standing in his sepulchre and buriall which is the last part of his humiliation Nowe this day wee shall speake somewhat as the time shall serue of his suffering in the Garden In this first head of Christes suffering in the Garden first wee haue the part of Christ offering himselfe to bee taken and bound willingly and of a set purpose Next we haue the part of Iudas in comming out with a companie of men of warre against him to the same Garden hee knewe the place well enough because the Lord with his Disciples were wont to resort thither In the thirde place wee haue the communication betwixt the Lord and them that came with Iudas to take him And fourthly wee haue a fact of Peter who will shew his loue towards his Master and his manhood by cutting off the eare of Malchus the high Priestes seruant And last the taking of Christ offering himselfe willingly his putting into the hands of his enemies and his binding These things are set downe in the first part of this historie Of the Passion of the Lord concerning his suffering in the Garden Now to come to the words and first to Christes part It is said When IESVS had spoken these things he went foorth with his Disciples ouer the Brooke Cedron where was a Garden into the which hee entered and his Disciples There is Christes part of verie purpose he casteth himselfe to that place which Iudas knew and where hee knew that hee was wont to resort of verie purpose hee went thither because the houre of his death was at hand The time is well to bee noted when he doeth this when he had spoken these things that is when ●ee had sufficiently instructed and comforted his Disciples and made that prayer for them and recommended them to the Father to keepe them in his absence then hee maketh himselfe for death and purposely he went to that place to be taken Heere is a plaine lesson offered vnto vs in the person of Christ when hee had discharged a duetie especially to them who were concredite vnto him after that he had instructed them and after that by prayer hee had commended first his owne selfe and then all his own to God then in securitie and peace he goeth on to death hee goeth not to die before he discharge a duetie to them that were committed vnto him then willingly he addresseth himselfe to death Yee knowe the lesson When a man or a woman hath discharged their calling faithfully towardes them that were committed vnto them and done their duetie to them to whom they are addebted then in peace rest and with a good conscience they may offer vp themselues at the pleasure of God to laye downe their life and to die therefore whosoeuer they be that would die in rest and peace and alas when shouldest thou haue rest peace and quietnesse to thy soule if in the houre of death thou haue it not Let them take heed before they goe to die that they haue discharged a faithfull duetie and then hauing beene faithfull when they goe to die they may lie downe and rest in peace and in a good conscience But yee knowe againe one follie in this poinct and this is the common fashion of men when they haue their health before the Lord call on them they are so sloathfull in discharging their duetie to them to whome they are indebted that when the soule is to depart out
finde them all most clearly manifested in the person of Iesus Christ Now wouldst thou know that in him thou shalt find all things that the soule of man stands in neede of can require What can the soule of man require Desirest thou honour If thou beleeuest in him he shall grant thee that power prerogatiue that thou shalt be the Sonne of God Ioh. 1.12 Desirest thou riches He was made poore that thou through his pouertie mightest be made rich 2. Cor. 8.9 not with transitorie and corruptible riches but with riches and treasures incorruptible permanent desirest thou food meat drinke to thy soule He is that bread of life he is that water of life desirest thou wisdome sanctification and redemption Christ is all these vnto thee 1. Cor. 1.29 Ioh. 8.12 Desirest thou light He is the light of the world Ioh. 8.12 Desirest thou life He is thy life Col. 3.4 What euer he suffered it was for thee for by his stripes we are healed Esai 53.5 He was burthened with shame that he might redeeme thee from shame and cloth thee with glory he was taken and bound to set thee at libertie who was bound with Sathan and sinne he was mocked and was dumbe before the earthly Iudge that thou whose mouth before was closed through the guilt of sinne before God might haue boldnesse peartnesse in thy prayers supplications he suffered-anguish and griefe that thou mightst finde comfort ioy he dranke the gall that thou mightst drinke of a sweet and ioyfull cuppe he was naked that thou mightst be clothed and if thou wilt goe through all the points of his suffering and apply them to thy broken and casten downe soule thou shalt finde that euery one of them shall furnish comfort vnto thee yea if thou be a true penitent sinner beleeuest in him thou shalt find all these miracles to be wrought and performed in thy soule which euer the Lord in the dayes of his humiliy wrought on the body of any thou shalt finde life to thy dead soule eyes to thy blind soule eares to thy deafe soule limbes to thy lame soule a new tongue to thy dumbe soule c. Therefore as we should take pleasure delite in reading the whole parts of the Scripture for it is all by diuine inspiration is profitable to teach to cōuince to correct to instruct in righteousnes 2. Tim. 3.16 so chiefly that part which cōtaines the historie of the passion resurrection of Christ for of all there is none more profitable none more necessarie none more easie to be vnderstood by the simple none more easie to be kept in memorie none more forcible to mooue the affections either to admire the incomprehensible and infinite loue of God toward sinners or the fiercenes of his wrath for sinne or the seueritie of his iustice in seeking such exact satisfactiō or to moue to detest abhorre sin which made the Sonne of God to be made so vnworthily alwayes handled at last to be so shamefully crucified or to reioyce for these incomprehensible benefits that Christ hath acquired to vs our effectuall calling frō the kingdome of darknes to his marueilous light our iustification in pacifying the wrath of God in satisfying for sinne in absoluing vs from guiltines in dying that we might liue in bringing peace ioy to the conscience c. our sanctificatiō whereby we are repaired to his owne Image Nothing serues more for the mortificatiō nor when we consider how Christ hang vpon the Crosse for sin nothing will moue vs more effectually to cōforme our selues to him as an ensample in his humility patience obediēce loue finally in offering our selues to him as he offered himselfe for vs nor when by faith we beholde Christ on the Crosse crucified for vs. Now this history of the death resurrectiō of Christ haue many worthy men learnedly cōfortably handled exponed with great painfulnes no lesse cōmendatiō amōgst the rest that reuerent faithful man of God M. Robert Rollocke of blessed memory for his learned iudicious expositiō thereof for his manifold other graces which God vouchsafed on him deserues with the first to be cōmēnded for God in him as in a vine ensample gaue vs a shew of such qualities cōditiōs as are required to be in a Bishop of Iesus Christ 1. Tim. 3. In him learning godlines stroue together knowledge consciēce art nature a professiō an answerable conuersatiō he was faithfull painfull in his calling his calling did he decore with an holy harmlesse life for betweene these two there was such an harmony cōsent that in reading his writtings any man might see the maner of his life in seeing his life he might also therein read his writtings for his life spake what his pen wrote his person was a patterne of his writtē precepts he was neuer idle but euer doing the office of a Minister of Iesus either did he read meditate pray comfort preach or write no trauell did he refuse that he might glorifie God who sent him enlarge the kingdome of Iesus Christ acquire miserable soules from misery to felicity from darknes to light from death to life that so at last he might finish his course with ioy that was his meat his drink the delite pleasure of his soule Great graces did the Lord bestow vpō him excellēt knowledge great humility feruēt zeale charitable interpreting of all mēs doings compassiō toward all sorts of sinners Who in cōceiuing was more quick in iudgmēt more solide in memory more stedfast sure in deliuery more pithy in conuincing more powerful who with learning had greater facility easines in declaring his mind resoluing y e text of Scripture greater clearnes in raising y e grounds of doctrine greater power in applying greater wisdome in furnishing cōsolation greater dexterity in loosing of things obscure doubtsome In one word we may be bold to say of him that which Nazianzene spake of Athanasius that his life was a good definition of a true Minister preacher of the Gospell But we need not to insist in praysing him seeing so many euen all that knew him by face or heard him doe praise him for the singulare excellēt vertues graces that God bestowed on him yea they who neuer knew him by face but by his learned iudicious writtings dwelling afarre off haue highly commēded him the posteritie whose profite so much hee regarded in his labours wee doubt not shall know praise him and we had rather be silent than to speake too litle Now Sir because we thought that these Lectures on this history of the passion resurrectiō of Christ in it selfe for the matter so mouing alluring would profite edifie many if not of the most learned at least of the simple sort that other Sermons that were deliuered by him and set out by vs of before were well
of the bodie they are most occupied with businesse and most troubled in making their Testament and I know not what Now make thy Testament before hand and discharge thee of all thinges and denude thine hand of all worldly affaires that in that houre thy soule may rest on God and bee delited on heuenly thinges and on that life which thou art going vnto by death But to come forwards It is said He went ouer the Brooke Cedron with his Disciples This Brooke Cedron was a water which ranne betweene Hierusalem and the Mount of Oliues in a little and lowe valley Luke 2. Sam. 15.23 and it was a little streape that ran when it was raine but in time of drought it was drie Nowe heere was a Garden into the which the Lord entered with his Disciples to the ende that euen as in the Garden to wit the Garden of Paradise the saluation of mankinde was lost through the fall of Adam and Eue Euen so in a Garden the saluation of mankinde should begin to bee recouered Christ began his agonie and passion in this Garden There are sundrie thinges concerning the suffering of Christ in this Garden of purpose omitted and left out by Iohn which is mentioned and set downe at large by the rest of the Euangelists by Matt. in his 26. chap. 36. vers Mark 14.37 Luk. 22.9 Onely Iohn speaketh of his taking and binding in the Garden the rest speake of that agonie and conflict that hee had with the wrath of his Father in the Garden They who are desirous to haue these things more at large let them reade the rest of the Euangelists only I shall touch that battell agonie that Christ had in his soule with the terrible wrath of his Father before any laide handes vpon him When he entereth into the gardē the first thing he doth he choosed out three of his disciples Peter Iohn Iames he calleth them aside from the rest to the end that as these thre were witnesses of his glorie in that his glorious Transfiguration vpon Mount Tabor when Moses and Helias appeared vnto him Matt. 17.1 Euen so the same three should be witnesses of his humiliation and that dejection in the Garden and hee commandeth the rest to sit downe together So these he calleth apart Peter Iohn and Iames by name and in their sight first he beginneth to enter into that combate and he beginneth to shiner and quake to be exceedingly heauy and he crieth out with a loude voyce in their audience My soule is heauie on all sides to the death There beginneth he his agonie and conflict with the wrath of the Father for our sins wherewith he was burthened After that he went from these disciples about a stone cast and hee prayed to the Father with a loud voyce saying Father if it be possible remoue from me this cup that is this cup of wrath death but not my will but thy will be done Thirdly he goeth forward in that conflict battell with the wrath of his Father he feeleth the wrath of God to increase he crieth againe that they might heare Father if it be possible remoue from me this cup. Then againe the battell increaseth the agonie groweth then the third time he prayeth the same words Father take this cup frō me that is the cup of the heauy wrath of God at the which time an Angell came from heauen comforteth him Yet the battell holdeth on and he is in a greater agony with his Father than euer he was in before he prayeth at greater length and more ardently vehemently than euer he did of before So that in his agony the drops of purple blood fell downe from his face to the grounde such a thing was neuer seene nor neuer befell vnto anie man since the beginning of the worlde as to sweate blood no man was euer vnder such a terrible and horrible wrath of God as Christ was for our sinnes and for the sinnes of the whole world Now in all this meane time he is not forgetfull of his disciples whō he brought with him to be witnesses of his suffering he is ay going to them from them to hold them waking doe what he could doe they are ay sleeping the Deuill is busie with them that in the suffering of CHRIST they beeing then sleeping they should beare no witnes of the suffering of Christ the Deuill was as busie to cast them in a sleepe as the Lord was busie to hold them waking to beare witnesse of that agonie conflict I will not insist in this matter reade thereof in Matth. 26. in Luke 22. in Marc. 14. and yee shall get this Historie at large only we haue thus farre of the suffering of Iesus Christ in the garden first how heauie ● weightie a thing sinne is all this was not for his sinne but for our sinnes for the sinnes of the world Next ye see how heauie a thing the wrath of God is that followeth on sinne for as Iesus Christ tooke on his backe the burthen of our sinnes so did he also the weight of the wrath of God and the punishment that followeth vpon sinne if ye know not this ye know nothing of Christ Thirdly yee see the greatnesse of the loue of CHRIST to man that first tooke on his backe so heauie a burthen of sinne and secondly so heauie a burthen of wrath and all for mankinde If CHRIST had not suffered neuer a man had beene safe but these burthens had pressed them downe to hell neuer a soule had beene saued from Adam to the end of the worlde Looke then what loue hee hath shewed to vs and last this agonie suffering in the garden letteth vs see that the Sonne of God as he is verie God so he is very man also and that he hath the body of a man the soule of a man for this suffering in the garden was especially in the soule in this battell the soule of Iesus Christ was especially set on by the wrath of the Father There was none touching the body of the Lord at this time but the wrath of the Father was fighting with the soule But to leaue this and to marke the purpose of IOHN his purpose is onely to let you see that when Iesus Christ died he died with a great willingnesse and readinesse that willinglie hee goeth to death and is not drawen out against his will but knowing that IVDAS would come with a companie of men of warre to that place where hee was wont to walke and pray of set purpose that hee should be taken hee resorted thither So this is the purpose of IOHN to let vs see that IESVS CHRIST offered vp a voluntarie Sacrifice for the sinnes of the world for except He had offered vp a voluntarie sacrifice His suffering had not bene obedience to the Father He had not bene as is said Phil. 2.8 obedient to the Father So the Lord died and hee died to
in the Lord Cursed are they vvho die not in the Lord let them be hanged beheaded or die in their bed terrible shall be that death that followes after this death The death that He died vvas a sore odious kinde of death to a man to be taken quicke and nailed quicke on the Crosse and no doubt Hee hang for the space of three houres so as y e death of those vvho are not in Christ is accursed so it is sore He suffered not only this paine in body No the chiefe torment vvas in y e soule it vvas tormented vvith that bitter sense of the vvrath of the Father It is not a death of the body that sinne brings on it brings an extreame bitter paine to the soule The Lord dies not in a moment hee is dying and not dead a viue image of the death of hell thou shalt die in the paine of hell and neuer get an end Those vvho die in Christ die vvhat death they will bee they beheaded or hanged or drawne in raxes or burnt they shall neuer die a cursed death their death is a sweete death and all the joyes that euer was shall issue of their death It must be so What makes a cursed death but sinne and if thou be in Him as IESVS was crucified so thy sinne is nailed vpon His backe and therefore beeing taken away what must followe but that thou must be glorified And either thou shalt bee crucified thy selfe No not in the Earth but in the Hells euerlastingly or els thou must haue thy sinnes crucified on the Crosse of IESVS CHRIST and be partaker of his death and therefore if any of vs would die a blessed death it is certaine that wee must die let vs see whether our sinne was crucified with Christ or not Shall I haue no warrand of the death of sinne in mee and that I was crucified with IESVS CHRIST and am freed of all paine eternallie thorowe His Crosse Will yee that I shall tell you howe yee shall get the certaintie of this Looke if thou findest a continuall death of sinne looke if thou findest this regeneration and a newe life and loue of GOD and a delite to serue Him in some measure then assure thy selfe that thy sinne was crucified on the Crosse with IESVS CHRIST and if thou liuest in wantonnesse and gettest no mortification thou shalt bee crucified in the Hell yea though thou were a King Our lordes and gentlemen will passe their time but I denounce albeit thou bee an Emperour thou shalt bee tormented and consumed awaye by that eternall vvrath of GOD in Hell Goe on thy vvayes O the vvorlde is sleeping Shall they neuer knowe vvhat they are adoing What are these oppressors doing these murtherers doing these adulterers and fornicators doing Is there anie care of Heauen in them Is Heauen or Hell but tales No no it shall bee the terriblest sight that euer thou sawe It is not as men saye to wit Hell is but a boggarde to scarre children onelie No thy miserable soule shall finde in wofull experience the dolour and woe of that place Nowe it restes that I speake about the houre in the which Hee vvas crucified Onelie Sainct MARKE calles it About the thirde houre Then apparentlie the LORD IESVS vvas nayled on the Crosse betwixt eleuen and twelue of the clocke And a little before twelue Hee vvas mounted vp vpon the Crosse for betwixt the sentence of Condemnation and Execution there passed not an houre For there vvas a malicious earnestnesse to hasten Him to the Crosse neither vvoulde they giue Him leasure to drawe His breath This lets vs see the fearcenesse of the vvrath of the Father vvhen Hee judges sinne After that Hee vvas once condemned Hee gotte no rest but vvas hastened to the place of Execution to suffer paine and shame Looke still to the grounde This judgement is the type of the latter judgement if the sentence of condemnation bee passed immediatelie thou shalt bee pulled awaye looke to it as yee vvill to euerlasting torment Therefore blessed is that soule that hath part of the suffering of IESVS CHRIST To Him therefore vvho once vvas ignominious and now is glorious bee all Honour for euermore AMEN THE XV. LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST MATTH CHAP. XXVII verse 35 And when they had crucified him they parted his garmentes and did cast lots that it might bee fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet They diuided my garmentes among them and vpon my vesture did cast lots verse 36 And they sate and watched him there verse 37 They set vp also ouer his head his cause written THIS IS IESVS THE KING OF THE IEVVES verse 38 And there were two thickes crucified with him one on the right hand and another on the left MARKE CHAP. XV. verse 24 And when they had crucified him they parted his garments casting lottes for them what euerie man should haue verse 25 And it was the thirde houre when they crucified him verse 26 And the title of his cause was written aboue THAT KING OF THE IEVVES verse 27 They crucified also with him two thieues the one on the right hand and the other on his left verse 28 Thus the Scripture was fulfilled which saieth And hee was counted among the wicked LVKE CHAP. XXIII verse 33 And when they were come to the place which is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the euill doers one at the right hand and the other at the left verse 34 Then said IESVS Father forgiue them for they knowe not what they doe And they parted his raiment and cast lottes verse 35 And the people stood and behelde and the Rulers mocked him with them saying Hee saued others let him saued himselfe if hee be that Christ the Chosen of God verse 36 The souldiers also mocked him and came and offered him vineger verse 37 And said If thou bee the King of the Iewes saue thy selfe verse 38 And a superscription was also written ouer him in Greeke letters and in Latine and in Hebrew THIS IS THAT KING OF THE IEVVES IHON CHAP. XIX verse 18 Where they crucified him and two other with him on either side one and IESVS in the mids verse 19 And Pilate wrote also a title and put it on the Crosse and it was written IESVS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE IEVVES verse 20 This title then read manie of the Iewes for the place where IESVS was crucified was neare to the Citie it was written in Hebrew Greeke and Latine verse 21 Then said the hie Priests of the Iewes to Pilate Write not The King of the Iewes but that he said I am King of the Iewes verse 20 Pilate answered What I haue written I haue written IN these dayes past beloued in the LORD IESVS wee haue brought this Historie of the Passion of Iesus Christ to the verie act it selfe to the crucifying of Him vpon the Crosse The last daye we spake something of His crucifying and last wee spake of the houre of
the Crosse wee haue bene speaking Only nowe I shall point out the ground whereupon the sufferings of the LORD arises First they rise of that naturall infirmitie He was an infirme man without sinne He hungred as we doe He thirsted as we and through trauelling Hee rested neuer daye nor night and sojourned through the world Hee wearied as we doe Then another ground was that sadnesse and heauinesse of the soule Hee was in a continuall sadnesse there was neuer so sad a man as He was we read that He did weepe but we neuer read that Hee did laugh And thinke not that when the soule is in heauinesse that the bodie can bee well And last His suffering proceeded of a violent dealing against Him and nayling Him on the Crosse vvho vvas so violently handled as the LORD of glory was I leaue this and vve vvill speake of the dolours which Hee suffered in His soule First the LORD IESVS whilst as Hee trauelled vp and downe amongst His people Hee vvas in a continuall displeasure When Hee looked vpon that obstinate people Hee was sad vvhen Hee entred in Ierusalem Hee vvepes and sayes Ierusalem Ierusalem faine would J haue gathered you as a henne gathereth her birdes vnder her wings but thou wouldest not The moste speciall griefe that the LORD suffered in His soule was that vvhich Luke in his tvventieth tvvo Chapter names an agonie that is an anguish in the soule and an heauie paine proceeding from a battell that Hee had in His soule it proceeded from the wrestling with the wrath of GOD and infinite wrath vvith Hell and the povvers of it vvith death not temporall but euerlastingly Novve this agonie Hee vtters in the Garden when Hee sayes My soule is heauie on all sides euen to the death That vvorde was expressed out of that bitter anguish that Hee had in His soule whilst He spake so To speake of the time of it I am of that minde that it vvas not only when Hee vvas in the Garden but before in the twelfth Chapter of Iohn vvhen Hee vvas speaking to His disciples Hee sayes My soule is troubled And Hee turnes Him to His Father and Hee sayes Father saue mee from this houre yet the nearer He drew to death it grew greater and greater it was greater in the Garden than it was of before but now on the Crosse when Hee saide My God my God why hast thou forsaken Mee it was the greatest of all I will speake something of this I will certifie you the speciall vnderstanding of the suffering of Iesus Christ stands in the knowing of this inward agonie which IESVS CHRIST had in His soule and if yee knovve not this yee know nothing of His suffering it is true that no tongue is able to tell it No all the tongues of Angels the heart of man nor Angell is not able to conceiue the greatnesse of it The wordes of the Scriptures expresse not the greatnesse of the anguish but so far foorth as the LORD will giue mee the grace I will speake somewhat of it In the wordes that the Spirit vses in the Scripture yee shall finde this The LORD suffers a torment in His soule then yee shall see in the wordes an exceeding greatnesse of the anguish in the soule and lastly yee shall see in the wordes of the Spirit not only that He suffered anguish in the soule and the greatnesse of it but the very degrees and partes of it particularly First goe to the olde Testament in the fiftieth and third Chapter and fifth verse of the prophecie of Esay hath these wordes It pleased the LORD IEHOVAH to breake Him the wordes importes not only the breaking of the body but also of the soule Then in the hundreth and sixteene Psalme and at the fifth verse Dauid who was a type of CHRIST sayes The sorrowes of death haue compassed Mee and the anguish of Hell hath ouertaken Mee These wordes importe not onely a bodily suffering but they importe an anguish in the soule Come to the Newe Testament Matthew in his twentieth and sixt Chapter My soule is heauie and compassed to the death Wouldest thou haue the greatnesse of it Hee sayes On all sides And whereto Euen to the death not of the temporall death but euen to the death of the soule Then Luke in his twentieth and two Chapter sayes Hee was in an agonie Hee was in anguish Hee was wrestling With whome was this His disciples were away from Him There vvas no man vvith Him It vvas vvith the wrath of the Father from Heauen with a vvrath vnspeakable Peter 2. Actes sayes GOD raysed Him vp from death and raysed Him the doloures of death beeing loosed He could not bee retained vvith them The vvordes in their owne language is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and signifies extreame dolour like as a woman hath in bearing her birth The Spirite of GOD vseth to expresse the paine of the Hell in the soule by a similitude of a vvoman vvho trauelleth in birth for of all paines in the bodie it is the greatest and sorest and yee that haue felt it yee knowe that yee could not liue if it continued with you 1. THESSALON CHAP. 5. VERS 3. Hee settes downe the paine of Hell by that similitude When they shall saye Peace then shall come the suddaine doloure vpon them like a woman trauelling then shall they not escape And MARKE CHAP. 14. VERS 33. comes on more particularlie and saies Not onelie hee had a paine in the soule but also hee settes downe the degrees of the paine The natiue Language is moste proper 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Hee beganne to bee astonished and then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hee beganne to bee in a grieuous and extreame anguishe When the vvrath beganne to presse downe the soule then the anguishe arose and the extreamitie of paine But I leaue the opening vp of all thess vvordes vntill the next occasion and so to ende As vvee speake of the suffering of CHRIST So I beseech GOD to open our soules and our heartes to feele it For there is no life but in His suffering And the LORDE giue vs grace that our heartes maye take fast holde of his sadnesse and dolour to our joye euerlasting To this LORDE bee Honour and Praise for euermore AMEN THE XX. LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST MATTH CHAP. XXVII verse 46 And about the ninth houre IESVS cryed with a loude voyce saying ELI ELI LAMASABACHTHANI that is My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee THE last daye welbeloued in Christ vpon occasion offered in this place wee began to rehearse ouer all the whole Passion of Christ and vvee brought the matter to that agonie and that inwarde anguish of the soule which the Lord suffered beside all the outward passions of His bodie especially during the time of three yeeres and an halfe to wit the time in the which Hee bare openly the office of a Mediator betwixt God and man Nowe as the Lord will giue vs grace by
occasion of this voyce wherby the Lord vttered this heauie complaint to His Father before He yeelde vp the ghoste when He saies My God my God why hast thou forsaken me we shall speake this day of that inwarde agony and anguishe of the soule that the Lord was in when Hee vttered this voyce I perceiue three groundes whereby we maye bee able in some measure for who is able to attaine to the perfect knowledge of the greatnesse of that agony that the Lord suffered to come to the knowledge of that agony The first grounde I shall take out of the vvordes of Scripture vvhereby that agonie is expressed The second ground I take from these effectes that the Lord vttered partly in prayer and partly in heauie complaint in that agonie And the thirde ground I shall take from our owne feeling What auailes all the knowledge in the vvorlde without feeling of His Passion and of His Resurrection Then to goe forward in order and to open vp euerie one of these grounds The last day I began to bring to you the words of Scripture some out of the old Testamēt some out of the New by the which this inward agony y t the Lord suffred in his soule is expressed most viuely I cited to you those words that are in the 53. chap. of Esay where there is a viue and liuely prophesie of Iesus to come into the world The Lord saies the Prophet tooke pleasure to breake him This breaking is not onely of the body on the Crosse but chiefely in breaking of the soule for the soule of Iesus was rent with sorrow Then I cited out of the 116. Psalme the words of Dauid being the type of Christ The dolours of death haue compassed me the sorrowes of Hell haue ouertaken me Then I came to the Gospel of Matthew and I cited these words out of the 26. CHAP. My soule is heauie on all sides to the death There is the heauinesse of the soule and an heauinesse without any joy and a heauinesse to death euen to euerlasting death Then I came to Luke who in his 22. CHAP. hath these words And he was in an agony there is a battell But where In the Gardē With whom None was fighting with Him no man was neare Him Whom with but with the heauie wrath of the Father that He felt in His soule In the 2. of the Acts I cited the wordes of Peter Whome God raised vp againe when He had loosed the dolours of death The word in its owne languague signifies that paine that women suffer in trauelling wherby the Scripture vses to expresse the paine of Hell And last of all I came to the words of Marke in his 14. Chap. where he not onely vtters this inward paine that the Lord had in His soule but also the greatnesse of it and the degrees and partes thereof The wordes are When the Lord was in the Garden he began to be afraid and astonished and then to bee in a wonderfull heauinesse The words in their owne language are more significatiue Nowe Brethren wee shall examine and weigh these wordes of Marke The first word that Marke vses signifies an astonishment a feare and an horrour whereby the Lord in the Garden was troubled suddenly from the Heauen so that all the members of His bodie shooke and trembled It is not a matter of jestes it arose vpon a sense of the wrath of God comming from Heauē and a most vehement sense thereof that lighted on Him suddenly because Hee bare our sinnes and this terrible wrath ouer-tooke all the powers of His soule and occupied them Brethren I take this to be none other thing but that first stroke of euerlasting death whereby the reprobate sh●ll bee stricken in the first entrie to Hell when they set in their head first to Hell the wrath shall so strike them that all the powers of the soule shall be dammished The suffering of Christ in His soule is the viue image of the suffering of the reprobate in Hell And ●t is it that Paul in the 1. Epistle to the Thessalonians sets downe When they shall crie peace all things are sure then sudden destruction approaches the wrath and vengeance from Heauen lightes on suddenly so that all the haires of their heads shall stand on end and it shall come vpon them suddenly euen as the showres and dolour comes on a woman who is trauelling in birth I can giue no better example of it than ye haue in the Prophecie of Daniel in Belshazzar the prophane man he is sitting with his Princes banketting and prophaning the holy vessels of the House of the Lord. What falles out hee sees come out of the wall suddenly an hand writting he sees it not so soone look the first stroke of Hel but he is stricken with a feare horrour his knees shiuer smite one another he becomes like a dead man a viue image of Hell This for the first worde that Marke vses and the first part of that agonie that IESVS CHRIST suffered for vs in His soule Now wee haue to weigh the second word Hee sayes Hee beganne to bee astonished and to be in a wonderfull heauinesse The word in its owne language signifies an extreame paine in the soule Who is able to tell it The Lord saue vs from the extreamitie thereof it rose vpon that horrible wrath that He was stricken with and was lying on Him and pressing downe His soule First Hee was stricken then the heauie wrath of GOD lyes still on the soule so that Hee hath dolour in His soule that all the powers of His soule is full of wrath Who can beare the wrath of the Omnipotent GOD No not CHRIST as He was man only no not all the Angels in Heauen The LORD saue vs from it When the wrath of the great GOD strikes on any in the Hell all the powers of the soule faile and all leaue off to doe their duties beeing full of displeasure It is a mar●eilous thing for as carefull as the LORD was wount to bee of the redemption of man for that was His only care night and day it was His meate and drinke yet all that care was nowe away and He forgets it and Hee falles out in a Prayer and Hee sayes Take away this cuppe from Mee and that was the cuppe of His Passion for our Redemption yea Hee bids His Father take it away which if it had beene taken from Him neuer a soule should haue beene redeemed Consider then if Hee was in an agonie or not when Hee forgate the worke of our Redemption Now we must not thinke that this forgetfulnesse came of sinne our forgetfulnesse comes of sinne the Holy one had no sinne but it rose of an infirmitie of Nature wherewith Hee was cled for our sinne Yee see if a man be in a distresse in the soule the senses and all the powers of the soule are so occupied about that sorrowe that they forget their owne functions and operations
was but for a time but no escaping for thee if thou be thrust into hell thou shalt neuer get out and shalt find nothing but bitternes aime here or there all shal be in vaine euerlasting bitternes shal be casten in thy teeth and compasse thee on all sides that is a sore word An euerlasting bitternes neuer to haue an ende So blessed is that soule for euer who in that Day shal be found in Christ to get a part of that passiō y t He suffred the Lord giue euery one of vs grace now while we haue time to know Him to seek to be foūd in Him for wo to y t soule y t shal be foūd out of Him in y e great day Now I come ●o y e voyces first to that fourth voyce y t the Lord vttered whē He said I thirst When vttered He it When He knew that all ●hinges were ended To the ende that the prophesie might bee fulfi●led that was spoken of Him before Hee saide I thirst A voyce of sadness● comming from an extreame drought of bodie The Lord Iesus as He too●e our nature vpon Him so He tooke on all our infirmities sinne ex●epted Many times was Hee hungry and thirsty but chiefely wh●n He hanges on the Crosse in that extreame heat of His soule and His body The soule was burnt vp with wrath and all the moysture of the bodie likewise dryed vp with wrath at this time the Lord had such a thirst that the tongue of man cannot expresse it thou sufferedst neuer such a thirst in any Feuer or disease as the Lord Iesus suffered for thee on the Crosse And no doubt beside other paines this exceeding thirst was a part of His paine and a part of that ransome that He payed to the Father for our redemption Yee see when a man is in a Feuer the thirst will bee a speciall part of the paine that hee hath Therefore albeit the thirst that the Lord s●ffered on the Crosse was an exceeding great paine yet He will not vtter His voyce I thirst till the ransome was payed Hee would not seeke to quench that thirst till that wrath of the Father was satisfied The drought was insatiable for the infinite wrath of God thirsted after the blood of the Mediator bearing our sins and was not quenched till the blood of the Mediator was drunken vp No quenching of sin but by the blood of the Mediator if thou bee not in Him the wrath of God will thirst for thy blood After this followes that bodily thirst The soule is dried vp the moysture of the body is clung vp the wrath suckes all vp On this rises the thirst of the body for except the Lorde had had a spirituall thirst and a pleasure to obey His Father to the death to saue thy soule from Hell it had beene vnpossible for Him to haue suffered that bodily thirst so long Learne this lesson at the Lorde Iesus and followe His example wee should suffer patiently all paine that it pleases the Lord to lay on body and soule knowing that it is according to His will and that by thy suffering thy obedience to Him is tryed And as we should suffer patiently all paine● so wee learne at Christ to abide patiently this bodily thirst in sicknes or Feuers knowing well that the Lord layes it on vs to trie our obedience patience But wilt thou know how thou shouldest abide it patiētly The Lord Iesus had a spirituall thirst to obey His Heauēly Father for thy saluation that swallowed vp that bodily thirst Gette thee an earnest thirst to obey thy God it will bee a wondrous thing how patientlie thou wilt suffer whatsoeuer God wil lay on thee Therfore Brethrē in all things we should set our hearts to obey God and winke and close thy eyes at all dangers yea if thou be in extreame thirst and going to die say Lord I wil obey thee if thou get thy heart thus resolued and humbled vnder the hand of thy God howbeit thou be in pain for a time thou shalt see a faire end The Lord Iesus after this thirst and after death saw a glorious end So no question wilt thou leane on thy God as He did abide His will patiently thou shalt see the joyfullest most glorious end that euer was The Lord giue vs grace to obey God and to say Cast me here or there lay on me what thou wilt I shall obey thee though thou shouldest slay mee I will trust in thee This is an happy r●solution We shall speake of the end wherefore the Lord vttered this voyce To the ende saies Iohn that the Scripture might be fulfilled In the 5. of Matt. the Lord saies J come not to dissolue the Law and the Prophets but to fulfill the Lawe and to fulfill euerie jote of that Lawe Heauen and Earth shall perish ere one jote of that Lawe shall passe away Now among all the prophesies that Christ fulfilled there is one here made mention of in the 69. Psalme Jn my meat they gaue mee bitternesse and in my drinke they gaue mee g●ll to drinke Nowe this prophesie is accomplished Dauid spake this in his owne person typically but the veri●y thereof was fulfilled in Christ Dauid got no vineger to drinke but Iesus Christ drunke vineger When the Lord came into the world wrought the worke of our redemption there was not so much as a title that was foretold of Him but He fulfilled it there was not a circumstance of His death but it was fore-tolde That nayling was fore-tolde where it is said They pearced mine hands and my feete The hanging of Him betwixt two Thieues was fore-tolde They reckon me saies the Prophet amo●g the vnjust The diuiding of His garmentes was fore-spoken They diuid●d my garmentes among them and cast lottes for my coat Looke the XXII and IXVI. PSALMES and the LIII CHAPTER of ESAY So this drinking of vineger was foretolde Nowe what learnes this vnto vs Was there euer any man whose death was pointed out this waye No neuer any one All the Kinges nor all the Emperoures had neuer such a particular pointing out of their death This lets vs see that the Father had a more speciall care of the death of IESVS than of the death of anie man that euer vvas and consequentlie it lets vs see that there vvas neuer such a vvorthie personage in the vvorlde as IESVS and that there was neuer such excellencie in the death of any as in the death of Iesus in it stood the life of the world Let men make pompes of the death of Emperours the Lord had neuer such an eye to the death of any as to the death of His onely well beloued Sonne and all the predictions of His death are to this end that wee comparing the issue of His death with the predictions wee might beleeue that Iesus was sent to bee the onely Sauiour of the world When I thinke on this I wonder at the
yet it will be a weake voyce because the strength of nature failes Yet Iesus all the day before vttered not so shrill a voyce So it must follow that naturall strength was not failed in Iesus Christ and that by the strength of nature hee might haue liued long for the other two liued long and were not dead till they came and brake their legges Iesus died against nature neither was hee broken as they were What followes of this Iesus Christ in that same moment that he yeelded the spirit hee had a power aboue nature and a diuine power against nature which puts out the life and if he had power against nature to put out his life hee vttered before the Iewes that they had no power to put out his life and that hee had a power to keepe his life if it had pleased him And that is it which he saies None takes my life from mee but I laye it downe and I take it vp againe Yee will heare that when worde came to Pilate that IESVS was dead hee wondered and all the world wondered at this yeelding vp of the spirit And by this the Lord would shewe that hee was not a common man hee would shewe that he was God either to keepe his life or to put it out at his pleasure Hee saies Father into thine handes I commende my spirite These wordes are farre from this My God my God why hast c. for those words proceeded of great sadnesse mixed with confidence but of no joye but these wordes Father into thine handes c. as they proceeded of confidence so they proceeded of a wonderfull joye No doubt at this time hee feeles that sweete hande of the Father dealing with him moste sweetelie not as the reprobate Alas the hande of the Lorde in justice striking the soule of the reprobate looses it from the bodie with the sense of extreame wrath But the Lord feeles the hande of the Father loosing his soule from the bodie with sweetnesse And all they who die in CHRIST will feele the Father loosing the soule with sweetnesse as these last wordes vtter Looke to the Martyres they neuer vtter the first voyce My God my God c. No but the second Father into thine handes I commende my spirite because they find joye in torment Steuen the first Martyr vttered the second voyce ACTS CHAP. VII VERS 59. And the rest of the Martyres followed him which testifies plainelie that this was a voyce of joye that IESVS vttered But marke the wordes of CHRIST yee see that euerie man and vvoman beside the bodie they haue a spirite and more beautifull and farre more precious of substance than the bodie and yet it lodges in an house of claye and in an earthlie Tabernacle Next there will bee a separation of the soule and the bodie Thou thinkest euer to liue but whether thou wilt or thou wilt not thy soule shall bee separate from the bodie and then the bodie shall die Shall thy soule die No if thou bee in CHRIST the Father shall take thy soule Nowe againe Brethren see how carefull the Lord is of his soule at the poinct of death If Iesus who had no sinne is so carefull of his soule I pray thee who art a sinfull bodie how carefull shouldest thou bee thereof It must liue either in Heauen or in Hell if the Lord cryed so loude that the earth quaked again till the Temple rent asunder wilt not thou a sinfull creature bee carefull of thy soule A man should haue care of the soule at all times but chiefly at the houre of the separation for at that time the Deuill is busie to deuour thee and the golfe of Hell to swallowe thee vp Then looke how carefull thou shouldest be in following the example of Iesus to recommend the soule into the handes of the Father and looke how carefull thou art to render the soule into the handes of the Father the Father shall be as carefull to loose the soule if thou bee in Iesus Christ to conuoy it with Him to rest for euermore in His blessed bosome The LORD giue vs grace to commende our soules into the hands of that faithfull keeper in the houre of death and that wee maye finde Him readie to receiue and conuoye them with Him to that euerlasting rest purchased to vs through Christ To whom with the Father and the blessed Spirit be praise for euermore AMEN THE XXII LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST MATTH CHAP. XXVII verse 50 Then Jesus cryed againe with a loud voyce and yeelded vp the ghost verse 51 And beholde the vaile of the Temple was rent in twaine from the top to the bottome and the earth did quake and the stones were clouen verse 52 And the graues did open themselues and many bodies of the Saincts which slept arose verse 53 And came out of the graues after his resurrection and went into the holie Citie and appeared vnto manie verse 54 When the Centurion and they that were with him watching Iesus saw the earthquake and the things that were done they feared greatly saying Truely this was the Sonne of God MARKE CHAP. XV. verse 37 And Iesus cryed with a loude voyce and gaue vp the ghost verse 38 And the vaile of the Temple was rent in twaine from the top to the bottome verse 39 Now when the Centurion who stood ouer against him saw that he thus crying gaue vp the ghost he said Truely this man was the Son of God LVKE CHAP. XXIII verse 46 And Iesus cryed with a loude voyce and saide Father into thine handes I commende my spirite And when hee had thus said hee gaue vp the ghost verse 47 Now when the Centurion sawe what was done hee glorified God saying Of a suretie this man was just verse 48 And all the people that came together to that sight beholding the things that were done smote their breasts and returned IOHN CHAP. XIX verse 30 Now when Iesus had receiued of the vineger hee said It is finished and bowed his head and gaue vp the ghost WEE heard the last daye vvelbeloued Brethren the sundrie voyces and speaches vvhich Iesus Christ vvhilest Hee hung quicke on the Crosse and vvas nayled thorow handes and feete vttered in the audience of the vvhole people The first two voyces vvere the voyces of pittie and mercie The one of mercie to one of the Thieues that vvas crucified vvith Him Verily saies the Lord this day shalt thou bee with mee in Paradise The other of pittie to His owne Mother vvho stood by looking on Him when as Hee hung vpon the Crosse in extreame paine recommending her to IOHN His welbeloued Disciple Other two voyces were voyces of sadnesse and heauinesse of heart The one an heauie complaint to His Father My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee The other proceeding from an extreame drought that came of that sense of wrath and paine which Hee felt during the time that Hee hung vpon the Crosse I thirst The last two
voyces vvere of joye for it appeares well that before the Lord gaue vp the ghost comfort and joye returned to Him againe And I am of this mind that there are none who are Gods owne but before their departure out of this life sooner or later they will get a sense of that joye which they are to passe vnto immediatelie The first voyce of joye was All is ended As though Hee vvoulde saye This w●●ke is done and ended and nowe the ransome of the redemption of man is payed to the least farthing Nowe the last voyce vvas vvhen Hee vvas immediatelie readie to render vp His spirite into the handes of the Father sayes with a feeling of joy in the heart Into thine hands Father J commend my Spirit Now this day we haue to speake by His grace First of His death and the yeelding vp of His Spirit Next of those wonders that fell out immediatly after the Lord had rendered the Spirit and thirdly we haue to speake how the multitude were mooued when they sawe these wonders Novve as concerning His death the words are but few Iohn sayes When Hee had spoken and cried with a loude voyce Hee bowed downe His head and He rendered His Spirit The wordes are to be marked Hee renders His Spirit first as it were Hee tooke His soule in His owne Hande and deliuered it in the handes of the Father desiring Him to keepe it well to the day of His glorious resurrection for Brethren this is the difference betweene the godly vngodly in their death as they differ and are vnlike to other in their life so especially in their death The vngodly cast away the soule and life and cares not where it goes but woe is to them that doe so they will neuer take vp such a life againe when they haue cast it awaye not regarding where it goes to but thinking lightly of it No let no man nor woman cast away this life or dislodge this soule lightly if the soule goe from thee lightly and thou carest not for it better it were for thee neuer to haue had a life a soule or a body But againe Brethren The Lord Iesus as all His lifetime Hee is carefull for the soule that is lodged in an earthly tabernacle so chiefly in the moment when it is to fllit The godly they will not let the soule flit out of the body vntill they know that the hand of the Lord is sweetly loosing the soule to keepe it vntill the day of their glorious resurrection Brethren it would be well marked There is not one of the foure Euangelists Matthew Marke Luke or Iohn but they note very precisely the death of the Lord and the yeelding vp of His Spirit As for the circumstances that fell out in His Passion some will note one thing and leaue another As for example These voyces that He vtters on the Crosse not one of the Euangelists hath them all some hath one and some another But when it comes to the yeelding of the Spirit they all in one harmonie note The Lord gaue vp the Spirit This is a thing not to be passed by nor to be lightly looked on and it lets vs see the death of our Sauiour the separation of His soule from His body is so substantiall and so needfull a thing both to Him to haue suffered and vs to knowe that except the Lord had suffered the death all the crucifying of Him inwardly outwardly all the rest of His suffering had auailed vs nothing the ransome of our sinnes had not bene payed for that was the curse that was laide vpon vs to pull our soule from our bodie and as it was needfull that He should suffer the death for vs so it is needfull to euery one of vs to knowe this that my Sauiour died and His soule was really separated from His body it is needfull that thou haue euermore the Lord Iesus crucified before thee and know that the soule was separated from His blessed body for grace and remission of sinnes is conquered thorow the death of the Mediatour if thou hast not Faith of the death of the Mediatour it is vnpossible that thou canst beleeue that thy soule shall come to Heauen The Apost Heb. 9. hath a notable comparison hee sayes When a man hath made a Testament and his legacie wherein hee leaues such inheritance to any man his Testament can neuer bee sure nor ratified before the man be dead and if he ratifie not the Testament with his death it cannot bee sure for the man in this life may alter the Testament But after that once he die there it stands it cannot be reuoked Euen so sayes the Apostle The Heire of the world Iesus Christ hath made a Testament and such one as neuer man made leauing such goods and heritage to His Saints as neuer man left euen that heauenly Heritage that exceeding Glorie Now sayes the Apostle If the Heire of the World Iesus Christ had not sealed vp His Testament by His blood it had neuer beene sure but His death interueening and closing it then the Testament is sure all the world is not able to alter one jote of it to adde or diminish it Woe be to him that will adde any thing to the Testament of Iesus Christ he is counted a villaine who will adde to a mans Testament Wilt thou adde or diminish any thing at thy pleasure from the Testament of Iesus Christ This Newe Testament is the best Testament that euer was Let Worldlings bee content with the Testaments of their forefathers yet count thou nothing at all except thou get a part of the legacie left in His Testament Woe bee to thee albeit thou get Ea●ledomes and Kingdomes and great possessions left to thee by the Testament of thy forefathers if thou gettest not this Testament Well Brethren this Testament can not be ratified but by the blood of the Testator How can I beleeue it except I know that He died and that the soule was as verily separated from the body as euer the soule of man was so when I consider the death of my Sauiour who hath made such a Testament I am so farre from that to bee offended at that shamefull death that the death is the ground of my saluation and that in His death is all my glorie the assurance of my life is in the assurance of His death and His ignominie and shame is my glorie Now thus farre for the death of the Lord Iesus Now come to the consideration of these wonders that fell out immediately as He gaue vp the Ghost The Vaile of the Temple rent asunder from the toppe to the bottome The earth quaked Such things neuer fell out in all the deathes of men in the world No not in the deathes of all the Kings in the world The stones were clouen the graues of the dead did open These are the foure wonders that are noted to haue fallen out immediatly when the Lord gaue vp the Ghost Brethren
superstition that moued them they were to celebrate the Pass●ouer and this was the day of their preparation they were preparing them by crucifying the innocent the Lorde of glorie Was this an holy preparation This was the Fryday and the morne was the Pa●che Iohn sayes that was an high day or a great Sabbath because they kept two holy dayes together both their owne ordinarie Sabbath and the extraordinarie Passeouer and this they did contrarie to the ordinance of GOD for they should haue celebrated the Passeouer on Thurseday as the LORD did for He celebrated it that night that He was betrayed by Iudas and led away captiue by the Iewes So they did cast in the two Holy dayes together according to their custome for when y e Passeouer fell to bee on Thurseday they vsed to delay it vntill the Satterday which was their Sabbath day lest y t if these feasts which are so neare other had bene both kept the people should haue wearied and if Christ the other had not bene taken downe tha● y t Holy exercise wold haue bin defiled So they thought if they had bin taken down from the crosse and put away they had bene holy eneugh And vpon that same pretence when they were to accuse Christ they would not enter in the common Hall lest they should haue beene polluted They were Hypocrites they polluted the world and defiled the earth that they tread on A polluted body who hath no sanctification in Christ there is nothing that he touches meat or drinke yea the earth he walkes on but he defiles all yet these foule Hypocrites thought that if Iesus who sanctifies the Sabbath and sanctifies the heart had beene taken away they had beene holie eneugh An Hypocrite is a foule body defiles all that he handles All his religion is outward standing in bodily exercises and when he hath polluted all yea the very earth he treades on he will say Handle not touch not taste not that will pollute thee Coloss 2.21 There is his religion When the foule body defiles the aire the earth the Heauen hee bids thee touch it not lest it defile thee when he defiles all that he touches Nowe they get the request granted them and gets a commandement of Pilate and so The men of warre came forward and brake the legges of the one first and then they came to the other and brake his also They brake both their legges with great paine and torment Now will ye see these 2 thieues they are like in their death both are crucified in end both their thighes are brokē yet for al this the one of them is a vessell of glorie and he had a promise of glorie and an assurance of it in his heart the other had none So Brethren take heede though the death of the wicked and the godlie bee alike yet they are not alike in condition Iudge not of mens estate by the outwarde miserie measure not Heauen and Hell by the outwarde death The Elect and the wicked will be oft times alike in death and oft times the Elect will die in the greatest torments Who suffered more painefull deathes than the Martyres did Beware that thou say as the Papistes who are enemies to Christ say They teach albeit that in Iesus Christ thy sinne be forgiuen yet the paine is not forgiuen and they say that the paine that the godly suffer in death is a satisfaction for sinne They say that the paine of the penitent thiefe was the punishment of his sinne but they lie and the Lord shall justifie it The Elect suffer no paine for sinne torment them as they will burne them scalde them all is but a mercifull chastisement and death to them is a faire port to Heauen He makes darknesse to be light to His owne Well this for the execution of the two thieues They come to the Lord to see whether He was dead or not they are not rash they finde Him dead they finde no sponke of life in Him therefore they offer not to breake His thighes See how the word and prouidence of God takes effect The Lord had said One bone of Him should not be broken and therefore to preueene the breaking the Lord miraculously tooke the Spirit from His Sonne His death was miraculous as ye heard before by the strength of nature He might haue liued longer as that great and mightie voyce which he vttered last testifies and so His sudden death was a meane to performe the Lordes ordinance Hee would vse this as the ordinarie meane to execute the eternall decree of the Father It is a follie to thee to say thou wilt depend on the prouidence of God and in the meane time to leaue off meanes for by so doing thou temptest God who as He hath ordained the ende so He hath also ordained the meanes to the end As for example If thou wouldest goe to Heauen thou must vse the meanes the hearing of the word c. Yet many will contemne the meanes and yet bragge they are assured to come to Heauen they will contemne the preaching which is the instrument that God vses But I say to thee thou deceiuest thy selfe for I denounce if thou werest an Emperour thou shalt neuer see Heauen nor life who contemnest that meane and instrument which the Lord hath ordained to bee vsed to bring thee to Heauen which is the preaching of His trueth Now Brethren ye see here the testimonie of the death of Christ giuen by the bu●rioes they preach His death as though they had said Marke all people This Iesus whom we haue crucified is dead and therefore in token that this is true wee will not breake His bones after that comes another burrio a man of warre and giues the last witnesse Hee smites Him with a speare so that out of the wound gushed out blood and water As though the knaue had said I shall let you see that Hee is dead that there is no life in Him and so hee smites Him to the heart with a speare The Lord would haue the death of the Lord testified sundrie wayes for thy comfort for the most shamefull thing that euer was is death except it be sanctified it is the greatest miserie that can come to man if thou gettest no remedie against it for that death of the body is a port to that death euerlasting It is no childrens play to haue the soule dislodged No it was an ignominie to the Lord of glorie to be holden vnder the bands of death and to be tread vnder the feete of death yet the Father will haue His death testified sundrie wayes First Hee will haue it testified with a cry when He cried with a loude voyce Father into thine hands I commend my Spirit Next Hee will haue the burrioes to testifie His death and then He will haue a speare thrust to His heart to testifie His death besides the testimonie that all the creatures gaue of His death Is this for nothing No for suppose
appearing heire to a kingdome men will count of him Much more then when we see a man or woman ordained to that Heauenly kingdome and to that glory shoulde we not honour them for that respect of glory Paul to Tim. saies In a great house are many vessels some to honour some to dishonour Yee see in a Noble mans house howe honourably they will handle golden and silu●r vessels Then when we looke to a faithfull man should we not count greatly of him because hee is so glorious a vessell and is to be partaker of that glory All the glory of this world appertains properly to the faithfull Indeede often times they haue least part thereof that they maye knowe their happinesse standes not in this earthly glory but in that glory of Heauen the wicked haue most of it Yet I say All the glory euen of this world appertaines to the faithfull only No honour appertains to a king who is a reprobate He is but a violent vsurper of these worldly things and he shal one day giue account of his violent vsurpation nothing but shame appertaines to him and all his honour shall bee turned into shame Now I goe to the next thing The boldnes that Ioseph had in cōming to Pilate Hee lurked before but nowe when Iesus is lying in greatest ignominy as wee vse to speake At the Gallowes foot The man takes boldnes steps in to Pilates Hall makes his request His riches his substāce honour held him abacke awhile but now he comes out forgets all interceades for the body of Iesus to burie it Thy riches honour of the worlde are like as many fetters yron chaines to retaine thee hold thee abacke from Christ Yet all the riches honour in the world cannot hinder nor hold backe GODS calling when Hee puts out His hande to drawe thee in to Him But if He put not out His hand draw thee out thou art so fast detained that all the strength in the worlde will not be able to draw thee It is true that Paul saies 1. Cor. 1.26 Ye see your calling how that not many wise men after the flesh nor many noble are called It is a rare thing to see the Lord draw such men He vses not to call many wise men out of the hands of their wisdome nor many rich men out of the hands of their riches nor many Noble men out of the handes of their Nobility No He lets them be We reade not of any potent men among the Jewes whom the Lord pulled out to be His Disciples except these two Ioseph Nicodemus There might haue beene moe among the Princes of the Iewes but wee find the names of no moe registrate O how hard a thing it is to draw a wise mā a mightie man or a Noble man to Christ for it is true that Christ saies It is as hard to drawe a rich man to Christ as to draw a Camell thorowe a needles eye To draw a great body thorow a needles eye is no lesse difficulty than to draw thee to Christ who art a Noble man who wilt sit vp talke of thy kinred of thy blood This doing of Ioseph may bee marueiled at Think ye not y t Ioseph should haue manifested himselfe rather in Iesus lifetime than nowe after His death When Hee was going working wonders and speaking such sweet sentences as neuer man spake yet all this moued him not to come foorth and shew himselfe But now Christ being in shame he comes out Whereunto shall I ascribe this I ascribe it to the force y t came from the death of Iesus There was neuer a liuing man in the world that had such force as y t dead body had No I say He had more power hanging dead on the crosse than when Hee was liuing in the world more mighty was His death than His life The Lord giue vs a sense feeling of y e force of y e death of Christ it is able to cause a dead body rise from death to life Iohn 12.24 He foretold y e power of His death When the corne of wheat lyes in the ground and dies it fructifies and brings foorth much fruit so the dead body of Iesus fructifi●d and brought with it out of the graue to life many thousand soules so does it to the end of the world Hast thou life into thee From whom came that life Euen from the death of Iesus Christ if Christ had not died thou hadst neuer felt life Hee vses also for this purpose another similitude Where euer the dead carcasse●s thither resorte the Eagles Meaning where His dead body was the faithfull where euer they were they should take them to their wings from all the ends of the earth leaue their riches and honour and by Faith flee to Him to feede vpon Him for His deade body casts such a sweete smell thorow the Heauens and the Earth a carioun casts such an euill smell but the body of Iesus hath a sweete smell that it will allure men women to come to it The Lord giue euery one such a taste of His sweetnesse as Ioseph and Nicodemus found that with pleasure we may flee to Him and feede on Him Now followes the request he comes in to Pilates Hall and desires leaue to take vp the dead body of Iesus as yee saw before the body of Iesus was not taken from the crosse without the licence of the Iudge Pontius Pilate so they durst not burie the body of Iesus without leaue Why The Lord vvas condemned and the man who is condemned is yet in the hands of the Iudge vntill he giue Him ouer If we consider wel this whole Historie of the suffering of Christ vve shall finde one thing vvorthy to be marked Albeit the Lord Iesus vvas the moste innocent man that euer vvas in the vvorlde yet hauing to doe vvith Magistrates both ciuile and ecclesiasticall as Pontius Pilate Caiaphas and the rest from the beginning to the end Hee will haue nothing done but vvith their leaue vvhen the Magistrate sent out men of vvarre to take Him He vvould not suffer Peter to resist them but He reprooued him for drawing his sword Hee would not haue His body taken downe from the Crosse without the leaue of the Magistrate Hee would haue nothing done to Him Hee would not be buried without the leaue of the Magistrate Hee leaues thee His example to teach thee if thou werest neuer so innocent yet if thou fallest in the handes of the Magistrate suffer nothing to be done to thee with offence and with the disgrace of justice and judgement hee who would die well and in the Lord let Him protest that nothing be done to him that will disgrace justice albeit he suffer innocently I might let you see an higher ground of this matter but I wil touch it only The Lord that came in the world to relieue thee from that great Iudge and from all
and as he sayes Ioh. Chap. 3. vers 29. It is the bridegroome that hath the bride and I stand sayes he heare Him and hearing Him I reioyce with an ioy vnspeakable and glorious No it is the greatest joy vnder the Heauen to heare Him speake and if thou hearest Him thou vvilt not desire to speake shee turnes her and shee sees IESVS standing vvhome she sought shee sought Himselfe and findes His Messengers but at the last she finds Himselfe In a word we haue our lesson Seeke euer the Lord thou will not get Him at the first Thou wilt not get a King at the first for Hee hath Messengers afore and wee His Ministers are all His Messengers and wee all tell you and I tell you that CHRIST is comming and blessed bee that commer I bidde thee stande a while and then the LORDE shall come at thy backe Happie and blessed art thou that shalt bee asking for Him thou shalt get such a joyfull meeting as Marie Magdalene did but woefull shall that meeting bee to thee who delitest not to heare nor to speake of Him for Hee shall come vpon thee like a thiefe in the night So blessed art thou who art talking with His Messengers for Hee shall call thee by name as Hee did Marie and that shall bee the joyef●llest voyce that euer thou heardest I saide before that shee got a preferment aboue the Apostles in getting a sight of the Angels but that was common to her with the other women Heere yee see further she got a preferment aboue all women shee gets the first sight of Iesus as MARKE sayes after His Resurrection And this argues that her desire to see Him exceeded the desire of all the Apostles and all the women So thou that longest moste for the LORD shall see Him first and joyefull shall that sight bee to thee Yet marke howe shee receiues it Shee knowes Him not This is a marueilous thing shee neuer left Him but followed Him from GALILE and yet when the LORDE offers Himselfe vnto her eyes shee knowes Him not This must bee imputed to that great stupiditie which was in her eyes they were so dimme that shee coulde not see If the LORDE had anie secrete dispensation in it or in what forme He appeared I will not dispute Our lesson is this There enters such a mist into our eyes that suppose the LORDE offer Himselfe to bee seene in the vvorde crucified and glorified in His Gospell yet thou vvilt not see Him till the beames vvhich glaunce from His face shine into thine hearte and scatter that cloude of darknesse and vvhen that cloude is awaye thou vvilt see vvith such a sweetenesse as cannot bee vttered and thou who diddest neuer see that sight thou neuer sawest joye Nowe blessed is that soule that can beholde the LORDE in the Mirrour as it were comming behinde and happie is that soule that can delite to see Him in the Mirrour for certainlie they shall see Him one daye face to face and the LORDE will turne them about as Hee did Marie and then these vile bodies shall bee like vnto His glorious bodie and that face which is now but vile shall then glaunce as the Sunne in the Noone daye So blessed are they that can awaite till the LORDE come Thou neuer mettest with one in this worlde who can make thee so joyefull as Hee will and euer the greater languor that thou hast for Him the greater shall bee thy joye Alas wee seeke joye heer and there is but fewe who seeke CHRIST in whome is all true joye Well Marie knewe not the LORDE but yet Hee knewe her No thou mayst wel forget Him but He wil not forget thee but He shall cause thee to knowe Him ere thou goe Hee sayes to Marie Woman why mournest thou At the first He lyes aloofe He sayes not Marie but like an vncouth man Hee sayes to her Woman why mournest thou Then Hee sayes not I knowe thou weepest for mee but Hee sayes Why weepest thou Hee sayes not I knowe whome thou seekest but Whome seekest thou So then at the first Hee holdes Him aloofe with His owne Hee giues them not His familiar presence at the first but as long as wee are heere on earth His speach shall bee a farre off As long as wee liue by faith Hee lookes to vs as it were afarre off And this speach is to waken a languor and piece of sadnesse in vs till wee meete with the LORDE for the more thou mournest the greater shall bee thy joye The Lord if Hee please in an instant maye take thee to the Heauens but Hee will let thee lye heere for a while and the greater that thy sadnesse is in this life the greater shall thy joye bee in the life to come O that joye which that bodie shall haue who hath longed for the LORDE Then thinke long and waite for that His bright and glorious comming as Paul speakes for no man shall get a crowne but th●y who haue waited for Him Nowe I shall ende in a worde Shee supposing that hee had beene the Gardener of the Garden where the LORDE was buried shee saide vnto him Sir if thou hast borne him hence tell mee where thou hast layed him that J maye take him away● Looke if shee loued Him not well when Hee was liuing for in His death shee coulde not bee seuered from Him so did the loue of IESVS constraine her In the twentie and fourth CHAPTER OF MATTHEVV it is saide Wheresoeuer a dead carkeis is thither will the Eagles be gathered together Nowe shee is a Mirrour of loue and zeale Alas if thine heart coulde melt with loue as hers did Yet I see in her a marueilous stupiditie Shee knowes Him neither by sight nor voyce her heart was so ouer-come with dolour sadnesse And this senselessenesse that fell on good Marie Magdalene will often-times fall on the best man or vvoman in this life That as the Prophet sayes in hearing they will not heare and in seeing they will not see So all tendes to this Let euerie one judge charitablie of another Bee loath to condemne anie for as liuelie as thou art thou mayest fall downe dead and therefore waite on the LORDE and the voyce of the LORDE shall come vnto thee and call on thee as Hee called on Marie and that voyce shall open both the eyes of thy bodie and of thy soule and Hee shall let thee see and feele that it is Hee and that joye shall bee compleate vvhen thou shalt come and inherite that Kingdome which was prepared for thee before the foundation of the vvorlde The LORDE graunt it maye bee our onelie joye and that vvee maye holde vp our eyes and vvaite night and daye for that blessed comming of IESVS at the which time our joye begunne shall bee perfected and neuer haue ende To this LORDE IESVS vvith the Father and that blessed SPIRIT bee all Praise Honour and glorie for euer and euer AMEN THE XXXIV LECTVRE OF THE
his glorie There is the necessitie It behooued that the Lorde Iesus by manie and sore sufferings shoulde enter into His glorie Marke this vvho can tell it clearer than Hee Himselfe tolde it So I will tell it againe Iesus by His suffering beho●ued to enter into His glorie IESVS CHRIST once leauing His glorie got no entrie againe into it till Hee was so inanited as neuer creature was The LORDE putteth to a necessitie of suffering saying Jt behooued him to suffer and so saye I There was such a necessitie layed vpon Him that Hee behooued to suffer and all the vvorlde coulde not saue Him from it beeing once come downe into this vvorlde Therefore the LORDE by His Prophets had fore-tolde this necessitie That hee shoulde suffer death and therefore seeing Hee fore-telles it it behooued him to suffer All the vvorlde shall not bring it backe againe The Lorde as Hee had fore-tolde it so Hee had ordained it from all eternitie Wilt thou call backe againe that that the LORDE hath decreede Thou mayest reduce the decreet of man but all the world cannot reduce the decreet of GOD. These are the causes of His suffering but I shall come to a lower and a subordinate cause I saye to thee thy sinne made this necessitie The LORDE taking vpon Him the burthen of thy sinne and becomming Mediator that immaculate Lambe that had no sinne neither in bodie nor in soule Hee taking once the burthen of our sinne vpon Him Hee was in a manner holden out of Heauen for a time and Hee was made accursed and therfore before He suffered for sinne He could not get entrie into Heauen for wheresoeuer sinne is there is death bee it inherent within thee if thou get not one to die for thee thou must die for this is plaine talke but would to God it were vvell learned death must euer followe sinne if thou laye it not on Him and Hee die not for thee thou shalt die for euer Thou makest but a pastime of harlotrie and murther and theft but I say There is no satisfaction of thy harlotrie and murther but death I saye to thee harlot thou art dead murtherer thou art but dead albeit thou be a lord I tell thee thou art but dead if thou get no reliefe in the Mediator without satisfaction for thy sins thou shalt neuer see Heauē Christ saw not Heauē after He tooke on our sin till He was dead and offe●ed His blood The high Priest durst not enter into Sanctum sanctorum without a basen full of blood vnder paine of death Euen so Christ entered not into heauen but with his owne blood And if thy sinne helde an innocent out of heauen O miserable bodie thinkest thou that thou who art altogether defiled canst come to heauen Nothing can enter there that is defiled Murtherer thou shalt neuer see heauen except thou goe to Iesus and laye on the burthen of thy sinne vpon him and saye Lord take this burthen from mee and if thou canst saye this from thine heart he will take it from thee Now Brethren a question would be asked If Iesus hath died for thy sinnes and mine that we might get an entrie Thou mayest say to mee What to doe haue I to suffer seeing the Lorde hath prepared the way What to doe haue I to suffer in soule or body or why shoulde I bee afflicted seeing the Lorde hath made the way patent I will not answere with the Papistes for they will saye Thou must paye one part but I saye to thee in despite of thine heart if thou paye anie part thou must paye the whole But I answere All these sufferinges is no satisfaction to bring thee to Heauen Then thou wilt saye Why should I suffer if it helpe not to bring me to Heauē I answere All the afflictions which are laide on thee are laide on thee for the slaughter of the remaining corruption feelest thou not a remaining corruption within thee All th'afflictiōs which are laid on thee as sicknesse want of goods losse of friendes c. all is laid on thee to slaye that remaining corruption Brethren I will tell you plainlie The death of Iesus and His suffering is the only meane to enter into Heauen in despite of all the Papistes Againe I saye Looke what neede wee haue of His death wee haue as much need of affliction in our owne persons to slaye that sin which remaines in vs Suppose there be manie wayes to slay sinne yet except thou be chastised and vexed with affliction outwardly and inwardly as it pleases the Lord to laye it on thee thou shalt neuer see Heauen So cast thee not to sleepe but make thee for affliction and trouble to mortifie thy sinne or else thou shalt neuer see Heauen And vvell is thee that art afflicted and made like Christ by thine afflictions What wordes can be t●uer than the words of Paul and Barnabas Act. 14. It behooueth you to enter into heauen by manie tribulations The Apostle sayes there is a necessitie And againe he sayes Heb. 12.14 without holinesse affliction brings holinesse no man shall see the Lord. Well thou that delitest to pol●ute thy body I tell thee if thou be not holie thou shalt neuer see God And I saye more Without affliction either in soule or bodie thou shalt neuer bee holy Thou that sleepest securely and hast mind of nothing but thy dinner and thy supper good chiere and good companie I tell thee once twise yea thrise thou shalt neuer be holy and thou shalt neuer come to Heauen and if thou sleepest on in this estate thou art not one of His compt Booke Let him or her who is afflicted thanke God and take it out of His hand and saye The Lord hath sent it to sanctifie me Lord giue me thy Spirit that I may bee holy that I may see thy blessed face one day to my euerlasting joye in Iesus To whom with the Father and Holy Spirit be glory for euermore Amen THE XXXIX LECTVRE OF THE RESVRRECTION OF CHRIST LVKE CHAP. XXIIII verse 27 And he beganne at Moses and at all the Prophets and interpreted vnto them in all the Scriptures the thinges which were written of him verse 28 And they drewe neare vnto the towne which they went to but hee made as though he would haue gone further verse 29 But they constrained him saying Abide with vs for it is towardes night and the day is farre spent So he went in to tarrie with them verse 30 And it came to passe as hee sate at table with them hee tooke the bread and blessed and brake it and gaue it to them verse 31 Then their eyes were opened and they knew him and hee was no more seene of them verse 32 And they saide betweene themselues Did not our heartes burne within vs while he talked with vs by the way and when hee opened to vs the Scriptures WEE insist yet Beloued in Christ in this part of Historie concerning the two Disciples of CHRIST who in the
LECTVRES VPON THE HISTORY OF THE PASSION RESVRRECTION AND ASCENSION OF OVR LORD IESVS CHRIST Beginning at the eighteenth Chapter of the Gospell according to S. IOHN and from the 16. verse of the 19. Chapter thereof containing a perfect Harmonie of all the foure Euangelists for the better vnderstanding of all the Circumstances of the LORDS death and Resurrection PREACHED BY THAT reuerend and faithfull seruant of God M r. ROBERT ROLLOCKE sometime Minister of the Euangell of IESVS CHRIST and Rector of the Colledge of EDINBVRGH EDINBVRGH Printed by ANDRO HART ANNO 1616. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL THEIR MOST LOVING FREIND IN THE LORD MASTER WILLIAM SCOT OF ELI Grace in this life and Euerlasting Glorie in the life to come RIght worshipfull albeit that the true knowledge of Christ crucified of all other be the most worthie and excellent albeit that in him be the only and full matter of mans gloriation yet few there be who striue to know him as they should and to make him the matter of their reioycing For to speake nothing of the Gentiles who count the preaching of Christ crucified to be foolishnesse or of the Iewes who count it a stumbling blocke 1. Cor. 1 23. or of the Turkes who will not acknowledge him to be their Redeemer euen they who haue bene baptized in Christ professe outwardly his word true doctrine if they remaine in nature be not preuēted by the spirit of adoption whereby they may see their owne miserie their sinnes the terrours of the wrath of God for sinne in the meane time that they professe Christ they in heart scorne the Crosse of Christ his woundes and his blood they account the knowledge thereof of litle value yea they will preferre to it the knowledge of any thing here beneath and they will seeke the matter of their gloriatiō not in it but either in themselues or els into the creatures of God which in themselues are but transitorious shadowes The naturall man will neuer thinke that he can finde greater things in Christ crucified than he will finde if he obtaine the obiect which most he desires likes and longs for The ambitious man will not thinke that he can get greater honour than to be called the sonne of a King or Emperour he will not refuse with Moses to be called the sonne of Pharaoes daughter that he may be called the sonne of God Heb. 11.24 The sensuall man cannot thinke that he can find any greater pleasure than in his sinfull lust he will neuer chuse rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of God than to enioy the pleasures of sinne The couetous man can neuer thinke that any greater happines can be than here on earth to haue gold siluer and treasures he will neuer with Moses esteeme the rebuke of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt Only that man whom God preuents by his Spirit and calles effectually frō the kingdome of darknes to the kingdome of light wil account duely of the Crosse of Christ will say with the Apostle God forbid that I should reioyce but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ Gal. 6.14 and I decreed not to know any thing saue Iesus Christ him crucified 1. Cor. 2.2 that man will call it the supereminent knowledge of Iesus Christ Philip. 3.8 he only will make Christ crucified to be the matter of his gloriation for he will see that God in him as in a store-house hath placed all treasures that in him dwells the fulnesse of the Godhead bodely Col. 2.9 he will thirst to be woompled in the wounds of Iesus and washed in the blood of Iesus yea that man will see that God hath manifested in Christ our Sauiour and in his death and resurrection his glorious properties more clearly than in the worke of our creation or any other of his workes whatsouer for he is called the brightnesse of the glorie the engraued forme of the person of the Father the Image of the inuisible God Heb. 1.3 and that man will see that there is nothing which the soule of man inlakes stands in neede of or can desire but he will finde it in Christ. Wouldst thou see the glorious properties of God consider first his power albeit in the worke of creation his power appeared to be incomprehensible omnipotent when by his word he formed all things of nothing called these things that are not and made them to be yet in the worke of the Redemptiō he manifested greater power for notwithstanding Sathan the power of darknesse the sinnes of the Elect which Iesus bare death and the graue were against him yet powerfully he raised Iesus from death Eph. 1.19 there is a great power and whereas in the Creation he formed to Adam a spous out of his owne ribbe in the Redemption he formed the Church of God out of the blood of Christ there he gaue life in commanding that to be which was not here he giues life not by life but by death by the death euen of his owne Sonne Albeit in the worke of Creation great and more than wonderfull doth his wisdome appeare in making this glorious and beautifull fabricke in making all things euen contraries to agree in such an harmonie yet in the worke of Redemption God by finding out a way which no creature neither man nor Angell could inuent how that iustice and mercie could stand together hath shewed greater wisdome his wisdome is such that the Angels admires and desires to looke in it 1. Pet. 1.22 Albeit great anger wrath did the Lord vtter many times against sinners as in the olde world by the Flood and on Sodome Gomorrhe by raining from heauen brimstone and fire he destroyed man woman young olde rich and poore without exception yet more clearely was his anger against sinne seene when for the sinnes of the Elect he spared not his own wel beloued Son on whō they were laid but made his wrath so fearfully to pursue him that he cried My soule is very heauie euē vnto the death Marc. 14.34 and My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Matt. 27.46 And albeit great loue did the Lord shew toward men gaue many testimonies therof in giuing them life breath all things Act. 17.25 in making his sun to shine on them his raine to fal on them giuing them fruitfull seasons filling their hearts with food gladnesse Act. 14.17 yet neuer such loue shewed he as when he sent the Son of God to be the Sonne of man that the sonnes of mē might be made the sonnes of God againe and when he made him to die that men might liue Herein sayes Ioh. 4.10 is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his Sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes here only is an incontrollable testimonie of an undoubted loue and if ye will duly consider all the rest of Gods glorious properties ye shall
power of GOD and liueth nowe in glorie at the right hande of the Father How great a power must this bee that proceedeth out from Christ glorified Alas if the worlde saw this if the blinde men saw the thousand part of that terrible power that commeth from Iesus Christ glorified thinke ye that for all the world they durst confederate with the King of Spaine the Pope and his power and enterprise anie thing against Christ and his Church but alas this blindnesse and induration letteth them not see nor feele but in the ende they shall feele it if the Lord in mercie conuert them not to their euerlasting shame confusion Well to goe forward IOHN to this purpose alleadgeth an olde prophecie which was prophecied before of Iesus Christ long before hee came into the world and this is the prophecie Of them which thou gauest me haue I lost none Nowe Iohn draweth this prophecie to the preseruation of Christes disciples at this time because the disciples that were concredite vnto him escaped at this time Marke Brethren It is true indeed that the prophecie properly is to be vnderstood not so much of a safetie in this life presently as of a spirituall safetie to life euerlasting this is the meaning Yet it hath pleased the Spirit of God to apply this prophecie to this bodily preseruation the cause is this At this time the bodily safetie of his disciples importeth that spirituall safetie the life to come as by the contrarie the indangering of the present life indangered the life to come If the disciples had bene taken at this time to haue suffered with their Master they had all reuolted and denied their Master Wee may see the proofe of this in Peter and so they had hazarded not onely this life but also the life to come because that the disciples were as yet but children in Iesus Christ and were not strengthened enough with the power of Christ and woe is to that soule that will denie Iesus Christ and chiefly in death There is not one who will suffer their litle finger only to be burnt for the cause of Christ except he be strengthened with the power of Iesus Christ and there is not one that will now suffer affliction but they who are guarded with the power of God and therefore yee see heere Gods mercie towardes his disciples This is the mercifull dealing of God with his owne hee will neuer let one of his owne bee tempted but hee will giue them power to beare out the temptation and Hee will neuer suffer them to be tempted till He giue them abilitie and when Hee hath giuen them strength then the LORD will lay on the burthen It is a wonderfull thing the heauier the burthen be that the Lord layes on his owne the greater strength Hee giues them to sustaine it The world hath wondered at the Martyres of God who had so great comfort in the time of their burning in the fire and how in suffering they would sing Psalmes vnto their latter breath The world wondereth at this The heauier that the death hath bene the greater hath the power of God bene and the greater hath the life of Iesus beene in the Martyres And these disciples whom he spared now when He saw that they were ripe Spared He them then No no what was the whole lifetime of the disciples after that Christ departed out of this world but a perpetuall suffering till the life was taken from them they died all by persecution and then by the lossing of this life they got life euerlasting in dying they died not but in dying they entered into a more glorious life So this is that mercifull power of God It appeares that in this countrey there is litle ripenesse because of this litle suffering and therefore the Lord hath dealt mercifully with vs and in great mercie hath holden mens handes off vs therefore wee should pray if it shall please him to bring any to the triall to suffer for his glorious Names sake Lord I am not able to behold the sight of the fire much lesse to suffer the crueltie of the fire therefore if thou wilt haue mee to suffer giue me strength whereby I may bee able to suffer Now I goe to Peters part he setteth downe his action certainly it is worth nothing albeit it seemeth to bee verie zealous What doeth hee hee hath a sword about him he seeing them rush on his Master shevveth his manhood And he striketh the seruant of the high Priest whose name was Malchus and he cut off his right eare The rest of the Euangelists Mat 26. Marke 14. Luke 22 speake of some thing that was done before this When the Lord was communing vvith them that tooke Him then comes the traitour Iudas to the Lord and cryes Rabbi Rabbi Master Master with that he kisseth Him now this was a signe that hee had giuen vnto his companie that that man whome hee should kisse was the man that they should take Now what doth the Lord He makes no signe of anger and there is none of vs but wee thinke that He should haue vttered great anger to the traitour fie on thee traitour for of all men he is most detestable but the Lord in mildnes meeknes of Spirit for all this whole time He takes purpose to suffer patiently as Esay sayeth Hee was as a Lambe before the shearer as a sheepe led to the slaughter openeth not his mouth He sayes friend betrayest thou the Sonne of man with a kisse He assayeth if the conscience will bee brought to remorse There is a wonderfull patience of God to the most vile sinner whē he hath giuen them a signe the whole companie russhed vpon Him Then the disciples said Master shal we defend thee by the sword but Peter not staying vpō an answere he was hardie striketh off the eare of Malchus the high Priests seruant Nowe Brethren albeit that this Malchus the high Priests seruant deserued that not only his eare should be cut off but also that the head the life should be taken from him for he was in a very euill action indeed he was cled with authority but with an euill authoritie if thou hadst the authoritie of all the kings in the world it wil neuer excuse thee before God if thou shouldest get a subscriptiō to do euil against an innocent man the Lord shall not alow thee but His judgmēt shal ouertake thee whether Peter did this of zeale for no doubt he loued his Master exceeding well he would haue had his Master out of his hands yet for all this the Lordes owne wordes testifie that this fact of Peter is to be condemned If ye will examine the zeale it is a very preposterous and vnskilfull zeale the zeale is nothing worth if a man go beyond the boundes of his calling What was Peter but a priuate man this cōpany being sent by the Magistrats superior power Peter ought not
hee is not vvakened till the Prophet of the LORD came vnto him The longer that thy conscience lieth still in sinne the bitterer the vvakening vvill bee A reprobate vvill get an harde vvakening Iudas got a sore vvakening he vvas asleepe vvhilest hee kissed his Master but vvhen hee vvakened he hanged himselfe But the Lord dealeth otherwise vvith His owne Hee vvill vvaken them in mercie and in the heauiest displeasure they shall haue the sweetest joye and in the greatest aboundance of teares the greatest comfort Of all the thinges in the vvorlde take best heede to the conscience for it is alwayes verie readie to fall asleepe and of all judgementes a sleeping conscience is the greatest and therefore let vs striue night and daye to haue a waking conscience which may rounde in our eares when vvee lay vs downe at Euen vvhat vvee haue done all the daye if thou hast done good then thou mayest sleepe vvith a sound conscience but if thou hast done euill it is better a thousand times to vveepe vvith teares and vvake in mourning till thou findest thy selfe to be recōciled to God againe than to sleepe We should neuer let the conscience sleepe but euer hold it vvaking to tell vs vvhen vve doe euill that vve may haue dolour vvhē vve haue done vvell vve may haue joy through Iesus Christ To vvhome vvith the Father and the Holy Spirite bee all Praise Honour and Glorie for euermore AMEN THE FOVRTH LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST IHON CHAP. XVIII verse 19 The high Priest then asked IESVS of his Disciples and of his Doctrine verse 20 IESVS answered him I spake openly to the worlde I euer taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple whither the Iewes resort continually and in secret haue I said nothing verse 21 Why askest thou mee aske them that heard me what I said vnto them beholde they know what I said verse 22 When he had spoken these things one of the officers which stood by smote IESVS with his rodde saying Answerest thou the high Priest so verse 23 IESVS answered him if I haue euill spoken beare witnesse of the euill but if I haue well spoken why smitest thou me verse 24 Now Annas had sent him bound vnto Caiaphas the high Priest verse 25 And Simon Peter stood and warmed himselfe and they saide vnto him Art not thou also one of his Disciples He denied it and said I am not verse 26 One of the seruants of the high Priest his cousin whose eare Peter smote off saide Did not I see thee in the Garden with him verse 27 Peter then denied againe and immediatly the Cocke crew BELOVED in the LORD IESVS we haue heard the first part of the Passion of the LORD which was in the Garden beside that inward agonie with the wrath of His Father that Hee felt in His soule outwardly in the Garden where Hee was taken like a thiefe bound Hee was taken to deliuer vs from that captiuitie and bondage of sinne and death And then after we entered into the seconde part of His suffering which was in the Hall of Caiaphas being taken and bound He is led away to Hierusalem The first house that He is brought vnto is the house of Anna● the father-in-lawe to Caiaphas and there Hee tarrieth a certaine time till the Priestes the Elders and Scribes were assembled in the house of Caiaphas and then Annas sendes Him bound to Caiaphas the High Priest Now we heard the last day the Historie of Peter how hee denied his Lord and Master Peter vpon a vaine confidence notwithstanding of an admonition of the Lord hee will followe Him to the house of the High Priest Now the Lord entereth in and the other disciple vvho knewe the High Priest and Peter vvas stopped at the doore this might haue beene an aduertisement for him to haue left off but yet hee would not and the other disciple thinking to gratifie him he desireth the maiden that kept the doore to let him in and beeing no sooner entered in but that same seruant vvoman tempteth him This temptation is by a sober instrument neither vttered she any reuiling vvordes vnto him yet neuerthelesse Peter falleth vvhereby yee maye see vvhereunto the confidence of fleshe and blood turneth for the lightest assault vvill throwe him downe vvho trusteth in it Hee is standing vvarming himselfe vvith euill companie and being standing securely he getteth his reward hee deare bought his vvarming there for hee is tempted and denieth his Lord and Master Now to come to this Text There are two parts of it shortly the first containes the suffering of the Lord Iesus in the Hall of the high Priest the second containes the second and third deniall of Peter As for the first it is saide that Caiaphas the high Priest begineth to aske of Iesus concerning his doctrine and his disciples he layeth not downe first such and such particular pointes of false doctrine because he had none to lay to the charge of the Lord and therefore this was no formall proceeding and dealing to draw a man before a judge and then not to haue one word to lay to his charge Should not the dittay be made before the man was taken ye may see the malice of this persecution Well then to examine his words he enquireth about his doctrine and then for his disciples whilst he asked him of his doctrine he would meane that his doctrine was not allowable and that it might not abide the light and that Hee teached lies and whilst as hee speaketh of His disciples hee would meane that the Lord was a seducer and had seduced so many among the people the Lord answeres The thing that I haue teached I haue teached openly before the world and therefore why askest thou me of my doctrine as though it were not allowable and as if I had teached in secret holes and caues then he appealeth to the witnessing of his enemies aske of these men who haue heard me I will bee judged by them This is the effect first of the question of the high Priest and next of the answere of the Lord. The first thing that wee marke here is shortly this Beholde in the person of Caiaphas the malice of the enemies of the trueth in their heartes they know the trueth and yet they will seeme that they knowe it not CAAIPHAS knewe the trueth but hee seemeth not to knowe it the enemies will count light darknesse albeit the truth should shine in their faces more bright than the Sunne in the noone-tide of the day yet they will say Light is darknesse But to come to Christs part as the trueth loues the light and desires not to be hid neither to bee teached in secret holes and caues so the trueth so farre as is possible is publikely to bee teached in the presence of the worlde it would haue all men to know it it would euer bee heard and the light would euer shine through the world The Ministers of the trueth should euer
Priest on this rises another temptation Some say Art thou not one of his disciples there he denies saying I am not First ye haue the occasion of the temptation Secondly the temptation it selfe Thirdly the second fall and deniall The occasion is he is standing warming him in such a companie the words import a great securitie in Peter he is so farre from a remorse that is carelesse thinke yee not that hauing denied his Master once that hee should haue gone aside mourned wept bitterly but ye see he did not so Sin when it is committed bringeth on commonly a carelesse security when a man hath fallen into a great sinne he will commonly ly still in a deadnesse senslesnesse as a man who falles downe from an high place for a certaine space lyes without sense is dammished with the fall euen so what is sinne but a fall from God after that once we are fallen frō God we are senlesse altogether we ly without sense or motion the greater alwayes that the sinne be whereinto we fall the greater is the senslesnesse but aboue all sinnes the deniall of the Lord Iesus of His trueth bringes on most fearfull deadly senslesnesse especially if that sinne proceede of a malitiousnesse of the heart as that sinne of Iuda● did he was senslesse he was so impudent in sinning that he kissed His Master to shew Him to his takers It is true the sin of Iudas was of the hatred of the heart but the sinne of Peter was not of malice but of infirmitie yet hee falles into a deadnesse and sleepe So Brethren euer beware to fall for after a fall comes a securitie The estate of securitie is the most dangerous estate that euer was better to be mourning day night than to be in this securitie so then falling he lyes still senslesse But looke what followes lying still in security another tempter cōmeth againe to wit One of the seruants of the high Priest his cousin whose ca●e Peter smote off sayd Did not I see thee in the garden with him looke what the estate of securitie bringes on it neuer wantes temptation if thou shalt be put to that pinch that thou should denie thy Lord let a man ly still in securitie frō houre to houre he shall neuer want temptation when the deuill lulles thee asleepe in securitie then he thinkes that he gets his will Peter sayes I am not his disciple the temptatiō is but light yet for all the lightnes of it he denies his Lord for denying Him to be his disciple albeit he spake slenderly he denies Christ to be his Master in effect he denies the Messias then Brethren a man or a woman lying in securitie the least thing in the world will draw him away as a sleeping man with a small motion will fall so when thou art sleeping if the deuill commeth the least finger of the tempter will put thee ouer aboue all things in the world keepe thee from securitie for the smallest temptation will put thee away frō thy God so men in this life should euer be groaning vnder the burthen of sinne had Peter bene groaning after his first deniall hee had not beene so easily ouercome Now to take it vp in one worde sinne bringes on securitie when one lyes in securitie the deuill is busie to tempt him that person is easily put ouer so beware of sinne and striue to get a waking conscience that thou sleep not in securitie for the end of securitie is death euerlasting when hee is crying peace peace then commeth a sudden judgement like the paines of a woman in trauel Now come to the last deniall of Peter he hath denied the Lord twise after his second deniall he is no more touched than he was of before the second fall bringes on a greater senslesnesse than the first fall the oftener that a man or woman falles they are the more senslesse once falling falling againe thou contractest the greater securitie There is not a man or a woman that continues in sinne but after the second fall that person shall be more senslesse than after the first so growing in sinne bringes on a growing in deadly securitie continuance in a dead sleepe thou shalt finde thy selfe after the second sinne more senslesse than after the first Well then Peter conti●ues in a securitie as Luke noteth there interu●enes one houre betweene the second third deniall yet he is without remorse he is not moued so continuing in this dead sleepe of securitie commeth on the third temptation by a cousin of Malchus whose eare hee smote off if thou sleepest in securitie thou shalt not want new temptation when thou sleepest thy tempter is busily waking about thee the more thou sleepest and lyest in securitie the more busie is the deuil to tempt thee albeit thou feelest it not Now when Peter hath denied Him once and twise as the other Euangelists doe note hee putteth to a curse Marke as continuance in securitie bringeth on continuance in temptation so continuance in temptation bringeth on continuance in sinne Now I thinke if the Lord had not stayed him in the ende hee had denied Him a thousand times euen so oft as they had asked of him So there is neuer an ende of tumbling ouer and ouer till the creature tumble in hell where there shall be a blacke wakening for if thou deniest the Lord once thou shalt denie Him againe and againe it is noted when he denied the third time Then the cocke crew and Luke noteth euen as the cocke crew the Lord looked ouer his shoulder there goes two things together the crowing of the cocke the looking of the Lord. S. Marke notes the cocke crew the second time well then doth Peter waken at the crowing of the cocke beganne hee to get a remorse by it No all the crying crowing of the world wil not waken the soule out of sinne except the Lord looke in by the beames of his countenance and strike in to the heart if the gratious beames of the Lords face had not strucken on Peters heart he had neuer wakened This is to let you see how hard a thing it is to raise a dead body that lyes in sinne what crying in the world wil raise a dead body so there is no crying or remedie in heauen or in earth to thy dead soule except Iesus Christ looke fauorably vnto thee make his gratious countenance to shine in thy soule who would haue that remorse of sinne that Peter got and that waking conscience let that person striue to turne the heart to Iesus Christ whē the heart is turned to the Lord thē the vaile shal be taken away all the light of knowledge is in the face of Iesus Christ no heat in the worlde is able to mollifie thine heart except that heat that commeth from the face of Iesus Christ so hold euer thine heart vp to the face of Iesus
shine God forgiue them who giues or purchases such remissions the King of Heauen will not haue any to vsurpe His authoritie Now let vs returne and consider Pilates part Pilate is carefull to get Iesus the innocent let loose and at libertie and herein hee is worthie of some praise They who should haue saued Him are persecuting Him and yet marke well and ye shall see that Pilate in thus doing and speaking sinneth When he is of purpose to set Him free and at libertie he cares not albeit Iesus was most innocent that He were counted nocent and guiltie he cares not although Hee passe free as one worthie of death and hee compares Him with Barabbas and when hee doth the best hee can he doth but euill Marke the dutie of Iudges It is not enough to seeke to set the innocent free and at libertie only No but also thou must see that the innocent be set free as an innocent man albeit that all the world should speake against it The will of that great Iudge is that not onely the innocent should escape with their life but also that they escape as innocent that their innocencie may serue to the glorie of God thou suppresses the glory of that great Iudge if thou clea●sest him not as an innocent it were better for an innocent to die the death innocently than to take on him a crime which he hath not done or to take a remission of a crime whereof he is not guiltie To come to the part of the Iewes Pilate goes farre beyond them albeit hee doeth euill yet they doe ten times worse Alas the judgement of Pilate in that day shall be nothing to the judgement of the malitious Iewes in doing of this that he compares Him with Barabbas albeit hee compares Him with him yet he countes Him an innocent but he compares Him with Barabbas by a policie to pleasure the Iewes they wil not only compare Him with Barabbas but will preferre Barabbas to Him Pilate compares they preferre Brethren an vngodly man will hate more extreamelie vertue and grace in a good man than vice in an euill man as concerning the wicked man because he is wicked himselfe he will not hate sinne as it is sinne the pleasure that a wicked man hath is to see the GOD of heauen displeased that is his meat that is his drinke if hee doe hate vice it is not for the vices sake but because the vice troubles him because of some skathe and shame that followes it and because he vvould haue an easie life But to come to the grounde An vngodly man hates vertue because it is vertue and because godlinesse is of GOD hee hates it and hee hates a godly man because hee beares the image of GOD the extreamitie of his hatred is against GOD hee vvill rather suffer a vvicked man than an innocent or godly man but hee neuer hates v●ce because it is vice The Pope vvill suffer Sodomites to dwell beside him and Bordels but hee cannot heare of a godly man but vvill persecute him vvho vvill professe to teach Christ truely yea hee vvill pursue him to the death There is greater hatred in the heart of an obstinate Papist against a Christian than in y e heart of a Turke the greatest hatred is euer vnder cloke of religion So there is not one that hates a godly man so greatly as they who clokes all thinges vnder the name of the Church The LORD saue vs from them I say I had rather fall into the hands of a Turke than into the handes of a Papist What is CHRISTES part there is nothing but shame for Him Where was there euer such an ignominie as this Barabbas is preferred vnto that just one if thou be an innocent man and art counted vvorse than the vvicked it is a great shame and then not onely is hee preferred vnto Him but in hanging vpon the Crosse Hee is put betweene two thieues to testifie that they counted Him more vvorthie of death than they vvere And then besides the suffering of that paine He suffered paine in that they blasphemed Him and helde Him in derision What euer vvas the part of the Iewes and of Pilate the Father of IESVS CHRIST hath His part also there was not a vvorde spoken but that vvhich He directed the Iewes spake not this but by the Lords disposition who ruled all this action they did nothing as yee may reade Acts 4.28 but that vvhich Hee had appointed from all eternitie Nowe His dispensation was for thy vveale the dispensation of His shame was for thine honour and if Hee had not died in this ignominie thou hadst died ignominious euerlastingly and He had not beene a perfect Redeamer if Hee had not suffered this and as the Lord dispensed all this how euer it bee that they did vnjustlie yet it is all turned to our weale See the wonderfull just dealing of GOD when they are doing vnjustly He burthens His Sonne with no burthen either in bodie or soule but that which our sinne that IESVS CHRIST did beare vpon His backe procured and deserued Hee vvas moste innocent in Himselfe and altogether without sinne but our sinnes vvere laide vpon His backe for Hee who knewe no sinne was made sinne for vs as the Apostle saies 2. Cor. 5.21 Looke to these sinnes that Christ had vpon Him they were a thousand times greater than the sinnes of Barabbas for Hee bare vpon Him the sinnes of all the world many murthers many adulteries the LORD IESVS bare them all So there is nothing that falles to IESVS CHRIST but that which wee procured vnto Him What euer CHRIST sustained the reproches shame and blasphemies the paine and extreamitie of paine in soule and bodie it is thy sinne that procured all this Brethren marke this well When men either heare or reade this Historie they turne them to the Iewes and vvill defie the Priestes and the Pharises and Pilate and in the meane time they looke not to themselues but looke not to others but to thine owne selfe for it is thy sinne also that pearced Him thorow and if thou wouldest weepe weepe for thine owne sinne I meane not this that any man should thinke to take his sinnes away from Christ and lay them vpon his owne backe for there is no bodie that is able to beare so much as an euill thought then let thy sinnes lie vpon Christ for Hee is able to beare them all And as thou layest thy sinnes vpon Him seeke to bee cladde with His righteousnesse and as Hee is made sinne for thee looke that thou be made righteous before God in Him for if thou be clothed with that euerlasting righteousnesse in that Great daye thou shalt bee counted just and get that life of IESVS Wherefore to ende heere let vs so abhorre the malice indignitie and crueltie of the Iewes against CHRIST the innocent that vpon the other part vvee maye vvith our vvhole heart reuerence and embrace that moste just dispensation of GOD
vpon Him as guiltie in vs and for our cause and let vs giue Him thankes and praise continuallie because Hee hath giuen His onelie Sonne for vs and Hee hath made Him sinne for vs and Hee hath made Him subject to all shame ignominie dolour and paine both of bodie and soule for our sakes To Him therefore with the Father and the Holie Spirit bee all Praise Honour Power and Glorie for euer and euer Amen THE EIGHT LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST IHON CHAP. XIX verse 1 THEN Pilate tooke IESVS and scourged him verse 2 And the Souldiers platted a Crowne of Thornes and put it on his head and they put on him a purple garment verse 3 And said Haile King of the Iewes And they smote him with their roddes verse 4 Then Pilate went foorth againe and said vnto them Beholde I bring him foorth to you that yee may know that I find no fault in him at all verse 5 Then came IESVS foorth wearing a Crowne of Thornes and a purple garment And Pilate said vnto them Beholde the man verse 6 Then when the high Priestes and officers sawe him they cryed saying Crucifie him crucifie him Pilate saide vnto them Take yee him and crucifie him for I finde no fault in him NOwe Brethren wee insist further in the suffering of CHRIST vnder Pontius Pilate the Romane Gouernour who abode in Hierusalem Wee haue hearde of two accusations that were laid against the innocent Iesus Christ The first was that Hee called Himselfe The king of the Iewes so was guilty of treason against Caesar Yee hearde the effect of this accusation to bee nothing and therefore hee goes foorth and with his voyce before them all purgeth the innocent In the next accusation there were many things laide to His charge and this chiefely that He had corrupted the whole Countrey from Galilee to Hierusalem with false doctrine Nowe when this was tryed Pilate yet holdes Him innocent in testifying His innocencie and therefore hee seekes yet to gette Him set at libertie out of the handes of the Iewes and considering that the Iewes at the Passeouer were accustomed to seeke the liberty of a prisoner who was guiltie of a capitall crime hee vses this oportunitie and askes of them vvhether they vvould haue IESVS or Barabbas set at libertie Wee hearde the answere to this proposition to vvit they crie they vvill not haue Him deliuered but Barabbas Nowe the other Euangelistes doe insist more largelie in this purpose and vvrite more of it and they report that Pilate when hee hearde this worde hee asketh What shall I doe with Iesus They crie all with one voyce Crucifie him Pilate the third time hearing this hee cleanses the innocent Yet they report more that whilest Pilate vvas sitting in judgement there commeth a messenger from his vvife and saies Haue nothing adoe with this innocent man Why for I haue beene troubled for Him in my sleepe This is an aduertisement sharpe enough vnto him and the LORD vvanted not His owne vvorke therein for the LORD brought this to passe partlie in respect of IESVS CHRIST that His innocencie might clearelie appeare before the vvorlde and that Hee might receaue a testimonie of His innocencie from them vvho had little regarde vnto it for had not Iesus beene innocent vvee had beene little the better of Him for Hee coulde not haue justified vs for ere our faith rest on Him vvee must haue the full assurance of His innocencie partly in respect of Pilate that hee should be conuerted or made vnexcusable if hee would goe forward The working of the Lord is wonderfull in the reprobate for ere that decree of their reprobation bee put in execution the Lord assaies to bring them to repentance Rom. 9.22 He suffers with a long suffering the vessels of wrath Rom. 2.4 Hee inuites the reprobate to repentance Yea ere Hee put them in Hell Hee will inuite them to Heauen There is not a reprobate that perishes in the justice of God but ere Hee vtter His justice towards them Hee will vtter His mercie in warning them to repent We come Brethren to our Text He followes out the suffering in these words which we haue read He telles vs how earnestly Pilate seekes the libertie of Iesus and he lets vs see the meanes that Pilate vses to set Iesus at libertie first he takes Him out and scourges Him puts Him out to be mocked thinking that this would satisfie the Iewes and then the fourth time hee professes His innocencie Then he bringes Him out to them with a crowne of thornes and a purple garment thinking that he should haue contented and moued the Iewes to pittie but all was in vaine It is said Pilate tooke IESVS and scourged him and not content with this commanded His souldiers to put a crowne of thornes vpon His head and a purple garment on Him to scorne the Kingdome of Iesus Christ and then smiteth Him with roddes Ye see the Lord suffers mocking paine in bodie the Lord of glorie is put to ignominie consider well let it neuer goe out of thy minde that the Lord of Glorie suffered such shame for thy cause But to examine this fact of Pilates this is commendable that he speakes so to get the innocent Iesus set at libertie but in the meane that he vseth he failes very farre Yee shall marke this in prophane and vngodly men that one of these two things falles out if not both Either they shall not take in hand a good and godly purpose or els if any time it falles out that they enterprise any good deede that they shall chuse vngodly vnlawfull meanes to affectuate it they shall doe euill that good may come of it Cast your eyes vpon this Land ye shall see this to be true Yet let vs search vp the ground of this proceeding of Pilate It cannot bee denied but that he hath a good purpose and deed in hand but it is as true againe that as he hath a good deed in hand hee lookes not vpon it with an vpright eye hee hath not God nor his Glorie before his eyes for his conscience rather than any regard to Gods Glorie or His will mooued him to purpose to loose Him Thou must not propone only to doe good but also thou must propone it for Gods cause and for His glorie Pilate hauing no respect to God goes astray and out of the way This is certaine Brethren if the purpose were neuer so good and if thou haue not the Glorie of God before thine eyes thou shalt wauer but by the contrarie that man that hath respect vnto the Lord he shall not readily wauer but the Glorie of God shall glance before him as a lanterne into his way vntill hee prosecute that deede Blessed is he that hath the Glorie of God before him there is no light to bring vs thorow this thornie way but only the Glory of our God Next I see in this fact in following out the means that hee
Martyres hath euer proued this that the Antichrist coulde neuer bee satisfied in drinking of their blood The persecuters of the Trueth will neuer be satiate there is no satietie of the malice of the haert of y e childe of darknes against the child of light If thou hadst slaine a mans father it may be he would haue forgiuen thee but and if thou bee the childe of GOD and if hee bee the childe of darkenesse hee vvill neuer bee satiate till he gette thine heart blood The IEVVES and the Souldiours could neuer bee satiate till they had gotten the heart blood of the Innocent But Brethren we must looke vp higher for it was not so much with these Iewes and Souldiours that IESVS hath to doe as with an angrie GOD and th●t because Hee bare the burthen of our sinnes these torturers were but instrumentes of that terrible wrath of the Father vpon the Sonne It was not so much their wrath as the wrath of the Father that pursued Him so ardently After Hee was once deliuered into the hands of these Hangmē wrath begins so to be powred foorth on Him frō Heauen that He got no rest till He was crucified dead on the crosse It is a terrible thing for a sinner yea if hee were a king who is not in Iesus and partaker of His suffering to fall into the hands of an angrie God and a consuming fire if thou bee out of Christ thou shalt feele it the terriblest sight that euer was howbeit wanton men and women make their pastime to anger that great Iudge going to murther defiling their bodies and soules by harlotrie it may be for a time that they get rest but after that once that righteous Iudge put hands in thee I promise thee that thou shalt neuer get rest The verie reprobate when they shall see that there is none ende of wrath shall crie O Lord shall neuer this wrath haue an end if thou goest to Hell thou shalt finde none end of wrath Now blessed is that sinner that gets grace to haue recourse to Iesus Christ to lurke vnder His suffering When they haue vsed Him so vnworthily within the common Hall and when all is made readie Then they leade out Iesus caries Him out of the Portes of Hierusalem to an ignominious death and as they lead Him out so Iesus Christ goes out willingly to suffer at the good pleasure of His Father knowing that now His houre was come God forbid but that wee should thinke that Iesus Christ suffered willingly No Brethren in this example of Iesus Christ the innocent and that His willing going to death wee see that it is the innocent who goe to death willingly and namely they who are innocent in the blood of Iesus Christ that haue their conscience sprinkled with the blood of the immaculate Lambe As for men who are not cled with this innocencie alas for them It is not possible that these can haue consolation or can with gladnesse offer vp their liues it may bee that some will pretend willingnesse but that is but a shew Againe it may be that there bee some senslesse bodies that knowes not how terrible death is and what euill is in it O! death is terrible for either Heauen or Hell followes on the taile thereof and wilt thou count litle of that port by the which thou passest from this life to eternitie So some may be senslesse as a Kow goes to the shambles and some may haue a false conscience but if thou haue not an assurance that thou art washed with the blood of Iesus Christ Woe shall come to thee wrath shall light on thee There is no consolation in death to any but to these who die in the innocencencie of Iesus Christ I marke the manner how He goes out He goes out bearing His owne Crosse or rather drew it after Him this was after the manner of the Romanes that the man whome they condemned to die this death they commanded to beare His Crosse and therefore they were called Furciferi gallowes bearers now they practise this on the innocent Iesus Nowe to come to it that falles out whilst Hee is bearing His Crosse As they are going out They meete a man by the way whose name was Simon the father of Alexander and Rufus a man in a towne of Africa and the towne was called Cyrene a laborious man retu●ning from the Countrey to Hierusalem they meete the poore man and compelles the man to take vp the one ende of the Crosse Iesus goes before and he goes behind they would not haue Iesus relieued No they pitied Him not but they would haue Him formest in the burthen Thinke not Brethren that this re●ieuing was of any compassion they had to Iesus No they had no pitie vpon Him but it came to p●sse because Christ Iesus was faint weake and we●ried vnder the burthen and no wonder He was a man He tooke on our nature and all the infirmities thereof that wee might bee made strong After that once the Lord had fallen in their handes Hee got no rest Hee got no sleepe that night Hee fasted and His soule was vexed and then all that night and all that day following from the morning to the noone-tide hee got no rest but was twise scourged and buffeted As for the souldiers they thought themselues too gay As for the Iewes they thought themselues too holy and in end He was made a curse but for our cause And therefore meeting with this Gentile Simon they compelled him to helpe Him This wants not a Mysterie This Simon was a figure of the Gentiles and this calling albeit of compulsion signifies our calling beeing Gentiles to take vp our crosse and followe Iesus out of the portes of Hierusalem And as the Apostle to the Hebrewes Chap 13. verse 13. sayes Goe foorth of the Ca●●●e bearing His reproach for here we haue no continuing citie but wee seeke for one to come As for the Iewes they would neither touch Christ nor His Crosse with their finger because they judged Him accursed Indeede I grant GOD made Him accursed but Hee was made a curse that wee should bee the blessing of GOD through H●m As Paul sayes to the Galathians Chap. 3. verse 13. Wouldest thou know thy felicitie in this worlde and in the worlde to come it stands in joyning with that man that was accursed whosoeuer thou be y t shalt not joyne with this man who is accursed I giue thee this doome Cursed shalt thou be euerlastingly vengeance malediction shall lie on thine head euerlastingly We are Gētiles not Iewes let vs thē with this Simon of Cyrene take vp y e Crosse of Christ follow Him out of the portes of Hierusalem to beare His shame y t we may be partakers of His glory if thou be not partaker of His ignominie and shame I denounce to thee thou shalt not be partaker of His glorie thou who wast not humbled with Christ thou shalt neuer be exalted with Him this
the day in the which He was crucified MARKE names it to haue bene about the third houre of the daye which according to our reckoning and our fashion of diuiding of the daye fell about the twelfth houre of the daye which manifestes a verie hastie dispatch and a short space betwixt the doome and the execution yea all this matter was very hastilie dispatched for Hee was taken in the night in the which Hee gotte no rest but was hurried first to Annas and from him to Caiaphas Hall and then before Pilate the Romane Iudge and there before him condemned So that Hee is taken in the night and the next day before twelue a clocke Hee is crucified In the night Hee is taken and brought before the Iudge The accusation passeth The doome is giuen and He is crucified on the morrow following before twelue of the clocke Nowe to passe by the malice of the Jewes and their earnestnesse to haue the Lord put to death we shall marke that all this judgement wee maye see the swiftnesse of the wrath of the Father which pursued the Sonne because He bare the sinnes of the worlde It lets vs see plainlie that the judgement that shall bee in the latter daye to the which this is proportionate it is a type of the latter judgement that judgemēt also I say shall passe ouer swiftlie and the reprobate in that judgement when the Lord is once entred into judgement shall not gette leaue nor leasure to draw their breath till they be castē into Hel. And after that the terrible Iudge shall once enter into accompt with them and giue out that sentence Depart from mee yee cursed of my Father with the Deuill and his angelles immediatelie those damned soules shall bee hurled to Hell If the wrath was so swift vpon the Sonne of God Himselfe what shall bee the swiftnesse of the wrath vpon the reprobate in that Great daye Then come to the Text which we haue read and to goe forwardes to speake of the thinges and circumstances that fell out in the time that the Lord did hang quicke nayled vpon the Crosse for as I haue already declared Hee hung the ●pace of three houres quicke nayled vpon the Crosse ere Hee gaue vp the ghoste The first thing we haue to speake of is concerning the two Thieues that were crucified with Him the one at the one hande and the other at the other hand Next wee shall speake of that prayer that Iesus conceiued whilest Hee was hanging on the Crosse before His enemies And thirdly wee shall speake of that title and inscription that Pilate commanded to bee fixed on the Crosse to wit IESVS of Nazareth the King of the Iewes and this contained the crime and cause of His suffering Last wee shall speake of the diuiding of His garmentes and howe they cast lottes on His coate All these heads are plaine they offer plaine doctrine Then to come to the first It is saide that They crucified with him two thieues two vagabondes two throat-cutters and they crucified the one of them at his right hand and the other at his left hand And Hee hung on the Crosse in the middest betweene them both They crucifie not the Lord Iesus Himselfe alone but betwixt two Thieues and not at the side but one of them at each side and Him in the middest g●uing out thereby to bee vnderstood by all the worlde who looked on Him and there was an hudge multitude of Iewes Romanes and Gentiles looking on that of all Malefactors He was the greatest Brethren I see this thorowe all the Historie of the Passion of Iesus Christ euer His dolour enc●easses till it come to the ende to the height And I see this that as His paine growes continually So shame is heaped on His head continually and whilest Hee is hanging on the Crosse at the same time the greatest shame is heaped on His head for Hee hanges vpon the Tree betwixt the euill doers as Prince of all euill doers in the worlde To let you see that as the paine of the reprobate shall bee extreame so the sh●me and confusion that they shall suffer in Hell shall passe all measure In this circumstance as in all the rest I looke not so much to the Iewes and to their malice as I looke to His Father in Heauen to His wrath and to His Iustice it is Hee who is the chiefe worker of all these things All the●e men Pilate Herode the men of warre and the High Priestes they are like as many burrioes to that Iudge The LORD hanges on the Crosse in extreame paine of bodie and soule and as Hee hanges in extreame paine so there is extreame shame joyned with it Nowe if the shame and paine was extreame it must followe that Hee bare an extreame but then of sinne these goe together in GODS Iustice extreame burthen of sinne extreame paine and extreame shame for the Iustice of GOD requires that extreame sinne bee punished by extreame paine and shame It is true the Martyres suffered greater shame paine than euer murtherer did or malefactour yet it followes not that their sinne was greater than the sinne of them who suffers not so great paine Why The Martyres suffered not for sinne Non eo nomine Neuer a Martyre suffered for sinne but for the testimonie of the same Lord Iesus Christ who suffered for their sinne and therefore in their suffering they had an exceeding great joy assuring them that they had a remissiō of their sinnes in the blood of the Lambe IESVS CHRIST But IESVS CHRIST suffered for sinne Eo nomine it is one thing to a sinner to suffer it is another thing to suffer for sin No if the Lord make thee to suffer for the least sin if it were but for an euill thought thou shalt feele howe terrible a Iudge Hee is The LORD suffers and is shamed for sinne the Lord IESVS suffered extreame shame and paine therefore the consequent followes He bare an extreame but then of sinne When I looke to this vtter shame as I call to minde all the sinnes that IESVS suffered for so chiefly I looke to that high pride of Adam and of vs all in Adam whereby wee aspire to bee like to that High and glorious Majestie that pride whereby we would haue spoyled that great GOD of that honour and glorie which was due to Him Therefore in this vtter shame the Father of Heauen meetes randers and requites that high pride of Adam and for that Hee heapes shame on the head of His Sonne As thou aspirest to dishonour Him by pride so Hee meetes thy pride in His deare Sonne If thou be not found in IESVS in that great day the prouder thou bee in the worlde the greater shall be thy shame beside that vnspeakable torment of soule and bodie Now will yee see in this extreame paine shame that the Lord suffers how the wonder of our saluation is wrought it is so farre from that that it is wrought
fourth part they called the ninth houre This much for the diuision of the daye and night after the fashion of the Iewes To apply this to our purpose In this Historie of the Passion of Iesus Christ yee shall finde mention of all these foure partes of the first the third sixt and ninth In the first houre or in the morning the LORD IESVS was led into the Common-Hall to Pilate to bee accused His accusation continued the first three houres and much of the third houre or second quarter as wee counted it His accusation continued about the space of fiue houres Then alitle after the sixt houre in the ende of the thirde houre as IOHN in his nineteene Chapter sayes The doome and sentence of damnation was giuen out against the Lord In the same third houre as MARKE in his fourteenth Chapter sayes The Lord Iesus was crucified so that He was both condemned crucified in the end of the third houre So betweene eleuen and twelue a short space passed betweene the sentence of damnation and the execution In the sixt houre which was the thirde part of their day yee see there falles out a fearfull and terrible darknesse on the face of the earth and according to our account the darknesse remaines from twelue houres to three in the afternoone the space of three houres for so long hang the Lord vpon the Crosse Then yee haue mention here of the ninth houre the fourth part of their day The Lord then vttered His complaint to His Father My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee This is according to our account when it was three after noone and hastily after this Hee yeeldes His blessed Spirit in the hands of His Father So the Lord Iesus died and yeelded the Spirit betweene three and foure houres afternoone Now this shortly for the better vnderstanding of the Historie Nowe to speake of this wonder and darknesse His heauenly Father would testifie by this darknesse that whilst His glorious Son was humbled on that vile ignominious Crosse as Paul to the Philippians 2. sayes Whilst as He was weakned and made of no reputation at this time His Father would testifie not onely of His innocencie as Hee was man but also of His glorie as He was God In humbling of Him the Father would glorifie Him But will yee looke to the Sunne and the senslesse creatures of Heauen and Earth the very Sunne and senslesse creatures would testifie that they were addebted vnto that glorious Creator they would testifie that sorrowe that they had that the Lord of glorie should suffer such an ignominious death The senslesse creatures were moued the Sunne gloomes hides his face at that wicked action the earth shiuers and quakes readie to swallow vp and deuoure those miserable persons and the Sunne and the senslesse creatures beginne to teach that senslesse and hardened people with whom they had to doe Not with a man but with the Lord of glorie but teach what they would teach heere is a miserable example of induration this miserable people for all this darknesse was not moued they would not turne So Brethren see what it is once to be giuen to a reprobate sense if the LORD giue thee vp to a reprobate sense the earth shall not be so senslesse as thou and though the earth should stand vp and teach thee thou shalt not heare nor see what it sayes Of all judgements that falles on the soule this reprobate sense is the heauiest and most dangerous and if thou continuest in it it were a thousand times better for thee when thou werest made a man or a woman to haue bene made a stocke or a stone for if there be not a wakning in time out of so dead a sleepe ere euer thou beware the wrath of God from He●uen shall ouertake thee when thou criest peace then shall the wrath come thou shalt not get leasure to thinke of mercie The Lord waken this senslesse generation for there was neuer a generation more senslesse than this generation is notwithstanding of so many voyces sounding not only voyces of men but of the heauen the earth and senslesse creatures I will speake sparingly of this darkning and as the Philosopher calles it the ecclipse of the Sunne for it serues not much to edification Onely thus far that yee may see the greatnesse of the wonder and that ye may wonder at the Lord Iesus hanging on the Crosse This Ecclipse was not naturall for the naturall Ecclipse of the Sunne falles out when the Moone is in the changing at the which time there is a concurse and conjunction betweene the two Planets the Sunne and the Moone The Moone goes vnder the Sunne and takes away a great part of the light of the Sunne from the Earth But this Ecclipse falles out in the full moone The Law commanded the Passeouer to be celebrate in the moneth of March the fourteenth day of their moneth in the which time the Sunne and the Moone are as far asunder as they can be the one beeing in the one side of the Heauen the other on the other side so that betweene them the whole Globe of the Earth is cast in But in this Ecclipse against Nature the Moone which was now opposite to the Sunne turnes her suddenly about and comes vnder the Sunne and hides the sight thereof and brings on a terrible darknesse on the world So that as yee will read in prophane writings during that darknesse the starres were seene at the Noonetide as at Midnight And to be short it is written that the Philosophers in Athens marking this Ecclipse endeuoured to search the cause of it could not finde out the naturall cause and one Dionisius Areopagita saide It behooued to be that either the God of Nature suffered or els the worlde should suddenly be dissolued and be lied not The Lord Iesus the GOD of Nature suffered and they raised vp an Altar then and wrote on it To the vnknowne God whereof ye read in the Actes 17. This for the wonder Nowe let vs come to that that fell out in the ninth houre that is our three houres afternoone Marke This serues for our edification ye heard the Lord Iesus was in extreame agonie and anguishe in His soule and also Hee suffered great paine in His bodie yet all was nothing to that extreame bitternesse that Hee felt in His soule when as Hee hung on the Crosse Nowe in this agonie Hee vtters this voyce with a crie Eli Eli lamasabachthani that is My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee These are the first wordes of the XXII PSALME for Dauid beeing the Type of Christ and feeling that vexation of spirit in some measure which Christ felt out of measure hee cryes out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me This place these words minister occasion vnto vs to speake of the inward conflict passion that Iesus had in His soule And that yee maye vnderstande this matter the better I
shall rehearse vnto you the vvhole Passion of IESVS CHRIST in as fewe vvordes as I can Then the whole life of Iesus Christ whilest Hee was in this vvorlde vvas a continuall suffering of the burthen of our sinnes that Hee bare and that obedience to His Father required that not onely in His life-time shoulde Hee doe for our saluation but chiefely it required that the Mediator shoulde die All that Hee did had beene nothing worth to vs and if Hee had not died for as the Apostle sayeth HEBR. CHAP. IX VERS XXII No remission of sinnes without blood Thinke not that euer thy sinnes shall bee forgiuen thee without the shedding of the blood of Iesus Christ And either thou must die or haue part in the death of the Mediator The ende of His suffering was the perfect abolishing and vndoing of the sinnes of the Elect as yee may reade in the ninth CHAPTER to the HEBREVVES Now marke againe This perfect abolishing and vndoing of our sinnes required a perfect passion and suffering of the Mediator Whether ye looke to the time it required a perfect time or will yee looke to the greatnesse of it it required an infinite quantitie of greatnesse for if it had not bene perfect in time and quantitie thou hadst neuer beene redeamed Brethren that yee maye the better vnderstande the vvhole Passion of IESVS CHRIST I shall point out vnto you the vvhole manner of His sufferinges For why shoulde vvee not knowe this Our life standes in His death Hee suffered all for vs. And I see thorowe out the Scripture the vvhole sufferinges of Christ maye bee drawne to these three sortes The first is The Lord Iesus suffered temptations Secondlie The Lord Iesus suffered shame and ignominie the GOD of glorie suffered shame Howe agree these two together Shame and Glorie The thirde the LORD IESVS suffered paine and that verie grieuous paine in soule and bodie I shall goe thorowe all these three kinds of suffering shortlie and so I shall make an ende And first to speake of these temptations shortlie I call the temptations that the LORD suffered those tryalles of Him by the Deuill His enemie for hee let Him neuer rest and woefull was that battell that Hee had with him on the Crosse and His temptations by the ministers of the Deuill in the worlde who solicitated Him to leaue His GOD euen such temptations as wee are subject to in this worlde onelie except sinne for Hee knewe no sinne there vvas not one spotte of sinne in that holie One and so Hee was not subject to these foule motions inwarde temptations as we are who dare not face the Sunne nor the Moone And wherefore suffered Hee all these temptations Euen for thy cause the ende of all His suffering was that Hee might succour all them who were tempted either in bodie or soule HEBR. Chap. 2. vers 18. Art thou tempted if thou canst haue recourse to Him who was tempted for thy sake Hee will pittie thee As Hee suffered and was tempted so by His suffering Hee hath learned to pittie thee Hee who neuer hath tasted of miserie hee cannot pittie the miserable bodie And therefore when thou art tempted goe to CHRIST and saye LORD thou wast tempted as I am therefore now helpe and succour mee Thus farre for the first sort of Christes sufferinges The seconde sort was His shame and ignominie that open ignominie that He suffered especiallie on the Crosse Whether ye looke to His accusation they accused that most innocent One as a vile sinner or whether ye looke to all these false Testimonies that were brought against Him or yet whether yee looke to the tauntes and mockinges that Hee suffered and to that spitting on His face and blasphemies vpon the Crosse In all these yee shall s●e that shame He suffered for our sinnes The Apostle ROMAN Chap. 15. vers 3. saies Iesus Christ when hee was in the worlde hee spared not nor hee pleased not himselfe as wee doe but as it is written The rebukes of them which rebuke thee fell on me All these despites thou shouldest haue suffered but the LORDE Hee translated them vpon Himselfe O the shame that the sinner shoulde haue suffered and if the LORD IESVS had not taken it off the backe of the sinner and laid it on His owne backe Come to the last sort Thou who wouldest bee freed of paine either in bodie or soule Marke the paine of the Lord lay holde on it and apply it to thy soule for otherwise Nothing shall remaine for thee but paine euerlastingly all the kingdomes of the worlde shall not saue thee Then the last sort was paine and dolour in body and paine and dolour in soule but in the soule chiefly Looke to the time of it from His first conception to His last breath scarcely was the Lord well borne when thorow the persecution of Herode the Tyranne His mother was compelled to flee with Him to Egypt from that time He was vnder continuall affliction whilst as Hee entered into the thirtie yeere of His age when Hee takes vpon Him the part of a Mediator for mankinde from this foorth for Hee liued after this space three yeeres and an halfe His paine grew and increased in body and soule and ay nearer the last houre His displeasure and paine grew the more Now Brethren we shall speake shortly of these paines and dolours that the Lord suffered in the time of these three yeeres and an halfe for the Gospell makes mention of that suffering during this space the Lord Iesus is in continuall paine both of body and soule not in body onely but chiefly in the soule His paine during this time is chiefly that inwarde anguish all His paine was for our sinnes if yee compare the soule and the body together the soule is ten times worse and more sinfull than the bodie the soule is nothing but a sinke of sinne all sinne proceedes out of that stinking puddle of the soule The body hath no life in it but that which it hath of the soule and therefore seeing the Lord offered Him to suffer for our sinnes Hee behooued to suffer chiefly in the soule What shall I say of the impudent Papists who maintaine this doctrine that the Lord suffered not that inward paine of the soule O! that they dare be so bolde as to auouch such doctrine against the manifest wordes of the Holy Spirit They knowe not what sinne is They knowe not what is the greatnesse of the euill of sinne or the Iustice of GOD and lastly they know not what is the mercie of IESVS CHRIST In a worde I proclaime both before GOD and His Angels the Pope and his shauelings are open enemies to the Crosse of CHRIST if it were but in this that they take away the chiefe part of His suffering Bee thou a Papist if thou continuest in that fantasie thou shalt neuer haue no part nor portion of His suffering Concerning the suffering of His bodie and of that ignominious death of
to helpe the part that is distressed Euen so it was with the LORD for when for our sinnes Hee was vnderlying the wrath of that Omnipotent Iudge all the faculties of His soule His vnderstanding His memorie c left all their functions that all might concurre to helpe Him in that common agonie Well Brethren if yee would see Hell yee haue here the viue image of it The reprobate after that at the first they are astonished vvith the sudden vvrath as they continue in Hell their dolour and paine shall euer be augmented the vvrath shall still lye vpon them like a mountaine tumbling on them and pressing them euer in soule body so that they remaine euer in this euerlasting paine Christ made an end of it but if thou be a reprobate this anguish shall neuer leaue thee Oh! that the vvorld vvill not knovv this and once pause on it vvould they then thinke ye runne to all mischiefe as they doe And if once thou be cast into Hell mountaines of dolour and heapes of vvrath shall be heaped on thee for euermore These are tvvo parts of that Hell that the Lord suffers novv vvould yee haue the thirde part I remit you to the 5. Chapter to the Hebrewes vvhere there Paul sayes that the Lord vvhen Hee prayed in the dayes of His flesh vvith strong cries and vvith teares Hee vvas heard He had a terrible feare beside the present paine He vvas in a feare of a greater danger to insue If thou goest to Hell once beside the present paine that thou shalt be in And O the vveight of that paine that shall be on thee thou shalt euer haue a terrible feare of a greater paine to fall on thee y e paine of Hell is not ended in a moment but y u shalt finde the paine g●ovving euerlastingly a mountaine of vvrath shall come after another as y e vvaues of the sea follovving one another It is a sore matter to be in this paine euerlastingly Now we haue heard the first ground out of the wordes of the Holy Spirit Come to the second ground When He was in the agonie He vtters such effects that they who saw Him and heard that pitifull voyce might easily see what anguish Hee had in the soule He falles out in a prayer Father take away this cuppe that is the cuppe of thy wrath wherein He vtters a forgetfulnesse of our redemption the dolour so increases vpon Him that Hee prayes with greater intention with teares and with strong cries and with weeping Hell will cause thee to mourne and compell thee to squeele and houle like a dogge laugh not it will cause thee to gnash thy teeth if thou be cast in vtter darknesse yet as He prayes the wrath increases that He did sweate blood and the droppes of blood fell from His face to the ground What man read ye of or heard yee euer of or euer shall that was in such a feare in such a torment that for the feare of the torment he did sweat blood So that ye see that the Lord was in such anguish as neuer a man was Were any of the Martyres in such a feare or such an anguish as this No no Then as Hee vtters His agonie in prayer so Hee vtters it in many heauie and bitter complaints Iohn 12. When hee is speaking of His glorification suddenly He breakes off and sayes My soule is troubled what shall I say and then Hee turned Him to His Father and sayes Saue mee from this houre and last Hee sayes My soule is heavie on all sides euen to the death But of all complaints this that Hee vtters on the Crosse My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee is the most heauie and it proceedes from the most bitter anguish of the soule Nowe the Lord grant that this complaint may saue vs from that complaint of the reprobate that they shall vtter in Hell No question these words vtter a forsaking of Him and that Hee was deserted for a time He was left off without all comfort in the world Of all joy that He was wount to haue all joy was taken from Him They import not a diuulsion of the Godhead from the manhead the glorious Godhead dwelt in the Lord Iesus whilst as He hang on the Crosse GOD neuer left Him at any time after that once the Sonne of God tooke to Himselfe our flesh Hee left it neuer no not on the Crosse nor in the graue Hee left it neuer nor neuer shall but the Godhead kept it selfe so closse in Christ the man that it would let Him haue no joy whilst He should pay that ransom to the vttermost farthing whereby the justice of God was satisfied for our sinnes And this is the thing He complaines on Yet whilst He sayes My God my God He lets vs see Hee despaires not but in the meane time whilst Hee was left He cleau●th to God hath His confidence in His God the Deuill and all the world cannot separate Him from His GOD that dwelt within Him Confidence in God will ofttimes be in the godly without feeling of joy albeit that Spirit will not be out of their soules The Spirit will minister no joy to them yet the poore soule will neuer leaue off to put confidence in God Well this complaint tells vs that Iesus Christ was deserted for a time to saue vs who should haue bene reprobates for euer But there is a great difference betweene Iesus Christ and the reprobate Indeede they agree in this that both He and they are left comfor●l●sse He vttered a great complaint so they shall complaine and houle And as He cried and wept so shall they But here is the difference He was for a time in a manner reprobate they shall bee made reprobates for euer Hee complained for a time but they shall complaine for euer He ceases not to put His confidence in God the reprobate shall haue no confidence but as God shall leaue them so shall they leaue God as God shall turne His backe on them so shall they turne their backe on God This is a sore matter Then Iesus Hee vttered this complaint My God my God They shall not say My God why hast thou left mee but shall crie alas for euer God hath left me for euer and cast me off from His presence for euer This speech My God is a speech of confidence and He cleaues to God in His heart they shall shoute and cry GOD hath left mee for euermore cast me off This for the two grounds come to the third ground that is our owne feeling for if thou feelest not all thy knowledge auailes not a straw Paul to the Phillippians Chapter 3. sayes He counted all things to be but losse and dung that he might knowe Him that is Iesus Christ Thē he sets down the parts of this knowledge that I may know Him the vertue of His resurrectiō the cōmunion of His Passions be made conformable to His death
Wherin stands y e knowledge of the resurrection of Christ It is not eneugh to know it only The knowledge stands in a fe●ling of the force of the glorious resurrection in thine heart and thou shalt feele the olde canker of sinne mortified and thee to bee quickned with a new life to liue to God And likewise wherein stands the knowledge of His suffering It stands of the feeling in thine heart of the mortification of sinne Thou must feele a regeneration in thee or else thou feelest nothing and thy soule shall get no life howbeit thou knewest all the Bible All this knowledge of Christ is but a dreame without a feeling and thou art but sleeping except thou findest a vertue proceeding from His suffering to thy soule to reforme it But to speake of that feeling-knowledge of Iesus Christ vvho died for our sinnes Howe shalt thou find and feele in thine heart that Hee suff●red anguishe for thy sinnes not onely in bodie but also in soule I thinke there shoulde bee no bodie but they should bee meditating on an answere I shall tell you how I and thou and euerie one of vs shall feele that curse and malediction that Iesus suffered and that was layde on Him for our sinnes If I finde in my soule in some measure that wrath for my sinnes which Iesus felt in full measure Lord saue vs from that measure if I taste and get a proouing of that bitter cuppe of the wrath of God that Iesus dranke the dregges of and all for my sinnes if I taste of it and put it to my mouth vvhen I feele this vvaye and taste I vvill begin and reason If I finde my sinnes and the burthen thereof so heauie that I can scarcely beare one sinne among a thousand yea though it were but an euill thought If I finde the burthen of my sinnes so heauie who am but a man O howe heauie must all the sinnes of the Elect bee that Iesus bare on His backe Looke how I come to His feeling from the other Then I vvill saye O howe heauie vvere the sinnes that IESVS bare on His backe And then I shall saye If once I can but taste one droppe of that wrath that followes my sinnes and findes it to bee so bitter Let them taste of that cuppe vvho will they neuer tasted of so bitter a thing Then vvill I saye O howe bitter vvas that full cuppe of vvrath vvhereof IESVS dranke out the dregges and all seeing one droppe of it is so bitter in my soule There vvee come in some measure to the feeling of that bitter vvrath that IESVS felt Beholde the dealing of GOD vvith His owne for although He loued them neuer so vvell yet Hee vvill let them feele the burthen of their owne sinnes in some measure He vvill tye the burthen of them on their owne backes whilest they grone and peach and He will touch them with the sense of wrath from heauen and that to let them vnderstand howe sadde and heauie a wrath it was that Iesus suffered for our redemption And when wee feele anie burthen for sinne let vs runne to meditate on the sore burthen of IESVS CHRIST or else thy sicknesse and thy trouble is not sanctified to thee if thou feelest not that Iesus Christ hath borne the burthen of thy sinne Well Brethren this is a vvay vvhereby vvee come to the feeling knowledge of the paine that CHRIST suffered and this is bitter But there is a sweeter manner If I feele that sweete mercie of GOD in mine heart and that peace of conscience in my soule I will beginne and reason with my selfe after this manner This mercie that I taste of this peace of conscience that I haue this joy and gladnesse that I taste it behooued to proceede out of the malediction and out of the wrath that lighted on my Mediator it had beene vnpossible for mee to taste of mercie if my Redeemer had not drunken out that full cuppe of wrath And I saye indeede to thee if the Lord Iesus Christ had not drunken out that cuppe of the wrath of God there had neuer beene such a thing as any joy or any piece of conscience in this worlde nor in the worlde to come if it had not beene ransomed with the precious blood of Iesus Christ there is not one droppe of grace peace or joy but that which is bought and which the blood of Iesus Christ hath payed for Alas if the world could vnderstand howe deare one drop of grace is No ere one drop of grace came it behoued the Lord to be taken put in the winepresse of Hell tread on tramped on with the feete of the wrath of God for this Iustice of God who was offended should neuer haue suffered one droppe of grace to come if it had not beene satisfied by the blood of the mediatour Now to ende this purpose I know perfectly that all this speech of the Crosse is but foolishnesse to the wise of the world These wise Heades who compasse the Worlde with wisdome all is but foolishnesse to them It is foolishnesse to them who perish as Paul sayes 2. Cor. 4.4 If thou findest the Crosse of Iesus but foolishnesse take thee a doome thou shalt perish all the world shall not saue thee againe by the contrary sayes Paul The speech of the Crosse is the wisdome of God the power of God to them who are saued All is but foolishnesse in respect of the Crosse all the strength might of the world things vnder Heauen is but weaknesse in respect of Iesus Christ and His strength If thou countest the speech of the Crosse to be power vvisdome assure thy selfe thou hast an earnest pennie that thou shalt get life blessed is that soule that delites to heare of y e Crosse of Christ counts it to be the povver wisdome of God which shines wonderfully in this base Crosse y e wisdome of GOD shined neuer so in the creation of the Heauens and of the worlde as in the vile and abject Crosse of IESVS CHRIST The power of GOD shined not so much in creating thee of nothing as it shines in thy redemption The more foolishe that this meane is that the LORD vses in redemption to wit a sillie Crosse the more base it appeares to bee the greater is the glorie of the wisedome of GOD who wrought such a great worke of redemption thorow such base meanes I say the more infirme that this meane is for what is more infirme than a sillie poore man or a vile Crosse the power of GOD appeares y e greater who hath wrought such a glorious worke out of such a base meane And I saye if thy redemption had beene wrought with a glorie as the Iewes and the Gentiles imagined if GOD had yeelded to their fantasie and wrought our redemption by a glorious meane that glorie of GOD had beene obscured and the meane had gotten all the glorie But it hath pleased the LORD
to worke this worke of redemption and saluation by base and naughty meanes that the world respects no more of than the dirt which they treade on Looke what is the difference betwixt the wisedome of GOD and the wisedome of man Will yee looke to the cause of our redemption to IESVS CHRIST or to the Professors and to Ministers they are the foolishest in the vvorlde sillie bodies and compare them vvith potent men they are but contemptible and of no valour and compare them with wise men they are but fooles So looke to the Crosse and to the Ministerie thereof whereby wee are saued all is weake base and contemptible and all to this ende that the LORD onelie maye gette the glorie and as the APOSTLE saies He that glorieth may onlie glory in the LORD And let euerie one of vs giue glorie to that LORD of Glorie To whome with the Father and the Holie Spirite bee all Honour and Praise for euermore AMEN THE XXI LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST MATTH CHAP. XXVII verse 47 And some of them that stood there when they heard it saide This man calleth Elias verse 48 And straightway one of them ranne and tooke a spunge and filled it with vineger and put it on a reede and gaue him to dri●ke verse 49 Other said Let be let vs see if Elias will come and saue him verse 50 Then Iesus cryed againe with a loude voyce yeelded vp the ghost MARKE CHAP. XV. verse 35 And some of them that stood by when they heard it said Beholde hee calleth Elias verse 36 And one ranne and filled a spunge full of vineger and put it on a reede and gaue him to drinke saying Let him alone let vs see if Elias will come and take him downe verse 37 And Iesus cryed with a loude voyce and gaue vp the ghost LVKE CHAP. XXIII verse 46 And Iesus cryed with a loude voyce and saide Father into thine handes I commende my spirite And when hee had thus said hee gaue vp the ghost IOHN CHAP. XIX verse 28 After when Iesus knewe that all thinges were performed that the Scripture might bee fulfilled hee saide I thirst verse 29 And there was set a vessell full of vineger and they filled a spunge with vineger and put it about an hyssope stalke and put it to his mouth verse 30 Now when Iesus had receiued of the vineger hee said It is finished and bowed his head and gaue vp the ghost DVRING the time that the LORD IESVS hung quicke on the Crosse which was three houres and large more yee may reade well-beloued in Christ sundrie voyces that He vttered When I looke thorowe the foure Euangelistes I finde in number sixe sundrie voyces and euery one of them is well to be marked for at that time Hee vttered nothing in vaine The first voyce wee reade of was a voyce of diuine power together vvith mercy when one of the Thieues who hung at His right hand said to Him Lord remember me when thou commest to thy Kingdome The Lord answered him like a King and like a powerfull and mercifull God Verily J say vnto thee this day thou shalt bee with mee in Paradise The next voyce was a voyce of humane pittie and naturall affection toward His Mother she being by the Crosse with Iohn and other women He recommendes her to the custodie of His w●ll beloued Disciple The thirde voyce wee reade of was a voyce of sadnesse proceeding from an heart that was sadde on euery side to the death and from that agonie on the Crosse My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee The fourth voyce in like manner was a voyce of sadnesse proceeding from a wonderfull heate in the soule and body I thirst The fifth voyce by all appearance was a voyce of joye seeing the worke of Redemption to bee wrought and the wrath of His Father to be asswaged He saies after He had drunken the vineger Jt is finished The sixt and last voyce in like manner was a voyce of joye for finding Hee was to giue vp the ghoste immediately and finding His Father sweetly to loose His soule from His bodie He saies Father into thine hands I commend my spirit Now Brethren all th●se foresaid voyces the Lord vttered during the time that He hung quick on y e Crosse Of these we haue heard the first the second the third which was that heauie complaint that Hee made to His Father My God my God c. This daye as God shall giue vs grace wee shall speake of the three other voyces one of them of sadnesse and the other two of joye But before wee come to these voyces which are the three l●st voyces wee haue to speake something of the misconstruing of the complaint of the Lord vttered to His God Nowe the Iewes that stood by Him and heard Him crie Eli Eli for Hee cryed aloude of maliciousnesse not of mistaking Him they begin to calumniate and to misconstrue His wordes because the worde Eli which is My God sounded like Elias Therefore they said Hee cryed for Elias when Hee cryed on His God Let vs see if Elias will come and take Him downe In the which wordes wee may see clearely that they sought not onelie to destroy His bodie but the Deuill in them sought to sunder and seuer Him both in soule and bodie from His God they woulde not heare Him crye vpon His God but they sought to destroy His bodie and His soule such was the insatiable malice of the hearts of these Iewes against Iesus Christ This is the common dealing of the Deuill and his instruments with the godly and chiefely in that last houre when the separation of the soule from the body is to follow Not only to get the body dead but the soule God separated if thou beginnest to pray call on God they will scorne thy prayer seeke to cut thee frō God all hope of life But to leaue them their bitter maliciousnes As in all the poinctes of the suffering of Christ I looke more to the disposition of His Father than to the Iewes to the deuil or his instrumēts So I doe in this No question as His Father exercises Him inwardly with a bitter wrath euē so whē as the Lord by making an heauy mone seekes an outgaet cries My God my God c Hee will haue Him met outwardly with bitternes Aime where He wil He meetes Him with nothing but bitternes wrath inwardly outwardly hell inward outward no refuge nor escaping till y t ransome be payed to the least farthing Wel Brethrē if ye would see an image of hell see it here The Lord Iesus was for a time fealt nothing but extreame bitternes But the reprobate after they be once casten into hell there is nothing for them but bitternes let thē aime here there to escape houle cry they shal be met wi●h bitternes What if it were but for a time The Lord escaped His suffering
blindnesse of y e Iewes y t cannot know Him to be the Mediator but after that once a man be giuen to a reprobate sense he will say the Sun in y e noone-tide is but darknes The Gospel is hid sayes Paul 2. Cor. 4.4 to them who perish if thou see not beleeue not y e Gospell thou hast an earnest pennie in thy bosome y t thy damnatiō is sealed vp Thus farre for His thirst they gaue Him a drinke There is a vessell full of vineger This was a custome that they vsed they had a drinke beside them who were crucified Some thinke it was for this end that the paine might be stanched There is a drinke of vineger standing beside the Lord but I knowe not if they gaue such a sowre drinke to the thieues So this vessell standing beside one of them steps to it in scorne and takes a water sponge and puts it on a reede and puts it to His head he got litle thanke for his worke I take this giuing of this drinke to the Lord at this time to haue proceeded from bitter malice The wrath of His Father was begun to be asswaged yet the wrath of the Iewes could not be asswaged There is none end of the malice of the Iewes so long as breath is in Him they neuer cease to rage against Him Whē He was dead they persecute Him whē He was in glorie they thought to shame Him Whē y e Lord looses y e raines of y e deuill of wicked men to chastise his own they run headlongs to wracke His Church y e Lord seekes but chastisemēt they seek wrack of body soule he y t knowes not this he knowes nothing if these persecuters got their will they would not only seeke y e wracke of y e body but also of y e soule What doth y e Lord for this when y e Lord hath pulled in their raines Hee takes y e scourge casts it in y e fire because they run far beyond their cōmission This shal be y e end of their miserable soules O y t damnation y t shal ouertake them when y e Lord hath chastened vs by them they shal be cast in y e fire for euer Refuses y e Lord y e drinke indeede before He was raised vp on y e Crosse He tasted of this but would not drinke but He beeing on the Crosse it is said He dranke it It may by that after such a troublesome labour that His drought was so great that Hee was glad to drinke any liquour Alwayes this I know except the Lord had had a thirst of thy saluation Hee had not drunken it The thirst of thy saluation made Him as Hee dranke out the cuppe of the wrath of His Father So to drinke out this bitter cuppe that was propined to Him out of the bitternesse of their heartes Hee dranke out the wrath of God and the wrath of man that thou shouldest drinke the water of Life I say remember vpon that drinke that Iesus dranke when thou drinkest delicious drinkes it is not thy money that buyes the wine except it be bought with the precious blood of Iesus not a piece of bread or any thing pertaines to thee if it bee not bought with the blood of Iesus to them who are sanctified all thing is sanctified if thou be not in Him thou shalt bee accused as a violent possessour of all things in y t great day Now I goe to the next voyce when He hath drunkē He saies Jt is sinished that is y t wearisome worke is now put to an end now the ransom is payed now the work of Redemptiō is ended Brethren that yee may vnderstand this The Lord when He was in the Garden had two workes The first was to buy Heauen to conquere life to vs The second to put vs in possession of it The first worke He beganne it in the first moment of His conception and continues still from that time to that moment He gaue vp the Spirit to the Father Now that worke beeing ended He proclaimes on the Crosse cries out in the audience of them all Consummatum est it is finished Now that wearisome worke is ended the deare worke is ended Heauen and life and righteousnesse is conquered to the worlde for euer This is the summe of the Gospel the worke of our Redemption is ended this is all our preaching Heauen life glorie is conquered againe to the lost world Thou needest not to giue one pennie out of thy purse for Heauen Cursed are they from the High Heauen to the low Hell that open their mouth to say Thou must pay some of that ransom out of thy purse Woe to the Papistes who will stand vp say Thou must pay some part of that ransome wo to that foule mouth that dare be so bold to open it and say pay thou a part of that ransome with thy money seeing that Iesus Christ hath proclaimed that all is finished bought by His blood woe vengeance and euerlasting damnation shall light on the Pope and all the Papistes that dare open their mouthes to speake such presumptuous wordes Yet there is another worke remaining which is to put vs in possession of Heauen and He began this at His resurrection and He holdes it on y●t and shall continue it vnto His comming againe And at that day of His comming yee shall heare Him crying All is ended not on His Crosse but in glory and all the Angels and all the Sainctes shall crie All is ended Glorie to him who hath ended all no more shall bee Looke downe to His heart and to the sense from whence this voyce arose whē He saies this ye shall find that Iesus felt the wrath of His Father asswaged Before Hee was in an agony now Hee feeles the agony to cease where before He foūd no joy now joy returnes On the sense of all these thinges falles out this voyce All is ended Whē I looke to this I thinke I see y e image of a godly Sainct dying for the godly are like to him in death and life Before the last moment they are in a battell and suddenly they will say I haue gotten the victorie in Iesus and thē last they will yeeld vp the spirit Come to the last voyce It is a voyce of joy I am of that opinion that before the Lord yeelded vp the ghost the agony left him and that joy that had left him returned againe and made him to vtter joyfull words The Euangelists say He cryed with a loud voyce What voyce this is Luke expresses Father into thine hands I recommend my spirit All that were standing about might haue heard him vttering this powerfull voyce Now ye would wonder that a man immediatly yeelding vp his spirit should haue such a strong voyce Ye see men and women in death their voyce will faile them some will not haue any voyce and some not any signe some if they get that grace to speake
greater wonder to see a regenerate man from whome that scroofe is taken away than that all the rockes should rent This for the first wonder now followes the second The Earth quakes No doubt but with the quaking of the earth there was a sore dinne whilst the soule of the Lord separated from the body O! what a thing was it to draw the soule of the Sauiour of the world from the body No the renting of the rockes was nothing in respect of that drawing of the soule of the Mediatour from the body The Earth is holden vp by the mightie hand of the Lord and when it shakes the mightie hand of the Lord shakes it When the Lord begins to shake His arme all the mountaines shakes it is no jesting for if Hee hit thee Hee will bruse thee in pieces although all the world were about thee What is miserable man doing that will not knowe the power of the Almightie God This shaking meanes a threatning to this people and the earth threatens to swallowe them all vp for their indignitie they wrought to their Lord their Maker If thou dishonourest thy Maker the earth shall open and swallow thee vp as it did Core Dathan and Abiram who withstood Moyses No it is a wonder that the earth should beare men No I protest I would not wonder so much if the earth opened and swallowed some men as I wonder that the Lord in His long suffering patience spares them and holds His hand and Iudgement off them It is a wonder that the houses fall not downe on the blasphemers and the chambers where they commit their filthinesse should not smoother them But Hee shall cause an heauier thing fall on the body and soule than a thousand mountaines were tumbled on them thou doest nothing but heapes vp wrath as the Apost sayes against the day of wrath No wrath and heauie wrath shall be heaped on them So the earth threatens th●m for the indignitie they did to their Lord. Yee see that after the earth quaked it will swallow vp townes and people but shee swallowes them not vp now but the earth vomites them out as not worthie to beare them in her bellie No she thought them ouer bitter to be within her who had dishonoured her Creator but afterward looke what came on them The earth will reuenge that foule thing done to her Lord the land of Iudea spued them out and the earth will not let that cursed kinde haue a foot-breadth of her O! what is it to haue battell with the Creator when He begins to arme the earth or any creature against thee we would thinke that this shaking of the earth should haue mooued them yet t●ey take no thought for it At the voyce of the Lord the earth did shake but did the Priests and the Scribes shake Are they mooued at the dinne and shaking of the earth So againe I say there is nothing so vnmooueable No not the earth as thine hardened heart will be at all the denunciations that will come from Heauen or Hell saue thy selfe from a reprobate sense or else thou shalt neuer bee wakened till thou bee thrust into hell where thou shalt bee tormented vvith endlesse vexation without any hope of comfort This for the second wonder Nowe let vs come to the clieuing of the Mountaines This followes on the former as the earth opened to swallow them so the mountaines cloue to tumble vpon them The mountaines will not suffer them to dishonour their maker What mooued this the Iewes Euen as much as the other two No question it was a great and terrible noyse when the mountaines cloue Woe to a senselesse heart The mountaines may clieue and shiuer and quake but if thy soule bee giuen to induration the stones mountaines shall bee mooued and broken but thine heart shall neuer breake Woe againe to a senselesse heart which is not mooued at the word of God that Scepter of yron whereof ye reade 2. Psal shall light on thee bruise thee in pieces Therfore cast away that vaile frō thine heart and striue to keepe light in thy soule conscience and walke in sobriety till thy God call on thee and then thou shalt see a blessed ende Nowe wee come to the last wonder which was wrought The graues doe their duetie they forget not their maker but in their manner they glorifie their Lord God and honour Him yea death it selfe with the graue doe Him homage and honour But miserable man will not honour Him The graues laye open from three a clock after noone for about three a clock the Lord gaue vp the ghost and they lay open all that day all that night all the daye following and the next night till the morning that the Lord rises and then the bodies of the Sainctes also arole by vertue of His resurrection and went into the Citie The graues will tell the miserable people that the Lord Iesus had loosed the bandes of the graue by His death By death He slew death with her owne sword He slew her as wee speake Shee would teach them that the bodies in that Great day shall rise vp by the vertue of that resurrection of Iesus Christ This question may bee asked What became of those bodies which arose went into the City Did they lay them down againe in the graue or ascended they to Heauen I will not bee curious in this purpose But in my judgement they were taken vp to the heauēs with Iesus Christ to be an argumēt of our resurrection going to the heauens This was a faire lesson but this miserable people was not moued Woe to a stonie senselesse heart the graue may open but nothing will open a senselesse soule Therefore I beseech you striue to get a soft and mollified heart The voyce of Iesus made the earth to quake the rockes to rent the graues to open the deade to rise but the voyce of the LORD opened not their heartes then He opens the graues It is an easier thing to raise a dead body out of the graue than to raise thy soule if it bee once ha●dened it is more wonderfull to raise a deade soule and to see that soule get a sense of Heauen than to see all the bodies of the Church-yard rising Nowe to compare these wonders There are two of them The first and the last that teach this people The other two the second and the third that threatens them The quaking of the earth and the renting of the rockes threaten a damnage and destruction to them and in this temperature of His wonders As the power of God so the wisdome of God appeares wonderfully He threatens this people for the indignitie that they had done to the LORD of glorie with Hell and death yet Hee holds vp His handes O! how vnwilling He is to strike but if He light on thee Hee will cause thee squeele He is ayming Hee is shaking that terrible arme and threatning them in the meane time
the Lord is remembring His mercie and teaches them by wonders to looke yet if they will take a lesson to repent of all the indignitie that they had done Hee threatens them with the one hand and offers mercie with the other to see if they will repent This is the dealing of the Lord Hee warnes them and He sayes Yet I will not swallow thee vp with the earth and I will not let the rockes tumble downe on thee to deuoure thee yet repent for there is g●ace for thee if thou turnest Brethren no man shall goe to Hell without aduertisement to stand to the end that if thou wilt not repent when the Lord begins to put hand in thee and to rent thee thy mouth may be closed that thou canst not say Lord I got no warning all excuses shall be put away Alas will not men learne for all this shaking of the mountaines Lord shake these hearts of ours the Lord be merciful to all sinful soules to senslesse creatures lest whē they shall cry Peace all things are sure enough thē sudden iudgement approach the wrath come ouertake them Now come to y e last thing I shall end Are there none y t are moued at all at these wonders Amongst so many hundreths thousands is there not one moued yes there are some moued who are these are the high Priests moued No not a whit is there any of y e rest of y e order of y e Priests moued Not They continue blinde and dumbe Are the Pharises and the Scribes or the Elders mooued No They are not mooued but the more they heare their heartes are the more hardened Who are then mooued at these vvonders It is an Ethnicke bodie a Captaine of men of vvarre vnder PILATE and a Pagane vvho neuer once knewe GOD yet vvhen hee sees this and hearde the voyces hee saies Of a suretie this man was just And more hee saies Truely this was the Sonne of GOD. Is there anie moe Yes A bande of men of vvarre Not of the IEVVES but such as had liued on robberie vvithout the feare of GOD they feared greatly and saide also Truely this man was the Son of GOD. Who of the IEVVES is mooued Not the Scribes and the Pharises and the rest of the Order they are nothing moued but the sillie multitude vvho cryed before Crucifie him nowe they goe home smiting on their breastes and crying vvoe to them for that dayes labour but there vvas neuer a motion in the Priestes or in anie of the Princes or Pharises or Scribes It is a vvonderfull thing to see that they vvho had judgement and vnderstanding and who had read all the prophecies of the MESSIAS to come gotte no sense yet a sillie multitude gettes some sight and sense Woulde yee knowe and poinct out a senselesse creature vvho vvill not bee mooued neither by vvorke nor vvorde It is such a man as hath this vvorldly wisedome Such a man as hath knowledge and yet does against his knowledge and conscience for all that these Priestes and Pharises did vvas both against knowledge and conscience They repined against the Holy Spirit and against their conscience they crucifie Iesus Whosoeuer thou art who opponest thee to the brightnes of the Gospell thou crucifiest the Lord of glory and as it shal be layed to the charge of the high Priests and Pharises and of Pilate and Herode in that Great daye that they crucified IESVS CHRIST So it shall bee layed to thy charge and thou shalt bee as guiltie of His blood as they Woe to that soule which vvill resist that word and the Holy Spirite Woe shall bee to the great men in this land vvho against conscience conspires against CHRIST Religion and their natiue Countrey for vvrath and vengeance remaineth for them if they leaue not off this vnhappie course The King of SPAINE and all their associates shall not bee able to holde vengeance off them that shall one daye bee heaped vpon their heads The LORD saue vs from induration and neuer suffer vs to repine against Light nor to scrape it out of our soule and conscience I see heere further The LORD gettes moe friendes in His death than in His life The Centurion and the men of vvarre they curse the time that euer they vvere employed in that seruice The multitude vvho bad crucifie Him thorowe blindnesse and ignorance nowe they repent the time that euer they did it and they returne homewardes knocking vpon their breastes That immaculate Lambe that precious Sacrifice hanging thus on the Crosse Hee cast such a sweete smell on the earth and on the people that they vvho vvere His enemies goe awaye mourning This falles out often times in the Martyres for some people goes out with them who woulde eate them and yet the LORD IESVS makes their death to cast such a sweete smell that it is effectuall to mooue manie thousandes to mourne and to bee conuerted So that it is founde to bee true that the bloode of the Martyres is the seede of the Kirke And they who woulde haue swallowed them before in their death pitties them and become their friendes thorowe the sweete smell which they felt comming from their death and would goe home mourning that euer they were enemies vnto them and were instrumentes of their death Therefore let the enemies of the trueth persecute the Sainctes of GOD and His Trueth with Fire and Sworde as they please They shall gette no vantage and they shall not gette this Light quenched for there shall such a sweete smell arise out of the ashes of the Sainctes which in despight of the enemies farre moe shall bee wonne to IESVS CHRIST by their death than euer was wonne to Him by their life To Him therefore vvith the Father and the Holie Spirite bee all Honour Praise and Glorie for euermore AMEN THE XXIII LECTVRE OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST MATTH CHAP. XXVII verse 55 And many women were there beholding him afarre off who had followed Iesus from Galile ministring vnto him verse 56 Among whom was Marie Magdalene and Marie the Mother of Iames and Ioses and the mother of Zebedeus sonnes MARKE CHAP. XV. verse 40 There were also women who behelde afarre off among whome was Marie Magdalene and Marie the Mother of James the lesse and of Ioses and Salome verse 41 Who also when Hee was in Galile followed Him and ministred vnto Him and manie other women who came vp with Him vnto Hierusalem LVKE CHAP. XXIII verse 49 And all his acquaintance stoode afarre off and the women that followed him from Galile beholding these thinges IOHN CHAP. XIX verse 31 The Iewes then because it was the Preparation that the bodies shoulde not remaine vpon the Crosse on the Sabbath daye for that Sabbath was an high day● besought Pilate that their legges might bee broken and that they might bee taken downe WEE haue heard these dayes past beloued Brethren in Christ what was the part of the whole
multitude of the wicked and persecuters of IESVS CHRIST in crucifying Him in taunting and scorning Him Doubtlesse there were in that companie some of the godlie who loued the LORD IESVS but seeing we haue heard nothing of them as yet therefore this daye wee shall speake somewhat in their behalfe Nowe what are they doing in the meane time They are standing afar off Some men many women who all that time had followed Him before standing to see that sadde spectacle yet with sadnesse they had joye no question And this is the first part of our TEXT which wee haue read out of MATTHEVV MARKE and LVKE After this wee enter into the Historie of Christs buriall But before we come to His buriall wee haue in the XIX CHAPTER of IOHN the Historie of the taking downe of His bodie from the Crosse So at this time by Gods grace wee shall speake of these two to wit Of the part of the godlie who loued Him and next Of the taking downe of that blessed bodie from the Crosse after it was dead Then to come shortly to the purpose It is saide And all his acquaintance stood afarre off There is the generall Then comes on the particular Manie women particular mention is made of them Manie women are standing afarre off looking on Wee heard of before in the XIX of IOHN vers 23. of three women chiefely Marie the Mother of Iesus and other two Maries together with His well-beloued Disciple IOHN and they were standing at that time when Hee hung quicke vpon the Crosse so neare hand Him that He speakes to them from the Crosse and they hearde Him So Brethren this standing afarre off at this time as I take it hath beene after the Lord had giuen vp the ghost when the women are returning home againe being loath to part companie with Him and as they were going home they turned about looked to Iesus hinging on the Crosse on Moūt Caluarie They stand first near thē turning home again they stand afar off No questiō it was y e loue they bare to the Lord that drue thē after him whē he went to be crucified y t same loue y t they bare to him was so tender entire y t it made them to stand look on him when he hung on the Crosse and y t loue they bare to y e Lord Iesus made thē to seuer frō the rest of the multitude and to gather themselues together and looke backe to Him where Hee was hanging For this is a sure thing Those that meete together in one faith and loue in the Lord Iesus of meere force they must meet together among themselues and be linked together by the band of loue in one bodie By the contrary those who meet not together in one faith in Iesus Christ their hearts will neuer be joyned in this world they will neuer meet to make one body they will neuer separate themselues from the multitude of this world No if it were all my kinred father and mother brother and sister if they loue not the Lord Iesus mine heart and his shall neuer bee linked together in this worlde nor in the worlde to come Hee that loueth not the Lord Iesus as Paul saies 1. Corin. Chap. 16. let him be Anathema maran-atha that is cursed for euermore But hee who loues the Lord Iesus and meetes with mee in Him let him bee what hee will let him bee in the vtmoste corner of the worlde mine heart and his is linked together and there is a conjunction which neuer shall bee separated neither in the Heauen nor in the Earth it shall last for euer Brethren when I consider this multitude heere standing looking vpon Him when Hee hung vpon the Crosse I thinke I see an image of the whole worlde for it is a worlde of people who are standing about Him there are Gentiles there are Jewes and the false adulterous kirke there are Priestes Pharises Elders blinde guides of the people a prophane multitude enemies of all sorts And as there are manie enemies to Christ So there is a sillie handfull of godlie men and women gathered together looking vpon that sadde spectacle who resembled the true Kirke militant heere vpon the face of the earth And as in all this multitude like drawes to like The vvicked and the vngodlie ranke themselues together The Priests ranke themselues together The souldiours ranke themselues together and also the godly ranke themselues together and looke vpon that sadde spectacle their Lord crucified Well this is common to all all are standing looking to CHRIST hanging on the Crosse vpon the toppe of the Mount Caluarie Jewe and Gentile wicked and godlie all are looking But in looking there is a great difference There are some delighting their eyes vvith the spectacle there are some feeding the malice of their heartes and drinking the blood of IESVS CHRIST the Priestes the Pharises and the Elders But the godlie are looking on vvith sadnesse of their heartes And I doubt not but as with sadnesse so also they are looking on Him vvith joy by faith in His glorious resurrection There are manie this same houre who haue their eyes fixed on Christ both Turkes and Paganes and the true Kirke and the false Kirke but one cause mooues not all Take heede therefore howe thou lookest either to His Crosse or to His glorie looke that thy soule bee set on Him and see that by looking vnto Him thou preasse to bee partaker of the fruite of His death and resurrection for if thou lookest to Him for the fashion or in malice as the Turkes doe and the Pagans and the Papistes enemies to His Crosse thou shalt perish better had it bene to thee neuer to haue heard of Iesus or neuer to haue seene Him Further this would be well considered We see if we haue a friend whō we loue well if he betaken out to a shamefull death there was neuer such a shamefull death as this we will thinke shame of him and he will thinke shame that his friendes shoulde see him in that estate Who would thinke but that the acquaintances of Iesus should haue thought shame of Him to haue conuoyed their friend to such an ignominious death and to haue seene Him so shamefully demained So that Brethren when I cōsider this matter well I perceiue that those His familiars and acquaintance haue seene further into Christ than men women doe commonly No doubt but the friends of Christ who came to see Him hanging in ignominie sawe life in that death they sawe glory in His ignominie otherwise they had neuer come to see Him hanging in ignominie And no doubt they felt a sweete perfume flowing from that Sacrifice It was the sweetest smelling Sacrifice that euer was offered All the perfume and incense that euer was offered passed not vp with such a sweete smell in the nosethrilles of the Father as that one blessed sacrifice did And as it smelled sweetly in the nosethrilles of the
sees wherefore and for what end thou art come to that meeting whether it be to feede thine eares and to take delectation in hearing of new things or to take pastime to see and be seene or to eschew the shame of the world or whether thou commest to reape profite and to be edified of that thou hearest and to get life of that Crosse and death of Christ for therein stands thy life and this should be the end of thy meeting with Gods children Th●n seeing the eye of the Lord is set on euery soule therefore it becomes euery one of vs to striue to approue our heartes to the Lord so that euery one of vs may saye to the Lord for this ende am I come O Lord to be partaker of the fruit of the death of Iesus Christ Woe to them who come for another cause or sinistrous respect and come not to be edified for the Gospell shall neuer be a worde of life to them but a sauour of death vnto death If it worke not life in thee and if the Spirit worke not life by the preaching of the Crosse it shall be the power of death to thy soule Brethren we haue heare the first part Now we haue to speake of the second part The taking of His bodie downe from the Crosse before His buriall The taking downe of the body of the Lord Iesus Christ the Lord of lords comes of a r●quest made to Pilate and made not by His friends but by His enemies I see this this miserable people of the Iewes were spoyled of all power as they had no power to hang any so they had no power to take any downe from the Crosse or from the gallowes without the leaue of the Magistrate they were spoyled of all power by the judgement of God therefore they behooued to haue recourse to Pilate they were slaues yet they would not acknowledge the true King of glorie who might haue made them free I see heere a commendable thing in the Romane policie As it was not lawfull to hang any without the command and licence of the Magistrate so they who were hanged might not be taken without the licence of the Iudge There sould nothing be done to a guiltie person but by the authoritie of the Iudge God in His judiciall Law gaue not only Lawes concerning the lifting of men vpon the crosse but also of y e taking down of them frō the crosse It is wel to be marked who it is that giues the aduise that the Lord with the other two should bee taken downe from the crosse to put an ende both to their paine and their ignominie It is not one of His disciples it is not Peter nor Iohn nor Matthew they are not so bold they durst not presume it No it was His enemies that crucified Him that interponed their request for Him Was this a benefite they did to Him Certainely this was a benefite they did to Him to take Him downe from the crosse yet they doe it not to benefite Him for any pitie they had on Him for they thought that Hee was liuing but the Lord had giuen vp the Ghost When thy friendes will not make a suite for thee the Lord will raise vp thine enemies to doe thee good He cannot only make thy friend doe thee good but thy foe also If thou bee the Lordes He can make them who would wish thee woe to doe thee good if thou be the Lords the fire the water and the sworde which otherwise would deuoure thee shall benefite thee the Lord against all mens expectation shall doe thee good if thou bee the Lords thou shalt not want reliefe Now what was the summe of their request They besought Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken downe That is that they might bee put out of paine and that they might make an end of them for they thought they were quicke Now whether this request was vpon a custome vsed amongst them or not the Text declares not but it seemes except the feast of the Passeouer had interueened that same time that they would not haue bene carefull of them but would haue suffered them to hang whilst they had yeelded vp y e Ghost The other two were quicke in paine when the Lord yeelded vp the spirit I note this When thy enemies doe thee a good turne they doe it neuer of loue These might haue dispatched the Lorde and the two Thieues with lesse paine than to haue broken their thies They had taken their liues sooner from them if they had beaten out their braines So when thy enemie benefites thee and does thee anie good turne bee sure he does it not of purpose to doe thee good as we cōmonly speake If he giue thee a bit he will giue thee a buffet with it Soure and bitter is the benefite of the enemie Indeede it is true that the Lord who makes all thinges to worke for the best to them that loues Him will dispose their doings otherwise and make them to worke thy good And therefore haue thine eye set vpon the Lord and He shall make the malice and bitternesse of thine enemie to turne to thy comfort There is another thing to bee marked The Lord had ordained that there should not bee one bone broken of CHRIST and so it was fore-tolde Nowe will yee see the force of the word and prouidence of God The force of the worde and prouidence of God appeares the more clearelie by this opposition which is made to His ordinance The Iewes requested to haue His bones broken and Pilate gaue commandement to breake them But is there any bone broken notwithstanding their sute and Pilates commandement No not one This lets vs see That if God haue ordained said any thing it lies not in the hands of any man to disanull it If God shall say There shall not be one bone of my anointed broken great Caesar and al the Kings of the earth the king of Spaine and the Pope and all their adherents shall not be able to doe the contrary So in the middest of all feare and danger let vs depende vpon the prouidence of God and saye Lord if thou hast saide otherwise than these mens intentions are I will not bee affraide for them I know they are not able to do any thing without thy prouidence and so Lord I leane onely on thy prouidence and am content with thy will So in these miserable dayes we are to leane to God and to depende on His prouidence and wee shall see the vaine enterprises of men vanish away like smoake and we shall see the wicked to bee made spectacles to all the worlde Let vs see what moued the IEVVES to make this request Was it pittie that mooued them No They had no pittie of Him Was it obedience to the commandement of God who commāded that an hanged man should be cut down y t same day because he was accursed Deu. 21.22.23 No it was a vaine
the pointes of his Iustice it behoued Him to suffer all the points of Iustice vnder the earthly judge Pontius Pilate in His condemnation in His taking from the crosse in His burial this was all to the intent that thou mightest be fully freed from all the points of the Iustice of GOD for whatsoeuer thing He either did or suffered it was for thy cause There is another thing here that would not be passed by There is no question but it comes of the Prouidence of God that this body is neither reaued away by violence nor stollen away by slight but the taking away comes of a speciall request● no question this matter was so dispensed that the death of Iesus should bee made notable and come to the eares of Pilate and all other men the death was to be made notable to the world likewise the buriall was to be made notable to the end that His glorious resurrection might be made knowne to the world These are the two pillars of our Faith the death of Christ and His resurrection these are the two points that the deuill and the Heretiques haue from time to time striuen to hew and cut downe that they should not appeare to the world because they are the chiefe pillars of our Faith but honour glory be to the Lord who of His grace hath kept these pillars constantly in His Church in despite of the deuill all his instrumēts Now the God of Heauen grant vs grace to take holde on His death and glorious resurrection that through His death and resurrection we may bee raised from death to newnesse of life here that hereafter wee may reigne in glory with Him To whome with the Father and the Holy Spirite bee all honour praise and glorie world without end AMEN THE XXVI LECTVRE OF THE BVRIALL OF CHRIST MARKE CHAP. XV. verse 44 And Pilate marueiled if hee were alreadie dead and called vnto him the Centurion and asked of him whether hee had beene any while dead verse 45 And when hee know the trueth of the Centurion hee gaue the bodie to Ioseph verse 46 Who bought a linnen cloth and tooke him downe and wrapped him in the linnen cloth c. IOHN CHAP. XIX verse 38 And after these things Ioseph of Arimathea who was a disciple of Iesus but secretly for feare of the Iewes besought Pilate that hee might take downe the body of Iesus And Pilate gaue him licence Hee came then and tooke Iesus bodie verse 39 And there came also Nicodemus who first came to Iesus by night and brought of myrrhe and aloes mingled together about an hundreth pound verse 40 Then tooke they the bodie of Iesus and wrapped it in linnen clothes with the odours as the manner of the Iewes is to burie THE last day welbeloued in Iesus Christ wee entered into the History of the Buriall of the Lord Iesus and wee hearde that the Buriall came by a request made to Pilate the Romane Deputie for the time The request maker was one IOSEPH Hee is set down and described by all the foure EVANGELISTES in all his properties Hee was a man of ARIMATHEA a Towne in IVRIE Hee vvas a rich man and also an honourable and graue Counseller Then as concerning the qualities of his person Hee was a good and an vpright man who liued vprightlie in the worlde and yet hee had a further respect than vnto this life for he waited constantlie for the Kingdome of God And therefore when Christ came into the worlde and tooke vpon Him that great office of the Mediator betwixt GOD and man hee enters into His schoole and became His Disciple howbeit for feare of the IEVVES hee durst not manifest himselfe but lurked secretlie for a time euen to this time that it came to the Buriall of the bodie of Iesus and then hee shewes himselfe to bee a Disciple of Christ In that Councell which was against the Lorde hee vvas a Counseller but hee vvoulde neither giue counsell nor consent to the condemning and slaying of CHRIST Thus much yee hearde before concerning this man and his properties Then wee hearde howe hee goes forwarde boldlie to Pilate to seeke the Lordes bodie Hee lurked before so long as Iesus was in the worlde working such wonders as neuer man wrought speaking with such a grace as neuer man spake with But nowe when Hee is dead hee comes out boldlie and goes to Pilate and hee manifestes himselfe To let vs see that IESVS in His death had greater force to drawe the soules of men vnto Him than Hee had in His life for from that death there came so sweete and sensible a smell to the soules of sinners that it drewe the soules of sinners vnto Him Namelie the heart of this man IOSEPH So that hee comes out boldlie as saide is and hee goes to PILATE and requestes him to giue him the bodie of IESVS to bee buried Thus farre vvee hearde the last daye Nowe this daye wee haue PILATES answere to IOSEPHS request PILATE wonders that He was dead so soone and for the more certaintie hee calles a Centurion and askes him if Hee was dead alreadie The Centurion affirmes that Hee was dead alreadie PILATE grantes the request After this we come to the maner of His Buriall Wee shall goe forward as time shall suffer God shall giue vs grace Pilate wonders that hee was so soone dead This wondering of Pilate no question imports that the death of Iesus was extraordinary It was not after the common fashion of men y t were crucified for men who were crucified they vsed to hing long on the Crosse before they yeelded the spirit dayes nights and in end ere they yeelded the spirite the life was taken from them by violence They were broken on the Crosse So Pilate hearing that the Lorde was so soone dead hee wondered as at an extraordinarie thing There are sundrie thinges that testifie that death of Iesus to haue beene extraordinary as first That mighty and loude voyce crying which the Lord vttered on the Crosse immediately before He yeelded the spirit for who will giue a loud crie at the yeelding of his spirit for at the poinct of death when nature failes it is a rare thing to finde a man to haue a voyce or a word Next The yeelding of His spirit so suddenly whē by the power of nature He might haue liued longer Last This wondering of Pilate testifies That His death was extraordinarie that there was a power in Iesus which controlled nature When nature would haue kept life the diuine power puts it out In a word This wondering testifies That the death of Iesus was the death of God the death of a man but God in the man glorious and blessed for euermore Now it is said Pilate vnderstood of the Centurion that Iesus was dead when hee granted the request of Ioseph and gaue the bodie to him to bee buried First I see Pilate is a good Iustitier the Romane Iustice was
a good Iustice the Romane Iustitiers were good he shewed him selfe to bee a good Iustitier in this a man condemned to die hee would not giue Him out of His hands till hee knew perfectly that He was dead The Iudge should not giue a man out of his hāds to any till he know he be dead Iustice requires that If they did so to the greene tree the Lord Himselfe saies what shall they doe to the withered If so precise justice was kept on y e innocent what shall become of the reprobate who must suffer euery point of justice Lord saue vs from that justice of the reprobate I put it out of doubt This justice kept on Iesus is a liuely image of that justice that shal be kept on the reprobate Thou shalt not escape one point of that justice but thou shalt suffer in thy carcage y e extremity if thou be not participate of His blood Another thing is to bee marked in Pilate I see a part of humanity in him hee grants the dead body humanely And surely this was by the fashion for the bodies of crucified mē were not giuē yeelded at the request of mē as their death was ignominious so was their buriall I put no doubt the cōscience of the innocencie of Iesus neuer left him the consciēce of His innocēcie made him to be so easie to grant the body of Iesus at the request of Ioseph Brethren if this matter had bene in the hands of Caiaphas the Priests and the Scribes the Elders they would not haue bene so ready to haue giuē the body to be buried for as they sought to shame Him in His death so would they in His buriall they had buried Him like an Asse castē Him out like a beast So who is this that dishonours the Saints of God in their buriall It is not Pilate or an Ethnicke or Turke or Pagan it is hypocrit professors hypocrits Caiaphas it is false priests knaues with a coloured religion it is the counterfet hie priests those shauelings those monks friers who murther the innocēts there was neuer bitternes nor gal of heart like their bitternes who wil cal thēselues the kirke they are a false a deceiuing kirke they haue not bene content to martyre the deare Saincts of God that bloody massacre shall neuer goe out of memory it shal be recent to their perpetual shame they shal pay for it one day but they haue raised vp y e bones of the dead to burne thē The vessels of dishonour seeke the dishonour of the vessels of honour but shame and confusion shall light vpon them whē the Saints of God shall get honour The Lord saue vs from them and that judgement which they shall receiue We goe now to the māner of the Buriall Looke the louing affection of this holy man Ioseph would to God we could learne at him who loued the dead Iesus so well to loue Him now liuing and glorified in the Heauēs When he hath gottē the body of the Lord he takes it puts it not in a foule cloth he takes not an old sheet but he buyes the cleanest linnē finest that culd be gottē the Spirit of God notes that it was a fine linnen cloth which had neuer touched any mans body before then he wraps the body of Iesus in that winding sheet I suppone it was with his owne hands for wee reade of none other that touched Him for hee thought his owne hands ouer vnworthie to winde such a precious and glorious bodie Nowe Brethren as the Buriall of the Lord was honoured by an honourable man who was the Burier of Him so it was honoured with a cleane winding-sheet which is a piece of the honour of the Buriall But looke to this mans doinges better When hee procures leaue to bury Him he departs not leaues another to bury Him he sais not I haue done enough I haue gottē his body he has other friēds thā I here he has his mother his disciples other womē who came with him out of Galile and others let them bury him doe y e rest to him No he saies not so So this is a cōmendable thing in him who hauing gottē leaue to bury him he perfects the worke he will bury him himselfe with his owne hands Let vs learne at Ioseph If we put to our hāds to the work of Iesus to honour him wo to him that honours him not if thou begin to do him any seruice leaue not off whilst thou haue ended it Count not that which thou hast done as men doe who will say I haue professed I haue suffered for religion more than the best of them But when thou art running that race neuer looke ouer thy shoulder vntill thou commest to thy races ende and say thou art an vnprofitable seruant suppose thou hadst done neuer so much goe forward the crowne is not in the middest of the race but at the end and hee who persistes to the end of the race he shall get the crowne not he who goes backe againe Yet the affection of the man would bee considered and weighed after that once that sweete smell the sweetest smell that euer was felt comes from the body of Iesus that sweet smell of loue for the sauour of that body is the sauour of loue such loue as man neuer bare to man such loue as made the Lord to die for sinners after that the smell comes to Iosephs soule it wakened vp in his heart loue towards the Lord for Hee must loue vs before wee loue Him and whilst Hee begins to loue Him he makes request for Him euer the nearer that he drawes to that precious body the sweete smell that came from that precious body was alwayes the greater and the heart of Ioseph warmed ay the more with Him so that he could neuer get rest vntill he got that body in his armes and wrapped it in linnen clothes So when we begin to taste that fragrant odour that sweet smell our hearts will be allured to draw neare to Him and as we draw the nearer to Him wee will ay finde the sweeter sauour proceeding from Him Thou shalt feele alwaies the more that sweet odour the more neare thou meete with Him and who euer thou bee that seekest Him once thou vvilt neuer rest vvhilst thou see Him and be vvith Him Paul speakes this of himselfe 2. Cor. 4.8 I approoue rather to be with the Lord than to dwell in this bodie And to the Phillipians 1.23 I desire to be loosed and to be with Christ For as vvell as vve loue this body vve vvill be content to slit out of it to let the body fall dovvne like a broken pitcher that vve may be conjoyned vvith Christ vve vvill be content to slit and to obtaine Iesus Christ euen vvith the dissolution of the body This for the part of Ioseph in the burying of Christ novve follovves the part of one Nicodemus Whilst as Ioseph is
first witnesse of His Resurrection Hee will not haue a man to be witnesse but an Angell Then He is carefull to whome this Angel should tell His Resurrection He will not haue him testifying it to the men of warre He wil not haue pearles casten before svvine but to the vvomen The LORD is carefull of the place vvhere His doctrine should be taught He vvill haue the vvomen to goe to the graue to the ende they should receiue the doctrine of Resurrection the better that by the emptinesse of the graue the Angell might the better demonstrate that the LORD was risen Thinke yee novv that the LORD hath casten off that care He had then That care He had of the person of the Preacher of the person to vvhome He sends Him of the place of preaching No that same LORD hath the same care yet and He vvill loue them vvell to vvhome He concredites His glorious Euangell He loues them vvell vvhom He lets attentiuely and carefully heare His glorious Gospell and the LORD hath a care vvhere a man may most commodiously speake for edification and vvhere men vvomen may heare Christ pointed out commodiously This for the thing they savv vvhat follovves The sillie vvomen are terrified as the guard of the men of vvarre vvere terrified I see then in the person of these vvomen the presence of GOD is terrible to the godly and more I see vvhen men and vvomen are seeking Iesus Christ the first sight they get of Him is terrible The ground of this is not only that terrible Majestie that no creature can bee able to looke on and why should not all flesh stoupe at the presence of that glorious GOD but this is not the onely ground but because in the most godly man or vvoman there is a remanent corruption therefore they are afraide at the presence of GOD. Feelest thou it not now thou shalt feele it ere thou go This remanent corruption can not abide the sight of that glory a spot of vncleannesse cannot stand in the presence of that Holy Majestie yet I see a greater difference betweene the women and the guard for the men of warre vvere terrified to the death but so vvere not the vvomē Where fro came this difference betweene the vvomen and the Guarde That Guarde vvas but a companie of prophane bodies vvithout God vvithout grace vvithout faith vvithout hope vvithout loue vvas full of sinne of an euill conscience But the vvomen suppose they were sinfull had partly an euill conscience for where sin is there is part of an euill cōscience yet in a part they were purged frō sin thorow the death of Iesus Christ they had their conscience sprinkled with His blood as that euill cōscience terrified them so that good consciēce held them vp Suppose so long as we remain in this body we cānot be quit free of sin corruption ye well is y e soule y t in the blood of Iesus findes their sins forgiuen them for suppose it be terrified yet it wil not despaire Now I come to the speach of the Angell to the women The Angell seeing thē terrified he speaks and encourages them first and saies to them Feare yee not and then he begins to testifie of the Resurrection of Christ last he giues them a commandement to tell the Disciples First hee saies to the women Feare not He spake not such a word to the Guarde but let them lye still till they gathered their spirites and rose vp and ran home for for all the world they durst not tarrie there There is another difference betweene the godlie and the wicked When the Lorde hath casten the wicked down He will not giue them a word to comfort them but will let them lye still Woe to them nothing within them to raise them vp no faith no hope no part of good consciēce they are full of sin nothing without them no the Lord shall not vouchsafe a good word on them He will neither giue thē an inward nor an outward comfort and at the latter day the Lord shall speak one joyfull word to them but He will say Goe your way ye cursed companie to be tormented with the Deuill and his angels Woe to the estate of them y t shal be foūd out of Iesus Christ Albeit y t now these things sound not in thy eares now thinkest Heauē Hell to be but matters of jests yet one day though thou be a king thou shalt find these things to be earnest thou shalt wish whē thou wast made a mā or a womā thou hadst bin made a stock or stone But by the contrary The Lord holds vp y e godly not only inwardly by a piece of good cōscience but also by outward means He speaks comfortablie to them And He will say to them by His Ministers Feare not Marke further He will not only holde them vp but that same thing y t terrified the wicked He will make it to cōfort them He makes this same Angell that terrified the men of vvarre to comfort and encourage them More than this Hee will not onely free and relieue them from terrour but He will poure in joye And no question this worde had a powerfull force to raise them vp comfort thē And then besides this He ministers joye by telling them of y t glorious resurrection So not only feare is put away but the glorious Resurrection of Iesus Christ is tolde them whereof there arises an vnspeakeable joye Well Brethren albeit we feele not this joy for the present yet hold still thy eare heare on continually howbeit with pain for it thou get grace to hold still thy eare heare I promise thee in the name of God thou shalt get such a joye in the ende as shall make thee to thinke all thy paine to be nothing Now one word ere I end Mark how the Lord prepares His own to heare these tidings He will not haue them to come with a light disposition of heart as wee vse to doe without any sight premeditation of sin misery Thou wilt come in not once think thou hast neede of the preaching of the glorious Resurrection of Christ But look the preparation of these women Ere euer the Lord will haue the Angel speaking one word Hee will haue them terrified no question they were exceedinglie affraid As euer thou wouldest look for joy thine heart must be prepared with terrour in some measure castē down ere euer the Lord speake one cōfortable word to thee And therfore let no man take hardily with the terrours of the word This is the first Thē the next poinct of preparation is Whē thou art casten downe ere He begin to speak to thee the glad tidings of saluation He will raise thee vp He will say to thee who art casten down thorow the sense of thy sin Be not terrified but be of good comfort And if the Lords spirit accōpany this word it will
I thinke no man nor woman should doubt why these women preached this Resurrection The LORD giues them a sp●ciall direction first from GOD then from His Angell and this commission might satisfie so that the Apostles were bound to receiue this commission that vvas ordained by the LORD of Heauen I marke this lesson There is neither man nor woman can speake in the Name of the Lord except they be sent So sayes Paul to the Romanes tenth Chapter and fifteenth verse None can preach except he be sent How can one preach CHRIST and if hee be not sent by CHRIST da●e a knaue stand vp in the middest of a cittie or towne and make a proclamation in the name of the Prince and not haue a warrand and darest thou stand vp and speake in the Name of the great GOD of Heauen and haue no warrand Indeede it is the LORD who knowes who is sent if thou werest neuer so admitted and warranded by the Church the Lord in that great day shall neuer count of thy preaching except thou haue a vvarrand in thy conscience Will Hee put His worde in the mouth of euery knaue No that is a grace to call IESVS the LORD No thou canst not call IESVS the Lord except thou haue the Spirit of Iesus as the Apostle sayes in the first Epistle to the Corinthians the twelfth Chapter and third verse So whether wee bee Ministers or others who speake of IESVS we should looke that that Spirit be in the heart to direct vs when we speake I marke next it was not enough to haue seene this resurrection and neuer to haue spoken one worde of it No Hee commands them to testifie to the Apostles and the Apostles got this commandement to preach it againe for the Gospell is not a candle to put vnder a bushell but to holde it vp and shewe it to the worlde for it is the life and the light of the worlde PAVL sayes to Timothie in his second Epistle the second Chapter first verse That that thou hast heard of mee before many witnesses the same deliuer thou to faithfull men which shall be able to teach others also No it is not to be concredite to euery knaue it is too precious a jewell to deliuer to knaues let them deliuer it to them that are able to teach others let the first deliuer to the second and the second to the third and the third to the fourth and the fourth to the fifth and so let it euer sound in the world Woe to that soule that impedes the course of the glorious Gospell for what can there be vvhere it is not teached but death No this Gospell is a stumbling blocke to the world Tell them sayes the Angell Hee vvill meete them in Galile for Iurie denied mee No would CHRIST say I will not appoint to meete with them in Ierusalem for Ierusalem is not worthie of mee but I will meete them in Galile and so they met with Him as ye shall see hereafter by Gods grace Then I see that all these tithings that tell vs of things that are not seene hath euery one of them a promise joyned with them y t we shall see them come to passe Beleeue thou that He hath suffered and thou shalt see that He hath suffered and beleeue that He is in glorie thou shalt see Him in glorie We savv Him not vvith our bodily eyes but we haue that blessing which the LORD pronounced to Thomas Iohn Chapter 20. verse 29. Blessed are they which neuer saw mee and yet doe beleeue in mee Now blessed for euer shall that soule be that neuer savv the LORD and yet beleeues in Him and I speake to thee a sore vvorde if thou beleeuest not vntill thou see Him thou shalt neuer see Him if thou beleeuest not that He died vntill thou see that Hee died thou shalt n●uer see Him but to thy damnation Hope vnder hope and against Hope Brethren many are the impediments that will stay vs so that wee will say I vvill neuer see Him I heare much speaking of Heauen but alas I feare I shall neuer see it I heare much spoken of life but alas I feare I shall neuer see life And these are the tentations of the most godly men and women of this vvorld yet against all these tentations beleeue Gods promises and hope for life for PAVL sayes in the Epistle to the Romanes the fifth Chapter and the fifth verse Faith brings foorth experience and Hope makes not ashamed because the loue of God is shed abroad in our hearts aboundantly by the holy Ghost which is giuen vnto vs. No let none of these tentations hinder vs that thing that holdes backe the infidels shall worke for the best to thee that fearest the Lord if thou fearest the Lord I promise thee in y e name of GOD all these tentations shall further thee and thou shalt bee partaker of Life Now a word and I shall ende He signets seales vp that which he hath told I haue tolde you it saies he as he would say It is true that I haue tolde you and I vvill seale it to be true and ye sh●ll find it to be true therefore doubt not So our lesson is this Whēsoeuer thou commest to testifie to the people of God in paine of thy life looke thou speake nothing but that which God biddes thee speake and that thou mayest saye in conclusion This is true that I haue saide and that this is true I vvill byde by it and seale it vp vvith my blood The Angell had no blood but if thou be not of that minde to shedde thy blood thou art but a deceiuer This is a great boldnesse to seale to seale it vp with thy blood but if thou haue it not sealed vp in thine heart thou shalt neuer seale it vp with thy blood and vvhen it comes to the sealing thou shalt steale away No it is a great vvord to say vvith the Prophet Dauid I beleeued and therefore I spake Looke thou speake nothing to the people of God but that which thou striuest to beleeue Howe is this assurance gotten And vvill euerie vvanton man get this assurance to stande and seale it vp vvith his blood No except thou striue night and day to get the Lorde in thy presence and not to haue anie joye but in His presence thou shalt neuer haue this assurance Then howe is it kept The Lord hath appointed reading Take heede to thy reading saies Paul to Timothie in his first Epistle the fourth CHAPTER and 13. vers and giue thy selfe to meditation and sh●we thy knowledge in that that thou hast read and get not a knowledge onelie but a sense to speake to others Reading bringes knowledge and meditation bringes feeling and last is prayer And if it bee the duetie of all men to praye then especiallie the Minister is bounde to praye both for himselfe and for them also to vvhome hee is sent So in a vvorde Reade meditate and
tell my brethren Well gets a woman the commission where is Peter Iohn and Matthew and the rest of the Apostles alwaies in the beginning it is a woman that gets the commission The last day yee remember I spake of sundrie preferments of women that they gote before all men they gote the reuelation of His Resurrection before all men in the world and not by men but by glorious Angels but Marie is preferred to all men and women in this that shee first sees the Lord and then shee gets a reuelation of the Lord that the women got not she gets the reuelation of His ascension and yet there is more she got it not to her selfe alone but He sayes Tell the Apostles tell them sayes Christ I goe to my Father So this is a speciall grace that women got and especially Marie that was furthest casten downe possessed with seuen deuils What should I say The further thou be casten downe the higher shalt thou bee exalted But marke the wordes Hee sayes Tell my brethren Notwithstanding of their sluggishnesse notwithstanding they were offended in Him yet Hee sayes Tell my brethren In the 22. Psalme verse 23. DAVID sayes I shall preach to my brethren The LORD accomplished heere that prophecie heere Hee preaches to His brethren ye read in Heb. 2.11.12 Hee that sanctifies and wee which are sanctified are all of one that is wee are of one common nature and therefore He is not ashamed to call vs brethren and therefore he brings in this place of the 22. Psalme saying J will declare thy Name vnto my brethren the reason is this Hee hath a common nature vvith vs and therefore Hee is not ashamed of vs marke it well Nowe vvhen He is risen He calles them brethren and now vvhen Hee is in that passing glorie the LORD is not ashamed to call vs brethren if a man of small linage bee exalted in this world hee vvill not knovve his father or his mother But the LORD that is exalted aboue all the Angells is not the prouder Hee is also humble to His brethren as euer Hee vvas in the earth Hee is not ashamed to call vs poore wretches His brethren and sisters that are heere in the earth No if thou bee not ashamed of Him first Hee vvill neuer bee ashamed of thee Now to come to the commission He sayes Tell them I goe to my Father and to your Father and to my God and to your God Tell them this The commission that is giuen before by the Angells telles that Hee was risen but the commission that the LORD Himselfe giues to Marie is of an higher degree of glorification it is of His ascension for Tell them sayes Hee I goe to my Father and to your Father and to my God and to your God The LORD vvhen Hee comes in proper person brings euer a greater reuelation than vvas of before All the light that the Angels Prophets or IOHN the BAPTIST reueiled of Him vvas but darknesse in respect of that light that Himselfe brought Likevvise after His going to Heauen the Apostles the disciples and Ministers Ministers light to the end of the vvorlde but in that great day vvhen the LORD shall come thou shalt see a greater light thou savvest neuer light comparable to that light It is hard for thee novve to beleeue but sober thinges but then thou shalt see great things thou shalt haue no stoppe euen thinges that the eye hath not seene neither hath entered in the heart of man Yet let vs vveigh the vvordes better I goe vp to my Father I goe not dovvne let them not seeke mee in the earth I haue beene in it as PAVL sayes to the Ephesians the fourth CHAPTER and the ninth VERSE Hee descended into the lowest partes of the earth I goe nowe to the Heauen The vvorde importes that Hee vvas to leaue them and that vvorde vvas sad to them and to Marie and they tooke it heauie I goe sayes Hee to my Father and to my God Hee vvent not for His ovvne vvell to the Father that the Father might communicate His glorie to Him I goe sayes Hee to my Father and to your Father and to my God and to your God This imports that as Hee vvent to His Father for His ovvne glorie and vvel so Hee vvent for their glory and vvell and assoone as He should get that glorie He should communicate it to them and no doubt this vvorde your Father and your God raised their heartes to follow Him suppose our bodies bee heere our heartes are in the Heauen and vve are citizens there albeit thy body vvere burnt if thine heart be in the Heauen thou art vvell and if He had not gone to Heauen neither had He gotten glory neither had anie glorie beene communicated vnto vs but Hee going to that Father of glorie as the Apostle calles Him and so as the first begotten of GOD beeing filled with glorie wee are made partakers of His glorie as yee reade in the first CHAPTER of this Gospel of Iohn The oyle y t was poured down vpon the head of AARON stayed not there but ranne downe to his bearde his breast his girdle and the lowest partes of his garment So the graces that were in Iesus Christ our head stayed not there but flowed from Him euen to the meanest of all His members The Lord who is full of grace giues euery one of vs a part here and one day we shall bee all filled with grace and glory for euer and euer Marke the wordes well he calles Him first Father and then he calles Him God which imports two natures in one person The Father importes His Godhead and that he calles Him his God it imports that He is man so that these two wordes import that Christ is both God man blessed for euer But marke the order He sayes not I goe to your Father and mine No but to my Father and your Father Ere euer He be our Father He must be His Father Ere euer He be our God He must bee the God of Christ the man for if it had not bene for the bloode of Christ Hee had neuer bene thy God thou hast that bought vnto thee with the bloode of Christ wee come in vnder Christ our elder brother Nowe when Marie hath receiued the commission shee tarries no longer howbeit shee was loath to depart from Him yet because shee saw that it was His will she obeyes The godly would faine goe and dwell with the Lord Paul sayes I haue confidence in GOD and J choose rather to remooue out of this bodie and to dwell with GOD 2. Corint Chap. 5. Faine woulde the godlie soule bee with GOD and suppose it bee pressed downe with sinne yet it breaks aye vpward toward the Heauens to be with the Lord that this mo●talitie may bee swallowed vp of Life for as long as wee lye heere vv●e liue vnder the burthen of sinne So faine woulde the godlie bee with Him yet seeing it is his vvill that
Lorde they haue seene such an homelinesse as they could neuer thinke of In the 3. of the Reuelation verse 20. The Lord Iesus sayes I will stande at the doore and I will knocke hee that will open to mee I will come in and suppe with him Once let me in I shall be so homely as thou neuer wouldest haue thought I shall insinuate mee in thine heart I shall not only sit at thy table but I will sit in thine heart and shall feede thine heart with joy and food euerlasting Nowe to goe forwarde the Lord who no question bound vp their eyes before opens them now if He close thine eyes the world cannot open them He only can oppen them The meane whereby Hee opens them apparantly was that forme of prayer Hee vsed before He brake the bread Next they vnderstood that it vvas Hee by the distributing of the bread for Hee vsed to feede them with His owne hande and therefore by these signes they are made to know Him I see here grace growes after that once grace begins none end of grace after that once He hath inuited them He suppes with them then He feedes them with His owne hand and then at the last their eyes were opened and judge yee what joy that was to them No doubt that was the most joyfull sight that euer they saw So hold on and entertaine the Lord a while and set Him at thy table and neuer be glad to eat nor drinke except thou findest some presence of thy GOD for it is a lothsome dinner if thou wantest Him and if thou entreatest Him on thou shalt finde in ende an exceeding joy Entertaine Him now as a passenger and in the ende thou shalt see Him to thy comfort thine eyes shall bee opened to see Him as He is Then it is said as their eyes were opened He was lifted from them yee must not thinke that the Lord made His body inuisible it is contrarie to the order of nature a thicke body to be inuisible nor yee must not thinke that He brake out at the house side as the Papists dreame this departure was by the holding of their eyes He was not changed in this forme or that forme but the change vvas in their eyes so that they see not howe Hee departes or in what manner as before their eyes were holden that they could not know Him To leaue this yee would maruell Hee giues them but one blencke in an instant He goes away from them why stayes He not No it was not meete for them that Hee should stay nor yet was it possible for Him to stay after that manner that they would haue had Him to haue stayed seeing nowe sufficiently they were assured that Hee was risen it was not needfull that Hee should stay with them as of before as yee see the Apostles in the 1. of the Actes speaking to Him they say Lord wilt thou at this time restore the Kingdome to Israel That is in effect Lord wilt thou not remaine with vs here on the earth No He would not stay with them but giues them a glance of Him then secondly Hee could not dwell amongst them the earth could not be capable of a glorious body glorifie a man or a woman the earth cannot keepe them glorifie a man or a woman this earth is too euill for them they cannot dwell in the earth No that Paradice wherein Adam was set that pleasant Garden that He was placed in could not keepe a glorious body and a glorified man So the Lorde beeing glorified could not dwell and abide amongst men as of before so then wouldest thou dwell with Christ and dwell in that pleasant place and thou shalt neuer haue happinesse nor joy till thou dwellest with Him Thinke not to bring Him downe to the earth but if thou wouldest dwell vvith Him flit out of the earth make thee for flitting Paul sayes I desire to flit and to dwell with the Lord Wouldest thou desire to dvvell vvith the Lord desire to flit out of thy bodie for if thou hast not a desire but art afraide to flit it is a token that thou hast no langour of God and that thou shalt neuer dvvell vvith Him but that soule that desires to flit to enjoy that presence that soule that hath groaned for it for the soule that is godly groanes as a man that groanes vnder a burthen shall enjoy the presence of God dvvell with Him and that soule shall be glorified thy body indeed shall not bee glorified vntill that time that Hee shall appeare and then thy bodie and thy soule both shall bee glorified with Him and then our eyes shall see Him and our bodies shall dwell vvith Him in the Heauen in that euerlasting Paradise Nowe Brethren hitherto the Lorde hath manifested Himselfe then see what effect followes and is wrought in their heartes of this manifesting Yee woulde thinke that so soone as the Lorde had bene taken from them they shoulde haue bene sadde For who would not bee sadde to want Him For if thou sawest Him for all the world thou wouldest not bee content to want His presence Yee would maruell why they make no mone for that short time that Hee abode with them No doubt that sight that they got left such a comfort in their heartes as cannot bee spoken And if the Lorde giue His presence to anie man his heart will haue such a joye that it will feede vpon it Yee reade in the eight Chapter of the Actes of the Apostles howe the Eunuche who came from the Queene of Candare when Philippe came and baptized him Philippe was carried awaye from him yet the Scripture sayes not that hee mourned when Philippe was taken away No it is saide that hee went on his waye rejoycing From whence comes this joye No doubt it was the presence of Philippe that left this joye behinde it So in a worde The presence of God leaues alwayes joye and if thou get a blinke of Him in the morning thou shalt bee joyefull of Him all the daye and that joye shall feede thee and when thou art eating and drinking that presence will feede thee Woe to thee who seekest not to get a blinke of Him for if thou gettest not a blinke of Him thou shalt neuer haue solide joye in thine heart But the wordes would bee marked And they saide betweene themselus Did not our heartes burne within vs while hee talked with vs by the waye and when hee opened to vs the Scriptures There are the vvordes When these two men hearde Him the worde was effectuall but they thinke Him not to bee their Lord till hee manifested Himselfe vnto them and then they call to minde by their burning that they found that it was Hee that spake vnto them This confirmes them that it was Hee The same burning of the heart that one will haue is a sure token of the presence of Christ for if the Lorde were not present in thine heart it woulde not burne at the
BELOVED in CHRIST IESVS vvee haue in hand as yet the Historie of the appearing of Christ after His glorious Resurrection First Hee appeares to MARIE MAGDALENE at the graue Next He appeares to another companie of vvomen as they returned from the graue Thirdlie Hee appeared to two of His Disciples that same daye of His Resurrection as they went from Hierusalem to Emmaus Fourthlie Hee appeared to Simon Peter alone And now last and this is His appearing which vvee haue in hand He appeares to a companie of His Disciples to the eleuen Thomas being excepted with others of the common sort where they were gathered together in the night in a secret place of Ierusalem The last day as God gaue the grace we spake of this conuention of the disciples of His miraculous and sudden comming and standing vp in the middes of them the doore beeing shut Wee heard when Hee stood vp amongst them what He did He salutes them after His olde fashion and sayes Peace be vnto you in such sort that they might haue vnderstood that it was the Lord by the voyce and that salutation wherewith they were acquainted but ye see what effect His presence His voyce and His salutation workes in them In the beginning of this Text which wee haue read when they see Him and heare Him it is said That they are abashed troubled in heart and terrified with Iesus Why Because they thought they had seene a spirit or an Angell in the shape of a man this His presence should haue confirmed and strengthened their Faith which euen they pretended to haue of the Resurrection of Christ but it falles out otherwise This is an hastie change and litle before they are speaking confidently one to another of Him and of His Resurrection These that were conueened at Ierusalem before were speaking of Him and assuring the two disciples that He was risen indeede then the two assuring them that Hee was risen now in an instant they are astonished so abashed and afraide that when they see Him they cannot beleeue that it is He their Faith almost euanisheth A litle before in their minde there was light there was knowledge now in steade of that light comes in blindnesse and dimnesse in the eyes of the minde a litle before there was Faith in the heart and joy in the Resurrection of Christ now there is such infidelitie that they wil not beleeue their owne senses in stead of joy there is trouble this is a sudden change from the better to the worse yee see howe suddenly the soule of man will bee changed now he will beleeue now Faith in an instant will bee turned in infidelitie now he will rejoyce and euen now his joy will bee turned in dolour This is our estate so long as we liue in the world but Brethren it would be marked where begins this change There are two partes in the soule of man there is the minde the eye of the soule that giues light to the soule and to all the partes of it and to the whole man then there is the heart and the affections that should be guided by the minde which is the eye of the soule both are changed in the disciples in an instant but where beginnes the change Not at the heart nor the affections first No but it begins at the minde the minde deceiues it selfe and she beleeues when she sees Christ she sees a Spirit when she sees one thing she supposes shee sees another shee blindes her selfe and when she hath blinded her selfe then followes terrour and all the affections of the heart are troubled by reason of the false imagination of the minde Brethren there is not one of vs but we haue this minde this heart these affections and these mutations Why then should wee not knowe them I marke this to let you see the vanitie of the reason of man the best thing in man is his reason but she is full of vanitie shee that should haue guided all the inferiour powers of the soule she is first out of order It is a miserable Commonwealth where the head is out of order for then it beeing out of order all is misordered commonly it is this minde that puts all the affections out of order and by her vaine imaginations reasonings and toyes she will giue in such terrours in the soule as is wonderfull If there be any power of the soule that hath need to be reformed and renued in IESVS CHRIST I say the wit and minde of man hath most need to be renued and illuminate by the Spirit of IESVS CHRIST And therefore the Apostle exhortes the Ephesians To be renued in the spirit of their minde Ephes Chapter 4 verse 23. Plato was a foole and Aristotle and all the Philosophers who were accounted wonders in the world for their wisdome in naturall things who said the minde of man was perfect and placed reason as a Queene in the soule to guide and holde all the affections in order The Papistes are a litte better than the Philosophers for they asc●ibe too much to the minde and reason of man they set themselues to aduance man and to extenuate grace and their wisdome is farre from the wisdome of God The Spirit of God sayes in the Epistle to the Romanes Chapter 8. verse 7. That the wisdome of the flesh is enimitie against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither can it be But to goe forwarde When they see CHRIST They supposed that Hee had beene a spirit I doubt not but He appeared in some glorious forme they may not abide the sight of Him without great terrour and feare they are blinded with the sight of Him this eye of the bodie subject to mortalitie all is mortall the eye and all is so infirme and weake that it may not abide to see a thing immortall glorious and heauenly All that vve see is mortall the Earth the Heauens are mortall an heauenly spirituall thing the eyes of the bodie cannot behold I say more let be the eyes of the body and this outvvarde sense the eye of the soule that should be clearer in sight than the eye of the body may not abide any immortall and heauenly object so long as we are in this life it may not beholde an heauenly thing I speake by naturaull disposition a man that hath but nature may not looke to God and heauenly things but so soone as these glorious objects are laide before the eye of the minde there goes a great dimnesse ouer it and that exceeding brightnesse blindfoldes it so that it is not able to beholde it The fault of this is not so much in the glorious object as it is in thy soule and if it vvere right heauenly thinges should comfort thee The fault is in the euill disposition of the eye of thy soule it is but a bleered eye like the eye of the body looking to the Sunne growes blinde is worse than of before so is it vvith
the eye of the soule for the eye of our soule is but bleered there vvas neuer such a bleered eye in the body as in the soule the fault then is in the canker and vile disposition of the soule of man This is their change at the sight of Christ they are blinded in minde and troubled in heart What does the Lorde Le ts Hee them be le ts Hee them ly in that blindnesse and terrour No He departs not but trauells to change them ouer againe in mind heart and affection it is the worde of Iesus onely that is able to alter and change the heart of man and that euill disposition and blindnesse which is there when all the affections of the heart are out of order it is the worde of Christ onely that hath povver to change them all the Angells in Heauen and all the men in the Earth vvill not bee able to put thine heart in order if it bee troubled Therefore he or she that hath blind terrours let them resort to the hearing of the word of God I saye to thee if thou disdainest this worde and if thou seekest to this man or seekest to that man or seekest to Angels thou shalt neuer get rest nor reliefe in thy trouble So it is the word of Iesus Christ that must giue light and consolation But what sort of word must this be Must it be a soft a gentle and calme vvord to the eare No vvhen the minde hath blinded it selfe and vvhen the affections are out of order shee must bee tamed the affections are hammered and throwne downe because the pride of the soule reaches vp to Heauen to reason against God 2. Epistle to the Corinthians Chapter 10. verse 4 5. Therefore she must be subdued by sharpe threatning and sad speeches to hammer her downe So the Lord sayes Why are yee troubled Why let yee vaine fantasies arise in your heartes No doubt these words had power to represse and hammer dovvne the misordered vanities in their heartes then the disordered affections must be compelled to bee in order not by faire vvords but by threatning and saying away to your order they must bee beaten and strucken downe Let no man deceiue himselfe thinking that he should alwayes heare soft and gentle words No that vvill neuer make a change in the soule Come to the words Wherefore doe doubts arise in your heartes In the vvordes the Lord lets you see how the minde blindes her selfe when a spirituall object is set before it the vvord Ascending that is vsed lets vs see that first of all a small cogitation enters in and then it growes to a mountaine When she sees an heauenly object God or the word or Christ in the which God or Christ is seene assoone as this heauenly object is laid before the eye of the minde she begins to reason she gets not the blenck so soone but assoone she reasones and the discourse arises vp like a mountaine so that the light of the Spirit shall bee taken out of her eye and shall make such conclusions that shall rise vp and stand like mountaines and blinde her and if shee hath any sight pull it out of her as yee see sometimes when the Sunne vvill be shining bright vvithin a short time a cloude vvill arise from belovv and vvill take away the light of the Sunne Euen so from the reason of man arise doubtes like a foome all thy reason is but stinking foome and it will stand vp like a foule blacke smooke betvvixt thee and God Rom. 1.21 Reade yee not what the Apostle sayes The Gentiles and Philosophers beginning at reason put out the blencke that they had of God and in their wisdome they became madde fooles This day the Papists and their Doctours haue blinded themselues vvith vaine Philosophie and vvith their thornie questions they haue drowned Christ and so obscured Him that Hee could not bee seene to the worlde and they drowne themselues in their ovvne dung Let all men then take this lesson When the vvorde of the LORD is offered to thee Bee not too curious Bevvare of thy learning beware of thy reasoning leane not too much to it that it stand not vp betweene thee and GOD and blinde thee let not cogitations arise When it comes to the Scripture reason Why not but with sobernesse with a soule desirous to learne with prayer with calling on that Spirit No light in that word but by that Spirit of light who dited the Scriptures If thou gettest that Spirit then light shall be offered and giuen to thee but if thou vanishest in thy minde and followest thy wit except thou castest away thy reasoning reade not one worde I forbid thee to reade one worde of the Scriptures lest thou aggreadge thy damnation Now I goe forward When thus way by checking Hee hath beaten downe the imaginations reasonings and cogitations that sublimely rose out of the minde and when by an angrie worde Hee hath beaten downe the affections which were out of order nowe in gentlenesse Hee beginnes to teach and instruct them and He teaches them two things First that He is a bodie Secondly that He is not a Spirit and that He is that same CHRIST that same man that same bodie and none other that before His Passion haunted with them teached them and wrought miracles in their presence Hee teaches them by a familiar argument First by the sight Beholde sayes He mine hands and my feete He holdes vp His handes not His handes onely but also the markes of the wounds of His hands He lets them see His feete and the print of the nailes Next Handle Mee sayes He if ye will not see feele What better argument would yee haue than to feele flesh blood and bones Next Hee prooues that Hee was no Spirit but a man with the body of a man A spirit or an Angell hath not body flesh and bones but so it is I haue them Ergo I am no spirit This is a sensible argument and see how Hee dimittes that glorious body to their eyes and to their hands to bee seene to bee touched that He might make them to beleeue albeit Faith be a spirituall worke in the soule yet it is wrought and confirmed in the soule by the eye by sight by the hand by touching This place lets vs see how damnable is the doctrine of the Papistes who would haue vs to beleeue that in the Supper of IESVS CHRIST there is a locall and bodily presence of CHRISTS body and that the whole bodie is there and that the blood is there drunken by thee and the body is eaten by thee after a bodily manner with the mouth of thy bodie and not sacramentally and spiritually How dare these deceiuers of the world these vile knaues affirme that they eate the body of IESVS CHRIST and puts it in their vile mouthes What reasonable man can be perswaded of it Will they teach me as CHRIST teached His disciples will they let mee see visibly vvith mine eye
soule and body so vvee shall keepe all the naturall povvers and faculties of them Nothing shall bee lost in the Resurrection We shall keepe all but after another manner all these povvers nowe are infirme and weake all are vile vvithout glorie then all shall bee glorified facultie of eating and drinking shall bee glorified and made spirituall Wilt thou then desire meat wilt thou hunger as thou doest now vvill thy stomacke desire meat as it does now No all thy naturall povvers shall be filled vvith GOD. 1. Cor. Chapter 15. verse 28. God shall be all in all Hee shall bee meate and drinke and all thinges to thee In the 21. Chapter of the Reuelation and the 22. verse Hee shall bee the Temple Thou shalt not neede to goe to the Church Thy God shall be a Temple Thou shalt not neede Sunne nor Moone or a lanterne or a candle Thy God shall be all in all to thee So long as we are here we hunger we thirst we haue this meat and that meat and we must haue the Sunne by day and the Moone by night and a candle all this necessitie importes an imperfection Eatest thou drinkest thou all is an argument of imperfection and albeit God filles thee in a part GOD beginnes to fill thee in this world and thou wilt feele His sweetnesse yet He giues vs heere in this life but a litle taste GOD is not all in all to vs and therefore so long as vvee are heere we must eat and drinke but after that once GOD shall fully possesse vs and replenish our soules when vve shall see our Lord againe vve shall neuer hunger nor thirst there shall neuer be want againe there shall be fulnesse not of perishing joy but a fulnesse of such glory as no tongue can expresse and all the povvers of thy soule shall be replenished with an vnspeakable pleasure the vvorlde knovves not vvhat this meanes and vvhen it is spoken to them they thinke it vanitie To enter heere curiously about this meat and to dispute What became of this meat vvhether it vvas digested and turned to nutriture and vvhether it vvas auoided againe I thinke it needlesse But to speake it in a vvorde It vvas an easie matter to the LORD IESVS CHRIST vvho made all of nothing vvho made thee of nothing vvho made thy meate and drinke of nothing vvho made that piece of fish of nothing and vvho made that honey combe of nothing to turne it into nothing againe without a concoction or digesting in the stomacke Novve to goe forvvarde to the second part of the Text and to come to His svveet Sermon No question He deliuered it at great length but Luke hath summed it shortely Heere IESVS CHRIST preaches after His glorious Resurrection yee heard many of His preachinges before His suffering in Iohn heare this now after His Resurrection The first thing Hee does He informes His Disciples of a necessitie It behooued Christ to die it behooued Him to rise againe after His buriall the third day there is a necessitie Hee prooues this What euer thing sayes Hee vvas vvritten of mee in Moyses first in the Prophets next and in the Psalmes last all behooued to bee accomplished euery jote of it of necessitie vvould the LORDE say must bee accomplished Heauen and Earth must passe avvay ere one jote of that vvhich is spoken of Mee passe avvay but all must be fulfilled To touch this Hee takes vp all the vvhole Olde Testament into three partes First the bookes of Moses Secondly the Prophetes Thirdly the Psalmes of Dauid Commonly wee vvill heare the Olde Testament diuided in two partes First the bookes of Moses Next the Prophetes novve He makes the Psalmes the third In the Psalmes vve haue continuall prophecies of CHRIST yet I thinke this is the principall cause of it because the Psalmes are songs vvhich Dauid sung vnto GOD and thereafter put in vvrite and this is the chiefe purpose of the Psalmes It is true that in the Psalmes there are Prophecies contained concerning CHRIST and therefore the Psalmes vvere before rekoned vvith the Prophecies and Dauid counted amongst the Prophets Luke Chapter 24. verse 15. Yet the chiefe purpose of the Psalmes is to sing vnto the LORD and then hee prophecies hee standes as a viue and expresse type of CHRIST wherein he differs from other Prophets vvho in their prophecying vvere no types of CHRIST But to returne What euer thing sayes CHRIST is written of Mee it behooued that to bee accomplished But so it is all these thinges haue beene vvritten and foretolde of Mee my suffering and my Resurrection Moses the Prophets and Dauid haue foretolde them Ergo of necessitie I behooued to suffer and to rise againe the third daye Yee see then vvhat Hee is doing Hee is binding the Faith of His Disciples to beleeue of Him that Hee vvas risen vrging them vvith such a necessitie that they could not escape It is not so easie a thing as the vvorlde thinkes it to beleeve Aske at a vvanton companion if Hee beleeues He vvill answere Why beleeue I not vvhen in the meane time His ovvne mouth nor His heart hath no more smell of Faith than the thing Hee touched neuer and yet the blasphemous knaue vvill say He hath Faith but to get Faith of all things thou shalt finde that it is the moste hard and difficill thing and ere euer thou beleeuest thou shalt be straitted The soule shall be so forced and constrained to beleeue that thou canst not say othervvise Well Brethren vvee haue done vvith it and vvee haue made shipvvracke of saluation if vve beleeue not this Gospell and this Historie of the death and Resurrection of IESVS CHRIST Beleeuest thou not that IESVS CHRIST hath died and hath risen againe for thee thou shalt neuer see Iesus to to thy comfort But ere euer thou or I beleeue that this is true that is written of CHRISTS suffering and His glorification ere euer thou beleeuest the Historie of the New Testament of the Passion and rising againe of Christ done and ended thou must be perswaded there is a necessitie that all these thinges that are spoken in the Olde Testament behooued to be done if then thou wouldest knovve the necessitie of these thinges cast thine eyes to the Olde Testament and cast it ouer Beginne at Moyses and then come to the Prophets and lastly to the Psalmes of Dauid Reade the Old Testament and that write shall shewe thee such a necessitie of these things that more possible had it bene that the world should haue vanished away than that these thinges should not haue come to passe and then vvhen yee take the New Testament and sees these things which are foretolde to bee accomplished yee will not beleeue with how great joy the heart will rest vpon Iesus and it will saye I vvill beleeue this that Christ hath suffered and is risen for mee then thy pleasure vvill be to turne ouer the Olde and Newe Testament that thy Faith may be the more
determinate prouidence of God in a manner of necessitie so that in respect of this prouidence they coulde not otherwise haue bene We haue heard before that there was a necessitie of Christes death resurrection that there was a necessitie of preaching now here we see that there is a necessitie of sending of Ministers to preach the Gospel for there is no faithfull Minister but he must haue his commission of Him God must make choose of him separate him frō the common sort of men as Paul sayes of himselfe He was called to be an Apostle put apart to preach the Gospel of God Rom. 1.1 So must it be with all faithfull Pastors It is true indeede some wil preach whō y e Lord hath not sent some wil run vnsent some wil preach to get honor vantage or preferment to themselues but these are not faithfull Pastours but all faithfull Pastours must of necessitie be sent of y e Lord receiue their cōmission frō Him Now if this be true y t nothing concerning Christ or His Gospel or the Ministers y t preach it falles out without y e determinate prouidence counsel of God it is as true that none heares y e Gospel preached without y e same prouidence The speciall prouidence of God is no lesse extended to the hearer than to y e Preacher of y e Gospel so that the hearer as well as the Preacher is bound to glorifie God in His gracious prouidence in y e riches of His grace Many oftentimes thinke that it is by conjecture y t men come to y e Church heares the word preached but y e faithfull man that hath felt the power of this word in quickening His soule raising it frō death to life is assured y t the Lord had a special prouidence care in making Him to heare y t word at such a time to his great comfort But it would be marked that albeit all y e Preachers of the Gospel be sent by God yet all are not sent after one manner there is a great difference amongst them for some are sent immediatly of the Lord Himselfe without the ministerie of men as were the Prophets of olde and here the Apostles None of these were sent by mens ministerie but it was only the Lorde Himselfe who sent them according to the good pleasure of His will some are sent mediately by the ministerie of men as are the ordinarie Pastours and Ministers in the Church this daye who albeit they bee sent by God yet the Lord vses the ministerie of men in sending of them Nowe these men whom the Lord employes in this piece of seruice to call and send others should not bee rash nor lay handes suddenly on any man but they ought to be verie carefull to take good heede vnto the Lords will and consider and trie narrowly whether it be the Lords will to call such and such persons to the Ministerie that so they may haue a good conscience that they haue sought to conforme themselues to Gods will When Christ sent His Apostles He sent them according to the will of GOD the Father 1 Cor. 1.1 So whomsoeuer men call and send they must call and send them according to the will of God the Father and the Sonne But yee will say Howe shall men knowe these men whome the Lorde thinkes meete to be sent How shall they know whether it be the Lordes will to choose such and such men to His Ministerie I answere The LORD hath set downe sufficient markes and tokens in the Scripture whereby wee may know them whome the Lord would haue vs to send He hath stamped them with gifts beyond the common sort of men If yee would know what these gifts and graces are wherewith the Lord endues them read 1. Timoth. 3 c. Tit. 1.6 In the which places ye will see what properties the Spirit of God requires to be in a faithfull Pastor Indeed I grant there are some of the properties rekoned out there by the Apostle that are common to other true Christians with the Pastour As to be temperate wise holy righteous and such other but there are some other that properly belong to a Pastour As that hee bee apt to teach that he be able to exhort with wholesome doctrine and conuince the gainesayers that hee haue skill to guide and rule the Church of God Let them who haue power to call Ministers take heed vnto these properties that they call not men to this High calling vpon a priuate affection which vice and corruption hath beene too common in all ages but that they call them whom the Lord hath stamped with these graces and pointed out as meete to vndertake this charge that they may haue the better conscience in their proceeding Yet before we leaue this it would be considered who these were whom the Lord sendes were they wise men were they such who constantly auouched Him professed His Name Were they such men as deserued much at His hand Were they such as were meete and sufficient for such a glorious calling No certainely For who is sufficient for these things sayes the Apostle 2. Cor. 2 16. Wee are not sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues 2. Cor. 3.5 What manner of men are they then Euen these who before His death and suffering were offended in Him who were ashamed of Him and fled away euen these who after His Resurrection were so hard to beleeue that He was risen againe from the dead for all the paines that the Lord tooke vpon them men altogether vnmeete and vnsufficient for such an high and glorious calling men who by nature were fraughted with such stuffe as was directly repugnant to such a worthie calling and yet for all this the Lord castes them not off but sends them to preach saluation to the world He made them of darknesse to be light to shine to the rest of the world for sayes Paul God who commanded light to shine out of darknesse is He that hath shined in our heartes 2. Cor 4 6. Our hearts are darke by nature yet the Lord by shining in them brings light out of darknesse for as the Lord in the first creation commanded light to come out of darknesse so dayly in the new creation and regeneration and namely when Hee sets a man in His Ministerie He makes light to shine out of darknesse We haue a notable example of this in the Apostle Paul he had bene before a blasphemer and a persecuter an oppressour yet such was the mercy fauour of God toward Him that for all this He not only beautifies him with that common grace to be a Christian and to get an assurance of the Remission of his owne sinnes but also countes him faithfull to place him in His Ministerie to preach Repentance and Remission of sinnes to others The world thinkes it an easie thing to make a man a Minister but if wee consider what stuffe is in man
GOD to cast downe holdes c. 2. Cor. Chapter 10. verse 4. Hee hath giuen them power to discharge their calling Yee may reade of this power at great length Matth. Chapter 16. verse 19. When the Lord speaking to Peter in his person sayes to all the Apostles I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the Kingdome of Heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt binde vpon earth shall be bound in Heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in Heauen And Matth. Chapter 18. verse 18. the Lord sayes to all his Apostles Whatsoeuer ye binde on earth shall be bound in Heauen and whatsoeuer yee loose on earth shall be loosed in Heauen So yee see the Lord giues them this power before His suffering and now after His Resurrection He renewes it againe Nowe wee must not thinke that this power was giuen only to the Apostles and their Ministerie which was then extraordinarie No but it is giuen also to the ordinarie Pastors and their ordinarie Ministerie to continue with them to the ende of the world Nowe Brethren because this power which the Lord giues to His Ministerie is a matter of great importance and serues much for our instruction Wee shall insist somewhat more largely in speaking of it First What are the meanes whereby this power is practised and put in execution The meanes are two the first is the preaching of the worde the preaching of the Law and the preaching of the Gospell The second is Ecclesiasticall discipline vvhich ought to be conjoyned with the preaching of the word should follow after it But wherein is this power placed Standes it in this that the Pastor himself should reteine or forgiue mens sins Is this the proper effect of the Ministerie No the Pastour himselfe hath no power to forgiue or reteine sinnes because that belongs only to God Himselfe and cannot be communicated to any creature The Pharises themselues acknowledged this for when CHRIST saide to the sicke of the Palsey Sonne thy sinnes are forgiuen thee they counted Him a blasphemer for say they Who can forgiue sinnes but GOD oly Marc. Chapter 2. verse 5. c. And the Lord sayes himselfe Esay 43.25 I euen I am Hee that puts away thine iniquities for mine owne sake and will not remember thy sinnes This is so proper to the Lord that He will not giue this power to any flesh because it is a part of His glorie and He sayes J will not giue my glorie to another Esay 48.11 And good reason it is that this power of forgiuing and reteining of sinnes belong only to Him for all sinne properly is against the Majestie of GOD Himselfe for Iohn sayes Sin is a transgression of the Law of God Therefore Dauid when He had slaine Vriah had committed adulterie with Bathsheba his wife he sayes to the Lord Against thee against thee only haue I sinned done euill in thy sight Psal 51.4 So this stands sure that properly it is a thing belonging to GOD only to forgiue and reteine sinnes to binde and to loose that is to pronounce the sentence of remitting and reteining of sinnes Then wherein stands this power that Christ hath giuen to His Pastours and Ministerie I answere It stands in the promulgation and proclaming in the earth of that sentence that is alreadie past giuen out in y e Heauens for this is manner of y e Lords dealing with men Hee will not lift them vp to Heauen immediatly make them to heare y e sentence of remitting or reteining of sinnes pronounced there by Himselfe No but He abases demits Himself to vs by His Ministry He comes down as it were out of Heauen to vs by His Ministerie He intimates proclames to vs in the earth that sentence which alreadie He hath pronounced in the Heauens and that either to our comfort and consolation if it bee the sentence of remission of sinnes or els to our griefe and downecasting if it be the sentence of reteining of sinnes And if wee despite and contemne this Ministerie wherein God abases and demits Himselfe vnto vs and by the which as the Apostle sayes 2. Cor. 5.20 He prayes vs to be reconciled vnto Him we can haue no warrand nor assurance of the remission of sinnes not of saluation Then yee see that this power that the Lord giues to this Ministerie stands in the proclaming declaring of that sentence which is alreadie past and pronounced in the Heauens and the words that the Lord vses here if we marke them w●ll import this same meaning for He sayes Whosoeuer sinnes ye forgiue they are forgiuen speaking in the time bypast as if Hee had saide this is a thing alreadie done the sentence is alreadie pronounced in the Heauen as for you who are my Ministers ye only intimate proclame in earth that sentence which is alreadie past in Heauen He sayes on the other part Whosoeuer sinnes yee reteine they are reteined vsing the time bypast as if He had said the sentence of reteining of their sins is already pronounced in Heauen ye only intimate declare on earth y e sentence which already is past in Heauē Now hauing considered wherein this power consists we shal let you see what sort of power it is This power that the Lord hath giuen to His Ministerie either extraordinarie as the Apostles had or ordinarie which the Pastours haue is not a Kingly power not such a power as is giuen to Kings Rulers in the world No it is only a ministeriall power Let a man sayes Paul so thinke of vs as of the Ministers of Christ 1. Cor. 4.1 And againe He sayes We haue not dominion ouer your Faith but we are helpers of your ioy 2. Cor. 1.24 yet it is a power so the Apostle calles it 2. Cor. 13.10 According to the power which God hath giuen me to edification and not to destruction And a glorious Ministerie 2. Cor. 3.9 And as the word of God calles it a power so also the consciences of men finde it to bee a power Therefore the Apostle sayes 2 Cor. 13.3 Ye seeke experience of Christ that speaketh in me which toward you is not weake but is mightie in you And if we will compare it with the ciuile and kingly power we will finde it in this respect to be preferred to the ciuile power that whereas the ciuile power is extended only ouer the body the life and goods temporall this power of the Ministerie is extended to the soule to the spirituall graces of the soule and life euerlasting and therefore it is called by the Apostle the Ministerie of the Spirit and of righteousnesse 2 Cor. 3.8 9. Now to end shortly There may be a question moued When the Minister either remittes sinnes or reteines sinnes vpon earth how shall he be assured that y e Lord hath not remitted or reteined them in Heauen for it becomes the Herauld or Messenger to make intimation of nothing but of that whereof
The Lord who euer hath a regarde of His owne makes all their actions and their sufferings to tend to their vvell and comfort yea to serue and further them to eternall life When thou goest to performe any thing vvhen thou addressest thy selfe to any worke vvhat euer it be vvhether it be husbandrie fishing marchandise or any other exercise I giue thee my counsell endeuoure euer to entertaine in thy soule a sense and perswasion of the loue of God and if thou so doest thou shalt finde that when the members of thy body are exercised in their labour that thy soule likewise shall make a progresse straightway to Heauen Well they goe to the fishing but vvhat successe haue they at the first Not very great their successe was very slender for it is said That night they caught nothing How came this to passe Was it through their vnskilfulnes No it was by the secret prouidence and direction of God who often times delayes the successe of the labours of His owne and will not answere their expectation at the first to the ende that in His owne appointed time He may giue it more aboundantly to their greater cōfort for this is the Lordes accustomed dealing vvith His owne children Of set purpose He vvill disappoint them for a time to their greater benefit and comfort thereafter When Paul vvrites to Philemon concerning his seruant Onesimus vvho had fled away from him he sayes It may be that he hath departed for a season that thou mightest receiue him for euer Next the Lord vses to disappoint the hope of His own for a season because that serues more to the glory of God than if they got it at the first time for vvhen men finde a prosperous successe in all their vvayes and all thinges answering to their desire scarcely doe they consider and discerne Gods blessing yea manie times it comes to passe that in such cases men ascribe the praise of all to themselues to their owne vvisedome their trauels and laboures they flatter themselues sacrifice to their owne nette But vvhen they see themselues notwithstanding of all their trauels disappointed of their hope and thereafter finde a blessing and good successe then they plainly discerne that all things proceed from the blessing and fauourable prouidence of God and therfore giues to the Lord the praise and glory of all Last vvhen He delayes the successe vvhich His owne hope for in their laboures Hee giues them a faire recompence for the vvant of the temporall benefit for a season and He giues them a spirituall benefit to their soule for vvhen thereafter He giues them a successe He makes them to see His blessing and opens their heartes and looses their mouthes to sounde His praise vvhich is better than any earthly benefit that can be bestowed vpon man When the Disciples had long laboured without successe at last the Lord comes for th'Euangelist sayes When the morning was nowe come Iesus stood on the Sea shore Howbeit the Lord vvill long absent Himselfe from His own and giue them no sensible blessing in their trauels yet at the last hee vvill come in his owne due time to their great comfort Nowe the time is marked vvhen the Lord comes to vvit in the morning hee tarries away all the night and comes in the morning The Scripture compares the time in the vvhich vvee liue vvithout Christ vnto the darke night for as in the night no man can vvalke nor be exercised in the vvorke of his calling no more can any man vvithout Christ vvalke in the vvay of saluation nor doe anie thing acceptable to God Againe his presence and comming is compared to the morning for as in the morning vvhen the Sunne rises men may see the way and walke in the way and bee exercised in the workes of their calling So when CHRIST that Daye-starre beginnes to arise that Sunne of Righteousnesse beginnes to shine v●to the soules of His owne then they see the way of saluation and they haue courage and pleasure to walke therein and to doe the workes of light which are acceptable vnto GOD when Hee is absent there is nothing but night and darknesse when He returnes againe there is light DAVID seemes to allude vnto this pr●sence of Christ by His Spirite in the soule when hee sayes in the xxx PSALME vers v. Weeping may abide at euening but ●oye commeth in the morning Nowe howbeit the Lord stood before them on the shore Neuerthelesse the Disciples knewe not that it was IESVS Howe this comes to passe that they knawe Him not it is vncertaine for the cause is not set downe neither will wee curiouslie inquire for it it may bee and it is likelie that their eyes were closed that they could not discerne and knowe Him whome otherwise they sawe present before them The example of these Disciples lets vs see what is the naturall disposition of the children of God They sought not the Lord fi●st yea when H●e offers Himselfe vnto them they know Him not So it is with vs all by nature neither can we seeke God neither can wee so much as once thinke of the seeking of Him neither when Hee offers Himselfe vnto vs vnsought can we d●scerne Him and knowe Him by nature Except God by His Spirite preuent vs and illuminate the eyes of our mindes open our hearts and make vs to knowe Him wee will neuer seeke Him nor knowe Him but wee shall euer remaine in darknesse Yet albeit they knowe not the Lord Hee beginnes to shew Himselfe vnto them and Hee breakes off conference vnto them Sirs have yee anie meate And by this speach Hee p●epares them to that good successe and blessing which He was to giue to their trauels And this Hee does by bringi●g them to a confession of their want and needfulnesse for when hee inquires at them if they had anie meate they answered him No. They confesse their want for marke Brethren how the Lord will haue thy soule to bee prepared before Hee communicate His blessing Thy skant thy neede and thy pouertie though it were neuer so great will not doe the turne it will not mooue the Lord to blesse thy trauels if there be no more No Hee requires further of thee Hee will haue thee to acknowledge to feele and to confesse thy pouertie The Lord pitties not but abhorres proude and sturdie beggers Hee does to His owne as a louing father does to his sonne Albeit the father see his sonne in great pouertie and neede lacking foode and rayment yet if hee come proudly and stubburnly by the doore presence of his father hee will not know him nor helpe him howbeit hee haue substance wealth enough vnto such time as he is humbled and come to himselfe Euen so the Lord when wee are in miserie in great want and neede and will not acknowledge nor confesse it vnto Him He will not know vs nor bestowe His blessinges vpon vs till we be humbled Now whē the Lord has prepared
vsed it not 1. Cor. 7.31 That is When he is exercised in worldly things he hath not his heart fixed on the world for that is the right vsing of the world for that man that hath his heart fixed on the world when he is occupied in a worldly calling he abuses the world If euer in all thine actions thine heart bee glewed to the vvorlde and thine affections teddered to the earth if thou haue no pleasure to thinke of Heauen and heauenly thinges thou mayest take that for a sure token that as yet thou art not called to the participation of grace Nowe when Peter drawes the net with an hundreth fiftie and three great fishes in it the Euangelist markes that Albeit they were so many yet was not the nette broken No question as the taking of so many fishes the hote coales fish laide thereon with bread was effectuate as ye heard by the secret extraordinarie miraculous prouidence of God so was this also and all was to this end that the Disciples might see that the Godhead dwelt in Him bodily and that the Godhead which before the Passion was obscured and kept the selfe close did nowe vtter the selfe gloriously When Peter hath drawen the net vvith the fish to the land The Lord saide vnto them Come and dine In the former doings ye haue heard Hee vttered His Godhead now heere by His familiar and accustomed forme of doing He makes it manifest that Hee vvas man also Yee haue heard before that by the actions of eating and drinking He prooued that Hee was not a Spirit but a man Luke 24.39 And as Hee is carefull to enforme their mindes and by these actions to perswade them that He is both God and man so likewise He hath a care of their bodies and of the sustentation of this temporall life He knew that by their long painfull trauell they were both wearied and hungrie and had great need of refreshment the Lord had a care of this and Hee feedes them as it were with His owne hand so that at one time both their soules and their bodies are fedde by Him and this should be thy care that when thou findest that the Lord feedes thy body and hath a care of this temporall life that thou also striue to finde that the Lord feedes thy soule hath a care to bring thee vnto eternall life And indeede if thou receiuest these temporall benefites which serue for the sustentation of thy body with thankesgiuing and prayer thou wilt finde that when the Lord feedes thy body He feedes also thy soule Now the Euangelist markes by the way interrupting the Historie That none of the Disciples durst aske Him Who art thou seeing they knew that H●e was the Lord. No question the Euangelists sets downe these wordes partly to let vs see what great reuerence they caried to the Lord while they sate at table with Him and partly to let vs see how full and sure perswasion they had that it was the Lord for he telles the cause why they durst not aske Him who He was because They knewe that He was the Lord and it had bene too great boldnesse and impudencie in them to haue asked that at the Lord which they knewe well enough and the Lord had reueiled Himselfe to them sufficiently before and now also By this behauiour of the Disciples wee may marke what is the nature of Faith and the force and effect of it in the regenerate man it is not vnreuerent but thinkes reuerently of the Lord whome it apprehends it is not impudent and shamelesse but humble and shamefast it is not immoderate it passes not measure but it is moderate and conteines the selfe within bounds and measure that is it is not euermore curiously seeking many and new reuelations but it is content with that measure that the Lord hath reueiled By the contrarie looke to the nature of infidelitie it is euer vnreuerent toward GOD impudent and immoderate it is neuer content with that measure of reuelations which the Lord hath giuen but it is euer curiously out of measure seeking new reuelations and what if it were for any good end what if it were to learne and grow better then it were somewhat more excusable but it is all to this ende that either it may tempt the Majestie of God or els to satisfie the immoderate and vnsatiable curiositie wee may see the example of these fruites of infidelitie in sundrie persons as in the Iewes who as Dauid sayes oft times tempted the Lord in the Wildernesse by their infidelitie but chiefly in the Scribes and Pharises they euer tempted the LORD for albeit both by His Word and doctrine and also by His diuine workes and miracles Hee had sufficiently reueiled Himselfe vnto them and albeit also they had beene conuicted in their conscience that Hee was the Messias yet notwithstanding of all this they continue still in tempting of Him and they say Master we desire to see a signe of thee Matth. Chapter 12. verse 38. But the LORD answered them An euill and adulierous generation seekes a signe but no signe shall be giuen to it but the signe of the Prophet Ionah The Papists this day are very like the Scribes and Pharises they cannot be content with that measure of reuelation which the LORD hath giuen vs in the Scriptures and namely in the Newe Testament wherein the Mysterie of CHRIST and the doctrine of Saluation is fully and clearly set downe a clearer reuelation than is there set downe shall we neuer finde vntill the LORD come in the cloudes to judge the world they cannot be content with all the Miracles which wee reade wrought in the Olde and Newe Testaments by the Prophets by the Lord Himselfe and the Apostles but they are euer seeking for new and extraordinarie reuelations they are seeking vnwritten verities which may be cal●ed vanities they are euer seeking newe miracles and such other toyes and dreames they can neuer bee content But wee may answere them as the LORD answered the Pharises They shall get no moe signes nor reuelations than they haue gotten alreadie they are too bold and impudent after that the LORD hath sufficiently reueiled Himselfe to s●eke for new reuelations This their doing testifies sufficiently that they haue no Faith for faith is reuerent shamefast and moderate keeping the selfe within the bounds of Gods reueiled will but by the contrarie it beares witnesse of their infidelitie for this impudencie and immoderate seeking of newe miracles and reuelations are fruites of infidelitie But a question may bee mooued vpon these wordes When hee sayes And none of the Disciples durst aske Him Who art thou seeing they knew that Hee was the LORD Is it vnlawfull for vs to seeke increase and growth of knowledge Yea are we not commanded to seeke it dayly Sayes not the LORD Seeke and ye shall finde aske and it shall bee giuen you knocke and it shall bee opened vnto you Luke Chapter 11. verse 9. Yea is
the time of thy life but chiefly in the houre of death as Paul sayes of himselfe Philip. 1.21 Now Brethren take heede all these earthly things as liberties riches nobilitie kinred glory honour of the worlde and fauour of men these thinges can stand thee in stead only so long as thou leauest thy riches thy nobilitie albeit thou wert come of Kings can be steadable no longer but if thou bee laide on thy backe on thy death bed at the houre of thy death what will they helpe thee then Nothing but thou wilt disdain them al No they shal not hold thy life one houre thē all these aduantages in earth cānot be aduātage in y e houre of death in heauē or earth no aduātage to any in y e hour of death but Iesus who has ouercome death if y u haue Iesus ô y t joy y u shalt find in death by the contrarie How terrible a departure will they find that haue not Christ Iesus This miserable generatiō will not know this vntill they feele it by sad experience There were two thieues hanged with Christ but both got Him not to bee aduantage in death therefore let men whē they are liuing wholest haue Christ before their eyes seeke to be acquainted w t Him in their life that they may haue Him to be aduantage in their death Yet one thing further ere I leaue these things I thinke all yōg men y t haue health habilitie strength of body to run ride rash here there that haue libertie to passe repasse at their pleasure may learne a lessō at Peter Peter when hee was young hee might haue done what hee pleased he thought hee was a happie man for the word importes when hee makes mention of his former condition which hee had before he knew Christ for when he was young and had libertie he was free from Christ for he knew not Christ before Christ knew him so Peter in his youth a free man a young strong man he was also free from Christ foolish vaine young men esteeme themselues to be happie if they haue health strength habilitie freedome to liue as they please albeit they bee without God and free of Iesus Christ alas that is a miserable freedome when thou art free heere in earth if thou be free from Christ also that is miserable for if thou be not a bond-seruant to Christ albeit thou wert a King a Cesar thou art but a seruant to sinne a slaue to the deuill Paul Rom. 6.20 sayes When ye were the seruants of sinne ye were freed from righteousnesse if thou be not the seruant of Christ thou art a slaue to the Deuill and sinne for of need force thou shalt either be the seruant of Christ or els thou shalt be a greater slaue than a horserubber Let neuer a man glorie in a libertie that he may runne or ride doe this or that except that with that freedome he find himselfe bound as a seruant to Christ except he can say in his heart albeit I be free yet Lord Iesus I am thy bond-seruant for Peters condition when hee was in the chaines and bands led out to die the death for Christ was better than when he was a yong man following his owne lust pleasure there is no happinesse but in Iesus Christ all these earthly liberties will not make thee happy if thou be not boūd to Christ in his seruice they only are truely free whō the Sonne makes free Ioh. 8.36 And the Apostle sayes Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is libertie 2. Cor. 3.17 But I goe forwarde Hee sayes Thou shalt bee ledde whither thou wouldest not This is a marueilous thing These wordes would import that hee died not willingly for the Lord but he vvas drawne contrary his will to the tormēt How can this be The vvords may import a comparison to vvit That one shall leade thee not so much where thou wilt as where he will for thy will shal be subject to the will of the persecuter tormēter I answere Indeed it is true when Peter suffered for his Lords sake he suffered not so vvilingly but in the meane time for there was a battell vvithin him he found somthing that made resistance to y t obediēce first there vvas nature vvhich naturally abhors death there is nothing more terrible to nature than this dissolution parting seuering of the soule body therfore Christ Himself who set Himselfe in all respects to be obedient to y e Father hauing our nature abhorred death prayed saying Take this cup frō me So I say it was no maruel y t nature in Peter abhorred frō death vvold haue declined y t death in some measure There vvas another cause more in Peter than was in Christ Christ had nature but it was holy Peter beside this common nature had some remaining corruption And whosoeuer has it as all men sauing Christ Iesus has it they will find that whē they are bent to giue obedience to God in any thing it vvill rebell and make some resistance when thou fainest vvould obey Him lay downe thy necke to die for Christ it will draw thee aback Againe the best y t liues vvill vtter the vvords of th'Apostle I doe not the good thing which I would but the euill which I would not that I doe Rom. 7.19 Therefore Brethren learne this lesson at Peter All the godly from the beginning all the Holy Martyres what euer they haue bene that haue died for the Name of the Lord Iesus their obedience has not beene altogether perfect No it is a vanitie to thinke that the Martyres died vvithout all feare I say The best of them in their death found some horrour and infirmitie And I saye The victorie that they got vvas by an inwarde battell in their soule and as they vvere victorious by yeelding themselues outwardly to the death so they vvere victorious in their soules This is comfortable When thou seest that the Saincts feared abhorred death if thou findest the like feare in thee yet bee not ouer much casten downe Thou wilt say Shall I suffer death in the fire shall I bee burnt quicke and bee dammed as the Martyres haue beene vvith sundry sortes of tortures Alas I am not able to abide it And no question there will be an horrour in thine heart when thou thinkest of this but especially when thou commest to the act of suffering then all such infirmitie such feare dread shall rise and get vp in thy soule But let this be thy comfort in the Lord vvhē thou findest this that this feare shall not hinder thine obedience and say There is nothing that befalles to me but that which befalles to the best seruants of God I am not alone such infirmitie such dread and feare as I haue Peter had and the best Saincts of God had and howbeit they had them yet their obedience was not hindered thereby And so as
Peter and the rest got the victory notwithstanding of feare and dread thou wilt giue mee the victory vvith Peter This aduertises vs thus farre Neuer man suffered martyrdome by his owne strength And if Peter had beene giuen ouer to his owne strength hee vvoulde not haue suffered more than Judas And if Steuen had not bene sustained with the sight of Heauen to haue holden vp his heart hee vvoulde not haue suffered the death Paul teaches vs Philip. chap. 1. vers 29. As faith is the gift of God so it is the gift of God to suffer affliction It is giuen to you saies he to suffer And therfore he saies to Timothie 2. Epist chap. 1. vers 8. Be partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel But howe By your owne strength No but by the power of God And therfore whosoeuer would haue this strength let him beg it of the Lord. Whensoeuer it shall please God to say Goe to the stake then euer say Lord giue me strength I shall suffer Therefore as night day we should be vpon this resolution to suffer for Christ so should we night day be earnest in prayer and if thou findest the power of God by prayer to bee conueyed to thine heart thou needest not to feare for that power will prop it vp vphold it in th' extremity of death martyrdome So euer be in prayer saying Lord giue me strenth and if thou get once a piece of this power thou shalt wonder at it Now Iohn in the next verse he joynes y e meaning of these words of the Lords to Peter lest any mā reading or hearing should doubt of the meaning This spake hee sayes Iohn signifying by what death hee should glorifie God Hee meanes that hee shoulde die a violent death hee should not get leaue to die his owne naturall death in peace but that hee should die violently vpon the scaffolde The Papistes vpon these wordes gather That Peter was crucified that y e Lord meant y t he should be hanged but the words beare no such thing Thou shalt stretch out thine hands What necessity is there here to import crucifying or hanging more than heading or any one death more than another What death it was it is not certaine it is farre better not to meddle with it than to beleeue mens fables Only the words of y e Lord import y t he died violently But what death soeuer it was it is not much to edification Yet this is not to bee passed by but wel to be marked That whē He is speaking of his death He sayes not after this māner He signified what death he should die no but by what death he should glorify God a thing more worthy of marking He stiles defines y e death martyrdome of Peter to be a glorifying of his God Brethren the death of all the godlie and Saincts whatsoeuer kinde of death it bee whether it bee in peace their owne naturall death or a violent death whatsoeuer kind of death it bee it may bee defined after this manner to bee a glorifying of God And blessed are they that die in the LORD Blessed are they that die in faith in the LORD IESVS that is as PAVL sayes sleepes in Him 1. Thessal chap. 4. vers 14. So I saye The death of euerie godlie man and woman glorifies their God Yet we must vnderstand That the death of these who suffer martyrdome and seales vp the trueth of Christ with their blood that death especiallie gettes this praise and this stile That it glorifies GOD after a speciall manner Marke it well Martyrdome properly is called The glorifying of God because in it especially is the matter of the glorie of God Aboue all other deathes of men in the worlde in the death of the Sonne of God Iesus Christ was greatest matter of the glorifying of His Father and therefore aboue all other deathes the death and crosse of Christ gettes this stile of the glorifying of GOD Joh. Chap. 12. vers 28. When the LORDE has striuen vvith the feare of death looke howe Hee considers vvith Himselfe Lord glorifie thine owne Name that is Bee thou glorified in my death Next after Christs death the death of the Martyres serues most for the glorie of God and therefore next after Christes death the death of the Martyres brookes this stile Therefore ye see in this place Iohn speaking of the martyrdome of Peter calles it The glorifying of GOD. And Paul to the Philippians speaking of his death sayes that the Lord should be magnified in his death Philip. chap. 1. vers 20. And all to this end To encourage vs chearefullie to go to death for Christs sake What knowes anie of vs but wee may bee charged with martyrdome whether it be Minister or anie of the flocke And I affirme to you that if the Lord call any of you to die for the Gospell if ye denie Him Hee will denie you These are His owne wordes Matth. 10.33 Therefore seeing euerie one of vs if wee bee Christians are bound to suffer No not a Minister onelie but the soberest of you all lad and lasse Wee haue this encouragement to suffer Martyrdome that our death shall glorifie God after a singular manner It is no matter vvhat become of thee if thou gettest that honour to glorifie God for bee assured if thou doe so thou shalt be partaker of His glorie When the conference is done the Lord appearantly rises vp for the time of this conference they were sitting together And the Lord sayes to Peter Followe thou mee The meaning is this as though He would say Well Peter I haue forewarned and enarmed thee against this death in tokē of this follow thou me for he giues him this as an vndoubted signe of his crosse death y t was to come No Brethrē they that will follow the Lord must take vp his crosse and followe Him And therefore bids Hee Peter follow Him Well these wordes are hard to flesh and blood But here is the great comfort We haue Christ to follow He goes before vs When we goe to the crosse to martyrdome Hee goes before vs. To goe to death vvithout Christ going before vs of all thinges it is most terrible and fearefull But to goe to death following Christ there is great matter of consolation for vvhen Hee is before vs and if vvee followe vvith His crosse vpon our backes vvee shall finde that the death of Christ has taken away the bitternesse of death Whosoeuer shall followe Christ shall neuer taste the bitternesse of death But if thou bearest thine owne crosse thou diest for thine owne sinne as a Malefactor a Thiefe a Murtherer c. Woe is thee for the ende of that death is th'extremitie of Hell It stands not onely in a shamefull ignominious and comfortlesse departure and in the sundring of the soule from the bodie it ends not there but thereafter y e soule must be thrust into Hel to be tormēted for euer But whē we
they saw Him they worshipped Him What made them to fall downe and worship Him What sawe they into Him No question they sawe in Him a glorious Majestie By all appearance at this time He has shewed himselfe in greater glory than Hee did of before So beholding His glorie on the one part and their owne vnworthinesse on the other as Hee approaches vnto them they humblie fall downne and worship Him This their behauiour teaches vs that wheresoeuer the Lord of Glorie is present there He should be worshipped and adored His presence requires adoration Seest thou the Lord present with thee Then in humilitie fall downe and worshippe Him But thou wilt saye I cannot see Him how then can I adore Him Th'Apostles saw His glorious presence with their eyes therefore they ought to haue worshipped Him but as for vs who liue in these dayes after His ascension to Heauen we see Him not and therefore how can wee worship Him But I answere thee It is true thou seest Him not nowe vvith the eyes of thy bodie but thou seest Him with the eyes of thy soule thou seest Him with the eyes of faith thou seest Him in the vvorde and Sacraments first crucified and then glorified And if thou wilt not worship Him when thou seest Him here present in the worde and Sacraments thou wouldest not haue worshipped Him if thou haddest seene Him with the eyes of thy body face to face These profane bodies vvho vvill not vvorship Him nowe vvhen they see Him present in the mirrour of the Gospell they vvill neuer gette leaue to worship Him in the Kingdome of Heauen Thinkest thou not that the Lord is seene present in His word What meanes Paul then vvhen he sayes that an vnlearned man comming into the meetinges of the faithfull where manie are prophecying finding himselfe rebuked and judged of all and the secrets of his heart made man●fest that hee will fall downe on his face and worshippe GOD and saye plainlie That GOD is among them indeede 1. Corinth Chap. 14. vers 24. and 25. What sees the vnlearned man among them that makes him to fall down and giue such a confession No question but the glorious light of the GOSPELL shines into his soule and Christ offers Himselfe present to bee seene by the eye of faith The faithfull this daye by experience finde in their meetings this same presence of the Lord And therefore it becomes vs in all our meetinges euer to vvorshippe the Lord and to sit vvith feare and reuerence to heare the worde and to prepare our heartes to receiue the Holie Spirite whome the Lord promises and offers with the preaching of the worde to all His Chosen Againe this their behauiour teaches vs what force and power there is in the glorious presence of Christ Iesus His presence is powerfull to humble and bowe both the bodie and soule of the creature This made Paul to saye that at the Name of IESVS euerie knee should bowe both of thinges in Heauen and thinges in earth and thinges vnder the earth Philipp chap. 2. vers 20. For that sublimitie and highnesse vvhereunto the Father hath exalted Him is so effectuall and powerfull in all creatures and of all sortes that either sweetlie willinglie it mooues them to worship Him in all humilitie or else it breakes bruises them with fearcenesse and violence and compels out perforce obedience of them The sight and sense of this sublimitie and highnesse makes the blessed Angels in Heauen in all reuerence to worshippe Him The sense of this sublimitie makes the Sainctes on earth when either they speake or heare of Him reuerentlie and in humilitie to bow both their bodies and their soules vnto Him And by the contrarie The sight and sense of this same sublimitie raises vp in the Deuill and his angelles such horroures and dread as cannot bee expressed The sense of this sublimitie makes the wicked howe proude and jollie soeuer they bee in their owne conceite oft times when they heare of Him to quake and tremble The Euangelist Matthew notes That notwithstanding of their worshipping of Him yet some of them doubted But who were these that doubted Euen some of these who before worshipped Him And what mooued them to doubt Apparantly that same that before moued them to worship Him moues them also now to doubt to wit that extraordinary vnaccustomed majesty and glory wherein Iesus appeared to them which scarcely they could haue deemed to bee so great wonderfull And certainly the glory of the Lord sitting this day in the Heauēs at the right hand of the Father is so exceeding great wōderfull that if it were permitted to vs to behold it as it is with our bodily eyes such is y e corruption of our nature we could not but doubt whether He were y e Christ who vvas so far humbled abased in y e earth of whom we heard before in y e Gospel Beside this cause y e difficulty to belieue this article of the Resurrectiō of y e dead seemes likewise to haue furthered their doubting for indeed amōg al y e articles of our belief there is none more cōtrary to nature nor harder to belieue thā this article of y e Resurrectiō of our bodies frō y e dead Nature can neuer be perswaded y t a dead body y t has bin a prey to worms is resolued in dust ashes can rise vp againe to life But as of all articles there is none harder to be belieued so there is none more necessary to saluatiō nor none that brings greater consolation And therefore the Lord that vve might haue the more full assurance and perswasion thereof tooke great paines vpon Himselfe and for the space of fourtie dayes Hee remained vpon the earth after His Resurrection and sundry times shewed Himselfe to His Disciples and manie other of the Faithfull that all occasion of doubting might bee remooued and so their joye and comfort might bee the greater Nowe this doubting of the Disciples lets vs see vvhat is the disposition of the heartes of the Godlie euen in their best exercises For euen their best exercises are euer accompanied vvith a piece of doubting of vvant of infirmitie c. their vvorshipping of GOD is vvith doubting their prayer is vvith infirmitie and vvauering of the minde their meditation falles from GOD and spirituall things to carnall and earthly things their hearing of the word is euer with some piece of loathing their Faith is mixed with infidelitie so that before they can come to any great measure of grace they must striue and wrestle through many infirmities and ouercome many difficulties and tentations so that the best man euen in his best workes hath no matter of rejoycing if the Lord would enter in judgement with him Yee haue heard the disciples behauiour now look how the Lord meetes them First He drawes nearer to them and then He enters in communing with them for it is said Iesus came and spake vnto them He
approached to them partly that Hee might take away all occasion of doubting from them partly that with the greater profite and commoditie He might instruct them and that His teaching might be the more powerfull and fruitfull for no question while He drawes nearer to them with His body offers Himselfe to be seene more clearly with y e bodily eyes in y e meane time He drawes nearer to them inwardly joynes Himselfe by His Spirit more powerfully and familiarly to their soules for this is the accustomed dealing of the Lord when by the word He is purposed to be effectuall and powerfull in the soule of any man He drawes neare them by His Spirit whereas by the contrarie when Hee is not of purpose to be effectuall by his word in the heart He approaches not inwardly to the soule but He holds Himselfe a farre off and giues them only a shew of His power and glory outwardly a farre off Now followes the Lords cōmuning with His Disciples wherein He giues them a commission to goe out and preach to the world baptizing them that beleeue But before He giues them this commission by way of preface He sets down the ground of this commission to wit that power and authoritie which He had for sayes He All power is giuen vnto me in heauen and in earth for it was necessary that the Apostles should be enformed of this His power and authoritie which He had giuen Him to the end that knowing that infinite power whereupon their commission and Apostleship was grounded they might the more chearefully and willingly with free heartes and open mouthes discharge their commission message beeing assured that they had Him who was Lord of Heauen and Earth to be their protectour maintainer Marke this Brethren This Ministerie of the Gospell albeit it be but a sort of seruice in the Church of God it is no Lordship and albeit men count very basely of it and esteeme it of all callings in the world to be the most vile and contemptible yet it is grounded vpon such a power as farre surpasses all the power of all the Kings and Monarches of the earth and it is the Lordes will that both the Ministers themselues and likewise the people that heares them haue their eyes fixed and be exercised continually in the contemplation and consideration of that incomprehensible and infinite power whereupon this Ministrie is grounded to the end that both the Ministers may the more chearfully and couragiously discharge their calling and also the people that heare them be not offended nor stumble at the basenesse of this outward forme of the ministerie not measuring the Majestie and glory of the Gospell preached vnto them by the outward shew and forme which they see but by the infinite and incomprehensible power of the Lord whereupon it is grounded Next it is to bee marked that Hee sayes All power is giuen me not in heauen only but also in earth He joynes them both together and that for the comfort of His Apostles whom Hee was to send out and of the Ministers who were to follow them to the end of the world for when He sayes that all power was giuen to Him in the earth it serues to encourage the Apostles and all Ministers in the Church faithfully and chearefully to discharge their calling so long as they remaine heere in the earth and grounding and anchoring themselues vpon that infinite power which the Lord Iesus hath vpon the earth to striue and fight couragiously and boldly against the assaults of Sathan against the allurements of sinne against the feare and terrour of trouble and persecution against the manners and behauiour of this vnthankfull world as assured that His almightie power in the earth shall guarde defend them in their calling so long as the Lord hath a worke adoe with them Againe when Hee sayes that all power was giuen to Him in Heauen it serues to comfort the Apostles Ministers vpon the hope of a reward that after they haue discharged their dutie in their calling after they haue striuen against all difficulties hath ouercome all tentations at last they should waite for the Kingdome of Heauen where they shall rest from their labours enjoy the presence of their Lord King for euer 1 Cor. 15.19 Jf in this life only we haue hope in Christ of all men we are the most miserable By the which words He meanes if the power of Iesus Christ whereupon wee repose anchore our selues extended no further than within the bounds of this present life then our estate condition of all men were most miserable yet ere we leaue these words it is to be considered what maner of power this is whereof he speakes whereupon their Apostleship is groūded that ye may vnderstand this the better ye must consider that there is a twofold power in the Lord Iesus the Sonne of God the first is heritably the other purchased The first He hath as the Sonne of God equall with the Father before the foundations of the world were laide of this He speakes in His Prayer to His Father before His Passion Father glorifie me with thine owne selfe with that glory which I had with thee before the world was Ioh. 17.5 The other the Sonne of God Iesus Christ purchased to Himselfe for our cause when Hee made Himselfe of no reputation and tooke on Him the forme of a seruant humbled Himselfe and became obedient to the death euen to the death of the Crosse for the Lord then exalted Him highly and gaue Him a Name aboue euery Name that at the Name of Iesus euery knee should bow both of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earth Philip. 2.6 Heere the Apostle speakes of that power which Hee as a Mediatour acquired by His perfect obedience in all things and of this acquired power it is which the Lord speakes in this place for frō this power which He purchased to Himselfe by His obedience in our flesh proceedes the Gospel from this power proceedes the Ministerie in the Church from this power proceedes Saluation to the world for that heritāble power which the Sonne of God had with the Father from all eternitie without the manhead of Christ and His acquired power by His obedience would neuer serue to bring life Saluation to sinners Nowe to come to the sending out of the Apostles Hee sayes Goe therefore and teach all Nations baptizing them In these wordes Hee giues them their commission and committes vnto them the Ministerie and office of the Apostleship commanding them to goe foorth to all Nations to teach and baptize them for the Lord sets downe here distinctly three points of their calling First y t they should goe foorth to all Nations of the world not holding themselues within y e narrow boūds of y e land of Iudea as they did before Next y t they should preach y e Gospel thirdly y t they should baptize
faith y t coms by hearing thō of that faith y t proceeds of seeing for He sayes to Thomas Because thou hast seene mee thou beleeuest but blessed are these that haue not seene and haue beleeued Joh. 20.29 Marke a manifest difference betwixt y e suffering crucifying of the Lord His Resurrection Ascension When y e Lord was crucified al sort of people beheld Him there were gathered a great multitude not of the Iewes only but also of the Gētiles out of many natiōs for it was a solemne time the time of y e Pass●ouer but there were not so many y t beheld His Resurrection nor Ascension for it was His pleasure to manifest Himself after His Resurrection to a small number of His own familiars namely His disciples Apostles likewise it was His pleasure to make choise but of a few of that same sort to be eye-witnesses of His glorious Ascēsion for He wold haue His glory to be made manifest to y e world rather by the preaching of y e Gospel than by the sight of the eyes Of this difference we learne this lesson for our instruction That the shame ignominy of Christ is offred to be seene of all sorts of mē but His glory is manifested only to a small number euen to those who are saued by His bloode The shame ignominy of Christ in His mēbers is laid to th' eyes of all sorts of men there are none who sees not how vile contemptible the faithfull are vnder the crosse but the glory of the faithfull is seene but of a few euē only of those who are ordained to be partakers of that same glory For albeit saies Iohn that now we are the sons of God yet it is not made manifest what we shall be 1. Epist 3.2 And as th'Apostle Paul saies of y ● Iewes Jf they had known the Lord of glory they would not haue crucified him 1. Cor. 2.8 So say we of the wicked of the world If they knew that glory of the children of God they would not so contemne them despise persecute thē The place y t He leades thē to is said to be Bethania and Act. 1.12 it is said They returned to Jerusalē from the mount that is called the mount of Oliues neare vnto which moūt was Bethania both were neare to Ierusalem about 15. furlonges or a Sabbath dayes journey about 2. miles Ioh. 11.18 The Lord of set purpose chose this place to manifest His glory wherin before He suffred ignominy It was in this place that He wrastled with the feare of death finding the terrours of the wrath of God ceazing on His soule when He said his soule was heauie vnto the death It was in this place that the bande of men of warre came and tooke him It was in this place that they bound him and led him away to that shamefull death of the crosse Therefore in this place the Lord makes a shew of His glory in this same place He addresses Himself to triumph from this same place ascends He to His Heauenly Throne Marke the lesson in a worde The Lord of necessitie must be glorified in that same place where before He was dishonored He must be honoured either in mercy by y e conuersion of a sinner who has despised Him or els by the executing of judgemēt pouring forth of vengeance vpon th'obstinate stubborne contemners But to goe forward to the cōference cōmunication that was betwixt the Lord His Apostles alittle before He ascēded to Heauē This cōferēce is set down Act. 1.6 For after the disciples were come together to the mount of Oliues they asked him Lord wilt thou at this time restore the kingdome of Israel Th' occasion of this their question is not set down here but it is likely that the Lord at this time has bin speaking something of that Heauenly Kingdome that vpon His speach they haue taken occasion to aske this question of th' earthly kingdome In demanding of this question they faile many wayes First they faile in curiosity being too curious as the Lordes answere imports Next they faile in this that as yet they thinke y t He should haue bene an earthly king that His kingdome should bee of this world Thirdly they faile in this that they desired to reign triūph before they had foughten sufficiently ended their warfare This might seeme strange that they profited so litle in so long time hauing such faire occasion Their ignorance cannot be excused for by the space of 3. yeeres more they were cōuersant with the Lord hearing Him preach saw Him worke miracles after His resurrectiō sundry times He appeared to them spake to thē in this same time they saw in Him a majesty they saw Him clad inuested with Heauēly glory yet for all this they are earthly minded and think of nothing but of an earthly kingdome In this example of y e disciples we may perceiue how dull we are by nature vncapable of spirituall Heauēly things All th' outward meanes of y e worlde will not profit vs if there be no more albeit we heard al Heauēly spirituall things neuer so lōg albeit we saw all things neuer so lōg we will neuer be a haire the better except y t wee be taught of God except our minds be illuminate our hearts be opened by the H. Spirit Therfore when we vse th' outward meanes we should pray cōtinually y t the Lord wold send His H. Spirit to instruct vs inwardly and to joyne His blessing with them Now to come to the Lords answere first He reproues them for their curiosity he said vnto them Jt is not for you to know the times the seasons He giues them a good reason because the Father has put them in his owne power Men in all ages haue bin too curious to inquire the things which belong not vnto them Th'Apostles here began curiously to inquire of the time of the restoring of the kingdome to Israel euer since men haue cōtinued curiously to inquire the times seasons namely the particular time of the Lordes cōming to judgement But the Lord here snibs represses this curiosity in th'apostles for what had they adoe to search out the things y t the Lord kept secret to Himselfe It is not y e Lords will that men at any time should be curious to inquire the particular times which He keepes close to Himself namely the particular diet period of Christs cōming to judgement for of that day houre knowes no mā no not th'Angels which are in heauē Mark 13.32 Next in the answere He calles them to remembrance of y t promise which He made to thē before of y e sending of y e H. Spirit induing them with power frō an high But saies He yee shall receiue power of the holie Ghost when he shall come on you This putting them in remēbrance
behoued to be in a greater humility w t greater reuerēce w t greater feruency thā euer it was before Indeed they worshipped Him before knowing Him to be the Messias but their knowledge was but very mean sober but now they see know perfectly that He is the Lord of glory the glorious judge of the world therefore the worshipping of Him at this time behoued to be in greater reuerēce with greater perswasion boldnes than euer it was before The sight of that glorious majesty makes euer the creature in reuerēce to worship God the greater sight the greater reuerence The faithfull while they liue here in th' earth because by th' eye of faith in the mirrour of the Gospel they see the glory of the Lord therfore in humility they worship His majesty but because they see Him not clearly as He is but darkly and obscurely therfore their worshipping here is not like that worshipping y t shal be when they shal see Him face to face for when we shal see him as he is we shal worship Him with greater reuerence confidēce boldnes liberty than euer we did before for then vve shall be made like vnto Him that is vve shall bee made conformable to the image of His glory and vve shall shake off all this mortality corruption vvherewith th'Apostles vvere clad at this time vvhē they worshipped Him ascending to Heauē So that that vvorshipping adoring of the Lord which the faithful shal giue Him in that great day whē He descēds from the Heauēs to judge the world shall surpasse exceedingly by many degrees that worship which the Apostle● gaue Him whē they saw Him ascēd into Heauē for thē there shal be nothing to hinder them Now in the meane time while the Lord is ascending to Heauen as they worship Him so likewise they followe Him vvith their eyes and looked stedfastly toward heauen vvhere they saw Him ascending vvhich testifies plainly that their hearts were lifted vp to the Heauens together vvith Christ as Christ ascended so their hearts ascended vvere lifted vp to Heauen by the power ve●tue of that same Ascention glorie of Christ in vvhome they beleeued for they that beleeue in Christ and are conjoyned to Him by faith of necessity must by that b●nd of faith be lifted vp together vvith Him to the Heauens for that soule that is linked to Him by faith cānot be seuered from Him but it must follow Him vvhersoeuer He goes Mark this lesson whē y e heart is lifted vp to Heauen it vvill lift y e eye of y e bodie to Heauen also y e sight sense of y e Ascension of Christ liftes vp the heart to Heauen for where there is in y e heart a sense feeling of y e power of Christs Ascensiō of necessity both the soule th' eyes of the body must be lifted vp to Heauen And this lifting vp of th' eyes of the body proceeding frō the lifting vp of y e heart to Heauen this lifting vp of y e heart proceeding frō y e feeling of y e power of th'Ascēsiō of Iesus which now y e faithfull find is a sure argumēt vndoubted warrā● to y e faithful y t one day th' eye y e heart y e soule y e body yea y e whole man shal be lifted vp to heauē both soule body in y t great day whē y e Lord appeares to judgemēt shal enjoy His glorious presēce therfore y e godly haue great cause continually to be waiting looking for y t glorious apppearing of Christ happy art thou who art euer waiting for it for at y t glorious appearing thou sh●lt be partaker of glory w t him to whō with y e Father H. Spirit be all praise honor glory Amen THE LVI LECTVRE OF THE ASCENSION OF CHRIST MARKE CHAP. XVI verse 20 And they went foorth and preached euerie where And the Lord wrought with them and confirmed the word with signes that followed Amen LVKE CHAP. XXIIII verse 52 And they Worshipped him returned to Hierusalē with great ioye verse 53 And were continuallie in the Temple praising and lauding GOD Amen ACTS CHAP. I. verse 10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heauen as hee went beholde two men stood by them in white apparell verse 11 Which also said Yee men of Galile why stand yee gazing into heauen This Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen shall so come as yee haue seene him goe into heauen verse 12 Then returned they vnto Hierusalem from the mount that is called the mount of Oliues which is neare to Hierusalem beeing from it a Sabbath dayes journey verse 13 And when they were come in they went vp into an vpper chamber where abode both Peter and Iames and Iohn and Andrew Philip and Thomas Bartlemew and Matthew James the sonne of Alpheus and Simon Zelotes and Iudas Iames brother verse 14 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplications with the women and Marie the mother of Iesus and with his brethren THE last day welbeloued Brethrē in Christ we entred into the history of Christs ascension to heauen We heard of the circūstāces of it The Lord led them out to Bethania to the mount of Oliues from the which place He ascēded vnto heauē we heard of the cōmuning y t was betwixt Christ his disciples who asked of him Lord wilt thou at this time restore the kingdome to Jsrael The Lord reproues this their curiosity It is not for you to know the times the seasons which the Father has put in his owne power And then he tels what they ought to doe First they shuld be mindfull of the promise of y e H. Spirit Next they shuld look to their own calling to beare witnesse of him to the world Wee heard how before his Ascension he blessed them we heard of the manner of his Ascension it was very sensible and visible He went a little space from them and was taken vp and receiued in a cloude hee was taken out of their sight and carried vp to heauen This was done the ●oth th'Apostle themselues might be perswaded and also with greater boldnesse assurance perswade others of His Ascension We heard that whē He was taken out of their sight He was placed at the right hand of God and exalted to that sublimitie of glory that all the creatures in heauen and earth are subdued to him And last wee hearde what was the behauiour of th'Apostles In the meane time they worshipped him and looked stedfastly to ●he heauens This day by Gods grace wee shall follow out put an end to this history In the words which wee haue read we wil s●e what falles out While the disciples are looking vp to the heauens two Angels are sent to them by Christ who partly reproues them and partlie comforts them We will see likewise what the disciples doe after this They
from the hope of the glorious returning of the Lord Iesus againe to Iudge the world There is nothing that furnishes such joy to the faithfull soule as this hope does Indeed it is true the Lord giues vs other grounds of consolation while we are heere namely He giues vs His Spirit to counsel guide vs through al the difficulties of our pilgrimage the joy that the faithfull finde in His presence is very great He giues vs Faith also to cōfort vs whereby in some measure presently we feele the presence of Christ His spirituall graces in our soules but except with y e Spirit Faith we had a hope y t the Lord Iesus should returne againe in His own time in glory we could not haue solide joy consolatiō for if in this life only we hoped in Christ had no hope y t He would returne againe in glory raise our mortall bodies frō y e dead thē as y e Apostle saies of all men we were most miserable 1. Cor. 15.19 why shuld not y e hope of this returning cōfort our soules make them to rejoyce for at His returning we look hope for y e glorifying of these our bodies for eternall life Paul sayes That frō the heauens we look for the Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto His glorious body Philip. 3.20.21 And when it shal be made manifest we shal be made like Him for we shall see Him as He is 1 Joh. 3.2 Yea we haue greater cause of joy comfort of the hope of His returning againe thā all y e Apostles had of y e sight of His ascending to heauen in their presēce for y e ascension of y e Lord albeit it was very glorious cōfortable to thē yet it chāged not their bodies nor made thē like His glorious body but His glorious returning again frō the heauens shall change both their bodies our vile corruptible bodies and make them conformable to His glorious body Now happie is y e man who earnestly lookes waits for the blessed glorious cōming againe of the Lord to judgement for y t hope shall comfort vphold him in all his troubles distresses Now come to y t disciples part we haue sūdry things expressed what they doe y e first is after y e Angels reproued them for their standing gazing to y e heauens it is said They returned to Jerusalem with great ioy They take well with the reproofe they stay no longer gazing there but according to y e Lords directiō they go to Jerusalem to waite for y t Spirit which He promised to them they obey y e Lords cōmandemēt they obey with great joy But what made them so to rejoyce This joy proceeded partly from y e sight of His glorious ascensiō into heauē which they saw with their eyes partly frō y t which they heard by y e Angels of His glorious returning descending again out of y e heauens yet all this which both they saw heard would not haue wroght so great a joy in thē except y e Lord Iesus who was sitting in y e heauens at y e right hand of y e Father had bin effectuall in them had powerfully wroght this joy in their soules for this joy that y e holy Spirit works in y e hearts of y e Lords Elect is a sure argumēt infallible demōstratiō y t y e Lord Iesus is reigning in y e heauēs for the Kingdome of God is righteousnes ioy peace in the holy Gh●st Rom. 14.17 Now if ye will cōpare this joy which at this time they had with all the joy y t euer they had before yea euen when y e Lord Iesus was walking with them in the flesh they enjoyed His bodily presence ye shal find y t this joy surpassed by many degrees all their preceeding joy whereby we may learne this lesson that neither y e bodily presence of y e Lord Iesus augments or perfectes y e joy of y e soule neither His bodily absēce stayes or hinders any wise y t joy but y t all this joy which y e faithfull find proceedes from the effectual presēce powerful operatiō of y e holy Spirit in the soule The grosse carnal Papists think they cānot haue mater of rejoycing except in y e Lords Supper they haue y e body of Christ bodily locally present that is except y t with y e mouth of the body they eat deuoure swallow vp the very body flesh of Iesus Christ except that after that same manner they drinke His blood but vaine Papist thou deceiuest thy selfe for neither does the bodily presence furnish joy neither does the bodily absēce hinder joy but all true joy that the soule finds proceedes from the effectuall presence operatiō of the Spirit Yet to speak something further of this purpose It would be narrowly considered what could be the cause ground of this joy of the Disciples for if we looke to it by the outward appearance they had litle matter or cause of rejoycing at this time when the Lord is gone frō them Indeede when the Lord Iesus was with them when He led them out into Bethania any man might thinke they had matter of rejoycing to follow such a gracious guide but now when He hath left the earth ascended to heauen left them behind Him what matter could they haue of so great joy in their returning to Jerusalem I answere notwithstanding they wanted now the bodily presence of Christ yet they wanted not matter of great joy for in stead of His bodily presence the Lord gaue them Faith Hope Faith apprehending taking holde of the Lord Iesus sitting in the heauens in glorie at the right hand of the Father Hope waiting constantly for His blessed glorious returning againe in the appointed time to Iudgement This Faith Hope that the Lord giues vs in this pilgrimage recompenses sufficiently the bodily absence of the Lord Iesus from vs if wee haue Faith Hope we haue euermore matter of rejoycing where Faith Hope is they bring euer with them patience joy euen in the mids of all afflictiōs The Apostle Paul declares this by his own experience For the Gospels sake sayes he I suffer these things but I am not ashamed for I know whom I haue beleeued and I am perswaded that hee is able to keepe that which I haue cōmitted to him against that day 2. Tim. 1.12 There he lets vs see what made him to bee so patient vnder afflictions to wit the sense of the power of Christ which hee founde in his soule by faith by the which power hee was perswaded that Christ was able to keepe in the heauens that life which hee had committed vnto him and the hope that hee had of His glorious returning in that great day wherin the Lord should render
that as those things befell to Him of necessitie so of necessitie those things behooued to be preached to the world So He instructes them in these two necessities Then Hee comes on in the second part of His preaching and giues direction to them to be preachers and witnesses to the worlde of all these thinges promising againe to them that Spirit which He had promised them before His Passion and that they should haue the greater securitie He giues them commandement not to depart out of Ierusalem vntill they were endued with vertue out of Heauen this is the effect To come to the first part When they heard Him speake with a voyce familiar wherewith they had beene acquainted and that homely salutation Peace bee vnto you yet they would not knowe Him when they had seene His hands and feete yet they beleeued not that it was He when they had handled Him and felt Him yet they beleeued Him not for all this they were rauished with joy yet they beleeued not The Lorde will not leaue them in this vnbeliefe but He will let them vnderstand that it was He He teaches them by the sight of a bodily action Hee askes if they had a●y me●t They present to Him A piece of rosted fish and that was all the delicate they gaue Him and with it A piece of hony combe Hee takes and eates in their sight Hee eates the piece of the rosted fish and the hony combe Not that the Lord after His Resurrection had any need to eate any of their meat Hee who nowe vvas immortall after His Resurrection that was glorious and that vvas full of God and had all the powers of His soule filled with God What needed He their piece of fish or their hony combe to eate So it was not for any need He had that Hee eated but that He eated in their sight that they should beleeue that the Lord was a body a Spirit eates not neither drinkes The Lord therefore shewes them that He vvas no Spirit In doing this Brethren no question He humbled Himselfe beeing now immortall and glorious and full of God Was not this a humbling of Him an immortall bodie to take that mortall bread It is a wonderfull thing to see how Iesus Christ humbled Himselfe ay whilst He vvas yet still in this vvorld Beeing sayes Paul Philip in the forme of God thought it no robberie to be equall with God He made Himselfe of no reputation taking on Him the shape of a seruant That is the nature of man in the nature of man became obedient to the Father for vs to the death to a vile death euen to the death of the Crosse a foule de●th and a sore death Then vvhen after He vvas once ●●ade and risen againe ●nd should haue entred to His glory and haue passed to Heauen imm●diately after His Resurrection to sit at the right hande of that Majestie Hee would not immediatly doe so but did deferre and delay it the space of fourtie dayes and all this time humbling Himselfe it was a small thing that when He was mortall to humble Himselfe but when He was immortall that Hee should haue continued so long humbling Himselfe for the cause of man it is a wonder amongst all the partes of His humiliation this is one part that He ate this mortall food And thou when thou shalt be glorified thou shalt not bee so farre humbled as to eate any food of this world thou shalt not be so farre humbled as IESVS CHRIST was humbled Was this Brethren for the Apostles cause only Was it for Peters cause Iohn Iames and the rests cause No Paul sayes All is yours speaking to the Church whether it be Paul or Apollo or Cephas or thinges present or things to come or life or death all is yours and ye are Christes and Christ is Gods 1. Epist to the Corinthians the 3. Chapter and the 21. and 22. verses So all the Apostles themselues were for the Churches cause I speake to you Paul Iohn Iames c. were for your cause and all this homelinesse of Christ with them was for your cause as they were for your cause so seeing the LORD hath so farre and so many wayes humbled Himselfe consider if wee haue not great cause to meete Him or not If any will bowe so lowe as to take thee by the hand wilt thou not put out thine hande againe and meete Him and thinke ye that this humbling of the LORD of glorie hath taken an ende it endes not so long as this Ministerie continues Know yee what this Ministerie and this preaching is It is but an humbling of GOD from Heauen and that for thy cause looke what Paul sayes in the 2. Epistle to the Corinthians the 5. Chapter and the 20. verse We are Ambassadours for Christ as though GOD did beseech you through vs we pray you in Christs stead that ye be reconciled to God There ye see that by this Ministerie GOD humbles Himselfe to pray thee to be reconciled with Him is not this an humbling of God euen that He should pray thee to be reconciled with Him He becomes a suter and solister for thy cause sayes the Apostle We pray you that y● should be reconciled to Him what is it to God to humble Himselfe if not this when He beseeches and requests vs by His Messengers and Ambassadours that wee bee reconciled to Him This exceeding humbling of the LORD as it lets vs see His loue vnspeakable towardes vs so it requires a meeting on our partes as wee would eschew fearfull judgements If the first humbling of GOD when He humbled Himselfe in our nature will not mooue thee to make Him a meeting it shall bring on a judgement If the second wherein He humbled Himselfe after His Resurrection so many wayes will not mooue thee it shall double thy judgement if the third humbling of Him now in the Ministerie will not mooue thee if thou contemnest the word and the Ministerie it shall triple the judgement albeit thou werest the King of the world O that judgement and wrath that shall bee heaped vpon thee thou shalt be thrust downe and plunged in Hel to be tormented for euermore Can GOD humble Himselfe for nothing No either shall it be for passing mercie or els for a passing judgement to thee for euer more Then Brethren yee shall marke in this place and I shall onely touch it by the way The Lord after His glorious Resurrection eated the meate they gaue Him Hereof it followes That after His glorious Resurrection Hee kept these naturall powers as eating and drinking if Hee kept them not how could Hee eate at this time if there was not a power attractiue in His stomacke how could the meat goe ouer to His stomacke This I speake to let you see when we shall rise be glorified and see our Lord vvhen this humbled bodie shall be translated to the likenesse of His glorious body as vvee shall keepe the same
haue Christ going before vs bearing our crosse suffering for our sins thē we following Him bearing His crosse Hee dying first takes away the bitternesse of death and makes our death an entrie to life euerlasting There is a comfort that Peter gettes in death so that death is made sweet to him and a port to life euerlasting Brethren ye must vnderstand That Christ goes before vs not onelie in His death but in His Resurrection and life for at this time Hee vvas risen So PETER followes Him in His Resurrection There is a double comfort Wee followe IESVS CHRIST not onelie in His death but also in His Resurrection to raise vs to life againe for it is by vertue of that life of IESVS CHRIST that vvee rise to life after our death Whereto intendes all this Euen to encourage vs to suffer Martyredome and seale the Gospell with our blood if it shall please the Lord to call vs and happie art thou if the Lord shall honour thee so that Hee will haue thee to beare His Crosse to suffer as an innocent who for a thousand of thine own sinnes art worthy of an ignominious death desperate departure for if He goe before thee if He beare thy Crosse the bitternesse of death is taken from thee because the guiltinesse of thy sinne is forgiuen Now the Lord furnish vs strength courage that we shame not His cause if it shall please Him to call vs to suffer for the Name of Iesus To whome with the Father and Holie Spirit be all praise and glorie for euer AMEN THE LII LECTVRE OF THE RESVRRECTION OF CHRIST IHON CHAP. XXI verse 20 Then Peter turned about and saw the Disciple whom Iesus loued following which had also leaned on His brest at supper and had saide Lord which is he that betrayeth thee verse 21 When Peter therefore saw him he said to Iesus Lord what shall this man doe verse 22 Iesus said vnto Him If I will that he tarie till J come what is it to thee follow thou Me. verse 23 Then went this word abroad among the brethren that this disciple should not die Yet Iesus saide to him he shall not die but if I will that he tarie till J come what is it to thee verse 24 This is that disciple which testifieth of these things and wrote those things and we know that his testimonie is true verse 25 Now there are also many other things which Jesus did the which if they should be written euery one I suppose the world could not containe the bookes that should be written Amen WEE haue heard Brethren that after the Lord had restored Peter to the dignitie of the Apostle shippe from the which hee had fallen by his threefold deniall of his Master in the Hall of the High Priest he addes to his absolution restitution a premonition and forewarning forewarning him that in the end of his Apostleship when he should become an old man he should close vp and seale his Apostleship with his blood When thou wast young sayes the Lord to Peter thou girdedst thy selfe thou knittedst thy clothes when thou wast wont to goe any way and wentedst whither thou pleasedst but when thou shalt be olde thou shalt not get credence to gird thy selfe to put thy girdle about thee but thou shalt stretch out thine hands and another shall gi●d thee with cordes and chaines and shall lead thee away not where it shall please thee but where it shall please him he shall lead thee to the death We heard Iohn opened vp the meaning of these words and told vs that Christ thereby signified that Peter should glorifie God by a violent death and thereafter to encourage him the Lord goes before him bids Peter follow Him signifying thereby that His death had taken away the bitternesse of death and that by vertue of His Resurrection he should liue againe Now in the wordes that we haue read in the first place we haue set downe a new conference betweene the Lord and Peter for while they are in the waye the Lorde going before and Peter following there they fall againe in a new conference and Peter as he was ay too rash albeit very zealous so here rashly he demandes a curious question and it is about Iohn the writter of this Gospell the question is What should Iohn doe What shall this man doe Shall he not follow the Lord The Lord had not bidden him follow Him it might haue contented Peter well enough that the Lord had kept silence of Iohn and he to haue done the thing that the Lord bade him Nowe Brethren ere I come to the question yee must marke the occasions of this curiositie of Peter I perceiue the first occasion that brings Peter to this question is this When they are going together Peter lookes ouer his shoulder and turnes him about and turnes his eye from the Lord and looked to Iohn that apparantly followed a far●e off vpon which followes this curiositie and this learnes vs this lesson If the Lord bid thee followe Him in any calling what euer it be as Hee bade Peter followe Him to the death that was his calling for a man followes God in his calling all lawfull callings are but a following of the LORD learne here to be wiser than Peter hold thine eye constantly vpon Him thine heart vpon Him in thy calling followe Him foot for foot tread thou in the same footsteps so farre as He shall giue the grace decline not neither to the right hand nor to the left as to thine eye looke that it be neuer drawne frō Him looke not ouer thy shoulder to see what is behind thee but look constantly on the Lord for if thou doe this thou loses y e sight of Him that of need force shall make thee to settle backe in thy calling Peter but once turning goes one foot backward falles back frō y t course wherin he should haue walked Paul Philip. 3.14 considered this well in that race he ranne to be partaker of Resurrectiō life euerlasting he sayes I neuer looke behind me I neuer looke ouer my shoulder to see what is behind but mine eye is euer vpon the marke to get the price of the high calling of God Seeing then we haue taken vp a course to walke in to that life Iesus Christ beeing the forerunner and breaking vp the Heauen holde thine eye continually vpon the forerunner follow Him in thine own calling and see that thine eye goe neuer off Him It is the felicitie of the creature to follow Him and thou must follow the Lord in thine owne calling there is the first occasiō Vpō this followes another for piece piece he comes to his curiosity turning himselfe about looking to John Whom the Lord loued who was very familiar with the Lord apparantly hath vsed the Lord more homely than any of the rest for he was the man which leaned on Iesus brest at supper for whē y e Lord