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A03949 Bromelion A discourse of the most substantial points of diuinitie, handled by diuers common places: vvith great studie, sinceritie, and perspicuitie. Whose titles you haue in the next page following. S. I., fl. 1595.; Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. Summa totius Christianismi. English. 1595 (1595) STC 14057; ESTC S107410 412,250 588

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tribulation reioycing in persecution reioycing in torments reioycing in death because they haue bin so well learned in gods schoole in gods booke that the loue of God is throughly shed abroad in their harts by the inward secret and most heauenly working of his holy spirit Triumphing against the world and the cruelties thereof being fully perswaded that neither life nor death nor any thing else shall be able to seperate them from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus We learne that we are the children and beloued of god and that we are heires euen the heires of god and fellow heires with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him For the afflictions that may fall out vnto vs are not worthie of the glorie that shall be shewed vnto vs and that we shall receiue in the kingdome of heauen If it were not so saith the Apostle we were of all men the most miserable if our hope were ended in this life and if that persecution had not a ioyfull recompence He that striueth not shall neuer be crowned and he that doth not take vp Christ his crosse euen to the death shall neuer come where he is To them that thus endure trouble and are thus hated reuiled and slaine of the world they know and are assured by gods word that there is a crowne reserued for them which the Lord shall giue them at that day dreadfull to others but ioyfull to them When it shall be said vnto them Come ye blessed enioy the kingdome prepared of my father for you from the beginning of the world Search the scriptures for in them ye thinke to haue etrnall life And thus they do performe it It followeth in those words which I haue reade vnto They testifie of Christ you touching the effectuall reason that should moue vs to the reading of the scriptures And they are they which testifie of me In them ye thinke to haue euerlasting life because they direct vs vnto the knowledge of Christ wherein consisteth life According as he saith of himselfe I am the way the truth and the life To him saith the Apostle Act. 10. 43. giue all the Prophets witnesse that through his name all that beléeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes This is life euerlasting saith the Euangelist S. Iohn 17. 3. that they know thée to be the onely very god and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ And thus the word of god doth testifie of our Sauiour Christ Ioh. 3. 16. That God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne for the redemption of the world that whosoeur beleeueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting They are they which testifie that I am the onely life to true repentant sinners to giue them ease and comfort that are swallowed vp and ouerwhelmed with heauie sorrowes and as it were vtterly cast away through griefe and distresse of minde for their sinnes According as the Apostle saith Christ came into the world to saue sinners Come vnto me saith Christ all ye that be heauily loaden with the burthen of your sinnes and I will ease you and I will refresh you For I came not to saue the righteous but to call the sinners to repentance They are they which testifie of his holie and vndefiled conception being conceiued by the holie Ghost and borne of a virgine and so being without all blot of sin to the intent that we might be freed from our vncleannes which we draw from our parents being born in sinne and conceiued in iniquitie being defiled by originall sinne and naturall corruption which testifie of his life and conuersation that it was altogither vnrebukable blamelesse and that in euery point he fulfilled the law of God y● his righteousnes perfect obediēce might be imputed vnto vs which are otherwise vnder the curse of the law that our sinne and disobedience might be couered and that we might not be called to account for the same which testifie that hée was condemned before an earthly iudge to acquite vs from the dreadfuil sentence of the heauenly iudge which testifie that in bodie soule he suffered gréeuous torments that the wrath of god might not take hold of vs which testifie of the wonderful worke of his resurrectiō of his triumphing ouer death sin hell and the diuel to make vs ioyful conquerers which testifie of his glorious ascention into heauen to giue vs assurance of y● heauenly possession which he hath purchased for vs which testifie y● he shal be y● iudge of quick dead to giue vs euerlasting comfort which haue put our whole trust in him when all other vnbeléeuers wicked vngodly people shal stand in his presence with great horror séeing his comming shall bee to be reuenged of their vnbeliefe and contempt Finally in an other consideration we may say that they They bring vs to the knowledge of God our selues are they that testifie of him For first and principally they teach vs the knowledge of God Secondarily and consequently the knowledge of our selues The knowledge of the Almightie power of God in the creation of all things of his infinit wisdom in disposing them in their due order of his great goodnes in doing al these things for the vse and benefit of mankinde Indéed the creation of the world and all the creatures therein do bring vs to the knowledge of God and this is onely the scripture of the heathen people but yet this doth not shew vnto vs sufficiently how God is our God and our father in Iesus Christ which knowledge we do only attain by reading the word of God And this is the scripture of the Christians Through which knowledge of God in respect of Christ we learn that God hath entred into a couenant with all faithful people that he would be their God and that they should be his people And that therfore they ought to performe vnto god his due scruice which especially consisteth in these thrée points First to worship the true God and to detest all idolatry and false gods to make our praiers to God alone and religiously and deuoutly to serue him Secondly that the worship of God doth cōsist in spirituall matters as faith hope charitie obedience righteousnes holines innocency patiēce truth and all godlines Thirdly to improue accuse and condemne all wickednesse and sinne infidelitie desperation disobedience impatience lying hipocrisie hatred slaunder iniurie and wrongfull dealing vncleannesse lust gluttony and all other vngodlinesse and iniquitie Furthermore that God doth in mercy and fauour reward the good and according to his iustice punish the offendors and that therefore he hath prepared ioyes and torments after this life For our soules are such that they neuer die and our bodies shall rise again to be ioyned to our soules at the latter day In respect of which knowledge of God the scriptures do perswade vs so to liue in this world that
heauen which shall be immutable and without chaunge and without swaruing For then shal we do nothing but that which good is and that with a constant minde alwaies to perseuere and to continue in la●ding and praising God and dooing his will as now the Angels of heauen doo And this may suffice concerning Freewill both that we may know what power of Fréewil was giuen to man in his first creation and also what is to be thought and how we ought to be perswaded of it When by mans Fréewill he came to his downefall then he proued Gods word to be true Thou shalt die the death whereas before he was in the state of life and immortalitie For he was created immortall with this condition if he had continued in Gods obedience but being wilfull and carelesse he came to his death and was in the way to hell when he thought to climbe vp into heauen When he was immortall he knew not what it meant but when through his follie hee perceiued his dayes to bee shortened he wondred at the one and gréeued to remember the other The estate of immortalitie wherein our first parentes were created was nothing else but a continuance and endurance of life and a freedome from death And although it be now vsuall and common and nothing more common then for euerie one of vs to die yet at the first it was not so If our first parents had obeied they had neuer suffered death but when they gaue themselues to sin and to deceitfull vanities then they knew themselues to be mortall and then death came vpon them As we read Rom. 6. 23. The wages of sinne is death but euerlasting life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lorde And in the first Chapter of the same Epistle verse 12. As by one man meaning Adam the first man sinne entered into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men forasmuch as all men haue sinned so that the cause and only cause of death is sinne And because the best sort of men and women are sinfull though not in that degrée and in that measure as the wicked and vngodly are yet because euen they also haue procured the wrath of God through their sinne they must néedes vndertake the punishment of sinne which is death But there is a great difference to bee considered off For death to the godly is life and happie are they that are deliuered out of this miserable and wretched world For they knowe that while they are here they are absent from God that is from the enioying of his presence And againe they know that if their earthly house their bodies of dust and claie be destroyed they shall haue a building giuen of GOD that is an house not made with handes but eternall in the heauens For therefore they sigh desiring to be cloathed with their house which is from heauen that mortalitie might bee swallowed vp of life and their earthly mansion chaunged for an euerlasting habitation In the godly there is a great desire of death what moueth them hereunto Euen this that they may enioy immortalitie and be made partakers of that part of the image of God which by the meanes of sinne they were depriued off and put from But as for the vngodly it is nothing so with them For they tremble and shake at the remembrance of death as we reade of Naball who when his wife tolde him heauie newes which was toward him his hart died within him The sea men when they are tossed vp and down with the waues of the sea and néer to be cast away their ship drowned their soule melteth within them so the wicked their hart dieth within them al the parts of their body quake their soules within ar sore vexed miserably tormented with y● present forethought as it were feeling of y● euerlasting death and those endlesse torments which they shall endure And this moueth them in a wonderful secret sort to that feare they are in that they know by death they shal be taken from all their ioy and that they shall passe from this short life which they haue here in this world to death and from this light death which is no more but a seperation of the soule from the bodie to a second death which is euerlasting death And from death to these torments which are the worme of a continuall guiltie conscience the wrath of God increasing their punishment from time to time the restlesse crueltie of the diuell and hellish spirits to punish them where there shal be nothing else but wringing of hands weeping and gnashing of teeth Felix the gouernour shooke and trembled when he heard Paule disputing of righteousnesse and temperaunce and of other waightie matters as of death the resurrection and of the iudgement to come and willed him to depart out of his presence Much like to king Belshazzar who when he sawe a hand writing vpon the wall wherby was declared the end of his kingdome and the ende of his life his countenance chaunged his thoughts troubled him so that the ioynts of his loines were looced and his knees smote one against the other The feare of death is in them as it was in king Saul 1. Sam. 28. 20 who when he was tolde howe neare his death did approach he was sore affraied his soule fainted within him and he fell along on the earth neither was there any strength in him he refused meate and would not be comforted because through the sorrow of his death he had a taste of the death and torments which were to come The cause why we lost this benefit of immortalitie is sin and disobedience which brought vs to our death and to our last home The difference of death betwixt the godly and the wicked is this the one sort is greatly desirous to die the other are greatly affraied of death That man was created vnto immortalitie we may perceiue in that one part of man neuer dieth which is his soule Furthermore the bodie also shall receiue immortalitie at the day of resurrection when the generall iudgement shall be and when all flesh by the sound of a Trumpet shal be summoned togither from the foure quarters of the earth Then the bodies of all that haue bene departed from the beginning of the world togither with them that shall die vnto the end of the world being raised vp shal be ioyned vnto their soules and both shal be immortall and shall liue for euer either to receiue ioyes and euerlasting blisse or torments which shal neuer haue end The one sort to liue with God and his Angels the other sort with the diuel and the fiends of hell Which immortalitie of the bodie is confirmed by that of the Apostle writing to the Corinthians 1. Cor 15. 52. 53. In a moment in the twinckling of an eye at the last trumpet shall the dead be raised vp incorruptible and we shall bee chaunged For this corruptible must
quarrelling Let vs rather reuerence y● which passeth the reach and compasse of our wits and turne our mindes wholy to praise his mercy who by his onely grace hath saued vs when we deserued the like punishment and damnation and were no lesse sinners and wicked thē they The chief matters with places of Scripture for proofe God hath appointed a way to his infinit wisdome and to the execution of his predestination shutting vp al vnder disobadience sinne and vnbeleefe Gall. 3. 22. But the Scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should be giuen to them that beléeue Rom. 11. 32. God hath shut vp all in vnbeléefe that he might haue mercy vpon all that beléeue So that the way to the Godly to be partakers of mercy is to beleeue wherein we must vnderstand that faith is a gift of God peculiarly belonging to the elect and chosen children of God Acts. 13. 48. And when the Gentiles heard it they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord and as many as were ordained vnto eternal life beléeued Ephe. 2. 8. For by grace are ye saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God Titus 1. 1. Paule a seruant of God and an Apostle of Iesus Christ according to the faith of Gods elect which is proper and peculiar vnto them so that they that are partakers of faith may assure themselues y● they pertaine to god Philip. 1. 29. For vnto you it is giuen for Christ that not only ye should beléeue in him but also suffer for his sake Gal. 5. 22. The frute of the spirit is loue ioy peace long suffring gentlenes goodnes faith Iohn 6. 65. No man can come vnto me except it be giuen vnto him of my father As also they that doe not beleeue nor knowe God are iustly condemned 2. These 3. 2. Pray for vs that we may be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men For all men haue not faith Mat. 13. 11. It is giuen vnto you saith Christ to knowe the secrets of the kingdome of heauen but to them it is not giuen For the gospell and meanes of saluation is hid to them that perish 2. Cor. 4. 3. 4. 2. Thes 2. 10. Ihon 12. 37. And though Iesus had done so many miracles before them yet beléeued they not on him That the saying of Esaias the Prophet might be fulfiled c. Man created in innocency puritie and holinesse Gene. 1. 27. Thus God created the man in his image in the image of God created he him he created them male and female And what vertuous and holy qualities were there which were not in the image of God according as it is at large set downe Ephe. 4. 24. Put on the new man which after God is created in righteousnes true holines and so forth to the end of the chapter Man fell not from God by constraint or necessitie but became seruant of sin through his owne will Gen. 3. 6. So the woman séeing that the trée was good for meat and that it was pleasant to the eies and a trée to be desired to get knowledge tooke of the frute thereof and did eate and gaue also to her husband with her and he did eate which thing was contrary to the commaundement of God and a penaltie of death set vpon them if they did eate as we reade chap. 2. 16. 17. And the Lord God commanded the man saying Thou shalt eate fréely of euery trée of the garden but as touching the trée of know●edge of good and euill thou shalt not eate of it For whensoeuer thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the death By which fall and and disobedience he did binde and drawe the whole nature of man to sin and so consequently to the death of body and soule Ro. 7. 20. Nowe if I doe that I would not it is no more I that do it but the sinne that dwelleth in me Ro. 5. 12. Wherefore as by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men forasmuch as all men haue sinned This fall of man came not by chaunce or fortune because the prouidence of God reacheth euen to the smallest matters Mat. 10. 29. 30. Are not two sparrowes sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your father yea and all the haires of your head are numbred Pro. 16. 33. The lot is cast into the lappe but the whole disposition thereof is of the Lord. What matter God hath so ordained to shewe his glory by mercy to the one and wrath to the other Ro. 9. 21. Hath not the potter power of the clay to make of the same lumpe on vessell to honour and an other vnto dishonour What and if God would to shewe his wrath and to make his power to be knowne suffer with long patience the vessels of wrath prepared to destruction And that he might declare the riches of his glorie vpon the vessels of mercy which he hath prepared vnto glorie Pet. 2. 6. 8. Behold I put in Sion a chiefe corner stone elect and precious and he that beleueth therein shall not be ashamed A stone to stumble at and a rocke of offence euen to them which stumble at the word being disobedient vnto the which thing they were euē ordained Neither saluation nor damnation is the finall end of Gods counsaile but his owne glory Ro. 9. 17. For the scripture saith vnto Pharaoh For this same purpose haue I stirred thée vp that I might shewe my power in thée and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth Pro. 16. 4. The Lord hath made all things for his owne sake yea euen the wicked for the day of euill For ere the children were borne and when they had neither done good nor euill that the purpose of God might remaine according to election not by workes but by him that calleth it was said vnto Rebecca their mother The elder shall serue the younger As it is written I haue loued Iacob and haue hated Esau Well in this cause may men pleade against God but it shall not preuaile Ro. 9. 19. 20. Thou wilt say then vnto me Why doth he yet complaine For who hath resisted his will But O mā who art thou which pleadest against God shal the thing formed say to him that formed it Why hast thou made me thus But rather we ought to reuerence that which is past our reach and turne our minds wholly to praise god in his workes especially for his mercy toward vs. Ro. 11. 33. O the déepenesse of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God! howe vn searchable are his iudgements and his waies past finding out Ps 107. 8. O that men would therefore confesse before the Lord his louing kindnes and praise him for his wonderfull workes that he doeth for the children of men The fourth Chapter By what order God proceedeth to declare and
and the defrauding of iudgement and iustice maruell not For so it is like to come to passe So that there are feares and cares inough and matters to make them guiltie and their soules heauie that haue set their hearts vppon honour howsoeuer at the first it haue a glorious shew in the sight of the world but as for delight to speake and say it truly there is none When the wise King had shewed me thus much what Pleasure flawes crackes and rents there were in the chéefest delights of worldly men it was a matter too easie to iudge of the rest and of the meaner sort Which could terme no otherwise but méere foolishnesse and madnesse toyes and trifle The viole and harpe and musicall instruments how do they delight the hart What a ioy is it to spend our time in minstrelcie and dancing But what if musicke haue his mourning and that such foolish mirth doo ende in heauinesse What is beautie but the prouoking of lust and the forgetfulnes of God which maketh vs with an impudent face to say when we are called to God from this and all other earthly vanities I am maried to bewtie haue set my hart on vanity therfore he saith not haue me excused but in plaine tearmes I cannot come And when we thinke of braue apparell and delicate fare as though that were a thing to be desired let vs remember the rich man which was cloathed in purple and fine linnen and fared well and delicately euerie day who though hée flaunted on the earth and made the worlde his chiefest heauen yet afterward fried in torments and found the dolefull hell to he his dwelling place for euer Now what purpose is it for vs to desire to liue long Long life when there are no true delights but shewes and shadowes thereof When all things in our life are vaine what pleasure is it to liue séeing that as it is most certaine the longer we liue the more sinfull wée are This life of ours must haue an ende and peraduenture a fearefull or an vngodly end which if we could but remember and thinke vpon it would abate and pull backe our reioycing hearts although all our delight were to liue How much better were it to prepare our selues against the day of death Séeing that a short life is sometime a great blessing of God when as the course of sinne shall be cut off in vs And againe when we are taken away from wofull times to come and from those miseries which fall vppon the world VVisedome 4. Enoch was taken away least wickednesse should alter his vnderstanding For wickednesse deceiueth and bewitcheth the minde and the vnstedfastnesse of concupiscence doth soone peruert the simple heart And because the soule of this holy man pleased God therefore hasted he to take him away from wickednesse Yet the people see vnderstand it and consider no such things in their hearts how the grace and mercy is vpon his Saints and his prouidence ouer the elect The wicked and vngodly although they liue long in great prosperitie and sée not the graue in many yeares yet is their estate accursed and they liue long to their greater vengeance and condemnation vntill the measure of their sinne be filled vp to the brim and that the iudgement of GOD wayt for them at the doore Séeing then that these delights which worldly minded men make so great account of come to nothing and are in themselues but méere vanities and as it were shaddowes without a bodie and therfore may fitly be compared to S●dome Apples which in outward sight and shewe are very faire and beautifull but when we come neare to touch them they fall to ashes Let vs returne to the true delight and only paradice of the soule I mean the word of God in VVord which paradice is the trée of the knowledge of good euil the trée also of life and immortalitie wherein are perfections to be found and such as may well content the heauenly Angels and blessed soules Which is the onely instruction of wisedome the guide of our life the light in darknesse which sheweth vs a way to enter into paradice although Cherubins and the blade of a sword shaken be set to kéepe the way of the trée of life I meane it sheweth vs the way into the highest heauens although there be many lets and hinderances to kéepe vs backe And the way that it onely Feare chaulketh out vnto vs is this The feare of the Lord and the especiall regard of his wil and commandements which hath the promises and blessings of this life and of that also which is to come By which direction of the feare of God we reade that the famous Patriarch Abraham was safe from the iniuries of straungers Lot deliuered from the deuouring fire that came downe from heauen and from those dreadfull iudgements Noah escaped the drowning flood and perished not with the vngodly Iob that worthie mirrour of all succéeding ages preserued from the rage wicked intent of the diuel Iacob set frée from the murthering hand of his brother Esau Ioseph from misery exalted to honour Enoch taken from the wicked world and translated into heauen By which examples and testimonies drawne out of the word of God we sée the high and great commendations of the feare of God and that there is no worldly delight to be compared vnto it In a word the chiefest commodities and blessings that the heart of a naturall man can desire and the greatest glory that he can wish to rise vnto all are included and comprehended within the feare of God Vnto the which that I may as I would exhort you let vs call to our remembrance the words that God spake vnto his people by his seruant Moses saying O that there were such a heart in them to seare mee and to keepe all my commandements alwayes that it might go well with them and with their children for euer O that they were wise then would they vnderstand this then would they know that the feare of God doth make a blessed life and a happie end That we may perceiue that the fear of God doth teach vs to be vpright and iust and to eschue euill as it did Iob that so God may grant our requests as he heard and granted the praiers of Cornelius that it may come to vs as it did vnto Iudeth that none be able to bring an euill report of vs because we feare God Finally that it may be said of vs as it was of King Dauid that hée was a man after Gods owne hart because that with all the power that was in him he did performe those things which God woulde haue him and that we may be minded as he was I had rather be a doore keeper saith he in the house of the Lord then to dwell in the Pallaces of Princes And so as people indued with wisedome and with an heauenly spirit let vs passe by these delights of the world which
matters should we be euer a whit the better in that we doo not vnderstand them Suppose they come into our Churches and preach vnto vs Gods word to what end are all their spéeches Among the plagues and punishments that God threateneth vnto his people for their disobedience this is not the least that they should go into captiuitie to such a nation whose language they should not vnderstand In the lawe it is written by men of oth●r tongues and by other languages will I speake vnto this people yet so shall they not heare me saith the Lord. So that a straunge tongue which we vnderstand not is a signe vnto vs of Gods curse and punishment which he laieth on vs. Moreouer we are to vnderstand that it is the principall pollicie and secret mischéeueus working of the ●●●●ll to hide the Gospel and word of God from vs who desireth nothing more then to seperate vs from God who desireth nothing more then our vtter ouerthrow and vndoing And to bring about this his pollicie and mischéeuous working he hath his ministers euen deceitfull workmen which thus teach that the word of God ought not to be read in a knowne tongue vnto the people Which indéed is the onely way to kéepe them in Idolatry and superstition when they know not the truth of Gods word and pure religion And while they perswade the people that ignorance is the mother of deuotion that the lesse they know the more deuout they are this is rather a furtherance to their damnation because they know not God and the way to saluation For as the extreame want of bodily foode procureth death to the bodie so the extreame want of spirituall foode that is of Gods word procureth death to the soule It is méet say they that the scripture should be set downe in an vnknowne tongue least some in reading peruert them vnto their owne damnation Which is not a sufficient reason to deny others the reading thereof as if we should neuer vse wine because some by abusing it haue falne into drunkennesse or neuer take a weapon in hand to defend our selues because many haue bene killed thereby But this reason of theirs is but a deuice of mans braine and hath no warrant from Gods word but is rather contrary vnto it And herehence also ariseth an other argument of theirs that because it is said The priests lips should kéep knowledge therefore it is not for euery one to search the scriptures Indéed it behoueth the Minister to be learned that the people may be resolued of their doubts by him yet neuerthelesse there is no estate of people debarred from the reading the scriptures For as God would haue euery man to come to the knowledge of his will so he willeth and commandeth euery one to search the scriptures no estate no calling excepted Otherwise if none but the priest and minister be to reade the scriptures as they are men so vnder the colour and pretence of Gods word they may put forth their own deuices and their own imaginations An other reason of theirs is this Pearls are not to be cast before swine comparing the word of God as it is indéed a most precious treasure and as much to vs as our soules are worth because it is the meane to win soules comparing it to a pearle and the laie people for whome Christ died and shead his blood to procure them saluation and euerlasting life to compare thē to swine Which spéech of theirs because it is vngodly vncharitable and vnchrististian I leaue it to the iudgement of others as not worthie of any answere God forbid that the laie people although they are vnlearned if they be so godly disposed and God do moue their hearts therunto as to séeke the comfort of their soules by reading of the scriptures and word of God God forbid that they should bee debarred from the reading and benefit thereof But euen as the Eunuch spoken of in the Acts of the Apostles being but a laie man and yet the chief gouernour to a Quéene although he were vnlearned did yet for all that reade the scriptures and could not vnderstand them to the full so may we according to his example although our capacitie be so weake that we cannot vnderstand them giue our selues to the reading of the scriptures For as God sent vnto him a teacher Philip by name into his charet vnaware to him as he was in his iourney and reading the scripture so we know not what helpes it may please God to grant vs that are desirous to read his word that thereby we may know his will and be edified and instructed to our soules comfort And séeing we haue that blessing that many a land hath not I meane to haue the scripture in our owne mother tongue how shall we excuse our selues before God if we bee not diligent and painefull to reade The other mightie hinderance whereby we debarre The second hinderance is that they say the word of God is too hard to be vnderstood our selues from the reading of the word of God is that we thinke it is too hard to bee vnderstood Like the slothfull man which saith a lyon is in the way because hée is loth to worke Whither I will not I cannot goe and the propertie of an vnwilling seruant is to answere his arrant before hée bee sent Why should we giue foorth that the scripture is hard before wee reade it Whereas the spirite of God doeth set it downe that the word of God doth giue vnderstanding euen to the simplest comparing it to a lanterne and to a light which lightneth euery one that commeth vnto it For as without the light of the Sunne there is nothing but darkenesse on the earth so without the knowledge of the word of GOD there is nothing but ignorance among men And this is a wonderfull disproofe of them that stand in this doubt thinking it to bee too hard for them being of a simple vnderstanding and that therefore the Doctors and learned men should reade the word euen this disproueth their opinion that heauenly matters are often hid from them that are learned when contrariwise it pleaseth God to open the eyes of the simple and to giue them vnderstanding Else how should it be true that Christ saith I giue thee thankes ô father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid these thinges from the wise and hast opened them vnto babes euen so ô Lord because it was thy good will and pleasure If our Gospell be h●d saith the Apostle it is hid to them that are lost and if the word of God be hard to be vnderstood it is hard vnto the vnwilling and vnto vnbeléeuers and such as are blinded of their owne accord Which difficultie and hardnesse of vnderstanding commeth not to passe through the word of God which is euident and plaine to them whose eyes God openeth and whose hearts and mindes it pleaseth him to enlighten but through their default who either through
the iniuring and oppressing of our neighbours to do good to all and by little and little it draweth vs not onely to the loue thereof but euen with an earnest purpose of mind we are therby wonne to take that way that leadeth to euerlasting life For it mortifieth our sinfull desires by shewing vs the It mortifieth sinfull desires bitter punishments that remaine and that they shall neuer enter into the kingdome of God that are led by them Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodies for the wages of sin is death that is the euerlasting death of bodie soule Know ye not that the vnrighteous shall not inherit the kingdome of God Be not deceiued neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor wantons nor buggerers nor theeues nor couetous nor drunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdome of God God is not mocked for what we sowe that shall we reape for he that soweth to his flesh and followeth his fleshly desires shall therehence reape corruption and woe but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reape life euerlasting For we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ that euery man may receiue the things which are done in his bodie according to that hee hath done whether it be good or euill And blessed are they that doo his commandements that their right may be in the trée of life and may enter in through the gates into y● Citie For without shall bedogs inchanters and whoremongers and murtherers and Idolaters and whosoeuer loueth or maketh lies Finally to whom it shall be said Depart from mee ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the diuel and his angels It abateth and restraineth sin within vs as we reade Psal It worketh bettering 119. I haue hid thy word in my heart that I might not sinne against thee Through the reading of thy word I got vnderstanding therefore I hate all wicked waies Yea they that are godly minded and painful and diligent in searching the scriptures with a desire by Gods grace to profit by them they for the most part bring foorth such plentifull good fruit to godward and such an vpright conuersation to the world that in their faith beliefe to God and in their life to men they séeme in a maner blamelesse without fault although indéed while we liue in this world we are compassed with many infirmities and greatly pressed with the burthen of our sinnes which doo so hang and cleaue so fast vnto vs. By the reading whereof and the working of Gods good spirit in our hearts and consciences and in our liues and conuersation wee beginne to bee altered and chaunged into that which wee reade And we become daily lesse and lesse proude lesse wrathfull lesse couetous and lesse desirous of worldly and vaine pleasures And daily forsaking our olde vicious life we encrease in vertue more and more Well therefore may the word of God Iames 1. 21. be called a sauing word which is able thus to saue vs by bringing vs in hate of sinne and bréeding in vs the loue of God and all goodnesse So that we may say with the Prophet Dauid Thy word is the verie ioy of my heart It teacheth vs to be heauenly minded and to prepare our selues to heauen by setting the vanities of the world Prepareth vs vnto heauen before our eyes and the ende of the worlde and howe we should watch against that time that we be not condemned with the world Loue not the world saith Saint Iohn nor the things that are in the word For the loue of the worlde driueth out the loue of God but he that regardeth the word of God and fulfilleth his will abideth in GOD for euer whereas the world and all the vanities thereof doo perish and fade away 2. Pet. 3. 10. 11. The day of the Lord meaning thereby the latter day will come as a théefe in the night in the which the heauens shall passe away with a noyce and the elements shall melt with heat and the earth with the workes therein shall be burnt vp Séeing therefore that all these things must be dissolued what manner persons ought we to be in holy conuersation and godlines being prepared to heauen and heauenly minded Take heed to your selues watch and pray continually that ye may escape those things that shall fall on the world and that ye may stand before the sonne of man not tremblingly but with great ioy and comfort Aduersitie misery crosses and troubles through griefe VVorketh patience in all worldly miserie● and thought cast many away but they that are practised in reading the word of God know that there is nothing more auaileable to lift vp our hearts to Godward and to settle our mindes there whereas true ioyes are to be found then is the reading of the word of God Many fret and fume and vexe themselues when losse of goods and friends and other such worldly helpes doo ouertake them but the word of God doth bréede a quiet and contented mind as to say with Iob Naked came I into the world and naked shall I go out The Lorde hath giuen and the Lorde hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord And to say with the Apostle Saint Paule Phil. 4. 11. 12. I haue learned in whatsoeuer state I am therewith to be content and I can be abased and I can abound euery where in all things I am instructed both to be ful to be hungry and to abound and to haue want all which I am able to do through the helpe of Christ which strengthen me Godlines is great riches and a contented minde passeth all resoluing with our selues according to the direction of Gods word that God worketh all for the best to them that loue and feare him That which doth ouerthrow some and cast them in their graues through the fault of their owne impatient minds worketh wonderously in other some which haue recourse and séeke counsell in Gods word as to ioyne them vnto God and to bring them out of the loue of the world and all the vanities thereof And as he wisheth to the Colos so let vs desire that we may be strengthened through his glorious power vnto al patience with ioyfulnes giuing thanks vnto the father who hath requited all griefs and troubles all losses all miseries with a farre greater recompence in this that he hath made vs méete to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light As the word of God doth strengthen vs in all worldly Maketh vs indure persecution death it selfe miseries to take all things with a contented and patient minde so euen in the losse of our liues for the defence of a good cause and Gods truth it moketh vs ioyfull and excéeding glad As some when they were whipped and scourged for the profession of Christ endured it with ioyfull mindes and praising God that they were counted worthie to suffer for his truth Reioycing in
through our sin and vngodlines we lose not our happie estate in the world to come As touching the knowledge of our selues that is of our The knowledge of our selues excellent estate wherein we were created of our fall wherby we lost and forfaited that estate and howe againe we are restored vnto the same the word of god doth thus instruct Mans excellent estate vs. That god by his infinit goodnesse created man according to his image and likenes to this end that he should be good holy immortall happie and partaker of all his benefits hauing then and in his time of innocencie Fréewil to fulfill and performe those things which god required at his hands and to do his will and commandements Lastly in graunting him the rule gouernment ouer all his creatures The knowledge of our fall consisteth herein and so His fall we are taught that man being created in so excellēt estate continued not in his innocencie and vprightnesse but fell away by his disobedience from god and from his excellent estate The causes of whose fall were the temptations of the Diuel the enemy of all mankinde the enticement of Eue his wife his infidelitie in not veléeuing gods word to be true and doubting the punishment which god foretold lastly his own high mind and wicked wil by which means he disobeyed god and so became sinfull The sequele and effects of his disobience sin and fall were theirs that thereby he prouoked gods wrath against himselfe that according to his deserts he was vexed with infinit miseries and that he brought death vppon himselfe and vpon all his posteritie And so through sin he chaunged the image of god into the image of the diuel and caused that his ofspring and posteritie should be by nature the children of wrath and subiect to miserie death and damnation Concerning the restoring of man we reade that gods His restoring mercy herein is great and singular who according to his infinit and vnspeakable goodnesse pittying mans miserie of his méere grace ●nd fauour did giue his owne sonne to death for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes And that the meane whereby man should be restored was that the sonne of god should be incarnat and take our flesh of a godly woman and pure virgin being conceiued of the holy ghost and thereby pure and without sin Who in our flesh performed perfect obedience to make vs acceptable who by dying in the flesh did satisfie Gods wrath and by death ouercame death and him that had the power of death that is the diuell who deliuered the faithfull children of Adam and set them frée from the bondage of Sathan who procured them to be adopted the sonnes of God being by nature the children of wrath who sanctified them and inducd them with the gifts and graces of his holy spirit that they might be framed to expresse the image of God in their liues and conuersation that they might be holy both in bodie and soule and so recouer their former estate and become fellowe heires with Christ of euerlasting life being immortall and blessed and eternally glorified And thus when in our painfull endeuours we shal perceiue that God hath graunted vnto vs to vnderstand his will and his word it will bréed an inward comfort in our hearts and consciences which shall be a sufficient witnesse vnto vs both of Gods loue and fauour and of his sauing and euerlasting mercies toward vs. God gaue the heathen people a land wherein were riuers Conclusion of waters and fountaines a land of wheate and barley and of viniards and figge trées and pomegranates a land of oyle and honie a land wherein was no scarcitie a land whose stones were iron and out of whose mountaines they dig brasse they possessed great and goodly citties and houses full of all manner of goods they wanted no earthly commodities that their hearts could desire All which blessings although they enioyed them to the full yet in respect of the word of God they were all but as vaine shadowes The great blessings of his word and of his lawes he gaue onely to his owne people He dealt not so doth the Prophet say with the Heathen nay he dealt not so with any nation vnder the Sunne neither had the Heathen knowledge of his lawes Which great blessing and the onely treasure of all treasures we enioying through the mercy and fauour of God shall we be found so negligent as not to search and spend some time and studie therein The time shall come saith Christ that ye shal desire one of the daies of the sonne of man and shall not sée them What if God should send a famine not of bread nor of bodily foode but of his precious word What if he should punish vs by Idolatry by giuing power to a straunge nation to ouerrunne vs. We may wander from sea to sea and from the North euen to the East then we may runne too and fro to séeke the word of the Lord and yet not be partakers of our desires Now we may reade let not the opportunitie slip vntill the time come that we may wish and want We neuer lightly know what health is till sicknesse come and then we may be nearer to death then to recouer our health What was it to Moses that he could sée that pleasant land and goodly lebanon and could not enter into it And what comfort will it be to vs to thinke that we had time to reade and search the word of God when we shall be debarred from the vse therof O that we could be perswaded to reade and search that we might finde eternall life or that the loue thereof were planted in our hearts that we might bee desirous still to heare reade and meditate in the same who in so doing are pronounced blessed Blessed is the man whose delight is in the lawe of the Lord and therein doth he meditate that is continually spend a great part of his time in that holy and heauenly and sauing exercise Which blessing God of his mercy grant vs and frame our mindes to the earnest desire of reading and vnderstanding his wil and and his word and I pray God giue effect to the same and prosper it To God the Father God the Sonne and God the holy Ghost c. Some reade the word for fashion sake Idle readers Mat. 13. 19. Much like the high way seede And some being touch't by gods good grace Christian workers Mat. 5. 6. Do reade it for their neede Yet is the wisest naturall man 1. Cor. 2. 14. Herein but ignorant and blinde And daily must we pray to God Praier for vnderstanding Eph. 1. 16. 20. Iam. 1. 5. Colloss 1. 9. To light our darkned minde And if that profit we do meane To get and gaine thereby We must not reade but once and twice To satisfie the eye But often must the cud be chu'd Read often if we minde truly to profit Ps
rose vp warre against me yet will I put my trust in him Although I walke in the shaddowe of death and looke euerie houre to loose my life yet I am resolued in comfort trust committing my life and all my affaires into thy hand Walk vprightly and set God alwaies before thy eyes and there shall no euill happen vnto thée neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling Psalme 91. Thou shalt not be affraide for any terror by night nor for the arrow that flieth by day nor for the pestilence that walketh in the darknesse nor for the sicknesse that destroteth in the noone day A thousand shall fall beside thée and tenne thousande at thy right hand but it shal not come nigh thée because thou hast made the Lord thy shield and thy buckler thou shalt be as deare vnto him as the apple of his eye and he shall carry thee as the Eagle doth carry her yoong ones vpon her wings and be as carefull for thee as the henne is ouer her chickens Away then with fortune and destiny which is the feare of heathen people and leaue them to bee punished and plagued by such péeuish gods and let vs which know the trus God being taught by his word and who haue learned otherwise referre all to Gods prouidence What if there be diuerse hainous matters practised in the world What if the mightie oppresse the poore and the wicked the godly Yet we knowe that there is a God in heauen that seeth all and iudgeth all and in due time will call all men to their accounts and although God do suffer them vnpunished in this world yet they shall surely paie for it in an other In the meane time let vs reuerently thinke of gods workes who ruleth all well though we knowe not how and it be altogither hid from vs. And who is it that dare aske account at Gods handes whose power is neuer idle but what euer fall out he ordereth it as séemeth good vnto him and without his decrée shall nothing come to passe Great is our discomfort and we are intangled in much misery for want of the knowledge of Gods prouidence the full trust whereof when it hath taken déepe roote in our hearts come good successe or ill successe our hearts are well at rest And this maketh vs to be of a quiet contented and patient mind in all aduersitie trouble as also to be thankfull in prosperitie and in all the course of our liues there shall appeare a calme although the tempestes be vp And so much the more is our comfort because we are assured that God is our louing father farre passing the loue of any earthly father and therefore will follow vs with constant good will And because he is also God Almightie he holdeth all creatures in his power so that without his pleasure they are not able not only to doo any thing but not so much as to stirre For they that oppresse and do wrong are by the bridle of Gods prouidence brought into order to consider that they haue no other power to moue themselues or to do any thing but as they are directed of God Who appointeth euill men as roddes to what purpose so euer he thinketh good neither haue they any power of themselues to hurt but contrariwise we haue sufficient helpe in God against their and all other harmes whatsoeuer Why should such spéeches be vttered through a weake and faint minde as to say If God would open the windowes of heauen could it be so Or else to say the like speech This is impossible to be brought to passe For with God shall nothing be impossible The Lords hand is not shortned but stretched out to doo vs good yea doubtlesse he wil open the windowes of heauen to powre downe his blessings vpon vs if we doo not deserue the contrary To conclude crauing pardon that I haue bene so long let me say vnto you as the Apostle S. Paul said to the Corinthians O Corinthians our mouth is open vnto you our heart is made large Ye are not kept straight in vs but you are kept straight in your owne bowels Gods hand is open and his bountifulnesse is vnsearchable God is not straight to vs but we are straight vnto our selues God is of power to helpe and right readie he is because his mercy endureth for euer Let vs not be so backward as not to aske and pray for it and to vse all meanes that are lawfull For God worketh by meanes and sildome by miracles Let vs not be impatient and distrustfull neither in any case giue foorth vngodly and blasphemous spéeches auoyding all meanes to procure Gods anger and committing our selues wholly to his mercy and fatherly care in all our necessities And God open our eyes as he did open the eyes of Hagar Abrahams maid that so we may alwaies depend and waite vpon his enduring and bountifull prouidence To God the father God the sonne and God the holy Ghost c. Deo gratia solique gloria Of Creating man after his Image Genesis 1. 26. Furthermore God said Let vs make man in our Image ac-according to our likenesse and let them rule ouer the fish of the sea and ouer the foule of the heauen and ouer the beasts and ouer all the earth and ouer euery thing that creepeth and moueth on the earth VVHen GOD had made the light the heauen the Sunne the Moone and the Starres the earth and the sea and had replenished the sea with fishes the aire with birds the earth with beastes and had prouided foode and maintenance fit and conuenient for the vse of man thē did he make and create man Of whome first I thinke good to intreate somewhat concerning the creation of the bodie and so to passe to the creation of the soule in respect whereof and of those heauenly quallities wherewith his soule was then endued he is said to be made in the image of God and according to his likenesse The Lorde God made the man of the dust of the grounde and breathed in his face breath of life and the man was a liuing souls The first man is of the earth saith the Apostle And all men are of the ground saith the wise man Which God so wrought in great wisedome knowing full well the softie minde of man and how farre hée would excéede in pride For as that proude King Nabuchodonosor by Gods appointment was thrust out of his Throne and turned among beastes that thereby hée might learne to humble himselfe so it pleased God to create man of so base a matter as dust that by the remembraunce thereof hée might frame himselfe to lowlinesse What more contemptible then the dust which the winde bloweth too and fro and which we tread vpon Go to the pismire and to the ant saith the wise man to the sluggard and as well he might haue warned the proud mind and hautie heart of man to looke vppon the pecocke which beeing lifted vp with the brauery of
her painted feathers thinkes her selfe fairer then any beast and none so bewtifull as she but when shée turneth downe her eyes and looketh on her blacke and dirtie legges then shée lets fall her plume of feathers with the conceit whereof shée looked so aloft Many looke so high that they knowe not the ground they treade on and fouly would they take scorne if it should be tolde them that they were but dust and earth The Prophet Ieremy to pull downe the high stomackes of the people to whome he was sent doth not doubt to call them so repeating it often in their eares that they might remember it O earth earth heare the word of the Lord. Which thing that godly Abraham well remembring freely and of his owne accord confesseth when he made his request vnto God for Sodome Behold saith he now I haue begunne to speake vnto my Lorde I am but dust and ashes Fewe there be that thinke so and more fewe that will acknowledge it Hée that is of base degrée vaunts himselfe of nobilitie and they that come of noble blood lift vp themselues to the skies as if the staffe should boast it selfe that it were no wood They neuer looke downe to the earth from whence they came nor consider the graue wherunto they must go Dust and ashes earth and wormes meate To consider that we came of the dust is not only profitable to bring vs to humilitie and to knowe our selues but also to put vs in minde of our latter ende that we may be the better prepared vnto God and learne to deny our selues and forsake the world Naked came I out of my mothers wombe and naked shall I returne to my first mould to the wombe of all things that is the earth Dust was my first creation and dust shall be my latter end and my dissolution And yet it is woorth the marking to sée howe GOD dooth set foorth his glorie héerein that that creature which hee made of dust and earth should haue continued for euer and neuer died if the same creature had continued in his obedience and truly performed that which hée moste easily had commaunded Although man was created of the dust in his first beginning yet God caused him to increase and multiply by naturall seed and by lawfull matrimony Wherein also Gods worke is daily wonderfull and miraculous For although the parentes doo their indeuoure yet it is God that frameth the childe in the wombe of the mother by his mightie power neither dooth that matter alwaies come to passe after a naturall sort For monsters oftentimes come from women not by the meanes of the parentes but God hath so ordeaned it that they should bee tokens of his iudgementes And that the childe in the wombe is the worke of God let vs search it out in his word The wise man vttereth it in this sort In my mothers wombe was I fashioned to be flesh in tenne moneths Wisedome 7. 2. I was brought togither into blood of the seede of man and by the pleasure that commeth with sleepe The pleasure that commeth with sléepe then séede the seede is turned into blood and after commeth flesh But wherehence are bones and sinewes the order the shape and the proportion of the bodie The Prophet Dauid Psal 139. 14. declareth it and saith I am woonderously made And speaketh of God his woorke thus Thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe my bones are not hid from thee though I was made in a secret place and fashioned beneath in the earth thine eyes did see me when I was without forme for in thy booke were all my members written which in contiuuance of time were fashioned when as there was none of them before After séede and blood and flesh and bones and sinewes and all things prepared and set in order then comes the soule but not from the soule of the parents for God giueth the soule by his secret power and vnsearchable working aske not how but content thy selfe and wonder Yet if thou desirest to haue this matter more plainly shewed thée turne to the tenth chapter of Iob and reade his words which are these directing his speech vnto God Hast thou not powred me out as milke and turned me to curddes like cheese thou hast cloathed mee with skinne and flesh and ioyned mee togither with bones and sinewes And thou hast giuen me life and grace that is reason and vnderstanding and many other gifts whereby man excelleth all earthly creatures Whē God had made man hee breathed into him the breath of life and he was a liuing soule Yet this is not sufficient to declare how man was created in the image of God and according to his likenesse Which image and likenesse is not so to be vnderstood that either in body or in soule we doo resemble God himselfe For God hath no such forme and substance neither doth he consist of flesh or blood or bone God is a spirit and altogither incomprehensible Neither let it any thing at all moue vs so to be perswaded because wée reade in the scripture The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it the eyes of the Lorde beholde all things his eares are open to the praiers of them that feare him he deliuered his people by a mightie hand and a stretched out arme he will make his enemies his footestoole Not that God hath either mouth or eyes or eares or hands or armes or féete but it is so set down in respect of our weaknesse who are not able to vnderstand heuenly matters but by earthly similitudes and by familiar examples and comparisons And because we are too earthly minded therfore by such spéeches we are lifted vp to the consideration of more excellent things In the shape and proportion of mans bodie he is more comely and beautifull then all the rest of gods creatures yea and God hath planted in his face and countenance a maiestie that all other creatures might feare him and reuerence him yet we must not thinke with our selues rudely and grosly that the image of God consisteth in y● outward proportion lineaments and shape of the bodie although herein God hath graunted mankind a superioritie dignitie and worthinesse Because the bodies of all other creatures are framed as it were groueling on the ground but mankind is made vpright to beholde the heauens and those things that are aboue the heauens and that by a supernatural and extraordinary sight The image of God is not this outward shape and proportion but the inward and most vertuous qualities of the soule Wherefore it was no maruell that God said Let vs make man taking counsell of his wisdome and power Concerning all things else that he made he onely said Let it be so and they were so but hauing further care of mankind as of a matter more waightie he taketh more aduicement and mindeth to shewe a greater excellency in the creatiō of man and woman to whose soules he gaue so great gifts and graces Whereby the way let vs
not imagine that there are more gods then one because God said Let vs make but rather the authoritie of the Trinitie is proued vnto vs that though there be thrée persons in the Godhead yet there is but one God For as God the father createth so is God the sonne the wisedome of all the creation and from God the holy Ghost procéedeth the vertue and power of all things The excellent qualities of the soule and wherein the image of God consisteth is especially to be séene in these two points namely Holinesse and Holinesse and Righteousnesse Righteousnesse yet furthermore they had Frée-will and by their creation were immortall and frée from death and last of all God gaue vnto them this great priviledge as to haue the soueraigntie the rule and gouernment ouer all his creatures By which we plainly vnderstand that our first parents in their time were frée from all sinne which time is called their time of innocency In respect whereof Salomon searching the nature of man and comparing the time of his iniquitie to the time of his innocency doth thus pronounce of him Onely loe this haue I found that God hath made man righteous but they haue sought many inuentions and are gone astray through their owne foolishnesse and so are the cause of their owne destruction and are fallen away from the image of God which hee had planted in them The image of God consisteth in the depth of wisedome in the vnmeasurablenesse of power in the infinitnesse of his goodnesse and mercy being perfect holy perfect righteous doing all things according to the pleasure of his own will in whom onely dwelleth life and immortalitie The most of which qualities if not all man at the first was indued withall which were and are in God in the highest degrée but to man they were giuen onely in a measure and in a farre inferiour degrée and that with a condition if so be hee did continue in the obedience of gods commaundements This image of God in our first parents is nothing else but the natural conformitie and disposition of the soule and of all the functions powers and operations thereof vnto the lawe of god whereby fréely and voluntarily it inclineth vnto true and perfect holinesse and righteousnesse that according to that rule he might serue god his Creator all the dayes of his life For as god is a spirit so will he be worshipped in spirit and truth and in sinceriie of heart and minde hating all manner of counterfait and false worship wherunto the nature of man is now too much inclined and had rather worship any thing then god himselfe Also his dealing to his neighbour should bee inst and vpright but such are vanished out of the world and now there is nothing but subtiltie and craft and wrongfull dealing and all iniury and oppressien practised good hearbes are plucked vp and nothing is now to be séene but wéedes The holinesse that god requireth of vs and according to the which our mindes and hearts were first framed is the holy obedience and true worship of god ioyned with a sincere loue of god procéeding from an effectuall faith in the knowledge of God his word and his works In stéed wherof now ratgneth idolatry the loue of the world and worldly lustes the ignorance of God his word is more rife then the knowledge of the same and none more accepted then they that most despise it The righteousnesse also which God nowe requireth and wherwith we are inabled is such a louely respect and friendly regard of our neighbours that we haue care of them as of our selues and wish no otherwise vnto them then to our selues and doo vnto them as we would other should do vnto vs and that not outwardly for a fashion but inwardly and from the heart not in a word onely but in déed yea in our thought secrets This holinesse and righteousnesse was once planted but neuer came to perfect growth the good corne is choked vp and as we say il wéeds grow apace The dayes of this present euill worlde are such that now the age wherein we liue may well be termed an iron age and worse if worse may be in respect of the first age and the beginning of the worlde which time was a golden and precious time when the hearts and mindes of men were as fine and pure as golde or if there bee any thing that may bee saide to be more pure Now is there a vaile cast ouer our mindes and consciences our faces are couered as it were with visors and a thicke skinne is growne ouer the heart all shame is banished and a holie minde and a true and sound heart is either very rare or no where to be founde Which in the beginning was not so So that now we had néede daily to haue these wordes often repeated vnto vs. Lord who shall dwell in thy tabernacle Who shall rest in thine holy mountaine and bee receiued into heauen when this life is ended None but suche as walke vprightly and woorke righteousnesse and that speake the truth from their heart Who doo not abuse their tongue in slaundering nor doo any euill to their neighbours nor receiué and beléeue a false report against them In whose eyes a vile and wicked person is contemned and who maketh much of them that feare the Lord who performeth his oath and chaungeth not his mind although it be to his owne hinderance Who giue not their money to vsury séeking thereby the vndooing and vtter impouerishing of their neighbors who take no rewarde against the innocent or stande against them and doo them harme And they that doo these things and whatsoeuer else may stand with an vpright conscience in the feare of God they shall neuer bee mooued that is they shall not be cast from Gods presence as they shall bee that doo the contrary but their part shall bee in the kingdome of heauen and their soules onely shall rest among the blessed soules Let vs looke into our first creation and let that be our example and our patterne and let that be the high way for vs to walke in In the soule of man there are two especiall parts first his vnderstanding and reason secondly his will and desire and all the motions affections and inclinations that procéede from the same His vnderstanding by his creation was furnished with all knowledge méete and conuenient for him so that hée néeded not any to teach him but God had endued him with that knowledge which might haue well directed him chiefly in those things that pertaine to the worship and seruice of God to his owne saluation and the benefite of his neighbour And not only his vnderstanding and reason was fraught with all knowledge but his will also and his desire was most readie to performe the worship of God his will and desire was most readie to the obedience of Gods commandements Then by his vnderstanding hee was able to discerne the trueth perfectly
put on incorruption and this mortall must put on immortalitie and then shall death bee swallowed vp in victorie death shall bee vtterly vanquished neither shall it haue any further power Two men we reade of in the scriptures that were partakers of this benefit of immortalitie and fréedome from death and these two were taken from the earth into heauen without any seperation of soule bodie neither did they suffer death according to the vsuall course of men The names of these men were Enoch and Eliah Of Enoch we reade Gen. 5. 24. And Enoch walked with God that is he pleased God and he was no more séene for god tooke him away and he was translated and carried vp into heauen Eccle. 44. 14. Vpon the earth was no man like Enoch and therefore was he taken vp from the earth for an example chap. 4. 16. to the generations of men that shall come Yet we may reade of him more plainly Hebr. 11. 5. By faith was Enoch taken away that he should not sée death neither was he founde for God had taken him away For before hée was taken away he was reported of that he had pleased god Of Eliah we shall reade 2. Kin. 2. 11. And as Eliah and Elisha went walking and talking togither behold there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire and did seperate them twaine So Eliah went vp by a whirle winde into heauen And for the better proofe hereof it followeth in the same Chapter that certain children of the Prophets which were at Iericho desired of Elisha that they might send to finde him out And said vnto him Beholde now there be with thy seruaunts fiftie strong men let them goe wee pray thee and seeke thy maister if so bee the spirite of the Lorde hath taken him vp and cast him vppon some mountaine or into some valley But he answered them yée shall not send yet they were instant vpon him till he was ashamed wherefore he saide Sende So they sent fiftie men whiche sought thrée daies but founde him not Which two examples doo sufficienly declare in what estate man had bene being frée from death if he had pleased God For as among men they were the most righteous so passed they into heauen after an extraordinary and most happie sort to shewe there was a better life prepared and also to bee a testimony of the immortalitie of soules and bodies Who were taken from the earth into the heauen that after this life they might liue with God enioying all happinesse How mankinde was created immortall and frée from Gouernment ouer all Gods creatures death ye haue heard and now it remaineth that I should shewe vnto you what authoritie and priuiledge in respect of the gouernment of beastes God gaue vnto man and in what sort After that God had made all his creatures he brought them vnto man to sée how he would call them and as he called them so were their names Furthermore God had planted in the beastes a kinde of reuerent feare and dutifull seruice toward man In respect whereof the Prophet Dauid doth greatly extoll Gods goodnesse in that he did not only indue the soule of man with heauenly qualities but also in that he gaue him the dominion ouer al the workes of his hands Psal 8. What is man saith he that thou art mindfull of him and the sonne of man that thou visitest him Thou madest him a little lower then the Angels to crowne him with glory and worship Thou madest him to haue dominion of the workes of thy hands and thou hast put all things in subiection vnder his feet All sheep oxen yea and the beasts of the field the soules of the aire and the fishes of the sea and whatsoeuer walketh through the pathes of the seas Among the rest of the fishes of the sea I reade this of the Dolphine Fishes according to their first creation saith the Authour at the sight of man acknowledge his dominion ouer them And the Dolphine though he be a most regall and princely fish yet when he seeth man come neare him he sheweth reuerence as to his Lord. But as after mans fall and his disobedience to God the earth became vnfrutefull for mans cause so also are all other creatures disobient to man euen to this day Yet as they of all others are partakers of immortalitie that come nearest to the Image of God in all true holinesse and vnfeined righteousnesse so especially vnto them is the rule and gouernment graunted ouer beastes But they that are quite contrarie disposed and enemies vnto God in their sinfull liues and behauiour the beastes and all other creatures haue rather rule and gouernment ouer them and as it were a power to set themselues against them and to ouermaster them For God doth sometimes punish men by the rage of beastes who herein are at Gods commandement and are readie to execute his will and pleasure The fiercest and cruellest creatures that euer god made haue had no power ouer the godly as we may reade in the histories of the bible but rather they haue had a reuerent estimation of them as it were acknowledging the image of god in them No beast so fierce as a lion to deuour a man and therefore in the Epistle of S. Peter the diuell is fitly compared vnto a roaring lion séeking whome he may deuoure Yet Daniel being cast into the lions denne they doo not only not offer to touche him but also sit by him as though they had him in reuerence and were set to guard and kéepe him A Viper is a moste hurtfull venemous and deadly Worme muche after the order of blind wormes stinging adders and where the worme lieth it procureth death Yet we reade Act. 28. that when the Apostle S. Paul and his company were greatly refreshed of the Barbarians at Melita and S. Paul had gathered a nomber of sticks and laid them on the fire there came a viper out of the heate and leapt on his hand Now when the Barbarians sawe the worme hang on his hand they said among themselues Surely this man is a murtherer whom though he hath escaped the sea yet vengeance hath not suffered to liue But he shooke off the worme into the fire and felt no harme Howbeit they waited when hee should haue swolne or falne downe dead sodainly But after they had looked a great while and sawe no inconuenience come vnto him they chaunged their mindes and said That he was a god This holy and godly man shooke off the worme into the fire and felt no harme Wis 16. 10. The téeth of the venemous dragons could not ouercome them that feared god among the children of Israel For gods mercy came to helpe them and healed them It was neither hearbe nor plaister saith the wise man that healed them but thy word O Lord which healeth all things According as Christ promised to his Disciples Mat. 16. that they should haue power not only ouer venemous beasts but ouer
light of reason doo teach them and informe them what is good their conscience bearing them witnesse and the lawe of God ●ore perfectly establishing it and making it knowne The lawe of our slesh yet the lawe of our fleshe is most vnperfect and full of obstinate rebellion For our corrupt nature turneth the benefite of the lawe to our destruction whereby it followeth that that is moste peruerse and wicked which turneth that which is wholesome in it selfe to condemnation In the vnregenerate man it bringeth foorth death and may well be accused of him because it hath this operation in him that it causeth wrath stirreth vp grudging fretting and murmuring of our nature How the lawe is the power of sinne For the more it presseth by reason of our infirmitie in that wee are not able to withstand it it stirreth vp sin because wée are readie and moste desirous to doo that which is sorbidden it is the force and power of sinne it increaseth sinne and slaieth vs and maketh vs guiltie of the wrath of God and eternall death and damnation Wherefore if wée say there is no sinne in vs we How we do the workes of the lawe are founde liars béeing reprooued by the lawe And as for the outwarde woorkes of the lawe whiche wée doo are either for feare of punishment which might ensue vppon the offence or else for loue of our selues that we might reioyce in our owne righteousnesse But séeing with our workes there is ioyned stubburnnesse and the heart rebelleth within because the lawe reproueth our concupiscence and that naturally euen from the loines of our forefather Adam there is ingraffed into vs a seruile feare and deadly hatred of the lawe if not of the lawe-giuer our workes can in no wise come to the height that they may please GOD. The lawe therefore is spirituall and iust and holie and good and by the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne therefore is euery mouth stopped and all the worlde found subiect vnto the iudgement of God Howe then may No man iustified by the lawe wée imagine that by the workes of the lawe we may bee iustified séeing that it is sayd by the woorkes of the lawe shall no flesh bee iustified Againe it is impossible to be made righteous by the lawe not onely to him The regenerate are stained with sin that is not regenerate but vnto the regenerate also in that their righteousnesse is stained with so many sinnes and they culpable of iudgement before God For the lawe cannot iustifie those that are in the flesh The lawe is spirituall but we are carnall sold vnder sinne and enemies to God and strangers from the common wealth of Israel Howsoeuer therefore we thinke to please God by the outwarde workes of the lawe yet is not that the righteousnes which The righteousnesse that God requireth is of the heart No iustification by works God requireth For the circumcision is of the heart in the spirite not in letter whose praise is not of men but of GOD. But if Abraham bee iustified by workes hée hath wherein to reioyce but not with God séeing that if iustification might be accomplished by the workes of the lawe it were altogither debt and not fauoure But that should not be blinded with a vaine opinion of debt and merit there the Apostle crosseth this sentence with a contrary position For to him that woorketh not but beléeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse Whiche afterwarde hée prooueth more manifestly by the fall and ruine of the Iewes béeing compared with the Gentiles What shall we say then that the Gentiles which followed righteousnesse haue attained vnto righteousnesse euen the righteousnesse which is of faith But Israel which followed the lawe of righteousnesse could not attaine vnto righteousnesse Wherefore because they sought it not by faith but as it it were by the workes of the lawe For they being ignorant of the righteousnesse of God and going about to establish their owne righteousnesse haue not submitted Our iustification is by Christ In all humilitie we ought to confesse our selues to be sinners themselues to the righteousnesse of God For Christ is the ende of the lawe for righteousnesse vnto euerie one that beléeueth And vnlesse we acknowledge our selues to be sinners being voide and destitute of any righteousnesse that is in vs we séeme to deface and to darken the worthinesse and dignitie of Christ Which consisteth in this that he is the onely light saluation life resurrection and righteousnesse and the soueraigne phisicke of euery mans soule and to what end If not to lighten the blind to restore them that were condemned to quicken them which were dead to raise them vp which wer brought to nothing to cleanse them which were polluted with all filthinesse to cure and heale them which were death sicke and almost swallowed vp thereof Nay but if we attribute any part of He that attri buteth any thing to himselfe derogateth frō God and wrastleth with him How Christ is a rocke of offence righteousnesse vnto our selues we wrastle as it were with Christ whose propertie it is to beate downe them that are fleshly minded and to reléeue those that are heauie laden with the burthen of of their sinnes So that Christ is a stumbling blocke and a rocke of offence not that it agreeth vnto him to be so but that malicious mindes do take offence through their owne corruption For they stumble by reason of their owne pride and their damnation is in them selues What sencelesse blockishnesse is it therefore in vs that we should deriue saluation righteousnesse and iustification from the lawe which is our downfall and the cause of wrath Neuerthelesse if we be not as yet satisfied he vseth an other effectuall proofe whereby we may plainly sée that righteousnesse and iustification is not by the lawe For the promise that was made to Abraham the father of the faithfull that he should be the father of many nations through gods euerlasting couenant with him that he would be his god and the god of his séede after him I say the promise The promise is not by the lawe that he should be the heire of the worlde was not giuen to Abraham and to his séede through the lawe First because the lawe cannot comprehend the promise secondly because faith should be ioyned in vaine to the promise which should be apprehended by workes Againe if iustification depended Iustification that is the righteousnesse of God pertaineth vnto all vpon the lawe of Moses then should god be the Sauiour only of the Iewes but it is god who shall iustifie circumcision of faith meaning the Iewes and vncircumcision through faith meaning the gentiles And in that that Abraham was iustified being vncircumcised it also followeth that iustification belongeth vnto them that are vncircumcised This therefore may be the generall conclusion of this point that we are not iustified by the law the
voice and let Israel goe I knowe not the Lord neither wil I let Israel go Iohn 6. 64. There are some of you that beléeue not For Iesus knew from the beginning which they were that beléeued not Ioh. 10. 26. But ye belieue not For ye are not of my shéep as I said My shéep heare my voice and I know them and and they follow me Ioh. 12. 36. While ye haue light beléeue in the light that ye may be the children of the light These things spake Iesus and departed and hid himselfe from them And though he had done so many miracles before them yet they beléeued not in him That the saying of Esay the Prophet might be fulfilled that he said Lord who beléeued our report and to whom is the arme of the Lord reuealed Therfore could they not beléeue because that the Prophet saith againe He hath blinded their eyes and hardned their heart that they should not sée with their eyes nor vnderstand with their heart and should be conuerted and I should heale them 1. Pet. 2. 6. Wherefore it is conteined in the scripture Behold I put in Sion a chiefe corner stone elect and precious and he that beléeueth therin shall not be ashamed Vnto you therfore which beléeue it is precious but vnto them which be disobeient the stone which the builders disalowed the same is made the head of the corner And a stone to stumble at a rock of offence euē to thē which stūble at the word being disobedient vnto the which thing they were euen ordained 2. Thess 2. 10. 11. They that wil not beléeue God shall send them strong delusions that they should beléeue lies and so be damned Rom. 11. 20. The Apostle speaking of the Iewes and the Gentiles saith of the Iewes That through their vnbeliefe they were broken off and that the Gentiles stand by faith 2. Cor. 4. 3. 4. If your gospel be then hid it is hid to them that are lost In whom the God of this world hath blinded the mindes of infidels that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ which is the image of God should not shine vnto them The third Chapter How God putteth in execution his eternall counsaile as well toward the elect as the reprobate THe Lord God that he might put in execution his eternall counsaile to his glory prepared a way according to his infinit wisedome indifferent both to those that hée would choose and those also which he would refuse For when he determined to shewe his infinit mercy in the saluation of the elect and also his iust iudgement in the condemnation of the reprobate it was necessary that he should shut vp both vnder disobedience and sinne to shew his mercy to all those that beléeue that is to say to the elect because faith is a gift of God which properly belongeth to the elect and contrariwise to haue iust cause to condemne them to whom it is not giuen to beléeue nor to know gods misteries Therefore god did this in such sort and with such wisdome that the whole fault of the reprobates damnation lieth in themselues and on the other side all the glorie and praise of the elects saluation belongeth wholly to his only mercy For he did not create man a sinner for then hée The creation of man should haue béene with reuerent feare be it spoken the author of sinne which afterwards he could not iustly haue punished but rather he made him after his owne image to wit in innocency puritie and holinesse Who notwithstanding without constraint of any neither yet forced by any necessity of concupisence as touching his will which Mans fall as yet was not made seruant to sinne willingly and of his owne accord rebelled against God binding by his meanes the whole nature of man to sinne so consequently to the Adam fell not by chaunce death of body soule Yet we must confesse that this fall came not by chaunce or fortune séeing his prouidence doth stretch foorth it selfe euen to the smallest things Neither can we say that any thing doth happen that God knoweth not or careth not for except we would fall into the opinion of the Epicures from the which God preserue vs neither yet by any bare or idle permission or sufferaunce which is seperate from his will sure determination For séeing he hath appointed the end it is necessary also that he should appoint the causes which leade vs to the same ende Vnlesse we affirme with the wicked Manichées that this end happeneth at all aduentures or by meanes of causes ordained by some other God Furthermore we cannot thinke that any thing happeneth contrary to gods wil except we deny Enchiri ad Laurent Cap. 99. blasphemously that he is omnipotent and almightie As Saint Augustine noteth plainly in his booke De correptione gratia Cap. 104. We conclude therefore that this fall of Adam did so procéede of the motion of his will that notwithstanding it happened not without the will of god whō it pleaseth by a maruellous and incomprehensible meane that the thing which he doth not allowe forasmuch as it is sinne should not happen without his will And this is done as we said before that he might shewe the riches of his glory towards the vessels of his mercy And his wrath and power vpon those vessels which he hath made to set foorth his glory by their shame and confusion For the finall end of Gods counsaile is neither the saluation of the elect nor The finall end of Gods counsell is neither saluation nor damnation but Gods glory the damnation of the reprobate but the setting foorth of his owne glory in sauing the one by his mecy and condemning the other by his iust iudgement Thē to auoid all these blasphemies vnto the which the infirmity of our wittes doth draw vs let vs confesse that the corrupion of the principall worke that God hath made which is man is not happened by chaunce nor without the will of him who according to his incomprehensible wisdome doth make gouerne all things to his glory Albeit we must confesse in despite of mans iudgement which was limitted in the beginning within a certaine compasse after was miserably corrupted that the whole fault of his damnation lieth in man Forasmuch as betwixt the secret and incomprehensible The whole fault of mans perdition is in himselfe and not of God will of God and the corruption of mans nature which is the very first occasion of the reprobates damnation the will of the first mā was a meane which being created good hath willingly corrupted it selfe thereby opened the doore to the iust iudgement of god to cōdemne all those to whom it doth not please him to shew mercy And if they would yet obiect cauil saying y● they cannot resist the will of God let vs suffer thē to their owne destruction to plead against him who will be able inough to defend his iustice against their
shall heare indéed but ye shall not vnderstand ye shall plainly sée and not perceiue o The Genena note vpon that place Whereby is declared that for the malice of man God will not immediately take away his word but he wil cause it to be preached to their condemnation when as they will not learne thereby to obey his will and be saued Hereby he exhorteth the Ministers to do their dutie and answereth to the wicked murmurers that through their owne malice their heart is hardened Mat. 13. 14. Act. 28. 26. Rom. 11. 8. Verse 10. Make the heart of his people fat make their eares heauy and shut their eies lest they sée with their eies and heare with their eares and vnderstande with their hearts and conuert and he heale them And to bring this to passe he vseth partly their owne vile concupiscences to the which hee hath giuen them vp to be ruled and led by Rom. 1. 26. For this cause God gaue them vp to vile affections c. Sée more in that chap. And Esay 64. 7. And partly also the spirit of lies who keepeth them wrapt in his snares 2. Thess 2. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Euen him whose comming is by the working of Sathan with all power and signes and lying wonders and in all deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse among them that perish because they receiued not the loue of the truth that they may be saued And therefore God shall send them strong delusion that they should beléeue lies That all they might be damned which beléeued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse Iohn 3. 19. And this is the condemnation that light is come into the world men loued darknesse rather then light because their déedes were euill Ezay 63. 17. O Lord why hast thou made vs erre from thy waies and hardned our heart from thy feare Ro. 11. 32. For God hath shut vp all in vnbeliefe Acts. 7. 42. Then God turned himselfe away and gaue them vp to serue the host of heauen 1. Kin. 22. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. The Lord said Who shal intice Ahab that he may go fall at Ramoth Gilead And one said on this maner and an other said on that manner Then there came foorth a spirit and stoode before the Lord and said I will entice him And the Lord said vnto him Wherewith And he said I will goe out and be a false spirit in the mouth of all his Prophets Then he said thou shalt entice him and shalt also preuaile goe foorth and do so Nowe therefore behold the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy Prophets and the Lord hath appointed euill against thée 2. Cor. 4. 3. 4. If our Gospell be then hid it is hid to them that are lost In whom the God of this world hath blinded the mindes that is of the Infidels that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ which is the image of God should not shine vnto them By reason of their corruption from the which as out of a fountaine issueth a continuall flowing riuer of infidelitie ignorance and iniquitie 2. Tim. 2. 26. And that they may come to amendment out of the snares of the diuel which are taken of him at his will Whereby it followeth that hauing as it were made shipwracke of their faith 1. Tim. 1. 19. Hauing faith and a good conscience which some haue put away and as concerning faith haue made shipwracke Can by no meanes escape the day which is appointed for their destruction that God may be glorified in their iust condemnation Prou. 16. 4. The Lord hath made all things for his owne sake yea euen the wicked for the day of euil Rom. 9. 21. 22. Hath not the potter power of the clay to make of the same lumpe one vessell to honour and an other vnto dishonour What and if God would to shewe his wrath and to make his power knowne suffer with long patience the vessels of wrath prepared to destruction The sixt Chapter Of the last and full accomplishment of Gods eternall counsell as well towards the elect as the reprobate FOrasmuch as God is iustice it selfe it is necessary that The full execution of god counsaile he should saue the iust and condemne the vniust Now they among men are only iust who being by faith ioined to Christ grafted rooted in him and made one bodie with him are iustified sanctified in him by him Wherof it followeth that the glory to the which they are destinate to the glory of God appertaineth to them as by a certain right or title On the other part they which remaine in Adams pollution death are iustly hated of God and so condemned by him not excepting so much as thē which die before they sin as Adam did But both these manners of executing Gods iudgements as well in these as in the other which are elected are in thrée sorts whereof we haue already declared the first For the elect in that same moment that they In the elect haue receiued the gift of faith haue after a certaine sort passed from death to life whereof they haue a sure pledge But this their life is hid in Christ till this corporall death make them to steppe a degrée further and that the soule being loosed out of the band of the body enter into the ioy of the Lord Finally in the day appointed to iudge the quicke and the dead when that which is corruptible and mortall shall be clad with incorruption and immortalitie and God shall be all in all things then they shall sée his maiestie face to face and shall fully enioy that vnspeakable comfort and ioy which before all beginning was prepared for them which is also the reward that is due to the righteousnesse holinesse of Christ who was giuen for their sinnes and raised againe from death for their iustification By whose vertue and spirit they haue procéeded and gone forward from faith to faith as shall manifestly appeare by the whole In the Reprobate course of their life and good workes Whereas altogither contrary the reprobate conceaued and brought vp in sin death wrath of God when they depart out of this world they fall into an other gulfe of destruction and their soules are plunged in that endlesse paine vntill the day come that their bodies soules being ioyned againe they shall enter into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuell and his Angels Then by these two waies which are The glory of God cleane contrarie one to an other the last issue and end of Gods iudgement shall set forth manifestly his glory to all men foramuch as in his elect he shall declare himselfe most iust and most mercifull Most iust I say for that he Perfectly iust and perfectly mereifull hath punished with extréeme rigour seueritie the sinnes of his elect in the person of his sonne neither did receiue them into the fellowship of his glory before
and performeth nothing but that which is wondrous wise and also in respect of vs who cannot enter into the depth of Gods counsailes nor any way of our selues can we attane vnto the knowledge of his workes it may also well be termed a misterie For flesh and blood cannot conceaue the things which are of God which onely are knowen and perceiued by the spirit of God We speake wisdome among them that are perfect not the wisdome of this world neither of the princes of this world which come to naught But we speake the wisdom of God in a mistery euen the hid wisdome which God had determined before the world vnto our glory Which none of the princes of this world hath knowne For had they knowne it they would not haue crucified the Lord of glory When our first parents had offended thy hid themselues from God because this grace and mercy was hid from thē vntil God reuealed it vnto them saying The séed of the woman should breake the serpents head This grace of God is hid frō the wise who maketh account to be saued by their workes and who also are puffed vp with the same conceipt of their owne wisdome For the Scribes and the Pharisées and the Doctors of the lawe refused yea and condemned the grace of God to them offered From whom the grace of God was hid who had eyes to sée would not sée it According as we read in the 9. tha of the gospel after S. Ioh. V. 41. If ye were blind saith our Sauiour Christ to the Pharises ye should not haue sinne but now ye say we sée therefore your sinne remaineth Which is the iust iudgment of God vpon those the are wilfully blind wil not be partaker either of the grace of god or of their owne saluatiō Ioh. 9. 39. I am come saith Christ vnto iudgement into this world the they which sée not might sée that they which sée might be made blind Indeed this grace of god is offered vnto al but few there be y● do receiue it therefore few shall be saued Yet so the this matter commeth to passe through their owne fault and the whole world is left without excuse they especially who haue eies to see and sée not or rather wil not sée whose damnation in time to come wil be most iust But how hath this grace of God appeared It hath appeared not only whē men least looked for it but also in such a time when it might doo most good whē it might best be accepted As if Christians being vnder the Turkish slauery might be set frée when as they looked for nothing but perpetuall misery in the time of most cruel extremitie or as if one lying in a dangerous sicknes looking for nothing but death should haue remedie euē then whē al hope were past or as one being taken of the enemy presētly to be slain yet shuld be rescued set frée And what greater slauery then the thraldom of the diuill and what greater death then the death of y● soule and what greaenemy then he whose hatred neuer endeth Yet such is the mercy of god y● when we haue deserued death damnation he commeth with these glad tidings Repent amend for the kingdom of God is at hand The Angels sing it Luk. 2. 14. Glory be to God in the high heauens and peace in earth and toward men good will Hereunto do all the prophets witnesse as saith the Apostle S. Peter preaching vnto Cornelius Act. 10. That through the name of Christ all that beleeue in him shuld receiue forgiuenesse of sins Yea our sauior Christ appeared vnto the Apostle S Paul from heauen as we reade Act. 26. Sending hun forth to open the eies of the people y● they might return frō darknes to light and from y● power of satan vnto god y● they might receiue forgiuenes of sins inheritance amōg them y● are sanctified by faith Which thing he witnessed most earnestly vnto the Ephesians Act. 20. 18. Ye know saith he from the first day that I came into Asia after what maner I haue bin with you at all seasons seruing the Lord with all modesty and with many teares tentations which came vnto me by the laying await of the Iewes And how I kept back nothing that was profitable but haue shewed you taught you openly throughout euery house Witnessing both to the Iewes to the Grecians meaning therby all sorts of people repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Iesus Christ Yea he is very carefull y● this grace of God might bee preached vnto all to their bettering and to their profit in that he warneth Timothie and by him all other ministers preachers and teachers counsailing him and them to instruct with méekenesse them that are contrary minded prouing if at any time they may receiue this grace And that they may come to amendment out of the snare of the deuill which are taken of him at his will Tit 3. 3. We our selues also saith the Apostle were in times past vnwise disobedient deceiued seruing the lusts and diuers pleasures liuing in maliciousnesse and enuie hatefull hating one an other But when the bountifulnesse and loue of God our Sauiour toward man apreared not by the workes of righteousnesse which we haue done but according to his mercy he saued vs by the washing of the newe birth a●d the renuing of the holy Ghost Which he shead on vs abundantly through Iesus Christ our sauiour that we being iustified by his grace should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life Without controuersie greate is the misterie of godlinesse which is God is manifested in the flesh iustified in the Spirit séene of Angels preached vnto the Gentiles beléeued on in the world and receiued vp in glory Which misterie although it lay in the beginning of the world as hid and vnknowne yet nowe is reuealed hath appeared and this sauing health hath nowe shewed it selfe the grace of God which bringeth saluation vnto all hath bene made manifest vnto all That which was foretold by the prophets and holy men and was reuealed but to a fewe hath appeared as glorious as the sunne in his brightnesse whose beames are spread ouer the world this great grace hath béene and must be preached to all nations and to the end of the world is like to be offered vnto all It appeareth vnto all yet all ●● not receiue it Christ came to saue sinners and his mer●●●● preached vnto them they are negligent wilfull and 〈◊〉 they make litle or no account and onely the repentent they are partakers of this grace For this is the condemnation of the world that light being come into the world men loued darknesse rather then light because in the workes of darkenesse all their delight was set And howe can this grace being offered take any place in our hearts before we haue remorce of our wicked waies before we féele and
bread and they that know the right vse therof will be also readie to giue thanks to God when they haue refreshed themselues Whereas they that are giuen to their pleasures are like to swine that are gréedie of the maste so that their flesh being prompt their lusts may abound In the Epistle to the Gal. where other sinnes are noted by one name the sin of lecherie is expressed by diuers names as adultery fornication vncleannesse wantonnesse to note vnto vs the pronesse of mans nature and their gréedie desire to sin Watching and waking night day deuising and casting how to bring their naughtie purpose to passe making only account of them that shall further them in their desires and serue their turnes spending all their wealth nay further then that wasting al their strength and yet more laying their soules to pawne for the enioying of a little pleasure vntill their wealth bee turned to pouerty their strength to weaknesse sicknesse and loathsome diseases vntill all hope bee turned to dispaire life to death and saluation to damnation Wherefore the holi● spirit of God knowing the sinfull hastinesse and vnsatiable desire of mankind herein draweth the excesse into a meane and for extremitie enioyneth vs sobrietie and for auoiding all mischiefes dooth set vs downe a remedie For sobrietie is the moderatour of the minde and dooth restraine our vnbrideled affections It is a gift that dooth kéepe the mind from pleasures altogither and in those that be lawfull it kéepeth vs from the excesse and abuse of them The gift of chastitie is rare and the cōtrary is to rife which causeth the Apostle to vse these words Good it were for a man not to touch a woman and I could wish it were with other as it is with my self neuerthelesse to auoid fornication let euerie man haue his wife and euery woman her owne husband And againe if they cannot abstaine let them marry for it is better to marry then to burne And that they might vse the benifit of marriage soberly and not in excesse as a remedy to theire concupiscence and not as a libertie to the flesh he giueth counsaile further This I say brethren because the time is short Let them that haue wiues be as though they had none Vnto the which agreeth that of the Apostle S. Peter 1. Epi. 4. 7. Now the ende of all things is at hand be ye therefore sober and watching in praier As if he had said as much as is possible let the whole time of our life be spent in holinesse knowing this that no vncleane thing shall enter into the kingdome of God Let vs walke honestly not in gluttony and drunkennesse neither in chambering and wantonnesse but let vs put on the Lord Iesus Christ and be clothed with the garment of holinesse neither let vs take thought for the flesh to fulfill the lusts of it I beséech you receiue not the grace of God in vaine Pride and brauery in apparrel excesse in building no Apparrell measure in expences this is the fashion of the world And the ouerplus and ouerlashing that euerie one is giuen vnto declareth howe farre we are by nature from sobrietie and that sobrietie and a measure is the gifte of the grace of God True it is that men are too too giuen to pride and braue apparrell and many doo set their glorie and their felicitie therein whose glorie is to their shame and whose felicitie and happinesse is sinfull Lightly they are but scorned and contemned in the sight of others who shall beholde theire vanitie while they thinke thereby to be honoured And as we reade that God regardeth the humble so he beholdeth the proud afarre of The prophet Esay the apostle S. Paul séeing the excesse of apparell and this vice of pride more to abound in women dooth especially note it and rebuke it in them The Prophet Esay in his third chapter sheweth the vanitie of the women in his daies and howe God would punish theire excessiue desires his words are these The Lord also saith Because the daughters of Sion are hautie and walke with stretched out neckes and with wandring eies walking and musing as they goe and making a tinkling with theire féete Therefore shall the Lord make the heades of the daughters of Sion bald In that day shall the Lord take away the ornament of the slippers and the calles and the round tiers the swéet balles and the bracelets and the bonnets the tiers of the head the tablets and the earings the ringes and the muflers the costly apparrell and the vailes and the wimples and the crisping pinnes and the glasses the fine linnen and the hoods and the launes And in stéed of swéete sauour their shal be stincke and in stéed of a girdle a rent and in stéed of dressing of the hair baldnesse and in stéed of a stomacher a gir●ing of sackcloath and burning in stéed of beautie No man can be ignorant that apparrell was ordained to couer our nakednesse to kéepe vs warme and to preserue our health and not to shew our brauery or to spend our thrift thereon And because the Apostle did perceiue that women were more faultie herein therefore he counsaileth them 1. Tim. 2. 5. That if they will be accounted to be godly and sober that they should lay aside all brauery and array themselues in comely apparel with shamefastnesse modestie not with broidered hair or gold or pearles or costly garments but as becommeth women that professe the fear of God that they shuld deck themselues with good works and shewe their brauerie in their almes and relieuing those y● stand in néed The Apostle S. Pet. 1. Epi. 3. 3. Likewise hath almost the same words and giueth a little more light to this perswasion The apparrelling of women let it not bee so much outward saieth hée in breivered haire and gold put about and in glorious apparell But if they will be commended for their modestie and sobrietie let the hid man of their hearts be vncorrupt with a méeke and quiet spirit which is before God a thing much set by And if they delight in braue apparrell let this be theire apparrell and no other For euen after this manner in time past did the holy woman which trusted in God tier themselues and were subiect to their husbands A note well put in And were subiect to theire husbands For many of them being too wilfull and too stately altogither against the wills of their husbands and beyond their husbands power and abilitie bring them into debt and pouerty and make them oftentimes to vse vnlawful meanes to maintaine their brauery Which is a token of incontinency that they had rather please the eies of others then their owne husbands For commonly lewde women are noted by their braue attire Braue without and foule within painted sepulchers and rotten bones Better it were braue within and comely without modest and sober at home and abroad in euery place To this warning which is giuen to
counsaile and instruction by the promises threatnings thereof For if this Praier and fafling be not godlinesse what can we say y● godlinesse is To the reading hearing of Gods word we ought to ioyne often and continual praier and preparing our selues more effectually by taming our body bringing it in subiection by vsing the great helpe of fasting For both the body therby shall be more apt able to endure and the soule shal be the more heauenly disposed hauing not the lusts of the flesh to hinder it in so great and godly an action Great and most necessary is the cause of praier not only that God would c●ntinue his benefits gifts and graces towards vs which we stand in néede of continually from time to time but also that God would keepe vs from euill vnto the which we are moste prone and whereof by our fleshly and naturall corruption we are most desirous And if it were so that wee were not desirous nor prone thereunto yet mightily should we be prouoked by the secret temptations of the diuell and by the euill examples of the world● and by the naughtie counsaile of those that are ill disposed From all which mischiefes by praier we are deliuered besides that in the exercise of praier wée haue the company of GOD we talke with God and God with vs. And being so Thankfulnesse heauenly exercised what can be more godly Thanfulnesse also is godlinesse when we are not vnmindfull of Gods benifits neither forgetfull to shewe our dutie both in heart and in word and in open profession and in doing good to others to testifie to the world Gods goodnesse towards vs and so to be thankfull Too thankfull we cannot be because we can neuer make recompence According to that the Apostle saith In all things giue thanks By nature we are too vngratefull but the grace of God doth change our minds and learne them to be thankfull Vpon thankfulnesse Contentation will also follow contentation that is a mind satisfied and contented with that portion which God hath sent They that are not contented can neuer be satisfied neither can they be thankfull and they that can neither ●e content nor thankfull it can hardly be said that there is godlinesse in them For godlinesse is greate gaine if a man be content with that he hath There is none of vs all that brought any thing into the world and certaine it is we shall carrie nothing out Therefore we may find our selues well contented if we haue foode and raiment wherewithall to serue our turne But if this will not serue marke what may followe They that will be rich they fall into temptations snares and into manie foolish and noysome lusts which drowne men in perdition and destruction Remember who it was that said All these will I giue thée if thou wilt fall downe and worship me He that maketh gold his God shall surely be beguiled As destruction often followeth the great desire of riches so godlinesse which is séene in contentation is the high way vnto saluation They that are discontent haue many cares and desires and troubles and vexations to hinder them from God and godlinesse Of all which cares troubles desires and vexatiōs they are disburthened which carry cōtented minds and most frée they are by that meanes vnto the seruice of God From thankfulnes and a minde contented proceedeth a good will loue and a charitable desire yea and a fellow-féeling of the wants Charitable deeds and necessities of others so farre that it prouoketh vs not only to pittie them and their estate but also to helpe and relieue them to the vttermost of our power Charge them that are riche saith the Apostle that they trust not in their vncertaine riches but in the liuing God who giueth vs aboundantly all thinges to enioy And yet his charge stretcheth further that is that they should doo good and be rich in good workes and readie to distribute and communicate and giue to others And this is the gaine that bringeth godlinesse with it and this godlinesse hath great gaine For thereby we laie vp in store a good foundation against the time to come And hée that so laieth out his goods giueth them not to the poore but vnto GOD. And as God hath giuen vnto vs so let them whome God hath commended vnto vs I meane the godly poore the fatherlesse the widdow and the straunger be partakers with vs of Gods blessings Lest it may so fall out that wée may say that God hath o●●en and God hath taken away And if there bee any good workes else as more there bee then I can name euen all the good workes that are are we bound to performe if godlinesse bee bounde and founde in our hearts For good workes is godlinesse and godlinesse desireth to shewe it selfe in them And who is it not that know●● not what it is to liue godly but who can say my knowledge is turned into practise my heart is turned to imbrace godlinesse and to followe good waies vnlesse the grace of God hath first thus wrought it And yet there is another kinde of godlinesse more harde then all the former which is patiently to suffer Patience losses wronges iniuries persecution yea and death it selfe for the stedfast profession of Gods truth and his seruice As wee reade They that will liue godlie must suffer persecution For GOD dooth thereby trie vs and by little and little hée dooth bring vs to contemne the worlde and to desire heauen If thou hast losse of goods or friendes or any other helpe taken from thée godlinesse exhorteth to take it patiently not grudgingly and to say as God hath taken so God may giue and forgiue mée my sinnes and restore vnto mée againe at pleasure If thy enemie hath done thée iniury and wrong say not with the worlde hée shall starue before I relieue him hée shall bee hanged before I will doo him anie good but godlinesse is charitable and teacheth thée to doo good to thine enemies that thy enemies heart may bee turned towarde thée to wish thée well and that god may blesse thée If thy patience be séene in thy persecution and death for gods truth blessed shalt thou be and thy rewarde shall bee greate in heauen As the Apostle saith In all thinges giue thanks because for the moste part we are forgetfull so also may it well bee saide In all thinges bee patient because our nature is such and so farre from patience Discontentment grudging enuying murmuring reuenge these are matters almost vnseperable from vs and patience cannot growe in our heartes before gods grace hath watered them that they may bring foorth this frute Cast not away patience which hath great recompence of rewarde For yée haue néede of patience saith the Apostle that after yee haue done the will of God yee might receiue the promise of an enduring inheritaunce For yet a verie little while and he that shall Perseuerance come will come
and will not tarrie Let no man bee wearie of well dooing For in due season wee shall reape if wee fainte not Let none of vs deceiue our selues God will not bee mocked For if our life be godly wee shall hereafter reape life and ioyes eternall If otherwise death standeth at the doore The crop must bee sowed in this worlde the haruest must bee in another worlde and then shall the Angelles bee the reapers For they shall seperate and diuide the good from the bad The grace of God teacheth vs to liue soberly righteously Present world and godly in this present world For all the doubt is in this present world where it is a hard matter for vs to goe upright and to behaue our selues in the feare of God as we ought to do For the life of man may well be compared vnto the passage of a ship in the sea which through tempestuous weather may be ouerturned by the mounting waues of the sea or torne in pieces by the gunshot of the enemie and théeuish and mischieuous pirates or else may be dasht in pieces against the rockes or suddainly sunke in the quicke sands or vnawares taken within the compasse of a whirlpoole and by the force and strength thereof carried violently into the bottome but after it hath once arriued at the hauen there is no such doubt there is no such feare So is our life in this present worlde subiect to many an ouerthrow the life of the bodie I meane not but the life of the soule whereof we ought to haue especiall care sinne within vs abounding like the force of the enemie the pirate or the mounting waues frailties infirmities like the quick soft sands euill examples of other and their wicked counsailes like the dashing of the rockes the temptations and snares of the diuel like the force of a whirlepoole which neuer leaue vntill we be brought to the bottome If any of these take hold of vs in this present world so that they preuaile against vs we are gone Therefore thrice happie is he who by a godly life can auoyd all these and at last arriue at the hauen and take vp his euerlasting rest in heauen Oh that we could be godly and watchfull in this present world for in the world to come we shall haue no hinderance and nothing to let but that most freely we may serue God and leade a godly life Let vs pray that the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ may be with vs and that it may abound who gaue himselfe for the sacrifice and satisfaction of our sinnes that hee might deliuer vs from this present euill worlde Gal. 1. Before that he suffered his passion he praied for vs Iohn 17. that in this present euil world we should not fall away from God I pray not saith he that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou kéepe them from euil And herehence groweth the exhortation of the Apostle written to the Phil. chapter 2. 15. wherby he warneth them and vs also by them that we should behaue our selues blamelesse and pure as the sonnes of God without rebuke and that we should endeuour to shine as lights in this present wicked world dwelling in the midst of naughtie and bad people Who by our example of godly life may be won to be godly in the day of Gods visitation whom the grace of God shall teache and touch their hearts and call them throughly A great comfort we haue and a great incouragement to be godly because we are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace that is we are frée from the curse of the law that we may the more chearfully giue obedience therunto being furthered assisted by the grace of God which strengthneth vs to doo his will For the lawe is not giuen to the righteous but to the vnholy and to the prophane The curse to the one and the blessing to the other Let vs be sanctified and holy and kéepe our harts from an euil conscience let vs hold out our profession without wauering séeing that we looke for the performance of great promises which he hath made vnto vs that will not deceiue vs. The deceit of sinne is readie to harden our hearts and make vs continually fall away The best are mightily tempted and much adoo they haue to kéepe and hold their owne How necessary therefore is it for euerie one of vs to prouoke one another to loue and to good workes Let euery one of vs striue aboue our strength with praier for Gods assistance and so much the more because the day of the Lord the comming of Christ draweth néere And i● this do not perswade vs yet that which may follow and fal out through our backsliding may through feare inforce vs. For if we sinne willingly after that we haue vndertaken the course of a godly life there remaineth for vs a fearfull looking for of iudgement which God in his wrath and heauy vengeaunce shall powre out And better it had béene for vs not to haue knowne the way of godlinesse then after we haue knowne it to turne away Rather let vs bee stirred vp and incouraged by the words of the Apostle S. Peter 2. Epist 1. 10. 11. Wherefore brethren giue rather diligence to make your calling and election sure by your holy life and godly connersation For if ye do these thinges ye shall neuer fall And furthermore by these meanes an entring shal be ministred vnto you aboundantly into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ And if we finde that we are risen with Christ let vs séeke those things which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God Our affections must be aboue and not on things beneath which are on the earth And if we be dead vnto sinne our life is hid with Christ in God So that when Christ which is our life shall appeare then shall we also appeare with him in glorie Thus by gods help I haue set downe vnto you the effect of sanctification contained in these words of the Apostle The grace of God hath appeared teaching vs to deny vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and to liue soberly righteously and godly in this present world Now followeth the second part of my diuision noted in the text which is a perswasion and a reason mouing vs to this santification A perswasion vnto sanctification and that is the glorious inheritance of the kingdome of God expressed by the circumstance of Christ his comming at which time the godly shal be receiued into the kingdome of heauen their ioyfull dwelling place gathered out of these wordes Looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glorie of the mightie God and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ We cannot giue our selues vnto the duties of godlinesse vnlesse we shal be in the expectation and looking after the hope of another life and therfore very fitly doth the Apostle ioine vnto the duties of a godly life this spéech Waiting for
his Isaac youth and to perish in the sloure of his age tried also with famine in a straunge land This thought of minde grieued him being among strangers whose dispesition he knewe not but shrewdly did suspect what would fall out It may be saith he to his wife I shall die for thée because some other would possesse thy beauty So he perswaded her to call him brother His last and no doubt not the least sorrowe was to sée his desire preuented For he thought to poure aboundance of blessings on his eldest sonne Esau but God turned it otherwise What passions and seas of sorrowe possessed his hart to heare his sonne Esau whome he made so great account of to cry out in bitter teares and that out of measure Insomuch that betwixt feare and anger his mind was sore vexed For he was stricken with a maru●lious great feare and his anger enforced him to say who and where is he And after long absence when Iacob came to sée his father we reade not of any comfortable words that his father gaue him Yet was this Iacob for all his fathers Iacob blessing a patterne of sorrowe Iobe and Iacob all one The very first time of his sorrowe two mightie distresses the hazard of his fathers curse and the feare of death by his brother Esaus sword Next he that should be heire of so great possessions and blessings must vnder go a seruile life for seuen yeares and for seuen watching night and day in heate and cold a faithfull seruant and yet mistrusted to be false he that should haue béene most plentifully rewarded groind and grudged at and pursued with hatred His heart and cheefest ioy for whome he serued fourtéene yeares taken away in bitter sorrow of child-birth His sorrowe increased with w●●ull griefe to sée his eldest sonne Reubin to commit incest his daughter Dina to be de●loured by a stranger Two other of his sonnes imbruing their hands with murther and thereby putting him in feare of his life Pincht with famine brought into a strange country where his posterity should liue in sorrowe And if his youngest sonne Beniamin be taken from him then do they bring his heare head with sorrow to the graue As though he had begunne and ended his life in sorrowe Ioseph put Ioseph in feare of his life among his owne brethren solde vnto merchants and as it were vtterly bannished from the presence of his father and all his kindred falsly accused and slaundered cast out of fauour and throwne into prison in a strange country wher was no hope of help to be looked for Moses in his youth like to be cast away and drowned like Moses to be put to death by withstanding the mighty king Pharao hated of his owne people who being sent for their deliuerance thought him to be the cause of their oppression whom they grudged against saying Why hast thou brought vs into the wildernesse to slay vs enuies reprochfully vsed especially of Core Dathan and Abiram the princes of the people My penne would faile mée and I should be too tedious vnto you if I should write this matter to the full And what should I more say for the time will not serue mée to tell of Dauid and all his troubles being worst thought on Dauid of whome he best deserued his guiltlesse blood sought for of him whose honour and life he had preserued readie to be cast out of his throne by him whome he could haue vouchsafed his throne his rebellious sonne Absolon and for whom he wept bitterly Murther and incest among his owne children Oh sorrows more then tragicall Iobs sorrowes Iob. are knowne to euerie one losse of goods the vntimely death of his children greuous sores on his body from top to toe the heauie temptation of his wife the strangenesse of his familiars enmitie of his friends Yea his sorrow was so great that he cursed the day of his birth Michaiah Ieremiah Daniel and all the prophets examples of sorrow to Prophets Christ succéeding ages Our sauior Christ fainting and as it were ouercome of sorrowe his sorrowes being surpassing great Apostles and more then straunge and wonderfull The Apostles appointed hereeunto especially the Apostle S. Paule who may stand for all the rest and in whome you may perceiue all the sorrowes that might befall them As is worthely set downe 2. Cor. 11. 23. In stripes aboue measure in Paul prison plentiously in death oft once stoned and left for dead night and day in the déepe sea and almost cast away by shipwracke In perils of waters in perils of robbers in perils of mine owne nation in perils among the Gentiles in perils in the cittie in perils in the wildernesse in perils among false brethren In wearinesse and painfulnesse in watching often in hunger and thirst in fastings often in cold and in nakednesse A learned man writing of the sorrowes of the godly in this worlde compareth them vnto a shippe tossed on the sea hauing alwaies weather and winde against them Our life is but short and in this shortnesse good Lord how many chaunges how many stormes and how many tempests Abel Abraham Isaac Iacob Ioseph the Israelites chasticed in the wildernesse of the Lord and in continuall stormes warre and battaile before they could be placed in the land of Canaan And when they were come thither and long had dwelt there in the end their temple was spoiled their people murthered their cities rased and they led captiues into straunge countries Let euery one looke into himselfe and behold what cause of sorrow our own rebellious and disordered desires which neuer suffer vs to enioy any long rest of mind which bring vs sometimes more sorrow thē we can put off moue vs vnto Some are troubled with one vnquietnesse some with an other Some cannot rest for cares of the world som swel with pride and come to their fall some boile in rancer consume themselues some fry in lust and end their daies in sorowful diseases being spectacles of sorow some carried away headlong with anger and sléepe goeth from their eies to thinke howe they may bee reuenged Such procure sorrowe to themselues and néede no sorrowe to be laide vpon them The daies of this world to the godly are nothing else in a manner but dismall daies and sorrowfull times yea the estate of all in this world is but sorrowfull Either we are hated of the world or else which is worse of God assaulted of Sathan subiect to the manifold diseases both of body and soule the one miserable the other most daungerous and intollerable Many in number and diuers in nature are the sorrowes that fall out in the world Some are afflicted by exile and banishment some by captiuitie and imprisonment some by famine and nakednesse some by perill persecution some by slander and reproachfull contumely some by rackings tearing in péeces some by slaughter sword some by fire and fagot some by
and readie Marke the minde but of a worldly man that accounhimselfe greatly beholding to another is not this his courage that he could finde in his heart to die in his quarrell and to offer his seruice before he commaunded thereunto The readinesse of our Sauiour Christ whose example if it be too high for imitation yet that of the Apostle Saint Paule heerein is notable and able to giue the weakest minde great courage Get thée behind me Sathan saith Christ vnto Peter thou art an offence vnto mée because thou vnderstandest not the things that are of God but the things that are of men The Prophet Agabus Act. 21. tooke Pauls girdle and bound his owne hands and féete and said Thus saith the holy Ghost So shall the Iewes at Ierusalem binde the man that oweth this girdle and shall deliuer him into the hands of the Gentiles Then his friends perswaded him and besought him with teares that he would not go vp to Ierusalem To whom Paul answered and said What do ye weeping and breaking my heart for I am ready not to bee bounde only but also to die at Ierusalem for the name of the Lord Iesus And in an other place And now behold I goe bound in the spirite vnto Ierusalem and knowe not what things shall come vnto mee there Saue that the holy Ghost witnesseth in euery citie saying that bands and afflictions abide me in Ierusalem but I passe not at all neither is my life deare vnto my selfe This is a notable example of incouragement beside the promise of excéeding great reward Hee that looseth his life for my sake shall finde ●● But weake mindes are soone offended and fraile flesh cannot beare out these bitter brunts neither stand to the triall of so worthie a cause when we shall behold as it were great mountaine to fall vpon vs and great surges readie to swallow vs vp No doubt we shall méet with hinderances inow and those mighty hinderances yet greater renowne it is to ouercome our selues then to winne a citie both are hard to do and to accomplish but the first most hard and to flesh and blood impossible True it is that we should cast off all hinderances in this so waightie a matter and deny our selues and in this combat betwixt the spirit and flesh and blood we should shewe our selues conquerers but our hearts for the most part are so faint that strawes can make vs stumble We bl●nch at the least matters and are astund euen at the very name of persecution When King Hezechiah heard of his death he wept sore and so do many of vs carry the like affliction that in no sort we can brooke affliction The pur●●●ion is too bitter although health and immortallitie bee the effect of it Why is it that we are readie to put finger in the eie when we heare that we must endure trouble but that the world a●desh and blood do carry more sway with vs then Gods spirit and that the ioy of this life can abide no sorrow Although God hath appointed this to be our lot Ye shall weepe and lament yea furthermore although we heare that our sorrow shal be turned into ioy Gladly we would be at peace with the world but when the world shall hate vs that beginneth to breake vs then are we surprized of sorrow and for the time swallowed vp of griefe The Prophet Ieremy a man of great courage patience and constancie before he could frame himselfe to drinke of this bitter cuppe as one most passionate breaketh out into these words and in the presence of God Cursed be the day wherin I was borne oh that my mother had bene my graue or her wombe a perpetuall eonception How is it that I came forth of the wombe to see labour and sorrow And againe chapter 19. Woe is me my mother that thou hast borne mee a contentious man and a man that striueth with the whole earth I haue done them neither hurt nor wrong yet euerie one doth curse me According to that of the Prophet Dauid They hated mee without any cause and that thou ô God knowest Yet should this matter be so farre from mouing vs to heauinesse that therein we should reioyce As the Apostle S. Paule doeth moue vs by his example Gal. 6. 14. God forbid saith he that I should reioyce in any thing but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ whereby the world is crucified vnto me and I vnto the world Our Sauior Christ hath foretold vs that we should be hated of all men for his name and for the profession of his truth And lest any of vs should faint he addeth further But hee or they that endure to the end they shall be saued What if the world and the mightiest in the world hate ve what if they séeke our blood Feare not their feare saith the Apostle neither be troubled but sanctifie the Lord in your hearts Feare not them saith our Sauiour which haue power ouer your bodies and whose furie and rage can goe no further but rather feare him who after the body is distroied by death can cast both soule and body in hell God hath commanded vs vnto this wéeping and lamentation Foure principal● reasons to pers●●d●●s to vndertake perse●cution w● 〈◊〉 the first is Gods Commandement and appointed vs vnto this trouble and sorrow and persecution let vs not therefore feare men to auoid gods commandement but rather glorifie God by withstan●●ng euill men and such as are bent to resist and deface to suppresse and vtterly to roote out gods truth And because the world is giuen to nothing more then to oppresse gods truth therefore ought we the more to maintaine it and not to regard our liues in respect of the defence therof Striue for y● truth vnto death saith the wise man Eccle. 4. 28. And defend iustice for thy life God hath created vs for his glory and if we loue God and his loue be setled in our hearts wée ought to the vtmost of our power to maintaine his glory Dearely beloued saith the blessed Apostle thinke it not straunge concerning the firy tryall It pleaseth God to try you by the extremities of this wicked world whether ye will like valiant souldiours stand to the defence of his cause We count it a glorious matter and worthy of immortall fame to spend our liues in the defence of our prince and country yet is it more glorious if wée be called thereunto not to refuse any torment and extremitie in shewing our dutie and our loue to God and his Church Re. 2. 10. Vnto the Angell of the church of Smirna it was said Feare none of those things which thou shalt suffer behold it shall come to passe that the diuell shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tried and ye shall haue tribulation tenne daies that is a long time Bee thou faithfull vnto the death and I will giue thee the crowne of life Hee that ouercommeth shall not bee hurt of
the second death Sathan hath a throne in this worlde but Hell is his seate and euerlasting death is his due Be not deceiued for the amitie of the world is the enmitie of God The worlde loueth his owne and they that will stand to the triall of the truth in despight of the world they shall be excommunicated and in vtter disgrace with the world yea it shall so come to passe that the sheading of innocent blood shall be thought a thing of nothing in their sight Behold saith Christ Mat. 23. 34. I sende vnto you Prophets and wise men and Scribes and of them ye shall kill and crucifie and of them shall you scourge in your Synagogues and persecute from citie to citie That vpon you may come all the righteous blood Beware of men Mat. 10. for they wil deliuer you vp to the councels and will scourge you in their Synagogues And yee shall be marke this word ye shall be brought to the gouernours and kings for my sake in witnesse to them and to the Gentiles If any man come to me saith Christ Luk. 14. 26. and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yea and his owne life also hee cannot be my disciple Christ and the crosse I meane persecution and trouble are so néerly ioyned togither that nothing must part them And therefore Christ saith Hee that will follow me must take vp his crosse and follow mee and if any looke for a seate in heauen they must taste of a bitter cup here on earth The Apostle knowing how neare the loue of God and the crosse and persecution were ioyned togither sheweth vs how we should put foorth our selues vnto the triall Rom. 8. Who shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution and so forth The diuel that hath but a short time on earth wil raise vs vp innumerable troubles and we are subiect to the same so long as we liue in this world Ye shall wéepe and lament therfore settle your selues to abide it and to endure it For ye shall be betraied of your parents and of your brethren Acts. 14. 22. 23. 11. Act. 9. 16. 1. Th●s 3. 3. 4. and kinsmen and frends som of you shal they put to death And looke to be hated euery where Yet comfort your selues for a hair of your hed shal not perish By your patiēce possesse your soules And lay vp these things in your harts prouide for thē Behold I haue told you before Cā the childrē of the mariage chamber mourne as long as the bridegroome is with them But the daies will come when the bridegroome shall be taken from them and then shall they fast and then shall they mourne When Christ slept in the ship then waues and tempests and scourges It pleaseth God to absent himselfe and God leaueth vs awhile to sée what account we will make of him to sée whether we can finde in our hearts to leaue and forsake parents and kinsfolke and friends wife and children and that which we hold dearest in this world our owne life for his sake and whether there be courage patience strength and constancie to fight vnder the banner of persecution Well here we sée what Gods commandement is and how he hath laid trouble and persecution vpō our loines and put adnesse into our harts and heauinesse into our mindes and happie is he yea happie are all they that can finde in their hearts willingly to fulfill his will and to performe his commandement and patiently to submit themselues to whatsoeuer shall fal out if God sée it good for his glorie and our profit Yet doubtlesse we shal perceiue a mightie striuing within The second reason is drawne from the punishment that may insue our selues before we shall finde in our hearts to obey If God appoint trouble shall we séeke case If God aske our life shall we deny it If his blessed truth be called in hazard and like to bee defaced vnlesse thou offer thy selfe to stand to the maintenance and in the defence thereof before kings and rulers and against their vnlawfull decrées and wicked statutes wilt thou shrinke Thou must yéeld to the one or to the other either thou must deny God his truth for the countenance of the world and the enioying of this life and the comfortes of this world or else thou must forsake yea and hate the world and the comforts thereof and despise thy life in this respect Choose which thou wilt take fire and water is set before thée life and death good euill stretch out thy hand to whether thou wilt leaue the one imbrace the other Now deceiue not thy selfe and thinke thou hast the choice for thou art not at thy libertie God hath commanded to endure all trouble yea and death it self rather then to forsake his truth and the maintenance of the same If we must passe through the fire shall we looke for water If we be commaunded not to feare the sword shall we bee desirous to sléepe in a whole skinne That which séemes to be good to vs is euill and that which we thinke to be life we shall finde to bee death Séeke not to saue thy life for thou must loose it and better to loose it in this world then in the world to come If thou refuse thou shalt be refused if thou deny thou shalt be denied Mat. 16. 26. Alas what shal it profit a man or any of vs all though we should be Kings and Emperours and though we should winne the whole world if wee léese our owne soules Or what what shall a man giue for the recompence of his soule Thē farewell life lest death follow and kéepe thy soule lest it be plunged in hell torments For whosoeuer shall be ashamed of me and of my words among this adulterous and sinfull generation of him shall the sonne of man bee ashamed also when he commeth in the glory of his father with all his holie Angels Mar. 8. 38. Mat. 10. 33. And whosoeuer shall deny mee saith Christ him will I deny before my father which is in heauen and when hee thinkes to haue euerlasting comfort hee shall haue euerlasting sorrowe and in steede of heauen hee shall finde hell Marke therefore the punishment that will follow if Gods commaundement in this behalfe bee not performed on thy part and tremble A heauie sentence there is if thou refuse to beare this burthen Set before thy eies the comfortable presence of a Sauiour The third reason is drawne from the reward and the fearefull countenance of a iudge And let the holy martyr S. Steuens comfort fill thy heart who in the midst of his persecution sawe the glory of God and Iesus standing at the right hand of God the heauens being open to receiue him into his inheritance the Angels being at hand to carry his soule into heauen And most certaine it is that there is no way more readie to
to be scorned whose desire is to liue according to Gods will and commandements And this is a greate cause of the fall of many that otherwise would doe well let them that vse it refraine it they knowe not what hurt they doe The least of vs are readie to fall away and therfore the Apostle willeth vs to exhort and Esd 10. 50. prouoke one another vnto good workes daily This mocking and taunting the Apostle doubteth not to call by the name of persecution wherewith Isaac was vexed by Ismael In consideration whereof it gréeueth the godly that they are aliue among the wicked whose reproachfull spéeches and vngodly behauiour haue bin pricks in their sides and thorns in their eies if not knines to their throats and as grieuous as the point of a dagger to their hearts For if they looke into the world and take a viewe of the fashion of men amongst whome they must liue they shall sée the mallice of Caine reuiued the hatred of Esau set on foote flattering tongues like Ioab but murdering minds Some as proud and as diuellish as Haman some as trecherous as Iudas some as cruel as Iezabel as incroching and gréedily hunting after other mens mainteuance and liuings if not their liues withall as euer was wicked Achab Naboths vineard litle kindnesse and much churlishnesse as bad or worse then that of Nabal many dissemblers as Ananias and where is the man that speaketh the truth from his heart For the most part all the conuersation of the wicked stanvpon Vncleannesse to beare so greate asway baudry and vncleannes Iust Lot was vexed with the vncleanly conuersation of the wicked For he being righteous and dwelling among them in séeing hearing vexed his righteous soule from day to day with their vnlawfull déeds In respect of all which snares and incombrances the godly are vexed with sorrow euē to the death I am aweary of my life for the daughters of Heth saith Rebeccay Abrahams wife It is inough now O Lord take my soule for I am no better then my fathers séeing I only am aliue and the rest hath forsaken thée saith Elias Woe is me saith the Prophet Dauid Ps 120. 5. that I must dwell with Mesech and haue mine habitation among the tents of Cedar My soule hath too long dwelt among them Yet hath God so appointed that we should shine as glistring starres amongst a naughty generation Whose behauiour shall make vs more wary and circumspect as also our good workes which they shall sée and behold shall turn either to their happy conuersion or most iust confusion and endlesse condemnation The weake minds which are not as yet throughly strengthned wish daily continually although it be godly and wel with the Apostle I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ which is best of all Hitherto of the sorrowes of the godly And y● I may make perfect this part touching the difference betwixt the godly and the wicked concerning ioy and sorrow as also that ye may be the better comforted and encouraged to vndertake and endure sorrow I will let you vnderstand howe that the world hath his sorrow also And séeing I haue begun to be tedious beare with mee a while I hope you will not thinke your labour altogither lost in reading which may be at your leisure though it cost mee some studie to gather it Who would thinke that the wicked should haue any sorrow in this world howsoeuer they are like to spéed in the world to come séeing they haue the world at will and as the Prophet saith they come in no misfortune like other men And yet it falleth out sometimes that they haue sorrow but what is the cause of their sorrow No other but for worldly matters for temporall losses and that their transitorie ioyes are abated and diminished As for example when their goods are taken by pirates their wealth consumed by shipwracke their houses burnt with fire their landes taken from them by violent oppression their riches wasted by vsurie their libertie restrained by imprisonment their children to miscarry suddeinly their friends either to die or to fall away from them daily as the wise man saith In prosperitie a friend cannot bee knowne and in aduersitie and calamitie a mans verie friend will fall away from him and forsake him Now when these miseries and these worldly calamities come vppon them what crying what wringing of hands what lamenting what wéeping is there among them But that God by their wickednesse is offended his name through them blasphemed his lawe and holy word contemned his patience and long sufferance daily prouoked and abused his threatnings his admonitions his counsels neglected his louing mercies forgotten and his great benefits not remembred that many good things pertaining to our dutie haue bin through our follies omitted and many wickednesses whereof we should haue bene cleare committed by vs who wéepeth for these matters who lamenteth for these causes The world reioyceth in hurting the godly and if their mischiefe and their mallice be preuented then are they sorry for nothing more then that they can do no more hurt nor any more mischief where the godly pray for them their cōuersion How do they enuy maligne those persons in whō they sée Gods gifts graces This was the cause y● Iosephs brethren hated him that Core Dathan and Abiram did set themselues against Moses that king Saul did enuy and séeke the destruction of Dauid Whereat the godly are not to take any discomfort for their enuie shall not hurt them no more then Ioseph and Moses and Dauid was hurt For God shal turn all to his glorie and their good as is in his good pleasure determined of them And as they cannot abide the godly so secretly in their hearts they hate God as their déedes and workes declare for if the loue of God were in them the fruites therof would also appeare For who are more backward to heare Gods word to be present at his diuine seruice who make lesse accompt of christian profession yea they hate it they scoffe and scorne it and they that counsell them to religion goodnesse are their chiefest enemies King Dauid bearing the person of the godly was otherwise minded who counted it his great sorow that he was debarred for a time from Gods seruice Ps 48. 3. O Lord of hostes how amiable are thy tabernacles my soule longeth yea and fainteth for the courts of the Lord for my heart my flesh reioyce in the liuing God Yea the sparrow hath found her an house and the swallow a neast for her where she may lay her yoong ones euen by the altars ô Lord of hostes my king and my God But because the wicked are so set against God good men therefore the Prophet said truely of them Many are the sorrowes and great are the plagues that remaine for the wicked Psa 32. 10. Which is most effectually set downe Eccles 40. Great trauell is created for all men