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A03087 A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archebishop of Colone, and prince Electour. [et] c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde, of doctrine, administration of the deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the hole cure of soules, and other ecclesiastical ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntil the Lorde graunt a better to be appoynted either by a free, and Christian cou[n]sayle, general, or national, or elles by the states of the empire of the natio[n] of Germanie, gathered together in the holye Gost; Einfaltigs Bedencken, warauff ein christliche in dem Wort Gottes gegrünte Reformation an Lehr, Brauch der heyligen Sacramenten un Ceremonien, Seelsorg und anderem Kirchendienst, biss auff eines freyen, christlichen, gemeinen oder nationals Concilii, oder dess Reichs Teutscher Nation Stende, im Heyligen Geyst versamelt, Verbesserung, bei denen so unserer Seelsorge befohlen, anzurichten seye, English Wied, Hermann von.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. 1547 (1547) STC 13213; ESTC S103980 258,817 620

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to examine wel them selues accordyng therunto For in it God pulleth vp by the rootes and setteth before our eyes the vniuersall corruption of oure nature and the inwarde frowardnes and deprauation of the same that in thys commaundement as in a glasse we myghte se howe wretchedly and horribly we are depraued and lost thorough the fall of Adam in all our bodye all our soule and all oure strength that we maye instly crye with the Apostle wretched man that I am who shal deliuer me frō the bodie of thys death For though some mā come so farre by the grace and healpe of God that he acknowledge God wyth true fayth that he worshyp and call vpon hym as the fyrst cōmaundement requireth neither regardeth straung Gods nor admitteth false worshippynge of God neither in purpose of mynde nor in wordes and dedes whiche thynge the seconde commaundement forbiddeth neyther thynketh speaketh or doeth anie thynge that is cōtrarie to the confession and sanctification of Goddes name whiche thynge the thirde cōmaundement requireth and that he be diligently occupied in all exercises of religion whiche thinge the fourth commaundement requireth that he submitte hym selfe and gyue due honour both to the officers and to all men wyth whō he lyueth as the fyrst commaundement requireth that he conteine hym selfe frō anger and all bitter thoughtes wordes dedes agaynst his neighbour as the sixt commaundement requireth that he conteine hym selfe from all lecherous lustes and lyue temperatly as the seuenth cōmaundement requireth that he moderate his couetous desire and be liberal to al men as the eight commaundement biddeth that he represse the disease of backebitynge and enuiyng an others excellencie and fauoure the estimation and iust prayses of all men whither the nynth commaundement calleth vs although I saye a man thorowe the benifit of Christ come to thys victory against natural vices to this great towre of vertues whiche felicitie yet none of the sayntes euer knowledged to haue chaunced vnto hym neuertheles the same man by thys tenth commaundement shal be conuicted to be a wretche styl and a damned synner and the enemie of God and when he hath well loked vpon thys commaundement he hym selfe shall bewayle that he is suche a one For as longe as he shal fynde in hym selfe I saye some motion of mynde to that that God forbyddeth and damneth but anie inclination or prones at all and a faynt and slacke courage to do that that God requireth not only a lothsomnes and resistence he shall acknowledge him selfe to be reproned and condempned by this commaundement as a transgressour of Goddes lawe For where as the lawe requireth that no forbydden thynge please vs it requireth the same to be done of vs wyth all our hert all our soule and all our strength For the lawe requireth that God shoulde so be loued and worshipped of vs. But no man can brynge thys to passe that we be farre from all those thynges that God forbyddeth excepte the loue of God and of those thynges that God commaundeth so haue enflamed a man altogyther that he abhorre from all that that God forbiddeth wyth his whole hert his whole soule and al his strengthes But none of the sayntes atteined hereunto whyle they lyued here Wherefore it behoued to graunte that all men are conuicted by thys commaundement and that no man lyueth in thys worlde whiche in dede is of a cleane herte and hath no neede to be deliuered from the curse and damnation of the lawe thorowe Christe Seynge then that the whole lawe dependeth hereupon that we loue God wyth all oure herte etc. We are conuicted transgressours of the whole lawe by thys tenth commaundemente bycause it is proued that we haue not satisfied that poynte of the lawe where vpon the whole lawe dependeth Therefore by thys commaundemente oure crokednesse and all oure miserie togyther is mooste largelye and fullye sette before oure eyes and we are mooste myghtely dryuen to seeke repentaunce thereof and the grace and satisfaction of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whiche turneth awaye the anger and the curse of God deserued thorowe thys in obedience and stubburnesse of oure lyfe and offreth to the father for vs his obedience and perfecte ryghtuousnesse and wyth his spirite mortifieth oure fleshe corrupted thorowe concupiscences and renueth vs all togyther and rayseth vp in vs a feruent zeale towardes hym selfe and his commaundementes that wyth the spirite we maye constantly and manfullye fyghte agaynste the fleshe and cutte of the lawe of oure members and kyll the olde Adam dayly more and more puttynge on the newe man Iesus Christe whiche onely hath satisfied the lawe and is so acceptable to the father that he compteth vs pleasaunt and acceptable in that dear beloued though we be euer yet as transgressours of the law so in daunger of his wrath Thys generall summe and interpretation of the commaundementes muste bee mooste diligentlye repeted and beaten into the peoples heades in all sermons that they maye both truely acknowledge theyr owne synnes and learne to be repentaunt of them effectuouslye and that they maye be myghtelye dryuen to Christe the onelye leache and Sauioure of oure soules and also that they maye be raysed and promoted in him to true vertues to verie good workes and to worshyppynge acceptable vnto God Furthermore the people muste euer be taughte thys thynge also that the promises and threates agaynst the worshyppyng of false Goddes and Idolatrie pertayne to euerie commaundement For the cause why they be ioyned to the commaundement that toutcheth false religion is thys namely for that that the keepyng and transgression of the whole law is conteined herein that we acknowledge call vpon and worshippe wyth true fayth and feare the true God in Christe the Lorde no departe from hym to false Goddes and to a worshyppyng straunge from that that he hym selfe taughte For who so asketh euerlasting health and all good thinges wholly from God thorowe Christ Iesus and not from anie creature he shall also endeuour hym selfe diligently to keepe al those thynges that God hath cōmaunded For he can not once thinke what better thynge he maye do as one that beleueth that a blessed and eternall lyfe is prescribed vnto hym in these commaundementes For what thinge can he gladder do then to gratifie God whō he loueth aboue all thynges Wherfore the Lorde also sayed he that ha●h my cōmaundementes and keepeth them he it is that loueth me Therfore who so studieth not to keepe the commaundementes of God he loueth not God neither and therfore he beleueth not that he is God whiche commaundeth these thynges Wherfore he asketh his felicitie and blisfulnes of some other then of thys true and one God and he hath straung Goddes Seing then that the obseruation of al the cōmaundementes of God dependeth vpon the obseruation of thys commaundement concernynge the eschuinge of false Goddes and false worshyppyng of God the promise of the benifites of God and the threatenynge of Goddes reuengeaunce were ordeyned for thys purpose But
of God the heauens the sonne the moone the sterres and other celestial workes a religiouse consideration admiration and worshippyng of Goddes maiestie muste needes be stirred vp in vs and growe meruaylouslye and be confirmed excepte we be Godles altogyther And a religiouse and attentyue contemplation of the rest of Goddes workes in the myndes of the Godlye worketh the selfe same thynge Wherfore the preachers shal often recite and declare in their sermons wyth great diligencie suche places of the scripture toutching the creation and workes of God and therwith exhorte men that they accustome them selues with asmuch diligencie as they may that as often as they beholde them selues or other men the heauens the earth the waters and thynges conteyned therein as oftē as they vse and take fruition of the same they cal to remembraunce and considre religiously with them selues that those be the workes and gyftes of God our maker and father and that they were made of him and set before vs for this purpose that in them we shoulde acknowledge God him selfe and oure father and his almightines his euerlasting wisedome and goodnes in Christ the sauiour that we shoulde cal vpō him and magnifie him And herein let them labour to cal to theyr myndes and consideration that there is none other God the maker and preseruer of al thinges then the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which gaue thys his sonne vnto vs and wyth hym all thinges perteynynge to the vse and saluation both of bodie and soule Whiche hath opened his word and doctrine of lyfe in the holie writinges that so they maye learne to comprehend and ioyne together the worde and workes of God and to knowe and beholde hym and his workes in his worde and to reuolue the same in theyr myndes whē they se and vse the creatures of God Lo this is thy God and maker which gaue the his sōne Christ our Lorde that he might brynge the from eternall death to eternall lyfe and hath reueiled his fatherly wyll toutchynge thy saluation in his scriptures whiche also caused his lawe and Gospell to be preached to the he of nothing made these heauens thys earth these waters these beastes these men thys meate drynke garmentes and what soeuer is before our eyes and handes and he hath layed them before the and geuen the them for thys entente that they myght serue the for thy vse and health that in these his workes and gyftes thou mayest more fully knowe hym prayse and magnifie him and serue hym frō thy whole herte wyth the very same thynges to sette forth his glorie further the health of men Whiche thynge if thou laboure to do these creatures and all the workes of God shall serue to procure thy health And if thou do not so they shall be agaynst the wyth God theyr maker and shall serue to reuenge thy vngodlines Suche a faythfull meditation and contemplation of the creatures of God bryngeth to passe that euerie worke of god preacheth God vnto vs and admonisheth vs of his diuinitie power and goodnes For whiche purpose they were also sette before vs that as the Apostle wryteth we may vnderstande by his workes thorowe the creation his eternall power and Godheade For we oughte so to beholde and considre euerie worke of God that sterynge vp a religiouse admiration of his deuine power wysedome and goodnes we maye crye out wyth Dauid Howe greate be thy workes O Lorde thou haste made al thynges wisely the earth is full of thy goodnes Psalm Ciiii. Thys wyse all the worlde is and oughte to he vnto vs the tēple of God that we may acknowledge call vpon magnifie and worshyppe God not in certayne places onely as vngodlines naturally grafted in vs alloweth but euery where in euery place of his dominion as God oure creatour and maynteyner Whereof thys foloweth that whyle in our busines and doinges we folowe the cōmaūdemētes of God and cal for his healpe we feare nothynge that anie man can do to vs we be nothynge agaste or tremble For as sone as we behold and cōsidre those men wyth whō we haue to do and which seame terrible vnto vs or the thynges them selues in whiche there appeareth some daunger or disticultie as the creatures of god and with that contemplation call to our remēbraunce and thynke religiously vpon God the maker of those men those thynges and of vs then our fayth in Goddes promyse and testimonie namely that all thinges were both made for oure health and felicitie do also necessarely worke the same styll and that they can be none other thinges then the instrumētes of God to perfourme our health and felicitie oure fayth I saye is so stered vp and strengthned to do al thynges that we take in hande to do by the commaundement of God that all feare of daunger and vnabilitie muste needes departe wyth all doubte of well bryngyng to passe the thing that we Godly take in hande to do that is to saye by the commaundement of God Thys cōsideration of thynges whiche pondreth that all thynges be the creatures of God and that God as he made them so he preserueth them for our profite and daylye bringeth them forth and giueth them vs to vse bringeth this thing to passe also that we abuse nothinge but that we haue esteame al thinges that come to our vse as the workes of the father hym selfe as they be in dede And it causeth vs to vse them wyth all moderation and holines wyth all thankesgeuyng and reuerent praysing before other and magnifiynge of Gooddes bountuousnes finally wyth liberall dealyng and bestowyng vpon them that neede It is righte necessarie that the people be taught moost diligently these thynges concernyng the beliefe of the creation and conseruation of all thynges and the faythfull contemplation and vse of the creatures of God For the comen people be muche farther drawen then men beleue from the true and lyuely knowledge and consideration of God the creatour and of his workes thorow that monstrous magnifiyng of saintes and of theyr power to healpe vs which they haue vntruely attributed vnto thē and thorowe those madde processions that settinge forth and worshippynge of images and of Sayntes bones All men in dede behold the heauens the earth and other godlye and wōderful creatures workes of God they toutch them they haue them in theyr hādes and also enioye the commoditie of them but they seldome or neuer remembre God the maker they thanke not God for these his so greate gyftes and benifittes whiche made preserueth and giueth vs al thynges for our cōmoditie health and felicitie And they defer al thynkyng on God all worshippynge of God tyl they come to theyr temples and chapelles there they wyll execute all theyr veneration worshippyng and Goddes seruice that with more securitie in all other places they maye lyue after theyr owne pleasure and nothyng at all remembre God as they shoulde and that manie wayes they maye abuse the holie creatures and
same haue mercie on me for thy sonnes Iesus Christe whiche for our sakes was made a sacrifice Kindle my minde with thy lighte and gouerne me with thy holy spirite whiche thou haste promised vs for thy sōnes sake Thus in our praier we must euer cōprehēd Christ the mediatour as the church hath vsen in collets A fourme of calling vpon Christ frō the beginning adding these wordes in th ende thorow Christ our Lorde Moreouer this is a true inuocation acceptable to God O Lorde Iesu Christe the sonne of God heare me loke vpō me pitie me and geue me thy holy spirite and eternal lyfe Thus we reade that S. Stephan Act. viij called vpō Christ Lorde Iesu receiue my spirite Such prayer attibuteth vnto Christ the glorie of diuinitie for that that God hath reueiled him selfe in hym and worketh together with hym as we reade Io. v. what so euer the father worketh the same doeth the sonne also And in the xiiij He that seeth me seeth the father I am in the father and the father is in me This is the sentence of such an inuocation Lorde Iesu Christe sōne of God healpe me geue me thy holy spirite which together cōfesseth the father the sōne whiche is mediatoure and the holy gooste Wherefore this article of the diuine substaūce and of the thre persons must be learned and exercised in dayly prayers But forasmuch as this sincere doctrine of true and godly inuocatiō is horribly darkened Agaynst the inuocation of dead sayntes and ymages thorow that abomimable wickednesse and madnes vpon Idols whiche is cōmitted in calling vpō dead men their images bones wherunto they haue boūd not only diuine power but also a certen peculiar strēgth and efficacie of saintes wheras yet it is euidēt that we must assigne the power working of god to nothing in which god him selfe hath not expressedly witnessed in his worde that he wyl gyue the same but it is playne that deade mē helpe nobody Nor worke in ydoles for these causes I saye the people muste be called backe from suche ydolotrye vnto the true and religiouse inuocation of God as to a moste godlye worke and principall worshypping of God wherin we chiefely learne and feele which is the true fayth yea this is the only worke wherby the true people of God may be most discerned from the vngodly Of the creation and gouernaunce of al thinges OVre hole saluatiō and euerlasting lyfe consisteth herin that we truly knowe God in oure Lorde Iesus Christe that is to saye with a sure and lyuely fayth In thys knowledge the chiefest poynt is to knowe that it is God which made all thinges and preserueth and gouerneth the same alone wherfore the preachers shall studye to declare to the people wyth singuler dylygence and to beate into their heads those places of the scripture that teach and testifie of the eternal substaūce of God of his power knowledge goodnesse and seueritie for wythout this knowledge and fayth we can neuer truely and effectuously fele our sinnes much lesse repent and amende our selues neyther shal the law alone driue vs therunto for what shal eyther his preceptes or threates moue or feare vs of whose power bowntuousnes or seueritie as yet we knowe or fele nothinge substantially and effectuosely wherfore he that wil comme to God muste necessarily knowe afore hande and beleue that it is God which made preserueth and iudgeth all men and largelye rewardeth them that loue him Very many boste them selues to knowe God but in that that thei studi not to frame their life according to the wil of god dispising the worde of God they beare sufficiente witnes of thē selfe to the cōtrary namely that they say in theyr hertes there is no God though they confesse the same before men It is therfore ryght necessarye that preachers often tymes and with great diligence do propounde and beate in to theyr eares the common place of creation preseruacion and gouernaūce of all thynges And in the article of the creation of thynges the pastours shal diligently teach that that Lorde whiche delyuered the ten commaundementes the whole holy scripture and the gospell it selfe is the only true God and maker of thinges whiche of no thinge created heauen earth the sea and whatsoeuer is conteined in thē our selues also and alone preserueth the same throughe his power and hath partly made the other creatures subiecte vnto vs beinge created to his ymage appoyntynge them to a profitable vse and partly ordeyned them to the ministerye of the health both of the bodye and soule Wherfore the preachers shal often allege faythfully declare and printe in the mindes of theyr herers those places of the scripture that teache that God made vs and al other thinges of no thinge and that we were fashoned after the ymage of god finally that inferiour creatures be subiecte vnto oure rule by Goddes ordinance and that the superiour creatures be appoynted to procure oure healthe that the same herers maye dayly lerne more and more the almightines and goodnes of Goddes maiestie and that in them selues and in all other thinges that they handle in whyche they be occupyed whyche they beholde here or by any meanes do exercise they knowe hym haue him in reuerēce prayse him cal vpon him And that therby they may trust more fully in the almightines goodnes of God and more cherefully obey his cōmaūdementes and also feare his wrathe the more and that they maye vse all thinges whiche they do vse in this lyfe as the moste holy creatures and gistes of God and our sauiour wyth more holynes dayly and thankfulnes and larger liberalytie towardes theyr neighbours ▪ For this cause the prophets in the prayses of God do so magnifie and sette before our eyes with moste elegant descripcions the principal and notablest workes of God in the vniuersall nature of thynges as the heauens the son the moone the sterres the Why the holy scripture often propoūneth vnto vs the merueylous workes of God clowdes the wyndes mystes rayne dewe snowe froste thunder lyghtnynge mountaynes valleys fildes contreys medowes springes riuers standinge waters sondry trees and herbes the pryncypall kyndes of beastes both tame and wylde men and other innumerable workes of God For whiche many psalmes doe greatly magnifie the glory of God as psal xix xcv Ciiii. Cxxxvi. Cxlv. Cxlvii Cxlviii Iob doeth the same thinge from the xxxviii Chapiter to th ende of his booke And Esay in the .xl. chapter vnto th ende of hys boke Lyke places ye shal finde in other canonicall bookes euery where This contemplaciō of the notable workes of God and admiracion of the diuine maieste was the cause why Christe the Lorde hym selfe and other sayntes lyfted vp theyr eyes and handes to heauē whē they praye And in the fourme of prayinge the Lorde taught vs to saye Oure father whiche arte in heauen for when we behold wyth oure eyes and myndes those mooste excellent and wonderfull workes
the fauour of God nor heyres of eternall lyfe but cast from God and that they haue a wyl turned frō God horrible darkenes concernynge God corrupte and vicious motions and inclinations in all theyr strenghthes agaynste the commaundementes of God A certayne image whereof is sette for●h in hym whom the Lorde by a parable declared to be wounded of theues in the waye towarde Ierico and lefte halfe dead For thys thiefe Satan hath drowned the miserable nature of man in so great nuseries that it is not onely despoiled of spirituall and moost excellent gyfres but also is miserably wounded in all hyr powers Wherof it foloweth that mannes nature wythout the healpe of the holie goste cā not turne hir selfe vnto God wyth true feare Naturall strength before regeneration ture soue and fayth and that thys thynge muste needes be done through the worde of God and the holye goste by whom the mynde beinge allumined may beleue God in Christe the lorde out of the gospell and knowe hym thorough fayth and the wyll beynge stirred vp wyth the reuerence of God and enflamed with his loue may applye hyr selfe to the commaundementes of god and turne the whole mā to the preaise and worshippinge of God But mannes wil euen before regeneration by the common healpe of God maye Of free wyll or outwarde discipline so performe and exercise outward discipline that is to saye the outwarde workes of the lawe Whiche discipline God requireth seuerelye and punisheth the contempte thereof both wyth corporal peines in thys lyfe and with euerlastinge after this lyfe i. Timo i. The lawe was made for the vuryghteous Itē to the Hebr. xiii God shal iudge fornicatours auouterers Itē honour thy father and mother that thou maiste belong liued vpon the earth Also Gene. ix he that shall shedde mannes blond vpon the earth hys bloude shal also be shedde For man is made after the image of God Wyth these and lyke sentences all men muste be admonished and steared to perfourme the outwarde workes of the lawe Furthermore Paule sayeth that the lawe is a guyde vnto Christe whereby we vnderstande that he that continueth in synnes agaynst his conscience and commeth not to a better mynde casteth awaye the worde of his owne accorde and despiceth the holye goste and hyndreth his owne health that he be not broughte to Christe In the meane whyle thys thynge also muste be taught that thys outwarde discipline deserueth not remission of synnes is not that ryghtuousnes for which we be pronounced ryghtuouse or acceptable before God For thys honoure is due onely to the sonne of God Christ the mediatoure which alone hath deserued vnto vs remission of synnes and euerlastynge lyfe whiche we obtaine with fayeth alone or truste in hym as we wyl declare more largely hereafter ¶ Of the olde testament AFter declaration of the benifittes of God whych he hath perfourmed and doth perfourme towardes al men and nations in the creation cōseruation and gouernaunce of thinges the preachers shal propoune to the people What thynges so euer God commaunded promised or threatened to the people of the olde Testament the same pertain vnto vs also also those vnmeasurable benifits which he bestowed vpon the holye fathers and the whole people of Israel Item they shal declare the iudgemētes which he executed vpon the same whan they beleued him not nether obeyed his commaundementes For the thinges that the scripture reherseth of them be writen for our doctrine as Paule sayeth those thinges happened vnto them that they myght be figures and exemples vnto vs and they were wrytten for our enstructiō vpon whō the endes of the worlde be come Wherefore as in the articles before toutchinge the creation conseruation and goueruaunce of al thynges the power and glorie of god is knowne in al his creatures and workes and in all nations so in thys place out of the benifittes and punishmētes which he laied vpon our fathers in the olde testament we shal learne the power mercye and ryghteousnes of God which he vsed towardes his peculyare people whome he chose out of all other nations of the earth and bound vnto hym selfe wyth the leige of grace that he myght not onely be vnto them a creatoure and Lorde but also a God that is to saye an euerlastynge sauiour of body and soule Al which thinges pertayne vnto vs whiche beleue in Christe For we are nowe the peculiar people and heritage of God the true chyldren of Abraham the true Israelites as manie of vs as beleue in Christ and put hym on thorowe Baptisme as Paule teacheth playnly to the Roma ix to the Gala. iii. Yea Christ hym selfe sayeth of them that truely beleue amonge the heathen Manie shal come frō the Est and the West and shall sit downe wyth Abrahā Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heauen but the childrē of the kingdome shal be caste into outwarde darkenes Wherfore it perteyneth to the ministers of the worde to teache the people diligently that al the promises and benifittes exibited to the fathers yea vniuersally to Israell Item the threates punishmentes and preceptes saueing those that perteyne to the outwarde discipline and ciuilitie of that people which ought to stande in effecte onely tyl the tyme of Christ belonge vnto vs also The same thinges are commaunded vs the same thynges are forbydden to vs and therfore we also muste loke for the same benefittes from the godnes of God thorowe Christ whyle we continue in the fayth and loue of God and we muste feare the same punishmentes if we cast from vs the fayth and loue of God Wherfore the Apostle in the place alledged before setteth the olde people before vs for an ensample saiynge Many of them God allowed not For they were throwen downe in the wildernes But these thynges happened for a figure and exemple vnto vs that we luste not after euyll thynges as they lusted neither be made Idolaters as some of them were In the same place he addeth exemples of fornication tentation and murmuration against God and the punishmentes that God therfore toke of them and agayne he testifieth that all these thinges happened vnto thē that they might be exemplars and figures vnto vs wherin we myght know how God abhorreth these abominable mischeuous actes and that we also should learne to abhorre fle the same But before al other thinges the preachers must set forth and beate into the people the promises the leige and couenaunt of Gods beniuolence made wyth Abraham and his sede in which he promiseth him that he wil be his God that is to saye an euerlastynge sauiour and greate rewarde Item thorowe his onely free beniuolence he embraced him Howe the patriarches were enstructed in the sayth and brought hym from the laude of his natiuite further that he was iustified by fayth only and manie nations yea of al beleuing personnes a citizin of the heauenlie citie hauing a sure fundation whose artificer and maker God is Item thoughe
Al the threatnynges of Moyses pertayne vnto vs. Goddes wrathe and eternall damnation where vnto all men be subiecte be conteyned in all the threatenynges of Moyses if Iesus Christe deliuer them not gyuynge them repentance and remission of synnes thorowe fayth in hym selfe Thus also in all the exemples of healpe and saluation whiche chaunced to the olde Howe the exemples of the scripture must be handled people thorowe princes and kynges they shall declare that euerlastynge healpe and redemption in Christ was shadowed and exhibited Agayne in the Satanicall furie and crueltie of tyrannes and wicked men agaynst the good they shall admonishe that we muste considre the power woodnes and tyrannie of the deuyl and of antichrist Out of the lyues and dedes of cōmune sayntes they shall put the people in remembraunce of the merueilous gouernaunce and preseruynge of the churche of fayeth of repentaunce and of the true fruites of fayth and repentaunce and finally of the true blisfulnes that euer foloweth these thynges In the exēples of them that haue despiced God and his lawe they shall declare the wrathe of God the reprobate sense the vngodlynes obstinate minde and damnation which suche pull vpon them selues wyllyngly beinge them selues the cause of theyr owne destruction Thus they shall teache that in all the cōmaundementes of God fayth out of a true Howe the cōmaundementes of Moyses muste be declared herte and loue is required For the whole lawe though it prescribe bodily offices is spirituall and requireth the true and spiritual rightuousnes of the herte which Christ our Lorde who onely satisfied the lawe begynneth and worketh in vs. Wherefore the preachers in declarynge euerie one of the commaundementes shall pearce vnto the hert it selfe and shal require the obedience of the herte and shall so declare and set before theyr eyes theyr natural stubburnes and rebellion agaynste God that they shall dryue them to distruste them selues and to seeke and call for the healpe of Christe of whom as of the onely sauiour and phisition they may require a newe hert and the holy goste Thys muste be done in declarynge of euerie precepte of God and thus all the cōmaundementes of the whole lawe muste From what lawes of Moyses christen men be free be opened to the people of God whiche neuertheles must not be laded wyth any thinges from whiche Christe hath deliuered them as those be that properly pertayne to the policie and discipline of Moyses in whiche the people of the lawe were kepte enclosed in the feare and fayth of God vnto Christe whiche be not necessarie vnto saluation I meane circumcision and the other ceremonies and rytes of the tabernacle and temple the ministeries of priestes sacrifices washynges and other bodilie purgynges holie dayes difference of meates politike obseruations of iudgementes and other facions of ciuile gouernaunce But as God What preceptes of religion pertayne vnto vs. in euery precepte of religion taught and required thys thynge chiefelye that the people shoulde come togyther in his name to heare his worde wyth a fayethfull herte to praye to call for healpe to sacrifice vnto hym and in sacrifices to enioye the Sacramentes of his grace and redemption in Christe and required all these thynges for thys purpose that the people therby should exercise and stablishe fayeth in his mercye and in the onelye Mediatoure Christe whose death and oure reconciliation and holesome communion obtayned by the same those sacrifices dyd shadowe and exibite So we Christen men also muste learne out of suche preceptes wyth howe greate religion wyth howe true sanctification and faythfull preparation of bodye and soule we muste come togyther into the cōmon companye before the Lorde to heare the worde of God to praye and to gyue thankes to gyue oblations vnto Christe the Lorde hongriynge and thurstynge in his members to receyue the Sacramentes and in them the communion of oure Lorde Iesu Christe and of all his merites and grace And so we must know also thys thynge out of the same kynde of preceptes howe greuous a synne we committe and howe horrible paynes we deserue if at anye tyme we so lytle esteame the worde of God the vse of the Sacramentes so Godlye gyftes of God and the common prayers of the congregation that neither we oure selfe studye to nourishe and strengthen oure fayeth thorowe these thynges nor serue other in mayntaynynge and commendinge these exercises and aydes of religion cheifely on the sondayes and holy dayes whā the whole cogregation is wont to come together Thus seinge that it is knowen that God thorogh those sondrye washinges Howe the preceptes of washynges and purginges of the olde Testament must be declared and bodilye purgynges whiche he prescribed to the olde people woulde stirre vp and moue the same that before all thinges they shoulde remēber that they ought to seeke the cleanes of herte and that they shoulde diligently beware and auoyde in theyr whole lyfe and conuersacion al those thinges that maye be abominable lothsome or in anye wyse vnacceptable and vnpleasaunte to God and theyr nighboure we oughte also in such preceptes to stirrevp and exhorte bothe our selues and also those that be committed to oure charge to thys poynte where vnto S. Paule also exhorteth ii Co. vii saiynge For asmuch as than we haue these promisses derely beloued let vs clense oure selfe from al spottes of the flesche and of the spirite workinge holines with the feare of God After the same sorte the preceptes deliuered Howe the political preceptes of Israell must be declared to Israel concerninge the forme and religion of iudgemētes and administration of that whole politie muste be confidered and hādled For in al these thinges obedience towarde the officers is commaunded whiche must be shewed from the hert and readely and further there is required in them an honeste and ciuile conuersation with al sortes of men what so euer they be and finally a good and godlye administration of the commen weale wherein euerie man maye haue his ryght and al the people maye be instituted and gouerned to liue godly and honestly and be kepte pure from al mischeuous and abominable actes For though we haue the Romaine lawes or other and verditis be gyuen accordynge there vnto and though God bounde vs not to the lawes of Moyses his politie neuertheles we must knowe the wil of God out of the selfe same lawes whiche wolde haue all greuous offences to be rigorously punisched and that men be enstructed and putte forth with good lawes and with the obseruation and punishmente of the same to al godlines and honestie Item that innocent and good men be constantly defended and malefactours restrayned and caste out of the comē weale or vtterly putte to death that they hurte not the good Finally thys thinge must be taught also out of these preceptes that euerie gouernaunce of a commen weale is Goddes and that the officers occupy the roume office of God to iudge the iudgementes of the
Moyses when the chyldren of Israell coulde not directe theyr eyes vnto his face signified thys vngodlie persuasion For suche men haue theyr wyttes blynded as the Apostle sayth For as then the Isralites onely behelde the vayle layed vpon Moyses his face and not the face it selfe So these hypocrites se not the true meanynge of Goddes lawe but styckynge in the letter they folowe a carnall vnderstandynge whiche they falsely laye vpon the clearnes of the lawe as a certayne couer Thys vayle remayneth vnto thys daye in readynge of the olde Testament in all them from whom Christ taketh it not awaye whiche onely with his spirite openeth the true vnderstāding of the lawe Wherefore the Apostle sayeth but when they shall be turned to God the vayle shall be taken awaye The other vnderstandyng of the lawe is true and spiritual whē we vnderstand that not onely outwarde naughtie workes are prohibited but also inwarde that is to say euyl cōc●piscēce euyl affections al thoughtes wordes dedes wyll inclination and what so euer thynges either in our body or soule be moued in anie wyse agaynste the lawe of God Then we acknowledge that not onely outward discipline is required of vs and vertues whiche wythout grace we maye perfourme of our owne strength but suche workes as the holie gooste hym selfe worketh in vs as a true and perfecte truste of grace and Gods healpe thorow Christe Iesus true inuocation in al perilles feruent loue of God and oure neighboure perfecte obedience from the whole herte and al oure strengthes to be pure and fre frō al naughtie motions and to be inclined and caryed onely hereunto that thou serue God onely that thou prayse and magnifie hym onely with the true loue of hym and of thy neighbour with al kindes of good workes wherby thou mayest further the health of men and therein sette forth the glorie of God Thys true and holesome vnderstandynge of the lawe is necessarie for all men wherewyth as all men be reproued of synne so also they be called backe vnto repentaūce and a waye vnto theyr hertes is prepared for the Lorde Thus also oure Lorde Iesus Christe interpreted certayne commaundementes of the lawe Math. v. wyllynge vndoubtedly that the rest shoulde be so vnderstanded and declared After the same sorte Paule lykewyse declareth the strength of the lawe Roma viij saying the lawe is spiritual but I am fleshly solde vnder synne Seinge then that the lawe is spiritual it requireth spiritual workes But man beinge fleshly doeth onely the workes of the fleshe For an euyll tree bryngeth not forth good fruites He then that wyll satisfie the lawe muste be made a pirituall man and he muste do spirituall workes as those be that the holy spirite worketh in vs as the true faith of Goddes worde and burnynge loue and feare of God and the fruites of these vertues We keepe no precept of our owne strēgth Whereof it appeareth that we can not do the leste cōmaundementes of the lawe thorowe oure owne strengthes wythout the healpe of the holie goste The brightnes that shone in Moyses his face whiche the eyes of the Israelites coulde not abide signified the vnderstandynge of the lawe For as the Israelites could not suffre with there eyes this bryghtnesse but beinge afrayed fledde away So carnal reason can not attaine this vnderstandinge of the lawe but rather abhorreth it and iudgeth it veri mad For if it were so thincketh she al men must needes be damned eneriechon and she weneth that God doeth vniustly wyth vs if he commaunde those thynges that we can not perfurme of our owne strength This reasō casteth away the true vnderstandinge of the lawe and casteth a vaile before hyr eyes and conforteth hir selfe with this false opinion that we haue free wil and if we do asmuch as lyeth in vs that God can not but take it in good worth and that he requireth nomore of vs at al. But we that beleue in Christe and be taught of the holye goste knowe that thys is the true sentence of the lawe whiche we haue proposed For we see the face of Moyses vncouered and haue obtained that that Paule spaketh of ii Cor. iii But whan they shal be conuerted vnto the Lorde the vayle shal be takē awaye For after that we haue knowne and do beholde Christ thorough fayth a new glorie of god shyneth in vs and we are transformed to the same image of Christe goynge forth dailye from the clearnes of thys new lyfe be gon in vs to the clearnes of Christes lyfe and that thorough the spirite of the Lorde Seinge that Christ thā thorough the know ledge of hym selfe gyueth vs thys spiritual lyght and clearnes of newe lyfe it is certaine that it is required of vs in the lawe and that it is necessarie for vs vnto saluation For Christ came for thys purpose rose agayne and entred in to his heauenly kingdome that he myght restore and finishe the same in vs where vnto we were first made and are called agayne by the lawe of God Wherefore the face of Moyses is now vncouered and the true vnderstandinge of the lawe is disclosed vnto vs which be conuerted to Christe the Lorde and be holde hym thorough fayth and in hym partly knowe enioye and liue the lyfe that God alloweth Thirdly whan that it is declared what muste be vnderstanded by the name of the lawe of God what is the true meaninge and interpretation of the lawe we must considre and teach diligētly for what vse and ende the lawe was gyuē to vs of God For thought we haue in few wordes some what toutched it that is to wit that the lawe was gyuen for this purpose that thorough the knowledge of synnes whiche it causeth it myght worke repentaunce neuer theles we must declare this thing some what more plētifully And for asmuch as S. Paul taught the strenghth and nature of the lawe wyth singuler diligence and plaines as a man that perceyued that the strength of the lawe beinge not wel declared and knowen men wil be iustified rather with the keepinge of outward discipline and coūterfaite workes of the lawe than with fayth in Christe we thinke good to consider three sentences of Paule where wyth he moste clearely and playnly expouned the strength and nature and vse of the lawe that thus asmuch as is possible we maye take awaye that festred errour of mē wherby they go about to satisfie the law with theyr owne strēgth and being cōtēted with anoutward vaine shewe of rightuousnes they neglecte Christe and haue no care at al of the true ryghtuousnes of the herte these be the sayinges of Paule Thorow the lawe is the knowledge of syn Ro. iii. the lawe worketh wrath Ro. iiii The lawe is our scholemaister to Christ Ga. iii. Out of the first saiynge whiche is thys thorough the lawe cometh knowledge of synne we muste learne and teach that thorough the falle of Adam there is so greate darkenes broughte in to mannes reasō that of
Christ wyth pleasaunte preachinge and remitteth and leadeth sweetely vnto hym because it preacheth hym be the onely obteiner of mercie and our sauiour whiche thinge it doeth two maner of waies First with plaine and open testimonies as thys is that we reade in Deutro xxiii The Lorde shal raise vp to the a prophete syke me Secondly wyth shadowes and pleasaunte allegories as that is of the pascal lambe So the prophetes also prophetied of Christ many waies and more openly and plētifully thē Moyses til at the last Iohn baptiste shewed hym with his singer beinge present Al whiche thinges must be preached expouned to the people wyth greate diligence out of the lawe and the prophetes These than be the causes why the lawe was gyuen whyche God knewe that we would not keepe namely that being taught and admonisched thorough it we shoulde acknowledge our weaknes and infirmitie and feele the excidinge wrath of God and thorowe a certaine Godly discipline be led vnto Christe put al our trust in him and appliynge good workes shoulde growe in to hym daylye whiche is the heade beynge furnished wyth all Godlynes and vertue After that the ministers shal be instructed of the lawe and haue taught the people faythfully than they shal both them selues vse the lawe a ryght and shal bringe the people in to the true knowledge of it shall moue thē to true repentaunce and griefe for theyr synnes and so stirre thē vp and driue them vnto Christe the redemer to serue him with al desire And because the commen people can nat vndrestande and remembre al the preceptes of the lawe seynge that they be verye many and euerye one hath a large dominion the preachers muste after recite and printe in the myndes of the hearers the briefe summes and cheife articles of Goddes law as that is that we haue in Math. xxii Thou shalte loue the Lorde thy God wyth thy whole herte and in thy whole soule and in thy whole mynde Thys is the principall and greate commaundement The seconde is lyke therunto Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Vpō these two commaundementes the whole lawe and the Prophetes depende Item that the apostle wrate to Timothe The ende of the commaundement is loue frō a pure herte and good conscience and faith not fayned And in asmuch as it was most mercifully permitted in olde tyme that Godlie parentes shoulde teache theyr chyldren wyth al diligence the ten cōmaundementes wherein the whole doctrine of godlines is playnly cōprehended whiche thinge brought such profitte as no man can expresse the preachers shall diligently and often recite thys summe of Goddes lawe and shall declare in theyr sermons briefely and playnely the true meanynge of euery precepte ¶ A briefe declaration of the ten commaundementes IN the fyrst sentence then of the ten commaundemētes I am the Lorde thy God A sum of the first cōmaundement whiche broughte the out of Egipte etc. The preachers shal first teach that God wytnesseth with this his worde that he him selfe whiche gyueth vs thys commaundemente is the onely Lorde that is to saye the almightie maker and gouerner of all thynges onely good and the cause of goodnes and the dryuer awaye of all euyls Secondly that thorowe the preaching of the Gospell and baptisme he hath receyued vs into his people as in olde tyme he receyued Israell bryngyng him out of Egipte and the house of bondage and geuing hym his Sacramentes And that in Christe oure Lorde he wil be a God also to al vs to whō he hath caused these thinges to be preached that is to saye an author and gyuer of euerlastinge saluation of restitution both of bodie and soule And seing that it is extreme vngodlines not to heare God whē he speaketh and not to beleue him when he promiseth all good thinges the preachers cōcerning this worde next before shal teache that God requireth that with al our herte we beleue this his testimonie and promise and that we rest therin namely that we acknowledge hym to be our God and Sauiour that we worshyppe him and alwaies cal for his mercie succour and ayde thorowe our Lorde Iesus Christ and that we feare loue and magnifie hym wyth all oure hertes aboue all thynges for his vnmeasurable grace great benifittes In the seconde commaundemente thou shalt haue no straunge Goddes before me thou shalt make to thy selfe n● grauē image to bowe downe to it or to worshyppe it the people muste be admonished fyrste that thorow straunge Gods and worshippyng Images al trust of Gods healpe is to be put in nothing besides God in Christ and that all worshyppynges of God as all those be that are in hande wythout the worde of God as the worshippynges of the Mahometistes Iewes and of them whiche goe aboute to worshyppe God and to obtaine hys helpe with such ceremonies as be not taken out of the worde of God nor serue effectuously to the gospel of Christ or wyth ceremonies not instituted by the Lorde hym selfe but vsed wyth out repentaunce and fayth The Lorde also forbiddeth in this place all Witchcrafte and all that abuse of creatures whan men either require that profite of thinges for which they were not made of God whiche thinge is committed in false dominations and other witchcrafte or whan they require profite of thinges for which they were made in dede but they require it not as coming frō God and hangynge vpō his grace praiynge for it firste of the Lorde thorough Christe and to his glorie Further they shal teach that in this commaundement there is reueled vnto vs that corruption of our defiled nature and that vngodlines that is naturally grafted in vs by reason whereof we be euer ignoraunte we fle and neglecte the true and only God and we seeke no helpe of God trustinge in mannes strenght and in our owne or we seke it not frō hym the onley and true God in Christe but from counterfaite and false Goddes and that sometymes vndre the name of the true God hym selfe whan we calle vpō God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ thorough thys only Mediator with out repentaunce and fayth and some tymes vndre other names as whā mē aske of saintes deliueraunce from synnes and helpe of this presente lyfe and of the life to come or finally whan we vse ceremonies straunge frō the worde wyth true cōuersion to God and worshippinge of the herte to seeke the helpe of God thereby and to make God bounde to vs. For al thys vngodlynes beinge naturally engendred in vs is disclosed in this seconde commaundement and sette before oure eyes to be consydered by the worde of God Thirdly we haue also in thys worde a Howe this cōmaundement is fulfylled certaine holye scholemastringe where with God by thys commaundement shewynge vs the corruptiō and weaknes of our nature wyl bringe vs to Christe hys sonne whyche maye turne awaye and pacifie hys wrath agaynst thys vngodlynes and sinne cleaninge in nature whiche moreouer may
holie Gospell but onely parte of the Gospel I meane that part wherin God pronoūceth the euerlasting punishment of the euyl and not that part wherein he offereth his grace to them that beleue For they that haue thys fayth beleue that there is a God that made and ruleth all thynges that punisheth the euyll but they beleue not that God wyll be merciful vnto them forgiue them theyr sinnes freely for his sonnes sake Finally that we muste not vnderstande a temperarie fayeth wherewyth men beleue the whole Gospell in dede but it is but for a tyme. For they receyue the worde of God with ioye but whē afliction and persecution chaunceth for the Gospell they fall agayne and theyr fayeth vanishinge out of theyr myndes the sede of Goddes worde though it be spronge vp is kylled and dryeth awaye wyth the heate of persecution Wherefore the preachers muste teache men diligently that when they heare that we whiche beleue in Christe haue euerlastynge life that we be borne agayne thorowe fayth that the chyldren of God be instified and saued thorowe fayth they muste vnderstande and considre that these thinges be spoken of true and lyuely fayeth whiche steareth vp in them that beleue a sure truste of Goddes beniuolence and of adoption vnto euerlastyng life And hereby breadeth in them and enflameth an earnest and feruent loue of God and worketh also a perpetuall and effectuous studie of all holines and sincere seruiceable loue towardes our neighbours Finally bryngeth to passe that they that beleue giue them selues altogyther to the fulfilling of the lawe ¶ Of the crosse and aflictions VVHē this faith is sincerely taught and learned and preuaileth in the lyfe of the sayntes it can not be God so orderinge and finishinge the renuinge of his but the crosse and aflictih● wyl folow sincere doctrine and a godlie life For God willing thorow his secrete purpose to trie the faith of his and to dryue them to call for his healpe permitteth Satan to exercise them with sundrie tētations whiche is an enemie of pure doctrine and christian Wherfore while this is permitted vnto him he resisteth and wrastleth against good doctrine and godlie life with all the crafte and might that he can and moueth against the same what so euer he hath in his power And he hath the whole world in his power Wherefore Christe calleth him the prince of the worlde Iohn xij If he be then the prince of the worlde what other thynge shall we loke for then that he wil be against vs with al the worlde and wil fight against pure doctrine and pure life Of doctrine Christes worde testifieth Iohn xv If they haue harde me they will heare you also If they haue persecuted me they wil persecute you also etc. And that they wyll persecute a godly life S. Paul teacheth ij Tim. iij. As manie as wyll lyue godlie in Christe shall suffre persecution It is then ryghte necessarie that the ministers of the worde teache comforte and strengthen the people wyth all faythfulnes and diligence to beare the crosse to learne to ouercome aduersities wyth patience For we maye heare euerie where the vngodlie and blasphemous wordes of men that be in aflictions For whē they are warned to arme theyr mynde with patience bycause that aflictiōs are sent of God agaynst that they crie streyght waye that they are not sent of God but of Satan and if thou wylte saye styll that God chastiseth them whom he loueth they saye they wishe that he woulde not loue them so muche When anie incommoditie or aduersitie chaunceth to them vnloked for the cause whereof they can not attayne wyth theyr folishe reason forthwyth they ascribe it to arte magike Whiche errour and superstition is chiefely in vplandishe men and other rude felowes Thorowe whiche errour it cometh to passe that when they fall into anie calamitie they runne streyght waies to wisardes and witches they aske counsell of them and beleue their lyes and for the moste parte burthen them wyth iniuste suspicions and falsely sclaunder them that be innocent Further also they embrace their enchauntmētes and magike remedies vsing the ayde of deuyls which is an horrible defectiō from the true God and a deniyng of him whiche surely be great and heynous synnes for reuengeaunce wherof the wrath of God and manifest punishmentes are wonte to come vpon the vnfaythfull as the Apostle witnesseth Therfore that we maye resist so great wickednes and abhomination and that men maye be broughte to haue true patience in the crosse the preachers muste teache some what after thys sorte of the crosse First though the deuyll wyth his garde burne wyth an incredible hatred agaynste the godlie and desireth excedingly to hurte them by all meanes and in what thynge so euer he can in bodie soule goodes fame as Petre testifieth sayinge the deuill walketh about etc. Neuertheles this is certaine that he can not once moue an heare of our heade excepte God suffre hym so to do as Christe sayth Math. x. Are not two sparowes solde for a farthynge and one of them falleth not vpō the earth wythout your father And the verie heares of your heade are al numbred The storie of Iob witnesseth the same whō Satan coulde not hurte but by the permission of God neither in goodes nor bodie For we are enuironned wyth manie thousandes of Angels which haue charge of vs as the prophete Eliseus sayeth to his ladde iiij of kynges vi When the kynge of Siria commaunded the prophete to be taken Dauid in the Psalm xxxiij wytnesseth that the same is gyuen not onely to Eliseus but also to all the godlie sayinge They that feare the Lorde he compasseth them aboute as it were with pauilions and the watching Angell keepeth them safe But where tentes be pitched there the holiest muste needes be present So Christe hym selfe sayeth also of the yonge children Their angels se alwaies the face of my father whiche is in heauen We maye dayly se and feele thys defence garde and custodie of the Angels if we wilturne oure myndes to the workes of God and considre them wyth the eyes of fayth For how many new enginnes deuiseth Satan daily What mischiues inuēteth he thorowe wicked men wherewyth he yet profiteth nothyng so that we must needes graūt that God disapoynteth those deuises of Satan and not anie wisedome of man Wherfore men muste be taughte diligently that what so euer good or euyll chaunce to them synne onely excepted they beleue it chaunceth to them from God and his prouidence though it be done by the ministerie of Satan and of the vngodly Secondly forasmuche as it is well knowen that aduersitie cometh not by chaunce but by the permission and determined purpose of God we oughte not to doubte but that it chaunceth to vs for good and that suche thynges be as signes of Goddes beniuolence and not of his wrath as the Epistle to the Hebrues teacheth xij My sonne neglecte not the correction of God nor faint thou
and to enstruct them of the same after thys sorte Fyrste forasmuche as it can not be that anie man shall praye truely and earnestly excepte some daunger or necessitie of lyfe driue hym thereto the preacher shall labour diligently to set before the peoples eyes the necessitie of prayinge by reason of the euyls and daungers whiche hange ouer all men ought to driue euery mā to pray earnestly Two kyndes of euylles and daungers moue vs to praye The one kynde is manifest the other is secrete To the firste as all men knowe diseases pertaine and pouertie persecution infamie hatred warre pestilence death heresies etc. What so euer be openly hurtfull whether they be corporall or spirituall And though all men do feele and take greuously these euylles yet there be fewe whiche so take them and be so greued for them as they shoulde and as the religion of Christ requireth that is to say as the scourges of God punishmentes of their sinnes whiche they shoulde labour to auoyed with true repentaunce and fayth Therefore the preachers muste teache and warne the people diligently that all these euylles happen thorowe the wrath of God agaynst synnes that in the same they maye learne to considre not onely theyr daunger and griefe but muche more the angre of God And further what damages what destruction of bodie and soule and of al honestie ryseth vpon the same that so the people maye be steared vp to religious and feruent prayer The secrete daungers to whiche we be subiecte are the snares that Satan layeth for vs by all occasions seekyng the destruction of bodie soule goodes name Which snares we coulde neuer scape excepte God of his vnmeasurable mercie and loue dyd defende vs by his angelles Otherwyse he woulde easely take away our lyfe wyth his venemous breath in some places he woulde steare vp robberies and murthers in other tempestes in other warres he woulde take from some men theyr mynde wyth horrible visions he woulde leade some out of theyr waye into vnknowen places he woulde throwe some from theyr horses some from steares some into waters Some shoulde be killed with the fal of an house some shoulde be torne of wylde beastes Some shoulde be infected or leese theyr lyfe wyth venemous beastes In some places he would sette houses on fyre in some he woulde droune all he woulde cause some to kyll them selues he woulde dryue some out of theyr wyttes he woulde furnishe some wyth euyl craftes to hurte other mennes lyfe and goodes as we se done wyth sundrie enchauntmentes In other places he woulde ouerthrowe discipline and honestie wyth all kyndes of mischeues In some places he woulde fyll maried folkes and householders wyth hatred brawlynges venimmes and murthers In some places he would trouble comō weales wyth greate cōmotions and seditions He woulde gyue some men witte and minde to depraue the scriptures and to corrupt ciuile lawes He woulde tangle some wyth pleasures and destroye the same in bodie and soule He woulde so opresse some wyth persecutions that he woulde drawe them from godlines to a careles impenitent and Epicureous lyfe He woulde dryue some hauing committed greuous offences vnto desperation Some tyme he woulde trouble the churche wyth sore sclaunders and somtyme counterfaiting an angel of lyght he would brynge in false doctrine and noysome exemples of lyfe Some tymes he woulde steare vp heresies and Idolatries Briefely there shoulde be nothynge in all the worlde safe from his malice violence which he would not depraue corrupt and destroy he would fyll all the worlde wyth calamities synnes death and all mischiefe excepte that God dyd breake and lette his tirannie For he is the prince of the worlde merueylous myghtie whiche beareth rule in the ayre Ephe. ij And he worketh in the vnfaythfull so that it is not harde for hym to sowe such errours and offences wherewyth euen the chosen myghte be brought to destruction if it were possible As we maye well se in Iob neither want we lyke exēples in these dayes wherwyth God admonisheth vs both of the daūger whiche hangeth ouer vs thorowe the malice of Satan and also of his protection whereby he disapoynteth Satans purposes that we shoulde euer praye for thys his defence and acknowledge it wyth thankes gyuyng Wherefore the preachers shall declare these daungers diligently that they maye learne how manie and necessarie causes there be that oughte euer to steare and dryue vs to prayer and to learne of that our carnall carelesnes Secondly the preachers shal note the promises of God whiche are sette forth euerie where in the scripture wherein God promiseth that he wyll turne awaye suche perils and deliuer vs when we be fallen in them And they shall cōmende the same to the people diligently when occasion shal serue that they maye learne to loke vpon them religiously in theyr prayers and to rayse vp their myndes therewyth vnto a sure truste to obtayne Goddes healpe For that prayer may be harde it muste needes be done in fayeth and in the name of Christe as Christe hymselfe warneth what so euer ye aske in my name beleuynge ye shall receyue it Math. xxi Item what so euer ye shall aske the father in my name he shal giue it you Io. xvi Therfore that we maye beleue that oure praier is harde we must needes haue Gods worde and promise whiche we may beleue For otherwise it shoulde be a false trust and vngodlines if we dyd learne onely vpō our owne iudgement and persuasion A promise then out of the worde of God where vpon our prayer maye leane is necessarie without the whiche we can in no wyse praye truely neither yet be harde But thys thynge must also be added that it be done in the name of Christ And that we do not onely when we praye wyth these wordes we beseche the father almyghtie God thorowe Iesus Christ thy sonne our Lorde but also when we pray onely for those thinges whiche Christ commaunded vs to praye for so that after thys sorte we maye praye truely O Lorde God heauēly father we come not to pray vnto the thorowe our owne lust or confidence but by the institution and commaundement of thy onely begotten sonne of whō we haue thys sentence and promise that thou wylte heare vs for his sake Neither do we praye trustyng in our worthines or in oure merites for we knowe that we haue deserued nothinge sauinge wrath and punishment but in the name of thy sonne that is to saye that thou wylt heare vs for his sake and merite This is to pray truly in the name of Christ neither can it be but that we shall be hearde as often as we praye wyth suche a mynde and suche a sure cōfidence as Iohn wytnesseth i. Epist v. Thys is the truste that we haue towardes God that it we shal aske any thynge accordyng to his wyll he heareth vs. etc. Therefore the preachers shal declare to the people diligently what a great synne doubtyng is in prayer
is thys then a mocke and despite of the diuine maiestie From whiche the preachers muste dissuade the people wyth greate diligence and call them agayne to the true maner of fastyng whiche we haue declared But we wyl determine at a conuenient tyme of the maner of inioynynge and keepyng cōmon fastes and we wyll vse suche moderation as we truste shall profitte oure people vnto the maynteynyng and amplifyinge of the studies of godlines euen as thys muste be the ende and marke of all ecclesiasticall ordinaunces that they serue to the maynteynyng and settyng forth of godlines Wherefore as often as there shal be occasion of treatynge of faystynge either out of the scriptures that shal be expouned or by reason of the tyme appoynted to fastes or thorowe some other chaunce the preachers shal diligently warne the people of the vngodlines and abuses of fastes and shall labour to corret thē First and before all thinges sette no man thynke that he oughte to faste for thys purpose that he maye deserue somwhat of God wyth that worke neither let hym be persuaded that anie fast be it neuer so hard is allowed of God except it be taken vpon vs out of true repentaunce of synnes and a sure truste of Goddes mercie to be obteyned for oure Lordes sake Iesus Christe that is to saye with a conuersion to God from the whole hert Further that fastyng be so ordeyned and kept that it serue to true and godly humblynge chastisynge and sanctifyinge of the bodie that the spirite maye be readier to prayer and other exercises of religion Thys is a godlie and acceptable fast wherunto the preachers must busily exhorte the people And cheiefly the preachers shall call the people frō that vngodlines thorow whiche some faste vnto sayntes either of inioyned satisfaction as they call it or of theyr owne wylles or that they maye obteine with that worke certeyne benifittes of the sayntes thē selues or that they may haue theyr intercession before God for certeyne benifittes For as we sayed before christian tastyng is a certeyne preparation of a true and faythfull prayer vnto God thorow Christ our Lorde and not a worke wherewyth God is worshypped by it selfe muche lesse wherewyth we might deserue anie thyng at the sayntes handes For wyth fastyng we humble oure selues and pray for remission of synnes and Origene in Leui. Ho. x. Chap. xvi Faste from euyl doinges absteine fom euyl communication conteyne frō euil thoughtes Touche not the stolen breade of peruers doctrine desire not the deceyuable meate of philosophie whiche maye seduce the frō the truth Suche a fast pleaseth god Item Athasius de virginitate for the holy goste wherby we may do those thinges that be acceptable vnto God which neuertheles are onely acceptable thorowe Christe not for oure merite bycause that God onely is to be called vpon and worshypped of vs and not the sayntes And forasmuche as the true maner of fastyng is so muche corrupted and excesse in meates and drynkes so much encreased that some on the fastynge dayes wyll absteyne verie straitly from meate and some tymes from drynke to vsynge onely water whiche the next daye and on the verie holie dayes of the saintes whereunto they prepared thē selues wyth fastynge are not ashamed to drynke tyll they be dronken to lyue shamfully the preachers whiche thinge the holie fathers dyd also shall chiefely beate in abstinence frō synnes and all excesse and fleshly pleasures and they shall exhorte them to moderation and temperance of lyfe whiche thynge we reade that the Apostles did also Thus the people at length shal be broughte to true and godly fastyng ¶ Of holie oblations THE people muste diligently be taughte thys thynge that Christe is that only acceptable and propiciatorie Chrisostome in the epistle to the Hebr. Homeli xvii chapi ix And Cirill to the quenes of the ryght faythe do testifye of the one onely offeringe sacrifice thorowe whiche we obteyne of God grace saluation and al benifittes as all the prophetes and the Apostles wytnesse and chiefly the epistle to the Hebrues from the fourth Cha. vnto the tenth Nowe moreouer thorowe Christe we offre to god the father both our bodies and oure soules an acceptable sacrifice thorowe fayth vnto the prayse glorie of his name Whereunto S. Paule exhorteth vs Ro. xij saiyng I beseche you bretherne by the mercie of God that ye giue your bodies that is to saye your selues and your whole lyfe a lyuely sacrifice holy acceptable to God your reasonable seruice and frame not your selues after the figure of thys worlde etc. So Chap. xv He glorieth that he so administred the Gospoll of God that the offering of the heathen shoulde be acceptable sanctified thorowe the holie goste Suche a sacrifice is that also whereof the Psal li. syngeth A broken spirite and an humbled herte thorowe the true knowledge of synne and repentaunce for so he meaneth is a sacrifice vnto God For they which thorowe the gospell haue truly knowen Christ by Christ haue wholy yelded them selues vnto God whē being circūuēted of Satan ouercommed of theyr owne lustes they fal into great synnes and therefore be punished of God and exercised with sundrie afliction they offre to god in their prayers for grace an hert strycken wyth the repentaunce of synnes and touched with the feare of gods iudgemēt and an hūbled and brokē spirite Whē God conforteth these men agayne and lyfteth vp theyr conscience and deliuereth from all perils and tribulations they thāke God they glorifie hym and offre vnto hym a sacrifice of prayse the fruite of lyppes confessing vnto his name Hebr. xiij As the Psal Cvij wytnesseth rehearsyng vp the chiefest daungers and calamities wherewith God is wont to chastise and exercise men They cryed to the Lorde when they were aflicted and he deliuered them from theyr necessities wherefore they gyue thākes vnto the Lorde for his mercie and for his wonderful actes towardes the chyldren of men To these sacrifices of prayinge magnifiynge God and gyuynge of thankes the sacrifice of liberalitie towardes oure neighbours chiefly the needie is ioyned For with suche sacrifices we please God Hebr. xiij For when the godly praye for so ample benifites of God or gyue thankes for receyuyng the same thē the verie nature and proprietie of godlines requireth that for Gods sake and his prayse they be liberall and bountuous towardes the pore chiefely seynge that they knowe that God accepteth these benifittes as done vnto hym selfe For which cause God commaunded the fathers also in the olde testament that at those three yerelie feastes in which al the males should appeare in his syght they shoulde not come emptie before him but that euery mā should offre accordynge to his abilitie of that blessynge that euerie one had receyued of the Lorde Exod. xxij and Deut. xv Which oblations he would haue to be gyuen forth to susteine the Leuites wydowes orphanes straungers and other pore people And ther fore the olde churche reteyned
that custome that when they come togyther to heare the worde and to receyue the sacramentes the faythfull shoulde offre theyr oblations to the Lorde and consecrate them to hym for the vse of the pore Out of these places of the scripture and institution of the olde churche the preachers shall teache the people fyrste that the sacrifice of Christe is that onely propitiatorie sacrifice of good sauour whiche by it selfe is accepted to God the father and deserueth vnto vs forgyuenes of synnes grace and other benifittes of God and that it is the sacrifice which was shadowed in al the sacrifices of the law whiche made al the other acceptable vnto God As also the sacrifice of our selues and what so euer pleasaunte thynges we can do to God be allowed and accepted of God for respecte of thys onely propitiatorie sacrifice Without Christ there is nothynge acceptable No man can do any acceptable thynge wythout Christ Wherefore the preachers muste busely beate into the people that they thynke not that acceptable seruice or worshyppe maye be done vnto God with any sacrifice or oblation be it neuer so precious for the dignifie and worthines either of the thynge or of the offerer if the same sacrifice or oblation be not offered and made acceptable in Christe the Lorde thorowe his merite Secondly that they go not about to giue any other sacrifices to God thē those which we rehearsed before that is to say the sacrifice of them selues of a brused spirite and herte afflicted thorowe synnes Item a sacrifice of prayse and thankesgyuynge for the benifittes that they haue receyued wyth liberalitie towardes the pore and other thinges that make for the promotynge of the kyngdome of Christe Wherfore to offre to God great gyftes to buylde adourne and enriche tēples altares monasteries farther then that it prouoketh the religion of Christ wyth thys false opinion as thoughe these thynges were muche moore acceptable to God then if suche gyftes were bestowed vpon the pore for Christes sake be in no wise those sacrifices which God requireth or alloweth but wherewyth the wrath of God is more prouoked And therefore the people must be warned that corporal goodes must be offered to God for none other vse then that the religion of Christe maye be furthered that the holie ministerie maye be ordeyned and maynteyned that the necessitie of the pore maye be prouided for Finally that there maye be ministered to euerie bodie as muche as is needfull to lyue godly Therefore to buylde huge temples and to decke them wyth more thynges then be requisite to thys purpose that the congregation maye haue a comelie place whereunto they maye come togyther to heare Goddes worde to receiue the sacramentes and to do other thinges perteynyng to religion is not allowed of God For these thynges make nothing for the edification of faith in Christ or for the health of our neighbours wherevnto all christian mēnes benifites and good workes should be referred seing that Christ Iesus is the summe of all the commaundementes of God and th ende of the lawe that we I saye maye truly knowe him and take holde vpon hym so that we maye lyue in hym and he in vs. And further seinge that the ende of the law is loue out of a pure hert and good conscience and fayth vnfayued i. Timo. i. Therefore lette the thynge that S. Hierome teacheth haue place that is to wit that the temples of christen men muste be so builded and decked that out of them it may appeare our riches and glorie to be sette in the crosse of Christ and that we serue suche a Lorde that gathered his congregation in the moste pouertie of the worlde wythout golde The matter stode otherwise with the people of the olde testament wich had theyr peculiar rites theyr ceremonies theyr policie their ornamētes in the tabernacle and in the temple all whiche thynges after the cōmyng of Christe ceased That people had onely one temple whiche they decked wyth some outwarde gorgiousnes in the meane whyle neuertheles they were commaunded that they shoulde haue no begger amonge them Deut. xv In the daye of iudgemente when Christe shall pronounce the laste sentence of al men he shall say thus I haue hungred thyrsted I was naked a straunger weake in bondes and you ministered vnto me For what so euer ye dyd to one of these litleones I take it to be done vnto my selfe entre therefore into the kyngedome of my father whiche was prepared for you from the begynning But to those whiche haue not done these thynges to his litleones he shall saye Go into euerlastyng fyer etc. But we shal heare no mention made of buyldyng of temples and monasteries and deckynge of the same Let the pastours then teach the people to exhibite true worshippynges vnto God to decke his true and liuely temples that is to succour the pore and afflicted whiche be the true membres and bretherne of Christe Thys thynge God hym selfe dyd not onely commaunde vs but the holie fathers also require the same of vs. S. Ambrose wryteth thus in the .ij. boke of offices Chap. xx When the Lorde shal cōplayne and require why the goodes of the churche golde and costlie vessels were not bestowed vpon the vse of the pore and redemyng of prisoners if a man wyll laye the ornamentes of temples for his excuse and saye I was a feard lest the temple of God shoulde want ornamentes he shall heare of the Lorde Sacramentes require not golde neither do those thynges please by reason of golde whiche are not bought wyth golde The raunsomming of prisoners is the verie ornamēt of sacramentes and they be verie precious vesselles whiche redeme soules from death That is the true treasure of the Lord which worketh the same thynge that his bloude wrought Then sayeth he I acknowledge the vessel of the Lordes bloud when the chalice redemeth them from the enemie whom the bloud redemed from synne etc. But our naturall blyndnes and rebellion agaynste God causeth that we neuer worshyppe him according to his prescription And thorowe our naturall pryde and vngentlenes and neglectyng of our bretherne it cometh to passe that we thinke those thynges vaynly wasted and loste or not well bestowed whiche are spent vpon the needie and despised men before the worlde Therefore men fall so farre that they had leuer offre theyr gyftes to God for an ornament of wodde stones and deade bones and for the maynteinaunce of vnprofitable felowes then for the vse of the pore where as yet he testifieth that he wyll compte those thinges done vnto him selfe what so euer we bestowe vpon the pore for his sake promisyng that he wyl recompence the same in thys worlde and in the worlde to come Wherefore thys false and peruerse opinion of the fleshe muste be earnestly rebuked and diligently corrected that they maye omitte those sacrifices vnacceptable to god and that they succour the needie and afflicted persones wyth true sacrifices and acceptable to God And
purpose that we being many which receiue this sacramēt with tr●● faith shoulde be more and more vnited in ● one bodie euen the bodie of Christ and th● we should altogether abide and liue in hi● and he in vs after that we hade gotten the true communion of his bodie Thys is singulerly to be noted that the Apostle willinge to proue that we which in the holye supper of the Lorde are partakers of the Lordes bodye and bloude be one bodye added furthwith For al we be parttakers of one bread whereby he signifyed also the communion of one cuppe Lette vs than consider this reason of the Apostle diligentli For if we testifie and declare therebi that we are one bodye and one breade of Christ and that we truly receyue and obteyne the communion of Christes bodye and bloude from the Lordes table whā al we that come ●ogether to the Lordes table be parttakers ●f one breade and one cup two thinges suer ●● folow hereof one that they which in one ●ongregacion of the faythfull doe minister ●ore than one supper of the Lord testifie of ●●em selues therby that they be not one bo●ye and one breade of Christ nether rightly ●●ceiue nor haue the cōmunion of the Lordes ●odye and bloude The other is that they ●hiche be present at the Lordes supper and ●●eyue not the sacramentes testifie by thys ●●eir abstinences from the lordes table that ●● wil not be a mēber with other Christi●●s whyche receyue the sacramentes that they wyll not be one bodye with them and one breade of Christe if they be sufficiently enstructed of thys institution of the Lorde and haue not a lawful cause to abstaine frō the sacramentes Therefore for thys verye cause that the Lord conmanded vs to do that in his holie supper that he himselfe dyd and he celebrated it wyth those hys disciples only whych had wholy giuen thēselues to hys doctrine and euer folowed hym and celebrated one supper only the prechers shal obserue two thynges First they shall teach and exhorte the people wyth all diligence that in thys most holy sacrament they shewe them selues the true disciples of the Lord that is to saye such as putte al their trust in the Lord hymself and haue bound them selues wholy to his worde and folowe the fame studiously in al thinges For thus the lord sayeth Iohn iij. If ye abyde in my worde ye are my disciples in deade But they that wyll declare themselues to be faythful ministres of the Lorde in the administracion of these misteries shall not admitte anie other to the lordes supper but such as be tried and haue confessed before the congregacion that they haue giuen thē selues to the Lorde and haue proued the same with theyr life as the Lord also celebrated the supper wyth chosen disciples Secondly that in one cōgregaciō of the faythfull one supper be ministred and that the pastour himself celebrate it if he may by anie meanes at such tyme whan the whole congregacion is wont to come together as vpon sondayes and holye dayes if so be there shal be present that wyl communicate as men that be one bodye and one breade of Christ and are so outwardly also ioyned together of the Lord that thei pertain to one congregacion and pastoral cure and receiue the communiō of the Lord out of one bread and one cuppe The seconde thynge that the Lorde dyd in his supper is this he gaue thanges to the father and that in such language as the disciples might vnderstand al thinges and be sterred vp wyth hym to prayse God For whyche cause the pastours shall warne the people firste that in the administracion of thys sacrament we must gyue thankes to God throughe oure Lorde Iesus Christe for al the benifites that he hath gyuen and giueth to vs dayly and cheifely for that benifite out of whyche al other come and be made true benifites vnto vs I meane that he so loued vs that he gaue vs hys sonne a redemer that all that beleue in him shoulde not perishe but haue euerlasting lyfe Iohn iij. wherefore he hath giuen vs all thynges wyth hym Ro. viij remyssion of synnes the spirite of adoption and al thinges that may dooe vs good ether in body or soule in this lyfe or in the life to come Secondly that the prieste and ministre of this sacrament in gyuinge thankes to God giueth thankes in his owne name and in the name of the whole cōgregacion wherfor the people must lyft vp theyr mindes and herkē to the thinges that are spoken of the priest that thei maye praise and thanke God together with the preist For in thys giuinge of thankes as Chrisostome well warneth all thinges must be commune betwene the people and the prieste where vnto all men that be present are called whan the preiste saieth lifte vp your hertes Item lette vs giue thankes to oure Lord God And they promise the same whan they Answer we haue vnto the Lord. It is worthi and right For in old time as S. Cipriane testifieth whan the prieste or ministre sayde lyfte vp your hertes the people aunswered we haue vnto the Lorde But all these thinges must be done before the Lord in spirite and truth Wherefore the people must wyth all dyligence ioyne they● myndes wyth the wordes of the priest tha● with one hert one mouth thei may magnifi and thank God with him The. iii. and principal poynt in the Lordes supper is this that he distributed the bread and the cuppe to al and bad al take both that al should eate the bread and drink of the cup and added This is mi bodi which is giuē for you This is mi bloud of the new Testamēte which for you and for many is shed furth vnto the remyssion of sins Out of these wordes of the Lord the pastour shal teach the people with great reuerēce and diligence that this is the principal point and work in the supper of the Lord that sacramētes be distributed according to the insttituciō of our Lorde Iesus Christ and receyued with true faith in Christ with this faith I saie that we certanly beleue that our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe is here present in the midest of vs and that he himself though i● be bi the ministerie of the church doth truly giue vs his body blod and together althinges whatsoeuer he obteined deserued by the offryng of his bodye on the crosse I meane remissiō of sins the euerlastyng couenant of Gods grace the blessed adoption of God that we be the sons heires of God ●is coheires Out of these thinges y● pastors ●hal teach warne the peple with al possible ●iligence First that they come to these most deuyne misteries not as the common sorte were wont to do heretofore wyth cold myndes far from a faythful and religious consideration of the thynges that bee here executed but that they sterre vp theim selues and come with a godly burning desyre of Christ flamynge furthe
Mathew Marcke Luke and Paule clearely describe vnto vs as we shewed before Who is he than whiche beinge well admonished hereof wil not cōclude furthwith that al they that wil christianely and holesomely handle this sacrament must consider and folowe as S. Ciprian very godly warneth not that that some other hath done before vs no not what the hole world doth or thyncketh to be done but what Christe the Lord dyd and cōmaunded to be done which is before al thinges whych is the maker and redemer of the world nether only the highest amonge vs but also our only master and teacher and finaly they must further consyder that all they whyche dare other wise administer this sacrament do administer it vnworthyly that is to say other wise than it be cometh and thei do make them selues gyltie of the body and bloud of the Lord. The fautes that we haue cōmitted heretofore in this most holy mistery vsing it otherwyse than the Lord cōmaunded the Lord hath mercifully forgeuē vnto his which haue put al their trust in him his merite not in the worke of the sacramēt other mynistred or receiued But we to whom the lorde hath giuen sure knoledge of his instituciō and commaundemēt shal not be pardonned if we neglect the thing that Christ did in this sacrament and commaunded vs to do preferring that befor the Lords institution that hath ben brought in by men swaruynge from hys worde and cōmaūdmēt Before al thinges the pastours must labour to take out of mennes myndes that false and wicked opinion wherebi men thincke communly that the prieste in masses offreth vp Christe oure Lorde to God the father after that 〈◊〉 ●●at wyth hys intention and prayer he 〈◊〉 Christe to become a newe and acceptable sacryfice to the father for the saluacio●●●●en applyeth and communicateth the 〈◊〉 of the passion of christ and of the sauing ●●●rifice wherebi the lord hym selfe offred h●●●●lfe to the father a sacrifice the crosse to ●hem that receiue not the same with theyr owne fayth For to make men partakers in the supper of the Lorde of the sacrifice and merite of oure Lorde Iesu Christe the minister canne helpe no more than that firste he exsibite and ministre the holye supper as the Lord instituted and than faythfully declare and celebrate religiously the ministerie of it the redemption and communion of oure Lord Iesus Christe and further more dispense the sacramentes whereby he maye stirre vp and confirme in them that be present tru faith in Christ by which faith euerye man maie him selfe apprehend and receyue the merite and sacrifice of Christe as gyuen vnto hym Fynaly that he praye for suche fayth to all men in the name of the hole congregacion and of his owne charite For he that without hys owne fayth ether ministreth thys supper of the Lorde or is presente at it or receyueth it pulleth damnacion vpon hym selfe and is made gyltie of the Lor●s body and blond But it is plaine that 〈…〉 euerie where in this errour that they beleue if they be present whan the prieste sayeth masse and take parte of the masse only wyth theyr presence that this verie worcke and sacrifice of the preiste whereby he offer●●● th● sonne to the father for their sinnes that 〈…〉 setteth him before the father with his 〈…〉 prayer is of suche efficacie that it turneth al euil from them and bringeth them al felicite of bodie and soule though they continue in all maner of sinnes and mischeues againste God and their cōsciēce and nether perceiue or receyue the sacramentes oute of the masse but onely beholde the outwarde action as a spectacle and honour it wyth bowynge of knes and other gestures and signes of veneracion But what more spightfull shame can be doone to goddes maieste and to the kynge of glorye Iesu Christe than that thys moste diuine sacrament whiche he himselfe instituted and commended vnto vs that throught it we shoulde be confirmed in fayth towardes hym and shoulde dye more and more to sinnes and liue more fully in hym is so peruerted that of goddes instituciō it is made a playn inuention of manne and suche one that men trust moste in it against God and our Lorde Christe For thorowe thys worke of the masse thei are made more careles and stronger in theyr synnes and contempte of Christe thynkynge that by that ceremonie the wrath of God is turned from them and all other euilles That the grace of God is gotten to them and all blisfulnes though thorowe theyr whole lyfe they be agaynste God and abuse all thynges agaynst God and that wythout anie earnest thoughte of repentaunce Wherefore the preachers shall enstruct the people wyth al diligence of this vngodlie truste of the worke and sacrifice of a priest and they shall call them frō the same by all maner of wayes And where as the holie fathers call the ministration of thys Sacrament a sacrifice and oblation and wryte sometyme that the priest in administrynge the supper offereth Christe let the preachers knowe and teache other when neede shall be that the holie fathers by the name of a sacrifice vnderstode not application whiche was deuised a great whyle after the fathers and preuaised wyth other abuses but a solemne remembraunce of the sacrifice of Christe as Augustine expouneth it For whyle the supper of the Lorde is ministred as the Lorde instituted it the sacrifice of Christe is celebrated and exhibited therein thorowe the preachynge of his death and distribution of the sacramentes that al they whiche rightly vse the holie supper receiue the fruit of this sacrifice The pastours shall warne moreouer that it is no smal abuse of thys Sacrament that it is wonte to be set forth and caried about to be gased vpō and to be worshypped wyth golde and syluer and other suche carnall ornamentes and that wyth thys opinion as though thys cariynge aboute and shewing forth and outwarde worshppyng of the Sacramēt were able to turne away all incōmodities though they do not once thynke of true repentaunce of sinnes fayth in our Lorde Iesus Christ Wherfore we wyl in anie wyse that the pastours hereafter set not forth nor cary about the Sacramēt wyth lyke diligence they shal teache the people that the Lorde instituted and commended to all that beleue in hym both partes of the Sacrament the cuppe no lesse then the bread that in them they might receyue his bodie and bloude For thus it is in Paule I receyued of the Lorde that that I deliuered also vnto you But the Apostle deliuered to the whole congregation of the Corhinthians the communion aswell of the cup as of the breade Wherefore some make a rashe and a lyght argumēt that the Lorde in his supper gaue the whole Sacrament to his Apostles whiche were all priestes and that we can not gather therof that the cuppe must be also gyuē to the lay mē For in thys Sacrament saith S. Chrisostome and that out of the testimonies of the
the lord we wyll celebrate to morowe by goddes grace the most holye supper of oure Lorde Iesu Christ where in he hath giuen vs hys flesh for meate and his bloud for drincke to confirme oure fayth and verie christane life it is conuenient that euerye man trye hym selfe with greate diligence as S. Paule exhorteth vs. For thys sacrament was giuen of the Lord for singuler cōsolacion and comforte to wretched and afflicted consciences which do ernestly fele and confesse their sinnes whyche be striken with the feare of the wrath of god and of death and hongre and thurste the rightuousnes of God But if euerie one of vs will examen oure selues as S. Paule teacheth we shall fynde none other thynge but all maner of horrible sinnes and euerlastinge death which we haue deserued thorought oure synnes For the rewarde of sinne is death frome whyche we can by no meanes deliuer oure selues Wherefore our Lord Iesus Christ taking pitie vpon vs was made man for oure synnes that he myght fulfyll the lawe and the whole wil of God for vs and procure our saluacion and that he hymselfe might suffer death and al that we had deserued thorough our sinnes only for vs and our redēption Which thing that we might firmely beleue and that thorough faith we might ioyfully lyue after his will whā supper was ended he toke breade gaue thankes and brake it sayinge take eate this is my bodye that is gyuen for you that is to saye that I am made man and further whatsoeuer I do and suffer all that is yours and it is giuen to you and is done for your saluacion For the testificacion and confirmacion whereof and that you maye daily a hide liue more more in me and I in you I giue my bodye vnto you to be meate and meate of euerlastynge lyfe After the same maner he toke the cuppe also saiyng Take drincke of thys all thys is the cuppe of the new testament in my bloude whiche is shed furth for you and for many vnto remission of synnes As often as ye shall do thys do it in the remembraunce of me that is to saye seinge that I haue now taken the charge of you and haue translated your synnes vpon me I will deliuer miselfe vnto death for thē I wil shedde mi bloude I wil deserue grace and remission of sinnes for you and I wyll sette vp a newe testament wherein synnes shal be perdoned and all remembraunce of thē shal be abolished For a pledge and witnesse of al these thynges and to cōfirme and further my life in you I giue you my bloud to drincke He than that eateth of this breade after thys sorte and dryncketh of the cuppe and firmely beleueth these wordes whiche he heareth of the Lorde and signes whiche he receiueth eateth truly holesomely the flesh of Christ and drinketh his bloude and more fully receiueth in to him selfe hole God and man with al his merites and fauour where wyth the father embraceth hym wyth the ryght and participation of euerlainge lyfe he abydeth in Christ the Lorde and the Lord in him he shal liue for euer Let vs thā god li recompēse these thinges with our selues let vs confirme and ster vp our faith in him lette vs celebrate the remembraunce of hym worthely let vs most studoyusly in al oure wordes and dedes exalte his death resurreccion heauenlye glorie and kingdome let vs reioyse in our owne behalfe that this sonne of God died for our sinnes rosse againe forour instificacion ascended into heauen and reigneth at the right hand of the father furthermore lette vs couragiousli euerie one of vs take vp our crosse and valiantly folowe this our capitaine and loue one another according to his cōmaundemēt as he loued vs. For al we are one bread one bodi because we be parttakers of one breade and one cup. After this praier there shall a praier be made for al the necessites of the congregaciō and cheifely for those men which shall communicate the nexte daye And whan the people haue ended their secrete praier the minister shal cōclude the preparacion with this collecte Almightie euerlastinge God heauealye father because we can please the only in thy deare sonne sanctifie our bodies and soules and graunte vs that to morowe we maye receiue the holesome communion of him in his holie supper with a godlie and faithfull desier and all thanckefulnes that beinge confirmed agayne conceruynge thy perpetual mercie and loue towardes vs and euer goinge forwarde in a new life we maye liue vnto the and serue the thorough our Lorde Iesus Christ with more feare and studie to the prayse of thy name and profyte of thy people A men ¶ How the Lordes supper must be celebrated Whan the people be come to gether vnto this ministration for asmuch as it is agreable to godlines that as often as we appere before the lorde before althinges we should acknowledge and confesse our sinnes and praye for remission of the same the minister whiche shall administer the Lordes supper whan he shal come to the altare shall make a confession in the name of the whole cōgregacion and that in the douche tonge whiche al maye vnderstande after this sorte Almightye euerlastinge God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe the maker of all thynges the iudge of all men we acknowlege and we lament that we were conceiued and borne in sinnes and that therefore we be prone to al euils and abhorre from all good thynges that we haue also transgressed thy holie commaundmentes with out ende and measure in despisinge the and thy worde in distrustinge thy aide in trusting our selues and the worlde in wycked studies and workes where with we haue most greuousli offended thy maiestie and hurted oure neighboures Therefore we haue more and more buried oure selues in to eternall death And we are sorie for it with al our hertes and we desire pardone of the for al the thinges that we haue commited agaynst the we calle for thy helpe against sinne dwellinge in vs and Satan the kendler thereof kepe vs that we do nothyng hereafter against the and couer the wickednes that remaneth in vs with the rightuousnes of they sonne and represse it in vs with thy spirite and at length purdge it cleane out Haue mercye vpon vs most gentle father thorough thy sonne oure Lord Iesus Christe Giue and encrease thy holye spirite in vs which maie teach vs to acknowlege our synnes truly and thoroughly and to be pricked wyth a liuelye repentaunce of the same and with true fayth to apprehend and retayne remission of them in Christ our Lord that dyinge to sinnes dailye more and more we maie serue and please the in anewe lyfe to the glorie of thy name and edifiynge of thy congregacion For we acknowledge that thou iustly requirest these thynges of vs wherefore wee desire to perfourme the same Vouchsafe thou o father of heauen which hast giuen vs a wil to graunte vs also that we
thy seruauntes that peace whiche the worlde can not gyue that our hertes beinge wholy cōsecrated to thy cōmaundementes and the feare of our enemies being remoued oure tyme thorowe thy protection maye be wythout stormes and quiet thorowe oure Lorde etc. An other Collecte The minister Entre not Lorde into iudgemente wyth thy seruaunt The Quier For no liuing creature shal be iustified in thy syght The minister Almightie God which knowest that we beinge in the middest of so great perels can not stande by reason of mannes weakenes graunt vs saluation of bodie and soule that by thy healpe we may ouercome those thinges whiche aflicte vs for oure synnes thorowe our Lorde etc. ❧ Of cōmune almes IT is the propre and necessarie office of euerie cōgregation rightly ordred and instituted to prouide that none amonge thē want necessarie thynges to lyue well and godly but that euerie mā whom God hath broughte and enioyned to eche cōgregation be ministred vnto asmuche as shall suffice hym to lyue godly and moreouer that they procure that no mā liue idly and be burtheuous to other to which ministerie the primitiue churche appointed Stephane wyth his cōpanions Act. vi Wherefore we wyll also procure that in euerie cōgregation some mē of notable godlines wysedome and faythfulnes beinge approued by the testimonies of euerie cōgregatiō shal be appointed by the visiters as many as shal seme to suffice for that purpose in euerie place These men shal note the names of all needie folke and shall diligētly obserue in what neede euerie man is and howe he liueth and they shal also exhort euerie man to worke accordynge to his strēgth and shal withdrawe almes frō them that cā worke and wyl not according to the saiynge of Paule he that worketh not lette hym not eate It shall perteyne to these prouostes of the holy almes to laye vp in the ecclesiasticall treasurie all maner almes and oblatiōs that godly men shal offre to the Lorde in the congregatiō or giue priuately and therout they shal distribute to pore folke according to euerie mānes necessitie and shal giue an accōpte of al that they receyue and lay forth to thē whom we wyll appoynt thereunto And that mē may offre their giftes to the Lorde more liberally we wyl that there be a peculiar place and chest ordeyned in euerie tēple for this purpose not farre frō the alter that it maye be in the sighte of al the people And the preachers shall diligently exhorte the people that they appeare not emptie before the Lorde chiefely vpon sūdaies and as oftē as a great cōpanie is gathered together when baptisme is ministred the Lordes supper cōfirmation the blessing of mariage and when men resorte together to a buriall Itē as oftē as mē priuately either desire the healpe of God in some greate necessitie or gyue thākes to God for singuler benifitee as whē the Lorde hath sent or remoued diseases or other daungers or hath otherwyse dealte bountuously wyth vs. Furthermore we wyll that the foure offeryng daies in a yere be kept that thei which communicate at the Lordes table may offre some gifte foure tymes in the yere whiche thing they ought to do no we the more gladly for that that they knowe that they truly offre to Christ him selfe in his mēbres according to his worde wherfore they shal heare in time to come that blessed voice Come the blessed of my father possesse a kyngdome prepared for you frō the begynnynge of the worlde for I hungred and you gaue me to eate etc. We wyl also prouide by the healpe of God that in no parte of these ablations of the faythfull be gyuen to anie bodie but suche as neede in deede and chiefely to Citizins and Iudwellers of euerie place and amonge those to them principally that be in greatest neede as to widowes Orphanes sicke folke such as be otherwise oppressed with nede miserie Finalli asmuch as may be spared shall also be giuen to straungers And forasmuche as this maner of gatherynge and distributing the offerynges and almes of the faythfull was taught of God him selfe both in the newe testament and in the olde the faythfull wyl gladly applie thē selues therunto and wil much rather cōferre these their almes into the cōmune treasurie of the cōgregatiō thē distribute the same to poure folke after their owne myndes For when most approued mē shal be made ouerseers of this matter by the hole cōgregatiōs after the institution of the holie goste what man is there that wyl stande so much in his owne conceyte that he wyll not beleue that suche men shall both se better than he hymselfe canne in whome Christ the Lorde is to be cherished and wyth a more sincere iudgement distribute to the membres of Christe For God is not absente with his blessinges from his owne institucions As for commen almes remayninge and other reuenues giuen to the Lord for the vse of the poore Item the goodes that fraternites haue for the same liberalite we wyl procure that they shal be broughte together by the visitours into the commune treasurie of euerye cōgregacion that al poore folke maie be more lyberally succoured It is a verye harde thinge and full of busines to minister thinges necessarie for lyfe to all persones that nede neuertheles bi the helpe of Christ the Lorde wee wyll so order this promision for the pore and cause it so to be administred that we doubte not it shall shortely come to passe that al maner of necessarie thinges shal be liberally ministred to all such as nede vn fainedly and that wilful beggerie shal be taken awaye and euerye man putte to such labour as shal be profitable and comodious for him so that he shal burthen no man with out cause If theyr remainie in anye plase hospitalles for poore people for orphanes for olde men and women for sicke and leprosse persones we shal procure that the same shal be diligently loked vpon and reformed that nedie and miserable folke for whome those prouisions were made maye haue consolacion and comforte from thens as largely and cōmodiously as maye be And the cheife deacons of congregacions and wardens of the holie treasure shal haue charge of them so that by them whiche heretofore haue had the procuration of such hospitalles all thynges shal be so administred as they were first instituted that all the necessites of the faythful maie be most commodiously holpen and succourred accordynge to the Lordes commaundment and that alfautes and incommodites whyche are wounte to crepe into these holi institutions shal be resisted in tyme and that effectuosly ❧ Of erectinge of Scholes for Children GOd hath comprehended in the writinges of the prophetes and the Apostles hys doctrine of saluacion whereby he bringeth men to euerlastinge life and sheweth vs awaye to calle vpon him and to praye to hym fore thinges that be verie necessarie to passe furth this present life handsomely and honestly He hath cōmaūded that men be taught this