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A02895 The pageant of popes contayninge the lyues of all the bishops of Rome, from the beginninge of them to the yeare of Grace 1555. Deuided into iii. sortes bishops, archbishops, and popes, vvhereof the two first are contayned in two bookes, and the third sort in fiue. In the vvhich is manifestlye shevved the beginning of Antichriste and increasing to his fulnesse, and also the vvayning of his povver againe, accordinge to the prophecye of Iohn in the Apocalips. ... Written in Latin by Maister Bale, and now Englished with sondrye additions by I.S.; Acta Romanorum pontificum. English Bale, John, 1495-1563.; Studley, John, 1545?-1590? 1574 (1574) STC 1304; ESTC S100602 276,183 440

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space as fourty dayes driue out the other and kepe the place him selfe Leo seing him selfe reft of the renowne and thus defaced euen by his owne familiar frend on whome he had heaped so many benefites conceiued so great thought that immediatly he died thereof 56 Christopher the first CHristopher the first was of so base linage that neither his countrie nor his fathers name was knowen Hee hauing shoued out Leo and his concubines ayding him thereto wan the Popeship by strong hande But as he gate it naughtely so was he shamefully thrust out again by one Sergius the peramour of one Marozia a notable harlotte and beawtifull concubine who sought to place him selfe in it So Christopher was put downe the vii moneth of his Popeship And as Platina sayth compelled to be a Mōke whiche thing was then become the refuge of all caytiffes And afterwarde he was againe pulled out of the Monasterie by the same Sergius and caste into a straight pryson where at length in muche misery and sorowe he died Anno 905. 57 Sergius the third SErgius the thirde when as he was but a Deacon gaue a proude attempt to aspire to the Popedome and was in dede chosen thereto with great tumult among the people when Formosus was chosen But taking the foyle he fled into Fraunce but nowe espying his oportunitie by the aide of Charles Simplex king of Fraunce and Adelbert Marques of Thuscia he returned by stelth into Rome And as it is sayde he deposed Christopher apprehended him and clapte him in pryson inuaded violently the Popes place Being setled and remembring his ranke mallice againste Formosus not withstanding the long time that had since passed and eight Popes betwene Formosus and him yet freshly to reuenge his olde grudge Hee the seconde tyme toke vp the karkasse of the sayd Formosus out of his graue after it had lyen thus long setting it in y Popes chaire did drawe him from thence agayne and as if he had bene a liue strake of his head And where as since his laste mangling he had but three fingers remaining on his right hād Sergius chopped of those also After all this he caused his body and all these peeces therof to be hurled into the riuer Tiber as if he had not bene worthy to lye amōg Christiās And yet not satisfied with this reuenge hee defaced condemned and disanulled al his actes so that it was then nedefull to admitte them a newe to their orders whome he being aliue thought mete to make priestes He compelled the Romaines to subscribe to this for feare of the Frenche king This Sergius among other newe ceremonies appointed that the people should beare candels on the daye of the purification of the Uirgin Mary whereupon it is yet called Candelmasse daye to geue their bodies vnnecessary light at noone daye because their soules wanted their necessary light at all times This lasciuious Pope begat a bastarde which was afterwarde Pope Iohn the twelfth whome he had by the moste shamelesse harlotte Marozia So Luthprandus testifieth in the thirde booke and xii chapter De gestis Imperat. This and other like prankes among harlottes and bawdes he practised euen in his Popeship At the time of whose death Anno. 913. there were sene in the element great flakes of fier running to and fro 58 Anastasius the third ANastasius the thirde after Sergius all their vnclenlye ceremonies being obserued was elected Pope But some write of him that he did neither good nor euill in his time and therefore is he more commendable They wryte that in his time the bodye of Pope Formosus was founde by certaine fyshers in the ryuer Tiber and so taken vp and with great worship buried in S Peters pallaice and as some are not a shamed to fayne the Images of the church did salute it whyle it was burying A notorius vntruthe and grosse blasphemie against God although in the tyme of suche blindnesse God might suffer Sathan to moue and sturre the Idols before these idolatours as in times past the diuel● hath doone when he spake and gaue oracles and prophecies out of Idols Anastasius died Anno. 915. 59 Laudo the first LAudo the firste being a fruytfull Prelate in begetting children as Petrus Premonstratensis sayth hee begat Pope Iohn the xi in detestable adultrye This Popes life sayth Platina was so obscure that some do not recken him among the Popes especially Vincentius This Laudo as it appeareth spent the more parte of his chast life as chastitie went then among harlottes till at the length he was destroyed among them For one Theodora the Lady that gouerned Rome a shamelesse curtezane could not longer forbeare the company of her louer Iohn Archbishop of Rauenna who was apparent sonne to this Pope Laudo Rauenna sayth Luthprandus was two hundred myles from Rome whereby Theodora could not so often enioye the byshop her louer and therefore she caused him to giue ouer Rauenna and to vsurpe the Popes place in despite of the auncientes of Rome Here sayth Funcius a man might demaūde which of al these Popes did erre from the truth seing they were all called holy fathers and heads of the vniuersall churche Let the Popes partakers aunswere if they can 60 Iohn the eleuenth IOhn the eleuenth borne at Rauenna the bastard and adulterous sonne of his forefather Laudo as saythe Praemontratensis he obtained the Popedome by right of inheritaunce though whoredome were his ayde For thus wryteth Luthprandus in his seconde booke and thirtene chapter of Emperours Theodora an impudent harlot and the Lady of Rome burning in fleshly lust was so enflamed with the comlye countenaunce of this Iohn comming to Rome that she did not only request him but compelle him to satisfie her carnall desire For the whiche afterwarde she made him byshop firste of Bononia secondly Archebishop of Rauenna and thirdly to obtaine her filthy pleasure more conueniently she made him Pope of Rome Thus at this tyme was the holy mother churche subiect to an harlot ruled only by her and is made an whore according to the xvii chapter of the Apocalips This Iohn hauing a warlike courage played rather the warriour then the byshop For when the Sarasins wasted Calabria Apulia and Italy he putting him selfe in armour stew a number of them in these countries draue them cleane out As cōcerning the ende of this man thus wryteth Luthprandus in his thirde booke and xii chapter In the meane time Guido Marques of Thuscia began to conferre earnestly and diuise with his wife Marozia the doughter of the saide Theodora howe he might depose this Iohn Guido had many souldiours gathered together at Rome the which apprehending Pope Iohn in Lateran pallayce Anno. 928 cast him in prison and holding a pillowe to his mouthe did smother him to death very miserably After his death they set vp Iohn the twelth the bastard sonne of this Marozia whome she had by Pope Sergius Thus the young harlot Marozia for the aduauncement of her
and vniust dealinge which the Popes haue vsed seing that seate of Rome hath sustaind within so fevve yeares so manye leude persons tyrantes theues filchers robbers rebels adulterers and open purloyners of Church goodes And who in Gods name vvill reuerence that as holye which receiueth so many plagues but as yet the nomber of the wicked ones is not fulfilled as shal follow immediatlye c. The ende of the fourth Booke THE FIFTE BOOKE contayninge the thirde diuision of the thirde order of Popes or Romaine Antichristes in the kingdome of the greate Dragon which is the deuill and sathan Apocalips 20. vnto the time of Innocentius the fourth FRō Ioan the eighte who was an harlot for the space of 146. yeares to this yeare being the thousand yere from Christe his incarnation Antichrist raigned like an harlot in the Churche of Rome pretending chastity in the meanetime Yet we see howe here the prophecye in Daniel 11. concerninge Antichriste was fulfilled contayned in these words And Antichrist shal be in the cōcupiscence of women We see in these former historyes howe these Popes haue liued in wantonesse royat whoredome and worse thē whoredome incest pride ambition robbinge and riflinge Churches coniuringe treason rebellion discention murders poysoninges such other detestable enormities So that according to the saying of Esaie they deserue rather to be called the Princes of Sodom thē the elders of the Church Consequentlye after the thousande yeare after Christes byrth it was prophesyed that the deuil should be let loose and this shal be called the kingdome of the great Dragon wherin the actes of the Popes do wonderfully aunsweare vnto it both in Syluester the second who wyth his Necromancye raysed the deuill from hell and hauinge coniured him vp did compounde wyth him for the Popedome And againe in Benedict the ix who made sacrifyce vnto the deuill in woodes and vppon mountayne toppes In Hildebrand or Gregorie the seuenth who toke counsaile of euill spirites and vsed other diuelish charmes beside other 81. Syluester the second SYluester the seconde was a Frenchman in profession a monke and called Gilbert before he was Pope He was of S. Benedicts order in an abbey at Florence where he being a yonge man and addicted whollye to deuilishe artes betoke himselfe to the deuill both bodye and soule Afterward forsaking that abbey he went into Spaine delightīg much in prophane sciences came to Hispalis vnto a certaine Philosopher being a Sarracen and expert in Magick of whom he learned much both sorcerye and ambitiō and began to deuise howe he might attaine to greate honour riches and thought in deede that coniuringe and Necromancye were the meetest wayes to come by hys purpose He had espyed before in the house of his host a certaine cōiuring booke and did his endeuour to steale it awaye but the Magician kept it so deuoutlye that Gilbert coulde not come by it therfore he inueigled the Magiciās doughter wyth whom beinge in the house he had good acquaintance ●o steale her fathers booke and let him haue a sight thereof the mayde fulfilled his request so he obtayned his purpose He hauing the booke went about to depart by stealth but fearing least this might endaunger his life for stealing the booke he gaue himselfe to the deuill vppon this condition that he should warrant him to passe safelye into Fraūce and to obtayne great dignityes He came into Fraunce taught the liberal Sciences so as many had him in admiration wherby he had a nomber of scholers and auditors some of great calling that learned the former artes of him as Cōstantine abbot of Maximin Lotharius Archbishop of Seuen Otho the Emperours sonne Roberte kinge of Fraunce wyth sondrye other bishops prelats priestes of Rome By the procurement of these parsons he was made first bishop of Remen afterward by his leude artes he obtayned to be Archbishop of Rauenna Last of all he obtayned to be Pope of Rome by the helpe of the deuill whom he w t coniuration raysed out of hell according to the xx of the Apocalips For Peter Praemonstratensis other wryters saye that he was made Pope in the Thousande yeare of our Lords Incarnation In the which yere sayth Masfeus was a great and terrible earthquake and a blasinge starre horrible to loke vppon the xiiii day of December In his Popedome he concealed his coniuring and dissembled that familiarity which he had with the deuill but yet he kepte in a certaine secrete place a brasen heade of which when he demaunded anye thinge hee receyued aunsweare of an euil spirit At the length in his pontificality he would needes demaūde of the deuil how longe he should be Pope the deuill aunswered doubtfullye and misticallye sayinge he should not dye vntill he sayd Masse in Hierusalem He therfore conceyuing good hope of longe life began to ware carelesse thinking to take heede enoughe of comminge in Hierusalem But the vse was that on a certaine day of stations in the Lent time the Popes should say masse at Rome in the Pallayce of the holy Crosse which was called Hierusalem wherevppon Syluester not fearinge his life nor heedefull enoughe to forecast the deuils despite accordinge to custome said masse in the same Chappel And by by a terrible shyueringe and quakinge came vppon him wyth a great feuer and by the rumbling noyse of deuils as Peter Praemōstratensis Platina say he perceyued his death was at hand and that he must paye the deuill his fee. And thus bewayling lamenting openly the abuse of his charmes he confessed his fault til he perished miserablye And sayth Benno he commaunded his tongue and his handes to be cut of wherewith he had blasphemed God in sacrifisinge vnto deuils thus he dyed Anno 1003. The reporte is that the tombe of this Syluester doth euer since prognosticate the death of the Pope by the ratlinge of the bones and the gushing out of water that ryseth out of the groūd about it as also sayth Platina is testifyed by the Epitaphe written on his graue 82. Iohn the 19. IOhn the 19. an Italian did likewise succeede Syluester and gat to be Pope by the deuils ayde for sayth Benno the scholers of the sayde Syluester being coniurers euerye one gaped for the Popedome This Iohn did take from the people the election of the Pope sayinge in behalfe of his doing that the clergye must teache the people but not followe them And againe the lawe which is ruled by Gods spirite is more worthye then that which is mans lawe He allowed commaunded to establishe in all Churches the feast of al soules at the motiō of one Odiloe abbot of Clunie whoe dreamed that soules were deliuered oute of Purgatorye by vertue of the masse and sayd that he harde the deuils houle and roare while the soules were takē frō them through dirges trentalles After he had raigned 5. monthes he was poysoned by his owne frendes In his time the name of Cardinals began to grow
peace draw on the time is nie at hand That tyrants rage shal shortned be er many years be rōne This cruel kind that ioyes in bloud shal wasted be done Rome hath beheld her prelats al ēbrewd in their own gore Three cruel ones yet shal she se and then shal be no more The death of next Melchiades shal ende the bloudy age His karkas being buried then peace shal all assuage 31. Melchiades MElchiades an Aphrican being a man very religious and a leader of the Christiā flocke proceaded in preaching the Gospell and in the affaires of the truthe so farre vntill he spent his bloud for it vnder Maximinianus Galerius And in the profession thereof died Anno 314. Reade the Ecclesiasticall history of Eusebius bishop of Caesaria concerning manifolde and vnaccustomed cruell deathes of the sainctes of that time Cursulanus Platina Stella and other the Popes flatterers doe falsely father vpon these martyrs whole loades of decrees and lyes that the lewde inuentions of their ceremonies might be established by the authoritie of these men For they are not afraide for the aduauncement of the Popes trone with these vnclenly dregs to staine the bloud of sainctes and defile this beautiful face of the primatiue churche being through continuall persecution euer agreable to Christe the head therof But what wyse man can thinke that suche simple ministers and pastours of Gods worde as the bishops then were dwelling in holes dennes and corners and looking for nothing but dayly death vnder tyrantes should haue minde of pontificall pompe stately buildinges or Papisticall solemnities when as they had neither churches nor dwelling houses The churche as yet obtained no peace they liued not yet in vnprofitable idlenes neither had they the chiefe pleasures of the worlde But those were the imaginations which false prophetes according to their custome deuised for their bellies sake But Sabellicus speaking of the saluage persecution of the churche vnder Dioclesian saythe alleaging it out of Eusebius that the Christian flocke was plaged at this time by the iudgement of God because sinne began to growe vp in the churche aboue measure and the priestes seemed nowe rather to sauour of tyranny and not humilitie and therefore when this persecutiō came it was rather a reformation of the churche corrupted by ease and peace then a scattering thereof Whereby it semeth that euen then God geuing but a pauze of persecution and whyle tyranny did but staye to breathe it selfe they began to decline and growe crooked yet is it not to be thought that they were caried so farre away as yet to newe fashiō and transport with māglinges addicions the Christian religion as the Papistes dreame they did And thus is the popishe synagoge groūded on vntruthe But it were a fond matter to beleue these scoffes toyes contriued for priestes aduauntage as our forefathers haue done we should rather trie of what spirites they be as S. Iohn commaūdeth whether they be of God or no. Iohn 4. For many false prophetes haue crept into the worlde Hetherto the pastors were starres shining in the firmament of the churche as well in life and manners as in doctrine and preserued in his right hande who walked in the middest of the seuen candelstickes Apocal. 1. Hetherto they were counted Angels reuealing the euerlasting wyll of almighty God purely without mans diuices 32. Syluester the first AFter that Melchiades was put to death Syluester a Romaine succeded in the ministery of the woorde but because that the tyrant Maximinus continued his bloudy persecution against the Churche Syluester was fayne to hide him selfe and to lyue solitarily in the hille Soracte But at the length it pleased God to laye his terrible hand vpon the persecutour Maximinus forcing the tyrant to reclaime his cruel decrees against the Christians Touching the death of Maximinus who among other tyrantes was a Scorpion to the Christians it is to be noted that Eusebius writeth first in the eight booke and 28. chapter of his ecclesiastical history thus First in the secrete partes of his body arose an impostume then in his bowels grewe a fistulowe within the whiche a great swarme of woormes and magettes gnawed and deuoured his guttes wherof arose a noysome stinke so ranke that no man could by any meanes abide it beside the ougly loathsom sight of the soare it selfe so that some of his phisicions not able for the horror of it to endure to dresse him were put to death by his cōmaundement Afterward the disease increasing all his body was swollen and rankled with it so that with extremitie of his panges and fainting through honger he fel down and lay sprawling on the grounde Then all his body by the hande of God was terribly enflamed and burned exceadingly odious to beholde so that the scorched fleshe being by little and little eaten awaye pyned and consumed he was so disfigured and deformed his feauter so vaded that a man could discerne no resemblance of his former shape His gastly and naked carkasse was euen as an image of drye bones And yet the glowing heate boyled more feruently so that the marrowe fried out of his bones and his eyes all moisture being wasted dropped out of his head Thus his limmes and members through scalding heate ranke disease rotting one from an other his body laye miserably as it were a graue to the soule vntil the tormentes thereof wrested out from his cancred harte to acknowledge Christe Iesus and to repent his bloudy persecuting the cause of this his woful ende the last persecutour Eusebius lib. 10. cap. 8. Furthermore it pleased the almighty to woorke so graciously in the hart of the noble Emperour Constantine that by his procurement the churche at the length obtained peace vniuersally so that euery mā might safely returne to his owne countrey and citie whereupon Syluester returned to Rome and was the firste Romaine byshop that escaped martyrdome There are many some indifferent but moste detestable grosse and fonde decrees falsely fathered vpō this Syluester as halowing of Chrismes geuing of orders confirming of children decking of churches couering of altars making masse priestes annoynting and attiring of them and of making the howsell to be God called deifying the host of worshipping and preseruing it Also touching coyfes hoodes corporals albes mitars palles cloathes churching kerchiefes for women rochettes sacrifices ceremonies chappels anoyling of the sicke with a rablement of diuers other Iewishe and Heathen ceremonies Platina Polidor Virgill and other the Popes parasites slaunder this Syluester that he tooke vpon him in steade of a golden crowne to weare a mitar after the Phrygian fashion Touching certaine miracles whiche are also with like credit sayde to be done by this Syluester Mantuan wryteth thus Fast. lib. 12. Men talke of many miracles that Syluester hath wrought But authour yet sufficient hath neuer forth ben brought Nor witnesse good to proue the same therfore I let alone Such things as fables fondly faind for our religion Condemneth toyes
straight charge that the priestes should be perfitte in the Popes decrees He sent these bishops Germanus into Englande Palladus into Scotlande and Patricke with a certaine Segetian into Irelande to roote out the Pelagian heresie He died Anno. 435. being put in among the number of confessours 12 Sixtus the thirde SIxtus the thirde a Romaine called the enricher of churches he builded the churche of S. Mary the greater after a miracle of snowe and enriched it with great giftes and garnished the pallayces with golde At the persuasion of a woman called Eudoxia he did hallowe Peters chaynes and appointed a yearely feaste daye in honour of them to be kept at Midsommer He died a confessour Anno. 440. and was buried in the citie About the yeare of our Lorde 456. Genesericus came out of Aphrica into Italy with a great armye against Rome and cōming thether he finding the citie empty inuaded it And for the space of xiiii dayes continually caried out the spoyle of it and toke away many prysoners 13 Leo the first LEo the first a Thuscane borne added to the masse these wordes to name it Sanctum sacrificium Immaculatā hostiam hanc oblationem whiche cannot be without blaspheming God haynously ▪ He like an Idolatour builded a pallayce in the honour of Cornelius a byshop and appointed clarkes to kepe the Apostles sepulchres He decreed that men should worship the images of the dead allowed the sacrifice of the masse he died a confessour Anno. 462. 14 Hilarius HIlarius borne in Sardinia a man daily exercised in building and beautifying of churches decked the post of Christe his crosse with golde and precious stones He made decrees by synodes proclayming them to be kept through the whole worlde He made a lawe that euery minister should be put from his calling whiche maried either a widowe or deuorced woman and not a mayde He died a confessour Anno. 469. In his time Mamertus Claudius bishop of Vienna made the Letanies or procession to be saide thrise a weke whereof Mantuan sayth Fast. 4. By Rodanus there standes a towne Vienna men it name Sorenoied while one Mamertus was bishop of the same And suffred many sturdy stormes for oft with firy flake Of thonderclap it burnt while the trēbling soyle did shake The grounde did gape as torne in twayne whereby the daungerous dell VVith yawning mouth stoode open downe to glowing goulphe of hell Among the dungeons depe of Ioue and rauening wolues vvithall VVere driuen to madnes through the haggs of hell that vp did crall The frāticke neat begā to murther mē in field tovvne VVherevvith mens hartes amazed vvere that thus the Lord should frovvne And so cōstraind they asked aide and succour frō aboue And vvith their humble prayers sought Gods mercy for to moue And herevppon the Letanye at first deuised vvas And aftervvard it did from thens to other people passe In the time of this Pope about the yeare of Christ 476. Odoacer with an army of Herulās Turcihugians came from Panonia and wanne Rome and all Italye and raigned there xiiii yeres About this time Rome was so terriblie shaken wyth earthquakes that manye houses fell downe wythall 15. Simplicius SImplicius a Tiburtinian borne did dedicate Pallaces and deuided the towne into fiue parts for the priestes to serue and appointed the sacrificing priestes their weekes hee shewed that the Church of Rome was the chiefe Church of all He vsurped auctoritie vppon the people of Rauenna like a tyraunte and commaunded that none of the Clergy should acknowledge that he held any Ecclesiasticall benefice of a lay mā And this mā dyed a confessor Anno. 484. 16. Foelix the third FOElix the thirde a Romaine the sonne of one Foelix a priest decreed that onelye a bishoppe and no priuate priestes should dedicate the Churches and allowed a feast for the dedication of them Hee hallowed Agapetus hys Pallaice He decreed that the Clergye being accused of anye matter should haue dayes graunted to returne theyr aunswere and dyed in peace a confessor Anno. 494. 17. Gelasius GElasius an Aphrican sonne to Valerius a bishop burned the bookes of the Manichies hee made hymmes prefaces ▪ graduals collects and prayers hee seue●ed the Apocrypha from Canonicall Scripture and allowed maryed wydowers after they had maryed their seconde wyfe to be priestes if they toke his dispensation He encreased y Clergye he dedicated Pallaices and decreed that priestes orders should bee geuen foure times in the yeare he added to the Masse the conclusions of the prayers Et te igitur at lengthe auouched that he his successors should be iudged by no bodye And dyed a confessor Anno. 497. 18. Anastasius the second ANastasius the seconde a Romaine leaned to the Eutichians and Nestorians he did cōmunicate wyth heretikes he excommunicated the Emperour And in the yere of our Lorde 499. on the stoole of easemente his bowels issued out of his bellye He dyed a confessor so writeth Volaterranus 19 Symmachus SYmmachus borne in Sardinia was chosen bishop with much dissention among the Clergye He ordayned that virgins which had once professed chastitye shoulde neuer marrye afterwarde and that none of the Clergye shoulde keepe in house wyth anye woman but such a one as were his kinswoman He builded many Pallacies euen out of the ground He brought the masse into fashion hee commaunded to singe Gloria in excelsis vppon the byrth dayes of saincts And if any mā may trust Gregoryes Dialogues he cōmitted to Purgatorye the stubborne soule of one Paschasius a deacon after his death And yet this man dyed a confessour Anno. 514. Vspergensis sayth that whē this Pope was chosen one Laurence was also chosen by some wherevppon manye slaughters both of the people Clergye were made in Rome during the space of iii. yeres but Symachus preuailed 20. Hormisda HOrmisda borne in Campania did set quietnes among the Clergie he appointed that the Psalmes should be songe by course enterchaungeable He commaunded that the decrees of counsels should be kept and bestowed many thinges to y furniture of churches he lefte a wedge of syluer waying a thousande fourty poundes in saint Peters churche and commaūded that no aultar should be builded without the consent of the byshop He added ceremonies to publique mariages and excommunicated Anastasius the Emperous because he sayde that it was an office dewe only to the Emperoure to commaunde and not to be at a byshops commaundement suche then was the courage of the spirite of Antichriste Iustinus the Emperoure as Isiodorus wryteth made this Hormisda a Patriarch of Rome being before but an Archebishop who died a confessour Anno. 523. From the time of Syluester the Romaine prelates were Archebishops for the space of twoo hundreth yeares that is from the yeare 320. vntill this yeare 520. at what tyme they were first made Patriarkes by the Emperour Iustinus I declare this more diligently whereby the attentiue reader may knowe by what degrees the Romain bishops crept vp to
Canon that the Emperours appointed in Germany although they bare the name of the king of Romaynes should yet receiue of the Pope the title right and name of Empire and that the Emperour being dead all the time the Empyre should be voide the Pope should haue iurisdiction ouer those townes in Italye that are tributaryes to the Emperour So much of Marius Clement being an open whoremōger and maintayner of harlots appointed the Popes Courte to be at Auenio for his owne pleasure He rooted out the Iewes called Templars in a councell at Vienna Anno 1311. In the same councell be decreed that all religious orders exempted shoulde be subiect vnder the commō lawes as other were but the Cistercian monks did purchase of him to be priuiledged and gaue large bribes to him for it Also the Franciscan friers offered him fortye Thousande Florences of golde beside other siluer that they might against their rule haue a dispensation for landes and possessions the Pope thereupon willed them to bring the money hauing taken assurance for it of certaine marchaunts which they brought he both toke the money tould the fryers that he would not nor could not breake S. Frauncis rule for any money thus he beguiled the fryers He aduaūced S. Iohns knights ▪ called the knights of the Roades because they had won the Roades frō the Saracens He cōmaunded the master of the Tēplars to be burned w t one of his fellowes at Paris in presence of the Cardinals and made certaine decrees to bridle the disorder of the Iewes confiscating their goodes He appointed punishmēt for such of the clergye as should busye themselues in secular affayres or be costlye apparelled and depriued monkes of hunting and hauking He excommunicated the Venetians the Florentines and Lucians and cōfirmed Corpus Christi daye for an holye daye He commaunded that the reliques of Saincts should be reuerentlye honoured He gouerned Italye by his deputyes two Cardinals he made Celestine the fift a confessor Sainct finally after diuers decrees of superstition he dyed of the bloudye flixe panged and pained somtime with a collicke sometime payned in the guts the sides and the stomacke at Rocca Maura a tent vpon Rodanus Anno 1314. His body was caryed to Carpentorate in Vascony the seate was voyde 3. yeres This same yeare also dyed Henry Lutsenburg the Emperour poysoned by a monke called Bernad by the cōspiracy of the Guelphes because he wēt about to take vpō him by force the kingdome of Sicill beinge moued thereto by the Sicilians for this cause the sayd monke who had long dissembled frendship good will to the Emperour wrought his destruction in most sinfull and blasphemous manner For against the good godlye Emperour should come to receiue the Sacrament of the bodye of Christe the cursed monke had prouided tempered one hoaste w t such rancke poyson that the Emperour perceyued forthwith the horrible treason and yet the godlye Prince as soone as he felt himselfe poysoned gaue the trayterous monke warning to escape awaye with these woords Sir conuaye your selfe awaye for if the Dutchmen perceiue this and oure godlye frendes ye shall dye the death The monke therefore goinge to Sene receyued the reward which was promised him and yet he did not by this treason deliuer his fryerlye brethren for many of them in Thuscia Lombardy and other places both men houses perished with fyer and sworde This Pope Clement toke displeasure with the Venetiās and furiouslye yelded them as a pray and spoyle to all that would make hauocke of them and theirs They therefore sent to him a noble man of Venice called Dandalus to sue for fauoure and for the safety of their Citye and to obtaine pardon this noble Frauncis Dandalus was fayne to yelde himselfe bounde in a chayne about the necke and to couch at the Popes feete vnder his table and there like a dogge to feede of the scrappes bones that the Pope did cast vnto him ere he could asswage the Popes fury as Sabelicus declareth Enned 9. lib. 7. 137. Iohn the xxiii IOhn the xxiii a Frenchman borne called Iacob Caturcensis bishop and Cardinall of Portua after the seate had beene voyde through the discorde of 23. Cardinals ii yeares was chosen Pope at Lions from thence remouinge his Court to Auenio he created viii Cardinals amonge whō was Iacob Caturcensis the yonger his sisters sonne and Iohn Caietan of the house of Vrsine He deliuered Hugh Gerard bishop of Caturcia to a seculer Courte beinge disgraded and spoyled of his pontifical araye to be tormēted his skin fleed from his bodye then to be burned to death because he had as he saide conspired against his parson He was so new fangled that he made much chopping and chaunginge erecting and supplanting of bishoprickes abbeyes and such like dignityes He made two Thomasses Saincts the one bishop of Hertford in England the other Thomas Aquinas a dominican beside sondrye other Hee ordayned that belles should be ronge thrise in the day that the people fallinge on their knees euen as they go in theyr waye shoulde saye Aue Maria thrise He condemned them for obstinate heretickes that defended that Christ and his Apostles possessed nothing priuatly and sent commaundement to the Uniuersities that no scholers should presume to dispute therof He condemned the wryting of one Peter a franciscan fryer who wente aboute to encourage men to follow the pouertye of Christe for the which thinge many were condemned burnte He exempted the white fryers from all iurisdiction reseruing them onelye to S. Peters auctoritye his deare children and made diuers of them bishops for by the suggestion of Sathan as surely it maye be well thoughte he had a wonderfull straunge vision before he came to be Pope as he him selfe testifyeth in a certaine bull that is this That the Uirgin Mary deliuered him from his ennemyes amonge great debate of the Cardinals and made him Pope but vpon this condition that he should saue from Purgatorye these his bretherne This Pope Iohn taught certaine errours namelye that the soules departed from the bodye do not see God till the day of Iudgemente for so sayth Massaeus his father taughte him being deluded with the false visiō of one Tundalus an Irishman He sent to Paris twaine the one a dominicke the other a franciscan to preach the same heresye but one Thomas VValleis an English fryer dominick withstoode the Pope in his heresye whom the Pope committed to prison Durandus of S. Porcian VVilliam of Callis and other wtstoode the Pope likewyse Touching the errour grosse heresye of this Pope Iohn he was charged with it in the councell of Constance by these wordes Pope Iohn sayde and stubbornely beleeued that the soule of man dyeth together with the body is consumed to nothing like the soule of brute beastes whereof he neuer would purge him selfe Furthermore because that Thomas Vvalleis an Englishman was imprisoned by the Pope for reprouinge his heresye the kinge of Fraunce
him selfe bodye soule vnto them if by their helpe he mighte attain● to the Papacye which when the deuils had perfourmed Pope Alexander began so to refourme his life that he neuer went about anye busines but that he did first take councell of the deuill Other pranckes of this Pope Alexander were partlye written in these Uerses compendiouslye Vendit Alexander cruces altaria Christum Emerat ille prius vendere iure potest De vitio in vitium de flamma transit in ignem Roma sub Hispano deperit imperio Sextus Tarquinius Sextus Nero Sextus iste Semper sub Sextis perdita Roma fuit Pope Alexander selleth Christe with aares crosses store And reason good that he should sell the thinges he bought before c. In the time of this Pope the pall of the bishop of Mentz was enhaunsed to be payde for it for euer heareafter vnto the Popes Chamber xxxv Thousand Florences Among other enormities wherewith this Alexander swarmed he poysoned Gemen brother to Baiazetes the great Turke prisoner at Rome receyuing for the same deede wherwith he was hyred by Baiazetes two hundred Thousand Crownes Furthermore to maintaine his tyrannye he ioyned league with the Turke against the French kinge and craued his assistaunce vsing both the kingdome of Naples Rome it selfe for his owne royat sake as the fortresses to the Empyre of Ottomannus Beside he cōmaunded the tongue of Antonius Mancinellus and both his hands to be cut of because he in a learned and eloquente oration reproued his licentious and loathsome demeanour But as he liued wickedlye so he dyed myserablye for he preparinge a feast for diuers Senatours and Cardinals purposing to poysō them with the same bane that he poysoned Cemen but by the prouidence of God one of the wayters ignorantly gaue the Pope the same bottell wherein the poyson was wherof he drinking dyed with the reste Finallye in one thinge this Alexander matched the wickednes of his predicessours in graunting leaue to a Spaniard Petrus Mendoza Cardinall of Valentia to vse his bastard sonne Marquesse Zanatensis otherwyse then becommeth vowed chastitye but hereof enough And beside this Mendoza was well knowen greatly to dishonour the spowsall bed of his soueraigne king Ferdinand Anno 1499. one Ierom Sauonarola a dominicā monke with other his fellowes were burned at Florence for defending the communion vnder both kindes condemninge the Popes pardons and for reprouing the loose life negligence of the clergye generallye They denyed also the Popes supremacye saying that the keyes were giuen to the whole Church and not to Peter Againe that the Pope followed Christe neither in life nor doctrine because he attributed more to his owne pardons traditiōs then to the merits of Christ that his cursinges excōmunicaiōs are not to be feared He prophecied also of certaine things to come as of the destruction of Florence and of Rome and the restoring of the true Church at length for the which Picus Mirandula calleth him an holye Prophete and defendeth him in his wryting against the Pope Also one Marsilius his neighbour and Cominoeus in his French historye do attribute to him the spirite of prophesyinge and diuers other learned men do defend that he dyed an innocent 161. Pius the thirde PIus the thirde borne in Hetruria and nephewe to Pius the seconde called first Franciscus Picolhomeneus after great debate amonge the Cardinals succeded Alexander Valentine Borgia after the death of his father purloyning his treasure did beset that Vatican with xii Thousand souldiours it beinge the place where the Pope was elected thinking by this drift to make the Cardinals stoupe to his purpose but they to auoyde this daunger did forthwith conueye themselues into the Temple of Minerua where they were forthwith enclosed by him Hereuppon a rumour ran through the Citye that the elders were apprehended that all the Citye was molested with ●laughter and spoyling so that all men were amazed This being hearde doares were shut vp men toke them to their weapōs the streat passages were stopt with timberlogs irō chaynes and thus was all in an hurlye burlye and a great vprore as if the hoast of Hanniball had bin battringe the gates of Rome But Valentine because he sawe that he had attempted an harde matter being requested by the Cardinals to giue ouer his wilfull purpose did promise to cease by by and to obey them Then when this Pius was chosen Valentine abating his courage did thanke the Cardinals because they had chosen him Pope whom he most desired He being Pope did forthwith rayse an armye to driue out those Frenchmen that dwelt in Italye taking it in dispite that their king had subdued Apulia and a great part of Italye but the Pope hoped for a daye to gall the Frenchmen to enclose them in a trap and in the end to hunt them vtterlye out But while he purposed these thinges he dyed of an vlcer in his legge the xxvii daye after his creation Anno 1503. the same yeare also that Alexander also dyed the xv of the Calendes of Nouember And here endeth the sixt booke of these prelates contayning in it 41. Popes from Innocentius the 4. to this Pius the 3. whose corrupt liues as is partly shewed thoughe not so larglye as mighte be do argue of what spirite they were and howe farre from Christian conuersation But if their fantasticall and superstitious decrees were ioyned hereunto where withall they loaded the Church and choaked the Gospell their doctrine would appeare to men of any iudgement as vnsauorye as their trade of life but it would be ouer tedious and pertayneth not so much to our purpose THE SEVENTH Booke contayninge the fift parte of the third sort of Romaine Popes in whom appeareth the wayninge of Antichrist and imparing of his vsurped estate wexing still weaker and weaker till the ende of the worlde accordinge to the Prophecye of S. Paule in the seconde Chapter of the seconde Epistle to the Thessalonians that Antichriste must be reueled before that Christe come IT appeareth by these former Popes how the Prophecies in the Reuelatiō of Iohn of Antichrist that he should be an Abadon which being an Hebrewe word signifyeth a Destroyer or Conquerour haue bin aboūdantlye and in perfit measure fulfilled verifyed in them In the rest that followeth may appeare the diminishing of that seat for so much as many people in their times haue do from daye to daye renounce the Popes auctoritye Many parsons first began in Germanye openlye to detect him as Luther Zuinglius Oecolampadius Melancthon with diuers other till in the ende the whole countryes forsooke him so that God be thancked at this daye a great parte of the worlde doth acknowledge him to be Antichriste and defyeth his doctrine as Englande Scotland Denmarke Sweden the dukes of Saxonie the duke of Brunswick the Palsgraue of Rhene the duke of VVittingberges the Lantgraue of Hessia the Marquesse of Brandenburg the Prince of Russia and all other
a byshoprike he fisshed for a Caldinalship caught it Therevpon when he shoulde departe from Venice the Iesuites demaunded of him whither he went to whom he aunswered sayinge Whither I go ye cannot come meaninge thereby that he wente to the Pompe and dignitie of Rome as to an other heauen and that he shoulde leaue them in wretchednes and beggerye Thus it pleased hym to dally sport him selfe with the phrase of the holy ghost Many thinges are reported of him as that he was a stoute Champion for Purgatory and that he knewe the secretes of some mindes and that he dyd many wonders Vergerius sayth he dedicated a booke of reforminge the Churche to Paule the thirde and yet hee made no reformation in his owne time But saith hee who so euer readeth that ●ooke shall see that he confirmeth al those poyntes almost whiche we reproue in the papistes that is to say that the Churche is so decayed amonge them as it is rather the Churche of Sathan then of Christ. For he saithe that the Popes do for their owne luste store them selues with maysters hauing itching eares that the name of Christ is blasphemed amonge the Gentiles throughe Cardinalles and Bishops that the power of the keyes is wiped away with money that lewde persons are made priestes that Simonie is vsed as it were in open fayres that the prelates doe swell with Ambicion and Couetousnes that horrible villanies are practised in monasteries that Rome swarmeth w t shamelesse harlots and strūpets beside many lyke matters onely towching theyr detestable maners but of their manifold superstitions of theyr butcherly slaughters and cruell tyranny raging at that time in Italy England France Spayne and other countries he speaketh not a woorde And yet saith Vergerius who made faithful searche therof wtin lesse then thirty yeares theyr inquisition of heresye hath deuoured and destroyed by diuers kinde of torments an hundred and fiftie thousande Christians This acompt Vergerius made aboue twenty yeares ago And since that time sauynge onely God be thanked for it in England in al the former countries this bloudy persecution for Religion hath not onely continued but mightely encreased Italy dayly tasteth the bytter gall of it as occasion serueth Spaine findeth that the heate therof burneth more feruently in the middest of winter then the scorching Sonne in the middest of sommer at noone daye the flame of the one turneth and tanneth theyr skynnes to black the coales of the other burneth theyr bodies to graye asshes And as towching Fraunce al Europe knoweth that as yet the worme in the grounde hath scant taynted the karkases of thousandes whiche within these fewe dayes haue ben martyred Thus we see howe that prowde Prynce of Babilon hath made all Christendome as it were his burning furnace to destroye those that wyll not fal downe to worshyp his golden image and yet howe that this littell Ilande walketh as it were in the myddest of this vniuersall flame and not so muche as our garmentes are once cinged therewith And yet it is well knowne howe carefull and busie the byshoppe of Rome with his accomplices hath bene to sturre coales amonge vs and to enkendle that fier in Englande the smoke wherof were sufficient to destroy vs who knoweth not howe that if his hotte thunderboltes of excommunication could any thing harme vs we had therewith ben beaten to pouder longe since If the rancke breath of his blacke curses might haue preuayled we had bin blowne to hell bequeathed aliue both bodye and soule to the deuil dampnation longe since If holye leagues as they terme them and conspyring vowes of sondrye estates by his procurement could haue bin stronger against vs then the hand of God with vs how many are we that should haue tasted miserye but how fewe should haue bin left to be waile it at this day When forren inuasions haue bin to weake hath not that Romaine prelate ●ought to procure treason amōg vs heare at home to delude the simple with bulles pardons entising them to renounce their alleageaunce to reuolt from their naturall Prince to rayse rebelliōs against their owne countrey Hath not his bulls roared at Paules Church gate discharginge subiectes of their dutye And howe they haue wroughte in huggur mugger to steale awaye the hartes of Englishe subiectes manye poore widdowes and wretched orphanes at this daye in the North part of England with heauye harts ran testifye who haue lost their parentes and husbandes throughe detestable rebellion and sedition the roote whereof is the Romishe religion But because that these tumultes treasons and broyles wroughte since the raigne of oure most Gracious Queene against her maiestye and royall estate haue bin practised not in the time of this Pope Paule the fourth but by those that haue succeded him as Pius the fourth Pius the fift the gentle Reader is to be desired not to looke for the perfite discourse hereof as yet neyther the historye of their liues treachery and hurlye burlyes sturred in Christendome for so much as yet they are not to be sufficiently gathered by those Chronicles that haue bin latelye set forth or augmented As for Onuphrius who hath writtē their liues added to the historye of Platina because he is one hyred by the Pope to put his pen in vre for the cracked credit of their estate at this daye there is iust cause to thincke his wryting to be parciall as one that turneth the best side of his Popes face outward and that which is blemished eyther he hideth it or paynteth it with a fayre coloure to couer the foule blots thereof And therefore seing maister Bales trauaile doth staye heare in Paule the fourth this maye suffice till it shall please God to giue occasion of proceeding in the liues of those that haue succeeded during the raigne of the Queenes maiestye In the meanetime good Christian Reader cōsider those treacheryes which by thy owne experience thou maiest knowe since her highnes came to the Crowne of the Popes dealinge against her Maiestye and her Realme weigh whereunto they tende by the example of these former historyes set forth in this woorke then I doubt not but euerye one shall finde that he hath iust cause to saye Blessed be Almightye God that hath thus preserued vs from the mouth of the Lion and from the wolfe in a Lambes skin I doubte not but they that haue ben false hart●d againste our most gracious Queene wyll consider theyr own folly theyr owne iniquitie madnes in enuyinge the good estate of so noble merciful godly most lawful a prince whom it hath pleased Iehoua to make oure Debora a most blessed and worthy instrument to the aduaūcing of his glory the comfort of his Churche the preseruation of the happy and quiet estate of all trewe Englishe hartes the whiche greate treasures of Gods mercye so plentifullye powred vpon vs the Lord geue vs grace to vse them more thankfully then heretofore to glorifie his name with greatter zeale