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A48398 The life and death of Mr. Vavasor Powell, that faithful minister and confessor of Jesus Christ wherein his eminient conversion, laborious successful ministry, excellent conversation, confession of faith, worthy sayings, choice experiences, various sufferings, and other remarkable passages in his life and at his death are faithfully recorded for publick benefit : with some elogies and epitaphs by his friends. Bagshaw, Edward, 1629-1671.; Powell, Vavasor, 1617-1670. 1671 (1671) Wing L2003; Wing B418_CANCELLED 114,187 204

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yet I was as most Youths are not only ignorant of the knowledge of God and of his son Jesus Christ and of Regeneration and other Mysteries of the Gospel and of my own miserable estate by Nature but I was also very active and forward in the persuit of the pleasures and vanities of this wicked world and justly tearmed as I was by my Companions and School-fellows Dux omnium malorum Captain or Leader of or in all evil only drunkenness I much hated looking upon it as such an unnatural thing that the most greedy silly Beasts abstain from it and I wondred that persons could delight in that which had neither true pleasure profit nor honour in it I had no esteem for the holy Scriptures nor cared at all to look into them but either Hystorical or Poetical Books Romances and the like were all my delight the Sabbath I much profaned by all sports though God was pleased to magnifie his grace so much as to make that the occasion of my Conversion For being one Lords day a stander by and beholder of those that broke the Sabbath by divers Games being then my self a Reader of Common-Prayers and in the habit of a foolish Shepheard I was ashamed to play with them yet took as much pleasure therein as if I had whereupon a Godly grave Professour of Religion one of those then called Puritans seeing me there came to me and very soberly and mildly asked me doth it become you Sir that are a Scholar and one that teacheth others to break the Lords Sabbath thus to whom I answered as those scoffers in Malachy Wherein do I break it you see me onely stand by but I do not play at all to which he replyed but you find your own pleasure herein by looking on and this God forbids in his holy Word so he opened his Bible and read these words in Esa 58.13 and perticularly that expression Not finding thy own pleasure upon the sabbath day such was the partinency of the place and the power that came with the word I was for the present silent and took it so far into consideration as to resolve never to transgress in the like kind again which resolution God enabled me to perform though as yet I was not at all convinced of my lost estate by nature nor of the want of Christ But about a year after I had a call to hear a godly excellent Preacher who in his Uses shew d that they who would go to heaven must do four sorts of services Namely hard service costly service derided service and forlorn service upon the last he did as I thought begin to put me to question whether I was such a one as was singular or did walk in that way wherein fewest walked or had performed any of those services and the more I examined my self the more I was convinced I had not which began to disquiet me much and made me go into private where in darkness I struggled not knowing what to do and was ashamed to inquire having never yet read seriously any part of the holy Scripture nor any other Godly book nor never prayed privately except by book and forms and that formally without understanding sense faith or the spirit of supplication for which things I began to be troubled but yet knew not what course to take but resolved to cast my self down before God on my knees and acknowledge I was in such estate I knew not what to do unless he would direct and help me being much discouraged by my own weakness and ignorance then by a choice providence I came to find a book written by Doctor Sibbes called the bruised Reed and by reading that I found there was incouragement for weak ones and such who had but a smoak of true desire though the fire of grace did not appear in them yet still I was like one groping in the dark till God sent a most holy sober mortified Christian to me who seeing me like a Char-coal that had been in the fire yet without light and life he pittied my condition and began to tell me what a hard work the work of conversion was it being no less then to make a stone flesh and darkness light these with many such words began to sink and to enter deep into my heart and from that time I took up the profession of Godliness although the foundation work was not laid deep enough so as to have the heart mortified for or from sin but I was disquieted within me and like a Boat tossed upon the waves that could make to no shore for safety At this time the Lord visited me with a very sore and great pain of the Tooth-ach which continued divers days and nights together in great extremity so that with the violence thereof I thought I should have been deprived of my senses or life and by another good providence I met with a little book of Mr. Perkins and in that with this expression if the pains of one little bone or tooth be so grievous for a few days what then will the pains of the whole body and soul be in hell for evermore Upon this my terrour began in Conscience to that degree that it made the other pain to seem somewhat more easie and both together put me upon crying out to God with greater sense then before and between fear and pain a troubled muddy spirit of prayer began to spring up and perceiving I had some help I pumped harder and so found at last my heart began to be inlarged with confessions and my sins were brought into remembrance for which I arraigned my self and lay in my own thoughts as a convicted and guilty person but all the while I knew not how or by whom to become guiltless or to attain pardon all this while I never looked on the Scripture nay I laid aside that book called the bruised Reed as too good for me to read and wherein I could expect no comfort But very shortly after hearing of another very famous godly Preacher I resolved to go hear him he Preached that day upon Mark 16.15 Go and Preach the Gospel to every creature He that believes and is baptized shall be saved Out of which words he shewed that as the Gospel was to be Preached to every creature so none could be saved but such as did believe in Christ which afterwards by comparing it with John 1 12. He shewed that it was to receive Christ and thereupon he encouraged all to receive Christ because he would supply all their wants strengthen them under all their weaknesses succour them against all their temptations and the like upon the urging of which motives I was much encouraged and perswaded to be willing to receive and take Christ upon his own termes but then he shewed that they who would have Christ and salvation by him must do the hardest learn the harshest part with the sweetest and suffer the sorest things which words being sutable to those that wrought the
shall be a fruitful Land Upon the thirsty parched ground Pools of Water shall stand This Cloud of Witnesses do all agree to teach That it is lawful on a Hill or Mount to Pray and Preach Here on appears the Grass that feeds the Beasts and Beasts Men Why should not men upon a Hill praise God for their fond then That God who dwells on high and yet is every where Will now be serv'd in Spirit in every place with fear My Pulpit and my Pew shall be a Turfe of Grass As well as Wainscot in a Kirk for I prize every place Alike to worship God who dwelleth every where For that which I in places look is whether Christ be there Upon Preaching in a Market place A Merchant brought from far rich Ware and Pearls to sell Where many came but not to buy yet some approved well The Sellar and the rate and rich Commodity Some ask the Servant what 's the price he said t is cheap come Buy Here 's Gold and rich Garments here 's Oyl here 's Milk here 's Wine Thou wants come quick accept of Christ and all there shall be thine Who is thy Master Christ in Power he is here In Person in high Paradice would you go to him there O yes to Heaven we would go how shall we thither reach Come near and hearken to his Word his ●pirit will you teach The pirit said I le shew and work what 's to be known and done They a●swered make us willing Lord then to thee we will run A Dialogue betwixt Time and Youth Time speaks Time I am ho●e headed ready to depart I waited for thee but thou hast not heart To think how I have turn'd so oft my Glass The least and lowest Sands runs now apace If once I turn my Back no locks behind Thou 'lt seek me when and where thou'lt not me find Youth Youth My aged Father do not weary be Have patience yet a while I will apply My self to that which profits in the End T is time enough for young men to amend I must have recreation fit for Youth Let Old men if they will ply Time and Truth Time Farewel the Glass is out Death takes my place Youth Oh time I pray thee stay whilst I have grace Our Time is short our journey long our Work undone in part Our Thread near spun our Glass near run all this unlaid to Heart Upon the apprehension of Christs love to me and the feeling of my love to him Who would not love thee Lord more then Self Sin or World Who would not ravisht be That sees thy Love or thee Who can think of thy Name and not leap at the same My names V.P. who Lord loves thee Upon the occasion of a Tooth-ach No pain like that my Saviour bore for me No suffering like his suffering on the Tree VVhich he did bear not for himself but me Oh what love was herein A plated Crown of pricking Thorns he wore Blows on his Head Spits on his Face he bore Besides base shame and scorn sure this was sore But more he bore for sin Gaul was his Meat and Vinegar his Drink A Brook he drank from Pottom to the Brink My Blood should write his Bruises not my Ink Thy Blood Lord wrought my Peace A Flood of wrath stream'd through his Soul within The Law him lash'd so did Satan and sin Till Death him sunk and Grave swallowed him in Thus did my Lord decease Shall Tooth ach then or pain from one small Bone Make me have sence of Self more then that one Come thoughts of Christs pain in mine own begone For Christ will heal thee sure That Balm and Brazen Serpent that cures me Is that which cur'd the Worlds great malady Nothing like this Panpharma●on can be Which Tooth and all will cure The Saints Portion after death Strangers we are whilst we are here clad with carnallity Sojourning towards our long home even Eternity T wil not be long before we reach unto our journeys end Our Morning 's past Evening doth hast towards our rest we bend VVho knocks T is I what is thy Name my Name is dreadful Dea h What is thy business now with me t is for to fetch thy Breath VVe come my Freind I look'd for thee come shew me thy Commission From Christ thy Master and my Lord with thee then I le begon Loe here it is take it and read hold t is his Seal and Hand I know it will here I le not dwell but obey his command Come thou away come quickly dear I long to see thy Face My Father also sent for thee come quickly come apace I come I come ope then the Door give light for it is dark The entries straight Lord lend thy hand that I may reach the mark The Gulf twixt thee and me is great I cannot through it venter Till thou lets down thy safe draw-Bridge I have no hopes to enter Centenel let down the Bridge let in my Freind to me Oh welcome welcome my dear one my Heart did long for thee Now sweet Son thou shalt see my Face for which thou didst so long Thou shalt with me abide for aye Angels and Saints among Thou shalt not Sigh nor Sob again thy Sins thou shalt not see Thy Blemishes and Weaknesses no longer trouble thee Thou shalt have rest from thy Labours thy works shall follow thee All Angels and all Saints that are or ever were thou'lt see Thou shalt be Crown'd with Righteousness yea with a glorious Crown Yea thou shalt in full brightness shine as doth the beautious Sun Thou shalt sit on my Throne to judge Angels and wicked Men Thy Scandals shall be washed off sitting on high till when The Kingdome I deliver up to thy Father and min● VVho shall be all in all for aye in whom wee 'l be and shine Hallelujahs to thee my Lord to thee for ever more To thy Father and sweet Spirit I three in one adore Upon the Persecution T is a sad age when ther 's such rage against poor harmless Doves VVho through their need seek Meat to feed from him their Soul that Loves A sudden change yet not so strange is come upon poor Saints Alas dear ones God hears their Groans their moans and sad complaints The wicked strive Husbands from VVives to separate and part And the Shephards from their own Herds that joyntly with one heart Would serve their Lord with one accord after his VVord and VVill But Dogs and VVoolves and cruel Elves that seek themselves would kill The innocent that no hurt meant but spent their time and strength To seek the way that poor Souls they through Christ may gain at length That great reward which God prepar'd and car'd for long ago They will obtain and the same gain in spite of every Foe Another O God our God we by the Rod are brought in part to see There is no man that will or can but thy s●le ●●●esty Hear the complaints of thy dear
deportment He was very humble and plain in his carriage prefering others before himself though far inferiour in Gifts and Grace to him and a most ready servant to do good to all both for Soul and Body He was very just in all his dealings and would rather receive wrong then offer injury to any and kept still a great jealousy over himself least he should do any thing unbecoming the Gospel He was very pittiful to all in distress whether Saints or sinners and especially in the case of sin which he would deeply lay to heart and weep bitterly in consideration of the weightiness of sin upon there Souls and greatly would he lament the scandalous offences in Professors which tended so much to the dishonou● of God greif of the Saints and ha●dening of sinners and indangering their own Souls He was very active in doing good and little time spent by him in idleness after great and tedious Journeys and pains in Preaching he would be as fresh to attend any work for God as if there had been no such thing it was his constant practice to be speaking of good to all he conversed with and to convert worldly discourse into spiritual things and when he apprehended any to discourse of the things of God in a common light Spirit he would endeavour to work them up to more seriousness and spirituallity Where ever he was at home or abroad he would be still furthering of good things and improve all oppertunities with whom so ever he conversed were it in his Journey or upon the Road to instil something for the good and benefit of their Souls wherein as a follower of his Master he was a lively pattern to the Saints and wherein God blessed him exceedingly He was to receive exhortation admonition and reproof being under all his excellencies great worth a man subject to passion infirmity which he would imbrace with all humble submission and acknowledge thankfulness and his Conscience was so tender that he would of himself both privately and publickly express his fears and jealousie of himself and would desire others to tell him his faults which he might not so well discern in himself He was a faithful and diligent observer of the out goings of God upon his Soul whereof he kept a dayly account and record taking notice both of the actings of grace and the stirrings of corruption and the assaults of sin and Satan or World made upon him It was his dayly practice to draw forth some instruction and advantage from every object and every thing that accrued viz. from Scriptures ordinances Gods dealings with him in every respect from conferrences with Saints or Sinners from any providence or accident whether prosperous or adverse from Creatures Heaven Earth Seasons from the graces and vertues as well as failings and infirmities of Saints and Professors A great observer of D●eams and what God might speak to himself or others by them for warning instruction or reproof He was very heavenly his Heart so set with diligence and intentness upon the things of God that when he was alone and none to discourse with he would many times be singing of Hymns in his house and elsewhere and often in his Bed assoon as he awaked in the morning being excellent at extempory Hymns which have been to the refreshing of many who have declared to have injoyed as much of God in joyning with him therein as in any other ordinance And his Soul did follow so hard after God that he hath been heard to pray very audibly and fervently in his sleep and yet knew it not vvhen he avvaked He vvas of an undanted courage for God no fear of suffering could turn him back in the vvork of the Lord he had such a fervent zeal for Christ and the Truth and such enmity to and hatred against that he regarded not the greatness of men in administring reproof to them vvhat danger so ever might accur to him thereby he used to say he feared the corruption of his Heart more then any sufferings he met vvith from men He vvith much compassion and feeling affection used to sympathize vvith the vveak and tempted making their condition his ovvn but vvould magnifie his office vvith great zeal by improving the authority Christ had given him to curb the insolent stubborn and rebellious He vvas one of a vvorthy publick Spirit zealous in and furthering of all things that might tend to promote the good of his Neighbour and Nation but especially the Saints and Sion in advancing the Name Interest Kingdome and Soveraignty of Jesus Christ and seting himself withal his might against Babilon that common publick Enemy of mankind He was very tender of the Consciences of others though differing in judgement from him and where he discerned sincerity and truth of Grace expressed much endeared affection to them as Brethren being a dear Lover and Promoter of love to Saints as Saints without relation to perticular perswasion or private opinion He was exceeding successful in the work of the ministry which was sealed to him by the conversion of many Souls confirmation consolation and edification of more both in England and Wales He was instrumental to the gathering of Churches to the healing and composing of many differences and breaches wherein he travelled much by Messengers Letters Conferrences and Journeys far and near It was his usual course in order to preserve and maintain life and love amongst the Churches he most neerly conversed with to put them upon the debating and resolving of several questions from time to time he handed to them which proved exceeding profitable to the increase of knowledge and to the ends proposed He was much in visiting from house to house taking a particular account both of inward and outward man inquiring after their family walks duties and deportments and in an especial manner did he with diligence attend the sick administring all things necessary for Body and Soul Exhorting Comforting and Praying with and for them He was exceeding zealous to keep the Communion clean and pure by keeping a diligent Watch puting forth early warning and reproof against the first appearances of envy and scandal and a faithful rejecting the hardened and impenitent Sinners in which Cases he used to be mighty powerful in the administring of that ordinance of excommunication shewing the terribleness thereof so that many hearts would tremble greatly thereat and yet be found also therein with great tenderness and heart meltings to the offenders themselves As he was Master of a Family he was wonderful careful to do the things that was just and equal and principally he did design to promote the power of godlidess amongst his Servants he used to tell them that they should at any time leave work to pray or read and when he sound them at any times in the Feilds reading or confering about the things of God he would bid them go on and continue in it and oh how few are they that prefer and promote the
and tribulations inward and outward by Sin World Satan and the gracious supports under all Thirdly In his Narraritical dedication to the Ministry wherein his dexterous and eminent skill unwearied activity singular faithfulness and admirable success appeared beyond many Fourthly In the perils hazards jeopardies persecutions imprisonments that he underwent for the Gospel insomuch that it is conceived it may be as truly said of him as any since the primitive days what was said of the Apostle Paul 2 Cor. 6.4 c. 11.26 c. You have some account of him not only in his heart-walk but in his House Church and Generation walk also First You have some discovery of his heart-walk out of some part of his Diary wherein you find his vigilant vigorous and steady watch not only to improve the motions of the spirit but to withstand the motions of sin and Satan his close and hard persuit after God by all ways means to keep the heart clean and the life holy to keep up grace in the act godliness in the power thereof observing daily his spiritual experiences both in his gettings losings Secondly You have some account also of him in his family-walk which so much be speaks the Christian wherein you find him as a man of knowledge filling up every Relation in the fear of God managing his affairs with discretion doing not only the things that were just and equal but singular also Designing with Joshua that he and his house might serve the Lord which he cared for in the first place witnessing therein a singular love and regard to all the souls under his roof A strict and zealous observer of the Sabbath a great lover of Hospitality administring with liberal heart and hand to all especially to the household of Faith insomuch that the blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon him causing the widows heart to sing for joy eyes to the blind feet to the lame a father to the poor and the cause he knew not he searched out Job 29.30 31. and so divising liberal things by liberal things he stood Thirdly You have some thing of him also in his Church-walk wherein he approved himself a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word to every one a portion giving bread in due season taking heed to himself and to all the Flock over which the Holy Ghost had made him an Overseer to feed the Church of God which he purchased with his own blood taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready mind And having the word of God dwelling richly with him in all wisdom did teach and admonish in Psalms Hymns and spiritual Songs A true lover and an affectionate promoter of peace and holiness a zealous and impartial withstander of sin errour and prophaness One that had dexterous skill to get into the hearts of sinners And one to whom the Lord had given the tongue of the Learned that knew how to speak a word in due season to him that was weary very compassionate and tender hearted full of true sympothy and fellow feeling under all weaknesses and temptations that attended any being experimentally able to administer consolation by the comfort wherewith he himself under many tryals had been supported and comforted by the Lord. Fourthly You have some account also how he behaved himself in his Generation-Walk wherein you will find he witnessed in a publick spirit much sincere love to his Country great faithfulness courage and activity to the Cause and Interest of Christ as it was stated for him against Antichrist and so covenanted for pleaded in his day And in the asserting and managing thereof it may be said of him that he bore in his Body the marks of our Lord Jesus and to which he was faithful from first to last even to death And not with so many that appeared so zealously cursing Merozat first for not helping the Lord against the mighty and soon after fell in with the mighty against the Lord Nor with so many Princes Elders and Father's contrary to former Covenants and Ingagements who made a Captain to go back again into Aegypt to the building again the things that they had pulled down and pulling down the things they had built But did in that day of tryal you 'll find as zealously and impartially withstand his Friends for Hypocrisy and Apostacy as others for Prophaness and Superstition foretelling and lamenting such steps as the certain foundation of ruine and confusion Neither did ●e see cause as an evil doer in reproach to Christ and his cause pleaded by him to beg and give thanks for pardon for serving of him Nor to deny forsake and forswear his Master and Crucified Cause but with courage and faithfulness you 'll find him ●earing of and rejoycing under the Cross owning and confessing him as well at Gibbet and in the Supulchre as when the Hosannahs were sung to him And so keeping the word of his patience serving his Generation according to the will of God he fell asleep dying in the assured Faith and Hope of the Resurrection of that Cause that he had so done and suffered for so lived and dyed in It is true under all the Worth and Excellency spoken of you 'll find him also a man of like passions with his Brethren and not without his infirmities having all this Heavenly Treasure in an Earthen Vessel and being a Son of Adam as well as a man of God that he might not be esteemed of more than was meet and that Christ alone might have the preheminency to be the great Example and to be imitated in all things the best of men being no otherwise to be followed than as they follow Christ because as saith the Apostle in many things we offend all The natural infirmity that he much groaned under and complained of was passion and rashness and which he would when overtaken with make haste out of and with due acknowledgements for his evil therein return speedily to a sweet frame and temper again It remains that since the pleasure of the Lord is thus manifested in the removing such a Father with many other such like eminent ones a late from us that the due improvement of such sad providences be endeavoured according to the ends before hinted whereby our holy Powels excellent Bridges worthy Blakes faithful Woods may yet though dead live and preach to us and may be a means to help forward the cry of doubling the spirit of the Elias's that are taken away upon the Elisha's remaining Mr. POWEL'S ACCOUNT OF HIS Conversion and Ministry Some Remarkable Passages in the Life of Mr. Vavasor Powel from his Conversion to his Death being the space of 30 years and upwards written with his own hand and found with the Confession of his Faith and other Memorable occurrences among his Papers TIll the twentieth Year of my age though I was trained up in learning from my Childhood
first conviction upon me by another they were so much the more observable and as a second wedge clave my heart somewhat more made deeper entrance and caused further resolutions in me to seek to perform those particulars and to that end I began to read the Bible to pray often in private and to hear the strictest Preachers and to leave off my old Companions and to chuse others who professed Religion with whom I went to private and publick fasts held Christian conferences c. Upon further hearing concerning the old heart and body of corruption and that every man had some master and beloved sin and that there was a necessity of having the heart changed and corruption mortified and subdued the Lord shewed me hereby the sad and lost Estate my soul was in for want thereof and now the work of compunction and contrition began in me with many deep sighs and bitter tears self-loathing and self-abasing confessing of former sins sorrowing and judgeing my self for them and striving against them and seeking to kill them by long abstinence from Meat by much watchfulness by drinking cold water onely many Months together by tying up myself to eat so many bits of Meat and that of the coursest sort too at every meal some times six some times eight and twelve was a great meal with me and by this means I thought to overcome the Flesh and flying sometimes to the holy command of God against sin by which I found no other relief than a School-boy doth who complains to his Master against the hardness of his Lesson Rom. 7.9 for the Commandement came stirred and revived sin and so I began to dye and despair the Law telling me I was a condemned sinner the justice and terrours of God did seize upon my Conscience and the spirit of fear and bondage as the fruit of the Law and an effect of Gods wrath did bind me like a Prisoner to answer every breach of the Law Rom. 11.32 Not leading me to Christ but restraining me from him and shutting me up in unbelief And when sometimes through energy and earnestness of spirit in Prayer I called God Father had checks upon my Conscience for my over-confidence and presumption and to pacifie and silence this charge I was forced to confess my sin of misbelief or false faith and watch my tongue from uttering any such boldness for the time to come Thus finding no relief from the Law or command of God but the threats and Judgements thereof scorching whipping and wounding my soul I looked out for some suitable promise not any promise of Justification but of Sanctification as Ezek. 36.26.18 Mich. 7.19 That God would give a new heart and would subdue Iniquities So I fell a praying over these and the like promises but finding no answer of prayer my heart no more sanctified nor my corruptions subdued The next work at the instigation of Satan was to conclude that I had no right to any promise being out of Christ and that all my prayers were an abomination to God and so I began to question whether it was best for me to continue in prayer or to forbear But I was not long under that temptation considering that prayer was a moral duty and to be performed by all and that the sin of or in a duty should not make a man neglect his duty for upon the same account a man must leave plowing because the Scripture saith the Plowing of the wicked is sin Prov. 21.4 Hereupon I purposed to be more diligent to get into Christ and to have a new heart that so I might perform my duty acceptably I also resolved to prepare my self more for prayer to search and keep my heart more carefully and closly in my duty to God and if vain thoughts hardness or streightness of my heart c. did prevaile then after the duty I had as the Apostle saith Heb. 10.2 conscience of sin or my conscience smiting condemning and disquieting me sending and driving me to prayer again immediately it may be twice thrice or oftner together yea making me often times to rise out of my bed several times in a night and forcing me on my bare knees on the cold floor as if that had been more pleasing to God But all this being done in my own strength under a covenant of works and to work a self righteousness both to please God and to pacifie my own conscience as it was unacceptable to God so unprofitable to me Then hearing that Christ was sent from and tendered by God his Father to sinners I thought of coming to Christ but durst not through a mistake in the meaning of some Scriptures as that invitation of Christ Matth. 11.28 Come unto me all you that are weary and heavy laden and those words Luke 19 10. I came to seek and to save that which was lost from whence I concluded that none were invited by Christ but those that are weary and heavy laden and such as see and feel their lost condition whereas it is meant that they in an especial manner are invited I concluded I was not yet fit nor qualified for Christ but must have a precious work wrought in me to that end I supposed a greater and clearer sight of sin was needful therefore I often and earnestly prayed that God would perform that promise Ezek. 6.9 They shall loath themselves for the evil they have committed in all their Abominations Yea I desired though not understanding what I said that God would let Satan appear in some shape to terrifie me that by that means I might see my danger so much the more to induce me to fly to Christ Hereupon Satan took advantage and opportunity and as he did formerly to Saul so he appeared several times and in several wayes to me as once like a house stood directly in my way with which sight I fell upon my face as dead and after a while crying unto the Lord I had a little strength by which I was enabled to go home but was thereupon sick several dayes after Another time being alone in my Chamber late at night at Prayer and the door shut I continued in Prayer till the Candle went out and as I went on I sensibly perceived a strong cold wind to blow my hair was like to Eliphaz Job 4.14 15. and had the same effect for it made the hair of my flesh to stand up and caused all my bones to shake and on the suddain I heard one walk about me trampling upon the Chamber floor as if it had been some heavie big man upon which I grew so fearful and unbelieving that I ran down shutting and hasping the door after me and called up some of the family telling them there was a thief in the room but it proved in the end to be no other than that spiritual thief and murderer Satan who did both then and at several other times greatly affright and terrifie me not onely by his secret workings in the conscience but
ordained for his Church and Disciples onely that especial Ordinance called his Supper or the Communion of his Body and Blood to put them in remembrance of his Death till he came again and to confirm that spiritual Union and Communion they have with him and as an ordinance to convey more Grace unto their souls And this together with Baptism are and may be accounted though not so called in Scripture Gospel-signs and seals of the Covenant of Grace as Circumcision and the Passeover were before unto the Jews Mat. 26.26 27 28 29. 1 Cor. 10.16 11.23 24 25 26. Rom. 4.11 Col 2.11 12. 2. The command and example of Christ and his Apostles are to be observed both in the giving and receiving of this ordinance After the Bread and Wine are Blessed or set apart and a Blessing sought on them The Minister is to take both of the Bread and Wine himself and to give of both kinds to the Disciples or Members of the Church sitting or leaning Mat. 26.20 26. But to give it privately to persons upon their sick beds or to keep back the Wine from the People or under pretence of humility to give it unto the Congregation kneeling are contrary to the Institution of Christ see Acts 20.7 1 Cor. 11.20 23. 3 As the true Churches and Disciples of Christ should often partake of this ordinance so those that are without Christ his Covenant and Church who are ignorant unbelieving and ungodly have no right thereto at all and Christ forbids to give holy things to such and they that eat and drink the same unworthily do both profane and pollute the Name and Ordinance of God and eat and drink damnation to themselves not discerning the Lords Body Acts 2.42 20.7 1 Cor. 11.25 27 29 Mat. 7.6 Concerning Preaching and Prophecying Preaching of the Gospel or Evangelizing which is to be to all Nations and to every creature is to be performed by such as are gifted called and sent either immediately by Christ as the Apostles and seventy Disciples were or by his Church Acts 13 1 2 3. or in case of Persecution by such as are scattered Members to whom God may open a door for the preaching of his word to such as want the same Acts 8.1 4. 11.19 20 21. 2. Prophecying is another Gospel-Ordinance which is either a fore-telling of some future things by divine Revelation which is an extraordinary and peculiar gift of God yet promised John 16.13 and given to several in Gospel-days Acts 11.27 21.9 10. 1 Cor. 14.26 Eph. 4.11 or else it is a speaking unto men to edification and exhortation and comfort or a teaching of believers to observe all things that Christ hath commanded which is a distinct thing from Preaching though of the same Nature and doth more properly and peculiarly belong to the Church and those that are within as the other doth to the world and those that are without 1 Cor. 14.22 Mat. 28.19 20. compared with Mark 16.15 Concerning Prayer Prayer is a special part of Gods worship being a pouring out of the soul in confessions supplications and thanksgivings to God through Christ by the help of his spirit Eph. 6.18 Jude v. 20. 1 Tim. 2.1 8. c. 2. Though that most excellent and comprehensive perfect Prayer that Christ taught his Apostles 〈◊〉 Directory and Rule to Teach Believers to pray accordingly and likewise that very Prayer may be used Verbatim Yet Christ did not impose it upon them nor tye them thereto neither did Christ or his Apostles ever ordain or impose any other form much less then should any other Persons usurp this authority over the Church and people of God and therefore all such as make enjoyn or observe such humane Forms follow the Traditions of Men and not the Word of God see 1 Cor. 11.1 23. 2 Cor 1.24 Mark 7.6 7 8. Though the Prayers of Unbelievers be abominable to the Lord because of their sins and their being out of Christ yet it 's their duty to pray and it is lawful for believers to pray where Unbelievers are present we find our Saviour himself and many of his Saints using divers gestures in prayer as kneeling lying on the face standing all very lawfull and acceptable if the heart be filled with true faith love sincerity humility and zeal to God Concerning singing of Psalms Imposition of Hands and other Gospel ordinances not yet repeated 1. Singing of Psalms particularly Scripture-Psalms Hymns and Spiritual songs is a continued Gospel-ordi●ance and duty and to be performed by all but espe●ially in the Churches Mat. 26.30 Eph. 5.18 19. Col. ● 16 c. 2. Laying on of Hands is one of the Principles of ●he Doctrine of Christ and a Gospel-ordinance pra●tised in the primitive times and not yet abrogated ●s appears by any Scripture being used upon those ●hat were sent out of the Churches to preach the Gospel● Acts 13.3 or upon believers after their Baptisme in order to their receiving the Holy Ghost or the gifts thereof Acts 8.17 9.17 19.6 or else for the healing of the sick Acts 28.8 c. 3. Visiting of the sick and for the elders to anoint them in the name of the Lord is a Gospel Ordinance and not repealed Jam. 5.14 15. Concerning Excommunication Another Ordinance continued in the Time and Churches of the New Testament is a power given by Christ to deal with such members as walk disorderly 2 Thes 3.6 that refuse to hear the Church Mat. 18.17 commit some scandalous sin 1 Cor. 5. or deny and destroy the Faith or Fundamentals of Religion as the Resurrection c. 2 Tim. 2.16.27 18. 1 Tim. 2.20 2. The Ordinance is to be solemnly performed in the name of Christ by the whole Congregation yet ministerially by the Officers thereof and according to the nature of the offence whether by Admonition without Ejection 1 Thes 5.14 or Ejection and casting out till repentance manifests it self in the excommunicated Person and then he is to be restored 1 Cor. 5. with 2 Cor. 2.6 7 8. or else a● utter and absolute excommunication and rejectin● of the Person till the coming of Christ 1 Corin● 16.22 Concerning Magistrates and Rulers 1. Magistracy is an Ordinance of God and Ruler or Magistrates whether supream or subordinate an● Gods Ministers Reigning by under and for him entrusted with the sword of Justice for the encouragement and praise of such as do well but a terror to evi● works or a revenger and executor of wrath upon those that do evil Rom. 13.2 14. 1 Pet. 2.14 1 Tim. 2.2 Prov. 8.16.17 2 Chron. 19.6 2. The most High God who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords who ruleth in the Kingdom of Men and giveth it to whomsoever he will he exalteth and pulleth down altereth and removeth Kings and other Rulers at his pleasure Psal 75.6 7. Dan. 4.25 2 Chron. 11.4 2 King 9.3 6 7. sometimes giving bad Rulers and at other times taking away such as are good in a
him that seeks God the more earnestly 21. He is one that upon every new mercy received is with new thankfulness delighted 22. He hath such pity for perishing people that he cannot but weep at the sense of their ruine Luke 19.41 23. He is one that prosperity doth not lift up nor adversity cast down 24. Every company is burthensome to him that is not designing Gods glory 25. The longer he is acquainted with Christ the greater is his affection to Christ 26. He is one that knows the voyce of Christ and will hear his voyce only John 10.4 5. 1 Iohn 4.6 27. He is one that lays the sins of Professors so much to heart that it makes him walk sadly 28. He is one that prays at his first conversion Acts 9.11 God hath no Still-born children 29. He is one that upon self suspition doth greatly desire to be searched and doth earnestly search himself that his work may be of God approved Psal 77.6 Psal 139.1 30. Under deep distress or languishing Gods promises are then most pretious to him 31. His faith helps on his holyness and his holiness holds up his faith 32. Whereever he goes he carries a constant jealousie with him over his heart proving its affectedness to God and goodness 33. He hath a soft circumcised new heart and is a new creature Ezekiel 36.26 2 Corinthian 5.17 34. The peace of Christs house is the chief joy of his heart 35. He is more afraid of the hell in sin than the hell after sin 36. He doth never resolve to goe on in any known sin 37. He is one that had rather dwell in a Cottage with the humble then in a pallace with the Ungodly 38. He respects all and rejects none of Gods commandments 39. He often asks his heart what am I what a doing whether a going As an Appendix to his Confession of Faith you have here 12. brief Arguments concerning Beleivers Baptism which were bles'd to the satisfaction of a Doubting friend upon that subject to whom he sent them 1. BEcause God commands Acts 2.38 and 10.48 and 22.16 2. Because of the promises made to this Ordidance and to them that submit thereto Matt. 16.16 Act. 2.38 3. Because thereby they imitate Christ and his Apostles Matt. 3.13 Luk. 3.21.23 Act. 9.18 4. Because it is one of the Principles of Religion Heb. 6.1 2. 5. Because it is part of righteousness and practising it is part of fulfilling righteousness Mat. 3.15 6. Because of the significancy of it signifies 1. Jesus Christs death burial and resurrection and our justification thereby Rom. 6.3.4 Mar. 1.5 Act. 22.16 2. Our putting on of Christ Gal. 3.27 3. Our Sanctification is mortification and vivication Rom. 6.2.5 Col. 2.12 4. The Baptism of the spirit or the gifts of the Spirit Act. 1.5 Tit. 3.5 6. 7. Because it is a Seal of the Covenant of Grace coming in the room of circumcision Col. 2.11 compare with Rom. 4.11 This such as are for Infants Baptism acknowledge 8. Because it was and still should be a badge of Christianity and a discriminating character of saints and beleivers from the world and unbeleivers Act. 10.47 1 Cor. 15.29 9. Because it is a concomitant of faith and faith and it ought not to be separated Eph. 4.5 Act. 8.12 10. Because not to be baptized is a rejecting of the Counsel of God Luke 7.30 11. Because it is one of the uniting Bands that joyns the body together and one of the Churches breasts that nourishes her Children 1 Cor. 12.13 Col. 2.19 Cant. 4.5 8 8. 12. Because it is praevious and antecedaneous to Church-communion and to the orderly partaking of the Lords-Supper Acts 2.41 42.9.18 26.27 28 To which might be added the general opinion of both antient and modern Teachers and Churches as appears in their Confessions of Faith and other writings Neither is there any prohibition of reiterating the Ordinance especially if there be any deficiency in the first reception of it and that essential too in Infant baptisme consider Mat. 3. with 2.14 19.3 5. Some gratious Experimental and very choyce Sayings and Sentences collected out of his Papers SAints should fear every Sin but no Sufferings Psal 4.4 Rev. 2.10 There is a Guilt that Saints may communicate to others and contract from others both to be removed by new Acts of Faith and Repentance It is a great ease to and unburthening of the Soul to confess Sin sensibly humbly brokenly and with hatred to it It is the property of a true Christian to justifie God and to judge himself under the greatest afflictions It is and should be the care of a Christian not to suffer for Sin nor Sin in ●●fferings Account the least Spiritual things better then the greatest and best outward and Temporal things There is no real Bondage but what is either from ●●r for Sin Christians will sooner overcome their outward Enemies by praying for them then by praying against them Bad times well improved are far better then ●ood times not redeemed or mispent Shut thy Eyes from beholding thy Ears from earing and thy Heart from entertaining sin All Christians must be brought into the Fire before they will be brought to close for it is impossible to joyn cold Pieces or one cold and another hor. He that is willing to part with his dearest Lust will be willing to part with his dearest Life also A Christian will have but little comfort to suffer for that which is but a Notion in his Head and not a setlend truth in his Heart yet Note that the lesser the Truths are which Christians do suffer for if rightly the more there Love doth appear to Christ therein Gods Minnums or least things are better then the worlds Mountains or greatest things The Saints are to bear a threefold Testimony to and for Christ and his Truths Breath testimony Life testimony and Blood testimony Speaking Words maintaining Opinions and the outward performing of Duties and partaking of ordinances are but the least things in Religion I never trusted Christ but I found him faithful nor my own Heart but I found it false Let Gods hiding thy infirmities and secret sins from thy Enemies make thee the freer and willinger to confess them unto him Learn to know sin to disallow of it dispise it overcome it inwardly and to put it from thee to fear its return and to be more estranged towards it more watchful to avoid Temptations and wise to shun occasions that lead to it The strength of all Corruption sometimes appears in one and do but overcome your master sin and you overcome all The power and strength of Corrupion is but seldom known to wit when Temptations Oppertunities and occasions of tryal come That Soul doth grow empty that is alwayes letting out but not careful to lay in Let Professors take heed least they be alwayes wooing Christ and yet never married to him of being Concubines and not Queens Cant. 6.8 Lay in lay up lay out for Christ Remember
that you shall shortly reach Immortality but never Eternity Make Christ your all and you will be sure to lay down your self all Consider that when you are not assaulted with Temptaions Satan is damming and pounding and and he will suddenly draw up his Sluce and let loose upon you Satan doth not like God warn before he strike Christ work is Wages his Service perfect freedom The Love of the Master the sweetness of the Service and the greatness of the reward are sufficient incouragements to serve Christ A Christians security and safety is in doing his duty and he should study his duty more then his safety He that loves not Christ more then his Lust or his Life is like to lose Christ and his Life but he that loves Christ more then his Life shall be sure to save and keep both Strive greatly to have and to exercise a good Conscience towards God and Men and commit by Soul Life and Cause to the Lord and to ex●●ct the worst of Men and the best of Christ Christ is ●●●o the Soul as the Loadstone to the ●on drawing it to it self or the Cristial to the other ●tones putting Beauty and Lustre on them A Christian beholds Christ in the deepest Afflicti●n as well as in the most spiritual Ordinance Corruptions are like Worms in the Maw or Sto●ach which will eat through the Soul unless scat●red killed and purged out The only way some times for a Christian to avoid the force of Temptation is Souldier Like to fall down on his face when he sees the Cannon or Musket fired against him Make haste to do thy work Christian and God will make haste to give thee thy Wages Thou must dye once whether thou suffer or no and thou canst dye but once if thou suffer The sins of Saints are new sufferings to Jesus Christ and the sufferings of Saints are the Wounds of Christ Reading the Scriptures helps Meditation Meditation Prayer and Prayer every good work Men may come too late to God when the Door is shut but God never comes too late to Men. Let the Child be contented to take the Breast the Mother will give it and then it shall have both so be contented with what Christ gives you and you shall want nothing To see the want of Grace is much the worth of Grace more T is hard to get Grace hard to get assurance of Grace hard to use it and not abuse it T is very hard to behold our own Gift without Pride and the Gifts of others if they excel ours without Envy Do not commend thy Freind nor discommend thy Foe too much least thou be judged to be partial He commands most and best that commads in Love Humility and Self-denyingly He hath not learned to rule that hath not learning●ed to obey An even through Paced Self-fearing Heart melt-Christian is always best The world is a great nothing deluding the bad disturbing and distracting the good Satan works more upon men by sleight then by might avoid his cunning and thou wilt avoid his cruelty Hypocrites Hearts are like stinking Ponds wherein Frogs live and Fish dye Lusts feed and Grace if it were there starves The Devil is like the Turkycock or Crocodile if you turn upon him he will fly from you but you fly from him he will pursue you It is better sometimes to sleight the Devil then to fight him Thoughts of our own death will tend much to deaden sin God hath set the Tongue between the Brains and Heart that it may advice with both and within two Guards to keep it in and yet it is unruly Prayer is a good preparative to suffering when Christ had prayed he went out to meet Judas Ioh. 18.4 Ruffling opinion sowing and Church railing Persons and Professors have commonly more Self then Grace It is the duty of a Christian to suppress and search himself when he doth not know Evil by himself Christ and Sin are most magnified in the Eyes of Believers in their afflictions but in a different manner and to a different end and then Christ is most desired and Sin most dispised A Christian should earnestly desire that his sin might sit in a white Cloud and that he might go out of the World as a Perfume and not as a Snuff The holy Law of God teaches a Man to see his own Deformity and requires from him a Conformity Sin is like a sleepy Lion in the Soul which Temptation soon awakens Christ puts most of his Oyle in broken Vessels in broken Hearts there is most Grace and best kept The less a man strives for himself the more will Christ strive for him Oh my Soul look for death hourly long for it greatly prepare for it carefully meet and welcome it joyfully for it is Christs part to direct his Spouse the Soul to him and thy Freind that comes to set thee at liberty from thy sins discharge thee from thy P●ison dismiss thee from thy Debts and bring thee at once to enjoy all thy desires Oh Lord as a sign that I shall be able to dye for thee let me find my Corruption dying in me by power from thee He that will not take Example shall make an Example Afflictions are Christs Love Tokens Jer. 12.7 Heb. 12.6 Rev. 3.9 and Christians are never more tendred then when most afflicted as Ephraim Jer. 31.20 A Christians Soul should be like the Dial going according to the Sun or following Christ Small sins yeilded too make way for greater and one sin for another He that converts a Sinner covers a world or multitude of sins and gains more then a World to wit a Soul Saints should labour to Lord it over their Corruptions as their Corruptions did formerly Lord it over them God hath given a Man a little Mouth and a narrow Throat that Man may not exced in eating To take pains about unnecessary and unprofitable things is laboriously to mispend time Zeal without Knowledge to guide it is like mettle in a blind Horse which stumbles and overthrows the Rider Young Christians commonly want a Curb and old Christians a Spur. Be not ambitions of Love and thou shalt not be so soon an object of Envy It is good to curb natural and acquired Gifts but to give the Reins to Grace and let alwayes Grace lead rule and master Gifts A Heart unconverted is contended with nothing but what is helping it unto Hell and it hath never enough of that very sin and the Heart converted is never satisfied but with what helps it towards Heaven and yet thinks he hath never enough thereof viz. Christ and Grace Welcome thou thy Landlord Christ into thy Cottage now and he will welcome thee into thy Palace hereafter Get Christ and Christian to bind thy Conscience to the peace and thy Affections and Flesh to the good behaviour Spend all thy Grace against thy Lust but none for it Thy hardest duty in Christianity is to deny self and to destroy sin As the Martyr
professed he had rather be a Martyr then a Monarch so should every Christian It is a special favour and great promotion to suffer Satan accuseth God to Men and Men to God but Christ excuses and answers all his accusations against his People Christians should do as the Shechemites did when their City their own Souls in strength was beaten down fly to their Tower even Christ The true knowledge of Christ brings consolation and the right profession and practice of him persecution When a man is imprisoned and shut up from Men he is the more shut up with God Account it not restraint as long as thy Heart can go out towards God and his People and Wayes in affection and prayer Retiredness and close imprisonment drives a man to hold closer Communion with God and to a stricter search of himself Take heed that preparatory meditation to Prayer doth not prevent Prayer it self or put you besides Prayer One of the radical sins spoken of 1 Iohn 2.16 Is every mans master sin I often found my heart in dayes of Humiliation more affected and melted by the Prayer of weaker then stronger Christians I would be glad to be out of the World when I have no service to do for God in it He that would live for himself onely or cheifly in the World is not worthy to live a day in it If I may have liberty to serve Christ I would have the glory to suffer for Christ Secret Prayer is either a familiar speaking to God or with God or a pouring out of the Heart before God through his Son our Saviour by his spirit Sometimes Ejaculations or short and sudden Pantings and breathings out of desires to God may be more acceptable to him and prevailing with him then long Prayers There may be great difference between the temper of a Christian one time and another yea in the exercising of his Gifts in Praying Preaching c. True Godliness and Hipocrisie are best discerned in turnings and changes either when they change their conditions by Marriages or are exalted to Offices or when new opinions begin to grow Due sin may cause thee more sorrow then all thy sufferings It is happy to dye in the Lord and honourable to dye for the Lord. Sins do dye and fall off from Christians as the Leaves fall from Trees in Autumn by degrees Christians are now as Abraham was driven out of Egypt and come where they were before or into their first State therefore they should offer to the Lord as he did Gen. 13.3.4 God is now spoiling us of what would otherwise have spoiled us Churches gathered in prosperity will hardly stand or continue together in adversity A Child of God may know the weight of sin by Christs sufferings for if that strong Heart of Steel did bend under the weight of our sins what shall poor weak men do which is but a Reed or Rush As our good works and performances should have an operation upon our Souls and Hearts to strengthen Faith so should our weaknesses and sins to work repentance It is a great condescention in God to afflict or lay his hand upon man and in that sence the Apostle exhorts Beleivers not to dispise or think little of the chastning of the Lord. Heb. 12.3 A Beleiver is to shut the Eye of Reason if he will clearly see with the Eye of Faith The promise is a Christian perspective and his Faith the Eye with which he looks through it upon Christ and God the Father in him A Prison or persecution is to a Christian as some scaring thing that one sees in the Night at a distance but when he comes near it and to know it he is not at all afraid of it Seek to find out your own Errors before another find them out and to write your own Errata's VVhen the Lord is trying his People they should be trying themselves Christians should not desire deliverance before the time appointed for that is as if a VVoman should desire to have her Child born before the full and due time Christians are apt to feel and fear punishment more then sin which is the cause of it Gods People must expect in the VVorld the entertainment of Strangers Sins in Saints are like Weeds weeded out of a Garden or Field which lye in the Alleys or Veins but never grow there again A Hypocrite is like a white Stone in the Water amongst other Stones and of that same nature with other Stones there hard heavy cold and inflexable and differs only in colour A true Christian is like a Flint-stone which though it falls into Water yet it keeps and retains Fire in it still so doth he retain his Grace notwithstanding his corruption Labour to act those graces cheifly that are most contrary to your master sins and cheif corruptions The Lord hath Saints enough to devide into three bodies some to suffer for him some to destroy Babilon and some to be for Seed-Corn to sow again in the Earth Learn by lighter Crosses to look and prepare for heavier In two Cases t is hard to Act Faith 1. When there is nothing sensible or visible to second and support it or 2. when there is very much to fil the outward senses It is a very common and ordinary thing for most or all Professors to be in one or two extreams either to over value or under value Instruments Creatures and Ordinances The more Saints do beleive and suffer the more they may expect of the spirit Iohn 7.8 1 Pet. 4.14 Be more thoughtful and careful how to use what you have to Gods glory then to gain more The Lord freely gives and justly takes away The exercising of Graces do naturally destroy sin and the more you abound in Acts of Grace the more you increase the habit Heb. 6.26 The Law causeth sickness of Soul but the Gospel healeth the same When Saints perceive their sins growing weak they should then prosecute them most A Saint is to put forth his Faith in Prayer and afterwards follow his Prayer with Faith In the midest of earthly business the Soul should redeem some special time for secret and private duties It is the will of Christ that Saints should rejoyce more in what Christ hath done for them then in what they have done or can do for him Learn to observe what God gives without asking and what he gives in answer to Prayer for the one begets Thankfulness the other more Prayer Christ kept the Law legally Beleivers kept it Evangelically he perfectly they purposingly and endeavouringly A Beleivers assurance and cheifest joy doth not arise from his sanctification because that is imperfect here in degrees but from his justification Rom. 5.2 1 Pet. 1.8 Look upon Christ first without you then search for him within you God makes us feel him or his hand that he may hear us strokes makes Crys and Whipings mornful complaints to him God troubles us that we may turn to him and leaves us a while for to see
for suffering many months Poverty is the gift God as well as Riches When Saints perceive their sins growing weak they should prosecute them most A wicked man may give good Counsel from God to a good man and he not taking it may be destroyed Pharoh Necho to Iosiah It may be said of many a man that he is honourable and yet a Leaper 2. Kings 5.1 There is no evil in sin but there is some what in the name of Christ that speaks the contrary as sin is darkness so Christ is light c. A Beleiver is to shut the Eye of Reason if he will clearly see with the Eye of Faith The great Principles and Misteries of Divinity 〈◊〉 are to abide in God to live on God to walk with God and to live to God There are three sorts of Gospel Sacrifices 1. Thanksgiving Psal 51.17.19 Amos 4.5 Heb. 13.15 Hos 4.2 2. Liberality to the Poor Mich. 6.8 1 Cor. 16.1.2 2. Cor. 18.19 Heb. 13.16 3. Our selves Rom. 12.1 Sanctifying Thoughts 1. The Thoughts of God free and constant love to me 2. The thoughts of what Christ hath done for me 3. The thoughts of what I have been and done against God 4. The thoughts of what God and Christ are to me and I to them 5. The thoughts of Christs Excellency and some Saints Eminency 6. The thoughts of Death and Judgement 7. The thoughts of what I shall be and shall have hereafter A Christian should be much taken and rejoyce at 1. The least Revelation of Truth 2. The least Communion with God 3. The least additional measure of holiness 4. The least success God gives him in his work T is observed that the first word spoken by Christ in his ministerial office is an assertion to or of the authority of Scripture Mat. 4.4 God is not only the holy one of Israel but the holy one in Israel Ezek. 39.7 By Prayer God doth converse with me by Preaching he doth teach me by Meditation he doth fill me by Saints society he doth warn me by singing Hymnes he doth ravish me by his Supper he doth feed me By his Love he doth endear me to him by his Son embolden me By his Spirit unite me to him By his promises stay me with him Publick Disputations are seldome rightly managed being too often attended either with firceness and frowardness too much insulting over an Adversary if any advantage be gained or be left to one● self in some thing or other to be worsted and shamed Or if some good hath been not to be so ready to give God the glory as in other things A suffering Christian should see that Innocency be the beginning and Patience the end thereof Six necessary Questions that every Christian shoul● ask his own Heart 1. Whether I am a Saint or a Hyppocrite a wise or foolish Virgin 2. What are the truest and strongest grounds I have of my Saintship 3. Whether if I be a true Christian is my Spirit Legal or Evangelical 4. With which of the Saints mentioned in Scripture can I most compare my self 5. What are the Reasons in respect of my self why I continue without full assurance 6. What is my master sin and what power hath it in my Soul or I over it God carries on the work of Grace in Believers 1. According to their natural parts and natural constitutions 2. According to the means they are under whether Legal or Evangelical Preaching 3. According to the things he hath to do by them or calls them to suffer 4. According to the shortness or length of time they have to live 5. According as they have been before the Conversion greater or lesser Sinners Recreations the Object and Subject being right must be 1. Not on Lords-days Fast-days c. 2. Not in the Night for it is given for rest 3. When we stand in need of it 4. Seldom 5. Not over-long 6. Not over costly 7. Suitable to mens conditions 8. To a good end In Duties we should 1. Look for to meet and enjoy God 2. Expect to hear and receive from God 3. Return somewhat to God As a Watch must be dayly wound up by him that carries it otherwise it is useless So the Soul must be spiritually wound up by Christ else it will be unuseful and unserviceable Christ hath more to do to bring us to be reconciled to God then to bring God to be reconciled to us Reasons 1. Because God is willing Men unwil●ing 2. Because God is satisfied and contented with Christs merits so are not Men. Soul freedome 1. To be freed from doubts of its eternal condition 2. Of scrupulous opinions 3. Of the power of Corruption 4. Of stinging Conviction of the Law 5. Of the fiery fierce temptations of Satan 6. From the fear of death Saints do commonly sleight and undervalue what ever suits not with their own Judgements James 1.8 A double minded man that is a man whose mind hangs between a double Object Christ and the World A Saint that hath been sick and near death and is recovered and returns into the World again is like a poor peeld Sheep that is brought out of the high Hill and Storm and almost to the Fold and then chased again to the storm Or a weary Traveller that is near his home that must needs return a great part of his way to fetch what he did neglect Or a man that hath been long at Sea and is in sight of shore but forced to Sea again Or an Apprentice that when he expects to be set at liberty must serve another Apprentiship Or Iosephs Brethren who returning home was forced back again into Egypt Things that seem small to Christians at a distance when God brings them to the Soul they seem great as persons or things at a distance as sin duty c. Two great Evils follow hardness of Heart Rom. 2.5 Impenitency and Wrath. When may sin be said to be a mans own 1. When he commits them out of his own as Satan doth Iohn 8.44 1 Iohn 38.9 2. When he hates it not but loves it yea more then any good Psal 52.3 3. When he nourisheth it Iam. 5.5 They pick the sweetest bits to nourish the hearts 4. When a man provides for it Rom. 13.14 5. When men live in sin 1. Tit. 5.6 6. When it is their Element meat Prov. 1.7 Sleep v. 16. Apparel Psal 73. Chain Prov. 10.23 Men carry their lives as men carry pretious water in a brittle Glass 2 Sam. 14.14 or a Candle in a paper Lanthorn A Saints second part of Sin is sorrow A true Saint hath his high places to walk upon Heb. 3. Last As 1. God himself his being 2. Christ as Mediatour his Light Strength c. 3. The Spirit as his Air. 4. The word as his Staff 5. Mount Zion as his delightful place 6. Gods decrees as his Record 7. Experiences as his helps 8. Hopes of Salvation as his encouragement The Evils I have feared and experienced in my self
in giving it to them and of his being in Covenant with them and they with him if they carefully observed it and therefore it is called the Covenant Exod. 31.17 As Circumsion a sign of the Covenant is called a Covenant Gen. 17.7 My heart was moved to pray earnestly against sin and those words in Psal 72.12 13 14. were pretious to me he shall deliver the needy when he cryeth the poor also and him that hath no helper This day I learned from Psal 74.16 The day is thine and the night it thine that the State of affliction as w●ll as a State of posperity is of the Lord and necessary and to continue but for a time Then from Psal 76.10 Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee and the remainder of wrath thou wilt restrain I learned not to be troubled at mens fury for God would have glory thereby and God will restrain it when he will this day I perceived three things much wanting in me First Love enough to Christ to make me willing to suffer Secondly Repentance enough for Sin Thirdly Care enough in Gods service This day I had some inlargement in Prayer I learned also 1. That Prayer is a special remedy or means to prevent the Soul from sin 2. That ordinary spiritual Judgments as hardness of Heart c. go before outward Judgements 3. That it is a very sad sign as well as a great sin to refuse the Lord and his Counsel God complains Psal 81.11 That they would not hearken to his Counsels and that they would none of him I had some sence but trouble for want of more of the sufferings of Gods People in S and I was encouraged from the following Observations and considerations First That the man is blest whose strength is in the Lord Psal 8.4 5. Secondly That when God will return to his People and bring them back from their captivity he will forgive their iniquities cover their sins and take away all his wrath Psal 85.1 2 3. Thirdly That salvation is nigh to the People of God verse 9.4 That he will set his People in the way of his steps verse 13. This day supposed to be the longest in the year I judge it my duty to be strict in observing what glory to God or good to my Soul such a long day would produce 1. In the morning as the night before I had my Heart drawn out to pray earnestly against temptations especially one and I observed presently the temptation set upon me but the Lord delivered me from it and removed it from me for which my Heart was affected moved and raised to praise the Lord. 2. I learned that affliction draws out the Heart of the godly much in Prayer and Supplication Psal 8.11.13 3. I learned that it is not enough for a Christian to do good but he should carefully endeavour to do the cheifest and most seasonable good 4. By visiting some of the poorest Prisoners I observed this that sometimes in doing good a man may be in danger of receiving evil or a good disposition may bring a man lyable to temptation in the morning I had encouragement from Psal 91.9.10 Because thou hast made the Lord which is my refuge and there shall no evil befat thee I had much refreshing also in the communion of divers Christians I learned also from Revelations the 2.26.27 compared with the 12. Chap. 11. That he that suffereth for Christ overcometh ferendo vincere spero at the noise of the great thunder this night I was moved to consider the greatness of Iehovah whose voice was so loud I was troubled in the morning with many bad thoughts yet had some trouble for them but out of Psal I observed three things 1. That the heart may be withered 2. That after God hath lifted up a Saint he may cast him down again 3. That Davids argument to move God not to cut him off in the midest of his dayes was because Gods years were throughout all Generations Being the Lords day I found my Heart in as good a frame as I had any day both in respect of tenderness and enlargedness in Prayer and likewise learned somewhat from divers Scriptures especially from 2. Pet. 3. From the consideration of what God had promised to do and the patience and long suffering of Christ and what the Saints did look for what manner of persons Christians ought to be viz. 1. Holy in all manner of Conversation and godliness 2. Looking and expecting the coming of Christ 3. Diligent in geting assurance and being found acceptable 4. Accounting that the patience of God intended from their good 5. Watchful and careful least they be drawn aside into Error 6. Lastly growing in Grace and in the knowledge of Christ I was observing from Psal 105.8 How God remembered his Covenant with his People yea and for them Psal 106.47 also his mercy Psal 98.3 And though they either forget or neglect either the one or the other yet what abundant comfort is this to Beleivers This day was a very good day to me in respect of several favours received from the Lord for which I desire to be earnestly thankful I learned to consider how far a man may go with a meer ascent to truth without experiencing the power of the same working in us I was also earnest with the Lord that in case he did not put an end to my sufferings he would put an end to my sin This was a day better resolved on then observed Oh how oft and in how many wayes are men disappointed in their purposes which shews all good to be in the hand of God and man to be a poor changeable weak Creature yet from Psal 107. I was noting how ready God is to hear the Cry of his People for four times in that Psal He is said to hear their Cry in trouble and to deliver them out of their distress verse the and yet it is as observable how backward men a●e to return praises to God and therefore in the Psalms it is also said four times Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness ve●se Though this Evening I had some inward refreshing yet this Night I had sore Temptations of several sorts This day my Temptations continued strong yet with a resolution in the strength of Christ to resist beware of them and in consideration o● the words nevertheless notwithstanding and yet which I find frequent in the Scriptures used and applied to Gods People both after their sinning and under their suff ing I had some com●ort as Psal 106.8 44. 1 Kings 2. chap. 12. Psal 40.17 42.8 This d y fr●m several Scriptures as Psal 119. 4. Acts 6.4 1 Cor. 7.3 compared togeth●r I was convinced it was a special duty in which I was too n●gligent to give ones self to P●ayer I also observed that neglecting the season so servi●e or duty p●oves sometimes a perfect o●ission of that d●●y I also was observing ●he great
happin●●● of a good m n above the wicked that the Lord stands at the right hand of the one and the Devil at the right ha●d of the other Psal 109.31 compare● with the 6. verse This day I was learning that a Christian should endeavour to pe●●orm all his duties 1. more int●rely or with his whole Heart Psal 111.1 119. 2. 2. More delightfully Psal 119.16.53 47 70. Rom. 7.22 3. With more judgement and discretion Psal 112 5. 4. With perseverance Col. 4.2 This morning I was overcome with passion and frowardness which made me enquire into the reason of that and other Corruptions I was observing this that it is a mercy to have the Soul come to its place again after sin but far better not to go out of its place at all this Night I had a very sore and strong Temptation but was through the grace of God supported and strengthened from the consideration of Christ that was tempted who considers those that are tempted also from his Prayer Iohn 17.11 and from those two promises Isa 59.19 James 4.7 I fled to the Lord by Prayer and he delivered me and I trust he also will deliver me Being the Lords day I had my Heart in a reasonable good frame in the morning in Prayer I was observing that God exalteth himself even then when he humbleth himself to look on men Psal 113.6 marg I found my Heart much raised and enlarged in Prayer for Gods work and People had faith therein I observed from Isa 38.17 For Peace I had great Bitterness c. I learned that a Christians condition is murable and therefore he should be contented with his condition what ever it be and whether comfortable or miserable he should look that God may soon alter it and he should not desire to go out of one state into another till he hath gotten good by being in the former 2. That Gods love is not only seen in the removing affliction from us but in afflicting of us also 3. That Gods People should learn to gain assurance and experience by affliction This Evening I was much refreshed in reading Bains upon the Ephes especially one chap. the 1.13 and the 4.30 Concerning the sealing of the Spirit This day I observed the duty and resolution of a sincere Christian viz. to walk before the Lord. Psal 116.9 Gen. 24.40 I was also thinking how necessary it is for a right Christian that desires to walk holily to observe carefully the inward workings of the Spirit of God as also the secret wayes and methods of sin I was convinced also how uneffectual it is for a Christian to promise or resolve any thing in his own strength I learned from David that he oft mentions serving and seeking God with his whole Heart which dutie● I love and would learn more experimentally and practically according to Psal This day I was enlarged and somewhat softened in the duty of Prayer several times and convinced what an evil it is in Gods sight 1. To be long under affliction unhumbled and uncleansed Jer. 44.10 Jos 22.17 and especially to sin wittingly and to add sin to sin I was considering of four duties to repent for sin to redeem time to get fuller assurance and to prepare for Christ I was also affected with some news that concerned the People of God This day I was observing that though a true Christian may have a sound Heart and Faith in the word of the Lord yet he may be as a Bottle in the smoak dry and withered yea and fainting and fail●ing for the Lord and his salvation Psal 119.80 81 82 83. I learned this also that disappointment ●n ones expectation causeth dejection and trouble This day having had a long and serious discourse with a knowing Gentleman I observed somewhat more then even I had done before concerning the Image of God and the new man mentioned in Ephes ● 24. Col. 3.10 I had consideration also that Child of God may easily see to the end of or beyond all that the men of the world can do to him I had some inlargedness and softness of Heart in Prayer also I observed several things from 1. Thess 2. I observed the following Lessons 1. That by gaining understanding from and delight in the Statutes and Precepts of the Lord a Christian comes to hate every falce and wicked way Psal 119.97.104 2. To seek to get a Heart inclined alwayes to perform Gods Statutes verse 112. 3. That when a Soul hath an intention to keep Gods Commandements he will abstain from the company of evil doers verse 115. I had great trouble and sorrow in my Heart in the Evening from a Letter I had from a Brother tu●ned Quaker but my Heart was much drawn forth to to pray for him This day being Lords day in the morning I had my Heart drawn forth again to pray earnestly for that Brother and had my Spirit several times somewhat revived this day and among several other things which I observed 1. That a Child of God be altered much in the frame of his Spirit from better to worse as Baruch also Ionah c. 2. That a time of common calamity it will be a mercy for a religious man to have his life as Baruch was p omised to have Jer. 45.5 3. I observing how God may punish a good man in the same kind that he sins as Asa with pain in his Feet a● he had put the Prophet in the Stocks before 2. Chron. 16.10 12 compared 4. Oh what an evil it is in a Christian to sin David was told that he despised the Lord and his Commandement 2 Samuel 12.8.10 5. From Ezek. 10.11 that the Wheels that is either they Angels Saints or the providences of God they followed the head and turned not as they went so should we follow Christ 6. It is observeable that God takes notice of all that is in the minds of men Ezek. 11.5 as well as all the words in their Tongues as the frame of mens Spirits so they think of God for if they be holy and faithful they conceive so of God This day also I found the evil of my Heart to be in one frame when it should be in another as to rejoyce when it should mourn I lost oppertunities this day to serve the Lord by discourses with several sorts of persons especially some that pretend to the Virgin life who mightily sleight Iesus of Nazareth and the Scriptures which made me strongly oppose them and do with them as the Apostle commands 2. Iohn 10. that promise also was sweet unto me Psal 121.3 He will not suffer thy Feet to be moved This day in the Morning and at Noon I had my Heart drawn out and softned more then ordinary in Prayer yet I found my Heart suddenly moved to anger this was in divers sences a day of great kindnes from the Lord I was observing from Hos 12. 1. That fear care and trembling are especial means to keep the
I had my Heart several times in a good frame of Prayer Fifthly I learned f om Psal 149.2.4 How it is mutually between God and his People they joy in him and he take pleasure in them I also was thinking of the grounds of Saints doubts about their salvation viz. Ignorance in the Covenant of grace want of observing their Hearts of keeping up Holiness Slothfulness and favouring some secret sin and not profiting by ordinances I was noting that the wicked are not ashamed to profess that they endeavour hurt to the righteous without a cause Prov. 1.11 and that the godly should g●ow more bold by how much the more their afflictions increase 1. Thess 2.2 I had my heart this day so tned in P●●yer I was this day convinced of the negligence in that duty of desiring to see the Faces of the Saints as Paul did 1. Thess 3.11 I received a special Letter this day from our dear Brother I. B. which suited much with my condition and judgement I learned a word from one that I could not expect such words viz. I did not heretofore prize neither great things that were temporal of spiritual but now I prize the least things of either sort from 2. Cor. 7. chap. 4 5 6. I observed 1. That in the greatest trouble Gods People may have the greatest comforts 2. That their comfort is originally from God 3. That God may send in these comforts at such times and in such a manner as they expect not this Evening my Soul was a little refreshed by divers promises and softned in Prayer Being the Lords day I observed from Prov. 3.16 In all thy wayes acknowledge him that godliness is an eying of God owning of God imitating of God and respecting of God in all our wayes and upon the consideration of these two following questions I had many thoughts some of which were refreshing and satisfying to me from the first question how we may know that we have received real good benefit by our afflictions Secondly How we may know when God doth afflict in Love and Faithfulness Psal 119.75.71 also divers other meditations from Rev. 12.10 They overcame by the word of their testimony and by the Blood of the Lamb c. and concerning the spiritual Race which a Christian is to run I had some enlargedness and tenderness of heart God according to his usual way and dealing with me foreseeing what I could not to wit more approaching affliction did this day administer an Antidote even comfort by Letters from the hands of several special Freinds also those words keep sound wisdome keep my saying in the midest of thine heart and keep thy heart with all diligence were I adjudged words worthy of observation hearing this Evening of a gratious Brother and Preacher sickness my heart was moved earnestly to pray for him I observed in the Morning a special exhortaion out of Prov. 5.1 My Son attend unto my wisdome and bow thine Ear unto my understanding also verse the 23. that sin is a great folly so chap. 18.13 Judg. 19.23 This day I received a sad Letter from a Brother T. E. that is turned Quaker which added much ●o my affliction the good Lord shew him the E ●or of his way and humble and reclaim him this day I was sensible of my aptness to be angry and was put seriously to enquire into the voice and will of God by these additional afflictions and I find a need of the continuance of them and my heart brought into a more submissive frame to bear and suffer his Rod. This day I bless the Lord was a good day to my Soul I had enlargedness and much freeness with some measure of softness and earnestness in Prayer especially for the Saints of God and perticularly for my own country Christians I had also a strong resolution to watch my self more carefully and do my duty more diligently then formerly out of Prov 7. I observed several helps or means to prevent and preserve the Soul from sin viz. 1. A laying up the Commandements in the Heart 2. A looking on them or eying of them 3. Getting endeared affection to Christ 4. By taking heed of the occasions thereof This day was but a flat drowsie day to my Soul nor great good gained but sin and grace not discernably active and affections unwarmed and unquickened yet convinced of lost time and comforted a little from 1 Thess 4. With thoughts of Christs coming I was this morning instructed from wisdomes words Prov. 8.8 All the words of my mouth are in righteousness and there is nothing froward in them that I should take more heed for the time to come of a froward Month and Tongue this day also I hope I can humbly say it I injoyed the Lord both in Meditation and Prayer and being sensible of the want of skil in beleiving and more diligence in sanctification and thereupon I am resolved through grace and hope to be enabled to take more heed to my ways and as the Lord also presented that Scripture to me Thess 5.15 But ever follow that which is good This day I had a check in my Spirit for lightness of heart and besides an outward special Providence I observed I learned from the sin I saw and heard of in others to loath or at least desired to loath it in my self I also observed from Prov. 9.18 That one main Reason why People do not leave sin is because they do not know or consider the punishment of sin also what a commendable thing it is for Christians to be patient and beleiving in all Persecution and Tribulations Thess 2.1 chap. 4. This day being the Lords day through Gods grace I had my heart much softened and enlarged to call upon God especially one time I observed also that that want of the love to the truth and love to unrighteousness are the causes of men falling from the faith 2. Thess 2.10.12 also ano●her excellent Lesson from that word 2. Thess 3 1● where he speaks of busie Bodies which signifies properly to be too intent about the work we should not be This d●● I had my heart set somewhat upon the consideration h● t v● p ●●●s P●ov 11.2 12 13. The ●ust ●hall be del●ve●ed and the just shall be saved on of troub●e 〈◊〉 d● I was no●eing a great difference between having the light and the love of the truth this day I received an Answer from a Christian Freind of a B●others business of concernment which signified his love and care and increased my affection to him I was somewhat affected also with the sweet Counsel of Christ to the Church of Sardis I had my Soul in some good frame especially in Prayer and comfort from the consideration of the promises in Psal 1.3 That the good man shall bear Fruit and that his Fruit shall not wither and Isa 49.25 and Jer. 33.20 From the stability of the Covenant I likewise considered 1. That there is that in Christ which answers
every condition 2. That we have done that which deserves the worst condition 3. That we should mind more the glory of God and our duty in our condition and not strive to make our outward state in a natural w●y sweet which God intends to sweeten otherwise Next day I sound my heart in a hard and streight condition and frame most part of this day and not disposed to the duty intended as it ought and in the Evening of this day I was moved to passion but avoiding occasion● y●ng to the Lord I was delivered and from Prov. 13.3 I learned two Lessons First to keep my mouth and to be well advised I also found a g●eat desire to grow in plainness and sincerity of heart This day by discourse I came to understand some Scriptures especially Iohn 3.14 and the 11.10 as is observed an written down in both those margen●s clearer then eve● b● o e also I obse●ved where the word Soul Nephesh is taken for ● dead body Numbers the 9.6 the 6. Chap 6. al●o two other necessary and seasonable Lesso●s from Prov. 14.8.15 viz. To understand the way and to look well to my goings also this Evening I had my heart a little more then ordinary softened and enlarged in Prayer This day I experienced but little good or gain gotten to my Soul and found my Heart but in a flat frame yet I was affected a little with the consideration of the great honour given by the Elders and others to Iesus Christ Rev. 5.13 and I perceived more desire after true sincerity of heart and observed a good providence of God This day I observed a remarkable passage in a great mans suffering death that he vowed and wished that if ever he did game again he might be hanged and hanged he was a warning to look to our wishes then I marked those two words Prov. 15.4 That perversness in the Tongue is or makes a breach in the Spirit I was smitten in my Conscience for an evil thought and convinced for my unconstancy in good and want of more sence of my own and others sins and slackness in some services but I had comfort from the 1. Thess 5.24 That Gods faithfulness ingages him to perfect his work in his People and to preserve them to the end This day being the Lords day I learned amongst many other Lessons from Ezek. 20. 1. That when Gods People do come to ordinances yet they should expect good only from God the People sate before Ezekiel but inquired of God verse 1. 2. That when People abuse their Gifts God will pollute them therein and thereby verse 26. 3. That those that go on in sin cannot expect to find God when they call upon him 4. That God may sometimes return the captivity of his People before they repent verse 42 43 I was convinced that it is my duty 1. To study my duty more 2. To strive to do my duty better this whole day I was troubled with the Head-ach and pain in my Stomach but I found the Lord enabling me with much patience moving my heart to praise him that affliction is not far greater Calm joy and ease came this morning from the presence of the Lord after trouble and pain with a resolution to prize time and mercy and to walk better and more diligently before the Lord who directeth the steps Prov. 16.9 and he that keepeth his way preserveth his Soul which Scriptures I observed this Morning this Evening I had some communion with the Lord in Prayer I was lead to look upon that duty 1. Tim. 2.2.13 Of praying for all men and from what I heard of another to praise God for his goodness to me This Morning I observed a special providence by the coming of a Freind to visit me and observed further from Prov. 17.5 Howbeit Gods affliction is compared to a fining Pot or Furnace to try and purge the Heart also what a sad thing t is to have good oppertunities and prizes put into our hands but to want improving hearts or to have corruption hinder good verse 16 20. I found no especial enlargment nor communion with the Lord this day but rather a provocation to pride yet of that good word in Tim. 1.3 chap. 2.6 met with me This day being willing to wait upon God I found him good to me in softening and inlarging and drawing out my Heart in Prayer and I had some comfort from those words Psal 9.9 The Lord will be a refuge for the oppressed a refuge in times of trouble and verse the 18. the needy shall not alwayes be forgotten yet this Evening I was set upon by temtation which in part prevailed and in part was resisted In the Morning fowl and and sinful thoughts came into my heart but God made them bitter and burdensome to me and now little sins begin like Flies to be more troublesome to me yet I much su●pect my self if the Lo●d left me to my self never so little and short a time I had some joy and strength from Prov. 20.21 Wait on the Lord and he shall save thee This day my heart was somewhat melted and warmed in duty and I found power to resist temptation I had also my heart in a reasonable good measure brought to consider why the Lo d afflicts me and adds afflictions and was throughly resolv●d in two things that I would do what I could to pacificy God and to please him and to beleive in his free grace through Christ let him do what he will with me I was observing three comforts to the righteous from Prov. This day was a good day both inwardly and outwardly especially outwardly I had some thoughts of Gods judgement to fear them and to endeavour to shun them and to intreat the Lord not to let me share with the wicked in their punishments much less their sins I observed from Prov 22.14 that it is a sign of hatred to be left to sin an excellent promise in verse 23. also twelve Lessons Paul teaches 1. Tim. 4. This day being the Lords day I had some e●joyment of the Lords presence as I observed and among other things I observed fi●st f●om Ezek. 39 26. That the first thing that th● Lo●d d●th in the Redemption o● his People is to b ing them to remember thei● sins and to repent for them ●nd so having cleansed and saved them from their iniquties Jer. 33.8 Ezek. 36 29. he wo ks th●n ●●eir temporal and outward deliverance 2. F●om the f●st verse that when the Lord hath given his ●pi●●● to 〈◊〉 People he never forsakes them more 3. From Psal 80.5 17. I had considerations of the great suff●rings of the Church of God of old and the ground of their comfort which is Christ 4. From Rev. 12. was much refreshed to consider that the Church when she went to the Wilderness yet that was by Wings that God gave her and likewise in the Wilderness there was a place prepared by God for her and there
that I resolve some things I have not power to do This day I learned in the morning three things 1. His coming into the World 2. His walking before and living in this world rightly 3. His departure out of this world also this day in the Evening the Lord shewed me kindness in some degree and I had the consideration of the state to others upon my heart yet I was convinced that I wanted more softness of Heart Though this day was somewhat painful to my body yet I had some refreshing thereon to my Soul for 1. I observed out of Heb. 12.16 Encouragement to suffer also inquiries into Beleive●s building upon the true Foundation from Math. 7.24 withal many comforts from Christs carriage between his Resurrection and Ascention from this day to the 29. I observed not much save that my heart was in an ordinary Frame not much elivated in good nor cast down with evil God moved my heart to praise him for his mercy the night before and indeed it was worthy of praise and I found a very great encouragement in my spirit to the Lord for it this day I received divers Letters from my Freinds in the Country which were very refreshing and the Lord came very seasonable into my Soul through many expressions in Psal 91. It pleased the Lord this day to draw forth and to inlarge my heart much in Prayer with many tears and from the 1. Kings and Ier. 50.20 To comfort me much in respect of the p●●●●n of sin also to consider four Lessons 1. To be think my self more of the sins I had committed 2. To confess th●m more sensibly 3. To turn from them more effectually 4. To look upon it as a work of Christ a it was to the Preists under the Law to cleanse the Sanctuary either the Churches of God of the hearts o● his People 2. Chron. 29.16 This day did God tenderly afflict me in my head yet wonderfully whilst I was at Prayer removed it I perceived it in the midle of Pr●yer departing from me I heard also from Christians in the Country which much refreshed me I observed two comfortable words from Ier. 50.33.34 51.53 For the Church of God and methought according to that Scripture Psal 102.14 I had some pleasure in the Stones and did favour the dust of Z●on and from Hos 8. I observed son Lessons 1. To take heed of leaving to take heed to the Lo d especially in an evil time 2. Of short repentance 3. Of being a Vessel of no delight in Goes sight 4. Of being giving up to sin Being the Lords day I think I may say it was a sweet day to my Soul in ●ivers ●espects This day was good to the outward man but I sound a carnal rickling of self conceitedness in some thing I had done and was doing and I was convinced that my time stole away insensible I observed that the Character of bad profession are out of Hos 10. are 1. To bring forth Fruit unto themselves 2. To have a divided Heart 3. To be worse by affliction 4. To have the evil of evil verse 14. This day I would ever remember because of my great folly in my great frowardness towards my Wife and another my Conscience reproved me for it and I was convinced from Prov. 14.17.29 What evil I did thereby Being a day of Prayer I found my heart by Gods goodness much enlarged sorrowing much for the faults of the former day I learned from Exek 10. Three duties 1. To know the time 2. To redeem it and 3. To consider how soon it may be at an end Being the day my Wife went to W. I found an inclina●ion in me to ●owardness but God restrained it and I found that Evening a continued sence and sorrow of and for my former evil I learned from Eccles 11. 1. That a man should hasten to do what good he can because of the evil that is coming upon the Earth 2. Put away evil from my Flesh This day and night following I was much troubled with temptations out of Eccles 12. I observed many things that should move to mind their mortality and that there is a time when the days will be so evil that they will not be desired also in the 9. 10. it is said twice that the Preacher sought out 1. Matter 2. Words This day I had power to repulse temptation also a consideration that the blessed and righteous man 1. Doth not go in sin presumptuosly 2. Nor continue in sin carelesly nor 3. Give way to sin con●ivingly I also considered that God in affliction doth no more to a Child of his then the Angel did to Peter Acts the 5. Smite him to awake him out of Sleep Being the Lords day I was refreshed in the morning with the presence and spirit of God in Prayer and from the consideration of the wisdome watchfulness and inweariedness of Satan in deceiving and tempting I should learn to be watch ul and careful in keeping from the same The following Week my Book being from me I did not write my observations only I remember that upon the s●atch day I had comforts both by power I had against temptations and from a Letter I had which came from several Freinds in Wales Also the last day of the week I found my heart much intent upon preaching and with tears I did both study my Sermon and pray for a blessing thereon yet had not liberty to preach it Also the following week wherein I was in wards I had not my Book only I remember 1. That I was well contented with my condition 2. Very cheerful and comfortable 3. Had a greater mind to do good 4. Free from temptation 5. Resolved to let the Lord himself bring me out in his time and way 6. When I came out was stird up to praise the Lord yet was not without temptations afterwards Some Lessons that I hope I have learned or gained more experience in since my imprisonment 1. To be more sober and serious in my carriage and to shun and loath more jesting jearing and foolish laughter vain speaking and unbeseeming behaviour 2. To prize secresie or being in secret for private Meditation Self-examination and Prayer more then before 3. I have gained more power against passion and anger besides some other corruptions and more moderation in discoursing with men of differing judgements 4. A very great and earnest desire that there may be a general Union between the Saints of God at least a forbearance towards one and other wherein they cannot agree 5. And especially a Heart really to pray for and to pardon my worst and greatest Persecutors 6. To justifie God willingly and fully in all that he hath done and to acknowledge that it is not without cause nor so much as mine iniquityes have deserved God dealing with me under the Covenant of Grace and as a Father 7. To look more at the good and gain I have received from the Lord in and by sufferings then
good of Souls before their own worldly profit advantage but are rather so oppressing their Se●vants that they can hardly have any time day or night to give God what he requ res He used in his Family sometimes to repeat Sermons and inquiring what they remembred thereof sometimes what they had read that day in the Scriptures and what they had observed in their reading what providence they had taken notice of and what instruction from them sometimes propounding useful questions to them to resolve sometimes read and expounded a Chapter and informed himself how they understood it and what they remembred from it sometimes sing an Hymn and pray constantly which duties he performed twice a day if no more when at home and usually would alter both his method and his hours designing to bring them up to the life and not so much to live in the form of duties Those Servants that he saw careless of their Souls or sleep in duties not remembring what they heard he would charge warn and rep●ove them most strictly and threaten to turn them out of his doors if they did not reform When his occasion led him abroad to preach which was very often he left with them strict charge to perform the Family duties amongst themselves As he was a housekeeper had all things provided decently and in good order his Husbandry and all his affairs well contrived and managed with great discretion This following account so well agreeing with the former and given in by his dear Wife Mr. Kathetherine Powel is thought meet here to be inserted He was exceeding tender to all persons to their inward and outward man bountiful in heart and hand to any he saw need or desire good from him a fifth part of all his income either of the little he had of his own or otherwise by providence came to him he dedicated to the Lords service and gave it to any in want much of it would he give to poor carnal persons saying we should not only be kind to one another for God is kind to the unthankful and unholy and that Christians should do good for the honour of the Gospel striving by this as well as otherways to make the poor World in Love with or at lea●● have nothing to say against the good ways of God not the Professors of it Tho●gh he suffered much and of various kinds yet never retaind anger or disgust to the instruments but could weep in secret for them that their sins might be blotted out No● ever did I know by any surprizing tryal unfitted for Prayer or any service for God A man of great sincerity and plainness either spake his heart in what he spake or else spake not at all nor omited speaking what he thought was his duty for fear of displeasing any and yet a most winning obliging carriage to all persons a man very observant how his Soul prospered to which end he writ every night what he had gained or lost therein that day either in the Scriptures Prayer Christian converse or other duties he was exercised in A man of great Faith in all things God has promised to his People relating to inward or outward man and as to his own particular when there was at any time shortness in either he went with much humble holy boldness through Faith in the Blood of Jesus to tell God what he wanted who did give eminent returns of that kind A man of great humility esteeming inferiour Christians before himself and willing others should do so too A man much in Prayer he set aside one part of the day alone to seek God for Sion not mixing other requests at that time and constant in Family duty morning and night at least and with his Wise before he went to Bed notwithstanding which immediately before he composed himself to rest took leave by committing again by a few words in Prayer to the Lord and so in the morning when he awoke renewed Communion afresh with God sometimes first by Prayer sometimes when his heart overflowed with spiritual joy in Songs or Hymns of Praises and that with a very broken and melting Frame A man very conscientious and exemplary in all relative duties and very punctual to his word if he promised any thing it was as binding to him as the most legal obligation he was naturally of a hasty spirit which if at any time brake out he would in a short space recover himself and come out of it return to as sweet and amiable a frame of spirit as could be desired and candidly acknowledge his passion and mourn over it He was a very strict and conscientious Observer of the Sabbath day viz. The first day of the week the Christian Sabbath not doing or speaking of that day what he saw lawful upon other dayes attending the duties thereof from Evening to Evening and as to the change of the day and the duties required in sanctifying thereof he hath with great judgement asserted from the Scriptures too large to be here inserted To these foregoing Testimonies tending to preserve the savour and precious memory of this eminent Servant of Christ as well as vindicate him from those reproaches that for zeal to his Masters service he was loaded with and that not only from bad men but through Emulation prejudice or mistakes even from good men also it is thought meet to add also the following Testimonial by some of his antient acquaintance and persons of known worth and integrity As for his birth we took notice that Gentlemen of the best Rank in the County of Salop Radnor Mountgomery c. saluted him as their Kinsman and for his Education though from his Childhood brought up a Schollar we measured it not by every dutty Way he hath travelled or fowl Dunghill he hath ●●oden on but by the endowments of his mind as a man a Christian a Preacher His dexterous faculties both natural and acquired his Scripture Learning and Gifts of utterance adorning those several capacities If that saying be true Bonus Textuarius est bonus Theologus we may attest him to have been none of the meanest we cheifly p●ized his nurture and proficiency under Christ But lastly we look upon his work as a Flower above all in his Garden for Beauty Savour and medicinal vertue he was an indifatigable Labourer in the Harvest Peaching almost every day in one Parish or other and twice or thrice a day often 1. Christ and Moses excellency or Zion or Sina's glory treating of the two Covenants 2. A Dialogue between Christ and a Publican Christ and a doubting Christian 3. Christ exalted by the Father God the Father glorified and mans Redemption finished 4. The Bird in the Cage 5. Common Prayer no Divine service 6. Sufferers Chatichisme 7. A Scriptural Chatichism 8. Sinful and sinless swearing A Scripture Concordance He hath written several Books none of which impeaded one Sermon His acceptance was more then ordinary above many of his fellow Labourers in the Gospel
sin to offend Christ neither in the guilt nor filth of it nor no grace counterfeited nor corrupted to provoked Christ nothing espoused to steal away the affections from Christ but that the soul stand clear in its faith and love and every grace and stand loose from duties ordinances nearest and dearest relations that so there might be no cause of difference betwixt Christ and the soul That Christians should be faithful to the death for he that indureth to the end the same shall be saved Another time speaking to the Dr. returning him thanks for his Cure told him Contra vim mortis non est medicamen in hortis Another time after he had been composing himself to rest and had slept awhile he awoke and said He had been with Paul Harrison Craddocke and others of the Saints deceased At another time that he was brought into a fine pleasant Garden where he saw a fine Mansion house on one side of it into which he was to go but he was had on the other side of the Garden where there was a thing like a Coffin made up with deal Boards from whence he was afterwards brought to the Mansion house was satisfied in his dream that that was his passage through the grave to glory and did then again say that all would be in vain that was done to him however did assure those that were concerned about him that their Labours should not be in vain but God would remember it as a kindness done to himself Another time he expresses himself after this manner Sad times will come and many of them that stand now will fall some shall be put into Prison some impover●shed some banished and some put to death and the Saints scattered so that their differences shall be done away when they are in their greatest distresses then the Lord will appear for them and will save them with a mighty hand In his sickness he beged of God that he would please to continue his understanding in which God did graciously answer him even to the last to the admiration of the Dr. Did very often and very earnestly press the Saints to be of one heart and to lay aside all their differences About praying for Magistrates said I have been blamed and judged by some Christian friends that differ from me for that liberty I took as if I had backsliden from my former Principles which the Lord knows I did not out of fear but according to my Principles and Conscience yet do now see that in some things therein I was right and in some things wrong To pray for them as sinners that God would shew them their sins therein I was right but since such a time naming the time God hath shewed me that prayer should not be put up for them as Magistrates and named two Scriptures On the Death of Mr. VAVASOR POWELL HEre weary Nature and unwearied Grace By wayes unlike have finished their race For under their Directors eye they tend By divers means to the same blessed end Nature by her decays accomplisht is And Grace by thriving brings the soul to bliss Trouble adds wings to both and speeds their way Vnto Eternal Rest where 's perfect Day This was thy prayer to hastens whose desire Grace Nature Trouble do in one conspire Nature impair'd by Sufferings hastes t' entomb Her wearied Limbs in her great Mothers womb And grace grown near to Glory brooks no more A distance from her fulness and her store So have I seen a pleasant stream to glide With gentle calmness to the Ocean side Adorning in his way the neighbouring Fields With the rich fruits which his free bounty yields When boysterous Winds and Storms assault with force His peaceful streams envying his work and course As him forbidding any more to bring Himself an homage to his Lord and King With whose rebuke provok'd he summons wide The strength of 's Waves for to controule their pride And heightned by opposing presseth on With violence unto his Ocean Such was thy course seeking ev'n from thy Youth The eternal Spring of Goodness and of Truth Refreshing others with the influence Of Christal Living streams deriv'd from thence When wrathful Tempests unprovok'd did swell Striving thy labouring mind for to repell From her just course this made thee speed thy love To Freedom Rest and what is else above There full repose light truth and peace do bless Thy welcome Soul with sacred happiness Nature now faints no more nor doth Grace grow And Trouble 's left behind to us below Upon the Death of that painful and Laborious Servant of Jesus Christ in the Work of the Gospel Vavasor Powell who died the 27 of the 8 moneth 1670. LIke to the ripened shock of Corn that 's brought Into the Barn or like a Shipfull fr ught With Indians riches which through raging Seas Ariveth at the Harbor of its ease So Vavasor was gathered into rest With Heavenly treasure being greatly blest A tried faith more pretious then the Gold That Ophir yielded Solomon of old A patience wrought by Bonds to such degree As made him triumph over misery Heavenly experiences from patience gained With such a hope as maketh not asham'd Did fraight this Pinnace which with furled Sail Safely is entred now within the Vail Where all the Saints shall Land Though Billows swell Opening their Jaws to swallow up like hell Yet know proud waves although you rage and rore You shall but break your selves against the shoare Then be encourag'd you that spread your sails On foaming furyes blown with various gales To make a happy Port you need not fear Whilst you with Vavasor your course shall steer If the Olempick Agonists did fight And run and wrastle with their utmost might If they did think it of so great renown To win the prize though but a with'ring Crown If they did streine and strive with all their powers To wreath their heads about with fading Flowers Then surely Heaven and a Crown of Life Is worthy of a Christians greatest strife Thus Powell thought and therefore did ingage Gainst Sin and Satan and a wicked age And like a Rock that is assaulted by Impetuous waves yet lifts his head on high As unconcern'd and makes his standing good Against the batteries of the Ocean Flood So Powel helpt by an Almighty hand In perils prisons deaths unmov'd did stand In the Lords work until he gave that call Come up to Heaven and reap the fruit of all An Achrostick upon his dear deceased friend Mr. Vavasor Powell V ain World to undermine unto thy shame A ll those choice Pillars that bear up thy frame V nto approaching Christ when they shall fly A ll thy proud p●mp in fiery flames shall lye S lighted Ambassadors when called home O ften bespeaks great evils for to come R epent then persecutors and be kind P owell hath pray'd that you may pardon find O h now these offers of soul saving grace W hich he from Christ proclaim'd do you imbrace
lights must cease 9. Ah dying Nation watchmen their station Must leave and warn no more This is the sting that wrath will bring Thy judgments at the door 10. Thy Bartholmew cold sweat adiew VVinters approach impart How fast thy day posteth away O' t strikes me to the heart 11. But yet is hope if God with sope Thus wash our spots and bloud Light will return dross only burn All this is for our good 12. Though Jacobs glory be transitory Though thin and lean his flesh Yet from his Urne there shall return A rose more sweet and fresh 3 Elogy is V. P. Encomium or Character BY stock he was of Welsh descent In stature mean yet meek content In holy tongues and learning he Commenc'd to very great degree Some 30 years to Christ estrang'd And then by grace was call'd and chang'd He labour'd in Christs Ministry And many a soul thereby set free A learned Tongue and skill he had To speak for Christ to good and bad Though to die childless 't was his Lot To Christ he many a soul begot His parts were quick yet lowly minded With vain applause not swell'd or winded A man of sorrows prayers and tears Long suff'ring under wrongs and jears Most apt and ready to forget Affronts assaults many and great His labours in his Gospel station Found universal acceptation And though of such we 'ave got so many He might as ill be spar'd as any Failings he had but where is he From more and greater that is free His bonds bespoke him fully known At utter odds with Nimrods Throne He lay confin'd the Oath about Till Angels came to fetch him out In 's sickness though't gave little rest His witness even at last was best He hated both the beast and whore To 's death as through his life before His glass was run his bonds death breaks And yet behold though dead he speaks In 1000 that his grave attended mind What Epitaph he left ingrav'd behind He liv'd desir'd and dy'd lamented Death him requir'd his bonds prevented Per J M. An Epitaph upon that faithful Minister and eminent Confessor of Jesus Christ Mr. V. P. VAVASOR POWELL Lyes here enterred who was a successful T●●cher of the Past A sincere witness in the Present A choyce example to Future ages F●● which he being called to several prisons was their tryed and found faithful would not accept Deliverance expecting a better Resurrection in hope of which he finished his Life and Testimony together in the 11 year of his Imprisonment and in the 53 of his Age Octob. 27. 1670. In vain oppressors do themselves perplex To find out acts how they the Saints may vex Death spoyles their plots and sets the oppressed free Thus Vavasor obtain'd true liberty Christ him released and now he is joynd among The Martyred souls with whom he cryes how long Dan. 12.13 FINIS Errata's Reader Through much difficulty in attending the Press several Errataes have hapned which be pleased to mend with your pen viz. IN Pref. page 2. l. 7. for Narraritical r. Nazaritical p. 10. l. 2 for Gou r. God p. 14. l. 8. for Preach r. Preach him p. 16. for Char. Herte r. C. Herle p. 29. for seen down r. set down p. 44. l. 4. for our fold r. one fold p. 44. l. 6 r. yet as the generality or body of that Nation p. 39. for and Christians r. Oh. Christians p. 41. l. 4. for due sin r. one sin p. 44 l. 23. for due end r one end ● 37. for by Christians r. of Christians p. 55. l. 7. for safety 1. safely l. 11. for he r. when he p. 47. l. 11. for judged r. judge p. 48. l. 12. f. prodeed r. precead p. 61. l. 6. for so most r. f. the most p. 62 l. 19. f. ordinary r. ordinarily p. 67. l. 33. f. even r. ever p. 68. l. 22. f. be r. may be l. 24. s a time r. in a time p. 83. l. 3. f. comfortable r. comfort p. 85. l. 14. f. thereon r. therein p. 91. l. 15. f. profits r. Prophet l. 28. f. amuze did amuze p. 97. l. 9. f. my Lambs r. thy lambs p. 114. l. 8. f. accrued r. occurred l. 36. for against r. against sin p. 115. f. of churches r. of many Churches p. 118. l. 13. f. I know r. I know him p. 123. l. 5. for go out r. got out 126. l. 7. f. Scared r. Seased p. 127. l. 4. f. discusts r. dismist l. 26. f. where r. where he l. 27 f. their r. their had p. 181. l. 13. f. real r. several p. 187. l. 13. f. anothey r. any other p. 190. f usald r. cold 144. l 2● for provoked r. provoke 202. l. 3. f. haunted r. hauled 203. l. 14. f. shrone r. shine p. 204. l. 5. f. this r. t is p. 20● fo● adiew r. and dew