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A47607 Sion in distress, or, The groans of the Protestant Chruch [sic] Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1681 (1681) Wing K87; ESTC R27452 55,221 137

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by the Body and she joyned them fast again so that in one Hours space the Man became as lively as ever be had been in all his life St. Anthony's Arm that precious Relick at Geneva was kiss'd and worship'd with great Devotion whilst Popery kept its ground but when the Gospel came and the Relick was produced 't was found the Pisle of a Stag Calv. de reliq propinitium Possibly you may have heard of the Wonders that Relick had done and of St. Decumanus who carried his own Head after it was cut off to a Spring and there washed off the Bloud from it A Country Curate saith Erasmus getting Crabs and fastning Candles to their backs set them a crawling up and down the Church-Yard at Night and in the Morning after he had taken them in again persuaded the People that they were poor distressed Souls in Purgatory you must think such that wanted Masses and Almes saith my Author ye know the Proverb No Penny No Pater Noster a fit Miracle to pick the Peoples Pockets Lib. 22. Jo. Epist p. 1529. in Epist Edit Basil A Maid coming into a Garden and taa Lettice to eat it crusht the Devil between her Teeth in the Lettice and this poor Devil saith Du Moulin whom she belike swallowed down together with the Lettice being commanded to go out and checkt by Equitius excuseth himself saying Alas what hurt did I I was sitting quietly upon the Lettice and she came and bit me the fault was in her for not making the Sign of the Cross when she gathered the Lettice Moreover these ridiculous Impostors affirm that when the Body of Pope Formosus was carry'd into St. Peters Church all the Images of the Saints that stood there did him Obeysance but above all the Miracle of the ass that left his Provender to worship the Hoest seems most ridiculous to King James see his Apology c. Many of their pretended Miracles were wrought as Writers intimate about the 4 and 5 Century and were contrived to confirm the Popes Headship and Universal Supremacy together with their idle storys of Purgatory Images Praying for the Dead c. Those that would see more let them read Du Moulin also a late Book Intituled the Man of Sin The Tenth Mark HIs out Side 's smooth he 's garb'd in Sheeps array But in wardly a rav'nous Beast of Prey He has a Mouth a wherewith he speaks great things Blasphemes the glory of the King of Kings a And there was given unto him a Mouth speaking great things and Blasph●nys Rev. 13. 5. And he opened his Mouth against God to blaspheme his Name and Tabernacle and them that dwell in Heaven ver 6. He shall speak great words against the Most High Dan. 7. 25. This Mark of the Beast is apparently seen in the Pope in those Insolent and Blasphemous Titles he assumes to himself he is called Christs Vicar or his Viceroy and Lieutenant Bellarm. de Rom. lib. 2. cap. 31. Foundation Head and Husband to the Catholick Church Hid Holiness that can be judged by no Man though he draw an innumer able number to Hell who shall say to him what dost thou What would you think to hear him called The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David so Begnius one of his Bishops Courted Pope Leo the Tenth and thereupon bad the Daughter of Sion not to weep saying God had raised to her a Saviour See Council Later sub Leon 10. Sess 6. ap sur He is frequently called by those of the Romish Church Our Lord God the POPE Exter Joan. 22. Tit. 14. c. 4. And as touching his Blasphemies against those that dwell in Heaven to wit the Saints of God 't is evident that they are continually branded for Hereticks Schismaticks and what not The Eleventh Mark 'T is He that aims at th' utter Dissolution Of precious Saints by Bloudy Persecution That does pronounce no Christian fit to live Unless they do his Beastly Mark receive Forbids all Traffick none must sell or buy Except th' adorers of his Hierarchy This Mark the Pope doth in his Forehead bear Of which full proof is extant ev'ry where The Numbers he hath a murder'd do surmount The stricttest of Arithmeticks account They stain'd each Nation with a Crimson Floud And Swelling Current of my Childrens Bloud a He shall wear out the Saints of the Most High Dan. 7. and caused as many as would not worship the Image of the Beast should be killed Rev. 13. 5. We find upon Record That Pope Innocent the 3. within the space of a few Months made more then 200000 of the faithful to be slain who they called Albigeans he had made all Europe to stream with Bloud in St. Bartholomews Massacre in the Year 1572M more than 80000 were slain in cold bloud see Du Moulin p. 246. 247. The Duke de Alva s●ith he played the Butcher in Flanders and under the shew of Catholick Zeal slew Millions of People in recompence where of the Popesent hem a Holy Sword and Consecrated Gloves besides the infinite numbers slew in other places by Wars bloudy Massacres and otherwise of which you will hear more hereafter so that by this time sure all may conclude Antichrist is come and that this is he in whom all the Marks and Characters do so fully meet which the Holy Ghost hath given of him Sion's Sons THese Marks are so notorious that we can Say of the Romish Pope He is the Man For these Characteristicks truly are To him and only him peculiar This raging Monster is that Beast of Prey Shall we arise to take his Strength away That hath so long time tyrannized thus With Hellish Fury over thee and us Self-preservation is by every creature Esteem'd a Sacred Principle in Nature Each Free-born mind must at those Tyrants spurn That would infect their Souls their Bodies burn Why should this Beast still rage and domineer As he hath done without controul or fear Sion YOu are to wait for Gods great Dispensations At whose disposal is the fate of Nations His time is best and in due Season he Will bring this Beast to his Catastrophe He sits in Heaven and beholds with Scorn This Rebels Pride His glorious Son that 's born Heir of the World and Prince of Kingdoms too Shall surely Reign because it is his due For all to him the Soveraign Rule must yield He shall the Crown and Royal Scepter wield Nations shall serve him Kings that have abhor'd His Name shall pay him Homage as their Lord. To JESVS all shall bow he shall be King And to poor Sion shall Redemption bring Till this Beasts month and latest hour be spent No Humane Weapon can his Rage prevent To suffer Persecution I 'm appointed Till Instruments are chosen and anointed For my Deliverance your work 's to pray And be prepared for that blessed day When Babel falls and Sion is restor'd To height of favour with her Blessed Lord. The day approaches and if you would win Renown by
be A Scene for Actors of Debauchery What perpetrations of the blackest Crimes Appear not bare-fac'd in our present times The God incens'd has fearful Judgments sent To humble men and move them to repent Yet they proceed in soul Impenitence And aggravate their horrid insolence Seeming to bid Defiances to Heaven Scorning to take the dreadful Warnings given The sweeping Plague that Messenger of Wrath In such as ' scap'd small Reformation hath Produc'd Nor has the desolating Fire A perfect Token of Gods flaming Ire Remov'd the City's Pride 't was great before And now it seems to multiply much more Fantastick Garbs and Antick Modes declare How much from Pride their Souls reformed are Though want though poverty and loss of Trade Do many Men and Families invade Yet do they vaunt in pride and luxury As if they had vast Mines of Treasures by Some know not what to eat nor how to go Yet on the Poor will no Compassion show Whose unregarded Cries unheeded Moans Whose unreliev'd Distress unpity'd Groans Can scarce extort a Mite such do not grudge To purchase Hell at dearest Rates and drudge To please their brutish lusts who void of measure Consume Estates to wantonize in Pleasure Tumbling in Riot as proud Dives fat Whilst Lazarus lies starving at the Gate A Complaint of Oaths Volleys of Oaths with horrid Blasphemy And dreadful Cursings in mine Ears do cry Mark but our impious Gallants when they meet Observe the mode how they each other greet What new-coin'd oaths what modish execrations What damming sinking horrid Imprecations Do they disgorge The Serpents fiery hiss That belches Sulphur from the black Abyss Can scarce out-do this Ranting Tribe who count The Man Genteel that is most paramount In wickedness he that blasphemes aloud Christs blood and wounds is Courtier alamode How can th' abused Earth but gape again To swallow quick vile Wretches so prophane Can Heavens great Artillery so long Forbear the Treasons of a mortal Tongue Jehovah's Attributes so vilely us'd His sacred Essence and his Name abus'd Fresh Blasphemies they mint new Curses frame And Sins that never had before a Name Graduates in Courtship are preferr'd who made Most quick proficience in a hellish Trade Such rant and roar such revel domineer As if nor God nor Devil they did fear Approaching dangers can't disturb their pleasure But still they sin until they fill their measure Judgments deferr'd in evil makes them bold Despising such by whom they are controld As if th' avenging Hand their Lives did spare Thus to provoke Him without dread or fear But poor Blasphemer when thou art past by 'T is not t' indulge thee in iniquity Think'st thou the God of Purity does like Such ways because he yet for bears to strike Do'st think a gloomy interposing Cloud From Gods all-searching Eye can be thy shroud Or that because He is inthron'd on high Thy Deeds of Darkness He cannot espy Or since his Judgements are so long delaid Wilt thou proceed and be no whit afraid Wilt thou His Patience without end abuse Slight true Repentance and His Grace refuse If so thy Judgment hastens For a Rod Will quickly reach thee from an angry God Because of Oaths the Land does greatly mourn For which my Soul much inward grief has born Do'st thou not see how filthy Drunkenness Does raign in City and in Villages Some reel and wallow in the street like Swine Whilst others boast their strength in drinking Wine Although to such God doth denounce a Curse They mind it not but still grow worse and worse Dread not Examples of Gods wrath at all Nor what to Drunkards does so oft befall Altho Gods Word has dreadful Warnings given That Drunkards never shall inherit Heaven But that their lot shall with damn'd Spirits be In Chains of Darkness to Eternity They drink carouse and waste their jolly breath Upon the brink of Everlasting Death Whate'er ensues they are resolv'd they will Carouse full Goblets and be filthy still Thus men by Pride by Oaths by Worldliness By daily swallowing Liquor to excess Defile the Land and do the Lord Provoke To cause his Vengeance on the Land to smoak Sin sets the door wide open and makes way For all the Sorrows of th' approaching day These are in part the cause of England's Wo And will if Grace prevents not it undo But there are other heinous Sins behind Which pierce my Bowels and perplex my Mind A Complaint of Whoredom Adultery c Did filthy Lust and Whoredom ever rage With more success then in the present Age Abominations of so vile a Name That their bare mention is indeed a shame What Sin more hateful in Jehovah's Eye Then this of Whoredom and Adultery 'T is rank'd as Chief and marches in the Van Of all the gross Debaucheries of Man In those black Muster-Rolls God does record Of grand Offences in his holy Word What more affronts the Second Table Or Provokes the Lord No fitter Metaphor Could be produc'd t ' express Idolatry Then that abhorred Name Adultery Besides the Terrors of Gods fiery Wrath Which judges such to everlasting Death On Earth amongst all sober men they gain So vile a blot so infamous a stain As all the Waters in the Sea can nev'r Wipe off nor can it be forgot for ever But O what dismal Consequences wait For speedy entrance at the wretches gate ●r lewd Embraces of lascivious Dames ●ill rot their bones breed cankers in their names ●get consumption in Estate and Purse ●●oduce Destruction and a certain Curse ●●e common ends that such arrive unto ●●e soul Diseases Beggery and Wo. ●●ey're sottish Fools says wise Demosthenes ●●at buy Repentance at such Rates as these ●hat sin to please an Enemy that strives ●o damn their Souls and rob them of their lives ●od in his Scared Ordinances hath ●ppointed such to an immediate Death ●ould men but judge it as their greatest Foe ●hey'd never love nor hug it as they do ●●ch Sex is bad but Women seem to be ●he very Brokers of Immodesty ●hich makes that passage to be born in mind ● wise and vertuous Woman who can find our City-Dames and Ladies are on fire With wanton passion and unchaste desire ●●oviding Meats on purpose to inflame ●heir pamper'd Gallants to their wonted shame ●●re Brests and Naked Necks a Harlots Dress ●re strong Temptations unto Wickedness ●ll other sins th' Apostle does declare Which men commit without the Body are ●●t this abominable Act alone ●gainst his Body by a man is done ●arriage to all the Undefiled Bed Honourable he that will may wed But Whoremongers God judges and they shall Be cast into the Lake both great and small The Wiseman calls th' Adulterer A Fool And well he may for he destroys his Soul No Sots like them for branded still they show The marks of Folly wheresoe'er they go O how th'unclean and bruitish man exceeds Inferiour Sinners in reproachful Deeds My Grievances are many and my Fear Is more then
Lord of Hosts Awake O England this Lethargick Sleep Is out of Season 't is a time to weep If guilty Children tremble at the Rod Can you be stupid when the Angry God Sets up this dreadful Ensign of his Wrath Rouze up Repentance let a lively Faith Now go to work See how the Preaching Air Instead of Sinning does exhort to Prayer For thy Fantastick Garbs Perfumes and all Thy other Trash it doth for Sackcloth call From Carnal Sports it bids thee quickly get Calls from the Taverns to the Mercy-Seat From that accursed Rendezvous of Lust It bids thee hasten and repent in Dust Have not th' Experience of past Ages given Their sad Remarks upon those Signs in Heaven What f●llow'd still but certain Spoil of Nations Plagues Fire and Sword and other Devastations The sure Eversion of some Potent Crown The Death of Heroes Monarchs tumbled down But thou Illustrious Architect of Wonder Remove the Sorrows which I labour under Does this Amazing Prodigy betoken That Rampant Babel shall be quickly broken Does it portend that Antichrist shall break In pieces striving to destroy the Weak Remains that on this blessed Name do Call Or dos't presage that trembling I shall fall Lord canst thou see thy pleasant Vineyard Tore And rooted up by this rapacious Boar ● have my Childrens crying Sins provok'd ●hat dismal Sentence not to be revok'd ●ods Methods were to chasten not destroy ●●ose Sinning Souls in whom he once took joy ● give thy Sinking Church a true discerning ●hat thou dost mean by this prodigious Warning ●hat by thy Spirits sacred Flame calcin'd 〈◊〉 Scourges mended and by heat refin'd We may find Grace But oh My Spirits faint ●nder the Pressure of my Great Complaint 〈◊〉 panting Soul another grief doth feel 〈◊〉 feeble Knees beneath their burden Reel Sion's Children AH Mother who can disallow your moan The cause is just for every one must own ●ur failings great and that our sins provoke ●mpending Judgement and a future Stroke ●f interceding Mercy steps not in To ward the blow and cancel out our Sin But since unthought-of Providence gives light And calls the Sun to see the Acts of Night Since Heav'n exposes the Results of Rome To Publick Notice since the Traytors come To Legal Execution since the grand Contrivers of this Mischief dare not stand To Test of Law or due Examination Since such brave Heroes represent the Nation Whose clear sagacious penetrating Eyes Dive into Rome's abhorred Mysteries Whose Nobler Souls whose Loyal English Hearts The closest Slights of Antichristain Arts Can ne'er deceive whose brave Resolves defeat Those curs'd Delinquents whether small or great Whose Free-born Courages do scorn to stoop To be the Vassals of a Rascal-Pope An Vpstart Imp whose Title ne'er was given By binding Laws of either Earth or Heaven We therefore dearest Mother do conclude That what has past of Romish Interlude Is near an Exit that the Scene will be Chang'd from a Tempest to Serenity Sion O That 's a Cordial But my grief does borrow Some fresh Objections to renew my sorrow For some that wish me well do yet in spite Of Gospel-Beamings and the clearest Light Retain some Romish Fragments which displeases The meek the humble self-denying JESVS His way of Worship Scripture does express No Useless Pomp no Artificial Dress Becomes Religion Chastity abhors The Garb the Painting and the Gate of Whores Why should my Friends a Virgin-Church pollute With any Relicks of that Prostitute Why Gawdy Things that never had a Name In sacred Records our Profession shame Why are our Rites enamel'd with their Gloss Why must our Gold be mingled with their Dross Why further Reformation is supprest T' uphold a Grandeur that 's Vsurp'd at best Why Doors and Windows must be shunt up quite To stop the Radiance of a further Light And why must such as disallow those Tricks Be branded as the vilest Schismaticks But that 's not all My Children more refin'd From those Corruptions do afflict my mind O depths of Sorrow that disturb my Rest O racking Grief that rends my woful Brest Some are so Carnal some so swiftly hurl'd Into the Labrinths of th' inticing World That in the hurries of that crouded Road They find small leasure to attend their God Preferring filthy Gain and ill-got Wealth Before the means of their Eternal Health Some that in words respect me I behold In that sad posture betwixt hot and cold Sometimes they seem for sanctity sometimes Slide with the current of prevailing Crimes Their Pulses beat with an alternate motion Now for the World then for some faint Devotion Some that unto my Tabernacles were Admitted left me for Egyptian Fare These not content with my Celestial Diet Do run with others to excess of Riot Some to be Popular away would give Those Gospel-Dutys that are positive From such as these my Sorrows do increase That Sell Gods Order for a seeming Peace Such Open Gaps that do pervert the Laws Of my just Right and well-defended Cause But O! how many Easy Christians take Their Rest in Forms and no distinction make 'Twixt Shell and Kernel that rely on Duty As if it were the sole adorning Beauty Such give the Lord the more invalid part Present their Body but deny their Heart Are not some Pastors careless to provide A Word in Season for the Flocks they guide Some are too backward to supply the Need Of painful Lab'rers that their Souls do feed Discourag'd by Close-fisted Avarice Despis'd neglected through this Hellish Vice My Workmen languish and have cause of moan To see their Toyl so ineffectual grown The most Pathetick Preaching scarce can move Some Rocky Hearers to the Grace of Love Must Hag-fac'd Envy and foul-tongu'd Detraction Invenom'd Malice and unfaithful Action Ill-grounded Slander and uncertain Rumors Backbitings Quarrels and the worst of Humours Be practic'd thus Ah grief of griefs to fee Professing People act iniquity To such a Pitch Some Husbands and some Wives Do lead such shameful such unsavoury Lives Whilst mutually at strife they do impeach That Name that should be very dear to each Such Pride such surly dogged reprehension For every Toy such sharpness and contention As does disgrace Religion and does lay Blocks and Offences in a Converts Way Ah! why can 't Saints in Familys eschew That which meer Heathens are asham'd to do Their Houses are the Scene of Civil Wars Of Brawls of Discord and Domestick Jars In grace or comfort can they find increase Or Heavenly Blessings who are void of Peace How oft do Parents Ill Example draw Their tender Children to infringe the Law And Sanctions of the Everlasting God Do they not spoil them when they spare the Rod To strict Extremes some Parents do adhere Check not at all or else are too severe On Back and Belly they bestow much Cost But care not if their Precious Souls be lost Are they not guilty of Prodigious Folly That teach them Courtship neglect what 's Holy A Child untutor'd a
could not receive My Children brought forth in the latter days Shall do great matters to Jehovah's praise I see some good men do desire to know The time when they this Whore shall overthrow I cannot blame them for this very thing To the whole World it will much glory bring Then shall the Gospel through the Earth be spread And Men instead of Husks shall feed on Bread God's Worship shall its freedom then enjoy Rome's Locust then shall you no more annoy There shall be then a wonderful increase Of Sion's glory and of Israel's peace Then shall my Children in sweet consort sing Anthems of joy to the Eternal King No names then of distinction more shall be But speak one Language all they shall agree In peace and Oneness and blest Harmony But to reply to what you have requir'd At present you must keep your selves retir'd Make no attempts untill the Lord on high Does give you strength this Babel to defie You now do seem to lie as persons dead As being unable to erect your head But then you shall appear to be alive The Spirit of the Lord shall you revive God hath I know set down the time exact When hee 'l begin this strange and dreadful Act To the confusion of your Enemies When God shall call his Witnesses to rise Then from the Heavens they shall hear a voice Which shall make all their Spirits to rejoyce Then shall they have so evident a call That they straight way shall on this Strumpet fall With patience therefore wait upon the Lord Until his saving strength he doth afford To him you are to make your supplication For from him only is my expctation O sigh with me and in your Spirits groan And send strong crys up to his gracious Throne Give him no rest till in those glorious days Of all the Earth I 'm made the only praise And I 'll lift up my voice to God on High And make my moan to him and thus will cry SIONS Prayer O Lord of Hosts consider my Estate Let me remain no longer desolate Have I not been most precious in thy sight O do not therefore my Petition slight O let thy Bowels to thy Children move In tender token of Parental love Shall Sion totter And the Beast grow steady In his proud Seat Hast thou not try'd already What some advantage or what Gospel good Is to be hop'd for from the wicked Brood Canst thou expect they 'l serve thee better Now Are they more like to bless the World below Then thy Poor Sion If their measures be Repleted brimful of Iniquity Then by just forfeiture their right is gon To Earthly Power and Dominion Will these thy saving Gospel Truths preserve Or in pure Worship at thine Altars serve Will these protect the Innocent and good And not provoke thee with their crying blood Will they make Judgment in right channels go Extirpate Vice Make Righteousness to flow Like mighty streams Are they in Covenant with Thee Or wert thou ever pleased to grant Them any Promises that they should wear The Sacred badges of thy Name And bear The Soveraign Rule Will Fathers and young men Within thy Church be priz'd and honor'd then Shall they not rather by their Barb'rous hands Be Butcher'd for obeying thy Commands Will not thy Childrens Souls in danger be Of swift Damnation by Rome's blasphemie If Laud on Earth and Praises will be given If Hallalujahs will be sung in Heaven To thy great Name for raising Babylon And bringing Sion to Destruction If then the Door of Grace be open'd more For Mens Salvation then it was before If Sinners access unto the blessed Jesus Be made more free if cure of Soul Diseases Be then more eafie then let Sion fall And Rome Usurp Dominion over all But if in sight of thine all-seeing Eye Their Monstrous Crimes are of so black a Dye If from their very Springing they have been The vilest Wretches and the worst of men If for the future they intend to be The Perpetrators of all Villany If their black sins of gross Idolatry Pride horrid Murthers and Adultry Mount up to Heavens great Imperial Throne If thy oppression makes thy Churches groan If they will burn thy Scriptures and suppress All Books that treat of Gospel Holiness If guiltless Souls of every Sex and Age Will be made Sacrifices to their Rage If they are Foes without thy Covenants If they will trample on thy precious Saints If they because thou didst not hear and save Thy praying Sion from a sinking Grave Deride thy Glory and blaspheme thy Name And put thy Faithful ones to open shame Deut. 32. 36. Then hear O Lord thou see'st my power is gone In thee I trust besides thee there is none That can thy Sion from her Foes deliver O draw some flaming Arrows from thy Quiver To quel the pride of this oppressing Crew Thy mighty Arm alone can them subdue On Thee I fix an absolute Reliance Do Thou but help I 'le bid them all defiance Hear and consider for thy Mercy sake On gasping Sion some compassion take I have been ransom'd with the precious Blood Of thy dear Son and fill'd with Heavenly Food O Lord I pray thy Churches sins forgive And in sweet concord let thy Children live Teach them true saving knowledge from thy word That they may worship Thee with one accord Thou canst the Prostrate raise and cure his wound For nothing difficult for Thee is found Thou knowest my grief O Lord incline thy Ear Revive my hope and chace away my fear In Achors Valley open thou a Door And make me sweetly sing as heretofore I pray Thee break the Bonds of my distress And lead me from this dolesome Wilderness O let me shine like Sols illustrate light And be 's an Army terrible in fight Pull off that Vail that does thy Sion cover Those clouds O scatter that I may discover What thou doest mean by this thy dispensation And what my work is in this Generation It s time for Thee to plead thy Peoples cause When wicked men make void thy righteous Laws Thou canst destroy them with their brimful Cup And lofty Cedars by the roots pull up But Lord remember for to spare thy Vine That spreading Plant which thou hast chosen thine Make that to flourish and be ever green And full of clusters as before 't has been From Egypt thou hast brought it heretofore From thence I pray deliver it once more Let thine hand plant it give it steadfast root That all the Land may Feast upon its Fruit O let its Cordial Juice the Nation fill And let its boughs o'reshadow ev'ry Hill From Sea to Sea do thou her branches send And her from all her Enemies defend Make up her Hedge her Fence be thou a Wall To keep her from the violence of all Rapacious Bears and from the greedy Boar that would destroy it and its fruit devour Lord from on high thy lovely Vine behold thin own Plantation valued more
charg'd ●y Bolder Foes my sorrows are enlarg'd 〈◊〉 hellish Tribe from black Avernus flew ●hat Bloodhound-like me and my Lambs pursue Lord JESUS come O let my Cries invoke Thy sacred Presence to divert the stroke Are all my Friends withdrawn what is there non Steps in to ease me of my grievous moan Sion's Friend WHat doleful noise salutes my wondring Ear What grief-expressing Note is that I hear Methinks the Accent of this Dismal Cry Bespeaks some one in great extremity The shrilness of the mournful Voice bespeaks A Womans loud and unregarded shrieks The more her deep and piercing sobs I heed The more my Heart in sympathy does bleed Ah! who can find her out who can make known The Author of this Heart-relenting Moan Doubtless though Grief now seizes thous upon her She is a Lady of high Birth and Honour Of Royal Stem extracted from Above Nurs'd in the Chambers of the Fathers Love Espoused to a most Illustrious Prince Who over all has Just Preheminence Monarch of Monarchs Sion Is it Thou O mourn my soul O let my Spirit bow Let all that love the Bridegroom sigh for grief For Sion weeps as one past all Relief But why O Sion since th● art belov'd Of Heavens Supream art thou so sadly mov'd Thy Arms expanded thus implore the Skies Thy streaming Rivulets flow from thine eies ●●is makes me wonder Sion MY forlorn Estate 〈◊〉 poor unpitty'd mean and desolate ●ong have wander'd in the Wilderness ●volv'd in trouble kept in sore Distress 〈◊〉 Caves absconding from the horrid Rage ●f Savage Beasts until this later Age 〈◊〉 made Attempts to look a little Out ●he Monster spy'd me and does search about ●he Roaring Bloud-Hounds greedy on the scent ●o kill or drive me back again are bent ●o Interval of Peace no Rest they give ●●onounce me cursed and not fit to live 〈◊〉 Dragon fell combined with the Beast ●o gore my Sides and spoil my Interest ●h ' old Lion Lionness and Lions Whelp ●ith dreadful Jaws the other Beasts do help ●●gs Bulls and Foxes Bears and Wolves agree ●o rend to tear and make a spoil of me ●hat have been so delicately bred 〈◊〉 Children at a Royal Table fed ●n how expos'd to the Infernal Spite 〈◊〉 such as do in Fire and Blood delight ●ots hatch'd in Hell and Rome that black design 〈…〉 a Monarch and to undermine Our Ancient Laws subvert Religion and Bow England's Neck to Antichrists command Were but Preludiums to that dismal Vrn As martyr'd heaps in flaming Smithfield burn Design'd for Protestants and all the Rest Who hate Romes Idol th' Image of the Beast I am the Mark the Monsters aim at All Their grand designs were to contrive my fall If Friends or others any Favours show They straight conspire to work their Overthrow Ah vile Conspiracy Ah cursed PLOT So deeply laid How canst thou be Forgot Hells grand Intreagues ne'er introduc'd a Brat Into the World so horrible as that Since Rome the western cheated Monarchs rid A Rampant WHORE the horned Beast bestrid Disgorging Plots employing hellish Actors May all our Off-spring Exeerate such Factors Sion forlorn How very few regard Thy cries tears mens hearts are grown so hard In Restless Hurries tost with every wind No Ease no Peace no Comfort can I find The horrid Aspect of these Monsters do Affright my Children some they worry too On Some they seiz like greedy Beasts of prey And to their Dens the Sacrifice convey Renowned GODFREY whose immortal glory Mastyr'd for me shall ever live in Story Let every Loyal Eye that sees it there Yield to his Name the Tribute of a Tour. Brave Soul Thy Love and Loyalty do claim That King and People should proclaim thy Name As England's Victim ne'er to be forgot Fast'ning on Rome an everlasting Blot The Great Jehovah who is onely Wise Permits thy Fall as a sweet Sacrifice Thy Barb'rous Murder has made clearly out That Plot which none but Infidels can doubt Those bloody Varlets black Assassinates Curs'd Executioners of Rome's Debates Drunk with Infernal Cruelty made Thee A Specimen of England's Tragedy By Thee we learn what Courtesie to hope From Romish Butchers Vassals to the Pope Thou led'st the Van first fell into the Trap From whence they say no Protestant shall ' scape Pure Innocence Trapann'd amongst them came Without suspicion like a harmless Lamb Whilst they like hungry Tygers ready stood T'embrue their Tallons in thy guiltless Blood Thou little thought'st such an Infernal Snare Had been thus laid to trap Thee unaware 'T is strange say some what Reason should engage Them to make Thee the Object of their Rage The Cause was thus The Babylonish Whore Big with a Bastard long'd as heretofore 〈◊〉 Christian Blood her Favourites made haste ●a her great need to help her to a Taste Of choicest Liquors this she calls the first To chear her linking heart and quench her thirst Fearing Miscarriage when her Spirits faint She drinks the hearts Blood of some Martyr'd Saint Then Horse-leech more insatiable she cries Give give me that or nothing will suffice My Craving Paunch my pleasure must be done This Heretick was a Pragmatick One He knew my Secret Clubs and would Reveal My Tragick Plots We must prevent his Zeal We 'll Strangle Him before He gives a glimpse Of our Designs or Countermines our Imps. Ah Brutish Whore of Cannibals the worse This bloody Draught has brought an endless Curse On thee And lasting Calendars we see Records this Instance of thy Cruelty This Loyal Knight ne'er injur'd you but stood Discharging Justice for his Countreys Good Will nought but Blood of Protestants give ease Or quench your thirst What mischievous Disease Infects your Bowels Must your Chruches Food Be flesh of Saints Your mornings-draught their blood Fellonious Strumpet Must you be so bold To steal by night into your Neighbours Fold Seiz on my Lambs Thy Theft and Cruelty As well as Murder shall revenged be But since He 's gone and Justice does pursue With eager steps th' Assassinating Crew We 'll acquiesce For Heaven seems to call For Tears Cessation at his Funeral Let Christians offer through the Universe Whole H●catombs upon his bleeding Herse And could their Tears increase into a Flood 'T were no excess So much I prize his Blood But other grounds of Grief are in mine Eye Which cause my Sorrows to advance so high That my o'er-burthen'd Heart can scarce express The nature of my Inward Heaviness Sion's Friend SIon Thy sad and bitter Lamentation Does move my very Soul unto Compassion But say what Cause does aggravate your Fears And thus provokes to further Cries and Tears Sion IF that my Head were Waters and each Eye A brim-full Fountain I could drein 'em dry I 'm steep'd in brackissh Floods nay almost drownd To see how Sin does ev'ry where abound Where e'er I am I nought can see or hear But that which doth my Soul in pieces tear It breaks my heart that England thus should
That says the Beast shall not arise before The Desolation of the Scarlet Whore † It hath been a received Opinion of some Christians of late times that the Beast who is the Antichrist or Man of Sin shall not arise till the Whore is destroyed and that when he comes he shall only Reign 3 Years and a half Which Notion may seem strange to all considerate men because that Beast who is of the 7th and an 8th all confess is the Man of Sin and how evident is it that this very Beast bears up and carrys the Whore from first to last Besides Consider 't is said the 10 Horns of this very Beast's shall hate the Whore and make her desolate how could the Horns hate or hurt her if the Beasts rise not till she is destroyed can there be Horns and no Beast And besides should this Notion be received it might seem strange that the Holy Spirit passeth by in silence and takes no notice of this horrid Monster or Succession of Popes that have continued so long having all the Marks and Characters so clearly upon him of Antichrist If any should say he doth not deny Christ come in the Flesh I answer In a Mystery he doth and particularly in his ordaining of Sacrifices as it was under the Law which cease all when the Antitype came and by assuming the place of Christs Supremacy and Government The Seventh Mark THe Holy Spirit most expresly faith In later times some shall renounce the faith That by the Spirit of Seduction led Doctrine of Devils through the Earth shall spread That belch out Falshood in Hypocrisie And many Thousands do deceive thereby Forbidding Marriage * and the use of Meat Which God ordain'd for every man to eat * This is an undeniable Mark of the Son of Perdition viz. That he shall forbid Marriages and command to abstain from Meats and who it is that commands to abstain from Meats and who it is that suffers not his Clergy to Marry and forbids the eating of Flesh on some eertain Day and seasons of the Year is known to all The Council of Chalcedon saith Conon Cap. 16. ut nec Deo dicata Virgo nec Monachus nuberit That no Nun or Monk shall marry Bellarmine in his 34. Cap. of the Book of Monks stiles the Marriage of Clarks and Monks by the name of Sacriledge and affirms That they sin less which commit Fornication after they have once taken a Vow than they do which Marry nay and in the 19 Cap of the First Book of Clarks he saith That the Marriage of saints is not without some Sin Pollution and Uncleanness The General Council assembled at Trullo to make Canons tell us plainly in the 13 Canon that in the Church of Rome Whosoever will be a Deacon or Priest must first protest that he will never any more after that have to do with his Wife If a man be found to have broke the Ordinance of the Church by eating Flesh in Lent especially in the Week which they call the Holy Week the Priest saith my Author hath no power to absolve him c. This Doctrine of the Pope as ' its a Mark of Antichrist so'its expresly called the Doctrine of Devils The Eighth Mark. HE 's not content to be Supream below And make all Scepters to his Crosur bow But th' impious Wretch is grown so bold that even He dares affront the Majesty of Heaven What God Commands this Imp of Hell controuls Condemns the sav'd and saves condemned Souls Himself he places in Jehouah's a Throne As Chief of all as Second unto none a He shall oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped shewing himself that he is God 2 Thess 2. He shall speak great things against the most High Dan. 7. 25. That the Pope is guilty of opposition to and emaltation of himself above the Majesty of God is made appear by divers worthy Writers the very Life and Soul of Popery seems to run in this vein The Lord Jesus saith one is made a very Lacquey to the Pope he changes Times and laws at his pleasure God says Thou shalt make to thy self on graven Image c. The Pope takes away that Commandment and declares ' its lawful to worship Images The Lord bids us Search the Scriptures the Pope opposeth this and forbids the reading of them nay burns to death those that do read them and to prevent it locks them up in an Unknown Tongue God pardons Sins upon Repentance the Pope without for a Sum of Money The Pope can invest a sorry Priest with power by uttering a few words to make a God to turn Bread into the Real Body of Christ and have power over him to do with him what he pleases when he hath done and he can't deliver himself out of his hands A brace of Keys he carrys in his hand To shut and open at his own Command He curses and absolves he binds releases Puts down advances whomsoe're he pleases This is th' Apocalyptick Beast that claims Sublimest Titles and Blasphemous Names With Matchless Pride and Peerless Impudence He does for Money with Gods Laws dispence To fill his Purse O shameless Avarice All sorts of Sins he values at a price b b What Sin is it but the Pope takes upon him to pardon for Money besides be makes the detestable Sins of Treason and Murder if it be done in Zeal and by his Authority for the Promotion of the Pretended Holy Church meritorious Canonizing black and brutish Sinners for Saints in his Kalendar he exalts himself above the Word of God he usurps Gods Seat by giving what Interpretation to Gods Law he pleases which he makes of equal Authority with it The Ninth Mark FAlse Miracles and Lying Wonders too This grand Deceiver does pretend to do a He fain would make th' abused World believe That he with Ease can make a Dead Man live They do such things their Sottish Legend saith As far exceeds all Truth or Humane Faith Their Nature Number Circumstances all Done by Atchievments Dabolical Their senselss Fables arrant Fopperys Are meer Impostures and apparent Lyes This is an Engine which the Granceless Wretch Does spread abroad the Sons of Men to catch And God lets such those horrid lies believe Who Gospel-Truths would not in love receive That they might perish and be damn'd thereby The just desert of such Iniquity a Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all Power and Signs and lying Wonders 2 Thes 2. 9. Bellarmin de not Eccl. l. 4. cap. 14. maketh Miracles one infallible Sign of the True Church md certain I am the false and lying Wonders of the Roman Church clearly sheweth the Pope to be the Antichrist or Son of Perdition I have not room here to enumer ate many of them only take one or two by which you may judge of the rest One Becanus's Head being off St. Itas Prayers made it come posting through the Air stand
then Gold Canst thou deny thy helping hand the while Wild Beasts thy Vineyard ravage thus and spoil I am Chrst's Spouse his undefiled One Canst thou permit me to be trod upon 'T is by thy Grace I am Intitled so Great God relieve me and divert my wo I am surrounded on all sides with pain O let me see thy lovely smiles again Thou hast withdrawn the beamings of thy grace And wrapt in clouds the splendor of thy Face O this has caus'd such anxious grief and smart As tears my Soul and rends my very heart To tears of blood whilst thou the glorious Sun Of light art hid O whether shall I run For beams of comfort in this dolesome hour Whilst I lye delu ' d in this Brinish shower More would she speak but her great passion ties Her mournful tongue the Flood-gates of her eyes In chrystal streams do represent an anguish That makes her vital operations languish Sunk in despairing sounds she scarce appears to breath or live but by her sights and tears SIONS Sons Mourn mourn O Heav'ns and thou O Earth bewail And weep ye Saints untill your spirits fail For she that is the glory of the Earth Of the most Noble and Illustrious Birth Lyes sadly weltring in a deep despair Her grievous sorrows can no tongue Declare O that our Brethren would but hasten hither That in Gods fear we may confer together You must needs grieve when her complaints you hear Do not your hearts dissolve into a tear Do not your Eyes like to a Fountain stream And all your Joys turn to a mourning Theme Does not your nightly rest from you depart Are you not pierced to the very heart Are you not in the depth of bitterness Because of Sion and her sore distress How can your hearts delight in thins below How can you sleep in peace as others do How can we comfort have or Pleasure find Or how can we the Worlds concernments mind How can we eat or drink with hearts content And not with grief poor Sions state lament How can we bear our Mothers doleful cries She sighs she sobs she languishes she dies In dreadful Agonies in bitter pain How can we brook her Enemies disdain She is reproached by ev'ry Drunken Sot And thrown away like to a broken Pot. She is depis'd and trod upon like Dung The Drunkard on her makes his dayly Song But Christ will turn and will expostulate The Case with Sion touching her Estate Why art thou sometimes up then down again Sometimes at ease sometimes in bitter pain They 'r doubtless throw's chear up and do not fear For thy deliverance is very near Those lab'ring pangs shall speedily be o're Fear not thou shalt not dye one or two more Shall bring that Child into the World which thou Hast trave'ld with in bitter pangs till now Address they self to God for surely he From these thy Tortures will deliver thee 'T is he a lone that brings unto the Birth And do's give strength and vigour to bring forth Then stay thy self upon this blessed Lord His gracious help he will to the afford Upon his Promises do thou depend And thou shalt see deliv'rance in the end These words of comfort like a Cordial wrought And to her sences mourning Sion brought With languish'd looks she casts a weeping Eye Upon her Children and Reaues her crie SION I Am affraid my God hath me forsook My sighs he minds not scarce bestows a look His former pitty he hath quite forgot His Anger 's kindled his wrath is hot When that burns sore how can I choose but mourn How am I spoil'd how am I rent and torn ●m like a Ship with raging Tempest tost Midst Rocks and Sands just ready to be lost Where ev'ry Bellow does present a grave And Death in Triumph rides on ev'ry wave Ah! But I am engraven on his hand And in his sight for evermore shall I stand Awake O Arm of God and do not stay My sorrows are so great O say not nay Hear me dear Jesus unto thee I crie Unless thou save me I must surely die CHRIST IN glorious Regions of approachless light Where Joys unmixt with perfect love unite There do I sit there do I see and hear What Kings and Potentates consulting are ●esounding in mine Ears continually ●hear a bitter and complaining cry I feel my Bowels with compassion move And therefore 't is the voice of one I love She whom I purchased with my dearest blood Seems drencht in tears and drowned in flood Some grievous sorrow or great tribulation Extorts from her this doleful lamentation Enough to pierce my tender heart again And make the Temple rend once more in twain Alas poor Sion thy sad voice I hear I 'le come and help thee for I know thy fear And what occasions these thy lanquid Moans I know thy sorrow and I hear thy Groans 'T is I can still the blust'ring Winds and Seas And in thy greatest Anguish give thee ease 'T is I can wound and cure I build I break I kill I make alive I give and take And can if I think fit make Nations shake And Kingdoms totter reeling to and fro I for thy sake strange things will quickly do In thy affliction great distress and pain Of which thou dost so grievously complain I am afflicted What they do to thee Of hurt or wrong I take as done to me I tender thee as th' Apple of mine Eye Fear not therefore thy proudest Enemy Although with Foes thou art environ'd now All power and wisdom is mine and I know how To strengthen thee and make them all to bow I will arise and shew my Soveraignty I le make them to the Rocks and Mountains fly Though with the Powers of Hell they have combin'd I will pursue them they shall not fiud A hiding place my vengeance to avoid Till by my fury they be all destroy'd I will bring down each high and lofty head Their mighty ones like Mortar I will tread Thy cause I le plead though silent I have stood I le be reveng'd for all the Righteous blood That has run down like to a Mighty flood And therefore now I le make no long delay What 's due to Justice they shall surely pay Besides the bloody wrongs thou dost repeat The crying Martyrs loudly do intreat Me to avenge their blood therefore I will Come down in fury and those Monsters kill Then thou before me very strong shalt wax For I le make thee my dreadful Battle-Ax Thy Horn shall Iron be thy Hoof Brass With which thou shalt tread down the Serpents race Thy Sons that scatter'd o're the Earth throughout I will soon gather with a mighty shout The Mighty they shall overcome with Slings And bind in Fetters perfecuting Kings Ill lay thy Stones with Colours fair and sure Thy strong Foundation shall be Saphyrs pure Although I seem'd to have forsaken thee Yet from all bondage I will set thee free Though I have thee
A dreadful Massacre she did contrive Within the Territories of Savoy Where thirty Thousand Souls she did destroy In three days time Curs'd Edicts bid them turn To Popery or they must hang or burn Which when those Innocents refus'd to do Most horrid Execution did ensue Our Brethrens Brains out of their Heads were beaten And by her Imps were fry'd and after eaten Our Children rent to pieces thrown to Dogs And our dear Pastors flung as Meat to Hogs Others on Pikes into the Air were tost And many others they alive did roast Some ty'd with Ropes they pierc'd unto the hearts And hung up others by their Secret Parts Houses and Barn-fulls they have burnt so that Our Suff'rings are beyond an Estimate Bohemia Germany Poland Lithuania c. TO satifie this cruel Strumpets Lust Some Thousands have been turned unto dust Our Towns and Famous Cities of Renown She hath dis-peopled burnt or broken down The Ruins still appear and desolations In many places of our Spoiled Nations Great Multitudes un-numbred were our Slain Which in the Field unburied did remain Our Brethren they have hung upon a Beam And then consum'd them in a lingring flame Some she has into boyling Cauldrons put And many others into peices cut Without respect unto the Hoary Head Into their Throats they powr'd down melted Lead And many other deaths she did contrive Some burned were and others flead alive Into deep Mines three thousand Souls and more At several times were tumbled by this Whore Because they would not their Religion leave And unto Romish Superstitions cleave That worthy Man John Huss was burn'd to death For owning of the Apostolick Faith Jerom of Prague to fill her Measure up She made soon after drink of the same Cup. 'T were endless to enumerate our grief From thee Just Judge we do expect Relief France AH How shall I my inward grief disclose What Tongue is able to recount my Woes Prodigious Numbers of my Natives have By this Whores means found an untimely Grave The barb'rous Harlot would not be content To kill or drive them into Banishment But with unheard of Crueltys she must Their Bodys mangle to asswage her Lust Some hang'd in Water yield their strangled breath Some brain'd on A●vils some were starv'd to death Some hall'd with Pullies till the Top they meet With heavy Weights and Loads upon their feet Rap't Maidens stab'd poor Infants yet unborn From Mothers Wombs by bloudy hands were torn How many thousand guiltless Christians were Butcher'd in the Parisian Massacre Some broke on Crosses some were cut in twain Whilst others languish in a lingring pain Our Worthy Kings have lost their Noble Lives By Jesuits Poysons and by Monkish Knives I can produce an uncontroull'd Record Of many Thousands Murder'd by the Sword It would require whole Volumes to transcribe The bloudy acts of this Infernal Tribe Deep dolour hinders what I would say more O Glorious Judge avenge me on this Whore Italy Spain Portugal Low Countrys c. REnowned Judge those Witnesses that have Their Grief presented do Judgment crave Save us much labour for we heretofore Have felt the same from this blond-thirsty Whore Besides being next her Seat and neer her Power Her greedy Jaws Our Brethren did devour With cruel Spite and without intermission We have been tortur'd in her Inquisition No Tongue can speak the unexampled terror Of that curst Pattern of Infernal horrour They count it mild when they our Persons burn And Wives and Children into Ashes turn They say they 're courteous when our Throats they cut Or when in Dungeons vile as Hell we 're put They say they favour us when they employ Their Daggers Pistols Axes to destroy In lingring flames they did our Brethren roast On Halberts tops we saw our Infants tost All this we 've suffer'd and a Thousand more And that by means of this Infernal Whore Ireland COuld deepest grief receive Additions I Would give Examples of her Cruelty I can her in more monstrous colours draw Than Bloudy Nero or Caligula Those horrid Tortures which may Brethren say She exercis'd on them the same I may Affirm t' have suffer'd by the instigation Of this vile Strumpet whose Abomination Stinks in the Nostrils of each civil Nation Her cursed Priests when first they did begin Our Massacre proclaim'd it was a sin Unpardonable if they durst to give Quarter or our Necessities relieve Some they stript Naked then they bid them go Through Bogs Mountains in the Frost Snow Men Women Children then were butchered And all that spoke our Language punished The very Cattel if of English breed They slasht and mangled that they could not feed With joy that Romish and rebellious Brood Have wash't their hands in Marty'd English bloud Thousands of naked Protestants that fled From these Barbarians have been famished Their faithless Gentry that pretended love Perswaded th' English that they would remove Their Goods to them Yet once possession got They like perfidious wretches cut their Throat Numbers of naked Women they did drive Into a Barn and burnt them all alive Each Sex and Age that could not from them fly Did by these Blood-hounds without mercy die Once at the fatal Bridge of Portladown A thousand Souls these Miscreants did drown A couple with five Children first they hung And in a Hole th' expiring bodies flung The youngest on the Mothers breast did stick Cries Mammy Mammy yet is buryed quick Some hackt to pieces travailing Women strip'd And half●born Infants from their bellies rip'd Which with their Mothers h●ngry Dogs did eat And Swine fed on them as on common meat When some poor Souls in burning Houses Cry The Villains said How sweetly do they Fr● When holy Scripture in the flames did cast They cry 'T is Hell-fire and a lovely blast That blessed Book when some have trampled on They cry Plague on 't that has the mischief done They made poor Wives their Husbands blood to spill And trembling Youths their aged Parents kill They forc'd the Son to stab his Dearest Mother And then one Brother to destroy the other Some they put fast in Stocks then teach a Brat To rip them and make Candles of their Fat How many Virgins did they Ravish first Then with their Hearts-blood quench their eager thirst Some they did bury just unto the Head And left them on surrounding Grass to feed Struck fast on Tenter-hooks grave Matrons were And Virgins hang'd up in their Mothers Hair Some with their small Guts were forc'd to run About a Tree until their Life was gone The Mouths of godly Ministers they cut Unto their Ears betwixt their Jaws they put A monstrous Gag then with a Romish Scoff They bid them preach their Mouths were large enough In these furies brag'd that to their joy They did Two hundred thousand Souls destroy We therefore pray as others did before For a just Sentence on this bloody Whore Scotland O Monstrous horror Oh abhorred sink Of Villany O bloody Throats that
that thing Did Babylon poor Israel Invade This Church on Sion the same Invades made Did Babylon make Salem desolate This hath brought Sion near to that Estate Did Babylon make Prophets drink their Tears Shake Kingdoms and fill Peoples hearts with fears This Church hath done so yea and far out-done Her Arch type and so beyond her run Did Babylon the Prophets bear away ●nto Captivity and make a prey Of all the Treasure that her hand could find This Papal Church is not a whit behind On th' ablest guides she laid her hellish hands Confining them to Prison under Bands As if 't were not enough for her to do She seiz'd their Persons and their substance too Did Babylon God's Worship over-throw Set up an Idol and command to Bow This Church hath done the fame yea and much more Fill'd heaped measure and much running o're 'T was she that took the Word of God away And by a String of Beads taught men to pray She rob'd the Layety of the blessed Cup And spoil'd the Feast where Children come to Sup At the Lords Table where they us'd to mind The blessed things their Saviour left behind She did set up her Superstitious Mass As rank an Idol as yet ever was Commanding adoration to be given Of equal honour with the God of Heaven Imposing Vows unwarranted Traditions Implicit Faith and thousand Superstitions Pretended Miracles apperent Lies Damnable Errors and ●ond Fopperies She clogs the Conscience and to make all well Boasts all her Dictates are Infallible Did Babylon the burning Work begin Make a hot Farnace Thrust Gods Worthies in This Church herein hath driven such a trade That thousands broiling Martyrs she hath made She sets the Pope above the holy one The great Jehovah and his blessed Son 'T is she declares him Universal Head 'T is she forbids the Bible to be read 'T is she that first did from the Faith depart 'T is she that wounded Sion to the heart 'T is she hath been the occasion of all evil 'T is she advanc'd the Doctrine of the Devil 'T is she that taught her Sons to swear and lie To vouch great falshdods and plain truths deny 'T is she that did forbid the Marriage Bed Whilst her vile Clergy such ill lives have led Was it not she that Canon did create Commanding plainly to abstain from meat Which God gave licence unto all to eat If from this charge she can her self defend Then may she make the Judge and Law her friend Or if she can produce another tribe To whom we may this Character ascribe With greater clearness than we do to her We will consent her Sentence to defer Judge ROme since thou canst not make a fair defence And shew to all the World thine innocence 'T is very evident that all these things Have been fulfilled on Kingdoms and their Kings And now if there no other People be That did the like then thou alone art she Let thy denials trouble men no more Thou only art the bloody scarlet Whore Therefore in Justice I at length am come Being long provokt to pass thy final d●om The Sentence ROME Thou hast been Indicted by the Name of Mystery Babylon Mother of Harlots Scarlet-coloured Whore and False Church or pretended Spouse of Jesus Christ And found guilty of all these horrid and prodigious Crimes following Thou didst first fall from the Holy Religion of God and his Son which were established and professed in the Apostles time Thou didst set up the vile Monster the POPE the Man of Sin that foul Blasphemous Beast Thon didst most sacrilegiously give those Attributes and Titles to him that belong to Jehovah and the Great Emanuel Thou mad'st his Decrees in Wicked Counsels above the Laws of God the Vniversal Sovereign Thou hast made void the Laws and Constitutions of the Gospel forming whole Nations into Churches though the greatest part do shew themselves the worst of Men. Thou hast made Nurseries of Priests and vile Men and impowered them to take Confessions for Money and forgive Sins Thou hast hypocritically abused all sorts of People by perswading them that thou hast power to heal their soul here and help them hereafter by which cursed frauds thou hast drawn a great part of the Riches of Europe into thine unhallowed hands Thou hast laid Close Siege to the Courts of Princes and drawn them into the highest strains of Wickedness to commit fornication promote Idolatry and take away the lives of Innocents Thou hast layn in wait where they would not fulfil thy bloudy and barbarous Lusts to contrive Treasons Sedition and Rebellion against them to Depose and Murder them by Excommunications Poysons and Powder-Plots Thou hast corrupted all Countrys and Kingdoms where thy power extended by such downright and abominable Ieolatrys that Heathens themselves were never guilty of worse Thou hast not only countenanced Stews and Brothel Houses where abominable Sodomy and Adulteries are practiced but even thy very Nunneries are become Habitations of Whoredom and Filthiness the bottoms of whose Motes and Ponds have shewed the Murders of New born Babes Thou hast killd the best Men thou hast not spared delicate Women and sucking Children Thou hast made away many Millions both of Christians and poor Heathens And after so Hellish a sort that the best learned Heart and Tongues want Rhetorick to set it forth Thou hast cut them to pieces in Cool Bloud thou hast chained to Stakes and burnt them Thou hast ripped up Women with Child and Ravisht Women and Maids and then hast barbarously slain them Thou hast been guilty of burying alive Roasting upon Spits scalding with burning Oyl and boyling Lead Blowing their Heads in pieces with Gun-Powder thou hast made Women Widdows Children Fatherless Houses and Villages Towns and Cities without Inhabitants Thou hast destroyed by Fire and Sword and all manner of Hostitities and Outrages Thou hast fomented Wars betwixt Kingdoms and Nations Thou hast done thy endeavour to make all men slaves but thy own accursed Tribe of Cardinals Arch-Bishops Bishops c. Thou hast Murder'd multitudes of Souls as well as destroy'd multitudes of Bodys In short thou hast filled the Earth with Corruption and loaded it with Opprassion and standest in the way of its promised Deliverance and Restitution And for all this Apostacy Oppressions Adulteries Fornications Rebellions Treasons and Blasphemies with the guilt of a mighty Mass of Innocent Bloud which hath been proved against thee and from which thou canst not defend thy self and for which both by the Law of God Nature and Nations thou oughtest to suffer thy Sentence therefore is Thou shalt continue in safe Custody till the 1260 Years be expired which is now very near and then thou shalt he taken from off the Beast where thou art imperiously Mounted thy Golden Cup with which thou hast deceived the Nations shall be taken out of thy hand and by the Hand of God the Horns of the Nations and Swords of Good Men thou shalt have these Judgements come upon thee