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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08731 The lost lady a tragy comedy. Berkeley, William, Sir, 1608-1677. 1638 (1638) STC 1902; ESTC S106656 44,552 56

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possibility Of being happy by it But we must expect Till the same power that plac't us here commands A restitution of his gift This is indeed a rule To make us live but not live happily 'T is true the slave that frees himselfe by death Doth wrong his Master but yet the gods are not Necessitous of us but we of them Who then is injur'd if I kill my selfe And if I durst to heare their voyce they call Men to some other place when they remove The gust and taste of this we should adore thee death If constant vertue not inforcement built Thy spacious Temples Enter EVGENIO Welcome Eugenio welcome worthie friend How long are you arrivd Eu. Time enough to revenge though not prevent The injuries you have done me LY. VVhat meanes my friend Eu. I must not heare that name now you have lost The effects and vertue of it I come to punish Your breach of faith LY. Is Hell affeard my constancie should conquer The mischiefes that are rais'd to swallow me That it invents new plagues to batter me By all that 's holy I never did offend my friend Not in a thought Eu. Those that by breach of vowes provoke their justice Doe seldome feare prophaning of their names To hide their perjuries will put it on them You have attempted my Hermione And forc'd her father to compell her voice Unto your Marriage LY. All this I doe confesse but 't was for both your goods As I will now informe you Eu. Hell and furies because your specious titles Your spreading Vineyards and your guilded house Doe shine upon our Cottage must our faiths VVhich Heaven did seale be cancell'd 't was my vertue VVonne her faire graces which still out-shine Your flames of vice LY. It hath not light enough to let you see your friend Gods Could that man have liv'd that dar'd to say Eugenio did suspect his Lysicles And now in pittie you doe shew him mee That I may flie the world without regreet Not leaving one of worth behinde me in it Begon and learne your errours Eu. I have don 't alreadie they were trusting you VVith my lifes happinesse draw and restore the vowes You made Hermione or I will leave you dead And teare them from your heart LY. Fond man thou dost not know how much 't is in My power to make thee miserable I could now force thee execute my wish In killing mee and thou wouldst flie the light VVhen it had shewd thee whom thy rage offended But till I fall by my owne hand my life Is chain'd unto my honour which I will weare Upon my Sepulchre nor must I die Being guilty of Milesia's murther For any cause but hers else were my breast Since you have wrong'd me open to your poynt Eu. Can you denie but that you have attempted The faith of my Hermione LY. I can with so strong circumstance of truth VVould make you blush for have doubted mine But he that was my friend and suspects me Must attend lesse satisfaction than a stranger Proceede and let your case be both your judge and guide Eu. What should I doe I dare not trust my sence If he should tell me that it does deceive me Vertue it selfe would lose her qualitie E're he forsooke her and his words doe fall Distorted from him his soule doth labour Vnder some heavy burthen which my passion Did hinder me from seeing Sir forgive Or take your full revenge let your owne griefes Teach you to pitty those are distract with it I will not rise untill you pardon me LY. Oh my Eugenio thy kindnesse hath undone me My rage did choake my griefe which now did spread It selfe over my soule and body up and helpe To beare me till I fall eternally Eu. Who can heare this and not be turn'd to Marble Good Sir impart your sorrowes I may bring comfort LY. Whilst they were capable thou didst but now They are too great and swolne to let it in Milesia Whom you and J supposed dead By me to day is poison'd and lies dying in her torment Is not this strange Eu. VVhat have you said that is not But heaven avert this last LY. It is too late now let me beg thy kindnesse VVould doe that for me J forbad thy passion Eu. VVhat is 't LY. Kill me Eu. You cannot wish me such an hated office Call up your reasons and your courage to you VVhich was not given you onely for the warres But to resist the batteries of Fortune People will say that Lysicles did want Part of that courage Fame did speake him Lord of VVhen they shall heare him sunke below her succour LY. You will not kill me then Eu. VVhen I beleeve there is no other meanes to ease you I will doe 't LY. All but death are fled Eu. Then draw your sword and as J lift my arme To sheath this in your breast let yours pierce me On this condition J may doe your will LY. J may not for the world why should you die Eu. See how your passions blinde you is Death An ease or torment if it be a joy VVhy should you envie it your dearest friend LY. Our causes are not equall Eu. They will be when you are dead How you mistake The Lawes of Friendship and commit those faults You did accuse me of J would not live so long To thinke you can survive your dying friend LY. Eugenio I am conquerd yet I hoep thy kindnesse Will doe that for me which thy sword refuseth Love thy Hermione she deserves it friend Leave me alone a while Eu. Your griefe 's too great for me to trust your life with 't I dare not venture you beyond my helpe Within Where 's Prince Lysicles where 's Prince Lysicles LY. Hearke I am cal'd the fatall newes is come Drawes Eu. Fie how unmanly 's this Can sounds affright you Which yet you know not whether they doe bring Or joyes or sorrowes when remedies are despair'd of You have still leave to dye perhaps she lives And you le exhale her soule into your wounds And be the death of her you mourne for living Within Where 's Prince Lysicles where 's Prince Lysicles Eu. It is the voyce of comfort none would strive To be a sad relator I le call him holla here he is Enter a Servant SER. The strange Lady kisses your hands my Lord Arnaldo Has restor'd her she bad me say your sight can onely Give perfection to what he has begunne Eu. Will you dye now LY. Softly good friend gently let it slide Into my breast my hearts too narrow yet To take so full a joy in You 're sure this newes is true SER. On my Life Eu. Why should you doubt it LY. My comforts ever were like Winter Sunnes That rise late and set betimes set with thicke Clouds That hide their light at noone but be this true And I have life enough to let me see it I shall be ever happy Eu. So 't is well at length his hope hath taught despaire to
being asham'd to live any longer PH, A halter you shall as soone come come I le intercede And be your surety Looke she staies to pardon You downe on your knees She goes away Phormio puls her backe Ergasto kneeles holds up his hands his cloake over his face PH. Oh my sweet Lady be mercifull like the gods you resemble they have as often pardon in their hands as Thunder And the truth is if they will not forgive this fault of inconstancy they must live alone or at least without men This was the last gaspe of his dying friendship to her And now he is entirely yours IR. He has not wrong'd me PH. Fie say not so that 's as great an injurie as not Pardoning him he has and shall come naked To receive his punishment See he dares not looke For comfort let him take it in at his eares IR. Pray content your selfe with the time you have Made me lose and let me goe PH. Never till you pardon him IR. I will doe any thing for my release if he has Offended me let him learne hereafter to Speake truer than he sweares and in time He may get credit PH. 'T is enough ER. Is she gone PH. Yes ER. How did she looke PH. Faith asham'd she lov'd you so well and sorry she Had no reason to love you better PH. 'T is an excellent Lady PH. If I could make Joynters I would not take this Paines for your honour Cleon whither slip you CL. After Phillida PH. And what successe CL. POX on 't these waiting women will not deale unlesse They have earnest in their hands and I was unprovided PH. Away unthrift Exeunt Act. 4 SCAE. 1. Enter LYSICLES LY. This is the houre powerfull Acanthe promis'd I should once more behold my lost Milesia Pardon me reason that my wither'd hopes Rebell against thy force a happinesse So mighty is oppos'd unto thy doubts That I le devest my selfe for ever of thee Rather than not beleeve impossibles That bring such comforts to my languisht soule Haile holy Treasurer of all the wealth Nature e're lent the world be still the envy Of the proud Monuments that doe enclose The glorious Titles of great Conquerors Let no prophane aire pierce thee but my sighes MILESIA riseth like a ghost Let them have entrance whilst my teares doe warme Thy colder Marble Ha what Miracle Are the gods pleas'd to worke to ease affliction The Phoenix is created from her ashes Pure as the flames that made 'em still the same The same Milesia Heaven does confesse in this That she can onely adde unto thy beauty By making it immortall Let it be lawfull for thy Lysicles To touch thy sacred hand and with it guide My wandring soule unto that part of Heaven Thy beauty does enlighten GHO, Forbeare and heare me if you approach I vanish Impious inconstant Lysicles cannot This miracle of my reassuming A mortall shape perswade thee there are gods To punish falsehood that thou still persists In thy dissembling doe not I know Thy heart is swolne with vowes thou hast laid up For thy Hermione whom thou wouldst perswade Thy narrow heart is capable of love By mocking of my ashes and erecting Tombs to me which are Indeed but Trophies of thy dead conquer'd love and vertue LY. No more blest shape I shall not thinke that thou descend'st from Heaven If thou continuest thus in doubt of me Nor can there be a Hell where such formes are The knowledge how thou com'st here doth disturbe me Yet such a reverence I doe owe thy image That I will lay before thee all my thoughts Spotlesse as Truth then thou shalt tell the shades How Fortune though it made my love unhappy Could not diminish it nor presse it one degree From the proud height it was arrived to How I did nightly pray to this sad Tombe Bringing and taking fire of constant love From the cold ashes how when incompast With thousand horrours Death had beene a rest I did preferre a loath'd life to revenge my selfe And her upon the murderer GHO. I shall desire to live if this be true Nothing can adde a comfort where I am But the assurance of your love I know Faith is not tyed to passe the confines Of this life yet Hermione's happinesse Does trouble me You 'le thinke I lov'd you living when dead I am jealous of you LY. Milesia againe blest Saint now I am sure thou art What thou resemblest and do'st know my secret'st thought But as the gods of which thou art a part Art not content with our hearts sacrifice Unlesse our words confesse it heare me then If my thoughts e're consented to replant My love may your dire Thunder light Upon my head and sinke it downe so low I may not see thy glories I confesse My words have sacrific'd to Deities I ne're ador'd those staines of love My teares and friendship to the best of mén I hope I have cancell'd for my Eugenio I did pretend a love unto Hermione Who else had sold her selfe unto the rage Of her offended Father had you liv'd You would have pardon'd when infidelity But personated did preserve a faith So holy as theirs was this is my fault GHO. My glory and my happinesse LY. Yet this as oft I wept as I was forc'd For his deare cause to injure sacred love Yet durst not but decline his severe Lawes When my friends life excus'd the pious errour GHO. Did you suspect her that you conceal'd this from her LY. There is but one MILESIA besides If true I meant her feares should aide My false disguise which her quick-sighted Father Would else have pierc'd who hates EVGENIO And loves no vertue but what shines through wealth LY. My best best LYSICLES I am againe in love Thy holy flame doth lend me light to see My closed fires why did not Fate give me So large a field to exercise my Faith I envy thee this tryall and would be Expos'd to dangers that have yet no name That I might meet thy love with equall merit LY. The cause takes all away and want of power Excuseth what I cannot yet expresse too much of me But how our loves came to so sad a period As yet in clouds I have onely seene GHO. My Uncles cruelty and hate of you procur'd our separation LY. But how knew he our loves though torment since Have wrung it from me my joyes ever flow'd silent and calme GHO. I know it but we were betray'd By one that serv'd me and the doubts confirm'd By the Moore you spake with yesterday LY. Ha How came she to know it she was not here GHO. All that I ever did shee 's conscious of And jealous of your love unto HERMIONE Did place me here to search into your thoughts And now is prouder of this discovery Thanifa Crowne were added to her LY. To what strange Lawes does Heaven confine it selfe That it will suffer them that dare be damn'd To have power over those it has selected My