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A02430 The glasse of mans folly and meanes to amendment, for the health and wealth of soule and body. This glasse of mans folly, is that we may know, the cause of the cruelty, which dayly doth flow. ... B. H., fl. 1595. 1615 (1615) STC 12562A; ESTC S118418 51,161 76

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THE GLASSE OF MANS FOLLY AND MEANES TO AMENDMENT for the health and wealth of soule and body The second Edition This Glasse of Mans folly is that we may know The cause of the cruelty which dayly doth flow Such powling such pilfring such gryping for gaine And great greedy gathering as purchase our paine Such Whores and such Theeues Bankrouts and Beggers Quarrellers Fighters and mercilesse Murtherers Such wrangling for wealth and care for to get Such losse of soule health as canker shall fret Such euill and such enuy heart-hatred and strife Such seruing of Sathan betweene Man and Wife In this Booke is shewed diabolus deuises And also reproued his subtill enterprises Therefore gentle Reader deale thou not so rashly To reproue with reproching the thing that mislikes thee The Learned allowes this which vertue imbrace For none but ill actions it seekes to deface And if it doe touch thee turne prating to praying Least Zelotipus Deus correct thy gaine-saying LONDON Printed by T. C. for I. H. 1615. TO LOVERS OF VERtue and Haters of vice bee Grace and Peace BLessed deerely bought by Iesus this booke doth disprooue that most doe loue and is liable to the leaude It is like that such as loue theyr sinnes heerein reprooued will mislike it mee for reproouing for strikers at vices are strooke with calumnies Therefore to Gods children is my dedication to patronize it when the impious despise it I made it that God may be glorified you comforted the wicked rebuked I beseech you accept it as a Mite cast among greater Teasures for Gods word is the warrant If any obiect there be many good books extant It is requisite for people be many sinnes do multiplie Grudge at no good bookes grieue for sinne Wee may admire and lament for those of ridiculous Ribauldrie which derogates Gods glorie The Inuenter Printer Seller and Buyer must remember they are meanes to winne the diuell darlings It is odious how by many they are perused and iterated but the good refused It doth divulgate that sathan win and winew vs that the tares his Adherents spring thicker then the good Corne. It is grieuous to thinke how wee grieue our good God Impietie is so spred that there was neuer more neede of reproofe The best Bookes please not the proude Momus maligneth Herein is expressed comfort for the contrite seuerity for the obstinate whose stonie hearts deserues hammers for them sharpe speech is requisite Valete Combibo counselleth not to be counselled and would the Author alter WHy trouble you my merry minde I cannot loue nor like yee Vnto my corps you are vnkinde So much to moue and minde mee It is your losse it gets no gaine Your Pen your profite hinder For to refraine from pot is paine My ioy is carnall pleasure My Mates and I will looke awry With frowning face wee view yee Boore Bibax back-bites bitterly Superbia doe iniure thee Capillatus hee will worke thee hate If you make bookes to braide vs Wee are at ease com be our mate In pleasures great not grieuous Astutia will thee despise Aleator casteth in his lot Salax against thee doth deuise Refuse thy Pen let 's fill the pot Constancie consented to Feare not the face of Fancie fine No leaud life nor loue lust Seeke thou the safetie of their soules In God put thou thy trust Thy Booke good people well doth like Send forth therefore this Doue To bring with ioy in Arke aright By meanes of God his loue Pray thou to God this worke to blesse That it may hale to Heauen GOD glorious is all praise to him Good people say Amen Optime Deus esto nobiscum nunc in auum THE GLASSE OF MANS FOLLIE ALthough little considered of some yet are they not ignorant of this that we shuld liue according to Gods will reuealed in his word be carefull to win each other dooing our industry to shew the things he hath commaunded detesting and reproouing that hee hath forbidden And amitie doth animate vs to illustrate Gods glorie in all our actions which is the finall cause of mans Creation therefore mentioned in this praeludium Such follow not their phātasies as our aduersaries of the truth doe Psalm 97.7 for ietting Iesuits and bloody Papists call stocks and stones Laye-mens bookes yet God Omniscient doth convince it Confounded be all they that serue grauen Images that boast themselues of Idolles Esay 42.8 I am the Lord that is my Name and my glorie will I not giue to any other neither my praise to grauen Images Saint Dauid teacheth vs the true way that directed him right Ps 119.105 Thy Word is a lampe vnto my feete and a light vnto my path In which as in a myrrour if wée search with true prayer we shall sée light more fulgent then the bright Sun beames to shewe vs the way to walke to Gods glorie From which Canonicall rule Sathan makes an aberacion Therefore in hate to him and loue to man here is reprooued Not vsing the Victuling-house for necessitie but the common and accustomed sinne of Drunkennesse that daily increaseth From which except with spéede wée refraine wée procure Gods high displeasure to be powred euer vpon vs. The Apost S. Paul indued with a heauenly spirit foreknowing future things with praemunition giueth a caueat 2. Timoth 3. This know also that in the last dayes perillous times will come for men shall be louers of theyr owne selues which is to be vnderstood of the inordinate loue of theyr bodies for while we liue so wée are enemyes to our soules which are our selues Corpora nostra non sunt nos Our bodyes are not vs Rom 8.12 To the which wée are debters but not to liue after the flesh Yet till wée the bellie and fainte the soule delighting so in liquor that thereto we lust Belly-gods abuse theyr bellyes they can carouse at all times thyrstie or not asmuch in one day as might serue some men ten So impudent and shamelesse that they rather boast thereof then bée ashamed Bibax addicted to Bibaculus in Cliant to Bacchus frequenting Bachanal till he be Bacchatus The deceyuer inticeth to excesse to torment vs. Some seldome cease but are exorbitant frō goodnes flexible to follie pliant to impietie with delectation in such dooings Theyr odious actions shewes affections are not fixed on God to loue him and with feare to offend him except a seruile feare as Sathan hath it is to be feared some want it For though some doo boast they are saued by Christ they denie him in theyr déedes The fruits bewrayes the heart to be false Psalm 14. The foole hath said in his heart there is no God their déedes say so doo they The sucking sinne is as common as the Cartway which is to be deplored and daylie reprooued Much festinacion not to be fasting to fatting turning pot after potfull into wide weasands and bias bellies making them gutters of gulpers and swiltubs for swyne Vnsatiable in receiuing
the cōmandement of Ionadab Much more ought we to refraine from drunkennesse at Gods commaund The Lord reprooueth the Adultrers that louest agons of wine The prophet complaineth Esay 56.12 Come yee say they I will fetch wine Osea 3. and wee will fill our selues with strong drinke That Come driues to detriment and we goe willingly Math 11.28 Christ saith Come for our comfort but we will not It 's the fashion to call and prouoke each other to excesse of drinking It was not so at that royall Feast Hester 1.8 And the drinking was according to the lawes none did compell The great God little regarded denounceth woe to inticers Woe vnto him that giueth his neighbour drinke that puttest thy bottle to him Abac. 2.15 and makest him drunken also that thou mayest looke on his nakednes Solomon would drawe vs from the meanes that moueth delight to drinking least we be drunken Prou 23. Looke not vpon the wine when it is red Oh that Parents would not be sanage but sage as Salomon to counsell It is odious and absurd for youth to drinke much Except in labor a modicum suffiseth nature To giue wine to a young man is to adde oyle to fire Wine and strong drinke are fitte for the weake and sicke Prou 31. Giue strong drinke to him that is ready to perish wine vnto those that are of heauie hearts Alas such lacks when lazie liuers gulps gallons and iudge that those which ioyne not with them doo thinke themselues righteous but they that féele theyr sinnes most vse meanes to tame their flesh So did prudent Paule 1. Cor 92.7 I keepe vnder my bodie and bring it into subiection It appeares that pamperers are Iustitiaries and féele not theyr sinnes which defileth their soules Did they they would striue and resist it and not so nourish it Immoderate nutriment procures imminent punishment Saint Dauid being thirstie desired water and it was brought him Neuerthelesse hée would not drinke 2. Sam verse 17. And he saide Be it farre from mee ô Lorde that I should doe this Is not this the bloud of the Men that went in ieopardy of theyr liues Therefore hee would not drinke it A carnall minde would thinke wine had bene fitter to strengthen him against his visible enimies but being then not fit Excesse with vs is much more vnfit and to be refrained that wée may ouercome our inuisible enimies the diuels He refused that he had néede of much more ought we to refuse néedlesse excesse such effusion causeth confusion in the lake of lamentation Daniel 5. Balthazar being drinking of his cups heard and had a cooling God graunt vs grace to be prepared and in well dooing at Christs comming Lamentat 3. It is of the Lordes mercies that we are not consumed to him he all honour for euer Amē Laus Deo ¶ A perfect proofe that Gods children must not be associated with Drunkardes nor with other impious SAlomon saith Be not amongst wine bibbers Prou 24. Be thou not enuious against euill men neyther desire to be with them Prou 28. He that is a companion of riotous mē shameth his father The Psalmographe saith Pro 23.20 Psal 26. I haue not sate with vaine persons neither will I goe in with dissemblers But Drunkards count such no companions They lose a lofty title that shake not hands with the diuell The foremost in leaud life is the bad But it 's better to be hated and goe to Heauen then of them to beloued and goe to Hell Vertue shall ascend when Vice shall descend Iames 4. their amitie is enmitie Whosoeuer therfore wil be a friēd of the world is the enemy of God Therfore good men dare not flatter them in follie Ps 139.21 Dauid hated thē that hated God He shewes where the true harted shall dwell Ps 15.4 He shal abide in Gods tabernacle in whose eyes a vile person is contemned but honoreth them that feare the Lord. 2. Tim 3. But this world will grow to an Antipathie Euill people shall be esteemed and good people contemned Yet if thou hast ignominie refraine theyr company for though thou be expert with a good Booke in thy bosome they will frame thée to theyr fashion and so to confusion If they cannot winne thee they will wrong thée They that are dissolute of theyr duties to God are carelesse of theyr soules and of thy safetie It is a probabilitie that their euocation and prouoking is manie mens vndooing Say then with the princely Prophet Psal 119.115 Depart from mee yee euill doers I will keepe the commaundements of my God Ver 63. I am a companion of all them that feare the Lorde Bée thou so and not a Chamelion for all companies Cato counsells thée to walke with good men Shall an Ethnick excell vs in good conuersation that neuer had our meanes of conuersion Hée doth admonish vs and Christ doth menace vs Math 24. Hee that eateth and drinketh with the drunken shall be appointed his portion with Hypocrites there shal be weeping gnashing of Teeth S. Paule reproouing the impietie of people shewing the wrath of God for the same saith Be not therefore partakers with them Ephes 5.7 They that let Drunkardes haue drinke may prosper a time but such gaine is like to prooue paine Hée or shee that giue weapons to those that wound themselues A Caueat to fillers to Drunkards are culpable Thou art forbidden their companie and societie It is odious to attend them Consider this yée that haue houses for such Reprooue and remooue such slowbellies you had better doe any slauerie then be accessary to theyr actions Math 16.26 For what is a man profited if he shall gaine the whole world and lose his owne soule Abhorre their behauiour though they hate thée Ephe 5.11 And haue no fellowship with the vnfruitfull works of darknes but rather reproue them If they will not heare they are barbarous Prou 12. Hee that hateth reproofe is brutish Win them with lenitie else refraine their society 2. Cor 6.14 What communion hath light with darknes Gen 25.22 Esau and Iacob strugled in the wombe So doe Gods seruants and sathans adherents and so did Christ and his Apostles with the wicked world Let vs not serue sin but our good God to whō be all honor for euer Amen Laudate IAH ¶ Drunkards hatred to those that abhorre their behauiour THe primarie prophet Ps 119.139 a Paragon of ardent amitie to God saith My zeale hath consumed mee because mine enemies haue forgotten thy worde A man to mourne for his owne sinnes in sinceritie is not cōmon to mourn for sins of others is not much in custome He was a mourner for his owne sins for the sins of his enemies which thing so admirable fewe doo imitate Yet when hée wept it was to his reproch He was a Prouerb song of the drunkards Psal 69. Gods spirite excited him to reprooue such as impeached Gods glory But malefactors could not neither cā
and ready in expelling néere the Dore so perspicuous as theyr priuities may be perceiued Then againe into the Den with an Anthem fill fetch haue for halfe not hauing ariditie yet a pint at a draught drawing destruction Cauponula catcheth them the Tap-tarrier inticeth them to powre in pots plentifully trip and turne a Dye daintily sweare and stare iet and iest cogge and lye leaudly in the blind Ale-house not licenced where the Host sits halfe rotten voyd of fealtie full of fallacie like the Image in time of blindnesse which shaked the head meriliest to them that gaue most So excesse makes men beasts and worse Modum adhibent apperitui They measure their appetites by the rule of necessitie but men with reason become vnreasonable of whom it is written Esay 22.23 Let vs eate and drinke for to morrow we shall dye Ede bibe lude is the Epicures felicitie Christ saith Ioh. 6.12 Let nothing be lost but they spill and spoyle Combibo carous till Colon cracke Bibbers are bountifull to abuses not to good vses hee blowes and boasts he must not be miserable not remembring the misery of thousands ready to miscary for want of that hee wastes Math. 5. Blessed are the mercifull but excessiue Suckpots shew themselues miscreants without comiseration sympathy or fellow-feeling of famished folks and children They pittie not their owne spirituall misery how Satan deludes them of the Benisson but are foggie full of fastiuitie loth to linquish like to languish and illiterated not knowing a letter he fils the Chimney end with Praebibo tibi and Lice often fitter for that place then Latine Lazie Lads likes it and calles for liquor liuely Meretrix is an inticer to the slaughter The lewde are delighted for they reproue not impietie but get impiously and spend prodigally till that got with a reach is lost by a stretch True dealers are spighted which mislikes their misdoings and spends as riches extends There be Victualers farre off and neere me that honour God by their victualing they reprooue their guests for great drinking rude talke and swearing not hauing their houses dennes for Diuels Some others like Proteus which would change himselfe to al likenes frame themselues as euery man is affectioned flattering those that plye the pot fastest no assiduitie delayed So youth prooue poore and without a penny departs in anxietie Luke 15.13 The prodigall sonne wasted his substance with riotous liuing so long as lasted his portion he was in estimation but when all was gone hee would haue filled his belly with the husks that the Swine did eate and no man gaue vnto him Euen so when men are poore and purse empty their absence is liked more then their company Yet people whose delight is to péepe into a pot will not be warned but may be compared to Philoxius Arist Eth. 3.10 which wished his necke longer then a Cranes to féele the more pleasure in the long running downe which minde is farre from the faithfull whose affection is in heauen Therefore yée Corpulents all for the corps that frequent quaffing and ryot like vntamed Tigers and bruites vnbridled if you would vse militarie resistance against Mille-artifex which conquers you like Cowards yée would tame your bodies and nourish your soules but not féeling his circumuents yée liue to your lusts yée drinke and eate at ease not hauing the combat Gods children haue O let vs repent lest wee haue our portion in this life Psa 17.14 Lament 3. It is of the Lords mercies that we are not consumed To him be all honour for euer Amen Sit laus Sanctae Trinitati Effects of drowsie Drunkennesse THe receipt of mens money superfluously spent is odious to a good conscience Their wiues and children want sustenance shee knowes not at what Alehouse to finde him and séeing her goods consuming and children crying she tels him his fault and intreats him to be frugall The Béere piercing his braine hee counts her counsell hostilitie he stamps staggers stares sweares blasphemes the Almightie which hideous othes wherby Gods wrath is kindled He giues her blowes no béefe whereby loue decreaseth hatred increaseth When they should pray they prate and depart or liue peruersely The patrimony might haue maintained family hospitalitie and béene left to the posteritie but two yeeres drinking caused the dissipation The sequell is euill great disturbance to good people whome they cousen théeue and purloine from procuring the Prison there they haue hunger thirst cold lamenesse lice loathsome noysome a Dogges death is procured which was by meanes of wasting At the Gallowes they cry out of Alehouses euill inticers licentious liuing drunkennesse whoredome theft and chambering which earst would not bee told of neither will many that now are dissolute but powre into the paunch till alasse had-land is lowsie Good Hoasts fore-sée this and giue good counsell but an Antithesis euill Hoast doeth not they and their colleague companions are flexible but to vertue aduerse Hee that idely spends his patrimony deserues this Epithete Spend-thrift but such as consume it in Drunkennesse are execrable creatures O yee consumers yee are theeues to your families enemies to God and to your owne soules and bodies and robbers of all the needy Woe bee to such as cause the poore to cry and procure GOD to withdrawe his blessing from Lande and Sea Yet Colon increaseth Cholera procuring profusion the full gorge foames froth Present pleasure seemes sweete not regarding that bitter gnashing followes quaffing for it doth contaminate the soule Excesse of colde Frumenty fills men full of infirmitie Gen. 19. Lot thereby committed lust and incest It causeth Lethargie and sleeping and quailes good qualities Ierom. Venter mero aestuans spumat in libidinem The belly inflamed with Wine bursteth foorth to lust Beere-belly is inflamed but not ashamed yet the woe of woes is pronounced Oh Esay 5.11 yee that can drinke at all times and thinke it mellifluous to be immoderate as instigators intice others wound not your soules with woes Refraine from quaffing it is a Hecticke inflaming the soundest parts of the body It makes a good sanguine complection puft if not pocky but dead drunke pale Quaffing makes men vnquiet vntemperate incontinent enuious fierce wrathfull to fight curse and brawle It hurts the braines head eyes and hearing it causeth plurisie dropsie to scorne iest and talke of bauldry as a quotidian Feuer it inféebleth the whole man bréeding diseases It infecteth soule and body and procures plagues from the Almighty it destroyeth his benefits and brings plenty to scarcitie and causeth the poore the aged and infants to cry for foode It offendeth the Omnipotent God and is an offence to all Gods children All kinde of sinnes waite on excesse It makes men prompt to euill peruerse to pietie it gaines the Gallowes and hell without repentance Yet Milleartifex with excuse saith it makes him acute but how to serue Asmodeus and Asotus and therefore to be reiected as Aspis very venemous It
for the poore which not to regard is a defect of charitie no effect of faith but of infidelitie The sinne of Sodome was Pride fulnesse of bread Eze. 16. abundance of idlenesse neglect of the needy which sinnes abounde Christ saith Luke 6.25 Woe vnto you that are full for yee shall hunger Woe vnto you that laugh now for yee shall mourne and weepe One saith Foelicitas moderatio diuiduum contubernium habent Prosperitie and moderation dwell in two houses It is dainty to finde them dwelling together Saint Iames 5. threatneth the wicked rich men Goe to now ye rich men weepe and howle for your miseries that shall come vpon you vers 5. Yee haue liued in pleasure on the earth and beene wanton yee haue nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter If such could consider of this and that thousands mourne for meate and drinke which they haue too much of their pleasure would bee pitty their wantonnesse weeping their feasting fasting which surfeting preuents for it is rare for such as pamper their paunches to ouercome euill affections Therefore I pray you vse this preparatiue And the peace of God be with vs Amen Halelu-iah ¶ A Letter to the Licentious GRace and peace be with vs. I pray you consider why impietie is reprooued The finall cause is that God may bee glorified for the sonne that loues his father grieues to see him dishonoured The materiall cause is the commaundement from God the efficient in this manner formall Leuiticus 19.17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour and not suffer sinne vpon him Heb. 3.13 Exhort one another dayly 1. Pet. 4. As euery man hath receiued the gift euen so minister the same one to another A good conscience procures it and amitie bindes it Iam. 5.20 Let him know that he which conuerteth the sinner from the error of his way shall saue a soule from death and shall hide a multitude of sinnes Wee ought to succour each other Commiseration is a pulsiue cause which mooueth Gods children They grieue to sée a Beare teare a childe much more to sée Sathan deuoure soules If we sée a house ready to fall on a man and not aduertise him we are guilty of his death so if we sée one séeke the detriment of his soule and not admonish him we are culpable Thinke on this Masters of families Victualers Keepers of Tauerns and all others godly zeale exciteth vs Mat. 7.12 and God commandeth vs to doe as we would be done vnto And good people doe desire to bee taught the bad like the Diuell drawes others to euill and boast they shall to heauen but will not tread the strict path Oh it is vnpleasant but being profitable let vs with lenitie admonish each other and desire to be admonished A blessing is promised They that turne many to righteousnes shall shine as the starres for euer and euer Dan. 12.3 He meaneth faithfull Ministers and others of the faithfull the which hope of felicitie doe quicken to vinification They indeauour to doe good and are grieued that the greedy Diuell gets many into his net It is furnished with leawd delights alluring baytes and sugred sinnes If a Calumnor take his part to confront my labour I wish him first to consider Satan doth cousen him to hale him to hell I doe counsell him and haste him to heauen Eschew the Diuels net full of false bayts PArtialitie for the carelesse Officer superfluous speach for Buyers and Sellers euill excuse for Swearers and Lyers false hope to escape for the Théefe and Filcher false hope of gaine for the Dicer and Gamster néedlesse breake for the base Bankrout calliditie for the Cousener which for fauour will lye and say he is a kinne to good men Infidelitie for the Atheist bragge boldnesse for the Blasphemer wilfulnes for the Wayward enuy for the Ambitions reuenge for Quarrellers Murther for the Wrathfull Lone of loathsome lust for Drunkards Gluttons and filthy Fornicators Inordinate loue of the carcasse for the proud and painted Gryping gaine for Vsurers and greedy Extortioners Worldly affection for the couetous Cruelty for the vnmercifull Desperation and destruction for the faithlesse Disdaine of Gods word for negligent hearers No regard of God for riotous Roysters Dissimulation for Iudas-like hypocrites Vaine-glory for pickthankly world-pleasers Deceipt for seducers Carnall pleasures for prophane liuers Hate of truth for Sectaries Desire to get for the Empericke which by vnskilfulnes causeth death or long sicknesse Enticings to all euil hastinge from heauen halings to hell Many looke like Lucifer to quarrell with the quiot but cowards to resist Sathan he conquers them snarls them in his snares to torment them euer To preuent it repent pray for a cleare heart and a right spirit rest not till you haue it abandon the déedes of the flesh imbrace the fruits of the spirit Gal. 5. They that are Christs haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts With faith and amendment apprehend Christs merits then God will behold thee in him thou shalt haue fauour with our heauenly Father Consider my Letter and the Lord assist vs. Abhorre Sathans snares Iam. 4. Resist the Diuell and hee will flye from you draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you With a Memento Imbrace amendment haue it in sempiternam rei memoriam Sic fiat Rocede à malo fac bonum ¶ Reproofe of Whoredome a collaterall consort to excesse attendant to the same Sublata causa tollitur effectus Take away the cause and the effect falleth QVaffing is so accustomable that Whoredome commonly is the sequel so monsterous as to auoyd long period I will not expresse Much youth betimes frequent Fornication the which coition is execrable 1. Cor. 6.9 A reproofe of Fornication No Fornicator shall inherit the kingdome of heauen vers 18. Flee fornication euery sinne that a man doth is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his owne body He defileth his owne soule and body and also the party with whom he is so filthy Thinkest thou to make amends with mariege repent remember the dreadfull sentence Reuel 22. Such shall be shut out from heauen Eph. 5.3 Fornication and vncleanenesse must not bee once named 1. Thess 4. For this is the will of God euen your sanctification that ye should abstaine from fornication It is so heynous and God doth so abhorre it 1. Cor. 10.8 that there fell in one day three and twenty thousand Consider this ye shameles fornicators with dogs and bitches qualities your sins cry for vengeance Gen. 19.13 as the sinnes of Sodome Re. 14. It is written that no man could learn that new song but they which were not defiled with women for they are virgins And would you sing in heauen repent lest ye sigh in hell Young men maydens if sinners intice you consent not take example of chaste Ioseph An example for
is spent friuolously and the poore vnable to buy it Much linnen by them is burnt and the Poore want cloth to shifte them Starch is taken from wheate Meale and many crie out for course crible Yet fancie fine with ruffes vp to her eyne likes not to be reprooued To cull and kisse her pleasure it is say what you will I say the poking irons whereby they destroy good stuffe is méeter for a Plummer and punishment méet for Pride Oh carelesse Caterpillers that spend vp peoples Foode for the leaude lusts of theyr hearts How can you answere it before GOD Excuse saith it shewes cleaner the longer I answer it is rotted the sooner And further twise washing is not so much labour as patting and starching And they that haue bread can wash oft But take away the bread the life is lost wherof one is more precious then all starch And wilt thou be culpable of death by thy great Ruffes which stand stiffe agreable to thy stoutnes Be not a beast bolde and past shame to doe such hurt by thy hauty heart Set not out thy great Ruffs as though thou wouldst take vnhappy flight with Icarus It is a meanes to make thée loue the lustes of thy bodie to looke bigge with stiffe-necke as though thou wert the popes brother or should marry Ienny Ietter Oh earth looke to thy féete when breath is out thy bodie is a fearfull Anatomie But Salax loues not to heare of Earth nor Death the excuse is starch is made of brāne If so good for Horses and other good vses to sustaine that which hath life the more Oates and Pease should be spared for the poore which wish to be suffised with branne and want it But it is apparent it is made of that which may make good bread Salomon saith Cast thy bread vpon the face of the waters But many kéepe it from the poore Eccles 11. and cast it on great Ruffs Salomon vseth an Ironie and saith reioyce Then he shewes the ignominie that such rude reioycing brings iudgement Yet some that so walke in the wayes of their hart and sight of their eyes doe adulate that they are addict vnto and when white starch is stale then they vse yellow or blue know not how soone to taste of gréene among wormes or of blue Brimstone in destruction Be warned thy time is short Pray that thine eyes may be opened to that end I write to leaud life that walks in the broad-way as most people run from Heauen to Gehenna ¶ The cause of Cousening Dearth and Scarcitie VOrax deuouring of much yet grudging The more such get the more they want they gape with guile yet haue they scant Riot bibbing painted back maketh many daily lacke Bringing Dearth and scarcitie murther whoredome bribery Till excesse of Belly and Backe be left all Vices will abound with theft Turne therefore superfluitie to meane and mediocritie and then this Realme to penurie shall not decrease by pouertie ¶ Of abuse in Apparell IN this reproouing of superfluous Attire thrée things are to be considered First the manner of excesse 2. the euill effects 3. the reproofe by Gods word Concerning the māner I purpose to reueale the folly of such as are pounced pompions dead man like with all their substance on their backs Excéeding wealthy men and matrones which kéepe hospitalitie for the hungrie and are plainely Apparelled when being ouer-worne are giuen to the néedy Such refraine from excesse and do spare for the poore But as some gormandize their guts that their backes are bitten for want of shifting So Superbia pincheth the belly and painteth the Backe and ieopardeth the best ioynte to iet in colors that mediocritie is excluded from either Wee ought to weare decent Apparell to couer our nakednes But they which abuse Gods benefits in cutting Cloth full of flashes makes them vnméet to couer Nakednes or to keepe off colde or for any good purpose for the Poore As there is Veluet for superiours so Russet fits inferiors but many of the meaner sort haue brought cloth to excesse price by vndiscrete wasting that the poore deplore it And they bestowe as much cost in their capes cuttes iagges lace needlesse Nouelties as the outside comes to Were it not for fond fashions which we learne from other Nations famous Brittaine should be more famous Excessiue delight of the carcasse doth digresse from our religion and is a scarre to our true profession Myriades of fashions are followed It is to be admired how brag boyes and wenches will paint their bodies It 's to be feared they seeke not sutes for their soules Parrat is arrogant she hath her Apologie though no other Diuinitie that Pride is not in her Apparell I wish her to learne this and auoyde it that Pride is Matercula origo omnium vitiorum the mother and nurse of all mischiefe rooted in the heart and breaketh foorth as a leaprosie in obstinate words peruerse déedes outragious Apparell which are fruites of proude and vaine delighted hearts that are not wearie of this world but wedded to it Such as are proud in rags had they wherewith would illustrate their pride by Attyre If any obiect that it is a small matter and as Mynte and Anyséede in respect of greater Consider the effects Effects of excessiue Apparell GOd which forbids it is disobeyed and his anger procured Many to be concinnate and finely apparelled buy and are trusted It is pleasant in buying but it pincheth in the paying Man and Wife looke awry and are at contrarietie Concord decreaseth they perseuer and are not placable Their thrift is turnd to shift they part or liue not in loue Some prooue Théeues and whores by whome people are perplexed that they apprehend and hang them Some are so hanty they wil be as braue as the wealthy and haue it quo iure quàve iniuria by hooke or crooke till at length that is pledged which purchaseth no honestie nor profite Others of pretty wealth seeing that presumption step past theyr degrée attired triumphant So euill is imitated goodnes neglected They liue deceitfully and wickedly to painte theyr houses of clay Some will haue great Ruffes though hose hang out at héeles and they prooue hackneys In time past one might haue clad himselfe as cheap as two great Ruffes and starching comes to many rich painte and pamper themselues Excesse makes one to pine at anothers prosperity and both chase away true amitie They want yet haue too much they consume it on theyr lusts by starch and great ruffes The world was neuer so gréedy fierce and full of furie One couets anothers house ouer his head If Diogenes were here he would be enuyed for his tunne Men cannot liue of much Land and liuing is too little That which should sustaine the hungrie is spent in prodigalitie gawish Garments friuolous fashions tufts trifles People may perceiue by view of Verdigalls that if some had made themselues their buttocks had bene bigge Excesse of the carcas causeth
Common-wealth-consumers true dealing to be excluded Sensualitie maintained the néedy not nourished Much is spent in pride which causeth Dolus to haue Diues qualities with face of Auarice and anstere countenance to pinch the Poore the Fatherles and defraud the Friendles The proud do preye vpon such If they misse of their purpose they menace and maligne them God hath forbidden it Mal 3.5 and will be a swift witnes against such Yet people procure the heauy curse to painte theyr haultie corps Excesse of Apparell procures couetousnes A Cormorant selleth any thing that an other may not owne Rents are raised Bribes imbraced Timber goeth down without regard of Nauigation Ouidius Crescit amor nummi quantū pecunia crescit as thy money increaseth so doth the loue of it Yet read we The couetous hath no inheritāce in the kingdom of Christ Ephes 5.5 Bursa auari os est diaboli The purse of a couetous man is the mouth of the diuell The eyes of the excessiue are like Hell neuer satisfied Tam deest quod habet quam quod non habet He wanteth that he hath as that he hath not All is to maintain pride The body is decked the soule neglected the Saboth is broken by tricking and trimming meate for maddes In stéed of a Booke to sée our sinnes some foote two houres in a glasse to frame a frontlet Ruffs must haue Rebatoes If she turne her face her body turneth else the ruffe is brused So her neck standeth stiffe stretched like her sisters of Syon and shewing her shamelesse labour she comes to the Cathedrall when Sermon is halfe done in time to be séene though not to learne farre finer then at the doale the day before She feares no arresting her husband is hidden Excesse brought his distresse Yet if drinked drop on her great ruffe a change present some shall pay for it O Earth thinke on the fearfull Iudgement shewed on a woman in Antwerpe as it is related to whome the diuell appeared to set her Ruffs which whē he had finished he kissed her wroong her necke in twoo Her bodie suddenly changed blacke and blewe painted and coloured small to her profite Laid in a toumbe she was suddenly gone and a blacke deformed Cat in the roome If curious Ruff-mongers be incredulous of this I wish them beware least to them come the like Acts 12. Gay Attyre is a meanes to pull the minde from heauen Herode in his Royall Apparell vnmindefull of God was smitten of the Angell The attire of the Daughters of Syon procured the sworde Esay 3. Iezabel presently after her Attyring and painting had paine Many procure theyr pouertie and paine Fellowes prophane consume theyr substance to please theyr Paramours Oh yée that are ouercome by Venus rather by Venerie be not led by ignorant arrogant wenches whose wanton attyre bewrayes a Harlots heart I am painted to play with Oh Worme for wormes thy carcas shall be Carren thou hast prickes in thy forehead be prickt with repentance O Salax be sanctified be clothed with Sobrietie repent with Fidelitie Remember thy winding shéete when that is consumed thy carcas shal be naked Coseners are Theeues as wasps among Bees Doe not for inordinate loue thereof vndoe thy selfe Following fashions procures briberie and chaseth brotherly societie Some braue doe brag they are of hability So get they goods in credite but flée in falshood Others to allure like the Harlot Prou 7. The Leopard by his spotted skinne inticeth Beasts and killeth them His skinne is good his flesh is naught So Sepulchers are painted yet full of putrefaction Fine are some outsides as if the insides were answerable it smelleth of Hypocrisie we are full of corruption It was the saying of an Emperour Sumptuousnes of Apparel is Vexillum superbiae Nidus Luxuria The Banner of Pride the nest of Lust Herodotus writeth in his Booke that Iuda Dictator of Rome had a Sonne being prickt vp in gay apparell had no minde of his book but delighted in pride at length was hanged as many are in these dayes whose Parents farre inferior deck their bodies and neglect their soules which makes them so hautie that their Hattes are heauie in presence of Magistracie Pride makes them forget the God of might to whom be all honour for euer Amen Superna curate ¶ Excesse of Apparell reprooued S. Paule willeth that Women adorne themselues in modest apparell with shamefastnes and sobrietie Whereby we must learne that modest apparell sister in equalitie to shamefastnes and sobrietie doth more adorne and beautifie But the contraries are common Immodest apparell out of measure boldnesse and light behauiour A Garment is fittest to modestie voyde of superfluitie Who goe more in gaudes then great mens Idiotes Yet many imitate the same with néedlesse vanities and tokens of wantonnesse Excesse is so in vse that shamefastnes and modestie with manie are absent when Curiositie gay Tufts great Ruffs stiffe Necks Stout-looke with small Grace is present Bold as a Bull with tokens of dishonesty blushing no more then a beast The holy Ghost fordiddeth Broydered haire or golde or pearles or costly Aray Some say It is not costly so long as they can maintaine it Consider The Lorde threatned to punish the Princes and the Kings children and all such as are clothed with strange Apparell Much more ought Cincinnata to feare Zephan 1.8 which is poore yet pompous We must not clad clay to the outmost of abilitie but learne the Apostles meaning for golde pearles and costly Aray is not only forbiddē but also broided haire which is not costly but plaited bushed or laid out wherby all pōp prouocations to euill is forbidden which wanton women procure in decking themselues For it is is a meanes to drawe the heart to delight the bodie and leaude pleasures thereof the World and vanities thereof to renounce Gods Kingdome and the Ioyes thereof to haue Hell and the torments thereof Therefore such vanitie is forbidden and the habite agreable to modestie shamefastnes and sobrietie commanded Noahs Arke was pitched without and within So the outward habit must be as the humble hart our harts must be reformed else our actions are abhorred 1. Peter 3. Whose adorning let it not bee that outward of plaiting the haire and of wearing of golde or of putting on of Apparell It requires the Ornament of a méeke and quiet spirite as holie men which trusted in God adorned themselues Cap 5. He bids them be clothed with humilitie For GOD resisteth the proud and giueth grace to the humble But many are clothed with haughtines as if pleasures were their God The 7. commandement is Thou shalt not commit adultry which is to be vnderstood the euill acte and prouocations as vnchast behauiour 1. Thess 5. wanton apparell Abstain from all appearance of euill That hath any shewe of euill It is written Deut 22.5 The woman shall not weare that which partaineth vnto a man neither shall a mā put on
a womās garmēt This seemes a small matter so did it to Eue to taste forbidden fruit Oh foolish flesh it followes for all that doe so are abhomination vnto the Lord thy God It seemes some care not to be abhorred of God they will be as fine as D. in their Dubblets liker men then women wanton apparell is forbidden vers 11. Thou shalt not weare a garment of diuers sorts as of Wollen and Linnen together but where the lusts of the flesh are delighted God is not regarded for some at Font for fashion vowe to him that they forsake the Deuill and all his workes the vaine pompe and glory of the world tha carnall desires of the flesh and that they will not follow nor be led by them yet painted for a Play ruft like a royster Some that haue hayre of their owne are not content with the colour God gaue it but weare hayre none of their owne Others launch out their hayre dyed a Trim-tawny then must be muske to preuent the sent so perseuering in wanton behauiour they breake their fidelitie and couenant made with God promise in Baptisme is forgotten Oh be not hypocrites but Christians in déede promises to men must be perfomed Psal 15. much more vowes made to God Forsake your vanities follow righteousnesse Psal 76.11 Deu. 23.21 lest yee feele your folly Esa 3. The Lord saith because the daughters of Zion are hautie and walke with stretched forth neckes and wanton eyes walking and mincing as they goe and making a tinkling with their feet he would take away their brauerie and giue them in stéed of well set hayre baldnesse which came to passe with much miserie You with great Ruffes and stretched neckes leaue it when pride is at the highest it is neerest the fall 2 Kings 9. Iezabel painted her face and attired her head but presently trodden vnder feet and torne with Dogges yet painting and making the face shine like a shoing-horne is common Qui se pingunt in hoc seculo aliter quam creauit Deus Cyprian metuant ne cum dies resurrectionis venerit artifex creaturam suam non recognoscat Those which paint or colour themselues in this world otherwise then God hath made them let them feare lest when the day of Iudgement commeth the Lord will not know them for his creatures Some will haue their beauty decored it is to be feared their soules are deformed And as their soules are alienated and estranged so their bodies are metamorphosed and changed from the fashion God framed them Exornation hath no order Many make themselues gasing-stockes till they proue poore and are kept on the Parish Prou. 7. She that inticed the young man was clothed in harlots attire whereby we gather by the holy Ghost that intincing attyre is whorish Tit. 2. Temperance is an adiunct to Christians if Adam and Eue had continued in their first estate garments had beene néedlesse and shall we extoll our selues in that which our perfidious act procured Will a Théefe gild the rope his théeuish act hath purchased If a Sempronian say The rope bereft the life but apparell preserues the same I say costly array which is by Gods word forbidden is a meanes to kill Body and Soule Prou. 3.5 Leane not vnto thine owne vnderstanding the least sinne deserues damnation yet we forsake heauenly directions and follow fleshly affections Suus cuiusque crepitus sibi bene olet euery one thinketh his owne wayes best O be not wey-ward but warned for the holy Ghost speakes not in vaine God made Adam and Eue coates of skinnes Gen. 3.21 and cloathed them yet they had the superioritie of the whole Earth Therefore this prepared apparell for them should be as a glasse to vs to sée and flye from Folly and a Pedagogie to teach vs to vse it for necessitie not for sensualitie But how agrée the comely coates of these wealthy Gouernours with the superfluous fashions of Wat Waste-all and fooleries of Minion Marre-all which goe past their abilitie shamelesse and gracelesse with all their wealth in vanities to be viewed And how agreeth fancy fine nobles with iagges welts gardes gay tufts great Rufs confused sets supporters bushes to make their bodies straight and want of Gods word to rule their soules right their corked héeles set vp so hie that some doe tread awry They despise and didiget at those that weare small Bands and plaine decent apparell which are worne for foure causes First to be obedient to God and agreeable to his word Secondly for a helpe to pull downe our pride Thirdly to win others Fourthly they maintaine it with trueth and honestie Boe ashamed you and yours that consume all by your excesse Pride is combined with witlesse fashions Some men are like monsters with Ruffes farre excéeding former Ruffins Boyes haue shalt haired heads some bigger a curious cut lockes for pediculus long of each side stigmaticall like He that subiected his body saith Doth not euen Nature it selfe teach you that if a man haue long hayre it is a shame vnto him 1 Cor. 11. Nitimur in vetitum semper cupimusque negata We desire things forbid and couet things denyed vs. Spanish pompe and Spaniards pride hath long lockes as if they were ashamed of their eares with Shirts hanging out at knees disguised from top to toe as if they went to the pit infernall A mans attire and excessiue laughter and gate Ecclus. 19.30 shew what he is Ambr. 1. Officior Est in ipso motu gestu incessu tenenda verecundia habitus enim animi in corporis statu cognoscitur Externall actions bewraye internall affections some excéed in varietie as though they might spend much a yere by Land yet nothing Men of Nobilitie Gentilitie and Yeomen of habilitie goe decent and plaine when farre inferiours are shin-trim and garded with others goods got by guile O earth be humble Gen. 2.7 thou wert made of that beasts tread vpon Gen. 3.14 and of that Serpents eate on Our first Parents were Gods Vicegerents and God could as easily haue cloathed them in gorgeous apparrell as in plaine coates of skinnes Then minde it it was to mooue vs to mediocritie Those garmenes speake to vs that GOD allowes vs cloths to couer our nakednes but not to abuse them in excesse Christ nor his Apostles gaue no such examples Christs garment was without seame Math. 3. Iohn had his rayment of Camels hayre and a leathern pelt about his loynes Gods children haue beene content to weare sheepes skinnes and Goates skinnes Heb. 11.37 Garments according to euery mans calling plaine and comely are commendable we may vse them but not abuse them It is lawfull to eate drinke and weare apparell but excesse of eyther incurres Gods displeasure Hauing food and raiment Tim. 6. let vs therewith be content It is more then God owes vs and wee proud beggars deserue nothing but damnation Content must be when wee haue but food and rayment if riches wee must not consume
them on our lusts If a Ruffin say that he and his doe vse excesse to please his Wife he is not fit to rule a householde and vnlike the good Centurion to say Doe this and it is done Saith Iosua 24.15 As for me and my household wee will serue the Lord. Pray that she which allures thée and oft rules thee be not a let like Eue but a helpe as Sara not sauadge but sage Pro. 31. The price of the vertuous is farre aboue Rubies If she be such so is thy household prayse God for her if she be not pray God to conuert her Be not Cynicus som●● suffer sorrow admonish her quietly loue her and winne her with lenitie If shée see that you gréeue indéed that shée offend God by her excessiue attire she cannot loue thee and vse it but leaue it if she loue thée Loue God and leaue it hee forbids it it is an offence to Gods children whom hee hath such care of that it were better for their offender that a Mill stone were hanged about his necke and that hee were drowned in the depth of the Sea Math. 1● Mat. 18. Some lawfull thing to auoyd offence is to be omitted much more vnlawfull as such excesse And who dare disobey Gods word except such as in heart haue him not his word is sufficient to conuince yet the sayings of the Painims incomparable in efficacie to heauenly Diuinity may be expressed because their careful doings excell carelesse Christians Monta. Hate pride desire to be cleanly not gorgeous in apparell Hee toucheth the Momes not men which spend all at the Ale-house till hare skin appeares and dirtie not deyrie women which launch their hayre out long and leaue it in whitmeat Oh foole gorgeous apparrell is not an Ornament Sophocles but a shame and manifest shew of thy folly Hee toucheth those that would be extolled but haue shame in stead of fame for Ruffians speake rashly of their dishonesty Gay apparrelled women stand foorth as bayts to catch men Hee toucheth the disguised with fore-heads frizled Aurelius which buye Complexion and cause an euill action standing more bold then bashfull painted to play with The women of Lacedemon refused the rich Roabes King Dionisius sent them saying they would do them more shame then honour If such were now offered stretched out armes would reach them and gréedy Gehesa would haue them Some so delight the flesh that good sayings nor examples doe not amend their misdoings Demas forsaketh the heauenly conuersation of Saint Paul and imbraceth this present world the Vipers garled skinne whose venemous sting is deadly Oh eleuate thy heart to heauen Rom. 8. If any man haue not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his Now let vs examine our selues Doth the Spirit of Christ which is alwaies in sharpe and painefull battels with the flesh and locked in that dungeon of dung delight to set out the same in excesse No for it is a meanes of carnall desires it hath respect to the soule by whom the body liueth It allowes the body that is néedfull and liues for life not for lust longs to bee with God and delights that natiue Kingdome It ioyes in the deliuerie from the inticements of the flesh world and diuell with whom it fights séeking to subdue the flesh by often abstinence watching prayer and forsaking pompe and pride But our painting is apparant that we are not in battell but are inordinate louers of our bodies Good God giue vs grace to amend that with a liuely faith we may apprehend Christs merits and be cloathed with his white Roabe of righteousnesse to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all honour foreuer Amen Seruite Iehouae Newes to the poore too good to be true All will not beleeue it that doth it view THe Diuels reioycing doth decrease men shew good words deeds In mutuall comfort ioy and peace we croppe vp cursed weedes The Milsayld Ruffs doe all goe downe and little Bands in place Gods word preuailes in euery Towne for Pride hath great disgrace Starch is turned into Bread yee poore haue oft desir'd it Pride-popiniay doth learne to kneade which lately did mislike it Light of Loue is not so fine but frames her selfe to thrift And learnes good houswifery in time frequenting no euill shift Minion now must make White-meate full fit she is to learne it To garden plant to sow and set which brings this Realme much profit Cabadge Mill'ons Onions Leekes betimes in time of yeere Good newes you poore shall haue fat cheekes foode will not be so deare A recompence she now will make for all her time ill spent Rememberance doth make her shake and now she doth repent The needle and the spindle she full quicke oft time doth vse And loues in heauenly word to see and doth all vice refuse She that did watch great Ruffs to set and sleepe the Sabbath day Attentiue is and vigilant to heare Gods word and pray The Poking-yrons barre the doores goods safe in house to keepe From such as doe like knaues and whores molest men in their sleepe Great holes in cloth cut shall not be Good cloth it will be cheape The poore pray God this thing to see their hearts for ioy doe leape Pinkt Hats on thornes shall hang no more plaine stuffe will last 3. yeere You shall them haue good Brethren poore ere rugge begin to peere Valete in Christo ¶ A reproofe of hideous Oathes THE accustomable sinne of Swearing and detestable taking Gods Name in vaine apparantly appeare such little or nothing estimate his Maiestie The manner Acrothorax and Acolastus sweare by him with dialect disorder and a brauery in common talke as it they sware by Iohn or Ione and so vsed in sporting places as to heare may mooue a true beleeuing heart to bléede Not so onely but by all the parts of Christ particularly not considering how his parts were pierced for our sinnes and we exclude our selues from that benefit The Iewes rent him with nayles stripes and thornes and Swaggerers still doe teare him with their tongues Some vse it in buying selling and guilefull getting they are couetous to borrow much but sparing to pay They promise but breake performance Assertorie promissorie Others vse a perillous petition to get goods So GOD iudgeth them not considering the dreadfull Iudgement and seuere sentence pronounced Mat. 25. Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire when they shall obey to their decay Some As God shall haue part of their soule Oh wicked wretch thou owest not thy selfe GOD will haue thée soule body or the Diuell soule body Some by their faith Heb. 11. But without faith it is impossible to please God Others sweare by creatures whereby they displease God greatly which is iealous of his glory and sayth Ierem. 5.7 How shall I pardon thee for this thy children haue forsaken me and sworne by them that are no gods To reprooue this and the like Christ
knéele not standing is fitting so did the poore Publican Luke 18.13 GOD ordained body and soule and will be acknowledged by both 1. Cor 6. For yee are bought with a price Therefore glorifie God in your bodie and in your Spirite which are Gods And if we will not willingly hée will be glorified in our destruction Therefore stand in awe with inward and outward obedience Esay 66.5 Heare the word of the Lorde yee that tremble at his word Psalme 134. Lift vp your hands in the Sanctuarie and blesse the Lorde Blessed Preachers performe it so ought the people Deuout Dauid saith Psal 63. I will lift vp my hands in thy Name Nehemiah 8.3 The people did with willing mindes heare the Word of God from the morning vntill Midday and the eares of the people were attentiue Vers 5. All the people stood vp Vers 6. And Ezra blessed the Lord the great GOD And all the people answered Amen Amen with lifting vp their hands and they bowed their heads and worshipped the Lorde with theyr faces to the ground Such Agilitie moueth vigilancie as a meanes of amendment but be frée from hypocrisie God abhorres it Be euer more zealous then thou séemest Lift vp thy hands with hart annexed for hands without heart is abhominable vers 8. So they read in the booke of the law of God distinctly gaue the sence caused them to vnderstand the reading Theyr Teachers did comfort them Vers 9. For all the people wept Alas little is our wéeping much sléeping Pride omits submission Re. 1.7 But all the kinreds of the earth shall waile because of him And some so soone as Sermon is done wrangle of worldlinesse and are more stout then studious Loue of Riches chokes the Word A good Cow chewes her cud increasing good bloud and we must meditate in the word whē we haue heard If we were pricked in our harts we would say to the Preacher and each to other as the people to Peter and the rest of the Apostles Acts 2.37 Men Brethren what shall we do Then Peter said vnto them Repent We know it God graunt we may doe it Mark 11. Iesus went into the Temple and cast out them that did abuse the same Ver 16. And would not suffer that any should carry any vessell thorow the Temple Ver 17. And he taught saying vnto them It is written My house shal be called of all Nations the house of Prayer Slacke we are to pray or repaire that House but where bodyes are fed and lasts fulfilled building is not spared For the neglect of building the Lordes House Haggai by them that dwell in their steled houses the Lord staied Heauen from deaw and the Earth from her fruite Nabuchadnezzer gloried in his building Dan. 4.30 but heard a woefull voyce Many braue buildings are burned God make vs more mindefull of his House and to vse our selues well therein Amen Of euill behauiour out of the Church THe more a man neglects the means of true knowledge the liker he is a Beast the more endued with that light of life the liker hée is his Creatour Yet Church-sléepers and slack-goers can on the Sabboth hast to an Alehouse and say the Preacher was too tedious which shewes they felt not the swéete taste for such sits longer in leaude demeanour and loues it Men can watch a day to compasse a match for backe and belly or to kéepe ill companie but to heare glad tidings is thought tedious Hee that is wearie of Gods word is weary of God Looke into it It is his Image by whome the Sonne hath reuealed him As some are carelesse so their Children growe gracelesse Boyes are in back-lanes swearing and swaggering in open Stréetes wrangling in houses playing in yardes worrying Dogges and Cattes committing mercilesse actions Had not Man sinned Beasts had not striued Some reioyce in the sight and in sinne Good Parents doe kéepe children and Seruants to their bookes repeating to them that the Preacher taught when lewd ones are in stréetes desturbing them They that instruct not their Familie are like to féele of theyr follie Iacob reformed his Houshold Cornelius feared God Genes 35. Acts 10. with all his house When children disfigure their faces Parents are grieued but they sée them disfigure their Soules and suffer it Let not your Boyes be rude in streetes to people that passe gracelesse youth grieue them daily casting scornefull words or worse There is difference of Youth the well trained vp are vertuous the idle are vicious and haue cause to crie Nocet indulgentia nobis Sufferance doth hurt vs. Some such at ten yeares are past recouery hanged by twenty Securitants consider it Then they crye out of their parents Had they feared God their children had not miscaried For this is his Edict Leuitic 19.30 Yee shall keepe my Sabbaths and reuerence my Sanctuarie I am the Lord. But such regarde not they scorne the Aged that giue them good counsell yet Age is a Type of Eternitie And God saith Vers 32. Thou shalt rise vp before the hoary head and honour the face of the Olde man and seare thy God I am the Lord. They that feare God dare not prophane his Sabbath But some trauell all that day Others heare a Sermon in the Forenoone and an other in the after but spend the other part of the Day in bargaining and other vnprofitable pastimes GODS WORD is compared to a Hammer to breake a stone Oh Sabbath-prophaner art thou harder Clay doth the Sunne make thée harde Pharaos heart art obdurate Be submisse and mollified Amend pray and praise God Laudate nomen Iehouae ¶ A proofe that the Sabbath must be obserued SAbbat signifies holy rest not ryot God hath commanded and reserued that one whole day of seauen to be celebrated to his Maiestie He gaue the example And he rested on the seuenth day Genes 2.2 from all his worke which he had made The kéeping of the Sabbath is a Morall precept God spake it Exod 20. God wrote it Exod 31.18 and the Tables of stone being broken God wrote the second time on tables of stone Exod. 34. as hee did on the first The Sabboth was commanded for a perpetuall couenant Ex 31.16 God allowed vs sixe dayes to worke reserued to himselfe one which men would rob him of The wicked would haue all dayes and the diuell would haue all soules To worke therein was death Ex 35. On which day Exod 16. the Iewes might kindle no fire Sixe dayes they might gather Manna on the seuenth there was none to be found they were forbidden to séeke it that day and euery man commanded to abide in his place the seueth day God tooke away the occasion from their labour signifying how holy he would haue the Sabbath kept It is a Sabbath of rest Leuit. 23. an holy conuocation and was commaunded to be celebrated from Euen to Euen S. Paule kept the whole day and continued his preaching till midnight
which turnes still to the lesse Then the youth entreth into a Shoppe booke the day come money hee hath none his Land is accepted friendly he is excited hee makes a sale and sets vp that buyer the money soone spent he sets vp a wispe and is drudge to swearers and drunkards If that serues not then begging théening and killing venturing soule and body for money but tyed at Tiborne take example The cry of the carelesse Our wofull Parents loued our bodies but hated our soules woe to the time of that libertie Yet some will not be warned they are remisse in that dutie and bring their children to misery O securitant thou art the cause of thy childes destruction if not damnation and thy childe the meanes of thine Hadst thou béene carefull his precious time had not béene spent in play whereof came idle speaking strife swearing pouerty théeuing hanging preiudiciall effects of dicing and carding Some say My sonne is no Dicer nor Carder but thou permitst him to a proparatiue by such like play All euill is so prompt to spring from our corrupt natures that euill learned in youth is hard to bee remooued if good it is like to bee setled Therefore rightly are children compared to Vessels which commonly kéepe the taste of the first liquor Yet many will not be counselled but giue euill example to their household Tully toucheth them Plus nocent exemplo quam peccato They hurt more by the example then by the thing it selfe The actions of House-kéepers doe animate the household Eph. 5.16 Men must redéeme the time Vertue must bee annexed to faith Let vs vse holy conuersation and godlinesse Pet. 1. Passe the time of your soiourning heere in feare To preuent youths vicinitie to vice in stead of dice and carding reade good bookes pray and prayse God Euery minute requires the aduancement of Gods glory and good of each other Vnprofitable actions become not Christians they are no motiues to mooue men to praise GOD. Carelesse Libertines must leaue them they are no good works of the Gospell nor the light Christ gaue charge should shine among men but meanes to haue God blasphemed and the Diuell serued They are no holy actions no fruits of the Spirit rather wantonnesse whereof ensueth contentions and fruits of the flesh A good trée brings foorth good fruit Mathew 7. The fruitlesse combers the ground Mat. 21.19 like the wilde Figge trée that Christ withered Forasmuch as the effects of carding and dicing are euill and the exercise thereof may bee left without damage to any it is sufficient to prooue they ought not to bee vsed To reprooue many things in briefe 1. The. 5.22 Abstaine from all appearance of euill that is from things that haue a shew of euill much more from things meanes of euill The effects shew that dicing and carding causeth euill Not to mée nor by mée saith one Oh thou spendest the time that might be spent better and shewest an euill example farre from grauitie and integritie Whatsoeuer are appearance of euill ought to bee omitted but dicing and carding are appearance of euill ergo they ought to bee omitted The assumption is prooued by the euill effects besides the offence giuen to the godly Mathew 18. Christ pronounceth woe to Offenders 1. Cor. 8 13. Some néedfull things are to be omitted to auoyd offence much more néedlesse Whatsoeuer is vnprofitable and may bee omitted without damage ought not to bee vsed but carding and dicing are vprofitable and may bee omitted without damage ergo they ought not to be vsed Dicing and carding which consisteth méerely vpon blinde hazard lot and chance are to be reiected Dicing consists in lot-casting being a religious ordinance for serious matters to determine doubtfulnesse Lotte was cast for Mathias Acts 1. God is the disposer of the Lot Pro. 16.33 Oh it is base to bée vsed in boyes play Publius Quanto alcator in arte melior est tanto nequior est How much the Dicer is cunning in his Arte so much the worse hee is S. Amb. lib. 1. De offic chap. 23. Playes pastimes are swéete when they are repugnant to the rules of christianitie Ciprian Play at Cards is an inuention of Satan which he found out that he might the easier bring in Idolatry for the coat cards which are vsed were sometime the Images of Idols and false gods Iustinian the Emperour abhorred Dice play by his Authenicall Lawes suppressed it Magistrates forbid it Preachers reprooue it for the word of God doeth menace it the Fathers reiect it and the Pagans detest it Gen. 1.27 Man was inuested in Gods likenesse we should imitate Gods properties hee wrought that could make all things at a thought Gen. 2.15 and so appoynted vs. And the Lord God tooke the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dresse it and to keepe it If man in his inocencie ought to worke much more now being polluted Gen. 3.19 In the sweate of thy face shalt thou eate bread till thou returne vnto the ground Some will not worke in Winter and therfore begge in Summer It is written 2. Thess 3. That if any would not worke neyther should they eate If thou be wealthy and wilt not worke Adam was wealthier and hée wrought Walke thou in the Fields behold Gods benefits and prayse him Walke in thy house pray read and meditate for dicing and carding is vnwholsome bréedes Gout and Dropsie They bee called honest recreations yet Sathans inuentions The prophane are cald Good fellowes so haue béene Diuels Gods word doth direct vs to passe the short time of our pilgrimage Iames 5.13 Is any among you afflicted let him pray Is any merry let him sing Psalmes But prayer seemes vnpleasant and Psalmes too much solemnity Hymnes and spirituall songs some haue no skill in when bawdy catches delight them Mat. 12. Idle words for which men shall giue an account of at the day of Iudgement séeme swéete Idle words are Vanae inutiles nugae in quibus plerique vitam terunt Vaine and vnprofitable tryfles in which many waste their life Idlenesse is the cause of idle words Otium puluinar est Satanae Idlenesse is a Feather-bed of the Diuell Idle words are with idle actions You turne the Dye thinke how you turne to folly Thou doest cast thy Card thinke how you cast away time Thou bidst thy Bowl rub thinke thou shalt be rotten Refrayne from vanitie and also crueltie sée no blinde things fight nor blinde Beares whipt Mat. 5. Blessed are the mercifull Pro. 12. A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast Let good motiues bee a meanes to preuent such pastimes as are meanes to preuent repentance Christ saith Watch and pray Mat. 26.41 The world saith Watch and play The holy Ghost bids vs Heb. 12. Follow peace with all men and holinesse without which no man shall see the Lord. But common Gamesters are commonly wranglers and séeme voyd of peace and holinesse O
the friendles in hell is direfull eiulation Our fire is ordained to comfort that to torment ours giueth light that vtter darknes Our fire is substantiall so is that But our fire wasteth that it burneth but hell fire much hotter burneth soules and bodies yet wasteth them not Math 5.22 Christ threatneth with hell-fire There wil be Passion Propassion Sympathie fellow-séeling of soule bodie And for finite lewd pleasures togither they shall haue infinit pangs Ps 11.6 Vpon the wicked he shall raine snares fire brimstone an horrible tempest this shal be the portion of their cup. The sulphureous pit is déepe and dolefull Psalm 9.17 The wicked shal be turned into hell and all the Nations that forget God Math 22. They shal be bound hand foot and cast into vtter darknes there shal be weeping and gnashing of Teeth Couseners Théeues and Murderers which flée with mens goods shall there be stayed Thou starter return least death hell follow thée As the affections of the Impious ascended not to Heauen but were holden downe to the lusts of their bodies So soule and bodie shall descend downe to Hell torments and therein be holden Ezek 32. The prophet speaketh of the wicked that they are gone down to hell Ps 55. Let them go downe quick to hell And the smoke of theyr Torment ascenth vp for euer and euer And they haue no rest day nor night Hell is below fearfull and farre from Gods fauour There is no hope of health no remedy for reliefe they sigh and sorrow in death euer but die neuer Here children sée parents parents theyr children run to hell and may helpe it In inferno nulla redemptio quoniam nec pater ibi potest adiuuare filium Aug nec filius patrem In Hell is no redemption for the Father cannot helpe the sonne nor the sonne his Father Luke 16.24 Diues could not haue one drop of water to coole his tongue tormented in this flame If Securitants did but touch our fire and thinke of Hell fire they would consider To see the Diuell here in his vglie shape would distract the stoutest and to heare soules skréeke affright them to looke downe so déepe dismay them Oh vnspeakeable to sée and féele the Diuell drawe them downe and torment them O yée which consult to deceiue the friendles and if yée obtaine it not it 's him you ayme at vse not oppression make restitution Haste not to Hell there Pangs pricketh Feare frighteth Fire frieth Diuels dismay men and griefe of Conscience gripes them To be terrified in hell torments one minute is more bitter then a thousand yeares pleasure here is swéete Yée Sarcasticall scorners that reioyce in Sodisme consider this And ye that blaspheme Gods Name Presuppose I pray that one in hell were here againe vpon condition to be a true Christian A supposall Oh he would fast pray crie for mercy and mourne for peoples miserie not ceassing but saying People repent turne vice to vertue It may be his consorts erst in sensualitie would mourne and admire it which now heare of hell and amend not Pray and repent for none can come from hell to make restitution but are holden in chaines euer in pangs easelesse hopelesse and remedilesse Embracers of Whores shall be bruised of Diuels Myrth with Meretrix wil cause sad conflicts Leaud eyes shall sée Lucifer For light regard of Gods Vbiquitie they shall haue miserie For detaining goods wrongfully foule Fiendes shall wring thée He that borroweth like a lamb and detaineth like a Lyon speaking euill in stéede of payment shal be pained Lyons haue pittie Masties mitigate their furie But the Diuell is euer furious His adherents here are mercilesse to make the aged ioylesse They spight at theyr prosperitie reioyce at their aduersitie they doe them wrong make them sad and account them Melancholy The stout are astonied when God sends thunder and Lightning much more shall they feare when fierce Fire shall pierce them and Sathan torment them in the lothsome Lake of lamentation The fearfull flashing Fier the spight of dreadfull Diuells the sobbing sighes of soules the roaring of fierce Fiendes filthie sauours and dolefull deane though they felt no other paine will be able to breake the heart if so paines would not decrease Curses then shall be effected Deuteron 27.19 On him that peruerteth the iudgement of the Stranger Fatherlesse Zach 7.10 and Widow the féeling of the full reuealing of the wrath of God will be woefull Virgil speaking of the punishment of men for vices said in this 6. book of Aeneydes A hundred tongues cānot expresse the paines men suffer in Hell For lothsome Lust they haue lost the vnspeakable Ioyes of Heauen and procured the Pinching pangs of hell banished from God and his Saints for euer to be with vgglie Diuells Iudas and Iulians To be excluded from Heauen and included in a Prison without paine were yrkesome But to be in that Pit in vnspeakable pangs and endlesse is most grieuous They shall be euer shut out from the dore of Gods mercie CHRIST will say Depart from me yee cursed Math 25. into euerlasting Fier prepared for the Diuell and his Angells Christs comming to such will be terror his seuere Sentence more terror Hell torments most terrible Christ will diuide his Shéepe from the Goates Math 3. And gather his Wheate into the Garner but will burne vp the Chaffe with vnquenchable Fire All the workers of iniquitie shal be where is wéeping and gnashing of téeth when they shall sée Abraham Isaack and Iacob Luke 13. and all the Prophets in the Kingdome of God As Diues saw Lazarus with Abraham so shall the damned sée Gods Children And thereat bee vexed and amazed sighing and saying they had such in derision Scurrilous Sarcasmus shall confesse his foolishnes Mockers shall mourne Couzeners which scorne true dealers shall lament with Heart-smart and heauy Hey-hee 1. Cor 3.18 Had they bene Fooles of this world and belong'd to CHRIST they had bene dignified not damned The craftie crue shall haue scalding For leaudnesse languishing For abusing of Wealth wayling For Adultery Destruction vttering and iterating Woe worth the time they hated to be counselled If a malefactor were cast into a burning Brickkill he would stare and start stamp hee could not but be quicke dispatched Why then are wée so farre from seruing God and néere Sathan in sinning to procure endlesse Hell fire Men heare this and liue amisse because they are gracelesse the Neuer-dying worme and dreadfull second death is procured We imbrace present pleasure and feare no future paine Some liue as though there were no Hell and aske where it is hasting thither O our euill Affections are below and Hell is lower Prou 15.24 It is beneath vnpleasant Painfull Hell is déepe Prou 9.18 The Damned are voyde of hope and recouerie The vnsatiable shall féele that Prou 27. Hell and destruction are neuer full It is large and déepe for manie yea for most The
wicked Rich and wicked Poore shall into the gulfe of garboyles In the two last Chapters of the Reuel is mentioned a Catalogue of manie that shall into Hell they shall finde and féele it so Circumscriptiua that they shall neuer bee in Heauen which GOD hath prepared for his Elected and ordained Hell for the Reiected they are Opposites For in this there is partition of Affection and the contrarietie of effects euer shal be In Heauen Ioy and praising of GOD amongst Angels In Hell horror cursing theyr Parents Byrth and béeing amongst Diuels Hideous sights will affright them and eternall Fire afflict them Thou Loyteror that canst not abide to labour how wilt thou then abide then to languish Sathan enticeth thée to tush but tush wil be turned to terror for déedes of darknes thou shalt haue fire and darknes Deuils will daunt thée they roare irefully Soules skréeke mournfully the intollerable torments are abidelesse and endlesse Minos examen Radamanthus dat cruciamen tertius heu Frater tertia iura tenet One Diuell rippeth vp thy examination an other Diuell tormenteth thée and the third is not behinde to adde one torment to an other Thou shalt bee prickt for thy Impietie pierced for thy Periurie thy hatred to such as abhorred thy leaude life shal hurt thée Thou shalt féele how the Diuell deceyued thée here to torment thée there The partiall that doe euill one for another shal be in Hell together Here is Time men must redéeme it after this Life no time but Eternitie Once in Hell and euer without mitigation or intermission Oh how shall the soule and body abide such torments as are sharper then all the diseases of this world are being vpon one lying aliue here in a fiery Furnace A minute of time would kill vs. When millions of millions of yeares are expired th' ende there is not the néerer It is no Lease but endlesse Consider this yée that séeke out the helplesse and borrowe their goods by great protestations yet detaining not fearing Conuiction as if for a dish of Apples yee could preuent the right of the Friendlesse Iudas restored you store it A little Thiefe goes mourning to the gallowes when a greater reioyceth in guilefull getting Shifters that assist him are not much vnlike him In Hell such wrongers shall bee wrung There will be Roaring Skriking Garboyles Griefe Gingling Glaring Staring Crying Mourning Howling Sighing Sobbing Stretching Panting Gasping Gnashing wringing Mouthes Handes and Bodyes thinke on Death thinke on this it 's fearfull to heare worse to féele Many are willing to escape it but loue of Lust lets it Tooth-ake is painefull and Heart-ake giues the Vltimum Vale but in Hell all parts are euer perplexed Sathan hath cousened some to shorten their dayes that could not endure griefe which they would neuer haue done had they knowne the pangs of Hell they that regarde not GOD here shall feare and féele his Iudgements there Oh hard heart that no call can penetrate thou shalt relent too late shall be thy contrition For in Hell is woe and wayling horror and terror Reuela 20. It is a bottomelesse pitte for the pittilesse a Lake of fier and Brimstone Where the Beast and the false Prophet are and shall be tormented day and night for euer and euer Quarrellers shall quell in hell Murtherers shall mourne the bloud-thirstie shall be thirsty Thieues booties shall be bitter Pangs endlesse will make them comfortlesse The worme of Conscience remaineth fierce Fier endureth O Idolator pray to God to no creature Saints search not thy heart but onely thy Creator the Cursed shall be crushed in the burning Lake which is the Second-death When so many yeares are expired as in Earth and Sea are sands and droppes of water the ende is not the néerer Leaue leaudnes belieue this It 's better to be a toade then to féele this Seruers of sinne shal be subiect to Sathan Hautinesse causeth heauinesse Psal 50.22 Now consider this yee that forget GOD. Art thou couetous and voluptuous flattering Superiours defrauding Inferiours let not pleasure mucke and mony hale thée to hel giue that which hurts thée to them that haue not Art thou wealthy wilfull it is wofull with a naughtie matter do not perseuere and vndoe men for euer Adulaters be no assisters repugne euill doers Burne not for bona omissa mala cōmissa the pangs are so intollerable as to thinke on is terrible Thou that flatterest thy friend with league of lenitie and with thy mates séekest his infamy Iudas the Traytor was such a deceiuer And yée that are mercylesse to the aged and to the poore in their sicknesse the same qualitie hath the Diuell if he haue thée in hell he will fray thée fry thée and with brimstome baste thée and in stead of coole liquor giue hot Lead if thou wilt not come there resist all things that draw thée thither Mat. 10.28 Feare him that can destroy both body and soule in hell Good God we pray thée kéepe vs from Gehenna it is thy mercy to spare vs wée all deserue those torments Blessed Trinitie guide vs to felicitie to thée be all honour and glory for euer Amen Sit Deo laus in seculo Sic fiat ¶ Comfort for the contrite WE finde in sacred Scriptures that few shall be saued in respect of the damned and that the pangs are vnspeakable infinite and in explicable Mic. 6.8 He hath shewed thee ô man what is good and what doeth the Lord require of thee but to doe iustly and to loue mercy and to walke humbly with thy God We must turne from sinne and walke in newnesse of life To be a new creature is required we sinne oft abhorre it and preuent it Repent with detestation haue dayly renouation and amendment haue Oyle with thy Lampe Sauing grace and regeneration must be with a Christian profession Bee faithfull as Peter well doing as Dorcas haue a good desire despayre not no disdence confidence hate thy sinne Mat. 11.28 Christ calleth such to giue them rest Mat. 12.20 A bruised reede shall he not breake and smoking flaxe shall hee not quench Ezech. 18. Come to him with a sparke of grace hee will not despise thée Repent truely God will forgiue thée Perseuere in pietie to the end Sorrow for sinne ioy in Christ with two contrarieties at once in one subiect Fight a good fight finish thy course kéepe the faith Shrinke not like Balaams Asse vnder his burden Psa 27.14 Waite on the Lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart Put on the whole Armour of spirituall weapons Iam. 1.12 fight and faint not Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tryed he shall receiue the Crowne of life which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him Resist sin strongly flye to Christ humbly hée shed his teares and pretious bloud for thée Wéepe thou with Peter craue with blinde Bartemeus sée Christ by faith and shew foorth fruits with Zacheus