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A85977 A true and exact copy of Mr. Gibbons's speech which he intended to have spoken immediately before his death, on the scaffold at Tower Hill, August 22. 1651. Gibbons, John, d. 1651. 1651 (1651) Wing G661; Thomason E796_24; ESTC R207344 15,277 8

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A true and exact copie of Mr. Gibbons's Speech which he intended to have spoken immediately before his death on the Scaffold at Tower Hill AUGUST 22. 1651. I Am brought upon the Stage where I am a Spectacle to God Angells and Men an object of pity and compassion to my friends whose eyes are come to behold a man in the prime and flower of his years in the height and excellency of his strength to be cut down by a violent stroke as an unprofitable tree that burthens the ground therefore must stand no longer it is nothing but Gods ordinary way to suffer men to cast out that he may receive No sooner was the blind man throwne out by the Pharisees but he was received by Christ the three Children thrown into the fiery Furnace are entertained and delivered by God it is no matter what the means is if God take it into his hand it shall deliver his people we have but one way into the world but a thousand wayes out could all the miseries of earth and hell be inflicted if it leads to Christ a Christian must not go out of the way how much more ought I to submit to this my present condition which God hath chosen for me as the best portion I can possibly have I blesse God I come to this place with as much comfort as ever the bridegroom received his bride and though the passage be bloudy it is the way to my crowne here my head is to be severed from my body but my soul shall be to all eternity joyned to Christ I wish that the present Power and that Court they have set up have done themselves no more wrong then they have me by their sentence of death which is the means to bring me to the way I am now a going from earth to heaven from friends relations and creature comforts which ere long I must of necessity have left to receive the end of my Faith the reward of my Hope the portion of the Saints the perfection of believers the riches of eternity the glory of heaven which never can nor shall be taken from me Therefore farewell world and all that I cannot keep a●d thrice welcome death that puts me into the hands of a convoy of Angells that will carry me to my Fathers house to receive an inheritance I shall never part withall I do not come hither to tell a large story of my life nor to make a discovery of my sins which I find upon the examination of my heart to be so many and wonderfull that nothing but eternity can be sufficient to admire the freenesse of Gods grace in receving me to mercy From my childhood I have seen affliction I have seen a Father laid in the grave a Wife and Child in the grave but never to this day could I put my sins in the grave which have been the great wounding of my heart and this is wonderfull comfort to me though I were to injoy nothing else that after this day I shall never sin more Ever since the time I can remember I have set my face towards heaven and in the course of my life have indeavoured to fence my way with thorns alwaies desiring to go the most strictest and straitest way that might bring me to Christ In the Bishops time I did with a trembling soul behold the dying condition of Religion and then did often meet before the Lord to powre out my soul and complaints amongst others of Gods servants for the great miseries and oppressions that the Church and people of God lay under Ever since I had my knowledge I have looked upon the Presbyterian Government as the only most excellent Government and have often thought it to be the Chain spoken of in the Revelation that shall bind the Divell a thousand years believing from my soul that all the world is not able to find out a Government that does so much advance Christ in his Throne maintain Religion in its glory the Church in its rights the people in their liberties as that Government doth and that no Government doth so much curb prophanenesse all sorts of wickednesse errors and blasphemy as the Presbyterian Government doth and that no Government doth so much crosse corrupt nature and call for exact walking in all manner of holy conversation as the Presbyterian Government doth I am wonderfully confirmed it is of God when I behold the multitudes and universality of wicked men that oppose it with the swarms of all sorts and Sects with all ranks and all manner of men and old heresies that rise up against it I have alwaies been for the Covenant the force and ends thereof upon Gospell principles I have alwaies ●one owning the waies of God and Religion when most clouded and despised never daring to quit my principles upon consideration or danger whatsoever for the true cause of God Religion and liberty I have alwaies been upon these principles I have ingaged from these principles I never departed these are the principles in which I have lived these are the principles upon which I die and do resolve by Gods grace this day to seale the same with my bloud chusing rather a thousand times to have my neck upon the Block then to enjoy the most glorious life and liberty with those that have most fearfully betrayed the cause of God and Religion their own souls and consciences by their most horrible Apostacy to the great dishonour of God and scandall of Religion let them put what dresse or mask they will upon it when God shall rend and tear it off discover and rip up the intentions of their hearts men will see and themselves shall know what it must cost to lose a good conscience I never was without a trembling spirit nor a heart to lament while the Spouse of Christ was cloathed in mourning I have alwaies been so far from daring to make merry at such a time that I thought it not only my duty but the least I could do to lie in tears while the Church was rowling in bloud it hath been one of my greatest afflictions that I never yet could get a heart sensible enough to mourn as I ought for the great desolation havock and ruine that is this day made amongst all the Churches of God Lord deliver all those that fear thy Name from the number of such as can rejoyce keep daies of Thanksgiving and make Songs of triumph for the number of those that are slain for the Testimony which they hold I am at last brought to suffer death as an enemy to the State though a friend to Jesus Christ his Church and Members The Jews told Pilate he was no friend to Caesar if he did let Christ go the case is now altered for whosoever desireth to keep Christ his Truth and Laws the Covenant and the ends thereof and let sin and wickednesse go and stand in opposition to error and heresie are declared enemies to the State and if there be no Law of
that I must this day die for what a thousand pens write is no matter but what God and Conscience write that shall stand I am most assured this daies work will be written in heaven suffering for the Lord Jesus and his Truth I have the testimony of my conscience for whatever I have done concerning this and can die with abundance of peace and go to God with comfort this you are to believe from the mouth of a dying man and not regard what a company of ingaged men declare to make for their interest who goe contrary to all rules of Conscience neither know how to shew mercy to Christians while they live nor to their names when they are dead I cannot but wonder that the men in power can look any Christian in the face and tell him of a plot who have been the originall and foundation of those plots that have torn Nations and Kingdoms apieces rent asunder all Laws Ordinances Government Liberties Priviledges Proprieties and whatsoever is dear either to Christians or rational men and thrown three Kingdomes into that misery that all the enemies in the world could not have done the like without them but rather how will they be able to stand and look God in the face when they shall come to reckon for this and make Inquisition for bloud unto whose doors will all the desolations bloud and ruine of Scotland and Ireland return for these three or four last years who amongst us living that knows not some three years since we had the most glorious promising bright morning that ever looked England in the face all our heads and hands listed up and our hearts raised with expectations to receive the reward of many years sufferings and prayers and to be paid for the expence of all the bloud After all this how comes it to passe we behold with our eys such horrible daies of darknesse breaking and treading down after such hopes of seeing England cloathed with glory and peace and become like the garden of Edev how comes it to be an Aceldama a Golgotha a field of bloud and place of dead mens sculls after our Ship was thus brought to the harbot with all the lifes liberties and safeties of three Kingdomes Who were they that were the instruments to throw it back into so miserable a stormy Sea as the Lord knows whether man or child living upon the earth shall ever see it get out again they which have done this are plotters indeed plotters with a Witnesse these are the Egiptians that all the people of God and all the reformed Churches in Christendome groan under these like Nero have set all on sire and would fain lay it upon the Christians like as the Papists plot and contrive lay barrels of gunpowder to blow up King Lords and House of Commons and when they have done they intend to lay it upon the Puri●anes but God will not be mocked early or late he will find them out and make them know what the lives of innocents are worth and what undermining of States and all such actions as those must cost Many delightfull sights hath Antichrist seen the massacre of Paris was a glorious sight in the eys of Antichrist the piles of wood that burnt so many Martyrs in QMaries-time and all the streams of bloud that were then let out of the hearts of Gods people was a most beloved fight in the eys of Antichrist The persecution in the Bishops time the imprisoning and banishing of Gods people and Ministers the carriage of three Worthies to the Pillory and cutting off their ears was a pleasing sight in the eyes of Antichrist The breaking asunder the Parliament throwing down the House of Lords tearing the Members out of the House of Commons putting the King to death and over-turning all the Laws and Government of the Nation ingaging all the people as well in a necessity of sinning as perishing and then invade the Church of Scotland kill and slay the precious of the Lord these and such sights as these are very rare in the eys of Antichrist the plucking down of Magistracy and Ministery the letting loose of the Chain of Error and Heresie the discountenancing of truth and faithfull Ministers tolerating of all manner of false Doctrine and damnable blasphemers is a most delightfull sight in the eys of Antichrist these and many such sights hath Antichrist seen but the most joyfull sight that ever his eys beheld is the late proceedings of the present Power in tearing Ministers from their Congregations locking up both them and many more of the Lords people in prison for nothing but endeavouring to keep that Covenant which they have made them to swear representing their office and persons under that contempt and scorn that they serve for nothing else but signs and wonders being made a butt and mark for all invenomed arrows reproach and scorn to be shot at as the like was never seen by English eys till now but yet a more joyfull sight do the eys of Antichrist behold such a one I dare say as he never saw in England before that is a most faithfull Minister and blessed servant of God put to death by Protestants and such as call themselves the most pious religious people upon the earth Next to him I am brought upon the Stage to incounter with death and fight the bloudy battell the Lord knows how many may follow I pray that I may be the last but is not Johabs hand in this are not the hands of Papists and Jesuits in all this I need bring no arguments to perswade you to believe it I think very few but are convinced that they both sit at the Stern and are the chiefest actors therefore whatsoever they do must needs be very delightful in the eys of Antichrist as they are joyfull lights to Antichrist so are they the most saddest sights that ever Gods people beheld O blessed God say they is all the expence of our bloud and all our mourning fasting and prayer come to this after such hopes of healing have we such wounds made in our souls such peircing swords put into our bowells is there nothing will serve the turn but the death of Gods Ministers the blood of his people had it been any thing else I could have born it but to see such precious blood spilt like water upon the ground it goes so near the heart of me that I see my self cut off from all that should be a comfort to me I go in to my closet I can find no comfort there if I go to my friends I can receive no comfort from them if I look upon my children then my heart is fill'd with woe and misery to think what will become of them and there I lie down in sorrow and rise up in sorrow and know not what to do I confesse such things as these and such a sight as you have this day seen is matter of great lamentation and blesse God that you can mourn for it for
the honour and repute of the whole Race of the Protestant Profession so far are the sons of abomination from blushing or being ashamed at this that they go on take possession and justifie the same before God and all the world and when the Heire is coming they combine together and say Come let us kill him and the inheritance shall be ours for ever This doth call upon us that fear the Lord to wish their heads fountains of tears that they might powre out rivers of sorrow It have been to me living and shall be now dying a great lamentation I do professe unto you all I am so far from approying of any of the late actions that I would not have dared to have gone so far out of Gods way to have had the least hand in the death of the King no not to have saved the lives of all the three Kingdoms That God that hath written down all their actions and intentions will one day clear the Presbyterian Party and vindicate their Innocency before the face of all the whole world and though for the present their interest be lost with men it is found in God and there shall be a most glortous Resurrection of all their names and integrity when God comes to reckon with those men that have made use of their honest indeavours to plow up the Lords Vineyard and let in the wild Bore of the Forrest this is now both a black and bloudy day of Jacobs trouble all the Churches of Christ in the Furnace the poor Church of Scotland a bleeding fetching their dying groans Is there none to pity none to help nor none that will consider my distresse was there ever any affliction llike my affliction I am smitten in the place of Dragons I have my bowells torn out by those that I have brought forth and maintained the men whose hands I have strengthned have slain my young men by hundreds and thousands and carried them away captiffs those who I have been instrumentall to save have destroyed all my peace and glory and laid my honour in the dust robbed me of my Jewells robbed me of my Ordinances robbed me of all my riches and treasury and made all the Land drunk with the bloud of my slain and that which is ten thousand times worse they have poysoned the souls of my people with error and Heresie every one of these have a noise crying in the ears of God and men I read of a bitter curse pronounced against those that came not out to the help of the Lord against the mighty God hath given that poor Nation a bloudy Cup to drink but most assured I am all the dregs lie at the bottom for all those persons that come not forth with their prayers and tears to improve all their interest both in heaven and earth for the deliverance of that miserable oppressed people if it be terrible to all such as come not out with their swords to help and rescue them if God will be avenged upon all such persons as stand looking on what will the portion be of all such that do not only draw their swords against that beloved people but put them into their bowells and proclaim to all the world they do God good service and when they have laid heaps upon heaps and died the Church with their bloud they do not only rejoyce and triumph but hang up colours for monuments of their lasting glory such as these are Monsters with a Witnesse therefore let all those that love either bodies or souls rather chuse ten thousand times to live in a howling wildernesse to be cast into a Den of Dragons then either to countenance incourage or remain amongst the numbers of those men throughout all the book of God amongst all the prayers of the Saints you find none like David putting forth all his strength with the utmost of his vehemency improving all his interest to pluck down wrath and vengeance out of the hands of God against who was it but a cursed generation of men that persecuted those whom the Lord had smitten the Sun shined upon Sodom and presently after they were destroyed by most terrible showres of fire and brimstone all the prosperity and flourishing estate of the wicked is but like a watry Sun that will end in a dismall cloudy day The people of God may sit a while in darknesse but they are sure there will be light the wicked may rejoyce for a moment it is not long but they will have an eternall stormy night of Gods displeasure that shall never be blown over I know a child of God had rather have all the Lions of the Wildernesse roaring upon him all the miseries in the world and all the divells in hell let loose then to live under the frowns of God how canst thou then envy the state of the wicked though they did prosper as much as Alexander injoyed as much peace and glory as Solomon ride with as much state as Caesar did through Rome when thou knowest they are under the frowns of an infinite God that hates them with as perfect a hatred as he doth the divells in hell and knows well enough how and when it is seasonable to bring a most terrible destruction upon them that shall fly as far and ring as loud in the ears of all the Christian world as their sins and abominations have done The bush may burn but it shall not be consumed the divell hath been above this five thousand six hundred years a breathing out flames and persecutions against the Churches of God and yet it remains and so it shall be to the end of the world mourn for the sufferings of our dear brethren of Scotland give them all possible assistance by prayers and tears and what else possible you may but never despair of their deliverance for one look of God out of the Cloud can break all the power of their enemies and make a glorious Resurrection of them and all the Churches of Christ mourn and lament with an exceeding bitter lamentation for the reproach scorn and contempt that the Ministery lies under pray mightily that they may be delivered from many and great temptations and the multitudes of traps and snares that the subtilty of the adversary hath laid that they may destroy their offices and persons together You that make mention of the Lord never give him rest but cry and pray mightily for there are wonderfull promises to be accomplished wonderfull things to be done the fall of Babilon with all the power of Antichrist the calling of the Jews which will be the fullnesse of the Gentiles the perfecting and coming in of all the glory of the Churches of Christ the shaking of Nations and Kingdoms is the way to this therefore be not discouraged for Jacob shall arise God is never more in his way to bring all this about but when he seems to be most out of it Thus I have both endeavoured to declare and discharge my conscience I have
nothing now to do but to take my leave of the world where I do again forgive all that have been the instruments to bring me to this place heartily I desire that they may have mercy and forgivenesse at the hand of God when they have most need of it I know it is the hand of God that hath brought me to this place and that all things are under his Seal that neither death nor any thing else can come without his Commission it is not the death I am now to think upon but that which follows after I am now presently to lunch into the gulf of eternity never shall come back more to call over this life I am going with a naked soul to stand before God whose eys are ten thousand times brighter then the Sun that will never behold the least iniquitie the very thoughts of this God would be as terrible as devouring flames of fire did not I behold him in the merits and mercies of a Saviour sitting at his right hand making intercession for me his righteousnesse is more able to save then all the sins of men and divells can be to send to hell had I all the righteousnesse of men and Angels woe and ten thousand woes be unto me if I had not an interest in the righteousnesse of my blessed Saviour and then had I all the sins since the Creation of the world laid to my charge it is as easie for me to have a pardon in bloud of Christ for them all as for one vain thought all my righteousnesse is as filthy rags sin enough there is in my best prayers and performances for ever to throw me out of the presence of God into hell I have scarlet crimson sins sins of all sorts but through faith in the merits of my Saviour I have a sure confidence grounded upon promises and the Covenant of Free-grace that I shall now suddainly rest in the Lord and enter into my Masters joy where I shall never to all eternity to praise him blessed be God and blessed be his people for the benefit help and support I have had by their prayers the archers have both griev'd and shot at me but my bow hath abode in strength and the arrows of my hands have been made strong by the hands of the mighty God the Lord return a thousand-fold all the love and kindnesse with the reward of those prayers that have been made for me into the bosom of his own people the last prayer that Sampson made was that the Lord would remember him and strengthen him only once more it is the last request that ever I shall make unto you that are the Lords Remembrancers therefore be not wanting unto me now at the last act of my life only help me this once it is the last time that ever you shall pray for me the last sigh the last tear that ever you shall shed to do me good stir and quicken up your graces act your faith in God improve all your interest at the Throne of grace take notice who brought and what was thrown into the Churches treasury the eys of God run to and fro through the world he looks upon every heart this day and sees who pities me who prays and st●ives to help me through this bloudy passage who use their utmost indeavours to strengthen my heart and hands io incounter with death it is usuall for you to do the last things best when you give last to give most deal so with me this day put out all your might and strength to bring me safe off this Scaffold to my Fathers house for it is the last time that ever I shall need your prayers and help Most gracious God into thy hands I commit my Spirit I was never yet in distresse but thou diddest comfort me never yet in want but thou diddest receive me therefore I know thou wilt not fail to help me in this my needfull time of trouble O blessed Saviour thou hast sought after me when I was running from thee therefore I am confident thou wilt receive me now I am coming to thee Though death be my portion by sin eternall life is my purchase by thy righteousnesse though my sins should exceed the number of millions of Ages yet I know thy merits and righteousnesse is ten thousand times more exceeding upon this rock do I anchor my hope and with this assurance do I die Mr. Gibbons's last Prayer in the hearing of the People O Most blessed and glorious Lord God a God of piercing eys and seest me thy poor creature thou knowest the intention of my heart then hear the words of my mouth but thou knowest the intentions of my soul O Lord put words into my mouth vvhat I should speak for my self novv is the last time that ever I shall speak till I come to speak and admire thee to eternity O blessed God! O vvhat is a smile of thy face novv O one smile is more vvorth then ten thousand vvorlds O blessed God! before my head is severed from my body let me be assured that my soul shall be received into thy hands O blessed God! let me find novv the benefit of all the prayers and tears and desire of my heart Lord it is true I have nothing to plead I have not a handfull of Goats haire I have nothing but a dead dull heart but Lord though I be broken and distracted thou looked'st upon Hezekiah vvith his chattering prayers vvhen he chattered as a Crane ' blessed Lord look upon the Lord Jesus Christ and vvhatsoever imperfections thou hast seen in me pardon them and vvash me from them in his bloud Lord though I had never sinned before I came to this Scaffold yet I have committed sin enough here to throvv me into everlasting burning but Lord look for thy promise sake for thy mercy sake look over thy bovvells of compassion consult vvith them novv and vvith thine Attributes and whatsoever Christ and Mercy may speak hear the cries this day Blessed God there is no reason that thou shouldest own me but there is reason thou shouldest own thy promise and own thy truth and own thy Christ O blessed God! grant that this day all thy people may blesse thee and may go and keep a day of Thanksgiving that I have not carried my self any way unbecoming a Christian Lord let me give thee the glory I am but poor dust and ashes and clay the unworthiest in the world all my strength is nothing I blesse God I am n●w coming where I shall need Faith no more nor Hope no more O 〈…〉 let me act all the strength I have in thy Promise and in the Lord Jesus Christ s … e particular promise O Lord shew thy self O one smile for the Lord Jesus Ch●i●ts sake I commend all unto thee I lay my neck upon the Block I give my soul into thy hands take my soul it is no matter what becomes of my body I shall never more never more hope for any thing or desire any thing but all my soul shall be filled up Lord hear me and help me and stand by me and strengthen me and guide me and pardon and forgive all my sins for the Lord Jesus Christs sake His prayer being ended he put off his dubblet and ask't for his Noble Friend Dr. Bastwick and imbraced him after that he imbraced his Unkle and others of his friends on the Scaffold then laying his head on the Block Dr. Bastwick came to him and wish'd him to take off his Rings which accordingly he did by ra●sing himself upon his knees and gave them to his Unkle which done he laid his head on the Block and holding up his left hand the Executioner at one blow and a small rase severed his head from his body FINIS